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No. 1209344
Vent away.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1200825 No. 1209371
>>1209351How is she a weird sperg? You're actually complaining about being ignored kek how is that not autistic?
No. 1209384
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>>1209372anon learn to have some fun please even in the vent thread
>>1209373you must be autistic and you know that it wasn’t a real wish for anons to die right? she was being hyperbolic kek
No. 1209401
>>1209392That’s literally what i said to that anon was to seek therapy before i got a bunch of unhinged anons dogpiling me and assuming i want their attention
>>1209393 KEK
No. 1209404
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>>1209393>deleting in a second Now you're getting all the attention from me bish!
No. 1209419
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All this because she wanted a crumb of attention, and she got it
No. 1209426
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Sometimes I just wish that everyone would die because I asked someone for a happy meal and they just looked at me and didn't even answer, it's like am I even here? I have a fundamental human need for food and they are actually ignoring that need and buying their own food and I just don't get it I feel invisible.
No. 1209443
>>1209431I don't have many people to tell. Ironically while sitting outside writing about it this morning, I watched someone hit my yard squirrel with their car. It did not die immediately and I was afraid I would have to end it instead. It died pretty quick as I got over to it. Broke me a little.
Thank you anon, I feel heard and that makes things feel less like a solitary fever dream.
No. 1209473
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>>1209464You're welcome anon
No. 1209551
I've had it.
I try to go out, I try and meet new people.
I went to a gig tonight on my own and I dressed casually, ready to have fun and let loose a bit.
No one approached me until later on in the night when I was on my way out. A guy started chatting to me and his friends joined, they seemed really friendly. And they were, only I mentioned to the first guy that he was the first person tonight to actually chat to me, and his response was "well, stop looking so intimidating then".
And I get it, he said it to be funny. But I've gotten this comment so many times in my life that it's overwhelming. I'm not an intimidating person, I'm actually really friendly to speak to and quite easy to talk to. Though so many times in my life I've been told by various people I'm hard/intimidating to approach, and people generally stay away from me.
And nonnies, I do not dress or look intimidating. I'm 5"5, dress casually and conservatively. My tattoos are usually hidden under what I dress, I don't give people evil eyes when they walk past me. I used to dress up a lot but began dressing down because it was more comfortable and yet, I still get this response. If it was just a single moid tonight telling me this I would've brushed it off, but the fact it's a constant comment I get in my life (both from men and women) I just don't know how to avoid it.
I want to be approachable, I want to make friends. Going up to random people is more awkward than joining in on a random group conversation, so I kind of have to wait for people to chat to me. I just hate that that's the vibe I give off, when I don't even know what it is about me that makes others not want to interact with me.
After I got chatting to this man and his friends they seemed to enjoy my company, find me funny and include me in what they were talking about. So being in the conversation isn't hard, it's just the initial breaking of the ice. I'm so pissed off and I don't even know what to be pissed off about. My face? My look? I'm not bad looking, there must just be something about my presence.
No. 1209605
>>1209568"Encouraging unmasking" - What does this even mean? From what I've seen, it means "its okay to flap your hands for a minute while twirling and making weird facial expressions" Most of them would and will never want to be friends with a real sperg. I've had sperg friends and they often require patience and lots of understanding.
Hiding sperg behavior sure is easy when they can just turn it on and off whenever they feel like it. I remember back when social anxiety was the shit to have and got the same treatment. Do you have the cute version where you're shy? Or do you have the annoying version where you flake out last minute from every social activity? The normie opinion seems to now be "I love and respect people with autism, social anxiety, tourettes, etc, I just don't want any of them in my life!" It kinda reminds me of straight guys who go "sure homos are fine I just don't want to talk to them or look at them or know that they're gay at all"
No. 1209626
>>1209551I get you
nonnie. While it's not something that really upsets me, hearing that I'm "intimidating" is so bizarre to a point that it's gotten funny. An old housemate of mine even described me as a "dark figure" once, and I had to ask what the hell that was supposed to mean. It's definitely something in the way you carry yourself combined with facial expressions. For me, I realized it was just a bit of my own shield, and a necessity in a way, but there's pros and cons to it.
No. 1209655
>>1209652Sorry but I’m not a not like other girls, I’m not even like a regular human, but I’ve been thrown under the bus by women for nigels many many times. I don’t know what online radfem larp community you’re in, but try being in reality. Where people are so
toxic to each other. I acknowledge my problems, because i’m decent enough to self reflect, but you’re just an anon, you don’t know any of my problems.
No. 1209675
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I want to BASH my HEAD against the WALL
No. 1209680
>>1209673Keking at
>seriously pudding me offI'm sorry nona
No. 1209684
>>1209628Dude, you sound like a pick me, I get along with women (at least who have the same views as me) extremely well. Almost like we have an unspoken language.
Just keep in mind, no one likes a pick me, and no one wants to hang out with someone so incredibly miserable who’s like that all the time. In high school I was such a mopey sad pathetic bitch at times and never understood why I had no friends despite being nice, and it was because I was so miserable visibly and verbally all the time, wanted to complain to someone, blame someone for my feelings.
In college I remember my friend told me “listen you probably struggle making friends because you’re so sad all the time and people hang out to have fun” and I was like oh….shit lmao you’re right.
Regardless you sound young, it’ll pass I promise.
No. 1209686
>>1209628Same anon… I know #NotAllWomen but it seems I attract all the
toxic bpds. I was also part of an online friend group but I started losing trust in them because of the drama these grown ass women would get into, on twitter of all places too kek
No. 1209690
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>>1209679Good morning nonna
No. 1209703
>>1209684I’m not young, and I’m very bubbly, you don’t know me irl yet assumed everything about me to the point you had to project. I’m not a pickme, what has happened to the original definition? Even as a teen I always wanted my male classmates bullies to die first and then the female ones. I had radfem tendencies before it was cool, but I got picked on that too. When I’d say 15 year old girls shouldn’t have sex with 19 year olds I’d get picked on. But that’s past high school, I feel nowadays, I’m an empty shell and my opinions only become much later accepted, but the older I get the more I’ll have and it never aligns to what is currently socially accepted. From the way I look to the way I think. I’m honestly tired of it. Fucking tired of it.
>>1209683I remember a guy answered me for once when I asked him something related to class, and this girl who always talks to the guys pulled him away from me. It was weird. Blanket statements? Maybe, but because of them I learned to dodge bullets and scrotes. Oh well.
Also, imagine being so rude to a venting anon lol you’re pathetic.
No. 1209721
>>1209712Why should I dilate? I don’t have pelvic floor issues
Correction, no human will ever love me, just like no man will ever treat you right. But at least you have female friends who will comfort you, tell you to break up with him or warn you about him. Maybe they’re bad friends and tell you to continue loving him despite his scrote abuse. When I go through that I have no one but myself for support. And it may seem lonely at first but seeing how
toxic you humans are to each other, maybe it’s good I’m doing well on my own alone. One thing is for sure, I was born alone a woman and I will die alone as a woman, just like you. Kys.
No. 1209749
>>1209703Nona cmon now? If you’re nice and sweet and bubbly and withhold your time there should be no issues like this. Unless everyone around you is an actual monster and I find that hard to believe.
And I called you a pick me because of stuff like that “my opinions only get accepted later” makes you sound like “I’m not like them I’m better because I’m lonely and no one likes me” I guess maybe “I’m not like other girls” girl but pick me is just easier to say and has a similar vibe.
I’m normally not one to respond to vents but I feel like this one needed a better explanation on my end. Either way, regardless of how you take this I genuinely hope you find your place soon and I will leave it at that. Good luck!
No. 1209751
>>1209743I’m a high empath high iq’d individual. I read the shitstorm on previous thread. Radfeminism theoretically is good but y’all just larpers. It’s
good to complain about cancer while at the same time acknowledging anon’s confusion about her damn “mother”.
No. 1209758
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my ex added me to her uber trusted contacts just so i could see her being dropped off at a medical center lol if she suicide baits one more time i am going to beg her to just do it, it's so fucking exhausting and traumatizing
No. 1209762
>>1209749> Unless everyone around you is an actual monster and I find that hard to believe. If you only knew. Again, you know nothing.
And I’m very much like other girls, i love makeup, fashion and whatever.
I didn’t know being lonely equals to catering male attention. I don’t want sex.
No. 1209767
>>1209757t. Told her to fuck off
Admit it faggot larper
>>1209756Thnx for the cake picture
No. 1209779
>>1209744I don’t think she’s evil, it was my dads dad, not hers, but my mom dad sister and moms side of the family were the only one who really believed me at all. My mom was the one who successfully got my grandfather out of lives forever. I seriously think either my sister down played the severity or, knowing her, threatened to kill herself if my mom told anyone. She can be like that sometimes.
But the question of why she didn’t ask me haunts me and it always will follow me.
No. 1209783
>>1209779Anon, have you asked her?
And one more thing, I don’t blame you for not wanting to hate her but do you realize that’s at least child neglecting behavior? I really feel for you.
No. 1209798
>>1209791Well if you feel this way, maybe your fear may have more to do with her answer as it could crush your view of her instead. If if’s truly because you’re afraid of hurting her, know that you have the right as a
victim and her daughter to understand the situation. You didn’t deserve any of it. Also were you indeed the anon who got upset about getting ignored?
No. 1209806
>>1209798No I’m not that anon, frankly I assume everyone passes my posts I swear lol I would never ever ever ever put my problems above someone else’s despite how large or small. Never.
I just really don’t feel like I can we don’t talk about and I feel like if I ask her out of no where, idk I just I can’t even think about it. She would pretend to not be crushed to support me because I remember the night I told her I saw her over the stair wel crying at the kitchen table sobbing like a baby but I’ve never seen her cry. I know she doesn’t want me to feel guilty but not knowing how she’s feeling drives me insane. And I know she would hide how devastated she would be.
No. 1209817
>>1209806Anon, just understand that in this situation, other people’s trauma doesn’t really matter, because you were the
No. 1209819
nonnie, maybe all this outside perspective will give me some courage.
No. 1209833
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>>1209751>I’m a high empath high iq’d individualI have literally never heard someone say this unironically. Amazing.
No. 1209837
I find myself constantly unhappy because I'm not "good enough" or I don't "do enough". I think in some way it's accurate but at the same time I so want to not care as much? Like I have my own apartment, a good job (that I don't particularly like but whatever, I make good money), two close friends, someone I'm dating that I like, three happy fat cats, healthy family. I just don't know what to do to shake that annoying "what else?" I know I should be doing a hobby more in depth or traveling or something maybe? But at the same time I think I'm just realizing life is just… this. And if you have what I have, then that's great and just you know, work, sleep, eat something, watch a show with my cats, rinse repeat. Is that bad?
No. 1209873
>>1209838Fuck yeah anon but
>solid froyoWhat
No. 1209916
>>1209908I haven’t really been raped the way others had been, so it’s not anything to pity dor. And unless i bring this fact up no woman could care about me. I’m useless. And I don’t want to be a
victim and get this only kind of attention. But man I’m doing mentally so bad rn.
No. 1209929
>>1209923I'm not gonna say it
nonnie but you know what you gotta do.
No. 1209931
>>1209923This is a
valid reason to not be together anymore.
No. 1209940
trigger i think. Being outcasted because of childhood bullying really
triggers me. And some recent drug rape case that’s been haunting me. My entire younger years is this:
>lonely no one gives a fuck about me>go to a man to toy with him and get his attention>end up getting drugged and raped and recordedCycle repeats
And now i’m old i think of becoming a prostitute or an hero
as I said i am a piece of shit
No. 1210058
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I hate when I talk to guys online and they expect me to be super hot. I'll be like "I'm 28 and unemployed" and they'll still picture me as an e-girl hottie in their heads.
No. 1210077
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People only ever seem to reach out to me, when they want me to do them any favors. I've been quite sick for the past week and I've had three people ask me for favors, even though I told them I was sick. Not one of them told me to get better. They just said "nevermind, I'll ask someone else then" and things like that when I declined. Whenever this happens, I ask myself where I went wrong in life. I'm so envious of people who are appreciated by others. Sometimes I wish I was somebody else.
No. 1210083
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I'm fucking crying rn for failing my driving test today and it was my one shot because my permit expires tomorrow. Now that I failed it, I have to pay and retake the stupid test again and it's such a pain in the ass to go through with +30 questions and having 8 or less errors to pass. Plus the long wait at the dmv. The reason I didn't pass because I drove 21 mph on a 35 mph speed zone that look like a residential area which was stupid and there where no cars around.
I had high hopes today and now my confidence have been crushed and my depression have gotten much worse. I'm 23 and a lot of people I know and younger already have their license and I feel embarrassed and a complete failure for not having one. I don't have the desire to drive but it's a necessity that I need to go to places. Wish I could rewind time and do this over again.
No. 1210085
>>1210057Really interesting post. I believe in a lot of spiritual stuff, and it can easily manifest into psychosis if you're not careful enough or if you rush it and receive wisdom/insight too quickly. You may be predisposed to psychosis also. I've had similar experiences to you though that I feel were real and not psychosis. I have a few questions
how were you gangstalked?
had you heard the name Asmodeus before, or was that your first time hearing it? I had an experience like that with archangel michael, i heard the name in my head when i was young despite never knowing who that was.
what was the contract he coerced you into? and how do these beings do sexual things to you if they aren't material?
Feel free to answer whatever you feel like
No. 1210170
>>1210085>how were you gangstalked?I used the term loosely because I don't believe that part was real, just a part of the psychosis, but I would also get harassed by celebrities and elites in what I assume was supposed to be some sort of cult. I don't read about those Hollywood conspiracies much tbh.
>had you heard the name Asmodeus before, or was that your first time hearing it?I had a passing interest in Goetia so yes I've heard the name Asmodeus before, but I wasn't interested in working with them at the time. Never heard the word Elohim before that though.
