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No. 1298889
Lolcow's dumbass chatroom simulator
>>>/ot/1298837 No. 1298936
File: 1660265088424.png (1.36 MB, 834x1534, man is the slave.PNG)

I'm reposting this shockingly based take from 1913 because it got overshadowed by Ychromie spam the first time. Third wavers get wrecked
No. 1298947
File: 1660265395763.jpg (159.52 KB, 700x350, me and my girls (the boy not p…)

>>1298921When I changed schools in fifth grade I wanted to become friends with this one girl. She always talked about dinosaurs with that one boy in our class, so I tried to get into the dinosaur fandom too, but I really couldn't, no matter how much I tried
I couldn't even choose a favorite dinosaur breed. We still became best friends in the end though and am still up to this day, all thanks to larping Tokyo Mew Mew during breaks (the dinosaur boy played with us, too). She was Zakuro, I was Minto, the other girl we played with was Retasu and the boy was the monster of the week.
No. 1298954
File: 1660265793782.jpeg (156.96 KB, 350x472, 9478A716-E502-4DD0-A5A9-9F05A8…)

>>1298947That’s so cute
nonny. Reminds me of when I was little and I’d play cyborg 009 with my brother but he always wanted to be 009 and made me black ghost kek
No. 1298964
File: 1660266513136.png (416.85 KB, 424x600, side front 2.PNG)

I just love Daisy Mae's design so much, I want to cosplay her. I quit cosplay a few years ago and I haven't felt the urge to return, but ever since I saw Daisy Mae's design in the ACNH preview, I was absolutely enamored with her design. She is just so cute, I'm obsessed with the way her ears poke out but are squished down by her bandana. I want to cosplay her so bad but I don't really want to return to the hobby because I realize that it made me very uncomfortable.
No. 1298979
>>1298971No just a lot of deep seated body image issues that slowly were exacerbated over time (and coincided with other non-cosplay related factors). I still sew and enjoy it very much outside of cosplay, but cosplay itself is hard for me to return to. It's kind of weird to feel the urge to cosplay a character again, while simultaneously
not wanting to participate in a lot of default activities that you do in cosplay ie photoshoots or taking casual selfies/hall photos or just being looked at/acknowledged.
I have a hard time explaining to my best friend (who does cosplay photography and always kindly insists on doing my photos) why I don't like the photos she takes of me. It has nothing to do with her skills as a photographer and editor (I think she's quite good at it!) and everything to do with how I just don't like how I look in photos, full stop. I stopped taking selfies too. I live perfectly fine just being vaguely in the background of friends photos now kek.
>>1298976KEK I'm very glad it wasn't because of a scrote (directly at a con at least). I hope you'll still form that lynch mob though.
No. 1298985
File: 1660268356620.jpeg (118.91 KB, 1170x786, 4CA19E75-67C0-43F7-A5E1-CCDC90…)

Who tf
No. 1298989
>>1298979It's alright if you're more comfortable with not having any photos taken, but you could still enjoy cosplay in private for yourself. You don't have to show it to people if you don't wanna, it's totally fine.
I hope you feel better about your body eventually too>I hope you'll still form that lynch mob though.Nonnie, I think you just replied to the troon (a male). He's been pretending like he's a woman, different from a scrote, and like he cares about protecting women and this site, LARPing about wanting to dox and kill moids who harass women (he's doing that on /meta/ and one of the /pol/fag threads so I'm pretty sure it's him)
No. 1299023
>>1298989Thank you nonna ♥ I am doing better a lot with my body image (despite the occasional struggle here and there).
I think you're right too. I get so excited thinking about how to approach the pattern, picking the fabrics, finding the perfect igeta pattern fabric, making her ears, getting all the little bits of her hair sticking out just right… I've almost forgotten that I miss the craft so much, and more than the sewing, all the little craft challenges that make it so much fun. I might make her and maybe I'll wear her someday, or maybe I won't. I think she'll be a fun project, and I'll take it slow since there's no looming threat of con crunch kek.
also thank you for the warning No. 1299044
File: 1660272087066.gif (1.95 MB, 360x360, 1658082973305.gif)

>>1299023Exactly, you can make cosplay for fun without wearing it! I'm glad you're doing better too, have a kitty
No. 1299125
File: 1660282624022.png (244.5 KB, 602x580, Screenshot 20.png)

I don't understand this thing with american wokies, where they seem to portray anyone that isn't 100% European as being basically as dark as possible, its so strange to me and in online comic discussions its so odd, cause you'll see white and black americans argue that a character who is forth arab should be portrayed with the skintone of a Bedouin and individuals some with partial gypsy ancestry like Dick Grayson and Wanda should be played by Indian POC's instead of white people
No. 1299132
File: 1660283823751.jpg (202.65 KB, 992x744, خانہ بدوش.jpg)

>>1299125meanwhile "pure" gypsies in South Asia most of the time look like picrel(though some can be darker or lighter) and in Europe they are mixed heavily and many appear white
>>1299125 No. 1299144
>>1299125Yeah, it's kinda racist. Not that there's anything wrong with dark skin obviously, but if you dare say something like "hey this character's skin isn't that dark canonically" you'll probably be accused of being racist and not liking dark-skinned people. I also hate it when wokies call all non-white people "brown" as if it were so progressive, like lol what the fuck, that sounds racist as fuck. Us "brown" people have vastly different cultures and even skin tones, I hate how they lump us all together as if we were all the same in their eyes. I wonder how they haven't started calling Asian people "yellow" yet.
>>1298921Don't worry, they didn't all die. We still have birds.
No. 1299161
File: 1660286436343.jpg (19.81 KB, 442x274, the ambassadors from side.jpg)

The Measure is English Heroic Verse without Rime, as that of Homer in Greek, and Virgil in Latin; Rhime being no necessary Adjunct or true Ornament of Poem or good Verse, in longer Works especially, but the Invention of a barbarous Age, to set off wretched matter and lame Meeter; grac't indeed since by the use of some famous modern Poets, carried away by Custom, but much to thir own vexation, hindrance, and constraint to express many things otherwise, and for the most part worse then else they would have exprest them. Not without cause therefore some both Italian, and Spanish Poets of prime note have rejected Rhime both in longer and shorter Works, as have also long since our best English Tragedies, as a thing of itself, to all judicious ears, triveal, and of no true musical delight; which consists onely in apt Numbers, fit quantity of Syllables, and the sense variously drawn out from one Verse into another, not in the jingling sound of like endings, a fault avoyded by the learned Ancients both in Poetry and all good Oratory. This neglect then of Rhime so little is to be taken for a defect, though it may seem so perhaps to vulgar Readers, that it rather is to be esteem'd an example set, the first in English, of ancient liberty recover'd to heroic Poem from the troublesom and modern bondage of Rimeing.
No. 1299194
File: 1660293262150.jpg (3.79 MB, 4032x3024, 20220812_013358.jpg)

I can browse lolcow on my kindle kek
No. 1299239
File: 1660299876571.png (48.07 KB, 611x379, uhoh.png)

AO3 nonnies… The interview with Tiffany G is a disaster.
No. 1299244
>>1299239could you please spoonfed me
nonnie, what's going on ?
No. 1299254
>>1299244Tomorrow is the election for OTW Board members. One of the candidates, Tiffany G, wants to run a pro-censorship platform. She also plans to rework the ToS to have certain content removed. As in, she would remove at least all of the darkfics / dead dove fiction and all of the other 'weird' tags and genres, possibly LGB too (but i doubt). She will also remove lolicon / shotacon stuff (not that i care about it) too, if that's your thing.
She says she will remove everything that is considered to be illegal in her country, which is China.
If you donated more than 10$ to AO3 before June 30, you are free to vote.
No. 1299580
File: 1660320128676.jpeg (75.13 KB, 512x524, 1659089481014.jpeg)

I almost feel like I'm outgrowing Lolcow, but I don't really want to leave
No. 1299695
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>>1299172nta but it my country(which is ridiculously racially diverse) we use terms like ghora(meaning light skinned), kala(meaning dark skinned) and samla(which literally means wheatish and is used for brown people) but we attach different epithets to them to specify what type of white or brown you are, If you are a Ferngi Ghora(meaning European looking light skinned person) or a Pathan Ghora(which is more common among the mountain tribes in south asia) kacha samla(meaning light brown) or paka wala samla(meaning dark brown)
No. 1299702
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>>1298889Bump for scrote, don’t scroll
No. 1299704
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Scrote in the front page
No. 1299712
File: 1660325507382.jpg (39.79 KB, 500x490, tumblr_1b1e8c958fb9fa589a5eae9…)

I want to join the 70s tunesday but Im in full aggro mod and it would ruin my vibe.
No. 1299745
>>1299144I will never forget my HS biology teacher (who was the wrong kind of progressive) holding aloft this AI generated image of what all US Citizens would like in fifty years or some BS. The image basically looked like AOC, bear in mind this was in 2010 or 2011. This white boomer proudly exclaims "Look! We're all going to be brown! Isn't that incredible and amazing?" To which I replied, "What do you mean?? We're all going to be homogenized and there won't be any diversity? No distinct cultures or anything? That sounds like something Hitler would want."
I got kicked out of class.
No. 1299825
File: 1660329752139.jpg (73.79 KB, 900x500, c7334647518f40ae05588_a9046f77…)

scrotes stay mad and die mad
No. 1299864
>>1299861Yeah because all women have horrible pain and need to be on BC? Also there are other forms of birth control, retard.
I still have a womb and ovaries, you never will, no matter what kind of frankenstein procedures thai doctors will perform on you. So keep seething.
No. 1299873
File: 1660332890577.jpg (299.68 KB, 678x509, 587658.jpg)

Didn't buy it two years ago and regretted it immensely. But it's back now and I'm going to get one after work.
No. 1299890
File: 1660333808020.jpg (8.99 KB, 275x207, 1646953444422.jpg)

