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No. 1554408

This thread is for discussions and jokes surrounding those who LARP as some variety of "Queer" despite being only attracted to the opposite sex. Although most are in Hetero relationships, some may be on the "ace-spectrum" and/or polyamorous. They may discriminate against those who are same sex attracted by being uninterested in their issues, revising their history and exploiting them for personal profit. Women in particular may be incredibly rude to even libfems, let alone terf boogeywomen, because she prioritizes her Nigel above all. Men in particular are only in it for sex, so he hits on lesbians if he is ever actually in a local LGBT community and drops the Queer act when it no longer is in his benefit. Consider this a vent thread as much as it is a meme thread.
This thread is not for Homeophobe-chans.
Since there is already MTF and FTM threads, this thread will focus more on the LGB community as a whole and topics that don't really fall under the Trans threads. Please also take note that this is not a Bisexual hate thread and posting about those under 18 is not encouraged, though is allowed is exceptional enough.

Topics of discussion:
-History revisionism
-Alphabet soup getting longer
-Celebs and cows pride-drama
-Spicy Straights
-Comphet and other popular "queer" trends
-Ace Discourse sightings
-Bi/Pan Discourse sightings
-"Bi-Lesbians" Discourse sightings
-Homophobia from "Queers"/Spicy Straights
-Personal experiences with these sort of people
-Lesbians Until Graduation

For rainbow consoomerism and friends, see:
Pride Month 2023 Thread >>>/ot/1518006

Previous thread:
Queers and Spicy Straights General #1: Yes, This is a Queer Family >>>/snow/1581780

No. 1554412

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Reposting the previous thread pic for prosperity because it's the best OP photo I've ever seen on this site.

No. 1554609

why is this on /ot/ now?

No. 1554621

I'm so glad we have a new thread now but doesn't this belong on /snow/? Great OP pic btw

No. 1555801

After positive feedback it has been moved!
New link:

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