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No. 1287562
when i say dumbass, you say shit! dumbass!
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1277155 No. 1287860
File: 1659537855784.jpeg (63.97 KB, 1600x900, 106122365-1568141020634gettyim…)

I know being an apple user makes me a stupid sheeple but fuck I really don't want to move back to android phones solely because there's too many choices and I'm tech retarded. I made the switch to iPhone a few years ago when I went from the S3 to iPhone6 (then upgraded to my 7, which I still use today) because I hated the S3's battery. I hate iPhones because they're stupid expensive. My refurbished 7 that I bought 2-3 years after it came out still cost me about $700! Fuck apple. But my whole family ended up switching from android to apple a few years ago, so features like facetime, find my friends, and imessage just makes things soooo nice and easy. I loved my 6 and begrudgingly upgraded to the 7 when it finally shit the bed. I was hoping to get the 8 if I had to upgrade again, but it's no longer in production… I considered the new SE but no way I'm paying ~$1k for it when the Pixel 6A just dropped for $450 kek.
I think my parents are also thinking of switching back to android phones, so after they switch I'll have no reason to keep my iphone anymore I guess…
No. 1287908
>>1287871My friend has the 3A and absolutely loves it! She's considering making the upgrade to the 6A but wants to wait for the 7/7A to come out for the price to hopefully drop even further kek. I'd usually go with my "buy the previous generation to save more money" shtick but it looks like Google doesn't even sell the 5 anymore, and the 5A is the same price as the 6A so…
I think my phone will last me until the 7 drops and I'll see what it's like then. The good thing about being tech retarded and having an old as fuck model means that any newer phone is an improvement kek. I don't give a shit or even think I can tell the difference between a 90hz and 120hz screen or whatever the fuck else specs.
No. 1288128
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No. 1288142
File: 1659554051537.jpeg (46.53 KB, 500x471, 4D8E6F5C-B0DB-4E66-B050-8703D0…)

>>1288133They’re a bit crazy from the side too!
No. 1288282
>>1288160Dooo itttt
nonnie I'd watch the fuck out of that
No. 1288291
File: 1659561663684.jpg (15.21 KB, 236x275, BnhbS52CIAAZtKG.jpg)

>>1288288Ohhhhh yeah you right, you right.
I am the clown in this situation.
No. 1288352
File: 1659566457809.jpeg (187.28 KB, 500x500, 619F0724-B8D3-4E0C-9071-35FFF5…)

No. 1288396
File: 1659568461042.jpg (135.9 KB, 736x688, f8c115d74304b2d9a93b4cf0636433…)

Where did this sort of "memes" came from? Are they from a specific text generator? Either way, I want most of them out of my Pinterest.
No. 1288413
File: 1659569392978.jpeg (23.56 KB, 236x236, 616069bb84dff5468a8c18b9_236_2…)

Back in my first semester of community college I would take the bus because I was (and still am) an anxious retard afraid of driving, and I would always see this girl on the same bus after my classes ended who had purple and blue highlights in her hair and would carry around this big clear bag with little plushies of anime men (tbh I can't remember if they were all different versions of the same guy or if they were different men) inside in a row. At the time I was confused and I admittedly found it a little weird, but I admired her bravery for actually carrying that around with her all day. Fast forward to me using lolcow and perusing the husbando threads and I realized that she was carrying an ita-bag. Ngl in retrospect I wish I could've been her friend or at least tried talking her, she seemed cool. I could definitely see some of the husbandofags being like her for all I know she could've actually been a farmer but alas I'll never know…
No. 1288492
File: 1659574181996.jpg (4.39 KB, 225x225, index.jpg)

Nonnas I think I shat myself last night. Is this what getting old means? I want out
No. 1288569
>>1288549When I went to the bathroom to piss, I did the usual "just in case" back wipe and it had stuff on it. I bidet and use wet wipes and try to keep my asshole immaculate and yet there was an abnormal amount of stuff on the paper. It was clean the night before. But nothing on my panties, thankfully.
There's your answer.
No. 1288580
File: 1659579017733.png (65.89 KB, 300x100, 1659578816003.png)

made two more banners (still praying for a miracle so they get added)
No. 1288624
File: 1659581993759.jpg (72.52 KB, 736x735, 3be3950ed2e4c928e0d51574d902e2…)

Lock the thread.
No. 1288944
>>1288938I'm not a tranny kek. If this is because I deleted the post, I just reposted it here to take out the "some of you browse this place too much" part
>>1288937 . I figured I was being too harsh and maybe anon had an actual reason for believing enemas are a tranny thing. It's just a weird thing to say to me.
No. 1288959
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I love how cats tuck away their face while they sleep
No. 1288967
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>>1288959even better when they tuck it in you. best feel
No. 1288989
File: 1659621678285.gif (1.29 MB, 244x224, sassy-black-woman.gif)

>>1288981excuse the filename but same here anon, only i'm a medieval history sperg about it
No. 1289091
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JLPT you slut where are my results (I probably failed)
No. 1289147
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little do these scammers know I only have $6 in the bank rn
No. 1289321
File: 1659644772282.png (582.85 KB, 770x962, art.png)

Falling in love with not just a guy I know but also my husbando has made me realize why women go full on "serve your man" pickme. I'm not saying I will ever let myself go down that path, but love does brainwash people. It really is blinding.
No. 1289336
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I C U P, anon.
No. 1289338
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>>1289336well I. P. Freely!
No. 1289374
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No. 1289481
File: 1659654459228.jpg (20.41 KB, 720x706, 9f712d04785f7a3afe736d90c32d68…)

Ordering a vibrator from urban outfitters, a bad idea y/n? I have a coupon.
No. 1289632
File: 1659659638926.gif (142.14 KB, 480x360, giphy (1).gif)

>>1288282mfw my pet rat finds the dirty underwear
No. 1289761
File: 1659665294293.jpeg (494.63 KB, 636x1390, BEDF9CEB-5BB7-43CD-9A47-50C09B…)

>>1289407I typed in "trans woman" and this is what it gave me KEK
No. 1289817
>>1289703Idk, some Indian anons keep talking about Indian men and I guess mods aren't here to clean up.
>>1289711Maybe if /2X/ was more active.
>>1289366You've never seen an infight go on for hours or even days, huh?
No. 1289872
>>1289861Your dad's creepy
Creepy into my bed
No. 1289992
File: 1659672744232.jpeg (66.84 KB, 827x890, D0D40C3A-6E06-4E89-9D9C-3C929A…)

watching love is blind and i find it stupid and i hate it yet im on ep 3
No. 1290061
>>1290010well he realizes
>>1289902 is right and he is hurt by the truth so all he can do is lash out kek moids are truly pathetic angry unintelligent creatures
No. 1290132
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aquí andamos
No. 1290178
File: 1659678034797.jpg (9.45 KB, 200x221, 3715995-a59fb5a8b1e0aa63f4f5a1…)

Seriously what the fuck is happening, is all this shit really just the schizo tranny and there are no mods around? I know that disgusting troon has been shitting up the website but this is next level.
No. 1290183
File: 1659678207896.png (61.5 KB, 919x758, tranny.png)

No. 1290508
File: 1659697608234.jpg (25.82 KB, 563x554, fb919af750235b80e3d1a0d23e6549…)

Nonnies, if every bras had those pockets, what would you put inside of it ?
No. 1290638
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>>1290421I am 20 and i find my generation pop culture so lame, it's either corporative movies like capeshit and reboots or generic shonenshit like Demon Slayer. The games are also beyond generic, dull looking wannabe realistic AAA titles, shitty indie games made by troons or competitive games like valorant/lol. Dont get me started on how everyone now is some weird gender and super political despite being barely legal.
I just wish i was born a little earlier, would have loved to be a cringe emo posting on myspace.
No. 1290759
File: 1659713091892.jpg (248.75 KB, 1600x1155, bright-shot-burgers-donuts-san…)

>>1290693I ate a lot of starbucks in college because it's not like I could get my monopoly food money back anyway. My favorite sandwiches were:
>bacon, gouda, and egg sandwich>double smoked bacon, cheddar, and egg sandwich (I believe the bread is sort of like a croissant as well)>tomato and mozzerella on focaccia>holiday turkey and stuffing sandwich (offered during holiday season)I don't buy starbucks food nowadays though, it really is expensive. I could afford it but I just can't bring myself to do it even though I know what I like from there kek. I always felt like the holiday turkey and stuffing one was the best bang for your buck. Lots of filling inbetween the bread!
No. 1290927
>>1290913I don't think anyone
actually believes that it was the K-pop spamming that elicited admin's response, it's just that it was most likely a funny coincidence.
No. 1290949
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Britbong nonnies! Don’t sleep on TK-Max went in today to pass some time and I left with so much cute shit for half the original price. Gotta do some digging around to find them but it’s worth it, got a bunch cargos, Kickers clothes and a juicy couture crop top.
No. 1290952
File: 1659725984388.jpg (314.76 KB, 3000x2000, img.jpg)

I don't get guys who idolize those dating strategy guys and not even for the reasons you might think. Yes they are misogynistic and delsuional but these guys are never cool, hot or charismatic. These scrote dating gurus are always obviously mentally ill, weird and uncool. Look at the newest dating guru Andrew tate…he looks goofy as fuck. Even if I was a scrote who believed all this bullshit I couldn't take it seriously coming from these dudes mouths.
No. 1290963
File: 1659726529367.jpg (113.83 KB, 900x836, Burnt-Basque-cheesecake-8da80f…)

