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No. 1432054
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one of my tumblr posts got four reblogs, two of which from blogs I follow. I'm starting to get notes in the teens. Feels nice
No. 1432082
>>1432066happiest of birthdays to you
No. 1432083
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>>1432066Happy birthday, I hope you have an amazing day !
No. 1432090
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Opened some of my christmas presents early because I have no patience and I got picrel! I'm wearing them as I'm typing this, they are really comfortable. Love my slippers.
No. 1432093
>>1432090These are the greatest slippers I've seen. Congrats,
No. 1432096
>>1432064if you're planning to go then make yourself look like a aiden (like wearing the non-binary flag all over yourself) because most people will side-eye you if you just go as a woman.
>>1432085did that con smell too, because most anime cons smell because the people attending them never heard of showering.
No. 1432101
>>1432096I don't remember it smelling particularly funky, but I assume it's because almost all the people going were young women, so even if they were fat they showered. The very few men were gay or just dragged by force by their girlfriends so on the outside they looked more like normies.
>because most people will side-eye you if you just go as a woman.I don't remember it happening in the con but then again I dressed in the most basic jeans and sweater possible, I used no makeup and completely forgot to wax off my peach fuzz because I didn't realize it grew out so much at the time kek. I went there with friends anyway so strangers were less likely to talk to me to begin with or even notice me.
No. 1432105
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>>1432064Anon I'm doubleposting but kek I checked the Y/con guests on their websites and the two main ones are the writer of Captive Prince and iirc she claims to be enby, and a mangaka who draws BL manga and one of her josei manga is some AGP shit titled "my genderless boyfriend", even the guests are obnoxious.
No. 1432133
>>1432125Just go to general anime cons, you'll eventually find them. Some girls are very good at hiding their powerlevel though.
>>1432130Yeah I get you, I wouldn't go either tbh even if I could. I don't care at all about yuri and even I noticed how it was barely there in the con when I went there long ago, it feels almost like some false advertisement.
No. 1432281
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I'm knitting my boyfriend a gorgeous deluxe pair of fingerless work gloves with thick leather reenforced palms and knuckles. I'm nearly done the knitting portion and did garter-tipped finger cut offs and I'm so happy with how they're going. I make him a similar yet different pair every year but these are the best by far. I have to work on them whenever he isn't home so it stays a slight surprise, but every day he comes home and tells me "You should stop what you're knitting me for Christmas and make me another pair of those gloves." So I think I'm gonna give them to him as soon as they're done and instead knit him a pair of old man slippers for the day of Christmas. It just feels so reassuring that he'll love them. They're like if picrel were fingerless gloves rather than mitts
No. 1432297
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I've been crocheting more than I usually do. I'm very happy with myself.
No. 1432432
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I have a lot of Sunday cleaning to do, so I have some movies I plan to watch while cleaning.
No. 1432701
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Making banana pudding, buttermilk lemon pepper honey wangz and ranch today.
No. 1433391
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It's my birthday and as a gift to myself I'm going to be 15 minutes late to work. Write me up on my super special day management I don't give a fuuuuuuck!!!!!
No. 1433573
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I'm hungry, but my cousin brought her friends home and I don't want to meet them. Who knows when these people will leave.
No. 1434153
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For some reason I get my work done so much better when I'm laying on the floor. Why do I ever even try to write at my desk or on the couch? FLOOR WRITING SUPREMACY.
No. 1434894
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Got my period and have never been this bloated in my life
No. 1436195
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i’m so sick and sniffly and i have a big exciting gig to go to tonight and i might be too sick but also getting some big bear moid to cuddle me warm wish me luck
No. 1436863
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>>1436843samefag, she's acting completely normal right now and nothing about her recent behaviour makes me think she might be sick. I'm now crying my eyes out because if something happened to her I would die, hopefully she was just having some really bad nightmare and just decided to scare the shit out of me.
No. 1436891
>>1436867My first dog was from an
abusive home and she always whined and kicked in her sleep. Never seen another dog sleep the way she did.
No. 1436896
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>>1436863Yes. Cat's dream. The WWW @ everyone's fingertips and nobody searches. lel. I laff. No. 1437300
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Saluki dogs look like dachshunds with horse bodies
No. 1437493
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Just having one of those days where I feel like i'm suffocating
No. 1437508
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>>1437300You're right and I say the same for Pharaoh Hounds looking like enormous Deer-Head Chihuahuas
No. 1437570
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I'm so damn sleepy at work right now, but there's still 1h40mins to go.
No. 1438276
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I was walking around town and I encountered a racoon. The way it timidly crawled out of the row of plant pots was so cute. It was just a few inches away from my leg. I wanted to take a picture of it but then I realized I wouldn't have anyone to show it to. Also it lowkey made me sad because my ex loves raccoons and I would have for sure snapped a photo to show her.
No. 1438572
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>>1437943Anon the exact same thing happened to me with the canned ravioli
Shitty food in general ruin my guts. It's just not an option
No. 1438736
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dont understand why LSA allows men on their site when they add nothing of value to it and make posts like this getting butthurt whenever women discuss men.
No. 1438784
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>>1438736Ohh..I love to rant about LSA. I'm going to be unpopular and say the biggest women haters on that site, are some of the women. I see picrel when I see troon/male posters.
A lot of fonts are very male identified. The scrotes on there are so fucking retarded and cannot create any great argument. They don't even shit up the site because they are very easy to ignore drown out. Very high standard for women and no standards for men on LSA
No. 1438818
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>>1438736>man voluntarily hangs around predominately female space>"I hate le women"I know every action men take revolves around procuring negative female attention, but even by scrote standards, what a waste of life.
No. 1438981
>>1438963I put it in the dumbass shit thread because it's kinda goofy & I question whether it has been interpreted correctly since that was 100 years ago. sorry, I dunno. sometimes I post something and delete.
got it from here No. 1439315
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im bored with the style ive had for ~7 yrs. ive been a "long skirt girl" and whats now called "whimsigoth" or "fairycore" or whatever dumb zoomerphrase forever and esp now that it's becoming really trendy im just over it and bored. problem is im much too poor for the style i wanna transition to. i basically became a skirt girl due to being a poorfag and shopping thrift and having to make something unique and nice looking with all the grandma clothes. id like to lean into my more aggressive goth side and be more intimidating and less modest. less maxi skirts and floral, more short skirts and leather. i cant afford those clothes tho and the thrift will never sell sexy leather halter tops like picrel (fake leather in pic but still)
No. 1439545
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I made a mashup of these recipes today (kind of – I actually filled them with completely different stuff like chorizo and cheese, another version with black beans and onions) and it was delicious. don't have a potato ricer so I just grated the cold boiled potatoes with a cheese grater. I skinned them after I boiled them and I put the skins in the bean filling because I'm not throwing away food.
only afterwards did I notice she spelled meat like "meet" lol
No. 1439577
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Long day at work and I’m just happy to be home and be able to watch my favourite shows
No. 1439602
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I successfully made sweet bread for the first time ever. The entire house smells like heaven.
No. 1439619
>>1439605Thank you
nonnie! Can't wait to have a slice with some tea in the afternoon. Enriched sweet dough was my grandma's specialty and this recipe reminds me of my childhood and holidays. I posted the recipe in the baking thread if anyone is interested.
No. 1440523
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I just stayed up til 1:30am texting someone, which I haven’t done in ages. It’s been a long time since I’ve known someone who I can talk with for hours like that, and about things that are extremely interesting too. Feels really nice, I’m glad to have someone like this in my life again.
No. 1440567
>>1440105in the celebcow thread nonnies were talking about how edgy she was in interviews (the main character). Youtube shorts recommended me one of her interviews.
I was like, Oh i like her voice but she's so edgy, like boring put on "I think i'm so interesting, such a deep amazing actor and person"
Like thats great but it's not effortlessly cool, it's that…tiktok cool..artifical coolness. I don't know why the show has taken off like this but I do wonder what she'll do after this
No. 1441282
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Just got picrel and I thought they were just a trend but they actually feel really nice on your skin. I also got one of those gua sha things with it, it's a pretty nice cheap means of taking care of your skin I guess.
I just went to have a hot shower, clean my oily hair, and then put some aloe vera on the roller to massage into my face and got-damn that felt good. I really like them. I'm trying to distance myself away from makeup and just focus on feeling nice and clean and hygienic/healthy instead.
I don't believe the anti-aging jawline sculpting shit that surrounds these items but they feel really good. I think I'll put it in the fridge and use it in the morning to wake me up and give me some sort of little enjoyment before I go about my shit poorfag day.
No. 1441386
>>1440840Ikr, people think that I would like the show because according to them, the main character is "just like you, she hates social media and has a dark sense of humor".
If these "people" actually understood what they watch, they'll realize that people like me aren't the target audience, we are the fuckin source material, and I hate it.
No. 1441439
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>>1441426ntayrt but it's because jade is a very cool stone and stays cool even in contact with heat.
No. 1441568
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I wanna play Harvest Moon, but I've pretty much completed everything, got every recipe, all the fishes, got all my crops to five stars, all my animals give perfect produce and love me. All that's left is to marry and get a child and complete the outfits, and the thought of having basically finished the game afterwards hurts me.
No. 1441587
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>>1441568Its posts like this that make me wish we had a lolcow game sharing discord. I have alot of harvest moon games for the ds and I barely play them nowadays. Wish I could share my good ds games with nonnies that will appreciate them!
No. 1441677
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>>1441587You mean game sharing as in send each other game copies?
>>1441633Trio of Towns
No. 1441701
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>>1441677Yeah! I know its a dumb idea since nonnies can emulate on their pcs but I know some like playing it on their ds because of nostalgia.
