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No. 1531513
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Last thread
>>>/ot/1488831 No. 1532076
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This. I hate THIS. Imagine committing this hard to being a fucking coomer. I’m honestly so disgusted. It’s shocking this is a natal woman bc this is straight up tranny behavior.
No. 1532209
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Women on tiktok LARPing as entrepreneurs and boss ladies but either have small businesses that just resell cheap aliexpress items or their husbands actually just pay for everything. I can’t take these women seriously
No. 1532281
>>1532257It's really widely normalised in Bollywood as well, like I think every major celeb has had some surrogate kid
These are some of the Highest paid actors in the world
No. 1532304
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>>1532257I'm such a wuss I turned this off after like 2 minutes. Then I went back to watch more.
>surrogacy agency founder: "we had cases when some parents wanted 1000 baby, or 300 babies […] for very big business" (she turned them down thank god)>the surrogate can have no biological connection to the baby, as it would be classed as child trafficking to give the child away>woman has a whole vaginal birth and the little baby comes out and she's relieved it's healthy and the voiceover says "Jana and the baby are separated immediately; surrogates aren't allowed to touch the child they've just given birth to" but they leave it in the room like 10 feet away from her just crying because no one is allowed to touch it and the people who paid for it are in another country.AAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 1532940
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>I hate women
>I hate white women
No. 1533317
>>1532940Love this era where you can say sexually degrading and violent about women as long as you tack white in front of it. Bonus points if you refer to perfectly reasonable women who are
victims of terrible harm Karen for having understandable negative and adverse reactions to years of trauma. None of these people know anything about reality anymore and exist entirely in an online vacuum.
No. 1533372
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God I fucking hate anime pick-me whores. I find them worse than tradwifes because while tradwifes are deluded that their fat balding guy is some masculine hero, anime pick-mes WANT to pander to the stiny NEET lolicon guy living in his mom's basement.
And I wish there was a place to discuss dirt on them because /w/ is focused on the cosplay space and vtubers are banned because of raids from 4chan. I WISH there was a place to gossip about vtubers because I know many are washed up e-celebs from 10 years ago. If you know any, feel free to tell me. Also I know syd was mentioned in the japanophiles thread but people don't seem interested in these weebs, they are more interested in cosplayers and vloggers.
No. 1533445
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>>1533440She did, her whole channel is beyond junk
>>1533442Good taste anonita
No. 1533449
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Together they are bigger bullies them Harold, seriously so many episodes they are flat out assholes for no reason to people, I hate them
No. 1533462
>>1533453Anime community was always sort of degenerate but back in 2010 I think there were not so many anime vloggers om youtube, there were few review channels, maybe some videos about boku no pico being shocking and that is about it? Anime was still considered cringe back then so there were not so many vloggers who would tie their identity to being a hentai degen
Also as
>>1533461 said, it was mostly 4chan and reddit who influenced overall anime community.
No. 1533491
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>>1533372>>1533445>>1533463what's even more depressing is that she used to upload relatively normal content too until she realized being a pickme hentai enthusiast was more profitable.
No. 1533880
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During my peak fandom days when I was a kid, I was labeled as problematic because I liked reading rpf with no aus. Everyone on tumblr liked writing about online personalities dating but the moment they have any reference to the actual people they’re writing about, everyone shuts it down because it’s “invading their privacy”. You’re writing about two strangers fucking, you’re already invading their privacy no amount of coffee house and mafia aus is gonna change that. I wish there were more fics that just wasn’t ooc bullshit filled with a bunch of world building all because they don’t wanna write about lets players fucking in their recording office
No. 1533908
>>1533898No, I get this how can be a thing, it was to me. I obeyed my mother for years until one day we disagreed on something. She was the sweetest mother until I started growing up and having my own opinions, so for a while I did everything she wanted. I realized everytime I disagreed with her, she would go full narc and treat me like dirt until I agreed with her. I even went to psychologists and psychiatrists, who also talked to her and they made me believe I had BPD and gave me anti psychotics for years, because nothing I said about her was real. At some point I got tired of putting up with her narc wishes and just did what I wanted, it got bad to the point she left the gas stove on with a candle lit and left the house while I was asleep, it was really a miracle I woke up that early and realized the gas was open and there was a candle on the table, but of course she denied and tried to get me institutionalized for it. I moved out after that, which she promptly pretended to be as sick as possible before I moved out to gather sympathy from my relatives, crashed her own car but in the end my siblings obviously realized her scheme and we all got her in a mental hospital, turned out she was narc and BPD the entire time. Obviously, none of these would've happened if I never disagreed with her ever. Some people will agree to anything to avoid rejection or conflict.
No. 1534081
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>>1534053I know its cringe kek all fandoms are, just wish people let themselves be cringey online instead of getting into weird fandom wars because they want to look good infront of the person they’re writing lengthy porn about
No. 1534115
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I hate that the second Vtuber thread was made by a tourist/newfag. Threadpic is Vox for crying out loud
No. 1534635
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I have decorative feathers in my room and these guys are eating them and are infesting my room horribly. Pretty sure they've put a hole in one of my Merino wool long sleeves too. I've been vacuuming like hell and squishing any I find in the hopes I'll finally get rid of them.
No. 1534726
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I hate all the recent self-censorship here. Anons taking time to type 'v*gina' instead of just vagina as if your body parts are LE BAD WORD and saying ~self delete~ instead of suicide like this is fucking tiktok. Both just today.
No. 1534739
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>>1534726I'm noticing a rise in tone indicators on here. It's really annoying how people don't even lurk before they comment I just assumed that was common knowledge on any internet site/community
No. 1534747
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>>1534739Did you see the post in the TIF thread spoilered for mentioning, just mentioning, suici- oh sorry self-deleting? Ridiculous.
>Spoilered for talk of self deleting.Anyone feel like telling that anon that the spoiler is a pic of pixyteri's ass? I think we need a spoiler for the spoiler. We don't want to make the twitterfags uncomfortable. Do these anons know where they are? This isn't a site that bans you for nono words. I don't expect people to have years of experience with imageboards, but is it so hard to lurk a little to get a grasp of the culture before posting
trigger warnings and censoring yourself?
No. 1534808
>>1534726>>1534760Not saying it's actually funny or amusing but I think the self-censorship is more of an "ironic" sense of humor rather than being sensitive
At least I hope
It's very TikToky
No. 1534814
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>>1534813dropped my image
No. 1535418
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Fandom memes like picrel where they take a viral meme/reaction pic and slap their favorite characters onto it, not that I necessarily hate them but it’s more like something that I find cringey, I always thought they looked dumb.
No. 1535546
>>1534976although people claim the quality of journalism has gone out the window, there's still plenty of interesting and informative articles and journalists if you know where to find them. the thing is, most people no longer have the attention span to read them and that's part of their dismissal (and sometimes I'm guilty of this laziness myself)
the profession struggles with sexism and structural corruption and abuse the way a lot of current events adjacent content does, so I have a lot of respect by default for female journalists. yes some are too big for their britches and write drivel, but there's a lot who are just trying to make ends meet. sometimes making ends meet means you write puff piece crap or an opinion piece instead of pursuing an investigative one. because your editor says so. if it's well written, however, it's well written. like gossip journalism, it's trashy but sometimes it's not badly written and fun to read. journalists of all kinds can be very clever even if they're covering trash subjects
on the topic of buzzfeed, buzzfeednews differs from the regular buzzfeed clickbait site, I believe they won a pulitzer for their piece on the uyghurs. they've actually written some decent articles and helped expose john k from nick as a predator so I have more respect for the news side of buzzfeed
No. 1535563
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"#Vanlife" women who post obvious clickbait ass/boob shots, acting "mysterious and quirky" for the camera. It's not like moids weren't going to sexualize yet another thing we do but its sure as hell not helping us. How many thumbnails of yourself in a bikini doing the same pose or sitting on your bed looking off into the distance can there be? I know you ran to change out of that miniskirt and crop top the second you finished recording yourself walking through a forest WITH LITERAL SNOW PILES ALL AROUND.
You can see the point in some channels where they shift to this, and the vids/thumbnails where its just a woman in a normal low-cut shirt (which still makes me wary when I know what it usually leads to, but makes me feel like shit for thinking this) vs obviously sexualized bait. Just let one thing women do be untainted by commercialization and commodification…
Also hate how I read a comment from a teacher space tonight about shutting groups of talkative girls in school up by "separating them and seating them near boys who'll growl at them". Starting the next generation getting used to male intimidation early I see. Fucking bleak
No. 1535735
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Why and How did Drag become this "inspiring and brave" thing for most mainstream liberals, to the point they have to show kids drag shows and have kids engage in Drag as well, its so fucking absurd
No. 1535786
>>1535735I was reading a discussion lately where alot of people were agreeing that drag is sexual and shouldn't be shown to kids.. people who were angry as hell about it. Cool. Then a woman came along and pointed out how men dressing up like overly done up sexual caricatures of 'a woman' is pretty creepy for women to have to see everywhere as this mainstream thing. That its not just mothers who are grossed out by it.
Everyone suddenly changed their tune and went off on the woman? So its this horrible depraved sexual thing that children shouldn't ever see but women aren't allowed to voice their distate outside of it being in the context of us worrying about children? Because dressing up like some mockery of women shouldnt be something women feel any way about..
No. 1536019
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These stupid fucking shirts I keep getting advertised. I’m a millenial and it reminds me of cringe shirts my generation wore in the early 2010s but a hundred times worse because of the gross sexual and misogynistic shit. Who are these supposed to be for? Do zoomers even wear this? Who wants this shit?
No. 1536024
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dont scroll porn in /ot/
No. 1536095
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I hate that I keep getting recommended this channel, all his videos scream attention seeker
No. 1536214
>>1536185I wonder what
triggered them.
No. 1536223
>>1536214we're talking about moids who make soyjaks their only personality trait. it probably does''t take much to
trigger their autistic ape brain into blind rage
No. 1536652
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>woman wears makeup
>woman doesn't wear makeup
No. 1537066
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I hate the modern education system. My last year of high school and 1.5 years of college before dropping out weren't actual education, it was an opinion you needed to have. Teachers are ridiculously biased, I am hoping to get to university in the near future and get a fairly unbiased education through reading (universities in my country barely have lectures). I hope it works out, I hate what schools have become.
>>1536977Totally. I don't understand how this even came to be, my grandmother got a sign saying 'crazy cat lady' as a joke for Christmas a few years ago but she has it on her windowsill lol.
Bump for gore No. 1537809
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Gore on main page, Don’t scroll.
No. 1537934
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>>1537931She literally said she couldn't resist McD and Coke and you still go on to blab about metabolism
No. 1537971
>>1537957They can't just put any tree there, it has to be able to withstand paving (assuming we're not talking about trees in a planting strip) or vice versa (tree roots can be very destructive) and it must also withstand city climate, various types of pollution, perhaps road salt. Then there's also things like diseases, being able to withstand crown lifting, you probably want some ornamental value (flowers or nice autumn colours), cost of the tree, maintenance level, then the tree has to actually still fit there height and width-wise, being able to grow on the soil in that situation, in a lot of situations it can't be a tree that's vulnerable to branch breakage, biodiversity value is becoming more important etc. Aka there's a LOT of factors to take into account leaving a fairly limited amount of trees that can actually be reliably planted in the urban area, some compromises have to be made if you want some nice greenery instead of looking out on concrete and nothing else.
No. 1538054
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I hate these weird ass memes, I just want to find more art of my husbando, I keep saying I don’t want to see this shit and this shit keeps popping on my screen.
No. 1538061
>>1538054>TERFs inventedlol whut?
>>1538059go 41% yourself, troon
No. 1538074
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>>1538061>>1538062U guys are just mad that you aren’t stunning, balding, and brave.
No. 1538900
>>1538892They will claim cancer prevention
and then tell about the time someone commented on their obsessive sunscreen use with a "well at least I'll look like a forever 16 pale princessu while they
age and look like a
grandma!!!" Yuck, old women am I right? How dare they get old and live their lives without obsessing over beauty and youth?
No. 1539046
The TIF thread, I heard of some slapfight happening, and decided to poke my head in.
It was worse than ever. Wishing violence on TIFs, wishing they all killed themselves, saying they deserve whatever happens to them, then turning around and accusing them of misogyny and saying several false things about them.
I go in to correct them, I don't want them to change their minds and I just want them to try to understand the experience. They don't have to like TIFs or accept them, but they can sure fucking stand to not be so misogynistic they seem like scrotes larping as radfems and not real women.
I fucking hate most radfems. Legit, the /ot/ and /g/ girls are awesome, and even if we disagree on most things, they aren't actively wishing death or worse (rape, for example) on troons. /2x/ girls and the TIF thread girls honestly need to run into the wrong woman and get their ass handed to them. But they'd probably still blame men for that, instead of realizing most of them are more misogynistic than any TIF can hope to be. Even the fedora'd one.
Like I know I'm repeating myself, but terms like "pickme" and "handmaiden" have lost all meaning. Having a severe, incurable mental disorder doesn't make women pickmes or handmaidens. Whatever the opposite of peaking is, that thread makes me come really fucking close. If there's a good argument to turn into a TRA, one browse of the latest thread is enough.
No. 1539057
>>1539046are you the person who was saying tifs wake up one day in female bodies only having memories of having a male body?
>The TIF thread, I heard of some slapfight happening, and decided to poke my head in."I was browsing the thread like I always do"
No. 1539063
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>>1539046The discussion that happened earlier was because of some trutrans schizo who literally called us kiwi scrotes for recognizing that transgenderism is caused by misogyny, and then said "men are not to blame"… was that you? Lmao. Sorry to tell you but misogyny is not a mental illness nor is incurable, "born in the wrong body" isn't real and men are indeed to blame for the state women find themselves today. Open your fucking eyes newfag.
No. 1539064
>>1539057Yeah, I'm sorry for the accidental derailment. I thought I made sense, but reading back it was pretty obvious I was half asleep and shitting it up. Not my intention, sorry. Honestly, I need to learn how to explain things right, and when to just shut up.
>>1539059Certainly. I can understand why a lot of people hate TIFs, especially when so many aren't actually mentally ill and try to act like yaoi boys. Never liked those TIFs myself, other kinds, while rare, can be alright regardless of if we see eye to eye otherwise.
No. 1539066
>>1539063Sorry for the double post. Yes, that was me, but no, I am not a newfag. I just find people, women or men, who speak on things they know nothing about insufferable. Radfems are like this on just about every subject on /2X/ and the TIF thread, as well as radblr and radtwt.
Maybe you'd come off less like a moid larping if you didn't take out your own insecurity on mentally ill girls. It drives people away from peaking and makes you look bad. I feel like a lot of the women in that thread don't care about other women unless they agree with everything they say, and if a woman disagrees with them on anything, they're worth less than dirt, and a "pickme" or "handmaiden."
No, I do not have any interest in males. I don't want to interact with dicks in any way, I just want a cure for my mental illness, especially if it doesn't involve taking HRT…but that seems unlikely. If you listened to what I said, you'd fucking realize that.
Oh, and not everything has to do with misogyny. Most women know that.
No. 1539161
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People who defend celebrities, especially if said celebrity is a tranny or an insufferable faggot.
Absolute retard behavior
No. 1539396
very autistic, but when minecraft crashes with a "mixin error."
mixin errors don't tell you which mod is crashing your game
No. 1539481
>>1539474Pretty sure that was WhiteGlove due to the autistic mix of vulgarity and politeness, as well as the disdain for radfems while hearing out some on occasion.
Plus that "Which Pooner are You" image was in the Vocaloid thread before she got her own.
She unironically wears fedoras and larps as an incel on Tumblr, and elsewhere, but mostly Tumblr on her Count-Incel blog.
A lot of Radblr thought she was a radfem larping as a trutrans to get a rise out of them before her previous blog (Incxl) came to light.
No. 1539550
>>1539546I have wondered, do these women just not have friends? even my mother had friends she would meet with every day, they'd chat, laugh and trade stories
Americans seem to lack that culture for some reason.
No. 1539592
>>1539559what about your neighbors, my family used to move a lot as a kid and my mother in less then a day made connections and started chatting with hew new friends
It feels "unnatural" tbh for people to be this asocail with each other
No. 1539612
>>1539607that might be it, never grew up in the city, either lived in Rural areas or military housing my entire life, still wish It didn't have to be this way for so many people
like I saw and was honestly shocked how alienated people seemed to be and how it truly didn't have to be like that and I wasn't gonna say it was an american or western phenomena, but an end product of neo-liberalism and capitalism without ideology
No. 1539706
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i fucking hate my countries(USA) retarded urban planning. The entire country is so fucking ugly, loud and hostile because of the gargantuan roads & parking lots.
No. 1539733
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>>1536045I was actually relieved when I heard it was only dicks i fucking hate scrotes
No. 1539834
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>>1539693It's cute and fun, unlike you nonnarina.
No. 1540740
I hate heaters. I never let my partner run the central heat because then I can’t escape from the dry hot air, he’s only allowed to use space heaters, and even those I don’t like unless it dips under 60 inside. I literally feel like artificially heated air is unbreathable. My parents HEAT their house to 71 degrees!!! To me, artificially heated air feels a million times hotter than air that’s just naturally hot or air that has been cooled to 71. I don’t mind being in a house with the AC set to 71, as long as there are fans on to keep air flowing. But HEATED to 71??? I literally cannot breathe and feel the need to rip all the doors and windows open to get some breathable air cause that dry artificially heated air makes me choke and gag!!!
I also hate STILL air. I need fans on or the windows open on a breezy cool day. Still air makes me feel suffocated too. Nothing is worse than artificially heated still air, but cool still air also is gross.
Before anyone asks I am not fat. I have a borderline underweight BMI and even when I was very underweight I still felt this way. I would get a bit cold when I was v UW, but I wouldn’t turn heaters on or turn fans off, I’d just wear a kigurumi and feel toasty that way. I literally cannot understand why people like still hot air in their homes. I don’t understand people who are prone to feeling cold. Literally just put some clothes on and stfu.
>>1540714I hate people who are always cold. Wear a damn coat, get a blanket, take some iron supplements and shut up. It’s so easy to warm up when you feel cold meanwhile it’s next to impossible to cool down if you’re hot.
I bet you think 68 degrees is “too cold” for an inside temp and would want to turn a heater on and ruin the perfect temperature.
No. 1540755
File: 1680623124862.png (16.76 KB, 306x338, XCode.png)

