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No. 1222766
No1curr about your autism or bpd. Vent thread will be returning back to its regular schedule of nigel rants and suicide bait.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1222759 No. 1222780
>>1222775Ok anon.
>>1222772Isn't it the pyramid head from silent hills?
No. 1222802
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I wonder what infights we'll be seeing in this thread. Till then, anons.
No. 1222807
>>1222798Go to a doc
>>1222796Sounds like iron deficiency maybe, take a blood test. You bruise very easily when you're deficient and you don't notice it when you hit yourself.
No. 1222810
>>1222798>no computationmy
nonnie, if math is making your butt bleed you need a doctor
>>1222807Oh damn that lines up. I think you're right, thanks nonna!
No. 1222829
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I just remembered that I have an exam tomorrow and I totally would've forgotten about it, if it wasn't for my professor reminding us through e-mail. So now I have to pull an all nighter an somehow memorize about one hundred pages and not fail tomorrow's exam.
No. 1222831
>>1222822Excise the ego. Dunning Krueger fucks become himbos and arrogant manipulative fucks tone down the evil.
Egoless moids are rarer than goddamned unicorns tho.
No. 1222835
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>>1222822pick the right choice
nonnie No. 1222842
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Since I was 19 I have continuously moved cities and countries every 2-3 years or so. I just can't seem to settle anywhere.
I would say it's because I'm adventurous, but I think the truth is that I'm struggling with life never working out the way I want it to, feeling depressed and then thinking that everything will be alright once I move to the next ideal place on my list. Once I've lived there a little while I realize I don't feel better, so I start looking for yet another new place, usually somewhere I've visited in the past and felt briefly happy in.
I'm soon turning 30 and there's no certainty to my life. I feel completely lost. The thought of settling down is terrifying, because I'm so stuck on the mindset that if I'm not happy, I'm in the wrong place. I don't think it's depression, it's just an overall hollow and sad feeling that I can't seem to get rid of. Sure, it could be that it's me who needs to change and not the place I live in, but what if I just haven't found my true home yet?
No. 1222843
>>1222825Same thing for men too. I spent alot of years glossing over my dads neglect and abuse because I know he was raised in a pretty tough time/environment but I eventually ran out of my once generous supply of one-sided empathy. Neither me or my brother want kids so at least the cycle seems likely to end with us.
I see alot of people saying 'I'll give my kid everything that I was denied' but it's rarely that simple in practice. People mean well when they say it but its naive.
No. 1222895
>>1222825People who have children without going to therapy will fuck up their children, who knew
>>1222842Have you found any friends/community in those places?
>>1222854What helps is doing a cost analysis on it, how often will you use it vs how much it costs, and will it effect your health?
No. 1222908
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Whenever I see scrotes who can’t contain their excitement about “backpacking through Southeast Asia” I automatically assume they’re pervert sex tourists and possibly pedos
No. 1222912
Its incredible how much the internet can fuck with someones head. I know its unhealthy but sometimes i read mgtow forums, you can tell theres way too much talk and too little of reality in those discussions. On one hand they claim every woman is a whore, on the other hand they claim "if she doesnt fuck you by the third date shes using you". And then theres the cherry on top: its always the same users posting claiming they "pump and dump" model-looking-women, that you never see on real life, and those same guys are making daily posts at 10am, 3pm, 4pm, 2am… Every single day! Its crazy how obvious it is that they are jobless, probably with no career prospects, and ugly. And for some reason they still feel the reason to lie about being such "chads". Its incredible because all the "chads" ive met in real life were super chill dudes, nice to the scrawny dudes that probably hate them, and were nice to women and had no problem with them. Its crazy what online discussion does to their perception of reality.
No. 1222925
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>>1222866I will, thank you anon! Yeah, I hate that my professors are shitty like that.
No. 1222930
>>1222908my neighbour is a very creepy guy. After I moved here alone, he started to leave his flat every morning at the same time I would leave and he would be back at the same time as I was back. It suddenly stopped when a guy moved in with me. Well, our walls are very thin (old building, build very fast after WW2) and he is loud and we can hear most of the things he does. One time he travelled to Thailand, we were both joking "oh, he is looking for a very young girlfriend". Guess what? He came back, had calls over months from a girl from Thailand, she asked him about money many times, one day she visited him for some weeks and what we could hear didn't sound right. She cooked for him, they mostly didn't talk, one evening his friend visited, with whom she talked and another night she threatened to call the police and after she left, the phone calls only would be about money and one year later, there aren't any phone calls. He lost his job, hasn't got money, so that poor girl has to find the next German (or American or European guy) to get some money. So yes, if I see a guy travelling alone (or with male friends) to Southeast Asia, I assume the same and sadly, it's mostly the truth. Sry for blogposting, today is annoying and I need to annoy other people, kek.
No. 1222932
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I've tried to friendzone a scrote for almost three years and it has been the awkwardest and shittiest time of my life. Can't cut him off completely because he's a neighbour. I fucking hate myself for not being able to be firm enough, being too polite and letting him believe in his stupid fantasies of dating me. FUCK YOU SCROTE LEAVE ME ALONE! Today I might've succeeded, though, so here's to hoping.
No. 1222936
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everything is irritating/upsetting me today but rocket power is calming me down. great comfort show
No. 1222941
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my male cousin is painfully average looks wise and his girlfriend is so god damn pretty and photogenic and has beautiful, shiny, really long (like ass-long) hair, she modeled for some company too. It's surreal to see them together. One of my shift leaders is also a very attractive woman, and her husband is an uggo. Even on the street, I often see fit, pretty, well kept girls who dress nicely and then I see their scrotes, ugly or average, either skinny-fat, skin-and-bones skinny with no muscle mass or just fat, with shitty hair and shitty skin and dressing like shit. I'm so so so annoyed by this. I know looks aren't everything but I basically never see the opposite: an attractive, fit, well kept man with an ugly/average girl who looks like a slob. I can recall maybe one such case. I hate to see how much confidence painfully average or ugly scrotes get from dating pretty women. Sometimes I even want to grab some of those girls and shake them kek
No. 1222946
Have a big test tomorrow and my mother did it again. She made the situation so unbearable, I can't concentrate, I can't learn, I have to care for my brother, so he doesn't do anything stupid. Damn, I'm an adult, I'm a grown woman, I'm stronger than my mother has ever been, still she has the power to destroy everything by just one stupid e-mail. If some of the stuff that needs to be done is done, I will never have contact with my mother again, the hurt and pain is enough for a lifetime and she never loved me, so why should I keep on caring, shall she rot alone in her empty house with no one talking to her.
No. 1222964
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I want to be like this capybara but I keep sabotaging myself through procrastinating and stagnation.
No. 1222967
>>1222941but anon, they could be rich kek
I think part of it is that if the man is way below their level he's less likely to cheat or leave them because he literally can't get anyone better. A genuinely hot guy could leave them for someone hotter so there's security in dating an uglier guy.
No. 1222972
>>1222901I'm not writing off therapy for everyone, it has it's uses and it's better than doing nothing but yeah.. there's a point where years on years of therapy still doesn't work miracles if you've been affected by experiences at a very young age. I've opted out of kids based on how lost I am when it comes to what's normal parenting wise. I can barely even get a romantic relationship to last and that's with plenty of therapy under my belt. The harsh reality is that abused kids go on to have crazy
toxic dating experiences too alot of the time. Even without kids there's a lifelong aftertaste that follows you around and haunts you, even with therapy and while putting the work in.
No. 1222983
>>1222967I hate that I'm sharing this but I dated down in my last relationship.. I was doted on for a while and then standards oh so slowly slipped and he ended up cheating on me with a woman who is older than me (not being a bitch but was a downgrade looks wise) was overweight and she came with the baggage of several kids.. he left me for her though because she was kinkier than me. He had never even told me about these hidden kinks in our years together. He'd lied about what he's into and then expected me to please him through mind reading? I was beyond insulted by how it all played out. Don't date down. Date a guy who actually gets your engine going.. might as well if ugly guys end up just as bad as attractive guys after a while.
Even an uggo will take you for granted after he's already had the pleasure of bedding you a thousand times. They get bored, they get big heads. They're not eternally grateful. The novelty wears off.
No. 1222998
>>1222983I'm sorry you had to go through that,
nonny! I hope you'll have more luck in the future (if you still want a moid).
>>1222988>stand in the corner of the room watching him sleep and breathing heavily so when he wakes up he knows he's always watchedKek
>>1222991Absolutely agree. It's best to never get married to a moid at all. Depending on where you live, you also don't necessarily need to be married for your child(ren) to get any benefits, so I'd always look into that first before considering marriage.
No. 1223011
>>1222997In the past I used to just sacrifice attraction because "well he's a nice guy and I don't want to be vain" So sometimes I'll meet couples and recognise that set up but.. you never know for sure.
Generally I'm a fan of people staying roughly within their own league. Mostly because 9 times out of 10 its scrotes trying to push their luck.
No. 1223022
nonnie. Who is left for the other girls then? Other than addicts and homeless wifebeaters
No. 1223029
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After realizing how much time I've spent crying over a scrote and fumbling to reply to his dry ass texts, I've decided that I refuse to give him or any other lousy, undeserving man for that matter my time of day. No one gets to ghost me for multiple days and then come back and """playfully""" insult me multiple times. This summer I'm only giving back the energy I'm receiving and nothing more. I've picked up a few hobbies I've been neglecting in the past half a year or so because I've been depressed and I'm trying to limit my screen time because I've noticed the men in my dms are absolute retards and that only depresses me further
To all the nonnas itt who are struggling with retarded men, I'm manifesting loving nigels for everyone in the upcoming year, you've been blessed
No. 1223070
nonnie you have no idea how much this means to me. Send me evil thoughts if I don't start doing this tomorrow, I will do vice versa if I sense you slipping
No. 1223079
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>>1223070I've got my eye on you nonna, wish you all the best!!
No. 1223086
>>1222930I moved from a big city to a tiny ass rural town and since being here I've met a few local creepy or overbearing men. One much older man started leaving his house to match my schedule. I posted about him here because I couldn't leave my house in peace for my first two years of living here. At least twice a day he'd stop me. Every single time I stepped out I 'bumped into' him. Anons recommended the grey rock method to help. It did cut it down by quite a bit. I see him maybe once a week now instead of 20 to 30 times a week.
I've had single male neighbours try to find any old excuse to suggest coming into my house or my garden. Or if I don't answer the door to a random knock they'll interrogate me the next time they see me because THEY KNOW I was at home att. I'm allowed to just not answer my door y'know. They offer up help and favours and it's not even worth accepting help because it ties you to them.
A guy who has now moved away had an asian partner (very rare here) who was decades his junior and never spoke a word to anyone. Nobody on the street had interacted with her. I asked others and I was concerned about her but then they moved. I guess men in small towns are desperate and low on options. I cut my hair very short and have slowly stopped wearing form fitting clothes. I moved in looking all cute and changed in last few years to counteract the attention. I miss my days of being nothing special in a city. You'd think a city would mean more men so more harrassment but not in my case
No. 1223116
>>1223082pen falls on the floora father: screams at their female child like it's their fault no matter what
it's always the daughter too, never the sons
No. 1223120
>>1223086I thought rural areas were supposed to be peaceful.
In all seriousness what you've said corroborates what I've heard from other rural female friends. Some years ago there was some study going around about how Norwegian(?) men were being 'recycled' by women, as in the same men were impregnating multiple women while a bunch of other men were loveless/childless. Moids were going batty over it. I looked into it and it was due to male/female population imbalances, male loneliness was most highly concentrated in rural areas. They'd move out there for work I guess and oops, there's no chicks here. Very easy to see how this leads to shitty behavior towards the few women that
are there.
No. 1223166
>>1223138None taken. He's a tattooer. I can't afford it because a week ago the owner of the company I was working at showed up and told me they were closing down the branch, effective immediately.
As far as why I'm such a pathetic woman.. well, I'm still figuring that part out. Daddy issues, some shit about being attracted to and comfortable with narcissists. Being a narcissist myself… TBD
No. 1223225
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Saged for autism. When I saw the top I was happy (no I don't think barbie is some lesbian icon kek - I just found it cute because I grew up thinking of these two as a couple), then I saw the bottom and now I'm annoyed. Why the fuck does the troon flag contains that pretty colour combo?
No. 1223234
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Feeling extra hopeless and unloveable tonight. I miss my hopes and dreams, my brain has outgrown the ability to escape, it’s too aware. I just face the reality of my unfortunate past and present and probably future every day.
No. 1223307
Theres a fucking water shortage on my city, because the governor is a spoiled manchild with 0 brain cells, and sadly I live in the low income part of the city, which means I haven't had running water for almost 3 weeks. Yet the government swears were supposed to be getting the minimum service. I'm running out of money to buy bottled water, I'm tired of having to go to a communal cistern to get water. I feel like I'm I'm fucking Africa, my city is supposed to be the most avanced city on my country, what the fuck. My partner suggested we spend the shortage with my in laws, who live in a middle class neighborhood, and thus, haven't experienced any water shortage. The problem is that they fucking hate me, and I can't stand them cause my father in law is a mysoginist wife beater. They aren't even that rich, they just have a fancy house cause of a stupid family feud, they're cheap as hell, and constantly judge me for everything. We came to visit and not only they have running water on full pressure, they're complaining about a bunch of nonsensical stuff. I'm literally this close of losing my shit. I want to be able to shower everyday, but if I have to listen to them on a daily basis I will end up committing patricide.
No. 1223308
>>1223166None never date a tattooist, they're scum.
The amount of tattooist that I know will ask you for sex in exchange for shitty ink is astonishing. Even worse is the fact they believe they've been touched by God just because they know how to dip a needle on ink.
Don't lose your time on him.
No. 1223313
>>1223290She unfriended me on discord but I reached out to her in her twitter DMs, hoping for her to add me back. I'm apparently too
toxic for her and we get into dumb arguments over dumb internet stuff. She thinks I'm a bad person for holding onto
toxic views and it makes her uncomfortable. She seems to be listening to my side and probably contemplating on adding me back because she's not immediately blocking me. I feel like a scrote because I can't move on and leave her alone already.
No. 1223316
>>1223311I'm in the same situation anon.
I thought about finding new friends through here since I really like the vibes of this place but my experience from friend finder places from other websites is that generally I have a hard time connecting with anyone and it falls apart after a few weeks.
No. 1223321
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>>1222813i love them too but they make nonnies seethe real hard
No. 1223340
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I'm drawing my own porn because there isn't much about the stuff or characters I like, but now I'm forced to look at pictures of real cocks. Why do real men have such ugly cocks? Why are real men so repulsive to look at in general?
No. 1223374
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I want new banners. We have gotten so many cool ones that aren't being used. They just sit there, waiting…
No. 1223406
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>go to ren faire with dad
>before we leave, my mom (who knows I hate having my picture taken) goes "don't forget to get a picture of her in her costume!!"
>later I buy 3 necklaces, costing $10 each, get them in a bag
>set down the bag so my dad can take a picture of me
>dad tries to take a picture of men has to try 5 fucking times because something is always wrong with the picture
>finally get a decent-ish picture
>forget about my necklaces
>remember a half hour later
>go back and look for them
>they're gone
>dad, who spends $50 on takeout without blinking, offers to rebuy me one of the necklaces
>I refuse cause what's the fucking point
>mfw $30 flushed down the toilet for a picture I didn't even want taken to begin with
No. 1223412
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>drinks chai tea with oat milk creamer with some brown sugar as well
>each sip in the beginning is soothing and relaxing
>an hour later feel immediately weird
>am I fucking high right now???
do I have diabeetus now or something because I remember my fatass eating like around six tiny little desserts the other day and I felt fine afterwards but now I feel like I drank a shit load of alcohol
No. 1223423
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No. 1223435
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Wishing a very unhappy pride month to the gay man that went off on me this week for agreeing with what he said and congratulating him on sobriety! Hope you get hate crimed!
No. 1223443
>>1223435Wow, what an asshole. Gay or not, moids are too dumb to socially interact properly. Like how does someone think your answer was rude in any way?
>>1223439Kek I was gonna say the same.
