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No. 1192746
who gives a fuck.
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1182273 No. 1192802
>>1192783i do think its sad that this site is morphing into (a edgy version of) pull when it comes to the catty, mean and spergy behavior.
Pull was retard central filled with users who are losers and want to live out their fantasies of being a mean girl online by being bitchy and mean, and this sites intelligence and infighting level is becoming similar to the obese wannabe regina goerge bitches at pull.
No. 1192803
My parents are already thinking and talking about getting a future dog after our dog passes. God, she's not even dead yet and they're already talking about it. We got her because I was the one who wanted her in the first place, now I'm the only one who doesn't want another dog after her. Part of her is I want time to properly grieve for her, but another part (and the majority of the reason) is that we will not be able to do right by this future dog. Over the years our apartment has been filled with more and more shit, there's like paths carved out of my parents shit for us to walk in. My dog is small and old so it's fine, but for a younger, more energetic dog? A nightmare.
My parents barely play or even acknowledge our dog right now! They walked and played with her more often when she was younger in place of me (since I had school and shit) but now I'm the only one who tends to her. Sure, she doesn't really want to play now, but if she's awake I'll sit with her and pet her and just talk to her.
I just don't have the time for another dog, and I can't deal with the thought of not being able to do right by this future dog. I'm already racked with so much guilt about how our current dog was raised (dad always uses fear to control her and she was not properly socialized). I do plan on getting another dog, but very, very, very far in the future. Even if I might still be working a 9-5, I at least want to be in a place where I'm more financially stable so I can afford classes. Not just for socialization, but fun and cool things like agility classes or something! Something for us to do together!
I love and cherish my current dog so much. I've had her since I was a kid, and now I'm an adult. She has been such a big part of my life and I've been alive longer with a dog than without one, and I know that I'm going to be a fucking mess when she is gone. Throughout all the years of love and fun, I have so many regrets. It makes getting a future dog so much more complicated for me. I know my parents will be sad too. Our dog isn't "my" dog even though we got her because of me, I'm not her "mom", I'm her big sister. She is my parents second daughter. I know they don't mean harm when they say they want another dog, and that they don't mean to replace her, it's just that we will be left with a big hole in our family when she is gone. But I really do not think it would be appropriate for us to get another dog.
It's like my parents and I have switched kek. I know a dog is a huge responsibility, but my parents want one no matter what. Also a cat is out of the question because my parents aren't fond of them and holy shit we do not have the space for a cat tree or anything similar for a cat.
No. 1192806
>>1192801That's the only thing you got out of all that? Anons here constantly complain about literally every other personification of homosexuality except asexual femme lesbians practically indistinguishable from straight girls.
>>1192802It really is like a terrible mashup of PULL, choachan and asherah's garden taking the worst parts of all of those communities and putting them together.
No. 1192812
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I will never understand how psychologists and social workers miss munchie shit, especially when it involves children.
It's the most obvious set of behaviors in the world.
No. 1192820
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im genuinely so tired of school holy shit 1 more week left i dont think i can take it anymore nonas
No. 1192829
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I know I'm partly at fault for the topic I wrote about, but tumblr gendies found my post and now I'm upset… It's like picrel, just the other way round…
No. 1192845
>>1192829semi-unrelated but i love taking those uquizz quizzes with the name "
terf mcterf" or "xx lady"
No. 1192870
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Debating on leading a moid "friend" on for money and free shit again and breaking it off before he does some stupid shit like pat me on the fucking head again, or he decides to try to kiss me. Him sending me creepy sexual texts and girlfriend-zoning me after showing absolutely zero interest outside of playing videogames together is what peaked me to moid behavior years ago. Though it seems he's gotten more outgoing the past year I don't think anyone genuinely likes him romantically, he's a typical early 20's porn-obsessed moid. I'll probably be too scared to go through with my revenge scheme after really planning it out but it's a very tempting idea.
No. 1192885
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I'm so fucking sick of being an insecure person, I'm sick of comparing myself to other women, I'm sick of feeling jealous and competitive, I'm sick of not having any friends, I just want to like women and have them like me, I'm trying to be aware of the jealous thoughts and shoot them down when they occur but it's so hard and realizing how much I instantly compare myself to other women is discouraging. I'm so fucking sick of nitpicking my body and worrying that I don't look pretty or cute or feminine or whatever fucking word I woke up deciding it was the most important thing to be that day. I just want to be fucking happy and not see myself as a defective product.
No. 1192990
>>1192783Even the jannies have gotten more bitchy. It's almost rare to see a regular "user has been put out to pasture" or "infighting/derailing" (basically any redtext that lists the ban reason/rule) redtext these days. It's always something snarky. It was funny at first, but now it just makes jannies look kinda biased sometimes.
I think a lot of the problems this site has had has a lot to do with Admin.
No. 1193044
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>>1192964sorry anon. I feel you
>>1192551AYRT; I actually majored in & got a career doing something that I find relatively enjoyable (fashion), but the industry is so oversaturated with braindead/entitled people & desperate young women and generally has poor work/life balance. I definitely enjoy the financial stability, but that enjoyment doesn't obfuscate the soul sucking parts of my job enough to make me happy
>>1192624>Anon, is there anything else you'd like to do for work? Any side hobbies? Maybe move somewhere else? This is the anxious thought I keep churning in my brain all day every day and haven't gotten closer to answering. I'm not currently ready to move because my boyfriend couldn't easily relocate. I have been playing with the idea of learning UX design or some kind of software development just because the idea of an entirely remote job feels really appealing, but I'm also worried I'll just end up hating that too. I want to dedicate fewer hours of my life to my job and I think having a job where I'm not having to commute would help. I no longer really believe in the idea of making your passion/hobby your job, I just want something not-soul-sucking that gives me a good work-life balance and stability. :'-) Thanks for listening anons
(:'-) ) No. 1193061
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>>1192870>>1192875i want to wean off my friendship with a dude that is scary because he knows my address and seems obsessive. we send each other weebshit from time to time. we are only friends online but he comments on everything i post everywhere and has blocked me multiple times after confessing his love to me. then he comes back after apologizing. i don't trust that he is not obsessed with me. and while i know he isn't violent like that, he is still a guy, so it's a gamble. i don't like some memes he keeps sending that are retarded to a t. this is an overweight adult male who falls in love with girls who laugh react his memes on discord. some that he sends are jokes about bodily secretions, and porn. shows how brainrotted he is from porn use and the internet. that always reminds me how wildly different we are. if i were not an edgy autist with an internet addiction during my teens, we would have never interacted.
No. 1193117
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>>1193074Mayonnaise and ketchup.
No. 1193135
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met a girl at work and my friends and I both feel like we’ve been mutually flirting with one another for a few weeks. yesterday we hung out with other coworkers to say goodbye to them because I’m moving away for the rest of the year.
she made it clear in conversation she was not straight and the day felt like green light after green light. but right at the end she asked how long I’m going to be gone for and my answer was for sure more than she was expecting. We texted a bit afterwards but the mood was different and she hasn’t replied to me since.
idk why I’m feeling insane over this especially because it’s the weekend and i went into it not really expecting anything and it wouldn’t be fair for me to make a bigger move on her because I knew I’d be gone for a while but I guess I like her more than I realized and ngl todays been kinda rough.
No. 1193173
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>>1192746>Somehow managed to feel better after a long sickness>A week before a trip my health decides to get UTIs>Periods start right at the same timeI can't refund flight tickets nor anything, I'm going to explode if I won't heal myself. I am going to a doctor after two weeks of wait (they are free doctors, but tried shilling me "pay 50€ to get in a queue quickly) tomorrow. I am tired. I want to explode. But I am still a stubborn person so idgaf. I'm just salty and tired, is all.
No. 1193175
>>1193172There's a new breed of retards that says they're oldfags but it's so clear they just found the website. I'm not that old but the few old threads I checked were absolutely cancerous, men weren't banned until they got out of hand and and mention of anything pro-women got shut down. R9k incels were roaming freely and its just a mess.
Also kind of unrelated but an anon on /ot/ said there was a gay dude constantly posting in /g/ so I really do believe the offended
anons might just be fags. They're never angry about women or lesbianism getting made fun off but they'd die for men.
No. 1193180
>>1193177I still don't understand why they're not allowed, not too long ago some anons were banned from /ot/ and got told to go on /2x/ because they said they didn't want trannies.
Was the removal of Manhate threads caused by the brown Muslim
lesbian mod? Maybe jannies are scared they'd be scrote magnets to the site since there are always lurking scrotes and a few topics
trigger them to spam gore and other stuff.
No. 1193221
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>>1193199Never4get kek. Anons who complain about 'manhate/radfems, etc' are usually the ones being spoken about, or that one fujo anon who rees about anti-fujos and thinks radfem = anti-fujo because they recognise gay men can hate women too.
No. 1193246
>>1193241NTA, but
>You think you're empowered.Male.
No. 1193267
>>1193265I know.
>>1193264There's just this one meta poster who constantly rees about radfems and how better the site was in ot a few complaint threads ago because they don't like anti-fujo posters.
No. 1193271
>>1193241Telling you to stop defending men and fags isn't edgy. I'm not telling them to die or anything because neither are other anons, because we're not nearly as mental as an average scrote.
Anyways, why don't you go to Crystal Cafe again? It's filled with men and gay males just the way you'd like.
No. 1193285
>>1193232Unlike the "seethe and cope faghag kek" shitposters think, it's way more than just about gay men. If you open up the front page, chances are that you'll see multiple threads centering around complaining about "wokies" and even the general talk threads constantly have this topic being brought up. And it's usually that very suspicious shuwu tier "ew blue haired feminist twitterfags this is why I don't associate with the lgbt despite
totally being lgbt myself" gobblety goob. I've seen an increasing amount of anons simply excuse any sort of homophobia because they dishonestly (and probably purposefully) think it's "only" about those dangerhaired themlets. Sometimes the mask slips off in full and they start seething about "dykes who think they're better than us straight girls even though we have it harder" when the lesbians aren't just acting as based girlclub handmaiden cheerleaders for their nigelhate purposes. It happens all the time. And as for the butch hate, just keep an eye out and you'll start noticing how many times the a-logging ragefits about "Aidens" are just a thinly veiled excuse to seethe about GNC women. I know I'm not alone on this opinion because I've seen multiple other anons complain about it.
Anyway, I'm not even trying to change anyone's mind here and wasn't expecting any more than the anons in question having another meltdown. I just wanted to let the anons who share my observations know that they're not alone.
No. 1193289
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I hope everyone ITT except me catches monkeypox.
No. 1193303
>>1193296The first post was literally about anon being mad users don't like men or gays. Then it starts to call anons femcels for not praising males. Kek. See this
>>1193268 does it sound sane and normal reaction to seeing someone complain about a man?
No. 1193309
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Sometimes I feel bad about myself but then I see spergfests like this on lolcow and realize I'm gonna be alright
No. 1193311
>>1193293Lmao this
>You're all autistic! I've been on PULL before! I'm so smart!It's almost cute
No. 1193313
>>1193305Didn't you say you were on PULL for ages? You're forgetting about your larp now. You still didn't say why the garden website
triggered you so much and now you're trying to act like you're superior because your keeping that info away.
No. 1193315
>>1193305Once again, trying to shift it into something it isn’t, which is what I’ve come to expect from this new lot.
No. 1193370
>>1193363They're still not lesbians. It's terribly obvious you only care about gay men when you bring up gays and as for aidens, you only care because you probably aren't conventionally attractive and feel personally insulted rather than caring a out their deteriorating mental state.
Most ftm girls also use transition as a way to self harm like how they used to use anorexia in the 2000s. They know they're less attractive afterwards and that's the point because they want to selfharm and also escape male gaze.
No. 1193381
>>1193380Unless you have a drinking problem, she's being unreasonable. Do you know if she has trauma around alcoholics? Maybe you could discuss this with her and explain to her that you're fine, your friends are trustable, etc.
She could also be jealous that you're spending time with your friends. Lonely parents can be like that.
No. 1193404
>>1193402>I need wine becauseThis is how. This is the typical addiction mind process. You convince yourself you
need something when there is a particular
trigger. You don't. Like I said, find something else.
No. 1193425
>>1193402Nta but I've known so many men who
just had a glass of beer to unwind or women who
just had a glass of wine. They always become a more unhinged when drunken because they can't suppress their violent urges, they also almost always ruin family relations and friendships.
You're a very bad person if you think of throwing your mother out. You've never spoken about how she's
abusive aside from her trying to stop your xanax and alcohol addiction. You're mentally ill.
No. 1193456
>>1193425If she was so dysfunctional she wouldn't own her own house and be supporting her deadbeat mom by her mid 20s kek. And she did mention how her mom was
No. 1193496
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Real, non facetuned, everyday men are so ugly.
I can't get over how unattractive every guy I meet irl is, even if they're pretty and have non threatening features which I like they end up balding and gross once they hit their late 20s
I'm full schizo at this point I'm frustrated everyday I'm getting closer to going volcel
No. 1193507
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My best friend's fwb moid ruined her birthday because he was so eager to start a fight with me and to keep her all to himself. I fucking hate him and I wish she'd drop this stupid moid already.
I regret ever going, even though my best friend and I were so excited to see each other because it doesn't happen often. I had to beg my boss to give me a day off so I could drive there and be able to go home the next day, drove for twelve hours total to my hometown and back home, got her something she wanted for aaaggeeeeeees and wrote her a super sweet birthday card and she even said it was the most thoughtful one she's ever recieved. Even our other friends pointed out how nice of me it was to still make time for her and drive to my hometown even though I'm busy as hell too.
First we celebrated at her place and then made our way to the club. The moid was already in a bad mood at the party, which put my best friend in a bad mood as well. Everyone was having a good time but we were kinda irritated because she spent most of the time dancing and making out with him instead of talking to the rest of us, which resulted in some people leaving at around 10pm, which was when we were supposed to go to the club. She asked me if I wanted to come too and I was like "eh, I don't know, I'm pretty tired and I have to drive home early tomorrow" which made her a bit upset. The moid saw that at suddenly came at me for being "selfish" and "ruining" my best friend's birthday because "the least" I could do "as her best friend" was to come to the club too …which… EXFUCKINGCUSEME? This gobshite really called ME selfish, after I put all of this fucking effort into seeing her, just so that she ends up spending 90% of the night with him even though he's not even her boyfriend because he doesn't want to claim her??? It took me so much not to completely explode on him. I ended up going to the club but left after around an hour. I'm so disappointed in her too. She's been trying to contact me all day, even though she knows I'm at work and I even told her that I can't talk. I really don't feel like talking to her at all for the next couple of days. How lame of her to choose a fwb over our almost two decades-long friendship.
No. 1193564
>>1192783i feel like we should have never made those nationality and russia vs ukraine threads because it attracted a huge male userbase who is still here and alot of them are integrating here and pretending to be farmers.
But the shift in the community started since middle-late 2021 with the weird obsession's with calling everything twitterfag, hostile attitude, sjws are satann and massive tinfoiling and racebaiting.
the war threads, Ot and M being down etc were just the final blow to the death of the old lolcow audience and a immergence of the new one the conservatard,hostile and tinfoiling one.
Now even oldfags are being accused of being newfags which shows how much this community has changed.
Also you can tell by which threads are at the top at how the community has changed in the past certain threads would always be at page 3 and 4 but now they are at the top of ot…
No. 1193661
>>1193643That’s what I thought too. Yeah sure it’s ‘natural’ but so is infanticide in many animal species and we don’t get cutesy stories about daddy bear mauling baby bear to death.
Honestly the poems aren’t very good and the illustrations are pretty ugly so I was planning on phasing this book out anyway. I was originally planning on putting it in the local free library but I don’t want to inflict this weird duck rape stuff on any other unsuspecting moms.
No. 1193701
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I have chickens and one of them has an incurable illness and I'm going to have to mercy kill her. The most humane way is to decapitate her and that's gonna fuck me up. She's a cute little nugget I don't wanna chop her head off but she's suffering and I have to. I thought I was prepared for this but I don't know now.
No. 1193705
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Nonnies, could you please post some funny or cute videos for me ?
I just leared that I didn't get accepted in my dream school today. I feel like I've let down so many people including myself. I'm a huge procrastinator and for once I really tried my best to create the perfect portfolio, I worked so much this year and it hurts so much that I wasn't enough…
No. 1193746
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>>1193705I’m sorry Nona. You not getting in does not mean you didn’t work hard or are not talented. There’s other schools and you will still be able to accomplish your dreams one day. Here is a picture of my bunny wrapped up in a big ole towel. She is sending you bunny kisses and her best wishes.
No. 1193751
>>1193705Nonna I know how you feel. You are more than enough and the hard work you put in while getting over your procrastination is proof of that! You can try again next year, or try to get a transfer. But even if you don't, I'm sure you can accomplish everything and more even in another environment. A lot of talented and amazing people don't get into dream institutions- but remember the institution missed out on you more than you missed out on them!
I don't have a specific video but I recommend MilkyBokiTan as a channel- it's a family of two cute cats and a super fluffy samoyed. Every video is very cute and warm. I hope you can allow yourself this time to be upset but then remember that you're great and your worth isn't tied to an institution!