My dad's birthday is coming up. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go out for dinner with him on that day, but I think I'll at least buy him a cake. I found a place in my city that makes yuzu basque cheesecake.
No. 1291047
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>>1291040Sorry I am going to recommend you my favorite cheese of all time which isn't really like the others (I think? I don't know, I'm not well versed in cheese I just eat whatever): fromager d'affinois. It might be a bit harder to find, regular grocery stores most likely won't have it, but if you ever happen upon it, I highly recommend it. It's meant to be eaten at room temp. The texture is soft and gooey, similar to a caramel. The taste is mild, sort of buttery with a tiny bit of funk at the end. The first time I ever saw it, the tag said that it was "the creamier cousin of brie." I hate brie but I like this one a lot. Apparently it's a popular introduction cheese or something like that.
Also I know you don't like goat cheese but I would also recommend Meredith Dairy's marinated sheep and goat cheese. It's just like really salty good butter. I haven't tried goat cheese outside of this kind.
No. 1291052
File: 1659731211197.jpg (65.84 KB, 640x520, 5u4djbwdqxc91.jpg)

Gonna drink and read all of the messed up "x reader" fanfics about my husbando. Have a good friday nonnie.
No. 1291053
File: 1659731215332.jpeg (14.04 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpeg)

>>1291047Brie cheese that melts in your mouth or a nice savory goat cheese topped with nuts or fruit
No. 1291058
>>1291043ive heard feta is great in kebabs ill be sure to try it thanks
>>1291047thanks a lot the pic looks amazing
No. 1291107
File: 1659733554382.gif (3.14 MB, 464x640, kermit.gif)

My passport just arrived in the mail and I'm surprised by how much I like my photo. I'm not photogenic at all and usually look like shit (especially when it's a photo taken by another person). But it probably helps that my mom was fawning over how cute she thought I looked in it kek I think it gave me a self esteem boost
No. 1291116
File: 1659734132688.jpg (123.52 KB, 678x914, FYlD2AAUcAAHjW9.jpg)

I can't believe this girl is only 13. She looks older compared to the other girls in her kpop group wtf
No. 1291207
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I don't care what anyone says, I will happily wear my bonnet in public with no shame.
No. 1291228
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No. 1291270
File: 1659742111940.jpg (47.39 KB, 736x731, f6aaed6ab5d33cffba26c588745b67…)

>>1290638Way to confirm himself as a fatty fat fatso fat fuck
No. 1291276
>>1291263Why not do both? Chill and play sims while watching the let's play on your phone or something.
If you can't though, I say watch the lets play.
No. 1291281
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I see your forbidden man and I raise you forbidden dogboy
No. 1291284
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I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but sometimes I get them tbh. If I believed that Beyonce is a devil-worshipping soul sucking witch I would be going crazy over this lyric. And coincidentally this is my favorite part of this song
No. 1291298
File: 1659743959246.gif (4.8 MB, 640x640, well-hey-wink.gif)

>>1291292I like that he can't wink, just like Rihanna can't. If I started a celebrities that can't wink gif thread on /m, would I get b& for shit threading?
No. 1291317
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No. 1291327
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>>1291143She still looks about 18-22 in natural style clothes and makeup imo
No. 1291337
>>1291332Because gross pedo moids spend the most cash and the companies get to use the girls for much longer and then toss them out at 26. These companies don't care about morals just cash.
>>1291178The lyrics to their songs are very inappropriate for them to be singing considering the oldest one is 17
No. 1291352
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>>1291345They expect anyone to believe that?
No. 1291362
>>1291358gravure is literally softcore porn.
>>1291359well, he does! into a full fledged porn star…
also just so we all know, you can still become a geisha in japan as an underage girl(starting at 13 or so i think) and sell off your virginity to old men at while underage. it's "not a requirement" anymore but still can be done at her request according to an interview i saw.
No. 1291375
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>>1291368I think men should go extinct
No. 1291379
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>>1291230tbh i don't understand people hating an actor due to a character they played, they're both separate. especially when it gets to the point of people sending hate mail and threats, they should send it to the writers kek
No. 1291429
File: 1659753590784.jpeg (72.96 KB, 1135x622, D4D7B464-6878-43F2-8CDB-2820DF…)

i miss how i am and what i have back then in 2017
No. 1291441
File: 1659754401274.jpg (16.23 KB, 400x400, L4b1guuv_400x400.jpg)

>le daydream time
>current daydream plot is about me and my husbando as the only two people after the apocalypse
>we start out strangers
>become closer as the days pass
>eventually become what could be considered friends
>here comes the obligatory "breaking moment"
>we start talking about our lives before the apocalypse
>i start telling him about my friends and family and job and life
>i begin to tear up
>in fantasy AND in real life
>"i miss my friends and my family and my cat and my dog and my shitty minimum wage job and my shitty coworkers and i miss my pathetic, miserable, mediocre, uneventful life"
>i am now full on crying irl
Anons. What mental illness is this.
No. 1291442
>>1288352I'd make out with her unironically.
>>1288414F U C K
>>1289267I like wearing thongs to bed in order to allow my ass to breathe.
No. 1291516
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>>1291444life is weird tbh
No. 1291529
File: 1659761343377.jpeg (314.71 KB, 1433x2048, 3D8EBD76-2D88-4E64-903D-66E7C9…)

actually fucking nevermind you're probably him
No. 1291547
File: 1659761975929.jpeg (198.86 KB, 600x800, 5F2BC014-B783-443C-AE0A-7B00C1…)

TERF or nothing
>>1289746she should've been permabanned a long time ago, what gives
No. 1291551
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I don't know much anything about music but I've recently been learning more about vocal types, and man opera music is really cool. I really like coloratura sopranos.
No. 1291611
File: 1659764608250.jpeg (26.46 KB, 315x455, FBD8E796-2879-424A-BF54-E674C4…)

I wish there was a way to teach the english only nonnies some meme spanish so that way we can speak without moids and troons coming in
No. 1291616
File: 1659765214009.gif (1.9 MB, 498x372, nanami-kiryuu-dramatic.gif)

Having my yearly spout of having a lot of feelings about Revolutionary Girl Utena again, and disappointed by how my friends get bored watching it because of how Anthy gets slapped around at the start of the series so they refuse to watch more than a couple of episodes (not that I really blame them, first season is a bit slow compared to modern animes)
No. 1291676
File: 1659773987357.jpg (30.6 KB, 428x265, farm.jpg)

Someone insert Elsie into this
No. 1291701
>>1291690Keep interacting with the ckicken
Show interest in the chicken
Laud the chicken
No. 1291985
>>1291962Ngl anon, when I spot a [HUSBANDO]fag on /ot/ or the non-designated husbando boards I feel kind of bad for them because, to me, being so easily recognizable on an anon imageboard is an embarrassing concept. There are multiple Ezra and Danofags but wrt to my ugly 3D husbando there's just me. And he is fugly kek and so I wouldn't want to subject the kind nonnies here to his fugliness
too much.
Anyway the daydream is getting GOOD during this shift and I've had to stop myself from laughing out loud/tearing up at work KEKKK. Insanity.
No. 1292006
File: 1659804461263.jpeg (47.32 KB, 826x167, 88657615-94C9-4419-905F-0FF80B…)

I hope the moid who sent this to another obviously shopped moid gets diarrhea
No. 1292017
File: 1659805559434.png (1.05 MB, 960x640, unknown (1).png)

Last hour to join stable diffusion beta before it closes (text to image on par with dalle2). You can use a sock if you want No. 1292152
>>1292145are you a lesbian yourself?
not that i disagree, just wondering
No. 1292178
File: 1659814352738.gif (492.81 KB, 220x329, alien-gif.gif)

800 588 2300 EMPIRE
No. 1292188
File: 1659814835142.png (261.9 KB, 592x541, Screenshot.png)

we need to RETVRN
No. 1292267
File: 1659818850659.jpg (49.98 KB, 720x731, 1636308748808.jpg)

>click youtube video titled OMG BABY SAYS _____
>the baby literally just goes "aooieiuioeyyoo"
>parent loses their shit because they hear what they want to hear
Every fucking time
No. 1292375
>>1292267I saw that one and felt the same but because the baby is obviously repeating the mom's sounds right after she said "I love you," it wasn't out of nowhere or even that good. it's still cute though
>>1292290nah it's not that deep, all parents are hoping to hear their baby say things
No. 1292388
File: 1659824893559.jpg (46.17 KB, 500x376, marge.jpg)

I'll krump with you sweetie
No. 1292495
File: 1659833441622.png (1.37 MB, 1600x900, 3_young_woman_an_home_resting_…)

I love taking a nap on the floor. I always feel much more refreshed than if I were in a bed.
No. 1292514
File: 1659834322311.gif (308.58 KB, 500x256, lilo.gif)

>>1292495sometimes i feel like i have all this tight energy in my back and shoulders and i just need to lay on the floor for a while, my husband thinks its weird but doesnt comment
No. 1292542
>>1291223Haha I would nonna that sounds awesome
>>1291231Oh I'm not a tranny,
and definetely not THE tranny but my close friends all have short hair kek
No. 1292572
File: 1659840544767.jpg (11.07 KB, 318x313, 1625380598126.jpg)

