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No. 1433502

Ask stupid answers, get stupid questions
Previous Thread- >>1416410

No. 1433514

there is a stray cat in my backyard, he's been there for 2-3 days, took him to the vet and he seems to have a heat stroke and has mild sinusitis. I sadly dont have more money to take him to a vet, i have been giving him water and tuna hoping he gets betters. Is there something else i could do? Also no, sadly cant keep him, my mom hates cats.

No. 1433518

> 1. QEORIS.

No. 1433564

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Should I make a TaoBao account? I used to have an account there aaaages ago but I lost it. I don't like that I have to give my phone number instead of email when signing up but I doubt I'm going to receive spam calls. Can you even use the site when you live outside of China and have non-chinese phone number?
I just really like some BJD clothes they have on taobao but it's not like I'm planning on buying much

No. 1433565

Threadpic is exactly how my mind felt like just before a seizure lmao

No. 1433601

How could I(and I'm sure most of you all) could instantly tell you that the artist for this video was eastern european ? seriously the artstyles they use are always district from western artists and east asian artists

No. 1433605

Burger anon here, what can I do about this? I decided I wanted to quit while on the job today but said I was sick instead because I wanted to talk about it with my SO. Reason for wanting to quit was because the higher ups were perpetuating a hostile work environment and singling me out at times. I wanted to report this but I have not even gotten home from claiming I felt bad and I find out I’ve been fired. Not sure if they’re claiming I abandoned my job or what. And I live in an at-will state. Can I still report them for creating a hostile work environment?

No. 1433607

Only thing that feels eastern european about her art is her fallout obsession

No. 1433635

I don't know much about the artist, I was talking about the art style at a glance

No. 1433653

Yeah I understood that, and said it doesn't seem very EE to me

No. 1433657

You should, if you're going to use the direct shipping. Last I heard, they are basically forcing users to use a sign up/use app

No. 1433660

I heard that people would always have to use proxies or other people to order from TaoBao 5+ years ago, wonder if it's a lot easier now…

No. 1433664

If I'm transferring universities, do I need to ask the first university's permission before sending my unofficial transcript to the second university? I plan to send the official one after I'm accepted, but I'm scared I could get in trouble for using the unofficial transcript without express permission.

No. 1433693

why is it that whenever i get the flu it's always before or during my period?

No. 1433755

Sorry for reposting this here, I’m retarded and did not see the new thread for some reason, and the site is not letting my delete my original post in the old thread. Am I naive for hanging out with guys and assuming that it’s platonic? I did this recently with an acquaintance/sort of friend and I was excited to chat with him one on one for once because he’s an interesting person. Turned out he thought it was a date and got a bit upset when he saw me with another guy (who I was actually seeing) a few days later. Now I’m worried that this is a mistake I’ve made before and will make again, because I never turn people down if they ask to get coffee or drinks or something. I just love meeting new people and I don’t want to lead anyone on.

No. 1433757

Then say that to the new friend before agreeing to plans so that they understand

No. 1433792

Yeah it looks kind of Eastern European, I know exactly what you mean.

No. 1433796

your body doesnt have as many defenses up for some reason so yeah you're more prone to getting sick

No. 1433837

what are some 'female-gazey' types of clothes a male character can wear? i can only think of thight sport uniforms

No. 1433839

Do people actually wear lolita everyday or enough to compensate for the price? It's cute and cringe, but who outside of 16yos with parents money wears it without being beaten by a hoard of comments stating you have nasolabial folds and your coord is cheap ita? I'm lost.

No. 1433855

I like to wear it when I'm hanging out with my friends (I only have a very close circle, so I know they're good) because they find it cute too and only when we are going to someplace quiet. I dont think I would wear lolita to do groceries, but only because I don't want to damage the clothes by wearing them too much; I already was shamed for everything to hell when I was young so people can laugh at my fashion sense for all I care, life is too short.

No. 1433870

Personally, no. It would take 5 years to for the price of the clothing to be compensated, but tbh that's not what it's about. Most lolita clothes are expensive for a reason, it's niche, in some cases they put more thought and effort into the clothing than fast fashion brands and it's a ridiculous amount of fabric. I definitely won't say every lolita piece i own have been worth it i.e neo-moitie but lolita is just an aesthetic that cannot be replicated very well on the cheap, unless you call taobao cheap, even that's pricey for somebody who only shops in fast fashion stores. Outside lolita my wardrobe has very little concern for fashion and is strictly functional.

No. 1433873

a turtleneck

No. 1433884

anything that shows the midriff

No. 1433896

For me it depends entirely on the piece. I have modest sized wardrobe and some pieces have definitely been more well loved than others. If you keep it for a long time, 300 dollars for a single dress really isn't so bad. And there are a lot of us who wear the fashion and don't bother with the online community, you know. I often even forget to take photos of my coords because I'm so used to wearing it by now (and I'm also a serial outfit repeater).

No. 1433937

I just have no idea how to bring that up naturally without sounding presumptuous and making it awkward if they didn’t mean it like that, particularly when it’s someone I hardly know.

No. 1433990

I try to mention my bf at some point when I meet a moid for the first time. Just something casual, e.x "I watched that movie with my boyfriend the other day", "I went to Disney World with my boyfriend over break". Hell, even lie about having a partner if you know you don't want the dude asking you out. You do sound a little naive tbh but I was the same way, it took a few times of thinking I made a friend and then getting dropped because he found out I don't want his dick to figure it out. Now I always assume that's a guy's motive when he wants to ~hang out~ kek

No. 1434011

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How’d I toss and turn all night w body aches / chills and then wake up feeling great after 5 hours sleep.
Do I have a super jacked immune system?

No. 1434032

how do i just get over the fear of asking for help? im always scared that there's nothing to be done + other person thinks im stupid as shit + im a subhuman adult for asking for it + i'll have just shamed myself for nothing + they'll think less of me after.
a large part of the trouble is definitely bc of my parents (i previously got suibaited for it) but then now what? is there a way to curb my fight or flight instinct?

No. 1434035

I larp as someone who doesn't have childhood trauma because I keep seeing people seemingly having no trouble when asking for help so I am just faking it till I make it. It has worked pretty well, I still hate asking for help and feel disgusting but never has anyone not been able to help me or have they ever made it seem like I was a burden.

No. 1434041

LARP like legit LARP? or like do you repeat affirmations to yourself before asking for help.
i mean i can make a backstory/alternate history for the trauma-less persona and stuff, i'm just wondering how you do it bc the stuff i heard so far wasn't very helpful

No. 1434045

You could try to keep in mind that the majority of people actively like helping out with stuff (within reason obviously). People enjoy feeling useful and competent, and so when they're able to help someone out with a task it leaves them feeling good afterwards since it gives them a self-esteem boost. This doesn't apply to everyone out there ofc but it definitely applies to me, and in my experience most people seem to become more friendly to me after I ask them for help with something so I'm pretty sure there's some truth to it.

No. 1434047

One thing I like to do is gas the other person up, ie “you’re so good at solving problems like this, how would you tackle x situation?” or “I feel like I am not handling this problem as well as you would, you have so much experience with x, any advice?” or something, rather than just saying “wtf do I do” you’re showing that you appreciate their specific input because of their knowledge or experience. You’re demonstrating your ability to recognize when you can get advice from a pro and taking advantage, as any smart confident person would do.

No. 1434053

Why am I here?

No. 1434064

I genuinely just play pretend as in go "no one here knows how fucked I am" and kinda take on a persona for that, no new backstories but it's basically acting and feeling like I am such a great actress when in reality I am just doing normal shit. Basically lying.

No. 1434206

Would you rather meet your ancestors or your great great grandchildren?
I personally would rather meet my ancestors. If the earth doesn't implode by then, my great great grandkids will most likely have lives documented through technology by some means (like social media). My ancestors didn't have that and their history is pretty misrepresented, I'd like to hear life through their own words

No. 1434219

Ancestors, particular because i am from a country that does not document stuff that kind of stuff.

No. 1434227

Ancestors of course

No. 1434272

I don't care about my ancestors, they're muslim retards who would have stoned me for wearing jeans and shaving my legs out of wedlock. But I dont' want to have kidd either so I legit don't know.

No. 1434274

ancestors and tell them to never come to argentina

No. 1434280

Ancestors, I don’t really care for the future and I don’t plan to have kids at all so great great grandkids are not something i’ll have so i’d be meeting air. Also I wanna ask my ancestors lots of questions about why they chose to immigrate etc.

No. 1434288

I don't care about either

No. 1434346

Ancestors, I won't have children and I've always been curious to know how my ancestors lived and survived through all the wars and shit like the black plague.

No. 1434357

Any ideas how I can make my room appear more warm/cozy? All my walls are white and I don't really want to paint them for reasons but it appears really cold because of it.

No. 1434377

colored fairy lights can change the tone of the room pretty well. i have a nice desk nightlight that projects a shimmery water kind of pattern and it's very soothing and atmospheric.

No. 1434388

Is it worth to install Genshin Impact? The game looks relaxing and easy, it could be nice to play a bit to wind down after work, also I have zero intention of involving myself in the retarded fandom or pay for the gacha.

No. 1434415

no, if you don't play the gacha you hit a brick wall eventually.

No. 1434416

2nding other nona's colored lights idea. hanging up a patterned blanket on a wall, or printing out photos/art to tape on the wall are also options. maybe you can buy some kids paint kits and put up your own doodles

No. 1434419

why not try nonograms/sudoku/minesweeper?

No. 1434442

yeah, the exploration and story are fun and you really don't need to minmax like people pretend you do. if you don't care about the gacha it's fine. just have fun exploring or whatever, it's pretty easy to avoid hard bosses and the like

objectively untrue. people have 'beaten the game' so to speak with the four characters you're given at the start of the game, even excluding the other characters the game gives for free (barbara, noelle, xiangling, whatever the new one is). if you only want to have fun and explore you don't even need to think about the gacha

No. 1434473

how do i stop farting

No. 1434476

might have to stop eating dairy anon

No. 1434489

And potatoes too.

No. 1434524

find out what causes your gas. For me it was oats and eggs.

No. 1434650

What are some tell-tale signs that you and a good friend are growing apart?

No. 1434669

You barely hang out and when you do you guys barely have shit to talk about. Convo doesn't feel easy anymore. Maybe you snap at each other more easily

No. 1434674

Am I too sensitive if I want to leave a job because owner rolled eyes at me and another used a curse word when semi-reprimanding me?

No. 1434752

#1 when you don't have common topics to talk about anymore.

No. 1434808

Did the interface in Spotify (free) for playlists change for anyone else too? I can no longer preview songs or see the contents of playlists or albums, so fucking annoying.

No. 1434884

So I downloaded bumble and within a 20 minute period I got 200+ likes and some superlikes as well. Does this mean I'm hot, or is it just moids swiping on everyone to see what sticks? What is a normal # of likes to receive on a dating app?

No. 1434934

They always boost you hard at the start and suggest you to active attractive users, then you're assigned an attractiveness score and you'll be suggested less and less if you don't match with enough people. So they're trying to reel you in right now. But that's still a good number, strike while the iron is hot! Variety is not as big as it seems

No. 1434950

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Poll: how often do you think it’s reasonable to eat a treat? Not like a single nibble of chocolate, but like one cookie or brownie, etc etc. Not asking how often you eat a treat, but how often do you think it’s healthy to indulge in a treat?
Also give your country of origin if you’re able to.

No. 1434961

I believe in breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, so I think once a day is fine. I guess it depends on what you consider to be a treat though. I consider anything that's sweet at all to be a treat so sometimes my "dessert" is like, milk with coffee creamer and not like a cookie kek.
Imo it's not unhealthy if it's once a day, unless what you're eating had a ridiculous amount of sugar and calories. I'm from America.

No. 1434965

Where I am it's common to have a small/plain cookie with every coffee break so three times a day, but big/fatty things like brownies or that thing in your pic would be reserved for the weekends. West Euro.

No. 1434966

The idea of an attractiveness score is terrifying to me, I would rather die than find out what mine is. I'm now at 700 likes however so I guess I should start swiping…

No. 1434988

nta but isn't the score an algorithm thing that doesn't get revealed to you?

No. 1435002

Yes it is which is why I'm glad I'll never see it lmao

No. 1435006

I think one treat a day is fine as long as it's small and the rest of your diet is well balanced. I have a sweet tooth though, typical for a burger.

No. 1435050

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any place to download old fashion magazines?

No. 1435118

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Why we don't see nearly the same level of outrage and criticism towards AIs like ChatGPT as compared to these who create visuals? This one can write text just as good as many articles published nowadays and could pose a threat to some professionals just as much as visual AIs do. Do people don't care about writing?

No. 1435124

fight your own battles writterfag

No. 1435126

Cool answer, I haven't written anything other than posts on LC for years. I'm genuinely curious why is that

No. 1435128

i was joking, but its probably because the novel/writting world is full of nepotism anyways.

No. 1435135

Yeah, with stuff like published literature for sure; but I'd imagine this could be used in more "down to earth" writing like copywriting, online journalism, blogging for the sake of visibility in search engines etc, basically the stuff "regular people" are paid for. I guess a pretty picture is something that is easier to instantly have an opinion and online fight on than on something one actually has to spend time on reading?

No. 1435137

Why does tumblr seem like it's 100% trannies now? Is it because the last people on there are primarily gen z and it's a trend to be trans amongst them? I follow someone who got crucified as a terf as if she was a demon because she reblogged a post that was simply speaking up about issues that women face. She ended up not even being one which is even more hilarious.

I still don't get why being a terf is labelled as if you're hitler. It's pretty much just common sense feminism.

No. 1435143

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samefag but I NEED HELP MAKING A DECISION. I'm scheduled to work a shift tomorrow. I was fired over text so was not walked out which would be a pretty obvious tell they don't want me coming back. I'm not sure how any of this works because I'd never been fired, can I go in tomorrow?

No. 1435144

fuck them, ur prob not on the payroll anymore and if ur manager/boss is in they’ll be cunty.

No. 1435145

>I was fired over text
Don't go to work tomorrow, if they call tell them that [Insert Person That Fired You] sent you a text that you were fired and that if they really needed you the they shouldn't have fired you.

No. 1435148

I feel like it went like
>queer theory starts picking up steam with internet people
>nerdy fandom women and girls love shipping male characters
>they start to advocate for gays
>now it's all about gay acceptance
>gay acceptance is now everywhere
>then comes the first wave of tumblr trannies
>that one post about a lesbian who transitioned who was elected prom king at her prom, Leelah Alcorn committing suicide, etc.
>nerdy fandom women start rallying for tranny rights bc they just want to use the bathroom guys!
>the sjw trend spreads
It's basically tranny ground zero.

No. 1435164

Is it true that dachshunds smell like corn chips and stink? I've met one once but I don't remember it smelling like anything.

No. 1435166

I don't really care if they're bitchy to me, wouldn't be a new thing and I'm in a petty mood, they're using job abandonment as a reason for firing me and when I asked if I'd been offboarded already then (so i can get on with onboarding with different folks, garanteed they'll get me, and they know it) I got left on read. Per my employee handbook (not sure if same as contract but then again I'm in at-will state so probably not), it's not considered job abandonment until a second similar incident (no-call no-show, early departure, etc) so them not answering my inquiry seems like they're counting on me taking their word for it and not showing up tomorrow so they can mark me down as a no-show no-call? If I can't get off-boarded until next week then I would like to work the rest of this scheduled week and then transfer, or maybe quit myself like I originally wanted depending on how I feel tomorrow. Though I was probably already fired since at-will state and all and they don't really need to "get me" for not showing up tomorrow. That is unless it'll impact my on-boarding with others, these people disliked me alot. They have not sent me a termination letter either that I know of and I was also asked to fix a punch so that may mean I'm still on payroll?

No. 1435169

Dogs feet smell like corn chips in general. My neighbor had a weiner dog and she didn't smell any worse than other dog.

No. 1435172

It's really hard to give you advice without knowing the corporate structure of the place you were fired from. Is there an HR office? That's where you would call and file a complaint about a hostile environment (which is like calling the cops ion the cops but it's all you got and less you literally want to sue them for wrongful termination). You're also free to call your boss and ask why exactly you were fired. At-will state means they can fire you for any reason (or no reason!) via text or carrier pigeon or whatever – you're fired.
Maybe you should file for unemployment. It's legal for them to fire you for any reason, but as long as it's not your fault then you can still get unemployment. Sounds like this came out of left field for you and you need to regroup.

No. 1435177

>seems like they're counting on me taking their word for it and not showing up tomorrow so they can mark me down as a no-show no-call?
they totally might be doing that because it's the cleanest way to fire someone but since you have a record of the text they sent you it won't hold up under scrutiny (such as an unemployment claim or lawsuit)

No. 1435181

Can the period be triggered by meeting friends or going outside or on a travel like some sort of wizardry?

It doesn't makes sense for me and I can never tell when I get my period until I actually feel the blood leaking all of a sudden.

Usually it starts when I am in a car to go away with friends or when I am somewhere else lol. AT least now I know that cheap trick, so when I go to the medieval ruin with the christmas market next week I will take a giant pad and maybe already get some plastic ready to avoid sullying the car of my friend.

My periods are random as hell (right now they start between the 1. day and the 15. day of a month) so there is no way to predict it a day earlier unless I know that I have plans because then it always happens like clockwork.

No. 1435196

If I was your boss or HR manager I would be happy if you came in and resigned on paper. Would make my life easier. Sounds kinda like you would prefer that. You probably can't talk yourself into working out your notice period though, so it will still be "quit without notice" and in my old company that was that same as job abandonment on paper (lol I hate corporate HR shit).
I don't know what kind of work you do but being on payroll somewhere does not affect your onboarding at another job (unless you work for the government or something but I assume you don't). Depending on how lazy your bosses are they could wait until the payroll processing deadline to "terminate" you in their systems, or you could be already be terminated because it's usually just a few button clicks away in Ultipro or whatever they use.

No. 1435198

>You probably can't talk yourself
Sorry, I meant you probably can't talk them into letting you work it

No. 1435223

>Is there an HR office
I'm not sure I'm never really there, only 30 minutes in the mornings and then we leave. It's a big place, and the people I work for are one of many third-parties in there that work for one big company (hope makes sense). I was going to report them for creating a hostile work environment but as long as people aren't bullying you for being gay, minority, over 40, religion, etc or you're not being sexually harrassed then it's free for all. Same for wrongful termination, it's only if you reported something related to the above and they retaliated by firing or something like that.
What if I don't care about collecting unemployment though or have anything to really sue them for (see above)? :I I liked my job and most of my coworkers and just wanna get back to it and don't want "job abandonment" when that isn't true to affect my switching
Yeah I think I'm going to go in to ask if i'm officially terminated and if not resign then. I just don't want it to seem like I was fired

No. 1435260

>don't care about collecting unemployment or have anything to really sue them for
>I liked my job and most of my coworkers and just wanna get back to it and don't want "job abandonment" when that isn't true to affect my switching
If you go in and discuss it they could be amenable to your reasoning and let you work out the next two weeks. Worth a shot if that's what you want.
Be prepared for them to not even hear you out.

Can I ask why it's so important that you not be fired on paper? What does "affect my switching" mean?

No. 1435309

I don't know if it matters or not tbh. Third-parties do talk amongst eachother though and they might be able to see why i was fired or be told and decide I'm not eligible to be hired because of it. But it's just speculation on my part, I think being fired is the worst thing ever. In reality I've heard you could spit in their face and as long you can do the physical job they will still hire you. Might be worrying over nothing

No. 1435321

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On a scale of 1 to 10 how weird am I for gulping down green tea? Apparently the Normies™️ sip on it and drink it slowly, and I am the Barbarian for drinking it like I would drink a glass of water.

What is the consensus? AITA?

No. 1435324

kek i drink it like that too if it's not too hot, same for coffee which I drink more rarely. Now that I think about it I drink everything like a maniac and never pace myself to "savor" it.

No. 1435347

I'm the same way. I like my drinks to be boiling hot and i just scarf it down. As soon as it gets a little cold, I end up not drinking it.

No. 1435355

Rugs on carpet, yes or no?

No. 1435360

Interesting, thank you.

No. 1435517

anyone else come across those weird accounts on tumblr that are like-
>Name of woman, random letters/number
>Picture of a woman
And they are tagged with tags they have nothing to do with? Like I look for Sims 4 cc and I always come across one. What the fuck are they? If it's some onlyfans/sex work shit, I'm going to report it because one was tagged with tags for a show for kids.

No. 1435520

It is called a bot

No. 1435522

a bot for what?

No. 1435599

How do TMZ, DailyMail, etc. get updates about minor celebrities who were famous for being on a sitcom like 25 years ago but nobody cares about them anymore? Like how do they get updates when they end up in the hospital or get charged for DUI?

No. 1435607


No. 1435631

Payola and paps. Some celeb publicists pay for their clients features, including their scandals if it'll give them attention

TMZ are known for their quickness in announcing celeb deaths, most infamously when they knew Kobe and his daughter died before his own wife did

No. 1435639

Alright anons how often do you shit?

No. 1435645

Once a day, in the morning usually

No. 1435656

Enough for the laxatives to vacate my bowels

No. 1435676

It's a bad sign that my laptop battery died in under a year right? What could be the cause of this?

No. 1435683

Do you use it plugged in a lot?

No. 1435687

Oh shit now that I think about it, yeah mostly. At 82% and battery saver on, it only lasts for 2 hours.

No. 1435696

That normally kills batteries, though some newer laptops can prevent it. If your model allows it, you should take out the battery if you intend to use it mostly plugged in, that way it won't deteriorate.

No. 1435796

The three of you deserve to be culled

I take one (1) shit per week. I am not normal though, I get constipated really easily.

No. 1435802

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For you.

No. 1435805

Once a day. In the morning, after my cup of coffee. Like clockwork

No. 1435822

Three times a day, huge massive record breaking logs, yet I'm apparently often constipated without knowing, early on in my tract. I get more than twice the minimum amount of fiber a day.

No. 1435827

What does queer even mean? There is a word for everything, gay/lesbian, trans, asexual, "non-binary" and all that shit so what does queer mean, since it's obviously not one of them or all of them together or I dunno what.

No. 1435833

No. 1435834

at this point it's literally just another "not a normie" label but alphabet soup adjacent. can refer to actual gay people but can just as well refer to straight people who wear mismatched socks.

No. 1435856

I feel like growing up queer was definitely used as an insult for anyone who 'seemed' gay in the 90s and 2000s. Now it just means spicy straight.

No. 1435881

An insult, a label for spicy straights or referring to non-assimilationist LGB people, especially activists back in the day. Not necessarily synonymous with LGB.

No. 1436017

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I hope crafty nonnies can help me with this! I recently bought a Sankyo music box from a thrift store and tried cleaning the dirt off of it with rubbing alcohol. The alcohol started stripping off the gold paint and tarnished the metal underneath. Some of the gold painted pieces outside seems to be sealed with someone as the alcohol didnt affect it at all. Any nonnies know of cheap ways to seal off metals that wont tarnish it?
Picrel closest to what my music box looks like

No. 1436205

My boyfriend pointed out I can't fully straighten my arms, like at the elbows. Is something up with my arms? Is this an indication of something? I guess this can explain why doing different exercises involving my arms are difficult.

No. 1436258

I mean, I'm not a doctor, but that sounds a bit unusual. I guess I wouldn't know for sure without seeing it, but it sounds like you may have some kind of joint issues. It's nothing to be self conscious about but if it's a health thing, it may cause some issues down the road. It might be worth getting it looked at?

No. 1436317

I bathed a fly in raid then washed it down a drain. Will it fly out?

No. 1436320

Is hand sanitizer + dishwasher + hydrogen peroxide as good as alcohol to disinfect?

No. 1436326

Why do people here hate kpop?

No. 1436331

Bumping for this.

No. 1436343

Is there a way to like “bypass” the pimple spergfest retinol causes when initially starting it? I bought a tube many months ago but I’ve been putting it off because I’m scared of it ruining what I’ve managed to fix on my own and give me pizzaface again. I don’t care that it’s temporary

No. 1436379

a legit good wash with soap and water is better than alcohol for disinfecting surfaces. Idk what you’re washing but it sounds fine.

No. 1436383


No. 1436388

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what would be the appropriate thread to post this ?

No. 1436391

nta but you need to use alcohol. hand sanitizer should work okay if it's ethyl based, should say on the package. i'd worry if it was the thicker kind though.

No. 1436394

Perhaps here

Very cute btw.

No. 1436396


No. 1436407

Yes ethyl. And it was not watery but not super thick either, idk. I have alcohol but someone must’ve grabbed it and placed it who knows where, I tired of searching and too lazy to go buy some and didn’t want to skip my dermarolling routine

No. 1436427

you should be fine. staph is scary but if the roller is good quality it's a low chance to begin with. the real issue is cheapo rollers that have microscopic cracks in the needles for bacteria to get into. just soak and scrub it really well!

No. 1436428

low chance in general i mean, zero chances when cleaned properly.

No. 1436518

when people say they shower daily but only wash their hair a couple times a week, do they still let their hair get wet? or do they try keep it dry on the days they aren't washing it?

No. 1436524

I keep it dry. Soaking my hair but not using products generally makes it look oily and feel weird? Might be hard water.

No. 1436525

I keep it in a bun. I usually wash my hair separately

No. 1436528


No. 1436532

It’s a titanium needled roller so I hope it’s good!

No. 1436545

Does anyone else get mindboggled when you're with people in a car or something and a song is playing and everyone knows all the words but the song came out like a week ago. Or even rap songs from a few years back. Like how do you know every single word to every song that plays? My brain can't do that….. Like I have the beat memorized and that's it. So then I'm just there half-singing the song and it's like very obvious I don't know the words despite saying it was my favorite song.

No. 1436556

I think it must have something to do with the fact that most normies listen to 10 songs a year.

No. 1436740

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I want to start selling some traditional artwork online. I'm scared to give strangers my address when I write it on the envelope though. What should I do? I looked into getting a PO Box but it seems expensive and I don't know if I will make my money back.

No. 1436744

File: 1670464116659.jpeg (20.18 KB, 259x187, C54D67A4-909B-4210-9C97-194D8B…)

How do you switch from a fast food diet to healthy eating? I love food but not the healthy kind. I'm skinnyfat and realizing I should get healthier before that becomes wholly fat with medical issues. But I don't know how to pivot to healthy meals, and I'll be sad without one of the few things that bring me joy in this shit life.

