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No. 110532
>>97043Let's continue the abyss screaming.
No. 110545
>>110534What a trash teacher.
Keep a record and evidence of you trying to upload it.
No. 110551
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It's not a big issue but I keep getting followed by otherkins, "DID" retards, SJWs and other annoying shit like this. I have no idea how these fuckers even find me or anything considering I run a fitness blog and none of them use the same tags etc. It's been a while since I cringed so much.
(sorry for the big gif & thanks for making a new thread)
No. 110555
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I'm supposed to be starting masters but i'm too messed up all the time to articulate what I need to plan and do to achieve
No. 110556
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I'm supposed to be starting masters but i'm too messed up all the time to articulate what I need to plan and do to achieve
No. 110562
>>110532I'm so scared for my future becuase i don't have anything i want to really do at all professionaly. Since i was little all my dreams were mocked or dismissed by my parents and family so i never pursued anything i liked in life. Now i should be going to university but i just don't know what the fuck to do in there. My mother forced me to take a course in hostelery and i fucking hated it so i dropped out and became miserable and lost 1 year of my life in that shit.
Ever since i was little if wanted to do something my family would tell me it will all be useless and that i would waste my life unless it was a high paying job, so i dropped my dreams one by one and now i have them merely as hobbies. I understand that they are concerned for my future and i appreciate it, but they always made me look for what would bring me more money instead of something i want to do or what i actually liked, they never let me develop any passion past a hobby or "side-dish". So after all these years i'm just a fucking disgusting neet with social anxiety who's future looks as bright as a black hole and i hate every second of it. I just want to have hopeful dreams for my professional(and non-professional) future again but everytime i find something i kinda like i don't tell my family in fear that i will be mocked again so i end up dismissing it or hiding it from the world, and it sucks not being able to be open with what you like. I'm so scared i will die alone, without finished studies and never having done what i like in life. Trying to change everything in my life so that last part is not true, but fuck it's difficult.
No. 110594
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I've been insane for the past three years, and the nigger who caused it all thinks the capacity to hold some remote degree of self-justification in their actions as a form of independence they have lacked for their entire lifetime warrants maintaining an attitude which precipitates the entire issue for the both of us.
I wouldn't mind being fucked up if it didn't hurt so fucking much.
It's either suffer and hope to get better or wageslave with a bong for a brain and a lifetime of schizophrenic narcissistic thoughts accompanied by friends who exist to shit on you.
No. 110601
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>>110600too smart for my own good
No. 110639
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Voices are telling me to slit my throat
No. 110642
>>110639Assuming that's true and you're not just being edgy, if you feel you're at risk, go to the hospital.
It's better to check yourself in now and be stabilised relatively quickly or at least safe, than it is to end up doing something you'd regret and ending up with either criminal charges, serious injuries or being dead.
But if you are just being edgy, which the meme pic would suggest, then fuck off.
No. 110647
>>110645I'm pretty much in the same boat except I really have no irl friends anymore. I moved in with my LDR two years ago and that was kind of the end of my social life outside of him but tbh I don't care. We're both pretty introverted and enjoy each other's company the most. Sometimes I'll go out with friends from work but it mostly leaves me feeling exhausted. I just prefer night ins with my bf these days and gaming with people I met online.
I don't think it's an issue as long as you still try to be a functional person otherwise. If staying in with your bf makes you feel good who cares?
No. 110649
>>110645>>110647I have a handful casual friends I see maybe once a month each, but all my "good/close" friends I had, for 5-10} years, I can't stand anymore. While it might just be me, they have repeatedly demonstrated just how little of a fuck they give about me unless I am listening to their problems or giving them something. They became beyond inconsiderate and petty adults (all in their 30s) and I don't have the patience for their bs anymore.
Fuck close friends. Having some casuals, either online or irl that you only see/talk to once in a blue moon, is enough. Sure some say it's silly to mainly spend time with your s/o, but honestly I only feel truly happy when I am with mine or my parents. And I think that makes sense. Your s/o is one of the few people who will actually want to work shit out with you to move the relationship further. Most friends don't give a shit in the end.
In terms of a vent, life dealt me a ton of shitty blows lately. More than I ever could have imagined. Death of a loved one, other loved ones incredibly sick, joblessness, broken promises, shitty land lords being assholes, shitty friends taking advantage of me… And I am fed up. Yeah it sounds like I am just whining about life, but this all happened in the span of 5 weeks and it set me off. I have taken it out on my savings and blew roughly $1000 in the last few weeks on useless crap I have always wanted but don't need. I feel like shit about it. Later next year I plan on blowing a ton of money on something too and using my savings. I just don't even fucking care anymore. With how life has shown me how easily everything can become unstable and merciless lately, I have no more care for future stability.
No. 110650
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No. 110659
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>be an awkward, tomboyish, kind of lesbian-seeming thing
>go to help a friend who also happens to be my crush of 4+ years out with his uni projects
>as we work, he enthusiastically shares with me his hopes and dreams of marrying his girlfriend and thanks yours truly for being such a good [male] friend (nouns are gendered in our language) and sticking with him throughout the years
T-thanks bro, I really appreciate it. I realize I've brought this upon myself, but it still pains me to no end. Mercy.
No. 110660
>>110650>>110652Hang in there guys. You can get used to the moving around eventually, sort of like getting used to loud city noises at night.
And with the sheets thing, having 2 separate blankets so you don't have to deal with the annoyances of sharing is 100% the way to go
No. 110664
I had a dream tonight where my LDR boyfriend started talking in details about his past fwb, how beautiful and good in bed she was, and now I'm really fucking mad at him even though I have no reason lol. (I'm acting normally though, he doesn't know and I wouldn't be a bitch to him for a dream)
Thing is, I know why it bugs me: it's because he's had sex with all his past girlfriends and also had a fwb while I'm a virgin, so I feel ashamed and inferior. From a side the fact that he's experienced is good, but the inferiority complex I didn't even know I had is showing. I've had other boyfriends, but I didn't feel so bad about not having sexual experience as I do now. Maybe it's because he's handsome while I don't really feel beautiful, mixed with the fact that I hit 21. He's fantastic, treats me like a princess, so I don't have any rational reason to be suspicious about him.
I'll deal with my complex myself, and act normal as usual. Last thing I want to do is burden him with my shit
No. 110668
>>110666(Also, we're getting married in a few months.)
I say all this because I want to give you anons hope. Having two different rooms shouldn't be a taboo in a relationship tbh.
No. 110673
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>>110671I literally lie awake at night filled with resentment when he cuddles up to me in his sleep and wakes me up.
No. 110688
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I just want her to choose me over him. But I know i'm not good enough and it hurts really bad. (les anon here, not male)
No. 110695
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My parents only really care about themselves and my older sister. She graduated from an Ivy League school and now makes a little under a million a year, meanwhile I'm going to be about two years late finishing college because I took a break due to my anxiety and depression. I go to a community college for now and I hope to transfer to a better school, but I had one bad semester a year ago and now my GPA is pretty fucked. Whenever my parents talk to me they just remind me how disappointed they are of me. During the year off I got a full time job in a field I'm interested in and I finally stepped out of my shell, made friends for the first time in years, and got over so many of my anxieties that were holding me back from being happy, but it's still not good enough.
My mom won't hug me and my dad ignores me for weeks on end. Besides me being a failure in school, they are also really disappointed that I'm dating a non-Jewish guy who just moved across the country from me. They won't let me tell any of their family friends that I'm dating him because it's an embarrassment. I feel like I'm completely alienated from my family and I can't even hug my boyfriend anymore even when I really want to. I really think that I'm always going to be a failure.
No. 110701
>>110660Me and my bf do the separate blankets thing. Def a life saver.
After 2 years I still have never gotten used to the snoring though, but luckily he does it pretty rarely and only when he's on his back sometimes. I just shove him over when he snores and he's quiet lolz.
No. 110703
>>110695That really sucks for you, but you know you're doing well by working, finding friends and not giving up. You know that you have made improvements that you need to keep reminding yourself of, and that if you stumble again that you will pick yourself back up. Rome…day etc.
It's horrible to have family that don't value your achievements but unfortunately you need to detach their voices from your brain. This will be easier one day if you don't have to live with them, but for now just keep reminding yourself that their opinions are their own. They aren't perfect beings, they can be biased and wrong.
>>110688Maybe it has nothing to do with how 'good enough' you are, and it's just the choice she has made. Keep yourself busy until the pain goes away.
No. 110704
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I wish my boyfriend wasn't such a baby sometimes. And I wish he wouldn't masturbate as much, or at least not tell me.
I wish I was dead today. That's how I feel. My cat won't stop meowing at everything and my boyfriend is super passive aggressive all the fucking time about stupid bullshit that doesn't even matter.
Like, if I get up at 4 AM, he expects me to just smoke something and go back to sleep with him or something. Or if I get up, he eventually gets up to see if I'm going to go back to sleep. You can't just leave me alone? Isn't it more comfortable having a whole bed to yourself? Fucking fuck
I just want to die. Not really, I took an upper last night and now I guess that's why I'm angry.
I'm just so sick of everything.
I bet $100 that nothing's going to get done today. My boyfriend promised me last night that he would clean up the house today (just pick things up and clean like, 5 dishes, make the bed) so that he could sleep more. He said it was because he "wants" me to relax before I go to work in the morning, but I know it's just because he wants to sleep. I get it, but he won't let me shut the door to the bedroom so I can clean up a little and make less noise, so I can't even fucking do damage control.
So hopefully he means it and I won't have to when I get home. But most likely that won't be the case and I'll have to clean up. It's not a big fucking deal I guess I'm just ranting about stupid shit because I'm angry.
Fuck, my boyfriend just got up, sat down on the futon with me, and was randomly like "well, I guess I'll go back to bed" WELL THEN FUCKING GO BACK TO BED!
It's my fucking fault for everything, every little problem is because of some stupid decision I make independent of him. If he keeps doing this I'm going to fucking leave him in the dust because I'm tired of feeling back for not being able to sleep or not wanting to fuck in the morning.
No. 110706
>>110704Sounds like you're both at fault somewhat.
Your boyfriend should clean up more if he's not doing shit around the house and he's not working, even if he is working, he still needs to be cleaning up, but more so if he's essentially at home all day.
But that being said, you sound like you're being shitty too, getting angry over nothing and then acting like it's his fault. If you get up at 4 in the morning and he comes and checks on you, it's probably because he cares about you and wants to make sure everything's okay, not because of some selfish reason. Same with him saying he's going to go back to bed. There's nothing wrong with that at all, at most he's hinting he wants you to come with him, and if not, you'd be pissed off if he just got up and walked off without saying anything first too.
From what I'm getting though, you're both taking shit, and it sounds like your issues are at least somewhat from that. You're getting that ridiculously easily irritated thing that people who use uppers tend to do (they become those people who scream in supermarkets at people over nothing at all), and he sounds like he's smoking way too much and being lazy about it.
I might be wrong with that part admittedly, that was just a guess, but the rest applies. Either way you probably shouldn't be taking uppers at night unless you're planning on doing something, it's a waste from my experience, and you end up shitty and sleep deprived afterwards.
No. 110721
>>110719Yeah, you could be right there, but I mean, someone hinting they want sex in a relationship is hardly grounds to get angry at them over, it didn't sound like he was being overtly rude, just that he tried it on, got turned down and then went back to bed. I can see what you're saying, and he might have been being passive aggressive with it, but still, it's pretty minor stuff. And considering she thought that him getting up to check on her was also him being passive aggressive, I'd be hesitant to believe it fully.
Sounds to me like both need to ease up on the drugs though, because it's pretty clearly causing issues.
No. 110724
>>110710Idk man, not a yank
They call them benzos or yokes where I live depending on the type of pill
No. 110725
>>110724Neither am I, but benzo's are a different thing to what uppers are.
Uppers are things like ritalin or adderall, or anything that has that stimulating effect, you know, makes you feel full of energy, like you can think faster or focus more, like you're more awake than you've ever been before. It's usually some sort of amphetamine, though cocaine and a few others are uppers too. It's not exclusively pills either, but people use that word for pills usually.
Benzo's are benzodiazepine's, a class of medication usually used for seizures and anxiety, that chill people out and make them drowsy usually.
Yokes is ecstasy, right?
No. 110735
>>110729make lists,
to-do lists in order of priority
keep a diary, bullet pointing things you do during the day: that way you keep track of how much time you waste and you can look back on it like bleurgh and it helps you change
No. 110751
I'm so fucking sick of some parts of the "leftist movement" in my town and my anarchist/socialist friends. These are not the tumblr-kind of leftists, more like working class poor people rooted in the punk movement and actual low class struggle and not snowflake struggle… But some of it is so centered around this shitty 'lifestyle' principles, like you have to live in a pig sty, forget to pay your bills on purpose, let your dishes go unwashed for months, never wash your clothes and let your cat shit wherever it likes.
Just the fact that i vacuum once a week, pick up after me, put my stuff in it's proper place, lock the door to my appartment properly and wash my sheets 2-3 times a month (oh the horror) apparently makes me some bourgeoise OCD-bitch obsessed with cleanliness.. Oh, and the fact that i don't want to skip work and party instead makes me a boring person. Only rich capitalist swine work, and pay their bills on time, i'm 'sucking it up to the man'!!
