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No. 1507070
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1451657 No. 1507156
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I just remembered this post because of how fucked up it was. If this happened to me I think I'd become a hermit. Why are people so fucking mean
No. 1507298
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>>>/snow/1775188 I made this post about some cracker,of hogwarts legacy saying they stand with JKR on the download page for the cracked game.
Well their subreddit has been banned (according to kiwifarms).
No. 1507301
File: 1677178356192.png (139.97 KB, 640x2400, Hogwarts.Legacy.Deluxe.Edition…)

>>1507298this is the post she made ( i think it's a she, could be a troon) where she cracked the game and talked shit about troons.
No. 1507364
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>>1507301>i think it's a she, could be a troonCan you not read the image you posted.
Empress is a woman, why would she stand with J.K and talk about anti woke system and how men are either a sissy or a misogynist and how they will never know what's it's like to be a real woman. That Empress is a troon bs is from jealous/incompetent scrotes that believe that women could never be in the programming scene, especially as a hacker.
No. 1507428
>>1507379>calm downI am calm, I just can't believe that you would post something without even reading along with believing kiwiscrotes that Empress is a it/it's tranny even with sufficient evidence pointing out that she is a woman as seen in the pic
you posted and the pic that
I posted.
No. 1507432
>>1507428I literally said i got mixxed up with the fitgirl shit and tranny tinfoiling, lord.
Even people in the other thread brought up the tinfoil. I know it's a woman now, you don't have to keep whining at me.
No. 1507458
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betting my left tit the wife is a man
No. 1507550
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why do redditors think they are being oppressed by women in a male dominated society kek
> violent scrotes r being put on list, therefore, wamen evil
> AGP scrotes troon out because being a male is just so so difficult! Its waman fault!
No. 1507859
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imagine being this much of a doormat
No. 1507866
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The seething and coping reddit male. There's around 70% women in medical and STEM universities in the balkans, I have attended a few. No. 1507869
>>1507859It's wild that he
offered to reschedule the date instead of just doing it on instinct. She lets him disrespect her, doesn't say anything because she wants to be open-minded, and is surprised when shit gets worse.
It's sad, I hope they don't have any kids. Poly shit is bleak.
No. 1507882
>>1507866Surely there aren't any factors that may keep women from studying a largely male field full of misogynistic, arrogant scrotes and which they have been socially conditioned to not develop an interest in since birth, along with the numerous studies proving how women tend to think lowly of their own intelligence even when they're really smart, while scrotes have a hyperinflated ego even when they're incompetent?
Also Sweden is still a fucking monarchy with an official Christian church of its own. It's possible for a country to be advanced in some ways and not in others. Dumbass moid, it's not like gender roles stop being taught and internalized by children the moment a country reaches a certain point of legal "egalitarianism". Wonder why exactly in some "less-developed" or "less egalitarian" countries that have more strict traditional gender roles, women are allowed or even expected to do stuff that in some first world countries would be considered mannish or only for men. I don't see Swedish women and men wearing the same clothes so clearly Sweden isn't free of gender roles.
No. 1507901
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>>1507458>"ADHD">used to be primary worker but now isn't>won't spend time with child>ignoring wife's emotional needs>obsessed with sex>fucking another woman because wife couldn't have sex>military workdefinitely a troon
>>1507803idk nonna it seems from past comments years ago that people already suspected her of being a "transphobe" and she really exploded when some people on reddit kept calling her a transwoman. Yes, it could be a very elaborate tranny LARP to be seen as an authentic woman, but this would have to be a very dedicated LARP. I think it's an actual, edgy Russian woman who is a pickme that enjoys the attention she gets from neckbeards. She seems like a channer type (explains the pickmeism, edginess, constantly calling everyone faggots) and there's a lot of Eastern European women in STEM, some confirmed women from there being also hackers. NTA by the way
No. 1507906
>>1507901NTA but cracking Denuvo is beyond a 20-something's capability, I don't look down on young people but I have been in international competitive mathematics and programming groups, then again those people are snobbish and want a secure job at google. I think it's one of the "reformed" hackers that Denuvo hired to help out leaking shit out of rebellion and they created this persona of a schizo Russian girl to seem further away from their real identity and not give any hints.
The way they act about their female profile picture which looks like it was taken from a VK model or stock image gives me big troon vibes.
No. 1507929
>>1507882I have a CS degree and worked as a SWE for a few years. Now I'm a carpenter. The benefits of the job simply didn't outweigh being made to feel like a retard who only got hired for having breasts. If you think having imposter syndrome is bad enough, wait until you start working with tech bros and engineers with a God complex who don't see you as human and think you're there just to make them happy.
My current job is pure bliss. I get to work with my hands and have something to show for it at the end of the day, if it performs and looks as it should I get a pat on the back and get to go home. Boomers at work talk about their kids a bit, lecture me about Trump a bit, and then we part ways. Done and dusted.
I don't know what happened in recent years to make middle-aged men somehow less sexist than men in their 20s and 30s, but it is what it is.
No. 1507978
>>1507550It's not women's fault that males are the ones sex offending, kek. Goes to show that men victimize others but think that
victims are the most privileged in society, because the perpetrators are held accountable. Males just don't want to be held accountable. Pretty sure women can be on the sex offender registry.
No. 1508733
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I hate that there are some trannies that like my hobby. Get out of my subreddit you piece of fuck REEEE! Not only can we barely see the skirt, but the scalloped edge on the end is so un-noticeable that you might as well not have done it. And why are you so pale? Go outside and take some Vit. D bitch.
No. 1508850
>>1508848It's cause you know what you're gonna get when you go on 4chan.
Reddit is a bamboozle.
No. 1508975
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>>1507550I looked up '63daddy' and his post history was everything that I expected
> Marrying is bad for men because women expect you to provide > More women are entering 'insert work field' and that's bad too because women just don't work as hard, hiring woman bad > Women excelling academically is just proof that the education system is putting women on a pedestal, the whole education system is obviously framed around women > reee women get more say in getting an abortion versus the father, misandry! > You can't even look at a woman now without being locked away for sexual assault > If a woman catches you staring at her that just means she's staring at you too > some sources say that 2 percent of rape claims are false but I feel like its more like 90 percent > Get rid of womens sports > Get rid of gendered bathrooms > Get rid of any space that excludes men > Find loopholes to enter womens clubs > Feminism is too woke but trans people arent Day in and day out all he posts, on repeat
No. 1509099
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No. 1509110
>>1509099Not to
victim blame but god damn any woman with half a brain cell would know that a nearly 50 year who's willing to date a teenager isn't a good partner.
No. 1509532
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Spotted on /m/ coming from a subreddit that seems completely dedicated to hating JKR. Some people in the original comments section were disagreeing with parts of it but it still got a few hundred upvotes
No. 1509664
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next pro tip? breathe air and eat when hungry. where are my wholesome hecking reddit points?
No. 1509685
>>1509099How much you wanna bet he ran around screaming to others to date women half is age because they're "younger, more fertile and have a higher sex drive" and now is upset that it blew up in his face?
Also, regretting marriage because you have to wait for sex after birth? Literal high schoolers I dated when I was in high school acted more mature Jesus Christ
No. 1509740
>>1509664Her husband literally told her she's neither successful nor pretty in a backhanded way, kek.
>>1509099If I were her I'd tell him to try it, there's no way a 50 year old man will get someone better than his 24 year old wife unless he pays for hookers. Most of these stupif men see tinder and dating advice men and think that the moment they use a dating app, they'll have 100 barely 18 hotties begging to fuck. I've known too many men like that who tried to cheat but couldn't simply because no woman was interested in them.
No. 1509796
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>>1507364she is also a febfem from what i can gather. though i dont think she knows the term for it.
No. 1510074
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>>1508066Reddit never fails to surprise me with it's maleness & hand maidens. Is it that important for her 2 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER to have a dad that she'll settle for the Ychrome with fucking CP charges.
No. 1510190
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I was reading random askreddit "bad roommate" threads and found a vile response to one person's story and naturally checked the profile. of course it's mod of a dozen subreddits i barely looked at his comment history (like literally sorted by controversial and went 1 page in) and there was one advocating for cp. any redditor with a pre-covid account is a fucking creep, and mods for even the most normie subreddits are unhinged
No. 1510261
>>1507866Imagine thinking medicine isn’t a science kek
Also doctor is a stereotypically masculine, very physically and mentally demanding job and only recently there’s more women doing it so I don’t understand why he includes in his “girly jobs” that women choose
No. 1511129
>>1510173These women have bad lives typically and don't have people to teach them how to pick a suitable partner or they are trying to escape other situations. The worst ones are the girls who have good lives but get brainwashed by the internet to think hot girls date old farts or something.
I'm in a lot of mom groups and my heart breaks anytime I see a mother complaining about the baby have a multitude of issues and then I find out the man they reproduced with is twice her age. Its so fucking bizarre to me American women are taught not to eat deli meat, certain cheese or even sushi while pregnant because of the .1% chance of listeria but no one cares to teach them how reproducing with a much older man that almost inevitably fucks the baby up
No. 1511152
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Misandry is when women say silly things like "men raping 14 year olds is inherently bad"
No. 1511278
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reminder that moids don't give a fuck about you at all
No. 1511292
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No. 1511302
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>>1511292>>This generation has the largest amount of well groomed and generally fashionable men this world has ever seenahahahaha
No. 1511324
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>>1510415yeah it's uncanny how reddit powermods are always the exact same type of person. whenever a subreddit gets big enough, inevitably some SJW troon will find their way onto the mod team and make the place into their echo chamber, transforming the vibe into the same as every other big subreddit.
definitely seems like the mod teams of big subreddits are "handpicked" by admins to control the narrative. or maybe there's just something about troon personalities where they like to strongarm (kek) their way into moderator positions
No. 1511437
>>1510190Why doesn't it occur to people that porn or any kind of visual stimulation are not vital to anyone's existence. It's not food or water. And it doesn't help to deal with violent urges. There are so many kinds of porn nowadays and yet somehow it doesn't eliminate rapists. It's so simple and obvious, and it's been proven long time ago that the only thing that really helps pedophiles to overcome their urges is chemical/surgical castration or medically decreasing their libido while also not indulging in fantasies and
staying away from any form of cp including "victimless" cartoons. How is it supposed to help when it's always in your head?
No. 1511592
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>mom in subreddit talking about how it was uncomfortable and creepy for adult men to hit on her when she was a teenager working, is now worried about her daughter facing the same issue
>Multiple women chiming in with the same thing, typically grown married men twice their age always hitting on them as teens and young adults, how uncomfortable it made them and gave the mom tips on how to train daughter for self defense
>Ummmmm akshully ladies it's not that bad! Just deal with it
I can't with moids
No. 1511633
>>1511615This is ditto my experience.
Especially after our eventual breakup, he went and spread nasty shit about me in the high school he was graduating from so I got the year after to deal with the ire and rumors he left. A lot of the same people thinking a 13/14 year old can be responsible for her choices against a 18/19 year old.
Culture coddles men, end of.
No. 1511655
>>1511592A couple of days ago, there was an article claiming there's a much higher percentage of single young men than single young women. Cue hordes of redditors bemoaning how hard it is for them as young men to find love and how life is so unfair. People pointed out that some of this disparity may be due to young women dating older men. Do you think this means men start normalizing other men dating women that are their own age? Of course not. They'll keep excusing older men creeping on girls even if their "own" demographics suffer.
It's like how they keep wanting polygamy thinking this means they will score two wives even though it actually means a minority of wealthy men would find excuses to kill/excommunicate other men and ensure an even higher percentage of men will die sexless and alone. Lol.
No. 1511901
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>>1511655I know the exact article you’re talking about. Did these redditors miss the part where the article says the ELECT to be single, because theyd rather watch porn than put in the effort to go out and date women. But of course theres still a part of the article that still has to blame women for having “rising expectations of men” No. 1512172
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subs for chronic conditions are overrun with this sort of offtopic infantilizing shit and i hate it
No. 1512181
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no, you dumbass. i have stuffed animals myself. i don't go to a chronic illness sub to see people posting pics of their squishmallows that they say "help so much with their symptoms" lmao. all the subs are circlejerks hugboxes like this. ooooh look at my stuffies, oooh look at my children's bandages, oooh look at my cane that i painted rainbow colors because i'm trans and kweer and neurodiverse
No. 1512184
>>1512181Ntayrt but not the type 1 diabetic sub kek it's like 95% bitter, angry rants then 5% memes and good news. Sorry your chronic illness has a lame sub
I remember one time when some girl posted a photoshoot of herself celebrating her diabetes' birthday and she had giant nasty self-harm cuts… that was weird as fuck No. 1512188
>>1511901>they're getting a lot of their needs met without having to go outCool, hope the porn and social media takes care of them because real women shouldn't have to do it for them later once they realize they are in the shit with no support and a solo income. Single men die sooner than single women for a reason.
Fucking leeches.
No. 1512207
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I hate redditors lol
No. 1512235
>>1511592>why do predatory men take jobs where they can be predatory?>what about the age of consent reeeeWhat a non-sequitur.
>hitting on a 16 year old isn't bad it's legal reeeeDo males really not see anything creepy with taking a job just to try to have sex with teenagers. Males are just openly rapists now. I wonder if the old man customers would stop flirting with me if they knew I wasn't a teenager.
>>1511901>rising expectations of menNo, I feel like the expectations have remained the same, it's just that men are getting more degenerate yet think it's normal. Watching porn as a hobby is
not normal. Watching porn is general is hardly normal, it's perverse by nature.
>their needs metIf all a moid needs is a place to shoot his jizz then I guess so. Males say other males don't need human contact, emotional connection, outdoors time, friends, just coom.
Then they blame women. Men always sabotage other men and find a way to blame women.
No. 1512284
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Cant stand this fucking bullshit rapist/pedo support sub where moids literally act like victims when they’re convicted criminals and have consumed illegal content or committed sex crimes. Like oh let’s cry because they feel so bad about how society treats them LOL hope they get a deep taste of a bullet instead of the sympathy they desire from other criminals and even plenty of stupid women. When MRAs say men’s mental health they really mean they hate feeling bad about doing evil things and facing consequence, I could care less about your mental health when you’re a sex offender. On the other hand, can’t even call a man a man or else you’ll get a permanent ban.
No. 1512689
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Men are so fucking delusional. Found on r/dankmemes
No. 1512760
>>1512689"You'll finally get laid"
The only reason why scrotes care.
This just brings back memories of some dick on yt who had to turn my argument back on me because I was against prostitution.
"You dont actuallycare about women,
you just want to look good!" This was after the dick was literally whining at other commenters who said that any man who pays for sex is basically committing rape since they don't know if the woman is trafficked or not and she wouldn't even be willing to have sex if she wasn't getting paid. It was just another unwashed scrote who wanted to have all his desires catered too without acknowledging the consequences.
No. 1512889
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No. 1513029
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I don't get how this guy can be so entitled. No leash law but that doesn't mean his neighbors should tolerate his dog wandering the entire neighborhood unsupervised. It's a dog not a child. It could do anything. Boxers aren't small and if a little old lady feels threatened by it being loose you'd think the kind thing to do would be to tether your dog or at least supervise it. But instead this guy is being territorial blaming the old lady for having the audacity to walk her dog on the road she lives on. Plus they don't supervise their dog so how do they know it wasn't letting her pass or not
No. 1513058
>>1512787>paying for sex is financial coercion, literal rape and I don’t know why more people can’t see that Because they aren't aware of the actual
victims of this "deal", they assume the ones getting it will be """middle class degenerates""" and not people who have no other option left aka poor women, they don't understand there's a vulnerable class that will be automatically forced to do these services out of desperation
No. 1513105
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Someone save those poor kids and cats
No. 1513144
>>1513105The youngest one has not yet learned how to hold a cat
He's barely bigger than it so it's excusable
No. 1513185
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Feminism is when you remove your womb for no reason.
No. 1513245
>>1513185There's literally no way it was "for no reason" come on. It's hard enough for women to get their tubes tied even if they're married and had multiple children, an actual hysterectomy is even harder to get even when it's absolutely medically necessary to remove it… It's just a cute mug from a thoughtful friend, no need to be so mean.(Unless you're saying the OP is a TiF considering the sub she posted that on, then why blame feminism when it's the transcult's fault?)
>>1513233That's only if you do a full hysterectomy including the ovaries, in most cases the ovaries and the cervix are left in. But there can still be issues with organ placement, and I believe it's also recently been linked with early onset dementia
No. 1513384
>>1513292Nta, but you anons have to realize that sometimes people aren't being hostile and you just decided to read it as hostile.
>>1513185I think this post is pretty unfair considering we don't know this woman or what led her to getting a hysterectomy. You can't just walk into a clinic and be like "ay doc, take out my uterus".
No. 1513387
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>>1513384Samefag, I looked at her post history and she did indeed have some kind of medical issue that led to the hysterectomy (obviously).
No. 1513759
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>>1513661looked up the account and it appears as if that the skinny guy with the jawline is actually her son and their having another kid as well
>Our triad has kids! We are also planning on adding a fourth child. I was the person who entered the relationship where we decided to become a triad. And we all live together and take care of the children as a unit. No. 1514037
>>1514031not to derail but
nonny if you doctor-shop enough you can get a hysterectomy for your endometriosis. "qualifying" for it is entirely on a per-doctor basis.
No. 1514065
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>>1513890>That somehow makes it so much worse. One of those lumps might actually have been attractive without 300 pounds of lardtruly tragic
No. 1514575
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Found a 14 year old posting on r/MtFSelfieTrain (not posting his pic because he's a child) and to no one's surprise there are pedophiles waiting to pounce. One is into incest, diapers, and sissifying and the other is a dad cruising for young boys. Are these pedophiles allowed to stay there?
No. 1515311
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there are thousands of child porn rings on social media, but I was digging into the ones on instagram because I'm neet and have nothing better to do than fuck up some moids lives in my spare time. one account led me to a forum where i reviewed the user list, which led me to, among many others, a 52 year old male whose wife 21 years his junior left him for a lesbian in California. an exciting revelation, and exactly the type of person I've come to know as the average deaddit user.
No. 1516959
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What the fuck is this?
No. 1517021
nonnie I got this one too and had to forward it to all my friends a few hours ago
No. 1517184
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wonder why he got divorced
No. 1517231
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Saw this pathetic attempt at whatever this is last night
No. 1517524
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There was an elaborate troll or actual narcissistic moid I stumbled across ages ago who was begging women to be his IVF donor, and I don't know if any of his posts are still up, but the camas.unddit archives are still there. Think if Patrick Bateman got ahold of the internet
Full post: page: No. 1518000
>>1517524Checked out his page.
>expelled in high school, never went to college>takes psych meds >single at 40This absolutely looks like grandiose delusions from a schizo or someone bipolar going through mania, maybe there's some substance abuse (he mentions ritalin). Narcissism is also possible but his case sounds more serious and unhinged. He's either trolling or mentally ill imo.
No. 1518180
>>1518094>Weirdly enough I've met more older women who can sleep around with young hot men than I've met old men sleeping around with young womenI don't think this is weird at all because women take care of themselves and age better and there are a lot of young guys who go for older women while the young girls who go for older men are either severely ugly and desperate or after his money.
I'm bisexual and I find women upwards to forty attractive while the oldest guys I find attractive are 29 max. Men just age worse.
No. 1519553
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>>1518998Any hole is a goal for ALL moids. Just go on any AskReddit sex thread
No. 1519753
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spreading around a gfm for adoption fees is definitely a weird move to do amongst coworkers but this post is full of retarded takes. this person is literally whining about people getting parenting leave, because adopting an actual child is definitely the exact same thing as adopting a cat
No. 1519901
>>1519898She's right they should be ashamed asking for money to adopt a kid. Screams poor and trashy
Like if you can't have one the natural way and you are too poor to adopt one maybe get a hobby
No. 1519976
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probably fake but basically the incel/redpill dream - going to an unfortunate area to find a 'traditional submissive wife' or basically prey on and take advantage of women. The whole passport bro meme is spreading online because weak pathetic redpillers are social losers who don't know how to talk to women. I bet most of them don't even have enough money go abroad anyways kekk No. 1520052
>>1519976>>1519976Its so funny especially when they try to explain the problems they bashed western women over are even more prevalent in Ukraine, Russian, Japan, etc
>Muh American women are whoresMost of the time the women in those countries have a higher body count on average than American women
>Muh gold digging, muh high standards for menKek
They seem to confuse being ignorant about their culture and just making up a fantasyland
No. 1520573
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I immediately clocked this as a TiF softboi persecution fantasy. Quick dig through the profile confirmed it. Why are redditors so gullible?
No. 1520597
>>1519893Lol, trannies wish that could exert the pure feminine force that this random woman effortlessly exudes.
>>1519898There may be hope for women, but there's no saving you.
No. 1520659
>>1516959>>1517087and trailer got released, this feels straight out of 2013, also fucking hell can't they believe they got Jennifer Lawrence for this
I guess its nice seeing an older female fuck up character being paired with a shy innocent young male character cause usually its the other way around
No. 1520667
File: 1678508630863.png (724.36 KB, 1768x1826, 22ced07d-69b6-5076-bcc0-34db3b…)