No. 1436753

What are your favorite things to eat?

No. 1436758

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This might not be what you wanna hear but I'm someone who was born obese and stayed obese due to my family till college - I am now 21 bmi and I've lost 8 pounds the past 2 months without really trying - I found compromises. Recipes that were very easy and tasty. Etc. I have never calorie counted, I keep snacks/junk food out of the house but still pig out once in a while, and I focus on super high satiety foods. I also started weight lifting. Also, maybe do mild intermittent fasting. It helps me a bit. Even if you don't believe in it, ghrelin - a hormone that makes you feel hungry around certain times I believe - spike up whenever your body is accustomed to eating so not eating constantly helps curve it.

No. 1436760

File: 1670464862773.jpg (64.12 KB, 678x900, Ff_yOPOWAAEzzZa.jpg)

Find more things that bring you comfort and enjoyment other than fast food. This will help you maintain a healthier diet if you're not only getting pleasure from that one aspect of life.

No. 1436761

Chicken, soup, potatoes, mac and cheese, chocolate, baked goods, candy. Buffalo wings or steak are also favorites on the occasion when they're an option. I don't eat much until dinner and try to throw in salads lol but it's rare. I at least need more greens and less candy, plus smaller portions and exercise. Chocolate unironically helps my depression but I eat too much too often. I'm not proud of my diet but have been skirting by so far, but I expect eventually my body will pay the price if I don't change

No. 1436764

I believe what you said about the hormone because I've certainly conditioned myself to always crave food. It's gotten worse and concerns me greatly, so thanks for the feedback. Congrats on doing better with your diet, it couldn't have been easy or so it seems to me.
Fuck it's hard because food (not just fast food which I used as a coverall term) is so easy to seek out when I'm itching for it. Other things don't satisfy me the way that a snack or meal does. I used to be a really skinny kid so I formed bad habits and later it's become an addiction or something like this. Thanks anon

No. 1436792

What do I do now that I've peaked? I still like a couple of my friends but I want nothing to do with the rest of the genderspecials and especially not the 40 year old troon who identifies as a smug anime girl. How do I retain the few people I still care about while freeing myself from the rest? Or is it a lost cause, do I just need to start over?

No. 1436798

Yeah, keep in mind it's a gradual process. It isn't supposed to be 100 to 0. You can just make little victories day by day and subtly change what's normal for you and the beauty of it is that you don't have to constantly fight your body. Just making it 100x more annoying to get what you want can be a start. I can relate to the "addiction" feeling. Actually…6 months ago I felt that way. My nerves gnawed on me to eat constantly. Now? I feel so much better and also now have a bit more understanding for why it's easy to stay chubby. Our minds really do work against us sometime.

No. 1436799

just get them really drunk and get into a conversation about it. that's how i found out my friend peaked. our "friend" who's an agp started identifying as a nonbinary loli and it turns out everyone hates him and were only dealing with him because of his wife.

No. 1436801

sorry for the ot, but holy shit, how do other people react to the 40 yo?

No. 1436814

oh my gosh I know it's just a drawing but I feel incredibly sad and alarmed for those ducks. I hate this feeling of helplessness, hope they get better soon

No. 1436815

Anon I'm starting to think we're unicorns because apparently me shitting 3-4x a day is weird. If I eat I know I'm going to shit within the next 1-3 hours. If it's my period then probably more with diarrhea.

No. 1436826

just ignore the trannies, if I'm hanging out w my friends and one of the troons is there I literally pretend he does not exist. If your friends start wanting to show you pictures of their favorite trannies so you can all compliment them (mine do this and it's fucking weird) change the subject kek. I am still friends with a couple of ftms and enbys since they're just NLOG women, but there is no place for AGP troonacy in my life anymore

No. 1436840

You're adorable nonny

No. 1436841

What are these constant raids that people keep talking about? I've been here for about three months, intermittently, and haven't witnessed one.

Not doubting the existence, just wondering what exactly is being done during them.

No. 1436846

usually a spam of cp, porn, gore, scat or wojacks across multiple threads on one board, normally about 5 posts total. Sometimes they'll make a new thread, or post in an existing one. Nonnies are really good at bumping safe threads to get the offensive stuff off the 1st catalog page, and jannies usually delete fairly quickly. If you avoid going to the lolcow.farm homepage that shows most recent posts and just keep /ot/ or whatever bookmarked you're less likely to see it too.

No. 1436849

They post grotesque videos, images, gifs of: dead beaten women, cp, nikocados asshole, beaten animals, women getting raped, race baiting by posting black women/white men porn or the opposite. Usually make a whole new thread or a few on /ot/ or /m/ if they aren't posting the content in every thread. I'm not around much but I think /m/ and /snow/ was getting more of it than /ot/ except for a while where one pedo kept posting CP. I guess they believe this place should be ruined for being a rare image board for women. They want the disgusting shock value as if posting illegal content is really an "own" to the userbase who never posts that. It just shows the XY is defective and retarded.

No. 1436865

They primarily post baiting comments on the the mtf thread but I have seen those retarded why don't you thots look like this threads and the thug hunters and another one posted yester of a video of a woman being beaten up, thankfully the video preview showed nothing graphic. You probably have seen it in the form of posts and didn't think much of it. I feel like farmhands do somewhat of a decent job getting on top of the most vile ones since I have never seen gore or cp.

No. 1436933

File: 1670477205296.jpeg (33.16 KB, 640x427, 1DF8CD5B-AA79-4949-9C9B-453FCB…)

Why the fuck is light black (gray), light red (pink), and dark orange (brown) considered whole separate colors but other colors (light blue, light green, dark purple) and so on, not new colors.

No. 1436942

light blue is periwinkle, light green is lime

No. 1436944

Gray is important for values, so you can differentiate different shades. Pink is crazy to me, I feel like no other color has such a difference from its original color and its lighter color (forgot what the technical term is). It’s also cultural stuff I guess. Brown comes in different colors like sienna or umber, which you get by mixing other colors, so it’s considered separate as well. Brown is more complex than just dark orange. That’s my half baked failed artist answer kek.

No. 1436947

if you have to believe scrotes, pink is financial red and not pink, so I will continue to call it pink to piss them off

No. 1436952

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I would. For example, my carpet is boring and discrete. It’s rough and not plush at all. So putting a rug on top doesn’t feel so strange. My friend’s house has a carpet that’s a bit darker in shade to mine, and is softer and fluffier. It feels more plush to the feet and has more airspace between the fibers, whereas mine is very compact and tight. So a rug here would feel a bit strange. She’s made that work before though, just that the kind of rug she uses kinda contrasts the carpet. She’ll use a flat and tightly woven carpet, while I would use a shaggier carpet. It depends.

No. 1436954

File: 1670478834122.jpeg (71.19 KB, 720x720, 79889FE2-D77A-4289-800B-67093F…)

Is it possible to cut a wig like this? As in, is it realistic that if I buy a wig I myself could cut it into this style. Or would I fuck it up. Im unfamiliar with wigs, only having had one and it was a 20$ cosplay wig (it’s not awful though, it’s decent enough). The fabric at the nape of the neck was pretty long, and had hooks where where you could adjust it to the size of your head and stuff. This kind of hairstyle is pretty close to the nape of the neck, and that’s just something I’m worried about. I’m sure nicer wigs don’t have so much bulk at the nape though. I mean, this style here was used as a wig, same thing in the movie le mepris, but that’s film. I don’t know if in real life that would odd.

No. 1436979

Look up a bunch of how to slay a cheap wig tutorials on youtube before you do anything. Anything is possible with wigs fyi, but the most important thing to do here is to make sure it doesn't look like a plastic helmet. Make sure that you get a wig that can take heat very well and get some hair spray.

No. 1436983

Why do straight women continually get into relationships where they get abused and discarded by scrotes? It's basically a mental illness

No. 1436985

Such boring bait.

No. 1436989

pretty sure its the same anon posting bait like this about straight women in multiple threads. sad.

No. 1436994

What are some crazy disrespectful insults/things to say to someone? Like say someone is showing lots of attitude despite it being their own problem or smearing your name. Pettiness is the game I wanna play because at this point I'm tired of being the bigger person and a pushover.

No. 1436997

once every two days usually

No. 1437000

use a small amount and concentration on top of a moisturizer to start

No. 1437005

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Do you think it looks like shayna

No. 1437008

throw on some pigtails

No. 1437027

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No. 1437028

It's uncanny

No. 1437051

Is there a way to make spotify 'forget' what podcasts you've listened to? I'm sick of having podcasts on my homepage I'll never listen to again

No. 1437127

File: 1670494398133.png (31.89 KB, 1129x614, 5dd3c9f57cb957707942ac32_Turqu…)

It's partly cultural, you notice the colors you are used to hearing the name of. I've noticed about half of people here consider turquoise a shade of blue, and the other half a shade of green no matter which side side the shade is closer to. It's very confusing when someone asks you to bring the green bag and all you see is a blue one.

I'm guessing it's also partly physical since light has different properties depending on what color it is. Colorblind people can for example see green and red as the same shade. They only lack one of our usual 3 color rods, while we also know there are animals with more rods than us. So perhaps what we see as "just dark and light blue" instead of different colors the way we see "yellow and brown" could be because those blues are really a mix of 2 colors we just can't perceive.

No. 1437128

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No. 1437145

So hair thickening and hair growth inducing shampoos and conditioners are bullshit, right?

No. 1437163

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Is it possible to overcome aphantasia?

No. 1437172

File: 1670499299457.gif (3.37 MB, 300x100, 121.gif)

Nonnas who is this

No. 1437177

I think that’s Nika from the Nika and Jaelle threads on /snow/, they were two instagram spam community cows

No. 1437234

What does being a victorianfag mean? The one thing that comes to mind is the victoriananons that posts with fancy fonts or writes old timey like thou shalt not, thy etc…

No. 1437248

that’s a character from twin peaks called the giant

No. 1437251

samefagging but hoping someone can answer my dumb question

No. 1437272

How do I use the before feature on youtube ?

No. 1437409

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Hello! I want to hack/homebrew my 3ds really soon but do I need the original cadrige if I want to terraform New Leaf? Like should I still keep a physical game or two for some reason

No. 1437412

That's exactly what it is. Someone who is obsessed with Victorian time and fashions.

No. 1437424

File: 1670516352730.jpeg (666.96 KB, 1284x2535, 68BB1BE0-B911-41CA-ABA8-298824…)

I’m 5’6 at 150. Do you think an xxl coat would be two big if I want wiggle room to layer and move my arms or should I go with a large?

Here is the coat

No. 1437447

Why does the smug anime girl thing piss me off so much?

No. 1437449

File: 1670517469623.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1400x1600, 7B64DB50-FC6D-4072-B11E-E7DA50…)

How can you tell if a guy is going to age well? Look at his father?
The idea of being over 30 and then dating someone in that age group terrifies me, imagine you’re with some bald guy with a hairy pudgy tummy and limp dick.

No. 1437459

nonnies why do moids have shit handwriting? ive never met a guy that wasn't a 70 year old that had good handwriting. is it a part of the fact that girls do better in school than moids now and they're just lazy?

No. 1437471

look into that size chart babes, also fully depends on what you wanna wear under it because I usually wear coats similar to this if I'm not gonna be inside anywhere for a long time so I won't sweat my ass off but you still need a bit of room for layering insulation to work and keep you warm but not too much so you won't get chilly

No. 1437481

My nigel is a lil over 30 and I am almost 30, but he has a little pudge and is the baldest yet hairiest man I have ever seen. I love him so much lol. His dick is def not limp, but a teeny bit on the small side (would never call it that to him) but it works SO WELL for me it is just perfect size and shape. He is my best friend. I know men get tons of hate and generalizations here and for good reason but there really are genuinely good male humans out there and I cannot wait to get old and saggy with mine. Everything about him becomes attractive. Lil peach fuzz head, warm fuzzy chest, bushy soft beard, exactly the right body texture that laying on him is like a perfect warm cloud kek. Its gonna be okay nonna looks dont last but do look for a man that cares about health to a decent degree and if you fall for him he will always be attractive to you. Apologies for unsolicited blog and advice.

No. 1437486

This is why I’m going to be single forever because that sounded sick

No. 1437490

If my bf of 8 years went bald or grew a beard I'd break up with him but glad you are happy

No. 1437491

sex differences in motor skills - gross and fine, and socialization think both play into this
example boys are naturally a bit better in motor skills requiring bigger movements, like sports, and they're also more encouraged by family to do those activities
on the other hand girls are a bit better in fine motor skills, smaller movement, like handwriting in this case and they'll be encouraged to do that by family
obviously both can be good at either otherwise we wouldn't have male surgeons or female star atheletes, but an average kid is mostly just going to do things that they're thought and rewarded for
fun fact: in elementary i shared the neatest handwriting title with a boy, but his was obviously forced and mathematical, mine was not only neat but also had flow and rhythm, so we all know who the real winner is

No. 1437492

Did the venting about troonery thread get removed?

No. 1437498

Posts that make you happy to be a lesbian.

No. 1437499

Kek I am sorry. Good luck to you and your future.
I am sure if you went bald or bearded he would leave you too then, kek. I do hope you are happy in your relationship and if not I hope you find a lot of happiness in the future.

No. 1437525

why are people censoring themselves on youtube? i just had a video play in the back while preparing dinner and this woman said "unalive" without even hesitating, even though the text she read from said "suicide". i know that's tiktok speech, but wtf?

No. 1437532

It's due to issues of demonetization on their videos. I think YouTube and Tiktok both have automatic programs that detect "controversial" words related to death and drugs, etc.

No. 1437533

They want to monetise someone's suicide and dodge auto moderation

No. 1437543

Because it's meant to

No. 1437648

I have quite long hair (between hip and waist length) and cutting it shorter, even chest length would feel like cutting off an arm to me. The only time I do cut it is cutting off half a cm on special occasions like the new year or my birthday (midsummer). I know this hair attachment isn't uncommon, but what causes it?

No. 1437650

i thought it was that one anon who wrote this long fantasy about fucking a teacher or something in a really flowery way that sounded like she was from the victorian era. i think she was posted in one of the caps threads or copypasta

No. 1437653

yes, they generally range from snake oil to only mildly effective at best unless they contain specific ingredients:

- dht blockers such as finasteride can treat testosterone related balding in women e.g. PCOS hair loss
- nizoral / ketoconazole is also a dht blocker used to treat testosterone related balding. the difference between this and finasteride is that nizoral is effective for treating shedding, widening part, and temple thinning, whereas finasteride is stronger and can reverse a receding hairline and sometimes bald spots
Again, dht blockers don't work unless your issue is hormonal, because they work by reducing testosterone, stopping its metabolism and conversion to dihidrotestosterone (dht), and/or blocking androgen receptors.
- rogaine / minoxidil helps thicken hair and restore hairlines, but once you start using it you have to keep using it forever because stopping makes all regrowth fall out
- biotin, reishi mushroom, and saw palmetto all have benefits to hair, but the jury is out on whether they actually help when topically applied or if they're more effective in pill/tea/pure oil form
- cocont oil is a good ingredient for moisture, and regularly moisturizing your hair will help prevent breakage, which contributes to growth
- monat is bullshit, avoid it

there's a lot more but those are the important ones I can think of right now. i am a shampoo scientist

No. 1437654

wtf is a janny I am retarded and cannot seem to gather a definition from context would anyone be so kind as to give me the etymology

No. 1437662

This is just my theory but I feel like women are so attached to the length of their hair because so much of our attractiveness/value as a woman is tied to our hair. The longer hair you have, the more "feminine" you are and it becomes like a security blanket. You see it with the women in hair salons who cry in the chair when they get so much as a trim, the moms who refuse to let their daughters have short hair, and so on. Cut your hair, anon. It'll grow back. I went from thigh length to shoulder length and I don't miss it one bit. My hair is so much easier to maintain now.

No. 1437664

Short for janitor. Board mods.

No. 1437665

Is it even possible to hack vending machines for free food nowadays

No. 1437666

you are a saint

No. 1437687

Thanks nonna, I won't cut it (I actually love taking care of my hair and doing hairstyles a lot) but your theory makes sense. It does feel like something your can hide behind (and ofc women with short hair are instantly said to be lesbians, here anyway). Maybe it also has to do with women who waited years for their hair to grow, and not wanting to get rid of all the time they put in.

No. 1437710

i use taobao and i signed up w my non-chinese phone number and i never had any spam phone calls or whatever, and no u cannot ship directly from the website when you live outside of china, you should use superbuy for buying your products, its the best app so far, they often give you coupons and send you pictures of your products when they arrive in their locals to make sure that you havent been scammed or have ur product damaged. its easy to use and i think theres already a tutorial in their app. the only problem i had is for paying the fees when the package weight was over 1kg (mine was 4kg and i had to pay 70e for it). overrall it was great, but took a lot of time tho

No. 1437720

File: 1670529854288.png (203.61 KB, 2038x904, Capture d’écran 2022-12-08 à 2…)

hey nonnies im currently uploading an album in my spotify account as an independant artists (no label, no copyright, everything was done w on my laptop by myself) and i was told i had to use a music distributor in order to get my music released in major platform. i use RouteNote since its free even if they get a percentage of my revenue (which i dont rlly care) and i did everything they told me, now im stuck with this (picrel). as an independant artist what should i do ? i dont know what to sign, they havent gave me any document to sign and i dont have a big presence in social medias since i havent made accounts with my artist name since im not looking for fame etc , i just want my music to be uploaded so my friends n me could scrobble it on last.fm. Any nonnies who also uploaded music in spotify/apple music could help me please ? i didnt wanted to post it on reddit since i know they would annoy me with their remarks. thanks !

No. 1437725

no it have been moved on /2X/

No. 1437728

sexism. Women with long hair are more feminine according to our bullshit society, despite the fact that women in the 20/30s and 40s etc had shorter hair.

No. 1437749

File: 1670530676998.png (129.62 KB, 408x133, who.png)

which cow is this thanks

No. 1437752

Sorry if I can’t help nonnie maybe upload your music to bandcamp? I think its free and you can let people listen to it for free too. Spotify has alot of rules because people may get your music recommended to them and make money. With bandcamp it depends on people actually buying it or donating money so alot of artists put their stuff up there for free

No. 1437753

No. 1437754

Suzy game grumps.

No. 1437755

Arin Hanson aka Egoraptor's wife. Her name is Suzy/Mortimer.

No. 1437757

I'm a woman with shit handwriting :(

No. 1437762

No. 1437766

yeah i thought of uploading in soundcloud or bandcamp but those are not that interesting for me because i wanna see the songs being scrobbled on last.fm and also having them in my spotify wrapped and share easily with people since everyone use it, and listening without internet connexion (without downloading the whole songs in the laptop and transferring in the phone which takes also a lot of place blahblahblah) which bandcamp doesnt rlly offer this.. i know that spotify got a lot of rules and so far they're being inspected with the music distributor and i have no problem so far. now the only thing i need is to prove myself through documents to the music distributor but i dont know how, bc my artist name is not my real name and im not popular neither

No. 1437789

How stupid would it be to try bleaching hair by "washing" it with benzoyl peroxide?

No. 1437804

will it?

No. 1437833

very fucking

No. 1437839

>has a little pudge
>the baldest yet hairiest man I have ever seen
>His dick is on the small side
>it works SO WELL for me it is just perfect size and shape.
>Everything about him becomes attractive
>Lil peach fuzz head
>warm fuzzy chest
>bushy soft beard
>exactly the right body texture that laying on him is like a perfect warm cloud
double gag

Women be desperately deluding themselves into thinking they're attracted to their gross unfit moids.

I'll take the ban.

No. 1437887

Your man sounds hideous (I can NOT overlook a small dick like that genuinely makes men worthless) I'm so sorry but I'm glad that you are happy nona I'm happy for you

No. 1437969

literally my exact thoughts

No. 1437974

I believe that you're actually attracted to your guy out of love and that you might even be happy whether through luck or finding one of the very rare actually decent moids but you should not be promoting relationships with men.

No. 1438034

obvious bait

No. 1438051

If you're out with your dog and you need to enter a cafe or convenient store but the store doesn't allow pets inside, is it rude to ask a stranger outside to watch your dog so you can go buy something?

No. 1438053

Based nona. Fuck the haters.

No. 1438059

Why don't you just tie the leash to a post and hurry inside to get your item to go? People do this all the time in my area. It shouldnt be a stranger's responsibility to watch your dog.

No. 1438062

What happens if I uninstall Finder from my Mac? Will I brick it?

No. 1438063

but what if he runs away or someone takes him?

No. 1438090

it's crazy looking at the way women describe their ugly ass boyfriends in such loving, adoring detail and then looking at the way moids describe us in comparison. nah, this is just humiliating.

No. 1438112

men would never compliment their non shaven gfs, they would shittalk her with the ''bros'' on leddit.

No. 1438114

Has anyone done an eyelash lift? How were the results? How long did it last? My lashes are fairly long but very straight, they always hit my glasses if I don’t curl them back a bit. Would a lash lift help?

No. 1438117

I had a woman going into the corner store ask me to watch her baby in a stroller outside for her while I was standing outside drinking a gatorade

No. 1438118

literally. you never see moids talk about womens stretch marks, body hair, tummy fat cellulite and other natural imperfections. the only time you see it discussed is either to fetishize or to insult women.

No. 1438179

File: 1670554579744.png (607.66 KB, 640x1136, E2C8238A-9AA6-45B6-8E77-8E4B3F…)

Why do Americans e-beg on social media so much? Some artist I follow started saying she needed money to help a stray cat and then changed it saying she didn’t have any food for herself, is begging for money more common in the US? I swear anytime I see someone online saying this kind of thing they’re from America is it really that bad out there? Or is it something to do with social media? I’ve heard it’s harder to get a decent paying job out there and people going bankrupt from healthcare costs but whenever I see someone online begging like this it’s usually for food is poverty really that high?

No. 1438181

This. Women do too fucking much.
World class sense of entitlement of course.

No. 1438184

Theres food banks everywhere esp around the holidays.

No. 1438190

File: 1670555700055.jpg (97.08 KB, 536x680, ul97dqvdb1v71.jpg)

Good for you but I dont date men without ab definition, good hair and thick dick.

No. 1438198

When I was on food stamps as a single NEET (qualified for the smallest amount), it was like $400 which was enough grocery for two adults a month and some. Shit they even gave me gas money and cheap medications. These bitches wildin if it’s not enough for gluten free bread or organic whatever that caters to her “sensitivities”. I know you don’t even eat expensive rich people diets because you’re fat. “Food anxiety” giiirl I have more respect for the ones asking for money straight up.

No. 1438205

Holy fucking shit, his nipples.

No. 1438217

No. 1438219

I don't necessarily think it's rude depending on how you do it. But I think it would be better to just not bring the dog if you can avoid it. I wouldn't trust a stranger with my pet.

No. 1438236

What the fuck are those

No. 1438243

I didn't get as much as you, only $250/mo but that was enough to let me be on a clean diet eating veggies, meats, and eggs purchased at the city farmer's market. The unused money rolls over and I could splurge on a nice dinner every month. Medicaid is excellent too. I know it varies state-by-state but where I live my medications, visits, blood work, and basic dental care are 100% free.

I look down on e-beggers just like I do on panhandlers in my state because I know damn well they aren't hungry, without a home, or in need of clothes. There are TONS of charities in my state, religious and secular, that will feed, clothe, house, and even buy you unlimited transit passes. They just want the money for drugs and booze

No. 1438254

I’ve seen some with good handwriting, it’s just that when it’s bad it’s BAD. As >>1437491 mentioned, the socialization is important. Girls are encouraged to have finer handwriting, having messy writing is pretty unforgivable. This is maybe just me, but many girls have a certain style of handwriting that is very distinctive. The popular girls, for example, usually all wrote in a very similar style, really airy, round, and bubbly. I feel like it’s possible they influence each other, and they start to adopt that style. Or, just as a whole, it’s far more likely that a girl would actively be conscious of her handwriting and seek to improve it. I feel like boys are way less likely of this, like I don’t think they would look to their friends handwriting, or be conscious of their own writing. If they write nice, then they write nice. If they write like utter shit, sometimes it becomes a point of pride. I’ve it seen happen. I had a friend of mine who had horrible handwriting to the point where teachers couldn’t read it. He was kinda known for this. When we had to take our written exams, he actually had to type his out. He was the only exception. I genuinely feel like that accommodation would never be given to a girl. Hopefully that spergraph I wrote makes sense kek.

No. 1438255

I get over $300 a month in Massachusetts (a liberal state) and I can't even use it all as a single woman. (I do eat out a lot) I do think your benefits vary by state. In Alaska (a conservative state), I didn't qualify for EBT because I had too much in savings.

No. 1438256

I would break up with a guy if he had nipples like that

No. 1438260

I'm not ashamed to say that I wanna pull his nipples. They look so ridiculous

No. 1438266

File: 1670562970525.jpeg (172.04 KB, 640x427, 2790CD63-C8A2-4111-A055-07CDD5…)

It looks like he implanted fucking mighty beanz into his nips. Actually now that I look at them more, they look like those underwater mines, like the ones in finding nemo. I’m just perplexed.

No. 1438273

Watch them break right off… Either you or he would have to explain yourselves.

No. 1438275

File: 1670563556748.jpg (23.79 KB, 598x574, 677.jpg)

his pecs look like an awooga pepe

No. 1438294

Those nips look fucking disgusting and you know he's on some steroid drug

No. 1438296

Were you still living with parents during that time?

No. 1438336

I had it done once, it lasted for several weeks and I really liked the results, it kinda looked like I had super natural subtle lash extensions. I had them dyed as well so I didn't need to use any mascara. If it wasn't so expensive I'd keep getting it done.

No. 1438463

I'm 34 now. Am I getting too old for LC?

No. 1438471

File: 1670578331116.jpg (344.88 KB, 802x873, 1663567082875.jpg)

Nah, there's no age limit. There's older anons than you. And remember Muriel is here too!