It doesn't matter that i live paycheck to paycheck, work part time as a cleaner with shit pay, study to make up for my shitty high school grades because of 20yrs of untreated ADD and depression and actively take part in local political movements. I have become "one of them", i'm capitalist swine, and am no longer part of the struggling poor punks, all because i don't let my cat shit in my bed and don't wear the same undergarments for weeks without washing them.
"Trve" leftism is a lifestyle apparently, and you have to live on your parents money and keep up this "kool trashy druggie kid" facade, it's all about seeming cool u kno. Never mind the fact that you buy more useless shit than i, consume more, eat McD every other day and religously adhere to social norms/constructs within your own little made up 'poor anarchist' world.
It's like the whole pretentious fake hippie movement from the 60s all over again that my father always used to tell me about from his youth.
No. 110756
>>110755>>110755WHat AA CUNT i feel you
why let her do that, you unassertive or something
No. 110765
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Graduated in June from a cool degree. All friends from uni live in London, I'm the other side of the country. They all have great times together. I say they can come stay with me because my parents are on holiday for 2 months. "Ooh Yeah we'll see about that". Don't get back to me.
That's fine, I'll see my home friends! Finally manage to arrange a BBQ at mine after them bailing repeatedly over the past 3 months I've been free. I live in a tiny village with few buses (last one at 5pm). People still manage to make it and a few do stay in the end. The one's that have been extra-bail-y spend a lot of time drunk together inside the house while everyone else is in the garden. Kinda cements my assumption they want nothing to do with anyone anymore. Haven't seen any of them since. Guessing I was just a venue.
I'm unemployed and poor after uni. I need to learn to drive to get a job out of the village but fail my first lesson after forking out £800, having a mental break down but finally getting hyped for the test itself. Massive anticlimax.
Every job in the village rejects me (museum I was proper qualified for, and several pubs). Get an offer from the fucking fancy JEWELLERS. Slight nepotism as my mum has done stuff for them, and my sister knows a few people who work there proper well. Get two interviews and a trial shift, all of which went excellently. However, because I mentioned I'd like to do a masters eventually, they decide I wouldn't give them the commitment they need. It was a high paying and exciting job and it made me numb this morning.
Feeling pretty defeatist considering the whole 'no friends, no money, no job, no transport' thing. Boyfriend insists I keep applying for stuff. But why, when they'll instantly reject me for not being able to get there? My rational argument is met with "I don't know how long I can keep picking you up for". I know I'm overly negative sometimes but christ, just insinuate a break up while I'm at my lowest. Ask him to think about how that could have hurt. "Yeah it was badly worded but it's true". No apology. That's pissed me off the most. Also he's bailed on me tonight after saying he'd be over later. Plus Friday night. Ugh.
Trying to apply for some apprenticeships now. Because I'm over 19 and have a degree I will have to pay, rather than be paid. They advertised at taking place on the campus I could walk to. But no, apparently I'll have to drive for this too. If they even do a high enough level apprenticeship nearby. A final pathetic gripe is that the application form has no auto-fill, and the way of entering qualifications is vastly unintuitive. And don't carry over to other applications. I've got enough time though I guess i.e. eternity.
No. 110804
"But think about the children!"
I've worked steadily in child care, from babysitting at 10, to now working as a nanny, and I think these people need to shut the fuck up and give children more credit.
No. They don't know everything. Nobody knows everything. I think I've had more insightful conversations with 5 year olds than I have grown as adults, because they give fresh and innocent perspectives. Children are not stupid, they just don't harbor the same amount of knowledge. That's not their fault. And the perspective of a child doesn't last forever. It should be cherished to an extent. I sure as hell wish I could have been a kid for longer.
I'm so tired of hearing about this shit every single day. And a lot of the time they're not necessarily referring to "children" as in <10 years old, but pre-teens and teens. These kids are getting their first jobs, having sex, forming their first relationships with people that will last years and if they're lucky a life time. They're taking in a lot of new shit and belittling them only makes them act out more. Christ. Everybody was a child at some point! A stupid, naive, rebellious little shit. And some of you still are.
Random ass rant but I am so sick and tired of dealing with these assholes every single day. Everyone "grows up" and becomes an adult at some point (well, most people). Life is "dangerous". Everybody does stupid shit. Everybody fucks. Everybody dies. Please get the fuck over it. Rant over.
No. 110817
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>>110815Why did you choose a woman like that to begin with?
No. 110821
>>110815Yeah, as
>>110819 you should leave, because it's just going to make you miserable to see her acting that way.
Even if she's not going to be sleeping around, you can guarantee she wants to be able to flirt with people and date at the very least, and that's something that no-one really wants to see an ex doing.
No. 110868
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>don't give a fuck about my looks and relationships anymore usually
>always freak out once a week about being an ugly loser shit
Like clockwork
No. 110892
>>110797find time to exercise.
there is a lot of lactose free stuff out there for you in addition to supplements.
why haven't you actually talked to him about the cheese and premade foods? buying fresh is cheaper.
try to find a different job somewhere you would want to be while continuing to work and only leave when the next job is guaranteed.
>can't figure out what to do with my life on top of planning a weddingDate to establish trust. Time is actually your friend, not your enemy. Do not ignore ANY red flag you see in a relationship. Examine it for what it is, then determine if it is something you can work through with the other person, or is it something they refuse to acknowledge or deal with? If you're dating someone who is selfish and they refuse to see it, they will not magically become unselfish because you were kind enough to marry them. Red Flags ignored in dating will become the rocks upon which your marriage boat smashes in the coming storms. If there are multiple red flags and they won't talk to you about any of them, walk away. It doesn't matter if you've already moved in, share the bank account, the dog, and a car. Get out now. If they're not willing to work on things that impact the security of a relationship today, you can count on them not working on them after you get married.
No. 110896
>>110895Dump him… why do girls always, ALWAYS stay with men who dog them out? How come when a man gets his heart crossed by a girl, he immediately drops her and rest assured, there are always a group of friends (or strangers on the internet) who tell him to just leave her. But no, you girls always have to stay with these filthy, unfaithful men like you don't have the best chances ahead of you..
You really don't need to waste your life on this bugger. There are more men in the world who are more than willing to want you, always more faithful, more loyal, and more loving. Remember that
No. 110898
>>110896>How come when a man gets his heart crossed by a girl, he immediately drops herHave you never actually known a guy in a relationship? Guys forgive shit that girls do all the time, I have no idea how you could get the idea it's exclusively a female thing.
>>110895I'm always curious, why is him spending money (his money, you don't seem to live together) on a cam girl any different to say, if he bought porn?
Sure, it's shitty, but I don't understand why it's considered so much worse, is it just that there's interaction with another girl possibly involved? It seems like the same thing to me.
As always though, give it a few days before you make a full decision, a week if you really love him, a big decision like that shouldn't be made in the moment when emotions are running high.
No. 110901
>>110898Yea, it's the interaction. And it's live. Porn is usually just acting, this is a random girl streaming from her web cam live. I'd be fine if he was just watching but he's spending money on them. Money that we need to build our own place and car. Sure, he can do with it what he wants, it's his. But he shouldn't bitch at me for spending less than him on stuff that I need (clothing, makeup etc) I already know that he'll pull the "my privacy" card…so he'll end up blaming me somehow…
I know…I won't do any decisions right now.
No. 110902
>>110895You said it happened before and he said he would stop but he didn't. I'll give you 1000-1 odds that he does it again. Are you really going to marry this guy? Have his kids? If you stay then this kind of shit will make you miserable.
It's hard though if you're dependent on him a safe place. I don't know how old you are, but do whatever you have to to move away from your family. Then dump him.
No. 110913
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>parents want to celebrate my birthday
>typically am poorfag and my bf doesn't give a shit/can't afford to take me anyplace nice if we go out at all
>bf didn't even try to get time off for my birthday oh and our anniversary to boot since it falls on sunday
>my bank account is in the red and my credit card is near max
>oh goody this is my chance to try a restaurant I've been looking at for awhile
>parents said to have the celebration sunday because my birthday falls on a weekday when everyone works
>look up all the nice restaurants
>they're all closed sunday
I know it's a first world problem but shit. The only places that are open are average asian fusion restaurants which would be completely fine if my parents weren't white as snow and didn't have a mistrust for asian cuisine.
No. 110920
>>110912Not really…he likes to play victim. I know all of his little tactics etc. They don't work on me and I sometimes just choose to play along because I don't feel like arguing.
Anyway…I talked to him. We were in bed, so I confronted him. He kept insisting that he hadn't done anything and how he would show me his balance to prove it. He didn't bother to look at me and was calm. He just kept saying how he will stop but he knows how I won't stop invading his privacy anyway. Which isn't true. I'd love to be able not to care about this and just be happy without my anxiety giving me panic attacks. Eventually when I told him that I was scared of losing him and that's why I was doing it in the first place, he laughed. I asked him to promise me he won't do it again and he said: "fine, but we're in a relationsip for so long don't expect it to get written down on paper". No sorry or anything…
We went to sleep, I couldn't keep myself together anymore and I started sobbing/crying. Surprise surprise no reaction from him, even tho he was still awake, he just turned to the other side…
I guess I'll…just stop giving a shit. Treat him more like a FWB, just so I don't have to go home and not mention dumping him. I still love him, but…this is just really painful. I surpressed so many painful memories, might as well do the same with this. I'll drink on tomorrows wedding like it's my last day, it might help. Or I get lucky and get alcohol poisoning or some shit.
No. 110925
>>110921Stop playing video games and find something else. You can't guarantee you'll win and you hurt yourself when you don't, so playing them in the first place is a terrible idea.
Find something that you can't lose at that brings meaning to your life. Charity work, personal art, friends, family.
No. 110928
>>110919I booked a nice Japanese restaurant I like just to fuck with my white family. Called my dad just to make sure it was okay, but I was reaching when I said they had a
various menu selection.
I even reserved the tatami mat seating, so I'm looking forward to the spectacle of shock on their faces when they're told they have to take off their shoes and squat on the floor. Kek.
>>110924I fly a lot anon, I work in the industry. I even flew this past 9/11.
What carrier are you flying with?
Maybe it's best to ask your doc for some sedatives. If not try taking some melatonin or benadryl which can be bought over the counter.
Imo takeoff and landing are the most exciting times of the flight, I love window seats for the fact while listening to my ipod. Takeoff is the most critical moment of the flight and where the pilots truly earn their pay. Just be assured that ground tower and pilots have their upmost attention on the equipment. These guys are professionals and go through every kind of scenario in their training. Even if there's something wrong with the plane, they're so durable. All commercial jets can fly with just one engine and can even withstand lightning strikes.
Also don't let turbulence freak you out. I close my eyes and pretend I'm in an elevator while I laugh inside at everyone else freaking out. It just means the plane is
flying and has wind resistance from jet streams. It would be like people freaking out at a car rumbling because the tires are going over a brick road or uneven pavement.
No. 110937
>>110920Well, do you know if he actually did anything? Him having the videos on his computer doesn't necessarily mean he paid for them, they're available on heaps of free to use sites, he could have just saved them.
I assumed you knew he'd actually spent money on it this time, but if you haven't, then you kind of are jumping to conclusions. Find out if he actually did spend any money on it, because coming from his point of view, if he didn't spend money on it, you've just invaded his privacy, jumped to conclusions and then asked him to stop doing something he isn't doing, then got upset when he said he didn't do it.
Either way though, you really should work on not going through your partners stuff, especially if you're planning on living together. People need some space of their own.
If he can't prove he didn't spend money on it though, I agree with
>>110923 No. 110942
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>>110932Well guess it gone better than I expected.
No. 110945
>>110937I found the account because he didn't log out. You can view the transaction history and yes he did buy tokens. You can also see in the video that he's tipping the girl.
So no, it's just not me overreacting etc.
No. 110948
>>110945In that case then yeah, I reckon you should end things, because he lied about it too.
It would be understandable if he just didn't get that you thought it was wrong, because it's pretty much just porn, and most people aren't going to get angry over their partner watching porn, but if he lied, and lied about spending the money on it, then I wouldn't trust him.
I wasn't certain if you'd just jumped to the conclusion because you found the videos or something, but it doesn't sound like it.
Did you tell him that you saw the transaction history?
No. 110953
>>110951Well when he claimed that he could show her proof he hadn't spend money on it, and didn't mention that she actually saw anything but the videos on his computer, of course it would make sense to ask if she actually knew for certain he'd not just saved the videos off some tube site.
And yes, giving them money makes sense, but I don't think most people would give a shit that your partner looks at naked people on the internet, because most people do. You don't have to give those girls money to see them, their videos get saved and put up all over the place.
Don't go off at me for asking about what the situation was when it was kind of uncertain.
No. 110957
>>110953I don't know of one healthy relationship where a guy is going behind his girlfriend's back to go live chat with porn girls and give them $150.
She explained the difference between the regular porn and interactivity of cam porn and why the latter is painful
>>110901. So maybe the reason why anons seem so aggressive with you is because you're seeming to pin blame on her when her reaction to that is perfectly sensible.
