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No. 1269364>>1269418
Nonnies I hate the guys who suddenly stop texting for hours when it's something urgent so fucking much.
I am talking to a guy who's always disappearing in the middle of our conversation. We used to date (just a month), split and now we're taking again and he's acting even worse than before.
>Offered to sell him concert tickets for a band he loves
>He was really into it but wanted to check if he has something on that day
>Then he fucks off for 14 hours leaving me on delivered
He has covid but it's his like 5th day and he said he's feeling better, sure as fuck can type a reply in those 14 hours. I 100% won't believe any excuse he's gonna give me. I got so angry I called him out on fucking off in the middle of our convo, jesus I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm inviting my friend instead and giving up on this piece of negging manipulative shit. Too bad, asshole. You don't have anyone but me and you're treating me like total trash, worse and worse every week, fuck you honestly. I always believed deep down he's a good guy, just lacks social skills but he's a proper asshole. He's been hot and cold on purpose for last two months, he even suicide baited once and it's mentally draining as fuck. I'm a fucking idiot and I know it, I shouldn't have talked to him again after he acted like an asshole the first time. Like Diane said, there's no deep down, what matters is the behavior they show us and not some sparks of kindness buried away which might not even be there.
No. 1269370
>>1269353 mentioned, the most shocking thing for me is how different the seasons are now compared to when I was young. I live in the nordics, and summers as a kid used to be cold. It was a miracle if it went above 20 degrees. We had snow every winter and if you wanted warm weather at all, you had to travel by plane to a warmer country.
Now summers are hot as hell, easily staying between 25 - 30 degrees each day. It's not uncommon for it to be over 30 degrees in the middle of July. If it snows at all in winter, it's only a matter of days before that white snow turns into a sloppy, grey and wet mess. I'm seriously planning to move up beyond the arctic circle just to have something akin to my childhood weather back, if even for a few years. I hate the heat with a passion, and to imagine that it's only getting worse from now on is depressing.
No. 1269391>>1269393
>>1269388no, i've never doxxed myself on discord. the stalker is somebody i know irl (adjacent to school friends) and was friends for a brief moment until i felt uncomfortable so he catfished me and stalked me for years afterwards. he infiltrated online communities to do with my very niche hobbies.
my frustration is i can't go back to when i was a literal teenager to handle that situation better so i didn't have to deal with the pain anymore. sigh.
No. 1269402>>1269406>>1269416>>1270064>>1272608
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>>1269392Have you ever been to like a communal pool where women shower and use the saunas naked together? Idk if every country has those, but I've been to those and believe me most womens tits look nothing like in porn etc. Do you have strech marks, that's why they are "wrinkly"? My boobs grew really fast and I got a FUCKTON of those scars, my tits at 13+ looked like marbled meat slabs, it was fucking awful. But, when years went on the scars faded, and my boobs filled out to like adult woman boobs. Now at 27 they look just normal, I see the scars only when the skin is relaxed like when laying down in bed etc. It's been like that for a few years, I think they started maturing at somewhere around your age, maybe a couple years older. And even if they stay looking "unappealing", that's normal too. Breasts are meant for feeding babies, not to look porny for scrotes. Not that you need to get a baby but you know lol does someone have a Telegraph sub to paste the article, is it any good? Theres a pic at least of different boobs here are some too
No. 1269416>>1269423>>1269424
>>1269394I lost weight gradually over 2 years since I wanted to prevent sagging skin but even when I was fat, the boobs were still just as saggy. Now I’ve just got more wrinkles since the skin didn’t stretch back. The rest of my body stretched back but my breasts didn’t for some reason.
>>1269402> Do you have strech marks, that's why they are "wrinkly"? I do have stretch marks but the wrinkles are different. I think all of my breast tissue is heavily collected towards the nipple so it drags down the whole breast and leave thin/lose skin across my chest with a sack at the bottom if that makes sense. Pretty much like some of breasts in your image but mine hang much lower, imagine a stretched/pulled clay dough ball.
You’re right though that I don’t have much perspective, only my mom and sister, the latter who has a full perky chest, so thank you. I wasn’t trying to say that I want porny scrote breasts… they just look so deflated and sad, a little bit of fullness or even a regular flat chest wouldn’t hurt. I think everyone wants to be desirable and confident when it comes to their sex so the fact that I’m missing a big aspect to that sits on my mind every day.
No. 1269424
>>1269416The first anon you replied to, anon I realize you're uncomfortable with the way your boobs look but a majority of women who don't have A-cups will have an amount of drooping, I even knew girls with A cups who had saggy beasts because it's just super common. I think your weight loss is the reason they're saggy but again, a lot of people have similar life changes and end up with boobs that sag to a degree by the time they're 25.
If you're still very conscious about the way they look, you could however use oils and such to lessen the appearance of stretchmarks and do exercises that help build muscle so you'll have more volume.
If you're planning to have children at some point, don't do anything surgical as they'll sag again even if you don't beastfeed since you'll gain and lose weight. Simpler stuff like exercising and using dermatolog approved topical creams can improve the appearance.
No. 1269450>>1269473
>>1269418You'll be okay nona, you're doing the right thing and soon you won't think of him as anything more than a stepping stone. I promise.
>>1269439I'm so sorry anon. I hope you can find some peace.
No. 1269467>>1269473
Scrote websites are so annoying. They'll call you 'he' 10 times even though your avatar is a woman, they're super hostile to each other for no reason but I guess it's some unfunny joke I don't get. I go there once every 3 months just to remind myself why I only come here.
>>1269439I'm so sorry nonna, that's awful.
No. 1269473>>1269479>>1269507
>>1269450>>1269448>>1269467Thank you all. The hardest and most confusing part is both my father and my brother traumatized me so I can't really grieve them…but I understand how they were feeling when they took their lives.
>>1269456Yes, but I'm finally going home soon. I never want to come back. Honestly I don't even care if my marriage is over now. Whether my husband can get a green card or not used to bother me but after he brought me here and kept me caged in this stupid fucking house…he can do what he wants without me
No. 1269510>>1269513>>1269519
>>1269489>>1269498It's a big tourist destination. I always wanted to go. I figured we would stay for a while and come back to my home country.
I thought he was my soul mate. The things we wanted to achieve were cheaper here. I couldn't deal with the climate, his family, or the illnesses. I lost my health along with my sanity and freedom.
Husband decided I was "too weak" to go out or do anything outside of childcare and by then it was the pandemic. Travel wasn't feasible. I really did not know how bad things were for women nor did I think it through…I was too caught up in the brainwashing of "I need someone to complete me" than anything. If I had known what would become of my life I never would have come here. I gave up my freedom for "love" and it was a sham.
I resent him and unfortunately resent our child because I would have been out of here if it weren't for the kid long ago. Raising a toddler alone while imprisoned in a foreign country was my biggest mistake. I never should have had a child.
No. 1269519
>>1269510You got this honey. I trust you can get out of this situation, you’ll be safe and happy in your actual country and your kid will have (and already does) a badass mom that can overcome tough ass situations. Lots of women don’t even realize that they’re in shitty situations that they should change, but you do and you have the drive. That’s the first step.
If you can, please leave without telling the man as to avoid any child custody complications. Leave and don’t look back. You’ll be okay.
No. 1269528
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>>1269516Damn this is like not without my daughter irl. Wish you the best of luck
No. 1269545
>>1269537I'm not going to specify where I am since my situation is pretty specific and I can easily be doxxed, sorry
No. 1269561>>1269562>>1269569>>1269666
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>>1269554oops thanks for letting me know
>>1269559I am stupid. I deserve to die. Maybe I'll kms too. It runs in the family.
No. 1269571>>1269575>>1269580
>>1269532My mother and I had a similar experience when I was tiny, including her losing a parent when we were out there. You're amazing, anon. I'm so glad you're taking your child and not just leaving them, which you likely could have done. Even if you say you resent the kid sometimes, clearly not enough to abandon them.
I hope everything works out and you can carry on safely together. In our case he followed us and it was a bit of a nightmare, but mothers can be so fucking powerful. Hopefully the father doesn't follow you guys.
Sending love, nona.
>>1269559She could have had hopes of connecting her child to that side of her kid's culture/family. She also said it was temporary and they had plans to go back home.
Regardless, it's not as if she can turn back time and retract the decision. Saying it's a stupid choice is pointless now.
No. 1269580>>1269593
>>1269569I have tried to help the women here by spreading awareness. I can understand her frustration. Women here don't have the option to escape to another country when things get bad. In her eyes it's like I volunteered for this even though I had no earthly idea what it would be like. Everyone was fine until I had the baby and then it was masks off batshit insanity.
>>1269571I'm really sorry to hear you and your mom had a similar situation. How did she manage?
Even if his dad followed us he is not violent..just entitled and pampered by his culture. He is a good dad but absent partner. It's a lot easier for him to be entitled here because he can say "I was working (or wherever he was idk) for 12-14 hours" so he can't do anything meaningful around the house besides laundry.
I love the little one a lot but the longer I'm isolated without any real activities to do the harder it has been. It's not like I can take kid to a local park or even walmart if we need a change of scenery. We just have this house and our street. I can only do so much and be so much but it's never enough. Never. It's worse now because I'm dealing with some weird grief for my brother and my emotions are really unstable.
No. 1269593>>1269601
>>1269580>How did she manage?It was tough, he had us isolated in an area basically in the middle of nowhere and when he broke his absences he would bring questionable people around. My mother had an awful childhood which oddly primed her to keep me safe.
My father was a genuine BPDfag and violent, but we managed to get back. A huge custody battle evolved and my mother almost lost, but we won both due to her persistence and because I was born in our home country. If your husband isn't deranged like mine perhaps he won't feel the need to chase. But if he does, definitely take note of any child abuse in his family, ANY flaws in the idea of him raising your kid, and develop as stable a home life as you can when you get back (housing, employment, another guardian so he can't argue against you being a lone single mother, etc.).
Good luck, anon.
No. 1269601>>1269613
>>1269593That sounds horrendous. Your mom is a hero. Thank you for the tips nonna. I am going to do my best when I get home to give kid and I the life we deserve.
Do you remember any of it? Did it affect you into adulthood? I really hope my kid can adjust to normalcy after being cooped up for years.
No. 1269613>>1269634
>>1269601As an adult I am healthy by internal (self-love and general happiness) and external (educated and employed) standards.
But I definitely struggled a bit socially and dealt with anger issues/numbness/suicidal thoughts as a late teen. My mother and I disagree on some things now, but she was always the one to help me through all of that and so now I'm stable (with no need for meds). We have an inseparable bond.
Teen years are rough for everyone, but the psych my mom took me was correct when she said the events would have the largest impact when my teens hit. So beware of that.
If you're there for your child and use your own experiences with mental health, I think you can get through it for sure.
No. 1269646>>1269665
Talked to my mother the other day about being openly gender critical, which I've been for 5 years now. She was concerned about me getting lynched, not physically by a man in womanface, but socially through social media. I told her I don't have any social media other than whatsapp. She then proceeded to semi-defend trannies by arguing that maybe they just don't ''identify'' (yes, she used that word) with what traditionally males do. I decided not to talk about how men remain the fucking same after chopping their dicks off or putting silly dresses, instead I tried to argue that that won't break sex roles, it would rather perpetuate them. She replied that we must erase the idea of certain roles being linked to one of the sexes. Why can't she follow this line of thought and see how ridiculous this tranny thing is? She's been a left wing atheist working class woman all her life. She even agrees with me that gay men have a special type of misogyny towards us, she hass never given a fuck about the LGB people (like a true classic working class left wing heterosexual gen x woman), so why is she unbothered by the trans craze? I've always thought my mother was slightly homophobic. It's weird how this shit doesn't trigger the alarms of so many people that lowkey wish their kids don't turn out homosexual. And it's not that she holds any religious reasoning of accepting trans because it ''makes gay people turn straight'', because as I said, she's an atheist. She literally begged I stop being so loud about hating men who pretend to be women. Is she suffering from common internalized misogyny or is it something else? I told her I couldn't help it, all this shit makes my blood boil, she replied she doesn't care about this issue.
No. 1269755>>1270952
>>1269723Tbh the only "content " of him i liked was his OSRS stream. For "video reaction" content i prefer watching one of the OG youtubers who is a nice dad of 3 cute kids.
I think Critikal mainly became popular because of him forcing his voice to sound deep and he didn't look like an unkempt NEET before he broke up with his first gf. Still, I find him creepy because of his "haha funny" dildo collection and crossdressing.
No. 1269852>>1269856>>1269874>>1270068
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I lost my phone in my house 3 days ago and I haven't found it since. I'm still searching but I can't godamn find it
No. 1269956>>1270013>>1270203
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I hate what the body positivity movement has become. It seems like a massive cope for obese women to force their way into being attractive. Not even questioning why a woman has to base her worth on her looks. I've had psoriasis since I was 8 and I've not once seen representation for it. I used to have a flaking itchy red patch on my cheek that didn't heal until I was 15. And because I've hot dark skin, it left hyperpigmentation. I've got loads of hyperpigmentation patches on my body from psoriasis. I've only got two small patches of psoriasis now but I know its never going to go away. The only other person I've met with my type of psoriasis has it even more severe than I did. I don't want attention, or to be seen as desirable, all I'm asking for is acceptance for people with incurable skin conditions. I don't want to deal with the bullying or the stares or the unsolicited advice. I want to be comfortable in my body.
No. 1269986>>1269999>>1270035>>1270063
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>try to find pics to put in the Attractive men thread
>the guy is Edward Furlong
>want to find pics of him in his 20s, but photos when he was a kid pops up anyway
>click on a photo where he looks like he's somewhere in his late teens to early 20s
>click the link to the website attached
>it's an early 2000s borderline-pedo site involving little boys in swimsuits
>the homepage says 'Ken's World of Boys in Television & Movies Presents Many of The Best Of Boy Actors You will NEVER find any XXX-rated pictures here. You will always find beautuful boy actors at their best! Please only link to this page. Other page locations can & will change. Click on picture to get larger version. Now, for the boy actors. Here's a few lovely examples'
No. 1269999
>>1269986sorry men are disgusting,
nonny. hope you found the pics you originally wanted!
No. 1270035>>1270075
I'm so sick of everything being porn-y. Even the front page of youtube is steeped in this shit and porn/fetish youtube videos are allowed to slip by. Do men ever get tired of sexualizing women? What do women have besides the marina how to be a heartbreaker music video and harry styles?
>>1269986Reminds me of men on ebay trading posters of boy actors from the 90s like River Phoenix.
No. 1270098
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Why the hell does my sister have to go "well I had it worse, I am sicker, I was actually doing worse, actually you're just whining" when she finds out about anyone, legit anyone being sick with something, be it chronic or not? For example, when someone breaks a bone, she will INSTANTLY go into a smug rant on how she once snapped a finger at school and akshually that's way worse. When she found out I have late stage endometriosis, she shut that down by saying she has worse endo even though she genuinely doesn't, she just fucking doesn't, not that it's a race or that I ever talk about it, my mom just told her because I have been getting a lot of surgeries due to it and she just went on a rant again. "I could've been infertile so mine's worse" and I actually am infertile with cancer suspicion, it's not a fucking race you thin lipped bitch?
No. 1270157>>1270163>>1270187>>1270202
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Long sperg but god I hate my grandfather to no end - it's not funny, and it angers me that my grandmother just lets him get away with it - enabling of sorts? I don't know how she put up with him for 4 almost 5 decades.
