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No. 1459165
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>What are you watching/playing tonight? Will you be doing anything else?
I may listen to some music this evening on my headphones, but mostly to drown out noisy neighbours. Enjoying Altın Gün at the moment.
>What are you eating?
Got some veggie chilli for dinner and using new years as an excuse to eat a bunch of junk like popcorn, chocolate, sweets.
>How come you're alone/not celebrating? (if you want to share)
I don't see the point in celebrating new years, i don't like parties and enjoy being alone. The only thing that bothers me is all the noise people make (I'm a massive grump)
>Are you looking forward to 2023 or nah?
Nah. I am looking forward to the holiday season being over though and getting back to my usual routine, somewhat.
No. 1459183
>>1459166>but I know he just asked so I'd have to sleep at his placeabsolute classic
nonnie. thank god i have ear plugs too.
No. 1459191
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I want to eat tamales for the new year but a bitch ain't having any money… that bitch is me btw
No. 1459192
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Picture this: ghibli animated food but it's tamales and other mexican / latinoamerican dishes
No. 1459194
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I spent last NYE with a friend for the first time in a while and I loved it but we had a falling out this year and now I'm alone again. We're both working through it though and I'm not upset that I'm alone like I used to be. I'm tripping balls on acid rn so that might be why. I'm cuddling my dog and I know that everything is going to be okay in the end. I love you nonas I know things are going to go great for all of us
No. 1459198
>>1459196Have fun,
nonnie! Drop by the sims thread on /m/ if you enjoy it, I'm dying for non Sims 4 related posts
No. 1459199
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To my alone noonas . Love you and sending you a digital hug💖
No. 1459204
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i currently have covid so my plans to spend new years/nye with my boyfriend are null. hopefully i can call him or spend some time online with friends. im honestly disappointed because last year i attended a party for the first time
No. 1459209
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>>1459208It’s from Trader Joe’s, I wish they were closer to where I live but I happened to near one yesterday.
No. 1459210
>>1459209*happened to be near one
No. 1459240
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I guess I will just study some German grammar since I skipped so many classes last semester. That or I'll just sleep the sadness away.
No. 1459249
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What timezone are you in? I'm UTC +0/London time. Currently 3.30pm here
No. 1459278
>>1459155>What are you watching/playing tonight? Will you be doing anything else?I'll probably find some film and watch it in the bath
>What are you eating?Got a pizza to stick in the oven
>How come you're alone/not celebrating? (if you want to share)Autism. I've been around people so much for the past few weeks that my social battery is 0% and I'm looking forward to some quiet alone time
>Are you looking forward to 2023 or nah?It's just another year. Hopefully I'll get to travel and experience new things
>>1459249Britbong here!
No. 1459293
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I'm fine spending NYE alone, what bothers me is how others react to it. Having to hide that I have no plans because they'll give me a pitiful look. At the moment I'm not in the mood to hang out with anyone or stand around drinking pretending I'm so hyped for 2023. If my life is sorted out by the next NYE, I'll want to be around others and celebrate. But not this year.
No. 1459298
>>1459293100%. i always spend NYE alone and used to lie to people that i was doing something just so they wouldn't pity/ask questions. i just don't like parties and socialising, there is nothing sad or worrying about that.
earlier this month, a co-worker told me she was spending christmas alone with her cat. i asked her "do you enjoy christmas alone?" and she said she was pleased to get a non-pitying response. she felt completely neutral about christmas alone. alone doesn't always mean lonely.
No. 1459300
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I pulled down my blinds and blasting music. This year I won't be looking at the fireworks, I hate the sounds anyways and they just remind me that I'm spending (another) NYE alone. I'm not sad about it, it's kind of whatever at this point but I don't need it rubbed in tbh. I'm making dinner and after, I'm gonna play some games, maybe draw or do something creative on my puter. Oh, and I made a lemon pig since I found out it's a thing from another nonny. Hope my next year is a bit better than the last, and I wish you all the same.
No. 1459306
>>1459300That's a nice lemon pig you got there,
No. 1459308
>>1459298I can't imagine any respectable adult enjoying being obviously pitied like "aww do you feel wonewy??" so people need to stop.
>>1459300I love her. Wish I had a lemon.
No. 1459309
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Fireworks seriously trigger me. Not just dealing with the sound myself but their actual existence. All that fucking noise just to see some lights in the sky that last 2 seconds, but cause hours of anxiety for animals, humans and particularly those with PTSD. Pointless and irritating.
Meanwhile, I adopted a cat 6 months ago and she is the first pet I've ever had that doesn't give a shit about fireworks or loud noises in general. But she is also missing an ear so maybe that helps, in this one scenario.