Randomly remembered I told this guy in middle school who had huge a crush on me that when I get home I peel off all my skin chill at home as a giant lizard… he wanted to ask me out after that. I'd do anything to have that retarded stacy energy from middle school again
No. 1299936
File: 1660335666565.jpeg (557.22 KB, 750x983, C2376C6B-EBD6-48F5-B48D-224902…)

they’re using heavy filters and makeup on a literal CHILD
No. 1300299
>>1300235i say this not to defend or absolve your mom of blame at all, but the sad truth is that a lot of parents refuse to accept that their children are actually suffering. for some reason they immediately blame themselves which makes them want to pretend there’s no issue at all. cognitive dissonance kicks in and they just let you keep suffering. my mother was so fucking protective and kind to everyone except me, and i’ve realized it had a lot to do with her not wanting to register me as any kind of
victim because she’d see it as a failing on her part. just weird narc shit. sorry your mother failed nonna, i hope you are doing ok. i’m also glad that book is so popular and i hope something can actually happen to dan but i’m doubtful at this point
No. 1300362
File: 1660355184446.jpg (10.68 KB, 236x201, 33ffd7e7f6d6d17bb2125b67150b7b…)

>>1299239I can't with this anymore. I'm okay with deleting loli/shota content, but I'm pretty sure that the censorship will also affect a huge part of the site if she is going for chinese censorship standars. I'm so tired nonnies…
No. 1300564
>>1300268It's whiplash.
>>1300299The way you describe your mom and the psychology behind the behavior is how my mom is. Uncanny. Thank you and hope you are doing good too. Trying to see if I can score a copy off the library or a friend. I really want to read it and glad it is popular. I don't think he'll suffer either, but one can only hope.
No. 1300679
File: 1660368386610.gif (656.21 KB, 220x220, 0265A8B8-3D51-4BA0-916D-B8E9E7…)

I want to drink wine but I lost my ID so I’m stuck with coke and peanuts.
No. 1300825
>>1300786Maybe. If you're my irl friend I'd lose my shit, I think most of them are either pretending to be TRAs or a actual ones when the topic comes up (not very often) so that would be funny to see one of us on a "
terf website". I wouldn't be surprised if my friends knew about lc on general tbh.
No. 1300836
File: 1660375700092.gif (320.3 KB, 336x230, 13DE1299-6092-4AE2-81E4-0875C6…)

>>1300809>tonightCoward. It is 8 am where i live and I’m already on my bullshit, holding grudges for anonymous posters and projecting my own lame friendships on to them.
No. 1300874
>>1300846>>1300854I just realised I’m a stupid fuck. I read this as “attractive” instead of unattractive.
I don’t agree.
No. 1300880
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Everything going according to plan
No. 1300985
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>>13009723 times??? Girl I do it like once every 2 days. Bump because kill all men
No. 1301053
File: 1660387849275.jpeg (27.01 KB, 750x409, EO-bTd5W4AAmW_0.jpeg)

>>1301034my bf does that too, he literally poops out every meal
No. 1301147
File: 1660393998367.jpeg (183.93 KB, 1048x722, 66535B26-443C-4E64-ADA7-E328BB…)

An anon vented about missing out on having a close knit group of nerdy female friends and it reminded me of pic rel. lolcor can feel like a female eltingville club sometimes
No. 1301164
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>>1301147I wonder how the author feels about the fact that the characters he created to be an unlikable as possible and be the representation of everything he hated about nerd culture in the 90's now ending up mostly with a small but creative tumblr and ao3 fanbase, being shipped with each other and even have some self insert ships
No. 1301172
>>1301147I still don't know why i read vigilante instead of eltingville
I was so confused
No. 1301177
>>1301171>>1301171I entered an anime/geek club in my university and no one could communicate properly, there were constant fights and a lot of members were really misogyny or would start shitting and crying at the sight of
woc/women. The women I met outside the club fell into gendie tiktok but they’re at least more bearable.
No. 1301294
File: 1660404201959.jpg (35.68 KB, 540x486, sotired.jpg)

shcizo tranny is racebaiting again. don't scroll
No. 1301300
>>1301190>Fruits Basket>Black Butlerbased
>Vampire Knightcringe
No. 1301421
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I’ve heard both people say that it’s usually men who go and ask out women but for me it’s been the opposite. I’ve always been the one to ask out guys. Though it might be because I refuse to interact with ugly men
No. 1301546
File: 1660414683351.jpg (302.42 KB, 980x735, 328140_original.jpg)

Bojangles biscuit are really good. Nice and buttery and soft and warm
No. 1301558
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>>1301546Samefag, the blueberry biscuits are overhyped.
No. 1301568
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Everything going according to plan
No. 1301596
File: 1660416355801.png (1.25 MB, 590x791, haning out.PNG)

No. 1301619
File: 1660417103610.png (1.9 MB, 1978x1234, Screen Shot 2022-08-13 at 2.57…)

this made me chuckle
No. 1301643
>>1301421I've known a lot of men who if they do want to ask you out (not just hitting on you if that make sense) will ask someone else to ask you because they're scared of rejection. Reminds me of a
tiktok i saw where there was a group of women who created an dating event that pretty much allowed men to come up to you and hit on you, and only women showed up. A lot of the women in the comments said that men like to hit on you and ask you out when you're in a trapped situation, where they can control it to an extent. Of course whiny men in the comments were crying about "we just don't want to be rejected in front of people wehh". A lot of the female tiktokers who focus on male behaviors surprise me. They almost seem like they could browse here
No. 1301741
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>>1301656Here is one for you
nonnie No. 1301772
File: 1660425806706.jpg (12.88 KB, 480x434, f2e9677fc8da216c02d0f8dcc0d396…)

Trying to justify me buying a galaxy tab s6 lite by pretending that'll do commissions with it when I know I won't.
But it's so cheap. I don't know if I should
No. 1301785
File: 1660426770468.jpeg (235.34 KB, 1017x1250, C3C80E40-E38D-468C-8814-5D146E…)

>>1301780KEK it’s not even that bad of an image! Moids are so hysterical
No. 1301795
File: 1660427522628.jpeg (899.2 KB, 828x1465, 251D9902-3608-47DB-A72F-C017D3…)

This is a federal crime
No. 1301816
>>1301795I hate huskyfags so much
Most owners don’t know how to take care of them and just use them for attention
No. 1301851
File: 1660430385704.gif (81.61 KB, 74x80, 1647248282928.gif)

I have started weaponizing the fact that I am a woman on the chans because I know that the more obvious any female presence is the more it annoys the moids there. The thing they hate the most is the the "pesky femoids" invading and ruining their safespace and I love deliberately typing baity things that is guaranteed to spike their blood pressure and remind them that yes, I am in fact here to invade and ruin their website and there's nothing they can say or do about it. tldr: I love putting moids in a sour mood with my provoking and annoying posts
No. 1301902
File: 1660432844427.jpg (45.04 KB, 581x435, 1657482792757.jpg)

>>1301900tofu with black bean sauce please and thank you!!
No. 1301911
File: 1660433336084.jpeg (10.57 KB, 199x253, images.jpeg)

I smile because in 50 years I will be a happy hag living in the woods and the moids of this generation will be dead
No. 1301915
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>>1301911I wanna be a happy hag
No. 1301957
File: 1660437486196.png (24.92 KB, 280x213, dog with eggs.png)

I found a pair of pants that had fallen behind my dresser, and I truly thought to myself for about 2 seconds, "better check them for mouse eggs"
No. 1301975
File: 1660439295952.png (85.48 KB, 276x282, 1659579351952361.png)

Some delivery scrote stole money from me, and then told the delivery app to charge me again claiming I didn't pay. I just reported him to the app's support team and explained the situation. They haven't gotten back to me yet, but I'm still pissed.
Would it be too petty to text him saying I reported him for being a fraudulent piece of shit, then block him before he can reply? I kind of want to do it, but only after the app sorts things out. Inshallah his worthless ballsack will be amputated, I can't stand a thieving moid
No. 1302175
File: 1660456076940.jpeg (113.41 KB, 750x744, 3A55AEA2-DA9C-4B69-BA7B-462B74…)

I drank the tea
That valerian root is a okay
I get sleepier
nd watch LOTR AGAIN
wanna blow up friends to argue nerd shit
Because women dont get pressed over the ring duh we rock
But too sleepy to try
Goodnight nonnas
Good morning lil vamp nonnas
No. 1302283
File: 1660465758038.png (203.55 KB, 1274x1027, poly.PNG)

Having fun looking at the classes at Fetishcon
No. 1302290
File: 1660466977206.jpeg (69.46 KB, 897x867, 3E566120-FCF9-4C8B-AC0C-5D2AED…)

Hates doomscrolling
Makes depressed
Continues to doomscroll
Not even anything interesting
Severely depressed
Still doomscrolling
Not a single thing consuming interesting
Doomscroll continues
No. 1302343
File: 1660473952379.jpg (83.54 KB, 864x816, Tumblr_l_363380543639296.jpg)

>>1302290same girl, same
No. 1302357
File: 1660476083087.png (260.82 KB, 300x440, 300px-MindCrush-SBCB-EN-C-1E.p…)

No. 1302464
File: 1660486406297.jpg (54.73 KB, 736x941, f54e0b5cc0b3d800d114b26dfdde08…)

I slept on a buying decision and now it's fucking gone. Not the worst thing ever, but I am a bit bitter about it
No. 1302467
File: 1660486428796.jpeg (62.36 KB, 622x675, 8A06CBF9-838B-433C-A388-DD5975…)

>I’ve been using lc on the work wifi
No. 1302826
File: 1660507836108.jpg (190.44 KB, 900x1200, cat-drinking-water-1636733.jpg)

No. 1302829
File: 1660508088597.jpg (49.6 KB, 600x600, cat-loves-water-bath-28__605-6…)

No. 1302833
File: 1660508398997.gif (347.62 KB, 357x200, 200.gif)

summoning rain
No. 1302840
File: 1660508828899.jpg (4.86 KB, 229x220, 1654449222527.jpg)

It's so funny the porn moid is going on about muh jewz running the media while being a porn degerate. Porn is like the easiest fucking way to "brainwash" someone.
No. 1302848
File: 1660509078605.jpg (53.11 KB, 524x680, photo_2022-07-28_19-45-37.jpg)