>what was the contract he coerced you into? Marriage contract but I keep telling his ass that coercion is not consent lmao.
>how do these beings do sexual things to you if they aren't material?I would get tactile hallucinations and I'm clairvoyant as well so I could see his spirit in my mind's eye. They can send you sexual energy and it simulates real sex to a certain degree.
No. 1210305
>>1210294Sorry to hear that. I’m glad you’re okay. Did they figure out the problem yet?
Maybe since your family is so used to your independence, they’re not trained to express more affection. What if you be straightforward and ask them for some attention? Like group text them that you’re scared. I know it feels quite vulnerable to say something like that when you’re used to putting your needs second. But maybe they’ll respond better than expected.
No. 1210330
>>1210305thank you so much for your kind and compassionate reply, nonna. they haven't figured out the problem yet, but i hope it's epilepsy so i can get meds and hopefully prevent it from happening again.
thank you for your advice. i know that my mom doesn't care (when my grandfather, who i was very close to, passed away my mom ignored/ghosted me for months so i had to deal with everything by myself), but i don't think my sisters are like that. i feel like i would 'force' them to pay attention to me if i were to ask them for attention though.
>>1210327i'm so sorry you had to see that, nonna. i wish i could remove those thoughts from your mind forever.
No. 1210385
I hate that whenever I want to do something on the weekends, noone is ever available. I can't be mad at my friends, cause they all have kids but my boyfriend just fucking sucks. Once again, I ask him if he wants to hang and I get no answers. We never do anything. He's probably already drunk and playing LoL with his dumbass friends. He can't even take fucking 5 minutes of his time after coming back from work to ask me about my day. He often tells me we're probably going to see each other or will actually do for him to never come or give me news about it. Then he acts like I'm overeacting when I get mad at him for that. Show some respect and stop treating me like a friend. Playing LoL all the time is way more important than me, he even fucking plays it during his breaks at work. Then he pretends he never plays, this all you do with your life, you even talk all the time about your last night game. Imagine being almost 30 and still being addicted to that dumbass game 10 years later.
When we started dating, we'd see eachother almost every day and he would text me a lot, like way too much. In the past two weeks, we hung out twice, totalling about 3 hours. He fucking doesn't care anymore and I'm too much of a pussy to break it off. All my friends and my family keep telling me to leave him cause he clearly is not as invested as I am in this relationship and he is making me unhappy. I don't even believe it anymore the few times he says he loves me. I am never dating another man that is only interested in playing video games and can't even have basic communication with at least once a day. The only thing keeping me in the relationship is the sex, but at this point it almost never happens and I need more than good sex in a relationship.
No. 1210388
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Just found out something about a family member of mine who I'm really close to and I feel disgusted and ashamed on their behalf. I don't know how to deal with this. I used to look up to and enjoy spending time with this person so much and my fondest memories involve spending time with them. I am so upset. Fuck this world.
No. 1210425
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>>1209838>fuck skinny lanky menThis but literally
No. 1210485
>>1209585I've had a very tense face lately, lol. But I generally keep it neutral. This was a punk gig, so it's not really somewhere you'd smile much anyway.
>>1209626I took it as a compliment at first! But it definitely gets tiring. You're right about it being a shield almost. I've found that as I've started to dress less feminine, I'm approached way less in general.
No. 1210572
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Pic related
I make decent money and get free meals but I fucking hate fast food/restaurants
No. 1210585
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Man these churchies are driving me nuts, I'm not a religious person to begin with and I enjoy the bible study but maaaaan I do not believe in it. They stopped me at a supermarket that I frequent one night and I'm too retarded to blow them off but they are so damn pushy. It's worse when they are there any night I go shopping.
I've been sick for the entire week, it got better and now it's getting worse and I'm telling one of the sisters(?) nonstop but she keeps insisting that she come over for study when I have told her for the 100th time I am in fucking pain and need to rest up for work on Monday.
No. 1210608
nonnie I'm sorry
No. 1210659
>>1210643And how does that make you feel,
nonnie? What sensations in the body are you experiencing right now?
No. 1210665
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I have a coworker that smells like onions and I really am about to tell him. I have dropped hints but he still can’t get it . Why are some people so gross
No. 1210699
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>Be me, on vacation
>eating out a lot
>drinking plenty of water
>sweating a shitload in humid ass California
>dark yellow ass piss
>doesn’t shit for 3 days
>back from vacation
>kinda alarmed
>take laxatives
>proceeds to have diarrhea for the whole day
>damn this burns
>while wiping it hurts
>hurts so much that I take myself to the shower to wash my ass out with soap and water.
>while in my buttcheeks there’s a bump in my ass
>oh no a hemorrhoid
>while I am on my period no less
>taking stool softeners
>been eating regularly all day drinking lots of water
>scared I’m constipated again but I don’t wanna take a laxative and overuse my poor butthole
>I’m also getting an irrational fear of an ass tumor and planning out what should I do before I die in 6 months
>I am so scared
> I have gas rn too
Should I just stop eating
No. 1210728
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I briefly met someone today who had stretch marks on their neck i never thought was possible. I tried to avoid eyecontact since it was repulsively noticeable and only looked for a split second maybe three times at most but the image is burned into my mind and I'm scared of going to sleep and having nightmares
No. 1210734
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Do you ever just find yourself crying at the thought of a loved one dying one day?
No. 1210743
>>1210734Yes, dear
nonnie. I'm an only child and I'm not close with any family members on either side so it really hurts to know one day I really will be going out alone, but if there is such thing as an "other side" I hope I can reunite with my parents. I can hold your hand if you want.
No. 1210771
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I genuinely love my cat
>inb4 dog hate
Dogs are ok but I fucking hate dog owners especially the ones here.
No. 1210783
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You’re not annoying or stupid or anything nonna, your medical issues are not a reflection of your character. I hope you’re able to escape soon.
No. 1210784
>>1210781Forgive me
nonnie, I was mad, let me scream into the void as I can't do it irl atm
No. 1210786
>>1210779have you posted in the friend finder thread on /g/? or added people from there?
if I work up the courage to try adding anyone here I would do a quick call to voice verify of course but beyond that I just can't do voice chats unless I'm really close friends with someone
No. 1210790
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I’m terrified that my sister will commit suicide over the sudden death of her fiancé.
She’s not a suicide baiter and she’s actually a very stoic person, so I’m afraid she’ll really do it because she was so incredibly close to him and they had a really strong relationship.
I just want to slaughter thousands of scrotes. They have no right to be here breathing good air and taking up space. My sisters fiancé was one of like 3 men in the entire world I respected. He never said anything sexist or did anything shitty, he never even said anything mean. He was really good to my sister and to our family and I loved him like he was my brother by blood. I can’t stop sobbing because my sister will never be the same after this, she’s already suffered so much and I don’t think anyone is lucky enough to find someone like that more than once in their lives. Especially because 99.9999 percent of men are pure shit. I would sacrifice like a hundred random dudes to just bring my family back together. I can’t stop sobbing everyday since it happened and I just want to take away some of my sisters pain, but I know I can’t.
No. 1210868
>>1210851oh ok interesting, was me being lonely what's relatable to you or also the autism/social awkwardness and other stuff?
I hope you'll be fine too, right now I need to get some sleep but maybe tomorrow I'll make a throwaway and take you up on your offer
No. 1210901
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Holy shit I wish I could just die already. I've been scream-crying in my bed at any chance I get for a whole week now. I burst some veins so there's small, red dots everywhere around my eyes. My head hurts from the intense pressure I've built up from crying and my throat is sore from all the screaming.
No. 1210943
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I had a bit of a realisation about myself and I was wondering if anyone has lived something similar and how they got over it, sorry this is going to be super long. I noticed that I have a pattern of mostly talking to the most "cringy" women at my school, by cringy I mean unembarrassed Fuji Aiden with ADHD toys, danger hair, who will rant about their special interest, cut you off and never ask any questions back because she is too busy talking about her gay ship for literally hours. A part of me loves how free I can be around them because I genuinely love how unapologetic they are in their weirdness. It feels good and reassuring for me because they talk so much that I don't even have to come up with conversation subjects and I don't fear being rejected. However even if I have spent a lot of time on the internet and know a lot of their references I don't really love the same thing that they love. Spending time with them almost feels like a fuck you to all the very fashionable and cool people in my class and a part of me adores it.
I realise now that I'm really afraid to go talk to the people that I find genuinely interesting because I'm afraid that they will find me weird so I find even weirder people to be friends with. I was almost manipulating those girls by only presenting a part of me to them. I think there is nothing wrong with being "cringe", however I just don't find that we actually have a lot in common apart from spending too much time online. They genuinely never really cared about me or asked me about anything.
A few days ago, I had such a shameful experience with one of these types of people and I felt so alienated that I knew I had to put an end to all of this. I was just a receptacle to receive all of her special interest speech but several times she straight up left me to sit alone outside without a word just to go talk to someone else that she liked more and started sperging to him with even more intensity. Even if I was indulging her and asked tons of questions I was still not enough. She did so many embarrassing things, Jesus. I have an extremely high tolerance for this sort of thing, I’m socially awkward myself, but this time It came to me that it wasn’t a question of feeling ashamed of being associated to her, it is that I truly do not belong here. I was struck by this weird feeling. I'm tired of listening to all this stuff and to never receive any sort of reciprocation. I got mad at myself because now that I'm looking back, what did I really expect from these people, I lied and wasn't upfront about my feelings. I was so afraid of being rejected that I didn’t even consider my own feelings toward them. I don't want to be a bully so I became their friend, I'm also a weirdo lesbian and those women are already parias and probably autistic. I guess I just need to spend time with normal people to gain social skills because I'm slowly getting more and more isolated and I genuinely feel like these types of relationships are the only one I deserve.
Giving up on those types of friendship also feels very harsh because in a way they reflect on my own weirdness and if even if I reject them then it feels like a proof that people will also reject me back. I'm terrified of sperging out too much about books, movies, philosophy etc, so I always hold back a lot and try to be the blandest person possible, but I sound probably very fake and all my social problems make me look even weirder. I don't know why I feel like I was so similar to the “amongus pogger non binary” gay kid, I don't want to make it sound like I'm above them, I’m not, but we are just too different. I'm already super isolated and I barely talk to anyone, but I guess that it is necessary for me to walk alone, at least for now. I'm probably not a very enjoyable person to be around, I'm sad and boring and I don't blame people for not talking to me but it means that I need to learn to do better.
Finding this place made me realize that there is women out there who are like me, I just need to find them, and fuck from now on I will just pretend that I have never heard of homestuck kek.
No. 1210967
>>1210943I read it,
nonnie. Maybe because I can relate.
No. 1210970
nonnie, in what type of situation are you in right now ?
No. 1210978
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having an tif friend in middle school continuously tell you how jealous they were of your masculinity ( deep voice, lack of curves, androgynous face etc. ) while you told them time and time again that that was something you were so insecure about that you thought you had to be intersex… i feel like that did irreparable damage to my psyche
No. 1211013
>>1211000wow, i posted this thinking nobody would be able to relate. my situation was exactly the same, sometimes i still have doubts i am not all the way female even though i get my period etc. they claim to be
victims and in a way i know they are but werent they bullying us too with their words? its like it goes in one ear out the other. why do my insecurities not matter but i have to coddle yours and walk on eggshells? which once again makes me feel even more masculine because its such a feminine thing to do i feel. is it on purpose or something? and how does one even react to this? like thank you so much for pointing out my insecurities exactly and making them all about yourself. i feel like a rabid dog just thinking back on this, but luckily i have since cut them off.
at least now you know you are not alone in this. i hope you have a good day nona and im sorry you went through the same
No. 1211032
>>1211000In the heyday of troonage the dainty fucking nlogs who became enbies actually told me I would get no scars if I got top surgery because my tits are so small, like it was a good thing. I have never had troon feelings this was just an offhand remark.
I have struggled with looking and feeling mannish my entire life, somehow the only women I see trooning out are the vapid 5'1 fucks with huge tits?
No. 1211061
>>1211013>why do my insecurities not matter but i have to coddle yours and walk on eggshells?This was the line of thinking that helped me break free. Why should my insecurities matter less because I'm "cis"? As someone who actually passes for a male sometimes I was the one who was more "oppressed" irl but I guess people saying mean words online is more important. I thought I was the only one who went through this too, so much of the time I see "nooo, tifs are harmless girls going through troubling times!!!" like yeah, maybe they are, but they can also be complete dicks. I'm glad we're both free of these people, nona. You have a good day too!
>>1211032>told me I would get no scars if I got top surgery because my tits are so smallKek, I got told the exact same thing. Like wow, that makes the surgical removal of healthy tissue for retarded aesthetic reasons sound so much more appealing! It's certainly an odd phenomenon that women like us who get called mannish our whole lives by and large tend to fight the pressure to troon out but women with naturally feminine features are trooning out in droves. I understand that the pressure of being perved on by moids is a factor but I swear a lot of these women just want to create problems for themselves and bought into the "don't be an evil cishet" meme.
No. 1211107
>>1211000Tifs are very horrible people, most of the times. Misguided traumatized women sometimes. They also tend to be very predatory and will sexually harass you to feel like a male, i’ve had one constantly make sexual jokes with me. And try to course me into a relationship with her. And you know what sucked? If i tell her to stop and it’s creepy i’m a
terf who doesn’t see her as a man therefore socially fucked If i play along with her i’m a straight woman stuck dealing with a mentally ill woman and i’m fucked. Had to ghost my whole friend group to avoid her. These troons are a double edged sword and their agenda should have been shut down years ago before the uwu allies took a hold of it.