No. 110960
>>110957But I'm not pinning blame on anyone, I simply asked if she knew he'd bought these videos from the girls, or if he'd just gotten them from a tube site. There's no interactivity if it's just a video, and him offering to prove it, plus her only mentioning she saw the videos meant that it wasn't entirely certain what happened.
I don't see the girl coming back and screaming at me, because it was just a question of if she actually knew he'd done what she thought or not. I don't see why it's such a huge deal.
No. 110965
>>110960How could it have gone over your head so hard that you had to question her about it? She said she caught him before doing the same thing. She said she found the videos which from the contents she deemed were from the interactive web sessions.
It's not a big deal, it's just simple and doesn't need questioning. And you questioning it is kind of pretentious tbh.
No. 110971
>>110965But she didn't, she just said she found the videos. When he offered proof, I just asked if she actually knew he'd spent money on it or not, because it wouldn't be smart to make any decisions if she wasn't sure. How is that at all pretentious?
You're getting all bothered about something that doesn't matter at all. Even if I was just a retard who missed this obvious thing, why does it matter that I asked about it? She's not here going off at me, who cares? How is it your business to defend her from something you don't even know bothered her? As I said, chill.
No. 110972
>>110971So she's too dumb to actually know what she saw? That's why you sound pretentious questioning it because you're acting like none of that had crossed her mind.
If you're the same anon who's arguing over in the brock turner thread I think I know why anons are suspicious of you jumping to defend the guy in this situation.
No. 110973
>>110972I didn't say that at all, but if you're denying that anyone could ever see something and just react, and jump to a conclusion, then I don't know what to tell you.
I didn't accuse her of anything, I just asked the question.
And I'm not that other anon, but are you trying to say that rape and watching porn on the internet are the same thing? Or even slightly comparable? I'm not one to call people SJW's, but that's pretty fucking Tumblr.
No. 110977
>>110975Alright, well keep up the witch hunt, I kind of doubt the mods are going to ban anyone for disagreeing with you though.
>>110976No, I just have no idea what you're trying to say. That thread was about rape, yeah? How is that thread anything like this?
No. 110979
>>110978Oh, well I didn't really do that either, I simply asked the question because I wasn't sure if she had proof or had jumped to conclusion, and people do tend to do that when they're hurt by something.
Why are you forcing this Tumblr gender politics crap into this?
No. 110981
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>>110979Oh man, you're accusing me of tumblr now. You even brought up gender politics, topkek.
Here's my vent
>mfw never even had a tumblr but the people who often scream about their usebase are the ones who tend to have blogs like tumblr How old are you anon?
No. 110982
>>110980Either way, this is an anonymous forum, why would the mods start revealing peoples IP because they disagree with you? It goes against the whole point of the site.
If you want a site with accounts, go to kiwifarms or something.
No. 110985
>>>110981I didn't bring up gender politics though, you did when you accused me of thinking women were all impulsive and emotional. Why are you so set on starting arguments?
>>110983Not even spoony had her posts revealed, I don't think they're going to just do it because you're on some witch hunt.
Reply if you want, but this is just shitting up the thread, so I won't be anymore.
No. 110986
>>110985Regarding Spoony, old admin did reveal her posting percentages and confirmed her samefagging. There'd be way too many posts to list lol.
Have a good night, Turnerchan.
No. 110988
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>>110775>>110776Welkom in Nederland!
What pushed you guys to move over here?
No. 111011
>>111009I just peaced out tbh. I was tempted to screenshot my messages to show they never spoke to me but I'm pretty sure they wrote the long text together and I didn't feel like being petty with an entire group.
I just had to go to bed and wake up to make sure I hadn't dreamt it because it all felt so absurd.
No. 111013
>>111007>>111009yeah call them out. but also suggest to meet up and smooth things over and if they're not down it's because they've ditched you and are making an excuse to get rid of the guilt
give them the benefit of the doubt before going batshit I say
No. 111016
>>111007Just be glad your free of such horrible "friends".
Why even put effort into this?
No. 111091
i am an ugly fat waste of space whos been this way my whole life(no i am not saying this so someone will call me pretty or not fat out of sympathy like those stupid fucking girls 1000+ friends on fb and post 5 selfies a day with over 100 likes on each one) i dont if its all my fault or fucking what but i blame my mother and grandmothers reluctance to take me anywhere or let me do anything as a child, coming home from school just to fucking sit and watch tv every fucking day and my stupid grandmother urging me to finish food when i didnt want to, i have never been to a friends house outside of a birthday party, and even that only happened 3 fucking times. i never learnt to do anything myself and the my stupid mother has the fucking nerve to say how she always helped her mother with everything. i rarely even brushed my hair because i had never formed the habit because someone else always did it for me. i dont know how to cook or clean anything. around grade 6 i was massively struggling with school i didnt know how to do homework or projects or anything myself my father would either help me or do it for me. i basically stopped going to school from the stress. i have missed my whole fucking teenage life and i havent had any proper friends for like 8 years. ive tried alternate schooling, courses, training whatever but i just cant fucking do anything or finish anything, i dont know if im retarded or just lazy. i have no self discipline no doctor has helped no therapist has helped nothing has fucking helped. i want to move out so bad im so tired of this hellhole i thought once i turn 18 i can buy the things ive always wanted but turns out i need money which i dont have. my piece of shit mother talks about how my older sister got a job on the first try, but when i expressed i wanted to get a job i was told 'oh we can just give you money when you ask' what a load of bullshit. sorry if i sound like a whiny spoilt 18 year old with no real problems but with all these years living in my own head with no one i can tell these things, it really eats away at you. i feel tired atm and cant sleep and have nothing to waste my time with. its really hard being a fat kid and getting told 'its just baby fat itll go away when you become a teenager' then becoming a teenager and staying the same, then becoming an 'adult' before feeling like you experienced anything as a teenager. reading back on what i typed is just a mishmash of everything i was thinking and feeling as i was typing so sorry if it doesnt make sense. i think about suicide just about everyday, im not sure how much more of my nonlife i can take
No. 111131
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I've been having weird sex dreams about my high school ex. It sucks because I never really got over him in the first place probably because hormones and shit. He's off getting his master's and I'm still sitting in our home town, being a fucking loser NEET. I probably wouldn't want to date him again because of how much of a pretentious pseud he is, but it's annoying that we did have a pretty great sexual relationship. Fuck. I keep hoping that I'll forget about him one day, but it's been 7 years now..
No. 111182
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Sweden is imploding and our politicians are 500% useless hypocritical idiots and now we have a growing racist-homophobic-sexist political party that's gaining a massive following of legal voters because pretty much everyone has given up on the incompetent cucks who are supposed to lead this country.
No. 111187
I hate my bfs family dog. He isn't neutered or trained, all because he's a small breed.
He constantly tries to mount the cat, follows her and her two kittens, eats their food first and doesn't eat his while not letting them eat it, jumps on people, pisses on the walls, growls and tries to bite if he doesn't get his way etc. I know it's 100% their fault and they keep avoiding the problem by just locking the animals outside the house. No one plays with them or pays attention. And yet the fucking dog still has special treatment.
I guess the main reason why this is bothering me might be that I'm not a big fan of dogs. I like them but I'll always prefer cats. And seeing the mom and two kittens being partially neglected pisses me off. So I often spend time with them, when I'm here, outside playing or just let them sleep in my lap. I love them but it's making me so damn tired to watch them, especially the fucking dog. Ugh, I hope they'll never again have more than one pet.
No. 111198
>>111195Have you seen a therapist about this?
Relatively speaking, your trauma wasn't that long ago and, even if it was, it'd be natural for it to leave lasting effects.
Finding someone to talk to - a friend, a group of survivors, a professional - can really help. No. 111208
>>111206No, she wouldn't. The only time a medical professional can tell anyone anything is if they think you need to be put immediately into a hospital because you're a serious risk to yourself or other people. They can't tell the police or your parents anything, especially not as an adult.
People with mental health issues act in self destructive ways, they're there to help you with that, not dob you into the police. No-one would talk to them if that wasn't the case.
You definitely should bring it up with her, it sounds like a really important part of your history, and like it would be important in your recovery.
No. 111209
>>111206I'm assuming you're in the US? You can ask your therapist to outline their confidentiality rules - what would they consider as harmful behaviour? What would they have to report?
If selling your body is in your past, then you're not in immediate danger right now. If you're over 18, you could tell her you don't want that info disclosed and the that the lack of immediate danger means there's no need to disclose it anyway.
You're not endangering anyone else either, so I can't see why she'd report it. No. 111223
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Sorry if this ends up being too long but holy shit. I've been working at this small catering company for about six months now and it's owned by a husband and wife. They are honestly the nicest, understanding bosses I've ever had. Well I wasn't getting enough hours so I applied to the local animal shelter and heard back today, and they want to schedule an interview this Friday @ 11, noon, or 1 pm. Well I also heard from my current bosses earlier today that they want me to work front of the house at their restaurant that they're opening…this Friday…10-6.They had talked to me this morning before the animal shelter so I said yes. Fuck, I'm seeing them tomorrow to talk about the kitchen but I don't know what to do anons; I really want to work at the animal shelter (adopted my cat from there, they're no kill, and just nice) but I don't want to ruin my reputation, and look like a flakey asshole to my current bosses.
No. 111225
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>be panic attack free for months
>it pops up out of nowhere
>just before the night of my job interview
Is there really no cure for this hellish disorder? I'm already on efexor xr 75 mg but I get them sometimes, will therapy work for sure?
No. 111227
I hate getting sexual attention from men. Even if i like a guy i will instantly lose interest in him if the first thing he does is acting sexual around me. There's also this huge sudden influx of men being creepy to me rn, and i have no idea why. I've never insinuated i'm an overly sexual person, yet they treat me as if i've already said "yes" to their every desire before i've even opened my mouth. I act like a bitch, i ignore them, i straight up tell them i'm not interested but in their eyes i'm a thirsty slut that just can't wait to get some dick in me and (i quote the exact words of what two guys have told me within this month) "Must have men waiting in line for me!".
I'm very private about my sex life, i don't talk about it with anyone but my partner or close female friends. Is it because i'm single? Or do grown ass men start acting like horny retards as soon as they're above 23?
I'm sick of you, grow the fuck up or stay away from women. Since when do we tell a random girl we just met that "I'm into bondage and sub/dom stuff, if you're okay with that!" I don't give a fuck. And please please please stop sexting me, i hardly even know you.
If i fall in love i don't want to have one of the first memories with my soul mate be a text that says "aw. and then what? ;)"
What more does it take? I'm ugly as sin. I'm as far removed from what constitutes as an attractive girl as you can be. I never shave, have short hair, look like a literal skeleton, no makeup ever, ill fitting jeans and t-shirt every day, showers like twice a week, my tits and curves are non-existant and all i ever talk about is weed and star trek.
I don't want this. I'm afraid to meet my friends and go to parties because there is at least one guy i know that is going to hit on me. It's fucking gross, they probably do this to every girl they meet.
I hate this town. Why can't guys here treat others with respect and act like actual adults.
No. 111228
>>111227You're demure and those guys think they have a chance with you of they act aggressive enough.
It's just a numbers game and unfortunately it just so happens the guys in your area have an ego complex where they can't accept basic rejection. I'd say fake seeing somebody to get them to stop orbiting, but usually egoists like those will try to "win" you from the other person, so that could actually make it worse.
Accuse them of harassment. These days it'll send them off the deep end and accuse you of being "SJW," but hey, better that than having to deal with their shit. My condolences, anon.
No. 111229
>>111227lmao i'm the opposite. i never get any attention from men.
boo hoo, life is so hard when you're partying so much. you sound like you're humblebragging tbh
No. 111258
>>111238Have you changed meds or something?
lol at your backup plan. geddit sis
No. 111276
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pissed at roommate already. we havent lived together for that long but she has set high expectations of me to be "healing" and "clownish" to cheer her up and be social in the house. I cant even go out by myself without her getting stupidly pissy and acting up if I even bring up a funny story from seeing other people. "I wasnt there/invited so I dont understand". Did I ask for the bitchiness?
Switch it round, if she goes out, she will definitely show off about it to me. She can act pissy to me or spoilt if Im in a bad mood or want to be left alone. Why arent we beig more social?? Im not here to perform, this is where I now live.
Im at loss what to do, they ignore me if Im acting annoyed/pissed off. If their pissed off they want me to console them and cheer them up. If Im being quiet they ask why Im so quiet/ If their quiet they tell me to go away and need alone time. Now I have to sit in a cold living area if I want to watch tv to "socialise" bitch no, I want to watch it in my room.
Am I being spoilt? Another roommate spends alot of time in her room but shes not pulled up on it, only me. Its just really frustrating.
No. 111297
I have been thinking something like
>>111231 today
I have a less than average face, but I'm in shape and well presented. I think because I'm ok enough to bone but not pretty enough to be in demand or date means that I seem approachable. Confident or attractive guys never go near me, but the socially awkward or less attractive ones swarm
>inb4 REEEE CHAD STACY HUMBLEBRAG REEI just started a new job so I've been polite to everyone and in this first week people that started off normal have openly stared at my ass, touched my back in conversation (not normal here), made a reference about "the general consensus" on how I look and generally been weird. It's subtle stuff so that might not mean anything so I can't call it out but it feels wrong. I feel like it's all my fault for being nice to people, but then how are you meant to be a nice person without being polite? I don't want to go into work tomorrow because I get anxious about how it might be my fault and how to stop it getting any worse. I just feel terrible and on display at all times.
