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No. 1374835
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I was doing so well getting shit done in a timely manner for once after spending such a long time in a slump but then I just had to catch a cold last week and it fucked my routine and now I'm behind again and I'm spending like half the day blowing my nose and my head feels too weird to sit down and get things done and somehow this feels like it is 1000% a personal problem in that for some reason it is actually entirely my fault for getting sick because of karma or some stupid bullshit like that… the universe does not want to make things easy for me at all
No. 1374867
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Nonnas, I'm so sad.
I've been craving chicken nuggets all day so I went and bought some frozen ones. I was super excited for them, and when I got home I discovered the box had been opened. It couldn't have been opened from being smushed, because the tear strip is gone too. This was something done by another human's hands, no mistaking it. It's getting late and I'm tired so I don't want to go back out and get another box either. And the nuggets were so cheap that I don't even want to bother trying to get compensation for it.
Always inspect everything you buy before getting it. I should add that the chicken nuggets are just in the box with no protection like a plastic bag, so I really should have made sure that the box hadn't been tampered with.
No. 1374886
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I absolutely love flavor profile charts for foods. This is all just for oysters. And the best part is that it’s all true and there are such noticeable differences in the flavors and textures of all wild caught oysters. Magical
No. 1374888
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I hate being a woman, and if i was given the chance i would turn into a man on a whim. It's not a fetishistic desire, i dont wanna be an anime boy pretending to live my yaoi fantasies with other troon, i just wanna go camping/fishing alone without fearing for my life. There are so many hobbies i can't comfortably do as a woman, and i fucking despise that fact. At least i can vicariously live my comfy camping life through anime like Yuru Camp, if only life was so kind to women that we could go camp completly alone, fuck moids.
No. 1374894
>>1374886whats your vent nonna?
seriously though im in awe that people can actually enjoy oysters, the one time i tried them i thought it was the most unpleasant experience ever. like whats the point if you're meant to just swallow them immediately anyways, you don't get a chance to chew them or anything its just like. slime. not shitting on oyster appreciators i just dont get it
No. 1374920
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If I ate nothing but leaves and dirt for the rest of my life, I would still have type one diabetes.
There is no cure. There is no diet you can stick to to get rid of it.
I have had anorexia many times over the thousands of years I've been condemned to this fucking life style because it's the only fucking way to convince healthy retards that I'm not eating donuts and deli ham doing this to myself.
It is an incurable disease. I did not give it to myself. There is no cure. There is no diet to get rid of it. Type one diabetes is different from type two diabetes, that's why they're different fucking types.
Herschel Walker deserves every bad thing that ever happens to him and more. Piece of shit. Piece of human walking shit.
I will get back to 95 pounds now because now in my blood fuckign red state there will once again be yet another wave of healthy pieces of shit telling me that it's my fault that I have this fuckign disease. Healthy people are a social disease. I despise healthy people.
I despise every teacher in school who never specified which type of diabetes you get from being a fat fuck and just let all the other kids rear their heads to stare and laugh at me because no one would fuckign listen to me when I tried to fuckign explain that it isn't my fucking fault that I fuckign have fucking god damn organ failure. i want ot fucking kill myself, there is no escape and it will never get better and I've even had endocrinologists compliment me when I was fucking clinically underweight because "Usually I only have elderly obese patients lol"
If I could burn this wicked fucking world down, I would. I despise everyone and everything. My life has only ever been this fucking disease from which the only escape is death.
I eat nothing but vegetables because if you tell anyone you eat anythign else, they tell you you must have given yourself childhood organ failure, it's your fault, you did this. It doesn't matter that we all have fuckign access to google and it would take seconds to learn that it isn't true. It doens't matter how well known a fact it is that I didn't cause this because no one will ever believe me. So I'm gonna starve again to get back handed praise from my doctors again and stupid piece of shit healthy people going, "Oh, but you're so skinny? How can you be diabetic? You must eat really, really bad huh"
I hate all of you. I hate everything. If I had my way, I would kill everyone animal and plant on this rotten bloated fuckign corpse of a planet. You would eat nothing but dirt and twigs if I had my way. I despise healthy people. I despise the capitalist swine american health machine. I despise fighting to get my insulin ration every fuckign two weeks. It's always a fuckign fight because they will tell you well type twos don't NEED insulin, you need to just eat better, I'll fuckign lose even more weight then. I will starve until I disappear. You all deserve to suffer.
I've been in a fuckign psychward before. You know what they do there? They take your fuckign insulin pump away form you and give you two shots per day. They let your blood sugar hover at 400 for a week until you go into DKA and then they discharge you without paper work so they don't have to admit that they let you fuckign get more eye and nerve and kidney damage and it's their fault.
There is no help. There is no rest. There is no healing and no cure. When my toes fall off, they will blame me. I will starve myself and they will still blame me. I hate this whole evil fucking worthless world. I hate. I HATE.
No. 1374925
>>1374920You don't deserve it, nona. The world is fucked up.
I hope you can find a good doctor that listens and people that validate you, or at least don't brush it off, eventually.
No. 1374926
>>1374920I'm with you anon. Type one is a fucking curse. It is a fucking curse. Having to take care of what should be an involuntary bodily function is fucking maddening. It's a cruel, cruel disease. Nobody understands it. I've had people recommend retarded diet tips, I've had people ask if I'm joking when I tell them I'm diabetic, I've had people make the jokes. I laugh it off every time but it makes me fucking seethe. Ha ha ha, how funny. How funny, I have to be in constant control of a fucking involuntary bodily function all because I got a little too sick as a baby.
I'm sorry anon. I want you to know that I struggle with disordered eating as a type one as well. It's just so easy to fall into bad habits because if you want to live life and enjoy food you'll throw your a1c out of whack, you'll start feeling nerve pain, you'll start feeling the high blood sugar anger and depression, so then you decide to eat fuck all because at least you're not going high. At least your blood sugar is manageable. I'm sorry anon. It's a fucking curse. I relate. It's fucking tough.
No. 1374944
>>1374920Not diabetic but have my share of health problems, some which have more 'popular' versions that everyone assumes I have and passes judgment, and dealt with plenty of ignorant retards and corrupt systems, though nothing to the extreme that you have. I have nothing but empathy for you anon.
>>1374935Same, actually. That was my first exposure too and had a family member with Type 2 so i knew the difference right away
No. 1374971
>>1374966imo company is what makes or breaks a vacation. I might forget some parts of a trip if I went alone, but I won't forget much if I went with someone I'm close to because we'll probably talk about it in future. Some of my absolute best memories are traveling with my dad, and we bring them up all the time, not to mention it brought us closer and we share a lot of interests as a result.
>Life is just a never ending cycle of trying to save up and or wait for exciting thingsI relate to this though. Daily life is just constant work and a lot of the time planning my next trip is what gets me through.
No. 1374993
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I miss my ex so bad in so many ways but right now I reallllllly miss fucking him he’s the only guy who could actually make me fun I hate this
No. 1374996
>>1374993damn anon
how long has it been and why did you two break up?
No. 1375004
>>1375000Yea, shits weird. I'm also gay so lol
I just hope the marrige is alright in every other way damn
No. 1375011
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I'm sorry but this thumbnail and title made me ugly laugh out loud, not because it's funny but because this timeline is so fucking cursed it feels like a fever dream. Wtf is this and why??? also where can i sign up i fucking hate it here
No. 1375029

>>1375022> I gotta look into his case I'm so curious about what he said.i recommend reading about his life and his book after, it's truly surreal at times. Funnily enough, he found out his desire to kill after going to a troon clinic and speaking with a psychiatrist, so one can only wonder what kind of stuff they told him.
> I think the conspiracy right now with the euthanasia thing is that the government is giving the option with little requirements for depopulation purposes. I don't know how much of that is true though, I'm a canadafag and haven't really heard much about it but I'm not elderly or chronically ill so who knowsdepopulation is a myth, most countries have a birth crisis. People is depressed, so they don't want to commit to a relationship and have children. What goverment truly wants is troons, they are the perfect workers because they only live to consoom and have lifelong medical bills to pay.
This video about the Unabomber is good for starters, it also shows how useless the CIA is at tracking terrorists. Props for Ted's sister-in-law for stopping a terrorist by herself.
No. 1375032
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Major self-pity incoming.
I'm trying to buy some last minute outfits for my trip where I am meeting a long-term internet friend–yes we are totally going to bang–but I feel absolutely gutted with myself because I failed to meet my weight loss goal. Seeing the bodies of these gorgeous women modeling clothes absolutely makes me feel inferior. To be blunt, I didn't even look like them when I was a teen. I have always been matronly and dumpy. My bitter cunt mother set me up for a lot of failure by ensuring I was an obese child after a brief eating disorder (and threatening me if I didn't eat or tried an unapproved diet), forcing me to go on birth control as a teen, and then filling my head with clichés about how looks don't matter cause a sky daddy loves me. I am 100% convinced my mom–the prom queen, lead theater donna, skinny cheerleader darling in her time–sabotaged my body but that's a psychoanalysis for another day.
Fact is I am now stuck in this lumpy potato prison for life.
I knew I wasn't going to be thin in time, but I wanted to weigh a little less and the past two months have been abject failure. Before that I had several months of success whereby I lost 60 pounds, but now it means so little to me cause I'm not where I wanted to be and what I had promised myself I'd do. I'm too afraid to step back on the scale to see how much I've gained back but I probably will once I return home after the trip so as not to ruin it before I go.
I know my friend won't care and thinks I'm beautiful, but it's just…how I feel about myself.
Even if I lost all this weight I would look like the fucking pale man from Pan's Labyrinth with all the sag and loose skin. $$$$ to fix and of course in my adulthood my mom–who is now grotesque herself from smoking, unaddressed adult acne, stress, and drinking the Jesus dgaf about looks juice–has washed her hands of my situation and tells me it's all my problem to fix or just accept. I hate her crab in the bucket ass so god damn much.
But whatever. I'm stuck with life passing me by and going into my 30s without ever knowing what it was like to confidently wear a two-piece, or even a top without sleeves.
Yeah, I can probably lose the weight but I still won't ever be like picrel without massive surgeries and shoop.
No. 1375053
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>>1375026>>1375034Nonna, if there are people who want to be friends with me, there are people who want to be friends with you.
No. 1375064
>>1375029Thanks for the video recommendation! I'll look into his book too, it's a really weird case I don't know why I haven't looked into it yet. Troonism is always so closely related to severe mental illness, the overlap is way too frequent to be a coincidence lol. Yeah I've heard depopulation is a myth and we're actually headed towards a birth shortage crisis. It makes sense though the rates have dropped like crazy since the baby boom.
>>1375023Holy shit that is so depressing, I never understand why people joke in a situation like that. Public suicide attempts always bring out the sociopath in some people, like when a person is on top of a building about to jump and some people below encourage them by shouting "jump," the world is fucked.
No. 1375083
>>1375070what abt Aus seems fun
nonnie, I’m curious to how others perceive what living here is like
No. 1375095
>>1375092When I went to Australia I went to a koala sanctuary that had their trees above a walk way for guests and koalas could literally shit and piss on you if you weren't careful wtf. Now I'm glad I didn't get shit on
I got my picture taken with one though and didn't get the clap so shrug
No. 1375122
>>1375094Is it really such a drawback that Australia is isolated though? Most people don't travel outside their state or provine on a regular basis.
>>1375071Damn last time I went for a shopping and Christmas market trip to Germany was the december before corona hit. That's nearly 3 years ago now that I think about it. I want to go again but petrol prices blah.
No. 1375131
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>>1375129I'll tell you about the most random shit I love. Lentil crisps. They are so much fucking better than regular crisps. They also have a lot of protein. Best snack ever.
No. 1375173
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>>1375131We got these chicken chips in burgerland but the price has sky rocketed due to their popularity fml
No. 1375303
>>1375297Do you think the mtf trannies endgoal is to recreate a Patriarchy 2.0 where women cannot reject male predatory advances and they still get to dictate what women say/cis women must agree or not say any statements out of their tra bubble, but in 2.0 the males get to wear dresses and cheap wigs while slapping the wrong shade of foundation on their faces?
Seems like their maleness is making it head that way, what with their violent rapey threats and actions and AGP craziness amplifying.
No. 1375349
>>1375344They really think if they deny and ignore it, men will suddenly be good again. Especially SuperStraight women and boymoms (nothing against either, but this is vent thread and sometimes they throw women under the bus HARD for males so need to complain a little).
They ought to be anonymously sent a copy of the red pill handbook or manosphere’s worst threads/strategies they use to neg and manipulate women to keep them running on the hamster wheel, clamouring to please men for shit. Maybe that’s how they will know and believe.
No. 1375359
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My country is troon utopia
>free healthcare
>free education
>non binary ID
>the president's son is a nonbinary drag queen
>high inflation/USD cost so they can live comfortably with daddy's USDs
>pic rel
How do i convince twitter troons to exchange places? for real though, whenever i see troons on twitter complaining about living in the USA because someone misgenders them and they dont get the free chop it makes my skin crawl, i hope they get shot while buying stockings at wallmart. Nothing annoys me more than whiny Americans complaining about living in the USA and calling it ''the worst country ever!!!11!!''. Whiny pieces of crap, go eat a burger fatty and then go die in a school shooting.
No. 1375388
>go out to opera with mom and sister
>wear my usual androgynous goth shit, decide to have fun and wear some 90's goth inspired makeup
>i think i look cool, my sister thinks i look cool, everything's groovy
>mom arrives and the comments start
>'anon you need to have either dark lips or eyes but not both'
>'anon you look fine but i don't understand that jacket'
>'here anon, get a tissue and blot off some of that lipstick'
>it was a warm purple fucking lipstick, not even black
>things only get worse once we leave for the opera
>mom is panicking and backseat driving because we're taking a different route than the one from her house and she doesn't recognize any of the roads near where my sister lives
>sister gets fed up an asks me to navigate
>every time i say a street name my mom asks me to repeat it and then peevishly asks my sister if she's missed it
>sister ends up driving worse because my mom keeps distracting her, which only compounds things
>get to restaurant, she bitches about the food
>go take photos outside the opera house, she bitches about all the people outside
>go inside the opera house, she bitches about all the people inside
>keeps dragging us around and insisting we do things as a group despite my sister and i being adults with jobs who live away from home
>opera ends, we go home, i am utterly drained from the experience
for someone who has travelled and moved around so much she is insufferable to be around when we have to go somehwere that's not part of her weekly routine
No. 1375432
>>1375429So you're vaccinated but caught covid twice in 2 months. Makes me think.
I agree with you that offices are shit though. These buildings should be turned into housing. Offices suck. However, my coworkers and I are all 100% remote, and they (vaccinated) still keep catching covid. So I don't think it's solely your office giving it to you, because they manage to catch it while wfh. I haven't been sick in 2 years though lol. Try zinc supplements and pine needle tea.
And no, you don't have recourse. catching the flu from the office has always been a thing.
No. 1375446
>>1375436It actually doesn't though. They make the flu vaccine by guessing at what the year's flu variant will be. it's a crapshoot.
When you have a relatively stable virus like polio, vaccines can be effective. But when you have a rapidly mutating virus, it's chasing a moving target and largely ineffective. I think the flu vaccine is total bullshit. we want to keep flu and virus deaths down we'd be better off banning mcdonalds and junk food so people are in better general health. Good diet, sleep habits, and regular exercise are more effective than the flu vaccine. We should focus on nutrition and encouraging people to get enough vitamin D. But those don't earn big pharma money, so all you hear about is "get the flu vaccine!" Their methodology is garbage. Sorry not sorry, I feel like Adam Ruins Everything right now, but they aren't very effective.
No. 1375466
>>1375085pls somebody post the video of the REEEEEing koala
>>1375094but what about the giant boulder sized spiders
No. 1375483
>>1375429At this point I expect everyone to realize that the COVID vaccine is fucking useless and we all got scammed. Literally everyone around me caught COVID while being vaccinated three times, some even within two weeks from the last shot. They all caught it from other vaccinated people, either their partners or friends. It just doesn't work.
We really shouldn't have focused on this fake ass vaccine and instead we should have thought about the right therapies and improved air quality in shitty buildings, which actually prevents infection. Oh, and maybe study this virus instead of running around screaming about a vaccine.
No. 1375576
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I just saw a tweet from someone who went to the show I had to cancel due to car issues about how she got insane sales within the first hour and here I am at my day job with 50 dollars to last me the next two weeks. I could have made 10 times or more what I'm making here at work and I actually would have been surrounded by people I want to talk to. Feels bad man.
No. 1375629
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I’ve done a lot of healing with my new type of therapy and it’s helped me cope much better overall. I’ve lost almost all of my desires to maladaptively daydream as well as husbandofag and while I do feel much less empty and I KNOW this is good for me I still hate having to fully feel the weight of my break up now. It’s so stupid and weird because I’d essentially be rebounding with people inside my head but I’m still sad that I don’t have a distraction from pain right now. Hopefully this means I won’t be hung up for years this time though.
No. 1375636
>>1375459having a health condition doesn't magically make a shoddy crapshoot vaccine somehow suddenly effective. it might marginally help, but they've actually found it gives people a false sense of confidence, so the end outcome is worse for them. sorry nonna. eat some oranges.
>>1375483honestly this. it's an unpopular opinion here, but everyone i know who didn't take the vaccine has not gotten sick or only had a minor flu-like illness. meanwhile everyone who did take it is catching covid over and over again and always sick with something. i really think they fucked up on the covid vaccine production.
>>1375505that's a personal decision to weigh, and they should never have been mandated. for people under 50 the vaccines have done more harm than good. health is not a one size fits all topic, and mandates were horrible policy getting very close to concentration camp territory. especially when people were raising
valid concerns and getting censored or screamed at. they denied for over a year that the vaccine was affecting women's periods, but finally were forced to admit it was true. because of their coercive approach i was turned off from taking it. they really mishandled it entirely and lost the trust of half of the public. because of the mistrust generated by the shady and coercive way they went about promoting the vaccine, public health programs will face an uphill battle in the future against people who now intensely distrust and resent health authorities.
No. 1375640
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>>1375629You might've already read it but this blog has helped me a lot with dealing with MD. I even printed out all the articles and reread them on days I find myself daydreaming again. No. 1375665
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I want to numb my feelings but alcohol just doesn't work and I don't know what to do with myself except for sh I'm trying not to though I really am so alone right now lol. I'd really appreciate a bunch of fake friends to hang out with rn bc at least you can have fun and forget about everything.
