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No. 1459108
keep your vents to a limit of 1500 words
>>>/ot/1453219 No. 1459139
>>1459125sorry you're going through all this nona. i will be alone tonight too and i think a lot of others will be (like
>>1459120) so maybe we can make a NYE thread to keep each other company? or video watching party? even if you do go to the psych ward. i don't want you to feel afraid by yourself.
No. 1459156
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Guess who started their period at work and isn’t even wearing underwear? Got some tissues shoved in my coochie, and the thing is I KNEW my period was coming because my boobs have been sore but i am a fucking retard. I’m so fuckin annoyed I’m gonna binge on pizza and chips once I get home I don’t even fuckin care.
No. 1459171
>>1459140comission me anon I'll make you a cute
terf furry
No. 1459172
>>1459125feels like i could’ve written this. i hope the new year is better for both of us
No. 1459219
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>>1459143I was hoping nobody would see my typos lol, my phone glitched and posted before I could finish writing.
It's a great comic strip that I randomly saw online. The first two panels resonate with me wrt to not being honest to myself about what I want out of life but that last panel line is also raw.
No. 1459265
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>>1459264Hope you've been planning to get out of that and not resigned yourself to being with that male…
No. 1459292
>>1459277don't waste time fighting your natural hair. curls are beautiful but so is straight hair. i put chemicals in my hair when i was younger to try and straighten it and even after all the pain, time, money, a tiny drop of rain or humidity would make it frizz/curl up again.
it sounds like you would have to go heavy duty to keep the curls and that doesn't seem worth it but you do you. i get the frustration though.
No. 1459299
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No. 1459301
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>>1459296same, also i was peak insecure teenage girl when Jennifer bloody Aniston was swishing her long silky hair about on TV and everyone obsessed over it.
No. 1459324
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saw this shit on aliexpress
No. 1459329
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>>1459323Hell yeah me too girl!
No. 1459401
>>1459393your mindset is the issue here. people don't
need anything to have fun, they're choosing to. and even if they did need you can apply this to other things, it's just your bias.
>i can't believe people need music/food/company to have fun!and yes there are people who hate music and eating food.
if it bothers you that much why hang out with those people?
No. 1459403
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Went to the ER because I was feeling really crappy to the point of not being able to sleep, turns out I have the flu. Of course I can never have a normal end of the year, I’ll be rotting in my bedroom if anyone needs me.
No. 1459424
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Overate again.
No. 1459538
>>1459530Don't kill yourself,
nonnie, maybe this year you will get lots of energy to do nice things, like go out for a walk, help at an animal shelter, anything will be possible.
No. 1459564
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yes, i made a mistake i did her wrong. yes, i want her back
No. 1459592
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I just got out of the shower and the entire time I was thinking about how frustrated I am that it takes me so much fucking time and effort out of my day just for the bare minimum of looking presentable. Taking a shower, scrubbing my body, washing my ass, washing my legs, washing my hair, letting conditioner set in my hair, shaving my legs/armpits (I know I don’t have to shave but it makes me feel cleaner and more confident), and then dealing with getting out of the shower and dealing with my curly/frizzy hair. I have a good, basic makeup routine which enhances my features and makes me look nice. But I just hate that I never truly feel “polished” no matter what, even after 2 hours of getting ready.
Meanwhile my boyfriend hops in the shower, shaves, styles his hair and looks great in 30 minutes. I’m feeling chubby, tired, and sick of this shit, and I’m thisclose to running away to be a feral creature in the woods. I feel like a fucking Cathy comic strip from the 90s. “AACK!”
No. 1459601
>>1459573my approach isn't for everyone but I've found myself more "content" when I lean into the "negative" instead of trying to fight it. if i can accept the worst case scenarios at all times, then anything better than that is a wonderful bonus. i don't always expect the worse i just prepare for it.
so any time i attempt to do something or want a certain outcome, i will
>think about the worst outcome>think about how i might deal with that pain>accept it>think about how great it would be if it worked out>think about how i can make it happen, within my power and limitations>either way i'll be alrightI'm still depressed, don't get me wrong. but i never feel the same complete despair and anxiety over things in the same way i used to.
No. 1459609
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>>1459275>What does it say about you that you are with him?hate these scrote brain comebacks, not every woman has the privilege to be totally independent and self reliant for shittons of reasons. no one owes anyone their life story on how they ended up in a shitty relationship either, just have compassion for your fellow fucking woman. stinkditch level reek of immaturity imo. people that don't know or have never known a friend or family member in an
abusive or shitty relationship should always just shut the fuck up with their opinions. "just leave him" doesn't even save you if you're rich and/ privileged anyway. that's my disorganized vent.
>>1459290the hard truth
No. 1459612
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1/2 I'm gonna be 28 in 2023 and I feel so old and tired, and what's worse, far behind my peers. I never went to college because I was so traumatized from school I was top afraid to ever enter the education system again. I have no social life or family, I never had sex etc. The only thing I got for myself was my own apartment, and I'm grateful for that, but that's it. Other people my age are in commited relationships, some even married, they have careers, good looking resumes, meanwhile I'm in a state of perpetual adolescence. I can't even drive a damn car because I'm afraid of cars and I have very poor motor skills. I'm exactly the same as when I was 19. Only got more autistic interests. When I was younger, people were commenting my looks and saying I looked even younger. I still look much younger, but now when people find out my actual age they're kinda baffled because I'm not in the place in life I should be at this age, they also judge me for my lack of higher education and often stunted behavior, socially speaking.
No. 1459614
>>14596122/2 Besides autism and shitty coordination I have some other problems I'm ashamed of, like dysgraphia, can't even read my own shitty handwriting, I also have problems with doing basic math in my head, which makes me feel like a retard, also sometimes when I count something and there's physically, lets say, 8 objects, my mind sees 4. I often count things a few times, just to make sure, even when I don't make mistakes. I work at a place where maintaining resources and checking the number of expensive mobile devices is quite important, thank god for computers and calculators which do half of my work for me, otherwise I bet I would've been fired. I will never 'act' like a proper adult and I will never be respected as one. Every new year I want to kill myself and it's only getting worse
No. 1459629
>>1459612I relate to you. I'm in my 30s now and also didn't go to college or uni. I didn't have my first relationship til late twenties and it only highlighted how immature and far behind i was (emotionally, sexually). I am autistic too and struggle with my job where I get confused a lot and make mistakes.
I don't know your goals and desires but just remember there isn't a right or wrong way to be (outside of basic morals). Obviously society favours certain types and tries to shoehorn everyone into the same life path (eg, you should be married, having kids, buying a house, career woman, you should have lots of friends and be outgoing etc.) but not everyone is or wants to be those things. have a think about what you really want and not what you think the world wants you to be.
I don't know if this helps but things got a bit better for me in my 30s. i accept myself more. hope you will do too. pls don't kill yourself. I've felt that way too and it's really tough but pls don't. happy new year nona
No. 1459648
>>1459612I had a huge fight with my parents over the holidays about this. I'm also going to be 28 in 2023, and although I had higher education (forced by my parents) and a few relationships in my late 20s, I have consistently fumbled any chance at a normal adult life. I studied biology in uni but I'm a graphic designer now and barely make enough money to support myself and my rent. I'm too mentally ill to sustain a marriage-oriented relationship and I have zero friends outside of the internet. I don't have a car, I barely have any savings, I'm in quite a bit of medical debt, I don't own much furniture, my career is pretty stagnant, my coworkers dislike me because I'm quiet and standoffish.
I don't really have any advice, but I feel strongly that things get better for people like us in our 30s. I think it's a combination of believing in/accepting yourself, and stumbling into the right career and group of people.
No. 1459650
>>1459612nonna, you don't miss out by not going to college unless you like studying. i'm in grad school, but apart from that, same as you, i'm feeling socially stunted. i think it has to do with maybe autismus and mostly seeing people my age in serious relationships, managing households with longterm partners, having kids, etc. i can't believe this is where i should be at my age. just today i was thinking how i would have loved to spend the night at my grandma's for nye cooking and eating tasty foods and watching tv or playing cards with grandpa. then it dawned on me that i still act with my family like i did at 15, whereas a normie me would probably just stop by for a quick chat with my husband in tow before leaving for a party full of other adults with alcohol and sex jokes lol. i also just got my driving license at 26 because i finally got over the anxiety and felt mentally ready. i know people say everyone goes at their own pace, but it's hard not to be harsh on yourself when 99% of people are ahead of you in some department.
btw, do you have vocational training or something? i hear it's not academically demanding, and i think you would feel more confident if you had some marketable skills in a field that you enjoy
No. 1459689
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I've been sick half this December, so I couldn't play my gacha game as much as planned, very sad because I almost finished the current event.
No. 1459735
how tf did a whole fight break out from
>>1459290. she's right.
No. 1459779
>>1459627ayrt. sorry i don't know how to summarise or be concise because i'm retarded so incoming waffle…
the things to mention are that it’s not easy in a lot of cases and that it doesn’t really stop you being sad about a situation, but that you can still accept it in addition to negative feelings. when you desperately want something, it goes round and around your head. you can start to feel
entitled to that thing and then it becomes
unfair that you don't have it. this is where you have to apply logic and grounding. it's not about being happy about the situation but simply working it out in your mind so you can re-focus your attention to more present things that you can control. what i'm describing is basically similar to stoic principles. but i haven't actually read much about it myself, i just got the basic idea and found it worked for me.
I think the limitations of my health have really frustrated me for a long time. I kept hoping to feel better but don't, despite all my best efforts.
so with my health, i would think the worst case:
i don’t feel better, i feel worse, i become reliant on others for care, i fucking DIE because of it. well, accepting the idea of death was something i was already comfortable with because of personal experiences i won’t go into. i concluded that if i lost all quality of life that i would like to die/not be resuscitated. i thought about the lowest quality of life where i could still imagine finding meaning and purpose, and what hobbies and activities i could do.
No. 1459782
that’s all quite bleak and difficult to think about but in my mind it feels “taken care of” now, in a sense.
then I think about how things could improve and what activities i would like to do more of, like biking and dancing. how if i had more energy i could be better at my job.
what are the things I could do to make that happen? i could eat as healthy as possible, stay as active as possible, supplements, etc etc.
turns out i seem to be feeling worse as the years go by but i am still active enough to do loads of things i enjoy and i know i can handle a lot worse now, even though i will continue to try to improve my health.
do I wish that I had more energy and less pain & symptoms? of course. do i feel paralysed by those desires because they’re not longer attainable? not really anymore. i think and worry less because anytime i think of it, i feel reassured by how it’s already processed in my mind. i feel more in control. but can still get fed up, because i'm human.
so in your situation, can you imagine a friendless and “loveless” life where you could still cope? could you see yourself devoting more time and energy to your hobbies, travelling, other life goals? what about getting a pet(s)? what other things are important to you? plenty of people live very fulfilling lives without friends or lovers and I bet you could too.
now think about how great more friends and a partner would be, even though you would be totally fine without them. how would you best go about that? joining new clubs/groups? getting a more niche hobby to find likeminded people? going to more events? working on yourself mentally so that you are ready for those relationships?
however, this includes accepting that some (or even all) might fail which will bring you back to the start (weeee!) it’s always hard but you know what your options are and you know what you’ve got to do. you know you’ll survive no matter what.
No. 1459792
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I really need to turn shit around this year or i'll get worse and worse
I cried about still being alive and in the same position just wishing i hadn't had yet another year, embarrasing
But anyway, new year new epic and fulfilled me and hopefully happier or i'll kms
No. 1459847
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let me get out this incredibly bitter vent before we move too far into new year's day. i wanna enter it as a person who doesn't let niche internet drama get sooo under her skin but i gotta complain, gotta have a spiteful kek or two:
>join forum rp with two main factions. faction a has cool lore; i pick it.
>faction b can't stop shitting on us. get approached by people in faction b; get ghosted, repeatedly
>admin favors faction b heavily, so she shits on faction a all the time too. try to complain. basically get a "deal with it"
>there's an autistic arrogant genderspecial moid who thinks NARUTO is Peak Fiction. he does cute things like beg women in server for weird rp sex, or write about his tranny self-insert eating babies (???). i complain about him to the admin. she naturally doesn't do anything, and everyone goes along with it bc tranny = god
>while all this is happening faction b insists their trite ass romantic plots are literally incredible every ten seconds. cannot talk about a single fucking thing without them swooping in and re-routing the convo to their boring garbage. "look at this thread where basically nothing happens except me stroking off to my own purple prose ooooo oooooo" fuck off
>anyway they lose the sole member who was doing stuff past cheesy melodrama
>it all starts to stagnate
i left a while ago so i dunno what's happening in the server anymore, but half of the biggest assholes have either stopped posting or fucked off entirely. it makes me feel good; i'm evil, but i can't help it. this is what you get for being hateful retards, enjoy the dying rp!
No. 1459905
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my boyfriend sent me this TikTok of a comic with a jump scare at the end and I’m kind of unnerved now, something about the creature really rubs me the wrong way and is just nightmare fuel but I feel dumb for being scared because it’s literally in the buzz feed artstyle, the comics plot is like a girl in a doctors office and the psychologist says he can’t give her antipsychotics but hands her a script and says this should help and instead of a medication it says don’t panic but i can see it too, and picrel is the last panel
No. 1459911
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In the last year I pushed people away, hurt their feelings, and sabotaged the only friendship I had, and then I act all surprised pikachu face that they hate me now and want nothing to do with me anymore. As if I shouldn't reap the consequences of my actions. Never in a million years would I have predicted this conclusion and yet I should have seen it coming
No. 1460014
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I was reading the predictions thread and I'm also kind of sad lolcow has deteriorated. My main take is there is so much fucking baiting and everyone just eats that shit up. Feels like most of us oldfags are gone.
No. 1460085
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Boyfriend almost caused an argument 5 minutes before New Year cause he is an idiot.
>we're playing a co-op video game together and having a lot of fun
>final hour until midnight
>he wants to put on a conspiracy doc about aliens/UFOs
>loathe this subject because he hates when I don't agree with his views
>peacekeep & tolerate an hour of this shite
>cause if I say I don't feel like watching he will get assblasted over perceived rejection of something he wanted to share with me
>towards the end I fell asleep
>he woke me up several minutes to midnight
>begins trying to grill me and sperg about the existence of aliens
>tell him I don't have a strong opinion, it could be plausible, but I would have to do my own research as I have only been watching superficially since I had a long day and was tired
>he triggers over the word "superficial" and starts to treat me like an asshole who paid zero attention
>he gets me aggravated and then doubles down on insisting I am the one being an asshole
>he complains that all I had to do was say that aliens could be possible but that I would have to look into it more
>he fake apologizes and says that's the difference between him and me, that he can apologize when he did wrong
>we kiss but I am salty af
>mfw watching couples on tv propose and kiss and this dipshit is mad that I don't believe Marilyn Monroe was killed bc she knew about aliens
No. 1460091
>>1460085Nonna I know you won't leave this asshole but at least try to make him understand that couples don't have to agree on everything or enjoy each other's hobbies. And no it's not rejection. I've seen moids use the "I feel rejected :(" excuse to get away with this, but you need to sit down and explain it to him that this is NOT ABOUT HIM. It's about you not wanting to do X.
If you were into some super feminine hobby like idk, makeup or whatever, I doubt he would be willing to sit down with you and watch a 2 hour long makeup tutorial.
No. 1460105
>>1460104seriously this thread is making me feel soooo good about being single kek. flashbacks to the unrelenting drama and abuse from previous relationships with men. i have zero tolerance for it now.
do yourself a favour nonnies. life can be so much better.
No. 1460131
kekk okay nevermind
>>1460124. this just made me laugh
>>1460085dump his autistic ass fr
No. 1460153
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I went to the New Year party of an highschool friend and i met a moid in the same university as me. We never talked but apparently he tried to come to me but i raised my hand to his face and told him "don't talk to me you're weird" in front of everybody wich is very unlikeley of me. I remember talking to him but i don't have a single memory of me saying or even thinking this. He was drunk and i had to take of him and 2 other drunk idiots all night but he never thanked me.
I don't want to go to class and act like i know him but i also feel guilty if i really said that.
Why are all men so pathetic ?
We also talked about a retarted dude in our major, famous for being racist and an incel and he was defending him all night even when i told him he sexually harassed one of my friend
No. 1460195
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I went on a date last night with the most boring woman ever. She was a fun texter so I assumed she'd be lively and fun but when I actually met her she was really shy to the point where she would just not talk and stare at the floor. I was exhausted by the end of the night just because I had to constantly keep the convo going and didn't know wtf to do. It was like she didn't want to be there.
I walked her to her car and she awkwardly said goodbye and got in. I walked away kinda bummed that I had a date for new years but didn't kiss her at all. I didn't really want to kiss her because she just seemed so distant it was fucking weird but still I was fuckin bummed!
I'm just so tired of going on bad dates and trying to find a girlfriend with dating apps. I got home at 1AM and got drunk by myself.
Happy New Year to all the lonely lesbian nonas out there.
No. 1460262
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One of my new year's resolution is to enjoy the stuff I used to do with my ex and enjoy the series and video games she's now into. I can't help associate these things with her and get reminded of her every time I try to sit down and enjoy it alone even though I was the one who introduced these stuff to her in the first place. She WILL NOT take that away from me. I WILL reclaim it as my own.
No. 1460274
>>1460270>>1460253Except she never said she wasn't going to leave him, we don't even know the full situation. She only vented about how he raped her. You made that up to have something to be made at and something to blame her for.
>>1460267Retarded for what though? Again, she never said she wouldn't leave him and even if she didn't you all should know that's not how it always works for
No. 1460304
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I vented a while back about a dude that blew up at me over not instantly accepting his offer for one of the items I was selling (ironically I would have accepted it if he didn't blow up at me), telling me the item would never sell at that price and that I'm greedy bitch.
Dumb update: the item just sold not soon afterwards at full price and in the meantime his store is full of stuff priced at 100$s over their MSRP that never sell.
still in shock over how people like this can even exist.