>tfw craving food from a local asian joint
>$10(USD) for a tempura roll
>want two of em
>another $10 for a set of 4 baked mussels
>and then another couple of bucks for some coffee
>don't want to dine in nor drive over for pickup
>fucking $50+ for the total
No. 1292718
>>1291345Kek if it really were because of that, shouldn't their fanbases be mostly women? Why their fans almost exclusively grown ass, fat, creepy, autistic men? Moids really think people (women) can't see past their bullshit pedo excuses and will gaslight you into thinking you're seeing pedoshit where there isn't any.
>>1291349Would you happen to have a link to that video? I'm curious about how they related that to waifuism, maybe I'll learn something new and disgusting about it
No. 1292737
File: 1659859667527.jpg (8.8 KB, 248x203, Z(6).jpg)

I've been craving cheap chocolate and sour candy since yesterday evening and the only thing that's stopping me from getting it is that I don't feel like cycling for 20 minutes back and forth and I know I will feel guilty over wasting petrol on something as stupid as chocolate and candy.
No. 1292740
File: 1659860016429.jpg (204.16 KB, 800x533, 8006de6b5836c6b41b8cb757b73137…)

I can't wait to get my living situation in order so I csn buy stupid shit. I want this doll so bad.
No. 1292753
File: 1659861311557.jpeg (99.65 KB, 1080x821, 304B2CBD-44F7-4678-AB60-63E2D0…)

Why do men who live with their parents always think they’re Batman
No. 1292771
File: 1659862204236.jpg (165.56 KB, 682x1024, 15071975088_4462cf1dbe_b.jpg)

>>1292756They kinda do but i still want one
No. 1292775
File: 1659862383830.jpeg (30.42 KB, 852x960, F8537E08-EC3A-4D86-B3BD-000184…)

>>1292771These dolls are so cute anon! I hope you can get one someday
No. 1292790
File: 1659863401749.jpg (147.44 KB, 1023x681, 15071821799_9e2a8d9d23_b.jpg)

>>1292774Usually around 100ish dollars
No. 1292832
File: 1659866198028.jpg (103.42 KB, 600x600, CatImage-46-C.jpg)

>>1292819yes. some brands of these dolls catered more to women into japanese street fashion, and men just sexualize everything to hell. so now fashion dolls are more stylized so you don't look like a creepy otaku. this is an example of an older fashion anime doll.
No. 1292837
File: 1659866544039.jpg (17.15 KB, 217x488, s-l640 (2).jpg)

>>1292832these kinds of dolls are more popular now for women, though they have also been around forever. i don't really like their proportions though. but i understand not wanting to be confused for a creepy fetishist…
No. 1292907
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No. 1292933
>>1292932they were always doing it first
nonnie they just wrapped it in a pretty little bow and called it democracy kek
No. 1292936
>>1292932doing what first? being in gangs kek?
also what you wrote sounded like something from twitter. why must it be 'white people' they are badass iconic women!!!
No. 1293030
>>1293021I'm bi and it confused me my whole life how I was attracted to both male and female at the same time until I got to adulthood and stopped questioning it.
You know what I would never feel attracted to? Trans girls
No. 1293111
File: 1659891086711.webm (1.7 MB, 720x1280, funnyanimalsvidz_20220803_reel…)

Wtf, birds can sew?!
No. 1293401
File: 1659904278872.png (484.24 KB, 797x424, what the hell.png)