No. 1441793
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my trash can smells so god
No. 1441844
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>>1441831I can help with your dress !
No. 1442684
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My hair keeps falling and I've been thinking of cutting it again, but now I'm considering doing this edgy-casual style. I know it's not good to bleach hair in my situation, but considering it's not the whole hair…
It's edgy enough to look good in alt clothes but also casual and normie enough to not make one look like a gendie special dangerhair.
No. 1442727
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>>1442684Don't do it or you'll look like this.
No. 1442730
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>>1442705I think extensions would look ugly and obvious on my thinning hair, though. Maybe I could do just a little strand on each side, kinda like picrel. I'll think about it, I don't know when I'll be brave enough to cut my hair again, I miss having long hair too
No. 1442798
>>1442776It's not to the point that I need a wig. Also it's hormonal, not due to hair damage. I've reversed it before with meds, I am on my way to do it again.
>>1442757Thanks, anon. It really does suck. To be honest, if people didn't know me before they probably wouldn't even know that I am losing hair because I was always the type to have very thick, abundant hair. So I could afford to lose more than half of it, but it still fucking sucks. I liked my full hair. Hopefully it will be somewhat back to normal soon enough
No. 1443843
>>1443819? i had a friend in middle school who was my friend only because she looked skinny next to me. then in high school (i had already lost 40 pounds by then, but still had some chub) another fat girl was befriended by a super skinny anachan simply because she looked even skinnier next to her.
idk it's just heartbreaking to remember how someone i really loved as a friend "chose" me solely because I was fat and now I have a hard time trusting people to really like me.
No. 1444015
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Heh a couple of months ago I posted a screenshot that made fun of balding coomer men on 4chan and it's still making rounds as of today. I've seen it posted in at least 3 different boards and it always causes moids to seethe.
No. 1444034
>>1443789>Know what really sucks? Not being the thinnest one in the room. Holy non-issues, Batman!
Also stop making friends with such pathetic girls.
No. 1444079
>>1444034>Holy non-issues, Batman!Why do you type like a redditor?
She's allowed to feel bothered by being fat. I'm sure you have personal issues that others might consider "non-issues" but you don't see us diminishing them. Just because it personally doesn't affect you doesn't mean that applies to other people, you obnoxious retard.
No. 1444108
>>1444079She's not bothered about being fat.
(If it were–she'd change it)
She's bothered because she thinks her friends and other women are being fake and are interested in making themselves feel better by keeping fatties around. Except adults aren't fooled by those schoolyard tactics.
Don't associate with women who give off such pathetic energy. Your fatty fat body isn't the problem and is not the worst thing you can be.
No. 1444144
>>1444108How do you know she's not attempting to change it? You can't un-fat yourself overnight. You're assuming shit out of nothing. She said she already lost 40 pounds which at least indicates to me some effort to change that.
>making themselves feel better by keeping fatties aroundIt's clear you haven't experienced being at the receiving end of this which is probably why you're snooty as fuck about it and want to force your ten pence in, but it's absolutely real and it definitely happens. You just fortunately haven't experienced it. That doesn't mean you get to "hyuck uhmmm aychkually" and reduce it down like it's some sort of non-issue to women who experience this. You wouldn't like this if it was done to you with something you have a problem with.
Then again, you type like a redditor so it does make sense how you'd have the arrogance to tell other people that something they're upset about just isn't a big deal. Go back to your Funko Pop and Marvel collectibles and TwoXChromosomes.
No. 1444187
>>1443758I've decided to frog it. This is going to take so fucking long.
Please get a yarn winder anons. This is really bad.
No. 1444259
>>1444144>It's clear you haven't experienced being at the receiving end of this which is probably why you're snooty as fuck about it and want to force your ten pence in, but it's absolutely real and it definitely happens. Lol who's assuming shit now? I didn't deny this shit exists anyway.
You're awful annoyed by my pointing out that women who do this comparative shit are fucking pathetic. Skinny women aren't automatically better or prettier so stop buying into their headgames that this shit is real.
Grow a thicker skin and quit qq'ing about everyone disagreeing with you is from reddit lmao.
No. 1444452
>>1443843Anon you have issues, your one bad experience in fucking middle school is not how the rest of the world works.
>>1444028You are literally imagining shit. I didn't know attractive, slim women were forbidden from interacting with fat people. Do you make friends with people based on their appearance?
No. 1444519
>>1444456My colleagues in art school did a short movie project and managed to get people needed (it was a kid and an old woman) using my country's equivalent of craigslist - afaik they paid them some little money, and made sure all is as professional as can be for amateurs - made clear explanations of exactly what will be required for the scenes, how long will the filming process last, and first meeting was arranged in the college building - I'm sure you could find some respectable and safe-feeling space too. I think it's not impossible, these scenes seem very small, you could find someone.
Also why not ask on your social media? You may not know any kids but maybe friend of a friend does and is willing to help?
No. 1445013
>>1444986Not this time
Just your basic dark blue with stars
No. 1445333
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I ordered groceries takeout, but courier switched up my order with another one. I called their hotline and talked to 2 different people and they both said that they can't take away the wrong order, but they will deliver mine one (I didn't know if they would or they were bsing me which is pretty common here). In half an hour I was already hungry and I thought well why don't I eat smth from the wrong one if he won't take it away ig. And then when I ate smth the courier came and told me that I have to give the wrong order to him… and I gave it… Nonnies, I feel so bad, will they sue me? I know that I'm a jerk in this situation I guess, but I don't want to go to jail over fucking pasta
No. 1445582
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Have an office lunch today for the holiday. Wish me luck
No. 1445812
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It's been really cold so I take baths like daily to warm my bones. Wish bathbombs weren't so expensive though, especially Lush ones. They are like 10€ here, absolutely crazy!
No. 1445912
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>>1441697AWL I completed once, though not 100%, and with FoMT I'm also in so far done that literally all left to do is to marry Elli
gimme this moment to brag for a second that i theoretically could marry the harvest goddess too and have a child and to see those few remaining events you can only unlock after marriage. I tried to get into SI but when my save got corrupted after having about a dozen sun stones for the fourth or fifth time, I gave up lol. I've wanted to give HM SNES a go for a long time, but I have to either get a copy of it or find out if it's even possible to play SNES roms on the original console, and ask my dad where he put his, beforehand. I occasionally play ToTT though and am slowly managing to merge both towns!
>>1441701I think it's cute. I get you on the nostalgia, that's why I only ever play the original games or through an r4 card
do those finally work on 3ds? No. 1447596
>>1445591Nonna I'm 5'10" and very well endowed in the hip/chest region. I feel you. Let's destroy a city together and use our boobies as wrecking balls.
Do you ever wear heels/boots and notice you intimidate moids? I do all the time kek
No. 1448307
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If I weren't a poorfag i would spend most of my disposable income on nutritious, fancy, high-quality food, especially aged cheeses and exotic fruits. Sucks that i have to kind of break the bank to make a standard NYT or BA recipe.
No. 1448316
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>>1448015Honestly, I always coped by telling myself one day I'll find someone to do it with me, even if it'll take years. If the entire odorite community could, why wouldn't I? Maybe in another life, nona-chan.
No. 1449519
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my hamster when she figures out her carrot chew toy isnt a real carrot
No. 1449972
I’m gonna smoke, have hot chocolate and clean my room.
>>1449519smh why would you trick her like that
No. 1450018
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>>1450001I had one of these earlier and not to brag but I got a pretty nifty reindeer toy inside it.
No. 1450021
>>1450018That's so cool
nonnie! I wish they had stuff like that where I live but I am a burgerfag, so they just have the plastic kinder eggs that are split in half.
No. 1450095
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>>1450021My heart goes out to all the americans and the kids under 3 who can't be trusted with kinder eggs. Breaking through the chocolate shell, throwing it away and then eating the plastic toy.. it can't be beat.
No. 1450117
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>>1450001I want to get some candy canes, I need to finish decorating the table of the living room and I want to have some as well.
No. 1450392
>>1450386constipation and slow metabolism.
I used to have a lot of problem pooping when I ate gluten too, so might be related to just fucking your gut and inflamation
No. 1450580
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I'm playing Poptropica. The game is completely different from how I remember (a lot of islands are missing), but it's still giving me nostalgia.
No. 1450814
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>>1450726The flash thing is why some of the islands are gone. They are revamping them to work with a new program. There are still old islands there though, and some new ones.
No. 1452050
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im this anon
>>1439315 and im back to report that im literally a magician. a few days after posting this i was at a thrift store in the absolute booneys digging thru dusty bins that havent been touched in years and found a leather motorcycle vest with lace up sides in my size and the hillbilly running the place charged me only $5! picrel is the same vest im p sure. i also found a lilac colored vintage Lily of France nightgown set with a lace sailor style collar and got it for 50 cents. cant believe my luck.
No. 1452159
Gonna see Machine Girl tomorrow. I'm so excited, but I'm going alone as usual. I go to more concerts by myself than I do with other people at this point. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I went to a concert with someone for an artist that I liked. For the most part I enjoy it, but it does feel lonely before and after when I see other people there in groups and I'm by myself as usual.
>>1452153Happy for you nona. Going to bed when you're full feels nice and comfy. I love honey biscuits. Your dinner sounds amazing.
No. 1452733
Ordered more embroidery supplies so I can finish my big gift project and start 2 small blackwork pieces. Very fun
>>1451373I've been putting a small teaspoon of caramel syrup into my coffee to get me though the cold weather, it's lovely
>>1452050Happy for you anon! The vest in the photo looks cool.
No. 1453016
File: 1671475039673.jpg (81.33 KB, 800x800, eggmon.jpg)

I ordered a sonic plush online but its an assortment so idk whether I'll get sonic,tails or knuckles. Just checked the page again and I didn't even spot that eggman is part of the assortment too..
