File: 1698850388043.jpg (19.47 KB, 540x360, 360_F_460972112_DLymoVcD7TjRiu…)

No. 1747132
Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.
>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1650373 No. 1748479
Grifters really do speedrun phases so quickly, it's wild. They shrug other people's personalities and interests on and off so quickly, trash and recycle things, change their entire cadence and way of speaking on a WHIM. Miserable ass lives where they pretend to be whole and virtuous and spiritual while being the absolute opposite off their social media, they're always the most vile, self-obsessed, self-involved and shallow people who are interested in nothing except low-effort attention and praise. They always put everyone under a cruel and bizarre microscope while saying anyone who criticizes their way of thinking or their own toxic mythicized mediocrity as ableist or whatever other buzzword they can think of to avoid accountability for the horrible things they do. They stalk people while pretending to be self-reflecting überoriginals with special and innovative ideas when all they do is copy, mimic, and bastardize on a loop. They are so entitled and enraptured by their own self-serving delusions that they truly believe that what they have to offer is innovative and deserving of the highest of praise, all while being some of the worst BPD narcissists you will ever encounter. When they wear a humble facade its even more uncanny-valley. Anyone who doesn't kiss their ass is public enemy no.1. Anyone who knows their true motives or has evidence of their private monstrosity is The Worst Person Ever Who Deserves To Die. The most tiring, melodramatic emotional vampires masquerading as oracles LMAOO.
No. 1749681
File: 1698997940068.gif (5.72 MB, 640x480, fuck.gif)

it's all so tiresome
No. 1749708
People who have strong narcissistic tendencies and other toxic people are known for their manipulation tactics. Some of them are consciously cunning and deceiving. While others are more primitive and blunt in their disturbing behaviors.
Whatever the case may be, such people tend to project heavily, not take responsibility for their actions, blame others, and use gaslighting.
Here are some of the things abusers and toxic people say to their victims, and what it means:
s for your own good. Meaning, you should be grateful, not upset.
Youre too sensitive. Meaning, your reaction to my toxicity is unreasonable.
Its your fault.Meaning, I did nothing wrong here; it’s you.
You deserve it.Meaning, you are deserving of being mistreated.
Dont be so dramatic. Meaning, you’re overreacting and instigating conflict.
You are so cold, cruel, and lack forgiveness. Meaning, you shouldn’t hold me responsible for my hurtful and manipulative behavior.
You made me do it. Meaning,I have no control over myself in this instance; you’re responsible for what I did.
No. 1749800
>>1749713>kept commenting on how young I look and that children would eat me alive blah blah blahAre they retarded? The chillens treat EVERY teach like shit.
At least you know that this administration wouldn't give a damn about the harassment you'd face and would act like you brought it upon yourself for just being who you are. Don't walk away–run!
(vain bitch) No. 1749966
I wish female sexuality was not such a huge debate. I wish mine in particular could just be left alone. And I guess it is, but I'm always aware of people on the periphery who would love to tell me that I'm wrong, or retarded, or that my life works in a way it does not. I'm a lesbian. I've always known it, the minute I properly hit puberty I felt intense desire for other girls and some grown women. Like any other lesbian raised in (barf) heteronormative society, I thought maybe I was bi, but all through high school not one boy caught my eye. I explained it away as them just being ugly— every single one!— and assumed there were more attractive boys elsewhere. Meanwhile I was exclusively crushing on, kissing, and dating girls lmfao. The only straight marriage I could imagine for myself was sad and sexless, but I kept the bi label since I'd been forcefed tranny koolaid. Once I snapped out of it and saw the feminist truth, it became very obvious that the common denominator in every romantic and sexual relationship I have ever had was PUSSY, whether that woman called herself female or not. It's so funny too because I once had an online friend, a girl larping as cis male, who was exactly my type. But because I believed she was a guy, I had literally no interest. I'm a lesbian. Literally gold star. And somehow this still isn't enough for people?
No. 1750538
Honestly this is gonna seem pretty narcissistic and all but I was apparently at least 3 people's gay awakening, which is a very ironic thing cause I'm actually against all that.
I'm sure they were just confused at the time, like I doubt they actually wanted to date me but the attraction was there so…
Why I'm sure it's just a fluke is because it was an all-girls school, and I guess I was the person who fit the "typical" male criteria the best, so they hopped onto me.
The reason why I'm thinking about this now, well into college, is because two of the girls I had ghosted after school ended (they're still friends with each other) apparently "had to get it out of their system", so that's cool. And the third one was an ex-friend/enemy of theirs that the just decided to out cause… spilling others' secrets is fun? Tbf though, I had my suspicions with the last one cause she was openly gay and I was basically her wingman (I was* an open-minded kid), but yknow when you have some doubt about something and instead of delving into it deeper you just look the other way and ignore it? That's what I did.
Anyways, I know it's just the direct result of being the stoic therapist friend to a bunch of confused teenage girls at the time, but man does it evoke some unpleasant and unwanted emotions. I feel ultimately… guilty.
Guess I had to get it out of my system too.
No. 1750756
File: 1699066267371.jpg (64.46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Oh no.
U referenced a character i dont like by the mere name.
What's next?
Are you going to reference the BLACK character now as though you ACTUALLY cared about, if not him and his honest to fuck backstory, them even though they can pass off as ANYONE today depending on whatever the size of the pedestal they're put on?
I think I'm gonna do a Poopsie in my pantyhoes!
Not the black character!
Pleaaaase! Anything but the black character!!!
OH NOEZ, the black character!!
No. 1751309
File: 1699081303664.jpg (51.28 KB, 422x350, 1687827438251328.jpg)

Sorry but it will never not be clockwork when a man is literally abusing you and obsessed with you in an unfathomably mentally ill way and their comeback to you listing off all the horrible things they do is "oh yeah well you're hurrrrr hurrrr UGLY!" So are you, miserable faggot. You're ugly, you're abusive, and you spend painstaking hours trying to craft your public persona and appearance to counteract exactly that. You're a butterface at best and that only accounts for the baseline because there is nothing at all remarkable about you. Seethe and stalk forever until it ends in your ruin you glorified incel.
No. 1752800
File: 1699146273118.jpg (45.63 KB, 641x337, droogs.jpg)

They remind me of you (plural). In fact the parallels are uncanny.
No. 1753392
File: 1699170702591.png (543.67 KB, 750x716, thumbs up.png)

you 100% deserved it you cock-sucking faggot, i do not regret a single thing i said to you back then. seethe harder.
No. 1755048
You spent the whole trip bar-hopping, which you could do at anytime anywhere, you stupid shit. There was so much else you could have been doing or seeing. Instead, you did the one thing anyone with half a brain knows not to do- You willingly went off with pushy strangers to one of those skeezy scam bars while sober, knowing what was likely to happen, "for the experience", you dumb motherfucker. You wasted my efforts and blatantly ignored my warning about a completely avoidable incident. You deserved consequences more severe than getting drugged and only nearly having your pockets ran. Because of that, you missed the concert of your favorite band the next day that I pulled strings to get you tickets to, that you claimed would really make your first trip there special, since you were hung over. Honestly, I hope you don't get to come back. It was all wasted on you.
No. 1756086
File: 1699308531239.gif (31.15 KB, 99x128, 1652971023885.gif)

Let's get retarded in here
And the bass keeps runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and
In this context, there's no disrespect
So when I bust my rhyme, you break yo necks
We got five minutes for us to disconnect
From all intellect and let the rhythm effect
Obstacles are inefficient, follow your intuition
Free your inner soul and break away from tradition
'Cause when we be out, girlies pull they weave out
You wouldn't believe how we wow shit out
Burn it 'til it's burned out, turn it 'til it's turned out
Act up from north, west, east, south
Everybody (Yeah), everybody (Yeah)
Just get into it (Yeah), get stupid (Come on)
Get retarded (Come on), get retarded (Yeah)
Get retarded
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here, yeah
Lose control of body and soul
Don't move too fast, people, just take it slow
Don't get ahead, just jump into it
Y'all hear about it, the Peas will do it
Get started, get stupid
Don't worry about it, people, we'll walk you through it
Step by step like an infant new kid
Inch by inch with the new solution
Transmit hits with no delusion
The feeling's irresistible and that's how we movin'
(Yo) Everybody (Yeah), everybody (Yeah)
Just get into it (Yeah) and get stupid (Come on)
Get retarded (Come on), get retarded (Yeah)
Get retarded
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here, yeah
[Post-Chorus:,, Fergie]
(And the bass keeps runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin')
C'mon y'all, let's get coo-koo, uh-huh, let's get coo-koo in here
Wild out, get coo-koo, uh-huh, let's get coo-koo in here
Wild out, get coo-koo, uh-huh, let's get coo-koo in here (Oh, oh, oh)
Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya
Let's get ill, that's the deal
At the gate and we'll bring the thugged out drill
(Just) Lose your mind, this is the time
Y'all can't stand still, trust and bang your spine
(Just) Bob your head like epilepsy
Up inside the club or in your Bentley
Get messy, loud and sick
You mind pass normal on another head trip
(So) Come them now, do not correct it
Let's get ign'ant, let's get hectic
Everybody (Yeah), everybody (Yeah)
Just get into it (Yeah), get stupid (Come on)
Get retarded (Come on), get retarded (Yeah)
Get retarded
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here (R-e-t-a-r-d-e-d)
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here
Let's get retarded (Hah)
Let's get retarded in here, yeah (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
Get coo-koo, uh-huh, we coo-koo in here
Let's get coo-koo, uh-huh, we coo-koo in here (R-e-t-a-r-d-e-d)
Get coo-koo, uh-huh, we coo-koo in here (Oh, oh, oh)
(Come on and say) Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'…(wrong thread)
No. 1759807
>>1759280You are SO angry that we don't want retarded fujoshi using this as their discord server while contributing literally nothing else kek. Unironically, (You) are the ones with fat bitch energy. We aren't moidlike or 4chanesque for telling you that you suck. Get over it.
>inb4 I'm not a fujoshiStop lying you're the only ones crying and feeling oppressed right now
(vain bitch) No. 1760654
File: 1699508652981.jpeg (51.89 KB, 529x787, IMG_0256.jpeg)

