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No. 77362
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No. 77370
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I don't miss it to death. But I liked Paris Hilton and crazy looking Christina lol
No. 77375
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This was such a shitty decade for fashion, but people seemed very carefree and happy.
2007 was like a tragic ending with the downfall of our 2000's princesses.
I would've love to hang out with those girls, they seemed totaly crazy but cool and relatable, meanwhile Kim kardashian is one of the most boring celeb in history.
No. 77418
>>77404This is my new favorite website.
The social justice movement killed pop culture :(
No. 77431
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Not exactly 2000s but 90s? Sabrina had the best outfits sometimes
No. 77435
File: 1457196314053.jpeg (155.01 KB, 728x1019, image.jpeg)

This is from the '99 issue of Seventeen magazine. I miss this aesthetic so much. I think it was most popular in the very early 2000's, and then the ~br00t4l scene aesthetic~ mostly took over for the mid to late 2000's. (That's not to say I don't get my fair share of nostalgia from seeing a shitty MySpace layout and ex-scene queen. Tbh, scene queens were how I first became enamored with Internet drama.)
No. 77496
File: 1457208869611.jpg (27.17 KB, 500x375, 2Audrey_and_Brendon--large-msg…)

>>77435I remember seeing this a friend's dorm in college back in 2000 or so. holyshit… I haven't seen this in SO long.
So weird since I was just looking up pics of Audrey Kitching last night.i still think she's super cute. Working a big Beauty show in nyc, so I might run into her. Glad I grew up in the late 90s, early 2000s. Those were definitely good times.
No. 77506
>>77431yes! I recently bought the series to watch again and it's like the fashion trends have gone full circle.
She also had a really cute body type in the early seasons, the outfits really suited her.
No. 77518
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>>77497Emo means different things to different people. To people in the alt-scene, emo is strictly a music thing referring to sounds like Cap'n Jazz and American Football. The style of dress associated with it and the people who listened to emo music resembled something like the magazine article and the "prehistoric emo" in pic related, but it was much more centered on the music than the fashion. There's an "emo revival" going on right now. Lots of emo bands like Dads, The World Is a Beautiful Place…, Pity Sex, etc., popping up following that type of sound.
Somewhere along the way in the 2000's the word "emo" stopped being associated with that and turned into a pejorative term for kids who cut themselves and wear too much black. To normies, emo usually refers to scene kids and sad preteens with swoopy haircuts. Scene kids don't actually have anything to do with emo (i.e. twinklecore) music.
anyway, I'm gonna post some more shit from yourscenesucks (pic related) for 2000's nostalgia
No. 77531
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No. 77619
I was a kid/teen in the 2000s and miss the TV shows and celebrities from then. I totally agree with
>>77375 btw.
>Trucker hats>Jackass>The Simple Life>Early emo/scene>Hot Topic selling alt. clothes instead of dead memes>Tight graphic tshirts>Choppy hair>"Loves it.">Flip phones No. 77652
File: 1457238144499.jpg (18.85 KB, 335x500, Audrey-Kitching-Photos-audrey-…)

>>77607Same. I always was attracted to scene queens because of their petite figures and small breasts. Audrey was my early 2000s crush.
No. 77657
File: 1457239852607.jpg (38.15 KB, 680x793, fug.jpg)

>>77653>prepubescent 19 year oldJust how?
No. 77705
>>776198 simple rules
Home improvement
Sabrina the teenage witch
Old disney channel
Saved by the bell
Old CN
Old Nickelodean
old everything tbh
No. 77708
File: 1457269162321.jpg (70.15 KB, 500x375, tumblr_o1y396OvF81upbfefo1_540…)

Anyone else collect the sabrina magazine? you'd get make up with each mag
No. 77728
>>77642Is it just me or does everyone seem so much more bitter these days? And some of them just hide it behind the bad bitch attitude.
The 2000s were my teens so it might be just that I hang out with different people today.
No. 77765
File: 1457286769425.jpg (63.32 KB, 600x438, IrQhgBg.jpg)

"Tuna or chicken" is still my favorite moment from the 2000s
No. 77774
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Tbh I miss the shit hollister and Abercrombie released in the 2000s. Everything was more slim fitting and long rather than cropped or drapey. I'm tallish/lanky it seems like all this super loose baggy shit is just companies cashing in on HAES.
No. 77787
>>77784Same! In 2004 I used to use that fan art site called fanart-central and it was for the weebs but not so terrible weebs like today.
It was always so so nice! Then everyone turned to DA and got tumblr.
No. 77791
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No. 77793
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No. 77794
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No. 77795
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for the britfags
No. 77796
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again for the britfags
No. 77797
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No. 77798
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No. 77799
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No. 77800
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No. 77801
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No. 77802
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No. 77804
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No. 77805
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No. 77806
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No. 77807
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No. 77808
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No. 77809
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No. 77810
>>77805fuck i remember my cousin had this, even two of those bears
i envied her sooooooo much but i never got to have one :(
No. 77840
>>77832I still have bags and bags of stuffed animals in the basement that I can't bear to get rid of because of their helpless lovable faces and tiny cute outfits.
No. 77844
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No. 77881
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No. 77884
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No. 77890
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Has anyone else, ever, ever felt like this?
No. 77900
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>>77884holy shit I remember those!! you'd press on the flower in her shoe and she would blink and talk
On another note does anyone remember The dog?
My friends and I in elementary school would collect them and play with them during recess, and we'd even help each other name them aahh it was cute
but looking back these dogs are so ridiculous looking, like why are their heads so big/ how can their little bodies support so much weight? why were these so cute and why did I want them all
No. 77904
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No. 77926
File: 1457306169240.jpg (19.52 KB, 355x355, 61Bv7zDP4hL._SY355_.jpg)

>>77900the local toystore near me sells The Dog playing cards and i was so excited, but wasn't sure if it was the same thing so i never got around to buying them. if i ever see them again, i might just get them because The Dog was the best thing ever when I was a kid.
No. 77984
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Video games
No. 77987
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'94 fag here, did anybodies school have these?
No. 77988
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I used to try and watch this discreetly as a kid because I thought people would think I'm gay lmao
No. 77990
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and remember this?
No. 78007
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No. 78009
>>77795Sob, this was everywhere I loved this series. If you had a pencil case you were the coolest lol.
I'm so glad others feel the same way about the 2000s, it is easily looked over but had some great things.
No. 78014
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>>77988>>77791Loved both of these
I remember having a crush on Frances when I was 10 lmao
No. 78021
>>78007this was my shit
does anyone remember this game
i realized last week that this was why billy bat was familiar to me..
No. 78024
I loved this game! Best ever hands down, it's an underrated gem. Needs a remake.
No. 78027
File: 1457319156414.jpg (50.58 KB, 450x430, WmmHNOy.jpg)

>>77884Wow holy shit I used to spend hours on the Diva Starz dolls website playing all of the games
Pic also related
No. 78032
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>>77900Oh man, I remember these! I still have my sticker-collecting book from when I was a kid with a ton of The Dog stickers.
On the same note of weird kids toys, did anyone else play with My Scene dolls? I remember watching the webisodes and playing the dress-up games for hours! I'd make my Mom play the games with me, and when we'd dress up the 'boyfriends' she'd always do voices like they were gay… Also I got their bowling bag despite not bowling.
No. 78033
>>78024yup! a lot of ps1 games had a certain charm, i think. being low poly and all. i also really enjoyed copeland's music in spyro games. shame i can't find any of them irl though
what do you think of herdy gerdy? i thought the cover art was fuckin ugly but i managed to find gameplay and it's actually….. cute.
No. 78036
The description of this youtube video has wayback links to some of the old girly games that have been wiped from Mattel sites.
This one was my SHIT. No. 78038
File: 1457322547914.jpg (13.83 KB, 400x266, d7QjN.jpg)

>>78032I don't think I had the dolls but I spent hours and hours on the website playing all the games.
>>78027I'm still super upset when I went on after they did some of the redraws and I accidentally changed my Koi to the new version bc I didn't read the notice and clicked without thinking…
No. 78043
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If any of you fuckers ever had these I am beyond jealous. Or the big Polly Pockets with the rubber clothes, I was only allowed to play with the original Pollys.
No. 78055
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My sister had one of these. They weren't very comfortable.
No. 78056
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No. 78073
>>78058She was such a trip and always on a trip.
God I love her.
No. 78088
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>>77625>>77642Sorry to be late to the party on this. But I loved the simple life. I secretly liked Paris when all my emo friends thought she was a slutty joke.
No. 78138
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>>78043I remember saving up ages just to buy this and a little mini house with other characters. The GBA game was really fun too.
No. 78144
>>77363Born in late 92 so not really cognizant till 1996 at the very earliest. I was really only culturally present for the tail end of the decade and am truthfully am more of a 2000s kid.
More 90s kids are really 2000s kids than otherwise, the 90's represents my earliest childhood.
No. 78153
>>78021OH GOSHHH
JERSEY DEVIL! I used to love this game! With the pumpkins popping up everywhere!!!! :D
No. 78161
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>>78151Same here, also born in 1994. And the only steretypical ~90's~ stuff that I remember are all the old baby shows that were on public access tv, like Bananas in Pajamas or Comfy Couch. Even the rugrats that I watched religiously had Dill it. A lot of people around our age kind of forget that the only reason they remember stuff like Legends of the Hidden Temple or whatever is because they were in syndication until 2004/2005
No. 78235
>>78207Two of the original cast members went to the same dentist as me lol. The office kept an autographed photo in the waiting room.
Oh, and RIP Jared
No. 78242
File: 1457375435913.jpg (35.32 KB, 500x498, 51H9MTJ1TQL.jpg)

I actually owned that fucking shit. The rubber felt goood.
No. 78254
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>>78249because syndication doesn't exist
because movies disappear and cease to exist when the year is over.
No. 78265
>>78261>FriendsFriends started in the early 1990s. A similar show would literally be impossible today with four white stars and no main non-white stars. Look at the controversy "Girls" courted for the three main protagonists being white girls.
>what is most mediaMost media is multiracial these days in America.
>I don't get why it's a big deal for every single person in a show to be one race.Who are you addressing this to?
It's a big deal to non-whites because they see whites as this universalist, pan-racial group who they have implicit expectations of "fairer" behavior from, for whatever reason.
No. 78267
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>>78265Can you please stop trying to make a nice thread into a place to shill your political agenda, anon? Thanks. :^)
No. 78271
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>Lena Dunham>any year No. 78273
>>78267He literally shows up in random threads and grabs onto the smallest reason to sperg about Western nations (I think he's British) getting weaker due overly permissive immigration policies.
Just ignore him and enjoy the lovely nostalgia thread. :)
No. 78274
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>>78272That's also wrong but shhh it's okay no one cares
No. 78276
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All of old Disney channel. I remember I always shat on it as a kid, but secretly loved it.
No. 78281
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>>78278No more tears, anon
No. 78282
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>>78278go back to 4chan, don't you have women with daddy issues to chat up?
No. 78284
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This show was so fucking underrated.
No. 78285
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>>78284And in hindsight, this one was pretty cringy/tryhard lol
No. 78286
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This is for you, /pol/fag.
No. 78287
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No. 78288
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Any britcucks remember this? It was on air where I live for some reason.
No. 78289
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anyone remember slime time live?
No. 78290
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No. 78292
File: 1457378533665.jpg (133.63 KB, 1024x768, Atomic-Betty-Wallpapers.jpg)

