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No. 1471625
For those in need of answers for the silliest of questions
previous thread
>>1456052 No. 1471628
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What looks better? Matching face jewelry or a colorful set up? I'm getting my lip done next week and can't decide if I should match it to my nose (purple) or go for teal or pink.
No. 1471740
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help what style of sunnies should i get? the cat eyes have the effect i want but the left ones might look better on an oval shaped face
No. 1471822
Does anyone else have like 18 jobs? How many jobs have you done in your life so far?
For me I just never had any real contracted job. I did volunteer, paid internships, gigs and freelance. I could set my schedule and quit anytime. It makes good money but it's not consistent, and I have no protection.
- taking care of animals at shelters
- medical studies, medicine or ct scans
- streaming, talking to people online
- stripping for one day, not sorry I was broke
- let a guy touch my feet, girls gotta eat
- private tutoring, parttime academy teacher
- babysitting
- nannying
- translation
- transcription
- massage and spa treatments
- voice work
- worked at a hotel
- onetime modeling gig for said hotel
- singing in stream, made money
- dancing on stream
- running a guesthouse almost entirely by myself, check ins and cleaning and helping guests, but it was owned by someone else who managed the booking system
- petsitting
There's also shit jobs that didn't pay me and just gave a room so I said fuck it this is slavery and left, I hate people who do this, they are ALL airbnbs and hostels, too cheap to pay employees and too lazy to work themselves.
But anyway I am surprised how much I did to get by. I am still trying new things, first I considered governess like a really high paid nanny tutor for rich people but it's a lot of hours, and might be suffocating, and nobody hired me yet lol. I am also now following my aviation dreams, getting a private pilots license and looking to be a private flight attendant. I also switched my stream to play a character rather than be myself, which makes money. I am also starting an asmr channel.
No. 1471827
>>1471808Order a cheap instrument online and start learning.
Start learning coding and graphic design.
Learn a new language, I can give you resources
Learn to dance, many free videos online
No. 1471949
>>1471928For you anon. I will take one for the team:
>>kissing, making out. >>body touches. >>fingering or/and oral to female >>first orgasm for female>>PIV while man continues to touch clit. >>female orgasm. >>male orgasm Does that work?
No. 1472167
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>>1472045>>jellybean We have a winner
No. 1472175
>>1472105I got my magnesium checked last year, when I already had those problems, and it was fine
>>1472162How can I change it? I tried to elimate sugar, I was on keto for like a month but I finally broke, wasn't able to hold for that long since then. I know that fermented foods and milk are good for guts but every time I tried to include them in my diet and cut off sugar I could go on for like 2 days but then I was breaking and going back to sugar. I have a job that's physically demanding for me and I'm often tired and I only feel energized by shit like sugar and coffee, despite the fact it fucks up my blood pressure, which is already too high for my age. I'm scared I'm finally gonna get diabetes
No. 1472197
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>>1472183The original one is creepier. Like a scene from fnaf
No. 1472216
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How do you stop a cat being picky with food?
I love my cat and he was always usually very mildly fussy with his food but it was never really an issue - he still meowed at me every day for his breakfast and dinner and he never had any problems eating.
But for the past 2 months I've spent SO much money going through different brands because he suddenly became picky. I thought the change was him being ill, but whenever I make my own food he's sniffing around me and trying to pick at it. I genuinely just think he's being a pig but it's just happened so suddenly it's annoying me. I'm tired of ordering different brands only for him to eat it and then go off it again 4 days later. What do I even do? I've tried everything from warming his food up to adding treats to it, I have no idea what to even try next.
No. 1472361
>>1472349while dogs can have autism, cats cannot. however as
>>1472359 says, all cats exhibit 'autistic' behaviour to some degree. i'm pretty sure some research was done into this exact same thing once but dont quote me on that
No. 1472400
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>>1472356>>1472262Kek you were so lucky anons. I had only one cannabis cookie in my life and it was my first and last encounter with cannabis, ever. No one wanted to believe me when I was telling them about my terrible trip because it sounded like something incuded by shrooms or something. I thought I'm going to die at first, just overwhelming feeling of impending doom, being unable to move and time and space around me collapsing. Then I got into a time loop and at the same time I was seeing myself in 3rd person. When I tried to get out of my bed, I was seeing myself performing the same move an endless amount of times, and still not being able to get up. When I tried to move my hand, I saw it moving endlessly, from left to right, left to right, left to right, and never stopping, and never moving at the same time. Then I saw millions of fucking fractals zooming in, and then I saw a supercube/tesseract and something told me this was the true shape of the Universe. I've seen 4 dimensions at once. Then I could see biological processes in plants and animals, then cells, then atoms. I basically saw
everything, and it was terrible. At it seemed to go on forever. I wanted to die so bad. Someone who was there with me told me it took me like 4-5 hours to get any contact with reality, and I was crying and drooling all that time. Then I vomited like crazy. I still felt high afterwards and I went high to work. Overall I felt this shit for the entire TWO days. So yeah, never again. I was seriously scared it's going to
trigger some psychotic break in me, because that's how I felt, even after getting in touch with reality, I felt like I was at the verge of falling apart. Scariest shit in my life. Are some people just extremely sensitive to cannabis?
No. 1472454
>>1472448You could sell it to a friend who buys them for less than it's worth.
Like you give it to your friend for 80$ and they buy 100$ worth of books.
No. 1472518
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>>1472400>Are some people just extremely sensitive to cannabis?yea. my first edible experience was almost like that, it was a bad trip. i know a couple of people that will hit a small hit or take a small edible and puke from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. some people just have shitty luck. you can desensitize yourself carefully to it so that doesn't happen, but its a gamble
No. 1472520
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I'm using KissAsian .li and I keep getting pic related, is there any way to bypass this? I don't want to turn on ads because it's either porn or or clouds the entire screen.
No. 1472537
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>>1472518>i know a couple of people that will hit a small hit or take a small edible and puke from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndromeHuh. I've never been overly sensitive to cannabis in the sense of getting too high, but over the course of the first year that I smoked, I'd suddenly get nauseous and have to vomit almost every single time. God knows why I kept doing it despite the vomiting, I guess I felt fine otherwise, but after that year the nausea response eventually went away. I've been smoking weed very very regularly for the better part of a decade since then and haven't vomited from it once in that time. So does that mean I had cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome? I got plenty high but never really felt like it was too much or super trippy like the anon you're replying to described.
No. 1472568
>>1472564I had a similar experience wrt the stomach pouch disappearing after taking a huge dump after I was on opiods for a time that caused constipation, IDK about the rest.
Did you ever talk to a medical doctor about your constipation? I'm curious too.
No. 1472585
>>1472568I did talk to a doctor about it several times, although this was as a teen something like 10 years ago. They always just said to drink more water and eat more fiber, which never seemed to do anything for me. Apparently when you consistently take laxatives your bowels will adjust and slow down which not only makes the laxatives barely effective after a while but also leaves you with a bigger problem than you started out with. So they never prescribed any medication for it or anything since it wasn't just a temporary case of constipation.
I've been like this since I was a baby and there never seemed to be any actual medical issues related to it, just a little bloating, so eventually I just figured there was probably nothing to do about it. I do usually notice that my stomach pouch is a bit smaller the day after I poop, but nothing like the dramatic difference this made.
No. 1472629
No. 1472632
>>1472585a cigarette in the morning always makes me shit but you probably shouldn't take up smoking lol. oil also moved things along, but again you can't just be eating a shitload of oil everyday (maybe a fishoil supplement or something would be ok though?)
it's too bad there's no medicine, yeah. you can't take laxatives forever it can cause a big life threatening problem from what I've read (I was reading medical reports for people who abuse laxatives due to an eating disorder and I don't remember exactly what happens because I blocked it out of my mind, but I know it was horrific).
No. 1472649
>>1472596Yeah I guess it is what it is. And hey, I've been on a bunch of 3 and 4 day camping trips in the middle of nature before and yet I never had to shit in the woods, so that's pretty neat.
>>1472632>>1472634Unfortunately I already smoke and occasionally drink coffee but neither of those seem to make any difference. Guess my guts are lazy and require some strong stuff to get moving. Thanks for the advice though, I'm going to try fishoil and oatmeal since I don't think I've really given those a chance before!
No. 1473087
>>1472462Get a long lasting perfume. You'll want to try different ones, as each perfume will react with the chemistry of your skin and produce a slightly different scent. I use a scented body lotion, but frankly it smells so strongly that it gets ridiculous after two hours and I've still got another twenty hours of smell. Also, get the good name brand laundry detergents, they make clothes smell way better.
>>1472631Among Us has a lot of voice chat servers where you play as much as you want and then leave.
No. 1473207
>>1473100It depends. Some headphones are worth spending more money on if you care about sound, other headphones are an overpriced fashion accessory that sound no different from Walmart earbuds. If you just want a pair of headphones that sound far better than their price would suggest without caring about how they look the Koss PortaPro and KSC75 are worth looking into.
If you want a comprehensive list of ratings for headphones. No. 1473331
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are there any other female gazey artists? aside of kaneoya sachiko
No. 1473366
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um so basically, this guy i've been seeing apparently watched a serbian film… i don't want to look it up but it sounds familiar, like one of those movies i put in the back of my mind in my "do not watch" list. can someone remind me of what the gist of it is, in as sfw terms as possible? is it a red flag? thanks
No. 1473389
>>1473375Am I wrong to think it's different when women are into horror? personally i'm not so no bias
>>1473385what wtf. how do you know?
No. 1473395
>>1473366double-nonconsensual drugged pedophile rape incest sodomy is the only part I remember.
If he tells you he watched Irréversible but not Martyrs or Visitor Q, drop his ass. (I'm not being serious lol, listen to your gut. Irréversible is a shitty rape horror movie, I thought it was trash. Visitor Q is hilarious and Martyrs is existential art.)
No. 1473398
>>1473366Run. He has shit taste and is trying to flaunt his edginess.
As a horror fan there are way better things out there that are not obnoxiously exploitative.
He seems like a fedora tipping edgelord that thinks he’s really tough and cool for being into shit tier movies
No. 1473401
>>1473389>Am I wrong to think it's different when women are into horror?yeah, you are right tho. I often try to forget that men jack off to weird movies like a serbian film, run away
nonnie not only is he possibly a weirdo but he also has shit taste in movies.
No. 1473408
>>1473402Yeah ok the movie with the guy raping an infant isn’t disturbing or weird.
I know it’s pretty entry level in the gross “disturbing” movie genre but most of those aren’t even good to begin with. It’s just exploitative shit that overuses violence against women and rape to try to get a reaction out of people.
No. 1473421
>>1473408do they rape a child? honestly it was so shit i cant even remember what happened other than the ending. I can only remember the ending and the part when they
pull the teeths off some woman , but it's so incredibly tryhard with it's ''disturbing'' content, reminds me of preteens finding out about horror and gore and drawing cringy half demon ocs with glasglow smiles murdering people, lol. Happiness also has a pedophile character yet it's actually disturbing and not just shocking.
No. 1473434
>>1473427Stuff like a Serbian film isn't real either and it could technically qualify as a horror, but that subgenre is a really lazy and cheap form of horror and is usually more a way for the director and writer to be degenerate. Stephen King also makes use of it in his writing and he's pretty popular, but has inconsistent quality. The only time the shock gore angle works imo, is in the horror revenge genre.
I think horror doesn't have to be bad, some is really good and has great cinematography and tension build up. Alien could literally qualify as a horror. Ari Aster has recently brought more artsy horror movies to the mainstream. Asia is godtier at genuinely scary horror.
So "I like horror" can mean artsy horror movies and critically acclaimed ones, it can mean you like the cheesy B-horror movies, all the way to the people who are obsessed with shock gore subgenre. Then there's a difference between the revenge movies where women hunt down serial killers and rapists and the fully degenerate movies like a Serbian Film.
No. 1473490
>>1473439I mostly only like supernatural horror for that reason. Ghosts, demons, curses etc are creepier and more interesting to me than slashers or gore, but at the same time don't disturb me on a deep level because it's blatantly not real and women aren't usually targeted in particular for sexual violence or violence in general.
Actually, it might sound weird but the scariest movie I've ever seen was a documentary about rock climbing called Free Solo. It's not even remotely horror related and you know for a fact the guy survives, but the terror I felt watching it was pure and visceral. Like constantly sweating palms, sitting rigidly in my chair, gripping the arms, covering my eyes in parts. Never experienced that in a horror movie, that shit was real.
No. 1473534
>>1473366I watched it when I was around 15 back when it came out, it's an extremely edgy and shitty film and the director is a retard, speaking as a balkan anon
I don't see why someone would openly brag about watching something like that, a lot of people are curious and end up watching edgy shit in their teens and it doesn't have to be indicative of a red flag but I can't imagine the reason to bring it up aside from saying how tryhard it is kek
No. 1473579
>>1473555Why would you need to go to the bank to transfer money on a debit card connected to a bank account? You have bank apps for that these days and you can transfer money without issues. I assume kids would either use their own parents debit card, or kids could have a debit card of their own.
Some people I know don't even have debit cards, they use something like Revolut and pay with their phone using nfc.
No. 1473735
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does this book actually help you improve drawing or is it just a meme? I'm not interested in becoming a groundbreaking artist I just wanna draw my favourite characters and yuri
No. 1473737
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Should I make coffee or sweet tea with lemon?
No. 1473747
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>>1473737Sweet tea with lemon.
No. 1473791
>>1473735if you want to draw characters you'll be better of just drawing those characters. find artists you like, copy, redraw their characters for awhile, try drawing your own stuff, repeat. once you hit a plateau think what you have problems with and then maybe do loomis or some other book.
courses like that take some time to finish and i'd say more people get discouraged before finishing the first set of exercises. just copy and draw stuff you like.
No. 1473797
>>1473779were you an ethical vegan
honestly i think good vegans have to be forgiving, because they know just how hard it can be living as a vegan. also im guessing you didn't randomly just decide to start a carnivore diet, if you're anything like me or other ex vegans i imagine you're still making various switches and choosing vegan options when you feel like youre able to. if that's the case i think your friend will understand, bc the best vegan activists ime are ones who advocate for everyone being able to make whatever small changes they can, instead of demanding everyone become 100% vegan overnight even when its not practical for someone. id try to be honest with your friend and talk about the reasoning behind your decision.
