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No. 1262905
Vent, cry, let it out.
Tasteful thread pic version. Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1255654 No. 1262922
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I'm tired of having the desire to do things, but not the energy to actually go through with them
No. 1262939
I feel so lost. One of my closest friends tried to overdose with meds and this was already the second time in a rather short timespan. Fortunately her doctors know of her tendencies so the meds she's been described really can't kill her instantly, but ofc I'm still worried as hell cause it's still super unhealthy (I mean no shit). She's not alone, she's living in an apartment with other people that's meant for those who suffer from severe mental illness, there's nurses visiting every day and all, but she doesn't want to talk to them about this since, in her words, "it wouldn't change a thing". She has started to identify as trans man years ago and I recently peaked out of it so I know how much it fucks up with your mental health but I know me even suggesting anything like that would just make her situation worse since I'm one of her only friends and if I told her to consider dropping the troonism, she'd cut me off instantly and she'd have one less person caring about her wellbeing. Also I'd like to suggest that she would at least try to get into a psychiatric hospital since she's a danger to herself but I'm pretty sure she won't even consider that since she thinks she's doing just fine. Well, at least she won't be able to fully troon out even though that's her plan since where we live, you can't get the treatments if the doctors see you're not mentally stable. And she's not.
It's just… frustrating cause I feel like there's nothing I can do except constantly trying to talk her out of harming herself, worry over her safety and such. We do have fun together as well, a lot, but this is also taking a toll on my own mental health. And sometimes I feel guilty cause I'm doing better. I've been struggling with severe depression and anxiety for over a decade, since I was a teenager, and I'm finally feeling like I'm starting to recover and getting my life together. But I sometimes feel guilty if I tell her about my own hardships, even though she never says anything bad, but outside that she sometimes says stuff like "I wish I only had depression" etc while knowing what I've been through with "only" that. And honestly, it's tiring trying to constantly be there for others, especially when they don't want to accept any help.
Sorry if this is the wrong thread, I'm just… done with everything. I don't wanna ruin my friendship with her and I do wanna help her stay alive if no one else will but it's hard sometimes, especially since I'm not exactly a perfectly functioning person myself lol. Even if she wants to troon out, I don't really wanna abandon someone I've been friends with for 10 years over just disagreeing on this one thing.
No. 1262943
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I hate living in America because I can't drive a car (anxiety) so fuck me right? I just dont deserve to live? I wish I could move to Japan or Europe so I could live in peace and with dignity. but noooo. All america offers is oversized plywood houses in the suburbs, which i don't fucking want. I hate this country and I want to move but you can't unless you're rich or work in something really highly desireable like a doctor! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 1262945
>>1262927something in the water?
No clue why someone's vent needs to be met with such hostility or critique. Just let someone vent, not everyone is looking for a therapist.
No. 1262951
>>1262917I think it’s understandable when it comes to stuff relating to gore or gross pornography since scrotes come here to spam those over /ot/ all the time. But like
>>1262927 said, I’ve also been called a scrote over the dumbest things like I once vented about wanting to beat up someone who treated me like shit… I thought that was normal to feel when you were worked up lmao
No. 1262961
>>1262905I'm 27 and been told on many occasions I look 18-19 (the exact age range I get nearly every time I tell someone my age, think its cause im short, I do not have a baby face)
And I'm actually getting annoyed when people act extremely shocked by my age like they legit ham it up and are like no way!! "you look so good for your age" < I've had late teen/early twenties female coworkers tell me this shit lol, one time I was just straight up like "huh? What do you mean, 27 is young i look pretty normal for my age, you're just super young"
Every time a person is surprised by my age I'm reminded we live in pedo clown world where late twenties women are expected to look old. Truly insane nonnies.
No. 1262973
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No. 1262981
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>>1262973>>1262975Fucking kek you're still here hand-kun?
No. 1262991
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Something happened today that made me feel incredibly alone and vulnerable for the first time in forever. Got some how chocolate brewing and Netflix to comfort myself into the nightly hours, because I'm unable to even think about laying down in the bed and let my thoughts flow.
No. 1262992
I'm early 20s, live with my parents, no clue whatsoever how to have a career and survive on my own. I don't get any socialization. I'm trying to get my first job soon but only part time to begin with, no career goals. I feel like I fucked up all chances of anything turning out right, ever. My parents support me moving forward but they want me to go so so slow because I'm a wimp who can't handle anything more, in my perspective. I'm a faildaughter, I can't see myself ever having a career and normal life. I'm not usually this upset and self-pitying, trying to focus on just moving forward but times like now it crashes down on me. I can't take it, I hate myself, I'm still scared of other humans, pathetic and hopeless
No. 1262996
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>>1262984People who sit in glass houses, newfriend
No. 1263000
>>1262992I love you
nonny. You've still got plenty of time to figure out what you want to do in life and to choose a career. You're not a failure, it's way too early to say that. I know you're in panic right now but you'll still have plenty of chances in the future. I was in your situation a year ago and now I'm slowly but surely making progress.
Find a skill of yours that you think you can improve and use it to get a job, training or a degree.
No. 1263012
>>1262992>in my early 20s and I haven’t started career training or a career yetIdk who you’ve been talking to but the only career door that’s closed to you at this point would be professional sports. You’re still very young and it’s not like regular jobs have age limits anyway.
>buh the gap in my resume!You just say you were ill or taking care of family, nbd.
No. 1263017
>>1262916It doesn't look photoshopped. Cats can shed tears but it's not due to sadness, it's always because of some allergy, infection, disease or some other eye-related health problem. Or maybe someone just dropped some waterdrops on this cat's eyes to make it look like it's crying.
Unfortunately it's extremely hard to find the source of the OP pic because of all the
retarded crying cat memes.
No. 1263027
>>1263000>>1263012Thank you nonnies
and anon I love you too. I don't mean to sound difficult in this reply but it's my dilemma. Unfortunately I'm American and you have to spend a lot of money for a degree which is what gets you most stable careers, certainly the kind my skills lean me towards. I'm trying to learn coding instead but it feels like I'm wasting my time because I'm not half as sharp, proactive, or interested in it as the STEMbros around me. I don't believe I can do it. Meanwhile there's trade jobs but they intimidate me as a woman, who isn't even physically fit. What kind of career even is left? I hope I'm missing something. You don't have to answer, first anon is right that I'm panicking, eventually I'll go back to being calm and just hoping for the best. I'm sorry to sound this way it's just my thoughts right now
No. 1263028
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>Get out of the habit of calling other born, raised, real women scrotes. It makes you look and sound more autistic than you already do.
No. 1263044
>>1263027>I'm trying to learn coding instead but it feels like I'm wasting my time because I'm not half as sharp, proactive, or interested in it as the STEMbros around me.Hey
nonny you're not alone. I'm also trying to learn coding, and there are definitely a lot of people who feel the same as you do. And it's okay for you to vent like this whenever you're panicking, I really understand how you feel.
>>1263030Thank you, I wish you the best as well! I still have a lot to improve about myself and I admit that I'm finding it extremely hard to push myself to do this, but compared to one year ago when I was feeling borderline suicidal, I guess this is truly an improvement and things can only get better from here. You've probably learned more and faster than I have though, so don't underestimate yourself.
No. 1263049
>>1262943>getting groped on the train and raped in nihongoah yes the peace and dignity.
>never been on a train in europe with a fuckload of ipad babies screaming and playing memes loudly on their phoneah yes the peace and dignity
You're a retard. Get off your lazy ass and start driving like the rest of us, you uncultured swine.
No. 1263055
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>be me, a server
>take a vacation
>come back to work
>customers light up when they realize im working
> “nonna, we thought you quit and almost gave up coming back to this place because you’re the best”
Yet my managers dismiss me left and right. Even after I proved they priced the menu SO FUCKING CHEAP THEY HAVENT PROFITED IN YEARS. -AND “HAD NO IDEA WHY”
Im ready to leave and take my customer base with me.
No. 1263056
>>1263038>>1263044>>1263045Thank you so much nonnies you're amazing. I don't want to go on for paragraphs replying to everything but I'm looking into your suggestions now. I'm actually taking community college courses right now but in measly web design. I took a few in stuff like C++ and cybersecurity, even with those it's so true that community college classes are easy. My grades are good but I still think I'm screwed and doing the wrong thing.
Before this I was in a uni but got sick and royally blew it, but it's for the best because it was too expensive and I was just as lost then. All this is why I'm just gonna back off (after completing a basic little certificate this month) and get a part time job at least, slowly stop leeching off my parents who I owe a lot of gratitude. Anyway I'll save your responses, I appreciate that you each took the time to help. Now I'll end my wordy vents and sharing my life story kek. Maybe it shows why I already feel at the end of my rope. Biggest kudos to you nonnas
No. 1263058
>>1263053Not to mention how fucking expensive cars are. You also have to do maintenance regularly.
Also that anon said that she literally can't drive a car due to anxiety. Why is everyone getting so mad at her vent? The fuck?
No. 1263075
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Most of the time i don't think much about my lack of a love life and the fact that I've never had one, but sometimes I do think about it and feel sad and ashamed for being so behind other people my age I'm 21 and haven't even had my first kiss, especially since so many people parrot the idea that just existing as a woman is enough to get relationships while I haven't had a guy show interest in me since middle school. It's not because I'm ugly or anything (though I'm not a Stacy either), admittedly I think my biggest problem is the fact that I've been suffering from depression and anxiety (as well as cripplingly low self esteem) since I was 13 and never got any proper treatment aside from antidepressants and a few therapy sessions when I was 14 (which I regret quitting), and one of the consequences have been the deterioration of my social skills, which has only gotten worse over time and even worse after I dropped out of community college last year and became a NEET. Also I look younger than my age, like legit underage and that might be contributing as well I've been told I look 14 and have been asked if I want kid's menus when I got out to restaurants with my parents I'm so ashamed of myself. Not just because of the dating stuff but I'm a failure in general. I never thought I'd end up like this.
No. 1263076
>>1263074How old are you? It will be okay
No. 1263094
>>1263075Please don't think of yourself that way. I have two beautiful friends that are your age and also have not had their first kisses, or gone on any dates. One of these friends dropped out of high school when she was younger and felt the exact same way as you about her situation. She's starting college for the first time this fall at 21. I'm a current NEET as my school hasn't begun yet and nonna, it's okay. Everything changes, life will get brighter and you will eventually take action to make it better for yourself. All the pressure you're putting on yourself is just weighing you down. You are an intelligent woman and just because you aren't doing great things right now, doesn't mean you can't start when you feel okay-er. If work/school is too much right now, start with small tasks you can do to improve yourself on a day to day basis. Wake up early, cook your own meals, do home workouts, etc. I use an app called Finch to get my day back on track.
Most importantly, you are not alone. If help is available to you, please take the necessary steps to start therapy or counseling. If it isn't, then remember that you have people to talk to and a space to reach out if you need a hand to hold. You are NOT a failure, because you haven't failed yet in the slightest. Being temporarily inactive is not failure!
No. 1263118
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Is it an issue of ego or inflated self image to think most people in my life are fucking stupid? Sometimes I just want to scream and move away but there are morons everywhere. How common is common knowledge?
No. 1263125
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I avoid moids as much as humanly possible… except for the gym. The scrotiest of scrotes congregate at my gym. I have tried again and again to get into home gym stuff but always gravitate back to going to an actual gym. It’s important enough to me that I put up with scrotes there. Noise canceling stereo headphones and avoiding all eye contact has helped mitigate the awful presence of gym going males but if any nonnies are in the same boat I’d love to hear any other suggestions/ experiences. The womens only gyms in my city are garbage.
No. 1263137
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I’m autistic but I don’t tell anyone about it/laugh it off as a joke; didn’t tell my bf about it and laughed it off for 2 years until he actually mentioned me being seriously autistic, like not as a joke. Because we suspect my dad has autism and he said something along the lines of it making sense that I have it too. I was like “fuck your knew this whole time?” and he was all “you didn’t know I knew? Literally how could I not know lmao” like in retrospect yeah it must be pretty obvious because of certain traits but it was hilarious and relieving. Was diagnosed as a toddler and my parents didn’t believe in autism or something so I’ve just gone along with that even though I do weird “stim” shit (cringe, sorry), I try to pretend it doesn’t exist because I’m highly functioning but I feel strangely validated that it’s something he noticed and just took in stride. He even likes my idiosyncrasies. I’m glad. I don’t feel so alone anymore
No. 1263179
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>>1263132AYRT and That walking way too close and in personal space I get alll the time at the gym from scrotes. It’s like they will die if they don’t get your attention somehow. Or maybe it’s to try and staunch women out of gyms that they feel should be the realm of other scrotes idk. I’ve had it happen multiple times where I’m in an area in the gym with some equipment, taking up minimal space and a moid will come dump his stuff and start working out right in my space making it impossible for me to continue comfortably. I used to confront them but that never went anywhere and it’s clear that’s what they want so these days I don’t acknowledge them in the slightest and just move to the farthest corner and carry on. I dress in a hoodie and track pants and am an obvious tomboy lesbian so maybe that sets them off but you can’t win. If I was dressed like a Stacey I think it would be the same story.
>>1263149Sorry that happened to you nona, I can picture exactly the scenario since scrotes the world over pull this shit daily. They just can’t let women be. Women who clearly don’t want anything to do with them.
No. 1263189
>When your whole identity relies on the color pink… time to do some self-reflection No thanks. One day, everyone will accept the best color (pink).
No. 1263192
>>1263189You're missing the point. It isn't that pink is a bad color.
>>1263191Yeah by the replies so far it's obvious lol I was just venting though so I'm not going to explain it to them
No. 1263200
>>1263179first ayrt and
>I dress in a hoodie and track pants and am an obvious tomboy lesbian so maybe that sets them off but you can’t win. If I was dressed like a Stacey I think it would be the same story.I was gonna say something about this in my first post didn’t want to write too much, but yeah men just love bothering every kind of woman. If you’re an obvious lesbian/not performing femininity/unattractive to males then they bother you because they’re angry you’re not trying to appeal to them, but if you’re a typically attractive femme woman then they bother you because they feel like you owe them your time and attention. There’s no fucking way out.
No. 1263202
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>>1263168>When your whole identity relies on the color pinkI don't remember which thread it was but awhile ago this trend was discussed and someone posted this image to show how they really do rely on pink and white. If there wasn't colored assigned, the girl on the left would be considered hyper feminine. They discussed it better but I get what you mean kind of because I've seen their videos talking about how "nothing I do is for men!" when… yeah kek
No. 1263254
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It's a dumb vent, but I am sad I cannot drink any coffee or any caffeinated drink anymore because it instantly triggers my UTI. This is what I get for working hard for 2 months where I would drink at least 5 cups of coffee a day to earn money and following off my shitty art. I am so weak now and can't get any energy despite me eating healthy and working out. The only thing that wakes me up for a few minutes is a ginger shot, but i cant buy a tiny 1€ can everyday, thats just dumb. I got a smoothie blender and I am trying to figure out what will somehow keep me awake at least.
