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No. 1200825
Just let it all out
previous thread:
>>1192746 No. 1200905
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People scare me
I don't feel human.
no matter how hard I try to be a normal woman or just a human it's never enough,
like I am trapped on an alien planet. all my life I've been afraid of everyone.
I wouldn't be able to say this if it weren't through the internet, hiding me from people. I want to hide all my life, I don't think I can ever feel like one of you. I hate me
No. 1200909
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I can see why there’s such a high turnover for fast food it sucks
Is retail any better? It has to be right?
No. 1200912
>>1200905I hear you
My communication skills are abysmal and it makes me feel like death
No. 1200913
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>>1200909Everything to do with customers sucks, and everything that doesn't require at least a vocational degree sucks double.
No. 1200915
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>>1200905Unironically be yourself. People are fare more accepting of someone who is unapologetically a weird spastic, than of someone who is tryhard, anxious and fake.
No. 1200929
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>>1200921oh wow I relate to this a lot.
No. 1200948
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air conditioner broke on the 12th. since then it will have a few days where it works properly, then it will shit itself again, then go back to working properly, etc.
the inspector guy came over (annual inspection) and my dad didn't tell him about it breaking and fixing itself, because "he didn't want to place too pressure on them [the people who own the apartment complex]." that's utterly retarded but whatever. we have called twice before this point, but there's no telling if anyone actually came down since we called on the 12th – dad didn't ask about that.
anyway it's broken again, it's like 84 degrees in the house, and he's sitting up front drunk off his ass. really pisses me off, but i am living here rent/bill free, so i don't have much room to bitch. just super annoying though that he's probably fine with this current arrangement because he's a lazy ass bastard who can just get black-out drunk and pretend his problems don't exist.
>teehee anon it's probably gonna come back on tomorrow morning lol just open a window xD (like it isn't 90 degrees outside)
No. 1200949
>>1200612idk nona I just wish someone would fucking kick abbott and cruz out of office forcefully. those faggots are high off their power trip and continuously seeing them dig this place further into the ground hurts
why do psycho scrotes shoot up schools full of children instead of shooting politicians, they could at least do the right thing
No. 1200955
>>1200948while i'm here and venting: i wish i had enough money to leave and get my own home. it's nice that he's housed me throughout my uni career (said uni is quite literally an eight minute drive from the apartment – and he wasn't around at all for the first 19-ish years of my life (i'm 22 now)) but he's a pretty annoying person to live with sometimes. drunks are not fun at all.
hoping i can get a basic office job doing excel spreadsheets or something after i graduate this fall, and get the fuck out of this place.
No. 1200965
>His mom told him that I had to leave.what a bitch. boy moms are insane. so's the boy in question by the way, but god. what kind of thing to say to a 12 y/o
No. 1200976
>>1200965Considering the state of her house and the high chair, it's exactly what I expect from a woman like her. Honestly, she may not have known how old I was, but I doubt she'd care. Maybe her son bringing home random women is okay with her.
He clearly didn't care about me. I remember him stopping and whispering to his brother (Who was in the room, we were under the covers) and saying something. His brother shook his head, I feel like he probably said I stank or I was a virgin, I don't know.
Sometimes when things happen to me, I don't internalize them as shitty until later on.
I've been taken advantage of by older scrotes, willingly, unwillingly and unknowingly during my teens.I have another story and I'll post it below.
No. 1200982
>>1200976Sa- When I was maybe 16 or 17 there was this more then likely drug dealing scrote who was probably in his later 20's or early 30's. Anyway, he had a baby mother and at least two kids, one being a toddler, with the woman who lived down the street from me.
I was always afriad of her, because she was a very loud and seemed to be mean. She probably wasn't, I justnever liked loud people and felt she'd talk about me. Anyway, I'd always catch her baby father staring at me. I had a nice body then, so I assumed that was why. One day I was walking home from school, with my book bag and ID necklace thingie on. So he KNEW I was underaged/in high school. He was right in front of his house in his car and boldly started talking to me out the window, like asking me how old I was and all that.
He asked me to get in his car, dumbly I did and he was telling me how I'm "thick" for my age and how i'm attractive. He asked for my number, I didn't have a phone.
He started talking me up,like how he'd get me a phone and he could do or that for me, before blurting, "-honestly I just want to fuck-" and I was like, "What?" he was like, "nothing, I just want to talk-" and even though he flat up admitted to my face and did all of this in the afternoon in front of the house, he shared with his kids and baby mother. I was flattered.
I never called him or spoke to him again, but I'm just thinking how much drama that'd caused if i had. I saw his girlfriend a year later beat this girl's ass in front of her house and was screaming about her basically fucking her baby dad & wanting to be her.
That could've been me. Now when I think back at it, I just think, "Damn, the thing I was worried about was getting my ass beat possibly, not the fact that a scrote way older then me was trying to fuck me".
It was so "normalize" for grown men to come onto me that it never really bothered me the age difference.
In fact it was weird to me when men older then me backed off when I said I was underaged. One time I was with my MOM, i was in shorts, it was like 9pm and dark. We were walking to the store, this scrote in a car beeped and stopped, clearly looking at my ass, and then started claiming that he worked with "models" and wanted to help me model.
My mom laughed it off and he drove off.
Now that I think of it, when men would flirt with me while underaged, when I was with my mom, sometimes she'd get mad, other times she'd laugh or say, "She's only X years old!". Sometimes she'd even brag about it to other people. It makes me uncomfortable to even talk about now. I love my mom, but she doesn't do that with my younger sister at all. Maybe she learned that it's fucked up>>1200962I'm in the US btw.
No. 1201015
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Anyone else feel truly alienated from just about anything? Took some random alienation test a few hours ago and it pretty much explained what I felt, cultural estrangement, dissatisfaction with existence. Being on here makes me extremely angry because everything seems so divided and there’s a lack of community just about anywhere I go. There’s a bunch of narratives floating around in my mind and I just don’t know what to believe what’s true anymore but all I know is that none of our lives are meaningful and will never be, and my thoughts will never penetrate into the mind of a person on constant self-preservation. None of these are original thoughts either, they’re pretty fatalistic or cynical which is pretty normal but having them just makes me feel even more alone everywhere I go. I don’t feel or think I am a woman, I understand enbies with that. I also think that tribalism doesn’t go very far because I don’t feel or think that I am ethnically or racially what I told I am, I don’t think I’m anything and in some aspects it’s freeing. Even my own words make no sense it never makes any sense I’m terrible at expressing my thoughts in writings and speech. Everything is so stressful. People say that family matters when sometimes it feels like that the people who say that do not even like their family members. I feel like I’ve been lied to my whole fucking life and it’ll continue to happen. I don’t want to be anything anymore, I’m tired of feeling pain and suffering constantly
No. 1201030
>>1201017I feel like alienation is a guide to freedom out of this stupid world actually. No attachments, no identity, no purpose, it’s ironically reclaiming control over your own life in a way. Suicide or suicidal ideation is kind of like that too imo
>>1201023Not necessarily neglectful - maybe emotionally neglectful? The best way I could explain is that I feel like a computer with missing parts. I have virtually no social skills which means no friends, poor coping mechanisms and I’m also hyper-emotional to the point of stress.
No. 1201051
wish i was a moid so badly so i could end my life already? i have lost everything, all friends, family, any sense of self, any connection to any world outside my brain, ive started talking to myself because i am so lost and crave dialogue, severe depression and agoraphobia and have no hope or ambition and am completely and totally defeated and yet i am still scared to end it??? what the Fuck?? why? everyday i cannot fathom living another day yet i still freeze when faced with the solution. i am 25, i do nothing, no job, no study, cant drive, cant leave the house, no hobbies, i have resigned from life, i cant do it anymore. there is no light at the end of the tunnel for me, i am a coward in life and i will be a coward in death too
No. 1201070
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>>1201051I know how you feel nona. I'm contemplating it too. The other night I dreamed I actually died by jumping, but the success rate among jumpers seems to be shockingly low. In the dream they didn't find my body for awhile and just let it float downstream. It was bloated but not totally dilapidated. Its so surreal actually dreaming you die and then waking up in a living nightmare world. I wish my body would just give out on me so I didn't have to consider drastic measures. Deep down I don't want to die. The pain is just too immeasurable
No. 1201081
>>1201070interesting statistics, i live in a country where guns are outlawed, i cannot help but envy anyone with access to the snap of the
trigger. despite this jumping suicides amongst women in my country have also lessened in frequency since the late 90's, not to mention suicide rates overrall decreasing, i wonder why? are we all just collectively more scared than before? anyone got their 2 cents on this as im completely removed from society and am out of touched with the thought processes of anyone. i was thinking its maybe to do with privacy concerns and how tragedy is circulatory on the internet now, but i don't think the average person is that paranoid and avoidant, though the thought of my death being posted on the internet definitely makes me shudder, despite not having any sort of digital footprint, so realistically it shouldn't matter at all. lol
No. 1201114
>>1201091I'm so sorry anon, I promise you're not pathetic. He was special to you and he was your little friend and companion! Please feel free to take the time to mourn your loss. Even though he was small, it's just as
valid as the feeling of losing a cat or a dog. It sounds like he had a very comfortable and happy life, and you were a good caregiver for him! I hope you feel better, anon and I have you and your hamster in my thoughts.
No. 1201123
>>1201091Everything always seems obvious when you have retrospect hanging over your head.
When an animal you love dies, it hurts. It doesn’t matter how big or small they were. It could be a dog, bird, hamster, or even a tiny little ant farm. If you loved it and lost it, it will hurt and your pain is
valid no matter what the animal was. It’s okay to be sad about it. But you can’t beat yourself up. Retrospect is a bitch and will destroy it if you don’t remember that you are human and do not know the future. We have lives, jobs, and responsibilities. We try our hardest to be there for our pets and love them, but we have to go complete our duties. Anything could happen while you’re away. You didn’t do anything wrong, sometimes things like this happen. It sounds like your hamsters death was a quiet and peaceful one. It’s okay to be sad you weren’t there for it, but do not think lowly of yourself for not being there and instead be grateful he died when his time came and in his home rather than spontaneously and while he was scared.
I’m very sorry for your loss and I hope you can feel better soon. Let him go but never forget him or how much you loved him. Celebrate the times you had together.
No. 1201137
It scares me that everyone is on social media melting their brain with curated photos and videos with filters. Everyone has some form of plastic surgery or expensive cosmetic procedure done. Practically every fitness influencer is roiding, yes even the skinny pretty women, they're on anavar or fat burners and have made it their entire job to workout and diet. You barely see any examples of what a normal healthy fit, but muscular woman looks like, without a bodyfat percentage so low she's going to lose her period. So many women who lift, especially gnc ones feel ashamed for being muscular but not having abs, especially that lower pouch is difficult to get rid of. I was talking to another butch on Tinder and I complimented her arms and she freaked out about how she doesn't have abs before unmatching. I KNOW THE INSECURITY, I HAVE IT TOO, BUT YOU STILL HAVE NICE ARMS. What the fuck have other women told her on dating apps for her to react that way? How is that any different from ending up with incredibly high standards due to watching porn, which a lot of people do in addition to melting their brain with Instagram and TikTok? I'm not even talking about the men, because I don't care about them, but you'd think that women would understand better that it's all fake, unnatural or heavily posed? Why do I and others have to compete with people on the other side of the planet, who have made it their job to look good?
No. 1201163
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I primarily shop at old navy because idk shit about fashion and where to buy clothes. But the past year or so, I could never find anything to wear there at all. Everything on the shelf is 3x or 4x like I'm in some plus size shop. Every old navy around me is the same. All 3x and 4x clothes for everything. They tried to be "inclusive" with sizes but I doubt much 3x and 4x size women are out and about buying clothes. Then I read just now that their sales took a record nose dive because of this "size inclusivity" thing and they're phasing the plus sizes out. Idky they didn't just sell plus online to begin with.
No. 1201189
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Ever since the internet took over society, we entered a dystopia on steroids. The worst part is almost everyone can feel it too, but nothing changes. I know I'm not the only one who has memory of life taking a sudden nosedive at that point. My fear is that the new order eclipses the past, everyone forgets what it's like to have life a bit simpler. Unfortunately it's likely since that's how it goes. I don't really have any comfort except deciding to not play the game. I'm not going to waste time on those things that people bother themselves with. If someone cares so much about them, they're not the kind of person I want in my life anyway. It's not giving up, it's choosing to live on my own terms.
No. 1201190
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I am awake at 5 o'clock to go to that stupid sport event that I don't even care about, fuck. I hate it. I don't have clothes that fit. I don't know what I'll have to do on the staff team. I don't wanna organize and clean up after the event is over, I just wanna come back home and sleep. I swear to God I'm not doing it again next year, I'll make up whatever bullshit excuse.
No. 1201215
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What actual lesbian would want this tho?
No. 1201273
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>>1200909>is retail any betterNo
I worked at Best Buy and the customers would try to intimidate me and call me racial slurs sometimes. Grocery stores can be nice sometimes
No. 1201289
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Is it just me or are boomers freaking dirty people? Maybe it is the entire pandemic that made me pay more attention on how people wash their hand etc but I came to the realization that most boomers around me (family and co-workers) tend to be very dirty people, like not washing their hands after using the toilet (female co-worker), eating with their bare hands after bringing out the trash and not washing them before that, going into your bathroom with dirty shoes even when you told them not to do so, rinse their hands with a bit of cold water for a second and call it a proper hand wash, sneezing into their hands and touching your stuff after that and things like it. Am I overreacting bc ngl I'm bit of a germaphobe but washing your hands after coming home and touching all sorts of places in the bus or shopping cart is something that is normal, isn' it? I haven't seen this type of behavior people around my age tbh.
No. 1201348
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picrel is me right now trying so hard not to laugh at my near 30 year old brother who still lives at mommy’s house being consoled for his panic attacks.
>i can’t breathe!
>i can’t breathe!
screaming around like a dumbass like no one cares. hey moron why don’t you stop smoking your fucking lungs out with weed? it got even funnier when he was trying to call my sociopathic autist brother’s name like what is he going to do? he doesn’t care about anyone LMAO. men are such fucking clowns
No. 1201359
>>1201355I’m the youngest and the last one to be in high school when the others and my sister were still adults. My sister is more like you
nonnie and that’s why she’s the most responsible one lol
No. 1201363
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My ex's online personality where he pretends to be one of those schizo traumacore egirls has more e-"friends" than I've ever made both online and IRL and I'm a bit jelly. My communication has become so damn bad and I'm so bad at making and keeping friends but man being alone is sad and tiring…
No. 1201405
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I don't get how dicks work. I have my very first bf and it's the first time I do anything sexual with a guy. Last time I was touching him through his boxers and it looked like he's about to come but he told me to stop because he didn't want to make a mess. He said I did well and I had a lot of intuition. Then he said it would be easier for him without boxers on, but I got too weirded out by the sight of a human penis kek, so I stopped touching him. Yesterday I decided to touch his bare dick for the first time, and for a moment it looked like he's on the edge again, but then it looked like it just stopped working. He said he can't come from a handjob from someone else, only he knows how to do it right. He showed me precisely the way I should do the strokes and shit, and it still didn't work. He was hard for a pretty long time, which surprised him, but after a couple of my attempts he stopped even being hard. He said that maybe it would work out if I did it with my mouth, but he knew I didn't feel ready for it. Right after he said he probably wouldn't come from a blowjob either. What the fuck? I thought dicks are easier than this. Do some men have to be in total control of the strokes and can't come from someone performing it on them? Or was he just lying? Or I wasn't good enough? I was surprised bc the first time I was touching him through his boxers it really looked like he was about to come, I could see it on his face, with closed eyes, open mouth, shortened breath. So what happened? For a moment I thought that he said that he won't come from handjobs and blowjobs in order to persuade me to actually have sex with him, but then he said he doesn't need it to be happy with me, and that he could wait years for me to be ready if I'm not ready now, and that giving turns him on more than receiving and if I don't want to be touched down there he doesn't want it for himself either. I mean, on the surface it sounds quite considerate of him, but I'm still confused. He noticed I got pretty sad and the entire mood for the evening was a little awkward afterwards
No. 1201424
>>1201414Since this is your first relationship you should be aware that the majority of men lie. Frequently and shamelessly. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for your sake. It's true SSRIs can cause a loss of libido and even if he doesn't watch much porn he may have gotten used to masturbation and death gripped too much so it's difficult for him to orgasm from anything but his own touch. This doesn't mean he'll never be able to orgasm with you, I would recommend asking him to stop or reduce how often he masturbates and just play with his dick regularly to get him accustomed to your touch. Not necessarily with the goal of orgasm. This will take stress off of him so he can enjoy the sensations for what they are and likely make things easier in time. It's also just a good practice in general. Intimacy doesn't and shouldn't only surround orgasm although it's a nice bonus.
>he doesn't need it to be happy with me, and that he could wait years for me to be ready if I'm not ready now, and that giving turns him on more than receiving and if I don't want to be touched down there he doesn't want it for himself either. Frankly all of these things are excellent traits to have. I understand wanting to give him pleasure too but a lot of men are extremely selfish in bed so I hope you take full advantage of his willingness to please you. Letting yourself enjoy things will help turn him on and relax more in itself.