obviously there's still room for him to be mad, but at the end of the day i think the more you're able to justify your reasoning the better (basically just avoid being like 'meats tasty and i missed eating it')
No. 1473952
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Not trying to dox myself but I am sort of a doppelganger to the woman used in picrel and could never understand why I attract so many weird autist males and idiot "nerds" (as in anime, vidya)–not that I'm special in that way but I thought I was somewhat attractive enough to get an actual looksmatch and not some Plebbit type. Is picrel (being the Plebbit looksmatch type) my unfortunate fate? Should I just kms? I actually put a lot of effort/maintenance into my appearance which pisses me off now considering I still somehow come across like the girl next door who is "approachable" to incels apparently.
No. 1473986
>>1473952What the fuck is that pornsick demented post? Who looks at Zoey Deschanel or Emma Watson and thinks "damn this woman kinky"? This is severe porn induced brainrot. All that incel lingo too.
>an approachable mid slampigI need brain bleach.
No. 1474044
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I grew up hearing the phrase, "If you can smell yourself, others can smell you too," or the alternate, "Other people smell you long before you smell yourself." How true is that? I believed it wholeheartedly until dating my ex – we were also coworkers. We had a somewhat physical retail job and he would come up to me (especially on hot summer days) saying he wanted a shower so bad because he knew he smelled bad, and that he knew he was stinky because he could smell himself, and could I please smell check him. I would bury my nose in his armpits and all I could smell was either deodorant or laundry detergent. I'm still convinced that I stink if I can smell myself (depressing, because I can smell myself even a couple hours after a shower), but I do think some people can smell themselves more easily than others.
No. 1474052
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is this real how did they do the shadows and get him?her to dance with no huiman shadow?
No. 1474055
>>1474010I have high enough self-esteem to not date any of them and also enough of a brain not to use Reddit or have Reddit-tier opinions, thanks. I'm not gonna fall for the bait like this here
>>1474008 who will probably tell me to get plastic surgery to be a Stacy or w/e. Don't waste your money and let moid doctors steal your hard-earned wages.
>>1474041 >>1473986 >>1474034Thanks for others advice though, I'm done briefly seething over it. I was worried that I was missing some sort of inside information about men assuming I'm a whore or frumpy and therefore easier.
No. 1474063
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nonnie, nevermind i found out it's not a real cat, really thought someone trained a cat or something. Disappointed it's a scrote
No. 1474091
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speaking of weird cat gifs, what's this cat doing? is it fake too? what's worng with it, or what's going on?
No. 1474095
well now im sad
No. 1474104
>>1474095Sorry. It's unfortunately the case with many current cat memes. Same goes for the ones with seemingly extremely pulled back cat faces, who are "shaking" with "i'm losing my mind" etc bottom texts.
What is actually happening is that the owners grab and heavily pull back the skin on their neck and shake them. That extra skin is supposed to be where mother cats grab their kittens in a specific way to carry them. But when humans do it, and do it so violently like in these memes, the cats end up with nerve damage related illnesses like epilepsy.
No. 1474109
>>1474093>>1474099>>1474103>she's popular with 4channersI have seen some channers like her boobs on /mu/ but I rarely browse that board. Plus she did play a big part in creating the sadgirl aesthetic and that might turn some braindead coomers on. She doesn't have a sexualised image though and she doesn't have the sad girlt hing going on anymore and she hasnt for a long time.
Regardless of whenever or not you should be concerned I think you and other anons are overthinking this. Sometimes people just like stuff where they aren't the demographic without ulterior motive. her first albums where solid bubblegum pop and her newer albums are safe pop music. That appeals to a lot of people so if he is a pop enjoyer(which some straight men are) it makes sense that he likes her. I think it depends on what his favourite male musicians are? Because if all the male artists he listens to are obscure then it's suspicious that his favourite female artist is someone who had a lot of mainstream attention some years ago and it tells us that he doesnt bother seeking out female artists the same way he seeks out male artists. But thats nitpicking
No. 1474127
>>1474118me? why? lol
>>1474109great, so he's into big ass boobs and i'm a chestlet
No. 1474137
>>1474103>>1474099I was the anon who said that, to clarify I said
I think she's popular with 4channers. I don't spend much time there, but from the few times I've been there I remember seeing some anons bring her up. Maybe in /fit/? Idk.
>>1474109>her first albums where solid bubblegum pop aNot really tbh. I wouldn't even call Electra Heart that, at least not fully.
No. 1474156
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is there something like this, a chew but no flavor that you can swallow?
No. 1474222
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i think i am developing a hunchback nonnies, help is there anything i can do to prevent it?
No. 1474248
>>1474093>>1474118Nta and slight detail but one of my exes is a straight theater guy who is a massive fan of Doja Cat. Yes he was terribly annoying and we had nothing in common. Also due to him being an annoying flamboyant theater kid I could not help but question his sexuality every now and then.
Marina is kind of understandable because moids like her and she’s not too crazy with the antics, he probably has a crush on her. If he doesn’t think she’s attractive you should be worried and look for other signs. Looking back the moid I dated was not physically into Doja Cat but had the same fascination with Doja that gays have with Britney. He was enthusiastic to have sex with me so I really have no idea what the deal was but would occasionally try to get me to get ripped/shredded like that woman called Leanbeefpatty on tiktok (while he was kinda pudgy himself mind you).
No. 1474429
>>1474362Lots of veggies yeah, but also tofu, legumes (beans, chickpeas), konjac noodles….
I love to cook a big pot of beans and chickpeas with plenty of canned tomatoes, onions, eggplants, carrots, garlic (anything you want really), and spices (I like to use a Zaatar mix here). It's really good and only 55-80kcl/100g, depending on what you put inside/the amount of oil you use.
I top it with tofu !
No. 1474439
Don't worry
>>1474092 is not necessarily right. My cat play fights all the time and it would look exactly like this if i was recording with my phone while he was "attacking" my hand, with the ears and all. It doesn't mean the cat is abused.
No. 1474466
>>1474362Pretty much, but some side dishes can have bits of pork, turkey, or chicken included as well. I usually have roasted broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, zucchini, a mixture of caramelized green pepper and onions, collard greens, pico de Gallo, a mixture of raw onion tomato cucumber and lemon juice, cubed cheese, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and nuts
No. 1474538
>>1474362Mushrooms, courgette/zucchini, egg plant, green bell pepper, salad, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, limited amounts of onion and garlic. If you're eating low carb remember to be careful about eating root vegetables, beans and tomatoes as these can contain too many carbs.
No. 1474544
>>1474491Getting distracted by watching stupid or "snackable" (easy to understand) content helps. Drink lots of water. Drinking green tea and haldi doodh helps (its turmeric milk, you can use honey or sugar or non-dairy sweetened milks if you want it to actually taste good). Anything sweet can raise inflammation, so try as best you can to eat well. I don't know if dark chocolate really does help relieve pain, but if it doesn't have too much sugar it wont hurt.
I assume you're already lying down, but i try to take a nap and i wake up being cramp-free for 3-4 hours at least.
Some women say using period cups help in the long-term, and i can attest to that - my most painful cramps were on the days i forgot my cup and had to use pads. Although this claim is completely anecdotal and i haven't found studies backing it up, ffiw.
If you feel pain that's higher than a 7 on a 1-10 scale of pain, you should go to the gynos and see if there's anything wrong. Cramps are annoying, but they shouldn't leave you in agonizing pain.
And take all of this with a grain of salt, I'm obviously not a doctor.
>>1474513Ibuprofen can be good once in a while, but I wouldn't abuse it, it can have lasting and painful side-effects for your liver and kidneys, so I use it very sparingly, like every 3-4 cycles.
No. 1474581
>>1474544Thanks anon, I'll try to get green tea when I can walk long distances! I've used the nap method as well kek. I just have to get some shit done today so it isn't really an option right now.
I've tried to talk about my cramps a few times with a doctor, but they always shill birth control pills to me and nothing else.
I've observed though that since I started epilepsy meds my periods have been easier, though there's no research backing this up, so I think this could be kind of related to my epilepsy? I'll try to get an appointment with a gyne regardless.
No. 1474633
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……………what does this mean?
No. 1474642
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How does dehydration affect you? Has anyone here had an electrolyte imbalance they didn't really know about?
My mouth is never, ever dry even if I drink nothing all day so it's always been hard to tell if I'm dehydrated. Sometimes I wake up feeling like death in spite of my sleep schedule being extremely consistent. I grew up barely hydrating at all and I've mostly fixed it but sometimes don't drink anything 2-6 hours before bed which is a habit I didn't even realize I had till recently. It isn't like I feel totally refreshed after drinking water, though, so maybe it's unrelated, idk.
No. 1474698
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I been meaning to make the second thread for Unhealthy Obsessions with People
>>>/ot/204455 for a couple of months now however I always been a bit hesitant since there is a Snoop thread
>>>/ot/955088 which is similar in term of stalking however I feel like it quite different. However I'm not sure and would like to get a second opinion on whether or not I should make the thread.
No. 1474732
>>1474725I don’t have any great advice or insight
nonnie but consider looking into the Squeeze NHS app. It’s to help women with urinary problems and it helps to unlearn certain habits that might be affecting how your bladder empties etc.
Failing that it could still be infection. I use d mannose and for me it works much better than antibiotics without disrupting my body’s flora. Cheaper than ABs too. Couldn’t hurt to try it out.
No. 1474735
>>1474734How complete is the app? I see it's available in my region so I'll keep that in mind.
>Failing that it could still be infectionCan an infection last that long? That's why I'm asking because the doctor who replaced mine ran a simple test(I had to pee in a cup, she put some specific paper in the cup to see the reaction) and she concluded that it wasn't one but I don't know how accurate that test could be.
No. 1474750
>>1474735I had one that lasted maybe 18 months. Antibiotics did nothing and those strip tests didn’t pick up any proteins in my pee. Mine came with horrible awful pain and burning though, I lived with a hot water bottle between my legs. I genuinely would cry myself to sleep over it, I thought I was going mad. D mannose literally changed my life. I was completely clear after a few days to a week of using it.
Yours doesn’t sound as obvious as mine, but urinary urgency and little droplet wees are also signs of infection even if there’s no pain.
Squeezy is really well designed and complete but I can’t say if it will definitely help or not. GPs here recommend that you try the app before seeing a consultant as good pelvic floor practices solve a lot of weird nonspecific pelvic problems. Worth looking into - there might be something similar out there to try for free too
No. 1474866
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…Did anyone else get kicked from the LC discord. I just noticed I'm not in it anymore and I have no idea why, I've never said or did anything weird and whenever I try to join again it says invite can not be accepted?
No. 1474904
>>1474887I would say yes considering how hard it is for us millennials and gen z to even make enough money to live. So many I know don't have anything saved up at that age or even student loans to pay off. I haven't started saving up until my late twenties because it was impossible so you're good. Just be dedicated to it.
>>1474900I think so if you exercise enough and get enough vitamins, fat and protein through your diet.
No. 1474909
>>1474906You shouldn't even have to pay to get a degree. I don't know if you're a burgerfag but education should be free and you shouldn't have to go into debt just to get a degree. The system is fucked up even in Europe.
I have already paid off my student loans really quickly but I wouldn't change my mind on the topic.
No. 1474918
t. Europoor living from paycheck to paycheck
No. 1474943
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What do people mean by ‘being alone with your own thoughts’? I thought it meant generally, but the way it’s talked about makes it seem like they’re referring to introspection instead (which, for me, involves taking out a paper and pen and wracking my brain as well as talking to people). The way people talk about makes it seem like you’re supposed to have deep, introspective thoughts and ‘find yourself’ but ,maybe it’s because I have autism but the way it’s described makes it seem like you’re supposed to ‘find yourself’ this way, but ,ever since I was a kid, being alone with my thoughts usually just involves thinking of fictitious scenarios, reflecting on how I feel about certain things (which usually just has me crying/venting on the notes app) or just blanking out and not thinking of anything in particular
No. 1474954
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Does investing in bitcoin get you into real debt? My older brother invested the majority, if all his money into these stupid coins and he even rope my mom into it too. Money is a sensitive subject to him in recent years, IIRC he lost over 2k$, and kept applying for debt but can't.
He used to make good money but I don't know why he decided to drop a proper career path and worked as an exclusively-night shift receptionist now ever since that bitcoin gig didn't exactly go as planned.
Doesn't help that his ego is incredibly fragile and he can be super stingy with his money so this further enhance my suspicion.
No. 1474962
>>1474954> Does investing in bitcoin get you into real debt?You can only lose what you invest, so unless he got a loan and then bought bitcoin with that, he shouldn't be in debt.
I hope the idiot didn't cash out.
No. 1474971
>>1474959Well, because of him and my aunt. My mom lost a bunch of money too and still hasn't recovered from it yet despite my warning. My brother is quite social ngl, he always make a good impression on others so the channer theory is a little weird lol
>>1474962I hope so, last time I check he applied for a debit card. Someone came to our house and verify his address so I know hes low on cash and with a bad history of (seemingly bad?!) loans. I just know that its gonna be extra difficult for him to apply to anything bank-related, or that's my own theory
No. 1474979
>>1474972It might be the place you find those guys.
One of the biggest complaints I hear from male friends boils down to their partner being insecure and indecisive, basically being immature.
No. 1475016
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What perfume notes are thought as 'mom'-ish? I always thought really ambery perfumes with that
No. 1475022
>>1474979Most of them I met in undergrad so that could be a factor. A lot of them also complained about their exes being immature or hard to talk to but whenever I tried to sit down and have real adult discussion with them they’d freak out and act like I was either a controlling bitch or just fake apologize until I dropped it. They get mad because they act like I’m some manic pixie dream girl in the beginning but can’t seem to rationalize that someone can be fun and responsible. It’s retarted.
>>1475016Anything with a very powdery base a la Elizabeth Arden.
No. 1475060
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How can I stop hating people so much?
No. 1476452
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Do any other nonnas find Phoebe hot/cute?
No. 1476481
>>1476474This site has been stamped with his face. He and Ethan Ralph they are the queens of lolcow in the year of shaymin 2023.
Seriously, I hope the new admins can move the site to lynxchan before it dies for good.
No. 1476552
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I'm in college and in classes and I don't know if I'm getting mansplained or in my delusional mind, flirted with.
Like I'll explain my answer to a question, and some man says, "I think she's trying to say X", or will just legit restate what I said. Also, I ask a question directly to the professor, and like 4 people will just pop up, and then answer my question that I just specifically asked the prof?
Please let me know if they are showing off (as in my delusional fantasies, they are trying to impress me), if I'm overthinking, or if they just think I'm dumb.
No. 1476555
>>1476554Yes, the boards have been spammed with the same kiwifarms moid