No. 1460311
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Haven’t heard from my ex in two months until he sent me a happy new years text last night. Not even at midnight but at like ten thirty kek. Didn’t hear anything on my birthday or Christmas. Trying not to read into it but it’s hard. I responded and he read it but didn’t reply. I miss him so much but we really do need space right now.
No. 1460313
>>1459925Fuck anon, this is horrible. Was it Dworkin who noted that men like anal because it's punishment for being a bitch?
Please stand up to him and confide in irl friends.
No. 1460322
I would get upset and ghost him for weeks because I felt like I was just never good enough. He was a neet and hikikomori tech guy…I actively tried to work and save up for us to be together to be received with nothing. I used to send letters and gifts at the beginning but stop because he couldn't bother to reciprocate the same damn notion.(said if he was forced it means less, so naturally I let him decide to do it on his own time, guess what, he never did) I would feel lesser than low because why would the man I was so madly in love with keep denying me, when I would keep actively trying. He didn't even bother to put a quarter of an effort that I put into us. I'd feel worthless it pushed me into the arms of other people and I felt like a whore. I would try and try and nothing was good enough for him to just simply fucking video chat with me. I stopped fantasizing about him ever visiting me because why would I after all this time. He never owned a phone, getting pictures from his actual life was like pulling god damn teeth. It would make me so sick waiting for him I would stop eating and drinking because I just couldn't understand why he didn't actually put real effort into being with me. He was completely content with keeping it entirely online. I gave him so much of my life and he hardly chose to share a fraction of his with me. I learned about 5 years in he had a brother (said he was a only child) and he only mentioned it in passing. I'd be so depressed I would drink to try to alleviate the pain of why he just wouldn't give himself to me. he would make me feel bad for being too shy to show my nude body on cam but then not even bother to return the simple request of just showing his face in motion.
No. 1460324
In the 8 years we "dated" he never showed his face on web cam once. I just can't understand. Why was such a simple request that would fix everything that made me feel something was wrong with me not be met. He made me feel worthless and I would retaliate by not talking to him for weeks, sometimes months. Why did it take him 8 years to finally try something, I've already gave up on the fantasy of him coming and was finally accepting that this was going to be entirely just an online thing. I feel like I'm the crazy one for thinking 8 years is too long. I thought I was trying to be patient despite the absolutely stupid circumstances. If he asked me to visit I would have dropped everything and funded it all myself. He didn't have to do not one god damn thing but he never wanted to initiate anything. I'm never going to give my heart away to anyone ever again. I've cheated a lot and I'm not proud of it….In the end I caught something I can't get rid of now. I was so lost and sought out the affection he refused to give me from other people and I feel like the whore. it's both of our fault and now nothing could ever be fixed. The fantasy of being together was merely just that, all a fantasy we fed to each other. He was 8 years too late. I don't ever want to be with anyone ever again. The greatest relationship I ever had was all a lie and I feel pathetic I let myself settle for something that truly wasn't ever there. Why couldn't he just be a regular fucking boyfriend with a cell phone to call and text and send pictures to. Why did I accept this mediocrity. I lied and cheated and was a slut….but I'm positive none of this would have never happened if he just actually tried from the very beginning. Why did he continually choose to push me further away from him. Why was I never good enough to fully receive some actual effort. There hasn't been any tears left to cry for a very long. It was all a fantasy and none of it was ever going to be real. 10 years of our lives wasted on something that was just pretend. I did love him, I saw him as God but he kept forsaking me. I can't atone for all the wrongs I've done, and in the end I think he'll still blame me for everything.
No. 1460325
It'll hurt if he chooses to actually try in his next relationship, to be attentive and actually give his all to her. I've accepted never having children or a family of my own because he's the only person in this entire world I ever wanted that with. We both actively threw the future away and now there's nothing left that will remain. In my heart of hearts I was actively aware of all of this happening and continued to subject myself to it. We both chose this ending. I'll just continue what I've always done the past decade,… live in the fantasy of being together. Even if he isn't participating in it anymore. I could never love again….but I'm okay reliving the mediocrity of this relationship for the rest of my life.
No. 1460335
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>>1460325your posts here and the friend finder are really obvious, you don't need to index your posts
No. 1460340
>>1460321>>1460325>>1460324>>1460322Damn I don't even know where to start with this but I feel terrible for you.
The worst thing about debasing yourself for a low value scrote is that both he and you perceive you to be lower than him. The only thing to do to salvage your self esteem is walk away, and do it as soon as possible. Stop deifying him because nobody is worth it, by the sounds of it especially not him.
What kind of man is he to act that way who shows desperately loving acts? Would you behave this way? To be honest your behavior sounds pathological and nothing like a pure love, just trying to get external validation to fix whatever gaping hole is in your self esteem. Really girl leave it, you're going to feel like such a fool in the future when he leaves (and he absolutely will) and you realise you didn't even get the upper hand of leaving someone who clearly doesn't think you deserve basic respect.
No. 1460461
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i really wish i had this thread to vent in 5 years ago when i was in a relationship with an abusive violent moid. you all would have just told me to get the fuck out of there immediately and it might have woken me up faster, saved me some bruises and mental health issues.
instead, i paid a useless therapist and confided in handmaiden "friends" who tried to be understanding and open minded about his shitty behaviour (he is autistic and has had a hard life). i paid money to sit and be sympathetic about his childhood and father issues. i also remember looking up relationship advice online and all it did was give me so much extra "work" to do on trying to get him to stop being an angry, misogynistic piece of shit. looking back i cannot believe how terrible my therapist was. and the only women i'm still friends with from that time is the one who eventually snapped at me that i had to do something about it, and the other who hated him from the start for reasons i couldn't understand at first (she is very smart).
also, i know this might not sound very fair because ultimately it was my responsibility, but i still resent my parents a bit because i'm sure they must have hated this guy for hurting me but they never said anything. i really could have used a push from someone. no one around me seemed to think it was a big deal which made me feel like i was making it a big deal in my mind. it's taught me that i will NEVER be that person who stays silent and enables their friend/relative stay in a harmful relationship, even if it results in them hating me for a while.
No. 1460553
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my period dropped and i have ruined at least 3 pairs of underwear and im upsetti spaghetti that i keep letting this happen
No. 1460568
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job interview in less than 2 hours i feel like throwing up
No. 1460589
>>1460558I am very similar to you. no close IRL friends, an only child, my cousins, aunts + uncles live in another country and we are not close, child-free, don't want to get married or have a relationship. I do like being alone now but I know it's going to get difficult when i'm older, especially if my health deteriorates before then. It's a bit scary to think about sometimes.
Sorry you feel left behind nona. Hope you find someone to share mutual support with.
No. 1460598
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I've absolutely disgusting constipation and its so painful!! I just want this to be over and done with! Sitting on the toilet and trying to push is too painful and I feel like I'm gonna rip in half. If this doesn't ease with oral medicine I'm gonna grab the ones you stick up your ass.
I don't get this a lot but when it comes, it's so painful. End my misery.
No. 1460612
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i'm so mad at myself for procrastinating on important stuff. i do it every time. no idea how to stop and make myself grow up. i hate being like this.
No. 1460640
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I’m an actress who also used to do standup and sketch comedy and I’m just so tired of the industry these days. I’m sick of every writing collaboration turning into tranny ass-kissing and jokes about JK Rowling and terfs being evil or “white women are the worst, amiright?” Idk, I feel like a grumpy old fart or something but I’m sick of politics and tranny shit being shoehorned into everything
No. 1460663
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The fact that so many doctors tell women to get bariatric surgeries that end up making them look lifeless, flacid and malnourished instead of helping the root cause is so disheartening to me. Bariatric surgeries aren't the answer in my honest personal opinion, life changes are the way to go, not just physically or on what you eat but mentally and emotionally too
No. 1460724
>>1460658come talk to me
nonnie i am very lonely
No. 1460773
>>1460739Maybe you should take this time being solo to focus on yourself, get to know yourself again, try new things, travel to places by yourself etc. You're trying to replace your relationship with another, or replace the friendship you just lost with another, but it doesn't work that way. You are settling yourself up for disappointment. If you redirect your energy onto yourself, you can't lose. It will always be a positive thing to spend time with yourself, I'm sure you're awesome. Eventually a person you click with will come along, they always do, but trying to seek that out or spending time sitting around waiting for it to happen is a total waste. Go be a free single woman, the world is literally yours for the taking come on.
No. 1460786
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I was in an 8 year relationship and ended up breaking up with him due to abuse. I started dating a guy and things were okay but he dumped me a month after. I continued seeing him even though it clearly fucks with my mental health but ive felt like i need his validation in order to live. During the summer we were pretty much inseparable and continued to have sex. He was also treating me like we were still dating. He would constantly initiate romantic shit with me and i fell for him hard. He also did alot of fucked things to me (like stealthing me) but i was so dependant on him for validation that i let it slide. My mental health got so bad to the point where i was self destructive. I got to 98 pounds because i was starving myself. I was also dependant on alcohol and self harming in order to cope with the fact that this guy was fucking with me but i didnt know how to get myself to leave. In October, i got admitted into a mental health facility for youth. Im 23 and the cutoff is 24 so i felt like it would be a good idea to go before i turn 24. The place helped alot. I gained a bit of self love and learned some coping skills. The problem was that i continued to go see him on the weekend and it kind of led to my weekends being full of self destruction.
For the past few weeks he's been distant. Ive tried to end things a few times but he keeps insisting that we can be friends and that he loves me/wants me around. I always end up getting hysterical. We keep arguing and he denies alot of the things he's done to me. He swtiches between being guilty and blaming everything on me
Last Wendsday, he finally had sex with another woman and it broke me. I had drunk sex with him on new years and i couldnt help but feel disgusting. Im choosing to end things with him because i really cant do this anymore. Im just really worried about how im going to react without him in my life because i became so attatched to him. Im hoping that things will get better for me. As worried as i am, im excited for the new year
No. 1460805
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There's something wrong with me emotionally/mentally, and aside from therapy, I want to be part of a community of people who understand. The problem is, every space I find with those people is also filled with people I'm incompatible with on every level. Trannies, narcissism, evil shit and delusional takes. I don't know if that means I must be as bad as trannies etc, but at least I'm self-aware enough to know what's not right, and I have principles I don't want to sacrifice just to fit in somewhere. I feel like an alien wherever I go, like I'll always have to pretend to be someone else, or cosign things I find abhorrent to be "accepting".
No. 1460807
>>1460783thank you
nonny, i hope you are right. I have been told i am funny/have potential and it only made me more nervous even if the intentions of the anons were to motivate me… i hope i can make it
No. 1460821
>>1460677I'm not going to reply to your infighty bait post
nonny, it's my vent and I've seen what I've seen.
No. 1460830
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I hate it when some fucker on the internet thinks his opinion is so important that he proceeds to spread misinformation
He was like "pErSonAllY his later books are all bullshit, read only the first ones" FUCK OFF, what is your opinion based on? take your pErSonAlly and shove it
Never ever practiced a certain practice but proceeds to say what he thinks about said practice; if you're like this, fuck you. You don't get to have an opinion about things you've never experienced.
No. 1460921
girls who had relationships and experience with men I'd really like your view on this because dear fucking god why are men so stupid?
They always say they want one thing, then go for the complete opposite
I have a guy who really like/s/d me who I sorta fancied, he never fucking made a move, would be ok if I went to his place and if we'd hang out in places that were not popular spots (like some parks) , would deny going to do activities together but would go with others in a group, would not invite me ( there was an incident 2 times when I was a bit upset so he thinks I'd go emotional I think) and would keep things hidden from me, things I'd find out anyway. He ALWAYS runs from conflicts and serious discussions, he's in that comfort zone he never seems to want to leave. He sort of berated me for not being a virgin (we're both 28-29 ) while he has never had a gf ( tried doing him a favor by having sex with him ( he's godawful, I went tutorial mode and I am a VERY patient person but he has performance anxiety that wouldnt go away because he's afraid he wouldnt please me or something) and my god, even virgin girls could smell his virginity 1000 miles away). He thinks a woman who's a virgin would want him omg like wtf boy. I tried to lay it on him gently that relationships and sex are this and that and blablabla but everything seems to have flied by his fucking head. The lack of honesty makes me blow steam, I tried to take him under my wing and educate him on these matters but it seems it just won't get in his thick skull. To top that he seems to now have a crush on some woman who's the complete opposite of me (but she's super extroverted, has friends etc) but looks like a lesbian (short,chunky,really short hair) Now he dropped the bomb that he is very undecided because he has to choose between me and her. Bruh,wtf, you said you wanted to be in a relationship a long time ago, wtf
we did not spend the last 2 NY eves together because this fucking idiot went behind my back with groups.
I have so many guys fancying me yet I choose this bloody idiot. Bollocks. I should either completely detach myself emotionally or push for a relationship (if possible) and say a big fuck you later
Then there was this other fucking idiot who wanted me to dress like a nun because he didn't want other men to look at me because I was sexy. Dude legit wanted me to cut my nails and hair and stop wearing skirts.
Then this faggot at work who always said how he wants a kind natural girl who cooks for him and loves him and all that lovey dovey stuff. He then proceeds to wife one of those instagramesque sluts who has no degree, wants to be taken out to restaurants, doesnt cook, doesnt clean, but hey, she's super hot amirite guyz?
I fucking swear, MEN, not even once!
I now understand why some women make their bf's lives a living hell before they dump the bastards. Some really deserve it.
No. 1460951
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This is gonna sound like a stupid vent but I had a guy who would donate me lots of money for the past few months and he just suddenly unfollowed me on everything. I’m so confused, what did I do? He even offered to take me out to lunch someday a few days ago. I guess it’s time to find a job
No. 1460984
>>1460977She was doing her job aka chatting him up in return for a donation, he did scam her so fuck him.
>>1460982I think he dipped without giving the money.
No. 1461054
>>1461050I've had the exact opposite experience from you
nonny, maybe you just hold fat in a way moids like better
No. 1461069
>>1461031I grew up fat and didn't really experience much different after losing weight, still invisible. Granted, I'm shaped like Satan's fridge, am tall, and I'm still around 23 bmi. Reading about other womens' experiences is so trippy.
Anyway, yeah, maybe you can add bulk in other ways? And pretty privilege can be a great tool in many social settings, but it also can put a target on someone's back, especially if that person is socially awkward.
No. 1461137
>>1461135you should screencap his follows and roast him in a dm. like "dude your taste is absolutely shit what the fuck lol?? dont you follow any good account tf"
just an idea might be fun if he has a sense of humor
No. 1461156
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>>1459108Me and my boyfriend are stuck in a power outage. It sucks,its been 2 days. We're a little bored. Hes working on his warhammer minis and im just looking at stuff on my phone. I tried to show him a cute picture but i was standing in his light so i tried to move a little but i was still blocking the light because even after i moved he was still yelling at me. Not exactly yelling its almost like a half yell. I still wanted to show him the picture but I was ready to give up until he stood up and pushed me. Me and my boyfriend wrestle for fun and so of course i fought back. We were BOTH laughing and having a good ol wrestling time until i accidentally jabbed him in the eye. He yelped and i of course stopped and apologized a lot. I felt really bad and kept trying to check his eye but he pushed me away. That's fine,I'd be pretty upset if i got jabbed in my eye so i backed away. But then he started being really mean. He said "So is this what its like living with someone? I just want to peacefully work on my hobby and i get jabbed in the eye for it?" I dont really have a choice but to live with him right now and this hurts to hear but also he started the wrestling so that annoyed me a little. I told him that i wasnt going to fight him but I've gotten hurt rough housing too and i always understand its an accident. Im always quick to forgive he always wants to fight about it for an hour. He then says "Oh yup! Now its all about you! When you get upset." Because i stopped talking. I only shut up cause i felt shitty and guilty and already apologized a bunch of times. I just said im sorry I feel really bad and he said "good". I told him thats not healthy for our relationship and he said he wants me to feel bad in this situation. Im upset about it. We havent talked for a bit now,just sitting in silence. I love him a lot i think i wanna marry him but then stuff like this happens and i cant tell if im really immature or if hes being a dick. Im 21 and hes 23.
No. 1461168
>>1461156Nonna he sounds horrible and the fact he resorts to “wrestling” when he’s pissed with you is just a cover up for physical abuse but disguised as harmless fun. He’s mad that he lost when you jabbed him in the eye. I’m sure the other times when he’s hurt you he doesn’t care or feel bad.
But maybe it could be the power outage making everything more tense. You did however mention y’all wrestle often and he has hurt you before but you don’t make a big deal out of it.
My ex was similar and slowly devolved into him kicking me and tripping me for his own amusement. He knew I couldn’t leave cause I had no other place to go. I wasted 8 years with him. If you can find somewhere else to live or if you have a family that loves you try to leave. This asshole doesn’t deserve you.
No. 1461237
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Dont scroll. Bumping for porn
No. 1461345
>>1461172>You seriously want to marry this faggot? Genuinely? You want to spend the rest of your life being made to feel bad over literally nothing?He'll leave/cheat on her for the umpteenth time before that. I mean, she'll get back with him after that, but then he'll leave/cheat on her once more and for good.
It's lolcow, this is the basestline standard for stupid here.
>>1461174>the worst situation possible>I THINK I WANNA MARRY HIM!! >Every time, every fucking timeThen in a few years we'll have another utterly broken oldfag nonna venting about her terrible unpredictable destiny with her nigel cheater/loser. I bet an arm he's ugly, overweight, miserable and unsatisfying as fuck too
No. 1461384
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Went through old photos of me and my family last week and I’m beginning to slowly realize that I am the least favourite child of my parents when I was a little kid. I noticed that I’m always dressed up in such an ugly way by my parents compared to my other siblings. They get to have cute expensive dresses that compliments their skin tone and have long girly hairstyles with cute bows and ribbons while I was made to wear ugly coloured dresses that were cheap and itchy. But based on the old family photos I was made to wear pants and singlets most of the time and for as long as i can remember, have the ugliest bowl/mushroom haircut (think of Mob from Mob Psycho anime) so I can’t wear cut bows or ribbons on my hair like my sisters. I basically look like an ugly chubby boy. I think my parents hated me when I was kid cuz I’m the ugliest amongst my siblings. Plus i was a fat compared to them. Or maybe the actually wanted a boy as a second child hence all the boyish clothes and hairstyle. No wonder I grew up to be a bit tomboyish and have low opinion on my looks. Man, what a way to start the new year.
