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No. 1410645
An introductory on how to emulate dumbass behaviour.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1399953 No. 1410755>>1410756>>1410779>>1410833>>1410854
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i will never complain about my name again
No. 1410833>>1410844>>1410854
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>>1410755>>1410756A mercy(also from what I remember there at least 10'000 children named Goku in Mexico alone)
No. 1410844
>>1410841I mean if this
>>1410833 is allowed, I'm sure you can name your kids after fictional characters
No. 1410869>>1410872>>1410922
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>>1410863>>1410854there actually was a legal case in Brazil where a woman was legally opposed by her parents, objecting to her naming their grandchild jimin
No. 1410872
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No. 1410979>>1410981
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>>1410963Official ahegao phrygian cap.
>>1410966Yeah the reference wasn't obvious at all to me until someone told me. And I thought the Japanese mascots looked a bit bland. I'd rather have that tbh
No. 1410993>>1410999
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>>1410987A phrygian cap, it's a symbol of the french revolution.
No. 1411011
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All men born in the 90s have officially hit the wall. Picrel isn't 45, he was born in '92. Once the jowls start sagging like a bulldog's, there's no going back. Throw the whole generation away.
(No offense to actual people born in the 90s. Enjoy the spring of your life that is youth! Men just age like milk left out in the sun.)
No. 1411014>>1411025>>1411034>>1411054>>1411082
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I used to make fun of manlets for being such faggots about their height until i started exercising and realized i will never look like Leanbeenpatty because she's 12 cm taller than me. I am still going to make fun of manlets but i understand their pain now.
No. 1411025
>>1411014You're gonna make it
nonny, You gotta learn to accept what you can't change about yourself. But I'm sure even if you're not as tall as she is, you can still get muscular and look great
No. 1411053>>1411059
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I had to run to the bank during my lunch break today. On the way back I'm taking a shortcut through a local park when I spot a bunch of people up ahead blocking the path. A woman had laid out a blanket on the path and sprawled herself out on it laying on her front. Her friends were gathering leaves to place around her and she was posing for pics… on the footpath while a bunch of dog walkers just patiently waited for them to finish
I immediately thought of dentinys 21st, except she must've been in her 30s. What are these pics for? lol
No. 1411055>>1411229
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I do shit like this unironically with my husbando
No. 1411063
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>>1411056>she's the same height as mei am so happy thanks nonna, i am gonna make it
No. 1411173>>1411175
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this shit jump scared me
No. 1411360>>1411374>>1411388
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I was lurking tumblr today so checked on one of my favourite artists and it turns out that she's taken to writing and has posted her first fanfic on AO3. It's not very interesting to me, but being the nosy fucker that I am, I went for a rummage in her bookmarks. She has just under 500 bookmarked fics, ok so she's super into fanfic, fair enough. It's mostly m/m with only <30 fics including women, but hey, whatever floats her boat. She's into fairly predictable stuff, Sherlock, House, South Park, the Yakuza video game series. But then I see 22 fics for One Direction, kinda gross as they're real people and not even good looking ones at that, but out of morbid curiosity I click on them. I figured she might be a Larry girl as I know that's a popular pairing, but instead I find that all but one of these fics is centred on Nick fucking Grimshaw and Harry Styles. Of ALL the pairings she likes that one? These two moids in picrel? I guess this is why they say you should never meet (or cyberstalk) your heroes, kek.
No. 1411405>>1411408
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was looking back at my school pics and I’m actually so glad and happy that I didn’t start wearing makeup until I was 18 lol! At that time, I used to be upset about not knowing how to wear makeup but when I revisited my photos they seem so timeless and great now like thank god phew I really dodged a bullet because had I had the free will (and necessary skills) I would’ve walked into class everyday looking like a knockoff 2016 IG baddie
No. 1411414>>1411432
>>1411374I wouldn't even say it's normal for fujos, it's normal for fangirls of any band. I remember around 2009 I was browsing a Green Day fan-forum, a lot of the girls were just unabashedly shipping the band mates and their alter-egos and sharing fanfics, in fact I think that was my first real introduction to fanfics.
It was just called slash and I never noticed any moral discussions regarding it back then kek
No. 1411427>>1411453
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There's resorts/hotels in Thailand where elephants just hang out and can come through your window, and now it's on my bucket list to stay at one. Elephants are so cool, meeting one would be amazing.
No. 1411447
>>1411432I mean honestly yes and like
>>1411434 said, gay baiting was so fucking popular, especially among pop-punk bands. They thrived on that shit.
No. 1411491>>1411496>>1411539>>1411548>>1411563
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I follow a few cooking and baking pages, and whenever they share recipes that use european measurements they get a lot of annoyed americans commenting and calling the recipe useless. Could any burgers here explain why so many americans act as if the sight of someone using european measurements is a personal slight towards them? I genuinely just don't understand. Do american schools annually hire a little german boy to laugh at them for using ounces for a week? Is that why it's such a trigger point?
No. 1411514
>>1411502Unfortunately, it’s cycle. They wear makeup to hide the acne but the makeup makes it worse and the cycle never stops
But once you break from it, you’re free. I used to never leave without concealer and when I stopped my skin got a little better and I really just don’t give a fuck anymore lol
No. 1411539
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>>1411491My god I hate americans so much it's unreal.
No. 1411540>>1411543>>1411684>>1416760
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Why is there so many mean/hostile anons here? I see random harmless posts that always gets a couple of weirdly angry anons with the most passive aggressive style of writing too
No. 1411555
>>1411502I started buying make up in high school but never really wearing it because even though I'd follow tutorials on youtube, foundation always looked so fucking cakey and bad on me and I just didn't understand how youtubers got that full coverage but still flawless look. Took me years to figure out it was all because of lighting.
When I cosplayed I would usually apply some CC cream at the insistence of my photographer friend because it made it easier to edit the photos, but I always felt like I looked a bit ghostly. No caked on texture anymore, but the ghostly look didn't make me feel much better. Towards the end I gave up and did everything except foundation/cc cream (so just blush, eyeshadow, eyebrows, and eyeliner) and that same friend couldn't believe I didn't have any foundation on. Like kek yes bitch I have good skin you barely have to edit any skin blemishes.
No. 1411556>>1411562>>1411564>>1411573>>1411574>>1411575>>1411746>>1413916
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I don't want to make a whole thread for this but I wanna know just for fun: what kind of clothes would you dress your bf/gf in, if you could choose? Picrel kinda I guess
No. 1411562>>1411566
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>>1411556a lot of big sweaters
No. 1411563>>1411568
>>1411491Short answer: it is considered
pretentious and making fun of our measurements makes some people double down. Because our form of measurements get poked at, some people think it's justified to lash out at everyone who posts using metric. It's stupid and childish. Especially when you take in consideration that people all over the world can post recipes, not just people from the States. Stuck in a bubble.
>Do american schools annually hire a little german boy to laugh at them for using ounces for a week?Damn my friend in middle school was from Germany. She would have loved to do and would have done it for free. She use to swear in German and made me smile because no one could call her out.
No. 1411564
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>>1411556I really like the dark academia look kek. I also wish I had a tall butch gf who would indulge me every once in a while and wear blacks/greys while I wear pastels so I can live my "goth gf/pastel gf" dreams kek.
No. 1411573
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>>1411556I like how my boyfriend dresses it’s stylish and matches his personality, but I like shit like this
No. 1411574
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>>1411556it wouldn't be weird because we would own a ranch together in this alternate reality
No. 1411579>>1411588>>1411592
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Am fookin tired of applying to jobs that demand decent labour (and rarely reply), just to see they pay 7 quid per hour. What a pisstake.
I just send this jpg to the email of any employer that I think is making ridiculous demands.
No. 1411600>>1411649
