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No. 1237371
Take it away ladies
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1228736 No. 1237388
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My back hurtssssss
No. 1237391
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>went to a school for a year in 2014-2015
>there's a classmate I don't like
>never hid my distaste of him
>keeps sending me friend requests and messages on FB after graduating
>don't even refuse or block him because that'd be acknowledging his existence, just let the requests rot
>last request was in 2019 or so
>get yet another request two days ago
>finds out the guy is employed at a place my company occasionally works with
>probably saw my name in an email I sent last week
Ffs am I condemned to receive this guy's requests for my whole life because we were classmates for barely a year? I'm not even active on FB, I haven't changed my pic since 2017 and my feed is hidden to non friends, why does he persist like that?
No. 1237407
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>>1237397They’re coming after contraception too after overturning Roe/wade? What the fuck is their intent here?
No. 1237408
>>1237397This is humiliating
on one hand, i applaud men who are considering getting vasectomies. but on the other, the government controlling your body is an own
No. 1237412
>>1237407alito said in the leaked draft that they need to support the "dwindling infant supply" and a few of the justices have a whole host of adopted kids.
once people realize that the adoption industry is a literal hellscape for rich ppl to get kids from poor women who usually were forced to have a kid, then we will learn. this country is sick.
No. 1237428
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Every time my physiotherapist touches me, I get so aroused. I cringe at myself but I can't help it. And he's so fucking good. I swear if he wasn't taken I would ask him out. I think having a physiotherapist bf would be the best deal for a woman, especially for an autist woman who's overly sensitive to touch. He just knows how to touch you just right. Meanwhile other men treat you like a piece of playdough, they have no intuition, no skill, no empathy, no nothing. Where can I find a physiotherapist bf anons…
No. 1237444
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>too poorfag to spend earned commission money on anythinh other than food and bills
>i really want to treat myself with something or get new headphones
Im so tired. I wish i could at least get myself a small wallet.
No. 1237545
>>1237485That thread was a moid magnet, you should know better by now nonna.
>>1237488Leave us out of this
No. 1237630
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I'm just literally sooo fucking tired all the time and it is getting worse I feel like. It also alters the way I behave and contributes to me being an even bigger social retard than I am. Like there are instances at my workplace where my brain is spewing prompts to socialize ("coworkers are trying to fix the printer, I should go and help them!!" "Coworker B and coworker C are having a fun conversation, I should join them!!!" "Coworker D and E are having lunch, I should join them!!!") and I never end up doing it because of my exhaustion. Same thing when I try and join conversations, my brain makes 846342859 suggestions on what to say but by the time I open my mouth, I'm exhausted and it's hard to connect the words to produce a sentence and I end up sounding like a retard. And this is the same after any quantity of coffee. I also regularly exercise. I just hate feeling like my real self can never come to the surface because of this exhaustion. Like the way people see me (sick looking, morose, serious, quiet) is literally not who I am in in my head. What's worse I already see turning people off and away from me and I've had coworkers telling me I should take a day off. And I am healthy and exercise regularly, no vitamin deficiency
No. 1237648
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I'm feeling so dumb and worthless today. Fuck, I can't do anything right. Every fucking goal I set for myself, I fail. I don't deserve anything.
No. 1237661
Yesterday I made a post about a distant family friend and, regrettably, likened the situation to some themes in CMBYN. To forget about that, I talked to my friend who is part of his family about how his behaviour was making me feel uncomfortable. How he would flirt with everyone, but never be serious, and then give a cold shoulder. He would make you feel weird with compliments and remarks, but be suave enough that it is confusing, and then ignore you for the whole day. He does this with every woman and apparently she noticed it too. It makes her feel uncomfortable too how he behaves this way. He is clearly insecure and truly a manchild. He was handsome when he was 21 but only 6 years later he looks like he aged a decade, although mentally he seems stuck in this bachelor mindset. He successfully charmed one of the ladies, who is the best friend of his father's second wife. It's quite uncomfortable because of this relationship between them. She is also older than him, but that isn't inherently bad. Rather, she should know better. Now that he has found her to "control" or have cling to him, he is ignoring me AND my friend (who is his distant cousin). Yesterday I made clear I have a boyfriend, and since then he has been being cold to me. It is a terribly uncomfortable situation, but nobody sees it aside from my friend and I. We are the youngest girls here. For the rest it's his younger brother who looks up to him, and all older people who don't bat an eye or can't fathom this behaviour to be real because they are so enamored with the people involved. So we are now just watching from the sidelines how this immature player is playing footsie with his step-moms bff. I still feel uncomfortable around him and hate being in his presence. I don't know what to do. But I'd appreciate it if he treated me decently. I agree I sound immature and underage with how I described the situation, but I am not a first language English speaker and I am a bit startled by the whole situation myself.
No. 1237792
Need to vent about my car situation. My car got totaled, I need to buy a new one, and it's straining my relationship with my boyfriend. It disappoints me, a lot. I didn't expect him to act like this given how he wants my 100% percent support for him to get a Master's in a field he has no work experience in when I would bring up my reservations (I wouldn't try to talk him out of it, just say I think this will be hard, etc). It hurts my feelings whenever I suggest something he goes against it. The other told I told him it really stresses me out that he's like this and he threatens the whole silent treatment in regards to my car and I'm like, that's not what I am saying, I appreciate your opinion, but I need a break sometimes. It's so exhausting. I'm more worried about setting him off accidentally by saying I want a used vehicle or something at this point than I am worried about the actual situation. I have been trying so hard to act happy and upbeat for him because he's been acting so down since this whole car deal. I feel like a failure and I cried on the way to work with him driving me. I am just crying and not doing anything crazy and he acts like me rubbing my phone is some weird symptom of my bpd and it's like, wow, I can't even do the tiniest things now or they're a symptom of bpd which I don't even fit in to the diagnostic criteria anymore. It just is so hard for me to keep my head on right now and I want to tell him how he's acting selfish and immature, making this whole situation be about him when it's a deal with me, but he can't take me telling him that and I don't want to hurt his feelings.
I just want to cry into a pillow and be over with this.
No. 1237840
>>12377921. I hope you're okay from your car being totaled.
2. Damn I'm really sorry he's using your emotions like that. Any emotion you show that he doesn't like, he can just blame on your bpd to make you seem crazy, even though you're having normal thoughts.
>he wants my 100% percent support for him to get a Master's in a field he has no work experience in This is insane that he demands you baby him, and acts like he's owed it
No. 1237938
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>I don't want to hurt his feelings. the first thing you should become acquainted with
is wanting to hurt his feelings. people who behave like this expect to be coddled. they need to literally get their feelings hurt/experience some consequences in order to develop some level of introspection or reflection.
ofc, that may mean he (a) does the silent treatment like you mentioned (b) doubles down. but you're also not getting anywhere by being quiet on this. why should you be the only one to hold this burden and feel sad? the end result is you being miserable and him waiting for you to make things right for him.
he's throwing a tantrum.
Also, him suggesting
you have BPD is something to not take lightly. that's the oldest trick in the book, and it's also the most common thing for people with BPD to say to others. all of this attention on him without any reciprocity smelled like him having bpd before you even mentioned. consider the fact that you're in an emotionally
abusive relationship. hell, silent treatment alone is textbook example.
sorry for the diatribe, i have a special fear and hatred of scrotes like this. they're getting bolder
No. 1238036
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No. 1238087
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>shaved my head because it looks cool and i hated my long hair
>send pic to my friend who is a lesbian
>"omg anon you look so cool! i've wanted to shave mine for ages too, i might actually do it soon"
>feeling good, might have inspired more gnc behaviour in my friends
>friend shaves head
>"haha this is such a gender thing for me! also my pronouns are he/they now anon"
No. 1238167
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>>1238087>Friend immediately makes it about genderGross. I hate people like this because they're the ones perpetuating stereotypes. I'm sorry, nona.
No. 1238213
I have two family members on my dads side that I still speak with, a grandma and an uncle. None of them know the extent of the abuse I suffered because they have outright told me they can’t handle hearing it. He still has my two younger siblings and no one gives a shit. The vast majority of my paternal family has basically chosen to engage in the delusion that he’s a great dad and all of his kids are just magically “bad kids.” Despite not ever getting into serious trouble as a kid, and never doing anything genuinely wrong that would justify it, I spent my entire childhood being treated like I was just bad—born bad. My younger sisters are now receiving the same treatment. By the time I was five, I had fully internalized the message that I was inherently bad. Started considering suicide at 8 and attempted at 18. I worry every day that when my sisters get older, they will also attempt, and will be successful. My father has a sister and a brother in law; they have four kids. Throughout my childhood, they made it very clear that I wasn’t good enough for their kids and that I was basically a worthless child. They do this shit with my sisters, too—they even let one of their kids steal my sister’s new toy on Christmas and then GASLIT MY FUCKING FIVE YEAR OLD SISTER AFTER THEY STOLE HER TOY ON CHRISTMAS. My father is an alcoholic, and apparently his family recently staged an intervention. I heard about all of this from my well-meaning but out of touch with reality grandmother. Brother in law previously mentioned apparently wrote an “extremely touching” letter about what a great dad my father is. I want to call this man so badly and give him a piece of my mind, to tell him that he’s a sick fuck that contributed and actively contributes to the abuse of little girls, but I know he would just see it as more proof that I’m just a crazy fuckup. Now, grandma is wondering why she hasn’t heard from me in a while, and the truth is that I don’t know if I can keep it together while on the phone with her, I’m so upset and hurt. She doesn’t have a shred of malice in her heart, and I know she just wants us to all be a happy family together, but when she cheerily tells me this shit about how much everyone wants to help my father, I just die inside. I hate myself for not being able to handle it better, because I know that my distance hurts her, and the last thing she deserves is to be hurt anymore.
No. 1238313
>>1238268It would be fine if she didn't treat me like shit and act like his opinions deserve no criticism. She attacks a lot of my thoughts/feelings just because they don't align perfectly with her thoughts/feelings. She did the same thing when my brother still lived/visited our family. My friends never wanted to come over because they didn't like how my mother treated me.
>You can't fix boymom brained women and don't try to.I try not to anymore. Middle school aged me found that out the hard way. I bite my tongue hard when she talks about his stupidity. He also has kids so I want to hit him more. My mother did think I was going to be a boy when I was born. I know the name. I wish my paternal grandmother didn't die when I was a young child. She was thrilled I was a girl. Her own baby girl came out still born and she only had boys after.
No. 1238363
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They deserve it. They’ve been bombing, threatening, bullying, harassing people for too long. They’re putting lives in danger and just getting away with it. Feminists just aren’t violent enough these days.
No. 1238396
>>1237938To be fair, I was diagnosed with it. But I no longer have outbursts and am sober, so I don't act BPD aside from crying more easily than normal. I just don't like how me gripping my phone tightly while crying is somehow a "sign" of me losing it in a BPD way, like the standard for my behavior keeps on getting higher and higher, he chides me for crying at all now, for instance.
I find it hard to believe he's a narc because usually he's very sweet and likes to serve me. He's been with quite a few women before and acts like I'm special because I've stayed (we've been together longer than any of his exes, but I am experienced at long term relationships so I'm not floored by being together 3 years the way he is). I always have wondered what sort of arguments he got into with his exes. What's difficult is he is not winsome in his disagreements and he likes to use my BPD to cut me down sometimes. He talks about logic when he himself is not necessarily logical and it's just a headache. Thanks for the psa anyway
No. 1238569
>>1237630I'm not a doctor anon, but I went through similar. The voice in my head always overthinking and panicking over stuff. It made me exhausted.
Turned out it was anxiety, and now I'm on meds and it calmed everything down so much. Please go to the doctor and tell them what's going on, it could be something else too but the first step of fixing the problem is to find out what it is caused by.
No. 1238598
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>>1238087i'm sorry nonners
No. 1238748
>>1238746mens inability to understand why the overturning of r.v.w is the starting point for them to overturn everything makes me want to smash my face into a wall repeatedly
i was at work today sobbing reading the dissent i WANT TO KILL ALL MEN
No. 1238750
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and now im constipated from getting so upset and i really needed to poop :(
No. 1238804
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screams in every language that men need to die
No. 1238835
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Reminder in light of current events, men will become more violent. Please remember to watch yourselves, keep your eyes moving, and always hit on the left side. I worry for all girls and women. I'm scared for us and need to find my mini baseball bat.
No. 1238843
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been feeling like pure shit for the last five years to have doctor after doctor tell me “u just have something viral lol here’s some antibiotics” even though I’ve told them I have the same exact symptoms as my brother who has lupus but im a pussy so I just take the antibiotics because they’re fucking doctors they know better than me right. Doctor retires, new doctor is like sounds like lupus let’s do some tests.
So now five years on lo and behold not only do I have fucking lupus but it’s gone untreated for so long that it’s done significant damage to my kidneys. My insurance is shit so I owe a small fortune for the all the medicine I now have to take which I can’t pay because I can’t work because I’ve been sick with FUCKING LUPUS
Might as well top myself at this point kek
No. 1238860
nonnie, I'm really sorry, I don't really have anything to say but I'm sending you all of my encouragments. Is there any legal way that you could use to pprove to the insurance that you were misdiagnosed ? I'm Wishing you the best for the future
No. 1238869
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>>1238835Thank you,
nonny! Please look out for yourself too and I hope you find your baseball bat!
No. 1238927
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>>1238905Listen nonita, he's proven himself and he's still with you after all this time. Don't pay others any attention. Don't let them fuck with your self-esteem because you are worthy of a handsome guy who cares about you. Let these pathetic women, who throw themselves at men whi are in a relationship, and anyone who doesn't approve of you, eat dust.
No. 1239310
i walked in a dress for an hour and got chub rub why the fuck am i so fat i wear a size 6 how skinny do i have to be until i can walk without horrible pain and skin rashes. i'm now on a diet of MISERY because i am FAT
>>1237388fuck this is me
No. 1239315
>>1238843>virus>antibioticsnonnie that should have been the first clue you needed to find another doctor, he was scamming you.
>>1239285>in america abortion is now illegal but pregnant women get charged with a felony if they try to get medical insurancewow yeah uh so i'm just never leaving my apartment again, i'll just sit here and watch anime instead. i can't afford to go outside
just say you made a typo. usually the staff dont care about anything because they can't afford to live, either.
No. 1239384
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I’m so annoyed because everyone wants to talk about abortion no one wants to have mindless fun. I don’t give a fuck about abortion can you please shut up and have fun with me
No. 1239393
>>1239392ok coming sexy <3
No. 1239402
>>1239393fuck you i wanted to dare you to post kpop in meta.
ok uhhhh are you fat
No. 1239473
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>1 am
>want to go to bed
>can't because dad is drunk and i don't trust him not to do something super smart like open the door for strangers/weird noises or fall and kill himself
he's genuinely good when he's sober but when he's drunk he turns into a tottering fucking retard, and i cannot stand it. you are almost 70 years old. i get that we all have our demons but c'mon man, stop fucking drinking all the time, it's annoying as hell
No. 1239500
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I hate these vile porn anime ads that always show up on random SFW sites. You can’t even mention it online because scrote will go ‘huh huh, y’know that’s based on search history, right?!’ No retard, I don’t watch porn, I especially don’t watch or read this anime shit with incest tropes (from other ads I’ve seen that’s the guys mother) and I use incognito anyway. Fuck this ad and the creators for putting it on to innocent sites, how is a child lock meant to block that out?
No. 1239612
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I just cannot stop thinking of this guy with whom I barely interacted with. I fantasize about us dating and fucking. I would give my whole left arm just to hear his voice again. I wish I knew if he thinks about me at all
No. 1239684
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I'm such a fucking dumbass, im absolutely retarded I literally trapped myself in this situation and I don't know how to get out. It started a month ago, I always ask for numbers on every class just in case I can't assist, everyone knows this, so I asked this guy's number…i noticed he almost instantly felt in love with me the moment I talked to him which I found endearing, he was also (kinda) my type, but i didn't want to pursue anything honestly. I text him just to make sure I've the correct number, then I notice we have a lot in common, he's also very attentive, funny and appropriate. We start chatting regularly as he's quite literally my only friend, we talk about a lot of things and his personality is almost perfect, in my books.
It's been two weeks since I actually talked to him irl, my memory is admittedly very bad and I tend to forget people's names and faces quite often, we finally meet again and…yeah: he's not only way younger than me, even though he's kinda my type he's…too unfortunate looking, noticeably even, I'm not even superficial like that cause I used to be busted myself but I just couldn't find him attractive even if there are some features I genuinely like a lot, his lack of grooming and aesthetic awareness actually ruins his looks, also he's a man and I know for a fact he will not groom himself cause "that's gay" or some bs.
His personality also changed a lot, he's very insecure, I tried to make him feel better and maybe he also thinks i reciprocate his feelings when i was just being nice. The more we talked the more I realized this was not going to work and now I feel like shit, I don't think we can be friends since again, he's very much in love with me, so I don't know what to do now, I feel like a lead him on and is not fair for him but I just can't do this anymore, and the radio silence is obvious as we used to chat a lot, god I want to kill myself i should have stayed as a hikki, I'm sorry
No. 1239734
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it seriously creeps me out when my mother wears my clothes especially my old ones i wore to school. she doesnt even do it out of necessity, just when she comes into my room without telling me. it makes me feel so disgusted, and she looks identical to picrelated when she does it. sometimes she even ruins the clothes by stretching them out or popping them. i feel sick everytime she does this but i dont have the heart to tell her
No. 1240034
that's cringe anon
No. 1240043
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>gore/nikocado porn/cp posted routinely
>men posting about their gfs being pregnant and how they won their incel/MGTOW crusade because women should be punished for them not being able to have sex (lol wtf)
>4 gazillion hours later mods come to clean it up
>anons rightfully dox supreme court justices fuck them they’re fine they’re public figures I bet the dox was just a regurgitated tweet and most of their info is already PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, why don’t these supreme justices learn some accountability and responsibility and stop being victims libtards!!!!
>immediately online to take care of it all and dip when the moid eventually resurges to spam cause he’s not getting the attention he wants
No. 1240053
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>>1240043Jannies suck my ass
No I'm not calling them farmhands, they're too far gone
No. 1240077
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holy shit I was at the grocery store and I saw an older man who reminded me of Mads Mikkelsen, he was like 45-50 but with great fit body and great facial bone structure and grey hair in a ponytail. I think I might have daddy issues because he triggered something in me immediately and I was just staring at him, he also looked at me and there were like three instances where he went into the same alley that I went in and he didn't take anything, just passed me by and looked at me and I was like holy shit he can sense I have hots for him, I got very horny and I started panicking because I never felt like this in public. I thought that maybe he could say something to me but I panicked and I basically ran away kek. Now I'm thinking about him and how I will never see him again. I hate being a horny virgin
No. 1240109
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What fucking braindead troll absolute moid decided that a psuedo-noodle food format is ok to inflict upon creatures without lips? I accidentally bought a box of these and my baby has been struggling attempting to eat this shit for hours he. is. hungry!!!! And I can’t afford to go back and get a box of chunks REEEE
No. 1240118
>>1240109Hey anon, my cat is a soup kinda cat (lil soups are his fav.)