Why the fuck is XCode allowed to start updating WHEN I'M USING IT? I am doing an iOS app development course and this MF just decided to start updating without asking or warning me! And you just know it's going to take all day to finish and probably freeze multiple times.
No. 1540794
>>1539706i feel this so badly. it makes the pedestrian experience horrible, too. every day i almost get murdered by a cager due to their impatience and entitlement. they're sitting in a weatherproofed box with radio going 50 mph and can't take 8 seconds to wait for me to cross the street. cars turn humans into demons.
and that's my experience living somewhere supposedly super walkable. the rest of the country is floor-is-lava-stan. i won't even go there. america actually builds cities you can't even walk around in. drive, park, consume, pay, leave. what a wonderful experience. no wonder everyone here is obese–you try to walk anywhere and a car murders you. they're also loud and stinking. cars should be outright banned. every car just impounded in the fucking desert to rust away. imagine the peace and quiet. imagine not nearly dying every day because some scrote is on his phone while driving a giant brodozer around residential streets at 45 mph in his rush to get to mcdonalds.
No. 1540839
>>1540776AC air (cooled) is fine, it’s central heat air and space heater air that makes me choke. I’m fine around a warm fire pit for example. It’s artificial heat that makes me sick, it feels wrong and it’s cloying and literally enrages me. I can stand natural heat alright, like during the summer and the house gets to 75-78, I can still sleep in that as long as a fan is on and the ac isn’t letting it go over 79-80. But literally just a heater on when it’s cold heating the house anything over 60 makes me angry and I feel like I’m choking and I wanna rampage and bathe in ice cause I feel so overheated and suffocated by the artificial heat. It’s something SPECIFICALLY about artificial heat heating home that’s not under 60 degrees inside that sets me off.
When it dips into the 50s I rejoice and open all my doors and windows and let the cool icy air inside. Ahhh
No. 1541022
File: 1680646682713.png (133.5 KB, 496x620, disgusting.png)

>watch tik tok comp
>This vid shows up
>Woman is turned around cleaning the stove while her husband and three sons walk past and slap her butt while saying bye
I really hate boy moms and tiktok I WANT OFF THIS RIDE
No. 1541058
File: 1680652816227.jpg (185.57 KB, 750x1183, Drvz2gSU4AAoox0.jpg)

>>1541038The ychromo had 9 months to infect her brain. Boy moms act the same as those infected by the cat disease that makes you worship them while also hosting their parasite.
Pic mildly related, guarantee the average moms reaction would be different if Bella was a male and caught a DUI at 17 with trash in the car.
No. 1541135
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>>1541022>>1541083If I ever have sons, I'm gonna raise them the way my grandmother raised my dad and his brothers, no leeway on anything, they will do housework and chores from the day they can stand and get chappal beatings if they misbehave of ever hit a girl, though I won't hit them or get mad if they hit another moid though and they'll have to get jobs at 16 to provide for their family. that's the way males should be raised, males are made to toil and provide for their families and not complain about it.
my father works harder then any man I know and he has never once complained about it, whatever any family members of him, he'll do it, except my elder brother(which had some consequences down the line)
No. 1541156
File: 1680672973062.jpeg (27.75 KB, 680x645, 1676042430169.jpeg)

Women who stick things up their boyfies ass, I fucking hate you bitches. You're disgusting. A dildo, their own fingers, their TONGUE. And then they're like "but he loves it so much", okay and? You're a cuck. Now it's no longer you and your boyfie in bed. It's you, your boyfie, and the fantasy cock (another man) he's now fantasizing about. Oh and now you can no longer have sex without your "man" begging for you to prolapse his fucking asshole. Why the fuck would you encourage this shit, ever? Leave these faggots to go fuck other men, AIDS themselves up and fucking die. If you're a woman who performs these acts, may your fingernails smell like pure ASS for the rest of your miserable fucking yaoi-cosplaying life.
No. 1541283
>>1540740i'm sorry but i like being warm or at least comfortable. i prefer fresh air too but i have no shame turning up the heat to at least 71 - anything more is too hot i agree i think it's cruel to force other people to be cold. i had a roommate who always wanted our room to be like the fucking arctic and i hated her for it. i was so glad when she finally fucked off and switched rooms as she used to turn the air conditioning on in the middle of the night and have it down all the way to about 60-59 degrees. then the room would turn into an ice chest and i would have to turn it off to sleep.
inversely i hate air conditioning for some of the reasons you state you hate heating. after a while i get tired of the feeling of being in a sterile room with cold air so i either end up going outside for a while (if it's too hot to turn it off), or just open a window in my room for a while. i grew up in southern california so i was spoiled for a long time by the natural breeze we used to get from the ocean in the evenings. now i live in paris and it took me a while to adjust to the colder winters, but it's manageable. i still miss those 4 pm ocean breezes though.
>don't understand people who are prone to coldit's genetics, anon. i've been like this all my life. other than the week before my period when my base body temperature is 1-2 degrees above normal, i run cold. honestly, i don't understand people who are always hot and then trying to bully everyone else who isn't a natural thermonuclear reactor like them. i feel like most of you "hot" people are just overly controlling and you know the one way to control people and get attention is by whining about being hot. and no, putting on more clothes doesn't always help if your fucking house is under 65 degrees. that is not normal.
No. 1541401
>>1541367Wtf! NEETS whose only "good" feature being their whiteness who spend their time scrolling on racist chan imageboards are racist? How could that be?
Anyway I agree, I hate those types but they're obviously the anons who never go outside or get anything done aside from shit posting on 4chan and e-dating their 30 year old obese discord bfs.
No. 1541486
File: 1680714442397.jpeg (54.51 KB, 498x1048, 89E58939-93EC-4BA3-9EE4-A90CE8…)

