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No. 1203949
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(from previous thread which locked)
This is the type of moid who's understood and respected on Reddit.
No. 1204031
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Update on this kid
First, he DM'd everyone doubted the existence of "Alice" to reassure them "she was just very, very special" and then bragged about how alices family was wealthy elites who gave her a trust fund, then a young woman (19) came in the thread because someone tagged her because her story was weirdly close to alices (she was an EMT, is in a Masters program but won't finish it until she's 25-28, did a bootcamp at corbin bleu, she actually had proof though, etc)
anyway - the young woman actually doubted him too, called him creepy, said it was suspicious that he knew this much about his brothers girlfriend out of all people, he used the young woman as a "gotcha, see, it's possible to be this successful at that age" but ignored the fact even the young women who are as successful as Alice doubted him, didn't even bother acknowledging the woman accused him of stealing her story to LARP, anytime someone questioned anything else all he had to say was "she was just very, very, special, like one in billions" No. 1204378
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Holy fucking shit, imagine getting
triggered over "kinkshaming" after seeing women criticizing men who have a "misogyny kink". For extra context this is on r/BlatantMisogyny, which is an alright sub if you look past the militant libfeminism on there, and the post is a screenshot from r/churchofman. Most of the comments are reasonable and rightfully criticizing the man in the screenshot for being a misogynistic waste of space, but there are some retards in the comments (aside from the mod) getting on a soapbox to defend kink and going "kinkshaming bad!!" "not all kinks!!" "this isn't representative of the kink community!!", how the fuck can someone be this smooth brained. God this really makes me want to a-log, anyone who feels the need to defend this and men abusing women under the guise of "being kinky" is a piece of shit, period. No. 1205108
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Ah I just remembered to post this here. Saw this on r/deadbedrooms. The title of the thread was enough to make me seethe, as if men don't deliberately avoid having sex with their wives because they'd much rather watch porn, but this pickme comment sent me into a tail spin. At least most people were disagreeing with her and pointing out where she was blatantly wrong, but the comment alone….. I want to a-log nonnies so bad.
No. 1205354
>>1205108I'm not a big fan of going on top because I have a rod in my back so me doing 'the movement' often just isn't a good time on my end. Never had a guy care half as much as this woman does. Don't most couples do mutual oral and other foreplay to get the mood going in the first place? Is that not actively and enthusiastically participating in the act? It's weird to think you know what the inside of everyones bedroom is like to the extent where you're essentially calling women lazy in bed just as a whole.
There's more to sex than piv and which one of you is doing the most thrusting but even then… Idk what percentage fo women are taking the reigns or how often they do it. And if a man with no physical illness or injury is complaining that keeping his dick hard and thrusting into you is just too much work and not a fair distribution of efforts.. he's covering his tracks for something much worse than laziness or performance anxiety. Wtf is this obvious pornsickness cover-up that we're now getting dragged into? What a cope.
No. 1205371
>>1205322It's funny that in the same sub where men refuse to simply take some workload off of their wives in order to help her feel human again and get her in the mood… we have a woman sympathising because just getting a hard dick is soo strenuous. We could never imagine the amount of work that men put into… screwing?
Nearly every guy on there with a 'LL wife' is just some dude who works 9 to 5, gets home and then refuses to lift a finger. The moms are stuck on call every minute of the day attending to their kids solo and yet they wonder how they could posssibly fix her libido problem. What could the mystery issue be?? The irony is painful.
No. 1205377
>>1205373In my experience smart women choose their bfs depending on their careers and break up if he happens to quit his job and try to make her work more. Marriage and relationships aren't just about love and most women know that already, you need someone responsible if you want to move in with or get married to that someone.
Though if they're already married or have a child together, most women are too scared to leave. Even then I know a lot of women who divorced because of economic reasons.
I'm not saying this to accuse women of being golddigers or anything like those men do, we're just simply smart enough to ditch a man who's taking away from us.
Then again I live in a country with a bad economy so thats just might be why people are more likely to separate because of financial reason than any other.
No. 1205381
>>1205375>it's funny because blue collar dudes will work in the hot sun 60+ hours a week but still come home, be loyal, respect and spoil their wives and actually talk to their kidsI get your point about office dudes being whiny, but blue collar dudes definitely have as much if not more potential to be
abusive ime. Just saying.
No. 1205388
>>1205384Only men are allowed to be superficial, they can leave us for having pregnancy related changes or having a scar after cancer. For being a drag while sick, for being depressed etc. We're expected to put attraction to the side even in the absence of any serious illness. Our empathy is meant to know no limits. The bar is set so differently it's laughable.
They want a world where they get total undying loyalty from us but give the most highly conditional love in return. The moment we have conditions too.. we're heartless monsters.
No. 1205447
>>1205381I guess it depends on experience, white collar moids are definitely way more emotionally
abusive and manipulative, they're also a lot more stingy with time and money. I knew several white collar moids who had a fairly easy job that would ignore their gfs to cheat and get drunk 3 days a week because they needed to "unwind from the stress of work", don't talk to their gfs or put in effort towards the relationship or bother being decent. I also knew plenty of blue collar moids in my family who would happily work 2-3 to pay bills, come home, massage their wife, help out with house chores, be there for their kids, etc. Something about moids working in the office really fucks with their head and makes them think they're on top of the world but at the same time a tortured slave who needs to run around acting foolish to deal with the horrid stress of sitting on their ass all day
No. 1205628
>>1205595I'm divorced. The reason I'm divorced is because my mother died and I was grieving. The whole time he knew me my mom had cancer and he was aware this was coming. He proposed to me and married me fully aware I'd be grieving soon. But apparently there was a strict time limit on how long I was allowed to grieve for. Previously I was reassured he understood and so obviously I never predicted him leaving for a reason quite as retarded as that.
And we're not trailer trash lol. I honestly thought he was a catch til then. Often men wlil put on a good front even for years, you don't always see it a mile away and you can't always avoid the trash when the trash dresses itself up as someone decent and caring. If a woman goes through something like that.. lets take one minute to just sympathise rather than rushing to say "well then it's your fault for being there" We all take risks in love. Women more so than men.
And the thing is, ime if you go hermit for a while after a guy hurt you.. people bash you for that aswell. You're damned if you dare to trust anyone and damned if you don't put yourself out there enough.
No. 1205653
File: 1654102899604.png (229.71 KB, 738x972, AITAPromise.png) so this one isn't as bad as the others and i can agree with the general consensus as being the one stay at home parent is rough especially when that wasn't the plan and most people NEED something else to do. Also agree start adding paid childcare
On the other hand all the commenters are acting like this man will never work again and is being hen-pecked. this move could be good thing and he can get a job when they move. Also he's a man, businesses love 30+ yo dads. If he ever gets back to work he'll climb the ranks and get the "dad bonus."
my dad never worked a full time job until he was 47 and he worked as registered nurse until he was 67, I got to see my parents' financials because of needing to put it into FAFSA, and he made great money no overtime no fighting the ladder, and he has great retirement benefits nowanyway what do the farmers think
No. 1205659
>>1205653My parents had me when they were really young, they struggled through jobs and went back to school in their 30s, mom even went back again for more in her late 40s/early 50s. We had a few moves, they took care of me at different times, but in the end things worked out okay. Whatever situation someone is in, it doesn’t have to be permanent. I can understand the husband’s frustration somewhat, but if I were him I’d also have to be happy for my partner and encourage her, especially if it brought in more money and benefits for our family. Hopefully they can make the move, get settled, and he can start looking for a job again too. I agree btw nona, men have a much easier finding jobs even if they are dads. If you’re a mother there tends to be some resentment over it (I’m not one, but I’ve noticed it happening to other women).
No. 1205775
>>1205638Yep, and they get heavily judged if you leave or stay if a woman finds herself in a relationship with an
abusive moid. It's such a headache since men never, ever get this much shit regardless of the reason why they dump their SO. They can literally dump the mother of their kids because of her body doesn't look like an IG model and the most that will happen is he will get side eyed for a second but no one will care after. If a woman dumps a man for any reason she often risks losing family, friends, etc and at the same time risks losing friends if she stays with him. It's so unfair how women's relationships can impact every aspect of their family and social life but no one will even know if a moid is
abusive, has 3 families on the side and is a community dick
No. 1205869
>>1205653Nobody bats an eyelid at the thought of a woman having to relocate because her husbands career dictated it. It's just assumed that you'll follow.
I've moved even for a bf before because he had a career and I had a very basic job where I could walk into a store and get the same job with the same pay anywhere regardless of where we went. We followed the money trail and in return he paid the majority of our bills with those wages. Follow the money. Esp with kids to pay for.
No. 1207173
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No. 1207389
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A variation of this post shows up daily on this sub it seems.
No. 1207392
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>>1207389A selection of some lovely comments.
No. 1207408
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>>1207407Here's a related poem by Margaret Atwood that touches on the same issues, also very poignant.
No. 1207503
>>1207432Nta but how? Have you never realized most women don't want an attractive bf but want to be beautiful themselves first? How most women care more about pleasing their partner first? How most sexual fantasies have women get sexualized and objectified?
Most men want a beautiful woman but don't give a damn about their own looks, most women want to be beautiful but don't give a damn about men's looks. Women are taught to objectify themselves and present themselves to men but never expect anything in return. Women getting economic independence is starting to break the pattern.
No. 1207626
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>>1204840In this case, the moderator is into it. She deleted comments that disagreed, too
I have a slight suspicion that most of these "Stop kinkshaming!!" people get very into jerking off even while they do "normal" things online, so they get bothered by anything that kills their "buzz" midway through. This sort of reaction makes zero sense otherwise. It's almost like coom-induced entitlement and tunnel vision or something. On the internet, people let their fetishes become their existences
No. 1207644
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>>1207639This is true. Stereotypical suburban single dad's are just NPCs to me, I couldn't imagine going out of my way to mimic them and mock them for rejecting non-stacies unless I wanted to get with them. Men have sexualized single moms since the 70s though so it's really weird how the single mom hate just came from nowhere after every bro dude had those trashy "I support single moms" bumper stickers and clickbaited single mom shit on porn sites. It's so weird how men will sexualize a "type" so hard and then claim the women they just sought after are actually gross
No. 1207660
>>1207656Plus they see women as a resource support human and not a person on their own, so they are mad when they believe something they have a right to in fact is sentient and can choose to be without them if so desired, so they can't be
abusive or just a shitty partner in general and have to maintain a decent relationship, which, as we've seen on reddit, men think even the most basic of expectations is evil since they value the low risk but greatest reward system. They don't want to invest or try to appeal to women since other men ree that it is emasculating and men want the respect of other men, just be given what they feel they are entitled to. That's why men see a handsome man as a man who appeals to other men, aka muscled chad stereotype, while women usually describe the perfect man as to their looks taste wise but also focus on his personality, behaviour, and treatment of women.
No. 1207666
>>1207655Again, instead of seething and throwing out those trashy profanities, you could realize that problem is the negativity of the viewpoint and how it overwhelms the message.
>even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasy is a male fantasyWho cares? Stop thinking about male fantasies and how they objectify you, live your life and don't bemoan it. Being powerful for the sake of your own power, isn't "pretending to have a life of your own".
This is the same with anons who say they enjoy sitting on top of their partner and other women shut them down with how he'll turn into a femdom sissy and troon out, kek. You are obsessed with what men think.
No. 1207687
>>1207678It's one thing to acknowledge that many women are affected by the objectification we see in certain cultures, it's another thing to critically examine the quote we are discussing. Why is the writer saying
>pretending you aren't catering to male fantasy>pretending you have a life on your ownIt diminishes the woman's choice and says she's merely pretending to be doing these things and still being shaped by male fantasies, not just because she wants to do it. If scrotes fantasize about women taking a shit, it's their problem, not mine to think about.
No. 1207827
>>1207791Definitely. I feel like the problem with that opinion is that it's not actually what they're going through. This is female socialization making a male-attracted woman place how well she performs femininity to men above her own actual pleasure during sex. AGPs don't actually feel like their sexuality is contingent upon how much they please some guy, they just love the idea of feeling that way. Like, the thought of being fucked over mentally that way and being that "servile"/submissive is a turn-on for them (in part because it's so degrading). They romanticize it, and unlike even the most sexually submissive women, that rose-colored lens is literally the only way they can see it. That's why ugly old men can still dress up in sissy gear and coom hard with little to no actual shame, but you don't see actual older women doing the same. Actual women go through the reality of this shit, which generally makes for poor sex, distraction and emotional distress