No. 1761881
File: 1699528882583.jpeg (195.72 KB, 828x461, IMG_0617.jpeg)

my boyfriend was scammed out of £1000 after me and the postal workers it turns out - TOLD him it was a scam. Why do men never listen? I'm fucking raging.
No. 1763865
File: 1699601220616.gif (1.21 MB, 220x381, IMG_2249.gif)

please persevere with me.
No. 1763891
Lifeless fucking faggot. Need I remind you.
People who have strong narcissistic tendencies and other toxic people are known for their manipulation tactics. Some of them are consciously cunning and deceiving. While others are more primitive and blunt in their disturbing behaviors.
Whatever the case may be, such people tend to project heavily, not take responsibility for their actions, blame others, and use gaslighting.
Here are some of the things abusers and toxic people say to their victims, and what it means:s for your own good. Meaning, you should be grateful, not upset.
Youre too sensitive. Meaning, your reaction to my toxicity is unreasonable.
Its your fault.Meaning, I did nothing wrong here; it’s you.
You deserve it.Meaning, you are deserving of being mistreated.
Dont be so dramatic. Meaning, you’re overreacting and instigating conflict.
You are so cold, cruel, and lack forgiveness. Meaning, you shouldn’t hold me responsible for my hurtful and manipulative behavior.
You made me do it. Meaning,I have no control over myself in this instance; you’re responsible for what I did.(reddit spacing)
No. 1764936
I should've known better than to ever trust a man. Now, I've been through plenty of shit in my life but never ever has something made me seriously consider off'ing myself and hurt me as bad as you. You sold me something that was never real and was never going to be, yet you're the one saying that you want a genuine connection, to find "the one", even fucking marriage, like I wasn't going to give all of that and myself to you on a silver platter. Like all men, you probably think that the grass is greener somewhere else, that you could "do better" and that you've got plenty of time to find someone else. I hope you'll soon enough realise that this is not the case and that you're past your prime and all that will be left of you is a shitty personality that no woman would want in a partner. I'm an idiot for turning plenty of other people down because of you. I could've just fucked around with anyone but I didn't because I was loyal to someone who never saw any worth in or future with me. No one chases after you, don't be delusional. I feel stupid for crying over you so many times and breaking down in public even when even strangers told me that I'm too good and too pretty for you. I've never lost control over myself like this before I met you. I was the kind of "devoted" woman you're looking for and you'll never find another one like me again because I'll admit that other women have way more self respect than me and would leave you right as they start smelling your bullshit. Men deserve nothing in general but you deserve even less than that. What was all of this for? You/we've turned into everything that you told me you/we'd never be. I should've believed my own father when he told me that men will always tell you more lies than truths and not to trust them. Straight from the horse's mouth but I was too delusional, deaf and blind to see reality. I let you in, just for you to turn me inside out and toss me aside after you were done using me without any remorse. Now I just feel like only a suit of skin is left because there's nothing inside of me anymore. No spine because I lost it while trying to bend myself over backwards for you and no soul because you destroyed all the warmth that I had left. No one recognises me anymore. Not my friends, not my coworkers, not my family and I don't even know who the fuck I am after all of this either. I can't believe my judgement was this clouded and I can't believe there was a time where I used to trust you so much. That you'd never hurt me, that you were mature, that you'd offer me stability. What a fucking fool I was. I never would've thought you'd do me like this. No one did but for some fucking reason you chose to hurt me.
No. 1769416
File: 1699872021527.gif (1.7 MB, 540x220, b77effbfc9770d96f98b055a383459…)

All smiles. Smiley face emoticon. What a life you have!
No. 1771897
File: 1700013998623.jpg (21.15 KB, 480x360, 95d04a94028f669f4a9e446528760f…)

Stupid women be like "leave him alone!!! He's just some little guy!!!" And this is the 'some guy'in question
No. 1773168
>>1771897Is this your husbando
nonnie, be honest
(vain bitch) No. 1774340
File: 1700148264878.gif (83.13 KB, 498x362, DB946A56-EA58-4C26-B3BC-43BECC…)

Bruh what are you being such a bitter hateful shit for, there was no reason for that. Shitting on other women’s taste just because you’re miserable and want to drag them down with you? I hope you never get what you want.
No. 1774520
File: 1700156830356.gif (608.07 KB, 500x259, 5FBDD318-3E6C-4B7B-83CB-FEFF37…)

>>1774453Do itttt nonna
(Vain bitch) No. 1775164
File: 1700191223357.jpg (17.18 KB, 413x413, F77vcyzWUAAAAiT.jpg)

Tbh saying I must be a fatty and raging because I won't show certain parts of myself isn't going to make me more likely to post a thing. I'm not stupid, I won't let any gross internet moid jack off to me, possibly identify me or put me in his cooooooomllection. Nitpicking my skin and accusing me of being another ethnicity to cover up the fact that you chimped out at me for saying men are evil changes nothing. You will never be a real woman, no matter how many times you insist you are and everyone else isn't, try to reverse uno and police what we discuss. The most high yellow 300lb woman still has everything you lack and pretend to have online. I wish you a terrible life.
No. 1776596
File: 1700296322594.jpg (35.65 KB, 735x705, 0c0d4ccaf3db01f6ec276d47a603c7…)

We were inseperable. The connection we had was undeniable and then you took it all away? I'm destroyed and I'm done. I'm gonna just fly into the sun.
No. 1777408
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You are deescosstinqqqq oh my god
No. 1778271
File: 1700402824419.jpeg (20.81 KB, 360x360, 4RGfve1i_400x400.jpeg)

Jesus why do you have to correct me every time you get the chance? it's fucking annoying. also what the fuck is it with you defending trannies? this is disgusting I feel like puking
No. 1779306
When I read in the chat that you no longer love me, it was okay for me. I thought you would stay for the physical aspect. I believed that if I gave you what you wanted, you would want to keep me in your life. When I realized you changed your mind because you suddenly felt ashamed of your fetish, I felt blindsided. I had become so good at satisfying your needs. I accepted you as you are. I never lost respect for you. Why were you disgusted with yourself? I gave you my openness and tolerance because I chose you. You were the person for whom I crossed boundaries. Sincerely. Without resistance. Even though it bothered me that you prioritized your desires over my peace, I suppressed my dissatisfaction, dealt with it within myself, and ignored what would be best for me. It didn't bother me that you fooled around with other women because I thought I owned your sexual loyalty, and that was enough for me. I just wanted to feel close to you. I wanted us to remain "us." I didn't want to accept that I couldn't hold onto you in any way. I exploited you financially because I thought you wanted to be exploited. I asked if any of your friends were interested in me because I thought it might turn you on. In the end, I apologized and asked if you hated me because I couldn't give you what you wanted. I felt ashamed because I didn't behave in a way that would make you want me. All I wanted was for you not to leave me. I wanted to be enough for you. I wanted to stay in your life.
Deep down, I think I knew that you despised me for it, and it made me depressed. My instinct, my gut feeling, or whatever you want to call it, knew you would leave when you found out the extent of my loyalty to you. But my head never listens to my gut. I ignored it to maintain my idealized vision.
You told me that alarm bells were ringing in your head. That you had a bad feeling about our agreement. You were probably starting to become afraid of me. But even then, I didn't want to believe it. Even then, I thought I still had a chance.
Even after all these years, I forget that most people don't want the love I can give. Probably because it's the same kind of love I crave in return, and I don't know how socially acceptable love works. Still, I never expected to receive it. I wanted to focus on giving and thought there would surely be someone who would appreciate or at least tolerate my willingness to sacrifice. It was my fault for thinking that someone who's mentally stable would be my match.
No. 1779379
File: 1700449921204.gif (1.73 MB, 200x149, w.gif)

Fuck this gay earth. Why couldn't it have been my plane that went down?
No. 1779469
I don't even know how to feel. For years, I've thought you were dead. I thought if it turned out you were okay after all, I wouldn't be angry or ask any questions. I thought I'd be so relieved you were okay that it wouldn't matter. But I don't think I feel relieved. I think I feel angry, hurt, betrayed. I can't even tell anymore. I feel numb. I mourned you. I cried for you. I had nightmares about your tombstone. I checked the obituaries every day for 6 months. I got on a plane and wandered around your old haunts looking for you. That bingsu shop you told me about is gone now. I still have that necklace I meant to give you. I was looking at it just a few months ago, and decided I'd start wearing it to remember you by. Guess I don't need to anymore. But I guess you don't want it anyways.
Why didn't you tell me? Why vanish into thin air like that when you knew how it looked? When you knew what I thought happened? Didn't I mean anything to you? How could you do this? To me, to her? Were we the only ones who cared? I wish I could just be relieved, but I feel like an idiot. I know you saw my messages, I know you knew what I thought, I know you've been watching me all this time. All that grief, all those late nights crying, all those years of processing you were gone, and you've been here…for how long, exactly? How long have you been back? What were you doing and why? What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?How am I supposed to accept this? How am I supposed to go on like everything is normal? Who am I supposed to tell? Who would understand? I don't even understand!
And after all this time, you still don't even have the courage to tell me yourself. You won't even give her an explanation, and she was your best friend. You didn't even have the decency to tell us goodbye. She only found you on accident–were you really planning to just disappear like that for good? Don't you think we're owed an explanation? An apology? Anything? And the worst part is, part of me wants to just pretend I'm not angry, go back to how things were. But I can't even do that because you won't even face me. You've always been like this, but I forgave it because I loved you and because I thought you just didn't understand how much we cared about you. But this? I never thought you'd go this far. Why? I just want to know why.
No. 1779504
This has been rotting in my notes, but I kinda like it.
I don’t fucking get it honestly. Firstly, your dumbass assumes that I relate to Scott because I’m autistic or whatever, ignoring the fact that maybe it’s because he’s has a giant crush like I do. Ever consider that, idk, maybe not everything has to be connected to labels like that? This leads into my next complaint. You’re telling me you want to be a woman? You’re not a woman. You’re not. I don’t care how you dress, but if you’re going to go around claiming you’re a girl, then that’s retarded. The whole trans logic is complete bullshit once you unravel it, I don’t even know where to start it’s so bad. It’s like, you have to dress based on your pronouns, but you also don’t. Gender is a social construct, but people are also getting hormones pumped into them to change it. It messes bathrooms the fuck up. It messes up feminism and is based on patriarchy. The whole damn thing is so complex that most people can’t understand it unless they’re chronically online all the time. People are so quick to preach social justice nowadays that they don’t stop to think what the implications are of it. It gets even worse once you realize most trans people are socially awkward and greasy, like you are. I’m guessing that’s why you got left in a dorm with a retard like Edward. I hope your parents are extremely disappointed and that you look upon this era of your life with deep regret one day. You will, and I know it. All you trannies will 10 years from now. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. You will never, ever be a woman, I will never use she/her pronouns on you. Nothing can change my mind.
I guess I was right about one thing though. You let people walk all over you, you believe whatever people say. You’re letting the internet’s propaganda get the upper hand here and it’s only going to isolate you.
As for being friends, I’m gonna let you go. I was only using you to get my anger out on and vent to, anyway. People like you are disposable, I can find someone new and if they troon out, well, onto the next, because that just makes it all the more sad.
No. 1780890
File: 1700541281078.jpeg (55.14 KB, 474x631, 1653788034702.jpeg)

Okay you freak just because you do that doesnt mean everyone else does
No. 1782297
File: 1700612049416.jpg (290.62 KB, 1280x1774, Jodie Arias Feminine Urge.jpg)

I have an insatiable need to bomb a moid shelter(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1782323
File: 1700613036702.jpeg (532.73 KB, 723x1000, E6006069-2AB3-4440-889E-3D3D92…)

You’re a midget with a trumpet player ego and Karla Homolka stare and can only get moids to stick around by suicidebaiting.
No. 1783178
File: 1700674390182.jpeg (395.67 KB, 750x742, IMG_1815.jpeg)

No. 1784757
File: 1700724005469.jpg (68.88 KB, 640x463, 1700500134723.jpg)

Omg remember when you photoshopped it blue? What a weird and random thing for you to do, huh? You weren't abusing that woman at all right? You're completely innocent, everything is just a false narrative and anyone who distances themselves from your pathological bullshitting is practicing toxic positivity, remember?
No. 1785275
File: 1700755102725.jpg (14.3 KB, 548x540, i oughta.jpg)

Oh my god. I can't be the only one that sees what a creepy freak you are, I refuse to believe it. For my own sanity, everyone is just humoring you and acting nice, but sees through the bullshit. I have to believe. "Clever girl"?! Breathe, breathe…
No. 1788509
File: 1700951646989.jpeg (170.9 KB, 1536x1067, R (5).jpeg)