Please don't be eggman, please don't be eggman. ANybody but eggman
No. 1453036
File: 1671476020656.png (Spoiler Image,192.69 KB, 528x619, Sonicchu.png)

>>1453016Is it me you're looking for
No. 1453250
>>1452159Ugh, so envious of you,
nonnie. I remember seeing a Spotify notification regarding Machine Girl tickets, but I always ignore those notifications since I have nobody to go with and could not go alone. Haha…
No. 1454409
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I work in retail and had been feeling sick since Tuesday with a sore throat and was masking for the next couple days but thought it would be over soon then yesterday all my symptoms move to my sinuses and I'm in a ton of pain, running to the back every five seconds to blow my nose, making dumb mistakes on the POS because I'm groggy and ill, so I call out today even though it's crunch time being so close to Christmas and I feel really guilty about it. My covid test was negative but I still feel like death warmed over and even got a doctor's note but my job tells me I'm cleared ready to work as long as my covid test was negative and I can still come in masked.
I'm just really bummed because if I do the responsible thing and stay home again tomorrow then I'll miss work, I won't get to win the store's attendance contest that I had been gunning for, I'll miss the Christmas cookie exchange I've been looking forward to for weeks, AND I won't get to go home and see my family and will be alone in a decorationless apartment with my cat- but I will be able to rest and recover and not expose anyone to my germs.
But if I try to push through feeling sick and go in anyway it will still suck and everyone will stare at me sneezing and think I'm gross and irresponsible (because it is gross and irresponsible) but at least management will be happy with me and I get to have some semblance of a normal Christmas even if I feel like shit.
No. 1454519
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im drinking water because its good for you or whatever. fucking sucks.
also happy christmas nonnies
No. 1454598
>>1454594Me too
nonnie, I left my cats alone yesterday and I won't be home until tomorrow. I left them plenty of food and lots of water, but I'm still anxious about it. I put all my blankets and bed clothes inside the wardrobe and put a waterproof bed sheet on the bed, but I'm still scared I'm gonna come back to my bed full of pee and vomit kek
I miss my babies so much
No. 1455488
>>1454594But your cat isnt alone bc
i can teleport like a 90s sitcom ghost and they are happy and sleepy and purring right now. Dont worry, Cat misses you too and is sleeping on your best smelly things Merry Christmas nonna!
No. 1456064
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goodnight nonnies
No. 1456164
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Just bought a humidifier, can’t wait to breathe so good
No. 1456416
>>1456407singers steam their voices all the time, sure they wouldn't if it lowered lung capacity. I wonder though.
I live in the sub-tropics and the drier the worse.
>>1456411a place I lived was so damp constantly I had to have one running 24/7 cause I kept getting chest infections but that was a literal basement (the only one I've EVER seen in Australia was wild)
No. 1457236
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I've finally started picrel after putting it off for months. Only on the second episode but I'm enjoying it so far.
No. 1457560
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>>1457236Samefag, I finished the series last night. I thought picrel was hot (that accent…) and somehow I only realized after that he's voiced by my husbandos voice actor. I cried at the end.
No. 1457564
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I watched the movie Nurse 3d yesterday. It was corny and coomerish but I liked it. Main character is a nurse who kills cheating men. It felt satisfying.
No. 1457611
The more I embrace being basic the happier I am. I love Taylor Swift and listening to her every day, I love the Earl Grey tea with creamer I drink in the morning, I love my PINK vs candles, I love being a basic girly girl that like pink, I love going to bed early and chilling on the couch with my boyfriend and watching Forensic files, I love coming home and prepping my lunch and breakfast for tomorrow with my love, I love studying to work in the medical field (as a sonographer, a "basic" job), I love being a cat lady, life is so good when you enjoy being basic.
Sometimes it feels incongruent because I dress so flashy and have all these tattoos, piercings, a split tongue, and dreadlocks. Sometimes I wish I enjoyed looking basic because it really does look so cute on girls. But it feels weird on me, it made me feel uncomfortable. On the inside, we're all in it together, though. I hope to find more basic girls in nursing.
No. 1457690
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I really want to do something for New Years Eve but I'm a massive introvert and hate busy/cramped places. I've been trying to look for outdoors fireworks celebrations where you can be in the fresh air and watch them all, but the only stuff I can find is nightclub NYE parties. I'm not about that life anymore, it makes me feel sick to imagine being crammed into a sweaty stinky nightclub with scrotes. I just want somewhere chill where I can watch the fireworks and think about finally improving my life in 2023. Hate drinking culture.
No. 1457918
I'm pretty happy with life at the moment. Looking forward to NYE and cooking a favorite dish for my friends. It gets better nonnas.
>>1457726I always get used/refurbished furniture as long as it's clean/no bugs. Along with the pillows, you can always find tapestries or other large pieces of cloth to cover it with if the colors suck, given it fits with the rest of the room's design.
No. 1457964
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I can’t stop staring at this photo of an omelette
No. 1457996
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>>1457967It's because it's all so neat and all in that oblong shape. It's like a dejected, uninspired, minimalist made that plate. The culinary manifestation of picrel.
No. 1458376
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Just meal-prepped chicken curry that's way too fucking spicy oops. I got gifted a Chromebook for Christmas and it was meant to be used partially for my job but what no one knows is that I'm actually going to be using it for lolcor and to write my erotic World of Warcraft fanfiction. I hope the CIA agent living inside this laptop is reading this right now.
No. 1458716
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I'm looking forward to NYE now that I think about it. I'll celebrate with two friends, we'll cook and eat delicious food, sleep at one friend's place comfortably, watch stupid shit on tv or youtube or play on the Switch. Even some of the negatives are balanced out by good news. For instance one friend moved abroad a few years ago so she won't come and we miss her, but that means she won't bring her piece of shit male friend with her, and her friend won't propose that we stay at his place either despite the fact that we don't like him at all because yes, he actually did that once and ruined all of our plans. Same deal with another (now former) friend of ours not being invited, which means she won't make everything about herself and she won't bring complete strangers without telling us (or worse, her much younger and retarded bf). One other friend recently moved abroad as well and I miss her a lot already though.
No. 1460161
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I'm going to make a lasagna and salad tonight. Those kind of meals make me feel nostalgic.
I've been seeing people make this smores dip and I really want to try it even though I shouldn't kek. I would use Lindt though, not Hershits.
No. 1460259
and salad.
No. 1461015
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I'm on a family vacation visiting Orlando and today it's mall day, currently getting out of a victoria secret outlet, never been on one before, It was a bit weird seeing very few men working in a store but getting appropriately fitting clothes and undies was a nice experience.
Pic unrelated, I just thought it was cute
No. 1463215
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I used to live very close to some train tracks, so I used to see trains all the time, but I don't anymore. Anyways, I was by a passing train today and I saw some really cool graffiti. Maybe I'm just a. Dumbass, but there are some really beautiful tags on trains. You can usually only see them for a second as the train is passing through but it's pretty cool, as far as mundane shit goes. Anyways, seeing that train today makes me miss living closer to trains, but also not really because trains are loud as fuck.
No. 1463352
>>1463215I used to live next to some train
yards. It sucked. Although sometimes we'd see private train cars, specifically the ones owned by the guy who owns Patron Silver. They were beautiful, very oldschool.
No. 1464323
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Im trying to make smash burgers for the first time but I forgot you have to press the meat down for a minute and now it's shrinking. Also, raw ground beef has the texture of drying play doh. So weird.
I also ran out of almond milk last night but I don't feel like running out again to get more. Pretty sad.
No. 1464380
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Made grilled cheese with onions and tomatoes today. First time making one, no idea why I havent tried it before but it was scrumptious and I think I will have them for breakfast a lot now. Trying to think of what else I could put in them for a bit more protein- ham or eggs maybe? Idk but I'm excited thinking about tomorrow's grilled cheese. I think I have finally discovered my filling protein breakfast that isn't just mushy overnight oats. God bless this bountiful cheese, tomatoes and ham that is about to enter my mouth tomorrow. And then later I will meal prep some beef chilli and also have a caramel and banana protein shake with Greek yoghurt. Food is pretty nice when you find a balance between healthy and delicious.
No. 1464382
>>1464340Yeah, I used a spatula but I didn't use any parchment paper and I don't think I pressed it for long enough. I don't think I overmixed the meat though.
>>1464380You've really never had a grilled cheese nonna?
No. 1465545
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Watching a youtuber play Stardew Valley and wishing I lived somewhere I could do foraging.
No. 1465551
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I want this huggie but it’s $500
No. 1465566
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I'm annoyed because I just saw a cockroach in my house, but tomorrow will come the maid that cleans nicely, so she will be able to help me out with that.
I will also bake a cake for everyone, maybe I could make a marbled cake, they're delicious and cute, it would be fun to make one with a cow print someday.
No. 1465586
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Found this little guy at Walgreens, I thought it was cute.
No. 1465721
I'm having the weirdest flu. It started off with chest pains and an extremely painful sore throat. I had trouble breathing and was close to going to the ER. Next day I got an intense headache and muscle pains. It's all gone today but now I can't stop coughing and have stomach issues and nausea.
>>1465566sorry about the roaches nonna, and good luck with the marbled cake! They're so delicious.