No. 1302851
>>1302560That's what I said when I read it.
>>1302739>howLike an apple anon. They bite into it and eat the skin too, apparently.
No. 1302862
File: 1660509724708.jpg (6.24 KB, 64x64, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

tfw I love military fashion but don't want to look like a rightoid tard or a larper.
No. 1302933
File: 1660515180834.jpeg (63 KB, 426x672, 5721FC2A-3E43-4402-9441-C691F3…)

Today’s act of self love I insist all nonnies tend to immediately: if you don’t own mace but some. If you own it but forget to bring it everywhere you go find a way to remedy that. Own multiple mace keychains if you have to!
No. 1302962
>>1302933I can’t I’m British
I do appreciate the message though.
No. 1303029
Watching Mean Girls for the first time in years and the math teacher is hands down the best character, I love her.
>>1302933This picture is so cute! What time is it from?
No. 1303049
File: 1660520995143.jpeg (63.96 KB, 306x442, 2BA6ACA2-D147-40C4-9103-B72D64…)

i put some sweet chili sauce on rice cakes just cause i wanted a lazy snak but i feel so fucking sick now, what the fuck.
No. 1303052
File: 1660521039254.jpg (585.38 KB, 1349x763, whining.jpg)

mods introduce new filter to blur nsfw results in image generations bot, exactly 5 minutes later scrotes start crying about every single thing they generate being blurred
No. 1303132
File: 1660527724653.jpg (42.85 KB, 460x467, me.jpg)

This dog looks like a snowman
No. 1303148
File: 1660529864170.jpg (97.44 KB, 960x640, phm_transpo_stop_arm_camera_12…)

The little stop arm on buses is kind of cute
No. 1303205
>>1303202Where are you from?
Good lunch meat can be fucking 8.99 here it’s absolute horse shit.
No. 1303234
File: 1660540761071.jpg (88.24 KB, 648x680, FaEj-EoWAAA43bZ.jpg)

i love women so much…
No. 1303240
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The idol world is bleak. She's 15 btw
No. 1303273
File: 1660545036628.jpeg (210.82 KB, 828x797, B58AD58D-BBB7-4240-97E4-1E2AD8…)

>>1303240Apparently NewJeans we’re all groomed into the group. So gross, that means the youngest was 14 or under when it started. Found this on cdan the other day
No. 1303303
File: 1660548035032.jpeg (46.75 KB, 459x352, 1639963612710.jpeg)

Scrotes, man.
No. 1303306
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No. 1303361
>>1303314If someone says they're in a LDR I tend to imagine that they've already met the person at least a couple times to confirm its a real thing with a real spark, I assume they have plans to close the gap eventually too.
If they've never met I class that as just an e-relationship and see it as less likely to amount to much.
No. 1303386
File: 1660556344452.jpg (101.38 KB, 450x600, oldwomen2.jpg)

>>1303234cute post, I agree!
No. 1303392
File: 1660557114232.jpeg (122 KB, 977x1266, 1A818103-8DE0-4596-9022-0AB70D…)

Cock is on my brain 24/7 I’m sorry
No. 1303396
nonny who it is is also free but thank you for financial tips
No. 1303397
File: 1660557360081.jpeg (130.59 KB, 640x636, 51E337A2-EB31-455F-814C-C2DFAD…)

The internet has ruined men who were like pic rel
No. 1303746
File: 1660578818738.png (5.3 MB, 1500x1500, 41e329487b9a826cd4b763b111432b…)

My lip collection basically looks like this. Whenever I buy a new lip tint/lipstick/mousse/whatever the fuck new colored lip product, it's always in varying shades of red and I can't stop. I don't even really wear it that often, even moreso now because I don't want it smearing all over the inside of my mask, but aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I can't stop. On the bright side I only have <10 but at the same time more than 3 of what is basically the same color, only a shade or two off, seems excessive.
No. 1303759
>>1303403Well what is
your theory? Was Louis so strict in his moral code that he would simply refuse to hurt women and girls while ruling a land where they had absolutely no rights or humanity?
No. 1303770
nonnie thats the joke I was making.
No. 1303782
File: 1660580528446.jpg (35.59 KB, 545x428, 1654770867404.jpg)

you're a what
No. 1303833
File: 1660583012341.png (706.07 KB, 640x480, 4541370A-5240-43D2-8076-9D9150…)

feeling like pure shit i just want popheadscirclejerk back
No. 1303850
File: 1660584118945.png (65.59 KB, 421x179, no.png)

I don't know what I have done on the internet to warrant this, but I'm getting online dating ads featuring stock image moids that aren't even my type.
No. 1303860
File: 1660584851921.jpg (Spoiler Image,257.82 KB, 1600x1067, Once a Cow.JPG)

Really missing efagz/ediotz, efanz, look@urlife. I want a place to discuss somewhat retired cows without «milk». Like right now, I wanna mindlessly discuss Daisy Lola (now Daisy Foxglove) and her business venture(s)/«career»
No. 1303914
File: 1660587748439.png (46.3 KB, 300x100, lolcor crimes.png)

hello gorls I made yet another two banners
No. 1304034
File: 1660594955699.jpg (1000.68 KB, 3056x3056, 672ddc5ccb65526b818415dccf49b4…)

>>1303746I do this exact same thing with berry colours. I actively have to stop myself from buying them.
No. 1304044
>>1304034Haven't tried them, sorry
nonnie. Just a random pic I grabbed
No. 1304054
>>1304043You've inspired me anon. There's a topic I've been thinking about lately and idk how in depth I'll go now cause I'm high and its bedtime for me but,,,
YouTubers in their 30s are my go to people now for style inspiration for my age group. I hate Hollywood media and the fashion houses these days with all the gaudy fake bodies and faces shit. I much prefer to watch real women age and adapt and find their way through a decade mass media doesn't really cater for. It's mostly about shielding the aging process. I might need to sleep on this to explain better but maybe people get the gist of what I'm getting at.
No. 1304069
File: 1660597272877.jpg (731 B, 16x16, 1625543711200.jpg)

My mom makes the most delicious egg salad but only for birthdays and I ate the last of it earlier today. I wish I had more right now aughhhhhh!!!
No. 1304105
File: 1660598986089.gif (1.98 MB, 360x270, laZk8NL.gif)

Has anyone else here grown fat as a child/teen/early adult and now deeply resent your parents for it? To the point of hating them for making you into a fat monster
No. 1304122
>>1304116Question, do you have any contact with them? do you think they were neglectful or emotionally
No. 1304137
File: 1660600333231.png (85.63 KB, 1839x347, 1659780337066.png)

>>1304135Enjoy, it has me fucking yodeling with laughter
No. 1304213
File: 1660603692351.jpg (204.29 KB, 650x417, 1659982468267.jpg)

>find out about Tommy Lee's dick pic and google it for shits and giggles
>be reminded of how bleak things are for women in this world when I end up reading about what happened to his ex wife Pamela Anderson
>get depressed again
No. 1304258
File: 1660605062312.jpg (668.62 KB, 1080x1509, Screenshot_20220815-180945_Fir…)

There's a massive amount of butthurt old men in these comments kek
No. 1304287
File: 1660606176003.jpg (35.82 KB, 564x368, ed50aaded1f4f2694b4cf9624cd045…)

You ever have something fairly niche you're into and you realize what you like a bunch of troons dislike? I've witnessed it before in fairly all female fandoms where the TIFs would always hate what I like. Now weirdly I see smatterings of trannies like actual diaper fetishist transgenders, all of them post anime girls and "me when I booba bouncing", who hate one thing I can have for myself it feels good.
No. 1304295
File: 1660606476772.gif (2.95 MB, 640x360, me at you.gif)

>>1304292No. Now I am embarrassed. What I am trying to say is that I like things. The things I like are things that trannies somehow don't like, despite trannies tending towards every single hobby or interest you can think of. Always a tiny corner of a fandom or whatever that the trannies are warded from, for some reason or other.
No. 1304297
>>1298889I’ve been following shayna for a couple of years. I’ve also been involved in the furry fandom (lol) and I’ve seen a lot of people shun this DottiPink person because of bestiality allegations, I ever got commissioned to draw her character foreeeeever ago.
Imagine my surprise when I’m like “let’s check out this “dawn saga”” and it’s the same furry. I’m losing my mind
No. 1304325
>>1304295I see kek your gif is so funny with your posts. A lot of the media I like has been troonified and it's so annoying to see tit scars and trans flags everywhere in the fanart.
I just barely got into Dorhedoro and it's been aiden/troonified I did get into a manga from here actually, and the art for it has been beautiful and rarely gets troonified. I don't doubt it will be in the future though, it's been getting popular
No. 1304349
File: 1660608086842.jpeg (794.93 KB, 1170x1906, 01478071-7A9F-4F0E-B99E-FA5316…)

I’ve never been happier to see the tide turning against tumblr’s favourite man. He was always so smug I wish he were not Maori so it would be easier to hate him.
No. 1304369
File: 1660608953101.jpeg (634.65 KB, 1170x1100, 1E9FCE8B-F6B8-4130-970A-009A54…)

Out of all the dumbass things the rebranded tumblr nymphets “coquettes” try to glamorize… the Manson Family is the worst. They truly watched that one Lana Del Rey music video and thought “yes this is exactly how extremely dirty druggie hippies looked in the 60’s”. Really trying to glamorize people who didn’t have all their teeth kek
No. 1304381
>>1304378the white post was saying that Taika Watiti is doing ~amazing things to take away
toxic masculinity~ through his film work and the blue post is taking the piss out of what the white post said kek. "He didn't really do anything crazy / noteworthy."
No. 1304383
File: 1660609656651.jpg (381.7 KB, 1500x1500, 91UTKx2MUwS._SL1500_.jpg)

Who the fuck is Pearl Milling. Bring Aunt Jemima back!
No. 1304396
File: 1660610390681.jpg (33.62 KB, 415x631, 5cca7f411710352ba87a4fd2868335…)