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>>1411588What do you think of this one
No. 1411603>>1411655
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>>1411594Newfag annihilator has spoken
No. 1411727
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The girl in this photo is probably around 65 years old now
No. 1411746
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>>1411556for me men peaked when they used to tuck their shirts inside their pants
No. 1411754>>1411767
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>>1411742Because I love you.
No. 1411767
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Looking for TRUE LOVE
Looking for TRUE LOVE
Wherever I go…?
No. 1411806>>1411814>>1411817
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How the fuck did men manage to devolve?, you watch homevideos from the 80's/90's and even the most average man still dresses somewhat nicely and had a nice haircut. Even ''female gazey'' moids devolved, look at literally any singer moid from the 80's and compare him to 1D or other shitty boy bands from the early 10's(i dont like kpop but they at least dress nicely) and its such a fucking downgrade.
No. 1411817
>>141180680's fashion in general was great, they also still understood that women can have broad shoulders too and aren't all pearshaped. A bigger variety of haircuts were allowed other than just long hair middle part, or badly dyed mullet if you're "queer", but those are the only ones approved of. You could wear a men's clothes article without everyone screeching about how there's a boyfriend version of it in the shop at the women's section
(including in spaces populated by gc/rf, you'd think more people would be less spergy about arbitrary labeling). Actual androgyny was seen as modelesque and popular and I notice how people who grew up in that time are way more positive towards gnc people than those who grew up later. Sure there were also lots of fashion disasters, but that is just what happens when you take risks. Even though there seems to be a revival now, it still feels extremely safe, conformist in categories and not actually free. Same thing with how even though there seems to be a revival, all straight women have to gawk at on the western side of "gnc" or who is sold as "fashionable" is Harry Styles kek.
No. 1411883
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No. 1411934>>1411952
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I'm an europoor who wants to visit Alaska one day, but the high rate of scrotes and as a consequence insane rate of rapes is a massive downside. I wonder if tourists can rent a gun. I know there are cruises, but those seem expensive and shite. I just want to go to the land of Bob Ross paintings.
No. 1411944>>1411967>>1411981
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Nonnies I have a question and I'm not sure who or where to ask so I'll just dump it here. I'm bi but I can't date a bi man. The thought of sleeping with a man who has possibly slept with other men grosses me out. Can any other bi nonnies relate? Is it 'internalized homophobia' or just a preference?
No. 1412090
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No. 1412107>>1412108>>1412119
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based julia fox
No. 1412211>>1412215>>1412217>>1412227>>1412231>>1412349
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I cant stop thinking about the several times my shotafag autism saved me from getting groomed. I was part of ironic anime meme facebook groups as a preteen/teen and i befriended a lot of older men(19-21) who called me their ''loli'' and would try to flirt with me, everytime i would respond to them with something along the lines of ''2 old 4 me come back when you are a qte shota'' as a joke. Super cringe looking back, but i am glad i had that very specific and degenerate type of tism and i was never groomed into liking shit like ddlg, older man/teen girl relationships that were very popular at the time. Thank god i grew out of it and i am only into nerds and men getting beaten up now.
No. 1412231>>1412245>>1412265
>>1412211are you talking about the period of 2012-2017. god that was so disturbing but im also thankful for that because it really exposed to me what low-life pornsick pedo scrotes are.
Its so weird how it was everywhere on the internet that it was hard to ignore, it was like everyone was shilling pedophilia back the and was obsessed with with disgusting father x daughter incest.
Being born a girl sucks…
That period of the internet must have been
triggering for women who were molested.
No. 1412294>>1412296>>1412305>>1412520
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i do not get twitch streaming. in theory it sounds good but most streams end up dragging on forever, esp at the beginning. you get the notification, click on it, but the streamer spends an hour reading donos and talking about their day/week.
it's beyond me how this industry is thriving despite gen Z having no attention span. do you just have to have no hobbies to enjoy streamers? i'll stick to stream highlights
No. 1412317
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>>1412313tfw neet so its always friday
No. 1412349
nonnie, same KEK
I played a coomer mmo full of horny men and I somehow repelled all of them by being a shotafag whenever they tried to flirt with me. To be fair I was also underage but it's crazy thinking back on it.
No. 1412350>>1412353
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>>1412321Holy shit they are making a movie about the four elements, how uncreative can you be? At least buy the rights to Fireboy and Watergirl so you can make a movie about them instead
No. 1412353
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>>1412350>At least buy the rights to Fireboy and Watergirl so you can make a movie about them insteadplease dont deadname them they are trans now
No. 1412359>>1412368
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I'm trying to get back into anime so that I can start enjoying it again and stop associating it with my ex, but damn this shit is stupid and feels like a waste of time to watch kek, I'm surprised I ever liked it or got excited about shows. I feel like that greentext of the weeb who watched a proper movie for the first time and realized it was better than any anime he'd ever watched and had been wasting hundreds of hours of his life KEK. I'm gonna try more shows but the only thing I feel like watching anymore anime-wise are lighthearted comedies I've already seen.
No. 1412456>>1412481>>1412495>>1412510
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I kind of wonder if I could commission someone to make a look alike of the spice village collection
No. 1412463
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>>1412442Makes sense it always reminded me of fresca which I also love
No. 1412481>>1412482
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>>1412456 they’re not even that cute just doodle a pic of one it would look better and be more fun. Anyway I want to dress like wybie and get a motorcycle license. Or maybe I just want to become wybie idk
No. 1412503
>>1412494What? How big do you think they are, anon? They're about as big and look as heavy as any other little jar you would keep seasoning in.
>>1412495It definitely would. I'll probably just look around on ebay and in thrift stores and use the commission idea as a last resort thing.
No. 1412544>>1412545>>1412555>>1412567
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Is it just me or does this lady look like walter white in drag
No. 1412575>>1412590
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I've been watching White Lotus. I don't know how to feel about it yet, but I do think picrel will cheat.
No. 1412587
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>>1412574yeah I think they look a lot alike
No. 1412591>>1412617>>1412618>>1412637
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>>1412038it's a photo of two smiski figures and the use of the program paint not AI. I do things old school.
No. 1412599
>>1412577kek, nonna, you have a 1 in 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 (64^16) chance each time, go for it
No. 1412712>>1412719
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Listening to Spongebob songs
No. 1412719
>>1412712KEEKWEEK: ON
No. 1412908>>1412939>>1412953
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Testing testing why is my phone shitting itself
No. 1412968
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I watched a video about undiscovered elements and almost started crying thinking how we might discover something world changing in the future kekkk. Looking at stars in the night sky makes me cry too, why am I retarded
No. 1413015
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whats your favourite touristic destination from your country? for me its Bariloche, i want to go again but my mom hates the cold
No. 1413074
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Have the people who work on this show never seen a pregnant woman? It literally looks like a basketball shoved under her shirt lol
No. 1413087>>1413098>>1413107>>1421583
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I got called señora(old lady) today. I am 21.
No. 1413107>>1413116
What are the most common pet names (for your SO/family members) in your language/area? I'm Russian and usually we use some kind of baby animal (little bunny, little bird, kitty), some sort of general adjective like sweet (сладкая) and good (хорошая), sometimes astral bodies lol (little sun, little star).
>>1413087If it was by a kid, then i got to tell you: when i was around 5, I guessed that my babysitter was around 70 when she was 21, i had no idea what a 70 y/o actually looked like (yeah maybe i was dumb). If I got called an old lady in public would just assume i was wearing something old lady-like
No. 1413116
File (hide): 1668778722544.png (153.87 KB, 512x512, 1649209899850.png)