No. 1201426
>>1201414Pornsickness like anons said or low libido caused by medicine are both realistically possible. So is (performance) anxiety although you'd probably sense it if that were the case.
>Idk what to doNot everyone's gonna agree with me but I'm camp snoop on his devices if you want to be sure about his porn usage. I'm not saying your bf is lying but men do frequently lie about the amount and duration of porn they watch to their gfs. It's better to find out today if he's into weird shit than a year down the road anyway.
No. 1201435
>>1201081I'm not anti gun but I'd only use gun as a last resort. Extremely expensive to buy one though our background checks are lax. I'm shocked most women choose to end it by gun or hanging. I guess the most dramatic, thought of as easy methods of suicide have the lowest likelihood of killing you.
The irony in if I jumped it would be a bookend to my story. When I was a little girl it was literally the first method I tried to attempt suicide with. What's fucked up is I didn't even know what suicide was, I just had seen it on tv and felt so dehumanized by my life I wanted to die that way. I was a child. I was a fucking child whose shitty
abusive family sent to gaslighter therapists to convince I was the problem and now 18 years later I'm still wanting to die
No. 1201456
>go out on a few dates with this guy
>in between he texts me constantly, he always replies quickly, conversation is always really good
>we get along great and have so much in common, so much in common that it kind of all seems like some sort of crazy coincidence. our dads even went to high school together in a different state decades ago
>finally sleep with him
>sex was great
>he insists I spend the night despite me saying I can go home, he wants to cuddle all night, kisses the top of my head when he thinks im sleeping, etc
>leave the next morning and he says i'll see you soon, kisses me goodbye
>don't hear from him the rest of the day, don't worry too much bc he said he had a ton of work
>text him that night about something we talked about on our date
>he doesn't respond until the next day
>I ask him what he's doing that weekend
>he says he's not sure yet, asks what i'm up to
>I say not sure and ask him if he wants to do something
>he never responds to me again
I feel so fucking stupid anons, I finally found a guy that I thought was actually into me and he ghosts me after I fuck him. I feel like such a whore. and i'm so upset that he treated me so well, was so nice to me, acted so into me, and then just completely discarded me after I slept with him. i'm never having sex again until I get married.
No. 1201547
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I hate being sexually frustrated. I don't want a relationship and I don't like FWB/ONS. Masturbation just doesn't feel the same as really good sex with somebody. Fuuuuck fuck fuccccckkkkk.
No. 1201594
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This is my first time using these threads so I apologize for the mistakes or if it is too long.
I really can't take shit anymore. I feel so lonely and empty. I wish I were dead or someone would crack open my skull, remove the bad things, and then fix me damn it. I feel like I'm in a erratic fog most of the time but most of all I just feel isolated. I want friends I really want friends I share an interest with. Not net-friends but actual living breathing people to talk to. I want to see a person's face or hear their voice when talking.
I'm tired of communicating with people through text. I admit, with Anonymous imageboards there's an extreme disconnect so I feel somewhat comfortable with them because I can't build an emotional attachment of sorts. But when I'm talking to a person online and I can put a name and "face" to what they're saying it feels really really creepy to talk to a person. It's like I have this overwhelming feeling of dread when I talk to people online, like they could be laughing at me, or just keep me around for entertainment or something, or when I try to start a conversation it only goes for three to five posts and then it's over or sometimes they don't even respond and I can't bluntly ask why or whether they're mad or something as that can be alienating and rude. Even worse, I feel this urge to analyze or look too deep into every little thing a person says to make sure I don't fuck up when talking to them so it leaves me borderline on edge every time I get a notification for a DM from a person. I feel paranoid if a person doesn't talk to me and I feel paranoid when I do talk to a person. I feel an extreme feeling of discomfort with the people I talk to because I can't even tell if the people I talk to online are friends because it's not like we truly know each other but we still talk semi-frequently. Or how if I try to hint or bait into getting confirmation of a supposed friendship it conveniently gets ignored. I feel as though everyone around me knows I'm wrong and that I should be handled with a pair of tongs and with extreme distance or they all know that I'm a horrid person and that it's a pain to talk to me. I know it so why don't they get it over with and say something why is everyone so vague in terms of social etiquette I can never tell what everyone is truly saying and some of the ways people talk is just downright confusing and annoying.
I've had I've tried my hardest but all throughout my school life and even now into adulthood I still can't make any friends with true connections, much less friends who are into the things I like. I can't form bonds properly and it's hard for me to make and keep relationships, God, even communicate properly, I don't know when a conversation ends or how it starts, I talk too bluntly yet too quiet, I always have to repeat myself over and over and over, it takes a moment for me to collect my thoughts and decide on what to say or how I should say it, a way a person can talk can just irritate me beyond belief even if they haven't done anything wrong. So it makes connecting with others a pain if they don't fit this square of sorts that I'm so desperately trying to break.
Or, which I find is not as bad but still a problem, I'm absolutely obsessed with this franchise of video games so when I get to talk about it I get really happy and excited and into it but when it's anything else I can talk about it but I feel absolutely nothing but pure apathy even if it's something serious. I even got visibly upset when a moid changed the subject from my favorite videogame to something else or I had the serious and intense urge to punch and throttle my brother when he insinuated Elden Ring was better. Hell, the only positive experience I've had in a long while with someone that isn't my family is when I was at a store and someone noticed I was wearing a shirt with my favorite character from the video game and said it was cute and she was getting into the series too and I started to put way too much emotion and thought into what was small idle chit chat and I've been replaying that conversation perfectly in my head over and over for the past two and a half months and begun to imagine scenarios in which we're friends and we talk about the games and character ships and community and draw each other stuff and the like.
I wish I could be content with loneliness or being on my own but I'm not, I want to make connections with others but I'm just mentally and socially wrong or something that it feels like a mountainous challenge. I hate this I hate this so much. I wish I could die, but my family is still alive and they've already been at witness to one of my attempts so I can't even have the option to get it over with and not continue suffering in this suffocating feeling of self loathing and isolation until they're all dead and that will be years upon years in the future when tings hurt now. I love my family so much I just can't put them through that especially if I were to be successful in my attempt. They're truly my only friends even if they don't like or understand the things I am passionate about.
I usually feel these feelings in waves sometimes I don't feel as depressed but it hit me full force last night after watching a streamer play one of the games from the series I like and I got to watch them play through my favorite levels of the game and the way they enjoyed it and I got to talk and hear how happy they were with the game but when I left the stream a whirl wind of emotions hit me and I ended up crying in the shower for an hour or so realizing I've become the equivalent of moids who donate and talk to sexy twitch streamer e-girls because they have no girlfriends and this is the closest thing they got.
I truly don't know how much of this I can take Nonas, I miss when talking to others were simple as a kid like if you saw a child play with cars and you liked cars you could talk about that for HOURS since you didn't have such a wide range of things to talk about and you passionate about one thing. Cars. Now, it feels like every conversation jumps from one thing to another so quickly and everyone keeps what they're saying in a vague ancient language that you can only hope to achieve. I'm seeing a therapist but whenever I bring this up she just seems to gloss over it or not even understand the emotional extent this is to me.
It's like I'm trapped in between a rock and a hard place.
(Reposted because I accidentally picked the wrong image, my apologies.)
No. 1201667
>>1201424thank you for the advice anon
>>1201476I still hope it's because of the SSRI. He said once that porn sucks, and he didn't even know my opinion on porn back then, so I doubt it's because he wanted to cater to my opinion. I don't think he watches it now, but maybe in the past he was addicted or something.
No. 1201675
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I had a dream that my mother punched me and then called me ugly, and I woke up crying. I went back to sleep (with a stuffy nose) but that was really unpleasant. I honestly don't like when I have dreams based off of past traumatic experiences.
No. 1201687
File: 1653850528425.jpg (36.01 KB, 563x565, Dkpo0f0XoAAA-Yb.jpg)

>>1201562>>1201564I'm happy to report that I am still nicotine free! I had a PB&J sandwich and a nap. Much like a baby I will get very cranky and scream blue murder when overtired and hungry, and my old reflex to crave something bad for me still kicks in occasionally. I'm glad someone got a kek out of that though, nonita. I don't have social media so I save all my crazy for this place. I'm feeling very zen now I've got it out of me.
No. 1201723
File: 1653852552402.jpeg (80.99 KB, 997x775, 9B3227A7-7B91-4449-851E-D81748…)

I just want to quit life why is this shit so hard??? I can’t do anything right, shit still sucks and everyone around me is getting tired of my bullshit.
No. 1201741
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i had a seizure the other day and am getting tested for epilepsy tomorrow. i think i also have to go from wellbutrin to another anti depressant as wellbutrin lowers the seizure threshold, which makes me want to die as wellbutrin has worked great for me for years.
No. 1201880
>>1201754I accidentally uploaded a picture of
Kirby and Dedede smooching. I need to organize my image folder.
No. 1201939
File: 1653862497568.jpg (75.57 KB, 739x527, 428wi7.jpg)

I got a couple of dark hickeys on my neck from a guy I'm dating and today at work my male coworker I barely talk to smiled at me and asked if my neck hurts. I just felt super awkward about it, I couldn't hide it with clothing bc it would be too hot and I don't use make up so I didn't have any make up tools to cover it. I sperged out bc I don't want my male coworkers to wonder if I already have sex or something. I'm always shy and quiet at work and I know from my female coworker that our male coworkers wondered if I'm still a virgin. I haven't even had sex yet, just a kissing session and some "wrestling" on the bed, and since my skin is super thin and I have anaemia I constantly get bruises from almost everything, so after last night my arms were covered in bruises. I don't want the scrotes at my work to smile at me and think I have some masochistic sex. I hate scrotes. Now I'm also afraid that the guy I'm dating tells his male friends about everything we do and they're like haha dude you're about to fuck this shy cold chick that never talked to any guy before. I think I fell in love but I heard so much about shitty scrote behavior that I struggle to trust anyone
No. 1202027
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I was sauteing some beef on very hot oil which somehow created a lot of steam and triggered the fire alarm. This caused all 6 of my roommates to come downstairs to see what was happening. At this point, I felt incredibly embarrassed that they were all witnessing how fucking retarded I was. The fire alarm eventually turned off but they all stuck around in the kitchen afterwards, chatting with each other. I didn't even get to enjoy the meal I had been making because I just felt stupid.
No. 1202096
>>1201993i'm in a horribly similar place,
No. 1202103
>>1202096I genuinely hope we make it out.Wish you the best
Nonnie sister
No. 1202300
File: 1653881638136.jpeg (31.89 KB, 640x388, 1651869572417.jpeg)

i hate my ex so fucking much. he verbally and emotionally abused me too much for me to handle by the end of our relationship. he would play video games instead of spending time with me, and anytime i offered for us to do something together he rejected me and told me it was "boring" (…as if his shitty games aren't). i decided to end things for good when i was having a panic attack and he told me to fuck off because his game was more important. he would call me names and tell me i was ugly, that nobody else would ever want me, accused me of cheating all the time while he was the one cheating, etc. i had known for a while i needed to leave, but that set it in stone and allowed me to bypass the trauma bond. after i did it he begged me back, telling me he had changed and that he was sorry. ultimately i rejected that as well because i knew he would never change.
that's when he pulled the "well you're an ugly whore and i don't like you anyways" card and claimed he had no interest in me. fine by me, if it meant he'd leave me alone entirely. but of course that was also a lie.
i try not to check his shit or our messages often to save myself stress but sometimes the curiosity is too much. i refuse to unblock him across every platform as tempting as it is, but even looking is harmful to me i admit. turns out he's been giving these vague "i don't regret my decision cause i did research on you now lol" messages behind on multiple accounts that i didn't see until now. which means not only is he not actually over me but he's going to weasel his way back in somehow, presumably. also, i can tell it's a tactic to try to get me to unblock him and panic about "what research" so he can laugh at my suffering. but i know it's bullshit cause there's literally no research he could've done to find shit on me, he knew everything about me and my past.
this shit just drives me up a wall, what a fucking petty ass thing to do to someone especially after abusing them for months on end for funsies and then pretending to have no interest. now i actually am left a bit panicked that maybe there is some shit on the internet about me i've not been able to find. it's gotta be bullshit but regardless, FUCK MEN
No. 1202306
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my nigel said some incredibly mean shit to me in a super offhanded way after surgery/anesthetic, like whoa do you think this all the time?
I've been with him a year+ and now have seen this side I'm kind of rocked.
pink pill looking nicer and nicer every day.
No. 1202307
>>1202300Fuck him and fuck the internet, he's mad that now there's someone out there who can warn everyone about what a horrific,
abusive person he is. Arm yourself with this knowledge, and fire at will.
No. 1202371
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>>1202346nice nonna, my hair could use some too kek
No. 1202391
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I'm finally improving my social skills and managed to make a friend, but she's really cute and I kinda have a crush on her and now I can't even talk to her because I get way too flustered to have a normal conversation. I think I need to distance myself a bit and wait for these feelings to pass. I'm so lame
No. 1202393
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Why can't people understand that I'm am SICK?? I've been in bed for four days, every part of my body hurts, I haven't properly slept in days and I feel like shit and I told people but for some reason they keep hitting me up, asking to chat or for me to do them favors. "Hey nonna, can I call you?" "No, my throat really hurts and I can barely swallow food, let's talk another time" and then 2 hours later "Nonna do you feel better now? Wanna chat? I'm free now :)))))))" I wouldn't mind texting but why do they want to chat all of a sudden? Wtf is wrong with them? What's so hard to understand about that????? You don't just get magically better within 2 hours and my doc told me that I'm supposed to stay in bed for about two weeks. Why are people so weird.
No. 1202398
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I am just really sad and didn't have anyone to talk to so I thought I'd tell you nonnies. I hate my parents. They love me but they were incredibly unkind when I was a child. I have all sorts of emotional problems now. I constantly feel bitter, angry or depressed. It's so painful. I want to kill myself and kill my parents for ruining my life. I hate them so much. They are so controlling and being around them makes me sick. I feel so worthless. I wish I had the courage to just end my misery. I am trying to give myself anorexia so atleast I don't hate my body anymore. Judge me all you want but I wish I could end it all. It hurts so much to be me. I have never felt an ounce of happiness in my life. I am sick of everything.
No. 1202407
>>1202398I can really relate, my parents are in a fucked up
abusive relationship and I grew up in a household that was basically a pit of hate, where everyone was misdirecting their anger at someone else in the family. It really fucked me up and at this point I don't even know if I am capable of relationships. But ever since I moved out, started living in dorms and put a distance between us, the relationship with my mother got a lot better, since we don't see each other often anymore. It is better, but the bitterness, pain and anger is still there. Now I am fully independent with a place of my own and the childhood memories come flooding back. I am constantly reliving terrifying, hateful, lonely moments of my child self and it is driving me crazy. I feel bad for wanting to borderline cut contact but i don't know how else to cope, especially with her constantly trying to drag my father, who is the center of hate and abuse in our family, back in my life. She is unapologetic and dismisses all the things that happened, blames me for being in pain and just wants to live in a play pretend perfect nuclear family.
> I have never felt an ounce of happiness in my lifeI really fucking can't stand it. I think after all the shitty stuff that happened to me, if my family was normal, I would be normal too. But between fucked up parents and bullying in school, I just grew into a deformed monstrosity
No. 1202423
>>1202398As a fellow nona with parents who messed her up by being controlling and emotionally
abusive, you didn't deserve what happened to you, especially as a child. I hope you can some day reach true peace.
No. 1202480
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>>1202329thank you nona, honestly tonight I'm distancing myself and am gonna have another week at home before I even think of seeing him. I've been hurt less by cheating I swear.
"when someone tells you who they are, believe them" is such amazing advice thank you. if we could use emotes I'd be spamming hearts and crying faces. stuff like this I feel like nonas here get but my handmaiden friends would just shrug off and potentially blame me.
>>1202401honestly without going into detail he went for my intelligence, while going for his own mothers which is saying something startling. like "oh nona it's not just you, the whole world is as dumb" when ngl I'm not unintelligent at all and he usually jokes how we're psychic we're on the same wavelength so often. I've even said a joke before he does in a funnier way.
idk if it's moidness or what but he truly disappointed me, idk if I can come back from it. like I'm smart and beautiful and funny when it suits him and when he's in a bad mood I'm dumb and just another woman in the way.
my heart hurts nonas, it hurts incredibly bad. I thought he was one of the good ones. serves me right I guess.
but also fuck all moids? I'm gonna finish doing my nails and finish the art I'm working on while listening to some sick beats.
love you guys thank you for letting me vent, I know that's what this thread is for but I feel like fucking gaslit into thinking I don't deserve to complain sometimes.
No. 1202499
>>1200834The way you wrote this took me on a whirlwind of emotion.
>There are two other Muslim female coworkers at my office and they're a bit annoying too but in a normal way, not because of their religionKek, this is such a thing with any religion. Bless you.
No. 1202547
>>1200897I'm sorry that happened to you OP. it's kinda funny but also kind of dumb your mom just stopped sending you to school. I'm assuming she worked full time so she couldn't just pick you up after class, but there's ways around that too. After school programs, the bus….