tl;dr: They just don't get it, and never will lol
No. 1207888
>>1207687You are not immune to propaganda,
nonnie. It is a very simple observation that in a patriarchal society, women’s choices are not born in a vacuum. it does women a greater disservice to chastise the ones examining where the influence that creates those choices stem from.
No. 1207925
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Reddit science everyone
No. 1208033
>>1207660>they can't be abusive or just a shitty partner in general and have to maintain a decent relationshipI feel like this is the reason so many men opt for "situationships" over actual relationships, because they know that they're horribly
abusive in an actual relationship so they can use it as a free pass to be neglectful, cheat, act like a moron, etc and if the woman is upset they can just say "but we're not in an actual relationship though…"
>That's why men see a handsome man as a man who appeals to other men, aka muscled chad stereotype, while women usually describe the perfect man as to their looks taste wise but also focus on his personality, behaviour, and treatment of women.exactly this. the "muscly chad" often have good treatment towards women because they actually like women and put in effort towards pleasing them, they understand women want good looking men who know how to act, the men who are mad about this are usually out of shape neckbeards with no job who try to fuck every other woman that's not their gf as soon as they get in a relationship. They just expect women to fall in love with every aspect they lack in, which is all of them
No. 1208105
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really hate it when libfems pretend makeup etc is empowering and creative when it's 99% used for making women more attractive to appeal to men. You can live this tumblr fantasy if you want but it's not real life.
>No one expects women to get dolled up for work but women
How old are you? Have you ever had a job? I can name women who have been told they look ill when they go to work without makeup, i can name women who have been flat out asked to wear a little makeup, I can name reddit posts where women have shaved their hair and been told to covere it up, waitress jobs, bar tending etc all require a woman wear makeup either by company code (hooters etc) or by directly impacting their tips if they don't.
You are ignorant as fuck.
No. 1208155
>>1208105I agree with this, women usually don't care if I don't do my hair fancy, don't wear makeup. Men on the other hand? Act weirdly confused because "why don't you have anything on your face?""why don't you do your hair, she does her hair?" etc
the only time I can think of is when female managers instilled "dress codes" that said we all had to dress nice/in certain attire but paid us poverty wages so none of us could really afford the clothes she wanted us to wear
No. 1208188
>>1208175We also saw 100,000 net job loss for women that first December mostly in
WOC while men had a net gain of 15,000 just for more gems.
No. 1208194
>>1207639>men don't make images like this about women they don't want to fuck. I have to disagree, not trying to shit on single moms but men absolutely DO put significant energy into shaming women they wouldn't fuck (or don't deem worthy of being fucked even if they would). There's nothing they loathe more than an unfuckable woman, they stand to gain plenty by shaming them into changing/lowering their standards or scaring other women to the point they desperately avoid becoming unfuckable.
Men are always trying to give themselves the biggest possible dating pool with as many hot young women as possible. All their scolding and fear mongering about women doing x or having y trait is designed to force more of us into their pool of fuckable women to choose from. They'll punish women they don't want and threaten women they do.
No. 1208201
>>1208195ayrt, now I'm thinking about it, Cringetopia used to be 90% just videos of fat women. Most of them just existing but apparently that alone was enough to be considered horrible people. That's not even mentioning the rest of the site's view on women being fat.
And then they wonder why so many have eating disoders
No. 1208622
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kill redditors
No. 1208665
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>>1208656yeah her name is melody and this is her true form kek
No. 1208969
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Deserving of a roflmao
Also some comments are quick to suggest it's not him, it's just because of the situation, because of the "taboo", the new experience… no, it can't be that the woman is just way better than him in bed. While also saying "communication is the key to orgasm anyway", even though this woman fucking her the first time apparently didn't need months of communication kek. No. 1209298
>>1209276I completely agree with you, but you don't have to also mention lesbians when the discussion isn't about them. they do deal with fetishisation, but the ways in which we are fetishised and the ways in which they are fetishised are two separate things, even if they share some similarities (i.e. being objectified by bottom-barrel straight moids). ultimately, the post was expressly about bisexual women. I feel like this sort of behaviour where we as bisexual women cannot centre our experiences and our oppression without feeling an invisible expectation to also mention another party or group that experiences something similar to what we go through is part of the reason why nobody takes our struggles seriously, as well as why we feel as though our unique struggles aren't as serious as anybody elses. I know this is retarded but I see this all the time in discussions amongst bisexual women - this random need to say, 'oh, I'm sure lesbians can relate' or 'oh, I bet trannies/asexuals/pansexuals/some other made up group know how this feels'. respectfully, who cares? it's about us, and you never see anyone else piping up in their intercommunal conversations to mention shit about bisexuals or bisexual women other than to shit on us.
>inb4 the political lescels on here start crawling out of the woodwork No. 1209890
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>>1207407How do you even start changing your view of sex after knowing that this is how it works
No. 1209902
>>1209890Do you mean that you can relate to the comic?
Focus on what YOU find attractive in a partner instead. Maybe join us in the horny /g/ threads.
No. 1210311
>>1209902Strongly recommend this. The /g/ threads have helped me IMMENSELY when consciously thinking about what traits I find sexy in a man. And it is SOOO refreshing to hear other women's outlooks on sexuality.
My IRL girlfriends are all normie and act in a similar way to the comic- they only focus on pleasing their male hookups and getting validated from the man's comments towards her looks.
No. 1210387
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Me at every moid that uses reddit ever
No. 1210415
>>1210404I'm usually on board with most feminist points of discussion and it's not like I think women lie about it but yeah, I can honestly say I've never seen or experienced any negative consequences for not wearing makeup. I just assume it's a cultural thing in other countries, or only in certain high pressure industries?
Personally in over a decade of working regular office jobs, my experience is that wearing makeup is not very common and is definitely not expected or enforced. And socially, people don't really care and don't comment. I've never heard of anyone getting asked if they're sick for not wearing makeup one day, everyone knows what a full face of makeup looks like in comparison to no makeup. Even dumbass moids know, if they've ever had a long term gf they've been exposed to bare faces.
No. 1210458
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>>1210404>>1210415I think makeup requirements are usually very specific jobs in some places, like how some airlines have every flight attendant wear the same makeup for a regulation, or as
>>1210413 mentioned it's a thing for some roles in Japan.
No. 1210754
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>>1210751Evidence that this doesn't just happen in the US or Japan
>The petition was started because of an individual’s experience, but it has become clear in the course of our inquiry that this was not an isolated incident—and nor is the problem confined to high heels. We heard from hundreds of women who told us about the pain and long-term damage caused by wearing high heels for long periods in the workplace, as well as from women who had been required to dye their hair blonde, to wear revealing outfits and to constantly reapply make-up No. 1210759
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>>1210754Here is a recent case at the Human Rights college in the Netherlands, you can visit on 19th of July to hear all about it
>A woman complains about her former employer's dress code. Female staff are required to wear make-up when they work in the store, while those regulations do not apply to men. No. 1210778
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>>1210759I'm adding an unrelated Reddit Screenshot to stay on-topic for the thread, but here's more
>UBS recently sent its Swiss retail-banking staff a 43-page code with advice on how dress to impress clients, according to today's WSJ. The manual also provides detailed tips on hygiene and personal grooming, ranging from appropriate hair dyes and accessories to underwear and socks.>The bank expects staffers to wear suits in grey, black or navy blue, colors that "symbolize competence, formalism and sobriety, according to the manual. No short skirts for female staff; the ideal length should reach the middle of the knee. Showy accessories and trendy eye-glasses are a no-no, too. Staffers are told to avoid strong fragrances, along with garlic and cigarette breath, the code says.>Meanwhile, for women, "light makeup consisting of foundation, mascara and discreet lipstick will enhance your personality," the code says, while advising women not to wear black nail polish and nail art. Male employees are warned against using hair dyes to mask their advancing age, since the "artificial color contrasts excessively with the actual age of your skin."This isn't uncommon for the financial industry. You have to keep in mind that when you work at a bank, an investment manager or the like, it's similar to entering a time capsule into the 80's or 90's. Both in the gross behavior towards women as a form of hazing and the lack of compliance to "new" legislation (they consider 15 years old new). Especially with investment managers, because they only got a true microscope on them after the financial crisis of 07/08. It's as if MeToo never affected them, or maybe it did, because they don't send photocopies of their balls to anyone anymore and they have stopped using scissors to make alterations to female employees' clothes (yes that did happen, read Liar's Poker before whining at me). The disgusting comments and extreme sexism has persisted.
No. 1210958
File: 1654346694279.jpg (472.89 KB, 1650x831, FtSoMfL.jpg) are the biggest faggots to have ever lived and existed. They're literally making jokes about kids dying in school shootings (OP said in the submission statement that it was for school shootings).
No. 1210989
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>>1210778It sucks to be a GNC woman in this world. Yet moids keep bugging me at my uni telling me that girls are so privileged because they get to wear makeup and miniskirts but moids have to wear pantsuits. It's not fair that they can't wear the shit they like so they all circlejerk about hey they hate the female heads and directors as it's all their fault and that women don't have a wage gap etc etc. Moids couldn't last a day as a woman. I'm going to need to learn the art of tard wrangling if I want to get by.
No. 1211475
>>1211281Totally agree. A friend of mine is a teacher and one of her fellow teachers was murdered (a woman killed by a man, of course). A guy outside of her circle “joked” that it would at least be a memorable experience to tell people about because she’s in a different country right now. I just. This is a
murder that happened in a school not far from her own, tangentially involving people she knew. I am continually shocked by the audacity of men.
No. 1211525
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Reddit moment
No. 1211772
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No. 1212611
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Annulment now
No. 1213212
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Don't know why I even went on the Tinder sub, but this is one of the weekly top posts, calling out a woman for the failed "gotcha".
The screenshot inside the screenshot is about the dude agreeing to a date with her friend for 3pm that day when he already had a date planned with girl one at 1pm the same day. Somehow most people fail to see the problem here, and think it's "possessive" since he's single, and fail to see what might be disrrspectful about this. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills sometimes trying to understand online dating. No. 1213459
is weird to schedule dates so close together, but tbh there is no reason to text this guy the screenshot from her friend. He’s not gonna see the error of his ways, and he’s showing how interested he is by dating multiple women within a ~3 hour time window. Should have just unmatched and blocked him. Nothing to gain by engaging further.
No. 1215117
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No. 1215155
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Every single time
No. 1215187
>>1215170Chances are much more higher if you're in a Muslim country as a foreign woman though. They see you as easy, not sexually but easy to attack or hurt since it'd be harder for you to communicate your troubles or call for help.
>>1215176Chances are he was only seeing them and paying for coffee before they dropped his ass. Otherwise he'd be too tied to do 2 dates a day, lol.
No. 1215200
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>>1215191A “mini fight” over the cat being sprayed with chemicals…This is why outdoor cats are a good thing because if depraved shit like this happens to them they will run away and go live with someone else. If this is real and not a fake story meant to shock then she is just as much of an abuser as him.
No. 1215212
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>>1215200Ban me for alog but I want them both hung by their necks. I want him tortured first.
No. 1215214
>>1215191Either this is fake or she's a huge handmaiden
while he's a very mentally ill scrote who gets off by injuring animals. I bet he's jealous of the attention the cat gets or something.
He needs to be necked.
No. 1215771
>>1215191This is some Don't Fuck With Cats shit. You know what they say about people who deliberately and/or repeatedly hurt animals…
Fuck her for making so many excuses, but hopefully the comments will make her come to her senses and gtfo (and not let anyone else abuse that poor baby). I think a lot of people have a tendency to try and make excuses for the people we love when we find out something bad about them, so I'm choosing to have some understanding here instead of hating her.
No. 1215782
>>1215771Also she is most likely in denial because who want's to accept that the person they love is absolute garbage, and
abusive? She's probably coping really hard, and underneath it all she is just afraid to consider that her boyfriend is threatening.
No. 1217593
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Reddit females love nothing more than to be a personal therapist to some fetishistic scrote. (And if they don't love it they automatically tolerate it all, like the default is that it's okay for their partner to wear stripper gear lmao.) Their greatest badge of honor is that some moid is being "vulnerable" with them. How special she is. These days it's controversial to say you want to date a normal guy without mental issues.
No. 1217598
File: 1654773647248.png (55.54 KB, 741x584, redditmoment.PNG)