>In advance of the Beatles' arrival in the US, Time magazine reported that the "raucous sound" of the band's screaming fans made their concerts "slightly orgiastic". The seating at venues would be soaked in urine after each show and, in Doggett's description, "Sociologists noted that witnessing a pop group provoked orgasms amongst girls too young to understand what they were feeling."
lol what the fuck boomers
No. 1293485
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What has been your favorites albums and songs of the year so far anons? I would share mine but I would definitely get called a twitterfag so I'll just say that one of them is FKA Twigs Caprisongs.
No. 1293508
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Listening to this song I told my ex reminded me of him on repeat because I refuse to let him ruin it for me. It's mine, mine, mine.
No. 1293511
>>1293508Iktf anon
I'm also going through a breakup and just doing all the hobbies I love by myself that she also loved doing because otherwise I would just associate these things with her and it would ruin these hobbies for me
No. 1293514
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No. 1293653
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I swear some of you need to be institutionalized.
>Oh no! I’m so scared some big strong authoritative government leader is gonna come hold me down and fill me with his essence while his wife scowls in the corner! I better stock up on more pharmaceuticals, or permanently mutilate the inside of my body!
This is how you children sound. I don’t care if I sound old or get “ok boomer”’d for this, you kids really need to start going outside into the real world and stop getting your news from singular tweets and tumblr posts. If your life is so cushy and easy that you can post about how you wanna stock up on abortifacients or get an incredibly expensive surgery (which you’re beyond privileged to even have the accessibility to do so in the first place) from your bed on your laptop, then I’m pretty sure you have more than enough freedom before you need to start worrying about “government forced rape”? And besides all of that, people always have a bunch of babies after wars end. Wait until the whole Russia v. Ukraine shit actually completes and you’ll see.
No. 1293723
>>1293702First of all, Roe v Wade getting overturned really doesn’t effect anyone. It effects people who choose to have meaningless/transactional sex, but those people are irresponsible and are learning from the consequences of their own actions after pretending to not understand that sex = baby. Second of all, if you aren’t a rape
victim or incest
victim getting an abortion, why are you getting an abortion? For the lolz? There’s also way too much information going around trying to make women think that they’ll be “investigated” if they naturally miscarry or need miscarriage treatment, which we all know is blazingly false.
>>1293704I’m a grown woman and I’ve been using lolcow for years. It’s really becoming overwhelmingly common for the zoomers on here to go EW MOID when you disagree with something another
nonnie says. If you’re not a lesbian or femcel then okay, but I know based off my firsthand experience that those are the highest demographics on this website. Also, how am I the one who was having “fantasies”? Say that to the fucking freak who wrote the original post. It’s in the paranoia thread…
No. 1293727
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>>1293723…it's amazing how you can still tell when a moid is posting even when he tries to switch up his typing style to fit in with the humans
No. 1293731
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>>1293728Another day, another male desperately inserting himself into female spaces because literally any attention from a woman is the highlight of his miserable existence
No. 1293749
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>>1293738We're not all autistic fucks like your fail male self, we can recogize your retard typing style kys
No. 1293755
>>1293750whoops sorry
nonny I misread XY as XX and thought you were trannyhands admitting to it lmao
No. 1293761
>>1293759Dolls are based, clothes are based (even though fast fashion isn't but you can't win 'em all), liking and collecting shit is totally a hobby and I'm into it
nonnie. Spend that dough.
No. 1293771
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I always feel
Somebody's watching meeeeee!
No. 1293774
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oh it's the tradthot anachan from last time kek. try eating something today
No. 1293778
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>>1293776I support you
nonny No. 1293787
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>>1293779new copypasta added
No. 1293788
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Mfw finding another vegan dessert recipe with 10 ingredients or less
No. 1293791
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>>1293788Mfw it ends up tasting horrible
No. 1293794
>>1293779Women don't have sex to have abortions on purpose you absolute retard, you pulled that out of your ass. It's not their fault if they're pressured by their scrotes to have sex or to have unprotected sex (the cause of many a teen pregnancy in my country). It's also not their fault if they choose not to use forms of birth control that fucks with their hormones and have scary side effects that are usually not talked about. Moids should be held responsible for the majority of unwanted pregnancies, women shouldn't be called "whores" when it's
males who sleep around and pressure young women into sleeping with them without a condom.
>>1293787I like this one
>>1293750 No. 1293796
>>1293786Who ever said that women “just get abortions to spite them” kek? I said that having careless sex, when sex literally only exists and only feels good because procreation with someone you love is meant to be orgasmic and pleasurable so that people want to continue having more babies, not just to bust another nut.
>Needing cravings, being sick, getting fat just to spite and abort them You don’t have to do any of those things for it to still be careless to have random sex with people you don’t want to crosspollinate with.
>>1293793>>1293789Kek sorry to disappoint. I found and but haven't tried them yet. Last time I tried to make homemade boba and potato pancakes and they tasted like pure starch…. Making mazapan with salted peanut butter + melted vegan chocolate is easy and great though.
No. 1293819
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doot doot doot doo just reporting the moid, doing gods work
No. 1293847
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I have BV right now and when I open my legs and smell myself through my clothes that shit just ruins my entire mood
No. 1293850
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I'm gonna post this so tranny hands knows who causes the most suffering.
No. 1293861
>>1293852what if the rape
victim is a child (which many of the pregnant ones are). not so easy then
>>1293856did you see the other posts made by her(?) tho
No. 1293866
>>1293861Child rape
victims getting pregnant is lower than 1%. Also that story about a “10 year old incest rape
victim taken across state lines to receive an abortion” was a literal AI generated Rube-Goldberg machine scenario that was just mundane and designed to make you feel afraid for situations that very rarely come to pass.
No. 1293869
>>1293860My Post >>>1293822 :
>Men are the whore sex projecting their behaviour on to women once again. Where's the large swaths of porn made for women? Where are the pills to increase womens libido? Where is the pushing of sex in media for womens gaze? Where are the women who can't get off because of pornsickness? Nowhere because men are more promiscuous and sex obsessed. Men are the whore sex kek.Male Post >>>1293828 :
>Are you imagining things at this point?>You right now "I-I didn't say it wasn't real"Proof men are the retarded sex.
No. 1293874
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There's something about how the way faces are drawn in Castlevania that irritates me so bad. They all have long ass heads. I would like to watch, but I think it would prevent me from enjoying it.
No. 1293878
>>1293876*women pornifying themselves for men
Because men are the degenerated whore sex.
No. 1293882
>>1293798Retarded tradthot pickme, young adults are horny because of hormones, they can't help it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they want to make babies. Why don't you blame scrotes for wanting to fuck everything (even animals and inanimate objects) and sleeping with as many women as possible and abandoning their girlfriends when they get pregnant due to their own insistence of not wearing a condom?
Do you think young women purposefully get pregnant for any reason? No, a lot of people have sex without thinking of that. And having sex without impregnation is 100% possible, so people keep doing it.
God isn't real so "wasting your seed" isn't a sin, and modern humans don't just have sex with the intention of having children, not anymore (and having children results in no real benefits either), but we can't help being sexual either because we can't fully control our brains and hormones, so forms of birth control and contraceptives exist, which would prevent a lot more pregnancies if women's boyfriends didn't whine so much about condoms, not to mention that scrotes are the ones who are obsessed with having sex waaay more than women (compare the numbers and violence levels of male and female incels) and they're usually the ones who chase women and not the other way around, so I don't know why you're blaming women who get abortions as a result of consensual sex that was probably initiated by the man to begin with. People have sex and relationships for pleasure or to bond with their partners, and not just reproduction, get over it already. Also your boyfriend hates you.
>>1293810This, I mean look at the gay moids who are spreading monkeypox because they can't stop going to piss orgies even knowing that there's a high chance of being infected, look at how STDs are overwhelmingly spread by men to men and then to women (because of bi moids), look at how both male and female prostitutes and porn actors exist to satisfy men's uncontrollable sexual urges, is trannyhands gonna blame that on women too just because the sex is "consensual"? kek
No. 1293886
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>>1293874An attempt at bishounen type beauty. The og game art can't be topped for alucard
ty kojima for ur sotn art
No. 1293887
>>1293883I said multiple times that men are the degenerate sex
>>1293814 please stop being retarded it’s making your side look worse
No. 1293896
>>1293882>They can’t help it Yeah you can decide whether or not you have sex with someone. I’ve gone through puberty, it’s very easy to not have sex. Even when you’re dating/engaged.
>Why don’t you blame scrotes for wanting to fuck everything I do, that’s why I said multiple times after people started replying that I believe rapists need to be murdered. If two people consciously decide to have sex with each other, it can’t be blamed on the man because it took both of them to make it happen.
>People have sex to bond with their partners Procreation is what bonds two people which is why physically having sex and making your two bodies think that you’re meeting in a procreative union is why you feel like you’re bonding.
>I don’t know why you’re blaming women for getting pregnant from consensual sexBecause unless it’s rape then you consented to becoming a mother when you consented to someone putting his semen inside you? It’s not “blaming women” at all its just logic.
No. 1293898
>>1293887I agree, men are the degenerate whore sex. They should take responsibility for their actions and deal with it if their lover decides to get an abortion. They aren't inherent
No. 1293905
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>>1293896>you consented to becoming a mother when you consented to someone putting his semen inside yountayrt but i feel like you're baiting at this point. how do people like you even find lolcow?
No. 1293906
>>1293901>Rees about female politiciansYou do not want to stop the degeneracy, you are like Warski. You acknowledge that the thing you hate, recreational sex, was created and pushed largely by men, but chimp out when told that things could be fixed for the better if less men were in power so men could not make pandering to their sexually degenerate nature as easy or possible
>>1293843 .
No. 1293912
>>1293907>Seriously though, why would you ever want to feel someone’s gross sperm inside you unless you were trying to have a baby?i mean, i personally don't but i imagine for others it's because they like how it feels.
>>1293910embryos aren't children
No. 1293920
>>1293856It's a poster who is butthurt ever since she(?) was called a male for having retarded tradthot opinions and posted her(?) ugly bony hand. By repeating the same shit over and over about how they're not male for "having a different opinion" they make themselves extremely recognizable.
>>1293889Exactly, women naturally have a lot more restraint than moids, that's why the percentage of rapes or child sex abuse crimes committed by women is so low compared to those committed by males. Through the normalization of pornography and promiscuity (which scrotes now think is the same as women being able to choose their partners instead of having their lives fully controlled by men), young women are pushed to become pornsick, more accepting of male degeneracy and to become promiscuous to satisfy promiscuous males. The message that "you gotta have sex, female masturbation is taboo" is still being promoted.
>>1293896>Procreation is what bonds two peopleThat's false. Simple acts like hugging or kissing, or even just touching and talking to, release the same hormones as sex does. These hormones are what make you attached to someone. Bonding involves more than sex, and sex does not necessarily have to lead to a pregnancy to bond with your partner (don't lesbians exist to you?) Like I said, there are more risks to procreation nowadays than benefits, so procreation being "natural" doesn't mean shit anymore. There isn't some divine rule that says that you mustn't have sex without the goal of procreation.
>I’ve gone through puberty, it’s very easy to not have sex. Even when you’re dating/engagedFor a lot of girls and young women it isn't, because of the way they were raised, the messages pushed through media that influence their decisions, and their boyfriends being scrotes who don't give a fuck about what's right or wrong as long as they get laid.
>I believe rapists need to be murdered>it can’t be blamed on the man because it took both of them to make it happen.Men pressure their girlfriends to have sex or engage in acts they don't want to do
all the fucking time. Rape is not the only way that men take advantage of women sexually you imbecile.
>then you consented to becoming a mother when you consented to someone putting his semen inside youThe women who get unwanted pregnancies rarely consented to that you fucking idiot. Again, often because scrotes will pressure their girlfriends into not using a condom because their dick won't feel "good". Moids prioritize their own pleasure over their partner's safety and the woman is the one who has to suffer the consequences of his irresponsibility (if scrotes didn't force women to prioritize male pleasure, and if every decision in consensual sex were completely up to women, believe me, there'd be way less unwanted pregnancies and we wouldn't be having this argument). I don't know how you can keep ignoring this part, are you retarded? Must be the lack of nutrients.
No. 1293930
>>1293917>Roman men would bash babies to death on rocks. Fact, men are the whore sex who fuck the most for non recreational purposes, and abort the most kids kekScrotes still do it to this day.
Isn't the top/second most common cause of death for pregnant women, domestic violence?
How can a rational human being keep blaming women who get pregnant against their will ("consensual" unprotected sex) for being manipulated into it by a man who will 99.99999% of the time be physically stronger than her? Men will do anything to get laid and don't care about the concerns of women, what makes one think that they wouldn't find a way to shift the blame onto women for being manipulated by them into having sex? It's like trannyhands thinks that just because you weren't raped, you can't be manipulated, pressured or influenced into doing things you normally wouldn't want to do. The line between rape and consent is blurry.
>>1293913>if there was no life there’d be no need for an abortion.Embryos aren't fully formed people, they are incapable of thought unlike a fully developed baby. AFAIK embryos don't even have a brain. But that's beside the point, because no woman wants to get pregnant only to have an abortion. The women who get abortions don't want to get pregnant in the first place, so it's not like they're sadists who enjoy """killing babies""", plus abortion has negative effects on the woman's body as well.
No. 1293938
>>1293920>you gotta have sex, female masturbation is tabooliterally who the fuck says this?
>simple acts like talking release the same hormones as sex doesright. and you can decide who you kiss, hug, touch, and talk to. the exact same way you can choose if you decide to have sex and who you decide to have sex with.
>its because the way they were raisedok your mother raising you to crave sex has nothing to do with the fact that sex only exists for procreative purposes.
>rape is not the only way to take advantage of someone sexuallyif you decide with your big girl brain to say "yes" of a clear, undrugged, unshaken conscience then you weren't taken advantage of. you decided to do something that you knew you didn't want to do.
>the women who get unwanted pregnancies rarely consentrape/incest
victims become pregnant and receive abortion at a rate of less than 1% in the United States. I cant speak to a country like asia or india, i'm talking about the United States only.
>scrotes will pressure their girlfriend into not using a condomThreatening someones life until they say yes to you removing the condom is in fact rape.
>If scrotes didnt force women to prioritize male pleasureBut
victims of rape only become pregnant and receive abortions at a rate of lower than 1%. If you agree to something, if you initiate something, if you decide to partake in something then you're not being forced to do it. I havent ignored this at all. Re-read the thread if your comprehensive skills aren't helping you.
No. 1293944
>>1293942>undisclosed number of people just wanted their rapist to walk free for whatever reason then that’s a logical fallacy on its own, you really think women just feel sympathy for their rapists and decide they deserve to be freeyeah it couldn't possibly be that many
victims are scared of speaking up or anything..
No. 1293950
>>1293942Police officers discourage women from making reports, women don't always even realize they've been raped, because a lot of shit ignoring consent has been normalized. You can get death threats from the rapist and the police is generally quite bad at protecting
victims. In adversarial court systems women might not want to recount their experiences in front of a massive group of people, to be picked apart by a defense lawyer etc.
No. 1293953
>>1293949it's about being scared of what the rapist or people siding with him might do dummy, a lot of people harshly judge, ostracize and threaten the
victims for speaking up or flat out won't allow them
No. 1293955
>>1293950Is there an example of any women in the U.S. being explicitly told “don’t report your rape” by a police officer? With evidence. Quickly.
>>1293953I mean if he didn’t want to get snitched on maybe he shouldn’t have committed a crime? I swear you guys keep piling on what if‘s and just hoping that one will make me be like >oh wow ok I no longer feel the way I feel I now feel the same way that a bunch of people I don’t know feel just because they told me I’m wrong and couldn’t give me a good reason
No. 1293961
>>1293955how is it "what ifs" when it actually happens, this kind of shit is exactly why a lot of rape
victims don't want to say anything
>I mean if he didn’t want to get snitched on maybe he shouldn’t have committed a crime? where did anyone disagree with that? i'm explaining why rapists tend to walk off free
No. 1293966
>>1293961I asked for evidence, if it actually happens then show me some women who said this was their situation. If you can’t do it stop crying out of your ass.
>>1293962I’ve been confirmed to be female for over 3 months, I’ve already proven I’m a woman, if you’re gonna disagree with me and cry about being wrong at least have a good reason to that goes beyond
>you’re a man waaahhhh!! No. 1293970
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>>1293969That's not just about Weinstein you retard, it's literally about multiple reports spanning over a decade. You keep zeroing in on one fucking thing and ignoring everything else.
No. 1293977
>>1293970>The statistics are staggering. Over 20 million women, or 18 percent of all women in the United States, have been victims of rape, and each year approximately 1,100,000 more women are victims of rape. The statistics show that 28 percent of the forcible rapes have victims under the age of 12, and 27 percent of forcible rape victims are in the ages of 12 to 17. Reportedly, only 18 percent of forcible rapes are reported to the police.
>When I took a look at these statistics, I wondered how they were gathered and how accurate they were on a subject this sensitive. And I am advised that the studies conducted in 1990 and the year 2005, the National Women's Study and the National Women's Study Replication, are reliable statistics following state-of-the-art survey techniques when interviewing women that are markedly more sensitive and accurate than used in other surveys, including the Government's National Crime Victimization Survey.There have been a series of articles in the major United States newspapers: the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Baltimore Sun, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the New York Times, the New Orleans Times-Picayune, the Village Voice, and This American Life on National Public Radio. The Philadelphia experience showed that there were approximately one-third of all sex crimes reported in Philadelphia which were not investigated by the police, that there was an audit conducted, and it showed that some 2,300 sexual assault cases had been incorrectly handled. The Philadelphia Police Department changed their approach to bring in women's advocacy groups to review the files using transparency and requiring that, before a matter was reported as unfounded, it be filed by two police officers.
>As I have taken a look at these statistics, I found that times have not changed very much since the days when I was an assistant district attorney some years ago. And when I was elected district attorney in 1965, I instituted a change in procedures and established a special rape unit. At that time rape complainants were interviewed in a regular detective room where they had a series of a dozen or more desks. Witnesses were interviewed within hearing range of many, many other people, not very conducive to telling about an incident like being the
victim of a rape. And I changed that policy to have interviews privately conducted.
>At that time there were no photographs taken to preserve evidence of trauma, no brushings on the issue of pubic hair, and a great many changes were undertaken. And it looks to me like it is still a big, big issue, so we are moving ahead with this hearing this afternoon to focus public attention to see what is going on and to see what changes ought to be made.>For starters, I note that the definition of rape which is being used by the FBI is antiquated, not inclusive as where it ought to be.>First, it is difficult to quantify the crime. Studies use different definitions of rape and different data collection methods. Some include only forcible rape or only rape that is reported to law enforcement.>Our terminology is confusing as well. Sometimes we talk about rape, sometimes sexual assault, other times sexual violence. That being said, researchers estimate that about 18 percent of women in the United States report having been raped at some point in their lives.>For some populations, rapes or sexual violence are even higher. Nearly one in three–and I repeat, nearly one in three–American Indian or Alaska Native women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime.>Sexual assault is also one of the most underreported crimes in America. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults of women and girls between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to law enforcement. >Reasons for not reporting included fear of not being believed, a lack of trust in the criminal justice system, fear of retaliation or embarrassment, being too traumatized to report, or self-blame and guilt.>Second, there are dramatic differences in the way that police departments, prosecutors' offices, and even courts respond to this crime across the country. Some communities have highly trained, coordinated teams of primary and secondary responders from health, law enforcement, legal, and victims services sectors. However, as you are going to be hearing from subsequent panels this afternoon, in other places victims are subjected to humiliating interrogations and are treated with suspicion by law enforcement. Collected evidence may sit for months or even years without being analyzed. In some areas of the country, there simply are no services.
No. 1293986
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>>1293983>who isn't someone actingah yeah, everyone who doesn't agree with you is a paid actor kek
No. 1293989
>>1293938>ok your mother raising you to crave sexNo, that's not what I meant at all. A lot of women these days are raised to be submissive and nice and to obey males. Naturally, it allows moids to easily manipulate and obtain consent from their girlfriends that they otherwise wouldn't have without outright coercing them. Are you being dense on purpose? Go eat something because your brain is clearly not functioning properly.
>>1293939It is a fact that all embryos don't have a brain or neurons, they can't even feel, much less think, it's not comparable to any of the things you mentioned which are rare exceptions (and in all three cases, those people are still able to think and feel). Cope.
No. 1294005
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I came here wanting to read something funny, not infighting. Stop.
Anyways I try to ignore my crush as much as possible, he probably thinks I’m retarded or I hate him. Why am I so stupid?
No. 1294009
>>1294005I'm just kekking my ass off at the attention whore talking about posting X-rays
>Anyways I try to ignore my crush as much as possible, he probably thinks I’m retarded or I hate him.Do you think he likes you back though? If not then I don't see the point in letting him know you like him
No. 1294016
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>>1293874I don't know how people can handle watching Castlevania when its artstyle looks extremely cursed! I don't want to watch it because i know the artstyle will bother me. Is the storyline THAT good that it got so much hype? Like…what are those noses?
No. 1294019
>>1294016Well… she
is a vampire
No. 1294121
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>>1294108yeah, I know what you mean,
I think everyone is on edge because of the schizo scrote No. 1294123
>>1294108I get you
nonnie. That's why I only stick to certain threads and avoid others.
No. 1294147
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>don’t you want somebody to love
>don’t you need somebody to love
>wouldn’t you love somebody to love
>tfw ywn find somebody to love
No. 1294240
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I've seen that one meme with this girl, something about muscular girls looking down on you, and just so happened to come across her instagram the other day.
In the words of Jenna Marbles, I'm not sure if I want to be her or be on top of her.
No. 1294387
>>1294382If fetuses weren’t alive children who were simply waiting to be passed into the world then you wouldn’t need an abortive procedure…
/srs kek
No. 1294412
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No. 1294417
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I think I talked my DM into making the vampire lord in our current game a yandere. I was so sleepy so I don't know if the conversation was even real, but I guess I'll find out at game later.
sorry for repost, still sleepy and forgot to attach pic
No. 1294427
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>>1287562Somenonny please reply to my question on the stupid questions thread help a Fujo out
No. 1294455
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Once I finally get my own apartment, I'm going to cook every single vaguely delicious looking thing posted in the food cravings thread.
No. 1294457
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britbongs, who is this? do you remember him? what's his name?
No. 1294461
>>1294368I re-read the manga (that I heard is better than the anime) last year and I hate to admit it but
I found it okay-ish.
No. 1294463
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nonnie!!!!! it sure is!!!
No. 1294478
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I was browsing through makeup sites and just saw lip glosses that are modeled after sauce. I get the concept, but fuck I don't want to put lip gloss flavored and meant to look like Applebees wing sauce on my lips. That is gross. The colors are pretty though.
No. 1294501
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No. 1294516
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>>1293041The worst kind. Even though I'm bi, I don't think I could ever date a bi man for this reason, and straight men think it's an invitation for a threesome. I much prefer girls.
No. 1294522
File: 1659985998534.jpg (27.92 KB, 293x600, 98de5b9a56f47a2167b2147d64dc39…)