No. 1223445
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i love lolcow. i love /ot/ more specifically. i ignore my friends for you girls. it's just so great, such a great community. this board gives me so many laughs and such a feeling of togetherness, even when anons are being bitter assholes. it's easy to disregard them when everyone else is being so great. i have really great friends in terms of their helping me and being kind and generous, but it's just not the same. they don't really feel the same as i do, while you girls do. i'm very appreciative of this space.
No. 1223468
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Based Sugar. Absolute icon
No. 1223472
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I know I shouldn't be this pissy but fuck I cannot stop seething. My mother agreed to make a cheesecake for her stunted creepy scrote neighbor's young daughter. The fucker never said "thank you" or "it was good" when she made him some for christmas. I get it's for his daughter's birthday, but he has so much control over his girls I doubt it'll be good enough (read not enough salt/fat/sugar). The main reason I'm pissy is because the fat fucker is retired yet can't be assed to make it himself or learn. Nope gotta work on his dnd shit, watch anime, or play vidya games. He makes fun of how we cook our food yet he is too lazy to cook and downs a lot of alcohol. Yeah, okay. I can't be near him because he sets off bad memories of me in undergrad with a creepy military guy. I get the shakes really bad and voice gets stupidly high then I have a panic attack. I feel bad for his girls because he wants to turn them away from their mother (ex-wife) but frames it as "she's not that nice and look I changed for my girls, not her". Look, she's not perfect, but she married him barely out of high school while he had been out for much longer. Plus she's trying to make a better life for the girls and trying to finish a degree to make good money. He never changed, couldn't handle college because it didn't kiss his ass, he walks all over people, has huge mommy issues/hates women, creepy as fuck, doesn't "lie" to his girls (never let them believe in santa/tooth fairy yet he white lies/lies about the dumbest shit to them) and acts entitled. I don't know why my mother has to be enamored by pathetic scrotes around my brother's age. She'll always gloss over their shitty behavior and act like they are victims. I was born in the worst family because she always enables these scrote's behaviors yet makes snide comments about women. I myself am never good enough for her. It hurts, nonas, it cuts really deep.
No. 1223474
>>1223455bleak, don't be fooled by internet socialisation, your connection to the people around you on a tangible level is inherently deeper. sorry not trying to dogpile you but
>>1223450 this is responsible advice, devaluing the people from your life outside the internet will eventually begin to erode your respect for them, speaking from experience
No. 1223480
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>be me six months ago
>tell my bf to buy himself a wallet so he can stop losing and leaving his debit card in random areas and its safer in a wallet
>he says yes but doesn't do it
>loses it again a month later
>be me today sleeping peacefully in bed after telling him I wont let him use my card for his lunch at work
>gets woken up saying he can't find his card and can he use mine
>hell no bitch
>pull an evasion tactic and just pretend to be in a deep sleep because I'm not helping his lazy ass look for MY card
>he eventually leaves and I hear him yell "well thanks for that" and continues seething out the door
Don't care didnt ask plus I told you so months ago you dumbass, I have absolutely no sympathy for people who keep fucking up repeatedly with things like this when it's easily avoidable. He will be whining about not having food at work but idc, it's not and never has been my responsibility for your card so you should have thought about that and bought a wallet!
No. 1223482
>>1223474they're not devalued, we share basically none of the same beliefs and can only connect on certain specific levels. in essence, they're, imo, friendships based on convenience, but are still meaningful. having to consistently muzzle myself is honestly depressing. otherwise, they're awesome and fairly reliable. but the friendship hits a certain emotional plateau to me because we can't connect in certain ways and i can't be understood in certain, very crucial ways. i'm well acquainted with internet socialization and its pitfalls, but i feel there's, because of the fact that it is in imageboard, it serves me a lot, emotionally, in ways that can't be addressed by my irl friendships. it's just an incompatibility issue. my friends aren't bothered by me ignoring them for a while because they know i have other shit going on and my friendships in no way suffer from me kind of brushing them off to prefer just relaxing with other people on an imageboard who are more similarly minded and have more understanding of certain concepts and topics. i should also mention i've kind of always had the same mentality, imagboards or not, where friendships are only friendships to a certain extent. like, not every friendship has a large percentage of compatability, but you still appreciate them for the things you do have in common and for the things you do for each other. none of my friendships lose their value over it. my friends are also pretty social people so me ignoring them for a day or two doesn't matter to them ultimately. they're busy people anyways. i'm almost positive they don't mind.
No. 1223513
I'm autismo and couldn't find an advice thread. What's the best amount of time to wait before messaging someone online again? I want to talk to her but don't get the social rules of starting a new convo without being annoying.
>>1222766Good picture.
No. 1223519
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I hate being ill. I can workout properly again after surgery and I do have a decent amount of strength, but I decided to do a morning workout and now I'm absolutely knackered. It used to give me more energy. Now I feel like I could crawl back into bed. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm fine again, but then I get random pain attacks and I'm so tired so fucking fast, when I used to be a big ball of energy. As long as I live like a sedentary normie I'm fine, but I love being active and being on my feet.
No. 1223520
>>1223507I've been taking ibuprofen but it barely helps and I flushed my gum twice with warm salt water.
>>1223516Will try thank you
My face is really swollen (almost double) and I also have flu like symptoms. I really want to call off work, I can't work like that but it won't give a good impression on a first day.
No. 1223540
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>>1223480update with another vent from this retard:
>drives back home from work (only works 5 mins away)>he comes in and doesn't even say hi, simply says "i'm looking for a card i still can't find mine">i say he can't use mine, he is more than welcome to use it for taking cash out after he's sent it across to my bank FIRST and also ordered his new card but otherwise, no. The bills come out in my account and I am extremely tight/wary with people using my card unless it's an emergency>he gets irritated and says he tried waking me up this morning to help look for MY card kek>i say yeah bitch at 5am when I am supposed to be sleeping so hell no im not getting out of bed for this shit>i say he should have prepared some pasta or at least had a breakfast at home if he knew he was gonna be starving at work>he is still malding and says ok i guess i'll just starve then, and leavesi am now playing world of warcraft and having a nice coffee, relaxing in knowing i will never be as retarded as this. what is it with moid brains that make them seemingly unable to plan, organise or deal with mistakes and situations in life? the only organised moids i've met are old ones like my dad and granddad.
>>1223510yeah he's seething cos i pointed out how he should have planned and also added his card on his phone for times like this kek. hungry and malding on a monday morning, can't be me!
No. 1223552
>>1223547It's not rude at all
nonny so don't worry, it's the same question I ask myself a lot.
I have plans to leave him once I get a promotion and take over this business, unfortunately until then I am paid peanuts and neither of us can afford to live on our own. I also have no family so yeah.
>>1223548Kek yep I'm trying!!
No. 1223565
>>1223553Tell your mom about what he did. He's showing his scrotery which isn't helping his situation. Any chance she's leaving him after the ex thing? Him doing these things to you might by the last straw for her, so it's better to say it now rather than wait for her to calm down
So sorry for your friend anon. Your birthday must've been unbearable, so please try to find a free day and dedicate it to yourself as a late birthday celebration
No. 1223576
>>1223528I had a panic attack about it and self harmed and i think i hurt my left arm
The one i kind of use for work
I’m so fucking fucked it’s laughable
No. 1223587
I broke up with my past boyfriend while I was abroad, and met my current boyfriend some weeks after. I'm back home again for now and will soon be joined by my boyfriend. At the time, I had been wanting to break up with my ex for months, even before my departure. He simply kept convincing me to stay with him. Now that I'm back home, I am constantly flooded with memories of him and I. Random memories come to the surface and I often feel a sliver of nostalgia. I don't really understand why, since I felt miserable with him, and some memories still do elicit a painful emotion, despite their subject matter belonging to the past. I'm really looking forward to my boyfriend's arrival and stay, since it'll create new memories that can put an end to this internal torture. I utterly dislike my past boyfriend, but being back in town has been nudging me into the direction of coping and fawning I so desperately sought to escape. I constantly want to bump into him, call him, or completely forget about him because of the negative memories I have with him. I can't explain these recurring thoughts, but I know that once I learn to let go, I'll have peace. I'm just still in the process of trying to understand the situation so I can start figuring out how to let go. It's strange that parts of us can still hold on to things of the past we truly thought we had fully moved on from. But I think being back in the places where those memories took place can trick the body and therefore confuse the mind. I read a similar story, where a young girl was experiencing a disease of which the symptoms kept multiplying inexplicably. It turned out that constantly returning to a place where trauma had occurred was putting her body through the stress causing her disease. Once she no longer frequented that place, her disease began to heal. A key aspect to this story is also that her parents found a replacement for her. They didn't just strip her of an activity, they simply relocated it. It becomes a bit more complicated when hurtful or confusing memories are spread out throughout a city, or took place in your own home. But once again, I think that the replacement of memories I mentioned, will do good. Coming home after being away for so long, my body will of course be "confused" that things aren't the way I left them, and will want to return to this place of familiarity, even if it doesn't make any sense rationally. It will do me good to slowly but surely experience that things truly are different now, and that this feels even better. I don't think the journey will take long, but it will certainly be dynamic.
No. 1223612
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I’m so tired of dating, I wish I could just climb into a femcel hole and never emerge. This guy who seemed so charming and fun when I met him said he wanted to take me out for drinks and dancing. What he meant by that was telling me to be ten minutes early to our agreed meeting time then showing up late himself, and then having me tag along to his salsa class which is already 3 weeks underway (I’ve never danced salsa before). I had better chemistry and chat with maybe three guys there who I’d only met that night. What a massive waste of my evening. Im putting myself on ice for the next three months at least and focus on my job + gym + my hobbies + my husbandos.
(Side note but say what you will about FDS but if I never encountered that sub I probably would have deluded myself into thinking that tonight was great and that I wanted to go on a second date with him.)
No. 1223628
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>>1223626Praying for both of us right now and every other
No. 1223653
>>1223336Happy for you anon! Knowing your progress alone made my day.
If things start to fall out again, at least you now know that it can change. Always keep this in your mind.
No. 1223722
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When I'm waiting to fall asleep at night, I can sometimes feel the phantom weight of a woman on my chest and in my arms, her breathing in my neck and her hair touching my skin. When I'm sitting in the bus, I wonder what it would feel to have her next to me, our legs touching because we are sitting so close to each other. When I'm walking, I can feel the sensation of our hands holding and I imagine the corner of her eyes squinting because she's smiling.
Sometimes those feelings are so strong, that I have to lay down for a bit. I close my eyes and I can sense the warmness radiating of someone who is not here, I never feel like I'm desperate for sex but this, whatever this is is driving me insane.
It's like my brain is implanting full cinematic scene made of the women of my dream, it's killing me inside. That's what no pussy does to a mf kek, I'm super stressed so it must a weird coping mechanism.
No. 1223763
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I feel like i sound like a whiny little bitch in therapy
No. 1223808
>>1223801They're not afraid, they know men are retarded and worthless no man has been working to help their woman for decades and we had to take everything ourselves.
Though you're not completely right as I've actually seen women who stopped hooking up or using dating apps/waiting til they're serious to have sex.
No. 1223878
>>1223760he isn't too autistic to notice, trust me. he enjoys being fought over and has her as a backup girl.
T. was her (except I didn't try shit and wasn't
No. 1223897
>>1223845Nta but some countries make you jump through hoops that make it impossible to access. In my country you need to have 3 or 4 kids already and be over the age of 35 before you even can ask to get it done… which defeats the purpose for alot of women who just don't want children full stop. I've even known women who are over 35 and have the minumum 4 kids… and the doc still says no so they can't get referred to get it done. If you have a complication where your last pregnancy nearly killed you that's about the only way to get it without docs insisting "but you might change your mind and want more"
Men can pay 200 euro and get it done at any age without being interrogated.
No. 1223898
>>1223846I have to hear my brother's daily incel rants despite him being a total fucking normie too. It's why I posted
>>1223813 today lol
In a twisted way I'm glad about it because it acts like a daily reminder about why I will never go easy and overlook "small" red flags in moids I meet but it's also exhausting to hear daily.
No. 1223904
>>1223885>>1223896Same here, particularly now. Massive recent breakup from a long long relationship and I'm totally fucked over it. I'm being a sad sack and watching those HOW TO GET OVER A BREAKUP videos on yt and I fucking HATE how they're saying "spend time with your friends". I don't have any friends. I don't have family.
It's really fucking depressing. I mean, great they have people to help them through, but what about when you don't have any? Next in line for the rope.
Really though, I hate me for wanting so much to get in touch with the ex. The videos say no. It's too difficult not to. I just want to cry down the phone to someone, but the only people in my contacts are shit people like doctor, housing association, CRISIS LINES. Fuck my life.
No. 1223909
>>1223904Stop repeating incel rope shit first off. Second focus on you. Get off the bloody fucking Internet. Look at your living space is it dirty? Clean it. Do the dishes. Change the sheets. Vacuum the carpets. Whatever. Now have you had something to drink and eat today? If not that’s next. Then take a shower. Hygiene. Do you have a job? Are you in school? What can you do to advance?
What are your hobbies? What do you want in life? What do you enjoy? Not your family l, not your ex. Remove them. It’s just you anon. What the fuck do you want? That’s what you do. That’s how you move on. You acknowledge the person you loved is dead and you throw them in a casket in your head and you grieve and cry and then you focus on you and you move on. For the love of Christ stop watching breakup videos.
No. 1223911
>>1223846My brother has never had trouble with getting girlfriends. He's tall and I can only guess that's part of the appeal. He's had back to back girlfriends since his teens and has nothing to be bitter about. He's not conventionally good looking but his height alone has blessed him with women I would think are out of his league tbh. A few years ago I noticed he referred to his partner by a derogatory term that translates to mean something like a mix between calling someone your pet but also calling them your ball and chain. Like an animal you're chained to essentiall. No woman wants to find out their partner calls them this when she's not around. Then my dad started referring to her as that and I thought my dad was just too old to understand the slang. I told him and he's never corrected himself or stopped using it. It's been years.
Then a couple years ago my dad came to visit me in my new town and I hadn't opened up to in a while. We'd been distant. I told him I'd been dealing with some very intense harrassment from a neighbour that had started to have a sexual tone to it too and I was getting freaked out. He asked me what I was doing to bring that type of attention to myself. I'm a butch woman. I'm not gay but I'm butch as hell and have been for a long time. Am I asking for male harrassment as I stand here making every choice looks-wise that does not appeal to men? My dad doesn't see me for myself.. he sees me as this alien creature that is.. a womb haver, an emotional brain, a man teaser?
No. 1223917
>>1223909Yeah I stopped the videos.
My living space has problems that're difficult to deal with. I clean. Maybe 3 hours a day. I can't have a shower or bath because I don't have hot water so it's kettle and an all over wash. I lost interests. Depression took them away. I know I'll get to the point where I think fuck it, but I'm just having a pity party right now. Social anxiety makes it difficult to do things with people. I should get a dog or something.
No. 1223925
>>1223712Ayrt and I feel like the odd one out here because yeah mostly I've avoided piv but I don't think many women here do the same. They play russian roulette and often pay dearly for it.
I own toys, I always have since my teens, and to me giving and receiving oral is sex. It's the best part of sex to me but men aren't so understanding. They know the position women are in but they can't put themselves in our shoes and get the fear.
No. 1223930
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>>1222766since i was 11 i have struggled with suicidal ideation and various mental illness, you get the jist. there have been times i have been very stable, i have worked through my issues for YEARS via coping mechanisms, achievements, self-care, professional help, you name it. but unfortauntely it doesnt keep my mind at bay for long, it doesnt keep rape or being abused by the first man i trusted away. id like to say ive healed from those things now and im just feeling frustrated and at peace knowing ill be able to make the decision. ive allowed myself a couple of weeks as to not act rash and perhaps let the feelings subside. i dont think they will this time. im 21 now…im getting older. mental illness is cruel but i just feel bad for my mom. i wish it wasnt like a domino effect, but part of me prays she will actually feel relief when im gone (she wont have to be a mother anymore you know? one less person to worry about or check up on or try to set up for the next steps in life) i feel really bad but i just have to keep pushing the thoughts of her back. i think it will be okay. im frustrated because i wont be home alone for at least a week to do it but i can either go by heroin or a gun (lean against the wall, use my big toe,roof of mouth) but i would feel bad splattering myself across my bedroom. i think that would be traumatic so maybe i can drive to a nice spot. i just hope that nothing changes my mind because ive never felt so free before it has even began!
i just needed t oget this out somewhere. i think ill write her a letter, everyone else i dont think needs one. i think that would just be weird and sad to do.
im aware how baity and silly this comes across. well…its not like im in my right mind nonnies! i guess i could update when things get closer.