No. 1375668
lole I just posted this in the previous previous thread then the previous one and now Ill post it again
Hey… same nonna back here again… it got worse
My father finally broke and dropped the nice guy act after a series of fights over the course of the last few days. My brother was always disrespectful to both my parents, especially to my father, calling him stupid worthless insulting his job and saying he has no clients cause he's a failure (which is really harsh considering his new clinic isnt doing so good) but he does his best. Even got him a 1k dollar phone a few days ago. He spoils him so much cause he wants him to do good for college.
But this motherfucker just sits in his room curtains closed lights off 24/7 doing who knows what. Hes been like this ever since he was 12. His excuse? That he got bullied by our older brother. Which is true but we both got the same treatment and even the bully himself was getting bullied. Now I blame this on my parents negligence but the past is the past, hes a 22 yo "man" now, either go to therapy or suck it up. Dont just complain like a incompetent wannabe victim.
Anyways as I was saying, today he was especially aggressive which I assume is due to the fact he has to travel for college, he had been doing an online course before (allegedly) and now has to attend it IRL cuz it's mandatory or something. Anyways yeah my parents were trying to help him get ready and pack n stuff but he was literally SCREAMING and bitching and whining at every turn. No exaggeration. Just throwing insults everytime someone even brushed his shoulder, the sensitive little scrote.
Then yeah his actions led to my parents fighting and my dad revealed the college tuition was almost enough to buy a new house. And no one even knows how well he's doing or if he's even attending his classes. The imbecile doesn't even know where he should be heading and what department he's in so it's not looking so good.
He also called my mom "property" of my father, which made her freak out while my dad proceeded to do nothing. This was before he himself exploded and let out all he had, saying that their ungodly son was a mentally ill freak and that's he's hanging on a thread and has no idea what to do other than this bla bla bla.
So that's that. Sorry if this is a little erratic I'm still a little shaken up, I feel a lil better now though. Sorry for the essay too.
I love you all nonnas. Have a nice day
No. 1375708
>>1375665I agree with the
>>1375692 anon. When I am feeling down I am just brute-forcing myself to have a small workout that involves dumbbells, it might not be much but getting yourself busy with something nice and productive as this is good. I might not become the greatest weightlifter, but it's nice to have this small distraction.
No. 1375720
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Sorry for the wall of text. I'm beginning to understand the scope of my boyfriends wealth. We haven't been dating for long so finances haven't come up in an explicit way. At first I thought he just came from an upper middle class family. Then he saw his apartment and was like… maybe a bit more than upper middle class. He lent me a coat one night and I really loved the fabric so I looked up the brand out of curiosity. It costs more than a month of Manhattan rent. I took it off very, very gently.
Okay, so, he's got money, that's nice.
But the other night he casually dropped that his family owns part of a globally known historical landmark in Europe. He didn't mean to reveal that: he tried to backpedal when he realized what he said. I can really tell he makes a concerted effort not to brag, but after this slip up and seeing I didn't have an (external) dramatic reaction, he's started to feel comfortable sharing more. It goes beyond money; his family has power. It goes back far. You wouldn't know them in a household name way, but you could walk by an old building or hospital in the city and a plaque would have their name engraved in the list of generous donors. I couldn't help myself so I googled around and learned a lot. There is so much to read, but I stopped myself because I feel guilty snooping.
So the vent part of this is that I am broke. I was raised by two financially illiterate parents. We always had food and shelter but sometimes our car would get repossessed, sometimes I'd wake up and my parents had sold all my toys in a yardsale. A single traffic ticket would ruin our finances for months. We moved a lot. I didn't have a college fund and the expectation wasn't there so I never went. You get it. I am, by virtue of all this, also poor. The only financial wisdom I understand is frugality, but I'm wise enough to know that when youre rich, frugality had nothing to do with your wealth lol.
I know that he knows I'm not from money, but it's obvious he does not understand the extent of it.
>"Why didn't your parents send you to a better school?"
>"Oh, you didn't have a private tutor?"
>touches my dress from Target "Bellissimo! Is this Italian fabric?"
>"It's only $200 more, you should get it!"
>"Don't you have enough miles for at least business class?"
>"Wait, why don't you shop at Whole Foods? It's so much better"
Long story short lol: I'm scared when he realizes that I'm broke- and that it isn't exactly looking like I'm going to be less broke in the future- he's going to run. I'm scared he'll be disgusted, or disappointed, think I can't keep up with him, or think I'm a gold digger. I really like him so I am really scared of losing him, but I can't hide this forever.
No. 1375733
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>>1375720Nonny this may sound like cringey Female Dating Strategy advice but I only want to help you.
No man whether rich or poor will ever fully understand you or see where you come from. Disregard that desire and don't even entertain the idea that it's possible for him. You'll avoid mental frustration and he may just think you're more mysterious or something. Avoid these topics of "how could you be so ignorant of real people's issues". It's not worth it.
Don't misinterpret this as being a doormat, it's simply denying him the role in your life that has anything to do with influencing your personal philosophy, life experiences, and morals. Save that for your close female friends.
His existence should only be an advantage to you and I can tell you now no rich man worth a shit gives a single fuck about you being poor. If anything, there is no dynamic between a man and a woman that is more effective than the worldly man and his muse. Look at Jeff Bezos and his new woman. Don't hide that you haven't been places or hadn't had nice things. When he gives you these things and you get puppy eyed and tell him he's giving you something you never thought you could have… the ego boost they get is incredible. They don't even realize how docile they become and they just get more eager to please. If you want more detail read the Art of Seduction (sounds like a PUA book but it predates all that and is much more akin to a dark toned psychology/sociology book).
You have advantages here. I hope it works out for you. And don't be afraid to cut him off like any other man if he disrespects you. He can only respect you more.
No. 1375745
>>1375720My boyfriend is significantly richer than me so that's a subject that's been coming up in our relationship too; it's important you talk about him about what you worry about as soon as possible. I seriously doubt he's looking for someone to "keep up with him" otherwise he'd bring it up already; it's more of the matter of him being aware you feel worried so he can actively ensure you there's nothing to be insecure about.
Btw i had no idea people can own specific historical landmarks? Of course you can't reveal it so I'm not asking but maybe you can say in vague terms what is it? A building?
No. 1375751
>>1375720I feel pretty lucky. My bf is from a lower-upper-class family but his parents fucked everything up and lost all the money, so as a young adult he finds himself in utter poverty with the rest of us. They still have some property worth a couple million but it's occupied by various family members, and his mom apparently has a mil or so stashed but won't give him any or use any herself, so he might get inheritence worth something in 15+ years. But for right now he's had a taste of both lives and relentlessly mocks rich people's habits like $400 bottles of wine and retarded deathtrap sports cars. I'm from poverty and have an extreme hatred for the wealthy so we get along well.
I briefly dated a somewhat rich guy and found him to be an asshole. I think all rich people are mentally ill and should be signed up for compulsory military service as canon fodder.
No. 1375780
I've been thinking about some times I may have over or underreacted to stuff and remembered how in 3rd grade my teacher would say weird stuff to me, maybe just to upset me? I really don't know why she would have done that but now as an adult, the things were really odd and kinda cruel to say to a kid, let alone a friendless fat kid.
One time right as recess was ending, and I was making my way inside, she walked by me and told me quietly "You don't get to go inside, you gotta stay here". So I stayed out in the cold, confused, and missed my class. Another teacher saw me later on still sat outside and was confused why I stayed out, and I was escorted inside and my teacher made a huge deal of me skipping class. There was a lot of things like this but as a fat kid, the thing that still kinda stings was when again as recess was ending and lunch would begin, she told me "Not you, you don't need to eat, you stay and sit here", so I did and just sat there until the same teacher who took me in earlier saw me crying and I told her what I was told and I to this day don't know what her face meant, maybe this teacher bullied kids a lot but I was just told I can eat too and got to have a later lunch. I was already being bullied a lot at home and by older kids, very isolated and had an alcoholic parent so it was already very hard for me to have the energy to go to school, I felt like shit and my own teacher kept doing that stuff until the 6th grade. Even with my adult brain thinking this over, trying to keep emotions out of it, it's all very strange? I hate how I always felt so unbelievably helpless and tossed aside and just wrong as a kid and sometimes I just try to think back to figure if it was something I did myself.
No. 1375784
>>1375733Theres some good advice here except for
> it's simply denying him the role in your life that has anything to do with influencing your personal philosophy, life experiences, moralsThe problem with FDS and any PUA-adjacent philosophy is this idea that you can have a fulfilling relationship while keeping your partner at arms length enough to calculate all the transactions of your relationship in your favor. In the end you’re playing yourself by denying yourself emotional intimacy
Either way OP’s post sounds vaguely like the plot of Crazy Rich Asians or something, feels like fanfic
No. 1375792
>>1375733Interesting. I dunno. I value honesty. I
do want to grow with him. I'm looking to share my life with someone, not play a weird game of milking them for positive transactions. I know, moids aren't people reeee, but I can't live my life that way. I don't want to suppress or change my authentic reactions to his life or what he gives me to manipulate him, sorry. That being said I will inevitably reveal how in-awe I am of his lifestyle and family just by being myself, and whatever comes of that, so be it.
Side note: wouldn't going puppy eyed and fawning over him just give him more power over me? I can't exactly see how that makes them more docile.
>>1375745I think next time I'm with him I'll be very transparent and just put it all out there. & I'm being vague but yes, it's a building.
>>1375784This, pretty much. I want a real relationship. & life can be stranger than fiction, eh?
No. 1375843
>>1375826What makes them a forbidden fruit?
>>1375830That'd a sign you're dating just to date. If you're looking for something serious then I suggest to dip but if you want something fun and easy than stay I guess. Depends what you're looking for.
No. 1375887
>>1375836I started dating because I felt lonely on a romantic level (and also horny).
>>1375843Yeah, I realized pretty quickly that nothing serious would come of it and I don't mind casual hook-ups. I'm just scared that she will catch more feelings for me and I'm terrible at communicating.
>>1375878The birth of new lives can be merciless like many other things in nature and it but there are still good things that come with being alive. When life feels especially terrible it helps to think of all the things you enjoy and that you can get pleasure from all the little things in life like tasting something nice and sweet or hearing some beautiful music.
No. 1375909
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Posted this in /g/ but I really need advice
I know how silly this is going to sound but I'm visiting my LDR bf in like 2 weeks and yesterday he had his friend girl hang out at his (new) apartment for a bit for a totally innocent reason that I shouldn't even be upset about (they both went to go get kittens from the same shelter and stopped by his place for a bit) but I still feel incredibly jealous, its not that I don't trust him or anything its literally just my jealousy and insecurity that he had another girl in his house before me when I'm gonna be traveling several hours to see him soon. I wanna be happy for him and get over it but it's eating at me.
No. 1375917
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I hate how me browsing LC literally all day and waiting for replies to my posts is really no different than when I was a depressed teenager browsing 4chan all day. Imageboards were my only form of social interaction and if I actually had friends that I can talk to and have a healthy social life, I wouldn't need to fulfill my social needs through imageboards. It's like I haven't changed at all in the past decade.
No. 1375980
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I posted on the last thread about how my girlfriend of 1.5 years read my journal that made mention of a years long crush on another girl. We have stayed together and are working on things. I have distanced myself completely from the other girl and don’t contact her. However I still have this paranoia that all my stuff is being gone through when I go to work or leave the house. She asked me what I did with the journal, I said I shredded it but that was a lie. I haven’t destroyed it yet and don’t want to because I’m a sentimental bitch. I’ve hidden it somewhere but I’m scared she’s gonna find it again. Just a mess nonas.
No. 1375983
>>1375980I feel like the chances of her finding it again and it starting a bigger fight are high. Make sure it’s Really well hidden
nonnie. I
No. 1375991
>>1375983thanks Nona, yeah I know I’m running a huge risk, I just have avoided disposing off it and can’t do much at the moment while I’m at work.
>>1375986I feel exactly as you’ve described
nonnie. Severe limerance is a good way to describe it. I didn’t feel a loss when I had to go no contact with the other party, but the mental exclusion zone where the crush lived seems sacrosanct and that time of my life meant a lot to me. I know I will move on but it’s just not happening very quickly. Yes I feel guilty and like a shit person but I think it would be such a pointless waste to grenade my current relationship over something that was purely fantasy and over for all real life intents and purposes. I Should probably seek therapy if I believed in it.
No. 1376026
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I went to check out a flea market with a friend today and found some eiffel tower earrings (along with some others) and I bought them because I liked them. It's just a pair of fun, obnoxious earrings (they are much bigger than picrel), and I joked that I would wear them whenever I go to France (because my mom's been talking about doing a trip to France one day). No harm, no foul.
I came home to show them to my parents and my mom called them silly, but it wasn't in a chastising way and just in a "you're so silly" way. My dad? Decided to go all "when you spend nickle and dime here and there, it adds up! it's a lot of money wasted!" and immediately I got mad and told him he does the exact same bullshit. He buys shit non stop off of facebook market place, buys so much of other people's trash. We literally have 6 tower fans in our apartment. What family of 3 needs SIX WHOLE TOWER FANS in their fucking home that already has ceiling fans and air conditioners? Don't even get me started on the other loads of garbage he's brought home. We live in a hoarder house because he won't stop wasting his money on trash.
I've been buying earrings recently because it turns out my piercings never actually closed up when I thought they had, so I've been having fun and buying silly, cute earrings! He says "you need to save up and buy real gold" like yeah I know the value of gold but I also see value in silly fun earrings that just look pretty, bring me joy, and that I'll wear often. Some of the stuff I buy isn't super cheap either, but they're handmade by an individual artist. I'll buy some nice gold jewelry eventually but what's the point in just buying things for their inherent monetary value? Is there no value in cheap, fun things? Is there no value in unique, handmade pieces that someone has poured their love and artistry into? But there seems to be value in someones broken fan apparently. Fucking hypocrite.
Anyway, I'm gonna continue buying my silly little earrings. I don't give a fuck! I recently bought a pair of citrus slice earrings and I am in love with them. I have other artists I've found who make really cool statement pieces and I'm going to buy them. I am going to continue being a silly little girl buying my silly little earrings and having fun.
No. 1376054
>>1376032Come on,
nonnie, you will feel so much better after cleaning up, I know it's difficult but I know you can do it.
Something that helps me a lot is unironically disconnecting my router, the internet is extremely distracting.
Another thing that has helped me a lot is putting my phone on "do not disturb" mode or something like that, it's great because when you don't get notifications you just kind of forget about your phone for a while and you can focus on anything else, since you get bored, so you would rather clean up or work than check out any apps.
No. 1376058
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idk which of my frozen daquiri of mental illnesses makes me like this but if someone i find even remotely attractive shows even the slightest interest in me, i get obsessed with pursuing them. i dont even get invested in them personally and the result is always less rewarding than the chase because it's all about the chase. catching is where the fun ends. i'm in an extremely happy relationship with a predictable meal ticket that checks all the boxes and i couldn't be happier, but someone even mildly flirts with me and i'm ready to risk it all. i never act on it but it's not uncommon (not trying to talk myself up unnecessarily) and it makes me go feral every time until i get over the thrill of the chase and realize i dont actually want what i'm hunting. one day i'm gonna fr get myself in trouble because i'm a naturally charismatic person and it's not difficult to get my prey wrapped up in feelings for me, and someone's going to notice the game i'm playing.
(i swear i'm not a scrote as scrotey as this sounds, i just used gender neutral language because i go both ways)
No. 1376063
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its my birthday and everyone is treating me like shit. cant even do what the shirt says as im on suicide watch and they'll probably frame me for a junkie though ive never done or even seen drugs in my life, or someone will kill or otherwise endanger themselves out of spite against me because everyone is the biggest victim except for me
i hate myself. i feel out of date and expired. i wish i was never born
No. 1376071
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>>1376063happy bday
im sorry you don't feel great, not in a patronising way, just genuinely hope you get to enjoy your bday. did you get any gifts or cards?
No. 1376072
>>1376063I would bake you a big cake if I could
nonnie, I'm sorry your birthday sucks. Hugs for you!
No. 1376082
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>>1376071>did you get any gifts or cards?no, but i will count yours as one ! thank you
>>1376072if i knew when your birthday was i would do the same for you ! i actually bake and cook people's favorite foods from what i learn about them on their birthdays each time even if we arent really friends, but i never feel like making anything for myself because i only enjoy making things for other people and idk what i even like so it would be a waste
i hope you all have a grand day today thank you all for the wishes anons i can always count on lolcor nonnies to make me feel better
<3 No. 1376089
>>1376063Today is also my birthday, anon!
Happy birthday ♥
No. 1376107
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I was browsing at a collectible shop today and happened to strike a conversation with the person next to me about some plushies from some series. The next thing I know, this guy introduces himself indicating that he uses "any pronouns," and asks about me to which I just gave a fake name, and then I got asked what my pronouns were??? The fuck? It should be obvious that I'm a woman.
Giving it some more thought now, I wonder if it's because my hair is colored. I hope I didn't do this to myself by making it seem like I'm associated with genderspecials.
Also kek apparently this guy had held out his hand to shake hands but I was so distracted with holding plushies in both of my hands that my brain didn't even acknowledge or register that he was doing that so he just got left hanging.
No. 1376132
>>1376063Happy birthday,
No. 1376133
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I was watching a video about AI and automation and the comments were littered by zoomers being happy that ''shitty'' jobs like being a waiter were going to dissapear and that by banning AI we are ''stunting humanity's progress''. why are zoomers so retarded? they pretend to be keyboard anarchists but they are the first ones to defend millionaire's interests. I hate them so much
No. 1376145
>>1376119He even had the gall to tap me on my hand while I was examining the plushies to try to get my attention for the handshake but I just looked at him very confused. Such a bizarre interaction.
>>1376122Ugh you're so right that those types of people would be the ones that are big into collecting plush. I guess it would be easier to just purchase plushies online to avoid any interactions with weird people but unfortunately I prefer shopping in person to examine for any manufacturing defects and to avoid paying for shipping. I'll just have to stay a little more guarded if there is a next time of this kind of interaction happening.
nonny I'm annoyed that that is considered as part of the standard now for some workplace introductions. Especially since it's just forcing normies to do it so that genderspecials don't feel suicidal after work just because someone referred to them by their biological sex.
No. 1376285
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>>1376281nta but are you serious ? its a real word…
No. 1376350
I've decided it's time to call it with my FWB. His life is a mess but he's generous with oral and very sexually compatible and we're exclusive so I've been quite happy with him. His character is nice and frankly I like him. If I had (even) poorer judgement I'd have him as a BF.
But we planned to go out to a restaurant last night and he arrived 30 minutes late with no explanation. His clothes smell unwashed, he looks ungroomed and has no plan on where to actually go. He's tired and stressed so I suggest we stay in and order something and watch a film to take the load off. Turns out he ate 2 hours ago (wtf) so he just orders me something. We get to bed and he's generally been grumpy then insinuates that I should do all the work and I was like…no. Before this he's kissing me and he just smoked cigarettes and I'm high and sensitive so his breath is gross, I state my dissatisfaction and he's like oh…OK sorry then makes no move to get up. At this point I just want to leave, he sees this and suggests a walk (something I always love) because I looked clearly done.