No. 1193777
>>1193705I'm sorry to hear that nona, it must hurt especially when you put so much effort in your work. Is it possible to apply again next year? Like others said, your worth is not equal to a certain school or workplace, but it is so much more, and I'm sure you will get into a fine school on your next try!
Here is a cute parrot video, they are having a conversation
No. 1193789
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>>1193705I'm so sorry nonna! Please know that not being accepted does not reflect your effort. You did well, you did as best as you could, sometimes things are just out of our control. It sucks, it really does, but I hope that you might choose to reapply, or choose to go somewhere else. I hope the future is still bright for you, wherever you go. Don't let this disappointment stop you from achieving your dreams, this is just a little roadblock! ♥ Here is one of my favorite reaction pics. I love you nonna!!!
No. 1193806
>>1193746Pretty color patterns.
>>1193776Grab clorox wipes at the gas station and try to at least make him glide into the habit of using those. Don't attack or criticize, just hand it to him before he gets out to switch
No. 1193812
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>>1193745>>1193746>>1193751>>1193777>>1193786>>1193789Thank you so much for the kind words nonnies, you guys are so sweet! It's really nice and it helps me a lot to put things into perspective, I finally stopped crying ahah. I can still apply next year fortunately (I still have the possibility to apply two times) so I will try again next year. I'm wishing to all of you the very best for the future and I really wish we could do a group hug right now kek ! I will screencap all of your comments to keep me motivated this next year! Love you nonnies!
No. 1193819
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>>1193812you can do it nona!!!
No. 1193856
>>1193833I'll admit I'm an autistic retard who doesn't understand boundaries very well but I agree with you completely on relationships being transactional now. I understand being overwhelmed if a friend or SO dumps on you constantly but it seems people just run if anything negative arises. I don't get it. What's the point of friendships now? I also hate the idea of not owing anyone anything that seems to be so common now, especially using it to justify treating someone like shit and then blaming them for getting upset over it. I find it to be self-serving and it just makes people hate each other even more.
I saw an anon in some thread ask if was ok to tell her husband about her problems, because Tiktok told her she shouldn't. For fucks sake. It's so bleak.
No. 1193859
>>1193847Girl did you reply to the wrong post? You're replying to the beheading of a chick.
Anyways if you're replying to the fwb best friend situation, your best not telling her anything aside from telling her she deserves better. Don't try to break them up but tell her she deserves a man who's willing to commit and actually care for her, etc.
No. 1193863
>>1193861I'm the chicken
nonnie and that reply made me imagine you wanting to mercy kill your friend for being pathetic and it made me kek so thanks for that
No. 1193882
Thought I was doing right by my friends by getting them work at my second job. It's not customer facing plus the work is pretty self-paced and chill, but it does require showing up and putting in the effort. We at least pay them weekly and on time unlike the jobs my friends have held and it's above their typical pay rate.
I'm a pretty flexible super in that idc about people taking breaks, running late, or being a hard ass about a callouts. Yet one friend is seriously taking advantage of our friendship. It isn't unusual for her to be calling out a minimum of once a week now, it's gonna be her second month of working and I think she's been out a collective two weeks so far. She always claims she has explosive shits. She's pretty much building her own schedule at this point and it's taking a toll on me.
No, I don't think she'd be pulling this bs if I were a male boss and not her friend, then again she wouldn't have gotten employed here to begin with. I haven't had my full team on a single shift in over three weeks–the job would be so easy if everyone would come. So on top of my super duties I constantly have to pick up what she's dropped for the day since budget won't allow me to hire more people.
Last week I believe was her first full week there, but she complained about having worked 30 hours since we're only contracted for 20. I understand but we all knew that week was going to be complicated and I thought she wanted hours to make up for prior work missed hence her showing up needlessly early? If she worked 30 hours, then between my first job and this one, I worked 70.
I am tired.
I don't have a husband or family who will pay my way if I don't feel like working. If I fail then I lose everything that I've worked so hard for. If I so much as report half hour late at my jobs I'm harangued as if I'm avocado toast lazy millennial incarnate. I'm just so sick of being expected to be useful, can't I just be enabled to burn out like seemingly all these people who don't need to work for a living??
No. 1193887
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I'm so agitated today, nonnas. I'm supposed to have my period, but it feels like it won't start properly so I'm constantly dealing with dry tampons and swampy pads. I usually have a menstraul cup, but I threw my old one away since I was going to get a new one delivered, but the delivery has been delayed. Everything annoys me today and minor inconveniences have me on the verge of wanting to destroy something. I'm craving a chocolate milkshake and a bag of chips, but I live with my partner who is a health nut and watches over our diets like a hawk. If I lived alone I would probably be elbow deep in pizza, fries and milkshake by now.
No. 1193912
>>1193887Fuck it eat your pizza. I wish I had a
health nut gf who would plan my every meal, keeping myself accountable is exhausting.
>>1193908Okay well… being resentful for treating yourself sometimes is kinda psycho and disordered. Tell him 80/20 diet is a thing.
No. 1194087
Starting to hate my friend. He's not waking up to his alarms or phone calls even though it's a workday and our routine is talking on his way to work.
His cat is also in heat, again. This cat is nearly 15 years old and was never spayed so she goes into heat every few months and is miserable every time. She's too old for surgery now but I've never forgiven him for not spaying her when he was able to a few years back. Sorry gonna sperg about this cat real quick. She's so smart and responds to me through the phone, I've asked her things in plain english and she'll usually do what I ask. She's emotionally intelligent and the clearest communicator I've ever seen in an animal, and is entirely too good for my friend. I wish I lived nearby so I could go feed her right now because his lazy ass apparently isn't awake to do it and I would take her away in a heartbeat.
I don't care when he fails himself and his boss, I can deal when he fails me, but I'm eternal mad he fails that poor perfect creature in so many ways. Hoping she scratches his face a bunch until he wakes up. Thanks for letting me vent, gonna go shitpost now
>>1193959ilu nonnatella!
>>1193887Nonna go get that tasty milkshake and chips, you deserve it! Your partner can suck kale if he doesn't like it
No. 1194199
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I can't find my fucking rat tail comb, and I need more than ever right now. Picrel is my room after tearing it up trying to find the damn thing.
O rat tail comb, wherefore art thou?
No. 1194219
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Not a vent but a mini annoyance. I ended up signing upto DK because after googling a certain cartoon from my childhood I found some cute stuff i was planning to buy. For the past week however I have been getting "check out our xxx collection" as they are now pushing their hustler stuff and i feel super skeevy given what I know about hustler and i get this isnt the first time a female focused fashion brand has been pushing some sort of porn empire i find it odd they are trying to revive this old fossil. Cant they just be skeevy on their own terms?
>>1194209sorry I posted wrong image thats why.
No. 1194224
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I just quit my job and I feel bad, because my manager is overworked and I just walked out. He's pissed at me, but the owner is a fucking creep and a piece of shit, I couldn't take it anymore. Did I really fuck my manager over that bad?
> work in kitchen at a small cafe
> only the manager and me are cooks
> getting 40 hours a week, doing alright financially
> owner is 52yo coomer moid
> literally has hentai stickers on the fridges in BOH
> clearly has a fetish for alt girls
> I'm in the punk scene
> owner flirts with me
> tell him I'm married
> quits talking to me, thank god
> talks about his dick and problems with women to my 17yo co-worker
> suddenly my hours get cut to barely 15/week
> stick it out while I try to find another job
> manager works around 60-70hrs/week
> doesn't get paid for most of them, because he's on salary
> promise I'll give my two weeks when I get another job
> fast forward to today
> pissed off because I only work two days this week
> 17yo coworker tells me that owner talks about how he hates me
> like actually says to my coworkers, "I hate anon"
> says I'm lazy and don't do anything around the kitchen
> I constantly came in early and on days off when I was getting full time hours
> I walk out while my manager is on break
> manager messages me on ig
> I can't afford service on my phone anymore so he has to message me there
> he's pissed and defends the owner
> "he's looking at it from a business perspective"
> "he always saw you on break"
> "I let you take breaks, because I know you're going through a lot"
> yeah, like my little brother committing suicide and I'm only a year sober from heroin
> I literally only smoke every 2-3 hours if there's no one ordering food and I don't have anything to prep
> this was always normal at every other job i've had
Oh and my manager helped me get into my current apartment with my husband and shit, so I feel like I owe him. But fucking really? Cutting my hours by over half and talking about me behind my back? Because I'm married? I don't fucking know. I'm so conflicted. My car is on the verge of being repossessed. My credit is shit. I can barely afford to eat. Thank God for my husband working a good job or we'd be on the streets. I don't know, nonnies, does life ever get better after getting sober? Because right now I really want to kms.
No. 1194233
Have you ever given up good, pure, true love to chase some stupid fantasy? Like when a scrote becomes famous and gives up his devoted, loving wife for some younger bimbo, since he always dreamed of a woman like that. I feel like I am in a similar situation, where I am having a hard time with temptation of fantasy. I love my boyfriend and our love is so pure, but he does not fit into my ideas of how my life should be ideally, and I am being tempted by the possibility of attaining that ideal life, but it cannot contain him. He is so different from how I always imagined my love to be. I feel stupid and scrote-like to even consider throwing away something I KNOW to be good for some fantasy. I am not sure where to go from this, however. My intuition is telling me NOT to give up what I have with him, which is good, because my intuition is always right and I don't want to break up with him. But THEN what do I do? How do I heal from these scrotelike tendencies?
No. 1194268
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I need to just accept my mother will always be an unhinged brain rotted jerk. Can't have a conversation with her without her inserting her unhinged online cult opinions on something or spin a conversation to be able to insert them. Took a couple of supplements to help with migraine and literally tells me not to take 3 of one of them because it'd make it 66 mg so obviously the devil. Then goes into a full blown rant which I tuned out. I think she has always been unhinged, I just didn't notice as a child because I was outgoing and independent.
No. 1194277
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>>1193701and here to say I have killed my chicken. I did not chop her little head off, I did cervical dislocation and it was very quick and presumably painless for her but I feel weird now
nonas pls pour one out for my little lady
No. 1194336
A few months ago, my sister told me something fucked up my dad did years ago. When I was a teenager, I lived with my dad and she lived with my mom in the countryside. She decides to move to my dad for a while cause I lived next to the big city. My step mom is a true evil step mom. She pretended to like us until she got her grip on my dad. She then started being a real bitch. Always made mean comments about my mom, calling her a fat cow that stays on her ass all day when she has been caring for my other sister whom is disabled since she was born. She made disgusting comment on my sister huge breast, telling her she dresses like a harlot for wearing tank tops that shows cleavage (which is impossible to not do when you are like a 38G) and things like that. She called my disabled sister a dog cause she had to crawl on the floor cause she was not allowed to use her wheelchair in her house, cause oh god the wheels could mark the floors. These are just a few examples.
So when my sister moved in, obviousy it ended badly. They got in a very bad argument over my sister eating a bag of chip outside of the kitchen and next thing I know my sister is moving back to mom's house. She did not speak to my dad for a few years and she didn't tell me why until recently. Well turns out my dad told her to not make him choose between her andhis girlfriend cause he would choose his girlfriend. How can you think like that and tell that to your daughter? It breaks my heart.
I hate my dad for that. I have been resentful all my life for how he has been treating us like a second family as soon as they got married and she got pregnant. We don't even know our half sibings. My nephews do not have the right to go to his house and they often cry about it. Despise all this, my dad is the one with whom I have the best relationship with, he's the one I call when I feel sad or need help with something.
Whenever I watch a movie about a husband leaving his family for another woman and ignores his first family I just cry and cry. I know it's dumb, but it just reflects my life. I have never told my dad how I feel about the way he has been treating us. Every time I want to I just can't. My sister has spoken to him about this many times and nothing changes. He fucking lies and says he's working whenever there's a holiday cause he's gone with his family on vacation. We have been asking him to go camping for like 15 years and it never happens. He can't even give us a single weekend. The only thing he knows how to do is give me money when I need it.
I hope one day I have the courage to tell him everything. My sister and I just want to start all over again and become a family again. We want to know our half siblings and have a relationship with them. My half sister is around 10 yo now and she apprently started asking questions about us and wants to know us. I feel bad for these kids cause they are stuck in that situation cause of their fucked up mom. She looks exactly like my sister when she was her age. My dad said that my step mom should never know that just in case she starts hating her own daughter for looking just like my sister. I am not exaggerating, she would truly ressent her if she saw it.
So fuck you step mom, you evil bitch and fuc you dad for never standing up for us and never having the balls to put your foot down and tell her to fuck off.
I hope this made some sense, I am esl and my English sucks when I get emotional.
No. 1194379
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I want something I can't have and it hurts. I want to be extremely and disgustingly selfish but I will not. I will be good. But I will be mad about it.
No. 1194401
My great aunt broke her hip and she's in the hospital, she needs to have surgery. The thing is she's not 100% right in the head so if she's left alone she tries to remove the horror movie contraption that is screwed to her leg, someone needs to stay with her 24/7. My stupid uncles are being stupid as always, one of them has bpd and he's throwing fits and being aggressive, the other says he has work and shows up once in a while so my mom has to step up. She's 62 nonas, this is the second night in a row she stays up all night making sure my aunt doesn't accidentally amputate her leg or something. And this is like the third time she needs surgery this year, plus a big surgery and a shit ton of consults my grandma needed.
My mom has fibromyalgia on top of everything, she's exhausted and I'm fucking terrified of losing her to this. She wants to put my aunt and grandma in a home but my dickhead uncles refuse. I try to take over for her as much as possible but as a hispanic mom she accepts only sometimes and begrudgingly. She's been accepting more and more but it's a work in progress.
I love my grandma and my aunt but they're 90 years old, they have dementia, their bodies are falling apart, I feel like shit for thinking it but I wish they'd just die so my mom could finally retire and enjoy her life before she herself is too old. Barely 3 years ago my mom and I went on a very active hiking vacation and now I can't imagine us doing the same because of how tired and weak she feels. She's in pain all the time and takes ibuprofen almost every day.
We had such a shitty relationship when I was a kid/teenager and now that we're finally close I feel like she's being stolen from me.
No. 1194472
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People are such leeches. Suddenly people who I haven't talked to in ten years keep messaging me, asking if they can crash at my place when they visit my city. Uh,no? I'm not a fucking motel nor did I ever offer my place to anyone. So rude.
No. 1194475
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I need to get this out it's been plaguing me:
A few months ago I posted on a vent thread about going on a date with a C list actor and how great it was, only for him to have to fly out of state to deal with family issues the week after. It's been months since then and I've still not been able to get him out of my mind. He's messaged me twice since then, the first time apologising for going quiet and that things have gone off the rails for him, and again a few days ago saying he won't be away for too much longer and explained a bit more why he's been away. He's basically looking after a parent and struggling with some heavy mental health issues.
I haven't been able to seriously date anyone since him. No one interests me, appeals to me. Our views just aligned so perfectly and we got along so well. He even planned the second date with me on the first one, and really seemed to like me. I appreciate that he's dropped a couple messages since then, it makes me sure he felt a connection like I did.
But god, this is torture. I can't find anyone else remotely as interesting. He really has all the qualities I was looking for, and now knowing that exists but it's out of my reach right now is insanely frustrating. I've been on some dates since then and even slept with someone but there's just something missing.
I've been good about not texting him, only responding when he's messaged me but otherwise just letting it be and getting on with my life. But the most annoying part is because he's an actor I can look up interviews he's been in, I watched a film he was in about a month ago. Given he's not very well known there's only a small handful of interviews online (kek) and his filmography isn't very extensive. But I can look him up, hear his voice and the way he's just dorky and endearing and I feel like that makes it all the more worse for me. I'd pretty much given up before he texted me again the other day, which is why I've started thinking about him again, and why I'm posting on here.
I know he'll be back at some point, and I'm sure he wants to see me again, but for now I just have to pretend like I didn't meet someone fantastic that I had a great connection with, get on with my day to day and be glad if/when he does get back.
No. 1194490
nonny. I hope it works out for the both of you!
No. 1194495
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My hands and feet are becoming rapidly deformed and doctors "can't figure it out" aka it isn't rheumatoid arthritis so we're throwing in the towel. I am in so much pain despite not walking more than maybe 250-300 steps. Only that many because I did laundry. The pain is keeping me up at this point and I'm just letting myself cry. I'm going through a stomach-bleedingly high amount of voltaren extra strength because my retard doctor said the only meds they can give me are apparently gabapentinoids- which have been proven in several large studies to do nothing for pain that isn't neuropathic. The doctor literally suggested a neuropathic pain med for nociceptive pain. Like you stupid retard monkey chimp butt doctor, one glance at my stupid retard monkey chimp claw hands and you'd damnwell see it's boneitis and not a pinched nerve or some shit. Holy fuck if it wasn't so exposing, I'd show a picture of my own hands just so you'd all grasp how flabbergasted his suggestion made me. Also I have already spent two years on gabapentin (which he should have known) but had titrated off it over a year ago because it did FUCK ALL! At this point I give up. Tomorrow I am going to the supermarket to buy poppyseeds and going true traditional on this stupid pain. I am a simple rice farmer with no fucking doctor I guess. Going 460 B.C. in this bitch. I recognize the risks
At least I stopped crying.