No. 1459321
>>1459278have a lovely 2023 britbongsister!
>find some film and watch it in the bath>pizzadamn, that sounds good. just gonna copy your new year plans
No. 1459325
>>1459314I just did and she sends kisses back 2 u nona
>>1459318exactly, i really hate that mindset of seconds of fun > health of animals and sanity of fellow humans. my old neighbour's pet rabbit had a heart attack and died from the stress of the fireworks a few years back and it still makes me so sad to think about.
and the "let people have fun" response makes me so annoyed - no YOU let people have fun (by not subjecting them to having to spend the evening in a state of anxiety or consoling a pet or loved one).
No. 1459348
I might spend it alone, but I could also meet a few people at a meetup event, I'll know a few of them decently well. It would be nice to go for 2 or so hours, then leave at 11 but I suppose I'll either go til 1 or not go at all. I broke it off with my FWB last night because new year new me, who I made plans with, and it'd be nice to kiss someone else. I hate clubs etc which is where they plan to go for midnight itself, before that a quiet bar.
Alternatively I could go to an overlook of the nearby city and watch the fireworks. Cons of that is it's very near said FWBs house and I might give in and go get eaten out, and I need to go through a forest which is pretty spooky at midnight.
Lastly I could just stay inside. It's my first year without a close friend or partner to spend it with so I'm a little lost. Last year I spent it with my bff in my home country just watching the odd fireworks and we were in some random suburb when midnight struck, it felt magic in its own way. It's not so bad to spend it alone, I wish I didn't get so keyed up about these milestone events. I've never been able to treat these days as normal days, like I MUST make a big deal of the solstices, halloween, easter, my birthday, new years etc.
No. 1459354
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I'm eating PIZZA and I will play SUPER MONKEY BALL it's gonna be good!!!!!
No. 1459355
>>1459348don't go through the forest alone at night on NYE (or any other night) pls
nonnie. especially not to fall back in with your FWB that you are trying to leave. be safe and have a nice evening whether it's with your friends or having a chill one alone.
No. 1459360
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Not technically alone since I'm spending it with my brother and our cat, but I still feel some kind of loneliness since I spent some previous NYE with friends and I had so much fun. There was a group of people I often celebrated events with but it got harder with Covid, and after shit happened I think I've become persona non grata. The events of the ongoing decade have turned me cynical and I'm not looking forward to the upcoming years, so I really don't feel like celebrating what's going to hit us.
But that's fine for now, at least the evening will be nice, my cat is cuddling against my leg while my brother is cooking pizza, we'll get drunk while playing video games and watch RLM videos.
No. 1459373
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nona from the vent thread who spoke about not wanting to be alone tonight - are you here? hope you're doing OK.
No. 1459402
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Lemon pig, done. Time for a night of shitposting and anime
No. 1459408
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Andrew wants to wish all nonna's a great new year dancing from his prison cell where he rightly belongs.
No. 1459414
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I will watch for the first time some iconic Soviet New Years films, as they celebrated that more than Christmas.
No. 1459417
>>1459402*lemon piggy
citrus piglet
little ball of zest
have a sweet new year and
may your 2023 be blessed*
No. 1459450
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It’s my birthday and I’ll be spending nye playing potion craft
No. 1459465
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>>1459450have a good one
nonnie No. 1459479
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>>1459475have a comfy firework-free walk!
i'm gonna go for a nature walk tomorrow if it's not raining. every time i go on one i realise it's the best treatment for depression (but it's hard motivating yourself to get out in the first place).
No. 1459490
>>1459480it's meant to be strong wind and rain tomorrow where I am but I am holding out for a sunny spell. I can handle a little rain.
I'm really lucky cos I am near a woodland and a coastline, within a 40 minute walk, or i can get the bus. it's really nice to have beautiful scenery nearby, so i gotta make the most of it.
how long does it take you to see nature?
No. 1459561
>>1459549sorry it's been a painful year nona. is there anything that could make 2023 a better one? finding new people, a goal, new hobbies? or is it just hard to think positive right now? hope your dog is coping with the fireworks. my cat is just giving me an evil stare as if the noise is
my fault.
No. 1459566
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I'll probably get violently high and scared and eat a salad or something.
I'm alone because all my friends are boring. I am not looking forward to 2023 because next semester is going to kick my ass
No. 1459599
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happy new year nonnas!
No. 1459603
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Happy new year nonnies!
No. 1459605
>>1459590happy new year
nonnie, sorry it sucked so bad
No. 1459610
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>>1459590happy new year nonichka ♥# i hope this one treats you much better than the past
No. 1459613
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grateful to have had the company of all you nonitas this evening. i really hope 2023 is better for everyone.