No. 1223936
>>1223917Good on stopping the videos.
I understand the pity party. Do you want a link to my preferred you feel like shit walk through? It goes through cleaning, taking your meds, eating, water, sleep. Sometimes it’s nice just to have a to do while you don’t want to.
For cleaning if it’s too hard for a whole kettle. Take a wash rag and a little tea tree or eucalyptus oil and cool water and take a bird bath and then brush your teeth and wash your face if you haven’t.
Cleaning can definitely be overwhelming, but I know burying myself in makes it harder to get out. Have you been outside at all?
No. 1223942
>>1223940id say we can do it together
nonnie, but i have eyes on me for the next few days and wont be able to obtain what i need to until then.
No. 1223951
>>1223930Incredibly similar trauma. It feels like they throw meds at you and it's meant to take away years of pain. I still haven't given up on "new" therapies, but I'm waiting for them to exist.
Idk what keeps me stopping from offing myself. Part of it is not wanting the ones who caused the problems to win, and I feel like suicide would be doing that. Maybe the meds are doing something for me, even if I can't tell anymore.
Don't let them win. Don't let them destroy you. You're miles above this scum of the earth. They don't deserve a clear conscience, they do have them though. It's a struggle, but try to hold on to what I said.
No. 1223957
>>1223905Help this
nonnie the semen has picked her brain, dickmatization is real huj
No. 1223963
>>1223951im so sorry
nonnie. these people will never begin to understand the extent of mental illness, how temperamental it is, how unfair and unpredictable it is.
i thought i finally found the medication for me after 9 years. it wasnt perfect, it was just enough to stabalize my intense emotions so i could actually put in more effort and feel okay. then i just started to spiral. only drugs have been helping me. and i know its the wrong path to go down, id much rather be dead than have my mother witness me become a junkie.
we're just so profitable to them. im still paying off bills from the psychiatric hospital when i went to get help two years ago. my insurance stopped covering my medicine, and i can hardly work anymore without making these feelings worse but what am i to do? its just myself on this boat, and that would be okay if iactually found life to be worth it. but i cant suffer. i used to want marriage and a little girl. i cant have that now anon, not if things will get worse and the meds stop working and it comes back tenfold.
everyones solution is to say oh, perhaps you need a new medication or stronger dose?
why? so i can lose more money and time being a guinea pig? so ican become numb and drugged up and a zombie? its so gross. i just miss being happy. it makes me hurt i just want to be happy again
nonnie. i know its going to hurt my mother and thats what makes me cowardly. but it needs to be done and ill be patient and keep my eye on the prize until everyone is gone and i have the opportunity to act quick.
im sorry you are in pain. id take on all of your hurt with me and make it disappear if i could. life is so cruel to to those who least deserve it. i cant tell you how often ive seen the bad guys win.
dont get me wrong…im grateful to have a house, im grateful to no longer be around
abusive men, that my flashbacks of my cptsd are gone, like im grateful i have good things in my life but none of it matters and im sorry if its selfish today. it just…doesnt. i wish i could trade my life with someone who felt happy to be here, who felt worthy and would use it well. ive stripped some poor soul of this life and it eats me up.
No. 1223965
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>>1223936I've just had meds upped, so that might kick in soon. I was told about places to go to where you can drop in and cry or do crafts with other mentally ill people. Thing is, I don't want it to be all about mental illness.
I'm thinking about starting running. Walking doesn't help right now, but running might give me a goal to work towards. I know keeping myself along is a bad thing, but it's so long since I've had conversations that it gets harder to get back into it.
I'm sure I'll pull myself out of it. Right now it's too much. Heartbreak is agony and yes, I know I'll get over it. I wish I was a psychopath and didn't give a shit.
No. 1223971
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>>1223905You are not a scrote, women can have high libidos too. We are not all demure flowers without any lewd thoughts. Don't let some of the anons here make you think that. Also, I would think wanting real intimacy is less coomer than saying a sex toy is just the same as a person.
(oop wrong image)
No. 1223980
>>1223973Yeah. This is why I get annoyed that young people don't make the most of their health when they're young.
My body started disintegrating when I found my first grey hair.
No. 1223982
>>1223905I'm 4 years into no-sex and I'm finally hitting the point where yeah I want flesh and warmth and tbh to suck a dick. You can't say that on here lately though lol. Ngl a dildo kept me going for a long time in fairness but I want skin contact now.
I think I'm reaching my sexual peak age. I looked it up lately and thats a whole thing in your thirties? Nobody warned me.
No. 1223992
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I just cannot handle things anymore even though everything SHOULD be objectively better and I just genuinely don't know what to do. I have these recurring feelings of despair and suicidal thoughts. These are nothing new, I've had them since I was 13. But back then I kept hoping that if I left my comfort zone (became more social, did my hobbies consistently, etc) would solve everything and these feelings would go away. Fast forward now, I'm dating, going on events, regularly talk to family members I didn't talk to before, trying to do my hobbies regularly, etc. and I'm still getting these feelings. There's a part of me that genuinely wants to give up. This will never get better. I tried antidepressants, therapy, even birth control to regulate what I thought was a hormonal reason for my mood swings and now I genuinely feel cornered. I have nowhere to go, nothing to try. Like the only time I feel happy is when I'm binging on sugar which gives me a nice high for a while, life feels worthwhile and then everything goes back to shit. And the worst thing is I THOUGHT I was hiding it well but a coworker at my new place out of the blue asked me if I was okay because I looked sad.
I just look around me and don't know how people do it. Like the office manager comes in EVERY DAY with a smile on his face and looks happy all day long, every day. I want to puit him under a microscope. Wtf drives him?
The last thing I'm going to look into is whether I have some kind of dopamine deficiency (not sure how they check that though, blood test? brain scan?) and then I'll become some sort of addict. I know this sounds ridiculous, but that seems like the rational thing to do. Because objectively I know I don't want to commit suicide because there are things that I genuinely enjoy and want to learn more about (art, history). But if my stupid ass brain is not letting me then I have to self medicate myself through life
No. 1223996
>>1223965I get you Noni. Running helped me and weight lifting. The goals and counting and focus on me and pushing myself.
This might be the opposite of what most people will tell you, but don’t rush into other people. It’s okay to need your alone time, just use it to focus on you. Grieve if you need the loss not the what ifs, be angry if it helps, then focus on relearning what you want.
Till then maybe setting basic care goals like the running is a good idea? Like a routine or list of things that have to happen when my depression is very bad. I run on a if I just do this then I can just give up basis. Often times starting to take care of basic needs better improves and makes everything easier.
They aren’t happy either. I know a few. They’re just as isolated, it’s a misconception pushed by our media.
No. 1223999
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Months ago I spilled some fried onions on the floor and I vacuumed them up. Now every time I use the vaccum cleaner it smells like fried onions and I want to vomit. I changed the bag twice but it doesn't help.
No. 1224024
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Think I fucked up my tests today, well, it might be a C, I hope, but it's not good enough and the fact that depression and insomnia working hand in hand at the moment won't make me feel any better about my bad performance. I'm never working hard enough and I will never be as good as I have to be, wish I could redo the test or just cancel the degree and stay in bed forever.
No. 1224047
>>1223878ofc he enjoys having a friend who’s tailored her entire personality to please him & yeah, ofc he gets ego boosts from the attention/flirting. he is literally autistic though, dx in early childhood, and autistic men are like fucking catnip to women with personality disorders. I don’t think she’s a backup or that he’s attracted to her but I do think they had a bit of a foreveralone ersatz ‘relationship’ going on and she’s pissed I’ve taken her ‘boyfriend’ away. Maybe I’m being naive though. I am also autistic.
The funniest part is that she’s had an on/off relationship going on with one of Nigel’s friends for like 7 years or something and she gets visibly furious whenever a woman talks to him and has even accused happily married women in our friendship group of hitting on him, even though we all have normal friendship boundaries except for her. I guess it’s projection. She’s fucking crazy.
No. 1224073
>>1224053kek harsh but fair. What should I do? I used to kick off about it before I got sober and that mostly just made things worse cos it drove a wedge. His only other real relationship was with a woman who was really controlling and isolated him from his friends (this is coming from her as well as from him so I’m inclined to believe it) which makes it a hard thing to talk about without him getting
triggered and freaking out about me trying to do the same.
No. 1224076
>>1224073Soz nona, I'm just touchy about the subject because I am literally in this situation right now. Moids don't get to play stupid when they pull shit like this with no conscience. I get that his ex probably was shit and all but I'd also take his side of the story with a grain of salt. Even if he isn't doing it consciously, he is benefiting from having two women in his life stroke his ego and he doesn't give a shit about how either of you feel. If this lady is being this awful to you, why hasn't he intervened?
>controlling and isolated him from his friendsWere they female lmao
No. 1224093
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>>1223612>I wish I could just climb into a femcel hole and never emerge.Right this way, nonita..
No. 1224102
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This is the stupidest most basic bitch dream ever but I want to move to Australia so bad. I was there for a month and I love the nature and climate so much compared to my cold, dark home country. I dream of it so often. I do not know if I will ever be financially able to do it though, and I cannot abandon my cats. I'm in uni now and they offer exchanges but going would be expensive as FUCK (you have to pay for flights, accomdations and flights yourself of course). I'm almost 30, I feel like I'm way too old for retarded dreams like this. Oh and yes I know politically it's a hellhole, but there's koalas… and kangaroos… and tiny penguins… and WAVES and giant ocean all around asdffs
No. 1224110
>>1223982I'm the anon you replied to and I noticed the same thing. I always had a relatively high libido but now it's insane how horny I am everyday, I noticed it started happening when I turned 27 and it's only gotten worse a year later. Please stay safe anon! Always put yourself and your health and safety first.
>>1223971Thank you anon, that makes me feel better.
No. 1224125
>>1224076>I'm just touchy about the subject because I am literally in this situation right now. wack, sorry to hear that
>I get that his ex probably was shit and all but I'd also take his side of the story with a grain of saltI do to an extent but she worked with us for a couple of years so I’ve seen firsthand how poisonous she can be & she’s also told me some of the fucked up shit she did like she thought it was funny so it does all check out character-wise
>If this lady is being this awful to you, why hasn't he intervened?You’re right that he lets some disrespect slide cos it fluffs his ego but there’s a lot of other stuff that he doesn’t see or understand because she’s really fucking sneaky
>controlling and isolated him from his friends>Were they female lmaokek yes one was (and she also happens to be a territorial boundary trampler, go figure) but the ex also eventually stopped him from seeing any friends at all and from doing any of his solitary hobbies so it wasn’t just about that
>>1224086figured this would be the advice. The good things about the relationship outweigh this issue by far & it’s a small price to pay comparatively. If she keeps escalating and he keeps failing/refusing to see it imma bounce though
No. 1224177
>>1224128I'm mostly pissed that it never goes the other way around. Ugly scrotes get to be loved for who they are inside, while ugly women are left in the cold, by the men who are technically "on their level"
I get it though, I don't particularly care about looks myself. But I'm starting to feel ugly men are… More superficial than average or even hot men?
No. 1224197
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i think its really annoying when girls who collect really girly shit try to make it deep. Ive had multiple women who collect sanrio or pink anime shit, or fucking funkos even say
>No anon this is not a shopping addiction! I actually didnt have a childhood so thats why i spend 500 dollars a month on Aliexpress. Its actually super cool that I do this cause I didnt get the toys I wanted as a kid!
Like first time I heard that story I could buy it, its not super far fetched. But now I've heard it like 10 times from different people? I think some of you had alright childhoods and just like taking others sob stories. Like girl ive seen pics when you were younger and you had a damn high school musical themed bedroom where is this no childhood shit coming from?
I had an ex years ago who was an orphan. He was absolutely fucked in the head. He didnt celebrate any holidays, like not even xmas (even though he was super religious) or his bday. I remember when his birthday was coming i made a joke about getting him a bday party cause he never had one. He got so mad he was yelling and threatening me for hours. It was awful. Next year when his bday was coming i had a bunch of presents for him on my wishlist. But then I got scared of how he could react so I told him I wanted to give him a bday present since he claimed to never have one. He got so fucking pissed at the idea, again yelling and making me cry like a baby for even thinking of getting him a stupid vinyl record. We broke weeks later. We were together for two years and I got to know him well, he legitimately had no childhood, and resented the idea of childhood so much he would meltdown over suggesting presents or parties. Then i sadly got with a worse moid, who lived in a farm most of his life and also didnt have a lot of "presents" or "toys" like i did growing up. He also fucking hated the idea and hated his childhood so much he never wanted to have children.
So i dont think youre buying a hello kitty plushie cause you didnt get to be a kid i think it just might be that you like hello kitty?? is that so wilf to think??
No. 1224229
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goddammit i'd like to think i'm over my ex friends, i don't really think about them, i sometimes get nostalgic over the good times but otherwise i don't care that we aren't close anymore. but i can't fucking stand to hear that they still talk about me!! it makes me so angry to imagine what they're saying in their group chats, like i know it's best that i don't give them the time of day but it's so infuriating to know that they're probably talking shit about me months after we split apart. i wish our mutual friend didn't feel the need to tell me this, i know she thinks she's doing the right thing but it makes me upset. i just want to peacefully move on and not think about them, but now my brain is inventing scenarios to get mad about and making me miss them at the same time. ugh.
No. 1224266
It scares me how much stress affects my physical health. I've been struggling with GERD and IBS for a few years but it has never been as bad as it's been during the last month. I had some terrible new housemates and because of their behavior I wasn't able to sleep in my room, for 3 weeks I've been sleeping on a couch in the living room, but then I couldn't even sleep there because every time I got back from work it was already occupied by a dude who didn't want to sleep in his room with one of our crazy new housemates, he had the adventage over me because he always finished work ealier. My work also became more stressfull. I tried to make my diet super restrictive, but it was too late. I started vomiting every day and having diarrheas interchangeably with constipation, my sweat and my stool started to smell like rotting eggs, my GERD became so bad that, even when I managed to fall asleep for a moment, I was waking up with terrible pain in my stomach and burning in my esophagus. In the morning the pain was so bad I wasn't even able to speak, and when I could speak, my voice was raspy as fuck and the tone of my voice changed to a much lower one. I was in constant pain, I couldn't eat and sleep, I thought I'm going to die. I fainted at my work. Then I finally started my holiday and got back to my country and my symptoms started to soften fucking immediately. I'm only 4 days into my holiday and NOTHING hurts me. I can eat and sleep. My body stopped producing this terrible rotting smell. Today I was brave enough to eat something higher in fat like a slice of pizza and something sugary like ice cream, and nothing happened. I was so happy I wanted to cry. Back there it was so bad I felt like I would never be able to eat and rest and live without pain again. But now I know it's just my shitty environment, stress and sleep deprivation. But the worst thing is, I know I will have to return there after 2 weeks because it's really hard to find a job in my country. I wish I was able to control the way stress affects me, but I'm just too sensitive. I knew that autists are generally more prone to psychosomatic illnesses, especially gastrointestinal disorders, but I didn't know it could get this bad
No. 1224282
>>1224128Why would men EVER consider being less shallow when they can easily get women more attractive than themselves lmao
You are literally part of the problem, your nigel has the luxury of being superficial because you gave him that option
No. 1224293
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>>1223942Ayrt, I managed to resist the impulse (I had poured all my xanax in a cup and just sort of poured it on the ground) let's do a reverse suicide pact instead, I won't kill myself so long as you don't, ok?
No. 1224329
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>>1224238thank you, i'm trying but it's difficult being the bigger person.
>>1224244>>1224273i'm glad to know others have felt this way too. i think even if it hurts for a long time we can work through this shit and come out better. at least i hope that's not just me being stupidly optimistic, but even if i miss them the fact that they're still bitching about me behind my back after all this time means i was right to cut them off to begin with. i know we are all better off without shitty people in our lives, bring it in nonnas
No. 1224333
>>1224327Thank you for still being here. I have to say, I did not expect that. But then again they don't exactly make manuals on killing yourself.