Rate my biking outfit nonas.
No. 1294525
>>1294478Capitalism went to far with this one
No. 1294626
File: 1659990422989.png (423.31 KB, 1356x478, Screen Shot 2022-08-08 at 1.24…)

Every time I scroll past the finnposts I always think it's just nonas randomly mashing the keyboard and shitposting gibberish
No. 1294633
File: 1659990791278.jpeg (570 KB, 2048x1638, DC87D515-923D-44E0-80A5-34D282…)

I like these frogs
No. 1294634
nonny…they found a body in a trash can in my neighborhood too. we might be neighbors
No. 1294637
>>1294630ayrt, I'm actually learning Swedish right now for fun! I'd love to go to Sweden someday.
Jag dricker mitt kaffe och skriver skit på lolcow
No. 1294645
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When will Americans finally snap and murder greedy/racist/sexist politicians?
No. 1294720
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>>1294719tfw you're trying to enjoy the outdoors and a gnat assaults your trachea
No. 1294780
File: 1659999944528.jpg (2.08 MB, 1296x1920, MV5BZDBkZjRiNGMtZGU2My00ODdkLW…)

Oh shit, the GoT prequel is coming. Might not watch it, but I didn't expect it to come out this year.
No. 1294798
>>1294789Honestly thinking it’s a period is so scary brrr
>>1294795I prefer loo roll tbh it’s less effort. Just have to remember when my cooch is going into rainy season yk
No. 1294811
File: 1660003858394.gif (1.58 MB, 220x165, Tumblr_l_224659761859866.gif)

ladies am i seriously starting to get a crush on this guy who I'm 95% sure has a girlfriend and isn't nowhere near my type….
His dad made a joke about wishing I was his daughter in law and asking if I wanted to date his son and I got flustered. how do i put an end to this.
No. 1294812
File: 1660003931653.png (321.01 KB, 998x937, glum.png)