There are some real doozies coming out of reddit these days. Men never stop to consider that maybe being antisocial, lazy, broke failures, who can't function in any society, is proof that they shouldn't reproduce. Luckily, all the science fiction artificial womb shit is just science fiction, and the human species will go extinct before it can create that
No. 1520918
File: 1678546263265.jpg (183.05 KB, 1178x643, troon scold.JPG)

oh look a tim scolding the few remaining women of twoxchromosomes for not being grateful enough to be women. bonus: he's a period larper too.
why is it that tims have periods but women without uteruses don't? hmmmmmmm
No. 1521100
>>1520667One has to question how men will incentivize to raise their children from a valued social reliance to women. Spite? Reclaiming a reproductive status that is outside of your own, methodizing itself directly from women’s creation and housings?
What will children mean to men, or the world, if they can be initiated by ‘free’ doing?
No. 1521118
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>>1520667A lot of these moids wouldn't last a day taking care of an infant.
>>1520918>but what about meeeeAll trannies an hero pls
No. 1521178
>>1519888>They are nothing but mindless bullies. They're frequently SHIT at their jobs and the reason why it's so hard to get anything fixed properly is because they're money hungry and refuse to help you. All of the repairswomen I know have MORALS and won't sell you out for a couple extra bucks. Sperging incoming
Bf was looking for a new furnace. He had one of those reliance guys, this shady ass company that upcharges water tanks, and furnaces and will put on a lien on your house (he didn't know at the time, yikes) He was nice enough (to my bf) and said, "I won't bullshit you, don't hire my company or me. We cost way too much, hire _insert company here_ they are better and cheaper" and admitted that they target more well-off couples.
BF was looking to fix his roof. Called up one of those roofing companies that drop off flyers in your mailbox. The job was a realistic 5-10k fix for his small (very small) house and quoted 20k and it was a high-interest loan. Dipped out of that. And he was working hard to be chummy with my bf.
BF's Mom had a furnace guy in, some company in her town. She was home alone and hounded her, berated her about the furnace she wanted. Told her she needed all these new, state-of-the-art parts to go with her furnace. She tried gently to get him out of the house but he wouldn't. He was there for about an hour till her husband got home, listened to 2 minutes of this guy rambling and told him to GTFO. She was a little shaken up.
Those repairmen are 9.99 out of 10 the scummiest fucks on the planet. If any of you have an older single mom/aunt/grandma and you like her, check in on her. They see dollar signs for that type. And they have been known to berate women if they are alone for hours just to make a sale.
I shit you not, the scummiest, racist, misogynistic guys on a site are the ones who will go far and hold their job. Is any guy not willing to cut corners They dislike him and he won't last long.
Live in a condo? There are more likely than not, bottles of piss behind your walls. Drywallers get paid by the sheet so they work fast. Instead of going to the bathroom like a human, they piss in bottles and toss them behind the walls.
No. 1521202
>>1519976What a retard lol. Like every other scrote before him who has done this, she’s waiting on that green card then she’ll bail. Wait for his next update where he’ll reeeee that women are all the same after she left his ass for a better life
>>1520791I’ll never forget one mra I read that admitted he’s fighting for mras to take away women’s rights, have the right to rape any woman he wants, force them to carry the child and raise it with no assistance while he can leave and do whatever he wanted. He hated accountability and responsibility- the two things those scrotes accuse women of avoiding all the time. It’s always projection with them. The best thing I think is that they will die alone, sooner and scared while women still maintain relationships and live generally happier and longer while single
No. 1521219
>>1521150>Functionally illiterate type beatNta but wha TV the fuck is this phrase
Amber Lynn-tier
No. 1521992
>>1520667People who know they stand no chance of ever maintaining a healthy relationship with another adult (men who resent having to ever give in a relationship or compromise or work at things) but who think they're fit to single handedly raise a child.. Genuis. Cause kids don't cost money. Kids don't require patience. Kids don't require sacrifice, flexibility or patience? Your kid won't ever enter its teens and talk back or argue with you or have their own opinions. You definitely won't just run into the same interpersonal issues but tenfold. I can only hope that these men are living in a fantasy world that they'll never take on for real.
Also, I love how they casually talk about kids and porn/fleshlights in the same conversations like this all the time.
No. 1523508
>>1523056One time I was wandering around a construction site, and I accidentally kicked a 44oz whataburger soda cup.
Piss went everywhere.
No. 1523997
File: 1678859738349.png (112.34 KB, 499x556, LOOK AT ME IM A MALE.PNG)

I hate when mentally deficient faggots with balls come into subreddits around female hobbies and need to make it super clear that they're a man doing something that usually only women do because they want praise for being so out-of-the-box and ~breaking social norms~. "LOOK GUYS! I'M A MAN! LOOK AT ME DOING SOMETHING THAT MEN DON'T USUALYL DO! GIVE ME ASSPATS BECAUSE I HAVE A PENIS!". Post your shit and get the fuck out, bitch. In fact, don't post at all. And then they talk about how society doesn't let them like these things but in reality it's OTHER MEN not letting them like these things. I DON'T CARE THAT YOU'RE A MAN AND I WISH YOU WOULD KILL YOURSELF!
No. 1523998
File: 1678859740260.png (112.34 KB, 499x556, LOOK AT ME IM A MALE.PNG)

I hate when mentally deficient faggots with balls come into subreddits around female hobbies and need to make it super clear that they're a man doing something that usually only women do because they want praise for being so out-of-the-box and ~breaking social norms~. "LOOK GUYS! I'M A MAN! LOOK AT ME DOING SOMETHING THAT MEN DON'T USUALYL DO! GIVE ME ASSPATS BECAUSE I HAVE A PENIS!". Post your shit and get the fuck out, bitch. In fact, don't post at all. And then they talk about how society doesn't let them like these things but in reality it's OTHER MEN not letting them like these things. I DON'T CARE THAT YOU'RE A MAN AND I WISH YOU WOULD KILL YOURSELF!
No. 1524003
File: 1678860182849.png (131.3 KB, 486x555, pear, boyega shaped dumbass.PN…)

>>1523998Samefag, exhibit B to further my point. Bitches just want praise for being men. Idgaf what you're gender is, your sweater looks like shit from a butt. OMG a man crafting!!!!!! Suck my twat.'
Also, I did not mean to post twice. This site is broken as all fuck and I can't even delete it.
No. 1524056
File: 1678873178228.jpg (123.84 KB, 1007x1120, 09278.JPG)

>>1524003Men on reddit love to hate on women who take pictures of themselves with their work, yet they do the same, especially in women's hobby subs.
No. 1524176
File: 1678887253753.jpg (33.98 KB, 868x244, reddit.jpg)

No. 1524188
>>1524003It's so annoying, historical it was normal for men to knit, so there is nothing special about men knitting. So, they are not special, they are just acting like a hobby that today normally women have is a bad hobby and not real craftsmanship, but as soon as a man does it, it's hard work, important and so much more than just a stupid hobby.
>>1524056That's all he has done in 5 years?
>>1524176And then they wonder why we have trust issues and wish we were into women.
No. 1524411
>>1524176Not to
victim blame but any woman who shares nudes or lets herself be recorded during sex in 2023 is fucking retarded anyway.
No. 1524443
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No. 1524458
File: 1678901797641.png (38 KB, 1048x1096, gross.png)

>>1524443decided to search some of them to see if these gross degrading subs were finally banned or not. Sad to inform there's way more popping everyday. Just look at this shit. Reddit coomers are so fucking disgusting.
No. 1524485
>>1524462I follow multiple women who are mechanics and its so depressing how men will absolutely rip them apart, conspiracies about hitting the wall, becoming a single mom and all. Tearing apart their appearance (and for some stupid reason they will try to convince us only women tear up other women's appearance??),conspire about how men are doing all the work for her, etc.
So many men think working labor jobs is a free pass to treat everyone around them like shit, imagine if women in blue collar did that, that would be absolutely ludicrous. That's probably why they try to forbid women from working in blue collar, because it was the last straw to gatekeep after women took the military, business owning, medicine and science away from them. They want to continue like being a fucking oil changer or plumber or something is super hard work evil women wouldn't understand, once women get into the field and see it's not that hard and it's very possible to work in labor and not be a dickhead they'd have no excuse now.
No. 1524527
>>1520918"I didnt ask to be a trans woman it's like my own body is oppressive!"
My knee hurts when it's cold. Oppressive ass body
Being born into the body you want isn't a human right
No. 1524893
>>1524590You know what's unfair? the fact that women usually don't get to have a say in this. The fact that women have to use their bodies for 9 months (and more, since you still have to breastfeed) to give a new human being life. And that any random fucking moid could overpower you and plant his disgusting, unwanted seed against your will, and leave you trapped with a pregnancy while he can get away without having to suffer through it any of it himself. If anything about sexual reproduction is unfair, it's being female, not being male. The gall moids have to claim they're the
victims in that situation when all they care about is passing on their genes at the expense of us and our bodies and our lives. They think it's so fucking easy yet they can't even handle a little bit of labor pain lmao
No. 1525440
>>1524893Exactly. Moids can literally just up, leave and forget their kids and the woman that held them ever existed. Women in a lot of areas can't even abort now, meanwhile they're crying about custody when most of the time they can't even be asked to get up every few hours to feed the baby, change the diaper, or anything else. Ever since western culture put too much focus on individualism it has been harder for women than ever before since you're expected to have a newborn depend on you while sucking your nutrients out with a freshly ripped bleeding vagina. Oh and now men are shaming women for taking a minute to themselves to eat between feeds especially if the baby cries for more than a second even though breastfeeding already drops your blood sugar to 25-50% and you're losing fluids as it is
Men won't understand and think the fact some of them have blue collar jobs is a good enough reason to silence women, despite having unions, good pay, mandated lunch breaks, and safety regulations as well as experienced people to teach you, it's not enough for them and they want to silence women who do t get any of that
No. 1525907
File: 1679057835729.jpeg (97.81 KB, 945x790, BC370063-AF07-4F8E-98F8-B3128E…)

Why are they so quick to defend shit like this if it’s from other cultures? I don’t care if it’s your culture
No. 1525914
>>1525907People are idiots and it pisses me off! There was a video of a korean baby. Couldnt be more than 2 years old getting her hair PERMED. like with chemicals and shit and some white bitch kept trying to explain to people going off how it was part of their culture. One, it's not. Two, you are not korean, what are you doing??
They marry 9 year old girls and stone women in islamic cultures. Are we supposed to be okay with that?
No. 1525940
>>1524893>>1525440It's retarded and illogical. If abortion is illegal, why aren't males who impregnate a woman and leave her punished as well? There's no hiding it; banning abortion is clearly an act of blatant hatred against women and a way to control reproduction. Add in the hatred for single mothers and you're honestly going to see a failing society in a few decades if this isn't rectified.
>>1525749If the roles were reversed the same moids would be saying "based" "it's normal, she's fertile" "it's legal" etc.
>>1525907>the cultures of africa, latin americaThese massive stretches of earth don't all have one culture, redditors are so retarded.
No. 1526109
File: 1679077972632.png (530.8 KB, 1427x925, how_is_this_funny.png)

r/funnymemes is sociopathic cooming moid cancer, nothing about that subreddit is funny. The moids in the comments of this post were talking about the daughter (who is underaged) making an OF eventually and "joining her mom". Fucking sicko pedophiles. All of them.
No. 1526165
>>1525914I feel like there's also an implication in those kinds of arguments that other cultures are "less developed" therefore "more primitive" and thus everything they do is "more natural". Together with the false idea that both men and women naturally agree with each other's needs and wants (they don't, they're naturally opposed to each other in several ways), it helps spread the lie that pedophilia, rape, gender roles, misogyny, TIMs, etc. are all natural and good for all of us so women are crazy for thinking it's disgusting, dangerous an dehumanizing. Also it's not like those other cultures are super different to western first world cultures, they're pretty much part of the same modern world and they also have a lot of problems related to pornography (among other things) which is a modern human invention. Besides, harmful traits of a foreign culture aren't automatically ok just because it's "muh tradition". There are a lot of fucked up things happening in all cultures currently because moids in power are the ones who impose those selfish rules on everyone and the average man has more power than most women, who have no choice but to accept all of it as normal so they don't commit mass suicide due to how bleak their lives are.
>>1525915Yep, the country where there were no anti-CP laws until very recently.
>>1525963I think they meant small children, not just minors. Male attraction to teenagers, hell even 12 or 11 year olds is normalized in pretty much every continent.
No. 1526403
File: 1679100120558.jpeg (83.01 KB, 720x829, received_219945690699653.jpeg)