>>1413098>>1413107 it was a woman who was older than me, kill me kek
No. 1413140
>>1413098I'm so happy I'm a
chicana and I don't have to live in fear of this. Getting called "lady" in english destroys my self esteem enough
No. 1413144>>1413155
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I think men peaked when they looked like old lesbians
No. 1413162>>1413205
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>i created my first thread here 2 years ago
wow, i cant believe i have been on this site for so long
No. 1413170
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she's such a queen. I am glad they changed her personality from ''bossy straightman'' to ''unhinged bitch''.
No. 1413212
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>>1413205jellystone, its okay
No. 1413235>>1413321
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>>1413190Nonita, I will make one for you because I love you, but you have to promise not to make fun of the threadpic, I am sad and sensitive
No. 1413321
>>1413220I tried once and I fucked it up so bad the janny deleted it, I don't have the confidence to try again until I know I won't fuck it up
>>1413235My sweet Nona I love anons like you, I would never make fun of anyone's chosen threadpic ♥
No. 1413399
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Anon darling you're my best friend
No. 1413443
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Being a broke student is truly a jarring experience
No. 1413457>>1413463>>1414191
File (hide): 1668798994834.jpg (29.21 KB, 333x500, 433cdb86e4fa4be0a95031064eacab…)

I wish I had a cute punk bf who gets into fights with retards
No. 1413463>>1413476
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>>1413457ugh there’s just something so ridiculously charming about 90s matthew lillard
also, I think you’ll appreciate this edit No. 1413480>>1413642
>>1413127Imo, most oreos are more sugar than flavor but I guess you will be able to judge for yourself when you come here haha. I rarely eat them but when I do I like to get red velvet or birthday cake. Lemon are good too.
Also, I would recommend going to a gas station for full candy and chip selection rather than a Walmart. Idk if it's just me but I always feel like gas stations have better candy than a grocery store. A grocery store might have more varieties though (like more kitkat flavors, for example).
No. 1413513>>1413527>>1413859
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Kek why is makeup marketing so retarded
No. 1413568>>1413578>>1413829
File (hide): 1668805177021.png (374.21 KB, 640x360, 07c.png)

my love for the big boss is immeasurable. every other man pales in comparison
No. 1413578>>1413582>>1413829
File (hide): 1668805971084.gif (1.93 MB, 245x270, ss.gif)

>>1413568Virgin Big Boss fan vs Stacy Solid Snake appreciator
No. 1413595>>1413602
>>1413582kojima is great at making husbandos tbh theres an autistic hunk in every flavor
t. venomfag
No. 1413624>>1413631>>1413838
File (hide): 1668808105043.gif (995.05 KB, 499x499, 9606A8F7-174E-4C5B-80D2-5C7ED4…)

I love touching grass. And I don't mean it in the "touch grass" way, I mean I actually like the touchfeel of grass. Grass is very soft, slimy, and moist. I consider myself to be a connonsur of grass.
No. 1413693>>1413703
File (hide): 1668813855362.jpeg (33.24 KB, 275x252, AF4F1541-A0BC-4870-836D-4A9ECB…)

I learned to roll my rs for the language I am learning
No. 1413829
File (hide): 1668823497227.jpg (71.36 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

but aLso consider
No. 1413916
File (hide): 1668830675837.jpg (19.53 KB, 325x433, red-polo-beige-chinos-brown-su…)

>>1411556i used to work at home depot for about 2 years and I only ever saw one DILF. Dressed like this but with very broad shoulders and biceps. Sometimes I think about him. Picrel is the style but not body type
No. 1413996>>1414039>>1414169
File (hide): 1668842977758.jpeg (100.97 KB, 612x406, BB1873A4-8AD5-4A84-81AC-8D8CA3…)

I just took a poop and it was insanely green, literally the color of grass and it turned the water in the toilet bowl green, i know it’s technically normal to have green color poop but I cannot emphasize enough how green this was, it was mind blowing.
No. 1414141
File (hide): 1668862684356.jpg (47.46 KB, 634x487, article-2565884-1BBF77D5000005…)