>>1293788>>1293791Story of my life. The only low ingredient vegan recipe I ever had success with was some coconut milk ice cream that was actually pretty good. But the second time I made it, I put in way too much vanilla and it was like eating frozen gasoline.
No. 1294835
File: 1660006331691.jpeg (488.52 KB, 2078x1170, B42A05C7-0CF0-40DF-AC1D-A5361E…)

Trumps house is being raided by the FBI, I’m munching popcorn. I also moved in to my new place, life is good for the moment.
No. 1294905
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Can't wait till these are back in season
No. 1294908
>>1294881Ugly-ass moids could look prettier/more handsome if they tried X and Y and Z but no one thinks about that kek
What would your parents say if you told them that?
No. 1295013
File: 1660020943588.jpg (52.49 KB, 680x850, instant-pot-baked-potato-3.jpg)

Cow milk is vile and I'm glad people are waking up to it.
Semi-related, it's hard for me to eat sour cream but whenever I have it on a meal I just pile it on. It's like my brain fights between "this is disgusting" and "this is delicious". It's both a taste and mental thing. The only dairy I can eat with no hesitation is butter and sometimes cheese.
No. 1295047
File: 1660023611099.jpeg (503.93 KB, 828x627, 0CBE301A-CC0A-4B65-AB09-EB3AEE…)

Videos like this have always been retarded and are no actual display of talent. The stupidest, most bland uncreative waste of resources and paint. I never understood why I hated them so viscerally at the time they became popular but over time I realized it’s because they’re ugly and pointless.
No. 1295083
>>1295063I wasn’t encompassing actual sfx art, I’m talking about the retarded James Charles tier shit like picrel
>>1295078Ah yes, randomly posting about a stupid six year old trend in the dumbass shit thread because of a thumbnail I scrolled past, absolute indicator of my personal investment.
No. 1295109
File: 1660030030631.jpeg (18.26 KB, 337x350, 314.jpeg)

>tfw you hate most celebrities
>end up crushing on one anyway
>end up saving over 1k amount of photos
>spent 20 minutes making a shitty collage of what may or may not be his dick bulges
No. 1295144
>>1295109don't be selfish
nonnie, post it on /g/
No. 1295151
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My life's going down the shitter right now but it makes me happy to see other nonnies happy. I don't care how stupid, fake and cheesy it sounds. I genuinely like seeing other women doing well. It's what we deserve.
No. 1295153
File: 1660035277844.jpg (1.1 MB, 3024x4032, ztjv3los1t431.jpg)

>>1295151That's so sweet nona, I hope things get better for you <3
No. 1295154
File: 1660035632323.jpeg (72.27 KB, 1200x600, B583F2AE-59D7-411D-B57D-AF3F77…)

>>1295143There’s apparently a rare breed called the Desert Lynx and another that was called the Highland Lynx, now known as the Highlander, but neither of them are related to actual lynxes I don’t think. Idk. Picrel it’s a Highlander cat.
No. 1295161
>>1295153Thank you
No. 1295176
File: 1660037813502.gif (3.63 MB, 800x631, 6ABB1930-65C4-4577-A628-130B1F…)

>>1295163>shit gingerbread man >Yassified fleekbrow shrek>boilsYou consider this skill and not a complete waste of facepaint and time for views? Ok
No. 1295382
File: 1660045141937.jpg (88.77 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3953873830_9h9g.jpg)

Would you take him on a picnic?
No. 1295471
File: 1660047901496.jpeg (475.97 KB, 750x1140, 7DB2B8B2-6807-430C-9AF3-1CD35B…)

>”this places rampant misandry is out of control!!”
>the misandry is truthfully calling out men who are violent, ignorant, porn-obsessed losers while the rampant misogyny on kiwifarms and 4chan is calling us cunts, dehumanizing us when we’re alive and dead, solely place our worth in our attractiveness, root for mass shooters/feel genuine misplaced sympathy for an unironic mother-fucker and rapist like chris chan, have inconsistent moral values when it’s convenient for their shitty ass website and make sure you feel excluded if you are a minority or a woman. a bunch of congregated male virgins surely have better views about women!!
this two sides nonsense is retarded. misandry is a complete reaction against sexism and misogyny and less than 1% of the entire world population is genuinely misandrist, everyone unfortunately still cares about the well-being of men
No. 1295479
File: 1660048098557.png (66.68 KB, 251x275, 1644875052344.png)

>>1295471lol imagine being an unironic female kiwifarms user who isn't there solely to mine for milk and acts like KF isn't just another male dominated cyber equivalent of an anal abscess. user posted is a dumbass who probably gets fucked over on the daily by men but refuses to see it because it earns her no stale scrotaldroppings to acknowledge reality. glad she left our space.
No. 1295489
File: 1660048392231.gif (6.68 MB, 352x440, 6b9ef040646770d61fd5f559522bfa…)

>>1295471She could have just decided the website wasn't for her and moved on. But she chose to post this, because she wants to lick kiwifag ballsweat and get 6 likes for it.I have never once seen a female goreposter spamming dead males. Or anything even close to the "other side" of misogyny. But WONT someone please think of the moidies??????
No. 1295537
File: 1660049521724.png (81.64 KB, 403x593, solanas2.png)

>>1295471The lolcowfarm thread is so dumb they always take screenshot of obvious male post as some sort of "gotcha". A bit unrelated but I find kiwifarm unbearable to read, you have to dig trough the most basic or annoying opinions that no one asked for hours to get to a crumb of information. How much of a pick me do you have to be to prefere this, jesus.
No. 1295703
File: 1660055837983.gif (528.35 KB, 220x220, Oughoughough.gif)

>>1295694>99% of real moids are garbage and your favorite IRL scrote probably belongs to that 99% and is likely worse than you imagine.Sighhh. Yeah. It's tough out here for us 3DPD husbandofags… I have nothing to really offer but I want to know that I relate to your post a lot and that you're not alone in your feeling. Cheers nona, enjoy your drink!
No. 1295718
File: 1660057210921.png (324.36 KB, 900x1125, superzeropurpleshampooresults.…)

This picture from a purple shampoo (you know a shampoo that's supposed to make blonde hair less brassy). Just me or is there literally NO colour difference?
No. 1295721
>>1295703Thank you
nonny, I think today I realized that I have a 3D husbando and I feel retarded for it, I've never had a crush this strong on a real celebrity before (I'm a 2D husbandofag). I'm sure my insane attraction to him will pass eventually, but until then it's gonna be hard, especially because I expect to see him in real life this year or next. And I'm here watching videos of his live shows where he briefly interacts with people in the audience, and pathetically wishing I was that guy whose head he touched because the guy was recording him with his phone. I know it's so fucking stupid because he's a real dumb male who definitely watches porn and if he doesn't then it's because he's super religious and yet I keep fantasizing about such things. I feel like crying
nonny how the fuck do I cope with these stupid feelings
No. 1295738
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In this one department at work there are 2 doppelgängers of girls I went to school with and it’s freaking me the fuck out. I’m now completely sure the first girl isn’t who I thought it was but the second girl just recently showed up and I swear she has the same exact face as the person I thought it was but I don’t remember her being so tall so I don’t think it’s actually her. If a third doppelgänger shows up I’m setting the place on fire.
No. 1295778
File: 1660061554924.gif (1.68 MB, 640x598, fd6c079e840fb1fe34e91856bb5d2b…)

>>1295721Ayrt, do not fret anon I know EXACTLY how you feel I'm not joking. I feel really stupid for even liking my husbando in the first place because I KNOW he's probably a shit person. But what made me feel better is that the idealized version of him in my head makes me
happy and that is a good thing– it's good to be happy! Especially if you've been struggling a little (I know I have) ad if there's this guy in your head that gives you these little feelings, that is okay. He is a made up version of the 3DPD husbando, I know you were upset that it wasn't the real thing but you are also upset that he's just a regular moid… in my case I am using this crush to better myself. I know the version of him in my head is probably completely different from how he acts in real life but the constructed version makes me happy and motivates me to do things. I just focus on that feeling of joy and motivation. Try your hardest to not think of what-ifs and the disappointing truth because like you were saying, you will most likely never meet him (I know, it's sad) but you can have whatever you want in your head, no it's not reality, but you are allowed to have your fantasies. I hope this makes sense
It's my day off and I'm a little high kekkk but it's going to be okay
nonnie. Just remember that he is, like you said, a dumb male irl. But the fun thing is that he can be whatever you need or want in your head. Think of it in like a faceclaim tumbkr roleplay thing kek. Your made up version of him might be totally different from the irl version, but that's alright. He can be a little puppet to cheer you on and make you happy and to be the perfect other half in your romantic daydreams.
If this is long and rambly, I sincerely apologize kek like I said I'm kind of high but I want you to know that it's alright! You aren't alone with your struggles.
No. 1295905
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This girl is from my hometown smack dab in the middle of the USA and I think it’s hilarious that people think she’s like a chav icon. She’s American trash, not British trash
No. 1295907
>>1295778nta but this is good advice. my husbando is a kpop man, which is just even more embarrassing but i truly am inlove with him. like, i was wondering a few weeks ago that i don't have the desire to fall in love because i don't think i can give someone the care, i can't worry for someone's wellbeing, want to listen to them, give someone that sort of place in my life, etc, then i realized, i do all this with my husbando. i literally love him. it was enlightening. i will be sad if
when he turns out to be a piece of shit, considering he is a celebrity AND a korean man on top. but i do love him, right now. i get heart palpitations and feel shaky when i think about him. i cry for him. i smile for him. i pour all my affection onto him and he holds my hand all through it.
No. 1295910
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>>1295694I've got a stupid situation: i don't find the 2D version of my husbando attractive (despite me loving his character depth in his 2D self), so I prefer his 3D version, but the funniest part about that that I cannot find his actor attractive at all when he is outside the role. He looks so perfect when he is in the role, but outside of it he looks like he needs to shave and take a shower, its hilarious, I don't know how actors do that. Mind you, he has a big fanbase, but I laugh when I look at him (the actor). I'm glad my 2D is a waifu at least…
No. 1295936
File: 1660071039139.jpg (27.36 KB, 460x345, 19568_460s.jpg)