>>1476552Are you in STEM anon? I wouldn't consider you paranoid if moids are talking over your answers in a STEM class lel. Also asking a professor for an answer/explanation is a world different from asking randoms
No. 1476560
>>1476555Yes, I am in STEM. That makes sense; glad to know I'm not paranoid, lol; thank you.
And I agree! That's why it's strange when I go up to the prof, or I raise my hand to ask a question, and a conversation gets butted in when this happens to no one else in my class ughh.
No. 1476575
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My cats never react to their own reflection in a mirror. Are they smart enought to know it's a reflection or just too stupid to notice?
No. 1476581
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do you believe that after the international boom of kpop, idols have reintroduced anorexic-tier thinness in the west as the Ideal beauty ?
No. 1476616
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my ass hurts from sitting on it all day, what can I do? are there office chairs made for this issue?
i can't stop sitting on it, i need to go to classes and study
No. 1476628
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>>1476621Surely anon was being sarcastic?? I almost wrote a serious reply then I noticed the Beatles reference and stopped because I assumed it was a joke lmao
No. 1476678
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Why am I getting weird youtube recommendations of videos that have no interest to me and have only a few views?
No. 1476691
>>1476676When it's a literal professor meant to teach it doesn't have the same mansplaining qualities imo. If a student here says something smart or has a question my professors would immediately start to explain it further because that's their job and they were massive nerds about their fields.
I feel like you can always tell when they are mansplaining because they think you don't understand vs finding the topic interesting
No. 1476729
>>1476620AYRT. I just tell them straight that they just repeated what I said, usually embarrassing them by doing so. I stopped caring about them speaking over me and making the decisions, but I also stopped caring about their feelings. Men don't deserve my time of the day, as long as I get paid I let them run amuck and try to keep to the sidelines so that I can't be used as a patsy. They can have their retarded power struggles without me.
>>1476630Exactly. I like to pick my battles and this one isn't worth it. Even if I became a feminist icon fighting The Man it would amount to nothing but personal loss, nobody would be inspired and if anything more women would be intimidated by the industry and would never enter it. I'm contributing enough by being present and doing my job 9 to 5 at this point.
No. 1476735
>>1476699>Decide it doesn’t matter.But I can't. That would be an equivalent of a short bald moid, calling himself "king" or something cringey like that. I am still existing in some type of society, I still compare myself with people around me. Also, comparing myself to others is the only thing that motivated me in the past.
>Do what you enjoy But I don't enjoy anything. The only enjoyment I got from any activities was from external positive comparisons, which I would make if I felt like I was better than someone.
>Kill this idea that you have to be good or make money at something to be successfulAgain, this is like telling a fat person that should just eat less.
>>1476713>I bet the people you think are gifted wouldn't be able to handle putting 10 times more energy and effort inBut my life expectancy is the same as everyone else's. I just won't have enough time to achieve anything. And makes me extremely demotivated, that there is simply no place for someone as low IQ as me. IQ scores are highly correlated with life achievements, and you can't increase your IQ.
>They would have given upNo, they would not. They just find something that they are good at and stick with it for the rest of their life, while getting an XP boost.
No. 1476740
>>1476735Why do you care about validation? Why can’t you self validate? Your hobbies should be for you. To fill your life. Most of society is fake bullshit. Nepo babies that got their way paid into school and positions. The highest insta girls are actually escorts to rich men. Hollywood stars get abused for their roles. It’s all fake bullshit anon. Why rate yourself on that scale? One day you’ll die and rot the same way everyone else will and how much money you had or your job title won’t matter, certainly not to you at least. You’ll be dead. Success is an arbitrary concept, that’s self defined.
For anything you do there will be someone smarter, more talented, more exp, or you may not be the right fit for something. The only you can do is know you can worked harder than all of those people if that’s really what matters to you. But people don’t exist to be the best. We don’t exist to be famous or successfully and most of those people aren’t happy either.
No. 1476749
>>1476740>Why do you care about validation?Why do you?
>Why can’t you self-validate?How? How do I know if I did well if I have no point of reference?
>fill your lifeYeah, just be yourself.
>Why rate yourself on that scale? Why do you think that I am comparing myself to these people? Maybe, I am comparing myself against actually smart people, who were born with high IQs and have been developing their skills from their childhood.
>Success is an arbitrary conceptNo, it is not. I am sure that I can list a couple of objective achievements, like for example having a well-paying job while working a manageable amount of hours, and most people would agree with me. That's an objective measure of success. And we can compare different jobs based on their remuneration and work hours and compare different occupations in such a way.
>most of those people aren’t happy eitherYeah, but some people are objectively happier. For example, a dermatologist, who works 120 hours per month, and out of these 120 hours, 60 are spent on visiting seminars, and taking breaks, is happier than a generalist dentist, working 168 hours per month, while not having any breaks and having to work physically hard, while getting less in total compensation than aforementioned derm.
No. 1476755
>>1476749NTA but not really sure why you bothered asking since judging by your replies you just want to sit and wallow in your own shit. You can do anything you want and that also includes changing your mindset. If you say "you can't" then fine, sit there and don't change and don't do anything. You already said it, you're a failure. If you want to stick to that, so be it. You are not special and there are tons of people like you who decide to sit in their stinky shit and tons of people who
were like you and decided they were tired of it and did something about it.
No. 1476817
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Can you put makeup brushes in the dryer? Like, even if I drop them in a pillow case before drying them in the dryer would that work? I just want a quick way to dry my makeup brushes
>>1476813HTML, CSS and PHP if you want to get extra.
No. 1476846
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What is your favorite part on a man?
Beside his face.
No. 1476878
>>1476846pecs, legs, traps and hands
in that order
No. 1476904
>>1476854>>1476856Thirding and I can only add I like tall men only, short men are a turn off. Noses are really important to me too. Kek
In shape men with well kept finger nails can have sexy hands too, but that’s rare. Defined, strong and long fingers with good, careful dexterity in every motion.
No. 1476936
>>1476854>>1476856i'm straight but feel the same way. i only like the face,
maybe the back and ribcage sometimes but mostly facial features. most of the other body parts mentioned gross me out.
No. 1477016
>>1476982Can be hormonal.
If your private parts are a darker skin tone than the rest of your body means you body released more testosterone during your puberty. Or so I read somewhere online.
I could also be totally wrong. But it's mostly genetic.
No. 1477108
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which one would u pick nonas
No. 1477213
>>1477211he said "im not gay though" immediately after so it's like, hmmmmmm.
to be fair i also liked 1d when i was 15 ish. which is why he brought it up
No. 1477409
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Its been a long time since ive gotten shroomy… going to a remote cabin on top of a mountain with friends this weekend to get weird. Any recs for consuming/ enjoying the trip? Anything I should pack for emergencies/ trip activities?
No. 1477423
>>1477409Coloring books, bubbles, any cool posters you want to stare at, take walks and enjoy your trip
nonnie ! I also do a letter from my sober self to high self beforehand just in case I get scared/have a bad trip.
No. 1477426
>>1477190They is still likely pure lesbians, just most societies condition us to probably have sex with a man before you could find a woman you're really attracted to or allowed to be.
I'm sure the same problem might exist for truly gay men but they tried the more "natural" option first, if that makes sense? It just all takes time. Got a similar problem where my whole life, I knew I preferred women and luckily lost my virginity to my high school girlfriend. But my mom pressuring me to have grandkids and getting along well as friends with dudes pushed me into having sex with them. But even my ex always knew and never tried doing intimacy with a man because she honestly thought they all are disgusting.
I don't know why people push the idea that "they don't know until they get good dick!" Nah, if you like how women are, a man won't change a damn thing. That's why they're jealous of dildos and strap ons, for sure kek.
No. 1477433
>>1477423Ooh! Letter to self; good idea. Im with good folks this round, so I feel confident it will be fun.
Last trip I had was rough… i was 19(?) We drove by my childhood home ,pre divorce-when I was starting to trip and it was like “oh, I havent been down this road in a long time” jumped to “oh, I never dealt with my parents divorce and all the repercussions of it” .
It lead me to a parking lot where I yelled/ cried at stupid chip truck that never movies. My whole childhood this chip truck was parked in the same spot. All the time, and no one ever there. I went to 7 different elementary schools, so there was this animosity I had for the damn chip truck because I was the chronic new kid moving to a new area of town.
I think I mocked it and insulted it- called it chickenshit KEK- But, despite picking a fight with a vehicle, I found it cathartic to cry and get angry about my childhood and allowed a sense of closure. Now Im a little smarter and far more mature. Will there be another vehicle fight? I dont think so. Its a cute comfy cabin near a creek,
and I have a friend living nearby ready to “mom ya back to reality” if necessary. I think it will be a happier trip. Cheers nonna! If I want to post here Ill just write it down and share later!
No. 1477446
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what sushi is supposed to not taste fishy? everyone says fresh sushi/fresh fish shouldn't taste fishy, so is this true? and what does it taste like? I can't do fishy tastes like tuna but I want to try real sushi
No. 1477454
>>1477446It does, and is supposed to taste "fishy". It's literally fish. Sashimi is anyway.
Go for the raw tuna, but make sure it's from a good sushi bar.
No. 1477494
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Can you be lactose intolerant to just milk? I always have to go to the bathroom when I drink milk but I can literally eat any type of dairy product out there.
No. 1477516
>>1477494I know most cheese has pretty low lactose levels compared to milk. I was sensitive for a while there (weird ongoing side effect after initially having a bad case of gastro) Drinking straight up milk or a latte was the worst compared with say eating a cheesy type of food.
Milk can affect you for other reasons than lactose though. If you have any type of inflammatory condition it can
trigger an inflammatory response. Something to do with 'casein' rather than lactose.
No. 1477561
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>>1477526I was dealing with it years ago so I just remembered that cheese is low in lactose but I wasn't sure about casein in mild vs cheese.
I narrowed my issue down to being lactose and took lactase enzyme pills any time I wanted to indulge in a milky drink. Then 2 years later I reintroduced milk without the pills and could tolerate it again. I had
> A temporary lactose intolerance can happen after some illnesses, such as gastroenteritis, when the body's stores of lactase are temporarily reduced. Inflammation of the bowel as a result of intolerance to other foods, infection or bowel surgery can also result in lactose intolerance No. 1477568
nonnie, according to incels (and plenty of men who don't realize they're incels) all us women are dating out of our league. Incels wouldn't lie would they?
No. 1477588
>>1477561Op here, this can be the case for me too because back then I used to chug milk down with no problem.
It was not until this year that I drank milk and had this reaction with my stomach, which is weird. It could be my body was facing other issues as well, welp, time for a health check up I supposed. I hope this is temporary.
No. 1477644
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How did that one horror story about you being stuck in an elevator with a murderer, and him running out to meet you at the top of the building or whatever, go again? Or what was it called?
No. 1477661
Reply with any you can agree with in any way
1. my mother hated me and made sure I knew it by never believing me, defending me, or helping me
2. my father was a raging narcissist who was always telling and snapping at random things, I have anxiety from having to walk on eggshells
3. My family treated me worse because I am female (male sibling gifted a car, a phone, trips, while I was not eating any meals), also took my door out for locking it to get away from beating or my things stolen by male sibling to but his heroin
4. My family refused to get me any treatment for my health, while they all got it for themselves, was told I am exaggerating to miss school while wreathing in agony
5. My family guilted me for costing them money, accused me of being lazy for not working as a child (kicked out of a car and left on the highway for needing a pair of shoes,
6. My family regularly threatened to kick me out and said no one in the family would even take me in because no one likes me
7. Told I was an embarrassment and wish they could trade me for literally any other kid
8. Years later they deny of it happened, say it was all in my head, say I need to let it go, say I am weird, or say "yeah I was mean but insert excuse here oh well lol"
I want to feel less alone… like please tell me why the fuck they all hated me this damn much.
No. 1477699
nonnie I'm so sorry you went through that. That kind of behaviour messes you up for life. You have to fight the feelings of worthlessness and try to remember you deserve food and clothes.
Don't internalise it. You can't control how others choose to treat you, and sometimes adults are just pieces of shit. Some people are sadistic, power tripping, and perpetuate cultural sexism towards their children. I can relate since my parents mostly 'forgot' about how much they hurt me. I got scapegoated for things I didn't do and was never heard- my acting out would've been called 'hysteria' a hundred years ago, but truth be told, the toll of being hurt, sidelined, and made to feel crazy will actually make you crazy if you don't get help for it. It's not you, some people really do just suck. Do you struggle with feelings of worthlessness these days? I hope you're in a better place now.
No. 1477819
>>1477806Context matters. Sex is the genitals of a living being that can reproduce sexually. Gender means the grammatical gender of something, it's used to describe things, places, living beings and so on.
Most people in real life would ask for the sex of a baby, not the gender, because gender is supposedly strictly for grammatical purposes, but gender slowly started replacing sex, because it sounds less awkward to some people if you ask for someone's baby's gender and not the baby's sex.
Some people irl would ask for an animal's sex or gender depending on how awkward is the person, but most people will just ask "is it a boy or a girl?" Or while talking between family members and friends they will be like "what's the sex of the child?" But the most common way to ask for someone's sex is to just ask "is it a boy or a girl? Is it a man or a woman?".
That's my experience though.
No. 1477823
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Anyone else getting wet when they're laughing really hard? Usually when I have this kind of laughter that makes you wheeze and then go silent for a second, my pussy is leaking kek. I was watching SnapCube's sonic fandubs after a long while and it happened a lot
No. 1477928
>>1477715I get it, totally. None of what happened to you was your fault, but if you internalise how your family has treated you, you may attract
abusive friends/partners, as you will give off a 'self hating' vibe. I hope you never blame yourself, and work past this.
No. 1477990
>>1477806no, they don't, gender is based on your sex they are interchangeable in that context which is why gender/sex related words have the same roots. in some languages it's used for arbitrary reasons (even in english people refer to objects as she or he sometimes). terminally online people and tras both conflate and separate them to cape for trannies since being trans originally meant to
act like the opposite sex, not
become it. it's a confusion tactic. gender is intrinsically tied to sex and things like gender roles are just "sex roles" so they're meant to be conflated since men will and should always mean male and woman always mean female. gender roles however are dynamic and constantly change, but your sex determines your gender and therefore the gender role stereotype. i hope that makes sense.
No. 1477999