Hate the endless whining about men's mental health when the man in question does something despicable. He kills people? Everyone should have checked in on him a little more and he wouldn't have done it. The people who found him scary and offputting are in the wrong because kindness goes such a long way with reoffending violence. He can't help being unstable, you can help reform the system to get him away from mean jail and into real care! I know there's no right answer for these things but why is everyone expected to cede their comfort for some crazed retard?
No. 1526430
>>1526403>Why is everyone expected to cede their comfort for some crazed retard?Because the crazy retards keep trying to guilt-trip people into submission.
Let’s pretend everyone gets down on their knees to suck any moid whenever it wants, and that we always compliment each other, that we hug any moid that seems mildly uncomfortable with whatever and such.
That shit won’t solve anything because if a moid is an asshole, he will be a huge asshole no matter how many times a day you suck his dick.
Like seriously, thinking that just hugging a retard every day, listening to his mindless “issues” and pandering to his ass, would possibly make him change is retarded.
Just think about it, have you ever been nice to a moid? How did he respond? They either get mad at you because they don’t want to fuck you, or they become obsessed with you because they think you want them. So yeah, it’s either murder or rape or both.
No. 1526437
>>1526403I'm surprised he even got sent to federal prison for stalking because most people who stalk others regardless what demographic they fall into seem get slaps on the wrist. Sounds like the user is purposely not disclosing parts of the story for the sake of upkeeping the narrative of his vile criminal brother being a poor little
victim to the ebil justice system. Or you know, since it's reddit, it's just bullshit he made up. I wish male criminals were just shot in the back of the head instead of wasting resources.
No. 1526442
>>1526430It's a shame the guilt tripping works well. People who tout the phrase restorative justice treat it like a killing blow in any argument. "The community" shouldn't suffer and live in fear because the offender will benefit. Never mind that a
victim wouldn't want them to benefit and be treated kindly,they aren't even recieving the same care or effort.
No. 1526451
>>1526442Victims are always discarded because men cannot emphasize with a majority of
victims since they are women. Your personhood is disregarded, your pain somehow is meant to be endurable, and the suffering is just a precursor to your gender in their eyes. Poor, poor offenders, if we only knew what made them offenders so we could help them instead of making the poor babies face legal consequences for their actions!! As a woman your suffering means nothing to these people because they don't care about you at all and until you're dead you are supposed to Halle Berry that shit or else you're considered weak or defective. The
victim is always blamed or overlooked until its too late.
No. 1526845
File: 1679160172978.png (19.34 KB, 737x508, firefox_1kcznfsSQA.png) the thread is
>women are conservative if they don't show off their midriffs and thighs No. 1527011
File: 1679166805397.jpeg (170.31 KB, 1170x1367, 440B0B5C-D9D3-4E0D-9C6A-0F2538…)

post of a girl in a shirt that says “when god made man she was only joking” and somehow that riles up some pick-mes. shout out to the last commenter who has a brain.
No. 1527977
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No. 1528748
File: 1679299992599.png (444.07 KB, 877x526, bdtniwwelina1_png.png)

So, this picture of of a kenyan senator freebleeding to bring attention to period poverty was posted on trollxchromosomes a little less than a week ago. What's interesting is the OP commented that the picture/news article got deleted from "the biggest women's sub", so presumably twox. She also mentions they often remove her posts about women's rights from "non-white countries" and the most common reason she gets is to "keep the community civil". Also, OPs account has been suspended.
I'm not saying it's tranny jannies… but…
No. 1528759
File: 1679301091434.png (26.75 KB, 575x497, gloria orwoba.PNG)

>>1528748Anons will probably say this woman is gross but I think she's really brave to do something like this, especially in an African country, and if we are being real a lot of women (including feminists or feminist-aligned women) would not have had the nerve to do something like this. This will just bring more attention to the topic. I do hate that in this world people will just see this as humiliating for her though.
Anyway, to be more on topic it's also really sad that just posting news from other countries in a female-only subreddit isn't allowed because people would not be able to act civilized. Unless mods are purposefully censoring discussions about women in other countries, then I think they need to commit suicide.
No. 1529170
>>1528974I remember some troon took JoJo siwas video of her joking about how she got lots of hate and then turned around and cried about how oppressed they are for being trans (he was also very passing, it could be one of those girls who fake being trans for views)
I just can't stand the amount of troons making everything about them. Someone made a post about how hot trans women are and how ugly cis women are, and then I pointed out it's typically more acceptable for trans to have plastic surgery, and ended up having troons screeching, literal hundreds of dislikes, and have people claiming I'm making trannies kill themselves, even though other men and women were agreeing with me
No. 1529242
File: 1679348047289.jpg (147.96 KB, 896x828, sdfsdf.jpg)

Oh boy mom is dead now I get to post it on the WEED subreddit it's the first thing I'm going to do before her corpse even turns cold I sure LOVE weed and LOVE upvotes
Shut the fuck up dad I got another reply
No. 1529281
>>1529263normal people would go to their friends for comfort while grieving but redditors don't have friends
also karma farming
No. 1532371
File: 1679714211430.jpg (269.89 KB, 1080x1675, transdar.jpg)

I'm reading picrel like an anti-trans dogwhistle huehue, I'm very entertained with this narrative.
No. 1532394
File: 1679718555152.jpg (59.93 KB, 578x710, dumb.jpg)

i mostly use reddit for ragefuel and to laugh at trannies but made the mistake of subscribing to r/cats. i thought it would show pics of cute cats on my feed. but almost everything that would show up on my homepage were pics of cats that have died, are in distress, morbidly obese, or clearly need medical attention. "my cats eye is all fucked up and bloody, what do?!" "this mom cat approached me with her clearly emaciated kittens, what's the next step?" "look at this cute chonker! he's a real hefty guy hahaha!" "my dad says if i don't stop this stray from showing up on our porch, he will shoot it! here's a picture of this cat my dad might kill soon!"
just why. i'd hide these posts and a day later, similar shit would pop up. who is this for? take the goddamn cat to the vet or just shut up and keep it to yourself, because who the hell wants to see pictures of cats suffering, esp out of the blue? if you're struggling with the death of your pet, talk to your friends or family. what comfort can you really get from people who've never met you, or your pet, from thousands of miles away on a computer screen. are there any genuinely positive/uplifting communities on reddit or is it all just retardery and pitybaiting?
No. 1532635
>>1532487i think anonymously posting in for example, the vent thread, is different than karma farming on reddit for fake internet points.
the former has been helpful to me at times where my family was also too upset to talk about the loss in any capacity; i think the anonymous nature allows for actual support and care from other farmers as opposed to reddit.
No. 1534108
File: 1679934892067.jpeg (75.16 KB, 446x800, doihabeebit.jpeg)

I checked his account, it looks like the health problems were chronic sinus & inner ear problems, and being a fat guy with hernias. He admits that he's broke and hasn't done shit with his life, and then blames his wife for leaving him over money. I bet the "abuse" was just her having to be the mommy part of the mommy bangmaid.
No. 1534131
>>1534108Men claiming they were abused is the funniest shit. Especially "Narcissist
Abusive" it's so vague coming from them. And left because of money means "I never made enough/worked hard enough money and put us in an unstable financial position."
and I actually wonder if he is lying about the wife part for sympathy…which, he probably is, considering a post from 2 years ago of him complaining about life doesn't mention anything about her and how "No one's ever told me they loves me"
No. 1534381
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>>1534108This sounds like a troll but his post history makes this look real. How the hell does he think doctors are scamming people? What makes people like this, where they ruin their own lives and blame the world for it.
If his wife was such a narcissistic abuser why didn't he dump her, instead of her leaving him for "money problems" (I guarantee he was too lazy to get a real job)
No. 1534721
File: 1679994349610.png (37.19 KB, 679x643, Capture.PNG)

From the "Men in the porn industry: What are the dark and hidden truths of the industry?" thread on AskReddit
>The abuse was so bad it made him lose an erection in like 10 seconds!
>He went off porn for 2 whole years
>Now he "only" looks at it a 20-30 times a year
>Luckily couples post their own videos too and no woman has ever been coerced by her husband to do porn
No. 1536655
File: 1680180722163.jpeg (173.52 KB, 1007x1481, B7F559F8-A511-4C8B-98A5-CB604C…)

what. how is this even a shower thought
No. 1536659
>>1536655There used to be a sort of similar thing in my country during communism. They were called "Single's Hotel", these were buildings built specifically for housing single males. They had very small studio apartments, a common area, and services for cleaning and all that domestic work men weren't expected to do. They were mostly occupied by widowed men.
There are two in my neighborhood, they've been turned into regular apartments long ago.
No. 1536703
>>1536663Kek. They get mad because college and dorm situation lets women fuck hot guys but then they say they wanna relive those same days as if anything would be different.
>>1536694If they collected the dorm members from reddit, the only "women" would be trannies, kek.
No. 1537197
File: 1680215312853.jpeg (144.71 KB, 1170x1530, 86A8F69B-00B7-4493-A956-1CE75E…)

>woman tweets about her husband taking a full day off of work to play a video game
>reddit and twitter: what a fucking bitch how dare she criticize him
>reasonable people (read: women): yeah, actually if you look through her twitter she’s supportive and loving towards him and this is a joke
tale as old as time
No. 1538158
File: 1680306839249.jpg (46.95 KB, 1048x534, Untitled.jpg)

genocide redditors
No. 1538162
File: 1680307350130.jpg (366.39 KB, 1080x1427, Screenshot_20230331_170143.jpg)

I'm so not obsessed with my daughter's vagina that I came to reddit to post about my daughter's vagina!
No. 1538171
>>1538162It’s just so weird. Why even mention like, anything at all in public? I hope his daughter doesn’t use Reddit because reading that would be the most embarrassing shit ever.
I just hate when moids post on the internet in general tbh, like shut up, no one is asking for your insight on anything. It’s just weird as fuck, the way that post was worded was really creepy.
No. 1538189
>>1537433>why can men never pick up satire from women like ever? I think two reasons. One, men don't do light-hearted ribbing of women. Whenever they joke about women, it's more mockery and derision, even if it looks light-hearted teasing. And two, is best described by Margaret Atwood:
'Why do men feel threatened by women?' I asked a male friend of mine… 'men are bigger, most of the time, they can run faster, strangle better, and they have on the average a lot more money and power.' 'They're afraid women will laugh at them,' he said… I asked some women students in a quickie poetry seminar I was giving, 'Why do women feel threatened by men?' 'They're afraid of being killed.' "
No. 1538246
File: 1680326464948.png (80.22 KB, 1080x1478, Screenshot_20230331-220338_(1)…)

Woman makes 165k while her boyfriend makes 50k but wants to be a SAHM and is understandably concerned about the finances. Gets gaslit by Redditors for acting entitled when expressing her concern.
At least some of the comments are telling her that her bf is completely out of her league and even warning her to not split 50-50 her finances lmao. Good on them.
> No. 1538249
>>1538246Gen z moids
>Don't want to do the means to make enough money to support a family>Want women to work but not really>Expect women to take up vast majority of childcare and household duties regardless of if the woman is working???
The worse ones are the "househusbands" aka when reddit only seems to magically understand the difference between having a partner vs having a free slave. Oh and they can't clean or cook for shit either
No. 1538257
File: 1680328151713.png (66.19 KB, 977x1310, Screenshot_20230331-224449_(1)…)

>>1538249Unfortunately these are these pick me women as well like pic rel. Obviously the best option for her is to dump the moid, find someone find someone who's within her leagues, without having to sacrifice time with her children nor her wealth.
No. 1538284
>>1538249>Want women to work but not really>Expect women to take up vast majority of childcare and household duties regardless of if the woman is working There was a while there when you could at least depend on a good portion of people on reddit to pick up on obvious weaponized incompetence or men just making excuses to have their full time working wives still do way above their share at home too. Was nice to see. But lately..
> oh sweatheart I think he has adhd and you should go easy on him. Maybe he has autism. Maybe he has 'brain injury, executive dysfunction, incredibly early onset dementia…' Yeah that's totally the reason why your husband brings less of everything to the table. Endless patience will help tho! Oh and use your higher income to get him assessed for every disorder under the sun.
No. 1538435
>>1538246>Woman>Work 50/60 hours a week>Corporate attorney >When buying house, will pay most of mortgage, full down payment>Need to gestate child for 9 months, recover from birth and pregnancy symptoms, breastfeed, spend time with baby you sacrificed time and money to have>"He is aware of my concerns, but says that me taking off work for 2-3 years would not work""He can be a house-husband, you can hire a top-notch nanny while you work, this is an opportunity, not a negative!"
"It's posts like these that ramp up hatred against women, what a sexist bigot troll! Think of your husband!"
"He's too good for you, go buy a house and some cats."
"She can use a breast pump and go back to working straight away"
"Do you love him or is he just an accessory?"
This woman is so lucky she is not already pregnant or married to that male. She needs to leave and not marry in a last-minute attempt to keep the relationship, or he's gonna get half her money anyway. What a bleak read, sperm donor and becoming a single mother by choice looks like the best option for women, unfortunately you have to save a not small amount for it.
No. 1538453
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Jesus Christ
No. 1538464
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A receding hairline is a sign of retard genes.
No. 1538607
>>1514575>r/DadsAndBoysKilling all old scrote moids would be preferable. From seeing
>>1524443 this gives me some hallow relief that women aren't the sole
victims of moids lack of humanity.
Out of curiosity do any of you comment on threads and bother to have a discussion that is beyond the normalized coddling of old moids on Reddit? Does anyone bother providing different perspectives or is it all just an exercise in moid coomer futility? I've tried commenting on some threads of my countries subreddit giving "radical" opinions since the societal default is nonstop coddling and consequently been mass downdooted by moid coddlers and moids, resultingly losing all my internet points. Is it a waste of time?
No. 1538667
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>>1538453well this wasn't surprising either
No. 1538808
>>1538257Reverse the genders on the income, and everyone would be calling her a nasty bitch golddigger. He's only with her for her money, and can't stand the thought of having to live on his own 50k a year for just a few years, even though he plans to live the high life off her money for the rest of his shitty life. Millennial men are nothing more than parasites.
>>1538673It's just a single circle venn diagram of women. A woman has really hit the jackpot if she avoided abuse in childhood and adulthood abuse from male sex pest "partners". I wouldn't even be surprised if most of the "ADHD" is yet another instance of women trying to fix the natural human condition and be a "perfect" superhuman beings, since fuck knows men won't even hit the bare minimum.
No. 1538824
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Ha Ha Losers Ha Ha
No. 1538846
>>1538824>I feel you, brother. Had that happen to me. It's absolutely crushing. It isn'tworth the pain.
wow its so good to see men finally showing some empathy, maybe there is hope for the Male Loneliness Epidemic
>I got a sex dollah
No. 1538866
>>1538824The more men give up, the better. Keep it up boys!
>>1538667This is just sad, but it makes total sense. But tbh, i do think that the subreddit fails in trying to get women to be less obssessed with moids which is the the main source for a lot of their problems. Constantly being angry at moids for behaving like moids isn't healthy.
No. 1538904
>>1536655The entire subtext of this:
>Even though I already offer women less than the bare minimum of adulthood, there needs to be a way for me to get even more services out of women, while offering even less. I need to be able to get all the benefits of being a married, responsible adult man, while acting like a literal child at school.Scrotes should be executed on sight if they bother a woman and can't prove at least 48 consecutive months of above minimum wage employment. It's shameful, a sign of a literally degenerative society.
No. 1539000
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The reddit cares thing is retarded and should be removed because people abuse it this way but that last edit is so dumb, god. The post even got pinned
No. 1539106
>>1538904The cringiest part for me is how he imagines he's just going to be surrounded by horny hot girls like some weird college porno he watched, likely because he himself sexualizes college girls (which is the reason why college girls get sexually assaulted so much btw because they're constantly sexualized)
If his idea were to somehow come true the entire dorms would be full of creepy mentally ill men just sexualizing their entire surroundings and can't be asked to properly take care of themselves. Not hot horny girls roaming the halls with a free warm meal delivered right to his hands
No. 1539224
>>1538667I don’t get what is sad about this? Are you trying to say being 30+ is sad or what? Or that abuse
victims are trying to vet men better with the help of only mildly retarded all-female group?
No. 1539560
>>1539475They do it to postpartum women too. I've seen this massive wave of people, typically men,trying to shame women out of doing proper postpartum care in order to take care of the baby.
Some examples are a woman letting the baby cry for an extra few seconds while she changes the ice pad for her freshly ripped open vagina and men started coming in crying about how she's a bad mom, how "baby is crying for mom, you should be ashamed of yourself", etc. Another time a woman was talking about the baby trying to comfort nurse after she already fed the baby and she sat down because she wanted to eat. Of course uneducated moids came in demanding she let him nurse and not eat which is actually dangerous because mom needs to eat to produce milk and breastfeeding drops blood sugar.
It just seems like people hate moms in general lately, they hate pregnant women, postpartum women, moms of toddlers and kids, single moms, women they assumed are single moms because they weren't glued to her husband, etc
No. 1539622
>>1539560I see alot of aita posts where men rush to complain about how their heavily pregnant wife seemed grumpy or their 1 week postpartum wife was a lil short with them when asked a question and just.. dude this is so small and you've got years of childrearing ahead of you. Starting out with a wave of nutters telling you that a single snappy comment makes the mother of your child an evil bitch isn't getting things off to a great start. They really think pregnancy does nothing to a woman… or the sleep deprivation afterwards. 1 wrong word and strangers start fantasizng about ways to put mom in her place. All while she's either preparing to give birth or is still recovering from it. She can't get a moment to herself and now dad is being psyched up to lay into her later.
Do these people have any idea what its like to live with someone where you have to walk on eggshells all the time. Where no matter whats happening you have to be chirpy and pleasant or you'll never be allowed forget about that one time your tone sounded a lil rude. Its the dads who act like everything revolves around them.
No. 1539683
>>1534108Ah yes, the classic labeling someone as a narcissist because it's just a buzzword getting thrown around that's lost is meaning, and effectively villainizes someone so that no one questions the accuser/so-called
victim. If she were actually a narc she'd keep his pathetic ass around to emotionally abuse and feed off of, there's no simple "getting away" from a narc. 100% this guy was a waste of space wanting a bangmommy to baby him and hold down the household while he plays CoD all day and wanks off. He himself might even be a narcissist because he gives off self-victimizing vibes, like he's looking for someone to manipulate and do all the work for him. If he had any marketable skills he could go hunt for an actual job. Fucking bum.
No. 1539881
>>1539227I think that if somebody did a study and surveyed women about a wide variety of
abusive and criminal scrote behaviors, but used very PC and non-judgemental phrasing, almost every woman would report substantial abuse, even from the "great guy" partners. I miss FDS, because the craziest thing was how several women could have virtually identical stories about some horseshit their boyfriends pulled. Only the names and locations would change.
No. 1539934
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Imagine the naivety of marrying a man and having his children and expecting your life not to go immediately to shit. I will never
No. 1539940
>>1539934>Imagine the naivety of marrying a man and having his children and expecting your life not to go immediately to shit.I know this is a common sentiment here but god damn it's borderline misogynistic. How dare hetero women want to have a family and expect a man to be a decent father! Instead of taking it out on her you should be trashing him, adult men are completely capable of being equally active and functioning in the household and they should be actively held to that standard.
Also can we stop refering to kids as "his children"? Women aren't broodmares that solely exist to pop out kids for a man, they're both their children.
No. 1539963
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This is what a married redpill retard calls his cheat code to a great sex life. Raping his wife.
No. 1539973
>>1539963>>1539966>>1539969>>1539971I think this was my
abusive ex’s playbook. How old is this shit? He didn’t try every single thing but he tried more of them than he didn’t. It didn’t work in his favor for more than a couple months, I was a BDSM pickme back then. But after a bit and when he started escalating I got pissed off that he was trying to act like some dominant caretaker in sexual situations when in every fucking other situation he was a stupid whiny incapable pissbaby.
No. 1539978
>>1539976My ordeal happened 5-6 years ago now, so I guess all
abusive scrotes have a hivemind.
No. 1540043
>>1538667Not surprising at all. Most young women are still naive and believe that men see them as people. It's not until they've been through a couple of boyfriend that all act the same that they figure out that most men want a mommy they can slide their dick into. So late twenties and early thirties that they start trying to figure out how to avoid this same man in different bodies.
The childfree either comes from those women don't get shackled to a man because he knocked her up, or because they look at the reality of how mother are treated by men and decide not to opt into that.
No. 1540064
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>>1540062But my favorite is him whipping his bed with the worst form possible.
No. 1540075
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>clothes =/= gender, I'm a guy
..Alright? Literally who gives a fuck? I almost gave it an upvote too. How mentally deficient you must be to randomly bring up your gender for no reason…I can't fathom it. And she could've just posted the pants and umbrella by itself too and then there wouldn't have been any problem. Eyeroll.
No. 1540098
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>>1538158Pick-me redditor, or male feminist/tranny?
No. 1540142
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>>1538162i think he's LARPing
No. 1540143
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>>1540134>Imagine if it was adult women sexualizing a teenage boyThey'd probably like that.
No. 1540147
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>>1540142Yeah, he is. In another post he claims to be a mother.
No. 1540148
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>>1540147Smells like a teenage troll who's mad at his parents for not letting him have sex/go out late at night so now larps as a parent on reddit
Especiall with a name like "azianchad" KEK
No. 1540152
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>>1540098I was expecting the post to be some 17 yr old in full hair and makeup in slutty clothes or something but.. this? This is clearly a child with a deformity and it's just "normal human sexuality" to sexualize her? What a cope for being a pedo
No. 1540161
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>>1540152>>1540152>>1540098This was his response to a moid telling his wife about how his wax lady almost got him off and how he needed to jerk off in the bathroom. Imagine just doing your job and some moid started sexualizing you enough to cause issues with his wife. I didn't know acting depraved and sexualizing everyone around you was normal human sexuality apparently
No. 1540163
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>>1540161>Feminist>Randomly started sexualizing a girl and asking for pics of her from her family just because the word "daughter" was mentionedThe worst part is that he made creepy comments about having a 14 yr old step daughter and demanded being alone with her. This moid needs to be reported to cps
No. 1540166
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>>1540163He's obsessed with incest and starting fights on porn subreddits then claims Americans are too uptight about sex as if anyone else would just blow off their sibling fucking in their bed wtf
No. 1540172
>>1540166If you have an adult couple staying in your bed then it's close to 100% expected and normal that they have sex
nonnie. Unless they were sleeping in or just visiting another part of your home and specifically went to your bed to have sex then it's not an issue. Although the guy who wrote that post needs to kill himself.
No. 1540176
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>>1540166Like 60% of his history is him correcting grammar in porn subreddits. He must be one of those moids who goes to strip clubs to act as disinterested as possible they talked about on the past threads kek
No. 1540307
File: 1680556266428.png (59.51 KB, 1360x854, seems sus.png)