I saw a Troon earlier and it scared me. Literally like even if I wasn't based and peaked I think I'd startle. It didn't look right, he was wearing orange foundation over his stubble and a really bad shiny blonde wig he reminded me of those latex mask dudes. I was unsettled, it looked uncanny and not right.
No. 1414162
>>1414153Wtf why would you be together r even just spend time with someone like that? Please work on your confidence
No. 1414183>>1414206
File (hide): 1668866613103.png (60.18 KB, 752x434, lkjhgfdsfghjkl.png)

Wish it was still socially acceptable to say one is "fagged out" when tired. This place fags me out sometimes
No. 1414206>>1414214
File (hide): 1668868416309.jpg (70.05 KB, 700x365, behind-the-song-fake-plastic-t…)

>>1414183A green plastic watering can
For a fake Chinese rubber plant
In a fake plastic earth
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plants
To get rid of itself
It fags her out
It fags her out
It fags her out
It fags her out
No. 1414207
File (hide): 1668868470482.jpg (83.45 KB, 614x630, butter.jpg)

I saw a vid of someone opening one of these and I remembered the time I got one and they exploded into my hair and because of the rubber bands they were tangled so badly it took like a half hour to get them out and it hurt and ripped my hair out. Would be a great gift for someone you hate
No. 1414254>>1414338
File (hide): 1668871710321.gif (3.19 MB, 476x368, 812226326a166716661df42bea3faa…)

I read about numerology chart because I was bored and it might be autosuggestion but some of it seemed very accurate and now I want to know more. I mean damn even if it's bs it still makes me want to get my shit together because my life path and personality are both karmic numbers kek
No. 1414355
File (hide): 1668876123485.jpg (52.27 KB, 540x304, tumblr_o7kmexfk431ttwfmao1_540…)

Why the fuck does everyone keep alluding to Yumi King milk in /ot/ but nobody will make a new thread
>inb4 you do it
no you do it
No. 1414454>>1414474>>1414479
File (hide): 1668880821178.png (494.96 KB, 720x717, Screenshot_20221119-115814.png)

Men really rely on children for emotional support
No. 1414479>>1414500
File (hide): 1668882225854.jpeg (71.99 KB, 750x444, 1608147635041.jpeg)

>>1414454Holy shit this was my life from 13-16. It's so specific I didn't think it was common. I know grooming discord kittens is common but having to be a grown mans emotional support was mentally draining as well.
>>1414474It's a manipulation tactic but I think these degenerate scrotes are such pieces of miserable shits in real life that they've burned all bridges and have literally no one else to rely on for friendship, venting or anything.
No. 1414484
File (hide): 1668882438882.jpg (40.63 KB, 600x600, orangutan_square.jpg)

got diarrhea as soon as I got to my friend's place. kill me. at least i didn't get the gut pain on the way there
No. 1414541
>>1414527Last night, my ex saw a friend of mine, accosted her, and said it was our faults that she doxed /us/. I knew she had doxed my friend but not me lol. My friend had to change her number and take her linkedin down because people kept calling her work.
All I did to my ex was catch her cheating, and all my friend did to her was refuse to clean up someone else's trash which resulted in losing a security deposit.
No. 1414557>>1414566
File (hide): 1668886913275.jpg (22.75 KB, 474x317, 1668320947147.jpg)

CP on front page, bumpingggg
No. 1414564>>1414568>>1414569
File (hide): 1668887350444.jpeg (2.38 MB, 4032x3024, A735FA20-F09D-42EB-89CC-6A27C1…)

Cute food I made yesterday to bump the seapee
No. 1414567>>1414580>>1414584
File (hide): 1668887387325.jpg (26.72 KB, 400x400, FfPbVV7aUAUzLFD.jpg)

Men go so fucking ooga booga for tits, it's not even funny. Like Ben Shaprio's sister or that Bella Janke, you have adult-ass men commenting "mommy give me milkies" and it's not just a joke, it's full on retardation
No. 1414580
>>1414567There’s men who will publicly be like
let me latch mommi and then there’s men who will only admit to it in private. Every moid is one or the other
No. 1414594
File (hide): 1668889572198.jpeg (11.52 KB, 360x360, 922AADA9-4EDC-44DC-99EC-12779D…)

Ahhughhhh I’m so pissed I just found there’s a chinese language major in my university that was introduced in 2020 right after I already transferred from computer science to linguistics such a waste damn I’m graduating next year but Ive always wanted to study mandarin
No. 1414737>>1414744
File (hide): 1668901332642.jpg (265.02 KB, 550x715, d3csrak-5d7f0e80-8ea6-4925-8be…)

heck yes!!!!!! my love for drawing is back after a rough depression, i want to draw some beaten up men and cute capybaras
No. 1414858>>1414961
File (hide): 1668908412841.png (106.56 KB, 540x250, 1665562777749.png)

I want to get into fighting games but all the ones i like are dead and the popular ones have too many troons
No. 1414958
File (hide): 1668913912511.jpg (30.79 KB, 553x353, 1598401775858.jpg)

holy shit lmfao I got banned from twitter for calling elon musk a little slut oh my god
No. 1414992>>1415041
File (hide): 1668916705169.jpg (19.49 KB, 349x591, 94b3a8094bd7475484d9337f04f5e0…)

I saved a couple of funny memey pictures on Pinterest and now I'm getting mass recomended some of the most aggressively unfunny try hard attempts to be sassy posts I've ever seen. I hate them all.
No. 1415041
File (hide): 1668919876711.jpg (77.04 KB, 850x641, Rest-in-Peace-Message-for-Some…)

>>1414992eternal suffering awaits you. RIP. never save or interact with a meme or funny screenshot on any platform with a recommendation algorithm….
No. 1415363>>1415366>>1415383>>1415439
File (hide): 1668952669400.jpg (65.24 KB, 640x834, cb9a2abe214494aa42675a004657fa…)

posted in the lolcow memes thread but also posting here
No. 1415381
>>1415372Every time I check g theres a new
nonnie describing her bf raping her but then playing it off as no big deal.. So I agree
No. 1415383>>1415863>>1415869>>1416069
>>1415363I mostly browse /m/ and /g/ because these two boards are the least
toxic ones. Sometimes /ot/ and /pt/.
/snow/ and /x2/ are down right
No. 1415406
File (hide): 1668954515096.png (7.15 MB, 2532x4224, disney could never.png)

>>1415390Look at this it looks BEAUTIFUL, it looks like concept art turn to life. The fight scenes also look amazing, they look so dynamic. I bought the art book for the Bad Guys and i am absolutely getting the artbook for this movie too. I am so glad that animation studios are trying to do their own thing instead of still copying Disney's bland, shitty 3D style that ruined animation for decades.
No. 1415431
File (hide): 1668957044633.jpeg (50.32 KB, 640x640, 9C28559B-6FFB-4C46-A679-98CDDC…)

i wonder if people can tell im straight
No. 1415439
File (hide): 1668958452035.jpeg (78.51 KB, 800x533, 38708224-46B1-4503-BC98-1FA75F…)

>>1415363/sty/ is unironically the best board
No. 1415446>>1415449>>1415519>>1415538
File (hide): 1668958847590.jpeg (48.8 KB, 666x263, F45944A2-295F-4C4D-8088-16307B…)

>>1415440Too bad, there's a brazillion of us and we have you surrounded. If we can't bring you to Brazil then we will bring Brazil to you
No. 1415448
File (hide): 1668959121153.png (599.75 KB, 1024x1024, 1657513357332.png)

>drinking terere
>doing my loomis heads and actually having fun with a pencil
Today is a good day nonnas, I am just going to draw and ignore my responsabilities.
No. 1415515
File (hide): 1668962758758.jpg (378.16 KB, 1315x1131, Capture.JPG)

>>1415483Paris should have put hawk protection on it. but versace doesnt make them so she would never
No. 1415522>>1415532
File (hide): 1668963249242.jpeg (117.58 KB, 919x1300, F1708BB0-A64A-4D4C-8FBD-C769BC…)

>>1415501They are tasty chubby little morsels. Pretty much this, if you think about it.
No. 1415628
>>1415616Some threads on /ot/ are too similar to each other and a couple of which are just newfags failing to integrate and are using lolcow just like social media like twitter or tiktok.
>>1415625 while moderation is a little better then it was in the beginning of the year it still isn't enough, we haven't had a hellweek for a long long time or a proper lolcow award like it was a couple years ago.
No. 1415630>>1415634>>1415635
File (hide): 1668968203577.png (104.35 KB, 189x285, Capture.PNG)

i don't really know where to put this but after today I'm no longer a fan of Frankie Frankiston James aka FFJ as everyone else knows him.
His last movie was a flop, his last single sounded horrible and was just fucking generic as they come. I'm realizing he's a misogynistic piece of shit. No longer a fan. What kind of album cover is this? it's his 5th ablum and he hasn't gotten any better, after 7 years?
No. 1415639>>1415641>>1415646
File (hide): 1668968484588.jpg (64.12 KB, 512x512, download.jpg)