>>1224328I hope you realize what a fucked up thing this is to say and what that says about your lack of human fucking empathy. You fucking ghoul.
No. 1224336
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>>1224102Don't forget the giant spiders nonna.
No. 1224364
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I have a paper due tomorrow that I already finished, but the professor just sent out an email with new requirements that were not listed in the assignment guidelines at all and now I have to change up the whole thing. Cosmic punishment for finishing a paper early for once I guess
No. 1224427
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I'm at work in the break room sobbing and having a total breakdown thinking about my ex's domestic violence trial. Pressing charges was the worst mistake I ever made. This whole thing is like a nightmare I can't wake up from. I wish so badly I never went to the police. The most humiliating thing was after he strangled me and bashed my head into a metal door he threatened to kill himself and got sent to the psych ward, from there he called me over and over. Eventually I called back and visited him and brought him things he had asked for like a change of clothes, food, books. Because I still loved him so much and it hurt me to think of him alone and needing help. And when the police found out the officer in charge of my case called me and yelled at me and said I quote "He's mentally ill, I can't believe you're doing this to him, it's like you're trying to lure him back in." That fucking broke me. He can beat me over and over again (HE ALREADY PLEAD GUILTY TO AGGRAVATED ASSAULT AND KIDNAPPING ME LAST YEAR!!) but he's a poor mentally ill baby and I'm trying to trick him into attacking me again. He has his whole family supporting him, helping him. I have no one. My family doesn't talk about it and I've had to do everything alone. No one is on my side. No one believes me. Thinking about having to relive my assault in front of a bunch of strangers who think I'm an evil scheming bitch makes me want to die. I can't do this, I'm not strong enough, I just want to give up. pic unrel.
No. 1224432
>>1224372If he's talking to you that much he likes you. Men will ignore your existence if you're not attractive to them. Besides, that's not important. Never focus on whether a man likes you. Focus on whether you like him and whether he's worth
your time. You're the chooser, unless you wanna be a pickme. And pickmes never get anyone good, look at Shoe.
No. 1224433
>>1224427Oh my sweet
nonny. I'm so sorry, I wanna hug you.
At the end of the day he knows what he did. He knows he's guilty and that is something he can't run away from no matter who gives him asspats, family, justice system, whoever.
Stay strong, fuck these men, go no contact with him (watch no contact videos on YouTube in regards to
abusive exes) and rebuild yourself inside out so you can close this chapter of your life and begin anew as the woman you've always wanted to be.
No. 1224434
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Having cysts on my labia fucking sucks. Wearing underwear hurts, wearing pants hurts, cleaning myself hurts. Why is my body like this?
No. 1224439
>>1224427nonna, all of those men are fucking worthless and you’re going to live a better life outside of these dumb fucks. they’re pissed because you’re still standing. i’m so sorry you have to go through this trial, but the fact that he already plead guilty to other shit must be a good thing for you?
sending strength
No. 1224469
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I detest unhinged moids. Got chased down and cursed out by some obese, low IQ idiot today in a car because the person I was driving with was not going fast enough for his taste. It was honestly scary how insanely angry this guy got, I seriously thought he was going to follow my car into a parking lot or something. He was going to make a turn off the road I was on and then purposely veered back on to further the chase. Talk about over emotional and petty. Hate having to fear male violence over the smallest “infractions”. nearly cried in fear after we parked somewhere safe but I’m glad I didn’t now, I’m glad that scrote didn’t reduce me to that
No. 1224511
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I’ve dealt with crippling gender dysphoria since a very young age and I have no idea how I’m going to cope with the fact that I’m going to feel like this for the rest of my life. I keep searching for a way to deal with it that doesn’t involve actually trooning out. It’s not like I haven’t tried. I’ve tried slathering myself in makeup in an attempt to “reconnect with my femininity,” and I’ve tried to just accept being a masculine woman. I’ve read so much radical feminist literature it makes my head hurt. Nothing helps. I’ll never have masculine features, I’ll never be a father, I’ll never experience a male childhood/adolescence, I’ll never have a true friendship with a man, I’ll never be loved by a woman in the way that a man is, and I don’t know how to accept that. I’ve had more therapists than friends. I guess I’ll just have to learn to live with the fact that no matter whether or not I pump my body full of artificial hormones and get my tits chopped off, I was born a woman and will die a woman.
No. 1224565
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thinking about the time my ex friends would weaponise group chats and create new group chats if i (or someone else) wouldn't write in the chat for long enough so you'd be forced to wriggle your way back into their new group chat even when you know they've been talking about you in the group chat you're not in
No. 1224582
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woke up to messages of my bf being like "hanging with (female friend) and then going to my ex girlfriends house to help her clean (???) might see you later"
No. 1224599
>>1224498I wish I had that kind of attitude
nonny, you likely aren’t misunderstanding the situation tbh I was
beat and kicked by a scrote when I was 16 and that basically made me scared of them for what feels like forever. I know how quickly they can get violent. Sucks.
No. 1224652
>>1224622women can view men as just friends, but men are incapable of seeing women as just friends.
men say this over and over again and nobody (including women) ever seems to believe them.
>>1224582 you should be concerned. i’m not even saying he’s hooking up, i just think men like the idea of entertaining the potential.
No. 1224666
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No. 1224682
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>>1224652>>1224605>>1224595>>1224603>>1224622thank you nonas, I rang him and gave him hell. I understand the girl mate, she has a bf too but the ex I've put my foot down about.
you guys and my girl mates gave me the strength ily all
No. 1224692
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I was forced to see the phrase "don't yuck someone else's yum" 2 times in 2 separate posts about camping controversy. Fuck bdsm degens making me associate that phrase with accepting moids abusing women and fuck stupid paragraphs on stupid posts telling you to mindlessly accept everything.
No. 1224695
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I've had two different men I know casually completely unprompted tell me about their erectile dysfunction problems. Why in gods name do they fucking think I want to hear about their floppy dicks
Honestly bizarre this has happened twice now
No. 1224700
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i think i’m finally over my ex boyfriend and it feels so underwhelming. i would cry all the time and was so heartbroken at what happened between us for so long that i really thought it would end differently, but yesterday as i was trying to get to sleep i realised that i don’t feel anything for him anymore. i’m glad to be freed from it but i didn’t realise how easy it was to pin all my pain and anxieties on him and not have to actually deal with the awful mess i’ve made of my life. it seems whenever i figure something out the pain doesn’t disappear, instead it just transfers somewhere else. pic unrelated obvi lol
No. 1224702
>>1224690How am I the problem? You sound dumb
>>1224694idk. It's always an issue to get married to a scrote. There's zero reason for a woman to do so
>>1224697I know. Thanks for reminding me
No. 1224732
>>1224702We can tell you’re the problem because of they way you’re speaking. It is called reading between the lines.
You are guilt tripping your sister, you manipulative little shit, and that’s why she doesn’t want to speak you. She’s not abandoning you, or choosing someone over you, she’s just getting married. Grow up, freak.
No. 1224753
File: 1655197292324.png (818.82 KB, 1009x996, 1652704879596.png)

>>1224284Why are you staying with some balding moid? Kick him to the curb and find someone that doesn't look like a child molester. Jesus so many women tolerate disgusting men, it's making me sick. How can you look at such a creep sexually is beyond me.
No. 1224778
>>1224774Sounds like your friend has bought into the whole "white people can't be
victims of hate" propaganda machine. Don't expect him to stick up for you.
No. 1224856
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I'm into bdsm and I can't find a top who isn't a total shitstain of a person so I keep winding up with these fat nerds who "will try anything" uh huh hurrrrr
they all say that, they'll try anything, and I don't like that because it's like, lame; they aren't even into it they just want whatever insane pussy they can get
I know it's insane pussy, I don't care, that's what it wants, I am too old to keep being quietly ashamed and completely ungratified sexually
Little dick energy, all of them, or that horribly pathetic sex where they just rock back and forth, like I dressed up in metal and leather to get penetrated, you are not going to hurt me, I promise you
Or is it even that? Are they just that bad at fucking? Are fat nerds bad at fucking. Wow, I am a fucking retard.
No. 1224862
>>1224858you right
I gotta hit the gym
No. 1224868
>>1224866nta but
he is a man that treats you like a backup option and talks down to you
I dunno how better to convince you to kill him and eat the body to hide it than that tbh
No. 1224872
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I'm starting to believe in this manifestor bullshit I've seen a lot on Tiktok lately, idk how but I manage to get pretty much everything I want without putting in too much effort.
Most recent exemple ; me and a girl from school both applied for the same internship. Not only is her portfolio way better than mine, she's also very sweet and friendly and an all over amazing person. Well, I got called back right away and she didn't.
It's crazy because I used to be a huge NEET and as soon as I got up my ass I've managed to get everything I've ever wanted.
No. 1224891
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I really miss online art/fandom spaces before politics took over. Fanart from non-East Asian fans is dead it's mostly just characters holding flags pretending they're at a vague pride/march/protesting it's so fucking performative. Fan discussions mostly center politics or dumb ship wars and not what's actually going on in the story. Everyone is trying to out woke each other. Male dominated fan spaces are is just coomer bs.
There are no actual communities anymore outside of reddit. Artists (regardless of their skill level) pick up whatever is currently trending to churn out art in order to get attention but no one sticks after the hype has died down. I highly doubt these artists actually watched or played the thing they're making art for.
Maybe not all of it is the result of politics but whatever exists now is just pathetic.
No. 1224906
>>1224891I had a hard time figuring out exactly why I'm so hesitant to join/participate in new fandom spaces and your vent explains exactly why. I used to chalk it up to me being too introverted, but it's true that most fandom discussion centers about politics and ship wars in the sense of what is morally right/wrong (as opposed to based on canon material and character behavior, which would at least be more in line) and I absolutely hate it. I feel like I can't discuss anything I enjoy online and I haven't made friends through fandoms in years because it's no longer about having a common ground to start with, it's about sniffing out a person's morals based on what they think about XYZ part of ABC series.
All I can do is try and convince my friends to get into something I like so I can have an actual discussion about it without involving the politics of it all.
Twitterfags are also quick to demonize people for liking
problematic characters or villains but when I interact with new people off line (usually friends of friends), I'm always so taken aback because they'll usually laugh along with me or agree with me and I've forgotten how actual human beings function in a real social setting and not online. The internet has ruined us all. I'm always hesitant to talk about something I like for fear of being talked down on.
No. 1224919
>>1224906I've always been super introverted online and had my problems with fandoms on tumblr, they deviate too much from canon.
My friends were trying to get me into Genshin Impact and I told them no because the fans are so
toxic and horrible every time I see fanart it's just followed up by toxicity, they were really shocked that I called Genshin fans
toxic or that the fans even had such a reputation in the first place. I'm not on the hunt for fandom drama or anything like that, I thought it was common knowledge and my friends are also very online but I guess it's because I lurk art spaces more than they do? I did promise to give it a go and I do hope I get sucked into it the game.
I really do hate to admit it but reddit has been one of my favourite spaces to look for discussion. I refuse to give twitter a chance, regardless of the community it's just one liners and snappy zingers. I struggle to find decent fandom blogs on tumblr nowadays, everyone is sharing twitter-ish posts. 4chan is just coomer and braindead territory.
Getting friends into the thing I'm interested in or the other way round never really works out because of different tastes, a lot of the anime they keep recommending me I don't really like that much and even when it does work out the discussion is just really different. There was one time when a friend gave a game I love a go we would talk nonstop about the lore and whatnot I miss that so much.
No. 1224926
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>>1224921Honestly that's how I find out about what the "hot thing" is nowadays. It's really weird going to a fanartist's account only to find them drawing ONLY what's popular.
Spy x Family, Arcane (and it's ONLY Jinx in the same pose), Genshin Impact, Attack on Titan (imo it's part of the old fandom era), Elden Ring, Squid Game, draw sailor moon in your art style challenge, etc.
The Squid Game era was just really weird to me, it was when I noticed that trend.
No. 1224930
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>>1224891I feel this to my core, it's so depressing. I actually MISS old tumblr
>>1224903I do exactly the same, gotta get that smol dopamine rush from art.
God I fucking hate politics and mental illness
>>1224927Same, i'm just so fucking tired of USA and all its bullshit
No. 1224941
>>1224891>>1224906>>1224919You've all made me realize why I don't understand Fandom anymore. I'm a fan of plenty of things old and a few that are newer/never stop having fans.
But people are so obsessed with politics, wokeness and moral displays while not having even engaged with the media sometimes that it makes me feel crazed.
2ndary fans are not a problem (haven't played a game but watched an LP for example) because they still know what's going on.But peor will jump into these pointless arguments about characters armed with nothing but someone's 3x derived off canon ideas from tumblr.
Personal rant but I also cannot stand the obsession with AUs and self characterized 'versions' of characters that end up filling the tags of certain fancies. when people used to make AUs, they were just something they'd have fun with, maybe share but it wouldn't jeapordize the ability to find things for the actual Canon series.
At this point, AUs and "recharacterizations" are just a way for people who won't even put in the effort to engage in a media to still engage in a popular Fandom and have something to say.
I don't understand it. The point of being a fan of something is to….be a fan of something. To engage and enjoy it, right? But people want to create an OC with the mask of Popular Character 3 and run with it.
It's discouraging.
Agreeing with Nona who talked about not releasing her fanart anymore.. I draw a lot of it for certain series and do commissions as well but I post nowhere, because I don't want to deal with any of that.
No. 1225052
>>12250441,000% true
nonnie. I am sorry people have fucked with you. The truth is that people who are the worst usually end up on top in life. When something random and bad happens, people resort to the "kArMa" rhetoric because our primitive human brains are retarded and we still need magical answers. It's total nonsense. There is no "balancing force in the universe," people just use karma to
victim blame because it's easy. People don't like to admit that the world is shit (i.e. the truth) and bad things happen just because the world is shit. And it's nobody's fault.
No. 1225063
>>1225052Thank you for the response
nonnie. I agree completely
No. 1225096
>>1225053You're not stupid, your job is a lot harder than people give it credit for. Menial tasks aren't easy just because they require an Iq of 180.
Does anyone else get annoyed when moids dig their knees into on public transport and overspread their legs? Like to the point they are taking up your seat. At least when a women put their bags on seat, you can very easily ask them to move their bag. A moid was digging his knee into my leg even after I sat down. I could tell he was uncomfortable because he kept shifting around. I nudged the guy. So I just shoved him. He got mad and I just said, Well, it's not your seat. This shit has been happening since i was 7 and sitting next to moids on the train. They just want to assert dominance. Fucking parasites. I will shove every scrote from now on. I don't care if your testicles are the size of the fucking sun; I COME FIRST BITCH. I don't care if your balls bust from the pressure (I know they're not that fucking big). I need you to walking on eggshells on me the same way women walk on eggshells around you.
>"sorry ma'am I didn't mean to touch you; I wil be leaving now; have both of the seats akshually"That's how you will learn to refer to me. If you can fear a chihuahua, then you can fear me moid? Fuck having a battle of arms, lets have a battle of legs. I don't care, I will shove you from the afterlife.
No. 1225161
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god I hate this so much. I made three attempts at buying a new vacuum cleaner but each time I left the store with nothing. I worked abroad for 4 months and I left my apartment in a pretty bad shape, I had a heavy depression episode before I left. I already cleaned some of the trash. I don't want anyone to help me because I don't want anyone to see this and see how pathetic and disgusting I was. There's trash and spiders everywhere. I filled two huge trash bags with stuff from the living room alone. My kitchen and bathroom look just as bad. Now I need to clean the floor and I wanted to use the vacuum cleaner first but I noticed there's a shit ton of eggs that moths laid inside my old vacuum cleaner and I'm too disgusted to clean it. I wouldn't know how to clean the vacuum pipe from the inside anyway, I just want to throw this shit away. I want to buy a new vacuum cleaner but I'm paranoid about spending money, even thought I know I can afford it. I grew up poor and since I started working I was obsessed with saving money. I know I have to clean this fucking place in order to feel better god I wish I had someone to be here with me and slap me and shake me
No. 1225197
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I have wifi at home again, fucking finally.