While we're walking I'm just kind of spacing out about the reality of the situation. We'd been "together" a year and a half but I didn't see him for 2 weeks recently and it's like when you come back after a holiday and it's like you're re-smelling your place for the first time before you get used to it. Every one of the faults I listed he's done to some degree before, first time apologising profusely and it couldn't be helped for sure, then when it happened again it was exceptional circumstances, then when it happened again it's because he's been tired that week, then eventually these events can happen as one offs with maybe no explanation unless i'm visibly irritated. Like if he'd be more than 5 minutes late he'd text and apologise and he'd arrive freshly laundered and shaven, he'd have a place and backup picked out, he'd first off ask me if he can smoke then chew gum right afterwards. Then we'd get to his and give me oral for about an hour then once I'm satisfied stop unless I indicated I wanted more. That was the reality for the first good 6 months, then the slow backsliding started.
So anyway, last night all the facts just rushed up to me of where we were, that he's a pathetic loser and I'd be doing myself a disservice to keep things going with him. It's a shame I won't receive oral again for a long time but it's not worth it. I'm quite sad at losing the idea of what I have, but truthfully I've already lost it. The neat attractive man with a generous attitude and healthy sex drive has transmogrified into a pig and I don't think he's coming back.
No. 1376408
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Dang I feel like a creep, I really like this dude I've been talkin to for only a month. I also don't e-date and I'm trying my hardest not to get romantically involved with anyone, so there's three factors but we get along really well, I've never made friends quite like it and he is also very handsome and funny. He has been at national drill all weekend and I've been watching videos on his youtube channel to hear his voice and "see" him again…fuck me, I'd never thought I'd come this low in life LOL
No. 1376426
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>''my mom wants us to have children so prepare yourself''
what the fuck, we aren't even dating gross moid
No. 1376431
>>1376393first, you don't have autism or trauma, that's just a normal human reaction. Diagnosing yourself over a simple human interraction is a symptom of modern life retardation, stop doing it. Second, for fighting the guilt from not helping others I have two methods:
1. Think of your own situation. If you had a million dollars, a place to live at and you were set for life - that's when you could help others. But when you are still on your way to financial freedom, in a timeline with the possibility of the ww3, after a pandemic, with a worldwide economical crisis… Your ass and your surrounding is what you should be focused on, not other people. There are millioners that could help them, why should you? Whenever someone asked my aunt for money she would sprint by them saying she needs someone to give her money too and that's the mentality you should have.
2. Put yourself in their place. If you were starving and had no place to go… Would your first thought really be to bother a young woman at the local store (or at the mcdonalds as that homeless guy you mentioned) with her own problems and struggles? Wouldn't that make you feel shitty? wouldnt a better option be trying to find a homeless shelter or a non-profit? Asking a friend? Asking in a restaurant if they have some spare food? Now imagine you were a scammer who begs for food. Who would you approach for help? An older person who has experience or someone younger who barely left their mommy? A man or a woman that is not only less aggressive and weaker but also more empathetic?
Women not only are more prone to self-sacrifice but they also have a problem with projecting their own set of morals onto others. That old lady at the store was right - you are innocent, all of us are when we step into the adult world. But you have to learn to protect yourself and stop being a pushover.
No. 1376433
I get so mad when I think about an old close friend and her relationship with her thank fuck now ex bf. She started by trying to set us both up but tbh he looked like a greasy incel and I thought she was trying to insult me and said no thanks. Then a few weeks later she was dating him.
Well, he was as I suspected a complete scumbag. I messaged him on my friends behalf like "hey man your gfs phone died she's here etc" and he came back with "you will address by my NAME" and I was like KEK wtf bro, I suppose he forgot I wasn't dependent and susceptible to abuse like his gf. She sent me screenshots of their arguments and it was gaslighting galore, he'd frequently contradict himself then as she tried to address it he'd pull out some outrageous accusation she'd panic and defend herself from, or say something anxiety inducing (for her) like he's not sure if he loves her and stuff. It was laughably pathetic and transparent how he was acting from my perspective, but to my friend it was all very real and when I pointed out how textbook it was and could even correctly predict what he'd say next, she understood logically but not emotionally. Anyway, he found out what I was saying to her and demanded she stop speaking to me. I didn't know about it for a long time because she stopped texting and instead just turned up at my door for spontaneous hangouts.
Problem was for me that I hated this weasel but she wouldn't break up with him. We met though my friend tried to minimise the possibility of us interacting and he went to shake my hand and I said no thanks. He then gave my friend the silent treatment all evening making her a nervous wreck, basically punishing her for my actions. Post breakup she confessed to me he'd raped her on more than one occasion and would demand blowjobs and refuse to give oral, they were both virgins before this. We're all in 3 separate countries and it incenses me that he got away with it all. He drove her self esteem to be so low, and he's a pale weasel with no personality and she's so beautiful and lights up any room she's in, how could this have happened. Even when they moved to separate countries she wanted to keep it going with an LDR, but I guess he couldn't manipulate her so well when not face to face.
In the end I'm just mad at myself that I couldn't do more to stop it. How could I not convince her she was worth more? Why didn't she ever want to break up, no matter how awful he was? To me it was so clear, and I didn't even know the half of it. I feel like I failed her.
No. 1376438
>>1376431I was diagnosed with asd, I'm not diagnosing myself. On one hand, what you said definitely applies to a lot of people, including that gypsy woman. But I think there are also some homeless people that don't have any family or friends they could ask for help, they're too far gone, and sometimes it started from mental illness and not being able to get professional help. I met an older lady with diabetes and a rotting leg, yes she could get food from a shelter but she had no money for medicine so I gave her some, even if it wouldn't help her in the long run, it could ease her pain for just a moment. Sometimes social services just don't do shit for those people except giving them food. I lived in Netherlands for a while and from what I've seen and heard, there's basically no homeless people there because they have a rich social care. But in my country there's quite a lot of homeless people or beggers and no one gives a shit. Like, I often think that if my mental illnes was bad enough I could end up like them someday. I struggle to make friends due to tism, and my only family is my aunt and uncle and my grandma and when they die, who will help me? Even doctors don't care about you if you don't have any family, or a partner or a kid. It's not easy to live alone when you have no social safety net
No. 1376455
>>1376446>every woman has empathy>every woman doesnot true
>>1376438>I lived in Netherlands for a while and from what I've seen and heardYou never see homeless people because it's practically illegal to be publicly homeless. There has been a massive spike of homelessness and the forests are full of tents, because it's illegal to sleep in public or in your car and a lot of homeless shelters are full or only help people for a short amount of time. The foodbank also only helps a couple months and then you're on your own. Nevermind that they gutted psychiatric healthcare so you do see more "confused" people on the street. It's also a cycle where because people don't see the homeless they think they can safely scale down social care and then things only get worse, but homelessness stays hidden, so then they scale social care down even more, until the boswachter has a whole forest full of tents.
No. 1376479
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fucked up a greentext can i fucking kill myself
No. 1376504
>>1376393It's all due to capitalism. In short, since it's been so long with unequally distributed wealth, there are sections of the population that have less money than the rest (while a small section has much more money than most of us). The people at the bottom live in an unending cycle of being born in poverty and marginalized, and learning to live and survive as a poor and marginalized person. Begging, stealing, and taking advantage of overly empathetic people are some of the ways which they have learned to survive. It's the only way they grew up knowing. It's not your responsibility to give them money, it's not your (or even their) fault, it's the system that we exist in, and it's something we have to learn to live with for now, lest we spend every day feeling bad for not being able to change the world single-handedly and save all the starving children in the world. Most people go through this I think, and especially women, but we have to stop caring so much because there's practically nothing we can do and feeling sad isn't going to change that. So you have to become less empathetic and less sensitive for your sake (another effect of capitalism and poverty in general, people losing empathy for others as a defense mechanism). What other anon said is true, you cannot save everyone, and that's always true no matter what system we're in. It's like when you're in a relationship with someone who's an awful person who's also suffering a lot due to their shitty life and you try to sacrifice your own sanity to help them, at some point you have to realize that it's better to prioritize yourself in the end because you're being hurt while trying to save another.
No. 1376539
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I wanted to volunteer at an animal shelter but I'm allergic kek. Too much of a pussy to volunteer at a homeless shelter because I read too many stories of the moids groping women who help them. Maybe I can find something with kids? Idk I just want to have something to do with my life on the weekends and meet new people. Well also help people obviously it would help me receive a scholarship too though
No. 1376567
>>1376539You could also volunteer at
victim help orgs. If you go for DV instead of something like fraud department, you should practically only be dealing with women.
No. 1376584
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I need to stop overthinking everything I hate when I get overwhelmed by nothing sigh literally every time I get overwhelmed I just shut down I'm literally the freeze in "fight flight or freeze" I'm like a perfectionist but in the worst way possible can't believe I am just stuck in this world of stuff right now instead of doing awesome things like staring at fungus in the woods or drawing shitty fanart or tending to a vegetable garden. boo
No. 1376609
>>1376582there was video posted to my local reddit of some idiot going up to pet a bat that was out fluttering around the sidewalk in the middle of the day. spoiler alert: it bit her and she had to get rabies shots. people are fucking stupid. there are way too many people who go up and try to pet noctural animals who are out schizzing around in the daylight like tweakers.
>>1376198RIP nonna and her sister. at the very least you could smoke the bat out or call exterminators. just light up like 20 citronella candles and that fucker will fly the coop like a bat outta hell. probably. or you could die of rabies in the meantime or burn your house down. maybe you should spend the $500 on a professional pest removal service and go get your rabies shots.
No. 1376645
>>1376636wish I could kill him for you nonna and
>>1376644 this. Also do some preparation/looking into for filing for a no-contact order already.
No. 1376646
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>>1376609Shoutout to when I was 8 and found a bat suspiciously clinging to a stone wall in the middle of the day and pet it with my finger while deciding to never tell an adult I had done it. How did I survive to reach adulthood?
No. 1376650
>>1376644I don't want to do that, I think it will make him even angrier if we don't get to talk this out (I'll tell him I fell out of love but still could be friends, we won't ofc but he's not completely unreasonable). It's not a relationship of years and he still lives with his mother so she will know if anything is going on. I'm just scared he'll climb through my window or some scary shit like that, we live very close and I pass his mom's place almost every day.
>>1376648Thanks, I will go to his place and make sure his mother is home so nothing happens. I'm scared that he knows where I live and he is still deeply in love so this will hit him like a rock, I don't know what to expect.
>>1376645Thank you nonna, he has some anger issues so I'm fucking horrified of what might happen.
No. 1376656
>>1376650How he feels and if he’s angry doesn’t matter if he’s trying to hurt you. Tell your mom to take you to a different location, where you’re not near him or his moms house, and have a no-contact order/restraining order filed or in the process of being filed at the time of texting him or calling him. If you’re afraid he’ll berate you or try to threaten you over the phone, have one of your parents do it. You‘re aware that you’re in an
abusive situation and that you need to get out of it, so use your resources to do so. He can’t harm you from afar.
No. 1376676
File: 1665946571530.jpg (22.58 KB, 339x339, kmspng.jpg)

>[tiktok zoom in] "sooo i did a thing guyz'
>"hashtag plant mom!"
>"eyeliner so sharp it can cut a man!"
>[shows tits at a protest for a local union] RESIST!!11
>"my furr babies are everything"
>"if you choose a real child over your fur babies you're a sociopath"
>"Ugh disgusting crotch goblins"
>"my mom mentioned that she'd like grandkids once and it actually made me spiral"
>"being childless makes me a minority"
>"I fucking hate kids, and there's nothing wrong with it."
>"I need to heal my inner child..when i was a kid, i was smarter than the rest and was given no empathy. but fuck other kids"
>"gifted kid burnout is real!!1 i was placed in a room with kids that barely tested above average once and after I entered the real world and had nobody to compare myself to, i failed! that's not my fault!"
>"wanna hear my very original DND campaign? How did you know it involves a Tiefling?!"
>[photo of the ugliest scrote and 2 girls you've ever seen] "hashtag Polycule goals!"
How do we k word these people from the planet and internet? im not even a mom and this shit pisses me off. feminism is dying in the most cruel way i fear.
No. 1376692
From time to time I experience weird, involuntary muscle contractions that cause my hands to shake, especially my right hand, when it happens I also feel muscle spasms in my stomach and legs. I immedietaly feel like I just have to eat something sweet, and the shaking stops some time after I eat, althought I still feel stiffness in my muscles on the right side. I'm kinda scared to go to the doctor with this, I'm afraid they won't take it seriously or they will say it's psychosomatic, but it happens even when I'm relaxed and not stressed and I really can't control it no matter how hard I try. In my early teens I had a couple of attacks that looked like epileptic seizures, but that was my whole body, now it's just hands and arms combined with muscle spasms in stomach, sometimes thighs. My bmi is 19.33 so it's fine, I'm not a fatty who gets shaky when they need to eat a cake. Fuck I ate an apple pie and this shit is slowly going away, I hope it goes away totally because I don't have anything else and its too late to go to the store
No. 1376699
>>1376692anon, you can be thin and have hypoglycemia. Many people with low BMIs have hypoglycemia that starts in their teens, like you. What you have is like textbook def, please see a doctor.
I have it, and I'm 5'5" at 122 pounds.
No. 1376714
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How I sleep, knowing that one of many subhuman, manipulative/abusive dog-hating scrotes in the world is getting publicly exposed and fucked over on a cosmic level. Feels fucking good.
No. 1376716
>>1376706it's complicated, but if you mean you'll need insulin or anything like that, probably not if you can actually manage it with sugary foods (which is the most common form of casual treatment). But getting a doctor's advice
now will save you from a damaging episode. You might need to have more scheduled food intake. I do some of the things you do, like eating apples (high sugar) daily or other fruits and I'm fine.
No. 1376747
>>1376733Thank you anon! Hoping for the best
>>1376735Oh absolutely, it's the right thing to do. Hopefully it won't come to that but yeah they definitely would need to know.
No. 1376752
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i hate seeing women like this out in the wilds of 4chan
wtf goes wrong in your life as a woman to end up saying shit like this, dancing like a monkey for an audience of moids who hate you?
No. 1376766
>>1376752I hate when women say shit like this, because they're acting like feminism is preventing them from doing what they want to do or forcing them to do stuff they don't want to do. If you don't want to vote, who the fuck is stopping you?
Anyway, women like that are probably just trying to be contrarian. If feminism didn't give us the rights we have now (at least in some places) they would be complaining about how they have to stay home and raise a family.
No. 1376801
>>1376752literally, like in what world is feminism stopping her from doing those things? do people realize that “women weren’t allowed to work” is a complete myth? POOR women had to work labor jobs all across the western world in the 50s. maids, servants, attendants, garbage disposal, midwives, nannies, the help, you name it. rich women fought for the right to have higher education and access to skilled professions, but the biggest thing that has kept women down in society is and will always be poverty.
if she wants those things, she should find a rich scrote instead of pandering to the losers on there
No. 1376863
>>1376832that's just being a kitten. 4 months is so young! you should enjoy it now, it's a brief phase they go through and it's a little bittersweet when they turn into sleepy adult cats lol
is she indoor only? maybe you can teach her how to walk on a leash if she'll put up with it and that will be an outlet for both of you
as for the litter thing… how big is the litter box? she may be outgrowing it if she's just pooping over the edge. it's a serious problem if she poops everywhere, you have to do something. if it's stress, those plug in friendly cat pheromone things can do wonders! (Feliway really works, generally it calms everyone but how your cat reacts to it initially is up to it; my one cat wanted to sit next to it and my other cat was initially creeped out and looking for the secret cat in the house lol)
No. 1376877
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reply to me but not too often but not too slow give me heart reacts but not too many ask to spend time with me but not too often every week break up for me except i know you wouldn't and i don't even want you to. prioritize me but not for real.
No. 1376881
>>1376878sorry it came off as mean and dismissive of her very real situation she has every right to vent about it but I guess I just have a thing about people calling literal babies mean as if they're doing something on purpose. toddlers have basically no control over their emotions and actions. she was saying that before the baby loved her but now he's "mean" and that's making her rethink her whole relationship and life. good to vent here instead of at the baby I guess but in all seriousness… it's a baby, it's not being mean on purpose. it's not personal!
is he a literal devil child who tried to light the dog on fire or something? I guess I need specifics.
No. 1376891
>>1376766>>1376801she seems overly concerned with what other women are doing with their lives and incel's opinions on women as a result of that
it's never enough for them to do their trad bullshit, they also have to act hateful and bitter towards any woman who doesn't
No. 1377004
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I told my mom that I want a puppy for Christmas/birthday. I’m an immigrant and can’t go back home until america processes my shit. I’m feeling lonely without my dogs (they’re my moms), I don’t leave the house much anymore, my schedule is out of order, depressed etc. husband tells me to wait until after thanksgiving which fine, whatever, it’s cool. Tonight he calls his mom and tells her about our future dog and she’s like “ no, who’s going to take care of it when you visit your grandparents this Xmas?”. I called my mom about it after and she’s like “yeah I don’t think you should get a puppy because your immigration will be settled in 9 months and you’re getting a job and won’t be around to take care of it. Im autistic and have a horrendous time getting a job already since when am I capable of finding one immediately? I’m already getting turned down by shelters left and right as is, my mental health has spiraled and I’m pissed off. I waited months before even considering getting a dog because I wanted my husband to feel comfortable with the idea rather than force it on him. All I wanted was a companion to help with anxiety and touch some grass jfc.
No. 1377027
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I thought about it and even if I had a normal well-adjusted life I would still want to kill myself. A boyfriend? Still would want to kill myself. Friends? Still would want to kill myself. Stress-free life? Still would want to kill myself. Freedom? Still would want to kill myself. I already had enough of this world already, I want to disappear from it altogether
No. 1377057
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This shit tastes too much like fruit loops for it to taste good to me. I know what you are thinking >>Nonnie but oh my Nonna, it's supposed to taste like front loops!
You know how watermelon flavored things don't taste just like watermelon? Or green apples? Kinda like a weird sorta kinda flavor? I wasn't expecting a mouth full of chewy front lips. I don't even like front loops in its natural form, why would I want it I gummy? I thought it was going to be a nice fruity tasting gummy with a hint of front loops.