No. 1263272
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not to sound like a childfree hag but are all children always crying? i live next door to two families each with 2 kids under 4 and goddamn they're always screaming… just crying? they ride their lil scooters in front of my bedroom window (with helmets on… kek) and every little bump or scrape and they're on the ground rupturing a lung… I cannot deal with this every morning at 7. i've talked to them, made smalltalk and introduced myself, brought up the fact that i work weird hours and 7 am is my middle of the night, they were understanding but nothing has changed. maybe i'd be less bothered if they were just… making sounds other than wailing but i guess it's almost hard coded into us to despise the sound of crying children, so we'd be more inclined to idk help them survive or some shit? such cases.
No. 1263279
>>1263276yeah that's what keeps me grounded, the moms both look… haggard so i'm sure they dont need the added stress of making sure their kids keep it down at certain times of the day.
nonnie im so sleepy….. i guess at least i can vent on here instead of being the crabby neighbor. best of luck to the little larvas i hope they grow up big n strong and out of the wailing phase. bless.
No. 1263309
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(relationship rant, sorry anons;)
I hate it when my bf is spending time with other people, like today he has day off with his coworkers to do some teambonding and i'm just shaking and seething, yes I know it's an extreme mental illinois and I'm adressing it with a therapist but can't help feeling like trash.
Doesn't help today I saw on reddit some post from a woman whose bf went to "camp with friends", friends being one female friend who broke her engagement and needed some "intimate support".
Also I hate how I used to be a normal balanced and trusting person but I got fucked over by so many people I became this scared, insecure and feral and it really seems like there's no real coming back from it.
No. 1263321
>>1263301kek you dont even know how much you hit the nail on the head
nonnie… i'm from a slav country living in the west so this behavior is extra jarring to me.
No. 1263369
>>1263309>>1263318>>1263326Not trying to be mean, but I'm genuinely wondering why you're together. This is bound to become a huge issue for both of you in the long run. Why not look for a guy who's more introverted? Even if you seek help for this, it'll take a while before you get anywhere close to his level and you'll just be torturing both yourself and him until that happens.
If it does.
No. 1263373
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on a video of a concert from the 70s. i just wanted to listen to the song, not have to scroll through comments of fat ugly disgusting moids complain about how women used to be sooo much hotter. i'm so tired of men…
No. 1263420
I always get excluded from every friend group available, but to be honest I think I exclude myself as i think I'm not enough, I've been bullied most of my life so its very hard to get out of that "nobody likes you/go away weirdo" mentality. I wish people knew I'm not a stuck up bitch or a brainless bimbo, I have interesting thoughts to share and I want to hear others pov too, I have no bad intentions nor I am judgemental and I genuinely wish the best upon everyone I meet, but it seems nobody really gets those vibes from me, in fact, I think most people are weirded out by me and I don't know what to do about it, I wish I knew how others perceive me cause is really killing me inside, it sounds schizo asf but i can't help but feel everyone hates me and is plotting my demise and is ruining every potential friendship i could have atm, i feel trapped by my own brain
No. 1263433
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I'm so tired I'm so depressed I feel like my life is falling apart I feel like I've fallen so far off track that I don't know how to get back to who I'm supposed to be, who I want to be. I'm jobless, slacking on hobbies, isolated from family, sleeping poorly eating poorly unwashed disgusting mess. Yes I'm on my period yes I'm catastrophizing but what if even after I'm done w menses I'm still so fucked in the head? My mood goes up and down up and down I'm so easily defeated so exhausted it's embarrassing and I hate the way I crumble and fall apart. Miraculously I don't want to die or even cut but I just stay in bed accomplishing nothing. I'm a leech and a waste and doing nothing about it. Don't even know what I want anymore. Anything but this. Life is so difficult so painful wish I was better and not suffering and doing what I need but instead. In bed. Neck hurts
No. 1263455
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My boyfriend and I have been planning to go to NYC with his friend. His friend asked us a little too soon as we do not have money for a trip but my boyfriend said yes to going anyways. I just like to add right here I've been making money off of streaming lately and that has been my job since I've been having a really hard time getting call backs for interviews. My boyfriend doesn't have a job and is living off money he got from selling a car. Yesterday he asked me to stay home while he goes to NYC alone with his friend and said that one day we will go to NYC together alone. I asked him why and he said "oh its because of your streaming! It will be super weird. Why cant you just take a week off!" I told him I cant do that because it will hurt numbers / revenue and I am willing to go somewhere alone while streaming or meet up with my own friends who live in NYC if it will be too awkward for him/hisfriend. (I just think its funny because he introduced me to that friend as "le streemer gril").. My boyfriend said he didn't want me to go anywhere without him. He then said "we can go to nyc as a business trip" Which is an empty promise. It will never happen. I've been trying to go to NYC for a year now. I told him this. Then he said "well actually if you dont go me and my friend can go stay at this girls house rather than paying for an airbnb." He knows I would not allow that..I dont even know this girl and I told him not to even think about that. I was upset that he didn't tell me that idea at first. It felt like he was trying so hard to convince me to say "yea sure go ahead and go to nyc alone yea!" and then suddenly stay at this girls place. I've been trying to plan a NYC trip with him for a long time and it was ALWAYS "maybeee…maybe..maybe if we have money for it" but while we are nearly dead broke his friend ask and he hops on that idea as fast as he can? I cried because my feelings are hurt. It feels like he is embarrassed of me, he is pushing me out of this trip, and hiding things from me a little. He got mad at me and said I am being unfair towards him. I don't even want to go on this trip anymore.
No. 1263467
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I HATE it when someone I'm not close to/familiar with calls me and I see a random number pop up on my screen. It gives me fucking anxiety. My landlord has a new number and just called me to tell me about heating prices increasing and other stuff and uuuggghh I'm so annoyed. Why not write me an e-mail or a message instead??? WHY call???? ESPECIALLY on a weekday when most people are at work.
No. 1263469
I hate myself so much. I didn't know you can catch HPV from fingering and I didn't know that common warts on fingers are also caused by hpv. If I knew I would never let this guy touch me, at least not until I got the HPV vaccine. I'm a virgin but a let a guy finger me like three times in the span of two months, and after the last time it hurt me and I thought I got some urethra infection since I'm quite prone to UTIs. But one day later I had some blood in my vaginal discharge, and the next day I had a small amount of brown discharge. Then nothing for three days, and today the area around my vaginal entrance burns and itches and it's red, and there's like a white coating, I hoped it may be yeast infection, since I just stopped taking antibiotics and I used to get yeast infections after taking antibiotics in the past, but the weird discharge from 3 days ago worries me and what's worse, I think I can spot something that looks like a small genital wart right below my vaginal entrance, I don't think I had it before. I'm freaking out, I hate myself for letting that happen, I'm scared of getting cancer, my mom and aunt had cancer. Last time I've been to a gyno I couldn't even get pap smear done because she couldn't insert a speculum in me because I'm a virgin and it hurt me a lot. Now that I'm most likely infected I should get it done but the thought about the pain makes me want to cry. I don't know what to do, I'm working abroad right now, getting an appointment here is hard and I'm going home in 2 months
No. 1263471
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I'm scared of the change approaching, but I think I can handle it. I don't feel attached to my teen self anymore.. I won't forget her, but I think I'm ready to let her go now.
No. 1263513
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me in the front
other women in the back
feels bad man
No. 1263526
>>1263513me in the back
other women make me feel like I'm in front
not sure how to feel
No. 1263558
I can't believe i am developing a hunchback at 20 FUUUUUUUUUCK, I can live being a pizza-faced,fat, four-eyed freak but i am legit going to kms if i develop a hunchback
>inb4 go excercise
I fucking doooo and i take over 10 min breaks to strecht aswell, i just have the worst genetics and i have scoliosis.
God, i fucking despise pretty people so much, not the dumb blond airhead mean girl, i respect those, but the "uhhh pretty people suffer too" retards. No, cunt, you paying to get your pointy noise a bit pointier and doing the most basic bitch face cleaning routine doesn't mean you "put effort", also being catcalled isn't a downside, yeah, it's a bitch but every women goes through that, sadly.
Anyway, fuck everything, i am going full hermit until i can fix my ugly face.
>ugly nose
>bad posture
>greasy hair
Fuck, i am going to try to fix myself but it's going to be hard as fuck i don't even know what to tackle first… agh on top of that doctors are expensive cunts. I just wanna go full Diogenes nonnies….
No. 1263586
>>1263580she said it's a bitch but all women literally experience it, which is true. she sounds like she's honestly going through it, listen to that list of shit she feels hideous about. she's right that it's annoying the way people are pretending like conventionally attractive women are literally suffering more from myriad problems when girls who have, let's say, hormonal acne and related issues due to their hormones (which means they're literally suffering from a cascade of issues due to them like acne, hair falling out etc), are the same as someone who gets treated preferentially and that people who are at least seen positively in work environments, every day situations, is the same as someone who is more likely to be shit on for not fulfilling their "duty" to be attractive as a female, is insane. the problems that "pretty women" have come with the territory and are generally issues that all women will face. having issues that impact you visually as well as functionally, like scoliosis or a hunching back is far worse than women who… what, have people think they're a dumb, but still will generally treat them with favor vs a woman who is ugly? how is that worse? sorry but that narrative is ridiculous. in society in general it's better to be attractive because in normal situations, when dealing with doctors, authority figures, etc, you will be treated more positively than someone who people figure to be "repulsive".
No. 1263594
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I went from barely drinking half a liter to two a day and I have to piss every other minute, I hate hydration, someone give me your kidneys reeeeeeee
No. 1263607
>>1263588If women can't use the word cunt then who can? I'm a goddamn fucking cunt too bitch at least I fucking own it. And I'd rather be a spergy cunt then some woman hating insecure psycho Nona who brushes sexual mistreatment aside like it's nothing if the
victim is pretty. Fucking pathetic.
No. 1263623
>>1263558my mum has scoliosis so i'm probably at risk. i try to sit with good posture but find myself always slacking. seiza a few hours a day helps. i tried those posture supports which are the velcro straps and they're awful and useless. i had one moid say something nasty to me about having a "hunch" but if i do it's really slight and he was just looking to nitpick since he was insecure (lmao he was so fat he had to waddle). doctors are expensive and mostly useless anyway. really it's just constant awareness which sucks but eh. also lose weight will help.
what sucks is you can't really tell by yourself, like is the neck curvature normal or the start of a hunch? i dont know.
No. 1263626
>>1263621Lmaoo this doesn't exist you lookism autist. I get plenty of unattractive users on my recommendation because I watch their videos regardless of their looks, if it only recommends you hot people that's because of your history and the fact that you're the one who skips the uggos. If you skip their videos, tiktok will recommend you videos that users who also skipped uggos watch, aka videos by hot people.
The ugliest bitches are always the cruelest about looks so I wouldn't be shocked if you skipped over videos by unattractive creators.
No. 1263636
>>1263626I dont even use tiktok, i hate it and it would probably make me feel worse. But all the big "influencers" are pretty girls, you can be obnoxious and scream at the camera, have no talent at all and still become a millionaire off that
nonnie, i just made an appointment with a doctor to see what else i can do. I already do Pilates and take swimming classes to no avail… i just hope we find something that helps. So far i have had terrible history with doctors, they made me undergo expensive acne treatments and nothing, it's all so tiresome.
No. 1263637
>>1263582>How tf do pretty girls suffer?uhhh child abuse for example. being pretty doesn't stop our parents from being
abusive narcs. if anything it makes it worse. finances. being abused and used by scrotes. medical issues, injuries, depression, job loss, etc.
being pretty doesn't instantly make someone happy and a million friends. conversely if your only issue is being ugly then yay you weren't abused as a kid it seems. have more empathy. being pretty isn't even automatic, like you can be born with good facial structure sure, but most aspects of beauty are just self control and hard work, like putting in exercise so you can be in shape. that's why 90% of moids are ugly, not because of genetics but because they refuse to put in effort. men dont even acknowledge that they need sunscreen to avoid sunburn/damage and view putting on sunscreen as "gay". then they wonder why they're all ugly incels. i've never seen a moid put as much effort into his appearance as the average woman does. moids feel entitled to just roll out of bed and walk out the door, and if they aren't instantly a male fashion model tier hunk then they cry and say it's unfair. but you have the same mindset.
>>1263591this. instagram isn't real.
No. 1263671
>>1263648My /n/ona I love that channel. And seriously yes. in some cities you literally cannot even cross a street as a pedestrian, it's just an uncrossable wall of cars like a river of lava.
drivers here are insane too. i've had multiple drivers try to harass or even assault me just for being on a bike lawfully. i'm not legally allowed to ride a bike on a sidewalk, but if you're in the road every driver feels like they're the police and they scream at you to get on the sidewalk and try to run you off the road or brake check you, which can result in your death, when there are other lanes free they can use. car drivers are completely deranged, violent lunatics (including women drivers, i've been harassed by women drivers too). there are even places where if you choose to walk, the cops will constantly pull over to harass you because literally no one ever does that so they think you must be [idk a criminal?]. it's like i dont' even have the right to live unless i turn over half my income to a car.
it bothers me that californians pretend they're so environmentally friendly but they only have 1 city where you can survive without a car. they drive an SUV for everything, and their cities are sprawled out so much that it generates a ton of pollution just so they can get around. zero walkability. even though they have the perfect climate for it. i just hate what a waste this country became. Geography of Nowhere talks about it.
i just wish i could live in tokyo and take the train everywhere. i hate cars so much and no one understands.
No. 1263674
>>1263670once again, she said it sucks and every woman experiences it. again, you're upholding men's bullshit by acting as if attractive women primarily and only experience catcalling or sexual assault. again, this narrative is tremendously harmful. far more harmful than offhandedly saying "we all experience it, that's not something unique to pretty women so it's really not a
valid claim as to it making pretty women's lives, specifically, worse". go back to school.
No. 1263686
>>1263656outrage high over misconstruction of point and removing words from context is more fun than using reading comprehension, esp if you're a lolcow "feminist"
who likes to morally grandstand.
not to say there aren't competent radfems present, but in comparison to the narcassistic "feminists" they are few and far between.
No. 1263688
>>1263668Could be some type of dread game bullshit, making you question the relationship, causing you to panic and try to appease him to stop him from leaving.
>both almost thirtyYeah do not let him play these stupid games, straight out ask him what’s up or break it off
>doesn’t know if he wants something serious But YOU do, stop humoring this dumbass.