I hate men, specially this moid, he’s on Fiverr scamming people. It’s surely making random accounts to harass women.
No. 1541493
>>1541486whenever men get internet access they inevitably use it for only two things: porn, and abuse
the new flavor of abuse is men using that AI garbage to generate 100 trillion terrabytes of white noise AI junk and flood every website with it. just to be annoying spammy little dickheads and have themselves a laugh at everyone else's expense. pretty soon the internet is going to be junked up to the point its unusable because moids just can't help themselves
AO3 is currently being filled up with AI generated fics. it's low effort spam, but user donations have to pay for server space to host this digital junk. and people are actually arguing IN FAVOR of letting AI generated fics be allowed there. it's like trying to argue that TV static is legitimate music and we all have to pay to preserve it and bold faced host it next to legitimate bands.
and the only alternative to a spammed-up wild west is draconian censorship where we all have to use the tranny pronouns and suck troon dick.
No. 1541501
>>1541491He sends videos that are corrupted with malware. He requests a job and sends the video saying stuff like he just wants to get the video translated. If you download the video then you get the malware in your PC and he downloads everything you have.
Like even though she changed her passwords he’s still harassing her, and her PC is turned off and disconnected, so I don’t know what to do to help her.
No. 1541525
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>>1541517That’s what I’m telling her, I feel so bad for what’s going on to her, like, I don’t know, she doesn’t deserve this shit. I just hope that moid fucking dies painfully by bleeding from his asshole after getting raped and stabbed multiple times.
No. 1541558
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>>1541486did he provide proof? they supposedly scan files send through the website. granted it could be well hidden, but he might very well be pulling the scam they try in email spam "send m3 b1tc0in m0n13s"
>Through your own email address, I uploaded malicious program code to your Operation System.>I saved all of your current contacts along with friends, acquaintances, loved ones plus a comprehensive histo‌ ;ry of visits to the Online resources.>Also I installed a Malware on your system.>You will not be my only prey, I normally lock computer systems and ask for the ransom.>However I ended up being hit through the web pages of romantic content that you often pay a visit to.>I am in great shock of your own fantasies! I've never ever observed anything like this!>Therefore, when you had enjoyment on piquant websites (you know what I mean!) I made screen shot with using my program by your camera of yours system.etc etc No. 1541561
>>1541558He sent her her own pictures, old ones… like from months ago.
It’s just crazy, I mean, she was honestly quite sleepy when she looked at the archive and when she downloaded it, and she even sent his friend a text asking why is it that the video couldn’t be watched.
Like he has a friend named something basic, this time he was named “Pedro” who sends the video that’s corrupted, then the moid of the screenshot extorts the person that got the virus.
No. 1541577
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Why is new shit worse
Pic related for example I miss my old instant camera
No. 1541580
>could hurl my phone across a parking lot like a football and it would still work fine>would need to run it over with a 16 wheeler to get the screen to cracknew:
>phone only registers touch when it feels like it, randomly freezes, will restart if i look at it wrong, probably tracking me and telling the feds how often i rant about troons, screen cracks if you fart on itplanned obsolescence. making good quality long lasting items doesn't generate enough profit. intelligent designs require hiring intelligent people.
No. 1541600
>>1541577Ive been getting into instant cameras and my impression is that pictures taken with old cameras are better quality than those taken with modern cameras. Apparently something about the chemicals used to make the film for modern instant cameras are worse than old film. Also many modern cameras have plastic lenses instead of a glass lenses, my camera does but it is a cheaper model I'm not sure if the more pricey models are build out of better material. I have also seen some hardcore collectors tinfoil that modern manufactors of instant cameras and film make the quality worse on purpose to make it look more "nostalgic".
I really want to get a vintage Polaroid camera but I'm not sure how I can get film for it
No. 1541609
>>1541561The updated that no one cares about: even though she changed her passwords they’re still finding a way to access her accounts and now they somehow have the location as our country and the city where we’re living at.
Maybe she has to change her e-mail after all.
No. 1541612
>>1541609if she saves passwords to her browser they can access it via that.
they may have attached a backup email to her email she doesn't know about
they may still have access to her computer. she should change passwords from a completely separate device on a different wireless connection.
No. 1541641
>>1541625then she doesnt have 2fa enabled. unless they are sim spoofing there is near zero chance they can access get the code from an text message or authenticator or clicking confirm ontop of the new password. so something is up here. and they likely dont have it switched to them because then she wouldn't be able to log in without providing a code.
she needs to check what backup emails and phone numbers are connected to her accounts. then after any are removed, manually log out all active sessions, then password gets changed, 2fa is reconfirmed (perhaps she can use a family members phone/phone number for the time being). for good measure change password again. unless they are logging into it directly via remote access through her computer or router, so the ip is matching and confirmed active by the website, they should not be able to access it. and she should not be accessing anything online with her computer at present. she should be doing everything from a separate device and internet connection
No. 1542280
>>1542279You get called a redditor because you format your posts like one.
Where you part every small paragraph like this.
It makes no sense.
No. 1542295
>>1533372holy shit. I was internet friends with this bitch back when all of us were internetlings (like 12-13)
No. 1542400
File: 1680821971904.png (1.38 MB, 1404x1052, Untitled-design-3-5 (2).png)

Idk how many anons here are deep enough into the nail community to know what I'm talking about so this might be a bit niche, but I'm sooo tired of seeing videos on social media of nail techs cutting their clients "cuticles" so far back that they just start cutting into the actual skin. Especially now that Russian manicures or dry manicures are becoming more popular, I always see videos of techs cutting the skin so far back that it creates a kind of pocket and they can literally stick their e-file in like it's nothing. I'm not a trained or licensed tech and even I know that it's just improper and not healthy. And then they use the excuse that if the skin didn't bleed then it's not living skin, as if you can't literally cut your skin without bleeding.
Picrel isn't really an example of what I mean, I just wanted to attach a pic.
No. 1542417
>>1533445>>1533372dont get why these women bother making content to pander towards moids who most likely hate them. like a large majority of moids who are into the hentai/waifu shit hate women, like why? its so irritating to witness women try to be one of 'the boys' with men who will always hate you or at least not fully respect you etc etc.
been seeing more women with 'husbandos'(well mostly non anime ones) which is nice.
No. 1542456
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When you go to a convention expecting to see cosplays of different fandoms but it's all just genshin impact and that one demon anime
No. 1542503
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I saw this on Twitter a couple of days ago as a reaction qrt to some celebrity shit that I don't even remember, and I'm genuinely shocked at this young man's body; it's so absurd for a man to have this build, it brings up feelings of disgust in me that I didn't think were possible for myself.
No. 1542511
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>>1542503not to be that person but this build isn't uncommon with some regions of Africa, they "cake up" pretty easily there, plus they have rounder oval facial shapes which makes them look a little plumper then they actually are.
No. 1542552
>>1542531Same I hate the term e-thot too
A lot of cows are retards but I hate using those words for them. I assume those anons have issues
No. 1542576
>>1539546>>1539567Both of my grandmothers were SAHM but it was expected for husbands to give them entirety of their pay on payday. They would receive allowance from their wife (what they can spend on themselves) back from that pay.
So husband's pay was not his but meant to be used for the entire household and it was the wives who managed that money and not vice-versa.
So it makes me roll my eyes when I hear young moids complaining about there not being single-income households anymore. I know very well they would not give all their pay to the wife to manage.
(Not sure if this was a tradition in entirety of my country, but my grandparents were from different regions and I think it was considered normal)
No. 1542769
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I hate fat people, especially fat men. Fat men are literally so disgusting
No. 1542787
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>>1542779how do you feel about this
>>1542782I'm straight and don't really get butt appeal either, but legs are just okay I guess
No. 1542788
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>>1542779I fucking love thicc manlegs, don't ban them, show more.
No. 1542800
>>1542796*slapping my bf’s ass
Gotta make sure u remind em who’s boss
No. 1542937
>>1542911men who are into femdom or kink shit are more likely to troon out, that's just a fact.
>>1542932that sounds retarded tbh, I'd fucking kill a moid if he slapped my butt and I wouldn't dream of doing it another person let alone my partner(male or female)
No. 1542940
>>1542937A thing I hate, is retarded shit like this:
>oh no you can't slap your man's ass he will troon outKeep slapping them moids nonas
No. 1543063
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I really hate it when men sexualise the hell out of tomboys.
No. 1543097
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I hate reading scrote artist's bios. I was just watching some hack Youtuber "concept artist" for background noise while I worked on sketches, and I looked at his website. His "bio" is filled with shit like "Sullen and sleep-deprived, I created monstrous, flowing, grotesque, and dark images in the margins of my paper while not paying attention in class." Why the fuck is it always men who act like this, too? I've never read a female artist's biography or background and seen melodramatic garbage like this. Holy shit. Men are such fucking babies, no wonder art is so mediocre these days.
No. 1543266
File: 1680933105833.png (554.01 KB, 1170x1814, fVf2fbfehe.png)

The epitome of first world middle class problems.
No. 1543275
>>1543266She's so stupid and annoying. I wish I could force her to brush her hair, it's always such a mess and she's so obviously fishing for compliments. Also why the fuck does she think getting catcalled is a complimentary action? I hate when femcels like her say they're jealous of other women getting sexually harassed more, like wtf. If she was jealous of girls getting loving bfs that treated them right I'd understand but jealousy over harassment is really mental.
>>1543271Anon she's a low self esteem pickme, of course she's straight.
No. 1543551
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This is going to be rambly why does a subset of terminally online ppl seethe so much over this? I know that its bc of american police violence but they also get upset when a non american character becomes a cop too. As in I've seen a fanartist get hate for drawing a (japanese) jojo character who wants to be a cop in police uniform. They act the same way for fantasy characters joining the equivalent of law enforcement in their culture too, like harry potter and toph. It's not like these characters will start going around killing black wizards or benders or whatever. Why are they projecting that american shit onto random fiction?
No. 1543557
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>>1542513Thanks for bringing it up but I hate this meme lmao I’m tired of ironic homoerotic shit being funny to straight men. They gay if they watch gay niggas being gay and that’s that.
No. 1543558
>>1543551It's honestly the ultimate indication that these people are privileged Idiots, like the police in my country are corrupt, they take bribes, they commit crimes, they abuse their power and they are mostly shit people but even I know that we still need a police force, my cousin would have been kidnapped and raped if the police hadn't stopped some creep who was stalking her and her family.
like what do these morons want?
No. 1543612
File: 1680961769925.jpeg (108.46 KB, 1200x1178, cde524b9-0622-4500-810b-5c3d5d…)

I hate artificial strawberry flavoured shit. It tastes nothing like actual strawberry, it's just sickly-sweet while real strawberries are a bit tangy and even its natural sweetness tastes different. Artificial strawberry flavour honestly reminds me of 'sweet' cough syrups I used to drink as a child and it only makes me dislike it even more. I know, there might be someone who'll reply with 'nonna if you do this with strawberries, if you do that with strawberries, or if you try strawberries from North Pole, you would realise that it tastes a little bit like the artificial flavour' why are mfs so defensive over their cough syrups but the thing, it's only A LITTLE BIT and even that little bit isn't as sickly-sweet. I just don't get why this artificial flavour is so fucking popular when ordinary strawberries (if you aren't conducting any science experiments on them to defend your cough syrups) doesn't even taste like that.
No. 1543618
>>1542951Feeling someone's hand
and teeth on my butt is the only thing I miss about being in a relationship.
Although I really hate it when a bf touches you sexually out of the blue when you're doing something mundane or it's clear that there's no time to have sex. You're not in a mood, you can't get into the mood, so it just feels weird and inappropriate. Playful buttslapping is another thing, it's ok (in moderation). It's either I'm an utterly dispassionate person, or my ex didn't understand context and acted without any consideration of it. I'm single and I feel like I hate touch in general although it's not exactly true… I just fear that everyone's like that, thinking that they can feel you up whenever they want, like being in a relationship makes them entitled to constantly violate your physical boundaries. I'm not even saying anything about rape, it's out of the question, I'm talking about milder things that I suspect are just considered normal? I'm not going to put up with anything that makes me even slightly uncomfortable but it seems like it makes it impossible for me to have a relationship at all.
No. 1543627
>>1543625All they do is whine whine whine
Never giggle never laugh
No. 1543647
>>1543633More like eating the corn, haha, it wasn't supposed to be too hard but I'd say it was verging on painful just a bit and it was really nice while fingering. Kek I really miss it. I just have a very sensitive butt (only cheeks,
not anus)
No. 1543653
File: 1680965144147.png (22.98 KB, 1296x539, 1680725675994.png)

>>1543627they're all /r9k/-type woe is me self-identifying ""femcels"" who see shadows in every corner and nitpick nonstop and think fun is illegal. They're insufferable and have worse reading comprehension than lolcow (if that were possible). I can't stand cc anymore and I don't know how I tolerated it when I used to post there. If you look through desuarchive cc was mentioned first on /cgl/ then /r9k/ quickly caught it and ran with it so that explains a lot.
>>1543637god YES, today I noticed for the tenth time another batch of innocent replies I made a few months ago have been deleted. So frustrating. I've taken to screencapping and archiving everything I see on cc, especially in /meta/, because odds are it'll be deleted in 2 minutes or a few weeks. Either way it's absurd and shouldn't be happening at all. And a few days ago several posts in /meta/ discussing the post deletion rate were (surprise surprise) deleted by the janny who excused themself with "wait till the raid is over" (pic related, all deleted), but I don't get it - how will deleting relevant meta posts by normal users do anything to the raid? If you want cc to stay quiet during it why not just lock the thread, instead of delete posts? I've said this before but I'm convinced it's bordering on censorship. It's almost like the janny is trying to cover things up so they can continue ruling the board and ignoring the rules. I'd like to see the instructions snail left for mods before she disappeared.
No. 1543666
File: 1680966407478.png (26.11 KB, 1289x436, 1.png)

>>1543661Tinfoil here, but… it feels like they're trying to control the conversation and influence anons's opinions by silencing ones that go against their agenda and amplifying the ones that do. An anon suspected that the mods themselves are participating in infights and deleting posts that btfo them and I haven't seen anything proving otherwise. I made a reply to a post once and another anon replied to the same post. Within 15 minutes both of our posts were deleted, we both reposted them, deleted again, I posted mine for the third time, deleted leaving no replies to the post. I thought about it and as neither of our posts broke any rules the only reason I can imagine is that for whatever reason a janny disliked the posts personally enough to completely erase them. Nobody should be using cc if shit like this is happening but it's not like you can tell the cc users what's going on with their mods. Of course your post will get deleted kek.
No. 1543670
File: 1680967067591.jpg (173.71 KB, 874x916, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg)

>>1543653>they're all /r9k/-type woe is me self-identifying ""femcels"" who see shadows in every corner and nitpick nonstop and think fun is illegal. I made a thread called "the silly thread", designated it as a "fun zone" for people to goof around and have a laugh.
It got deleted, kek
Truly pic related
No. 1543716
>>1543670Because there's no need for a designated silly thread on CC like there is for LC. Since CC is already so general, you would need to target your topic a little more than just "silly thread". LC has threads like that because we are a gossip site first and foremost. There's also already several threads dedicated to memes and shitposting on /img/ so it's a little redundant. If anything I think CC is a lot cosier than LC, but that might be because it moves so slow
>>1543693CC was literally created by farmers several years ago who grew out of the gossip portion of the website. Most miners are oldfag farmers kek
No. 1543850
File: 1680980375892.png (20.31 KB, 897x331, welp.png)