No. 1466157
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my sister and i like to go a particular Japanese restaurant every other weekend for lunch, and today we had our favorite waiter serving us. we've only ever gotten him a handful of times, but even when we don't get his service ourselves, his effort is always easy to pick up on. the dude always goes out of his way for his tables and works his ass off in a thankless service position, especially on weekends when it's busy. anyway, lunch went as it usually does, and when it was time to pay for our meal my sister noticed that the total was lower than what it should have been. a couple of drinks we ordered were missing from the itemized list on the receipt. being the goody two-shoes that she is–i was absolutely prepared to just let it go and hit the road–my sister took our receipt to the front register and mentioned how it was missing one of our orders. turns out our waiter purposefully omitted our drinks from the bill because he likes us, too, and he wanted to do something nice for us. what a sweetheart! so, we tipped him fifteen bucks and went on our merry way a little happier than when we got there.
No. 1466184
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>>1466179Yayyy happy birthday
No. 1466268
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>>1466179If you didn't know, you're born on orthodox Christmas! You share Jesus' birthday according to the Julian calendar. Happy birthday!
No. 1466295
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I learned how to do a french braid on the back of my head yesterday like picrel and I love this hairstyle already. It's very practical and it keeps everything out of my face. I already knew how to do dutch double braids but I think I prefer this, it looks very Lara Croft esque. Well, I look like a fat Lara Croft with it, but who cares kek. The braid always ends up getting a bit loose near the nape of my neck though and idek how to fix that. My hair is so long that by the time I'm at that section my arms are fucking aching and it's hard to keep the braid tight. It's so hard being a tomb raider nonners…
No. 1466319
>>1466179Happy birthday,
nonnie! ♥
No. 1466329
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>>1466305Oh I'm the opposite kek, I can learn them easy on my own hair but if I have to do anyone elses then I'm just clueless at it. I think it's the perspective difference. Muscle memory is a crazy thing.
I also love those proper intricate viking and fantasy braids too, I would love to learn those but they must take a lot of time and would just look like I'm trying to GoT larp kek
No. 1466765
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I collect clowns and my aunt gave me another clown and it made me so happy. Every time she goes to a pawn shop and finds some tiny clown she calls me and says 'hey I have another clown for you' kek. Idk why people find them creepy, I think they're cute. I'm accepting brand new clowns and used clowns, all kinds of clowns
No. 1466967
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>be me
>watching youtube
>get an ad for online work out classes
>"do you hate gyms?"
>I do
>they promise low impact exercise
>can indeed only do low impact exercises
>check out their website
>considerable catalogue of classes with a bunch of different stuff
>check out a preview of their classes
>instructor talks like a demented motivational speaker/influencer
I guess I'll just remain sedentary.
No. 1467622
File: 1673248017839.jpg (121.05 KB, 1240x1371, chihuahua.jpg)

About to oil my scalp/hair, throw on a bonnet, turn on my humidifier, turn on my AC, and watch SpongeBob until I fall asleep. Goodnight nonnas.
No. 1467676
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I wish I could get surgery for my nose. I'm almost certain I have a deviated septum or whatever the fuck related to that. I've always had issues with breathing through my nose and I'm literally allergic to the cold air. This is no way to live. Sometimes when I sneeze all day I actually feel like buying a gun and shooting myself in the head.
No. 1467698
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anyone have any suggestions for what to cook using this ? i'm at a loss, i can only think of omelettes and i really don't want to eat them right now
No. 1467701
>>1467676Figuring this out was my recent project for going on holidays with friends and being too cheap to go to the doctor:
>didn't drink alcohol, yeah sucks I know> found a mouth tape that actually kept my mouth closed and didn't irritate my skin (used only every 2nd night just in case)> used things to keep my nostrils open, i looked like a pig but they helped>took an antihistamine before bedUsed a snore app to record me plus my usual smartwatch, I snored less or not at all and improved the quality of my sleep.
Things that didn't work: a couppe of cheap mouthguards that are meant to reposition your jaw (the expensive dentist ones might work) and a nasal spray (after a few nights it seemed to make my sinuses worse).
I also tried a thing that keeps your tongue forward and it worked but was uncomfortable for me because I have a tongue tie. Vidrel.
No. 1467711
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>>1467622This sounds like a LOVELY time I’m happy for you anon!
>>1466305>>1466295Gosh you both sound CLASSY and cute. Thank you for spreading braids into the wild anons, ur inspiring me to try out braids.
I don’t know if this belongs here but I always liked looking at those mail threads on /clg, was cozy seeing people post their mail and be excited about it. Anyways I copped some Autistic fairy clothes on depop and I’m excited about it. The cringe oozes out of me I just can’t hide it anymore.
No. 1467856
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I bought three fucking bags of new protein powders. They're marketed as "boba tea protein powders" but I don't plan on putting boba in them. The flavors sounded appealing enough (I ordered classic milk tea, honeydew, and matcha). They're also sweetened with monkfruit instead of stevia. I hope they're yummy.
I've been debating on buying the fruity cereal flavor from Ghost or Alani Nu but I guess I'll have to wait til I get through all this fucking other protein first KEK.
No. 1467926
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Do we have a tech thread?? I wanna change my phone to that cute flippy clamshell Samsung thingy, but I wanna know if anyone's had issues with the hinge part wearing out.
No. 1467937
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>>1467928Bless you,
No. 1468166
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>>1467701Anon the mouth tape is hilarious. Thank you so much for these suggestions. I honestly worry sometimes my snoring will end my relationship because my partner gets so upset during the night. I'm literally going to try all 3 methods. Thank you thank you. I hope you have great peace with your snoring as well
No. 1468227
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I recently spoke to my older brother on the phone and he said "my daughter is so much like you it's funny" and I thought, oh god she's crazy right? No, he said "She is blunt as fuck and isn't afraid to tell people what she thinks. You have always been like that and I tell her that she's a lot like her cool Aunt Nonna."
His daughter must be around 11 or 12 now and I'm just grateful she isn't afraid to speak her mind and that I seem to have had some positive influence on her kek. I hope more little girls can grow up to not be afraid of saying the wrong thing or speaking their mind.
It's also fun to know that I'm at that age where I'm developing the "Cool Aunt" persona kek. Hopefully in a few years it will evolve to Cool Rich Childless Aunt.
No. 1468265
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My dog when he eats his bone really fast and bothers my other dog for hers
No. 1468817
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I need that goodbye kiss every morning because I like cheesy. Can't believe you almost just left. Wake me up I don't care!!!
No. 1470440
>>1470426I don't know if it's newfags, been here for a while and I can think of quite a few anons who have posted their faces or enough parts of their bodies to be identified, specially in /g/
it's like being an anonymous board makes people forget people can still recognise you if you share enough personal details kek
No. 1470454
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Have just been hit with an urge to get into plush making and making custom care bears lol if I get any good I might make a lolcor care bear and think up of some designs while using picrel as a reference! I just wish I knew how to eye ball plush patterns because theres no way I’ll pay $800 to copy a pattern off of one of these
No. 1470458
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>>1470454Back in the day a company named Butterick did care bear patterns and you can still buy the patterns second hand or with some mild sleuthing find patterns online for free, plush community is also so large now that theres plenty handmade patterns by fans lying around.
No. 1470467
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>>1470458Thank you anon! Might use one of the tender heart pig as a prototype for the lolcow bear and make a pattern for the head later. Now to day dream about the color scheme using lolcors layout lol
No. 1470594
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Going out on my own is so difficult, sometimes I wish I could stay at home and lay on bed like pic related but with a pillow, or a hot guy with muscles that won't speak, smells good and will leave to never bother me again, he will just lay there and let me hug him.
But I have to go out now, it's not even to do anything important, but I'm so used to having people driving me around, make schedules for me, paying for me and so on, that this makes me feel really nervous.
No. 1470608
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Ayrt tbh you can say that about everything else people enjoy it’s not just lolcow. You can say the same about plush making, the community is filled with furries and weirdos making sexdolls so you should grow up and distance yourself from it. And even if I did make the plush, who else is going to know the reference outside of lolcow? People won’t bat an eye because cows are popular and it’ll just be brushed off as something cute I like or a project I did to pass the time. Anyways, I hope you can show off the stuffed animals you did later on in the sew thread, te kiero mucho pendeja!!
No. 1470618
nonnie I cuddle my himbo bf exactly like that, face planted in his titties… fuck now I’m horny
No. 1471068
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I feel like I was super annoying at work today.
No. 1471096
>>1466765I like clown imagery but not actual real life clowns. Unless it's an alt girl who does cute clown makeup you cant put me near a real life clown performer.
As a child I lived in a small town that had a local clown you could hire. He ended getting arrested for pedophilia. I remember seeing his ads in the paper. Its something that still haunts me.
No. 1471426
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>>1445591late but you are perfect anon
No. 1471437
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>>1471096you know how 90s moms went all out with like, chicken themed decor or chili peppers or seashells? yeah, im like that with clowns…pagliaccis all over my walls, clown figurines everywhere, carnival masks…i have 9 ceramic clowns glued to my car dashboard. i cant help it, the thrift stores are full of them and theyre so cheap and cute. i have no idea why im obsessed. maybe because i feel like my only defense against this fucked up world is to laugh at how stupid everything has become? i call it being mirth pilled.
No. 1471534
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The hershey kisses looks like literal shit from a person that needs to eat more fibre so that it doesn't looked like soft served ice cream.
No. 1471555
>>1471534Thanks nonna, but didn't work. Poop doesn't gross me out.
I'm just going to get something savory to eat and drink a lot of water, so that way I'll be too full to think about desserts. I've been really craving some meat and rice so I think I'll try sausage and rice.
No. 1471798
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I love sleeping with my cat but the little rascal always wakes me up at 5am, so I try to sleep alone but I miss him when he's not there.
