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No. 1406912
Board rules, no racebait, ignore & report bait.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1385176 No. 1406918
only hill I'm willing to die on
No. 1406964
>>1406961I’m ok with anti hate speech. You’re probably white and straight so you didn’t really get to see how
toxic y2k era internet was. You were in your little bubble.
No. 1406971
>>1406964Assuming you're not La Creatura, anti-hate speech means you can kiss sites like the one you're on right now goodbye. Hope that Google shoving a microphone up your ass to make sure that you don't say any no no words makes you feel real
cozy and
No. 1406973
>>1406968Nope not a tranny but as a
poc I did have some traumatic experiences online during the early 2000s. It’s nice to be able to post a picture or join an online group without being dog piled or banned.
>>1406969>unpopular opinion but gets triggered by the unpopular opinionKek
No. 1406978
>>1406974>I just use TikTok and YouTubeExplains everything. Go pacify yourself with your endless feed of wholesum and inclusive content, I'm sure that this conversation was very
triggering for you KEK.
No. 1406981
>>1406973I'm not
triggered by your wrong opinion, I'm annoyed by your bad bait.
>>1406974So you're a loser, just like I said.
No. 1406982
>>1406979Why wouldn’t I?
>>1406978Ok I will. I enjoy it every time some stupid racist says something dumb then they get doxxed and lose their job because of some bored zoomed. Loves it.
No. 1407020
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>>1406992I can still take over people’s accounts but it’s such a pain in the fucking ass now fuck 2fa
No. 1407026
>>1407009Like this doesn't happen literally now. Pro ana twitter is rampant and racism is more rampant on the internet than ever. You know what else there is? Literal children posting themselves online to be groomed by pedophiles in discord groups, your data being sold to third parties to flood you with targeted ads, your location is constantly monitored, porn is
Nonnie you're wearing rose tinted glasses
No. 1407037
>>1407026I can’t think of any popular online groups that exclude people from hobbies because of their race and they feel they don’t fit “the look” and I was ana up until my 30s so I know most pro ana sites are not
toxic like they used to be. It’s usually just full people who have been in the life style for years and weird pro ana types get shut down pretty quickly. I can definitely see why y’all would be nostalgic for it if I was in your shoes but my experience was different.
No. 1407038
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>>1407032cosign, sort of. I'll definitely say the internet was a mistake and a net bad for the world, but it was fun for a while. I can't even say it's been a good influence on my life, but it was definitely an entertaining ride.
No. 1407049
>>1407037You've obviously never been on Instagram, because black girls are bullied there constantly for trying to get into Lolita fashion. You're straight up lying about anachan twitter not being as
toxic as ana communities on the early internet.
No. 1407056
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>>1407055Instead of doubling down you could just admit you don't actually know what you're talking about
No. 1407082
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>>1407058Thanks for unearthing memories of the phrase “I don’t go on the computer”, it used to be considered something so weird to do. I was bullied a lot for it, even by my own family. Now everyone is online. Make it make sense.
No. 1407332
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90% of self declared Sapphics on twitter/tumblr are straight women in denial, picrel
No. 1407344
>>1407135I agree with you, i do feel like the supposed guilt they feel can sometimes be a manipulation tactic though in a republican kind of way or is usually what causes all those tumblr profiles with 50 pronouns. Same thing to me tbh.
>>1407332completely agree. I think lesbianism is over glorified, so many of the lesbian anons here are suffering. I don't see how these little cottagecore fantasies can't contain a sexy handyman. I don't think they were worse than how agps sexualise lesbianism, but at least if they are going to do their little larp they should be doing more to speak out about the injustices against lesbian and bi women even if it's just reposting a call out post.
No. 1407469
>>1407459you sound like a scrote that defends porn by saying porn is art and art is a form of free speech. accept that words, like art or videos, can be harmful and take place within a social context. it's all "sticks and stones" with you beckies until someone says something that offends
you and suddenly you throw all that white moid-adopted "freedom" rhetoric out the window
No. 1407492
>>1407484embarrassing admission but I thought the "noh mask" thing in
Memoirs of a Geisha was very relatable and now when I see people talk about masking it's all I can think of
No. 1407627
>>1406992post stories/fanfiction without using disclaimers or tags and ppl whining about "muh
No. 1407686
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>>1407665its more attraction to the aesthetic then either romantic and or sexual desire, I don't even get how it happens
No. 1407689
>>1407682I don't think it's better or worse now, it's just a constant that when there are kids on the internet there will be pedos trying to groom them. All things considered there are more kids online now, so I'd say the
victim pool has gotten larger.
No. 1407719
>>1407713>people's been making videos about onision for a long ass timeNo one who was normal was watching Mr Repzion and he wasn't even that popular kek. I'm talking about the fact that Chris Hansen covered him in 2019 which brought him to the mainstream. Plus Onision had a shitton of fans who used to religiously defend him from those hate videos, now there's none in sight because the culture is changed and they realized he's fucked up.
>The problem is that the modern internet coddles children instead of telling them to fuck off or hide their age. We don't have separated spaces anymore and instead children are ''welcome'' into adult spaces. 10 years ago children would be in club penguin and other regulated safe sites while teens would be in forums/social media sites.You literally contradicted yourself in one post. Kids do "hide their age" when they're in "adult internet spaces," especially in previous years when it was more anonymous. Kids back then didn't just "fuck off to club penguin," they stayed around and lied about their age and ended up getting groomed anyway or sending pictures to older men while lying about being 18. It's actually safer for kids now because everything is less anonymous, those same pervy older men would have to think about their irl reputations/being doxxed.
No. 1407731
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This shit is too dramatic for me like… can’t we work on the rampant pedophilia or racism problem first or something. No but seriously people who have stuff like this are always talking about “curb stomping yer local terf” but they have three rape allegations and love coercive sex, it’s never anyone normal
No. 1407825
>>1407007>>1407017>Let me racially abuse you or it's total censorshipLmao. You know you can still call people "nigger" on garbage sites full of other shit people like 4chan's /pol/ or Stormfront? Go there instead of pretending you're oppressed because normal people are tired of your edgelord bullshit and racial harassment on sites that are meant to be decent.
Not being white on the internet is not comparable to being an AGP white scrote trying to browbeat women, by the way.
No. 1407830
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>>1407826it's this symbol mixed with the 'skull and cross-bones' pirate flag I think
No. 1407837
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>>1407731>>1407830this is based on the Makhno flag, NOT a pirate flag
No. 1407855
>>1407682Back in the day children were highly encouraged to never share their personal info and most were segregated to their own spaces that were heavily moderated (neopets, game forums, dollmakers, fandom livejournals). The only time you’d run into groomers were creepy pedos on yahoo chat rooms which already had a reputation so the retarded pedo moids were easy to avoid.
Now the internet is way more open and accessible and everyone is encouraged to put everything about them on display. There is WAY more grooming going on and predators now have way more blackmail and leverage. You can literally find dox and revenge porn encyclopedias and imageboards on clearnet of butthurt moids posting all the women and girls they target. This shit did not used to exist, not at this scale.
No. 1408219
>>1408207Well yeah there is a lot of ex-tifs and actual tifs who are convinced They're Not Like Other Trannies/slowly detransing,we all are aware of fags and troons digitally self harming here but we genuinely overestimate the amount of ftms on the farms too. But the other anon is right too, trannies radicalized a lot of people over the years.
Personally idgaf, they're women and belong here unlike troons and any poster with an actual dick. But sometimes their wking and nlogposting gets annoying and very clockeable.
No. 1408231
>>1407995Some anons either believe "it's nobodies business if women get surgery" even though
toxic moids will happily compare and contrast women's natural bodies to ones with plastic surgery, under the impression they're natural or just simply tear women apart about why they don't look like ig models. Or women will simply just feel bad if they don't look that way + moids pretend like they're female body experts and can easily spot surgery or they'll simply lose attraction to a woman they find out had plastic surgery because they're obsessed with the idea of "god tier genetics" that don't exist, even if they liked how the woman look beforehand. They just don't want to admit what they want is fake.
>Inb4 just leave toxic moidsSome women are heavily manipulated, brainwashed and pushed to stay in relationships with awful moids. It takes a while to get out of that stage of life but it does ease the pain during a very hard time in your life when moids have one less thing to emotionally abuse you over.
No. 1408434
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>>1408422it made sense to reboot something back then since there was a big enough upgrade in technology to explore the idea again without its original limitations, plus most reboots were enough of their own thing. Its really dumb to make a reboot of something from 10 years ago now and just change the race/gender of a character to comply to modern audience sensibilities.
No. 1410016
>>1410005The entire concept of involuntary celibacy is fucking retarded. I've said this somewhere else before, but I feel like screaming it whenever someone unironically uses the term, you cannot be involuntary celibate unless you're in some
abusive situation where you have no right or control over your own sex life.
No. 1410652
>>1410649>"hurr want to FUCK it" is for ychromo neanderthalsSome of you still haven't discovered that women also have sexual feelings, like sex, and some want to have sex with other women. So stupid to act like expressing sexual desire is for men.
Btw, there is a general attractive women thread.
No. 1410808
>>1410804kys newfag like
>>1410806 says some tranny and scrote posts get removed but not
all. It is the same with the threads they create.
No. 1410814
Quiet as in slow
No. 1410873
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The ideal male body type imo is skinny fat. I don’t like men who are too ripped because they feel like a bag of rocks, skinny feels like I’m being poked by bones and too fat is just disgusting. Skinny fat is perfect because they got some cushion but still are in shape and not landwhales.
No. 1410891
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>>1410873I agree that roided are gym freaks are disgusting but not fond of obese or "pudgy" men either, what you posted isn't a skinny fat man, its a man who an average build with no discernable amount of muscle or fat, however
>>1410888 is objectively wrong, skinny men are also hot and should exist for a better society
No. 1410943
>>1410920This. I also like to feel safe next to big bicep nigel when out and about on nightwalks for similar reasons why I always wanted to adopt a Rottweiler or Doberman dog. A massive and violent-looking man that does as you say and obeys your command. Women can feel strong by proxy without ever needing to hit the gym. Plus they're usually funny thanks to viewing everything in a very simple minded lens.
Also in my experience the ones who are actually strong have better values and dont get off of dominating women because they're focused on dominating men at the gym (sounds gay and kinda is) so they're safe to keep around. It's always the skinnyfat soy looking ghouls that end up having to violate and rape women to feed their pathetic ego.
No. 1410997
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>>1410989i like squishy guys, though only pic rel has the type of squishy male body i like
i want to squish his thighs so badly No. 1411007
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>>1411000he has nice thighs to me.. i think they are more noticeable when he's sitting.
he also has really nice feet No. 1411290
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>>1411160I agree, skinny fat is one thing but men have zero excuse to be fat
>>1411086To each their own. I think she looks good and it's not really noticable unless you've seen a before and after picture but she's usually not seen outside of a sports bra, unless you're talking about a specific picture where it's obvious
No. 1411326
>>1411315do you know how simps treat the other women in their life who they are not simping for….there is a reason why they are hated and it not just from what you mentioned.
Just because you benefit financially from them because they want tohave sex with you doesn't mean you have to defend them.
No. 1411390
>>1410906I’m fucking screaming
nonnie KEK
No. 1411448
>>1411439Samefag and funny story about simps. I remember when I was like 29 and I was fucking some 19 year old. He wanted to have sex with me but he would constantly act like I’m a creepy person for “fucking a child”, said I should be his sugar momma and would say nasty shit. A few months later he comes back begging for sex and I find out he’s been giving a woman older than me all his money, paying for her games and bills on his McDonald’s salary while living with his mom lol
The whole time he was making me feel like shit for my age while I was in a drunken vulnerable state, meanwhile simping for a woman older than me.
No. 1411551
>>1411439its not just the women that he doesnt find attractive, its his family too, simps tend to be very
abusive towards their family members or spouses/partners.
No. 1411577
>>1411551It's good in theory that there's moids who just want to send women they like money, gifts and do whatever but not be douchebags about it but unfortunately most simps have girlfriends and like you said treat others like shit. I once worked with a guy who had a pretty gf and kept simping for an objectively less attractive girl all because they had a single shared interest. He actually ended up getting fired because of his simping and him and his gf were homeless in a new city while she was recently pregnant all because he thinks some magic girl is going to take him away if women have the same interests
>Inb4 she's stupidShe is but I hate anons that try to circlejerk about how stupid the woman is for staying with shit men when we should be roasting men who are shitty to their families instead
No. 1411634
>>1411620I've found this to be true. Men who didn't truly value me would split 50/50 on dates or let me pay, while men who were genuinely interested in me or loved me would be tripping over themselves to pay even if I offered and tried to be considerate. For example, my fiance was literally poor when I met him. He made a proper budget and cut out a lot of expenses to buy me at least one gift each month. I didn't even ask him for gifts or demand anything. Even poor men will find a way if they care about you.