But it's not. Disappointed
No. 1377065
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My brother has been a bpd mess his entire life. He is now 31, hasn't worked snce 2012, has been in and out of hospital countless times for various bpd stunts etc. He's also gay and very promiscuous so risky behaviour and relatioships only amplify his self destructive behaviour. Over the years my parents have tried to help him. I have tried to help him but the stress has been immense. I moved to another country years ago and partly that was to seperate from the sideshow that is his life.
It makes me really sad because we always were so close. I love him so much and he is so funny and smart and caring but locked into an increasingly scary death spiral.
A lot of his fellow messy bpd friends he has collected over the years have died.
Only last week he was in hospital again because he overdosed on the benzos he was given in order to detox from alcohol. He has been offered residnetial rehab but is not taking it because he doesn't want to lose his deadbeat boyfriend. It was at that moment I kind of accepted he is circling the drain and I need to detach for my own sanity if he won't get help. I feel like a bad person though for abandoning him.
No. 1377098
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my muscles hurt so bad from withdrawals and i know im not gonna fall asleep tonight no matter how tired i am. i also know i brought it upon myself and i wonder how many more nights of pain and anger im gonna hve to go through to be stronger than my base desires/compulsions. i feel like a loser and i want to get better. third times the charm maybe.
No. 1377118
>>1377099its kratom thank you
nonnie. i did it a year ago and i got about 7mo off. its silly bcus its legal and so many people say theres no such thing as withdrawls but if you put your hand around my arm youd feel what im talking about and it hurts, i cant sit still. not to mention having every single other symptom of opioid withdrawal there is. im coming out of this one way or another without using and not going back bcus this is hell and the final time i'm going to put myself through it
No. 1377133
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forced to be a mediator around mentally sick senior citizens all my goddamn life witnessing the most horrific shit ever somehow i deserve to be beaten for not wanting them to fight and kill themselves anymore. all my fucking life at 9 years old i had to be their therapist and take in their trauma or whatever and nobody even cares about how this affects me at all. nobody even bothers with my older brother because ??? i dont have a clue but its all my fault for not being an expert and its my fault for not wanting any trouble its my fault for trying to ease tensions its my fault and i deserve to be beaten for it apparently. its my fault to want peace and quiet and i should just stand there and watch them commit spite suicide in various ways everyday at the most miniscule disagreement or trouble. i shouldnt ever show that im upset or they will blow up on me and try to kill themselves again i should just be a working robot but not too emotionless or o get beaten for it
im so tired but i cant escape. im not even sure if i am allowed to be tired
No. 1377137
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I got a buttcheek cramp
No. 1377152
>>1376628>>1376609>>1376582My dad helped me search for the bat upstairs, we didn't find anything, no guano either, so it's unlikely that we've got an infestation, it's more likely that it got lost when it flied into the empty part of the unfinished second floor (the door that leads there was open and that's probably how it got inside). My post explaining what happened is in the stupid questions thread, but in short, we didn't get too close to it, it's just that it flied back to the second floor before I could open a door downstairs to make sure it left, and I don't know if it went back outside through the door that was open or if it's hiding somewhere in my room or somewhere else on the second floor. It also didn't seem to have symptoms of rabies since it was clearly looking for a way to escape, it could fly very well and wasn't aggressive, it was also dusk so its behavior seemed normal except for the fact that it got lost. By the way there's a lot of trees where I live so it probably wasn't too far from where its home.
My sister is sleeping up there and if the bat is in the bedroom (unlikely) it could bite her. Today she said she can't find any bite marks or scratches on her body but some bats leave marks that are practically invisible. I can't stop thinking about it. Even though the chances of her getting rabies are extremely low (unlikely that the bat is hidden in our room, that it has rabies, that it bit my sister and that it left tiny invisible bite marks on her face since she covers her entire body with her blanket) I can't stop focusing on that 1% chance that we wouldn't know happened until it's too late.
Everyone here tells me that it's no big deal and that getting the shots is too extreme, my mom makes fun of me for even suggesting it. My mom and a friend told me that they've been around bats a lot since they grew up in a farm and they're fine and never knew anyone who died from a bat bite or rabies. When I think about this and how unlikely it is that my sister will die of it, I calm down but only for a while. Then I start thinking again that we wouldn't know until she shows clinical symptoms and I start crying again. If only me and my sister could get PEP I would be able to sleep in peace again. That would be the only way to make sure we'll be fine unless we find the bat in the next few days and it tests negative, but if it flew away after infecting us somehow, we wouldn't know.
I don't know if I'm wrong for worrying this much, or if it's everyone else who is wrong. I genuinely don't know what to do or what to think. I feel like I'm going insane.
No. 1377176
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>Stay around a toxic person to remind myself of what not to be
>Observe this person's yes men from afar with great disturbance and tell self I will never become like that
>Tell myself I can leave whenever I want and that I'm in control of my own decisions
>Continue to stick around anyway
>Get in too deep
>Realize that I am staying out of fear of what this person may do to me if I leave
Jokes on me.
No. 1377230
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I was reminiscing over the flood we had a year ago
I will simply tell you that if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation, the LAST thing you need to do is sit there getting angry and arguing and taking smoke breaks instead of helping and don't refuse a rescue offer for no reason and don't refuse the volunteers when they offer to help clean up the aftermath
I will also offer the advice to not horde shit and if you do then at least don't keep them in large unlabeled opaque bins and please don't keep a collection of random Amazon™ boxes because then it spreads all over the basement and you have to sit there scraping that wet shit off the nasty floor
No. 1377248
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nonnie. the times I have been the happiest have been between jobs with nothing lined up.
No. 1377324
>>1377231I've had jobs that didn't make me feel like shit. The one I have now is unfortunately not like that.
Not looking forward to this fucking week.
No. 1377346
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I 90% likely got COVID. Even without covid my health itself have always been weak and i've been avoidng people and everything like a plague for years. I even go outside just to get groceries, how the hell did that happen… I feel so sick and tired, but I need to keep drawing. Goddamit.
No. 1377363
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I have some OCD type symptoms which make me doubt my own reality and obsess over explanations for it. Anyway, because of the cows who fake DID I've been reading a little about it and unfortunately it's developed into an OCD obsession that I have DID. It's so frustrating because I know I don't have DID but I am still experiencing symptoms of DID as a result of the obsession and it's really debilitating. The only thing that brings me some relief is that I think obsession over going crazy or having a more serious mental illness is a very common OCD theme so I try remind myself of that.
No. 1377411
>>1377406This post
>>1377396 is about his roommate.
They were actually both in today and she stopped talking to me after I confronted her friend in front of her. I hope she's mad at me more often because I prefer when she doesn't sound off to me.
No. 1377414
>>1377407He's just a lazy cunt and also argumentative but I'm also argumentative so I've put him in his place a few times. I've attempted to train him in my role, but he refuses and fucks off. I've said to management. He's been caught vaping in a microbiology lab and nothing was done.
Him and his roommate are weird and air out all their personal shit out in work all the time. The roommate is the biggest moan alive. She'll just monologue in the canteen about the days miserys, she's never happy. Yet she's never in a better mood than when she has something dreadful to say. When the two of them are working together you can hear them screaming and fighting with each other. They're both the youngest members of staff but they've got a million different ailments and are always complaining about having to stand. They spend most of the day trying to find a place to sit down.
No. 1377440
>>1376676crotch goblin is weird to me because they're a crotch goblin too just an even bigger older one
with the same level of maturity by that logic they're disgusting AF. im not a mom either im newly an adult even kek like just be childless and not annoying about it…
No. 1377497
My mom finally admitted outloud that it is odd how my sister always says every nurse, grocery worker, flight attendant etc was rude or mean and that's why she acts aggressive and gets thrown out of places. I've been saying this since we were kids, my sister has always been very aggressive and sometimes pretty violent, she's also quite a bit older than me so it was even more upsetting to have her throwing stuff like rocks at my head just because I told her no to something. "I think the common denominator is her, why haven't neither of us been kicked out of anywhere?", gee mom, because we aren't nonmedicated adhd, rageful bitches? Who the fuck gets thrown out of a hospital thrice, or from an airport? I think I myself may have adhd too, I have bipolar and ptsd, but her and my dad's very mentally behaviour really twisted how I see any potential symptoms of shit.
No. 1377502
>>1377495samefag but i cant atand or do my work at the offcie i cant i wihs i could go home but i dont drive and no one can take me home and home is an hour away.
Trying not to puke
No. 1377509
>>1377502I don't fully understand but I hope you can get on your way home soon
nonnie. Are you at the office now? How much longer do you have to be where you're at?
No. 1377526
>>1377502Be annoying and tell them you just HAVE to go home. That's what I just did. Not feeling well either
nonnie. Hope we both feel better later (I have a feeling you need it more than I do!!)
No. 1377575
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I went out of town and left my tarantula with a friend. I came back and its dead. worst part is i dont know if i did something before i left town or if it was my friend. i just want to know what happened so I can feel like i wont kill another one.
No. 1377585
>>1377575I'm sorry that must be shocking for you.
>>1377520Did you recieve the proper closure?
No. 1377606
>>1377133sounds like typical boomer shit. just stop fawning.
No. 1377609
>>1376872Nta but toddlers are meaaan!
>>1377575What did your friend say?
No. 1377623
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I want to learn Japanese but I'm too much of an undisciplined idiot to learn. Everyone around me is easily learning it but I can't seem to get it. Once you get past the entry point (Katakana and Hiragana) it's all too confusing. Do I start with drilling vocabulary? Learning grammar rules? If it's vocabulary first how do I go about that? What vocabulary should I start learning? Numbers and colors first? There's no in depth list of what to learn and when that it's troubling me so much. It's just so overwhelming that it makes me want to cry.
No. 1377661
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my fellow autists yall know how fucking hard it is to find resources that cater to women with this illness right, so I actually find a support group for "women on the spectrum" close enough to my home. wow finally an opportunity to connect with other women my age who can relate to shit only autistic women do right? literally half of the attendants are TIMs
No. 1377665

>>1377623learning the basics can be really fun because you're going from 0 to knowing something. learn whatever feels right, and don't stress too much about not knowing everything perfectly. colors, numbers and months are something i keep messing up until i encounter them enough, and that's pretty much true for everything in languages. don't forget to feel proud of your achievements even if it's not much.
i'd try to do a little of everything without overloading yourself. some vocab, some grammar to use the vocab, etc. even some listening can be useful. you won't understand anything for a while but being able to tell sounds apart and getting used to the rhythm is gonna be super useful once you have enough vocab.
like nonas said, japanese has tons of resources. some series are more well known than others but i recommend watching videos on youtube to compare textbooks and methods. i also strongly recommend lindie botes for mindset and more realistic content. some people are (respectfully) crazy and can study every single day for hours (arinoyume is insane) but you really need to ignore them and focus on what you can and want to do with your learning japanese.
hope this helps you nona, sorry for my ESL ramble
No. 1377695
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I hate when I get the urge to talk about something I'm passionate about because I know nobody gives a shit. I don't have anyone to sperg to. On the other hand, people love sperging to me and I support them by listening and asking questions even if I'm not even necessarily interested but my interests are irrelevant, ignored, and met with one word responses
No. 1377710
>>1377696> she sent me a text cussing me out afterwards because i didn’t mix water into the cat’s food to make it a “fine gravy texture” they eat dead shit for fucks sake. cat people weird as hellNta and I don't really hate cats or dogs to the point of making a thread where people can suggest poisoning pets, but I never got why people seethe at dogs for being dirty (well, it's an animal) while praising cats for being clean? They both lick their assholes and then sit on everything you own (if anything cats can get literally eveywhere) and both like to play with dead things and poop. Apparently it's cute when your cat brings home a carcass? I'd grossed out tbh.
But sure dogs are more dangerous than cats and I can understand not liking them for sure, but they're animals and they don't really know better, especially if they're so inbred than their behaviour gets fucked. Imo the people badly handling those (potentially dangerous) animals are always at fault.
No. 1377717
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On my way to go camping at a cabin and it's pouring freezing rain.. while this past weekend was super warm and sunny. I'm disappointed but I'm trying to stay positive..
No. 1377721
>>1377717That picture is so cute, they look like they taste like figs.
Cheer up though anon. Maybe it will clear up tomorrow!
No. 1377729
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Why is public transport so shit this year in my city? Just on top of my head
>no bus around me in July and August because of construction work, had to go to work by walking for 20min to the nearest subway station when it's 37°C at least or had to work from home. the subway didn't have any AC as usual
>recently a bunch of subway lines have issues once a day
>was late to work everyday one week because the bus was late and the subway was always stuck between two stations at some point
>had to go back home from work a few weeks ago with a crowded bus during rush hour with the worst traffic jam ever because all 4 subway lines stopped working until late in the evening because of some technical issue
>then some girl tries to commit suicide last Friday on my way home, the only reason why I don't see her jump in front of me is because I was wasting time saying hi to all my coworkers at the office and missed the subway I was gonna take, I arrived at home at 9pm instead of 5:30 as usual
>stayed at home today, checked the daily news, saw that the subway that takes me back home had technical issues and could only work again since 10pm
>only getting 16€ back from my monthly transport subscription
I'm getting fucking scammed. The last time something that big happened was over a decade ago when some guys robbed a currency change office and took an hostage before fleeing right next to my high school and I climbed back home.
No. 1377741
>>1377734That's really disturbing.
Not to play the devil's advocate but could it be that the parents didn't know it was fetish gear? I have seen all those things used in fashion (except leashes wtf) that I genuinely didn't know it was a fetish thing until recently. But I'm also extremely isolated so my point of view doesn't really reflect the average person. Regardless if the parents know it or not it's creepy as fuck
No. 1377756
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>>1377734O ring chokers became such a popular thing in recent years (i think more pre-covid than now), that you'd even be able to get one in h&m or whatever other basic store, my mind wouldn't necessarily jump straight to fetish gear since I've seen so many women use it in their outfits, kinda like picrel; I could understand how parents could not really think about it twice either… though depends how old we're talking about, because idk, middle school level young teen being edgy, I guess I can see that, younger than that - pretty creepy.
No. 1377781
>>1377734bruh three years ago working as a preschool lunch lady in the midwest, I saw a literal four year old wearing a pink bondage choker
Saw a lot of disgusting shit at that job
No. 1377849
>>1377696Yes, shitbulls do make me angry. Because every other day there are headlines of them ripping the face off of women and mauling children to death.
When is the last time a corgi killed someone? It's always shitbulls. Plus, they're ugly as a sack of shit. Your beast is going to shred the skin off your skull one day.
No. 1377875
>>1377867i hate that scrotes take so long to be "ready" for marriage. i've seen couples who date for 10 years and the scrote still isn't "sure" or "ready". then the same scrotes spin around and scream that women need to be married and pumping out babies by 23. who is going to marry them, assclown? or are we supposed to saddle young women with 40 year old scrotes who finally feel "ready" so the scrote can sit in a recliner while his young wife-slave runs around doing all the housework and childcare, and then her reward is 20 years of widowhood with no one to take care of her or keep her company in her old age?
men are gross pathetic dysfunctional coddled trash. if a man isn't married by 30, he should be sent to the army to serve on the front line.
No. 1377877
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I took four benadryl and I'm still awake.
It's been three days since I got any sleep at all.
My psychiatrist refuses to give me any sleep aids until I've gotten a full sleep panel done AND gotten what she considers satisfactory results.
I had one done, but I couldn't sleep either night, so the test was just marked as a failure.
My psych specifically said that she won't give me anything until it's deemed that I don't have sleep apnea, which I don't, I don't even snore, but since I couldn't sleep either night of the exam, they couldn't mark down that I don't have it.
I made the mistake of admitting to the psych that I occasionally try benadryl out of desperation, for which she tried to have me put in the psych ward, but when the hospital's resident psychiatrist examined me, he obviously found out I wasn't trying to hurt myself or anyone else, so they just let me go.
I guess I just don't get to sleep anymore.
No. 1377896
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I want to know if this moid I like liked me on tinder but I'm not gonna fucking pay for tinder gold.
He hasn't shown up for me though, but I know for a fact that he's on tinder and he has seen my profile. That's bad news right? That means he swiped left doesn't it?
No. 1377921
>>1377877Nonna I beg of you for the love of god be careful. I was in a very similar position and my doctor also refused to help. Ended up accidentally overdosing on benadryl and other sleep aids just trying to overcome my insomnia. I still have neurological issues from the whole thing years later and my life/brain are irreparably damaged.
Your doctor fucking sucks. Can your general doctor or any other specialist help at all?
No. 1377946
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I despise every woman that has a boyfriend or husband. You are dirty and male-identified, you know how shitty and subhuman they are yet you still have sex with them and love them, some women are just as despicable as men. You are disgusting filthy beings. I hate your kind.
No. 1377947
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Some nonas were randomly so aggressive to me on /g/ and it ruined my day. Yes maybe I deserved slight bullying in hindsight but the nonnie coming straight out of the gate swinging at me was upsetting.
No. 1377954
>>1377951Thanks Nona, I did post something retarded. Out of ignorance not malice but nonnies were not having it that day.
Me too- I think the cat is fine though, it has dwarfism so just always looks like that.
No. 1377959
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>>1377947Been through the same a few times, my advice is to not take it personally nona, some people on this site just love to be extremely aggressive for no reason. Even if there’s a disagreement, I don’t get the point of behaving like an ape so unnecessarily. I guess it’s the anonymity or something. I hope these kittens help you feel better
No. 1377963
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>>1377959Thank you my
nonny, you are right
And thank you for the kittens
No. 1377986
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>>1377965kek very true nona, thank you
No. 1378008
>>1377679lmao just checked the thread and 95% of the posts are exclusively pitbull hate and the rest are people saying they dont hate dogs but think chiuahuas/pugs/whatever inbred species are ugly. i'm pretty sure most anons posting don't hate dogs. realistically it should be renamed pitbull hate thread, but that would probably attract an influx of redditor shitbull mommies.
and you're right, it is people i hate. pitbulls are just animals with genetics they never signed up for and deserve to be put down humanely, but deliberately obtuse people like you who defend your shitty pitbull species are the ones who deserve to be mauled to death by them, not innocent children and bystanders.
No. 1378036
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It's wild living in a family that dotes on a scrote that isn't family and can't do the bare minimum. Honestly I see why he hangs around my parents because they are suckers who give him stuff and buy him alcohol and he does absolutely nothing for them in return. I can put up a couple of fingers up on one hand to show how many times he has been considerate/thoughtful to my parents. He's lower than pond scum. I don't get the praises or the excuses for his sorry ass. It's amazing how much men can get away with. Why are people obsessed with pathetic whiney scrotes?