I will touch grass and forget that moid.
No. 1789657
Here's to two lardass cunts I used to know. To fatfuck #1, I cannot believe you're claiming to care about mental health when you bullied numerous people throughout your school years. You're one of the most if not the most narcissistic bitch I've ever met. You lost weight, sure, but you look doughy and lack muscle tone. You literally did it the wrong way and now you have a different type of obesity, congratulations. You're also one of the biggest poseurs I've ever met after a bunch of countless individuals, including my ex-gf. It's obvious you virtue signal one thing but are very malicious in reality. To fat fuck #2, my intuition about you was right all along. When I found out you're in your late 20's attracted to somebody barely out of high school, that set off my alarm bells. After finding out you have BPD, it all makes sense now. You constantly interrupt conversations and you never ever listen. Everything has to be about you. It's extremely laughable you and it's obvious you're lying, claimed you were anorexic at severe obesity, because you don't really know what anorexia is actually like, from somebody that was anorexic a decade ago. Your word salad text was full of assumptions about me, but since you never listen, you would've not known I have a decent memory and I never stated such things. You projection of you never listening onto me and assuming I thought horrible thoughts about myself says more about yourself than me. You should've never replied to my text and I'm very happy that I never gave you my new number and blocked you.
No. 1790610
File: 1701065075842.png (894.88 KB, 984x1580, Dolly_Dearheart_(MSP).png)

You really thought that made you hardass
No. 1790903
File: 1701086999282.jpg (54.69 KB, 1024x895, 1639140144778.jpg)

God you're so loud, how can you not shut the hell up for one single second? It's a constant steam of inane babbling and then you wonder why no one listens to you. There's no way anyone can pay attention to anything important you might say if you talk with literally no filter. Get a grip and stfu
No. 1791044
File: 1701100878299.jpg (103.09 KB, 852x547, tumblr_13b80568159b6a51b224020…)

this isnt gonna go anywhere because you have completely dehumanized me in your mind. to you, im just a bad dog lashing out for no reason, and you are the poor perpetual victim in this situation. lol. acting like you havent treated me like garbage this entire time
No. 1791616
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LMAO we all know this is gonna go horribly wrong
No. 1792185
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man shocked to find out mentally ill woman isnt a flawless uwu anime girl whos just kinda quirky, more at 11
No. 1792218
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FUCK worthless ass people with BPD. Which is most of them. Total borderline death. Nasty bitch if you think a guy you like has a dating history that you won’t like don’t fucking get involved with that guy and make the innocent ex girlfriend’s life hell you evil fucking fat grimy witch. wicked wicked evil witch I hope you and your 5’2 moidshitfaggot get what you both deserve for doing what you did. 0 accountability whatsoever for your objectively evil lowly actions and ITS SO FUNNY seeing your fat porky dirty meth addicted trashy flat ass moralsoy over a girl not stopping her girlfriend-having male friend flirting with her when you did so much worse and you know it you weirdo lol
why are all bpdcunts so keen on pretending they are faultless principled Angel saint totems of morality and correctness? I will never understand it and it’s sooooooooo fucking cringe watching them act so self righteous and scold people for doing things they also do, big ugly hypocritical cows the lot of ya! GO TO HELL FAT BPDSLUT and leave innocent women who are hotter smarter and better and skinnier and have more humanity than you, alone. And how the fuck are you gonna make fun of a woman SLIGHTLY older than you for prioritising her education, what the hell???? Is it because you missed out 2.5 years of school doing meth and sending your underage nudes to pedo racist moids and 40 year old nazis online you dirty, DIRTY whore cunt? Is it because your life revolves around whatever ugly pedo porn addicted scroterapist you’re infatuated with in the moment and cannot fathom other women having actual.. HOBBIES and interests and PASSIONS? isitbecause you were a super senior and had to eventually drop out because 4 years still couldn’t cut it? LMK and come back to me and your ugly boyfriends first love (yes first love. Something you’ll never be to him! I hope that triggers what’s left of your cokeweedmethfriedbpdbrain so much that it sends you into a fit) when you actually develop a soul you dirty bitch. I’m gonna be sick. Cunt. Cunt
No. 1792263
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..This is the get off your chest thread retard get off my ass. As if no one else is making incredibly personal visceral rants
No. 1792340
Sometimes I miss you but then I remember your actual personality and I'm glad I'm never forced to comfort you during a chimpout anymore.
>>1792326Pretty much kek, who cares it's a containment thread
(vain bitch) No. 1793165
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No. 1796364
>Get into relationship, my condition is no porn, i have horrible insecurities which got worse with my ex. He agrees to no porn, I quit job and move 2 states to be with him.
>Snooped partners pc 2 times, found he was lying about porn use. He says he's looking at porn but not jacking off.
Confronted, moved on.
>Snooped once and saw a convo with his ex 3 months after we agreed to stop talking to exs, he said it's because she was suicidal and if she went to kill herself he didn't want to have to decide on going and saving her or not doing to keep me happy and she dies.
Accept it, move on.
>Snooped his old phone, found telegram cache images/videos of his childhood penpal who he said there was never anything going on with.
Videos of her in underwear flipping her hair. Pictures of lewd but not nude photoshoots, ass shots, her cupping her tits.
Dated from when we've been dating, he changed phones a year ago so obv didn't show after that.
>He says they're from her posting it on her story on telegram and the cache autosaves them, they were never sent to him specifically.
He says she would post them on her story or w.e asking stuff like "should I send this to my bf".
I have never used telegram, no idea if that's how it works.
>Confront him, he's mad I snooped.
>ask to see their chat images to have proof he hasn't been cheating, he refuses.
>Says I've invaded all of his privacy and he's keeping this one thing private from me.
>Find out he has now told her about the argument and what I've done, said she's the only person he can vent to.
She's said to check her instagram to see she always posts shit like that.
Dunno what else they've said.
I've told him I can't trust his word because he's lied every step of the way, regardless of what reasonable reasons he has.
I don't know how to regain trust without proof that nothing went on between the penpal.
I don't think I can take his word on this again, it just feels like a rinse repeat.
I know I'm horrible for my insecurities and jealousy and snooping, but the snooping didn't start until after I noticed sex drying up and since then it's been a circular issue.
He has said he lied because I'm so controlling and would react badly, I'm controlling and react badly because I'm being lied to.
I just keep crying and crying
No. 1796414
>>1796364>He says they're from her posting it on her story on telegram and the cache autosaves them, they were never sent to him specifically. I use Telegram and have never had that shit happen.
You are not "horrible". He's a liar. There's no trust to regain because he's not trustworthy. He is cheating, he loves porn, and lying while doing what he wants to "humble" you was his plan from the start. If you have money, he will likely steal or try to take it for his own means. There is nothing to love, he thinks you're a fucking retard. Do not stay.
(vain bitch) No. 1797653
File: 1701566274725.png (1.43 MB, 1842x921, 569e8262c08a80e3098ba0a2.png)

How you look being almost 30 with "im guuuuunnna dO whatEvEr I wuuunt" in bio. What is with autists and thinking they're still 16 years old.
No. 1798110
File: 1701617257479.jpg (41.31 KB, 754x754, 272668518_335049378624996_2355…)

When I say 'I hate men' I don't mean you. When I say I can't stand troons, I don't mean your tif cousin, I don't even know her. Can you stop taking everything so personal? It's funny how you say those statements offend you, like wtf? Are you 12? Can you please act your age, you're a grown ass man. I'm jealous of the nonas who say they can shit talk men and troonies with their bf, meanwhile I have to walk on eggshells whenever the topic comes up. Misandry isn't real just shut the fuck up.
No. 1798164
File: 1701621998117.gif (220.37 KB, 500x281, 1700237765179.gif)

>does the exact same thing he's been accusing me of
>gets pissy when i call him out on it and tries to deny everything
stupid faggot lol
No. 1798190
>>1798110My husbands sister is TiF and he also thinks troons are mentally ill.
TiMs are fetishists and TiFs are just sad mentally ill women.
I feel for you nona, I wish you well
(vain bitch) No. 1798192
File: 1701625663155.jpeg (113.54 KB, 1080x1080, GAWpSifa4AEKBfU.jpeg)

Only the worst moids message me and I'm always too dumb to block them
No. 1798414
>janny deleted all my postsGAAAAYYYYY. GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY
>>1793158(reposting) gay
(vain bitch) No. 1798444
File: 1701641816064.jpeg (109.98 KB, 736x851, F28_h9ZXwAEIn-H.jpeg)

>>1798278Great for you anon, i should do the same
(vain bitch) No. 1798526
File: 1701647545820.gif (292.18 KB, 550x550, IMG_0512.gif)

I can’t stop being mean to my family. Like I genuinely can’t stop being horrible and rude and condescending and I don’t think they understand it. They tell me that I’m horrible and I’m ruining my relationship with them etc and I just respond with ‘idc’, because genuinely I don’t care and I don’t know why. I’m really close with them, I just can’t stop being horrible and not caring. Sometimes I wonder if I’m a sociopath or something.
No. 1798717
File: 1701662759358.png (193.55 KB, 445x450, tumblr_9bc93432e8def798e155159…)

>getting genuinely emotional over a petty squabble on twitter
and here i thought you were above this…
No. 1798747
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No. 1798833
File: 1701673311120.png (101.57 KB, 600x390, 1701664612873744.png)

>>1747132The only thing that prevented men from saying anything younger than 20 was probably because the researchers asking the data wouldn't allow them to. Men are confirmed pedophiles and I want to kill them all
No. 1804492
File: 1702081099316.png (96.47 KB, 622x452, 7RqIeff5z_ve6Vwg8mrp.png)

god. please.
No. 1804503
File: 1702081562007.jpeg (26.97 KB, 275x271, 812CABA1-6306-4014-BC6D-67917A…)

I met this moid on hinge and he’s super cute and we had an almost 5 hour long deep conversation last night and I thought we really hit it off??? But he hast texted me all day and it’s almost 8pm I wanna kill myself.
No. 1805816
You dont have OCD, you're just an autist with a genuinely horrible personality that imagines all those disgusting things because all you do is self indulge and rely on other people while staring at a computer being a cruel, catty, abusive misogynistic cunt all day. I do not and never have coveted anything about you or your life and never will, nothing about you is even vaguely admirable. People don't even like your true personality except for the weird little gaggle of incel speds you keep around because any normal person would hate you if they found out what your real hobbies and interests are. They aren't "intrusive thoughts" you're just an abusive piece of shit. I wouldn't even have to think about any of this under normal circumstances, but you're delusional and think everyone likes you or wants to be you even though you're ugly and require an extraordinary amount of effort to be a passable butterface and you have a horrible creepy personality under the fake woobification and obsessive manipulative personality to boot. I'm not bitter, it's just the truth. You do nothing but criticize other people and throw (retarded) shade all fucking day like you're still in high school when you're a perma NEET sped omg. Like in your mind you think you're a quasi online celebrity and well-connected because you leech on people when you have never created anything of positive value in your entire life, you've never helped anyone, you've never loved anyone, you have never had a positive thought that isn't some empty Patrick Bateman bullshit. This isn't even a projection you are a proverbial monster lol like there is nothing in there except cruelty, narcissism, entitlement, misogyny, and weird voyeuristic obsession. You would only know this is about you because of that exact fact. The fact that you would think I and others find anything at all about you worthy of coveting is so self absorbed, you're a manchild and there's literally no positive qualities or interests or talents you possess to be inspired by…? At least be realistic about yourself since you spend so much time thinking you're entitled to do the vile things you've done to others.
No. 1806013
File: 1702187571092.jpg (78.77 KB, 2940x1654, MV5BOWYyYzhiMjktNDMxNS00MTNhLT…)

remembering a couple months ago that my brother and father have scoffed at a murdered woman who had won her hand at blackjack and winning big she removed the card from the table because she was so excited to show her spouse she won
that made the hand invalid and she couldn't get her pay out she was murdered by her own husband 3 days later they both said she deserved for being so stupid. my mom asked if they felt any pity or sympathy for her and
they talked as if she was just a victim of her own idiocy and not of spousal homicide
realize why i had always lived with fear and anxiety in my house just now
realizing my mom was suffering from psychological abuse and made me and brother think she was crazy
realizing i don't know anything about my dad and brother and have a close relationship only to my mom
i'm the only one that doesn't use blame and shame on the past and to be able to let go and be self aware
about my fear of men and do something about myself and my neurosis
the more i try to help my brother and dad the more i realize they just hate women and will never listen to me
wasting all this effort and for what? i'm so tired and lost now
couldn't get past page 8 of death of a salesmen at how relatable the family dynamic is without journalling my emotions and crying
so much elongated water torture my dad's abuse has been on the whole family
stupid disorders keep popping up again after i think i'm ok for a while
all women should be volcels and read the Second Sex for their own peace of mind as part of school curriculum
No. 1806062
File: 1702192787898.jpeg (29.78 KB, 554x554, IMG_1367.jpeg)