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>>1477987>>1477985You guys are literally retarded. I hope to god neither of you have hypodermic needles on your dermarollers because that sounds like a staph infection waiting to happen. How can people absorb enough information to remember some aspects but get the specifics so fucking wrong?
No. 1478007
>>1478003please refer to
>>1477999 anons either got misinformation or they're misrembering. a needle doesn't need to be hollow, anons were confused about the shape for reasons described in that chart.
No. 1478093
>>1478009philosophy major to troon profile :
- rich enough to go to college for humanities
- nerdy enough to be accepted
- stupid enough to fall for the sjw bullshit they teach you there
- smug enough to be misunderstood genius aka incel
- enlightenend atheist enough to fit in with the troons
No. 1478213
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Where could I find and purchase old penny dreadfuls?
No. 1478406
>>1478384I've looked up sites before that just give you the info (success stats per method) without sugar coating it or lecturing you about hanging on in there. My conclusion was you generally need access to something that isn't all that easily accessed without a decent amount of advance planning. Gun (depends where you live) gases that make suffocation more bearable (where the fuck do you buy these tanks of gases) or a few specific pills that are hard to get prescribed nowadays seeing as they're already so heavily linked to suicide success or accidental overdoses.
I don't see myself attempting it again but I learnt from experience that just taking any old pills you have laying around is a real heat of the moment tard method. Which is why alot of people survive overdoses.
No. 1478417
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Which is healthier, a latte or a glass of juice?
No. 1478606
>>1478525I enjoyed their songs, music videos and cherry's unconventional design, but I hate that three men are behind a band that talks of femininity and female sexuality a lot. Like what the fuck would they know?
Have you seen their cartoon pilot? It's laughable, coomery, pretentious and they sure love milking the lesbian couple dry. They haven't released music in ages and kept asking donations for the pilot, but it turned out to be awful. I dislike the new art style for the videos too.
No. 1478646
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>>1477779If not editing then focal length basically
No. 1478714
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>>1478677This? He is called this because he’s a bald moid (I think it’s Ken they’re referring to)
No. 1478719
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So how do I go about making my lolcow page look like this permenantly and how can I program my pages to have different color schemes?
No. 1478724
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>>1478719like i want shay's thread to look like this all the time and only
No. 1478731
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>>1478728unlocked a new husbando
No. 1478752
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>>1478731baldi is the og sexyman
No. 1478794
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How do I break out of a hoarder mindset and start getting rid of shit?
It doesn't help that my mother is overly sentimental and keeps a bunch of shit we don't need, so she tells me not to get rid of stuff a lot of the time .
I want to sell off anime figures (I don't like anime anymore) and old clothes I don't wear, but I'm so sentimental I can't let go of them even though they don't bring me joy and don't get used.
My room is so painfully cluttered it brings me anxiety, I have no where to store anything new.
No. 1478889
>>1478794Change what's on display, pack up all your anime figures and old clothes and anything else you want to get rid of in boxes and stick them somewhere you can't see. You'll get used to not having those things on display all the time and won't think about them as much, so you're less emotionally connected to them. They'll take up space in your spare room or closet, which gives you another reason to get rid of them. There's nothing stopping you from keeping some items that you're attached to, nobody's going to shoot you if you decide to only sell two or three items out of however many you have.
Sometimes you need to hold onto stuff for a bit longer before you decide it's time to let go of it. No shame in keeping things around while you work on learning how to detach yourself emotionally from them.
No. 1479225
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Why does wikipdia sometimes look like that? Seems to depend on the language, too. I only have it for some articles in English, but Japanese wikipedia always looks like that for me.
No. 1479235
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>>1479233Tried other pages, and seems like it looks like that on every English page, too, sorry about that.
No. 1479240
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>>1479235It's supposed to look like this from now on but I guess it hasn't fully propagated yet.
No. 1479246
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>>1479225It's a new update. If you saw that horrifying alegria popup at the top of the page that was an announcement of the update.
I fucking hate this trend of pushing all text into the middle of the screen and maximizing the blank space as much as possible to make it look better on phones No. 1479329
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How do I stop being annoyed that my older sister copies me? I hate thinking mean things about her when she does it and I hate feeling upset about it. We're in our 30's too so…
No. 1479513
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why tf are my site icons literally rotting. they go back to looking normal when i hover over them but as soon as my cursor leaves the icon it starts rotting again. i'm dead serious. these are my bookmarks but it happens on my tabs as well
No. 1479703
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Who is this?
No. 1479759
>>1479741Is there any hope?
MTF are usually heavily mentally ill and misogynistic, bisexual men are porn addicts and usually will expect gross things in bed, "sensitive" moids you have to perform constant emotional labor for and keep their emotional support "female friends" around, men into feminine hobbies are usually cheaters or gay
No. 1479973
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>>1479959Damn it I miss my old towels
No. 1479991
>>1479981For me, I decided to do an outlook on my future and recognizing wasting time doing nothing or indulging in things that aren't productive is worse than spending your time actually doing something that will make you feel good and help you out in the long run. I set goals of what I want in the coming years. Limited my screen time with a modded version of third-party app called StayFree. I make it an effort to go out to a trail at least once a week. It's quite the lifestyle change and it's gotten me feeling like I am putting effort into a eventually higher quality of life. I implemented the 50/30/20 budgeting technique and that really put me into discipline. I also have a goal to become a mother in 3 years so that really put me into a reality check on what I need to be focusing on to make it realistically possible and with minimal struggle. Maybe not a goal for you, but I do have other goals on top that are keeping me on track too. Maybe you'd like to one day be able to have more passive income and eventually switch to part time, or buy a new car, or get a nice down payment for an eventual house, or start a garden, small business, etc. Anything you'd like to achieve in less than 5 years, start working towards that now! Even if it's something tiny you can do now, it's totally worth it. Like, I don't know how to really explain it, but the goals I make shape how I do things from day to day. I'm committed to making it happen and it feels good.
No. 1480012
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>>1479793I like to think of Gravity Falls as a baby redditor cartoon made for future redditors. It's quirky, it has mysteries based on conspiracy theories, it has an incel protagonist, a sister that moids can demonize or fetishize alongside the other girls that they can both fetishize and demonize, a quirky lol so random villian and cool adult figures that are not like other adults.
On the other side, it also has a boring moid main character (who is uwu soft and sensitive I guess) that can be shipped with the evil triangle thing demon that tends to get turned into a sexy man by the fandom, and that gets shipped with boring moid main character because said main character kissed a merman, so it's kind of a fujomaker series for teens as well.
No. 1480044
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I really enjoyed it! I watched well after it had finished, in 2017, so I missed the height of the fandom and I'm a bit sad about it because it looks like it would've been so fun figuring out the ciphers and participating in the treasure hunt Hirsh sent people on. Those interactive and engaging elements really made the show pop. I remember Hirsh said something like when he was younger he would always look for hidden messages and shit in the shows he watched, so he wanted to give that type of show to his audience- hidden messages and puzzles and theories everywhere!
I realize Hirsh is a weirdo and he will never top GF, but it doesn't detract from the show for me. It's just a fun and whimsical kids show and maybe worth checking out.
I also bought the special edition Journal 3. I don't regret it, I think it's a really cool piece of merch.
No. 1480057
Is it possible to be flagged from every world bank?
Because I am truly at a loss.
I had a local bank as a teen, which sucked, and after I never went back there or used up all the money in it I think it closed due to inactivity. I was living abroad. I went to a new country but was unable to open one, even though many people told me I could do it with a passport and some people there illegally said they managed with a passport, I wasn't able to. I go to a third country and I am able to open one very easily. Unfortunately after I left I stopped using it, and I lost the card, it's closed by now for sure. When I went back to my country I had to open another one for a local job but it was shit and I left, and I closed the account myself. They do the whole "why are you closing blah blah" Because I am leaving. Well abroad again I still couldn't open one, I called all banks back in my country and applied online and was rejected. Okay maybe I need a local number. I eventually went back years later, at this point no bank for six years, and they all still rejected me. I think it was a mix of "You can't prove your address, you have no local ID, you have no credit history" but at the end of the day none would give me a reason, just refusal. I even applied to a credit union that allows foreign residence, nope rejected. I managed to get an online bank, which doesn't let me deposit from abroad, and it's empty. I am still without a bank account. I feel like I've been blacklisted. How is this even possible, it's a huge pain in the ass, and I'm tired of people telling me to just open an account.
No. 1480061
>>1480012kek clearly you're much too tumblr influenced but you're right about it being a future redditor show in a way because there's a link between it and rick and morty which is reddit: the animation. it's a show for kids the stuff you just said is honestly kind of incomprehensible ( i really don't think there was any intention for fujobaiting if that's what you meant ) to a normal viewer i remember seeing mabel as a relatable character if anything at the time it was airing tbh but she was made by a moid so you're probably right about that one
it's not that good or grand of a show like it's obvious when you watch it that it's deffo for children/tweens but i thought the finale was good to be fair
No. 1480141
>>1479793I liked it when it came out
>>1479675I never met a MTF but from experience just any somewhat progressive/feminist guy will likely not like male culture but they're also likely to become enbies if they feel so special for not wanting to partake in misogyny.
No. 1480229
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Is it normal to go through periods of just wanting to sleep a ton? The past week I've been getting like dead tired at only 5pm, I sleep until 10am but I still feel like i need more. I go do things during the day but I feel so drained doing basic activities I come home early. The only thing i can think of is the temperature outside changed.
No. 1480248
>>1480242Make him pay for manicures/pedicures
both, shoes that
YOU want and force him give you foot massages. You don't need to do anything, make him
work for it.
No. 1480698
>>1480642You can do it. What really matters is if you like/don't hate coding enough to do it as a career. A few years ago I told myself I was gonna get a computer science degree but after one class I realized it's not for me. Most of what programmers do is debugging (like going back into the code, making sure every little apostrophe, semicolon, parentheses etc is in the right place) it's kind of painstaking which is why they get paid so much. A CS degree is not just about coding though but you probably knew that. I also just wasn't good at it but if you have enough drive and/or passion you'll probably be fine.
Also I'd suggest getting an app like sololearn to see if you like coding.
No. 1480909
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nonnies, how do you get yourself to stop compulsively checking your mentions?
i’ve sort of deluded myself into becoming very fond of someone, and i’ve become a little obsessed with the thought of him (or someone, anyone) missing me enough to message me. i know this won’t happen, i know that i really shouldn’t care so much—i don’t want to care—about these people to want something like this so badly. i’ve tried to chalk it up to boredom, but even when i fill my days with hobbies and chores it still nags me. what do i do? delete everything cold turkey? i’m sorry if it sounds a little silly, but the thought is really itching at me lately.
maybe it’s bpd, but i’ve never experienced anything else like this before
No. 1481077
>>1481040Kek yes, an ex moid did that when I caught him watching porn and also when I caught him later on trying to talk to his ex that he lied about previously having sex with. ~
Abusive~ yeah right. Just remember that the most used moid argument tactic is projection and it’s highly likely that you’re not actually
No. 1481079
>>1481077Same anon but I actually believed him when he told me I was
abusive. I went through years of therapy and bottles of medications, even got misdiagnosed over and over to try and explain why I was so crazy. Then when he left my mental state was completely normal kek. The next guy I dated was very sweet and we didn’t have a
toxic dynamic like my ex before but going through a relationship and being treated with respect only made me realize how poorly my ex treated me. So in a way it was retraumatizing and the realizations affected my new relationship. The new relationship didn’t last but I was able to learn that I have sexual and relationship trauma from my ex. Also that my boundaries and expectations were never unreasonable but my ex just expected me to be a fucking doormat/punching bag.
No. 1481134
>>1481040Yeah my overdramatic, overcontrolling, overly anxious, and mentally ill ex. Made me feel like a bad person just because I didn't always agree with every one of his opinion on terminally online shit. Expected me to cut ties with friends that he didn't like, and the fact that I didn't meant that I didn't respect his feelings or something. I apologized constantly and forced myself to change for him. This made me feel like I was an abuser because it seems to be a common tactic for abusers to apologize when they hurt their partner's feelings, promise to do better, only for them to make the same mistake again. I did really want to do better but anything I did wasn't good enough and he'll always be unhappy. In retrospect, I was just desperate, codependent on him, and feared being alone so I didn't want him to leave me. I should have respected myself more and just dumped him when he was trying to cut people out of my life. Now that I've taken out the rose coloured glasses I realized there's so much of his behaviour that are red flags, but I had excused because I "was in love", even though he's always telling me the red flags I have to my face everytime I did something he didn't like. The fucking irony, lol. Now that I'm alone again, my mental health and stress have dramatically improved. He is too mentally ill and histrionic to make a relationship last with anyone and I look forward to seeing the day when I'm proven right.
No. 1481152
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Does anyone here use light therapy devices, either a lamp, a mask or a panel? Which do you you recommend and how often do you use it?
I'm interested in them for the skin benefits and for SAD
No. 1481356
>>1481355THANK YOU, I thought it was short hand for
"Are you retarded?"
No. 1481403
>>1481396Shayfag checking in, read the first threads and then just skip through. I wish that they were better marked to show the "Era's" because theres only a few good parts of Shistory.
I love Stefany's threads, I can always re-read it. There's that girl in Snow, I forget her name, I'm sorry. She's the one with the black hair, who does what Stefany does but not as interesting. She also posts blurry ass pictures of herself, claims to be an moody as NLOG. I can't remember her name. Also read CreepShows threads because it's amazing to see her comments. As well as those long dead Pettuber threads where emozotic was calling herself a crack head and bullying Taylor Nicole Dean, then when she was found out she bragged about it kek
No. 1481427
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This has been bothering me.
Do any other anons think almost exclusively by imagining yourself speaking to another person in your mind?
The internal monologue/no internal monologue npc bullshit inspired this introspection for me but I'm suddenly worried today (likely other stressors are feeding it).