>>1411626I really wouldn't look at it that way. I mean sure, the majority of men are like that, but the goal is to find one who isn't. If a guy gets distant when you're nice, and more attached when you treat him like shit, he's literal garbage.
No. 1411650
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>>1411640i saw this screenshot today about this girl who has been getting botox since she was 21 which sounds insane.
No. 1411659
>>1411651That's… not true. I'm both kind and proactive with my fiance and he's obsessed with me and worships me. Being distant and playing games only works with immature moids with personality disorders. Even then they're still unpredictable because they need novelty so if you don't keep them on their toes they lose interest. I dunno why would you want to put in that much work keeping trash around instead of ignoring them.
If you really believe that literally all men are like that, just be single. You will have a happier life.
No. 1411667
>>1410649there already is a cute girls thread, go in there then if you aren't sexually attracted to women and the icky lesbians are making you uncomfortable. or even better just leave the board you cancerous retard.
>>1410789don't listen to that dumb bitch nonna, she is mentally ill. no matter what kind of girl you post, if it somehow offends mrs crumplebottom's sensibilities she will be there to call you a scrote and smack you with her purse.
No. 1411786
>>1411650you're not really supposed to have wrinkles at 29 though?
Botox is stupid, all you're doing is chasing a beauty standard that's not meant to be reached and you're lining the pockets of the people who profit off making you insecure soo.
No. 1411890
>>1411711I've moisturized for like the past 13 years, I've drank maybe a total of 30 times in my life since my teens, and never smoked. I think it's just the way my face is and the positioning of my mouth and nose, those lines form even just from smiling slightly, they really started to set in around 23 but now there full on wrinkles that are visible even when I'm not making any expressions at all. My sister is 5 years older than me, drinks a shit ton, and has tanned her entire life and still doesn't have the same wrinkles.
>>1411875I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but I know!! But what was I supposed to have done not smile or laugh? I'm gonna kms
No. 1411964
>>1411902Because he already has you under his thumb. Time to move on to the next
No. 1412176
>>1411914Lol shit girl me too
>>1411771>>1411928Thank you Nonnies, and that's a nice way to look at it ♥
No. 1412360
>>1412290The zoomer hate thread is just embarrassing. You'd think before posting people would actually know criticisms of different generations and therein you could actually find kernels of what is unique about generation z. But, no. Most of the shit talking about zoomers was actually criticism first lobbied at millennials. The "hipster" millennial style is an offshoot of Gen x emos, the "emo" millennials is an offshoot of 80s goth and punk styles mixed with some asian fashion, there's not really "original" subcultures, they're mostly co-opted in some way. Gen Z has hundreds of different subcultures because of how specific in influence fashions are because of the internet and algorithms. It's also funny seeing millennials bitch about how "crowded" or specific certain subcultures are when a bunch of millennials subcultures like lolita were extremely specific. I've also seen millennials bitch about how subcultures and aesthetics are now lifestyle based down to the scent and that it's embarrassing these subcultures consume the identity of the Gen Z youth. Suddenly every millenials has amnesia in regards to how emo, lolita, hipster, etc. were not just fashions, but in fact, you were often encouraged to live your lifestyle, hobbies, etc. according to certain brands and that it was often a point of contention if it was just a fashion. Then you have other millennials who bitch about the fact that subcultures now are just about the aesthetic and not the lifestyle…my point is, it just goes on and on and on and it seems so stupid to me. A grandma would be equally as grossed out by the see through blouses showing off your bra clubwear that millenials wore the same as a slutty Gen Z outfit. It's all the same…
No. 1412857
>>1412771accurate and this isn't just about 'muh youth', since several zoomers who thought they were millenials because they're not teenagers go to that thread too to inadvertedly shit on themselves. Thanks to globalization and americanization a lot of things have become similar, but I'm not sure whether Muricans know that there used to be a delay and that older zoomers had access to Murican millenial childhood media or that the emo phase lasted a lot longer in other countries.
Oh and other countries have their own early 2000's defining tragedies. There is more in the world than 9/11.
>>1412628gender specials this gender specials that, milennials were all demi poly genderqueer genderfluid pansexuals then if we're going that route. And gender trans shit has been around since the 70's and mostly pushed by genx and millenials, how many zoomer ceo's, teachers, social workers and pr people are there to push this? Oh, right.
No. 1412947
>>1412360You're right
nonnie. Zoomers have a lot to be criticized for but I can't help but laugh when I see all the "they're so lazy!" posts in that thread because they're just rehashes of what each generation said about the following generation in the past. I know we're all bound to become the grumpy adults eventually but we need to take a moment to self-reflect before posting such boring takes.
No. 1412973
>>1412946That’s just common sense Nona. It’s only shocking because a male is the
No. 1413024
>>1413019i mean i agree that it started with copying millenials but you can't deny that we perpetuate every cancerous idea they have without ever critically thinking or questioning anything. to me the defining trait of zoomers is LARPing, on tiktok they LARP as their "aesthetic", LARPing activism/'social justice', LARPing as a type of person without ever doing anything to
become that person. that's what makes zoomers worse than millenials imo, millenials were earnestly stupid, gen z is aware that all of it is a performance, so they ham it up and adopt more and more extreme ideas for attention.
No. 1413059
>>1412771The one thing they hate to be reminded of is that they're not that different from zoomers. They do all the exact same shit, down to the gender nonsense, except they additionally fret about having nasolabial folds, and all the moids in their age group suddenly being balding and ugly.
All the tranny shit you see today is the result of grooming by their millenial moids and pickmes, it was not organic.
No. 1413125
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>>1413021>You didn't remember the andros of the 80s? that was a fashion style, i miss men being comfortable being gnc and looking actually hot
>Or the troon and gender bending scenes from the 90s?and this almost never happened outside of anime and anime wasnt popular until the early 00's in western countries, and even then it was never supposed to be fetishy it was just supposed to be part of the plot and always treated as a ''curse''
No. 1413343
>>1413341hungarians are white lol
nonny wtf
brazilians too can be white
No. 1413364
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>>1413343Okay then I should've said ethnicity, obviously hungarians and brazilians on average look pretty different from a random lily white brit fag. Just as an example the majority of the hungarian women I know look similar to the pic, dark eyes, dark thick hair, curvy, tan skin. And they always look about 10 years younger than anyone else I know around their age
No. 1413485
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strawberries from grocery stores taste like nothing and i assume anyone who says they are their favorite fruit (and doesn't specify they mean wild / home grown ones) just doesn't eat fruit.
No. 1413650
>>1413646Why do you need to inform them of why you’re ghosting them if you don’t care what they think anyway?
>>1413643Most of the time if you are a woman then your ghosted usually come back after a few months or weeks so there’s no point in even thinking about or trying to contact them.
No. 1413655
>>1413650>inform them of why you’re ghosting themIt's not ghosting if you inform them, and offering closure is a mature, correct way to end things with another person; it's not a video game where you get to just turn it off and carry on. Some people are like nonna
>>1413606 and won't care but most will, and out of respect for their time it's just decent to inform them you're no longer interested and never will be. No need for sugarcoatig, apologizing or giving any explanations, just informing.
No. 1413688
metal music obsessed type moids only settle for the easy, self hating pickme clones proliferating their scene, but would rather pick a more conventionally attractive, multifaceted, and stable woman for a long term investment if possible, every time. be promiscuous and singleminded if it brings you satisfaction, of course, but the bpd women who over-invest in a performative edgy, degen lifestyle "brand" cry over these bottom barrel nasties who use them and refuse to better themselves until some unaesthetic stacy that just shares some interests comes along, are pathetically deluded. pls love yourself, girl.
No. 1414201
I see everywhere people calling themselves ''artists''. It seems like, in English, it's pretty normal to call yourself that. But I'm ESL and I find it so moronic… It's just ridiculous! Just because they know how to draw (and a lot of people only do fanarts and shit like that), make music or take pictures with a very expensive camera that doesn't make them artists. Not all paintings, music, buildings, photographs, poems, clothes, etc.. are ART! I think art is something higher and that you can't just say that something you made is art. It may be the poem/painting/song/design you're most proud of, but that doesn't make it art. In an opposite direction, I also think there's a lot of literature/music made by dead men that is considered art and it's actually just rubish.
No. 1414218
>>1414201My native language makes this distinction between art and regular media (drawings, songs, paintings etc.) as well, but I actually prefer the English definition. If I want to look at what is considered art I probably have to go to the museum or an art gallery, but I don't think the elite of the art world should get to decide for me what is and isn't art.
Not an artist btw.
No. 1414806
>>1414630I feel more
triggered by trannies than i ever did by her. At least she is delusional in a funny way, she doesn't threaten people nor is she going around demanding any kind of special treatment per say. I feel like she is different from the other black fishers because most of them do it get get attention from black moids and are vitriolic pick-mes. Even with them, i don't feel
triggered because god usually takes care of them.
No. 1414827
>>1412988>>Why pretend like millennials didn't popularize the genderqueer gender fluid pansexual demisexual poly shit?Urgh, don't remind me
nonnie. I miss the word tomboy but my generation messed that up.
No. 1414880
>>1414806Her excuse is she grew up around black people and felt more connected with them. Modern day black fishers are, just as you said, pickmes who want to look like Beyonce or Kim K. Rachel also was abused by a black moid and went through hell. Her already
abusive parents made her world crumble so I do have a lot of empathy for her honestly. Transracialism through growing up with and identifying with another race other than the one you were born with is more
valid than trannyism will ever be.
No. 1414933
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Sunshine is my favorite Mario game going purely by the vibes, but no other game, be it Mario or any other series, has such a high concentration of levels that make me go "Oh my god I fucking hate this mission".
No. 1415175
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>>1414787>Doesn't matter what you did or if it makes the other person fucked up.>>1414789Cope
No. 1416009
>>1415695The best solution is to have a porn only domain (.xxx maybe) and have it limited to about 1,000 pictures and videos. Those pictures and videos can be curated to make sure none of it includes any sexual exploitation, and you need to have an ID to sign up and access the domain.
Can anyone explain to be why we need a bagizzilion different porn sites and videos? And why we as a society need to be filming thousands of more hours of porn content a day? Surely coomers can be satisfied with 1,000 videos for their little vice. And if they're not, then why not? Why do you need this insatiable appetite for porn? Why does this even need to be an industry?
I fantasize about this happening so much it's unreal. Until you take a step back and look at the issue objectively, you never realize the absurdity of this stuff being perpetually produced.
No. 1416038
I left goth "community" scene because it has devolved to being completely oriented around younger idiots who's idea of goals is being an anorexic, pornsick, consumerist bimbo (but wearing black! so it's totally meaningful and better than those normies that get the same shit off Amazon in different colors! Killstar is different than Lululemon philosophically, not just because the latter makes actual quality and functional garments!). Gen Z will not carry the torch of from older music/culture creators/appreciators of the scene imo. Hell, even worn out millennial women in their 30s are trying so hard to shill sex and partying as a personality, clinging to social popularity contests which used to be at least a bit more oriented on creativity and accomplishments in less status quo approved hobbies/interests. Rob Zombie, suburban metalcore, Stephen King, fake crystals, the xerox copy possessions and style, mirroring social structures/habits of "normies", all sooo strange and artistic! A subculture that used to be for weirdos to commiserate is now dominated by young normies raised in well off and loving households who are so devoid of motivation to gain skill or talent to set them apart that they latch on to things their parents don't like (but also don't condemn because they're so coddled) and bring with them their attachment to all things status quo. Male gaze repackaged as empowering ruins everything. Yes I'm blaming men, sue me. Feminism has gotten so fucking stupid and meaningless since it was commodified to sell better and leaked into even previously fringe niches of society. If it's not a goddamn struggle it's not change oriented.
(I know this is dramatic and probably not so unpopular with older nonas here, kek)
No. 1416040
>>1416031It's pretty much codified into law that you cannot deny people internet access anymore, they argue it's due to the internet being a necessary tool for communication and survival. Increasingly even pedophiles convicted for looking at cp or molesting children aren't allowed to be denied internet access. So maybe it's just that literally psychologists and therapists aren't allowed to enforce this as treatment for terminally online kids, or there's a risk of that being the case.