No. 1471896
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i'm a thirdie so things are a bit different but it really wasn't until i went to public university that i realized getting a private education isn't the norm. i honestly thought most people went to private schools ( which are not like international or boarding schools, just national schools that are private and pay money for ) because all my neighbors and entourage did. i seriously was not at all aware of my poshness until i found out most if not all of my classmates went to public schools only. my institution was preschool to highschool and wasn't even recognized anywhere so it wasn't like prestigious but now i see that despite that i was posh. humbled and embarrassed that i didn't realize earlier. i wasn't even the average private school goer too i was on food stamps and disabilitybuxx but now i know i lived a privileged way different life than most people. so embarrassing that i thought any differently in restrospect
No. 1471912
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>>1471798my kitty sleeps on top of me. It's very cute but i'm a restless sleeper and am always worried i'll throw her off in my sleep
No. 1471925
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tfw i bake cookies and eat them all in one night and feel sick and regret eating them, then next morning i crave cookies again but they're all gone because my retarded ass ate the entire thing without even enjoying it
No. 1472426
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I posted about wanting a cookie but not having one because I need to stop eating sugar. I'm actually super happy with my progress, so I think I will treat myself to either a sweet tea or a cookie.
No. 1474412
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>>1474405The sheets stay forever
No. 1476940
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just remembered these books and I used to love them. read it again and it was pretty nostalgic
No. 1476961
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>>1476940I loved these so fucking much. I also loved checking out
American Girl magazine from the library, and getting the catalogs in the mail. I was too poor for any of the dolls or toys, but I read every AG book I could find.
missed you nonas ♥
No. 1476968
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>>1476961AH I had this one too
nonnie! I used to read this one all the time too.
No. 1477403
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>>1477379I hope you get the job nona!
I'm going back to university after years of being a neet due to mental illness. Hopefully i won't feel too out of place because of my age (25)
Might be a dumb reason, but I had a glow up during the pandemic and feel really good because of it. Gave me the confidence to go outside more and even made new friends. Things are looking good!
No. 1477418
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Bought myself a link cable not realizing I can't link my NTSC GBA game and PAL GC game until after I plugged it in, life is pain.
No. 1477457
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My brother and I love sending troonphobic memes to each other.
No. 1477529
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I usually stick to actual italian non-fast food pizza but I want papa john's so bad today. I don't care if it's greasy, I need crappy doughy pizza NOW
No. 1477541
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a sleepy butt
No. 1477671
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I want to keep folding my birdies and a frogli here and there, but my left arm hurts.
No. 1477705
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I really did fuck-all today and the day is already halfway over. I think it's okay to have a lazy day every once in a while. The weather is gloomy and I haven't even gotten out of my robe. The least I can I for myself is cook that ravioli and out my clothes washing. Whatever Happy Friday nonnies
No. 1477831
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Laying on the couch and my cat is on me cleaning herself and im fed and all is gooda
No. 1478185
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Been feeling down for the past couple of weeks and I wish I had a bathtub so I could soak my sorrows away. ue, ue, ue (soung of crying)
No. 1478202
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During the week I have the same postman who delivers stuff. Then on saturdays its I guess these part timers who never look familar. Feels like you never get the same guy twice.
Today I was walking through a different part of my town when one stopped and was like "you're 'nonnie' right? I have a parcel for you" I didn't know him from adam. How does he know me?
No. 1478320
Love when you list something online, completely forget about it and months later someone buys it. It’s like getting a surprise present
>>1477529I feel nostalgic whenever I get a slice of convenience store pizza because it was my cheap lunch when I was a retail wagie
No. 1478651
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Depressed to report that ever since I've had to cease my (up to that point neet induced) day-long walks, my feet start to hurt again when I walk (actually even less than) my usual route. Should've become a postwoman instead.
No. 1478673
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Cold as fuck, laying here with my cats on my bed warming me up, cuddling, snoring. I manifested cats and I got them. They've since moved positions from this photo.
No. 1478927
I'm watching Spirited Away and eating girl scout cookies
>>1478673So cute how they're in the same position kek
No. 1481360
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I like the way my hair is dyed but it keeps staining the back of my shirts. Pain.
No. 1481842
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This is the day I give no fucks, I'm having pasta for dinner, I don't care if this is a grave sin, I needed to live a little for once.
No. 1482534
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It was so warm it felt like spring and now it's all covered in snow again
No. 1482540
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Craving fast food pizza again. What is with me this week? Any other day I'd gasp in italian at the thought of fast food pizza but this whole week it's all I've been thinking about. I had a slice on monday and that staved off the cravings for a bit but now they're back and worse than ever
No. 1482654
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When my classmate mods pls no ban, vocational school talks about the values and day to day life in her home country I sometimes sit there and have to wonder if it really is as she tells or if it's more a situation like picrel
No. 1482958
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lolcow user spotted in the wild?
No. 1483034
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I watched M3GAN yesterday. I was expecting it to be one of those movies that are so bad they're good, but it wasn't bad. Was pretty boring though, imo. I also couldn't help but laugh when Megan would randomly start singing.
No. 1483145
>>1483109I do think it was made with social media/tiktok in mind. That scene with the dancing was one of the first clips to be released from the movie, which gives me the vibe that they wanted people to recreate the dance. The movie is meant to be campy and a comedy-horror so I think it was always going to naturally be popular on social media. It actually makes perfect sense for that to be the target audience.
We're living in a digital age so I think we're going to be seeing more horror movies about AI/tech, like Black Mirror shit. I won't spoiler it but I think that the overall commentary and message M3GAN makes about technology is good.
No. 1483208
>>1483034I had mixed feelimgs about it as well, I enjoyed it, but didn't understand why the reviews are raving about it. It was campy, predictable fun. I did like the message that the difficult feelings that people might try to distract themselves from with social media and the digital word need to be experienced in order to grow as a human being, it was an unexpectedly deep moment in an otherwise lighthearted film.
The singing scene cracked me up as well and pretty sure it was intentional and they were going for deliberate campiness
No. 1483610
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I've swapped from using a hot water bottle to using a big water bottle filled with hot water and a teabag so i can also have a warm sippy in bed while im on my period
No. 1483816
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I wanna watch Lilo & Stitch but the last time I watched it wasn't too long ago, so I think I'll grow bored halfway through. Maybe I should watch the TV series, the only chance I ever got to watch it was when I was sent back home from school when I was sick.
No. 1484017
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>>1483863awww yea me and my
nonny be maximizing our comfort
No. 1484032
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I made a chopped cheese with bbq sauce. Yummy.
No. 1484176
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"Came out" as a terf to my mother (she was sympathetic but "doesn't want be so judgemental" and believes in trutrans) and now she keeps insisting I watch Transparent with her
No. 1484418
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Gonna go out for drinks with friends tonight even though I am really tired and don't feel good about my looks and myself after I got ghosted and then dumped a couple of days ago. I'm gonna force myself to put myself out there again after crying in my apartment for days. I want to just stay in and not talk to anyone but then I'd just fall into a depressive episode and cry about my loneliness. Please wish me luck nonnies.
No. 1484721
nonnie! First two weeks are the hardest.
No. 1484722
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>>1484693If you happen to have a spare $100-200 just lying around you could get one of those upholstery spot cleaners.
No. 1484952
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>>1484950I heard her threads on PULL were bad but I had no idea it was
that bad kek, guarentee a good handful fled here to nitpick and sperg
No. 1484956
>>1484952Her thread was documented in the first PULL thread
>>73039 and it's still a hilarious read. It was more of an insecure weeb support center than a thread about her, users were just blogging about how much better they would fare in Japan compared to Kenna and how much more they would respect the culture and deserve a sugoi Japanese boyfriend. I never really understood what initially made Kenna so infamous but from what I've gathered it's because she photoshopped her selfies and told half-truths about her life to brag when she was younger or something along those lines, just generic petty online blogger bullshit.
No. 1484964
>>1484956>I never really understood what initially made Kenna so infamousfrom what i remember
>stole poems and other shit>made an apology video in which she acted like an overdramatic villain by reciting poetry and saying stuff like "my cards are on the table">promised to do better>did not do better (aka continued to steal poems, ideas and designs)>someone signed up on PULL and said that she helped kenna make the apology video and leaked emails between her and kenna, kenna never understood that what she did was wrongthat was the initial reason why kenna got so "popular" on pull.
kenna also bought her autism diagnosis in japan and is weirdly obsessed with little boys and made up weird stories about how "smol widdle japanese fairy grandmas" told her that she looked like a princess or something. also constantly bodychecked by doing shit like putting on toddler tshirts at target and saying "oh my god, i'm sooo skinny" and then later she put on a skirt that didn't fit her and said "look guys i'm so skinny yet plus sized!" also constantly talked about being a sexrepulsed aroace while obviously being obsessed with yaoi. and then there's stuff like extreme photoshopping, putting down her sister's appearance and posting about how she (kenna) is the prettier one, always skinwalking the current netflix favorite of the day (sabrina, for example) and saying insane shit like "i'm SO pale, like not normal pale, but pale as in DEAD PEOPLE pale!" etc.
but the WORST she did is going to japan and living there for a year.
tl;dr: just a trust fund baby being cringy online.
No. 1485678
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Putting together a grocery list right now. Gonna make sure I finally try birria tacos from Trader Joe's and chocolate covered peanut butter dates. I've never had dates!
No. 1485966
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Just made Alfredo pizza using this recipe. (But I used romano cheese for the sauce). It was a lot of work, but it was pretty good. The crust was a little plain for my liking, which always happens when I make pizza. I've gotta find a way to spice the crust up. It's just so plain. But it was still delicious.
No. 1486339
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bit disappointed, one of my favourite apple varieties disappeared from my local shelves a couple months ago so i did a little research to see the apple and stone-fruit industry is in trouble where i live what with inflation, lack of workers, and a bee parasite that's decimated a lot of hives.
no more delicious ambrosia for me.