Also that moid and his mom are scum. She may not have realized how you you were but she raised a moid who couldn't even walk you home after he was done "using you". Gross.
No. 1202721
>>1202707And there is literally no such thing. Every imageboard has a different userbase, the culture
can't be the same. If you call it imageboard culture, you're basically saying LC is like 4chan, and I completely disagree with you Kaitlyn Tiffany. Besides that, anons have this idea that imageboard culture is just being an edgy cunt, which is fucking lame and no wants to interact with that. We should be cultivating a community. I don't give a shit about the cow boards, who uses them, or what goes on them. The way people discuss cows shouldn't translate to the way anons interact with each other.
No. 1202746
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>>1202743>It should be common fucking knowledge that you don’t walk around a shop eating burgers and ice cream.Holy fuck this gave me flashbacks to having to clean up bags of discarded fast food under clothing racks at my previous job. What the fuck is wrong with people. Fucking NPC pigs.
No. 1202783
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I fucking hate those who argue that male Ukrainian refugees are any better than those from the middle east or elsewhere. I'm genuinely glad that Ukrainian women and children are getting help here but the moids are just as rude and misogynistic as others.
I just went to the pharmacy to get a couple of things and on my way home I was stared down by four Ukrainian moids in the bus. Two of them (they sat with their backs turned towards me) kept looking back at me because the other two must've talked about me. And that went on for around 10 minutes, so from when I got on the bus until I got off. And it's not the first time this has happened to me and my friends had to deal with some of that too. "Uh nooo these men are different, they respect women and they have christian values because they hAvE eUrOpEaN cUlTuRe". I fucking hate some people and the politicians here who shoehorn this stupidity.
No. 1202812
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>>1202783>I fucking hate those who argue that male Ukrainian refugees are any better than those from the middle east or elsewhere. I'm genuinely glad that Ukrainian women and children are getting help here but the moids are just as rude and misogynistic as others. >"Uh nooo these men are different, they respect women and they have christian values because they hAvE eUrOpEaN cUlTuRe". I fucking hate some people and the politicians here who shoehorn this stupidity.I want to marry you
No. 1202821
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>>1202812Yes let's marry, nonna.
No. 1202868
>>1202862I'm sorry
nonnie that really sucks, it'd be hard to accept someone moving backwards in acceptance like that. I wonder if she's dealing with something internally wrt her CSA and sexuality that she's only recently sort of connected? My only other thought was with age maybe she has begun to think about grandchildren and this is her very obtuse way of trying to guide you towards heterosexuality? I don't know, but that's really rough and I hope you two can have a good talk someday on the subject and she will come around.
No. 1202879
>>1202783>>1202812no one is saying that ukranain moids will be better then most sexist eastern european moids, to me their on par with african or indian modis, the difference is you don't have to worry about ukranian moids forming rape gangs to rape non-muslim women as a form of holy way, there will never be a Rochdale or cologne type situation with Ukrainian moids
that's the thing, they will be annoying sexist scortes but nothing on par with muslim men who again its a from of holy war and religious obligation to rape non-muslim men
No. 1202893
>>1202868Thank you for your kind words, anon.
It's possible and likely she's still working through her own abuse. She has basically said she's bisexual and attributes it to that, so she insists all bisexuals should make the "right" choice in order to heal. Due to this reasoning she'd also see me being bi/gay as a failure to protect me, which of course hurts her.
I imagine we'll deal with it when/if I end up with a woman. It would just be nice to have her support now.
No. 1202954
>>1202930I'm sorry
nonnie, I guess the bosses daughter needed an internship last minute
No. 1202982
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i have to find a new flat again, three fucking flats in three years, and prices are peaking right now
No. 1203025
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I was supposed to move over a month ago but my mom got into an accident so her car is in the shop and she doesn't have rental coverage. I decided to stay a little longer until the car was fixed so she didn't have to take my dad's work truck to get to her job, it guzzles diesel like no other. I just found out she wasn't actually ran off the road by someone, but that she was texting and hit a road sign. I don't know what to think right now, I'm just seething.
No. 1203053
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>>1200825I haven't gotten to see my grandpa much since I was very little, I miss him, and like four years ago he told me he threw a cup of water on his "crate dog" to shut him up and he said it as though he thought I would giggle, and I am never ever going to get over that shit the rest of my life
No. 1203054
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>>1203053the dog is also fucking dead now, so
No. 1203067
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>"omg anon my friend who happens to be single is soooo sweet, you two would be great together!"
>the guy in question
No. 1203102
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Why are normies like this? I have only one coworker who talks to me on a regular basis, these aren't deep conversations but we both know some sensitive stuff about each other, and she knows I struggle with anxiety and assburgers, although she admits she doesn't understand it, I used to appreciate the fact that she wants to talk to me. But today was another situation that pissed me off. I mentioned I started watching a new show and she asked what was it about and I asked if she wants it with spoilers or not, she said I can spoil it because she won't watch it anyway because she's not into "weird" stuff but she can listen to me talking about something I like, so I was like oh that's nice. It was during our break at work, she asked me some questions about the show and as I was talking, our shift leader asked her for a cigarette and they both started talking about their favourite flavored cigarettes and my coworker completely ignored me in the middle of my sentence and continued to talk with our shift leader. I felt like a third wheel, again. They talked for over 5 minutes so I didn't want to wait until they finish and I can go back to our conversation, I didn't want to interrupt them, and I couldn't add anything either since I don't smoke. Then our two other coworkers joined in and they all started talking about smoking and insurance, so I was like ok I'm done here, and I left, feeling very stupid. Every day I have a situation like this
No. 1203170
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Amazon has never let me down apart from the one time I buy a pair of fucking AirPods. I want to kill someone. Where the fuck are they? The deport was like a fucking four hour drive away and it’s been fucking FIVE WORKING DAYS AND A WEEKEND
No. 1203182
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suffering from a chronic mental illness hasn't made me strong or resilient like everyone is trying to make me believe and none of them will ever know the pain of missing out on your childhood because you know that something's wrong with you but can't vocalize it.
I wish I had been aborted.
No. 1203193
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>>1203170I've seen an order from a distribution center 50 miles away fly across the country and back for some reason. Package getting more travelling done than me.
No. 1203197
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Damn, heartbreak is such a bitch. I just laid in bed in the dark without eating or drinking for like 30 hours. I'm glad we broke up but I miss him, nonitas.
No. 1203215
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>>1203197Me too girl. Heartbreak nonnies should come together sometime in the cytube and we will cry and watch funny videos together.
No. 1203226
>>1203197Me too. What sucks is I develop crushes only
after I dump them because I start being lonely and forget the bad stuff… I am so close to contacting ex who was
toxic as shit. Let's hold on together, we can get through this. Let's not lose hope.
No. 1203262
>>1203260>Nta but leaving your mark on someone like that is just childishWhy?
>There's a reason why teens walk around proudly displaying them and rarely adults doing itI literally don't remember seeing anyone with hickeys during my high school years
No. 1203269
>>1203193I hope you get your package safely, anon!
Also, I'm replaying RE1 Hd remaster and man, the controls are still kind of unforgiving. Feels good to finally beat it on PS4. I've only beaten it on PS1 and Gamecube
No. 1203273
>>1203205I also lost contact with my dad after my mom passed (11 years this November.) It isn't your fault. I feel like my father was always absentee, but now that my mom is gone he has no reason to stick around. Do what makes you feel best and remember family bonds are bullshit if they are
No. 1203418
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I've been so busy and distracted for the last few weeks and today was the first day that my routine has been back to "normal" but around 4pm i hit a wall and spent the rest of the evening feeling like absolute shit. I cant even pinpoint why. just the crushing weight of going back to my normal mundane eventless life i suppose.
No. 1203496
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Anonymous now No. 1203492
File (hide): 1653976308903.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1566x1170, 89AE7C6A-B85B-4E96-A913-D2B38E…)
So, I’d never felt self-conscious of my teeth until the past 3 years or so. I’ve never, ever felt bad about the shape/size of my normal looking teeth, until I noticed suddenly EVERYONE I see on Instagram has HUGE, perfect teeth, usually with the front two teeth a little longer (similar to Ariana Grande’s “bunny” teeth. It’s a very cute and youthful look).
I suddenly felt like mine look so small like baby teeth in comparison to theirs and you can’t see as much of my upper teeth when I talk on camera and I felt it “ages” me.
I was so confused and wondered how all of these random people hit the genetic jackpot, until I googled a bit and learned that tons of hopeful influencers, as young as teenagers(!), are now getting veneers, and there’s been a huge uptick in cosmetic dentistry for young people specifically because of social media and wanting to look good for IG and lip synching on TikTok.
It’s so jarring when I see this everywhere on social media, I remember seeing beautiful actresses in movies from the 90s and their smiles looked so…normal. Straight and white, yes, but not the huge chiclet teeth I see everywhere now.
Picrel: Did you know that the specialist SHAVES THEIR TEETH down into tiny sharp shark teeth nubs to attach the veneers? And they only last 10-12 years until they need to be refitted? I was shocked and suddenly didn’t feel as envious once I learned about that step. I guess my teeth are fine after all.
No. 1203533
>>1203159we are in the same boat nonna. i have a longing for a close friendship, like one i only had maybe 2 times in my life. it is so difficult as an adult, and every group costs money to join, and people already have friends there.
everytime i did not fake an extra social life my new friend flaked off. when i try to be enthusiastic it ends up looking desperate? i don't really know. some socially awkward people like to hang out but they are much more shy than i am and it ends up flaking off for both of us.
No. 1203584
>>1203582Good luck anon!
I got a job doing food service stuff and I’m a clumsy and nervous person too! I have had my awkward experiences but it’s going well so far for me. Just gotta get into that fearless mindset!
No. 1203603
>>1203496I have terrible teeth (being broke and depression-caused neglection did its course) that cost a lot to fix and I feel really really mad whenever young people with no dental issues decide to get veneers and crowns. They're permanent, you're stuck with them until the day you die. You will never get that healthy removed enamel and dentine back. Even if you don't have that fake ass hollywood smile you should be happy and proud to have healthy teeth, it's always better and more lasting than crowns.
>And they only last 10-12 years until they need to be refittedThis really depends though, the majority of them last for decades. The 10-12 years is just a guaranteed time they
should last. But I'd still pick a natural tooth over a crown or a veneer, you can never be sure when one of them decides to fail and fall off. Just putting this out for anons who might have to get a dental crown for health reasons.
No. 1203607
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that moment when you try to mask and fit in with regular people by cracking what you think is a trendy/normie joke and as it turns out the joke was not in fact normie and trendy not only that but the delivery was so clearly autistic it just illicites pity in them without any laughter. i have to kill myself now
No. 1203619
>>1203609The craziest part is how moids use it as a threat to make women get married, like
>all your worth as a woman and a sexual partner will disappear the moment you hit 30, at which point we become incapable of feeling attraction to you and see you as an infertile old hag>therefore you must hurry up and enter into a lifelong legal and financial partnership with usffs lmao the ONE THING that has turned me off marriage entirely is the constant reassurance that men of all ages prefer teenage girls over adult women and can barely tolerate us past a certain age. Long term relationships are inherently doomed if that's true and yet men think scare mongering about the wall is the best way to get us trapped in one. I guess a lot of short sighted, insecure women fall for it in the end.
No. 1203655
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>>1203632as a joke, or..? please don't do it
nonnie No. 1203660
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>>1203609The propoganda around marriage which is built by the media is retarded. I have met so many desperate women who claim and believe that they cannot exist without dating a man, let alone get married. My personal cow threatned suicide to her bf if he didn't marry her, all because her big brother got married. Throughout this day she still blames him and the wife over everything, trying to turn the family against brothers wife. She always spregs how women should not work or have an education, while sitting in mother and grandmothers house, never helping with cleaning or cooking, just sitting in a room which they (!) clean, while mother works two jobs thank to this idiot. She started dating a kid that's 4 years younger than her and is a Muslim incel, trying to groom him. All of her 'friends' are early 20s porn and game-addicted scrotes. Always lies on internet about the way she lives to make herself look like a poor
victim while having the most supportive doormat mother possible. Every normie should have a huge book-guide the second their break-up with someone, so they would know that life exists outside a relationship.
No. 1203662
>>1203612This sounds like epilepsy.
>>1203635It really depends on both the man and the woman. I'm married and it works because we both want the same out of life. We are committed to living a lifestyle that we wouldn't be able to achieve if we weren't together. Before we were married we both made it very clear what we expected from each other and any violation of this results in divorce. Even if I did divorce my husband, I would still be better off than I was before.
No. 1203674
>>1203635men i dated in my teens and early twenties would already start slacking in hygiene because they felt comfortable. i had to tell them to wash their greasy hair, trim that scraggly beard and put on some deodorant. i taught every damned boyfriend a new hygiene tip that was extremely basic knowledge to me. and some of these men were the same to say that marriage is balls and chains, and what kills attraction is when the wife gets fat.
the audacity of scrotes. no, attraction isn't lost because she became fat after giving birth to your stupid spawns, and stressing about everything daily for years. it's because she had to keep treating you like a child so you don't stop brushing your teeth and letting shit get mouldy in the fridge.
No. 1203675
>>1203662my grandfather had a brain bleeding so i might be prone to it but he was also drinking heavily. epilepsy sounds realistic too although i am not
triggered by trippy gifs. i get this random spurt of rapid eye blinking sometimes though. i hope it'll all be okay, please send good vibes. thanks nonnas.
No. 1203687
>>1203680i stopped feeling bad about incels crying about looking ugly and hopeless after i saw how my brother with the same beliefs did his appearance. if he cared so much about looking good for girls, he could have gotten inspiration from current celebs women his age think are hot. instead this idiot put a disgusting amount of hair gel, dresses like he is 10x his age, yet still won't look into getting rid of his acne, or fixing his unibrow. he has no skin care routine at all. next is his height insecurity. he takes pictures of girls heels and rants about how it's impossible to date because of high heels. he is aware that shoe inserts exist for men, but thinks it's fake.
who cares if it's fake or not if you want to have the appearance? makeup is also "not real" but it works, hairspray is the same. add in the fact that males profit off most makeup lines, wigs and other shit women have to wear to work yet men think it's bad and makes them a homosexual to wear any.
No. 1203691
>>1203665I agree with the general sentiment. Marriage is not as it's sold to women, it's not some idyllic 1950s fantasy, it's hard work that takes equal commitment. What I disagree with is the idea that marriage is always to the detriment of women. Marriage is basically a contract and it's one that a woman should only enter if it's to her benefit. It's high risk but also potentially high reward.
>>1203675Epilepsy is often missed because the symptoms can be very subtle and not all seizure types involve the loss of consciousness. If it is epilepsy it's not too much of a big deal because it can be controlled either through diet or medication. Good luck nonna.
No. 1203696
>>1203665What's the point in "arguing" with someone's vent, anyway? I appreciate the perspective in
>>1203662 and
>>1203691 but wouldn't call it arguing, she's just offering her point of view in a reasonable way.
No. 1203702
>>1203609The guy I thought I would either marry or be with for the long haul.. he actually replaced me with an older woman. Older and bigger… broke the stereotype. But then I found out lately what the appeal was. Anal sex and swinging parties! lol I wish I were joking. He hid those interests well from me but found his freaky dreammate in her. If that's the shit you need to do to satisfy a man more long term then I'd rather not. The worrying thing is how well he played a role for me. If you're into freaky stuff just tell me early on and give me the option to dodge you before I've years sunk into living with you. That's all I ask. I want a man to represent himself thruthfully and that's where I've lost faith. Sex acts and secret fetishes being on such a pedestal that they rank them above any partner and will screw you over if ever presented with an opportunity.
And I've friends who commmited through marriage or babies (or both) and similar shit has gone down. He reassures you he's a family man and then he waits a few years to decide actually sleeping around and dating around is something he really wants. 2 young kids later.. I mean perfect timing to want to go sexually experiment?
No. 1203733
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>>1203381i know that's why i mentioned it lol fml. one of the worst parts of this is that I can't even talk about it with my friends irl because they're either too normie to understand or they'll tell me I'm being homo/biphobic rip
No. 1203748
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>>1203699thank you cutie! it's been a slog and I still wig out on the regular but I've stopped punching myself. didn't realize how much meds help til I'm off them and am baffled how I survived for 20+ years without them.
I wish I could hug and help nonas with this shit going on, I know it's hard but as soon as there's a little help or silver lining we truly flourish. I'm glad we have the space to share support when this world seems to really ignore us. or misdiagnose us with fucking BPD (no offense bpd anons!) as a catch-all
I love you all so much, please be gentle with yourselves.
(also mad props to anon who made cute sims farmers picrel ily most)
No. 1203755
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>>1203748OMG your using my picture as a react! I'm so flattered! I hope you feel better
>>1203750Same, i've vented about it so much on here it's crazy. It's been maybe 10 years now, no job ever. No friends. No boyfriend, nothing. I feel like this year may be my year, I hope so. I really do.
I hope it's your year as well and whatever you are going through gets better. I understand it's such a unique situation to be in and to explain to other people. Talking about it has really helped me. I get it
No. 1203775
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>>1203755ayrt nona these are amazinggg I love you so much!