Idiot lives rent free and is a bum. Doesn't pay for anything unless it's for himself or for someone he wants to look good to.(usually young, skinny women and the financially stable…) Has no respect for anyone but expects us to pity him, has piss poor hygiene, is also the biggest fucking know it all. Lies constantly to look good that everytime he opens his shit breath mouth you can tell it's bullshit. Sometimes he even lies about my mother's circle of the family to make us look bad… has ripped my mum and I off several times too. Used to slap me and my cousin's asses when we were kids and would play it off like a joke, sometimes even touched us inappropriately… nobody believed us though. But hell, the pos even impregnated his own sister when he was 22 and she was 14!!! Wish his family didn't protect this sick freak so much… all this shit, and he still believes he's above women!
He's also the main reason why I developed a binge eating problem!!!! When I was a little girl and we'd go somewhere, I'd tell him what I wanted to eat(for example, a little pack of sushi), he'd buy me 4x the amount out of anger and force me to eat all of it, even if I was even uncomfortably full, before we could go home. When I started gaining more and more weight, he'd always make fun of me for it and even started telling people that I was eating all of HIS food, would even give me a shit load of food when in front of whoever he told this to and made me eat it.
All these years I tried to love him but I just can't bring myself to try anymore. This shithead is one of the biggest reasons why I'm a fucked up individual today. Sorry to sperg so much, I've just never felt genuine hatred for anyone before.
No. 1270436>>1270463
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I feel like such a pathetic boring person. I have no female hobbies/interests but I also don't have male ones. I am not feminine but I'm also not masculine despite having a clear personality. I wish I could get men to like me but I'm not feminine enough. I wish I could at least bond with other women but I can't bond with either gender because there's nothing we have generally in common to chit-chat about.
No. 1270438
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I'm so miserable for no reason. I hate thinking about anything money even when I do not spend it. I want to kill myself. Thanks for listening.
No. 1270439>>1270447
>>1270434I posted freaking out because I saw some porn of a woman? man? A person with masectomy scars and a vagina but I swear I scrolled down more on their reddit profile and they had a dick too at some point? One
nonny mentioned how they can create a fake dick but the one I saw in the profile was real. I couldn't tell wtf and wasn't willing to do the gender math kek
There are more but wouldn't you know it, I can't recall in this moment what they were. In related news this is my first sober day off of weed in many years lmao
What about you nona? What was your comment?
No. 1270474
>>1270452I checked that thread! I think this person was posted in a few threads around the same time. Oh well, thanks
nonnie>>1270466I'm sorry bb, try to allow yourself space to process and don't force anything. I'm glad you're okay physically though. You're very strong for keeping it together for your mother.
No. 1270487>>1270488
>>1270466I was going to be funny and ask you to guess but I remembered Brazil is not the only country around here that shit like this happens.
>>1270466Thank you, nona! Sending you love.
>>1270475That's actually solid advice and common behavior around here kek. Unfortunately, they took my two fake phones the first time (and the real one). Thankfully I've stopped carrying more than my driver's license and bus card, so at least I didn't lose credit cards and such.
No. 1270492>>1270494
I go to college for theater and I’m in this play with this dude who keeps sexually harassing the cast, but gets excused every time because he’s autistic. Genuinely not sure what to do, cause the dude was filming girls without them knowing, cornering us at the bus stop. I was planning on reporting it, but kept getting “we’ll have you considered he’s autistic? He doesn’t understand social cues so like he doesn’t MEAN to sexually harassing you when he’s sexually harassing you.” and it was obvious they wouldn’t listen and it’d all get thrown back on me. I’m going to probably be in another production with this absolute creep and idk how I can deal with it next semester.
I’ve tried hard not to be offensive cause I’m honestly a total sjw too nice for my own good, but it’s hard when they keep bringing it back to him being autistic to trip me up and get me to stumble over my words. They’re pretending they give a shit about mental health when he’s harassing multiple women who have been raped on the cast. Honestly, though, I feel like he can get away with anything because people are just saying he’s too stupid to know better. I don’t believe that, obviously, because I don’t think autistic people are dumb as bricks. He knows what he’s doing. And if he didnt know what he’s doing and can’t help himself keep him away from women??? But womens mental health doesn’t matter I guess. We just need to protect the dude filming women on campus without their knowledge.
Worst part is he sucks totally and can’t act and we have to work with him, while he bullies us backstage.
Men die in a hole challenge.
No. 1270494>>1270505
>>1270492Report him and let someone else deal with it. It's not your job to coddle grown men. Sorry you're dealing with this.
In HS my bf hung around the special-ed kids a lot and he said the one autistic scrote that walked around campus with his carer giving girls long hugs knew exactly what he was doing. Obviously it's a spectrum but this guy seemed very um, affected if you will and still was perving on girls.
No. 1270505>>1271169
>>1270494When we finished our play it was after the whole depp/heard trial. No matter your stance on the trial it seemed a poor time for me to report weird shit against women. It psyched me out.
I did report to my director, multiple times, at one point everyday, but all he did was give him a talk like “pwease stop harassing women. Not like we’ll stop u or anything tho” so I just got disenfranchised.
If something happens again tho I need to go report it to the school and I will. You’re right.
But yeah he is exactly like you’re describing, putting hands on women and hugging them, even staring at our fucking tits during conversations. I rly don’t want this to alter my view of autistic ppl, but the way he’s able to hide and just pretend he has no idea what he’s doing and be like “I have no social skills tho” is making me rly bitter and I rly don’t want to think that about people. Sorry this is long.
No. 1270512
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wish people would stop expecting me to play vidya with them when no one ever wants to team up in games i play, or respect my time and make me wait hours before they're ready
No. 1270559>>1270571
>>1270539I only feel bad for homeless women because there's a good chance she's homeless because she was financially dependent on an
abusive scrote or came from an
abusive household. I feel nothing for homeless moids who brought their situation onto themselves because they couldn't control their ape impulses
No. 1270593>>1270598
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my ex bestie is retarded. i still go onto her social media when im bored because she is such a cow to me now. A bit ago i saw her using her other account to tweet at herself. it was an image of herself using discord to ask something..and her other discord responded. so 4 accounts in total interacting with each other…and its all her. I know its her discords because i have both of them blocked, same profile pics as in the image. Im baffled. How can someone be this mentally ill? I want to message her so bad and ask her what the fuck is up with her, or maybe one of her friends, but i cant. i just wish i knew what goes on in this womans head, what makes her this weird suddenly. maybe im at fault too, perhaps she had some psychological damage due to having no close friends anymore kek
No. 1270630>>1270634>>1270642>>1270650>>1270672>>1270689
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My boyfriends's ex is a mouth breathing dimpled chinlet who can't naturally close her lips because of her astronomically large horse teeth and has the body of a surfboard but she was thinner than me when they dated 4+ years ago so that means I'm cripplingly insecure to the point of depression (even though she got chubby and i lost 20lbs and am the thinner one now) and I need to be skinner than her when they were dating or I'll rip my own ears off.
>picrel is me
No. 1270634
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>>1270630>My boyfriends's ex is a mouth breathing dimpled chinlet who can't naturally close her lips I present you another character from the same game you posted
No. 1270642>>1270692
>>1270630Are you sure your boyfriend isn’t the uggo? I’m sure you look fine
nonnie, take care of your weight and health. Bone rattling will open the gate for a million more insecurities.
No. 1270692
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>>1270642Thanks Nona sometimes I just have to lose my shit for a second
>>1270650Absolute grade A retardation
>>1270655it is simple
nonnie, I am deeply self conscious and use it as my rage copium
>>1270672No it's all me, he's too nice.
No. 1270823
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I’m too depressed to want to consume things omg I used to just go down schizoid rabbit holes of info that would not enrich my life in any way but it would keep me occupied and I’d have some endless trove of retarded information to distract me. I also used to be very into music but I’m having a hard time even enjoying that lately. I don’t like any YouTubers and the fleeting moment of interest where I’m learning things from random ones just are not sticking. I’m afraid I might have to get actual hobbies again ladies, I haven’t had them since right before pandemic.
No. 1271056
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>>1271019I'm proud of you, anon. You have financial freedom now and depend on no one but you, the ultimate goal really. You did it!
No. 1271063
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>>1271019Nonna, I hope you will find better friends. I bet you worked really hard to achieve it, good job!
No. 1271266
>>1271253Pomodoro timer online,
nonnie. Works for me!
No. 1271371>>1271442
>>1271341Be aware nona, there's old people who claim they can't use computers so you do all the work.
"Ignorance is bliss but arrogance is better" kind of mentality.
No. 1271427>>1271432
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I do not feel safe around my male relatives. One of them I extremely hate and they have been diagnosed with autism and a few years ago would always send messages to me and my sister via text trying to terrorize us, calling us a bitch, trying to emotionally manipulate me because I rather play a game than hang out with a fucking awful human being who drew a swastika on the drawing board we used to have just to make me and my sister scared. He would fake apologize only because we complained repeatedly to our own mother about being harassed. It truly opened both of our eyes that whatever that thing we are supposed to call our brother does not give the slightest fuck about anyone but himself, but we are expected to be treated like absolute shit just because we never have him attention 24/7 even though he withdrew himself ALL THE TIME. It finally escalated once law enforcement out of all people ended up at our doorstep twice, last one was going on twitter and threatening to kill political officials in our country and wanting to rape/kill people. He got off completely scott-free and all he received was a fucking soft lecture. I’m so afraid of looking through my blocked messages because I am afraid it will say something and it will confirm what I’ve been afraid of for years now, that he wil eventually become a mass shooter and kill the people I care about.
No. 1271435>>1271453
>>1271430Because you were easy enough of a lay without the commitment already
Not my opinion but that's the usual thinking of those type of guys
No. 1271442>>1271455
>>1271369Good idea, I might just email her some tutorials. It is definitely out of my scope and not my responsibility, which is what has been frustrating. I mean, it’s even in the job description that you must have basic computer skills to apply, which I guess she lied about having. We use much more complicated computer programs, so her not knowing at least the basics is concerning. She struggles with spelling too, always asks how to spell something, and didn’t know about autocorrect until I told her. It’s odd because she has been to college and should’ve picked this stuff up. English is her first and only language too. Maybe she has a disability that wasn’t mentioned to the rest of us, as harsh as that sounds.
>>1271371I didn’t even think about that. Most old people I’ve encountered seem to actually struggle (will delete folders on accident, move things to another folder and lose them on accident, etc) with some computer use. I almost wonder if the new employee is doing what you said though? Acting dumb on purpose so I help her? But that’s just so pathetic…
No. 1271453
>>1271434I'm just so fucking pissed, he was one of the "nice beta guys"
>>1271435I didn't do it until years in
No. 1271519>>1271533
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What is it about characters like this that make them tranny magnets?
No. 1271564
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>>1271555I've got some news about algorithms for you big guy
No. 1271587>>1271590>>1271609
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I had some beers and a cocktail at last night’s pub trivia and holy fucking hell i am in a world of pain today combined with the worst diarrhea I’ve had in months. Literally shaking and clammy rocking back and forth on the toilet and I want to die. Mid-30s hangovers are awful and I never believed people when they joked about it. I hate this so much, I hate alcohol, I’m sticking with weed from now on because absolutely fuck this
No. 1271591
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>>1270371>>1270394late to the game but as a person from a nonwhite/Muslim background, i completely agree.
i don't think people understand how much domestic abuse happens in our families, you think you know but nobody really knows. 10 girls I grew up with disappeared and have fake puppet FB accounts to demonstrate "proof of life" after they were shipped out of the country (and they were born US citizens mind you). so many of us are literally murdered because we get coerced into "visiting family back home" and get our passports taken.
even nonwhite men who play into "woke liberal" rhetoric in public will help their parents abuse their sisters. This thread recently went viral on twitter
No. 1271661>>1271673
>>1271650It's perfectly fine, spotting happens at random times and it could just be old blood from your previous menstrual cycle.
>>1271653I'm going haunt your dreams tonight. Sleep tight fucker.
No. 1271762>>1271790>>1271796>>1271801
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I've been a neet for so long and I tried to claw my way out of it. I live in a hellhole and jobs are scarce. I finally have an oppurtunity. The job is nice, it is something I genuinely like. They've sent an assignment, but being depressed for so long has dulled my talents, I feel like a fucking baby with a tabula rasa instead of a brain. I've been trying to do this shit nonstop for the past week, focusing like I've never focused in my entire life but I've made very little progress. I genuinely didn't even take breaks and I still can't do it. I feel like I might be truly retarded nonas. I'm so close to giving up. I've finally seen light at the end of the tunnel only to realize there is a cliff between me and the exit. I feel so hopeless and I am deeply considering killing myself. I feel like if I can't do this my life is doomed because an oppurtunity like this will never appear again.
No. 1271766>>1271776
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Anons got a couple of screws loose if they think I'm playing the webms in that Alicia thread.
ugh I hope that kid can be taken away from her or something. It's clear she's mentally unwell
No. 1271785>>1271869
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Amerifag trying to get her drivers license extremely late in life (not old just way older than the standard age of 16) I waited because right around the time all my peers were getting the permits/ licenses, several members of my family got into car accidents which caused me to have horrific nightmares every night of me being killed or someone I love being killed in a car accident. I don’t want to drive but the way every state in this country is setup (outside of NY) you are royally fucked without a vehicle let alone license. Well, I’m almost to the finish line and feel confident enough to take my test but now the dmv is telling me I have to provide my own vehicle. What? How does that even make a little bit of sense. This is a government agency?? Asking me to bring them a fully registered, intact, working vehicle so I can get my…license??! How the hell am I supposed to do that? Oh yeah-here let me just pull this honda civic out of my ass crack. Okay, let’s go take that test! No one I know will be able to lend me their car the time of my appointment. I am incredibly pissed off and I will probably have to drop $300+ for driving lessons with a school which I really don’t want to do because I just quit my job and I have saved the exact amount I need for a down payment on a car. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?? I need a gotdamn license to get a gotdamn car.
No. 1271801
>>1271762oh poor
nonnie just use a lot of free and available resources and references kek, you have to bullshit it at first to get back into it and refresh.
No. 1271893
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I'm worried for a relatively old friend of mine that I still stay in contact with. Our lives have gone in really different directions, that's fine, but she's since been in terrible relationships with moids that have obviously been affecting her. Right now she's dating this freelance cosplay photographer who almost exclusively takes photos of other ladies with their ass out, he's constantly interacting with them on socials, etc. while she's expected to be the cool girl about it. He looks like a caveman next to her too! I don't mean to take away her agency from her terrible choice in partners, but it's frustrating, I wish I could convince her that it's not worth it…Though I feel like she would just tell me that isn't very inclusive of me to suggest. Ugh.
No. 1272033>>1272042>>1272048>>1272061
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everything that could be wrong with my body looks wise is. i’ve been wanting a double mastectomy for years, stopped for a while but now with summer i’ve been shirtless at home and just can’t ignore how fucked up and bad my boobs are. the thought of someone seeing me naked scares me so much.
No. 1272050>>1272057
>>1272042why can’t my body not be gross, i don’t wanna stay covered up in my own home in this heat
>>1272048sure normal health wise, but they are just completely fucked looking. nobody would like them, they literally have all the least desirable traits.