>>1304392I will suck that certified vintage Aunt Jemima syrup dry till the bottle forms such a strong vacuum it implodes onto itself.
No. 1304415
>>1304396I'll mail it to you
nonnie but don't call me if you get a tummy ache
No. 1304465
File: 1660613421828.jpg (83.41 KB, 1125x1094, 1656815636358.jpg)

Kek remember that tinfoil going around during the /ot/ containment thread days where anons thought that some L337 HAX0R was cataloging every IP address of every anon posting and was going to dox us because fucking uhhhhhh…. well I don't remember why but those were some fun times looking back.
No. 1304474
File: 1660613906700.jpg (47.34 KB, 650x1040,…)

>>1304465It is me. The l337 haxor. I've got you IP, credit card number, and most importantly your BMI.
No. 1304602
File: 1660625583789.jpeg (32.62 KB, 236x351, AD314FC2-F9DD-4A3B-A728-0AFEB5…)

Is this kota or am I losing my mind
No. 1304604
File: 1660625648022.jpeg (Spoiler Image,777.28 KB, 828x1446, A671501D-E1F2-4E08-BAAE-549517…)

>>1304579Okay you took to long.
Trigger warning for penis. Please look at it why does it look like the butler’s hand in Scary Movie. Looks like an amputees stump. Shaped like a bonsai.
No. 1304625
File: 1660626080103.jpeg (945.44 KB, 1800x2700, 83F749C2-4FAC-4077-AF9E-0BB9DB…)

Ringo Starr be looking good these days. Love that for him.
No. 1304632
>>1304629>>1304627Pls no fighting the weird
dick is going to hear you..
No. 1304633
>>1304629I don’t care who it is
You’re still gay
No. 1304634
>>1304633And you still
Reddit space
Like it’s a haiku
No. 1304635
File: 1660626612976.jpeg (Spoiler Image,623.6 KB, 828x1242, A0D891FD-DE59-4794-8F28-80B9C9…)

>>1304632Looking like it’s gonna reach out and grab you
No. 1304637
File: 1660626840528.jpg (25.18 KB, 655x720, upset cat frowning in disgust.…)

>see a video of a cat drinking milk from a cow's udder
>udder is literally pouring milk
>"Why is it doing that?"
>tfw learn that farmers will cut the cow's udder with fire if they have a blocked milk duct
Ok I admittedly don't know if I got that completely correct, but people are so brutal to animals
No. 1304640
File: 1660627226953.jpeg (91.87 KB, 1170x1162, 5B4FABEF-C210-4BF5-970B-93D9E1…)

>>1304634That’s not Reddit spacing lmao, but I’ll cut you some slack. Here are f o u r (4) doubloons spend them however u please
No. 1304652
File: 1660628312743.jpeg (433.19 KB, 828x728, DA99D3ED-A581-46B6-893B-A7E2BB…)

>>1304645Mhm very much so
No. 1304665
>>1304663People who have never been on a farm, let alone work one, always think everything is harmful and
abusive for some reason when it’s really mundane (at least in the US)
No. 1304682
File: 1660631006544.webm (1.64 MB, 576x1024, cats drinking milk.webm)

>>1304641>They don’t cut itIf you say so anon, but I don't think it's udder is supposed to look like that.
No. 1304698
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Anita Mann
No. 1304708
File: 1660633581070.png (1.42 MB, 960x960, BTS X White House.png)

No. 1304710
File: 1660633822400.png (152.47 KB, 600x600, TAOGI.png)

I wish I liked bananas. I'll eat banana bread but not a banana by itself. I really want to make banana milk but I'm afraid I'll hate it. Why am I like this.
No. 1304721
File: 1660634612230.jpg (162.26 KB, 634x1015, article-2565884-1BBF7794000005…)

>>1304711they all look like they're wearing those fetishistic silicone facemasks that weirdo men wear
No. 1304762
File: 1660638447041.jpg (1.45 MB, 2527x1266, 95278490_p0.jpg)

I wish I didn't live in such a boring and dangerous country, there is nothing to do. I really wanna go camping/fishing…
No. 1304810
File: 1660642996486.jpg (197.38 KB, 1000x667, meirl.jpg)

>>1304768sorry nonnita, that warning's for me
No. 1304821
File: 1660645456883.png (144.77 KB, 275x274, GEFIVba.png)

I didn't get banned for posting racebait but I got banned for posting a kpop idol gif. The absolute state of mod
No. 1304826
File: 1660646336539.png (221.35 KB, 600x337, Rb84mfC.png)

>>1304823I was off my meds
No. 1304827
File: 1660646348610.jpg (109.47 KB, 633x840, 1920x.jpg)

One of the first nice memories I have of middle school is bonding with my then mid-60s year old teacher about Malice Mizer because I was an obvious weeb and her daughter was a bangya.
No. 1304874
File: 1660651494748.png (20.18 KB, 549x377, twt.PNG)

Received picrel in regards to some recent twitter data breach and I wonder if there's any secret cow sideblog that could be found thanks to this, if their email is known
No. 1305132
File: 1660670332994.jpg (156.93 KB, 2048x2048, h78nceksgha61.jpg)

Anyone else make your pets have little personalities with their own voices & have conversations with them and call them crazy and evil? Just me? Ok…
No. 1305134
File: 1660670431851.gif (1.02 MB, 275x226, 1658908608818.gif)

I hate men with bpd so much.
No. 1305297
>>1305271what the hell is this, sounds like something a scrote or a retarded 50 year old pickme from some curch would say.
Whats going on with lc.
No. 1305308
File: 1660678974605.png (36.7 KB, 749x485, LhXTV8PFpA.png)

is it common for band scrotes to be down this bad, or only the unsuccessful ones? when i used to be on social media, i would see the band members looking for places to sleep on tour or asking people to crowdfund albums, selling their worn clothes, merch, whatever. the begging is pretty intense
No. 1305311
>>1305301exactly the logic that braindead pickmes and scrotes use makes no sense.
>oh women are retarded children when it comes to jobs so thats why men deserve to have all the high paying or power positions in the world and women deserve to be payed less but when it comes to dating then grown men deserve to date children or teenagers because men have the minds of children.Like these people change on who is the child-minded based on if it benefits men or not.
No. 1305428
File: 1660687789438.jpeg (314.03 KB, 1197x998, 7FEBA42C-F633-4BB8-90B1-EB5E98…)

I edited this moid image a bit because I just think she’s cute and I’m happy for her
No. 1305508
File: 1660693734628.gif (4.27 MB, 480x360, evOlS3zjNW-CRGSnHNcJJfGzkfB7Hd…)

I wish I could just go insane. I'm tired of how I'm treated and it's been uncanny for years. It feels like a joke so why not lose my mind and fuck shit up? Be better than crying all the time.
No. 1305574
File: 1660698729103.jpg (124.67 KB, 826x871, 1654149161446.jpg)

>hit up guy because he's cute
>ask him what music he listens to
>god please please please be something I can work with please god
>sends me his current spotify playlist
>it's all normie twitterfag shit
No. 1305587
File: 1660700264844.jpg (29.07 KB, 421x500, s-l500.jpg)

EOS lip balms were so bad. They did not moisturize at all, this is the most overhyped beauty product in history.
No. 1305615
>>1305587these were so shit that when me and my friend VERY obviously shoplifted from a fancy makeup store the workers didn't bat an eye
and then a week later my strawberry balm's white ball turned absolutely yellow and i do not know how wtfff
No. 1305617
File: 1660702861597.jpeg (81.69 KB, 828x818, teletubbycat.jpeg)

>>1305615Anti shoplifter curse?
No. 1305631
File: 1660704076154.jpg (37.86 KB, 492x480, 1497736027958.jpg)

I confessed to a moid that I liked him a few months ago and I regret it so much because I know now that I was depressed and feeling lonely. We had chemistry but he's religious and he hinted that he'd want kids. He was nice but I ignored his edgy scrote-tier humor when I knew it was such a fucking red flag. I was literally watching what I would say around him because I was scared of saying something to offend him or scare him away. I've already lived so much of my life by other people standards and I was about to throw away the rest of my self for this turbo normie faggot just because I have a hard time coping with loneliness and my shitty life. I feel sober now, I need to get my pathetic life together for my own sake. Fortunately I don't think he liked me that much because neither of us has initiated texting for a few weeks. Hopefully I never run into him again because I'm so fucking embarrassed.
All the time I was pining for him I kept thinking in the back of my mind that he would never approve of my life and career decisions, he'd get offended at my jokes, and he would hate it if I ever fulfilled my dream of sewing a life-size plushie of my husbando like I always wanted.
I'm a fucking freak and I can't live life any other way.
No. 1305649
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>>1305594This happens to me half the time I show a male music.
>male asks what I listen to not out of interest but a weak attempt to neg or something >I list musicians in my native language >play some of it>tell them this singers music has been part of my life since I was a child and her songs both ease my sadness and make me dance>moid immediately Googles her>"OH WOW SHES SO OLD AND UGLY">"DAMN I COULD NEVER FUCK HER">"LOLOL THIS IS SO WEIRD IS THIS LIKE ARAB MUSIC??" (not even close)>"THIS MUSIC MAKES ME SLEEPY"(proceeds to put on The Weeknd)>Moid will listen to 10 seconds of one of my songs but expect me to listen to the entirety of 5 of his>""Critiques"" every song within seconds No. 1305650
nonnie Dale isn't my husbando, but I love him anyways
No. 1305673
>>1304710I'm glad I found another
nonnie that despises bananas as much as I do. Okay maybe not as much as me bc I literally will gag when I smell them.
No. 1305744
>>1305743I'm sorry
nonnie, I wish you future naps.
No. 1305746
File: 1660711796194.jpeg (593.95 KB, 2833x881, DHOcWefW0AI3QBr.jpeg)

Every time I scroll through the Luna Slater thread, this scene from mitm plays on repeat. Apologies on the tiny screenshot, the only one I could find with this scene.
No. 1305764
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I want Bad Bunny so bad
No. 1305841
File: 1660719164212.png (756.32 KB, 1036x492, ew.png)

they're apparently selling these as toys for children?
No. 1305860
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No. 1305868
File: 1660722246725.jpeg (152.51 KB, 1200x1200, 0019884B-C4FE-4F71-A46C-94EBFB…)