If its too much to chew, maybe blend it or chop it up. Feels a little more like a homemade meal too which is sweet. My cat sits so patiently while i warm his soup cup in warm water.
No. 1240152
>>1240109Weirdly enough my 18 year old cat only eats stuff with this noodle texture, she hates pate food the most
>>1240142NTA, but Friskies tends to often send out tainted food. It's probably fine to feed the rest of whatever you have, but if you have the money I would splurge on a higher quality wet food, or just another brand.
No. 1240155
>>1240129 >Im afraid to keep dating a man who has lived in the same 5 mile radius his whole lifeI started my adult life dealing with lingering agoraphobia that had morphed into me just being afraid to travel far. I never thought the day would come but I've lived in all opposite ends of my country now and when I heard from an old ex lately.. he's turning 35 and still in the town we grew up in. Nothing has happend to him in that decade of us not speaking. Nothing. I had a moment where I tried to imagine us lasting. Would he stunt me or would I get him to move? He probably would've kept us both there tbh.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to pursue more from life and calling it a day over that. You can sacrifice so much for a guy and still get dumped by him much later on. Live, move, travel, do it all while you're young and healthy and likely to very easily replace him.
No. 1240158
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Watching a vtuber. This actually feels a bit embarrassing. The character/art is cute, but the voice and mannerisms are cringy. How/why do so many adults enjoy this?
No. 1240166
>>1240155Youre right nonna. You really are. Im gonna “chew” on what you said, and think about how to move forward. I have travelled so much in my life before him, but i ache for more than this safety net.
I used to he so vibrantly social and adventurous.
(He also deserves someone with his mindset too. Not pulling a not all men, but this one is a good man and will make someone happier here)
A sweet kiss on the cheek to you, thank you for sharing
No. 1240179
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Im going through a breakup with a guy i dated for a month. Im too scared to fap because i know ill end up crying cuz its over. Tbh the sex was the best sex ive ever had. Ive never had a man put in so much effort into making me cum. Im sad cuz i just bought new batteries for my big ass vibrator but just holding her makes me want to vomit n cry. Why are men retarded? Why do they suck im literally down bad for a guy with no job cuz because he eats pussy really well
No. 1240187
>>1240170she made a post
against roe v wade?
No. 1240207
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>>1240179Its ok
nonnie, im still not over losing the perfect dick either
Wishing you strength in these trying times
No. 1240241
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I am going crazy and its been almost a month since I took plan B pill because i cared about my husbands panic and anxiety more than about my own opinion. I always think about others, never about myself and it always fucks me up in the long run (i spent my whole life being a nanny of siblings and taking care of them instead of taking care of myself) and it took this much of a fuckup for me to realize i should think about myself first. I feel such big regret and then I find out it might take me 3 months to get my periods again. First this year started with my country declaring a war (i am an immigrant and i was treated badly for being russian during covid times anyway.) which led me to sleeping for 3 hours for 2 months, watching everything go tumbling down and not being able to do anything about it, and now the US news reminded me of the pill. I am tired. And ever since i came back from a short vacation Ive been doing nothing but doing dishes, cleaning and cooking like crazy while mixing it all up with language studies. I am so, so tired. I want to cry and beat the shit out of something. I am always the only one doing everything, taking care of the house, taking care of others. I wish someone took care of me too by helping, but no, it's just me, all me. It really reminds me how my grandmother always spent all day cooking and cleaning while everyone else had fun.
No. 1240248
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Being an adult sucks. I used to love writing, painting and reading books when I was a teen but now I don't find the time or motivation anymore. I'm a shell of my former self.
No. 1240262
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>>1240248I miss being a "fangirl", excited about fandoms, characters, writing, improving my art and writing skills while text roleplaying 24 7… its been 7 years since the last time I roleplayed with anyone, now I feel like my mind is so busy with other thoughts that I can't even create an OC, let alone write.
No. 1240275
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It is taking everything within me right now not to walk back to 711, tell the stupid old scrote working there that he was fucking wrong and call him an asshole while getting a delicious slurpee. I want to call him a cocksucker and I want us to be enemies. I know I'll look autistic and psychotic but I don't care I want him to know I've hated him the entire decade I've lived in this neighborhood. Enough is enough. You can't treat me like a retard when I know for a fucking fact you're also a retard.
No. 1240300
>>1240275he is an incorrect cock sucker,
nonnie. I say you should do it. perpetrate the autism, reap the rewards (pure satisfaction) but it may require you to keep this energy for just as long a time to be taken seriously vs just another autistic shitflinger
No. 1240301
>>1240276I'm not replying with this in a smartass way or anything but
>But people aren't perfect, so in real life condoms are about 85% effective — that means about 15 out of 100 people who use condoms as their only birth control method will get pregnant each year.If you use condoms alone it's not that surprising when you look at those figures. On a personal level though I know it must still be a shock. Sorry about the added shit timing of it all. Has anyone spoken to you about upping your precautions afterwards?
No. 1240349
Why doesn't anyone ever believe they have stanky bad breath when they're told they do???
Oh my God. MY boyfriend has caught some kind of oral infection, his breath literally smells like he's been eating either human shit or 2-week old rotten fish, and this has been going on for about 2 weeks now. He brushes his teeth twice a day, but doesn't use mouthwash or floss, and will not hear me when I say his breath stinks. It's starting to cause issues with us, like at night in bed he wants to spoon but I can't stand him breathing his warm-shit-scented breath directly I to my nostrils all night so I've been putting breathing room between us since it came up, and of course now he thinks that means I'm cheating on him- ALL BECAUSE he refuses to believe that he just has stank ass breath because, according to him, "nobody else has said anything about it", so I clearly MUST be lying.
Nevermind that he works in a kit hen with mostly Spanish-speaking immigrants, so nobody really talks to him anyway, and to add to that he doesn't have any real IRL friends at all.
(MY point: I'm laying on the bed typing this as he is in his chair about 5 feet away from me- he just yawned and I can smell his shit breath alllll the way over here.)
How the fuck do I get my boyfriend to accept that he has a problem so he can fix it and ai can stand to be within 3 feet of him again?? IDK what else to do, I've tried to baby him every way I can think to but the mere suggestion that his breath doesn't smell like sunshine and roses causes him to throw a righteous tantrum.
No. 1240355
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I fucking hate summer. It's hot and humid and I'm on my period so there's fucking lava dripping out of my vagina in a steady, steamy gush. I'm sweating and my hair is constantly up in an ugly bun because if any of is as much as touches my face or my neck, I'm gonna have a meltdown.
No. 1240372
>>1240359He's faked 2 dentist appointments since I mentioned it, made up BS reasons to miss both, and now won't mention it anymore. He even WENT to one of them, sent me a video snap of him in the waiting room, and still walked out and left when they called him.
Honestly? I think it's just fear. Nobody
likes going to the dentist, but as an adult you nut up and fucking do it because the health of your teeth is critical to your overall health, especially your heart. But no, he would rather chew a tin of Altoids every 2 days and deny reality.
And for the record, it's not just a male issue- I've had female coworkers in the past who had RANCID fishy body odor and refused to acknowledge it at all just because nobody else was brave enough to say anything about it to their face. I honestly can't believe there isn't an electronic scent detection device you can buy off Amazon to smell-check your body and breath before you leave the house.
No. 1240492
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Oh, I hate summer so much. I can't sleep, I can't go outside without getting a sunburn, my depression gets worse, I want to eat junkfood 24/7 and every fucking person around me is like "oh, isn't it nice", "we haven't had a summer like that for such a long time", "you need to go outside, get a healthy tan". No, you aren't listening, I can't go outside, I will get a sunburn, I don't get a healthy tan, summer sun on my skin actually hurts and I'm depressed as hell because there is so much light. And no, I won't complain as soon as it's cold and winter and it's raining, I love that, why won't you all get that in your little useless brains?
No. 1240495
nonnie, I want to tear my skin off right now
No. 1240496
>>1240412handmaidens too, last week a smart woman I know tried to tiptoe around tranny periods
> we can’t know if they experience them like we do, anon!They have 0 of the bits to make it happen, they have liver, kidney or bowel issues, stop this madness aaaaA
No. 1240509
>>1240496Nta but years ago before the tran thing even hit it's current levels I remember seeing a regular woman make a vid on how transwomen can mimic the period experience by using food dye and carefully applying drops of red dye to a pad that they'll then wear all day for that womanly feel. Why did she feel compelled to make that?
What creep must've reached out to her.
I wonder if that woman has peaked yet. This was well before yaniv made alot of people aware that… yeah that's a fetish.
No. 1240518
>>1240505anal itself is not bad and can be even better than vaginal if you do it the right way but i agree that the anal you see in porn is really not safe in real life
>>1240500and ofc the biggest anal-hating spergs are always homophobes
No. 1240524
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>>1240508it's very much this
No. 1240547
>>1240527Yeah but there is a big difference between someone not washing their hands and a dude ramming his DICK into your poop chute lmao.
I can't take anyone who keeps shilling anal sex seriously. Porn brainrot is a hell of a drug.
No. 1240558
>>1240276I am sorry you are going through this nonna. Unplanned pregnancies (and terminating them) is a common thing many women go through at least once in their lives. I am not saying everyone, but you would be shocked how many women went throguh this. We just don't talk about it.
I am sorry you don't have friends or family you can lean on right now. I agree with another nona. If you can, book an airbnb or a hotel for 2-3 days. It can be well worth it if you don't have privacy and you need it. Also lean on your bf. This is a situation both of you are responsable for - it is 100% ok for you to lean on him for any kind of support. Logistical, emotional, etc.
No. 1240561
>>1237648Vent inspired by this vent pic:
I wish I could hang my pothos or other plants like this, but my cat is a little plant-eating bitch and she would probably make herself sick from chewing on them
No. 1240631
>>1240349Tell him to lick his hand a lot then sniff it when it dries.
If you brush and dont use mouthwash your mouth will stink. The whitening ones are the best for bad breath b/c the hydrogen peroxide nukes it even better than alcohol. Ideally he should be brushing his tongue too.
No. 1240636
>>1240576At least she passed away painlessly and you were there with her in her last moments. Cry as much as you need,
nonnie. Always remember that she loves you.
No. 1240689
>>1240676Embrace and go full
triggered tranny mode, get them fired
No. 1240715
>>1240689good idea
nonnie kek
>>1240681i don’t doubt that he did it because he felt threatened by being around an actual woman. made me feel like shit but something tells me he’s just jealous lol
No. 1240776
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Is it me? Or are people on the internet too quick at getting attached to others, or falling in love with others?
I'm not pretty, I'm not exactly interesting nor have any particular hobbies that would make autists feel like they have something in common with me. I'm almost a normie, or maybe a failed normie I guess.
But this is the 5th moid that has unironically told me that he would pay to see me, and it's creepy because I honestly don't want to get trafficked and lose my organs, so I never meet with anyone from the internet. And they say such things even without knowing how I look, like what? What are you smoking? Do you just wake up one day, talk with a rando and be like
>I so want to spend money to see you
Like what? Get a life you weirdo, what the fuck, what?
This is why I often disappear from social media and just focus on being more normie than anything else, I focus on myself, I only care for my family and best friends, otherwise I really just end up mentally exhausted, because other people are just so quick to give me their information and just become attached to me.
Irl I'm more reserved, because I honestly don't want too many friends, I can barely maintain the relationships I have, I'm autistic, awkward as fuck, retarded without boundaries, I honestly should just die because I'm not good at humaning, maybe I'm avoidant or some shit because the idea of a relationship with anyone makes me want to puke out of nervousness I don't get how can anyone become attached to another person, nobody is perfect, so why become attached to random people? It's a waste of time, seriously.
No. 1240782
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so tired of still seeing genshin impact shit everywhere, wasn't the game supposed to close this year or something?
No. 1240783
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Am I ever gonna heal from csa? I've cried so much over it and I'm so sick of it and it feels like it's crushing me more and more over time.
No. 1240809
>>1240241I hate that men are like, "lol just take plan B", as if it doesn't massively fuck over a woman's body. meanwhile men are selfish wusses when it comes to their own bodies, they're not willing to suffer even the slightest discomfort without crying and begging for relief like they're dying. but they expect women to wordlessly endure hellish agony just so they can coom and go back to their video games and pornography. 3dpd men are such trash, sometimes i think about becoming a nun just because i can't stand that women get the short straw of every single inter-gender interaction. we would objectively be better off if all men everywhere just fucking fell over dead. we'll never get acknowledgement for our sacrifices for them, let alone basic consideration. i don't even know why i exist. it's like women are just the sacrificial gender, expected to turn our bodies over to be dissected and siphoned off, everyone coming forward to take a chunk of our flesh and leave us withering in agony as a depleted husk. every time i turn around i'm being robbed. men rob me of my time and affection and only use me as a coom object. fetuses rob me of my blood and nutrients and leave me diseased and mutilated. babies rob me of my sleep, peace, and future. i feel like a roll of bread that ants swarm and pick apart. i dont' want anything to do with any of these people. it's why i won't have children–i've been robbed of enough as it is. men use and abuse us with no consideration, when all we wanted was to love and support them, and then wonder why we get bitter when every day we are expected to make every sacrifice and they exist on a golden cloud profiting from all of it without realization because it's taken for granted that women throw themselves down for men to trod upon. i hate men so much and my hatred will never be assuaged. babies can go to hell. men can go to hell.
No. 1240825
>>1240809>I hate that men are like, "lol just take plan B", as if it doesn't massively fuck over a woman's body. I dated a doctor that made me take plan B, he was adamant I take it in front of him and even though I told him I was scared of it, and after I took it how I was extremely anxious and had nightmares, he dismissed it all and made me sound insane. I was a virgin before him, got on BC for him and mood swings and depression were so bad he got irritated, called me selfish when I'd cry, and dumped me over it.
Blackpilled me on both men and most doctors.
No. 1240826
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I've been sitting on my ass non-stop for two years, smoking weed, drinking way too much coffee, eating a super high sodium diet and living nocturnally, and I'm pretty sure this pain in my upper calf is a blood clot. I'm thin and don't take birth control but my lifestyle is otherwise like a deep vein thrombosis cautionary tale. I literally never go to the doctor but I guess I need to go to one now before I actually die. Fuck.
No. 1240844
fuck we're the same person
No. 1240853
>>1240844kek well I'm wishing your circulatory system all the best. We can't live like this anymore,
No. 1240859
>>1240492Same. I don’t tan, and even if I’m not out long enough to visibly burn I still get rashes. Being out in bright sunlight also makes me extremely tired and cranky. I could be having a wonderful day but after spending an hour out in bright sunlight all I want to do is hide in a dark room and cry. I don’t know if it’s a biochemical reaction to UV or simple overstimulation but it’s very consistent, yet everyone tells me I’m imagining it. Especially people who claim to have SAD, ironically, even though I’d never mock them for feeling crappy in the winter.
Do people also make fun of you for taking precautions against sunburn, like wearing sunscreen or hats? I have a straw sun hat that’s great for keeping the sun off my head and shoulders but I can’t wear it anywhere without people yelling at me from across the street. I can’t even wear it in my backyard without the neighbours’ kids making fun of me. Imagine if we started yelling at people for wearing scarves in winter, or using an umbrella in the rain.
No. 1240934
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A cousin of my mother's recently died. He never took care of himself so it isn't really a shocker. Unfortunately he left a nice amount of money behind besides a house. My mother's aunts and uncle are going to fight over it. I haven't heard anything yet but I already have a headache. I hate my mother's side of the family so much. They are all money grubbing charlatans who will screw each other just for a dollar. I only kinda feel bad for one of the aunts because she does get screwed over by her sisters quite a bit. She's not exactly intelligent or have any common sense. I just hope this goes fast because my homicidal tendencies are already set on high due to current events.
No. 1240939
>>1240934Dealing with money after a death is like pulling teeth in some families, I feel for you
nonny. It’s crazy what it brings out in people.
No. 1240951
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>>1240944The obsession with skinny blondes stayed in the 2000s except to old pervy white men. The ideal now is exotic with curly hair and a thick body
No. 1240970
>>1240944Aside from the easy-to-maintain hair, you need to realize that rather than being "blessed", she was born at a convenient time and place for her particular aesthetic. Doesn't make you unattractive or cursed, stop internalizing bullshit. If you aren't already, do learn to work with your features instead of against them, nona. Stop worrying about what makes skinny blond girls hot and lean into what makes thick, curly-haired girls hot
I remember seeing this one pic of a grotesquely skinny Scandinavian female wojak crying/seething at a smug-looking thick "Italian" female Pepe with dark curly hair and big boobs. I won't post it or try to find it because I don't mean to bash thin blonde women or make it into a "fight", it just reminds me of your post kek>>1240949You sound like that one "Just kill yourself if being raped is that bad" poster, fuck off retard
No. 1240975
>>1240974"kill yourself, you're a horrible person"
>just trolling"smash her face, she's just so beautiful"
>weird shit No. 1240985
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Which one of you fucking idiots did this
No. 1241003
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Anons, I feel uncomfortable posting on this site now. The fact I probably interacted with him at some point. Why are men always sticking their noses in our shit
No. 1241019
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>>1240985Looked at this person's ig and website yikes
No. 1241027
>>1241003>I believe in women's right to choose>That's literally bare minimum but he still doesn't follow through and keeps using a website women CHOSE to disallow men from using.Hmm… I hope more anons see and start to ignore obvious male baits/opinions.
>>1240944Just get your hair dyed, blonde-hater. Your ugliness is nothing compared to your mental illness, if you're getting avoided it's because you're violent enough to fantasize about hurting fellow women you're jealous of.