No. 1272070>>1272079>>1272080>>1272081>>1272094>>1272118
>>1272057lol it’s not from porn, just everyone hates boobs like mine. sometimes I would see posts of people talking about boobs and it’s always “I don’t like boobs with (trait I have)” every fucking time.
>>1272061my sister would make fun of my boobs and butt all the fucking time, literally i would just walk into a room and she would say “saggy boobs!” and one time i was watching a movie with a friend and she made fun of a woman’s areola size when mine are even bigger. I hate them, there is nothing good about them. You can say they look fine to try and make me feel better but I know if you actually saw them you would be disgusted or laugh.
No. 1272079>>1272096>>1272099
>>1272070Hey I also have saggy boobs with big areolas (and tiny nipples), and one is noticeably bigger than the other. Compared to "perfect" tits, they're smaller and have an unflattering shape. But I have learned to accept them as they are and I even like them now.
Also where do you think those opinions come from? Porn, ads, media, everything that tells people what a perfect woman must look like. All women grow insecure to the point of body dysmorphia because of things like these.
Your sister sounds immature as fuck, I hope she realizes now how her words affected you and apologizes for it.
Also there's lots of people who find big areolas attractive, and people who don't even think about the shape or size of a woman's breasts at all.
No. 1272096
>>1272079I have what I now realise are 'perfect' bewbs (symmetrical, perky, small pink nips) and this
>Also where do you think those opinions come from? Porn, ads, media, everything that tells people what a perfect woman must look like. All women grow insecure to the point of body dysmorphia because of things like these.I researched breast implants at 15/16, different surgeries and before and afters. This was pre-instagram and filters and normalised internet porn, it's unavoidable.
The truth is if your body is healthy that's all that matters. Men's boners are not our concern and it's ridiculous women internalise it as something we should care about.
No. 1272202>>1272205>>1272213
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>end up ongoresite
>videos involving women have the highest views, especially compilations of photos of deceased women
I hate these sites and I shouldn’t be surprised but fucking hell
No. 1272211
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Why do men think it’s their job and purpose to punish women. It’s fucking sick. Even handmaidens seldom resort to being so pathetic and obsessive. Even gay men. I’m over it. They’re so obsessed with the morale of women as well and always want to talk about what we do, what we wear, how we look, what would make us look better, what we aren’t doing good enough or what they would do if they were us. Their whole lives just one big long fanfic about how we fail while they do absolutely nothing and dickride men constantly. And if they don’t like a man, they’ll ignore them, unless they’re trying to prove they aren’t predatory to their social media following. Disgusting.
No. 1272273
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This made me laugh
No. 1272302
>>1272111thank you nonna, I don't have defense spray or such because I know I'm too dumb to use them and can't run for shit. I only use bus or subways, tbh my only defense tactic is when in danger always take street I know with stores or restaurants open late at night. Also I live in walking distance of a police station in case a guy follow me home again.
>>1272164I feel for you, especially how little biracial or light skin women I saw irl next to dark skin women who are non white or north east asian.I even saw multiple commercials with biracial girl with black dad and white mom in my country even tho it's not the most common ethnic mix. I'm honestly thinking about faking being married with kids now to see if it can lower the interaction time.
No. 1272350>>1272353>>1272370
File (hide): 1658485259866.jpg (46.77 KB, 703x430, Screenshot 2022-07-22 032009.j…)

Hmmm no, that didn't work. But I can usually just type the thread name in the browser address bar and bookmarks/history items come up. Here's a perfect example, we're in Vent Thread #136. Why isn't it listed here?
No. 1272370>>1272377>>1272380
>>1272353>>1272350Could it be because you haven't visited the newer threads as much as you've visited the older ones? The more you visit them, perhaps they'll slowly appear as the first history suggestions.
Though I don't get why this
>>1272321 happens and I agree that Chrome's browse history search function sucks ass. if you don't type in the exact phrase or URL in the exact way it is, or if you search for a mix of parts of the URL and parts of the page title, you won't get any results. It sucks even more when you can't remember the title or URL and are just guessing.
>>1272354NAYRT but she meant how to search for an already visited page in her Google Chrome browsing history. Not how to find a lolcow thread on Google (on the internet).
Good night, it looks like you're really tired kek.
>>1272326I for one I'm glad that newer generations are realizing how creepy and fucked up it is that idols start their careers that young since now It's well-known that sexual abuse is rampant in the music industry.
No. 1272380>>1272383
>>1272354AYRT,I tried that and told you it didn't work! I really appreciate your responses tho
nonnie tysm. Or did you mean to type that all in and press enter? I see what you mean now, those google search tricks to narrow results, like using "-" to exclude a term, etc. I'm talking about not pressing enter, I'm referring to the little menu that pops up when you begin to type in the address bar.
>>1272370I think you're right that it must be the amount of times I have visited a page affecting whether or not it comes up.
Thanks nonnas!
No. 1272381>>1272384
>>1272326>>1272377I'm not into kpop or whatever but I think kpop idols starting out at like 15 after years of "training" is creepy as fuck.
Well everything about kpop is creepy as fuck if you look from a distance like I have.
No. 1272387
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>>1272385Samefag, for example I have the Lolcow Search page bookmarked for easy access. When I want to bring it up, I type "LCF Search" in the Chrome address bar without pressing enter and it pops up, as that is what I have the bookmark named.
No. 1272398>>1272404
Fine, I’ll say it.
Why did you want to be my friend? You didnt have to be kind to me. You didnt have to hangout with me for years. You chose to be my friend. I knew you were friends with my ex but I didnt trash talk him. I didnt alienate you for choosing to be friends with a manipulative moid.
You went to the gym, smoked and chilled with me for years! YEARS. I thought we were actually friends.
Then, when my brother was violently murdered you ghosted me. ME. Who was always one call away, no matter what. You didnt think I needed your support while processing the trauma of knowing my mother and step dad plotted his murder?
You fucking ghosted me as soon as you met your girlfriend. You treated me like a freak for wanting to meet the woman you were ready to marry? Why wouldnt I?!
Why was I suddenly not friend worthy? Because of what? My fucked up life led me to a loss that took the spark for a while?
You dont practice what you preach. You just fit the current social mold.
In reality YOU are the freak. You went from being a beautiful creative butch to a narcissistic “trans” man. You can see on your timeline; thoughtful photography of nature and details turned into a snooze fest of the same hashtags and pose to show off your -transformation - into a man.
You genuinely disgust me because you went from a women celebrating woman to using your platforms to support gender erasure.
You want to be -one of the boys- so badly you adopted the moid mindset.
Maybe you were just nice to me in hopes you could eventually sleep with me, idk. I didnt mislead you once, only showed love and support for my friend. Now I laugh at your pathetic costume of a man.
You fucking idiot, youve chopped of your chest and pumped your body full of hormones. To be one of the guys. Do you know justin is a pedo? do you know thomas has made repetitive rape jokes and violent threats against women? DO YOU EVEN CARE?
Probably not.
But for the record I used to have a crush on you. I didnt verbalize it but only because you liked being my ex’s friend. And I didnt want to add stress to your life. Glad I didnt make a move, because I would not tolerate this troon behavior.
Fuck you, fuck your attempt of BECOMING A MAN. (What is wrong with you honestly?) fuck you for pretending to be my friend, fuck you for being friends with acid abusing secual harassing moids. Fuck you for not having the BALLS to verbalize what you needed or wanted from our friendship. I hope your precious pronouns are constantly invalidated and that you experience gender dysmorphia forever you vain conceited fake bitch
No. 1272404>>1272408
>>1272398>my brother was violently murdered >my mother and step dad plotted his murderJesus anon, I'm so sorry.
kek though
>Fuck you for not having the BALLS No. 1272408>>1272410>>1272435
>>1272404Thank you nonna for listening, and Im glad you got a little laugh out of it.
Yeah I know. I grew up in a Jerry Springer worthy home; thankful I got out, being a black sheep.
No. 1272410>>1272419
>>1272408Hell yeah, good job getting out of that
nonnie. Sorry your friend turned out to be a piece of shit. You obviously have a much higher level of empathy and maturity than her. I hope you can make a new bestie asap!
No. 1272558>>1272560>>1272563>>1272566>>1273630
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>My mom used my hangers to dry dad's shit stained boxers
Classic, the absolute audacity of this pickme, is not my fault you got trapped in this shitty marriage with a retarded and gross manchild who can't even do his own laundry, imagine washing shit stained boxers from a serial cheater, don't fucking use my things ever again you bitch
No. 1272585
>>1272550I agree, sadly. It's about to peak me on LC tbh, it's so annoying and it's in every single thread.
Inb4 "leave then scrote" or whatever
No. 1272587
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>>1272563Why am I the only one who doesn't seem to understand this comment. Where did OP say that her parents have 2 different laundry hampers?
No. 1272621
>>1269329mommy issues rant incoming Everytime we drive anywhere we get lost because the gps will tell her to take a right turn, I'll tell her to take a right turn, and she'll turn left. Multiple times.
She's been complaining about her wrist for like a month, has full insurance from her job in education (so she's on vacation at home with nothing to do right now), but won't go get a second opinion. When she went the first time they gave her antibiotics that she refused to take because she wants 'natural antibiotics and not pills' and a cast she won't wear because I guess it's not fitted right and hurts. So she's wrapping her arm up with onions and garlic to reduce the inflammation and pain (clearly not working if she's still complaining about it).
She's also told me she wanted to ask my dad if she can hitch a ride back to our home state with him… And his wife and his son (my youngest brother). As far as I know, my mom and stepmom don't get along well, as my father is a dog who flirts with anything that moves. And my mom humors him for some unknown reason. I cut him off three or four years ago because he's a piece of shit "father", and in those years the two of them got closer I guess? When I was a kid they both hated each other.
It's just like… Why me? She's the type of woman that likes those big ugly fuzzy slides and at this point I'm embarrassed to be her kid
No. 1272666>>1272678>>1272724>>1272808
>>1272651Find some better way to spend your time, what you're doing is annoying and useless, which is probably indicative of you're entire personality in real life. People come here to vent and have little back and forth conversations sometimes, not be annoyed with the type of replies you'd get from a scrote. Fuck off literally no one appreciates or wants you here.
>>1272657Because you started an infight you fucking idiot. You are all so fucking annoying and retarded, hope you're real happy about acting like a cunt for no fucking reason at all.
No. 1272678>>1272701
>>1272668So you don't agree with OP?
>>1272666>Find some better way to spend your timeRight back at ya. I merely said that you won't leave despite your complaints and I was right in that.
No. 1272681>>1272682>>1272692
>>1272673>>1272668So it's either bait or an underage newfag who is legit offended because someone called them out. Sometimes people admit that they cause infights on purpose just for the sake of it, but also Twitterfags love to fight over trivial shit.
In either case, you shouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing they got people to reply to them. They should be treated exactly like how moidposters should be treated, completely ignored, and if they try really hard to detail a thread, reported.
No. 1272688>>1272697
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I hate poly guys. I have yet to meet a guy that identify as polyamorous that aren't experts at figuring out your weaknesses so they can use them against you to get under your skin. The way they manipulate the women that agree to date them is ridiculous, I have friends that are fully aware of the relationship not being sane but they're still willing to sacrifice everything for those assholes and I admit I myself decided to try it out a couple of years ago with it ending with me being an emotional wreck just a couple of months into it because he kept pushing my boundaries and claimed I just didn't understand polyamory whenever I tried to put my foot down.
Before anyone tells me I had it coming, I have always been against the concept of poly, but when a poly friend asked me out I figured that this was an opportunity to see how that thing ACTUALLY works since it's getting so popular and I wasn't seeing a serious future with him anyway but yes it was a big stupid mistake and I should have known better, but at least I can honestly say I know what I'm talking about with poly people being full of shit.
No. 1272724
>>1272698>>1272692>>1272710Jfc stop assuming you know who posted what, that shit is so fucking annoying. This is my last fucking post of the day and I'm gone, I wanna finish my fucking teddy grams in peace and you guys get on my nerves like annoying children. This is the only fucking time I've ever bitched about the atmosphere on this site so don't fucking say "you people whine about lolcow everyday and then come back wahhh."
These were mine:
>>1272701>>1272666>>1272655>>1272647>>1272550Are we good? Did you guess right? Bye. Any further replies aren't me so stop fucking guessing.
No. 1272782>>1272786
>>1272732If she's the infighting sperg, then that's wild because what she said in this instance is actually accurate and relatable. It's true that there's currently a problem with how a certain rash of posters act. The dogpiling and aggression is an issue, and the fucked up part is that you don't even need to be arguing with someone initially or being inflammatory. They scroll through threads, see normal posts, give the most insane/bad faith replies, derail the whole thread if the OP dares to say anything, and then they blame them for replying in the first place when they're the one that tried to start something (kind of like what you're doing now). They don't come here to talk to people, they come here to talk
at them, and are enraged whenever it doesn't go their way.
It happens for both politically heavy subjects and very small shit like makeup, and posters like this are slowly making the site unbearable.
No. 1272786>>1272789>>1272801
>>1272775>>1272782Yeah, if only the one complaining wasn't also the one doing exactly what she complains about just because someone said she won't leave regardless.
>>1272780>>1272781I deleted it because the person I responded to deleted their posts and that's not even what I posted, I recalled a similar mindset shitting up cgl. Also you yourself don't have to delete your posts just because of spelling errors.
No. 1272808>>1272821>>1272855
>>1272801Because she said lolcow is like female 4chan, which is a pretty dumb take previously proudly paraded by incels and twitterfags insulting the place. And if she doesn't like it here, then the obviously solution is to leave, instead of coming back tomorrow and starting the same spergfest over any vaguely disagreeing opinion.
Everyone is free to reply but you can't complain about everyone being vitriolic, insulting, cunty and dogpiling, advertise to ignore stuff you don't like and to "fucking behave" while writing posts of barely any substance but personal insults and alogging like
>>1272701>>1272666>>1272655>>1272647>>1272550 No. 1272817
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Man it hurts being ghosted by "friends" out of nowhere. At least tell me what's wrong or tell me if it's me. This friend and I texted about a week ago and she asked if I was in town to meet up and I said "no" because I was on holiday but that I'd get back to her once I'm back. I texted her today and saw that her whatsapp profile pic, status and everything was gone and that my message only has one checkmark…
No. 1272834>>1272839
>>1272829This is the third time you claim to leave now, all with deranged infighting fanfictions instead of actually responding to the post. You are what you complain about and you'll stay here because of it.
>>1272823I said you don't have to, barely anyone but actual infighters looking for something dumb to derail over care about spelling or deleted posts.
No. 1272839>>1272840
>>1272834And yet here you are, derailing over it.
Like I said, we're all retards at this point for fighting so long itt. Good job nona, you won! I'm outta here
No. 1272855>>1272870
I ate an entire jar of black truffle pesto. At first I just wanted a little taste before I decide if I want to use it in a recipe tomorrow. It was so nice I had another spoonful, then another and then it was gone. It was really greasy and now I feel sick.
>>1272808>Because she said lolcow is like female 4chan, which is a pretty dumb take previously proudly paraded by incels and twitterfags insulting the placeBut it's coming true. This place used to be better than 4chan because discussions didn't devolve into insults and petty infighting. It used to be possible to have conversations and debate different topics. Now doing that is nearly impossible.
No. 1272870>>1272887
>>1272855It's still possible if you don't fully lose it over getting called a retard or someone disagreeing with you or something and we're still miles better than 4chan, c'mon now. Try to have any topic discussion you see on ot/m/g on 4chan and see what happens, I'm begging you. Never talk about my lolcor this way again.