I bet if it did become a policy to boot depressed zoomers offline. Enby Emily will be crying right away about how they're abusively keeping her isolated from the world.
No. 1416251
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Canada's MAID program being expanded to include mentally ill people is awful. It totally neuters the defiant anti-society nature of commiting suicide. If you want to kill yourself it needs to be janky as fuck and widely looked upon as horrific by all involved. It's not supposed to be all professional and health-carey like the vet coming to put your dog down at christmas. Oh yeah my suicide's scheduled for 12:30 next thursday, i got a great deal with a coupon and everything. Fucking disgusting. I will NOT let the establishment normalize suicide and incorporate it into the system of society. It is for ME in the WOODS with a ROPE. Fuck the healthcare industry, you can't have this.
No. 1416343
>>1416272 The most anti-society thing to do is to live outside of it, not kill yourself. You weirdo
>>1416306I don’t have a problem with MAID for people who are terminally ill or have a degenerative condition. It was supposed to be a last resort thing. But people aren’t even getting the help they’re asking for. Waiting lists, especially for mental health, are exceptionally long. Like you have to wait years and years. Affordable housing is few and far between and when it is available, it’s often rundown and full of black mold and bugs and they often don’t include utilities so you need to pay for that yourself. Disability benefits are absolutely abysmal in every province, like literally well below the poverty line, and the policies surrounding it are unfair and effectively keep people impoverished. Like in my province, the maximum amount of money a person on disability can receive is $1169 CAD (although I think they’ve upped it to approx $1200 recently). I personally can’t find even a bachelor apartment below $1400 even in cheaper areas. A single room ranges from $700 and up. Even if someone did work, they can only keep $200 before they start clawing back 50% from every dollar. Keep in mind that you’re already in deep poverty and ill on top of that. And disability doesn’t cover all medical equipment and expenses, so you might have pay for that as well. Basically everything is a constant fight with no winning. The government dangles hope over the heads of people every couple of years, with absolutely no improvement. MAID is faster, and cheaper, and people are giving up and opting for it because it is easier to die than to get support in this country. It’s disgusting and shameful. Canada’s idea of affordable housing and care is buried 6ft underground, apparently.
No. 1416344
>>1416251My feelings on assisted suicide aside, it isn’t a ban on you roping yourself you know. Besides killing yourself isn’t some radical sacred act. You want to be looked at as if you’re art, you want to traumatize, to make some kind of statement, leave some kind of mark with your death because you couldn’t do so in life; do you really even want to die? Well, I never think about any of the histrionics I saw blowing their faces off. Just another shock video getting passed around, a prank, it didn’t say anything.
Maybe write a really good book first. Or spend many decades serving a god. Then we can pretend it was purposeful.
No. 1416352
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>>1416344Yeah I’d rather people get assistance than take the moid route which is literally taking yourself out and an entire family, strangers, and whatever else is around them. Make assisted suicide more aimed towards mentally ill moids and Canada can focus their funds on shelters for women.
No. 1416387
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>>1416325Picrel is taken from the government of Canada's website. Being only depressed won't qualify you but the requirements will probably change next year.
No. 1416390
>>1416344Very articulate and astute post, anon.
To want to traumatise and scar people on your way out as one last “fuck you” to the world is such a moid mentality. I think that the social taboo that you want to perpetuate because it’s ~aesthetic~ is precisely what has prevented us all as a society from having sensible and sincere conversations about assisted suicide.
We are moving into a secular age. The sanctity of life is being eroded by reason and we are finally having conversations about abortion and assisted suicide.
>>1416343 your view of the situation is crystal clear. However, I would argue that the option of a painless death over a painful life with shitty support is at least compassionate, even if it’s just a side effect of cynicism on the part of the Canadian government. I have been trying hard to navigate the NHS mental health services for two years after a suicide attempt that left me in a coma. My life has only continued to deteriorate while they string me along; I lost my teaching job, lost my PhD scholarship, and what little treatment I’ve received has only served to make my situation worse (hyperparathyroidism from lithium, crippled in the ICU by an untrained moid ward attendant, sexually assaulted by another patient in the psych unit). I would love the opportunity to choose a dignified, painless death. In the current situation in the UK, I keep trying and failing to kill myself, being resuscitated against my will and coming out a little bit more retarded, crippled, and/or traumatised each time. My DNR requests are denied and ignored because I “haven’t explored every possible option for treatment” of my so-called mental health problems - but the treatments are all totally unattainable due to waiting lists and the prohibitive cost of going private, and therefore may as well not exist. But medical professionals aren’t prepared to have those kind of conversations because muh Hippocratic oath, completely ignoring that the dignity and wishes of the patient are at the core of the Hippocratic oath and not the indiscriminate sanctity of life. “Above all, do no harm” - they’re actively harming people by leaving them to rot whilst stringing them along. Hypocritical oath, more like.
Sorry for the rant, I have a lot of feelings about this
No. 1417138
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No. 1417364
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>>1417138This isn't unpopular
No. 1417407
>>1417390I kinda agree with this post but the thing is, the troon cult indoctrinates other peopple and then even normies seem to want to transition or larp some mental illness online. People who are super schizo and people who just have mild and controlable depression seem to be falling for it. What's the threshold then? Everyone seems insane to me thanks to twitter and troon antics. Everyone supports this shit now and even normie places have tranny flags. And it's not separated by class either, both poor and rich people seem to be the ones transitioning.
reposting to say there's nothing wrong with female homosexuality and feminism. Wow your post sucks now
No. 1418272
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>>1418266fat folds and under your breasts if you are heavy chested.
No. 1418329
>>1416272>>1416251I find it funny how governments will on one hand deny all the safe pills and drugs used for suicide to the public, even going as far to sniff out the more obscure ones like sodium nitrite the second sanctioned suicide types use them, but at the same time just allow people to make appointments to kill themselves. The state just wants a monopoly on suicide so they can guide and direct it, that's all.
And yes, it's a form of population control. There are many reports from the canadian government about "cost saving measures", because suicidal types are almost universally on welfare. Soon it won't be voluntary. They'll start by killing off all the dementia patients, then they'll basically just lie and obfuscate on forms to kill off all the mental patients, saying they "totally wanted it gaise, trust us". Then it'll move onto prisoners.
No. 1418364
>>1416251I wanna know how the mentally ill can consent to ending their lives when they're prone to hasty decision making and self-destructive behaviours? Why should we trust medical professionals to make these kinds of calls in the first place? It's like we're asking to attract more old men with God complexes into the profession. This is nearly the same question I ask myself everytime the world gets another eunuch with a rot pocket instead of placing a clearly delusional individual under supervision in a mental facility. The world is regressing under the guise of progression and it's honestly disheartening.
>>1418329My two examples have the "added benefit" of population control in common. It's almost like the rich and powerful's agenda hasn't changed from when we were just peasantry without basic human rights.
No. 1418395
>>1418381That’s what I mean. There’s no blame on the individual. Nothing is wrong with somebody who is depressed while dealing with social and economic pressures, it’s a normal reaction to an inescapable stressful situation. It doesn’t mean they’re ill, it means that there are wider social problems. It’s easier to throw antidepressants at people who are sad and unproductive than it is to change the system which is causing them such stress.
(I hope I explained it well enough, words aren’t coming easily to me trying to describe this.)
No. 1418553
>>1418529>I’m cute/fuckable/averageWhat does that even mean? What's "cute"? How are you "fuckable"
>but there aren’t really many women in porn or tv who look like me??
How are you "cute" and "fuckable" but somehow also average?
I just don't understand why would anyone label themselves based on the vague as fuck terms made by moids, specially knowing that they would fuck a giant clam, a cat, a dog, goats, chicken, horses, chicken sandwiches, raw chicken breasts, children, elderly people, people with Down's syndrome and so on.
No. 1418578
>>1418561That's fucked up tbh, I know that these intrusive thoughts about not feeling beautiful enough or not feeling "special" enough to get picked sucks, but you seriously should correct yourself whenever you think of yourself as "fuckable" because kids, elderly people and disable people get fucked by moids all of the time, that means they're "fuckable" too, and in the end you just have to remind yourself that you're more than wanting to get picked, finding a nigel and so on.
And feeling lonely also sucks, but I seriously think that having good friends and a pet is better than having to deal with a moid that will be all smiles and kisses on camera, and a piece of shit irl, finding a nigel is like buying lotto tickets, and just conforming with the 100$ prize (or a moid that won't beat you up but will cheat on you) when you wanted the jackpot (or a 100% nigel) sucks.
No. 1418847
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Maybe I'm just a contrarian but I'm so over the way people shit on modern architecture. It used to have valid criticism about how it all looks corporate but now it's starting to sound the same as people whining about modern music.
Anything that is creative and isn't just rehashing what was done in the past is somehow bad. I hate that because that stunts art evolving just as much the globalism they constantly complain about does.
Mind you globalism is not a new thing. If anything neo-classical north America is proof of that.
No. 1418889
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>>1418847I've seen the Dancing Houses in Prague, it's actually something tour guides show off, a point of pride, not just a random office building. I don't like the giant glass cages trend either, I walk past one almost every day, but that's not it.
No. 1418904
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>>1418900i love it, it shows that people kept coming to a city and building
No. 1418992
>>1418973it's not a "black" thing, retard, every ethnic group/nationality etc in existance defend
abusive scrote celebrities if they have a smidge of talent or aren't completely hideous
No. 1418999
>>1418988everything you just typed sounds like something somebody with the most intense inferiority superiority complex about black people would write. like you hate those goddamn niggers so fucking much and also stay wherever they congregate online to feed the obsession complex. SAD
>>1418996literally so does fucking everyone, esl-chan. Once again, it's not a black exclusive phenonmena
No. 1419002
>>1418973Chris Brown is the Johnny Depp of the black community imo. The consequences he's faced are VERY low vs. what he did. The difference is, you see black women coming out saying, "forgive him" while Rihanna and the other women he abused are saying nothing.
To some their silence and the "embrace" from women in the industry means that, "Chris brown is forgiven and should be forgiven".
just like people do with Johnny, "Twitter isn't real life, most support JD".
Which is funny because I saw this narrative about Rihanna having JD in her show. People were saying "Hollywood supports Johnnny, who cares if yall don't, they do". Chris Brown like Johnny is simply pick me bait. However,
some black women will defend a black man, wrong or right PUBLICLY and strongly before they do so for another black woman. I saw this in my own life as a black woman, with a mother who was abused all through out my childhood. It's simply pick me-ism.
No. 1419007
>>1419004I don't judge her for that, I hate when it's brought up. Who cares how the abused act towards the abuser? Chris Brown had no buiness abusing women in the first place.
Is it smart for Rihanna to do that? nope. Why does she keep surrounding herself by
problematic violent men? Maybe her childhood. Is she a pick me? yeah, but my issue is with what Chris brown did. Not how his
victims react to him.
No. 1419009
Calling misogyny against black women a Black thing is exactly why people get away with acting like black women aren't women, are more masculine or somehow this different category from women. How they get away with sweeping domestic violence under the carpet
>>1419002The other women he abused don't want his rabid fans attacking him. Karrueche has a restraining order against him
No. 1419010
>>1419009>>Calling misogyny against black women a Black thing is exactly why people get away with acting like black women aren't women, are more masculine or somehow this different category from women. How they get away with sweeping domestic violence under the carpetTHIS! But also, i do think there's different "kinds" of pick me-ism and caping that happens within different communities imo. Like I said, I grew up in the black community, with a black mom, a black absentee
abusive dad. I've also been a guest in other communities.
Though this whole, "it's a black thing/black woman thing" is reductive.
No. 1419015
>>1419002"they"? who's they? those stupid niggers who don't know better for themselves, huhm? only black people do
completely common bullshit that every racial group does!
No. 1419017
>>1419010It's reductive because it's makes women forget that
victims of misogyny are their kin folk in the same way as
victims of racism. The women habitually act like pick mes for Chris brown because they refuse to see the women harmed by chris as their own and get offended on their behalf in the same way they do for Chris brown.
No. 1419030
>>1419026A lot of these young black male celebrities make people like jd look like saints. These days there aren’t any mainstream white celebrities who act
abusive towards women and still have careers because they know they’d be done for. Also, I’m not just talking about black women, these men are
abusive to the non black women they date too but it’s not seen as a huge problem to the black community because it’s what they are used to seeing. I never said this was about block women specifically.