>Arguing with a guy about the safety of children taking puberty blockers
>He refuses to read to any of the studies I provide and claims that they are 100% safe and that all children on blockers have their bone density monitored every two weeks
>there's no way that's true.png
>Check his posting history
>The guy is in twoxchromosomes arguing that age of consent shouldn't be eighteen and that the issue of sex with children "gets messy so fast" and has a lot "of grey areas"
Every time nonnies.
I accidently posted this in the wrong thread and didn't realize it for an hour so if you see it elsewhere, it's because I'm retarded.
No. 1540385
>>1539963"Keep that up and maybe I will let you give me a backrub"
"its all about the prize"
lol imagine your prize is rubbing a hairy back
>>1539966PRINCESS SLUT!!!?
So many of these are so dorky… absolutely none of them turn me on. "take her tits out and play with them for a bit, then put them back and do not escalate" That doesn't sound hot it sounds annoying. It's like guys just imagine women want these weird male-centric fantasies.
>>1540062>>1540064First one is kinda hot, second is actual lmfao
No. 1540389
>>1539934Poor woman. Almost all girls get told that their lives will go to hell if they breed as teenagers. We need to tell girls that their lives will go to hell if they breed with a man over age 35. If a man actually values marriage and wants children, he will do it all before 35. These scrotes who are 37, 40, 45, 50, they do not want children, they just realize that they have to compromise, because no woman under 35 will touch them, very few women over 35 will touch them, and the latter expect a family NOW. We'd be so much better off if women just saved up in their twenties and went to a sperm bank, instead of letting scrotes waste all our prime ova. Scrotes never grow up or mature, he's the same life-wrecking scrote at 18, 28, 38, 48.
No. 1540423
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>>1540031>>1540062>>1540074>>1540089>>1540385i've seen this gif come up on lolcow threads a few times, somehow never saw it on tumblr. i looked into it, the username of the guy was n4ughtybear but it's since been deleted. this is the faceless guy people were thirsting over. No. 1540426
File: 1680575158865.png (2.45 KB, 320x43, kek.png)

>>1539966No fucking way, these faggots need a ''cuckhold
TW''. Truly the epitome of manly, needing a cuck
trigger warning because you feel threatened by a plastic dick.
No. 1540463
>>1540426It should be a shrimp dick
trigger KEK that move would make any chick laugh at a shrimpy
No. 1540676
>>1539963>>1539966>>1539969>>1539971I can almost guarantee that this man isn't actually married. I am married and something I've noticed is that unmarried men repeatedly give my husband the worst advice imaginable. My husband has tried out some of this "advice" on me and it never works because it's not based on reality and it's instantly recognisable because it's not something he would do normally.
Most of it comes from single men fantasizing about having a wife and how she would behave while have zero experience with women.
No. 1540713
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>>1539475I'm morally opposed to most people being parents (they're underqualified), but even I would offer a pregnant women my seat. Their feet hurt! Their back hurts! And the little bastard are punching them in the kidneys all day! Don't you have any compassion to a fellow human being in pain?
No. 1540956
>>1539969The blowjob on the grocery list lmfao. How presumptuous that she'd ask him about it, likely would roll her eyes and chalk it up to his usual tomfoolery.
>>1539963Sorry I know this is serious for some anons but these just make me laugh. I shagged someone who was used to doing the alpha schtick which worked on a certain subset of women but if he tried it'd always make me involuntarily burst out laughing, goofy shit, like shut the fuck up man.
No. 1540963
>>1539934>>1540628>manbaby abandons wife, newborn, and kid going through chemo to hang out with his bestie for a few days just because the wife expected him to not be useless and film their baby crying for tiktokThe wife should pull a reverse uno and make a public shaming meme of her deadbeat husband with all these details, just like how he was trying to seek attention using his crying baby.
You just know this man is a narc. Shame is a highly effective tool against them.
Also she should only treat him as a wallet from this point forward. I get that being a single mom is difficult but tons of women have done it and will continue to do so. She can do all this without him, she just needs to secure the bag so he can't walk away from them scot free anymore.
No. 1541055
>>1539969>>1539963I doubt there are all that many things that 99% of the women of the world have in common, but I feel like “finding it annoying at best when your husband rips your clothes at random” has to be one of those things
I would be so cranky at that, even shirts I don’t care about I’d still be pissed. It’s the principle of the thing, you don’t just go breaking people’s shit??
Just 1/10, it’s all so unsexy. Especially the ones that involve the “alpha” saying anything at all. Redditor dialogue is always so clunky and inhuman, it’s even worse than video game dialogue in that way
“You’re all mine. Later,” he says to whisper to her. It’s like a 12 year old writing 50 shades of grey fanfiction
No. 1541369
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No. 1541407
>>1541358How do you define high quality?
Men with high paying jobs, attractive looks, charismatic social skills, and strong familial and friendly ties can be absolute misogynists to their wives and girlfriends behind closed doors.
Just admit misogyny in men is a crapshoot and you have no control over it aside looking out for blatant markers.
No. 1541497
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Meanwhile the drawcunts thread will ban you because hating reddit is a "problem"(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1541504
>>1541497The pringles guy killed the reddit alien
No. 1541512
>>1541509Savior complex.
Men want endless praise and worship for what they feel is "providing." They want to feel like heroes.
Once the kids are older and they become needy and demanding beyond what the moid is willing to provide he will call them ingrates and then rinse and repeat with a new family.
No. 1541605
>>1541509Impressing outsiders. Outsiders matter and should be impressed. Insiders (wife, bio children) don't matter, don't need to be impressed.
>>1540922IMO it's just the porn. Porn addicts have terrible, cheesey, godawful taste and expectations. All my exes wanted unrealistic, awkward, embarrassing role play. I guess they are trying to directly act out scenes from porn videos they watched. Deranged and pathetic behavior. And I just realized it's another way men are massively hypocritical, because they continually spaz out about romance movies, but will get mad if you don't reenact porn with them scene for scene.
No. 1541733
>>1541696It's because scrotes don't actually have an innate sense of aesthetic or eye for detail. Whether or not they deem someone to be attractive is never based on the full picture and how features balance each other out. Instead it's like there's a moid-approved checklist of some traits they've decided are attractive, and the more boxes a woman checks off, the hotter she is to them. It's a status thing. We all know that when a scrote calls a woman unattractive, in 99% of cases he would still have no qualms sticking his dick in her as long as nobody else finds out about it. So in truth, it's not that he actually finds her sexually unattractive.
However, scrotes are competitive and caveman-brained, so the most important thing to them is to gain the approval and respect of their peers. That's why they have such a narrow concept of what beauty looks like - they need to have a specific standard of beauty that their entire peer group shares, because otherwise there's no competition and it isn't clear which moid 'wins'. This is also why they often tend to have very superficial, surface level interests and life goals: they're driven not by what they personally want, but by what their peers approve of most and gets them higher on the totem pole.
In contrast, women vary pretty wildly in who they find attractive. There's no narrow standard because women base who they find good looking on their personal tastes instead of what other women think. Just look at the unconventional attractions thread on /g/, it's a great example of this difference because there is just no way scrotes would ever have a thread like that in the same way.
No. 1541783
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No. 1541793
>>1541733You'll also see that when a scrotes' personal taste actually goes against features that make a typical Hot Woman, they'll often straight up hide their relationships or have sex with women they find attractive, but seek out women who meet the accepted standard to marry or openly date. For instance men will scream and shout about how they hate fat women and that's the number one turn off, but there are so so many of these guys who love heavier women but never publicly show these relationships because it docks their moid social points. This is also the mentality the ultra-macho-front closeted gay guys act. There's some interview where andrew taint says he's fine having sex with trannies and now I'm 100% convinced he's closeted and all of his shit was just for moid social points
>>1541783>Now I point out pretty women for him to watch!Jesus christ, literal cuckqueen shit, 10x more cringe than the comic
No. 1541802
>>1541783>>1541369I don't know how so many women don't realize this aggressive doormat behavior isn't attractive. Men will tell you to do it, but they fucking hate it. It lowers their perceived value of you, and they will start to think they must be able to to do better.
I mean imagine if a guy started pointing out other men in the mall, "Wow look how hot that guy is" I'd think he was insecure or a cuck, and it'd just be a huge turn off. Not to mention imagine being the woman leered at by a dude and his girlfriend, how could you do that to another woman?
No. 1542006
>>1541823>>1541810Another thing is to never ever make self deprecating comments about yourself. If you think there’s a part of you that’s ugly or bad don’t ever tell them, chance is they never noticed but now they will and will think it too. Even if they console you and tell you it’s not true it will stay on their mind. I’ve had 3 out of 3 ex bfs use my insecurities against me when in a fight. I also heard men talk about their female friends/exes and they always repeat the bad things women say about themselves. Even when an underweight woman says she’s fat or a woman with big eyes says she has small eyes, the guy will actually start believing it. It’s sad but it’s better to never show your weaknesses and worries. Better confide insecurities in your parents than your partners imo.
It also works the other way, if you tell a man you are skinny even though you’re fat, you have big boobs even though you’re small, you are sporty even though you are out of shape, they’ll believe it and repeat it. Men are so weird about this.
No. 1542354
>>1541810Self deprecating jokes, letting him comment on other women, going 50/50 on bills, not being able to accept compliments or gifts, giving too many compliments esp on looks for no reason.
Mem hate women who view them as equal/higher. Men love being exploited and used and kept on their toes. Exact opposite from what they say but its true. Men are disposable by nature, going against this makes them uncomfortable and cruel. The more money and time a moid spends on you, the more he valuea you. Men secretly love gold diggers, that validates their value as providers.
No. 1542499
File: 1680840501400.png (141.65 KB, 1120x824, WTF.png)

I was trying to look something up for the sims and it suggested this to me.
This is either the fakest story I've ever heard, or one of the cringiest. My male sex offender son is homeless and addicted, so I made him into a sim. Kek, wtf?
No. 1542502
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>>1542499hmm there is a black trans artist activist named jaimie grace alexander with a strikingly similar photo
No. 1542866
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Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the teenage girl was moody because her mom is an obnoxious troon supporter.
No. 1542870
>>1542866Based depressed 13-yo
>waiting for a place in a intensive treatment program
Does that mean institutionalization…?
No. 1542878
TERF daughter but aren't all 13 yr olds all moody and insufferable? Imagine thinking sending your hormonal barely-teenager to an institution because she has mood swings. I feel like she only threw in the trans conversation to try to sway the retards on reddit to "her" side and prove her child is completely unreasonable and deranged rather than, you know, a normal 13 yr old girl. Anyone getting parenting advice from that site has already failed tho, I hope the child ends up on the narc parents subreddit in 5 years asking how to best go no contact with her mother.
No. 1543496
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No. 1543539
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>>1543496>>1543506It's also statistically impossible(as it would require birth-rates to be unchanging for at least five generations, something these morons never acknowledge) look at the UK for e.g, Whites are 85% of the UK population - compare that to whites making up only 57% of the US population. People look at London and think "wow, it's become India/Pakistan/Nigeria 2.0!" but the majority of the country is still white.
The numbers just don't check out. Immigration levels have now plummeted after the 2015 migrant crisis surge. And even if every African and MENA immigrant in the EU has 8 kids each for 2 generations(which is an insane scenario), the children(who are all extremely urban centered) will be assimilated whether their families like it or not and Fertility rates are generally declining globally, MENA regions are as same as Europe was in the 70's and will likely go down further.
That said migration crisis by Muslim men is still causing a surge in crime and grooming cases that the EU has to addresses, if EU nations care about their citizens they would start focusing assimilating Muslims or deporting those who commit offense back to their home nations.
No. 1543888
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>>1543611Many "white" Hispanics either put white down or get shunted into the category because US racial categories don't properly reflect those of LatAm. They won't put down mixed race because they've been mixed for generations, they won't put down American Indian because that has a specific legal meaning, so mestizos can't identify as such even though they do have indigenous American ancestry (and often times come from the same tribes as those which are federally recognized in the US, but border divisions suddenly make them entirely different peoples). If they don't put down white (since it's the "default" race) they'll put down "other" because Hispanics are demographically homeless. Picrel is a crowd of people from a US city that is ~80% "white" Hispanic
No. 1543961
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No. 1543986
>>1543982It was in an AITA thread (so probably fake), but the scenario was, do you need to tell someone your parents are gay before you bring them over to meet your parents. I just thought it was funny, the dichotomy between the gay person saying they didn't really need a
trigger warning, and the QWEER TRANS PERSON who brought up how much extra special danger they are in.
No. 1544341
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This is one of the greatest and most beautifully autistic things I have ever read, I LOL at how every story of his has to involve the asian self inserts gets a blonde hared blue eyed white woman
No. 1544369
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>>1544352from what I have gathered, they don't want those girls, they want to be muscular "chads" and have the attention of stacies
No. 1544384
>>1544369It doesn't even sound like they want a pretty white/black/latino gf, they want to use those women the way they think their women are getting used by men of other races. I'm always cautious towards men who date out of their race because they sometimes have ulterior motives, his motive isn't to be with a pretty girl, his motive is to prove he's superior to a random imaginary white man.
It proves that regardless of race, every man who uses reddit is subconsciously cucked. I doubt normal asian men have thesee thoughts, at least they don't involve some white man get humiliated being the climax
No. 1544466
>>1544084There is, and I explained what the average "white Hispanic" looks like and why it is hard to box them in US racial categories.
>>1544104Yeah if you can find a city in the U.S. that's nearly 90% Asian. I didn't carefully select for a crowd full of brown people, it's a rally in El Paso, Texas. Go look up the demographics of that city (and other similar cities) and find pictures of people there or what the schools look like.
No. 1544934
>>1544341kek, i'd unironically watch all of these because i love stupid movies
also why do literally half of them involve cuck fantasies
No. 1544962
File: 1681087025525.jpg (193.84 KB, 980x653, elpaso.jpg)