If you’re into scented candles don’t get this one. I literally just threw it in the bin the smell was so disgusting. It’s like most Yankee candles don’t smell potent enough, but when they do have a really strong smelling one it’s DISGUSTING. Even when it wasn’t lit it stank my room out. I loved the mango one and the lime and vanilla but the smell wasn’t strong at all.
No. 1305905
File: 1660727211879.jpg (12.34 KB, 167x350, yankee-candle-home-sweet-home-…)

>>1305868Nonna, can you recommend some good candles? I want to get candles as a Xmas gift for a lady who loves them.
I was looking at Yankee candles but they barely have any smell description.
I thought of even getting Bath and Body works ones but they seem pretty pricey, so idk about the quality.
No. 1305909
>>1305868My brother bought the largest size of this candle and burned it non-stop
i am vomit
No. 1305913
File: 1660728632832.jpeg (208.1 KB, 640x598, E03563A9-9EC7-4818-A6C9-6D74EC…)

>>1305905I haven’t been into candles that long, but I would recommend either getting a gift set (this one I found for £7 so it doesn’t have to be expensive) subtly asking her favourite scents and candles and searching those, or just going to a store and sniffing around to see what smells good.
Also on the Yankee candle website they have better descriptions, but you don’t have to buy from there because it’s more expensive. also have reviews which can be helpful.
No. 1305914
File: 1660728673655.jpeg (131.98 KB, 640x776, F4A2E747-33BF-4F8B-B6BF-33FA38…)

>>1305913Samefag, I think this one looks cool and I kind of want to get it even though the reviews are bad.
No. 1305937
File: 1660731589804.png (568.62 KB, 592x584, twttr.PNG)

>>1305841>>1305844NTA but i was curious and this is the only source I could find;
TBH I wouldnt be surprised if it was some failed product; factory which made it also made children toys and just tried other ways to make some profit with some other client
No. 1305954
File: 1660733393730.jpg (27.36 KB, 733x733, H94a7e854c3974d378e0f12e98be4c…)

>>1305937those fidget toys are too soft for ''sexual'' purposes, wish adults would stop sexualizing everything, it's creepy.
No. 1305970
File: 1660735461821.jpeg (225.42 KB, 640x599, 8DFA4049-7DBA-442F-8428-18E8DA…)

>>1305965Samefag okay ignore that, I just googled the name of those toys and apparently they really did look like that. Wtf
No. 1305998
File: 1660738617507.jpg (80.58 KB, 1000x1000, extrusion-pea-beans-creative-s…)

>>1305972>>1305973just because you see a cylindrical shape and immediately think ''i want to put this in my asshole'' doesn't mean everyone else is as degenerate as you, especially not children. Bananas and peas in a pod are just popular shapes for fidget toys
No. 1305999
File: 1660738734883.jpeg (21.51 KB, 347x286, FD3683AD-B1AA-4E9B-8325-DD9CC4…)

I wish it were Tommy Lee Jones' dickpic that leaked
I usually hate geriatric moids, don't shame me for this one exception
No. 1306010
>>1305999No no no I want to know more about this Tommy Lee Jones crush; specifically
why? Not judging!
No. 1306148
>>1305998they could’ve very well been innocent toys for all we know, but i think it’s weird and stupid that amongst all the color there are clearly some that are shown to be plainly flesh colored
>>1305937 >>1305970 when there’s no reason it ALL couldn’t be brightly colored, brighter colors are more beneficial and appeal more to kids anyway.
doesn’t mean anons are degenerates or want to be fucked in the asshole for expressing concern about having a kid play with that, even if the kids might not know what it is. wouldn’t you do a double take if you stumbled across a kid playing with a flesh colored suspiciously shaped toy that could easily be mistaken for something else?
No. 1306177
File: 1660749229804.jpg (19.64 KB, 500x375, BiaOlGmIYAAYl0u.jpg)

Blush is easily one of the best parts of makeup to me. Sometimes I'll pat a little bit on even if I'm not wearing makeup that day but I'm sleep deprived or just look dead in general.
No. 1306209
>>1306184ayrt, honestly i think i remember that now that you mention it. idk why anons discussing this are getting the brunt when we should be blaming these companies for designing toys with minimal thought. no not everything should be sexualized but if it seems incredibly inappropriate and multiple people are obviously concerned, i don’t get how that makes us perverts for
not wanting children to play with things of the sort
No. 1306220
>>1306214Don't feel bad
nonnie! You probably carry your weight gain well if you've only noticed it when stepping on the scale. Toss that damn thing away. There's no reason for you to have it in the first place, since I assume that you're in a healthy weight range.
No. 1306231
File: 1660753215634.jpg (151.38 KB, 1024x615, otter.jpg)

I watched this youtuber before who talks about manifestation and is just this eccentric seeming guy. Lastnight I was falling asleep with youtube on as background noise and it autoplayed one of his weird vids. It was to do with spirit animals. Picturing an animal that you like or connect with and using that as part of your manifestation thing. If you're looking to attract love then picture two of that animal together. Good stuff lol. In my sleepy state I just let it play and I fell asleep picturing 2 otters doing that cutesy thing where they hold hands and float.
Today I was in the same park that I've visited thousands of times over the years and what did I see for the very first time in the river. I was so excited about seeing it that it was probably ten mins later that I rememebered lastnight. First wild otter spotting in all of my life. I know they're there but you never see them.
No. 1306260
File: 1660755152797.jpg (50.22 KB, 559x900, yes.jpg)

I have a pinterest album specifically for photos and illustrations of nuns with guns and it's awesome.
No. 1306291
File: 1660756755125.jpg (51.61 KB, 474x618, bloodportrait.jpg)

Menstruation is the most METAL thing there is. Like, bleeding and shedding tissue from your pussy because a potential life never happened. Bye bye useless egg SEE YOU IN HELL FUCKER!
No. 1306297
>>1306231That’s so cute
nonnie. I feel like seeing an otter could make any day 10000 times better.
No. 1306306
File: 1660757137863.png (3.74 MB, 1125x1287, unknown.png)

Hey look at this
No. 1306320
File: 1660757551410.png (171.87 KB, 330x421, 330px-Randy_Stair_2.png)

When I was younger a lot of incel/future murderer types were so cute to me but they'd never give me the time of day or if they did they'd pump and dump me due to how i look. These same people go off to murder women or make pod casts because "women dont like me", it just shows that the issue isn't they can't get women but their standards are too high. They can't understand that they are too weird and or poor for korean idol types or blonde stacys.
No. 1306322
File: 1660757630207.jpg (47.57 KB, 500x254, tumblr_oqiplz0e5Y1r5z4bho1_500…)

/g/ be like
No. 1306427
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I'm not a lesbian so I've never seen The L Word, but I've been thinking about watching just for picrel.
No. 1306456
File: 1660763540908.jpeg (288.22 KB, 723x1024, AB5907CB-995E-4405-A585-E6B18F…)

my fiancé looks exactly like two (2) of my 2D husbandos I win ladies
No. 1306464
File: 1660764371330.jpg (449.79 KB, 800x600, 1478277193247.jpg)

I'm watching videos about pokemon game development and lore, how much of a loser am I?
No. 1306621
File: 1660775370679.gif (1.02 MB, 638x640, the-boys-homelander.gif)

I just finished watching The Boys and I finally understand the "my pathetic little meow meow" feeling because I feel that way towards s3 Homelander.
So pathetic. So sociopathic. I can fix him. I can do it.
No. 1306636
>>1306632I'm not OP, to be honest I didn't see what's the tone of The Boys discussion on twitter; but it is notoriously twitter behavior to mix up real life with fictional characters, the "if you draw a 16year old anime character you're a pedo" discourse and so on. A lot of anons husbandos here in husbandos thread are some deranged males but I don't think anons themselves are excusing their behavior just by liking them? Can one even "simp" for a fictional character anyway?
IDK, either way I think this kind of policing is spoiling everyone's fun, even if you think she's cringe; as long as she's not being all UwU about real evil people (like columbiners for example) it's harmless really
No. 1306637
>>1306626>>1306632(I'm assuming these were both the same anon) tbf, not really anyone in the show is "good" and it's like
>>1306630 said, he's a fictional character. At least I don't simp for serial killers.
No. 1306797
File: 1660788821011.jpg (3.1 MB, 4000x3000, 20220817_162808.jpg)

It's my gecko's 5th birthday today! I made cupcakes that look like her. They're lemon with vanilla icing (I forgot food colouring for the icing this year). She can't eat them but she did get a worm, she appreciated it. I know she doesn't know wtf a birthday even is but YES I did tell her happy birthday and yes I am insane
No. 1306832
File: 1660791305862.jpeg (12.41 KB, 529x400, pupplio.jpeg)

No. 1307014
File: 1660807448592.png (327.24 KB, 482x573, unknown (1).png)

how much must you hate yourself
No. 1307077
File: 1660811436172.jpg (1.02 MB, 2979x2376, gecko_cake.jpg)

>>1306797Oh my god
nonnie, I remember you, you posted picrel a long time ago ( I saved it to show it to my family because I though it was so cute kek ! ). The cakes looks even better than last time and I'm really glad to know that your gecko is doing fine!
No. 1307101
>>1307077>>1306797I also remember you from last time gecko-
nonnie, so cute! You levelled up your cake game.
No. 1307108
>>1306797I was so tired the first time I saw this I didn't even realize the gecko was in the photo kek. What's her name?
>>1307077Oh my gosh, it's the same nonna! This is so cute. I hope we get another next year.
No. 1307130
>>1307126I know what you mean.
>>1307128Her, Bethany Mota, and Sienna Mirabella were my favorites back then.
No. 1307241
File: 1660827534545.jpg (3.53 MB, 4000x3000, 20220817_162842.jpg)