Femdom is just pickme-ism with extra steps.
No. 1217695
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In a post about r/snapgroup, a sub about trading illegal porn, including literal cp. Haha that's just fine and dandy t. Reddit tranny jannies
No. 1217708
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idk why this post gave me super odd vibes? not just the age gap, something is off about this scrote… this screenshot was posted on mademesmile ugh
No. 1218311
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Some fresh childfree autism from the /r/reborndollcringe sub, they even said "crotchgoblin". This was on a post where a mom complained she couldn't fold down her baby's stroller on the bus because somebody with a reborn in a stroller was taking up space.
The sub is funny in general, weirdly half of the users seem sociopathic and talk about hurting or messing with the reborns. Somebody said they'd name one Jocelyn because they "wouldn't be able to resist jostling it around" whatever that fucking means
No. 1218662
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Haha women talk too much am i rite bros
No. 1218888
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I was reading through a thread on if ‘bitch’ is a slur and found this shite
No. 1219374
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I want to fucking die what is with redditors and not washing their ass properly
No. 1219387
>>1218662It is silencing because most of these people don’t even know what “
terf” even means and apply it to any woman’s opinion they mildly disagree with or sense as not being PC like oh yeah those feminists are bad because women are annoying for having opinions! Let me prove your point by sperging in a misogynistic way for I am a le facts and logic tranny defender redditor!
No. 1219660
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Agegap poster explains the only possible reason her almost 50yo bf couldn't get it up. Couldn't be viagra he takes secretly.
No. 1219665
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>>1218311REBORNDOLLCRINGE! I never read the comments but god I love the ugly baby doll pics
No. 1219750
>>1219400it was a post about anal eczema that i clicked on for lulz only to be horrified bc this moid described how he doesnt use soap to wash his ass and none of his family does either
>>1219404maybe. idk how you could be such a dumbass to confuse the two but i overestimate how idiotic and disgusting moids are, plus the fact that a lot of them will admit on reddit they just "let water run over the area"
No. 1220324
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>>1220288>>1220294Nta, but a reborn is a very realistic looking baby doll. A lot of women buy them because they've lost a child or can't have them, and they treat them like real babies. I'm not British so I'm not sure what a "buggy" is (we call shopping carts buggy's here), but I'm assuming the woman is just saying that she can't put her daughters stuff down because a woman with a reborn in a stroller is taking up space.
I know a lot of people will judge the women who buy reborn dolls but I honestly just feel really bad for them, and they're not harming anyone so I say let them live
No. 1220347
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>>1220288>>1220294A buggy is a 'stroller' it is kind of a pushchair for older babies, just another name really like pram. Like picrel
No. 1220355
>>1220351Read this
>>1220350I agree the woman should have moved her stuff, I thought it was pretty clear that I was speaking more in general.
No. 1220479
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17 years old and poly? Pardon?
No. 1220533
>>1220492nta but perhaps the doll has been deemed appropriate by a doctor as a coping mechanism. at some part you have to weigh how much behaviors effect their quality of life.
all the ladies I've met who needed their baby dolls were elderly and pretty far out there already. Diseases of the mind can hit some people early though.
No. 1220610
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this is so weird. found in the craftsnark subreddit.
No. 1220668
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The OP post has since been deleted but it was essentially a woman who said she just met a sugar daddy that was willing to pay for her bimbofication process No. 1220679
>>1220569Sometimes anon you just want to have a conversation and you don’t have the energy for an infight. I was trying to not offend anyone, chill. Getting across the concerns with TikTok is more important to me than trying to insult other women who haven’t done anything.
>>1220630it’s insane to me all these young girls can’t tell how photoshopped these posts are or the amount of fitness influencers who have a BBL they never disclose.
No. 1220720
>>1220479She's probably straight and such a pickme she has multiple fwb, that's what she calls poly.
Imagine being an abused woman and seeing your daughter cheer on an abuser. It really is true I guess that broken women support and seek out abusers, huh.
No. 1220734
>>1220668She had me in the first half not gonna lie
I wish the bimbo thing would die already
No. 1220746
File: 1654929836465.jpg (99.37 KB, 738x272, rdit.jpg) hate the tern "wifey things/material". To me this reads as "I want you to coddle me like a little boy and take care of all the things I should be able to do myself as an adult".
>"He says he wants me to start doing "wifey things" for him to feel cared for and actually consider me good potential for the future" It's clear that her scrote doesn't want a partner, but a mommy. What a pathetic handmaiden.
No. 1220766
>>1220702>>1220679NTAYRT I used to run a fitness server and regularly got new members with unrealistic goals, posting pics and TikToks of women with BBL's, very photoshopped pics, influencers who have such a low bf% they're probably on fatburners or anavar and definitely lost their period, some were well known to have been on roids etc. When I tried to carefully suggest picking healthier, actually attainable goals, I was accused of being jealous, internalized misogyny, of not knowing what I'm talking about etc. This is worse than the old questions about spot reducing. They would regularly post timeline pics from Reddit crying "why don't I look like that", but pointing out obvious photoshop or surgeries the woman got in between pics, just got me attacked.
No. 1220771
>>1220746if he doesn't consider her "wifey material" now then why tf is he wasting her time?
Men know pretty much right away whether they want marry the girl or not. And usually they wouldn't even care about the "wifey things" because they're so in love they assume she will be the perfect wife.
No. 1220831
>>1220746Any woman who becomes a mommybangmaid after getting married I pity.
Any woman who becomes a mommybangmaid for a scrote who won't even give her a ring and definitely dump her when a woman he actually likes comes along deserves it.
No. 1220889
>>1220873>>1220395Grief is the hardest emotion to deal with. It hits hardest of all emotions and society doesn't really prepare us to handle it.
It can severely mess with your mind, people can experience survivor guilt and have all sorts of inadequate feelings and responses to it.
I personally will never ever judge someone for the way they deal with grief if it doesn't hurt anyone.
No. 1220897
>>1220889Although I agree, some reborn owners are sick in the head. They're not mourning mothers but mentally ill people who fetishize the idea of having a baby see
>>1219665 and
>>1218311 >>1220893Yep. They give me the same energy as monkey hater women. Although majority of women are great, there's %1 that's very mentally ill and that type usually obsesses with kids and babies. I'm sure they reborn owners would've abused their kids if they had real kids, see how they think of actual children above.
No. 1220994
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But why would a 34 year old feel the need to date a young girl who just graduated high school? Redditors will die defending moids who groom young impressionable girls with their ~but she's mature for her age~ bullshit
No. 1220995
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>>1220994Also someone compared old raggedy scrotes dating women half their age to interracial relationships. Like what's the correlation here?
No. 1221001
>>1220995Damn did this old incel faggot literally vaguely say a woman dating out her race man is as
problematic as him getting with a barely legal girl? Kek. At least one scenerio is possible, there's no way any of these old ugly redditors could even muster the courage to talk to a young beautiful woman.
No. 1221018
>>1220995My fave thing abut guys on reddit who'll die on the hill of
> Well as long as she's 18 no amount of age gap matters, gaps in power… not important either ..she's an adult, end of.Is that we know they're not out there bagging themselves the hot young women they so badly desire. It's a fantasy for them and they get off on talking about it. If I just keep talking about it and normalising it then might just happen for me someday… right?
No. 1221220
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>>1221193Oh, they are not ashamed to admit it at all. They love shitting on women their own age
No. 1221346
>>122122040 year old men on Reddit
> Hahahaha 40 year olds are gross and nobody wants to fuck them > Uh I meant 40 year old women, Men are immune to aging And yet men die younger
No. 1221588
>>1221569>why would a woman with a rich husband fuck average men when she can get a rich dude or even a jiggolo? They wouldn't, that's why it's a fantasy. I never said scrote fantasies made sense. They're unreasonable just like most fantasies. And the "cucking another more successful man" aspect is definitely a part of the cougar fetish.
>It's not a good thing to be desired by men eitherI never said it was, but scrotes prefer the type of woman I described as opposed to the single natural woman, look up MILF or cougar fetish. They like plastic big-titted married housewives with cakefaces who have kids so they can steal her from the rich successful scrote. And yes they are seen as objects, that's my point. Scrotes and their tastes are retarded so I would never want to be seen as the kind of "MILF" or "cougar" most scrotes fantasize about.
No. 1222348
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people in the replies are being so sweet to this guy. bro he is literally a murderer, and not even a self defense type situation, he got 20 years in prison with 10 years of solitary. you don't get that for accidentally running someone over or shooting a home intruder. i don't know what exactly he did to get such a harsh sentence but there's a lot of retards saying how ~uwu everyone's got a past hehe u did ur time buddy it's all good~ and even women saying they potentially wouldn't mind dating one of the most serious felons. idk i'm just in awe and also hate men
No. 1222365
>>1222348hey if being sweet baits him into owning up to it irl so women know to stay the hell away from him
then that's a great outcome
No. 1222385
>>1220746>this was all in good nature and a healthy conversation>While he's telling her to be a surrogate mommy for him in order to be marriage materialI sure hope her Nigel is also up for doing "hubby material" and cut up fruit for HER while she's bedridden but somehow I have a feeling that what he means is that she brings her chicken tendies while he plays video games and chats up e-girls on discord.
Also jesus christ those replies, just men acting like perpetual
victims and writing sob stories about how "you can make a man cry by just bringing him a sandwich he didn't ask". Well you can make a woman cry just by treating her like a human being equal to you.
No. 1224766
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bro this is pathetic, a grown ass man shouldn't have to be 'helped' with basic chores, especially not in this manner.
>omg chores is like bido gaem!!!!
literal definition of manchild
No. 1224768
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>>1224766and of course the 'bitch' is blamed
No. 1224773
>>1224766Is her husband 5 yo
Call the police stat
No. 1224775
>>1224766I really thought I couldn't seethe any harder after reading this, then I saw
>>1224768I have no words
No. 1225069
File: 1655224280989.jpg (296.15 KB, 910x836, runn.jpg)