No. 1461406
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>>1461375very similar to you and did some research a while back as to why i felt
better on less sleep (and why doing my best to get good sleep didn't make me feel any better). turns out sleep deprivation is a natural anti-depressant. the catch is it's effects only last temporarily, before the side effects kick in and make you feel like shit. might be a good indicator that you are indeed depressed and might benefit from treatment if the sleep deprivation works for you. sounds like your dad is just shoehorning his ideas because of his own personal experiences. you are a different person with different needs and feelings.
No. 1461408
>>1461399I'm saddened and sorry to read it,
nonnie, but do know that if that happened to me I'd greatly appreciate that you reached out through other means. Not everyone is dead on the inside like that.
No. 1461423
>>1461414If it's any succor, they'll regret it soon enough. Undervaluing precious people is regret number two, three, four, five, six… and ten later in life. (Number one is overvaluing the wrong ones.)
>I hope both of us can make friendships that last years to come anonI'm too old for that, but I guarantee you will.
No. 1461424
>>1461414speaking as someone who has been accused of ghosting and disappearing without saying goodbye, and generally being quite detached from relationships. pls don't take it personally or as rejection. there are so many reasons people lose touch or choose to stop replying. it's not exactly an excuse if it hurts the other person's feelings but i know for me i get so depressed or apathetic that i literally cannot speak to people, and even people being really sweet and reaching out just makes me want to shut down even more. or when i break up with someone (friend or romantic) i need a clean break for my sanity. for all you know they could be feeling guilty and terrible about it or it could be a method of self-protection.
i now keep people at arm's length too but for the opposite reason. i don't want to get close and then hurt their feelings when i need to disappear. i only make friends with people who know this about me up front and can understand if we don't speak for months.
i think your approach about accepting and finding peace about it within yourself is very healthy but just know it probably isn't a reflection on you, you might just be more open or willing to connect than most people you make friends with, i dunno.
No. 1461458
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Please tell me if I'm overreacting asshole and the guy I started dating is just immature or is he a psycho. We were sitting in his car and talking about various stuff including conspiracy theories and I talked about documented cases of pedo groups among politicians and how they buy and sell children and at first he was serious and then he started making jokes about it, like wondering if pedos make rankings of kids and how high are black kids and I'm like ?????? Then we moved and we saw a stray cat on the road and for a second he sped up the car like he wanted to run it over and when I said it's not funny he started laughing. Then we were just riding around the town in circles but at one moment he moved to a less populated part, around warehouses, and then outside the town and I was like no it's dark and creepy here, it's been like 1 or 2 a.m. I felt totally comfortable with him before but then I got so stiff and uncomfortable and I started having intrusive schizo thoughts about him hurting me. We literally ended up in the middle of nowhere, in a wild field, and the road ended. I was at the verge or a panic attack and he said something like "it looks like a place where something weird can happen" and laughed and I don't know if he wanted to just spook me because we were talking about UFOs before or if it was a legit way to torture me for fun or a threat. I couldn't say anything because I felt paralyzed. It seemed like he wanted to go further but he turned back because there was no more road. We went back to town and he noticed my distress. He asked what's up and if I'm sad, I said I'm angry. I asked him if he likes to see me scared and what the fuck was that supposed to be. He said he didn't want to scare me, he just didn't want to stay on one place and he hoped to find something interesting. He said he likes to move around, I replied he can do it without me then because I don't find it cool to go literally nowhere with no living soul at sight and zero sources of light, in the middle of the night. Then he said he hoped to find some spot with a nice view of the town or some shit. I said it was weird and I just didn't feel safe. He said I should cpmmunicate more clearly and I should just openly tell him I didn't want to go further. I said I wanted to go back and I thought that would be enough. He apologized reluctantly but then he started to basically make the victim of himself, saying things like "So I'm an evil person then, right? I'm such a terrible guy". It didn't work on me and I stopped responding to him and he apologized again and said he would never hurt me. I was not in the mood for talking at all at this point and he asked if I wanted to go home, I said yes and he drove me back. I still feel so weird about this. He's 22 and I know young guys are pretty retarded, I never dated before and this is my first experience and I don't know what to think about it. Maybe I'm just stiff and boring and can't do crazy fun shit like young people usually do? I don't know, at one moment, as we were getting far from town, I had red lights turning in my head and it was such a strong feeling. And before that I felt totally ok with him.
No. 1461459
>>1461458trust your gut,
nonnie. even if you think you're overreacting (and you definitely aren't.)
No. 1461471
>>1461423Hahaha, I feel you anon. I've been around on the internet for almost two decades now and I've seen so many friends come and go. I've just come to accept it by now. You are so sweet, thank you again.
>>1461424I know some people are predisposed to disappearing without warning which is why I try not to take it personally, but I can't help but worry. Thank you for your insight anon. My wish is that everyone I've had contact with be happy and live well. And you too, who knows, we could have talked at some point too.
No. 1461531
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I entered grad school for my dream job and while I love doing the actual stuff, the whole academia garbage is swallowing me. The professors are cruel and the whole "you have to write garbage in order to get a diploma" is worthless to me. I'm locked out of oppurtunities because my bachelor's sucks and I cannot redo it. This was my only oppurtunity, yet I have deadlines for tomorrow and I'm not even close to finished. I want to actually die. I would rather die than exist.
No. 1461542
>>1461458My god
nonnie why are you calling your natural instincts "literal schizo thoughts" and labeling yourself "stiff and boring" because you're rightly upset your first date said and did weird creeper shit to you and took you to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night while you had little control of your situation? This moid is a murderer in the making or sounds like he did this on purpose to write about his exploits making women uncomfortable in incel/pua forums. I hope you at least told somebody who you were with? It doesn't matter if you felt okay with him at some point. He's an absolute freak and you should never contact him again if you value your life and sanity. First date advice cuz you clearly need it - go somewhere public that's inbetween his place and yours in the daylight with a lot of people, use your own method of transportation, and tell someone you trust about who your date is, where you're going and when you plan to be back. If he doesn't accept those terms then he's not to be trusted. My god this story… Maybe just read up on the man hate threads.
No. 1461642
I've furnishing my new home, and my parents have been helping out since I have no car of my own, both picking out and delivering stuff. I really wish I could do it on my own though, as my dad is getting on my nerves, the man can't take a break, he wants to have it finished as soon as possible, even though it literally makes no difference if it's ready by February or April by this point. Any time I have a day off, he's like "let's go to X hardware store/IKEA and pick out lamps because you have it for two rooms but not for the bathroom yet" and I just want a fucking break. I don't want to think about the goddamn lamps during the holidays, he already got me to buy shit I wish I could have done more research on, because he's constantly pressuring me to make quick decisions. I thought picking out stuff for a new apartment would be fun, instead he makes it feel like a fucking 24/7 job for me. He also constantly tries to shut my mother out of the conversation and trying to go pick out stuff when she's busy, because she always makes a lot of good observations and suggestions, which also makes the process slower. I honestly wish I could shut my dad out of this whole ordeal, but it'd cause a giant fucking fight that I don't want to have, and I need the car.
No. 1461691
Well I did it again. I almost started doing adult content. Well I never even considered nudes or porn, but I wanted to do projects that had weird content and enjoy my body while it is young and beautiful. I took a bunch of photos and videos too. But I just think why should I do that, even without my name and face, it's just modeling but it feels so cheap. Rather I want to make modeling and cosplay content not risque, so I will delete these photos. And really I want to make asmr, I'm just getting together a way to do that, a quiet place, hq camera, supplies, and most of all money. I rarely ever had enough money to invest in this without worrying about stable living, and so then you start to get this mindset of how can I make good money fast and consistently. I have done so many gigs and so much and could never get ahead. At one point I was living well and making a lot, I even had a mic and and planned to record music thinking I would sell a song for money. The investment didn't work because I was broken inside from so many things, excited to try but broken. And when I found myself in a relationship I had no stable income so I still felt broken, a bit trapped. I only now finally have money to even try, since all other job possibilities are fails for me, can't get hired anymore. It's all a risk hoping to make it. And I really want my ex back I miss him, I just can't even make it work right now there's so many things making it impossible. I have to remind myself things work out for a reason, don't try to push it or feel down on yourself.
No. 1461885
>>1461783I applaud you anon
I recently had a crush on a guy roughly 10 years older than me for a hot second. I’m in my early 30s and he’s early 40s. Went on a date with him, was so hormonal I was legit getting wet just sitting across a table from him (cringe). I casually mentioned I don’t want children, to which he replied he would like them one day and it was like a switch instantly turned off inside me. It was the moment I realized even if moids like to brag about how they don’t «expire», he’s not getting any younger and if he’s serious about wanting kids he needs to get started yesterday, and I wasn’t gonna be the one pumping out those babies. Now I’m dating a guy younger than me and I’ll never look back.
No. 1461962
>>1461951Idk why but I cringe too hard at my past self if I'm confronted with reminders of it. People, even belongings that bring me back in time send me to a place I can't deal with. Its not even like I was that bad in my youth but I'm hyper sensitive to it.
Its like when you break up with someone and you look at everything they ever bought you and you just want to purge it from your life to move on.
No. 1462033
>>1461156>>1461458Stuff like this is why women can't treat boyfriends like actual friends or brothers. You have to be sort of "stuck up" so you can have boundaries. I say this from years of being the cool girl, it just gets women served endless shit sandwiches by men. And then they turn around and act like other women are "mean" and bad and don't understand them. Those "bitches" understood them just fine, I was the foolish one who didn't understand what was going on.
>>1461653I am the same way. I have a pretty set of post-it notes. Every single day I try to write down 2 constructive things I can do, 1 cleaning and one creating, along with the most simple exercises with 5lb weights, and just going outside to sit in the sun for a few minutes. I keep fucking trying, but every time I get to feeling a little better, PMS, a massive migraine, or ovulation fucks my shit up.
No. 1462039
>>1462027Did you mean solace?
Funny, while I'm not as bad as you I did break it off with my fuckbuddy 5 days ago, I was using him as a roundabout way of self harm to relieve the stress of other things in life. After seeing him I was feeling sore and empty headed, it was a kind of relief and I didn't want to let go of my coping mechanism and face going deeper into the pit of loneliness and stress.
But you need to take that step anon. Facing things head on is less daunting once you've actively made the decision to and taken some control back. While it was bad the first 2 days I feel better because I didn't really have genuine feelings for him, it was just the way I coped. Now my mood is more level and I can see a steady path forward. I thought I'd come completely undone but making the choice to end it and seeing it through was already a step up. I've been doing yoga and feel more centred. I wish you luck, you're not a monster or nasty, just in a bad state of affairs that'll take some effort to get out of.
No. 1462062
>>1462050i think
>>1462027 obviously suffers from severe mental issues, i don't think those activities would help her atm like therapy could. Also, i just think calling someone, specially a woman, "pathetic" while they're down is very cruel
No. 1462125
>>1462062> i just think calling someone, specially a woman, "pathetic" while they're down is very cruelNTA but I've read so much BPD horseshit like that post I instantly want to alog so hard.
>Uwuwu I'm so mentally ill I fuck my life in every way because I have BPD and I'm perfectly okay with it hehe>But I will endlessly bitch to you about it and require you care me 24/7 or else I'm gonna kill myself or hurt myself even more teeheeYeah fuck you and fuck your life. I don't care, nobody else should either.
No. 1462128
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I fucking hate social media for what it is now. I feel like it used to be fun or actually interesting but a lot of it is just soulsucking/dopaminehitting garbage. I do actually enjoy seeing peoples vacation photos, or a cool tattoo design but the vanity it's given to some people is ridiculous. I quit social media I guess for almost two years and it's been the best decision I could have ever made. My boyfriend recently stopped using it and I hope it sticks. We don't need it. Just call and text people it's not that hard.
No. 1462129
>>1460760His work upped his hours and he was constantly tired, and to be honest just bad at managing his time and life. Always rushed, stressed and behind on everything . Not good for me or him to stay together.
>>1460773Thank you so much for your input nona, I think you're right. Thank you.
No. 1462145
>>1462144I only see anons getting berated when they come here crying about
abusive scrotes that they won’t leave or stop fucking
No. 1462169
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I feel like such a fatass, I just had a bar of chocolate like pic related and it's honestly making me feel like a piece of shit, why the fuck did I do this to myself? I will try to work it out now, but I know that won't delete the bunch of calories I just had, I also ate a small Oreo ice cream, I want to die, why am I like this? I must be near my period or something, it's the only time of the month that I want to eat shit like a pig, I want to die, I will never lose weight and look decent for my graduation pictures, I will have to wear a XXXXL tent.
No. 1462200
>>1462181Yeah, this seems the most likely. Just to clarify, what’s the cowards way out? Is that just cheating, cheating and then breaking up, or having someone lined up for after the break up?
I would consider pursuing a friendship with him at this point. but I’ll definitely ask if he has a gf. (I am assuming he’s interested because he asked for my number, gave me a ride back to my bus stop, and asked for my schedule so we can hang out)
No. 1462210
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>thinking about how i don't want to work or study ever because life isn't real and this is all a game so who cares
>open youtube
>medical student 3 AM morning routine
Man shut the fuck up, what is wrong with these people? You are literally insane. Studying 24/7 for years, or even working and studying at the same time?! Schizo behavior. I work part time to survive and have a little bit of extra money on the side. I love thrifting and feel like such a sneaky little high IQ rat when I buy short dated food that's like 50% off. I have a few thousand in savings. Don't need more. I would only work 40 hours a week for 150k a year, no less. Dead srs. I'm genuinely so confused on how its worth it to these people. I need to be myself for several hours per day
No. 1462213
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what the fuuuuccckkkkk is it
No. 1462219
>>1462213it was classroom. CLASSROOM. DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL this game is dumb
gonna do another one
No. 1462224
>>1462210a lot of people don't want to,
those videos are not real.
pass me a monster, please.
No. 1462227
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>>1459108>family member dies a slow death of cancer>other family member makes the situation as difficult and time-consuming as possible for everyone in patient's orbit through the entire dying process>family member who made things difficult was just got cancer diagnosisAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
No. 1462465
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>>1462035>>1462125TFW my vent makes a schizoposter mad. If anyone is pathetic it’s you. Jesus h Christ. Are you the same anon that does this every time someone mentions abuse or a
toxic relationship with a man? You need some help cuz that yoga and journaling ain’t helping you. Good god.
>>1462039Thanks. It’s been really weird. So many conflicting feelings. He’s not right
abusive, actually he’s very kind to me and we get along well.. our relationship is just so unbalanced in that way. I have been just wanting to just put a stop to the sex but I have such a hard time doing so. I am in the middle of switching therapists. The fucking office gave me some incoherent moid who’s the same age as my grandma. Like… yes give a abuse
victim the moid therapist that totally will make it better. I am just hoping they don’t put me off more. Olde gramps was hard enough to get into.
Though I am glad to hear that anonna. I hope I can do the same.
>>1462066Zaddy didn’t buy me more sanrio plushies.… so sadge… ((ngl this made me laugh))
No. 1462477
>>1462281I am a BPD-chan but I have caught onto it quick. Just got so tangled it I am trying to figure a way out. I do wanna say I have caught on earlier then I have on the past. I have that going for me.
Sorry for same fagging. This thread becomes a hot mess with this stupid shit. Yes this thread is a pity party. Only time there isn’t constructive replies or vents is when people argue about this shit. We get it you are a perfect person who doesn’t let moids walk all over you yadahyadah. We make fun of cows for the same shit. Calm down. Lots of people here laugh at cows for their own mistakes or flaws. Sorry not every woman on here is like you. This website never fails to disappoint or not disappoint me. Go fight in the dog hate thread or something. Talk about you love shitbulls idk
No. 1462481
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I think I want to go vegan because I read about how carelessly filthy meat processing factories are and how every chicken plant is riddled in salmonella. Damn can't have shit in America without getting sick from it. I don't know where to start though because I know eventually my body will need meat.
No. 1462542
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I seriously cringe and get embarrassment by some of the scrotes I had sex with in the past. I was such a loser holy shit.
No. 1462546
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My bf hasn't replied to me all fucking day today and now I'm convinced he's cheating or he's dead because these are both my #1 fears in any relationship. I'm so fucking mad just pick up your phone so I can stop having this level of anxiety!!! ANSWER!!!!!! I HATE MY ANXIETY
No. 1462596
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I'm a dumbass. I've been sweating at night like never before and today a bit of urine leaked without me being able to control it. So I googled it and the results said it could be due to pregnancy. It scared the bejesus outta me because I'm utterly paranoid about everything. Turns out it was just my period. I had completely forgotten how menstruation messes up with our system sigh
No. 1462604
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I want to go to the gym tonight but it's going to be packed because it's the new year, I know I shouldn't judge people who are trying to improve themselves but it's so fucking annoying to deal with crowds at the gym, I probably have to wait until after midnight ffs.
No. 1462622
>>1462620Maybe they pined over you online, that's happened to be four times and two I didn't even date. Only my last ex persistently chased me down, the most stubborn of them all, but also the bravest. I kinda respect him more.
I'm sure somehow has pined for you and wanted you but couldn't muster up any courage, a lot of men are weak
No. 1462648
>>1462620When men come crawling back it's rarely because they've seen the error of their ways and regret losing you… they're probably just horny and scrolling through their phones for any possible backup option they can find. Maybe it hasn't happened to you because you don't seem like you could be convinced to hook up with an ex?
I remember when my ex sent me this melancholy, introspective, apologetic email but later was like 'oh yeah I was just in a bad mood when I sent that email' and when I agreed to meet up with him he 'forgot' about our plans and we never saw each other again lmao. It was so beyond evident he wasn't sorry for how he treated me, he was just feeling sorry for himself and I've been kicking myself ever since that I fell for it, so embarrassing.