No. 1438476

>60.22% male
what…goodbye you’re all trannies I can’t trust anything now

No. 1438489

It's not accurate at all, it's based on the language used or something. And since we don't use emojis here the algorithm sees the users as male kek

No. 1438491

this static is not fucking accurate at all, no users has been questionned about their age or sex

No. 1438493

I'm 38, you're a youngster kek.
You stay as long you enjoy a site.
I get real sick sometimes of immature posters who appear underage or just turned 18-19. But there are many threads I enjoy.

No. 1438496

Nta and I doubt it's entirely accurate but it's weird it got the age demographics right, makes me worried about the male user statistic

No. 1438501

How did it get the age demographics right, I mean how do you know its correct?

No. 1438502

File: 1670584487928.png (50.92 KB, 856x262, similarweb.png)

Pic related is how they track demographics. It's based on Google Analytics.

No. 1438505

I should've phrased my post better but I don't mean like exactly right statistics wise, I just mean it seems to reflect what the majority of users often claim to be around 18-34. And less often we'll have users say they're in their late 30's and 40's. There's probably a lot of room for error but if the statistics were completely inaccurate you'd think the ages wouldn't line up with what's commonly seen from anons.

No. 1438506

File: 1670585155442.png (246.29 KB, 1023x477, ga.PNG)

No. 1438508

File: 1670585321053.png (257.73 KB, 1198x562, i33.png)

The other visited sites seems accurate to the audience here, too. KF, Ovarit, J-fashion and shopping. I think we likely might have a lot of LARPing scrotes. When you see weird thirst posts about Null, it's probably a retarded kiwiscrote.

No. 1438510

File: 1670585438488.png (395.4 KB, 1896x861, crystal.cafe.png)

I was the one who originally posted those analytics in the crystal cafe lolcow bunker thread and the funny thing was it (most likely inaccurately) states there's more trannies and scrotes on lc than on cc lol

No. 1438512

The fact that "online communities" is like 42% still concerns me a bit, ngl. Does this mean that of the users here that are signed into their Google accounts, using Chrome, or any app on their phone that has advertiser ID (I know Firefox on iOs has built-in trackers, including Firefox Focus), 60% are male? If it's not to be trusted, the age thing and other stuff seeming to match up is strange.
Maybe it's not entirely accurate, but just goes to show moids will invade and shit up any female space.

No. 1438514

File: 1670586013407.png (345.13 KB, 1864x869, uhhhhhhh.png)

I just checked crystal cafe's analytics again and maybe there are more trannies there, one of the top sites that the users visit as well is 4chan.

No. 1438515

File: 1670586124232.png (504.51 KB, 1899x871, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png)

Omg and one of the main keywords used to get to cc is "shotacon" wtf

No. 1438521

kek, ordering shit quality weeb shit while bad mouthing other weebs of their shit quality weeb shit

No. 1438523

Uuuuummm wtf

No. 1438526

The last remaining cope I have for these gender stats is that maybe Google assumes a lot of web users are male (by default) unless explicitly otherwise specified.
Also, this doesn't track the website activity for the demographics. Most of the males might just be visitors, rather than actual posters. 4chan and other sites bring a lot of male attention here. Moid eyes are definitely watching, but we don't know how many are actually posting.

No. 1438531

File: 1670588159503.png (375.66 KB, 1330x670, a.png)

for comparison 4chan is 19% female on red boards and 18% on blue boards, choachan and fujochan have 43%. so it definitely isn't accurate imo.

No. 1438532

File: 1670588298148.png (159.26 KB, 1186x623, incels.me.PNG)

Yeah I don't think it is. Incels.me shows up as 45% female lmao

No. 1438535

File: 1670588691090.png (340.53 KB, 1300x632, ao3.png)

It does say AO3 has more women (52%), which makes sense. It also says there's a female majority on lipstickalley (celebrity gossip/general lifestyle site for black women), skinnygossip.com (deranged pro-ana site) and pinterest (self-explanatory).

No. 1438538

File: 1670589032346.png (325.1 KB, 1222x625, wattpad.png)

Wattpad also allegedly has more female users.

No. 1438539

Incel-to-troon pipeline moment

No. 1438540

So most of lolcow's users are men shopping on Aliexpress.com? The jokes write themselves.
Bye nonnies. <3

No. 1438543

Final final cope: Could be that it's somewhat accurate for large sites, especially ones where making an account is encouraged or required, but not really small ones

No. 1438544

I don't watch her but see photos of her here and twitter, but is brittany venti half black or something?

No. 1438546

You're being tracked everywhere, you don't need to fill in a questionaire for websites to know a TON of shit about you. Google and Meta are tracking you on nearly every single website you're using.

No. 1438547

iirc she's 1/4th and seethes about it, insults black women, etc

No. 1438550

Wtf is going on why are there so many posts calling women "cock gargling whores" lately

No. 1438552

No. 1438554

Thank you, she just seems so deranged and weird so I've never watched her videos for more than a few minutes but thought there's was a little something going on

No. 1438555

scrotes, I reported them kek

No. 1438557

Do you guys think that I incel site being shut down is why we have sp many weird clearly moid like posts?

No. 1438558

/pol/ does raids too, there was a screenshot on /meta/

No. 1438565

I remember over the xmas break last year we had alot of scrotes butting into any discussion that was dating related. Its early but idk if this time of year just brings out the bitter single moids.

No. 1438566

I refuse to believe these stats. There's no way almost 50% of AO3 or Wattpad users would be male.

No. 1438579

not surprising imo. males infest everwhere they can, most site owners are moids, e t c

No. 1438581

Those sites have a huge amount of TiFs I wonder if that counts as males in the analysis site. Though I just do not belive it's accurate

No. 1438647

Why? Is it damaging? Will it just not work?

No. 1438656

>pinterest (self-explanatory)
You say that, but that's the one website you listed I never got the meaning or appeal behind

No. 1438674

File: 1670601961754.jpeg (50.16 KB, 403x426, FCE54027-F0E2-40BE-A210-4AC903…)

How the feck do I make new friends? All my friends are people I’ve known for years and years but some of them are moving away now. How do I start conversations with people I don’t know? I feel so retarded

No. 1438693

If this is just some ai determining if users fit male or female pattern, there are probably female users being assigned male for dumb reasons. And with AO3, if you venture into the original works part, I'm pretty sure there's an increase in males, degenerate males. But almost half of the website is still a bit too much.

No. 1438700

what was living in alaska like? so cool

No. 1438708

The only guy I knew fine with body hair (maybe even into it) was an abusive manwhore serial cheater of the lowest class with a god complex. We can't win, ever

No. 1438713

How do I deal with growing out overplucked eyebrows? the stubble or whatever looks so gross and just makes me want to grab the tweezers. Is there a way to make them grow faster? I have bangs but i feel it only kinda helps

No. 1438733

Why does my Windows key sometimes not work until I restart my computer?

No. 1438743

Become a hermit and stop looking in the mirror. Stop taking care of yourself, move to the woods, write a manifesto and get some chickens to raise. Do not skip any step they are ALL IMPORTANT.

No. 1438799

Yeah, that's what makes me think it's overcompensating. I wouldn't even give a fuck if it wasn't almost a given that her bf resents her blemishes and signs of being human/aging.

No. 1438811

>insults black women

No. 1438814

What can I do with 2 egg whites? I got some leftover from a sweet bread recipe.

No. 1438857

Small portion of meringues maybe?

No. 1438889


No. 1438891

any nonnies knows ? please ?

No. 1438914

slurp them

No. 1438918

Which incel site

No. 1438960

File: 1670616009786.jpg (289.51 KB, 500x760, Luo.Tianyi.full.957098.jpg)

any other nonas who likes to contemplate over their lost youths?

No. 1438970

I don't even care anymore, it wasn't my fault that shit wasn't as I wanted it to be, so why dwell on it? I can just keep doing my best so I can do the shit that my young self back then wanted me to do at my current age and even better shit that I didn't even dream about back then.

No. 1438977

Tbh hate it when people say "Well at least you have your whole adult hood ahead of you" cause no, I don't. Chances are that if my life was so shitty that I couldn't have an actual childhood Im most certainly going to have to work my ass off for a good portion of my adult years to get to a place where I can enjoy life 'sometimes'.

The childlike freedom of almost no true consequences from our actions, indulging in all cartoons/anime, food, music, without a grown up pov on it, and no one assuming the worst of your intentions is lost. The friendships that form in pure interest of peers and not just because Dave brings you coffee and Lisa invites you to the bar after work.
So maybe you end up successful and ready to retire in your 60s but your youth is gone now and you're alone if you didn't have kids or are able to maintain pets. You could travel the world or start up a hobby but your bones ache and you really just want to enjoy an afternoon nap.

No. 1439001

I often feel like my adult years are just recovery from a shitty and slightly traumatic childhood. It makes me so mad because all my other friends with shit childhoods at least remember being carefree and playing with friends. I couldn't even have that, just stuck inside studying because my overprotective mom couldn't be bothered to even play dolls with me.

No. 1439003

File: 1670618661580.png (145.24 KB, 300x300, EWNAN0lVAAE2or3.png)

I do sometimes, only because I hate the idea of a big chunk of my life going to waste. But, despite the fact that I was definitely happier as a child, I hated having to be under my family's thumb, having no confidence and not being able to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I wish my teenage years were less traumatic but it's not like I'd relive them even if they could be any different, I'm relived I'm an adult now and I can just live my life.
(pic unrelated I just thought it was funny)

No. 1439064

>I often feel like my adult years are just recovery from a shitty and slightly traumatic childhood.
This is precisely how I feel.

No. 1439072

that's actually a really good and healthy way to look at things thanks nona

No. 1439083

The troon posts stuff like that regularly.

No. 1439104

I posted this in the writing advice thread but I feel like that's somewhat dead so I'm gonna post this here too. Do any of you have any ideas/tips on how to write a character who was adopted by a teacher? I already researched some information about how adoption can affect a child. But can getting adopted by an educator affect those emotions in a different way? Every time I look up information for cases like these it's always "wholesome" news stories. Not that there's anything wrong with that and I'm not writing a sob story. But every time I see news videos like that it's always very surface-level and feels kinda fake to me. idk maybe I'm just retarded.

No. 1439145

Besides cologne, what's the best birthday present for a guy who doesn't have any particular interests?

No. 1439148

File: 1670625661706.jpeg (59.14 KB, 1000x1000, 921B6011-598F-45CC-BA64-2A4A89…)

No. 1439152

A meal at a nice restaurant.

No. 1439157

movie giftcard

No. 1439168

why do anons on here say they want to alog instead of just doing it? I'm ESL and I really don't get it

No. 1439176

because it's bannable

No. 1439227


No. 1439240

where is the pinkpill site discord?

No. 1439250

bamboo socks (honestly best gift)
if he has a strenuous/physically intense job, a massage voucher.
semi luxurious brand of shower gel (i.e not some generic old spice giftset)

No. 1439276

Lately I've been seeing people judge people they disagree with as something weirdly hyperspecific; i.e., trad wife, lesbian, rad fem, dyke, etc, and it's like they have a personal vendetta–oh, bonus points if they blame a weirdly specific group for why things are going downhill. Is it an intrasexual competition thing or what?

No. 1439279

is it your nigel? maybe get him a joint experience for the two of you, like a spa day, pottery class, one of those float things
or nice new bedsheets

No. 1439287

How's the lesbian dating scene in your area? Mine was small before but now it's almost nonexistent due to theythem social contagion.

No. 1439292

That's nothing new

No. 1439303

It’s been a thing for a long time, making random scapegoats. It’s just a transparent tranny attempt to split up women space like always.

No. 1439369

why do you think lolcow has been so dead/slow lately?

No. 1439372

The troon making people not wanting to come back to avoid cp raids.

No. 1439376

Raids and really depressing bait, and younger anons who refuse to integrate, random aggression. Love you nonnies anyway.

No. 1439390

File: 1670640211830.jpg (132.48 KB, 1155x1600, ill-young-woman-tapped-nose-us…)

Why do people get addicted to nasal spray? I don't get it. Does it actually give a little bit of a high, secretly? So these nasal spray addicts claim their nose gets blocked if they stop. How? I swear if they quit spray for a short while they'd be able to breathe properly again. But do they secretly enjoy the nasal spray high? When people claim to be addicted to nasal spray I give them the side eye, I feel like there's a secret enjoyment they get from it. Like people who "need" pain killers constantly because of back pain or whatever, but the truth is they actually just like being a little bit high. So what's the truth here?

No. 1439419

I have never heard of this in my life

No. 1439431

They are addicted to having clear nostrils. Idk, every time I use nasal spray I feel like my quality of life has immensely improved.

No. 1439432

File: 1670643393373.png (964.67 KB, 822x821, 9739A9EE-E189-4F6F-A073-F8608B…)

what is going on with her booby here ?

No. 1439434

Just looks like a perky boob

No. 1439435

what's a nice way to tell my sister that doing the duck face in selfies in 2022 isn't cute it's just cringy?

No. 1439437

File: 1670643814865.jpg (205.18 KB, 1152x2048, EeKc3JRXsAAm-67.jpg)

The anglefagging…
Her boobs look tragic irl

No. 1439438

I used to be addicted to them, the issue is that some of those nasal sprays have stuff that won't really solve your problem, sometimes they even fuck up your nose and make you feel even more congested than you were supposed to be, or solve your problem for a while, and then after a while you have congested nostrils again.
You don't really "get high" you just stop feeling congested, you can breathe normally again.
The only thing that solves that is going to a doctor, they usually tell you to take antiallergics, some medicine named montelukast, and you have to change the probably generic nasal spray to something like Cortynase.
The proper use of the treatment literally cures you from the addiction because you can finally breathe.

No. 1439454

You could make a passive comment about the duck face being a bit of a throw back

No. 1439470

I work as a cashier. There's a lot of people who order their groceries online through Instacart, kind of like Grubhub or UberEats. Instacart's workers can choose which order they want to fill and at what store. Often we get this lady working for Instacart and she's the only one I've seen who brings her son with her. He's like 6. He acts like he's done Instacart a thousand times and prepares bags, brings groceries out of the cart for me to scan, bags them, etc. I feel this is breaking child labor laws? Who would I call about this sort of thing nonnas? Instacart? Would they even give a shit? And I don't want to break the budget of the mother. Daycare is extremely expensive where I live. The government believes, I assume, that poorer mothers would have older family members take care of their kids after school, so that's why there's no government-provided daycare for moms who can't afford it. But this lady's clearly an immigrant so her larger family may be back in Vietnam or something. And Uber, Instacart, etc, isn't regulated to the extent that Taxis are. Taxis are micromanaged while I believe people working for these sorts of delivery services aren't even considered "employees," let alone are actually managed by anyone.

I'm too passive of an observer to actually do anything but I wanted to get this off my chest. Daycare expenses is so much of an issue I wouldn't be surprised if this mother is just one of many who brings their kid along for delivery jobs.

No. 1439515

Nonnies you gotta help me, please I'm crying over this shit. Is there some way to copy "tracked changes" in a document and paste them as formatted text rather than tracked changes in another document?

No. 1439517

>has a problem with a male working instead of staring a bideo games

hes loading groceries not mining lithium. relax

No. 1439528

it's nice of you to sympathize but don't bother to report it anywhere, kid is just helping his mom and she's probably struggling

No. 1439534

Some anons please tell me why the fuck one cat I'm house sitting is pissing outside the litterbox like they missed it by an inch and it all went in the front, under the litterbox. What am I doing wrong!? I clean the litterbox everyday and give fresh food, water. Litterbox gets a new layer on top after.

No. 1439537

whats a good job for someone with mega resting bitch face and suspected autism (/im just a mess of a person)

i've been at my current shitty job for like 3 years and i feel like management is gonna fire me soon, and also im constantly being told to smile more etc. honestly just wondering what kinds of jobs i can do which are slightly less customer facing where they wont care so much about how im apparently coming across

No. 1439540

samefag and i fail a lot of interviews even when i think they went really well, which makes me suspect hiring managers just dont like some of my mannerisms or something? idk

No. 1439544

Okay so this may sound like I'm fucking with you but does your litter box have a lid, and if it does can your cat fit comfortably in the box? When I first got my cat she was a kitten and she literally grew taller than my box lid, and she was peeing outside because she couldn't fit in the box easy enough to pee. When I kept the lid off, she went in the box every time.

No. 1439551

Can people please stop talking like cats try to punish humans or do things solely for emotional reasons you imagined? It's more likely >>1439544 or the litter feels uncomfortable on their paws and they want different litter. Or the entrance is too high. Or the litterbox is in the wrong spot for territorial reasons. Or they have health issues. Cats are quite logical creatures, if you learn cat logic. People end up ignoring cat's health or comfort issues, because they ascribe and imagine human emotional reasoning or something a dog would do instead.

No. 1439565

Anon cat sitting, I was warned one of them might do it so ots not separation anxiety since it happens with the owner. Shes a 16 y/o cat so maybe just age? I was going to buy different litter though anyway cause this one isn't great at smell. If an anon has a recommendation as a burger then I'll take it.

No. 1439566

where can I see markapliers nudes

No. 1439569

What are some signs that your boyfriend only keeps you for sex?

No. 1439581

Why are female animals always seen as the problem when two don't get along? It's always the female animal who gets blamed for not being submissive to the male enough, gets accused of being infertile or having hormonal problems. Instead of maybe she just doesn't want to reproduce with the either retarded, traumatized or genetically inferior male, when she's bigger and healthier on every level. Or that he's literally admittedly deaf and can't communicate with her properly, resulting in her being aggressive. No, it's assumed she's "going against nature" and defect. Are zoologists just turbo misogynists?

No. 1439584

If you're asking this you've already answered the question.

No. 1439590

>>1439584 is right.
But to be specific, if he feigns interest in the things you enjoy, bad communication thru phone/in person(cope all you want), not too worried about you until you entertain the idea of leaving or is not at all concerned about a breakup. The biggest indicator, your ratio of cumming to his being a 1:10 and you have to ask him to do it.

No. 1439592

Misogyny, newfag.

No. 1439604

I've been here for at least 7 years. I'm just surprised people still talk about animals and treat them like Victorian doctors talked about and treated human women. I don't know if I'm anthropomorphizing and projecting human reasoning on the animals or if zoologists and vets are just that insane. If they are spreading so much misinformation, isn't at least 50% of the field bullshit which needs to be scrapped?

No. 1439606

Try refusing him sex for two weeks

No. 1439607

Nta but
>I've been here for at least 7 years.
Shit me too, 7 exactly. It's nice seeing fellow oldfags

No. 1439609

Yeah men spread a lot bullshit, esp in science. Cause who’s gonna argue with him.

No. 1439613

this isn't relating to zoologists but random people who own dogs. i have one, and i've noticed a difference in how people, mainly men will approach talking about male dogs not getting along and female ones. whenever female dogs fighting is the topic, it's like they will almost scoff at it, like ugh women amirite but when the topic is males fighting they take it more seriously, like it's something important to think about. maybe it's my own resentment filling in the subtext but men are so retarded about dogs and in general that i wouldn't put it past them. especially those that don't neuter their male dogs as if it's their own balls on the line

No. 1439621

It's not just random scrotes doing it or you imagining it, Lucy Cooke complained that scrote zoologists dismissed aggressive female bird behavior as "bird pms" instead of taking it seriously and actually studying it.

No. 1439648

How do I figure out if a haircut works for me? I've had the same cut for 7 years (wavy bob) and while it fits me I'm starting to get sick of it.
>inb4 shape of your face
That's the problem, I can't figure out my shape at all (probably autism), I was rounder before but I lost my baby fat a few years ago so I'm a bit lost.

No. 1439650

ask a hairstylist?

No. 1439658

Nope, I only hate my wasted potential in life, because I kept making all the wrong choices in early adult hood. I'd never want to be a child or a teen again.

No. 1439664

>I've been here for at least 7 years.
Who Cares

No. 1439666

My mother wonders why I'm single so I tell her I always studied and worked where there are only women or gay men. She met a friend of mine today and asked me how a cute girl like her could be single, and we studied in the same courses in the same uni. Is it actually common to only be surrounded by women and gays when studying for some degrees? It seems like this for biology, marketing, hr, foreign languages and law from my own observations.

No. 1439670

File: 1670669958441.jpeg (97.74 KB, 750x500, 1F6FFBC4-E59C-48D8-804B-028281…)

anynonny got covid/sickness remedies, i am in pain!

No. 1439685

I care you turd, some of us like hearing how old some of the oldfags are. You will respect your lolcow elders damnit

No. 1439701

Moids nowadays only seem to want cushy office jobs (especially if HAHA VIDYA) or they just choose to be unemployed so you barely see them in any other field now. You'd be lucky to see the typical blue collar workers but that seems to be exclusively boomer moids and women now

No. 1439710

File: 1670675410958.webm (148.21 KB, 512x512, 1670572660975319.webm)

You have the internet at your fingertips, dear.

Sorry I can't be of help! Get well soon!

No. 1439717

People that are focused on goals that don't revolve around settling down straight away tend to be single. I went two years single around straight peers and didn't get asked out once tho people did show interest or you'd hear through others so and so likes you but I'm not 12 years old if a grown man likes me he can show interest or ask me out not tell others and hope I'll do all the legwork. I went to the apps cause I wanted to meet someone to fit into my time and after dating around taking breaks etc I've finally found someone that fits. I genuinely think people aren't putting themselves out there. Now that I've got a boyfriend it's coming out that other men have been interested, but again, none actually made a move and I don't consider them fb messaging me about work a move

No. 1439742

Americans, did you have Thanksgiving already?

No. 1439755

Not American but from what I've seen on social media it happened just a few days or weeks ago.

No. 1439791

Thanksgiving is always the last Thursday in November.

No. 1439803

He's male

No. 1439940

We had it on the 24th last month. Now we're working on Christmas.

No. 1439988

Anyone here read the book Gender-Critical
Feminism by Holly Lawford-Smith? Is it worth a read? I like philosophy and want to have more concrete arguments when people ask me why I don't want TIMs in women's spaces.

No. 1440093

File: 1670702783308.jpeg (669.45 KB, 3000x3999, unnamed (1).jpeg)

Her lips went from full to extremely thin. Is it makeup, photoshop or both? If it were to include photoshop how did it not distort her face?

No. 1440108

nta but what's even newfagish about her post?

No. 1440116

He might even enjoy it nonna. Gets to spend time with Mom and do a little job. Sounds cute. Like chinese restaurants where the kid takes the order and then plays with his toys at your table

No. 1440141

should i be that person and comment on a fb friends post for them to be careful with their new kitten around their houseplants? this is someone i barely knew back in high school but one of the pics she posted is her kitten literally crawling thru a snake plant.

No. 1440145

>What are some signs that your boyfriend only keeps you for sex?
Let me reword this for you
>How do you cope with a breakup after knowing that your boyfriend only kept you around for sex?
And I think that the best way to cope is to find someone you're close to so you can vent about it, maybe get a new hobby where you can meet new people, go out for walks in the mornings and block the faggot everywhere. Bonus points if you can block him irl with a restraining order.

No. 1440146

I don’t see why not, as long as you’re not rude about it. They might appreciate the info.

No. 1440149

What is up with women who are into adult baby stuff? And to a lesser degree some geeky women who are super into wearing childish clothes (think Lucinda) and over the top fairykei-esque fashion? Is the adult baby stuff just purely pushed onto them by moids? Is it an auto-pedophilic thing?

No. 1440179

No. 1440182

Some women wanna be cute and frilly but scrotes ruin everything and meme cute clothes into pedoshit. If it was just women enjoying clothes without moid influence, it wouldn't be a big deal because we don't make it weird.

No. 1440196

Light red is not pink. Its percieved as pink to people but not every red when lightened will turn out as pink. Pink is it's own color it is just reduced to being a tint of red bc of archaic color theory. Color and the perception of color is incredibly complex and has a ton of different factors. This reminds all those smartasses who try to say that cmyk are the true primary colors when they only apply to printing.

No. 1440207

I know a few BPD chans who are into DDLG and probably adult baby. In their cases it's probably because of neglect and abuse as kids, they are fucked up in various ways and one literally filmed herself licking piss off a wall to keep her scrote from leaving her. I don't know anyone who isn't deeply mentally ill who's into being treated like a child.
Decora and other childish fashions always struck me as being cute, a bit nostalgic, and innocent. It attracts attention seeking cows, but I don't think it attracts the really unhinged people like adult baby and DDLG do.

No. 1440217

I found a perfect apartment with 2 bedrooms and the rent is under $200. It HAS to be a mistake, but there's multiple apartments in the complex going for that price. Should I apply? Does applying make it set in stone the rent being so low?

No. 1440218

Sounds shady as fuck

No. 1440228

Honestly it does, but if I can save myself +$12,000 a year for this fuckup they made, I'm gonna take it lol. The reviews on Google of the apartment complex are 4 out of 5 stars so I'm gonna dive in.

No. 1440235

>Are zoologists just turbo misogynists?
all men are and just project their misogyny on whatever they work on.

No. 1440240

which is why men should be banned from any job that requires actual thinking

No. 1440245

I'd tell her, that's weird and freaky af.

No. 1440290

why do people hate Doja Cat? i dont listen much to pop music but i really like her music, dont know much about her as a person though

No. 1440297

She acts like an asshole on social media and mocked amber heard at some point. And some people find her sense of humor annoying but personally I think that's not the worse thing about her.

No. 1440299

*the worst

No. 1440309

is picrel AI generated?

No. 1440323

no, thats my style

No. 1440332

File: 1670714211520.jpeg (Spoiler Image,142.6 KB, 1378x2039, FFAB2923-ABA1-4F5F-A1A4-DA21D6…)

Nonnas are there any yuri VNs/Otome games that are made for / targeted towards women? Most games targeted towards girls never have any women love interests and if they do its one mediocre character :/

do they just not exist?

No. 1440349

seconding this, i used to play sono hanabira but it was def made for men and troons i got sick of it

No. 1440366

who's this?

No. 1440409

e-girl #8373647

No. 1440423

I wanted to befriend my shitty exboyfriend not long ago and was rejected which really felt like a slap to the face. I was a bit embarrassed for a while but let it go a few days ago. Come to find out just now he's stalking and following me on SM. WHY??????? I don't post myself so that can't be why. If he wants to keep a connection to me then why literally reject me? if he wants to talk to me why not just do it?

No. 1440468

why doesnt lolcow have a captcha system?