No. 1263691
>>1263688Same poster -
Men play fucking mind games and it's a DRAG.
I will give it until the trip anon, after that if it isn't good enough, he's up the road.
No. 1263718
>specifically if we're to talk about the way anons feel about trans ideology, which LC is literally known for.that =/= "lc is known for trans ideology"
No. 1263723
>>1263720Yeah and you did it like 3 times now, how have you not learned to type everything you want to say out before posting. Also why would I be
triggered about being called new? As I said I'm old as fuck and have been here way too goddamn long, lol I wish I was new.
No. 1263727
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Can you dumbass queens stop infighting and please send healing vibrations for my blisters??
No. 1263730
>>1263723no, i really didn't? i revised that post once and i don't recall others? i didn't do it like 3 times anon.
>>1263721rarely see anons making complaints about anons moralfagging except maybe on drama boards where certain anons are particularly vicious towards certain cows tbh and even then, it's really not that common. i would say it's a lot more common on male boards in general. the other anon is right about /ot/ being unlike the rest of LC but the way most people feel about trans ideology is pretty present throughout the site (among normal users) and it's pretty based on it being an ethical mess tbh.
No. 1263737
>>1263728I've been stuck in bed with Covid since last week and I'm bitchy about it lol
>>1263730Omg girly it was a jooooooooooke not a formal written complaint holy shit lol.
Okay I'm too tired for this I'm getting chili cheese fries, I don't care if you think I'm new whatever. Wish I was new jfc. Nona's like you are exhausting.
No. 1263743
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Disappointed to catch covid after over two years of not getting it. I feel like crap, but my mom is making me go to this shitty local cover band concert so I can be her designated driver. If I say no, she'll guilt trip me and carry on about it.
I've already went to so many of these retarded concerts over the last few weeks, and they're probably how I got sick in the first place. I hate these shows so much. I'm autistic and I can't stand how crowded they are, how the music is too loud, how they all play the same fifteen pop songs from ten years ago. It's shitty of her to force me into going to this not only when she knows I hate it, but also when I'm contagious and a risk to others.
No. 1263745
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>>1263738Satin bonnets are really comfy
nonnie. Helps avoid breakage while sleeping too.
No. 1263766
>>1263744I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I’ve been losing hair since high school. I had the shitty genes from my parents but what really
triggered massive shedding to the point where i started realising I’m really having a hair loss problem was a loss in my family. I thought it’s just temporary shock and it’ll all grow back but no… My world literally crashed when I learned about AGA cause it’s like a death sentence for the hair. I didn’t think I’d have hair years later but I still have a more or less ok amount just because of how full my original hair was. It’s a really traumatic and isolating experience, especially when you’re young af. I still feel embarrassed and sad every day because my hair was the most attractive thing about me and even with the hair loss I still get so many compliments and I’m just thinking what I’m gonna do a few years later when I’ll have visible bald spots? Im thinking to myself no one would find a bald woman attractive cause tbh I myself dont.
This shit doesn’t even happen to post menopausal women. My mom still has a full head of hair and i observe balding only on my male relatives. I really don’t know what I did to be this unlucky. I’m just letting myself grief and I opened up about it with my friends hoping it would help (it didn’t really cause they don’t understand it’s not like a seasonal shedding thing). I also find other young women on social media who have this so I don’t feel so alone and I try to avoid beauty content. When the time comes I’ll just shave it off. I don’t have the energy for useless, expensive treatments. Sorry for the long post but I just want you to know there’s so many of us out there, so you’re really not alone. I still hope for you that it grows back and even if it doesn’t I hope it will be slow process so you can still have hair for a long time. Either way it’s totally ok and understandable that you feel this way cause I see 65 year old women losing their minds over hair loss.
No. 1263785
>>1263762Is he a tutor? I mean yeah it's alright money but it won't last forever and most parents aren't desperate enough to pay $100/hr. No benefits of course. He got lucky.
There's a reason why his parents pay for everything anon, he couldn't live alone under such circumstances.
No. 1263809
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>>1263799He's a 6'1 hooligan and my parents would get a heart attack if they saw this.
>>1263807>>1263801God I fucking hope it's just a spoof. Or else I'm living with a borderline pedo terrorist here
Maybe he's being edgy and doing a bit but there are limits and lines that shouldn't be crossed
No. 1263812
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I cannot find my medication and it's been at least over a week since I've taken them. I had to put off looking for them due to constantly scrambling to do work and homework but when I finally had the time to look for them I can't find them anywhere. I need it so bad. I can't stand spiraling into my depressive episodes. It's different everytime and this time I've just been extremely angry and baseline irritated almost everyday now. I am scared of how bad it might get if I don't get a refill, but im not due until August. I cannot afford to wait that long, and even though ive messaged my doctor the chances of being granted an emergency refill for a non-life threatening illness is slim. I've got so much going on right now and the only way I can make it through anything is with that stupid pill. I don't want to be mean to everyone. I don't want to constantly feel inadequate and suicidal. I want to be able to enjoy my day and not feel like I'm going to crumble at any moment. I feel like a shell and a completely different person, I hate it so much and it stresses me out thinking about reverting back into that mindset even for a little bit. I wish I was born fucking normal.
No. 1263816
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Got a new job that will pay be close to $20k more a year than the one I'm quitting. I'm just nervous because it's a contract position so there aren't benefits and we're more disposable than direct employees.
It's a risk I'm willing to take considering the circumstances of my first job had become so hostile and shitty, like the workload isn't even bad or anything, it's the HR and my higher management.
Basically I was lied to, triangulated, ignored, and taken advantage of the entire time I was here–no surprise, it's common. Rules that applied to me were not applied to others, and whenever I pointed it out I was treated like the disrespectful asshole. Tale as old as time. I just hate how some people in the friend's club are fucking pets who got everything they wanted handed to them. Fuck those people. Meanwhile I had to constantly roll with unfair bs then prove myself, and all that only for them to still not care or see my worth. It's like an abusive relationship and I feel gaslit.
Even the support girl who's taking over my position, who is really nice, does not have the actual qualifications to have gotten the job organically. They are giving it to her because 1. I had cross trained her for the past several months 2. I am the best source to learn from as I even onboarded my new manager and 3. They are too cheap and lazy to recruit for my and her current positions, so it's easier for them to tell her to perform two jobs for the price of one. They have a funny way of packaging actual shit situations as 'benefits' to people here. I know it isn't just me because we have always had high turnover for these reasons, but it still hurts my self-esteem a lot. The only thing I can say is at least I was only here for a year and a bit over a half, not several.
No. 1263817
>>1263813Can't tell if you're trolling me at this point but unfortunately even if I were to do that it wouldn't work
He's done worse
He tried to make a move on me years ago (Well you know what I mean by "move"), and though he was a teenager it was still fucked up. only my mom knew and she did NOTHING about it
Just. Fuck it all to hell
Thanks for at least replying to me and trying to help me
But in the end it doesn't even matter
No. 1263845
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>>1263656>>1263686>>1263674Explain to me why "being catcalled isn't a downside". Go on.
No. 1263846
>>1263816I work as a contractor and it makes me angry because these companies tell me how grateful they are for me while I bail their ass out of hot water, but apparently I'm not good enough for them to hire. I don't make good money and don't get any benefits or PTO. It's complete exploitation. (Only job I could get.) I don't understand why american work culture has to be so
toxic. I have the same qualifications and experience or more as their regular direct hires, but I feel like a slave by comparison, I'm treated differently and don't get anything other than a mediocre paycheck. It makes me bitter and I feel burned out and jaded.
No. 1263851
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>>1263822>>1263835Ok I've calmed down now. I was in denial, it's him 100%.
I realize that I am on my own now and I have to deal with it. My parents, bless them, are completely incompetent. He's shown signs of this extremist behavior before and treats them disrespectfully all the time. I'm not exaggerating he literally calls them trash and stuff like that to their face. My father lets him be while my mother shouts and weeps.
I have another older brother who used to get into fights with him frequently, and I would tell him but I'm afraid that would lead to a literal bloodbath
I don't mean to tell my life story here but I don't have a reference point for what a normal healthy family should be like. Now I'm sure that it's not wrong to say it's far from it, dysfunctional even. The hierarchy is all messed up cause the parents aren't good enough authority figures
Again, thank you for your help nonnas but there's nothing I can do other than make enough money to gtfo of here
No. 1263857
>>1263851>scrotes adopt mindsets like this (it's all ironic until it's not) and then wonder why no woman wants to marry them, get bitter, and shoot up a schoolXYs are retarded. There is no polite way to say it and there is no further explanation necessary. Having an XY chromosome set is a genetic defect which causes mental retardation.
Your parents need to cut off his internet access. Just speak to them about it. Put a password on the wifi and don't let him know it. Negligent parents cause school shooters.
No. 1263865
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>waaaah waaah lolcow's userbase is a bunch of shitty meanie radfem feminists black-white-thinking cat-lady femcel narcassistic mentally ill normie fat anachan summerfag newfags
Okay, then leave. What are you doing here, talking to people you don't like? I don't understand these kind of retard posts.
No. 1263875
>>1263846I agree and hate to say it anon, but the only time I've seen a contractor thrive and be offered direct hire is when they're liked by someone in the right place ie. fucking someone in the department, related to someone in the company, friends with someone, or just kissed the right ass.
Quality of work means nothing to a business if they don't like the fuck out of you, and I have learned that trying to be a good employee as a team player and an overall nice person is still the losing battle if they will not accept you on a personal level. They'll use you up to do all the dirty work but then promote the winner of their popularity contest who did fucking nothing in comparison. It's a lesson I'm taking with me to the next gig.
No. 1263935
>>1263875Pretty much same I learned. I used to bust my ass, do amazing work, recommend process improvements, go out of my way to learn new things and help others. I got used, stabbed in the back, lied to, and thrown out like trash. Now I do the bare minimum. I really hate humanity. Contract work should be illegal, it's just a way to underpay people by skipping out on benefits.
I've worked jobs where they worked the (non-contract) staff literally into the hospital. She had a stroke from overwork. Was back at work the next day doing more 14 hour days on salary. Everyone just laughed about it but I was horrified. So either you're treated like trash with no benefits and a fire-at-any-moment contract, or you're treated like trash and worked 14 hours a day for your salary. Meanwhile apparently half the country is rich and barely work.
No. 1263942
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What's actually wrong with being a "cat lady"? It sounds comfy as fuck
It's so weird how the stereotypes are lonely man becomes suicidal school shooter incel mr robot im a crreep im a weirdo i wish i was special your skin makes me cry drug addict abusive shitbrain wah wah lookatme mommy pay attention ree roastie slut, posting violent garbage and harassing women on the internet all day/night
While lonely woman cares for animals, is friends with other lonely women, is a feminist and…drinks wine I guess. Maybe makes dolls or collects them or likes anime or other "odd" but harmless hobbies. Either unattractive or attractive but just weird (and in the latter case, men still feel attraction). Like that's the worst fate they can come up with. It's as if even misogynists and pickmes innately know women are usually less shitty humans
No. 1263970
>>1263766I have thinning hair where my scalp is plenty visible and I am currently in a relationship. My boyfriend doesn't mind it, he finds me very beautiful, sexy, and cute. He just assumed I had thin hair my entire life. The only time he ever suggests anything having to do with my hair is when I'm complaining about it in the moment, because he wants me to not feel distressed over it. Our relationship is completely fine, not destroyed by my hair. He pats and scratches my head often and rests his head on top of mine.
You're a 10 for someone out there. The thinning state of your hair means absolutely nothing to them because they will love you unconditionally.
Another funny thing, my boyfriend says he absolutely loves my mouth and it's been something I've been insecure about for the longest time. This was unprompted, I never gave hints it was an insecurity, but he right away loved that part of me.
Don't lose hope, anon, along with AYRT. There's tons of patience involved, but you both will find someone to be comforted with you as you are.
No. 1264046
>>1264039This isn't my idea of fun though. I just explained why I hate that stuff. It wouldn't be fun for me, I'd just be sitting around twiddling my thumbs while my mom drinks and mingles with her "friends" (women she only goes to these concerts with and can't stand otherwise).
I want to lay in bed with a book and try to recover.
No. 1264052
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>>1263958I'm watching this now and it's gross how many grown adults were egging her on, whether they we're trying to confront the bad things she said or not it's fucking bizarre to see a grown man like Destiny asking a 13 year old to defend why she said she wants to kill any Muslim she comes across. They should've all just collectively ignored her. Also Destiny's thumbnail with her face behind red text that says "ethical child porn" is so fucked up.
No. 1264058
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Sugar really is a fucking drug. I've tried to drop it for a few years, I've been on keto for 2 months and felt great physically but my brain was like "sugar sugar sugar" all the time and I finally broke and went back to my shitty diet. I was never obese or overweight, sometimes I was even a little underweight, so it's not my weight that worries me. I have severe IBS and GERD and overall shitty immune system, I get various infections like 6 times per year, I know that sugar feeds cancer and I'm very scared of getting cancer, I want to be healthy, and yet I can't stop. I can eat 1 kg of a fucking cake in a few hours. I eat sweets until I feel sick. I don't vomit, I just feel fucking terrible. And I can't stop. It's like I don't feel full until I eat something sweet. Sometimes my hands are shaking and it only stops when I eat something sweet. Eating an entire chocolate every day is something normal to me. I'm starting to wonder if I have some fucking parasites inside of me or something. Because it feels like there's something in me that just won't let me stop. It's funny how I look down on people who smoke or drink and can't stop, when I am addicted myself. God I wish I could just stop and eat healthy, veggies, fruits, cooked meat, eggs, I wish eating those things gave me pleasure. But the only thing that satisfies me and gives me pleasure are tons of sugar and it feels great, until it makes me sick and causes me pain for hours. I'm scared my insides are ruined beyond repair. I'm in my late 20s and I can see my tolerance for this kind of eating is already lower than when I was 19-22. It's giving me more severe symptoms and it happens quicker than before. It's ruining me and I can't stop
No. 1264081
>>1264074Being a cat lady doesn't mean having no friends, it just means not getting married or having kids. Studies universally show that older women cope much better when their husband dies than the reverse because they have strong communities and friendship groups, while moids can't take care of themselves and have no support system once their wife dies.
Personally I can see myself being lonely in my old age because I don't want a husband or children but I'm terrible at maintaining friendships and don't prioritize it. So if I don't have my immediate family (parents/siblings), I probably won't have anyone. But frankly I can accept a decade or so of loneliness in my old age over spending my youth cultivating a lifestyle and relationships I don't actually want, my time and energy is more valuable now than it will be when I'm old.