No. 1462674
I didnt want to come back here. I had thought I had made so much progress. I was healing, I had finally allowed myself to feel angry, to put boundaries. I was scared that everything I had struggled to create would be lost coming back here, and I was right. Since a couple of weeks ago I've been scared of going out, of speaking up. I'm scared I will get hit and yelled at again. I've been doing everything I'm asked to cause I'm scared of being kicked out again. I don't want to sleep on the street again. I don't want to trade sex for a roof again. I thought I was strong, I thought I had control, but it seems I was just lying to myself. I shouldn't aspire to anything, I shouldn't want anything. I have no one, and I have nothing. I was fucked from the beginning, and the only thing I can do is being a burden and accept that I'm only an extension of other people. I've always been, and I will always be. If I had known life would never get better, then I wouldn't have left them revive me when I was bleeding out years ago. I don't know why anyone would let me live without a purpose and without anything to my name. If I get run over by a car tomorrow, I'm pretty sure no one would even remember me in a couple of years. I don't expect anyone to understand what it feels like, but I do wish they would just stop abusing it. They all know how badly I have suffered, and instead of being understanding, is like I have given them a handbook to use me for their own benefit. I'm an idiot, and I probably deserve it for ever believing I could aspire to be something more than a mere floor mat to step on. I wish someone would just come and kill me.
No. 1462702
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girls, i'm so scared of us losing LC. i'm so upset. we have been here for so long and LC has been a staple for many of our lives and it's heartbreaking to see it slip through our fingers when so many of us have been helped by /ot/ and /g/ especially
No. 1462710
>>1462705>My parents coddled my ass and sheltered the fuck out of me.Yeah, we can tell. If you want to actually act your age and
not seem like a coddled faggot then stop whining on here, go make some money or go for a walk or contribute to your community. You have a choice to be coddled by your parents, you are not bound by some mystical contract to obey their every whim, you just sound like the type of person to constantly whine about their fairly-comfortable life and not even do a single thing to improve it.
No. 1462715
>>1462713That anon you replied to isn’t me but my parents love me too lol. Getting kicked out from my area isn’t done out of hate but the need of teaching your children responsibility and letting them grow on their own without being too dependent on their parents. Also
>my mom loves me>22 and getting kicked out nowYa tas peluda keke
No. 1462716
>>1462710you're nuts. anon did nothing wrong. she has the right to vent her frustrations. you're actually insane and need to get a life instead of trying to minimod.
>>1462713you're fine, anon. i can understand why you'd be rightfully frustrated. idk what's wrong with some peopl, jfc.
No. 1462719
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This infight is embarrassing tbh because both sides are wrong in their own way lol
No. 1462720
>>1462715her mom isn't doing it out of love, dumbass. and kicking a young female out in this world is pretty retarded, this is how women end up in
abusive situations with men because some parents are psychotic. there's no discernible reason outside of the fact that her mom is dissatistifed with her trying to gain independence and asks her to please leave her responsibilities to herself and not overly coddle her. you guys would be terrible parents that would end up putting vulnerable daughters into bad situations. the real estate market right now is completely fucking crazy and is sending young adults into deep depression and debt. this isn't the 70s. grow up.
No. 1462722
>>1462716>>1462718THANK YOU. Anytime I try to set boundaries with her, she will always threaten to divorce my dad and leave us (kek) or she'll threaten to kick me out.
>teehee anon my oldest daughter was a high school dropout teen mom and my second daughter is mentally retarded so YOU'RE MY LAST HOPE FOR A NORMAL DAUGHTERIf I do anything wrong it's
>YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR DROP OUT TEEN MOM SISTER!!!!! WHO I HATE!!!!!Anytime I do something right it's
>Oh anon you're just like (brother)And I'm constantly toeing the fucking line between the two. Even just having a straight face can send her into a little tantrum because MUH FAMILY VIBES ARE RUINED BY YOUR RESTONG BITCH FACE!!!! Like that is just my face. She KNOWS that is just my face. IT'S HER FACE TOO. She's honestly nuts. She does help me out a lot but jesus christ.
No. 1462739
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i'm honestly so tired of all my friends getting pregnant and having children with men absolutely destroying their live and goals. they're so fucking miserable and trapped and it's so sad to watch these repeated trainwrecks happen. 4 of my female friends now have had their lives destroyed by it and the men were so much better to them before they had kids. it's really horrific, nonnies.
No. 1462751
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>>1462739Same nonna. A woman I used to be friends with recently had a baby with a scrote and she's already complaining about how low her maternity pay is and how much of a struggle it is to be a mother - obviously we need better care for mothers but you knew the risks before you got pregnant and birth control is free/available everywhere here so why did you do it? The scrote father in question loves to play up like he's a good dad but he recently put pics of the baby in the nude (like just showing the baby's bum) on Facebook on his public profile for literal nonces to come across so he's clearly fucking retarded and has no idea what he's doing. No doubt he does fuck all housework and barely ever looks after the child too.
I was surprised to hear she had got pregnant because I always assumed she was smart, she also claims her baby and her scrote fiance "saved her life" so it's like watching an inevitable car crash happen.
Not only that but the scrote in question is built like a busted can of biscuits and has John Boyega birthing hips - I pray that women realise their high value and stop dating freaks like this.
No. 1462753
>>1462749had this exact thing this morning
nonnie. i dread it every time i know i'm due on. i got up at 4/4.30am ish and decided to get up and just stay awake through the agony
No. 1462770
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I know many nonnies here don't care about relationship or moid related vents but why the constant autistic fights jfc
No. 1462773
>>1462764They can't address people who argue for the mercy killing of people who suffer without cure or hope with zero quality of life, or to at least let those people die in peace instead of forcing them through endless agonizing and humiliating (and EXPENSIVE) treatment that does nothing but prolong their suffering because it's such an eminently reasonable and empathetic position to hold. Unfortunately they don't pick their position based on reasoning, but on vague emotional associations, which they express as "eugenics is nazi so you are nazi if you support eugenics". That's literally how it works in their brain and they cannot imagine or comprehend more complex thought processes.
To put it simply, most people are morons not worth interacting with, who will drain your time and energy without result and identifying and ignoring such people is a key skill for navigating online spaces imo.
No. 1462776
>>1462765Are you actually retarded or just looking to start shit? Funny how you missed the part where I said
>obviously we need better care for mothersI would never think that a woman "deserves" to endure suffering or getting treated badly, holy shit the reading comprehension is non-existent today.
No. 1462779
>>1462776> Are you actually retarded or just looking to start shit? If that poster is retarded enough to believe what they wrote they won't respond to reason.
If they're trying to start shit you're giving them what they want by replying.
The only winning move is to not respond and report it and hope mods are feeling up to some mopping.
No. 1462786
>>1462780>Stupid tradwhore thinks all women should be able to do this shit on their own and if any had kids with the wrong men, it's our fault for not vetting as if men show their true face before marriage/kids.>tradwhoreright, very feminist of you. as we have said, it is easy to understand and observe how in like 99% of cases of women having children with men, their lives go to shit, but still, it's not women's fault for being pressured and brainwashed by society all their lives. but when you point out to women that it's very much the reality that most women end up being single mothers while in marriages, who end up shit on by men, they refuse to believe it can happen to them. it's frustrating and unfortunate. and it's really weird you keep saying tradwhore. but yes, individually most men don't show their true faces before, but this is why when women have the luxury of having friends who are concerned for them, they should try to listen.
No. 1462793
>>1462786I thought you had stopped replying, tradwhore? Kek.
>>1462792She called me a tradwife and I called her a tradwhore to mock her stupid accusation, take your pills. A tranny wouldn't be mad when a woman is blamed for not being able to %100 take care of a kid. A tranny would assume like anon did, that it's women's fault for picking bad men even though most men hide that stuff until you have kids.
Anon was obviously blaming her friend for her choices even though her friend isn't in the wrong, the man is.
No. 1462814
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>spend entire adulthood emotionally stable and emotionally detached from nearly everything
>develop surprise attraction to scrote i can't be with without severely disrupting my life
>develop bpd-tier mood swings and splitting
>life is being disrupted
why did this have to happen to me?
No. 1462848
>>1462845Ooh yeah I sound young because these are experiences from when I was young but I am not that young anymore, it still happens though, but I might just look younger than my age. I am 31 but I have the same measurements and features as I did at 21
I was reading articles to try to understand what exactly it is, yes everything they say happens to me, but I don't see it as different from everyone else
No. 1462852
>>1462843Yeah, there's not really anywhere great anymore, but sometimes there's some good posts on radblr, but they all get deleted and have to remake all the time so it's too annoying to keep track of specific people.
The quality of conversation on ovarit is pretty low and I've heard some bad things about the moderation. (You'll get banned for being too based. I tried to find the video a girl made talking about it but she deleted it.) Insert no fun allowed image here.
No. 1462905
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Men who do the long hair and beard just to compare themselves to Jesus are faggy retarded sodomites who I hope die of an intestinal infection! Sorry for steamfagging but I don’t care I felt like it
No. 1462935
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I’ve been looking at how to do hair braids on Pinterest because I never learnt and the comments are all full of idiot zoomers saying “huh? That’s just a basic braid, everyone knows how to do that!” “what’s the point of the video lol” ITS A TUTORIAL YOU IDIOT clearly if you’re watching you don’t know how already. Fuck off kids not everything on the internet is made for you specifically
No. 1462958
I can't get a job anywhere
I have a good resume and a lot of skills but everything I apply to it goes like great interview, we really like you, but no job offers. In fact the only time I ever really found work was through freelance, one job turned into more jobs. And also I did a paid internship and the boss offered me work but I couldn't get the visa without a degree which was a bit disappointing but I was quite isolated in that country anyway and it wasn't my ideal job, still would have liked to try. Nowadays I apply to agencies and they love me but I never get hired. I apply for jobs I have skills for like singing and I pass auditions but never get offered a position. I try to make money online but it drains me a lot sometimes and they keep issuing strikes and bans when I haven't done anything, every time I try to grow. I am now trying to get certified in another skill which I worked as freelance and made good money per gig, but I am afraid I won't get a job offer, or the pay is ridiculously low, and I don't know how to find enough clients to work off it alone. No rich men ever talk to me, yes I have had financially stable men support me but the goal was always to get myself established at the time I dated both I had no work and little money, but they just acted controlling, only supporting me to do work with them or not make enough so I couldn't leave.
Like it's painful at this point to be in this position, I really cannot deal with instability and people trying to take advantage of me or sabotage me. That's how it always is. I just want a consistent salary coming in!!!!
No. 1462966
>>1462894>>1462917You're all right but I'm there to gawk and laugh at the freakshow in it. All the girls left, including the one who invited me, and everything there is illuminating male retardation. Last week was whining about friendzoning. Makes for a good reminder of how the more "normal" nerd types think.
>>1462926I was put in it as a little ha ha because I don't talk to people. Stayed to look at the constant drama. It would be smarter to just leave though.
No. 1462973
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>>1462966I probably wouldn't leave it either. I almost never leave group chats, I like to observe silently.
No. 1462980
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>Playing new mmorpg from the same company that created games from my childhood
>Very small but cooperative userbase, everyone is 24+ and playing for the nostalgia
>Feels good
>3 months later
>Just chillinng at the club
>"fr fr andrew tate ftw"
>"Real men hit any gender and the elderly"
>"Want to eat a latina frfr" (I am latina)
>"Yeah i'm 15 so what"
Fuck this shit and fuck zoomers goddammit, they're so cancerous
No. 1463013
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Whenever I get my period I understand why someone would want to be a fakeboi. My period has sabotaged so many outings, appointments, work days I find myself wishing I was male so I wouldn't have to deal with it. I would never actually troon out, but I have a lot of sympathy for fakebois because I know how they feel.
No. 1463107
Decided to pop into a childhood grocery store since I'm in town and I haven't been there in a very long time. I grew up muslim and took off my hijab after I moved out. This store is in a very ethnic and muslim area, but silly me wanted to go there due to nostaliga. It was a horrible experience. Even tho I dress nice and am polite, these people were staring, making fun of me in their language (that I understand, luckily I had headphones blasting music), and being very hostile. I genuinely never felt so unsafe in my life and this is a European "safe" country. Btw I'm NOT Arabic or come from an Arab country, so this is not hate directed at them. You can figure out what group of people I'm talking about. I used to care about anti-racism and all of this stuff, helping these people out, but honestly, they are a gross people and they shouldn't be here. Our government is leaning right-wing massively and I'm not mad at it anymore. They are so hateful, even when I'm one of them who "made it". I cant even go to my childhood grocery store and shop in peace. Fuck these people. I can't belive I got into fights with friends defending these people.
No. 1463128
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I hate that each time women are really into something there's some sort of weird backlash to it–even from other women, bonus points if there's some NLOG weirdness layered in there. The criticism is usually just justified a minority of the time–the rest just seems like finding excuses to tear down other women. I don't understand it at all, but then again maybe it's a bad thing I struggle with feeling schadenfreude.
No. 1463136
I can't stand the atmosphere at my job. There's only 15 people in our department and everyone knows everything. Everyone sees that some people are treated better than others, especially two colleagues of our manager whom she basically brought there. They may commit mistakes and our shift leaders are too afraid to point them out to them. Meanwhile we are criticized for making the exact same mistakes. We have direct conversations with our leaders or even the manager herself in a case of a fuckup, meanwhile their mistakes are summed up with 'yeah you did this but that's not a problem'. Some people get warnings for talking during work, meanwhile they talk all the time and use work computers to search for new crocs and clothes for their retarded babies and it's fine. Even when someone tells them not to do something a certain way, they do it anyway, they commit the same mistakes all the time. We work faster than them, yet they get better treatment. No one gives a fuck. We see this but everyone is too afraid to bring that up during a meeting because we know they're manager's friend. If anyone is brave enough to go directly to the manager to talk about it she basically tells you to go to the person you have a problem with to tell them yourself you have a problem with them, instead of 'talking behind their backs'. But when you do go directly to them, they may get better for a while and then make the same mistakes, there's also a woman who would literally cry if you criticized her and go to the manager to cry even more and then go home. It's like one big kindergarden. We still have one of the best results, but other departments make fun of us because of the constant drama and the fact there's no new people because no one wants to work with us and people say that we have too many women (there's 13 women and only 2 guys) and that's the reason od constant drama. I think it's just shitty people and nepotism. I fucking hate it.
No. 1463149
I want to put my foot down and not visit my parents next Christmas and there’s no way I can do this without my mother screaming, crying, breaking things and threatening to kill herself.
I knew that visiting this past year with my fiancé would be a shitshow, and sure enough it was.
My mother screamed at my dad the entire time, her hoarding is completely out of control, and she blames me for it because I “nEvEr ViSiT aNd LeT hEr kNoW wHaT tO kEeP!” so she keeps it all: my school papers and projects from elementary school, falling-apart purses, cheap expired Claire’s makeup, clothes of mine from middle school (I’m 34 now), and now she refuses to get rid of any of my childhood toys, clothes and baby things because I’m going to get married soon and “I’ll need it for my future kids!” She grew up poor and I grew up solidly middle class. I was very privileged and never “went without”, so to speak, so she throws that in my face, too and says I don’t understand the value in needing things for later (I absolutely do, and I have trouble throwing things away, myself and actively have been trying to un-learn bad habits).
The kicker is, any time I’ve gently tried to reinforce boundaries or say that maybe someone besides me can help her, she accuses me of being mentally unstable, and says that I need professional help from a doctor or need to get medicine to deal with “whatever is wrong with me and my lack of empathy”. I just can’t deal with this anymore. I want to plan my wedding and she’s a nightmare. My fiancé is the most patient person in the world and even he said “I’m sorry, I don’t want to sound mean, but…wow, all of the screaming and fighting that happens every year…I kind of don’t want to visit again next year.” And I agree.
No. 1463157
>>1463149(Cont.) Also, we had a 400-mile drive back home the day after Christmas, and my mother made us 3 hours late after our planned time to leave, because she kept loading up his car with leftovers, books and magazines I’ll never use(?) and making us take a million pictures, even after we kept saying “Please, we REALLY need to go! Please let us leave!”
So instead of a 4.5 hour drive, she made us so late that we were right in the middle of holiday rush-hour traffic and it took us 7 hours to get home, in the dark, rainy fog when my fiancé and I had to work the next day. No apologies from her, either, obviously.
No. 1463158
>>1463149That sounds so
toxic. Like why do people put up with this kind of shit? You seem to be an adult who has moved away from home, so put your foot down. Your mother doing all this shit is emotional manipulation. Damn, just because you are family with something doesnt mean you owe them anything.
No. 1463170
>>1463158This is the vent thread. I’m here to vent. I know my situation seems retarded to people outside of it, and it seems easy to “Just say no!” when you’re not living in it. I absolutely need to reinforce boundaries and it sucks as an only child whose only current support system is my partner and my increasingly-
toxic parents. It’s incredibly frustrating and it’s hard to understand if you’re not living in it.
No. 1463172
I wish there were more movies with cool, wise and older women, especially with interesting relationships between an older and younger woman, without it being romantic/sexual or overly and performatively feminist. Men get to have these awesome movies and books, where they are stoic, wise, experienced, hardcore, and perhaps they mentor someone younger and less experienced, but endearing and vivacious. I'd love something like that with women. And then NOT something that immediately the woman is a witch or some other stereotype, or a mega butch lesbian with a bunch of other progressive talking points forced in there. Just a sincere movie with complex female characters. Somewhat like gone girl, I suppose. Even with the iconic cool girl monologue, she still was enough of her own person with her own personality and motives, that made the movie interesting and unique.
No. 1463330
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It's been over a year since a last swam and I miss it so much. I could go to an indoors pool but I don't have friends and I don't wanna to go alone. I also have no interest in swimming like a sport so I'm not going to join a sports club either. I just have to wait for summer so I can go to the ocean and swim there. I would still feel weird going alone but it's less pathetic than going to a pool alone
No. 1463339
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>>1463337Use pomodoro if you really have to. I believe in you anon!