No. 1378123
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I don’t care what you bitches say or think I need to lick a man’s ball seam or I will die
No. 1378182
>>1378176yes it helped with the pain and symptoms last time I had one but this time I've been chugging cranberry juice and taking d-mannose pills and so far they've done nothing
idk I guess all I can do now is take some painkillers and wait until the clinics open
No. 1378189
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i'm sick. i was already sick twice earlier this year which is fucking bs. i wanted to job hunt and get back to my hobbies but instead i have to hype myself up to do the bare minimum
No. 1378211
I always accepted my lot in life as always being the side character in other people's lives, the cheerleader and the supportive best friend. I enjoy watching people close to me succeed and I'm happy to be by their side as they reach for their dreams. But me? Yeah, I'm an absolute nobody. I don't have beauty, money, social status or charisma that will bring me anywhere. I'm not very clever either. All I have is this trauma and baggage dragging me down, I have no real control of my life and I have accepted this fully. I don't think wanting to die since I was a kid really helps either.
But what makes this all work for me is the fact that I do have control over my death. Idk why, but it just hit me one day when I was on the train and it was really…cathartic, to the point I almost started laughing out loud. I have no full control of my life, my environment, my future… BUT I can die anytime. I can kill myself today, next week, in two years. With several ways to do it. I know this outlook and radical acceptance of death is fucked up and I will never be able to talk with anyone about it, but there is something comforting with know I can just fucking die whenever.
No. 1378227
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I want to relive 2010-2014 so badly. I want to be a kid again. I was so cynical and weird at that age I want to do it over where I just behave like a normal kid and actually allow myself to have fun.
I know I should focus on the future and take the experiences from the past to improve myself but I'm still so upset that I can never go back. I wanna be a cringey teenager again. I wanna allow myself to really give into the cringe instead of being embarrassed by myself. I wanna deal with my mental illness better. I just wanna go back I wanna do it all over
No. 1378271
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Had a massive argument with my mom today. Started off with me mentioning that her and my dad need to start looking after themselves after he had a bad gout flare up (they're both obese and have issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol etc) and this topic always triggers her because she doesn't want to change her lifestyle at all and says we all die someday. She decided to bring out some unrelated zingers like "only one of us is a parent and its definitely not you" - a week after I lost a very early pregnancy. This hurt so much and I lost my composure a bit and brought up the fact that when I told her about the miscarriage she said that its the worst for her because she was looking forward to having more grandkids, while also telling me I have no reason to be as upset as I was as it wasn't a baby yet. I didn't want to bring it up before because I knew she wouldn't comprehend that that's shitty and egocentric on her part. And I was right because she took this as me insulting her and said shit like - "You were terrible and manipulative as a child and you're even worse now" "Only x brother is good, you and your other brother are evil" "I have never done anything intentional or unintentional to hurt you" "Sometimes I wonder if you're even my child" "I felt so alone this week because I couldn't tell anyone about your pregnancy loss" and also listing all the things she disagrees with regarding me and my brothers' lives but is "always accepting" about. This was all because I told her I was hurt that she didn't check up on me emotionally during the week and made it about her "loss" and not mine. I know she's going to tell my dad half the story and he's going to message me to apologize. I've been living on the other side of the country for 4 years now and every time I go to see them during Xmas her behavior gets worse and worse. Or maybe its the fact that I'm not used to it anymore. I always thought she was a perfect mom because she always said she was, but I'm realizing how manipulative and narcissistic she is and she was probably like that my whole life.
No. 1378324
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Venting about a dumb bitch I unfortunately know irl: bi het who married a man, lives off his paycheck and chooses to stay ignorant about world news. She's a crazy cat lady too who dresses her cats up in human clothing like children. This bitch has an overall unhealthy and toxic attitude and it solidified my dislike for bi-hets.
No. 1378340
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>>1378324Damn it's almost like bisexuality means being attracted to both genders and not just exclusively to women. Crazy world we live in!
No. 1378390
I care a lot for old fashioned values and traditions, but goodness, online most men in these spheres are ridiculous. It's a well known fact that many of them are ignorant misogynists, but I just have to emphasise how glaringly obvious their limited interactions with women are. I'll encounter a post where men would discuss why women nowadays are unhappy. Their primary solution is for the woman to find a husband and start a family. Are they absolutely idiotic? Of course love heals and freeing oneself from the burn-out fueling system of academia and careers does too. But in the real world their argument makes little sense. I myself have a husband and I have been very unhappy for lots of my life due to trauma and illness. The reason why my husband healed me so, is because he actually took care of me. He learned about my difficulties, he made sacrifices, he never pushed me to become anybody and always was ready for me. He learned about health, illness, psychology, and listened to me when I told him what I needed. This role could have very well been filled by family members, but unfortunately I don't have ones who want to help me as dearly as he did. I wonder if the men making those claims understand that if they want to heal their wife from her sorrows, they have to let go of their judgemental views and embrace sacrifice. I know none of them will probably ever get married, unless it is to a handmaiden, but goodness it shocks me how far from reality these men are. They claim to be Christians, but sometimes I wonder if they really are… Yes, God does save and heal, but that doesn't mean you should be neglectful towards your wife or lazy as her husband. I'm just very curious as to what these men would say about my situation and why I'm still struggling with depression despite having a caring husband. Arguing that I should have a baby at this moment is absolutely ridiculous considering my health. Arguing that it is due to school is also ridiculous considering my studies are a passion of mine and my curiosity brings me closer to God and brightens my soul.
No. 1378435
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My friend asked our professor this morning if he heard about what happened to Robbie Coltrane. He said he did and THEN she literally fucking said “yeah, that’s nice.”
I kept my mouth shut but it took every last fiber of my being not to just lose my shit right there. I think she’s nice and she’s super chill with me all the time but hearing her say that was actually upsetting. I’m pretty used to playing along with my friends’ dumbassery and pretending to agree with them but god this bitch makes me want to a-log so bad.
No. 1378445
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Had a shit day, my train was cancelled so I had to take a gazillion trams and the subway, after I got off at my stop, people usually wait until the passenger get out right? This tall, lanky, frizzy haired ugly troon tries to smush his way as I was exiting and I went "Fucking gross" loud as hell in my language as I passed him. I already had a shit day and this ugly scrote dares to exist.
He was wearing an ugly windbreaker and a long ass skirt, but everything was sectioned so weirdly on his lanky body that he looked so fucking awkward, I hope I ruined his greasy day.
No. 1378456
>>1377946>>1378347I don't hate the women themselves, but I hate what women dating men does for society. It perpetuates the idea that we can and should cohabitate and be intimate with the sex that is much, much more likely to rape, beat and kill us then we will them because of >muh romance >muh fulfillment >muh sex life.
Women in relationships with men all just seem to bark at me "not all men are like that" "you just haven't met the right one yet" whenever I talk with them about why should women trust men if men are more likely to be violent and destructive to their partners.
It feels like het-partnered women just sweep male violence trends under the rug with "oh you just had bad luck so far good men are out there" ignoring the trends that show the bad men more than nullify the existence of good men. Its not just about my "unfortunate" personal experiences but the danger and misery men are more likely to bring to women than good, but it doesn't seem to matter to these women once they have a Nigel.
No. 1378462
>>1378271so you're the family scapegoat and yet you still fawn. let the obese assholes die of it. you can't save people from themselves.
>>1378316scapegoat/golden child dynamic narcs use to control their families by setting their children into self-doubt and defined roles.
No. 1378486
>>1378457nah no one would do the same here and I have a bad leg so I can't really be as physical as I would like to. It's not often people push in like that at least but you know right after a shit day, this too? groooosssss
>>1378464I turned to see him in there and he looked flustered as shit, he best stop pushing
No. 1378509
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found a new site. this was at the top.
just incase you were thinking, "maybe scrotes aren't that bad after all," today.
No. 1378527
Nobody cares, that's why I'm typing this out on fucking lolcow. I haven't used this board before so I'm sorry but I had to get this off my chest.
I'm a UK fag, I'm no professional I'm a dumb fuck but I have a passing interest in true crime and the law surrounding complex cases, especially laws that pertain to consent and the protection of women.
I recently did a deep dive into the case of Natalie Connolly,and the resulting "we can't consent to this" law. I won't go into the absolutely disgusting graphic details of the crime here as it doesn't seem appropriate, be warned if you look it up the details are extreme and disturbing.
To sum it up though, this poor woman like many others was raped and murdered by her partner. The details of the crime should you look them up, make this extremely clear.
Her killer (a multimillionaire) served only 22 months in prison for what he did to that woman. The judge took his word for it that this extremely intoxicated woman apparently asked for "rough sex" (what he did to her was far far far beyond any bdsm, whether she was intoxicated or not)
He was charged with gross negligence. The judge said she "invited" the absolutely catastrophic internal and external damage which killed her that night. From a legal standpoint, we can point to cases upheld by the European Court of human rights that states a person cannot legally consent to grevieous bodily harm. Both cases take place in the UK, one involved gay men who were sober and consenting parties to bdsm which they recorded in the 90s and set the precedent for this law, all of them were arrested despite non of them needing medical attention or seeing themselves as victims. This was appealed and upheld in the European Court or human rights. Again when a man who performed a consensual tongue forking surgery on a woman who did it for body modification purposes was again charged with grevious bodily harm.
So tell me, legally speaking, and seeing the horrific details of this crime, and considering the woman in question was so intoxicated experts say she was in a near coma like state, and the only witness to say she consented is her killer, how on fucking earth did this one be allowed to fly because "she consented" when on 2 levels, she can't consent to anything while drunk and also can't ever legally consent to gracious bodily harm, let alone when it results in death.
Morally speaking I can't seem to get out of this horrific rage I feel. The precedent set by this evil male judge is that any woman who's sloppy drunk is fair game to be raped and murdered as long as you say she asked for it.
I haven't even touched the surface of the case details here of course but no case usually makes me this personally angry. I have had to step away.
Thankfully this year a new law was implemented further stating women cannot consent to this level of bodily harm and banning the "rough sex defense" from court rooms. But it's too little too late. Natalie is dead. Many women are dead. When gay men choose to consensual have sex, or a woman wants a body mod its too much. But when a woman is raped and killed in an absolutely horrific attack, then all of a sudden its consent. All of this is just to punish women and gays, not protect us.
I have no faith left in men, in justice, in the world. I'm so fucking angry all the time. Fuck me.
No. 1378583
>>1378573Means and helps a lot that I can get it off my chest here to smart women who have empathy and understand my anger. I have definitely stepped away for a while, I have twin babies to look after and can't afford to be so angry all the time. I could just feel myself becoming so obsessed, I actually had nightmares about it. Not the details, but that I was trying to tell her story to everyone and nobody seemed physically able to listen or care. I can't imagine how her family get up every day and deal with that, because I know I couldn't and I'm already struggling, and I don't even know the
victim. It makes me glad I don't have a daughter to send into the world because I think I would be terrified.
Just had to come here and rant about it so hopefully after today I can move on from it, and not hold on to my emotions. I've had people say I'm mean for how blunt I am sometimes and yet I cannot fathom how the general public just allows this judge to wake up and go to and from work in peace every day.
Thankfully my partner is a US citizen and I will be out of here within the next year so I won't have to walk the same cursed ground as the murderer and the man who told him what he did was okay.
No. 1378594
>>1378527I've mostly stepped away from true crime because the amount of 'she invited this' type responses is too much to stomach. Esp when its not just casual viewers saying it but its being argued in court that you can invite life threatening or life ending injury. I've followed cases where gay men have met up with doms online and ended up murdered. Somehow they never get anywhere near as much shit for their choice to partake in that. They don't face the same slippery slope where consenting to one thing means consenting to anything and everything that followed. People have different standards for women. If you consent to regular sex the next thing people will argue you somehow wanted to be given internal injuries that made you bleed out. Thats the same death that bundy gave his
No. 1378598
i shouldn't complain because its busywork, but i don't fucking understand why my boss, who is for all intensive purposes–retired, continues to take on strenuous writing work and publications when he's fucking retired. worse because he complains about writing while he's writing–why take on the project in the first place? you're already esteemed in the field, you don't need to do anything more in life ever again except projects that are easy and on your own timeframe… and yet, despite knowing i just started graduate school he took them on anyway. for some reason he can't say no to all these people who want him to write something for this journal here, or that publication there etc. etc.
i'm so sick of it, i have to focus on school.
but i really shouldn't complain because i get paid well–but still i'm so sick of it. especially because he complains about doing this shit.
also worse because now two of the publications he wrote for, he's pulled out of because he didn't like the editor. it's like, whats the point of doing all that work. waste of fucking time, and also unnecessary stress on him and ME.
No. 1378623
>>1378594I think I am gonna gave to do the same just for my mental health. I have always been of the mind that both matter how uncomfortable hearing the details of a crime like that can be, it's never a fraction of the horror the
victim will have experienced actually going through it so we owe it to the
victim to be uncomfortable, to hear the reality.
It gets me how people today will rally together to take down people who step a toe out of line by saying something controversial but when something with real societal implications happens like this, yes, the law is eventually corrected but as far as actually rallying to take down the people responsible and in power, it's nothing but fucking crickets. We all just accept it and move on and get angry about the stupidest stuff instead and that's why it just keeps happening. Not that I would know where to even start to organise that kind of response, but personally I think that judge shouldn't be able to attend a single case without there being a public spectacle of protestors outside making him see Natalie's face. He should be made to be a liability to the court room, and forced to resign into whatever hole he crawled out of. But people are just happy with an "oopsie here's some legislation to keep you quiet" fucking youtubers get bigger consequences for saying such fucked up things.
No. 1378661
>>1378594True crime is weird and retarded as a community. You could read about a case in a quarter of the time it would take to listen to some bitch prattle on about it while doing her makeup. The fact that this sort of disrespectful behavior is rewarded and platformed is bizarre. Just talking about rape and brutal murder
victims while stacking lashes and beating banana powder under your eyes.
No. 1378715
>>1378531Trust me, once you start doing stuff alone and doing the cliché
living in the moment, it gets to be fun! I also never have to look at photos or think back and be like "oh I'm not friends with the person I went to that place anymore, bummer"
No. 1378738
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>>1377665>>1377652Thank you nonnies, it means a lot. I've decided to do a mix of light studying of the basics with a text book + more physical studying like writing the kata/hira and kanji I learn to practice stroke order and penmanship along side that I plan to strong focus on vocabulary in levels. Like level 1 being numbers and colors before moving on to level 2 being ages, family, and people and so on so it's not overwhelming for me to learn so many various things at once. I've never been good with studying (or academics in general) but I want to read books and articles in Japanese along with talking to my favorite JP artists so I'll give it my best.
>>1377653I downloaded Genki 1+2, along with the work books so I plan to study with that an hour and thiry minutes a day. I know Aniki is seen as the necessity but fuck, it's so unorganized to me that it makes me angry.
No. 1378743
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It’s so funny to me when parasocial pariahs develop a severe obsession with you and devote actual time to trying to upset you in some way by irrationally hating things they think you enjoy or would like in any way. Most of you probably know what I’m talking about in some form of another. Like you absolutely do not care about this person, their life, or their opinions deeply in any way outside of their obsession with you but if they see you with anything at all or liking anything at all, no matter how casual or how little it means to you, they’re all over their twitter account or whatever like “ugh people who like [insert innocuous thing here] are the fucking DEVIL and it’s DISGUSTING and STUPID that’s SO beneath me” and the innocuous thing they’re talking about would be in posts you recently liked or a comment you made to somebody else. Like clockwork, every time. Few more terminally online and pathetic indicators of obsession. A woman on insta will pose with a strawberry and her most dedicated insect hater will be like “I’ve never liked strawberries. If you like strawberries you’re really fucking sus.” It’s never not pathetic LOL.
No. 1378785
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I want hm
No. 1378786
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>>1378785i want them both so bad
No. 1378804
>>1378793Right about what? That its easier for bi women to marry men than women? I dont think anyone's denying that.
Also, as a rebuttal, why marry a member of the oppressor class notorious for abusing their spouses when you have the option not to? It might be easier financially, but it comes with its own risks when the man uses his money to control you. Plus the risk for domestic violence you'd avoid staying single.
No. 1378847
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I just want some high quality friends with jobs/careers and arent living at home.
No. 1378863
I met this guy on campus 2 fucking weeks ago, he is literally a fragment of my soul and I am typing this with rage at the thought that another man can be made of the same essence as me. He completes my sentences, the humour is the exact same, the level of unknown familiarity is off the charts. Yet this man, because he is at the end of the day a male specimen, talks about his fuck buddy from MOOOOOOONTHS ago, acts like he likes some other random campus chick just to mess with me and never mention her again ever, but he is a great person nonetheless. He even stood up for me when a dude harassed me. Bare minimum, but … I want this man. But we're both 20. We will blow that shit up even if we're soulmates. On the other hand, I don't know much about him. Hope it works out, solves itself. I need him GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
No. 1378875
>>1378871Murder him. Or get his wife out to party. If he beats her up, jail time. Is she possibly bisexual? Seduce her. I'd just murder him tho.
>>1378873Same queen.
No. 1378878
>>1378347Nothing worse than a woman?
No. 1378884
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>visit cgl again
>it fully became /pol/ nr.2833874 within months
Thanks I hate it. No board is safe. Kill all men.
No. 1378885
>>1378880Kek as if I haven’t already done that
It doesn’t work nonna
His father and the rest of his family are crazy religious freaks. I don’t even think he sees me as a human with full agency since I’m a woman
No. 1378889
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I wish I didn't grow up thinking I would someday have a glow up because it made me fixate too much on the way I looked because it really is just dumb and it isn't like I want a relationship. So, I lost weight, etc…and pretty much the only guy who ever talked to me for a reason besides insulting how ugly I am has been a morbidly obese man in his 70s(?). I posted about it once before and nonnies told me it doesn't at all reflect on my looks. But I keep on seeing "men literally have 0 standards, all women are on the menu." The only times otherwise a man has talked to me has been to tell me that I am too tall to be a real woman and other similar insults. Upside? At least men don't sexually harass me ever.
Still, I wish I just looked interestingly normal instead of weird and unfeminine.
No. 1378910
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These fuckers. Their video on christianity popped up, I was interested, watched and loved it but good god they got annoying. I was so excited that two women were just having fun and making content together but Sarah they/them’d to escape the trauma of being a woman, also she talks about porn like a scrote and it’s disgusting and pathetic. And belching into the mic every 5 minutes is unbearable to listen to, like I get it, you want to make a point of being gross because women are expected to be neat and polite but it feels so juvenile and overdone at this point. Disappointed.
No. 1378916
>>1378898I find it interesting that some of you Keemstar-wannabes just are going nuts now that there might be a hint that she's actually been exploited and doesn't actually want to do it.
It's like there's some programmed mechanism inside you that explodes the second that a woman that seemingly was privileged might actually have been exploited all along expresses any sort of vulnerability. You puke up MRA/incel/redpiller talking points weaponized to shit on women that speak out but then play dumb about it.