No. 1241047
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I feel attracted to my cousin. It doesn't feel like a taboo to me because we basically haven't met each other until we were adults. He's the son of my biological father's sister. My father was absent and I found out about his existence when I was like 11, he was a raging alcoholic. My mom got cancer and that's when my aunt, my father's sister, appeared in our life and she started to help us, she was with us at the hospital when my mom was dying. She felt sorry for me and my mom and she was angry that my father was completely irresponsible and never helped us. I was in my early 20s and that's when I met my cousin. He's a really sweet guy, I'm an autistic shut in so even when we met I barely talk to him, but he's very kind and I can see in his eyes that he cares about me. He's always willig to help me. His dad also died from cancer so we have some similar experiences. We both like to collect old stuff and weird art. Last year, during christmas, he broke up with his gf and hearing about it actually made me happy. At that time I didn't understand why and my feelings shocked me. But then, despite seemingly serious conflict, they reconciled and now they're together again. I've seen him only three times during the past 6 months, the second time he kissed me on the cheek. I'm always very shy around him so I barely reacted. I thought he would assume I don't like affection, instead of simply not knowing how to react to it, and I was afraid he would never do something like this again. But today me and my aunt were passing by and stayed at his place for a while - he lives in a different city - and when we were saying goodbye to each other and I already sat in the car, he told me to take care of myself and he leaned in and hugged me, putting his head right under my chin, on my chest. It was so adorable and made me feel so warm inside. I brushed his hair and thanked him and that was it. Next time I'm going to see him in like 2 or 3 months and I can't stop thinking about him. You're free to think I'm gross, but I can't help it, other men just feel shit compared to him. He has a gf and I'm too much of na coward to actually act on my feelings so I guess nothing will come out it anyway
No. 1241191
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>>1240985Same town same last name
No. 1241218
>>1241200late eren yeager perfectly captures my mental state
>>1241208First of all, neither of us wants to have kids, like ever. Second of all, people with genetic disorders are permitted to marry healthy people or, what's worse, even each other, even though they carry a much higher risk of passing a disease to their kids in comparison to first cousins. I completely understand brother/sister and parent/child incest not being allowed, but cousins just don't make sense to me, especially when people with literal retardation are allowed to marry and even breed. The vast majority of children of first cousins are healthy. The risk of having a sick baby is like 2-3% if you're an unrelated couple, and with cousins it's like 3-4%. Big deal kek
>>1241210I tried to talk to other men and they just suck, they're also not mature enough
>>1241212I don't live in burgerland
No. 1241227
>>1241215>>1241218>I tried to talk to other men and they just suck, they're also not mature enough Yeah, that's why I told you to talk to more people but not just with the intent of finding a partner. Hang out with your friends, whatever, just don't be a shut-in. And who knows, you might eventually find yourself a man who is just as, if not more mature and nice than your cousin. Sex isn't that important anyway, just get a husbando or something if you're that horny and lonely.
> Second of all, people with genetic disorders are permitted to marry healthy people or, what's worse, even each other, even though they carry a much higher risk of passing a disease to their kids on comparison to first cousins. I completely understand brother/sister and patent/child incest not being allowed, but cousins just don't make sense to me, especially when people with literal retardation are allowed to marry and even breed. The vast majority of children of first cousins are healthy. The risk of having a sick baby is like 2-3% if you're an unrelated couple, and with cousins it's like 3-4%. Big deal kekFucking kek I see you've been doing research on this topic a lot. I agree that it's not that big of a deal like the other anons seem to think, but hear me out, fucking your cousin will only give you a lot more problems than just a potential pregnancy and a baby with birth defects. Do not act on it. It is not only not socially acceptable, but I imagine if you actually ended up doing it, you'd have to deal with a lot of heavy drama, because you wouldn't be a normal couple. What if one of the two falls out of love with the other? What if one of you reveals your secret to someone who is close to both of you? What if your family finds out on their own? And what if he's more mentally unstable than you think and starts abusing you? What if you "break up" and your relationship is ruined forever (and you'll be forced to see each other because you're family and no one else knows about your little secret)? It'd be way too awkward and you'll regret it forever. You wouldn't be able to get help that easily, or vent about it with your family and friends, because you wouldn't want them to know that you fucked your own cousin willingly. Stop this before it gets too bad.
Also why did you repost this?
No. 1241229
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please don’t tell me anonita is attracted to her first cousin and admitted it, someone please tell me she didn’t and you’re just infighting about nonsense again kek
No. 1241242
>>1240929They called you crazy,
nonnie. Who is crazy now? I dress like a muslim at the beach and I don't even care, because guess who doesn't have sunburn? Moi. Just FYI you can absolutely swim in yoga pants, they're just an inexpensive wetsuit.
No. 1241251
>>1240859>>1240938people can't accept that you take care of your skin or don't fit the standard, I think. For me, sun feels the same and I assume that I have SAD just in the summer, why shouldn't that be a thing? Only because everyone expects that summer is the best time of the year it doesn't mean that you have to feel the same. What annoys me the most is people acting weirdly aggressive towards you when you tell them how bad you feel because of the sun and heat, they tell me all the time that I should stop complaining or that it can't be so bad, that I just have to get out and enjoy the sun. Same people can't shut up for one day when it's winter or raining how they freeze or how they feel tired and I don't tell them how stupid they are, that they should put on more clothes and just enjoy the cold.
I won't go outside without long clothes when the sun is out, got asked many times why I put something with long sleeves on while going out, after the hundreds time of telling them that I will get a sunburn, they finally went silent. It's also that my parents are shit and I had my first sunburn around the age of 5 and after that nearly every year for more than one time. So I have to be very careful, because my skin already got damaged bad enough and I will get moles instantly if I had too much sun.
Sunscreen is a very annoying topic, I can't use most sunscreens because of the smell and I hate the texture so much, I rather hide my skin under fabric.
And all day I will be tired, but as soon as the sun goes down, the temperatures get lower, I feel better and more awake. I'm already looking for a country with short summers and long winters to move to, kek.
As good as it feels that I'm not alone with my hate for summer, I feel sorry that you have to go through the same stuff.
No. 1241255
>>1241047I've watched too much anime maybe but cousin romance is just cute to me now. Akatsuki no Yona messed with me hard.
>>1241252Possibly. My relationship is normal and healthy though.
No. 1241261
>>1241227Almost everything you said about the risks associated with the guy abusing you can be applied to a scrote who's not related to you. I could say that women in het couples are at much higher risk of getting killed than single women so therefore stay single ladies, or go on a sex strike if your retarded country bans abortion, and you anons would be like "your misogyny is showing!" The rest of the things you said simply don't apply to me
>What if you "break up" and your relationship is ruined forever (and you'll be forced to see each other because you're family and no one else knows about your little secret)? We are not forced to see each other. We're adults living in different cities in our own apartments and we only meet when we actually want, when there's a good opportunity, but I'm not that close to their side of the family to actually go to family parties with the rest of them or anything. I also know he would be civilized enough not to bring this up around others. I don't vent to my side of family like ever, because I'm not that close to them either, they're not in close contact with my aunt and they wouldn't even know shit. I don't have friends either. I can vent to my mom's friend and I think she's actually open minded enough to understand anything kek
I reposted because of the typos
No. 1241264
>>1241261>Almost everything you said about the risks associated with the guy abusing you can be applied to a scrote who's not related to you.I said that I'm not necessarily suggesting that you go find a man to fuck, I just said you need to socialize. And yes, of course any scrote could abuse you, but when it's your own family, it's going to be much worse.
>I don't have friends either.Then get some friends lol
>I reposted because of the typosOh I see, I didn't notice them at first
No. 1241266
>>1241263Reading the Twitter Hate thread today, I realized that the anti-fujo sperg (or one of them if it's multiple) is Paki-chan.
>>1241262>I doubt you can name any examples of this other than that anon either.NTA but the cousinfucker didn't even mention being a fujo or a husbandofag. The sperg you replied to can't stop blaming everything on fujos and yumes even when they have nothing to do with the conversation.
No. 1241269
>>1241260My relationship to a male I am not even the same sub-ethnicity of, let alone related to, is perfectly normal and healthy.
>>1241259A lot of CLAMP works and female oriented manga have pretty racey relationships
nonnie. I just don't think first cousin marriage is that bad. It takes more than one round of it to cause birth defects anyway, and if she's childfree that doesn't matter at all. Asian media is full of first cousin romance.
No. 1241271
>>1241262ANONNNN you’re killing me
>never wanted to fuck my family can’t believe we have a cousin-fucker here and we’re talking about incest, it was bound to happen
No. 1241273
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>>1241241Eren wanted to fuck the girl who was raised as his fucking sister. It doesn't matter he knew they're not biologically related, if your neighbours adopted a 10 year old girl and she ended up with her adopted brother you would also think it's fishy. I met my cousin for the first time when I was 20 and I just couldn't look at him the same way I looked at my male cousins from my mother's side. I'm sure it would've been different if I grew up around him the way I grew up around them. But I didn't. He's just a guy to me. Also Eren was right about stomping the world. He should've stomped 100% instead of 80% but he cucked out so it makes him shit, aside from wanting to fuck his adopted sister
No. 1241275
>>1241272>there’s plenty of anons here who don’t like fujoshis or /g/ usersok but stop going on rants about them when they're not relevant.
>>1241273if you think wanting to fuck your cousin in this case is normal if you're trying to justify your attraction, why are you talking about it as if it caused you a lot of pain?
No. 1241279
>>1241266If it's supposed to prove some point I can admit I'm heavily into anime and I have like 7 husbandos. I don't think it made me want to fuck my cousin though, I never watched any incest anime
>>1241264>just go outside bro just touch the grass broBelieve me, I tried to socialize my whole life and I failed, I even made many notes about my coworkers to learn what they like and how to keep a conversation with them and I constantly analyze what I say, but it just doesn't work. Also, I atttrac either guys much older than me or much younger than me. I had a guy who's like 5 years younger than me confessing his love to me, and I do believe his feelings are genuine, but he's not mature enough for me, and his idea of a relationship is not mature either, he's still a kid who wants to have fun, even though he claims now he wants to change for me. If he commited to me right now, 3 years from now he would be crying I robbed him of his youth lmao
No. 1241292
>>1241047>I'm an autistic shut inOP wasn't being literal with the "autistic" thing but if you're a shut-in with no friends who wants to fuck her cousin, I believe you really might be autistic.
Also to whoever was throwing around the "but retarded people can have kids!" thing (on mobile and too lazy to find the post), who said they should have kids either? Maybe retards, cousinfuckers AND retarded cousinfuckers all shouldn't have kids.
No. 1241307
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No. 1241308
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My back hurts so fucking bad anons. I've never thought about it, but I wonder if this is a symptom of all the UTIs I've had, or just not being active enough. Someone please come give me a massage and some back cracks.
No. 1241313
>>1241275why is me bringing up your disgusting male love fetish
triggering you?
No. 1241335
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>>1241262I want to go on a sperg rant about the anti-fujo/anti-husbando shit after finding out the Nazi-loving pakianon is the anti-fujo anon
I really hate the fact that a lot of the anti-fujo/anti-yume sperging is someone's attempt to repackage (justified) anti-pornography viewpoints and radical feminist talking points specifically to turn women, especially young women, in men's favor again and control their sexuality. I'm convinced they will not be satisfied until women either have absolutely no sexual or romantic self-interest, or until any interest related to those things is directly tied in with serving (real life) men in some way. I remember there were some anti-femdom posters, and they actually seemed halfway justified because some aspects of that whole kink/community really do appear to revolve on doing what men want, but these days, I can't shake the feeling that the same people who railed against femdom eventually started seething about fujo shit, yume, and that they'll do it with anything written/aimed at women.
I'm even starting to see some posters in /snow/ these days claim that lesbians are "just as bad" as gay men, all homosexuality is "just a fetish", and that when the "day of the rope" comes, it won't just be gay men and troons who will be punished. I can't help but think all this shit is;dr: I despise tradthots and all other retarded handmaidens twisting good points for moid-serving bullshit
No. 1241359
>>1241348Here's the thing, though: I don't care. What's there to be mad at? Why are you personally invested in it? If you think women cuck themselves by looking at some gay anime drawings, just avoid the shit. Or are you a cuckquean in denial? Don't derail threads trying to fight other women about what really comes down to their personal preferences and nothing else, just shut up and maybe engage in content you do like.
>>1241355This is exactly the kind of whining I find ridiculous and pathetic. Go and do some sort of actual service to society, train to become a therapist or psychologist if you're this invested in other women's personal issues
No. 1241361
>>1241320We co-slept as children and it's something she never grew out of. I've tried everything I can think of to stop her from doing it. If I refuse to move over and let her in the bed, she wakes up my husband and tells him to go and sleep in the spare room, which he does.
>>1241329I'm confident that there's nothing sexual between them. She has no interest in my husband, it's because she wants to be close to me.
No. 1241364
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>>1241359>go and do some service to society>fujoshi telling me to be a productive member of society shut up fatty
No. 1241368
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>>1241361Start spraying her with water everytime she comes near your bed.
No. 1241371
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>>124136499% chance I'm thinner, fitter and more productive than you. Not a fujo, just don't give a fuck what other women are into because I'm not an autistic, cock-polishing handmaiden with brain worms and delusions of marrying fat, misogynist criminals like Varg Vikernes
No. 1241373
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>>1241368Samefag, I actually feel bad of posting a cat getting sprayed. Please have this picture instead, of a cat who is also getting sprayed but apparently loves it.
No. 1241381
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I'm sat in bed with a bad stomach and I can just hear my bf's mother making "funny" remarks about our home. My bf smokes weed but not in the house and we try our best to keep the house clean and always have windows open etc. Yet she always likes to make remarks about it "stinking of weed" even when it literally doesn't. Our landlord came round the other day and didnt even mention the smell. The house can get messy sure but never really dirty or stinky. Yet she STILL acts as if the house stinks of weed and it's annoying me. It makes me nervous to even have them come to the house because I just have to grit my teeth despite cleaning up beforehand and making it look presentable. It makes me resent them coming around because I would never comment on someone's home unless it was filthy.
I guess I might be overreacting because I grew up with an OCD neat freak mother who would publically embarrass and humiliate me if I was even naturally messy, but it still pisses me off so much.
I'm not a dirty or scruffy person and it makes me so fucking anxious to have people feel like they can make comments like that. They dont pay the fucking rent or bills, and the house is not dirty. On our last inspection we even got told it was in good clean condition, so stfu. I hate this shit. It just reminds me of the days my mum would tell everyone I was dirty or scruffy because I had a clean pile of clothes out or some rinsed dishes in the sink. Fuck OFF.
No. 1241384
>>1241364 definitely was, I agree. Sad for you
No. 1241398
>>1241391kill anti fujo chans
marry cousin fucker, I can fix her
fuck the sister sleeper
No. 1241401
>>1241391Marry cousin-fucker anon (I think she just wants/needs someone to show her actual concern and affection in life)
Fuck sister anon, kill anti-fujoshi anons
No. 1241402
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>>1241392Men drawn to have the same structure of breasts that biological women have. Look at picrel how can anyone find this erotic in anyway?? It’s hilarious as fuck
No. 1241407
>>1241391Marry anti-fujos
Fuck sister-sleeper
Kill cousin-fucker
No. 1241412
>>1241391marry sleep sister, she sounds misguided but sweet
fuck cousin fucker so that sliver of attention diverts her from her cousin
sorry anti-fujo spergs, i dislike yaoi but not like you lot
No. 1241518
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I feel like I'm going to be depressed and anxious for the rest of my life and I can't bear it. I fucking hate this anons, I don't know what to do.
No. 1241557
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A moid I know posted this as a funny meme teehee, is it some porn shit
No. 1241587
I'm saging this bc it's political shit and a halfarsed open letter I can't ever send, but- I am terf stepmother with nonbinary he/they stepdaughter. It's so fucking exhausting. I feel like I can't even talk to her because she's just writing ignorant judgemental shit on the internet about it later. I see myself in her so much in dealing with puberty and adolescence and it's like bitch, that's normal! Everything you're doing and feeling is typical of a young woman, and I'm sorry you read posts written by miserable groomers on the internet that are like horoscopes where literally anyone can see it apply to them, but it's not the solution, just a whole host of other problems. You're not trans, you're not a boy, you're just normal and I know it's disappointing to not be that kind of "special", but you're special in so many ways that are ACTUALLY special instead of some trendy fake oppressed wokenazi bullshit.
Why does this have to be the trendy thing? How does something that can make kids suicidal and secretive and culty and push them to sterilize themselves and mutilate their beautiful bodies catch on? It's like all she does anymore is sit around and "define" herself, but not with tangible shit like what she does or anything, just what sex she might feel like. What a horrible distraction from the beauty of finding the beginning parts of yourself in adolescence. I'm just sick about it all the time. Teens are fucking stupid and they're gonna do absolutely idiotic shit but this is pretty extreme and like… somehow more self absorbed than the shit we got into as teens.
No. 1241611
>>1241587A few years ago I found myself living with a partner and his pornsick 11 year old son and I asked myself what bullshit world we're in that kids that young are dealing with this stuff and it's normalised. The dad didn't give a fuck and wanted to leave it be. He treated it as normal that he wasn't even discreet about it.
I sat back for a couple years unable to broach the elephant in the room and I left in the end when a couple of things went down and I'd no say over shit happening in what's my home too. There's different levels of step-parent but imo if you can't have a frank talk with them as they self-destruct in front of you or take on bad habits then you probably haven't been deemed as a step-parent by your partner. Sometimes you're given all the pleasure of cleaning up after them but then you've no say in anything meaningful.
No. 1241674
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I may have accidentally done something incredibly embarrassing (and shitty) toward a moid. I don't care if he never talks to me again, but I keep ruminating over what I did and I can't stop… When you do something super embarrassing and cringe in a social situation how do you stop thinking about it? I can tell myself 'what's done is done. there's nothing I can do about it in this moment,' but somehow it's still not sinking in. I'm so anxious about it that my stomach has been fucked up.
No. 1241684
>>1241611Ooh thanks nonna it's nice to have somebody hear this shit floating in my head. I'm a high level stepparent, her mom just bounced one day and hasn't been back since. So we've been married for five years now and full time with her for a little over that. I'm lucky my spouse is actually a good dad and got on top of this shit when it became evident that online covid school was just "fujo shit and hateful blogging" time, but it's obvious she's just shut down and has nothing to say to us about it even though we've been gentle and tries so hard to talk to her and be open. They have little secret meetings at school about all this shit and it's just like …fuck, everybody but your parents is right and the people who actually care if you have a happy life are just wrong and ignorant. The glazed over yet contemptuous look she gets on her face if I talk about women stuff at all is disheartening and honestly kinda intimidating. And I can't ever show it bc I don't want a teen to know she's affecting me, but god damn the shit she's written in her now-defunct blog was just seething with mysoginy. And that bothers me. It's like finding out your kid is a Nazi or some other kind of extremist, like holy shit you weren't raised like this and where did it come from? Maternal abandonment? It's like we already lost her before we knew she was gone, and I don't think she's coming back until she figures it out for herself, if ever.
And I'm sorry you went through that in a relationship. I know I don't have it in me to not have a say in my own house and family, glad you got away from that- I'd be losing my shit on the regular.