>>1203750idk how young you guys are but it's never too late seriously. the outside world is ready for you when you are. don't beat yourself up in the meantime, it's a hostile place no wonder it's terrifying. but you got this, it's all little steps. sounds like bullshit even typing it but cliches are true sometimes. I believe in you.
No. 1203812
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How do you have conversations with a mom who’s so stubborn and avoids confronting problems or even truly listen to you? I have problems expressing my feelings and emotions in the right way and I feel like I know exactly why, she doesn’t even listen. This is what I get for avoiding my own emotions, for not finding another job to save up, for not having friends to rely on, it’s been the worse two years of my adult life and I’m almost 20. I almost feel resentful partially for the fact that I have to turn my continuous suffering and pain into some eventual triumphant win instead of other people or the world holding them accountable for their actions. I’m the one that has to hold back and bottle my anger because no one cares about female anger. In this world it feels like I have to let go of all social norms and morality to finally execute my own justice. I just want to beat the ever loving shit out of that thing that I have to call a brother, but I’m such a coward.
No. 1203822
>>1203812Besides the brother thing, this sounds like it could've been written by my
sister whose going through something similar with my mother and is around your age.
We both also have issues expressing ourselves because of how we were raised. I just start crying when I talk about it and then my mom gets mad that I'm crying. It's like i'm being penelized for showing emotions.
I really wish some mothers knew the
toxic ways they have towards their daughters.
my mom has flat out told me she doesn't care if i'm mad at her, when I asked, she was laughing and I asked her like during a conversatin where she was saying how she cares somewhat when My brother is mad. But it hurt. Like damnI'm sorry you are going through this
nonnie No. 1203872
>>1203682It’s really scary, yeah. It tends to happen when I’m under stress more, but It feels like the panic attacks themselves are completely at random and unpredictable, although maybe I haven’t developed the ability to tell when I’m panicking before it’s too late?
>>1203698Thank you
nonnie, I was actually really really moved by the kind responses. Whoever said anonimity only brings out the worst in people is a silly doomer. Does the medication stop you from getting panic attacks entirely or does it make them more manageable?
No. 1203898
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I fucking hate the new pedophile pride flag, and every fucking corporation that hangs that bullshit will receive $0 going forwards. Just watched my local hospital TAKE DOWN their "Organ Donation Saves Lives" flag to put up the fucking nigger-tranny-fag flag and the group of obviously straight, bleach white flagfags all started clapping like an American flight just landed. Well fuck you then, in honour of degeneracy I have removed myself from benefitting others- especially once trannies start getting their evil claws on the bodies of dead women. Bitch I'M OUT!(autistic racebait)
No. 1203938
>>1203935The hospital's signage was what made me decide to be an organ donor. Why then am I not allowed to make that decision again based on hospital info? When the degeneracy stops, I'll sign back up. It takes seconds. But until then, fuck that. Plus it's my decision ultimately and I can make it based on religion, or
feelings, and this is seemingly both.
No. 1203989
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se people are destined to make a name for themselves no matter how obscure, some people have better motivation to do things, people are outside with friends and family having fun and my fate is to decompose in my room all alone, not everyone can be happy
No. 1204012
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>>1204008Wow, I really never knew that she was dating a much older woman. Apparently their age gap is 32 years.
No. 1204033
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"I'd kill myself if I had (innocuous feature that some people even find cute)" These people don't understand that words are like bullets and you can't just shoot them around like that so carelessly have some trigger discipline you animal
No. 1204091
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I have a highly idealized view of my dad as this great person and one of the only good men. He has done a lot for our family, basically spends every day sacrificing himself for us (too much to get into), has never shown a hint of sexism (he is super supportive of me no matter what while it's my mom who has rigid expectations and views on gender roles). He is gentle and kind, almost too much. So I formed this view of him as almost perfect, my role model or rather the standard I hold men to. Not long ago today I was scrolling through his phone tabs (trying to find something specific with his permission) and saw porn. It was only one tab so part of me is in denial saying he probably clicked something by mistake, he is technologically illiterate and doesn't know how to close tabs even. Regardless I am crushed. I know the chances, I know how men are so I know it's not unlikely he found it on purpose. He's not really ever alone in our house so idk when he would have done that but. I am shaken to the core. There is a rational (perhaps libfemmy?) voice in my head saying no one is perfect, that I created an ideal of him as a saint, that of course he has a flaw but it doesn't mean he's not a good person. And that men are blasted with temptations everywhere and it's irresistible to their appetites (like how as women we enjoy seeing sexy men too). Sorry if I sound prudish I can't word this right and yeah I was raised Christian. Anyway. I haven't told him what I saw, it hasn't been an hour yet but I just said I don't feel well and went to my room. I've been crying on and off but not as much as I need to. Tbh my thoughts are mostly blank. I don't know what to think only what I feel, shocked and frozen but hurting. I feel so hurt by him if he truly did that. I know the chances are high with all men but I really believed he wasn't the type. There is still a chance it was an accident, and I could even check his history later to get a better idea. But that would be fucked up in several ways, firstly he's my dad so ew and second what if I find something way worse. What was on that tab was tame as far as porn goes, a "milf blowjobs" website. I know I'm overreacting but I feel devastated and also, no longer have any hope for men, they are all the same at the core. They should stop making fun of us for being cat ladies when none of them can be trusted not to betray us
No. 1204113
>>1204091I want to add that obviously I have some kind of complex around porn. Every time I see a man I think he probably watches it I don't know why it hurts me so much, I guess I see it as betrayal and hate how easy it is for them to access, idk idk but it makes me want to die, sorry for the histrionics
No. 1204145
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I'm scared of my own family. I'm scared of my father. I'm scared of my sister. I'm scared of my mother. And I'm more scared that if I have the strength to leave, drop my education, risk it all to no longer feel like I'm about to die, then I will die. It's all my physical and mental failings culminating into something that's going to kill me. I can feel death in my bones if I don't stay tethered to my situation, but it may kill me before dropping out and leaving does. The red string of fate will soon snap, sisters, I have a meeting with destiny and he's going to fucking take me hostage. I'm so decrepit and wasted.
i don't want to be learning hopelessness. I want to unlearn hopelessness. no miracles going to befall me without a price. if it does, then I'm the luckiest girl in the world. And I'll be smiling the day that I jump off the 405 two years later if I last that long. Id take being with an unstable partner again over this shit, I'd take living with an abusive moid, at least they give you love sometimes. My family is nonstop disappointment, neglect, pain and rage. Always has been, always will be. There's like no life left in me. I'm in pain constantly and I'm torn between two worlds. Two different desires. Flight or fight.
No. 1204167
>>1204091Porn is gross but you should honestly feel at least a little blessed that he was watching age appropriate and vanilla shit.
My friend found teen bdsm porn on her dad's computer when she was 15.
No. 1204169
>>1204164Deep breathes Noni. You saw something traumatic and it was caused by someone you trusted. Someone you thought was safe. Everything you are feeling is a normal part of the process. I’m very sorry that happened and it’s gross that men even the ones who should be better and be examples get off on our harm and degradation.
Try to focus on something else for a little bit and get your brain distracted. You're hyper focusing. Maybe take a shower or a walk and call a friend if you have one. Something to get out of your head and it off your mind. Calm down and then process.
No. 1204178
>>1204171He's an adult man so escalation is less likely than it is with teen boys and young men who literally grew up on internet porn. His tastes have solidified and they seem "normal" so he's probably gonna stay in that normal range for life.
I would try not to let this affect your relationship, anon. It quite literally is ALL men who watch porn, 99% at least. Sucks but can't be helped these days. Family is important and I only recommend cutting parents off if they're
No. 1204183
>>1204172Thank you
No. 1204188
>>1204169Thank you
nonny. I don't have any friends but could shower. I still want to talk to him to try to redeem him I feel like I lost someone I love. But that's an overreaction isn't it? It's just a flaw even could be called minor compared to the rest of him but I still feel awful and can't look at him
>>1204176I'll try I think you are right. The thing is I have intense anxiety that is latching onto this hard. Fears that he will find worse things, and thoughts popping in that it's awful and I've been betrayed, my mom's been betrayed etc. Wondering what else he has done. I do not know how to let it go. I know I wouldn't want them judging my mistakes but tbh I am harder on men about this for some reason. I don't care if a woman does it but men it's unforgivable. I clearly have some issue, I want to take it less seriously and even become normie libfem if I have to because right now I'm feeling like nothing will ever be the same, all over a measly vanilla porn site lol
>>1204178I'll try to see it this way… the fact that all men do though makes me want to never be with a man ever, I don't know why but this is the biggest ever issue I have. It's a little sad because I did want to be with someone someday
>>1204181Ntayrt but I thought all men are attracted to those teen porn videos and like I said I don't care if a woman watches porn, what's wrong with me
No. 1204193
I'm very upset at myself for how obsessive and judgmental I've become about bodies - both my own and other people's. I was with friends this past weekend and I couldn't stop staring at my friend's waist. She naturally has an hour glass figure and flat stomach, and just won the genetic lottery. On the other hand, I'm built like a brick. Straight down, minimal curves all around, and a flabby stomach. I've been trying to work out to build up muscle tone and to build up general strength. Part of me does it for aesthetics but I've been trying to move away from having aesthetics be my only goal.
I hate how I can't stop looking and people and thinking "at least I'm skinner than her" or "I wish I had her flat stomach/thin legs/proportions" It's fucking brainrot both ways. I feel guilty looking at my best friend, who is a bit heavier than me, and judging her for it as if it has any impact on what a beautiful person she is, both in personality and in looks. I swear to god it really is just like worms are eating my molding brain. It's so fucking rude and I know it is, and even if I keep my comments to myself, I don't want to obsessively look at other people and envy or shit on how they look, especially my own friends who I love and cherish for their personalities and company.
I know sometimes a reflective mean thought can't be helped but this weekend it felt like my brain just ramped that shit up to 10 and even I got fucking sick of my own thoughts.
No. 1204242
>>1204226Listen did I in my two responses tell her to cut off her father? No I told her what Noni? Her feelings are
valid and she can feel them but she shouldn’t hyper focus. Go take a shower or a walk and call a friend or since she doesn’t have anyone maybe talk to a free counselor to process with her. You’re the one projecting. Take your meds and call your therapist. You still apparently have unresolved issues from your ex porn stash. Sorry about your failure of a father too.
No. 1204254
>>1204226>>1204246Holy overreaction batman
>imply I'm porn sick bc I was GROOMED AS A MINOR.How was that anon supposed to know? Wtf. I don't think what OP found is the worst thing in the world and what she does is up to her, but you're acting crazy anon
No. 1204281
>>1204270>For all we fucking know hes just a clueless boomer who clicked on a porn ad accidentally.That turned out to be the case kek. I am so relieved and it makes more sense with the dad I know. Yeah this shouldn't have become a big fight.
>>1204273Oh god, I'm so sorry
nonnie. That is extremely messed up. You don't have any duty but to take care of yourself which means not listening to such bs from him
No. 1204285
>>1204277Thanks a ton
nonny, that is exactly what happened. I could tell you were doing that approach and it helped a lot. Now I will stop filling up this thread and go do just that, love you
No. 1204290
>>1204274comedy through and through is a boys club run by a bunch of horrible sexist men
spoken shamefully as someone who likes comedy and people are finally beginning to stand up to the institution. it sucks that a genre catering to and perpetuated but the alleged outcasts of the acting world is arguably more guarded by assholes than the actual industry is? the irony of it all
the only problem is when it's all said and done there's no guarantee the younger, woke hip new style comics aren't just as bad as their older counterparts. looking at what happened to mulaney.
No. 1204296
>>1204291- Rice cooker and steamer tray. Microwave a can of beans or fry an egg.
- make a big pot of soup or veggie chili put in individual containers freeze.
- boiled eggs and fruit
- pot stickers boiled in broth like dumplings. Just keep them frozen and then throw them in when ready
- chicken salad in bok choy leaves. Rotisserie chicken for added ease.
No. 1204325
>>1204091You don’t have to be all-or-nothing toward your dad.
Unless you do check the history and find something disgusting like asian teen porn. But yeah, it’s a harsh but good reminder to not deify any man.
No. 1204362
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>>1201405I wanted to update on this bc I'm going nuts. We had a little make out session, we wrestled and tickled each other on the bed and it was a mix of rough and soft moments and it was very fun until at one moment he put his fingers around my neck and started to slightly squeeze it, or maybe massaging it would be the better way to describe it. Either way I froze a little bit bc I immediately started wondering whether he wants to choke me and he's indeed pornsick, or it's just a playful thing that happened accidentally between all other gestures we exchanged and he didn't have choking in mind. He also slapped me on my ass too hard even though I said it hurts, he said he thought it was a delicate slap, so maybe he simply doesn't know how strong he is and he isn't very experienced? He had nothing against me slapping him in exchange. Anyway, the hand on the throat thing is still bothering me a little bit. The funniest thing though is that I tried to make him come againg, this time by grinding, and he sounded and looked like was about to come, his face was red as fuck, his eyes were rolling like I was exorcising him or some shit, but then he said "I can't anymore, I wish I could but I can't". And I got sad again. I don't even have the opportunity to search through his phone to see if he had some porn history. I really want to confront him about his problems and hypothetical porn usage the next time we meet, but I don't know what would be the best way to approach this in order not to make him act defensive and more likely to lie to me
No. 1204381
>>1204287>>1204292Thanks nonnies. I have a funny update from when I talked with him one more time. He said that he often gets popups when he tries to visit this site (the name of it starts with "mi-" and it's for his fave series, I've seen him using it for years) and it instead takes him to the bad one (some "milf" site). He tries to close it and I assume that's when he creates another tab since he doesn't know how. I've actually scrolled thru his tabs before to find a specific one for him, and never saw anything before until this one time, so again it's this and his good track record is why I believe him. Kek but I find it adorable that it turns out all he's doing is going to that same kinda geeky fan website, he definitely goes there a lot as I've seen. Either phones autocorrect "milf" now or somehow it got in his history through a misclick and now he can't escape it, I'll configure settings though to help. Anyway thanks again nonnies and it's cracking me up that his film fan site autocorrects to milf
>>1204325You are right nonna. Even though I view him in a very good light still, it's unhealthy of me to do it so much. I like to think I still recognize his flaws that I know about, but it's just this particular possibility that shattered everything because it's my weak point. Either way I will keep it in mind
No. 1204392
>>1203607Posts like this constantly make me wonder if I have high functioning autism. I've had experiences like this throughout my entire life and now that I'm a fully grown adult I can't just dismiss it as being a weird kid or awkward teenager anymore.
I'm over here feeling like an alien or something, like I was just dropped off here when I was born and never got the memo or instruction manual for how to be a normal girl without making people cringe or feel awkward.
No. 1204518
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>>1204495Nothing about him reads female,
nonnie. He acts like any other gay moid, dresses like buffalo bill, and applies makeup like he's a contestant in a child beauty pageant. He is genuinely creepy as fuck.
No. 1204575
>>1204537Yeah he really
triggers my fight or flight response
No. 1204576
>>1204306Late but
Soups, chilies, and pasta salads are still easy.
Go for chickpea pasta for easy protein.
You can use bokchoy or rice paper rolls and instead of chicken salad fill them with a veggie or sauce or make a vegan substitute for chicken lettuce rolls with a sauce.
For fridge cooked food in containers is 7-10 days unless it’s something that grows mold or something faster. Always put up cooked food especially rice after 2 hours at room temp. Frozen is 3-6 months depending what’s in it. For ease you can also put aromatics in ice cube trays for three months like minced garlic, green onion, minced jalapeño, you can even mince and freeze herbs like that with a little water. Then just throw them in when you cook.
No. 1204605
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> moid economists promote findings from RCT that rely on self-reported answers from a population of moids that are highly likely to lie> said policy is to pay out money based upon sympathy for criminal moids> worthless vox article argues for giving violent criminals money to get them to stop being violent. yes let’s give more money to moids who could get paid more if they fucking tried but they’re too busy living w their moms while slinging weed on the streets to have that gangster lifestyle while making less than they’d make in fast food. meanwhile their low income female counterparts are discriminated and abused by these men simply for being me biased and misandrist (I am and I’m proud) but as a female economist I cringe so hard at the numerous articles and research that excuses scrote behavior. Not really a surprise that our moid dominated field is enabling and coddling moid violent criminals instead of even addressing who are their
victims and giving the
victims of these moids a better life instead. a few dollars isn’t gonna fix the systemic problems in education and other institutions. if these moids really kill people just because they aren’t getting five dollars then maybe they should just die. thanks econ for once again proving that moid lives do not matter. thank you for coming to my ted talk. No. 1204631
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I've been getting a lot of scrotey posts in my Instagram feed lately but this had to take the cake.
I hate dudes who think screwing in clothing is hot. I find that really disgusting. I know I sound really Karen like but dudes who think it's hot to fuck you while you're bottomless come off as very dehumanizing to me. It just makes it all seem very trashy to not be completely naked. These dudes would have no problem screwing completely clothed just pulling their dick out and getting it over with.
Fucking nasty.
No. 1204638
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>>1204495Really this fugly creature?