No. 1264096
>>1263942Most end up alone in the end, especially if they don't live in small towns/rural areas where there is more of a tight-knit community. And small towns offer a kind of accessibility and walkability that really makes a big difference on your mental and physical health; I know "WaLkAblEE AreAs" are a meme at the moment, but they're so important, especially for the elderly. I'm in good health and it's already tiring for me to go out because of how much effort
just taking a walk requires: trying not to get run over, constantly looking over my shoulders for cars, shitty infrastructure and shittier roads. Like it's gotten to the point where you have to take a car to get to a semi-walkable area and fucking walk. I am taking a car to
walk. It's insane.
Anyway, a lot of the eldery hausfrau's I know live alone after their children moved away and husbands left/died, and they rarely have any connection to the outside world. They're essentially cat ladies, without the cat. After spending a big chunk of your life in an alienated living space and mitigating that alienation/lack of community by operating in a nuclear family, you can guess at the results. The only ones who are still kinda okay are those who stayed in their old small towns, where they know everyone.
I'm a thirdie and in the English-speaking call centers here a lot of elderly American people would call just to talk to someone or hear their voice. They'd be really lonely, especially after a spouse had died. Thing is if your supervisor caught you entertaining them for a minute they'd reprimand you. Sometimes they'd cross it off your salary or your time. Gah, getting older sucks, generally. It doesn't matter whether you're married or not. The only way I see it is that they build more walkable cities with community centers and make incentives for older people to go out – "online services" and the increasing governmental push for them is literally fucking evil. "It makes it easier for elderly people" you mean the people who barely had reason to leave their houses are now not going to leave their houses at all? When you're that isolated, the tiniest spontaneous social interaction makes the biggest difference.I wish we could do something about it. I keep thinking of all the older people in my family.
No. 1264102
>>1264096I met tons of women when working in the nursing homes, nearly all of them had 2+ children, grandchildren and were married. Marriage is not the panacea for loneliness or an antidote for the nice 'you'll end up in a home choking to death on your own vomit alone if I can't fuck you' threat that scrotes level at women
People need to deal with the fact they will spend periods of their life alone or with total strangers and that can come at any second, it often comes out of nowhere
No. 1264260
>>1264203Keen eye
nonnie, when I created it I saw that there was already a #134 so I typed #135, completely forgetting that this one was supposed to be an alternative to the #134 who had scrotey gore as a thread pic, not a completely new thread. My bad!
No. 1264285
>>1264279Anon have you seen
people? How many of them do you think have logical/analytical/critical thinking type brain? Don’t settle for less because you think others are smarter than you, they aren’t. They just got the opportunity to learn how to do their job, which at mid level management, doesn’t require high IQ. In fact, they prefer to not hire independent thinkers for those positions.
No. 1264286
>>1264225I'm just kind of astounded that I have frugal habits, a good education, above average income, and I can never afford a house. I can't afford healthcare. Boomers want us to give them grandkids but won't let us afford to have them. If I wasn't paying social security taxes to pay for their luxurious retirements into hedonistic excess I could afford a home and family and maybe even to see a doctor when I'm sick or injured. What a dream! Boomers should have everything taken from them and given to people in their 20s and 30s.
If my partner and I get married and pool our income for 2-3 years we might be able to afford 5% down on a 1-bed apartment unless the prices increase at the rate they've been increasing. In which case in 10 years I might be able to split a studio apartment with my husband. Maybe we can hang the kids in nets from the ceiling?
Boomers are greedy old bastards.
No. 1264407
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I feel overwhelmed and stupid for feeling overwhelmed over dumb shit. I've had a shitty day and cried on public transport like a pathetic loser because I'm a resentful bitch, push people away and I hate it. Also one of my former close friends tried to reach out to me today but I didn't accept her call. She ghosted me all of a sudden in 2019. Not even any happy birthday texts, nothing. Her number popped up on my screen and I stared at it for what felt like forever. Part of me wonders "what if" but my pride won't let me contact her back. I wish I was somebody else.
No. 1264511
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>>1264486Have you been invaded before, Nona? I think trying to get to the bottom of this and finding out what caused those nightmares might help
Also, try looking into herbs & such that might help sedate you to an extent
Chamomile tea calms my nerves at night and makes sleeping easier
goodluck and godspeed to you
No. 1264516
>>1264480You're too nice, they don't deserve you
Make it clear that this is a one time thing and if it happens again it's over. Don't let them make you a pushover, but also try not to come off too strong. Balance is key
Consider treating yourself to something nice, nona.
You deserve it for putting up with that shit and reserving your sanity
No. 1264525
>>1264490She didn't even tell me directly or apologise because she posted it in the group chat instead and two of my other friends are mad about it 2 since they cancelled stuff to be around for it
>>1264516thank you Anon I will, Im deff not doing something like this again, due to life experience im a very "one chance only" person so at least I know where I stand with her now
No. 1264540
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Sometimes I remember this 31-year-old butch lesbian that I met online. She always hated everything 'feminine', was groomed as a kid, and spent her time in the military as 'one of the boys'. I feel so bad for her because she caught her wife cheating and shortly divorced, lost her job, and has been living with her mother for a few years. The worst part of it all is how she started labeling herself as non-binary and later claimed to be a FtM, began taking hormones which fucked her beautiful voice up so severely. She doesn't even sound like a man, her voice is cracked and still feminine. Before that her voice was so nice, that she would make a great voice actress. In fact, her voice used to sound like a streamer Ouro Kr*nii. I could listen to her for hours. I do not know if it's pills but ever since she started taking them she turned into an incredibly angry and insufferable person. There are a lot of other reasons why I stopped chatting with her, she ended up showing her true colors through power tripping, but it's another story to be told.
It's not the first time I lost a friend because she turned into a TRA or a tranny. But maybe it's for the best. I just wish I could show her the beauty of the world and how its okay to be different. I have women in my family who went to the military willingly but they never stopped being women. Heck, I used to be a tomboy throughout my whole teengaehood. I just wish there was a way to tell people that we all are different and it's okay, you shouldn't stare at forced media and convince yourself that you are less of a person…
No. 1264549
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>>12645391. not all white people have straight hair
2. just shave off all your damaged hair and let it grow out naturally
No. 1264550
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>>1264542Samefag but have a backbone pls. You can admit you don’t like the deliberate ability for other anons to shut down uneasy conversation because it discusses the privileges they don’t deserve, you can admit you don’t only like white men, you can admit that whites women can be just as racist/white supremacist as their white men. Get with the program, certain women on this imageboard are clearly not and will never be welcome and the racebait bans are there to make sure of that by running by a “colorblind” bias even though being colorblind does nothing, it still clear who influences the taste and interests of this website and they are never asked to be colorblind because their race is seen as the default. Their prejudice can become transparent like a ghost and that’s how they hide it always even though it’s very clear in sight. Tiring tiring world
No. 1264559
>>1264542I kind of agree, but honestly, things used to be much worse when moids and pickmes from /r9k/ and other shit places were running rampant. I'm fully convinced they chased off most of the non self-hating black women in the past, leaving behind a handful of legitimately self-hating mentally ill pickmes. Today, things are much better, and it's actually nice
I defend black women whenever I see stupid bullshit aimed at them all the time. Fuck the "racebait" bans, they're ridiculously inconsistent anyway.
Also, I strongly dislike both (c)rap-chan and that one digital blackface FtM who literally admitted to being a white woman but posts unhinged rants about white women and randomly brings up "Eurocentric standards" and women of color in general so people think she's one No. 1264562
>>1264552stop being so self hating
>>1264560take your meds and stop sperging about the struggles of other races which you will never experience. you will never have a white person's hair so you'll never really know if that perceived "imaginary struggle" is actually imaginary just because you're so jealous of their hair type
No. 1264565
>>1264559They love c(rap)-chan who I just saw in the punchable face thread blaming black women for rap and defending
fat, ugly women who’s mediocre music has no place in modern society and is only popular because people love listening to obscure music to feel special about themselves even though thousands of others have heard of katebecause she’s like the candace owens for white anons, she can bash cultures that anons clearly have never been apart of and don’t like without them explicitly doing it. They also love bragging that somehow refugees that go to european countries are out there looking for white European women to exploit and rape because clearly they’re on the highest totem pole above the women who are more in close proximity with the men in the cultures they don’t like. Criticizing their bigotry is enough for them to go into full conservatard speech mode and start calling anyone twitterfags like a parrot on repeat, it’s truly insane to watch. You absolutely cannot have a high-esteem for yourself, the asian anons make that clear for how docile they are to the clear underlying racism. Sorry if I seem extremely paranoid I just had to vent
No. 1264566
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How do anons on the friend finder thread have so many hobbies I'm starting to think I'm not interesting enough to be worth talking to
No. 1264616
>>1264081Plus don't a lot of women who lived past 100+ years old say ttheir secret was having no husbands? kek
I'm on my way to splitting up while I'm young and never ever living with a moid again. They bring nothing but extra stress and messes
No. 1264639
>>1263885it was hell. somehow I got into college (lying was involved) which is one of the best things that ever happened to me. figured out how majorly fucked my life was once I started talking to normal people. I was isolated for my entire life but raised by the internet.
I remember being a teenager and googling "what to do if you think your parents are
abusive" and every result was "tell your school guidance councilor or a teacher you trust" so I figured out I was pretty much fucked. like
>>1263877 mentioned with brothers, I have 3. one is incredible. an angel. one is a snitch. the other sexually assaulted me and my four sisters but my parents didn't give a damn. to this day it's so embarrassing to admit because he's younger than me and I should have been able to defend myself better.
No. 1264674
I can't see into the future. When asked what I imagine I'm doing in any amount of time I really just can't. The only thing I'm sure of is that in at least the next two years I'd like to kill myself. I feel bad because I don't think anybody in my family knows, they all expect me to one day become confident and get a good job and live somewhere and be a normal person but I don't see it. I don't think it's possible at all for me, nor would I want to. I just want to kill myself, I already have several plans for it. I cannot imagine myself ever becoming successful, I am sick of thinking about "the future", even as a child I thought I'd have friends in high school, get good grades, join clubs and maybe a sport, and it never happened. I tried, too. I never wrote down the negatives versus positives of suicide yet, but I think there are more positives. I take up too many resources like food and space. Whenever I breach I end up submerged again, deeper than before. I just wish my family would realize that I'd be better off if I committed suicide, and they'd likely be better off, too. The circumstances of my birth should have been a hint that I wouldn't grow up to be successful or even very happy.
No. 1264680
I signed up on 2 online dating apps recently. Mostly to see what was out there. I rejected so many people because of appearance alone, which was bleak enough. Then I got a catfish on OKC. I had a few matches through Hinge, one was a boring guy, and one guy…well, he was so direct and kept implying that I meet at his place, and it freaked me out so much I just deleted all of my accounts. I was lonely and thought of meeting somebody, but after going through the stress and anxiousness of this, I realized I like my time alone…
While I am lonely, I don't think I am quite "ready", at least for online dating. I wish I could just meet someone in person, but that's difficult too, with work and all. I'm trying not to feel like a failure. I miss intimacy. And I have this nagging voice in my head saying "remember the time your ex said he was already going out on dates?". He was an asshole and a cheater who said that specifically to bother me, and really anyone could go on a date if they lower their standards…but, I dunno, I just feel awful. Admittedly, I miss how easy it was meeting my ex and the little time we had that was good. I could never go back to them though, I know that. I wish someone new could just fall in my lap again..
No. 1264694
>>1264671i used to take them for anxiety and it was the only thing that let me socialize without panic attacks.
unfortunately depending on them to socialize will make socializing without them that much harder. try to preform some easy socialization without them and only take one if you're really panicking, that is what I did combat the dependancy I developed. benzos are great for treating anxiety and you wont be at much risk for physical withdrawl if you are careful to only take it when you need.
No. 1264706
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>>1264702he could never suit long hair, he is way too ugly for long hair no matter how much he 'styled' it. it's not even comparable how much more put together he looks with short hair. he's still an ugly manlet tho
No. 1264710
>>1264566Nona you need to stop doom scrolling and spending most of your time on social media
Find a hobby. You don't need to be a skydiving all award winning artistic swimmer
Having one is enough, whether it be reading or drawing
If you have nothing, explore more and like I said lay off the internet pills
Know that you are not not any more boring than the rest of em
Goodluck :] <3
No. 1264749
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Why do moids always have to ruin everyone's mood. I was just talking to my mom on the phone, while my dad was busy assembling furniture in the background and he got so pissed off about some pieces not fitting and kept complaining to the point where he ruined my mom's mood and we had to end the phone call. He was most likely too retarded to bother reading the instructions. I hate men.
No. 1264755
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>>1264753Nta but go crywank about it elsewhere scrote. You wouldn’t be in our heads at all if you’d just shut up and fuck off.
No. 1264764
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ruined yet another nice family night with my stupid fucking uncontrollable emotional outbursts
No. 1264839
>>1264835If it keeps falling on those same dates do you think hes putting it on a bit? A bit like how men pretend to be bad at housework to get out of doing it? Sorry babe I can't support you I'm suddenly quite depressed myself…
The suicide baiting is legit emotional abuse btw.
No. 1264847
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>>1264836Kek Nona noo I rant about how much I hate troons enough for him to know better
>>1264837My best friend killed himself two years ago and he went through it with me so he knows he shouldn't fuck around with suicide but I'd feel a little narc saying "this hurts me because of this, stop feeling sad"
I said suicide baiting but is not like he sends me messages saying I'm doing it now!! Or anything, he just tells me to not go his place and disappears.
>>1264839I can't imagine him doing this on purpose but noni you're right he is a scrote after all…
We don't live together so is easy to just not visit him until he feels better. Thank you nonies, don't date depressed individuals
No. 1264866
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Why do people pretend right-wing men are any more moral than any other group? Even here you see poorly disguised tradthot-lite statements. I'm not just talking about this white scrote and his fail ideology, right-wing brown and black scrotes are exactly the same. They're all two inches away from trooning out anyway. is so disgusting.
No. 1264869
>>1264853I've been pretty depressed while in relationships. I waas grieving for my mom. I blame the end of my first serious relationship on me not making enough efforts to help myself. I was a moping misery for too long. The next guy was hands on and at 2 different points he made calls and made me get help. One day he came home from work and he had a home-visit doc with him. He hadn't told me because he knew I wouldn't agree to it but he was putting his foot down. Another time he brought me to A and E. That's how you react to genuine suicidal distress.
Honestly, I respect that he didn't just endlessly put up with an untreated suicidally depressed person. If I wasn't doing enough to help myself he made it clear that he'd make an ultimatum and I either go do something right now or he can't be my endless unqualified support. If I were faced with a partner in that boat, real or fake, I'd take the same course of action.