No. 1463432
>>1462842>Idk does everyone not get followed and approached by men all the time? Do people not stare and double turn at you as they walk you? Don't you get given comped meals and free things? Can't you say something nice and get into a club that was "full"? When you mention something doesn't someone assume you want it and go get it for you or do it for you? Do people not want your approval and get mad when they think you don't like them? Do people say anything that goes wrong in your life is your fault for not working hard enough because everything should be easy for you? Do other women whether older, bigger, or some issue thing not glare at you? Do men not fight over you? Do people say "oh wow you actually are smart!" No to all. This sounds like something out of a bad sitcom or fanfic kek.
>This is just everyday for women I swearnot really..
No. 1463466
>>1463458nta but
>rational discussionwhere
No. 1463612
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I feel emotionally stunted at 5 or 6. Unlike a real child, I don't throw tantrums and I have very high empathy, but I'm constantly craving the OTT affection and reassurance and praise you'd give a kindergartener who is learning to tie her own shoes. And I need someone to tell me what I'm feeling and why ("you're sad because you burnt your dinner") and calm me down. I need someone to tell me every single day for every single thing that I did a good job. Or maybe even the highly inappropriate "you're a good girl." I'm nearly 30. Christ. The worst part is I have a friend who is kind to me in this way (not really at all actually, but close enough) and it barely even registers. I appreciate her so much and of course I'm equally affectionate in return. It's just so hard to feel loved. I sometimes even feel annoyed at her niceness. What's wrong with me? It's almost as if I was not meant to be happy.
No. 1463672
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i start rotations next week and my first day is in the emergency department. Fucks sake. i feel like im about to pass out. my impostor syndrome is off the charts. im a fucking weird ass awkward ass bitch. im a dumb ass bitch. im a perfectionist ass bitch and i hate feeling like a dumb ass bitch but i am dumb and i just cant. idk why i am here. i dont belong. i am going to die
No. 1463673
>>1463669i cannot, it's so niche i'd basically be doxing myself kek. but i'm literally making myself nauseous over the two paths laid out in front of me.
>Live a lie and pretend to like mountains of cringe, betraying the trust of very kind people?or
>lose a chance to ogle the hottest man I've ever seen in my entire life? No. 1463674
>>1463641I think I agree but this probably belongs in the unpopular opinion thread, or you need to be more specific maybe. You could make a thread on 2X about right-wing ideology persuasively disguised as feminism?
I probably misremember this slightly but somewhere on LC or maybe it was CC during the bunker days I saw a girl talking about how she'd fallen in with an extremely conservative crowd because she naively thought they were radfem-adjacent due to their stance on troons; turns out that was the only thing they had in common with her and she had her eyes opened about what they thought of women, but not until she had spent a considerable amount of time with them. She was only 18 or 19 I think. I can't remember if she believed what they said about women at first or not but I wonder if that happens to teens sometimes where one issue funnels them into a certain social camp even if it's not in their own self-interest as a woman.
No. 1463686
>>1463677I fucking wish
nonnie. I fucking wish. They're all so eager for a newcomer that they're constantly showing me stuff and eagerly asking what I think of it and I wish I could tell them "no disrespect to you guys for liking what you like, but unless it has (dude's name) in it I could not care less and you do not want to hear my real opinion on this stuff". My almost empty twitter account makes it pretty clear who i'm into it for but they interpret that like I'm just a newbie who hasn't been around long enough to get into the rest of it yet.
I think what I have to do is keep giving very lukewarm but polite responses to the other stuff they send me like "oh haha yep, looks great!" as opposed to my rabid responses to stuff featuring hot guy and hope and pray that's enough to keep them liking me enough to feed me the goods I want.
No. 1463702
>>1463676I definitely agree that a lot of women are over exaggerating about being cat called or flirted with, but i do not wish for attention from men in any capacity. I just think of it as ugly girl privilege even though it's a privilege nobody truly wants. It's just annoying when you hear women crying about the attention they get when it honestly just sounds like they are bragging to me and trying to somewhat make me jealous. Most women who cry about moids hitting on them would kill themselves if they woke up unattractive. Honestly, i get why ugly girls become pickmes, that's why anons above were trying to talk you out of your stance on this.
>>1463674I feel like feminism only turns to right wing shit exclusively with troon issues. There are a lot of right-wing women who always like to hang around rad-fem spaces simply because of this one issue too.
No. 1463797
nonnie, take your time to heal, now she's not holding you back anymore and this has made you wiser
No. 1463878
>>1463773I would feel bad for her. I am sorry this happened to you. This happened to my mother as well. My mom was a tomboy like me growing up and very direct and no bullshit attitude. She was told she should be submissive to men. My grandmother grew up in the 1940s and women were obviously not allowed to be direct back then.
You are awesome, anon. Move forward and know that we need more women like us to have a stronger future.
No. 1463882
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I'm staying at a hotel on vacation and I went downstairs to the free breakfast area. It was really crowded, so I had to do some Fox Mccloud maneuvers to get around to get my coffee and cereal. There was a woman with a medium sized poodle dog in everyone's way at the coffee station.
Why the fuck would you bring your dog into an area where people are actively getting hot food and coffee?? Not to mention bringing a dog into a food area in general? People are just stupid af. I would have spilled my hot coffee over that woman if I could but I didnt want to wait in line for more. People are inconsiderate as well. It doesnt help I am seriously allergic to dogs sadly.
No. 1463891
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i'm in the middle of my exams and i feel so stressed and so shitty, i'm scared
I tried to called friends, most of them didn't answer even tho they posted dumb reels in their stories 20 minutes ago and the only one who answered just stayed silent and didn't have single reconforting thing to tell me
I'm tired of being there for people and always finding the right things to say when they can't or don't want to do the same for me
No. 1463902
>>1463890I thrifted all my life, but especially hard core the last 5-6 years when I moved out of my grandmother's house. It's expensive to live on your own, so buying second hand stuff helps. Now since 2021, i go into thrift stores and see nothing but F21, shien, etc.. cheap ass polyester clothing and tons of zoomers shopping there.
I hate zoomers so much. they are ruined thrifting. I already had to deal with shitty resellers, but this feels worse. I cant find as much good clothing as I used to.
No. 1463907
There’s this piece of shit that’s been spreading rumors about me to multiple people. I know who I am and she’s only trying to tear me down/make me look bad because she feels inferior and has low self-esteem, but it is annoying and pathetic.
I had to go to HR due to harassment/mobbing from coworkers and a lot of important rules being broken. I also mentioned her drinking and driving on the job using the company car (yes she admitted this herself and seemed proud of that). Fyi this was a serious job involving law. Investigators talked to her and she ended up “quitting” (I think they were onto her bullshit and she left before she could get fired).
Anyways, here she is, 5-6 months later, still spreading rumors and lies about me, making Facebook posts, and even fucking tik-toks. Now she’s making racist remarks about me too. And the bosses at her new job somehow support her deranged behavior and like her posts, I’m guessing because she’s feeding people more bullshit about what really happened. This is a middle-aged woman acting like a teenager, and I’m living rent-free in her head. She’s twice my age.
I’ve never done anything to her, or anyone else. Majority of people know me to be a quiet woman that keeps to myself, but is friendly. When she still worked for the company, I tried to work things out with her and everyone else multiple times, but they preferred having someone to bully over being mature adults.
It sucks that she has my name in her mouth and is talking to other local employers about me. And there’s nothing I can do except ignore it. If I say anything back, she will twist and distort it, and go “see, she is the bad guy like I said!”, and potentially jeopardize my job. Even my coworkers say that she’s “their voice” because they know they’d get fired too if they said anything. I just hope people realize she’s lying and see through it all. I haven’t spoken about her at all on social media, while her gossip is right out in the open. Wouldn’t it just make her look like a disgruntled bitter hag to others?
Has anyone experienced something like this before?
No. 1463921
i'm actually kinda butthurt about this so i'm posting it here instead of the pixie thread lol (it's also post capped atm) but
>>274301i checked out "noom" (which is probably the most retarded thing to name your shit but whatever) to see what she could POSSIBLY be bitching about that's so bad and it's literally as
>>274304 said lol it's just an app that teaches you healthier methods of eating. it doesn't even tell you to stop eating certain things like fast food or candy or whatever, just how to eat it in a healthier way that's conducive to good weight loss as opposed to fad diet bullshit.
i'm not personally a fan of how hype-y and fake weight loss shit is but this looks like it could actually be helpful. she and her whiny baby fans won't even do the research, though, of fucking course lol. they just wanna keep guzzling high fat/carbs/sugars without the big meanie ads reminding them that they're fat for doing so LOL. as a chubbychan it's really really obnoxious and ignorant when fatties do this.
also just an aside if any of jill's faggoty little fans see this you're fat as fuck, it IS a problem, and you need to lose a few lol.
No. 1463922
>>1463702>I feel like feminism only turns to right wing shit exclusively with troon's mostly that but other ways I've seen women get drawn in to right-wing spaces are:
-venerating motherhood (except not really because conservative men want to breed you)
-looking for natural health options because doctors are so shit with women's health issues (except turnsout conservative ideology doesn't have the answers either and "it's god's will" if you have endo or something) and hormonal birth control skepticism (some women have bad experiences but you can't talk about that in libfem spaces, however right wingers will embrace you for that butit's because they want to breed you)
-believing in essential sex differences (related to tra thing I guess)
-being anti-porn
-the choice to be makeup-free (women have our own reasons for not wearing makeup but conservative men want a "natural" beauty that isn't "lying" with makeup)
No. 1463929
>>1463917You know what this isn’t a bad idea kek
Nobody would know
>>1463919I probably should, but not sure if it’s more trouble than it’s worth. While she still worked here, she was threatening me about “hiring a defamation lawyer”, which of course never came about because she had nothing. Sending a cease and desist or something might open a can of worms and I don’t got a lot of money.
No. 1463957
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how do people manage to do stuff without eating. I forgot to buy groceries so aside for one carrot I haven't eaten anything all day so I haven't been able to focus on anything. I don't have a binge eating disorder so I don't feel the need to constantly eat but I find it so hard to get trough the day if I don't get at least two meals. I know so many who barely eats and they somehow manages to function. how???
No. 1463961
>>1463791hi 'cousin', lol.
>>1463797i am, or i am trying at least. my memories started coming up because i've been forced into situations where i really have no choice but to be strong, where i've had to put my foot down, and where i've had to be really firm with people in a way that i know would have pissed her off. i've totally changed and i am so, so glad that i stopped with her bullshit. i just wish i understood why she had this weird pathological aversion to women having any sort of dominance. thank you, too.
>>1463878thank you anon. i guess i just have been feeling some type of way about her. we were really close when i was younger, and i was there for her when she was dying from cancer when most of my other shit for brains family were fighting over who was going to inherit what. just before she died she did this whole 180 change on everyone and suddenly started kind of admitting she was wrong to have doubted me as a person and regretting investing so much time into my cousin. my cousin thought she was going to inherit some of the family fortune, but my grandmother cut her and her mother off for being
abusive a month or two before she finally passed. it just felt like too little, too late. she let her own prejudices cloud her judgment and never really invested as much emotionally or financial support into me growing up, because she thought i had it "easier" than my cousin. i know it was better, in the end, that i was never coddled as much because it forced me to strive to be a better person, but it still hurts because my cousin got so much from my grandmother. anything she wanted she bought for her. she put up with her drinking and smoking, getting duis, crashing all her cars, and just in general being an absolute fucking shit stain. i was a good kid growing up; my only vice was that i had issues with anger, which looking back had a ton to do with my childhood and being bullied. but somehow me being angry was seen as worse than my cousin being a louse. it just hurts because people are frustrating.
No. 1464007
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Currently getting flamed in a WoW discord server for saying "that's actually retarded".
When did people start caring so much about the word retard and calling it the r-slur instead? Tbh, if I was around a disabled person I wouldn't even say it but there's no fucking way a bunch of Warcraft nerds on discord care this much about a fucking word.
>uh hey guys can we not use ableist language in the server please the r-slur is a serious word
You're retarded too you fat fucking they/them furry. You're literally roleplaying a Vulpera and think you can police people on saying "retarded"? Kys.
No. 1464046
>>1464007it's performative. a few years ago the big no no words was faggot and if you called anyone a faggot for any reason, gay or not, people would have a nuclear meltdown on twitter and try to lynch you.
i've learned to avoid people who are 23 and younger because they're annoying and don't even realize it. then of course you find their neo-nazi larp folder on their computer, or discover that they bullied some poor kid in high school to suicide. hypocrites.
No. 1464059
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>>1464047not the same anon but i remember people, mainly moms with kids on the spectrum, whining about people saying "retard" because they didn't like the connotation behind it or the casual usage in pop culture. this was, i'd like to say, around 2010-2012ish? i remember because i am a late millennial and this coincided with when it seemed like everyone everywhere had autism. No. 1464113
My brother in law and father in law hates me but Im right for quitting the “family” business. I have so much more experience in restaurants. The audacity of redneck men with zero food service experience, running a restaurant, and being condescending to the woman with a resume better than the whole family combined.
They had an underpriced menu for THREE YEARS and when I finally said the most obvious “you are handing out food for free. If you meet inflation your employees could have the pay raise they deserve, and you know, we could make a profit. You could even have more time off if you would make me a shiftie with a pay raise”
It was like i set off a bomb. I offered to quit 5 separate times, and each time my BIL was like “no dont quit we need you, Ill change it”. My FIL called me and said if I quit I would “ruin this family, and destroy the business”. Bitch; what?
You needed me to do -your- job so you could fuck off all day, for a fraction of the pay. I dont know how my husband came from this family but holy fuck they are retarded. This on top of the small dick mentality in which they have to whisper behind peoples back instead of to their face- was too much. I raged, I quit. My man supports me and has put them in their place.
They are all so painfully stupid; its unbelievable. I sorta get the obligation my man has to his family, but even he has decided to go back to school so he can walk away from this shitshow. FIL thinks its such a flex to pay his sons 15/hr…. Like reality check, you use your family as indentured servants and leave them financially strapped so they stay dependent and never grow. YOU are the one ruining this family. YOU are the one who doesn't know how to run a business.
So make me the black sheep, ba ba bitch
No. 1464118
>>1463704Luck for you!!! What will you study?
I thought about returning to get a degree but I have no transcripts, so I'm working on certifications and licenses in different things, like specialty school. Best part is it's way less time to complete.
No. 1464186
it's kind of funny that the standard self-deluding autistic depressed nerd retard's self-inflicted
>>1464112>festered defecation-shaped people y'all dating.would perfectly match the hell-life nonchoice of religiously fourth world uberopressed girls
>>1464120>Yes but some of us don’t have the privilege to choose who we date sadlyit's that bad
No. 1464301
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applying for disability benefits in the US is the most soul sucking process imaginable. they make it as difficult and long-winded as possible in hopes that people will just give up. I was literally approved but can't receive my benefits because of a dumb mistake a case manager made and I've been trying to contact various people for the past year now to get it taken care of and have been ignored every single time, it is so ridiculous. I applied due to physical disability but i cannot imagine trying to go through this process as someone with a mental disability or even as an elderly person, it is insanely confusing and frustrating.
No. 1464333
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ladies have any of you gone through extreme anxiety attacks with no discernible cause? for the past ~5 months i've been going about my day and then boom. my body tells me in not uncertain terms "you're dying. you're going to die right now" and its such a sheer feeling of panic, i have to sit and pretend like nothing is happening.
its just, like, it happens every day. this immense fear and physical discomfort/fixation on breathing/cold sweats. please someone tell me they've been through this too and maybe what has helped? the only thing besides waiting that helps (and gaslighting myself that it isn't actually happening) is ativan. but i don't want to rely on benzos.
No. 1464349
>>1464344I don't get why people upload things like that and why one randomly comes across it. I was looking at old ink illustrations and someone had uploaded graphics pics of historical murder
victims. Just why?
No. 1464362
>>1464333This suddenly started happening to me when I was around 26.
I've found if I drink too much caffeine it tends to
trigger it.
No. 1464368
>>1464362i'm 25 and i'm glad to know i'm not the only one! i've considered caffeine to maybe be the cause, but it happens on days when i have none at all, and i can drink redbulls and be fine until like 10hrs later and it happens again.
and its not like a "worrying thought/fear" thing, it feels like something happening in my body (which i know is what happens with panic attacks) but goddamn like i wish i knew how to stop it from happening every single day
No. 1464402
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I hate feeling like I can't do anything JUST for fun anymore without feeling the pressure to monetize my hobbies. I used to love drawing, painting, writing screenplays, playing instruments, even vlogging or making weird little videos by myself and sharing them with my friends online or in the early days of youtube. Now with IG, tiktok, YouTube, or every other social media I just see thousands of other people, who are MUCH more advanced than I am, making reels and posts in attempts to go viral, and artists with millions of views who are making money from these platforms. It's so hard to not feel envious and pressured to do the same, because they're making enough money to pay for their resources and supplies and I think "Man, I should do that, too!" And then instead of just having fun with my videos or posts I shoot myself in the foot by getting caught up in whatever would get the most engagement instead of just making something I love. I know social media has always been fake and silly, even before the Myspace days, but I really hate this new era of commodifying our lives for the 'gram.
No. 1464429
>>1464205NTA but I still don't understand what
>the standard self-deluding autistic depressed nerd retard's self-inflictedand
No. 1464442
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Last night I had a dream where I was in a strange part of town, it was late afternoon and the sky was a dark shade of green. I was inside one of those angular Volkswagens from the 90s, sitting up front in the car but not in the driving seat. I was waiting for somebody and I felt slightly older than I am and more confident about myself, although I was feeling a bit insecure because I was all alone and didn't know what would happen. So this guy I had an intese crush for some monhs in high school parks a motorbike at the other side of the car, rushes inside of the vehicle, hugs me and whispers some tender simple words I have now forgotten to my hear. I felt immense joy. He kept on whispering those words for ten or twenty seconds. After that my dream changes scenarios a couple of times but I don't see him again. I wake up in the morning feeling sad and nostalgic. I hate it, I hate when I dream shit like this.
No. 1464446
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Encountered a male "commmie" tranny sympsthizer and his libfem gf the other day and it was a fucking train wreck.