>>1272856My overwhelming feelings are for lolcow and farmers, not people who type like edgy twitterinas and don't know what mini modding is.
No. 1272908>>1272945>>1273085
OP who
triggered everyone after conflating it to 4chan here, my last post was this one
>>1272829I'm only announcing myself so much because people keep thinking I'm other Nona's and it's annoying. I have my dinner made and am fucking off and then going to bed but I wanted to say it's nice to see I'm not the only one who thinks lolcow has changed a bit lately. I honestly think the problem is what someone said earlier, the farmers have kind of split into 2 categories one being younger newfags that just found this site and the other being oldfags who have been here a while and don't like the change lolcow has had over the past year or so. Anyway I'm sure this tame comment will
trigger someone into replying with some bs that's gonna piss me off so I'm just shutting down my laptop at this point because clearly me and some other bitches need to have the last word and this is just gonna keep going in circles. Lolcow is honestly so addicting and so bad for me, quitting weed was easier than quitting this site. Okay goodnight faggots.
No. 1273024>>1273189
>>1272896Seminal fluid is alkaline, so it actually disrupts your pH to (as you correctly remarked) facilitate sperm survival and subsequent conception. If sperm "got fucked" in the vagina, no one would ever get pregnant.
Semen also contains sugars, which then feeds bad yeasts and bacteria. Seminal plasma contains a specific pathogen-enhancing protein (SEVI), which aids the transmission and proliferation of STDs, particularly HIV. A lot of non-STD pathogens (COVID, Ebola, Zika, even common flu iirc) can reside in a man's reproductive tract for months and even years after he cleared the infection. The female reproductive tract is resilient, but it doesn't mean it's unaffected by being repeatedly blasted with literal festering shit - there's a reason why most couples have to cohabitate and have unprotected sex for a while to conceive.
No. 1273211
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It's really fucked up how the west tends to project this image of itself as "free", "advanced" and "progressive" to the rest of the world, but even if you ignore their history and politicians showing otherwise, a lot of normal people from there are just neurotic and have this strange mix of (fake, trendy) nihilism, suicidal impulses, and a fear of death. Things are deliberately set up so that it'll be easier to make everyone consoomers and give them false solutions that can be ripped away like a safety blanket. Even in western spaces for discussion, it feels like no one is actually meant to question shit, have "unique" viewpoints or actually unpopular opinions, or think too critically about any topic. You're encouraged to pick one of the dominant sides and fully subscribe to whatever the most popular narrative is like a religion, and everything after that follows a sort of "If you're not with us, you're against us" pattern, with little to no reasoning involved, just vibes. What's scary is how easy it is for the popular narrative to change on a whim. Sometimes, the "unique" viewpoint gets picked up, and the same people who wanted to crucify anyone and everyone who said it before just pretend they have amnesia or make excuses. It's a lot better than literally being arrested for wrongthink by your government, but it feels like some of these people secretly wish they could have it that way or something.
At first, I thought it was just the trans cult that was like this, and I've seen radfems say before that a lot of self-proclaimed feminists don't really want women's liberation, they're just mad at their boyfriends, but the same logic seems to carry for pretty much every modern movement. The people aren't happy, but they aren't serious about changing anything either (even though they logically have way more power than the rest of us). They want everything spoonfed, they hate and get mad at each other for not obeying well enough, and they keep getting jerked around regardless. It makes me sad
No. 1273216>>1273321
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Finally cut off my male friend, but not before losing all my dignity and dragging it out to the point that he started wanting to cut ME off. I just get so frustrated over his complete emotional numbness and how little he cares for me after knowing me so long. Like, fucking say something after I've spent nights crying over you and poured my heart out. At least pretend it meant something. Nothing more rage-inducing than being the one who cares more and trying to coax a moid into making the tiniest little effort to fix things. I know I'm retarded and that the worst thing to do when a scrote has stopped caring about you to the point that his eyes glaze over when you're around is to ramble about your emotions, but sometimes I catch myself thinking a male would feel bad after knowing how much he's hurt you. I forget how men are, and that when they put you in the "low-status fuckzone candidate" file, you can't convince them otherwise
I feel ashamed but relieved. But also stupid for wasting so much time on a shitty friendship and torturing myself by being "friends" with someone I was deeply in love with who saw me as a rebound, a last resort, and a stepping stone he was embarrassed about when around more worthy people.
No. 1273230>>1274376
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I hate being so forgiving. Someone could punch me in the gut and spit in my face and by the next day, my rage is already suppressed until the next time it happens, unless I excessively remind myself with a video or something. I want to be unforgiving and able to cut ties with the ones that can hurt me.
No. 1273323>>1273326
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Sometimes I don't get why anons get so offended being called a moid, even in arguments but then again moids are subhuman
No. 1273328>>1273333
>>1273326girl, this isn't about you or what the hell is going on in other threads
piss off
No. 1273340>>1273351>>1273353>>1273368>>1273658
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>>1273333I'm not a scrote nor a faggot BUT I am aggressive and I WILL aggressively give u this
anyone who declines is a confirmed moid scroid overly aggressive faggot
No. 1273366>>1273371
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He literally looks like this though
No. 1273368
>>1273340Beautiful kitten
>>1273353Retarded ass loser
No. 1273369
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>>1273351I'm not a summerfag you ding dong, literally trying to offer you a good kitten in these hard and trying times.
No. 1273382>>1273385>>1273386
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NO cat is ugly I do declare
No. 1273388>>1273395
>>1272550You’re describing how lolcow has always been idk what you’re bitching about
>indiscernible from 4chanoh you’re just retarded
No. 1273445>>1273452>>1273453
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The artists I love all suddenly stopped drawing my husbando and moved on to other series and I cannot cope. Some of them that seemed close even unfollowed eachother, I wonder what happened. And yes I know it's normal for them to move on eventually but I wasn't prepared for all of them doing it at the same time.
No. 1273496
>>1273482That's like saying
>This place sucks and is so mean, I don't understand why anons are so hostile to me, btw I think farmers and incels are pretty similar ..and then spending a bazillion replies being hostile directly afterwards.
>>1273488Nope, not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person.
>>1273490Mire than one anon disagreeing with an opinion isn't dogpilling.
No. 1273508>>1273517
>>1273502That doesn't change the fact that it's a retarded statement to anyone who forced themselves to endure 4chan for some time. And also
>No wonder people refer to this site as the female 4chan.Who are "people" in this instance?
No. 1273509>>1273513>>1273515
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the nonnie from the original post is probably still sleeping and everyone is just fucking losing it over one random sperg kek
No. 1273510>>1273512>>1273527
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Well, opening news at night was a horrible idea. All of the sudden our news website decided to suggest all of the gruesome news. Amazing. Usually we barely have anything going on, and now…
No. 1273520>>1273529
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>>1273512A man burned a woman and shot the firefighters, a drunk son threatened to kill his mother, a monkey killed a child by throwing it off the roof and a teenage girl was found dead in a bathtub. Idk whats happening…
No. 1273521>>1273525
>>1273513That's what I'm saying! And everyone focused on
>b-b-but she said we're just like 4chan!they hated her for telling the truth
No. 1273588
>>1273517Because that’s what it’s basically become. It’s the same bitches that say they think saying anon is
too cold so they can only use pet names like
nonnie and nonnita and make like 12 posts a day that day “I love you
nonnie” also flying off the handle and reeeeeing every time someone isn’t cooperating with their my-tumblr style. Hypocrisy and derangement, it just looks like a bunch of tards rimming eachother.
No. 1273622
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long time user of menstrual cups, trying a menstrual disc, and it is just NOT working. it's the smallest size they had and feels like 900 miles too big. how the FUCK big are other women's VAGINAS and CERVIXES that i need a disc the size of my entire PALM jammed up there. it isn't laying flat and is crumpled because my vagina is NOT A GIANT GAPING TUNNEL so it isn't doing shit to catch this blood. and someone has been blasting annoying shitty fucking jazz music or some obnoxious old fucky garbage for the past 3 hours and i'm about to go insane and empty a magazine in their stereo system
shut the fuck up your music fucking sucks and i have a folded paper towel in my underwear because my vagina is too small to use menstrual products like a civilized human being
everyone just shut up i'm on my fucking period and armed
No. 1273630>>1273657
>>1272558>>1272566imagine letting your moid shit his britches and not shoving his nose into them and rubbing it like disciplining an awful dog
i would photograph it and his browned-up face with his pathetic bad dog look of shame and email it to his bosses and coworkers so he would be even more ashamed of having less self control than a toddler then i would buy the biggest anal plug i could find and shove it up his disgusting rectum until he could learn to not shit himself as i pack his things and throw them out the window and tell him to find a homeless shelter to live in
i'm not having a dog because the only feces I am willing to deal with is my own. like hell i am dealing with a full grown moid sharting himself because he can't keep off the pizza and beer.
beat your father up and throw him out of the window
No. 1273658
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>>1273340Cat looks like this kid
No. 1273669
>>1273657You're right
nonnie. A dog deserves far better treatment than a moid.
No. 1273676
>>1273599Kek. Thanks
>>1273600I've been part of various fandoms since LiveJournal was a thing so I find comfort in being excited about new releases and sperging about content with other people. It's easy to avoid the vast majority of K-pop fans who have zoomer brainrot from caring too much about streaming, chart numbers, or view count since there are a few good imageboards and forums for non-underage K-pop fans out there. But even those places are getting immature and K-pop content hasn't been worth getting excited about for a while now.
No. 1273695>>1273699>>1273702
I hate hearing men talk about autism and I think I legit just hate autistic men. I've been a diagnosed autist since I was a little kid. I avoid talking about it normally because I'm high functioning, I feel normal for the most part, it's usually not relevant, and no one ever expects it anyway. I'm a very empathetic and sensitive person, super outgoing and excitable, love being around friends, go out of my way to socialize, blah blah. I'm happy as a clam and love sharing joy with people. My loved ones light up my life and trying to be a decent person is important to me.
But I can't count how many times I've come across a pathetic scrote who excuses his failures, neuroses, porn and drug addictions, social shortcomings, lack of emotion and empathy, disgustingness, and overall abusive behavior with "BUT IM AUTISTIC!!!!!!!"
Like, so? What does that matter? For high functioning people it's basically just a label for being kinda weird with sensory issues. I don't give a shit that you're autistic and it's no excuse.
Meanwhile every actually autistic woman I've personally met has been so kind and concerned about how they affect others and never used the diagnosis as an excuse.
Story time: I dated a male autist for a while and he was the worst guy I've had in my life by far. I thought it was awesome at first because I still thought autism was so much more than a diagnosis and meant something about my very soul or some shit idk, anyway I quickly became disillusioned because he didn't give a single fuck about me. He loved belittling me, insulted me to my face and to his friends, was always condescending, would ignore me for days at a time, was cripplingly addicted to vidya and in denial about it.
All of this when questioned was met with severe defensiveness, his go to excuse was that he's autistic so he can't help it and I'm awful for trying to talk about it. Even though I was also autistic and never did anything even close to all of this. Extra funny was when he flipped out before sex because I hadn't shaved my pubic hair that morning and he tried defending this by saying it's a "sensory thing." He made me go shave it and I did because I was pathetic and a teenager.
Long story short he wound up sexually assaulting me and stalking me. I pressed charges and, no kidding, his defense was autism. He got off scot free. Fuck autistic men. Fuck men. It's like every bad trait that men already have just gets amplified and they get to conveniently excuse it without giving any leeway to women either.
No. 1273703>>1273706>>1273707>>1273716>>1274478
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There's this guy I met. I'm 20, he is 35. We met while walking down the street, he asked me for directions and then asked me out. I said yes only because I'm a literal autist who is cripplingly lonely.
We've been seeing each other for only 2 weeks now. All of our "dates" have been us meeting up in the bushes or in parking lots to drink cheap beer, then he has sex with me. He wants mostly anal and blowjobs and I give them to him because my self esteem is non-existent and I crave the connection. We haven't even had sex in a bed yet, it's always a BJ behind the trees or something like that. Also he always goes home right after sex, which leaves me feeling even more estranged. He also doesn't want his friends and family to see me and that's why he doesn't take me out on a 'real' date (that's what he said)
I'm extremely miserable but also starting to get addicted to him. I am obese and ugly and I fear I may never find anyone else (yes I know that sounds dramatic but I am legit a bottom tier person)
Also he insists that he loves me and wants to marry me but I can't help but feel like he is simply humoring me and laughing behind my back at how 'easy' I am. I want to die.
No. 1273707>>1273709
>>1273702Sending love nonna. The relationship I described was years ago and I'm still really affected by it, mostly because of all the stalking that happened when we broke up. In a twisted way I'm grateful because I definitely would be a lot less aware of violence against women and how fucked men really can be, and I'd still probably be a doormat.
>>1273703As soon as I read "I'm 20, he is 35" I shook my head and knew where it was going. For your sake I really just hope nothing you wrote is true. Please stop seeing him. Not only is this hurting you in the moment but it's going to get worse. This is very dangerous. I know it feels good to be desired sexually but this will only end up hurting your self esteem even more in the long term. He's absolutely using and abusing you. I don't think you're doomed to be alone forever, but please believe me when I say that being alone is 10000000000000x better than being with a man who sees you as a hole. He does not want to marry you. He gets you drunk, fucks you in a way that brings you no sexual pleasure whatsoever, then leaves. He's telling you what he thinks will keep you strung along.
No. 1273716
>>1273703>I fear I may never find anyone else (yes I know that sounds dramatic but I am legit a bottom tier person)How is being single worse than being used by a POS like him? If you think you're a bottom tier person just for your appearance, I guarantee you're only going to feel worse and more insecure the more you engage with men who treat you like garbage.
A bad relationship is so much worse than being alone, and being used for sex is so much worse than not having it. Please love yourself and never waste another second on that worthless moid. Focus on yourself and embrace the peace of not giving men your time or energy or body unless they give you the respect you deserve.
No. 1273791>>1273792>>1273795>>1273801
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I am allowed to be ugly. I am allowed to be as ugly as I please. I do not exist to please you or anyone. I don’t have to subscribe to your shitty faggotry standard of beauty. I can be what I want and you do not determine my worth, value, or right to exist. Women are not your Barbie dolls you sadistic voids of shit and maggots. You can cry and scream and alog and spend hours upon hours of your life obsessing over women and what they do, think, how they take care of themselves, their lives and it is all in vain. Everything you do is for an imaginary man you made up in your head and everything you project onto women in attempts to feel better about your life or your looks or whatever card you believe you should have been dealt doesn’t change that you’re void of emotional intelligence and have no real sense of self and that is why you’d rather spend all your time alogging women and bitching and crying about their looks or perceived value. You’re pathetic and you aren’t my handler. Get well soon! I can be as ugly and unfit to your standard as I want to be and all you can do is stare and cry and yell and stomp your nasty hobbit feet.
No. 1273795>>1273804
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>>1273791Absolutely based. When I feel doubt for being like that, I remember that all the women I admire didn't give a shit about the way they looked and were preocupied with actual goal. I refuse to waste my precious time and money on this earth to have a skin care routine or shit like that kek. I want to be free!