This show was annoying, but Betty was one of my first girlcrushes.
No. 78293
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How has no one posted this yet holy shit
No. 78296
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No. 78297
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No. 78299
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No. 78301
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No. 78302
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I like to think we're near the point where "Only 2000s kids will remember this!" will become a thing.
No. 78303
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No. 78304
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No. 78305
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No. 78306
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No. 78307
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No. 78308
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No. 78309
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No. 78310
File: 1457379381042.jpg (197.03 KB, 1024x768, Megas-XLR-giant-robots-3072773…)

You dig giant robots
I dig giant robots
We dig giant robots
Chicks dig giant robots
No. 78311
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It turned to shit after the first series
No. 78312
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No. 78313
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No. 78314
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No. 78315
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No. 78316
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No. 78317
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No. 78318
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No. 78319
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No. 78323
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>released in Japan in 2005
>released in Murrika in 2006
No. 78328
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No. 78361
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No. 78365
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No. 78366
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No. 78368
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more late 90s… anyone else have puppy or kitty in my pocket? old version
No. 78370
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No. 78372
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No. 78374
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No. 78375
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those cute shitty my little ponies from mcdonalds
No. 78378
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No. 78379
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Bless this thread. I have so many feels.
Does anyone else remember this game? It was like, a Barbie makeover for Windows 95/98. I can recall playing it on my mom's PC for hours and hours. At the end there would be a cutscene at a ballroom Barbie would say something like "thanks for getting me ready for the party!"
Fun times.
No. 78381
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No. 78384
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No. 78386
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No. 78387
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No. 78388
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No. 78391
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No. 78392
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No. 78393
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No. 78395
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No. 78399
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lol aw when they tried bratz cats and they never took off
No. 78401
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i wonder why
the toys remind me of those girls in the #kittenplay tag on dumblr
No. 78402
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No. 78403
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No. 78404
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No. 78405
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No. 78409
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YT 2005
No. 78410
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Deviantart 2000
No. 78411
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No. 78412
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for the brit fags
No. 78413
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>>78412again for the brit fags who ever read JW's "Girls in____" books
No. 78416
>>78410Anyone remember all those late 1990s geocities pages about video games?
All the crude gifs? Resurrecting Aeris "guides" etc?
No. 78429
>>78425The books were worse. I literally remember getting so pissed off at Nadline for calling Ellie everything under the sun while El had it worse.
Plus in the drama, Magda was kissing back tho. Fuckin bitch
No. 78431
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>>78419ahahha! I have a cover of this song on my spotify. I thought this was the nastiest song ever as a teenager.
i'm old. born 1985. so 90s is my early childhood, then I entered high school in 2000, so I will cherish both decades. If I can throw an opinion out there, the fashion of the 90s was better. I felt like fashion didnt have a clear direction in 00s, like everyone was trying to be from space/the future or something. then there is pic related lol
No. 78432
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No. 78433
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No. 78435
File: 1457393825499.jpg (41.42 KB, 235x320, cp_oreoMD.jpg)

Am I the only one who remembers the Oreos that turned your milk blue? Or the poprocks oreos?
No. 78439
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No. 78447
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No. 78448
>>78431>born in 85Sweet! Me too, anon. I enjoyed the hell out of the late 90s and early 2000s.
>that picKelly Osbourne is such an ugly twat.
No. 78450
File: 1457395311716.jpg (48.66 KB, 451x411, 0.jpg)

No. 78452
File: 1457395495267.jpg (268.75 KB, 640x815, 0.jpg)

mmm the marshmellow bits
No. 78453
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No. 78454
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No. 78455
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No. 78457
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No. 78458
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No. 78459
File: 1457395746080.jpg (5.21 KB, 225x151, 0.jpg)

onky blocks they were yogurt and giant lego pieces so you gotta eat the yogurt before playing with them :)
No. 78461
File: 1457395804504.jpg (88.58 KB, 620x1033, MTI4ODM2MzUxMTQyNDA2Nzg3.jpg)

>>78431oh god she is a hot mess. still is.
No. 78462
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for the brit fags
No. 78464
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No. 78466
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No. 78467
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No. 78469
File: 1457395938799.png (646.88 KB, 500x669, mock up_1.png)

british school dinner for ya
No. 78471
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No. 78472
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No. 78473
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No. 78474
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No. 78475
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No. 78476
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>>78474looking back i wanna puke at how gross they look now
No. 78477
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No. 78478
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No. 78480
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@ brit fags
when u found these in ur crisps
No. 78485
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No. 78489
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No. 78491
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No. 78492
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No. 78495
No. 78497
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No. 78504
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old maccy ds
No. 78509
File: 1457397265199.jpg (36.29 KB, 500x374, KoolAidJammers.jpg)

these things were the shit when they first came out
No. 78511
File: 1457397386312.jpg (43.34 KB, 1000x1000, IHRFd0w.jpg)

If you had a scooter you were a cool kid
No. 78515
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everyone made such a fuss when they first came out
No. 78516
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No. 78519
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@ britfags
at ya local corner shop innit m8
No. 78520
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No. 78522
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they gave birth
No. 78524
File: 1457398179050.jpg (391.72 KB, 1200x1200,…)

>>78448yes! not alone lol
also I ate this like everyday for lunch for 2 years…smh
No. 78525
File: 1457398252384.jpg (27.18 KB, 510x362, hQ5B6iK.jpg)

>>78515I raise you these monstrosities. My fave was grape because my elementary school taste buds craved that dull artificial Concord sweetness.
No. 78526
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he wuz a boi
she wuz a girl
its pretty fuckin obvious duh
No. 78529
File: 1457398420038.png (98.98 KB, 470x313, mock up_1.png)

>>78528>>78526didnt mind her much until girlfriend came out
looking back its such a shitty message to girls
No. 78530
File: 1457398534683.jpg (18.33 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)

hilary duff and hilary duff's 16th birthday island bash
i remember it was aired on disney channel, i was so so jelly of everyone who got to go cos it looked amazing at the time
No. 78531
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No. 78533
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No. 78535
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lol poor Ashlee
No. 78536
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It's hard to find other people who liked W.I.T.C.H :/
No. 78541
File: 1457399432726.jpg (Spoiler Image,641.57 KB, 2055x1155, a1OPeAF.jpg)

No. 78548
>>78458Fuck, I put so much effort into this game. I wanted them to be so happy lmao.
>>78429Oh my god, same. I was ready to kick both their fictional arses, especially when they didn't take the whole cheating thing seriously and pulled silly faces or something to get Ellie to forgive Magda. My head almost melted with rage.
No. 78551
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No. 78558
AOL Kids Radio! I used to listen to it every day while I played Neopets for an hour because my mom was brutal with the parental controls. Bonus Jonas Jesse McCartney interview. I never was on his dick as a young girl, but all my friends were.
>>78325I owned The Dutchess and Monkey Business album and I used to blast them on my beat up handed down nail polish covered 90's barbie radio and reenact the actual videos with my WINX Club Flora as Fergie cause I thought they looked alike.
No. 78565
File: 1457401991186.gif (520.97 KB, 500x265, why would you even.gif)

>>78522I HATED MINE. This shit was so scary to me as a kid, I used to hide it around the house cause I didn't have the heart to tell my mom I didn't want it and cry when she would put it back in my room before bed.
No. 78571
>>78567She is so genuinely untalented.I have no idea why she ever got big in the music industry.
And 2000s era or not, there's no excuse for that shitty makeup.
No. 78572
File: 1457404464875.jpg (41.91 KB, 600x259, Pimp-My-Ride-MTV.jpg)

>>78567by the name of odin you opened the floodgates of the fucking atrocious music that the 00's consisted of.
Man this takes me back to when i was pre-teen and always had music channels on like MTV and VH1. No matter what ratshit was on i endured it cause didnt own a mp3/had internet + the musicvids were superfascinating.
Also pimp my ride n cribs lmao
No. 78573
File: 1457404851085.jpg (24.14 KB, 371x371, wonder-ball-12.jpg)

ONLY the Cartoon Network Wonder Ball because it had Powerpuff Girls.
No. 78581
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This was the last anime I physically went to the store to buy. then I fell off the whole anime thing for a while. and now a days I don't ever have to go to the store to buy anime.
No. 78587
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No. 78589
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No. 78607
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Dumping all your older sister's Myspace graphics.
No. 78608
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No. 78609
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No. 78610
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No. 78613
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No. 78619
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Remember when websites had guestbooks?
No. 78632
>>78431I don't think the fashions were that bad (lord knows the 90's had a fair share of ugly ones) but there were some I truly despised:
>babydoll waistlinesmade everyone look pregnant
>layeringmade everyone look frumpy. They they started making clothes thinner so A) Clothes would layer better and B) You HAD to layer.
>Smoky EyesI was SO happy when the UD Naked Palettes got people keen on neutral eye-looks, I'd been doing my eyeshadow that way for years since smoky eyes looked terrible on my skintone so the shift to earthy colors meant I was finally fashionable
No. 78633
File: 1457413758586.jpeg (118.84 KB, 640x587, image.jpeg)

I spent hours making dolls on here.
No. 78634
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>>78632Fuck that groovy maternity top fashion. I remember when tunics over capri leggings were the hippest cool trend and these tops just got longer and even more like actual maternity tops.
No. 78645
File: 1457416607337.jpg (38.96 KB, 400x241, libby lu group.jpg)