Nonny love yourself (pic sfw just some fugo gender special scrote)
No. 1204760
I dablle in creative hobbies that might spark my dormant-since-grade-school creativity not because i have the need to show my world my shitty art, but because of the fact that I want to be immortalized in something greater than myself - more soulful, more intimate, spiritually flawless. I don't really care about making opuses just for the sake of them, I do them in the hopes of someone someday picking them up, discovering them and breathing my soul into them. They'll look at my art and go "Wow, she was one of a kiond, I wish I could talk to her!". I have absolutely no work ethic, no interest in anything but recreational pondering and just plain old doing nothing. I'm a good person but I don't help anyone. I'm lazy to the point that it WILL kill me (unironically, it will drive me towards suicide once i realize how much potential I actually had and how I wasted it all doubting myself or sleeping on developing skills). Deep down I know I can make good shit, but I don't want the risk, and I can't be arsed. My ego has an itch that needs to be scratched, and that itch is having other people praise me for how unique and special and creative i am without doing anything to work towards doing something that requires skill and intricate diagnostics-problem solving. I can't make myself liked for no reason at all and that makes me so fucking mad and at the same time depressed that I'm so scared of failing or realizing i have no talent and one day die a fucking no one.
No. 1204823
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>>1204521Powerpuff girls were on to something
No. 1204830
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>>1204495same anon as
>>1204829 but Ms Darbus is who the fag is copying. She does it way better though because women are better than scrotes. Pay respect where it’s due, troid.
No. 1204857
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wishing i could drive. figuring out bus routes is exhausting (30 minutes to get to a place i could drive to in like, 6 minutes if i had a car) but also
>gas in my state is nearing 6 bucks a gallon
>terrified of cars (fear only grew after a friend got into a terrible fucking car wreck very recently)
>no real need to drive because these sorts of situations happen like, five times a year
>uber exists
at the same time though. not having to rely on outside forms of transportation would be nice.
gosh i feel dumb as hell sometimes, even people with down syndrome can learn how to drive.
No. 1204862
>>1204853The typing style is what made me confused
>>1204858Binge eating disorder
No. 1204953
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>Went on deviantart and reliving a a certain time
And now I'm crying
No. 1205021
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I know this is gross but, I can smell my vagina right now, and it smells likecheese and other stuff. I think I have fucking BV. I actually have some boric acid pills but I think I only have a couple left from dropping most of them. My life is miserable.
No. 1205129
>>1205045agreeing with
>>1205096 here, you need to cut her out and let her know how it feels.
No. 1205184
>>1205159Seeing this photo years later, I'm more inclined to believe her. Maybe the boyz
WERE all over her but at the time of this photo, the boyz dispersed and just weren't in her general area.
No. 1205192
>>1205152>>1205155Idk if it was a "move" or his idea of humour given that gay moids are just as good at crossing boundaries "as a joke" as their straight brethren are. I think I'm starting to believe the anons here who say all men are inherently bisexual and will fuck anything. Either way I'm going to kill that scrote.
>>1205177Oh yeah I've had that happen too and I get it, if you're walking past me and not really seeing my face or hearing my voice I do vaguely look like a guy. I don't mind when gay guys do that, it's an honest mistake and it happens a lot in the twink/butch borderlands.
No. 1205228
>>1205219Maybe he wasn't hitting on my wife, idk. I just vented a wall of text because it helps me with my temper. Either way I'm just sick of gay guys acting like they have a pass for this shit. Who the fuck tells women they'd make hot men? Especially when the most conversation we've had with this guy and his bf relates to the weather or what we did on the weekend, so it's not like they're friends of ours, not that being friends would make it better. And like
>>1205220 said, men are wired different to us. I've seen plenty of straight men be attracted to femininity over actual female-ness so it's not a leap to imagine gay men being like that.
No. 1205235
>>1205228I don’t have it out for you but I have been seeing
a lot of claims of gay men hitting on women in /ot/ lately and it just doesn’t make any sense and I’m more apt to believe it’s total delusion. Why is it that anons will harp on Aidens and say men will never see them as men, nobody will, that they are completely obvious, they don’t ever pass, etc but when it comes to vaguely butch women who aren’t even on testosterone you’re suddenly the magical exception to gay mens sexuality? You aren’t unicorns and gay men have been very open about not being attracted to women or transmascs in any way, and most who pretend they are do solely for the sake of not being labeled transphobic. The genital preference for the vast majority of gay men is undeniable, and the small portion who are attracted to women are bisexual and I find it hard to believe that the ladies of lolcow dot gov are just encountering them left and right. Doubling down because it makes no sense. Either your wife was hit on by a metro or bi guy or you’re just mad he felt her arms. That’s totally okay.
No. 1205245
>>1204762she has the right
TERF spirit but shame she’s not very bright
No. 1205255
>>1205252It's not a mindset, those are just the facts. I know that with "all those anons", you mean me too, because I've talked about this before. I was acquaintances with what I thought was a gay man for over a decade. He called himself gay, he only dated men, I never thought anything of it. He still suddenly one day confessed that he had been having sex dreams about me and said "how do you know for sure that you're a lesbian, if you've not tried stuff with men?". Okay, so he's apparently bi, not gay. Doesn't change that I was absolutely mortified and I thought he'd actually understand exclusively samesex attraction, because he was one of the few people I could talk to irl about gender critical stuff. I already hated men before, but that experience taught me that I have to be on my toes around "gay" men too. Yes I'm such an Aiden or a fujo for not enjoying being propagated for sex by scrotes.
No. 1205266
>>1205257propagated is supposed to be procured is supposed to be propositioned I’m assuming? Kek.
Also I’m not denying or invalidating your experience in any way but I also think it’s important to not harbor delusions, which I believe some anons do. Doesn’t mean I think you’re lying or that it didn’t happen to you. But your experience does not encompass some others that are being perpetuated and sounding a little schizo.
No. 1205270
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I loved Martine books as a child, always found the drawings really beautiful but I remember being weirded out by how much she would be drawned showing her panties or in odd positions. I always thought the artist was a woman, turns out it was a moid…
I'm so mad right now, I feel like a big part of my childhood got ruined
No. 1205278
>>1205270samefag because through searching Martine illustrations on Pinterest
I fell into a pedo images rabbit hole with boards full of pictures of little girls in swimsuits I'm gonna kill myself
No. 1205299
>>1205289It’s not a big deal I just think it’s important for us to be more clarifying because the notion that gay people want us is exactly the sort of thing scrotes do to lesbians all of the time. No gay men don’t deserve us caping for them as they absolutely would never do it for us but it was just getting a little delusional and it doesn’t really make any sense when compared with all the evidence contrary to what some (again, only some) anons are trying to perpetuate now. I just think it’s important to clarify because it makes lolcow look really, really bad and embarrassing as a whole when a few women get vague and start claiming gay men want us in any way despite it completely going against the rhetoric about ftms here. It’s just contradicting and nonsensical. And while I wholeheartedly believe that it’s possible for men to pretend to be gay to let your guard down it’s just harmful as a whole to say
actual gay men are attracted to you. The semantics are important regardless because of the other principles being upheld here and we don’t need to make ourselves look stupid.
No. 1205331
>>1205299lot of tradtier homophobes. i'm not saying being degen is uncommon for gay men but they're better people than straight guys yet i see swathes of gay hate on this site recently acting like they're usually just as bad. they're not. tired of it
>>1205260agree, they do objectify women just as much but they do present less of a threat overall. really, like 90% of the anti-gay guy discussion going on on this website is unnecessary and boring, homophobia masquerading as some kind of ultimate feminist truth. i'm not saying they're not untrustworthy or shitty, but the vitriol is palpable and psychotic.
No. 1205333
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The absolute rush I will get when you’re finally put on the registry you deserve to be on because you’re stupid enough to think your voyeurism and peeping Tom obsession isn’t considered a sex offense and won’t have consequences will be better than any other.
No. 1205374
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I messed up my 41-day-no-processed-sugar streak. I'm on my period and all I've eaten today is chocolate and things that contain chocolate. So far I've had half a chocolate bar, chocolate milk and some brownies. I'm honesty surprised that I haven't felt sick or had a sugar rush yet.
No. 1205413
>>1205394nona my love! firstly take a breath, this isn't your fault. especially when you've done the most you can to deal with it. give yourself some credit, a lot of people will be like "whoops" and keep spreading that shit without a second thought. you're already doing the right thing, please don't beat yourself up when you're already trying what you can. that shit counts.
I remember moving into a boyfriends and having me and my friends all ravaged while him and his dad were chillin and never got bitten, fucking pisses me off to this day. had to leave all my shit there. fucking hoarders need to be shamed way more often imo. I'm still literally scarred ankles up from that shit.
can you boil/hot wash the stuff you're gonna bring beforehand? can you explain this to your friends?
I'm sorry this is the opposite of advice, I'm genuinely so frustrated and angry for you. those little fuckers.
in the meantime if you're suffering bites pawpaw ointment or aloe ointment helped my deep dark crater wounds from bedbugs heal like nothing else did.
I'm sorry nona, all I can say is maybe tell your mates the whole situation. if they're real friends they'll understand. $300 is a huge amount (to some of us anyway) can you sell your ticket if you choose not to go?
I'd say just go but they're so fucking transmittable. keep us updated please nona I'm worried about this situation for you too.
I might sound insane with this reply but I lived with hoarders and had to leave ALL my belongings behind and bail cause they were so filthy and had no problem with it.
No. 1205479
>>1203245Okay to explain it, it's trashy in the same way wearing a fetish collar like trannies do is trashy. It's showing strangers shit about your ~kinky~ sex life when they haven't consented to that and it's even worse when you're in a professional setting. Yeah, showing people how you have sex is inappropriate. It's smiliar to having very sexy revealing clothes in a professional setting. But I think you're teenage so it makes sense, you didn't need to be taken seriously and don't know much about dress codes yet. And I say this as someone who likes neck bites.
>>1203265Just cover it with makeup, bandaid, turtleneck or a scarf.
No. 1205497
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normies are getting into my hobbies, and it really sucks. i hate seeing tiktok stacies pretend they understand what lain is going through. i saw one doing a slutty cosplay of lain and it just made me ill. you don't actually like her. you just want attention from men that do/to seem like someone who actually enjoys lain. then they tag it with shit like "animecore" or "weirdcore", kill yourselves.
i hate the (failed) normie dudes too who only watch the most dull, trope-filled shonen/romcom anime and try to act as if they are "totally fans guise!!" and better than women into anime. you aren't even actually into anime. you probably got into it last week, and made fun of people who actually enjoyed it before you even picked it up. kill yourselves as well.
i need them all to stick to capeshit and genshin impact and leave my favorite things alone.
No. 1205511
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i hate how old i look when i am skinny, but hate how fat i look when my face looks cute. i am just too short to have a middle ground with my weight. i am thinking about saving money on food to get skinny again and spend it on fillers instead.
it is so hypocritical of me, when i think cosmetic procedures are benefitting the patriarchy and yet, i can't escape being judged for my looks. i never got to enjoy being cute with a healthy self esteem.
picrel is a less sharp version of my skinny face. i unfortunately don't look as smooth and cute as her. i am not anorexic but i want to look taller and me being thin would look more lanky. i do build muscle but it looks thick and not lean. i hate this but i think that thick look appears lazy on me.
No. 1205528
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>>1205519this is sort of my upper body type and i don't like how my arms look because they're not a straight line with a bit of shoulder muscle but like a triangle. i know this sounds retarded but the upper arms when relaxed are just kind of sausage like unless i literally just got off the weight machine.
No. 1205552
>>1205525thanks for sharing nonna, it makes me feel better. i cringe at how it sounds too. i wish some days i was simply invisible.
>>1205540>>1205543can you tell somebody lifts when their arms look like this? social media has really rotted my brain too. all i see there is thin girls with washboard abs.
>>1205545thank you so much anon, i will try these
No. 1205577
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>>1205552Artfag again. When your arms are in a resting position, like down at your sides, no, it's not easy to tell. Your muscles relax and stretch simultaneously depending on the position they're in. When you flex your bicep, the muscles on the front of your arm pull, while the muscles on the back of it relax. Like a system of pulleys. You also have a natural layer of fat that softens the otherwise "chiseled" look of your muscles. As you lose body fat, that layer thins out. That's why crazy triathletes have such ripped bods, 'cause their body fat is like… nothing.
No. 1205603
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yakult, my beloved, why do you have to be this expensive…
No. 1205606
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My mother is such an instant-gratification brainlet, I can't take it anymore. Every decision she ever made was an impatient short-term solution without any thought, which in the end made her and thus my life more horrible than it could have been. If you tell her she has the option to either live luxurious for two weeks or to starve for three weeks but earn a safe increased income for the rest of her life, she will pick the first fucking option. And she will also do it while disregarding any other opinion and while calling everyone else stupid. She will never fucking change. I know she's my mother and I shouldn't think of her this way, but god sometimes I really wish I could tell her to her face.
No. 1205609
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I doodled something and it was shit, I used to be the artist kid and people would tell me how good I am at drawing but I'm so bad at it now. I haven't drawn seriously in years and I have been doing sketches here and there, I still want to get back at drawing and I won't stop over that but I'm not as good as I think I am and it's kinda sad.
No. 1205617
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>>1205609Don't be so hard on yourself, nonna! The only way to improve your skills is practice!
No. 1205634
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My city will be doing parades, charity runs and other small festivities for pride month this entire month. Everything is so colorful in this usually grey city and I really want to enjoy it but there are troons with their fetish clothes EVERYWHERE. It's so fucked up because many people visit these events with their kids too.
No. 1205648
>>1205609This happened to me too. Was always praised for being such a good artist as a kid, stopped drawing after 16
after being sexually assaulted, I lost interest in everything I loved for a long while and now a few months ago, roughly 10 years later, I picked up a pencil again and ngl I cried when I realized how much my skills had diminished. I'm not going to let it stop me either though, we'll both get better!
No. 1205651
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I hate this ugly ass tr00n. I hate how Sugarpill actually makes my favorite eyeshadow. I've been trying to search for dupes because I don't want to support a company where the creator openly accepts trannies and drag queens.
He's so hideous and looks like honter from euphoria
No. 1205691
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Had an argument over text and I got so stressed out I started picking at my skin and just couldn't stop myself and now I feel disgusting and wanna die. Pic unrelated.
No. 1205776
>>1205651I love that makeup look tbh but it's sad it's wasted on a cotton candy hon.
Sadly anon I think you'd be hard pressed to find any makeup brand that doesn't support the trains and drag queens. I remember the Lime Crime controversy vaguely and I feel like I heard she was secretly based, but I don't know for sure if it had to do with tranny stuff
No. 1206119
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All of my friends are deppfags. The world is so fucking grim for women. I’m not even gonna argue with them, they’re all fucking tiktok addicts (we’re literally in our 20s) I HATE THE ANTICHRIST I HATE THE ANTICHRIST I H
No. 1206135
>>1205946So sorry
nonny, dead dad’s club. We should have a mourning thread fr.
No. 1206299
>>1206213some days ago I said most women are pick me's and incredibly mysoginistic in an argument and everyone accused me of being a scrote TOP KEK most women defend men and blame even rape
victims. Most women are siding with the opressors
No. 1206335
>>1206213Brainwashing and scrote manipulation is strong especially since they are playing with women's empathy by playing the "men are
victims" route. At least back then when women were alone we can all just make fun of men, now it feels like if you shit on men in normie female circles there's always one or two that butt in and say "akshully men are innocent/women are just as bad"
No. 1206341
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I feel like I'm a waste of a "good" body (it's full of shitty metabolic issues but I'm not disabled). Sometimes I wish I could trade it with someone with more will to live. I'm just wasting away because I'm a shitstain of a person who can accomplish nothing. This body could go for someone that was doing groundbreaking discoveries but was cut short due to cancer. I'm just a lazy, depressed dumbass. I can't do anything right and I shouldn't have this privileged vessel.
No. 1206399
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>>1206299You got called a scrote because you kept going on and on for several posts about how women ruined the internet and how it's their fault men sexualize them even if they're not trying to be sexual.
No. 1206530
>>1206512Tell your sister you have a friend with an
abusive scrote husband and describe everything your BIL does to her under that guise. See her genuine reactions about it. Then tell her you were describing your BIL.
No. 1206661
>>1206151she was good at making up different personalities and i only really used forums and niche dressup games back then that were easy to make sock accounts on.
ty to all the other nonnies for advice and support. i talked to my therapist about it recently and she also told me to run for my life. it's difficult because we've been friends since we were very young but i would rather take on the extra loneliness than be skinwalked and preyed on.
No. 1206687
>>1206661Keep in mind that the version of her you're attached to isn't really her. People like that are always acting, always mirroring, and the minute you're out of her life she'll find a new
victim and transform once again. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, it's been nearly a decade since I cut off my BPD monster and it's still a mindfuck to this day.
No. 1206708
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I've been gutwretching, extremely-bad-situation-ahead-feeling, stress-diarrhea-tier anxious the entire day from start to finish for literally no reason. Nothing especially stressful awaits me or anything and nothing special happened. I don't know wtf my problem is.