>>1415634FFJ, some retarded moid, who makes shitty music and doesn't care about his fans
>>1415635If this is hot to you I don't know what you are seeing. As well as being a coke addict he's also addicted to plastic surgery. Which is ironic because he broke up with his ex girlfriend of 7 years because she got that "fox eye surgery". He used this picture for the album release cover after he got roasted on twitter (and tumblr/facebook) for how horrible he looks.
No. 1415648
>>1415646Thats what he wants you to think, he's really big into fake shit. He just edits his pictures a lot, because his surgery is so fucking bad. FFJ is bigger over sea's and I know you see the morping around his eyes, because he's so shitty at his editing, and he HAS to be hands on with everything that it looks that way.
There was a huge debate over this, because people can't even spot photoshop when it's someone they like.
He's such a poser, his music is shit and "I am, what you are not" is a shitty song and should've never been adopted into a play. I'm happy it failed. It's a rip off of a bunch of better songs.
No. 1415863
>>1415383/2X/ seems fine the few times I've been there, how is it any more
toxic than the cow boards?
No. 1415871>>1415875>>1415882>>1415883>>1415888>>1415894>>1415925>>1416000>>1416005>>1416006>>1416012>>1416013>>1416452
File (hide): 1668981498730.jpeg (64.53 KB, 406x500, 2C09A385-3DB1-46DA-A854-36D2C3…)

The clothes you're wearing right now are the clothes that you will get isekai'd with to the world of the last videogame you played. What will you end up wearing? You can't change your clothes or alter them.
No. 1415967>>1415980
File (hide): 1668988489612.png (385.2 KB, 1400x720, 1666803736950.png)

am I retarded or was this drawn by sillypoo from youtube
No. 1415986
File (hide): 1668989288378.png (41.4 KB, 202x393, Capture.PNG)

>>1415983Uhh Um clears throat-
I see life with thick black lines on lined paper. Nonnies, I think I've been converted into the toonzone
No. 1415993
File (hide): 1668989594553.gif (32.69 KB, 200x200, 603491472funny-cute-cow-dancin…)

I'm so excited to be cooking for my family this Thanksgiving! My cooking can be pretty hit or miss, but I'm confident. I hope you all will have a good Thanksgiving too (or holidays for the anons who aren't burgers)!
No. 1416000
File (hide): 1668989859656.png (1.8 MB, 1366x768, BoneStakeCentreHD.png)

>>1415871Blue owl pattern buttoned pajama top and pants, purple shirt with owl holding a pentagram pendant on a crystal ball in moonlight, socks with black cat pattern, red and beige plaid scarf. I'll be the second woman to be burned as a witch in 4 days.
No. 1416018
File (hide): 1668990497992.jpeg (1004.83 KB, 1242x2139, 0BAFE92F-FA24-4247-B504-D5B9DD…)

The carrd of a tumblr page that posts music, what type of mental illness is this? I really can’t wrap my mind around the fact that these people are real
No. 1416055
>>1416027Your bf's a weirdo especially if you're just of Spanish descent.
>>1416039For who? Twitter users?
No. 1416069
>>1415383ot has been fucking horrible lately. i see a lot of anons with anger issues taking shit way too seriously, acting like scrotes and i just saw some posters who i'm convinced were moids shame an anon for being raped by someone a lot older which is the most disgusting
>>1415392i haven't listened to this in years it really takes me back!
No. 1416071
File (hide): 1668992665431.jpg (393.97 KB, 3000x2400, 7yegqfpbtk361.jpg)

>>1416065this happens to me whenever i see a hamster or a stoat
No. 1416125>>1416127>>1416129>>1416451
File (hide): 1668996107361.jpg (14.51 KB, 390x280, s6h1qrb9qbx91.jpg)

Dumping moids was genuinely the best thing that happened to this website and everyone who disagrees is, in fact, a moid, tranny or handmaiden with no exceptions.
I was looking up old cows and didn't even remember the threads to be this bad, probably because I didn't know how good lolcow could be back then.
>>>/pt/152617 No. 1416178
>>1416127We didn't know better yet, also
>>1416151 though idk if he was the first admin.
>>1416129I don't even remember properly anymore, maybe 4 years ago? It started with obvious r9k/incel posters getting their posts marked, which I think was after a certain incel got a thread here and started spamming in his own thread (his name was Marijam or something similar). They just got worse anyway as lolcow became more popular.
No. 1416357>>1416374>>1416454
File (hide): 1669015568274.jpeg (103.12 KB, 1000x1080, 2E730ABB-A895-4A67-BDF0-410CFF…)

I believe I have SpiderVision(TM). I can see spiders from meters away. Even the small ones. I can see their webs from a distance. I always notice them even when I don't want to. I can never catch them though, the little fuckers always evade me. Why am I like this, why am I cursed
No. 1416364
File (hide): 1669016195833.jpeg (414.23 KB, 1080x1920, 408BE3F0-20FA-4D83-A9CF-D2792D…)

I saw this in the zoomer hate thread and I hate shit like this and I like etymology so here we go
Kyle is likely from the (Scottish? Irish?) Gaelic “caol”, meaning narrow strait, a channel, a sound. Strait as in “a narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two other large areas of water.” Think the Gibraltar Strait. So a geographical feature. Kylie, Kyla etc probably also come from this.
Tim, short for Timothy, is from the Greek “Timotheos“, meaning honouring God or one who honours God. There’s also a St. Timothy from the 1st century AD.
Bob, often short for Robert, is of Germanic origin, meaning “fame-bright”, glory-bright” or “shining with glory/fame/renown.”
Tyler, derived from Old French “tieuleor, tieulier” meaning “tile-maker, tiler” and the Middle English “tylere” meaning “a brick, a tile.” Could also mean “doorkeeper of an inn" or "owner of a tavern” for some reason.
Ok thank you that’s all.
No. 1416508>>1416626
File (hide): 1669044563242.gif (2.24 MB, 250x275, 1658413467654.gif)

I went grocery shopping. My bf also went on his own after work. We did not communicate and bought almost exactly the same stuff kek. Now we have a huge pile of tofu
No. 1416618
File (hide): 1669052180925.jpg (82.09 KB, 760x750, original.jpg)

>>1416529mwah mwah love you
nonnie No. 1416661
File (hide): 1669054136899.gif (2.22 MB, 400x250, broke-money.gif)

I ran out of both my skincare and haircare products at the same. I was hoping to drag what little was left a few more weeks but nope, RIP.
No. 1416688
File (hide): 1669055124658.jpg (15.25 KB, 400x260, s-l400.jpg)

I was playing a remix of a jamiroquai song on youtube today and some woman in the comments was like… excuse me why is there a graphic of SATAN on the screen?
No. 1416703
File (hide): 1669056054249.jpg (2.93 MB, 1920x2560, todd chrisle.jpg)

This motherfucker is so gay.
No. 1416715>>1416720
File (hide): 1669056632424.png (14.69 KB, 1152x273, tumblr_n6vtg7XBXQ1qfsqwro1_128…)

Is it me or have the mods been even more inactive than usual lately? Sure they do a great job at removing troll threads but seem to ignore spergouts and derailings among other things that deserve bans. I've mostly seen bans being handed out in /ot/ but not in the actual gossip subforums.
No. 1416858>>1417064
>>1416770I'm turning 32 next week and this hits pretty true, while I lurk some threads most of them don't feel relevant to me and I feel out of touch with some of the drama because I don't think of whatever people get hung up on are that serious at times. The only outlier for me is Jill/Pixielocks because I was in the lolita community during the LACE drama so I couldn't help myself from start keeping tabs on her threads when the DID thing came out.
/ot/ I think is a pretty good place for most ages though, it has a sense of sisterhood everyone can relate to even with the schizoposters. There aren't any places like this for older women so why should anyone stop just because they pass an imaginary threshold.
No. 1416935
File (hide): 1669066687240.png (112 KB, 524x319, MasterChef-Season-4-Episode-21…)

It's probably just lighting or editing to make the food look more appetizing, but I hate how everyone in Masterchef looks orange
No. 1416949>>1416951>>1416953>>1416960>>1417129
File (hide): 1669067455432.jpg (Spoiler Image,14 KB, 457x250, 3909288-0d52bb8206cb92b22b2854…)

hate scrotes so much, their disgusting meat tubes weren't enough, now they want to stick their saggy bags..yuck. yuck yuck. Don't open if you don't want to look into the new level of weird scrote shit I just discovered.
No. 1416953>>1417129
File (hide): 1669067848858.png (Spoiler Image,533.95 KB, 950x932, sdasdasd.png)

>>1416949when a man reaches this level of degeneracy it should be legal to put them down like rabid dogs
No. 1416955
File (hide): 1669068034445.jpg (4.68 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

>>1416951>Hey babe, you know whats really hot?>what *The scrote says as his "hungry eyes began to actitivate">I heard this christian lawyer I watch, whose 100% not a coomer (brittany Venti says so) and he was shilling this thing called a "Balldo tm>>Yes, just stick your wacky little love sacks into here sweetie, I got the pink one so it's cheaper>Okay..She used picrel for lube
No. 1416962
File (hide): 1669068417169.png (9.87 KB, 631x149, Capture.PNG)

No. 1417000
File (hide): 1669070259586.jpg (49 KB, 500x500, 1654986641509.jpg)

I am eating caesar salad(drenched in unhealthy dressings like god intended)
No. 1417031>>1417046
File (hide): 1669071612783.jpg (49.98 KB, 512x512, download (2).jpg)

"what do hungry eyes look like?"
No. 1417064>>1417091
>>1416850Found the 40 year old who goes on the gossip boards. There are barely any cows who are in the late 30s to 40s year old range, and most of them are early 20s. Imagine spending your free time dunking on women half your age. Women in their 20s and 30s have age, money, and lack of life experience as an excuse. But you’re absolutely pathetic.
>>1416858Most 30 year olds are just starting to figure life out, you’re fine. And I’m talking about /w/ /snow/ and /pt/, /ot/ and /g/ are usually pretty pleasant.
No. 1417079>>1417081
File (hide): 1669074853732.jpg (428.88 KB, 750x748, 1665542661373.jpg)