At the tender age of 8 my asshole best friend had a birthday party at Club Libby Lu where we dressed up like "Spice Girls" or painted baby hookers in bra tops and we danced to P!nk's Get the Party Started in front of the store for the whole mall to see.
not my pic but glad its censored
No. 78662
>>78653dude, why are you here? if you don't have anything to contribute, just shut up and don't ruin this thread.
anyway, remember when boyband was in the rage? this one song stuck with me, somehow.
No. 78668
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>>78632Don't forget this frosted hair or whatever it's called. horrible horrible trend.
No. 78675
>>78621Lol friendster, xanga and hi5
dont forget piczo and bebo
No. 78678
>>78548Oh you played dogz and catz too anon? same here! I loved it when they got preggo and the big heart popped up :D saying "ur dog is preggers"
made my heart swell when they would breast feed idk cos it was so cute
and yeah Magda and Nadline. They treated Ellie so fucking badly.
No. 78690
>>78666>>78653>>78637idk i get the idea that you were born after the rugrats movie
that's so sad
No. 78691
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>>78687lol you're right, his hair really looked like ramen hair, uncooked!
No. 78694
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The Olsen sisters were MY LIFE
No. 78695
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I had all their books
No. 78696
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No. 78697
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zoom zoom zoom
you make my heart go boom boom
No. 78698
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i loved this magazine so much but it seems to be mainly forgotten. i don't know anyone but me who read it. i think it lasted a few years and was supposed to be the girl counterpart to the american shounen jump import.
it was like half magazine, half shoujo manga translations and i am pretty sure it's the first place i read parakiss.
No. 78747
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Pro Skater 2
No. 78748
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I couldn't figure out if I was doing good or not. but it was ridiculous fun.
No. 78751
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>>78750ahead of his time
this made my day
No. 78753
>>78750I remember how badly I wanted to learn how to dance like this for con raves when I was a kid.
what was it called again? something shuffle?
No. 78754
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Itchy ass Popcorn/Scrunchie/Bubble crop tops. Seems like everyone had the halter neck but I had the tube version.
No. 78757
>>78753Melbourne/Hardstyle Shuffle. LMFAO-tier shutter shade wearing 'partyboyz' brought it back shortly a few years ago with Party Rock and Sexy and I Know It.
I think weebs were attracted to it because of the Tenjou Tenge OP and DDR.
No. 78760
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These cereal spoons that were too small and flexible to actually use.
No. 78767
>>78745Me too…
>>78746I love that his name is PROTOZOA.
No. 78801
Nowadays people are so prude (not sure if it's the right word). Today people get all offended and call you slutty for wearing a short skirt when in the 00's we were wearing pants so low you could see our ass with tiny tube tops and nobody cared.
>>78058This was hard to watch.
No. 78817
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Does anyone else remember Iconator?
No. 78819
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This is a good website if you're nostalgic for 90s/early 2000s internet especially shitty Geocities pages: Does anyone remember Girlsense/Kiddonet? It devoured my elementary-school life.
No. 78825
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>>78815This is literally the only thing I remember JLo for.
No. 78832
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>>78830I wish I could find a better example than this, but regardless, does anyone else here remember changing their AOL messenger theme all the damn time?
No. 78902
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No. 78904
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No. 78905
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No. 78906
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woohoo time
No. 78907
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No. 78908
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No. 78909
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No. 78913
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sims 2 emo luv storeh xo
boy meets emo girl
both emo <3
girl or guy cheats
one wants to kill themselves
dies -
sad emo sim
kills self
<3 luv storeh
No. 78917
>>78906Woohoo wasn't really a thing until 2 came out, though… as far as I remember.
I'm still playing sims 2 and seeing 4 now, I remember I waited anxiously for all the sims 2 EPs to come out. It makes me feel old, because it's still such a fun game and I love it so much.
Glad there's still a pretty big tumblr simmer community.
No. 78922
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>>78918Still better than Utada lol
you're easy breezy and I'm japanesey No. 78938
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>>78922In a very, very contrived way those lyrics could make sense but it's just not appealing… at all… There's also gems like:
>Like Captain Picard>I'm chillin' and flossin'I loved Ultra Blue was hoping she'd keep up with that, but her voice just doesn't deliver any emotion when she sings in English and her trying to sound sexy comes off like a very sheepish-mid edge-y phase Knives Chau trying way too hard.
No. 78945
File: 1457500032214.jpg (11.91 KB, 424x394, 1401751010354.jpg)

Jesus Christ, I want to go back to the 90's so bad… I want to go back to a time before the war on terror. I want to go back to a time before the internet was so widespread. I want to go back to a time before Facebook. I want to go back to a time before smartphones and texting. I want go back to a time before reality tv. I want to back to a time before the economy crashed. I want to go back to a time before our culture underwent a coup by corporate America. I want to go back to a time when our politics wasn't so toxic and divisive. I want to go back to the 90's where things were, although not perfect, so much simpler than today.
No. 78959
>>78875AIM was lightweight and visually unobtrusive so it was easy to keep in the corner while you did whatever else on your main browser.
Skype and Facebook chat absolutely suck by comparison, I hate switching tabs or having that big-ass menu up in my face and the pop up notifications don't work for me.
Wish people still used instant messaging.
No. 78970
File: 1457505906190.gif (13.53 KB, 100x100, ICONATOR_d1bb326de22717a60c35c…)

>>78817YES! Yes anon, absolutely I do. I remember getting all my 'avatars' from there.
I still have some saved on my computer.
No. 78972
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wipes tears from eyes
No. 78977
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No. 78979
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No. 78980
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No. 78981
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No. 78982
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No. 78983
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No. 78984
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No. 78986
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No. 78987
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No. 78988
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No. 78989
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No. 78990
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No. 78991
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>I know it came out in the 90s but I watched this movie religiously all throughout the early 2000s
No. 78992
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No. 78994
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No. 78996
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No. 78997
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No. 78998
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No. 78999
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No. 79000
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No. 79004
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No. 79007
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No. 79010
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No. 79011
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No. 79012
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No. 79013
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No. 79014
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Sorry for the mini-dump, guys. I really miss my childhood.
No. 79066
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>>78300Shiiit, I remember pestering my parents to buy me this, but they never did. To be fair, I probably would have only used it twice and then got bored.
Did anyone own one? Did they actually work or did it look like shit in real life?
No. 79167
File: 1457546542270.jpg (78.39 KB, 640x908, 55264_front.jpg)

I LOVED this game. I still have it actually.
No. 79169
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>>79167hahaha me too, i love most of barbie's game for girls and still playing it sometimes for old times sake, especially the detective series. so fun~
No. 79177
File: 1457548042345.jpg (5.9 KB, 300x248, s-l300.jpg)

These earrings in all the holes your best friend safety-pin pierced for you.
No. 79180
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>>79169This was the best one tho
No. 79206
File: 1457552931152.jpeg (24.29 KB, 512x512, TIlCaK_k.jpeg)

>>79110I meant the rainbow art pen thing in the quoted post, I already know the MK&A horse game was the shit.
Pic related for the Britfags.
No. 79221
>>79180Oh god I'd forgotten this but now I can hear it
The tunnel of love was great
No. 79259
File: 1457563325116.png (269.02 KB, 497x340, xanga-profile-picture.png)

>>78525God, I can still taste the Lemonade one.
'Born in 88. Lived on the internet since like 1998, early message boards, the young, young days of LiveJournal. Always having AIM up with some dipshit lyrical away message. All of those amazing Disney Channel original movies.
Best emo started when I was a junior in high school, like 2005ish? No shitty hair dye, no shit tattoos, just good hair, black tshirts and skinny jeans, dem boys were cute.
>>78799I still yell "WHERE R U? AND IM SO SORRY"
Don't forget about your Xanga, anon.
No. 79269
File: 1457566642596.jpg (681.05 KB, 1192x1194, harem_characters-1.jpg)

Who could forgot the great harem anime apocalypse. Dark times.
No. 79276
>>79001the costumes in this movie are literally my mori inspiration.
it just sucks that the plot was so insipid.
No. 79286
File: 1457568919974.jpg (24.39 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)

back when lip gloss was life
No. 79293
>>79225lololol Mariah, so sassy! No wonder she's the queen of shade
>>79286Never seen these before, but the packaging's color…not my favorite indeed.
No. 79294
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No. 79295
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No. 79296
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No. 79297
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No. 79298
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No. 79299
>>79298I've always wondered how these were supposed to work
Surely someone could break it open
No. 79303
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No. 79304
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No. 79347
File: 1457575680832.png (633.3 KB, 717x534, petshopgame.png)

did anyone else spend hours playing fisher price pet shop game
No. 79362
>>79347if you owned a pet shop, tell me, what would you do
would you fill it with cuddly critters, like a wonderful, wacky zoo
No. 79364
File: 1457578319660.jpg (131.37 KB, 500x620, rarkCyy[1].jpg) exactly 00s nostalgia but you get the idea
pic related, this my shit, my shit, as they say
No. 79369
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No. 79371
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No. 79372
File: 1457580120302.jpg (179.09 KB, 634x1024, 2005 Teen Choice Awards uMPMix…)

Jessica Alba, not you too!
No. 79373
File: 1457580209913.jpg (23.71 KB, 406x531, LET ME SEE THAT THONG.jpg)

If you were luck enough to forget about intentional whale tails, sorry.
No. 79413
>>78565If I am ever a mom, I am totally going to do this.
Buy weird shit for my kids.
I know my mom did this. She would always buy stuff she liked or she thought was cute. I could specifically ask for something, I would only get it if she liked it too.[
No. 79420
>>78536oh gurl.
I'm with you. Although I was more into the comics because I i think you needed some kind of pay tv to watch the cartoon.
WITCH will forever hold a place in my heart.
No. 79569
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No. 79593
Ancient flashes like Trogdor
Demented Cartoon Movie- of the World- Five- Showdown- Butter Jelly Time- Idol Numa Numa- l4ppyloops is a dead website now, but those old flash loop sites with little ten second loops like the DBZ guy doing a SHOOP DA WOOP with DMX's Where Da Hood At.
No. 79600
File: 1457638182162.gif (931.7 KB, 320x240, yqmSX7h.gif)

In old forums this was at least one person's signature or icon in every thread.
No. 79666
>>79569I just watched this last night.
God, anne hathaway's character is such a dumb brat.
No. 80184
>>80180i didnt know it was on in aus tho? plus it WAS made in england lol
forgot about you aussies
No. 80205
>>79332>>79333>>79334>>79335when I was an edgy teen, admitting to listening to these was pretty much guaranteed to make you lose your punk rock street cred, since the only "legit" thing you could listen to was Sex Pistols and underground stuff.
And last year I went on tumblr, to accidentally find out edgy teens nowadays think this is the only legit, real punk rock and listening to these bands makes you hardcore…
No. 80240
>>80205oh dear…
someone tell them 2003 is over
No. 80274
File: 1457835466151.jpg (76.28 KB, 500x772, 1999-Weetos-Pound-Piggies.jpg)

>>80240@ Britfags
anyone remember getting these in their weetos (if you had em) ??
No. 80275
File: 1457835515695.jpg (21.93 KB, 394x300, 1999-Weetos-Pound-Piggies.jpg)

and pocket dragons
No. 80276
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>>80275cos busted were dreamy
No. 80277
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No. 80278
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No. 80279
File: 1457835998652.jpg (26.61 KB, 300x360, 1999-Weetos-Pound-Piggies.jpg)

absolute fab magazine in high school
No. 80285
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No. 80287
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No. 80288
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No. 80289
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No. 80290
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Before it was discontinued this had a stupid My Life Me-tier manga in the back that I tore out and stapled into a book.
No. 80311
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The weekends
No. 80313
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xiaolin showdown was the shit, when it was still airing on cartoon network
No. 80314
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No. 80445
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In Norway we had a subscription club thing called Pennyklubben were we got a box of books, games, stickers and horse related stuff every month. It was awesome. Actually it's still a thing. No. 80468
File: 1457903106768.jpg (135.35 KB, 800x536, beyblades.jpg)

I have scars all over my ankles from my older brother shooting his spiked metal ones at me.
No. 80796
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>>78335Even in 2016 this song still pops up in my head out of nowhere. It's never going to die.
>>79298>>79299I fucking LUSTED after this thing and thought it was SO COOL when I saw the commercial. I got it for Christmas (the actual diary inside of it was a really thin little cheap ass booklet) and yeah, you could just rip it open and close it again. The password recognition surprisingly worked but the lock did shit.
>>80274I'm not a britfag but we had these and for some reason all I got was that yellow one with brown spots.
>>80205oh my god
>>78057I liked the mermaid Barbie with the tail that would change colour (cold water -> blue, warm water -> red) and you could squeeze her tail to make bubbles come out of her crown. But on the other hand it was pretty lame that you couldn't pose her or dress her up in nice clothes because of the goddamn tail. She had nice hair though.
No. 80825
>>80205this.. this can't be real, right?
I remember being 10/11 years old and listening to good charlotte and green day and thinking I was sooo punk… meanwhile, my older brothers ripped me to shreds until I started listening to shit like op ivy and the addicts just so they wouldn't bully me.
Can't believe this is what's considered 'punk' now.
punk is dead No. 80849
File: 1458009097129.jpg (23.82 KB, 570x374, o-GHOST-WORLD-570.jpg)