No. 1206818
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>>1206786Maybe certain doctors but other doctors actually recommend against soy to women with low estrogen. Medical science is weird and propaganda-ey though since you'll have the same doctor say stuff like "eat soy to increase estrogen but don't eat soy because uh it will decrease estrogen". IDK what to believe anymore but I have yet to meet anyone suffering estrogenic effects from soy, I use to down it daily and nothing really happened
No. 1206907
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what the fuck am i supposed to do when i send someone a funny/cute/whatever picture, it goes ignored and they send me stuff in return… i'm going to just ignore it back. see how it feels
No. 1206944
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>open twitter
>see this
>close twitter
i shouldnt be this pissed off but im so done with the ridiculousness i cant handle it anymore i need to go on a hike and throw my phone away
No. 1206950
>>1206944What the fuck KEK
Genderspecials are taking over regular show now?
No. 1207058
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>>1205603wish i could give you free yakult
No. 1207132
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>>1207068Hisone to Masoton (Dragon Pilot)
The wise and mysterious old lady who sells Yakult is a reoccurring character
No. 1207139
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>>1207125I agree. Lolita dresses are even cheaper too and can easily be sold when you are done with it depending on what dress you get. Although i love lolita too, my first choice would be to get a second hand 80s wedding dress but cut it so i can piss in it.
No. 1207194
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My mom is telling everyone I'm relapsing even though I have no idea what I'm supposedly relapsing on. If you're gonna call me a junkie at least hook me up with something first, goddamn.
No. 1207222
nonnie you have no idea how bad I want to outright say that, but the backlash would be catastrophic. I need to find more subtle ways to peak.
There is a very clear contrast to how women in the group behave or talk about themselves vs the troons and I want to bring that up next. Like saying how most women don't talk about their boobs all the time? But for all I know I might just get another 'that's euphoria' cope
No. 1207229
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>>1207125This and even celebrity dresses are ugly as fuck and/or a typical cookie cutter dress. It's so weird especially when it's royalty wedding dresses that are often unflattering on the body type, horribly altered and just so plain. I couldn't imagine having all that money and looking like something I could just pick up at goodwill, no originality
No. 1207254
>>1204300ooooh a fellow vegan
nonny. Here's a couple of my go to's:
>crumble tofu and green of choice into a pan, sautee and throw in some boiled rice vermicelli noodles (takes a couple minutes). Add tumeric, grate some ginger, add soy sauce, msg/mushroom powder if on hand, and a splash of coconut milk out of the can. Creamy coconut noodles>sautee any veggies with chickpeas and add pasta of choice, mix through some pesto and use pasta water to emulsify>avocado smashed on toast, squeeze lemon, sautee'd mushrooms>roast veggies with potatoes and cubes of tofu/tempeh. I also have the perfect way of cooking mushrooms if you want to hear it
nonnie No. 1207283
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I have a personal cow I want to post because she’s insane (racefaking enby who begs for money, suicide baits, constant victim whether it be friends, exes or workplace's) and has had a lot of falling out in the OC cosplay community but I feel like it’d be obvious it was me who posted it.
Inb4 vendetta, I’ve only had mutual friends with her but she’s consistently been unhinged throughout the years that I just stuck around her socials for the cringe.
No. 1207319
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>>1207277Your wish is my command:
>Start with chopped mushrooms in a pan with neutral oil on high heat>Throw them in the pan and coat with oil but then do not touch them>No salt, no seasoning yet. >Let them sit until one side is brown, then flip and fry on the other side>Once they start to brown on the other side, I then turn the heat down and add salt, vegan butter, garlic. >Alternative when I have the ingredients: chopped walnuts, cherry tomatoes, garlic>Sautee round a bit and get them all mixed, then add pepper. >taste and adjust seasonings. >Any herbs you want to top it with (my go to is parsley) add them in the end once the pan is off the heat. And bam! You're done. This gives me the most delicious, salty, crispy mushrooms I've ever had. A chef taught me when I was working as a bartender years back. I usually put the above mentioned on toast with either avocado/hummus/avjar/cashew cream. I'm probably going to make this now actually, lol. Enjoy!
No. 1207324
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>made accidental eye contact with the quiet guy at work over four months ago
>immediately fall in love and still can't stop thinking about him
why must i be the way that i am
No. 1207329
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Do people generally really prefer how this looks compared to seeing a natural woman? I thought the algorithm tries to prioritize "conventionally attractive people"?
No. 1207381
>>1207344lol wtf i used to watch her years ago when there was that weird influx of emo youtube and i thought she seemed really nice too now i feel fucking duped, another sad bitch with stockholm syndrome, crazy how so man women are betraying themselves right now due to sensationalised reality. males are violent and
abusive uhh like this isnt news??? 95% of total violent crimes are committed by men in fact? these are the women who would of watched you burn on a stake, poor amber, the american medias fotm dehumanised witch
No. 1207457
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I’ve always been an emotional type where I need to cry for like 5 minutes to decompress when I’m stressed and then I go back to normal.
But now I find it very difficult to cry, even in pressing situations.
It makes me sad as I was finally accepting myself and sometimes it feels like it’s just pent up and wont come out.
I think I’m just tired of it, even if it is stress relief but it feels like its building up and never comes out.
No. 1207462
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I am so lonely nonnies… I cried myself to sleep last night, it always gets much worse at night. At this point I hate going to sleep because I just lie exhausted, remember my exes and cry because I got older, uglier, fucked it all up and it feels hopeless. I can't stop ruminating about dumb shit, can't fall asleep for hours, just lay there and feel terrible. Dreams are bad afterwards and getting up is difficult. Can't get myself to be productive in the morning, every time I stand up my eyes go black and I need to sit back down, around 12 I finally feel better but I'm exhausted in the afternoon again. I don't have time to do anything but study, locked in my apartment. My life now sucks.
No. 1207509
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I honest to god on another site saw a man admit that he comes to female-dominated websites (not just Lolcow) because he gets intimidated and overwhelmed by scrote centrals like 4chan, KF or Reddit where you're surrounded by male aggression in an environment where your fragile beta ass doesn't survive. So in order to feel emasculated again he comes to female boards to mansplain and bully women like the retarded dopamine fix addicted moid that he is. Imagine being this pathetic. Men are so fucking terrible that even they can't tolerate each other and in a desperate attempt at feeling like a big boy on the internet you have to harass women minding their own business. Le rational sex at work everyone.
No. 1207516
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>>1207509How fucking pathetic. It'd be one thing if he came here to just relax but didn't bully or antagonize and tried to get a sense of rationality and sanity from women, but nah, tinydick feels emasculated by men so he needs to lick metaphorical balls by continuing to assert
toxic male presence around non-
toxic people. Sick, sick individuals.
No. 1207541
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Day two of my period and my uterus is still killing me. I just took some ibuprofen but it still hurts a bit. God why.
No. 1207555
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>>1207509wonder what he'd think about me, cause I honestly 50% of my Internet time on reddit and sometimes on 4chan as well(mostly /wsr/) would that make me a masculine woman cause I use reddit, cause I only ever use the hobby subs
No. 1207570
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I just found today that some guys in uni used ti call me an “autist loner” and think I’m weird and made fun of me. And they mimicked my voice, like a high-pitched faint voice. Yeah I have speech problems but I really don’t think I sound like that. And I don’t think I’m weird.
No. 1207574
>>1207570Fuck guys
nonnie, I think you're cute.
No. 1207579
>>1207512Thank you
nonny, what kind of guided meditation would you recommend? Do you have any recommendations?
I used to do mindfulness but a few weeks ago it somehow made me cry and haven't done it since. Final exams, stress plus loneliness is not a good combo for me lol
No. 1207580
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I wish I had it in me to make vent art like picrel. I know it can be perceived cringy for others and (maybe because of that?) I just can't get in touch with my emotions enough to feel liberated enough to be so vunerable, even with just myself. It gives me some kind of peace to look at what others created but part of me wishes there was a way to push through this weird blockade and be able to make it myself too.
No. 1207609
>>1207597Thank you a lot for the recommendations
nonnie. Much appreciated.
No. 1207667
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I will forever be a fuckup because of social anxiety and autism. I like to think I'm smart, people are usually astonished when I work with them because they didn't expect me to be capable as I "don't look successful". I do horrible in interviews and presenting myself, I can't lie about anything and fumble every word. I hate myself so much and don't see myself as worthy because all my life I've been seen as lesser because I look small and of course misogyny. The quarantine
destroyed any social capability I had, now even if I practice for interviews I feel like I will puke out my heart. My kind friends offer to make mock interviews with me, they're really kind but they're my friends, of course I don't feel anxious with them. I can't fake it till I make it with this much anxiety. I tried being a bit boozed or medication, but it doesn't work. will be forever a mess. I wish I had the confident linkedin entrepreneur persona who actually is dumb as hell but presents himself so successfully that no one catches on that the guy is an idiot.
No. 1207680
>>1207646I suppose I am? Definitely can relate to what you say a lot, emotions are messy and my mind already jumps into the judgement mode as if this kind of thing could be done "right" or "wrong". Feels very limiting.
>>1207637Magazine / newspaper collage sounds easiest to approach and least overwhelming since it's working with already existing material, so it's a great idea for starters for sure, I'll try! Didn't buy a single magazine in ages but maybe I'll be able to get something when I visit my family.
Thank you all anons who answered to my post, I feel really encouraged to give it another shot now
No. 1207685
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coming to terms with being a sperg but i hate that my symptoms are why i struggle so much with friendships, romantic feelings, libido and having varied hobbies.
i find solace in seeing other HFA women who've solved these issues or managed them better with time why couldn't i be normal? plus both my parents are/were weird as fuck and i'm sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. but that means i was raised thinking having no or little friends was normal.
i'm jealous of normal people who don't have to think about this shit and retreat to obscure anonymous forums
No. 1207745
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I'm bi and went to pride as a teenager but this has to Bea fucking joke LMAO. Appeared in my news feed.
On a serious note I'm pissed off that I can't question anything having to do with sex/gender despite being part of the 'community' (; cough; cult). I first peaked myself when some troons called themselves lesbians despite having dicks and XY chromosomes, I asked my friends why they could call themselves lesbians when SEX≠gender (as we know, sEx iSnT GenDeR) so why the fuck can they call themselves lesbians? If their gender has nothing to do with sex, and it's called SEXuality, then why are they calling themselves lesbians?¿ I don't understand and have yet to have a clear answer from any lgbtq123+ Troon ally and this is how I peak people now.
Thanks for letting me vent nonitas. Have a beautiful day!
No. 1207758
>>1207744(Deleted and repost but-) I also quit my job
nonny, you will get through this! I also did not line up a second job lmao.
>>1207750 (I was 1207747)
Thank you nonita! I am hoping to land a job as a waitress.. eventually lol
No. 1207854
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i was starting to get annoyed at my boyfriend for being at my apartment nonstop for 7 days straight and now i'm annoyed at him for leaving
No. 1207857
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my boyfriend can be such a pussy sometimes it honestly makes me feel manly..
No. 1207868
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I failed in one of my classes
No. 1207871
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am i wasting my time? this girl used to be my best friend until we went separate ways (she had a kpop twitter gender phase) a couple years back. she reached out to my husband last year because she was trying to find me to apologize and make up. i had fun chatting with her and laughing about the past but messages from her slowed down and i'm not sure. she can be a bit distant in general but i'm not sure if i'm acting weird like i genuinely can't tell. i tried to be straight up too.
No. 1207872
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second pic. blocked out name is a creepy guy we know and a running joke between us.
No. 1207884
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All my friends are slowly trooning and I'm about to lose my sanity. Most recently a girl who used to identify as lesbian is now doing the whole she/they shtick and venting about not relating to the lesbian label anymore. I'm so tired nonas
No. 1207972
>>1207956if you pretend to be a troon, you could get “gender-affirming”, “life-saving”, cosmetic surgery for free.
I’m joking, I get it. I wish more unique features were accepted, but almost everywhere I have been to only considers you “pretty” if you fit a specific look. And I’ve noticed people are generally more friendly to someone conventionally attractive. I’ve thought of surgery but it looks painful and I could never afford it anyways. Also, people will make fun of you if you have any visible scars from it.
No. 1207980
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Why do I have to learn c++ to learn shit like html?
I'm interested in a front end dev course since I don't have the enviroment at home to sit down and learn without someone screeching or needing me. I already spent months learning basic cs stuff and now c++ gets thrown into my face, which as far as I know, has nothing to do with what I want to learn, also making it harder to learn.
I just want a career and stop being poor but damn life sure loves to keep throwing me curveballs.
No. 1208066
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I feel like I'll faint when I try to have a proper convo with anyone, even if the topic is one I have a fair amount of knowledge of. Like my skeleton wants to leave its fucking body when I'm overthinking like this.
Right now I'm having what feels like butterflies and someone taking breath away from me bit by bit, shaking harder than a wet dog trying to dry off. It's not even cold in here I feel so nervous.
No. 1208093
>>1207815People always side eye me when I say I do my own hair, but it’s for this exact reason. They cut off way too much and regardless of if one thinks it’s reasonable pricing, I can’t afford to color my hair for $200-300.
Just do a lot of research and if you know a hairstylist get tips from them. I’ve been doing my own hair for years and the color has always been fine. I’ve fucked my bangs a few times but it’s uncommon and
oh no I have to wait a week or two for them to regrow and then redo them. I also cut my own spit ends and I cut off way less than they do while still getting the job done. I think a lot of hairdressers are just lazy (not all obv) when it comes to trims. I may sound retarded to some anons, but I would rather fuck up my hair for free than pay someone to fuck it up for me
No. 1208104
>>1205413This is a late reply but thank you for your reply nona ♥ I can't sell my ticket unfortunately (or even refund it) and have just doused my stuff in EcoVenger and I'm still sitting here debating. I called the company back to ask about their warranty and we've set an appointment for them to come back, although it's next week. At the very least I'm glad I'll be able to get them to come back for a retreatment at no cost. Summer is peak bedbug season so I'm hoping all those fuckers crawl out and walk over the treatment and die.
>>1205443>>1205500I've gotten rid of so much stuff and we've put so much into storage but clearing out space has just given my parents fuel to buy more stuff. "Oh there's more space" and then they fill it. My living situation with my parents isn't bad outside of the bugs (which… makes it pretty terrible kek) but crazy rent, stagnant wages, blah blah the typical drill.
No. 1208125
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Nonnies, I'm a certified idiot. I just made a salad and I can't eat it because I put too much chili powder in my dressing. It tasted fine after I put everything together but now it's too hot to eat, even when I scrape some of the sauce off the lettuce and I've been caughing for the past 10 minutes OVER SPICY SALAD!!!
No. 1208151
>>1207667>My kind friends offer to make mock interviews with me, they're really kind but they're my friends, of course I don't feel anxious with them.How are the mock interviews taking place? Did you just casually practice your questions and answers with your friends, or did you actually try to make it feel real by dressing like you're about to go to an actual interview, sitting down in front of your friends the way you would be during the interview? Can you practice with friends of your friends if you're not completely familiar with them? Maybe it would feel more similar to actual interviews then?
I'm sure you know it, but a proper interview is really not a test, it's a discussion between two or more people. I wish I knew that at first but I was cursed enough to have all of my first interviews as a candidate go horribly wrong because I was treated like garbage by the people meeting me. What helped me was seeing how much I was failing, when, where and why, and once I was used to having interviews go wrong I was too sick of this and and I had nothing to lose anymore so I was way more talkative and less nervous.
No. 1208205
>>1208001The problem is I know damn well I don't have to or want to look good for anyone else, I have long since accepted I will die alone, I just want to look good for my own sake. Which I know is dumb, but I also like things like cute cats, cutesy shaped desserts, nice paintings or a pretty sunset etc just because I do value things looking nice. I can't untrain my brain to dislike pretty things and to like ugly things.
Saying I'm functioning is a bit of a stretch, I'm a certified autist who barely leaves the house except for work, or to be outside in nature alone.
No. 1208249
nonnie. They are truly the fucking worst
No. 1208302
>>1208279It makes me wonder is that really how everyone thinks? Does nobody think it's weird how it's just everywhere.
>>1208285NTA and while I get what you mean, I don't think you get how it is to straight up be ignored next to your more attractive friends. People straight up treat you worse in day to day life.
No. 1208313
>>1204091Honestly my first thought was "be happy he watches MILF porn". It's awful that it's all come to this, but yeah. Another nona wrote a post that said something like every girl reaches a point in her life where she realizes even her dad and brother is just another scrote. I feel like it's a part of growing up realizing this. There are no exceptions. None.
Unrelated to your post but a guy I liked only watched big titty MILF porn and it made me feel relieved even though I don't fit the huge titty category. JUST because at least it wasn't teenagers. We live in a society
No. 1208317
>>1208302And society is cruel to ugly women, I know because I've been judgemental and mean towards women, not because they are ugly, but I've called some cows here who do shitty things, ugly or pick at their looks.
I have to stop, but we just can't exist. People can say focus on something else, but when you feel so shitty and ugly it's hard. It's like i think everyone is just looking at how ugly I am, my horrible skin, my horrible body. Sometimes I think I deserve it for being a shitty person online. I can give it but can't take it.
I just don't know what to do.