My mom looked at my salad and said ''are you gonna eat all that?!'' i cant even larp as a healthy person in peace, i am a hungry woman leave me eat my entire bowl of salad
No. 1417085
File (hide): 1669075233521.jpg (48.51 KB, 960x640, 1647558803970.jpg)

>>1417081i put cherry tomatoes and pieces of chicken in mine! , also oil and aceto for dressing. Its great because its super hot here.
No. 1417110>>1417118
File (hide): 1669077384229.jpeg (297.84 KB, 1300x1030, satoshikawasaki.jpeg)

had to share this
No. 1417129
>>1416949>>1416953If you listen to the Your Kickstarter Sucks podcast this is old news.
I only vaguely followed it but I think on one of the premium episodes their guest (a lady who sells sex toys for a living) said the guy who invented balldo was just a random man who wanted to have ballsex with his wife and wound up creating this thing (they he tried selling it to others who might also have his fetish, which went surprisingly well but I think it markets itself by being goofy).
Maybe he was trying to make it good for her too? Benefit of the doubt…
No. 1417232
File (hide): 1669083418142.jpg (65.1 KB, 563x614, 20221111_121131.jpg)

No. 1417248>>1417252>>1417255
File (hide): 1669084657784.png (239.96 KB, 640x480, 1644369876869.png)

I am surprised(and glad) that King of The Hill isnt popular with TiFs, it feels like the thing they would latch one like hungry lions to.
No. 1417577>>1417729
File (hide): 1669116301070.jpeg (117.14 KB, 828x573, C2D81A38-E7DE-455E-B56A-DC2E60…)

i’m not watching the match bc im busy but wtf dog
No. 1417594>>1417864
File (hide): 1669118164032.jpg (156.77 KB, 750x1000, 649300_1661119184_da92c6ea-253…)

i think i might have went through a manic episode spanning past two weeks. i nearly joined army. i need to finally get that diagnosis
No. 1417598
File (hide): 1669118353934.png (28.42 KB, 250x250, 848.png)

I found a shiny Toxel and wonder traded it immediately out of principle
No. 1417624>>1417630>>1417730
File (hide): 1669120283814.jpg (14.32 KB, 370x320, a95e1e34159f1004d4eeddd6a1e364…) you think it's silly to buy a Christmas gift for a cousin (from partners family) who we see only 2-3 times a year at best? This cute girl is the best kid, she is such a wonderful sunshine and everytime I see her she makes my day. She is such a cutie, but i don't want to make things awkward as we are not close with her mother.
No. 1417708>>1417719>>1417724
File (hide): 1669129235345.jpg (19.08 KB, 400x451, 757bbf3cd098dfbdabd168dbc82d1b…)

>Last Christmas I gave you my heart
>But the very next day you gave it away
>This year, to save me from tears
>I'll give it to someone special
No. 1417729>>1417846
File (hide): 1669130027724.gif (935.97 KB, 200x190, rage.gif)

>>1417577my mom promised me that if Argentina won she would make me waffles and the useless piece of shit moids whose only work is kicking a ball lost, i fucking hate soccer, i fucking hate my soccer obssesed ape society, BUT I FUCKING WANTED WAFFLES FUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUU MESSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
No. 1417746>>1417753>>1417762>>1417766>>1417803
File (hide): 1669132406246.png (134.07 KB, 294x340, 1669072676524.png)

I love seeing this thread picture. Who created it? Legit makes me wish I could draw so I could make a whole retarded comic book about this. It's been my brain rent free. Gonna make it my phone background
No. 1417768>>1417773
File (hide): 1669133724972.jpg (116.15 KB, 1398x1222, 1606845938500.jpg)

I was worried my moid isn't into me anymore but then I remembered I'm too beautiful and smart to concern myself with that
No. 1417836>>1417844>>1417919
File (hide): 1669137994521.jpg (188.54 KB, 1200x1681, Gambito-de-dama-1-1200x1681-1.…)

my aunt just told me i look like pic rel. I look nothing alike wtf, now i have a complex about my eyes being too far apart. Thanks for nothing, kek.
No. 1417846
>>1417729You can make your own waffles
nonnie I believe in you
No. 1417854>>1417894>>1417961
File (hide): 1669139347373.jpg (27.55 KB, 508x478, talkdirt.jpg)

For some reason this stupid planter is killing me - why wouldn't they make it say "dirty" instead of just "dirt"? The pun is the same but the idea of "talking dirt" is just so absurd and I'm losing my mind laughing. Talk Dirt.
No. 1417917>>1417931>>1417949>>1418241
File (hide): 1669142812216.jpeg (85.4 KB, 640x799, CD09C482-20B1-4D90-A069-6AFDE3…)

>>1417860that girl is overrated and too overbooked imo
No. 1417919>>1417924>>1417935>>1417937>>1417966>>1417973>>1417981>>1417998
File (hide): 1669142846130.gif (146.36 KB, 275x168,

>>1417836fair apart wide set eyes are beautiful for example pic rel. Your aunt was telling you in my opinion she thinks you are very pretty. I hope this helps
Nonnie No. 1417924>>1417929>>1417934
File (hide): 1669142978122.jpg (71.72 KB, 576x1024, 6jcj5txwhwj41-576x1024.jpg)

>>1417919>putting null>forgetting the hammer shark qweenhow dare you
No. 1417931>>1417949>>1417950
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>>1417917Under rated and under booked in my opinion. Female version of Review Brah and I dare a
nonnie to say he aint attractive
No. 1417942>>1417947
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I also forgot to add her to my gif of attractive people with big wideset eyes, Review Brah, Venti etc. etc.
No. 1417950>>1417951
>>1417931>he aint attractivebe honest
nonny, if he wasnt an sperg and dressed like a normal man you wouldnt like him
No. 1417958>>1417963>>1417964>>1417972>>1418034
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okay so wide set eyes are ugly but this shit not?
No. 1417964>>1417967
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>>1417958yes because his eyes actually work for his face and he doesn’t look like baldi’s basics
No. 1417976>>1417979>>1417993
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whats a good tv show i can watch while i eat, preferably a comedy? i dont feel like watching any of my comfort shows. I am fucking depressed.
No. 1417990
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I’m a panini pressed baby bitch and you all look like picrel to me, jealous nonnies die mad except don’t really die
No. 1417993
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>>1417976i like watching Home Movies on my lunch breaks
No. 1418003
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>>1417989also, the fact that yesterday on my local news they were interviewing people who saved money for years(the average monthly salary here is 300 usd) to go watch the match live on a shitty corrupt mysoginist country for Argentina to lose its first match to a literal who country had me laughing all day. Soccer spergs are the absolute worst on my country, they deserve to pay thousands to be stuck in the dessert mourning the loss of a fucking soccer match.
No. 1418027>>1418240
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I put a screen protector on and theres a huge dust particle under it and it drives me crazy rreee
I put on a privacy glass so I can browse LC on the bus
No. 1418091>>1418123>>1418142
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I could buy Nikocado Avocado being an FtM. If his dick and scar-free moobs had never been shown, it'd be very believable.
No. 1418098>>1418145
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Trich got me rocking the cynthia
No. 1418128
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>>1418115You just awoke a hunger inside me nona curse you. Breakfast sausages are so delicious, I think I want to go buy some today just because of this post. I haven't had them in ages
No. 1418167>>1418178>>1418183>>1418187>>1418237
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My country is so slow when it comes to food and drink trends reaching here. Spotted this in a store today and my simple lil brain is blown now. I don't even think this is what bubble tea really is? But damn.. a taste sensation.
No. 1418237
>>1418167No don’t drink this shit. All fruit flavored milk tea are shit. Just get a milk tea with black tea. If you want somethin different try earl gray, green tea, wintermelon tea, rose tea. If given the option, ask for less sweetness.
Boba is shit. My god I think popping boba fags are total animals. The best topping is pudding or rainbow jelly. Grass jelly is kinda an acquired taste but it’s my fave. Milk foam is good but it’s not always available. Never get the slushie.
No. 1418240>>1418242>>1418245>>1418252>>1418304
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>>1418027I read lc in public all the time, no privacy glass necessary. I’m not afraid of being caught and posted because I’m a 10/10 Stacy from all angles and my fits are immaculate. Not to mention, I have a pure and beautiful aura that blinds the average moid and renders most mortal beings to tears; none can find anything bad to say about me and any who try eventually drive themselves insane seething over my perfection.
No. 1418375>>1418378>>1418385
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I was brushing my hair and noticed a clump at back roots that was matted, I tried watering it and it won’t detangle what do I do help pls it looks exactly like picrel
I think it’s matted because I slept in a towel without brushing my hair
No. 1418382>>1418393>>1418397>>1418399>>1418404>>1418414>>1418416>>1418417
File (hide): 1669163694687.jpg (256.17 KB, 1922x1275, internet chart.jpg)