No. 1194497
>>1194491you say that but he's quite awkward, I'm stressing the dorkiness. He definitely would have flaws but I don't know enough about him yet, the frustration comes from the fact things were cut off so soon when i was excited to get to know him
>>1194490>>1194479Thank you nonnies ily
No. 1194528
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>>1194224First of all nona that owner can go fuck himself, what a nasty asshole! Also, while the situation might suck for the manager, it’s not your problem (also he sucks too for guilting you in this situation wtf). At any rate, it’ll get better! It’s good that you left that awful place.
No. 1194543
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overwhelming urge to off myself
No. 1194576
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I missed my appointment because of a bus and now they won't let me in. I was waiting for it for 2 weeks and now I have to wait 3. I've been sick from God knows what for a whole year now and no one gives a fuck. I want to die. I am so unhappy. I am so tired. All of these people around me crying about shit that doesn't matter in the long run such as a breakup and I am living in physical pain for a year with doctors always shrugging everything off or trying to milk the money out of my broke ass. Fuck everything I don't deserve to live. So funny how I would always survive so many situations, down to my own birth but now I am just giving up. Is that because I'm alone here, in a foergin country with no family? Will I ever have my own family? Everything is so bleak and tiring. I hate my partner for panicking and making me take the pill because all I cared about was his apologies and anxiety attack, but instead I should have thought about myself. I never think about myself. I am supposed to travel soon but how the fuck am I going to travel now? I want to die. Just let me die already.
No. 1194580
>>1194543>>1194547I'm with you, nonnas, but perhaps a milkshake and some fries will keep you around until tomorrow at least (thank you, nonnas upthread).
>>1194565If people are willing to pay for it, I'm sure it doesn't suck even half as much as you think, anon. And if by any means it actually does suck, it's not your fault that people are wasting their money on it, right?
No. 1194583
>>1194579I think the worst part is how my health reached such bad state that I can't even work. I am lucky to be a "content creator" but now I can't even sit in front of a PC for too long and commissions that I am working on are slower than ever… Its fun watching yourself drown into irrelevancy. I hope you are having a good day or night yourself
nonnie, take good care of your health, don't be me.
No. 1194618
>>1194584I think repressed memories for the most part is kind of bs but honestly kid brains are like sponges, we are so impressionable at that age. As the other reply said, it could've been anything that may have affected you. The world isn't any short of objectifying and degrading women outside of porn, it could've been a news story, some piece of media. It's saddening that so many young girls seem to have rape fantasies.
I think that friend was completely inappropriate, violating a child's privacy like that will give any kid issues, especially because restrooms, toilets are really, really private areas. I'm really sorry he was in your life at all. I hope you can work through any distressing feelings, really sorry anon.
No. 1194624
I have a really painful sinus infection and nothing I do stops the pain and feeling of tension. I want to drill a whole in my skull.
>>1194584It could have been something you saw on television. I distinctly remember being exposed to a rape scene when I was about 5 years old. It stayed with me for a long time and I would randomly think about it.
No. 1194687
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I cannot help but feel shit over the fact I have basically lost a friend group over the whole johnny/amber thing - I wanted to post it in the correlated thread but this is more of a personal vent.
It's not just something minor like a difference of opinion either, which usually I can brush aside, but it's more the fact they are so hellbent on "siding" with him and acting like he's an innocent smol bean despite me showing and linking bits from the court case where he admits he did certain things, and showing the screenshots of all his derogatory and gross stuff said about her. It honestly felt like no one cared when I said "yeah she might be fucked up, but he did all of this" and then they just brushed it off and resumed to side with him.
I didn't fall out with anyone necessarily but I've stopped communicating and messaging to anyone there because I do not trust them anymore - it would be different if it was "hm yeah both of these people are messed up" but no, it's like they denied anything I sent and it just makes me question how misogynistic they all are because their brains find it more comfortable to side with a man they knew from childhood movies. I just think that thoughts like that never exist in a vaccum and I find it very uncomfortable to be around people like that, and I'm not the type of person to "agree to disagree" when it comes to matters of misogyny or domestic violence.
It still feels shit though, I thought maybe they were smart enough to analyse things properly instead of watching youtube shorts about how this moid is such a victim but apparently not. It just reminds me of when people turn a blind eye to male violence and atrocities every day and I don't want to associate with people like that. It still pains me though, they were my friends but I can't be friends with people who would throw women under a bus and hope they get hurt even after they're shown evidence that destroys their opinion.
No. 1194697
>>1194687Are you American? You guys have been losing a lot of friendships lately over issues polarized by social media - like the BLM, the vaccines, this trial etc.
People didn't use to lose friends over current events.
No. 1194700
>>1194697I'm not american
nonnie, and I didn't lose friends over the AH/JD thing specifically but I'm more irked about the fact they were all so quick to shit on and wish physical harm upon the woman when the court case isn't even settled yet and after I showed them evidence that puts him in a very bad light.
I'm usually not keen to just end friendships over a difference in opinion but when it comes to stuff about shrugging off violence done to women I have to draw the line even though it makes me sad.
>>1194698You're right, I don't care about either of them as they are just celebrities but I really care about how easy it is to destroy a woman's image or just accuse her of shit and side with the male abuser. I guess you could say it's the principle of the situation that made me distance myself from them, especially after I sent them things that should have made them rethink the situation and how quick they are to defend males.
I don't bring up the topic either but people have tried it with me and they are shocked when I say I think JD is a piece of shit - it seems like the public opinion is to still stick up for him, so LC is the only place I can even talk about it anymore.
No. 1194702
>>1194700Keep in mind that ultimately they are against abuse - you just don't agree on the perceived
victim. You're all wanting the same thing, no violence and justice. You do have a stable common ground. It's not like your friends are "fuck yeah, violence against women!".
No. 1194709
>>1194702Tbh you have a point but I just don't think it applies to them personally when they just completely shrugged off the links and evidence I provided to them to show them that the entire situation isn't what they think or what they've seen on Youtube…and they just ignored it, they didn't even address it and one person even tried to excuse it by saying "it was probably dark banter" regarding assaulting a woman's corpse.
That pissed me off the most, the fact that they want to dismiss lies or horrible things said about someone because they've already made their mind up that he is just a perfect innocent
victim - and that's legit what they think, one of them even called him a "poor soul".
>It's not like your friends are "fuck yeah, violence against women!"That's true, but it might not be fuck yeah we hate women but the more and more I see them talk about it it's turning into "fuck yeah we ignore violence against women because we like this guy and want him to win." which is literally just as bad.
I just take it personally because I have experiences with people turning a blind eye and ignoring
abusive or violent men in my own life because the man just "didn't look that bad" or they had already formed a friendship with the man. I see this as a similar thing even if it is a celebrity, and I don't want to be friends with people like that if I'm honest.
No. 1194712
>>1194683It literally does though: yes, I would like to try pills and see if they help
No. 1194782
>>1194771I can't imagine being
so pathetic that I'm bullying people in my fucking 20s. Anon, you are not the loser in this situation, I promise you. Those people are the actual freaks. No stable adult acts like that, they are stuck in Jr High and it's embarrassing. Their shitty attitudes are only going to lead to shitty lives. Any opportunities they take will be ruined by their inability to act like an adult and work with others. Playing popularity when you're over 16 is so embarrassingly cringe, if I had been there with you I'd happily let those people know just how childish and pathetic they are. You go to college to learn, not to circle jerk and pretend that you're "cool" in a place where people of all ages are coming to get an education. Ugh, I just can't comprehend what has to be going on in a person's mind that they would think that way and say stupid shit like that out loud as
ADULTS, sounding like some after-school-special bullies. Please don't be hard on yourself, you aren't the issue.
No. 1194788
>>1194771From what you’ve explained, he deserved it and had it coming.
> And to make matters worse this bystander said “you guys are weird” and the girl said “yeah we’re just tradeschool students haha”What does that even mean? How are you weird for standing up for yourself? And what did that girl imply? Why does it matter you’re trade school students? How old are these people? I know you said you weee 26, are they your peers?
No. 1194791
Ever since my ex moved out, older scrote neighbors keep harassing me. Two of them in particular live on either side of me, and they are both alcoholics. One of them has attempted to break in to my apartment before (the police were called, they showed up and didn’t confront the guy at all, property manager is aware of the situation and doesn’t do shit about it), and the other one left me a graduation card with an Amazon gift card and chocolate truffles at my door very late last night. I’ve had multiple run ins and issues with both of them. I haven’t been able to sleep cos it scared me so much, he has been trying to talk to me more and get me to go out to dinner with him for the past couple of weeks now.
I’ve denied their advances, I’ve stood up for myself as well when I’ve needed to. Neither of them acted this way when my ex was here, they actually got along really well with him and would leave me alone. Both of these men are significantly older than me and scare the hell out of me. I’m gonna be working my ass off to get out of her in the next month, I don’t care what it takes. Please send me good luck/prayers/vibes/anything, I need to make it through this.
No. 1194807
>>1194782He is a teen i think. 18. It’s culinary school. I’m only there for the bucks and because I Want to learn to cook lol. And I need to recover mentally before I go back to uni and pick up where I’ve left.
>>1194785They’re 18-20. I think one is 17? Or maybe now 18. Yeah basically. I’m 26 however. So I feel retarded. Really retarded. I kind of raised my voice and said “you guys are so ugly” “autistic” “and the fat one next to you, he needs to learn to walk”. I wanna facepalm.
>>1194782Well you’ve answered my question.
Sorry I’m just feeling so terrible right now. My stomach hurts and I’ll still enjoy yhe rest of my day. But tomorrow I have school and I’m afraid the bullying will continue, but by those girls. And question, since I’m really embarrassed by the situation, from the lady that said “you guys are weird” (why didn’t she stand up for me or say nothing?) to those giggling girls…would you guys have said the same if those scrotes were pickmeishas/girls? Because I’m so insecure I can crush.
>>1194785They just talk behind my back apparently and don’t want my ickies. The oldest guy after me, 24, does bully me but says stuff like “this guy is in love with you” and so on.
I wish somebody could tell me I’m okay. I only get bullied by classmates and by people on the workplace, but even the latter I’ve learned to regularly overcome it. However dealing with classmates in highschool-ish settings is so difficult. I need to grow a brain and enter university ASAP.
No. 1194809
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>reading infighting from a day ago
>getting kinda repetitive
>start to scroll faster
>man wtf it never ends
>realise i still have half a thread to go
god why do you punish us like this
No. 1194825
>>1194816Well I'm sorry for every anon who has to deal with these sorts of people, it's disgusting. It might be that I myself am a very assertive person that people just don't even bother trying that shit with me. I had all the bullying I could take in jr high and I refuse to let people make me feel like an outsider anymore. I just want to emphasize to the anon being bullied and other anons who face the same kind of retards in life,
you are not the problem, there is nothing inherently wrong with you and the bullies are the true losers.
No. 1194874
>>1194873Yes. Student grants.
deletes the vent I’m witholding and I fill it with freelancing.
Sorry I’m just feeling fragile rn.
No. 1194888
>>1194687>>1194709I'm in the same boat anon. I ranted about it in the last thread but it was disappointing seeing people's reaction to this case. Even my friend, who calls herself a feminist and is biased against men, would side with Depp. After watching the Matt Orchard video she basically ranted to me how AH is insane and talked shit about people who can possibly side with her. There are DV
victims who do believe her side of the story and relate to her, and calling her insane when she's the one being sued for telling her side of the story and it's like, you might as well just call her hysterical while you're at it. I know she didn't mean it that way but it just rubbed me the wrong way how inconsiderate and sexist it was. Plus, that Matt Orchard video was biased against Amber so of course she'd side with Depp anyways. I brought up Depp's disgusting misogynistic texts of raping Amber's corpse and she basically flipped out on me, saying I'm defending an abuser (AH) and was like "well if the situation was reversed and the woman is saying the same thing about her male abuser wouldn't you be more understanding anon??? wouldn't you consider that the abuse lead to this behaviour!??" so I basically conceded because I didn't want her to be even more upset with me but deep down I disagreed. I think those kind of violent texts are indefensible even if it came from a woman. I feel like I'm the only one among my friends who understands how serious and threatening male physical violence is.
Ultimately, I do not care about either AH or JD but I do care about the impact of this case with regards to feminism and other DV and SA
victims. I'm sad that everyone else treats this like the fucking superbowl. And yeah, LC is really the only place I can discuss this because the whole world hates woman.
No. 1194914
>>1194888>I think those kind of violent texts are indefensible even if it came from a woman. I feel like I'm the only one among my friends who understands how serious and threatening male physical violence is.>I do care about the impact of this case with regards to feminism and other DV and SA victims. I'm sad that everyone else treats this like the fucking superbowl.You put it into words perfectly where I couldn't nonna, it really does feel like everyone is treating it like a drama tv show or just entertainment akin to "AH gets owned compilations" on Youtube. It's actually not even a laughing matter especially because this shit doesn't exist in a vacuum - it teaches men that they can say and do the most disgusting obscene shit against women and get away with it as long as they're famous and/or likeable.
I brought up the indefensible texts point too and they were like "well he said it ages ago and it was probably dark banter" okay then how would you feel if it was said about your sister or your mum? Just because it's a woman you don't know and a woman that the public is telling you not to like doesn't mean it's acceptable.
They're so fucking braindead and susceptible to any shit the media flings at them and it's depressing because like you said, it will negatively impact the way society handles feminism and DV/SA from here on. We already don't have great footing and this is just going to make shit way worse, I fear.
No. 1194926
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My moid said something hurtful last night right before bed, and I'm trying not to let it ruin my new day (look how that's going!) It was that kind of mean where he said it and then immediately realized he hurt me and started backpedaling. Fucking stupid men.
No. 1194938
>>1194888Ah and Jd case is push back to #metoo. Men in holywood got scared they could no longer get away with abusing and hurting women so now they're using this case to turn the narrative and make us all views
victims as hysterical women again. Women who support this and let themselves get manipulates are vile.
No. 1195011
>>1194952I'm really thinking about it. I feel kind of weak because I love any attempt at friendship, I love when people go out of their way to talk to me or initiate friendship and I will reciprocate 100% of the time almost always. If he tries to reach out I feel like I'll reciprocate and this stupid cycle will repeat. I feel like an idiot about it
boohoo I know but it is the vent thread lol. I wrote out all my nasty feelings about it but I feel like even that won't deter me. Sunk cost fallacy in HIGH gear.
No. 1195054
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I hate my body. My body is a constant reminder of my rape cause it got me pregnant. I looked so different before I was pregnant. Like a different person. I was smaller and proportional. I looked my age. Now I look like I'm 30 with two kids and I'm not even 25. I want to kill myself over it constantly. I can't afford surgeries to fix my body and get me back to how I was a few years ago. I really didn't think it would change my body like this I thought after the abortion and restraining order it would be done with but now I have an eternal reminder. My body is ruined, sagging, contorted, stretched and thinning. The scars and discoloration. Everything. I was so pretty before. Why did he do this to me? Why do I have to hurt like this? I'm thankful my body still works and my pelvis isn't crushed but … I can't stand myself to see myself or anything. I just want to hide. I hate this body. I hate it. Why. Why can't I fix this.
No. 1195062
>>1195054I'm sorry,
nonnie. I can't imagine how hard it must've been to go through that
No. 1195074
>>1195054Tbh people are mentally unwell or exaggerating if they seriously believe a 20s body looks anything like a middle-aged mom bod.
Quit being so mean to yourself anon.
No. 1195321
Idk where else to post this vent besides here Nonnies. The JD/AH trial being publicly discussed, the constant promotion of #justiceforjohnny posts on all social media platforms, etc. is soooo fucking triggering to me. When I was 25 I was in a REALLY fucked up controlling and abusive relationship with a alcoholic man 9 years older than me that erupted in violence many times and I DID fight back, and all of this nearly drove me to take my own life. I still don’t know if that was due to a “nervous breakdown” or if the man drove me to this point with his abusive behavior. Regardless, I pulled together what little strength I had to leave this person despite the control he had over many aspects of my life, quit drinking and went full no contact. It has been nearly 4 years since this relationship ended, but as this case has been constantly discussed I am bombarded with intrusive thoughts and fears that this man will turn up in my life motivated by this fucked up and manipulated public civil case. And lo and behold, he started showing up to my work multiple weekends in a row these past few weeks, until my manager 86d him. I am now afraid that he is stalking me. Despite the fact that I am living a healthy life with people who love me and respect my boundaries, am sober and in college, I feel like I will never be able to escape the feeling that I will always be living in fear and need to hide under a rock for the rest of my life.
No. 1195379
>>1195365>I am bothered by my husbands non response to his brother who is 37 sleeping with a 23 yr old You should be.
>well its okay do what you want its your life. "Cool, go ahead and manipulate barely legal girls in the attempt to ruin their lives and tie them to you for the next 18 years through an innocent child that will inevitably have a fucked up life."