No. 1241689
>>1241629NTA but
her dad rapes her after she gets a glow up (she was a shy awkward plain girl, after her transformation everybody at school sees her as a slut despite her not having done anything to deserve the reputation) and her turbopickme mom blames her and kicks her out of the house. Then she lives with her drug dealer "boyfriend" who's just using her and playing with her, gets her addicted to cocaine and other drugs, and has his friends rape her while she's high. Then he of course leaves her and she's forced to prostitute herself for survival (she's also homeless). She becomes pregnant and tries to fix her life for her baby's sake. But at the end, a bunch of rich spoiled high schoolers find her on the floor probably overdosed on drugs at a train station or something and start kicking her out of disgust just for fun. Finally, she goes to a public bathroom, looks at her reflection in the mirror, puts on the glasses she used to wear, cries probably wondering how or why her life became so horrible, and takes some more drugs to at least feel happy as she dies. The final scene is her imagining that she survived and had her baby and a normal life but the final panel is her in the present with her eyes closed and smiling.The takes I've seen from scrotes (mostly incels or proto-incels) on the plot of that manga are infuriating and ridiculously retarded. They blame the girl for everything that happens to her, they blame her for being a "slut" and becoming a drug addict. For me, they were missing the point, because the manga was some sort of social commentary.
However, I've seen Shindo-L's interview by that coomer scrote TheAnimeMan and apparently he didn't really intend to convey any message. He was just drawing torture porn. Piece of shit. Men truly lack empathy and emotional depth, they are not human.
No. 1241698
>>1241674Golden rule: It's not embarrassing unless
you say it is
No. 1241710
>>1241699The shame you feel when you're alone and thinking about something you did is ultimately in your own hands. If you refuse to essentially sockpuppet as an outsider mocking you, and decide for yourself "Shit doesn't matter", you won't feel embarrassed anymore.
I used to make myself sick with embarrassment and anxiety, in part because I understood it as a key aspect of self-awareness. It definitely can be that, but sometimes, it just goes too far, and the whole thing becomes a form of self-torture. At the end of the day, you're the main audience to your own life, you don't need a spotless record or whatever
No. 1241723
>>1241696I'm the other anon, I hope you're not talking about me… When I said I thought it was some sort of social commentary I mean that it was a critique of society and how it's so needlessly cruel or how normal people can have their lives ruined so easily.
I was just really naive and back then I thought porn was normal so please forgive me for thinking at the time that a pornsick scrote was capable of empathy.
No. 1241736
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the boyf of 4 years just broke up with me not an hour ago
i knew it was coming and it's what i wanted too
but i have a headache from crying and im listening to an ungodly amount of radiohead
we have a house to sell (in this economy) and two cats
our friend groups are enmeshed
advice on whether to have a drink, a joint or several codeine appreciated
luckily im an absolute stacy and i know i'll be fine but UUGHHHH
No. 1241759
>>1241744Yeah we're not in the US so idk if it makes a difference, but renting is less than a mortgage here so it made sense. luckily we're on good adult terms. I hope your divorce is well and truly settled now.
>>1241746Thank you for your kindness and understanding, no stinky here!
No. 1241809
>>1241802Samenon but also
>Mad because dad came late >Tells me he just wanted to say hi>Give him shit for not giving notice and coming so late >Now I'm upset whole night>My day is pushed forward nowIt's the next day around 2pm and I'm STILL fucking mad about this. My whole schedule has been thrown off. I actually wish to die. I feel like I have a gun to my head. I know I shouldn't be this angry but I keep spiraling.
No. 1241835
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The bitch at the icecream parlor yesterday kept avoiding me and gave me the shittiest ice cream cone for no reason?
I went with my BF and it was busy so we waited in line for a bit, I took some pictures/videos and was excited. The girls at the counter were my age and were working as quick as they could but as soon as I got up Girl #2 avoided eye contact and taking my order? Girl#1 served my BF and I was standing waiting for my turn and she walked to the till and kept looking the opposite way?? My boyfriend had to say "she's getting ice cream too" and she was like "oh ok" and then walked up to me and was like "what can I get for you?" I told her kind of snarkly "yeah we've been standing together this whole time, we're same order. I'm getting (flavor) and (flavor) cone." IN WHICH SHE FUCKING WEIGHED MY CONE THREE TIMES!????? TO GIVE ME THE BARE MINIMUM ORDER? So I said to Girl#1 at the counter "she must be new if she keeps trying to give me the bare minimum order, ahaha" and Girl#1 just said "was it one scoop" and I said "yep" and my BF paid for both. Anyways should I leave a review? Like what the fuck! Like she didn't do that to anyone else's? Only mine? And I wasn't being bitchy or causing a scene? I just wanted to order but she kept avoiding me but not anyone else. WTFFF. And then when I ate my ice cream it nearly fell out on the first lick so she didn't pack it properly either.
Pic is my icecream.
No. 1241871
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>>1241723Ah sorry
nonnie I didn't clarify at all. I didn't mean you for explaining. I apologize. I should have wrote pornsick males say or write it. I understand completely because besides sites on the internet, tv shows loved normalizing that it's okay. I look back thinking what the hell. Don't beat yourself up when society forces this shit onto us. ♥
No. 1241917
>>1241891both groups of women are oppressed in the way they dress if you look at it.
Muslim women are forced to wear hijabs meanwhile western women are forced to look beautiful, sexy and cater to the male gaze and they are plagued by lookism and every part of their body is judged on whether is looks good or not.
No. 1241965
>>1241917I get that Western women are oppressed but they are oppressed in a different way. Covering up in all black/brown in hot ass weather while scrotes get to wear shorts and a t-shirt is fucking torture. There's something disgustingly patriarchal about women being forced to cover up their beauty. I felt ugly as shit as a teen and that ruined my self-esteem. Never got attention from boys ever or ever got to express myself through clothing, hair and makeup. It's one thing to not live up to beauty standards, but it's another to not even being allowed to try different styles and aesthetics. Sure you can do that with a hijab but it's not the same at all and it looks ridiculous, like a goth hijabi? the whole point of being a goth is to reject power structures and religion.
>>1241929I didn't lol. Just took it off and moved out to my own place. It was really difficult mainly because of how family and friends would react but it's literally nothing. It depends on where you live though. My mom is still apprehensive about it but she got over it. Whenever I meet family I don't care, I can leave whenever I want and i'm not tied to them financially or a muslim scrote through marriage/kids.
No. 1241990
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i think i know what's going on. i shouldn't be so upset about it because it figures. but i thought we'd be hanging out and having a fun summer. like last summer, except with less emotional turmoil and drama. just fun. well, i don't want to be a negative nonnie but i don't think it'll be a fun summer this summer. i think we'll sort of just go our separate ways and the friendship will grow more and more distant. i do like to speculate, though, so here's all the ways i can see this going:
>we stop talking completely for a long while until it's moving time and she needs a roommate because she can't find anyone else to help pay rent
>she randomly hits me up after not talking for a few weeks/months because she and her boyfriend broke up so now she needs someone to fill that absence
>we stop talking completely and we become former friends, the apartment we talked so much about moving into is long forgotten
there's probably more but this is all i can see happening. one of the three. it fucking sucks. i want to move on, too, but i feel like it'd be embarrassing to start dating solely because my friend found someone and has no more time for me because she was using me as a placeholder. i'd be using the people i'd be dating as placeholders for her though. that makes me so sad and angry. how i was second place to her but for me, everyone else is second place to her. i don't mean to sound clingy or demanding, i just want my friend back. i'd love it if she could just shoot me a fucking message at least once a day (we used to text every day). now that she's with someone it's gone all but completely silent. i'll be lucky if she sends back a message after two days. i'll be even luckier if it's an engaging message and not a conversation killer. maybe she just doesn't want to be friends anymore. i don't know how to handle this. it's all just so miserable and disappointing. she seems really happy with him and she likes him a lot. it hurts to feel like i've been replaced.
No. 1242031
>>1241891so sorry u went thru that nonna. I'm also from a Muslim background and they genuinely are jealous. it's fucking sick that they dictate everything we can do, yet they somehow manage to be upset over the tiniest forms of self-expression.
I wore it from 9-18, and then stopped in college and I distinctly remember my libfem RA (agnostic and from a general protestant background) telling me that I shouldn't feel ashamed to "practice my culture" just because I'm away from home. She didn't believe me when I said I genuinely don't want to wear it anymore. She then told all the girls on my all girls dorm that they should ASK ME before bringing a guy to my floor, to see if I was ok with it. Soon found out that she spoke to my mom when I moved in, and never bothered to ask me how I felt.
I reported her so fast for harassment and religious intolerance. she was gone by the end of the month kek.
>>1241917except they do that to us even when we're completely covered. I've heard the way my brother's friends would theorize how a girl looks under her jilbaab, or niqab. they even try to guestimate based on how much protrudes from a niqab to determine nose size.
muslim women have it worse, sorry.
No. 1242089
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Everything feeling incredibly bleak to me rn. Why should I continue to live?
No. 1242131
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>look in the mirror
>finally seeing exercise results after like 6 months
>hell yeah i have potential, i'm not that bad
>browse the internet
>stumble upon giga stacey
>don't check her insta you dumb bitch for the love of god do not-
>scroll through all her social media and hate myself for being the ugliest and fattest whore on this planet
oh yeah babey my brain is miniscule
No. 1242138
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I'm so hormonal, yesterday I was super horny and today I was feeling shitty in the morning and in the afternoon had a small panic attack. This occurred after my head jerked weirdly for a second and now I'm on web md convincing myself I actually have a seizure disorder that's causing my sudden anxiety episodes. Seizure disorder or just panic attack due to mild hypochondria following weird physical sensations?
No. 1242207
Sometimes I think about things that women from my family say that make me feel slightly petty because even years later I sometimes still feel salty about it:
>Mother was worried about me coming home criying when I was about 12 but when I told her it was because a boy had touched my butt she laughed to my face
>Godmother makes a rape joke involving me (last year)
>Godmother acting like old ass drunkards screaming at her daughter they want to fuck her when she's working is funny
People (including women) in my country often have a mentality that young girls getting sexually harassed is actually good because "it just means that men think you're pretty ♥ "
It feels petty because they put 0 thought onto saying those things to me, but I still think about it and how I'm so sensitive to stuff that's supposed to be meaningless. The one with my mom I think about because my mom isn't even like the worst or anything but after that happened I became so self-conscious about the idea of any male even looking at me (whenever I had to stand I always had to have my back turned to a wall so no one would sneak behind me, I would always wear only coats that covered my butt, when it became too hot and my father would throw fits about me wearing a coat I would loosen up my backpacks wings so it would be low enough to cover it, became extremely self-conscious about clothing that didn't completely hide the existence of my boobs, etc). I'm ok now but I spent 4 or 5 years like that stupidly enough the only thing that fixed it was finishing school and therefore not having to be in the constant vicinity of teenage boys anymore. I don't remember if I cared about her reaction so much at the time, but it made me not want to vent anything at my parents/anyone ever, and it hurts to think of it now
The one about my godmother's daughter was because I kinda eavesdropped on a phone conversation of my godmother and someone else so next time I saw my cousin I asked her how her job was going so she would mention it and I would go "eeew that's so gross!" "I know right?". I'm kinda socially and emotionally retarded, so I don't think it's normal for other girls to be this affected by stuff like me, but I just hoped it would help her to feel a bit of validation because it reminded me a bit of myself. I hope I gave her "good vibes" at least.
I've always been naturally pruder than I'm supposed to be usual so living under this type of culture fucks me up but I also feel like I'm the actual definition of a snowflake. I hate being a woman and I feel if just a couple things were different in my early teens I would had definitely been a fakeboy.
Sorry for the autismus wall of text, I just always have so much going on in my head, and I suck at coping so it just stays there grinding my gears.
No. 1242214
>>1242207this is exactly why i hate it when so called fake feminists defend pickmes.
Because women with this mentality deserve to be called out.
No. 1242226
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This would've been such a fun image if it wasn't an axe ad
No. 1242262
>>1242252Me too
nonny (on the first part.) Sobriety is so boring. I’m sticking to it because I know it was a good life decision but man I miss getting fucked up.
No. 1242297
>>1242212Fortunately my mom wasn't quite that bad (she just snickered at me and immedeatly stopped caring). I also don't deal well with that type of stuff, I panic and get really anxious and need to run away. I haven't had to deal with it so much tho because I was (am) kind of a shut in and even outside I would come up with a billion ways to avoid attention and avoiding males (don't go out at night, avoid places where teenage boys hangout, don't look at men, don't be too obvious that I'm avoiding attention on purpose, wear the most neutral normal clothes, etc, etc, etc…). Not a good way of living though. As I matured I learned to be less über paranoid and I'm currently studiying in a big city in a university that's considered "woke" so when I'm there it feels way safer for me.
Honestly the rape joke didn't hit me that hard because it was such a wtf moment and because my cousin was there and also reacted like it was fucked up so I didn't feel like it was supposed to be a normal thing that I am forced to suck up, but I feel a bit of a grudge over it still, which is why I feel petty. What bothers me a bit that is kinda common is when there for example is a 14 year old girl with a 20 year old guy you'll have grown people laugh at the 14 year old for being a hoe.
I really really hope so much that this type of mentality will die out with older people. It's so hurtful, especially having to hear it from other women.
Do you have friends that agree with this, nonna? Most girls I know my age agree with that, that it's gross, and when older people and males keep excusing everything, having peers that at least understand where you're coming from really helps.
No. 1242311
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I don't understand the scrote logic when it comes to forcing women to have kids, like they complain about some BPD sex worker getting an abortion but also shit on how awful and mentally ill she is. Like, why would you want someone like this to procreate and create more bpdchans if you hate them so much? kek especially on places on KF where you'd know they'd all be thankful if a psycho cow wasn't able to have children.
I know the whole source of this is about wanting to make women suffer, but I can't believe they call themselves the logical sex lul
No. 1242319
>>1241891> this obviously muslim moid kept staring at the white girls. I went to school in a very Muslim area and studied a very male Asian subject so I would constantly overhear Muslim scrotes talk about the white girls in the class they wanted to fuck and their non-Muslim gfs, but then in the next breath would call their cousin a whore for posting a selfie on Facebook from her bedroom without a head covering. I also had an autistic friend that liked Asian guys and dated a Muslim for a couple of years, researched heavily about converting but then he dumped her randomly one day because she was white and he already took her v so she wasn’t pure to marry.
All males are retarded but religiously ones are the worse of all, especially the ones that still fetishise women yet expect to get their obedient pure wife when they choose to settle down
No. 1242321
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I keep getting mistaken for being under 18 and I'm fucking mortified. I've had some very humiliating experiences and it keeps happening
No. 1242330
nonny and im in my mid 20s I really do not look like a kid at all and I don’t find it flattering.
No. 1242352
>>1242319arab moids in general have a bizarre complex against white girls. they go out of their way to obtain them and treat them like a prize then when they get the beautiful white gf they wanted they just act disinterested and like it's them who's too good for her even after they manipulated the woman into jumping through weird hoops for them
take note of the rich arab scrotes in dubai who pay white IG models millions to shit on them. Same weird concept, go out of their way, spending tons of money, time, etc into said woman and then acting like it's them who's too good for the woman. Why are they like this?
No. 1242357
>>1242326this isn't true kek. I'm western and got never ending comments pertaining to my looks my entire life until I completely isolated myself and cold shouldered people. Weight gain, weight loss, any mild breakout, any comment on makeup whether I was wearing no makeup, a full face, etc. breast size, dressing sloppy, slutty, "too dressed up" etc
can't speak for everyone though this is just my experience
No. 1242361
>>1242352And they wonder why my bf is white… Muslim scrotes are evil little
abusive shits that hate women. Their jealousy is unmatched. I feel bad for white women who feel momentarily special or superior from the manipulation, oh he chose me over a Muslim girl i better convert and be a good gf, sis he won't marry you after a few sex sessions. The funniest thing is seeing these ugly mtfs reaction when I'm out with my bf, the seething brings me so much joy fr.
No. 1242372
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Just made a piss poor excuse to stay off work today because I'm too fucking depressed to go. Boomer scrote boss would never understand that my mental health is spiraling so lame lies it is. Fuck this job, putting my phone on do not disturb mode to not hear any calls and going the fuck back to sleep. It would be a relief to get fired anyway so I can stop drinking every night to cope with my shitty job and get the hell out of here. Just disappear.
No. 1242452
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I used to have a friend who became so vapid and vile that I had to let go. We haven't talked for a good while and I've heard that she has become a less judgmental and better person. I guess it is good overall that the world gained someone more mature, but it also frustrates me. She bullied me relentlessly for some stupid NLOG shit. Now she is doing the things she bullied me for. I deserved this better version of her, I was always kind to her. I truly believe I deserved the person she is right now. She's still a painful pickme but she doesn't bully her friends anymore. I really loved her and believed she would grow out of her awful behavior. She indeed did outgrew a good chunk of it. It really sucks that I'm left with scars she inflicted and living poorly because of external factors and she seems to be thriving because she is born lucky and she pretends her past behavior doesn't exist with her new group of friends. I truly feel like a fridged female character for some awful protag's character development.
No. 1242468
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This is giving me the vibe of photos from fascist totalitarian states. It's so sinister. I hate what they've done with the rainbow flag.
No. 1242504
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>>1242468>>1242474I hope you look back at what you posted and realize you went way too far with this because if not then… uhh. Are picrel nazi to you as well?
No. 1242544
Bumped into this bullying faggot who was on my schools mixed football team when I was 12/13ish in a shop today and he's fucking trooned out. When my breasts grew and I got my first sports bra this prick saw the outline through my shirt, asked me if I'm wearing a bra, like it's this dirty, horrible secret and then snaps it and shouts "ANON'S BOOBS MUST BE GROWING, SHE'S GOT A BRA ON!". I went home crying that day, I was fucking humiliated. Puberty was freaking me out enough and this prick pounced on me the moment he noticed my body was changing and started making "jokes" about it and he would always talk about girls smelling "fishy". Your average garden variety gay misogynist. But now he wants to wear our skin? He put me through hell because my FEMALE body was changing and now he's telling me he's "one of the girls" and is called Alice, because of course he chose one of the most predictable hon names of all time. I was literally twitching with rage, I had to playback everything from anger management class in my head. "it's not the thing making you angry, you make you angry" and I still wanted to physically attack him. I didn't, I'm not that stupid. I just deadnamed four times and told him to leave me the fuck alone and go play pretend elsewhere. I just… I can't get over this rage. He is now larping as the very thing he mocked and he comes up to me like we're old friends?! I'll castrate him myself, save him the trip to Thailand to get botched. I need to go to the gym and beat the shit out of a heavy bag or something. I just… I have no words. I fucking hate men. All of them. Every single last one and yes that especially includes gay moids.