>>1378909True Crime Brain (tm)
No. 1378920
>>1378916Imo, all of this stuff abut Amouranth can just be summed up as people needing a woman to be perfect for her to be a
victim. If she wasn't a titty streamer they would have no problem believing her, but because she does something they disagree with or because she's a "whore" there's no way a man could be abusing her.
No. 1378926
>>1378909>>1378836I don't understand. If a woman gets naked on the internet, she can't be abused IRL? And if she is abused IRL, you don't care because she has money, is stupid and men jerked off to her? What is this logic?
The "She could've left" can be thrown at all abuse
victims, but if you've ever been in an
abusive relationship or know anything about them, you'd realize it's not that easy to just leave. Why is "abuse" in quotation marks? What makes you think her moid wouldn't abuse her, especially if he potentially hurts her pets? She's apparently leaving him now, so why are you angry? Because she had her tits out?
No. 1378938
>>1378911I guess I don't I'm just calling it now, the whole thing looks like another polished attention grab
>>1378916Keemstar? What are these accusations lol, am I attempting to have a failing youtube news channel now? I hate incels, redpilled men, and I don't know what an mra is. I have no issue believing a privileged woman can be a
victim, however I'm not buying her story specifically. It's not because she's an e whore, she just seems disingenuous.
>>1378926Your claiming I said stuff that I didn't, this is my last post about this cause you guys always do this. I didn't say an e whore can't be victimized, I just don't believe her. "But if you've never been in an
abusive relationship or know anything about them" I was for 2 and a half years, had to leave with a police escort, certainly didn't livestream it while I did because I actually feared for my safety and couldn't risk him finding out about me leaving or me telling anyone abou the abuse. Also I didn't say I don't care about the men who jerk it to onlyfans porn. I truly believe most men deserve the death penalty lol, and any man partaking in onlyfans deserves to have his dick shrivel up and become necrotic then fall off.
>>1378934I think he's in on it, they're both faking. Her story doesn't make sense and no one knows who he is, I think they've both planned this for sympathy money.
No. 1378942
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Moids who are obsessed with anime girls are the most pathetic, revolting, vagina-drying specimens of male in existence. Every time I see a moid posting about anime girls or their chibi plushies I wish for male extinction.
No. 1378954
>>1378938>I was for 2 and a half years, had to leave with a police escort, certainly didn't livestream it while I did because I actually feared for my safety and couldn't risk him finding out about me leaving or me telling anyone abou the abuse. And how would you respond if someone told you "2 and a half years? Why didn't you leave? You're so stupid. Even being poor is better than being abused, you made that choice"? It'd be fucked and wrong. Why would she even need sympathy money? She's making a ridiculous amount of money off of coomers already.
She livestreamed it so he couldn't lie on Twitter that she SWATted him, delete the evidence of his psychological abuse/threats, delete/lock her out of her accounts to punish her without exposing himself or otherwise try to ruin her life once she dumped him. She never said he beat her, but the police won't do anything about threats or yelling. Her circumstances are likely not the same as yours unless you're also a streamer whose
abusive partner controlled their career. Also, we do know who he is. Nick Lee. An ugly scrote, check the Twitch thread on /snow/ to see pictures.
No. 1378955
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Surprise another day of being sad and lonely
No. 1378956
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I’ve just recently gotten over a severe, life long nail biting habit, and I have about a month of growth and I’m not kidding when I say this is the longest my nails have ever been in my life. My mom offered to paint my nails, and instead she took out a file and tried to saw away at one like it was some sort of carpentry project. I got up and walked away because I was so upset, and as stupid as it sounds I’m so bent out of shape now having this one awkward, uneven round nail when I was trying to grow out the rest in a square shape. I’m so upset and I really don’t trust myself to even them out properly myself, I don’t want all that growth to be for nothing and it’s so hard to resist biting them now. Why do moms have to be like this sometimes
No. 1378961
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>>1378934There are so many males with cognitive dissonance doing their best to make her seem like a ~cunning evil whore~. They don't even know who he is and they're caping this hard. Some of the commenters in the stream vids were even posting Andrew tate quotes.
Same thing happened with the Gabby Petito murder, moids caping for him.
You can be filmed being thrown into a woodchipper by a moid and there will alwqys be a male arguing yoi deserved it. the only time they will pretend to care about you being hurt is if the murder was a minority or something so they can race sperg about it.
No. 1378979
>>1378938It doesn't matter if you hate those men, it's still possible for you to absorb their poison.
Is it so hard for you to have a crumb of grace that is "well she's shady but let's see what the evidence is that comes out" instead of assuming she's some Machiavellian mastermind like every misogynist in the world? It might be hard to compute this for you, I'm sure, but it is possible.
No. 1378980
>>1378949No, swissfag,
abusive relationships exist everywhere nona
>>1378958I didn't get banned from snow? Who are you accusing me of being?
No. 1378997
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This could be me happy, growing, thriving, outside. I've been shit posting all day and I feel empty. I'm hopped up on coffee and now im crashing.
No. 1379023
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I know my therapist is saying these things because she wants me to focus on myself but my latest breakup isn’t rooted in just needing a warm body or being uncomfortable with myself, I genuinely really loved him and wanted to build a life with him. I’m much more of a quality over quantity in terms of my friendships and I’ve done a lot of work to make sure I’m not just spending time with shit moids. I feel like I can’t fully connect with undamaged people and my relationships with full on normies tend to only go so far. Sucks finding a Nigel who was genuinely interested in me and could relate to being traumatized but he hasn’t done enough healing and freaked out and self sabotaged.
No. 1379080
>>1378988>Beat the shit out of them backso you think i can fight a drunk 6'0 male (my dad) by myself?
>what the fuck is making you think that’s gonna happenI literally live in this house of course i know what will happen, like, what's the matter with you? are you trolling?
No. 1379091
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>>1379084You're going through something terrible
nonnie, nobody ever expect something would go side ways when pregnant. You
will get through this, one day at a time
No. 1379105
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Boyfriend wants to have kids, I can't have kids biologically and don't want to adopt/surrogate because i'll probably kick the bucket in my 40s, heart defect.
Neither of us wanna break up either because we're eachothers best friend and struggle with finding romantic relationships due to being uber nerd retards, there's nothing wrong with him except being a slightly shorter than average, none of the usual moid disease, but his hobbies and interests are women repellent, I already had relegated myself to celibacy before meeting him at random due to a shared interest. Just, shitty situation
No. 1379132
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>Can't understand satistics problem
>Try to look question up online to see if I can get an understanding of how to solve proble
>find what I think is a wealth of videos and step by steps
I don't know how long I can do this before I want to kms. I already do but I can't because my family is alive. It hurts being a mentally stunted retard in the maths department. I don't even want to do math as my major I'm planning to do something reading and writing orientated. It doesn't help that my class is online and the professor responds with FUCKING AUTOMATED MESSAGES. I know because I wrote a long message under one of my assignments in the comment box about how much I am struggling and his response was the same as his others "Compare answers to this document" Are you fucking kidding me, I wish for his violent and slow demise. College is such a fucking scam I didn't want to do this, I just wanted to organize documents and write reports in a government job.
I just want to die already, doing math makes me want to vomit I hate this so much. It's not fair, people who know they're deficient should be allowed to put themselves down if they wish.
No. 1379148
>>1379105I'm sure a manlet and someone with a heart defect having kids together is a great idea.
Why does he even want kids? Make his stupid ass take baby sitting gigs so he can see what childcare is like. Generally nerdy people are probably not going to enjoy tantrums, screaming, vomit, boogers, and feces. His brain was off when his mouth made those noises. Wake him up.
No. 1379158
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What's the most magnificently chaotic and psychopathic thing you've done? I ruined a genuinely, really, very good relationship. All because of my paranoia and disbelief that he really cared about me. That he was really good. Good?… me? I thought he was lying to me, I really wanted to believe him but I could only manage for some time, and increasingly less and less. I thought all advice about self-esteem was just feel-good bs and that all I needed was his constant reassurance to keep me afloat. Nope. I needed to work on myself, myself. But I just let it consume me instead. To the point his reassurance didn't work anymore. I was convinced so I was really angry, I told him to leave me alone but he wouldn't budge, to stop telling me otherwise, but nothing. So I threatened to show his family his porno. Him naked. He's religious. Truly nail in the coffin. I don't know if I'll ever be over it but I deserve it.
No. 1379173
>>1377353you inspired me to watch it. even if those sons were molested, i hate them. i dont doubt for a second they helped their dad rape other kids. and to blame the mom for everything? this poor woman is so perceptive to being an outcast in her family. it's sickening.
also the way the sons talk reminds me of chris chan, they all seem retarded
No. 1379177
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No. 1379277
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No. 1379281
I have a meeting tomorrow regarding some mutually decided upon work termination stuff with HR and I'm nervous. Hopefully it goes well so I can fuck off and rest a bit.
>>1379277I love your/this cat
No. 1379284
>>1379275Tackling is also a good one, since women have a lower center of gravity, we can use that at our advantage for leverage. However just because some of us are insane enough to actually attack male family members back, that doesn't mean everyone is. Please leave nonna alone, she's allowed to vent about feeling stuck.
>>1378946I'm glad the "loverboy" and "Romeo Pimp" terminology is catching on, knowledge is power!
>>1378951>they have power fantasies about being completely invulnerable to other people hurting or manipulating them if they have enough money or powerI have those and I defend Amouranth. I feel like there's a secret ingredient missing.
>>1379158>What's the most magnificently chaotic and psychopathic thing you've done?Try to kill a scrote and then act like the
No. 1379291
>>1379288Kek. Thank you for your response anon.
I personally don’t have the time or patience to mold a moid into something I could tolerate these days. Maybe if it was easier to stumble upon a neutral base I could work with. Even the basic version of that is too hard to find without out it being already corrupted.
Is it even worth trying to get my own Nigel? kek
No. 1379304
>>1379287She's not infantilizing herself by saying she doesn't think she can just go fight her 6 feet tall drunk father for freedom. That's more than just having to "put your foot down" and "raise your voice" at your maybe well meaning parents. She said her father is either going to respond violently or kick her out on the street and she explained that rape is a realistic risk. Having to physically fight your 6 feet tall drunk father or risk being raped in the street isn't exactly a normal part of growing up, last time I checked. Do you also expect women in
abusive relationships to physically fight their way to freedom, or else they are infantilizing themselves and not truly stuck?
No. 1379332
>>1379330They tell everyone this.
t. christfag who was reading a bible when one told me this same thing.
No. 1379358
>>1379332I know, it's not special to me but it was kind of surreal because when people do look at me they usually assume I'm super sad but don't say anything so some form of 'empathy' for once was really strange.
>>1379333Probably lol. I hate that I come off this way though because I'm not as much of an annoying pessimist as I seem. People assume you're a bitch when you look sad, it's too bad.
No. 1379360
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>>1378340>>1379264its very telling that straight womens defense to a woman being disheartened at consumerist politically inactive women in heterosexual relationships is that its obviously just jealousy that bisexuals date men over women (aka the good ol' "s-sftu lescel"). I'm saying this not a as lesbian, but as a politically concious bisexual; we're side eyeing bisexuals that say they'd rather stick their head in the sand and financially depend exclusively on a man even if they might suddenly face destitution one day. this "lesbian jealousy" cope straight women peddle out is really sad.
No. 1379363
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I used to be fine being a loner. But now that I moved to a new city with my boyfriend, far away from family (that I don't even like), the loneliness is crushing. I want to spend all my time with him, but he wants his space. I begrudgingly give him his time alone that he spends playing video games and browsing Reddit. Why can't he be as obsessed with me as I am with him? Prior to the move, I thought our roles would be reversed, and he'd be the one clinging to me as I pushed him away.
I know there are healthier ways to cope, but I can't bring myself to do anything but… nothing. I don't find joy in the same things I used to. All I look forward to these days are eating, dressing up, and having sex. I'm just filled with self loathing, even more so than before. I am mentally ill and miserable and it's my own fault for not doing anything about it.
No. 1379373
>>1379360The OP's post isn't written out of concern for her acquaintance's financial dependency on a scrote, or even venting about that one specific person she knows, but her solidified dislike for bisexual women, especially those who don't pretend to be lesbians in general ("bihets"). Why soften it, lol? There are often just weird, embarrassing posts like that, alleging bisexuality isn't real, bi women are whores, bi women literally always pick men, bi women are riddled with STDs, etc etc. Women can't be incels, but the shit is just petty, bitter and cringe.
No. 1379375
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Spending this week with a flu. I am so damn tired. My brain is nothing but a mush and I can't work on anything. I drink tea and theraflu but i keep feeling worse??
No. 1379409
>>1379387> Is this because of the thingie in the stupid questions thread?It is.
> muscular people But it was not only fit. It was muscular + wardrobe shape. Most trannies look more feminine than me. At some point in my life people on the streets who wanted to ask something were referring to me as "young man" when they were not seeing my face.
And another vent. Every time I hear from randoms "oh just go to the gym, fit girls are sexy" my blood boils, I want to spit into their faces and run away with tears in my eyes. Vent over.
No. 1379418
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Me sat in my room with a growling stomach waiting for the family friends to leave so I can eat in peace without being bombarded with personal questions that I’m not prepared to answer.
No. 1379424
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>>1379418Oh good they’re leaving now
No. 1379437
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>>1379409>Most trannies look more feminine than me.AYRT yeah, same. I got weird boobs which look more like pecs, even before lifting. My ass is only humongous as a side effect of deadlifts,
but most SSA women aren't really that interested in asses ime so it doesn't exactly help my situation in that department. People have asked me whether I'm intersex, more often than I can count. One Murican scrote even once pointblank asked me whether I'm a MtF tranny when I dressed a tad more feminine for work a couple years ago.
>And another vent. Every time I hear from randoms "oh just go to the gym, fit girls are sexy" my blood boils, I want to spit into their faces and run away with tears in my eyes.I too cringe when people just keep spamming leanbeefpatty as their idea of a muscular woman and think every woman who lifts is going to look like that, when she has the daintiest frame ever. Or other bodybuilders with a less dainty frame who still avoid training certain muscle groups and do everything to be "aesthetic" in a hyperfemnine way. Or who ended up getting massive implants and surgeries to "make up" for the way she looks (which is often pushed by sponsors, men just get paid for athletic ability, women are still expected to be hyperfeminine).
You know what? The people who think only those women are attractive, that women like us can't be attractive, just have bad taste. And there are people who can actually appreciate a variety of bodies. I don't have big enough ovaries for it so will probably never do it, but several female painters asked if I would pose (semi)nude for them, because I do remind them of old paintings. Some people CAN appreciate it.
There are retards who will swear up and down that all the women in those paintings and drawings were secretly men, because they just cannot fathom that women like that could exist. But they can go fuck themselves. No. 1379467
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>>1379437NTA but I knew I could never look like people like leanbeefpatty or michelle mcdaniels so I changed my fitness body goals to something more akin to my looks and abilites. No one's gonna mess with you if you're confident and look like this, kek. Screw femininity.
No. 1379471
>>1379437I am not homosexual or at least bi, y'know? I don't care if women find my body attractive.
> Some people CAN appreciate it. But not the people I am attracted to. Guys who like woman I used to be were looking for "mommy" or a sort of domina while I am fragile and weak inside and want to be cared after. There are also gym crazies who made gym and lifting their personality, another sort of shit. I understand your point. Good luck with your path, but it is not for me.
No. 1379478
>>1379437I hate seeing her face around social media and I know it’s not even her fault it’s the thirsty men who think their quirky Reddit-tier comedic comments will finally get her attention and get her to date them. Men are not and will never be impressed by muscular women, they have revealed time and time again they love “tomboys” or women who lift because they can only love something that mirrors themselves, pure Narcissus fiction. Just saw a video of some trans woman saying they are required to sign up for the draft and it said “see you there boys” and the comments were full of men saying they would have sex with him, because they do represent themselves as hyperfeminine because the way they transform and groom themselves to look like that is the same way regular heterosexual women also groom themselves. Heterosexual normie women love getting plastic surgery and cosmetic surgeries, love wearing flattering and revealing clothing, makeup, skincare, shaving until a morsel of hair and tissue is plucked off their skin, women constantly do themselves up that resembles the way drag queens get ready to tuck their dicks in and trannies. Without an actual woman’s oppression, they could not mimic the femininity and grooming practices from women. The normal female form is so altered and unnatural, far from what we really look like that it’s easy for trannies and drags to fake and make a joke out of, like exaggerated theatre costume.
No. 1379484
>>1379478I don't have anything to add other than men tend to get jealous of women with muscles. My little brother was upset I make faster gains than he did and would seethe at any woman who was bigger than him. Same thing happened with one of my gymrat exes, I brought up the fact this instagram fitness woman had bigger thigh muscles than him and he got really upset and tried to downplay her work by saying it's just steroids. Since most men don't work out and think naturally they're stronger than any woman on the planet, they dislike the reality some women are better than them physically. Then start with the hypotheticals and that's how you know they're
No. 1379500
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>>1379472We gotta imagine Sisyphus happy
No. 1379501
>>1379437anon, scrotes are just retarded. i have big boobs and defined curves and a man once asked if i was "actually a woman". i'm guessing this is less because they think you look like a tranny and more that they're attracted to you and afraid you might not be a woman because they think trannies pass. granted i was asked this online so maybe he thought i was using filters. i wouldn't ever base my self-opinion on male words, they are genuinely stupid af.
anyway, i've similarly known very masculine-appearing women who were also very loud and not quiet or dainty, happily married to men with kids, if you're really afraid of that.
No. 1379534
Nonnies I'm so fucking tired of being sick or in pain all the time. I got infected with HPV despite being a virgin, just from the guy touching me down there, and I'm freaking out I got the cancerous type since he told me later he got tested and he carries type 33 (the one that causes cancer). I'm waiting for my pap smear results, the examination was so painful for me because it was my very first time and I cried from pain. My spine is fucked up and I constantly suffer from torticollis. I've been to a vascular doctor too and the veins in my legs are fucked up, in one leg I have like a closed circuit instead of blood going upwards??? I didn't even know that's possible. I need to get laser treatment for that. I'm thin and no one in my family had varicose veins except for my 90 year old grandma so I don't know why I'm such a genetical freak. My legs and arms go numb. I constantly get sinus infections, UTIs, I have IBS. Like, all other specialists I've been to were kinda concerned with my health, but my family doctor was literally like "lol an infection every 4 weeks is not what I would call frequent; every 2 weeks - that would be frequent! What do you expect me to do? Just get less stress in life and take vit D lol". I really felt like a retard after appointment with him. Is getting an infection that gives me 103-104 degree fever every month not "frequent"? Everyone at work and in my family tells me I get sick too often and I should do something about it, but I don't know what to do anymore, I'm so exhausted
No. 1379538
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So, apparently I'm not fucking disabled ENOUGH to qualify for ssi checks, brb gotta go fucking kill myself!!!!!!