No. 1211151
>>1211055I've been eating peanut butter toast before bed most nights. Sometimes I'll be a bit high before bed but I'll still wake up with low blood sugar. Always in the 40's for some reason. Thankfully I have an endo appointment soon so hopefully the endocrinologist can help me sort this out. I even skipped giving myself long lasting insulin last night to see if that was the cause but I still woke up with a low UGHHHHH.
>>1211074A lot of men can barely wipe their asses and can't even be assed to take a look at the nutritional information of the food they consume so I can imagine that diabetic burnout might be higher in men than in women. If the dude was diagnosed later in life I have no doubt that he will experience some rough diabetic burnout eventually which can lead to some pretty nasty side effects.
you might get your wish, nona! No. 1211175
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>>1211008I just learned to embrace my inner misanthrope
No. 1211221
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>>1211149Don't you provoke me, anonna.
No. 1211293
>>1209838whatever you are going through
nonnie, i am going through the same thing
No. 1211321
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I told this girl that her boyfriend statutory raped me at 16 while also cheating on me with his last girlfriend (I didn't know) and her response was uwu people change! You think he's not cheating on you too? She's brown and he's white, "good looking" (also a lazy, selfish unachiever I'll add) so I don't know if that has something to do with it.
No. 1211341
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I know my mom means well but she just told me how mature and resilient I am, how she was just a kid when she was my age and all she did was travel and party. Thank you but do you fucking think I chose to be sick, do people think it's fun to keep losing organs to cancer, I can't even see any of my friends because of the pandemic and having to be extra careful. If I pull through, I am gonna be old and tired as shit and there went my crazy traveling days, not that I even have any friends because I am too goddammit tired. I love her though but shit, it stings a lot to hear like that.
No. 1211378
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No. 1211392
>>1211341My mom complimented me today, too and it made me so mad that she doesn't understand the traumatic circumstances that have caused me to be this way even though she was around to watch it happen the entire time and then acts like it's a good thing that I am like this.
I love you, nonna. Get well soon. We are strong
No. 1211398
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I miss my ex so much. I miss our conversations and the silly names we would call each other. I find myself talking to him in my head all the time and I get so sad when I catch myself. I wonder if he is worrying about me, too, or if he's already moving on, and I don't know which one makes me more sad. I was becoming more outgoing and adventurous and I don't want to slide back into my shut-in ways but maybe I will. Maybe that's how I was meant to be. I keep re-reading the last message he ever sent me where he told me to take care of myself and that he knows I can achieve the life I deserve. I'm afraid I will never love anyone again.
No. 1211409
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Girls…my A levels start in TWO days tomorrow…i'm shitting myself rn. I don't know how to speed revise but I need to. I don't want to disappoint my family. I want to get into a good uni and make memories. I want to be able to quit my shit part time job and do things with my life…it's just so much pressure. Anyone got any tips for cramming in two days?
>mfw so anxious i've been drinking seven cups of tea per day
No. 1211477
>>1211409Lovely picture anon kek. Brought back some GCSE nostalgia. What subjects are you taking? I'm taking maths, physics, chem and my predicted is all A* and I have an exam in 2 days too. I would advise revising for your first exam. With regards to the questions, compile the different type of questions that come up and make sure you can do them well consistently and under pressure. I would also recommend practicing exams and taking note of where you went wrong and why. With regards to content, I would suggest firstly making sure you understand the content even if that requires a researching around the topic, next I would suggest a look, cover, show attempt of learning chunks of info. Flashcards take too long imo. Just read through a topic and then on a word document write all that you remember as quickly as you can (don't try to hard trying to rack your brain over it, if you can't remember istantly it's better to check the source than waste time), and then check what you missed. Over and over until you get it all correct. I hope you do well nonna. Also, sidenote, get off the farms for a bit. Milk is a drug. (yes hypocritical)
No. 1211520
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>>1211341I 100% know this feeling. Fuck being "mature, resilient". It's called never having had the chance to be a child and always having to take care of everyone else, including my parents. It stings and is so invalidating. I'm sorry, nona. Here's a cute owl.
No. 1211620
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Retard twitter "radfem" I used to follow did camwhoring to buy extra clothes. After declining offered money to help her situation out. After leaving "care packages" in public parks, like some crackhead didn't tear that shit up looking for drugs the moment she turned her back. I fucking hate grifter bitches. To think if I ever needed to degrade myself to not starve to death I'd be competing with some bitch who wants to buy $40 white tshirts.
No. 1211629
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makes me sad when nonnies infight
No. 1211920
>>1211915I was the favourite person of half a dozen BPDs. I attract them like honey for some reason.
BPD will fake any label and they'll lie to themselves so hard they'll actually believe it's true. Until it isn't anymore. That's why almost all of them were bi, I think.
With BPD there's a thing where you can't really know them because there isn't a lot to actually know. Yeah, it differs from person to person, depending on severity, but when I read BPD + "pathological liar" then it's done and signed, that person is the lowest functioning rung and hardly qualifies as a person at all, and even if they did, it would be impossible to know anything about them because there is no way of acquiring knowledge about them.
No. 1211928
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I feel so lost. I’m studying a STEM field and I’m getting the sense that I have no idea what I’m doing or if I’m going to like work and not go insane from it. I’m just so painfully confused that even watching slightly older people talk about their careers is nerve-racking to me. I don’t know what to do, other than go on, because what else can I do? Half of the time I want to rot in bed. And it’s not like there’s some kind of meaningful, perfect, elusive career for me out there anyways. I just feel so fucking unachored from everything, like I’m at exile from myself. I see it everywhere, lots of people are confused about what they’re studying. But this is…..painful? Upsetting? I don’t know the right word for it, it’s like steady, oppressive unease marching along your chest. And it just gets bigger and bigger until it feels painful. I just wish I knew something for sure in this life. Anything.
No. 1211930
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I was about to buy a pack of lighters at the supermarket on friday, but I thought I had more at home. I didn't and the one I have is on the verge of breaking.
No. 1211973
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99% certain I have an ear infection. Shit's been hurting for almost two days now but no clinic is open until Tuesday. Fuck this
No. 1211988
>>1210695My cat's claw is fine, just need to monitor how it grows back in and keep in clean. He's acting like normal so I'm very relieved.
>>1210712I appreciated your words last night, nona
No. 1212027
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>>1212004I wish Will Smith could murder me to sleep. I'm starting my first job tomorrow and I'm so nervous that I can't sleep!
No. 1212040
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Trying to plan leaving this place feels like having to plan a prison breakout. I'm just so tired. I wish I was born in a family of stable, normal, healthy adults. At one point of my life, I had the choice to change everything and let my mother die with no legal consequences and I chose to save her instead like the absolute clown I am. And what it resulted in was nothing but punishment, in contrary, she even shat on me for that too, kek.. The more I try to analyze it, it really feels like some kind of shitty video game bad end. I could have been free before I even hit adulthood, I had it on a silver plater, I could have gotten help and developed into an at least semi-functioning adult, I could have actually taken advantage of the passion and potential I had back then.
My only solace is that maybe, if I hold on till the end without killing myself, there might be a miniscule possibility that alternate universes exist and I get to experience a reality where I made a different choice in that moment.
No. 1212048
>>1212016I didn’t. But even nutrition-wise, she’s just incorrect. She saw what I had for breakfast because she’s a stingy virus stuck to me and minding my business. So I sent her a link to an article that says orange juice is high in sugar and calories and not that all great for weight loss.
And I also said, I didn’t appreciate what she did and that I was already depressed and I brought up the fact again that I don’t like morning conversations. Esp with trash like my room”mate” ew.
>>1212017I think so too. She’s an awful hypocrite, once I offered her this exclusive candy in a weird cool flavor, she said “no” and I said “come on try it” (many time she pushes things on me and stalks me even worse than the smoothie incident) and you know she said “you really can’t take nos”. It was horrible of her to say considering she’s scrote tier pushy and I was just trying to befriend her so I could hate hwr less. So I told her as things are “you really think I’m being like a man harassing you…”
I don’t like talking to her but every time I do she ends up making me feel like crap. She’s potentially physically
abusive because of hee temper and that’s why I avoid her, but I’m realizing even her verbal abuse is draining my energy. I have to listen to her as if she’s the scrote in the house. She’s a certified autist and walks without shoes in public.
No. 1212062
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I feel so low in energy for the past three days now is this my hormones?
No. 1212105
>>1212095>>1212099even if she's a bitch she shouldn't want to kill her.
I wish I could pull the plug on
>>1212040 No. 1212115
>>1212098don't project your sad life unto me, if i needed validation i'd be imitating you and the other bitchy normies who can't fathom the nuance of human experience. fucking lol
No. 1212117
>>1212106People that reaction are usually in the wrong
I bet her mom is so severely ill and wishes she was dead and expresses it as a way to cope, and this narc slut wants to make it about herself. Fucking retarded. At least it sounds like she won't have a nice life anymore.
No. 1212122
lmao wtf is this derail
>>1212072I'm in the process of it and if it was as easy as you said, I wouldn't be venting here.
>>1212076>>1212084I literally said she is
abusive. I wouldn't have to plan things like a prison breakout if I didn't have to fear the inevitable mental breakdown and her possibly hurting or killing my pets, throwing more of my stuff away, harassing the remainers of friends I have or getting physically violent.
>>1212081>>1212086She shat on me for saving her. When I was 15 she had a weird stroke in her sleep, I noticed, couldn't wake her up and called an ambulance, she was taken to the hospital and the doctors mistreated her, so that she ended up being partially blind on one eye due to brain issues. She spent the first 4 years of her recovery telling me that is my fault because I didn’t act quick enough and didn't give the parametrics enough info about her.
No. 1212145
>>1212130I interpreted it as satire
>>1212127You want to be swaddled so bad
No. 1212151
>>1212129She was making weird snoring-moaning like sounds, I can't describe it but it sounded alarming, so I tried to wake her up but she didn't even react when I shaked her really hard so I started to panic. The moment was honestly so weird, it was like my body was on autopilot panicking and crying but my consciousness was all there and calm and observing. Like an out of body experience, but you're actually alive. I even remember the woman on the phone telling me to calm down but I was calm.
And yes, I know she was just lashing out out of frustration of the life changes afterwards. But it still bitterly hurt and even more so now. And yes, she was always like that to her core. When something goes wrong, she lashed out physically and mentally no matter if I had anything to do with it.
No. 1212161
>>1212156>>1212120I see nothing different to what lolcow has always been. I’m actually more worried if you’re generalizing that everyone sounds like males just because they aren’t giving a generic, cut and paste “empathetic” or encouraging response. Or if it’s
>just let people vent and leave them alone!Since when has this ever happened in the history of lolcow. You say any sort of semi-coherent flagrant shit on here and you’re getting skewered, nothing new nothing out of character.
No. 1212164
>>1212122Just leave the house ffs and ignore her. I get it that she did this, parental abuse sucks, it really does, but saying edgy shit like you should have let her die is just bizarre and sick. Two wrongs don’t make one right. I mean you only live once, do you think you could have lived with yourself had you not done anything? So you’ve saved your mom, but guess what, it’s morally normal to decent to an ambulance when you see a stranger lying unconscious on the street, so think about it. And get yourself another place and don’t be such a joker.
t. Also was abused by family and I’m ignoring them and no longer harbor hate towards them because I’m ignoring them
No. 1212166
>>1212117She is severely mentally ill and has been before I was born and expresses herself this way because she wants me to "hurt as much as she does" (literal quote after I once hesitated to lend her my savings for 2 seconds too long).
>>1212161The anon who called me "narc slut" is weird.
No. 1212167
>>1212162Finding a hot guy is like looking for a needle in a haystack though, 90% of men are ugly as sin. During an entire day I see maybe 1 or 2 decently attractive moids, while the rest are butt ugly.
Men who are considered attractive would be viewed as mid if they were women.
No. 1212169
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>>1212161There's been a spike lately or maybe I haven't been here long enough, but it's been confirmed that some men bait to stir in fight. It's so weird that worse shit has been said here but they go feral on this specific post which is pretty tame and vague. Especially with the writing style of some anon(s?).
No. 1212174
>>1212169Anons have always stirred to cause infights. Gender has nothing to do with it. There have always been heated infights, it isn’t new in any way. It is an
anonymous imageboard it isn’t a chicken soup for the girls soul forum.
No. 1212175
I often don't get these scrote accusations anymore. At first it was in contexts where that made sense, but now you get these accusations at random. I was once accused of being a scrote because I posted something normal, a guy right after me posted racebait, and a bunch of anons with no reading comprehension thought the two posts were made by the same person. And of course everyone is different here, we have anons from all over the world with different ages, occupations, religions, cultures, families, friends, upbringing, knowledge, skills, first languages, hobbies, health issues, incomes, etc. You all need to keep that in mind before accusing an anon of something.
No. 1212184
>>1212160Anon just wanted to give you some hope I'm around a 7 too maybe an 8 at my highest with good makeup hair etc. And I felt exactly the same as you word for word, it's absolutely true that there are just way more ugly men than women
Now I'm dating a guy who is just as picky as me and is really critical of his own looks so he'll never be self absorbed even though he's a retired model
I feel we looksmatch and from what I've seen of the girls he's dated they all look basically the same level as me like he wasn't dating 10/10s
He is traditional and super relationship minded, I thought from his looks he'd only want to hook up so I didn't try to pursue him as a relationship but he actually pushed for us to date. He actually has some similar anxiety problems like I do and isn't conceited at all, he's nothing like what I thought from his photos (we met online).
It took me years though but that's because I kept giving ugly guys a chance and most of them overcompensated for that by negging me, the ones who didn't I couldn't be sexually attracted to, I dated one and he cheated on me and posted my nudes online.