No. 1273845>>1273852
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I was wondering if there's something wrong with me lately based on some bad interactions on /ot/, but now I'm seeing multiple threads full of extreme, unusual hostility all around the same time, so I guess things have just been weird
No. 1273946>>1273971
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>>1273321Yes I'd like to think I've learnt something from this. Shame I'm autistic and naive and wear my heart on my sleeve
No. 1273986>>1273994>>1274007
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It's been 2.5 years ever since I got scammed from the repair shop, they never returned my laptop and I do not know what to do because I am an immigrant (I still have to wait a few years to get the citizenship here) and I do not want any seeing or beef written on myself. I do not know what to do, I am lost. I paid half of the laptops price for it they never did shit despite me calling them every week, month with shitty promises 'later'. I am so scared. The computer I am borrowing is dying and the only way for me to get money is by doing commissions. Why am I so miserable. My partner is too worried about it too, he doesn't know what to do either, we both are terribly awkward people making us look like doormats. I am so tired. Where the fuck is my laptop. They even changed the damn location.
No. 1273991
>>1273927Awh that sucks. Maybe you can put all your fridger/freezer stuff in one bag after shopping so you know you need to store them in the fridge?
>>1273930I wish I can give you a hug anon
No. 1273994>>1274025
>>1273986You won’t get in any trouble for demanding your laptop back, call them daily, call them out online, as long as your papers are legal you’re all within your rights. The outcome of not doing anything WILL be worse, your current laptop is dying
nonnie. You need it back. Go get it! You can do it!
No. 1274025>>1274309
>>1273994>>1274001Thank you nonnas, i feel so stupid. I think i spent all of my brain onto moving out of my radical country and I am so scared of even thinking of going back there despite missing my family so much.
>>1274007I don't know,
nonnie, i can only hope. My countrys embassy doesnt work anymore because my country put the country where i am at the moment into the "enemy country" list which makes me even more terrified of my future, my nationality was never liked here in a first place and the crazy president against who we kept doing protests for over 7 years now had to declare a war. Its tough.
No. 1274063>>1274091>>1274146
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Please tell me if I'm wrong on this one. I posted here once about my coworkers asking me why I always go to work on foot instead of buying a bike, and I didn't want to tell them I'm autistic and I have problems with coordination. For the same reason I can't imagine getting a drivers license. I know that other adults at my job will never see me as a "full" adult because of that but I don't think it's fair to constantly point out my flaws. One of my coworkers knows I'm autistic and she claims her bf is also autistic and he can drive a car. Every week there are situations when she points out my clumsiness. I've been working there of a year and she still asks me why I don't try to open up. She KNOWS I often take things seriously and I'm very anxious about work and yet she often makes "jokes" like telling me our boss is calling me to his office and he's angry about something. She's not smiling or anything, looks and sounds totally serious. And for the few seconds I'm always sure she's telling the truth and I'm terrified. Then it turns out it was a joke and she's like haha you need to learn to take a joke. I told her those jokes scare me and I think that's cruel, especially that she knows I'm an autist. She says ok ok I will never do it again. And then she does it again. She tells me I can't use autism as an "excuse for everything". She tells me it's a shame I can't ride a bike etc. I'm not using autism as an excuse for "everything", just things like problems with motor skills, overanalyzing and overthinking, taking things seriously and being afraid of loud noises. Is it really that much? I try to take as little space as possible and never brag about my problems and always stay in the background, she knows only because she asked why I'm like this. For the past few days the radio at our job wasn't working and I felt SO much better. I didn't feel like I was at the verge of losing it, I could focus faster etc. But yesterday they put on the music again and it seemed so loud and painful to me I started crying. Didn't make a show, I made sure that no one saw me and I tried to put myself together in the bathroom. I really can't control these things and I don't understand why my coworker puts me down because of it despite knowing me for a year and claiming to trying to be my friend. To me it just feels like she's getting a kick out of it. I feel like she keeps me around to boost her ego. There's another thing that made me absolutely seethe. In the past I used to tell her some fun facts about science or psychology or some weird jokes, and there was a few situations when I literally heard her repeating my exact words to someone else. She admitted to me she has zero interest in those things. She just used the things I told her to get social cookie points from other coworkers for being so eloquent and interesting and well read and funny. I basically don't talk to other coworkers, because I feel too awkward around them, so they don't know this side of me and they probably don't think I have any interests or knowledge or sense of humor. Sorry for the blogpost, I just feel overwhelmed with emotions because all of this, I feel hurt, I think it's not fair from her side, and I hate the fact I can't interact with the world the way I would like to
No. 1274080
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The miserable boss and his nasty mean ugly wife is coming back from vacation today. My bf and I ran the restaurant so smoothly and calmly, it just goes to show the incompetence that will be returning. 2 brothers “run” the restaurant, but its obvious the one returning has no experience, no knowledge and no drive to improve a restaurant he was LITERALLY HANDED.
Another white male, handed keys to success and he is too lazy to care enough to make it work. I wish his frog faced wife would hit the gym instead of coming in to “help out”. None of the customers like the bitch, most wont even come in if Im not working.
I feel like Gordon Ramsey but i have to bite my tongue with their parents. I get no one wants their fweelings hurt but we have a MENU UNDER PRICED FOR YEARS BECAUSE Bro on vacay didnt think to check if the menu prices gave us ANY profit
How did the other brother even come from the same DNA? NO FUCKING CLUE.
No. 1274093
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>does my fafsa late like a procrastinating dumbass
>nervous because my financial aid reward says I can only take unsubsidized loans even though i’ve been given grants since i’ve been in college and i’m not an old student
i really hope that stupid fucking school gets it’s act together and asks for more information like it did every year I had to renew so it can give me a PROPER estimate of what I should actually be receiving. even if I still did it late why tf is the american government so damn broke? stop spending it on ukraine and israel free palestine goddamn and give it to your students.
here’s a obligatory cat gif
No. 1274129>>1274143>>1275161
File (hide): 1658585289989.png (2.32 KB, 246x131, 1656103952657.png)

I'm in my mid-late 20s, I just had the chance to lose my virginity but it came to me that I didn't actually want to lose it. I don't want to be tainted by a moid. I fucking hate moids, I only loved the idea of a man. Sure, living with someone would be nice, but when I seriously think about a moid, no matter how attractive, desecrating my femininity, it makes me angry. I wasn't even molested or raped in the past, I just think of men as dirty energetic parasites and how bearing male fetuses literally leaves male DNA traces in mother's brain. Disgusting. The more men hit on me the more I don't want them. I didn't become like this after reading too much SCUM manifesto or blackpill posts, although reading all of that made me feel less alone. I've always restented men and the idea of a nuclear family. Even as a little girl, when adults tried to force dolls and femininine behaviors on me, I was saying I want to become a nun and I never want to get married. Other kids asked how babies are made, I asked how to prevent having children with men. A literal 5 year old, with no outside feminist influences. I think I just wasn't destined to live with moids and in a typical family setting and there's no point in trying to force myself to be someone I'm not. The only thing that makes me angry is the fact this world is made for nuclear families and your life is easier if you have a moid, especially with kids; from economic and social standpoint, those women usually have a safety net, they're also taken more seriously by doctors etc. Anyone who produces more slaves for the system is worth more than someone who doesn't. I know my choice will put me at a disadvantage, especially as I age, but if that's the price of being free of men and nuclear family, then so be it.
No. 1274131>>1274137
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As a poorfag since childhood, I've always dreamed of not having to worry about finances and bills as an adult and I hate this fucking world so bad right now because this inflation shit is fucking me up so much. I have a part time job and I study at uni and I barely get by. I'll be tight on money until november (inflation related costs and medical bills that my insurance won't cover) and I just don't even know what to do at this point. I'm not eligible for most social benefits either. I don't want to ask anyone for money either because I don't know when I'll be able to pay them back.
I also wanted to take this weekend to visit my parents and get my mind off of things, but my mom kept negging me about my stress-induced weight loss so much and basically bullied me in front of our family, saying I don't even look like a woman but a child and that I'll never find a husband looking like this (not that I'd ever want one anyway, but it still hurt to be so ridiculed in front of everyone). That was yesterday and I'm currently on the bus and making my way back to my apartment. I feel like I can never catch a fucking break and I wish I was never born. Poor people should not have kids.
No. 1274145
>>1274137Thank you and I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this too!
>My family and friends point out how thin I am like it’s entertaining to them and it’s useless to try to say it’s because stress from working/from being scared of falling into utter poverty again.Ugh I relate so much to this. It boggles my mind how seeing someone struggle to the point where it starts to show on their body is entertaining to anyone. Like existential fear is a big fat joke.
No. 1274288>>1274307
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Can't figure out how to fix the brakes of my bike on my own, now I'll have to bring it in for repair at the shop that messed them up in the first place, great. Should've gone back sooner but it was at an inconvenient moment and then it slipped my mind and now it's too late to complain. This better not be expensive.
No. 1274326>>1274352
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I'm so fucking tired of hearing how my narc mother talks about other people. Trying to get her to understand that people have reasons for the way they act and to consider different perspectives is as hard as explaining empathy to a psychopath.
She just told me about the kid of her friend (who's an equally shit mother) going full burka muslim out of nowhere and force marrying a literal stranger moid through some formular bullshit while giving up all her rights and giving up her studies - all after a history of child sex abuse, neglect, drugs, sleeping around and in one case literally getting kidnapped and locked up by her previous moid. And the way she talks about and ridicules it like she deserved it for being an "unruly child" and "just hanging out with the wrong people" is utterly disgusting. It's her fucking mother who treated her like air to the point even child me could point something seriously being wrong out when we were visiting. And of course the conversation switched to her bitching about me again, because the main reason she sides with her shitty ass garbage friend is because they're alike.
I hope the girl finds a way to break out of this obvious brainwashing, even without her garbage mother. And I can't wait to never have to speak a word to my own one again and have the power to just hang up when I can't listen to her anymore.
No. 1274350
Oh my gosh…so, there was this cute guy while I was working at this event. He was really friendly at first, and my coworkers kept egging me on to go get his number. So I did, but ugh I wish I had not. So many red flags, just in this single conversation with me. I just listen and nod, despite going “WTF” on the inside. He was real charming and handsome, but he’s a republican type and made a lot of insensitive comments. I only got his number, he didn’t get mine. He’s probably expecting something but…I’m not interested anymore kek. I’ve only been in 1 relationship and I never do shit like coming up to someone and flirting. Is it fine to just ghost him? They work closely with my department, and while he’ll probably make a rare appearance, it’s still going to be awkward as hell if I see him out again. But it seems even weirder to text and be like “hey I know we talked up there and said we could maybe meet up sometime, but I only maybe want to be friends”. I think it would be better not saying anything and then if he shows up, just say I wasn’t interested after all. Ughhh I don’t know what to do. This is what I get for trying to talk to guys in my conservative area.
No. 1274354>>1274364>>1274383
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my period hit me like a freight truck i can barely move and just want to die. all i do is suffer. fuck god for making uteruses i wish i could rip it out of my abdomen fuck everyone and everything i hate men i wish they would die. fuck children i wish they would die i dont even want kids and i have to suffer every month like this fuck children fuck pregnancy fuck uteruses i want this retarded fucking misery organ out of my body
No. 1274359
>>1274309Thank you
nonnie, I do feel bad about it but I am going to work on it again in a few weeks, I will visit them IRL. I am really worried but I really need to get my shit together.
No. 1274364
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>>1274354Fucking same sis
I hate it
No. 1274376
>>1273230Please work on your self confidence. it will change so many things, including
toxic people around you.
No. 1274383
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>>1274354SAME mine started this morning I hate it
No. 1274387>>1274393
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>>1274372i hope he dies and you and starlight get all his money
No. 1274393
>>1274387Thank you
nonnie, I hope he dies too- swear I'm about to pull out some wiccan for him. Starlight will shine- one way or another!
No. 1274416>>1274432
>>1272845>>1274410I haven't been a practicing Christian in over a decade, but even so, getting out of an
abusive relationship brought back all those intense feelings of shame, worthlessness, impurity. I was in a really unhealthy cycle of obsessive self hate and trying to be good which usually ended up as masochism and being a doormat. A lot of women raised Christian wind up thinking the only way they're deserving of respect is to be hollow and let people hurt them. I can't imagine being in such a program, anon, it really doesn't sound good for you. Is there nothing else around that could help where you live? A therapist with sliding scale pay could help a lot of it's a money issue.
No. 1274465>>1274496
>>1272845I don't think the church teachings are actually in line with the Bible and God's intention anyway. That process of repeating your "guilt" every day is really
abusive. No loving father would want their child to feel like that. God is the ideal father, so anything
abusive is not his intention. I like the idea of the Catholic Church (one church uniting all of Christiandom, with the longest history and line of inheritence, drawing on academic writing and reasoned debate) but hate their execution. Now that we have literacy we can read the Bible and the writings of the church fathers and assorted history and saint stories for ourselves at home, which was the primary purpose of the church in the age of illiteracy. I don't feel welcome in the church because I'm childfree by choice.
No. 1274482
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>>1274352Thanks nonna, I'm glad you can enjoy your freedom.
No. 1274496
nonny, we read like 50 passages talking about how our very nature is sinful and deserving of wrath, and that only through complete faith in god/Jesus and confession can save us and allow us to do the “good works” god specifically made us to do. Seems like a pretty pervasive idea in the Bible.
No. 1274526>>1274568>>1274706
I believe misogyny has been foundational to the worldviews of a lot of contemporary women, without their realisation of it. I don't believe I'm exempt of this because of the circumstances I've grown up in, so being mindful and critical of internalised misogyny is important to me. For instance, when I was a little girl, I bought into the "NLOG" concept as well, especially because I had a lot of friends who were boys for a few years in primary school. As I matured, I naturally learned that this phase was influenced by misogynistic messages I had absorbed growing up. However, not too long ago, my grandmother said something to me that really opened my eyes. I was having problems with both of my aunts and none of my other family members. Even if my other family members were unhappy about something, my aunts seemed to single me out and direct all of their frustrations on me. They belittled me, humiliated me in front of others, invaded my space, spoke to me like I wasn't human, and gossiped about me. My grandmother is a wise woman, so I take her very seriously, and she told me that they were jealous of me. I didn't believe her at first, but she is an adamant and, like I said, wise woman. She insisted it was true, like she always does, and explained further. This might sound egotistical, so I'm a bit self conscious about sharing it, but I will do it regardless: she explained that they're jealous of me because I'm young, thin, healthy, pretty, kind, academically successful, independent and in a healthy relationship. Basically, I have a lot of things they don't (anymore). Once my grandmother mentioned this, I couldn't stop seeing it. Bitter, older women who basically bully me for no reason, especially at work. They flirt with my colleague who is a good-looking young man and literally mock me or make a difficult problem over nothing. For instance, one woman kept insisting I was WRONG about the price of a product, despite it being stated on multiple places throughout the store and even the website. The way they treat me is the same way my aunts did: asking trick questions, pestering me about random things (like the price), humiliating and mocking me, talking to me like I'm not a human. I don't want to believe such a thing is true, because it sounds so NLOG and I love older women typically. Like my grandmas, they can be so wise and sweet and have gone through so much. But I can't deny what I've noticed, and what apparently my grandmother AND mother say is true. When I told my mother, she said she has experienced the same her whole life. It is a bit in our genes to look younger and healthy no matter what. My mom looks decades younger and so does my grandma. I still feel self conscious saying this because it sounds really self-absorbed. But I experienced so much disrespect from exclusively older women today… Disrespect that is related to nothing! So I had to vent about what I noticed. I just remain polite and patient to them, but I can't shake how right my grandma was. I owe her so much, she really opens my eyes to a lot of things.