No. 1208324
>>1208317Nta but everyone is shitty online don't blame yourself just take a break. You might also have body dysmorphic disorder, being ugly is bad but if you're obsessed with it, I am, you have bdd.
>>1208300You should show her his
abusive messages where he threatened to kill and rape Amber's body and stuff.
No. 1208389
>>1208379You don't know what you're saying. I live in a 3rd world country and I am literally disabled. I can barely move out of bed. I'd rather give some freak pictures of myself wearing thighs for some money than sex traffick myself to a 1st world country so I can work as a stripper. You have no idea what you're talking about. You always rip into women that have less opportunities than you do then you all LARP as radfems when you judge and rip into women that end up into sex work because of mental illness and lack of opportunity. I'm gonna kill myself soon and I can barely stand up. I don't want to work in a strip club when I can wear a bit of revealing clothing and some simp will give me money.
>>1208385what am I looking for honey bee?
No. 1208393
>>1208380>draggingSorry you feel attacked it's literally just out of concern/caring for you. But yeah you can try and kinda dip your toes into it just hope you have a friend to support you mentally when you do start. I used to ewhore (catfish men for $) and I made money but it was hard. You could try that first! And you'll see how it all works.
Catfishing for money COMPLETELY put me off the idea of whoring myself. These guys treat you like fucking dirt. Even using fake pics, and earning money, I went to bed at night feeling like fucking crap.
No. 1208400
>>1208392you do realize I do not have better options? I will kill myself very soon. Going to a strip club is not a better option than literally dressing like the average woman dresses on the internet and interacting with some neckbeards. I'm severely mentally ill. Yea, thanks for saving my life I guess with your precious advice and your radfem LARPING. I guess I cannot win. One side of the internet is filled with mouth breathing retards that will tell me that I'm so woke and COURAGEOUS and empowered for doing sex work when I'm trying to explain to them that I'm literally doing it out of necessity because my life is so shit and I've been so suicidal for so long and I have very little job opportunities. The other side of the internet is filled with "radfems" that will humiliate me even further and tell me to go work at McDonald's for 15$/h when here I can barely get 4$/h and I'm literally mentally unable to keep a job. Just a bunch of NPCs.
>>1208393Thanks for the concern! But how can you tell someone that is on the verge of death and has no other opportunities that you're concerned for them. My life was predestined to be shit by things outside of myself. I will die very soon either way. At least I can get some cash before it happens and see a couple of things and experience a couple of things
No. 1208409
>>1208405and where exactly to people in poverty in the 3rd world afford internet and tech?
>>1208407anons here will lie about all kinds of stuff, she probably had the sob story to justify sex work because anons will shit themselves otherwise, like when anons mocked and flipped shit on the anon who did sex work to pay her sisters medical bills, but just slap "3rd world" and "disabled" on it and it's magically fine because she's in a bad situation
No. 1208430
>>1208426I never said I never worked in my life. You just assumed that. Everything I said is that I'm fucking tired and suicidal and I want to ewhore because I don't have better opportunities and life sucks and I will die either way.
>you're just wondering where someone unable to work has access to the internetTOP KEK like most anons on here don't. I shouldn't have even said that I will ewhore because I guess you all assumed I will be fisting my ass on onlyfans. What I wanted to say is that I will be a proud female streamer and "content creator" accidentally showing cleveage and talking to mentally ill neckbeards while they sexualize me, while of course I do not sexualize myself so that they pay me
No. 1208446
>>1208379Sorry but what? Every club in my area has you pay 100-200$ in fees a night and if it's slow or youre not super sexy naturally, good luck competing with tons of veterans who play to win. As someone who unfortunately has done both not as a thirdie but otherwise desperate, ewhoring is vastly preferable to men groping me, licking and biting me, trying to stick their fingers in me, talking disgusting with their breath on me as I try to fake being interested while get paid a measly 10-20$ in the most uncomfortable clothes of my life, ruining my feet in insane heels and feeling beet up and
triggered into dissociative episodes for the next week until I have to try again. Unless you are already amazing sales person to convince a man to pay hundreds to go into a back room alone, even more dangerous, you're not making bank as a newbie. You can lose money. Unless thirdie clubs are safer and better paying than socially progressive areas of Democrat run American states.
Good luck desperate Nona. I got out, not doing amazing but leaps and bounds better than that, and I hope you do too. Don't argue with people who don't care or understand. Save your energy. I get where they are coming from but also where you are. Sending love and hope. You will die someday, you're right. Not everyone knows what it's like for preoccupation with survival to be a 24/7 thing, the choices and thoughts will be different.
No. 1208455
>>1208431Okay anon I'm not from a developing country. I am a 1st world rich woman that is totally not disabled and not mentally ill and I want to ewhore because I'm a slut and I want attention from moids and will sell fisting videos on Onlyfans for 3$ when I could definitely make 15$/h at McDonald's in the 1st world . You totally got me. You're a genius. There's nothing ESL about my speech because I was autistic enough to grow up on the internet and my mental illness made me unable to properly socialize with people in real life and I thought I could find more open minded people on the internet, but it turns out internet people are even more ideologized than normies are.
>>1208437why are you telling me that? I don't want to be told that I'm totes woke and empowered. I was just saying my life is so bad and I have so little opportunity and I am so suicidal that I'm willing to do something that I hate to make some money before I kms. I thought women were supposed to be smart and empathetic and see nuances? All the real working "opportunities" I have pay like shit and to be honest I am too unwell to immigrate to a wealthier country to be treated like a 3rd world slave and considering I'm disabled and mentally unwell I will struggle with the workforce there as well. Maybe you could see that this is a deeper social and economical issue. My only options are being underpaid for a job I'm overly qualified for and making like 400 euros per month working a very stressful job that I cannot even focus on either way, getting married to a guy from a 1st world country and getting abused by him and doing what I'm about to do. I want to kill myself either way.
>>1208447You cannot understand sarcasm because your IQ is lacking.
>>1208446I AM NOT AMERICAN. If I want to work in a strip club I need to get myself sex trafficked and working in a strip club in my country won't pay me shit. I don't want to be a sex worker either way and I'm fucking retarded. Do you even read what I write?
No. 1208463
>>1208459I'm not LARPING as a thirdie. I picked up a lot of internet western jargon because I grew up on the internet, I also used a lot of it ironically but it seems some anons are slow at discerning irony. This is getting tiring and is leading nowhere.
I am a bit tired of the internet and I think that I won't fit in anywhere either way. All places are fucking ideologized and you cannot discuss anything openly anymore.
No. 1208469
>>1208463>>1208463>Poor, third world and disabledAlmost perfect English and "growing up on the internet"
Okay you've got to be shitting me. Most American poor kids don't even have access to that good of internet, in fact most poor kids I grew up with never even had smartphones or laptops, nevermind fast enough internet to make 6+ replies every minute or the ability to "grow up on the internet". You're exposing yourself one by one. Not to mention - a poor third world family that would happily let their daughter lazy around lurking 4chan all day and not work or put in any sort of effort? HA. Holy fuck do some research before you larp
No. 1208472
>>1208457My mistake is probably that I worked only in the higher end clubs right away because it's all I could easily access in the city with no car. Plus…I have autism and despite being approved by high end clubs because good body and movement on stage test, I am insanely socially awkward/anxious. Looking at the other girls, I was always on par in terms of attractiveness but I never made more than like 900 in a night. The harassment and assault allowed in the clubs was too much for me, bouncers would yell at girls and
victim blame us for bothering them to do the jobs we were required to tip them for. The clubs take a huge percentage of everything and require dancers to pay the other employees too. I also spent a lot of time crying and hiding in the dressing room drinking kek. It's just not for every type of person, it's hard work, you can't really do it if you're physically fucked as well as mentally.
No. 1208484
In high school, I had a "hoe" phase, I guess. I've talked about it here. Anyway, I have 2 half brothers who went to my school.Different mom's, same dad.
Because my dad's an abusive deadbeat, we disconnected when we were young, but one of them never really liked me much anyway.
Around 10th grade, I calmed down and slunk into the background. No friends, no social life, miserable.
They hit my actual brother up, who I lived with on facebook and told him that I was a hoe and "Sucked dick" was their exact words. My brother asked me about it and I lied and said, "I don't know", but that was the first time I realized they didn't like me. Even though I never said anything to them because I didn't see them. I did tell people were related, maybe two people before then. I thought we'd connect and it'd be cool to go to HS with my brothers.
Then one time when I was leaving a class one of my half brothers was behind me and I heard someone say, "Hey Blank isn't that your sister?"
And he was like, "I don't know that bitch". As well as telling a boy we had a class with that "That bitch not my sister". The boy asked me in front of the whole class (it was a late class a lot of people skipped, so maybe 5 people were in it).
Yet they talked to my brother fine and even when I told him, he said they said that didn't happen.
Then one day out of nowhere, the one who called me a "bitch" asked me to "Fight" a girl for him. I looked at him like he was crazy. Two of his friends once waited for me as I was leaving gym and went, "Thats her right? Thats Blanks sister right there-"
and the other was like, "Yeah she ugly as hell". and the boy agreed. I still have dreams about the situation and my brothers.Sometimes in my dreams my dad and my half brothers care about me and we are all happy. Other times, I'm trying to get my dad's attention. I guess I realized how much that stuff really hurt me.
I remember more insults from love ones then compliments. More of the bad then the good. And not to be all dramatic, but more bad has happened.
Like a relative coming to our house for a get togeather, first thing she asked was, "Where's Nonnie?" and when I came, I had a chicken in my hand and she was like, "Oh you didn't even get that big". Apparently someone in the family told her I gained weight. My mom usually goes off on people, but she never did about that.
I just want to get drunk tonight. I hope I can get something to drink and black out.
No. 1208486
>>1208482It's not a privilege but it's a sign of privilege. No housework? No job required for you? You're not forced to take care of siblings? You can literally just sit in your room and do whatever you want while your parents pay for everything? Yes that is something poor American children will never experience. Your parents not raising you doesn't mean you're a poverty stricken
victim who can't do anything but live on cheap simps
No. 1208494
>>1208485>I'm just like Amber because people point out suspicious things on my anonymous posting Kek
>Plenty of poor people with internet access and a laptopYou're missing the point, not that you care in the first place. Poor people have to WORK regardless of "it's hard" or "I'm mentally ill". If you're stable enough to speak perfect English on the internet and pick up on internet jargon YOU CAN FUCKING WORK. Remote call centers? Customer service? Coding? Come on now. And your internet is way faster than my middle class internet anyway hmm. In poor western communities you're absolutely expected to work unless you literally can't fucking speak. It's actually offensive that you play the "too mentally ill to work" card when you speak better than most educated American poor
No. 1208502
>>1208482I'm curious what country Anon is from. No cultural signifiers I can see. Usually thirdie gals on here come to vent about how they are being run into the ground by being forced to work a ton despite everything they deal with. Speaking from experience, I've been a job hopper because of my fucked upedness but still had to find a new one to quit/lose one after another since leaving
abusive home life at 16, which was a relief on the strained finances. Two parents working who can pay all the bills while you are "left" at home alone, as an adult? I don't buy the larp anymore.
No. 1208503
>>1208486anon, I've been left alone in a house to do housework by myself since I was 10 years old. I've had to cook for myself and deal with the house chores all by myself since I was 10 but of course I miserably failed until I was about 15 and I started skipping school, spending too much time on the internet etc. I had to live and cook by myself since I was 10 because my mom was absent due to illness and my dad had to slave wage in western countries to make a bit more money than he'd make at home. I lived in poverty and I am still poor. We are poorer than average and I'm very mentally ill and literally disabled and I've had some jobs but they were all shit and very dehumanizing. The point is that if you're like me you can end up in sex work or being groomed on the internet. I am also a sex abuse
victim and many other types of abuse I've experienced. I'm tired of the internet. I think I will never try to talk about my life on the internet ever again. All sides of the internet are full of complete retards.
>>1208494You do realize poor women end up in sex work often times, right? I cannot work either of those and I will kill myself. It doesn't matter anon. You believe what you want to believe about me. That I am privileged and rich and that I refuse to work and that I have not been suicidal since I was literally 8 years old. This is pointless either way.
No. 1208505
I dislike people who make assumptions based on text on a screen, like how "y'all" is only for southern americans/AAVE even though it's just a contraction and "you'll" was sadly already taken, they also seem to think that if you type really well you must be American/English even though most english speaking people suck at their own language like "should of" and "alot" because they learn it verbally or whatever.
An example being the arbiter of 21st century 3rd world linguistics over here
>>1208459 who doesn't get that internet jargon is universal
No. 1208514
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>>1208503and how many times are you going to keep repeating that you are going to leave forever?
No. 1208516
>>1208506I worked costumer service but I got paid like shit and it was very mentally demanding for me. The costumers kept shouting at me and it ended up in me getting fired. I worked two costumer service jobs which were paid like crap since I am considered third world country and thus I must be paid like shit and since I'm mentally ill it was very hard for me to keep up with the tasks and my mind would literally shut down for minutes at a time due to the pressure. If I can write a post being anonymous in English on here it doesn't mean I can handle a job. I got fired from all my jobs which were paid like fucking shit. I can speak English perfectly and I have a degree but on the current job market and in my situation that is completely useless. I worked 3 costumer service jobs and I worked in 2 call centers and it was a disaster probably because being mentally ill can make you unable to perform tasks or fit in but it does not necessarily mean it will incapacitate you from picking up new information. I want to kill myself and I will resort to selling myself to men on the internet not because I want to, but because I don't have any other option. I am too ill to work under a company and my skills are fucking useless either way and in fact my childhood has been incredibly
abusive maybe that's why I'm so ill and suicidal now
No. 1208525
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i thought that straight men with an ED didn't exist, but now i find myself hooking up with one. i also have one, but luckily i didn't went too far with it. right now i just know how everybody else used to pity me, or how much it does affect your body. this moid is flabby and has nearly the same frame as me while both of us being on normal weight. not pitying him because wah wah poor moid, but because its the first anorexic (other than me) that has shown me his body.
sometimes i wish i could just vanish this fucking type of disorders from this earth
No. 1208529
>>1208509Uh sounds pretty normal for poor people. Myself and most poor burgers I've known had to do the chores and take care of the younger children while their parents both worked full time jobs and in most cases emotionally if not physically abused all the kids when they were around. All my siblings are fucked up and suicidal from childhood as well but we all work as much as possible, even tho sometimes it's not much and we've all been homeless, because we have no choice. Find a half decent man to support you and be a housewife, splitting finances is easier and better than killing yourself or ewhoring.
Hearing you have a degree is wild. Your country has free university, but no disability support for you physically unable to leave bed for some undisclosed reason, or your poverty stricken parents paid for it?
No. 1208547
>>1208541nta but
>project that onto others>projectkek the jokes write themselves
No. 1208555
>>1208544you're so fucking retarded anon. You're all a bunch of tinfoilers honestly. When a language is not your first language it can result in you having fluctuations in how well you express yourself in that language. My English wasn't perfect either way. You just thought it was because I used popular jargon and now I don't use it anymore because whatever.
It's just like with Lucinda top KEK and anons are blaming her of self posting out their ass and posting on kiwifarms and literally saying she's not a schizo or mentally ill when she is very clearly schizo and full of cuts and almost dying but you always find a literally made up inconsistence and you tinfoil over it
No. 1208556
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>>1208549>AnecdotalBitch. Walmart and other corporations literally post their disabled employees on their pages. Quit enabling.
No. 1208566
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I'm in my late 20s, a talentless virgin who can't drive and doesn't even have a college education, should I just kill myself? I'm not a NEET at least. But suicide is looking better and better everyday. Wasted my entire life being a mentally ill fuck up, feels like I should end it now and hope reincarnation is real & that I don't end up as a sea urchin as punishment.
No. 1208573
>>1208542It's the no shame that gets me. I feel like people in poverty feel shame regardless if justified due to abuse/indoctrination, and are constantly trying super hard to figure out ways they can work around their limitations, because they no the alternative is literally starving in the street. And trying to "run away" but coming back because she can't keep a job implies she doesn't have rent or other financial responsibilities and that's what keeps her at home. No stories of trying to live with a boyfriend or get married, no cultural pressured to do so, is so weird for me as well. I have been highly pressured since childhood to marry up to escape poverty due to my looks, which are honestly barely above average, and I'm an incredibly unappealing personality but still managed to achieve. Isn't the big thirdie thing arranged marriage to support familial wealth? Not involving myself in the burger centric job suggestions.
If you're bilingual, you can tutor language? You have a degree. You could translate?
No. 1208584
>>1208576>>1208569I worked and got fired and was paid like shit. If everyone can work as you claim then why are there so many homeless people or women in prostitution that don't even want to be there. Mental illness does not express itself in the same way in all individuals and not all of us have the same life.
>>1208576Learn how to have reading comprehension. Retards in my country don't get hired at mcdicks. You kept repeating about how retards in your country get hired at mcdicks. but you will put anything in my mouth and find any excuse to blame me either way so yeah there's no point
No. 1208591
Where can I go where I can be treated like a human being???
Where can I go where I can get a job go to work keep my head down & make enough money to not have to rely on anyone else, without feeling humiliated and used on a daily basis?
Who decided that I get to be everyone's doormat & toilet paper??? Just for trying to take car eof myself?