Before I met my current bf I had a fwb situation with another very good looking guy and the sex was great plus he'd call often and ask me to stay overnight to cuddle and watch movies, genuinely a really kind dude. I'll never give unattractive scrotes a chance again and you shouldn't either, just keep plugging and he will eventually come along, I truly thought it would never happen for me because I find most males so fugly and would rather die alone than settle for a 3/4 like u said lol
After this post I feel like male lurkers are going to be on suicide watch… "hYpERgAmY"
No. 1212199
>>1212183Wouldn’t it just terrify you to find out that pigeonholing women in your mind for being
big fat meanies on an imageboard literally dedicated to being
big fat meanies is very hilarious of you and they are sitting on their asses just like you are, scrolling on their laptops just like you are, and probably taking it a lot less seriously than you clearly are? The hypocrisy is palpable.
No. 1212206
>>1212040What this anon said was bad, but imo it's very understandable if you've ever been in an
abusive situation, especially a parent. I hope you don't do it and you can simply cut her out of your life. Choose what's right, don't choose revenge.
No. 1212210
>>1212196A spinster sounds more like a single woman who just wishes she married, trad women that wish they we're tradwives but aren't are a whole different breed.
>>1212199I'm literally describing 2 big fat meanie farmers I know irl. If that is pigeonholing all women to you you're projecting.
No. 1212217
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>>1209907Ayrt and sorry I’m late, I never responded but the fact that someone cared enough to ask made me really happy and I want you to know I appreciate it
nonnie No. 1212225
>>1212164nta anon but depending on where she leaves and the laws around renting and housing, moving out is easier said than done. I personally live with my parents and I hate it but moving to another place can be complicated when you have to prove you earn 3 times than the rent prices of the apartments you want to visit and when you have to compete with 10 other potential tenants who earn more than you AND who have their parents are guarantors. And now that I finally earn enough after years of being very poor, extremely unlucky (covid forced me back into my parents' place because I nearly died from it) and repelling potential employers for no particular reason or only earning minimum wage, I still need to wait because our office will move somewhere else in a few months and I'm not even sure where exactly. If that mom hating anon has to fulfill this type of criteria before even looking for an apartment I'm not surprised she feels like she's stuck with her family. I once went to another country for a semester before dying of covid and planned to stay for a few years, and I got a room in a big house with housemates in just a matter of minutes before getting a job because criteria are less strict there.
tldr; it's easier said than done sometimes.
No. 1212232
>>1212214They don't lose the trad opinions when they lose their man you fucking invalid slack jawed mouth breathing retard. Why are you fucking yappy little mutts so goddamn annoying. Are you an only child? We're you homeschooled? Shut the fuck up and put two and two together.
>>1212220Yes they just go down to the local church during mass and pick up a male. Are you 12? Do you not understand there are women who don't get a partner? You think trad men are looking for overweight single women in their mid thirties you absolute fucking buffoons? Again I am literally describing two women I know, you developmentally stunted fuck.
No. 1212233
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God I’m tired of being a weak ass sickly little bitch. I don’t want to go to school and I can’t handle working without flare ups that give me stomach ulcers. I can’t get any of this shit fixed because I don’t have health insurance and burgerland only gives poor people insurance to pregnant women. I’m taking a horribly grueling job in manufacturing with 12 hour shifts because they give health insurance day one and I dunno how I’m gonna handle that. Being a brown woman with shitty health in burgerland sucks.
I’ve read too many articles about discrimination from doctors that if you’re a woman none of your health issues are taken seriously and if you’re not white that means you can handle more pain.
I’ve been sick for more than half my life now and have lost so many years to whatever garbage illness I have. I’ve been accused of being a munchie while I see actual munchies being overweight on their rascals getting government assistance, family support and gofundmes getting financed and still crying about being oppressed disabled people. It’s people like them that make miserable garbage like me never get taken seriously and treated like shit for existing.
Do you think I’m faking after being homeless and trying my hardest to force myself to live despite all these “debuffs” I’ve been dealt. My family actively hates me and shit talks every chance they get. Ex partners thought me being sick was just a phase. I’m alone and have nothing but my own spite and self hatred keeping me going. I’m in so much fucking pain every day and have to constantly pretend I’m ok to not inconvenience others or be a downer. I have to bottle all of this up and act like every day isn’t some horrible challenge I have improvise some way to work around my illness.
I absolutely envy people who still have their health. God I wish I were normal. Not a day goes by that I wish I didn’t have to be stuck with shitty cursed body. I hate troons that born with healthy bodies that they mutilate and destroy for their unchecked mental illness. Some of them even induce physical illnesses on themselves and I can’t even bring myself to sympathize with them. Anyway I rambled in the most disjointed way possible but whatever.
No. 1212249
>>1212232You should consider chilling the fuck out and making yourself a snack,
nonnie. Men look for complacent doormats from railthin to amorphous blob. No one picks up anyone from mass because that's fucking weird, but doing it through not depressing church activities is probably pretty common. I'm not reading every one of your asshole inflamed posts ma'am, so you'll have to excuse me for not catching the part where you mentioned that it was about two stupid bitches you know.
No. 1212282
>>1212276Ok, enough.
So evidently the United States has child labor laws in place that have been around with Fair Labor Standards Act since 1938. There's a big however here though, because it doesn't apply to the Agricultural sector. They can literally be sent to work for an unlimited number of hours in a day as early as age 12. How in the honest to god fuck is this legal?
No. 1212327
>>1212324Nta but i really like you. You’re great.
Anon, i love you too. Don’t cry.
No. 1212333
>>1212184Yeah I would never date an ugly moid again, I did when I was insecure and didnt know I was pretty, they are as you say just as ugly on the inside. Much better to be single than to settle for a rude ugly mean ballsack.
Happy you found a good looking kind man, so good to hear my sisters do well and get a good one.
I dated a really pretty one but he used to be fat and unpopular so he had an ugly moid mindset that unfortunately resurfaced after a while and that ruined our realtionship
No. 1212340
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Innocent things make me cry and this set of adorable sms stickers is doing a number on me rn
No. 1212385
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>>1212263Thank you so much. I appreciate your kindness
No. 1212394
>>1212387this is sad, i know its gross but i would feel more sympathy.
Having to hide your sexuality all your life.
No. 1212420
>>1212387What country?
But why anon? She’s based. I will still masturbate at the age of 90.
No. 1212423
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There's a video game mod some dude made "inspired by her beautiful wife". I thought it was cute. Moids downloaded her and will make her fuck dogs and rats and send the pics to the guy. I hate men so much man.
No. 1212435
>>1212422Just the other day an anon foamed at the mouth about how anons who thought moms were selfish if they were capable of breastfeeding but chose formula/didn't even bother to attempt during a formula shortage were scrotes kek, as if scrotes give a shit about breastfeeding vs formula and the only time you ever see people debate about it is other moms. Now that I think about crying "scrote" has become the wolf and it's even worse since some anons will just mindlessly join in the bashing just to avoid being called a scrote too regardless of how wrong or blatantly shitty they are being.
It could be worse though, I remember years ago anons were convinced women who vented about their
abusive boyfriends were moids LARPing their abuse fetish or would say the most backwards shit like anti lolicons were actually the scrotes. Do other anons even bother reading what people say before joining in to bash the person being accused of a scrote or are they just do fucking braindead that whoever throws the first "scrote" punch must be right and everyone must attack whoever is being accused? Even if it's the complete, 180 degree opposite of what any scrote will say
No. 1212437
>>1212428Maybe so many of people who use image boards have been abused by their parents and turned into bit of rejects for that reason. That's true for me at least lmao. I try not to externalize my hatred of my mom though.
>>1212387Anon she probably has not been on internet forums reading the dangers of porn like you have. Most normies think porn is fine and empowering even, because that's what media says now. I agree porn is bad, but I definitely don't think you should cut ties with her over that, good lord. That could be an outlet for her to explore her sexuality which she has most likely repressed, Maybe bring up the harms of porn casually? Don't say you saw her history, just say you read a news article etc.
No. 1212456
>>1212452This is why I had to uninstall reddit tbh. You can't find any sort of female interest subs without running into like 6 different porn subreddits of said subject
Pregnant and breastfeeding? Good luck hunting throw the hundreds of NSFW shit before finding the community. Lesbian? Ha. Even career women have tons of NSFW subs like nurses. Moids seriously can't just allow women to exist without sexualizing the fuck out of it
No. 1212459
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I told this girl that her boyfriend statutory raped me at 16 while also cheating on me with his last girlfriend (I didn't know) and her response was uwu people change! You think he's not cheating on you too? She's brown and he's white, "good looking" (also a lazy, selfish unachiever I'll add) so I don't know if that has something to do with it.
No. 1212462
>>1212459God I hate women and men equally for this reason.
Inb4 scrote. No.
No. 1212467
>>1212459It's probably too hard for her mentally, like she said that was
triggering information for her. It's easier to just think everything is ok. Not excusing what he did good lord, but you know
No. 1212479
>>1212460Not only that, let people watch and do whatever they want. If she wants to watch it let her be.
>>121247Taking away her orgasms
It’s good for her heart and pelvic floor
No. 1212489
>>1212459Her reaction is actually pretty reasonable, I'm not sure why you're interpreting it so badly? You warned her and she thanked you, so now if or when she gets cheated on she can't say no one told her. She didn't dismiss your account, she just said she has reason to believe he changed because she hasn't caught him cheating yet.
I know you want to see your ex miserable and single–he absolutely deserves that–but also consider she needs time to absorb that information and that she probably isn't in the position to just dump based on a word. Do you actually care about the wellbeing of women who your ex is hurting, or do you just care that you get the immediate results that you want to see?
No. 1212492
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>>1212340Same anon, I love cute things but they make me so sad
No. 1212510
>>1212499There is nothing wrong with you contacting her, it's good that you did anon. Now it's not your problem anymore, she can do what she wants with the information.
>>1212498Yes, but people do not want to accept things like that. They want to believe people are good, that they have changed. I'm just trying to say she did not most likely respond like that because she's malicious and a bad horrible person.
No. 1212519
>>1212513Agreed, anon seems more upset that the scrote is treating the new woman better than how he treated her even if it is just lovebombing or the honeymoon phase of the relationship.
I've been chewed out by women whiteknighting their shitty scrotes after I told them about their past behavior. This girl's response in question is completely rational. Anon is sounding BPD.
No. 1212529
>>1212515No, it's finally sunny! It's been rainy a few days and my cat has been sad and depressed for not being able to go out to our (netted cat safe) balcony to watch the birbs
>>1212522Pls don't start this
>>1212516Can you please stop throwing around the word "pick me" like it's candy lmao? Also you need to clearly work on some stuff that has heppened to you, I hope you get better nona.
>>1212518I'm so sorry that happened to you nona, and his gfs words must feel like shit. Unfortunately she must make her own decisions regarding the issue. Did you tell her what he did to you?
No. 1212538
>>1212518then take it up with him and not the women. Because this is really giving me ''i miss my
abusive ex vibes''.
If you actually had a problem with that man i would not say anything but i have seen situations like this and its quite obvious you are angry at the woman.
>>1212522ah yes because how dare you call out handmaidens who are using something else as a crutch to attack other woman.
In the message she doesn't even tell the ''brown'' woman (as she calls her) about the other horrible things her ex did, only that he cheated.
She doesn't owe her shit and was reasonable in the reply.
No. 1212563
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My geese gatecrashed my barbecue and now they look extremely smug and content.
No. 1212639
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I wish I was not so BPD, insufferable and annoying. Every single one of my friendships has ended at some point, even online ones. Idk at what point I should just stop trying to socialize.
No. 1212651
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>lend friend matching clothing accessory so we can take cute pics for the day
>mention I need it back
>even remind friend before she leaves that I need the stuff back
>leaves without giving me back the accessory
>"I'll totally give it back next time I see you!"
>proceeds to never remember to bring back things every single time and there's always an excuse with a new pinky promise next time
Just blatantly say you're stealing from me and fuck off. I'm so SICK of manipulators playing the stupidity card to get what they want. Fuck you bitch, if it was a priority you'd make it one and be super apologetic for it to boot. I'm gonna do picrel with her number.
No. 1212661
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My mother keeps bringing in freshly washed clothes before they have fullly dried, causing them to smell. Then she puts them all in a heap without telling me, which means that they're just there, damp and smelly until I notice and collect them.
I've told her multiple times that this bothers me, but she refuses to hear me out. The smell lingers and actually makes me repulsed.
Doesn't help that she only uses the 30 min quick wash as a means to save money (understandable, as budget is tight), meaning that it's hard to get rid of the smell afterwards.
No. 1212724
>>1212668We both do it, if the basket is getting full one of us just puts it to wash, and if we see that it needs hanging/taking off the hanger we do it.
It's just that for some reason she's unable to determine if something is fully dry or not.
>>1212671>>1212688I already do that when I can, it's just that I live in a relatively cold and wet country, so it takes forever to dry. You basically have to time it right or else they'll stay wet for a while, which is something you don't want to happen indoors. Thank god for dehumidifiers.
Been meaning to splurge on one of those heated drying racks.
>>1212717Glad that someone can relate. It's sickening and the smell doesn't go away for what feels like eons.
No. 1212738
>>1212661/ot/ in a nutshell:
>responsible posts where we hate scrotes>love all women>except the mom of course except the mom>attend college at 30>having a difficult time to keep entry level jobs and blaming it on the government What’s the fem equivalent of tendies? Asking for my cat.
No. 1212770
>>1212740Well, I don't know if this makes you feel a little better or not, but I am one of those semi hermit people and I love exploring outdoors, esp cemetaries. I visit every grave and try to pay respect via prayer or whatever even though I do not believe in god. I try to find smaller headstones and get information about the person laying there, and try to image who they were and what life they lived. Weird, i know. But I have a lot of compassion for those there and esp the poorer, emptier headstones which I am most fascinated by. Like I actually care about them and the life they lived. Almost like I know we mightve been friends once, loners kinda stick together sometimes.
What I mean though is that people care about you, reguardless if they know you or not. And there will be people genuinely interested in your life after it is over, too. You made up a place in society, and society is so freaking cool to think about and study.