No. 1487220
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Some time ago I realized that it's stupid that I've been using cheapo $5 earphones all my life when I use them for two to up to ten hours a day depending on the day of the week while I don't mind splurging on other things I use just as frequently, like shoes or a mattress, so I decided to look into recs for higher quality ones, but there are so many foreign words and things I don't understand, so my only two choices are
>learn the jargon and get more invested into this than I ever wish to be
>ask on reddit and then get shooed away because my requirements aren't any more specific than isn't wireless, $150 max and will last a while (talking years here), which will then lead me to having to do 1) anyways.
I think I want those in-ear earphones, as those, as far as I understood, aren't as hard on your hearing as "normal" earphones.
No. 1487238
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>>1487220Reddit is annoying as hell, I hate 4chan but /g/ might be the place to ask your questions. You could also look at some of those /g/ charts (picrel is an extract from one of the for exemple). Good luck
nonnie, having good quality sound is absolutely amazing and if you are using them a lot it's truly worth it, buying a good headphones was one of my absolute best investment
You could maybe take a look at this even if it's mostly about headphones : No. 1487241
>>1487220This is the only tool you'll ever need for choosing quality earphones of the best quality/sound models is only $20.
No. 1487253
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dropped ssris and right away my sex drive came back with a vengeance. from masturbating once or twice a month i'm now horny ALL the time, from dusk to dawn, and would masturbate daily if my flatmate wasn't here.
times like this i wish i had a boyfriend
No. 1487409
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I have to start my thesis and now i'm regretting getting into college.
No. 1487702
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Been craving lucky charms marshmallows so bad, gonna get picrel today
No. 1487856
My tax return was unbelievably small this year, and it’s going to be even less next year apparently because of pandemic shit? Ugh
>>1487702 biting into that shit hurts my teeth, awful feeling
No. 1487895
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My pictures came that I ordered. Now I can scrapbook and have fun
No. 1487903
>>1487702>>1487856Yeah I don’t mean to yuck your yum
nonny but those TJs meringues have an uncomfy mouthfeel on my teeth. I might like them more if they were but sized
Lucky charms marshmallows are delish tho
No. 1488013
nonny, I scrap too! No one does it anymore except little old ladies ily
No. 1488171
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I bought some chili crisp even though I don't like spicy food because it just looks so good. I'll try it on eggs.
No. 1488203
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>>1488171oh man that's great for flavor and isn't even that hot, take it from me, an icecube in human form. worth it.
No. 1488752
>>1488741>Kek idk how secure plane wifi is. Hopefully the person monitoring the web traffic is some acne'd scrote who's too busy watching hentai to investigate my activity
>Where u going nonaFlying from the UK to the Midwest to see family unfortunately so I'll be shitting up lolcow with miserable drunkposts all weekend
>>1488737Why tho? It's such a pain in the ass to type on mobile
No. 1489100
Why do I feel so tired after work? It's like someone threw a dart with elephant tranquilizer at me on my way back home. I can barely have lunch and take a shower once I'm back. And it's only half a day, three days a week, I get along with everyone, the kids don't outright hate me and I'm kind to everyone, nothing particularly crazy happens everyday I go.
What should I do? Sometimes I can't even drink my afternoon coffee because I'm so tired and full from lunch that I don't want to do anything else other than sleep, and I fall asleep for 3 whole hours, sometimes more, plus, while my sleeping schedule isn't ideal, I go to sleep at 11 pm and wake up at 5 am, so it isn't too bad either, to the point that I have to fall asleep like this.
No. 1489558
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I just got off work and am about to go get breakfast, yay!
No. 1490634
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That one website where I watch all my non-animu shows on got shut down again. I know it'll be back, but I wanted to watch something and now I've got nothing to do again.
No. 1490672
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>>1490634Nevermind, it just got blocked for my provider, using a VPN did the trick.
No. 1491338
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Dyed a light coloured denim midi skirt to a boysenberry colour. I think it turned out well and looks better. I'm dyeing a pair of jeans next.
No. 1495003
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I tripped while holding my lunchbox and a girl I know was walking by and she just stood there staring at me. I must had looked like picrel
No. 1495934
>>1495003kek this is cute
>>1495170>furry communityWhy are you even following them? I hope to laugh about them
I'm moving next week from a relatively anonymous house to a house with only two other neighbours who are middle aged, retired women. I really hope they aren't nosy because it would piss me off if they watched every step I make and complain about irrelevant crap all the time. I prefer it if everyone minds their own business. I really hope they're chill and leave me alone, I just want peace.
No. 1496055
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I wanna go to the book store and get some of the books on my reading list, but none are available instore.
No. 1497532
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i just realized how irrelevant corpsehusband is now. and all because a based farmer found and posted pics of him being an uggo doing parkour. LOL, good shit.
No. 1497544
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Time for my monthly listen-to-Magdelene-in-the-middle-of-the-night-in-the-darkness-of-my-room-and-cry. I'm so excited!
No. 1497610
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Does anyone else get really depressed after seeing something wholesome ana cute sometimes? I stumbled across a video of this polar bear sleeping when I was looking at animal videos and it made me cry and feel really sad I'm like on my deathbed or something.
No. 1497647
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someone posted scat porn
No. 1497965
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I wish it snowed where I live. I absolutely love winter (since I live in a humid country and summer can almost boil me alive) but I've never seen actual snow in my entire life, so I always feel like I'm missing out. To make it worse, I can't afford to visit a snowy place at the moment either, because I'm not financially secure and don't have enough free time to do anything aside from studying and work to make the ends meet. I really want to watch a beautiful snowfall and make a snowman…
No. 1500960
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Drank a cold brew coffee at 5pm yesterday and it's still working on me today. That drink is so strong.
No. 1501033
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I didn't expect my coworkers to give a shit about my birthday since I'm usually invisible, maybe a postcard with written wishes, like everyone at my job gets on their birthday. I didn't get the postcard for the first 4 hours so I thought I'm going to be the only one who won't get it. But when the second shift came, all of my coworkers and my shiftleader came to me and sang me happy birthday, one coworker also gave me a hug. I totally didn't expect that, I was a little startled because of my autism but it did feel kinda good, but I was mostly shocked, I hope my smile wasn't to awkward. Pic unrelated
No. 1501038
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>>1501033Happy birthday anon!
No. 1501118
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Today was a coworker's last day and I couldn't help but feel sad because I had a budding crush on him, we had a lot in common and a great chemistry so we would have at least been good pals. I won't even be able to see him for drinks as he's moving across the country for his new job.
Oh well back to daydreaming about husbandos I guess, that's the only thing I'll ever get anyway.
No. 1501127
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I started watching Twin Peaks a few days ago. I'm enjoying it so far, but it's absolutely not what I was expecting. Plus, it's a spooky coincidence that a missing woman made national news as I'm watching it.
No. 1501163
>>1501131Idk I guess I thought it'd be a bit like the first Silent Hill game, sombre and dark, but more grounded in reality (how wrong I was). I'm pretty sure the game was inspired by Twin Peaks and that's what got me interested.
>>1501144>>1501155Glad to know I'm not the only one enjoying it!
No. 1501167
Just wanna see how relateable I am, but taking out all the overly traumatic drama parts because I am in a positive mood.
Father is a narcissist with mood swings but on the upswing was a hard working business owner that took us in vacation three times a year. Usually disney/universal, thanksgiving to a friends or family, and fourth of july or christmas to a friends or family. Lots of smaller trips in nature or local fairs. His mother was very wise and classy, gave us books and taught us about art and culture. They are from nyc.
Mother was from old money, she was modest but obviously privileged growing up, her father killed himself so she spent much time with her grandfather and mother. My ggf was in state politics, lived in Greenwich Conn, and very well off, they have told me mafia connected but my life was not the sopranos guys. My relatives still work in politics and law. My grandmother, her mother, is the biggest cunt I know. A snobby bitter old money bitch. I think she married for money but her family is from Genoa so who knows. I realized recently she reminds me of Bree from DH, but way worse, at least Bree smiles sometimes. Anyway her rules were, and she was strict and even lied to maintain them, we only listen to classical music (in her mercedes benz), we cannot use electronics in her house, (which btw her first house was a damn mansion but she downgraded over the years, oh and her furniture never changed the entire time, all old antique shit), I must eat the healthy food she has on her fine China, I must see the ballet each year, I must dress nice and act like a lady. Easter was a huge fucking too, because Italian Catholic. I was forced into church and sunday school before quitting church, but I left sunday school go on for a while for the free snacks. All we did is memorize and recite bible verses, discuss them, and color. Not kidding. And all her gifts were things she got abroad in her younger years, like a zodiac chinese stamp for my year. My God. I loved the ballet though, but every year dressed up for the nutcracker be for real. My mother played piano but said she couldn't make me learn so she gave up but let me learn flute later. I was forced to perform at all my relatives houses. I got a small share of a trust fund and my cunt gm kept saying she promised me this or that but it was so manipulative and icky I said fuck her and her money. She retaliated to my behavior to try to lock me up in an asylum but that's a whole other story, but anyhow which is why I said fuck her.
Other childhood memories include a bday party riding horses, trips, renting cotton candy, slushie, and popcorn machines for a backyard party, having a pool and a trampoline, getting to do sports and music afterschool., going to a nice public school and growing up close to the beach.
I envy some of my relatives who seemed to live more relaxed, I don't know for sure but seems like it, my childhood started alright but obviously shit hit the fan in every way so nevermind that.
No. 1501784
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This is dumb as fuck but my life has been so bleak and depressing lately that I just wanted to share finally having a win.