No. 1264884
>>1264853>>1264847>>1264835Nonnie please leave him. I had a BF like this when I was younger who was always 'depressed' and would self harm but it always seemed to get 'worse' when I was on my period/sex drive was down/family events/friends. He would always threaten suicide when I couldn't see him or would concidentally have more cuts on him after my period or weekends we couldn't hang out.
He may be suffering but he is using it as a tool for emotional manipulation and putting you in emotional hardships so you feel obligated to stay. I left my BF because he threatened to kill himself and I came over unannounced to find him playing FIFA online where I screamed and got mad for baiting me and then he pulled out his suicide card "no but it makes me feel better nona, I only ignored you and made you worry so I could play Fifa undisturbed". These men are unhinged and know where to tug on your heartstrings. Please leave him
nonnie, he's doing a great job because you're already in the Vent thread defending his suicide baits around your period and making you worry. You don't need this. Many men would make you tea, tuck you in and put on your favorite movie for you. Pleasee take our warnings. " Depressed " men won't be fixed and can't be until they look at themselves. My dad warned me because he used to be one too. Good luck nona
No. 1264901
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I try to break up with my bf several times but each time he says he wants to be with me, but he doesn't treat me like a gf. It's like as soon as we got official he stopped working out and wanting to meet me. I have to initiate everything, when he does it's lazy. I keep having this feeling that he doesn't like me but when I try to say we can just be friends he says he is freaking out and he just wants someone that's nice to him and that he likes when I'm nice and cute. I just want a stable, normal bf like I'm not equipped for this at all. Wtf does he want from me?
No. 1265098
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I got a ton of stuff from a /vg/ thread in 2016 and now the mega links are dead so I can't confirm if I got everything and even back then a shitton of content was lost media from 2003. Blogs? Either died or you are like R*kka who has bias in her translations and became A FUCKING AMATEUR VTUBER on twitch because she's a 35 year old cosplayer now. But I like a challenge and at least collecting all the rare books and art I have
No. 1265121
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This Ricky Martin shit reminded me of the last time I hung out with my gay, male ex best friend. We went to see the first IT movie, the one with wolfhard, and I whispered how the kid with a lisp looked like his little brother because he really did. Tell me why this weirdo then replies that he wouldn't mind fucking him, thinking it was funny and uncalled for when I told him it was nasty because that's a kid. Never befriending scrotes ever again, that shit grossed me out.
No. 1265126
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>>1265121Holy shit I had to check and this kid was born in 2003 and the movie came out 2017, I am angry all over again
No. 1265135
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>>1265121The image was bothering me. I fixed it.
No. 1265140
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>easier to poop at the beginning of my period
>few days later passes
>pooping becomes painful towards end of period as it always is
I hate whatever entity gave women our menstrual cycle because this is the last thing I need right now
No. 1265146
>>1265131I used to feel bad because one time he got beaten up for looking so goddamn gay but now I just see it as male on male violence, he also had some weird obsession with cycling gear, like shorts and Japanese boys.
>>1265135you took the feral nature of it out but I kinda get you, anon but don't let this become a habit
No. 1265151
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>>1265098I love Drakengard 2
I just have a crush on Nowe No. 1265210
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Walking to work today I passed by 2 obviously intellectually disabled older men and a carer that was with them. One of the men was having a moment. I gave him a lil extra space as I had to pass by him but in fairness he was in his own lil bubble in that moment. I've seen it before in other fully autistic people like that. He'd stopped and the carer was just waiting for it to pass. What annoyed me though. He was nearby a petrol station and some houses and people who were pumping petrol were so fucking loudly commenting on him. Like very loud and over the top like it's a bit of excitement for them. He wasn't doing anything really but ok. Then as I passed by some people that I see everyday sitting in their front garaden I see they're up out of their chairs gawking at him "oh jaysus whats hes doing haha!" full volume screeching. For a moment there I fully just got consumed by the shame of seeing perfectly functioning people making a big spectacle out of a minor autistic episode. For what? They couldn't just quietly glance over to assess what's happening. Screaming about him while he's already trying to calm himself. You absolute geniuses. You gossipy, no sense having, no life having, no discretion having fucktards. He has an excuse but what's your excuse for acting so retarded?
I'm usually so far from being the queen of defending male tists but we're talking about someone with a severe form who needed a minute. Who needed space and quiet and people gathered like he was a fucking chimp at the zoo. I've always felt like those neighbours were weird for how much they watch you pass their house. They have seats our in their front garden and they practically live out there. I never knew if I was being sensitive when I felt like they people watch too intensely. I pass by their house twice a day minumum because of work. I've felt their eyes burning through me a thousand times and it's awakward but I ignored it. What else can you do. They were living for the drama of that happening within eyeshot today. Entertained thoroughly. Giddy. While they made a spectacle of him I thought they were the real spectacle.
I'm on lc defending a male tist, for once. You know shits bad when I'm doing that.
No. 1265222
>gnc (undiagnosed) autist, elementary school
>parents break back to send me to a private school better catered to "weird" and disabled kids
>school was a sham, classrooms are small, little to no friends
>become friends with a future cluster b mess
>cluster b mess has a NLOG (but not GNC) yes-girl friend since kindergarten
>social hierarchy established where I am at the bottom of the three
>at the whims of cluster b mess, yes-girl stops talking and ostracizes me, or includes me in the group. Cluster b mess takes priority over me in out friendship
>much of the bullying/segregation and not being defended by peers, cluster b mess and yes-girl included, is related to not being "girly" and being "weird"
>Yes-girl is never excluded by the other girls in the classroom in this manner
>Yes-girl and cluster b mess also bully a moid in our class that clearly has some sort of learning disability
>Discover bisexuality, get rumors spread about it by a moid when turning him down, e-date a girl on senior year, several crushes on females
>Yes-girl has a crush on the same boy from elementary until graduation, several boyfriends after
>Years pass
>Cut them out of my life after being diagnosed a sperg and both of them saying I used it as a shield
>More years pass
>Yes-girl got way into supernatural
>virtue signaling about autism and ADHD activism
>Calls herself bisexual despite only showing interest in moids
>she/they in bio
I want to DM her and tell her to kill herself so bad despite knowing it won't do or mean anything
No. 1265232
>>1265218Same nona, I feel like I'm losing my resoluteness bit by bit.
Something that has been lessening the damage lately though is trying to constantly "ground" myself.
Since I can't really depend on my brain to remind me that hey, whatever I'm doing now I'm probably going to regret later, I have some physical object on me at all times.
Something sentimental, whether it's a watch, a ring or even a whole badge with a paper inside it listing all the reasons why I shouldn't do whatever it is I'm trying to resist doing.
I choose the object depending on how stable and calm I'm feeling.
It seems silly but hey, it works
Goodluck to you, hope you become more stress free. You deserve it
No. 1265285
>>1265279I lost her to FELV, I'm still crying days later.
Hugs to you nona
No. 1265408
>>1265376I don't blame you. Even a lot of supposedly "woke" people I know (male and female) including those that have studied art history are fixated on the idea that naked women = epitome of art. Anything about the voyeuristic nature of most of it or the gross objectification is totally lost to them.
"But women's bodies are just more aesthetically pleasing!!" lol shut the fuck up
No. 1265411
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A sinus infection has left my throat so very raw and sore.
For the first time in YEARS I have not been able to enjoy coffee in days, it sends me into another harsh coughing fit.
Coffee… my truest joy. Even mediocre gas station coffee brings me joy. I cant start the day with my latte Ive perfected at home, or a cup of joe at a diner. Yea tea blah blah im doing it but out of DESPERATION.
A chai is beautiful, so are the green and the white teas. Even the pineapple tea i made is ok but I WANT SEXY ESPRESSO I WANT A ROSEMARY INFUSED SYRUP IN A LATTE I MISS THE BEANS BABY I WANT MY FUCKING COFFEE.
>img a beautiful coffee I enjoyed in Spain my heart plz i beg take me back to better times
No. 1265595
>>1265502Me too nona, me too.
Toxic shame maybe, it's for sure debilitating
No. 1265621
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My parents and siblings all went on vacation to this beach they took us to as kids. I found out because my brother posted on Snapchat and I checked their location with the find my iPhone feature. They’re staying at a really nice resort too. They never told me or asked me if I wanted to go and I feel really depressed and left out. This isn’t even the first time this has happened. They have gone to places that I asked to have family trips at with just my siblings. A lot of these places are really close to my apartment too and they just forget about me. I use to live across the country from them and for years they would guilt me that I would regret moving so far away because they will get old and die soon. My mom got cancer (but she beat it) and I remember crying so much because I felt regret for moving across the US. After the covid lock downs I had a bad breakdown and had to be hospitalized. Ptsd and depression was messing with me bad so I had to move back home with my family. I saw it as an opportunity to make up for lost time. I would ask my mom over and over to spend time with me when I moved back home but she refused and would lock herself away in her room. I’m always so fearful that I will lose a parent and not be able to spend time with them because my dad is always texting me things like >your mom is getting sick again I think!
>we wont be around forever
>your grandpa died at age 50 I’m next!
Eventually my mom got into a fight with me because I got a new boyfriend who paid for his own plane ticket to visit me and got us an airbnb. She yelled at me saying I think I could do whatever I wanted because my boyfriend and I never asked her permission if he could visit. we are 25 and I honestly didn’t think it would be a problem…The next day she told me she had a surprise for me and my dad took me out apartment hunting and they moved me out. We don’t really get into fights, that fight that got me kicked out was the last one and that was over a year ago. They only really had me over for holidays for a few hours after that. They tell me they’re busy all the time and have no money to do anything lol..It makes me feel so sad when they do these fun things with each other on the weekends and they make an effort to hide it from me but my dad slips up in conversations and will accidentally talk about these family outings. I never meant to upset my mom so bad that day. I feel so depressed and feel like my family hates me. I wish I just never existed
No. 1265654
>>1265621Nona your family is
abusive, straight up. You do not owe them anything. Honestly, have you thought about not talking to them for at least a while? Like 1 phone call a year. Or cut out completely. Your parents are extremely manipulative of your desire for approval from them. They do not sound like quality people where their approval has any value at all. I am very sorry you are experiencing this from people who should love you and be happy with your life's milestones.
No. 1265680
I was told I ought to do a writing exercise to work through my feelings right now but I don't want to do it alone so I'm posting it here where I can feel like I'm 'talking' to someone.
I have a black hole in my brain. I saw it on the imaging scans last Friday. It's in my frontal temporal lobe where the speech centers are, which explains why when my seizures happen, I stop being able to form sentences. I can say words, but not in a way that makes any sense. My mom has the same condition - it's genetic - only hers started 20 years later.
Because mine started so young, it's probably going to get a lot worse. There's no getting better, but if it gets worse - much worse - they can take part of my brain out. However, since the black part is where my speech centers are, that might mean losing my capability to talk or even write. Which - getting worse would obviously would mean losing my job since so much of it involves writing and speaking to clients and employees, I couldn't just pare down to the data analysis and coding shit, I'd be a paperweight in the office - but I cannot deal with the thought of being reliant on my boyfriend or my parents for financial support at my age, as a grown adult. I'm already not dealing well with having to be driven everywhere because you can't drive for six months after a seizure.
Weirdly enough, also, one of the parts that makes me most upset isn't the idea of losing the ability to be able to talk, it's losing the ability to be able to write, because then I couldn't be on imageboards or communicate with my friends online anymore. Like irl talking? voice chat? pfauuughh. you can keep it. my anime discord servers??? noooooooooooo.
but also the idea of losing the financial stability from my job - LITERALLY the best job I've ever scored because I tricked them into thinking I was some kind of high-IQ genius on some dumb personality quiz they gave me - is killing me. I haven't even been there for three full months and my parents are already trying to persuade me to quit and move back home so I can get full-time care. I'm not sure whether two grand mals in three weeks is something I should expect from now on, frankly, or if they're overreacting, but if I quit the job, there's only two - well, three options, really - for making my way through life.
1) my boyfriend takes care of my financial needs and i continue to live with him.
this isn't ideal because the brain meds I am on have started to put a huge strain on our sex life and our relationship has been suffering because of it. we've made plans to try to fix it but tbh i am not super optimistic because literally everyone i have spoken to about his response, their response has been like 'girl dump him' including close friends as well as total strangers. also, i don't want to be a goddamn houseplant.
2) move back in with parents across the country
also not ideal because i don't want to be relying on my parents like i'm 16 again or something, that sounds like a nightmare. i can deal with them in short spurts but long-term i would end up going on a crime spree. also moving is 1000-mile process, expensive, and an enormous pain in my ass, and I have no guarantee of finding easier work there ESPECIALLY since we live in cottagecore paradise (read: miles from civilization) and cannot drive for the foreseeable future.
3) quit good job, dump bf, get min. wage job pumping ice cream at dairy queen where no speech or thought is required, live under a bridge like a troll and collect tolls from passing cyclists.
obvious drawbacks.
man i'm just.
i'm at that point where going to sleep forever and never waking up rather than dealing with this situation sounds like a good idea. i feel my body's trying to fuck me over like it hates me.
silver linings: if anyone ever gives me shit about anything ever again 'i have brain damage, the doctors told me' is a pretty good explanation for any dumbassery i have been responsible for. silver linings.
No. 1265748
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Fucking pissed at how the internet can influence people in a very bad way. I've known this friend since we were in year 3, now in the late 20s she sucked up all of that "You're valid uwu" "respect mentally ill people!" "personality disorders are valid!" bullshit and now she's turned into the worst fucking person I've ever seen, all in a span of 4 years. Every chat we have eventually evolves in "woe is me, I want to kms" because she has to find the bad things in everything. If I send her a picture of a dress, she goes on saying that will never look good on her and why did her parents ever made the effort to make her so ugly, when I graduated she cried because she couldn't reach my level and feels so stupid, when I had a boyfriend she came venting about how she will die alone and she's unloveable. The funny thing is that I actually went to therapy in my teens and successfully recovered, now I am the therapist. Fuck off. I'm not looking for tips on how to dump her, I already did, I'm just pissed about the hugbox mentality that let people being their absolute worst ever and the normalization of mental illness led to a pornification of it, so you now see people larping and running around to get the latest trendy disorder.
This person never had a fucking problem in her life, good family (I know them), good money, good scholarization until she dropped college by herself to fucking larp on the internet and collect sympathy. Why? Why does it happen? She's not stupid, or so I thought, how did she fall for this trap? Is the attention? Goddamn, I suggested her to get help but she said that the therapist "Don't understand her and she's so complicated". Yeah. You're just 28 and chronically online, get off.
No. 1265762
>>1265714Two of my seizures happened at work. One was a petit mal (I think - I stopped being able to form sentences and memories but I didn't have full-blown limb spaz-out) that led into a grand mal once I got to the hospital, and that was the first time it had ever happened.