No. 1419032
>>1418988>That's exactly it. Plus there that angry black woman stereotype that is constantly perpetuated which also insinuates any black woman beaten by a black man somehow deserved it. They are not seen as pure to greater society and to black men.I remember the whole "strong independent black woman who don't need no man" meme, and it was gross to me, though I didn't know why. Now I realize it's this. What's retarded is how many people actually believe it's not a meme and that women's personalities can be boxed by race lol. They don't say it out loud, but some people really do believe black women are "tougher" than other women, and that they either deserve to be abused, or that it doesn't matter when it happens to them. American media (including "black" media) has a weird fetish for humiliating black women on all levels, oversexualizing them and making them out to be "stronger" and "manlier" all at the same time. It's really disgusting. I've even seen white self-proclaimed feminists (including online radfems) unironically think this way and demand that black women "control their men" as if black women not the main ones being abused and brainwashed by blacks scrotes. No one with a functioning brain would ever tell white, MENA, Latina, Indian or East Asian women to "control their men", but it's somehow different with black women because again, burgers are obsessed with their "muh strong independent black woman" nonsense. Don't even get me started on how male trannies and weird white gay moids are obsessed with latching onto black women and dragging them down to their level. I could go on forever about this, it's horrific.
No. 1419035
>>1419026>that's because you're only choosing to look at and expose yourself to black people.Samefag, but I should correct this to say "you're choosing to look at black people and be ignorant of what other cultures go through". You could argue that some black women are the most loud about their defense of men, but they're not doing it more imo.
>>1419030I'm not talking about you specifically (whichever anon you are). I've seen that sentiment shared around /ot/ a couple of times so it was a general thing.
No. 1419042
>>1419034Shaderoom/teen shade room and a lot of highly followed Instagram Urban gossip pages/lipstick alley post about it. Also Blue Face had a popular shitty Bad Girl Club rip off show, I think thats where he met his girlfriend. And correct me If I'm wrong, wasn't he trending because he and his gf, were talking about who he slept with he said a midget and CR was like,
>Was it a man or a womanAnd basically outted him as bisexual. Plus he gets reported on TMZ when he has law trouble, sadly people DO know who this scrote is and it's mainly because his abuse/drama and black media gossip site pushing those stories + TMz
No. 1419050
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>>1419042He recently attacked his gf like a month ago
No. 1419055
>>1419032>American media (including "black" media) has a weird fetish for humiliating black women on all levels, oversexualizing them and making them out to be "stronger" and "manlier" all at the same timeYou know whats funny, because the other day Latto (formally known as Mulatto), had some reference taps or some shit leaked, and it was a male rapping her songs, talking about-
>I got a small waist, pretty face, big asssomething like that. Latto is biracial, but it made me realize how female rappers main fanbase is gay men/women, yet they all go for a cookie cutter "Sexualized" type look, but it sells, meanwhile men are writing their pussy raps (like MTS's boyfriend is known for writing for women). It's just a huge custerfuck of the media + useful idiots pushing this protrayal of black women. Chloe Bailey regularly gets roasted for trying to be sexy but "failing". When other black women get praised for being hypersexual as long as they can "Sell" it better. I feel like it sends such mixxed messages. If every female artists comes out with the same type of vibe, you syaty doing that and get attention, but when you do it, people act like "Hypersexuality is so played out" but it's really just "you aren't doing it the right way, sell yourself but make us believe it".
I'm rambling, but there's a lot of fuckery behind a lot of this shit
No. 1419077
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My least favorite trope has always been the goth sparky girl. I feel like they are mean girls but they never got treated with the same disdain as traditional mean girls on TV. I've always seen the mean girl trope as scrotes venting about hyper feminine girls who rejected them. While the goth girl trope was them fetishizing goths and adding nlog traits.
The best portrayal of both will always be Mean girls because Regina and Janis are 2 sides of the same coin
>>1419042None of the people posted on these pages are known irl. I doubt if you played on of his songs irl people would recognise, they are all irrelevant flops. It's like saying the people in snow are known irl.
No. 1419078
>>1419055not argueing but
>cookie cutter "Sexualized" type look, but it sellsno it doesn't kek none of the prostithot rappers are making money like that, but the record labels are gonna keep shoving this whore shit down black womens throats anyways
No. 1419083
>>1419050Not entirely related, but this picture reminded me. Remember when xxxtentacion beat up his girlfriend and assaulted another woman on camera, but dumb black and white scrotes and pickmes (especially white edgy/e-girl libfems/pickmes) supported him anyway and cried like babies about his death? Compare that to how fast those same libfems canned Marilyn Manson after he was exposed for being an abuser. If you want the opposite of that and want to see extreme pickmeism, look at all the white women who defend and rally behind Johnny Depp, or the ones who try to argue in favor of Andrew Tate.
This sort of thing is why I can't take any woman who tries to complain about American black pickmes in particular seriously, because American white women are part of the pickme problem too. Or even worse, they're happy to support or ignore the abuse of women, as long as it's a black or other non-white woman. They'll still call themselves feminist girlbosses or whatever at the end of the day, though.
No. 1419085
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>>1419077Samefagging, snarky goth girl*. They just rubbed me the wrong way because they always get painted as underdogs but their characters would spend half their time criticising other people. I also don't like Daria even tho she's not goth. She was a terrible friend like most of the characters in that trope
No. 1419094
>>1419083Or women who
victim blame Nancy Spungen getting murdered by Sid Viscous. Women who blame Courtney Love for Kurt's addiction. Etc, something about music that just turns people into blind worshippers
No. 1419105
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>>1416251It's okay nonna think of it this way, people will see you as even MORE defiant and horrifying now, because you could have made an appointment but dangled yourself from a tree instead. You could leave a funny note disparaging the suicide clinics pinned to your body, even!
No. 1419112
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>>1419055>>1419093I've noticed they like this weird, aggressive and trashy sort of sexual image for black women with the garish colors, drag queen makeup and extreme surgery. I have a conspiracy theory that this is pushed by DL black men who fuck trannies or other men (like Kanye), and it's accepted on a mainstream level because current racist discourse is that black women are supposed to be kind of mannish, anyway. I don't care what anyone tries to say on this: Anyone who can take a beautiful woman like pic related Megan Thee Stallion, slap IG drag-tier makeup on her face, put clown colored wigs on her head and sleep well at night is a tranny.
I think Chloe's sexual image isn't accepted because it's just not the male-identified, "ghetto" image they're used to. She's naturally very soft/more feminine leaning (especially compared to how "harsh" Latto looks) and had more of a pure, "innocent" image before she got really famous, and it's too difficult for them to put her in the same category as the typical rap girls. I actually don't think the reaction to her is that much different from how people reacted to Miley Cyrus suddenly acting hypersexual, but it's rare to see this because 99% of black female celebrities are pushed as "sexy" from the beginning.
No. 1419123
>>1419112>it's accepted on a mainstream level because current racist discourse is that black women are supposed to be kind of mannish, anyway.Despite the fact this discourse does exist and is very real and fucked up, it's not "mainstream" in the urban/rap/hip hop community to fuck troons.
These scrotes can try to masclize black women all they want, but there's a reason why troon "outtings" always are a "Shock", because that shit isn't accepted as "normal" and the "DL rapper" is something thats talked about a lot, but because it's true.
Alot of them will fuck troons/men on the low, but very few will date one, and the ones who do are almost always scrotes who are called gay or dress differently.
Like Lil Uzi Vert came out as Non-binary, not even his rapper girlfriend respects his pronouns (kek).
If he were to come out Bisexual, it'd be huge news and full of people talking shit on urban sites, including all the weirdo rappers with podcasts and shit.
Also, troons are replacing gay men when it comes to hair doing and make up, because gay men are trooning out.
They hang around these women, see the attention they get from straight men & think, "If I troon out, I can be just like them, being a woman is only drag make up, wigs and fake tits/ass??"
I do feel like the narrative will start that these rappers are all DL/bisexual and troon attracted because, "Black women look like troons because of surgery and wigs" when thats retarded, because being a woman isn't about wigs or huge tits/ass. But I already see retarded people doing that. So the scrotes will follow and everyone will act outraged, when go on LSA right now and you'll see someone comparing a woman like MTS with stage make up and big colorful wigs with surgery and go, "Well she looks like a trans, no wonder so many men are attracted to trans". When anyone with a brain knows they want the dick, they want fake body parts on a MAN. A woman is a woman, not "body parts and make up"
No. 1419567
>>1419563i think marvel is just a symptom of people becoming more stupid, the constant political (on either side of the coin) narratives of
No. 1419755
Letting your dog sleep in the bed with you is beyond gross and you've essentially turned your personal bed into a giant dog bed in doing so. People who let their dogs sleep in their beds have parasites, and before you say "my fur baby is up to date on his flea and worm medication ackshually!" just keep in mind that your fur baby is bringing parasite eggs (and feces-but that's another issue) into your bed from all the little germs and critters they've picked up from outside in their paws and fur. People who let their dog sleep in the bed smell like dog yeast. Yes that corn chip smell is actually yeast. I could never crawl into a bed after a long day that had feces, parasites, and yeast particles all over the sheets. And one could argue, "that's what washing machines are for DUH just wash your sheets anon" but unless you have one of those iron clad bed bug cases on your bed, that precious fur baby of yours will only be piling on pounds of mites, dander, skin oils, fur, dirt and germs into your mattress over time…sleeping in your bed as a human alone will introduce pounds and pounds of sweat and skin cells over the years, just imagine adding a dogs flora to that. A lot of dog owners won't care about this at all, and will continue to sleep with their dogs in their own personal beds, however my unpopular opinion stands that dogs don't belong in human beds and the people who allow them to do so are really gross
No. 1419782
>>1419589Femcel = woman who has voluntarily given up on moids because none of them are worth her time.
Incel = man who could find a woman if he put in the effort. He can't be bothered so instead of improving himself he sits online all day hating women.
No. 1419792
>>1419755This but also I don't like people sleeping with cats either (or any pets). Just imagine the amount of fur you're going to have on your clothes and sheets. Just the knowledge that a lot of people let their cats free roam everywhere to play with carcasses and then let them on their beds makes me insanely anxious. Who knows what kind of bacteria they pick up with their paws and mouths? And what about piss and shit? Animals don't wipe, no matter how much their clean themselves. You're letting your pet sit down on your stuff after they've just pissed and shat.
The worst for me are people handling and even kissing reptiles without washing themselves afterwards.
No. 1419851
>>1419845>I used to get offended during my hoe phase when men would say they judge women on their body count and I get it now. >The judgement has nothing to do with us, it is a reflection of how they see themselves.And yet here you are doing it too?
Perhaps reflect a bit on yourself rather than devalue women for having sex in a manner with which you don't agree. Men will still hate us when we don't fuck them too re: incels.
No. 1419860
>>1419854It's fine if you personally don't want to engage in that behavior, but the point is that you're still engaging in misogynistic discourse by believing women "lose" when we choose to have sex or that even our "body count" has any tangible impact on our perceived value. As if anyone could possibly know that just by glancing at a woman and knowing what she does behind closed doors.
I wish you'd have as strong opinions about male sexual activity who by statistic have way more casual sex, but instead you choose to have this weird scrote energy towards women who choose a different path than you.
No. 1419864
>>1419845 >I used to get offended during my hoe phase when men would say they judge women on their body count and I get it now. The judgement has nothing to do with us, it is a reflection of how they see themselves.I met a guy a while ago and we seemed to hit it off. I'm pretty disillusioned with men tho so something told me to have a look at his socials. He likes and follows an awful lot of content thats just men complaining about womens body counts. Not mens, the rule only applies to women. It came off as obsessive.
Ngl I had a 'phase' myself years ago. I've tried some stuff that plenty on here would look down on me for. But I went from one extreme to the other once I'd gotten it out of my system. I'm either living a crazy sex life or I'm going years on end without sex. Currently years into no sex. I'm guessing that at this stage no man meeting me would imagine I ever had that phase. I've gone back into my shell and I probably give off a near-virgin vibe. I'm gonna guess that guy thought he'd be like the second or third guy to ever get the pleasure with me if we'd become anything. Tbh the older I get the more I just think no amount of sex is the right amount of sex for a woman to be having. You'll be picked apart for having too much or too little. Chosing to opt out of sex for a few years outrages men too. Men who you aren't involved with in any way. It occupies their minds to a crazy degree sometimes. And yeah on some level the whole 'tainted by other mens penises' thing doesn't say great things about men. If being in contact with men can make you lose value thats.. telling on themsleves. Not that they like to reflect on that part
No. 1419874
>>1419868>Most men know they aren’t worth shit and they hate themselves which is why they assume women who tolerate abuse or sleep around are mentally Ill/gross and in my case they weren’t wrong because I am mentally ill.Ok but here's a revolutionary idea: Being mentally ill doesn't lower your value and having sex isn't inherently gross.