>>78402You can still get these babies at Target.
They start at 8 dollars and go up into the 50's.
No. 80850
>>79298This was such a cool idea but then you could literally say anything with the same number of syllables and it would open, or yeah, pull it open.
>>79335>>79334>>79333I would fucking miss this stuff more if Kerrang, smaller rock radio stations and alternative nightclubs still didn't play the exact same tracks every day.
My blood curdles at the first bar of In Too Deep or Rock Show now. It's like only five songs were made in the early 2000s and nothing else since then.
No. 80857
>>78622there was a student teacher at my middle school that posted homework assignments on xanga…… then some girl made a Gossip Girl type account for the school
that shit was so cringy
>>78668I'm silently biding my time until frosted tips become trendy again.
No. 80864
>>78750Melbourne shuffle!
I used to try desperately in high school to dance like that. I've always had a special place in my heart for shuffle compilations. It's especially weebtastic when paired with nightcore music.
No. 81212
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No. 81213
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No. 81261
>>80290oh yes, we had a version of this mag in Czech too XD
the Evolution from girl to woman went Cosmo girl -> Cosmopolitan XD
No. 81262
File: 1458123322107.jpg (52.59 KB, 460x215, header.jpg)

has anyone been playing the Fatty Bear´s birthday surprise? I loved that game so much XD
No. 82539
>>80445Omg, I had that when I was like 10 or smth
I was obsessed with horses too so haha ha ha
No. 82816
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>>80279I'm so sad I threw all my girls mags out. I had piles and piles all over my room
No. 82818
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I was obsessed with this show holy shit
No. 82819
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>>82818I also realised my crush on Jemima Rooper has lasted pretty much my entire life
No. 82963
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I remember when a friend got comcast b4 me and they showed me degrassi and i got hooked lol
No. 82964
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2000 was the year I tried marijuana for the first time. It was the end of one era, and beginning of the next.
No. 82967
>>80796>>80822I had that Barbie too!
How is she ruined by the SJWs? I still see them being almost same as ever.
No. 82969
>>82963Degrassi sucks so much now. I watched it for an embarrassingly long time. I still read episode descriptions ans spoilers but it's all so blah, I miss it.
Netflix picked it up apparently so maybe they'll do a better job.
No. 83096
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I had a few of these, some originals but most were cheap ones from the chinese store. I remember when my dad bought me a really pretty blue one from Toys R Us. Felt so guilty afterwards lol
No. 83111
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This may be more 90's but I remember having a profile back in the early 2000's.
No. 83115
File: 1458811792442.jpg (23.87 KB, 620x185, Tokyopop_Logo.jpg)

im not into manga and anime as much as i used to be, and tbh tokyopop as a company sucked but they were responsible for introducing a lot of people to manga and anime
No. 83116
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also this terrible site
No. 83120
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This game was the highlight of using the computers in primary school.
No. 83122
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Did anyone play Creatures? I remember not understanding what I was doing at all and them just dying.
No. 83170
>>83120FUCK YES
I've literally broken a computer trying to get it to play this for nostalgia's sake
No. 83188
>>83116OMG. I spent so much time on this making my own avatars. Remember those creepy people who used to pretend to be babies and ask to be adopted?
Also I made amazing friends, some of whom I still talk to ❤
No. 83208
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>>83194Fucking LOVED this show, and amusingly when I showed it to my partner he loved it too.
I thought the entire cast was great, and the antics between the characters of Nathan and Stella legit had me howling at points. Olivia Hallin an was fucking gorgeous as Kim and Lenora Crichlow's portrayal of Sugar legit brought out my latent homosexual desires.
And that fucking episode where Stella steals Kim's jeans and infects the entire house and Sugar with crabs kek, and the one with that French prick as well.
Also can't believe that that dweeb Andrew Garfield went on to become Spiderman lel
No. 83209
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>>83195I keep forgetting Peaches is kill.
I used to really dig Pixie's heroin chic style in like 2008-2010.
The entirety of 2000 to 2010 was so fucking glamorous and trashy and laden with eating disorders and random celebs being caught with half a baggie of coke up their nostril and weird, new emerging fashions, it really was a defining period for me as a late-teen.
I want the "Skins" era back guys. Any other Britfags know what I mean?
No. 83239
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No. 83293
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>>83234The pixie cut was popular for a while. I think Emma Watson made it popular again in 2011. And even Anne Hathaway did it not too many years ago.
Also, that cutie who plays Snow from Once upon a Time sports a pixie cut.
No. 83295
File: 1458929202282.gif (322.45 KB, 500x272, tumblr_m1o0zbhYTh1r83779.gif)

>>83209>Skins era (loved that series btw)
Totally. Pixie cuts are cute as fuck on really thin women/petite women.
No. 83328
>>83295I still prefer the series 1/2 cast
Bill Bailey and Peter Capaldi as dads too
No. 83411
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Does anyone remember Micro Babies?
No. 83413
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This game was my childhood.
No. 83414
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Also please tell me I'm not the only britfag that was obsessed with Freefonix even though looking back it was super cringey and tryhard.
No. 83438
>>83414I was so into this. Even though they repeated the same episode about a hundred times, I still never changed the channel when it was on.
>>83194>>83208This was such a good show. I wouldn't even be opposed to them doing a new series tbh. Bring back Sugar and Kim though
No. 83439
>>83259>>83288>>83293I think
>>83209 and
>>83258 were referring to Pixie Geldof and not the pixie cut, which has been around for ages and is named after pixies (as in fairies), not her.
No. 83444
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Mary-Kate and Ashley had a clothing line at Asda, I had some amazing patchwork flared jeans from there.
No. 83445
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Used to keep these in a little drawstring persil bag, I told everyone at school I had sharky but I kept it at home cos it was too rare (I didn't)
No. 83446
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Does anyone remember Mighty Beanz? These were marketed towards boys but I still played with them.
No. 83469
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My first makeup
No. 83470
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I would get these out of machines at the mall in like 2003.
No. 83471
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Necessary in middle school in 2001.
No. 83472
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No. 83499
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No. 83522
>>83454I'm so happy that there are other people who were into it - the only other person I could find that remembered it's existence was some genderspecial on Tumblr who was making a comic that racebended a bunch of the white characters.
Also Mantyz were the coolest.
No. 83527
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There was a CGI reboot of Captain Scarlet around 2005-ish and it was my life. I had every episode recored and the toy of the cool car tank thing…nostalgic sigh
No. 83544
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Man, seeing all this girly 90's crap is indirectly nostalgic for me.
Growing up I've always been a tomboy, but I shared a room with my older, princess sister and her side was always packed with the kind of shit that's being posted in here, including picture related.
No. 83552
>>83549Don't be, Polly and Barbie website were very fun! I used to play there too.
>>78412I adore this woman, I still love whatever she's writing. She can write the toughest subjects for kids and make it not so scary, like "The Suitcase Kid" which is about divorce. I remember I used to borrow several of her books from the local library and chugged it down in a day. Ahh…nostalgic indeed.
No. 83626
>>83623The Kardashians/Jenners happened. They made fakeness a thing, with drag queen contour makeup and super tight-fitted clothes. Now everyone wants to be fake, while still pretending they "woke up like dis."
The growth of the Internet is also to blame, as social media and selfie culture took over, and the idea you can get famous from having a lot of followers. Now everyone is trying so hard to portray an image that isn't even how they are in real life, all in hopes of getting some attention for doing nothing much. Back then, not that many people gave a shit about trying to be famous, besides some misguided Myspace kids.
No. 83644
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>>78972holy fuck that site
holy fuck those memories
all those goddamn hours wasted taking those self insert "whos your naruto boyfriend" quizzes
No. 83645
>>79593my friends and I were so obsessed with homestarrunner. We would sit in class and recite teen girl squad episodes by heart :'^)
Never going to get those moments back. The girl who introduced that site to us and later told me to check out 4chan grew up to be a raging sjw now. How times change.
No. 83770
File: 1459210246838.jpg (47.6 KB, 350x475, drop-dead-clothing-and-drop-de…)

i miss the 2000's so much - fond memories were made wasting time on bebo & piczo(lololol i used to read this story on bebo authors called 'pills & pleasure', it started out as a my chemical romance fanfiction but the author changed the names; i did a bit of creeping a few years later & found out she won miss cork or something.)
also i used to use which was basically fourteen year old scene kids using pictures of someone else as their avatars & having shit-fits at each other over "you're copying my font!!!11" or oliver fucking sykes.
speaking of oliver sykes, i remember in year 10 i used to consistently wear nothing but drop dead or bmth shirts on own clothes day paired with a rib-cage hoodie & knuckleduster necklace kek.
>pic related was my favourite shirt
tl;dr: i spent a lot of time on the internet & a shit-load more money on overpriced neon fabric designed by my lord and saviour at the time oliver scott sykes.
No. 83773
>>83239omg I remember playing so many games here.
once, I wandered onto the proper yahoo! games site and played using my real name email address. so many creepers emailed me afterward and my dad freaked out so he forbade me from ever doing it again lol.
No. 83944
File: 1459301449853.jpg (327.7 KB, 1500x1362, gel pens.jpg)

>>79369I remember some of kids in our class would measure how much our coolness was worth by how many gel pens we had. I only had maybe one because some gal dropped it outside and I nabbed it. They all would draw all over each other and treated it as if it were makeup - since makeup besides those lip smackers and nude to pale pink lip gloss was only allowed. Good thing I never drew on my face with these.
When I got into middle school I happened upon one of these packs in some Sam's Club and I suddenly became popular for like, a day. kek Most of them didn't even work and the rest I gave away hoping that the receiver would be my friend if I did. I was a dumb kid.
No. 83963
File: 1459315560038.jpg (1.65 MB, 3507x2379, 57360gellyrollsuperpack_300dpi…)

>>83944fucking loved gel pens, Gelly rolls in particular. Those were somewhat "expensive" here compared to the regular pens (the wonders of living in a 3rd world shithole hah), you were considered "rich" if you could afford to use them in a regular basis.
No. 83967
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>>83944Gel pens were awesome! I had these shits with little fruit charms on them. Miss these
No. 83986
>>83966I kind of pissed off my teachers writing my assignements with silver or bicolor ink lmao
also, syringe pens
No. 117621
File: 1479192660333.jpg (84.01 KB, 500x373, tumblr_nrhxx1UUMj1ra45qyo1_128…)

I neeeeed this thread back in my life. The Paris Hilton aesthetic is my everything.
No. 117629
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>>117621nostalgia for things like paris Hilton I think is comforting in the same way the vaporwave aesthetic and old commercials are etc., it's 'ignorance is bliss' and the fantasy that being a vapid, super rich cunt, doing cocaine up and down rodeo drive all day and night might actually be desirable as it was presented, and not a guilt-riddled train crash
No. 117640
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Anyone else remember when people actually used to make their own homepages? They're such a rarity now that people can just upload their stuff to tumblr or facebook. I spent all my free time in the early to mid 00's creating webpage layouts and some people downloaded them as packages from some source site. I really miss that time, I loved visiting other people's websites and exploring the web altogether. Now everything's on FB and other social media sites, the web seems so dead and concentrated. I guess Tumblr layouts are still around and people are making them, but it's really not the same.
No. 117660
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No. 117662
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No. 117663
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>flood detected
No. 117664
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No. 117665
File: 1479238287712.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.71 KB, 584x400, IMG_3220.JPG)