In the height of the twitblr thing going on and since I love humanizations of websites I decided to doodle a relationship chart.
Who else should I add?
No. 1418383>>1418390
>>1418377Woah, that’s tense. I’m sorry you had to experience that
You should try writing about it, like a short essay? You don’t have to show it to anyone, it just helps to get through it and reflect
No. 1418412
>>1418393Good idea! I'd presume he's like some furry in a wheelchair or something maybe?
>>1418397>>1418399I was definitely thinking about adding Cece, Elsie crashes at her place when she can't find the keys to her house (aka this site).
AE-tan (encyclopedia dramatica's mascot) is like wikipe's slutty cousin
No. 1418432>>1418433
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Added ED and crystal cafe! I actually don’t know if CC has a board tan or if it’s just Cece so I drew a literal crystal girl for the miner
Also I liked the idea of Cece being her pet so she’s just hanging out.
No. 1418433>>1418437
>>1418432can you explain ae-tan? im retarded, I love this so mucn
nonnie, something about Instagram reminds me of girl game animations
No. 1418437>>1418441>>1418442>>1418485
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>>1418433AE-tan is encyclopedia dramatica's mascot who's been around for a while, pretty clearly they got a lot of inspo from wikipe-tan for her so for this they're estranged cousins.
I like to imagine that the kiwi is literally her pet who's more well known than her now.
No. 1418445>>1418455
>>1418442Exactly, she's basically the type of person who will do anything to be popular despite being well past her time in the spotlight to the point where she'd start fighting to keep the kiwi bird alive by all means possible as it's the only thing that sort of remains of her (with the whole cwc obsession).
Ironically though twitter tan doesn't even know she exists, she hates the actual kiwi bird way more.
No. 1418475
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>>1418468You came out with a valuable lesson in these two hours, that is not to waste time on useless things!
No. 1418485
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>>1418437i miss this era of the internet. When lolcows were actually funny and not rage inducing/actually dangerous to society
No. 1418499>>1418502
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No. 1418502
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>>1418499be like me protect yourselves nonas, before it's too late
No. 1418519
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>>1418507angry vines typed this post.
No. 1418544
>>1418507Snails are helpful to the ecosystem since the provide as food for others and their shit provides as fertilizer. you are an ugly snail hater who doesn't recognize that they deserve respect.
besides snails do not make the same amount of damage to the environment as humans do.
No. 1418545
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I dont know why but whenever someone compares a person to a who it always cracks me up, they are always spot on
No. 1418599>>1418620
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can the nonna who deleted this post pls repost so i can save the cat gif thanks
No. 1418620>>1418624
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>>1418599i gotchu nonna, that post was gold dunno why she deleted it
No. 1418622>>1418631>>1418642
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>the gay bar shooter is a themlet
we live in a surreal timeline nonnies
No. 1418626>>1418631>>1418637
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I don't know how to feel about JK rowling following libs of tiktok
No. 1418631
>>1418622Inb4 queers on Twitter start screeching about misgendering this piece of shit.
>>1418626Also, I seriously doubt she actually watches them. She's probably too busy.
No. 1418637>>1418641>>1418655
>>1418626I unfollowed her because she liked a bunch of cringey posts from
terf lolcows celebrating musk's new policy
No. 1418655
>>1418637Lmao but I bet you were like most anons praising her for her based
terf energy before. She is an old lady, not terminally online, who writes for a profession no shit she would see the celebration of "actual freedom of speech on twitter"
that caters to scrotes, unfortunately as a good thing.
Fuck that hell hole tho ill just keep visiting for the artists
No. 1418814
>>1418676It really reveals the deep rooted misogyny from the other side
> I don’t agree with you> oh you’re a man larping as a women?> suddenly I agree Biggest black pill
No. 1419099>>1419102>>1419194
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>>1419049I had no idea of that before you mentioned. I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt but the document thing is so disgusting it actually made my stomach churn. What the fuck.
No. 1419263
>>1419215I just feel nonnies should be more "caring" when it comes to those who aren't that great with words.
>>1419219I just say fuck it, I used to care but now (since yesterday) I do not, You know what I mean and just want to bully the less fortunate with words
No. 1419307>>1419308>>1419356>>1419488
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I love how this image was likely meant to attack single women but it's actually based as fuck and this is honestly life goals minus the alcohol.
No. 1419335
>>1419333what the fuck, am american, it's 5pm and I just got my second cup of coffee, i'm kind of creeped out.
Haven't been baiting though.
No. 1419355
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>Beautytuber: Here is a simple and easy tutorial on how to lift your face!
>Me that is retarded with makeup: !!!!
>Beautytuber: But note that it ot only looks good on camera, don't do this in real life
>picrel is the face I made
No. 1419357>>1419358>>1421855
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I can't stop thinking about Üter-chan. today I thought of her spitroast post in the shameful fetishes thread whilst I was at my work desk and I just started howling with laughter. Üter-chan… grace us with your presence…
No. 1419379>>1419382
>>1419372>I've made it once in a slow cooker beforePlease tell me you meant a pressure cooker.
>>1419364The cheat way is to get a can of condensed milk and cook it still in the can in a pressure cooker, you need to like make a hole in the top and put water in the pressure cooker til the middle of the can. I dunno, it has been forever since I've done it.
No. 1419478>>1419483
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samefag but not a single zoomer knows what socialism is.
No. 1419489>>1419498>>1419499>>1419502
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60's women were so pretty and cool
No. 1419503
>>1419498bernardine dohrn. i dont agree with a bunch of stuff she said but damn she was fucking wild.
>>1419499>>1419502but not the spirit nonna, girlbosses nowadays could never become top 10 most wanted by the FBI
No. 1419519
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I am so angry nonnas, my favourite tshirt is retired from the store just when i had the extra money to buy them and the new ones are so ugly. I dont understand why a small niche clothing company would do that, seems like a waste of good designs grr.
No. 1419520
>>1419516Reading it is genuinely so sad because it’s always either women settling for subpar men or being dogpiled by some redditors for not being a doormat to her shitty husband
It’s always the women who’s getting fucked over
No. 1419689>>1419699>>1419750
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>>1419633remember those anons from the confessions thread around a year ago? one claimed it's because she didn't want to waste soap since she pees too much and thus would end up overusing it, another claimed she only does it when someone's watching but otherwise doesn't see the need (for both pissing AND shitting) just because she never gets sick, doesn't do it before preparing food either
No. 1419750>>1419753>>1419780
>>1419689Thats absolutely disgusting. Maybe I'm the odd one out here but I wash my hands
before and after using the restroom. The thought of transferring germs on to my toilet paper ,especially when im at work dealing with customers, thus smearing those germs into my urethra and vulva makes me shudder. Theres so many people like that anon out there, just unwashed filthy slobs, it makes me hate touching door knobs, keypads, touch screens and other high traffic areas in public. I especially hate any form of transaction with scrotes where I have to touch something they've touched (money, merchandise etc ESPECIALLY credit cards and ID cards that are well seasoned with their filth) because guys can't keep their hands off their disease ridden dick and balls and definitely never wash their hands after shitting. People who don't wash their hands like that probably don't wash their feet in the shower and probably don't wash their butthole very well either. I also bet that anon and her husbando itt smell sour and stink
No. 1419832>>1419871>>1419875>>1419878
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I always wonder how owners let their pets get fat, that animal is on a genetic level designed to be lean and it instinct is to move around and burn calories
No. 1419871>>1419877
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>>1419832My cat is a fatass even though I try to always give her less food than the other cat. The other one is a picky eater and the fatter one always gorges both of their food if the picky one doesn't eat hers. The skinnier one is the alfa boss bitch who will eat even the fatter gorls food if it's something she likes tho so it's not about the fatter one stealing food food from the skinnier one either.. maybe the fatty eats her feelings for being boolied
No. 1419897>>1420103
Just read some chapters of The Boys, jfc, that's one the most scrotish, moid-tier comics I've ever read. Moids killing heroes, heroes killing moids, random women dying for the hell of it, degenerate sex everywhere for the hell of it, lots of edgy shit and blood, more violence, more sex, assaults…literally the actual description of "shitshow", it's like a trainwreck you can't stop looking at
No. 1420061>>1420068
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So many men on my tv the last couple of days because of the world cup and almost all of them are so ugly.
No. 1420424>>1420445>>1420811
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Certain people should not be allowed to post stuff on the internet
No. 1420665>>1420668>>1420693>>1420703
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call me a bitch but i hate when people talk to me about their job, it's so boring.
No. 1420791>>1420794
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so I was shopping for socks earlier today
No. 1420792
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Screw the electricity bill i am turning the AC on
No. 1420797
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i ate a sandwich, scrambled eggs+toast and 3 hotdogs and i still feel hungry. kill me.
No. 1420883>>1420888>>1420891>>1420911>>1420929>>1420932>>1420980>>1421018
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>>1417864i calmed down for a few days and the need is back again
im a euro. and I know it's not the smartest choice for a woman but i really wanna do it. typical way of living and working tires me and makes me feel like vomiting. especially since i found out it's possible to join army for just a year i want to see if this could be the thing for me. i dont remember the last time i was this giddy about idea of doing something
No. 1420911>>1420950
>>1420883I'm in a West Euro country and just last year or so there was this interview with a female army officer who made headlines saying she'd never allow her daughter to join the army because the misogyny is that bad. I always thought that as West Europeans we were more or less beyond most open and blatant forms of misogyny but I guess I was naive. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't underestimate how tough it is to be in an all-male environment, especially one that's all about being tough, not being allowed to complain/show weakness and where men will go out of their way to protect each other when they cross boundaries with you. You'd be on your own.
I kinda get wanting to join the army for the lifestyle I guess but I hope you think twice before going through with it. Maybe at least try contacting women who're in the army through social media if you can to get an idea of what it's like.
No. 1420924
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I don't really do New Year's resolutions but I have been making plans and schedules for the last month that'll really set me ahead health, beauty, and education wise. I can't wait!
No. 1420929>>1420950
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>>1420883Nona I relate to this a lot. I also considered joining earlier this year, definitely 'inspired' by russias invasion of ukraine since I live in a bordering country and felt (and still feel) strongly that if shit went down here I would rather protect my country than sit around twiddling my thumbs (that's an oversimplification of the situation obviously but i hope you get what i mean) and all the benefits from serving sounded great since i'm poor. I opted against it because I'm a physically small female already working on a male-dominated field and let me tell you, it really fucking eats at your self-esteem. Also I'm mentally ill so I'd probably get rejected anyway lol.
No. 1420932>>1420950>>1421018>>1421024
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>>1420883I'm from euro country too, my best friend is in the army, she has the officer rank and it was done not through one year non stop stay but some kind of, idk, courses you could say? Over the years she would go for these intense training stays that lasted from few weeks to few months and got her rank. Interestingly enough she's by no means a massive fitness freak stacy, she's a sligthly overweigth fujo that would fit right in on LC, yet she's done all that and is just fine. And while I don't know how are these low tier year long army trainings, I know that the ones she did were good experiences, no bullying (as would stereotype suggest), people were professional and friendly, it was just physically demanding. So to be completely honest, I don't think this has to be a bad idea, as other anons seem to be convinced for it ot be, at least try to research it some more; maybe dig if you have some super distant connections to someone who knows someone who's already done that. It may not be that bad.
No. 1420950>>1421018
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>>1420891i am actually quite mentally tough. my biggest enemy is my own brain so if misogyny never was a problem for me until now i don't think it would change in the army.
>>1420911not to sound callous but that's just her story. obviously there are gonna be assholes and cowards that will want to take advantage of women but it doesn't mean the same has to happen me. and if other women don't take over men's spaces we will just let them continue their scrotey behaviour
>>1420929nona i'm also originally from ukraine bordering country, we might be compatriots kek I can relate a lot to your train of thought. Im currently living abroad but if anything happened I would go back and fight. but to be fair I mostly want to join because I think this lifestyle might be it for me. I have recently realized that i feel the happiest when i can push my physical limits. Maybe if i was a small person i would be much more hesitant but im around 172(5'8). I'm not that strong but always had high endurance, and recently I started working out regularly.
>>1420932this is amazing to hear nona! if i do the year and will like it like i think i will i would try to do the same thing. unfortunately i don't know any women in the army. a guy I know apparently has friends there so im gonna grill him for answers
thanks to all of you nonas for your responses. i told a few of my friends and one family member, that i know can keep his mouth shut, about this and all but one friend, who supports me, told me in some way that i'm an idiot for considering this. Im currently in the final year of my degree, im gonna finish it, keep working out and then join the army during summer.
No. 1421018
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>>1420950>>1420883I considered joining my nation's army when I was younger, my father and older brother talk about it like it was university just with more physical exercise
>>1420932Finland ?
No. 1421088>>1421092>>1421104
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Considering losing my virginity so I can write fanfiction more accurately
No. 1421113>>1421117>>1421208
>>1421092Larry? Like the thing from veggietales?
>>1421104Woah I'm talking to an e celeb here nice one girl. I'm grossed out by penetration bc im a beta female. And I guess women have high standards, so I can't lose it that easily as a lesbo. Maybe I should read your fanfiction, the fanfictions of non virgins, in order to write better fanfiction actually. That may be more based.
No. 1421130>>1421136
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nonnie…that's pretty forwards…wanna rp as trains w me?
i would accept help No. 1421135
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Anyone who bleached their eyebrows this year is going to look back in a year and cringe just like they did with the 2020 egirl hair
No. 1421146
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Regular hair with dyed blonde front streaks, it was really popular
the movie (not okay) came out this year but everyone clowned it for its outdated fashion because it’s heavily inspired by 2020 internet trends consumers cycle through meaningless trends so fast it’s impossible to catch up
No. 1421170
>>1421153wasn't he
abusive at some point or was that some other italian actor, i get the names mixed up
No. 1421229>>1421232
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>>1421218she was already doxxed, this is her
No. 1421252
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ACHHD would have been so much better if you could build giant houses right from the get go instead of having to build a house, visit that villager, build him a new house, visit that villager and build him a new house again. I used those blueprints like twice or thrice because it wasn't worth the hassle for me.
No. 1421359>>1421362>>1421364>>1421372>>1421376>>1421377>>1421381
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Why the fuck is my local mall hiring 27 santas this year
Isn't there supposed to be only one? What is this tomfoolery, what is going on? Will they need a different santa every day? A santa in every store? Santa battle royale?
Is this a normal amount of santas? (I know jack shit about the mall santa industry so idk if this is par for the course or not)
No. 1421372>>1421383
File (hide): 1669412393786.jpeg (42.77 KB, 400x305, Multiple_Santa.jpeg)