>Like that man straight up hates women .Your husband does too, or at the least, doesn't give a fuck about them being preyed on one way or another. I would hate being legally and romantically tied to a man like that as well.
No. 1195412
>>1195389I already spoke about not wanting kids at all very openly to everyone. In fact maybe next year I am getting my tubes tied and this reaction makes my decision solid.
>>1195393I already did infact I struggled so much trying to find the least aggressive wording . because he was acting as if I was attacking all men including him . so yeah . I'll sprinkle my arguments throughout all week. if he doesnt see the wrong then I will seriously be questioning his moral compass.
No. 1195432
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no longer fooling myself into
>just be confident
when it's more than not about looks and money
especially when it comes to city people and scrotes
i can be as confident as i can, and it is nearly impossible not to dwindle when i see their microaggressions of surprise and disgust.
yeah i am confident but
>have foreign accent
not the cool sexy kind but the poor country kind
>have blemishes not even makeup covers
people notice and assume i am unhygenic
>look older than my age
expected to have more money and shit as a result
>no longer anorexic and thin
having a healthy bmi on my short & wide torso is not cute enough for scrotes to view me as human
>new to the city
they either want to abuse this or think it's a nuisance
seen as an alienating difference rather than a cool exotic fact
but i should just be confident right
No. 1195437
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>>1195433>I miss him I miss him I miss himNo, you don't. Let that man go.
No. 1195455
>>1195448look up lactose intolerance and dairy allergy
nutella always gives me the shits and huge acnes
No. 1195461
>>1195313>And if there's shit stains at the bottom of the toilet, that means they barely fucking wiped. First thing I thought of. Like there's no other logical explanation how you can leave feces in the toilet bowl.
>Idk WHO the fuck is flushing once and just walking out.The answer is moids. They're the only ones who are capable of this disgusting and unashamed behaviour. My old boss did this all the time in the employee washroom even though he has his own washroom by his office.
No. 1195552
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>>1195493I know anon, remember how we thought the 2010’s were bad? Wish we could go back.
No. 1195588
>>1195529Get back with me on this
>>1195540I’d love to hear your counterargument because I’ve got questions about how dumb you have to be to have came to that conclusion
No. 1195719
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I'm going to an hero if I have to watch another episode of a firefighter, police or doctor show that tries to talk about cUrReNt EvEnTs.
No. 1195760
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a dude just had to compare bossa nova with sex
No. 1195771
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Nonas, I am getting so depressed. I am going full fucking doomer. Society is collapsing. Major food scarcity and civil upheaval is coming soon. I'm prepping in little ways that I can, but honestly part of my prep hoard is gonna be some way to kill myself in case it gets too bad. I'm so scared and sorrowful. All my friends and family think I am totally overreacting, but they are just naive normies.
No. 1195858
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>>1195771I've just given up a long time ago, here for the ride for as long as I can last kek
No. 1195903
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I posted in the previous thread about my sick bird, we went to the vet yesterday and results were rather good! He does not have tumours, which is brilliant, it is most likely infection caused by a protozoan. For exact results he would have to be sedated and sample would have to be taken, but he is rather old so sedation is very dangerous, I chose to go with treatment for the most probable cause.
We got medicine, which I have to give him two times a day for a week, he hates it poor birdy. It must be bitter since he sneezed immediately the medicine went to his mouth. I want to thank nonas in the previous thread for kind words, sorry I didn't reply earlier. We're not completely out of danger yet, but it seems much much better. The bird is in good spirits, still a bit sick but much better than when his illness started.
No. 1195944
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My subconscious is so ruthless to me sometimes.
I've been getting back into art after a long hiatus, and today I had a dream where it made me think I woke up and heard my family trashtalk me from the other room. Among other things they laughed at me for calling myself an artist and talking about how my art is fucking terrible. I know there's probably no way to change that but I sometimes get very rude dreams about the things that bother me most. I don't understand how I can make the effort to stop thinking so negative, and succeed, but then my subconscious vomits out the most depressing pessimistic shit imaginable
No. 1195946
>>1195944I'm in the same, exact same situation as you. I haven't drawn in years, and my dreams can be pretty mean to me as well. The good thing is, dreams are dreams, and I believe in you
nonny. We can do it and achieve our artist dreams!
No. 1195947
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>>1195943the others are on my old phone and i'll have to dig for them but I put this one on my pc to post it to lolcow before.
idk why they're targeting me, one weird thing is last week an ex I haven't spoken to for 3 years turning up at my house saying he was in the area and wanted to check in on me. I didn't answer the door, just yelled out "who is it?" then told him to leave. I'm hoping it's not him, he's unhinged and when we broke up he got into sissy stuff and discord. He was a well known WoW streamer for a while after we broke up that got cancelled for raping another streamer.
Worried this sounds crazy but otherwise I don't socialise enough to know who else it could be, there's nobody else who I can think of doing it.
No. 1195951
>>1195947That could be him indeed, he sounds suspicious. What anime is he into? The anime you posted is Made in Abyss. Another theory: did anyone know you were dating him when he was a popular streamer?
You should take pictures of the other stuff and post it.
No. 1195956
>>1195951I don't think he's even really into anime, afaik he's just into the discord aesthetic (idk how else to word) of anime rather than a watcher of it. Nobody local or who would know me personally could know I was dating him, I don't use social media or play social games or anything either. He talked about me alot on disc/his stream but not by name.
>>1195950I'm worried the police won't do anything about it even though having a record will be helpful. I'm wall to wall with my next door neighbour, so I'm going to talk to him about it incase he sees anyone hanging around outside.
>>1195953Most things I threw in the trash after last time, and also because they were such tiny useless trinkets half of the time, like christmas ornaments and those little goth fairy ornaments. The most recent thing was a flag of our country, I picked it up with gloves and put it in a ziplock bag. At the end last time I was so frustrated I just kept yeeting them over my fence to get rid of them.
No. 1195973
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>>1195946Thank you nonna! It sucks, but it's good to see I'm not the only one in this boat. I believe that if I keep at it and start seeing improvements in my art, my dreams will start being kinder because the insecurities will be disproven. If we give up it's a self fulfilling prophecy! I wish you all the best with your goals, anon!
No. 1195990
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Moids are a fucking waste of space, air and resources. I'm sure everyone has heard about the shooting in Uvalde by now but nothing's ever safe with moids. They ruin every bit of progress we make on this earth and we're slowly reverting back to the middle ages. Those poor children and their families. I can't even imagine having to worry about your child/sibling/whatever safely returning home everyday just because of dumb moid who might shoot up the place for whatever stupid reason. I hope the killer suffered a slow and painful death when he was shot by the police
No. 1196022
>>1195990this and the other shooting where that monster killed all those black people have me really worried about this fucking country too. I'm starting to fall back into the same constant feeling of anxiety and dread because there are people out there who could kill me or my family just because of our race or just because they fucking feel like it. I don't even want my little siblings or cousins to go to in person school anymore.
I wish there was a way to go on all the sites these fucks frequent and find out where they live so they can be shot in the back of the fucking head.
No. 1196039
>>1196022Yeah, ever since I read about it, the thought of someone possibly shooting me because they had a bad day or whatever hasn't left my mind. I know I'll forget about it eventually but it makes me wonder how often I've passed a future killer or something like that. Being male truly is a birth defect. Women's rights are violated constantly, we're also
victims of bullying and whatever else but we still don't take revenge on innocent people even though society is doing us so dirty but all it takes for moids is as much as not getting laid. I hate the times we live in, where people try to argue "bohoo but what if he was a
victim of bullying reeee" yes and? Still doesn't make someone who's not completely fucked in the head to commit such a crime, no matter if they were bullied or not.
No. 1196056
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A few years ago, I met my favorite musician. I've liked her music for a long time and finally got to meet her in person after a show. I bought a CD to get her autograph and waited in line. Once I got to her I was telling her about the last show I saw her at, how I really liked x album, how I played her music (I worked in radio) and she just looked at me with disgust/boredom. I felt so ashamed because she was talking with some indie musician guys in front of me for a while, whereas I just felt like a stupid girl. Maybe I fangirled a bit but I wasn't being a crazed fan, just excited to meet her. I can't listen to her music now without remembering that moment and I started to like the music less. Never meet your idols is real
No. 1196060
>>1196056Out with it
nonnie, who was it?
No. 1196078
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>>1195956Oh I remember you
nonnie! I posted once about you in the stupid question thread to ask how you were doing because I was scared for you! I'm really sorry to hear that you still have to deal with this. I don't know how well you are doing financially but I think it would be worth it to buy some of those cheap hunting camera like picrel. The police would be more encline to believe you if you had some photos with you. Your ex sound really supicious though. I hope everything will go ok and that you will be able to catch this psycho
No. 1196080
>>1196039the fucked up thing is that a lot of the times they were never bullied. They either isolated themselves and somehow deluded themselves into thinking everyone hates them when people don't even think of them, they said some off the wall shit and people avoided them out of fear, or they were fucking bullies themselves.
Men are OBSESSED with going on and on about how nobody cares about them or their mental health but fail to fucking get a therapist or something if they need someone to talk to and then turn around and frequent the most vile parts of the internet. The amount of women I've seen be able to work through trauma themselves without anyone and still become a better person without feeling the need to fucking kill everyone compared to men is insane. It's pathetic how much they need to be babied and cared for so they don't harm people.
No. 1196113
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No. 1196190
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my ex has a cuckquean fetish. lol. lmao. roflmao
No. 1196284
>>1196276i just looked up the symptoms and i've resigned to being able to go without it for a few weeks. i just wish i wasn't so autistic and could stomach another kind of peanut butter or better yet just eat like a normal human being. i've made a lot of progress in the past year trying new things but i feel like im taking ten steps backwards when i have a spergout over the wrong brand of peanut butter
>>1194495one of my professors had something very similar to this and was able to get experimental hand surgery that stopped (or at least slowed) the deformation. i hope you can find a good doctor that can give you a real diagnosis soon.
No. 1196303
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I have a mental break down every time I have to go shopping for bras. Like, it makes my self consciousness even worse. I’m small, my tits are small, so there’s never any size in a store that fits right. I’ve tried the “sister sizes” method, but those still fit me weird anyway because of how wide set and shallow my breasts are. I hate them so much. They’re a bit bigger than what could be considered totally flat chested, but not by much. My life would be easier if they were smaller (wouldn’t have to wear a bra at all) or bigger (so I could find a size that fits.) Instead, it feels like i have weird inbetween tits. It makes me sad to see such a huge bra section in a store with absolutely nothing that will fit me and that honestly makes me hate my body.
No. 1196312
>>1196303Bra sister size is a scam to sell more bras cause most major store don't carry every size.
I still remember that lady that convinced me that as a 36DD the 38D would fit me fine. Next day at school, my boobs kept falling under the band, it was so shameful.
No. 1196339
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Why did I have to pick literature of all careers? I should’ve picked something that would give me money even if I sucked at it, maybe all I should’ve done was kill myself when I was 13, maybe I wouldn’t be stuck here, fat, hating the idea of even touching a book and feeling like I’m doing nothing with my life.
Nobody gives a fuck about literature, nobody needs someone to teach them how to read or write, what for? It’s not like people like to read anyways, it’s not like books are being sold or like editing houses need translators or editors, they already have their 50 years old but healthy translators that has been working for them for 20 years straight without any issues, why hire useless humans translators when google has all of the answers? And it’s not like people care about whether a translation is good or bad anyways, it’s just me being autistic about it because I’m a fucking retard and I wish I could just fucking kill myself already, I wish I was dead I’m so fucking useless I’m sick of this shit, I don’t want to like languages or reading or art or writing, I don’t want this, I want to be an autistic faggot into maths and programming like any other person in this world, I will never get a job, I’ve been trying to find a job in translations of editing for YEARS, YEARS and nothing comes out, even if I graduated I would never get a job, I will always stay at home being my brother’s maid for the rest of my life or until I kill myself, maybe until some fucking stupid illness finally kills me, since I get sick even if I don’t go out, I should just let my bronchitis finish developing into a pneumonia and let it kill me, nothing of value will be lost, I already wasted my youth being fucking stubborn and studying a useless career that nobody gives a fuck in my country about, I should’ve studied computer science or some autistic shit like that.
No. 1196350
>>1196330Truthfully? It’s something my mother instilled in me from a very young age. All my life I’ve heard comments like “I hope you don’t become flat chested like me” “small boobs are ugly and disgusting” “small boobs look horrible in clothes no matter what you wear” “women who are flat chested look like a man” etc. etc. etc. And though I’m self aware enough to realize I only hate myself because I was raised to, it doesn’t help or change the way I feel innately. It’s too late at this point to deprogram, I guess.
>>1196321Kek that’s more or less how mine look too. When people here make fun of troon tits, it makes me feel bad because mine look pretty similar, albeit they match my body more naturally as I am a “small boned” woman.
>>1196308>>1196315I would like to go braless for the comfort factor, but it doesn’t look good at all. T shirt fabric, for example, rides up over my tits, around my neck and looks weird af.
>>1196312> sister size is a scam to sell more brasHow did I not realize this until just now since you pointed it out? It makes so much sense.
No. 1196352
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To preface this vent, I'm quite a blunt person, I'm overall very kind with women more than men but I would definitely not say I'm mean or just a snappy horrible person. I guess I just say things bluntly and I don't sugarcoat things so some people get offended easily, sorry if that sounds cringe but it's also how I was raised. I also just prefer people to be blunt with me too.
My bf opened a letter this morning that was addressed to him regarding a small but stupid debt that he could have easily paid off/avoided or just contacted the people about months ago. It's not even a huge sum of money, but I remember telling and reminding him to just ring these people up regarding the debt as it's entirely possible it could have been an error and they are kind enough to listen to your situation anyway. I reminded him of this multiple times and lo and behold, because he's irresponsible and seemingly retarded, he forgot. This morning, he got a reminder letter saying it will be taken from his wages.
He flips and starts saying "i'll take these people to court!!"
I'm mid-work (WFH) and just sigh and say maybe if he actually paid attention to his finances and simply rang the office up, he wouldn't be in this situation. I also say it's irresponsible and he has no one else to blame for himself, plus that if he took it to court he'd have absolutely no footing because he was retarded and just didn't settle a debt sooner. I said that if he had actually spent 20 minutes on the phone to discuss it, all of this could have been avoided, so the only fault is his own. I'll be honest and say I said this in a really annoyed agitated tone, but I didn't shout or yell at him about it…it was just blunt and agitated because he has had all the time in the world for this shit and still didn't do it.
He said I had a horrible tone and expected me to apologise but I didn't kek because fuck that, what for? You do dumb shit, you do irresponsible shit, don't be surprised if people judge you as irresponsible or get annoyed by it. I hate those people that expect people to have a perfectly nice tone with them ALL the time even if they do retarded annoying shit that could have been avoided. Nah, sorry, that's now how life works and you're a retard for thinking I would hold your hand or support you through something that could have been so easily solved if you listened to my advice in the first place.
Luckily the debt is not in my name and has nothing to do with me, mainly because whenever I've had financial issues it has been a main priority to get that shit sorted. You'd think he'd learn after my disciplined attitude with this shit but apparently not.
No. 1196442
>>1196433try not to take it personally, it's just a bit of a shock. no one expects someone behind the door
I did this at work and the manlet who opened the door let out a girly shriek, which made everyone else turn around in surprise and was very embarrassing for us both.
No. 1196452
>>1196381I've heard these kinds of questions so many times and I guess I've come to accept it's something people who have never experienced abuse just can't wrap their heads around. I admit it sometimes seems contradictory and senseless not to "just leave" (sometimes to the
victim most of all) but only people who have felt the immense anxiety, danger and destruction of their self worth are going to fully get it. Hopefully the presenter had a good response and the people asking were doing it out of ignorance and will respond kindly if they ever actually meet a
victim now that they know better. What makes me way angrier are people who have experienced abuse themselves who still turn on other
victims. Like all the supposedly abused women supporting Depp and saying Amber hasn't been acting the right way. Thoughts on the trial aside, policing how others "should" react to abuse as if there's a single proper way is vile.
No. 1196463
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I can't stand my cousin's best friend. We went to a Lebanese place for lunch today and my cousin and I were talking about how we wish that we could recreate some of the recipes but it's hard to get some of the ingredients where we're from and it's never going to taste as good as from the people who've cooked these things for years and years. Anyway, her bf is a ultra SJW and said that it's for the best if white people don't start recreating or even selling these things at their own restaurants (some restaurants here often offer a variety of dishes from different countries, like let's say German and Italian) because that's "colonizing" and "appropriating", since a lot of these foreign restaurants are obviously dependent on their customers to make their money. Cooking these things at home for yourself apparently isn't okay either because you should rather support these restaurants and order food there. Ffs everything always has to turn into a discussion. Can't appreciate anything without some idiot accusing you of appropriation.