>>1543666I posted in cc's /meta/ asking for a mod or janny to explain the deletions. You don't even need to guess what happened… my post was deleted (of course). It's kind of funny in an odd way and very ironic. I might have gotten a ban too but I can't know for sure because I was using a vpn and different browser. It's whatever. It just pains me that one of few female-only imageboards is corrupted.
No. 1543896
File: 1680984137059.jpg (98.54 KB, 706x925, Screenshot_20230408-155233_Ope…)

>bisexual man troons out
>has a child
>wife divorces him before he trooped (or when he told her who knows)
>made a post about his sister's clothes
>says in a way he's trooning out will help his son and is for his son
Retarded racist scrote
>omg bros don't get married, don't fall in love bros, you gonna Troon out bros, if she never divorced him he'd been a man still! She could've saved him!
Also anyone who knows about Ethan Ralph, does May have implants? Or does Josh not know how breast work and that she had a baby and breast get bigger? He's mentioned twice in a certain tone that May has breast implants, because she was wearing wearing bikini top.
No. 1543922
>>1543911I have no idea, I've seen some post that people weren't taking the news well, even keemstar made a post saying this scrote was getting hate but "its his choice". As if be knows he looks fucking crazy but has to pander. It wasn't even a "brave and stunning" type of thing.
You can tell the tone around this outside of TRA's is, "damn this is sad and retarded" I assume it's because the picture he used.
Usually when scrotes Troon out they show a picture of their face, make up, filtered and smiling, while showing their old picture.
This scrote used a picture where he looked happy/normal in the before but like a sloppy bloated sad mess In the "after". I feel this is the weirdest Troon rollout I've seen.
So I assume people are blaming the white divorcing him because
>She divorced him and drove him crazyOr the TRA version
>She divorced him because he's Trans!I don't know if people are saying that but you know people are weird
No. 1543948
File: 1680988174257.jpeg (79.69 KB, 1200x900, 188470AA-D37F-4510-B34E-92E109…)

I hate hateee these stupid fuckass apple max headphones. Overpriced pieces of garbage I keep seeing them all over my campus anyone who buys them is a consoomer brained moron
No. 1544035
Vegetarian meat. Why not make it vegan? I'm kind of annoyed kek, I see 'plant this plant that' almost everywhere now but there's always eggs or dairy in it. If you're going to pander to a certain crowd why not pander to more? Too bad.
>>1543959Nonna you just gave me an epiphany
No. 1544044
>>1544035Eggs and dairy both make stuff taste good and help with texture. Without them you have to have all types of shit ingredients in it
not that the type of person who eats fake meat would care and it also will taste like shit anyway.
No. 1544080
>>1543266I have such complicated feelings towards this topic. Sorry for the autistic rant ahead.
A lot of people try to use being harassed as some sort of metric for how much of a hot/conventional woman you are and I find it so annoying. Even here when there's an infight there are anons who are like "ur just a jelly uggo. All moids wanna rape me on sight since I'm so sexy~~~ die mad lol"
I've seen women try to gatekeep being harassed and try to make you feel like you should be grateful that anybody gave you the time of day if you don't fit into a certain box because, according to them anyway, being harassed is hot Girls only event.
I have a friend who tries to make herself seem like hot shit by talking about how she gets harassed left and right all the time and it gets so tiring. Guy walking behind her is staring at her ass, guy holding door is hitting on her, old man trying to make conversation is into her yadayada. One day she randomly starts talking about how much guys try to harass her (she tried to do a woe is me kinda thing) and I knew she wanted me to be all like "omg it's cuz ur so sexy goddess queen uguu" and I could tell she was getting frustrated I wasn't doing that.
I think since I'm like a shy, sweet religious girl who doesn't do much to appeal to moids, the thought of them going out of their way to do anything to me doesn't really compute in her (or anybodys) mind, so she shuts me down every time I try to share my experiences. And I feel like it's the same for any woman who is unconventional, not just by how they look but how they behave.
Like look at this anon
>>1544034she's saying nothing happens to weird, unapproachable women but that's wrong. It can happen to any woman and I hate that this is such a prevalent thought because it makes me feel like my experiences don't count or don't matter since it "could never happen to a woman like me" .
Idek where I'm going with this. I think what I'm feeling is that since I'd be thrown in the unconventional category, no matter how many times I get harassed by moids, I can't add them to my "tehee I'm such a hot woman, moids can't keep their hands off me" points which makes me feel "womanless" like the girl in the tiktok is describing.
It makes me think of the movie "To my fat sister". The fat sister gets raped at the end of the film and when the police comes she tells them that she hasn't been assaulted. I don't know if this was the intention of the scene but I read it as her self esteem being so low she will deny any sort of mistreatment from a man and sees her rape as a positive experience since she has been taught that their attention is the be all end all of a woman's existance. Her femininity has been validated by being raped. My looks are "conventional" like the other sister in the movie, but I still see myself in the fat one because she is the "wrong" kind of girl this could happen to. To me, she represents women who are shut down because we should be happy that this happens to us since it's an anomaly. Gosh it breaks my heart even more since the girl was like 14 or something.
Anyways rant over.
No. 1544089
>>1544080nonna I'm
>>1544034 and I was trying to make two separate points. When I said she was lucky, I was referring to catcalling/harassment specifically. Random men making you feel unsafe in public because they get off on making women miserable. I absolutely agree that women are at risk of harassment no matter what they look like and how they act – she is just genuinely lucky she never ran into that kind of man. The "weird and unapproachable" part was referring to flirting/lusting, which I takes as more "normal" types of attraction that women experience within their social circles.
Your friend sounds like a dickhead. Old men are friendly to all kinds of people and it's normal to hold doors open for others. In my experience shy, sweet religious girls are prone to all kinds of bullshit from men, because they know a shy and sweet girl won't defend herself of make a huge scene if he says something vile to her. I don't know why you think you're unconventional though, your description of yourself sounds quite stereotypically feminine. I was an ugly duckling and I actually got hit on by strangers more back then because I was also more shy.
Anyway I felt compelled to reply and clarify my stance because I felt bad I wasn't clear enough, and even more so becuase you mentioned A ma soeur which I haven't seen in like 5 years but which impacted me a ton when I saw it. I think I might watch it again tonight actually. I'll keep your interpretation in mind when I watch it.
No. 1544241
>>1543266All the comments are going on and on about how they feel like they missed out an important facet of womanhood.
Apparently getting harassed is a rite of passage for womanhood, since they didn’t experience it they’re gendies
No. 1544248
File: 1681030811476.jpg (148.07 KB, 1535x1150, foto_no_exif (2).jpg)