No. 1274533>>1274556
I'm honestly ready to kill myself.
I just started a new job, got paid less than half the normal paycheck because of that, and I'm already down to my last dime because of the accumulated bills I had from being previously unemployed. My girlfriend is also having the hardest time finding a job, and both of our families are unwilling to help us out in any capacity, since we're both "the black sheeps", and they firmly believe that we should be able to get by on our own.
We have done it before, yes, but the Inflation is taking over our country at an alarming rate; Earlier today we tried to get some groceries from the store and we could barely afford rice and some ham because everything else was too fucking expensive, I broke down as soon as we got home and I just stopped crying so I could type.
Nothing seems to make sense anymore, we've been struggling since early December, and everything has just been getting worse and worse ever since. I was also recently diagnosed with GAD and panic disorders, and medication is just making me feel worse; I am always sleepy, light headed, even angrier than before and I've only had suicidal thought since I'm taking it.
I've been beginning to get a smaller dose or a something that isn't fucking xanax, and every single fucking dr just turns me away, I've been thinking of stopping taking it all together for some time and just taking them all at once, once I feel the moment is right.
My one and only regret would be to leave my girlfriend alone in this unforgiving country. She is the love of my life, we were supposed to get married in March this year and everything has just been falling apart around us. She is my one and only love, the only good thing, and person, I have left right now. I feel it would be incredibly selfish to have her come with me. I want her to be happy, and I've always thought I'm just dragging her down with all my issues.
I really want to kill myself, or have someone kill me, I really cannot take this anymore.
No. 1274536>>1274714
>>1274528Ntayrt but can you explain more or tell me where to read about this?
>>1272845I know that feeling and I felt the same way. I feel like a lot of modern Christianity represents Christian teachings in such a poor manner. I wish I was more articulate in this topic, because I understand them in a way that actually make sense and aren't so demeaning and
Abusive is literally the opposite of God. But it's hard for me to put my thoughts into words right now.
No. 1274556
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>>1274533big hugs, i'm so sorry. don't die! there's so much more to life and your paycheck will get bigger in time. sign up for food stamps or the equivalent in your country, don't be ashamed to go to food banks. not a doctor here but i have plenty of experience with psych meds for anxiety, if it's making you feel worse, STOP TAKING IT, please. taper very carefully and slowly. i had panic disorder for a very long time and meds of any kind seemed to just make me feel worse. i think when things get into gear with the new job you will be happy you didn't die. your girlfriend doesn't see you as a burden, that's why she's still with you and loves you.
please have hope, but even without it, i have it for you!
No. 1274590
>>1274568where do you find those old women because i need them, i would prefer to have a passive aggressive smiling bitch than the literal unhinged screaming older women where i live.
If they hate you or you disagree with them on something they will take any hance they can to sabotage you and if you try to stand up for yourself they go on screaming matches with you hurling any insult and threat they can find.
Be thankful you are only around passive aggressive older ladies anon.
No. 1274612
>>1274600Ew anon, two 14 y/o's getting together isn't pedo enabling.
>>1274584If this just happened, have a cup of tea and try to go to sleep or take a nap, you'll probably feel a bit clearer of mind after.
No. 1274649>>1274662
>>1274584What you are feeling is normal and healthy. Being in a (long-term) relationship has a strong impact on one's mind AND body. This abrupt change is distressing and your body is currently in the initial processing stages. Try to keep this in mind: everything you are experiencing now is there to help you. The pain is healing. Feel the pain, sit with it, let it be there, and love yourself through it all. Hold yourself, shower, cry endlessly, go through all of the stages you have to go through. It is a very healthy thing to do. Myself, many others, and I am sure you fall into this category too, have endured pain that felt as though it originated from hell. Horrible betrayal, death, failure, abuse, disorientation. Yet, we all lived on and experienced beautiful things regardless. This will be one of those moments for you as well. One day, you will think back to this, and feel shocked to remember how horrible life once felt. Nothing befalls man which isn't in his nature to endure. Or: Take courage, my heart: you have been through worse than this.
No. 1274657
>>1274598>>1274584this is my second time replying to you, again i just want to say i'm sorry you're so distressed. i think it's normal to be so distraught after someone you've quite literally grown up with and became an adult with over the course of almost a decade says they no longer want you in their life. you've developed your own secret sort of language that only you two intimately know, he knows all your flaws and quirks, he was with you at the worst parts of your life, he was always there. he was a constant and that has been interrupted. anyone in the same situation would be flailing!
so yes, it's understandable, and i feel so bad for you nonna. growing up together like that means you're both going to change a lot and likely still become somewhat different people. like i said, i don't know all the details, but it's more than likely growing older and becoming more independent outside of high school has made him feel like you two aren't as compatible as he'd like, he likely feels like a much different person than he was when you were dating as teenagers. i need you to not place so much blame on yourself. don't see this as a personal failing of yours. let yourself cry but dont hate yourself for the relationship coming to an end.
No. 1274662
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>>1274649i love this post, i'm nta but it still felt so comforting. thank you for writing it out. it's so true. every so often i feel in awe of how horrible i once felt, and i am so glad i carried on despite that, even if i cried a lot.
sending you guys my love and wishing the best for everyone
No. 1274700
>>1273705I had my other ovary removed as well and it didn't affect my libido at all, but my gynecologist told me that a lot of women experience sexual trauma after the procedure. I suggest you look into a sexual therapist
nonny. What about it troubles you? I'm genuinely curious because for me it was comparable to having a burst appendix out i.e. no big deal and it saved my life so I was surprised to hear some women have great trouble coping with it.
No. 1274706
>>1274526There is a lot of this and it's not okay to speak about anywhere. in feminist places you get accused of misogyny and in moid places they just say typical scrote things. a lot of women get abused by their own mothers or other female family members because of
toxic jealousy. i think they never developed their own personality or had a fulfilling life, and they just coasted on youthfulness until they didn't have it any more, then they saw they had nothing and turned bitter. well adjusted happy people are not jealous bullying assholes. take up a hobby while you still can or you'll turn into
nonny's evil aunts one day.
No. 1274784
>>1274722I'm sorry, anon. This is exactly like my story. My dad was also the "stern man of the house" that never showed any emotion, never wanted anything to do with me, never showed affection towards my mom or myself, just never was there and preferred to be either alone, at work or with his friends. He never was proud of any of my achievements and never told me he loves me, the only emotion I ever remember him showing was being annoyed with my presence. Now in my 30's he feels like a stranger that sucks all the energy out of the room. The only difference is that even today he doesn't want to connect or see me, and the times I'm visiting my parents he seems more annoyed than anything that I'm there.
I often wonder how different my life would've turned out like if I had an affectionate dad who took care of me and didn't treat me like I was just some kid he had to tolerate instead of his own daughter. It's heartbreaking to know that once his time comes and he passes away, my emotions and bitterness over never being able to have a father in my life will take over and eat me alive.
No. 1274890>>1275022>>1275217>>1275227>>1275559
>she's such a whore, why won't she fuck me?! dumb slut!>refer to caring for their own biological children as 'babysitting'>complain that their overworked wife running after 5 kids who just gave birth last week doesn't 'put in effort' to make his dick feel good recently, therefore he was forced to cheat on her and it's her fault>demands his wife give him 5 kids, then complains that the children have made him poor and leaves to find another woman to knock up>shoots up a daycare because doesn't have a gf, when asked if he ever put in effort or asked girls out says no>without a woman around, wouldn't know how to feed himself or wipe his own ass; says women are stupid and only men are smart and capable>refuses to cook or clean because it's "women's work"; has not only never built a house for his family, but can't even fix the house he bought pre-built in the most basic of ways but won't allow his wife to hire a handyman because it makes him feel emasculated>says women are emotional ; stays up until 5am playing video games and screaming at 12 year olds for 'playing wrong'>says women should be thought of as overgrown children because they have no sense of responsibility ; throws away a shirt if the button comes off because he doesn't know how to sew it back on>complains that women "only date up" thus admitting he is single because he's a worthless fucking loser ; refuses to put in effort because thinks he "shouldn't have to" ; demands women be model-level slim and dressed as sex kittens even while scrubbing the toilet ; is malding and has moobs ; dresses in stained graphic t-shirts from walmart with holes in them>calls women dumb ; can't tell the difference between lettuce and cabbage>calls women dumb ; hasn't read a book since high school ended>calls women dumb ; pays $40 per meal for doordash because too stupid to boil water>calls women dumb ; spends all his money on beer then whinges that he's broke and fat>calls women dumb ; complains that women are overrepresented in college and university>calls women dumb ; complains that women make more money than him>calls women dumb ; spends $10,000 on onlyfans then loses his house for failure to pay the mortgage>calls women dumb ; can't operate a washing machine>calls women dumb ; spends $40,000 on a lifted F350 he can't afford to actually driveJust laugh at men. They're absolutely pathetic and don't deserve respect. Stop trying to understand them, there is nothing to understand, they're just retarded monkeys.
No. 1274949>>1274955>>1274976
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Script kitty gay man who harasses me, spent over two years stalking me, and hacked my phone has one of those weird AGP-esque roleplay twitters that just drips with how much he hates women as he continually tries to imitate, satirize, and punch down on us in a creepy tryhard bid for attention. Most of his followers and engagement are fake. He’s on a watchlist too and 100% belongs in a padded cell.
No. 1274951
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I smoked a J at the end of my double shift because I busted my ass, got multiple compliments on my service and did not actually stop for 13 hours.
Then a coworker sneers at me when I come back in (no customers, business hours are done). Why you mad? I already knocked YOUR sidework out.
Just admit it, youre just pissed that I make more than you and customers like me.
maybe you should smoke too
No. 1274978>>1275225>>1275426
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i miss biking through streets of gorgeous buildings. my current city is ugly as fuck in comparison. no wonder i escaped into consoomerism of food and knick knacks. maybe i will feel better after getting friends and my drivers license but fuck gas being so expensive. i hate biking here too because the roads and traffic sucks. i will have to force myself to travel around otherwise all there is to do here is rot in my room and work.
No. 1275012>>1275016
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>>1275004>>1274998lol jesus, all his most recent tweets are whining about how scared he is about monkeypox because hes constantly taking it up the ass from gay guys. totes a girl though
No. 1275017>>1275021
>>1275015>It’s lame for me to say “hehe but you just have to trust me” dw anon i believe you, i just have to make sure sometimes because some people have persecutory delusion and read too much into posts online that aren't actually about them or anyone in particular. by script kitty do you mean script kiddy/skiddie btw? or do gays call themselves script kitties kek
>>1275016"i am in mlms" was meant to be a Haha Woman Moment joke about multilevel marketing. so many of the tweets are just ways of trying to feel like hes still a gay guy but able to claim woman status.
No. 1275019
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>>1275016Poopyskittles tweets aren’t easily searchable like drsweety303’s but there are various references to being a woman and being transgender
No. 1275022>>1275381>>1275433
>>1274890>calls women dumb ; spends $10,000 on onlyfans then loses his house for failure to pay the mortgageKek I knew a guy almost exactly like this. He told his wife that the rent almost doubled due to ""inflation"" and made her get a 2nd job and eventually a 3rd job to pay for it while he quit his job to ""work from home""
Eventually his wife caught on that there was no "rent increase", he was pocketing the extra money and donating it to titty streamers and onlyfans girls. He also wasn't "working from home", he was just spending 8+ extra hours a day cooming. Apparently he was subbed to hundreds, almost 1200+ girls on onlyfans and spending thousands per month. What even is the point of that. Surely you can't watch them all if you're subbed to that many??
No. 1275097
>>1275083Well, that should be obvious. In fact, the three groups often go hand-in-hand because they love harming anything or anyone vulnerable. I wish we could round up all these so-called "humans" and shitstains that try to cover for them, and just mass euthanize them.
The big thing with animals, too, is that like very young children or adults with some disabilities, they can't speak up when they're being abused. The weakest and most pathetic wastes of oxygen tend to target them for that reason.
No. 1275101>>1275116
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I know FDS teaches a lot of women how to avoid abusive men, to respect themselves, and so on, but Jesus Christ, every FDS woman I've met is obsessed with her worth as a sexual object. They treat themselves like commodities for sale in the sexual marketplace and obsess over superficial traits in themselves and men so much to the point it becomes obvious that relationships are purely transactional and utilitarian to them, never about love (note: if you want to exploit men for financial gain that's cool, just be honest about it instead of pretending it's about finding love). This is not to say these women should be settling or being with scumfuck bottom of the barrel moids, but their priorities and perceptions are all skewed. It's like this weird halfway point between choice-oriented libfeminism and half-assed out of context radfem points they feel happen to benefit them in the moment. They gobble up the anti-porn stuff not out of principle but because it's a mere icky turnoff. They want women to be free yet center men in their lives and a substantial number of them dream of being perfect housewives because they're (rightly) sick of girlboss bullshit and slaving away in the workplace and think slaving away for a man would be any better as long as there's a ring on the finger.
Meanwhile they always end up dating and defending loser moids anyway as long as the guy isn't broke and says he wants to get married. So very feminist and liberating to need constant validation from men to the point you need reassurance that he'll pinkie promise to never ever leave you and put a super expensive diamond on your finger. I'm not anti marriage either, but I've seen so many women ruin perfectly good relationships solely because the man wasn't sure what to think of marriage when dating for just a year or two in their early 20s. Not to mention the effect that seeing themselves as sexual objects in a marketplace has on their mental state, just look at FDS-posters' post histories and you'll see they tend to be obsessed with pseudoscience like Kibbe and tend to have body dysmorphia and addictions to buying makeup. No wonder, considering their precious philosophy that claims to protect women only really ends up reinforcing what sucks about being female except claims to use it as a weapon. Reminds me of early 2010s "muh eyeliner is sharp enough to kill a man" feminism.
Yes it's very super feminist of you to paint your face because you feel ugly without it, it's very feminist of you to have sex with man after man, giving them what they want as long as they give you gifts and say they won't leave you, seeing every single human being on earth as either low or high value based on how much you think you can personally benefit from them. It's such a diseased way of thinking.
No. 1275123>>1275132
>>1275116Yeah, I understand golddigging, especially considering every man who gets with a golddigger is a piece of shit who thinks his money means he gets every little thing he wants. It becomes a problem when women actually do give these men everything they want, which is what a lot of FDSers are doing. I went out of my way to clarify that I think it's fine to take money from men, my issue with FDS is that they spin their selfishness and spite as genuine attempts at finding true love. The very idea of love has been so corrupted by scrotes and money that people now equate more money from a penis with more love.
I think a lot of the women on FDS do have a real desire for a loving relationship but all these tactics and manipulations aren't going to lead to that. Will you be more shrewd and eventually find a man with money who lets you do whatever you want? Sure, maybe, but that doesn't mean you'll actually love each other and have a healthy relationship based on mutual respect. Either you want to make use of men who see you as an object, or you want to have a relationship with a man who doesn't see you as an object in the first place. I'd prefer that women aim for the latter without deluding themselves. They can scam scrotes on the side all they want, whatever.