Men are wrong, insecure, and retarded. You don't have to believe what they do.
No. 1419883
>>1419879>Promiscuous behavior is symptom of mental illness.Gosh I hope society starts memeing this on men.
Aren't you sus of such unbalanced social treatment? How many promiscuous men end up feeling really fucking bad that they disrespected themselves and slept with many women? Oh wait, they don't.
No. 1419889
>>1419868Samefag but
>Most men know they aren’t worth shit and they hate themselvesWhile this is true, what men hate more than themselves is women who have experience and can size them up. What makes men feel inferior is knowing if you've likely had a sexual partner who pleased you more or had a larger cock than them. What they're malding over is actually your experience to know that you have other options and greener pastures than what they can ever hope to offer.
The majority of men do not actually give a shit if you were mistreated by other men. The part they care about is if other men disrespected you for a reason, so that they will not look bad to other men for getting with you. It's all about themselves, not about your choices.
No. 1419893
>>1419887>Being promiscuous is also I sign of mental illness in men as well. Except that's not how culture treats slutty men at all and men are in fact encouraged to sexually fuck around as much as possible. It's even common tropes in media and humor. Don't be so obtuse and act like the rules are the same for men when we both know they are not.
We all know mentally ill men are diagnosed because they are legitimately unhinged, not because a therapist was concerned they were fucking lol.
No. 1419903
>>1419892Be the change you wish to see in the world
nonny. Bring this topic up with your friends. Call it out when you see it in the media.
No. 1419909
>>1419895>because men are usually rude,ugly and bad at sex which means there is no gain in even doing itFair point but why presume that is every woman's experience? It really only works if a woman is actively self-harming by sleeping with selfish, ugly, and lousy men who do nothing for her and surely that can't be what every woman who enjoys casual sex experiences. Seems bullshit to generalize.
>>1419896>NTA, but then isn't the solution to avoid slutty men? Be the change you want to see. I wasn't saying that I agree that having sex inherently lowers a person's value though.
I brought up slutty men who go on to lead perfectly happy, respectful lives while the public encourages them to be promiscuous while everyone is none the wiser about their exploits.
Meanwhile we're supposed to look down on women who do the same for…reasons. Just pointing out how it makes no sense to come down on women as hard as some do while giving men such leniency so as to push the responsibility on women to avoid them.
>>1419907Shut the fuck up lmao.
If there is any kind of troon/scrote energy here it's shaming women for having body count holy fuck.
No. 1419924
>>1419915>are doing it as a form of self harmNo one says this about slutty men.
>they do it to feel pretty and haven’t discovered men can find you ugly and still hit itNo one says this to ugly men who are only laid because they offer attractive women things like stability or money. Gaslit wives have sex with their ugly, fat husbands out of duty and not out of satisfaction or because their husbands treat them nice. Yet that is somehow more "respectful" to you than a woman who seeks out enjoyable casual sex cause of body count.
Clown world. Women are just doomed to be perpetually dunked on even by other women.
>>1419923>scolds one particular post instead of quoting the posts you mean to address>UHM ACTTUAHALLY HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY ASSUME I AM PICKING SIDES WHEN I MEANT ERRBODYYou sound like the retarded troon here, go dilate schizo.
(infighting) No. 1419930
>>1419926But what if there is? If not, then like you said, you can wind up in a very limited relationship with your first church bf where the end result is not cumming all the same. Soooooo it still makes no sense to presume women having casual sex are at any more risk of encountering sex with no orgasm. Plenty of women have had consistently shit sex in committed relationships.
>>1419927>Hook-up culture critical women think "slutty bad" because they regard any bad-to-neutral sexual interactions with men as a net loss for a woman, involving too much risk for no-to-little pleasureWhich is something that I would be on board with except when those same critical women choose to ignore the women who state that their experiences were positive and they did not feel a loss of respect or anything else. One could argue relationships in general are a great risk for a net loss to het women, except we all know how unrealistic it is to tell women to just avoid men. It does not help women to perpetuate the same idea (for different reasons) of conservative men because it's a weapon of misogyny.
No. 1419935
>>1419931Does everyone friend their fuck buddies first? Tbh some of the best hookups I've had have been from dating sites, and the worst sex I've had have been in exclusive relationships with men recommended by friends or having known them mutually.
Either way I'm sorry for your experience, but maybe you shouldn't generalize.
>>1419933>In a committed relationship you supposedly know the other person intimatelyKnowing your partner intimately isn't gonna heal his shrimp dick and lack of oral game. It just tethers a substandard moid with access to your body with more difficult strings attached to cut if you are still unsatisfied.
>It's far obvious why casual sex is often more dangerous, as you would be interacting with 6 stranger moids per week instead of just one.How do you reconcile this with the fact that a woman is much more likely to be murdered by a man she already knows, such as a husband or boyfriend?
No. 1419941
>>1419939>>1419938I don't really know "your" posts at this point as I assume I am responding to other anons who are bringing in other points that have nothing to do with your OP.
I have addressed why I think you are wrong and that part of the conversation is over.
>Some people enjoy being pissed on, doesnt mean I don’t think they are weird.My point is unless those people are going around casually mentioning they enjoy being pissed on, you would be none the wiser which proves the respect heirarchy you have inside is imaginary and ultimately inconsequential if not to try to make people who are different than you feel bad for reading your opinion on the internet cause your judgments can't mean shit or exist unless you know.
No. 1419944
>>1419943Right, so I don't know how you think it helps women to still go off agreeing with misogynistic scrotes who also think women are gross and degen for enjoying casual sex just because you have a slightly different basis for it?
How many women actually come to you to blurt about their counts anyway? And why?
No. 1419946
>>1419935 >Tbh some of the best hookups I've had have been from dating sites, and the worst sex I've had have been in exclusive relationshipooph, same here. I doubt I'll ever return to having casual sex again. I'm just not down for the risks involved anymore. But I do have have some good memories that'll stay with me. When I'm playing solo and thinking back over hot memories I never think of exes. Its always a couple of casual encounters that stand out as memorable all these years later.
In my last serious relationship the guy flipped over to being the most incredibly selfish lover right at the end. I almost went out and rebounded just so those memories of shitty sex weren't haunting me or tainting the thought of sex for me. Decided against it in the end but honestly.. yeah some of the worst sexual memories I have are with guys who once loved me and then turned shitty. If i could take back some sex that I had in my past.. it'd be that sex.
No. 1419963
>>1419957>why are you so bothered that an anon who's experienced those things herself doesn't think it's healthy behavior? Why is anon so universally bothered by what other women do in their bedrooms? I don't even think all that much about the lives of people I don't morally agree with to this amount of detail.
>you won't even know how she feels IRLI suspect because she would lose some of the only friends she has if she were honest about what she thinks of their choices. Which to her doesn't indicate a problem and I am trying to reason why.
No. 1419968
>>1419964>You make it sound like the anon is plotting to ruin the lives of women who have casual sexI did not say this.
My question that is yet to be answered is: How does it help women to have the same misogynistic judgements that scrotes have about their sex lives just because your reasoning behind it is different? In the end, you're still assuming women are "gross" "degenerate" or otherwise moralistically failed because they have sex on terms you do not agree with.
Feminism fought so hard to liberate women from the very real harm that these kinds of beliefs and opinions cause, what do you care if I challenge OP?
No. 1419973
>>1419968I just don't see how our liberation is tied to fucking men, or why the whole argument's gone on so long. It's not a big deal if some women choose to do it personally, but I don't see why it should be encouraged, or why women who look down on those actions are
problematic. It's not even like any woman who complains can actually do anything to stop other women from having sex, if they want to. It's our own choice, doesn't mean it has to be supported by everybody either way.
No. 1419975
>>1419973How does it help women to have the same misogynistic judgements that scrotes have about their sex lives just because your reasoning behind it is different?
You just can't admit it doesn't help and isn't productive.
No. 1419980
>>1419975It's not a misogynistic judgment. It's not integral to our existence as female to have casual sex, and it seems like this anon's viewpoint isn't even only applied to women (whether scrotes pick and choose is irrelevant, as she is not a scrote and she doesn't share their worldview). Casual sex just isn't some great win.
It's not a moralistic thing, either. On an individual basis, we can do as we please, but I'm not seeing how sex with men is a boost to feminism, how it's productive, or why I should take issue with some women not thinking it's good. How does it help us?
No. 1419982
>>1419973>I just don't see how our liberation is tied to fucking menBecause women were persecuted and prosecuted for voluntarily having sex with men who were not their husbands. And in some parts of the world, this still happens.
Having consequence-free sex for women is equalizing them to men who enjoy (or not) the same benefits.
Casual sex doesn't have to be encouraged but there is literally no reason to assume all women who partake have problems or aren't respectable either. You are tying a women's sexual choices to her value and that is not feminism.
No. 1419984
>>1419964Nta but tbh
> I judge women who have sex with men > Who have fwbs > Who have ONSs > Who date men > Who befriend menIts like groundhog day on here reading this over and over again.
No. 1419986
>>1419980>I just don't see how our liberation is tied to fucking menI am saying a woman's respectability and value is not tied to how many men she has fucked. Not that women must fuck casually to be liberated.
You are not stupid and know that deep down. You have had at least two anons so far admit to you so far that the casual sex they had was better than the sex they had in exclusive relationships. Therefore it is dishonest of you to keep pretending for the sake of your argument that there can never be a win for women.
No. 1419988
>>1419982Yes, women should absolutely be allowed to have sex without having to be married, but on the topic of casual sex, what are the actual benefits? Just because men are very into something doesn't mean it's automatically fantastic for us. The orgasm gap has shown that a bunch of times.
>You are tying a women's sexual choices to her value and that is not feminism.You can have value as a human being and still make unhealthy choices. A smoker can still be a feminist, but someone else not thinking smoking is good doesn't make them anti-feminist. I'm not the anon who said she judges btw, I just don't get why it's a problem if she personally does so.
No. 1420001
>>1419988>what are the actual benefits?As other anon and myself and brought up, the sex can just be better.
Because there are little to no emotional strings attached, one can actually focus more on the act of sexual performance itself to reach pleasure. There is no bashfulness or the worry of potentially upsetting the other partner when you tell them you don't like something or to try something else.
Arguably, it is also easier to tell a fwb no or to back out of sex if it isn't pleasing to you. How many women are guilted and coerced by their shitty bfs/husbands to keep having sex on their terms, and feel they cannot refuse lest they upset their relationships? And how emotionally messy is it to end an exclusive relationship when the intimacy is shite enough?
inb4 you claim I'm trying to say casual sex is the way to go and will work for all women–not necessarily so–just that it is not the experiences of many to have zero benefit. If those women didn't like it, then they would not seek it.
>You can have value as a human being and still make unhealthy choices.OP literally said women who do are gross, degen, and have less respect. Don't gaslight me like that
nonnie, c'mon…
No. 1420030
>>1420019>casual sex for women does not work the same way it does for menHow, why, and what studies proved this? Sounds like female/male brain fallacy. Ever think it all boils down to how men are socialized about casual sex and are condoned to pursue it by societies whereas women are shamed, beaten, or killed for acting the same?
>Women are more vulnerable during sex You have a pretty decent shot at a man's balls when he's naked and has his guard down so I wouldn't say they aren't as vulnerable, physically at least.
>while some might not form an emotional attachment, there is still something thereWell…which is it? Are women capable of no attachment or is there always a little something there? Is it possible to have sex casually and have positive exp tied to it that isn't necessarily traumatic or bitter cause there was no relationship from it? And why do you think men don't have any attachments going on after they hook up?
Many do, which is why they gotta cope by telling themselves women are whores who they should suppress feelings for.
>women get STDs/STIs easier, not to mention the chance of rape or even pregnancyWhich all happen frequently within the so-called safer committed relationships. In fact, I'd argue women wanting casual sex are using protection more consistently and dip at the first sign of red flags than women who are manipulated into fucking their exclusive scrotes unprotected who are mistreating and cheating on them anyway.
>>1420023Call me and the other anons chiming in Misses Improbabilities then. Dumb.