No. 1440483

not enough traffic to warrant one

No. 1440485

I've always wondered about that

No. 1440552

please no, we just need jannies(that arent trannies). Capchas will kill this already slow as shit site.

No. 1440554

Belle Delphine

No. 1440564

Would prefer answers from Americans on this. Has anyone here been inpatient at a mental health hospital? What was your daily life there like? Did you have one-on-one sessions with doctors?

No. 1440590

what are the north africanons fighting about?

No. 1440591

I'm in Illinois
You spend the day in your bed. On weekdays, you will be allowed to walk in conference room maybe the hallway for a couple of hours.
There is zero one-on-one time with doctors as soon as they have diagnosed you, which will take about an hour. You will be required to attend group sessions in the conference room, if you do not, you will be held longer. Group therapy mostly concerns learning how to use food stamps wisely, and what to do if you're angry at your children.
You will not be given your normal prescriptions for at least the first two days. If you have a condition such as type one diabetes or asthma, they will allow you to get sick and even die.
When you are released, the stay will be a permanent stain on your medical record. No doctor will ever take you seriously again when you try to tell them you have an issue, and many doctors will have you re-committed if you report any sort of depressive symptoms to them.
You do not want to go there. I don't know what you're struggling with, but you are better off waiting all year to get a psychiatrist the usual way.

No. 1440602

>If you have a condition such as type one diabetes or asthma, they will allow you to get sick and even die.
Type one diabetic, can confirm, they discharged me without paperwork instead of admitting me to the ER when I started convulsing so that they didn't have to admit that they had been denying me insulin, I have permanent eye, kidney, and brain damage from it

No. 1440624

Do you get dehydration nightmares? I dreamt that I had a Satanist uncle and he was showing us pictures of an upcoming "sacrifice marriage" where a young couple is buried alive under massive slabs of stone. The image wasn't very vivid because I'm aphantasic, it was like a cute illustration. Like two little beds with blood leaking out everywhere posed symmetriaccly like a Wes Anderson movie. I was the only person disturbed so I bit his fingers down one by one and spat them out to the toilet then flushed ×20. And he suddenly became less evil but tried to strangle my dad with a collar so I cut the collar with my teeth and flushed it also. Had 2 other very specific scenarios play out about my parents disappearing that I haven't had since school. My mom came back home with Chris Chan (?!??) and he revealed this massive kitchen knife I then grabbed & stabbed him to death as I taunted him verbally. For some reason I was semi-intelligent and the squelching feeling of the knife inside him was bothersome. I then told my dad to escape but he didn't for some reason (he was AFK) and I locked myself in my room and started listening to music to cancel out the sound of my father being murdered. My mom had the fucking KEYS and she opened the door and the last thing I saw was her shattering a plastic bath-water tanker on the wall. The plastic shattered like glass I mean.

Apparently it's really common for WOMEN ESPECIALLY to get horrific shallow sleep if dehydrated. Just so you know.. or at least that's what Google said!

No. 1440630

There's a lot of corruption without the government and islam idiots arent making it easier.

No. 1440633

Is it a crime to steal some scrote’s sperm in order to have a baby and not tell him about it nor the child’s existence? I don’t plan on doing it at this time or at all but I’m also too poor for ivf.

No. 1440635

It's not for me. Thanks anons.

No. 1440643

I don't know about the legality, but it is JUST in the eyes of God.

No. 1440651

I havent met a scrote with sperm worth stealing

No. 1440661

IVF and surrogate mothers are for the privileged. Many gay couples in the ghetto or who are less privileged has been doing this for decades by asking close friends,family members,or using strangers (more lesbian couple do this)

No. 1440696


I am immensely scared of hospitals, doctors, nurses, and therapists after I was involuntary hospitalized. But to answer your questions, I essentially spent the days in my bed (a recliner chair btw) the entire time and all the entertainment I had was a TV playing shit programs on repeat and an activity book with crosswords and coloring pages. Was allowed to call family but they could only make calls if the phone number was local so couldn't call my friends or family in a different area. Was given one on one visits with a psych but only over an iPad and watched by two nurses. The psych was a piece of shit too, had to suck up to him in order to show I was "getting better" because even when I said I was feeling better and demonstrated that to the nurses and explained how I reflected on why I was put in a hospital in the first place, he would note that I seemed "irritated and unstable" because I was unhappy being forced into a hospital. This is just from my most recent visit but I was in one previously for several months and it was horrible to the point I get pretty bad anxiety when I think about it. I was punched in the face by a male nurse, forced to take sedatives in my ass because I had the gall to vocally express anger, saw several other girls get manhandled by male staff for having panic attacks, had to be evacuated from the building because another girl was threatening to kill us and smashing everything she could find, wasn't allowed to go outside in an enclosed space until I had "earned it", wasn't allowed to make phone calls until I had "earned it", any letters I got were opened and read before I could have them, and one of the staff, on her last day before quitting, spread rumors about me to another girl (my only friend in that place) and how I wanted to "touch her" because I'd previously said I enjoy hugs and things like that. Also in group therapy we were encouraged to show off art we made and a group of girls mocked my art and the staff did nothing. I feel nothing but hate in my heart for psychiatrists and mental hospitals after my experiences with them. It feels like the only reason psychs go into the field is to have power over someone who is struggling mentally and won't be believed if they're mistreated because theyre "mentally ill". Sorry for the rant.

TLDR they're horrible but if you want to take your chances and feel like you'd still be safer in one, it's up to you

No. 1440740

She is Angelicatlol, huge skin walker of Belle Delphine.

No. 1440749

celebrities who I find hot and whose sperm I will never have

No. 1440830

i just understood that the op picrel is an AI generated shit

No. 1440862

Zonafag here. You technically get 1-1 appointments with doctors, but they last for fifteen minutes at most and everything you say will probably be misconstrued. Daily life is regimented and supervised, with an obscene amount of rules all intended for "safety". They do not make anyone safer, they just put everyone on edge. I've gone inpatient willingly before and had clear-speaking family members advocate for me while inside, which is some of the best circumstances you can enter a mental health hospital under, but it's not enough. They will not listen to your loved ones, they might not release you on time even if you have outside people speaking up on your behalf; Mental health nurses and techs are some of the most abusive you will encounter in the medical field, and other burgers can tell you horror stories about some of our healthcare workers. Everything bad about the American medical system is exponentially worse in the mental healthcare system and they're allowed to get away with it because most people inside don't have anyone to care about them.
I'm glad you decided against going inpatient nonny, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone here unless she has no other option and needs immediate access to medication. The American mental health system is not intended to help people get better at this level, it's intended to sequester retarded undesirables like me away from the general populace because we don't have asylums anymore. Sorry for the long answer, but there's a lot that goes inside these places and I tried to condense it down.

No. 1440969

Thank you guys.
>I'm glad you decided against going inpatient nonny,
The question isn't for myself lol, but thanks.

No. 1440974

Americans, are there any towns like the ones in the hallmark christmas movies? Where it's all cutesy and they know each other. Or could a nona explain what they're basing it on if no?

No. 1440984

Whoops, sorry nonna. I read >>1440635 like you decided inpatient was a bad fit for you. I hope whoever you're asking for if you are asking for someone else is doing okay

No. 1440986

can you use cleaning vinegar for softening wool or is only white vinegar suitable?

No. 1441016

how do you start stretching your lobes? i only have normal ear piercing holes but i've been wearing black earrings that look like plugs from afar for years. i wanna wear actual plugs but i have no idea where to start, i feel like all "tutorials" assume you already know everything or something. can you even start stretching by yourself when you only have those pinprick holes in your lobes???

No. 1441033

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I had to look up what a hallmark Christmas movie is and wtf these are all different people???

No. 1441039

has anyone tried yoga with adriene? what videos should i start with? i've been trying to gym and jog but it's too cold to leave the house today and i've heard her channel is really good, but all of her most popular beginners videos are only around 10-20 mins and even a 20 minute yoga workout feels kind of short for what i want.

No. 1441041

you can buy tiny tiny like 2mm stretchers and then move up from then. when i was like 14 i started doing it with those ones and barely got anywhere before my mother caught me and went apeshit kek, but it was working and the piercing holes are still a bit bigger than they were back then even now 10 years later

No. 1441051

These are basically unrealistic fluff movies designed to be as inoffensive as possible. They all follow the same basic meet cute script. It’s just so you can put a movie on for all of your extended family members to watch that won’t have long unnecessary sex scenes and vulgar language.

No. 1441057

lol love how all the couple have male green shirt, woman red shirt except for that one couple in the left.

No. 1441072

There are really small towns where everyone knows each other. They're not exactly like hallmark movies though.

No. 1441088

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I did her month of yoga and really liked it. I like my workouts to be minimum 30 minutes so I'd do 2 to 3 videos in one session.
The stretching sub has tons of good info https://www.reddit.com/r/Stretched/comments/glhx57/stretching_guide/

No. 1441166

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Anons is this possible? To find out who visited your twitter profile the most? Person who posted this claimed to have lost a link so I'm clinging to hope he's bluffing. I'd KMS if people I'm stalking found out

No. 1441179

thank you, nonnies, this is really helpful! i also just learned the term cat butt effect so now i'm a bit nervous kek but at least i know where and how to start.

No. 1441257

Are heels really comfortable once broken in or is it just a cope?

No. 1441263

I don't have autism, but I never stopped walking on my tippy toes which led me to having the same tight muscles and spine deformity women who wear heels daily get. Heels are the only comfortable shoe I can wear. I'd suggest to not wear them too often, it sucks.

No. 1441285

No. 1441295

Lol same, I need to know this

No. 1441345

i'm the yoga nona and thank you, i appreciate it!

No. 1441353

They're comfortable for me but mine don't exceed 2 inch range with thick heels. Plus they're usually boots with insoles. If you wear 4 inch stilleto heels of course that's a world of difference.

No. 1441367

Why does "why aren't you whores this cute" keep getting posted and it's just some random girl? Is this like a meme among 4channers? What are they asking specifically? What are they trying to accomplish?

No. 1441368

Chunky thick heels can be comfortable. Also, they're cute.
Fuck, I used to do this too. Make sure you stretch your tendons and hamstrings regularly.

No. 1441373

they're comfortable for me because i have abnormally short tendons.
>inb4 it's from wearing heels
no, i have short tendons everywhere, my tongue too.

No. 1441388

It’s the troon spamming. He’s spammed the same shit before out of chymp rage kek.

No. 1441493

why are so many western commies pro-sex "work" and the decriminalization of it? WHat do you mean ur a "sex work activist" and "sex work rights are worker rights." WHat do u mean under communism you'd still be a sex worker? When the USSR fell kids & women turned to prostitution, how can you support that? its both sad and disgusting

No. 1441713

I still have pictures of my ex saved (and nudes). What does this say about me?

No. 1441804

Idk, maybe that you’re just a digital hoarder.

No. 1441836

File: 1670801380039.webm (610.33 KB, 540x960, 1619244013286.webm)

is this a troon ? I really can't tell with this one

No. 1441841

i dont see an adams apple so maybe just a very, very unfortunate looking woman

No. 1441842

ur still not over them and thats ok bcs that stuff takes time

No. 1441843

Why can I match with guys who are model tier but can’t even get to match with the most basic looking potato becky? I have a good feeling most girls on those dating/meeting apps just want attention from scrotes, stupid bitches. Who the fuck cares about men ewww. Befriend me, PLEASE.

No. 1441856

Would it be a good idea to move to a more conservative area of the US to get away from trannies and handmaidens? I feel like they're everywhere in Massachusetts

No. 1441858

Men don’t mind pumping and dumping or fwb with a girl they aren’t super into. With women we are a bit pickier.

No. 1441868

>tfw I have an adams apple despite being cis
It's not fair, I'm never beating the tim allegations when you can't see my whole body

No. 1441901

can using a binder hurt you? I dont like my tits

No. 1441903

No. 1441905

oh damn, even if you use them maybe a few hours a week? i guess i have no choice but to get a reduction

No. 1441910

it can cause costochondritis and make your breast tissue hang a bit more, as well as causing shortness of breath over time. main problem is most women usually bind more and more often until they get permanent damage, they don't want to moderate usage to prevent damage because they prefer regular relief from chest dysphoria. try a nice fitting sportsbra instead, just take regular breaks

No. 1441911

Dont do it nonna! I used a binder for a good few years as a young dumb tif and my ribs are all fucked and I can’t really expand my lungs too much. Just stick to high impact sport bras that runners use. Might be a bit expensive but they really help with keeping your chest flat and reducing any uncomfortable movement.

No. 1441916

gain some weight, skelly, and your adam's apple will be no more

No. 1441932

Any weebs around?
I need a shopping service/proxy that lets you declare value on your packages. What are some good ones? Zenmarket recently stopped, and it's making me sad.

No. 1441944

cringe but i want to start making yt vids and i want to bind when i am recording because the idea of moids jacking off to my boobs disgusts me so i assume it would only be a few hours weekly. But if the risk is too high then i better not take them.
nice i will check it out!! can you reccomend any models or brands?

No. 1441967

I don't have her pictures saved but I never closed out of our DM so sometimes I look back at selfies of her that she sent me. Yeah I'm still not over her…

No. 1441974

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Under Armour, No Bull, and Nike make some good ones! No Bull is a bit expensive with 50$+ for each bra and Under Armour has different models with or without zippers for 30$ I think theyre also having a sale right now online

No. 1442065

I was thinking, is there like some site or something where you can enter your size measurements and match up with other people that are those same sizes/proportions? It’s kinda a weird question but I rarely take photos of myself and dislike seeing myself so I don’t have a good idea in my head of how I look like, especially to other people. Like, I wanna know how someone with my same measurements looks? Do I really look as bad as they tell me?

No. 1442110

That website does exist, but I forgot what it's called. Someone else has to post the link

No. 1442125


No. 1442132

What do you talk about with people? What do you discuss with your friends? How to make friends if no one is interested in me enough to ask for my socials? What is the difference between small talk and deep conversation?

No. 1442140

Yes, but they lie a lot about their actual measurements. Idfk why since it's supposed to be no shame sharing.

No. 1442186

nta, I'm skelly but no adam's apple

No. 1442196

When you think of someone "gorgeous" and of someone "cute", which is the more attractive person to you?

No. 1442236

The gorgeous person would be attractive because not everyone can be gorgeous. Meanwhile, cats, birds, old ladies, babies, microorganisms and so on can be cute.

No. 1442239

the cute one, for me a cute person is a normal person who has certain aspects i personally like more attractive(softer features in men) but a gorgeous person has to look model tier and has stronger features

No. 1442254

What the fuck is “toxic positivity” people just make up anything now

No. 1442257

Cute inspires protection. Gorgeous inspires consumption, whether it's via platonic admiration or a sexually charged gaze.

No. 1442260

Gorgeous. Cute is boring after a while.

No. 1442263

Whoever has the thicker penis and better hygiene

No. 1442283

kekkk love this response

No. 1442289

i used binders for 2 years straight when i was a ftm it almost crushed my lungs now i have more difficulty to breathe, do not recommend

No. 1442310

that sounds terrifying, hope you are okay now.

No. 1442331

Have you guys ever seen a shooting star?

No. 1442337

I think so a week ago after leaving work. I was looking at the sky because it was pretty then a small white line flash went across to disappear.

No. 1442339

This. Cute doesn't just refer to adult humans and even when referring to adults it feels dismissive, there's a shoulder shrug involved and "I guess". Meanwhile gorgeous has a wow-factor.

No. 1442341

Anons, is my bf using me or am I just unassertive or both?

I live in an apartment that my mother owns and he spends 90% of the week at my place. He used to bring his own food in the beginning, saying he didn't expect me to cook for him, but nowadays it's always 'what's in the fridge' and we split the food that my mother cooks for me or I cook for both of us. He used to bring over a big backpack of clothes when he comes over, but nowadays he just asks me to wash his clothes so he can leave them there and doesn't have to carry them over. I usually make breakfast for him as he finds it difficult to wake up in the morning, but he has made me breakfast before as well a couple of times. When we go out, we always split the bill. He has never payed at any restaurant before, which…even though I'm not old fashioned, sort of bothers me a bit. He offered to pay the utilities before but it's hard to gauge how much water and electricity etc he uses, and also the utilities of my apartment are pretty low so I pay them. It's always me who cleans the apartment. He has invited me more than once to come to his place but it's more comfortable here, as he has 4 housemates and I also couldn't work from there as I have a desktop pc only.
My mother says the finances of our situation is pretty unequal, given he's a developer and earns twice as much as me. She also says that if he loved me and wanted to impress me, he sould take me to restaurants and would foot the bill, but I feel like with gender equality it's unfair to expect the man (or any one person of the couple) to pay. She also calls him lazy for expecting to eat whatever I have home which I'm inclined to agree with. I'm not sure what to think. I think he's a good guy it's just that he's become a bit comfortable. I feel like if I asked him to split the utilities or at least clean sometimes, he would, it's just that I am shy to ask and he's a bit lazy. What do you guys think of the situation?

No. 1442344

i think he wants to move in with you kek

No. 1442346

Yes, many in my life though fewer now as my city has grown with light pollution, and I've gotten older and spend less time star gazing.

No. 1442350

Any anons have the cat picture where theres two tiny hands like a thinking pose in the middle?

No. 1442354

Anyone here has restless leg syndrome? What helped you?

No. 1442356

Do animated shows produce their own sound effects? Or do they just purchase them on sound effect sites?

No. 1442362

I do what helps is moving my legs

I'm assuming if the show has unique enough characters/sets and high enough budget they'd hire their own foley artist for sound effects otherwise they'd use a sound library

No. 1442367

I swear I'm no ana I'm just unfortunately built

No. 1442371

I move my legs as well but then I wake up

No. 1442376

First of all he makes twice more than you so he should be obligated to participate. If you're fine with him moving in, why don't you do it officially? But you'd have to set the rules and have him contribute. I find it strange he never pays at restaurants though. I only gave myself that luxury when I was unemployed kek

No. 1442385

I am struggling a bit financially, and thought it would be a good move to rent out my bedroom and move to the living room, but since it's a small apartment, I think it would be crowded if there was 3 people living here with him and would scare a potential tenant away

No. 1442401

What book do they mention at around 12:14? Charters? Draugers? I'm ESL and can't understand

No. 1442438

Do you smell different when pregnant?

No. 1442452

I'd say for your pic it'd be 2x a day, I have a treat for breakfast with my coffee and a few hours after lunch. But then I don't eat dinner so in terms of calories (definitely not nutrition) it evens out.

I'm from the UK (where I ate a disgusting amount of treats) but moved to Switzerland past few years and chilled out.

No. 1442457

I can control it based on how much water I drink usually. If I drink a liter I shit within the next 30-60 minutes. Once I tested just how much I could and it was 4 times throughout working hours. Really healthy ones too. PS I don't think it's because of dehydration, I generally drink a lot.

Otherwise, maybe 2x a day. One messy shit after a coffee and a decent one a few hours after lunch.

No. 1442465

File: 1670846702519.jpeg (66.37 KB, 750x145, 7B4804BC-1D10-4482-842D-62B543…)

what does this mean? that's literally the day my midterms/final exams will start, which is probably a good thing but if it means LC will be down for maintenance i will literally have nothing else to do in my free time and thus very sad but i understand…

No. 1442470

Used to be once a day, but after I quit coffee, now twice a day. It's messing things up for me because I always take a shower after I poop, now I have to take 2 showers a day.

No. 1442473

You know what it means. I'm still thankful admin announced it! I wonder if her New Years gift for us is the new site.

No. 1442474

OH im a dumbass i forgot it was US date format, i was thinking it was scheduled for today. slightly confusing. im really happy admin announced it this time but it is slightly annoying that it pops up on ever page change

No. 1442489

What do I need to know if I want to become an illustrator?

No. 1442497

do you mean a career illustrator, or just someone who illustrates? i would advise against the former, especially if you are just starting out and still developing skill. you can always make money through illustration further down the line.

No. 1442509

I meant as a career. I want to become a comic book illustrator, but I am wondering if it's worth it (illustration in general).

No. 1442515

as someone who's only learned html and css from highschool, is hosting and making a website hard and expensive? what do i need to learn to make one?

No. 1442557

If you want to do it then it's worth it but you gotta really want it and be really dedicated because there's a lot of competition.

No. 1442581

Skills and really good networking abilities, I'd assume

No. 1442608

>gender equality it's unfair to expect the man (or any one person of the couple) to pay
I agree with your mom, he should be contributing more than he does right now because of income inequality. That's got nothing to do with gender equality. And if he's pretty much full-time living with you, he should be doing his fair share of chores.

No. 1442696

I just received the results of my first pap smear and a bit worried. I tested negative for malignant lesions but it also said that my cervix is inflammated and I need to be tested again in 3 months. Should I be worried? The cytology did not involve an HPV test, would it be a good idea to have one?

No. 1442709

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What pets can you even have in an apartment? Cats and dogs both get neurotic in smaller spaces, birds are probably out of the question, and small mammals are either unintentionally destructive or would get stuck in dangerous spaces like behind the washer/dryer. What's left, tank/enclosure pets like reptiles?

No. 1442713

who told you any of this? tons of dog breeds are happy in small spaces and even moreso if they have a lazy temperament.

No. 1443112

Anyone ever think about someone all the time without any sort of romantic feeling towards them? I met someone new recently and we really clicked — we had initially just planned to get coffee for a bit but ended up going for drinks afterwards and talking for a few hours. Since then I’ve texted him quite a lot and I really want to talk to him in person again — I’ve been thinking about him literally every day since. I’ve been like this before, usually with people I’ve just met and not my actual friends, but I always feel like it’s a bit odd to think obsessively like this about someone I wouldn’t say I’m interested in romantically.

No. 1443120

File: 1670874693757.jpeg (23.35 KB, 636x636, 135690-Center-2.jpeg)

I just got a hamster and it was the best decision tbh. I initially wanted a rat but the landlord said they were a no-go. If you want a pet that isn't nocturnal, look into guinea pigs or rabbits, if you have sufficient space!

No. 1443124

The lizard on the chair is such a chad

No. 1443143

When I practically lived in my closet as a neet I kept spiders as pets. I had them in a fish tank that I had for ages and would have fun catching their food to hand feed them.

No. 1443153

reads like a reddit post lmao

No. 1443213

No. 1443278

shouldn't you be asking this at the hospital?

No. 1443279

NZ anon here, I've read that pigeons (i mean rock pigeons not kereru) are unprotected and have no reglations on hunting.
I want to try cooking them, could I just go to my local park and kill a pigeon?.

No. 1443282

No. 1443289

kek no clue but I like your spirit, may your pigeon hunting wishes be fulfilled

No. 1443292

do you want ringworm? this is how you get ringworm

No. 1443317

>OH im a dumbass i forgot it was US date format, i was thinking it was scheduled for today
kek then that would mean there's 19 months in a year

No. 1443327

If you're eating pigeons from a park, it's unlikely they'd taste very good, or would be nutritious. They possibly have a lot of toxins and bad chemicals in them from eating all sorts of garbage, plastic, processed human food, and shit like that. Just hunt them in a more wild area, where humans don't go to often. Also you'd look crazy if you were just snatching up birds in a park, or tried killing them on the spot.

No. 1443355

If you want to die fast, yes. If not just buy pigeon meat, but it's expensive.

No. 1443365

Absolutely do not eat pigeons you get from a park. They eat shit and step in shit the whole day, birds like that can carry dangerous deseases. If you really want to eat pigeon you'll either have to raise a couple yourself (bought from people who keep them in captivity) with the right food or buy them from butchers that sell them. Pigeons are very small even when they're properly raised, you're not going to find a lot of good meat on a "wild" pigeon in a park.

No. 1443411

>but I feel like with gender equality
Bitch, you're acting like a tradwife AND paying for shit, and you're not even married. Have some standards. He should be bending over backwards to please you.

No. 1443424

File: 1670886301447.jpeg (25.84 KB, 342x342, BC522B25-4D20-4350-96CD-1BC64D…)

Does being famous help with getting a qt bf? Doja I know you post here why do you only date ugly guys?

No. 1443428

Stop being a doormat or else he's going to leave you and pay 100% for a woman he actually likes with all the money he saved thanks to you

No. 1443431

You definitely do, but I've only ever known dogs to be able to tell the difference. The only time I can smell a pregnant woman is like a week before she gives birth, at which point she takes on an amniotic fluid smell.

No. 1443436

Making a website is pretty easy, I didn't want to bother hosting so I just jump from host to host since there are multiple ones where it's only a dollar per month for the first year.

No. 1443450

File: 1670887883996.jpg (43.36 KB, 900x900, sagstua-bed-frame-black-luroey…)

Will I hear my downstrairs neighbors less with a bed like picrel? I'm a side sleeper and currently sleeping on a couch that is almost completely grounded. I can hear my neighbors stomp around all night and don't get me started on the banging. I'm thinking the sound and vibrations from the force won't travel into my ears as strongly thorough the thin metal legs. Can you tell I'm desparate? I just want to fucking sleep reeee

No. 1443467

Hey anon what kind of floor do you have? Is it carpeted or hard floor? If you don’t have a rug you could try placing one under the bed, could even go the extra step and put those foam mat pieces under it for an extra layer. The added Cush should help the vibration.
Pull your bed away from the wall a little bit too. If it’s touching then that will increase it.
Take weatherstripping and sound proof the bedroom doors and windows too if you can or install some deadening curtains. It will absorb incoming sound that might be airborne from the people below you.
I’m not sure on the bed frame. I think a foam mattress might work better since they absorb some vibration though.

No. 1443521

I chopped garlic yesterday but the smell is still on my fingers despite showering and washing my hands multiple times. How do I get the smell off.

No. 1443540

rub your hand and fingers on stainless steel

No. 1443562

I was browsing Lex (I know it's a cringe dating app) and saw a she/they describing herself as a "queer bi poly slut" and felt a tiny bit turned on by it and kind of wanted to be similar. What does this say about me?

No. 1443583

You are sexually frustrated.

No. 1443621

what did pakianon do in what thread I missed it. need to catch up my lore

No. 1443631

supposedly she posted a very uncomfortable and inappropriate picture of a mother and child that was removed by mods. anons said she posted cp.