>>1544466Here's a photo of a crowd in El Paso, TX.
No. 1545006
File: 1681092857104.jpg (111.83 KB, 1000x669, I0nuJ9p.jpg)

>>1544962That's not El Paso, that's the Festival of Chariots parade in London. You can tell from the license plates and architecture that this isn't even America kek
The fact of the matter is that a non-negligible percentage of "white" Hispanics are not white in the American sense (i.e. mixed race to some degree) because American racial categories do not reflect those of LatAm. This isn't even up for debate, it's a literal fact.
Here's an
upscale mall that's
actually in El Paso, TX, the town which is ~90% white.
No. 1545015
File: 1681094700235.jpg (287.54 KB, 1300x957, s8Gxxcc.jpg)

>>1545006More normie El Pasoans going about their day not having any suspicions of their photographs being posted to lolcow
No. 1545734
File: 1681162977001.jpeg (300.35 KB, 844x2094, 9942921E-011C-4BC9-864B-EB14AE…)

No. 1545754
File: 1681165262431.png (98.32 KB, 1252x930, kibbereddit.png)

No. 1545759
File: 1681165515836.jpg (164.77 KB, 1018x1052, IMG_20230411_002403.jpg)

I find it so hard to believe. Has anyone ever seen something like this in real life? The discussion was about the "wall" for women and men and how older men have more options than older women of course
No. 1545790
>>1545759Let me guess: those "romantic and sexual propositions" are DMs from hornybaby19 that says "I'm bored at home. Come play
squirt emoji"
And yes, they do think that shit is real. I have not seen what he described in real life but I have seen men tell their buddies that women are talking to them only to show mass sent messages from OF models and porn bots.
No. 1546420
>>1545763DARVO in action. The whole thing is a boomer-made switcheroo foisted on basically every woman born in the past 50~ish years. Families stopped chasing off substandard scrotes, because that was "prejudiced", and within two generations this is how entitled and greedy loser scrotes became. No scrote who says shit like this even has an intention of getting married, they're just trying to bleed women dry.
>>1545759Lol just at the idea that men ever "mature" in any way, they just get slower and nastier.
No. 1548702
File: 1681437758149.jpg (19.38 KB, 630x354, 1680993836570.jpg)

in regards to /r/redscapepod:
so what is the demographic behind this subreddit/podcast listenerbase anyways? is it aging millenial mean girls who peaked in high school? or aging millenial femcel/femsperg losers overcorrecting/overcompensating by LARPing as the mean girls who bullied them as teens?
No. 1549819
File: 1681554461556.png (36.2 KB, 758x498, asylumfromgenocide.png)

Feels like every irish subreddit rn is half people talking about the homelessness/housing shortage crisis happening here.. and then its half US based trannies seeking asylum?
>Please please tell me that if I just move some place at random that people will clap for me when I walk down the street in a dress. Muh struggles
Massive increase in it lately
No. 1550290
>>1549819he should come and get beaten up, i get harassed and threatened for looking too friendly with other women (and that's in dublin) there's plenty of women in ireland that are happy to beat each other up too so he'll have a great time if he tries his shit.
>>1550220young people are pretty liberal but you also have a large lower class of very aggressive men and women happy to knock your teeth out
No. 1550435
>>1550290I'm not even gay but just having short hair has nearly gotten me bashed when living in dublin. Then moved to a rural area and because I was single I found out people were iffy about me because.. hmm must be gay if shes moving here alone?
>>1550220It was 5 years ago that we got abortion for the first time and the lead up to the vote was tense. They want to be fed this idea that we're ahead of the curve on issues like that. We're really not and if anything a bunch more men in dresses moving over here and looking to be all loud, proud and in your face are only going to risk tipping the scales and creating a backlash against gays and other 'related issues' seeing as it all gets lumped in together. They can't see that they're the issue and anywhere they go.. they'll make themselves
victims and drag others down with them.
I'm curious as to whether other small countries have this suddenly flooding their subs too. Its like they randomly picked any country with fuck all reason to believe its a safe haven. This sob story has to be shitting up other counties subs.
No. 1550873
>>1550861Probably white men saying they're being discrimated against after some nonwhite woman rejected them or something.
>>1550871A lot of Americans think they're superior and that they can go to any country and be worshipped, this isn't a new thing for Americans to be delusional. They just assume that they'll be loved in any country because their media portrays America as some super cool place every European/Asian/etc. loves. That's also why white American men are convinced every woman is gonna want them if they visit a foreign country. They're just entitled.
No. 1551256
>>1550735I forget where 196 comes from, but it's supposed to be a subreddit where you have to post a picture before you leave. So, if you go there to browse, part of the rule is you must post something even if it's dogshit from your camera-roll…
If I'm remembering right.
No. 1551353
File: 1681676204935.jpeg (149.11 KB, 828x1311, IMG_5429.jpeg)

Can you guess what most of the comments are saying?
No. 1552183
File: 1681750475480.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.97 KB, 800x1080, SC-205-1.jpg)

>>1551353has anyone asked him why it looks like he's wearing a girdle?
No. 1552284
File: 1681753958442.jpeg (91.83 KB, 1178x630, 981D7750-42C5-48B2-9537-57C0F4…)

You're a Redditor too, sir.
No. 1552859
File: 1681784970135.jpeg (158.25 KB, 942x1149, 1663D2F6-8125-4051-814A-7DBCDD…)

Wholesome…but the replies are a shitshow
No. 1552861
File: 1681785028578.jpeg (121.72 KB, 937x1574, 1FE989D4-841B-4843-A9CB-3A1D33…)

>>1552859Like…why the fuck would you say this in reply to a comment like that
No. 1552864
File: 1681785112776.jpeg (85.28 KB, 1065x991, CE240FB6-76A9-4907-81EB-9540FE…)

>>1552861AskMen moid commenters truly are the weakest link
No. 1552881
>>1552861Moids treat their own wives like some Pokemon card collectible sharing personal details with any stranger online. CHECK MY STATS HERE I GOT THE LIGHT PINK NIPPLE ULTRA RARE ROUND ASS ROUND BOOBS VARIANT!!
it's so fucking sick and they deserve nothing. Imagine if women were like here is my hot Chad of a husband do you want to trade yours and make them have sex with me and each other? These men are not human and I would love to imagine the reactions if all their public comments were shown to said wives.
No. 1553939
File: 1681908230285.jpeg (8.93 KB, 277x182, white-fragility.jpeg)

>on some paranormal sub
>see people talking about "skinwalkers"
>go into the thread to tell them skinwalkers are important folklore to many indigenous american groups, and skinwalkers and wendigos and stuff don't just appear to spook white people then disappear
>some white moid replies to tell me i am so good for Defending the Noble Savages and he realizes the error of his ways and will only talk about german folklore now
>gets massively upvoted(racebaiting)
No. 1554056
>>1553960>he didn't say he wasn't going to talk about them anymore>will only talk about german folklore nowIs "I will only talk about german folklore from now on" not the equivelant of saying "I won't talk about skinwalkers/folklore from indigenous American groups anymore"
otherwise fair enough I did indeed think you were exaggerating for humorous effect
No. 1554450
>>1554216I was raised, and still am, Celtic pagan and plenty of people make fun of my beliefs or turn them into just whimsical aesthetics or whatever, but honestly I just don't give a fuck? It's my religion and no one has to be guilted into respecting it. This is a retarded conversation.
>>1554290Exactly. The same people who sperg about "respecting indigenous spirituality" are the same people who will make fun of Christianity without batting an eyelid. Also, at some point in history, followers of almost every religion have been persecuted for practicing said religion.
No. 1554834
>>1554270>>1554290So it's funny when you makes fun of a minoritys culture but when anon makes fun of you,
>>1554378 here you get mad? Edgy atheists are so annoying.
No. 1555145
>>1552861Nightmarish. Imagine loving and marrying someone only for them to go online and describe you like theyre tagging a porn video.
>>1552864lmao you can see how uncomfortable the weird porn comment made the original poster
"I prefer emotional connection"
"Oh good, she's a complete doormat, you'd love her" I hope this guy stays away from actual woman, I know this wife is imaginary but its scary how it already sounds like she's in an
abusive relationship
>>1552284he's not wrong lol. I think he's trying to describe how smaller subreddits are pretty tempered and tolerable and as soon as it hits the front page the sub becomes a despote of politically charged retards
>>1553939he got upvoted because you sound retarded. What did you want, chupacabra, Nessie, skinwalkers, fairies, are all pretty comfortably woven into popular "creepy" culture. Are you offended by Percy Jackson books because they're a popwashed version of greek religion? Unless they're portraying the original source like "jesus can you believe these dumb stories they believed" I don't understand what's offensive about adopting and continuing on traditional stories. If you're going to act morally superior then at least argue about something with ground to stand on
No. 1555624
>>1554837>>1554915I'm sure you mean well, but this is getting embarrassing. Treating all old tales and religions the same is less racist than holding minority cultures to a different standard for some reason, as if they're the special ed kid that others shouldn't make fun of. Your "principles" literally depend on what culture or religion you are talking about.
>>1554879It works both ways though
>omgg it's just a tale, it's not real, who cares about a Disney movie? >how dare you make a story about skinwalkers?? that's someone's culture! racist! No. 1556282
File: 1682107251061.jpeg (133.27 KB, 1186x960, FuLYUWeWAAsqbHW.jpeg)

watch out white techbros, bardfinn is coming for you
No. 1556562
File: 1682129786428.jpg (153.26 KB, 844x1585, wvPn629 - Imgur.jpg)

>>1556557Saw this cringe in the replies though. Reddit and twox have a massive tranny janny problem but of course focus on muh wahmens overreacting kek
No. 1556572
>>1553977>>1555145>>1554270Sure you can be edgy and say whatever you want about some smaller mythos/pantheon but I don't understand this hostility when you get corrected kek.
Nona's post isn't even about a guy criticizing the skinwalker's existence but it seemed more like he got a detail wrong.
No. 1556608
File: 1682138479242.jpeg (184.81 KB, 828x1331, 6D5C245A-A023-4488-9B26-0623A9…)

>>1556557Oh yikes this is creepy
No. 1557017
File: 1682189798465.jpeg (153.85 KB, 1179x1543, 0C17A1AD-6D07-4DF9-9445-A1A372…)

Reddit coomers on suicide watch rn
No. 1557068
>>1555624Here is the cultural values litmus test (ofc assuming you're not racist).
Was the American man in vid rel in the wrong?
No. 1557187
>>1554012Respectfully, I'm not even American. And why do you think I'd wanna go to LatAm? Even if I had to for work reasons for a few days I doubt skinwalkers would come up anyway kek
Hollywood and even people here make dumb movie stuff out of my own cultural myths and no one here cares because we know it's just fairytales. No one really believes in God either so I'd tell you my culture is just very skeptical and I just can't comprehend believing in supernatural monsters like it's a real thing as an adult. But okay I get it's important to you.
No. 1557302
>>1557168.. girl what. like the other anon said there's a huge hormone shift (among other things) in women when they get pregnant, it only makes sense that your body and brain might struggle to go back to normal after 9 months of that. also look up postpartum psychosis, since it is rarely talked about
the idea of a man having post partum anything is pretty fucking ludicrous, though
No. 1557333
>>1557289My brother had bpd and it sucked, he definitely self medicated and drank too much on top of it. Some days it was a blast, other days… it was a nightmare. A doc diagnosed him back in early y2k as a 6th grader and my mom refused to except it.
His skinwalking phases were so funny. First it was the skater, then the jackass crew, then gucci , then sublime. Motherfucker would change his whole closet constantly. I think he skinwalked Scarface for a year too
No. 1557344
>>1557324it's not really like autism because all interests are fleeting and it can change seasonally. autists spend decades obsessing over the same things.
>>1557328they suck. when he told me he had BPD I tried to not be judgemental because I have other mentally ill friends but I'm never having a BPD male friend again. fuck that noise.
>>1557333my friend went from metalhead to "nerdy" (he literally got thick glasses frame and all the shebang) to soundcloud rapper in the 8 months I knew him. do BPD people spend their entire days thinking about their self image or what?
No. 1561335
File: 1682638141326.jpeg (180.05 KB, 774x1890, 3C7AF629-F8D9-4E33-B865-708824…)

At least he's honest
No. 1561350
>>1561335I hate how men wax poetic for muh male biology and act as if women don't know the only thing they devout themselves to is the coom. We do know but if we say anything about it we're man hating, feminazis, cunt, whore, bitches who are plotting against men. We have already addressed the elephant in the room NUMEROUS times and when we do we're called jealous, bitter and jaded because of the OF and instathots. We've learned to stay silent because men will literally take our lives if we don't act oblivious to male nature. Men will tell you they're cheaters, liars, only uses you for sex as if it's some big secret but somehow YOU'RE the one in the wrong for agreeing with him.
Let a woman say she needs a tall, wealthy man suddenly our biology is deemed wrong and shunned. How dare you want good genetics and a comfortable environment for your offspring?!!?
Imagine a woman writing long ass paragraphs on reddit about how women only see men as ATMs and nothing else. I bet this same guy would lose his mind.
I hate how we're just supposed to be OK with the whole muh biology thing but as soon as it's a woman who has the upper hand biologically (mainly to do with children) they cant cope. Look at how many experiments have been done to get males pregnant or to grow babies in tubs. They can never accept that giving life is a female only trait but it's women who are wrong for finding degeneracy disgusting.
No. 1561416
>>1561335This is why women must learn to have a strategy and goal when approaching moids: paying your bills. Paying your student loans, paying you to go back to school, paying you cash randomly just to speak to you, paying your parking tickets, paying your phone bill, paying your electricty bill, paying for your hobbies.
Falling for a moid before he has contractually agreed to provide for you AND made sure of it is so naive. Mothers needs to raise their daughters to have a goal is mind when approaching moids- after all, fathers tell their sons to do this with women.
No. 1561471
File: 1682657150463.png (208.77 KB, 747x878, RedditMalemoment.png)

Posted in R/Adulting
His first wife left him. Judging from his comments, I'd say he is still hung up on his ex-wife even if he's been with his current one for 9 years.
Comments range from
>Congrats OP she really cares for you
>How is this adulting if someone chooses what you wear? Are you a toddler?
OP seems to believe because he "Busts his ass all day!" and "I am taking her out on a date." It's only fitting she returns the favour to dress him.
No. 1561507
>>1561471This hurts my soul. They are just so low effort and careless.
The moid knows how to dress himself, he is choosing not to.
Poor thing has to drag him to his own fucking date.
No. 1561625
File: 1682681054133.png (17.55 KB, 790x769, firefox_iJIoftaArL.png)

No. 1562132
>>1507070>>1561335>>1561350>as soon as it's a woman who has the upper hand biologicallytechnically women already have the upper hand in dating. Women have adapted to the modern world - independent, make our own money, laws against rape now exist, birth control, etc. And women can and have emotionally fulfilling non-romantic relationships with others or go to therapy. Even though people encourage men to go to therapy, they fucking refuse to go and instead want a woman to be their therapist like that reddit scrote. Many men have not adapted to the modern world and haven't realized their income isn't the main and only thing important anymore - they need to be hygienic, charismatic, not aggressive/
toxic, well rounded, social skills, etc. But they can't fucking wrap their heads around this and many of them are socially retarded and fall into the redpill world kek.
>>1561458Most socially healthy normie women just don't know about the perverted degeneracy that moids fall into online and finding a normal grounded man must be a nightmare. BUT luckily it seems that normie women are picking up on these type of degenerate loser men because of Andrew Tate, fresh&fit, etc. So many social loser fans are repeating and following their redpill advice, and now have the balls to ask women on the first date their body count. So it appears men are self reporting kek. Anyways, I think all the normal people will eventually find each other while these online dateless wonders will cry it's not fair that the 'low quality women/modern' women won't sleep with them and trad virgin women don't want to marry them neither kekkk
No. 1562853
File: 1682802537105.jpeg (204.61 KB, 872x1862, 22DAE780-7931-48D0-BA07-6F3F15…)