I am a freak, but I am a caring freak and I hope you find joy in your life and know that your life will be respected.
No. 1212773
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Am I being oversensitive for being upset at this? I offered my help to my cousin who had a stall at a small business convention thing, helped her with preperations, and arrived with her to set it all up and helped her out with little knick knacks and last minute details. I just wanted to be a good pal. Her friends come in soon after we've finished setting everything up and she gets completely absorbed with then and, it's fine like whatever, I'll just sit back. So I'm sitting inside the stall in the corner, on my phone, and I see her talking to her friend looking in my direction and her friend then comes to me and says, "Hey anon, can you please go outside the stall?" Then the other friend adds, "Only if you wanna," but I go out anyways because I felt stupid and then I just sit outside alone for the next couple hours trying not to feel upset and cry. She, my cousin, comes to me a while after attending to people and asks if I'm okay and why I'm sitting alone all quiet and I'm like, what else am I supposed to do? She then confirms if I'm chill a few times and then returns back to her stall so then I'm alone for the rest of the while. Am I dramatic for being upset? I assumed I would be there with her inside, but she just left me and got her friends by her side. I just felt retarded and dumb. Am I stupid? Should I tell her it made me feel bad?
No. 1212780
>>1212773Couldn't you just have browsed the convention and left after you had seen everything? I mean if you were only there to help your cousin and she was busy with her stall..
Other than that agree with
>>1212777 No. 1212794
>>1212770>>1212771Thanks. Although we can't say it, it does bring comfort to see that someone will retain your attention at some point. I think lately I've been conflicted with me moving out and me wishing death was a gigantic reset button to smash and try to have a better life.
It's definitely not reassuring that everything you've worked on so far would amount to nothing in a couple of decades.
No. 1212816
>>1212777Thanks, I'm like pretty sure there was no malice or anything.
>>1212780My sister was supposed to come a bit late at night after her work, I waited for her so we could leave together. I had assumed I'd be there to help her with any customers and be busy, which wasn't the case, I had just assumed it which is bad on my part.
>>1212795You're right, I kind of have an rbf too so that probably exacerbated it. I guess I'll not talk to her about it, it must already have been too much on her mind, I wouldn't want to add my little grievances on top of it. Thanks a lot anon, your perspective as someone who's regularly done this helps.
No. 1212863
>>1212846Do you have someone to live with for the time being or are you going to get kicked out for not paying the bills soon, nonna?
I understand the feeling since these past months was all about finding a suitable job for a comfortable income inbetween inflation fear porn and how meaningless my life till then has become.
Makes me wish I could revert to being a naive child with parental love. It was so easier back then. Now we millenials are living like animals. I can barely call that living.
No. 1212865
>>1212848That shit should be taught in school anyways. I can't believe I was taught Art history but not basic "adult" shit.
Anyway you could also just ask your parents to tell you how it works.
No. 1212897
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i was overusing social media (esp twitter) for years and finally stopped about a year ago. i occasionally check in on my account to see what my friends are up to but god it's so depressing. i graduated, got a job and moved into a big city into my first apartment all by myself, no roomies for the first time ever. meanwhile all my online friends are terminally online NEETs who play ffxiv all day and cry about their gender. i didn't want to delete my account because i've been friends with some of these people for over 10 years, but right now i feel like i should cut all ties with them. they don't talk to me on discord even though i told them that if they miss me, they can just talk to me there. my efforts to have conversations with them never go anywhere because they're just not interested in anything outside of tweeting back and forth for a bit when the occasion arises. they just seem so pathetic and stuck in one place with their constant talk about 'not feeling very gender today' or whatever non issue they have created for themselves.
No. 1212904
>>1212897i can somewhere relate to this anon. i ended up
triggering a gender-special i had a very strong online friendship with for 3 years and she lashed out at me, blocking me everywhere. i was heartbroken at first but i quickly realized i didn't value her friendship as much as interacting with literally anyone else IRL. she was stuck in one place, crying about gender, deeply mentally ill and unwilling to change.
you might find that these friendships don't mean anything to you anymore.
No. 1212998
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>>1212966You can waste some time trying to make sense of this woman if you would like. Tila Tequila on youtube, username CHINABLACC(TILATEQUILA). Newfag, idk how to link it proper sorry. She thinks she killed Bob Saget and is married to Jesus. Daddy jesus buys her stuff.She threatens to kill bald headed zionist bitches. She is insane. It is so sad. But I cannot tear my intrigue away. Watch her shorts. She makes fun of fat people. It is insane. She is insane. See ss.
No. 1213010
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>>1212966>>1212998Samefag, forgive, I cropped out the part where she said Jesus made her shit out those hundos.I am bad at internet.
No. 1213012
>>1212988It's about Checo Perez, idk, he seemed so down to earth, it was sad to see.
>>1212989Can't escape F1 info now, nonna! I feel kinda bad for Schumacher jr., even if he was good he would never live up to the legacy of his father, and he's pretty bad, hope he gets some points this season and then his suffering will end and Haas gets a different driver.
No. 1213048
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I love drawing, writing and making music. For several years I've planned this massive story with detailed character archs, plot twists and big moments and used it as inspiration for the art and music I make, but I very often lose all motivation when I realize that I'm doing all this work for nothing. I can't just write the story because written text just doesn't convey the atmosphere I want. I can't draw fast enough to make a comic that would have enough depth and detail. Some type of animation or movie where music and such is involved could do the trick, but you need a studio and tons of people to work together on that, and there's no way that would ever happen. I'm just stuck with this massive world inside of me and while I'm fine with it just being a hobby with a story that will never be seen or heard by anyone else, it feels stupid to have put this much work into something with no value. It's gone to the point where I try to not watch or listen to anything that will give me inspiration. No movies. No music. No video games with interesting plots. I just listen to mundane podcasts or have something shitty like Big Bang Theory on in the background while I work to prevent my mind from drifting towards my story and characters. Trying as hard as I can to put my mind to better use, but sometimes I let slip and I get filled with massive bursts of inspiration again. It's annoying.
No. 1213062
>>1213058I know this may sound crazy to you, but anon is obviously taking the piss and you’re buying into it and trying to explain away why it’s like so totes
valid to not do your own laundry and it’s making you sound like an actual child
No. 1213070
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I really really genuinely want to be a more empathetic and more people focused person but I'm just too fucking selfish and don't know how to change. Every time I'm with someone I'm thinking how long do I have to be with them, what would I do if I didn't have to be with them and how much time I'm losing that I could have spent on myself. A family member recently asked me to 'not only call them when I need something' and I haven't even noticed I slipped into selfishness again and I felt like shit
No. 1213152
>>1212848Girl I know. Not to hijack your vent but my parents did such a shit job at preparing me for the real world. Didn't send me to school because of religious reasons, failed at teaching me basic hygiene habits, didn't socialize me hardly at all, actually all they did really was feed me their religious bullshit which resulted in me having a bunch of mental health issues and not being able to cope as an adult. If they owned up to it that would be one thing but then the expected me to just magically know everything they didn't teach me as a kid and be a super successful adult. They see my inability to be a normal adult and fit into the real world as my fault.
>>1213078>luxury knowledge like how to buy a house.How is knowing how to rent an apartment or buy a house "luxury" knowledge? Finding a place to live is a necessity not a luxury, you dumb bitch.
No. 1213154
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Why did God have to give me an “hourglass” figure but also the stockiest, bulkiest proportions and bones. I look like a female orc or one of those strong-shouldered women from Soviet propaganda posters. Most days I don’t mind my body type that much but sometimes I do wish I could see what it’s like to be a willowy, lithe and elegant looking woman. I thought I would have outgrown my body insecurities by now but alas.
No. 1213155
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We're already in the middle of the year and I haven't done anything productive again
No. 1213161
nonnie i think that orcs body looks nice. Not all women are willowy wisps and we’re not all supposed to be either.
No. 1213180
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>>1213154you just need to be stretched out like this
No. 1213222
>>1213152>you dumb bitchPlease, jump off a cliff you low life loser. Gross.
It’s not that hard to rent an appartement. Just have a brain, a job, responsibility and read the information. These are not things your parents sit down with you unless you ask them for help. But you call women online dumb bitches. i can’t expect anything less of you, lowlife scumbag.
No. 1213228
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>>1213222>>1213222I can tell you're new here kek.
Also idk where you live but a lot of places intentionally make apartment rental very complicated and ask for more than just your paystubs. Asking your parents to help you understand the process of finding basic necessities like somewhere to live and being financially literate is not that much to ask. Calm the fuck down.
No. 1213243
>>1213154If you're an orc and you look like that pic,
PLEASE hit me up. I'll let you do whatever you please
No. 1213282
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>>1213154I can relate, but at least you got boobs and stuff. I got the stocky (without being short), bulky proportions and bones, but there's barely anything there. I just lift and do calisthenics and hope that makes up for it, because I'm never going to be willowy, dainty, or curvy and sensual.
No. 1213312
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There is no way I will heal from my traumas and I think it’s impossible to do so. Therapy will never help me, and even if I try to “get better” there will always be a chance that it will continue to be ripped away as it always happen when I find some peace. The world does not stop and give its grace to traumatized or suffering people, it will continue to tear down any sort of normalcy you obtain over and over again and you will be left alone to die or left alone to your thoughts where the only place you can vent is online.
>but therapy will teach you coping mechanisms and skills in order to face these challenges
I’m tired of fucking putting up defenses. This world truly punishes victims than the actual oppressors we live in a word that screams accountability but that’s the last thing human beings want to do.
No. 1213318
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Everyone blames me for "starting fights every day" after completely ignoring the reasons why. Who on this planet wants to help someone who just got done insulting them for hours? Who would accept watching a movie minutes after being told to "stay shut in your room like always, you're banned from eating anything in this house"? Now my 'typical bored housewife with husband who neglects children for videogames' sister is using that bit because I don't want to let her daughter keep playing with my yoga mat, after insulting and making fun of me. The second I mentioned I've been looking for it for a month, it should've been handed back to me like she'd make me do. I should get pissed like she did for me opening a curtain two inches to look outside. Every time her kids get hurt by my corner of the house or starts crying near me it's "WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU?!". But it's okay if the only prolonged interaction your husband had was holding them upside down by their ankles to punish them being a mild nuisance…"GROW UP AND ACT YOUR AGE", but at my age you were living in a ghetto apartment with piss-scented hallways, with the shitbull puppy you eventually dropped off on us who's bitten multiple family members MULTIPLE TIMES. I envy unhinged female characters who just go crazy and prioritize theirselves with no remorse. I want so bad to have a healthy loving relationship with everyone but I'm somehow always at fault for being insulted and not taking it like a good timid daughter I used to be years, even months ago. I know it's way past time to move out, but I currently have at most $300 to my name (I know that's better than some nonas here) and am too paranoid and awkward to make lasting connections, not to mention predators, no license, and wanting to have good hygiene.
Each time some shit like this happens my belief in staying close, "everything will be fine, they'll stop blaming you for fighting back" fragments even more. I feel like this is a thing that needs to happen for me to become independent, like I have to experience it to grow, especially with how anxious and sheltered I am thanks to my upbringing. Idk.
Gonna try to get my summer job, drivers license by the end of the year, and somehow make a copy of the house key so I can actually leave.
No. 1213345
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>>1213318Adding on… where's the "family therapy" my mother mentioned a few months ago. I've been waiting and bring it up after she does her blaming me bit, but apparently it's just something to be used as a threat against me. We could theoretically all genuinely benefit from it, but we know my father would make excuses not to go, blame everyone else, fight with the therapist and staff. So the solution is to endure his fights and insults for the 40 years you both might live, make your children endure him while telling us we can stay and live with you forever if you wanted to. Imagine having a genuinely functional multi-generational family, but my little sister and I + possible future children would have to deal with this whole mess. It's ok to whip your kids with belts and deny it a decade later, threaten your daughter with a knife on her birthday for crying about not wanting to fake smile for a picture she'll look back on and remember decades later, because dad and lil sis are fighting on your birthday AGAIN. But your grandchildren NEED your piece of breakfast or you get labeled a selfish uncaring person. I NEED to go outside and "interact" with my 0 real friends, to make you feel better when escapism through video games helped me better than anything else did. I NEED to join inconsequential summer activity#1 or I get ganged up on in a corner and hit with coat hangers, and inconsequential summer activity #2 with no effect on my grades or future because "you already agreed!". Lmao I really need to get a good money job and save up to live my van woman travelling with her cat dream. Praying to myself to get higher self esteem and social skills and not shake in fear at the first mean voice targeting me. But if I even dared to explain why I do that for the 10th time, they would deny all blame as usual.
No. 1213364
My gf's parents are making a scene because the dog isn't sleeping in bed with us and also because we're treating him like a dog instead of a fucking spoiled child. Ofc we're not mistreating him, but not letting him do whatever he wants seems so. The parents moved abroad about a year ago and since then have been threatening to take the dog away. I have two dogs that I love immensely, they mean the world to me but I still set boundaries when it comes to raising them. They don't live inside, however, I make sure their place is always clean, comfy and I feed them regularly. You know, just take proper care of them. But my gf's parents raised a dog so spoiled and they don't seem to understand how it affects him. For instance, the dog developed separation anxiety and they never did anything to train and help him overcome it, so he has huge meltdown even if you leave the house for about 10 minutes only. About him not sleeping in bed with us, I have OCD, so I get an extreme urge to wash the sheets when I see how much fur is left on it the next morning. I've found dog fur in the food countless times, but I always try to disguise how disgusted I feel so no one gets upset. I wish I wouldn't have to come over her house, but if I don’t, she will be lonely since she can't leave the dog alone at home. I wish her parents weren't such jerks. Sometimes they are insufferable and I try my best not to bash their behaviour. They left my gf behind and even though she's been having a hard time, they only seem to care about this fucking dog.