Every thought I have is rehearsal for a possible social interaction, even when I'd isolated myself from everyone I'd just imagine posting here or on some other imageboard. I'm never alone and constantly on display in my head.
It barely helps me socially because there are too many variables in real life, but I believe it has helped my ability to verbalize my feelings and to avoid some awkward interactions.
Anyway, am I alone in this?
No. 1481476
>>1481427I think having practice conversations in your head is pretty common but then going through periods of isolation leads to more of it to help fill the conversation void. I was isolated in my teens while dealing with agoraphobia, I developed (a character I guess?) in my mind and I'd spend alot of time having internal dialogue with them. Back and forth but I know both sides are ultimatley just my own thoughts bouncing off of each other as if its a two way convo. When things changed and I wasn't isolated anymore I thought it'd stop or phase out but it didn't.
I only learnt a couple years ago that afaik most people can picture things in their mind? I thought when people said 'picture this' or 'visualize this' that it was just a weird figure of speech. So maybe thats part of why I imagine convos.
No. 1481486
>>1481476I’m constantly having conversations in my head with imaginary people. I’ve always done this and I probably always will.
Anyway, when I read a book, my inner monologue starts to narrate in the style of what I just read, which is especially infuriating after reading something dense and academic. I think I can picture things too, but I have to concentrate a bit harder. I can’t imagine complete silence. Sounds…insane.
No. 1481530
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>>1481475don't call anybody
No. 1481593
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I think I asked this some time ago but don't remember if I ever got a reply, so here I go again: Do cats actually smell good or is it just the toxoplasma gondii talking?
No. 1481622
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>>1481593My cat smells like a baby.
No. 1481827
>>1481797to other people? yes. probably. to myself? no. when I lived alone I'd scream and yell at myself all day. the conversations go like this:
me: "you piece of shit"
also me: "I don't want to talk to you right now."
me:"oh yeah? go to hell."
No. 1481937
>>1481797I'm currently unemployed, so my only conversations are with cashiers, which amounts to a few words every couple weeks when someone asks me whether I have a benefit card (no).
I noticed that I struggle to enunciate individual words, when I try to say something it comes out as a croaked jumble. I never talked much, but a couple months ago I could still communicate properly. Getting a job again won't be fun, I'll be the retard all over again.
No. 1482142
>>1481697>why is it that people find being racist &/ antisemitic morally better than hating trannies, or even respecting their pronouns in the leastYou are generalizing here, but the only people who would be ok with being "racist" online would be 1 of 2 different groups. Either the people who are actually racist in real life and have a community that supports that behavior (think like small-towns or hate groups). Or the """racist""" people who are polite in real life to strangers and vent online about walking stereotypes they know of in real life (the kind that don't learn about a crime from news outlets but from having to see it on their streets).
Disrespecting/hating trannies in either of said 2 groups is a given although you won't find group 2 admiting to it offline.
To say either of these 2 groups have a moral higher-end over the other is laugable as their behavior is still rude and
toxic regardless of whatever claims they make.
>&/antisemeticOnly actually neo-nazis are antisemitic, everyone else is memeing physical tangible observations of specific people in specific positions sharing a background and that's as rude as observing that humans have two eyes. Any actual harassment at Jewish people isn't being antisemitic it is just being a dick.
>i don't understand how someone can be so edgy but draw the line at that as if it's not something trannies actively choose to do to themselves unlike being born into a race, something that you cannot change no matter what you try to do.People trying to have a moral higher-end over being racist but respectful to trannies is just them huffing their own farts. It's a strange roundabout way of "owning the liberals"
>how does that make sense?it doesn't these groups don't run on logic
>someone will post the most heinous racist shit beyond trolling grounds but will call an obvious equally as racist shafted male a she. not only are they racist but they're also sexist, though not in the way they think. or was that the point all along?I'm sure you are talking about specific cases and enough to notice a pattern, but each individual has their own warped veiw on why their mental gymnastics are correct. My guessing that they have an online community that has prominent trannies (like magic or video games) or specific friends/family that instill the tranny respect.
>why just one "progressive" view?If it's a type 1 then it's because they had a tranny/tranny ally in their community but no racial diversity.
If it's a type 2 then it's because they haven't met a tranny in real life yet.
No. 1482287
I thought Terry Schiavo was braindead. And vegetative people couldn't respond to stimuli? Do the videos of her opening her eyes and following the guys hands prov otherwise? would still wanna die if I were laying there being fed by a tube for 15 years. RIP
No. 1482304
>>1482287The autopsy found she was blind, cerebrally blind in that vision centres of her brain were destroyed. She likely didn't suffer at all because there was no person left, so I don't have a problem with someone being kept alive like that for the family's sake but it was only because they couldn't accept she was gone. The footage they pointed to showed normal reflexes for people in a peristent vegetative state and if you watched a whole day's worth of attempts to elicit these responses there was very low correlation between their attempts and her responses. They cherrypicked what worked. It's like looking at pigeons outside your window, trying to predict out loud what they do next, and then editing the footage down to only the times you got it right.,hand%20when%20it's%20squeezed%20hard)
No. 1482308
>>1481593Depends on the cat. My old cat smelled so amazing and anyone that met her said the same. She smelled like the freshest laundry and a warm, sunny spring day. I could never get enough of sniffing her fur kek
Cats in general have a much more pleasant smell than dogs, from personal experience.
No. 1482766
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Can anyone translate what this sticker says? I assume it's something about the car having a dashcam/camera?
No. 1482823
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>>1482778>>1482779Thank you anons!! ♥
No. 1482831
>>1471822There was one period in my life post bachelors where I had 4:
- event staff at conventions/concerts (bar/hostess/barista)
- working the bar at outdoor festivals
- security/ticket checker at events
- Packaging stuff at a warehouse on nightshift
There were some decent parts but it was so physically taxing I wouldn't want to do it any other time than I did, early 20s. I feel so bad for the women who are worse off and still have to do those kinds of jobs, they really wear you down and god knows what conditions I'd have by now.
At that point though I took advantage of free education in another EU country and used the small savings I had to move there and get another degree. Now I'm making bank being paid too much for a job I'm overqualified for. Is taking advantage of international ties something you can do nona? Sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side (if you totally ignore social and cultural isolation kek)
No. 1482897
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Is it unhinged to count the condoms in the box and then grow suspicious if there's less than last time? I swear I'm not asking for myself.
No. 1482913
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Is becoming a Jehova Witness a bad idea? I am autistic with an obsession for memorizing bible verses and always wanted to have a big family due to not having a stable one as a child but I'm too much of a friendless loser for that but I'm not getting any younger. I don't believe in neither "choice feminism" or "dyke supremacy" feminism and i also hate troons and the current direction our world is heading into. I got handed some pamphlets last year and thinking about joining them since them but I don't want to jump into it so soon as I don't know everything about them and I'm not to sure what to expect. Is anyone her a Sister or was raised into it?
No. 1482927
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>>1482906This because I was sick of the womens smelling roughly the same between powder and vaguely floral. If you sweat a ton it wont work and for summer I'd probably use degree's motion sense in some new smell. But for now I like that it's a clean scent without fake axe smell. I'm curious if anons have tried the spray on or gel based deodorants. I wear all black so I worry they would make a mess.
No. 1482928
>>1482917>why the Witnesses?Their opinion on adultery appeals to me as my family was broken because of an infidelity and my mother was discriminated against in the church (catholic) even being the
victim. Also the fact that Sisters/Brothers have a closer community is like getting assigned designated friends in my mind.
>Blood transfusionsBut they aren't antivaxx or anti medicine. Are transfusions that important to current medicine? I do think is weird they make it their biggest taboo when the bible just says not to drink blood
No. 1482957
>>1482913Don't fucking do it, you'll lose everything. My sister in law grew up in it and left. Her experience is horrible and basically the norm (getting raped, being told you deserved it, being banned from doing anything, etc), just don't fucking do it.
But on the off chance this is Blaine, yes, please do it.
No. 1482968
>>1482957>Being raped and blamed for it I'm sorry for what happened to your relative anon. Here i was thinking they weren't bad in that sense because of the "what should i do if my daughter is a
victim of abuse" and similar articles in, they recommend accurate sexual education to children and dealing the matter wich compassion towards the
victim, but maybe they don't practice what they preach in closed doors. They also apparently implement moving to another congregation far away without telling the abuser in cases of domestic violence and if that's the case they do more than the injustice system of my country but i wonder if they really practice that either
No. 1483183
>>1483163Imo yes, but that's because I grew up with Domino cookies. They are denser than Oreos, which can be a positive or a negative depending on your preference. The cookie texture is less gritty too which I like. Oreo has more flavors though, but Dominos have seasonal stuff like salmiakki / salty licorice which are kinda wacky outside Finland. I actually googled the differences and some ppl say Oreos are less sweet than Dominos. Some describe Oreos tasting more roasted, and Dominos being fresher. And Dominos have milk in them, Oreos do not, so that's something to consider if you are allegic.
Another difference is European vs American chocolate. Many Europeans think American chocolate tastes like vomit because of the manufacturing process being different (see video attached). Hershey's at least has butyric acid, which you can find in vomit and foods like parmesan.
No. 1483367
>>1483352DARVO-"Deny, Attack, Reverse
Victim and Offender"
No. 1483476
>>1483436Samefag, she is a queen.
TW coughing
No. 1483490
>>1483471Sounds fine as long as hes not obsessively ranting about it or anything ott. If its about hygiene and not purely throwing the word slut around. I feel like some men get off on ranting about sluts more than they actually care about the risks involved.
On a related note. I'm in my 30s, the hpv vaccine wasn't a thing for me and my friends. Didn't exist yet. My country has a pretty decent screening programme for it now but only for women. Women who never caught an std or who thought they played it safe enough now have to find out their ex is silently spreading that shit around because it doesn't affect men but hey… it does give women cancer. And it can spread with a condom too. Stuff like that and some stds that are becoming resisiant to meds are pretty bleak to learn about.
No. 1483520
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What makes a normie, a normie? Can you even normify yourself? What are we?
No. 1483554
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>>1483520It feels like there's one definition but everyone applies their own criteria to it. To me a normie is someone who never had any real problem in their life like being very poor, having significant health issues or family drama, who isn't a NEET, and who has no real significant hobby unless it's something extremely popular like collective sports that everyone follows like football (or American football or baseball for Americans). I had to deal with coworkers lie this a few years ago during my internship and they were shocked and outraged when I told them right after halloween that I watched Scary Movie, and I was treated with total confusion and then disgust by one of them who was just like 30 or 32 at most when I said I spent one weekend with my family and playing Mario Party on the Switch. As if there weren't a shit ton of advertisment for it on TV. The only thing they know is TV and if they're online sometimes, they're the ones who are so internet illiterate they're ruining it as a whole for everyone else and don't get that their posts are public unless they change that in the settings. You know the type of people who post their family pictures indiscriminately on facebook because they treat it as their personal, private family album and they call you a creep when you rightfully suggest they should remove pics of their babies fully naked in the bathtub because it appeared on your timeline because someone else you follow like the post? That's how I picture a normie, they don't get how things work online. Even when they plan outings they do as everyone else, for example if you tell them you planned a trip for this summer but not to go to the beach and they're outraged or confused? That's a normie. If you go to events like a concert for a more niche band or singer than Beyonce or you're going to an anime con and they don't get why you would do that as if it were a waste of time? That person is a normie. I try to pass for a normie in my everyday life so people can leave me the fuck alone, I just make sure my hair looks good and I'm wearing basic but good looking clothes and shoes and I keep up with celebrity gossip just in case someone tries to make small talk with me and it's working well enough so far.
Sorry for the wall of text. No. 1483555
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Nonny love
No. 1483615
>>1483593I'm very different today but tbh when I was younger I was in a scene where there was 'sex positivity' and couples leading alternative sex lives. I'm bi. I got into a cycle of being noticed by a m/f couple. Being 'courted' and getting to know them. Going on dates, to parties together. Flirting and working up to it. In one case I had a night of sex with them which went well and then they broke up. In all other cases it didn't even get to that stage. You'd be due to meet up in an hour and they'd pull out after weeks of setting this up and getting to know each other. 'there's beem a family emergency' is code for.. we fought and broke up an hour before we'd planned a threesome. lol
I felt like a homewrecker or a curse. We'd be getting along well and… they'd break up and I'd know very well that its because of me. That behind the scenes one of them must have not been so cool and eager to add another woman. I felt left out of the loop when this shit went down. And then of course the man would soon be hitting me up again alone while his gf is in pieces and I'm like.. no thanks. Gotta have some loyalty to her. I just stopped being receptive to couples who showed interest in me. Eventually left that scene. Poly drama is insane. My experience was mild compared to alot of what I saw. People are jealous. You can't just switch that off. The same people who sang it praises the loudest had public meltdowns later at parties over boundaries or some shit.
No. 1483722
>>1483436Ayrt yep when I learned the term (thx Ovarit) it opened a huge new way of recogizing and speaking about how dumb certain types of disagreements are and why exactly they are so frustrating. Subbed to that youtube channel you linked, saved to watch later. Ty
nonnie there is a special place in my heart for educational lectures appx 45 minutes long kek, I watch one or 2 before bed usually. Will watch tonight.
No. 1483767
>>1483649>>1483615>>1483611>>1483606Ty for replying. Its kinda like those worksheets i did as a kid, where you place points and then connect them, to show a surprise animal shape. i know its not a sexual fantasy to act on, but I couldnt quite see the bigger picture.
I am so disconnected from SM, and its a weird convo to strike up with friends.
Growing up I was constantly accused of being a lesbian because of my boy clothes. It was so anxiety inducing and i was beat up. Ive always gone out of my way to prove otherwise. Now, as I get older, I wonder if I am in denial. Idk, i suppose that is my own dumbass journey to take.
Thank you kindly anons, for letting me know.
No. 1483790
>>1483779mugs that belong to one person only are kept in that person's shelf space, the mugs i like are in the cabinet and belong to no one in particular.
>>1483783they actually are. people just dump their mugs at work because they don't want them anymore. it's actually a problem and my boss regularly throws out really ugly ones because people use the kitchen as a dumpster for unwanted mugs, plates, bowls, etc.
No. 1483942
File: 1674869789712.jpg (56.52 KB, 700x461, 619b67a5b148f_Oqjj818-png__700…)