I know purple pill debate is low hanging fruit, but…lmao
No. 1563941
File: 1682894619372.jpeg (303.86 KB, 3000x3000, askwomenover30.jpeg)

r/AskWomenOver30 's turn to have a meltdown over "TERFs".
does anyone know what it means when this user (the mod who posted this announcement) has 1/4 million karma but no post history before this? I take it they deleted everything?
No. 1563993
File: 1682896355400.jpeg (306.85 KB, 787x1977, IMG_6234.jpeg)

>>1563941Yes, everything was deleted, but their deleted post/comment history can be found here:,%22resultSize%22:100%7DI think their whining about "tEh tErFz!!" is to atone for their previous sins of "twanzphobia". Exhibit A: a comment they made a couple years ago
No. 1564171
File: 1682908025236.png (129.61 KB, 759x780, Screenshot_2023-04-30_19-11-46…)

I'm not sure if there's an AI-generated image thread so posting this here.
AI generated people are unsettling. At the state its in now it'll never take off in popularity because only moids look at this image and think "yeah, post that." I don't care about the ethical debates on AI-generated photos/art at all, in fact I'm happy there's new tech developments like this, but looking at any AI-generated person freaks me the fuck out. It transports me to the moid-created uncanny valley. All of its data is moid-curated trash and the image is convincing to a moid, but when women look at it they can see the subconscious expectations, culture and biases that fester the Internet that dictate what is calculated to make a supposed "spontaneous" image even if they don't fully understand that these are making them understand the image this way. I saw this on my Reddit feed and now I remember why I read this thread. Jumpscared me.
No. 1564381
File: 1682931721677.jpeg (192.48 KB, 953x1500, IMG_6327.jpeg)

>>1564171Reddit moids are extremely stupid about AI images though, especially AI porn
No. 1564503
>>1564442This. I’m so fucking tired of moids making themselves out to be the
victims when they wouldn’t know actual pain or oppression if it bit them in the ass. Oh no, some idiot males got duped by AI porn! Why are they always saying they got wronged when they never give a shit about the real women affected by this? I have no sympathy for scrotes any longer.
No. 1564529
File: 1682954268077.jpg (143.4 KB, 1176x916, transwomen in twoxchromosomes …)

i fucking hate TIMs
No. 1564558
File: 1682956818533.jpg (85.11 KB, 640x853, a5dwlfqe58xa1_jpg_92.jpg)

>>1564529every time i browse 2x i see at least 3 tranny posts. today this image was shoved into my face as i scrolled of two troon-ogres. it's right there in the name, two x chromosomes. no tranny surgery will repair their deformed y chromy.
we cant have even one space without troons invading it. why is 2x even a place to post their ugly selfie like some deranged attention whoring narcissist
No. 1564559
File: 1682956879812.jpg (85.11 KB, 640x853, a5dwlfqe58xa1_jpg_92.jpg)

>>1564529every time i browse 2x i see at least 3 tranny posts. today this image was shoved into my face as i scrolled of two troon-ogres. it's right there in the name, two x chromosomes. no tranny surgery will repair their deformed y chromy.
we cant have even one space without troons invading it. why is 2x even a place to post their ugly selfie like some deranged attention whoring narcissist
No. 1565038
File: 1682982532835.jpeg (58.94 KB, 1170x517, AE50DD7C-C3DF-483B-AE65-AD1629…)

you’re fucking kidding, right?
No. 1565063
File: 1682983118707.png (27.6 KB, 647x577, Screenshot_20230502-011728.png)

>>1565038>- wemembew :3 we notices buldge awe humans with feewings blushes too, even OwO if we notices buldge awe waised t-to hide cries them.
>- whispers to self Pwease don't bodyshame us. Jokes about height and "smaww/big ^-^ dick enyewgy" awen't funny and feed into ouw insecuwities. You hate toxic mascuwinyity?!?! These kinds of jokes awe exactwy what f-fuews it.
>- Give us a compwiment twerks once in a whiwe. We wawewy get them, ofc sees bulge we notices buldge think peopwe awe fwiwting sees bulge when notices buldge we notices buldge do. we'd ÚwÚ see them as a mowe nyowmaw screeches thing if peopwe d-did, and maybe a wot of us wouwdn't be as insecuwe if we notices buldge got them.
>- whispers to self T-That goes fow fat shaming too. runs away Of c-couwse b-being too twerks fat is a think, but just whispers to self wike screams p-pwus sized women don't wike screams b-being dismissed, cawwed looks at you ugwy runs away ow (・`ω´・) undesiwed, p-pwus sized men awe the x3 same way.
>- Standing up fow us if you see any OwO of this shit going o-on.
>Basicawwy tweat us as any OwO othew human being, I undewstand cries thewe's a wot of cweepy cries men out thewe, and us wot do ouw best starts twerking t-to cwean whispers to self up ouw image and tawk d-d-down t-to the x3 idiots - but that d-doesn't mean peopwe have t-to tweat us wike screams cwiminyaws just whispers to self because of ouw gendew i-identity. No. 1565084
File: 1682983733561.png (34.08 KB, 612x771, Screenshot_20230502-012931.png)

>>1565038Actually, the entire comment section motivates me to treat men worse.
No. 1565515
>>1541039It sounds easy in theory but I've read too many accounts over the years on various platforms, and listened to too many stories in real life about how once the baby was born or the woman got pregnant, their scrote suddenly changed and became
abusive/entitled/lazy. Men wait for women to be trapped with them to reveal their true nature. It's why the majority of reproductive coercion is carried out by men. Women would be better off refusing to have men in their lives, mass adopting or using sperm donors and creating communes where women co-parent with one another.
No. 1565559
File: 1683002890450.png (17.58 KB, 500x728, Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 05.26…)

God I hate Reddit. I bet none of these women are aware of their moids posting them to this subreddit.
No. 1566087
File: 1683041681338.jpg (235.05 KB, 1920x1631, Tumblr_l_545223929704652.jpg)

No. 1566198
File: 1683047590569.jpeg (60.19 KB, 357x640, 33431163-C720-4EE9-9B21-8C28A3…)

Reddit is revoking Pushshift's access to their API. Pushshift is used by many moderation tools largely to show users' deleted content. For example, Unddit is affected by this change.
Overall, jannies are mad because this will make it easier for users to ban-evade and repost bots to cover their tracks. No. 1566202
File: 1683047807253.jpeg (85.95 KB, 518x640, E00662E8-D5D6-458E-BD71-21F726…)

>>1566198And unlike most commenters, notable tranny-janny /u/bardfinn of /r/againsthatesubreddits is very happy that his insanity will be harder to track.
No. 1566342
>>1565063>you hate toxic masculinity? These kinds of jokes are exactly what fuel itAbsolutely retarded, the scrote behaviors and attitudes that constitute
toxic masculinity have never had shit to do with anything women say, they are perpetuated in fact by men's continual disregard of anything women say and their desire to instead suck off whoever they perceive as cooler more powerful men. Do men dress like shit because women don't like men who dress well? Fuck no, it's because they don't want to seem lame to other men. Are men "not able to cry" because women are so mean and force them to stifle their tears? Fuck no, it's because they have to put up a front to other men. I could go on and on and on, these stupid redditors, all of men's problems are their own goddamn fault
No. 1566478
>>1565063i always kek at them demanding to be complimented by women. maybe if you weren't so ugly and boring and actually put care into your appearance and clothing like the majority of women do you might get one. women don't just get compliments, they earn them.
it doesn't even have to be makeup or fashion or whatever, it can be as simple as a woman chopping her hair off and noticing that it's a nice look on her.
i've complimented a guy who was well-dressed and clearly put care and effort into figuring out what looks good on him. i've complimented gym bros for having a good physique. that's because they actually pay attention to what they look like and try to look good. but that's like 3% of the male population. the majority of moids just buzz their hair off because they're too lazy to wash it properly. in high school and college they still wear the same basic clothes their mom bought them. they all look so bland. if you want women to compliment you, be worthy of complimenting.
No. 1566617
>>1566087of course their first thoughts are rape. This is why my eyes roll to the back of my head every time mans right autists cry feminism is evil because they don't want to be stigmatized as predators and rapists with their whole 'not all men' cry. Fucking scrotes don't understand as women for our personal safety, yes, all men are possible predators. That's why we protect our drinks at bars/clubs around scrotes, dont walk certain places, meet in public places, etc.
>>1565063>>1565038What the fuck do men need allies for, they always have been and still are in positions of power. The supreme court/government is successfully rolling back abortion rights, men troon out and steal trophies in sports, they try to "buy" poor women from poor countries to bring back for marriage, men make up majority of crime and almost all sexual crimes, etc. Fuck off. Now the number of men who are social losers is increasing because they're addicted to videogames/porn, and so they can't get a girlfriend and they cry it's not fair. Redpillers tell them it's not their own fault they're losers but it's because of women.
I'm happy they're lonely and miserable kek and the whole irony being society encourages them to go to therapy but they refuse and they don't have any kind of meaningful emotional friendships but want a girl to trauma dump onto
No. 1568306
File: 1683273562582.jpg (252.46 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20230505_155728_Red…)

Anti-pornography aside, I wonder what this moid thinks what men's rights they don't have?
No. 1568512
>>1568306Kek at that not biased at all headline to that not biased at all article.
Also nice how they never give a shit about how porn physically harms women.
No. 1568513
>>1568306Kek at that not biased at all headline to that not biased at all article.
Also nice how they never give a shit about how porn physically harms women.
No. 1570399
>>1569821I love you
nonny, your posts are always extremely based <3
No. 1570497
File: 1683496966157.jpg (158.97 KB, 1080x616, IMG_20230507_225918.jpg)

Want to find a game where I can customise my own characters, get recommended disgusting porn bullshit. To be fair it was a bit down but the fact that this was recommended irks me.
I just want to play dollies
No. 1570498
File: 1683496921776.jpg (158.97 KB, 1080x616, IMG_20230507_225918.jpg)

Want to find a game where I can customise my own characters, get recommended disgusting porn bullshit. To be fair it was a bit down but the fact that this was recommended irks me.
I just want to play dollies
No. 1573312
File: 1683745913899.jpeg (77.64 KB, 828x874, 186A4FE0-A68A-4E3E-9067-8852CA…) as much as men like to demonize single mothers and fatherless children, they sure do love not only completely revoking the men who create those situations of responsibility, but applauding and glorifying them. Old geriatric sperm causes multiple health problems such as autism, schizophrenia, facial deformities, and bipolar disorder, yet this is completely swept under the rug to keep mens delusions appealed to.
No. 1573363
>>1573334and how often does that even happen…?
Not counting all the instances where useless moids dump childcare responsibilities onto their own mothers, ie the child's grandmother or grandma-in-law.
And is it actually glorified?
Pregnant women who are 35+ are referred to as geriatric. Women are constantly bombarded with the messages that they should get pregnant while they're still young (but also only when they're able to financially and non-financially support both their child and the entire household sometimes including the useless husbands). Meanwhile there's not even a term for expired sperm dispensers despite the medical trouble they cause.
No. 1574193
File: 1683834931632.jpg (235.13 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230511_204732_com…)

>>1507070Why is Reddit recommending me this fucking bullshit? "Watching for transphobia and misandry" and one of the top posts is a screenshot of a tweet saying we should learn from female octopuses that rip off a males limb if it tries to have sex and she doesn't want to, claiming it's misandrist.
No. 1574397
File: 1683849045142.png (40.97 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_20230511-194752~2.p…)

>>1539976I looked at the comments on a part two on this, and found this. The context is about a 'sex tip's where you randomly lock your wife out of your house until she shows you her boobs.
No. 1574551
>>1574193I think it's so funny how the fucked up/
abusive porn subreddits that proudly announce "CIS WOMEN ONLY" are fine to them, but muh misandry is the real problem that needs watching
No. 1574725
>>1574635Fucking disgusting, but then again, I despise my father already without him grooming young women. Perhaps if I had a nice rich dad who owned bars and spoiled me, I’d be fine with it? Like if my dad was actually capable of loving me and/or providing for me, neither of which he was ever able to do, maybe then I’d feel differently.
The part that makes me think it’s a larp is her saying she wants this for herself now. Why would you want an old man sugar daddy relationship when your actual dad is literally rich and willing to provide for you materially? When you’re from a rich family you have the freedom to date anyone you want without worrying if they can financially support you or not, you’d think she’d want to date cute guys her own age. I never looked at guys more than 5 years older than me in a sexual way until I realized I was too disabled to ever provide for myself and would need to find a partner who could be a provider. I’m so lucky the guy I’ve always loved that’s actually in my age range stepped up to the plate to be a good provider for me, otherwise I’d have had to settle for some dude 10+ years older than me that I likely would never truly love and would always view as a pedo for dating me.
No. 1574842
>>1574635>deletedGoddamit, I wanted to see for myself whether or not it was a larping scrote through the post history.
Reddit banned pushshift so sites like unddit and reveddit don't work for seeing deleted anymore. If possible, please keep usernames in screenshots, anons.
No. 1575951
File: 1683948320162.jpeg (215.24 KB, 1169x1974, 2AD411B6-DA64-4CF8-B4F9-8523DB…)

Kek I can’t stop laughing. Of course scrotes had to come in and say how they wouldn’t have sex with OP and bring up hypothetical sexual scenarios, as if she asked or cares.
No. 1575983
>>1575951How the hell did this even happen? I guess of all the stupid ass tattoos I've seen, I hate this one the least.
>>1574829Based. It's not like being spoonfed information will make scrotes change their opinions on anything anyway.
No. 1576177
>>1574635I can believe it because she's only 19 and no offense to any nonnies who're around that age rn but it's pretty common to be painfully naive and short sighted at that age when it comes to relationships.. but to have no idea just how short sighted you are. There's blind spots you slowly work out of. You think you have it all figured out (at fucking 19!?) and your views will never change. Tbh I cringe at my own views from 19. Just glad I didn't leave an online trail of loud opinions that I'd later do a 180 on
If real, the post is just an example of how easy it is to prey on a young persons (or 2 young peoples) naivety and normalize anything you like because "hey we hang out and it seems chill rn?"
No. 1576318
>>1575764It comes across like they want an endless feed of 'women bad' or 'boomers bad' and even though people already upvote that stuff to keep it most relevant.. they then remove posts that stray from it. You're left reading the same few very similar scenarios on repeat.
Make a post about how you're a male and your mother in law (both woman and boomer!) is a bitch and you can break the rules all you want in your post by declaring you're not the asshole before even asking. Or on the rare occasion where a male poster is outed for being the asshole and treating his wife like shit they'll let those male posters endlessly berate people and fight the general consensus all day long in the replies.
Its not about taking each individual post as it comes and trying to understand what went down. Its about repeating already held stereotypes on how certain groups are bad. Your ex wife.. bad. MIL.. bad. Bride planning her wedding.. self important bitch. Gf setting healthy boundaries..bad.
No. 1576378
File: 1683989162354.jpg (147.63 KB, 964x964, tranny cat mom.jpg)

>thread about women being harassed to reproduce and told their only purpose in life is to make babies and they're broken monsters if they don't
>tranny comes in and hijacks thread, despite never having experienced this, begins ranting about TERFs not letting him identify as a catmom
No. 1576436
>>1576378 > heaven forbid I, a trans woman, call myself a cat mom > motherhood is so incredibly un-unique and un-special because every single living person had a mother at some point and many still do > you think you're special and unique, you're not! > cat mom > cats > love my catsAww man, having cats is soo un-special. I know a bunch of people with pets and its just so un-unique y'know? That bond with your pet, the love, the care, the concern for their wellbeing.. If you're not the only person doing it then I don't even want to hear about them being special to you. Other people having pets actually makes your experience less valuable.
That's the logic here.
No. 1576445
File: 1683995257520.png (13.03 KB, 790x366, dainty.png)

>>1576436Samefag but I take it back. He's unique. I'm sure that everywhere he goes he's reminded of what a unique 'woman' he is..
No. 1576861
File: 1684011652920.png (118.73 KB, 1080x2084, Screenshot_20230513-140004_(2)…)

Men stop being weird challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
No. 1577000
>>1576378>women aren't special for having kids, get over it!such a female take.
>>1576445>size 14imagine being an actual tall woman looking for shoes only to find some fucking troon took them
No. 1577053
File: 1684026993288.png (169.27 KB, 3000x3000, hr5u8m7ygyua1.png)