When I was a kid and we went to the video store it had this sign and I thought it was real and it freaked me out
No. 1295942
File: 1660071154649.jpg (130.59 KB, 720x1244, FZt9tCCXwAEdI8_.jpg)

imagine picking up some generic looking romance book and reading this on the first page
No. 1295969
>>1295942It’s big, but we wouldn’t want to offend men, so it’s not
that big. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with a small dick of course. Plus, aren’t big dicks vile? It’s okay if the reader entertains the idea of a big attractive penis, we just wouldn’t want her to expect it from future partners. Of course, it’s a moderately large penis that’s not too good. Just good enough. Don’t dream too big or you’ll never find a husband!
No. 1295974
>>1295962>>1295965faghag, its called Beach Read by Emily Henry
>>1295969what are you on about, this book is clearly not meant to be read by a single straight male, not everyone's into really big dicks, I know for a fact that I have certain limit where If a guy's dick is too big that I would be in more pain then pleasure
No. 1295999
>>1295974>I have a limitSounds like a you problem.
>This was not meant to be read by a single straight maleI was talking about the social terrorism women face to make us accepting of subpar dicks being propagated everywhere in the media.
No. 1296056
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Two mentally scarring posts in a row, why can't the blogs I follow just be normal
No. 1296131
File: 1660077065131.jpg (96.46 KB, 1125x1075, 1656684876329.jpg)

nonnies i've turned into a skincare hoarder. i can't stop buying high quality deeply, deeply discounted skincare products. most things i buy are $50 products that i buy for, at most, $4, which is great but the hoarding is getting insane
No. 1296137
>>1296131where do you find them
nonnie ?
No. 1296175
File: 1660078939946.png (559.23 KB, 811x606, tumblr_4de417342ceebd3626f2402…)

>Suggest art themes on doodle board
>Some get picked
>All but 1 time the suggestions get naysayed and wished to death by at least 2 anons
Kek I want to know why they get the reaction they do
No. 1296207
>>1295778Thank you nonna, that makes me feel better. I guess I can just pretend he's like a 2D husbando like you said. Though almost every time I've met my idols, male or female (a voice actor at 15, the vocalist of my favorite band at 17, my favorite internet artist at 25, and so on) it's been a disappointment so I'm really afraid of it happening again. It's not like I want to marry him like with my 2D husbandos but I really want to kiss him and have fantasized about dating him even though we're probably not compatible and he probably wouldn't like my ugly ass if we actually met. I hope this doesn't get worse and I fall even more in love with him. It's like other retarded hopeless crushes I've had on people I know that I've idealized at first. This is torturing me but I'll try to do as you say, I'll just get off to my fantasies to cope. I hate crushing on real people so much
>>1295910Then doesn't that mean that you husbando is the fictional character only? That doesn't count as having an IRL husbando/celebrity crush
No. 1296226
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Today at work there was this japanese little boy and we chatted quickly in japanese and it made me realize that male japanese toddlers don't mind and actually like being called cute, even up to 6 years or so. I think that's pretty healthy, to bad it starts to go downhill from there
No. 1296268
File: 1660084898565.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1671, B9453E49-0D7C-4870-A857-D6DEC4…)

Hey guys, what’s your favourite fast food sandwich? For me, it's the McChicken, but I am also a fan of the Filet-O-Fish. When I was younger I recoiled at the idea of a fish sandwich from McDonald's but I still remember the first time I had it on a Friday when I decided to throw caution in the wind and get the Filet-O-Fish McDeal. Was it life changing? I wouldn't go quite this far but it certainly was an eye opener. No, it might not be my usual or even a frequent companion in my car, but the Filet-O-Fish holds a special place in my heart. The soft steamed bun is like a heavenly pillow that holds a perfectly crisp and flaky patty of sustainable Alaskan pollock. The tartar sauce is impeccable with just the right amount of tanginess and the perfect creamy companion to the patty; it really does tie everything together. Cheese on fish? I wasn't a believer either but that slice of processed cheddar cheese, invariably perfectly melted like you see in the ads, is a magnificent addition. Possibly superfluous, I can't say for sure because I've only had one with cheese, but I have faith that the McDonald's creators knew what they were doing when they added it; they tend to perceive the gestalt of each menu item in a way that most of us simply cannot. I am a fan of juxtaposing textures and I concede that the Filet-O-Fish does not have a contrasting crunch to balance the impossibly soft steamed bun and generous helping of tartar sauce. But you know what? It works. God knows why but it works, it really does. I sometimes alternate bites with their world famous fries, refreshing every so often with an ice cold Diet Coke that cleanses my palate and readies me for the next delightful bite. For me, it will always be the McChicken. But when I'm feeling adventuresome or just want a change from the usual perfect sandwich, I go for the Filet-O-Fish.
No. 1296269
>>1296250Which part do you find creepy, anon? Calling kids cute or am I missing something? Sorry if I worded it weirdly, I'm an ESL-chan and I'm tired lol
What I meant is that usually, at least in my country, boys around 4-7 y/o don't like being called cute because they think being cute "is for girls", sadly. Not every boy, of course, but enough to be a pattern. Every japanese kid I talked to enjoyed being called cute regardless of gender.
No. 1296295
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My friend is a terf now and I feel so relieved!!
No. 1296324
File: 1660088211248.png (15.47 KB, 500x232, 44fryw.png)

>>1296295All my friends are either fakebois or hardcore handmaidens, some in the process of becoming enbys and trooning out as well. Hopefully I'll meet some more normal people soon outside of that old high school circle. Also, how did you do it? assuming you aided in the peaking.
No. 1296337
i wanna join a radfem server so i can talk about books but i can't find any that aren't dead/obvious bait sigh
>>1296295manifesting this for myself. one of my sort of friends is dating a troon and won't shut up about "bioessentialism" now
No. 1296384
File: 1660095417757.jpg (68.1 KB, 640x696, Tumblr_l_23658876747655.jpg)

I want to apologize to every worker at this grocery store for coming in LITERALLY every day and buying like five packs of roasted seaweed and energy drinks. It's just been a little rough lately.
No. 1296460
File: 1660100724887.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.28 KB, 696x481, 20220510_235347.jpg)

I got invited to a huge party I can't wait to dress like a slut
No. 1296496
File: 1660104591959.gif (3.56 MB, 500x318, 6422.gif)

Hate how I can't eat or drink anything frozen at home cause the heat melted everything despite being in the freezer for a long time fuck this gay world fuck the sun fuck you
No. 1296513
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>>1296507Alright, if I did my math correctly the circumference of my right areola is about 28cm/11 inches and my left is about 21cm/8 inches
No. 1296645
File: 1660119622527.jpg (422.1 KB, 700x800, 61ca2ba2535c14a2025ef5be2d3640…)

>>1296644I found out about neuroplasty and now i am scared I might become incapable of learning new things as i get older, so I am becoming anxious about stuff like that. I am currently learning 3 things at once and I still have 2 more to go.
No. 1296649
>>1296646They're fun if you like oiled up buff men. It's not everyone's type.
They are so buff the poles can't support them apparently. I really blame the club for not taking into account their strength and thinking it would be ok for them to use the same poles female strippers use (male striptease is once a week, the rest of the week it's female striptease)
No. 1296657
>>1296650thanks but it's not just learning the thing is also working on projects and stuff and keep grinding until you reach a comfortable level
>>1296648I would love this
nonnie, please do
No. 1296661
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>>1296659i see nothing coomery with it, just an obviously distressed character, but to each their own
No. 1296751
File: 1660137795221.jpg (61.36 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1296268I love the filet-o-fish. I vividly remember living with my aunt and opening up the fridge and there was an uneaten filet-o-fish still in its box on the bottom shelf. I didn't eat it of course, it wasn't mine, but something about the blue box cemented itself in my mind. I was curious. The next time I went to maccas I got a filet-o-fish and ever since then I always get the filet-o-fish whenever I go. I don't mind other sandwiches, but I just love the filet-o-fish.
No. 1296757
>>Poison your entire family with botulism by crock potting Chef Boyardee for 7-8 hours after sitting on a shelf for 4 years. Source
>>Was the family member No. 1297011
File: 1660155202225.jpeg (349.88 KB, 721x812, 1659294571345.jpeg)