No. 1242565
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I got some film photos developed and I legit look like Vicky Pollard in some of my vacation pics, I hate that the photo studio person saw the pics. I look absolutely awful and I'm not even excaggerating ddafaadffsaa aaaaaa
No. 1242652
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I hate this faggot so fucking much. I hope he gats cancer. I hope he crashes his car again. I hope he ruins his life. I hope he gets another ugly, retarded tattoo. I hope his girlfriend cheats on him with a better moid and breaks up with him. I hope he gets fat as fuck from all the alcohol, fast food, and weed. I hope it destroys his self-esteem. I hope his career is a dead end and he goes nowhere. I hope his school loans roayally fuck his asshole for the rest of his life. I hope he'll have no one to run to except for his insane boymom grandma. I hope she comes to her senses and disowns him. I hope he continues to make his parents disappointed. I hope he'll end up living a miserable, pathetic life and I hope he dies by autoerotic asphyxiation and he's found by his grandma. I hope he gets so repulsive and pathetic looking that people smirk and whisper to their friends when they see him in public. It'll be the only time he'd get genuine laughter out of people. I hope he hits the wall so fucking hard he breaks his neck in the process. I hope it comes at him so fast he can barely remember ever looking somewhat presentable. I hope it sends him into a giant depression spiral and I hope he ends up killing himself for real this time.
No. 1242656
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>>1242649aw you're a cutie nonna
No. 1242693
>>1242689Same, I had a male friend say that there was
no way that it'd come to pass. They're all so retarded it's unbelievable.
No. 1242699
>>1242689On the bright side, certain states will never have their abortion rights overturned because they're written into the state constitution. In event you need an abortion, hop on a plane
nonnie, we'll be grateful to have the economic boost and you can get a nice vacation out of the deal. Just like some Americans go abroad to get affordable medical and dental care, now some Americans hop states to get reproductive medical care. But seriously let's stop pretending America was ever a good place to live regarding medical treatment, because it never was. Now we'll go to Mexico or Hungary for dental work, and Canada or California for abortions. Wow such american dream.
No. 1242722
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Omg put me out of my misery. I got my period yesterday and now coming down with something. My head feels like it's splitting in half, my joints are on fire, and I'm weak. I stg if I get the rashes on my legs like I did in December, I will go insane. Not sure if my taste/smell been affected. Fuck monsoon season, fuck periods, fuck being sick. End me.
No. 1242731
>>1242709Lots of worthless scrotes who's reject DNA would otherwise be in a dumpster or part of a satanic ritual are rejoicing at the idea of forcing a woman to have to associate with him for 18 years.
So glad I already got my abortion and IUD and got the hell out of the south before this shit storm kicked up. Praying for anyone who's having sex with men in a southern state rn, scary times.
No. 1242737
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Everything here sucks right now and I just want to play vidya to cope. Can't because I bike while I play and gaming all weekend already screwed up my leg.
No. 1242854
My last bf went from being affectionate, connected and pleasing to being the most selfish and demanding disconnected lover you can imagine. He waited til we were living together in a new (far from home) part of our country to start this shit. I was legally/financially locked into a living situation so I made attempts to get us back to normal and then gave up when it was clear he knew what he was doing and didn't want to change back. He hadn't forgotten how to be a halfway considerate lover. He just felt comfortable enough to not bother anymore.
I initially bought toys to use together and when that was money down the drain sex slowly tapered off as I reached my limit. I was like someone reading cosmo and using tips on how to spice things up. Pathetic. I hit a brick wall of just selfishness every time. I'm aware plenty of men would jump at the chance to come home to a surprise stash of new toys and a willing partner. Not him. Suck and fuck only. And it wasn't a lack of attraction. Before I stopped the one-way loving he wouldn't shut up about enjoying the view. Our lease dragged on. It was tense at home. I had plans to leave but didn't say so because he started getting hot headed and breaking shit in drunken rages. He told me he was going to fuck a tranny. I told him go ahead if that's what you want. I've no idea if that was just drunk talk or if there ever was a real tranny he was talking to. He said it out of the blue and then afterwards he pretended like it had never happened. I started to crush on a woman at work probably out of sheer misery and neglect at home. She was gay, she was single, I had been with women before and she's my type. I still for some fucked reason didn't go there. I was technically with this guy (was I even?) and refused to do anything that could be considered cheating.. all while he threatened to fuck men and crossdressers and he broke our shit. He didn't want me to move out but would rage in the evenings and I'd just listen to shit being bounced off the walls in the next room. I would spend my lunch breaks and weekends with my work crush at cafes and there were moments where I felt like I could've ran away, either with her or hell, alone would still be an improvement to life.
Him and I talked and we officially downgraded ourselves to being roommates stuck in a lease. Nothing more. One night he assulated me in my sleep. Kicked me in the back repeatedly while again drunk. Another situation he later had no memory of! I thought he was going to kill me that night. He kicked me out of bed, dragged me around the room, Shoved me into furniture. Bruised and marked about a third of my body from this. Punched me in the back of head. I curled up on the floor to protect my face and organs. He kicked my back more before tiring himself out. I was going nuts counting down days on that lease. I know people are going to say I should've left but at nearly 30 with no really strong friend connections it was hard to to be vulnerable with anyone. I didn't want to tell anyone at my workplace. I felt too old to flee home to my dad. Too childless to go to a shelter after the assault. I felt the need to not be a victim in anyones eyes. Him getting very violent made me admit it to myself but I didn't want to accept it. ffs we'd reached the point of agreeing we're not even together and THAT is when he put his hands on me? I didn't know til afterwards that that's the highest risk time for DV to either begin or kick up a notch.
I got money together, made a plan and was able to leave at a time when the lease finally allowed and wouldn't fine me thousands. He texted me that he'd been cheating the whole time and was riddled with stds. Okay? I don't even believe it tbh but I got tested just in case. It was all clear despite him claiming to be with men, trans, women and everything you could imagine. He was a disheveled drunk and not a lothario. I've moved on in alot of ways but I swear I might never fuck again. I might never feel safe sleeping next to a man for fear of being randomly beaten mid sleep. Tense or not we didn't fight before this assault. This man has ruined sex and the thought of intimacy for me longer term. I fancy someone right now and I can't even picture sex being a worthwhile thing with this shiny new untainted guy. I want to but my imagination can't even override how much I've grown to see sex as negative and something that only takes from me. Something that sucks the soul out of you in a bad way. I don't associate it with pleasure. That's toys. Pleasure is a solo experience right? I used to be someone who wanted it morning and night and ten different ways. I still have the drive but I've this 10 foot wall to get over. What was this all about? He could've given a slight fuck but it's like he just wanted to be destructive because we had a good life right before this went down. He made sure he destroyed the relationship and wore me down. Last I heard hes a jobless bloated alcoholic.
No. 1242868
>>1242709you sure? i thought most men were sexless anyways and now this isn't good. incel moids may be online like "HEHEHE DUMB FOIDS CANT RIDE CHADS DICK WITHOUT GETTING PREGNANT ANYMORE" but i think the majority of men are mad bc they have even less of a chance of casual sex encounters than before.
remember that the primary motivation of moids is the least effort possible to get no-strings-attached sex.
No. 1242966
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men and the women who worship them are cruel and there is no hope for them. i wish they would all disappear.
No. 1242970
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I never knew Florence Nightingale was such a pickme who hated women, this is an actual quote and sounds just like scrotes on 4chan. (Apologies in advance for the shitty jpeg quality)
No. 1242973
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So simply saying the word Arabs is racebait now? Lmao which Arab mod did this upset? At worst the post is pointing out how racist Arabs are (literal modern day slave owners) so it’s ironic when they act oppressed against ebil westerners wearing traditional clothing. Funny how they never ban the sperging pakianon though
No. 1242979
>>1242973From what thread is this? You probably got reported by a butthurt Arab anon or something, but there still is a retarded mod who hands out bans over nothing too.
>>1242970She sounds like those anons who rant about never having female friends compared to male friends because they can’t fit in
No. 1243008
>>1243002God, you fucking
get me anon
No. 1243028
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I sent my professor a mail for fhe first time about materials that need to be in the exam. I worry he might
1. Tell me to drop out if I can't handle it
2. Tell me it's not his job and I should have paid more attention in class
3. He ignores it completely like my friend's mail
I legit had awful experiences with professionals in the last year, my gynecologist telling me it's my problem if the pap smear hurts etc. So I feel anxious
No. 1243088
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mumsie gave me an unnamed white pill and now i feel like going to sleep, huzzah!
No. 1243202
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i hate when people bitch about their parents to me. i know that some people also have genuinely terrible relationships with a parent and they're right to complain, but i swear to god my friends who complain don't realize how lucky they are in a lot of ways. i know this might sound bitchy because "people can still have parental issues even if things look fine from the outside!" but i find it so aggravating when friends complain to me about their parents being rude occasionally when they still live at home rent-free, get things bought for them constantly, and have a normal support system. meanwhile i will never have that with my dad. idk, this probably is self-centered but it just makes me rage because they don't understand how much i WISH my biggest issue was that he was occasionally rude to me.
No. 1243246
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me: (meeting my mom for lunch)
mom: that shirt is cute, you should have worn it at (family get-together we just had)
me: oh. i liked my outfit that i wore
mom: omg i liked it too why are you mad?? i can't comment on anything??
tbh how else am i supposed to take that comment other than "your outfit you picked for the get-together was bad, this shirt is better" … ? am i just retarded
No. 1243251
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An AGP male/MtF just sent random unsolicited porn of themselves in the dms of my sims tumblr blog and no it wasn’t one of those spam bots you get, it’s an unhinged person sending it to everyone who likes posts that they think are MUH TERFY SO EXTREME AND HURTFUL!!! and it could be a post about a woman venting about anything kek
No. 1243255
Back in university, I used to date a moid who turned out to be a typical coomer sex pest porn addict and molester. Attempted to assault me, I punched him and escaped. Bad time, 0/10 reccomend. Then we split up, and he stole a load of my clothes- dresses, skirts, tops, even my underwear?? And guess what, it turns out he's now a fucking catgirl uwu neko troon. Actual degenerate.
And to make it even worse, I was told by a mutual friend (also a moid, no longer my friend) that I should forgive my troon ex for assaulting me because "she was working through some problems of her own and was just so jealous of your female body." Fuck all the way off.
Moids disgust me more and more with every day that goes by
No. 1243276
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I painted something and it didn't come out like the image I had in my mind. This was my first time picking up a sketchbook and brush after a very long artblock.
No. 1243306
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>>1243301True. Other symptoms of ugliness include polyamory and BDSM.
No. 1243336
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I thought finding out the root cause of your issues and coming to terms with it is meant to help you mentally but it's fucking me up more when I realize where everything went wrong and I really don't want to cave in and spend money I don't have on therapy. I can't even hold a job to get said money. I've been thinking of just ending it all because I'm so damn alone in life, I see myself being the same way when I hit the age of 30.
No. 1243338
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I really don't know what to do with myself, nonnies. I'm in mental hell because I screwed so much up last week and despite my best efforts to move on I'm just hurt.
It started because I showed something very private that my boyfriend sent to me to my besties not even thinking about it, and immediately regretted it after but the damage was done. I apologized, he seemed like he forgave me and we moved past it.
Fastfoward to the last month or so where I ended up talking about him behind his back to HIS besties because I was frustrated over his lack of listening to me and that we were all sacrificing our sleeping schedule to be up and spend time with him. And I wasn't the only one, we were ALL talking shit and being stupid because we were frustrated. Eventually, his BF tells us all we're going to have to tell him how we feel, and the next day set up an impromptu intervention where we were all supposed to vent our feelings and I completely froze. I was too anxious to speak because my anxiety wouldn't let me get a proper thought in. So I panicked and I left because I felt sick to my stomach that it went how it did.
Later on we spoke and I apologized again that I didn't say anything, we talked it out and he forgave me and things were looking up after that. We were going to spend the night playing games and having fun but as soon as I got into the call he was silent and refused to speak much, and when I left I apologized for making it awkward and he just let loose on how he shouldn't have forgiven me and how much I had hurt him and that he needed time to think and that he'd talk to me when he was ready and I left his discord group to give him space. Mind you I broke that the next day after re-reading things I said because I wanted him to know I understood what he was saying, which I know wasn't okay but I was so upset that this was how he really felt.
The next day I spiraled because I got terrible news from my psych and went dark for a few days, messaging a mutual friend when I could talk again to ask him if I could get any idea on what was going on because my bf was already sounding so much happier suddenly, and he told me he'd been planning to break up with me because I had hurt him so bad and his friends, friends I thought I also considered friends, were encouraging him to do so as well. It absolutely shattered my heart, and after reaching out to two other friends to apologize after thinking I had somehow thrown them under the bus in the process, was cut off and told to have a nice life and to do better in my next relationship, and that if a speedbump like this was enough to break our relationship it clearly wasn't strong at all. It hurt so bad. Apparently, they had all made up and got closer when I left and they called me a coward for it when I thought I was doing the right thing to give him space, but instead he told them all what I did with sharing the private thing to my friends and they were ashamed of me and didn't want to talk about it anymore because they had moved on, mind you he got upset with me when I shared our intimate things with my friends when I was frustrated..
So now I'm here, still not technically broken up with because he still hasn't spoken to me and I feel so fucking shattered over the whole thing. I know I fucked up, I wanted to fix this so bad because I love him and I feel awful for hurting him and not being brave enough to talk to him. But I'm also so angry because none of them bothered to reach out to talk to me about anything, and I probably won't get any closure from him with this.
tl;dr I know I fucking suck, I know. But I tried to repair things and it just got worse and I don't know what to do now.
No. 1243354
>>1243338I'm so sorry
nonny, I can really relate to you in a sense- I did the same where I showed a dick pic to my GFS, they told him and he was upset. It took a lot but he forgave me and I thought I was also friends with his friends and later on, when I was planning a party and they all decided not to go (THAT day)that they had a group chat where they all talked shit about me, hated me, didn't like me etc. And when I nearly mashed his balls to mush after I saw that (we were in person together), he said that they were trying anything to persuade him and discourage me. Whether it was blantant lying about things he said or did, they just wanted HIM and didn't care how they got it. My dad said he did this to my mom too, his friends treated her like shit and he accepted it until it was too late and she left him, and even still he didn't realize until it really put him in physical pain- realizing his love (my mom) would do anything for him and his friends loved him- but out of selfishness..
so what I'm trying to say is he'll realize sooner or later and he'll learn in forgiveness, pain or out of love. You are strong
nonny, I wish you luck in your journey. Use this time to figure out what makes you happy and who you were before your boyfriend.
No. 1243358
>>1243354Samenon but also my boyfriend and I have broken up more times than can count (maybe two major times where we didn't talk for 3-4 months) over the last 7 years. I know some nonnies will say I'm retarded (and maybe) but if he loves you, he will make things work and try his hardest to get things moving again. And if he doesn't, then he isn't the right one for you. Someone who can't stay by your side through mistakes is not someone you want to be the father of your children. How do you expect him to treat your kids? Your grandkids? What if something happened to you.. would he take care of your grandma? Call her every week? It will be ok. Please >> me this if you would like any advice or need to talk
nonny. I'll samefag xo.
No. 1243359
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I like him so much and the distance is killing me!!! He texts me almost every day and on the days he doesn't I go to bed sad. I've never got to the point where I regularly communicate with a guy before, but I still have no idea how he feels about me. He's so polite I keep thinking maybe he just thinks of me as a friend. It's making me insane. I just want to see him again. I just have to survive this month.
Holy shit I never thought I would go retarded from being in love but here we are bitch I hate this shit nonas
No. 1243398
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>>1243323AYRT, ah, don't apologize then. Scrotes are faggots, aren't they?
No. 1243423
>>1243354>>1243358Dick pics really do be out here ruining our lives, huh? haha Seriously though, thank you
nonny. I'm so sorry that you've been through something similar and I hope you're in a better place now than at that time. Everyone I've spoken to about it (my best friends and therapist) all think that they were just looking for an easy target to leap on and since I left that was a perfect opportunity, which I am not realizing is probably what happened.
When you found out they were saying all these things did you break it off with him? And do they still feel this way? I guess I'm not sure what to do if something like him growing a pair and talking to me happens and we reconcile how it will go because his friends don't like me now and my friends don't like him after how he's treated me.
And you're not stupid for that, the important thing is that you're happy and he's treating you right. Relationships are hard, and keeping them together when things aren't great is even harder, but if you guys are working on it that's all that's important!
I really hope he'll fight for me, because he said we could work through anything back when we were in a better place. But now that we're at this point I feel in my heart of hearts he's given up on me and it hurts, but I will definitely be taking your advice and finding myself prior to all of this, thank you xo
No. 1243560
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>>1237371im upset for ruining a few past friendships that i tried to rekindle with no luck and still cant entirely move on from. im weak and fickle and useless and im tired of people loving me or speaking to me or feigning any regard for me. i want to save up and move away to a new state and start fresh and cut everyone off. i will also stop eating again. if i do not become happy from these two things i can off myself because im tired of feeling so trapped and weak. living st home makes it all worse but its hard to afford moving out right now
No. 1243623
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I hate how much I over think in every aspect of my life. Sometimes it's actually useful but 80% of the time it's exhausting. I also hate how repulsed I am by the thought of being somewhat remotely personal with anyone - I say personal but I mean anything beyond surface level small talk or funny poo poo fart jokes. I think a lot of my overthinking contributes to a poor mental disposition and even though I know I have friends and family who would be more than happy to listen to what's going on in my head I REFUSE to tell them anything, because I find it so (for lack of a better word) cringey to do so. It's only just recently that I've been able to tell a few friends and my mother that I was in fact horribly miserable in high school, none of them knew as I pulled a pro gamer move for 6 years and bottled up everything cuz god forbid anyone saw that I wasn't well mentally. I've never seen anyone about any of this, and I feel as though even in a clinical setting it would all feel too soul-baring and I just can't open up like that to anyone.
As much as I like to think that I'm trying to get better with talking to people I don't think I'm really doing much. Yes I have been talking about things from 4+ years ago but there are so many things that I'm struggling with in the present that no one knows about. Or not until I have a new handful of problems in 4 years time and can laugh about all this.
I only think about getting help when I'm really in a depressive episode, but as soon as it passes I think "wow that wasn't so bad I don't need help at all" which is really dumb. I don't think it'll happen anytime soon but I can feel it building up and I'm almost certain one day I'm gonna do something really stupid and hurt myself because I found opening up to any other being on this planet too embarrassing. I feel so stuck yet I'm not willing to put in the effort to make any significant long-term changes to better myself. I just wish I never had to feel like this ever.
No. 1243632
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The Abby Bominable actress would make a better Ghoulia. Should have found a girl with a stronger jaw. Frankie's skin should be greener and they should have gotten an actress with a big ass forehead. Wtf is Clawdeen, a hipster furry? Is that supposed to be Casta Fierce in the back? Did they pick these girls off the street?