No. 111314
>>111276You need to draw the line or she(?) will keep fucking with you more and more. Nobody else should make demands on your time or emotions like that, and especially not in such a manipulative way. It's more difficult to handle if you live together, maybe try just being a bland bitch about it
>Oh hey that really sucks that you're sad, I hope that you feel betterthen walk away
>Yeah, I guess you wouldn't understand if you weren't therethen end the conversation and walk away
>Yeah, I'll maybe come down and watch tv in a bitthen don't come down
She wont change, the best you can hope for is that she tries to drain somebody else. If it escalates all you can do is try and break down what she's doing as logically as possible without getting eomotional so you can get other people in the house on your side.
No. 111331
Thank you for writing this. I am equally exasperated, disgusted and livid about this shit. SO nostalgic for the bygone years when the net was still free and real…
No. 111347
>>111331I feel like old internet was kind of like CB radio communities? Like people had handles and usernames so they could identify each other, instead of a username that becomes like your 'brand' almost. I hate the way social media pushes you to put as much of yourself out there as possible.
I even liked myspace because you could at least customise your page to hell and back. I still remember all the HTML and CSS I learned. And now it's all lost to the ether, thank fuck.
No. 111414
>>111413Does it have to do with the feminization of modern men or somethin
It would explain why tall and muscular chicks are getting more popular also
No. 111416
>>111409I've lived in Germany before but I'm in the UK now
Commuting to London
No. 111419
>>111395I've spent a year in bed, now I'm doing my post-grad, you'll be fine just read on the train and keep on top of work.
Exorcise if you want to sleep well
No. 111429
>>111317How in that story was the fact that he came to you in particular what made him bad instead of the whole "cheating on his girlfriend" part?
Apologies if that sounded retarded.
No. 111430
>>111424Curious, but why do you feel you want to die? I'm just asking because it's kind of hard to understand feeling so terrible about your life that you actually want death, while not being overwhelmed by guiltiness. Like, you can still sort of think about the potential negatives to those around you, and I'm just curious what state you'd be in to be able to have both of those?
Is it mental illness based? Or like an external thing, or a terminal illness?
Either way, if you're that worried about your cat, stay alive until you can get it a new home that you know is good, someone you already know or trust. Probably another month after it moves there so you can check up on it and make sure it's a good home.
Feel free to ignore the first part, I was just curious.
No. 111432
>>111430I definitely feel guilty. These thoughts are something I've been struggling with since I was a young child. The older I get, the closest people to me die. The more people die the more I feel just done with it all.
I've had suicidal depression and anxiety for over a decade now, I have one friend and my godfather but they don't really want to spend time with me nor do I want to bother them. It's just me, alone, with my thoughts, missing my mother and my sister and my best friends that are gone.
I want to ask my friend if she would take my cat, but I don't want to raise any red flags. I'm just worried because I care a lot about animals and I've had to rehabilitate a lot of abused and neglected animals. It really hurts my heart, and my cat is so great, she especially doesn't deserve something like that. People do sick things to cats.
No. 111434
>>111432Huh, that's interesting, I've personally never really been able to think much about consequences in that sort of state, so it's curious that you can to some degree. What do you mean your family's gone, too? Why can't you contact them? Is this particular thing about a loss, by the way? You keep mentioning that people are gone, or that people die around you, did that happen recently?
That's true, but you could just claim that it's because you can't afford to feed it and want to make sure it goes to a good home who can afford to take care of it well.
>>111433Yeah, drug addiction can be a bitch, though there's definitely options if you need support for that, every town has an NA group. Could help if that's a major concern.
But yeah, whatever you choose to do, make sure everything's in order first. Write a will, explain what you want done with your body, make sure pets are okay and no-one's relying on you.
Killing yourself's going to hurt people around you no matter what, but you should always make sure you do whatever you can to minimise that.
No. 111435
>>111434>>111434Well my little sister died 5 years ago, my uncle two years ago, one of my best friends a year ago, my mom a year ago, and my other best friend in may. I have PTSD too which I have asked for help for but people don't really take it seriously, I'm not sure why. If I didn't have PTSD I don't think I would kill myself or have a drug addiction but there's nothing to do to fix it. It's frustrating.
I might try going to an NA meeting but I have a feeling I'd just cry the whole time lol.
No. 111436
>>111435Well shit, that's a hell of a lot of grief to have to deal with in a few years, I'm sorry you had to go through that in such a short period of time anon. I'm assuming you're seeing someone if you have PTSD? Like, someone had to diagnose it. Have you brought this up to them?
There's a lot of stuff they can do to help with grief and trauma, a hell of a lot.
As for crying at NA, I think that's kind of the point. It's good to be able to work through your problems in an environment like that.
No. 111438
>>111437It could be worth looking into a public mental health service in your area, as far as I know most places offer one, or have adjustable fees for different income levels at least.
And yeah, it's up to you whether you kill yourself or not, but I think it would be unreasonable to not try everything before you do. It's not like you can take it back if you change your mind.
Good luck anon, I hope it goes well, whatever you choose.
No. 111573
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I feel like I won't be able to make any friends in my current environment because everyone is already so deep into their social groups that I would just be at an arm's length, or that I would just have friends, but not any best/close friends. The former is what I already have anyways, I grew apart form my old childhood friends. And now, to try and be more "social", I ended up with a social group where the only lasting memories we create together is when we go out to party/drink. It doesn't help that we share no interests in common, they're shallow and they're always super judgmental to other people/untrustable. I have a lingering fear that I'll drive my "friends" away anyways because of my personality. It feels like I'm stuck in a cycle with no escape
No. 111574
>>111314I pulled her up a bit on it this weekend but then we had an argument over cleaning the kitchen. It resulted in her having a huffy fit, ranting she's the only one who does anything to clean up when the rest of the house is a tip. Argued back and went back to my room. Later on heard her talking to another roommate and she didnt bring up cleaning at all.
We've since sorted it out since it was a petty argument but a friend has warned me its going to get worse in future. Me and roommate hve classes together too so are working around eachother and help in a club which she runs. Im feeling more and more like a punching bag and this happened last year too. Horrible to me at times but nice to other friends.
No. 111575
>>111573Anon how old are you? You in college/adult? Sounds daft but clubs,events and even facebook groups are good. If your into something nerdy, attend a meet. Gonna be full of cringe maybe but you'll find connections.
I met all my friends now through one person. It's hard but you can do it.
No. 111597
None of this will make sense if you don't play Overwatch.
I was playing competitive today in a 4 stack with a guy that gets very tilted/critical if we lose. When we get in there's a tank and DPS picked, the other 2 in our group pick support, and the rage guy picks Roadhog. I pick a DPS. We lose, and straight after he asks why we had 2 flankers in team chat. I ask why he didn't say anything earlier, and he said he did over voice chat, which I didn't hear. He gets a card for damage and complains that Roadhog shouldn't be doing that much damage.
If he thought that my pick was bad, then why wait until the end of the fucking match to say something again? If I'd actually heard him I would've switched if I thought his suggestion was reasonable. Maybe if he picked an actual tank we would've been able to get somewhere. I thought of changing to a tank, but then our DPS would've been even lower. I had silver damage. It started getting to the point where we couldn't leave spawn for 10m without getting killed. He and our Reinhardt were getting pocketed, combined with his self-heal, of course you're going to live longer and do more than DPS can.
I feel like there's no winning with this guy. When I play healer, I'm doing a bad job because I'm not pocketing him (hint: I'm not going to fly across the fucking map to heal your sorry ass). Even when our support main is around and I'm healing as well, he'll complain about not being healed enough. I play DPS and apparently make the wrong choice every single time, even with 3~4 medals. I play tank and the cards I get are 'bullshit' and I don't deserve them.
He doesn't play much anymore because the game pisses him off too much, thankfully, but I don't know how to get out of playing with him when he is around. I just can't stand his superiority complex. Good for you, you've been playing video games since you were in diapers and have all this expensive shit to play with. He's such a fucking downer. Whenever he starts his little tantrums the entire chat goes quiet.
This feels really stupid to get upset about but I don't like when people pull this kind of shit on me. I'm not unreasonable, I'm open to criticism. Just don't fucking do it after the game when I can't do anything about it.
No. 111605
>>111597People get ridiculous about any competitive game honestly, or even any game where you can consider it competitive (people chucking shitfits about team comp in casual or quickplay modes are the worst), I don't think people who blame everyone but themselves for their teams failures (or even their own failures) are that uncommon, but why play with him?
He's always just going to bitch and be miserable if you don't win, so just cut him off if he's just some stranger. Don't join games he's in.
No. 111606
>>111597Why do you even play with this guy? :/
He sounds toxic as fuck.
Honestly just keep away from people like that, try to find other people to play with. There's no winning, calling him out will just make him mad as fuck.
No. 111609
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>Try on S clothes from junior section
>Too fucking big
Please end my suffering.
No. 111615
I'm just going to rant here because I don't have anyone to talk to. I'm sorry guys, this is kind of my first time doing this. No one has to respond to me and I'm sorry if this is tl;dr.
I'm 21, in my sophomore year of college (started late to gain work experience) and I'm an utter mess. I have trouble going to school and procrastinating homework and other important things, I hate every job I work to the point of tears, I don't know if I'm just really anxious or really lazy, I'm bad with money, and I struggle to accomplish the most menial of tasks because I just can't focus on ANYTHING.
I missed three weeks of class this past month because I was horribly sick with the worst case of strep I've ever had and then I had to get surgery, and recovering from that was so hard I just barely got off Vicodin for the pain. I have to email my teachers to apologize for my absence and ask for an extension on my assignments but the thought of that makes my stomach churn so bad I think I may throw up! I feel like a total failure for being so, so behind on absolutely everything and having such a hard time communicating and asking for help. I'm crying right now just thinking about it.
I wish I was better at communicating and focusing and doing important things and doing well in school and not hating my jobs and basically being perfect, and I really do try to improve. But I have so, so much trouble and it feels like I have nowhere to turn and no one to talk to.
I've lost about 15 pounds being so sick and unable to eat but it's not enough to assauge my feelings of self hate. I still think I'm horribly, horribly ugly and fat and disgusting, even though I'm thinner than 3/4 of my girl friends of the same age. But my face is so ugly and I don't want to go outside some days because I hate so, so much everything about the way I look.
Can anyone help me get some motivation on how to talk to my teachers? Should I see a therapist? I know I have horrible anxiety but maybe I have ADD too. I'm sorry, this isn't even the worst problems going on with me right now but I don't want to give myself away more than I already have. Thank you to anyone who read this.
No. 111618
>>111615The answer to "should I get a therapist" is always "yes, if something impedes your ability to function, talk to the appropriate medical professional about it".
And as for the teacher thing, I mean, put yourself in their shoes. They have to mark what, 50 at least assignments all within a set period, right? That's a lot of work, and teachers often end up late trying to handle marking alongside class planning, normal life, all that shit.
Would you be annoyed if a student asked you if you could mark theirs a bit later, so you could get to sleep a bit earlier one night?
You've got a legit reason, and they have to stress a bit less, why would they be annoyed?
No. 111619
>>111618Oh, and I meant to add, you don't need to have some super serious mental illness to see a therapist. You don't even need a mental illness, in fact, most people who talk to one don't have a mental illness, let alone a serious one.
It is very easy to assume that you do if you see one though, lots of people misinterpret "Yeah, you sound depressed/anxious" as "You have clinical MDD/an anxiety disorder", which is a bit silly.
My point was that talking to someone about something that's bothering you isn't a big deal, and most people will do it at some point in their lives.
No. 111635
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>>111615Holy shit anon, are u me? No but I would definitely recommend seeing a therapist for this. Having someone help you bounce your ideas and stress off of really goes a long way. As for your teachers, I would be completely honest with them; they often deal with stuff similar to this every year and the worst they can do is say no (which will unlikely happen). I'm rooting for you, and just know you're not alone with this!
No. 111688
>>111686Hey anon, sorry about the shit professor. Know what that's like.
I can give you (and anyone else who's in college) some advice for future classes. It's a bit of work but if you set some time aside a few weeks (even the day before) before registration, you can get the best classes you can enroll in when your time comes.
This really only works if you register online and if they have the quick registration via CRN. Most do though.
1. Figure out what you want to take, keep a few backup classes incase one or all of the ones you want fill up before/while you register. Be sure to take info on professors, times, and CRNs for these as well.
2. Research the professors, and list the classes (with times that work) and make note of then. I would keep track of a few classes if you notice there's more than one good professor.
3. List the classes and CRN of each section, with the prof, in the order you want for each subject (ENG 203 for example). Remember list these for your backups too.
4. 30 min before registration opens for you, check to see which if any classes you want have filled up or have limited spaces left. Keep track of time via your school website, it might not be the same as your computer's. This is important t because you don't want to submit your registration request before or long after your time starts. 10 min before registration opens, fill out the quick CRN register (for the classes you want). Once your registration time opens click submit and see what you were able to register for. If there are any classes that filled up before you got in, do a quick CRN register for one of your backups.
This gives you an advantage because you can register for the classes you want all at once.