Oh Paris
No. 117677
File: 1479260362989.jpg (160.87 KB, 1288x950, So-Weird-so-weird-2907605-1288…)

Anyone remember So Weird? It was like the spiritual predecessor of Supernatural. I remember being upset when they replaced the main lead for another girl in the 3rd and final season.
No. 117686
File: 1479268965746.jpg (22.02 KB, 250x188, Ty5TyA7.jpg)

>>117677omg yes!! The episode where she has a flashback to when she was a baby, with her dad, still haunts me.
Surely someone remembers this other Disney show? I had such a crush on the punk kid lol.
No. 117688
>>117676Anon that is the most early 2000 thing for dorks ever. I got a serious wave of nostalgia from your sentence jfc.
>>117677Yeeees I loved this show. I rarely got to watch it because my friends didn't care for it (my family didn't have cable so I had to bum my pop culture from friends).
No. 117691
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No. 117694
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No. 117695
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Disney channel games
No. 117696
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Beaded lizard keychains
No. 117697
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No. 117698
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No. 117699
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I can't remember if this was posted yet or
No. 117700
>>78282I think about this picture a weird amount. I was explaining Justin Timberlake to a coworker once and referenced the "ramen hair days" and when Britney and him were an item and used this pic as a proof. I didn't even think I was that far gone until that conversation.
I'm still a little sad she let it all go away, but they're at least both relatively successful now, which is nice.
No. 117701
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No. 117702
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No. 117703
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True life _____
No. 117704
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Incoming dump
No. 117705
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___ we've been on this date for 58 minutes and you can choose to go on a second date with me or take the $58 dollars
No. 117706
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Oh Hanna Beth how I used to envy you
No. 117707
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Did anyone ever watch this???
No. 117708
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No. 117709
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One of the many weird MTV dating shows
No. 117710
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Jojo. Singing all the teenage broken heart ballads.
No. 117711
>>117707>>117708Yup, plus Doug, As Told By Ginger, and, Hey Arnold.
I wish there were cartoons about regular highschool life. Shows these days always seem to have an element of fantasy or wackiness and it just isn't as relatable.
No. 117712
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No. 117713
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I miss Tyra
No. 117714
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Before Demi lovato was a big thing lol
No. 117736
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Anyone remember Big Wolf on Campus?
I absolutely loved this show and had a huge crush on Merton forever. I still kinda do.
You can still watch all the episodes on Youtube, though the quality sucks. Danny Smith, who played Merton, tried to buy the rights to this show a few years ago so he could release it on DVD but had no luck.
No. 117738
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I still completely love Degrassi: The Next Generation.
No. 117800
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Yaya Han, back in the days.
No. 117802
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Avril Lavigne, 2004-2006 mcr, Lindsay Lohan and tatu prerry much define the 2000s to me.
No. 117803
feelings r too intense to type correctly ugh ugh
No. 117806
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This thing was totally spamware but it was definitely entertaining to enter what you wanted it to say.
No. 117812
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>>117804hunger gams ruined everything
No. 117813
>>117804The book to it is my favorite thing to read. I have yet to meet anyone who knows what Battle Royale even is anymore. Makes me sad.
>>117812Agreed. Never enjoyed Hunger Games tbh.
No. 117815
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No. 117816
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No. 117818
>>117806this shit killed my computer
parents were so pissed off
No. 117819
>>83770my teens anon
No. 117830
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No. 117837
>>117806>Nice to meet you, Expand DongFucking Joel made me realize how much I miss this monkey.
I installed it on all the cyber cafes I ever visited when I was a kid and I've never regretted it.
No. 117839
>>117830Is this what I think it is anon?
It's been such a long time…
No. 117840
>>117830I once sang one of their songs at a karaoke contest at my school whilst a friend of mine did "interpretative dancing" on the side.
They cut me off at the middle by snatching the microphone from my hand.
Kill me.
No. 118136
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Did anybody else watch reruns of Smart Guy and Teen Angel on Disney Channel? That was always the highlight of staying home sick from school because it was always shown at like 11am-1pm
No. 118231
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VMK. Hundreds of precious hours of my life thrown away on that giant interactive Disneyland commercial.
No. 118233
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No. 118241
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No. 118245
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This show gave me fucking heart palpitations
No. 118275
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Over a decade later and I still think this phone was sent from the future to the year 2004.
No. 118276
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Free music with bonus virus
No. 118282
>>117804I was fucking obsessed with this movie in 2004 or so. I'd keep having dreams about it too and imagining what I'd do in the same situation.
I was a messed up teen.
No. 118289
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>>79347Old as fuck post, but I remember this! Building the aquariums was so much fun
MLP before
bronies No. 118292
File: 1479662985727.jpg (79.9 KB, 640x480, Kindergraten-f-640x480.jpg)

Anyone ever play this? It's from early 2000s for the PC but I think they made a version for apple products.
No. 118293
You're welcome
No. 118294
This makes me so sad.
Also, I got a lot of nostagia seeing
>>118225. that gif was so popular among my friends, haha.
No. 118298
File: 1479666370341.jpg (57.8 KB, 352x500, 5112KAYK6AL.jpg)

I was weirdly obsessed with game but I was upset because I never knew everyone else who had even heard of it.
No. 118306
>>118231I fucking loved VMK.
I was also a little asshole on there as well when I was 12
>set up room filled with things and close off door>make room saying everything is free but must trade one item to get in>kick people out when they trade you their stuff>get banned for one month No. 118319
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>>118318all these ppl are prob 25 lol
No. 118342
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>>118338In which we learned nostalgia is better than the real thing
No. 118343
I wouldn't have minded if there were a few thousand people online
No. 118347
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The original hat collecting game.
>tfw grinding 999 nine tails for 1 fox mask.
No. 118349
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>>118298>>118316Tales of Symphonia, Kirby Air Ride, and Animal Crossing were my jam.
Did anyone play Tales of Symphonia 2. Was it as good as the first?
No. 118350
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This was like my most favourite thing in middle school tbh. Basically frappuchino (and I drank fuckloads of that too) but in a cooler looking bottle.
No. 118353
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THPS3, tech decks, skateboards, was way into all this from like middle school thru college. those were the days.
No. 118354
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I've still got this game too.
It still gives me nightmares sometimes.
No. 118363
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>>118347>the original hat collecting gameI respectfully disagree
No. 118366
>>118349ToS2 was shit compared to the first one but playable.
>>118347Fuck how I wish this was still a thing.
No. 118369
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>>118136yes for teen angel, such a funny show! and I had a huge crush on Marty!
No. 118370
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>>118136>>118369Here's what he looks like today….damn
No. 118373
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>>118366>Fuck how I wish this was still a thing.I'm sure you can still download and play it? Or Tree of Savior on steam is really similar. Companies that release games like this nowadays know exactly how to design it for max profit and the game suffers in the end.
>pig beach No. 118377
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I don't know about y'all but I was obsessed with habbo hotel. Bobba.
No. 118378
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>>118377As well with mycoke. I remember my brother showing me it and I got hooked lol.
No. 118383
>>118379I always made my character look like a scene queen with dark angel wings
And so did 90% of the IMVU player base.
No. 118406
>>118349ToS2 was trash. I only cared about Decus and Richte. Beyond that it was playable but had holes all over and felt kind of rushed. The two characters they chose as main protagonists, Marta and Emil, were painful to play as, especially Marta.
Does anyone remember playing Gaia online? I haven't touched it in ages. I had a couple of friends who were deeply invested in it.
No. 118409
File: 1479749698473.jpg (137.18 KB, 779x551, go-gaia.jpg)

I miss early Gaia. I remember crying so fucking bad when my account got hacked by some dude I stupidly gave my password. He got me with the old "oh, if you type out your password it'll be all asterisks," and I fell right for it. Next thing I knew, I was locked out of my own account and devastated.
No. 118424
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No. 118426
>>118409i actually did that to someone once lol. pretended to be a mod and asked for their password, i was gonna transfer any good items to myself, but they didn't have anything interesting so i didn't take anything.
also some guy once scammed me of 10,000 gold by pretending he was an artist. ugh, he said showed me some nice chibis and said "this isn't my art, but i draw just like this", idk how i was so stupid.
No. 118445
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No. 118450
>>118446Same here! Gutted it shut down… got into that back in 2006! Was so much fun :)
But I remember how some people hadnt been on there since 2001 so it was old even then
No. 118453
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I spent so much time on the original Sims… It's still my favorite, I can't get into the new ones.
Lately I have been trying to find a way to play it on my computer or online but I have no luck. (I have a macbook.) I still have the original disc for The Sims and the Livin Large/Vacation/Date/Pet expansion packs too.
No. 118454
>>118453I used to download so much stuff from the Internet, most of those pages are dead now
It had really cute graphics
No. 118462
>>118454Same here, I had skins for characters and also lots of cute items.
I wish I could play it again.
No. 118700
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Lovely White. and other morning glory/orange story stuff.
I had so much of this shit because there was a Korean stationery store like 4 blocks away from my high school.
No. 118718
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No. 119219
>>118701Oh gosh. I miss those small mom n pop dollar stores too! Nowadays the only ones by me are corporate shit, Dollar Tree, Family Dollar, etc. So basic and trashy, and they all have a weird smell! But the dollar stores of our youth, the ones that were run by Asian/Eastern European/Middle Eastern immigrants… those places were magic, filled with so much unique cute stuff, and in a way that enabled their owners to have a piece of the American dream.
Those were the days…
No. 119304
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>>118700Wow all of my friends growing up had this stuff and blue bear
No. 119314
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Lisa Frank
No. 119317
>>119304holy shit I remember those
>>119219I still have those dollar stores run by immigrants where I live, but they don't really sell unique stuff anymore.
No. 119322
>>119314I had that exact notebook as a kid and one with a cat. I loved it. I think one of my older siblings got me and my little sister one as inexpensive Christmas gifts. I miss notebooks like these.
>>119219I still have one back in my hometown. It's run by some Koreans and they have some occasional unique stuff but they have to cater to the main community so not a whole lot.
No. 119349
>>119317same here in the UK anon
we would have things like this… cute dodgy half assed chinese stationary with the odd fake looking hello kitty rubber in a set with a cute phase like "happy wishing wonderful sunshine days friendship"
our shops were already ran by pakistanis, smelled like damp mould and everything would be £1
No. 119453
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>>117696I don't know why but I'm crying
No. 119462
File: 1480439520373.jpeg (205.99 KB, 1024x768, zwinky1.jpeg)

Remember the shitty adware toolbar that came with this?
No. 119464
>>118409You're fake if this song isn't permanently burned into your memory.
I got hacked once too lol
No. 119474
File: 1480442201778.png (2.76 MB, 2496x2336, 2000s.png)

this nostalgia trip is probably pretty specific to britfags who went to non-uniform high schools in the 00s with inexplicably rich chavs… but here goes
>>78413why wasn't ellie fat and spotty?
why was magda black with long hair?
it ticked me off so much.
No. 119479
File: 1480444254560.png (315.5 KB, 639x360, Tracy_Beaker.png)