>>1224930I miss old tumblr too so much. At worst it was really cringe worthy sometimes with superwholock, extremely long posts with shitty theories or obnoxious gifs, and the website wasn't working properly half of the time but it was fun, people were there for fun first of all and posting actually funny shit for the sake of comedy and not to gain a reputation of a tranny funny man. Now it's shit regardless of the porn ban, other blogging or microblogging platforms like twitter or instagram are pure garbage, and it feels like mentally sane nerds either moved on from fan communities or are hiding with their long term internet friends or irl friends to talk about basic shit. Fuck politics, and fuck retarded American slacktivists who want to make every single little hobby into some sort of statement about society.
>>1224941I hate it too. I stopped reading fanfics long ago because of this shit. I could give you so many examples, but the last times I tried looking for fics I was bombarded with tranny shit and Americanized OOC characters and settings. Even with a basic coffee shop slash fic you can do something a little bit interesting by sticking with the characters' personalities and backstories and by changing the setting a little or a lot but nobody ever tries so all the characters suddenly show up in a Starbucks coffee shop in NYC in the 2010s. People will get attached to a character, project their own shitty personality traits and tastes into that character, and shit out the worst takes, art and fics possible. Just as an example, next time I see a teenage American fakeboi implying or saying that Sylvain from FE3H is a stupid, lovable loser who can't get laid because lol he's a loser and funny and because they've watched too many American teen movie parodies and project unrelated archetypes on him I'll kill someone. He's a sex addict, a serial cheater, has daddy issues, and none of the characters ever deny that he's smart and responsible whenever it's necessary. I've seen so many takes like this with so many characters in so many video games, manga, novels, movies, etc.
No. 1225244
>>1222967>>1225238dating ugly men makes them realize they
could get someone if they try, though. so if they want to cheat, they'll cheat. dating an uggo as a power trip/insecurity move is just giving power to someone you find repulsive kek
No. 1225281
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>Be me
>Phone's battery is lasting less
>Try to buy new battery
>Phone model is discontinued
>Ask aunt for advice
>She tell me to give her the battery
>Fastfordward a couple of weeks
>Aunt didn't find a replacement
>Get back the battery
>Put it back in the phone
>Mfw now the battery got even worse
>Mfw now phone looses all of it's energy at 60% or 40%
>Mfw too broke to buy for a new one
No. 1225302
>>1225244This, for real. Not bragging because it was probably the only thing keeping me off the street and I’m ashamed of my past but I’m really hot and I was “dating” an older, ugly ass, nasty ass kissless virgin scrote out of necessity. He should have been worshipping me and never even thought of looking at another woman, but I caught him sex chatting with women way uglier than me. Completely humiliating, like I have to look at your deformed greasy face and hold my vomit down and you have the fucking
audacity? It’s been years and I’m still seething. I’ll never date a scrote who isn’t hot af.
No. 1225316
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I've been binging The King of Queens and am on the episode where the husband found out the wife bought all his clothes from the big and tall store and he got offended. The man is fucking big, why the fuck are men always so clueless, like why do they eat themselves massive, then get angry when they are plus sized? I am a fat bitch, I wear mostly plus sizes but my dad was a huge tall fat dude who also threw genuine fits when he found out his towel was from some extra big place idk but like…do men have no self awareness? Do they think women don't get kinda deflated whenever they realise they either don't fit something or it doesn't look the best, I've always been fat but at least I never played a martyr and have lost a shit tonne of weight, like these days we have so much to choose from clothes wise compared to when I was a teen or a kid so I have 0 complaints but men, wtf.
No. 1225345
File: 1655236258040.gif (443.96 KB, 498x373, omori-white-space.gif)

>be me
>have bf
>we knew eachother for 5 months before dating
>we have now been dating for 3 months
>"it's been bothering me that i dont really know much about you"
>i can literally write paragraphs about him
>now i just feel creepy for remembering everything hes told me
No. 1225444
I read the stories sometimes and it sounds like a lot of nonnies have tried to talk to their moids before with no luck and I’ve been in that situation, it’s not going to change.
It’s just easier to move on, and find someone else.
No. 1225446
>>1225428It's been a meme for ages in female-only sites, DUMP HIM!! Also what
>>1225434 said is true, and then maaaybe a couple schitzos
No. 1225460
>>1224776>>1224844Get his ass on finasteride or something
This subreddit might be of use: No. 1225486
File: 1655242554620.png (254.24 KB, 720x700, 2407a0e0409dbd8b593e9cdbe096c1…)

>Best friend finally breaks up with her abusive moid
>I spend months consoling her and it makes us become even closer as friends, she tells me how much she truly appreciates me
>Best friend finds new moid
>I cheer her on and reassure her because I want her to be in a happy reltionship for once
>She becomes his gf
>She tells me we won't see each other in summer (we live in different states so we don't see each other often anyway) because she'll be on holiday constantly with her moid (visiting 2 countries) when I'm in town
>The next time I'll probably get to see her is in december when I'm on holiday (doubt it, I'm sure she'll be somewhere with her moid again)
…No, sure. I'm totally okay with you putting your new dude above our friendship. Cool, everything's cool. Oh what's that? You could've postponed that trip but the moid really wanted to go while I'm here? Even though he knows how much we've wanted so see each other (or so I thought)? I understand, moids above everything else, right? Gotta be a doormat when you enter a relationship.
No. 1225498
nonnie… female friendship is a myth.
No. 1225503
>>1225486she isn't your friend Nonna. drift away from her, because that's what she's creating, a drift. girls who do this need to experience consequences. you don't get to keep girlfriends as emotional backups in-between finding a moid.
female friendship is real, we've just been taught to ignore the fuck out of it.
No. 1225540
>>1224277My cats will stay when the uggo men leave. They'll also be cute until they die while the men get uglier.
>>1223982Fellatio and anal is not worth it. Never let him put his dick anywhere other than ur vagina.
No. 1225544
>>1225537People ghosting that hard (in that kind of harmful way) are the problem. Not you. That isn’t even normal ghosting or leaving things after already emotionally mourning the relationship. He had a meltdown for god knows what and was a coward about it
I’ve heard of this before and it’s always men who do it like this, unprovoked
No. 1225552
>>1224031I don't get why anons got so upset at this post and the OP
like this >>1224019 what the fuck?. It's true that everyone likes different things and for the OP, there's nothing wrong with women wanting intimacy (or even just wanting sex and nothing super emotional).
No. 1225556
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Anyone else feel like they are being held to higher standards than other people? I've felt this way since middle school. I get chastised for having normal reactions and normal feelings but someone who is an ass is allowed. It's demoralizing. I can't even point out how hypocritical someone is without getting huge push back. I don't give a flying fuck this guy went to war, you don't let him walk all over you and let him continue to act like an ass. It feels like I'm the universe's whipping boy (I'd use girl but fuck that after seeing a tranny use it for a book title).
No. 1225620
My sibling’s depression gets worse and worse she won’t even get out of bed anymore now and I can’t do this I can’t bear with this I know she’s still cutting, I know she’s still planning to die, and I can’t fucking do this I can’t bear how bad this hurts I can’t keep going through every single hour of my day worrying, it’s sucking all of the happiness off me; my best friend and the only person I’ve ever loved, my only other source of happiness found out (well, I told her) I’m a dirty evil terf and it’s a matter of time before she ditches me lol I just can’t deal with anymore of this I don’t even remember what I used to like or what hobbies brought me joy. I just wake up, cry while working, worry while crying, and work while worrying. I can’t do this. I don’t know what to do. I only got one life and it’s wasting away worrying. I wish I could get put down, please. I want to crawl on top of a hospital bed, get injected, get told sweet words while I drift away and just fucking die
No. 1225637
>>1225574America trying to ban abortion in some places set it off I think.
>Still fucking men in a place where abortion is maybe illegal & monkeypox is rising & men are a Russian roulette of will he choke/accidently anal/etc.There's pros and cons and at this point it's too dangerous to fuck men anymore.
No. 1225665
>>1225652My thoughts exactly, it's frustrating. And to add this is a gossip site first and foremost, not a separatist recruitment office (I am just joking pls let's not fight about separatism, I love and respect you). I am an ebil
terf too but maybe the previous admin was on something wanting radfem stuff contained (and no pls let's not fight about rf stuff either I identify with the beliefs strongly too).
No. 1225704
I have been pretty good at keeping my online presence minimal/private, but I made an instagram the other day and my ex from high school who was harrassing me with calls from different numbers and voicemails for the past two years found it because I was suggested. After what I thought was him finally leaving me alone, he’s back at it and even more unhinged. He’s acting weird and mentally unstable, saying things that people who’d murder usually say, like “no one understands me” and “now i ache”. He won’t listen to me at all when I say he’s scaring me, other than asking me why am I scared? I filed a police report because i’m so fucking paranoid that he is the type to do something. He came at my best friend who tried to defend me after he saw I blocked him and he ran to her. I had her block him too. I texted the only other person i know from our hometown who still talks to him, and I have received no response. Should I contact his mom and make sure he doesn’t have any access to guns? He still lives with them. I’m really afraid to say the wrong thing that will set him off. The last thing I said to him was that I filed the police report, and I will file a restraining order, and that I told my friends his name and address in case anything happens. I scrubbed all traces of my full name on social media that i could, and the last social media account i have does not follow any mutual friends and doesn’t have the actual spelling of my name. Please give me advice nonnas, I feel like no one is taking me that seriously besides
my aforementioned best friend but she’s literally the worst help I could ever ask for.
No. 1225710
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>>1225704Honey you already have a police report, your next step needs to be going to the court house and filing for an injunction. Make sure you screenshot and document any harassing/contacting he does especially anything online. Don't become a statistic at the hands of a moid
No. 1225712
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A few years ago I was in the best shape of my life, worked out every day and loved it. Always been a bit on the buff side so had good muscle on me. I promised myself that I'd never get out of shape as I aged and keep up the good work for health and beauty benefits to last my lifetime.
Then boom. I became disabled and chronically ill. Won't get specifics, but I'm no munchie. I barely move throughout the day and I have barely any space to do small workouts where I am. I've lost my muscle and gained fat from being sedentary. My fat distribution is now an apple shape when it used to be evenly distributed. I lost my ass and gained a stomach so I look like a fucking mcnugget, and I never had the benefit of fat going to my boobs ever so it's not the good looking kind of fat either.
I used to take such good care of myself, and this happens. I can't do the intense stuff I was doing before. I can barely handle light exercise because it triggers issues, and the minimum I do does nothing. Even with not eating much I can barely lose the fat. And I am being put on meds soon that will inevitably make me gain even more weight. I was doing so well. I never wanted this to happen, but it did, thanks to shit I couldn't control. Even if I lost my looks at the very least I'd try to keep up with my health, but I can't even get that benefit either. I'm terrified of going on the meds because I know they can even make you prediabetic and all sorts of other issues.
I'm not looking for advice just because I don't really wanna explain myself, but I just wanted to get this off of my chest. I am so miserable that I lost my body and health in addition to everything else in my life. I used to be that tough chick always looking for an adventure with limitless energy, running up hills and climbing like a monkey. Now I'm just a shell of who I used to be. Life's a goddamn joke.
No. 1225721
>>1225704i’ve been in a very similar boat to you anon, and legal action is absolutely the way to go. i had an ex partner from when i was a teenager harass me from 2016 all the way up to 2020, first physically following me with a group of people any time he saw me in public, then harassing my friends, trying to hook up with my friends, harassing me over the phone, harassing my MOTHER over the phone, spreading rumours about me, spreading rumours about my family members, sending his younger sibling to message me, sending his friends to message me, his friends showing up in places i was to try and scare me, sending them to my places of work, all kinds of shit. once i traced the no caller ID calls to his number and knew it was him pestering me i called the police, explained everything and asked them to give him a verbal warning before i pursued anything further and it's been crickets since then, with the exception of his sibling trying to message me on my new social media and immediately getting blocked
sometimes all these cowardly scrotes need is a police officer to call them out face to face and tell them exactly what'll happen if they continue their tard raging and they scramble away pissing their pants. really recommend asking the police to give a verbal or written warning and THEN pursuing further legal action if possible
i'm sorry this is happening to you anon, ily and you're gonna be fine
No. 1225737
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>>12247011. It was some dumb post on Reddit about rv camping and real camping, like all reddit posts it becomes one big post after post conversation about acceptance no one wants to hear. But of course I get sucked back into reading them every time bc I'm too easily swayed into unblocking that site.
2. The first time I read that phrase was in Tumblr and reddit arguments about "kink belongs in pride parades,!"
Which ultimately led me to discovering (get ready for this): a retarded bdsm lesbian woman crying over the fact that other women in her rape /assault/ lgb therapy group didn't like her talking about whipping other women in leather, and admiring gay men pissing in each other's mouths in gay bars.
I hope your curiosity has been sated and you do not gouge your eyes out after reading all that.
No. 1225814
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>>1225734Holy shit nona same, I have no reason to be depressed except for the fact its summer here and I generally hate getting out of bed during the summer. I spent the other night staring at the ceiling, couldn't even go to sleep I was stressed out thinking about doing nothing till 5 am. Nothing brings me joy, not even mindlessly scrolling. I think I have SAD because this happens every summer for the past few years. I know I can make it to fall everything will start picking up for me, just need to last till then. Good luck
nonnie ♥
No. 1225851
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why is genuine connection, love and understanding so rare? i hate how it's always some status signal and competing. just because i was going through a rough patch, i am an undesirable to people i met during that time. it seems as if no amount of my success, fame, and fortune could erase their memories of me being severely depressed, paranoid and sleep deprived. and i know i will not become famous, i don't even want to, but how would i build up my reputation? pretend i am a productive workaholic somebody on linkedin? pretend to be an influencer on instagram? it is so fucked in society when a person is depressed and tries their best to keep up, but people turn away from them, because they are a downer then, and because they don't look good. pretend to have a perfect life, fake to have it easy, say everything came naturally to you, and smile, and laugh. say yes to everthing, attend every invitation, validate people, virtue and status signal your pretend wealth. fuck reality.
No. 1225919
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At this point, I wish my friend would just cut me off instead of this painful slow drift we're going through. I put in so much effort to keep the conversation going, I even stay away from talking about my autistic ass interests that I know bore her now, but it's like no matter how hard I try she just doesn't give a fuck about doing the same. How can you know someone for so long and have absolutely nothing to say to them? I respect that she doesn't like all the same things as me anymore, and we've obviously talked about things besides shared fandomshit interests before but now it's like she can't even be assed to keep any conversation going. Even when I try to ask about the stuff she's into now! It's just so frustrating. Not to mention it makes me feel like a womanchild that my fandom friends are all starting to grow out of it…
No. 1226081
>>1226065>he texted me like "what did he want?"I’m glad you’re okay anon, but I seriously hate this shit so much, it’s so fucking dismissive. Any time I would tell my male friends about creepy interactions like this they would always give me some dumbass devil’s advocate reply like “well you don’t know what his intentions were,” “maybe he was just looking for directions” and shit. Bitch fuck that. I told my friend how a guy followed me home one time at night from shopping and he was seriously like “maybe he was lost? Maybe he lived on your street” like wtf. He absolutely did not and left when he realized I didn’t live alone. Then if god forbid you aren’t hyper vigilant and get kidnapped or assaulted, these same people are so quick to
victim blame and say shit like “she should have been more careful, why was she talking to a stranger?” It’s so damn tiring.
No. 1226103
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be me in uni
>take drugs
>realize things
>male friends suck
>escape into work
>get psychosis
>in tune with feels
>drop male friends
corona comes
>isolated, psychotic
>come out of it
>hallucinates randomly
>remembers trauma
asks family about trauma
>n-nothing, long time ago
tells doctor i hallucinate
>try sleep and healthy life
do it but exams stress me out
>hallucinates, embarrasses self
how will i ever make & keep friends
No. 1226115
>>1224277Yeah, keep telling yourself that lmao
Either you're just coping with the fact you're stuck with a bald uggo, or you're just a scrote larping
No. 1226118
>>1224788I always find this so lame, the whole "I'm setting with this unfuckable bastard cause at least he won't cheat on me"
1- Yes he would, men always find a way, no matter how ugly they are
2- the bar is on the floor, and you still barely above it
3- you sound more like you're trying to convince yourself, and you sound miserable
No. 1226124
>>1225244Plus, insecure uggly men will try to compensate. They know they're not attractive, so they will find another ways.