Doing this really made school life so much easier for me, because i was able to get 95% of the classes I wanted. I was an idiot my first year and registered for classes one at a time!! But with the CRN registration it made things a breeze. It is a bit of work, but it really pays off in the end.
Anon, I wish you luck with your current situation! Keep your chin up, I'm rooting for you.
No. 111704
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i ate over 1800 calories today and im tryin to lose weight :(
No. 111725
>>111718why doesn't she just say she found him a few days ago or something.
She's being neglectful by being too afraid of someone THINKING she's neglectful.
No. 111733
>>111732Odds are she didn't have any feelings left by the end of the relationship, whereas you did.
And some people just move on easier than others, it's not a gender thing.
Hate is a pretty pointless emotion though, she's not going to care if you hate her or not, and you'll just make yourself miserable by obsessing. Grieve for the relationship, but don't hang onto things that aren't there anymore.
No. 111736
>>111735I mean, it is her social media, and it's not really rubbing it in your face if it's in town.
That being said, she should probably be a bit more tactful, give it a few weeks before she starts meeting other people, out of respect for you or what she felt at some point at least.
No. 111738
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>been living with my dad in his house since the beginning of september
>have to move all my shit to his place
>we talk and plan on doing stuff together, ie going to the gym together, going to museums on the weekend, bonding n shit
>get really excited
>finally all of my things have been moved to his house
>"lol bai"
>goes on multiple 3-5 day buisness trips, leaving me all alone during the week/weekends
>tfw i'm being emotionally neglected by my dad because his job and new wife takes priority over his own child
doesn't help that i've been constantly smoking and drinking coffee to surpress my apetite for food. and i'll be causing even more problems because when he's back i'll be really pissed off/hostile at him. this isn't the first time he's done shit like this to my family, but all I want is a family member who I can reach and isn't away/occupied all the time
No. 111742
>>111738>business tripsYou realize your dad busting his ass is the reason you're able to enjoy such a comfortable life right?
Show him some love when he gets back instead of resenting him. He does all that to keep his little girl safe and secure after all (I imagine, virtually all dads care about their daughters I think).
No. 111746
>>111745It's partially that the people online are saying they want an archetype. They want a gf who can be exactly who they want, when they want, not someone who's shy and quiet and innocent all the time.
There's also an element of insecurity, depending on where you ask. A partner that is shy and naive is one that people think won't judge them for not being "good enough", whereas because they see themselves as worse than other guys, they assume that one who is more extroverted and is passionate about things will realise their supposed flaws, and dump them.
No. 111747
>>111746Yeah I felt that for both parts. For the latter one you mentioned (insecurity) I noticed this type of thinking is extremely common in video game or anime communities. You always get the male fans infatuated with shy female characters and for some reason, many of them are very fond of very tall women or powerful almost goddess like women. This is another disparity in real life I've noticed, where most of the guys tell me they like short girls
I dont know if they just sit in their house all the time their mind gets caught in fantasy so much that they lose it
No. 111748
>>111747Yep, and that's because a lot of the people who withdraw to forums for introverted hobbies like that, tend to be insecure. It's just as common on fitness communities too, because people who tend to gravitate to those tend to be people who want to fix their insecurity, or at least make it so that other people constantly reassure them.
I think a big part of the second stuff is that it's fantasy, too. People fantasise about all sorts of crap they don't really want, not necessarily partners. But because there's a definite idealisation of relationships in those communities (or at least certain sorts of relationships), the fantasies tend to be related to it.
No. 111760
>>111735So you're upset she left you, that is understandable. Completely understandable.
You're mad that she's posting on her SM her new flings. Not understandable. You've blocked her but evidently you keep checking her SM accounts. Stop.
She's not going out of her way to seek you out and go "Hey ex how do you like my new bf? His dick's SO huge and he's SO rich, unlike you." She's just living her life and you're upset so you're trying to find things to be upset about and be victimized for.
No. 111784
>>111748I've seen a similar example, too. A lot of guys on the internet, especially ones with less experience like most robots, say they'd like to have a "qt clingy gf". They don't know how emotionally draining it must be and idealize it. I think it's because they have been lonely for so long that they think someone wanting to be with you all the time is a good thing: "At least it's better than being alone".
>>111745I prefer shy girls because I'm an introvert myself. Maybe that's the reason you found this difference. Guys on the internet, especially on places like imageboards (which, I imagine, is the demography you were referring to) tend to be more introverted. I know being shy doesn't mean you can't be extroverted, but that's probably at least part of the reason.
No. 111787
I finally broke up with my boyfriend of two years. We were doing just fine yesterday morning but then last night he started acting like an asshole (as usual for him) and started making fun of me because I can't speak his native language fluently. He started saying shit like "lol you can't even place an order and always make me speak to the employees, why do you even try?" and so I told him that its not that I can't do it, it just makes me super fucking anxious to do it all of the time and the one or two times I meet you a week I like to take a break from ordering/communicating/using this language and just let him take over because it honestly just gets the job faster. Then he started going on and on about how he 'fucking hates shy/timid people with a passion' and that he 'would never be friends with a person who was shy'. And even started criticizing his best friend because he was the same way until he made him 'change' his personality for him.
He then suddenly started berating me because "You don't even fucking try to not be shy!" Like what the fuck does he even know about how much I 'try'? I'm not one of those people who just stays indoors all day and tries to hide because of social anxiety or something. Living in a foreign country and using a foreign language, EVERY DAY IS TRYING. Not to mention, he doesn't even have a job, so everytime I've asked him to at least take the order for us, I've been the one paying. I'm so sorry your girlfriend wanted you to go and order after she bought you a meal.
Seriously fuck you, you emotionally abusive piece of shit. I'm so glad I'm going to be free of the constant nagging and bitching because I don't wear my hair the exact way you want it, or that I don't wear fucking yoga pants and exercise wear 24/7 because "Thats what looks sexy", or getting bitched at for wearing glasses in public because they look ugly whenever I have legit eye infections. Done done done, I'm never going back to him.
No. 111796
>>111795You dated a Chinese guy and you expected anything else?
That's where yellow fever will land you, every time.
No. 111805
>>111798There are pregnancy tests sensitive enough to tell at this time, you should get one to ease your mind.
1 day is nothing to worry about…and if you've been taking the pill at the same time every day, you are always protected. It's not like the pill runs out completely over 24 hours right before taking a new one.
No. 111823
>>111787I think I've seen you mention your situation before. Living in China and dating some Chinese dude with wealthy parents or something? I can't quite recall the details but anyway…
If he doesn't have a job, what are you doing with him in the first place?
Why are you even in the PRC long-term if you're not on a skilled work visa of some kind? (Assuming you aren't). Even Shanghai is ultimately just a poor man's Hong Kong.
Long-term expats and fempats have a reputation for being unhappy, depressed, grumpy people for a good reason, because living as one of the the only white people in a sea of yellow isn't particularly enjoyable after the novelty value wears off.
Get out while you can.
No. 111831
I live with my sister and our single mother who's kind of mentally damaged, depressed, childish and always complaining, even small things seem to bring her on the verge of a mental breakdown and it's always been like this. She occasionally says that "I want to die, but what about you and your sister? You would be lost without me, go through hell" etc.
This morning she stopped in front of my room, stared at me and deadly serious said "Let's just all kill ourselves, you, your sister and me, this is the only way for us to stop suffering". Later I talked with my sister when she got back home from school, and she said "Yeah she said this exact thing to me this morning". So I'm kind of scared, I don't know, I feel this isn't normal. If something happens, ie her mother, our grandma, dies (they don't talk to each other anymore for a fight but my mother fears that she could die while they're in this situation), I feel like she's going to explode, kill us and then kill herself
No. 111832
>>111831This just makes me feel pity for single mother families in general.
That shit can't be easy. I realize the mom usually should have been more careful in who she had kids with, but it still makes me feel sad.
No. 111834
>>111832I feel sorry for her, but I don't know what to do to help. Her family is shit, she has no friends, we're broke so we can't afford a therapist and I'm just a college student. Maybe the only thing I can do is trying to make money, since a therapist is the only one who can actually help her.
We talk to our father anyway, but he's not really always there for us, he lives with his girlfriend and her kids.
In my teenage raging rants I wondered why in the world did they have babies, knowing their relationship was already shit, their families are shit, and they're broke. If anything, this experience teached me a lot about "when you really shouldn't start a family" and "gtfo of your small town and go search for better work opportunities"
No. 111905
>>111900i also come from lower-middle class family so i know your pain
my friends go out without me because i have no money lmao
No. 111919
>>111900Same, anon, same.
Just that mine don't go traveling, but still can afford college.
No. 111948
>>111821Yes, parents immigrated when I was 4.
No. 112054
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>come home from stressful day at work dealing with people caught up in Hurricane Matthew
>bf is plopped on the couch like usual watching tv
>nothing has been done aside from having bought a bag of ice like I asked him to and some canned ravioli for himself
>go to get my bag of chocolate
>he's eaten the rest of the bag
>slightly pissy
>tell my bf to turn off tv since I need to talk
>probably didn't sound like a sweetie asking but w/e
>mutual friend asked me a favor while I was at work
>tell him he should talk with our mutual friend's boyfriend regarding halloween party
>mutual friend asked us to talk some sense into him
>tl;dr her bf is an abusive manchild and still isn't allowing another friend of ours to come to their place for the party over a spat that happened 6 months ago
>she's very depressed about not being able to see certain friends
>I don't have the manchild on fb so it will look suspicious af if I try talking to him plus his type doesn't tend to listen to women's opinions
>my bf has him on fb and so it would make more sense
>bf immediately goes on the defensive and says he probably won't go to the party anyway so why should he have to talk to manchild about anything?
>drives me crazy that he's being such a coward and can't just give me a straight 'no' if he doesn't want to
>try to withhold internal monologue but can't out of sheer frustration
>"How can you be so lazy? It's important to our friend."
>proceeds to exit apartment
>repeat that he is lazy and in addition can't handle any form of confrontation or criticism
>leaves for a solid two hours while I clean apartment
>know he's talking shit on his phone bc he always demonizes me as some bitch to his friends whenever we get into a minor argument
>later on and he's asleep
>open his phone
>lo and behold he's telling people I "viscously bit his head off" and that I probably made a public post about him on fb that he can't see
>speculates I am bc I made a passive aggressive post about him about a year ago and he found out through a "friend" aka a spy that I have since deleted
>ironically I didn't make a fb about this incident at all and he's the one talking shit to all his friends
Cheeky fucker.
I just got done typing an ultimatum to the bastard. It's been a long time coming. I'm in such a loveless relationship. He's turning 25 this month but still doesn't have his license or car even after living with my parents for a year rent-free just to save. Instead, he plans to go to a LARP event up north at the end of the month.
Maybe I'm also dating a manchild.
No. 112065
I just feel really isolated since I've moved back to my home country, and it's been worse lately. I don't feel like I can even talk to my boyfriend about it.
i had a couple close friends here, but one moved out of state with his girlfriend he met less than a year ago, and the other thinks I've got a huge gay crush on her just because I like girls and she's somewhat attractive.
Most of my friends are in the country I attended uni in, but I had to leave. Two got married today, and I'm not there, and i'm happy for them but depressed at the same time. Another got a cat together and is taking a trip to the US with his girlfriend. And my boyfriend has been sitting around doing nothing since he completed his course in May.
I want to take trips together. I want him to come visit my family. I want to get a flat and a dog and all that together, but he won't get off his ass. I've got money saved up to visit but I'm not using it because I've already visited twice and if we stayed together would ultimately be the one to relocate, and it's massively unfair on me that I have to keep making the trip. He won't even get a job. Seems to believe most part-time jobs are beneath him tbh, so he won't even look while shops are hiring. Will claim depression, but keeps making it worse by having nothing to do all day, and at this point is choosing to live like this. Will talk about needing to do more work on his art portfolio so he can get the job he studied for in college, but has done nothing towards it, and tbh if he's not working towards it he needs to do something else. And also he's of the mindset, like a lot of people our age, that if one doesn't want to work they shouldn't be made to. And i'm tired of being the one to make all the effort, and I'm tired of stagnating like this while everyone we know in relationships is doing better. But I can't say any of that because then i'm "comparing relationships" ant that's bad. So I just don't want to talk to him, and I feel like a jerk for that, but I don't even care anymore. I'm exhausted. I've been working fulltime and I've been ill for the past month with a flu that just won't go away, sos all I've done is work and go home basically, and I'm tired and depressed and have no one.
No. 112096
>>112065If you're not happy, you should tell him, because that's the only way it'll ever improve. If he gets shitty with you for trying to talk to him, well, that's a good sign that he's not interested in making it work out.
And as for him claiming depression, that's bullshit. Unless he's on disability or has a carer, there's no reason he can't work with it.
Every lazy person who just doesn't want to do shit uses being depressed as an excuse to not have to do anything, and you shouldn't just fall for it.
That being said, probably wait until your flu goes away to make the decision.
No. 112112
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>>112059>>112066My ultimatum must've scared the shit out of him.
I slept in today because I had the day off, so I didn't wake up well into the afternoon. I half expected him to still be pissy with me, but nope. I woke up to a chicken dinner and then he showed me some car searches he found. We went out exploring in the hurricane and then came back to watch a movie.