This isn't cute this guy is a fucking freak
No. 1225937
>>1225858The poster says she “hates chicken just as much as her 8 year old” but they still eat it every night. That’s just so odd to me, lmao. There are plenty of other cheap sources of protein if you
really dislike chicken. I know sometimes kids go through phases, but I have a bunch of picky eaters in my family and I never heard of anyone not liking chicken. Even my picky sister who is vegetarian now says she misses chicken sometimes.
No. 1226240
>>1226219NTA but so? OP said:
>He claimed I am denying him a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I am putting my mother over him. I told him it has nothing to do with me placing my mom over him and this is solely about my comfort. Idc if he works 14 hours a day when he's being so selfish and making the birth about him. I understand being upset that he won't get to witness the childbirth but it's childish of him to say that she is "denying him a once-in-a-lifetime exerience" while she's going through all of physical and mental stress to give him a damn baby.
No. 1226280
>>1226219In the end it's still her who has to give birth tho so her comfort is above EVERYTHING ELSE, even her husbands feelings.
I also don't want my husband to be in the room for the actual birth-part. I want my mother there who has given birth herself and who I won't be uncomfortable shitting myself and splitting open in front of. My husband can be there for the many hours of labor that come before, but when it comes time to push he needs to gtfo. Men can not even handle seeing a child being born and them even being in the room is a fairly new thing, the dad used to wait outside. I have seen so many posts of men claiming to have PTSD from witnessing the birth of their children and how they can't get it up for their wife anymore after seeing a baby come out of her. Men are not strong enough for childbirth and they shouldn't be in the room unless they are the doctor.
No. 1226301
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>>1226288That’s all they are good for most of the time. Men ruined childbirth for 1000s of years by making women give birth on their backs and making it hard for women to be midwives. They create unnecessary stress with their autism about sons and how everything has to be sooper sexy or how gross everything is.
The wife of this pathetic creature, for instance, could have had her mother to comfort her, but society says that he “deserves rights”.
No. 1226337
>>1226333Men have not always been involved in the birthing process. You’re delusional. You act like all men where there holding their wives hands before 1950s when it’s actually the opposite. 100 years ago it was not normal for men to be in the room while their wife gave birth.
Men have been involved for a long time as drs and physicians and during that time they fucked it all up, reported misinformation, jeopardised women and babies because they don’t believe what women say, etc. Made women give birth on their backs etc. During the witch burning area female midwives where always scapegoated and persecuted and then eventually did away with them and made it hard for women to work at all.
No. 1226341
>>1226325men have always disregarded womens birthing and made it all about themselves infact it was even worse BEFORE the 50's and you can see that in many different tribes or eras before.
Every scrote like you thinks he is ''stating factzz'' but no you are just talking out of your ass like all braindead moids that lurk here. No. 1226346
>>1226345>idiot retardo scrotes like you always come out of the shadows when certain topics
trigger them, let me guess you are a deadbeat loser dad or your dad is a deadbeat loser.
No. 1226355
>>1226341This and also the only women who had this privilege the moron talks about was typically rich women who are aristocrats or part of royalty, meanwhile birth for the average woman was horrible and there was no healing wait time.
>>1226347You didnt debunk anything, all you did was sperg about boomer feminism and insult anyone who said you are wrong.
Go back to your redpill sphere moidlet shoo shoo.
No. 1226369
>>1226363Yeah, totally, just use your magical woman powers to detect a scrote who doesn't act weirdly around pregnancy lol. Or like, if he doesn't act right, just like, undo the baby and the pregnancy. Simple as xx
You're evil if you don't let him watch you have birth though, ugh can you imagine? Having a choice to have someone who you'll feel the most comfortable with as you bring a child into the world and physically/mentally struggle in the process? Feminists, amirite?? Ridiculous…
No. 1226415
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>>1226401M O I D A L E R T
No. 1226423
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No. 1226864
>>1226579This isn't a guarantee and shouldn't be the top consideration as to why you pick who you want in the delivery room. Many men are just too squeamish or anxiety prone to be any help to the woman and they can not give comfort from a position of sympathy or past experience. Childbirth is stressful enough, additional, unneeded stress can be
No. 1227025
>>1227003Just goes to show how little they care for their own kind when they are more focused on making MURDER a competition. At the end of the day, he was still murdered by a moid who is walking the streets and they don't seem to be
triggered by that part. My dream is for OJ to have a second trial with only gen z jury because at least you know he will be locked up.
No. 1227521
>>1227051Well on a subconscious level they do - which is sort of why the madonna/whore complex exists. Woman before fucking: whore, woman after fucking gets pregnant: madonna, no more sex cuz icky and wtf prego?
Their "understanding" boils down to
>oh I did that?>nah, she did that. now her body is gross and not attractive>I should find a woman who didn't do that to her own body, who isn't gross lol No. 1227523
>>1226367You talk like men are that picky and that women have no options if their husband stops fucking them, or that they'd even be disappointed.
I want moids to see us do something they're far too weak for. When they bitch about sacrificing 8 hours a day at an air conditioned desk or the hypothetical wars they could die in, they should remember us actually sacrificing our bodies to continue the human race and that they can never be that. Even if womb transplants happen, they wouldn't dare.
No. 1227525
>>1227523I shouldn't reply to this retarded infighting, but they are, nona. Men today are extremely spoiled and finicky, because they can see perfect airbrushed women stopped in time any time they pick up that ubiquitous screen dominating everyone's lives.
And they don't see it like that, they see it more like an animal going through a disgusting process that they have zero involvement in. Men never admire women unless they're doing something a man could do better if he wanted to.
So a moid seeing his wife's vagina give birth to his own son isn't really likely to think "omg, she's doing this for me :)" it's more "um ew wtf I stick my penis in there. now I have to find a vagina that hasn't done that weird gross shit and that isn't ruined"
Now shoo back to reddit.
No. 1227563
>>1226367You should unironically become a polilezzy.
>>1227554Nta and that's true but it's way too acceptable for them to pull that shit. They shouldn't be allowed to do that, if it wasn't acceptable they'd been too scared like how most of them are too scared to say they'd rather date minors than adults.
Also this has a lot to do with sex being seen as… Sex. Western countries have made sex into plastic sanitary act done solely for pleasure(mostly for man's) while it's supposed to be an act for bonding and forming a family, even if a woman's infertile or its a same sex relationship, it creates a partner bond and readies them to become parents in essence. But the casual sex and porn culture has scewed people's views about sex.
No. 1227578
>>1227563What in the twitterfag is this… Western countries arent the cause for this, do you even know the way people actually treat women giving births in tribes because if you did maybe you would shut up.
Are also like one of those spiritual drug-popping privileged women who say how nice and empowering menstruation huts are and ignore brown women who tell you that women literally get sent to die there and its like a punishment.
No. 1227597
>>1227588The anon I replied to was talking about husband stitch, a medical procedure only done to enhance how a man enjoys a pussy. Labiaplasty is more related to it than menstruation huts because no one was even talking about menstruation.
You racebaited in the last paragraph where you accused me of being a certain race and brought up another race of women when it wasn't even relevant to the topic. Even if tribes years ago did misogynistic practices, it doesn't excuse modern day misogyny. Why are you so personally offended that I mentioned porn addiction when most people would agree it's the origin of today's men's weird sexual interests?
No. 1227601
>>1227597i thought you were that anon from before who was calling anons ''boomer feminists. retarded women'' and the topic revolved around birthing. Since you both sounded spergy ,retarded and keep derailing this thread, my bad.
Also please learn what racebaiting means.
No. 1227674
>>1227659Right? Personally I would never marry or choose to have kids with a man who I didn't want there with me in one of the most stressful/painful times of my life to hold my hand and talk me through it. I don't know why anon is trying to convince other women their only option is to be with a man they can't depend on, but hey if that's what you want you go get it girly.
This argument is so far removed from the original post too. If the OP preferred her mother in the room then good for her, but her reasoning behind it was retarded. Like of course the husband would be upset when her only reason she doesn't want him there is because he's missed the appointments, but the reason he's missed the appointments is because he's been providing for the family so she can take time off for the pregnancy. I know, I know, men are trash etc etc but if a woman actually wants her relationship with her moid to work some times you have to be considerate of their feelings and compromise, which a lot of nonnies here don't seem to get.
No. 1228608
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No. 1228623
>>1228608She should just free bleed on the guy, bet the pads won't seem so bad then.
>He firstly complained about me not "consulting" him firstgag.
No. 1229221
>>1229214Maybe men should stop raping children, do their fair share in parenting, and stop being so emotionally constipated, simple as.
>Hair lossBoohoo. Your beauty standards are have hair, don't be fat, be tall. And even then you can probably still date up with some low self-esteem cock worshipper. Journo mode life.
No. 1229257
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No. 1229332
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Every time, without fail, when this question or something similar is asked, this is the top answer. It’s mentioned in more than one comment. Meanwhile, let’s compare what the worst things are about being a woman… Fears of being raped, impregnated against your will, dismembered and put into a trash can, etc. Like, I couldn’t find one legitimate answer in this thread. It’s all mundane shit that really doesn’t even matter. More than one man said something about hair. Fucking hair. Imagine if that were the biggest worry you had as a woman.
No. 1229356
>>1227204wtf i only heard his name, didn't know the details but it's so scarily similar
>When describing a 1989 incident in which he was charged with battering her, he said she was the actual aggressor but nobody believed him. He said the only time he touched her was to subdue her and stop her from hitting him.>Similarly, when describing a December 2015 incident Amber says Johnny "headbutted her" (which he admitted to on tape), Johnny testified he'd only been trying to subdue her (or "bear hug" her) to stop her from hitting him
>When shown photos of Nicole's bruises, O.J. said it was makeup.>When shown her diary entries recounting the abuse, he said she made it all up to void their prenup.>Like with Amber, O.J. and his team played up Nicole's "violent past," including a time Nicole allegedly slapped the couple's maid. The maid was later quoted as saying Nicole often started her and O.J.'s fights and that he always tried to walk away.
>In the weeks after Nicole's murder, Denise Brown insisted her sister wasn't a "battered woman." While Nicole's family and friends had known about the abuse, the extent of it was hidden from them as she'd covered her bruises with makeup.>Johnny's fans often bring up Amber's parents texting him that they loved him; they bring up his generosity to Amber and her friends and the fact he let them live rent-free in his penthouse apartments.>O.J. was similarly generous, lavishing Nicole's family with gifts, giving her parents and cousins jobs, and paying her sister's school tuition. He was so generous, her family encouraged her to stay with him, despite knowing of the abuse.
>Similar to how Johnny and his fans cling to Amber's purported affairs (James Franco! Elon Musk!), Nicole's promiscuity was blasted in the tabloids and the fact she (gasp!) dared to have sex with another man under the same roof as her sleeping children.>Like how Johnny's exes Vanessa, Winona, and Kate defended him, O.J.'s first wife Marguerite, after hearing of Nicole’s abuse, said he never touched her and that she'd be willing to testify for him.>Johnny's fans will point out Amber said she still loved him and continued to text him after filing for divorce, but after Nicole and O.J. divorced, she wrote a letter pleading for a reconciliation - just a year before she was killed.
>Like in the Depp-Heard trial, crucial evidence outlining the extent of Nicole's abuse was kept from the Simpson jury due to "hearsay," including Nicole's diary.>Texts from Johnny's assistant to Amber, apologizing for Johnny's kicking her, were kept out for the same reason.>And like how Johnny's kept Amber buried in legal fees for years, in the last days of Nicole's life O.J. threatened Nicole financially, telling her he'd report her to the IRS.ironically many moids and handmaidens try to reach for parallels between her and oj…
No. 1229358
>>1229332I feel like this is literally a non issue irl? never in my life have I heard anyone male or female accuse a man of being a pedophile for being around children, it just happens to creepy redditors in discord servers with 12 year olds in which case they deserve it
>>1229214>lonely>weak connection with male friendsbet he turns around and talks about how all women are fake friends and secretly hate each other lol. anyway I'll never get over how guys on the internet they think loneliness is a male thing because they only acknowledge the women they want to fuck as female lol
No. 1229648
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>>1229332Moids are pure evil, always playing the
victim about other's concern for children's safety. If paranoid nosiness protects even one child from being harmed, it's absolutely worth the awkwardness of being side eyed at a playground.
Not that it ever actually happens, they just heard made up stories about it on reddit and took it as a personal affront that anyone would dare notice or publicly stand up against male pedophiles. Their guilty consciences are so blatantly obvious that an imaginary situation that almost never occurs is their deepest fear and worst nightmare. Everyone knows men get overpraised for being good with kids or acting like father material, while it's the bare minimum for women. If anything, we need to be MORE suspicious of them.
No. 1229897
>>1229332Wow, I went through the thread, OP wasn't kidding, it's not even just the top comment, 90% of the comments are about kids. And most of their "villain origin stories" is about one rude mom saying something when they took their kid to the playground. The other honorable mentions are male pattern baldness and having to initiate dating.
Also lol at men thinking "loneliness" is a male thing.
No. 1230048
>>1229358>it just happens to creepy redditors in discord servers with 12 year oldsThis is almost always the context in which they mean it and it took me a while to catch on to that. As a normal adult you don't even think of being in some internet chat group with kids. I could never figure out why so many of these reddit men would say they have this problem, because I have never seen this kind of thing happen to a man who spends time with like, his nieces and nephews or something. But it's all about the part they're leaving out, which is
where they're "being around children" and why. It's like the "peeing in public" argument redditors love for the sex offender registry, it's always what they're not saying.. Pedophiles are manipulative and the ones on reddit like to manipulate with lying by omission to attempt to paint themselves as the
victims of some societal cruelty.
No. 1230294
What I hate about the whole subreddits like AITA and relationships, is that they're filled to the brim with women on their late 20s, early 30s asking if they're in the wrong for pushing same boundaries or being upset for completely valid reasons. And they're always dating/married to some idiot scrote that is around 10 yrs older than them, and has the maturity of a 12 yr old. Worst part of all, since reddit is full of mods and scrotes, they're always in support of said overgrown manchild, and bash women for whatever reason.
"Omg reddit, am I wrong for not having to want sex with my partner who's my dad age after I was assaulted on the bus?" And the answers are literally "You dumb bitch, men will literally die if we don't have sex, you're selfish, and I hope your scrote leaves. This is why feminism is wrong".
And the mods will NEVER fo anything, cause that shit gives them views, and whatnot, and they're probably scrote themselves.
And if you point out that it started badly when they accepted to date a predator on the first place, you will have scrotes at your throat defending dating minors jfc.
We should just nuke reddit.
No. 1231169
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No. 1231196
>>1230870Nart but both women and men here get heavily fined and might get arrested for pissing behind a bush in a secluded park late at night after a night out.
Yes the police have nothing to do, even though there are many rape cases they just drop bc apparently they have no resources. Plus there is no sex offender registers here.
No. 1231216
>>1231169Imagine getting married at 23 and not knowing that within just a couple of years sex will be going downhill fast and you can't even make a joke about it because of course your husband wants to class it as a super serious medical condition that you have to tiptoe around.. God I'm sick of men pretending their deathgrip porn addiction is something you can't ever challenge them on or complain about. We have to give out sex on tap but they can break their own dicks and you have to just accept that as your life now?
WHo cares about a joke when this woman is stuck commited to a man who can't satisfy her all while she's only in her mid twenties.. weird priorities given where this marriage is likely headed.
No. 1231252
>>1231222All this shit they are whining about comes from men being
toxic to each other, lol.
No. 1231254
>>1231169We have 26 and 32 year olds out here acting like old married couples in their 60s, this is embarrassing as shit and is obviously a health problem and not to do with his partner. Men can get it up for a passing breeze if they're healthy.
This is the first AITA I've seen where he used a name, which makes me think it's a real bitter moid and not fake, like most of them.
No. 1231258
>>1231252Alot of it was him grasping at straws, making up shit that's just not true to reality or him blaming society for his own personal issues but this has to be my fave
>I need men’s rights because, if I am killed in an accident, people will care less than if a woman or a child is killed.He begrudges kids being mourned over harder than he would be mourned for? Who the fuck sits around thinking about this shit and who the fick minds that yes kids dying generally hits harder than adults.
No. 1231270
>>1231254>>1231169Samefag, Just checked the comments for this and the pickmes are out in full force. It's obvious the wife was desperate to say something about this problem
to anyone, bet the moid has not-so-subtly implied she was the problem many times, shot her random glares for making his penis sad at the very minimum, and made the home environment awful for her, if you blurt out something like that in public it's not to shame the poor moid (uwu) but because you're desperate to mention it. It's embarrassing for her too but he makes it all about him.
Stay sucking on those musty reddit dicks, reddit women.
No. 1231285
>>1231222What are even "male gendered slurs"? Dick?
Also where are all the men organizing the male-centered rape/DV-shelters they so desire? It's almost like men don't give a shit about other men, and especially won't do unpaid and ungrateful work for society in the same numbers women do.
No. 1231566
>>1231285And the stats they loosely pull up about violence that happens to men and how they need shelters… they always fail to mention it's men commiting that violence too. It's male on male and generally it involves drugs and robbery. These men aren't going to a shelter if you build it.
I'm not in a big country with alot of crime but when you hear of women being murdered here it's by their husband, their ex, their adult son, a guy who fancied them at work.. on and on. When men are murdered it's because they're criminals and they dived into a lifestyle where they could've just as easily been killed or been the killer. That's what bugs me about men pulling up half the story as proof of male suffering. Help yourselves.
No. 1232636
>>1232632What a great find, Nona.
At one point he says, “It's important to note that my fiancée, while she's into nerdy stuff like science and mathematics, that's pretty much where her nerdiness ends. She isn't into the part of nerd and weeb culture that involves Sci-fi, Anime, Video games, etc, so trying to explain all my weird kinks and fantasies to both her and my very straight laced family is not going very well at all…”
How does being into nerd culture have ANYTHING to do with understanding rape fantasies? Redditors / moids are so willing to believe that their thoughts are normal because they surround themselves with other degenerates like them, and then they end up conflating nerd culture = kinkiness.
No. 1232641
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>>1232636I wish I could take the credit that this was some deep dive find, but alas, it was on the popular page. I read that, kept scrolling, and a few posts down there was a woman asking advice for her problem. Sometimes it’s fun when the universe juxtaposes men’s issues compared to women’s
and by fun I mean incredibly depressing also it was too fucking much seeing all the comments defending the wannabe-rapist. I’m so glad that woman aired him out to his family, absolutely based and I hope she did it with the intent of causing him the most pain and making his life as difficult as possible.
No. 1232654
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>>1232651Very telling how vague he is throughout
No. 1232657
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>>1232655“As far as rape, incest and paedophillia goes, it’s really very mild!”
No. 1232665
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This genuinely gave me the creeps.
No. 1232677
File: 1655721046179.png (40.6 KB, 1718x216, TIFU letting my Fiancé use my …)