Do Australians know what crimes their ancestors commited to get sent there?
No. 1483964
File: 1674872060724.png (86.15 KB, 263x275, munny.png)

How do you learn to be a superhuman that is just immune to things and gives 0 fucks even if you are a miserable, sensitive person overall?
I honestly avoid outrage stuff 99.99% of the time and play it safe. My hobbies are solitary. But, today I made the awful mistake of going to a social media website and I happened upon a very long, popular comment that just seemed so suspicious to me.
I checked the profile and turned out to be a "woke" fuckboy with a very long history of sneaking in misogyny into otherwise well-worded, basic arguments while pretending to be a feminist. I hated myself for even getting morbidly curious and I hated how I felt seeing that shit. I'm not sure if the right word is "seething". More a mix of existential dread and despair and I don't know why. I'm a retard. I plan to just stay off such sites in the future, but I don't want to feel poisoned each time I see something nasty either!
No. 1484042
File: 1674881046259.gif (2.72 MB, 479x355, 1674709200562.gif)

why is he flipping out busternons? what's the context of this scene? just what exactly is he doing here? my curiosity is killing me but i don't have time to watch his movies yet
No. 1484048
>>1483964Honestly, I have the same problem. To some extent, I think letting yourself feel mad is the best way to prevent getting even angrier. Like, I'm an emotional person to, so I just have to kind of acknowledge the feeling, while also just trying to let it pass. Whenever I see people on social media doing the thing you said, like writing a bunch of snarky comments, I try to remind myself that really they're probably just more obsessed with women than women are with him, so him writing comments like that is just him coping. Course, I don't think it's always so easy to mentally get passed these kinds of feelings, so idk.
No. 1484062
>>1484042KEK oh my gosh
nonnie I'm sorry I forgot to answer this. He's supposed to be Cleopatra and he's
going ape shit doing 'acrobatics'.
The bit starts at 12:40, but be warned this is actually a Fatty Arbuckle movie so it's weird.
No. 1484125
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>>1484088Are you a man pretending to be a woman, pretending to be a man?
No. 1484132
File: 1674897094313.png (129.65 KB, 1360x768, 6dd5f6cf6d57f30fff17503b08b472…)