All I did was say that "men cannot be women and women deserve to keep their sex segregated spaces" and they couldn't even give me any sort of legit argument or backlash against it kek. All they said was literally "Wow you're a stupid terf" and got headpats for it. Funny how they thought calling me a terf was an insult - thank you, retards!
How the fuck did we end up here? How is saying "men can't be women" now some sort of controversial thing? This is cult behaviour.
The most embarrassing part was after his gf called me a stupid terf the scrote said "Get her ass babe." I'm still recovering from the secondhand embarrassment I had to endure thanks to these retards.
No. 1464684
>>1464675Anon… you know that they have people there that tell you what you "need" in order to sell product, right? You're completely fine. You were just the
victim of seedy business practices. It's not that they actually
care about how you look, none of that is coming from a place of concern, only from a moneymaking business standpoint. It's evil. You don't need any of that shit.
No. 1464758
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>me, went to the gym yesterday so i had a great naturally exhausted sleep
>wake up excited to make another tomato onion grilled cheese
>feel wet between my thighs, it's dark in my bedroom
>"oh it's probably just discharge again what else is new"
>go to touch my inner thigh
>mfw its blood
>i'm having my period again even though i just had it 2 weeks ago
>i'm meant to be doing leg day today in the gym
all i wanted to do was enjoy my fucking grilled cheese and then go deadlift and squat. how the FUCK am i supposed to do this in this condition. i cannot stand this shit.
No. 1464768
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My fucking IP got fucking range banned from fucking 4chan fucking two weeks ago or a week ago, I don't know, it feels like forever
I need to shitpost
I'm seriously fuckign considering speding 20USD on a fucking 4chan pass just so I can resume shitposting, this is fuckign inhumane why the fuck is this happening to me, who the fuck in this stupid fucking middle of nowhere town got our entire fucking region blocked for abuse??????
No. 1464772
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>>1464768vpns are free? why would you give any money to 4chan
No. 1464773
>>1464772vpns cannot be used on 4chan
this is why I'm upset
No. 1464791
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>>1464768how the fuck do you guys get banned i purposefully derrail threads and samefag and tranny jannies dont care. I think i only got a ban once from a vendettafag tranny janny for ''racism'', lol sure
No. 1464801
>>1464798I agree. The handmaidens who say "uhm you shouldn't ever go through it and the relationship was over when you did it" are acknowledging that they're too retarded to even have protective female instincts anymore.
Women should have
some curiosity and self-protectiveness regarding moids that they're in relationships with or else you just get walked over like a doormat. This entire idea that we're meant to immediately trust males all the time is fucking retarded - our biology doesn't even support that. Women should always be steps ahead in the relationship in regards to having their own financial backups, emotional security and also recognising reality - the reality is that most men are degenerates and you cannot guarantee your moid is a True Nigel unless he has proven time after time through clear actions that there's nothing suspicious going on.
The women who think they're special or nlog because they never look through their partners shit are the ones who get absolutely mugged off when they eventually find out that their moid is wanking off to daddy dom jailbait porn or is messaging 15 different women on Snapchat even though he's in his 30s.
No. 1464815
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As a millennial I realized the older I get the less interested I've gotten in my phone, I barely check it other than to check the time and lose it all the time at home, to my clingy mother's dismay, and social media just feels like a bother. I know it's considered boomerish but the only social media I still kinda enjoy is facebook, not only as a glamorized calendar but also these small little updates people give about their life without it being about followers and clout. I enjoy these small, genuine insights into people's lives (who's gotten pregnant, who get the job they dreamed of, whose bad day got better after that one cup of afternoon coffee).
Anyone else feeling like this? Any older zoomers ITT feeling like they're gonna or are about to reach this point in life? We're living in such strange times after all.
No. 1464824
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My dad's parents are both pieces of shit but I (sorta) feel like shit for believing that it was his dad that sent him to boarding school when it was actually his mom. It wasn't until after his dad died that I learned about that, and she fucking did it because she thought my dad was too much to handle. He was four years old and made him go until he was twelve.
His dad is still worse, though. He stole my dad's identity several times to the point that the bank thought it was dad who died instead of him, abandoned his family and ended up living with another one until he died, and was just an all around liar.
No. 1464844
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Why nonnies, WHY did I not take a lactaid with the pistachio ricotta pesto I made last night
It is PUNISHING my @$$ today. It is BURNING me a new hole
Sometimes I forget that I’m like semi lactose intolerant because I don’t drink milk anyway and a lot of soft cheeses don’t bother me
It wasn’t even worth it because honestly pistachio isn’t a good dominant note for a pasta dish
No. 1464846
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>>1464815I feel like I've been heading towards this. I unintentionally started myself on this path because after my last break up I had a complete meltdown and got rid of my facebook and archived everything on my instagram. I turn off notifications for everything and it helped me pick up my phone less. Unfortunately I feel like I've been drawn back in, not by social media itself but for the mindless activities I can do on it like scrolling endlessly (reels are a particular weakness of mine). Not having any notifications was great but I found myself opening the app more often again to even see notifications because I use ig to message specific people that I don't have contact through elsewhere. I've reintroduced notifications for a very small handful of apps but the rest of them I don't have it on (and sometimes when an app annoys me I feel very powerful in turning off its notifications because it feels like the only way I have power over these apps that demand and command my attention).
I'm reading a book on digital minimalism now and am striving to just be glued to my phone less. I've gotten over a lot of the big things like fomo, taking pictures of fucking everything just to post it, and constantly posting shit, but I feel like I can do more. Technology is starting to impede on my life instead of serving it. I'd honestly rather sit down in a quiet room and stare off into space but enjoy the downtime for what it is rather than sit in a quiet room scrolling through my phone. I feel like it's stunting my brain.
No. 1464856
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>>1464855Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport. I've only just started so I can't really speak to how well the author will lay everything out, but I'm hoping to at least take away a few things from the book!
No. 1464869
>>1464862Farmers are going to tell you he likes you (as one already has) but honestly, the way men treat you says
everything. What one coworker overhead months ago when you were brand new at the place doesn’t mean much now. It’s absolutely not your fault, however, how a scrote treats you. I mean he could very well 99% be into you but there’s something he doesn’t like / resents / is jealous or envious of and it’s showing in his actions and that is not someone you want to mess around with because he’ll use it against you because of his own insecurities.
No. 1464912
>>1464758Update: Tried booking a doctors appointment as soon as it happened and I have to wait again until tomorrow because they ran out of fucking appointments at like 10am. Great.
Rang 111 and said I will be getting a call back from a nurse in 2 hours. It's been 6 and no word back. Nice one. I'm not in any pain but I'm just sat in bed watching random shit on youtube and wasting my entire day. I was supposed to have fun and work out today. I'm so fucking annoyed.
No. 1464954
>>1464941As opposed to men?
>>1464950You think looks are immaterial?
No. 1465021
>>1464921Zero-something works better than Lactaid for me.
There was a dutch brand that was the best by far, but I can't remember the name. A friend would bring it for me when visiting.
The best thing for lactose intolerance is a mix of lactase enzymes plus heavy-duty probiotic supplements.
No. 1465043
>>1465013Same anon. I don't have a very pretty face to begin with plus I don't wear make up or keep up with trends so I'm just not attractive. It's not even a decision I have taken I'm just bad with social cues so I have a hard time keeping up with trends and how to apply makeup.
My mom keeps on commenting on how beautiful other women are. My mom was a Stacy(forgive me for using incel terms) when she was my age and was known to be really beautiful. I know my mom loves me but I can't help but feel like she resents me for never have been in a relationship and for not being pretty. I know that she loves me but I think having a daughter she could gush over relationship with and buy pretty clothes and make up for was something she always wanted and I robbed that experience from her. Doesn't help she keeps comparing me to my cousins who are more like how she used to be. My mom doesn't think I'm ugly but she definitely wish I knew how to appear more attractive to others. But random strangers do think I'm unattractive
No. 1465056
>>1465043>I can't help but feel like she resents me for never have been in a relationship and for not being pretty.Same. Your post made me realize mine probably misses that too. Like seeing your daughter out the door on the way to her first date, or bringing a guy home. Or telling her how you were asked out. Damn
nonnie I just realized there's this huge like "feminine" bond my mom and I can't have. When my hot cousin visits, she oohs and aahs about how gorgeous she is and asks about her boyfriend. They talk shit about their boyfriends together and laugh. She's definitely a bit resentful, like "why did I have to get the ugly sped daughter?" She's a former Stacy too.
Fuck em tbh they're the ones who decided to shit out kids ooh sorry you didn't get a Stacy daughter you could show off.
No. 1465151
>>1465044While I think
>>1465065 has a point, I don't wish becoming someone's caretaker on my very worst enemy.
And I'm very good at hating. (Avoid getting entangled with obese adults at all costs, by the way.)
No. 1465214
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No. 1465226
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i'm afraid i might be slipping back into psychosis. for at least a year now i've been seeing bugs everywhere and just ignored them as i've dealt with that since childhood like it might as well be floaters level of bothersome, but now i'm seeing people behind me on reflective surfaces or entities crawling around on the floor watching me. i remember last time i was so convinced somebody was in my head in the way one would hack a device and i tried to stop myself from having thoughts in case i thought of something embarrassing. i couldn't even go to the bathroom or at least with my eyes open because i 100% believed someone was looking through my eyes like actually in possession of my body. i really can't afford a shrink at all to get meds now so i guess i will just have to deal with these visions amongst others quietly and hold it out as much as i can as long as i'm not bothering anyone i don't care
No. 1465244
>>1465226What could be going on in your life that could be making symptoms more prominent and upfront? I deal with psychosis and I have similar thoughts as well, but I let the thoughts pass and rationalize why I might be feeling so panicked at the time rather than dwelling on what I am believing I'm seeing.
Sometimes when I'm driving it feels like someone's in the seat next to me and I'm able to quickly snap out of it by asking myself if I've been eating, drinking, sleeping, and exercising an adequate amount. Usually it's no and I turn to focus on dwelling on "Well, I should go on walks more" and start planning a good day to go on a walk and focusing on foods I should be holding back on for a bit because it could affect my symptoms as well. I hope for the best anon.
No. 1465281
>>1465279Also the girls who are like
>wow I'm so glad I know the truth about buccal fat removal I almost did it and-No you didn't. You only have $100 in your bank account.
No. 1465320
Further searching my favorite place was Warsaw but there is just no housing available. I can't even believe how few options there are and I think it's because the salary is so low but housing high so anything affordable is just not available at all for like 8 years. There's that or overpriced luxury apartments which are basic apartments that are just newer. Also this thing that pisses me off are housing rented out by the room, so the landlord profits from shoving these people together. Why would you pay to rent a room with shared bathroom and kitchen? That's fucking insanely stupid. I see this a lot, instead of giving everyone affordable housing, they pull this shit. As for other Polish cities maybe it's more feasible, but bigger cities have more options for food and entertainment and easier public transport.
On the bright side I can still visit and enjoy this country for cheap I am going to do that.
Albania is really affordable but it looks so boring, especially as I am alone, what the hell would I do there besides go to the beach, and have to eat at restaurants alone. There's not international grocery stores or cheap shipping to get food. Overall it's just good for renting a place extremely cheap for a year so you would be guaranteed housing. It's like an even cheaper Italy basically.
Budapest has some options like Warsaw, but still the same problem to find housing.
Bulgaria is cheap like Albania, Sofia looks a tad bit more interesting but again options for entertainment and food.
Latvia is a good option for entertainment and food, cheap housing, but I need to research Riga more. Or Lithuania or Estonia.
Other countries have high cost of living which is bogus really, sorry Czechia and Norway are out. Germany out purely for bad food and weird culture. France out for bad people. Spain and Portugal is too popular. It's gotta be Baltics or Balkans for me.
So my dilemma is do I try to find somewhere central city or do I rent a super cheap nice apartment in a low cost country and simply travel frequently to quench my cravings for variety? Having housing means there is always a home, and I can leave the big suitcase and actually have more than two suitcases worth of possessions again, without tossing half of it out every time I move.
Maybe I need to look at more countries..
No. 1465328
>>1465320Why are you moving alone so far away, what's your story
No. 1465329
>>1465315Literally fuck this whole obsession with jawlines. People do this to have better jawlines but who cares about jawlines! Seriously a defined jaw is not a great look, I don't even like it. If you have proper jaws to eat, you are fine, it looks cuter and I like it. I don't like chiseled looks. People are so obsessed with all looking like trendy perfect and beautiful, but diverse looks are all beautiful. If you have one feature you want to change for yourself fine, maybe you weren't blessed genetically or you actually need it changed medically, but stop with changing your god damn jaw and injecting all this botox, just stop. It looks bad.
Rant over
No. 1465344
>>1465328Ohh my story is long so here's the short version. I like to explore new places but I also get bored easily so I try as much as I can in life. My goal is to visit every country eventually but not like those people who pop around in a day, because they don't really know the country. I like to live for a few months it years abroad, I pick up work as I go, but since it was getting tiring I stayed in one country for a while. I felt like some time was wasted so I am now in a place where I want to find housing for a whole year since most housing I am in about 4 months at most, and at the same time I want to have options and freedom to explore. I just can't figure out where to go next.
I lived in Asia for 10 years, now I am spending time in Europe. I am alone because it's damn near impossible to make a relationship work with this lifestyle, so my relationships keep ending, and I usually would meet people traveling or working abroad to hang out with by going to hostels, classes, and nightlife. I got spoiled living in Seoul, but it's time to move on.
I'm just nomadic at heart
No. 1465348
>>1465345The teeth dream, I have it too
You have anxiety
No. 1465353
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Moids love to larp as protectors and carers of women until it's time to actually protect them and look after them.
If you are male and don't do shit for your gf/wife when she's on her period you need to be castrated. Women go through shit every month simply for being female and if you're complaining that you have to do more chores or more tasks or everyday things for her then you are a pathetic excuse of a male.
I will never feel sorry for demanding a moid to do things for me when I'm menstruating and can't do shit myself. That's what you're fucking here for - you want to think you're a masculine protector of women? Okay then clean up the house and do what she says for a week you fucking imbecile. You literally have no purpose otherwise if you can't do this as a male, you are dead weight and useless in a woman's life if you can't provide physical labour when she needs it. Retard. Oh what's that? You don't like it when the tables are turned and you have to clean up after us? Tough shit, adapt or kys.
No. 1465354
>>1465344Nta but damn that's my dream life. Unfortunately I'm stuck here with controlling and slightly
abusive family so it will never happen. Aren't you scared though? Traveling alone is pretty dangerous, I'd probably die kek
No. 1465357
i do not need to be told i am a dumbass because i already know
>>6 months ago
>>loan moid 1200 dollar bc i am financially stable & i am pining for his affection>>we lose touch because i quit this job (we were coworkers), he quits shortly after me because he wants to become a truck driver. that's what the money was for, so he can take classes>>i lose interest in him as i'm focused on myself & being a drug addict. isolate myself a shit ton cuz i'm using and jobless.>>we make brief contact in november. for some reason now that i've like, soft cut him off and don't really give a shit about him anymore he is like OBSESSED with me during this short meeting. i used to really want him to love me, now i don't even give a shit whether he likes me or not and only then does he decide "nona you are so beautiful (he has literally never said that before to me), i missed you so much, i love you, please let's go to my place and hang out">>uhhhh maybe tomorrow (obvious lie) can i have my money back though please>>yes of course, you know i would never just steal from you like that. you will get your money back, i promise. don't you worry.>>uhhh can i have like just a little bit of it back? like 100 dollars even. a smol amount of my money. any amount of my fucking money>>nope. and no explanation is really given. says wait until january.and again i am not financially strapped at all so i just wait until january, mistakenly believing this moid has a shred of integrity
>>hey can i get my money back now please. it's been 6 months. i was doing you a favor out of the kindness of my heart (this is true) and it is now time to pay back what you owe>>no i'm not in the stateokay? that doesn't matter? there's cashapp and venmo and fucking snail mail. it's time to do what's right.
>>no i don't have the money i don't have a job right now. wait til july.JULY?!??!? wtf do you mean JULY!?!? is this retard serious?
>>no i'm not waiting until july. please give my money back, i just had to pay over 2000 dollars to save my cats life (also true)>>no, can't your dad help you? also i thought you cut me off?>>these things have nothing to do with our current conversation. i am only asking you to do what's right and pay me back. i was nothing except a good friend to you (still fucking true)>>no wait til this point i'm like pissed off. again i can do without this money. i'll be fine. and i wouldn't have given it to him if that wasn't the case. but omg men are such fucking dicks. how fucking heartless and callous to do this to someone who helped you in your time of need, men truly have no souls
>>make idle threat to call police (lol i would never plus i have no recourse)>>"hey haven't gotten a call from the police yet!">>"really? you're going to basically rob a woman of over 1000 dollars and then make fun of her for it? does that make you feel like a big man?"i told him i'm not speaking to him until july. we have nothing to talk about. i DO NOT expect to get this money back. but i do wonder if there's anything i can do to humiliate him for stealing from me, or make him feel bad about it, SOMETHING. i AM going to message him at 12AM on July 1st on the dot though lmao
No. 1465364
>>1465354I was also stuck with controlling and abuse family, who ironically traveled when they were young. You got to find the first way out, mine was to study abroad, which they tried to sabotage but finally let me go. Before that I traveled abroad but they also tried to block me from that, I think I succeeded in guilting them into it because otherwise I would run away and emancipate myself. Once I was out the second time I did everything to stay.
I haven't died lol, it's not any more dangerous than what could happen to you in your own town, you have some language barriers and different options for work, figuring out visas and such, but I had an overall pretty food time, I will forget the troubling shit I dealt with because it's just bad people that are everywhere, but so are good people.
Btw death is not the worry, being kidnapped is, been followed by creeps way too many times. As a woman you just be wary of your surroundings.
No. 1465376
>>1465364Haha good to know it's not that dangerous and that you've been doing fine! I guess I'm scared because I've never tried it.