>>1232632OK, can anyone tell me where this whole "CNC is actually really common" thing is coming from? I see it parroted on Reddit all the time but I refuse to believe that rape fantasies are that common, especially for women
No. 1232687
>>1232677It's a cope, just like when they claim that women are just as bad when it comes to domestic violence and things like that. Even if the cnc
thing was true, who cares? It's his fiance who's uncomfortable and her feelings matter over any other rando because she's the one who's engaged to this moid.
>>1232665>or I will fucking explode.Good and I hope he does it without hurting any innocent people. Men are so pathethic. They'd watch the world burn just so that they can coom. I hope no woman will ever have the displeasure of getting to know this scrote.
No. 1232717
>>1232665I do have compassion for men who are so undesirable that they will never find a woman to be interested in them. In the animal world it's quite common to have males who will never reproduce, because the females keep choosing the better males to have better offspring.
In humans we have monogamy which is good for lesser males, but still, a lot of women don't want to be in a relationship with a man at all. For women it's easier as we show affection with each other + don't usually go crazy from being horny. I do wonder why the undesirable males wouldn't have a lower sex drive naturally to allow them to be content with being alone.
No. 1232747
File: 1655732269126.png (256.04 KB, 1282x636, Capture.PNG)

Anons idk if this is an appropriate thread for this I don't post here but it's fucking vile and I need to rage. I was Googling some infographics about vaginal discharge and went too deep and found a subreddit for used sanitary products. I hoped it was women sharing to normalise our bodily functions- foolish of me. They're literally prowling local businesses and stealing from the women's sanitary disposal units in the bathrooms.
No. 1232798
File: 1655736812669.png (38.14 KB, 1108x272, image.png)

>>1232778Redditors either aren't smart enough to see the difference or are willfully ignorant about it
No. 1232801
>>1232677I see it parroted literally everywhere on social media as well (especially tiktok, to add another layer of horror) and it makes me rage every time I see it. It reminds me of this bullshit narrative of "akshually women love dominant (read:
abusive) men who take control!". Men have been telling these kinds of lies to excuse their behavior for centuries, cnc is just its new, modern flavor. Domestic violence was often excused this way, too.
It's genuinely fucking insane to me how popular this "take" currently is. It also purposefully ignores the fact that nearly all women who are "into" cnc have a history of sexual abuse/trauma and mental illness.
>>1232665This is some actual soon-to-be rapist psycho shit. Hope he offs himself - and only himself - before he inevitably sexually assaults a woman. Animal.
No. 1232962
File: 1655745754959.jpg (40.8 KB, 595x342, kjsgdfkhaljdsñhfks.jpg)

Am i dumb for getting mad over this? They know why. Oh, it's so sad that mothers, who do more unpaid labor and take better care of children, are more celebrated than fathers! We deserve to be praised for doing the bare minimum! Be grateful I didn't abandon you! I changed a diaper once!
Sorry for sperging out. I hate men.
No. 1232970
>>1232962Why is he even complaining that
his sister didn’t tell him happy Father’s Day? Did he fuck and have a child with her? And he’s still complaining about actually spending time with his child for one day which goes to show how worthless of a father he is. Males are so whiny.
No. 1233004
>>1232982I dated someone who had a son with his ex wife (I know, my mistake) Fathers day and special occasions were interesting and usually unpleasant. He was gifted a t-shirt and a mug the first fathers day that I was with him… the kid had no money and no filter so he told the dad the ex wife had obviously been so kind as to actually take initiative and buy him that stuff.. I thought it was nice given they didn't exactly get along. He never wore the shirt. The mug that said dad on it became my mug for some reason? The shirt eventually ended up being a nightshirt for me on nights when the kids wasn't with us. I lied and told him the dad wore it when he spotted it in our clothes hamper at last. It was like a peace offering given he actively still fought with the wife at any chance but he couldn't even be grateful and the son could pick up on the vibe. It got worse later on.
We were another couple years together and it was always him huffing and being unhappy with the lack of generosity somehow. When the mom told the kid one year to use his own pocket money to start buying the dad gifts himself… the kid bought him nothing and there was world war 3 over it. A kid.. a kid who didn't see him enough was being made miserable all weekend because he came empty handed. This man admitted to neglecting his basic duties for much of the kids younger years before I met him. He owed the child more than the child could ever owe him. It was nuts. A shitshow that opened my eyes about single dads who whinge about not being appreciated or put on the same level as mom. There is a good reason why that happens so they can seethe all they want.
No. 1233017
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What in the actual retard??
>Daughter is a TIF>class is going on a trip with unsupervised rooms to stay the night >TIF wants to stay in a room with her guy friends>teacher says she should stay with the girls >mom is pissed>Teacher is like wtf, are you legit braindead?>b-but the 5 other boys are fine with a female sleeping with them! >Mom screams to Reddit about le evil twansphobic teacher At least a lot of the comments are reasonable, suggesting the mom offer to chaperone or get the TIF her own room. No. 1233026
>>1233017Kids of 11 are watching porn on their phones already and have no issue getting around parental tools to try and stop that kind of thing.. I hate to say it but 11 year old boys aren't so young that you can even do this without rape or molestation being a genuine concern. Sad but that's reality.
How do you raise a girl and then lose touch with all the usual safety concerns the moment she dresses like a tomboy?
No. 1233029
>>1233017Why the hell would you be advocating for your DAUGHTER to stay in a room with boys? The amount of brain dead morons acting like they are so progressive is astonishing.
>>1233019>I don't care about the age, I'd never trust FIVE boys to be alone with a girlEspecially in this society we're living in, this is red lights flashing dangerous.
No. 1233032
>>1232646>Has sexual roleplay chats still up that "he use to do"Why would you have old chats up unless you were still participating in them? Does he think redditors are that stupid?
>Erotic roleplaying with strangersWhat is he? An obese teenager? Every single person I knew who did sexual roleplaying online was a fat greasy teen, it was probably with fat greasy teens over discord too. Not only did he cheat on his fiance and expects to manipulate reddit to be on his side but he's a major cringe lord too. His fiance is based for exposing his discord pedo tier shit to his family
No. 1233113
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>>1232665I went to OP's history and found this when he went to "defend" himself.
No. 1233214
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>>1232632Sort the comments by controversial if you're looking for sane responses. Some male avatars telling him he's a freak and needs help, sadly dwarfed by the amount of people telling him he's innocent, but it's something.
No. 1233237
File: 1655760709087.png (283.98 KB, 737x837, 0321564.png)

>>1233170Kek I just tried googling "hubby things" and "wifey things" – the latter brings up "How to tell your girlfriend is wifey material" and the former brings up "25 Things You Can Do For Your Hubby!!" Literally all men have to do is make money and most of them don't even do that kek.
No. 1233350
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>>1232632In the comments, he didn't violate her trust by keeping video porn of his ex and lying about it, she violated his trust by mentioning it. Moid logic
No. 1233359
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>>1233350Moid brain makes trust, logic and honor concepts that are completely turned upside down and then thrown around to distract from personal accountability.
Imagine the manosphere reaction to a woman keeping a sex video of her ex and then talking about violating trust when he sees it.
No. 1233361
>>1233334I don't feel sorry for men who can't get laid or can't get a woman, for exactly this reason, the bar is in hell which means if
all women won't touch him with a bargepole he's most likely very violent/hateful/insane/rapist etc, women overlook
so much shit from men so if a man is getting a wide berth from all women, it's because he's legitimately dangerous.
No. 1233370
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Woman supports the entire household, pays to renovate the pool so their kids can swim, husband disallows them and invites his friends to use the pool instead. This shit made my blood boil No. 1233572
File: 1655792607568.jpeg (114.58 KB, 1125x456, 06F50952-BD65-451B-958C-773761…)

>>1232747I got overwhelmed with curiously and had to dig up this subreddit for myself. I’m no stranger to just how fucking weird and gross men can be, but this just blew me away. I’m tempted to round up some of the grossest comments but I fear the ick factor would be too high even for lolcow. They take their daughters, wives, coworkers dirty pads and tampons…some even hang out in cafes and wait for women to leave the restroom to see what they can “harvest.” I use a menstrual cup but if I did use pads/tampons I would absolutely be freaked out to throw them away in public now. I wish these freaks would be put down. Picrel, comments like this are a dime a dozen on that sub
No. 1233626
>>1233381I just don't get why is snooping break-upable offense. It imo warrants a stern talk. Like it's not a diary, it's just phone. I have nothing bad on my phone and wouldn't be offended if my partner snooped because he'd find nothing I think mostly people who keep weird shit, personal shit they shouldn't keep in their phone in the first place because and are ashamed of themselves make it into unforgivable villainy.
And if you actually find shit like cheating there it's automatically forgiven in my eyes and justified, at least you found out and don't have to be chained to a liar.
No. 1233633
>>1232962>I had lunch with MY son and I had to pay!!It's your fucking child! Why are scrotes so insane when it comes to money? Who else should've paid, the kid? Mind blowing. Stingy scrotes are the worst.
>>1233170Getting your gf flowers or complimenting her I guess. It takes very, very little effort to be considered a "good guy" nowadays. The bar is so damn low and they still complain. In the 50s (the time a lot of men ironically romanticize), a guy had to spend quite a bit of money on dates with the same girl to even think of sleeping with her. Today moids go on tinder, meet up with some random girl an hour later, make her pay half, have sex with her and still complain how "hard" it is for men in the dating sphere. They're fucking crazy.
No. 1233707
>>1233572As much as I hate this, it's also the perfect example of the evil degenerate male nature and how women are treat in society. "We hate you, but we will also make sure that every last sex-based experience you have in life is fetishized."
Women disposing of their most likely overpriced sanitary products and having to go about their day being told they are overreacting about period pain, not even being able to talk about it in a lot of countries, or being seen as disgusting and unholy for it…and then degenerate disgusting moids coming along to fetishize everything they simultaneously despise us for.
No. 1234022
File: 1655834694154.png (25.03 KB, 921x608, notwholesomeonehundred.png)

Not that surprising given any subreddit that doesn't outright ban criticism of troon gets it, and TiA has been on thin ice for a long time.
No. 1234046
>>1232817They never want to take responsibility, you’re spot on.
>>1233635I agree. I’m going to start making collages and hanging them in our stalls. That and caps from the troons who masturbate in women’s restrooms.
>>1234022Kind of sad even though it was still a mostly moid sub. But it was nice to see people laughing at trannies there.
No. 1234329
>>1234285Don't feel bad for us, period panties has honestly changed the game.
>>1226251I take so much joy in how much fear moids have of dying alone. Without a woman to enslave they are doomed to die a miserable life of resentment towards the same woman they hate so much and jealousy towards their male peers who live the lives they desperately want.
No. 1234405
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>>1234398Just remember that 90% of the shit that moids constantly spout is projection. It just doesn't work out because we aren't disabled at gene stage.
No. 1234442
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No. 1234599
File: 1655874096039.jpeg (289.12 KB, 750x762, 09B03660-425D-4DBC-A06F-F87310…)

A real ad I just saw. Kek. What the fuck.
No. 1234684
File: 1655879171060.jpg (297.73 KB, 1170x2214, uzs1oiktc2791.jpg)

Screenshot stolen from r/justneckbeardthings. Wanna take bets on if it's:
a) A pickme that considers other women as competition
b) A man larping as a woman on reddit to cover up his tracks
or c) A tranny
No. 1234701
>>1234684I vote C.
Just look at how many synonyms for the word "women" are used in this paragraph - but when the author of the post describes themselves, they only use the word "girl".
Probably because they can't truthfully say they're a woman, but at the same time they want to think they're on their way to being one.
No. 1234731
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>>1234684if real, just sad. the pathetic thing is that there are women out there like this
No. 1234808
File: 1655889026114.png (63.47 KB, 632x778, nd2.png)

>>1234684Seems like a LARPing tranny
>I'm a cis girlDoubt.jpg
No. 1234891
File: 1655901851974.png (582.15 KB, 543x2786, sadsadsad.png)

Crazy but sweet Japanese woman meets an American incel and you won't believe what happened next
No. 1234921
>>1234901Yeah no it's just the cliché white incel-to-troon + cute asian girl love story I didn't really mean to imply anything else, sorry
I hate how this girl gets no support whatsoever from the mtf handmaiden subreddit. Like 100+ people will love bomb her for pictures of her fugly crossdresser bf but no one wants to pick up the signs of how much she's struggling.
No. 1234932
>>1234910I tried reporting a bunch of posts from r/UsedTamponsTrashCan
the disgusting sub mentioned upthread and every. single. one. was accessed and considered not in violation of Reddit’s policies. Their priorities are extremely clear.
No. 1235035
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On a lighter note, I present to you a tale in two posts kek
No. 1235202
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men stop crying like babies about literally nothing challenge
No. 1235211
File: 1655921904302.jpg (547.03 KB, 2388x1074, S3hkpq9.jpg)

What the fuck is wrong with males? That sort of humor may have been funny at 12, but not as a grown adult. The y chromosome is an actual disorder. No. 1235336
File: 1655925471916.jpg (517.37 KB, 1668x1016, KRTsntd.jpg)

>>1235211It gets even worse. Really showing the XY here in his lack of accountability
No. 1236202
File: 1655992428285.jpg (74.23 KB, 497x741, g7.jpg)

Love when scrotes internalize the "B-Bisexuality is just spicy straight!" cope and then get burned
No. 1236204
>>1236202>because a GIRL could take my love interest away from me!Straight from the horse's mouth, a silly woman could never steal a conquest from a stud like him! Girls should just engage in sexual interactions when he thinks it's hot.
When it stops being hot, it's just not convenient.
No. 1236215
File: 1655993579562.jpg (1.01 MB, 1196x1976, fakestory.jpg)