I won't get into too much, but fucking nobody wants to recognize how much hearing (well) is necessary in everyday life! Unironically, we live in a society!! I'm not a neet by choice!
No. 1379608
>>13795942x talks a lot about how the medical industry gaslights women. the assumption is always that women are lying hysterical attention seekers who dramaticize their pain, and all their problems boil down to period cramps or an upset tummy. they told someone who has been shitting daily for 20+ years that she didn't know what it felt like to need to shit. and you walked out like they wanted and didn't stand up for yourself.
reminds me why i don't bother going to doctors. they're worse than worthless.
No. 1379630
>>1379615good luck
nonnie, youre doing the right thing ♥
No. 1379673
nonnie Do you have HPV vax? Even in the worst case if you get it, the vax helps your system fight the virus better
And for UTI I highly recommend cranberry pills
No. 1379753
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>>1379745Insta one of these to your door and wall on your side, that way they can't open your door with a butter knife (wtf) when you're inside atleast. These are cheap and easy to install. Unless you think they'd brute force their way through?
No. 1379804
>>1379785>because it looks like a tornado hit itThat's not even the case. But even if it were, does that give her the right to go through her adult daughter's clothes, makeup, paperwork, letters, packages, etc. even when it's perfectly clean and tidy, but just not how she would like it to be? You know how she "lost" my makeup? She heard that I was going to throw away some expired skincare products and makeup, saw that I put all the expired shit in a garbage bag, saw that I put all the things I wanted to keep in a small makeup bag, then she went through the perfectly tidy, organized bag and threw away half of the content to "help" without ever asking permission. You know why she broke my consoles? I hid my first NDS as a kid in my tidy room on top of my closet to prevent my youngest sister from stealing it for the 1000th time and erase my save files and my mother looked for it, tried to steal it behind my back, dropped it and it stopped working once she handed it to my sister and my sister broke it on purpose out of frustration. The second DS ended nearly the exact same way. I could have a perfectly clean room straight out of a 5 star hotel, as opposed to a clean but untidy room, and she'd go through my closet "just in case". She looks in my trashcan "just in case" too, if I decided to use tampons instead of pads and she found out in my trashcan she'd kick me out before I can get my own place. You underestimate how crazy people can be.
>a very easy problem to fix.I wish I had enough free time to make things look a bit better but that would require me a day off just to sleep, to then be in enough shape to do anything that isn't working or cooking dinner. The weekend isn't enough, I'm always super tired and can't do shit, my doctors can't do anything about it either.
No. 1379917
I value being alone. I worked very very hard in order to get to a place where the only person I ever have to rely on is myself. I've always been hyper-independent and this isn't new. I also sometimes, maybe once every handful of months, find myself missing romance. I haven't dated in almost six years. All of my exes cheated on me (and two of them were tifs so whose surprised) and one abused me relentlessly for almost two years. Between my natural self-dependence and these scars I basically wrote off romance or dating. But sometimes, just sometimes I daydream about it. But after coming all this way to be completely on my own, and being happy I've reached this place, even if I found a brilliant and wonderful woman to share my life with, would I want to? Would I want to share all that I've carved for myself with someone else? Would she tolerate my hyper independence, my need for solitude? I'm not compatible with romance, even though sometimes I miss it. I am proud of what I've accomplished, I'm happy I got my life to a place where I can really call it stable, but this same thing makes me feel so broken.
No. 1379928
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>>1379917Anita Mann too anon that’s just how it is
No. 1379969
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I wish I could override my survival instincts and kill myself. I got extremely suicidal the other day and went to that suicide website because my mom and sister were talking about her graduation party. My sister definitely has her own mental health issues but not the anxiety kind, so she can pretty much function on her own and she’s probably going to even move out before me. I have no relationship with my mom and living here is so awkward and uncomfortable but my social skills have degraded to an abysmal level, of course I would love to leave but I can’t completely support myself and I just feel like there’s so much I don’t know how to do, how embarrassing and pathetic for someone in their mid 20’s. I’m too nervous to even message my own uncle to finally put his car in my name and get insurance. I can’t do anything. I wish I would die in an accident or something, I’m so useless.
No. 1379978
>>1379965No, I can tell you've been through a lot and you keep going. A strong person isn't someone who has had it completely easy. A strong person is someone who has had a life full of difficulties, and keeps going. Doesn't have to be the best. Just has to be someone who tries. I can tell you're trying, so you're a really strong person. I'm proud of you.
It's ok to screw up you yk. Go easy on yourself. Get some physical activity, do something to break life's pattern like dyeing your hair or taking a journey or learning something new. I'm proud you got this far.
sorry that was so long, i just felt your post as i had been feeling similar recently. we're both dong our best. who knows what's unfolding next in our lives. anyway stay safe nonna No. 1380017
>>1379917This is me to a T but instead of 2 years of abuse it was around 8 and not a romantic relationship but more like a sick co-dependency and instead of dating tifs I almost became one myself because I thought it would make me more accepted. I've convinced myself that I'm absolutely repulsive and unable to love and be loved to cope with not being able to open my heart and be emotionally vulnerable again. I often fantasize about finding a woman that I could share my life with, to love and cherish and depend on when I'm overwhelmed. When I'm coming home late I wonder how it would be like to instead of arrive to an empty, dark apartment, I could give someone a kiss, ask how they've been and then snuggle next to them in the bed while talking about what we were going to do on the weekend. But I struggle with the same thoughts, would she be able to deal with what I am?
>I am proud of what I've accomplished, I'm happy I got my life to a place where I can really call it stable, but this same thing makes me feel so broken.I resonate a lot with this thought. I have a good career with a great income that I worked hard and sacrificed myself for, but I feel miserable knowing it's all just to isolate myself from something that comes so naturally to other people. I feel a bit less lonely knowing that there are others like me.
No. 1380027
>>1379917>>1380017I feel it… I don't know if I'll ever be able to move beyond my repulsion to emotional intimacy. But even more than the rare bouts of loneliness, I worry about what this will result in during my old age. Will I be at risk for elder abuse depending on people through pay and not having anybody to advocate for me when I am no longer capable of it? Will I regret what I think is happiness now?
I wish I could find another woman who wishes to live in a similar manner to me. Highly motivated in her career and highly independent in her personal life. Simply sharing the space we call home with the acknowledgement that we'll care for each other in our old age, but not crossing lines into something deeper than that any earlier. Just being each other's backups as women with mutually unique needs and choices in life.
No. 1380036
>>1380017>>1380027Anons I really hope we find our special women. I also can only hope anx wish for all of us to find our fated women. I know I don't Need romantic love to be happy, but I sure would love to share my life with. Traveling by myself is lonely now when it used to bring me excitement. I'm also a khv lol.
>When I'm coming home late I wonder how it would be like to instead of arrive to an empty, dark apartment, I could give someone a kiss, ask how they've been and then snuggle next to them in the bed while talking about what we were going to do on the weekend. But I struggle with the same thoughts, would she be able to deal with what I am?I can't believe you took a screenshot of my brain. I made up a woman in my head and I pretend and daydream a lot of her with my job. I also make good income but I live alone and am independent. The only person I truly love is my little sister at the moment.
No. 1380042
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My apartment complex is undergoing a "beautification project", and they're currently repainting my cute yellow building to that soulless, cold, grey-and-white trend that was popular in 2015. The stupid grey trend is already going out of style and I'm sick of seeing it everywhere. Sad, grey buildings for this sad, grey world I guess
No. 1380048
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I don’t want to go to my 8am class and I don’t want to meet up with my friend for dinner today fuckkk shit I felt like garbage all week now I have to do these two bare minimum things today?
No. 1380053
>>1380027>Will I be at risk for elder abuse depending on people through pay and not having anybody to advocate for me when I am no longer capable of it?I've thought about this a lot too, now I'm able bodied and able minded but what will happen when I'm elderly? Will my body and mind fail me, making me entirely dependent on other people I can't trust? Maybe I'll luck out and get cancer when I'm 50 like half of my relatives and that takes care of that. I'm joking of course, but old age is a real cause for concern personally.
>>1380036Yeah I also have a daydream girlfriend that I pretend to be talking to inside my head because I'm a loser like that. I have my best friends that are really important to me but as much as I love them they're "just" friends and there are certain emotional and physical boundaries I can't cross with them. I've never been romantically loved in my life at least mutually, the thought that someone would tell me that they love me in a sincere way is incomprehensible to me. Like telling me that pigs can fly, it's just something that's not possible.
>>1380046Go to STEM. I know it's a boring answer but it's also the short one.
No. 1380063
>>1380042My condolences
nonnie. For real though does anyone actually like this current trend of homes and apartments being sad, minimalist gray boxes? Just about all the Victorian style homes in my city have been torn down and turned into modern monsters. I’ve also noticed that the people moving into them are usually unfriendly tech workers. The type to complain about the neighborhood, change it, then complain how they miss the old character and community that they priced out?
No. 1380069
>>1380057I reallyy wish I could cancel on dinner it’s weighing on me heavy but I have to go since she wanted to catch up for so long
I’m just going to suck it up unfortunately
No. 1380081
>>1380046I'm an interpreter for multiple languages with a very specific on demand emphasis on medical documentation.i got lucky because I had a passion for languages. But stem tbh.
>>1380052It's funny but I was always the emotionally available one and I actually put effort in my relationships. People have been unkind to me and I long for companionship but realize I don't need it for true happiness or self esteem.
>>1380053My fake gf is tall and likes to run track lol. Yeah my friends cannot fulfill romantic needs. I wish I can meet other women who feel the same way about thier situations. We can be each other's wing women.
>>1380038How old are you anon? No matter how you behave a true friend will even tell you directly they need space either that or comfort you. What's gotten you so down on your Twitter lately?
No. 1380085
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>>1380052yeah exactly bitch thats why i like being single
No. 1380091
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>>1380072girl im not the anon you originally replied to and you're getting dogpiled so i don't gotta say too much but constantly needing others around you or readily being able to accept help isn't a given for every person and for good reason. sperg more about virgos though i want to see how funny it gets
No. 1380111
>>1380103Ah, I see. I think around that age it's a very complicated time for everyone with uni and adult life starting. And especially with a relationship problem. sounds like a really confusing troubling time for you. I hope you feel better soon and this feeling passes.
>>1380097I would love that. Like the golden girls?
Is it so hard to find a stable relationship where people don't cheat and they can have emotionally stable conversations and don't get bored and start havoc? Can I hope to date other women in my 30s? My first love is also my only relationship that leaded into disaster.
No. 1380164
>>1380162sorry to samefag but is that stupid of me to give them an ultimatum like that???? Now I;m fucking worried and stressed that's just going to make things worse.
I wish I was already fucking married so this shit is behind us.
No. 1380176
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>>1378688update to myself, but i'm waiting on this dumbass toilet stool and the only thing i have for now is a box and antaina platforms i never wear except to attempt to shit in now.
No. 1380177
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I hate that ugly short haircut that every little white American boy has between the ages of 2 and 12. Way to make your child look like they’re balding as a toddler. Not sure if this is an issue in any other western countries.
No. 1380209
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>>1380135Omg, go and get her anon. What are you doing moping? Carve out your own path.
>>1380133I request to have a beautiful kitchen with all of the kitchen gadgets.
No. 1380210
>>1380162>>1380164You’ve got to tell your fiancé that A) weddings are a massive money sink so any kind of financial help is incredible and B) while it is your day, weddings are ultimately for other people. Tell him that unless he has been dreaming of the perfect boho bouquet made by a gaggle of random women complete with a matching Pinterest board of inspiration, that he needs to let go and leave the decision to someone else. He’s probably just stressed and doubling down on something retarded.
Also, and I say this as a married anon, please go read the wedding and wedding ring threads in /g/ where other anons have sperged about wedding regrets. Maybe it will save you decisions/money in some areas kek.
No. 1380224
>>1380170>>1380210kek how did you guess the theme of our wedding?
But bless you two angels. I've had some time to calm down and I think he truly doesn't understand the stress involved with decorating and the stress I'm putting on myself to make sure the vision I have is fulfilled. Yeah pintrest photos are one thing, but to arrive at that picturesque moment is going to take a whole bunch of organization and making sure that I'm not overrun with other people's ideas.
I didn't even know we had a wedding thread so I will hop over there asap!
No. 1380253
>>1380212The idea that we need to gloss over shitty behavior all because someone died is brain dead behavior. Facts are facts and people need to stop acting like the shitty person who died was great because
s/he attended church or some equally stupid reason. Yeah I guess that one thing will absolve years of cruelty. You can mourn someone without acting like they were a saint.
No. 1380257
>>1380135How can you know that the universe isn't planning exactly what you fear for her, for you?
I've been in your place, and it gets better. Hearing this never feels real, but it's a fact. There are more kinds of people in the world than you could ever imagine, and you realistically cannot even fathom what the person who ends up being right for you is actually like.
No. 1380259
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my body is so dumb! I've been shy and almost completely mute bc of a deformity that makes it painful to talk. One night I ended up forgetting my inhibitions and just talking hours away with a friend and I went to bed in the morning–it was the one time I didn't have a painfully normal 10PM-7 bedtime too. For some reason I had the only good rest I had in…what, my entire life? Woke up feeling alive, flying out of bed. The black circles around my eyes I had since I was a kid were gone and someone that always made fun of them immediately noticed. I felt great the entire day instead of slowly becoming dysfunctional to the point of near fainting like I always do.
so, it's been years and I'm still constantly tired, usually mute, and I haven't ever had a good rest since. I'm sure it's all in my head, but, still, I'm so sick of feeling like death all the time and I wonder why my body decided it wanted to live all those years ago.
No. 1380289
>>1380281Nah, from my family. I had to move back in a couple of years ago due to the world situation (I'm college aged), most of my struggle was invisible though so it's not like they know that I rely on the presence of others to keep it together.
I'm fine now, though. After the panic subsided a bit I just flushed anything that could potentially be abused down the drain and finished an assignment instead. Feeling pretty good about that.
No. 1380301
>>1380046lie cheat and steal
everything someone says to you is bullcrap unless it's signed on paper, and then it's only bullcrap until you drag them to court
everyone is a fucking moron. your manager is a fucking moron. the hr wench is a fucking moron. the CEO is a fucking moron. hedge fund managers are fucking morons. contractors are fucking morons. your plumber is a fucking moron. the doctors are fucking morons.
most of life is pay to play
No. 1380302
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Situational depression and mild SAD kicking in. What a phenomenal combo.
No. 1380341
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i keep receiving packages for shit i didnt order. what do i do?
its not even my place but my father's using his account that dont appear on the "purchased items" list. im scared cause i live with him and am scared of having a stalker of either of us. its definitely NOT my dad ordering that crap he doesnt remember ordering even if he has already done similar things but usually its boomer magnet scams like 30 cent night vision shade glasses for driving or herbal remedies etc. , not legitimate weird purchases that 1) are costly and 2) he would never order like vans size 40 shoes and cardboard robots, he wears size 37 and he's 65 and senile sleeping most hours of the day like im talking 20 hours in the least.
should i feel in danger? i cant even close the account because its not letting me and cant change the email or password either since he made it using apple id. so fucking complicated.
i dont want some random ass person knowing where i live and to be frank im scared. im in my dad's country which i dont speak the language of so i cant even speak to customer service. im at a loss. i just want to know who this person that keeps sending this shit and how did they even get into my dad's account?
i feel like if i delete the app the packages will just keep coming in, and they're not even useful to anybody just random crap none of us are interested in or will ever find use in keeping. im scared somebody will attack us and use the packages as an excuse or something, or just in general cause us harm cause they know our address. i mean if you're going to hack into an account at least send the stuff to your own house not the person's account you've hacked into…
thankfully we havent had to pay anything, yet, but i dont know if that will change.
btw i dont live in america or europe so i think im fucked, just venting is all.
No. 1380391
>>1380306Nonna I know this feel, had similar things happen to me. It is always mid or uglysh 6/10 guys who do this shit. It manipulates our brain to think about them more often because we try to subconsciously "fill in gaps" that they made by sudden lack of communication.
Accept the situation as it is (do not blame yourself), block him everywhere and give your brain time to cool down and forget.
No. 1380417
Yes I am self absorbed and act like I was the most traumatized person on the planet, when I'm obviously not and I was lucky and it could've been much worse, but also nobody ever listened to me and just says focus on your education, focus on your career, focus on earning money and you'll feel good. No need for love and affection, nobody needs that, not even when you were a child apparently. Even the one person who tried to protect me all my life failed me several times and while she at least took good care of me, warned me about dangerous scrotes so I could scream and fight and get myself out of bad situations, wasn't there for me when I did tell her about some things. I don't hate her for it, because without her I would've been much worse off.
She had an even worse childhood than me and it made her really tough and she always thought that the reason she wasn't doing well was just because of the poverty and that you don't need love and affection if you just go to university and get rich later (which doesn't happen automatically, but she always said that). She's an important person to me, maybe the only person I consider irreplaceable, but she's wrong. There's nothing I can buy, nothing I can do, no life I can create which makes everything alright. I tried to study something so I could at least help others in ways I wasn't helped, something I'm good at, but it's all a sham and just makes me more depressed and actually PAYS SHIT even though people think if you work in that field you're automatically rich. No the real money is when you do unethical shit and represent companies or rich criminals. And even when you try to do the ethical jobs, it's a sham, it's one big paper tiger, nobody is actually being helped because the system is broken and too full of predatory scrotes. Even if I go the unethical route and try to get rich, no money, nothing I can buy can fix me. And finding therapists or help which isn't full of pickmes seems to be a near insurmountable task and the ones who aren't pickmes don't know what to do with me, because I'm "coping relatively well".
I don't drink alcohol nor do addictive drugs because I saw my addicted family members. I have smoked weed on and off and done psychedelics, though I don't want to smoke weed anymore bc suddenly they're saying I might have a lung disease and I had no fucking clue, I thought my intestines were just the problem and first they said it was lymphoma, but now it's not? Just pseudo tumors you can get rid of easier and are caused by retarded immune system. Thank fuck I guess, but the meds are the same, just no chemotherapy dosages at least and it can go away on its own and several athletes have had it and done just fine after treatment, so that's great! I still workout nearly every day, which is why I'm surprised to hear there's supposedly something wrong with my lungs, I thought I would've noticed.
Oh right I cope by beating up scrotes in a legal manner, make paintings of buildings I have problems with and then paint them on fire, then I paint over them with something happier, talking to one person at a time as my conscience, but my copes aren't working.