I did notice he put password protection on his phone though. Which I mean, I also expected because I pretty much fessed to going through his phone. Oh well. I think he got the point. We'll see how long it lasts.
No. 112216
I started university three weeks ago. It's fine, the course is okay so far and I've had some nice times but I'm also miserable.
My parents won't let me move out even though I already have university accommodation and paid for it, no matter how many times I've tried they won't let me fucking leave. If I leave, my dad says, he threatens to leave the family.
I go to clubs/societies that I signed up to and my dad gets angry when he picks me up to drive me home because they finish late (8pm, but he says that's the middle of the night and I should be home by 5pm every day.)
I want to do what other students get to do.
I constantly see pictures on social media of other people having so much freedom and fun at uni, and I feel so limited and helpless and boring.
I haven't even made new friends, all I achieve is small talk. I haven't been invited out, I haven't bonded with my flatmates because I haven't fucking started living there yet. I try to talk to others in the class but they've already made their own friends.
And now I'm getting shouted at again for "coming home late"… I finished the society at 8pm. I understand it's dark and dangerous to be out in the evening but come on.
There's a university trip abroad to Germany in March, and I told my dad I'm intending to go, and he's not letting me again.
When I get a job he probably won't even let me go to that.
I just want to move out. I want to have freedom.
There's no point in talking to a uni counsellor. They won't magically give me friends, or freedom, or the ability to just leave my house and live in university accommodation. It's too complicated and I'm tired, I'm tired of it all. I'm tired of trying to make these things work.
Fuck. This is not how I was expecting university to start. It's not fair.
No. 112221
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>>112216>I already have university accommodation and paid for itfucking get out of there
>If I leave, my dad says, he threatens to leave the family.does he love you in an inappropriate manner?
>he won't let you leave but gets angry picking you up…wtf typical gay parents
Don't get paranoid you've 'missed the boat' or anything because you can't judge situations, people can be in big groups of mates and still feel alone and be waiting for someone new to come along they actually connect with. But also get in your flat ASAP ffs
Can't you just move yourself in? + if your Dad knows the dorm number ask to transfer and don't tell him where
No. 112228
Glad there's a rant thread I've been meaning to tell someone but I don't know how it will sound to other friends.
>been platonically obsessed with my friend/now and then best friend since freshmen year of high school (So for 10 years)
>wanted to be her best friend so bad( she was Asian master race and I'm a fucking weeb) and were/are we've been through a lot together, have went on two or three trips, lived together, had our fights etc.
>I'm in a LTR/LDR and plan to move to them in a few months, I struggle with doubts do lately I've been joking with friend about back Up plans. My boyfriend is from upper middle class, Has a good paying job because of his master degree and his country doesn't give out visas like Oprah would. I'm just finishing up my art degree with no real plans.
>best friend is in shit dead end relationships but can't afford to leave him. She has same degree as me but she's working and makes as much as a friend of mine who works a marketing job with a degree. (Still hardly liveabel for here)
>at dinner with her, she jokes about running away wth me to NYC and getting married
>"hahahaha no Is it even legal there"
>she continues to go on about our life together like going to the btssb store often, Disney world for vacations, Christmas in NYC
>recalling we joke about being gay for each other all the time
>I know she was joking but I'm secretly worried she's serious. As much as I love her platonically and was obsessed with her in high school, I would never find her sexually attractive but I also could never talk about sex around her just in general.
>but we would have the weebiest wedding, cutest apartment And all the cute cats
No. 112231
>>112216You have to move out. You don't need their permission. Hire a guy with a van or something to sneak all your shit out while your parents are at work. Tell the uni accommodation that you don't give your parents permission to access your accommodation.
They're being unbelievably controlling and preventing you from living your life. You are an adult and nobody has the right to control your choices. There might be a lot of drama, but it's their fault for putting you in that position.
No. 112236
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I am an extremely anxious person and I feel like it's pushing my boyfriend away.
No. 112244
>>112228that just doesn't even sound like a problem if you don't even find her attractive wtf stfu.
wow you have a great best friend and a rich boyfriend, good for you
try being in love with your best friend that doesn't want you… that's where I thought that was going
No. 112260
>>112178i feel you anon
i found it helps a little bit to just be really nice to people, smile at ppl if u can. even if you are awkward. People are going to be more forgiving if you are nice and helpful and it gives yourself a good feeling, too
No. 112265
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>>112254are you sure you're not just paranoid? I'm at a really top MA college and was nervous I would be out of my depth but 50% of my peers are actually retarded so meh. I didn't understand any of my initial essays at first but if you study hard, you scale the learning curb and it's fine.
Why can't you make friends? There are tonnes of desperate socially anxious people it's so easy if you have no snobby standards, lolcow is testament to that, every other post is like 'wahh i'm socially awkward', as if everyone isn't.
I totally feel the wanting to go home and work and retail and have a simple life, but the reality is you'd hate it within a week your entire life just dissolves into meaninglessness, you have to work toward something.
You should get help from your tutors but don't let them know you're completely bewildered or it'll affect how they mark you, like they'll assume you're no good even if you work really hard. (they're retarded too everyone is, everyone's just playing a big awful game)
No. 112266
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This is the 3rd time this year I get severely sick. Two months ago I had pneumonia now I have kidney stones. Next friday I'm going to psychiatrist because of depression but that's not so bad.
All I wanted was being able to study. Fuck.
No. 112276
>>112267She honestly just sounds really immature, and like the sort of person who assumes that your life must revolve around them, from what you're saying.
If she didn't include you on the list, it was probably a passive aggressive comment, yes, but I wouldn't think too much of it. If she's only interested in being your friend when you're able to be there 100%, she's not worth it.
Just move on anon, keep in contact somewhat, but you shouldn't have to constantly suck up to someone for them to value you.
No. 112290
>>110895 and thought I'd just give an update on the situation? Idk
Things have gone to a bit normal state and I'vr found a job (I just don't know yet when I start). But I feel like he's less interested in me now, tired or angry. And I'm the emotional punching bag. At least I think I am or my anxiety is blowing it out of proportion again.
I'm back home and our conversations range from funny to normal to none. I'm clingy so the whole thing is confusing and painful. We might have been together for more than 5 years but I still love to hold his hand or just act like we're still in the honeymoon phase. He said that would change once I start working. Idk how true that is or how much affection the average couple shows to each other, but I'm positive it won't change for me. I just really love that dumb motherfucker.
Part of me made peace with thenworst case scenario so it shouldn't hit too hard if it happens, it'll just be hard to find a replacement for certain things.
No. 112292
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>>112265Thanks for the kind reply, anon.
Re: paranoia - maybe it is. Though there's an equally good chance I'm one of the retards of which you speak.
But you struggled initially too? Not to be a dick, but that's comforting. What do you study btw?
I'm really trying with this shit but it gets to the point where the reading is just a blur and it stops making sense. At that point the learning curve flatlines. Does that sound familiar?
It's not so much that I'm snobby, but really shy/anxious which can seem like the same thing. Have been making an effort to chat to everyone on the course (there are only six of us lol) but I always get tongue-tied and say the wrong thing. Again maybe it's paranoia but it feels like I'm the cringey weird girl of the class and that everyone feels awkward around me so I try not to overstay my welcome.
You're right - a simple job isn't really all that great (or that easy to come by anymore) in reality. But it would be nice to have a home/work divide like that again.
That's good advice, thank you. I'll try not to come off completely incompetent in front of tutors! It really does feel like a game right now.
No. 112376
The last month or so I've noticed something happening in my life and I don't know what to think of it/wish I can just ignore it. When I walk on the street I see a lot of people outright staring at me. Ok, I'm female, not ugly and I think I'm kinda cute sometimes, and I get people (guys) catcalling me and offering rides and such like nearly every other girl, but this I felt is different. But maybe not? I don't know. Point is I see people just practically drilling their eyes onto my person. It makes me nervous, is my outfit really bad? Am I walking funny? Did a pigeon shit on my head? Am I wearing a "Trump 4 Prez" shirt and not realizing it? Do I have a third boob? Arm? Like, why is this dude intently staring at me and following me with his eyes/head when I walk by?
But also, which is even more puzzling to me, people are actually WAVING at me. People that I 100% am sure I have never seen before. I'm not in a tight-knit suburban community, I'm not in the American South, I'm in the middle of a city. The very default of the city is you ignore everyone around you that you don't know, and even then you might ignore them.
At this point I'm starting to think maybe there's some sort of celebrity I don't know about that looks like me, and people are trying to figure out if I'm her. I can't comprehend this, and I don't think it's because of my looks or anything. I'm overweight, my face has been full of acne since I turned 22, my hair likes to frizz and the wind is not its friend, some days my double chin is more prominent, I dress better than I did a few years ago but I still look like a college student or something. There's been maybe four or five times now where a woman either walking past or at the crosswalk with me will look me over and make a bitchy face, which makes me want to die right there because I don't know what it means. Do I look like shit?!?! Tell me! I'm so much more self-conscious when it comes to that, a girl looking at me rather than some guy, maybe the innate desire for approval from peers? Idk.
I'm starting to get paranoid, like I'm in a reality show and don't know about it. Or like that old "saying" that makes rounds every few years about how "maybe you are retarded and the rest of the world is just humoring you". Like I feel pretty stupid even thinking this, but I don't get it!
Now reading this through I feel like this might be taken as some sort of humble-brag, but it is not. I am not used to attention like this at all and I don't particularly like it. I've always been the invisible and I usually like it like that. And I'm not even used to attention from guys, genuine attention, not bullshit like catcalling.
It/this whole thing makes me nervous, and I just needed to put this somewhere. Maybe get a response or two because I don't get it. Especially the waving thing.
No. 112394
Why do you look like a stupid mother fucker though? Having no chill is also bad…you're literally too mad to get laid right now.
No. 112395
>>112392Yeah, I don't think heartbreak or loneliness will get fixed by having someone come over, fuck you and then leave anon.
Take some time to grieve, don't go out and try to get laid while you're still upset over your last relationship, move on from that first.
No. 112397
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I went to go visit my mother, and I saw that yet again she let her cousins live with her. It pisses me the fuck off knowing that she doesn't realize that they're basically leeching off of her and taking advantage of her. They're fucking freeloaders.
Not to mention that the child cousin's mother is being irresponsible and letting her eat garbage. FFS she went to the doctor and got diagnosed with high blood pressure, seeing parents treat their kids like that gets my blood boiling. They're eating every fucking thing in the house not to mention the mother cooks up heart attacks so I wouldn't be too surprised.
No. 112406
>>112398Sure, but then they'd leave, and you're just alone and would think "No-one actually cares about me". Casual sex doesn't cure loneliness, at all.
And there could be any amount of people out there who find you desirable, but are leaving you alone because you're clearly still dealing with the break up, which is the respectful thing to do, don't just jump in as soon as someones available, let them grieve and cope with it, and then talk to them.
No. 112460
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so Ive got a sad bitch of a friend, none of my friend group likes her and find her annoying. She's a rude asshole to the girl who introduced her to the group and is ALWAYS latching onto me. If we are in small groups she plays up her SLIGHT case of autism, emphasis on slight. We have friends worse than her and have normal lives and want to call her out for it. I've seen her creeping around friends backs to be on the side of exes to spite the group. Also she idolises this friend ring of girls who are all well paid, go out on lavish trips for food and all wear designer clothing. Meanwhile we wear cheap vintage clothes and would rather go MaccyD's. She want's this rich kid friend group and is disappointed shes ended up with us.
However I feel sorry for her because she has no friends outside of us, her parents are rich but shit and she's failed getting into university. She doesn't have a life but doesn't seem tobe working so she can HAVE a life and remain a dumb teenager. I've had good times with her but I'm losing the will to live and being constantly lumped with her. Im at a loss at what to do, let it just fizzle out at its own pace?
No. 112461
>>112460Anon I would talk to her about her behavior. I knew a girl like her and except she was mean as shit to me. I tried talking to her but she had someone who sided with her and kissed her ass all the time so she was a lost cause. I put up with her shit and ultimately had to ditch that entire group of friends cause of her.
Don't do that. Talk to her and if she doesn't understand and change her attitude then get rid of her. If she wants rich friends she can go talk to them instead. If you don't get rid of her and if no one else stands up to her, someone may end up no longer associating with you to avoid her ass. Just be direct and don't take anymore shit. Don't let her drag you down cause that stuff is not fun at all.
No. 112526
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My boyfriend doesn't turn me on very often. How do I go about changing this? I literally only get turned on by sucking his dick and that's because of some fucked up shit I would never bring up to him. He doesn't do foreplay very well, I've brought it up to him before that I would enjoy more foreplay, but ugh. His comments don't turn me on, they make me roll my eyes. I want to have sex in the dark. I've more often than not just "had sex" because realistically we'd have sex once a week (or less) if I followed my head. I need to work myself up to prepare for sex.
No. 112603
>>112601You need to gtfo asap. Stop wasting your time with someone who is most likely hideous or fat and has serious mental issues.
Even if they did end up showing you their face, would you really want to be with someone who had no problem lying to you for 4 years?
No. 112604
>>112601>somebody who won't show me their face or voiceDo they tell you why? Normally if they won't do that it's a red flag of a possible catfish. Have you shown them what you look like?