>>1484125she has been posting shit for a long time, before she said she was a sad and lonely woman, then she said she was masculine, before she made shit threads about business and now she says her name is juan
No. 1484148
File: 1674898435227.jpg (53.65 KB, 720x636, FB_IMG_1670196632137.jpg)

>>1484146To be a man you have to love yourself and accept yourself as you are
So she is born a woman. But she wants to love and accept herself the way she is. But that's a male quality. So in order to accept herself the way she is she has to become a man first.
No. 1484150
File: 1674899147009.jpg (97.05 KB, 1353x432, 3332.JPG)

>>1484148Too many contradictions in one thread. Sometimes I feel sorry for him, and for all the shit he writes. She is a depressed girl, with an anger problem, who believes that being a man will solve all her problems. She even the idiot of her once posted her tiktok account.
>>1484149I think she used to be called Juana
No. 1484167
File: 1674902306766.jpeg (68.25 KB, 639x717, B7FA4CCD-9958-42B8-90CF-8E2EEC…)

What does ‘being slutty in theory’ even mean? Does it mean sexually frustrated? Or porn-addicted and developed screwed up kinks?
No. 1484393
File: 1674926485539.png (95.17 KB, 275x255, m.png)

I'm out of the loop can anyone explain to me what the whole nofly list thing is about and why suddenly everyone on the internet is praising some cowish hacker?
No. 1484419
File: 1674928548928.gif (476.11 KB, 194x269, 92A7D3FD-C4D6-4C7E-B6FD-E09A02…)

Shitty people love good people but good people don’t love shitty people. Shitty people don’t love other shitty people so shitty people pretend to be good people so good people love them. Shitty people grow resentment and careless about being shitty. This makes good people feel sad when they notice and think something is wrong with them. This is perfect because shitty people want good people to feel bad about themselves same way they do. Shitty people love other shitty people only when they can use them to make good people feel bad. This is the only way for shitty people to feel good about themselves.
Does that sound correct nonnas or is it too simple? I hate complicated things
No. 1484454
>>1484434Maybe you can find a healthier fetish kind of related to it or build off the idea in order to get out of it. Like becoming better from the thing you like being degraded for (depends on what you like being talked down or treated like shit about) so that way you can get more pleasure? Don't know if that makes sense. Or just really try avoiding content related to it and see if you can zone out and just masturbate.
I've had a similar issue where I like questionable content, and usually finding other outlets or other arousing stuff helped me keep out of it periodically. Like indulgence once in a while but not taking the total nosedive. Breaking types of addiction is hard and fucking sucks, but it can be a good mental exercise.
No. 1484535
>>1484477It's a bit of a tough one. First off since it's january take vitamin D3, there's a pattern at least with me it's a seasonal thing.
Secondly, I find comfort in knowing this is it. If you can pay your bills, eat the food you like and have the things that make your life comfortable and pleasurable, you've literally made it as a human being. Enjoy it!
No. 1484541
File: 1674938417160.jpg (242.06 KB, 1324x648, wizardchan.JPG)

>>1484211that thread is a copy and paste of a thread from an incels image board
No. 1484590
>>1480396>>1480448This nonna is right
>>1480465It is a learned skill they usually develop after puberty, in their late teens and "refine" throughout their 20s until their late 20s/ early 30s were they have mastered it.
No. 1484863
>>1484862It's only the same image. The archives only scrape what anyone can see, so they have no idea about who posted what.
You can check the filename. It's not 100% but if some obscure picture gets posted regularly with similar posting styles and the same filename there's a good chance it's all the same person.
No. 1484953
>>1484927i think a
nonny mentioned a study on low reading comprehension in males in the man hate or a similar thread on 2X
No. 1484976
File: 1674995587432.jpeg (264.87 KB, 1080x1080, 1674994874322.jpeg)

What cat genre is this?
No. 1484990
File: 1674997675848.jpeg (115.6 KB, 585x1227, 9E12D58F-7CE7-4758-A39A-2E55C2…)

What is the psychology of Coomers ? Do they really believe that photos like this are real and these women exist, or do they know it's fake and coom anyway?
No. 1484996
File: 1674998139680.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.34 KB, 750x834, 8D1FB8B5-A6B5-497F-AAD3-52D31B…)

>>1484990Also picrel, I found it on Twitter, I thought it was a joke at first but it was posted in earnest by a "hottest cosplayers" page. Are Coomers just brain-dead?
No. 1484998
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>>1484996>>1484990reminded me of this
No. 1485000
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>>1484996jesus chirst…please tell me shes fake
No. 1485057
File: 1675006836110.png (81.06 KB, 843x322, Screenshot 2023-01-29 160617.p…)

>>1484960Kek Miami got invaded by latinos and of course it turned into a shithole, like anything latinos touch. Cubans in particular are the worst kind and hated by everybody.
A lot of the rich people who invest there are nouveau riche lations that got wealthy trough corruption in their own countries so they're the worst kind of people.
also mods don't ban me I'm latina myself.
(racebait) No. 1485139
File: 1675013018295.gif (936.71 KB, 268x150, march.gif)

what happened to the weekend farmer meetup
No. 1485325
File: 1675024530234.jpg (197.18 KB, 1024x768, 3k1eym6tbb951.jpg)

What's that interior style called that's basically the opposite of that sleek and clean gray and white ikea catalogue rip furniture store showroom kei? See picrel
No. 1485655
File: 1675052408506.jpg (38.64 KB, 500x500, 51LSMyTh1DL.jpg)

>>1485644floor sofas or maybe a fancy rocking gamer chair?
No. 1485706
File: 1675060990377.jpg (544.3 KB, 3154x2291, keanu-reeves-3284774090.jpg)

is it a bad idea to fuck a drug addicted man 20+ years my senior because he looks hot like keanu reeves?
No. 1485715
File: 1675061946635.jpg (72.31 KB, 728x1007, pic-2338909050.jpg)

>>1485706depends which drug?
No. 1485738
File: 1675068452035.jpeg (74.17 KB, 580x580, 2F8970D7-F475-41E0-899F-FB968D…)

Looking for suggestions on subtle feminist jewelry I could maybe DIY? Googling gives me kind of cringe results, and when you google ”feminist earrings” it gives me stuff like ”terf repellent spray bottle” charms…
No. 1485843
File: 1675089293166.jpeg (168.14 KB, 750x1334, 1D28E48D-16DD-42BC-B48C-51A004…)

What game is this? I'm too pussy to ask the person who posted it.
No. 1485963
File: 1675101449571.jpg (291.08 KB, 736x1085, af0cc2e9fa5db19c80fd67880ad06c…)

I've never read it watched jojo, but a friend told me my husbando would be Rohan. What does that say about me?
No. 1486059
I can't finish projects. It starts with me having a cool idea, imagining all the details, sometimes it just stays that way and the idea buzzes around in my head for months. If I force myself to start the project, I lose interest in it after a short time. I just can't force myself to keep going, I lose more and more of the fun until it becomes torture.
I've started so many projects and never finished them, it's killing me. I want, but just can't. They aren't even big projects, I tried planning them, breaking them down into smaller goals, nothing helps. On the other side, I don't have those problems in my job, I can finish projects there with not losing interest at all and beeing really focused.
Anyone has similir problems? Any tips?
No. 1486078
File: 1675110859412.jpg (37.11 KB, 425x558, fc3.jpg)