I don't get this "harrassment is a measure of women's attractiveness" shit at all.
Men will sexually harass your grandma if they had the chance. Literally anything a woman could possibly do or be is a man's fetish so this harassment measuring contest makes no sense
No. 1544292
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>>1544080>I'm like a shy, sweet religious girlsure, Jan
No. 1544326
>>1544314"nta" sure jan (2)
that nonna is such a sweet shy religious girl but cant help but judge her friend and consider herself superior in every way while trying to look like a saint and painting her friend like a harlot. typical "sweet shy religious girl" behavior.
No. 1544371
>>1544236See what I mean. It couldn't possibly have happened to me because I must be soooo ugly. Men don't rape or harm ugly women
>>1544324That wasn't me
>>1544326I'm judging her because she fabricates things in her head to make herself seem more desirable but doesn't take me seriously whenever anything happens to me
>>1544236I'm sure when they follow those Instagram girls they think wowee I'd loooove to take her to church praise the lord!1!1. They only like us in theory not in real life. We're in 2023 anon, being religious is seen as weird.
>>1544292I added that in because I'm 99% sure that is the reason why what happened to me happened. They knew I wouldn't make a big a fuss or tell anybody and they were right.
You guys love to pretend you're all girl power but whenever any woman comes here to vent about problems in their personal life suddenly it's their fault. How is it my fault my assault isn't taken seriously ffs.
No. 1544379
>>1544371Very religious nice girl of you to write paragraphs dragging your female friend and then cry about us not being female power when you get called out.
Isn't one of the biggest sins of your religion gossiping and thinking badly of others? How can someone claim to be religious and harbor such thoughts of their friend?
No. 1544386
>>1544379Maybe you're upset because you're like my "friend". I didn't drag her, I'm just tired of her constantly invalidating my SA. I'm thinking of dropping her actually. She always goes to me to trauma dump and it's exhausting. Now that I think about it, this is like the 3rd "friend" I've had that acted like this. Maybe my demeanor is the reason why women like her cling to me so hard.
And no gossiping isn't the biggest sin. At least I don't think so anyway.
No. 1544502
>>1544292Kek did u get bullied by someone who was a sweet shy religious girl?
The reactions to this specifically are really weird. I hope some of you grow out of this idea that sexual harassment = compliment . It’s fucking embarrassing
No. 1544507
>>1544502Nta but
>bullied by>nice religious shy girlIf someone's bullying you they're not shy religious or nice anymore.
No. 1544626
>>1544621This depends on the brand I think. I wear 34C on italian brands but in my country's brands I'm a 34B. I have average boobs but my country has the highest obesity in Europe rates so our sizing is bigger while Italy has relatively low obesity.
I never shop at VS because their stuff seems low quality for their price though so I don't know if they changed their sizing.
No. 1544652
>>1544621you realize the bra matrix IS the vanity sizing right? trying to fit a potential 4 billion customers into 35 different sizes by adding inches to the ribcage measurement is vanity sizing, not true sizing.
and this vanity sizing has built a culture on being dismissive to women and girls with large or small breasts. no one small-chested wants to wear a 30D which actually fits them because that's "too big i can't be a D!!" (despite the fact a size cannot be a size without both a cup and a band), and someone else doesn't want to wear a 38GG because "i don't have porn star boobs!!".
no people were not comfortable for decades with the bra matrix. but there weren't any other options, and women would get reductions because of the lack of support they got from the lack of proper sizing. now there are options, and many woman no longer have to go through expensive procedures with results that aren't guaranteed and breast tissue that could grow back. they can go online or walk into a quality shop and find some that fit well and comfortable, relieving themselves of the pressure and discomfort you get from an illfitting bra.
No. 1544685
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>>1544676>30/32 inch ribs>super small ribcage uwuGirl I'm freshly postpartum and still kinda chubby and my ribcage is 30-32 inches. Assume you're not fat or chubby having a 32/30 inch ribcage assuming you're an average weight or lowers that's massive
No. 1544694
>>1544689i love bras
cannot go an hour not wearing one. so comfy and pretty
No. 1544695
>>1544677>a 34DDD/E which is the most common bra sizeThe average bra size in NA is currently DD.
That's because people are larger than they've ever been. In the US alone, 40% of adults are overweight or obese in the US. 15 years ago the average breast size there was closer to a C, and in the 90s it was a B. DDD/E is big. It's average because the people there are bigger too.
>>1544685Being small is not a flex nonna, it's just how I am. I don't like to acknowledge my chest as large because I already have Fashion Coward levels of anxiety when clothes shopping.
No. 1544704
>>1544681I'm like a 30M "technically" but I brought that size at curvy Kate and once of those fancy bra stores and it was just itchy and weird feeling, there was almost no comfortable bras, even with softer fabrics they're typically minimizers which hurt. bras I find are usually softer and plain which is what I like and still have good support
If you're small breasted or even average there no reason you need the exact sizing to the mm unless you just want to blow tons of money to say you have a seemingly large cup size, which let's be honest that's the real reason why small and average busted girls get into bra sizing communities
No. 1544716
>>1544705I mentioned one country, the US. The other was the continent it was in, NA. The US may be notorious for ill-fitting bras, but it's also notorious for the concentration of fatasses, so that has to account for something lol.
>>1544704Bra fitting is about finding undergarments that feel comfortable regardless of size. Nobody is there getting vanity cups. There's no sense in it, even for pickmes since retarded moids consider anything above average to be a D cup.
>>1544709You can be small-framed and have a top hourglass, hourglass, or inverted triangle body shape. It's not that hard to conceptualize.
No. 1544719
>>1544709i consider 30/32 average. 36+ is on either fat or tall or tall and fat, which is to say 26/28 can still be fat but is typically on a smaller frame, but not always. a woman that is 6' wearing a 30 likely has a smaller ribcage and is slim, but a woman wearing 30 on 5'5 is going to look different.
i wish the person that started didn't abandon it and let it die but instead passed it off to someone else. it was an absolutely wonderful resource and put a visual to real sizes.
No. 1544721
>>1544716if the USA, a country of 300 million people, had people wearing fitting bras and wasn't hellbent on living in Victoria's secret or old navy and Walmart and Fredericks, then the average would be 36E or 34F.
Take the average bought size, subtract 4 from the band and add 4-6 to the cup. there is your average size.
No. 1544722
>>1544709I'm sorry but you sound crazy
nonnie. If you care about your child you should get help before you give them BPD. This isn't an insult but genuine concern.
No. 1544724
>>1544685ayrt, if it makes you feel better
nonnie, I just broke out the measuring tape to see that I'm a comfortable 28" now. I hope you weren't this anal about measurements during your pregnancy.
No. 1544898
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I hate it that I'm an owl, honestly. It's one thing when I just stay up late because I absolutely have to do some dumb shit that can't wait for tomorrow for some reason but damn, I simply can't be productive during daytime, I don't know how this works. Surely there's less distraction at night but it's not like I constantly get distracted by something during the day, so I'd say it's more of an illusion and there's no big objective difference between night and day in this sense. And yet it's way easier for me to focus and do things at night, even if I feel sleepy. I don't wanna be a nocturnal creature tho, don't want to sleep at daytime and all that, and I'm too old to have poor sleeping habits.
No. 1544991
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I hate to say this because she seems like a genuinely nice person, but I do not like Lilsimsie's eyebrows. It's easier to see in her videos but they look so weird and I've always noticed it.
No. 1545067
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I hate this new flat graphics aesthetic on TV news. In the past the banners had more shadows and highlights which made it look more interesting. I think the BBC started this trend and news channels in my country have been copying it.
No. 1545158
As of 2021, There are 3,970,238,390 or 3,970 million or 3.97 billion males in the world, representing 50.42% of the world population. The population of females in the world is estimated at 3,904,727,342 or 3,905 million or 3.905 billion, representing 49.58% of the world population. The world has 65,511,048 or 65.51 million more males than females. (
>The world has 65,511,048 or 65.51 million more males than femalesThe way I gagged reading that. That's unholy
No. 1545708
>>1545160kek it's kinda disingenuous to pretend like that's the only thing skewing the ratio. I mean I understand why you'd bring that up but that alone isn't the cause (more males are born but that's due them being genetically inferior and being more prone to dying compared to females, if you don't believe me look it up, males are more likely to die than females at every stage of life). A
huge factor in the skewed sex ratio worldwide is that the two most populated countries in the world (China and India) hate women/girls so much that they have historically practiced female infanticide, and since you can now find out the sex of the baby during pregnancy they're doing sex selective abortions. Men outnumber women in these countries by 70 million. If you think that's natural you're a retard.
No. 1545715
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>>1545711and speaking of southeast asia, bride kidnapping is also common among hmong people, less so than say 70 years ago but still a very high percentage. and it is usually teenagers being kidnapped No. 1545716
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>>1545708Samefag but on the subject of men being more prone to dying, I find it so retarded how men will bring up women's longer lifespans and try to make it about how men are oh so oppressed because they do more dangerous jobs and are treated as disposable or whatever the fuck. These same men will have no problem pointing out biological differences in men and women when it comes to stuff like physical strength, yet when it comes to other stuff like life expectancy suddenly they like to ignore biology. It's pretty funny and also retarded at the same time.
No. 1545871
>>1545845It’s also a comedy lol. People do fire-able shit all the time in sitcoms, it doesn’t mean the writers endorse it all.
But also no one should care about men getting sexually harassed.
No. 1545882
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>>1545845i am willing to bet that the users on there complaining are trannies mad that a masculine body is being sexualized, or fat bastard-looking males that are upset they wasted so many years eating cheetos and playing vidya
No. 1545925
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these are ugly as fuck I can’t stand them and the people who use them are insufferable
No. 1545929
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Kekekk he looks exactly like his fugly drawings
No. 1547065
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I hate this weird, coomer banner. The cow looks uncomfortable and so does the girl and it looks like it was drawn as some gross moidy fetish art.
No. 1547075
>>1547071I hate and feel uncomfortable from all the other coomer banners but
I confess I like the daddy's pork chop one please forgive me Jesus.
No. 1547219
>>1547217Having a soul is highly impractical
t. online marketing """"person""""
No. 1548440
>>1533372Why are they like this
I hate this coomer shit
>ehehehe irl I am so small and uwu but I gave my model big titties No. 1548533
>>1548051Super weird but I also had her randomly suggested for me for weeks despite clicking "Not interested" on any video that popped up.
I'm literally watching farming sims let's plays and fashion videos. WTF is she doing there
No. 1548601
>>1548017this frustrates me so goddamn much and then the gall of the search engines to be like please remove the quote marks because there are no results when you KNOW there are makes me want to blow up. never was this affiliated search feature useful to me
unrelated but i can't even use youtube anymore because my recommendations are all different shit i've watched a million times already, and the ones after i watch a video are the exact same as the ones in the homepage, like wtf? such a fucking useless website. there shouldn't be a "new to you" tab and even that is ass. i feel like i'm an anomaly when it comes to this algorithms or whatever because they can never get me right and just keep repeating the same crap over and over. youtube's now almost unusable (to me), and completely so if you intend on discovering things.
No. 1548623
>>1548604Why would you take One Piece seriously? It's a funny series for kids.
I hate the manga panelling (way too busy and hard to read), I hate the female character designs for obvious reasons, and I wish he would draw proper male muscles but the art style totally fits how silly it is.
No. 1548725
>>1548118in the end they're only hurting themselves, since they're fat. i walk everywhere and stubbornly don't own a car. i have moved apartments without a car, three times. i'm sleek and strong and they're fat pudgeballs who get winded on a quarter mile stroll. reliance on a car is absolutely pathetic. i carry my own groceries home a mile and a half (there are closer stores but that one has the best prices) and it's good exercise that keeps me in shape. owning a car is also a money drain. they spend $800 a month on car expenses and don't even realize it because they can't do basic math.
i hope gasoline goes to $28 a gallon to get them crying. i hate car drivers with a passion.
No. 1548840
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I fucking hate the word ‘based, and also all ‘-oomer’ words e.g zoomer, boomer, coomer etc. I cringe whenever I see them written down or heaven forbid: spoken out loud.
No. 1548890
>>1548725imagine thinking everyone lives in a walkable area kek.
not only that but not everyone lives in a safe area; people get stabbed on public transportation where i live on the regular, women get assaulted, and people get robbed. why the fuck would i want to take the bus when i can safely use a car?
No. 1548954
>>1548935Skinnyshaming is true if you're super skinny or anorexic only. If you're model type of skinny, everyone is loves it but if you're an uggo with a disproportionate boney body, you'll get negative comments on your body constantly.
I've been thin my whole life and didn't get negative comments but I knew a few ugly super skinny girls who got made fun of because their bodies didn't fit the standard.
No. 1549077
>>1548725>i have moved apartments without a car, three timesAll this tells us is that you're a poor who doesn't own furniture worth a damn lmao. Hopefully you're just a self-righteous student?
Yeah it's easy to live the life you do when it's clear you have no obligations or obstacles that would require more of your precious walking time to get things done. It's hard to gauge such bad takes, like are you really a young & dumb so clouded by your own privilege, or are you intentionally this ignorant to how things could possibly be different for other people? Begone.
No. 1549101
>>1549090if your whole family was that way, then the meals being prepared were probably small for everyone. your perception of "large meals" was probably very skewed by this.
it's the same reason fatties who were raised by fatties struggle to eat normal sized portions. they have no idea that what they're eating is a huge amount because it's how they were raised.
No. 1549194
>>1549092no moving service. i moved via public transit 2 of those times, and by walking once. i got a handcart.
i take pride in being self sufficient. i don't need to hire moids to move my possessions for me.
funny that the primary insult you've given me is that i "must be poor" when i guarantee none of you get paid enough to afford my rent. it's mostly the poor parts of the country where people need cars. yet whenever car-clowns reply they always call me poor, what a projection. if you need to own a car where you live, you're the one who is poor. i can walk to one of the best hospitals in the entire country. i can walk to 8 different grocery stores. i'm in biking distance of 3 universities. i can take a train to the international airport. and the biggest insult you can hurl at me is that it might rain while i'm out. oh noooo. meanwhile instead of blowing all my money on a car and having to change oil and clean windows like a peasant, i stacc the cash in my bank and have no stress or concerns in life.
i'm not sure if you're aware of this, but everyone in a trailer park owns a car. good for you.
No. 1549209
>>1549194>funny that the primary insult you've given me is that i "must be poor"Since you're only quoting me, I'd like to say that I'm not the one who said you're poor. Maybe it depends on where you are but moving services are seen as expensive usually and I assumed that maybe you were using them because it's usually a fast means of moving your stuff. I'm considering doing this because I have furniture I would never be able to move with public transport, even with the help of friends, I'm weak and I don't have a car either for similar reasons to yours. Last time I moved to another place it was to follow my family and they used their own car for that, and my boxes of clothes and books were super heavy too, and I'm lazy so I'm gonna pay for guys to bring me my stuff in one trip and be done with it.
>i'm in biking distance of 3 universitiesNo fucking way I'm using a bike to go anywhere in my city, people don't know how to drive there and actively try to run over everyone even if it's a red light for cars. Once I was just crossing the street late at night because I was going back home after a night shift and some guy drove the wrong way, way faster than it's legal and nearly ripped off my leg because he was too busy beating up someone else while driving. I'm not taking that kind of risks, I've seen enough. I wish it were safe to use bikes there though.
No. 1549224
>>1549212They probably don't even want it genuinely, they just love how uncomfortable I get and try to win me over so I'll be willing to play mommy for them, it'll never happen.
>>1549219Not on dating apps, I met them through friends or at college, etc. I told them I wasn't thinking anything serious but they don't care, if I told them I wanted to date to marry, they'd only try to fuck me I bet. Men are retarded and they try to change women's opinions.
And also it's super common in my country for men to chase women and try to marry them kek. It's so weird, a friend of mine had a full on obsessed classmate that kept telling her he wanted her to be his wife even though they weren't even dating.
I did tell them I wouldn't want to marry them and that kind of stuff but it wouldn't stop them from pushing so I broke things off.
I'm sorry for your dating experience anon, men who don't dislose that shit are so retarded and just wasting both of your time.
No. 1549474
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When an interesting or funny topic finally arrives to the ESL side of youtube but each person who covers it only copy and pastes the jokes and exact sentences from the english videos.
No. 1549511
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Try on hauls from women who are in complete denial about their size…like why do you think everything is too small for you? Maaaybe try a size or two or three up?
No. 1549788
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>>1549511Adding, even skinny girls are like this. Come on, size up, that looks like an uti waiting to happen. Looks like her legs are in a tourniquet.
I just want to see how clothes look, REEE stop wearing things too big or too small
No. 1550071
>>1550004Are you really into human males or the idea of men from anime media?
>>1550007That's very normal and falls perfectly into the stakes I set up. Unless you mean "lesbians" who never dated anyone and are not currently trying to date a woman, that's just pretentious shits trying to get an identity status.
My post was made specifically because of a post on /snow/ mentioning "aro-ace lesbian" and how stupid that was as an identity.
No. 1550088
>>1550071Sage for double posting but to elaborate I've known quite a few people in my lifetime like this
>even though I'm a woman who's only dated other women I'm definitely bisexuality because I like [fictional male character]>I'm actually a gay man because [my little pony nonsense]>I'm definitely [whatever the fuck] because I'm into [furry inflation???]It just reminds me of the trans
>I'm a girl/guy because [uses dated stereotype]Like that's not actual proof of anything that's just feelings based on a fetish you cultivated and I'm sick of people insisting it's a
valid identity
No. 1550208
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I think this picture speaks for itself
No. 1550244
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This game. I enjoyed playing it, but I can't deny it is very scrotish. Two siblings trapped in an apartment for months but the girl is still dressing provocatively (artist is 100% a guy so I know it's fanservice), cooking and cleaning for her brother, is very misogynistic towards other women…acts like the stereotypical "BPD gf" scrotes always claim to desire — I dunno. It was fun but I can't deny the gendering of her irritated me. Which is funny because before rf-ism I wouldn't have noticed any of it
No. 1550756
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Ever since I was a kid I've hated the look of flat front school buses. We don't have them where I live but I saw them in American shows and movies.
No. 1550784
>>1550778You forgot
>TrevorAlso I for some reason have had a crush on 5 dudes named Daniel no idea why
No. 1550801
>>1550795So fucking true. My dad is a miserable negative verbally
abusive sack of shit.
No. 1550821
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>>1550810All the trevors are chaotic see:
No. 1550840
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>>1550816I can't put my finger on it but yeah the public transit buses don't bother me. Maybe the rectangle shape as opposed to the circle shape. If they made school buses that look like public transit I wouldn't mind.
No. 1551117
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this man’s mug. How can you look like this and possibly think being a click bait influencer is the career for u. How can men this ugly even dare to show their face
No. 1551524
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okay the youtuber stephanie soo is a guilty pleasure of mine. yeah she is annoying and has a high pitched voice but i love the way she story tells. But her fiance IRKS ME the more i watch their videos. I feel like i have no one to talk to about this because no one watches her that I know because her voice is so ear-piercing and everywhere online except like an old guru gossip thread idolizes both of them and thinks he is this amazing and perfect boyfriend. TBH i used to think this too at the beginning because he really is sweet to her and they are a cute couple. BUT watching their vlogs he irks me to no end.
My BIGGEST gripe with him is Stephanie's entire family and even his entire family have shown their faces in the vlogs and he is usually the cameraman for the videos. Even stephanie's nieces faces are in the vlogs. Whenever he does appear on screen he is always wearing a panda head like pic related. I get it some people are shy/don't want their identity posted online but like this same dude practically shoves the camera in their extended families faces the second they visit. You can tell some members are annoyed by this but they play it off. He is also very stupid like he asks the dumbest questions or when she is clearly telling a story he will shove a piece of food in front of the screen which is super distracting and you can even tell it annoys Stephanie.
He is also just very rude and offputting I can't explain it you have to watch the videos but the things he says that he constitutes as "jokes" are not funny and downright just weird/cruel. Idk it's so annoying to me that he is in every single video with Stephanie but he is literally the only person not exposing his identity. Something about that is just plain fishy to me. He is also always bragging about the extravagant gifts he buys her and is always telling people the cost of everything its so tacky. There was this video of them camping out in their backyard that was super cringe. Stephanie starts crying because she is scared of being outside and he scares her. So because he feels bad at the end of the video he vlogs himself going to the store and buying some designer thing for her. It felt so disingenuous and like a cringey drama. I wanted to slap him. He is so pompous I can't put my finger on it. I wish more people knew wtf i am talking about because I feel so alone in my stupid rage about this panda man. They are getting married in Switzerland soon and if this fucker doesn't show his face or worse wears a panda hat im going to a-log. (not really) but that is such a red flag to me idk why. I sound so unhinged but like he ANNOYS ME SOMEONE RAGE WITH ME OR KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I FEEL LIKE IM SCREAMING INTO A VOID REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 1551541
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Breyer's ice cream is fucking nasty, particularly the vanilla flavour. It tastes like fucking cake icing, way too sweet. I don't know why Americans like their food so sweet.
No. 1551743
>>1551524stephanie soo is also a guilty pleasure of mine although i never shut up about her but I should be more guilty about it. It’s an open secret that a few photos of him show up if you google “stephanie soo fiance”. I’m glad he doesn’t show his face, I think it’s better he’s off screen and he should talk less too. I’m not caught up on her vlogs and I don’t think too much into their relationship but I didn’t like him much at first, now I mostly tune him out. I’m chinese american and was raised with no culture so what he adds about China is interesting to me.
I like Stephanie as a person and i love the way she tells stories but true crime as fun entertainment feels vile. But I believe she is changing that with her new content. The recent podcast episode where she went in depth about domestic violence statistics against pregnant women was kinda hard to listen to and not because she was making dick jokes about Korean corn dogs during it.
I like to imagine in a parallel universe she’s a history sperg and I actually learn so much from her
No. 1551816
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Hate that all fighting game tech, combos etc are locked behind fucking Discords or Twitter these days. It was so much easier when you had proper forums like Dustloop you could access without accounts and naturally, troon drama.
It's depressing seeing all these clearly autistic men in fighting games and shit like speedrunning trooning out. Like I can't even watch AGDQ anymore, they fucking banned the only funny, entertaining runners and have a "women's" event which is, predictably half troons.
You've got a furry wearing a really gross blue fur hat winning major tourneys, Sonicfox (pic related), who spews the usual "uwu trans rights!" shit to get asspats. Then there's Cosmo/Narcissa Wright who instead of speedrunning, cries about /v/ mocking him on stream now, pretty sad watching his chat encourage his delusional behavior, even if he is a horrific looking troon.
I just loathe all this performative social justice shit that male gamers will not stfu about, they barely even talk about the games their servers are for lol. It's all just college kids with 3000 hours in single games ranting about terves and crypto fascists, seen some people get the boot just for saying they were centrist, so clearly they must be some ebil /pol/tard trying to radicalise other autists. Discord's such a hassle, nonnies…
No. 1551919
File: 1681717053323.jpg (90.82 KB, 1200x1500, ugly.jpg)