Honestly, he sounds really fishy. Perhaps there is an individual he lives with that he isn't telling you about and he can't let them know about you. Personally, I would leave him and find someone else because the way you describe him just makes him sound like a shifty creep. Gifts or not he's hiding something.
No. 112605
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>>112601Tell them to show their face or end things. You'll never have a successful relationship with someone who can't even trust you to look at them.
Best case scenario is that they're a moron that thinks they can continue a relationship with all these secrets. Worst case scenario is they're a complete freak that's stringing you along.
No. 112606
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I'm so fucking sexually frustrated. I'm in a LT relationship with someone who has no interest in me sexually anymore and I'm not the cheating type, so fucking someone on the side isn't an option.
I just want some god damn dick and to feel wanted and desired for once. I don't even care who it is anymore. I'd literally fuck anyone at this point.
No. 112607
>>112606Have you considered sex toys? If you want to stay in that relationship without cheating, you're gonna have to get yourself off.
Have you discused it? What did your partner say about it all?
No. 112610
>>112607God, I've spent so much money on sex toys, and while I enjoy them, nothing beats actual sex and exploring fetishes and stuff.
Yeah, we've talked it into the ground. He's depressed and has low libido, masturbation is just easier, etc. I get it, so I try to be understanding. At the very least though, I asked if he could just compliment me or dirty talk over text or something, but he's not even interested in that.
No. 112611
>>112610Is he seeing anybody about his depression? If he's on any medication, is there any possibility of taking a different type?
He might have low libido, but the unwillingness to even compliment you seems a little bit strange.
No. 112612
>>112603the thing is i don't massively mind looks. i'm def no prize myself.
it's true that the omission really bothers me though.
>>112604he says it's his problem and not mine but isn't specific about it. i suspect if it's anything it's his ocd. dude does have a lot of personal stuff going on but rarely tells me anything.
also he's implied that i can't be trusted because he thinks i'm a whore/trashy behind his back, but straight up i'm basically a nun.
yeah we skype all the time but he keeps his mic/cam switched off.
speaking completely honestly he just doesn't read as a creep, i've dealt with many. he's really kind but i want to build a life with somebody soon and it feels like it's on hold.
>>112605i tried many times but i always felt horrible and apologised, and now they're not all that bothered if i throw ultimatums. colour me spineless lol.
logically it's the right thing to do but they're my best (and nearly my only) friend too. can't really picture life anymore without them.
thanks for your replies anons. sry to be pathetic. any recommendations for tracing him though? i thought i was close using one of those emails that tells you where it's opened, but he uses a proxy for everything.
No. 112613
>>112611He's seeing a psychiatrist, who is trying to get him on some medication, but he doesn't have insurance in the country where he's living, so it's been a struggle.
I give him credit for recently making some healthy changes in terms of diet and weight loss, and awhile he seems happier about being healthier, his libido hasn't changed at all.
Yeah, I don't get the compliments thing. It really pisses me off honestly. I give him loads of compliments, so where the fuck are mine?
No. 112614
>>112612>he's implied that i can't be trusted because he thinks i'm a whore/trashy behind his back>they're not all that bothered if i throw ultimatums>he uses a proxy for everythingThis is going to sound harsh and I'm sorry, but this guy does not care about you at all. Leave him in the dust.
You seem to have a low opinion of yourself but that doesn't mean you have to stick with a guy that makes you feel like your opinion is fact. You're worth more than some shady guy and you need to dump his ass and find someone who knows your worth tbh.
He might not seem like a creep to you but he sounds like one from what you've written. What kind of person uses proxies for a chit chat with somebody they're in a relarionship with? What kind of partner makes you feel like you can't be trusted?
It doesn't sound like he puts any value in your relationship at all. It sounds like he knows you'll stick around no matter what. Yes, he's nice to you in some ways, but every douchebag with any knowledge of social skills can play nice for a while. There are guys that can seem like Prince Charming while being complete abusive assholes. Anyway, is he really that nice if he's treating you this way?
>i want to build a life with somebody soon and it feels like it's on holdGo for it. Find somebody else that's worth your time and build your life with them.
No. 112615
>>112612If he isn't willing to show his voice or even let you hear his voice dump his ass. If he think's you're whoring around then don't get involved with him any further because that's not something he should be thinking about you.
>they're my best (and nearly my only) friend too. can't really picture life anymore without them.It may sound hard but if it's online you can make other friends or find other relationships. Don't worry. But I'm sorry anon, no matter what his excuses are he doesn't sound like someone you can build a life with.
No. 112616
>>112613Sorry about the situation with the insurance. It's a shame it's so hard to get real help sometimes.
Talk to him again about the compliments thing. I know a lot of people with depression and none of them seem to find it difficult to throw out out a "hey, you like nice today". I know everybody's depression is different but they seem like an easy way to help repair your relationship and it seems like he ain't even trying. Tell him it's hurtful that he doesn't reciprocate.
Honestly, if it continues like this, you might need to talk about whether the relationship is worthwhile. The libido thing is a struggle and that by itself might be something you could work through, but the lack of attention to you will be damaging in the long run, especially if you're giving attention to him. The relationship will essentially be unequal and resentment could build because of that.
It sucks when mental illness is involved because you end up feeling like a dick for being unsatisfied, but you can't sacrifice your own emotional wellbeing for someone else's. You could still be there for him as a friend while recognising that the romantic relationship is harmful to you.
Also, for the sexual aspect, try small acts without the expectation of them leading to bigger stuff. For example, let him know that a bit of touching doesn't necessarily have to lead to penetration. For guys, it can be difficult going from no sex to lots of sex and they end up feeling emasculated when they're faced with the fact that they're finding it hard, which makes it even harder. Normalise the small stuff and build up. A good idea might be for one of you to be present while the other masturbates. It's a sexual situation but without much pressure since you dont have to get the other person off. If that's too difficult, start with general physical affection, like kisses and hand holding or even just sitting close together. Physical affection might make you feel more desired too.
No. 112625
>>112606So you're in a platonic relationship, which is what he wants but you don't, and he wont/can't compromise? Explain to him that you're a regular person with normal sexual needs that have to be filled by someone, and if says he can't then tell him you're going to get some side dick.
Read r/deadbedrooms for a bit and see into your future.
No. 112640
>>112625Yeah, I don't think that a harsh approach is the way to go if his issues are because he feels depressed, and threatening cheating is a fucking shit thing to do.
>>112624 said though, if he can get the medication or the episodes only last a certain amount of time (they usually do, depression isn't a constant thing that just stays on forever, and episodes that last longer than a year are really quite rare), then you should consider if you're able to stick around through that.
Have you spoken to him about it from the compliment point of view? Like, ignore the sex for now, and tried to talk to him about how you feel as a result of him never complimenting you?
That might be more productive than trying to convince someone with depression to be turned on, for now at least.
No. 112666
>>112640Yeah, it sucks that he's depressed. I used to be depressed and I know it's hard to make changes to your life when you're in that situation.
But this is a relationship where one person has removed all sexual contact and wont even give out compliments, and can't or won't compromise. You don't need to be in a relationship to care for somebody and support them through a mental illness, and this situation is very clearly deeply affecting the OP emotionally which is a totally normal response. If physical affection is something that you need, and your partner is unwilling/unable to provide that and doesn't want you to get it from somebody else, then only option left is to leave.
This isn't some short term thing. Dealing with depression takes a long time, especially if getting medication might not happen. And then maybe the low libido isn't even to do with depression, maybe he just genuinely has a low libido or isn't attracted to OP? The compliments thing is also weird. Maybe after committing to the long haul with a relationship that hurts her, OP will find out that it wont get any better after all.
It sounds harsh and uncaring, but this kind of relationship messes people up. There's nothing wrong with acting out of self-preservation.
No. 112669
>>112666Yeah, don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily agree that they should stay if they're unhappy and the guy is refusing to make any effort to improve the situation (depression doesn't make you a dick, you can still compliment and love a partner with even severe cases) or even as you said to compromise by showing their affection in another way, then yeah, she's not at all obligated to stay with him.
And you're right, if he's jerking off (I'm getting the impression he is from what she said), it sounds like it's less libido, and just that he isn't that interested in her at that point in time.
I just think that if you're going to leave someone, do it gently in any situation they haven't fucked you over somehow, let alone when it's because of something sensitive.
And I also don't think that going "you aren't fulfilling my needs, and if you don't I'm going to go fuck someone else behind your back" is ever a good choice. Cheating's bad enough, let alone using cheating to try to coerce him into acting better, that's a fucking terrible thing to do to anyone.
No. 112671
>>112669I agree that if things aren't working out, especially if there's a medical issue involved, there's no need to be savage about the break up.
I didn't really mean the side dick thing as a threat; I worded it badly. I meant more like, if sexual intimacy is the core problem and your partner is unable/unwilling to provide it, then either having an open relationship or breaking up are the only real options left.
No. 112673
>>112671Oh, well then yeah, I agree, if it's an issue you can't get past, then those really are the only two options.
It's just probably better to tell him that it's a serious concern, and that you're not happy in the relationship with no sex or affection of any kind.
And fair enough, I thought you were wording it like holding it over him, which would be really crappy to anyone.
No. 112703
>>112624We're not sure yet. His psychiatrist keeps having to jump through all these hoops with the mental health system, and I don't even think he knows himself how long it'll take.
I thought about taking a break, but I think it'll make things worse somehow.
>>112625I've explained all that to hell and back, but his reasoning is basically, "I have a mental illness. I'm doing what I can do. Complaining is just making it worse. So try to be patient until something is sorted out." I wouldn't hold the whole side dick thing over him, because it's not my thing. If it came to that, I'd rather just break up.
Yeah, I'm all too familiar with /r/deadbedrooms. Have been for over 2 years now unfortunately.
>>112640I've tried to approach it from that angle a few times. Just forget about the sex and make me feel wanted in other ways, but the change only lasts a week at best before it's back to square one. He says he just forgets because he has ADHD and has too much shit going on.
>>112669You guessed right. He still jerks off, but says it's mostly for stress relief. He told me in our last big argument about it that it's hard for him to get into the mood now or say sexual things to me because he immediately starts to think about our arguments, how he feels I'm being pushy and not understanding enough, and it just makes him not want to do anything sexual at all.
>>112689No, it's definitely not new. Shitty childhood and all that has led to depression for most of his life, along with anxiety and ADHD. It's all kind of meshed in together though and tends to just manifest as lethargy and irritability.
No. 112749
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I want to get better at my art but fuck its so hard to motivate myself to actually sit down and draw . My art style is so inconsistent and I'm obsessed with trying to get my style to look like someone elses, its pathetic
Ngl I just want to be a good artist with a large supporting fanbase that obsesses over my art and make cool shit with my art on it that sells well.
No. 112752
right so kid, you gotta not just WANT fame with your art. Sounds like youve just got an ego issue.
Take small things from artists you like to experiment, try out different mediums, get a decent tablet/scanner and put in the work. I know its frustrating to see artists with alot of followers but theyve worked hard at this. Ocean-tan for one isnt the best artist but has been selling at cons/art markets for about 10 years now. Milkbbi has been on the internet for about the same time, building their fanbase and making their style appealing. Omocat owes her fame to the rise of aesthetic and tumblr, jumping on that wagon quickly. May not like her but fuck me is she smart.
You cant EXPECT this to all come to you, you need to get into fanbases, draw your ass off, youll ain a small following. Art is about luck, pure fucking luck and merch is alot of money. NGL Im jealous of these kids who suddenly gain popularity but thats because people find them interesting, they talk to fan and are appealing. If your only drawin so you can gain fame then
son have I got bad news for you.
No. 112754
>>112749>My art style is so inconsistent and I'm obsessed with trying to get my style to look like someone elses, its patheticFuck, this sounds exactly like my situation right now.
I will start getting a constant art style, be content and gain confidence, and suddenly i read a manga or see some art on twitter/pixivx and i think "this is better and more interesting than my style, i better take notes from this" but i fuck up and change my style and start to hate my art because it doesn't feel mine anymore, then stop drawing completly, let pass time, decide to draw, realize i have a style again… and rinse and repeat. This is a never ending round-and-around.
Distancing myself from the internet/art scene helps me a little bit but as soon as i see anything, i just start to worry about why my art doesn't look as interesting/intrincate, why am i not as creative… and end up changing parts of my style again until it no longer feels mine.
I keep watching videos on "how to find your personal style" but they are constantly the same "keep practising and you'll eventually find your style uguu" fake-positive bullshit, when the problem is not my technique or how many hours i put in it, since i've been doing art since i have conscience, is my confidence in it and my need to constantlty compare how interesting/creativeit is in relation to other artists out there.
I just feel non creative and uninteresting eventhough i think my techinique is okay.
This all started happening after starting doing digital art this year. I guess the need to see tutorials on how to use the different programs and tools kinda fucked with my head. Stopped using it, but now i compare my traditional art too, which i never did before, so i feel scared that i'll never get my style back again.
I don't really care about gaining money/fame with my art since it's more of a hobby for me, but i still want to feel confident with it you know.
I just want to have a style that feels mine and personal.
No. 112755
>>112752Its always been about timing anon.