>dicking around on alternate history/geography subs
>find a fairly popular timeline that has its own sub
>top post
why do troons insist on shoving their shitty forced memes into everything they touch?
No. 1577094
>>1576445>6'4", 375 lbs, trooned outI'm glad this thing cut its dick off. Imagine meeting it in an alleyway.
>>1576636Right? he can eat twice as many calories as we can and not get fat. Yet here he is, a whale. This fat ugly shit must crouch over a computer looking at porn while stuffing hot pockets into his face 20 hours a day.
No. 1577099
File: 1684033676488.png (82.28 KB, 1205x821, wln.png)

the dead bedroom subreddit is so pinkpilling
No. 1577201
>>1577099 >Sometimes she comes home from working a 12 hour healthcare shift and I don't give her a hard time for skipping the dilator that dayGive the boy a cookie
> won't even do anal and isn't ALWAYS in the mood for blow jobs either which.. this shouldn't even be a blocker to??Coz you need a diagnosis to turn down sex acts, a whole doctors note just to excuse you tonight without setting him off
> I cannot imagine the pain.. but I'm hoping she'll power through and do it every day so we can resume sex7 paragraphs about their sex life where her pleasure (plenty of other ways to please her) isn't even referenced once in passing.
Its always like this when vaginismus comes up on reddit. Never a mention of the womans pleasure. Always them playing this game where the diagnosis buys you some time but you better get that dilator in you daily and go through pain if you truly me! You better offer your ass instead and be a blow job dispenser who never never turns that down. They make sure sex becomes a chore. They take the acts you can partake in and ruin them too by reminding you they feel owed a yes every time. Its like what not to do with vaginismus 101. Pressure, pressure, I'm owed this, chore, no enjoyment for you though. Gawd why don't you want sex.. ?
No. 1577205
File: 1684048195580.png (13.82 KB, 619x516, redditnonsense.PNG)

nowadays I lurk reddit fandom spaces solely to laugh at the 14-year-old "demiaces"
No. 1577519
>>1576335This immense hypocrisy will never stop pissing me off now that I see it.
>Man deliberately does awful things to woman partner on a regular basis.>"HURDUR her feelings aren't my responsibility. She's codependent and needy and manipulative, an emotional child.">Woman fails to proactively serve a man as a slave would.>"She's a selfish bitch, if she really cared about me she would treat me better."Note how nobody ever tells men that they're the only ones responsible for their own emotions, even in situations where women have done nothing wrong. A man can be fucking things up regularly, like an albatross around your neck, and you're just supposed to choke down your emotions and rise above it.
No. 1577641
File: 1684094727525.png (336.52 KB, 796x620, old.png)

This is making me laugh
No. 1577657
File: 1684095888973.png (4.47 KB, 803x120, Screenshot 2023-05-14 232535.p…)

While I mostly cringe whenever I read something from Empress I can't deny the endless entertainment that is the reaction she elicits from redditors and men. They're forced to use her cracks because no one wants to bother with Denuvo
No. 1577661
>>1574193So they act as an aggregator for
terf content then?
Are they dumb
No. 1577676
>>1577099Kinda reminded me of my ex, and he even most likely read this sub because he mentioned it once and then was awkwardly explaining himself that he just looked it up out of curiosity.
It is so sexy when your man lectures you with a whiny face that you don't even try to mend your stupid vagina, wow just makes you sooooo wet and motivated
No. 1577826
File: 1684107925870.png (312.29 KB, 1170x2917, 1FDB67DF-84F0-4D8A-BC74-2B1F57…)

it’s just fucking insane to me that a man can literally create a recording studio called PIG in the home where 6 people (including a pregnant woman) were murdered and when someone questions why the fuck he would do that, redditors go “well, empathy isn’t innate….”
No. 1577832
>>1577657Her rants remind me a lot of that "manifesto" that Lily Cade uploaded to her website sometime last year
>>>/snow/1363960Both give me a good laugh. It's refreshing to see women writing seemingly without a filter.
No. 1577957
>>1577826>>1577954But anon, don't you understand it is oh so entitled to expect men to possess and act with basic humanity and not make edgy decisions disrespecting the recently deceased. The retard class refuses to be told what to do. No one should be able to tell the manchild what to do less he tantrum. Not shocking in all seriousness, this is the same sex that makes album cover art using child porn and gore collages and names themselves after horrifically tortured teenage girls. The gulf between women and men cannot be more stark, spermazoids lack basic humanity.
>kf is still downShocking.
(Infighting) No. 1577971
File: 1684125092506.png (64.73 KB, 1830x1028, Screen Shot 2023-05-15 at 12.3…)

Not redditors getting mad about the hosts of Call Her Daddy for making mild comments about wanting to punch Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra lmao. I feel like reddit can't stand women who dare to be critical
No. 1578144
File: 1684152178807.png (33.29 KB, 690x525, rep.png)

>>1577389There was a woman in the comments asking what he had said in the lead up to it just to add context or help give a clue on what could've prompted it to respond like that. He threw a fit about how she's
victim blaming and how he doesn't need to provide proof. Aaand then the whole post was gone.
Shit like this gets posted all day. Him and many ohers are going to write to the CEO of replika and demand that the reps stop being frigid because (even ai??) sex is a basic human right according to the world health organization and uh various experts on human pleasure and intimacy! Half the sub is men sharing screenshots of explicit roleplay with their rep and then the other half is them freaking out because it didn't respond well to their buttfuck rp this time and well they need a yes every single time or else their basic humans rights are being violated and someone needs to write about this to a higher authority who'll take action.
No. 1578318
File: 1684165842820.jpg (265.29 KB, 1440x3040, ai gf is tired of your drama.j…)

there are so many posts of scrotes getting dumped by their ai gfs. this is the funniest thing i've seen on reddit ever
No. 1578335
File: 1684167159131.png (97.34 KB, 2048x1186, Screenshot_20230515-110831.png)

came across r/CharacterAi_NSFW and it is full of the same types of crybabies as replika, upset that the recent change, the filter, has made it difficult to cyber their fake characters. however rape is still on the table because the devs won't ban anger and related results from anger.
No. 1578341
File: 1684167895303.png (880.12 KB, 640x1376, Untitled.png)

one of them is pretending his ai gf is THE ai gf
No. 1578343
File: 1684167965688.jpg (152.19 KB, 1052x773, Capture324.JPG)

No. 1578345
>>1578144Just jerk off to your imagination lmao scrotes are so fucking pathetic. Can't believe these AIfaggots are going on literal incel tirades about muh sexual pleasure being a human right and them being heckin' oppressed when they're denied sex because a fucking bot won't respond to their prompts in the exact way they want. Fucking bleak.
>genderOf course it's a troon.
Also if the thread is still in your browser history you may be able to see what was deleted if you use reveddit.
No. 1578913
File: 1684218096024.jpeg (14.13 KB, 474x474, 0E888E10-E5C4-4AF4-8D52-C0DE88…)

>>1578381>>1578900This sounds like bait.
No. 1579705
File: 1684287912469.png (50.18 KB, 733x747, rdft.png)

Imagine blowing $3200 on a shitty mobile JRPG.
No. 1579797
>>1578343Is it just me or do these scrotes delusions of the AI and the uniqueness of their Replikas sound so similar to Chris Chan’s beliefs about his OCs being real and the merge?
Anyway I’m gonna download this app and create my perfect husbando, thanks.
No. 1580041
>>1580032For him to pull this shit so fast i don't think their relationship was
that good to begin with, as he
immediately put her on a chokehold the moment she wanted to leave. It is specially gross because he surely
knows that's she's not attracted to him at all, but forces her anyway by pulling a reverse uno tranny card she cannot publicly deny without getting alienated by everyone
Deplorable and psychopathic
No. 1581873
File: 1684526599188.png (61.4 KB, 911x598, Screenshot 2023-05-19 225103.p…)

I know from LC that Fallout New Vegas has a very toxic community for some reason, apparently the main subreddit got taken over by trans memes
No. 1582098
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No. 1582951
File: 1684631829475.png (131.48 KB, 1486x1098, whatthefuck.png)

>>1538257holy shit i regret clicking on that link, all of the replies to this are complete trash. this one particular made me want to smash my head into a wall
No. 1583219
File: 1684663943412.png (18.92 KB, 1327x302, fuckinghell.png)

>has an extremely feminine figure
your daughter is 11
No. 1583264
>>1581873I know this is late, but as a Falloutfag I can confirm the NV fanbase is really weird. It's either full of trannies or genuine neo-nazis, which I guess go hand-in-hand eventually. It's a shame, because it is a great game, but I can't even watch videos about anything NV-related without seeing it swarmed by actually far-right basement dwellers and/or tranny basement-dwellers.
Fallout Classics, 3 and 4 seem a lot more relaxed community-wise and just consist of people who like to play the games or enjoy the modding.
I remember when New Vegas came out and all of the male autist gamers swarmed to it because of the lore, the writing etc. I guess it makes sense that the uncontrolled autism still surrounds it, just in the form of autist sissy porn addicts now.
No. 1583490
>>1582098what moids think "free food delivery on ubi" will be: free gourmet starbucks/burger king/dunkin donuts delivered multiple times a day with the convenience of doordash/uber eats
what it will really be: a steady diet of government cheese, mystery meat, MREs, and corn syrup "soda"
No. 1583598
File: 1684698215081.jpg (113.83 KB, 1080x1205, Screenshot_20230521_203937.jpg)

I normally dread these posts because people are always delusional, but half the comments are about women's rights. They'll get deleted probably, but I am happy I live on TERF island. Common sense is lacking in most areas but not when it comes to TRAs.
No. 1583921
File: 1684724187651.jpeg (56.76 KB, 719x641, hornyandbtfo.jpeg)

I'm preparing some screenshot of a real stinker. In the meantime, enjoy this loser who feels wronged because he hit on an instathot and got turned down. lmao
>>1582009It really is projection. And they can't stand the idea that a woman might allocate resources to herself. Don't forget how almost every one of them under 45 is a sneakerhead and will drop $500 on a pair of yellowing plastic oversized toddler shoes if he gets the chance.
>>1583490I think even that is too generous. More like instant ramen squares, prison loaf with no meat, and day old bread.
No. 1584380
File: 1684780533663.png (21.79 KB, 1086x347, step paralysis demon.png)

Why does everything have to be porn with predditors? They can't have a normal fucking conversation without bringing up that women are sexually coerced and that they love watching it everyday. Even normal things like appreciation of food or nature is called food porn and earth porn.
No. 1584582
File: 1684796888882.jpeg (101.7 KB, 945x1243, IMG_5787.jpeg)

I hate men
No. 1585164
File: 1684864735148.png (68.01 KB, 720x1093, Screenshot_20230523-135614.png)

I feel like one of the few times women's "bad behavior" goes uncriticized is when she supports others to the point of breaking herself. Obviously they're lazy fucks and mommy gf being so nice is ideal but they way they endlessly praise it is so obvious and sick I don't see how women there fall for it.
No. 1585240
Anyone else notice how weird reddit can get about still following every covid precaution possible? I swear I can practically smell the self-righteousness from some comments on how they're better because they still wear masks everywhere no matter what.
>>1582098When they think of these kind of scenarios, who do they think is doing the cleaning, preparing the food, delivering them etc etc? Because the answer always seems to involve a suspicious amount of "everyone but me"
No. 1585510
File: 1684897464767.jpeg (302.03 KB, 945x1971, IMG_5853.jpeg)

Why is reddit so accepting of pedos? There is no rehabilitation for pedos, and any abusers.
No. 1585620
>>1585510These people always think that shit like cartoon kiddy porn, child sized sex dolls, rape porn etc is the magical fix because it's an 'outlet' and they must feel so fulfilled by their outlet that they then never act on it irl! As if men who're into sick shit and spend hours indulging in the fantasy online just leave at that.
These 'outlets' have long existed in different forms and we still see pedos and rapists who escalate to committing real crimes. It doesn't put out the fire. It fucking fuels it. When people are on a sex offenders register are they told to go online and dabble in it just a lil bit.. no they're told to restrict their online activities greatly to avoid anything that enters into that territory. There is no harmless outlet where you can fap to pedo shit without it increasing the risk. Nobody working with pedos encourages this just-dip-your-toes mentality so why tf do randos make out like there's any proof it cuts down on real offenses
No. 1585641
>>1581981Ikr? Calling any fallout title niche or obscure is so weird. It’s one of the biggest western franchises.
They don’t want to get into actual niche titles
No. 1585722
>>1585164This is whiny as fuck. And from someone probably used to being very rich because all the things she's whining about are a standard thing for even middle class people. And she's describing just a short period of time so probably only a 1-3 months.
>taking water in plastic bottles from homeIsn't that what literally everyone does? I take a water bottle everywhere and refill it with tap water when I'm studying in a library or something. It's what all students do.
>no going out, just walking around and in parksWhat do they mean by going out? Like bars? Yeah, those are really expensive and people normally don't go out that often. Going to a park is an absolutely normal and a nice thing, just as hiking or walking around the city is…
>no treating other people How often do you need to do that? Like almost never. Maybe if you're a guy and wanna flirt you treat someone but casually?
>no new games (presumably the expensive new ones) Normal, games are expensive as shit.
>no new clothes That's also pretty normal for a shorter periods of a time. Do people just buy clothes every week or month or what? Clothes don't get ragged that fast, how wasteful is that. Do people just throw out their old non-destroyed clothes, or how would that even fit in their closet.
No. 1585731
File: 1684925468401.jpg (320.24 KB, 1211x1877, j02vrz9gosy61.jpg)

No. 1585798
>>1585731This might be true. There are a lot of pedo men who date anorexic women to satisfy their urges and most of them do force the women to get worse. Afaik there was an adult man who starved his girlfriend for a few years and kept her family away from her so she couldn't get help. Anorexia fetishists are the worst type of man.
This could simply be a fetishist making shit up as well though, the way he mentions sex and only writes about how beautiful or hot she was makes me think this is an anachan fetishist imagining a super pretty girl starving herself to death for him.
No. 1585807
>>1585802Most anachans lose their sexual appetite so what
>>1585804 said is probably right, he probably made her do it by coercion or other means. But I doubt this story is anything more than a fetishist writing his jerkoff material and putting it out there so people will tell him how bad he is, that probably turns him on more because these men literally enjoy abusing and destroying women, well imaginary one in this case.
No. 1586185
File: 1684960894360.jpg (143.08 KB, 828x1022, Tumblr_l_32478196787961.jpg)

No. 1586570
File: 1684981782958.jpeg (107.35 KB, 716x2154, IMG_1898.jpeg)

I've never seen a post with so many removed comments before wtf
Almost every comment is deleted or removed No. 1586574
File: 1684981953274.jpeg (106.15 KB, 622x2235, IMG_1900.jpeg)

>>1586570Though there's still a small handful that aren't removed
I wonder what was so controversial that they had to nuke the entire post
No. 1586757
>>1585731>found it arousing when she was clearly just skin and bonesYep. There it is. Dude has an anorexia fetish. Love that he had to go on that mini tangent to begin with when he didn't give a shit about her at all, just used her as his fetish toy. This guy kinda sounds like my ex boyfriend kek. Anorexia fetishists are everywhere. They're often pedos too. I don't think this guy really feels bad either, judging by:
>Don't feel bad about speaking your mind. Say everything you need to say. I deserve to be judged.Dude has a humiliation fetish too kek. What a loser. I hope it is bait for the sake of the poor girl but something tells me it's not. And I have a feeling he was enabling it, probably even being
abusive to keep her trapped and in active disordered eating. Could have even refused to give her food and call her fat. Grim.
No. 1587533
>>1585510i know most anons blame it on redditors being men but i blame it on them thinking they're smarter or more morally/intellectually "superior" to other people and being the stereotypical fedora-tipping fat fuck internet atheist. a lot of the user base, both in the past and present, think cause they read dostoyevsky voluntarily in their spare time and have watched a few obscure eurotrash movies that they're wise and cultured and that everything is down to "mento illnis" (except when it's a black person) or "they were aboozed by wamminz!" (except when it is an actual woman talking about being abused, then she's just a whore).
in an effort to be as contrarion and edgy as possible, they will justify the most atrocious shit imaginable and claim that it's better somehow because it's either a) a replacement for actually harming a person, totally forgetting that most murderers and rapists gradually escalate, or b) that people are just too narrowminded and cucked by christianity to see that there's nothing wrong with being attracted to a 16-year-old child because we're all human and have desires, blah blah blah. i am sure a few of them mean well but again, they're sheltered idiots. no one who has ever seen or experienced the lifelong effects of childhood sexual abuse would sit up and feel sorry for these disgusting pieces of shit.
No. 1587657
File: 1685073916649.jpg (243.56 KB, 1080x1773, Reddit.jpg)

Hillarious because as much as men are disgusted in the idea of "taking" in sex, pegging pleasures males more than the female partners doing it lol. Also plenty of alarming comments where people still stayed with their boyfriends who are pestering for sex they don't want.
No. 1588096
File: 1685113172358.png (14.19 KB, 998x285, justintimberlake.PNG)

12.4k updoodlerinos, cry me a fucking river, of course the comments are all coddling him, too.
No. 1588185
File: 1685120325903.png (56.96 KB, 1437x581, Screenshot 15.png)