The second time, I knew it was coming because I realized the speech thing was in full swing, and then the grand mal happened while my boss was trying to drive me home. My reading isn't compromised so much as writing, but the writing's pretty important to my job since I'm in management. I don't directly do sales but I have to take care of customers and a sales team and a customer service team and if anything becomes a problem, it gets escalated to me, so what I have the most performance anxiety about is being on a call with a customer and having my ability to speak just
cut out like it did during one of the petit mal events. And there's even some times now that I can tell it's affecting my writing, where I'll type something and then
repeat the same words or phrasing within the same sentence like within the same sentence like that, so even just writing e-mails to co-workers has become very slow and painful because I have to scan it multiple times for basic spelling and syntax errors that normally I would never make.
It's not impossible yet, it's just…harder. I have to struggle to keep up the appearance of doing things easily when they used to really just be easy for me. And I'm scared that it's only going to
get harder, I guess, and that eventually I'm not going to be able to stop the people around me from noticing. I feel like they're already noticing, they're just going easy on me because the seizures happened recently and they're all aware of them, but - I know that sympathy will not last forever, but these challenges won't go away.
that option was on the table.
No. 1265770
>>1265748i love it when people tell me that they've already
tried therapy, multiple therapists, the therapists
are all bad so they stopped going.
what that actually means is the therapists didn't tell them exactly what they wanted to hear so they quit and refuse to work on themselves anymore.
there's nothing to do with people like that but leave them to their own devices. tbh it does feel like their main source of joy in life comes from crying about how pathetic and abandoned and alone they are on their pitiful driftwood life-raft of their own making (while still managing to be in earshot
of everyone else who is properly steering their own lives)
No. 1265788
>>1265770tbf that's not always true, but for people who specifically seek to not be treated, yeah. there genuinely are a lot of shitty therapists out there that refuse to acknowledge abuse/the effects of abuse and are just generally condescending and rude or don't understand development during abuse or
abusive dynamics. not a lot of people are well suited to be therapists tbh, it kind of attracts people who necessarily would be shit at the job.
No. 1265826
>>1265811the "parental alienation" theory was literally started by an
abusive actual MRA who had 0 interest in children's welfare and there are like no studies or observations to show this is a phenomenon that has any basis in reality. mothers are trying really hard to correct it in the courts. MRAs have been fucking shit up for decades in multiple countries. it's often used as a defense against real sexual assault allegations from the children/mother. it's really sick shit. there are, however, a lot of therapists and psychologists profiting off of these bunk claims of "parental alienation" made by
abusive fathers. there are a lot of people in the world that are completely unethical and do not give two shits about what happens to children (not talking about the mothers generally)
No. 1265840
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I hate it how whenever I try to Google sometime I have a question about, the only stuff that comes up is bot-generated articles. I hate the fact that the Wild West days of the internet are over. I hate how online algorithms are destroying the social landscape IRL. Truly the heyday of the internet has passed.
No. 1265886
>>1265788yeah, i'm the anon you're replying to and to be fair, i'm thinking of a very specific personally relevant situation where the parents basically just let their child drop out of multiple college programs, leave jobs, live at home, and then get out of going to multiple different therapists
over and over again because 'they don't understand me'. and obviously none of us are allowed to sit in those sessions so we don't know, right? they could all legitimately just be shitty therapists. but the
likelihood that all of them are completely irredeemable is - low. and when 'it's not me, it's them' becomes a pattern in someone's life, you start to notice, which is what i think the original anon was getting at.
obviously bad therapists exist but completely irresponsible dipshits do too.
No. 1265901
>>1265887a friend of mine used to do this to me in arguments and it got under my skin so bad, anon, you're not alone.
the thing that was the most annoying was that there wasn't even anything to
respond to, they were just repeating something you said back to you as if it was stupid, and it wasn't stupid at all - you had a good reason for saying what you did, they just don't have a good response.
the last time my friend tried that move in an argument I stopped, said that was the end of the argument, they were being disrespectful to me personally, and I told them to leave. They actually backed down and apologized. You mileage may vary, but I do feel that is the kind of move someone pulls in an argument when they have absolutely nothing to fall back on and they just want to piss you off by fully disrespecting your intelligence.
No. 1265903
>>1265893Yes. But to be fair, I think this is a common feeling. I guess I'm doing okay in life, I got a college degree, a job, a good relationship, a cat, I live comfortably, I even have a nice new car. I feel as though I've experienced nothing. I experienced a lot of sexual violence and neglect in my youth, but it doesn't really make me feel like I've experienced anything. I used to drink/abuse drugs a lot because it made me feel like I was doing something if that makes sense, like I could actually enjoy or laugh at media or conversations. Now I'm sober and everything is flat again as it was before I used substances. It is what it is. I cherish all the little facets of everyday life. My husband's smile and laugh, the few books I've enjoyed, our backyard in the early morning, my lovely drive to work. I even enjoy my job. But even if I enjoy those little things, I still feel empty.
No. 1265909
>>1265893not really. i chose a very boring life as soon as i could because my life as a child-teen was extremely chaotic and i did a lot of "fun" (but not fun to me) shit in my teens with boyfriends and friends that by 17 i was done. i have stories but they weren't very fun for me even if people would consider them "fun" times, it just wasn't my cup of tea. i love having a boring life just checking imageboards or reading and only sometimes hanging out with my small circle of friends. i don't even know how people have the energy to do all of this extraneous energetic, spontaneous crap still.
ultimately, if you're kind of more of a homebody and person that just wants peace, these "fun" things that people reminisce over just might not have even been the thing for you. if i hadn't experienced a lot of stuff that i did, i don't think i would feel i missed out anyways, just because it's not my cup of tea and doesn't seem appealing to me on its face and never did. i just did things with people because others insisted i would absolutely have fun (i did not)
No. 1265941
>>1265903That all sounds really sweet and comfy anon. I guess maybe emptiness is a regular part of life even if there isn't necessarily anything missing. Sometimes I listen to certain music it makes me feel this really strong feeling of longing and I only feel it then, so it makes me wonder if I'm really missing something to be able to feel so strongly but only when I'm listening to certain songs/musicians. But I should be thankful that I have a job, a roof over my head, and that I can afford to live where I live
and that I can browse lc and farmers can listen to me ramble and I feel like I'm part of something at least>>1265909That's a good point. I guess it always seems more fun when other people talk about it, but ultimately I don't know if I would have enjoyed those things myself in their position. And I guess the only people who reminisce about "the good old days" are going to be the people who did more wild shit. There have always been people who lived relatively mundane, regular lives and they aren't as likely to talk about how much they miss those days since it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Although when I talk to a lot of older people, they love to reminisce about their youth which is why maybe I felt that I was missing out on something.
No. 1265956
>>1265925nah but do you see the way women get treated by men and other women when they dare to date a handsome guy.
Alot of people start comparing your looks to him and other pickmes keep on telling you how you deserve to be cheated on because he is hot and openly flirt with him, that is exhausting for most women so i can see why they chose to date ugly men they have no attraction yo which is still sad but atleast then no one giving you shit or making it a looks competition with him.
Also its easier to break up with someone you're not attracted to.
No. 1265962
>>1265956 >pickmes keep on telling you how you deserve to be cheated on because he is hot and openly flirt with himNonnie just let me vent about men once without someone saying
> oh yeah but pickmes do this thingDon't care.
No. 1265984
>>1265972>i dont feel this way so let me invalidate other women's experience.This a common sentiment among women who have dated handsome men, so how about you stfu.
Also its way more than just what you mentioned, there is a level of humiliation and torment that women get from other women (and men) when they decide to date a actually handsome man that can leave us feeling traumatized and not wanting to date people we are attracted to unless we look like supermodels.
No. 1265991
>>1265989>i date attractive menlmao and i bet its hideous ugly Neanderthals who are average at best.
We are talking about actual hot men not your trailer trash boys, move along.
No. 1266001
>>1265998first of all, you don't know what pick me means. second of all, you said
>pickmes keep on telling you how you deserve to be cheated on because he is hot and openly flirt with himi would never hit on YOUR moid, the fact that you vehemently view other women so much that that's your excuse for dating ugly moids is just embarrassing. if it were up to me you would just date men you're attracted to, but clearly you're a crazy bitch and you can't wrap your head around other people exclusively dating attractive men because you only go for uggos.
No. 1266008
>>1266001not even going to bother since you are seething over this topic and going for scrote tier insults.
the main post was more of a general statement why women do date uggos and not that i would date one.
Also no one wants to go through the added stress of you and your partners looks being compared all the time and everyone encouraging him to cheat. So why are you so angry, maybe you should call the people who tell hot men to cheat ''crazy bitches'' instead of me. Either way you are bothered by this so have fun with your below average totallly hot men.
No. 1266015
>>1266001You're right
nonnie wtf is that dumb cope. Just an opportunity to blame women for her own inability to get an attractive partner. It's the evil bitches' fault that I have to date an uggo!
No. 1266045
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"When I was a kid, I was reading at a tenth-grade level!" okay, you and every other fifth grader. Shit like that from childhood isn't a flex, nor does it put you in the category of a "Gifted kid"
No. 1266079
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bf called me mid
No. 1266129
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Dear nonnies, please tell me a painless way to end my life because I just lost my will to live after doing something so embarrassing and stupid.
I just started dating for the first time, so I wanted to try some cringey couple shit and bought matching pajamas but, since I'm a professional retard, I forgot about our height difference. Now, the pajama looks too big on her because she's 5.3 while it's short for me because I'm 5.9 — she found it funny, but I can't help wondering why she's even dating a dumbass like me. I wanted to be romantic and shit but I just wasted money and maybe we'll have to return the pajamas.
No. 1266130
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>>1266129this isn't even embarrassing but can't you just wear them like capri pajama bottoms?
No. 1266146
>>1266130Actually, I don't mind wearing it because I kind of grew up wearing clothes that are too short for me kek. I'm just worried if she secretly thinks she looks a bit comical in hers because they're almost twice her size but she's too nice to tell me.
>>1266135I know it's stupid but I can't help over-thinking tbh. She has taken me out on cute dates before and overall knows how to treat a partner, so what I did in comparison is disappointing to say the least.
No. 1266149
>>1266129anon you are sweet for even thinking of doing such a thing
don't be so hard on yourself
No. 1266171
>>1266146>so what I did in comparison is disappointing to say the leastYeah no you just made a funny little mistake.
You should've just laughed about it with your gf and then moved on because it's a funny lighthearted situation but instead you're distraught and distressed. Your posts radiate poor self confidence.
No. 1266172
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>>1266079Jesus, men are getting way too confortable with the "mid" meme. It's always from the ugliest scrote too. In what context did your bf said this
nonnie, dump him anyways though ?
No. 1266184
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>>1266180It has some good people, even though the others dominate the culture now. Things used to be better. Ugh.
No. 1266186
>>1266178>>1266184>Be in Fandom discord>Someone talking about Ezra>"Wow he's crazy. Fuck his pronoun nonsense.">Resident hypochondriac and they/themie tard rages>"Respect the pronouns, please. It's an offence to us other They/themies. You can't just take away pronouns because of a bad thing they did.">It was more longwinded than that. Add in microaggressions and trans rights or some crap.>"Oh, sorry, yeah you are right. They are going crazy."or
>"Maybe a trans person should direct the next film to get the real trans feeling for it."All in the span of two days. Just leave and dm with the good ones.
No. 1266194
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>>1266019My grandma says I’m beautiful and she would never lie
No. 1266195
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>>1266171I can't deny that, I do have low self confidence. I struggled with selective mutism as a child and was a friendless loser, hence still have weak social skills and habit of assuming what others think instead of directly asking them. I just assumed she might be disappointed rather than communicating with her.
But the advice of nonnies here did help me realise that I was worrying over nothing. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting to get that many responses, I thought some anons might actually list painless ways for me to end my life (in a joking manner ofc) kek. So I can't describe how grateful I am. I'll immediately stop being a dumbass and just order two different sizes of those same pajamas, so one pair would fit her and the other would fit me. Thanks for being nice to me nonnies, I feel a lot better now.
No. 1266228
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>>1266199I know this sounds retarded but LC does help me feel like I'm part of something meaningful or special even though it's just a gossip site. It's like a little place just for me where I can talk to women all over the world and complain about things or obsess over things. I am envious of women who grew up in the 80s and 90s (even though I'm sure they had their own shit to deal with too). It just seems like they finding a community and being part of a youth culture was something I never got to experience even though I wanted to so desperately growing up. I can't relate to a lot of people around me. But LC is my community at least and I think it's one very much of this time. It's special because it's not something women in the past would be able to experience and I doubt it will be something women in the distant future will be able to experience either (given how much of the internet is commercialized), so even though it's stupid to even care so much about wanting to be apart of some sort of subculture or group, LC (and cc by extension) is special to me because it does feel like I have found my little place where I belong. At least for me, that takes away some of the emptiness or meaninglessness that I feel. Although obviously this website does have it's faults kek.
No. 1266273
>>1266272Can't see your comment, blocked.
(No but really nona it's just some girlies chatting about how they blocked people. I don't think they know each other irl)
No. 1266326
I hate my birthday. Call me a bitch but I hate it, others are happy for me and I feel like I'm not happy enough because for me it's just another day and then I feel down because I feel like I'm letting everyone down. Not having holidays or celebrations of any kind and just enjoying small things in life every day I much prefer. It's better for the mind I think to not want everything and be happy when the sun shines, there's a grocery discount on your favorite food or what have you.
>>1266269I had the same thing happen to me nonna. It sucks but men think with their dicks, you will get over it quicker than you might think especially considering it's online. I found not taking his flirting serious at all really helps, like he's just an NPC once he starts flirting and himself when he's not. If you still want to maintain your friendship of course. It stings but if you try and not take it to heart it will be okay. Take care nonna, no scrote is worth worrying over ♥
No. 1266393
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There's a man posting on /g/ trying to get some advice on his appearance or whatever and everyone was mean to him so he sperged out lol. But I always wonder how men find this site and think it's a good idea to post their face. Like what about the "attractive men you want to fuck" thread makes a useless braindead moid think "Oh, I can get advice here!" Hahaha men are so fucking useless and dumb, if you want to get a circle jerk of compliments going post your ugly mug to 4chan dumbass.
No. 1266397
>>1266361How old are they?
CPS probably won't take them away unless they are in mortal danger. And then they would just be put into foster care if there isn't another family member willing to take care of them. Those social workers are really overworked and don't really have as many resources as you might think.