Please for god's sake, how do I shake the shame after being embarrassing and making a mistake in public? I'm dying
No. 1486435
File: 1675134557017.jpeg (38.12 KB, 500x517, 56919DEE-5226-4363-BFBD-6C1B05…)

>>1486417I unironically used pic related, then I looked up a song I used to listen to when I was a kid, it's a really tacky one, and that's how I created one of my usernames. Another thing I like to do is to pick my name apart and find different ways to spell it or names that could be similar. Something else that works is listening to your name pronounced differently and using what you misheard as your username.
It's fun, in the end you just have to feel like the username somehow represents you.
No. 1486470
File: 1675138672953.gif (1.19 MB, 498x370, British teeth.gif)

where does the American stereotype that British people have "bad teeth" seem to come from ?
No. 1486490
>>1486470I've seen my fair share of (mostly older) British people with "bad" (very crooked and usually dark) teeth. But maybe it's like confirmation bias and I only notice it
because they're British, idk.
No. 1486580
File: 1675151299500.jpg (152.23 KB, 1080x3319, 6PPX7pZ.jpg)

The app tells me this burns around 200 calories, is that accurate?
No. 1486714
>>1486695I'm not American myself but I have tons of American friends who said that cops are more shit on average than in much of Europe because the bar to entry is so low and they get so little education, but there's still many, many good cops. You just never hear about them, because them doing their job is completely invisible, while the media constantly run stories about some fake outrage.
Not that there isn't a lot of abuse, but the actually outrageous abuse rarely makes national news (like some actually good black kid getting killed because a cop told him to stop and he didn't react because he was wearing earbuds and probably didn't hear it).
For some reason almost all the people mainstream media bleed their hearts over are hardened criminals, like that serial child molester Rittenhouse shot in self defense.
No. 1487026
>>1486944Thank you for the advice
nonnie, all the brands are something I'm familiar with so I know they're alright
>>1486933Thanks for the good questions, I'm buying a blush because I don't have any at all, lipgloss as well, and the palettes are the only "waste" I'd say, since one palette has half of the colors I already have, while the other half are colors I have trouble finding anywhere near me so I'm conflicted.
The palettes aren't that big, they're 4/7 colors respectively. I'm really a lip product x eyeshadow only kind of woman so I'm going to make good use of all of the items. I'm rambling but it's good to write it all out kek
No. 1487076
>>1487070anon are you confused? Its the shit smearing ones who are typically obssessed with sonic. I think you got some things mixed up.
Normal autist- Super Mario
Insane retard - Sonic
No. 1487437
File: 1675216483920.jpg (356.73 KB, 1200x1483, morning_musume_live_revolution…)

would i look like a douchebag if i got a small polaroid camera and walked around the city and took pictures of buildings and landscapes with flash on? i like the look of polaroid photos but i would feel so awkward walking around with a camera lol
No. 1487453
File: 1675217431606.png (841.53 KB, 843x893, FnbmASOXkAM5gRw.png)

>>1487437No, I would think you were cool.
No. 1487595
File: 1675236901011.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.15 KB, 590x350, 437903_1.jpg)

>>1486470because the british monarchy are famously known to have ugly grins
No. 1487607
File: 1675239189845.png (Spoiler Image,286.65 KB, 433x520, gross.png)

>>1486470>>1487595this but also it's only because americans are so disconnected from reality that their idea of teeth are these disgusting cartoon veneers which has now infected our nations lower classes
No. 1487651
File: 1675247195882.jpg (49.39 KB, 768x1024, king charles ii of spain.jpg)

>>1487595not a brit, but it shouldn't be allowed to judge a country based on their monarchs because they're all inbred with each other, they're their own species at this point kek
No. 1487654
File: 1675247495205.jpg (58.11 KB, 590x608, e390244058adb2a075fa49fd843090…)

Anons who draw: is the Loomis method the right way to draw, do you follow it? Or are there other established drawing methods out there? Is it bad/wrong to start drawing by just picking one point and going from there, not thinking of the subject holistically and breaking it down to shapes?
No. 1487662
>>1487654There is no "right" or "bad" way to learn art. Breaking it down to shapes can help you visualize it on paper but you can also do it in your head. You could test it by drawing a few heads freely the way you want to, then a few heads like the example pic using the method, and after that a few more freely without it again.
Then evaluate if the result is better with the method.
If no, no reason to use it.
If yes, did it stay consistently better with the free ones you did afterwards? If no to this and only the method drawings are good, then yeah maybe keep practising that way using this method. However if you noticed that your free drawings were still better even when not using the method anymore, then you don't need to use it that much. Perhaps doing one here and there or if you're struggling you could use it to remind yourself how to think of shapes.
No. 1487672
>>1487654I think having a grip on basic principles speeds up the process of learning and builds you up to be a more versatile artist. It doesn’t have to be Loomis specifically.
A lot of people approach art as more instinctual and imitative learners. While you can definitely get pretty good that way, it takes a longer time and more trials and errors. People who exclusively learned like that can struggle to draw outside of their comfort zone and they might rely a lot on references which can impede creativity or stylistic development. Sooner or later, all artists have to embrace theories and studies to further improve, I think it’s best to not be apprehensive of the seemingly boring and tedious.
No. 1487749
>>1487743I think the internet is to blame.
Pre-internet you would just be some weirdo, maybe don't have sex, maybe do some other weird thing, and that would be it. You would still participate in society more or less normally according to whatever that means for you.
With the internet everything is an identity that comes with a boatload of markers and beliefs and behaviours that cement your status as a member of the group, so an incel turned from some regular guy who can't find a partner for whatever reason into a woman hating violent sperg who believes all kinds of color pill bullshit and needs to stay at home, needs to never talk to women, needs to spread the message all the time, so can't have normal friends anymore because nobody normal wants to hear about that dumb shit etc etc
No. 1487790
>>1487779I am all about it but I need a pep talk too please. My dad usually roasts me and gets me rilled up.
When I get to the gym today, I'm pumping cardio and metal.
I'd say, at this point, I am… 28% motivated
No. 1487794
>>1487608Depends on your skin tone, but I always go with either dark olive or a good blue. Brown pants are hard to match with other things unless it is a precoordinated outfit. I learned that lesson bad with a weird pair of light brown boots so they kinda never got worn.
>>1487599Could be IBS related; waste was trying to travel through but probably got stuck because you can't pass it in the normal fashion. If you've never had much trouble with PCOS or cysts, anything of that sort, you should be fine. But depending on your last gynecological exam or doctor's exam in general, it would be hard to tell. Maybe schedule one if it persists past today or go to a clinic if it flares up again.
(In personal experience, if I ate something I was allergic too, that would also happen but don't know if you're allergic to any foods. Sometimes that could develop out of nowhere, as well, so look into it holistically.)
>>1487525How did you like your coffee? If there was a lot of sugar, milk, or too much acidity, that might have been the cause of excessive acne, since it didn't agree with your system. Try switching to some good teas that help with detoxification while also giving a decent caffeine boost. You can look up which ones might help. Although at the start, teas alone taste terrible, you'll adapt to the flavours. I did that at the start of college – it tasted AWFUL but after a while, it was like a warm cup of water with natural herbs that gave a perk, if that makes sense. Especially if you start getting straight tea leaves, using honey, etc. Give it a go!
No. 1487795
>>1487790Of course, not being all negative.
But if you want to get stronger, not even just physically, mentally get it done! Focus on WHY you want to get fit. Does it matter to you?! WORK FOR THE PURPOSE. You can fucking do it and we believe in you. Are you going to waste it or make it into something better? GO TODAY. Going tomorrow will be doing less than if you just do it now.
No. 1487987
>>1487894It's real and the fear mongering over it is 100% justified. Spice can
trigger psychotic episodes, negatively altered brain functioning, and death. That shit is seriously dangerous.
No. 1488079
>>1488075>or 'bone'KEk
i think its normal for salmon to have greyish streaks though? as long as its not massively discoloured and smells fine it should be good to eat imo
No. 1488090
>>1488082Yes. It's a huge struggle of mine. I'm on here way more than I should be
NEET life, sadly and sometimes I'm literally just hopping from board to board speed scrolling and keeping an eye out for any new posts or replies. Like damn girl just put the damn phone down. I feel you
No. 1488299
File: 1675311271115.jpg (280.88 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg)

How easy is it for cast iron pans to rust? I've never been interested in them because I'm deathly afraid of rust, but I saw picrel in stores and I desperately want it. It's shaped like a heart!
No. 1488329
>>1488280Mine kind of do.
>>1488285Because record labels like to play it safe. I'd say as a radio listener, this has to be the worst era to be listening to it since they only play music from established artists and there's rarely any who is truly new or up and coming. Almost everything is from 5 years ago. Billboards reflect what i mean a lot. I hope you aren't listening to it though and at least just listen to spotify playlists. Paying attention to pop music nowadays is such a waste of time I unless there's drama.
No. 1488352
>>1488321You sound ugly and bitter
nonnie lmao.
No. 1488377
File: 1675319304023.jpg (219.64 KB, 1352x616, adv 4chan.JPG)

>>1484541I found that thread also on 4chan, and on other image boards. I find it a bit pathetic that he forces his threads everywhere just to get a couple more answers.
No. 1488381
File: 1675319712264.jpg (245.19 KB, 1125x1897, tvddo01lm6f71.jpg)

Where does this Idea that thinness/fitness is exclusive to white people seem to come from ?
From what I've researched, Polynesians are the only people group in the world who gain weight more significantly and have more difficulty in losing weight but everyone more or less has equal edge
in my country a combination of bad diets(oiled up desi foods and imported western fast foods) and lack of exercise culture have a caused slight obesity(most men and women being skinny-fat) but people in the rural areas, are almost always thin/fat
No. 1488560
>>1488499Kpop singing sounds so ear grating, if its voice over they should have found good singers and a more difficult and impressive song.
Overall I think it will flop because moids prefer a living minor who slaves away at debuting, to masterbate over and loathe.
Toxic kpop girls prefer real girls too, for the drama and to criticize them.
No. 1488562
>>1488499Don't see the point. What makes idols interesting is that they are humans with good looks and talents, even if they are "manufactured" by their companies - it is still a human being.
Nobody will care about some AI generated "perfection". Generic and boring. Same as AI influencers. Or virtual models.
No. 1488721
>>1488499Gonna flop and get scrapped once the novelty wears off
>>1488683If you’re hot, everything you say to a dude is hot, they don’t have standards
>>1488544I take glucosamine supplements but honestly I’m accepting my fate…
No. 1488724
File: 1675357405536.jpg (15.03 KB, 800x800, L2000-16SP_01.jpg)

>>1488311I looked more into the maintenance, and I don't think I will get it. While it seems very easy I don't think I will be dedicated enough to do it after everytime I cook with the pan, I even saw that cast iron can get rusted even if you're not using it. If I ever find a Le Creuset pan I'll probably sperg on that instead.
No. 1488733
File: 1675357789551.jpeg (140.11 KB, 1163x1478, FKUX3_JXoAMlxmC.jpeg)

>>1488730It's a normal sized pan.
No. 1488745
File: 1675358674566.jpg (442.63 KB, 2495x1403, le-creuset-valentines-lead (1)…)

>>1488739I mean it's on the smaller side but it's still fine to cook in, imo. I can see so many meals you could cook in that pan and the pots.
No. 1488928
File: 1675366477611.webm (191.51 KB, 720x720, blink.webm)

I'm trying to upload webms to LC but it's telling me the files are too big. How do I make them smaller? They're less than 3 minutes long so it's not the length of the videos.