Preying on minors, faking interests, being a floormat until she gives in, the classic drugging, etc.
I wish more women would just accept the facts, instead of trying to act like they're saints for dating uggos. You're not, you're just giving secondhand embarrasment, and I'm sick and tired of women dating lame ass men just because they don't want to be alone.
istg, politic lesbians make me cringe, but at least they're not defending a bald scrote here.
No. 1226133
>>1226124it's kinda funny how when women like certain types of uggo men they're branded as weird but if one says "i hate how my man looks, but he's sooo nice :)" it's normal and good, actually.
only the latter is left seething about "ugly men with audacity" once they break up kek
No. 1226154
>>1226149me three
as soon as he could find someone hotter/younger/more insecure he fuckin' bolted and his ego inflated forever
you really can't expect men to be self-aware, least of all about their own attractiveness
No. 1226157
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What the fuck are the tiny stick-looking bugs/worms/whatever that you find in your apartment? They do seem to have tiny legs, too. I left for a vacation just for my roommate to trash up the whole place without any cleaning!! I have no idea how to get rid of them, and whether they are dangerous or not
No. 1226203
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My mom has become one of those people who yells at retail workers. It's getting so bad that she gets visibly pissed at the poor employees who did nothing wrong. She'll go into a store and be like
>Hi!!! I'm looking for a red top but the arms have to be 5 inches long, the top must reach exactly to my hipbone, make sure it also has sparkly details and oh by the way it HAS TO make me look like a curvy supermodel.
>sorry i don't think we have that
>Wow, just wow. You didn't even look. Just go look in the back. In fact, I'll go look myself. I might possibly know this store better than you even though I've never been here before. What are you even doing? Aren't you supposed to help customers? Hahaha, this is ridiculous, I'm out.
I can't take this bitch anywhere anymore. I just slowly find my way out of the store to avoid getting dragged into it. She'll look at me with a look of "am I right???" and if I disagree she'll start raging at both me and the employee. My mom was so fucking chill and cool when she was younger.
No. 1226217
>>1226203my mom isn't quite as bad but, fuck, i realized she is incredibly entitled when it comes to restaurant services. Pays like 13 bucks for a dish and flips out when
i point out something was missing on the table (which she didn't notice). when i told her to stop making a scene and being mean to college students making minimum wage she threatened to make an even bigger scene just to humiliate me for the crime of "telling her what to do".
never took her to a restaurant again. tbf she was never chill i just never realized how bad it was compared to normal people
No. 1226279
>>1226220I can relate to that,
nonnie. I haven't seen my family in 3 years and with politics going on, I don't think I will see them this year too. Maybe there is a way to find friend-of-a-friend on social media so you could somehow find your relatives?
No. 1226321
>>1226311The amount of times I've missed people who are at my door because I've had a couple of experiences where yeah scrotes will comment on shit and now I have to always make sure I'm properly dressed and wearing a bra and there's nothing to be a creep about given like you said.. they know your address and it's unsettling when it happens at your own door.
My main mail man is the one exception. That lil guy sees me in all sorts of states and barely looks at you anyway. Just how I like it.
No. 1226322
>>1226319It's just a coincidence, we are probably miles apart. I hope you stay safe from the weirdos,
nonnie ♥
No. 1226328
>>1226321It's just fucked up. I'm out in the middle of nowhere and now I feel like getting a gun license might actually be a smart idea. I moved to get away from people and it just never ends does it
Mail man's a woman though and even my dogs love her. Shout out to nice mail women.
No. 1226406
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wow. wowowowowowowowwowowow.
No. 1226445
>>1226438glad im not the only one, i think atleast half of the posters there are male including the op who made that thread. Ive seen literal furrys and animal-like things posted there.
I wish the moid made the thread in g instead of m. Also its the most bumped thread there with the same ten moids posting their pretty damsel getting fucked by a anlmal or a ugly creature. I loved m/ but now when i visit it all i see is that thread always on the first page. Pornsick trash ruins everything, begging for it to be autosaged.
No. 1226467
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>>1226455>>1226448m/ anons already went through enough with having all of the board threads stop working during bunker times, the last thing they need is that new moid animal/monster fetish thread which like half of the posters there are male and it attracts more males to m/.
I know jannys dont care about m/ or the anons there but it would be nice if they showed some sympathy to m/ nonnies once by either autosaging that thread or moving it to g/ where most of the coomers are.
No. 1226483
>>1226478I'm not talking about moid porn. I'm talking about anons like
>>1226460 who complain about others venting in a vent thread. This isn't about you.
No. 1226488
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>>1226467Spoilered but here’s a example of normal Noni posting in the thread versus scrote sweat. It’s like very clear in tone.
No. 1226501
>>1226488>These female outcasts just lacked male companionship which i could provide them.Wow the moids there are open about being moids too.
I feel sorry for like the 2 actual female posters in the thread like the ones on the left but the majority of posters there are males like in the middle/right and i hope the thread gets autosaged or nuked, poor m/ anons who got eye raped by this.
No. 1226502
>>1226500nta but thats not anons point and she is showing the difference between the normal women who post in that thread vesus the actual males (who are the majority there)
Also a thread like that is more suited for the coomers at g/
No. 1226503
>>1226501OH kek I stand corrected, well maybe that one is a moid unless it's a typo. Otherwise I stand my my post
>>1226500Oh and also btw you can hide threads. I hid that thread and sent it to the same dimension danofags are in
>>1226502No I mean women can like porn with dick showing too though, the friend I talked about has some very vulgar Master Chief porn on her twitter kekkk, still doesn't have a dick though
No. 1226509
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Today a girl from my class wanted to know where I was eating, I answered that I was going to eat in a place far away from the rest of the group and I blamed it on a random problem. However she called out my bullshit (because it's been 3 years that I've not eaten with the rest of my class) and in a very direct way she asked me "why do you never eat with us?". I was so taken aback because no one has really asked me before. I felt so ashamed because she has always been very kind to me even if I'm borderline impolite because of how weird I am. I didn't dare to say that I've never been asked explicitly to come eat with people and after a life time of isolation I just assume that people do not want to really talk to me. I fumbled on my words and started to blame it on the fact that It's because hate the room where everyone eats, it was so painfully weird and I talked for so long too, fuuuuuuuck, I hate myself.
No. 1226512
>>1226507not that anon and it wasnt those posts although he posted that but there was a male in that thread who posted halo porn of some women getting fucked and the focus was only on the women. He got redtexted (i think that post was deleted).
That thread is moid general, i dont know why some anons are caping for such a obviously male thread.
No. 1226523
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>>1226512I've hid the thread but I will fight for the right of my fellow women who happen to like monster porn!!
No. 1226534
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>>1226523babes….there is probably like only 3 anons there who are actually women.
You are fighting for the wrong cause.
also other monster anons are also complaining about the males in the thread
>>1226530 No. 1226541
>>1222766Anyone else have a parent that you end up having to parent? I give my mom more advice than she gives me, and she doesn't have siblings and my dad's a piece of shit so I feel like I don't have an adult I can ask for advice. It pisses me off and makes me resent my mom more than I already do.
Also, anyone else grow up with a parent who couldn't handle blood? My mom is the only mom I know of that never had bandages available, and I was a clumsy ass kid too. Just thought about it today as I was buying bandages (Because clumsy is me and I am clumsy). My ex who was older than me and living with his family, his mom always had bandages at the ready, so did my step mom. They're both boy mom's if that matters… But again, I was always clumsy and in need of a bandaid so I'd have to ask the school or a store for them because my mom didn't believe in buying them or something.
No. 1226578
>>1226563Male relatives trying to trans creeps me out. I stopped talking to the one that started in my family. I won’t put myself at risk and no man is worth the risk, related or not. He’s basically to me told me he doesn’t see me as human but a costume at best?
Maybe she should ask him why he feels like a girl? Bet it’s gender roles and there’s nothing tangible.
No. 1226593
>>1226583Keep in mind a big reason ND kids trans is puberty and being uncomfortable in their bodies. There’s a chance his ADHD has sensory issues that got worse as he hit puberty and his brain continued to develop so it was suddenly much harder for him. People with ADHD also struggle with a constant sense of identity and object consistency. So they can be easy to suggest and push in certain ways.
For example he suddenly could be much more aware of his body and the shower and the lights and noise because his nervous system isn’t wired correctly. Making showers stressful combined with rapidly changing body and bad identity sense it’s easy to develop body dysmorphia. Have a society come in and tell you because you’re not like everyone else you’re a tranny and it can be a convenient answer to all those little situations most people don’t see and people not ND don’t experience to a high severity.
That’s not even touching porn.
No. 1226657
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I feel so dumb for having a crush on my urologist. I've struggled with overactive bladder since I was a small kid and back then a doctor told my mom he can't help me so I thought there was nothing I could do about it, I developed a strong sense of shame and anxiety because of it, but this month I finally made an appointment with an urologist and I told him everything about my symptoms and how I have no social life because of it and he was so nice and helpful and answered all my dumb questions a few times and said he will do everything to help me, and as we has doing an ultrasound he asked me if I have painful periods and intercourses and I was like I never had an intercourse because I'm a virgin and he was like oh yeah lack of social life and we both laughed. I got meds for my detrusor muscle and from what I've read about it it looks like they can actually work, but I need to take them for like 3 months to see, and if they won't work we will try something different and proceed with deeper diagnostics. I'm happy there's finally a chance for me to treat my symptoms, I'm tired of peeing every 5 or 10 minutes. And I have a super cute doctor. I know part of his job is being nice but fuck. I'm such a virgin for crushing on a cute scrote doctor. Having an urologist bf would be perfect for a piss demon like me…
No. 1226691
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this girl i know doesn't seem to get that she can do the whole "wild fey, taking every shot and risk, fever dream by mxmtoon" thing because she comes from a wealthy and stable family (and therefore has a strong safety net). like YOU absolutely can fly to like, paris or wherever, and explore without a plan because YOU aren't paying for shit. the rest of us are though. you don't have rent to pay!
she's always like "ommgg you guys are so cautious and you never want to do anything fun :(" bitch we have jobs and careers. dgmw yes i absolutely would love to go on spontaneous road trips and etc. but i don't have the time or the cash. that doesn't make me "boring" holy shit
No. 1226700
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Never being friends with a bpd bitch again on god. No matter what you do they always managed to bring you down with their shit and make it out like it’s your fault. There’s a fucking stigma for a reason.
No. 1226711
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I feel traumatized by a situation just like pic related, except he was 24. It was 10+ years ago but I saw someone that looks like him today and it scared me and it was like I transformed back into this little 14 year old again who he'd always neg and make fun of but I let him because he was the only boy who ever gave me attention.
No. 1226769
>>1226728NTA, but me too
nonnie. I'm still angry and sad tbh. Looked him up a few weeks ago and totally spiralled, he's a weird fucking furry troon now…
No. 1226773
>>1224686Is he a cheater or
abusive or something? Why would you not want her to marry him, is there a reason?
No. 1226786
>>1226773>>1226776I think anon is perfectly justified in being worried about her sister. Like other anons have said, there's really no good reason for a woman to get married to a moid. Even if he isn't
abusive now, he's going to become
abusive after she puts herself in a vulnerable position. I've seen it happen to all of my married friends and not a single one of them doesn't regret getting married. Anon is smart to be so caring about her sister imo
No. 1226788
I am one of those demented BPD anons who internally explodes anytime my boyfriend is nice to another woman, whether she's a character or a real person. It is insanity because he is convinced I'm "healed" from my BPD because I no longer have freakouts and don't act crazy anymore. The truth is, I still think the same way. I just have a tight lid on my behaviors and words.
How do I not perceive other women as a threat? It's so fucked up. He's such a great guy, I'm 1000% sure other women would want him. He bathes me, cooks good food for me, cleans for me, loves me, has sex with me multiple times a day like I specified at the beginning of our relationship, etc. and I feel like even though we've been together for 3 years I'm always going to lose him to someone else. He's nice to everyone, even people who act weird or are super ugly, he's basically perfect, and it's so fucking hard being me because my brain interprets him being nice as a threat. I see an ugly girl he acts nice per usual to and think he will leave me for her because she must have a better personality than, I see someone who is redheaded, blue eyed, asian, pick a physical characteristic, and I think he must wish I looked like that (whoever it is he's talking to), and I feel so sick inside for being like this. I'm like a 10 year old in a 20 something body and it is maddening how I have graduated, secured a job, live independently, blah blah blah, but am still just a kid in my level of romantic maturity. I have been with other guys before, but I never liked them. It's so new to me actually liking the guy I'm with. I've been with him for 3 years and I'm still fucking like this.
No. 1226804
>>1226791No? Who is this anon.
>>1226784It's so painful and I cannot even see a doctor till next week.
No. 1226805
>>1226796I don't see how the hell he could be thinking that. I'm so loyal (a doormat). He actually does say he sometimes worries about whether I will just leave him for someone else. But he acts unbothered from my pov. He talks about how I motivate him to be better, to improve his own life, etc. but I feel weird about it. I don't feel like I'm anything to fawn over. I am attractive, but in a generic, not special way, in a way that will quickly fade over time. I don't think I'm that interesting. I'm one of those insane people who bases themselves off of their partner and is frightened if they do their own thing their partner will leave them. I browse lolcow, have for 5-7 years, I have a job, I read, we have conversations about media, and I'm not interesting. He isn't terribly interesting either, but he has so many wonderful character qualities and traits. I don't understand why he doesn't shack up with someone who never had BPD and is as perfect as he is. I feel ashamed he had to see me act BPD, I understand how someone could crumble from that and leave just so a new person doesn't have to see them as a person with BPD. I feel like my best bet is to be his fantasy, but he doesn't want that and genuinely just loves me as a person and it scares me, I wish I could perform and be something irresistible to him so I wouldn't be afraid he'd leave me.
Sorry for the rambling.
No. 1226830
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I hate hate hate hateee summer. It's almost 11 pm here and I want to go to sleep with my window open because it's so hot but I can constantly hear people outside. I hate living in the city. It's never fucking quiet in summmer.
No. 1226837
>>1226805It's cliche but they say you should be with someone because you want them and not because you need them. I went through a couple of heartbreaks before I really got that. I'm not bpd but I could see how I chased love away with the amount of intensity I was bringing and the weight I put on partners. I'd issues and I played myself by not addressing it sooner and by treating guys like my saviours. Like my happiness depended on them staying put. It's a dangerous way to think.
You have to speak kinder of yourself, he sounds like a sweet bonus but you're the only guaranteed permanent fixture in your life and you speak so low of yourself.
No. 1226865
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>>1226826resigning yourself to the fact that the world, your attachment to it and your status in it are all meaningless and finding out you are loved when you manage to allow yourself a second's respite from wanting to die
by "loved" I mean that feeling, that peaceful feeling you can't describe, it's neither 'you' nor an outside force and you can't quite put your finger on it. it can come when you relax and allow it to. that's you being loved
I am aware of how schizo I sound No. 1226872
>>1226734you're not similar to this person at all
nonny, it doesn't seem as if anything has been handed to you. this girlie i'm thinking of it is so wealthy that she grew up with a cleaning crew
No. 1226935
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>graduating in 7-ish months
>compsci major
>know nearly nothing about programming
i've complained about this before but holy shit i feel insane and terrible. my parents seem to think i'm gonna graduate and get an incredible 100k year job when in truth i'm sitting here refreshing year one knowledge, and just cracking open a java textbook. i feel so hopeless. not giving up but i do feel hopeless.
these past four years were nice though. it's like i was a quasi-neet
No. 1226953
>>1226948vast majority of my courses were theory + math. like theory computation, discrete mathematics, operating systems…programming languages, which
sounds like a programming class but it was just analyzing the structures of various languages. i feel like i should've been spending my free time self-studying functional programming instead of just working shitty jobs so i could fund my silly little hobbies.
No. 1226979
>>1226969I’m sure crypto friends are around. Hiding or they will tell the church. Maybe try some
terf talking points in some lesbian circles.