I know I'll get shit for this, BUT - dyed red hair. I'm not talking about the "natural ginger" looking dyed hair. More specifically the darker shades with weird undertones, or even the brighter unnatural looking ones. I love dyed hair and I don't mind unnatural colors, but these shades of red specifically are so fucking ugly and look incredibly tacky on everyone.
No. 1551966
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>>1551955I was a trashy teenage girl and had this color hair
Its red wine/burgundy/cherry coke color and think it's a pretty color in theory but I also don't like seeing it as a hair color because I think it has just been so overdone maybe? It was so incredibly popular at a certain point, Rihanna, Ariana grande, kylie jenner, lots of Tumblr girls had it
It looks cheap to me now for some reason, maybe because it can have a muddy look to it, it also seems a lot of Mexican girls dye their hair this color idk why
No. 1551979
File: 1681726585228.jpg (35.34 KB, 736x410, Chels.jpg)

>>1551966>it also seems a lot of Mexican girls dye their hair this color idk whyI don't know either. Apparently it's a meme similar to the "
toxic Latina gf" meme some get brainwashed into.
>>1551919>>1551966kek this reminds me of Chelsea from Teen Mom 2.
No. 1552031
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>>1551979Roberta revival?
No. 1552040
>>1552038slay it
nonny, I bet you look amazing
No. 1552165
>>1551937I associate burgundy hair
exclusively with mature women as most women I see with that colour are. So I when I see it on a younger woman it I don't like it as it automatically makes her look older. It's like seeing an old-fashioned perm on a teen, it just doesn't fit and makes them look 50.
An exception to that is really short burgundy hair, like a boy cut or bob. These look alternative, not old.
No. 1552208
File: 1681751432770.jpg (78.02 KB, 673x673, download.jpg)

My only contribution to this conversation is that I love all shades of red dyed hair (or natural, but I'm partial to dyed). I was a copper-ish red, similar to picrel, a few years ago and I've been itching ever since to go back to that color.
No. 1552211
File: 1681751447503.jpg (104.7 KB, 1284x1480, Screenshot.jpg)

I already want to cancel my subscription
No. 1552212
>>1552203>>1552207>"confirmed jealous of poor mexicans!"anon, be honest. do you even believe the words you're typing?
also kek im not middle class or a poorfag. cope and seethe. sorry about your unfortunate hair color, i didn't know it would make you fly into a rage
No. 1552216
File: 1681751588298.jpg (79.7 KB, 740x1200, download (1).jpg)

>>1552208Samefag but to me this is the perfect color. That "cherry coke" color another anon posted above is also pretty. I think red is a very universally good hair color, it looks beautiful on anyone.
No. 1552240
File: 1681752479917.jpg (479.69 KB, 2048x1365, Rev. Jennifer Stephens stands …)

>>1552231You're the only one raging in this thread anon. Just leave, close the page, you've embarrassed yourself enough.
No. 1552250
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>>1552244damn anon I'm mexican too and she didn't call u a
beaner chill
No. 1552257
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It's a good thing this infight over hair colour isn't happening irl
This is how I imagine it going down
No. 1552261
File: 1681753248853.gif (3.29 MB, 498x407, D11D15BC-E438-49F5-8EC6-3A6B17…)

You are all retards.
No. 1552262
File: 1681753272568.jpg (63.16 KB, 500x500, c.jpg)

the nonnas raging at red hair and calling it basic (also being randomly racist ew) probably have this color, egg yellow, with months of roots calling for a retouch and the tips quenched for some hydration. get yourself checked before you criticise others kek
No. 1552265
File: 1681753414276.jpg (261.24 KB, 1080x1857, tumblr_e399252945d4546e2025993…)

this is so dumb, why do zoomers have to make everything into a weak aesthetic
No. 1552277
>only pornsick moids like red hairWhat. Do you guys not feel crazy saying this stuff?
No. 1552280
>>1552271they're trolling you, retard. welcome to LCF
>>1552270this is dumb. women are allowed to like red hair. who cares what pornsick men like?
>>1552278literally no one will take this seriously, how new are you
No. 1552281
>>1552271I didn't see the og discussion, yeah that sounds racist. I thought it was about white women with the ugly orange dyed hair.
>>1552277>>1552275Most normies don't like dyed hair if it's not brown, black or blonde regardless of gender tbh. Maybe lesbians wouldn't mind dating a woman with dyed hair but most men I know avoid women with dyed hair that's unnatural. If you watch videos of women talking about how different they get treated with different hair colors, you'll understand what I mean.
No. 1552294
>>1552270 and I lowkey agree. Red hair looks super trashy on lighter complexion but black and brown women suit it good, especially if it's a dark or muted red. I still hate how it looks on women with lighter complexion though it just looks super trashy.
No. 1552298
File: 1681754253429.png (33.12 KB, 390x280, BALD.png)

I hate all hair. BALD SUPREMACY!
No. 1552305
>>1552280You literally got trolled and
triggered so badly by the words "fat" and "jealous" that you responded with racist fanfiction, you have no room to talk kekkk
No. 1552306
>>1552286yes, you obviously do, learn not to
>>1552294red hair looks best on black women. white gingers look like orange trash, i don't even understand why pornsick moids are into them but they can have them.
>>1552298i'm all for bald women but i just associate baldness with the large number of moids who go bald against their will.
>>1552265Jodi isn't a femcel, she's like the anti-femcel.
No. 1552309
File: 1681754588993.jpg (26.18 KB, 329x516, Lenin-1895-mugshot.jpg)

>>1552299Anon, you can elongate your face with this elegant stylish solution
No. 1552318
>>1552305>youma'am i like red hair, don't involve me in your infight thanks
>>1552307this, plus we already know men will fuck anything
>>1552313half the ones they've seen in videos aren't even natural redheads so i don't really understand their dumb logic
No. 1552332
>>1552319Nta and most people I've seen have ugly red hair are white women whose hair looks like it's washed like once a week. I know brown women with red hair and theirs don't look musty somehow? Maybe it's because they don't bleach it and just dye on top of their brown hair so less damage.
>>1552321Yeah dying your hair bright unnatural colors needs the kind of upkeep most people with dyed hair cant keep up with because most people whose hair is dyed to such colors are mentally ill to a degree.
>>1552323You don't need to take things this personally. Those colors get people staring regardless of looks, though it's usually not to admire your beauty.
No. 1552340
>>1552334I have natural dark blonde hair but I don't see how it's related to me disliking unnatural colors? Would I not be allowed to dislike red hair if I had brown hair? And you're acting like most girls who dye their hair red don't have natural brown hair, kek. Having brown hair isn't an issue unless you obsess over it and fry it.
>>1552335Yeah agree %100.
No. 1552346
File: 1681756152078.png (Spoiler Image,173.39 KB, 538x862, IMG_9777.png)

>>1552336I'm not the only one in the thread nonners
>>1552337Pardon the frizz, was raining pretty hard ♥
>>1552340Ok, post your hair
No. 1552366
>>1552361moids try to turn
"uptalk" into a solely female fault but it's actually performed by both men and women when you're explaining something to someone. it's basically looking for confirmation of "are you understanding me" without directly saying it. No. 1552562
>>1552355You saw it on here, probably around last month. Or the month before that. Or the one before
No. 1552584
File: 1681772084729.webm (847.43 KB, 382x270, TXlzcoCERo_tIHVH.webm)

>Margaret Atwood comparing the people of Ukraine to troons
No. 1552601
File: 1681773655354.jpg (29.84 KB, 400x400, 1524615022453.jpg)

>>1552584she couldn't even pretend she wasn't reading from a script
No. 1552787
>>1552775It was one reply, barely an "infight". And in actual infights there are plenty of anons who don't sage.
Anyway, here's an actual contribution: I hate when anons try to use saging as a gotcha in off topic boards because it kind of just makes them look like an overcompensating newfag themselves (even if you're not) and like they didn't actually have anything to say but wanted to reply.
No. 1552853
>>1552787Not any of those anons but I think if you're having an argument and bump the thread on purpose, it's probably because you want to stir shit and make as many people as possible join in.
That being said, there's nothing wrong with not saging otherwise.
No. 1552886
File: 1681786569700.jpeg (260.02 KB, 1013x1272, 69EADF09-CDD3-4634-8A65-5253E7…)

>>1552782Prince Stolas is a mighty fine demon
No. 1553050
>>1552265>Using Tumblr makes you a femcel>Being short makes you a femcel>Having long hair makes you a femcel>Being pale makes you a femcel>Wanting to dye your hair makes you a femcel>Having had braces makes you a femcel>Having trust issues makes you a femcel>Wearing those big glasses that are pretty popular right now makes you a femcel>etc.What the fuck are these people on? Plenty of popular girls and normie women with an active sexual life fit these criteria.
I have a feeling that the collage/tweet was made by a seething incel who was offended by all the (accurate) chinlet collages. This pic reeks of moid sharing his fetish for long-hair brunette women with glasses kek. Like half of those women have nothing to do with "femcel", whatever that means.
And speaking of which, I hate the term "femcel" so fucking much because you never know what people mean by it. It could either mean man-hating radfem or desperate virgin pickme, which I'd say are mutually exclusive.
No. 1553056
>>1553050Those are criminal women who had weird social lifes. One made a man rape his mother, one murdered her ex, another also killed someone.
They're not femcels though, they're juet criminals.
No. 1553109
>>1553075If a woman helps a man rape another woman, she's criminally involved in the case. If a mother had known a man was raping her child and only encouraged her, she'd be guilty for example.
It's mostly his fault but she's not fully as innocent. Would you forgive a woman if she encouraged a man to rape you and then laughed about the rape with him? Don't think so.
No. 1553114
>>1553109Nta but you're fucking retarded holy shit. Some edgy retard online saying dumb shit is not "helping rape". No one holds moids at gunpoint and forces them to rape women, it's 100% the moid's fault.
You need to get some fresh air for real.
No. 1553301
Crypto terfs, such as myself. Acting like repentant sinners for it makes the ones willing to speak against the grain into unrepentant sinners.
But I see why nobody wants to.
>>1553209Are the middle class men any better?
No. 1553670
File: 1681865524804.png (798.76 KB, 678x665, (@glamgio_nyc) • .png)