>>1420026A college acquaintaince I knew from my grad program literally caught the cervical cancer strain of HPV from having unprotected sex with her BOYFRIEND who lied about it.
It can happen anytime, with anybody. The only way to escape that 100% is to not fuck men but that is not realistic.
No. 1420037
>>1420032>They usually hate it when a woman actually wants to be casual.Not in my experience but even so, why reveal your emotional hand to men anyway?
They can as easily use your want of being in a relationship to manipulate and hurt you too. That is literally the basis of "pump and dump."
Most people are miserable in their relationships. There are risks for everything, and saying one is inherently worse than the other because of cherrypicked scenarios is retarded cause it comes down to how women feel.
If you hate casual sex, don't do it.
If you hate exclusivity, don't do it.
If your hatred of men exceeds your capacity to have them in your life, then certainly don't fuck em.
No. 1420042
>>1420032Those men hate women who want casual because they want to be able to fuck over women who have an emotional need for them. Those men like women chasing them for relationships.
They hate us but need us to feel desired. They hate casual women cause they are afraid to be humiliated. They are scared for a woman to think they suck at sex or that their dicks or small or that their game is weird.
Have a high body count? Tell a man you've only ever slept with your high school or college boyfriend see if the fucking idiot can tell a difference (Spoiler: He won't). If there is no physical or social signs, then logically it can only be about their own ego.
And that is not our problem.
No. 1420044
>>1420041In your opinion. I am enjoying the fruits of my casual encounters while I get to have a pretty comfortable life minus the obsession and emotional turmoil of dealing with a soloscrote. You do you.
No. 1420047
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>>1420045There have literally been anons posting itt saying how they like casual sex and yet you are doing the equivalent of plugging ears and yelling NOOOOOOOOOOO.
Like agree to disagree at this point, what even is there left to say?
No. 1420053
>>1420052>you aren't the majorityAnd neither are you. Unless you have a few studies to spit at me about the subject your take is no more
valid than mine. More people hookup casually than you think, the majority of us just aren't like the lolcows posted on this website who trust the majority of people with knowing our business. Deal with it.
No. 1420058
>>1420053Not that anon but>But women were more likely than men to report that they had engaged in the hookup because they were feeling miserable, feeling lonely, felt pressured by the other person, or wanted to feel better about themselves. Women were also more likely than men to report negative emotional outcomes, such as loneliness, unhappiness, rejection, regret, general negative feelings, and a perception of negative judgment from others. Conversely, men were more likely than women to report positive emotional outcomes, such as greater sexual satisfaction, happiness, self confidence, contentment, and mood improvement>Essentially, some people may be better than others at compartmentalizing their romantic longings from their sexual desires. For others, emotions and touch naturally entwine, making causal sex harder to keep casual, even if that was your intention. Research shows that women tend to have a harder time than men with preventing emotional attachment, and when this happens they are more prone to feeling used, depressed, regretful, or embarrassed after the fact.>Tellingly, many studies have found a stronger positive correlation of negative emotional outcomes for women who engage in more frequent hookups, while men tend to experience the opposite—more casual sex creating more positive feelings.5 No. 1420060
>>1420054>What studies do you have to prove what you’re sayingThe burden of proof isn't on me because I am not the one making claims that barely any women casually hook up and if they do they are gross-mentally ill-insecure-self-hating strumpets with no respect for themselves?
I merely came in with my anecdotal experience and some other anons agreed along the way. Would it really threaten your worldview so badly to just consider that perhaps women cannot be honest about the types of sex they like for the reasons I have said?
And honestly, those men sound really fucking stupid and I would tell them as much. Maybe you should spend some time reminding them of how little you respect their choices, and how gross it is to use women who they don't even like.
You sure have a lot of people telling you about their bedroom practices for some odd reason.
No. 1420066
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Casual sex is a meme because 99% of men are bad at sex, and they won't bother learning how to do it well unless they care about pleasing their partner. You're significantly more likely to find someone that cares about your pleasure in an actual relationship, and even then, sometimes it's hard. Men are kind of a meme.
No. 1420069
>>1420058First study is so non-specific and retarded.
>In the study, 701 men and women between the ages of 18–82 were asked a variety of questions about their most recent hookup experience, including their motivations to engage in the hookup and its emotional outcome. The researchers defined a hookup as “any sexual activity from a kiss to coital intercourse outside of a committed relationship.” About half of the sample indicated that they were currently in a relationship, while the other half was single. Sampling 700 people and asking grandma how she feels about a hookup she had in the 60s probably isn't the best measure to gauge how modern women feel and certainly does not prove anon's "majority" claim? Do we really expect women 40+ whose sexual values were shaped by the relevant misogynistic culture at the time to report anything positive when they have been told they should feel ashamed about it for most of their lifespan?
I can't even see the studies your second article cites because they are paywalled, so I cannot even see if these studies have meaningful samples sizes or are as out of touch as asking grandma about her sexual attitudes and being shocked she is more conservative like in the first one you linked.
But even then the article admits it's more about mindset going in:
>Possible drawbacks, such as emotional distress due to wanting more or sexual regret, will vary dramatically from person to person, essentially based on your mindset going into the encounter and personal history and expectations. Aka, if you're a dumb bitch who sleeps with a ho hoping it will transform him into a husband, you are misguided.
No. 1420071
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4 hours into this debate, ngl hookup-anon seems like she's coping hard over something, poor thing probably has seen so many shit at the hands of numerous, random moids at bars. I would too be coping at a obscure imageboard. I don't judge you personally anon, but i really don't want this """lifestyle""" for you or any woman, something tells me is not a good idea at all
No. 1420074
>>1420071A lot of ad hominem from someone like you who's not bothered and comfortable with their own lifestyle. Sorry I made you so mad.
Notice I am actually countering your arguments, not attacking your character at all even though it would be very easy.
No. 1420075
>>1420072Agreed, but this is how some women think.
>>1420073I didn't make a claim that a "majority" of women enjoy doing it. Merely that there are more women who enjoy it than you think, who for legitimate fears and reasons cannot be honest about their preferences.
No. 1420078
>>1420069>dumb bitchDamn, now who's on some misogynistic shit? Kek. Didn't know older women's sexual experiences don't count, either
Also, FWIW you can always use scihub to check out paywalled studies. Everything is pointing to casual sex not being great. It's not just that scrotes want to shame us, it's that they also can't fuck for shit, they cause mental damage and women with mental health struggles either use it for further self-harm or as a quick (but ineffective) fix of validation. If this isn't true for you, then nice, but you're not in the majority.
No. 1420082
>>1420078Bless your heart, you think you typed a gotcha. I'm allowed to call anyone I want a bitch and it doesn't make me an automatic misogynist. Try again.
>FWIW you can always use scihub to check out paywalled studies.Cool, why don't you do that and paste the greentext here since this is YOUR argument and I'm not your fucking researcher?
>>1420079The way you're saying it sounds like you almost want me to have a bad experience to validate your stance and teach me a lesson.
In honesty, committed relationships have been way worse on me.
No. 1420084
>>1420075Most “confident sex positive” women are just ladies who got played by men in the past and are trying to take their “pride” back by acting as
toxic as scrotes. It’s all ego shit and they get off on doing the same weird shit that was done to them in the past to other people.
No. 1420089
>>1420082? It's not my argument, I just went to the trouble of using Google, something you seem to wound up to even attempt. Everything I found happened to say the exact opposite of what you claim here. You really do sound like you struggle with internalized misogyny and probably some other things. It seems like this conversation is
triggering you, if you're not always this aggressive. Hope you find your peace, but I doubt you'll change any opinions here.
No. 1420097
>>1420081NTA, but is that because random moids are somehow safer, or because the majority of women just don't spend time with random moids?
It's like the thing about men being more likely to get mugged, but that makes sense if you consider that it's rarer for women to walk alone at night in shady areas.
No. 1420109
>>1420100I obviously said "spent time" as a euphemism for sex, hang around the way men would with the same gender, etc not work or uni, but nice attempted ad hominem, anon, kek.
In general, I'm really tired of the false equality bullshit LARP libfems like to push about how everything's totally equal and your average moid is definitely safe, when they know we all have to take safety precautions IRL. We aren't as free as men, because men barely act human when they think they have the upper hand. Deal with it.
No. 1420116
>>1420094So only women who have casual sex seek validation and require attention?
This isn't behavior also exhibited by women in relationships or women who are sworn off of men?
Anon, perhaps the majority of women are just fucking insecure because we're constantly being told what is right or what is wrong about the things we like and the way we feel. There is no specific correlation.
Boomer arguments itt.
No. 1420134
>>1420126You're right but the resident femoids can't feel like
you've won.
(''femoids'') No. 1420142
>>1420129Well-adjusted, mentally healthy individuals tend to enter strong, long-lasting relationships and have no need for casual sex.
>oopTwitter moment, of course kek
No. 1420147
>>1420142See you on
r/relationship_advice and r/breakingmom
Lol byeeeeeee.
No. 1420153
>>1420149I'm from the country with highest human traffic and prostitution numbers, i really cannot imagine a world where men
aren't trying to fuck us over all the time
No. 1420161
>>1420142Well adjusted mentally stable adults can manage having relationships casual or otherwise depending on their life circumstances. I went from being in long term relationships, to being completely single and celibate for two years, to getting back into dating in my late 20s early 30s,including casual sex to now being in the most mature relationship I've ever had where communication is very easy and with life and social experience we know how to make each other comfortable. I don't need to know his past sexual history apart from that he's sti free and if he has any kids. Same with me. He doesn't need to know the ins and out of my romantic history.
In my experience the people that don't know how to socialise apart from their weird little bubbles are the oddballs no one wants to date when their inevitable break ups happen.
No. 1420167
>>1420155>If you mention the existence of something negative, you are literally WISHING it on me!! Literally living in a fantasy world and mad that other women aren't, kek. Good luck. Reddit and Twitter
hate threads are not the same as threads to welcome users of those communities, especially when they're delusional pickmes and libfems.
No. 1420171
>>1420160Hahahaha fuck you.
I'm proud to say I have volunteered multiple times and have put myself between my friends and their misogynistic men.
Why are you so hurt for? You were the one saying shit about my pussy and my life first and then you go all hambo because I give you a taste of your own medicine? I only wish I could know your dox so no woman ever fucking helps your rancid, two-faced ass. Imagine being a fake friend AND retarded.
No. 1420181
>>1420174Posters like yourself have proven you are not willing to listen and you are lost causes.
>>1420175No, but you sure do.
Also, sitting for long periods gives you ass cancer. Go outside.
No. 1420197
>>1420187Anon got that hyper mega plus ultra intuition, she can detect attractive, big dicked, good-at-sex moids with a 0.001% chance of failure, we should get on her level
>>1420194Weak bait
No. 1420207
>>1420196Why do you continue to pretend to be a
victim when you said anon's pussy was stinky first? Like we all can see it. Do unto others, shitlord.
This is what was said before anon said you have a stinky puss puss
>You can't convince me that women loosely engaging in casual sex don't stink, especially considering most moids hate using condoms. I certainly would never let a scrote put his maw on my pussy either in that type of lifestyle. Most men don't brush their teeth regularly much less scrape their tongues or floss. Enjoy the bacterial vaginosis or worse.. No. 1420208
>>1420181Lost cause for what? Casual sex with moids just isn't a win for feminism. That's it. Saying that doesn't stop any of us from doing it. Women can do whatever we please, and we don't even need the approval of random women to do it, so there's no point in demanding it and having misogynistic meltdowns over not getting validation.
The posters calling you a moid are probably right, honestly. Only a massive pickme or a deranged male would try to defend what that poster said.
No. 1420222
>>1420210Schizo anon vpn hopping to samefag her unpopular misogynistic view of women who have sex with men.
Moral of the story: Just don't admit on lolcow that you fuck men and your life isn't a trainwreck for it.
No. 1420247
nonny, you have the most popular opinion in the unpopular opinions thread
No. 1420273
>>1420243The relationships advice threads shows how big of a bunch of clowns these nonnies are defending their retarded sexual escapades with random crusty men and enduring relationships with said crusty moids, then asking for advice when it should be fucking obvious. I don't feel sorry when they get hurt tbh, they are literally not worth the time and energy trying to coddle a grown woman sworn to make the same mistakes until she dies. I don't care if it's
victim blaming, but pretending to feel bad even with my own friends is so annoying.
No. 1420278
>>1420265No one called you anything that you weren't flinging as insults first.
It's called consequences, just like the ones you're threatening hookupchans with. No one feels sorry for you.