>>1307087>>1307077>>1307101I really wasn't sure anyone would remember me, this is super touching! I hope your family liked the pics.
>>1307108Her name is Alex, she just turned 5! well she's more like 6 since she got her when she just barely had her adult colours. But we got her from a pet store 5 years ago.
>>1306810>>1307087The gecko is NOT for eating, but yes I agree she does look tasty, one time my brother had her on the counter while making a peanut butter and jam sandwich and she stepped in a glob of peanut butter and she smelled like peanut butter for a week.
Picrel is a better picture of said gecko, I really wanted to show off the cupcakes this year because I thought they looked good! But she was pretty for this year's photoshoot. She just shed her skin the night before.
No. 1307269
>>1307266I at least appreciate it when they do something fun and make the ad read something entertaining in its own right. One of my favorite channels, Jolly, frequently gets sponsored by them and Ollie (the one singing) always does some stupid ridiculous shit and it actually keeps me watching the ad read instead of just skipping through. I wish there was a complication video but here's one with the ad read just cut out on its own lol.
One of their recent ones had Ollie simply reading out an ad read full of cheese puns, while Josh (the other guy) had to take a bite of cheese corresponding to the cheese in the cheese pun. Stupid but still funny in its own way. The video was cheese related kek.
No. 1307293
File: 1660832833109.webm (3.01 MB, 480x600, Ms6gBtdTQ7HVxAhG.webm)

anyone else this this is weirdly kinda hot
No. 1307380
>>1307241Aww she as a little smile, nice pic nonna! Also seconding this anon
>>1307108, I hope we can get a photoshot every year as a tradition
No. 1307527
File: 1660844474027.jpeg (97.22 KB, 720x706, DD69B1A7-E1F5-4538-96BB-AE8DDD…)

Been trying to organise my fashion Pinterest board. So far I’ve made 2 boards- the 1st of for outfits that I sort of like but not totally. The 2nd was the outfits I really like. For the 2nd one, I separated them into 3 different categories but idk how to find common ground between them. It’s not like they’re completely different but still
No. 1307533
File: 1660844682620.jpeg (136.52 KB, 640x878, 182E5BB3-F798-4DC1-A536-B0BE2F…)

If I had to see this, so do you.
No. 1307537
File: 1660844750999.png (79.96 KB, 915x356, chrome_Q2c3kPmFZb.png)

apparently there's a walking dead graphic novel based on clementine that i had no idea existed and read a summary. i hope this was written by someone with bad english and leaving out details because wtf
No. 1307548
File: 1660845449635.jpeg (919.39 KB, 1456x1092, 4FDAF0D3-8850-4F14-AD89-A1659D…)

Which of the scooby doo characters would you consider the best? For me it’s Shaggy because
>Daphne is usually just a plot device to fall into traps
>Velma can be cool, but usually is a mean-spirited ass
>Fred is Fred
>scrappy is overheated but he isn’t amazing
>scooby is a worse version of Shaggy
No. 1307624
I need to listen now
No. 1308054
File: 1660867437194.gif (18.71 MB, 498x498, 1660473061738.gif)

>>1307994Hoping to get this for myself within the next few years. It feels so serene and magical waking up with the whole house before/while the sun comes up but I haven't done it in years. I bet with a girlfriend/wife I'd never forget those moments too.
No. 1308122
File: 1660873549122.png (361.47 KB, 521x680, A6F735EC-7E34-4767-BEBD-A71808…)

>>1308117You don’t need to say it twice. No one responded to your original post because no one is interested in brake checking. Make another post about something cooler, like “oh I love sun bathing in my Beverly Hills mansion” or talk about your houseboy’s (clean shaved) armpits. Your economic situation makes your daily life unbearably dull. Have you tried your luck with lottery? I have a third cousin that won the greatest sum of money in European/German lotto and it’s going okay for him. You don’t need to go insane like every other winner. It’s all about mindset y’know? You can buy a brakeless car with the money instead of complaining about being the saddest
victim in the world.
No. 1308187
File: 1660879100538.jpeg (124.37 KB, 768x960, F53B7E78-5A86-47BB-A6C7-669A09…)

I love when men tell me they can “write” because it’s like… no you can’t. You can’t do anything besides shake with autistic rage and a-log people in videogames.
No. 1308219
File: 1660881266104.jpeg (175.26 KB, 1024x1016, 5F61A709-6F74-45D8-B9E0-3ADC5F…)

I wonder what his feet smell like
No. 1308256
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Which flavor should I make
No. 1308279
File: 1660884973579.jpeg (426.07 KB, 902x801, 040D41B4-66EC-478C-BCF5-DAF079…)

Revisiting true blood for the first time in years and am once again confronted with how annoying it is that this stupid looking old fuck was the love interest REEEEEE
No. 1308320
File: 1660888731060.jpeg (Spoiler Image,321.65 KB, 1125x2000, FEEF641D-AC0B-4564-A185-5F7BBB…)

>>1308315Fuck you he’s sexier than ever
No. 1308337
File: 1660890610166.jpeg (437.13 KB, 1170x639, 35950A14-6567-4364-80FC-54DF5B…)

Why does this actor always look like he has too much of too light foundation and concealer on?
No. 1308338
File: 1660890783599.png (282.2 KB, 600x600, 9BAE71F6-EE14-4DC7-A64B-F437F7…)

>>1308337nona he’s just really white
No. 1308351
File: 1660891545958.jpeg (54.33 KB, 718x1080, 52E19A3C-5236-45E5-9A61-6C0365…)

>>1308337I know he is nothing like his highly curated public image but that grossly overdone image makes him comes across sexless; just a smooth area down there like a Ken doll.
No. 1308355
For once I go to the office for work instead of working from home and it's raining hard, I'm so mad.
>>1308029If they're from before 2000 they literally cannot be euro coins, that currency is more recent than you think. So she'll have to check this out herself because each country had its own currency.
No. 1308402
>>1308363I like to order a huge šiš ćevap (sort of like a long burger)
Red meat is definitely what makes me feel best when I'm on my period
No. 1308421
Jokes aside I think I gravitate towards food that aren’t too greasy or heavy because I have weak stomach and it’s worse during period
No. 1308531
File: 1660910011668.png (1.78 MB, 1264x656, firefox_uGt0iwYrBV.png)

You ever just wanna slightly trashtalk people on here just because it's fun?
I don't think every creator needs tragic milk or we need 100 threads of Shayna posting the same porn over and over, sometimes it's fun to just comment on some internet rando who is slightly obnoxious
No. 1308533
>>1308402>šiš ćevap>long burgerNije li to prije slightly cursed spicy hot dog?
Good taste tho
No. 1308579
>>1308564Pretty much the same
Good: voice and pronounciation
Bad: TERFS BAD, maybe this tomboy character was discovering she is trans!
No. 1308710
File: 1660925088520.jpg (125.5 KB, 1600x1067, Buying-an-Apartment-to-Rent-Ou…)

I really want to buy an apartment. I live with my parents now and I'll probably move out eventually, but I would rather not rent and would rather just buy a place if I can. Sometimes I look around and the monthly payments (mortgage AND hoa/maintenance fees) are about the same as to rent, minus having to come up with a down payment of course, so why the hell not buy? I've been saving for the hell of it anyway so it might as well become my down payment savings. Homeownership comes with responsibilities and all that, I get it, but what's the difference with fighting with a landlord to get stuff fixed and fighting with building management/contractors on my own to get shit fixed?
No. 1308730
File: 1660926367904.jpeg (50.66 KB, 480x468, 2A702A7C-E49B-4D1C-B326-B056CC…)

>>1308710If you have the means to, I’d say buy. It’s also a good time to buy right now, house prices are on the down swing so you’ll find better offerings. I honestly don’t mind either, apartments are nice because someone fixes the shit for you (sometimes). If I’m buying a house I kind of want to make sure it’s THE one because I don’t want to do it again.
No. 1308745
File: 1660927888009.png (1.5 MB, 768x1024, 1651260241505.png)

That's it. Once I get surgery to remove the huge fibroadenoma I have in November I'll actively look for a bf and an flat that would be close to my workplace and to public transport. I'm fucking ready. And before anyone starts the whole "men are trash" thing, I know that's the case for 99.999999% of men but I'm so picky I never got a bf despite being 28 so don't worry, I won't date the first guy I'll find that will hit on me.
No. 1308778
File: 1660930700850.jpg (31.76 KB, 564x564, 1650683060079.jpg)

>anon, did you know our mutual friend who has always been straight just got a gf? they're a lesbian now, just like you!
>immediately get suspicious
>check her private twitter
>it's a discord troon from abroad who just moved in the building next to her
just like me, anons
No. 1308798
File: 1660932240548.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.19 KB, 700x700, 5.jpg)

Bet those bitches wouldn't come NEAR my shit again if this was my handbag
No. 1308882
File: 1660936406069.jpg (322.1 KB, 1200x1800, bagels.jpg)

I have a pack of bagels in my room and found what I believe to be a pantry beetle this morning. I ate one of those bagels last night which means I ate something that that carried bugs.
The problem is though, when I inspect the bagels I can't see any bugs on it. So what the fuck is going on.
No. 1308885
File: 1660936608428.jpeg (60.46 KB, 720x633, C633F41F-D96D-48B1-A47C-1CDCCB…)

No. 1308887
>>1308816>My lesbian supervisor told me out of the blue that our manager said he would be cool with us datingThis is hilarious anon, she literally checked if she can date you and you think it might be wishful thinking on your end! you must go for it!
>>1308867usually first page, hope that helps, probably predictable but hey it is what it is
No. 1308951
File: 1660940882128.gif (1 MB, 450x230, pagan-girls-pagan.gif)

No. 1309020
File: 1660944201226.jpg (129.21 KB, 700x376, 228097_n.jpg)

Anyone who has used iscribble in the past, do you remember these pixel boards?
No. 1309076
File: 1660947309947.jpg (735.92 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-08-19-19-02-21…)

I have thought about this post way too many times in the last 4 years. I hope anon got help or locked away from children
No. 1309219
File: 1660958933496.jpeg (101.59 KB, 1080x1188, ED11ED9F-5321-4EB0-AEDB-CCC8F5…)