Sorry for the schizo stream of consciousness, really not doing well.
No. 1380441
>>1380417after this breakdown I'm just going to go back to denying that I'm traumatized and getting angry when anyone suggests that some of my behaviors or beliefs could be caused by trauma, like the retard I am, because
>>1380052 is right. I'll just go back to grandiosity and feeling better than other for being hyperindependent, because I probably am beyond a borderline sociopath and my emotional intelligence is shit because I failed the EQ test at the medical exam because I would have poor bedside manners. I couldn't study to become an obgyn because I would've attacked women's husbands for some of the shit they said could come out of their mouths. So instead I studied the most stereotypical psycho thing you could. I'll just go back to believing that it wasn't trauma, but that it made me stronger than everyone else and that's why it couldn't have been bad. At least I'm a based misandrist amiright, at least I'm not one of those "pickmes". Ha don't make me laugh I'm a stupid fucking NLOG who has no business feeling any superiority over anyone.
No. 1380522
Scrotes go through 1% of trauma women go through, his mother will divorce his physically and emotionally abusive father and he'll still get angry at his mother and use it all as an excuse to torture to his daughter. He'll take a vulnerable psychologically unstable woman, knock her up and be surprised she doesn't magically turn into a housewife, but instead has a psychotic break. He'll take her daughter away, but then still neglect until he can do (emotional) incest and treat her like a political prisoner because he's super obsessed with concentration camps and desperately wants to fuck Hitler and Stalin and is upset that his daughter likes his mother more than him. And he'll just get away with it because he tries to fuck all the social workers and he's a faggot with long hair and who wears flower shirts so he must be a sensitive harmless heckin single dad and his daughter is just so ungrateful. And there are millions of him and there are millions of his daughter and there are millions of social worker pickmes who want to fuck abusive dads and are jealous of abused daughters. And nobody gives a shit. Is it a bruise or is it one of the birthmarks? Who knows! Better let it happen, because his mother must be so much worse than him, the poor thing. Please burn society down. Please it's just not fucking worth it. Fucking retard therapists thinking molesting children is fine, because they're young and as long as it wasn't especially violent, you can't have trauma from that, no it's the fault of the people telling you that children shouldn't be touched that way, if you would've never been told that it would've been fine. You're just brainwashed.
No. 1380611
>>1380594Oh I mean I see myself as a comic book villain who just wants to kill and maim scrotes and have a whole backstory to justify it, which probably would've never happened if you know, someone would've helped and believed me. This was all preventable. Meanwhile he did get out of his situation, his mother literally divorced the second it was legal, but he decided to become a junkie alcoholic pedo zoophile nazi, it's like having a /pol/tard for a dad and seeing women simp for him was disheartening. Like I don't get why women will even throw little girls under the bus and disbelieve older women, because they HAVE to simp for the scrote. His brother who got the worst of the abuse on the other hand, is completely the opposite and always supported his mother and the brother who got the least abuse and was always the favorite is a convict. His mother has cut ties both with him and the convict and always tried to protect me and helped me deal with cps, probably the best boymom ever, but she was always distrusted and slandered by pickme social workers. They just couldn't comprehend that a mother would denounce her own son and instead thought he was the
Like what is more likely? That the old lady is a criminal mastermind denouncing her own son for shits and giggles? Or that he is actually a disgusting piece of shit?
No. 1380632
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The holidays make me so depressed, they just remind me that i was born in a shitty third world country that's boring as fuck and that my childhood is just me playing the sims pets in my ps2 because there was nothing else to do. I hate my country and i will always hate my parents for not doing the effort of moving to the USA when we had family there.
No. 1380674
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Watching someone make every little thing you say and do about them and completely spiral into this obsessive pattern of pretending they’re somehow superior or in control when they’re literally hanging on to your every word and living out a really ugly cruel need to use you as some sort of instrument to prompt everything they say when you don’t consent is kind of funny or at least would be if it weren’t so pathetic. Pariahs will say, do, and twist anything in order to justify the fucked up shit they do lol.
No. 1380698
>>1374559Anyone else self-regulate by reminding yourself, "You can say 'No'"?
Not even about anything in particular I just find telling myself it calming
No. 1380713
>>1380704Damn anon… that sounds bad, but it doesn't fully sound like your fault. It sounds like the interviewer had something against you from the moment they saw you. I've been in similar situations and honestly it isn't a good feel. You don't know what they're looking for but you're not it. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Maybe the company's really
toxic to work for. I wouldn't beat myself up over it.
No. 1380717
>>1380691>>1380699I have complained about this in a previous vent thread! It's sick honestly. Tinfoil but I think women's sportwear is not designed to be comfortable but to look appealing to men.
Just compare the uniforms of professional athletes. Women's uniform are usually more tight fitting and have shorter shorts
No. 1380727
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>>1380717she's a bit of a cow, but Rain Dove had a photoshoot comparing the two
No. 1380756
>>1380714Why would you believe no one will miss you? Anon please talk to someone.
>>1380674The best thing is when you realize you broke the pattern on your end and they're just spiraling.
No. 1380758
>>1380713Thank you
nonnie, you may be right. I kept hearing online and from others about how great their team is, and even in the interview they kept promoting how close they all are. The interviewers were also laughing among each other and making inside jokes, which made me a little uncomfortable like I was the odd one out. Kinda just felt like they wanted to talk more about themselves than to get to know me or give me a chance.
So at least it was a sign that I don’t mesh with them, which might've made me feel even worse if I did get in there
No. 1380761
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>>1380744>>1380754Seconded. Picrel is my workout clothes. Yes, you get warm, but at least the sweat isn't sealed tight to your skin like when you wear leggings and tight tops, and on the days you don't feel like working out you can just lounge comfortably around at home in them and then head to the gym right away if a small moment of motivation arrives.
No. 1380764
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>>1380714Nonna you don't deserve to die. There are scrotes out there doing fucked up shit, who actually deserve to die. Meanwhile here's you, a perfectly good nonna, wanting to commit. The world would be a worse place with any nonna we lose. Please never stop saying "not today".
No. 1380778
>>1380714Doing it on impulse is dumb nona, on a purely success rate standpoint. The 30 minutes you wait for the pills to hit, is a really long time for even inconsolable feelings to stay intense. Even if you slam down even more alcohol, hoping for courage, hoping to pass out, but somehow you keep being awake bc you’re jacked on adrenaline in the moment. Then you throw up, and you feel kinda stupid. Maybe you’ll really die, but you’ll spend all those last stretches of time, paralyzed, covered in puke, most likely not feeling brave or relieved at all.
It’s fine to keep them close, it is quite comforting to know you always have the option. Meanwhile don’t agonize over not being brave enough to die or whatever lol never force a shit, you can just chill and shitpost with us.
No. 1380784
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>goes outside to grab vitamins and tea because i have a cold
>in a queue in front of me, i see a couple of 3 men buying beers
>they keep pointing at me and try talking to me
>they suddenly let me go in front, just to end up trying to be too uncomfortably close to me in a damn queue
>they end up keep trying to talk to me for no fucking reason and teasingly tried taking away my checkout divider to get my attention
>i literally do fucking nothing but stare at my phone the entire time, but they act like idiots instead
>had to run the hell away back home to make sure i am okay
i am so sick of it.
No. 1380810
>>1380785I try this thing where I pretend all my negative self talk is being posted by another anon on lolcow and I think about how I’d respond to her. Usually it helps me do things either out of compassion or out of spite, I win.
Make that appointment before the month is over anon. It would be a GOOD thing if they said there’s nothing seriously wrong with you.
No. 1380817
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I have spent countless hours telling incels on /r9k/ to kill themselves, and I know deep down that probably none of them actually have
No. 1380825
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>>1380814Don't feel bad for saying it, you're right nonna. He's a pathetic coward, just like most scrotes and he deserves zero respect.
>women wade through a swamp of misfortune abuse and tragedy and are expected to come out the other side smelling like rosesI'm honestly really envious of women who managed to come out at the other end still being kind, caring and empathetic individuals.
>no support network or treatment or therapy of any kind. i'm doing much better than he is and have no major problems because i keep my shit together and never use it as an excuse to fail.That is really great, but also you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself Nonna. It's okay if you do need support, treatment or therapy.
No. 1380841
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>>1380835maybe a little but i'm retarded enough to enjoy it
>>1380836i believe in you nonna
No. 1380874
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why in gods name do i not feel my emotions until days or weeks later? why can't i deal with this shit as soon as it hits me instead of it coming up out of nowhere. i am not on meds and its not PMS, im afraid everything about me is rotted including my brain
No. 1380882
>>1380878because most of the homeless ppl here ARE men. and they’re the ones acting like psychos
however i have encounter a few women homeless tweakers who are honestly just as scary to be around
No. 1380904
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>>1380889>this made me fucking die laughing at the possibility of all my problems are just bcus i have had secret tism the whole timeFor whatever reason, imageboards seem to attract a large number of autistics. The amount of times I read someone with some sort of problem and am like, "girl you are autistic" is a lot
No. 1380908
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For most of my 20s I was diagnosed with various severe dissociative disorders after talking about incestuous things my dad would do, but I was like "Well the only way I could be this ill would be if my father sexually assaulted me for years! glad this never happened!" While ignoring signs and still living with the monster. Now that I'm on the opposite side of the country and have cut him off for 4 years, after reading Pixie's oc larp my brain is releasing everything he's ever done to me. How could she lie and say she has "the worst trauma ever." My adult life is marred by homelessness and abuse because of dissociation and confusion and now I find out there's whole communities of people who wish they had severe sexual abuse because its kewl to have alternate personalities or whatever. It's legitimately hell. I wish I could find support that didn't mean I had to be around retarded kids or adults with arrested development.
No. 1380944
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>>1380908Iktf nonna, but my development isn't exactly great either, so don't want to bother you.
>>1380919>I have this bitterness now for people who have whole support systems and who still make their childhood shit a problem for.. someone with worse shit going on and no support system. If you suck up bigger problems people will come along and use you as a shoulder to cry on about smaller ones.If you're a big enough asshole they won't come to you to cry. However that is no way to live either.
No. 1380964
>>1380876Nice, another west coast nonna. What's up?
>get on bus>scrote gets on and breaks out a meth pipeJust another beautiful day in this overpriced crime ridden cesspool. I'm numb to it now. I just wish they would stop screaming all night and setting off fireworks in the street before they cause a fire. I feel like a war veteran with PTSD from fireworks exploding directly outside my window at random hours all year round. It's like a retardedly loud explosion and a bright flash, and I just think of fucking Grave of the Fireflies and throw myself to the ground. At least the female crackheads don't seem to do that. they keep causing fires all over the place too.
No. 1381017
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Not having stretch marks was the one thing I had. Everything else that could be visually wrong with my body is but at least I didn’t have stretch marks, right? But then I just let myself spiral down and down and now there is just nothing. I think I would rather die than let someone see me naked. Eternally fucked.
No. 1381030
>>1381017They will fade in time
nonnie. I have them all over my body, but you only see them in certain light these days.
No. 1381034
>>1381016>have they done it beforeI don't think so.
>for what reasonShe might have needed it/thought i wasn't using it. However it was sitting on my desk, not a shared place.
No. 1381055
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>>1381049>>1381043you have to come up with something else besides "in minecraft" the authorities have already said they don't buy it
No. 1381090
>>1381082a wipe a day keeps the deep cleaning away
that said there are areas of my apartment i have literally never cleaned in the 2 years i have lived here and i simply don't care. like mopping floors. who does that? just take your shoes off before you walk in lmao just don't own a dog. i've been watching korean housewife videos and they vacuum every single day, and they'll handwash all the dishes and then put them through the dishwasher, and they'll use a towel once and then wash it. who has time for this shit. and at that point it's so expensive in terms of wear and tear for your clothes to wash them 1000x times a year and your water bill and buying all these cleaning products, their own autism must be bankrupting them. and i just think, because they clean too much they are always catching colds and nearly dying of it.
so there is a spectrum between scrote–reasonable–korean housewife level of cleanliness. i think how we view clean freaks is how moids view us. my boyfriend still won't comprehend why i don't want him to wear shoes inside my apartment, shoes that he's walked through dogshit and black-slimy streetwater, or god knows what in. sometimes i kind of want to kill him.
No. 1381181
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Okay so I'm permanently brainbroken, wtf am I supposed to do then? Nobody gives a shit or has sympathy and I'm expected to be like people without this brain damage. I'll never fully get an oxytocin response, will never experience affective empathy or get to experience happiness and I was trained/conditioned for imprisonment and violence. I'm just not human.
No. 1381242
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>friend asks me to hang out
>tell him i am hanging out with x that day
>he askes me if he can't hang out with us
get the memo dude i want to take a break from you, you were my only friend for over a year and i want to hang out with my cooler, non sex pest friend
No. 1381268
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I wish I wasn't so sensitive. I only read a short resume of a horror movie and now I'm too scared to fall asleep. It's childish I know I just really can't stand horror
No. 1381286
i went to private university undergrad after being in public schools my whole life. now i’m at a top public university for graduate school, and holy shit it’s like night and day i can’t believe how privileged i was to go to a private school—where i frequently felt imposter syndrome—but now it’s like, despite my current schools facilities etc—it just feels so impersonal, generally dirty, overcrowded. like, it reminds me of being in high school more than anything, even if my cohort isn’t that large, it’s like undergrads run rampant and consume everything. it’s crazy honestly. i dont think i like it. especially the libraries, which i loved at my undergrad school but here feels like a chaos zone.
anyways, maybe it’s also because i’m a commuter now and don’t live and breathe student life anymore. but the difference in academic focus, clean spaces, quiet places is staggering compared to my previous school.
No. 1381288
>>1381279t. is currently going to school
stfu beansfag
No. 1381302
>>1381299I live out in the country so there's basically no inspection out here. Everything is supposed to go in a septic tank, which normally is fine, but when it gets messed up, you're the one on the hook to fix it. It's been fixed before last year, though. There's no way it should have broken again, or so I thought.
I love living in the country as it's so peaceful and nice but utilities is so fucked. It's 100% gonna be on my family to fix it.
No. 1381463
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I am so pissed off, this water tastes like soap. There has been no times in the history of the fridge that this water has tasted like soap. I have two cups of water in my office room and they both taste like soap. It's more like it tastes like water at first, but then when it goes down your throat it feels like soap. It's like I'm being gaslit by the taste of this water. I've downed a glass and I'm still not sure who, what, when, where, why it tastes this way.
Semi-related, I have an assignment due in 20 minutes, and to complete it I have to watch a video. But the guy's voice I have to listen to for less than ten minutes is so boring I'm crying.
Also related, a stray tear fell onto a cut on my hand so now I have pain.
I'm glad there's a space where I can put my rants in an anonymous space. means a lot to me
No. 1381478
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I hate working so much nonas.
My soul, my ability to daydream, my joie de vivre, spontaniety, nimble mind, all killed off by full time work since graduating college at the age of 25 in 2013.
I'm turning 34 now but I feel like my brain has turned to that of a boomer with dementia from years of dealing with adversarial management practices, sociopathic colleagues, oppressive hours and the creatures of the public. I work in STEM, emphasis on M.
The only times I have had any kind of happiness have been when I've ragequit a job and lived off savings or even debt for a while before looking for a new hellish job.
Anyway I'm saving whatever I can so I can take a long break away from working and hopefully heal my brain and spirit. Fuck a job.
No. 1381479
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>>1381474nona that made me laugh, sorry.
No. 1381488
>>1381482Thanks nona, I appreciate it.
I studied medical physics. I don't regret it as such but I don't know if I would recommend it either.
No. 1381506
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Imagine you, looking for aniime shit for AI goofs on pixiv under stable diffusion and the 1 page is literally 3 different images of topless children, and the others is just straight up AI cp. I can’t imagine just how much garbage pedo shit has polluted pixiv, absolutely a waste of a site.
No. 1381509
>>1381506related and
triggering i saw a finetune of nude females that had a preview of a naked little girl. not an anime model and not even on the fucking deep web. and i'm pretty sure they picked some third world country to host the site on so reporting wouldn't be easy and probably protected with pretentious art laws. literally the only reason scrotes cherish internet privacy, to find loopholes to do foul shit
No. 1381533
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>>1381519yes, pls can someone fix my brain? meds don't work and professionals don't know what to do or where to start either. They only care that I can work and take care of myself, but I just want to be happy and not bored and angry
No. 1381547
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Near middle aged degenerate that aided my stalker and spent over a year pretending to be my friend was ironically the most disgusting, grotesque, and easiest to doxx and collect immense amounts of blackmail on…who would have thought! At least now I can stop pretending my skin isn’t crawling every single time I interact with him. Literally one of the most pathetic men on earth being used as a conduit for evil lol
No. 1381569
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I have relatively small feet (22cm) and finding well built shoes that aren't expensive is nearly impossible. Want sport shoes? Have fun looking in the kids section where the quality isn't the best, since you know, "they'll outgrow them". See a nice looking pair of shoes? Well too bad, they don't come in your size.
No. 1381591
>>1381574>>1381582Lmao sorry. I do agree, it's cursed.
Have over 1k images in my 'reactions' folder yet somehow I always gravitate towards using that one.
No. 1381625
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>>1381569same. i never want to hear it about big footed people having trouble with finding shoes because i swear everything comes in at least 38-42 size. i know mine are ridiculously small (34 EU) but you'd think since they have dwarf clothes maybe they'd have smaller good quality adult shoes. and i live in asia, am asian and not even close to a dwarf height wise. there's not even good shoes in size 36 that i can use foam inserts to fit me only 37 which make me look and/or feel like a kingdom hearts clown character. i get so frustrated and enraged i feel like blowing up every cute shoe i find online only to see its of course a size 38. i thought the average was 36? but apparently not.
and like you said kids shoes are absolute shite since the assume they will outgrow them ( i never did after the age of 10 ) and they look horrendous now at least the ones back when i was actually a kid were kind of cute now not only is the quality even lower but they look ridiculously hideous and not cute at all even for a child.
my only solution is converse and vans but that's not my style at all anymore and they dont go with any of my clothes.
if i ever come across something i will let you know in the fashion thread maybe…
No. 1381692
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Disturbing imagery in /pt/, nonas. Scroll with caution, nonas.
No. 1381705
>>138161235 for heels/loafers and 35.5 for everything else
>>1381625Thank you I will keep an eye out for your post (and do the same)! I got lucky and managed to find these cute and comfy brown Kickers from the 90's on Depop last year and they've been my daily shoes since. Even second-hand they feel miles better than any of the newly released shoes that I've tried. They just don't make them like they used to.
No. 1381783
>>1381759Don't kill yourself, kill him.
But on a serious note, next time don't even bother with men who sleep around or those who have FWB. It's stupid.