No. 1420288
>>1420285I don't pity incels. There, see, we
can agree on things yaaaaay~
Now stop being a contrarian schiz.
No. 1420298
>>1420296Well throw me in a padded room then
nonnie. This discussion has made me lose my mind.
No. 1420299
>>1420291Exactly. "Anna oop you will die alone chile" is still better than ending up with some scrote.
What's interesting is that all the manosphere guys seem to insist women are fiending for marriage and want men to ask them, but in my own experience, men are the first to bring it up. They know their window of opportunity is closing fast, and fewer women than ever give a fuck about marriage
or casual sex, as both are proving less and less desirable.
No. 1420313
>>1420308This is why I come to lolcow
only place on the entire internet where you are allowed to be 10% as unhinged as the average male online
No. 1420322
need an unwashed scrote to fulfill you sexually? Gross and sad but do your thing I guess kek
No. 1420326
>>1420315Deflecting your ballstank by calling other posters moids isn't gonna make you less suspicious.
Men deserve to be used up and die.
I hope more older women ditch their useless Nigels, spend money on themselves, and enjoy their good years fucking younger men with large cocks and who take them on nice vacations. So there.
No. 1420374
>>1420126> "women limiting themselves"implying limiting our putting out is limiting
us, think about that
No. 1420390
>>1420312Sex isn't a need, framing it as such is
toxic especially with incel aggrieved entitlement being a thing. Hook-ups are usually just a net negative for most women. Obviously there's some women that are able to completely detach themselves from it and solely care about getting off, but making default the experiences of women like this is…odd. They're the exception, not the rule. Abstractions like "sex is a need" distract from how few women get off from sex or inequalities like how men on average benefit more with much less risks. Like it or no…STDs, pregnancy, managing birth control - hormonal BC can fuck things up or be painful, having to deal with potentially dangerous or misogynistic men, etc…these inequalities are hard baked into our very bodies and realities, whether or not we like it. So, yeah, it's whatever if a woman wants to hook up, it's just extremely unlikely to bring her palpable benefit so it's usually overcompensation of some kind. That's why you start seeing women get so broken by the system they base their sexuality as being important to reclaiming our power; i.e.,
>>1420126when…it actually doesn't matter that much. It's a feeling. Like, if we all were locked in a dungeon and had 0 power, wouldn't being into weird dungeon…stuff be empowering?
(dont start this shit again) No. 1420397
>>1420387For example: tiktok
Its completely ruined a lot of good and underground music especially from the past. Even newer artists suffer because nothing is gatekept by real fans, look at Steve lacey. In some ways I miss the old days where everything wasn't so over saturated and so easily accessible. Really set a difference between people who listened to bandwagon mainstream radio music and those who actually wanted to find good music tailor made to their unique taste. Something different and maybe even meaningful to you. Ever so often some of my favorite lesser known songs from over a decade ago get turned into 30 second tiktok trends and it absolutely ruins the song for me.
No. 1420548
100% right.
No. 1420587
>>1420505The Pyramids weren't even mentioned in Exodus.
Unpopular opinion: society does a disservice to people by denying inherent talent exists, because it leads to false delusions that wanting it bad enough and raw hours of effort are all it takes to become the world's best. Most of the successful cerebral elite only work/study 4-5 hours a day, most of the best violin players only practice 3-5 hours a day, most of the best sports players don't practice that much more than the average player. I find it cringy how kids will be on the courts at midnight shooting hoops for 8-10 hours straight, desperate to be the next Michael Jordan. Or how Asian parents grindmaxx their kids 12-16 hours a day in the desperate hope to have a world class violin player. What ever comes of those Wunderkinder? None of them ever become famous in adulthood kek, they all burn out. The ones that make it are the naturally talented that do the aforementioned 4-5 hours of consistent, passionate, strong practice combined with talent.
No. 1420609
>>1420592Nah, it's not, the daily habits of the historical cognitive elite aren't exactly esoteric knowledge. Most are literally like
>Wake up and have breakfast>Three hours of writing/work >1-1.5 hours for lunch >Long walk>Smoking cigars socially>two hours of reading >walk>Dinner>smoking cigars/playing an instrument/whatever>bedThe ones that are total workhorses and do the 10-12 hour grindmax are actually relatively rare. Karl Marx was one.
Sports stars themselves often feel apprehensive and awkward at the idea of kids trying to mimic their career path because they know how much it's a 1/100,000 shot. And they know the kids will be better off just studying at school and getting good grades so they can just get a reasonable job.
No. 1420640
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spider-man: no way home is the best spider-man movie.
No. 1420691
>>1420587>society does a disservice to people by denying inherent talent existsI agree and thankfully the society my family is from doesn't deny it. My sister is smarter than me and has always outperformed me academically, even when our parents hired tutors for me to try and catch up to her. She didn't spend long hours studying because she was also an athlete and had to practice. She was always getting honors and went all the way into med school on a boatload of scholarships. I got a couple of scholarships but only because I had to do lots of extracurricular activities to make up for my average grades.
I realized pretty late that I have a talent for art. I was doing self study from random tutorials online for a couple years while working a full-time job before I enrolled in art school. I was expecting to learn a lot there and to be challenged, but instead I was way ahead of 80% of my classmates. Professors assumed I was drawing and painting everyday for long hours when I really wasn't. It was usually an hour at most because I was pretty tired from my commute home and dealing with office drama all day. Whenever I tried to explain myself they'd get upset as if I were mocking them or something so I just let people believe what they want about me now.
No. 1420726
this isn't an extremely controversial opinion but i hate anime and i lose some respect for any of my adult friends who are rabidly into anime still. and i used to be a massive fan as a child, but i perceived my losing interest in anime as a side-effect of normal maturation. i guess that conceptually it's very interesting; animation is a great way to visually present fantastical stories, and it's unfortunate that so much of contemporary western animation is produced exclusively for young children and their parents. i've tried to give "deep" or generally well-received anime/manga a chance also. but even then, when i'm watching or reading berserk (moid jerkoff fodder. casca is a bullshit character), utena, nana, serial experiments lain, evangelion, etc. etc. etc. i feel that i'd be able to observe a more compelling "storyline" just watching two homeless druggies arguing at the bus stop. or by reading literally any shitty ya book. it's not like friendship-killing. everyone has some "immature" or "problematic" interest, myself included. but i hate how seriously weebs take themselves. lmfao. i actually don't have an issue with my friends who're still nostalgically attached to naruto/dbz/bleach/etc. because they're able to recognize generally that they like these things because they liked them when they were children, but i am done with hearing hour-long critical analyses of shows that are about as deep as a puddle.
No. 1420973
>>1406912My unpopular opinion is that the “-porn” suffix added to aesthetic things is really gross and cringe.
When I want to see pics of stunning landscapes, beautiful crystals or delicious-looking food, I don’t need any coomer shit added to that.
My guess is that the association comes from porn being made to give “pleasure” but to me it’s an association with a disgusting,
abusive industry profiting from sexism, degradation of women and sometimes even crimes. I don’t believe in “ethically” made porn, even if it’s not linked with human trafficking you’re still a coomer. I’m disappointed the tags like earthporn whatever-porn gained popularity. Maybe it’s all pandering the moid mentality.
No. 1421421
>>1420837i sure did lol. i'd never say this off anon. i wouldn't want to deal with the drama or the damage to my reputation that come with assumptions. i don't have the energy for it, and i'd never change anyone's mind anyway. radfems are unpopular with furries, and furries are unpopular with radfems, so i'm in a double bind. either i pretend to be a bepronouned person and overlook all the dick pandering in a space full of aidens, or act like i don't have a sense of fun and analyze whether the eggs on toast i had for breakfast is
problematic… but maybe that's just me being too cynical, seeing twitter in places where it isn't there, and expecting the worst unless proven otherwise. i've seen two openly radfem furry women. i wonder how they're doing.
No. 1421565
>>1421421>i've seen two openly radfem furry womenI've run across a
terf fursona before so I 100% believe you but its still really funny to me
No. 1421601
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What is it with korean instant noodles? I keep trying more in case it's just confirmation bias and all the shitty ones I've had were just coincidences… and they continue to disappoint me.
I don't have this problem with any other country's instant noodles. Am I just subconsciously racist against koreans?
No. 1421688
>>1421613I agree. Especially pertaining to lolcow. Some anons will agree with others just because they see other anons disagreeing with someone but have no reason to back it up. They just think "lots of replies = right" as if that's ever turned out well
>>1421658It's not that European good is god tier it's that fast/heat up/whatever food in most other countries where people have easier access to it are more regulated everywhere except for America. It boggles my mind how America has no issues with chemicals being added to make Americans addicted and not feel full into shit and people who say otherwise are "stick in the mud Karen's" while they'll happily chow down a meal with 2000+ gs of sodium, pounds of sugar a day, and it's all flavorless potatoes and corn made shit or sugary carbonated piss water. Not even basic staples like milk, rice, veggies, etc are safe from this nonsense since they'll process it in a way that deprives it of nutrients so Americans have a harder time feeling full with a basic meal (seriously I've seen Americans post the same brands of food from a year ago vs today and the vitamin nutrients are getting lower and lower)
I want to blame them, I really do, and some Americans are actually gluttons but the sad reality is that they're 1) being given harder lifestyles, and because of this they need to work multiple jobs and/or go to school, this means there's very little time to cook or clean so getting cheap easy meals is all they really have energy for, 2) they put addictive substances in it, non Americans have confirmed this with if they taste other countries snack foods vs Americans snack foods, and as I mentioned earlier lack of feeling full is a big one and 3)even if one wants to diet and eat healthy the way the veggies and grains are made here leave you starving, frozen meals are the worse ones. I use to eat them and everytime I did I swear to God I felt hungrier than I did before.
No. 1421768
>>1421746AYRT, the rare exception to that is korean sodas. Those are sometimes really nice, definitely better than most european or american sodas, even a lot of japanese ones.
And some korean brands sell shitty noodles and good soda at the same time, which fucking baffles me.
No. 1421880
>>1421873People who use this sort of reasoning as evidence against determinism are retarded.
Just because something can be twisted to avoid moral responsibilty doesn't mean it's not true. There are other things that would disprove determinism, like the existence of true randomness.
No. 1421888
>>1421886Fucking this, it just sounds so convenient to the Elites, "don't fight about it, it's all written" yeah right
If Determinism implies everything is predeterminated then a lot of fucked up shit and it's solutions would be rendered pointless. You could quite literally justify anything by using this theory.
But in my opinion, the actual problem with determinism is that it tends to present itself as a "absolute truth" rather than what it is: a theory, which has yet to be proven in any way. It also uses physics to explain purely philosophical concepts, like apples and pears, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me, "love it's just a bunch of chemical reactions" typa shit
No. 1421893
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>>1421886>>1421888Ramana Maharshi didn’t believe in free will but also said you should make good decisions
No. 1422277
>>1422259I’m there with you. If a guy has a ton of hook ups it’s a huge turn off, I’m in sort of the school of thought as
>>1422265 just in that if a man can have zero intimacy in sex he’s a red flag to me. Sorry not sorry for wanting to have human connection in sex and be with a man who doesn’t use women as masturbatory aids. If you’re single just jack off, men are supposed to love that shit. But then you get porn sickness so idk. There’s a reason I’m single there is no hope for men honestly.
No. 1422316
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>>1421565was it a hyena? i saw this one troon furry go on a rant about how a lot of hyena fursonas end up belonging to radfems. it makes sense tbh.
No. 1422377
>>1421421>radfems are unpopular with furries, and furries are unpopular with radfemsHuh, I never put two and two together, but you're right. And I kept wondering why every single of my furry friends bend over to troons.
>>1422316That would make sense. I need to dust off my old hyena sona.
No. 1422383
>>1422316the one I saw was a
terf snake with big sniddies kek
No. 1422416
>>1422376I've seen this often too and it's sad. I've had some kind of new onset mystery illness wrecking my life for the last 4 months and maybe this is why. Few men could reach levels of stress induced sickness like this bc theyre mostly unbothered/uninvested in their partners. They get in relationships then still live like they're single teenage boys.
If only we could sue like you said. But they would never be able to acknowledge one bit of responsibility for this. They would believe it's a problem with us women, like "hysteria" or some shit. We've made ourselves sick when we could've just shut up and been A-ok with their shitty, emotionally draining, neglectful, not even meeting the bare minimum requirements behavior in relationships. Male judges/doctors would agree women are the blame.