No. 1227004
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I hate my job so fucking much. I've been half-assing it for almost a year now and I just want to leave but my parents keep pressuring me to apply and get a job elsewhere before I quit. I've started walking dogs/dogsitting to help out neighbors and it's so much nicer and less stressful than sitting on a goddamn computer for 9 hours doing pointless fucking busy work. I don't want to be that stereotype of the autistic adult daughter that lives with parents and walks dogs but I can't help myself. I was not built to be a corporate slave. I just want to take care of things and do real world, useful things for people.
No. 1227007
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>have a child that already requires extra time and special care
>proceed to spawn three more children
I despise breeders on a cellular level
No. 1227034
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>dress up
>look cute
>damn! I look cute!
>wait for friends to pick me up
>wait a second… is this the right bra for this top?
>spiral into nitpicking anxiety
>fuckfuckfuck what if I'm wearing the wrong bra and my friends pick me up and they don't say anything
>shit what if we go to that restaurant and everyone knows I'm wearing the wrong bra and thinks I'm a fucking idiot
>do I look like a fucking idiot?
>can't tell anymore
>now I'm self conscious
No. 1227055
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>>1227046>flood detectedENOUGH. Fucking hell
No. 1227063
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I'm ugly and people are mean to me because of it. They don't even give me a chance. I'm thankful for the friends I have because I know that they had to overcome how repulsive I am to ever talk to me. I try to be kind and unaffected but being out all day today and seeing the looks of disgust just really got me down. I know I'm hard to look at but I have feelings. I overcompensate by being really nice but I think people just end up thinking I'm both ugly AND retarded when I try to talk to them. I wish I was a marginally attractive person, I don't even want to be pretty I just want to be not hideous.
No. 1227068
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Scrote moid piece of shit followed my mom home from fucking dollar general and started screaming at her in our driveway, he CLEARLY did not know she had a violent retard hiki prepper piece of shit for a daughter cuz he fucking sprayed gravel peeling back out when I came outside REEEEEEEing at the top of my lungs, unwashed in a week, aiming a shotgun at his fucking face.
I should stop being a neet fucking loser and be a hired hand for women only
Also fuck the police, I don't need 30 to 50 feral hogs showing up on my lawn to loiter and murder black teenagers and tea cup-class family pets
No. 1227081
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>>1227073>>1227075>>1227077>>1227079Thank you, but I'm still so angry rn holy shit
also yes, all women should get guns, do it
No. 1227090
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>>1227068>>1227081Nona, I am so proud of you
No. 1227097
>>1227068If I could I would hire you just to sit on my porch with your shotgun
nonnie. You are doing God's work.
No. 1227116
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please pray for me to pass this fucking exam my whole grade depends on it and my family will kill me if i fail fuck my stupid brain i got retard grades this whole course fuck fuck fuck
No. 1227123
>be me, 18
>having to live with narcissistic mother and pedo father (theyre divorced)
>mother gets angry at me for having bad grades senior yr of high school
>mother uses my dads abuse against me to insult me in text messages, throws my cat outside and says "at least my pet isnt gone."
>one day me and step father are driving to the CVS
>i breakdown in the car after 18 years of being abused by my parents
>step dad vehemently defends my mother
>tells me she never abused me and i made it all up
>me, getting really angry, starts yelling
>he admits the text messages he sent were mean, but has never "abused" me
>both my mom and step dad were (and still are) very inconsiderate of everything i went through regarding my pedo dad
>step dad basically says that i need to get over what my dad to me and move on with life because the world is unfair
>literally tells him ive been depressed since i was 8 because of my mother and father
>continues to tell me my mother did nothing and that im still making it up
>proceeds to call me a failure, and compare me to all of my siblings just because i cant turn homework in and focus in class
>literally tells him the reason i never said anything about mother before was because he never took me seriously and never did anything about it
>we argue all the way home in the car
>a couple months later after argument
>step dad driving me to dentist appointment
>hes yelling at me for simply complaining about how early he made the appointment
>get home quietly after appointment
>next day i ask him when hes going to take me to the social security office to get my ss card replaced
>he goes off ona huge rant, saying im spoiled because i said bologna tastes like shit, says i make everything up like how i made up the abuse because no one else has said anything
>dude, my eldest sister is over 2000 miles from us for a reason. your kids dont come over here/live with us anymore because theyre scared of her, and the eldest of all of us is literally a high functioning autistic man.
>you literally have kept me in this house, refusing to help me get the proper documents so i can get a job. youve been making shitty excuses for two years now, and now when i finally bring up an idea you cant make an excuse for, youre yelling at me?
>he asks me why cant i just do it myself
>i get pissed and say "are you retarded? because youre my parent. you never helped me learn to be independent on my own, in fact, youve literally been stopping me from leaving or becoming some sort of financially stable."
>gets mad i called him retarded
>tells me to get out of his face
>its been two days and he refuses to talk to me
>i regret calling him retarded, but it doesnt amount to the years of neglect hes done to me
>therapist doesnt believe me whenever i tell her how awful my parents are to me
nonnies, when will it end. very very fucking tired of having shitty men rule over me and i am powerless.
No. 1227130
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>>1227123Kill literally all men
No. 1227137
>>1227006Oh god that's such an old trick. I'm glad you didn't lose anything, but
always a scam.
Scammers may also send you emails or messages in games or on social media, sometimes from legit accounts they hacked, accounts from your friend list. Never click any of their links, never give them any information or any money.
If a friend is sending you suspicious shit, call them on their phone and ask, that literally happened to me with a friend, "she" sent me (and every single contact) a link to something weird and told me to check it out and the link asked me to log into an account to see it, but it was a fake website that would have stolen my login information to take over my account too.
No. 1227139
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>>1227116I believe in you, nona. ♥
No. 1227261
>>1227258Look I get it there's no one who cares about the water more than you do
but it's still disgusting and you never addressed the issue of incubating germs in the water for fifteen minutes
No. 1227268
>>1226788>The truth is, I still think the same way. I just have a tight lid on my behaviors and words. This is good progress! Don't minimize it. You can change your mindset struggles as well.
>How do I not perceive other women as a threat?Cheating comes down to the character of your boyfriend, not any of these women. There are lots of attractive people, but the same way you choose to be with your boyfriend everyday, he chooses to be with you. The real problem is your insecurities. You can see how he cares and values you. Him loving you is not where your self-worth comes from. If the thoughts can be described as obsessive, think about them as like intrusive thoughts; nothing more than white noise. Because you know the truth that your relationship is good.
No. 1227301
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When I was 18 I began experiencing “psychosis” which may or may not be related to my brain tumor which has been operated on but parts still exists on my brainstem. My lifespan expectancy is what would be considered middle age for most people assuming it continues to grow at this rate which is pretty slow. I am 27 now. I have thus far been managing to exist with what I call “low grade psychosis” for all of these years with few incidents of hospitalization,
i believe that it is in part due to my experiences of temporal lobe epilepsy which i no longer suffer from after the partial resection that i still feel i am in direct constant relationship with god that has immediate consequences.
It is debilitating in some ways. I feel like it has impeded my ability to do anything meaningful outside of myself. I wish I could have finished college because I’m feel like I could have been a smart person.
also when I see a single balloon I feel very afraid.
No. 1227310
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The urge to completely demolish the image my pickme mother has of a scrote around my brother's age is strong. Tired of her rose tinted glasses on this fat asshole. If this was a woman, she'd completely tear her a new asshole. It's pathetic how she simps for this guy. I seriously don't understand the scrote worship. I'm at my breaking point.
No. 1227320
>>1227187I invited her to my graduation and she seemed like she was fine because she was on her meds only to figure out a few days ago that she stopped taking her meds and stopped going to therapy. everything actually was going fine until one of her friends told her something she didn't like and basically took all her anger out on me and brought up the whole past and how everything is my fault and its my fault she got raped.
>>1227188yeah I agree that its statutory but she puts the blame on my parents who weren't in the know. she uses her excuse of being underage at the time when all that happened but blames me when I was underage too. and she met that older guy through her friends, I've never even seen him. I only learned about it because of her friends and when I confronted her, she broke my shit and started beating me. Just don't know how to deal with her now since she stopped taking her meds. It's like why do I have to deal with this?
No. 1227339
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I feel like an orphan on the internet. I have IRL friends but nowhere to hang out on the internet, and for some reason it's really difficult for me to make friends in places like discord. No one seems to want to talk. Same with social media, though that shit sucks so I don't expect anything to come out of there anyways.
It seems like everyone I talk to already has people they hang out with online and that they aren't really looking to add someone else to their private group chats or inner circles which kinda sucks. I wish all my IRL friends weren't absolute normies and would come game with me or just hang out in my retarded little hobby communities.
No. 1227346
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>>1227312Millennials are angry that their business casual that they also wore while clubbing isn't 'it' anymore. They're online warning that management is "watching" what gen z is wearing while getting mad irl that the gen z girl in current trendy business casual gets promoted kek there's really not much of a difference either… Gen Z is just staying away from the chevron and "pops of color"
No. 1227347
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today at work some little girl picked up a unisex grey slip-on shoe and her mom said “that’s for boys.” it’s a fucking grey shoe. does it have to be pink or something so that everyone knows it’s a shoe made specifically for girls? why? my aunt dresses her baby girls up in all pink and tutus to the point where they look like literal dolls. i used to find it kinda cute but it’s so weird to me now. i hate the fact that these types of mothers deliberately raise their daughters to become victims of patriarchy.
No. 1227365
I hate 'friends' who act like fucking children once you get into an argument with them. When they give snappy responses like they're above you, don't you want our friendship to last? Do you really want zero friends, did you really never care about me? I'm talking about my best friend of years who turned her back on me last year after one little argument, we did reconcile and see each other regularly since. She has a boyfriend now which good for her, but she never wants to hang out anymore and when she does it's only a couple hours on a random weeknight because she's too busy with her boyfriend who she will break up with in 2 months anyway. God I'm a bitter bitch but I feel replaced, like I'm some kind of TV she turns on when she's bored or feels lonely. Why did I ever reconcile with her, why don't I have the balls to tell this to her face? Whenever we hang out it's just a few hours of her bitching about how hard she has it, and when I'm trying to say something she starts checking her phone like I'm not even there and gets mad when I tell her to put that damned thing away because it's fucking rude. Might as well stay home if you're going to casually check your discord while I'm teling you something personal. I wish we left it at that retarded argument and never talked again. Only thing I have that keeps me satisfied is that she will dig her own grave one day with her superiority complex, lacking ability to keep friends and codependence. I know she will turn her back on me once she meets someone she likes more, thinks is more interesting, cool, fucking whatever. Why am I even staying in this? I want to move to an actual farm and never talk to anyone ever again except my cattle.
No. 1227374
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>>1227346It always boils down to a age war. "This gen say x and is mad that this new gen ain't doing it". Good god tired of the age wars. It'll be more of a shit show once Gen Alpha gets old enough. God help us all. Setting aside the age wars, the outfit on the left isn't my favorite. I don't care for the colors, the style, and the flats piss me off immensely. Like
>>1227364 said, depends on where you work. My brother's girlfriend works at a very lenient place but my brother does not. Be interesting to see what lawyers would wear if they could.
>>1227369That's cool. I like that businesses aren't so strict with dress codes anymore. Always felt like some dress codes were on the same level as strict private schools.
No. 1227404
>>1227402Anon said she liked that women dressed a certain way at her workplace and feels it made that work environment better. You’re the one who wanted research when it was just her personal experience which she didn’t say was universal.
>many studies disagreed with herMany studies disagree that it decreases productivity so your point is what? That's how research on something benign like this works.
No. 1227508
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i was brought up on scrote-tier sadistic and dark humor from having mentally ill traumatized relatives, and it fucks up my friendships to this day. i just don't know what's appropriate anymore. new friends get scared away when i inevitably say something too crude. i will never drink anymore, and will only make jokes once i assessed their whole personality, and i am sure it is something they would find funny. i just can't tell the difference between their dark jokes and mine, because theirs seem okay, but when i say something similar it's weird? i am not a sadistic or creepy person but reading various ways of detailed rape wished upon random teens in the comments sections since i was 10 has really fucked with my brain. no, i don't make rape jokes, but i also didn't think "don't drop the soap" would be too much to say around most girls.
No. 1227630
>>1227626happy birthday
nonnie, i hope your day picks up and you're able to enjoy the rest of it
No. 1227657
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I have a Calculus test in less than 3 hours and I'm definitely gonna fail like so hard. Why didn't I just do the homework on time so I could ask questions god I'm so stupid
No. 1227664
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>>1227066>retard is being asked to spoonfed the most basic infoyou can easily find even the way he kept and keeps talking shit about his son
No. 1227666
>>1227626Happy Birthday!
>>1227661I didn't know this but it isn't surprising, still such a shame though. I wonder just how many of the stories that got popular out there all over the world are just stories that male writers stole from their overworked wives?
No. 1227668
>>1227508I understand you, anon. I have a dark, often vulgar sense of humor and insults. I think most of society gets mad when women aren't at least sort of subdued, considerate and pliant at all times, even if it's deserved. This is one of the few places I can say whatever the fuck I want and people won't typically assume bad faith (unless they mistake me for a scrote or something, which has only happened like once). Even here, there are times I feel the need to double-check and try to make sure I'm not crossing a "line" (within reason, of course) because summer has brought in all sorts of people lately
IRL, other women tend to think I have a very dry/sarcastic sense of humor, or that I'm literally humorless, but I'm just worried about offending them. I think these days, people also like the thrill of "checking" others (especially women) for being "
problematic", even if they weren't actually serious (or even worse, when the person complaining has said very similar things, but wants to look/feel virtuous at that moment), so that doesn't help. It sucks, but keeping your walls up until you really know the person is probably the easiest way to avoid headaches. Some people will always assume the worst of you, it can't be helped
No. 1227686
>>1227681And most male rape
victims are rapists themselves or wife beaters/nasty misogynists because when men have trauma it has to be made the woman’s problem someway some how so my sympathy is very limited
No. 1227701
>>1227698They're probably pedos. A lot of pedos larp as rape
victims online to hear their stories.
No. 1227706
>>1227698Yes, I have, and they’re also partially responsible for making me think like this.
I wish they all acted like their incarcerated brethrens so we wouldn’t have to get involved in their “m-muh assrape!” theatrics.
No. 1227716
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>>1227693Kek I am ESL so I just assumed you are too, I thought it would be commong knowledge it can be studied later if it is the right word
Good luck on your test!! I believe in you! Can you retake it? That's always my route lmao, and if I can I write the questions down on spare paper. I also always skip homework…
No. 1227730
>>1227693Wow what a coincidence i also study computer science and have to retake my calculus exam kek. However the teacher gave us all a chance to look at our test after we got our grade so now i know what i did wrong and im more confident. Good luck
nonnie you can do it!
No. 1227731
>>1227701Yeah that is so obvious on online CSA discussions, and you're banned if you call it out.
>>1227706My personal faves are the ones who have a whole story about how multiple women raped and molested them. Its obvious either pedolarp or psyop MRAs trying to turn the "narrative" (i.e, truth) that men make up 99% of pedos and rapists and make it womens' fault.
No. 1227738
My mom and her friends…insult me? (not sure if that's the right word) by saying I'm "pretty, but too skinny." I promise this isn't a humble brag, I'm just at a normal weight and I'm definitely skinny-fat with no muscle definition. I'm just trying to take care of myself, please stop overfeeding me. My mom will make food unprompted sometimes, and I appreciate that, but we'll be eating the same thing and her portions are always so much smaller than mine. She gets upset if I don't finish it all, but it's always heavy, greasy food. I don't know if it's her culture making her genuinely think I'm on death's door for being 5'4" and 120-125 pounds or if it's her narcissism making her want to sabotage me. I was fat as a kid because of her overfeeding and I still struggle with wanting to binge eat and have really bad body image issues. Yet she insults my sister for gaining a bit of weight, when my sister weighs less than she does. I wish everyone would shut up about my appearance, positive or negative, it's always uncomfortable, shut up shut up shut up
No. 1227751
>>1227698>>1227731My ex used being molested/statutory rape by women as an excuse to be a horrible manipulative
abusive fatass. I still don't know what to think of it. He broke down crying when I begged him to tell me why he was treating me so horribly and said that was the reason, so I felt for him and stayed a lot longer than I probably would have otherwise. Then I saw him talking about it online, to women, but he was incredibly nonchalant about it. It came off as bragging. Even one of his family members told me in private that he didn't think it was true at all, or at least didn't happen like how he said it did (the family member thought he had manipulated the supposed women as well, telling them he was much older).=+ I also found out he was role-playing hard-core shotacon online, he acted very ashamed when I confronted him about it and gave the "it's coping" excuse. I really don't want to say this but that experience has really made me doubt the validity of men who make these claims. Even if it were true, it only seemed to bother him when talking about it with me (aka using my compassion to get me to stay).