I can’t believe I let you use me for your sexual gratification for as long as I did. Worse than that, I can’t believe I fucking miss you. You never wanted to be with me. You never planned on anything more than stringing me along for years, giving me just enough hope that one day you would wake up and decide I was what you wanted. I hate that I’m laying here dying to text you because I want you to tell me you missed me and love me, and you’re sorry for the way you treated me. Fuck you. I can’t stand the fact that my taste in men is now molded to you, and no one will ever fucking compare because you’re you, you piece of shit. I hate every fiber of your fucking being, I hate the things I did to please you, the things I suffered to make you look at me. I hate that you’ll never love me like I loved you. I hate that I can’t talk to any of my friends about you because they were right, and I should have listened when they told me to stop talking to you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. You selfish fucking asshole.
No. 1806107
File: 1702199315973.png (337.04 KB, 1640x924, whydoeshedothat.png)

A lot of anons here this thread need this book, you can find a PDF on Anna's archive.(even if you aren't in a controlling relationship, i'm reading it for the sake of my friends, female acquaintances and strangers alike and if for whatever retarded reason i ever did want to date i'd be able to spot signs)
Also it really helped with my fear of men which, ironically, i thought would be healed by me giving men the benefit of the doubt and by seeing them as abused victims themselves but no lol, it just gives them excuses for their fragile ego to abuse, they are just ego-maniacs that can get away with shit because it's better for them in a relationship to gain control and they act like they are the victims and pick up their partners stories and so they get others (friends, family, higher authority men) on their side, what freaks.
This book also crushes any sort of "bUT whaT ABout abusED MeN?!?!" excuses (this book leaves no room for an abuser to take a victim mantle or for self doubt in women.)
Stay safe
No. 1806179
File: 1702206474345.png (526.27 KB, 628x893, this-resonates-with-me-so-much…)

I'm very unlikable. I try to be nice but I just know the truth. I just know that I'm easily triggered. I know I'm not the easiest to be with.
No. 1809077
File: 1702403122817.jpg (40.6 KB, 669x458, images.jpg)

I wonder where you are and how you're doing. I only talked to you briefly but I wonder if we could had been friends.
No. 1810937
File: 1702492883706.jpg (39.98 KB, 735x490, 0ec2916fc52ed20475eee84a617bf5…)

The guy I've posted about on here that has lurked LC for years and pretends to be wooby but is actually a genuine monster has started using the image I use to describe him here (wheres my fucking teenage dream meme) on Twitter. So fucking funny. Reminds me of when he once took a hyperspecific crop of an image on here made by the anon and posted it on his Twitter as a reaction image years ago. Always caught on the fringes being a megaloser while pretending to be aloof and above it all for his twitch audience KEKK.
No. 1814488
File: 1702709795936.png (34.1 KB, 370x243, F-o3dz6XAAAW9OP.png)

Okay fuck you guys then lol
No. 1816137
File: 1702789386378.jpg (48.6 KB, 800x450, kang.jpg)

fuck. i hate this. i knew it was a bad idea. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
No. 1816657
File: 1702836437446.jpg (97.4 KB, 1276x736, 2e6a92b07187f7ddb24621461d0002…)

Ah yes, random fat gross middle aged man that spends all day and night stalking people online, I want you SO bad you're the man of my dreams everything I could ever ask for. Your desperation for male validation is SOO appealing to me, your lack of motivation, your abundant negative qualities, your vacuous empty future and equal past appeals to me soo much I just admire and adore you. I've always wanted an ambitionless pathetic nasty old man whose only personality is mimicking men younger than him in an extremely desperate bid for their cyberattention. I have never wanted a man more. Your cringe is so sexy. Your mental disability is so arousing. No of course you haven't made me shudder with disgust, why would you just be a means to an end to something far bigger than yourself and the ugly things you do and are. !!!
No. 1816786
File: 1702839411453.png (97.86 KB, 294x294, Screenshot_168.png)

painfully "i spend too much time on twitter" tier rant incoming but i Don't Get how you can whine about traps when you're a TRA and you and enjoy other weird, biologically impossible genital/gender setups. like…you hate them because they're "basically just dickgirls!" and yet you're a tif, your whole scene is tifs and tims, and half of your character roster are "cunt boys". you also think that enstars boy is a mtf and you get passive aggressive when someone insists otherwise. you think all the genshin girls are "mtf sapphics". you pick weird hills to soap box from. like seriously…"impossibly feminine boy" bad but "female character turned into tranny with no visible changes outside of her getting a dick" is based? make it make sense
i should just block you and stop thinking about it but i really love your writing…if you were untalented i wouldn't be seething like this. but i've been following you on [insert obscure writing site here] for so many years that just checking your page daily has become a semi-established habit…you have this weird hateboner for yumejos too now that i'm thinking about it. i don't think as many yumes have been demanding you indulge them as you claim
No. 1817709
You've been purposefully difficult about the things i've asked of you this year, just your small part after i've taken care of all the hard parts to make it easy on you, and you won't even do that. I bought you an expensive security cam, but you're letting your BPD psycho failson who had been emotionally/verbally and physically threatening you back in, rendering the security cam that you wanted because you were afraid of him breaking in, pointless. As long as he's there, i'm not making any plans to visit and get the other siblings together for a reunion. It's not safe, and I refuse to subject L to that volatile, unstable bullshit. If D offs himself far away from your house or freezes to death, that would be the best outcome for all involved, and better luck next life. I prepared an Amazon wishlist of inexpensive gifts that L would definitely enjoy, but instead you chose to buy him an expensive tablet that he doesn't need complete with streaming service subscriptions on a payment plan. When I took the necessary steps to initiate a return for the item so you can get your money back, meaning all you have to do is attach the label and set up a pickup, you do absolutely nothing in defiance. I book you an expensive service because you deserve some healing, and the one thing I require of you, you again drag your feet on. The lady was planning on stopping services altogether to focus on other things, so I rushed to book her because she's one of the few who can do what she does, so you've not only made me take up a slot that could have been used for another client, but it's not possible to refund or reschedule it either at such a late notice. I love you but i'm not going to put forth the effort anymore when you constantly put my efforts to waste. It's frustrating, and you seriously need to get your shit together. I'm about done.
No. 1818733
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I hate that I still want you so bad after what you did aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
No. 1818794
File: 1702947958319.jpg (35.45 KB, 554x554, images.jpg)

I think I just achieved enlightenment: not caring anymore. Nothing matters. That's someone else's problem. My problems don't matter either. That idea for a comic I had? Meh, doesn't matter anymore. He doesn't matter, they don't matter, nothing matters anymore because if it mattered I would go crazy insane. I really would. Nothing matters lol! I won't be depressed anymore
No. 1818825
File: 1702950274352.jpg (15.95 KB, 498x332, 20231217_235938.jpg)

Idk you were extremely eager to take part in irredeemable evil, so. (You).
No. 1819083
File: 1702970546602.gif (4.42 MB, 498x323, AE0-FE9-DX1-FJ.gif)

No. 1819828
File: 1703019101094.gif (2.15 MB, 315x263, 1676386832835.gif)

People are really weird and scary. I'm going to hide away forever despite my longing for human connection…
No. 1820084
File: 1703027763403.jpg (17.53 KB, 400x391, 5e029a6587017d3513551a5f5258b6…)

I wish I could speedrun the next couple of months. My mental health is in the shitter anyway and I'm not looking forward to going through all of this additional pain
No. 1820209
File: 1703033341544.gif (474.22 KB, 320x251, 5e3-2323.gif)

There's so many things I want to complain about but can't because I'll get accused of minimodding (I'm not trying to and wouldn't come across that way if mods did their fucking job) or "ruining the fun" or some shit (the site was more fun a few years ago compared to now)
No. 1820459
>>1820209I get what you're saying
nonnie. I'm an old internet user, I'm used to forums and moderators doing their job to keep the forums in check, and I have a lot of fond memories from those old internet years too.
I miss those days where shit flinging wasn't the only thing happening online.
No. 1820837
File: 1703091712051.jpg (571.46 KB, 1920x1200, 1702630206718886.jpg)

I am a soulless bitch, and should kms for that.
No. 1821700
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I don't even know what to say. So many things but also nothing at all. The longer I wait to send it, the dumber I'll look for still caring. I've edited it a thousand times at this point and I don't even know if my words will fall on deaf ears. Probably. You've shown me repeatedly that you don't give a shit and what you did last week and the way you just had that stupid grin on your face, still rips through me. I wish I could tell you how I feel but you owe me nothing and I know that but it was still so fucked of you to do it. Never in a million years would I have thought that you'd do me like this. I feel so stupid for even caring or thinking that you'd care. Congrats, you really fooled me all along. I guess none of the things you've said meant anything. How do people like you even exist? Straight up Jekyll and Hyde. I wish I could just be honest but then the chances of you replying would lessen even more. I know I'll look stupid for sending you that even after what you did to me. I don't get it, I don't get you. It fucking hurts that I'm not even worth an explanation yet here I am, still trying to make it not sound too harsh and accusatory because I don't want to hurt your feelings even though you hurt mine and didn't give a single fuck. I know there's a 99.9% chance that you're just gonna ignore it and go on with your life as if I never even existed. I don't want to show you that you have so much power over me but you fucking broke me and I know it's probably pointless. There's no place for me in your life and there never was, that's why you just let me go without saying a word and just walked past me that night. I don't understand what all of this was for. We could've just stayed strangers. I can't wait for the day where I finally stop writing whole ass paragraphs about you.
No. 1822875
File: 1703171021186.jpg (28.31 KB, 735x641, 20231213_082036.jpg)

I'm tired of everyone hating me by default for being a misandrist radfem terf. Deep down i'm great and clever and adorable and could achieve princess status if i kept my political views hidden forever. This world isn't ready for me
No. 1823681
File: 1703212879875.gif (2.62 MB, 480x270, 155.gif)

No. 1824334
File: 1703262166091.png (147.79 KB, 383x404, 1700590915826.png)

i know what you're doing, i'm not fucking stupid. honestly it would hurt less if you just unfriended me or left the gc lol
No. 1825271
File: 1703298644770.jpg (9.35 KB, 544x213, bald-ashley-hits-different-v0-…)

Never forget - every single bit of your contribution to that is documented forever! A certain picture comes to mind!
No. 1825636
File: 1703323448948.gif (816.1 KB, 200x248, 200w.gif)

You're my dream
No. 1825643
>>1747132Being fucking corrected on tiktok or anywhere else by a fucktard gendie to use “they” instead of he or she ACTUALLY
triggers me. Like i hate being
triggered because it makes me a pussy but just being corrected to use stupid fucking pronouns makes my blood boil and im still heated. I need to calm down but my blood is still hot from seething. I will never succumb to using FUCKING “THEY/THEM” pronouns.
No. 1826808
File: 1703402321091.jpg (67.68 KB, 828x921, 20231224_021951.jpg)