I'm sorry to hear you also had a controlling family but I'm glad to know you broke free and you're living your best life. I've also tried the studying abroad thing (I also did pretty good in school and the professors also recommended studying abroad to my parents) but nothing worked. Actually they preferred not letting me continue studying at all. Now I'm considered "too old" to study, and if I were to leave they would destroy and ruin the things I've built here, because that's the kind of people they are. There's no way to guilt trip or convince them, and they managed to make me have a mental breakdown already kek. I'm tired of fighting for everything and I guess I'll just accept it.
No. 1465383
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i am not normal. the only music i have the ability to enjoy is regimental military fanfare and techno. there is no in between
No. 1465389
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I hate how you need to be the Perfect Victim for people to empathize with or even respect you. If you're not the Perfect Victim you're even worse than the abuser. Have you ever made any mistakes at all? You're scum, less than human. Did you ever try to fight back in any way? You are the real abuser. You're not meek and feeble and cowering and skittish? Then you couldn't ever be abused. You didn't try to run away immediately? Well then you didn't even try. You asked for it. You deserved to be abused. I have to be perfect or else I'm just as bad as my abuser. I have to jump through hoops to show that I deserve any empathy but you never make the abuser prove anything to you.
Sorry we don't all fit your black and white worldview but not acting like the victims you see in media doesn't change the fact that I am still a victim of something. I wish people who have never been abused would just shut the fuck up. You're the reason abusers get away with it.
No. 1465392
>>1465387Okay? I can understand techno gigs, but why anyone would want to attend 'gigs' to listen to "regimental military fanfare" is beyond me. Do gigs even exist for that? Military parades?
I can tell by your music taste that you're autistic so not enjoying gigs is understandable, but I also have tons of questions.
No. 1465394
>>1465392i’m not the same anon as the one before me, kek.
i don’t really enjoy any kind of music
No. 1465400
My brother went AWOL >2 weeks ago and left all of his stuff at home, I'm talking credit card clothes license and passport, but I don't think he got kidnapped or anything considering he travelled 3 cities and he was apparently last seen near the sea. Maybe suicide? Not sure. It's so random.
Anyways, my whole family is falling apart at the seams because of it, and the police isn't really doing anything, their response was late as well.
Despite this; I haven't cried, not yet atleast, think my brain is coping by fully ruling out the possibility that something bad happened to him.
It's odd. I feel helpless. We're all helpless. Can't ignore it cause my family is obviously affected and my parents have been fighting non-stop, naturally due to the high tensions. I can barely study properly because of it.
I'm sorta mad at him. Cause in my head, he isn't dead, I won't register that until a body is found, even if it takes 30 years.
I genuinely believe he's out there dickin around on a cruise ship or a hippie-ish soul searching journey, the thought makes me laugh a little as well. It's nice. It's completely the opposite of his nature.
It's not like I'm in complete denial of the possibility of him no longer walking this earth but, I dunno, it's not fully sinking in. And why should it?
I think trying to be positive here is the best thing to do, so that If the outcome is bad, well at least I left the misery for after, and if the outcome is good, well at least I wasn't miserable for nothing. Yeah? Yeah.
I do feel a bit guilty though, cause my mom is constantly crying and my dad is always on the verge of tears, but all I feel is irritation at it, at everything. But surely I'm not apathetic since I feel guilty for it? I dunno. I try to console them, if they let me.
I hope he turns up soon. Dead or alive. I'm over it.
No. 1465403
>>1465400im so sorry
Nonnie, I seriously am. I felt a shiver down my spine for you. I hope he is found and I'm so so sorry
Nonnie, i wish you and your family the best.
No. 1465411
>>1465389that's always something I've been saying, I don't react like other people, I don't scream, I don't cry, I stay calm and keep everything inside. But if you happen to experience some traumatic shit that's not the right reaction, you have to be in tears, hysteric and shaken, just so people believe you, every other reaction, well, couldn't have been that bad then.
And that picture, exactly my mother, everyone not understanding that quote is so damn lucky.
No. 1465483
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Sorry if I come across as an annoying pos talking about my moid problems but I need to complain. I meet the ONE moid who actually looks like my type but of course he has the worst fucking personality possible.(full racist edgelord misogynist) But the worst part is the hormonal animal inside me still wants to hatefuck him because he just drives me insane. I hate feeling so not in control of my own body and mind all because of some pitiful subhuman. And also I have a fwb that I actually get along with and he's nice but kinda ugly and it doesn't do it for me.
No. 1465533
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wow, I feel so dumb. one of my investments backfired and turned out to be worth nothing. I didn't really lose much money and while I do usually earn something with most investments, miscalculating just…hurts in a way I don't understand, like a sort of existential dread. every win? it never feels good, it's never enough, even if it's a big one.
maybe it's because I'm getting older and I spent much of my youth isolated (I have autism and went to 10 years of speech therapy; people can still barely understand me), never taking risks, and it feels like I'm way too old to make dumb mistakes. I wish I had lived a normal life where it was possible for me to develop a healthy self-esteem…taking controlled risks, gaining more resilience over time, and believing in myself. it just feels like there's nothing ever to be proud of or happy about and it's like only negative things are able to ever affect me, like there's this sieve inside me where my soul should be and I hate it.
No. 1465535
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I wish I were male so I could live life on easy mode. Literally everything would be easier
No. 1465555
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>>1465535Moids dont realize how fucking easy they have it. Every major society puts scrotes on pedestals and let them get away with literal crimes. They complain about not being chads meanwhile most women on average have worked out, done fad diets, tried to change their appearance to match what they like, and even dangerous surgeries yet scrotes can’t even stick to running on a treadmill and make fun of “cardio bunnies”. Women would definitely make better men than men and all they can do is be fat and seethe about it
No. 1465632
>>1465606I get it. I don’t like that either.
Also you don’t like him so you should listen to your feeling and not bother with him.
No. 1465647
>>1465643I figured you’d already eaten it and found that out but just in case you hadn’t I wanted to tell you
Glad your tumtum is better
No. 1465762
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I’m so sick help meeeeee I have a cold I have so much mucus helpppppeppeppebdbc
No. 1465769
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>>1465767we can get through this
No. 1465770
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>one chance at life
>born on the most boring era
ugh, why couldn't my parents procreate 10 years earlier? the 2010's and 2020's are so fucking boring, the only 'interesting' thing is AI but so far it has only been used for boring shit and automate more jobs. What a fucking boring decade. I clicked on an AI vtuber thinking it was going to be fun and exciting but its even more boring than the vtubers who just play minecraft and make pee poo penis joke.
No. 1465772
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i forgot how annoying and nosy people can be when you're introverted and keep to yourself. people think i am hiding something, which is not even close to the truth…i have nothing to hide. i just like being alone, and don't need someone up my arse every fucking day. yes, i do have friends, but they're people just like me, who like their space, and don't need a lot of attention. no, i am not depressed, i just need time to recharge and sometimes that time is spent with a good book or just peacefully watching clouds go by. so what if i go out alone? i think it's pretty cool, i have plenty of money to spend on myself, so why the fuck not? ugh humans are just incredibly aggravating. let me be a fucking loner in peace.
No. 1465777
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I VC with a girl the other day(amazing experince, super fun and i hope we can vc more in the future she's super fun) but it made me a bit sad that despite both being ESL she can speak english so fluently, unlike me. I have no idea how to get better at speaking english, i have been trying for a year and i havent heard an improvement at all.
No. 1465828
>>1465818between moids being more entitled and pornsick than ever and
>>1465806i dont uderstand why straight women of the world havent united to create robobfs or something yet
No. 1465834
>>1465806Surprised he didn't take the kids out too. More men seem to be doing that the last few years.
I used to feel bad because I'd always been the person getting dumped rather than the dumper. It played on my mind that I was disposable and easily forgotten. Then I ended up in a relatonship where I was afraid to leave because I had no idea how my exit might set him off. I felt unsafe with him and even more unsafe at the thought of him seeking revenge after I left. The last few nights I spent with him I laid awake all night thinking he knew what was up and was going to kill me if I fell asleep. I no longer feel bad about being dumped by guys. Better that than being in a situation where they refuse to let you live a life without them.
No. 1465888
>>1465655>>1465611>>1465617He told me I should update my dating profile pictures because they don't truly capture the radiance of my smile in real life…I am smiling normally in all of my pictures.
I was also telling him about my job and he said
>I like this side of youIt was so forward it weirded me out.
When I date I want the person to want to get to know me as a person and my personality and have a want to be with me because of who I am, not because they want a relationship and I'm someone good enough to fulfill that need. When a guy shows extreme interest and sends me a good night and good morning text a day after meeting, that is coming on too strong for me. We just met - we don't have to be constantly texting all the time. I don't even text my friends unless I have a question or targeted topic. Whatever we would have texted about we can have a much more robust conversation in person.
No. 1465894
>>1465214He looks like he's posing next to where he buried the body of his last
victim, why the fuck are men so hideous
No. 1465896
>>1465357do you know where he lives? literally start taking shit from his yard. take his hub caps, be a porch pirate, fling dog shit into his yard. make sure to put thumb tacks or nails under his tires. the best way to get back is inconveniencing someone because its the tiny stuff that culminates that ruins your day. better yet fuck with his truck, key it and break some lights, set out food in hidden spots so he has to deal with vermin, i could go on. my goal in 2023 is to have more nonnies manifest their dark triad and fuck with men
>>"hey haven't gotten a call from the police yet!"this man is literally laughing at you and laughing with his friends, if you can't find his home cut your losses because he will never give your money back and will use it to continuously neg you because he knew you liked him. he can't be humiliated because hes humiliating you by dragging this out and you're letting him, go nuclear or just block him. girls please get shit like this in writing so you can go to the cops over this stuff
No. 1465945
>>1465929>I don't think the aim is to get a relationship, but to fuel some sort of mental illness copium tank.>>1465944>They don’t. You just end up in a talking stage for months or end up getting bored and ghosting each other. This is why I don’t do dating sites and op sounds like the average dating site user.sorry for the quoting, imma screenshot this.
i hate this idiotic game. if the moid is oh-so-avoidant and inattentive all you'll be getting is a turd sandwich for your prize at best.
No. 1465951
I feel childish that still have this thing as a sensitive spot. 2018 I was gonna hold a birthday party, but a number of people cancelled last minute saying something came up. This made me of course a bit sad, but things happen what can you do so whatever.
A day or so before my party I learn that almost everyone I know were invited to another friend's giant party the same weekend that I had no knowledge of and even my closest friends had kept quiet about to "avoid hurting" me, and it was a themed party that had been planned for MONTHS but I had been excluded because someone in the circle was supposedly on bad terms with me (I had called her out months before that when she during a trip decided to bring a guy to our room and fucked in the bed we shared, even had foreplay as I was lying next to them, and she apparently was still upset at me telling her off back then despite still acting like my friend). Even friends that hadn't been in that circle for literal years were going.
I felt so fucking betrayed having it hidden from me, that people knew and kept quiet and just let it hit me because one of them mentioned it by accident. Idk, it just hit me in a place that still hurts. While I do have a bit of fomo I'm usually very level-headed as I see it as a me-problem, I'm not one to throw tantrums or get angry, so there really was no reason to hold it back from me other than that I would be sad and rightfully feel left out by my friends, it would be obvious keeping it a secret would hurt me much more.
No. 1465981
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>>1465934i actually watch everything in english, its just that for some reason my brain and mouth doesnt connect. I know how you are supposed to say it, but i legit cant.
No. 1466019
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I'm looking for an apartment/house to rent with friends and my boomer aunt wants to help me I guess. She sent me a message and the conversation literally goes like this
>Nona, type renting house, [my town] in Google. There's one with 3 rooms, for 900 a month
>Ok but on what site specifically?
>Just Google
No. 1466022
>>1465951I'm so sorry
nonnie. You are entitled to feel pain for this. What a bunch of retards, this people don't deserve you as a friend. You should do something to have some closure. If I were you I would have had some payback but you seem very mature to do this. I really like how honest your post is. I wish you all the best ♥
No. 1466023
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Manifesting death to this dumbass janny in 2023. Kys
No. 1466025
And I forgot to vent! I really need to write a lot because I'm sending my last essay for uni on Monday. I feel so unfocused, I really want to quit. My future depends on this and I don't have the energy. I know I'm gonna start binging.
No. 1466042
>>1466022Thank you nona ♥ after a period of being very depressed I moved on from that circle except for one that legitimately felt bad and we talked about it, she was really upset with herself. I reconnected with another last year but she is too autistic to fully understand why it was wrong, but I missed her so I'll just let it go for now but if she ever encounters a similar situation herself I'll point out how they made me feel so she'll understand.
I wish you luck on your essay! Could perhaps going for a quick walk around your building for some fresh air help?
No. 1466080
>>1466023Tranny janny/ies when a moid gets hit:
angry redtexts galoreTranny janny/ies when someone brags about abusing small animals:
dead silence No. 1466290
>>1466262Here's my mindset with the new scrote I'm dating. Don't see him as fully human (they are not). Assume he watches the worst kind of porn. Prepare to get cheated on. I focus on what he can do for me, not who he is. That I enjoy getting attention, affection and being taken care of. Not on how nice he is, loyal, whatever. Because those things never last. Also I don't let him know everything about me, I don't always tell him where I'm going or what I'm doing.
You can get their affection and still be distant. Just don't expect a Nigel bestie. Does that make sense? I try to remember that we are not friends, we're not equal or a "team". We're just two people with different needs making a trade-off. Not trying to sound like some kind of FDS ice queen, this is just the only way I can handle the "all men are absolutely fucked but I'm hetero" problem. I still care about him and would get sad if he left, but I often think about how there are lots of other guys who could do the exact same thing he does for me.
No. 1466317
I attract so many abusive types and behaviors that I am starting to believe it's simply what I deserve.
He cut himself downstairs today and then came back up to scream and yell at me some more after telling me that I make him wish he didn't exist. There were a few times where he literally frothed at the mouth, and some spit even flung onto me at one point. He drove his fists into the wall a bunch of times and hurt himself. He assured me that he would never physically hurt me, but of course after I point out all the mental and abusive shit he was doing (and the incocuous matter(s) that triggered this argument in the first place) he threatened to leave and end the relationship–when I tell him to leave if that's what he wants, he blames me for not fighting enough for the relationship and stirs up again.
The entire time I'm sobbing on the bed with our dogs who are upset over his yelling too and are trying to comfort me, but he says that my "tone" and "looks" make him feel bullied…like a can being crushed and backed into a corner where he has no choice in how he behaves. But he does have a choice. Clearly I am not the aggressor.
If I'm all the terrible shit he says and do all these horrible things to him, then why doesn't he just make good on his threats and leave me? Is he desperate? Well, how DARE I call him desperate?!
By the end of the two hour ordeal, I'm the one comforting his crying ass and trying to dress his cuts then reassure him that I love him.
The sick shit is, that I do love him.
This all started because, like every time prior, I wanted to browse my phone while he watched a show I was not interested in.
He ignored me and I knew he was pissed at me, he wouldn't even cuddle with me while we did our respective shit.
I started looking up on my phone if it was an abusive behavior for a male partner to get so angry over not wanting to watch every single show or movie that he does, and to always dominate the free time so much that I never to rarely ever get to pick what we do? He cannot even name five of my favorite shows or movies himself. Anyways, he tried to look over at my phone to see what I was typing, but clearly because it would have upset him what I was looking up, I closed it out.
He confronted me about it and when I tried to explain he got mad and told me to shut the fuck up and
leave him alone. So I did and went into the guest bedroom. Cue him following me to yell at me, blame me, and then ultimately cut himself when I wouldn't accept that shit wasn't my fault.
No. 1466342
>>1466317Well, you have your answer and I think you know it too. He’s
abusive. Start planning your escape.
No. 1466377
>>1466362Kick his
abusive ass out. Please force yourself to let go of any empathy you have rn because if he's harming himself over stupid shit like this then it's only a matter of time before he starts harming you. This is straight up emotional abuse.
No. 1466382
>>1466317You need to have a real long and hard look at yourself and figure out what makes you seek out and mother people like that. The one thing all your shitty
abusive relationships have in common is you picking the guy.
Get rid of your current infestation by all means, but do not shack up with another one without figuring out yourself first.
> I am starting to believe it's simply what I deserveThere is no "deserve", there is only cause and effect. You probably have mental illness that makes you behave in ways that make you worse, but if you can reflect on your behaviour and have some basic self understanding and self discipline, you aren't doomed to spending the rest of your life wiping the butt of some narc manchild. I went from moving from one retarded BPD moid to the next until I understood what I was doing and why.
You absolutely can decide to do keep dating garbage too of course, but it doesn't sound like the pleasure of indulging in love outweighs the financial, emotional and mental toll.
No. 1466383
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It was a full moon last night. I could not sleep, and I began to hear screaming and singing voices. I was so depleted from the spiritual attack last night, of ants crawling under my skin, and the peekaboo poltergeists. Today has mainly been about recharging, and I STILL have work tomorrow!
No. 1466455
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>>1466383I didn't read your post, sorry, just came to say I love the image.