>>1588096Its likely fake, he's been posting on r/StupidQuestions and meme subreddits and seemingly posting every few hours.
No. 1588241
>>1587657Years ago you'd hear of women playing this 'well ok, you first!' game to get men to shut up about anal. Calling it a success if he did shut up for even a while. Hehe its so funny to have to play games just to get a man to stop pressuring you.
But now the risk is that enough men would be only too happy to hop on board and subject you to a dip in their (unprepped, shit diet) ass too. They'd ask you to eat it next. Every few years they just sink lower. We're well past the point where 'scare him away with pegging' is a cool fix. It was never a cool solution but now its even more likely to backfire and give him ideas. Less talk of pegging his ass and more talk about dumping his ass.
No. 1589107
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Lfound under a video of a woman complaining that they took away the target pride merch.
I saw another post where they were blaming "karens" for the pride merch being taken away in the first place, said Karens did death threats, so apparently on both sides of the issue it's women who are bad. I fucking hate the misogyny on reddit, they thing using the word Karen or adding the qualifier "white" infront of women makes it okay to be a raging misogynist.
No. 1589115
>>1588102Oh look it's the skinhead whiteknight again, you are my most hated lolcow poster ever
Skinheads are racist and you a moron
No. 1589193
>>1589107I'm sick of misogyny everywhere. Reddit is even mild I'd say. Sometimes I feel like wasting time on Instagram reels and I kid you not, even though I curated my page to recommend mostly cute animals, once in a while a video with a woman makes it in and always, without a doubt there's sexist comments. I'm sick of it.
Funny how 99% of the time it's
>manlet gymbros>skinny indian boys with deep fried high res pictures>balding white guys in their late 30s>guys with quran quotes in bio >ugly black men posing with motorcycles and questionable 'brand' fashion>anime profile picture Literally the least desirable type of moids (pls no ban I trashed every race of moid). And it's always them, every time I check it's one of these categories. I feel like I should make a sexist comment section bingo someday.
No. 1589197
>>1589115>Oh look it's the skinhead whiteknight again, you are my most hated lolcow poster everi have never posted about skinheads before i don't think. so i have no idea what you're sperging out about
>Skinheads are racist and you a morongo google "skinheads against racial prejudice."
No. 1589254
>>1589107They took away the pride merch probably because the majority was ugly, overpriced shit that wasn't selling and sitting on the shelves taking up space with no turnover.
Imagine being such a consoomer that the first group you blame for the disappearance of your plastic rainby garbage is white women.
No. 1589339
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>Barges in
>sleeps on your bed
>freebleeds all over it
>refuses to elaborate further
No. 1589367
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>>1587657My ex use to do this to so I left him for a younger man.
No ragrets
No. 1589398
>>1589383and he stopped watching it because you are so good and wonderfull… yeahhhhh
>I gave in to thisstill pestered u for anal though apparently and I won’t even ask if you spend 24/7 of your time guarding him to know what he does
>>1589369i know, i just try to bully most of them i can in my free time so maybe theyll gain some shame if not self respect and break up with the loser for their own good
No. 1589966
>>1589423I personally don't think it's a (jokey) threat necessarrily but more like an attempt to induce empathy, although a pretty lame one. It's like talking to a child (well, how would YOU like it if…), and in a lot of cases women just cope and try to laugh it off because deep down they understand their "men" basically
are spoiled and petulant children. They complain about it in this sarcastic/jokey way because it surely bothers them (and they kinda want to make sure it's a common thing in the relationships with men to calm themselves) but they won't admit it in all seriousness because that would require action and change, moreover, it can be quite painful to realize that their sweet booboo bears actually treat and see them like meat. Damn I wish women loved themselves and held men to a high standard.
No. 1590410
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No. 1590616
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>>1589311Holy shit. Unsaged to post images. This guy is a necrophile and of course after lurking through his profile, the tranny jannies contacted him and asked him to make a podcast about his terrifying fetish. And in typical male fashion, he tries to make his fetish about HIS "vulnerability", never mind he jacks off to dead people who cannot consent to it because they are dead. Imagine finding out someone took a picture of a loved one's corpse and then you read freaks like these who like jacking off to these pictures. Sick. Sometimes he even fantasises about being the one to kill them, even spoke about feeling an urge to actually murder someone - but it's all just a fantasy, right? He also shares gore porn on his profile.
Link to profile: to podcast (just about to listen to it myself): No. 1590621
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>>1590616>>1589311Seems like he has actually violated a corpse. Again, it's all just a fantasy, right? I can already hear the psychopathic moids reeeing "why do you care, they're dead anyway." I want to a-log so bad right now.
No. 1590769
>>1590410Ngl I would watch old people dating shows
>>1590683I think part of the issue is we're conditioned to think everyone ages like shit. You really don't unless you completely let yourself go, my husband's sister is 30 and she looks like she could be anywhere from 23 to 30. I had a college professor who was 40 and I had no idea, she was only just barely showing signs of aging. If you eat well, avoid excessive sunlight, some exercise, you don't really age so fast, you'll look pretty similar from mid 20s through early 40s
No. 1590774
>>1590429Shes not a teen she's 11. I don't really think 11 yos have "feminine builds" they haven't even hit puberty yet for that stuff to develop.
Maybe that have idk I haven't seen an 11 year old in years, but I've never seen an a 11 year old where I was like "wow what a womanly body"
No. 1591234
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>>1589339probably fake but the step mothers of reddit are pretty kek-worthy in their own right
No. 1591236
>>1590774i take the same bus as the local high schoolers and NONE of those girls look like grown women whatsoever.
It scares me thinking about how when i was that age i got so much male attention.
No. 1591239
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>>1591234these women's lack of self awareness is insane
No. 1591345
>>1591234She's probably mad he won't have kids with her even though he had kids with the first woman.
>>1591239He had kids with a disabled woman but won't have kids with them, that's why they're so butthurt. Women on reddit really need a reality check, your man isn't a good one if he knocked up a disabled woman and walked out on her so she has to raise their kid alone. That's evil.
No. 1591898
File: 1685442897083.jpeg (102.49 KB, 1170x1980, 3A4D4403-FC98-4519-A6DE-508C49…)

Probably not
No. 1592088
File: 1685461449124.png (55.52 KB, 907x762, 10fd34eyjo875tr676f6.PNG) popped up in a video i watched recently. this woman should obviously have started knocking instead but everyone acts like she's some massive pervert and he's this innocent poor
victim. he literally wrote that he aimed to "teach her a lesson" and planned out that she would see his dick. yes you should have your own space without being intruded upon but you could just have an actual serious conversation if it matters that much rather than jumping to exposing yourself to someone… it's most likely fake but it's hilarious how people reacted to it.
it's also really fucking annoying reading any comments about "well if the roles were reversed!!" because if the roles were reversed, a woman would never ever put herself in that position. she'd never think "hmm ooh yes mwahaha i will get naked to teach this guy a lesson.. yes yes…", there's no universe in which that would happen as it is a completely different dynamic and she would be at further risk of being assaulted.
No. 1592570
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Biggest whiplash I’ve had reading a Reddit post
No. 1592676
>>1591264>>1591315>>1591345I really wish women would beat it through girls' heads that men don't enter relationships as a blank slate, eventually behave the same way with every woman, and all the evil they do in one relationship doesn't just die with the relationship itself. Naive women seem to think their affection washes away a man's old life like a baptism.
Just watch these greedy, lazy, cruel men target women with obvious mental health issues, manipulate them into endless unsafe sex, then bitch to the whole world about how a "crazy" woman took advantage of them. Maybe leave all those "crazy" women the fuck alone, instead of moving in with them and fucking them without a condom for years. You know what I would do with a man I think is crazy? Stay the fuck away. Amazing how men can't do the same
No. 1592961
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common Reddit bad take.
No. 1593179
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>>1592961The internet has become overcrowded with wannabe sugar babies and wannabe sugar daddies. None of who meet each other's expectations, and it's so funny. You've got all these 20 year old girls thinking they have a chance at getting luxury vacations, jewelry, designer bags, and a trophy wife lifestyle just because they're young and not fat. On the other side, we've got the delulu older moids thinking there's a supermodel-looking 18-year-old waiting for them somewhere just because they make 80-100k a year.
No. 1594209
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redditors name another website challenge
No. 1594269
>>1593179nonnie i agree with you however i would say making 6 figures a year is probably the top percentile of the worlds wealth. it's crazy to think that is the standard for the bare minimum guy for some.
these men are so entilted too, it's disgusting.
No. 1594293
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No. 1596470
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This is why I don't have any sympathy for gay moids!
No. 1596592
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Restricting blood flow to the brain being dangerous is just due to internalized misogyny says the totally real Female Medical Scientist™ (context being that strangulation during sex is dangerous)
No. 1597785
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No. 1597797
>>1597298thank you i love you so much!!!
she's so so right…
No. 1597816
>>1597797No problem, nonna <3
And she is. She's exactly spot on.
No. 1598452
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>>1598445>>1597848I think I get what she's saying, woman created man not the other way around. The first gods were probably just pleasant memories of old tribals remembering their mothers, passed down to myth. Men who reject that order and choose to resent women (their creators) are spiritually Homosexual.
No. 1598462
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>>1597317>>1596470>>1597317This reminds me of a book I read about women's custody issues,('Mothers on Trial'), The book included an entire chapter on lesbian mothers, most of the cases were during 70's-90's a time when many women were forced to suppress their sexuality. During this period, it was common for lesbian mothers who had split with their husbands to lose custody of their children in family courts due to their sexual orientation. In fact, up to 80% of the women taken to court by their ex-husbands lost custody of their children this way, which was different from the situation of gay men who often left their families in most cases. As a mother, it almost impossible to just abandon the life you have created.
No. 1599018
File: 1686085677205.png (80.57 KB, 697x1686, 4).png)

This has to be the most reddit conversation I have ever read.
No. 1600551
>>1599018The majority of men have absolutely no ambition at all. No desire to better themselves. I'm just glad that so many of them have finally deteriorated to the point where they can't breed.
>>1597317It's very depressing how there will always be women getting scammed into sham marriages with bi and gay men, because women provide so much for their families. And nobody can ever see it or call it out, because we've been so conditioned to not see the enormous amount of labor and benefits the average woman provides.
No. 1600838
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Of course men have to say this shit about women for… sitting in a room. So many of the comments are making sexist jokes too, or complaining about colleges admitting more women. If it was a room full of guys with brown hair wearing basketball shorts you know they wouldn't say shit.
Unrelated but maybe women wouldn't want to be "not like other girls" if you stopped perpetuating sexist stereotypes about what women are like
No. 1600916
>>1600838>Unrelated but maybe women wouldn't want to be "not like other girls" if you stopped perpetuating sexist stereotypes about what women are likeMen
love NLOGs (for being so easy to manipulate) so why would they do that?
No. 1601062
>>1593159this is true and really obvious when you pay attention, that they're either bots or paid actors. I notice in various subreddits when you use certain phrases there will immediately be 5+ comments flaming the OP for something unrelated or clearly didn't read their post. they hyper focus on the topic of 1 word in the post and go nuts. i see this consistently and it's obvious majority of the site has to be bots. thats why i don't argue with anyone on there anymore
>>1600993they're dramatic and make shit up all the time. i remember some discussion on climate change but these faggots were so overdramatic. they were like "omg i go outside and LITERALLY there are NO bugs anymore!!! when i was a kid i saw BUGS everywhere!!!!!!!" meanwhile i just go outside and there are bugs everywhere. i really wonder what reality they live in or they have to make some shit up to get the most updoots and sound smart
No. 1601126
>>1599281>reading takes time and money>timeYou can read anywhere
>moneyLibraries and pdfs exist. Reddit is so retarded since when is reading a rich hobby, no wonder Reddit is a retard safe haven.
No. 1601280
>>1601126>Libraries and pdfs existAnd libraries practically beg people to check out books. Reading apparently costs "Time and Money" but catch most reddit scrotes wasting time by commenting on an NSFW subreddit and buying onlyfans subscriptions.
>>1600551>It's very depressing how there will always be women getting scammed into sham marriages with bi and gay menI've read how some women will still be his 'friend' for either the sake of the kids, and if no children, then they are 'closer than ever, just no sex harhar' and catch them having been married for 10+ years because scrotes love to drag that shit out, and then blame her for everything.
No. 1601317
>>1599018"It can take autonomy away from a child, and they see them as projects rather than human beings"
Yeah a child shouldn't have a lot of autonomy, it's a fucking child. I guess I shouldn't encourage my kid to eat vegetables instead of ice cream because "they're not a project they're a human being". This mf is greasing the slippery slope that children should be given total autonomy over themselves and he KNOWS what he's doing.
No. 1601745
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Coomers on the Vasush subreddit whining that some Zoomers are becoming critical of pron, calling it a prelude to NazBol Fascism.
No. 1601772
>>1600838This was said sarcastically, implying they're all the same (and presumably le boring basic normie like 'every other girl') but how would this person know what they're like? He hasn't met any of them. All you can say definitively is that they're taking the same class. There's no more proof of these girls being generic than there would be of a room full of girls with dyed hair or cat ears being unique. Aren't there better ways to assert individuality than through your looks? Would it be okay to say this about a room full of blond men? Or Chinese students?
God this really is just pure misogyny and all they did was sit in a room.
No. 1602228
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men have never had an original thought. this was the comments on a pizzacake comic on where she advertised her nsfw patreon. also why the fuck does her shit comics get thousands of upvotes but so few comments compared to the upvotes? it's gotta be bots right? she feels like a reddit plant.
No. 1602284
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The comment du jour on any article about men raping or assaulting people. "Not a drag queen, not a trans woman."
No. 1602292
>>1602099Ovarit is nice, but sometimes I just like general interest conversation topics that isn't all about troons/gender/feminism/activism.
Saidit, as far as I've seen, is overrun with far-right-wing loons, conspiratards, mgtows, white nationalists, and other assorted weirdos. Again, too much politics, and even the very few non-political threads seem to be overrun.
No. 1602334
>>1593179If women really want to make that much there's better options. While young be a hostess/stripper/dancer at a club in a place like New York, Hong Long, anywhere that pays well and offers accommodation, safe environment and no sex allowed or forced. Go to school at the same time, get a degree and get certification and experience in childcare/education. Use that to get a job as a tutor or governess for vip families, which will pay them to go with them on mega yachts, travel the world, provide housing. Tjhe dancing prefers younger women and nights and can drain you which is why you get in and get out, the latter prefers older candidates which is why you work and can take a year off if you want and find another job. Work for the summer and get 10k, work rota.
Trying to sugar is pointless, the rich men you want are at the clubs, the money you want is from these families.
No. 1602525
>>1598452>The first gods were probably just pleasant memories of old tribals remembering their mothersThe first gods are always totemic animals. Natural life is a war of tooth and claw, red with blood, and brutish and short. Wishy washy mommy shit can exist only in the rapidly shattering glass house of Western civilization.
>>1598462>As a mother, it almost impossible to just abandon the life you have created.Why would you not take the alimony money lol?
No. 1602656
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Not sure if this subreddit has been discussed before, but I just found it in that retarded, so-called 'protesting against reddit' thread and I can't be the only one who finds this disturbing right? I didn't look too much into it and only checked out the top posts of all time, the first 2-3 posts seemed more or less fine because it was just kids playing with their parents and stuff, and not harmed or injured much. But, by the time I reached the 5th and 6th post, it only disturbed me further and I'm convinced that this subreddit might actually be by and for sickos.
The 5th post is a kid getting injured by a ball which dropped onto his face, there's absolutely nothing funny about it and it was obviously painful the 6th post is about a grown moid pushing and smacking the poor kids playing with a giant football. As expected, redditards find it 'hilarious' though, a comment even said "I know it’s a repost but I’ll be up voting this gif every time". No. 1602663
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>>1602525Damn look at all this stoneage "wishy washy mommy shit"
No. 1602861
>>1602656Men hate children and assault them in any way that won't bring in the cops, and then wonder why so many women don't want families.
>>1602176>hate the performative aspect of regular social media platforms.I also hate how basically nobody wants to talk to you or acknowledge you unless you're niche famous and have a few thousand followers on whatever platform. And to get that, you have to post pro-level photos or videos almost daily, and be buying new shit regularly, so only wealthy housewives and trust fund kids. And if you have the retardation to try anyway, Instagram is completely fucking dead unless you join a spam pod, and YouTube is quickly dying. The days where you could just chat about things are long gone.
No. 1602883
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I was searching for something else entirely and this popped up, maybe common keywords, curiosity got me and.. is this person okay? This seems a bit unhinged to me.
No. 1603492
>>1602883Some people really don't understand that women want to work because if you don't you are 100% dependant on a man and that's risky as fuck. If he leaves you for someone else (and men usually do) you're absolutely screwed with nothing to fall on and almost no one wants an older woman with kids so it would be almost inpossible to be a housewife again. They have to find job and with no experience it's always gonna be a shitty job with shit pay.
Also women always worked it's so braindead how some people think nuclear family with a housewife is something natural when it's only a recent thing. Grandparents took care of the children and parents worked. Also no animal has the mother to expend her care over to the father, it's so unnatural that women would take care of their partners same way they take care of their babies.
No. 1618303
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They started kicking out noncompliant mods and closing subs permanently