I am broke as hell. Like absolutely nothing in my checking account, I'm behind on bills, and I don't have enough in my savings to cover rent next month. I ran out of food a couple days ago and all I've got to my name is a bunch of rice, butter, and a jar of peanut butter. I had sliced bread but I ran out yesterday. So I've just been eating buttered rice and spoonfuls of peanut butter if my stomach hurts too much from being empty.
It was a dumb decision but I was so hungry yesterday that I decided to just try and see if I could overdraft my paypal account and buy some food on grubhub. Paypal will approve payments before clearing them with the bank so I thought maybe I could order something and have it delivered before the charge would get denied and then just figure it out later. I tried ordering from a delivery convenience store that had one of those "$5 off your first order of $15" coupons and ordered some rice, some canned beans, and instant coffee. The order went through, and then about an hour later it shows that it got canceled by the store with no reason given.
The $5 coupon disappeared from my account, so I contacted support and asked them if I could have the coupon back to try again. The support guy had no idea what I was talking about and couldn't figure out the coupon, so instead he just emailed me A $20 BRAND NEW COUPON that I could use anywhere on grubhub!! So I used that to order myself a whole bunch of beans, tortillas, and seasoning- I have enough ingredients now to make about 12 burritos, which will last me for the rest of the week until I get paid. No more plain rice and peanut butter. I also treated myself and ordered a hot coffee (it was $3) but the delivery person forgot to bring it, so I marked on the order it wasn't included and grubhub refunded my paypal.
So I got a bunch of "free" groceries for the week, and also now $3 in my paypal. Not bad. I am no longer suicidal for at least the rest of the week.
No. 1501865
>>1501784Nice! I have been that hungry before and I know that $20 is going to stretch so far compared to what you were planning on eating.
It might not be the best for you, but there is a subreddit called borrow where redditors will loan you a small amount of money for a week or two in return for interest. It's better than going to a cash advance paycheck store, but if you can't pay it back don't go because you're hurting someone else small who just wants to help others.
Have you visited your local food bank? If not, I strongly suggest it. Most people don't go because of pride, or shame that they feel like they don't have it bad enough, but you're honestly at the point where if anyone needs it, you do.
If you're in the USA, there's always churches. Many churches raise funds and solicit grants they can use to help the less fortunate. I learned this when I was making a delivery to a church and this random woman bursts in and demands, "I need money for gas and bills!" The church secretary explained to me that some people know they can request funds from them for basic necessities and they'll either give you the money, pay the bill for you, or refer you to somewhere you can get help. Nowadays, you check their website and see if you can find anything about applying to them for aid, or if there's nothing, call and politely ask, "Hi, I was wondering if you offered any form of aid for people in need. I'm a [broke college student/single mother/elderly woman] and I don't have enough food to last the week. Do you have any programs I could apply to?" If you were raised in the faith, all the better, but just call around.
As for rent, can you sell blood or plasma? If your hair is long enough, you can even sell that on ebay, but it can take a couple weeks for buyers to bite, so that's not an immediate solution. Worst case, put on make up and hopefully a wig/hat, and go beg on the corner. It's humiliating, but it beats being homeless and not being safe.
No. 1502785
I havent shaved my legs in 6+ months and my friend was shocked
>doesnt your bf care?
Look, he doesnt care, but I wouldnt care if he did
I shave 3-6 times a year. I could go swimming with a overgrown bush, lil mustache, leg hair, all of it, and he'd still think I'm beautiful.
Be a woman, fully and unapologetically, and groom/dress/enhance how you want. Men come and go, dicks are a plenty. If they like you, some hair wont be the deal breaker. If it is, then keep looking for the right person.
Anyone got a weedwacker i can borrow? Kekek
The same friend also asked me why i dont wear bikinis. I told her not all men deserve the view and she said that was a “bit arrogant”. No honey, its not. Put your damn pussy on a pedestal. She deserves it!
No. 1502839
>>1502785tbh i've never been with a moid who had any opinion on me not removing my body hair, even when asked directly about it. not even "i'd prefer it removed but it's nbd" just "i don't care/notice either way"
it's not a very big sample size but still, it makes me think only the most misogynistic males care about a woman's body hair. like it should be a universal red flag that a moid prefers removed body hair, even you also prefer to remove it.
No. 1502999
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I want a 40 year-old boyfriend with mutton chops. We could lie down naked together on the weekends and he could read sonic fanfics out loud. We both would laugh, but I would secretly be invested in Amy’s budding romance with Shadow. As he reads, I’d move between his legs and feel the pile of his penis resting against my back. I’d look up to his bare chin framed by the chops and kiss it gently. Then, and only then, would I be in love.
No. 1503023
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>>1502999>the pile of his penisI'm sorry, what?
No. 1503349
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forgot to salt my pasta water
No. 1503387
>>1503349how did it end up tasting nona? what sort of pasta?
I wish they still made my favourite ricotta + spinach pasta sauce but they discontinued it, gonna have to learn how to make it.
No. 1503434
>>1503423try that chatgp shit, nonas said it wrote cover letters for them lmao
at the same time don't because SKYNET IS REAL
No. 1503480
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>>1503387I was supposed to make penne, but I didn't have enough so I had to supplement with macaroni. Turned out pretty plain as expected. Though the sauce is the main event anyway so it was still edible.
No. 1503670
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I decided to be a little wacky today and add orange zest and a bit of rum to my usual banana pound cake recipe. I might just be a culinary genius. It's so delicious I'm fighting the urge to grab a 3rd slice.
No. 1503733
I had a spa night for no reason, it was cozy.
>>1503670That sounds delicious! Go for that 3rd slice
No. 1504158
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I'm out as a lesbian to my brother, and it's so freeing, I no longer have to hide this part of me. When he look at my computer and see my all of my weird cringe fanarts of female characters and gay women I just don't care, that shit would have killed me on the spot a few years back. At some point he saw picrel and stared at it silently, I offered no explanation and just laughed it off. I'm cringe and free and it's really nice. I'm also very glad that he doesn't give a fuck about my sexuality
No. 1504366
>>1504229either the stuffing/case isn't silent and when you move it chaffs and makes sounds or what
>>1504363 said
No. 1504439
>>1504435Just ignore if, you post about any
personal thing you do with skincare there will always be some weirdo jumping out to sperg about how it can't really work. It's not like you have to spend money to put ice on your face.
No. 1504493
Signed up for paypal a few months ago and it's so nice to just be able to pay for things without having a million steps involved.
>>1504488What are you worried about nonna? It's fine to just relax every once in a while, you don't have to be productive. If you laid in bed it's probably because you needed rest. You're fine ♥
No. 1504517
i was arguing with the person in the celebricows thread who said there was some new law in nordic countries that allowed for doctors to induce brain death so they could get organs and i ended up going down a bit of a rabbithole. i don't want to continue the argument so i'll just rant here instead kek. basically, i was confused because i couldn't find any information on the supposed "law change" that allowed for a balloon to be put into a patient to kill them before they had reached either brain death or circulatory death. i couldnt even find like, fake news or fearmongering about it. which you would expect if there was any kind of change about organ donation laws because there's always bs and fearmongering around that subject. anyway, it turns out that that's because there was no law change. the "they put a balloon into your brain to kill you!!" thing is not a new law (not that that's the actual law either lol), this is how the majority of circulatory death donations happen. basically, the process occurs when someone has either near-total brain death or is at the end of an incurable musculor-skeletal disase (i.e. ALS). the near-total brain death thing means essentially that someone has no brain function expect for the brain stem. people in that state or not in a coma or even a minimally vegetative state, they have no consciousness whatsoever. however, the definition of brain death is very strict and there can be no organ harvesting if someone does not meet that strict definition. if the person or their family wanted to, they could be kept on life support indefinitely. kind of the same with als, in that case the person will almost certainly have some point where they've specified "i dont want life support anymore once i can no longer move anything except one eye" or whatever. in both of those cases, even if treatment is 100% futile and there's no consciousness, the person doesn't have to go off of life support unless they or their legal agent decides its time. the medical team treating them and the medical team in charge of donation must also be completely distinct, and the donation team cannot talk to the patient or their family at all until the decision to take them off life support has already been made. but if the person has specified in their will or their legal agent makes the decision to take them off life support, then that will be done, and if they/their agent want organ donation, that's where the ""balloon that kills them so their organs can be stolen"" kicks in. basically, life support is ended. this would happen regardless of whether they were an organ donor or not and again, doesn't have to happen no matter how stupid it is to keep life support at that point. so at no point is anyone taken off of life support because theyre an organ donor and there is no actual difference in care between organ donors/non donors. after life support is withdrawn, there's a legal waiting period to let them die. some places is 2 minutes and some places it's longer. they wait for the heart to stop beating and for total death to occur. then, if the person was an organ donor, there's a technique where a balloon is put into an artery near their brain. this allows them to essentially resuscitate the body without reviving any brain function so that organ donation can occur. thats pretty crazy to me. i also find it satisfying that i was right lol, there is no point where doctors decide to kill you because they want to take your organs. in the cases where this technique happens, you would already be taken off life support anyway regardless of whether youre an organ donor. and again, you don't have to be taken off life support unless a) you specified that you wanted to be or b) your legal decision maker decides its time. tl;dr there is no "new law" in nordic countries that lets doctors kill you to steal your organs and being an organ donor doesnt make you less likely to receive life-saving treatment.
No. 1504538
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I found my glasses! I thought I lost them, or threw them away when I was deep cleaning my room, these are the newest ones (from 2018) so they give me the least headache when I'm going out! Plus they're cute and look better with my golden accessories than my red glasses.
No. 1504647
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>>1504498Anon, you're my twin!