No. 1275132
>>1275123Money doesn't mean love, but stinginess and a lack of generosity usually does suggest he doesn't love you. Maybe your opinions are based on individual women you know, but the general messaging of FDS was never 'find a cash cow who buys you things and don't worry about any other aspects of a relationship'. It was regularly acknowledged that money isn't everything, it doesn't determine how 'high value' a guy is, that men with money are often financially
abusive, that having your own money is more important. It was just also accepted that a guy who thinks you aren't worth his money tends to also think you aren't worth anything, so it's an initial vetting tactic to filter out the men who aren't particularly invested in you.
The real issue with FDS is that if you take feminism to it's logical conclusion, you'll just realize you're better off single. There were a tonne of posts of women who decided they would rather be alone and celibate than waste their time, to the point that mods had to stop it because the point of the sub was dating. A lot of women struggle to reconcile their desire for love and family with the reality that most men simply aren't good enough partners, so it was always gonna conflict with feminism on some level.
No. 1275161
>>1274129My feelings exactly
nonnie. I'm going into my twenties a virgin, never even kissed a boy, and I'm not looking to get tainted by a disgusting moid either. Why women are still brainwashed to cohabitate with these
abusive parasites is beyond me. Women deserve far better than scrotes.
No. 1275214>>1275218
>>1275182I understand anons want to vent but whenever I see an anon write about how 14 year olds are the hottest ever in men's eyes, I feel disgusted.
Yeah, SOME pornsick pedos will think 14 year olds are hot, men who watch shows that cast 20 year olds as 14 also think those "14" year olds are hot but I really do not think most men are attracted to pimple ridden obese or skelly fourteen year olds, if they date or rape kids they do it because it's EASIER to take advantage of them and they definitely wouldn't date a 14 year old because the only ones who want to get with kids do it to hurt or "ruin" them, they aren't genuinely attracted to kids.
No. 1275217
>>1274890I love you
Even when this place gets overrun with retarded moids posters like you keep the sweet manhate content coming. I miss manifesto-chan
No. 1275234>>1275240>>1275246>>1275286>>1275367>>1275479
>>1275228They're not, retard. 14 year old girls are NOT attractive and they never will be to the majority. If you hang around in discord or 4chan, the men who only see 14 year olds in anime and shooped insta pics will say they are. But irl, 14 year old kids look unfortunate and disproportionate. Stop making it seem like it's average and normal for men to be attracted to literal kids. You're literally nornalizing pedohpilia by saying all men are attracted to 14 year olds and it's normal. You're disgusting.
>>1275230I was targeted by pedos several times when I was younger because they thought I was an easy target and it disgusts me to see women say all men are inherently attracted to kids and want to date teens when in reality, they want to hurt rape and kill their
victims because they're easier targets.
That's why "pedos" usually don't care if the
victim is a boy or a girl long as it's an easy target whose "innocence" can be taken away. If you believe all men want to be with 14 year olds and the pedos are just normal men who want relationships with the girls, you're mentally ill. You're hurting
victims by acting like the men actually wanted to date and be with them while in reality, he wanted to hurt them.
No. 1275240>>1275245
>>1275234Samefag, I advice both of you pedo-normalizers to go to therapy because thinking invalidating rape
victims and telling them all men are like their abusers is owning scrotes is just a sign of mental illness. Also fucking go outside, normal men see 14 year olds as kids, the men you interact with on your weird online spaces see 14 year olds as girls who are too dumb to see their redflags and therefore ideal
Saying being pedophile is abnormal and pointing out men don't want to date but rather hurt kids/teens doesn't make me a man. However, you two saying every man definitely wants to fuck 14 year old kids makes you sound like discord groomers or their adult gfs who are enabling their bfs chatting up little kids.
No. 1275245>>1275248>>1275256
>>1275240A lot of men are rapists and pedophiles, they lack morals and they’ll do anything they think they’ll get away with. Whether they actually find their underage
victims more attractive than adult women is probably untrue, however you would be surprised at how many men would be willing to groom a teenager simply because they can
No. 1275255
>>1275247Damn I feel so sorry for your cousin.
>>1275252The question is why they want to be mothers and the real answer is more often than not a really sad one in this context.
No. 1275256
>>1275245Yeah that's what I'm saying, they wanna do it because they can trick teens EASIER, it's not because 14 year olds are peak hot and the men wanna date them.
>>1275246As I said, I've had men attempt to groom me online and even sexually harass me irl(different men, men I knew irl this time) when I was underage and I hate how some femcels think this is normal male behavior and get seriously sad because they think a man would rather date(aka rape) a kid instead of feeling sorry for the
Like they can cry as much as they want about how discord creep#873 is interested in a minor instead of them but I'm not gonna feel bad for a woman who's upset some random pedo won't fuck her, wtf. They seriously need to get help if they think normalizing pedohpilia is fighting against men.
Also I literally knew a woman seriously thought like that who got jealous a retarded pedo was trying to groom me instead of e-dating her. Women like that need to be told they're being illogical.
No. 1275346
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Which one of you cunts did this? I'm kidding this made me laugh
No. 1275393
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I had to see this, now you do too.
>The left side of the picture ( right side of the face) shows the preserved fat pads and young skin while the right side of the picture ( left side of face) shows the effect of ageing with a reduction in the fat pads with consequent facial volume loss and older skin.
No. 1275394
>>1275246>ex 4channer women posting blackpills about how all men are like the men they used to talk to on the internet and want to fuck little girlsFr, way to tell on yourself nonnas. You should try dating a man who
doesn't have trouble finding partners.
No. 1275479>>1275483>>1275491>>1275866>>1275972
>>1275234just wanted to say i wish i could hug you and i agree with you nonna, i think most men are only attracted to the 14 year olds who don’t look their age and the only men who actually think 14 year olds in general are sexy are hebephiles (who are common on male dominated image boards and make up the majority of child porn consumers, probably most pedos in general are hebes) and trad larpers.
however most men have the capacity to find a 16 year old attractive, but learning the age would turn off most of them (not all). 13 to 15 is a very obvious awkward zone. i got targeted constantly by internet pedos during that period of my life and it took a long time to learn to be able to trust any men again in any capacity. i don’t like it either when anons say every man on earth is a pedophile because of biology. bullshit. it’s the same thing stupid pedos themselves claim, “it’s my biology!” is a convenient excuse and lie for them that absolves them of all blame and socialization and control. no, men aren’t born pedophiles, human beings aren’t meant to be pedophiles, it goes against every actual instinct of ours. average age of first period was close to 17 until recently in history.
No. 1275533>>1275540>>1275541>>1275600
I struggle a lot with knowing what to do with my weight. Basically i was always thin, i'll talk in European metrics sorry burgers, but i was always between 50-55kg for 168cm. Skinny, small tits and ass, my waist was not completely boxy but not extremely marked either and i was always jealous of girls who could be skinny like me but still keep a nice shape because of their tiny waist, or because nature blessed them with tits and/or ass. The notorious hourglass shape.
At some point in 2020 i've told myself fuck this shit, i exercise and pay attention to what i eat and i still hate my body and feel unfeminine, i'll stop worrying about weight, eat whatever i want and see how it feels. Flash forward 2022 and i'm now 71kg.
Thing is, nobody believes me when i tell them my weight now, when i'm fully clothed i still look very normal, i mean i look proportionate and curvy. Sure i have small love handles and fat rolls on my belly, but i also have bigger tits (that sit high and are symetrical, it's honestly the thing i prefer about myself), wider hips that make the illusion of a smaller waist although my waist is of course bigger than when i was all skinny, and a nice rounded ass.
I hate my belly when i look at myself naked, i fucking hate it. I also hate that i'm starting to see a few stretch marks on my thighs, i had none when i was skinny. Part of me wants to lose weight and have a flat stomach again, but another part of me is really afraid of losing all this "femininity" this weight made me gain. Most people are telling me this weight gain suits me so well, and i would agree but i know when i'm clothed i trick them by hiding my stomach at all time. They don't see me naked.
I sound so vain and insufferable but i wish i could lose the stomach fat and keep all the rest. Some women are blessed like that, why not me reeeeeeee
No. 1275567
nonnie i feel kinda roasted, i could almost post a sad face emoji… But i actually have my reason for that, might sound stupid but when i'm in the middle i feel like i have the worst of both world. No flat stomach, but not enough fat for my tits to be a very full C cup and for my hips to be wider.
But i've always had an eating disorder as well so i'm lost on what to do, don't know if i should listen to myself. I just want to love my body.
>>1275541Oooh nonna i so hope you're right! Thanks, seems like nothing but it's comforting and pushing me to try to lose weight.
No. 1275595>>1275604
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My friend won't stop sending me trans rights / trans positivity / anti terf posts and shit. Like comics about being trans, videos of people talking about being trans, jokes about being trans etc. However she is literally not trans. I'm a fulltime crypto to her because I don't want to get a callout seeing as she knows my real name. Why does she keep sending me this annoying garbage when neither of us are trans, and I never bring it up? Do libfems really just sit around in their dms virtue signalling to each other? It makes me not want to even hang out with her
No. 1275628
I know I should be concerned with my digital footprint, but whatever. I still come here every once in a while to vent. And now I can’t help but think about how useless and pointless everything is, about how everything that everyone around me concerns themselves with is completely pointless. Nothing will bring me contentedness. Not that job. Not that life. Not that one either. Not moving there. Or there. You could put me in a magical realm lined with everything good, wondrous, and beautiful, and I’ll still get that little black sinking pit in my stomach. I could have done A, or C, or B; tech, art, finance; I could have become a clown or an opium dealer (less likely, admittedly; I don’t have the charm), and I still would be this. A little bit inhuman at times. What is it? What’s that “thing”? Because by this point I don’t feel much at all and I can’t understand why people do all these things that don’t beget much at all, either. Does everyone operate a few levels above a steady stream of steadfast depression? And they are okay with it? Or is it just me?
No. 1275658
Life isn't mean to be easy or luxurious. People die and babies are born, it's always going to happen. My mother certainly didn't intend for me to be born and my childhood was far from easy. We were homeless for a while, extremely poor, my parents didn't get along and eventually my dad died. I experienced a lot of trauma and so did my mother. But we love each other so much, and are both grateful for life. We've both endured so much we didn't ask for, and yet we remain strong and happy. Life is a blessing filled with challenges that every human can overcome. CSA, death, abuse, betrayal, poverty, suicide… Bring it on: nothing can destroy you unless you allow it. Your post has a very shallow view on life, I think. Life is never going to go as you plan and you're just going to have to accept it. I am happy my mother understood this, and so is she. Even with all of our hardships, we both gave each other the gift of life. I feel that so many people nowadays lack heart and soul, that they cannot fathom finding a way to deal with challenge.
No. 1275842
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I hate this hellhole of a country and how they influence the rest of the world.
No. 1275857>>1275875
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>rewind to a little over a decade ago
>me and my teenage older brother are alone in the house
>he asks me to play "piggyback" with him
You know what happened there. Told my mom and she "advised" me to keep my mouth shut and didn't even punish him for it.
>flashforward to present time
>he calls all immigrants and people of certain races rapists
>claims they are the scum of the earth and that they should be executed
Makes you think. Ponder.
No. 1275866>>1275888>>1275914>>1275947
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>>1275479>>1275483Calling it biology isn't giving them permission to go ahead and rape children, but how else would you explain the near universal obsession with youth, including dangerously young women, all throughout history and across cultures? Do you think every single country and group has just coincidentally socialized men to be like this? Or endless numbers of individual men have just happened to be bad apples? When I hear that men are naturally hardwired to be pedos, I don't think 'well we should just accept them being trash and let them do what they want', I don't accept it as an excuse from them, I see it as an admittance and an acceptance of them being unviable partners. I realize we need to completely reframe our thinking about how we engage with and live with men (ie we should avoid it).
Pic related is the most logical explanation I've ever heard. It's not evolutionarily advantageous for the mothers or children for teenagers to get pregnant, but it sure as fuck is advantageous for incompetent beta males. Men and women are not on the same side, our sexual strategies are at odds, theirs are monstrous much of the time.
No. 1275913>>1275917
>>1275890I want to undermine them. They have a decent to great support system while also selfishly believing their problems are on par with someone with zero support or someone with even worse conditions.
All these depressed/anxious "mental health advocates" got so fucking quiet and judgy when our classmate had a bipolar manic episode in the middle of class. It just made me sad. They didn't even recognize the symptoms and acted like the student was being disruptive and shocking on purpose. So much for advocacy and awareness.
No. 1275947
>>1275866Based. You're absolutely right. If men weren't pedos they wouldn't allow the age of consent to be 14/15 in Europe. Also, still no one responded to this post lol
>>1275491>>1275914Daily reminder that bonobo chimpanzees have pedophilia too, pre-pubescent females are sexually active, unfortunatelly. Die mad about it
No. 1275961>>1275963>>1275975>>1276064
>>1275296I'm thin but being chubby makes you look younger, it's obvious.
I hate the retarded skellies that argue men are attracted to literal kids and that skellies are beauty ideal because they look like kids when like… Any anorexic in anacows thread looks 10 years older than their age. Not only are they excusing pedophilia and saying it's normal, they're also encouraging women to starve themselves to fit pedo standards.
No. 1275972>>1276079
>>1275479Thank you for your well-written reply, anon. I wish you hadn't gone through those situations either and I feel like you understand my argument because you've unfortunately almost been a
victim. Some femcels seriously get jealous of child rape or grooming
victims because they think men would rather date a teen than an adult woman when in reality we should support each other and protect kids against those pedos. It disgusts me so much to read their shit about how it's biological for men to rape kids, it just takes me back to my experiences and I know those femcels(or men?) love the reaction they get because they do it so fucking often.
I believe biology-fags are, like the other anon mentioned, ex-4chan browsers who ate up scrote ideology about how it's natural for them to hurt little kids in the name of romantic or sexual attraction but somehow not want to date a teen/child at all - further proving kids and teens are NOT their attraction but an easy target for their sexual aggression.
They were also talking about how anorexic women look younger and therefore men are more attracted to them(even though most men Ik prefer average weight women with thin waist and big boobs/ass) and they're literally encouraging possibly vulnerable anons to develop ED.
This blackpill about women's whole worth being dangerously young and dangerously thin is hurting women so much its hard to think any of these anons actually hate men. I mean, why do they parrot incel male propaganda if they hate men? Why do they normalize pedophilia and eating disorders?
I do feel deeply disturbed whenever I read their obviously pedo male aligned ideas about how the men who hurt us or attempted to do so are normal men with normal biological instincts and it just invalidates
victims while supporting pedophilic or opportunistic rapist men to continue hurting younger women because it's apparently "their biology"
Also sorry for the redditfag formatting, I wanted this to be readable.
No. 1275977>>1276084
>>1275963I'm not humbling, being thin or chubby as long as it's not unhealthy is neutral, I wanted to make it clear I wasn't being biased because I'm not chubby myself.
>>1275962I agree but I get so annoyed when some mentally ill anons here try to argue all men are naturally pedophilic while caring more about how a man will prefer a teen over them than the fact that the man in question is grooming the teen girl. How is it based to normalize pedohpilia and rape of kids that can die from it by saying it's natural and biological? How is it natural when only men who have overwhelming desire to hurt kids like this are incels who have never seen a single woman or had even one gf their whole lifetime?
No. 1275979
>>1275975See this post that's also written by me
>>1275273Skellies don't look young, they just fill the void for pedos who want someone thats too weak to fight back.