>>1421359they're assembling an army
No. 1421376
>>1421359My bad I meant to post this in the stupid questions thread but i guess it could fit here too.
>>1421362>>1421364I guess those reasonings make sense, but I still don't get why they need 27 of them though, the hours state that it's only 6 hours a day on weekends and Christmas eve
No. 1421383
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>>1421372Can't have a rebel without a Claus
No. 1421399>>1421406
>>1421385Plastic is definitely better, when I borrowed my brother's old steel body car I hit myself lightly in the shin with the door and it hurt like shit. Can't imagine it would be very pleasant to be hit by one of those.
I agree that car designs used to be a lot nicer though. I wonder if they can go back to making cars that look like they're from the 50s but made of plastic?
No. 1421406>>1421410>>1421520
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>>1421399samefag, the screens that come with every car nowadays are such an eyesore, they take up a huge amount of space of the dash and rarely serve any purpose except for maybe gps, which you can just get on your phone anyway. I miss old car radios that actually felt integrated with the design of the car interior instead of just tacked on.
No. 1421410
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>>1421406I was literally thinking about this the whole week!! I have a new car with a big screen and tech features I absolutely hate it. I want my old shitty box of a car, it was so fun to drive in and the way the dashboard lights up green when you’re driving at night.. ugh I just miss it all so much
No. 1421509>>1421521>>1421522>>1421523
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Sometimes I like to look at side by side pics of harry and zayn and giggle to myself at their hairline difference
No. 1421581>>1421648>>1421694>>1421928
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I was googling for the nearest Jumbo store and this happened????????
No. 1421583
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>>1413087I always get called "niña" I don't really get it, i'm a average height 20yo woman
No. 1421596
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I genuinely take my dreams seriously and every night now I've dreamt about falling in love with a friend and it's affecting the way I feel about her irl. I haven't been interested in anyone at all recently but now the thought of embracing her is stirring something within me. Looks like my brain is doing a little trolling.
No. 1421772
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Decided to browse cgl for the first time and see what lolita community is up to rn. Unhinged women everywhere. Mercy on their poor souls, but I have no clue if it's an accurate representation of the whole given its on 4chan. All I took from this experience is that they're stressful and now I'm scared to walk out in a lolita dress even though I'm not part of the community.
No. 1421835
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I've gone headfirst into a few deep dives / rabbit holes in my day but Playboy is the second worst one. It is never ending.
No. 1421855
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>>1419357I kind of want to recommend her 'the cook the thief his wife and her lover' because I know
a dead guy gets his body roasted but I'm hesitant to recommend it since I haven't actually watched it and I know it has
abbordent abuse and mild scatological vibes, from what I hear No. 1421891>>1421913>>1422081>>1422390
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how the fuck does someone genuinely reach this level of brain rot, where they start sexualizing the holy mary and jesus
No. 1421951>>1421969
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This is the funniest shit I saw on good old Tumblr today. And yes I scrolled through their whole blog, it's serious
No. 1422019>>1422025>>1422030>>1422042>>1422045>>1422077
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over 1k assmad comments from men on this article. when you're dumpy and dedicated to being a mom, youre not trying hard enough. When you focus on your looks, you're vapid and should be focused on being a mom.
madonna whore cognitive dissonance in overdrive
No. 1422045
>>1422019Anon there are anons here who have those same cognitive dissonances and would call her a libfem whore is posted without context…..
>>1422042well would you look at that…right on the money.
No. 1422061>>1422064>>1422065>>1422069
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friends i have taken a good load of nutmeg. back from a five hour run. the voices are back. hungry. my eyes are red asf and i feel like i'm walking through a dream.
and the relatives i live with have fancy company companing over. oh my gosh. they're going to know im hgih. on what? i need to play it cool
>how do i get less red eyes
>how do i show normal body language
>how do i stop losing my train of thought?
No. 1422072>>1422078
>>1422064it's not bad it's just i acidentaly ran for five hours getting far away. the breeze was beautiful i could hear every feather on the flaps of a birds wings, i was floating in a way. but it was five hours so im not too happy that happened. and the voices are something imn already prone too so it's not that bad. it made me laugh and forget. and i am relaxed now. everything is ok.
>>1422065three whole nutmeg nuts. chew them. gag a little. wash it down with milk. i am a cavewomen chasing the moon. you can do it too
>>1422069i took it about seven hours ago. for me, buzzy relaxed at hour two, gettung weird at five.
No. 1422075>>1422079
>>1422065nutmeg has a chemical in it that is related to the chemical in peyote, it can really fuck you up.
>>1422069depends on the way anon took it. maybe she snorted it or something.
No. 1422077>>1422080>>1422090
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>>1422019She looks hot, good for her. Also I looked up the article, and holy shit she’s only 29!? I was thinking she was in her 40s, the look on the left is so unflattering and aged her so much. She actually looks like a 20-something now.
No. 1422080
>>1422077alot of women are forced into making themselves look older when they get married or have children because society judges women who take care of their appearance or dress trendy when they are married with children and label her ''vain'' or that she doesn't care about her children or marriage.
At the same time society also judges these married women when they get cheated on for not looking like pornstars…..society makes no sense.
No. 1422081>>1422082
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>>1421891looked up momson and TIL there's a non insignificant amount of people who ship alicent and aemond together
No. 1422086
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Any other farmers want to mould some cute boy into their ideal husband? Am I the only one like this? I want to groom a boy (feminine) of my own(bait post)
No. 1422113
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aghh i wanna draw but also i am so bad at it and i hate everything i make, back to daydreaming about drawings instead of actually drawing
No. 1422155
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Feloz navidas had been playijbg in my head all day
No. 1422199
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When i was a child my aunt didnt let me play at an arcade(probably the last of its kind) and to this day i am pissed about it, ughhh. Wish i had stood up to her, i cant even remember the rest of the vacation because it was so incredibly boring and uneventful.
No. 1422390>>1422675>>1422686>>1422857
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>>1421891>not having (adult, grown up) jesus as your husbando he sexualizes himself
No. 1422413
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I think my bf messed up the mouse while passing me the remote playing trivia to reset it because I was winning but I can't prove it
No. 1422536>>1422537>>1422559
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>>1422525I've been sending men goatse if they ask for nudes for the last decade. the only downside is having to look up and download goatse over and over
No. 1422563
nonny. I got over my depression and have my will to live again but there’s just more and more shit going on near me and it makes me scared to go out
No. 1422570
>>1422564You should
nonny Duolingo is not that helpful. There’s an app called Language Transfer that really helps you understand the structure of the words and sentences and helps me understand it better in my head. It’s honestly more of a podcast than interactive reputation practice. (The app only has a couple languages at the moment and I’m saying this assuming they have your language) I really like it a lot. I haven’t tried any other language apps that are like duo lingo though. I suggest this app if they do have your target language
No. 1422675
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>>1422390I hear that's a common crush that many young catholic girls get, I can understand where that comes from, but using art of young jesus and mary as reference to draw mother son incest porn as just messed up
No. 1422699>>1422706
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>>1422686don't know about catholics but I had a crush on Huseein ibn Ali(the third Imam of Shia Islam) he was basically betrayed and destroyed in battle, his wife, his sons, his nephews, his youngers brothers, his friends, all were killed before him and he was the one last to fall, so he's drawn bloody and scarred in artwork depicting him(shia's don't have those restrictions regarding art)
No. 1422718>>1422722
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>>1422706I was told how very beautiful he was, and there is much artwork of him crying and suffering
No. 1422733>>1422742
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>>1422722The Horse, that's Zuljana Hussein's white stallion(also important to Shia Islamic canon) still alive to this today and seeming him is a sign that something grand shall happen
No. 1422843>>1422872>>1422900
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For some reason all of my good memories are from the 2000's, I am zoomer and i shouldn't be able to remember those times considering i was born in 01, but they are the most memorable to me. Weirdly enough i can berely remember the 2010's, was it that uneventful? . I miss the 00's.
No. 1422920
>>1422909Yeah not saying that the 2010's were any better, I just don't remember a time of hope and motivation. It was shit from the start and it hasn't gotten any better, nor did anyone ever try to butter up zoomers the way millennials were told they were the future and were going to change everything. Everything was already about terrorism, financial crises, climate change, peak oil, decline of welfare states in Europe etc.
>>1422912The reason why 9/11 btw keeps being mentioned is not just because burgers being sad or whatever, but because it has had a bigger impact in more countries in comparison to other events which were probably a lot worse, when it comes to changes in security in lots of places (not just airports), resulted in militarization of police in many countries and fbi meddling more with foreign countries and it being in the news. Yeah sure it was an overreaction, doesn't change the fact that everyone got saddled with it. I also remember the random Murican who had never left the US before being blamed for Madrid bombings due to retarded FBI, even though the perpetrator was an Algerian or something.
In comparison nobody wants to talk about Yugoslav wars considering how much foreign UN response was fucked up. Of course the Dutch are going to focus on 9/11 aftermath instead of having to deal with the fact that they had a hand in the Srebrenica genocide, who wants to admit to that?
No. 1422928
nonnie. Although for me as a 1997 post yugoslav wars baby life was pretty peaceful in the early 2000s. Even though I grew up in a town that got hit pretty badly I always felt removed from it.
No. 1422941>>1422963>>1422968>>1422980
>>1422936i didnt even knew about it, i couldnt care less about politics i just want the internet to be fun again
>>1422935some indie game dev slept with journos to get good reviews for her shitty indie game, autistic gaymers got pissed and started harassing advertisers(this is why every single company is so political nowadays), they were banned from 4chan because a tranny janny was friends with zoe quinn, moved to 8chan, autists like shoe, sargon, armoured, metokour started making videos about it and and the woke culture, etc. Yes, the political crack began because of a slut and some salty gaymers, lol. American politics in a nutshell.
No. 1422943
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I off handed mentioned to a friend how I always find women more attractive in sweats and loungewear vs heels and shit
>you like to see women comfortable, I think that's why
my eyes have been opened
No. 1422963>>1422967>>1422968
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>>1422941This post gives me such intense second hand embarrassment
No. 1422968>>1422972
>>1422941Nta but I assume this is also your post
>>>/m/258358 and you are lost.
>>1422963Same here.
No. 1422990>>1422999
>>1422987Lmaoooo whats girlbossy about fucking ugly ass men to get good reviews of your game that wasnt good enough to get a good honest rating. You are more pathetic than her for defending her, she's a troon apologist and would call you out for posting on a
terf image board.
No. 1422999>>1423001>>1423004
>>1422990Why are you so serious you're about it, is some woman with an indie game, you can go shake hands with all the
triggered scrotes actively bullying everyone around during gamergate peak lmao
No. 1423130
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Yandere males in fiction: hot pretty men who are overprotective of you to a scary fucked up degree, are rich and will spoil you with gifts, are insane, and will destroy anyone who hurts you.
Yandere males in real life: gross ugly men, who stalk you like a predator, are moids so they are incapable of love or empathy, only are interested to use you as a bangmaid slave incubator, will kill you fast. The only thing they have alike is that they are insane.
No. 1423154>>1423161
>>1423139lets talk about the Sonic World for a mintue-
>creepy ass talking animals>retarded as blue motherfucker who rejects the woman of his species and goes for a human womanWhich is legit like how some Sonic induced Autists act about women. They don't want their looks match/autists match in female forum. No, they want a woman out of their league to the point it's like they are in fact, two different species.
What about the sonic universe screams, "Real relationship" no, it screams artifical relationships.
The Mario Universe-
> A cast of humans/non-humans in a unrealistic world>they try to live it how it is>everyone is dressed their part>everyone knows their place>Sonic isn't just aimlessly simping after Peach without anything to offer.>He's willing to DIE to show her how he feels. He doesn't over stay his welcome>He respects those around himand most importantly he barely talks. Sonic can't shut the fuck up.
Mario is functional, sonic is not.
No. 1423161>>1423165>>1423167>>1423170
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>>1423154whats your opinion on my little pony and why do you think it attracted so many male autists who want to fuck the characters…despite the show being made for girls.
No. 1423165>>1423167
>>1423161men love to invade things meant for little girls, especially
certain types of autistic scrotes who refuse to grow up (And they all happen to love Sonic as well…hmm..interesting).
I legit think they get a rise out of successfully fucking something up that women enjoy. Bronies were AGP's before they became mainstream.
The original trooncels without being trooned out.
Sonicels and Broncels have a similar backstory
No. 1423167
>>1423161>>1423165>they get a rise out of successfully fucking something up that women enjoythis sums it up. It had a cute artstyle, taught girls positive messages, had a bunch colourful characters little girls could relate to etc. Men often talk about hoe they love corrupting innocent things so of course they would latch on to a show that was targeted little girls. We saw the same thing happen in the 70-80 Japan with the lolicon movement.
Many bronies even admitted they didn't like the show they just liked the community around it
No. 1423341>>1423385
>>1423246->>1413641 - Sonic Induced Autism & it's effects on the male brain
>>1413661 - Mario- The everyday man
>>1413772- Luigi/TalesAlso some nonna's really made me think about how women feel about Luigi vs. men.
No. 1423424
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I don't think anyone remembers clevver style youtube channel but lily looks absolutely awful now wtf happened
No. 1423482>>1423493>>1423508>>1423582
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open rp my oc is named saeko and her mother was a light demon and her father was a darkness demon
"hi my name is saeko and i'm an alcoholic"
No. 1423500>>1423509
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>>1423493go ahead and have some stale donuts I stole from my work
No. 1423508>>1423514>>1423551>>1423582
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>>1423482hi I'm kasumi uchiha long lost daughter of the uchiha clan and I forgot my backstory
No. 1423509
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No. 1423551
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>>1423508[in unison] "HI KASUMI!"
No. 1423582>>1423626
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>>1423482>>1423508konnichiwa! i am shiro-ayumi-chan! my parents both died and i ran away and was raised by the moon wolves of the forest -^_^- they gave me magical powers like healing, immortality, teleporting, mind reading, and a blast of moon energy if anyone attacks me >_<! so dont mess with me!! ~_^ but i am super nice to my tomodachis because i am part wolf! you are all my sugoi kazoku! (unless you make me mad >_o)
No. 1423626>>1423631
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>>1423582[in unison] "HI SHIRO-AYUMI-CHAN!"