No. 1466477
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Men are ugly
No. 1466479
I'm constantly thinking of murder ever since starting at my new very stressful job that I hate it I hate it so much but I need the money. I constantly had murder thoughts when I was a child and teen and killed some animals when I was young due to them (+10 years ago). I have never done it again and I love animals though, I always had. I'm plagued by thoughts again specially when I feel irritated by something like today by my neighbors listening to music all day when I just want to be quiet from a shitty week at work I can't stop thinking of throwing something in there and setting their house on fire, ideally I'd just shoot all of them, all day thinking of killing them all, EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND they have their shitty music on all day like the inconsiderate assholes they are. But even when I'm not particularly feeling irritated at something I still think of murder or dead people, I don't like it, it's like I can't get it out of my head. I exercise and make art to vent but its fucking unberable specially like today, I broke so many things in my house and then screamed at the top of my lungs but it's just a bunch of hoodlums there they don't give a shit and I look crazy. Considering I'm much older now I thought these obsessive thoughts would be left behind in middle school but it seems that not really, they were just dormant and waiting for stressor triggers, I had a terrible year last year and went through so much shit that made me so very stressed… it's been a good 8 years since I felt like this on a constant basis, most of my adult life I have just been suicidal or not feeling anything
No. 1466488
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I'm so done with clothing and fashion and style dnsjjskkcnf!!!!
ive always dressed unconventionally. i switch things up a little but have kept most of the same motifs and inspirations for years (im goff). im so fucking bored now and nothing ever fits right!! I'm an hourglass with broad shoulders and a round butt which makes EVERYTHING fit like absolute shit. doesnt help that i got beerfat due to lockdown stress and sadness. ive lost more than half the weight but im in the flabby phase. I'm active daily but the flabby phase is unavoidable. before my defined waist made up for my shoulders but now i have flab there that just gives me a small muffin top instead of cinched and makes me look square. everything has to be high waisted due to hips but this is not always comfortable or even possible. leggings and tights slip around. tights always fucking rip. cute blouses never fit my huge shoulders. everything always rides up or slides around. STRAPS ALWAYS FALL OFF MY SHOULDERS!! WHATS THE FUCKING POINTVOF GIANT SHOYLDERS IF THEY CANT EVEN KEEP A SPAGGHETI STRAP IN PLACE? FML. i pretty much exclusively thrift because i cant afford genuinely nice clothes and i hate the quality of fast fashion. but fucking resellers and trendy kids take all the nice pieces and the thrift is full of walmart trash and shein garbage. and honestly? im sick of even buying and even HAVING clothes at all. i used to have so much fun dressing and coordinating outfits. as a kid my parents neglected the fuck out of me and i had to wear clothes that were fucked up, too small and literally taped together. i couldnt afford trends so i made the best of what i had. i sewed my first pair of skinny jeans by hand out of shitty thrifted jeans during my emo phase before everyone sold skinny jeans. when i was old enough to buy my own clothes i just always had so much fun with it doing all the things i never could. and now? i just dont even care. in fact im actively annoyed with it all. its such an ordeal, putting together an outfit just for the fucking tights to rip or the sleeves to constantly fall.
i bought my dream boots (demonia riot 20 steel toe leather knee high combat boots, no platform) and all the comments said they ran large so i got my size. and OF COURSE my wide as fuck feet mean they fit weird and feel too small even tho im a reliable size 8. and of course i had to buy them from some random goth store because the demonia website didnt have my size and i cant exchange them. all this time and investment in something so fuckibg annoying and stupid. i hate that i buy stuff just for it to fit wrong because i have annoying physical features. i feel like such a retarded hoarding consoomer. i have beautiful decent quality vintage thats on trend (90s whimsigoth or whatever) but selling on depop is a fucking chore.
god i just wish i was heroine chic thin. i just wanna wear black leggings and black tank tops forever but i cant even wear this SIMPLE FUCKING OUTFIT because the leggings will slip and give me muffin top and the tank will roll up to my waist and the straps will just fall right off no matter how tight. there's literally no article of clothing that isnt annoying as fuck to me. first world problem i know but rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 1466568
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I have yellow teeth for no reason and it pisses me off. I'm congenitally ugly and bald already but I've moved past moping about that, I just try to keep myself well groomed. But the thing that makes me look dirty and unkempt is my yellow teeth, especially in group pictures. I don't drink anything but water (I don't even like coffee or soda) and I bush twice and floss once a day, dentist says my teeth are perfectly clean, but they're yellow as fuck. I tried whitening strips and they did nothing. I understand now that it must be my natural enamel color and that means there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. It just pisses me off that it makes people think I have poor mouth hygiene whenever I smile. All my family has white teeth, why did I get yellow enamel? I literally got all the bad genes possible rolled into one.
No. 1466763
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>>1466752Have a slice noona
No. 1466772
I messaged an old friend for her birthday after not talking to her for two years, she hasn't replied and while I get it, I feel really sad about it.
We live in different countries nowadays and I couldn't go back to our home country during the pandemic, so we haven't seen each other in a long time, but she did message me a few times during that time and I'm the one who didn't respond then. I was at an all-time low mental health wise (received a major diagnosis but was denied any services/therapy due to being too old, was a NEET for years, had crippling anxiety, was seriously planning my suicide) and I felt too ashamed to let her know just how badly I was doing. I also didn't want to just reply once and then ghost her again (which I knew I would do, I wasn't able to maintain any relationships at that time).
I'm doing much better now. I'm no longer a NEET and overcame a lot of my anxiety by myself, so I decided to reach out, wish her a happy birthday and let her know I'd been doing badly but was better now and would love to catch up. She's been online but hasn't read the message, so she probably decided to ignore it.
I understand this is my fault in the first place and that she must feel it isn't worth trying to reconnect with me. Her sister also has the same disorder I do and was doing even worse than I was last time I heard, so maybe she feels like she doesn't want more of that in her life. It hurts though, we were very close friends and I still care about her a lot. I can't help but hope she just genuinely didn't see the message and will reply some day.
No. 1466824
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I got all teary-eyed with happiness while cuddling in bed with a guy I’m seeing earlier. I really like him, I think I might even be falling in love with him, and in that moment I was so happy to be lying there listening to music with him that it made me cry a little. He’s told me that he doesn’t want to jump into a relationship until we know each other a little better, which is fine as we haven’t been dating for too long anyway, but we basically act like a couple all the time (kissing and holding hands in public, introducing each other to our friends, going on long dates, texting each other in the middle of the night etc) and I’m starting to wish I could just call him my boyfriend and tell him I love him.
No. 1466920
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I have hsv2 and I've never seen anyone outside my boyfriend and he tested negative for all. I think I know what happened but I really don't want to think it's true. St least my boyfriend loves and still supports me.
No. 1466939
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holy shit i literally cant be one fucking week alone. My mom is on vacation and i fucking finally had the house for myself, but noooooo the bitch had to tell my retarded fat fuck grandma to come, and since i forgot to put the big metal lock on the door(i am still kicking myself over this) she got in and has been nagging me over shit that isnt even my fault. I am so angry, yesterday was my only day by myself and i had so much fun cooking food that my mom doesnt like because ''its stinks up the house'' ,playing my harmonica, vc with a friend and praticing my english. I cant do any of that shit anymore because my retarded grandmother keeps opening my door(doesnt even knock) to ask me about her phone and how to block nancy from facebook because she's been shitalking blah blah I DONT FUCKING CARE LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BITCH. I am so, so angry i went and took double of the pay my mom left me to water the plants as an annoying grandma tax and ordered the greasiest of fucking foods(which my grandmother is probably going to steal from the fridge like she did with my coke). I just wanted to be alone, i had my plans already and now they are fucking ruined. I am so angry, my family is so annoying they already ruined every single one of my birthdays, i dont even like any of them they are just a burden.
No. 1467038
I fell out of love and I’m just passing the time at this point. I made up my mind two weeks ago, after 8 years together. He is pretty abusive and manipulative in a way which my dumb ass mind always made me feels guilty and wrong, so of course I spent so many years changing myself and putting him before anyone and anything else.
Two weeks ago we had a pretty big argument where I felt something change in me and I started speaking up my mind and everything that i bottled up for years. And I think that made him think for the first time that he could lose me and not the other way around.
The past two weeks were perfect. We made some changes and we were actually fine, I felt proud of myself and proud of him because I thought we connected in a special way we didn’t have before.
My best friend lives in another city which is +10 hours away and we planned two months ago a trip which consisted in just a day away. I was pretty excited to do it because I haven’t seen her for over a years and she’s the best person I’ve ever met in my life.
The night before, the story goes like this
>anon will you die your hair tonight?
My bf was asking because he likes my hair colour when I do it and I thought yes! Why not! I’m going to do it tonight since tomorrow I’m flying and I will miss him and why not. So I do it. And he gets mad.
Mind you, when he gets all crazy and wants to play the victim card, he always tells me how I’m doing things for others that I don’t do for him. Which is obviously not true. I wasn’t going to die my fucking hair that night because I was lazy and I was tired and I wanted to sleep but he asked and I didn’t see anything wrong with it.
But of course he had to get all defensive and suspicious about how “I’m doing it right now that I’m travelling and not every time I ask you do it” (also not true).
Last time he asked me to do it before a trip I didn’t do it and it was worse because he thought he wasn’t my priority.
It’s just a sad pathetic excuse to get mad at me before my trip to made me feel guilty and I knew it, that’s why I didn’t even felt bad about it, I went and had so much fun.
I think that was the last straw for me though. With him I can never win, it doesn’t matter how hard or how much I try, I’m never empurar for him and now I see that I don’t have to be.
Of course it makes me sad because those are 8 years of my life and when we’re good it’s pretty…fine, I think. But I know I can’t go like this forever, he’s not worth it.
I know nobody’s perfect and the perfect relationship doesn’t exist but I also think that I shouldn’t be with someone who makes me feel worthless and guilty just for fun. I excused him from so, so many people. I lied, I tried to cover it all up, I never spoke up to anyone about it and that made me feel terrible.
Sorry for my longest vent here, my head is killing me right now and my thoughts are pretty messy
No. 1467173
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i was discussing AI with a friend and it made me so sad he's willing to sell humanity and step on people's rights just to make some extra bucks and have it 'easier'. It makes me so fucking depressed that in the near future we will have doctors and lawyers who didnt even write their own thesis. Effort doesnt matter anymore, you can work your ass off during school to get good grades but the same retard who sniffs glue on the back can get the same grades as you thanks to AI. I am convinced we live on a cyberpunk novel but only with the depressing stuff, at least give me a robot bf. I really hate how retarded people is.
No. 1467249
>>1467235I had a very short term thing with a guy when I was 19, pretty much ended before it could even begin because I didn't like certain things about him. He reached out to me NINE years later and on top of that being weird (I was freshly single after a LTR ended and he immediately reaches out) He was bald and fat. He'd been really vain when he was younger so that has to suck.
Sometimes you hear those stories of people who dated as teens, didn't work out and then they meet again a decade later and its like fate.. they've grown up and its all rosy second time around.. Nope. I took one look at his pic and wondered how time had been so cruel to him.
No. 1467327
>>1467268It might be easier to put on the most man pleasing mask you can and fake being super sweet to him until you get your ducks in a row.
Just remember if he threatened you with that once, he will do it again when and should a
real problem arise. Just know that a man who flaunts his power over you has no true love for you.
No. 1467352
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I think the only reason I (& probably many others) are addicted to coming back to LC is bc I am so unbearably lonely, even with
"good" friends and a boyfriend- I still feel so minimized existing everyday. I'm consistently interrupted and unheard… I watch people's eyes glaze over while I am talking to them. I have passions- I have a lot of interest & yet for some reason I'm made out to feel like I don't know what I'm talking about or just that my interests are too niche… I know that's just not true.
It's fucking with my head beyond my mental health, my dyslexia and speech patterns have gotten worse.
It sounds so stupid but I have been so quiet lately (not talking aloud) that I feel like articulating and physically saying things is getting harder. Im paranoid & scared to think I'm developing early onset dementia. Like not only do I just not say anything of interest to the room but I also fumbled and stuttered over my words like I really can't get on the track I'm trying to and for some reason the conversation just moved on without me.
I'm losing my confidence so rapidly, I have had issues with my confidence in my physical appearance but I have never felt so stupid and so low that my confidence as a person(identity) felt so minimal.
No. 1467354
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>>1467352I guess this rant is to say- I talk more on LC then I physically do in person. Am I a mute? Idc my heart hurts.
No. 1467457
>>1467449You might speak of abortion as though it is some easy, quick fix, but that would be a lie. I have read stories of multiple women whose abortion took a severe emotional toll on them. They regretted it hugely and some even suffered from suicidality. Without going into details, I know my mother and I know she is sensitive to a reaction like this. What angers me further is that some immature man, presumably, as I don't know the details, of whom I always knew he was up to no good, put her in this position where she has to go through the process of an abortion without anybody knowing but her daughter. My mother would have loved to have had a family. A husband, another child or two. She has gone through so many horrificing things already in her life. I wanted to protect her from these men and the lies of hedonism, but I obviously couldn't force her. I advised and supported her the best I could, but that's all that was within my power. I wish I could have protected her better. What's more, is I am not such a person who thinks abortion is fully innocent. There is a living being developing inside of her right now, whether it is fully sentient now or not. That is impactful, and it is bringing an end to something which could have been. I very well could have been aborted too– my mother had every reason to, perhaps even more than she does now. Every reason she listed off, she had then as well. But I'm grateful to be alive. I don't disapprove of my mother. I don't judge her. I empathise with her immensely. But what does that say about me? What am I complacent in? Curse the man who does not have to reap any of the consequences. His disgusting face and spirit continue to roam the earth freely without any repercussions, whilst my mother must endure even more challenge. I knew he was up to no good.
No. 1467462
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sorry for incoming blogpost
>drop out of university because i was studying something i didnt like
>becomes a neet for 3 years because mental health is so bad that i cant go back to studying
>finally gets into another university studying something im passionate about
>mom is proud
>dad is happy
>im satisfied
>cool so i really like the classes so i might have a chance of completing university and get my dream job
>nevermind all that exams are coming up
>seriously considering dropping out
I thought my issue at first was just I lacked passion and needed a break from school but now im beginning to think im too stupid for university. my exams are soon and i havent studied for them because i genuinely have no idea how to. i dont have any friends either so i cant ask them for help and my study group sucks because they all have tight friend groups that they study with so they dont wanna meet up and prepare for the exams together, plus i think they all hate me. I have talked to my professors about how much i struggle with exams and i have used all the resources available that the university can offer, including the resources meant for people with my disability, and yet im still not able to do this.
Im just mad. I finally find something that gave me a sense of purpose and then i cant even complete these exams even though my seniors keeps telling me that they are easy. I wanna drop out because i cant do this but what else am i suppose to do? this whole experience has been a reminder why i became a shut in neet in the first place.
i have been looking into trade jobs but they also require some sort of school and exams which i know i cant complete. my family doesnt have the connection to give me some bullshit job at a company or farm where i get paid just enough to pay my bills. i dont wanna be a neet again, living 3 years in your childhood bedroom and not leaving while only talking to your parents is pathetic and humiliating. I was so happy when i got accepted into this university and i moved out and got to live independently.
where do i go from here? im clearly too stupid to function in a society but my mental health isnt bad enough that i want to kill myself or that i can get institutionalised. which just highlight how pathetic i am. there so many people who has it worse than me and they dont whine and complain
No. 1467482
>>1467462nonna, huge advice: not sure what you are studying, but for theory-based classes rewrite your notes. ideally start 1-2 weeks before and just reorganize and transfer all your notes by hand into a notebook, then read through them a couple times. this helped me sooooo much to do well on exams.
i don't have much to say about problem-solving courses, except redo your homeworks and problem sets. there's also tons of university-level content on youtube if something isn't clear in lecture. if all else fails, talk to an academic advisor.
studying with other people is kind of a waste of time imo. if it helps you get motivated, just go sit in a library or pull up those "study with me" videos on youtube.
No. 1467484

>>1467462If you haven't already, I really suggest consulting with a psychiatrist about your mental health. I was struggling a lot with university too and I still struggle a lot with procrastination and anxiety, but only after I started taking medication I became functional. I know it's not always helpful, but if it's possible for you I do highly suggest it because it made such a huge difference for me cognitively. If you managed to be accepted into university, I doubt you are too stupid for the exams, you are just in a bad mental space, nothing inherently wrong with you. Speaking of studying itself, I found that some of this guy's videos on exams were super helpful and the book he references is really great too, he speaks more about "long term" studying, but I find that spaced repetition is still helpful even when I was cramming for exams. And even if you don't feel close to your classmates, don't feel shy to ask them for help because the most important is for you to pass.
No. 1467516
>>1467238Men age soo badly.. like for women they might have bad habits but can clean up really nice, but for men geez they really lose it by late 20s. It's like not getting them in their prime while he was fucking around and now you get what's left while you are in your prime?
Even my ex said to me he wouldn't date me if we were ten years younger, or if he were my age. Like I am not gonna be your last chance at love and take on all the burdens of your trauma from the women before me. Half of this social circle wants to date me.
No. 1467521
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A scrote just shared this and it’s fucking creepy and manipulative. Men are disgusting
No. 1467617
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I've felt myself spiralling for several days and now I am here. Cannot visit family because of the job I'm tethered to. Can't severe from the job because it's my financial lifeline in this fucked economy. No ability to travel or even do activities outside my city is causing my brain to rot. It's never been a cause for a spiral before but I guess it's never too late to find new ones. People around me happily forget I'm mentally ill until it gets to this point and then I'm having to mop up everybody else's tears because they're 'not used to seeing me this way'. Just because I'm not in neet mode doesn't mean I'm any less prone to throwing myself down the stairs because stupid brain. My brain is my own worst enemy though my skin is coming in at a close second. Acne in my late twenties. Why? Who invited you? Maybe my toothpaste is causing it. Maybe not. Jesus I sound unhinged.
No. 1467627
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I want to vent about this because I didn't want to shit up the relevant thread with my sperging.
Picrel and its discussions reminded me how much I hate leftist moids.
I had to look up how Hasanabi reacted to it and no surprise that he's using the "muh privacy" argument and that not getting coom somehow is "fucked up" and it should be up to parents to regulate their kid's porn usage. Instead of, you know, teaching children that porn is harmful both to women and their sexual health. It's like they want to actively push porn to be more mainstream and accessible. I hate leftist moids so much. I hate how they're all blatantly pornsick mysogynists while pretending to champion for woman's rights. Fuck leftist moids, fuck trannies, and fuck pro sex worker libfems. I hate them all so much.
No. 1467683
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Men really are all the same. I've been seeing someone for some time and he kept responding less and less to my messages (and kept using excuses like how he forgot to "press send" and whatnot even though we texted each other multiple times during the day for the first month, no matter how busy we were) so I didn't bother to "check up on him" either because let's be honest, a moid will find a way to make time for you if he's really into you and I'm not gonna chase a moid. Anyway, we met up today and he asked why I was so distant and cold "all of a sudden" and why I didn't want to kiss and cuddle and accused me of acting hot and cold. We didn't have that much time to talk because we hung out with friends after but I can't wait to stick it to him next time I see him in person again. Glad I stuck to my guns and never slept with him even though I felt so comfortable around him in the beginning.