No. 1266491
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I don't think the ones on the right pass at all either, especially Robert/blaire or whatever his name is
No. 1266518
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>>1266129Nonna, if I killed myself over something so small, I would be dead a thousand times since I make so many dumbass mistakes way worse than that. You are sweet but a lil dumdum for thinking about ending your life over a tiny mistake. She will 100% think you were just a bit silly, no harm done at all.
No. 1266549
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I feel like I have too many hobbies, and because I do all at the same time I don't progress in any of them. Then I also want to play video games, but I feel like I have too many of those too to play, and then I get paralyzed and just browse lc instead of playing anything. I know this is a retarded as fuck problem to have, but I feel overwhelmed
No. 1266574
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I've seen so many men sharing this image and it makes me so fucking angry. What the fuck is wrong with them? Why are they so casual in chatting about what's essentially cheating?
No. 1266607
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>You don't know what you're talking about. It's usually the weakest and most vulnerable and most bullied men who try to take their own lives. Not the ones who hate women.
No. 1266613
>>1266591>It's usually the weakest and most vulnerable and most bullied men who try to take their own lives. Not the ones who hate women.Just because your brother is a spineless fag does not mean he doesn’t hate women.
Also kek at the failed attempt. I thought successful suicides was the one thing that men had over us?
No. 1266659
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I have a friend I used to be very close with, platonic soulmate level; now we live almost 1k km away so the contact is not so close, she barely responds to me online because "she doesn't use online chats much", which I accepted.
She came to visit me on the weekend, I was excited to see her. She started catching me up on what she was up to and more and more she spoke it started to be clear she doesn't care what I have to say, the second I stopped saying something she'd just continue talking about herself. At some point she asked if I'm feeling lonely here; i got stupidly hopeful she will idk, reaffirm our friendship or something since she knows I'm struggling with depression but this question was just a leadup to her telling me she's not lonely because she's good friends at work with X and Y. For the entire weekend she'd also continuously message her friend and her sister on whatsapp, which clearly shows that she does use online chats a lot, just not with me.
I'm hurt and confused but first and foremost feeling guilty for how little I've enjoyed her visit and how I'm not looking forward our planned trip in few weeks. Is it just normal and I'm making a victim out of myself? Did she become a different person, or was she always like this and I was passively accepting it due to my low self esteem? It's sad and confusing.
No. 1266671
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My entire face hurts and I' miserable. I woke up this morning and my lips were swollen and numb and insanely crusty, dry and cracked. They've been kinda bad before but not totally fucked up like this. I tried contacting a clinic but didn't get through but I'll try again. I'm just so frustrated and in pain.
No. 1266698
i recommend duct-taping bags of frozen peas directly to your torso (ok maybe don't do that unless you don't have to move around a lot but definitely try to use your fridge and fan to your advantage)
good luck, anon!
i was wondering why our AC was broken yesterday and then realized it was 104 degrees outside…
No. 1266731
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>Washing machine not removing debris and hair and fur from clothing
>Can't tell if machine is broken or just shitty
>Call maintenance
>They don't schedule when they will show up, so spend mornings anxious about when/if they will show up
>Maintenance guy looks at machine 2 separate times, sees nothing wrong
>Maintenance guy asks for pics and/or videos of the issue to show his managers
>Take photos of dirty clothing fresh out of wash
>Set up phone to take videos of a cycle
>Upload videos to YouTube so they are easy to share with maintenance and management
>Get tired of communicating through maintenance guy, call the property manager and get his email so I can communicate directly
>Email him pics and videos
>"Good news anon, we can be at your place tomorrow morning to replace your machine!"
>Machine comes
>Same exact model as last machine, it's cool, maybe the last one was defective
>Mfw the brand new machine cleans exactly as shittily as the last one
No. 1266748
>>1266741UK has some of the worse builds to begin with, no decent insulation and shoddy work because the houses are all so old, it would cost a fortune to run and install an AC in those. I've seen houses in eu countries and they are cool in summer and keep warm in winter without problems
Make sure to drink plenty of water and if you have a ventilator, put some ice/ice packs Infront of it and enjoy the cool air
No. 1266786
I'm so, so sorry to anyone who had the infortunate experience to meet me, at any point in my life.
I always disappear and ghost people anytime my depression and suicidal ideation gets worse because i don't want to be a burden and/or contaminate them with my poison of endless negativity. In time, they forget about me and must think that i'm an inconsiderate cunt, but i'm sure i brought pain, or at least confusion to so many. I can't get out of these avoidant ways though, because the only time i did and was very open about all my mental baggage with someone, i drove him crazy, his life was hell because of me, he left me and told me how dangerous and morbid i am. And he's very much right, i'm a poison, my brain only works in a backward way, sustains destruction and death. Life and love are impossible things to process for my diseased brain, because i've never known it.
I don't have any family, at all. I'm a stray dog, and i only bite or run away when someone approaches me. And i prefer to run away, i do less damage this way. I've left my job a month ago and got many messages and attempted calls from coworkers who i considered friends, didn't answer to any of them. Today i had the courage to listen to the voice mails some of them left me. They are worried, don't understand why i won't answer, think i just don't care about them. But i'm protecting them.
Imagine knowing someone like me. It's a nightmare at worst, or a terrible waste of time at best. I wish i could offer my body to an experimental science project, i'd be useful that way. Just do dangerous research to cure cancer on me or shit like that, if it kills me; good riddance.
No. 1266803
>>1266786This sounds exactly like me. If I drank or took drugs I’d think I wrote it and just didn’t remember. I’m so sorry anon. I just deleted all of my social media and muted everyone who has ever loved me because I don’t want to get them dirty with my endless issues. I love them so much but there’s nothing to love back and I feel like I’m mocking them by letting them waste their time with me. I’m so gross and disrespectful, having them pour their feelings on me when I know I’ll end up avoiding them over and over.
Every time I’ve allowed them to get close, they get turned off by how negative I am. They’re just gonna abandon me at some point any way. I wish they understood Im just ripping off the bandaid by starting to avoid them myself. It’ll never stop. I’m sorry.
No. 1266808
My job is an ESL teacher in a kindergarten/summer daycare camp, and it's good for what it pays and most of the kids are well-behaved, but i think it opened my eyes to the fact that the Y chromosome is recessive, or that we at least need to selectively choose what kind of male genes to pass on. I've never met a little girl who would purposefully step on bugs, throw sand at people's faces and laugh, throw frisbees at people aggressively as to hit them, etc.; and when the nannies tell them not to do X for the 100th time, they don't lie out of their asses and scream and whine. I think the dominant male order was partly created so that the overwhelming majority of the female carers of these kids didn't choke the little shits out when they had enough of them.
The worst girls can do in terms of behavior at that age is cry constantly and be very sensitive, wander around or not understand social cues which can hurt feelings (autism), or be extremely active and jump around a lot. None of those options involve fucking hurting people. Where tf do boys get this chimp urge to fight for no fucking reason?
Not to be a handmaiden, but there are also very sweet boys that are nice to their female counterparts and polite to everyone out of kindness where i work, too. I genuinely believe it's just a matter of weeding out the chimps.
No. 1266810
>>1266803I'm sorry for you too,
nonnie. I don't know if there's a way out of this vicious circle for us.
Even if i were to be friends with you, someone who understand me, we would probably end up ghosting each other. What's the point? We can't bond with anyone in this life, can't we?
My grandfather is dying, my grandmother is 90, and i'm no contact with both because i think they're too old to deal with me and worry about a depressed piece of shit. Their lives were hard enough already.
But then, i feel like without a support system i can never get out of my misery. I need to be loved to be "saved", but i don't deserve it and would ruin any opportunity. Existence really is endless suffering.
>>1266805I'm sorry. I was getting better too until last month when i quit my job on an impulse, isolating myself and ruining my life yet again.
I'm sending you both big virtual hugs, that we can endure, at least.
No. 1266814
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>>1266786Ngl I smiled a little because I also wrote these words when I was younger, in an endearing way. I have nothing but platitudes to give anons who feel this way. Just know that it doesn’t have to be like this. You can choose to have compassion for yourself. You’re not a bad person just because you’re difficult.
No. 1266820
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>>1266814There's hope,
nonnie? But how? I can try to have compassion for myself but if i don't change my behavior i will always end up ruining people's lives, then the compassion won't work anymore and i'll go back to hating myself. Having compassion for myself doesn't fix me…
But thank you, you're cute.
No. 1266841
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Men are not welcomed here.
No. 1266851
>>1266797i would watch someone like you
nonnie, i have a bong accent too.. i think people outside of uk like them.. what accent is it? are you a scouse? or a geordie?
No. 1266854
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Consider the following:
>Realize that all of us humans are unique in our own way and we shouldn't pander to society's thoughts on what is 'feminine or 'masculine', it is fine to like flowers or whatever as a man without turning it into mental illness
>Be a normal man and leave women spaces alone
>Kill yourself
No. 1266859
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>>1266850Yep. Women aren’t a free advice, emotional labor dispenser. No amount of horse piss will undo XY narcissism.
No. 1266863
>>1266574This made me feel so horrible, this is exactly how my ex made me feel despite demanding me spend every waking moment with him.
Cementing my decision to stay single for the foreseeable future.
No. 1266866
>>1266797don't bong streamers usually get positive attention exactly because of their accents? from what I've seen anyway
idk I think a streamer attracts an audience that (to a degree) matches in their own behaviour, if you never mention woke shit you'll probably not attract those type of chatters
No. 1266894
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Please, get the fuck out of this place and find yourself some normie LGBT-forum or even Facebook group. Go find people on your local town's facebook group, it's that easy. As a bonus, get yourself a therapist. You will never be a woman.
No. 1266897
>>1266882What makes you like this? Why do you believe men who hate themselves belong with women? I'm genuinely curious, is it pity?
>salt gargling Are you a tranny yourself?
No. 1266912
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No. 1266941
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Considering going back >>>>>> to your circlejerk tranny forums you don't have friends because you're a fucking freak tranny that's your answer now gtfo
No. 1266952
>Would actually appreciate it if you guys said what you actually hate about troons so I could minimize that aspect of myself.. please
At the end of the day, you're a man with a mental issue that makes you dislike your body. This endless fixation on your body makes you prone to paranoia, bouts of narcissism, BPD meltdowns, misogynistic thoughts to cope and making lots of excuses for terrible behavior. You're automatically not only leaving your own mental health in other people's hands, you're putting the burden on others (specifically women) to make space for something we all know is a mental issue. Even if you don't disclose that you're trans, there'll always be a feeling of something being "off" (whether you're just imagining it or not), and if you do disclose it, women will instinctively act different around you, and this is made worse when society pushes them to force a "woke"/"inclusive" persona that isn't real so they won't be branded a TERF. The types of women who accept having to do literal performance won't be real with you, and the types who don't will just avoid you.
Also, literally think: Couldn't the dysphoria you're feeling be triggered by being around actual women? Aren't you inevitably hurting yourself too?
The anon who said to go on some LGBT forum/community is correct, make online friends if possible. Don't try to push into women's spaces, don't be hateful or shitty. Maybe make friends with gay men and see how that works (if you actually pass, they likely will not be attracted to you)
No. 1266964
>>1266956True. Giving moids attention is stank pussy behavior.
No. 1266965
>>1266956based and i agree. but mods need to come back.
No. 1266967
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>I will really pass
No. 1266996
>>1266977Currently it's trigonometric functions. I feel like I understood it and I just need to memorize the sin/cos angles of specific angles in radians and practice questions to mash it into my head.
But then she started going on about the derivatives of trig functions and the exponential/log functions and I have no clue what she's saying. I think it's connected to differentiation rules but I'm not sure
No. 1267030
>>1266996NTA but I have a math degree.
Yeah, that's all stuff you just have to memorize. Like anything else, you can differentiate trig functions, exponentials, and logs and while these can be derived by hand, you just need to memorize it for actual use. Good luck!
No. 1267061
>>1267028>>1267023Cause they don't have to do this at all, it's called being grateful that someone even bothers to put effort into a task that doesn't pay and the benefits are that they have to view cp and gore all the while having a bunch of retarded anons going "tHaTs nOT gOoD EnOuGh!!" Don't bite the hand that feeds Nonas, be grateful we even have mods at all. If I we're a mod I'd say fuck you ungrateful cunts and make you all look at the gore and photos of Nikacados asshole lol.
>>1267033Agreed Nona, agreed.
No. 1267071
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No. 1267081
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>teach me female socialization
No amount of "female socialization" is ever going to make you less male. The only lesson you need is how to tie a noose.
No. 1267085
>>1267081Hilarious how the troon thinks that a few posts can teach him the same amount that a lifetime of being an actual woman can, or replace the lifetime of being a man.
Hope he joins the 41%!
No. 1267087
>>1267082Well I and many other anons would if
SOMEONE could open the mod applications..
No. 1267088
>>1267082exactly, I get how annoying it is when mods aren't around but people complaining about it is just annoying. they aren't paid to do this. anyone complaining should sign up to do it themselves
>>1267087farmhand applications were open for ages a while back
No. 1267107
>>1267061nah but at this point we all view the gore, porn and spam too, considering it takes the mods somewhere between 6-24 hours for them to decide check up on the site.
>>1267093Exactly, i dont know why that anon is dickriding so hard for the jannys when we are going through the most moderator inactivity on this site.
>>1267097if we knew that the moderation would become like this last year from oldmin to newmin we would have applied, just shut the fuck up with your snarky attitude.
No. 1267121
trigger the newfag.
No. 1267155
>>1267130I would personally place the blame on the admin for not opening up mod applications in the last 3/4 of a year, but it’s completely
valid to say that lc has gone down the drain over the last 1-2 years. The amount of raids that have taken place and gore/cp that gets posted weekly is ridiculous. I don’t blame jannies for having a life, but there’s hardly anything to be grateful about when anons are routinely being exposed to shocking and illegal content.
No. 1267157
>>1267133anons are telling jannys to open mod applications if they cant be there ''24/7'' (btw there was moid threads here that were left for almost a whole day and you want to say 24/7 when they cant be bothered to check twice a day)
>>1267137the other anons are right you are way too defensive for some reason, be honest are you one of the baiters or spergs in the cow boards, because i dont see why someone would defend and excuse inactivity.
No. 1267178
>>1267108Anon, you don't understand, it's their DYSPHORIA!!
"Dysphoria" my ass. The causes of troonism are:
Cripplingly low self-esteem, being an incel (in men)/sexual assault trauma (in women), porn addiction, not confirming to retarded arbitrary gender norms, being shamed or punished for being gender non-conforming, internalized misogyny (in women), internalized homophobia, autism.
"Gender dysphoria" is not based on reality but on sexist, meaningless ideas about what women and men can't/shouldn't do, and/or on porn addiction.
No. 1267184
>>1267177umm….do you even remember what happened during winter, literally half of the farmers left the site back then because of what was happening.