I hate how bad the fake story epidemic is, I blame retarded "story time" youtubers for it. I bet a lot of these are specifically written for some teenager's YT channel
No. 1236216
>>1236202i hope she stays safe because men get very violent when they realize a woman is actually attracted to women instead of pretending since men think all lesbians/bisexuals are straight women who let them have threesomes and polygamy.
Just putting this in here for the brutality men do to homosexual women once they think they could be replaced
>A fired government worker in Missouri - unhinged over his wife's lesbian affair – has been convicted of brutally murdering his two teen daughters, spouse, and her grandmother in eastern Kansas. No. 1236434
>>1236202>a GIRL could take my love interest>I feel robbed of my dignityIt's so obvious they see us as inferior, how is your dignity robbed because someone you had not even started a relationship with chose someone else? Because she's female.
Also hate the retardation/coomerbrain of bisexuality being 'hot' when he thought it meant threesomes for him.
>>1236216>>1236221So interesting, lesbian-induced moid rage is new info for me, I'll bear that in mind (srs) as a bisexual, I thought they didn't take this stuff seriously
No. 1237040
File: 1656041021530.jpeg (369.41 KB, 1125x1709, 5390D04B-2E98-4E94-8BB9-CC6A17…)

Blacked it out because the poster was a woman, but holy shit the Regal employee saved everyone who went to that screening.
No. 1237079
>>1236215KEK I laughed out loud reading that. Any time I read something so blatantly fake on reddit that's not sexist I imagine it's that one
nonny who confessed to writing fake reddit stories for fun. This reads like something of hers.
No. 1237093
File: 1656046545464.jpeg (480.46 KB, 828x960, 1656021170552.jpeg)

I hope that this is a troll story written by an anon here or some nasty masturbation fantasy about "owing terfs" by some loony tranny, because that woman awfully sounds like a farmer
No. 1238283
File: 1656102670871.png (346.44 KB, 1152x835, Capture.PNG)

>>1238224Wanted to report this comment, found this sub, scrotes write the vilest stuff under fully allowed degrade her tag, how the hell female spaces are banned and this is up
(unfortunately its a rhetorical question to which we know the answer is misogyny)
No. 1239550
File: 1656144951592.png (36.61 KB, 901x723, Banned.PNG)

No. 1239719
File: 1656155225613.jpeg (309.58 KB, 2216x1536, tommy-lee-jones.jpeg)

>>1238224There is no way that someone who fantasize about such violent action has not already commited crimes. It legit sounds like a serial killer, I know there is shit on his hard drive at this point.
>>1239550Honestly, I'm not mad about this. The only thing I know about this sub reddit is that moids use to write all sort of fake stuff just to be posted on here and shit on the "sjw's". I hate when men create their own fake and stereotyped version of their enemy just to be angry at it and "win" in a debate kek
No. 1240426
File: 1656190177476.png (991.6 KB, 960x768, a4he7bto5l791.png)

i hate when people post this shit on r/progresspics.
No. 1240429
>>1239719r/TumblrInAction has become less and less about being "anti-SJW" recently and more and more "
TERF"-friendly, which is also why it took them this long to finally ban it.
No. 1240489
>>1240426Troons that take a lil detour and become gym bros first.. might be my fave subtype of totally
valid tran. It just proves how unstable their self image is. How they view men and women as these caricatures and they can't make up their minds on which stereotype they want to overperform for the world.
Couldn't take a head on pic in the last pic because y'know .. as women we're just sticking our asses out all day long begging for someone to notice it. How accurate to womanhood. Nailed the performance!
No. 1240792
File: 1656216199114.png (54.38 KB, 718x456, painfortheebutnotme.png)

>>1235245i thought the same for awhile but the subs are littered with shit like this. a lot of posters are brain-dead beyond realising that the kardashians are fake. they excuse them using surrogates because it must be 'tough' on them to be shamed in the media or have their brand/body 'ruined' by being pregnant and fail to see how expecting another often significantly less fortunate in life woman to suffer the burden they're unwilling to carry is normal and expected when you're "above" the rest of the world. lots of posters have this mentality about themselves and it's frustrating to see.
those subs give me 2010s lipstick liberal feminist all grown up vibes. they can be fun but not when the topics constantly centre around appearances and nit-picking.
No. 1241016
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No. 1241029
>>1240426Ew. This is one of the most grotesque looking moids I've seen in a while. Hope he kills himself soon.
>>1240489For real, hows does even become gym bro to tranny?? It almost makes sense with weebs and faggot incels,but I've never seen this before. I guess no man is excluded from their delusions.
No. 1241053
>>1238224He'd have a woman/man attack him and leave him disabled if he even tried to do his first step and drug her, lol. I've seen a bunch of edgy tards try to do this shit just to get beaten by the husband/brother/female friends of the
No. 1241111
File: 1656244850969.jpg (122.19 KB, 1070x786, troons.JPG)

A post like this shows up every other day on female subreddits. I wonder how many male oriented subs have a TIF ask this question all the time? At least the users are slowly getting more and more passive aggressive about this. Most of the people defending him seem to be other troons.
No. 1241123
File: 1656246059984.png (89.37 KB, 1234x552, Are trans girls welcome here_ …)

>>1241111Also found this drama queen in the comments. Imagine being this dramatic over joining a gaming subreddit lmao
No. 1241150
>>1241123Do you think they get off on this murder
victim LARP? Of course it allows them to emotionally manipulate people into doing what they want but with some of them there seems to be more to it. One crossdresser I know talks about how afraid he is to get stabbed in the street every single time I see him, but he’s never actually suffered any kind of violence and “transphobic” (homophobic) hate crimes by strangers are incredibly rare in our area. It’s gotten to a point where even the handmaidens have started rolling their eyes and ignoring him when he starts in on his “I could have been killed on my way here!” spiel.
No. 1241181
File: 1656251182908.jpg (2.57 KB, 126x126, 1398593054973.jpg)

Some retard posted "come to lolcow!" on Reddit
>>1240985 No. 1241906
File: 1656279471593.png (197.87 KB, 720x1070, Screenshot_20220626-163604.png)

This is what "sex posi kids curriculum" does to people
No. 1241927
File: 1656280688581.jpg (688.83 KB, 2160x2880, RDT_20220626_23575926504394030…)

>>1234891Late to this but look at the state of this thing. Ugly fucker. Smug ass face.
No. 1242486
File: 1656322192708.png (69.57 KB, 540x431, 20220627_112632.png)

Good news! The most important subreddits remain dedicated to preserving high quality of posts. There's hope for the website.
No. 1242616
File: 1656337621279.jpg (50.15 KB, 828x761, jp679b12891.jpg)

Fucking gross. But of course redditors are jumping in to defend the professor with "b-but they're all adults!!" No. 1242618
File: 1656337689224.png (106.05 KB, 1276x646, cry more.png)

>>1242616Apparently he got fired for it and of course redditors were pissing their pants over that
No. 1242778
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No. 1242827
>>1242778LMFAO men are upset over not having abortion rights or bodily autonomy? BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY DONT NEED THEM RETARD ITS NOT YOUR BODY. Hilarious how they’re so shameless and not embarrassed at how hard they reach to be
victims. Imagine being such a weak useless pathetic piece of shit you cry about having to pay money to the woman you decided to have sex with that’s sooooo unfair. If men don’t have ultimate power over everyone and everything they think it’s an oppression.
No. 1242883
>>1241029I just found this site and one of the first post I read is "Hope he kills himself soon".
You guys are really sick. You need some serious help
(then leave) No. 1242897
>>1242889>>1242890>>1242891Gotta go talk to some people who are not full of hate.
Also you admins should follow your own rules
"5. Don’t post about wishing bodily harm on a subject or group. (a-logging)"
(halt die klappe) No. 1243074
>>1242856Because they're all either already with or believe they will end up in an unhappy relationship with kids like Chris. They defend their fantasy by pretending Chris had good reasons to annihilate his family in pursuit of the life with the woman who he actually wanted to be with.
All these moids wish for the same thing because none of them truly believe in obligation.
Notice that Chris's affair partner had no kids, caved to his every sex whim, and while she wasn't conventionally attractive (just done up bc she had time to focus on herself imo) he was willing to kill for her. Men just want young hot women who service their peepees. Shanann was a threat because she constantly called Chris on his incompetence and made demands of him. She wasn't the "fun" wife because she had to hustle on the side and shoulder the burden of parenting her girls alone. She didn't always flatter Chris with validation and sex because clearly he was useless and barely deserved it.
The unfortunate part about Shanann, based on her texts is that for as strong a woman she was, she was a massive pickme. She tried too hard to salvage things with the bastard when the writing on the wall was clear that he had checked out. But she had low self-esteem and was pregnant with their third, it probably would have taken serious violence for her to leave him. Chris beat her to the punch there. Her video of the pregnancy reveal with Chris's horrified expression while he could barely crack a smile and say anything should have scared her shitless–that was not the cutesy shy-husband reaction video she thought it to be. That was a man calculating his next move.
No. 1243298
File: 1656378765281.png (89.94 KB, 787x545, sdfiojfsodijdfiosdfjoiodjf.png)

>>1243298NSFL WTFFFF
NONNY I read the first fucking sentence and nearly threw up. These are literal fucking pedophiles holy fuck. I can't. I'm literally laying in bed and started flailing and threw my phone out if spite like a toddler. Fuck men and aFuck Reddit. I hate this world. NSFL NSFL NSFL
And I asked my bf (>>1241922 samenon) and both times we agreed this is a fucking pedophile. Holy shit
(integrate) No. 1243342
>>1243335fair enough but some of what they've written has a creepy almost fetishy feel to it. if it really is a woman that's even more strange to me. how does a woman not know implicitly that the line
"Does it feel nice to touch?" is suuuper fucking sinister??
No. 1243352
File: 1656383096400.png (254.31 KB, 738x1182, terribleunit.png)

i think this was just a random post since im not in this subreddit. Everyone hated him. also kek and thinking he's high functioning
No. 1243355
File: 1656383267020.png (233.58 KB, 1266x1164, Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 10.1…)

Ah, great. Another entitled moid who's going "but mUh DiCk!!!"
No. 1243362
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>>1243356yeah people were like sir this makes no sense
No. 1243490
>>1242778>I sure don't want to pay child support, but wanna have sex>better make sure the woman that also doesn't want sex can't get an abortionWhat's the endgame for retards like these?
Also don't these retards understand that if child support is cancelled, the state will still need to find a source of support for single moms which just means they'll have higher taxes? I know that a lot of reddit man have some childish half-baked libertarian ideas, but no society just kicked off single mothers to fend for themselves in the wild.
No. 1243595
>>1243298this shit reminds me of that subplot in Solondz's
Happiness where the pedo dad and his son talk about masturbation over and over in gross detail. It's so disturbing i'm gonna be sick
No. 1243837
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>>1243811Your post and the Reddit guy make me very glad I don't have a son. Autistic men really should just be castrated and/or taken out back Old Yeller style. Since they're not self-aware and can't parse what they say or read the way a sensible human would, any attempt at understanding logic or human values gets twisted into deranged "takes" like pic related and the rape shit. I wish it was legal for parents or teachers to do the right thing
No. 1244233
File: 1656450456548.png (143.76 KB, 817x790, coping.png)

>>1241906This comment from their post history made me laugh but also kind of sad because it reflects the pathetic optimism of the general populace. Especially considering this woman is dumb as hell given her post history of getting knocked up by some guy who views her as an inconvenience and is trying to re-kindle the flame with his ex-wife.
> my kid is gonna be a supreme court judgeSure, Jan. Here's what will actually happen: the elites who hoard all of the wealth will continue the intergenerational hoarding of wealth through their grandchildren, who will fill their place. The wealth and income gap will be much wider and your child will be even more pessimistic than you are and more depressed because the cycle continues. No they likely won't be a Supreme Court judge and even if they do, they'll keep the status quo. Likely they won't actually change anything because they learned from a generation of myopic servants who raised them to not actually do anything but to play pretend that they're going to be someone special. Oh and even if you try to protect your kid at home, they are more influenced by classmates around them and will be among a generation of desensitized, pornsick children. Good luck!
No. 1244309
File: 1656454633617.jpeg (951.48 KB, 1284x2102, ABBC2E4A-7586-40D4-B6C8-F8E0EE…)

Scrotes stay mad.
No. 1244312
>>1244309So many assumptions in the first paragraph. What if the husband was actually trash and not a provider/protector, and Roe v. Wade was just the straw that broke the camel's back? Can't comment on the rest because I stopped reading.
Also, how many women are
actually leaving their husbands because of this?
No. 1244316
>>1244312You're putting too much thought into what a scrote is saying. It's generally the women who are the direct caretakers of the children. Look at statistics online showing that it's always women who know more about their children than men do. Even when a man wins custody, he's way more likely than a single mother to rely on another partner to raise the kids FOR HIM (they basically have their new wives take care of their offspring, just like the previous marriage).
That's not even getting to the other ways in which husbands fuck over their wives (like leaving them as soon as a life-threatening disease kicks in). Fuck that scrote, hopefully he ropes himself.
No. 1244386
File: 1656459715197.jpeg (208.23 KB, 1907x777, 74884D8A-C87A-49C3-9EE3-11B931…)