No. 1504966
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Last night I decorated kid's rooms in the Sims. I think when/if I have kids I would want to have a gender neutral nursery. I love pink but a yellow nursery is such a dream.
No. 1505016
>>1505012i'm not good at making friends either, she's the one who suddenly decided to send me a friend request after I made some comments about one of the characters in the game. and she's the one who messages out of the blue, just to chat. i try to keep it cool but i do look forward to our conversation every day now.
i want to ask her if she would like to watch movies together over voice chat, but i don't want to creep her out.
i hope you find someone nice and cool who decides to befriend too! or maybe you can be the cool outgoing person who initiates the friendship!
No. 1505160
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I'm making my first garment. I hope it comes out well because I really like the material, my craftmanship isn't the best so I'm gonna be very careful and meticulous.
No. 1505176
>>1505167I literally don't even know what kind of dog that is, tardo. If you're
triggered just hide the pic and don't shit up another thread with this.
No. 1505862
>>1505849Do it,
nonnie! You will feel energized!
No. 1506318
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Saw a man with a horrible mustache today, It was like six 4-inch hairs on either side of his mouth. Absolutely horrifying
No. 1506726
File: 1677108893680.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1075, 1601873225475.png)

>wake up naturally before the sun does, my preference
>get in a brisk hour-long walk on the treadmill
>take luxurious 40-minute shower and start new acid in my skincare routine
>barely a minute after I finish my entire morning routine and sit down, ideal timing, mom texts me
>"Wanna go to the dispensary? I'm buying <3 (shrimp emoji)"
>"Absofruitly! (big smile emoji)"
>sing ABBA with mom in car on the way to dispensary
>ma says I can wait in the car if I want since there's only one other car here and it'll be like a minute
>"I'll keep a good eye on the car for you, don't worry" lol
>she comes back in two minutes at the most and gifts me with a glorious, chocolatey-smelling ounce and a cute little citrusy smoke smell eliminating candle
>god, just what a nice life to be living right now today with the people I love
>"Hoowee Mama, can I at least buy you some cheap lunch?"
>"Awww, okay, Taco Bell?"
>"Why, that's the perfect place for my diet and my budget"
>get ready to spend my 800 daily calories on a crunchwrap supreme combo with a diet pepsi and a dorito taco combo plus half of a cheese roll-up, cuz we're clearly about to go home and party (watch netflix and play scrabble/upwords and watch Labyrinth)
>get home, wrap our slop in the heating pad, hotbox the bathroom, then return to the kitchen table to eat our slop pleasantly lifted and play scrabble and actually watch Jurassic Park this time, another classic
>wrap up a lovely day with mom and return to my room/den
>my audiobook source uploaded a new Stephen King
>pick up animal crossing wild world for the first time in a long time
>everyone clearly missed me a lot
>pulled all the weeds after chatting with everyone until they felt better
>feeling inspired, do they same with the other four games and Macigian's Quest
>wrap up the day
>crawl into bed with fresh sheets and blankets
>fall asleep to same Mozart CD that's lulled me to sleep on a big ol' 90s sony boombox from my grandpa since I was like 4
I am grateful, I have a really good life and I'm happy and I love people and people love me
No. 1507209
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>>1507090omg I do this too hahaha, I used to feel kind of embarrassed esp if I had been shopping around for a long time but now I'm just like fuck it. I can probably get the same thing online for the same amount and if its not urgent its not worth it.
No. 1507216
>>1507209damn, didn't mean to include that pic. was gonna post it with my own mundane reply:
there's this pair of earrings on amazon that I really want bc they're basically bottega dupes (picrel) but they keep selling out because influencers won't stop posting about them. I ended up just reaching out to the seller directly and they said they are getting a restock some time next week and that they would follow up and let me know when they're back. finally! I cannot afford $800 earrings but I want these so bad and the amazon version is like $13. Bless the kindness of an internet stranger.
No. 1508015
>>1507981Yeah I for sure get why people pay for Premium (I'm just too cheap) I'll check out youtube vanced, thanks!
>>1508000Then I would have to pay for a VPN to protect myself while pirating, I don't trust the free ones. Also convenience and I like having the same library between my desktop and phone without effort. Also idk where to download with ease honestly but I guess I could google that if I wanted to find out.
No. 1511362
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I exercised yesterday and my calves are killing me. I'm shuffling around like an old lady because walking hurts. I really should have warmed up better. And clearly did something wrong with the actual routine since it was supposed to be for core/butt/thighs and i'm not feeling anything there
No. 1511729
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Gonna sit my lazy ass in bed and draw some cats on my tablet. Or maybe play on the switch. My ass deserves this!!
No. 1511798
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>>1511729>>1511729wait a minute…. are these cats famous or something??? i recognize them! i know the first image in my picrel, while investigating i also found the other one! there are too many similarities. i need to learn more. i need know who these incredibly polite cats are exactly
No. 1512642
>>1511774I ended up rewatching the musical Assassins kek. I’m not a huge musical person but I like it. As for books, I’m probably going to end up checking out a bunch of books about the assassins from the library soon because the musical sparked my interest. I tend to be a boring nonfiction reader, sorry.
>>1512123I went back to work today, but thank you for the suggestions! Maybe I’ll watch them this weekend (or tomorrow night) while I’m recovering. I watched Grease once in high school I think. Never seen Dirty Dancing.
No. 1512866
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I regret buying the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro. They will not stay in my fucking ear. The god damn things don't go far enough into my fucking head to stay put. However they sound absolutely amazing to me, especially with the Wavelet app.
Also I still miss my Blackberry Key2 every single day. I programmed every one of the keys to open apps or do other things and going back to a shitty regular candy bar phone where you have to open the recents screen to switch apps is unbearable. There are 1000001 other reasons why it was a superior phone but I simply don't have the time. Enjoy this adorable case that I want for my earbuds.
No. 1514046
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As a bday gift, my dad helped me buy an espresso machine. I love that my bf has been a barista before, and i love making cappuccinos/ lattes at home. I love the creme, the aroma. It really is a bucket list item, and i am saving so much money. My cat supervises.
I love the fact my bf walks in shirtless with a perfect drink, it turns me on soooo much kek, le freak
Some dreams do come true
No. 1514638
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I wanna do a deep clean of my house, get rid of old shit that's weighing me down. Hate that I was/am such a consoomer. I have so much manga and doujinshi I wanna get rid of but I don't really know where people sell that stuff these days. Also I have so much doujinshi from my OTPs that probably no one cares about. . . . . .
>>1511798Love this nona, did you ever find out who these cats are?
No. 1514663
>>1514014Thanks, I was going for a slight conspiracy vibe.
>>1514638I gave up but your reply made me give this another chance! So I searched "birthday party cats" and found a reuploaded video, but after watching it, I added Chinese to the search and stumbled across an old article that linked the creator. I went to her Facebook profile page and the iconic picture of them playing cards is there too. The image I replied to, is actually her cover video on her YouTube channel. All the cats from the images are old now, but alive and well, and she's added two black cats to the group. She is also an admin of a Facebook group for pet adoption, so it's extra sweet that her cats are all adopted most likely. She seems very kind and gentle with them, bless her.
No. 1514804
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I bought a little of useless cute stuff and felt happy and then I felt guilty about it ehhh. Every time I buy something useless, even though I don't do it often, I'm like but what if you get seriously ill and you're going to need to use your savings? What if even 20 bucks can make a great difference???? fuckkkk anyway I'm putting rick on my backpack rn
No. 1514983
>>1487238I didn't even think about asking on /g/, thanks.
>>1487241Thanks, I'll look into it.
No. 1515064
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>got paid>got food>worked out>showeredAhhh~ I’m ready to put something on tv and scroll lolcow for 8 hours
>>1514072I will check thread every day in wait
No. 1515189
>>1514989I have a mood disorder and I suspect I got it from my undiagnosed crazy mother. She had a seizure when I was a kid that was pretty debilitating and still takes anticonvulsants
Unfortunately I have no insurance so I can't afford my mood disorder meds or go to the hospital unless I verge on death and then I'll be left with a giant bill I'll be paying off until I'm 44 so um wish me luck nonas
No. 1515192
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>>1515189The elites don’t want you to know this, but ER visits are free even if you’re uninsured. If you’re a burger you can always go to the ER if you really need to. Medical bills aren’t real and you don’t have to pay them, nothing happens if you don’t pay a medical bill, besides maybe some annoying phone calls (ignore them and block the number) and possibly some important looking mail (throw it out) but you likely won’t even get those. Medical debt has no effect on your credit score. I have never paid a medical bill in my life and neither have my parents.
Also mood stabilizers don’t work very well and just make you fat, raw dogging it is better for a lot of people.
No. 1515193
>>1515192see stabilizers worked for me and made me less schizo, but ssris made me fat, want to puke, and dumb, so my ssris were your mood stabilizers
I'll just see if my condition improves the next few days, also having immense lower back pain for no reason.
No. 1515831
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I'm so happy today for no reason, it's like I just… feel at peace I guess? or like I'm looking forward to something good, as if I've gone back to being the 7 years old me excited for a school trip. Which is weird considering this week has been absolutely awful for me and I don't think I've been genuinely happy in the past few years due to several reasons. I just hope nothing ruins my mood, at least for today, I'd like to remain happy for a little longer.
No. 1515969
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I think I'm going to schedule a hair appointment for faux locs because it's been so long since I've had locs.
No. 1516571
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I love it when leaving an argument I've been engaging in alone on here makes the other person look like an idiot. It's hard sometimes to stop bickering but it's so nice when walking away actually makes the other person look dumb.
No. 1516585
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I'm on my period but I somehow feel really good about myself and positive about my future and other things after feelig extremely depressed since late last year. I'm not complaining but where the fuck did that come from