No. 1213365
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just gotta LOVE IT how my whole childhood i shown signs of ptsd and hallucinating from it, and when i did, my parents just called me a stupid invalid/cripple (i dont have direct translation) and told me to "stop it". then regardless of becoming the valedictorian in primary school, i still got bullied for being a retard/disabled.
>picrel my brain to me, every day of my childhood
when i asked my parents why do people bully me, they said they were just jealous. then when i hung out with the wrong crowd because i just couldn't bear it anymore, and got my grades fucked up, they threatened to send me to the retard school. in high school they threatened to kick me out because i had shit grades again. but of course nothing must be wrong with me! i am just not trying hard enough! even though i withdraw from everyone and everything, i just must be faking hallucinations for attention. fuck YOU and your denial.
No. 1213384
>>1213372I let my dog sleep in my bed
sadly he doesn't want to
No. 1213389
Deleted so I could answer the
>>1213372 as well.
>>1213369Thank you so much, anon. I was feeling guilty for they make me look like a “witch” that hates poor little dogs. Your reply helps me see that I'm not insane for treating dogs like dogs instead of sacred beings.
>>1213372I agree with you. I understand letting them inside, I mean, there are people who live in flats. Still, they should have their own bed, even if they’re super clean. I don't live with my gf, but I come over and stay with her on the weekends or even weekdays if time allows.
No. 1213414
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i am never doing mushrooms, venting, ranting, or expressing any extreme emotions in front of people ever again. fuck i'm embarrassed. it's only image conscious pretense from now on. i am too old for this shit.
No. 1213418
>>1213413Yeah not letting your dog sleep in the bed is one thing, making them live outside is another.
>>1213415They're domesticated. If you don't want it inside then I don't see the point of choosing to have one. The ones that live outside (strays) aren't really supposed to be out there, which is why you can take strays and bring them to live in captivity with usually no problem.
No. 1213426
>>1213425Samefag but also,
>tell me you never touched grass without telling me you never touched grassPlease go back.
No. 1213448
>>1213413Where I live, most people leave their dogs outside. Most of them (including mine) still have literal roof over their heads, it's not like they're sleeping in the streets like stray dogs do. However, it doesn't mean they're isolated from the people inside the house since they’re nearby.
>>1213419Same here, nona. I make your words my own.
>>1213425But my pets do live with me. When I say they're outside, I mean they are outside the actual house. Separated by a wall but still reachable because I leave the windows and doors open so they can interact with us. It's a bit difficult to explain without uploading a pic of my place, which I won't for obvious reasons.
No. 1213468
>>1213434i are shrooms and drank, and ended up ranting about predatory scrotes because i remember someone bringing up their shitty flatmate. i was not upset or anything but people must have thought i was trauma dumping or whatever. it must have been my imagination and intoxication because they reacted very concerned, and messaged me after the party asking if i was okay. i also told about going through suicidal psychosis to someone i just met and will see again. super cringe because she should not be worrying about me when we barely know each other. i have so much regret over being seen that unstable, but in the end it was my own stupid decision to take mushrooms and be drinking, with new people to start. that was a stressful situation that must have
triggered something. well, lesson learned.
No. 1213510
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Moved into a new place and the fridge leaks when you use the water dispenser. I’m talking you fill a mug and then there’s a puddle on the floor around the fridge that drains away within the next few minutes. Water is constantly dripping down through the garage ceiling below. I keep telling the landlords and they keep doing nothing about it. They have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by letting their property flood for more than a week, so whyyyyy???
No. 1213545
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My boyfriend was daydreaming and thinking about another girl the whole time I was with him. He would show me a ukiyo-e painting of a naked woman and told me he daydreams of a woman who looked just like the woman in the painting watching him while he masturbates. When I brought it up one day because it upset me he told me her name; the girl he thinks about. He lead me along while he lusted after her the whole time. Just yesterday I found out who she was and warned a friend of hers about him. I don’t want anyone else to endure this. I can't stop crying. I feel cold and frozen and won't stop shaking. I can't believe I trusted him. Why did he do this?
No. 1213617
>>1213584Don’t do it, it’s fucking hell on your body and mind and you’ll end up with permanent damage way, way faster than you’d expect
Source: bulimiafag with (partial) gastroparesis and rotten teeth
No. 1213639
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I've been so pissy the last couple days I actually told my coworker to stop bringing up a topic she spergs about for an hour a day every day every week every month for a year now.
No. 1213656
nonny, but I prefer physical and I just found a $15 Riverside Chaucer and I'm quite happy. I was just a little upset a minute ago, please excuse my swearing.
No. 1213730
>>1213721Foreigners usually see these hideous guys as traits rather than the whole picture.
So in this instance the asian girl would only see
>straight high nose>big blue/green/light eyes>light hair and very light skinEven though the shape and quality of each of these things would be fucked.
No. 1213733
>>1213721White men date ugly Asian girls too, and white weebs date ugly Asian guys while claiming they look like Ratmon or something
It's just what having a racial fetish does to you
No. 1213779
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>>1212897update, i deactivated my twitter account. i can still reactivate it during the next 30 days, so let's see how it goes. rn i feel weird because it feels like i just cut ties with all my friends and now i barely have anyone left in my life.
No. 1213795
>>1213779It sounds like these people weren't your friends. They didn't even have text conversations. Twitter isn't a chat, it's… I don't even know, distilled mental illness.
Please reach out to other people. Join groups based something you're interested in. Maybe talk to family and actual friends more. I actually started to my mom a lot at one point. It's better to build something new even when it's daunting than to cling to something
toxic but well worn.
No. 1213804
>>1213784>>1213794>>1213795dw guys, i still have some friends, just not as many as i used to. i met these people back when lj and old tumblr was still a thing and we've been together ever since, only following each other, so basically our twitter experience was one big group chat since almost everyone had locked accounts and we barely interacted with outsiders. thing is that i tried to talk to some of them in one-on-one conversations on discord, but the conversations always died after a few messages because they just weren't interested in talking to me outside of twitter. it used to be different, but it seems that now that i moved on with my life, i just can't relate to them anymore.
i guess it just feels like they were always my group of people that i could return to when i felt lonely or wanted to share some life update (they always responded to my tweets, just actual conversations seem impossible now).
>>1213800i'm notoriously bad at making irl friends because i got bullied so much in my life that i barely keep in touch with people because i used to try and do that as a kid/teenager and people would lash out at me for being retarded enough to think that someone wanted to be my friend. i also work way too much and i seriously don't have the time and energy to do anything outside of work. i like online friendships and they're better than nothing. again, i still have some friends, it's just that i've outgrown a big group of people that also doesn't seem to be interested in me anymore either.
No. 1213805
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Ok…one of my life's most important exams is in twenty four hours. I tried to study in advance but
>tactile hallucinations hinder my focus, very uncomfortable
>voice making fun of my inner monologue?
>i can see the door following me everywhere, people standing around me wtf
so i got kind of put off of studying. demotivated. i was depressed and unmedicated in my brain's tomfoolery. i chose not to take recommended meds. nonetheless, i have got into a significant portion of my studies. i've made progress. but the exam is tomorrow. should i…
>pull an all nighter, revise everything, nap when i get home from exam (i have another exam the next day to study for)
>study most of the content and get like 4-6 hours of sleep
>do as much as i can, memorise formulas, practice questions, and get all the sleep i need
I will also add that these two exams coming up are only half of my grade. There will be about four days of nothing between the first two exams and the last two, and that makes up my final grade. So if my mark is a mediocre pass, or just decent, I think I can ace the last two and get a better grade. Anyway, someone less retarded than me, please help?
No. 1213827
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Nonnies, do you know what you're doing with your life? I've always felt like I'm clueless when it comes to that, but I was talking to my therapist and she said I don't seem to be lost at all. We came to the conclusion that I'm waiting for other people to validate my decisions because I care so much about external feedback. It sucks being a people pleaser ffs.
No. 1213856
>>1213841ayrt, something similar happened to me! i talked about the JD/AH trial and that i was disappointed that everyone really seemed to enjoy hating a woman, and one of my mutuals said that i was wrong and ignorant and that it's important to stand up for male
victims of domestic violence because it can happen to her too! i almost lost my mind because of course it can happen to her too - after all she's a woman and no amount of they/them and nonbinary pride flag pins can hide that. but for some reason she thinks she can be a male
victim of dv??
No. 1213910
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>>1213903samefag. also…I always felt the way people see me is completely different how I am inside and it's also frustrating. Like I'm usually seen as this timid, innocent, shy little thing that needs to protected from even the wind and I found that I often draw in people who want to mother me. But inside, I find that I'm much more…harsh? Idk if that's the right word but I recently realized that I'm much more critical of myself and others then I'd like myself to be. And I'm also less loving and warm in general than people think. In fact I think the closer people become to me, the less they'll like me. And it's always this double feeling whenever I meet someone new, like should I be the sweet person that people who superficialy know me as, or my actualy inner self, the critical misanthrope?
No. 1213917
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You know what I just realized? No one wants to make friends with anyone. Even if you go out there and try to make a friend yourself people are also super awkward as welleven the people who are usually the most talkative or extroverted lmao, rejection is pretty normal but I feel like the costs of putting yourself out there is not worth it if tons of people you talk to only spark up a small conversation and never initiate again. It makes me wonder how people already have friends to go to in the first place? Perhaps none of these things are done with effort they’re just sparked out of no where. Not complaining just making an observation
No. 1213931
I hate how much I actually care about male validation. I didn't think I did, but the past week or two my guy I've been talking with for a while has barely been responding. He has to finish up his study by writing a huge paper so it's completely understandable but honestly not getting any messages and not seeing his stupid face every day is kind of getting me down kek. He'll be finished in a month and I can't wait to finally be able to talk again as much as we did before. God this sounds so pathetic kek.
>>1213910I feel you 100 percent nonna. Because I'm pretty shy and always try to be nice to new people they just assume I'm a sweetheart, or in the worse case that I'm completely naive and they can take advantage of me. I can only let my real personality shine through once I get to know people better but that barely ever happens because the way they perceive me is so wildly different from the way I actually am, once I feel comfortable enough to be myself I just scare them off. I'm not unreasonable I think, I just have very strong opinions and a retarded sense of humor. But I guess being a woman and not a first class handmaiden scares people off.
No. 1213996
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One of my college friends has an 11 year old son with autism and now she's posting support trans kids memes on her facebook. I'm just waiting for the inevitable at this point. Why do women fall for this meme? It's honestly getting scary.
No. 1214004
>>1213970I hope you are okay
nonnie? I am so sorry, that sounds awful. Do you want to share how it went to vent about it more?
No. 1214008
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>>1213984NTA but I know at least for me in burgerland there are no rules against landlords doing this. it's one of the reasons we need laws against it. I moved out of NYC 5 years ago before the rent hike and pandemic hit and fuck me– the place I used to live is now close to 3k per month when I was paying 1,700 with room mates. Landlords are disgusting and I hope they all get their just desserts.
No. 1214019
>>1214016Idk now he's moping I got angry and I feel bad
Women like me is why feminism failed
No. 1214022
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My boyfriend has a "waifu"
No. 1214027
>>1214019Of course you got angry, someone who supposedly loves you called you a foul name. That's something to be reasonably angry over and you did the right thing. He can take his moping and shove it up his bum until he's ready to be decent and join the rest of humanity. But you deserve better nonna. Please don't feel bad, your reaction was more than justified and whatever he's feeling is not in any way
No. 1214036
>>1214027He did apologize, and he was moping because he failed as an Ally asffdafa so dramatic
>>1214030But nonna I have scoliosis
No. 1214047
>>1214036Wow, no. If he wants to be an "ally", he can do the bare minimum and swallow his own dumb feelings when he's harmed an actual woman. His focus should be on actually helping you, not wallowing in his own self-pity.
Nonna you definitely deserve better than this fake wannabe.
No. 1214140
>>1214113oh nona chronic pain is the absolute worst. do you have access to physical therapy? Some places have aquatic PT and can be very helpful, but it hurts a lot in the early stages. The exercises they teach work forever from personal experience tho
Sending lots of love and hope you get to go swimming again soon
No. 1214173
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Growing up my parents put a lot more effort into my older brother's upbringing, yet he turned out to be a pest and an absolute hopeless failure. This caused my parents to not care as much about me and I think I missed out on a lot of childhood-related experiences, and I feel like this triggered some sort of deeply rooted resentment towards my parents, who hate it when I bring this subject up. My parents aren't bad people, I understand why they acted that way but now that I came home from college over the summer I can't help but give them teenager-tier attitude. Seriously considering counselling because it's annoying knowing I'm being a bitch but not being able to stop, especially towards my mum. She's such a nice, wholesome and hyper person who's had such a shit life and I can't even be a good daughter to her
No. 1214182
>>1214118I think she's in regular CBT, not any sort of hypno or repressed memory therapy. Which is more concerning.
AND my friend is going into counseling herself.
>>1214157She is
No. 1214191
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I wanted to show anime to my normie bf and he fell asleep during the second episode. He also said he turned gay just from watching the intro. I'm devastated
No. 1214219
>>1214204And what high-brow programming are you consooming? 90 day fiance?
Don't bother lying and saying you have refined tastes, you don't even know that anime isn't a genre.
No. 1214232
>>1214219NLOG spotted
t. I do not watch anime or reality tv, but at least the 90 day fiancee watchers are not weeaboos
No. 1214239
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bf: white
me: non-white, cute
bf: you're white
No. 1214246
>>1214239Ehhh some people really be holding onto that
poc card when they really do look like white girls, like ashkenazi Jews or pale hispanics
No. 1214248
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I fucking hate summer and the bug tourism. Yes, I mean the bugs taking a vacation in my fucking apartment. It's too hot to not sleep with a window open at night, our apartments don't have AC's in my country and every year I'm too stupid to buy a fly screen for my windows. I was supposed to buy one over the weekend but I forgot. I'm probably too clumsy to install one myself so I'd probably fall out of my window and die because I live quite far up. The amount of bugs I had to carry out of my window because I don't want to kill them is exhausting aaaaaaaaaah.