No. 1459631
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I'm eating a bunch of fast food, smoking weed, and I just opened a bottle of Golden Monkey.
I was invited to a few gatherings but I like waking up early on New Years Day and having a productive start to the year. A little part of me wishes I went out and FOMO but at the same time I'm probably having just as much fun by myself and I'm saving money. New Years is expensive.
No. 1459634
>>1459561Kek I've always been alone and making those few friends was very hard and I'm not going to do it again, I just don't have the energy to asskiss anymore. I'll guess I'll focus on myself. I'd like to improve my art and learn to code maybe.
My dog is doing fine now, she was a bit anxious earlier but the fireworks have stopped already. I hope your cat is fine too! Hopefully she/he can forgive you for making all that noise haha
No. 1459659
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happy new year uk nonnies
No. 1459666
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Happy new year scandi-anons! Someday I wish I could spend new years with a farmer friend.. until then I’m gonna take cute photos of myself all dressed up and pretend I’m at a party kek
No. 1459667
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Happy new year nonnies!
PST time zone here, and spending new years at work but get off before midnight. Gonna have some Trader Joes vodka cocktails for the countdown then call it a night. Looking forward to next year the last 3 months have been a shitshow
No. 1459677
>>1459674Same, I'm tryna get a girlfriend
It's been years kek
No. 1459698
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happy new year, nonnies! still early evening where i'm at, but a lot of you are already celebrating.
>What are you watching/playing tonight? Will you be doing anything else?
i decided to stay in for the entire day and i'm just playing morrowind/tes legends and a couple otome games in between meals. also watching a nostalgic nye comedy special from my home country.
>What are you eating?
i made crepes this morning and i'm also having a festive salad and baked chicken with cheesy potatoes. and obviously tangerines and lots of chocolate.
>How come you're alone/not celebrating?
i am a giga introvert and live in a country where nye isn't widely celebrated. couldn't go home this year because of politics, but it's not the first time i get to stay in by myself. i did some video chats with family last night and ordered gifts for them from an online store, so we're still connected.
>Are you looking forward to 2023 or nah?
kind of, but i don't think it will be much better than 2022. i have some milestones planned, but nothing grandiose will likely happen. i just hope it doesn't suck as much as this year, for all of us who got fucked over by corona/war/economy/general 2022 shenanigans.
No. 1459705
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Happy new year nonnies. I’m going to bed now goodnight kisses xxx
No. 1459791
>>1459768i just looked up FLCL and it looks good. hadn't heard of it before. what do you love about it?
your nye sounds cosy and you seem sweet anon. agreed your boyfriend can fuck off. enjoy your evening!
No. 1459805
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>>1459799No but now all I can picture is that Forrest Gump new years gif
No. 1459806
>>1459788Ayrt, thanks! I spontaneously started playing Mario Kart 64 right after I posted, and I'm having a blast. The awful rubber band AI is all the company I need.
>>1459791I really love the music, it's short and sweet at just 6 episodes, and it fits my sense of humor. At least, it still did the last time I watched it. Hope you enjoy your evening (or whatever time of day it is for you) too!
No. 1459808
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Watching The Poseidon Adventure 'cause of that one Gene Hackman anon, coincidentally that whole movie takes place on New Year's Eve. The dialogue makes me wanna die, it's so cheesy lol
No. 1459812
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im so crossed right now sorry i wish i wasn’t so lonely im trying so hard not to be lonely
maybe ill have a chai later and then a good breakfast tomorrow and walk around town scared and cold or maybe not i don’t really want to dig my car out of the snow
i wish life was all less — less extensive less painful but somebody has to do it right
i will make 2023 better for myself out of obligation if nothing else
anyway i hope everyone is doing good i really hope the future will be well for all of you
No. 1459830
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Wow, I did it. Babby's first new year's eve cry. I'll be okay in the morning.
No. 1459844
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happy new year frens. i know its technically 2023 now but why does it feel like march 1036th 2020
No. 1459880
>>1459818I’ve been planning my exit too. Scared of surviving again. I hope that the both of us find peace, whether it’s in the next loop or in the ether.
See you, space cowboy
No. 1459894
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Happy new year west coast nonnies. Wishing you all a fulfilling and safe 2023
No. 1460004
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Happy new year everyone. It's 4am so I'm late but I'm also high on shrooms trynna come down and sleep. I'm on lolcow so obviously it's not workin
No. 1460151
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year of the rabbit. make you have a soft and gentle year ahead nonettas
No. 1460249
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happy new year