This thread is too much. im cryyying
No. 119482
>>119464man ngl tho i hated towns so much. i felt like after that & gcash the whole site just became a 'GIVE UP YOUR WALLET' scam. i'm still active in a few old role-playing guilds (one of them i've been writing in for…10, maybe 11 years? cripes) but the inflation rate still drives me bonkers to this day.
my main account got hacked only once but I'm still bitter about it because the staff were such heels
I logged into a mule and literally saw the guy selling my shit on the marketplace at that instant, but when I reported it, absolutely nothing was done.
like even when I reset my password and try to log into it now, I receive the message '
You have been blocked from gaia until you turn 13' –I assume the hacker changed the DOB registered to the account
I'm like in my twenties at this point, man, give me a break.
No. 119519
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"I thought you were my friend."
No. 119525
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>>80445shit i remember this. i also remember TL-klubben
No. 119768
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Used to love these things until my aunty started sending us over Kinder Eggs.
No. 119801
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>>119462This was the thing where your little character could go onto other webpages, right? Because I used it to get onto MySpace after my parents blocked it back in the day. It worked.
>>78439Nigga I bought every single one of the books in the series and the movie. I still re-read them all multiple times and gradually noticed a lot of little continuity errors, kek. Massie is my fucking life inspiration.
also I found this CD in my closet the other day. I only recognize Jeffree Star and this was before he started making music I'm pretty sure. It has Tila Tequila and Hollywood Undead lmao.
No. 119805
>>119768I remember these. My mom used to bring them home from the store everytime she went grocery shopping. Do they even make those anymore?
I miss the old Polly Pockets. I used to have this treehouse type set and I can't remember which one my sister had but it came with a little car Polly drove around in.
No. 119806
File: 1480661273922.jpg (411.12 KB, 800x600, wall5_800_600.jpg)

I played this a lot when I was younger. I think I tried playing it maybe 3 years ago again? But at this point everything is just pay to win. Same with Gunbound.
No. 119830
>>119806this was my life when i was 8 and i thought i was so badass listening to nightcore while playing. i would recommend you a private server but they're all ghost towns now and the last that are left are usually angry brazilians whining in the chat about how you killed them.
if ANY game should be in esports, it should be this because the amount of hand movement and skill needed to even move in gunz is insane. talk about getting a tired wrist in 15 minutes until you build up tolerance.
No. 119853
>>119827I know for sure they had auditions to be the face on the cover for each girl's book in the summer collection, who where different girls than the actresses. It was right on Lisi Harrison's official site.
Elizabeth McLaughlin was a fantastic Massie though but I hated the Alicia. Granted her character never really shines until like the second or third book anyways.
I wonder if Harrison will try for a high school series of the same girls.
No. 119886
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>>77990>>77987These and Zoobinis, Freddy Fish and the Backyard ____ games were my life in elementary school!!
No. 119892
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>>119886I used to have stacks of pic related. The Goofus & Gallant sections were always my favorite, just because I liked seeing Goofus be a fucking dick. Apparently it was really good for teaching children social skills.
No. 119899
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I remember wasting time with Candydollbar.
No. 119932
>>119900To be fair I'm pretty positive these can be found in dentists, doctors, and teacher offices.
My mom was a teach.
No. 120054
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Did someone post happy bunny yet?
No. 120087
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>>120054Seeing this reminded me of Bobby Jack for some reason. I had so many of those shirts with the glittery writing on them growing up.
No. 120114
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I owned the top right one
No. 120117
>>83944I bought this exact set when I was a kid!
I remember saving my allowance for it for two weeks
Oh my god, my feelies
No. 120138
for all you neopets alumni, the creators (Adam and Donna) did an AMA a few years ago and it's great. former employees will also a quick AMA once in a while too, but this one is the best. They're so candid.
No. 120139
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>>79294>>77362I remember playing the dress-up game too but the nail game is what I used the most.
No. 120140
File: 1480909241986.jpg (59.88 KB, 348x500, 0679966978.jpg)

I read these well into middle school for the lulz
When she went to First Grade a part of my soul died, but the originals were everything
No. 120145
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>>120054i remember Happy Bunny, but I was really more of an Emily the Strange kid myself.
No. 120146
File: 1480913603878.jpg (22.56 KB, 385x205, myscene.jpg)

Does anyone remember My Scene dolls? I remember playing different dress up, nail decorating, and room decorating games based around them. I'm pretty sure there were like either animated shorts of them or they had a little web show based around them. The art style they were shown in was always really weird looking in my opinion, and I'm pretty sure the dolls were just Bratz rip offs from Mattel. How lovely.
No. 120147
>>120146yes!! i loved that fucking dress up game and the room decorating, i played those well after it was out of an appropriate age. actually i googled it a few months ago wondering if it was still around. i like them better than Bratz, they're more proportionate.
the Bratz site was pretty good too, in all it's ratchet glory.
No. 120150
>>120146I do, and yeah they were an obvious competitor to the Bratz line. They didn't last very long afaik, they just weren't edgy enough for the kids to get excited over.
>>118453Same anon.. The 1st one was seriously the best one. The rest of them got a bit too complicated for myself, I just wanted to make a goddamn house and a crazy soap opera family with a graveyard on their lawn and chemistry sets fucking things up.
No. 120153
>>118424Holy shit do I wish it still looked like this. I quit Neopets for good after they released that goddamn Neocash system. The PBs became worthless because the idea of them was to make your pet look special, now they all have the same dumpy pose and look with every colour so you can fit the stupid neocash accessories on them.
I actually think Neopets scammer drama was one of the first documented dramas I ever read. Pink Poogle Toy had a ton of interesting cases gathered in their articles section.
No. 120154
>>119794Me too.
Born in '90. I've been playing video games for as long as i can remember. I've been addicted to the internet since I was at least 11. These are what make up most of my memories.
No. 120165
>>120145I own an Emily the Strange coat from roughly 10 years ago.
Still wearing to this day, it's warm and comfy and it has cat ears.
No. 120167
>>120138>Neopets AMAThank you so much, I just sat at my work desk and read every single response and then the documented art evolutions at This morning has really flown by thanks to it, I'll laugh if the reason I finally get fired is Neopets nostalgia.
>>120146These were such clearly toned down copies of Bratz so it's funny to see Bratz is now doing the same thing with the Monster High dupes called Bratzillas.
I remember being bought a My Scene when I was a teenager and just playing with it anyway, these days a teen probably wouldn't be caught dead doing that or would try and create some ageplay blog narrative from it.
No. 120182
File: 1480951922287.png (493.89 KB, 1986x1056, c.png)

found my old neopets account. i'd contact them to see if i get the log-in info, but i'm 99% sure i put in a fake birthday and fake state/zip code.
man i was obsessed with this, like my only goals in life were to have lots of page trophies and draiks.
No. 120237
File: 1480986286901.png (149.04 KB, 805x551, rip.png)

>>120182I hated the pet revamps.
I wanted to have all limited edition pets but I forgot the PW to my account with the Koi in it.
No. 120238
File: 1480987446743.jpg (161.44 KB, 600x392, arucyb.jpg)

>>120237yeah i think that's when i left. they did it for money, so people can buy costumes for the neopets. the artist was either too lazy, or they couldn't pay them enough to make them have different poses like before the conversion, so they all looked boring af.
i think i sent them an angry e-mail threatening to leave neopets if they didn't revert it lol (i was like 12)
No. 120239
File: 1480988618364.gif (1.88 KB, 200x200, GirlSense.gif)

Okay maybe I'm alone here but uhh.. did any of you play girlsense? I played it for a good while when I was a wee bab. I had like a bazillion stores/accounts. One of them I sold hippie type clothes that had some kinda "beauty is in the eye of the beholder uwu" quotes on them. The other was girly floof type shit, and the last was called "Soft Sophistication" which was like sassy secretary kind of clothes. I didn't even know that it shut down until a couple years ago, which sucks. I don't think I have ever found anything like that place, and I would totally play something like that now. Does anyone know why it shut down? I've heard a bazillion different things.
No. 120256
File: 1481004038462.jpg (101.51 KB, 580x580, giga petsd.jpg)

>>120251>mfw had low sound quality 'every time we touch' ringtone on my razor flipphone>>120114I had pic related. It's a Little Mermaid giga pet. I think one year the batteries died and my mom threw it out. My mom had a habit of throwing out a lot of my toys without my knowledge. I think she did it thinking I'd be too dumb and preoccupied with other toys to notice, but really I just never said shit because I'd get screamed at if I did.
No. 120284
No. 120299
File: 1481052696222.jpeg (102.32 KB, 400x518, image.jpeg)

Did anyone read discovery girls? I remember always wanting to be a discovery girl but I couldn't because I'm Canadian
No. 120311
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No. 120323
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No. 120398
>>118924God, the drama. This place was like og lolcow for me lmao. I'm ashamed to admit I sign on once in a while to design parts/check up on how my old parts are selling/ghost restock a couple items.
Only form of social media where I have any clout and it's a practically defunct games site for pre-teens. :')
No. 120409
>>120398Speaking of proto-lolcow sites, Teen Vogue's It Girls forums were basically just lolcow in beta mode. So much shitslinging over there and so little actual fashion talk. Like there were a couple decent people, but a lot of it was just little girls pretending to be rich bitches and snarking on everyone else.
I was just thinking about that because of AllieKay's posting a copy of Teen Vogue on insta.
No. 120437
File: 1481145251110.jpg (96.64 KB, 778x584, 777e6694f476f927891ad022eb1a0a…)