>when you take the wrong keychain before hitting the club and don’t realise you forgot the key to the apartment complex until you’re outside at 2:30am and the code won’t start working until either 5 or 6am
I’m too old for dumb mistakes like this
No. 1309278
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No. 1309281
File: 1660964909483.png (594.75 KB, 1335x803, fight fight fight.png)

People infighting about sanrio stuff is just really funny to me.
No. 1309286
File: 1660965350431.jpg (46.41 KB, 484x531, gbfdhfgh.jpg)

>mfw one person accuses me of posting about them on lolcow when I genuinely haven't because I have decided not to share any kind of info about them here even though ppl posting here would want to hear it and I think I know who is the person who has posted about them on here but I don't want to snitch on them either to the person who accused me because my solidarity reaches to them too that I will never spill my guts about people I know to anyone, anywhere when it comes to lolcow and I am just here to play with Saul Goodman dress up games
No. 1309288
File: 1660965814867.gif (1.13 MB, 280x498, milk demon.gif)

>>1309224>>1309228>>1309249It's 5am and I'm finally inside! Took only almost 3 hours of waiting.
Sadly there is no lobby or anywhere to go at that time of night when I realized I was locked out but luckily it's pretty hot outside still and I live in a very safe suburban area with a lot of families so I didn't feel very concerned, even if I DID consider jumping into the bushes whenever a car passed by just to be on the safer side. By the last hour I got so desperate for something to do I decided to check out Helluva Boss since I've seen lolcow dunking on it for months and idk if it was that or the jäger I had earlier tonight that gave me the shits at the end.
No. 1309366
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No. 1309395
>>1309376I swear my underwear is the right size.
>>1309377No, why?
No. 1309405
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I think the whole “that girl” “clean girl” shit sounds stupid but then I remember that I’m not a teenager, haven’t been a teenager in a decade, and have absolutely zero reason to be in teenagers business and having an actually affected opinion on something that trivial would be embarrassing and an obvious indication of being terminally online
No. 1309431
>>1309374All of them sound freaking amazing, how can I chose hmmmmmmm
Ok hear me out, combine yuzu + lemon cookies + earl gray. They all have a similar citric flavor so this will turn godlike. Post an update tomorrow pls.
No. 1309523
>>1309478eh, these girls are really good at research and presenting information, but most of the time their insight is banal and shallow. some videos are better than that though, i remember thinking they'd succeeded at pinpointing what was behind the dark academia autism.
i think they're kinda smart girls looking to blow the minds of a not-so-smart audience with analysis and succeeding
No. 1309635
File: 1661001081407.jpg (140.93 KB, 1170x1308, 20220820_151156.jpg)

Good, he can eat my shit
No. 1309640
File: 1661001418278.jpg (63.15 KB, 600x828, Glowy Makeup Look.jpg)

>>1309405It just think it's sad to see teenagers putting so much pressure on themselves to look perfect 24/7, it sucks the joy out of life.
No. 1309642
File: 1661001488708.jpg (48.67 KB, 736x739, 1653799791165.jpg)

>>1298947nonna your post and filename made my day
No. 1309662
File: 1661003159327.jpg (68.51 KB, 720x710, 1645302201724.jpg)

My wig comes todayyyyy oooooh I can't wait nonnies. It's gonna be so fun hehehe. LET'S GO BALDFAGS WEE HEE!!!
No. 1309676
File: 1661003658009.jpeg (39.13 KB, 600x321, 6B17559D-1C0A-401D-8E02-C9876F…)

Hey nonnies what’s your favourite historical period? Mine is when I was in college and hadn’t outgrown my friends and was madly in love with my bf at the time and believed he and I would get married someday, but the Viking era is a close second
No. 1309703
File: 1661005411028.png (871.45 KB, 695x588, 53C7B697-6BBB-4688-A856-48F33C…)

>>1309676your image produced a profound effect from within me. perhaps viking era is high on my list, but ancient Egypt is so cool. their art and adornments are so beautiful
No. 1309727
File: 1661007027661.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1640x1224, 019114B0-C1D8-4B9D-9BDE-51478D…)

>>1298966The game Dino Island made me love troodon. Small and very smart. Also plesiosaur was cool as shit
No. 1309801
File: 1661018237647.png (112.72 KB, 224x225, work.png)

What's your job nonnie? i make art commissions
No. 1309827
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Someone posted the picture about how blobfish are actually dead when they look this way, it makes these comics suck more.
They do have a few cute comics
No. 1309828
File: 1661019606844.jpg (34.46 KB, 512x512, 2ab46138fd4f3278a0a97f13572e0c…)

>>1309801Librarian offline, artist online who needs to really open commissions again
No. 1309837
File: 1661019916847.jpg (30.13 KB, 474x266, th-2555864307.jpg)

>>1309836Oops dropped pic
No. 1309855
File: 1661021002328.jpg (11.56 KB, 300x250, 300px-Loading_Cat.jpg)

>>1309852more words needed
No. 1309881
File: 1661023324451.jpg (125.4 KB, 924x1192, aca314dfbcaa7116a6b277c39ab6df…)

My mother does not refrigerate juice after opening it and it makes me so worried for her, especially because we live somewhere where it's been pretty hot. You're going to get fucking sick lady!
No. 1309885
File: 1661023642220.jpeg (44.35 KB, 495x508, 3B03B6CF-47DB-4B9B-B72F-0D4C7B…)

This pic is so fucking funny!!
She’s just grabbing the scrote’s entire mouth!! KEK
No. 1309886
File: 1661023697930.png (982.13 KB, 828x861, 1644747633045.png)

>>1309831It does not, but I'm happy you know someone with such a fun mix of jobs nonna!
>>1309834Honestly my fav gig ever, that and I'm the children's librarian and I love illustration so I get to nerd over nice art at work too and illustrate stuff as well for here, the management and systems is quite satisfying and you honestly get the most interesting and heartwarming interactions you can think of (I was in retail 5 years prior and I honestly cry sometimes over how grateful I am for this)
>>1309840Keep your eyes peeled if you still ever want to nonna! I got turned down the first time I applied for the job because it went to another internal applicant, but I got it a year later on my second run and the hours were much better- you are right though, nobody fucking leaves unless they need to retire or they move to another council job
No. 1309893
>>1309885I don't understand the anatomy.
Where the fuck is his chin?
No. 1309956
a game site that uploaded niche doujin games is dead and I am so mad I never downloaded everything on the page because I took it for granted it was going to stay up forever… i am so angry at myself
>>1309886>kiarabased taste. I am glad you enjoy your work it seems so comfy!
No. 1309963
File: 1661027745528.gif (295.43 KB, 700x704, LainLaugh.gif)

I started learning how to program and thinking about becoming what trannies wish they were keeps me motivated. I am going to reclaim Lain from troons.
No. 1309969
File: 1661028001845.png (130.54 KB, 256x256, 1571719399527.png)

>>1309966i know, right? also wish there was a way to find female(female) communities of programmers, I don't wanna mix with all the moids and troons
No. 1309973
>>1309968i know nothing about keekihime but considering how petty those sites are she probably didn't do anything wrong enough for me to stop supporting Kiara, I like her and she's fun. Let bygones be
No. 1309986
File: 1661028719338.jpg (30.9 KB, 322x352, 4nfcv1siuyx41.jpg)

You know how 4chan will find a literallywho through their social media and the angle of the sun in their pics and shit and then destroy their life?
We should hunt the facialabuse guys.
No. 1309990
>>1309956Based nonita! What do you do? Do you like arting, too?
>>1309968>>1309973100% this, I find her streams comfy and like to tidy my house and draw with them on, guilty pleasures, but comfy for sure
No. 1310029
>>1310014You can use Voicemod,
No. 1310094
File: 1661035225126.jpg (202.76 KB, 1500x1044, 1649265762035.jpg)

>>1310005a fat girl can do asmr, an ugly girl can do asmr, that's my point, you don't have to have the best looks to get popular as a vtuber, people appreciate the personality way more than the avatar itself.
>>1310024anime girls are cute and appealing, there are a bunch of vtubers with ugly western-looking avatars if you are into that too. I hate that if you like cute/sexy anime characters here that makes you into a moid pandered somehow.
No. 1310099
File: 1661035484926.jpg (798.54 KB, 4096x1790, 1649300414000.jpg)

>>1310097Petra has one of the cutest designs imo, too bad her streams are kinda boring and she mostly panders to Japanese viewers
No. 1310105
File: 1661035879294.jpeg (32.56 KB, 300x300, 7952CFC2-9AA4-401C-9A3D-A9BD8F…)

Does anyone else thing she looks significantly better before? I was thinking of getting Botox in my masseter muscles to see if it would help severe teeth grinding in my sleep but I feel like the effect it has on peoples jaw makes them look worse a lot of the time
No. 1310106
File: 1661036044514.jpg (521.66 KB, 3533x1842, 217bc671d13ce8d0aef6efe18134e5…)

>>1310101yup! dunno why other nonnies are complaining about vtuber avatars being moid pandering(I guess anime in itself is moid pandering for them, kek) most of the famous vtubers have really cutesy avatars rather than lewd ones. this one is also one of my favorites, love the tomboy attitude it radiates.
No. 1310113
File: 1661036254040.jpeg (650.5 KB, 1216x1792, 8CDFBA13-DA04-41BD-93A1-298680…)

A man needs to put on makeup to become the “joker” a woman simply needs to take hers off.
No. 1310158
File: 1661037651002.jpg (15.45 KB, 221x288, 1655175118716.jpg)

>>1310134to put an example, Selen is currently the most popular and profitable Nijisanji EN female streamer, she's a tomboy that hates ''pandering'' to gfe and plays a crap ton of FPS, she's popular because she's amazing at shooters and has a really funny laugh. Meanwhile, the most popular and profitable Nijisanji EN male is Vox, a guy that heavily relies on pandering to his creepy borderline psychotic fans that attack any woman that talks to him, his content is either ASMR or fujopandering. He had to apologize for his crazy schizo fans attacking a female nijien member for daring to interact with him.
>>1310143there are a bunch of artists and singers in Holo/niji. It's basically impossible to get in if you aren't either an amazing singer or artists. Ina has worked for Fate/go, same as Sana, Mori calliope recently signed a deal with sony music and had a concert. I hate when people that don't watch vtubers critics them because ''woman pretending to be an anima girl that means she's a worthless whore doing it for attention1!!!1'' you are no different to moids, really
No. 1310188
File: 1661038561892.png (1.12 MB, 844x1799, liver-full-body_Selen_Tatsuki.…)