No. 1196486
My dad has stage 4 throat cancer. He went to the ER last night because his blood pressure was high and his oxygen was low, now he's in the ICU awaiting a tracheostomy. The tumor is strangling him, it's like it knows we're planning to get rid of it and doesn't want to let go. He should have started chemo a month ago but there are so many hoops to jump through. I can handle the delays with appointments, the money draining from my bank account to pay for insanely priced prescriptions, the added stress of helping to care for him, I can even to manage to care for myself somehow. Our whole family is putting on a brave face, and doctors have commented on how unusually well we seem to be handling it. But for some reason, what I struggle with the most is people texting me about it. My dad and I have been a dynamic duo at work, he taught me everything I know and we make a great team. Our coworkers haven't seen either of us in a while, and not a lot of them know specifically what's going on aside from that it's bad. They keep texting me the same thing. "Hey, are you okay? Let me know if you need anything." I do appreciate it, I know it comes from a good place. But I hate being reminded of the fact that I'm not actually okay and there's a very real chance that I will lose him. That we'll never get back to work together. That he'll never meet his grandkids. I hate knowing that other people know that's a real possibility. Everything else I can rationalize, I can obsessively research symptoms and percentages of survival and treatment options. I can make him his favorite meals and make him laugh so his anxiety subsides. There are problems I can solve. But others expressing their sympathy for us is what bothers me, because they make me acknowledge the sense of dread I've been trying desperately to ignore. I'm going to go see him now.
No. 1196491
>>1196381I didn't grow up with the most obvious abuse in the household.. but then my mom got diagnosed with terminal cancer and while she was faced with her death and he was her caretaker… I became very aware. She cried to me about how he'd always treated her and I felt foolish for not fully seeing it sooner. She died. I did my best to not leave her alone with him much towards the end. She deserved better but she stayed and she never got to live that better life she deserved. My dad still pats himself on the back for always being an upstanding husband so I cut all contact with him.
Moving on from that I was determined to never date someone who held power over me. Being male does not win you that right. My first serious relationship was fine in that regard. I was in my late twenties when I entered my second serious relationship and I don't know what went wrong. It happened so slowly.. I found myself walking on eggshells, suffering with my nerves from how bad it was. He cheated and dumped me before I could ever get out myself. I wasn't even super young. I never saw myself ending up enduring years of emotional, sexual, physical, financial abuse but I did. I lived in misery and I stayed, scared of him… scared of leaving.
I would love it if my naive 20 year old self had been right "I'll never be abused because I'm vigilant about that kind of thing" I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
No. 1196572
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I wish I could stop feeling jealous about the professional success of my friends. I am genuinely happy for them but I'm bitter at the same time. Rationally, I know that this isn't a zero-sum game and that their success doesn't mean I'm a failure. I know that jealousy is only going to make me feel like trash. But I can't help but seethe.
No. 1196574
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>>1195941>>1196197Aw thank you so much, I'll tell your greetings to him! He was so brave at the vet, he even bit the stethoscope, luckily he's small so it didn't break kek
No. 1196590
I've been exposed to way too much pedo(pandering) pornography when I was 11/12/13 through grooming and I hate how it has still messed me up. On a conscious level I have moved on completely and recovered as well, but I still sometimes find myself disliking my body, especially my vagina. It doesn't look like a cute, bald, puffy, pink innie, as one would call it, but just a regular vagina, with pubic hair and all. It makes me insecure, and sick to think I still have this porno/pedo brainwashing. I despise how so many "normal" things in society encourage this type of grooming too. It's so difficult to escape as a young girl, but it really messes up your perspective in inconspicuous ways. I even become offended when someone says my breasts look large or plump! I will defend myself in a way that is honestly weird. Who cares that much? Sadly, I do.
No. 1196602
>>1196572I'm the same anon. I've gotten better about it over the years, after really thinking about and figuring out my values and what is important to me. Here's an excerpt from the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" that really helped reframe my thinking
>The third level is our personal values: Why do I consider this to be success/failure? How am I choosing to measure myself? By what standard am I judging myself and everyone around me?>This level, which takes constant questioning and effort, is incredibly difficult to reach. But it’s the most important, because our values determine the nature of our problems, and the nature of our problems determines the quality of our lives.>Values underlie everything we are and do. If what we value is unhelpful, if what we consider success/failure is poorly chosen, then everything based upon those values—the thoughts, the emotions, the day-to-day feelings—will all be out of whack. Everything we think and feel about a situation ultimately comes back to how valuable we perceive it to be.I know it's not helpful but it's like a whole chapter out of the book (it's chapter 4 if you get your hands on a copy, there's plenty on libgen if you're interested). I don't know how it clicked but I just became less jealous of people over time as I started focusing more on myself. You've already got one thing down, and it's that their success doesn't mean you're a failure! Something that really helps me is thinking "would I actually want to be in their shoes? Do I want their responsibilities, is what they get to do important to me? Or do I just want the prestige to show off?" Usually I don't want to do what they have to do, I'm usually just jealous of their title or how fancy they get to come off. I've become a lot more focused on myself and have worked a lot on moving away from external sources of approval, and that's helped me a lot in not feeling jealous of others (I usually just wanted the praise others got). I'm really bad at explaining but I hope the book might help you in moving past feeling jealous!
No. 1196749
As someone with no dad, I hate when I see people praising men for doing the bare minimum. It's kinda sad, especially in my community, that even RICH men get a pat on the back for actually being active fathers or in their children's life. For me, someone having both parents or no mom, was seen as "Odd" to me. I grew up around a lot of kids who had single mothers, grandparents or floating from family member to family member.
If they had a dad, they weren't married, or they saw their dad bi/every week or not at all. Or they had good stepdads and no dad, or a dad they saw plus a step dad.
The only thing that was common was them having a mother or some kind of caregiver. Not a dad. Being married was seen as something crazy to me. Even know it's crazy to me to think of people in my community being married, with children from each other only. My dad who was an abuser to every woman around him, married my step mom but I stopped seeing him years ago.
I had a friend who had a mom and a dad, but they weren't togeather. A mom who had other kids and a dad who had a good job and spoiled her when he saw her. However, for some reason she was just sleeping where ever she wanted. I often wondered what was up with her. Like did her mom just not care? Did her dad know she was staying everywhere? It was like she had no supervision but having both parents in her life. I knew another girl whose mother was a drug addict, we'd literally see around our neighborhood. She basically lived with her "best friends" family, even though she was in her grandma's care. It was all so odd to me. I was never able to do much, without sneaking. My mom just wanted me in the house, I assume just not to worry about me but also because my past.
No. 1196814
>>1196791Nonnie, I know this is going to be the typical response, but he sounds shitty and this seems somewhat abusive and harmful to you. Maybe he's depressed about something and is taking it out on you.I hope you feel better
Nonnie and being a happy person isn't a BAD thing. Don't be sad, I hope you figure it out. Seriously. I admire balls of sunshine like you.
No. 1196862
>>1194139yeah man to top it all off he's also a heavy drinker and was drunk off his ass the night before. who knows where the weed is.
so tired of hearing them fight
No. 1196895
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Wich I hadn't open /ot/ 1 minute ago, now I can't unsee
No. 1196910
>>119671Dog anon here!
I live in a gated community that advertises itself as okay to have animals off leash. I get that in America and other countries it’s a no-no to keep dogs off leash any time, but culturally in my South American country if you have dogs on a leash inside a gated community, people will accuse of animal abuse “because dogs are supposed to be able to run free.”
Thanks for the salt in the wound girls!
No. 1196992
nonny, do I feel you. I went to a nevershoutnever concert 5-6 years ago, even though I was past the age of my scene kid music phase I went for the nostalgia of hearing all my favourite songs played live. But if you know anything about the state of Chris drew, it was not a great concert. I knew his brain was a little cooked from all the acid but it was baaaaaad. At one point the crowd was yelling songs they wanted him to play, and I was towards the front and yelled "this shit gets old!" which is one of my favourite songs of his, and no joke, he looked me directly in the eye and said "yeah, it does."
Killed me. Why the fuck would you travel across continents to play in my country only to do a half ass job and insult your audience? He's not really even a comfort listen now, because when I do listen to him I just think about that.
No. 1197005
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>>1195038this but for real
No. 1197035
nonnie, don’t die, I need you.
No. 1197082
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My dad will go under surgery tomorrow and I'm worried about it, even though it seems like it's a fairly standard procedure. He's overweight, diabetic, high blood pressure and is over 60. And even if nothing happens (which I'm praying), it has a chance that he'll need to do some stent insertion/angioplasty. I genuinely believe he'll be okay, but there's always this little voice in my head… And it grows louder whenever I'm alone. I don't even know how well I'll be able to sleep tonight.
No. 1197137
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I low-key consider myself a TERF, but I tend to mostly nod along with my friends that seem very pro-trans because I don't want to get into any arguments, nor am I good enough at expressing myself to not cause any avoidable drifts between us if I show my terf-y side, however I have realized a lot of them are just as performative as I am when it comes to the subject. Catch them drunk enough or on a bad day and the mask starts slipping, and they sound borderline similar to a lolcow poster, though with more carefully chosen words. Makes me wonder how many of these loud-ass activists are just over-performing because of some sort of guilt they're carrying, because they want to be as correct as possible or simply because they are scared of being cancelled and losing a lot of friends due to today's political climate? Like how many people ACTUALLY wants to support troons and aren't just doing it because not doing it is social suicide on a lot of platforms/circles?
No. 1197156
>>1197137Anon I’m actually in the exact same situation! I thought I had to keep my feelings secret from everyone I know, but a few weeks ago I was having a conversation with my boyfriend and he slipped, accidentally saying “tranny”. I didn’t think it would have slipped unless he said it regularly, so shortly after the matter I was honest about my feelings on it. He basically said he’d respect people but agreed that trans women would never be real women and vice versa and that trannies are in desperate need of therapy. If you want to try to start a dialogue on it with someone you suspect may agree, here’s how I opened: I basically wondered out loud if transgenderism only exists as a result of
toxic gender roles. Like trannies transition basically because they want to be feminine/masculine or they like feminine/masculine things. Blah blah blah if we remove gender roles and expectations then they can do whatever they want without feeling pressure to transition and transitioning reinforces gender roles that in the end negatively impact both sexes.
I think it’s easy to pick up on their feelings with this opener and you can easily steer the conversation to either be more “woke” or more honest on how you feel. Plus since you’re just wondering in the scenario, if they disagree then you can just go “oh, that’s a good point, I didn’t think of that! You’re completely right!” And avoid the topic in the future.
No. 1197163
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I hate men, especially the violent one that recently went on a shooting spree.
Stop being defective monkeys you retards
No. 1197237
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I'm going for a little trip abroad with my friend and my retarded brain can't stop thinking that the city where we're going is where my fiance told me he hooked up with some woman sometime before we met, it makes me upset for some goddamn reason. How do I make it stop, it's so dumb and ruins my happiness for the upcoming vacation yes, bpd
No. 1197306
>>1197157I hate homeless people
Not all of them of course but so many of them hang around just to piss and shit everywhere
No. 1197478
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In the last thread I vented that I was worried about an abnormal pap I never addressed from the past, and what the results my new one would be as a result. It came back completely fine! ty to the nona who told me about her experience, I hope your cervix is good too
No. 1197573
>>1196511That reminds me of that African woman who was in some kind of helping-women-out-of-abuse organisation who got together with a moid who was a walking bundle of red flags and he of course started to be
abusive and beat her and what not. She complained to her friends and family who all told her to leave his ass, but she always went back to him and he eventually killed her. There's so many cases like that where a woman stays with an
abusive man even though she is independent from him, has social support, and everyone tells her to stop but she just can't bring herself to just break up for some reason.
I also don't understand why anyone would act that way. That's some deep mental illness. I've been into true crime and psychology for years and I was abused as a child, but I still don't understand it at all. It's such an alien mindset to me.
No. 1197600
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I keep seeing all of these mass shootings everywhere and even if a man seems like a “good” guy who cares for others he will stick go out, grab a gun and take your life. There is no such thing as a good man, they all need to be fucking castrated, punished or exiled from society. I’m tired of the rehabilitation argument that oversimplifies the causes of crime because it’s always men. I live in a house with a sociopathic autistic family member who I think would go out and shoot people because of the things he’s said online, his antisocial behavior, and the coddling and lack of understanding for my fear being in the same house. If he was not in the same house my life and my other relatives lives would be 15x better than it is now. If I end up dead and my family’s likeness is on the news, I called it a few years ago when me and my sister constantly brought it up but no one cares because “he was just mad!” I don’t care, no one says they would rape people or massacre people on Twitter if they were mad but hehe rehabilitate bring him back into society so it’s practically my fault if his defective Y-chromosome decides to snap and kill me. It almost makes me so mad it doesn’t matter if I get stabbed or whatever I just want to punch the lights out of him
No. 1197604
>>1196749I was in my thirties before I finally got sick of hearing my dad pat himself on the back for 'always being a good husband and father' and I cut contact. My parents were together til my mom died so we all lived together but he might as well of not been there… then at the same time though he was overbearing with rules. He'd get home from work and once he was served his meal he expected everyone to leave him alone. He never engaged with us. He'd spend his spare time in the living room watching sports… nobody else was allowed in the living room if he was home, never. We had to super quiet while he was home. It didn't feel comfortable.
The highlights of my childhood were during the summer, my dad would vacation alone (nobody else was entitled to a holiday) so me and my mom could watch TV in our own living room. We'd eat snacks, make normal amounts of noise and just not walk on eggshells for a few days. I had no idea att how abnormal it is to spend all year looking forward to a few days without your dad in the home.
No. 1197615
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No. 1197618
>>1197614Aww, don’t sweat it
nonny, I’m sorry you have to deal with that hope you’ll be ok
No. 1197621
>>1197615rules be like:
>you can delete within 30 mins! I didn’t even make a custom password like wtf is it even talking about? This website is so broken and you can’t even prove that it’s not working to get it manually deleted and they really wonder why we hate the mods? Like this isn’t /snow/ they can’t even be courteous on /ot/, literally no better than men
No. 1197664
>>1197621If it’s within 30 minutes, I never put anything in the password section. I would just hit delete and it would go away for me.
Lolcow is so broken, I honestly wish there was a log in function. It would make the boards easier to moderate if we had accounts and would help prevent raids as well
No. 1197739
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>rereading Doraemon manga because childhood nostalgia
>realizing they show Shizuka’s panties constantly
>realizing how often the barging into Shizuka showering gag happens
>realizing the first naked anime girl I ever saw was Shizuka, the fifth grader
Truly nothing is sacred
No. 1197767
>>1197723>>1197753oh i totally agree, I've even mentioned that I think the jokes were inappropriate but my coworkers are assholes. i should clarify the jokes are never made in his presence, only when he's not around. they mostly just do it to tease me but i don't think they realize how shitty it is to say stuff like that. ever since he told us about the pregnancy I get really irritated whenever they try to entertain the idea of us together, even if it's in jest. i do feel that it is very disrespectful.
>>1197706>>1197729I totally get why it makes you uncomfortable, honestly i hate myself for feeling this way. if it makes you nonnies feel better, it really is just an innocent crush that I had/have absolutely no intentions of acting on. he's new at my job and i just thought he was cute and sweet at first, but when i later found out he was married (he doesn't wear a ring so it took me a while to find out) I immediately buried any feelings I had away. the idea of us being together in reality repulses me especially knowing they're having a baby. Seeing his wife in person for the first time just brought up old feelings and made me a little envious, which is very silly.
No. 1197804
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i feel so alone. no one cares about me anymore. my novelty has worn off. not even my boyfriend cares. he never gives me any attention anymore. it all goes to our friends or something. im so tired. i just want someone who will listen to me and conversate with me and care enough to get to know me. im no one anymore. i have no motivation to be alive.
No. 1197805
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I'm so fucking sick of men. I'm so fucking sick of wanting to wear a cute skirt but needing to be mentally prepared to deal with men inevitably trying to touch me, take creepshots, or follow me around and harass me. I used to just go about naively wearing skirts or dresses or crop tops but the amount of scary encounters I've had makes me feel unsafe wearing anything even slightly revealing. Now I wear baggy clothes, looking like a fridge and feeling disgusting but at least men aren't always "accidentally" bumping into me. I hate having to choose between wearing what I like and feeling safe in public. I don't get why all the fast fashion brands are selling nothing but sheer crop tops and minidresses when there's not a chance of wearing that shit without scrotes misbehaving. I think I'm going to get back into lolita and vintage fashion, I'll still have people taking pictures of me and staring but at least it'll be because of my weird clothes and not my body kek. I wish men didn't exist!! I hate them!!
No. 1197837
>>1197821I feel like a girl being sexually active to the point of having full sex by 15 is kind of a big deal but more so out of just concern and not bitchy judgement. Maybe I'm showing my own age right now but that shit worries me. That's a kid.
Back when I was 15 I think more kids were lying about experience (adding experience on) than there was doing the opposite. It's like you get shamed no matter what you do.
No. 1197846
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I ate alnost all of a small pepperoni pizza and now I wish I could throw it back up. But I've never been able to force myself to puke before. I'll just take this as a sign to never eat pizza again. I didn't even really enjoy it, just mechanically put it into my face until it was all gone. I'd been exercising and eating right the last two days and then I do this shit. I'm not going to eat anything else, but still.