Miss Bimbo game! pre- and post-controversy.
i was obsessed with this game and at a high level before it changed hands and switched formats.
i gave this game MONEY i was so into it; not much, but enough to make me shake my head a little.
last i checked it was redone so completely it's nothing like the previous game. which makes me sad! i enjoyed playing a vapid bitch who collected clothes and pets.
No. 120441
Flashbunny was my childhood.
No. 120446
>>118292Holy shit, this was good shit. I think I remember playing it on some website?
>>117804Yesss. I actually wrote a ~300 page fanfiction about this when I was in middle school, using my school class as a subject. I let them read it and everything. Some people got hooked and would bother me about when the next chapter was finished every day. I ended up letting the most innocent, childlike girl in our class win.
So cringy in retrospect.
No. 120450
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No. 120461
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>>120437Holy shit anon you just gave me flashbacks, I completely forgot about this game I loved it so much, sad it's gone to shit now tho.
No. 120463
>>120461 is a re-branded miss bimbo with a few years of updates.
still uses that old avatar art tho, lol.
No. 120503
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Surprised this trainwreck hasn't been posted. I went back a couple years ago and the forums were pretty much run by 25-40-year olds.
>>78902>>118379Oh jesus fuck, I was a dev for this right around the time Scene was becoming popular and so was the stupid coon-tail scene mullet. After a ton of requests a made a really shitty scene mullet mesh so everyone and their mom bought it. It was terrible but I made a ton of money until Asian devs started taking over.
>>79269Part of me would totally give up today's moeblobs and idorus for early 2000s anime, even if we have to deal with ecchi harems again.
>>79407I wish Evanescence didn't work its way into cringey nostalgia territory. I still kinda like Amy Lee's voice and the style of some of their songs, I just hate the lyrics.
>>80849I still love this movie to pieces.
>>82956I remember when she was performing live and something happened with the pre-recorded audio and people laughed about it for months.
>>119474Def not exclusive to britfags. I and another girl both had one of those stupid pink pajama sets, and the makeup, playboy bunny shit, pants with writing on the ass, and whale-tails were all commonplace in middle school (11-13 year olds).
No. 120504
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>uh oh!ICQ chat
>>117802I remember hearing rumors Tatu was supposed to get an anime, forever waiting
>>118276I'll never forget trying to download some horror movie off LW and it turned out to be How High. I liked WinMX better.
>>78368>>78370holy shit I loved these and Littlest Petshop.
No. 120506
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>>120504It was supposed to be called Tatu Paragate.
I was so looking forward to it. What a great art style. Shame that it never happened and we only got the shitty animesque 3D music video (to Gomenasai, I think).
No. 120518
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>>120463Thank you so much anon.
No. 120525
>>77890Fuck yes Australia.
Every wet day in primary school we'd watch this. This or Behind the News.
No. 120528
>>120525Australian kids shows were something else, this one scared me so bad but I loved it so much.
Does anyone remember the name of the show where those American kids go to a vet/wildlife clinic in Australia for an exchange program and it's about their life?
No. 120542
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>>120528aged britfag here.
I used to watch a show called 'Round the Twist' in the early 90s. It was about a bunch of Australian kids that lived in a lighthouse and spooky shit always used to happen to them.
There was one episode in particular that I remember in which a girl bought a dead fox-pelt back to life by feeding it lemons from a spooky lemon tree growing in the yard. It was kinda fucked up
No. 120543
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>>120542Also, Johnson & friends. It made me feel really uncomfortable
No. 120562
>>120528I started getting into this show when I caught it on a rerun years ago.
I have no fucking idea what it was about.
>>120542mah nigga.
I watched this too. But I think I caught the next gen series. The one with the dad and 3 kids.
No. 120567
>>77890>>120542i fucking hated this show it traumatized me and gave me nightmares for years
>>120528this show gave me anxiety and made me feel sick
>>77900omg i remember these i had the golden retriever one :^( anyone remember the spyro game mcdonalds toys?
the only good australian show i remember that i liked was hi5, that shit was my fucking religion also humphrey bear but damn did i fucking love hi5 the official channel also uploaded the old eps with original group earlier this year
No. 120572
>>120567we had Hi 5 in the US on Discovery Kids.
May the theme song play forever inside my head.
I also loved Brum. Especially the theme song.
No. 120574
File: 1481238206719.jpg (429.65 KB, 1200x900, 3059934552_484809a584_o.jpg)