You when she breathes
No. 1827137
File: 1703433473862.png (44.04 KB, 530x462, uwhgh.png)

i just wanted to check the info of a character and clicking this "i'm an adult" button gave me psychological damage because of the illustration, i hate moids that look like thatttttt why did they have to add these pictures? i can READ
No. 1828331
File: 1703535344618.jpeg (669.56 KB, 828x1624, B6FCB564-4661-4142-9602-6B421A…)

Just saw this shit. I cant even afford to find a house with my bf and this porky pig just gets married fucking willy nilly just whenever? ? She better have been a neglected bastard child.
No. 1828382
File: 1703539121591.jpg (77.94 KB, 1600x900, fuckyouministerchan.jpg)

Guess I gotta pay the price. Fuck.
No. 1829601
File: 1703639675082.jpg (75 KB, 886x494, FmDyqfYXkAAskskksa7.jpg)

It's so funny watching you put so much painstaking effort into trying to appear aloof and effortless whenever this is you at all times
No. 1829969
File: 1703672741462.jpg (58.72 KB, 1280x688, Perfect_Blue_028.jpg)

(You) asf
No. 1830104
File: 1703687134251.jpg (25.31 KB, 563x439, b31663761c4da3585aff6917e543bb…)

FUCK I really thought it would've been you but things felt too good to be true I guess. I really wish I knew where and why it all went wrong.
No. 1830342
File: 1703700029326.gif (933.29 KB, 275x275, 1696569055320.gif)

Most embarrassing behavior
No. 1831096
File: 1703730523146.jpg (97.03 KB, 1066x1066, 20231218_003419.jpg)

Acting this unhinged because someone isn't into you so crazy it's hard to believe people really talk like that
No. 1831487
Your new girlfriend is an ugly ass childish fucking neet. The epitome of the dirty, racist, weeb sanrio girl stereotype, like everything about it fits her to a T. You truly deserve each other. The one good thing about her is her hatred for trannies, I'm assuming you didn't mention to her that we broke up because you kept trying to troon out and you cheated on me. Moving your discord egf into your mom's house so you can financially support a neet while you're 26 is the life you deserve. If she messages me again when I've repeatedly told her I don't give a fuck about your weird discord kitten relationship, I'm going to tell her about your wannabe tranny days.
I have moved on with my life, I am engaged, I bought a house, you are an embarrassing stain on my past and I don't know what lies you told this chad chin child about me to make her think I still want you but I haven't in YEARS. You never lost any weight, you vape more now than ever, you still live with your mom. I saw one picture of your new cat and even your cat is fucking filthy. You can't take proper care of yourself, your pets, your belongings, what part of that do I want in my life? I only think about your existence when your bpd grime covered neet messages me out of the blue despite me blocking multiple accounts of hers. You both are fucking WEIRD
No. 1831810
You didn't get what you wanted so you try it somewhere else. Fucking pathetic seeing you desperately try every possible corner to get the attention, because you can't let people have their thing. It's always all about you, all the fucking time. I don't need you to tell me you are unhappy, we can tell. I could be empathetic to you, but why would I? When I know you can't spend a second thinking about anyone else. I don't think I can stand this much longer. I'm getting seriously fed up with all of it and actually considering cutting you out. You'll be there stuck in this toxic loop, making everyone miserable, but I won't be part of it. It hurts because I'll probably loose some good people, but I can no longer deal with you. You managed to be such a pest, that the good doesn't outweigh the bad anymore. I feel sorry for the ones who have to keep up with you, until they can't anymore. You'll blame everyone else and paint the picture as if you are the victim, but deep down you know the truth. I tried, tried so hard until I realized there is no point in ever trying anything with you.
No. 1831924
File: 1703788317115.jpg (21.15 KB, 354x319, tumblr_79b76fbb6a2ba036df9bc39…)

What a fucking weirdo kek. You are genuinely so pathetic.
No. 1832941
File: 1703850805034.jpg (75.31 KB, 843x476, Sem_título11.jpg)

You are such a pathetic person. It's funny - you hold on soo tight and you never let go! There is desperation in everything you do
No. 1832957
File: 1703852420832.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 1P4WdvIP.jpg)

Nothing about you is even vaguely intimidating.
No. 1832964
File: 1703854034269.jpg (99.41 KB, 1200x933, 20231229_042555.jpg)

I think the funniest part, in earnest, is that you're addicted to the act of abusing women in the same way that other men are addicted to porn. You are so desensitized to what you've done and what you do, the lies you craft to justify your hobbies, your constant need to lie and fabricate whatever makes you feel ahead of the truth in case it catches up to you. At this point, in seems as though you are incapable of existing without being able to disturb women, voyeur them, force your way where you are not welcome and have no consent, all while telling everyone "she was asking for it". You villianize women akin to an actual serial killer. You are so busy bullying, harassing, stalking, ostracizing, and attempting to humiliate women that you aren't even aware of how you sound and that you are the actual case study here. You play high stakes, low gain, low value games with the lives and privacy of women because they simply are not human to you, and you only have friends divided into two categories: the ones who do the same demented shit you do or want a piece of the pie and maybe know half of what you actually do to women, and the ones that only know the wooby,and carefully crafted perma-victim you sell to people. You are so careful about making sure those lives don't intertwine whenever convenient for you, but you've also been very careless and are egotistical and narcissistic enough to think other people, normal people, are too stupid to catch on to your very elaborate, carefully created, expensive web of lies. The only out for you in any capacity is crashing and burning. Keep claiming women are "asking for it" and "deserve" the disgusting torment you put them through. Your pretentious quasiobsessions and pseudointellectual hipster meta humor isn't as edgy as you seem to think it is, everything about you is half baked, dull, empty, and above all things bogged. You cling to obsessive referential material and are desperate to draw references between things that have no parallels constantly, a kind of delusional pattern-seeking completely detached from reality and only meant to associate more fetishistic humiliation with your victims. You compare yourself to like, victorious figures in media that defeat some sort of 'evil'ina final girl way when you on all accounts the aggressor, the abuser, the pathetic creep everyone is begging to die. Why you see yourself as some badass to mentally masturbate yourself is beyond me. You're a sped and your special interest is stalking women and that's so crazy. Making this more specific because im tired of the random schizos itt trying to make a size 14+ shoe fit.
No. 1833430
File: 1703882271197.jpg (13.18 KB, 275x275, 1697974576913.jpg)

Im glad this year is coming to an end! I worked hard to earn things then lost everything I conquered and some more to depression. I dont have a lot of hope and I dont think everything will get magically better but at least I can learn how to cope with the bad and live with confort. I just want to have nice food, take hikes, play my games and watch my shows and chill with my cat thats all I want for 2024. Be able to enjoy life and feel peace. No more hurry.
No. 1836518
File: 1704158008712.jpg (54.51 KB, 976x850, pepe_.jpg)

>respond to someone with a wrong statement
>get a response that corrects what you said in turn
>start complaining that anyone responded to you and tell them they need to "be quiet"
What did they mean by this?
No. 1837349
File: 1704241645795.jpg (106.3 KB, 640x799, 1c3e68d8e576bda5d59cc30319868f…)

Sometimes I feel like having a cat or other little animal companion again would help me deal with my shitty brain, but I know on a conscious level that I just can't have that responsibility right now. Maybe if a random kitty appears at my doorstep one night….
No. 1839596
File: 1704424084263.png (46.94 KB, 275x270, rart.png)

i think i'm in love with you. i will never tell you for obvious reasons and i hate to admit it but i'm gonna miss you so much when we part ways
No. 1841035
File: 1704531383500.jpg (1.2 MB, 3170x2377, newFile-3.jpg)

For as long as necessary
No. 1841763
File: 1704583483452.jpg (28.81 KB, 683x524, 20231230_050406.jpg)

The consequences of your actions
No. 1842448
File: 1704639053729.png (763.1 KB, 1200x880, Bunny_Saves_the_Day.png)

like how are you going to pretend to be distant from the drama YOU created, crafted, perpetuated, and attempted to gain something from. when do you realize what an ugly person you are or is the narc in you incapable of understanding that your actions have consequences and just because it takes time for them to effect you doesn't mean they never will? what in the world is fucking wrong with you lol
No. 1842624
File: 1704648606149.png (264.85 KB, 800x600, IMG_2218.png)

No. 1842650
File: 1704649695689.jpg (66.58 KB, 380x317, blueglassslipper3.jpg)

In what world bitch? Your head?
No. 1842683
File: 1704651253288.jpg (21.16 KB, 275x262, 1672221364770.jpg)

Fuck you. You were lucky to have me.
No. 1842797
File: 1704656955277.jpeg (182.03 KB, 750x750, IMG_0240.jpeg)

that worthless scrote is gonna kill himself one day, every hour is closer to death, too bad it can't happen fast enough.
No. 1843269
File: 1704679705033.png (83.21 KB, 711x1093, 1704674553952.png)

muh booooliezzz!
No. 1844221
File: 1704744624162.jpeg (17.17 KB, 236x236, IMG_5427.jpeg)

I am medicated properly and I still think what happened to me wasn't a delusion. I tested the waters after being on meds for a while just to confirm or deny my suspicions and something in the milk isn't clean.
don't you have anything better to be doing moid? surely you do. your rage and bitterness only empowers me. I'm laughing at you, not with you.
No. 1844446
File: 1704758244337.jpg (8.03 KB, 275x275, loafface.jpg)

my idiot self stopped participating in a server full of what were my good friends years ago because I developed imposter syndrome - also I stopped talking to the two other people I knew too - and every day I miss them and dream about them to embarrassing extents. I want someone to insult me over it because I feel too tired to hate myself enough over it.
No. 1845594
File: 1704833917782.jpg (41.42 KB, 549x454, FylLJ2fWcAAreM8.jpg)

i wish you killed yourself back in december, disgusting faggot
No. 1845818
File: 1704849105564.jpg (164.91 KB, 1098x1276, 20240107_131013.jpg)

People who have strong narcissistic tendencies and other toxic people are known for their manipulation tactics. Some of them are consciously cunning and deceiving. While others are more primitive and blunt in their disturbing behaviors. Whatever the case may be, such people tend to project heavily, not take responsibility for their actions, blame others, and use gaslighting.
Here are some of the things abusers and toxic people say to their victims, and what it means:
>I did this for your own good.
Meaning, you should be grateful, not upset.
>Youre too sensitive.
Meaning, your reaction to my toxicity is unreasonable.
>Its your fault.
Meaning, I did nothing wrong here; it’s you.
>You deserve it.
Meaning, you are deserving of being mistreated.
>Dont be so dramatic.
Meaning, you’re overreacting and instigating conflict.
>You are so cold, cruel, and lack forgiveness.
Meaning, you shouldn’t hold me responsible for my hurtful and manipulative behavior.
>You made me do it.
Meaning,I have no control over myself in this instance; you’re responsible for what I did.
No. 1845841
>>1845836You are absolutely schizo. You don't know me. You know nothing about me. You're pretending I'm someone in your sphere because of a post about abusers? You're claiming a complete stranger hasn't dealt with a lying narc abuser blaming them for their own
abusive actions? You replied to my post as if I'm one of your tulpas. Please get medicated.
No. 1845879
File: 1704851384464.jpg (184.75 KB, 1046x2048, 20240109_205018.jpg)

You're an actual serial killer in the making I think
No. 1845923
File: 1704853148648.jpg (21.74 KB, 647x647, 20240109_204810.jpg)