What is wrong with some of these people? Spicy straights like this need help. Everyone at the office knows your husband/boyfriend/whatever is still a man. Why would they say anything about it? They’re probably embarrassed for you.
No. 1244392
>>1244386Kek speaks to how performative it all is and how they're the ones who treat actual same sex attracted people differently. Bet she deleted
her account because she doesn't have a place to admit her bf was an absolute pornrotted skinwalking creep.
No. 1244396
>>1244131That's why they relate to him, they are also the dumbest motherfuckers who think they can pull everything off anyway
>>1244309Yet another reddit moid screaming and writing walls of text because women won't fuck him. Hope he stays mad.
No. 1244482
>>1244362Lmao yeah I live in the south and there's a lot of cute southern young guys who have conservatard mindsets. High school is always their physical peak, then they start getting uglier in their 20s, and age like milk. Matt Walsh is probably one of the better looking conservatard moids for his age just knowing how horrible looking they are on average.
>>1244368So autist men who try to date women are always doing it to fulfill some sort of ultimately narcissistic and parasitic reason (moreso than other moids)?
No. 1244721
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>>1244233It's just modern natural selection, nihilistic neurotic depressives like you won't breed, most redditors are tying their tubes and snipping their pipes, incels and soyboys are trooning out and turning themselves infertile, zoomers are now 30% gay and the only people who are still having kids are those who aren't completely mentally broken and jaded and our children will grow up to be a stronger generation, despite having to live through hard times. With the gene-pool all cleaned up of the weak fuck-ups and mentally ill the future is looking pretty bright to me.
No. 1244723
>>1244721Most of those "gay" zoomers will end up in straight marriages and probably have two kids, the actual gay ones can either adopt or use other methods. Trannies aren't common either so that part of your logic makes no sense and unfortunately pickmes very often date and give birth to so called incels' children.
Your weird nazi-like ideology of taking the defective off the genepool doesn't work nowadays because everyone can find someone their league in looks and craziness to fuck and marry, they're actually more likely to have kids than you probably.
No. 1244726
>>1244721kek. your "strong" trad children are just as fucked as the rest unless you happen to be a billionaire
No. 1244760
File: 1656497249164.jpg (154.66 KB, 1080x1588, wtffffff.jpg)

Redditor admits to assaulting his friend's sister in her sleep when he was younger. Not my screenshot and can't find the original thread but the comments on this one were bad enough No. 1244761
File: 1656497290450.png (102.03 KB, 1386x650, justneckbeardthings.png)

>>1244760>Good on him for understanding what he did was wrongWhat the fuck is wrong with redditors? How can you be so nonchalant about something like this?
No. 1244803
>>1244761"He understands what he did was wrong, so he's not that bad of a person".
Redditors are more often than not, scrotes. If there is anything scrotes will do about a situation in which someone sexually assaults a woman, it's to side with the goddamn rapist, and that right there is one of the things I hate the most about scrotes.
Scrotes, especially (though unsurprisingly) ones who have never been assaulted, are unbelievably quick to side with the assaulter in a situation where a woman, or a girl, has been molested. They either assume the woman is either: lying entirely, that something DID happen but she is exaggerating, that she did something to deserve it, or that she is telling the truth but that she just "needs" to forgive her "poor, little abuser".
Scrotes will know absolutely nothing about else the assaulter in question, yet will feel the need to defend them with one or more of the methods I just listed. Scrotes can NEVER just take a woman's, or a girl's word, pain, and clear-cut evidence of the sinister, and irredeemable nature of the monster that went after them.
The theory I have as to why scrotes are awful includes the fact that rapists are scum shits who should frankly be slowly, and agonizingly beaten to death. Their minds are too dangerous and absolutely defective to have a justified existence in the human race. But you wanna know what else are defective? Scrotes. From an overwhelming number of scrotes senselessly murdering each other in the streets like animals, to the fact that the Y gene is a literal impaired X gene, it is clear that scrotes are subhuman. Scrotes make up the vast majority of rapists, so much so that it is a FACT that frat houses are the most likely group of all college organizations to believe in rape myths, and to sexually assault others. As scrotes are literal subhumans, with that inferiority includes their minds, hence why they cause the majority of the barbaric problems we still see today, and will feel the need to DEFEND such atrocities; being a shitstain on the human race is literally what and who they are. In other words, the reason why scrotes are so defensive of rapists is because being a rapist is on par with how the minds of scrotes function.
No. 1244958
File: 1656509898701.jpg (58.92 KB, 750x675, MTyZsSl.jpg)

>>1244309picrel. also the idea that women are leaving their husbands en masse because of roe vs. wade is so terminally online and bizarre that it's just laughable.
No. 1245301
File: 1656526679997.png (11.22 KB, 1658x115, 8.png)

>>1244744>>1244754This was posted on the hidden board, suspiciously close to when
>>1244721 was posted. I think it's her because she's said this sort of shit in the past, too. She's extremely retarded these days, I wonder if she hit her head or something
No. 1245561
File: 1656539293356.jpg (Spoiler Image,203.04 KB, 939x1034, IMG_20220630_023550.jpg)

Kek what the hell is this even? I visited r/MenGetRapedToo (you can just tell by the name that it's going to be full of moids seething over women rather than a 'support group') to collect milk and this is one of the top posts of all time. Can't even tell if it's a shitpost or was supposed to be something serious.
No. 1245585
>>1244721Yay you took the bait. Thank you for sharing your delusions but most people having kids in the US are people who don't understand risk and return (aka dumb people) because the heydays of America are long gone and the human-created institutions have now made it disadvantageous for intelligent adults to have kids. If you really are necessarysped4 then it's excellent proof that only 'optimists' aka idiots have kids these days KEK.
>>1245301What is it with retards talking about who should be sterilized? Jfc.
No. 1245601
>>1245561>Men can’t be raped>um sweaty I’m nonbinary and autisticLMFAO what?? So you are reenforcing the men can’t be raped sentiments by evading biological reality in order to validate your rape. I totally smell this is a fakeboi LARP anyway.
Why the fuck is r/mengetrapedtoo a sub at all? Everybody already knows that men rape little boys and other men. Is this sub just purely for writing erotic fanfic about the ever elusive sexy female rapist?
No. 1245894
File: 1656569884702.jpg (190.49 KB, 1074x534, 3_e.jpg)

OP was pinkpilled through multiple years of sexual harassment, assaults and this response is there with tons of deleted comments of course. Mens fucked up fantasies are fine but not 1 woman saying she hates men. No. 1246329
>>1229812I hate how many comments are trying to argue that he was just being protective because he saw something creepy or heard that it could impact girls' body image or whatever. If that was truly the case the non-creepy way to address that would be to tell his girlfriend "Hey you should warn your younger female relatives to stay off Instagram!" or something to that effect.
(And even in that case it would patronizing because every woman is very aware of the dangers social media poses to young girls.)
No. 1246331
File: 1656606167145.png (76.41 KB, 672x637, firefox_IjekTP18em.png)

What the fuck is with the rewards? Are redditors mentally handicapped and don't realize how this guy is insane? (yes)
No. 1246361
File: 1656608835541.jpg (271.58 KB, 1080x1186, 120616.jpg)

Saw this in a skincare sub, this woman was posting about how taking Spironolactone helped her skin/acne, and of course a troon has to make it about themselves, then says everyone is transphobic for not taking it as a 'joke'.
No. 1246453
File: 1656614345724.jpeg (658.06 KB, 1612x1447, A1B80A9F-E7F2-47BC-B954-E27569…)

Why does the “woman” who wrote this sound like a child? Brain damage Jesus Christ. This is so pathetic and the awards on it are there every. Single. Time.
I wish they’d edit the post and say that we all got trolled and that they were trying to prove they could get Reddit Gold with extreme pickmeism.
No. 1246457
File: 1656614609858.jpeg (200.57 KB, 750x783, 7B4EB7A1-6ED9-4F9C-87FE-98CD5E…)

>>1246453Samefag, this one is great though. Comments are probably a shitshow
No. 1246491
File: 1656616704473.jpg (171.05 KB, 1080x1363, IMG_20220630_221754.jpg)

Lol what the hell is this bot
No. 1246494
>>1246453This sounds like the type of shit you'd say when you were a pre-teen or just entering teenage girlhood and so desperate for validation/attention from men.
I used to say shit like this too when I was young but reality hit me hard when I inevitably realised that the same men who agreed with me and gave me artificial "praise" for being nlog would also simultaneously objectify me behind my back.
You can't win either way so I wish nlogs would realise this sooner. In the eyes of moids, you are both fuckable and hateable, even if you match his pickme pixie dream girl aesthetic.
No. 1246580
>>1246491I fucking hate bots and I wish reddit would ban them. That Ben Shapiro bot is dumb as fuck and extremely annoying.
>"OMG THIS GUY IS A FAR RIGHT HYPOCRITE, HOW DARE YOU MENTION HIS NAME!"Yes, he's a retard. That is common knowledge but it kinda creeps me out that someone took the time to create a fucking thought police bot for every single mention of his name; and in all the subs I've browsed I've never seen anyone mention him in a positive light anyway. I'd bet anything that the dweeb who made the bot was bullied and is now pwning the dumb jocks by EPICLY destroying… some guy no one even likes.
No. 1246615
>>1246361he's literally retarded, HRT is needed if you have a hormone imbalance, of course if you use HRT when you don't need it (and no wanting to be an uwu girl isn't needing it) you'll start getting the dangerous effects of it. and then he goes to rant about people "pretending hrt is dangerous" when no one even mentioned it at all
>>1246332doesn't surprise me. I remember all the posts from reddit couples discussing how the moid cums in a jar and the wife turkey basters it because the moid is unable to fuck his own wife. most moids with fat gfs are fat enablers and they're probably scared to lose weight out of fear that if they lose their disgusting fat babuska tits then moid will leave. Thats how most sterotypical fat girl & soyboy couples I've seen are anyway
No. 1246632
>>1246491It is annoying seeing a long comment thread and it’s just people saying omg yes! preach! this!
But bots are even more useless because it’s not even a users opinion and usually some passive aggressive joke or so randum information like your words are in alphabetical order WHO CARES. Bonus points when it comes up under a really serious discussion.
No. 1247393
>>1247386Everytime this is asked responses typically follow
>Men hate women but still date them, why can't I>I shouldn't have to deprive myself of a relationship just because I'm straight>My Nigel is a good manA lot of anons are just pinkpilled and think if they vet a male and chose well then they can find a worthwile scrote. Some find men they provide a lot to the table so it's worthwile while the others I think they just crave a relationship/think they need one/dependent on a male and that many are coping or just dependent on their man. I'm assuming because I'm not straight.
No. 1247460
File: 1656694908514.png (50.96 KB, 748x627, ughredditors.PNG)

>>1246874And this is the oldest comment chain. Bet OP didn't even notice the glaring misogyny proving his girlfriend's point since he didn't call it out. Guess he's not so "different" after all.
No. 1247499
File: 1656697231504.png (61.97 KB, 536x372, qad.png)

>>1246874Check this guy's post history. His "girlfriend" is actually his ex. Not only that, he's been talking about trying to find "actual love" on dating apps, and claims he broke up with the exact same kind of woman (ie a woman who saw men as inferior) over 4 months ago. He's admitted to being mad about the ex "thirstposting" about other men on Twitter, and that she called him a narcissist.
He also said he lives in the deep south. Kind of doubt he has no other options but this specific "type" of partner.
I think he saw his ex complaining about men on her own social media, and since he's obsessed with her, he can't look away and just posted on Reddit for validation. That, or he's addicted to a very specific kind of woman, and then whines after getting what he was searching for
No. 1247515
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>>1247499Bitching about his ex
No. 1247533
File: 1656699078680.jpg (1.02 MB, 3054x2314, hg9.jpg)

>>1247515>"I dated her for three years">"I've been dating her for two years">"I dated her for maybe a year and a half">"Amanda">"Anna">"Why isn't the woman I had a nasty breakup with comforting me??"Dude needs to get off his oneitis's Twitter and stop attention whoring. He sounded almost excited to hear his post was shared on TiKTok, too
No. 1247535
File: 1656699212660.jpeg (731.99 KB, 822x1964, 5DB90B1B-B956-4CA5-A87C-B78988…)