No. 1443635

jesus why?? what thread? she creeps me out

No. 1443639

nta but the dumbass shit thread

No. 1443656

To the lesbian nonnies, would it be wrong or offensive for me to lie about being a lesbian just so I could avoid men making a move on me?

No. 1443660

that'll just make men do it even more, they think they can "fix" lesbians

No. 1443662

Say you're looking for someone to marry and think premarital sex is sinful instead. If they still keep going bring up you want like 6 kids.

No. 1443664

Sounds fine to me. Though saying "I have a boyfriend" also works. If moids make any more moves, you will always be in the right of the argument if you tell someone else about it, because any reasonable moid would back off after hearing that. Saying you're a lesbian may give lesbians around you the wrong impression if they overhear.

No. 1443665

Yes and Yes. What the fuck.

No. 1443669

Planning to report someone nonny?

No. 1443696

A troon was fired in the mtf thread because he took nudes in his work bathroom kek and if you say it was easy to find the account liking cp or the OF pics you can say it could make the company look bad by association.

No. 1443706


No. 1443728

hate to break it to you but the mtf threads move at lightning speed, who even knows what thread it's in. i remember the incident though.

No. 1443731

File: 1670913923401.jpeg (16.65 KB, 275x269, F65F5844-C883-45A5-8062-A8E81D…)

Don’t scroll

No. 1443740

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What do you call a neckline like this? Where it's round on the sides but cut into a v-shape

No. 1443743

I think it was a a photo of a kid finger painting on his mom, but the kid was on the older side and he was painting on her bare titties

No. 1443781

File: 1670919938308.jpg (46.4 KB, 769x1000, Miason Lejaby Cotonne Moi Padd…)

Any nonnas from the US know how to ship to Europe cheaply? I bought a shit ton of bras knowing I'd have to return them on my dime, but I didn't realize it'd be so expensive! I'm currently looking at $25 for USPS First Class. Pic semi-related: I nabbed some sweet ass cotton bras for a 1/4 of the retail price

No. 1443787

I don't know if there's a term for it, but it literally looks like someone took scissors to a crew neck t-shirt and made a DIY v-neck. Maybe you could find similar by searching for "Upcycled Tshirt V-neck" on something like etsy or learn to do it yourself. Not sure there's a marketing term for it, but hopefully someone else might know

No. 1443802

What do draw or paint when you're in an artistic block caused by the fact that everything has been done before and nothing that you create will ever be original?

No. 1443811

Have you ever considered your art block is due to an insufficient skill level? Perhaps a concept has been run into the ground but an artist's representation never fails to make it unique again.

No. 1443813

Do master studies to humble yourself and get out this illusion of grandeur that you were even meant to create anything original. Think of art as of food, just because the same dish is made by milions all over the world doesn't make it any less delicious. It's ok to not be unique.

No. 1443814

>literally everything has been done
not true, i started drawing because the things i like are non existent.

No. 1443815

I think this is what I needed to hear, bless you anon

No. 1443817

godspeed on your art journey nonna♥

No. 1443867

I'm not sure if there's a better thread for this but I feel like it's a stupid question. I have no clue what is actually 'normal' sexuality-wise. I feel kind of broken. I figured I had a really low sex drive, but at the same time I keep seeing other women saying that they do get turned on when looking at other people, or feel a desire to have sex, and it's like… why haven't I ever felt that. Am I just stupid or something? I've had sex but it's not something I initiate or think about on my own time, I do it so the other person is happy and continues to love me. It still feels good, but it's something I have to mentally hype myself up for. I've had orgasms during sex and I've dated and been intimate with both sexes, so it's not that I haven't felt good from it or that I'm just not attracted to a certain sex. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense. I don't have anyone to talk to about sexual things like this so I don't really know what's normal. What is normal? Should I be attracted to genitals or think about sex on my own time? Should I want to have sex? Is it normal to just have a really really low sex drive but still enjoy sex sometimes?

No. 1443896

i don't have objective answers to any of this but i wanted to say i'm almost exactly the same way. i've had friends who are also similar; it does exist even though it's uncommon, i don't think we're "broken", although i do sometimes feel lke i might have some kind of hormonal imbalance or emotional block.

No. 1443900

Night crew at a store
Sorry if I listed minimum wage jobs kek that's all I do.

No. 1443907

I smelt like baby, dough and cream. I had a super sensitive nose.

No. 1444009

straight nonas, can you help me out? is it a specifically gay experience to feel competitive and having to fake being nice towards your friend's bf even if he hasn't done anything wrong and seems like a genuinely good guy? i noticed my relation to my new friend's bf is like this and while i am a lesbian i really want her as a friend first and foremost but this has thrown me for a bit. i feel protective about her but i don't really consider her as a potential partner. however i've had crushes on friends before and i always hated their bfs bc of that. so basically i was wondering if its possible to be irrationally protective like that over your friend without anything romantic entering the picture? sorry for my dumbass and thanks

No. 1444013

Its only valid if the guy is sketchy or if you know her track record of bfs are sleazy,abusive,toxic,bad people.
Otherwise you are in competition for her affection subconsciously.

No. 1444019

>I do it so the other person is happy and continues to love me.
This is why. Who the fuck is going to want sex if they have internalized it as an obligation they have to fulfill? I think once you find a partner you feel safe around you'll feel differently.

No. 1444026

I know cats sleep more during the winter months, but is that applicable to places like florida?

No. 1444040

>I do it so the other person is happy and continues to love me. It still feels good, but it's something I have to mentally hype myself up for.
I was like this up until probably my late twenties. I didn't have horny teenage years. I was curious to explore sex as a young adult but something was off when I did. It was like a performance for the other person. Even in relationships/in love it was more for them than me and I knew that. Something to tick off on the list of 'providing something partners want' It did have a pay off for me.. emotionally or ego wise it made me feel wanted but the actual sexual pay off wasn't exactly all there.

When I found myself single again in my mid twenties I took a couple years out and reflected on my own relationship with sex because that bothered me. After that break hormonally something changed in me. I felt real desire on my end, where sex was for me. Sought out for my own enjoyment as much as theirs. Part of me wishes I'd just stayed single before that point. Giving sex as a duty or a 'see I care' act can mess your personal relationship wth sex up. Going forward I want to avoid repeating that. Even if I have a decent drive now.. I want to avoid having duty sex on days where my drive isn't there. I know that approach tends to backfire eventually and lead to no sex at all. It shouldn't be about obligation or service or proving yourself. I think I also memed myself into thinking I was attracted to people where I wasn't really. I liked them, eventually loved them even but the spark wasn't there. I underestimated what true attraction should feel like.

I don't know your age, I don't know if you're likely to reach an age where hormones might kick in more and change that for you. But I think stepping away from sex with that duty mindset is important for your own wellbeing. You can only have so much relatonship maintenance sex before you end up eventually becoming repulsed or more sex avoidant. You can only go through the motions for so long before something in you says to stop.

No. 1444054

How can you get rid of hypersexuality?

No. 1444197

>I smelt like baby, dough and cream
Nah you probably smelled like old milk like all other preggos

No. 1444283

File: 1670958566541.jpg (124.46 KB, 1358x1148, 61tYXSwSoTL.jpg)

Do people who use knitting machines consider themselves knitters?

No. 1444284

Why are you being weird?

No. 1444286

With those machines? No. With flatbed machines? Yes. The learning curve on flatbed machines is very steep, whereas the Sentro machines can be used by a 6 year old

No. 1444288

Actually I'm sorry and my post was really mean. But I won't delete it because it's true.

No. 1444292

It's not about being mean, you are just fucking weird and creepy

No. 1444293


No. 1444319

I'm straight but have hated every single one of my friends boyfriends but they always turned out to be pos anyways, so maybe it's something subconcious and i'm not sure of how much help this is

No. 1444404

Where do i start if i wanna begin (or at least try) making statues/figures?

No. 1444414


No. 1444417

I guess it depends on the medium you want to use. If you want to try clay, then I would say buy some polymer or air dry clay online and get to watching YouTube videos. If you have the extra cash then maybe take a handbuilding ceramics class to learn the basics.

No. 1444425

How do people get high everyday and do their jobs high as fuck? I've only done weed a handful of times nonnies, I am stupid as to how coworkers can get high and do their jobs fine.

No. 1444440

Everyone's biochemistry is different. I've been depressed as a child and had insomnia. A bf I was living with when I was 20 suggested I do weed. We went to Amsterdam because we were two dweebs that didn't know anyone that would sell us it. I had the best sleep of my life and quickly found a supplier back home I've been high ever since I'm 32 now. No one knows I'm a weed smoker unless I've smoked in front of them

No. 1444450


No. 1444454

to be fair the super skinny model-esque collar bone sticking out type of thing is an image a lot of young women/girls like but not necerssarily men.

No. 1444458

Ok normally I have a huge bias for other women, but what is it with some of them fake-complimenting other people? I got a lot of it growing up, but constant "you are ugly" from men and 0 interest. On the upside? I've never been crept on. In the meantime from women: "you look like a model", "I wish I had your lips/legs/cheekbones/hair" (even though they suck, my hair looks balding and ratty, etc), "you look so beautiful", "I am in awe when I look at you", etc…even though I never fished for compliments or mentioned my looks. As a teen I ended up confirming a few DID in fact lie and thought I looked awful. Isn't it ok to just live as a frumpy, unattractive woman?
Ah, sorry, deleted and reposted. I've never been super skinny; I grew up fat and I'm now about 21 bmi. Skinniest I've ever been. My bone structure is very strong though.

No. 1444460

Also kind of ot, but there was research showing men on average are most attracted to underweight women. I'm not really sure how seriously to take it.

No. 1444474

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Maxmoefoe fags, is he vegetarian ? he seemed to be in the uber eat episode of cold ones

No. 1444475

Still looks like a slutty gay man, I see.

No. 1444476

what are some accessories for the nintendo switch that you would find useful or be happy with as a gift??
ive already bought them a travel case and games are more expensive than im willing to spend.

No. 1444477

>Ok normally I have a huge bias for other women, but what is it with some of them fake-complimenting other people? I got a lot of it growing up, but constant "you are ugly" from men and 0 interest. On the upside? I've never been crept on.
I don't know why, but I wish that were true for me. I get men calling me "baby", flirting, taking up personal space, unwanted touching in stores (on shoulder and arm, but still), even had a male cop stop me at a construction zone just to lean into my window and chat me up after claiming there was something wrong with my car (there wasn't). I'd gladly accept fake compliments from women over this. Now you have me wondering why I never get any.

No. 1444480

File: 1670970110056.png (880.86 KB, 1280x591, 58A839DA-5635-4CB5-A8FD-6D46E0…)

He is vegetarian. It is mentioned a lot on cold ones!

No. 1444491

File: 1670970597881.jpg (31.5 KB, 495x495, f2b061cded30eb29cd5638d461db71…)

thx you i never noticed !
thats such a turn on tbh

No. 1444492

I'm sorry about that. Yeah, I used to - yes it was dumb of me kek - feel like something was off, but I realized that I should be thankful. I was at least able to spend my youth mostly naive. Also, I used to look into such things and it appears that women are more likely than men to overcompensate and overcorrect on behalf of others–i.e., sensing someone's disadvantage, lying more on behalf of other people (as opposed to men lying more for themselves), etc. I think someone not caring > someone pretending to care, though.

No. 1444500

Is clay sculpting the only option? what are weeb figures made out of/produced?

No. 1444501


No. 1444505

that's sounds plausible.
i'm not trying to one-up you, btw. i really wonder why women don't speak to me like that. i'm overweight, don't wear makeup, have a basic hairstyle, and child-like face.

No. 1444508

Learn blender and get into 3d printing.

No. 1444545

Think of every beautiful woman you can think of and I will bet you she has been called ugly by moids multiple times. I've also seen moids compliment unfortunate looking girls and ignore beautiful ones, sometimes it's not you but moids tend to have shit taste, I also noticed women are better at seeing beauty in a lot of women where as men usually chase after the same copy and paste features, just with different body types

No. 1444563

nta but isn't 3D printing kinda expensive? I always wanted to get into it though it seems like the market is very crowded.
nah it's ok.
it's probably because you probably look normalish. I have a very harsh face and am tall. My bone structure and fat distribution is so terrible I look chunky in spite of being a pant size 4! A lot of decent looking women sometimes are glossed over, like, they're stereotypically attractive but it's more polar looking women that get more feedback, especially from other women. Sometimes it's not a lie, though usually it's a matter of how uncertainty and confusion sometimes makes people less apathetic.

No. 1444576

Not expensive at all, surely buying a printer and the material will cost you initially more than buying some clay, but then you can just print over and over and over, effectively increasing your income as compared to selling one handcrafted clay figure. Printers prices vary but for one person's use around $400-500 would be more than enough so I don't think it's impossible to get. It's a different target audience for both, neither is better than other so you'd have to figure out what you really want to do. In case of 3d, you don't really have to commit to buying anything in the beginning anyway, you can just learn 3d sculpting for free - there's a LOT of resources - have it printed somewhere else and see if that's something you'd want to; or you could just sell blueprints to people to print out themselves. The market is still very young and it will take much more time before it becomes oversaturated.

No. 1444581

I agree that women have a more varied sense of beauty. Even the "attractive woman I want to fuck" thread is far more varied than what most men claim is their type. But, yeah, after finding out some girls and women did lie to me, I kind of assume most are. The only one I kind of trust was my childhood best friend. She said I was like a beautiful elf-goblin queen around 2 years ago which…was kind of rude but I could tell she truly meant it.
Yeah, it's just I have a lot of ideas for it and it's good to see that it hasn't quite been oversaturated. I'll at least mess around in Blender more for fun and see where it takes me. Thanks for the advice, it actually made my huge sunk cost fear go away.

No. 1444798

How do you think Elon Musk smells?

No. 1444806

Sour cream and overpowering Dior savage

No. 1444808

like axe body spray.

No. 1444897

i would suggest epoxy sculpting or 3d. i do sculpting mods for dolls with paperclay but its fucking hell to deal with

No. 1444920


No. 1444923

wet clay

No. 1444938

Warm metal and curry

No. 1444943

This one upsets me for some reason

No. 1444962

lol half the time this will not work, especially being feminine men think i'm lying or see it as a challenge. the men who aren't satisfied with 'no, sorry i'm not interested' or saying you have a boyfriend will not back off when you say you're a lesbian.

No. 1444964

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What do you want to carve instead? You could buy some stiff foam and carve that, I see korean/Japanese bjd artists use that method.

No. 1444994

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Why is it that people are talking about Hila from H3H3, did I miss something? Or is it just that she has cow/freakout potential?

No. 1444999

No there is nothing new, she just looks miserable around Ethan, and ethan has been getting in alot of controversies lately so people are speculating if she will snap and they will divorce in the future.

No. 1445009

Does anyone else think there's been so much infighting lately, and unwarranted replies that are bitchy and rude for no reason? Mostly here and /g/. I've started noticing it more this past two weeks.

No. 1445011

definitely. going by the redtexts apparently most of it is the redacted and some of it is bait

No. 1445019

I have a dumb question, I remember my teachers laughing when I asked this back on highschool.
If a prostitute gets pregnant after "working" can that be considered a "job injury"?

No. 1445029

And theres a lot of very identifiable posters repling like this was a discord chart.

No. 1445043

Homosexual men

No. 1445079

I think a lot of the porn spammers or what not have decided to resort to causing infighting. I am convinced that one of these moids is purposely using the ugly kevin guy to derail in the unpopular opinions thread. It's not even funny anymore.

No. 1445081

Not an answer but kek, i bet your teacher tells everyone this story.

No. 1445083

Isn't tinfoil if it's true

No. 1445093

>kevin derailer
i posted him as a blatant joke in the unpopular opinion thread as satire to get other anons to laugh.

Also im not the racebaiter who is currently racebaiting over him. You have actual moids here but you always resort to attacking anons.

No. 1445117

any nonnas have an eye twitch? were you able to figure out what caused it, or how to stop it?

my lower eyelid has been twitching for MONTHS. i tried drinking less coffee, didn’t help. Less stress/more sleep isn’t possible for me due to…my life.

I feel awkward talking to people though with my eye having a fucking seizure constantly, I look like i’ve lost my mind

No. 1445122

I was having a persistent eye twitch and put blue light filters on all my devices and made sure to take breaks and shut my eyes or look around at the real world for at least a few minutes. It went away. I was also doing a lot of classwork and had a stressful job.

No. 1445125

Am I the only one who loves my female pets more than my male ones? I have 2 cats, one male one female, and while their both well behaved and equally as cute I always feel more inclined to pet and play with her instead of him.

No. 1445138


No. 1445216

I think some women lie because they were socialized to be ultra nice to everyone, people pleasers etc. It doesn't mean that everyone is lying. Maturity also plays into it, most adults know to just not compliment someone instead of lying. On the whole, women are far more appreciative of different types of beauty. Strong bone structure in particular is something that can be extremely divisive. To me, it's beautiful and modelesque(regardless of weight) but a lot of people equate neoteny and cuteness with beauty.

No. 1445240

Is it too off putting that I don’t talk when leading up to sex? Like I become mute and can only gesture. It’s not like I’m not horny either, I want to have sex but my voice just doesn’t come out

No. 1445241

File: 1671018359132.png (153 KB, 593x593, Sad-Cat-Meme-PNG-Photo.png)

>"you look like a model"
is a fake compliment?

No. 1445242

Why is it that, when my mum and I are having a disagreement, she will interrupt me and not let me finish. But when I say I don't like being interrupted, she starts talking about herself?

No. 1445319

No its not. I have friends who gave the body and height to model and I always compliment them that way, lmao. Anon probably has bdd and keeps basing her value on males sexual interest of her which makes no sense.

No. 1445321

File: 1671026516494.jpg (32.62 KB, 1020x612, 1962.jpg)

If I wash my clothes but can still smell the sweat or perfume on them after an hour long washing cycle, is that the fault of the washing detergent or the washing machine? Or this is normal and clothes should always be presoaked before being put in the washing machine?

No. 1445337

Eh, men have shit taste in women

No. 1445339

Is there any way of scar removal for self harm scars? I don't want tattoos and I'm sick of not being able to be bare legged. inb4 'it's nothing to be ashamed of', I don't judge others but I really don't want it out on full display. I did all of it out of stupid impulsivity and completely ruined my legs.

No. 1445343

Could be either thing or something else. That only happens to me when I overpack my washer with too many clothes

No. 1445345

She manipulating you and controlling the conversation. You can always pull a power move and every time she interrupts you turn your back on her and say, "I will not be engaging until you stop interrupting." And then ignore her. And every time she moves around you, turn so she's facing your back again. It will drive her insane and teach her that interrupting stops the conversation.

No. 1445350

Could be either. I couldn't get the coppery smell out of my fabric menstrual pads until I sprayed them with oxyclean/put baking soda in with my loads, even though they came out clean. You might have to do some trial and error to figure out what the problem is.

No. 1445355

well it's not permanent but there's heavy duty foundation/concealers that are made for covering up scars on the body, maybe that's worth looking into until you find long-term solution?

No. 1445362

There's no way considered 100% effective but there are laser treatments for scars, so maybe you can achieve an effect "good enough"

No. 1445402

US anons, can you give me a rundown of the reputation of news channels in your country? Sometimes I see infights on reddit going like
>hurrdurr you used threeletterabbreviationnewspaper and The Clock instead of The Pacific, way to show ur lookism
and I have no idea what any of those channels are or mean.

No. 1445419

Fox and New York Post is right wing conservative propaganda. CNN and MSN are left wing liberal propaganda. All of it is billionaire propaganda because USA is an oligarchy. Jeff Bezos privately owns The Washington Post.

No. 1445447

I went to an Indonesian restaurant and they had this delicious sauce that was like a thicker soy sauce with a slightly sweeter taste. I forgot to ask what it was called however. Anyone know what i’m talking about?

No. 1445483

Is it possible for someone to not have a last name?
I have a colleague whom I think doesn't have a last name. When she gave out her presentation she just put her first name on the intro slide when normally you'd put in your full name. On the group website, she was just listed as her first name even though the other members have both their first and last name listed. When I saw her email address it just says "[first name] [first name]" and I think it's only because the system won't register without putting down a last name. She is from India. How common is it for people there to not have a last name?

No. 1445492

Yes, it's possible. Some cultures in that region only use one name. It's a huge pain in the ass for them to exist abroad from what I read because you need two names to fill in most forms and can't submit incomplete data.

No. 1445506

What hobbies can a retired 57 y/o woman do? My mom has been depressed since retiring because she has absolutely nothing besides cleaning to do
In the summer I want to try gardening with her but this winter is too freezing for that so I have no idea what can give her a purpose/enjoyment again

No. 1445512

Maybe embroidery? That’s one of my hobbies kek

No. 1445513

My mom got into painting tutorials on youtube after we went to painting with a twist a few times, she has dozens of paintings now. Her favorite is ginger cook

No. 1445516

Thank you, I don't shave my legs though so it would probably make it more obvious.
Thanks, I will look into it. I don't mind if it shows a little bit, my leg hair will cover it anyway but now they're so obvious you can see them through it.

No. 1445518

my mom likes baking bread for a hobby in the winter when she's not gardening.

No. 1445528

Wow I knew a classmate from Pakistan who told me he didn’t have a surname but I thought he was just joking. That sounds so…inconvenient. You can’t even sign up on some websites without inputting a last name let alone IRL documentation stuff. Why would their governments allow this in 2022

No. 1445533

Is the gopuff spun thing a scam? I sweat I only get like 250 everyday but when I don’t spin for a while a get more.

No. 1445540

baking, sculping with clay, knitting, painting, sewing. There's so much your mom can do. I think she can even join or start a club. I hope it works out for her.

No. 1445553

All the Indian people I know have like 5 super long names, I didn't think that people with no family name would still be a thing.

No. 1445580

Woah nta, this is intriguing. Wonder what that would be like

No. 1445603

Not the same as having no last name, but Ayaan Hirsi Ali got kicked out of Dutch parliament because people didn't understand Somali naming conventions and how everyone in the family has the same three names, just ordered in a different manner every time. They thought she frauded the government and stole her grandfather's identity kek.

No. 1445628

Yeah, I'm Roma and have relatives who don't have surnames. I don't know why, they just don't. But they are old and don't travel so it's okay for them. Most people who don't get a surname in my country just get a random common one now, or pick their own if they want.

No. 1445683

File: 1671039897696.jpeg (464.3 KB, 605x871, ECA38EC4-CA4B-412B-993A-CCB33F…)

Can I wear an outfit like that when I’m 30yo?

No. 1445685

Yes and i'm sure it'll look really good on you anon

No. 1445686

Darn right you can! That outfit is cute nonna and I bet you would rock it something fierce

No. 1445689

Yes, it looks very cute and cozy anon! I don't think pleated skirts are inherently childish. But also, don't worry about if you're "too old" for something. Life's too short to care about silly things like that.

No. 1445692

No, you die after 29, zoomer. Remember that.
but for now. I hope you're joking because there are plenty of women after 30 who wear this…

No. 1445695

? why not. It's just a simple skirt sweater combination, there's nothing teenager-y about this or whatever.

No. 1445696

OP is probably 22 and think she'll die once she hits 30.

No. 1445697

yes, you totally can.
pleated miniskirts look bad though sorry. I'm convinced that's why they're always photographed cropped out like that. unflattering cut for a human body. doll clothes.

No. 1445706

nta but pleated miniskirts always remind me of porn unfortunately so I avoid them even though I think they're cute. Long pleated skirts are so gorgeous and smart looking though.

No. 1445723

Thanks sweet anons I will wear it and will feel cute and cozy.

No. 1445864

Damn and here I thought MSN was just a dead messenger, not a news outlet. Anyways, thanks.

No. 1445872

So I bought a sweater 2nd hand and it arrived with a couple of small brown spots on the back. Is it fair to give the seller not a perfect rating over that? The item was listed as "good condition" not "as good as new" but still I feel like it should've been disclosed?

No. 1445898

kecap manis

No. 1445951

the best soy sauce, anyone who disagrees is a retard and wrong

No. 1445969

can himbos have had a whorish past? or are they always pure innocent angels no exceptions?

No. 1445978

Are there specific names for the different sensations of pain? I sometimes have pain in my neck and back that legitimately feels wet, the first time I had it I thought some water from my hair trickled there, but it was completely dry, and googling "wet pain" or similar doesn't bring results.

No. 1445982

kek idk anon but sounds similar to mine. i classify my different sensations of pain as sweet (feels mildly good pretty straight forward), salty, and sour.

No. 1445989

Some of the normal terms used are like sharp, dull, tingling, throbbing, burning. Those are generally the words which doctors ask about and take note of for potential diagnoses and treatment.
If you told a doctor your pain is wet they would almost definitely also want to hear other qualifiers from the list above (as well as the usual stuff like explanation of the exact locations, anything that sets it off, anything that helps relieve it, your posture and lifestyle and so on).

No. 1445990

Does this shit actually works/at least makes it easier to learn a language? Or is it supposed to be just a placebo?

No. 1445998

Lol no, if it's free to you (years ago they used to sell similar stuff for $$$) then it exists solely for view and advertisement revenue.
Any "get results with no effort" gimmick should automatically raise an alarm in your head. Weighloss, muscle building and language learning seem to be the most common scams of this kind.

No. 1446004

Sorry for double post, I want to clarify:
meant to say that weightloss/muscle building scams are of the "no effort" kind, not a YouTube video - vide detox teas, ems "training" sessions or these ab-crunch devices. Although I've come across supposed "weightloss hypnosis" stuff so it could potentially be on YouTube too.
Nona just learn the language you want the regular way, it's worth it.

No. 1446012

What should I do to my fake LinkedIn to make it more believable? My last one got banned

No. 1446060

File: 1671055498864.jpeg (477.17 KB, 1530x949, CC88DD2A-017C-47ED-886C-4B0BA6…)

Nonnies who have been with both cut and uncut men, which did you prefer? Am a virgin but cut dicks look gross and google gave contradictory results immediately.

No. 1446077

uncut is way hotter but obviously it has to be clean. cut looks a little more presentable soft but who cares about that. I hate it when they bend down. long balls make me want to vomit.
I feel gross now from having thought about this, maybe I wasn't in the mood to answer.