You must be a newfag or just kept up with one thread in snow without taking a look at this site considering you think anons have to sage in ot/
No. 1267240
>>1267229Boggles my mind that the UK has been regularly having “heat waves” (I call it summer but whatever) for the past 15+ years and people prefer to complain about it rather than install window AC units. It’s not like they’re going to stop happening anytime soon.
That’s Brits for you I guess.
No. 1267250
>>1267240this heatwave is 'record breaking'. it will be 'summer' for you if you are used to the heat kek but we don't have heat often enough for AC to be useful also this is the vent thread so let us complain
>>1267242modern uk houses are built to keep in the heat and also don't have carpeted bathrooms either kek
>>1267244thank u nona ♥
No. 1267334
>>1267327this didn't happen to but that anon reminded me of all the stories i saw and heard if teenage girls and all the people who have failed them in their life.
Like the 15 year old girls who get groomed by a 27 year old guy and then their 25 year old girlfriend goes to fight the 15 year old girl instead of dumping the pedo boyfriend.
No. 1267362
>>1267356sorry you went through that
nonnie, being a child and teenager definitely have to be the most stressful years for many women.
>>1267361this isnt about you now.
No. 1267392
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>>1267385and yet you would still go to your creep bro's bar if he didnt ban you, priorities am i right.
No. 1267407
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I am sooo bored. Is this all there is to life? Even my hobbies are boring asf now. I am sitting in my car in a parking lot like a retard because I hate being alive and I don’t have the energy to go inside some store or drive back home. So i just sit i guess. As i always do
No. 1267492
File: 1658180321091.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.03 KB, 693x891, DMC5_V_Nude_Mod_pic4.jpg)

finally checked out the nude patches for V, what the fuck is this?? why were women satisfied with this? these are women's legs and the torso is laughably long. has to have been created by a man who can't understand how skinny men are supposed to look. disappointing. at least the dick is big
No. 1267569
>>1267524no, i like his small back and small frame, his legs are just midget sized and obviously women's. it'd look hot if actually suited to his long lanky skinny body
>>1267517it really is. and there's no way he doesn't have tats on his legs. obviously created by a man who hasn't seen a skinny tall man, god they're so porno brained that they even figure "skinny slightly fem man? must have women's legs"
No. 1267600
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>>1267573She was the one trying too hard to be a cunt. Wear your earrings.
No. 1267610
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no because i see a tranny and i automatically laugh. unironically laugh at them because they are so ugly and funny and idc.
t.buff inverted triangle woman
No. 1267611
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They're just coping and delusion posting kek
No. 1267627
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No if anything, the opposite
No. 1267659
>>1267573>I wish she knew she ruined my entire day, maybe she wouldn't have said it if she knew.She probably knew and said it with that intend.
Don't be sad nonna and take it as a compliment. In the end this kind of talk is always some kind projecting of insecure but personality disordered people who want to make others feel as miserable as them and when they see someone keeping up their head high despite circumstances, it reminds them of their own insecurity, something in them starts seething and they start spitting passive-aggressive verbal acid. Truly confident people don't have to "humble"(or whatever you call that) other people. Next time just smile and politely disagree but don't stop, wear whatever you want.
No. 1267735
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>>1267349I only capped this one
No. 1267749
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I can’t fucking sleep it’s too hot. Kill me.
No. 1267779
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no, it motivates me to become /fit/.
No. 1267793
>>1267599It's just a cope, so no. They're looking for any excuse to convince themselves that they're real women. Even with a masculine feature I'm still more feminine than all of them, I will not go bald after 25, my hands are proportionally smaller than a man's, etc. Plus I have a real vagina and uterus, something they will never, ever be able to replicate. On the other hand, many trannies think it's a waste (of what? "femininity"? lmoa) when a woman dresses more masculine, so there's no doubt that they also think it's a waste when women decide not to have children or to go celibate/not engage in vaginal sex. I'm happy that my life choices that have nothing to do with troons makes troons seethe.
>>1267573Do you think she meant to make you feel bad? Maybe she was trying to say that you would look better and more confident if you wore less makeup and accessories? Sometimes wearing excessive makeup makes your insecurity obvious or makes you look fake (even if you're naturally prettier).
Or, idk maybe she was being an asshole on purpose, in which case, fuck her.
No. 1267796
>>1267793cute tomboys piss trannies so goddam much, look at
>>1267779 she's ripped as fuck and still maintains her feminine traits, trannies could never achieve that kek
No. 1267799
>>1267670Your voice is probably enough to tell you're a woman, and I doubt a normal woman would care that much about those features tbh, so don't worry. Not everyone is obsessed with clocking trannies
like on lc.
No. 1267868
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If you're ever in public and an unkempt tired frightened looking young woman avoids your eye contact while occasionally peering at you at awkward intervals. Fear not. It's just me suffering and in fact thinking positive thoughts about you
No. 1267967
I'm just so fucking fed up with this workplace. They promised home office worktools, which I kept asking about and my manager was always like 'Let me talk about this with my manager'. A week passes. Finally she tells me that HO will finally be possible 'either today or during the week. 'I reach out to IT guy, telling him my manager greenlit HO, can I get some sort of worktool? He's like 'Uh, I have to come to the office and see what we got' while also adding that I could just use my own PC at home or buy a laptop (from my own money, because the company doesn't cover it). A week passes and he comes in, gives me a mini PC, tries to set it up, fails, says 'weird, but you should try it at home, maybe it will work for you'. I tried it today and it's not accepting my credentials still and IT guy is on holiday this week and then he's leaving the company. I fucking can't. And there was also a 3 day period where my manager was like 'Talk to IT guy, he will give you something!!' but when I reached out to him, he said my manager hasn't reached out to him at all and so he cannot allocate anything for me. The fucking communication in this company. It's also weird how they don't give company phones but we have to install work apps on our personal phones
No. 1268041
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I will never touch a man again. I'm a virgin, never had piv. My first bf fingered me literally twice. Today I found out I have both HPV and chlamydia. My vagina has been so fucking painful and itchy for the past week, I had pus-like discharge. I also have genital warts, small but still disgusting. I was so fucking ashamed. My doctor told me to ask him if he knows he has it but I bet he fucking doesn't. She also said she wouldn't do anything about the HPV since the warts are small and there's a chance it will clear on its own. I'm still freaking out though. I feel so disgusting and dirty right now.
No. 1268044
>>1268041You got that just from his fingers??? Sorry I’m a kissless virgin so I have no idea, he’s so fucking nasty and I’m sorry that happened
No. 1268168
>>1268041i bet he fucking DOES know he has at least hpv, because if he gave you warts that means he had them too.
look at the bright side, at least its not herpes
No. 1268185
>>1268041im so sorry nonna, but i agree with what
>>1268168 is saying. he knew. you can only spread if you’re having a flare up. and even if he didn’t know, do you want a moid who doesn’t even notice that he has warts going on before he touches someone else?
No. 1268331
>>1268165If you mean a feeder in the sexual sense, my mind wouldn't go there first. People who live together or are v close tend to be fat together because they share meals and bad habits get passed over if you're not super strong willed.
Over 100 pounds is alot. Not you average relationship gain, well above what most people gained in lockdown. It's a shocking amount but probably has a mundane cause. She eats bad around him and he joins in.
No. 1268373
>>1268165>I am never one to blame women since i hate moids, but is this not a feeder situation?? Nah. Just sounds like bad habits have rubbed off on him and he is complacent of the situation as well. Men love to be well fed and lazy if their partners enable it.
Just because he was previously fit doesn't mean he grasped healthy meal prep or make healthy meals for both of them. Most "fit" men I've met pre-relationship are only seemingly fixated on fitness to attract women, or because they're too broke/picky to eat proper, and so shortly after they enter new relationships their masks drop. They become fat because they have completed their objective, and then adopt whatever eating habits of their partners because they often can't be assed to do their own food procurement.
Men, however, are often motivated by fetish. If this were the other way around then I would absolutely suspect the man fattened her so she would fulfil his fantasies and make it harder for her to attract better men.
No. 1268403
>>1268331Nta but she said she last saw him 5 or 6 years ago so he's probably been porking up since before the pandemmy
>>1268373>If this were the other way around then I would absolutely suspect the man fattened her so she would fulfil his fantasies and make it harder for her to attract better men.So true
No. 1268552
>>1268300>>1268302>>1268331>>1268373they don’t live together officially yet but i know they spend a lot of time together (obviously) and yeah if this was the other way around i would suspect feeder fetish immediately. but he really did eat and workout in a balanced way pretty routinely before, i guess i was just surprised that his routine of years was easily erased.
i know people gained weight in the pandemic, but over 100? that’s not normal.
No. 1268577
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my father in law is getting on in age but he still tries to be active and he takes care of vacuuming the main part of the house which i appreciate and is important as you get old to keep up with small responsibilities like that but GOD DAMN IT WHY DO YOU LOVE THAT SHITTY FUCKING VACUUM AND WHY DOES IT TAKE YOU A FULL HOUR TO VACUUM THE LIVING ROOM WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU DO THAT TAKES YOU THAT LONG I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW YOU EVEN DO IT ARE YOU JUST LEAVING IT ON and i know your hearing isnt great and i have no idea what sounds even sound like when you have hearing aids so maybe the sound of the vacuum just doesnt bother you but SOME OF US ARE FUCKING OVERLY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND LISTENING TO THE VACUUM IS A NECESSARY EVIL THAT SHOULD HOPEFULLY LAST AS SHORT A TIME AS POSSIBLE so listening to you vacuum is fucking horrible and it goes on for ages thank you goodbye
No. 1268595
>>1268577The sound of a vacuum cleaner is the most horrible sound besides that of a lawn mower for me. Did you try talking too him that he maybe cleans while you aren't at home? It's nice that he likes doing stuff like that and helps out, but I understand you completely that it's bothering, so talking to each other might help (if he isn't an asshole like my mother who would clean extra long while I was home…)
>>1268579same, nona, same, just wait for the next thread
>>1268586it's very much okay that you don't like it, I don't like to do oral stuff with a guy and I wouldn't want to be kissed by a guy after going down on me either. Sexuality only works if it's okay for both, I've known men/women that don't like oral, still tried it and would be laughed at by friends that they don't like it. I just think that you shouldn't be doing sexual stuff that won't please you or your partner and that any opinion than your own doesn't matter in that case.
>>1268589it took me years to understand that connection between suicidal thoughts and my period. What helped was changing my diet days before, taking some iron supplements, cashew nuts, oats, just knowing what is coming up and trying to consume stuff that is good for your brain and body.
>>1268590can you call someone that takes a look at the situation the dog is in? It's not okay to leave your dog alone the whole damn day, even if it's outside. If you don't have the time for an animal don't get one and your neighbours seem to be selfish idiots for treating a dog like that.
No. 1268609
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I hate myself I hate my life I hate my uterus I want to die
No. 1268727
File: 1658266201119.jpg (708.45 KB, 720x708, 20220719_232254.jpg)

>tfw my birthday wish will be money for full health checkup scan
>wasted the whole year going to doctors, from shitty free healthcare to private ones which always ended up being a waste of money
>i spent only 1 month this year of not being sick or infected
>i have not seen my family in 4 years, first because of COVID now because of the war
>i slowly keep feeling like i am about to lose it
>i cant even work on commissions anymore because of my healthstate
>i feel like i dont have any personality other than being a cleaning maid, sitting and being sick in the apartament
I am so tired. At least there is a small sitcom cartoon i can turn on as a background and forget about lame things around me.
No. 1268756
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All I want are these stupid fucking yellow crocs and they never have them online or in store in my size. JUST LET ME HAVE MY UGLY YELLOW CROCS
No. 1268911
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i'm not going to kill myself, but life really isn't enjoyable or satisfying anymore. it hasn't been for a long time, to be fair. but recently i've reached that point where things keep getting harder, on top of there being nothing to really bring me joy. i can't even enjoy my usual internet hangout spots because of how much people love being rude for no reason.
i'm not good at any of my creative hobbies (art, writing), i don't have any friends, i'm broke, work and school suck, i've got no idea what i'm doing with myself, i dunno. i'm blessed in many ways but i just wish i had more going for my life than "my basic needs are being met"
No. 1268980
>>1268788It's creepy that your man thinks you're a whore for doing something practical like tanning IN YOUR OWN YARD. He doesn't see you as a whole person, he sees a sex object.
>I think he did the best he couldDemand more for yourself! "Best he could," what does this really mean? It sounds like you think he was justified and did some noble thing by not outright calling you a slut. He was blatantly signalling to his friends that he doesn't approve of his uwu such a slut gf. So instead of it just being him judging you, it was a whole group of men. I'm so sorry anon, luckily you have control iver your life and the people you allow in it. Best of luck and I hope you enjoyed your sunshine!
No. 1268986
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For the love of GOD if I have to read one more post on the internet about a woman that coddles and babies her dumbfuck, incompetent manbaby boyfriend/husband I will lose my fucking mind. Stop dating and fucking men that can't even take care of themselves. It's pathetic. You think they care about you? Please. All they want is a fuck mommy to take care of them. And dating a man 10+ years older than you while you're in your 20s? What the fuck? Why? Sick of seeing this everyday. Value yourselves more.
No. 1268999
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>>1268985>hpv on cuticlesPlease tell me youre joking anon
No. 1269047
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>Look for fics
> Character getting raped/"dubiius concent!!!" sex or get thrown outside and eaten alive/pedo incest/sex addicted prostitute in a gang/the most horrible shit you'll ever stumble across
>Somehow always written by a 35+ woman who overdosed on pedo anime in the late 90s/early 2000s
Why can't they just be normal
No. 1269057
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>>1269047Bonus points for
>"Written for sickos just like me">"Delightfully dark">"Don't like, block the tags!" proceeds to not tag anything on purpose>"Stop the puriteens! Stop censorship! Read my comic about a man preying on elementary schoolers!"I wish I could go back to not knowing
>>1269049Shitty stickman husbandos just don't do the trick
No. 1269232
File: 1658303106885.jpg (56.99 KB, 1037x1058, 69mk3k.jpg)

Online class today for a vector program and I want to scream. Where did those other people live before? They are young, the grew up with computers and internet and everything, still, they are so slow and don't understand the simplest things. What I learned so far I could have done in half an hour, not two hours. At least I can sit at home in my pyjamas and don't have to sit in a room at 40 degrees with all of them while exploding inside.
No. 1269352
nonnie you’ve definitely got a big weight on your shoulders. You don’t have to earn the most or be so romantically popular. You’re doing the best you can. Cook yourself some good meals, create something, explore a new place, get in touch with friends and family. Just make sure to show some love to yourself, you need it right now. You can worry about all that stuff next week, ok?