No. 1214260
>>1213999>>1214004I was hoping my trainer and I would become friends outside of work because we got along so well. My boss was distant, cold, never around but I didn't think much of it at the time. When I started this job I realized my boss hired someone else for the same job. There was only room for one and my trainer noted that as well. I really liked my trainer though and she always pointed out how I was doing great. Then I realized that my boss favored the second hire, who was actually a total bitch to everyone besides boss, and totally incompetent. I mean seriously, the job requires you to read numbers and type it out and she fucked it up so often it ruined the yearly statistics… it's not really justifiable that she kept her job. She made extreme mistakes and my trainer was concerned about her attitude and mistakes but my boss brushed it all off.
Essentially my boss fired me suddenly for bullshit made up reasons and it just really hurts. I never saw it coming. In the room where it happened I started shaking and saying I was totally blindsided. My boss looked like she was holding back a smile the entire time. I was so furious I walked away from the room and she followed me all the way back to my office. My trainer was confused and I said I was just fired and I'm leaving. I kept saying never in my life have I been fired. My boss wouldn't leave the doorway and said she was sorry to my trainer. ?? I had nothing to say to her and I just wanted her to get the fuck away from me. She purposely stuck around and made me incredibly uncomfortable. She said some bullshit to me as I walked away, something about my future or something generically positive but I just kept walking. I heard her say "Well – Okay.."
I know for a fact that boss and second hire are laughing about how I was canned and how I reacted. And it still gets me shaking upset. I know they were friends or something and it's just not right at all.
I never had such a high paying job before, and for the first time I was out of customer service for once. My anxiety was at an all time low for being away from customers. It just hurts. To top it off, my trainer ghosted me after I was fired. I didn't expect anything but damn.
No. 1214280
>>1214191 Let's trade boyfriends nonna
No. 1214295
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I have to pass this car every fucking day
No. 1214317
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>>1214303which western show combined anti escapist message with religious, jungian and freudian themes
No. 1214322
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I feel like my sister is such a phony, she keeps whining how she never has any freetime, no fun no time off. She has two kids yet somehow every weekend she seems to be on a cruise, having lunch or brunch during the week, going to the movies and so on. Nothing wrong with that but why the fuck would you lie about not having been anywhere all month when I see you posting this shit on ig almost every other day. I guess I’m just salty because I am going through medical treatments and really can’t go anywhere because corona, blah blah blah.
I think she sees all these other moms say how they can never go out and she truly thinks not going out to see friends every two days is a long time but I wonder how her other mom friends deal with her bs, this woman goes out more in a week than I have in 3 years.
No. 1214422
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Fb comments make me so pissed off, I just want to bash my head into wall when I read this shit
No. 1214447
>>1214422I have to hold myself back from looking at twitter and youtube comments and the like, you'll start getting too angry to even function. I think critikal(I'm not subscribed to him nor do I watch his videos, he's just in my recommended list sometimes) made a video on the depp/heard case and I knew then and there I needed to finally click the not interested in this channel button or else I'd have an uncontrollable urge to petrol bomb his home.
>>1214437It's okay for you to not want people to know a lot about you, but I highly doubt there's any reason for them to resent you. I think you are being paranoid, they're not gonna make a sour face at you or try to hurt you if that's what you're thinking. Also, how do you know for sure you make more than all of them? Just because a neighborhood looks a certain way doesn't mean people aren't living comfortably over there. Some people don't like moving away from family/ don't like living in unfamiliar places.
No. 1214460
>>1214447Kek I mean there probably are a few but according to this census tool I found the median household income for this neighborhood is like 30k so idk
>>1214450No he's Asian, he grew up more well off whereas I had to struggle more so I guess I am remembering how I used to resent well off people kek. He's also just a very pure soul
No. 1214475
>>1214460ooooohhhhh yeah, I see where you're coming from with being poor before and resenting rich people a bit. Just know that more often than not, it won't result in anything too drastic. If you want you can use a different title for your job, I think saying he's a student will actually make them more impressed than resentful tbh. And if they are judging towards you, know it's just a reflection on their part
It always helps knowing your neighbors, you never know when you're gonna be in a bind and need help. Community is important, nona! Not everyone's gonna be as bad as you think, even though it's easy to see it that way. Just be cautious.
No. 1214494
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even through texting my repulsive aura lingers. i swear i kill threads instantly the moment i reply to them. i hope i dont kill this one too…
No. 1214500
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>>1214494Please anon i am sure you are a beautiful person
No. 1214595
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I'm having homicidal thoughts because of my much older roommate who snores like crazy. She's so loud the earplugs I got don't help at all. I've been able to sleep with snoring people before, but this is something else, I've never heard anyone as loud as her. You can still hear her on the fucking stairs. I recorded her and sended it to my friend abroad and she admitted she wouldn't be able to sleep with this sound either. I constantly wake up at night, sometimes I'm not even able to fall asleep at all. There's no other place I can sleep at. I've been sleep deprived for over 2 weeks now, I'm so tired and angry, I can't function at work, my performance got so much worse. I already started to look for a new room for rent because I'm at my limit, but I still can't find anything. I know she probably can't help it, but when I cry at night because I'm so tired and unable to sleep, I honestly want to smother her with a fucking pillow and I hate her. Every day she's so full of energy and happy and well rested, meanwhile I'm about to lose my mind
No. 1214610
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I’m at a point in my life where I should feel happy and secure in my relationships, career, and self but I still can’t stop drinking myself to death. It’s going to catch up to me and I’ll regret it forever but in the moment I can’t stop. I love and loath drunk me.
No. 1214633
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I need to have my hands and legs chained because I want to pick my healing scabs so bad and just let the blood rush. Why smoke and drink when you can just cut open your wounds again and again over and over it just feels so good
No. 1214643
nonnie thank you I was so bored and the site is going slow so yeah kek
No. 1214677
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You could get fit, gain some muscles, stop playing fucking children's card games, stop following pornstars on insta,get height surgery, jaw surgery, penis surgery (kek), learn how to speak normally, gain a fashion taste, etc. But you will never gain my attraction because I know its all fake. We have similar personalities and that's the reason we will never ever be together, not counting your creepyness and average maleishness. If I date you it will be a roundabout of awkwardness and anxiety. Everytime we hung out I could see the lack of actual interest in each other's lives in the air, but you had to ruin our casual friendship by girlfriend-zoning me. I know I'm weak and awkward and paranoid and anxious, so you think I want to be with you who reflects my personality back at me? I have never shown you my true outgoing personality that comes out when I'm relaxed or at ease except when I was acting to be funny. I don't think I've shared it with someone since middle school because I've had no true friends since middle school. Even when slightly drunk it hasn't come out. I can't even stand up to my sister without crying out of frustration and anger. I am cursed to be a paranoid hermit longing for her room 24/7, gagging at the thought of new things. Even if I know I have gotten much greatly better since years ago. I simultaneously hate and love the stagnation I have put myself in. I want to return to the primordial soup and evolve into a cute little bird or something. Tweety tweeeeet
No. 1214688
>>1214653Women need to hear this. Imagine partnering a guy you "love" but having your phone full of other guys who you find so irresistible you're addicted to masturbating to them every single day. You know their names and possibly follow their lives on social media. You'd fuck them if they'd give you a chance. And if the boyfriend you "love" asked you to stop and delete it all, you'd rather dump him. If he as much as meekly confessed your collection made him feel insecure and bad about himself, you wouldn't have empathy, you'd gaslight him and tell him his feelings don't make sense at all.
Porn is cheating
No. 1214740
>>1214717You could try to write an email if you feel awkward about doing it face to face. It would also allow you to express your thoughts properly without being put on the spot and maybe misspeaking or fumbling your words.
She is the one who is supposed to treat your mental or emotional issues, you shouldn't cope with her shitty behaviour to spare her feelings kek
No. 1214774
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My boyfriend is such an attention whoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
He's making his own car from scratch. No way I'm getting in that thing once he's done because one, what if it's unsafe? and two, it would draw so much attention and I loathe that. Worst I feel I have no choice in the matter bc I have to be supportive. Why does he have to be like this oh my God
No. 1214831
>>1214825Most people have issues you're unaware of and yet they still feel empathy for others. You're obviously jealous when someone gets more attention than you and you should look into fixing that if it's so severe you can't sympathize with other people.
I'm also in a worse situation than most people I know yet when something bad happens to my friends, my heart breaks for them. In return, they care for me when I'm down too. You can't expect everyone to coddle you with nothing in return.
No. 1214848
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No. 1214853
>>1214653Maybe I will
nonnie I’m so over this like when I was younger and when we first started dating everyone was either aware that their SO watched porn or their SO was lying about not doing it and it seemed like so normal because everyone around me said it was, it’s so FUCKING stupid I’m seriously gonna but out and do some crazy shit.
Because it’s like wtf do I even say? It’s just BEEN happening this whole time but now that we’re married and shit and I see evidence of it happening around the house in getting so fucking angry.
But like if I say something he’ll want sex more and I really don’t have a high sex drive I do like having sex with him but genuinely not NEARLY as often as he does because he’s a literal moid. Ugh I’m so unhappy about this and now that I’m like living with him it’s hard to ignore despite him doing it in private and never telling me.
Ughhhhh someone help me I’m married too a coomer wtf have I done
No. 1214870
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I just cannot fucking communicate. I just genuinely don't know how to do it. Yesterday I had a date and I feel like I fucked it up by being my autistic self. I always had this speech pattern where if someone tells me something I acknowledge it and then switch to the next topic already because I expect we discussed everything about it. After a while though we often got mixed up because he was still thinking we're at the previous topic when I already moved on. Pretty sure he also tried flirting with me but it went over my head because I was tired. I just feel retarded.
No. 1214886
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I should be more embarrassed for confessing to my crush while sleep deprived even when I don't intend to date her anytime soon if ever but instead I'm just kind of exciting?? Hopefully she appreciates my earnestness and will continue to treat me well…
No. 1214930
>>1214924Will sound cliche but this is something you really should discuss with your therapist. They won't be offended and if it's best for you to leave, good therapist will not forcefully keep you around. As for meds, isn't it enough to just see a psychiatrist for a prescription? Once you have your meds well adjusted for your needs they usually don't talk to you about your life.
>>1214923God same, idk why people do it, it's a text chat for a reason.
No. 1214972
>>1214924I gave up on therapy because I felt like it was constantly bringing my past to the forefront of my mind. I wanted to rationalise and move on not constantly agonise over every choice I'll make or have made.
I think it's good to acknowledge the issues and realise like, OK, that thing/those things that happened caused this effect and I need to learn to walk back or detach from certain mindsets. After a while it just felt like we were practicing methods I was now capable of doing on my own. I also started dreading the sessions because I was in better mindset in general and therapy was like a dark place now in comparison, on my good days I didn't want to go over the issues I just wanted to live.
No. 1214977
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>woman showing me her Pomeranian/husky mix
The dog was cute but also looked kinda rough, I can only imagine the type of health problems this thing is going to have in the future….especially since she claimed it was going to stay small.
No. 1214980
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i am upset that Running Up That Hill is now a trending TikTok audio. I love Kate Bush sm and now the cultural saturation is overbearing. I can’t listen to one of my favorite songs without being reminded that some vacuous streaming platform’s show with a cringe fan base has once again reinvigorated the 80s nostalgia and now it’s being tossed around on tiktok, where art goes to die. i worry it makes me look like a poser as best or a hipster at worst because I liked these things before they started trending and wanted others to like them with me but they weren’t cool enough. ik this is an awful lot of emotion to pour into something so stupid but it happens frequently with things i like.
No. 1214988
>>1214985unironically this. like the zoomers who larp with mental illnesses because they consider them uwu quirky~ when if you actually were an autist neet with issues you'd want to die more than boast.
idk as an on-and-off NEET because of my mental issues and general struggle to get help it kinda grinds my gears. like (no offense to any of us) is this something you'd want to boast about? fucking christ find a personality
No. 1214992
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>>1214980me too
nonnie, I feel bad for feeling so gatekeepy about her kek. She's truly my queen
No. 1214994
>>1214980uninstall tiktok until it's over. Or preferably forever
>>1214991that's awful nona
No. 1215006
>>1215004When did that happen
>>1215003Alog-chan at this point you're almost as unhinged as her.
No. 1215010
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>>1214848You freaking racist. Gomez is going to be a gorilla and you're going to like it.
No. 1215014
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>>1215006>When did that happenWorking shifts destroyed my concept of time, sometime in the last 2 months. She said she found a rich guy who is going to save her because she is a beautiful genius or something.
I look for her posts in this vent thread, but I don't lurk any of the other threads she sometimes uses. I wish we could have a thread on her to compile the information.
No. 1215015
>>1214993>A few years from now it'll be a passing memory like oh yeah I was in that magazine wasn't I.You're right; the catty comments I mentioned kinda upset me at first but now when I remember them they make me laugh. I'm not selling out for personal gain, so at least it's justifiable.
>>1214997Nonny thank you so much for saying that, you're too kind. You can be like me, even if you don't volunteer and just donate what money you can afford you'll make a difference; especially if you donate to your local causes like foodbanks and homeless shelters/kitchens where every penny helps.
No. 1215065
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>>1215010this makes me genuinely mad, gomez is supposed to be sexy??? right?? or am I insane
picrel screams gomez, not this whoever he is
>>1215010is this some affirmative action shit? not to racebait but literally give me one good reason besides "reee gomez is a latinx name he has to be latinx!" okay make him hot though? christ
driver or danofags (esp danofags) cape for you moid on this one cause those two are hotter by miles and could probs act half dece as gomez
No. 1215070
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Going on the chans of the dark web was a mistake.