All of this persons ranting is fake by the way. They're impersonating someone else.
No. 1848568
File: 1705008802053.gif (3.55 MB, 640x640, moomin-girl-walking-and-turnin…)

stop trying to act cute you are a grown man with cluster B tendencies it is extremely embarrassing to watch
No. 1852143
While you are here, let's talk about how much you truly lie to anyone and everyone who will listen. Let's talk about how you deliberately manipulated, lied to, and sent abuse to other women because you began to feel the hit of criticism for what you were doing and felt like you needed to push the envelope in order to mythicize this persona you yourself created and form some sort of fake alibi to justify your obsession with abusing and voyeuring women. Let's talk about how you prompted Rashida and her friends to open a curious cat, sent them "fake" hate because you wanted to hide behind women and create character witnesses for the lies YOU told. You were afraid about it catching up to you so you had to make a fictional entity in some crude way to justify your own gross indiscretions. Why only women? Are they the only ones you can successfully manipulate into believing your victim persona? Or did you want to have women to hide behind so you look like less of a perverse, scary misogynist? Even they have called you a misogynist. I guess pretending there's some sort of lurking evil for you to "monitor" is the only way you can feel like you have people forever under your thumb. You really rely on the naivete of women and toying with their emotions to keep them from questioning the real reasons why you do things. If they knew just how fucked up you truly are and that YOU are the weird bitch spinning that yarn in 2021 in some sort of desperate, maniacal panic because your plan was slowly starting to backfire, do you really think they would side with you? What other women are you going to attempt to hurt and hurl the blame at someone else in your bored fantasy world where you're some sort of genius heroic figure? You are just a sadistic puppeteer loser that gets some strange psychosexual thrill out of whatever all this is. Who next, what next? I think you're running out of excuses and elaborate creative fiction to keep people placated. You're trying soo hard to keep those loose ends tied when really, all you are is an abuser and a misogynist and a true piece of shit. Pinning the blame on women while simultaneously abusing women repeatedly just does not work forever. I would feel sorry for you, but you need to be put down like a fucking dog lmao. All of them would hate you if they knew just what you've really done and the things you've said about them and to them. Are you gonna conjure some more crocodile tears? You're so good at pretending to be a professional victim when you aren't busy begging people to help you stalk women like the literal predator you are.
No. 1852790
File: 1705184520296.png (424.76 KB, 640x640, 1691761923225.png)

Man, how are you gonna complain about "attention-seeking whores" when you were threatening suicide on your public twitter account a few weeks ago. Males are so hypocritical kekkkkk. Utterly fascinating…
No. 1852990
>>1852733It's because you are. Don't let yourself get discouraged by it, this also goes for
>>1852893I know it's hard and the board climate sucks right now, I currently feel the same dread about it. But this is literally the raiding moid;s goal, to shoo us away.
No. 1852999
File: 1705192235153.jpg (90.56 KB, 736x981, GDN0wP3bkAAbQZ3.jpg)

I don't have any right to speak to you anymore but I'm sorry and I miss you.
From C to K
No. 1853647
I don't even know how to articulate my thoughts well in relation to this shit show. While the feelings we had for each other were genuine, and the connection was deep and intimate - it was wrong. You're married, and even if you were miserable in your relationship - I shouldn't have enabled the affair no matter how I felt about you, and you shouldn't have pursued me. In the end, you wanted to work on your personal problems and the ones in your relationship, and I thought that was best for you. I was happy when you told me you're in therapy because you needed it. We cut contact, I got on with my life and you did too.
Now, 4 months later, and we're in the same server again because all our friends have migrated here, it's where the voice chats/gaming happens, so neither one of us wants to dip because of that. We've been co-existing in a cordial way, but obviously trying to maintain distance. I had my suspicions that you weren't over things, and after I had to speak to you yesterday re: concerns regarding some boundaries being crossed, you admitted to me that you still have feelings for me and have also felt jealous, things you're working on in therapy. I said to you that I can't do anything about that, and you acknowledged it. The only way to get over me is to go no contact again; it's what every therapist recommends when it pertains to therapy surrounding affair recovery (that you haven't even disclosed to your wife). You even admitted you went against your therapist's advice when you left the server (after seeing I was here) and then came back. You're hampering your own recovery.
But what did you expect me to say yesterday? Me probing into your feelings/jealousy won't change anything, and I'm not going to get involved with you again in that way. Confiding in me is a slippery slope because I think it's what led to our friendship turning into an affair in the first place. You mentioned in the group chat that you confided in your wife about something personal, and I side-eyed that because less than 24hrs ago you were on your phone DMing me about not being over me (while she was probably in the same room). Maybe me not reacting how you wanted to gave you the push to speak to her (since the affair did the same thing re: disclosing how dishonest you've been about literally every facet of your decade-long relationship with her). IDK if you're trying to goad me or make me feel jealous - something my friend and her ex-therapist friend think is what's going on, but it won't work.
No. 1855205
File: 1705300596368.jpg (18.93 KB, 474x265, th-4164119834.jpg)

(You) pretending you know whats what.
No. 1855232
File: 1705301997322.gif (306.54 KB, 200x150, 200w-1.gif)

you on your way to make up another egregious lie and more fake screenshots to dodge true allegations
No. 1856259
File: 1705370707459.jpg (142.36 KB, 1242x1201, 20240115_023032.jpg)

Someone gets called out for their actions and start talking about bad faith and bad actors and opps and deception.
No. 1857129
File: 1705431562342.jpg (32.53 KB, 640x648, 1620d9fad4d1af41bd6fd8ff7e0305…)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHY NOT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY IM SO JEAAAAAALOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SHES THE SAME AGE AS MEEEEEEE WHY AM SO FAR BEHIIIINDDDDDD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. holy fuucccccck im so irritated yet inspired? why am i so slow in learning the things i want? why ? what is it i lack? i dont know i dont like knowing what i dont know i hate it, i really wish there was some one to guide me and i wasnt left to be a blind mouse i couldve done so much more if anyone couldve guided me…but i guess noone ever cared..this is going to be hard but i must do it i must prevail
No. 1857216
File: 1705437533589.png (27.81 KB, 768x768, ugh.png)

I keep switching back between being really ambitious for the future and feeling it impossible to secure a comfortable one. All I ever wanted is the bare minimum of not being poor, being able to get away from my insane mother for good, and just being able to enjoy my hobbies in peace but it keeps feeling like Game Over.
I'll take being a corporate NPC for pay completely beneath market rate. I'll take an asshole coworker that brags about how much he knows. Just give me some stability, a way to actually start making things better. Why is everything so fucking difficult?
No. 1857677
File: 1705453025797.jpg (179.29 KB, 1274x1039, 1686139244930.jpg)

It called itself Kevin Federline omg… you're all bog creatures
No. 1862595
File: 1705800210093.jpg (104.13 KB, 1079x1318, 20240119_010018.jpg)

Throwing a bpd fit over minor conveniences like someone criticizing your outfit or what the fuck ever makes you fragile bitches burst into flames is sooo insane. If someone says you're dressed like a hoe and then you can't contain your triggerhappy meltdown maybe you need to get on medication.
No. 1863643
File: 1705869252730.gif (4.18 MB, 400x216, 28492330.gif)

Shut your ugly ass up WE DONT WANT YOU
No. 1864552
File: 1705945257454.png (95.05 KB, 303x335, great.PNG)

I hate this. The person who shared this post is a self-employed grifter. Are you going to pay my rent, medical bills, car and insurance payments? you stupid bitch?
No. 1866233
it's been 7 months since we last spoke in private, and 9 months since our breakup.
selfish of me– the cause of our abrupt relationship end, to say this. but i miss you dearly…
you have someone new now, and i hope she's not as much of a headache as i was.
it hurt my heart for a week when i found out, but i'm okay now. i hope you're okay.
there's so much i want to tell you, and how i had a birthday gift for you. but a nonna here had gave me a good piece of advice, to not reopen old wounds. it would not be fair for you.
i know apologies piss you off, so a sorry i will not say but may you find forgiveness…
not for me, but for yourself, for the wounds to heal. i truly did lose something good trying to get revenge on my prior ex, and being childish, manipulative and destructive.
No. 1867196
File: 1706167197196.jpg (335.29 KB, 1290x1278, 1000002375.jpg)

Oh look youve got your lackluster shriveled little penis shafted deep into women's business AS ALWAYS.
No. 1867615
File: 1706208996159.jpg (10.77 KB, 240x240, avatars-000703303372-k246pt-t2…)

I heard you've been talking shit about me. I'll kick your ass so hard you'll be shitting for the next three decades of your miserable existence. I will have your ass cooked and fed to the pigs!
No. 1868001
File: 1706242682343.png (317.86 KB, 1130x838, dittouwotm8.png)

try any funny shit and i'll drag your ass to court. you're a stupid bitch and i see you coming from a mile away.
No. 1868019
File: 1706245127846.jpeg (101.78 KB, 750x723, 08E6B753-2B20-44AC-8A20-583909…)

The IT guy at my job is so sexy to me. He’s a built manlet with a perfect ass and thighs. He is also very strong willed but loves to please me with his work and always spends extra time showing me how things work to make me happy. He fixed some devices in my workroom today and he was moving super heavy equipment all over the place like it was a gym and i was practically salivating. I have a tall man at home but as a closeted manlet chaser it’s really hard not to be a little turned on by him.
No. 1868787
File: 1706322320698.jpg (20.81 KB, 253x273, 1000002381.jpg)

Lots of skeletons threatening to tumble out of your closet at any given moment and that is what you're choosing to do with your time. People like you are sick in the head and too retarded to care.
No. 1871709
File: 1706597934501.jpg (23.36 KB, 1133x87, 1000002435.jpg)

Your sense of humor is literally just misogyny and harassing women. Idk why you've deluded yourself into thinking your misogyny is somehow better than the average straight man's just because you consider it "avant garde" or more hipster than theirs, like it somehow sets you apart but no, you're literally just like every other creepy loser among the masses. You're the guy still dancing at the party when everybody has already left. You refuse to let go, refuse to move on with your life, and have tethered your entire personality to being a sick worthless piece of shit. At this point it's evident you don't have any other hobbies. You can posture that it's low effort to you, but it isnt. You try so hard, and you aren't even funny, arent inspiring, arent… anything except the average loser that eats up all his time being a freak. You chose the hard way, for whatever reason. Rotted brain.
No. 1876739
File: 1707016327141.jpg (49.93 KB, 960x660, 20240127_025908.jpg)

(You) getting mad when anyone points out that this was all born from (your) lies
No. 1876846
File: 1707024588482.jpg (170.46 KB, 2560x1707, 1000002515.jpg)

Never forgotten, continuing forever. "Dont block your blessings" remember that
No. 1877628
File: 1707094948298.jpg (33.67 KB, 729x517, 1000002487.jpg)

full body shudder gross watching men get more excited at the prospect of being able to harass women online over real life events in their actual tangible lives.
No. 1879126
File: 1707209546134.png (23.29 KB, 196x209, 1000002616.png)

"If you are being bullied yeah that's really bad . but it's probably also really funny to whoever's bullying you"
No. 1879210
File: 1707218691335.jpg (24.27 KB, 520x509, 1000002622.jpg)

Remember that it matters. Whenever you feel lonely or discouraged or careless, remember that every minute bit of you will never be forgotten. It all means something. Every walk you take should be a reminder. Never give up.
No. 1880432
File: 1707303973034.gif (2.37 MB, 448x336, 1000002618.gif)

Nothing you've done is ephemeral. You matter, its for forever. Yayyy
No. 1880482
File: 1707305755159.jpg (92.33 KB, 720x880, 1000002642.jpg)

The lore runs so deep.. your misplaced psychosexual obsessions omg
No. 1883219
File: 1707526229103.gif (217.14 KB, 220x126, 1000002674.gif)

Women will believe in astrology but won't believe the men they play DOG for are abusers
No. 1884737
File: 1707663806215.png (363.2 KB, 760x728, 1000002628.png)