I unironically have this picture of Jillian's aunt saved on my computer only because I hope that when I'm around her age I can look as happy as she looks
No. 1297019
File: 1660156083670.gif (365.68 KB, 500x375, QkIbrlf.gif)

Late night depression baking even though I'm doing intermittent fasting so I won't even be able to try if they're good until noon tomorrow
No. 1297071
File: 1660158972834.gif (6.81 MB, 498x373, evgenia-medvedeva-evgenia.gif)

>>1297057What does he plan to upload? Its crazy over how long he's been in competitive ice skating, him and Evgenia Medvedeva were the only reasons why i got into watching ice skating competitions in a first place.
No. 1297248
File: 1660164266714.png (2 MB, 1887x2048, Screenshot_20200612-150923.png)

>>1297239Lemme come over and help you out, nona
No. 1297287
File: 1660167530418.gif (3 MB, 498x498, giphy.gif)

I literally hate doing laundry so much the sole reason being that I fucking hate with my entire being the feeling of touching wet clothes when you move it from the washer to the dryer as in it genuinely ruins my mood for a while when I have to do it I literally can't stand it like wtf it's so retarded too
No. 1297288
>>1297287kitchen gloves are a couple bucks
nonnie, set yourself free
No. 1297310
nonnie get these!! Modern tism problems require modern solutions
No. 1297324
>>1297288>>1297295>>1297310yeah I definitely should. but I don't live by myself and for some retarded reason the thought of someone seeing me do laundry with gloves on is so embarrassing to me because I've never heard of anyone doing that. I need to get over myself kek
>>1297300honestly I probably do but the waitlist for getting a diagnosis is a mile long so I won't actually know for sure for a while
No. 1297422
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>>1287562Spamming to get gore off the front page
No. 1297441
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No. 1297496
File: 1660185054177.png (554.63 KB, 939x509, uggh.png)

>>1295699Personally, I hate that I'm getting older but my husbandos stay the same age. I'm not into young dudes, but eventually, the gap will be noticeable to me and I won't be able to enjoy them again.
No. 1297531
File: 1660187538053.gif (2.66 MB, 320x240, 556465486.gif)

>live with parents
>bedroom is across the hall from main bathroom
>bathroom fan suddenly starts malfunctioning out of nowhere
>only pro is that the noise masks the sound of the fat shit you turned the fan on to help mask in the first place
>aside from that it's an atrocity, practically rattles my room since I'm right across the hall, wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes if someone is taking a late night shit
>assume one of the three men living with me will step up and even attempt to fix it
>none of them do
>my mom (frail, incompetent) is the first to try to fix it, mentions it in passing
>the last straw
>one night I get frustrated by the noise and watch a dozen youtube videos about fixing defective bathroom ceiling fans
>grab my tool box and haul a kitchen chair into the bathroom and remove the outer vent of our fan
>tf is this
>looks nothing like any of the videos I watched
>bring in a toolkit, complain, and swear under my breath while loudly clanking things and quietly saying "…only one that DOES shit around here…" under my breath
>after I leave the bathroom, my dad and brother are in there making noise and swearing
>I hear vaccuums and smell WD40
>two hours later, the fan is fixed
>make sure to swoop in at the end to collect all relevant knowledge for future reference and take the credit by being the one to finish the re-install and clean everything
never underestimate the pride of moids, nonas.
No. 1297560
>>1297496I always have husbandos that are either around my age, usually a year or two older, or like 15 years older than me so I won't worry about those for a long time, kek. I think that if I still love them by the time I turn 40, I wouldn't mind. Also it's not that hard for me to imagine them aging like me.
>>1297557KEK this man literally has no chin
No. 1297567
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>>1297496>been in love with my husbando since i was 12>he's canonically 14>still in love with him no matter whatI have to hide my love for him for obvious reasons, which sucks because I want to post the fanart I do but it's not worth the outrage by twittertards
No. 1297572
>>1297569He's a cartoon
nonnie, I don't think about his age because he's not real. There isn't much fanart of him either but when I draw him I draw him as he is in the cartoon. I don't like aging him up, it feels pointless and it wouldn't be the same character I fell in love with.
>>1297570same, i hate how moids can like literal children characters that are specifically made to attract pedos but if you like a character that's underage even if it's not fetishized you get hunted down like rabbits by crazy rabid fujos/yumes.
No. 1297589
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>>1297587Either copy the post number as if I'm replying someone or opening the post number in another tab and copying the link.
No. 1297596
>>1297594maybe they have cookies disabled? a lot of the site doesn't work if you do that.
but yeah that's crazy lol
No. 1297620
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We are speaking it again today anons:
Men with no concept of consent will suffer the consequences of their actions and face public humiliation for the harm they’ve done to women Men with no concept of consent will suffer the consequences of their actions and face public humiliation for the harm they’ve done to women Men with no concept of consent will suffer the consequences of their actions and face public humiliation for the harm they’ve done to women Men with no concept of consent will suffer the consequences of their actions and face public humiliation for the harm they’ve done to women Men with no concept of consent will suffer the consequences of their actions and face public humiliation for the harm they’ve done to women Men with no concept of consent will suffer the consequences of their actions and face public humiliation for the harm they’ve done to women Men with no concept of consent will suffer the consequences of their actions and face public humiliation for the harm they’ve done to women
No. 1297636
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I have a visceral reaction to every picture of Jim Morison. He looked like a different man in each picture taken of him. It’s uncanny. It’s creepy.
No. 1297644
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Being emotionally screwed up and nihilistic is wild.
No. 1297834
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I hate craving stuff I can't have. I really want some of this crappy ramen but I can't because I have coeliac. Fuck. I wish I knew I had coeliac when I was younger because then I wouldn't have these terrible cravings. Better to never know.
No. 1297905
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Who is your real soulmate, nonnie? Im fucking livid that I ended up getting O.J. He’s the ugliest man here. Another conspiracy to get women to settle for ugly men
No. 1297909
>You would have a high I.Q. i'm dating a rick and morty fan
No. 1298047
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Ew people will be like “omg synchronicities” when they’ve manufactured every bit of it down to the last small detail. If you follow someone home it is not “fated” that you bumped into each other, psycho.
No. 1298434
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Corn is so beautiful, even the regular yellow ones. It's sad that you can't eat the colorful corn like picrel.
No. 1298478
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>>1298446Don’t worry about it
No. 1298583
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I came to post this insanely based take from 1913, and I guess it's an appropriate time for it. Bump
No. 1298610
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Has anyone ever noticed how DIY things get popularized on the internet, then brands pick up on it and start selling it? Earliesr examples I personally remember are sugar scrubs and mug cakes. More recently cropped tops (unhemmed because tiktokkers aren't hemming their shit) and those patchwork tops made from various thrifted tops. I was at some clothing stores today and saw multiple tops in the style of picrel, it's weird to see internet DIYs manifest to fast fashion in real time.
No. 1298636
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>>1298610Yes, I notice this as well. Every time I go grocery shopping I see those mug cake boxes for like $4 and it's like wtf. Why would anyone pay that much for one when you can just buy the ingredients for the same price and get way more mug cakes from it. Better yet, you can buy regular cake mix for a dollar and use that to make mug cakes. It's so weird and I hope no one is actually falling for that shit.
No. 1298656
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I wanna be reborn as cute and korean
No. 1298659
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If I didn't have to be considerate to other people, I would definitely buy a mic and have concerts in my home. I would be headlining my own tour every single day.
No. 1298661
>>1298640As if women don't just tune them out in the DMs daily. I guess a man with a dry ass phone wouldn't know that.
>>1298656What's stopping you?
No. 1298687
>>1298680>mansplaining anatomyI couldn't be more unshocked. You are the revolution
nonny. Women in the class are fucking glad that you're speaking up.
No. 1298705
>>1298697THE VERY SAME the very fucking same, nona. He also is now wearing foundation that is straight up Orange and this older woman told him that he can work on his color theory on his own face now, how fun. I am pretty sure it's a full on
terf class at this point.
No. 1298717
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>>1297248Anon, don't make me blush
No. 1298755
>>1298705>how would know you’re a manKek fucking legend. God I wish to be in an art class full of
terf. Drawing anatomy is inherently transphobic.
No. 1298783
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I think racist spammer is anal rectal violence-kun
No. 1298823
>>1298810I doubt Blaine would admit to checking himself into a mental ward due to homicidal thoughts. Also a moid posted a fucking gun threatening to kill his mother, obviously Blaine is not schizo and obviously he cannot type 3,000 wpm as I just said on /meta/. It's way more likely it's multiple people Blaine annoyed, the faggot is very annoying. I agree that it is likely not Anal Rectal but maybe he is one of them if my common sense theory of it being more than one person somehow staying up 3 weeks straight is correct.
My theory is correct, don't yell at me or call me a tranny for thinking this through and spelling this out. I'd rather find the fuckers behind all this than go endlessly in circles blaming someone who we have no proof about is all.>>1298819 or just staying to threads that they enjoy and hiding all the rest, they seem nice but naive.
>>1298820 yeah it's not deep, it's feeding on negative attention for some and dishing out angry feelings for others.
No. 1298837
>>1298828Nah read the thread, there are 3 posters, one may be him but I am clearly not and should not have to dox myself to prove that. Only one poster says it's a janny covering for their friends, I think it's someone trying to get a bunch of people fighting.
>>1298829 see /meta/ he uses any pronouns besides it and yeah not really a schizo.
>>1298830 I remember him offering to do this, literally, what he came here to do dude likes fighting moids.