No. 1197852
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I had a weird encounter with some homeless-looking scrote today, and I am overall extremely tired of men. I wish they would disappear.
I was, as always just minding my business walking to the gym but there is a bus stop I need to walk past. Usually it's not an issue but today there was a creepy scruffy scrote muttering to himself. It was a rainy day so I had my big waterproof coat on and gym leggings, trainers etc with my hood up and headphones on, and I felt this disgusting moid's gaze FOLLOW me as I walked past him. I could see his mouth moving but because I had headphones on I couldn't hear what he was saying, but he slowly turned his entire body to (what I presume) look at my ass as I walked past him. I looked behind and glared at him and then just carried on with my day but I hope he fucking dies honestly - I don't care if I am wearing something interesting to you, don't stare at me like I am a piece of meat. I was not and will never be dressed for your attention or pleasure, I was wearing a big fucking coat and also covered in acne and rain, kill yourself.
This reminds me, 2 days ago I walked past a bus stop again on my way home and there was some other scrote taking up the entire pavement as it's quite narrow. I said out loud "excuse me" and he did absolutely nothing, I had to squeeze past him and even then he didn't even try to move. I turned around briefly and said "Or not, cunt?" and this man looked like a fucking zombie and just stared straight through me. What the fuck is wrong with men? They are literally mindless creatures with no social skills or politeness, I hope he dies too tbf. I almost had to step on to a busy road with cars coming because this fat ugly twat couldn't move out of the way for 2 seconds. I honestly hope they all fucking die, the least you can do is say "oh sorry" or just NOT stare at me at all you fucking degenerate creeps.
No. 1197856
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I'm ready for a relationship, I've been way more stable emotionally, studies and career are going great, I'm looking good but I just can't find anyone I could share my love with. I'm getting this close to contacting a shitty ex who told me I'm a horrible person when I dumped him. At least we had so much in common! Aside from his hobby of negging.
Tinder has been more shit lately. I still use the same photos so it can't be that I've gotten uglier but man, scrotes available there this summer are way worse than the winter catalogue. I'm barely getting proper convos now and they're just not attractive to me. Yeah I get it, you like sports, politics, travelling and positive attitude and your hair is short on the sides.
I'm getting older and I feel like I'm gonna die alone. But better alone than with an average scrote who I'm not attracted to and have nothing in common with.
No. 1197861
>>1197852>I hope he fucking dies honestly>covered in acne and rain>"Or not, cunt?" >this fat ugly twatI'm sorry about the gross experiences
nonny but your writing style actually made me laugh out loud so thanks for that. I appreciate your rage against nasty scrotes
No. 1197890
>>1197852How I hate that men can just get away with horrible behavior with no repercussions, I was standing out in the park one day and a middle aged man almost bumps into me (it was not crowded) and says sorry after lingering a bit. I keep standing there and there were two younger girls maybe first or second year in highschool talking, I didn't exactly hear what he said to them but I heard him say "if I was a little younger" and they laughed nervously and went away so it couldn't have been anything nice. I wanted to beat his stupid fucking face in so much. Why does he think he can even speak to such young girls he doesn't know, much less tell them weird shit. It's like they literally exist to ruin people's days.
I think every woman has at least one horrible creep story. Here's one from me I just remembered and I am angry so I have to write it. I am lucky because nothing bad happened to me. I think I was 13 or 14. I was at a gallery with my parents and this man sits next to me and starts talking to me, I didn't even think he was talking to me because I don't know him so I didn't listen to what he was saying. My parents tell me he's asking me something, so I listen and answer him, he was asking shit like what grade I'm in, how's school. He keeps talking to my dad, we go outside and now his mother is talking to us too, the man was middle aged and his mother was a grandma, they are both insufferable people who keep talking and talking to the first stranger who will listen to them. We manage to get away from them and we go to my aunt's place and my parents joke that I caught a boy's attention and my aunt was happy and wanted to hear more god I wanted to die why did they have to say that. And then the man kept calling us on the phone and he wanted to talk to me, I don't know how he got our phone number but my father would talk to him and he kept asking to talk to me and then my mom took the phone and told him to stop calling us because they are never going to let him talk to me. I love my mom. But the man kept sending me facebook friend requests, from lots of profiles because of course I wouldn't accept his request so he kept making new profiles to send new requests kek retard. I haven't counted how many he made but more than a dozen definitely. Fuck it I hate men
No. 1197935
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What annoys me about tragedies is how everyone acts like they know how the situation could've been avoided. Like wow, I wasn't aware we have so many experts who are experienced in crime, phsychology and whatnot all at once. I also hate how people shit on the girl who was contacted by the Uvalde shooter. "Well she should've done xyz, it's obvious" shut the fuck up. I doubt the police would've given a fuck if she reported it because moids threatening stupid shit on social media is a daily occurence and people just chalk it up to them being autistic as usual. The girl is fifteen and lives in Germany and people absolutely overestimate what she should've done. Like what? Call up US police about a moid who owns a gun and rambles about vague shit? I hate people.
No. 1197994
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My bf accepted nudes from one of his female friends, I know it goes without saying that he's a piece of shit for this but I hate that this woman I don't know at all would happily fuck me over like this. She was urging him to break up with me and come over so they could fuck after never showing interest in him prior because she broke up with her own bf and needed a rebound. I just can't understand it. I feel so hurt and betrayed.
No. 1198071
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>>1197994I'm sorry you had to find out this way that he's a piece of trash,
nonny. I know you're very hurt, but I hope that the fact that he's a shitty moid who doesn't care about your feelings will make it easier for you to move on from him.
No. 1198083
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Literally what is even the point of living everything is shit and I have to live with the fact that i’m in a world dominated by males who just want to rape and kill everything and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it how can I be happy knowing that women and children are suffering with every second that passes at the hands of psychopathic moids what a pointless existence. I can’t imagine myself being happy in a world where men exist.
No. 1198085
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>I get another follower on my art account
>it’s yet another fucking “transmasc he/him” fujo
Please, God, what am I doing wrong, I’m so fucking tired
No. 1198147
>>1198133I'm sorry anon, but reading stuff like this does make me grateful that most of my family aren't conspiracy nuts
or hoteps, except for my uncle a teeny tiny bit. Whenever I see people sperging about that kind of stuff I just think "They have a family that has to put up with this". I feel especially bad for young kids that are being raised around that.
Your mother is completely entitled to her opinions, but I hope she at least develops the sense to stop badgering you about it. It's not fair that she completely ignores how this stuff may effect your mental state. I hope your entire situation can change for the better soon.
No. 1198170
>>1198147>Your mother is completely entitled to her opinions, but I hope she at least develops the sense to stop badgering you about it. Exactly. All I want is for her to stop inserting her opinions all the time. She knows it bothers me, but the fact she continues hurts when she'll tell me to shut up about what I'm talking about or tell me what I'm talking about is stupid.
>I feel especially bad for young kids that are being raised around that. My mom had a friend into the same stuff before they both got mad at each other. Her friend has a 13 and an 11 year old daughter. Both have major anthropophobia. This can't be good for them. I worry about them. I got to spend some time around them and they loved the baking show I was watching (thankfully liked me so that helped). It was cute how excited they got. I just hope they haven't regressed further (almost been a year).
No. 1198235
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Never in the history of cancerous internet comment sections have I seen so much butthurt as this article of AOC calling out scrotes
No. 1198255
>>1198235It's funny I keep seeing libtard men blame "misogynistic" men and "incel, alt-right" men; ignoring the fact that the commonality shooters share is that they're
all men and all men are inherently misogynistic. It's like they're almost there and it's frustrating, like watching a retarded animal.
No. 1198272
>>1198235There is literally no fucking point to men, where is the “paternal instinct” to correct other men and protect women and children. Two woman teachers died to protect children, and they’ve done more than any of those men ever have. A real man is supposed to protect their community and more vulnerable people, what the fuck is this shit. The suicide rates involving guns among men that same age are so fucking high, just fucking maybe they could stop being so self centered and figure their shit out instead of abusing everyone around them that has progressed beyond the ridiculous thought that impulsive violence is an answer. These same people will rape, stalk, harass, etc. women and children for fun and to feel the falsest sense of power, force everyone around them to adapt just to feel safe walking literally anywhere, and working with other men through their insecurities is somehow impossible. How are they “pro life” and “pro automatic weapons”, I’ll say it again those elementary school teachers were harder than any of those men, where the hell have they been to enact laws so that Ms Frizzle doesn’t have to use her body as a fucking shield.
No. 1198302
>>1198085>what am i doing wrongmy beloved
nonnie you are on twitter that’s what you are doing wrong
No. 1198359
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people only say good things about my body when i’m anachan. every time i attempt recovery i become invisible again, then i get congratulated when i inevitably relapse
No. 1198439
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I'm pretty sure I've have undiagnosed pmdd for the past decade and every month for 1-2 weeks I get locked away into silent hill until I go crazy and I would simply like to pass away.
No. 1198452
>>1198255I’ve noticed more and more men I know trying to distance themselves from incels and blaming incels for all misogyny, insisting that any openly misogynistic man must be a virgin incel who’s never had a girlfriend. It’s convenient for them to act like only incels hate and harm women because 1) it lets them, normal men who get laid, off the hook and 2) it indirectly puts the blame on women. If only women would fuck these guys they wouldn’t be incels and then they wouldn’t kill people!
Meanwhile, many of the most virulently misogynistic men I’ve known had girlfriends and wives. Obviously domestic abusers and family annihilators have female partners. Many terrorists are married. Having a girlfriend does not make men hate women any less, it just gives them an easier target.
No. 1198645
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>>1198520Anon you know what to do.
No. 1198659
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I hate that there's this culture in my country of men (who for whatever reason just don't work) and who hang out at the pub at like 11am in the morning. There's a few pubs on the main street of my lil town and none of them have a garden style smoking area or anything like that so people just smoke out on the mainstreet at the entrances. I don't care about walking through smoke.. it's the fact that the grossest men you could ever picture are just stood there taking in eye candy all day essentially. The last men on earth who you want eyeing you up as you run errands or head to your job. How can you just drink and smoke and gawk at people all day every day? And they make no effort to hide it either.
Overweight, underwashed, wearing clothes that look stretched out and faded from the fact they've never seen water or detergent before. Have you thought about being a productive and well groomed person if you're so sex deprived that no fully dressed woman can pass by without you taking in the view for way too long? I promise you it'll get you laid faster than what you're currently wasting your life doing. Stop the fucking staring. Go home, I mean drinking at home is cheaper and it's obvious you're living on a social welfare payment. Put the savings toward a can of deoderant.
No. 1198688
>>1198646Same. I just finished a ''cramp attack'' and I still feel clammy and dizzy. It lasted for 90 minutes. Laying on the carpet curled up with a hot water bottle, grunting like a fucking cow while punching my ovaries with a remote control. Gagging because I thought I was gonna throw up and saw black spots on and off because I was so dizzy. When this shit happens I usually pray to die.
Anyway feeling really grateful now. When the pain goes away, you realize how lucky you are to be healthy and pain free most of the time. I'm sat here enjoying the cold ass meal I made right before the cramps set in. Really just appreciating having generally good health right now, I can't imagine what people with chronic pain and other diseases go through. Ahh I feel so relieved. a little woozy
No. 1198693
>>1198670idk, i think having to take a pill to "be in a relationship" is a little sad. they aren't few and far in between, like the other anon said there are many more ways to be intimate and not all men are sex driven maniacs who will expect you to have sex with them just to date them. it's not like you're marrying them lol. thank you though.
>>1198675completely agree! penetration is sort of the least enjoyable aspect of sex especially when you aren't prepared for a pregnancy or even then it's just uncomfy and there's (imo) a lot more ways to be enjoyably sexually intimate with men than just letting them penetrate you
>>1198687yeah surprisingly i'd much prefer a raw dick than whatever bullshit makes up the plastics or rubber they'd prefer me to use, i'd also rather not expose my partners genitals to weird products either because i intend to be around those and don't want to deal with funky smells or lingering chemicals. sorry u don't understand but personally! i'll always happily take the "bacteria cultures" throwing my vagina off above scented crap and plastics that will harm me long term. i'm also one of those free bleeding freaks that isn't interested in tampons or pads or menstrual cups. none of those things belong anywhere near or in your vagina.
No. 1198715
>>1198709yeah i know thank you!! i've considered the reusable cloth ones but i've found the way i'm doing it so manageable i couldn't find a reasonable excuse for spending the extra money!! but it's definitely something i'll continue to consider.
as for dysmenorrhea i'm really not sure since it isn't something i've experienced personally i don't think i could comment on how to manage it. i think that birth control in almost all circumstances is damaging to your health… but if that outweighs the effects of having constant/monthly severe life effecting pain? i think that's reasonable. taking painkillers also is sort of just required at some points in life. personally i try avoid it as much as possible but there are women who are performing physically all day or don't have the privilege of managing pain without medical pain relief. all in moderation and all in perspective of your quality of life imo. taking birth control to have sex with men isn't necessary which is where i find an issue with it.
No. 1198741
>>1198737>Just don’t have sex for a couple days a monthanon…
I don't like birth control but this advice is ridiculous and actually ended up getting me pregnant when I had sex a day after my period. Condoms are the way to go and they protect from STDs and they also reduce the risk of other infections if your scrote has a gross dick
No. 1198758
>>1198741Sperm can live for days in you, if you had unprotected sex where he ejaculated in you before your
ovulated no wonder you got pregant.
If he doesn't jizz in you and you avoid the days before your ovulation and the day of ovulation, its as safe pregancy wise as condoms. Too bad no one actually does it correctly or reaerch how to do it properly. I did it for 4 years and no pregancy, because we weren't retarded about it.
No. 1198772
>>1198760Too bad most people are retarded and can't grasp simple concepts.
Rythm method is used by a ton of people with no accidents.
No. 1198775
>>1198767Apparently you ovulated early, sperm cant fertilize an egg that doesn't exist. Or how would that magic happen?
Also letting a guy jizz in you if you don't want to get pregnant is retarded what did you expect?
No. 1198817
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>>1198775You can ovulate late as well, and a lot of women have irregular cycles that completely throw everything off, and a lot of women miss periods too. Why even promote a method that simply won't work for a lot of women and has a ton of room for mistakes? Acknowledging the method isn't practical isn't saying hormonal birth control is the best option
No. 1198834
>>1198817Rates for the rhythm method
> The rhythm method is a form of natural family planning. It can be done by tracking a woman's menstrual cycle, monitoring basal body temperature and watching for changes to cervical mucus. This method is about 76 percent effective at preventing pregnancy.Personally… not a chance I'd risk it.
No. 1198846
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Just wanted to take a nap after a 12hr night shift and just as I was about to drift off my bfs parents decided to make a unplanned visit. Trying to fall back asleep but they are so fucking loud reeeeeee.
No. 1198854
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>>1198846I hate that shit
No. 1198855
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PMS is kicking my ass and it kicks my ass every single month holy shit. just devoured a 20 mcnugget box because salt cravings then 15 minutes later started crying because I couldn't find a glass for a drink of water. I am living in hell. My nipples are sore as fuck and I am extremely exhausted, I feel like curling up in bed and just crying until I sleep but I can't even do that because I need to catch up to my job. Why must I go through this every single fucking month
No. 1198859
>>1198837Not really, just the usual “I love you, platonically.”
Normally I’d think this just translates to being unattractive to them but they were all over me before I confessed. Hand holding, hugging, leaning onto each other. We had times we were just together, grabbing drinks and talking. It’s all stuff I don’t think I personally would do with someone who is offensive to look at or who I don’t mesh well with personality wise. And I don’t see them at least spend time with anyone outside of our friend group and the alone times with me.
My previous crushes I asked and was rejected by had similar experiences with me. They’re platonically very close to me but no one is interested further.
No. 1198871
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I have gotten so much stupider and lazier since graduating high school. I went to a state college which is known for partying just because it was cheap and I had no idea what else to do. One of my childhood friends went to an ivy league and is extremely smart obviously. she has ambitions and goals and seems genuinely curious about the world. Meanwhile I have no ambitions, stuck in a dead end data entry job, live with my parents, no friends, mental health issues, etc it's just sad when I compare myself to her. We were at the same academic level in high school so I feel like if I tried harder I could have been like her but now it's too late for me. I tried learning to code but my brain is genuinely not wired for that.
No. 1198917
>>1198885I’ve never had sex or really touched anyone sexually, consensually, beyond over clothes (if that even counts?). All their physical affection kind of maxes out at kisses. I honestly really just have being the
victim of sexual assault under my belt.
And I don’t think I come off desperate? We’re usually friends for a while before I start feeling like I’d be willing to date them. I basically just start adding a bit of like mild touchiness if they’re okay with it and try to talk to them one on one more. Maybe it does come off as desperate, I used to be when I was not in my 20s. But I figured I would know what that is and isn’t nowadays.