Hmm maybe I'm no expert, but I think that mocking the woman you are actively abusing and calling her names because she cant handle the magnitude of your constant abuse only proves outright that you're both a sociopath and a real life sadist.
No. 1884930
File: 1707675124387.jpg (66.94 KB, 800x669, 1000002687.jpg)

Archive goes deep. You're a scary person, you know that right?
No. 1886352
File: 1707790340556.jpg (65.6 KB, 557x540, 1000002746.jpg)

Just throwing punches at air
No. 1888544
File: 1707954533182.jpeg (21.05 KB, 480x407, IMG_8006.jpeg)

Sounds like a You problem lol.
No. 1888550
File: 1707955277879.gif (2.26 MB, 540x304, 6EB28D76-D22C-47FD-8D4B-17F3A3…)

I hate cerbmin
No. 1889113
File: 1707998579835.jpg (127.44 KB, 1300x1001, 1t6.jpg)

>every single person who disagrees with mods/admin is a samefag, tranny, schizo, romanianon, pakichan, kirbychan, the stranger who walked past me 20 years ago, my dog, my cat, the boogeyman under my bed and the voices in my head
No. 1889257
File: 1708009878993.gif (1.11 MB, 300x226, whytho.gif)

i've had 2 jobs with 2 different companies now where the person that trained me gets laid off because i work myself to death at first to prove myself and then the company thinks they no longer need the first person and then i want to kill myself because i'm not being paid enough to do 2 people's jobs and also i don't want people to be unemployed because of me. idk sounds like a humblebrag i guess but it's honestly fucking with me.
No. 1889998
File: 1708051537520.jpg (48.88 KB, 452x1024, 1000002625.jpg)

No. 1891045
File: 1708135595655.jpg (175.55 KB, 1016x1188, 1000002663.jpg)

Nobody is skinwalking you. None of you are that interesting or even remotely admirable
No. 1891063
>>1891045speak for yourself some of us have been
victims of stalking
(vain bitch) No. 1891075
>>1891069the post is directed to the website as a whole kek.
>none of you are interesting or even remotely admirable And thats not what harassment/stalking is about. This dumbass pickme thinks that scrotes solely go for women who are considered 'desirable' or admirable when you don't have to be anyone special to be a
victim of harassment, you fucking retard.
(>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.) No. 1891133
I think there is a lot of beauty everywhere, in both people and scenery. I appreciate a lot of things and hold high gratitude for a lot of things. I wish a lot of good will to a lot of people and their struggles in life, like many others do. You conflate my warranted hatred for you as some sort of character flaw that speaks for my entire compass and morale, that I somehow feel that way for everyone or everything just because I express how much I hate you and your ilk specifically. You play coy because it benefits you, touting this ultimate sort of mortal enemy you yourself have invented from fanfiction like its reality when every attempt at a read you try is laughable at best and obscenely embittered and out of touch. Of course I hate you. Of course I have nothing but repulsion for you. Why would I treat someone like you with any sort of humanity? Omg just the thought of it is insane, it's textbook abuse. Of course you want to create some theoretical imaginary villain that hates you from some sort of equally fictional mental deficit, god forbid you have to be confronted with what you've done and continue eagerly to do. The blinders on your eyes are truly delusional in all manner. I don't have to write some flowery deposition about you, you're just a horrible person who surrounds yourself with horrible people and you cross your fingers that they'll keep your secrets and not question your misogyny, hatred, or manipulation tactics. The theater is what you invented, I am not going to take credit for it. I've never wanted part in your dramatics, yet it's the only thing that brings you this sort of attention that you endlessly crave and can't seem to get enough of. What do I have to prove? You're the one who always has a suspiciously detailed and convoluted answer for everything, you have a lot of inventing to do and perpetuate lol. All so fruitless and embarassing for you but you're too entrenched in the camaraderie to see that or care really. You seem to have a lot of fun inventing these stories and issues, you lie like a rug.
No. 1891164
File: 1708147472170.jpg (108.29 KB, 1170x1155, 1000002789.jpg)

Me calling an abuser a bog miasma is not an invitation for you to immediately ad lib off of it with some miserable prose directed at whatever random bitch you're butthurt at, fuck off(indirectly responding)
No. 1891171
File: 1708147794008.jpeg (54.33 KB, 554x554, IMG_3439.jpeg)

i was late for work cos i stepe in bog miasmo(indirectly responding/shitposting)
No. 1891390
File: 1708170525016.gif (340.42 KB, 494x498, 1000018423.gif)

No. 1891511
File: 1708182113099.jpg (87.35 KB, 600x480, haibane-renmei-600-79048.jpg)

On the off-chance you read this, Angel. Homura-san. I needed to explain to you, I understand you were trying to tell me you were a safe person and you didn't mean to hurt me. But I was too stressed to explain that, I understand that, but my nervous system was too excited to calm down and speak to you rationally. I left and just fell asleep after a time and planned to talk to you in the morning.
While I was high though I was thinking of you, and I was thinking of this scene in a movie. Where a girl was on a boat and her friend was running to her stretching out her and and the other girl was reaching back and their hands never quite reached one another as the boat sailed away. I feel like that was us. I hope you'll feel comfortable to come back and talk again, but I understand if not.
No. 1892062
File: 1708220478908.gif (96.91 KB, 220x154, tenor.gif)

VMs mean nothing when you already burned …..hello????!???
No. 1893320
File: 1708316611264.gif (12.3 MB, 800x800, 1000002832.gif)

And yet still are. Why?
No. 1894059
File: 1708371073980.jpeg (68.96 KB, 1200x675, hugh.jpeg)

many rumors end up being true
No. 1894091
File: 1708373306596.jpg (472.05 KB, 1500x1000, amos sewell.jpg)

I really fucking hate when anons talk about things they don't know anything about and even when proven wrong they still insist that they are right. I really hope they would take their meds before posting here.
No. 1894327
File: 1708390842088.png (362.67 KB, 800x800, 1000002852.png)

You're just lucky I guess xx
No. 1894389
File: 1708393777348.gif (1.03 MB, 220x218, 1000002797.gif)

Punching the air your honor
No. 1895581
File: 1708475366924.gif (224.24 KB, 323x264, 1000002877.gif)

i thought you said you were done with that
No. 1896774
You've become too unreliable. I can't hinge my hopes on your talk of the future, you've changed your mind several times about several things from one week to the next these past few months, and it's becoming obvious that you're bound to selfishly choose the option that serves you at the expense of our relationship. Of course you would, you have nothing to lose, you can easily find some thirsty eurothot all too eager to offer you a marriage visa and time is on your side. You idealize the greener grass, but you're so naive and underinformed if you think life will automatically get better where you're aiming. The "European dream" is long over. You dismiss it when I bring up the housing crises, stagnant wages, inflation, global recession, etc. that various desirable countries are going through like it's not backed up by data. I want your naive, idealistic, inexperienced view to be shattered badly. You need a dose of reality.
No. 1896870
File: 1708565979547.jpg (812.23 KB, 662x637, 1000002819.jpg)

It isnt pattern recognition if you have to forcibly create them out of thin air.
No. 1897186
File: 1708586523396.jpg (335.33 KB, 1566x1362, 1000002903.jpg)

egoism will destroy you
No. 1898130
File: 1708648692587.gif (54.64 KB, 220x124, 1000002796.gif)

I think you should sit this one out beloved
No. 1899278
File: 1708734958981.jpg (121.47 KB, 1500x1126, 1000002934.jpg)

The whole dont shoot the messenger larp is getting very old
No. 1899405
File: 1708742015990.jpg (57.08 KB, 1051x649, 1000002621.jpg)

Rebranding as a man-hating women will never work for you as you are literally a woman-hating man and a misogynistic pervert
No. 1900576
File: 1708822908989.jpg (25.92 KB, 750x687, 20240203_235649.jpg)

Just because it isnt acknowledged doesn't mean it isnt archived.
No. 1901315
Your father would be ashamed of you for sure. You’re egotistical, petty and basically you have the mentality of a child in a body of someone in their 30’s. You can’t get over yourself and you’re so full of envy that it’s starting to get pretty boring at this point.
Every time I told you good news, you start to act passive aggressive towards me (as usual, as expected) and you feel the need to talk shit about me to others, like an angry teenager, trying to justify your envy with some poor excuses, basically making me look like the bad one (no one believes you, btw)
You can’t ever be happy for other people because you’re stuck in your pathetic and miserable life, it doesn’t matter how much you try to convince other people you’re doing better than anyone, at the end of the day you’re the one who’s all alone, living with a narcissistic mother who made you the monster that you are, the only one who’ll think you’re doing the right thing.
Talk whatever you want to talk, I’m always two steps ahead of you. I get everything that you wanted and I don’t even have to ask, meanwhile you need to try and bring others down because of not, you’re not capable of anything.
No. 1901704
File: 1708911074419.gif (3.96 MB, 500x281, 1000002617.gif)

And are you proud of that?
No. 1901707
File: 1708911299047.jpg (41.71 KB, 1280x720, 1000002980.jpg)

Hateful, delusional, nonsensical word salad is all you know omg the Mean Girls larp does not and will never work when you're just some embittered faggot with too much free time and not regina george
No. 1901711
File: 1708911536429.jpeg (102.55 KB, 685x697, IMG_0613.jpeg)

I love my friends so much but I’m emotionally stunted so I can’t even tell them. I hope they know how much they mean to me
No. 1901835
File: 1708920785833.jpg (277.81 KB, 1830x2048, 1000002988.jpg)

The fact that you defend shit like this is insane to me. Calling this out is not "transphobia". You regularly defend predators though so nothing you say surprises me, you yourself are violent and only reactionary when it serves you for manipulation purposes. Predators love to protect predators. Do you see yourself in that dead, creepy gaze? Surely you don't see this as a "transwoman"? You can't be that braindead that you see pedos in plain sight and think oh yes #oneofus? I think you just want an excuse to degrade women, yet again. That's the heart of your hobby, anyways.
No. 1901843
File: 1708921242998.jpg (82.84 KB, 640x852, 1000002989.jpg)

The fact that you were memeing the abuse you were enacting and saying it was just this. Hope a car strikes you and grinds you into sand!!
No. 1902869
File: 1708982572391.jpg (23.69 KB, 425x407, E25g1abWEAUHSHN.jpg)

The more you avoid talking to me the less I want anything to do with you. Don't be spineless. I feel like I have been tolerant of many things and gave so many opportunities and easy shots and unintentionally acting like a dipshit can only be excused so many times. I only feel let down more and more. Even then, I do not hate you at all and that pisses me off. Seriously the opposite. I still care deeply for your well-being. Fuck you. If you were shitty on purpose, I think it would have been easier.
No. 1903046
File: 1708995287558.png (110.14 KB, 304x426, 1000001398.png)

I love how you banged on about your phrenology theories about what a patho looks like when you yourself are a pathological liar and thar description sounded nothing like you!!
No. 1904577
File: 1709082818108.png (128.15 KB, 830x421, 1706282290685507.png)

Of course you're doing that shit again omg you are such a nasty bitch and your life is pointlessss please get a life of your own
No. 1905788
File: 1709174537921.gif (862.18 KB, 220x180, 1000003032.gif)

You after typing some retarded edgy shit only you care about because you're grossly embittered and mentally ill in the unsalvageable, hateful psychopath way and think every single thing you say is badass
No. 1908273
File: 1709340813893.jpg (152.57 KB, 1920x1077, 20240125_005539.jpg)