No. 1276001>>1276006
>>1275981>>1275991Lol wtf. It does happen in real life. I dress in formal office wear and I’m mistaken for being a young teen on a regular basis at age 22. Went to the dentist last month and the assistant randomly told me to confirm my date of birth. I did and she immediately said “Okay, just making sure, because it really looked like you were a kid.” Not even a teen, but a kid. I also have had insanely creepy men hit on me just to tell me later that they think I look 14. I’m just cursed and I hate it and I even started wearing makeup to try to stop it and it’s made no difference. I personally think I look my age but for some reason this keeps happening even though I’ve lost a lot of the babyfat on my face.
I definitely did not look my age as a tween and as a teenager though. I hit puberty later than all my peers and there’s a really funny pic of me in middle school with my friends where they’re all regular 12 year olds and I look like a retarded lost 7 year old.
No. 1276004>>1276018
>>1275993>we don't give a fuck about what men wanna fuckThe argument started because an anon was mad men would drop her for a 14 year old.
>>1275994That anon was boasting about being thin and young enough to pass as a teen while arguing teens are most attractive to men.
>>1275992Resorting to such insults because someone said you don't pass as a teen, kek.
>>1275993Insulting me like an unhinged mental patient surely proves you're right and totally mentally sane, yeah. Why are you so personally offended by me potining out the amount of pedo normalization and anorexia propaganda? Get help.
No. 1276016>>1276021
>>1275981I'm 27 and it still happens to me even though I dress professionally. Multiple bosses I've had have told me that they were shocked I was even interviewing because they thought I was 16, but only through my interview did they realize I had the knowledge and experience in my industry that convinced them to hire me. I gain weight in my face even though I weigh very little and my mom looks to be in her early 40s though she is in her mid 60s so I suspect it is genetics. She also was mistaken for far younger than her age at my age as well. Some people just have the genes.
I always find it weird how people act like it is a positive. I'd rather look attractive and be respected than just look young. There are plenty of ugly young people, it's not really a plus.
No. 1276017
>>1276007Ok I won't use scientific terms that make you seethe
>If children were raised in female only communities, there would be basically no child rape and we both know thatCan you deny this though? Be an onest person for once on this thread and try to deny this, retard
No. 1276022
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>men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil! men are not evil!
No. 1276029
>>1276020'Normalizing' the fact that men are prone to pedophilic behaviour would mean women stay the fuck away from them, because we have morals and empathy and will never accept child rape as okay. You're obsessed with preventing 'normalization' because you want to continue living in your fantasy world where men are mostly good and have ethical sexual impulses.
If we say that rape is extremely common and most men would do it if they could get away with it, is that normalizing rape? Or is it just accepting reality?
No. 1276030
>>1275981Yes, and I would consider it almost normal to have the
>whaaat, you look like you’re only ____conversation with other female coworkers. It’s happened at like every job I’ve had
No. 1276035
>>1276027It's been said several times, it's even the point of the op post which ill link down below. An anon even said bonobos rape prepub so it's natural which wad the weirdest example and you can easily search up bonobo to see.
Men take advantage of younger women because it's just easier, it's not about attraction because if it erte, they'd actually treat the womrn decently like romantic partners instead of unfortunately taking advantage of them.
I dislike how op
>>1275182 is more upset that men wanna take advantage of 14 year old kids instead of dating her painting herself as the
No. 1276040
>>1276028Samefag, there are also intersex people raised as women who look like women and have every single external physical characteristic of being a female. They act like women and have the same medical issues as women. They are women, and the fact that they’re intersex (most intersex people have no physical proof of being intersex, it’s usually a genetic blip that happens at birth) doesn’t make them act like men.
I truly wish contemporary radfems would drop the obsessive bio essentialism. It literally helps no one. It hurts women. It’s dishonest. It feels good to get high on the rage towards trannies and moids using biology but ultimately that biology isn’t the cause of our most pressing important differences.
No. 1276070
>>1276052This is so funny lmao
>>1276060Watch out anon, the FBI is coming for you
No. 1276074
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>>1276063Are you contacting the cyber police?
uh-oh, it looks like you've dun goofed now >>1276065 the consequences will never be the same
No. 1276075
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Media isn't working so I will just live post about BGC. Inb4 misogyny, I look at these types of shows so I can safely be that way. I don't look at girls irl like this.
Darlene is ugly as shit and I hate looking at her anorexic ass. If you're anorexic, at least be pretty, Zara was fucking annoying the last season but at least she was pretty to look at in her segments.
No. 1276103
>>1276095Ngl some part of me wants to know what will happen when it sinks and what will replace it.
>>1276097Yeah The Boys is pretty good. I'll miss that Marvel nostalgia though. It's time to let go.
sadface No. 1276145
>>1276137Samefag: Remember when Hustler magazine let a guy who molested his daughter make comics making light of CSA? "Chester The Molester"? Now, even if some people have a dark/edgy sense of humor, what the fuck is something of that subject matter doing in a magazine full of erotica aimed at men for 13 years?>During his incarceration, he continued dispatching new strips to Hustler from his cell to be edited by Edward Kuhnel. They literally knew, and didn't care. Waiting for retard anon to report me (or maybe report Wikipedia I guess kek)
No. 1276147>>1276163>>1276176
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looked up my ex's name and found out he was arrested for being with an underaged girl 14 years younger than him last year. he was the most fucked up person i knew and physically abused me but it still comes as a shock that he actually would do something like this. too bad his multimillionaire parents probably bailed his ass out somehow since i can't find anymore information on the case.
No. 1276183>>1276195>>1276264
>>1276172wish i could vent about it more here but he's an avid imageboard browser and i am paranoid of him ever finding my posts. i will say that he was the biggest fucking manchild i ever knew and more than once had actual pissbaby tantrums over stupid shit like food and video games not being up to his standards. sorry i can't say more. maybe if he ever dies or something i will kek.
>>1276176thanks, nonna. i'm thankful i'm still alive after it too.
No. 1276195>>1276215
>>1276183It feels like so many farmers date imageboard moids. They're a dangerous bunch and I understand your paranoia. I just vented about my neet narc channer ex recently and had this sting of worry that he'd uncover it, especially since he probably already posts pics there as revenge anyway. In fact, he sounds similar to yours minus the underage girl stuff. They're all the fucking same.
I'm sorry you went through all that and I hope he gets what's coming from him. He sounds like a major loser. They all are.
No. 1276247>>1276261
>>1276233That's so fucked. If you can go and see them somehow, do you think you could talk to the daughter, reach out to her and maybe discuss going to the police? I'm not American so idk if her parent or some other family member needs to be involved in a report, but at least you being there for her can help, being disbelieved and invalidated is the worst shit. I'd say to just call the police/CPS for her right now, but she might end up denying it when pressured and her mom will likely blame her even more for it.
I honestly can't stand these dumbass pickmes who honestly believe that moids (whether their partners, family members/sons or just men in general) could "never" be evil or that it isn't common. Bringing men around her kids is even worse, that sounds like such a shitty unsafe environment
No. 1276272>>1276341>>1276376>>1276390
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Anons in the belle and Taylor R threads are fucking nuts, the threads are awful to read.
No. 1276277
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The store I usually go to has been out of crystal light peach flavor for so fucking long!! I finally caved and bought the generic version and it has a medicinal taste, first world problems rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
No. 1276323
nonny, I feel the same. I hate that you're supposed to "love your work" now because I certainly fucking don't. The only reason I do it is because I need money to pay the bills and fund my more exciting escapades. I hate how I have to sacrifice 40 hours a week for a corporation that doesn't give a shit about me and wouldn't hesitate to drop me entirely if the situation so required. I hate that my work always goes unappreciated and I hate that it has jaded me to the point I'm cynical and always do the bare minimum that counts as work because I can't be assed to put in any extra. I wish life was like a neverending summer vacation allowing me to pursue my true passions and enjoying the one life that I have instead of wageslaving until I'm 70 and then die of cancer or heart problems brought about by work-related stress.
No. 1276361>>1276365
>>1276350Thank you
nonnie, I laughed at the unfortunate typo but I really appreciate being heard.
No. 1276478>>1276482>>1276483>>1276484>>1276489>>1276492>>1276493>>1276500
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I do not care about men's mental health and I'm tired of seeing people on social media cry and throw tantrums about "muh men not speaking up."
Men have all the chances in the world to speak up. Yes, they do suffer with mental health issues especially if they come from a rough upbringing, but I find it hard to empathise with a lot of this considering men are also overwhelmingly the perpetrators of violent crimes across the board - a lot of which is down to "bad mental health".
I constantly see people post things like picrel coping and bootlicking for the male brain, when they(men) have NEVER supported or spoken up for women-specific issues. Never ever have I seen a man post about women's mental health, postpartum depression, sexual assault, abortion, pornography, rape culture etc…never, even the so-called "good men" don't fucking do it. They will only speak up when they either want attention or want to one-up women.
Men have almost infinite resources to speak up about their issues.
I am just sick and tired of seeing women also post this shit too - when their boyfriends, husbands, male friends or relatives would absolutely NOT do the same for women's issues. Women are expected and forced to internalize mental problems and trauma or keep it within women-only communities. Women are often hushed, ridiculed or patronized when speaking about sexual or childhood trauma, and that's if its even acknowledged at all.
When men are faced with the same thing they either 1. Go batshit crazy and start raping, attacking or killing people, or 2. They whine about it and expect everyone to coddle them instead of being productive about it.
The entire myth that men just "bottle up" is fucking retarded to me considering the rates at which men sperg out and start chimping and attacking innocent people (namely women let's admit) because she dared to reject him, or assert a boundary, or just simply have a different opinion. Whereas most women who are raped, attacked or abused in any form tend to internalize it and are made to keep hush for years.
Fuck off. I'm not coddling men's mental health and nor do I care about it just like they have NEVER cared about ours. They can look within themselves and to their male friends to sort that shit out. It is absolutely pathetic.
No. 1276510>>1276515>>1276517>>1295742
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My cousin is 6 months pregnant and discovered that her moid has been sexting girls on social media for about a year (wouldn't put cheating past this fucker too). She was hysterical on the phone (rightfully so) and came over to my place and she was crying and breathing so heavily to the point where I was worried that I'd have to call an ambulance. Thankfully she managed to calm down a bit and is asleep on my couch right now but HOLY FUCK do I want to beat this fucker to death for doing this to her and her baby. It hurt so much to see her like this. All moids do is bring misery. I am so fucking angry right now I could punch a wall.
No. 1276515>>1276528
>>1276510Fuck anon I don’t even know your cousin and I want to kick his ass as well. Fucking men are pathetic
Hope she is able to recover/take care of herself and the baby. Wishing her the best
she should catfish him kek No. 1276518>>1276526
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he's Paddy Pimblett a popular Lightweight(150 lbs) MMA fighter, I really like him cause he doesn't do the usual UFC fighter showboating, he's a humble down to earth guy who does a lot of charity work
also I think his fights are really hot, cause he always chokes and submits guys
No. 1276526
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>>1276518samefag I think he's really hot cause he's such a goofy looking dude, but he could literally overpower guys twice his size and I think that's weirdly attractive
No. 1276528
>>1276515Thank you
nonny! I hope so too. Can't imagine what she's going through right now.
>>1276517I know! And they both wanted this baby. It blows my mind how moids will make plans to have a family with their partners yet do shit like this. Men don't deserve women, they don't deserve children and they don't deserve a family if this is how they'll treat it.
No. 1276662>>1276671>>1276726
>>1274584Bf breakup update:
Thank you nonas for all the advice and love to me, I read it and felt more comfort than I had in a long time. It's only been 2 days but I feel much better. I was having a lot of panic/anxiety. I was really blindsided but just wanted to say thank you for helping me when I was feeling very lonely. No need to reply nonas. Just.. thank you^^.
No. 1276671>>1276679
>>1276662Congrats anon, I didn't see that post earlier but I'm glad you feel better. Things can only go up and up from here
inb4 you get banned in like 5 seconds for using "^^"
No. 1276684>>1276693
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I moved out to a different country 3 years ago and I still haven't found friends. I feel like a statue. People compliment me but they never want to get to know me. I went to cons, its full of normies or teenagers. What makes it worse is my partners sister hates me and keeps trying to turn the family against me, she ended up only convincing their underage stepbrother. I am so lonely. Instead, I spent my time drawing and watching shows centered around friendship, imagining I am a part of it. The saddest part is I am a content creator and I built parasocial relationship towards my own "fans", so I am taking a month long mental health break because I am overwhelmed with everything.
No. 1276693
>>1276684I hope you'll get to make friends
nonnie. Is there anything like the MeetUp app in your country? Or facebook groups for your shared interest where people meet in person for that interest? Maybe even picking up a new hobby and attending gatherings for it (like a knitting circle, or I know my city does skate nights, something like that).
No. 1276714
>>1276705Good luck
No. 1276803>>1276808
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I just want to stop the incessant voices in my head. It's snippets of events that have happened and left a imprint. I hate that I replay conversations over and over especially the nasty ones. I hate crying over these conversations. I hate I get talked over. I hate how no one listens to me or even cares but when they hear it from someone else it's amazing and worth listening to. I hate how no one around me cares and tells me to just smile and get past it. I'm so tired of it all. It feels unnatural and that someone will pop out telling me I've been punk'd for all these years. I rather be dead because then all of this will shut up. I feel insane.
No. 1276811
>>1276780Oh nonna so sorry youre dealing with this. Excuse me while I go into momma mode.
You can half freeze a flavored water (like adding the little packets to a bottle) and make a slushie.
You also may not have enough sodium in your system. We sweat salt and must replenish it. Consider pedialyte (or electrolyte solutions)
Hope you cool down soon.
No. 1276814
>>1276808Compulsive/automatic thoughts thankfully no hallucinations but I worry I may someday. Thank you,
No. 1277026>>1277035
>>1277011oooh thank you
nonnie i was thinking cancer or some shit thanks ill look into it
No. 1295742
>>1276510My distant cousin had a scrote who convinced her that he loved her, that he'll always be there if she ever gets pregnant, that he'll go to school, get a good job, this and that for her. My cousin gets knocked up, and guess what happens? The scrote never got a good job, he still only has a high school diploma, he cheated on her with multiple women, and verbally abused her as "stupid" for getting pregnant. Child support? It's like his own daughter doesn't even exist. She's not even the only woman in my family who got screwed over by the same type of scrote. One of my aunts had the exact same story. Scrote comes into her life, presents himself as a stable, reliable human being. The scrote's mask slips completely off in the most vulnerable time of her life. Just like that, she was a single mother. I think you're right, scrotes really do poison any life they walk into.
No. 1296186>>1296195
4 of my tshirts have extremely obvious deodorant marks all over the pit area and I have no idea how to remove them. The shirts are light grey and white, so it's extremely obvious. They were some of my favourite tshirts as well, but it's impossible to hide the waxy residue.
Will try getting rid of them with vinegar and dish soap for the second time now.
>>1296165He's an ass and I'm glad you laughed at him, hope he'll remember it for a long time.
I generally tend to avoid going out if I know my period will be heavy, but if I have to I usually use both a menstrual cup and a night pad, just to be safe. If it makes you feel better, I had a leak at university while wearing almost white trousers and didnt notice it until I felt something going down my thigh. The walk home was awful.
No. 1296371
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>>1296165I'm sorry that happened to you,
nonnie. You're not disgusting or a pig, unlike that deranged scrote. I hope you're feeling much better now and that you treated yourself to relax