No. 1422522
>>1422383kek, medusa is popular with some radfems, that could be where it came from.
>>1422377both the furry fandom and gender ideology draw in people who feel alienated from larger society, have this body-mind split, and are looking into escapism. i remember there were furries that acted like troons before anyone knew a thing about genderism. one guy said he had the soul of a kitsune centaur, another said he wanted to get surgery to make himself look like a wolf. i thought they were both insane, but no one talked them out of it and just sort of accepted it, so the groundwork for a TRA takeover was already there.
i had a hyena oc too. i wonder if that was foreshadowing lol.
No. 1422549
>>1422538Meh. I get young people making the mistake of getting involved with
abusive scrotes but at the same time telling grown women that they are just widdle babies who have no control over their man treating them like shit is stupid, especially when they are allowing their
toxic scrote to not only abuse them but also their kids and pets just because they are “inlove”.
No. 1422574
>>1422556This is stupid. Dating as a teen is good practice at being able to spot
toxic parents and learn about how to be in a relationship. It's good for teens to date so that way they don't get involved, move in with people, etc and have no clue how to spot red flags or to even be in a relationship because they had no practice. It's like saying teens shouldn't have friends since it's a waste of time. Even then that doesn't take attention away from the fact we aren't talking about whether or not teens should date we're talking about teens being abused by men who knew better.
No. 1422598
>>1422579Okay? Women don't deserve to be abused or
victim blamed because they didn't get your god tier see-through-people skills. It sucks women's niceness and benefits of doubts are abused by moids but you shouldn't tell them they should expect to be abused because of it
No. 1422602
>>1422596Seriously? How to treat your SO, how to resolve conflicts, when is a good reason to leave, good boundaries, etc. You're not just born with common sense kek it's made, same when it comes to one of the basic parts of socialization. Letting teens experience dating so they can learn is better than when they're older and in worse situations that they may not be able to leave if they're living with their SO. I didn't date throughout high school and it completely fucked up my sense of dating when I started to date, but I noticed those who dated in high school were more likely to spot red flags, resolve conflict easier and it was easier to break up when they needed too. Stripping teens away from one of the main parts of character development is extremely retarded and I don't know a single psychologist who would agree with this.
Also stupidest post you've seen on this site? Lucky you
No. 1422660
>>1422649>>1422649This also allows for the slippery slope of blaming actual kids for being molested and shit
>You got groomed by an adult? Shouldn't have been dating as a teen>Your uncle touched you? Shouldn't have had grown men in your room in the first place>What? Were you too stupid as a child to know not to get in the van? I can spot a pedo van from a mile away get some common senseNever ever
>Wow, what those men did are horrible. How do we hold them accountable? No. 1422731
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I wish every guy on earth look like a young Edward furlong. I would have no problem being a pick me.
No. 1422768
>>1422765This discussion started because women were discussing
abusive men, then an anon said they're stupid if it happened to them and they're older but it's understandable when they're younger, then someone replied and reminded the anon they are talking about relationships when they were younger and men who groomed teenagers, and then their response was that we shouldn't have been dating in our teen years in the first place
No. 1422771
>>1422768When I said that I meant two teenagers dating each other. Young boys can be
abusive as well. The anon I responded to originally also never said anything about being groomed. I was not talking about grown men that’s just what you assumed. This is why we don’t put words in peoples mouth.
No. 1422774
>>1422771Still such a weird and inappropriate response to women discussing
abusive men, it's like you're trying to redirect attention away from us holding men accountable for their actions just to play mental gymnastics of what women did wrong
No. 1422775
>>1422772Well just to clarify I meant teens in general shouldn’t be dating at all kek
If you are underaged you won’t like to hear that but no I don’t think people in high school should be worrying about sex and relationships.
No. 1422779
>>1422776That's great and all but dating is just basic socialization 101 whether we like it or not teens will date. My biggest problem is that immediately during a discussion about
abusive moids, you seem to almost blame teenagers for dating and that's why they got abused. It's very
victim blamey and it almost seemed like there was prying to find a reason, even though everyone knows damn well if we weren't talking about moids abusing teens then you probably would have never said or thought this in the first place. Why do you suddenly scold women for dating when they were teens when they talk about getting abused yet no other time?
No. 1422785
>>1422781Sorry not everyone is magic like you and has the mental strength to leave shitty relationships as soon as they spot it, just because you were lucky enough to be taught how a good relationship is doesn't mean every, or most women in fact, were taught that. It also seemed like a weird trap
>You're responsible if you get abused unless you were young>But if you were young then you shouldn't be datingAlways women's fault, never mens
No. 1422789
>>1422785This is the post
>>1422376 I originally responded to and then you made it about yourself and you being groomed. How was I supposed to know that comment was about teenagers?just because you are a teenager doesn’t mean everyone here is. Let it go. I wasn’t talking about you kek
No. 1422792
>>1422781Who even responds like that unless they're specifically trying to
victim blame? You wanted to direct attention away from men enough to point out what women did wrong but didnt want to be held accountable for
victim blaming so you worded just enough so you sound like a white trash dad reacting to his daughter in an
abusive relationship, but didn't go as far as actually saying it's women's fault. But it's heavily implied
No. 1422795
>>1422789What part of "was" and "is" a teenager was so hard for you to understand? Usually when women are talking about relationships that gave them health problems, they're referring to relationships that happened in their past that they have since left, and likely happened when they were teenagers since that's the most common time for women to be in an
abusive relationship. No one even mentioned age but if you were a woman or know enough women you'd know usually when women are referring to a shitty relationship they're talking about the one they were in when they were young
No. 1422798
>>1422794Not at all. Admitting women are humans and capable of falling for manipulation and not seeing through people is just admitting women are humans and aren't perfect, that's not saying women are stupid. Everyone on this planet is capable of falling for manipulation and a fake face, including you. Of course there's a whole book of reasons why women are in an
abusive relationship but this is just one of them.
>>1422793That's still such a stupid an inappropriate response to the discussion kek. We were talking about moids draining women's health and you made up a hypothetical situation where it was our fault just so you can take attention away from the fact we were holding men accountable for the abuse they bring to women. This is a gossip site ffs we're not 45+ housewives most of us are still young and usually refer to past relationships when we talk about
abusive relationships
No. 1422803
>>1422799Even then, there's so so many reasons why women don't leave
abusive relationships. It's so weird how you immediately think it's "their fault"
No. 1422807
>>1422806I originally said that women have to take responsibility for dealing with
toxic scrotes.
Toxic can mean anything. Refusing help clean, being passive aggressive, looking at too much porn etc. The op did not specifically say abuse in the op, a scrote can be
toxic and stressful without beating a woman up. You are the one who starting going into physical abuse and teenagers. You just decided to add your own stuff to what I was saying then you just went and offended yourself kek
No. 1422809
>>1422807No one in this world is claiming their bf is
toxic for not cleaning kek. If someone is adding enough stress in your life to cause health issues they're abusing you. Also
toxic and
abusive go hand and hand This is just word manipulation to not take responsibility. It wasn't until now you brought up "I didn't it mean it like that though"
No. 1422878
>>1422828Beavis and Butthead
>has Beavis and Butthead>has DariaMarvel
>doesn't have Beavis or Butthead>doesn't have DariaI think it's obvious who is superior.
No. 1422883
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>>1422878you forgot it also has proto hank hill
No. 1422887
>>1422878If a man is into marvel I either assume
1) he’s a raging misogynist but, yknow, in a beta male way.
2) he’s a dumbass who can’t think for himself.
No. 1423277
>>1423252I bet you also think people who are ESL are only
pretending to struggle with the language, huh
No. 1423346
>>1423343in a way I kinda agree because behind closed doors, no man is funnier than a woman because women feel more comfortable to be ruthless with other women
sauce: I'm just thinking outloud
No. 1423454
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>>1423343males just scream childish bigoted rants and disguise them as "jokes".
No. 1423467
>>1423454ok and the bigoted jokes make people laugh so what gives? keep pearl clutching also bill burr sucks
>>1423378men shit and cry about those jokes but they're still funny, just like the jokes that women get pissed at men for can be funny
No. 1423588
>>1423522>>1423562I feel like the only person sometimes in my age demographic and country who knows how to cook. I'm being a bit hyperbolic. Everyone kept living with their parents, there were no affordable rooms or dorms in addition to being the first gen that didn't get free education, then when they finished college they couldn't find an appartment either. So many up until 30 live at home, which is one thing, but in all that time majority still always expect their mother cook and never learned how to cook for themselves at all, nor bothered to help. Or they order all their meals, in this economy. The only other people around my age I've come across irl who cook are single moms, other women from
abusive/broken households or women from a different culture. No scrotes. Imagine your realtor, lawyer, accountant etc. happily admitting they'd burn spaghetti or joking that they'd put their shirt on the wrong way if their mother didn't put it on their bed correctly.
No. 1423617
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>>1423604"men are funnier than women because they tell offensive jokes and i, unlike those other women, am in fact not offended by them!"
also your comedy consumption is severely limited if you think women cant do edgelord comedy
No. 1423673
>>1423343I agree, thats why i like vtubers(fits in the unpopular opinion, lol). I feel like most women are afraid of not being taken seriously/being unfunny too, so they become reserved and walk on eggshells. Think of Lindsay Ellis pre and post TGWTG, she used to make fun, good, dorky videos about dumb media she enjoyed as a child and wasnt afraid to make anti islam or abortion jokes, but after joining the hontra cult she became super boring, had to apologize for being funny, etc. I find Plumbella to be one of the funniest and most unhinged youtubers, she's autistic so problably thats why. I have sperged about this before and i probably sound like an autist at this point, but i want a female version of Jontron/AVGN/Filthy Frank, those youtubers who arent afraid of showing themselves being unhinged on camera.
No. 1423733

>>1423673I love Plumbella! Another pretty unhinged video creator like her is FakeGamerGirl. had a tumblr for a while but deleted this past year, likely from harassment about her love of HP and commenting on her relationships…It was insane to see a bunch of tif anons shaming her for not being a good enough ally. I thought bullying autistic people for their special interest was ableist though? Anyway, I'm glad she didn't put up with their shit
No. 1423777
>>1423673>>1423711>>1423740I don't watch much YouTube in general but this made me realize that when I do watch anything related to nerd media or animation I rarely watch female youtubers. Most of these types of videos made by men are just "let's make fun if this thing by switching between footage of it and my commentary" while female YouTubers videos on nerd media and animation is "let's talk about how barbie is actually feminist".
Of course there are women who make videos like the former and men who make videos like the latter but overall it's more common to see men poke fun at a bad movie without taking themselves or the movie too serious. I never thought about it untill now but I think you are right and it's because women are either scared of getting harassed by moids who call them unfunny or to be "cancelled"(for a lack of better words).
I like some of PushingUpRoses old video game videos and some of Allison Peddler's videos but neither of them are really offensive if that's what anons are looking for. Though I do prefer when youtubers show their faces in these types of videos rather than just speaking over footage but I'm in the minority there No. 1423788
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>>1423777I keep getting the ''x media for children advocates for socialism and trans rights because i took it too seriously'' videos for some reason, i wonder if its because i have my yt gender set as female. Its sad but i only watch 2 female content creators, one of the used to be so fucking funny until she became part of the ''no fun allowed crowd''. She's still entertainig but it will never be ''singing about how making a cake is similar to the ww2 holocaust'' again. I miss her unhinged energy a lot.
No. 1423939
>>1423777I think it's not so much men harassing them as women. In my IRL AND online experience, men do not really care so long as you don't negatively impact them, but so many women are zealots who will go full on thought police on you over the dumbest shit. (aside from incels and whatnot but those don't care about content in any case)
I follow a couple female truecrime youtubers and they always have women seething at them over not performing empathy and propriety enough. I have never in my life seen a man complain about that shit. If a man did that, other men would call him names and tell him to not watch this if he isn't interested in grisly crime details and he would be shamed into hiding, but in female spaces it's very much accepted and even supported to attack people viciously over the most inane aesthetic reasons.
No. 1424016
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>>1424001stop being so autistic, /pol/ is containment board and honeypot but the rest of the site, while autistic, isnt ''LITERAL TERRORISM/ABUSE''. You shound like reddittors claiming that 4chan is the worst site ever, everyone browsing is literal hitler, when they were the ones with a pedotroon mod and jailbait/rape subs. I just wanna discuss comics/anime in a site with good design and were i dont get banned for saying something against troons.
No. 1424022
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>>1424019>racism>porndont browse porn boards and ignore bait threads then? kek