No. 1446078

Was with a guy who had a bit taken off. Could tell the difference (don't let them lie to you that it's all the same) even though he was technically uncut. Just make sure he pulls his foreskin down and washes it before sex. Don't be shy to stop sex if his dick smells.

No. 1446079

I've seen an assortment of both irl and the ones with the bad or unpleasant dicks had nothing to do with their foreskin situation. They all look different.

No. 1446085

The only uncut dick I've seen was a guy who had to get one in adulthood because of phimosis. It looked almost painful compared to other dicks I've seen, but it might just have been a botched job and I never actually touched it. I think I actually physically cringed when I've seen it, poor guy

No. 1446469

personally I find cut far more attractive

No. 1446471

Uncut for sure. Cut dicks look ugly and feel weird.Plus you can't do anything with them without overcompensating with lube because foreskin is a natural lubricant. I wish circumcision were banned just because cut dicks are so terrible.

No. 1446478

I think this is a myth. Sure maybe some people have to use lube, but my fiance is cut and we have never used lube

No. 1446482

it's not a myth, the combination of both partners natural lube is useful for sex, some girls don't make that much themselves. cutting is gross though, i don't want a mutated guy.

No. 1446483


No. 1446486

Thanks for answering nonna. Have you got any more advice? My mum makes me feel like my struggles aren't important and I don't know what to do. For example, I was speaking to my brother on the phone once and I told him that sometimes I hear voices and she was earwigging in the hallway and burst out laughing. Obviously the solution would be to move out but I don't earn enough for that yet.

No. 1446488

Sorry I meant it's a myth that you have to always use lube. Of course if the woman doesn't make much of her own then yeah. But I feel like it's some meme other men start saying that cut men have to use lube even when jerking off and stuff. I've never known any man with a cut dick using lube. Anyway to each their own. I always only ever hear uncut men calling cut men mutilated kek it makes me laugh cause I prefer cut. They kinda remind me of elephant trunks when uncut, freaks me out. Am a burger though so cut is the norm here

No. 1446508

Who's or what's the "my dad's deaaaaaaad" banner with Mathilda from Léon about? (lolcow banner, in case it wasn't clear)

No. 1446511

This is extremely dumb but how do I stop feeling embarrassed for obsessing over a character from a show that ended over a decade ago? I don't even know why I'm embarrassed in the first place.

No. 1446515

Proclaim your love to anyone who will listen. Unabashedly sperg about your bae on the internet. It feels so good to love someone freely and completely!

No. 1446519

Probably Orangecitrus, a camgirl. I barely remember anything from her thread anymore, so it could be wrong, but I think she used to spread all kind of munchie tier lies like that one.

No. 1446601

Can an anon please recommend a super soft high thread count bed sheet?

No. 1446608

anon, every himbo is a hoe unless it is fundamentally against his morals, for example a catholic or anglican christian

No. 1446617

File: 1671091822378.png (76.45 KB, 340x323, 1646461790064.png)

i am a virgin can someone explain to me the difference?

No. 1446627

What’s wrong with heart shaped jewelry? I keep seeing things where a woman receiving heart shaped jewelry is treated like the butt of a joke and I just don’t get it?

No. 1446635

I don't get it either tbh. I read it's "childish" but honestly I love heart shaped things. My engagement ring is heart shaped

No. 1446640

all I can think of is usually when I've personally witnessed someone receiving heart shaped stuff from a man, it's been ugly and cheap as shit and it never went with the style of the recipient and that's what made it cringe and awful but I don't see issue with heart shaped stuff in general

No. 1446653

Uncut dicks have their foreskin intact (it's like loose skin protecting the head of the penis), it makes it easier to masturbate afaik as you do not need lube. Cut dicks have had their foreskin removed and the head of the penis is exposed = it's drier and needs lube when masturbating, possibly when having sex too I am not sure. I think uncut ones might be more dirty if the moid it's attached does not pull the foreskin back when washing the dick. It's very unusual to be circumcized where I'm from, so I have only been with uncut men so I do not have personal experience with cut men.

No. 1446656

Uncut. Where I'm from most of them are uncut anyway and it's preferable, cut dicks look really weird and "tight" like just painful in my opinion. The foreskin is there for a reason, and I don't understand the point of circumcision in the first place.

No. 1446660

For the love of god please tell me a good manga/comic book reader for Mac. I spent an hour yesterday trying to find one for this godforsaken OS and could not. I just want one that lets me navigate solely with the arrow keys and resets the page to the top position after changing pages. Like Honeyview.

No. 1446665

Someone post that guy getting his face smashed into a cake please

No. 1446677

No foreskin literally leads to dryer sex, because the foreskin is meant to keep lubrication on the inside. My bf is cut and we personally have had this issue. The dick skin also dries up from being constantly rubbed against fabric. Anything that tells you it's better is a cope by cut moids or religious people.
It's also barbaric and babies can have trauma from the procedure years later. There's a reason only the most backward and religious parts of the world engage in this.

No. 1446781

Uncut. The scar tissue on cut looks bad and it's hard to give handjobs because everything is so dry.

No. 1446784

This post smells like blue cheese

No. 1446811

Only cut one looked small and yellowish and was very dry compared to the uncut ones (also it looked a bit deformed). Uncut felt better in my hand
I don't have it but it's in the female gaze thread on /m/

No. 1446816

this. also the pretense that it's okay to give unnecessary plastic surgery to infants is actually dangerous to women.

No. 1446818

This post smells like a moid who doesn't know how to clean himself

Cut dick also makes it easier to rape

No. 1446819

>plastic surgery

No. 1446820

NTA but the reason why circumcision is promoted as the most healthy option by doctors themselves is that baby foreskins are used in the cosmetics industry (I think)

No. 1446821

>easier to rape
Uh because they don't have to pull the skin back…? Wtf are you even saying

No. 1446842

please tell me what it is then?

No. 1446857

Gyns, I went outside and touched the grass but I don't feel better. Is it normal?

No. 1446869

How long did you stay outside?

No. 1446872

Online. Chatting with guy I matched with. Hulking beast (not really ofc) with a big youknowwhat. Yes first thing he sent me were his nudes. He tells me I’m cute/sexy and so small and how he likes that (I’m 5’4 so not really small he’s just huge), and in general trying to sext with me. I’m a retard and am literally shaking cannot sext back. He tells me to come chat with him. Literally just go to sleep. Next day, apologize, ask him questions etc. He replies a few minutes later and we chat for a bit, I tell him how I’m insecure blah blah he tells me he likes small boobs. So I send him a few pics of them randomly while replying to some of the other stuff he said. In one of the pics I’m making a weird face idk why don’t ask I just felt like being silly and I was making like a cat gesture please don’t laugh. He replies to some of the other stuff but doesn’t mention the pics. Oh my gosh did he hate them? Think they were funny? Or maybe he found someone less autistic? Or maybe he was surprised because he said I seemed shy and was not expecting that? I need closure but I left him on read because I’m so embarrassed. I’m afraid to ask. I thought they were good pics.

No. 1446881

anon.. don't send nudes ever again, be wiser than that. Learn from the many women before you (and after you) who had the nudes they sent to men misused by them.

No. 1446885

this sounds like some tranny larp and I will not apologise for thinking that, never send nudes to anyone, anon.

No. 1446886

Please say sike

No. 1446888


No. 1446890

I felt like I had to because he sent me nudes of him with his face showing and everything and like I had to return the favor bc I really liked them when I generally don’t. Also I know he sounds like a perv from that alone but he seemed sweet and I felt trusting ig. Plus that usually happens to pretty girls I’m pretty meh. They’re just nudes not sex
I don’t get what the big deal is he sent me nudes first sooo

No. 1446891

the cat thing made me think larping tranny or autist

No. 1446892

Ok so it was the cat thing huh. I can’t come back from that can I? It was Halloween when I took those pics alright.

No. 1446893

are you underaged or just slow

No. 1446894

Someone needs to use that weird text analysing thing because everything there reads as a larp

No. 1446895

Hope you're comfortable with your nudes being on 4chan or some scrote like equivalent

No. 1446898

He looked like a normie anon. Based on you guys’ responses I ruined my chances so just gonna block him

No. 1446900

Normies post womens nudes online all the time are you brand new

No. 1446902

Don't be dense, there's next to zero risk for men sending nudes to women because women are extremely unlikely to abuse it and even if they do, the social consequences men face aren't anywhere near comparable to those that women face. Men on the other are far more likely to abuse private sent nudes (secretly dump them online, share them around in revenge, jerk off to them after you've broken up etc.) You don't have to search the hidden corners of the internet to find public places where men publically share nudes of (ex) girlfriends, sisters, roommates even mothers etc. without their consent.

If you feel obligated to share nudes just because he did there's something seriously wrong with you. I borderline hope you're underage because damn imagine being 18+ and thinking this is something you had to do.

No. 1446903

Not on 4chan afik

No. 1446906

I am screaming anon

No. 1446908

Samefag but good your chances are ruined with him, he sounds like a dumb fuckboy who would probably give you an std, and he was only nice because he wanted to fuck you. What did you think would happen with him you'd build a nice relationship over a start like that? Him sending you photos of his dick? Girl you better be joking

No. 1446910

Whatever ill just go on pimeyes to see if he posted them anywhere a month from now. I doubt it but you guys are making me paranoid

No. 1446913

what the fuck is pimeyes Jesus this is like some alien posting

No. 1446914

Bold of you to assume I want relationships with men.

No. 1446915

Pimeyes isn't a sure fire way to find shit online, it misses shit all the time. Just be smarter in the future and don't ever send nudes, especially to a stranger jfc

No. 1446916

Didn't you say it happened on Halloween? You should check since it's already been a month

No. 1446918

So you just want an std from a stranger then?

No. 1446920

I took the pic during halloween hence the cat thing. I sent the pic last night iirc

No. 1446921

You'd be surprised at how many normie men browse 4chan.

No. 1446925

Why did the munchie/illness faker threads get discontinued? Would it ever be okay to do a soft reboot of them?

No. 1446926

nta but just today I was walking by this very fancy area with very fancy highrise apartment buildings and was wondering what kind of people live there and right as I was thinking that, a fancy looking business scrote walked pass me, browsing 4chan. They're all out there.

No. 1446932

Feel free!

No. 1446935

No offense anon but you sound retarded.

No. 1446936

and there are lawyers and doctors browsing lolcow, it goes both ways. We are everywhere, we are legion. Spreading female spergery everywhere.

No. 1446941

That is a blessing in a stupid way, I seriously sometimes wonder if my terfy therapist is posting here, I mean why not

No. 1446942

During the height of the covid vaccine political discourse I saw some scrote post to 4chan about how distressed he was about not wanting to get the jab but his job required it, and he was a pilot. So someone who's studious enough to fly a plane is also browsing pol, it's upsetting honestly, they're everywhere.

No. 1446965

The average male comment on any social media is 4chan /pol/ tier

No. 1446971

File: 1671119926819.jpeg (52.57 KB, 300x227, E85BE035-7865-437A-B883-4DA6B3…)

Thank you everyone for your penis answers, i poked around more online and most other women seem to prefer uncut and men are sad they were circumcised but then also do it to their sons because they don’t want their dicks to look different? I thought only Jewish babies were circumcised, I have no idea why so many American men are.

No. 1446976

It works pretty well for my face.

No. 1446977

I prefer circumcised because men can't be trusted with the very easy task of keeping their smegma at bay

No. 1446982

It honestly doesn't matter. PIV is underwhelming anyway so there is only the visual aspect of whether you like cut or not.

No. 1446983

I don't think most american parents give it a second thought. I had an eco feminist professor in college that taught us how it's damaging to the baby and she made some lady in our class cry because she felt guilty for cutting her son

No. 1446986

imo they should just take the whole thing off right off the bat

No. 1446987

No. 1447018

my fake linkedin doesn't even have a human name (it's a peepeepoopoo level name) and I've never been banned. plus i set it so I have no schooling and worked at one hotel company in a city I don't live in lol. maybe it's not the way you set it up but more the way you're using it? do you interact with people on there?

No. 1447039

I prefer uncut and it's usually moids who chime in to tell me I'm wrong and that cut is better, plus women don't care what their kids private parts look like unless they're pedophiles

No. 1447043

I’ve heard of women deciding to cut it so they “don’t struggle when dating” when adults…

No. 1447060

He thought you were ugly in the face and lost interest. Don't pursue men online again, don't send nudes again.

No. 1447076

The foreskin may hurt more for the guy if he forces intercourse. I've read this online though so I have no idea if it's true. What's really true is that mutilation in infancy can give people trauma and behavioural issues once they become adults. It's also encouraging and enabling moids to clean even less.

No. 1447132

Am I the only one who gets no option to delete posts except for using the bottom of the page instead of the pop up? I hope I'm described this right

No. 1447141

Light mode?

No. 1447149

File: 1671128772219.jpg (108.08 KB, 720x784, Screenshot_20221215-132604_Chr…)

This is how it looks for me no options when I click
Only happens sometimes though and I don't know or if it's loading because I let the page stay up for a while

No. 1447173

Nta but men often ghost women after sending nudes/face/whatever as a manipulation and negging tactic. I use to know a guy who demanded nudes from me and then when I sent them he would ghost me for days or just act disinterested, when I started acting disinterested back and didn't chase him like he wanted he was the one who kept blowing up my messages kek

No. 1447182

A lot of it is also because they got what they wanted from you and now they're going to try to bait you again using the bare minimum. It isn't because they're desperate its because they're trying to keep options open and using that tactic to keep you on a hook when they have like seven other lines out. If they really were interested in you they would show it.

No. 1447185

its definitely the cat thing im so sorry nona but cringe

No. 1447202

Because the american healthcare system is literally filled with jewish doctors that push their religion on others. That is literally the reason why.

No. 1447203

Yay someone dared say it kek

No. 1447204

There's multiple reasons why but usually "finding you ugly" is the last reason

No. 1447210

How likely is it to find my phone back with all my data untouched and unchecked in it after someone stole it from me?

No. 1447245

File: 1671132852414.jpg (30.79 KB, 680x559, 07d.jpg)

What fucking causes some women to have tradthot mentality? Seriously, it's like digging their own graves but at the same they enjoy digging those said graves. Like, I don't understand why my religious zealot of a mother capes for scrotes who will more or less likely kill her (lucky her that she has a safe distance from them a milion miles away), support shitty intuitions that see her and other women as second-class I just–why? I don't get it.

I love my mother and I know she's been through a lot, but this part of her is something I will never understand. Let alone something I can understand from other women.

No. 1447256

Is a normal child of an autist more likely to display austistic behaviour? As in, copying their social behaviours and all.

No. 1447276

I genuinely recommend reading Dworkin's "Right Wing Women" book

No. 1447285

File: 1671134240380.jpg (120.4 KB, 800x540, cake prince.jpg)

blessed post no

No. 1447397

Depends on how such data is interpreted I think. On every normalfag algorithm driven site I get obviously male-targeted shit. These systems couldn’t read my heinous hate posts, it just knows that I commented on some scrote’s page 15 times, watch history videos, and listen to tranny music (kms).

No. 1447408

Social dominance orientation is something that's mainly high in scrotes, for obvious reasons, it's the belief that hierarchies are natural order, and the strongest will rise to the top, ie. the one at the top obviously must be the most suited for it. Sure it seems counterintuitive for a woman to believe that, but if you just accept it as "natural law" and don't fight, hell, you even defend it, there's a whole lot of thinking you can cut out of your life, reducing cognitive dissonance/stress.

No. 1447425

Post-menopausal women are supposed to be "at the top", since they are the most suited for it. Not in the "gets to oppress the rest" way, but in a mediating, providing wisdom, supporting and guiding way.

No. 1447440

File: 1671140233233.png (186.27 KB, 1148x617, true and honest statistics.png)

fer surrrr

No. 1447456

File: 1671140784699.jpg (43.7 KB, 1080x149, Screenshot_20221215_234457.jpg)

does this show up at the top of the page? if yes, then you are just in lite mode (for faster page loading and/or saving up mobile data etc), tap "exit lite mode" to go back to regular mode

No. 1447483

I don't know… he had already seen multiple pics of my face so that wouldn't make sense. It was probably that one picture screamed underage retard. I sat on that picture for a good minute before i decided to send it so even I kinda already knew it was bad.
He didn't ghost me, he had just not acknowledged the pics i sent him at all.

anyways bit of an update bc it was eating at me so i bit the bullet and asked him. he said he thought they were hot then a few minutes later he was like omg talk more…. i think he may be a little retarded as well or trolling me or just plain lying. Also i looked through the pics on his profile again and i noticed in one there were girl items in the background which is a bummer… this handsome bastard is most likely cheating

No. 1447489

Kek, should we move to wizardchan?

No. 1447511

File: 1671143429204.png (103.31 KB, 275x197, 1649992800440.png)

why are people unironically calling other people puritanical everywhere now? for a while I was almost solely seeing reddit type men use it to police women that say remotely critical about stuff like kinks (i.e., choking) or suggest that maybe casual sex isn't that equal. the other day I saw a troon sperg out over a woman not being into BDSM and call her puritanical. do people just not know what being puritanical even is?

No. 1447517

I've mostly seen it in reference to the idea that younger generations are increasingly sexless and judgemental about fairly normal sexual desire/behavior, as in the term "puriteen". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puriteen

No. 1447522

nta but i've never seen a normal person use that term, only adults upset at teenagers for criticizing fetishes or for not liking their creepy posts

No. 1447525

What country is he from? What does he look like?

No. 1447545

australia. black chin length hair, strong bushy eyebrows, stubble with mustache, swarthy-ish. Big

No. 1447562

File: 1671146580219.jpg (47.78 KB, 734x796, 1655776377426.jpg)

Can someone tell me who they are pls i only know Andrea Yates and the chris chan girl

No. 1447564

idk many either but ik the girl with the choker is anna sorokin

No. 1447565

Top right is Brenda Spencer, center is Jodi Arias, left center issome japanese girl who stabbed her host bf if I remember right.

No. 1447568

tfw im this phenotype

No. 1447570

You wear glasses and have hair? Crazy stuff, me too.

No. 1447581

it's dumb, but the other nonny is right, it's just cope. it seems counterintuitive, but chances are she has been fairly disenfranchised from more positive support networks, went through trauma, and found certainty in the arms of oppression.
cute italics btw, I feel the passion.

No. 1447582

File: 1671147417212.jpeg (428.66 KB, 1200x1800, Frozen-Fish-Fillets-in-Air-Fry…)

Wtf can you do with fish filets except put them in a sandwich

No. 1447584

Put ketchup on them

No. 1447590

Get a savoy cabbage, potatoes, olive oil and garlic. Cook the potatoes until mushy, add the cabbage and cook until it's soft. Drain the water, throw in the garlic and a few drizzles of olive oil and cook a bit more just so it's all combined. It's delicious with any kind of fish, even fish fillets.

No. 1447595

Eh, what is "normal" though? A lot of heterosexual relations are in hell because it's often based upon a pornographic and performative, almost antisocially greedy mode of seeing sex which naturally leads to a lot of bad situations. Some women get lucky, but most don't. Puriteen=mostly another way of policing young girls who signal in any way that they aren't on the "menu", which angers men and Pickmes. Also young girls aren't anymore, uh…puritanical, it's literally just that it's become a meme because in this day and age, teen girls are more publicized and in demand than ever.

No. 1447630

eat them like chicken tenders with tarter and cocktail sauce.

No. 1447634

Mix it with mashed potatoes, >>1447584 is good advice if you really want the 9pm on a sunday evening flair

No. 1447641

My favorite are when they claim it's actually teenage girls that are the weirdos for not doing what they want kek. When I was 14-17 I'd advertise heavily against ddlg and so many adults would butt in claiming I made it sexual, claiming I was part of a cult that "made minors go to the strip club to have adult discussions", I'd get told I was mad because I'm a virgin and can't have fun and shit. Adults raged when teen girls refuse to sexualize themselves

No. 1447648

Bless you

No. 1447652

File: 1671151209317.jpeg (560.88 KB, 1170x1581, 1669663278337.jpeg)

samefag but posts like pic

No. 1447659

Top middle is Lindsay Souvannarath, I think she had a thread at some point (or was talked about here)

No. 1447695

I'm just going to presume that anyone who gets called that is based, either for holding based opinions or for virtue of triggering some weirdo twice their age.

No. 1447816

File: 1671161276264.jpg (181.83 KB, 1152x720, sid.jpg)

What age do you consider old to be a virgin? I lost mine at 21 to a woman and always felt a bit embarrassed about it being "late" partly due to growing up watching shows like Skins kek

No. 1447822

I probably would have said 21 too, but honestly, i don't give a fuck if i am a virgin at 80 years old, as a 26 year old virgin. I am sure i will reach the 30 milestone with ease.

No. 1447828

with women, none. With men, i think if he's over 21 and a virgin there is something seriously wrong with him.

No. 1447830

I don't really think about it in terms of age, either it's embarrassing because of the individual (they're repulsive or desperate or creepy and have turned off all potential partners, usually applies to moids) or it's not embarrassing (they're normal as far as I can tell and perhaps have high standards or understandable circumstances that prevented them from having sex, usually applies to women).

I can't imagine I'd ever judge a woman (esp lesbians) for however late she lost her virginity, there's so many reasonable explanations for that which don't reflect negatively on her.

No. 1447946

Does LC allow nonas to post offsite links that aren't from Imgur or Youtube?

No. 1447947

Yes, but not embedded.

No. 1447948

Okay, extra stupid question, what's an embedded link?

No. 1447977

I would say 30 but I wont judge any woman bi, straight, lesbian for not having sex in this time. Bi and straight women have really disgusting men with broken dicks that expect beautiful women while plan b, abortion, healthcare is being taken away. Condoms cost money still at the least to avoid std/sti, and it sounds like the men are all lackluster anyway to take on all those risks. For lesbians they're alot more scarce depending on where the woman lives and now you're an evil witch for wanting an actual xx woman instead of…a fail male.

No. 1447982

and a brunette ready to go full postal

it's not us that are ugly, it's society that is ugly

No. 1448012

Just whenever you see an image or youtube video displayed with a post without having to click a link, it's embedded. You can't embed non-yt/imgur links that's all. If you're posting milk from a source that can't be embedded, you should screenshot it and embed the image in addition to posting the link.

No. 1448017

What makes you most angry?

No. 1448021

Can someone explain to me where the American obsession with height comes from, I swear despite the massive ethnic height differences in my country, people barely care about height when compared to you and don't talk about it

No. 1448030

Its not just America. Asia, Europe too. Men want short girls cause it makes them feel, look, and seem more masculine. Women want tall men cause its feminine, might also have the 'anachans make fat friends' effect, and women like to feel like their man can protect them. You may think that its solely american because you consume a lot or american media/ content creators.

No. 1448037

The whole late to the party sentiment is stupid. No one is obligated to have sex just because the world tells them to. Tbh it all honestly just seemsnlike cope from people who messed around as a teen and regret not saving their v card for someone that would actually appreciate them kek

No. 1448040

I'm in Europe and this isn't my experience at all. And I'm not a petite girl so I think I'd know if there was some real bias against taller girls/women.

No. 1448047

nahh this is not the reality in france. i think the beauty standard in central europe for women is thin and tall.

No. 1448049

Can someone explain to me the controversy around Andrea Dworkin, one thing I heard about her? I know she was an influential feminist who was also anti-porn (I agree with it), however I didn’t read her works or don’t know much about her life in detail. Once I heard someone criticizing her for supposed controversial statements about incest. Is it true or made up/misinterpreted? What did she say about it?

No. 1448058

You occupy one small part of europe and beauty standards are not usually controlled by straight moids. You don't need to be petite to be shorter than a man. Models are nice and tall but see how a women might support her man and feel proud while a man may enjoy the benefits for some time before negging at her because of his clear lack of superiority.

No. 1448069

>Men want short girls
>You don't need to be petite to be shorter than a man.
So what is it according to you? Do men want short girls or do men want girls shorter than themselves? You're saying two different things.

Anyway I stand my by opinion that height sperging is an online thing and I've never come across it irl. At worst women don't want to date men shorter than them and vice versa.

No. 1448071

It's true, but she took the supporting incest and trans statements back I think? She stayed a polilez though, went to a lesbian convention and called everyone Nazis for not being inclusive of bi and straight polilez kek.

No. 1448076

Why does anyone listen to that whale in the first place? If she cant control her own body and eating habits she dont have any right to say about anyone lives.

No. 1448079

How would you react if the person who cured cancer was a fat person ?

No. 1448082

Why couldn't they cure being a big chungus at the same time?

No. 1448083

This >>1448082 and being smart has nothing to do with being fat. What i meant by my first post is that if you dont have control of your own life you cant say anything about other people's control over their lives.

No. 1448095

Why do I have hair around my nipples? Does every woman grow them or am I some freakish anomaly? Why would they even grow there?

No. 1448100

No. 1448104

File: 1671184889673.png (17.18 KB, 1238x276, paki.png)

and this is the third time. i just posted this 1 hour ago. are you retarded? there are 150 active members on this imageboard stop trying to put this "ohhh im so smart that i can recognize people here". you cant. being fatphobic, kinda racist, third world moid hater and esl is not a feature unique from pakichan. im not even from those sand muslim places, im from south america. and i actually like yaoi. now that I've explained myself and the accusations have already been resolved: kys

No. 1448105

It's normal nonna, a lot of women do.
Anecdote; i always felt like a freak for it until in my teenage years I've ran into some interview with Dita von Teese in which she said part of her "preparing for a date" routine is tweezing these; I've never heard any woman speak about them even existing so it was comforting to actually have an acknowledgement from a celeb whose main appeal point is being very "classicaly feminine". A lot of people cried in the comments that "reee, oversharing, no one wants to know!" but I wanted to know and it helped me going forward; since then I look at celebs "oversharing" differently, it sometimes may be useful.

No. 1448107

where does the 150 figure come from ?

No. 1448108

>Why would they even grow there?
Because humans have hair on their bodies? Don't be so harsh on yourself. Hair is really only a problem if you are growing moid-level facial hair, because that means your hormones are off.

No. 1448109

Ok pakichan

No. 1448110

that's a retarded assumption, and it doesn't account for lurkers either

No. 1448112

if i lived in a fucked place like paquistan i would just kill myself instead of arguing about yaoi online.