Cute, the scrote thinks everyone should jump on mic and have a fun time together. Kek Everytime I’ve used voip in a game, I get harassed and men say gross shit to me/target me. So fun. Man, everyone should totally use mic.
No. 1247562
>>1247533Notice the she probably has muh bpd!!!
He’s an
abusive piece of shit. She was right
No. 1247665
>>1247625The most satisfying feeling is when a game has custom mute options and I can mute the one fuck without leaving group, but he can still hear me.
>Hey dickhead you’re muted. If such and such has an important call out someone else will have to tell me. Sometimes I can even get the whole group to mute them because the babies can’t stop spewing in mic, while I can’t hear them. Enjoy the blue balls scrote
No. 1248218
>>1247515He's literally making his exes mental illness all about himself. Why are they always like this? I knew a guy who complained about how his ex had two suicide attempts and "it made him feel so useless". Nothing about how he could help, getting her professional help, how things would lead to this, etc
Topper on the cake? These men are probably mens mental health advocates and always pull the "what about men's depression and mental illness? We suffer too" card. They seriously cannot make anything not be about them huh
No. 1248220
>>1247393>>Men hate women but still date them, why can't IThis is
valid though. Misogynistic men often mentally abuse their girlfriends into insanity to the point where the woman will start having mysterious physical health issues pop up due to stress. Why can man-hating women do that back to moids?
No. 1248469
>>1248168Any scrote who calls his ex crazy is usually the crazy one 99% of the time. The only way I trust the claim is if other people can verify that she was a
toxic person.
No. 1248705
File: 1656783530415.jpg (412.1 KB, 1080x1705, Screenshot_20220702-133501_Fir…)

woman asks reddit how to deal with her father molesting her then playing dumb about it, comments predictably cape for him and say "just explain to him nicely that you don't like it!" and "i love pats on the butt from my partner! he probably didn't mean it sexually!"
No. 1248712
>>1247971Oh definitely anon, but when you have BPD it's going to be weaponized against you anyways because males' first defense is to blame others (women) for their shit.
>>1248466I'm sorry for your experience anon, I actually do have BPD but I have heard of women who were misdiagnosed with it. What I hate most about BPD is the stigma when it requires some responsibility and proactiveness in getting seen/treated by doctors while I've had exes who were narcissists and admitted pathological liars that will never see a mental health practitioner in their life. That's just how men are. But yes we are the 'crazy' ones, it's all us.
No. 1248722
>>1248705The only reason he's acting 'deeply hurt' by her words is because he knows he's been rumbled as a creep and now he needs to distract by pretending she's the bad guy.
This is what male anger is half the time, pure deflection from their own wrongdoings
No. 1248729
>>1248712I’m one of the nonnies you replied to and you’re so right. Women are expected to fix everyone’s problems including our own and especially if we do have a mental health issue, but men are expected to do absolutely nothing to fix their own and just want us to do it for them. Nothing that THEY ever do is
toxic, it’s always the women in their life no matter how hard we are actively working to improve things. They’re just so incapable of self-reflection it’s astounding sometimes.
No. 1248732
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Yes, yes it is you weirdo
No. 1248763
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>>1248755Oh kek you are right. Then it's not weird, it's normal fakeboi stuff
No. 1248766
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>>1248763NUUUH a doll has muh deadname!!!1
No. 1248835
>>1246453Her idea of feminism is when people say
>Yas queen slay, Yas honey men are trashSo basically she's talking about sassy lil empty phrases that people just parrot online for engagement and asspats? Usually next to pics that ironically scream pickme? That repetitive shit annoys me too but that's also just not feminism. Not even close.
It reminds me. I had an ex who would lose his shit over those car signs that read "lil princess on board" because he would picture that BABY growing up to think she's an entitled queen. I told him to lighten the fuck up. They also make signs that say "lil prince on board" but he somehow nevered was set off by those lol. Nobody is a king or a queen. It's all sassy ego based self serving bs that people spew online to feel like hot shit for a minute. None of it has anything to do with reality or serious issues. Feminism is not just declaring yourself a queen on your twitter or your tiktok. Men love to pretend that's all feminism is too
No. 1248837
>>1248220ayrt. My response was neutral. If you choose to do that then idc. I think most women who have bfs and hate men don't mentally abuse their moid.
>>1247685Never thought of it that way kek. If that works then by all means do that.
No. 1248900
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No. 1248933
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>>1248900 > wouldn't it be better to have men as alliesThat's a bleak line. He's pro choice already but still wants us to lick mens asses (and drop all talk about womens rights) to help sweeten the deal to those who just don't support women? We should appeal to men who don't like it when shit isn't all about them for a minute? ffs the most low effort trannies have better 'allies' than that without having to beg and plead for it. Why should we sugarcoat?
Sucking up to be in someones good books does not gain genuine 'allies' Bending over backwards to please someone else instead of demanding rights for yourself.. what a neat plan. Just as long as we don't make this about women y'know!
No. 1248956
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Men telling us what we already know.
No. 1248983
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No. 1248989
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Man sexually harassed old female friend as a 'joke'. Of course everyone is telling him he's hilarious, she's idiot, women bad, etc.
Have a feeling that he did this on a constant basis and eventually she got uncomfortable, straw broke the camels back and deleted him.
No. 1248990
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2/? (I'll try to find the link to the post too)
No. 1249013
>>1248956ive noticed that the more creepy/pedo or sexist a man is the more he has this mentality of ''im attracted to cock but im straight''.
Also it would be unfair to to even call these weird type of men gay since they always target underage girls.
Its weird because i remember a grown creep who only targeted school freshmen girls tell me how ''cocks are beautiful'''
No. 1249051
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Why are people so afraid to just call themselves women?
No. 1249408
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>>1233572I really hope some of you anons fucking reported this disgusting subreddit. Or at the very least reported some users, either to reddit or the FBI.
No. 1249504
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>>1248781Trannies always contradict themselves like this, one moment it's "i knew I was a boy because I liked Disney XD as a child" or "I know I'm a girl because skirt go spinny" the next moment it's "men can wear dresses too stop calling me a girl" and "gaming is not a male hobby girl gamers exist"
No. 1249505
>>1249059eh… many of them really are but many of them are actual lesbians who go enby because simply being a "cis lesbian" is seen as a "
terf dogwhistle" in many of them's eyes
No. 1249664
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I was reading a thread on r/fourthwavewomen about men who are obsessed with porn and these comments made me feel sick. Just the fact that a scrote can’t even have normal sex with a real human without ignoring her to watch porn on his phone because his dick is so broken is absolutely disgusting to me. And with that last comment I really do wonder if this shit is getting more and more common. How are those men not embarrassed beyond belief? I feel like we need to shame them and their ruined sex drives so much more than we do now. This shit should be a total deal breaker, but every time you try to say porn is bad, they call you insecure or whatever like getting off on women who’ve potentially been trafficked and abused isn’t something to take major issue with. They cannot empathize with women whatsoever, hell they can’t even recognize a woman faking an orgasm so idk why I would expect them to recognize a woman in porn who clearly isn’t enjoying what she’s enduring (oh right, I guess that’s the point for them. They love the pain and control). Men should be insecure for needing shit like that to reach orgasm. Like, I can get off purely on thoughts alone while masturbating. I don’t need an excuse about seeing a video of someone who is clearly not enjoying the sex to help me achieve that. What the fuck is wrong with moids? It can’t be that fucking hard to be a normal human and not devolve into a porn-addled freak.
No. 1249742
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This person posted a vid of their dogs 69ing in multiple subreddits and got really pissy at people for calling it gross. Is it just me or is this fucking weird
No. 1250681
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Tired of moids popping up in this subreddit looking for validation points. Happens every so often. This might be the only TiM-less female space on reddit but moids sometimes show up and say how they're the only guy here or they get made fun of for liking otome, but never actually contribute or say which otome games they even play.
No. 1250725
>>1250681Do you remember the split in the community after people tried to say games with non female protagonists could be otome? Or that we should allow trans options for otome games and Japan is behind western otome games because they allow you to make a trans heroine.
After seeing other female interest communities get overran I hope they stay out of otome. I hope the "
problematic" events in some games keep the most annoying ones away.
No. 1250995
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r/sexoffendersupport is a sub full of guys that cry about how unfair it is they get on an offender registry for "just CP", and constantly relate their punishment times to vehicular manslaughter. I guess it's so hard to NOT own CP.
Woman asks if it's reasonable not to want her fiancé child diddler dad on their wedding, gets told to examine her prejudices and her bf is too good for her for forgiving his sex pest dad, and she shouldn't tell her family about his past. No. 1251009
>>1250995>my parents have no and will not have a relationship with his parents>it was a fabricated story to make him not look as bad>my boyfriend couldn't see why is dad wouldn't be invitedand last but not least
>my side of the family would be paying for most if not all of the weddingi pray this is bait, because i fear for any children this woman may have, with this scrote or another. how can someone see so many redflags and not only persist in dating a pedo apologist bf, but also think about marrying him. i hope her parents put their foot down and refuse to pay for any marriage or give her money to live together with that failure.
No. 1251042
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The fourth post on top of all time of /r/buildmeapc. I hate redditors. I really do.
No. 1251213
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How wholesome
No. 1251404
>>1251241It's especially upsetting when you go to their profile which is non stop posts for months or even years of their boyfriends being horribly
abusive and users urging them to break up. I almost feel bad because I was one of these women who complained about their
abusive boyfriends and had multiple people to tell me to dump him but just ignored it and went back to complaining. I don't even feel sympathy for myself back then either, one of my biggest regrets was not leaving him sooner
No. 1251803
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No. 1251821
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>>1251803i like how you completely cut off the rest of the post. why? did you think only including the 2 sentences you did (somewhat out of context) would incite more rage in the posters here? lol
No. 1251833
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nta, picrel is Molly-Mae, looks like a normal woman to me? Lol
No. 1251834
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So the alleged bf is willing to date a troon but has issues with how this woman looks? It kind of sounds like this troon is actually super jealous of her and just wanted an excuse to make a post calling her fat
No. 1251837
>>1251831Sounds like a fake story, a moid who thinks
>>1251834 is fat isn't gonna date a troon
No. 1251919
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>couple has violent son
>son abuses mother and sister daily
>even tried to strangle mother
>father lives and works seperately in a 2nd appartment while son continues abuse of mother and sister
jesus christ
No. 1251954
>>1251919>Has second apartment so his wife and daughter can get abused away from himHmm I wonder where the son learned to be entitled and deal with stress horribly. You know this guy is leaving out a ton of details about his own behavior
>>1251923>go to juvieNah his parents would bail his ass out, I've known doormat parents like these who have demon spawn children and bail them out of prison because "that's my kid, when you have kids you'll understand"
No. 1252211
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who wants to bet this freak is exaggerating for the updoots
No. 1252253
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>Pokedex for women
No. 1252263
>>1252253Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the slogan of pokemon "Gotta catch em all". It is a hookup guide.
>It's not a hookup guide>It just makes it easier to hookup>Not a scumbag>does it without girls' consent intentionally>guy who tells girl is a "snitch" showing he meant to keep it a secret almost like he knew the girls' would never consent to thisHe should get kicked out of uni.
No. 1252374
> boarding school until he’s 18> make him watch some moid military movies in the mean time and get him into the military> then he goes off to the military where he thrives, torturing and raping random foreigners instead of his familyI unironically think that moids like this ARE the reason for the military. I think at one point that someone thought it would be better to send off these sociopathic men to other countries to terrorize the people there rather than causing crime in their home countries. Sure it makes sense for the sake of legality but I really wish we could just kill these wastes of space instead. How many women and girls are going to die in the future because of this freak? How did he even become this way? I would love to know if there’s any disorders like an early diagnosis of “autism” in this boy. It isn’t long until he, the black sheep of the family, comes across some hate group shit and gets inspired to rape and murder his mom, sister, and grandma and then go shoot up a primary school.
Maybe Canada’s euthanasia policy can be used on sociopathic moids who terrorize over and over (though I doubt it will happen ugh). These men can’t be brainwashed with patriotism and serve in the military as they have in the past which makes them a huge danger to the state, so I wonder if the government will ultimately try to find SOME way to kill them off? Call me idealistic but from a macro perspective the presence of violent moids running around is more costly from a government perspective and will lead to even lower birth rates and more violence.
No. 1252750
>>1252376Canada would never, ever do that their justice system is rehabilitation focused to the point of idiocy
>>1252211This is your brain on porn
No. 1252970
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No. 1252985
>>125297015, trans, prepper, up late worrying about these scenarios. They're young enough that I feel for them. Get this kid some help.
The practical issue with ftm transition whether you agree with it or not .. if you keep your womb you'll run into health issues a few years into taking testosterone. The lining will go bad, you'll get cancer, you get cramps, you get breakthrough bleeding, you get a build up of muscle that causes constant pain. You also get vaginal atrophy and are prone to imbalances and infection. If you remove your womb though you have to be prepared to always have access and funds for hormones. Forever. I've followed a few ftm YouTubers before who were terrified of actually getting the hysterectomy done but their wombs were ticking time bombs already. Its like they didn't plan in advance or think a day would come where it'd need to be addressed.
No. 1253667
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All reddit males deserve the rope istg
No. 1253856
>>1251919I'm not saying this to be edgy but my god that kid needs to be locked up or put down. You just
know he will murder someone one day, and the mom/sister will probably go first. Of course this loser of a father lives away from them and leaves the mom/sister in constant stress and danger. Fucking cunt
No. 1254272
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>>1253667>that second last commentso close yet so far
No. 1254283
why is it always the son who's a violent psychopath wrecking everything on his way? Every time I read these stories it's always the male child that fucks up the rest of the family. Like not even severely autistic female children grow up to be like this. I used to think it was all socialization but there must be something genetically wrong with the Y chromosome to cause this behavior.
No. 1254645
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i want to alog so bad
No. 1254864
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>>1254666I was going to say definitely but the fact that there is a troon mod makes me feel like they’d want people to post other TiMs for validation. And ofc there’s a troon mod. We know how much they love fetishizing lesbians. It actually makes me even madder than I already was.
No. 1255393
>>1251923There's very few boarding schools for extreme behavior. They would kick him out for severe behavior, which is why so many parents put their kids in those troubled youth abuse centers. But now everyone knows they're abuse centers, so most won't do it anymore. Adults who come out with their survivor stories from those places never explain what they really did to get there if they were sent there for behavior problems. They probably acted like this kid. I've seen these behavior problem kids up close. A lot of them are unreachable. Even kids who had these same issues can't reach these fucking kids. These kids are almost in a form of psychosis that about half age out of and half don't. The way to reach these kids, in my opinion, which is not the way clinically recommended to fix them, is continue to hold them accountable for their behaviors. Don't try to over medicate them if it's not working, just treat them as if it is simply a behavior that needs to be taught out of them. Don't move the father out, if the kid attacks you, throw him off of you, etc. A lot of people call these practices
abusive, but to some extent you have to approach these kids at their level. If it's a trauma response address the trauma as well, but even if it is you still have to fix the behaviors too. Be cold and be strong and even then it's going to take awhile.