No. 1243633
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>>1243632They didn't even freaking paint Lagoona's body. We get it Nickelodeon, you like mixed people.
No. 1243634
Yo this internet thing, it's making me think.
So the articles that are a: negative and b: inspiring anger or outrage are the ones that people are more likely to engage with and spread and argue over, and polarising people is just a side effect (to keep it simple) of companies trying to maximise engagement. It's strange to think everyone was in uproar and giving their 2 cents on essentially a domestic abuse case just a month ago or whatever. Every time I look into it it's always talking about targeted ads on facebook and staying in your biased content bubble which is actively thrown to you which is what polarises you.
Is that what this place is too? Is ranting about scrotes polarising me more? Because there are no ads and no specific content being pushed, just other nonnies.
Since coming here i'm firmly of the opinion men are less developed humans than women, but I think that's just being realistic about the situation. But constantly using vocabulary like scrotes and sincerely wishing harm and imagining any man in my circle (some which I'd consider besties) has probably done something egregious due to his inherent sense of entitlement that I would never forgive him for. To be clear, I have no evidence that these friends of mine have or would do a terrible thing nor would their character match up to someone who could do that, but that I can imagine they might in a specific imagined scenario just because they're men leads me to resent and think less of them. And really, I can understand hating men in society in general, but is it healthy to be holding such hatred in my heart?
Anyway I told my group chat a summary of these thoughts and how I think I'll stop consuming these outrage headlines and they weren't for it at all. But then again they do link, several times a day some soundbite of a conservative political pundit with the comment "shocking", or highlighting their hypocrisy and each time it pisses me off because i'm like yeah they're hypocritical, we know it. And, what else? We've been talking about this since 2016 or so, being like "see, see?? What they say doesn't match up! They're morally inconsistent" like sis I KNOW, we KNOW. We've been saying it for 6 years, like what is the point? For one we're in Europe, also we haven't taken a single action about any of this outrageous shit we've seen. No, seriously I don't get it. We're just doing the same thing, spreading the same message through different headlines within the same circles then rinse and repeat, and it really does feel like we're manufacturing outrage for the sake of being angry.
No. 1243639
>>1243634>Is that what this place is too? Is ranting about scrotes polarising me more? Because there are no ads and no specific content being pushed, just other nonnies.Essentially, yes, but it works in a different way. Media create polarizing content for clicks which means financial gain, not necessarily even believing the thing they say at times, just cynically pushing it. Here, we're in a bubble that is relatively ideologically homogeneous - not entirely but there are some specific subjects about which you're expected to have a specific view on, otherwise you'll be scorned by another anons or even mods. For a lot of anons LC is the only place where they interact and get their info about the world, so this paired with the fact certain views are taboo here creates a narrower mindset that slowly but surely can lead to start identifying with more and more extremist-leaning views without you even realizing that it's happening; and it's the same for every social media. Just like you'd enter a room with closed windows that is full of people, the smell is not something you'd feel if you left the room, you try to open the window, get yelled at every time you try, you do it less and less, get used to the smell more and more and before you realize you're one of the people yelling at a newcomer to not touch the window.
Additionally, if you interact with media posted on LC, such as recommended articles, youtube videos, search for these most disgusting reddit posts or tweets shared in their respective hate threads an so, the algorithm outside LC will interpret it as subjects you want to see more of, effectively having the bubble around you becoming smaller and smaller. It's a slippery slope.
Tl;dr I love it here but as with anything online it's good to actively seek alternative sources and spend time with people that have different views, be it your friends or other online spaces that don't overlap with LC
No. 1243654
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>>1243633Also Draculaura is a chubby faced Asian because why not?
Like she's pretty and all but this is the most blatantly pandering cast I have ever seen kek
No. 1243696
>>1243693It just hurts, like I once thought men stuck togeather (They did and do in fence sitting and not accepting my opinons) but I realize a lot of men will "Fake" throw their gender under the bus, JUST to spite women.
one of my reletives is normally pro lgbt, but sometimes calls troons/tranny's. He even said there's some very attractive transwomen (Which didn't bother me because he's attracted to men, so whatever), but I thought bringing up gay men/troons being killed for their gender (being male) and their sexuality, assumed or otherwise, he'd have to admit it. But nah, he wouldn't even say, "Yeah" to that. Because it meant admitting gendered violence existNever once did I discredit his male expereince, but he did that to me. Told me I was wrong and when I brought up men who ONLY fight women, only kill and harm women, he just said, "They are violent people" and everyone else acted confused like, "What are you trying to say? He's saying there's a gene and some people are violent and will be violent anyway".
But They knew what I meant. If there was a serial killer gene, how come they don't look for it? If there's a "violent" gene, how come they don't test for it? How come my dad is an
abusive woman beater, but I'm not a violent person unless I'm in danger?
How come women of bad violent men and women, don't go out and abuse everyone? If anything it can be agrued theres a "Violent gene" and men possess it at a high rate and a lot of men use that to beat on women and towards women.
It just hurts, like I really realize that some men really hate us, nobody is reallys safe from it.
No. 1243708
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I am so tired of constantly worrying about my weight. I just want to be healthy and stay consistent but it's been so hard lately with work and school that I just don't have time to exercise, and the idea of gaining to much weight is do fucking anxiety inducing at this point. I've gained a good amount since my last semester but it wasn't anything too crazy and I still look fine but my clothes are getting a bit tight and I really don't want to have to buy anything bigger. But it's like no matter how hard I try to lose it it just won't come off. I stopped the binging for the most part but I only lost 3 pounds from that. I want to lose at least 10 but it's taking so much time to come off. I never had such a hard time losing weight and I'm extremely frustrated with it already. I hate that maintaining my diet feels like such a chore when before it was nothing to me and I would stay so consistent with eating healthy. I can't stay consistent with anything anymore and I didn't need this to be one of them.
No. 1243714
>>1243338>>1243338ive never seen such two very wrong people before.
Oversharing intimate dynamics or secrets is a huge violation of trust, there are things that are meant to stay within the relationship. If you need advice on it, talk to the psych you allegedly have or ONE girl friend about it that he isn’t connected to. you’re not saying what the secret was for a reason. Talking to HIS friends about it is beyond shitty, and it sounds like they realized how wrong it was after some time.
sharing a dick pic of your BF with other people is unforgivable. idec for scrote autonomy/rights like that but that’s practically breaking a law because it’s understood to be so violating.
you’re both cancers.
No. 1243743
>>1243714I never said I was right in this situation. In fact, I've been saying the opposite about myself this entire time because I knew it was a shitty thing to do and have since owned up to that.
The secret was the dick pic, I just didn't want to say it outright because it was an immediate regret reaction afterward.
I've apologized for my actions and attempted to right my wrongs, I'm more hurt that they literally did everything they're burning me at the stake for INCLUDING sharing a dick pic to said group not even a week prior. So call me cancer if that makes you feel better but there are reasons as to why this is fucked up on both sides.
Also, it's a vent thread. Please just let me vent my dumb high school tier bullshit drama so I can move on.
No. 1243757
>>1243746ntayrt but
>things working out for shitty people while I can't even get an apology Damn I feel this.
No. 1243767
>>1243423>>1243743Same anon you were responding to!
Mine happened in early highschool (we both understand and understood it was being young and dumb) and I had never sent the photo virtually- but shown my best GF who ended up making a comment like "oh yeah X! You have a huge cock right? Hahaha" which is how I admitted it to my BF. He wasn't super happy and was upset I violated his privacy (of course) but after talking and his maturity level- we forgave and forget.
His friends on the other hand don't like me at all and I've made it VERY obvious I don't like them. I talk about it and all the shitty things they've done, it makes my BF uncomfortable sometimes but he knows where I stand and that even though we may live together, I don't want them in my house or hear about them. So he doesn't and we have seperate lives friend wise. I'll admit it was really hard to get used to and understand but still, while chatting with my dad or other males, men don't hold grudges against other men. They did apologize to him and I have full access to their groupchat if in doubt. (which they don't know about.)
I have to say the biggest thing I've had to practice was patience and forgiveness. I have a hard time forgiving people and I don't feel the need to forgive them but seeing my BF forgive and forget makes me realize that he does care- even if 'forgiving' doesn't seem like caring towards me- it shows that HE can move forward and past scenarios that are difficult for me, and I make sure he remembers that elephants don't forget.
Some people may attack me or our relationship but after so many years and shit we've gone through, I realize the people who care will make an effort to stay (sooner or later) whether out of forgiveness, love, or self-soothe. It's just up to you to decide how to handle it. Some people will forgive and come back but not even realize they're doing it for themself and not the other. Others will apologize to save their self but not realize that they actually care about the other. Never feel like you have anything to prove to others in your relationship
nonny because that's where I went wrong and had my pitfalls. Don't yell in the mountains and expect the trees to grow.
No. 1243769
>>1243767Sorry I should have read this over. But they apologized to him (without knowing we were together still) about how they had treated me and while chatting with my dad and other males, I realized*
No. 1243836
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No. 1243892
>>1243750Its their gfs though? How could you know someone you love and who lies and presents an image to you that is different from their real self is a creepy faggot cuck?
Victim blaming much? Ive never sent a nude because trust issues but a lot of people do and it’s unrealistic to blame average women for trusting their partners
No. 1243896
>>1243767Thank you, I'm really glad you're both able to find a middle ground and move past things when the going gets tough. I wish you both many happy years ahead! I think that's a big concern of mine is that if we somehow get back together the adjustment period of not being able to befriend/communicate with one another friends will be difficult, but overall for the best.
Should he come back we'll have a lot to talk about, but until then I've got some personal growing to do so that I can handle the situation better next time, especially in the patience department. But again thank you for reaching out and being so kind, I really appreciate it and am going to work on improving.
No. 1243911
>>1243753I'm not talking about you specifically, it's common knowledge nudes get spread around and I was just shocked none of you knew.
>>1243815I didn't date guys like that but I heard from girls that they saw men using such groups.
>>1243892I'm not
victim blaming its just a fact and a warning of sorts. Don't send stuff you don't want to be spread, men do this shit so often you'd be shocked.
No. 1243943
>>1243932Do NOT apologize, block the number, you have no obligationto them at all, "I'm cawling the police" is just Karen woo woo, fuck that job and them. There are thousands of others.
You seem pretty caring for wanting to apologize, don't second guess yourself like that though. Anyone with self worth would be pissed too.
No. 1243947
>>1243879>>1243883>>1243887I've been sensing an influx of online 'sex workers' like
>>1243788 and they're all in deep denial of what they've gotten themselves into. It's like talkng to a wall.
No. 1243964
>>1243932Why did you have the cleaning supplies? Don't do it nona. Like you said, they're just making you run errands for a job you no longer work. Block and ignore. What the fuck are the police even gonna do if she does call them? "Anon stole our cleaning supplies!!!" Like I doubt they're asking you to return even a hundred dollars worth of cleaning supplies (if it is that much why tf do you have that much? lol). Police won't give a fuck.
Also you should continue pranking them. They sound insufferable.
No. 1244030
>>1243896You will do good! I've still got a lot of growing to do myself. It's not always easy but as long as we practice doing better than before, you'll feel fulfilled. I also struggle with boundaries, and practicing space- whether it's not being in contact for an amount of time (I've noticed all men will hide to deal with feelings, whether it's going away or not acknowledging their feelings ((hanging out with their friends and not acknowledging the problem/carefree), they seek space. Where women usually seek relief in others, venting or going out- from experience))and recognizing that space doesn't necessarily mean loneliness or 'endgame'.
I had this discussion with my boyfriend before because whenever things were emotional, he seeked space from us and would go to his mom's or leave for coffee/store and I had no idea when he would be back or come home, and he wouldn't answer my calls. I explained how I felt and it took a lot of understanding on both ends that he didn't even understand that feeling or what he was going through, but it was to release those feelings in space and forgetfulness. And he understands that I seek emotional reassurance, and that he still needs to be there for me and he can have his space but to meet halfway- he will stay at our house when he feels that urge, but if it's unbearable he'll walk nearby or I'll take a walk. Or if we're apart for work and won't see each other(LDR) and a disagreement happens and he feels upset to not wanting to talk or hangout and same with me feeling uncomfortable/etc. We will call and he will acknowledge his feelings 'I am upset, I really don't want to talk but we can talk next (day) or we can agree to update/talk by this (day)" This is used for discussing stuff with friends (like telling me short notice he's hanging with his friends and I thought he was staying home, so he might go silent mode when I discuss it but now I feel emotionally fulfilled knowing that's how he deals with his things, that's how I deal with my stress, if these incidents happen because in maturity, mistakes happen and we can learn from each other.
I didn't always know this though and kept practicing perspective. I've always had a soft spot for my old vloggers growing up hence the lc but I try to practice sharing what I can.
Good luck nonita in your journey. It's hard but in the end do it for you. Use your off time to practice doing what you love and read new books, whether it's one page of something and you hate it or finding out you love photography. Much love to you.
No. 1244046
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i feel so fucking friendless sometimes its kind of pathetic but i simultaneously dont care enough to actually try to remedy things fuuuuck im going to be alone forever
No. 1244068
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I hate that I can't just enjoy things and I feel so grumpy about ~NOSTALGIC MUSIC~ or references in pop culture all of the time.
Example, once "Running up that hill" played on Stranger Things and was repeated several times through the show I immediately groaned and was like "ugh, they're going to make this song THE NEW THING aren't they"
Same with whatever new Marvel movies that prominently feature music from the 70s and 80s that everyone is supposed to love and get excited about. "Come and Get Your Love" in Guardians of the Galaxy, "Sweet Child O' Mine" in the Thor trailer, etc. They're good songs, but even as a Millennial we heard these songs so often it doesn't give me any 'feels' or make me feel connected to the movie, it's just "ugh, here we go again I guess with the 80s shit"
And it's not that I feel gatekeepy, I'm glad that new generations are being exposed to older music and references, so I don't know why I'm so grumpy about it.
Maybe it's that it feels so forced and its like "Here's this thing we want you to enjoy, this is NOSTALGIA and you'll LIKE IT and LOVE THE REFERENCE"
No. 1244118
>>1244068It's bothersome because the music referenced often have no connotation to the material whatsoever or are a reach of interpretation. It truly does feel like a producer slapping a popular song over their trailers to pull folks in cause ~ah, good nostalgic music~
I don't really understand the connect between Running Up That Hill and Stranger Things to understand why that song was picked.
No. 1244151
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So i learned about "ghost kitchens" the other day. Basically it's when on Doordash/Ubereats etc. have these new resturants pop up "Near you".
For example you open door dash and you see , "Chicken Man" is new, in your area and there's like 5 "new restuarants" with different names, some professional pictures as the thumbnail. Others look shitty, some have logos, some don't.
So you click on "Chicken Man" and you check the menu out, you look at the delivery fee (you don't buy a sub to get the free delivery) and it's 4.99. So you think, "Let me see where this place is, because thats crazy. Maybe I can just go get the damn food myself."
So you click on the little "Information" button to see the location. And you go to google maps. It leads you to a KFC. You are confused. "Why the fuck is this leading to a KFC?" You google the name again.
Find a cheaply made website for "Chicken Man". You notice they have the SAME exact menu as KFC but different pictures/names for those items. You try to look for a location and AGAIN it sends you to KFC.
Basically, a "Ghost Kitchen" is when big brand well known resturants, Catfish as random "Mom & Pop shops". It's the same food, sometimes even more expensive then the actual food from that place. They just use different "wrappers" and shit. There's no "Physical" location for "Chicken Man" because it's really KFC and the food is ordered there.
I wonder how many other "Sevices" do this? I know you see this shit online all the time with clothes and other things. How does one get involved in this? I just wanna name one, like Dairy Queen can make a fake brand and I'd call it "Nonnie Girl" or something. Who picks the names? And it makes me second guess everytime I order some shit from a random place and there's no logo on the bag or anything.
I know it's weird, but I always wonder, "Is Fresh And Good Pizza actually Pizza hut?"
A few months ago I ordered from a place with a name like, "Burger Friend" or something, I can't remember. I was eating and I was like, "This has that Mc donalds burger taste" the bun has a taste. The meat had that taste. I can't describe it but it's a taste i've only tasted from Mc Donalds.
I ordered a burger, it was called like "Big Bun Burger" or something on the menu. It had that same flat Mc Donalds look. The fries came in those white containers, when they got cold they went ROCK hard in a way only Mc Donalds fries do.
I feel like I was eating Mc Donalds, but my friend paid more, I can't even find this place and i'm not longer friends with that person to figure it out. Maybe I was tripping or maybe they tricked me.
I'm using KFC as an example
No. 1244189
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>>1244151I think this started legit though? Mrbeast Burger doesn’t have storefronts and it offsets its costs by using kitchen space in random restaurants. There’s a wing brand with the same business model that I can’t remember the name of. I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if KFC and company were capitalizing on the hype to sell Expensive KFC though.
No. 1244269
>>1244151I saw these last year and it was so weird! There was a confusing promotional banner featuring some brand or celebrity (I can't remember what it was) and it announced that they had "new restaurants!" available in the area. When I clicked to see what it was, it turned out it was actually a Five Guys burgers. Supposedly it's a "different menu" but they use the chain restaurants kitchen (sounds sus to me).
I did a google search just now and there's also two of them called "Chicken Sammy's" and "Wing Dept." and both of them are by Red Robin.
No. 1244283
>>1244200>>1244189This is weird, apparently they're ran from completely different restaurants, too. How could there be consistency between two orders?
"In exchange for a cut of sales revenue, the brand supplies the name, logo, menu, recipes and publicity images to any restaurant owner with the space and staff to make burgers as a side hustle. When a customer orders from the MrBeast Burger in Midvale, Utah, the food is prepared at a location of the red-sauce chain Buca di Beppo, following a standardized MrBeast recipe. In Manhattan, a MrBeast Burger is prepared at the neighborhood bar Handcraft Kitchen & Cocktails." No. 1244325
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>Hanging out with my crush after classes, let's call him V
>We are alone, in a good mood, and he just asked my out
>Perfect vibes all around
>I want to get more physical, so I touch his arm
>"Wow it feels very soft heh"
>Random girl (one of his friends, allegedly) interrupts our conversation (she always does this)
>"Haha yeah, did you got beat a lot when you was a kid, V? Lol"
>"Yeah…a whole lot…actually"
>He goes quiet for some minutes
>jesus_christ. jpg
>Whole mood fucking ruined
God I want to kill her I'm so furious, read the room you retard. What's her problem? what was the fucking point?? inb4 "she could be genuinely autistic anon" no, she's totally normal
No. 1244350
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i have been craving a hug so badly for a good long while now. but i hate physical touch, to the point where i feel like degloving my hand when i accidentally make contact with for example an employee handing me my change back, not because of the germs or anything it just repulses me. i actually havent been touched in close to a year which should be and is nice to a certain extent but in moments like these i just feel like i want to be held tightly as much as i hate to admit it
i just want a silent long tight hug from a woman… or something. actually i would go for anybody these days. i am not worthy of this but its what i feel that i need and crave.
i feel so lonely but i am too easily creeped out and overwhelmed by people, and i know people feel the same way about me, deservingly. oh well
No. 1244381
>>1244340This, I'm in college,
>>1244331was uncalled for
No. 1244388
>>1244379no, that would weird in my family. i have never even received verbal affection like "i love you"
yuck much less physical. none of us would like that i dont think…
and anyway they dont like me and even when ( and if ) they have they wouldnt hug me even if i asked
No. 1244438
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The window in my bedroom doesn’t open and I think it’s giving me genuine brain damage. I’m my country it’s illegal to rent a bedroom without an opening window unless there’s a vent system but that costs us power to run and an opening window is free. I’m for sure taking my landlord to court when I move out.