I hate the way this woman talks in her videos. It's like a sequence of jumpscares, plus sometimes she activates a Dylan Mulvaney kind of energy.
No. 1553848
>>1553194I 100% truly believe Michele should be set free. Dude got a whole ass documentary about his girlfriend who he only met like once or twice irl made him kill himself and she wasn't even there.
As if moids don't constantly screw up women's mental health enough to the point of suicidalness? My ex brought a girl he was cheating on me with when I severally injured myself through a suicide attempt caused by his abuse and I sure as hell never got a documentary, nevermind the fact men usually abandon or find women's suicidal feelings as a way to further abuse them but it happens to a man once and everyone loses their shit
No. 1553877
File: 1681898570695.jpg (67.74 KB, 763x785, a88f5-16735330711966-1920.jpg)

I refuse to believe a moid that admitted to grooming a 14 yr old is a victim. The fact people are seeing Priscilla as the bad guy is astounding
No. 1553878
>>1553848>why didn't I get a documentary?Because you're not a man who got manipulated by an evil evil woman obviously. Men are poor innocent creatures that can easily be manipulated by the evil women into suicide but if a man abuses a woman, she definitely "deserved" it.
That's the mindset people have, at least. That's why although most women who get severely beaten by their husbands don't get justice, insulting a man is enough for you to get punished as a woman.
I hope you're doing better now and he gets what he deserves. He sounds so disgusting, hope he catches something from the women he fucks.
No. 1553899
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>>1532076Something is so particularly cringe and icky to me when people refer to women's abdominal area as "wombs". Out of all the names you could've called or organs under it (usually intestines mind you, uteruses do not go up that high unless the woman is pregnant), you called it the "womb"? It just feels like a weird evolution of misogyny type deal about how we no longer have tummies, bellys, stomachs, abdomin, etc but just walking and talking incubators for babies
No. 1553922
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Actually nevermind, I googled it. Wtf is this cringy shit
No. 1553955
>>1553922This is an appalling look into the psyche of the coom brain. Look how he writes about liquefying fetuses and destroying fetus eggs. And lol at the animalistic one. Gave her too much agency there to act as an animal she herself identifies with, have to tack on that last part.
They are worse than a monkey. Millions of synapses firing over this crap, and they claim to be the rational and enlightened sex lmao
No. 1554004
>>1553946A simple line break in a wall of text isn't reddit spacing. Some people make their posts stick out by hitting enter every time they have a new thought, which gets them called out for it. I've seen posts with less than a couple hundred words take up an entire 4k monitor.
>>1553946Responding like this
>for exampleis retarded. It make some posters very obvious.
No. 1554050
>>1554004Which I absolutely get and agree with, that type of spacing is annoying, but say for example I’m talking as I am now and I’ve finished my thought process.
Now I’ve thought up another thing, brought that up, but without a doubt if I do it more than once in my replies I get:
>go back to redditDefinitely doesn’t happen all the time but like someone else said, newfags see it and toss it around as if using the lingo helps them blend in.
No. 1554119
>>1554090I've been seeing that shit all over. I ran into a massive thing of like hundreds of women straight admitting to door dashing McDonald's 3 times a day (and not tipping either) and it's supposed to be relatable or unbothered or something and it was sickening. You know they can't even afford it either and are likely just digging up credit card debt for fucking MCDONALD'S. If you're gonna get fat why not get fat off of quality food, or just anything else but McDonald's what the fuck
Another ones are those who normalize being shit moms "yeah I let my kids watch coco melon all day while I ignore them and feed them chicken nuggets from the floor and they just drink cokes all day" like what? There's so many varieties of educational channels for children and healthier microwave options for kids that you couldn't even be bothered to give half a shit about what is going on in your kids mind and body?
No. 1554125
>>1554090Most young diabetics are type one which has nothing to do with insulin resistance that's how type two works. In type one, the immune system attacks your insulin producing cells and lowering your insulin production so eating bad or good doesn't change the likelihood of someone being diagnosed with type one diabetes.
I don't know if it's type one for her but chances of a young person getting type two is very very low so, yeah.
No. 1554299
>>1554258Don't engage, or agree with them flat out. Stare them dead in the eye and one-up their bullshit. When it's a social place and their retardation is reaching critical levels, I like to list everything I've been accused of and end by saying that I eat babies and that I murdered JFK. That's ridiculous enough to diffuse any tension the sealion has caused and makes them look more retarded.
If you're in a private setting, punch them.
No. 1554518
>>1553911It's not defending a pickme to recognise a man chose to rape his mother and was not forced, as
>>1553861 explains. Ultimately, saying chris chan was forced is defending a rapist and absolving him of his guilt.
No. 1554533
File: 1681950747098.png (92.97 KB, 1864x391, kiwi.png)

>>1554518Samefag, but even kiwifags recognise he wasn't forced and they blame women for everything kek.
No. 1555251
File: 1682015986630.jpeg (75.05 KB, 828x1129, Plagued Moth Wife 03.jpeg)

>>1555239Pretty much, they look like the average reddit couple tbh. It also looks like they have a thread on kiwi for the other anons asking.
No. 1555270
>>1555245When do you like to socialize? Like what do you like to talk about, do you do better in group-settings or
No. 1555298
>>1555254I fucking hate this, it's condescending when you're comfortably quiet and someone makes it their mission to 'get you out of your shell" . Reminds me of highschool where I used to get picked on, but the most offensive thing that happened was when a popular girl came up to me at lunch and sat next to me, said "oooooh what did you bring to lunch today" like she was talking to a special needs kid.
I know its well-intentioned but holy fuck
No. 1555334
>>1555327I really don't see how it's condescending, these kids made an effort to include you, that's actually very thoughtful.
You're really making something sweet into something bitter for no reason.
No. 1555425
>>1555334I guess it's something you have to see for yourself to understand. I didn't want to hang out with people who weren't doing it for fun but because they secretly pitied me and assumed some crazy shit about me just because I was reading books I liked. And I'm not the only one who think it's condescending, see this post
>>1555298 because people used to truly think I was clinically retarded just because I wasn't talking to everyone all the time, just like this anon described one time when someone talked to her like she was a dumbass.
No. 1555483
>>1554934Nasty weed smells nasty, but also those kids were very likely smoking blunts of spliffs. Both of which have tobacco. Tobacco mixed with weed is noxious even if it’s good weed (and ew why would anyone mix good weed with tobacco). Weed can also smell like shit if it’s being smoke out of a nasty dirty piece.
>>1555246If you’re smoking decent weed and not smoking spliffs/blunts and not using dirty filthy pieces chances are you don’t stink. As long as you don’t do those things, all you need to do is brush your teeth/chew some gum and wash your hands and you’re not gonna stink.
No. 1555587
File: 1682033509123.jpeg (60.26 KB, 828x1018, EE318EB7-96B5-4800-A864-13AE4A…)

People often conflate the quizzes and AI written article side of buzzfeed with the actual investigative news side. I enjoyed a lot of their articles, they did a few great entertainment and tech exposes and even won a Pulitzer for one of their pieces which I believe was on the Uyghur genocide. This is very sad to hear
I feel bad for the journalists who did investigative work who now have to pack up and find a job elsewhere thanks to this liquidation. I also feel bad they were routinely dismissed by potential readers because of the Buzzfeed name. Like Buzzfeed Unsolved, BF News was actually good media output from an otherwise disgraced brand.
No. 1555950
>>1555939My big sister would also make fun of anything I liked to the point where I don't like small talk about hobbies with strangers to this day… and now that she's 30 she actually likes some of the anime I liked long ago and she begged me to talk about how Death Note is sooo good with her a few weeks ago as if she didn't make fun of me for reading it in middle and high school. Same shit when we were kids and she would make fun of Britney Spears to imply that I have shit taste in music, but I saw once that she was playing
Toxic on loop nonstop in secret on her MP3 once and I wanted to whoop her ass like I never did before.
No. 1556162
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I hate it when people say shit like "if you bullied a special ed kid it was on sight" or some other iteration of that to get clout on the internet. I know your ass sat there and did nothing about it.
No. 1556543
>>1556529NTA but there's also the term USians.
>>1556525Americans only really began to call themselves that around the 19th century. Before that, there were different proposals such as Columbians (the US would occasionally be referred to as Columbia). Really, why should we be expected to change our languages to fit your worldview but you can't even tolerate one joke about how you took the name of the whole western hemisphere for yourselves?
No. 1556705
>>1556575I kind of agree but only if they're in a country that doesn't have an employment problem. In my country, most people who work in supermarkets, restaurants or work as cleaners are college graduates. I even knew this one woman who worked as a cleaner in a hospital and she had two college degrees so this logic isn't %100 correct in all cases.
BUT I do agree that people who do this shit in first world countries are trashy.
No. 1556726
>>1556317it used to be pretty common on tumblr to reply with "this" but it got mocked for being pointless so people stopped doing it. I always get thrown aback when I see people use it on reddit because it was a problem tumblr users managed to nip in the bud.
I also hate when people just reply with a skull emoji
No. 1557002
>>1556986It sounds silly so it's a good joke name
But USAmerican sounds totally normal to me, it's just short for United States American. You know, a person from the United States of America.
No. 1557074
File: 1682194665615.png (11.7 KB, 635x384, WB5I6aO.png)

>broken, stupid thoughtless zombie
Says the gendie retard that's following a dumbass tranny trend. I hate how these freaks invade everything and can only talk about their mental illness. So happy they are sterilizing themselves.
No. 1557387
File: 1682228594339.png (664.96 KB, 1241x1714, Ft8KMxIWwAEw.png)

>Diver and television personality Tom Daley and husband Dustin have welcomed their second son Phoenix to the world
No mention of the surrogate mother who carried the baby and actually gave birth
No. 1557444
File: 1682241367833.jpg (20.61 KB, 615x409, seagull.jpg)

Kill it with fire
No. 1557533
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>>1557510The only man I believed when he said he had got PPD is Phoebe Waller-Bridge's ex
No. 1557548
File: 1682264122543.jpg (250.68 KB, 1080x1958, Shut up cuck.jpg)

I fucking hate cal arts style and no amount of 'oogaa booga you just hate it because it's popular you contrarian!' cope thrown at me will change it. It's ugly and that's it. And I don't care that there 'isn't a SINGLE cal arts style duhhh' either. You know well what we have in mind when we throw this term around so don't fucking pretend like you don't know what we're talking about. You're a cuck if you defend this. You will always be a cuck. Western animation is dying because of cucks like you. I don't give a fuck about what you think and I don't give a fuck about your school for rich, postmodern cucks. And even if you didn't graduate from that school, but still spread this art style, you're just as guilty. The succulents on your a e s t h e t i c s desk have more personality than you and your art.
No. 1557559
File: 1682265118799.jpg (86.18 KB, 1080x763, 0c6db6c40c68597e774636acfc4305…)

I like Eren, but I absolutely hate that he attracts so many cringy male fans. I loathe it. Sometimes I want to say that he was wrong just to spite them.
No. 1557586
File: 1682266476043.jpg (105.8 KB, 1280x720, pjimage-2022-02-02T224757.982.…)

>>1557568Idk sis, maybe because nature is also evil and full of rape and cannibalism and all of this was evidentnly designed by some evil demiurge who put us into this realm for teh lulz and tortures us and other animals with a magnifying glass? I would destroy life for eternity if that could stop the karmic cycle. Eren was such a retard for not even exploring the possibility of upgrading himself onto the higher level, like the realm of ideas or whatever is the realm that the supposed "god" who created this place resides in, and confront this idea of god and beat the shit out of it. I saw a video of a predator eating a baby antelope while it was still connected to its mother with an umbilical cord. All she could do was to watch her child being eaten alive, moments after it came out of her womb, still connected to her. Only intelectually cucked, lizard-brainded natalist could look at this and say this creation is good or even neutral, and there isn't something fundamentally wrong and loathsome with it. I would unleash my super retard rage upon this creation if I had the fraction of power Cuckren had.
No. 1557591
>>1557559I like his character arch and story. Male fans always ruin interesting characters by idolizing them and comparing their own "oppression" of not getting laid to a character who went through actual traumatic events as if the two are even remotely similar. Go to any comment section on YouTube below a video that shows The Rumbling and there's dozens of men typing out their revenge fantasies about pulling an Eren Yeager one day.
Only women should be able to enjoy revenge plots since men aren't capable of being normal about them.
No. 1557601
File: 1682267929176.jpeg (33.45 KB, 600x900, IMG_3444.jpeg)