So a lot of us have been talking about old virtual pet/avatar social sites that we miss. Also many of us want to make online friends but don't feel comfortable enough to use the Friend Finder thread.
Why not kill two birds with one stone and find a virtual world we can all met up in?
We wouldn't have to reveal our real identities for anyone to creep on and we would all have the common interest of the site to talk about.
No. 120576
>>120567I had Hi5 too even though I'm not even an Ausfag. Good times.
>>120542This was on some channel that played really old kids' shows. Never made sense.
Catchy theme song, though.
No. 120581
>>77435this is everything
>>77404seconding. i'm obsessed w this blog, their twitter is good too @pcd2009
No. 120583
>>77529>>77606Lmao, this thread brings back so many memories. i'm an oldfag and i remember being friends with kaka and dakota on there. when they had that shitty striped and spotted hair and put out new "photoshoots" every week of like, pictures their mom took of them in front of some random painted wall.
and when they sold those shitty diamond/bat necklaces!! $40 for some flimsy plastic necklace on a shitty chain with some rhinestones glued on it
No. 120638
>>120582>>120584>>120588Okay, the way I see it we have three options.
1. An old nostalgic website
Pro:Relive your childhood, Will be mostly adults, We already know how to play
Cons: You can't fucking swear, Almost no if any updates, The site is empty and dying
2. A new knock-off of a childhood website
Pros: Familiar gameplay, New updates, Maybe other adults…
Cons: Or it is filled with kids, Still will be banned for saying shit, These kind of sites tend to get abandoned
3. A newer virtual world website
Pros: New content, If it's made for adults we can say whatever we darn feel like, Hopefully a fresh experience
Cons: Gameplay may get boring quickly, Might be filled with teen edgelords and "hackers", free to play but pay to have fun
No. 120678
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No. 120679
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No. 120724
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can't believe no one's mentioned msn chat. i used to talk to my friends on here all the time in like 2006
No. 120800
>>120724I miss MSN so bad. Everyone I know has moved over to Facebook Messenger and it's just never going to be the same. I remember the joy I used to feel when someone signed in.
Also liked how you could make your own little emoticons using your own gifs, I made so many.
No. 120845
>>120738speaking of winamp;
does anyone remember winamp radio? specifically the homebrew radio stations that you could search for?
i used to listen to weeby anime stations and pop stations that were run by like college kids who bought a winamp server.
on the flipside of that there was the winamp tv stations! i wish i could remember this very specifc stations's name, but either way it would stream entire tv shows all day every day on its various channels. i enjoy it so much i ended up paying for a sub to get instant access/reserved viewing for 5 dollars a month.
it's a very fond memory of mine loafing around in bed watching Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Mythbusters, CSI and P&T Bullshit, etc etc on loop back in high school. (i didn't have cable so it was fortuitous for my teenage brain to veg out to something other than pbs kids)
No. 121011
>>120638I went through the thread and the most mentioned were Neopets, Habbo, and myvmk.
Whyville, Club Penguin, Gaia Online, and imvu were brought up too.
So want to try any of these or something simular?
No. 121034
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Bebo was a huge one for me, I loved it so much.
No. 121042
>>120800Awwww oh god I was an MSN fan too and yeah I used to freak out but it died when Facebook happened tbh
no one was on msn when it came to the end tbh
No. 121043
>>120437OH MY CHRIST
I remember this causing a shit storm in the news about girls selling themselves online or some shit
No. 121068
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>>121041Bebo famous scene/emo kids weren't as well know as the MySpace ones, I can only remember Bee Pirate H00ker off the top of my head and the themes could really be utter trash lol
No. 121081
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>>120800>Also liked how you could make your own little emoticons using your own gifs, I made so many.I remember people naming custom emoticons with words or letters so they would replace actual words and make messages unreadable.
No. 121092
>>121081>>121083i miss this so much, this is so much better than shitebook
Is there anyone who's remade it or a way to get it to work now? I would 100% go back to this if I could.
No. 121131
Like Harry Potter, Neopets was ridiculed by radical christians. is very dangerous too apparently.
No. 121261
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>>78412>>78802Oh god, I loved the one about the twins. I think that's probably the book that I've read the most in my life.
No. 121265
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>>120140I LOVED JUNIE B JONES. Oh my god, she was my favourite.
I also loved Jaqueline Wilson and Amelia Bedelia, with her ridiculous taking everything literally.
I just spent a good 10 minutes trying to remember the name of another similar series (pic related). Was anyone else into Abbey Hayes?
No. 121266
>>121205Oh god, yes. When I was in middle school everybody had their own piczo account, typically laden with blinkies and emo icons of people in converse holding hands that they were saving as potential future msn display pics.
And there was always a "shoutouts" page where you literally just listed off your friends in an attempt to seem popular and cool.
Then it got kind of cast aside in favour of formspring, in my area at least.
No. 121298
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>>83660They realized most of the anime was for young adults/teens and not really for children. I remember that most of the animes were censured and in my country there was always controversy about anime being some satan shit that was perverting the youth and turning the into gays.
>>117654 THIS! I love As Told by Ginger. I think Clarence is bringing back this, he is just a little kid, no crazy magical fantsy going on.
>>117830thank god rbd.My first concert ever, i dyed my hair red with those cheap spray dye because i wnated to be roberta so badly.
i stole all this stuff from my sister.
No. 121318
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This thread is great, so many old video games I played. I'll share this sims one. You change youre appearance to fit in with various superficial cliques and your apartment is regularly visited by sim Will.I.Am.
>>120503I was on there when I was 14, so many pedos. Remember the exclusive "hotties only" groups where you had to be voted in?
No. 121321
>>121319>Tales Of EterniaI had it on PSP. Fucking loved it. I remember a family friend stole it (along with other games/JRPGs) and I never truly forgave him for it.
Know the OST by heart.
No. 173187
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No. 173204
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If you remember this, you're cool.
No. 173232
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No. 173237
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Miuchiz used to be my ShiT
No. 173251
>>173193I had the one with the vegetable world (You Are What You Eat), and I still hear in my head sometimes the voice of the potatoes in the introduction scene when Sam walks into the dark pantry asking if anyone is there and they're like "nobody here but us potatoes".
Just one of those recurring intrusive quotes that pops into your head sometimes, but nobody ever knows Pajama Sam when I mention it!
No. 173265
>>173251I downloaded and played Pajama Sam you are what you eat last year, and it was worth every second. Ahh, so many nostalgic memories.
>>173233>>173232>>173235I still play this every day!
No. 173578
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Germany reporting in, every girl had a binder full of Diddl paper to trade on the school yard.
>>78906There were a bunch of sex mods. T'was my first fap.
You had to join sketchy yahoo groups to get them.
I'm still getting spam mails from them about once a year.
No. 173585
>>173578FUCK, I still have all of my binders. There were also papers with scents where you could rub one spot and it'd smell like pizza, mint, etc.
There was also so much drama if a trade wasn't fair. So many destroyed friendships…
No. 173587
>>173578Oh my god!!! Had those binders in my country too. It was the best thing ever
I also collected papers from and disney
No. 173605
>>120503Oh this just brings me back to the first time I heard this song. .
VF oh the memories on that place.
No. 173608
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There's too much nostalgia to contain in this damn thread
No. 173934
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No. 173938
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Remember these dragon eggs everyone had in their signature begging you for clicks?
No. 174014
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>>174013Which, reminds me of pic
No. 174154
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Did anyone else have one of those?
No. 174174
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I always wanted to have them but I thought it's boys stuff so I only stared at them from far away
No. 174569
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>>174174Omg anon i owned alot of these as well as Bratz and MyScene dolls!!
I remember having Trollz seasons on dvd and playing it on the Bratz portable player…i felt so cool
No. 174572
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>>174174SAME. I remember going into Woolworth's and seeing them but being too shy to ask my mum for them haha.
>>174569I always wanted the phone version of the lips
No. 174584
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>>174572Holy shit I always wanted the bratz lip phone so bad. When was like 10 i won one in a raffle but my room didnt have a landline so i couldnt use it anyway. sucked.
Speaking of woolworths, I always drooled over the stupid shaped kids tvs that they had one display. Pic related was my favourite, but iirc they had a bratz one aswell? They go for super cheap on ebay now and im bitter about it
No. 174618
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>>174154I had this. I also had the pillow case. I used it for trick or treating a couple of years ago and now I can't find it…..
No. 174620
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No. 174623
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Anyone ever play any of the Purple Moon games? This one came out in 1997 but I would always hunt Rockett games down in flea markets in the 2000s. Idk why I liked them so much
No. 174704
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No. 174714
I loved this shit for some reason
No. 174893
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these lip glosses. i know they still exist somewhere out there, but i never see them around :(
No. 174896
>>174893I remember asking my mum for lipstick and getting one of these instead.
I had the green and purple ones, I remember putting it on thinking they'd turn my lips green and purple and being super disappointed. Then I asked my mum if my lips looked purple to her, she was like 'yeeeeah, totally!' and I was happy again lol
No. 174907
>>173608best game ever. malkavians ftw
>>173187I loved the one with the sharks
No. 175000
>>77802I want to cry
I loved these so much
No. 175617
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I feel like I'm the only one who misses visible thongs, lmao. My hoe ass.
Whale tails are a bit extreme, but I love the look of it peaking up over some nice hipbones.
No. 175758
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>>174584Dumbass kid me had a pretty decent sized tv with a dvd player in it, but was the biggest spongebob fan so I asked my mom to buy me the TV and matching DVD player. My whole family was so confused as to why the hell I wanted one, but I think I ended up getting it for christmas or something
No. 175760
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No. 175765
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I really liked this one and Sabrina the animated series.
No. 175770
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I had this and woke up for school to that song everyday for years my god
No. 176057
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it technically ended it at the beginning of the decade (1999-2000)but it reran for few years after. it still plays today on HBO Family.
this show was my afternoon must in middle school. i would go to Sonic drive in, get a 44 ounce Limeade, rush home and plop myself down to watch this.
(Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child was also a must)
No. 176274
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>>174629Secret Paths in the Forest??! I played so much of this.
Mine came with a purple mini backpack that I treasured dearly.
No. 176276
>>176057HOLY SHIT
I'm having flashbacks right now, I loved figuring out the puzzles with my younger sister aahh it was good times
No. 176446
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This isn't a positive bit of nostalgia but i was just thinking of this hair trend from the 00's This isn't a good enough photo but omg when girls would pin their bangs back then they started putting those Bump It™ things in until they were so tall
They were like pompedores but not meant to be and a lot of girls had just that part bleached and just EW !
No. 176455
No. 176496
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What a cultural treasure this show was. I honestly miss it quite a bit.
No. 176503
>>176496Same i was so sad Snooky lost weight and how its all died.
No. 176504
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Spyro was the truest nigga.
No. 176505
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I felt so cool owning this thing during my universal studios trip, i even had matching pj's and flip flops
No. 176683
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>>120114what the fuck, i had that white angel gotch but mine said "tamagotchi angel"
did they remake those?
also, remember that weird commercial they used to have with the two angel girls sitting on a cloud arguing about whose was cuter or some shit, and one gets all mad and screams NO MINE IS CUTER and then there's lightning or something and she's all "teehee sorry"
did anybody have pic related? i wanted one so bad but my mom refused because she thought i'd just make a mess and lose all the parts
No. 176697
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the nectar of the gods
No. 176713
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These were really popular when I was a kid. But man, they were so disappointing
No. 176739
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>>176713Mine actually came dead when I got them, but I still dumped them in anyway before realizing a week later that they really weren't coming back to life.
I didn't even own one of these tracksuits, but I kind of miss them, despite them being a little trashy.
No. 179015
>>178844Holy shit I have been trying to remember the name of everythinggirl for ages, thanks anon. It looks way simpler than how I remember, its so weird how looking back it seemed so complex. Im pretty sure that you could raise a little pet thing on the site's homepage, right? It was similar to the one that pippa had I think.
I used to love the Hasbro site, but only the US one because it had more games and a better layout. One day I went on it and the whole site had changed I was so mad lol
I have a book from around 2006-ish that's a like a 'girls guide to the internet' type thing, it has a list of the 'best' websites, how to build one yourself and a dictionary of 'emoticons' its really dated and hilarious to look back on. If anyone one is interested I can post a couple of the best/cringiest pages
No. 179026
>>179015>>178844>>178953I loved, now it looks like shit. MyScene used to look so much better.
I used to play Miniclip games all day as well, I competed with my friend to see who could get the farthest in BubbleTrouble. You can still play the games here: No. 179028
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this game 'bubble girl' where you drag this woman through bubbles. Now that I think about, I doubt it was made with kids in mind lol. I remember was I was maybe 11 or so trying to show my friend the website it was on, but i went to instead which was a lesbian porn site. we screamed and unplugged the computer like what they do in sitcoms
No. 179066
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I went to this website pretty frequently in middle school, but I never liked the chick who was supposed to be my sign (Scorpio.)
No. 179069
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>>179028This game was the #1 thing in my childhood. Holy fuck, I remember playing it for hours on end. Me and my friends always called it the Ellen ragdoll game because we thought she looked like Ellen. You just brought back so many memories for me.
I was just looking up Totally Spies and found so much fetish art, ugh. Anyways, I remember having a Totally Spies game on Gameboy Advance and it was my favorite - well, it and Puffy Ami Yumi.
No. 179090
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>>179028>>179075>>179077i played this too! it seemed so cutting edge at the time
looking back on it… yeah people were definitely jacking off to it.
anyone remember pic related?
No. 179110
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>>179097YOURE RIGHT.
I think I'm just mad February isn't a classic princess since it's the 2nd month of the year. seems like they should have an order
Idk why I care so much I've never actually thought about buying one
No. 179120
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No. 179140
>>179095>tfw I got Mary Poppinsyaaaaaas
I get you though, my birthstone is quartz which is basically the diamond's retarded little brother. I wish it was a prettier one like citrine or garnet
No. 179158
>>179095Why are all of their noses so weirdly shaded/molded?
(I got Aurora/Sleeping Beauty for October. Not bad. What I don't quite get is the stone choice? I thought October was Opal but I think they're using Rose Zircon/Pink Tourmaline? Lame.)
>>179090This was one of the only 'games' not blocked on school computers lol
No. 179162
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>>179158Mine makes sense, but still ugly. Whoever made up the designs for these should definitely not be considered for future projects.
No. 179189
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>>176765I just bought these for my boyfriend. There were hardly any left and they were on sale. I wonder if they are finally ded.
>>176713I was sleeping over a friend's house after I bought a sea monkey kit. The threw something at the tank and the sea monkeys spilled on her carpet. I don't think she ever cleaned it up.
>>176505people still do this anon. I was just there and it is mostly people wearing coordinating outfits from harry potter, the simpsons, thing 1 and 2 from dr. seuss, or minions. Spongebob's presence has definitely diminished.
>>176274I loved the purple moon games. I was really pissed when some distant relative I hate wanted to "borrow" the game and my mom made me. She lived like 4 hours away and I saw her like maybe once every 5 years. I went to her wedding recently and I was still bitter about the computer game thief, tbh, so I took full advantage of her bar.
No. 179218
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Did anyone else play these girly flash games, usually involving this character/artwork style? They always involved cooking or haircuts.. It was also by a korean company and they were a lot of them. I think it was around 2005-6, i remember playing them in early high school (yeah i'm old) There were also these other cooking games like hk cafe by maggiemarket, i remember it being kinda hard but fun and the little cooking sounds were so satisfying lol
No. 179220
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>>179218Yes, yes, I was into them too.
I didn't really like the cooking games from the Korean company though because the instructions were in Korean and I couldn't figure out what to do.
No. 179230
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>>179220I love the Dash series! Wedding Dash was my shit.
No. 179237
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For (mostly) the Europeans under us.
I loved this shit, I was allowed 2 bottles in the weekend when I was 15.
Nowadays I only see lime, lemon and cranberry flavours.
No. 179253
>>179245It was pretty recently announced to us as jewellery people. My work kicked up a huge fuss over it earlier this year.
It's a pretty stone and all, but just seems like more marketing tactics.
Really good opals are expensive and hard to get anyway, and they're a bit delicate as well, especially if you live in a dry climate, so maybe it's ok to have alternative birthstones.
No. 179256
The Disney birthstone pin thing made me look up mine and it's…Jessica Rabbit? I didn't even know she was Disney lmao.
>>179220YOOOO idk how I forgot this game but it was my life
No. 179260
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>Tfw the one show that followed through with a canon High School story
Im weak for High School AU's sorry ha
No. 179265
>>179259Lol straight liquor. They're barely alcoholic. You can drink two six packs and not be buzzed, just nauseated from the sugar.
Sure you feel like a badass drinking them when you're only 12 but it's retarded to pretend you were drinking straight liquor. AFAIK they're barely a full drink each.
No. 179291
>>179218I played those! I think her name was suzy or something like that? I liked the hairdressing ones the best. I remember there was a knitting one and I could never understand it because it was in Korean
Also my disney pin thing is belle, I dont like her but at least its a princess
No. 179816
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Soo much drama on those forums. One of my favorites was when this Nicole chick from San Francisco scammed a bunch of people out of those ugly poseable dolls. She had gone to tea parties and whatnot with other members before, was apparently rather trustworthy, then took like $200 from several different people. Disappeared off the face of the earth. People tracked down and started contacting her mom on the east coast, as far as I know nothing came out of it and the people never got their money back.
No. 179894
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The most scandalous book in our 5th grade class
No. 180006
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No. 180033
>>120145I used to love Emily The Strange in late primary (age 9-10). You used to be able to join her family or whatever on the website, but you had to submit a "creepy photo". Just checked it out and now it's just links to FB/Insta/etc. Even some feel-good blurb to make sure parents don't worry about their kid being ~goth~ -
"Today, Emily continues to be a voice for individualism and self-awareness, and her appeal is especially strong among alternative-minded young women and girls who identify with her signature singularity. Her presence in the worlds of art, pop culture, literature, and fashion celebrates non-conformist and reminds us all to cultivate that which makes us unique…"
I miss things not just trying to appeal to as many audiences as possible, so sanitary and commercial. Sage for blogpost and not contributing
No. 180071
File: 1485659851886.gif (800.4 KB, 250x176, tumblr_mw4e94zytx1shlu6yo1_250…) dollz, especially drag and drop dollmakers like THESE (which are so cute im so glad i found this site again, go make really cute things they have a ton) and making dolls in mspaint with bases from like angy chan or whoever. i can never find anyone who was into this besides one irl friend who was into it with me. we used to hang out on this forum called the underground and if anyone remembers that ill probably lose my mind.
No. 180396
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I miss the era of when reality TV was first taking off, The Simple Life, Juicy tracksuits, Bebe rhinestone logo tops, hoop earrings, cursive initial logo necklaces a la Regina George in Mean girls…. ALL OF IT!!! I still stalk eBay all the time trying to find pieces from my middle school/high school years, I want to bring that early 2000s Paris style back. I wish I hadn't given all my "preppy" clothes away when I went thru my punk phase :((((((((((
No. 180398
>>180134i spent all of my highschool years making pixel art. I'm sure if i found an old harddrive of mine i still have a lot of stuff from eden enchanted and a lot of the big pixel art communities.
im guilty of checking up on some of my past favorite makers still now
No. 180408
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Since club penguin is shutting down
I secretly played club penguin all throughout high school this game in particular
No. 180450
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No. 180456
>>180432They sell them at kohls for cheap
(Juicy track suits)
No. 180482
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>>180450The games section on the adult swim isnt what it used to be! Its so hard to find the old games on there now, ugh
Pic related was favourite, I still play it every now and then
No. 180570
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You know you were addicted to this shit