No. 1448114

Btw I based that assumption on you being angry about Andrea Dworkin's weight on the hidden board months ago and posting cringy nymphet anachan coquette shit.
Unless you are an avid pakichan fan and follower, or there's a community of women who sperg about radical feminist figures' weight, that was you. Stop making fake personas.

No. 1448118

> hidden board months ago
not me. i only lurk on ot/snow
>avid pakichan fan and follower
why would i be fan from someone in a imageboard? she and romanianon can burn in hell

No. 1448119

It's normal. If you want to pluck them, and have bigger or saggier breasts, don't forget to flip your tit and check under. Sometimes I have just one giant, healthy hear growing on my underboob that I couldn't see from above.

No. 1448141

Paki-chan is fatphobic?

No. 1448208

idk about you nonnie, but google says that i'm a moid in my 40s so i might just fit in . but that place IS damn boring when you don't have a stick perpetually massaging your prostate nor enjoy the aroma of your farts.

No. 1448234

How to socialize at my work party?

No. 1448242


No. 1448245

Ask people about their animals; that's what i plan to do today

No. 1448248

How to make a bad bronchitis go away in one and a half day? i'm on antibiotics, cough syrup, burritoed myself in my blanket, spitting as much mucus as i can but it's been three days already and it's just getting worse. I'm supposed to go to a super cool party for my friends birthday tomorrow's evening too

No. 1448250

If you drink alcohol have a glass in your hand always, I had water in between my drinks to pace me. Just comment on the food and what's happening around you. Someone else will probably take center stage too.

No. 1448251

Can you borrow a salbutamol inhaler from anyone?

No. 1448255

Is Wednesday actually good or is it manufactured hype as usual
Only asking because my neighbors are blasting bloody mary by gaga outside my window

No. 1448275

Is it wrong that I want my NEET sister to get back to work after three months of being unemployed? She recently graduated uni this spring and worked for three months. Then she got fired and hasn't worked since. I just hear she is doing nothing all day.

I've had some issues with school/work in the past but I feel like it's harder to get back on track with your career when taking breaks after you graduate uni. At the very least I think she should try to volunteer or something. I'm just really worried for her.

No. 1448277

Ooogh my mom has tons and tons because she has asthma but she lives 1h30 from my city fml

No. 1448280

It's not wrong. Your concern is pretty appropriate. The sooner she does something about it the easier it will be. It is conceivable that she has confidence issues after being fired so it might be a good idea for her to start by doing something less stressful (like volunteering) so she doesn't get knocked in confidence again. Maybe she has some mental health issue if she is doing nothing all day for months so that might need to be checked out. But I think it's very important for her to do SOMETHING and not just hang out at home. I would go easy/gentle on her but don't enable her to vegetate either.

No. 1448324

A question for those anons who despise mint ice cream and minty sweets because it reminds them of toothpaste: Does it apply to drinks with plain, actual mint too?

No. 1448332

Yeah that sucks, but now you know it for next time. You can use inhalers to deal with acute bronchitis, just like it's generally used for chronic bronchitis.

No. 1448348

no fresh is fine, artificial is a bad toothpastey horror

No. 1448411

Really? I'm the opposite. I can't stand mint, fresh or artificial, unless it's in toothpaste.

No. 1448416

How do I order from BOOTH Pixiv when I live in the USA?

No. 1448419

It's fine if you're underage and this is your first YA show, like it's not offensively bad, just kinda dull and unimaginative for its concept. It's hyped because of teens existing, that's all

No. 1448445

Shopping service/proxy

No. 1448447

I’ve been trying to catch up about the whole FTX/alameda research collapse thing and reading about the girl Caroline. Sad that she’s a degen but also does it seem to anyone else like the whole love for “risk-taking” thing had to do with a fetish?

No. 1448454

Like they keep framing it as a “philosophical” opposition to risk management but I’d never heard of that. I guess I wonder if that’s actually a thing?

No. 1448472

>philosophical opposition to risk management
Nobody in the financial industry thinks risk management is important except the depressed drones doing the risk management and having all their warnings and advice be waved away. Being a degen is also more of a standard than an exception.

No. 1448491

This happened a while ago but I’ve been pondering it lately. What’s so wrong with being normal? This guy told me he was autistic and when I told him he didn’t seem so to me he was offended. Started saying stuff in the vein of being proud to be autistic. He was not diagnosed. I too call myself autistic at times but never in a celebratory way. Even here there are a lot of anons seem unironic about autism pride. It’s not confined to internet spaces, I’ve seen it happen where people like and try to be weird all the time. I don’t get the fascination, I’m perceived as kooky and there’s nothing more than I wish than fitting and being normal. Is it just boring? I’m genuinely confused

No. 1448493

dae get super thirsty when their nipples are touched. it basically gives me no sexual feeling at all i just get thirsty specifically for seltzer water

No. 1448496

Is neurotypicality even a thing? From what I've seen everybody has some kind of mental problem, I know we like to make fun of normies but they do have issues like depression and anxiety.

No. 1448503

Neurotypicality is just having behaviors that are statistically normal and a normal amount of mental resilience. Obviously no two people will have the exact same behavior or reactions to things, but it'll fall within a limit of normalcy.

No. 1448504

Depression and anxiety aren’t quirky enough

No. 1448506

Piggybacking to ask a related question but the whole “normie” thing is a good example. Does the insult stem from jealousy?

No. 1448509

>you don't want us?
>well your group is lame anyway

No. 1448518

It's a bad idea to lean into it cuz it's often relative. I've seen some of the most "normal" people do the most deranged things because they're ironically well socialized.

No. 1448810

Is it weird to talk to yourself literally 24/7? I’m not joking around here, I sometimes lose hours of sleep because I have things I want to discuss with myself and even though I’m exhausted I can’t bring myself to shut up. This is starting to impact my quality of life — quick bathroom breaks often turn into 30 minutes of rambling to myself instead of doing the things I need to be doing. I have a journal and friends that share my interests but some ramblings are too retarded to be recorded anywhere (not even on here sorry nonnies). I also repeat myself a lot and talk about the same things over and over until I formulate them in a way that feels “presentable” i.e. if someone asked me about the topic I would know what to say. Is this weird or does anyone else do it to this extent? Before anyone asks I’m not a schizo, I don’t think anyone can hear me or hear voices speaking back to me.

No. 1448831

does that take cold showers shit have any scientific basis or is it just bro science

No. 1448843

Theres so many disorders on the list of what counts as being neurodivergent.. that I feel like more people on earth must be ND than are NT.. so surely being ND is being average and normie after all?

No. 1448852

I dont know if its normal but i do it too. Always thought it was a form of maladaptive daydreaming

No. 1448854

File: 1671229575209.jpeg (606.26 KB, 973x842, 1663649757832.jpeg)

I talk to myself a lot too, but not to the point where it slows me down in a significant way. I usually do it when I'm doing mundane tasks like cooking, cleaning or getting ready, I also like to practice giving answers and opinions on things kek
I'm not sure what advice to give you, besides trying to limit it to certain activities like I do, it never caused me any problems.

No. 1448881

What can I take, besides prescribed medication, to get some energy? I’m already on meds for anxiety and pcos but my energy levels are still poor. Coffee does not do anything. I wanna work out but I am so lazy.

No. 1448888

It’s about how resilient they are and how well they can cope during periods of depression and anxiety. Obviously everyone gets depressed and anxious sometimes.

No. 1448893

Boring advice but take a daily walk. Your energy levels will rise over time.

No. 1448896

I have to ask, when you/people in general say you talk to yourself, do you mean out loud or in your head? Surely you can't be talking that long out loud right(

No. 1448903

I literally mean out loud kek, not sure what other people mean. Usually I whisper/mutter under my breath but if I’m very enthused I can speak at normal volume
Interesting, never thought of it that way. I do feel like I’m in a bit of a dream-like state when I do it for a while, like I’m not fully present in the world.
I’m now considering redirecting the energy into reading and memorising poems that I like. I’d still be talking to myself but at least it would be a little more useful than spewing nonsense kek (at least I think so…). Other than that I might just have to get out more because I try not to do this in public (although if no one’s around I sometimes have a few words with myself…). Nice to hear it’s not just me though.

No. 1448910

i don't know that but I certainly do, it's always fun.

No. 1448937

Is it considered mild near-drowning if I drank some lake water and had trouble floating when I was 8? I went a little too far due to the strong currents and my feet couldn't touch the lake floor because I was short. My mom said I was pretty blue after.

No. 1448953

I do this too, to the point where I get into long hypothetical arguments in my head with imaginary versions of nonnies or people I know irl. Then I end up getting mad over things that haven't even happened yet.

No. 1448985

no idea but have you ever heard about secondary drowning? good thing you didn't die

No. 1449022

Just read about it now. Sounds scary. My parents had placed me into swimming lessons at age 7 a year before that incident, so I am grateful for that. Definitely wouldn't be here if not for the lessons.

No. 1449224

how hard is it to change your name legally? (for burger country)
i really want to change mine for multiple reasons but is there a chance i jump through hoops to do it and get denied or something?

No. 1449265

Just look up the paperwork for your state. Only trust info from .gov sites. When I changed my name it said stuff about needing a reason to, but I think they're pretty lenient on reasons unless you have a criminal record and it likely depends on the state.
You will need to send them your birth cert and social security card so be prepared to not have them for a while while the application processes.

No. 1449294

wich lolcow theme do you use ? i only see the same 2 or 3

No. 1449298

i try to do it less bc i'm afraid my neighbors are gonna hear it but i comment everything i see, do or think. I feel like i'm in a sitcom and i need to make my audience laugh/ explain them what i'm doing

No. 1449328

File: 1671250029821.png (1.19 MB, 1355x772, 1656287876100.png)

Is there any way to learn english pronunciation other than speaking it daily? i have no one to practice with and i am too autistic to join a group. Is there a channel or certain excercises i can make?

No. 1449501

docx is word right? I'm scared my professor is refusing my assignment because its not in a proper word format

No. 1449502

Watching TV or listening to podcasts I would assume.

No. 1449507

No. 1449508

danke schoen

No. 1449555

Is it safe to snort mdma that I've had sitting in a semi warm room for like 6 years?

No. 1449587

File: 1671274499166.jpg (30.97 KB, 750x737, joaqer.jpg)

i do that already, doesnt help. do people normally get better just watching tv and i am just severely retarded?

No. 1449620

What's the reason behind encouraging to open google docs links in icognito? What can happen when you're logged in with your account and just viewing the doc?

No. 1449628

The person who owns the doc can see your email, and sometimes even other vistors can iirc. And they get svaed to your google account, you can see what docs you have opened

No. 1449641

Nta but ohhhh nooooooo. When that person was spamming "the black problem" I clicked on the doc to see what it was and I was logged into my gmail and my gmail includes my first and last name I'm gonna kms

No. 1449652

I think the doc owner can only see it when you actually vote right?

No. 1449653

Is it possible that my phone has some kind of sensitivity filter? Everytime I want to write some kind of swear word it autocorrects it (like "hell" to "he'll") whether in English or my language. I feel like my phone is a fundie and I hate it lol.

No. 1449660

I hope so, I really gotta be more careful before clicking random links

No. 1449681

Is there a way to not be forced to use your real name on Facebook or not? I'm trying to read the TOS and news articles and there are contradictions everywhere. You can supposedly use a pseudonym since 2015 or 2016 according to the news but no according to FB but yes, etc. I'm still shocked that shit is even allowed to begin with, FB will always be inferior to other social media for this reason.

Because you're a mammal.

No. 1449685

I got locked out of my account because I didn't log in for a while and they want a copy of my ID card before I get access again. Not gonna do that ofc but even if I wanted, I couldn't because the name I used is something like Lolololo Llalala. Now I'm stuck with an fb account linked to my email that I can't use or delete. So I don't recommend doing that..

No. 1449701

Maybe there's a way for them to give you access to the account anyway if you send them your ID card scanned but they'll force you to change the name, yeah. That's something that worries me. I hate FB and all that but all my friends use messenger and none of them want to use alternatives, but my family name is rare in my country and I don't want random people to see what I do online. So I only put all the consonants of my family name, removed all the vowels and I never had issues so far but still.

No. 1449796

I get a lot of hair around my nipples and on my boob. I went to the doctor because I thought I had PCOS but she told me it was normal and I was going through like a second puberty kind of thing that happens in your early 20s

No. 1449961

File: 1671292442717.jpeg (1.51 MB, 2636x2307, E5291055-DCF5-4529-A761-AAC871…)

What the fuck is this? Nobody in my home knows and I don't know how to google this shit, is it something important? Nobody knows how to use it.

No. 1449967

A remote control for alien technology

No. 1449977

maybe a power detector?

No. 1449980

My first though was a multimeter but it doesn't have a metal prong or screen. Does the button do anything? Does the red part come off?

No. 1449981

File: 1671293199334.jpeg (18.77 KB, 500x500, 4257762D-B55E-45A8-B042-54A9C4…)

looks kinda similar to this

No. 1449984

File: 1671293491010.png (176.78 KB, 1314x350, thinggy.png)

It's probably a voltage detector

No. 1449989

mine does something similar even if i change the settings, but instead of autocorrect it underlines words like "sex" and "fuck" kek

No. 1449990

Thank you, nonnies!
The button clicks but it does nothing, and the red part doesn't come off.

No. 1450002

I'm trying to figure out if I had a hypomanic episode or BPD, wall of text incoming. This happened a few months ago. For about 5/6 days I could feel my heart beating really fast. I was feeling really positive and couldn't understand why I'd feel so upset when life is this great. I also felt extremely excitable and because I have ADHD it meant I found it very hard to sit down and concentrate. I would fall asleep at 6 am and wake up at 10 to go about my life (normally when I have nothing to do I take lots of naps or stay at home). The lack of sleep gave me a headache but not tired. I had literally no appetite and it hurt my stomach when I ate. I am usually a quiet person but I felt a strong urge to chat and make friends with people. I told a GP about how I went from feeling sad to intense energy and she said that was not out of the norm for someone with BPD. But she referred me for a bipolar diagnosis anyway so I want to know if I made a mistake.

No. 1450010

Sounds like hypomania. I have bipolar and have had it for years, I have type two.

No. 1450020

Definitely sounds like hypomania. Could you sleep more or was it impossible after 4 hours? Did other people comment on your behavior? Were you hornier than usual and did you act on it?

No. 1450081

This is going to be retarded because I honestly don’t know shit about anything when it comes to religion. What do people mean when they say ‘Catholic guilt’? Don’t Catholics have confession, although I’m not entirely sure what that is, when they make a mistake? Would confession not help to absolve them of their guilt?

No. 1450154

catholic guilt is more like how you were raised rather than the religion itself, a lot of catholic families are intensly misogynistic and conservative with ties of a million unwritten sins (made up bs made on the spot to shame somebody aka not even following the scripture) that will land you a first row spot in hell for being human, like my mom married a convicted felon murderer and she didn't know until it was too late and she will not divorce him because she's been told all her life she will go to hell by the lord personally because divorce doesn't exist in catholicism….even though hell isn't real by any account and so other shit you get shamed for is being sad because if you're sad it means somehow the devil is at work yadda yadda it leads to you feeling shame and guilt over the littlest things, i deal a lot of anxiety because of how scrutinized i constantly was for existing incorrectly instead of being a virgin mary doll with no thoughts other than to serve the lord that i experience catholic guilt daily

No. 1450191

Sin originally meant in Greek "missing the mark", things get lost in translation to Latin. In the west they also came up with "mortal sins" where some stuff is seen as worse than others, which is usually arbitrarily applied. Like how drinking too much is a sin, but not seen on the same level as being gay, which will randomly be labeled a mortal sin and something you go straight to hell for. Also before st Augustine the concept of a fire and brimstone hell didn't even exist. There wasn't really a concept of hell, more like either you go to heaven or you have nothingness. There is only one desert father who has written about the kind of hell we usually think of and that's what st Augustine based it on.
So you basically grow up with being told that random things you do or feel, which your family or local priest don't agree with, mean you deserve to be tortured for eternity.
Sure you can go to confession, but that's not equal either. A straight person can sleep around, keep confessing and will be allowed to have communion, even if you never stop sleeping around. You can be gay and in a committed relationship, but if you're not willing to break up, you won't be allowed to have communion (basically the most important thing).
There's also retarded shit that's not as well known which is considered a sin, like >>1450154 says, despondency (being sad or depressed) is considered one of the worst sins, since it's apparently a sin against the holy spirit. Sinning against the holy spirit is the only canonically unforgivable sin iirc, but it's pretty vague what the fuck that even means so random shit gets shoved under there, like being sad.

No. 1450202

How about repeating sentences from tv shows or whatever? Like just pause inbetween and repeat. I think that's more effective than passively watching, especially if English has a lot of sounds that aren't used in your native language, you need to train your mouth/muscles to pronounce those.

No. 1450252

Why are my leg muscles twitching on their own? You visibly see my thigh move on its on own in a spot its freaky

No. 1450254

The nerves are just doing their own thing don't worry about it

No. 1450265

Are you getting enough potassium?

No. 1450285

No. 1450286

Ummm idk, how do you know

No. 1450288

How many fruits and veggies are you eating?

No. 1450291

just make one with a fake name using an email account they're never seen. I did it last year because I wanted to see something and my account hasn't been purged yet. easy peasy. computers are dumb.

No. 1450300

Is it weird to reach out to a family member you don’t know very well via LinkedIn to try to reconnect with them? I’m not close to my parents so I can’t ask them for this specific family members phone number. They do have a Facebook but I do not. I’m just trying to figure out how to get in contact.

No. 1450302

In a way that's already what I did, since I didn't put my actual family name and just some of my name's letters to make it less easy to find me for acquaintances I have irl.

No. 1450529

Anyone with a exitable dog know any tips to make my dog be more calm at our christmas party this year? He barks a LOT and hes a large dog so its loud. Maybe we sedate him with meds? Locking him in a room or putting him outside wont help. He's not anxious he's just excited and wants everyone to pet him and pay attention to him

No. 1450530

I don't think so, I reached out to someone once on nextdoor because I knew it was my great uncle kek

No. 1450553

Is there a way of knowing in wich hours a site is more active? like maybe a page kinda like the "is the site down"

No. 1450581

this might be bad advice but he might calm down after he meets people for a few minutes, so you could let him do that. idk, i guess it depends on just how rambunctious he is. I wouldn't mind it if I were a guest, but I guess some people might.

No. 1450587

Have you tried watching videos/listening to podcasts & audiobooks and speaking along with a transcript? Listen through once, then get a transcript and watch again and speak along with content. There are also some apps that say they can help. They essentially record you speaking and compare your pronunciation to 'standard' English pronunciation and then given advise on how to improve. I've never used any though.
You can also record yourself and listen back to see if you notice errors.

Try These Apps to Improve Your Pronunciation

No. 1450593

Based on all the "It's Me or the Dog" videos I've watched on youtube, you have to train him to be quiet by only giving him attention when he's quiet and/or teaching him to settle.

By attention, he gets no pets or anything if he's barking. You just have to ignore it. Then a bit after he's quiet, pet him and give him attention. If he starts barking again, no attention. You just have to suck it up and deal with it until he learns that barking gets him zero attention. Also, everyone has to be one same page. If only or two people do it and other people give him attention when he barks, it wont work. How to Handle Barking: https://positively.com/dog-behavior/nuisance-behaviors/barking/

Long term, you can teach him the settle command, but you don't have enough time now to teach it before Christmas: https://positively.com/dog-behavior/basic-cues/go-settle/

No. 1450665

Fuck that's so weird the exact same thing happened to me yesterday, my upper thigh was twitching like crazy. Sometimes I get random twitches when I don't sleep enough so I assumed it was that, when I woke up today it was gone. I've heard over exertion can also cause leg muscle twitches not for me though I don't exercise lol

No. 1450666

I don't like my parents, is that a normal thing or a phase I can grow out of? Lmk

No. 1450673

I got a small half-inch keloid on my arm, it's not severe so I don't have to perform any surgery on it but does any anon know if keloid creams really work? or even those scar patches?

No. 1450674

I don't like my parents either, so I don't talk to them, although I don't hate them either (anymore). Some people just clash I guess.

No. 1450720

File: 1671333400793.jpg (717.42 KB, 3000x2000, vikings-season-1-3-2013.jpg)

Is Vikings a good show to watch?

No. 1450725

No. 1450741

Truly no

No. 1450748

Why not? I was thinking the same (I'm almost halfway through season 1) but was waiting for it to get better

No. 1450840

I just washed my hair last night so why is the back of my head already starting to smell funky?

No. 1450841

how long and flexible is your nose

No. 1450846

I patted the back of my head and smelled my hand, and that's how I know it's smelling funky. Also my scalp is starting to itch too as I'm typing this

No. 1450869

Bra question: So I fitted for a 32d many years back at a Victorias Secret, and I recently wanted to get some new bras and heard that VS measurements aren't necessarily the most accurate, so I took my own measurements, figured I was a 32dd, and ordered online from a seperate retailer. So once my bras came in, I noticed the cups had some loose fabric at the top. I did by chance order a 32d and that fit well, so I wanted to ask - would a 32d be an accurate way of sizing down from a 32dd (going down a cup)? I get confused about how the band size and cups work in proportion with eachother when sizing down.

No. 1450878

VS runs small so you'd want to order a bigger band and bigger cup. Get professionally measured too VS is known for being horrendous at bra measuring

No. 1450941

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what is it about 3 am that makes me (and other people too from what I've read) so depressed out of nowhere even if I already got sleep beforehand? Also maybe a little unrelated but I was born exactly at 3 am, does that have any meaning? Even if it's made up spiritual mumbojumbo I'm curious

No. 1450951

You didn't wash your scalp right, or rinse the shampoo out or you didn't dry your hair properly.

No. 1450985

File: 1671359465860.png (117.53 KB, 500x469, hey-brendan-what-happened-to-y…)

Could this be just regular weight gain due to aging (late 20s) and my metabolism slowing down or might I have some sort of underlying health issue?

I stepped on the scales today and realized that I am almost 10 kgs (20 pounds) heavier than I was 2 years ago. Most of the weight gain happened during the pandemic and I've been slowly gaining even more weight even though my diet hasn't really changed that much, I just generally move less (office job). The funniest thing about the weight gain is that I stayed exactly the same size (small) and my clothes from years ago fit me just fine. Is this common?

No. 1450996

Metabolism doesn't slow down until your 60s, it's a myth. There's been a recent study about it too.
It's likely due to lifestyle changes and other obligations that give you less time to move than you did when you were younger.

No. 1451009

3 AM is considered the devils hour, it is at 3 AM to mock the holy trinity.

No. 1451012

> I stayed exactly the same size (small) and my clothes from years ago fit me just fine
Shayna, is this you?

Ok jokes aside, it depends on where you gain the weight and what kinds of clothes you wear. I have ballooned to double the size I was in middle school, but some pajama pants still fit me. But some jeans from a few years ago do not because they are so tight. Not a fabric expert but I think if you use some clothes a lot while you slowly gain weight they will stretch with you to a certain point? You might also have been in the lower end of ”small”, and now you are in the upper end. Clothing sizes have to fit big ranges of people and are not custom fit to you so it’s not that good of an indicator on small weight gain I would guess.

No. 1451135

What is the quickest and most effective way to get a terminal illness? Asking for a friend. There can't be a margin for error such as being cured.

No. 1451139


No. 1451204

Yup, this. Since the pandemic I've gained 15 lbs or so just because I was not walking all day like I was before. But even without that, people in their mid to late 20s start to get more sedentary for whatever reason.

No. 1451226

What is it my dear nona-cita?

No. 1451547

What about rabies?

No. 1451559

Please tell me you dont believe in that garbage.

No. 1451574

the problem is that he doesnt calm down, he'll settle but when people start moving he'll start up again
thank you! because honestly in the past I've given him treats to get him to calm down but that just teaches him to bark. I'll try this out, thank you

No. 1451577

you can't cure mad cow

No. 1451598

Thanks nonnies!

No. 1451621

What is the point of vtubers and why do people like them?

No. 1451624

Tried making an instagram on a throwawayemail, it IMMEDIATELY got banned after creating it. Do they auto-ban all temp mails? I don't want to make a gmail or a hotmail because I'm pretty sure they all require phonenumbers to register now

No. 1451635

The designs are cute and its freeing for women, before vtubers i never watched female streamers, i feel like they suffer too much from fearing backlash from being slightly unhinged, meanwhile under anonimity they can say whatever they want. My favourite is Selen, shes an Apex proplayer and i love her tomboyish design and her gremlin laug.

No. 1451641

how do cults happen? like what is the psychology behind them? it's so insane to know people have killed themselves enmasse for example because of some cult leader or let their daughters be abused alongside them. How does that happen?

No. 1451664

No. 1451678

Cults prey on vulnerable and impressionable people, these people tend to be really ignorant about many things, simple minded and most importantly, headstrong.
That's why nowadays there's many cults like the transgender cult, it's the best modern example.
They have vague messages about happiness being all about turning into the opposite sex, they tell teenagers (ignorant about many things, impressionable, simple minded and headstrong) that they can use hormones to become the boy or girl they like, that they will be accepted in a community, that they will be finally happy, and so on.
They demonize others by saying that terfs (Aka "Karens" or "evil white women") are out there to get them, that they will get raped, beat up, insulted and so on, so these impressionable people think that the only place they're safe at is in the cult's circles.
And then, they ask for money to keep the cult going (gofundmes and so on).
That's why they're obsessed with creating "comunes" and such, to create an isolated society in which they can control the cult members.
You would think that it's dumb how these things still exist nowadays, but a good headline, some retweets, biased informative charts and videos with some sad or happy music can make people believe anything.

No. 1451712

Interesting. I really don't like the anime designs but it's like a freeing mask to hide behind for some women then?

No. 1451713

Why do so many Americans speak in pop culture references? Like comparing everything to capeshit every five minutes for example, I see it a lot. Not trying to bait or shit on Burgeranons btw, I genuinely want to know. It's mostly scrotes too so it could be just their XY retardadion.

No. 1451774

the exposed part of my sclera is slightly dark and the rest is white, is it uv damage?