>>1557586omg ur sooooo schizo basedpilled
No. 1557625
I hate sweeping the floor. I'm not that unorganized, I don't own enough stuff for things to become that messy to begin with but the thought of having to touch a broom and remove dust and hair from the floor just fills me with dread.
>>1557618Cute edgy black pilled nonna.
No. 1557792
File: 1682285557613.png (9.41 KB, 724x574, insane.png)

Holy fuck i'm so tired uf tifs shitting on other women and fujos over their precious faggots. Gay men don gaf about them and dont consider them men, they're and even worse brand of "fetishizing homosexuality" when they actually phisically try to change their entire body to fullfil their desires of being a totes cool not silly girl gay imaginary idea of a manman.
I might hate them but their self hating is stronger
No. 1557867
>>1557792don't get mad anon. comfort yourself knowing they will never be happy and must go on insane rants like that to feel better about themselves
>>1557802very few animals do things out of sadistic enjoyment. a lizard is just eating food. dolphins and primates and shit are the ones who love to torture things and start wars
No. 1558041
>>1557792Whats a tif?
Also agreed, anti-fujo soap-box-standing cock-suckers and their wretched karen'ing over "but muh fetishism!1" over fictional character is annoying and rancid
No. 1558137
File: 1682308799472.jpeg (58.85 KB, 701x438, images - 2023-04-24T125919.440…)

>>1557714nonna boomers are 60+, millennials are the weebs in their 30s and the 45+ are gen x. There are no weeb boomers
No. 1558166
File: 1682314290786.jpeg (48.78 KB, 452x828, 2945AA9D-30BC-42BD-9EA6-295F82…)

I hate this fat tranny so much. He centers his entire personality around being a hamplanet and having a large stomach and small hank hill ass. Even when they’re fat you can still tell they gain weight like men.
No. 1558168
File: 1682314692801.jpeg (32.17 KB, 750x308, D69F631C-BE92-4308-BE63-512B54…)

I hate moid cesspools like ifunny and boards like /fit/ but it is refreshing to see so many anti tranny memes and lots of people supporting being anti-tranny. Makes me feel less depressed about what’s going on
No. 1558175
File: 1682316079364.jpeg (10.71 KB, 260x260, bumper sticker.jpeg)

>>1558137nayrt, yeah I assume nona meant millennials. My dad is a weeb boomer though. In his 60s, growing up he and I would watch azumanga diaoh and read yotsuba. He'd also find fun manga for me to read as a kid, like neko ramen and sugar sugar rune. I think he got his weebness from imageboards in the early 2000s. Loves asian food, made me take chinese classes with him, and he's been learning vietnamese for years. He's a great dad and I love him very much, even if he's blasting serbian folk music from his car with exactly picrel as a bumper sticker. We are white from the midwest, and shockingly he does not have yellow fever, he just loves his 2000s animes/mangas. If any nonas are curious, besides azumanga/yotsuba, his favorite series that we read together is Twin Spica.
No. 1558352
File: 1682346002679.png (6.81 KB, 466x207, sassy gay winnie the pooh reta…)

Whoever the fuck this is shitting up /g/ lately.
No. 1558454
File: 1682353280792.png (8.82 KB, 199x295, hate.png)

Worst plant in cloud gardens, hardly spreads yet stays in the way of other plants growing.
No. 1558669
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No. 1558687
File: 1682368215051.jpg (65.68 KB, 612x552, ellen degeneres is 5'10.jpg)

>>1558673It's a way for literal men in dresses to project their insecurities on the people they want to be the most. Stop swallowing delusional bullshit.
No. 1558808
>>1558669so sorry
nonny, I hope the pain lessens quickly
No. 1558823
>>1558644The endless “I’m not pretty enough” women feel is the result of silly beauty standards warping your self perception. Men call each other hons to mentally distance themselves from how they’re all perceived. It’s literally impossible to be a “cishon”, trannies wish being tall or not applying makeup well made women look like them.
>>1558656I guarantee your idea of masculine women, including yourself are still considered beautiful by the average man and trannies alike. Self deprecation can be addictive but this is just more miserable men negging women, don’t waste your energy taking anything incels say to heart.
No. 1558834
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i hate coomers.
No. 1559192
>>1559189We used to use king as a compliment in highschool after a male friend did something for us/did something good like carried a girls stuff or got a high score on an exam.
I've seen it get used in misogynistic way and I hate that shit tbh. A man isn't a king for hating women, he's a king if he's successful or does stuff for others.
No. 1559340
>>1559250Not that anon, when you think about it, usually it’s the moids who gossip to hell and back and who also make sure there’s physical bullying added to the psychological bullying.
Are schoolgirls often pickmes? Yes, they join in with the moids because they want to get picked and because they’re afraid of going through what you’re going through.
But at least girls my age, in my particular, personal case, would just isolate me, moids would try to pick fights with me, hell, one time a gay moid was the one who basically commanded another girl to fight me.
The younger girls were definitely more bold and would try to mock me, but they would also just drop it and would never get close to me again.
At least with help you can recover from getting bullied as a teenager or child, but recovering from getting raped or hurt by a moid isn’t easy and murder is irreversible.
No. 1559402
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>>1559340Hey, no offense, but I feel like what you said might come across as dismissive to people who've dealt with bullying. I went to this all-girls school, and let me tell you, some of those girls made my life a living hell. I know it's not the same as being abused by men, but it can still mess you up emotionally. And, like, some folks might argue that emotional abuse isn't even real abuse, but I think it's worth considering how it can leave a lot of trauma/
No. 1559432
>>1559402aw nonie dont worry. im the original poster and i definitely get that girls (especially at that age for some reason) can be cruel. im sorry you went through it. i wasnt trying to say women are saints and what they do is not that big of a deal. i was just disaggresing with what is being said in the video.
hope you recover from whatever those girls did to you. dont worry nona, i havent personally gone through that kind of bullying but i know it exists and fucks up with people.
No. 1559480
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Annoying trannies, and the “memes” and “jokes” they make about their girldicks. Trannies talk about their dicks just as much (if not more) as normal men
No. 1559678
I hate people talk in movies/games with a certain vibe, like Life Is Strange or Until Dawn. I hate snarky teenager talk in movies, it's never realistic.
Normal Teenager asking their mom can they go to the movies
>Ma/Mum/Mommy can i go to the movies on thursday?
Movie Teenager-
>walks into the room with perfectly made up make up, dyed shiny hair, either dressed comically on the nose for their snarky emo personality (Jean jacket with skull pins). Walks over to beautiful mother cutting some shit on a cutting board.
>Folds arms staring at her before sighing
>Mother- "Oh you scared me, whats up honey?"
>Movie Teenager- "I scared you? You scared me with the way you are chopping those carrots" Makes quirky face, "Anyway, Me and Jasmine want to catch a movie, can we go? I know it's a school night and I got a D On my math test and my room isn't clean, but I promise you, I'll give you my soul and first born if I can go-"
Like shut the fuck up.
No. 1559788
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I liked the dolls as a kid, but holy shit the Bratzillaz webseries… which I get is typical low quality children's animation, but they expect us to believe this is supposed to be their version of Sasha and Yasmin…
No. 1560056
>>1560054Part of the problem with bullying is no one wants to be the one to step in and stop it. Teachers usually ignore it and administration applies the stupid zero tolerance policy that punishes the
victim. Look up the bystander effect I think it explains the mindset of people who ignore obvious bullying. The rest of the time if it makes you feel better a lot of bullies don't go on to do well in life. The wealthier more athletic students do ok in life but they aren't usually the biggest bullies the biggest bullies are the trashy kids with behavioral issues or drug issues. The good news is you can always improve yourself after highschool because the girls who peak in highschool look old and fat by 30.
No. 1560116
>>1560062>becky commenting on your crusty skin isn't bullyingKek I made a confession that a girl with disgusting skin was harassing me and that I found her disgusting, a bunch of anons attacked me for making fun of her looks.
I don't understand why anons act like women aren't allowed to be mean. Like I get it most posters were bullied as kids but like they're acting like them getting called ugly by some 12 year old girl is more traumatizing than the shit women go through because of violent men.
No. 1560130
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>>1560116Nobody's claiming it's worse or anything, but being made fun of constantly and being told you're worthless for years definitely messes with your mental well being. Even years afterward It can make it tough to feel comfortable around others because you're always gonna have this feeling deep down that everyone secretly dislikes you
Vidrel is about the lingering effects Bullying can have even into adulthood.
No. 1560136
>>1560116Women are allowed to be mean but don't act like
other women are so wrong when they call you out for how you treat them. Actually, you all get upset when people point out that other women can be awful and aren't always good people. No one has to have solidarity with people who insult or abuse them just because they're also female.
No. 1560682
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i HATE horses
No. 1560707
>>1557519for reddit i suggest this site to browse
No. 1560739
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>>1560640I hate tall fat men. My family is really tall, and when you're that tall, you have to eat a ton of food just to gain a little bit of weight. I can't even imagine how much those lard-asses must eat to get so fat at their height.
No. 1560828
>>1560739I saw a reddit post lately where a guy was asking for advice on losing weight. He said he never goes below 3,000 cals a day but he's tall and a man so 3,000 cals is the absolute minimum that any tall man could survive on? People who knew their shit were weighing in saying he def needs to cut his cals well below that amount and he just kept replying "but I'm a man and tall"
Imagine thinking you're in starvation mode by just going under 3000..
No. 1560846
>>1560832He thought he was already in some crazy cal deficit by eating 3000/3200 a day. Couldn't understand how he was gaining. He also thought him having a job where he does more than just sit around meant that he was burning crazy cals per hour. On par with the most intense workouts.
The only replies he wanted to hear were about getting his thyroid tested. Nobody doing the math could get him to listen.
No. 1560929
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I hate when women subject themselves to nasty, dirty scrotes like this. And still have sex with them knowing that they constantly have shit in their pants or leave shit marks on the couch. I constantly see this online, women asking advice on how to get their dirty moids to clean themselves. Get some self respect and LEAVE
No. 1560948
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I'm not close to my 30s yet but it's annoying as hell seeing anons repeat "omg she's 30!? She's so old"
It's the biggest pick me behavior
Because we all know age only matters to them when it comes to showing off to men because no other woman that has self respect cares about aging.
Then they wonder why men talk shit about women's ages and why women do so much to make themselves "youthful".
No. 1560954
>>1560944>Looked at her account thinking it'd be empty and I could chalk it up to being a fake throwaway story.Kek same. I'm still
not convinced it's real coping hard
No. 1561079
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>>1557548I mostly tolerate calarts to be honest. I it could be improved if they used sharp edges, but its serviceable. What I really hate the generic anime artstyle. I hate the side profile of most animes. I hate that weird shading thing they do where they make blush look like pimples. I hate how most girls have the same face.
I really do hate picrel's design. Not necessarily because of the boobs (I think I've become desensitized to that sort of thing), but I hate her head. It doesn't fit her body at all. Her eyes feel way too big, and her eyebrows are barely visible, making her expressions unreadable from a certain distance.
No. 1561779
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Septum piercings are fucking disgusting to look at and anyone who has them is subjecting everyone around them to seeing their gross snot-looking nose accessory that I personally wish them a nose infection so bad they loose it if they insist on walking around so intentionally fugly.
No. 1561782
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>>1561779I don't mind them (if it is a SMALL subtle ring) EXCEPT when people stretch their septums it's legit the ugliest grossest shit in the world like wowwww so hardcore for deforming the shape of your nose???? For that alt-fag clout??? Like have some self-respect. God damn. And then those people are always without fail the crustiest, smelliest, most foul looking people. And they will always have some retarded name on facebook like Kat Tastrophe when their legal name is McKaylynn Marie Shustberger.
No. 1562301
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This crap
No. 1562312
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>>1562301This is so tryhard with all that talk about drugs and quater life crisis, I legit thought this was a fake story the first time I read it. What's with producers taking children's cartoons and thinking that any of those characters would fit in a ~obscure edgy~ setting? It didn't work for Riverdale, Velma, Winx Club, the (now canned) Powerpuff girls or even the already made slasher Winnie the Pooh movie that came out a couple of months ago, why would it work this time? It's like making a political drama with the Care Bears or something.
No. 1562394
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>>1562301Funnily enough the real Christopher Robin hated Winnie the Pooh, he felt that his father cared more about his writing and his brand than about him as a person(essentially lived the life of a proto-child celebrity, constantly moving around, attending photoshoots, and signing autographs. He did not have a chance to experience a typical childhood). He was also reportedly bullied at school because of his association with Winnie the Pooh. Despite his achievements as a WW2 veteran and successful bookseller, he struggled with being forever associated with his childhood persona. In fact, he refused to accept royalties related to Winnie the Pooh and just gave away the actual pooh toys to his father's editors, I think his real life would make a far more interesting film adaptation.
No. 1562480
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Happy young couples