No. 1198922
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Just absolutely love it when a friend goes on a tangent about how ugly they think a physical aspect of themselves is and it’s something you also have and can’t change. If you bring it up about how you have it too they’ll be like “omg no but it’s beautiful on you it’s different” like yeah ok
No. 1198926
>>1198807I think telling people you love or like them scares them off and feels too intense, like you want to move too fast or will become very clingy. It's retarded to have to hide your feelings, but that's the name of the game. Nowadays people will basically date for ages without calling it dating.
>>1198917>>1198885The bar of coming across as "desperate" or "too much" are extremely low nowadays.
No. 1198980
>>1198807You focus a lot on your external attributes. What are some internal attributes that are positives that you possess? What are some hobbies you have? Do you have good conversations? If you are looking for a long term relationship, people want a person they can enjoy their time around. Being attractive alone won't cut it.
You also say you are going to bars - that isn't usually a good place to cultivate long term romantic relationships. Most of the people there are not looking for something serious and they are looking for anything shiny and new to them. Perhaps try to find groups in your area of people who have similar hobbies to you.
No. 1199036
>>1198980I’m a cosplayer. I have a few thousand followers, but I only follow like 400 people if that’s any reference. I prefer to work on props and I have a lot of nearby friends who are helping me learn to sew. When I’m not working I usually play games or go out for drinks with friends. That’s what I mean by going to bars. I don’t think I’d find a meaningful connection at bars but when I go out with friends usually I get noticed. I play rhythm games but I’m also really content watching people do stuff, so I feel I have a balance of being interesting and I’m always willing to watch and listen. My friends say I’m funny and confident. I usually am the one to bring ideas and solutions to the table. When I’m gone from my friends for a while I usually get messages about how I’m missed, without my prompting. I think platonically I’m extremely confident that I am loved. It’s just I’m crashing and burning with anything romantic or sexual.
I didn’t bring up my own personality only because I’m just decently confident in it. I used to not be and was an easy target for negging but when my confidence grew my tolerance for a bunch of negative behavior dropped. I feel I’m at my best self but I was more “desired” when I was less confident and vulnerable, but I guess that’s a man thing probably.
No. 1199070
I’m a small streamer and I don’t know how some people do it. Almost every single one of my mods, viewers, and discord members are coomer men. I don’t even play inappropriate games and my streams don’t get very smutty, although I may make a joke here and there. I have a few women in my community and the difference between them is night and day. The women talk about games, my jokes, actually give me compliments related to my content and how hard I work, and I can talk to them like normal people. All the guys do is simp for me every other message and all of their compliments are about my appearance. I’m a pretty average looking girl, I don’t think I have a bunch of guys wrapped around my finger. They just have the “I’ll fuck anything” male mindset, you know?
I started streaming so I could discuss games with people in real time and enjoy them together without having a bunch of people crammed into my apartment. I genuinely do love streaming and have so much fun, but sometimes the men make me feel so dirty. They make me feel like I’m just a body for them to enjoy and like I’m a commodity for them. It makes me feel like a whore when the most I do is make an ironic “I fucked your mom” joke every once in a while. I actually have a small, private chat in my discord where the few girls and I can talk to each other in private. Sometimes it’s what keeps me sane, I love them so much.
No. 1199100
>>1199049Did you take out the big laptop battery, or the small mainboard battery?
IDK whether laptops have that, but on desktop computers there's a small battery that powers the mainboard memory. If your laptop said your BIOS settings were reset after you took out the big battery then maybe there's an issue with that. Maybe replacing the small battery would help. Maybe your BIOS got corrupted somehow.
No. 1199164
>>1199143>>1199152Nigga I know exactly what kind of women you look at on twitch don’t lie. Many women just play games and be attractive, some are even average in looks and/or are publicly married or dating, no sexual conduct necessary. They still get a following. Some with large female fan base.
>women ruin the internetSmelly smell. Sure, a few whores here and there must mean that all of us should either also become whores or quit the internet because women can’t possibly be successful without showing tits.
No. 1199188
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>>1199156stop pretending like a handful of women aren't pathetic pick me's that ruin the internet for other women. It's not always men's fault. Women are also conditioning society into being the way it is for other women simply because they accept to be treated and degraded by moids for a quick buck. Things get normalized and ingrained into society by example.
>>1199164don't lie anon, most women on the internet whore themselves out even the "normal" ones and they are setting this example for other young women. That's why so many barely 18 year old's get onlyfans or act like "waifus" on Twitch, if you're so defensive about this then you're also probably to be accused of the same thing. Men cannot relate to women on the internet normally anymore, the dynamic is screwed up. They just see you as an object they can throw their money at but this is also a result of other women normalizing this sort of behavior into society. If most women would set their foot down and not accept being sexualized for money or "simped" for money this wouldn't happen anymore.
>>1199174stop acting like women aren't at fault, you're missing my point. A lot of women simply normalize this behavior or allow for it so they perpetuate the problem, if most women didn't allow this, men would know their fucking place. This is why you have so many 18 year old girls whoring out because other women are setting the example and normalizing it into society. If we completely absolve women of responsibility we cannot improve society for women because we can only improve society for women if we put our foot down and stop engaging in certain behaviors which perpetuate misogyny. I've watched even "average" female streamers, not the titty streamers and they accept huge donations from thirsty moids that sexualize them or see them as a trophy they can reach with capital. If we as women don't stop perpetuating certain behaviors or beliefs about women then it won't improve and we will stay victimized forever and because of the behaviors and beliefs we perpetuate as individuals we will have innocent women be victimized because of what we normalize in society. We are also responsible.
No. 1199192
>>1199143 To clarify, I stream as a hobby and just for fun. I’ve made decent money from time to time but I usually don’t make anything. And what I’ve made is definitely not livable. I wouldn’t mind becoming a big streamer, but for now it’s just a hobby and that’s not a goal of mine.
I have never hidden the fact that I have a boyfriend, I just don’t talk about it because it doesn’t come up and because I don’t think my personal life is a bunch of strangers business. It’s more of an ‘if you ask me, I’ll talk about it’ thing but I won’t bring it up out of the blue. But my friend who is also a streamer told me that her chat calmed down a lot when she became very open about having a boyfriend, so I’ll probably do that. Fingers crossed.
No. 1199200
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>>1199156yes, I wish you good luck anon and by the way I am not trying to blame you, I just think women are also responsible for perpetuating misogyny in society because they accept being degraded for money or they just perpetuate this idea that women are commodities or "waifus". I'm sorry you cannot pursue your hobby peacefully because of the way our society works. I do think that they might calm down if you tell everyone you have a boyfriend. Just make it clear you're not there to be anyone's fantasy, that you're there simply because you enjoy playing the game that you're playing.
>>1199195I didn't say I am different but honestly if you cannot see how other women also perpetuate misogyny and accept moids treating them like trash for money or favors then you are either also responsible of this or stupid. It's impossible to change society for women if we don't change our behaviors and blame it all on men.
No. 1199207
>>1199200 it was meant for you
No. 1199210
>>1199202agreed but we need to stop blaming the anons for replying, because thats what happens when a moidlet is left unbanned. We need a more active janny team.
>>1199208its not her.
No. 1199213
>>1199188Women have been harassed on the internet since its inception
>it’s not always men’s faultlol yes it is, male sexuality is a disease, they will sexualize and harass women no matter what she’s doing or wearing. Think of the most innocuous show or movie you can and then go see if there’s porn of it it. Rule 34 is the biggest sign of male depravity, they can and do turn everything sexual, they get off on degradation, now go get your lobotomy.
No. 1199218
>>1199100Yes I took out the big battery, but there is no small battery on my laptop, I assume that would be the CMOS but I cannot see it, it is not in the diagram of parts I found online either and support forums say on this model the CMOS is integrated with the big battery. I will have to replace the entire battery I guess. Rip
>>1199144Thank you, your advice is right, but I will to replace the whole battery. Grrr just the CMOS would be way cheaper
Thank you anyway anons I have finally accepted I will need to spend money to fix this kek I wished I could do it for free
No. 1199227
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>>1199213yes, but that's because most women accept being degraded and objectified by men in exchange of money so they ingrain this idea into society that women are just commodities. If most women wouldn't allow that, then men would know their place. You can all cope as much as you want but most women aren't like us, most women are pick me's that make society a worse place for all women. Because most women normalize sexualization into society, women that are innocent also become a
victim of it. Either way, I'm just ending this now because you all seem too dumb to understand what I am saying. You think that women are always to be absolved of any responsibility when society is the way that it is because most women accept being fetishized or objectified by men for a quick buck or for simply climbing the social ladder. If most women wouldn't allow this then society wouldn't be the way it is for ALL women. The average women is a pick me. Sorry, I just don't think we can get rid of misogyny if we don't change our behaviors or convince other women to change theirs.
>>1199188>If most women would set their foot down and not accept being sexualized for money or "simped" for money this wouldn't happen anymore. Noooo don’t make money playing video games, reeee. Men will never stop sexualizing women whether she is working at McDonald’s or playing Animal Crossing in sweatpants. Tell those male simps to stop giving money to “unworthy” women then, or are men low IQ subhumans who are incapable of independent thoughts so they are literally getting robbed by evil succubus against their will?
Also stop posting porn peddlers, claiming they are the average woman, as an argument against those who want to make money on the internet without being sexual. No one is fooled.
No. 1199241
>>1198693>none of those things belong anywhere near or in your vagina.Well maybe they don't in
your vagina, anon. What women should use to take care of their periods is not a one size fits all thing. If you don't want to use cups, tampons or pads that's fine, but it's not wrong for other women to take care of their body that way. Sorry if I come off as rude, but I honestly get annoyed seeing this kind of stuff.
No. 1199248
>>1199227>most women accept being degraded and objectified by men in exchange of money Gotta agree with
>>1199232 .The VAST majority of women aren’t twitch streamers, instagram thots, prostitutes, sugar babies or whatever. Most women are just living their lives
No. 1199257
>>1199207You’re fine.
Sorry my vent kind of
triggered a bunch of infighting, I was just frustrated and wanting to yell into the void
No. 1199299
>>1199186I wouldn't say this to someone I'm not close to but like I'd like to be told if something looks bad on me. Doesn't mean I'd change my choices out of insecurity immediately, but I'd reassess sure.
I'd prefer that over being insincerely gassed up while you actually look bad, that's sinister and sabotaging.
No. 1199336
>>1198878I've never let my dad inside my (already very tidy, uncluttered) house because I'll never trust him not to throw my belongings out or just rummage through my personal belongings. When I was a kid and a teen he would do it while I was at school. It was almost like he handpicked the most sentimental items he could find. Oh a dead relative gave you this teddy…. that's still clutter! I'd arrive home to that surprise and one time I weeped over that fucking teddy because he even planned it out and threw it away on bin day. My mom cried too. It wasn't big. What did he care so much that I owned a teddy? Apparently 10 or 11 is too old for a toy.
He was such a snooper that as a teen I started collecting sex toys and I just sucked up the fact that no hiding place would be safe with him around. Maybe stumbling across dildos and harnesses taught him to stop. He never said anything
No. 1199346
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It Friday. Where the FUCK my paycheck?!
No. 1199387
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I can't see the meaning on life if I can't be young and pretty anymore. I still look younger than my actual age but at 27 I already see some signs of aging, I always had this baby fat in my cheeks but now they're sagging more than before, the oval of my face is not as prominent as before, the shadows under my eyes are bigger than before, I can't just magically put more fat under my eyes and I know it will get worse with age. I try to eat healthy, drink water, moisturize my skin, do face yoga, but there are still things that are out of my control, like insomnia and enormous stress and anxiety that I can't help, and I know those factors also play a role. I can't imagine looking old. I want to die when I think about being old and watching my face covered in wrinkles and not being able to do anything about it. I never even lived like an average young person, I've been a neet for years, no parties, no friends, no trips, no first kisses, no sex, only now I started catching up, I got a job, I have a few colleagues; not friends, but that's always better than nothing. I had a few guys showing signs of interest in me, although I never knew how to behave around them. I feel like it's just not fair, I could never enjoy wearing cute clothes and going out and have fun, and now when I'm approaching my 30s I feel like I'm too old for that. I don't even know how to behave, how to dress. I tried to copy other people, the way they talk and dress, but it always ends up with me just jumping to another thing. Where did my youth go? I neet'ed it away…
No. 1199393
>>1199387KEK who cares what age you look
nonnie? Some pedophile scrotes? Well OK if you wanna base your life purpose on some absolute retard freak wanting to fuck you.
No. 1199415
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My bf? ex? just asked for a break after lovebombing me for months because suddenly he "sees me as a friend or like a sister". In the span of a week… he says he's having a rough week and needs to figure out how he feels about me. The week before he wanted to get engaged kek. Im destroyed as much as I am mind fucked, what the hell is wrong with moids?
No. 1199427
>>1199419lol this
>>1199415I didn't even have to read the full post to know a manipulator when I see it. Just block him, he's trying to manipulate you into chasing him. Stop letting moids act like this
No. 1199446
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This fucking little shit sings beautifully every morning in my yard. At fucking 4:30 am. Little shit shut up in the morning for the love of fucking god
No. 1199542
>>1199387lol i've had no fat on my cheeks since i was 15 (not remotely anachan either, just thin face naturally) yet it really doesn't make me look older. but then again maybe i'm just so used to having a small face with no real chub that that is why i never really "look older", just the exact same.
but also i'm a neet too with no life, relatable
No. 1199571
My family is imploding, my grandma has dementia and had a big operation, everything is chaos. I was venting a bit with a scrote friend, not even doing an emotional dump, just saying how I'm worried about how (if) we'll manage, and he starts talking about how he's worried his grandma will maybe get dementia and he worries each time she oversleeps, like he was seeking reassurance, like bro what in the fuck? You're expecting me to comfort you over your grandma potentially, maybe, perhaps, getting dementia in the future, two minutes after I told you my grandma literally tried to bite and hit my mom??? Wtf is wrong with moids?
No. 1199580
>>1198732fuck obese men
disgusting slime bags
No. 1199585
I just have to express my feelings since I have been trying to constantly make them out to be something positive. But beneath it I still feel sad and defeated. I am sure of an eventual positive outcome and still busy myself with the things I love in the meantime, which does more than just keep me afloat. But I feel very sad that I have been rejected from every university I applied to. In the past, it would have never been a question. In the past, every university would be wanting ME. I was top top top student, advanced two classes, participated in all of the extracurricular programs, competed in international competitions, did sports and arts, involved in my community, and did it all because I LOVED it and would get bored otherwise. It was just a natural thing. I come from a poor household with little education, and yet I achieved these things. But then my mental health caught up to me and the situation changed entirely. I had nothing anymore, I couldn't do anything. The passion and ability never disappeared, but I no longer knew how to just do basic things. I was overcome with trauma and severe depression, so I had to redo a year and focus on my mental health, as such barely passing some of my final exams. My grades dropped, many of them becoming average or just above it, with one or two far below average. Just a few years prior, my grades were consistently excellent. I never scored anything other than an A. And I was happy. I loved school, I loved reading, I did things in my free time that were related to literature, science, art, history, and I still have this passion. I still possess this zest and talent. Yet I have been rejected from every single university I applied to. I don't know why, because they all have different standards, but it is crushing. I am staying strong and not letting it get me down, but a part of me feels gutted by it. How is it possible? Most of all, what do I do? Will I ever go to university again? I already took a gap year. I don't want another gap year. I love school, I am capable, I am the perfect fit for an academic environment. So why am I being excluded? I can do it, how can I prove this? Every single university… Such a different reality from what I lived before. I am so much better now, I can do it again. How can I let the universities know that it's me again? In fact, it is more than that: I am better now than I ever was before. They would be so happy to have me as a student, truly. I could contribute so much, and I want to. I am itching to go back to university, to start anew. This is just a vent, so now that I am finished, I'll return to the mindset of patience, acceptance and perseverance. I'll simply keep living my life, doing the things I love and taking the opportunities that come my way. I won't fret about my circumstances. All is well.
No. 1199607
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I feel fucking insane for not wanting my bf to look at other women. I hate being in the leftie circles because the other side is conservative and homophobic assholes. I hate being perceived as insane for simply not wanting my significant other to cuck me with random internet women. Is this normal? Am I insane? I feel insane because despite my high libido I simply don't want to look at random sexy naked men. I want to fucking kill myself for being such an autist.
No. 1199637
>>1199607another L for the libtards
enjoy your cuck bf cucking you and himself by watching some random guy fuck the girls he can't get
No. 1199652
>>1199580Samefag but fuck obese men so fucking much.
Nothing adds more to the world's ugliness than some neckbeard meme-coded fat fuggo.
No. 1199658
>>1199607Jealousy is hardwired into humans. Feeling jealous is normal and if someone doesn’t feel it with their significant others (in reasonable situations) then they don’t actually care about you, they have a hormone imbalance, or they are lying. You are
valid nonie.
No. 1199687
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I feel bad for feeling this way but my best friend is putting her fwb moid above our relationship and I can't wait for him to break it off, so that she sees what an idiot she was for running after him and I'm gonna tell her that I won't be her shoulder to cry on this time. I've been through this with her so, so, so many times and I'm over it. I genuinely don't want to see her hurt but when will she finally learn? We barely see each other, she always texts me how she misses me when I'm busy at work and how she can't wait to talk to me in the evening, but she can't call me for five minutes when that moid is at her place, even though they see each other pretty much every day?