No. 1451787

Yeah, i am biased tho because i am a vtuber myself tho

No. 1451834

sounds like it could be cancer nonna

No. 1451835

File: 1671392718816.jpeg (77.66 KB, 720x695, 7BB2FECB-4C7D-4B8D-A7A4-B32BB6…)

where can i make one of these? i remember making one of these in 2012-2014, it was in this style. i think the style is called chibi? i’m feeling nostalgic, i think these are cute

No. 1451841

I don't know what this is but it's not chibi, that's manga-related.

No. 1451843

any art program. try picsart, i used it to make something similar. its gotten a lot better since 2015

No. 1451877

waifufaggotry, parasocial relationships

No. 1451879

Must be autism as well as they prefer seeing a weird animu face to a real person's facial expressions.

No. 1451891

Does anybody care if there pet is in the same room as them while having sex? Knowing my cat is there meowing ruins the mood for me, but my gf feels indifferent.

No. 1451903

Twice when unbearably horny I masturbated with my cat in the room, I felt bad about it even though he was just sleeping, it just felt weird.

No. 1451907

I feel weird having sex with pets in the room, but not really when masturbating. I’m not sure why that is though. Maybe because I usually masturbate under blankets so it’s not like they can see.

No. 1451971

is maintence tommorrow?

No. 1451976

Is it normal for your eyes to change colour as you age?

No. 1451978

No. 1451979

you posted in the right thread

No. 1451987

Yes, I did, literally clicked onto the stupid question thread to ask a stupid question.

No. 1452015

Why did Aminyan marry some old scrote and become some psuedo-intelectual youtuber?

No. 1452020

What hobbies can I take up where it's ALL women and no men. I'm at my fucking limit and I can't take it anymore. I can't enjoy anything I actually like because of scrotes smearing shit everywhere.

I just want to go somewhere on the internet (less schizo than LC) where I can talk to women and avoid men. I will pretend to care about the creepy dolls or cgl fashion or whatever. help

No. 1452029

It sucks but realistically speaking I don't think there are any hobbies like that. Men ruin everything

No. 1452032

how long do we think it's gonna last? just tomorrow? a couple days?

No. 1452035

It's just an extra way to appeal to coomer moids because they hate real women so they'd rather look at a woman larping as an anime girl kek
Streaming in general is just mega cancer but vtubers really found a way to take it to another level

No. 1452036

i think she's always been into weird dd/lg sugar daddy RP, is kind of psuedo-intellectual and has actual autism.

No. 1452037

Online? Nowhere, because men can access anything you can online. Your best bet is going on creepy doll conventions IRL, since at least you know for sure if there are any men infiltrating

No. 1452040

I can’t think of one completely male-free but pottery and journaling have a low moid ratio.

No. 1452042

BL and otome games. you'll have to deal with seething ftms though

No. 1452043

Places like dressup games with forums are full of women. That also means they're usually like 40% tifs and other gender identities that police everyone's language and you have to suck tranny dick wherever you go.

No. 1452045

I got really into horses for this exact reason. Horses are nice I guess but I really just wanted to talk to women with a special interest.

No. 1452049

I was going to say reborn dolls but I guess there are pedo moids there too

No. 1452099

Thanks for suggestions. I'll look into these and start praying for a plague that targets the Y chromosome.

No. 1452103

what does it mean when ur someone who, when u get excited / interested / motivated to do something whether thats like a hobby or a new skill, u can really dedicate urself to it, focus hard on it and improve a lot & gain knowledge in a short amount of time but after that period is done u go into some weird long as fuck self sabotage hibernation period where each attempt to get back into that skill is a massive chore. am i lazy nonnies? be honest

No. 1452106

>seething ftms
That or gay moids

No. 1452127

real gay men don't give a fuck about bl, literally only ftms

No. 1452181

No. 1452190

also curious

No. 1452259

so whens the shutdown? i forgot

No. 1452280

The 19th!!

No. 1452281

so like midnight? what timezone?

No. 1452282

Idk what time it's happening but I'll miss you, nonnies. I hope the site is only down for a day.

No. 1452283

see you at cc

No. 1452308

why are almost all Hannah's blue-eyes, have adhd and are some form of hippies or into some niche politics.

No. 1452331

CC creeps me out

No. 1452347

Please anons I found a website that would find rythm games within your area, do any anons know it? It would tell you the place and what kind of arcade cabinet it was.

No. 1452355

I don't think I've heard of it, post link

No. 1452356

Anon I'm asking because I forgot the website

No. 1452495

The help me find thread is more appropriate for this kind of question

No. 1452532

would it be possible for me to receive some kind of anxiety medication or sedative, to get my blood drawn? (for a blood test) is this something i can ask for, or would they think i’m drug seeking?
i’m talking about a one-time dosage, not a prescription.
i’m horrified of anything having to do with blood/veins, without some kind of sedative i’m sure i would pass the fuck out. i can barely handle a vaccination. last time i got a shot, i DID pass out, it was embarrassing as fuck.

No. 1452533

They probably won't give you anything, getting your blood drawn is very quick and painless. I just look away when they're getting everything ready and take the blood, nurses are friendly and if you just smile and say you're nervous and look away they'll probably distract you with some small talk and keep you looking away.

No. 1452538

sa, i want to add to this, when i say “pass out” i don’t mean “whoopsie daisy i fell asleep,” my skin turns grey and i get drenched in sweat, my ears start ringing, i can’t breathe, sometimes i throw up,then i pass out

No. 1452539

I pass out every time. Nurses are used to it. Just grit your teeth. You’ll wake up

No. 1452542

No. 1452583

Just an idea but maybe you can curate your own space and only let women in?

No. 1452640

Why the fuck are there so many anons saying ”shotacon is based” here?? I don’t wanna be on the same site with anime pedophiles

No. 1452648

Many anons seem to think that adapting titles for girls that are meant to admonish moids is clever or cute. It just comes off as a scrote trolling.

No. 1452655

Must be newfags and/or moids. Pedophilia isn't tolerated here.

No. 1452664

so vaseline (petroleum jelly) is a byproduct of petrol right, does that mean we'll no longer have vaseline in the future?

No. 1452668

Is it normal to still have trouble breathing a week after covid

No. 1452685

It’s mostly bait. Those anon(s)are always super obnoxious about it and look for every opportunity to shoehorn it into conversations, if you noticed, they get ignored most of the time now because they are drooling to derail threads with this shit and accuse everyone who calls them out of being a samefag. It’s always the same shit and got old fast let’s hope they get bored one day and leave

No. 1452690


No. 1452701

Some people have trouble breathing years after getting covid. But go to a doctor anyways in case you got something else.

No. 1452774

What do nonnas here think of piracy (games, movies, books etc)?

No. 1452776

Are there supplements or foods for raising your libido?

No. 1452780

>>1452774 I do my best to pirate anything I can, unless purchasing is the only option

No. 1452785

I only pirate from the "big" sources because it feels morally correct: Disney and Adobe are huge enough to not ever need my pathetic little money, and they operate so unethically themselves it really doesn't feel worth of my support. I would never pirate games or books because I know how much every single sale matters; I guess I can understand pirating huge titles that are established enough for it to not matter (games like idk, GTA, FIFA, etc), but I judge people who pirate small indies. As customers we need to support small creators creativity otherwise all we will have left is big, dull, corpo products.

No. 1452791

I always pirate AAA releases and buy indie/doujin games. Although sometimes I'm a bit iffy on some indie games, the ones that want to charge you $30-$40 for a 2 hour game are just ridiculous.

No. 1452826

Value can't be measured in time. Would it be worth $40 if devs stretched the gameplay to idk, 10h, but the story's pacing / visual quality would have to suffer?

No. 1452865

I’m moving to Japan in a few months for a study abroad thing. I really want to take film-like photos but I’ve noticed that I barely take any photos with my film camera since I’m apprehensive about wasting the film. So a digital camera with a film look is what I want to buy like the Fujifilm x100 v etc.
Should I buy a camera in Japan or here (europe)? Is it cheaper in Japan usually?

No. 1452888

this girl just reblogged the latest chapter of my story and tagged it #soft yandere right before things are about to get really bad… should i warn her?

No. 1452892

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No. 1452905

When you get eaten out on your period, are they fr lickin the blood? Or do you keep a tampon in?

No. 1452909

depends on if they're a vampire

No. 1452912

Imagine a vampire going to town on your pussy. living the dream.

No. 1452913

Some people keep a tampon in and only go for the clit, but a real pussy eater wouldn't mind a little blood.

No. 1452924

lmao i didn't want to either, thenks lalcow 4 encouraging my naughtiness

No. 1452926


No. 1452932

I have asked this before but never got a reply, so I’ll ask again. When you read smut fanfiction do you get horny and/or masturbate? Or do you literally just read it for the “writing”. Asking because I often see comments on smut fanfics that praise the writing style but don’t actually address the erotic stuff going on

No. 1452934

tell the nurse this and she will probably have a trick or two to help. I get a little giddy and have to look away so I told the nurse that and she had me do a weird thing with a rubberband (I don't even remember, it was a distraction trick) and I didn't even notice her drawing my blood.

No. 1452939

This is very delusional

No. 1452943

Yeah I get horny as hell. I think only 2 have managed to make me want to masturbate but generally its just a horny feeling

No. 1452957

if my charger was in a minor flood a month ago is it safe to test now? the plug didnt get wet, just the adapter (box part) yes im asking again because i didnt get an answer last time

No. 1452967

basically same as >>1452943 said. I don't read them anymore but when I was an active livejournal fujo I read a lot and I just didn't use them that way. the occasional straight ones I read didn't get me either. I used to wonder why myself…books worked on me fine. maybe the fanfics were just poorly written?
all my teen time spent pairing characters and doing fandom stuff was extremely wholesome in retrospect even though half of it was basically pornography.

No. 1453039

You know that Saiki K episode where he explains he'd survive being thrown off of a high building in a box by jumping from the boxes floor just before it hits the ground, you yourself essentially doing a lil skip and nothing more? Assuming you get the timing right, would it work for real?

No. 1453047

You're still in force from the fall that energy has to go somewhere. Your jumping against the box isn't enough to counteract that and you'd still hit hard. Rolling only does so much from a certain height
Now I'm thinking of that "aim for the bushes" scene from 21 Jump Street

No. 1453060

I’m sorry you didn’t get a reply anon, I don’t have an answer for you but i know that feel when no one replies kek

No. 1453081

After such a long time ofc it's safe, though most likely it won't work.

No. 1453088

I have noticed I bemoan/complain/wonder things a long time before finally being ok with having found where I and my opinion on the thing stands at. Is there any functional reason why such phase even happens, or am I just stupid?

No. 1453124

What does Henry Cavill play? Besides Warhammer and WoW I mean? I want to bully him.

No. 1453151

idk but I sure hope he dies in minecraft

No. 1453156

So when is the site going down? Or did it happen already?

No. 1453157

Ntayrt but I've literally never seen one single gay man care about that sort of thing. Some of them even draw BL themselves

No. 1453158


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1453194

File: 1671485214689.jpg (69.45 KB, 600x594, R-3006206-1404047117-2304.jpg)

How retarded is it for a European to wear a cowboy hat outside of Halloween or Carnival? It is a good hat, no party city quality. The few people I showed said I looked good in it. Is this fedora tier? Cultural appropriation kek? Many thanks.

No. 1453227

It's unusual so some people will stare but if you feel comfortable, do it

No. 1453257

People here stare quickly, so I'm used to that, can't really blame them. As long as I'm not on the same level as a neckbeard with his fedora. My grandma gifted it to me and it's just too high quality to only wear once a year.

No. 1453273

File: 1671488909917.png (6.98 KB, 339x376, a set of conjoined twins.png)

does anyone know the name of the set of conjoined twins? He was born before the 1800s I think, and he had shoulder-length loose flowing hair. The guy was relatively normal, but his brother was conjoined to his ribs/stomache, and was in a permenantly comatose/catatonic state. He was able to hide his brother by wearing a cloak/coat. Here's a bad ms paint drawing showing what I mean

No. 1453279

I don't think I've ever ever ever seen someone wear a cowboy hat for fashion. It'd make me look twice.

No. 1453288


No. 1453291

thank you nonna

No. 1453293

You guys get jealous of your boyfriends moms too right

No. 1453294

You're welcome! Lazarus Colloredo specifically if you're having trouble. great drawing by the way.

No. 1453296

Yes Nona but I'm also unhinged

No. 1453301

File: 1671490509996.jpg (319.2 KB, 640x637, 7873596560_fa11d44b0b_z.jpg)

I already risk people looking twice for the GNC thing, so that wouldn't be much of a change kek.

No. 1453343

why exactly? I get jealous of how she treats him (unconditional love which he is completely indifferent to) but I come from a bad home so… not a mystery.

No. 1453351

It makes more sense to wear it in a more rural area than urban imo, but you should do it if you want to. Live ur cowgirl dreams.
As a fellow GNC gal I tip my hat to you. (Also listening to kd now because of your pics lol)

No. 1453407

Because she's so close with him and like he was sort of a mommas boy .

No. 1453412

I am very loud with my opinions and every so often someone asks if I would be saying the same stuff if it were about a close one to me. "What if turned out your nephew had a diaper fetish, would you still shame him?" sis, I would beat the hell out of him and leave him without inheritance, are people seriously that flip floppy in their opinions and where they morally stand?

No. 1453429

File: 1671496867148.jpeg (436 KB, 1280x1255, 845E7D22-E292-45F0-AAF2-B9F7EC…)

no i literally only get off on the power dynamic if there is one. like full on vicarious power tripping. i sometimes get horny but dont masturbate because it would be distracting.

No. 1453478

It depends on the smut fic for me. And maybe it depends, for a lot of other people, too. A lot of writers can't provide the kind of atmosphere I can get horny to/they have kinda poor sex scene writing and so I enjoy just everything that's going on around outside of that. Some fics do hit all my buttons and I will be masturbating to those and it'll actually be super fulfilling.

If someone wants to praise the writing and other details like plot and whatever in their comment, they can go ahead, but I'd guess a non-zero percentage of them have things to say about the smut too but are just not wanting to be crass or lewd? Or are embarrassed maybe? Even if half the readers liked the sex scenes it doesn't necessarily mean they touched themselves to it. Then again I have read comments on some fics where people are like ohmyGODDDDD OPPPPPP this was so HOTTTTT and describing the nastiest details again as if we couldn't just scroll up and see it without the keysmashing next to it.

No. 1454508

Is it possible for relatives to get some kind of mental link? I feel like my brother and I have our brains connected sometimes, yesterday I got a burrito for lunch (very unusual for me) and at the exact same time my brother got an intense burrito craving out of nowhere. We also tend to think about random stuff at the same time, one of us will hum a dnsong from an obscure cartoon we watched 20 years ago and the other will reply "wtf I was thinking about this song today". I know we grew up together and have the sme cultural references but still.

No. 1454523

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I’m pretty use there’s an exact way to phrase this but is ‘he looks like he could get robbed using a ice bucket on a chilly day’ the exact phrase?

No. 1454524

File: 1671880320557.jpeg (520.29 KB, 665x1258, A992A4BE-367B-4B1B-AC3D-6A3FC2…)

nvm found it

No. 1454585

How much money do you spend on Christmas presents for someone?
If someone makes more money is there an expectation they should give more things or more expensive things?

I spent about $800 for 10 different people. I make a decent amount of money and I'm feeling self conscious I should have spent more. At the same time I don't spend a lot of money in general so it's not like I'm spending all of my money on myself compared to what I got others.
>why do i stress out about everything?

No. 1454611

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I’m wanting to take my car to get checked but I am stupid and need explicit instructions. Do I just pull up into one of the open spaces? Or do I gotta go in and talk to someone first and then I move it to the garage? Pls I am stupid and scared of embarrassment.

No. 1454612

I would def call first. Maybe you need an appointment. Also no shame in having no experience, be honest, say you neved went through the process and ask them to explain.

No. 1454616

Okay nona, thank you i just hate doing new things

No. 1454628

File: 1671908606213.jpg (32.44 KB, 360x360, 3540.jpg)

Does everyone feel really bad eye pressure, sinus and chest pain, fatigue, and just a general sickly feeling hours after they eat onion + the next day? Keep telling myself everyone does.

No. 1454633

no, I've never felt this

No. 1454635

I only get stomach pain and bloat.

No. 1454639

ok maybe I have an allergy then, kek. Just doubt myself constantly and it was so hard to compute that such a common ingredient fucks me up so much.

No. 1454643

No. But sometimes bananas sting/burn my mouth.

No. 1454697

Girl you can have mine I’m shitting

No. 1454702

Can someone link me to the new website?

No. 1454704

there is no new website currently

No. 1454729

Why do I look so fat in pictures. I swear I'm like average and stocky irl yeah but in pictures I'm a wide hamhock…

No. 1454756

Depending on the camera lens you can look totally different, for MD phone cameras tend to accentuate my strongest features (mostly my jaw and forehead) which makes me look kinda troonish, especially next to other women.

No. 1454761

I just wanna take an outfit pic and not look like a bulldog body kek I swear I don't actually look like that also don't ever get insecure about those features because a peominent jawline is one of the sexiest things a woman can have see:Helena Bonham carter

No. 1454847

Why are so few people posting currently?

No. 1454851

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lolcow is being watched by kiwifarms, 4chan, and r/drama, plus, the website doesn't really work for a lot of users yet. There's also the impending doom of a permanent shut down, and it's a holiday for most, plus the website was starting to slow down earlier this month anyway (a lot of people jumping ship because of the constant infight)

No. 1454869

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Damn. Hope LC can keep on trucking.

No. 1454904

why was it called Stamina Rose

No. 1454913

Why is Crystal Cafe more active than lolcow now?

No. 1454919

Because when lolcow was down everyone started posting there instead

No. 1455236

Ayrt and don't worry, I like the way I look, I'm just horrified by how unphotogenic I am, I got a pic taken this morning and I had the worst case of long face I had seen on me kek (plus the usual dead eyes and autistic smile).

No. 1455582

I found something in my breast. Is it over for me now? I have to wait for the new year to make a gyn appointment. Kinda shitty. It hurts and before my period it hurts a lot. But actually it started month ago with an itch on my breast. I dont want to die yet

No. 1455583

Go see a gynecologist asap. I got a fibroadenoma removed a month ago because I noticed a huge tumor and I thought it was breast cancer but even my gp noticed very soon it wasn't cancerous. However the gynecologist still recommended I remove the tumor asap just in case it could become cancerous later because it was so big that doing reliable tests like a biopsy was more difficult than usual. Best case scenario it's not something dangerous and you'll be able to choose whether you want to remove it or not. Or if it's cancer maybe you'll be able to detect it soon enough to just get surgery and be done with that asap.

No. 1455597

Is it possible to be tarot reader for a parttime job? I don't care that much about the money, I just need a small job but I don't know how to set this up. Is it even possible? It's my dream job to do this fulltime but I really doubt it will ever happen.

No. 1455613

An aunt of my friend does that, she has a few regular clients that come to her regularly, it's kinda like therapy for them? She says she does multiple readings a day usually. Also I've once used a service of a tarot reader online, can't imagine I'm the only person to ever do that; so I guess yes, that can work

No. 1455616

That's so cool! Does she do it at home or has a separate location for it? I imagine setting up a street stand might work but I don't know.

No. 1455624

At home! And it looks like a completely normal, cozy home of a middle aged woman; being there I would never guessed she does anything spiritual. I suppose that actually makes it more welcoming especially for anyone who would may be a little nervous about it being something huge and mystical, while it actually is this very personal look into someone's worries. In that way I guess I wouldn't want to have a reading from a street stand because it would feel too exposed as opposed to being in a room somewhere? But that's just me, maybe it would be ok for someone else

No. 1455629

what does it mean if someone reacts to a text with the double exclamation mark thingy over imessage, does it have positive or negative connotations?

No. 1455632

how long can your pubes grow?? has anyone ever tried not shaving theirs for months or years?

No. 1455637

You must be over 18 to post here.

No. 1455645

usually, it's just to emphasize the message. negative or positive, it's just meant to act as a stronger version of 'yes, I agree with this'

No. 1455646

they grow all the way down to your ankles anon… isn’t this literally common knowledge? how do you not know this… are you some kind of freak with short pubes or something?

No. 1455655

only one way to find out

No. 1455658

why the hell do I get jealous when my closest friend hooks up with people? and more specifically why only when she does it with women but not when it's with men? I don't even like her romantically, it's so stupid. I'd never tell her because it's my problem but I feel like she can notice it.

No. 1455659

Not to imply anything rude, but maybe it's a narc supply thing? You just feel a little sad because you wished she saw you in that way, but it's not really about her it's more like you wished someone saw you in that way? Sometimes, I get that feeling, too. You could also have a little crush on her. In any case, I don't think it's bad to feel that way as long as it doesn't make you do stupid things.

No. 1455660

That sounds so nice! I understand it but I think for me personally a street stand would be more, not convenient per se but way more people would come by I think. I could try placing an ad on my countries' craigslist though, I am a little bit weird about letting people into my house though but it would be more personal (plus there would never be a line so I wouldn't have to ever rush).

No. 1455661

Does anyone know a cute website or app or something to make and edit lists ? I'm using google keep for now but it's fugly

No. 1455691

Does having a little stool to prop your feet up on really help you poop?

No. 1455694

How are the print T shirts on Ali Express?

No. 1455697

It works for me.

No. 1455751

No. 1455752

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>she shaves her pubes

No. 1455753

Ikr shaving pubes is nasty and there’s always ingrown hairs and stubble, the only way to have a hairless hooha is to wax or pluck or laser it off and I could never. As someone who is sexually attracted to women, I prefer hairier women.

No. 1455754

i'd worry more about the fabric being 100% plastic. print-wise i'm sure it depends on the seller, just find a store with a lot of reviews and comb through them

No. 1455761

ntyart you sound like an insecure bushlet tbqh. stacy forestbushes dont develop a superiority complex about having bush and shaving because they understand the burden of a full powerlevel bush.

No. 1455767

anything more than trimming is pointless and actually more harmful overall. there I said it.

No. 1455787

i'm a hairy bitch but the idea of plucking out every pube individually made me involuntarily shudder. do people really do that?

No. 1455788

Not fully related but I know my pubes have reached full length when they start falling out a lot, then I usually trim them a bit

No. 1455789

No, you use an epilator. It's painful as hell though

No. 1455790

The thought of that makes me squirm and I epilate my armpits kek

No. 1455791

I epilate my vagina + ass area occasionally and for me armpits are way more painful lol

No. 1455792

Probably has something to do with hair coarseness, my armpit hairs are kind of thin so it doesn't hurt or pull the skin as much, and the few times I tried epilating my bikini zone the epilator almost got stuck on the hairs so I gave up

No. 1455797

I’m an autist, am I wrong to think it’s really rude for my friend not to say thank you for her Christmas gifts? We’ve messaged to say happy Christmas, and I said thank you for my gift and that I liked it. Maybe she hasn’t opened them yet for some reason although it’s almost the 27th by now… but still, I thought she would at least say that she hasn’t opened them yet.

No. 1455802

Yes. When desperate I’ve put my feet up on the bathtub ridge which is just left of the toilet. It was awkward but I was really struggling that day.

No. 1455804

What the fuck is an epilator/epilating???

No. 1455805

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They are machines that have like many tweezers that pull your hair out. It's painful but you get used to it, but I don't really recommend it

No. 1455810

they fall out? there's no way that's true

No. 1455811

It has braille???

No. 1455815

I think those nubs are to move skin or something

No. 1455819

Not all at once of course, but if I were to run my fingers through my bush and lightly pull I'd catch 5 hairs - I never have that happen if unless they're full length

No. 1455824

for some reason i thought epilators electrocuted the hairs into falling out, the tiny tweezer thing makes more sense kek

No. 1455903

Which book on drawing should I pick up, 'Drawing on the right side of the Brain' or 'Keys to Drawing'?

No. 1455921

how strict are eurowings with baggage? i'm gonna travel with only a personal item (backpack) and it's a bit oversized. i get away with it on ryanair tho

No. 1455923

Keys to drawing was better for me. The other one, it makes you do these lame exercises

No. 1455950

If my boss doesn't give a shit that I can't come to work and deliberately schedules my shifts so I can't work, am I supposed to give a shit?

I hate that they're trying to paint me as a bad employee while actively working against me and trying to make me quit (which they won't manage to do lol)

No. 1455973

Can you iron clothes made from faux leather?
I was looking at some 'eco leather' skirts in an online second hand store and all of the skirts look really wrinkly but wouldn't the fabric melt or something if you ironed them?

No. 1455982

"Eco" leather is just plastic, don't iron it.

No. 1455983

Send them an email saying you would like to politely remind them that you have an urgent appointment in the time slot they have scheduled your shift, and you would like to kindly ask them to reschedule. Thank them for their understanding and cc in your bosses' boss, HR and every coworker in your team. If this is something your boss deliberately and continuously doing to inconvenience you, then I would find another place

No. 1455984

But then is there no way to make it wrinkle free?

No. 1456000

nayrt, but not very easily. Clothes steamers can get too hot for faux leather and not all materials react well with water. If your skirt is machine washable or hand-wash, then you can just stick it in the bathroom when you next shower and let the steam ease out some of the wrinkles. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing when you can't use an iron or steamer on clothes.

No. 1456001

it's called an epillator

No. 1456012

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Is anyone else having issues logging into pokemongo atm?

No. 1456036

How can I enforce boundaries with my mother?
She owns the apartment I live in and constantly makes up excuses to come up to my place, even if I'm in the middle of a meeting (I work from home). It's things like 'she saw my coat was dirty and thought that she'd take it to the cleaner' or 'she will take the humidifier because she saw that I'm not using it. Once she's in, dhe starts doing other things, such as cleaning or rearranging the furniture. She has keys to the place so the only way to stop her would be barricading the doors I guess. If I ask her to come at another time, she rationalizes why that time does not work for her even though she's a pensioner and has all the free time in the world

No. 1456040

Damn that's annoying.
Tell her that you need to have a private life, to work in peace and that she needs to contact you and ask if it's ok to come over first.

No. 1456041

Do you pay rent to her? If so then lay ground rules about having to call or text and don't come during workday. You have the use of the place as you see fit. Hell install a deadbolt. If you don't pay rent it's hard to come from a position of strength.I would approach it from it affecting your work/career.

No. 1456047

Are epilators worth it for your bikini zone?

No. 1456048


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No. 1456053

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