But then I attempt suicide && SUDDENLY everyone goes from "God, get your shit together, anon (by yourself, with no $, and autism)!" to "YOU ARE A PRECIOUS ANGEL AND I WILL HELP YOU!!! STAY STRONG ANON!"
Life feels so fucking backwards and fake. Any time I try to do what ppl want me to do, I feel like a fake, imposter person repesting a script that means nothing to me. I never get to talk about what I like, my goals or dreams, without being interrupted and talked over.
How do I, a poor nobody, get to just be a person? Who can I go to to ask for help that isn't gonna charge me $ I don't have, or tell me I don't get help bc I don't qualify bc I don't have kids.
Oh, but I have to cut my heartfelt vent short bc my abusive faggot captor "BF" noticed I was having a private moment to myself. Fuck me for wanting to not be a docule meek timid, coddling fuckslave who refuses to interact with a human other than him.
I want to goddamn die. I gate everyone who ever has chosen any male over any female for any reason. Men all need to be lobotomized and fucking put in cages bc they aren't humans.
No. 1208597
i feel like i am going insane
basically i feel like my friends or "friends" have abandoned me but i feel like i shouldn't feel like that
it all started after i was raped and my rapist almost killed me; i got really bad after it, started drinking, etc.
then my friends started avoiding me, like i understand i was really difficult back then, but i had their back when they had problems like visited them in the mental hospital etc when they had bad phases in their lives like it feels like my problem, being raped, was something that couldn't be forgiven while my friend being depressed about her spouse cheating on her or homophobic parents etc were problems that were fine and people could understand if people weren't at their best when they faced those things but this courtesy didn't reach me
and in this friend circle basically there is one person who dictates who can be in this friend group or not, my ex best friend: it started long before me, like one girl in our group started dating this Boss person's crush so she was kicked out, then she didn't like another girl's friends and she wasn't welcome either, etc lot of weird shit like many people kinda got kicked out and then i was raped and she didn't like it and i was kicked out kinda
like people sometimes hang out with me but then they make all this excuses how to avoid me, like one time i asked if they wanted to come to my birthday party and they all said they are busy but then later i found out they had gone out together
this is rambly as shit i am drunk but i feel like i can't be angry about these things because i was really annoying after i was raped, but on other hand i still feel like if they didn't want me around they should just honestly tell me to fuck off and not have these phases when they invite me to hang out with them, want to spend time, but when i think this means we are friends and ask them to hang out they ignore me or lie to me
No. 1208614
>>1208546thank you
>>1208560you sound like my utterly clueless mother. the one who i said "i'm afraid to go out when i hear about public shootings" and her response was "at least you don't live somewhere with tornadoes!"
No. 1208670
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My vent: people keep infighting in the vent thread. Infighting has taken over nearly every thread, it seems. This site is going to shit
No. 1208682
>>1208670>>1208678it's censorship, to keep oppressed ppl from unifying anonymously to fight it.
Or have you
NOT noticed how impossible it is for people to come together & speak freely abt what's impressing them anymore?
No. 1208685
vase in point, since I got my new phone a month ago my usual typing habits have done nothing but start posting patterns that make it obvious it's me wherever I go, even whe I'm focusing on not being identified. Fucking SkyNet GenX mentality running shit where Millennials should've rightfully been in power, ugh.
How is there not a "basic human decency" test for anyone in power anywhere???? fuck. ppl in power are SO obviously goddamn selfish and evil.
No. 1208697
>>1208555nta but anons found proof that Lucinda selfposts in the first thread and anons in one of the more recent threads literally said that they were her twitter friends while arguing with another anon. It's not like the accusations came out of thin air. I would put Kelly and unicow on two different levels of horrowcow anyway
>>1208658 picking your wounds until amputation is more extreme than most cows I've ever read about
No. 1208748
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I am going to tune out the entire world. I want to live entirely offline. I cannot stand to consume anymore bad news. I cannot stand the state of social media anymore. Goodbye anons, I’ll see you during my next mental break
No. 1208772
I encountered one of my high school bullies a few weeks ago and I have rarely felt actually violent until then. It was at McDonalds, she was alone (I was with a friend) and she was just laughing at me for no fucking reason. I genuinely felt like grabbing her by the hair and ramming her face into the wall. I know she'll regret it some day but I doubt she will ever apologize. Stupid fucking bitch. I bet in 5 years she'll be both ashamed and a worthless whore sucking guys off for a shot of heroin. I used to feel bad for her because she had a bad family situation but she just turned it into bullying me to feel better about herself because I could not stand up for myself. But if I ever see her again.. Fuck being the 'better person'. I'll rip her fake lashes off her face. I know shit about her. Call me a bitch, I know I'm being the bully here but at this point I'm fucking dying to bring up her shitty parents and how she's just jealous that I grew up in a normal household and she doesn't know shit about me because there's nothing to know, at least not anything I brought into the open. I'm not the one who bragged about being 'poor' all the time while having the newest phone, clothes, I didn't fake being anorexic, bulimic, this or that. Stupid fucking cunt. I can't feel bad for her, she had a shitty family situation (abusive mother, father passed away) and that might be an excuse when you're a young teenager but when you're almost 20 you should know better. Not to mention she bitched and made fun of my mom for no fucking reason while my mom was always nice to her, let her stay over and whatever the fuck. I'll take my ban for a-logging, but I genuinely hope she kills herself or dies from some kind of OD (I know she's a drug addict, friends of friends). Bullies are the scum of society. Dedicating your life to making already insecure people miserable. I don't give a shit about your tragic backstory, fucking kill yourself already. Nobody wants you around except your retarded drug addict friends which you don't even have anymore, seeing that you were in mcdonalds on friday night alone lmfao. I hope you end up in the gutter. Spoilered for being retarded but thinking of this and how I didn't do anything made me so fucking mad. I wish I would have at least made some nasty remark or something, I always pussy out when it comes to this shit.
No. 1208782
>>1208772Okay after you’re done breathing a little bit, might I suggest that next time you see a bully laughing ALL ALONE in a freaking
McDonald’s while you’re with a friend literally all you have to do is very obviously nudge your friend, point directly at her, put your hand over your mouth and stage whisper something to your friend, and then you both burst out laughing. Like you had every opportunity to make the situation into something positive for you.
No. 1208787
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I’m sad and sexually frustrated that I won’t ever fuck my husbando
No. 1208790
>>1208772She's a drug addict eating by herself in the lobby of a McDonald's. You won,
No. 1208825
>>1208782>>1208788>>1208790Thank you nonna's ♥ She's a complete fuckup (my mother worked at the high school she went to, she never finished). I don't have a very low self esteem but I do have C-PTSD (not related to bullying much, more grooming and this and that, don't care to get into it) but shit like this really
triggers me. I hate being laughed at or mocked, being dismissed. Because whoever it is everyone always did, all my life. I don't know, she's a druggie and has no education so she really at this point she has no option but being a factory slave or maybe a retail worker. Call me this and that but I feel like it's deserved. She had an opportunity for education and fucked it up by binge drinking constantly at 13 (and all the rest). I'll see her again, as a cashier at some grocery store. I'll laugh in her face. Looking forward to it.
God I sound vicious, I'm not like this usually kek. Just her. I fucking hate bullies, guess I made it abundantly clear though. No. 1208846
>>1208843Why did you leave him
nonnie? ):
No. 1208868
>>1208846He has a really awful temper and can be really manipulative, I don't even think he's aware he's doing it half the time. Three months ago I confronted him about things and he signed on to anger management courses which was great, but the talk in of itself seemed to
trigger his own insecurities and he became incredibly jealous, paranoid and possessive. One night he was just laying passive aggressive dig after dig and I just lost it and ended the relationship.
He's exhibited this behavior in the past before, so this wasn't an isolated incident. I just hit my limit. We all have issues, but for 6 years I did my best to ensure my issues didn't become his problem. He never gave me the same courtesy.
Doesn't keep me from missing him, though.
No. 1208870
So sorry! You’ll be ok, you made the right decision, it’ll get easier on ya, hang in there!
No. 1209047
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Is it child abuse to make a kid listen to you have sex? As a kid I'd always have to hear my mom fuck her boyfriends and it disturbed me so much. I barely knew what sex was but hearing these guys..moaning loud and making certain sounds always made me cry for some reason. I'd feel extremely stressed and anxious and hide under my duvet while covering my ears. I felt SO disgusted and it felt like it took hours.
Once I got older, like 11, I gathered the courage to knock on their door angrily but they didn't stop. I went back to my room and hid while feeling anxious and stressed. After my mom had taken her sweet fucking time to finish getting fucked, she came to "comfort" me. She smelled so strongly of sex. I realized why she smelled so weird and felt like throwing up, I pushed her off me when she tried to hug me. She kept asking why I was crying and when I told her why she got offended and left angrily. This always happened in the middle of the night and I'd be unable to sleep and be super tired for school the day after.
To this day male moans disturb me so much. I've yet to have sex. But even when a guy moans in a casual setting like "UGHHHH my shoe came untied" a part of me just freezes up and reminds me and I feel grossed out.
I know adults need to have sex. I tried to look it up on Reddit and most just say ''sex is natural and kids are only harmed by hearing it if they're told its bad'' etc. But I was naturally disturbed by it. I do question if I was just a sperg of a kid to be disturbed by it so badly.
No. 1209053
>>1209047I had a similar experience and it definitely disturbed me as well. I wasn’t told it was ‘bad” either. I don’t want to think of my mom as
abusive, more as careless… she’s been a good mom otherwise. But I also feel like exposing your children to sex is inappropriate and I feel like it skewed my view of it
No. 1209075
>>1209064I agree with you anon but being an autist doesn't mean you're retarded. Not saying you are but yeah. That said though the constant armchairing of bpd and accusations is getting stale. It's like middle school bullying accusations of being gay.
Like oh no I was am worried about getting rejected by a friend who hasn't messaged me in weeks. Ok bpd chan. Oh no I am upset for a normal reason. Ok bpd chan.
It's as misogynistic as the male doctors who slap the diagnosis on every woman who shows a bit too much emotion.
No. 1209100
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I'm currently attending some classes and I'm the only woman in a class full of moids of raging ages.(aside from the teachers)
One of them had struck me as suspicious from the beginning as he is greasy looking and said he is into MLP. I thought this was suspicious but I didn't talk to him much so I didn't think about it.
The past few months however, I have warmed up talking to some of the guys as I came out of my shell and men, even though are fucking idiots, are entertaining sometimes so I chat my boredom away. And I also occasionally talked to the MLP dude cause he has made a bunch of interesting projects like animations on flash, art, his own little game, jewelry making, stitching, a-creepy tbh- animatronic etc. In general I found it cool he is talented at many things so I asked about them and gave genuine praise. However, an extra thing struck me as odd. His animated series had a character with his name and he is basically a gary stu with super powers in it and the female character is his waifu but I decided not to give TOO MUCH thought to that either.
The classes are nearing their end and one of our projects is video editing and he decided to make an animation with us and our class. I thought he would make nickelodeon style cartoons as his animated series is inspired by this style. But instead the animations are realistic looking drawings of us.
And now I'm coming to the things that creeped me out: first of all, he drew me pretty accurately even though he didn't have reference pics. That alone isn't weird but I'm adding it up with everything else plus his vibe. Also, even thought the animation is a work in progress, there's a whole frame with realistic drawings of me and him ONLY for NO APPARENT REASON. But the thing that kicked in my fight or flight response was the fact that he drew one of my outfits where I wear a tank top and my bra straps are visible. LIKE WHY THE FUCK GO INTO THE EFFORT TO DRAW THE FUCKING STRAPS? Compared to the rest of my classmates I stand out as a woman so I think such a detail is fucking unnecessary. The fact that not only he noticed(which ok it is noticeable)but also DREW them makes me freak out a little.
As I was searching his channel to show his stuff to a friend of mine, I stumbled on some videos I hadn't seen before. There was a commentary video of a dude talking about how talented he was but coming off as a weirdo. He commented on some now deleted videos of my classmate where he indeed shows him and the waifu of the animated series liking each other and kissing(but "it was just a dream" episode).He was very nice about it but still it confirmed that it wasn't just me. My classmate has deleted most of the videos and reuploaded some of them and I saw some new videos and one of them is about MLP and how the pink pony becomes humanised and is transported to earth and meets him(he is green screened in the video) and then the purple pony does too. OFC he is the only human left on earth so it can be all about him. He really didn't learn from the other dude's videos calling him a gary stu. HE ALSO COMES OFF AS SUPER CREEPY AND AWKWARD. These videos have such weird vibes and many things about them make me uncomfortable. And again, it isn't just me. I've shown these to ppl I know irl and they find them weird af too.
So yeah, with all these(and some other stuff I didn't mention) I've come to the conclusion that he has mistaken my interest in his hobbies as an interest in HIM and that he wants to waifu-fy me. I may be paranoid or exaggerating but it's much worse since I'm the only woman in the class. After he showed me the animation with my face, he also friend requested me on discord(we have a channel that we ask each other stuff) and I'm sure as hell I'm not adding him. I firmly believe he already has misunderstood my intentions and I don't want it to continue.
Like he isn't my type, but he could have been a cool dude if he wasn't so awkward, took a shower and used some skincare. Not that I'd be interested in him(I'm not interested in any dude in the class, even the good looking ones) but I would feel comfortable talking to him. Like fuck, I didn't feel uncomfortable when another classmate of mine showed us the big dick of some random animal because I knew he was being a dumbass and implied nothing sexual aside from "look pp big lol" but the whole thing about the bra straps alone made me think about it for a big part of the day and I even felt my old paranoia kicking in. I even thought twice about wearing a tight shirt and wore a looser one cause I felt I could be creeped on.
Idk I may be paranoid, but the guy is weird, even if he realises or not. LIKE FUCK, why can't a dude who isn't into drip ,swag ,trap shit and is a bit of a nerd not be a weirdo?!
No. 1209124
>>1209116Omg anon I feel so much for you, that's so fucking messed up. I hope you and your mother are better now. Inshallah a man will do what he did to her in such a violent manner he is left disabled. Amin.
Also how he dared to look at you and continue is so fucking weird. I swear to god some of the most nessed up pedophilic men knowingly target single mothers to do this shit.
No. 1209166
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Living with someone who keeps repeating the same shits over and over like a broken record.
No. 1209185
>>1209075>Like oh no I was am worried about getting rejected by a friend who hasn't messaged me in weeks. Ok bpd chan. Oh no I am upset for a normal reason. Ok bpd chan. Exactly, holy shit. It’s like, couldn’t i just be a needy person and that be a personality trait? Or i could just be going through things in this moment and my behavior is temporary. Lol
>>1209110If its recent i probably read it and it inspired my vent. There’s a lot of people who do this not just you anon but i was commenting on people who do it aggressively and accuse you rather than just suggesting because they want to help
No. 1209195
>>1209177I would but this would be akin to outing myself as he has his full name on there and all his socials, his face, and it would be apparent where I am from and who I am. He is also kind of a nobody even though he does have a small following.
>>1209186it's not like I talk one to one with him, we are usually in groups when I talk to the dudes and we talk altogether. I know I made a mistake but for once I didn't want to be paranoid. It's not like we interact THAT much anyway. But his mind probably thought of it differently. Plus I have never come across that sort of fanboy let alone a brony. I will try to distance myself and if needed, make myself clear to him if I need to.
No. 1209266
>>1209237As some unsolicited advice, I weighed in at 179 5’7 and I lost my shit, started dieting with only 900 calories I lost 14 pounds in almost 4 months. I didn’t lose a single pound for the first month but then it all just started to fall off. Don’t get discouraged
nonnie!! If my lazy ass can do it so can you! You probably won’t see readings right away but if you REALLY stick to it it’ll work. It’s not about a diet it’s about just straight up eating 0 sugar, breaking your refined sugar addictions, those sugars screw with your head! Try also taking iron supplements for energy, and apple cider vitamin gummies help a disturbing amount!
No. 1209319
>>1209315She didn’t mean it in a literal way it’s about as serious as saying kill all men
tbh no kill all men really kek.
No. 1209328
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i feel so lonely and terrible i failed my year which i took entirely alone so much that even teachers and staff treated me like i was actually invisible not as a metaphor. i cant believe i am stil lgetting bullied not only that but its the only time anybody even talks to me. i am probably going to get disowned after this and i have no way to pay back my parents for this money loss we are already poor. my life is over
No. 1209329
>>1209325I hope you're doing alright
No. 1209347
>>1209325How though?? Because one anon said she felt ignored because no one replied to her post?? My posts get ignored all the time! I'm so so so fucking sick of reading "this place has changed, this place feels different" every fucking week all year 'round. I'm convinced none of you even know what you think this place is
supposed to feel like. It's been fairly consistent throughout my use of the site. This isn't directed solely at you anon, but stop fucking complaining all the time. Post, interact, move the fuck on. If you're not having a good time, leave, instead of making your bullshit everyone else's problem.
No one owes you replies No. 1209365
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>>1209355I rather have retards venting about their stupid unwashed ass nigels than some attention hungry anon saying she wishes death upon people just because she gets 0 replies. Maybe her actual very special problem is BPD.