No. 1199690
>>1199611>>1199614>>1199622>>1199658>>1199666Thank you nonnies. I vented about this to my female friends and they all acted like I'm being controlling and
abusive. It hurt me because I didn't feel like I was being unreasonable. I really don't get it, if I love someone a lot I don't look at other people even to get myself off when I'm away. I hate that I live in a 3rd world country where it is either this shit or men who physically abuse women. I wish there was a cure for heterosexual women.
No. 1199763
>>1199749Why are you answering it? I mean.. technically through
terf memes and generally being terminally online i know a lot of these terms unfortunately but i’d pretend not to know. Just say you don’t know next time
No. 1199764
>>1199692Don’t let him finish before you
>>1199751I do the same thing I also ask for a snack
No. 1199828
>>1199818>deleted his porn>deletedNo offense but any man who goes the length to download and keep porn in his files is creepy as fuck and trash, before, during, or after. And you're wrong to trust him. Sounds like he was very deep into it. Like…he couldn't just google some softcore stuff and then forget about it? He took the time to download it and stow it away. Let that sink in.
Go find a man who doesn't act pornsick whether he's single or not. They do exist.
No. 1199926
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My psycho fucking commie ex is going to be released from jail next week. I’m armed this time and living in a different state so I don’t feel as scared as I would have been before
No. 1199942
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It fucking happened
They fucking told me it wouldnt happen and people on the internet told me they don’t exists IRL but I fucking saw one. In the flesh.
Inside of a shitty black Mini Cooper. It was driving it. Long black stingy hair. Chipped nail polish. Long face and chin. I second guessed myself for a minute because I thought hey, maybe I’m just paranoid. Maybe I’ve been browsing lolcow for too long. And the name it gave was unisex but then when it drove away, I saw it. It confirmed it.
Pic related was on the back of the car.
They’re fucking out there nonnies. They exist and they’re real. No matter what anyone tells you.
No. 1199960
>>1199942I'm so sorry for you
nonnie… I'm praying he kills himself asap
No. 1200017
I hate it when my mother tries to make me feel better by blatantly lying to me. Sometimes I mess something up and it’s much better to acknowledge it than pretend you can’t tell. Thank goodness I was born a female autist and not a male autist because I probably would’ve grown up to be one of those insufferable shits who thinks he can do no wrong.
>>1199942You’ve never seen one before? I used to work in a hospital and would see at least one greasy man in a micro-mini skirt every week. Most had the stringy hair but a good few of them wore cheap plastic cosplay wigs, too.
No. 1200023
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Is anyone elses emotionally exhausted of the news on social media, but especially the toxicity from others? I am so tired of these "justice for Johnny" crap being everywhere, it breaks my heart how much violent and disgusting shit people talk about another woman."But hey, calling her a psycho and wishing he actually killed her instead is totez normal in this situation!!" It really isn't. This idiotic case even started surrounding my friend circle, and all of them don't even really look at anything other than tiny biased clips from memes, etc. But there is also this person who is a huge Johnny fan and she keeps degrading Amber on VC. The only thing that breaks my heart is when I have to encounter a woman talking shit about another. I wish I could at least explain her my point of view, but it will be shut down and extremely biased. I am just tired, nonnies. From my homecountry deciding to declare a war (I couldn't sleep for two months because of that) to experiencing food shortage in my current country to witnessing everyone I love being mysogonists…and don't even get me started with my family situation, where i cannot help them but I wished I did. And my own health problems that doctors don't want to solve feels like the least of the problems. I am just so tired, everyone. I feel like I need a good break, a good escapism. Maybe I could become some vidya-addicted person…
No. 1200052
>>1199908kek same. I think that labelling sexuality kinda collapses in itself when you introduce demisexuality as "legitimate" because as you said, it's just describing regular sex drive. Not everyone wants to bone someone's brains out the second they see them, that's not what attraction is for a large part.
Plus I've met some self identified "demisexual" women who were more than happy to hook up on the first date, so what does that say? That the brief exchanges we had over drinks was enough to know each other for you to feel attracted? I'd argue you don't know shit about a person from the first date, not enough to count demisexuality as a real form of sexuality.
I do think asexuals exist, and that drive is a spectrum too, but that's where it becomes grey and someone who labels themselves "demisexual, heteroromantic" is just a spicy straight begging to be invited into the special LGBTQ+ club
No. 1200073
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Nonnies this made me feel so shitty…
I went out with a guy friend (who we fooled around a bit in winter, just kiss and stuff, we never took it seriously though him being 7 years younger - were in 20s). He went silent suddenly for months and I eventually stopped following him. Few weeks ago he wanted to meet up. I said okay, why not. Just a friendly meetup, chat and have fun. We went to a game bar, had okay time, said goodbye. He sometimes awkwardly touched my side. This morning I see stories of him in the same bar with a female friend. Apparently after we said goodbye he went and invited out a (taken, but still) coworker and went to the same bar… I feel like, am I that bad of a company? If he wanted to stay more, he could've asked… Or he could've let her join us.
I asked him about it, told him I thought he said he wanted to study in the morning and that this is a bit awkward but ok. He responded like 'ooh I thought you were the one that wanted to study!'. I asked him then if they played some more games to be less salty and more friendly but he hasn't responded.
Why are scrotes like this?
I would be hurt if a female friend said goodbye and then invited another friend out to the same exact bar and put fun stories with her but not me on insta. He's pretty cute and even though I can't date him because the age gap is too much, this stings. Am I crazy or is this something that just isn't normal to do? Even to a friend, much less to a girl you flirt with. Is this a fuckboy thing? Or are young guys generally like this? Or are good looking men generally like this? I am losing faith in humanity, honestly at this point I'd rather stay home than be humiliated like this again.
No. 1200084
>>1200043This makes me sad because my mom wanted a kid ever since she was one herself (like 10, 11?) I know she genuinely loves me but she also has a habit of putting herself second to everyone in existence and I just wonder how different her life would've been if she'd been able to prioritize herself instead of fixating on becoming a mom. Not to mention this
>>1200060 happened to her to where my dad was much older and a shitty person even though she was the "ideal parent" and never badmouthed him to my face, I learned from other people in the family. I try to do nice things for her but it's like pulling teeth getting her to stop trying to take care of everyone else. I hate it.
No. 1200095
>>1200069Yes and I did this with my animal plushies, along with playing with toy guns and action figures. Congrats on completely missing the point.
>It's just in our nature to be caring and coolAlong with wearing heels and makeup I guess? Damn I might as well troon out for not being a proper lady
No. 1200098
>>1200088I understand that but I genuinely believe there's an innate empathetic and caring nature in little girls. We're wired differently to be more compassionate. It was a natural inclination to be caring. A vet was caring for animals, a doctor for people, teachers to teach and politician to manage it all. I hav nieces and nephews and the girls are more developed mentally. They speak quicker, they have more varied interests, at this age they're also keeping up with boys in physical activities. The boys are more clingy and dependent.
Not to say there's people that groom kids, but I do think there's different development paces between genders
No. 1200128
>>1200098I beat up boys and chased them with weapons. I had one obsession at a time. I let spiders fight each other. I would scam kids by buying a bag of candy and making them pay 5 cents a piece at the playground. I would play as a witch and pretend I was cursing the whole town.
>>1200106>Some girls like myself as a child would ask for a gun toy or a video game console and get outright told no because i was a girlI was given all the toys my father wanted when he was growing up, because he probably wanted a son or he was too retarded idk. If he wouldn't play with it as a kid, I wouldn't get it. So I played with actionman, lego from the 70's, science sets, the video game consoles he wanted when he was growing up etc. He even curated with movies and tv shows I was allowed to watch. I wanted to help my grandma with cooking and cleaning, but I wasn't allowed to. Instead I was told to take the trash out, rake the leaves, mow the lawn. At some point other girls weren't allowed to play outside anymore, meanwhile I was never told to stop. I just ended up stopping because there was nobody left to play with and I didn't want to play with the boys, except when they had fancy toys or a Gamecube or something like that. Well it worked, I don't feel like I have much of a ladybrain. My verbal intelligence is pretty high according to the sperg tests and I do have those things which are probably nature, but that's about it.
No. 1200325
>>1199692Kim Anami is a meme in a lot of ways but some of her podcasts on how sex should be really opened my eyes and helped me understand that sex shouldn't leave you exhausted. I'd encourage you to check some of her work out and just give it a shot, ignoring some of her cringeworthy marketing things. That's what I did, and it inspired me to start a conversation on the topic with my boyfriend. I'm blessed to have an understanding boyfriend who appreciates communication, so that certainly helped the process. But me sharing my thoughts on what sex should be (energising as opposed to exhausting), what is possible (controlling ejaculation, orgasming without ejaculating, orgasming multiple times, orgasming from penetration) and how this is possible (practise, deep breathing, patience, relaxation, communication, eye contact, sensuality) really created a wonderful space for us to explore each other intimately. My boyfriend can go multiple rounds now and controls when he ejaculates extremely well. Most of the time after sex, we are both beaming and laughing, although sometimes I'm trembling. It's an amazing experience and it's possible. I also don't believe sex is an isolated part of a relationship. Sex is an expression of love too. Humans were made to have sex, so it makes little sense for this to be difficult for us. When two people have a real connection, good sex 100% can and probably will follow. Don't settle for little. You deserve a love involving great, energising sex, and you CAN attain it.
No. 1200336
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My sister's bf just brought up completely unprompted that men made civilization and that women fail at maintaining a civilization. He gave the examples of Catherine the Great and Nefertiti(???) this man teaches history and he doesn't even know that Nefertiti wasn't a ruler. Also these were male dominated societies led by women in rare circumstances, not suddenly female dominant societies because the head was female. He said that they all failed after a generation. Yeah they died, nobody can rule forever. Also Catherine the Great and Maria Theresa (his examples) were effective leaders that encouraged The Enlightenment and were patrons of the arts. Those two make for a weird example of failed female leaders given they are known as some of the best leaders of their respective peoples, period.
He is seething because all men do is go to war, send each other to war, rape kids, and die.
No. 1200352
>>1200329i feel so torn rn
at first i was so happy with him but now he grosses me out/makes me angry
my sister has anorexia, which stresses my family a lot, and whenever we talk about her, he always asks "but doesn't she want boobs and a butt?" "have you ever asked her why she doesn't want to look feminine?" and i don't want an old man talking about the body of my underage sister like that.
my brother is a priest and he also doesn't understand why he isn't attracted to women and thinks it's wrong.
it feels like he cares too much about sexuality (of my siblings?) which in my situation atm is impossible, i have bigger more important problems to tackle. the last time we also argued about having children. i didn't even tell him that i never want to have any but he nevertheless didn't let go.
fuck, i have no idea what to do now… finding any therapist was so difficult and longwinded
No. 1200360
>>1200336That sounds like a red flag. Maybe you should warn your sister of this retard
It's also insane he should say that given that so many women are written out of history. We probably have more women leaders and inventors, but you never hear of them. Women get shit done, and without violence. Men ruin everything they touch. History is written by men because they're violent by nature.
No. 1200362
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this moid who used to be one of my closest friends is trooning out and i feel disgusted. at least we don't talk anymore.
No. 1200368
>>1200335>>1200355It is 100% Amsterdam because the Netherlands is well known for hosting CP.
>Oh, and we're also one of the most progressive and wealthy first world countries!"Progressive" and "wealthy", but it's not exactly distributed properly. Areas like Amsterdam are overly progressive, but then you have areas in the biblebelt which are on the other end of the extreme. They love to deny it, but they're literally on a watchlist of the WHO for being a hotbed of infectious diseases and have created genetic mutations which only exist in some villages (like Urk) due to all the inbreeding. Same thing with wealth, technically a wealthy country, so the amount of homeless people is inexcusable.
No. 1200370
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My skin is so shitty is starting to seriously piss me off: severe acne, black dots everywhere, black heads, pain…its so frustrating. I have nice features but nobody notices cause my skin is so fucking oily and deteriorated, i feel so unattractive and gross, i wish i could show my face without feeling intense anxiety cause it does not only look gross, but people assume is my fault (bad hygiene, shitty diet, etc) when is directly correlated to hormonal changes, at least for me. I think i will just fucking kill myself the moment mask mandates are finally lifted, i almost had a breakdown a week ago cause someone forced me to take my mask off and just know i looked like shit, as always, they surely though i was maskfishing
I don't even know how my face looks like without acne, its been decades since i had a clear skin and my self-perception is very distorted, puberty really fucked me up, i just want to have a healthy skin again
No. 1200377
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People are so fucking fragile. I commented on a different board how a certain celeb with bad cheek implants reminded me of a certain horror movie character and people jumped me for being "rude" and "comparing" said person to a FICTIONAL killer. Anyway, an admin replied in long ass paragraph how "disrespectful" and how hurtful my comment towards that celebrity was. A fucking celebrity, that most likely will never see my comment nor care if they ever do. I'm an adult and I don't need to be ~educated~ about how I choose to word things.
No. 1200391
>>1200387I feel your pain, nonna. People assume the same thing about me. Either they think I'm a lesbian or asexual, since I never comment on relationship stuff, unless it's telling my friends that their moids/moids in gerneal are stupid. And they think they know better what I am than me, like, "Are you REALLY sure you're not a lesbian or asexual,
nonny?????". So annoying.
No. 1200400
>>1200370I'm sorry you're going through this
nonnie. People don't realize how much acne can fuck you up psychologically.
No. 1200401
>>1200360She doesn't like when he says certain things but his common excuse is the typical moid "le devil's advocate" but I don't even think that excuse can work here because the argument was a non-sequitur to begin with.
>>1200393At least he's like, tall and fit and doesn't breathe out of his mouth and has a decent job. Ironically his ancestors were all enslaved by invaders and being mixed were probably raped too, but whatever at least some Y chromoid somewhere did something for a far away civilization he'll never have any connection towards.
No. 1200565
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I wish Amy was still alive and that she'd still make music. I hate the scrote she was with, who also introduced her to hard drugs, sabotaged her recovery and contributed to her addictions. I love her voice and it makes me so sad when I remember how people treated her like a circus monkey in the last years of her life.
No. 1200598
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Seeing posts obviously male made and some fresh banned threads. Here we go.
No. 1200641
>>1200611 >It's just that fat men don't get the kinda hate that fat girls getI'm not overweight but I hate the double standard where women are considered fat the moment they've got any type of belly pooch at all.. meanwhile men have to be significantly overweight before it really registers as not just being a big manly 'build' that he has. I've met men who have several stone of excess weight to lose and they don't even know they're overweight yet. But they'll spot a 5 pound gain on a woman and comment on it.
A woman with a healthy bmi can enter what some people start to class as fat just for having her monthly bloat. Men somehow have a few stone to play with where that judgement doesn't even start to reach them yet. It's bullshit that the bars are set so differently and then on top of that men can still pat their bellies playfully because nobody truly judges that them harshly even when they are seen as fat.
No. 1200666
>>1200648>Right wing men are against pornYet they still watch it
>Right wing men are against prostitutionYet they still pay for it
Right wing men pretend to be against these things because they consider women who engage in these activities as dirty sluts, not because they care about women's well being
No. 1200670
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>TFW you realize four years have passed since you've finished high school and you haven't done anything meaningful in your life
What the fuck, time is passing by too quickly
No. 1200694
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>Be a uni student
>Professor gives us homework, tells us to answer questions regarding some of the topics we've covered
>Tells us that we'll have to do research beyond what's written in our scrips
>NOTHING useful about these topics is covered in the scripts and our professors are picky with the sources
Just.Great. Yeah yeah, I know that research is part of uni life but these scripts don't even contain enough info to even cover one third of the questions. And how are we supposed to know what's a fact when everyone has different answers based on the things they looked up on the internet??
No. 1200698
>>1200677lol isn't that the guy that did the cuties review?
Honestly just based on that I don't know what anyone expected.
No. 1200740
>>1200646You're very right. I unfollowed him again and won't meet up anymore. It's just really tactless but then again he's very young… I'm not interested in talking to him anymore though, he's hot and cold and it doesn't feel good. Gonna ghost. He does seem to orbit a lot of women but doesn't seem to be able to keep a gf. Wonder why lmao.
It made me so mad and sad this morning though. My lonely ass actually really thought from the messages that he wanted to be friends, not fwbs or whatever. I wish for once I had a man in my life who wasn't utter disappointment.
No. 1200753
>>1200656nah don't worry anon is okay, at least you didn't lie to me out of pity saying shit like "real ones don't care about that" or "just buy this incredibly expensive product and you will be ok"
>not only am I mentally retarded but my face is also stuck in teenagehood tooi felt this, waking up and seeing the same old scars and puberty acne makes me feel stunted to some extent, like my body is not really changing at all
No. 1200757
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I feel like my life is just unending string of cringy shit I did and cringy interactions I had. Why am I so retarded? Every time I remember someone or some event I just feel cringe for something I've said or done in front of them. I'm either way too formal or way too informal. When does it end.