No. 1244475
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i can't stand this troon i have to work with. a classic pasty, flabby white motherfucker with blue hair. i have nothing against each of those individual things, but in combination they're always indicative of a type of person i have visceral hatred for. i presume he is not on hormones atm, because he does not pass in the slightest, but has those disgusting cockeyed moobs that sit unnaturally high up like all mtf seem to have. i am so disgusted by his voice and grimy appearance i just can't touch the stuff that he touched, but we share a workspace. it definitely does not help with my boss being a snowflake enabler, because we are all required to honour the troon's she/her pronouns with non-binary identity, which is a whole fucking gigabrain moment in itself, but whatever. i hate having to keep up the appearance of positivity yaskweening this moron and having to pretend like any real woman with an ounce of self-respect will ask to be referred to as "kitty" in a professional setting. just before we started working together, i looked him up on fb and sure enough his legal name is attached to a membership in some "submissive trans gf" group with gross coomer memes. i hate men and i hate how cumbrained they all are and how they have no shame. it all seems like a humiliating power play on the troon's part, but doesn't immediately give that impression, since he looks like an omega virgin.
there isn't a single person i know irl that i can vent to about this without being cut off or reprimanded, so thanks for being here to read this, nonnas.
picrel not said troon, but you get the point.
No. 1244577
I don’t post in this thread very often. Maybe once or twice in the past, but my boyfriend said something to me tonight that isn’t sitting well with me, and I don’t have close girlfriends, so here I am.
Basically, he was texting me sexually suggestive things at work (not nudes, just being sexy and playful via text) and that’s totally fine - it made me giggle, it was all fun.
Then when I get home from a 9 hour day at work, he proceeds to tell me that I don’t “do anything”. Not like I don’t contribute, but sexually.
If I’m being open and honest, I do a lot when I’m in the mood. I can certainly take initiative if I want it, and I have. However, these past few months my chronic pains and mental health have been all over the place, so I haven’t really initiated any sex with him. And to be fair, he’s not an overly sexual man himself most of the time. We’ve both had a lengthy discussion about how we both don’t need sex constantly, and it’s cool.
Now all of the sudden, he wants me to buy sexy bras and panties, which he doesn’t understand are expensive and not practical for my day to day. I do physical labor at my job, so I’m prone to wearing sports bras and comfy panties (not granny ones, just not lingerie or thongs).
He told me he still things I’m sexy, but he just wants me to do sexier things, I suppose. But ya know what girls? He hasn’t done shit that’s sexy for ME. I don’t require a whole lot, but he’s not delivering either.
Just typing this out has calmed me down, but I’d love some advice from any nonnas who have dealt with something similar. And just for extra context - he is a good man, he works hard at his job, and he does provide well.
I guess I just need a little guidance..
No. 1244581
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im on my period (first day) and everythng is making me cry. my bf is here. hes seeing me act like a lunatic. whatever but also gonna cry more about it
No. 1244595
>>1244577Just tell him what you said here. Point out that he hasn’t done shit for you, you’re fucking tired and him not anticipating YOUR need is a big turn off. Tell him to buy you sexy shit if he wants to see you in it so badly.
Fucking retard, I would have insulted his manhood and sex appeal so badly if my man suddenly acts like sulky ape over sex and dares to put ME on trial for “witholding” his right to my body in any way. I’m so
toxic with this kinda stuff lol.
No. 1244667
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I can’t stand my drug addict mom I hope you die you fucking rotten bitch holy shit I hate your guts I hope you die. Why aren’t you dead yet? All your dumbass skin care bottles you hoard like you’re not literally doing hard drugs. And your caked on makeup on your aging gross skin. I hate you, I hate the way you act for male validation you are grotesque I wish there was a lolcow thread on my mom, she makes dating site profiles with a cashapp in the bio and edits her pictures to hell and back I mean like picrel vibes. God I hate her.
Story time : my creepy ass uncle hits on me the second I turn 18, I tell my mom and then she pretends to be me to ask him for money. she is a scumbag
No. 1244682
>>1244679>>1244676Sorry it won’t let me delete it I was gonna delete for the absolute spergery but it won’t let me
I do be
valid in hating my mama
No. 1244685
I tried before 30 mins ago
No. 1244694
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Hoooooo boy I'm about to fucking lose it.
I have a male friend in his early 20's who's one of the sweetest people I know. He's super gentle and naive and when we originally met we went on a couple days but I'm in my late 20s and felt just a bit too old for him and how green to the world he was. Since then we've become good friends and today he asked if we could chat about something so I went to meet with him.
He'd mentioned this roommate a few times, an older man who's become something of a father figure to him and he's someone my friend looks up to and this man has also carried him through severe bouts of depression and isolation. Though, he's mentioned before their relationship can get volatile at times.
Today, he told me that his roommate (who, mind you, is in his sixties) came onto him the other night. He kissed him, and my friend kinda froze before politely pushing him off. Then, last night, this man came into his room and did it again but this time tried to go further and started feeling him up.
Not only that, but as my friend started talking about it more he mentioned the roommate not only was the one to interview him for the place and decide on him to live there, but the other candidate was also an attractive young man in his early 20s. He told me that this man has hit him and beat him before, and that he's gotten angry about my friend not spending enough time with him. They've had such explosive fights my friend has been worried about being kicked out, as this man really does hold the power in this dynamic being the only person actually on the lease.
The nail in the coffin was when he told me that this man has mentioned he's had a sexual relationship with a roommate before.
I told him straight away this was premeditated grooming, and he needed to get out. I was so fucking angry (still am, hence why I'm here) that this disgusting old scrote has taken advantage of someone so sweet. He even told me at one point how mad he is at himself for being so passive and letting it happen, to which I told him that he should never feel angry about being the tender, kind person he is. This man took full advantage of him, groomed him and if he continues to live there, will probably rape him.
He's one of the few good moids I've ever met in my life and I swear to god I want to kill the fucking sex pest that did this to him. It would not surprise me if his MO is just to get young, malleable boys to live with him so he can groom them and isolate them from the world before making his move and getting sexual.
And even though my friend is an adult, he's definitely lived a very sheltered life and was a prime target for a man like this. Nonnies you have no idea the pure rage I feel, it's been hours and I'm still thinking about it.
No. 1244752
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i'm so unbelievably horrible at texting my friends back. are any other anons in the same boat? why does it feel so unbelievably stressful to the point where i have to procrastinate for weeks about it?
i dread texts so much. calls or in person i can do way, way, way better, but i just hate feeling like i need to text back or else it seems like i'm being an asshole. texts are so high stress for me. seems like most people feel calling back is considerably higher stress but i feel the opposite.
No. 1244766
>>1244694Your friend needs to gather all the evidence he can in regards to the abuse and assault and break the lease if he has one. Does the creepy old fuck have a job or leave the home at all regularly? If your friend has somewhere to go, he can move out anything not noticeable ahead of time and then while the scote pos is out, move everything else asap.
Then tbh when your friend is out, spread awareness if possible. The sick fuck will just keep at it with other young vulnerable men.
No. 1244775
>>1244757he has a friend he can stay with until he finds a place. He's not on the lease so he can just leave at any time, but he's worried about leaving his possessions around him
>>1244766The old scrote has a job, and I honestly don't know what evidence there is to gather when all of their conversations/the two assaults were when they were home alone. I feel like the only option here would be to publicly name and shame him to hopefully ward off other potential young men from living there. Knowing that he's done this before makes me want to plaster his name and face everywhere that people can see it.
No. 1244804
Feeding kids shitty food should be considered a crime, like abuse. I grew up eating hotdogs, hamburgers, white bread, sodas, potato chips, cakes. Never ate vegetables unless they were in a casserole, like a little corn here and there. I ballooned to 64 kg (i'm 5'5) and got bad stretch-marks on my ass. I discovered a year ago that I kept shitting blood which is an early sign of colorectal cancer. I panicked so much. Best thing i ever did was to move out. I just had a shit and I saw no blood and it's been like a month now. I know, I need to go get it checked but I feel like im healing. I moved out 6mo ago and started eating a lot of fiber (vegetables, NOT "healthy" bread/oats) and I feel so good now. I eat sweets once in a while but something I never fumble on is fiber. I also noticed I don't gain weight as fast as I would back in the day. I'd go from 52 kg (from starving myself) to 63 kg from eating "normal" again. I've been at 53 kg consistently for months, doesn't matter what I eat, I eat a lot of pizza even, I never gain weight. If ur not eating vegetables rn please do. I think it helps with carbohydrate storage and insulin or something. I'm seeting becasue I still have stretch marks on my ass but I feel better. Hopefully they will fade or somethign.
No. 1244858
>>1244790I never got this way of thinking, it's literally normal for people to be disgusted by and not want to see literal rape scenes.
I remember when the Berserk author died and people wanted to try reading it since it had such a big impact, but when people were warning others that there was a rape scene fans of it got mad because now the surprise or whatever the fuck was ruined. That whole thing was annoying as fuck and removed the little interest I had in reading it.
No. 1244869
>>1244752kek I sympathize so strongly
nonnie, my inability to text like a normal person has fucked my life up. Even if I immediately think of a response, I'll just not send it for some reason and then it drives me insane for weeks. Part of it is just avoidant personality disorder but something about texting feels like a random homework assignment to me. It's so invasive too, like suddenly you're expected to be engaged in conversation with someone when you're just chilling in your house. And then there's no defined ending to the conversation, it can go in for hours, making it impossible to multitask because it requires your fingers. Fuck texting, phone call supremacy.
No. 1244904
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>>1244877this is totally normal and not weird at all
No. 1244922
>>1244595Fuck that, that's not being
toxic nonnie. This was a great response.
No. 1244923
>>1244858I used to consume most of the media that was popular among males (mainly games, manga and japanese literature) and after a while I came to the realization that nearly every work contained rape or abuse towards women. Especially in japanese works, there's always a rape moment and often they don't even have anything to do with the story. Moids' obsession and fascination with rape is concerning.
>>1244904Don't you just love how this so-called "masterpiece" uses the rape of a shallowly written female protagonist as the trauma for the edgy male protagonist AND to further the character development between him an another male?
No. 1244932
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>>1244923NTAYRT but the horror genre of film is overwhelmingly about the sexualization of torture, rape, and death of women in every imaginable way. Of course the most famous horror directors are men. Isn't this image of a terrified pair of nonconsenting tits SO EXCITING nonnas???
No. 1244936
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>>1244923>>1244877This is Miura defending lolipedos btw, remember it next time someone wants to pretend like he's one of the "decent" moids just because he credited classic shoujo for inspiring him lmao
He's only one step below the likes of Hiroaki Samura preaching "women are superior to men" because of his influences and then using his detailed art to draw violent female-only guro and rape manga.
No. 1244970
>>1244923>Don't you just love how this so-called "masterpiece" uses the rape of a shallowly written female protagonist as the trauma for the edgy male protagonistI’m not defending Miura, but the male protagonists are also
victims of sexual abuse and you’re intentionally avoiding to mention that.
No. 1244987
>>1244970Then why am I not seeing a male's ass and cock in full display while some disgusting ugly monster is raping him, like in
>>1244904? Like there isn't a full spread page of that. I don't remember seeing cum dripping from Griffith's ass after his rape, but I sure remember the detail on Casca (and it was animated too). I wonder why. It's almost as if male sexual trauma is respected, while female rape is pure entertainment. Or maybe important male characters can't be shown in a rape scene because that would be bad, but the "strong warrior" female protagonist isn't really important and can be used as jerk-off material in a sexualized and glorified rape scene.
No. 1245019
I've ruined my life, I did some dodgy shit when I was 15-16 made friends with some nonces on the internet and did fucked up shit to impress them idk we all shared shocking videos with eachother whether it was bestiality or fucking cp, at some point I left it all because of how fucked up this was that I was contributing in this and that I went way fucking beyond being a dumb edgelord to basically an actual evil person (I only just realised haha) then the police come and take away all my stuff and now I'm going to fucking court! consequences of my own actions, I'm 18 now and know that its pretty serious, class a shit whatever that means, all my family know, my mum, dad, brother even my aunts, know about the cp and bestiality I have no friends so that's basically everyone I know. I can barley process it, I cant believe I will be in a situation where I will be in a courtroom with a fucking lawyer trying to convince them that I'm not a nonce, I'm so ashamed I don't want to kill myself, I just want to leave the country and live a secluded life, I know I have to face this no matter what, and that I had it coming but honestly I'd rather kill myself I don't want to because I love my family but I literally cannot go through with this, it's such a beyond fucked up situation and I cant follow it through, I know their is a very unlikely chance I will go to jail because of my age and other factors but I cant do this, how am I supposed to continue with life knowing what I've done and that everyone knows. Anyways sorry for the grammer I'm typing this through a bit of a meltdown
No. 1245068
>>1245019You should become super religious or something.
>>1244979kek no one asked but she sent some guy to pick it up when I asked. Being stubborn always wins I guess.
No. 1245151
>>1242509late, but this. we don't fit into the narrative that either side is trying to push, so we get completely ignored.
like i'm not even denying that being a muslim in post 9/11 USA was hell, or that islamophobia doesn't exist. It was absolutely hell, going outside some days was unbearable while having an obviously middle eastern sounding name. It actually makes it harder to leave the religion, because when the elders in the community would say "we have to stick together because they hate us," they weren't lying. But that doesn't mean the religion itself was any fucking better to women who wanted out.
double edged sword.
No. 1245161
>>1245144oh anon, im so sorry. i think some of the smartest women decide early on that kids aren't for them because they understand the gravity of bringing a person into this world. but then i also think some realize later on that they still want to (like in your situation). it's not you or anyone's fault.
I think it's worth bringing the convo up to your husband, because he very well could be having these thoughts too. Or he could have had those thoughts and squashed them awhile ago, but they're always there. I feel like men actually end up changing their minds in secret because they have an even stronger urge they're not allowed to show.
And fertility science has come so incredibly far. You really never know. I have so many friends that thought they were never gonna conceive, but with some shots/treatments and some important ovulation and insertion timing they conceived!
Questions to ask yourself:
>Is having a child worth more than being with your husband? Is it a dealbreaker?>If it's not a dealbreaker, how do you envision your elderly years? Do you have a big extended family? Nieces/nephews? No. 1245167
>>1245141You need to do the work to handle your anxiety whether that is journalling, therapy, cognitive work on your own or whatever else because your boyfriend is a separate person and you will suffocate him with this behavior.
Anxiety is rooted in our own fears traumas, as you mentioned. However when they are projected on another person in the way of concern it becomes a backwards way of self soothing. Of course you would care and be saddened about your boyfriend dying but reread your post. Your anxiety leaves you focused on your life being uprooted. You being hurt or further traumatized because something happened to him.
In the most empathetic way I can say this as possible, anxiety is a very self centered disease and you have to get a handle on that or you will uproot your own life through trying to control everything around you. I sympathize with you, but overcoming my own anxiety and recognizing it in others lead me to the conclusion that this is not about other people, it is about you, which you seem to know.
No. 1245169
nonnie ♥ I'm so close
No. 1245174
>>1245160yup, i was reported for crazy ass things as a "joke" and it ended up making me miss out on classes.
Women who are immigrants/refugees that are coming into europe or other western countries have a unique opportunity to actually be liberated from being under the thumb of their male family members, and I feel like feminists in the west are missing that opportunity in favor of assuming we "want" to live like this.
It's really sad that I see more evangelicals coming to the refugee centers attempting to convert young girls, rather than non-profits giving free women run education sessions on finances, tutoring, or social studies. I went to non-profit run scholarship application class and it was what helped me and some of cousins get the resources we needed to leave at 18 for college.
No. 1245182
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I'm having my second period of the month (after missing it completely two months ago so I guess this is better) and I'm cramping so hard it's insane. I need to book a doctor's appointment ASAP, this cannot be normal.
No. 1245186
>>1245172If you're set on being with him, then a good compromise could be moving closer to your family/nieces/nephews. The bond between aunt and nieces/nephews can be so big, and can definitely last like a maternal like bond. I see my aunt as a second mother, and I go to her for everything i might not want to talk to my mom/dad about. we also just hang out now.
but i also agree with
>>1245179 wishin you the best.
No. 1245197
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I just realized I made a mistake at work today but it's obv to late to fix it fuck
No. 1245199
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i don’t weigh myself but i’ve lost like 10 cm off my waist by eating mostly the same stuff every day and eating significantly less rice and bread. i’m down to like 61 cm, which isn’t that crazy but i haven’t been this measurement in 2 years or more. i keep thinking the weight loss is going to plateau but then i check and i’ve lost another cm. i don’t know whether i’m proud or not yet because i have a history of disordered eating, but instead of starving this time i’m just eating a bunch of vegetables. it’s weird because i’m in between “i’m losing weight healthily because i’m still eating and it’s fine” and “is this going to get out of hand”
No. 1245202
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The only way to distract myself from my self loathing is to keep working, but I'm currently unemployed. Yesterday I had a lot of work to do (for a volunteer thing) and I was happy and accomplished albeit tired. Today… I'm just a different kind of tired, and just hating to be a failure once again. I get angrier more easily as well. I wish I wasn't just so worthless 95% of the time
No. 1245216
>>1245205Thank you, anon, I hope you're right
>>1245207I actually have a thousand hobbies (sewing, general crafting, drawing, even exercising), but when I'm in this mindset, I can't find any motivation to partake in any of them. I don't know. I know it's kinda of a snowball, but it's hard for me to engage in it unless I am working and have a routine where I plan the side activities as well, it gets me more inspired to do them too. Idk, maybe I have some mental issues that I don't know about
No. 1245244
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Some drivers are so impatient with me even though it's obvious I'm learning to drive. They'll honk or try to get in front of me or have annoyed looks on their faces. I know damn well most of you mfs aren't on your way to meet the president or going to a job interview. You can wait 2 damn seconds. As I'm learning to drive I'm seeing a lot of people driving obviously way over the limit. Hello? Is it worth my life, or yours? It's just insane to me purposely gambling with other peoples lives. I see other people make little mistakes too and others honking at them, waving, getting angry and even flipping each other off. I swear people in general are extremely impatient and easily annoyed. Relax, damn. Also when some people end up in tiny collisions or scratch someones car by accident they get out of their cars like they're ready to rip each others heads off.