>>1310182Selen's model is kinda ugly, which makes it more impressive she made it to the top over cuter designs like petra
No. 1310287
>>1310239I don't disagree with your point but HP Lovecraft realized how retarded his racist views were pretty late in his life, and started to criticize racism and conservatives instead.
>>1310282I agree, my mom loves to tell me stuff like
>oh wow the day before yesterday was Veterinarian's Day, I didn't know (feeling bad about it)>today is Nutritionist's Day, have you congratulated this nutritionist we know yet?I guess it's better than that stupid Catholic tradition of celebrating a saint and everyone who's named after them every single day, but it's still annoying
No. 1310290
File: 1661045312879.jpg (299.3 KB, 1384x1500, 4-Sayaka.jpg)

This vtuber talk is making me wish I was a vtuber myself. It seems like fun. But the risk is more than the actual reward…
No. 1310306
>>1310304>>1310290If you're looking to make money, you won't. The fact that you don't have to be attractive means the market is even more saturated than OF. If you want to do it just as a hobby go for it though
if you search vtuber on twitch or youtube and sort by live, there are tons of female vtubers with no viewers. Same with twitter, just indie vtubers begging for people to watch them.
No. 1310307
>>1310302Gura isn't even allowed to talk about lolicon what are you even talking about, just be honest and say that you hate vtubers because you hate when women do something you don't like.
>>1310304you don't need a cute voice, most vtubers have super normal voices. If you think it will be fun I encourage you to try it! the only thing you will have to buy is the program Vtube studio that's like idk 5 dollars, maybe less? you can get plenty of free-to-use models online. Good luck if you ever decide to try it!
No. 1310317
>>1310315>out of context clips where she says smallBiggest cope I've ever seen, says loli over and over and directly references loli memes. Literally just check her twitter though, full of rts of ecchi art of her kek.
Curious how the anti-loli ones get all the hate from the community while pro-loli ones like gura get worshipped though.
Why are all weebs like this? You all have weird excuses for why it's okay for little anime avatars to be sexualized and reach so fucking hard
No. 1310351
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for some reason i felt like listening to bananaphone and im so mad at myself for remembering all the lyrics. i also just realized i fucked my spotify algorithm but you know what i need more dumb shit in my life. cheers queens
No. 1310354
>>1310339>you can be antiloli and like petit girlsThat's such a typical moid excuse. Yes, you can like short
women, but why emphasize her youth so much at the same time as her short height?
No. 1310357
Thank u Anon I smiled too
No. 1310364
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>>1310340i've never in my life heard children that sound like Gura/Nyaners/whatever
nonnie nyanners is like 30 yo you can keep trying to see pedophilia where there isn't but absolutely no pedophile will feel attracted to freaking nyanners of all people.
I finally found female streamers/creators that I actually relate to and it annoys me that people shit on them because of one or two bad apples, it's moid tier behavior of going '''reee fake gamer girl she's just doing it for male attention reee''.
No. 1310369
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What kind of music plays in your head when you see a cat? I imagine silly circus music
No. 1310393
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I am hunting the facialabuse losers and the second I have enough info on any of them, I'm starting a thread
I figure if 4chan can ruin the lives of literallywhos by identifying cloud patterns by the time of day the photographs were taken, then I can ruin the lives of people who completely deserve it.
So far, I've found that the one called "Pauly Harker," (powerword: Paul James Kryscuk), was arrested for attempting to assassinate a female leader of the BLM movement. It is worth throwing it out there that Kryscuk is most well known for his "work" on Ghetto Gaggers. You can guess exactly what goes on in those videos, yes.
If anyone wants to help me sniff out the garbage, please do.
Make men scared again.
No. 1310400
>>1310388do you watch female content creators that play videogames/partake in a primarily male-dominated hobby? or do you prefer to insult them and call them whores? makes you wonder why mostly men watch them, still doesn't mean they do it for moid attention.
>>1310391she was like 16 when she did that, she was a cringy teenager and she made mistakes then realized those things were dumb and apologized, she deleted the pomfpomfpomf video years before she became a vtuber and she stayed loyal to her beliefs since then, despite people harassing her for it.
No. 1310406
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>>1310403>>1310397thank you
And I don't blame you, I know that I'm going to have to subject myself to hours of this shit
Because I'm gonna find every instance of Gio/Jay D (still looking for his real name) accidentally exposing his face
He is very particular about hiding his face.
I wonder why he's so worried about people being able to identify him?
Well I think he's just such a prolific "actor," his face should be everywhere! Everyone should recognize him walking down the street; why wouldn't you want the whole world to know about your talent, Gio? Jay D? You worried about something? You scared someone's gonna come and find you? Awwwww. Poor baby.
No. 1310409
File: 1661054624996.png (Spoiler Image,136.28 KB, 278x334, scum.png)

>>1310406Found the abandoned MySpace page of bootleg/David Horter of Pennsylvania
This is his face. He doesn't seem as scared of showing himself though.
Say hi, David Horter! You look so much skinnier and baggier than you did ten years ago. Is that why you try not to appear from the pelvis up these days?
Only spoilering because he looks fucking disgusting
No. 1310416
>>1310415It's funny because he
is worthless!
No. 1310419
File: 1661055483638.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.77 KB, 150x150, same scum.jpg)

>>1310409Hey David Horter/David O'Caldera/bootleg?
How come your insta is private and uses a different alias than your "work"? Don't tell me you're a fraidycat too.
No. 1310422
>>1310405Ok, if you need me to spell it out for you:
>"doesn't mean they do it for moid attention">uses a bishoujo avatar (bishoujo is an art style that was created by and for men who want to fuck underage schoolgirls and it's still acknowledged as an art style for men to this day)>youtube channel banner has her blushing and giving bed eyes, I wonder who's supposed to like that?>character concept is made to sexually appeal to scrotes>does the fake anime girl cutesy voice that all coomerbait anime characters have>talks about how small and young she is, apparently? why would you do that if not to get moid fans excited lmaoI don't know if you're genuinely so desensitized to weeb coomer shit that you can't tell what's a normal female gamer and what is a pickme, or if you're just baiting at this point.
And fyi that's one hell of an assumption you made about us there, I do watch female content creators, including video game streamers. None of them use coomerish anime avatars or fake stupid voices, they show their real, average faces and use their actual voice, there's no reason to call them pickmes just because they play video games. Makes me wish there were more female streamers like them and that they were more popular. If you only watch small indie vtubers with two viewers who don't do anything to attract moids on purpose then good for them and good for you I guess. I don't even give a fuck if you watch Nyanners because you like her humor or personality or whatever. Just stop pretending that she and other Vtubers aren't purposefully trying to appeal to weeb scrotes.
No. 1310424
>>1310419quite a record there, David Brian Horter of Pennsylvania
No. 1310426
>>1310410blah blah women cant like this or they are scrote panderes because I say so!! blah blah blah. whatever you say
nonnie I will keep enjoying things I like despite them being for moids or not lmao
No. 1310433
>>1310409>>1310406>>1310419You're doing God's work,
nonny. But I would advise you to not post your findings yet, and to archive everything as soon as you find and compile it. You never know who might be monitoring the site.
thanks for the Dwight gifs too he's my fave No. 1310437
>>1310433You know what, you're right, I won't post anymore until I have enough; that said, if anyone is intrigued and wants to look too,
please do. I'll leave what I posted already
No. 1310441
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I love my anxious ass brain. My financial goal is $700 for something I hustled so hard and reached the goal. It turns out I actually only needed $450 and all that hard work has lead me into a pay raise. Lmao I get sick thinking Im late so i show up to work 15 minutes early. or I ruminize that i suck at my job and it turns out OPPOSITE
No. 1310457
>>1310454>you are just making an assumption because anime girl=moid pandering to youYour lack of reading comprehension is astounding.
>Vtubers have bigger female audience rate than normal female streamersAnd I assume they also have bigger male audiences than normal female streamers, correct?
No. 1310472
>>1310461>Just by being a woman you are going to develop male fansThat's obvious, but no one is saying this is what makes Vtubers pickmes or moid-pandering.
>you are just blaming a girl that enjoys such hobbies, like anime/vtubers, for ''male pandering''You can like those things without being a pickme (and no one is calling you one for liking Vtubers). Most Vtubers do more than just that to attract male fans. For example, putting their blushing avatar giving bed eyes to the viewer (obviously sexually suggestive) on their youtube banner and the other things we've already mentioned that you keep ignoring.
>By your logic every person that outs themselves as a woman in a male-dominated space is a pickme that wants male attentionYes, keep ignoring how I've already said that I love normal female streamers in male-dominated hobby and community. I even like a couple of female Vtubers myself but they're not obviously trying to pander to weeb moids. By
your logic, bishounen Vtubers aren't trying to attract a female audience.
>I just gotta use a morbidly obese avatarThere are anime art styles to draw girls other than bishoujo. Bishoujo or moeshit is specifically made for men (though that obviously doesn't mean that women can't or won't find it cute, before you pull that bullshit again). It's one of the visual difference between male and female-oriented manga and anime. Japanese artists and creators know this, which is why so many female artists draw moe girls or hentai to profit off male otaku audience, or why bishoujo are much more common in media for males. Gawr Gura and Nyanners's avatars are very clearly drawn in bishoujo/moe style. I assume such Vtubers are happy that a lot of women watch them, but their primary audience is still men.
No. 1310482
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Chillin in the club, what are y’all up to?
No. 1310617
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Heavy spoilers for the game Deadly Premonition, but holy shit this game wouldn't survive today, kek. It features a tranny skinwalking his sister and being bitter and jealous of the new woman in town for stealing his man.
Really noticeable how characters like Buffalo Bill vanished from horror stories even though crime cases of that nature happened.