No. 1215073
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>>1215046Honestly just the fact someone else is going through this is comforting, kinda brought me out of my spiral so thank you nona!
>>1215051Thank you nona, she wants to reschedule to next week but honestly i'm pretty turned off by the fact she somehow forgot that we were meeting up when we talked about it that morning! I think I need to stay out of my head, and work on being content with being alone. I'm honestly considering lessening my friendliness too…not so that i'm an asshole but so i'm not the one doing most of the work.
>>1215060Nona I had the same thinking as you and it turned out to be a full blown delusional disorder, not saying it is and i'm not going to try and argue against you. I love you please stay safe even if you don't see the point in it.
No. 1215085
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>family are on my ass about getting a job
No. 1215103
>>1215098My partner had severe ADHD. He doesn't drive either. I kinda don't blame him. Things are insane, especially where we are. Problem is, I have medical conditions that limit my driving, so if I have to drive us everywhere it is kinda rough sometimes. I dont mind driving short distances but longer ones I get so anxious I make my knuckles white from gripping steeringwheel so hard, stanky pits from fear sweat, get angry when he tries talking over music cuz I cant focus on keeping us safe, keeping him less anxious via choosing calmest routes etc and I really need music to help calm me because I only play songs Ive known forever so the predictability helps my brain stay 'online'.
Not really sure why I told you all that. But I do absolutely 'get' the fear and it is genuinely a scary act that I think most people lose respect for. Car accidents kill, the road should be respected and SO MANY people do not give proper attention to the risks involved. Your fears are
valid. I am sorry you are dealing with this. Good luck.
No. 1215118
>>1215103Thank you. It's nice to hear because I feel like everyone can drive and there's so much pressure to. I never met anyone who hates driving or feels anxious doing it. I hate when my driving teacher talks too, how do you even hold a conversation while keeping control over everything? You're right that it is dangerous and I'm self aware enough to know I'm one of those who shouldn't be on the road even if I get my license.
>>1215111Agree. But not being able to drive is like a typical loser trait, I think? And I'm trying so hard to normiefy myself. People definitely look down on you a little when you can't drive. I just think a car is a money drain and the public transportation options in my area are really good.
No. 1215129
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My crush is into not msturbating or whatever so it takes me about 10-15 minutes to convince him to msturbate with me. This means he is not committed enough to the goals he sets for himself, and how can I trust someone as easy (slutty) as him? Is he going around showing his dong to any girl that asks while pouting the right way?
No. 1215156
>>1214985The last time I pointed this out some wannabe-neet here called me an autist.
>>1215008It's also pretty ironic since she goes around calling other women 'whores'.
No. 1215177
>>1215098I just got my license and even as someone who is not autistic, it's very difficult. I would say that I actually quite enjoy driving too! But driving is really not intuitive at all and like you said, there is a lot to focus on and it can be very easily overwhelming. The first time I drove on a busy road I didn't know what the fuck I was supposed to do- cars in front of me, people playing frogger across the street, light changes, driveways, looking at my mirrors to check where cars were around me and any possible bikes/scooters/etc. Don't feel bad about not being able to drive. It's a nice skill to have in your back pocket but I hate how some places force you to be dependent on a car and force you to learn.
Cars are stupid expensive to own (car payments, maintenance, registration, insurance, etc) and gas prices right now are insane!!! They are not worth it. I mainly wanted to learn just for myself and a lot of places I want to visit require a car, but I live in the city with good public transport and choose to use it since it's cheaper and more convenient.
No. 1215190
>>1215098The longer you drive, the more of that stuff gets unloaded into your subconscious. When I learned how to drive I was awful and I constantly felt completely overwhelmed and on the verge of a meltdown. Now I enjoy driving and find it relaxing. People say I'm quite a good driver too.
Don't give up.
No. 1215226
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It's that time of the month and I'm having suicidal despair again. Had to go to the bathroom to cry at work and was also crying all the way home. I just don't know what to do. I feel like I tried EVERYTHING, I have taken birth control pills, antidepressants, I work out regularly, and STILL it's the same fucking thing every single month. I have been in therapy and as an inpatient at a mental health facility. I have changed jobs thinking it would make me happier, I became more social, I'm eating healthier, but no, the thoughts come back EVERY SINGLE MONTH regardless. I just don't know what else to do. The only thing that helps marginally if I binge on sugary stuff, it gives a temporary high so I'll stop thinking about it. It's just so fucking difficult, it's like an automatic hyperfixation every month that comes and ruins everything. I just want to be able to think about anything else at all
No. 1215235
>>1215226Have you tried DBT,
nonnie? My depression is very resistant to treatment and gets significantly more severe around my period but DBT has given me the tools to get through it. I'm not necessarily free of the bad feelings but I do feel better equipped to handle them. Hope you feel better soon
No. 1215277
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why do i feel like shit so bad these days omg.. i dont know if im lazy or just too demotivated to do anything
No. 1215305
>>1215295Good luck
nonnie I know it's incredibly difficult. The few times I go out I usually order snacks when I get home as a reward. I get treated like a baby too as soon as I open my mouth and show a lack of social skills. Are you going out for hours or is it just a quick errand?
No. 1215418
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>>1215388This, Gomez looks like this in the original comics. He was always supposed to be ugly.
No. 1215426
>>1215421The point is that they wanted to hire someone who looked closer to the ORIGINAL in the COMICS and EARLY CARTOONS. Repeatedly calling him ugly isn't doing anything for your argument because the original Gomez was too.
Invest in a leapfrog tablet if it was that hard for you to understand
No. 1215455
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I kinda want to start dating but I don't want to deal with apps (I don't take many pictures of myself and my friend group isn't the picture taking type). I'm also a picky virgin with high standards (not into sending nudes, not into anal sex, not into listening to moids go on and on about MUH DICK or MUH PORN or whatever other coomerisms this is definitely high standards considering the moids that live in my town) not into the idea of giving head, and I want a CUTE bf with GOOD BONE STRUCTURE (most guys in my town are FUCK. UGLY.) I'm reasonably attractive and I do pretty well in social situations and I just want to date around a little bit!! And go on a few dates!! Why the fuck was I cursed to live in a town with so many fuggo coomer moids. I don't watch much tv, I don't give a fuck about politics, I have relatively niche interests, etc. I feel like there's a handful of things stacked against me in terms of dating and I don't know how to overcome it. God, just thinking about the average male in my town makes me sick, they're so fucking ugly. Why do I have to be in the dick phase of the bi-cycle. Not that the women around me aren't also frustrating; too many semi-aidens and TOTALLY VALID demisexual poly unicorn hunters. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.
No. 1215470
My boyfriend and I have an excellent relationship and he treats me like a queen and he acts like he desires me.
Sometimes I get caught up in the past because frankly, he said stuff that really hurt my feelings at the time. I used to be ultra ana, and after the first time we had sex, he said my body "wasn't as ugly as he thought it'd be". This really crushed me but he acted like it was a compliment. He also would say stuff like "it's okay, I like small boobs" and that really weirded me out because no guy I've been before has just said that unprompted. They would just say they liked my breasts. I'm no longer ana and my breasts are perky full b/small c cups and I want breast implants, but I feel weird because I hate how he sounded ultra copey for me regarding my breasts and it hurts my feelings he said the thing about my body not being as ugly as he thought it'd be. He never says anything of the sort now and he apologized when I eventually confronted him about what he said. It just sometimes is hard for me to move on. I don't see how under any context that shit would fly in his head. To be fair, I was so anorexic that my body really probably did look ugly as fuck, but it fucks with my head sometimes still
Sometimes I feel like maybe I wouldn't mind being ana again because even if I know I'm ugly, I felt great. I was just stupid at the time because I cared about him liking my body since we were new to each other. But now I miss being anorexic because the only standard that matters to you is yours, no one else's. It sucks, I feel like I'll never really know the truth of the matter, if he was trying to be nice and failing, or if he was negging me. He says it was a mistake. I just don't know. It's not like he was a kissless virgin before me. I guess this is my paranoia flooding my brain again.
No. 1215479
>>1215455ugh i feel this
nonnie. it sucks feeling like you're missing out on a part of life but then, knowing most moids you probably aren't actually missing out on much kek. in the end i'd rather be single than have to babysit some coombrained scrote under the guise of "romance"… but a girl can dream
No. 1215498
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>Be me
>Watch a normal (or so I thought) streamer create a character in a video game
>The character clearly looks male
>"They use they/them pronouns"
No. 1215565
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My finals just started at uni. I'm anxious as fuck, not only because of the exams per se, but also because the staff will ask me to help this autist boy I go to uni with and I suck at saying no. I don't take the exams in the classroom like my classmates because I have ADHD and people like me can ask for a separate room so we can focus better. We can't stay there alone tho, the staff (an educator and a psychologist) oversees us. Anyway, this autist boy can't take the exams on his own because he… knows next to nothing about any of the subjects we've been learning about. That being the case, the staff has to ask either me or this other girl from our class to explain things to him since they have no idea what it is about. The problem, however, is not him misunderstanding the questions, he simply doesn't know how to answer because he hasn't learned anything. Besides doing the staff's job, I have to practically hand him the answers asking questions like “Is biology about studying plants or cars?”. He literally answered cars once. The dude ends up getting top grades because of me and that pisses me of because I have to study my ass off to do well. I feel everybody spoonfeds him because of autism instead of offering actual support, which sucks for him. I wanna go home earlier today but that means leaving him by himself. Am I a piece of shit if I do so?
No. 1215568
>>1215543Don't hate youself for being a woman,
nonny. We're still the stronger and smarter sex, despite all the shit we have dealt with throughout history and still deal with today. Yet still women choose to make this world a better place, unlike moids who only know how to destroy, complain and coom. I'd anhero if I was born a moid. Don't dismiss your own worth like that,
nonny. I know it's painful when it comes from your family but their "opinion" isn't worth shit. You don't need their "love" or approval if this is what it looks like.
I also grew up in a misogynistic household but it's satisfying knowing that I made something out of my life, unlike the bitter and useless moids in my family and now they seethe kek No. 1215594
>>1215567He mocked anons body when she obviously had an ED, he's not the poor guy, lol.
>>1215470You're healthy and attractive now. I used to be overweight too and gained a bit weight recently, I look more lively than ever and I'm sure you do too. You only like the control anorexia has, you should work on controlling your life instead of fucking your body up. Either by starvation or ps. You're good enough, if you weren't he wouldn't date you.
No. 1215616
>>1215610i know right but its the "how" of social shit i cant deal with. i know other people can cold-message without a second thought and not worry of how theyre coming across but i cant (and my brain goes in the fucking dumper when i remember the normie-advice on confidence being everything when ive got none?!) i read over everything i send twice or thrice and even pulled out a tarot card to get a clue on how shell respond if i send exactly that message.
sigh all i can hope for is that time takes care of it by itself
No. 1215617
>>1215567>>1215488>>1215552I can't afford therapy. I practice DBT and mindfulness exercises daily, it helps. I'm sort of just venting, I know he in reality does care about me, I just wish he didn't say that stuff.
>>1215594Yes, you are right. I miss feeling like all I thought about was food instead of my fears and emotions. Like I said, he is a good guy. I think he was in denial about my ed and he is the type of guy to claim obviously anorexic women are "naturally that way" as if it's just a body type instead of something you make choices about, but I think that's projection on his part as he doesn't like to admit his behavior led to how skinny he was. He is a healthy weight now, but he definitely wasn't when we met. Idk. I read into offhand comments way too much.
No. 1215644
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>>1215479True that, nona, true that.
No. 1215675
bitches will be like i'm unlearning my toxic behavior, reconnecting, growing, letting go of my negativity, accumulating good karma, manifesting greatness, living my best life, focusing on the positive, rejecting my internalised prejudices, fighting the system, torpedo-ing the status quo, rimming life's asshole, fingerblasting the pussy of the world, letting myself explore, becoming a new me, MY GOD, i've come so far! and then they're exactly the same bitch but into polyamory
No. 1215788
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girls, my wallet was stolen tonight and i'm so upset.
No. 1215791
>>1215788I'm so sorry
nonnie. I'm hoping cancelling cards and getting ID back isn't too much of a pain, and I hope you didn't have much cash in there too
No. 1215800
>>1215729>>1215734glad to know I'm not alone nonnies, I hope everything will go fine for all of us !
>>1215792> I've met and kept in touch with people on lolcowthat's really nice to know, I've been thinking about posting something in the friend finder thread so this is really nice to know actually!
No. 1216111
>>1216059I'm sorry nona that's awful. did they even bother telling you about the side effects or?
may I ask what it is for? I have chronic anxiety and dysthymia and I find Zoloft really, REALLY helpful. I get the sweats and shakes from it but if I'm off it I'm an absolute wreck. it's supposedly up there with cannabis for actually helping anxiety but some people get massively anxious/paranoid from cannabis so who knows. I genuinely recommend it if you're going to switch.
hope you feel better nonita ily keep us updated pls?
No. 1216138
>>1216111my psychiatrist put me on it along with like 5 other things when I was 18 because I was depressed and anxious. I didn’t find until years later it was addictive and I’ve been casually taking it to sleep or when I’m anxious. I don’t think I’m taking so much I’ll have seizures if I stop because I already did it once and I was relatively ok, but I’m probably going to have awful panic attacks and anxiety for weeks. I’m not happy about it. Unfortunately the only psychiatrist who speaks engish in the country I’m in ghosted me, so I have to do it on my own, which sucks. Cannabis is actually semi-legal where I live, but I’m a little worried it might make things worse and give me even more anxiety you know? But absent anything else, It might be an idea!
Thank you so much for your support