In stores too. If someone cuts the line, people will yell at them until their face is red from pressure. Dude who even cares? If someone cuts in front of me I just walk in front of them again. If someone doesn't pick up their dogs shit, someone will yell at them like its the worst crime they've ever seen. Literally who cares dude, why are people so angry at each other? It's like a lot of people just live their day to day lives WAITING for something to get angry at
No. 1245285
>>1245244I have a lot of empathy for you, nonna. I was a bit of a late driver myself (19), just moved to a big city, and even once I got comfortable on the road other drivers were idiot jerks to me. Not sure where you live of course, but where I'm from pretty much everyone speeds. It's often better to match the speed of the cars around you than stick to the speed limit, though. it's safer. don't take what wackasses yell at you too personally if you're just being careful and trying not to kill anyone.
when the speed limit is 70mph and have to be pushing 100mph for the guy tailgating my ass, it's 100% time to move over, even if you're stuck behind tractor trailers. and don't expect anyone around you to know how to drive.
my old housemate used to make fun of me for how I drive because being cautious eats some time, but when talking to a mutual friend of ours and I were hanging out one time, she mentioned that any time she rode as a passenger in my housemate's car, she thought she was gonna die. I felt the same. the road is full of shit drivers.
No. 1245386
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>>1244946Nah, men have always been obsessed with rape
No. 1245501
>>1245487I’m so sorry
nonnie. I wish I could give you a hug.
No. 1245558
>>1245520I think you should've told your friend, venting to a real person, especially a loved one, can help a lot with trauma (and yes, looking at gore is a form of trauma).
>>1245551The leftists are actually right though
No. 1245580
>>1245019Some people are just more retarded than others, it's ok
Nonny. As long as you can recognize what you've done and spend your life giving back and being the best you can do. You will be ok. I am not saying what you did was acceptable but instead of living in guilt and fear, you should try to be the best you can be. I would recommend reading some self-discipline books and about philanthropy.
No. 1245584
>>1245563Knowing what exactly is the source will help you identify and react earlier to potential
triggers; understand your feelings better so avoid additional stress that comes with confusion and feeling lost in why certain thing happened, and ultimately, thanks to that understanding and awareness, you'll learn how to let go of these feelings when they come, without letting them stick to you and affect you for too long. It's a process though.
No. 1245617
>>1245558I think you might be right. I was too ashamed to talk to her about it in the moment. I felt like I'd have to explain why the scene scared me so bad and then she would think less of me for having ever looked at shit like that online. Wasn't really thinking clearly at the time I suppose.
Also thank you to the other nonnies for the replies (not to sound like a Redditor. thanks for the upvotes kind gentlenons!) But for real, it does help me feel like less of a freak for looking at those things as a kid. Can't believe I was given free reign online like that
No. 1245635
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I stupidly chose a 6-week college math course that’s apart of my major (it’s a liberal arts so not rigorous but i’m not smart at all) and I definitely know I’m going to fail. A whole module and an exam is due by next tuesday and the class just started today giving me six days to do a whole fucking module and be able to study when taking notes for that damn class is already a chore. My brain doesn’t want to do jack shit, it has been obliterated by the nonstop classes I’ve been taking for the past two years at this stupid fucking college. I’m so scared of dropping it and only doing the one class that’s the easiest for this summer because if I only do one I definitely won’t graduate on time. I don’t know what the fuck to do, this is all of my fault kek…
No. 1245666
>>1244848I've never seen
the sopranos, but it gets praised so much. There's a rape scene in it?? This has literally never been spoken about. That really worries me. Can you tell me which ep so i can avoid it? I've been thinking of watching it. Thank you,
nonnie for the warning.
No. 1245690
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>>1245642samefag it was actually a man looking up her dress, still weird
No. 1245699
>>1245666Nta but it's
season 3 episode 4, Employee of the Month. I really like the Sopranos and recommend it, but definitely skip this episode if you're sensitive to that content. If you do end up watching the show you can just read the wikipedia summary of the episode when you get to that point to catch up on the other plot points in the episode.
No. 1245701
>>1245019play stupid games win stupid prizes. hope your stupid prize isnt completely life-ruining and you learn enough from this to go on to do something good with yourself
>>1245040LMAO are you the idiot who got banned for weed derailing in the pixielocks thread so you came here to continue to be mad about it while no one agrees with you?
No. 1245765
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>>1245690fuck that's the same joke I just made
>>1244936>remember it next time someone wants to pretend like he's one of the "decent" moids just because he credited classic shoujo for inspiring him lmaoreminder that lolicon scrotes were also "inspired" by the shoujo manga art style, which they sexualized in order to create bishoujo style (which at the beginning was synonymous with lolicon)
No. 1245822
>>1245445You sound really young, if not you need to come to understand some things for your own good.
>Men who can't even give you their full attention during the honeymoon stage much less the first few dates are fuckboys and just wanted to get in your pants. Nothing to do with you. This is the majority of men.>Don't say you love someone early on. You barely know someone within the first few months and you're just romanticizing them. >You say you're not overemotional but you're telling a guy you love him first, overanalyzing interactions with scrotes and losing self confidence after things with noncommital losers didn't work out.It's true you should stop dating to focus on yourself, but not for your looks, to build up your maturity and self esteem.
No. 1246030
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I have an oral exam in an hour, haven't studied enough even though I studied for a week because our exams are just way too difficult. I'm so fucking tired, my head is spinning. My wrinkles deepened, my skin got bad. I'm probably gonna fail unless I'm really lucky and I'll have to repeat it again in two weeks. I so don't wanna go there. I really wanna stay home. Jesus I can't wait till it's over, I feel terrible and my body does too. I just want a break. I can't wait to graduate and be a doctor already. I don't even wanna work though, I just want to lay on my couch, drink coffee, play cats and soup and melt away.
No. 1246153
nonnie I passed!
No. 1246206
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>durrr, women should just learn self defense
Okay bitch, how about the case of Michaela Shunick? She weighted around 50kg, a guy who was 105kg was stalking her in his car and hit her bike. She got her mace ready, SHE WRESTLED THE KNIFE AWAY FROM HIM, and stabbed him multiple times, he still overpowered her. She later got up AGAIN, and stabbed his neck but he had a handgun and shot her in the head. Of course women should learn self defence to feel safer, but you can't dismiss scrotal behaviour with
>hurr durr all women should learn self defense, you can't blame everything on how men are raised
No. 1246220
>>1246206Right? Blaming a
victim for getting killed/raped, fucking disgusting.
If I'm gonna shoot a person then he/she would be blamed because he/she didn't run fast enough? What kind of logic is that?
No. 1246227
>>1246067they're probably people who gain energy by doing those things. it takes negative energy for an extrovert to go out for beers with friends, for example.
most of the time, you are only seeing a small segment of people who need to be out and extract energy/validation from others. just remember all the other people who are dead at home like you, you just don't hear of or see them as they are home & tired (just like you)
No. 1246230
>>1246217nta but
>not evening at 8pmeverything after 6pm is evening to me, is this not how other languages/countries do it kek
No. 1246238
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A former friend and I spent time together after a few years. She is (was IMO) a lesbian and not surprisingly has a troon moid partner. At one point the moid decides to scream at me in a restaurant. I would have left if I wasn't in a different state without a car. My friend says she didn't hear it when I confronted her later lol. I wonder why my friends never defend me even though I have their backs constantly. I'm just dropping people now and being friendless. Sick of being treated like shit.
No. 1246256
>>1246248Fucking male moment. He should get a chill pill instead of retarded hormones. I am sorry for you,
nonnie. You do not deserve it. Did your friend even say something to him?
No. 1246268
>>1246256Unfortunately she didn't comment at all. Exactly the reason I'm done.
>>1246260Somehow gotta train myself to do this.
No. 1246273
>>1246267I invited my mom over to my house one time and didn't realize my whopping 9" silicone dildo was laying on the floor (I wear glasses but that day I didn't) and she was like "haha
nonny, you've got something down there" and I died but she laughed. It's ok Nona, my mom said it was better than risking pregnant.
No. 1246310
but her. Thanks for reminding me, I somehow I got unsubbed.
No. 1246322
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>>1246273> leaving your dildos on the floornonny pls
No. 1246328
>>1246248Sounds like he's autistic and/or schizophrenic like a lot of trannies are
>>1246172>i hope he rots away alone and sick, full of confusion, self hatred, regret, fear, disabled and despairedFucking same.
Glad you've gotten over that useless sack of trash
nonny>>1245972same tbh
>>1244936>>1244938Already replied to this one but I can't get over how fucking cringe these comics are when some mangaka try to "educate" people on a serious topic. The horrible translation doesn't help. And this one is defending Japanese pedophiles so it's even more cringe-inducing. I'm glad Miura is dead, inshallah another pedo mangaka dies soon.
No. 1246330
>>1246273>>1246285>>1246285Omg that just unlocked a memory of this one time (during my senior year, when I was 18) my mom went through my dresser to pull out some spare sheets. CLUNK! The awful cheap, hard plastic, battery-powered vibrator l had bought (but never used) fell into the drawer, I had hidden it between some sheet bundles. It was so loud and clunky and I needed to throw it away but never had the chance to discreetly.
My mom immediately raged and screamed at me that “That has SEXUALLY ACTIVE written ALL OVER IT!!” and yelled and yelled.
I wasn’t even having sex yet at the time, but she never believed me.
No. 1246348
>>1246330KEK does your mom not understand what vibrators are for?
Not really the same but I was walking around town with my mom and grandma and we went into a new costume store that had opened to look at the costumes, but we didn't know the other half of the store was a sex shop. Very awkward to be with your mom and grandma looking at that stuff kek
No. 1246363
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23 in California and still no driver's license. Fuck the driver's permit test and fuck the behind the wheel test. Why is this shit so hard to pass when everyone else can ease it in a breeze? I'm so fucking mad I must be a special kind of stupid since I couldn't achieve something that most normal people could do. I couldn't rely on my family forever.
No. 1246371
>>1246369Take a deep breathe. Make a cup of tea. Take a shower whatever you need anon. Then make a list of the materials in your exams and divide it into doable chunks to review. I like reading sections and making flash cards for important dates and terms or whatever it is.
You care very much about your boyfriend but his job isn’t your responsibility. Yes it can impact you too, but he’s an adult and has to handle that. Worrying about that won’t help, but I know anxiety isn’t logical most of the time. If you want to do something than just be supportive while he figures it out. That doesn’t mean enabling bad decisions.
My favorite mantra to repeat when my thoughts start getting to quick is
>yard by yard life is hard. Inch by inch life’s a cinch. It’s dumb but it rhymes and is easy to remember.
Have you thought about adjusting your lifestyle in ways to save money if that stresses you out?
No. 1246471
>>1246363I passed on a failure anxiety exam after failing regular exams twice. I don't know if it's a thing where you are but it's worth looking into if it is.
>>1246450>struggling with turnsSorry but how? How did you get a driver's license without being able to such a basic thing properly? Are your driver's lessons and exams non-existent? Not trying to be catty just genuinely astonished.
No. 1246509
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i hope i die tonight oh man but i dont want my family finding my dead body they already have enough on their plate already i dont want to disappoint them tomorrow i am such a waste of money i need to find a way to disappear i want them to just forget about me i feel so awful the guilt is eating away at me its all my fault and i fully deserve the consequences coming to me but i cant help but feel like i want to get away from them.
my family did nothinng wrong iin fact they are nice which makes me feel worse because i dont deserve it they have no idea whats going on they are going to be so disappointed i cant even enjoy the last hours i have left of peace now i am so damn retarded and i should have died at childbirth like the others like i was predicted to i am so awful i should have never even been born such a waste of money that is so scarce to them that they could have used before so many opportunities they missed because of me i am the biggest nuisance to their lives i wish i would get a heart attack i wish i really died the multiple times i was supposed to. i hate myself so much
No. 1246532
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I despise dealing with fucking drunks so much, oh my god. Second prohibiton when? Worldwide this time round please.
No. 1246685
>>1246674Go for a walk. Go somewhere else, get a change of scenery. Drink some water. Eat something if you haven’t. Write out your feelings in a journal. You can do it
No. 1246696
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genuinely shredding my skin with shards from a nail polish bottle i once broke. i am not allowed sharp utensils alone. not the first time i improvised i used to use a geode which my family thought was something i really loved in a weird way because i am autistic but the truth is i was absolutely slicing about at my body. well this piece of crap sharp is not doing a good job at all barely anything is happening its pissing me off.
i wish i was normal so i would be allowed a real blade although nothing compares to my geode in terms of effectiveness fun etc
No. 1246791
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I legitimately don’t deserve my crush in my life. He’s such a charming, smart, handsome man and I’m a fucking retard who should just kill myself. Our conversations are so smooth and we get along so well but he lives overseas and I can’t take it. I need him, but if we met up it would be immediately apparent what an undeserving autist I actually am. I love him so much I want to marry him but he deserves better than me, so so much better.
No. 1246815
>>1246490you should hurry up and get it renewed pronto. there's a grace period after it expires before you actually need to retake the test. forget how long though.
t. fellow dumbass who let her license expire and can't drive well enough to pass the test again. i haven't driven a car in 4 years though.
No. 1246816
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Someone I know started streaming Last of Us and it legit triggered me. I have had to change a lot in the last decade due to traumatic events, loss of friends and lovers, forced social isolation (pre covid) and it's really bothering me what the future will bring. I live very comfortably right now but I worry that I won't be able to work in the future (I don't now but I'm taken care of) and I'll lose everything. Since the pandemic started I've been secretly hoping society will collapse so I can feel justified in being a NEET -> wagecuck -> NEET with no desire to pursue university. I have survival and street skills so it's really just a matter of time for me. But watching them play that game just into the first half hour really turned a key deep in my mind. I used to resent contentment, which is Ironic because I was content living in my memories for years. Since I broke free of them it's been looking nothing but bleak. Or lugubrious, whichever you prefer. I feel I'll never be content. I'm terrified to meet new people. I don't think I'm going to move forward academically or in business. I'm not sure what I want. I'm directionless, especially after realizing the ~10 year relationship I was in was a sham headed nowhere. Therapy is for the dogs. I thought I would give it another shot after last year's terrible experience but the bitch literally canceled so she didn't have to return to the office from her vacation. I have to do all kinds of research about my medical ails in order to get any kind of care for them. I'm seriously forced to live independently in every capacity and only utilize services as a means to an end. Services meant to serve you in a personal manner don't seem to apply to me. I legitimately feel gangstalked. I can't trust anyone. Most days I think about committing suicide by participating in a dangerous recreational sport or something fun. I want Elon Musk to send me to Mars. I don't need anyone else, I'm sure if I'm out in space the aliens will feel free to take me since there won't be witnesses. Then maybe they'll kill me in some horrible way, or they'll love me and cherish me as some beloved changeling. I don't care about much anymore. I just want to feel something positive without it making me cry a second later.
No. 1246818
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I've been trying to update and play my stupid fucking phone game all day, started around noon thinking it would take an hour at most but it's one thing after another and I honestly don't know why I'm trying so hard for this game. I think I just really want the compensation/free items for maintenance…
No. 1246822
>>1246791stop letting your insecurities and negative self image deny you your deserved happiness,
nonnie. he wouldn't be talking to you if he didn't think you were worth it
No. 1246823
>>1246322>>1246273i have recurring nightmares about this because i do leave my dildos on the floor after use (before I wash up which is usually the next day) and i am almost certain a past landlord/housemate walked into my room and saw them out, because i was a disgusting mess at that time and my room looked like a hurricane passed through. (i keep my apartment OCD level clean now.) and i didn't realize i had left it out until after they left and i turned around and there it was.
before i got my own place i used to have to sneak my dildos to the bathroom under my shirt to wash them
No. 1246827
>>1245517please call the show on her, i love watching Hoarders. I'm a konmari enthusiast. watching them confront the hoarder and then toss out all their shit into a dumpster is so cathartic.
>>1245272when nonna could be talking about saudi arabia or california and it would be the same case.
No. 1246872
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>>1239500Moids fetishize motherhood/incest so much it’s so fucking goddamn creepy
I hope I never have sons
No. 1246951
>>1246903I read your post and care about you
nonnyI'm pretty sure there's people in your life who care, too
No. 1246996
A few years back, my friend convinced me to start a business with her. She also encouraged me to quit my job and invest my savings into our merch. I said I was saving to go on a vacation and she laughed and said I could go on all the vacations I want soon enough. Well the business went to shit after 1 year because she didn't ship any of our preorders out and kept giving me excuses. She never wanted to admit we failed. It's been years and people still email asking where there crap is. I wasn't strong enough to stand up for myself and she would always blame me for our failings. I kept suggesting things we could do to improve, and she would shoot me down all the time, reminding me that I don't have the eye or taste for this unlike her. I would say I wanted to look for a job and she told me not to and kept telling me how I'm not good enough for a real design job. Not to mention she went on like 3 vacations while I was barely scraping by each month on the measely wage she gave me.
I decided enough was enough and went back to school. She knew going back to school meant a lot to me and I was very excited about it but would always roll her eyes when I would bring it up. She was really against it. In school, my professors would all tell me how I'm one of the best students they ever had and can see me going places. This whole time my friend browbeat me saying I have no taste, no eye for design, no talent without guidance, make too many mistakes and here are my instructors saying the complete opposite? I ended up just ghosting my friend because I couldn't take it anymore. The sad thing was, she was like my only friend.
Now, I got a job before even finishing school and I make more money than I even thought possible. I joked about it in a comment when sending money through Venmo. Then after that I noticed my friend blocked me on Venmo. She has 300 friends on there but blocks me? We still follow each other on IG. Makes me wonder if she started a new business or something. Or if my joke rubbed her the wrong way since you can see your friends' feed on there. I keep thinking about it but then I started to wonder why I care so much? Even though we were friends for 10 years and there were good times, she'd belittle me and make fun of me. And I guess I still miss her. I guess I just have mixed feelings about it all and don't know what to do. She also owes my bf $2000
No. 1247009
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I've noticed in the past few years how fucked up I am from growing up in an emotionally neglected household. Used to think I was eccentric but now I see what those eccentricities really are. I hate how no one listens to me. I told them 3 times I was going to go soak in the bath. Neither listened and then proceeded to say they didn't know where I was. I only get acknowledge when they want something, do something they want me to be, and be there for them. It's draining.