No. 1227833
>>1227682I cut my friends off because of the whole
terf vs woke shit. I wish I did not. It's much harder to try and find new like-minded friends or listen to the same shit from people you do not have a history with, than to just suck it up and pretend to be a good handmaiden for the people who you already have a connection with.
No. 1227836
>>1227807Did you get drunk and embarrass yourself last night
No. 1227838
>>1227833Damn that sucks, I’m sorry anon. I pretend to be good on IG but
TERF out with my besties irl on the regular kek. Come join usss
No. 1227844
>>1227835Can you take a cool bath with oatmeal Noni?
Make sure you pay dry. Don’t rub. Touch the blisters as little as possible.
Cool compresses. You can dilute vinegar with water and apply it, but it will probably sting. I’d use water and witch hazel instead.
You can also make a paste out of baking soda and water which can help. If they’ve already scabbed you can do to calmine lotion.
No. 1227868
>>1227836No, it was actually a pretty good time. I had to go home pretty early though because alcohol makes me tired as hell and other little inconveniences that all added up and got annoying really quickly. It was fun but now I just want to lock my jaws on someone's ankle like a crazed chihuahua and
draw blood.
>>1227810That makes sense and I get that. It just angers me when friends don't do the smart, safe thing. I'm gonna start turning down alcohol and hopefully this dude can follow along when he sees someone else turn it down but he
is really fucking stupid like no exaggeration this guy is DUMB. Ughgugugggghhhhhhhh.
No. 1228006
It continuously amazes me when my current casual partner will pick up on me being annoyed when I haven't said a word or displayed any passive aggressive behaviour. Then he'll ask if it's because of that thing he did, apologise, tell me i'm right to be annoyed, explain his motivations at the time then go into how he'll do better or explain why it has to be that way or if it's unsatisfactory how can we compromise.
He'll do like 95% of the heavy lifting when it comes to messing up, no matter how small and it makes me think of my FUCKING EX who literally after upsetting me with the same thing multiple times and I spell out why it upsets me would then interrogate me on why i'm sad like the fucking reasoning and logic of my feelings ffs, make it to be my problem then go on to say how he doesn't have a problem with it and if I did the same he'd be fine with it (and NEWSFLASH, at times roles were reversed and he most definitely was NOT fine with it) so no way he'd apologise because there's nothing to apologise for.
Like what the fuck, he could turn a "hey could you stop mocking me when I try speak your native language? It's discouraging" into a 5 hour whinefest where I end up, after repeating my points dozens of times because he eliberately misinterprets them, yelling at how he's a massive asshole for not empathising then oh great, I've snapped so he gets to play the poor victim and i'm dehydrated and out of tears, tired because the "discussions" went on til 2 am with no resolution but "I guess i'm sorry what I said hurt your feelings" fuuuuck. The thing is generally he's very neutral, mild mannered, kind and polite, but as soon as i'm vocally upset/annoyed he turned into a raging BITCH.
Never again, if I get a whiff of that vibe from any potential partner i'm out. So emotional labor, and for what? Nothing.
No. 1228011
Nonas I hate my fucking sister. She's a slob who sleeps on the couch in the living room, cause she can't be bothered to clean her room. She was supposed to go to a job interview, and when I went out my room I realized she was still there, sleeping on the couch. To top it all, her stupid inbred mutt in on heat, and got out today, and she started bitching and crying that it isn't spayed, as if it was my fault and not hers. Her dog can get run over for all I care. She's still sleeping on the couch, and while I'm cooking, and I'm pissed at the fact she will not even ask for the food I cook and just grab it, and if I day something she will go bitching to my mom as if I'm supposed to feed her. She already got my mom to nag me about her stupid dog, why the fuck should I care? Why would you give a dog to someone who doesn't even care for themselves? Then she goes and brags on the internet about not wanting kids. Bitch, men wouldn't even give you the hour, you barely shower. I can't believe I'm related to someone this retarded, we don't even look nothing alike. I want to leave, but I'm well aware that if I go my mother will start being unable to pay the bills and constantly ask me for me.
No. 1228025
>>1228018Fuck you and maybe
>>1227991 but thats a favorite picture of mine. I've been miserable about my body since puberty hit.
No. 1228034
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This is me today. Getting drunk truly is borrowing happiness from tomorrow
No. 1228058
>>1228055what if I asked you stop
nonnie, i want to eat in peace
No. 1228060
>>1228044I think the word you're looking for is
fat, not milf, sorry, unless you really meant old and tired, either way milf is porny scrotey lingo
No. 1228115
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>>1228111the fingers that typed this
No. 1228126
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>>1228116>>1228119My sisters!! Even worse is all the hullabaloo about drunk driving. I mean, grow up lmao. How weak can you be? If you get hit by my car while I'm living life, you need to take responsibility. Just dodge faster lol. It's called nachural selektion hon
No. 1228127
agree with
>>1228110 - even people who smoke outdoors but among other people piss me off. i used to ride public transport everywhere when I was a houseless teenager and the amount of pieces of shit who even on sunny/nice days would just SIT or stand in the bus shelter filled with me and other people letting their cigarette smoke hit us all in the face was infuriating. people literally have 0 regard for themselves, clearly, but also others.
and to the dumbass roastie bitch above thread who thinks its quirky to smoke indoors and that you dont reek of tar, seek help. i grew up in a household with shitty cigarette smoking grandparents who smoked their entire lives and hadd 0 regard for my health as a child who constantly had to be in the carseat behind them or sitting in the living room next to them directly breathing in their secondhand smoke indoors. growing up it gave me such severe asthma just being near it that it took years of being out of that house to no longer be effected by it and even to this day my lungs are still considerably smaller than they should be because of all that damage I was subjected to literally as a fucking child who had 0 choice about constantly being surrounded by cigarette smoke because of dumb dependent losers who are too fucking lazy to go outside and stop subjecting people in the same space to also reap the benefits of the harm they're doing to their own body and this earth. nobody fucking asked for you to care so little for yourself, or others, and nobody wants to smell your stinky hair or nails after you've lit one up because you'd rather rot from the inside than fucking go to therapy.
>>1228111 stop eating crayons and go to rehab.
and this also goes to
>>1228116 trying to use the moid cope of oversimplifying the concept of "survival of the fittest" to try to justify being a fucking prick to everyone around you. you know what makes you and everyone around you considerably weaker? lower lung and blood density because of breathing in second hand smoke and carcinogens. get bronchitis and fuck off.
>>1228152because the vast majority of people driving
aren't drunk, tf anon?
No. 1228177
>>1228170I think you're cool as fuck going back to college. College isn't just for fresh out of high school teens. I met a lady in her early 40s who wanted to pursue a different career. She was hard of hearing (ear infections as a child and her parents dgaf), got hearing aids through the college, and had a pretty shitty early life. She graduated and is doing well. You got this.
>>1228172Get off the internet and go touch grass. This thread is meant for all venting.
No. 1228178
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>>1227716>>1227730I also thought it was common knowledge lol! And I finished the test - thank you nonnies for the wishes of luck, to my best estimation I probably got a B- on it. He doesn't let us retake sadly but I know that if I just do the homework on time during the next chapter I'll do better on the next test. I made sure to ask questions after I'd turned it in and the places I got confused was a silly mistake plus one massive misunderstanding on my part. I'll be praying for partial credit lol
No. 1228179
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I was the anon complaining about my cleaning job, today I got fired. Oh well. I actually had been slacking off quite badly and I'm surprised I made it as long as I did, I guess I'll just take the L and move on. I have another job so it's not like I'm broke. But it still hurts I got fired. I've never been fired before from anything.
No. 1228180
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>>1228172what the fuck am i reading
No. 1228281
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>>1228272Same. I think it's also the reason why my posts in another thread on specific topics don't get responses no matter how much i post while everyone else directly above and below the posts I made do, because I think the other posters in the threads are jannies who secretly hate me, it would also explain the slowness.
No. 1228298
>>1228291Take it from someone who's failed. It's not worth it
No. 1228300
>>1228298>>1228291this; do not attempt, however bad it is now, it will absolutely get worse if you try it, whether from actually dying horribly, or from the life that follows an attempt, just don't
Try literally anything else, even vices, that is how desperate shit is right now; try gambling or over-shopping, you already want to die, so what does debt matter at this point? Do anything fun you can possibly think of, get credit cards and quit your job, anything else, I am begging you, do not attempt
No. 1228337
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this unironically ruined my day
No. 1228367
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I literally don't know why I can't gain weight. I feel like I eat all day but no matter what my bmi stays at 15. for instance, I just ate a whole pizza by myself. I don't really work out or do many active things, and I eat like shit. my body looks kind of gross sometimes, at least to me. i look like joker shirtless
No. 1228376
>>1228367idk who this is in the pic but I swear this is how my ribcage is shaped I feel
triggered and seen
No. 1228385
>>1228369I went to the doctor because i was getting worried and got checked for a bunch of things, including thyroid, and she said i had perfect results, except for minor anemia and atypical cervical cells
>>1228375nope. yesterday i had 4 eggs and 4 pieces of toast, pancakes, 3/4 a pizza again (i literally eat like shit) and blueberries and chips and dip in between. probably more that i'm forgetting. two days ago i nearly finished a whole bento box with a bunch of shit and sushi, 2 tacos, pancakes and eggs, etc. i've stayed at 90 pounds for years (last winter though i was really depressed and weighed 80 pounds)
>>1228377not that i know of
>>1228374very true, i'll be doing that
No. 1228399
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>be Quasimodo looking ass moid
>somehow not end up incel
>somehow make 3 beautiful kids
>wife is unhappy, feels neglected
>divorce papers filed
>soon to be ex-wife wants the kids to have their father in their lives, brings them for weekend visit
>moid rage activates
>drowns each child in bathtub, one by one
>mother discovers bodies on bed with a note
>”if I can’t have them neither can you”
>cowardly scrote tries to an hero
>too difficult, can only kill babies
Ladies, this is why we don’t give ugly freaks a chance. I’m so bullshit right now. I wish I could hug those babies and gut this monster.
No. 1228413
>>1228399Holy fuck. She probably blames herself. I hope she's around people who care about her. Her mind has got to be gone.
>>1228403That's the sick joke of it all, they're too cowardly to take themselves out. Too narcissistic. We need to, I can't stand that he gets to live after what he did.
>>1228409Oh god I hope not. Makes me want to puke if that's true.
No. 1228422
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I wish all the moids in my area would just drop dead. For the past three months they've been terrorizing my area with a string of robberies and now they just shot a man who was setting up balloons in a church for an event. And these are the same moids who hang around all day doing nothing and beg me for money when I walk by. And when I say I hate these guys ppl always tell me to stop "profiling" them, they're just poor boys who didn't get any chances in life blah blah blah. I grew up poor too but you don't see me robbing old ppl. Go fucking die you wastes of space.
No. 1228451
>>1228281I understand what you mean, kids know about money- but the difference is this:
They know that nothing they do will ever change their financial situation. Maybe that's terrifying to some, but in a way its a matter of just coming home from school, and making the absolute best out of whatever free time you have ,not giving a shit, not thinking these five or six hours are for anything but to do nothing. Even if you have chores- the fact is- your free time, whatever or however much you have is your own, you don't owe it to your future self to save, invest in something healthy, work towards something more. etc.
No. 1228455
>>1228272>>1228281It's not so far-fetched. An ex-janny compiled some random radfem anon's ("manifesto-chan") entire post history and posted it in the tranny thread for anons to download. It wasn't done "maliciously" but it was still fucked.
>>1228280I grew up poor, so no.
No. 1228460
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>>1228272honestly yeah but i think they are using it to psychoanalyse and try to help me because i wrote about my hallucinations and 'tisms. i just want to be normal enough to not get paranoid over social micro expressions and subtle cues. i am scared of medications causing me irreversible damage though. sometimes it seemed like they were trying to figure out who i was exactly to then doxx because my country and a name of a woman i previously talked about was mentioned.
No. 1228509
>>1228471Everyone is totally getting all offended this is about wealth status. No, I grew up poor too.
My point was that when you’re a kid and you’re poor you know you can’t change your circumstances so you don’t waste an ounce of energy trying. You can’t get a job, you have no concept of feeling like if you don’t do XYZ you’re going to end up in a terrible state because you didn’t obtain enough money.
You don’t have free time and think to yourself “wow I have free time, maybe I should spend this time studying for a better job or picking up those extra hours at work”
You just think “yay free time, let me fool around with whatever is directly in front of me”
No. 1228519
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An artist I follow is such a stacy, I can't stop cackling.
>posts her drawing of a hot female character of a game
>calls her lesbian in the title
>moids instantly start seething
>mass downvote her replies saying she just draws whatever she wants and claims whatever she wants
>40+ comments of "ummmm akschually that's not canon, don't spread misinfo"
No. 1228581
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>gets invited to a private pool
>UTIs came to me a day before
No. 1228605
>>1228591will try thank you
i must embrace the cringe to be free to speak my mind i guess
No. 1228649
>>1228508I'm sorry to hear that, anon. Men who are considered good looking of course can be
abusive, but when women say "ugly moids will abuse you" they usually mean that a man being uglier does not mean he will be nicer when dating a woman and in fact might mean he has other kinds of entitlement issues.
No. 1228658
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My life is falling apart. In just 4 months, the last 5 years of my life were tossed in the trash and I'm going back to my mom's house with my tail between my legs. I'm fucking 30 and I have NOTHING. No relationship, no friends, no job, no independence. I want a redo, I want everything to be over, I want to never have existed, I want to cry until I die. I feel like nothing will ever be right again.
No. 1228688
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Paypal is holding my money for 21 days and i need to pay medical bills NOW, kill me.
No. 1228697
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God I've been watching a live stream while looking at a discord reaction channel and male gamers are insufferable, all of these degrading jokes because the female host didn't play exactly like they intented or properly used the skills while it was clear that she most likely never or barely played the game to begin with (she's a VA).
No. 1228744
>>1228714Nope. I'm 100 lb at 5'2, and pretty pudgy. Skinnyfat with unfortunate fat distribution I guess. I eat ≤1k cal a day to maintain weight, sedentary neet.
It might just be because I'm a midget. I didn't consider that lol.
>>1228737But are you eating a shit ton of bread and garbage?
No. 1228746
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>>1228737Im sorry but you're probably miscounting, im short chan and i do eat a lot but i have a healthy-ish diet so it does not add up to over 1800 calories, like a whole ass salad with non-sauce seasoning like herbs and spices isnt even 300 cals and it will keep you full for hours.
No. 1228815
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No. 1229727
>>1228367(I'm gonna be that asshole but…
god i wish that were me)
In all seriousness though, from my teenage through mid-20s years, I was thin "no matter what I ate", but it turns out I was burning way more calories and consuming less than I thought I was. Like when I think about it, I was pretty active just by walking around at school or work, or goofing around with friends without intentionally exercising, I didn't eat much fat besides egg or cheese sometimes in my meals, and was a lightweight when I drank alcohol, which was rare.
I ended up gaining a bunch of weight in the past 2 years because I'm suddenly sedentary with a job where I'm stuck in a chair for 8 hours, I moved to a new city in a suburb without friends and don't really have walks with a "goal" anymore (no walking to a friends' house, or to class or to the store anymore) and I started drinking more during the pandemic (empty calories!) Frustrating stuff, but I'm having to retrain myself to actually exercise with the intention of losing weight now and stop stuffing my face with drinks.
(That ended up being a vent of my own kek)