Oh woah totes another long week of scamming and lying for you… lol
No. 1909316
Guess what? I can improve my life (even though it's already 100 times better than yours kek) because I actually put in effort and listen to advice. But you? You're an ugly pathetic moid who thinks he rules the world even though he can't even rule his own cock. How am I supposed to make you cum when you can't even make yourself cum because you're too busy jacking it to porn daily? I don't know but I'm so fucking glad I got rid of you. So go ahead, keep spamming the group chat with your stupid questions. We both know you're not actually looking for a dentist or a new library recommendation, you're just trying to get my attention because I'm in the group too and you still can't believe I dumped your unwashed ass. Well guess what, yes I did dump your ass, no I don't regret it and no I did not do it because I found someone else. You're such a cuck, you're even cucking yourself when the only other man is in your imagination. Why can't you comprehend that I didn't find a new guy who replaced you, I just prefer my own company to yours. Because unlike you I actually wash my ass, brush my hair and teeth and I can make myself cum. You're 25 and you can't insert the fucking dick without me helping you? And I'm not even your first? Holy hell I hope the next woman has less patience than me and kicks your ass even faster than I did. Pathetic ass man. I would tell you to rope but you know what? I genuinely hope you don't, it's very entertaining watching you fumble your way through life and failing miserably. Now what are you waiting for? Go spend another evening jerking off to pornhub for the 10th time today while I'm younger, hotter, more successful than you and I'm having the time of my life. Bye bitch!
No. 1909565
File: 1709417834800.jpg (142.79 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20210604_101223.jpg)

After what? 4 fucking years and THIS is what you have to show for? Tf happened to you, you faggot. Yeah remember 2019 when YOU TRIED? WHY DID IT STOP. I will eat you. I will like it.
No. 1909651
File: 1709427506782.jpg (294.03 KB, 720x1460, 1000003104.jpg)

Have fun explaining this. You're going to have to look her (and your mother, and the public really) in the eyes in that room full of people while they show that "retard fetish" discussion on screen.
No. 1909653
File: 1709427647709.jpg (70.33 KB, 640x640, 1000003105.jpg)

"(You) THINK you have a soul?? You are MEAT bitch. MEAT." LOL fsbaetr.
No. 1909722
File: 1709433034889.png (630.77 KB, 804x1062, Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.20.…)

i am literally in love with you. when you say i love you i don't know if you mean it with the same intensity that i do but god, i really fucking hope you do. i like to think that you do since you were the first one to say it. i truly did not think i would fall in love with you based on the circumstances around us meeting but jesus christ. we are both so genuinely autistic in a way that completes each other. i have not felt this strongly towards someone since i was quite literally 12. when we stare at each other it gives me butterflies in a way that i thought no one would ever be able to give me again. i'm so scared that you'll say that doing long distance in a few months is too much or that it'll scare you off. i wish i could stay here for good so badly. i don't even wanna think about the future where i might have to say goodbye to you for good because of our different career paths. we are both so retarded because you knew that i don't plan on staying here and that i don't live here full time. i didn't care because i didn't think we would actually go anywhere, but, here i am falling so hard for you. also this is so fucking stupid that i'm writing this on lolcow of all places but whatever i needed to put it somewhere i guess.
No. 1909732
File: 1709434179304.jpg (87.64 KB, 636x343, IMG_1440.jpg)

you don't get to say women "have it easy" when you literally grew up rich and got everything handed to you on a silver platter, retard.
No. 1909768
File: 1709437271319.jpg (18.92 KB, 604x413, 1000003114.jpg)

Beeeeaaad those curtains mawma hurhurhur poopieee shittt diarrhea hurhur hemeroids hurhurhur - you're an adult
No. 1910290
File: 1709487195906.jpg (51.07 KB, 597x557, 1000019635.jpg)

You've made me so happy. I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell you how much all of this has meant to me. You're the first friend I've had in years, even if it is a bit unconventional. I love you.
No. 1910714
File: 1709517180218.jpg (113.99 KB, 720x693, Screenshot_20240222_204215_X.j…)

It's funny that when you're called out for the things you do, you think making a parody of what you're actually doing takes the heat off of you when contextually it makes you look worse and shows what a liar you are. Of course you have so much fun in a persona you created solely to degrade women when you're such an obnoxious misogynist in reality.
No. 1910993
File: 1709539455193.png (144.46 KB, 360x202, spongegar.png)

the beauty industry existentially terrifies me and I only realized it today. someone gave me a gift card that can be used at a beauty shop. I finally looked at the site and I was assaulted by dozens of monstrosities like boob gloss, underarm masks…just all kinds of wildly specific things to fix issues that I literally never even thought about or even noticed as being a problem on others? what type of person even notices such things? and it just made me feel like some despicable lice-ridden, hunchbacked troll that had wandered into a bougie store for self-loving anime elves and I immediately clicked off
No. 1911585
File: 1709578216738.png (34.81 KB, 240x240, image_search_1709480843216.png)

Fuck that fucking thread of bitches at vkei weaboo
No. 1911894
File: 1709603399897.jpg (173.7 KB, 1290x1226, 1000003167.jpg)

Thats another load of bullshit from your pathological lying factory but thanks for uniting me with someone who has shown me that there is always a glimmer of light among evil that will aid you when someone is hurting you in irreparable and inhumane ways. No fake posts, fake notes app screenshots, fake galleries, faked conversations will ever change or dilute the sheer multitude of abuse you've done. You can make a mockery of it all you want, you can attempt to divert attention, faux-casual joke and pretend it never happened, but you're sick, and not in the way you want to be. You can desensitize yourself, work hard to desensitize the people in your circle, and you can pour over as much shitty libgen material about tactics of abuse and control all you want but you're still the lowest person in all of this. Always will be. Making fun of it and attempting to make light of it will never alter the reality of what you do. I don't care how much you try to lighten the subject or distract everyone or cultivate some retarded blase "charming" niche personality. What goes up must come down. Make some retarded vaguepost about that, it still doesn't change anything. Pathetic and unlikable in every way bestie! Maybe you should go back to making fake unsentproject callouts and fake reddit accounts and scores of burner accounts full of your devotion to obsession. Be a fucking man.
No. 1912132
File: 1709626683932.jpg (43.27 KB, 480x360, 1000001447.jpg)

You aren't doing "red herrings" you're a nasty bitch and a mean spirited pathological liar with a negative agenda. Fuck off and leave the rest of us alone.
No. 1912744
File: 1709675659468.png (859.75 KB, 1080x1077, 1000019776.png)

If you knew how crazy I really am. If you knew the things I think about. Whew. Loneliness really fucks a person up.
No. 1912942
File: 1709691249056.jpg (6.85 KB, 275x183, 1000003187.jpg)

You after calling another random woman fundamentally disgusting while jerking yourself off to the meta attention you get (that you can't get elsewhere) from endlessly stalking them lmao
No. 1913051
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No. 1913171
File: 1709712836170.png (63.15 KB, 329x301, 37c38a54f233e216f037ea41e7f662…)

No matter what bitches say I love you too much and you're the first husbando I would dedicate my life to. You would tell me to eat right, to keep myself active, and you would teach me so many new things. You're so cute, handsome, friendly and cuddley and a good person with love for the environment and a heart of love. I love you more every time. Unfortunately I'm not that quite insane yet though.
No. 1913191
File: 1709714860188.jpg (88.2 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1289327025.jpg)

Truly the biggest sign of mental illness
No. 1913987
File: 1709772045029.jpg (103.9 KB, 540x720, 1000003190.jpg)

Why is this your life.
No. 1914101
File: 1709777557602.jpg (156.56 KB, 1004x1221, 1000003168.jpg)

International women's day incoming and all the retarded soulless irony poisoned faggots on Twitter already have a "I hate when girls die" or "i think women are people" post queued up
No. 1915304
File: 1709859174375.gif (469.46 KB, 275x154, 1648487567798.gif)

this is a bit embarrassing but I've pretty much had zero meaningful contact with a man in real. I've never been hugged, kissed, or touched by one. hell, never even had one good conversation. I can't tell if I count as a "femcel." however I've been talking to a male online I've never met - I've seen him over webcam though, he's weirdly hot - for a quarter of my life now. it's silly how many of my retarded idiosyncrasies he's picked up. when we first met he got annoyed at me dropping situationally relevant cat gifs during serious conversations. now he does it himself. I have ruined him, and I realize this is the greatest influence I will ever have on someone ever. horrifying.
No. 1916101
File: 1709896674434.jpg (281.16 KB, 905x1132, 1000003201.jpg)

A man would and could beat the living dogshit out of each of you faggots and thats why you only punch down on and abuse women.
No. 1916221
File: 1709906061054.gif (733.02 KB, 165x115, 1695700499566.gif)

I fucking hate you you piece of shit worthless moid. You, the father of a small child, the husband of said child's mother, someone posing as an innocent soymoid, come to my home with a shitty excuse only to cry about being tired of your child and your family, then try to compliment me with you pea-brained tier bullshit, trying to make me feel special then TRYING TO TOUCH ME, DARING TO FUCKING TOUCH ME like I want anything to do with you you perpetually ugly stinky piece of shit! You are so predictable. All moids are predictable little shits. Burn in hell.
No. 1916606
File: 1709927397938.gif (798.81 KB, 520x293, 1708113267923973.gif)

Men should be banned from project management holy fuck, all they do is get panicked and blame everyone around them instead of sitting down, making a plan, and getting it done
No. 1916653
File: 1709929601769.png (1.18 MB, 1079x1341, 1000019745.png)

I miss you. I want to talk to you more but I'm afraid you'll get annoyed, and I'm so awkward I feel like I don't know how to be around people anymore. God, I fucking miss you though.
No. 1917303
File: 1709971146892.jpg (69.44 KB, 1280x1143, 1704860780027206.jpg)

clinginess, jealousy, and frequent mood swings arent "feminine traits" you ugly mong you're just an obnoxious cluster b scrote. please kill yourself already
No. 1918146
File: 1710035140478.jpg (58.59 KB, 1014x570, 1000003301.jpg)

Your stupid Hugo Weaving soulseek wannabe ass fantasy roleplay you're disgusting in every possible way
No. 1918441
File: 1710053713734.jpg (30.72 KB, 327x462, 1000003307.jpg)

Keep pretending your nasty ass actions are justified and playing key fiddle to those irredeemable freaks, truly.
No. 1919897
File: 1710121368271.jpg (105.46 KB, 1079x1217, 1000003313.jpg)

This is soo you
No. 1921584
File: 1710233989084.jpeg (485.81 KB, 1170x1384, IMG_0874.jpeg)

I’m so tired of your stupid, freeloading ass. Everyone I know is telling me to kick you out. You had a job for days and quit because it was beneath you? You want to cite that trannys are subject to discrimination when you HAD. A. JOB. And now you’ve decided that since it wasn’t “good” enough, to fall back into the fucked up ranks of borderline homeless! Fuck you. I hate that you’ve taken advantage of my good nature and I hate myself that I’m so afraid of conflict it’s taken me this long to say anything. I fucking starved so you’d still have a roof over your head and still you think you get to control everything in the house? Fuck you.
No. 1922278
File: 1710278451325.jpg (36.2 KB, 564x564, spong.jpg)

im so fucking cooked
No. 1922668
File: 1710295469778.jpeg (91.59 KB, 1280x720, 032.jpeg)

only one person in the whole world dislikes a movie. nobody else can ever disagree with me, it's just one person, all the time.
No. 1922711
File: 1710297583114.gif (123.2 KB, 220x146, IMG_2922.gif)

No. 1922781
File: 1710302485832.jpg (67.25 KB, 1024x536, rHlx3CX3RCXzhXTxnPX5ejpEmjXQjL…)

Even worse when schizos subpost a post that has nothing to do with them pretending it was written for them. Unwell.
No. 1922933
File: 1710312272239.jpg (37.16 KB, 333x500, 1000003372.jpg)