From Dakota Rose and Venus with that doll shit, from Omocat and that other scamming piece of shit on tumblr with their art ect. Its always about timing. Tumblr is the platform to be on though, you need to have in order to gain some besties who have shit tons of followers, a niche for yourself and own all the stuff you need in order to 'make it'.
>>112749Anon if I was you buy a tablet, make a tumblr, get into fandoms (sadly thats how it works these days) and start developing a style. Start hopping on trends even if you hate them DO IT. Thats how it works.
You have to bullshit your way to get to the top. Fakeness is pretty much everything over talent these days.
No. 112759
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>>112752> If your only drawin so you can gain fame thenson have I got bad news for you.
I know I know, It's super easy to get sucked into the superficial part of it
Its going to take alot of hard work and sometimes not even then its not guaranteed you'll get far
its more me trying to just be a decent artist and thinking efame = success(it's dumb but not necessarily untrue)
thanks for keeping me in check anon
>I will start getting a constant art style, be content and gain confidence, and suddenly i read a manga or see some art on twitter/pixivx and i think "this is better and more interesting than my style, i better take notes from this" but i fuck up and change my style and start to hate my art because it doesn't feel mine anymore, then stop drawing completly, let pass time, decide to draw, realize i have a style again… and rinse and repeat. This is a never ending round-and-around.Holy fucking shit anon, are you me???
I absolutely hate the fact that I do this, and I've seen other people who take it one step further and sell their copy cat artstyle(pic related) - it makes me realize I need to stop this copycat shit now because its tacky and embarrassing
I really hope you find an artstyle you can call your own anon!
>>112755>You have to bullshit your way to get to the top. Fakeness is pretty much everything over talent these days.I hate how true that is, especially on tumblr
No. 112763
>>112759thnx for taking critique on bored and not being snarky back, gotten some shitty replies when trying to give advice before.
fuckin ew at that SU copycat, has no emotion of love in it at all. The AC pic seems so much more natural, each chibi has line depth and have some personality. The SU is copy paste garbage and rly playing it safe.
What I will say about the fandoms thing, please, PLEASE get into fandoms you enjoy. Flashbacks to MLP when it was big and new, so many artists used it as a new cash cow, same with Undertale rn. You have to be smart but dont be seen as fake. Ive seen so many artists jumping about to other fandoms to make a shitty buck and people see through it. They love a bit of sentimentalness with it all too.
No. 112782
>>112703>I have a mental illness. I'm doing what I can do. Complaining is just making it worse. So try to be patient until something is sorted out.Yeah, that's a load of shit. There's no reason depression stops you complimenting people, coming from someone who's has diagnosed severe MDD. Even in your worst moments, it's not hard to say someone's being sweet, or that they look nice, and the way he acted like it's your fault instead of getting withdrawn and guilty shows he's probably not that bad.
>He says he just forgets because he has ADHD and has too much shit going on.So he's using another mental illness as an excuse? That's kind of looking like a parttern.
>He still jerks off, but says it's mostly for stress relief. He told me in our last big argument about it that it's hard for him to get into the mood now or say sexual things to me because he immediately starts to think about our arguments, how he feels I'm being pushy and not understanding enough, and it just makes him not want to do anything sexual at all.Yeah, that sounds like a load of shit. Like, you can have low libido and still masturbate sometimes, obviously, but it sounds like he's now trying to blame his issues on you, or whatever else he can shift them off onto so he's not the bad guy, which is really immature.
Even down to the mental illness, whether it's there or not, he sounds like he's fucking with you and being manipulative with it.
Another bit to support this is that SSRI's are incredibly easy to get. Like, so easy that most GP's hand them out if it's clear your issues are depression. It's easier to get a script for fucking Xanax than how he's making it out to be for anti-depressants, and Xanax is one of the most restricted medications that they're still allowed to give you scripts for in my country short of like morphine. And as for cost, even off insurance, a month of SSRI's is like $30 dollars, $60 at most. I'm sure he could manage that much if he actually was interested in recovering.
This is just me guessing from the sidelines, but it sounds like he's just completely full of shit, and using it to get away with not doing whatever. You should talk to him about it. I could be getting it wrong, but if it comes across that way, there's probably some elements of it, or you're absolutely not happy with him.
Comes down to if you want to stay in that sort of relationship really.
No. 112783
>>112782Sometimes, it's hard for me to understand from his perspective because I've got MDD and ADHD too (among BPD and other things) and still find ways to make sure he doesn't feel overlooked. I do what I can and always check up on him to see if there's anything I can do.
When I bring this up in arguments though, he reminds me that not everyone deals with mental illness the same way or is affected the same way, which makes me feel like a huge, demanding bitch. I do think his ADHD is pretty bad because I've seen him struggle with it a lot but, like you said with the compliments and stuff, I wonder why he can't find a way to remind himself? Put up a sticky note or something if you have to. There are plenty of resources online to help with that, so why not look it up?
The medication thing isn't bullshit though. He's living in a European country without citizenship right now, so that's why it's been such a struggle to get meds. Overall, it seems this country is kind of shit when it comes to therapy anyway. Even his expensive school barely had any mental health stuff to offer.
I honestly don't know what to do and I know I sound like a pussy about it. I want to be there for him and see if the medication will help once he gets it (he's convinced it will), but I feel my own mental health declining more and more because my needs aren't being met. I'm scared to walk away, I guess.
No. 112785
>>112783>Sometimes, it's hard for me to understand from his perspective because I've got MDD and ADHD too (among BPD and other things) and still find ways to make sure he doesn't feel overlooked.Yeah, if he's well enough he can be safe in the community, he's well enough to give you some attention sometimes. If anything people with depression tend to be the opposite, ignore their own issues and hide them.
>When I bring this up in arguments though, he reminds me that not everyone deals with mental illness the same way or is affected the same way, which makes me feel like a huge, demanding bitch.Yeah, no, that's a bullshit excuse. Sure, it impacts people differently, but it's never an excuse for being a dick. He's absolutely being manipulative with that, and if I were you, I'd doubt that he even has it. He's using it in the same way robots who come over here sometimes do, not as an illness to recover from and attempt to stop letting it cause issues, but an excuse and something to avoid responsibility.
>I wonder why he can't find a way to remind himself? Put up a sticky note or something if you have to. There are plenty of resources online to help with that, so why not look it up?Not only that, but he hasn't got dementia or something, I don't see why he'd be incapable of remembering because of ADHD, or once again, why that's an excuse even if I just don't understand the disorder. Like, to use the dementia example, people with that disorder find ways to remind themselves of stuff, why couldn't he?
>The medication thing isn't bullshit though. He's living in a European country without citizenship right now, so that's why it's been such a struggle to get meds.Well, Europe's a big place, but I'm only talking about places we consider to be part of the west, and how does citizenship impact it at all? If he can see a doctor, he can get a script, and you already said he's been seeing a doctor.
Even with depression though, an episode doesn't last forever. Is he being more caring when he's not in the middle of an episode, or is he trying to pass it off as he's depressed 100% of the time?
>I honestly don't know what to do and I know I sound like a pussy about it.Not at all, it's a good thing you're not just giving up as soon as it gets hard. But that being said, if you're unhappy, and he's being manipulative (illness or not he is) with no set end in sight for it, you shouldn't stay.
It might feel shit, but what option is there if he refuses to make any effort?
No. 112835
>>112614>>112615>>112780>>112788thank you for taking the time anons. i'm trying to take it on board.
i don't really know how to get out now. or how to meet new people so that i don't get sucked back into it.
not suggesting you guys have the answers. just realising it's difficult to disentangle yourself from someone when they're the only person that gives a shit.
No. 112855
>>112835It's better to be alone than around someone who doesn't care about you. Trust me on this. I've been in situations where it's putting up with bag treatment VS being alone. Being alone is the better option.
You can take some time to feel more confident in yourself and then get out there to find new friends and relationships. Join some clubs, visit some places, talk to more coworkers, volunteer somewhere, chat to your neighbours, etc etc. You can meet new people that are better than him.
Don't put up with his shit anymore, anon. There's better out there.
No. 112861
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Every time I ovulate I get super maternal, but not towards babies or kids or anything, but to grown ass men lmfao all I've been thinking about is giving cuddles to several of my fuck buddies while he sucks him thumb or 'breastfeeds' or drinks from a bottle while I pet his hair and pat his little butt.
One of the guys would totally be cool with it too, since he's pretty open like that but he's out of town and I'm just sitting here like a freak imagining these poor innocent guys like this. Lord help me and my ovaries.
No. 112865
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>>112861get therapy, you're no better than those daddy dom freaks on tumblr
No. 112871
>>112606i dont know you or your partner or your situation or anything, but dont necessarily assume its something you did wrong or that he's not attracted or something.
sex drive can be affected by all kinds of things, hormones, stress etc.
No. 112873
>>112785>>112803Thanks again for the advice, guys. This has been such an ongoing issue that I don't even know what to do or say about it anymore. Sometimes, I just need to vent and get some perspective instead of mulling it over in my head a million times.
>>112871Yeah, you're right. I can't help but assume sometimes that I'm doing something wrong because he's not pursuing me anymore, but I can objectively understand how libido is affected by shit. I've got depression too and have noticed a shift in my own over the past few years.
No. 112884
I've always been kinda socially stunted and only had 1 or 2 really close friends at a time, but for the most part that was fine by me because I'm also an introvert.
I really miss what friendship was like when I was younger though. I feel like back then you can hang out in someone's room and talk about random shit, cuddle up and watch some dumb anime, sleep in the same bed, spend the day at home chilling, etc. Just have some super casual but intimate hang out sessions. I feel like now it's seen as kinda seen as 'childish' to just chill at home with friends, and now that we're adults with jobs we should want to go out all the time. I enjoy going out sometimes, but I'd like it if I could have some casual chill time with friends. My friends seem to like me because even if I don't initiate contact they'll reach out frequently, but the most casual thing they want to do is get coffee together at some fancy cafe. I offer to cook them a meal at home, but they usually make excuses or just generally don't seem to enjoy hanging out at my place/their place. Fuck one chick I met had some similar interests to me, so I figured we'd hang out a couple of times and see if we click, but she HAD to make it a big ole thing each time. I tried to set up simple little hang outs like 'hey, let's get a beer at this bar I know is walking distance from both of us" but she always wanted to go to fancy places you had to get all made up for and then she'd go and buy a new dress for the occasion. Fuck, that is too much effort for me to hang out with a girl I just met. She asked me to hang out a few times, but we ended up never hangout outside of bumping into each other at group stuff.
No. 112898
so i've been dating my bf/gf (MTF trans) for 2 years. he's not going by female pronouns yet so i'll refer to them using male ones even tho it feels weird.
anyway hes got a real shitty habit of jerking off w dudes on cam (i'm a girl) and swapping pictures with festy old men on craigslist. the first time i found out about it i had come home from work (he was staying at my house while i was busting my ass 12 hr shift hospitality) and then i realise that there were some really sus links to varous gay cam sites. anyway, i was distraught, but managed to talk to him about it a few days after, he was remorseful, cried a bit, told me it wasn't a sex thing and that it was a self hate thing. and i fully believe him. anyway, i believe that he's managed to stop for the most part but i still occasionally find out that he's going on cam sites.
so for like the past 1.5 years it's really worn me down. i get worried that he's more into dudes than he's into me, and i feel that cos he's attracted to me i must be masculine in some way. and it's made me really weirdly grossed out by gay dudes and gay culture which i feel guilty about.
i'm also really paranoid about it happening all the time, and i get really jealous and snarky often which makes me feel pathetic.
i feel pathetic cos the first time i found out i knew that it wouldn't stop happening and i would have to a) accept it and not let it bother me or b) leave him. and i've done neither and i'm in this doubtful self hating limbo and i'm angry at myself for being so spineless.
also had a break with reality 3 days ago where i thought i was psychic, was convinced i had broken into another plane of existence where all of humanity was laid before me, and i could feel everyone in the world channeling their psychic energies into me. i was convinced i was chosen to heal the world or something. boyfriend was with me at the time and was like 'yes you are psychic' which fucked me up even more but like he was just talking about how im intuitive or some shit not how im a fucking messiah which i took it to mean
came out of that ok but now just mega depressed, on my period, suicidal rumination, feel gross about myself cos im so self absorbed at the moment
No. 112907
>>112898it's not your fault. it's nothing to do with you. it's entirely his problem - he literally cares more about wanking than anything else in his life (ie. you) and it's his issue. he'd probably be like this with any other person who was unfortunate enough to date him, if not worse.
i know it's really hard to leave when you've been together for so long, there are obviously feelings there for you, but you deserve so much better.
No. 112910
>>112898God, unfortunately I really understand some of your feelings, like wondering if he's into dudes more than you, or if it's into you because you're masculine. I'm not in the exact same situation but it's a kinda similar. I know how unwanted you probably feel, if you're anything like me.
Listen, it doesn't matter what his problem is, he straight up cheated on you, lied about why, and now you can't even trust him. Relationships are built on trust, communication, and love - none of which he's giving to you because he'd rather sit there and jerk off to creepy old guys on Craigslist.
Leave his faggot ass and get into therapy for your depression and shit. You deserve to have a happy life and this guy shouldn't be a part of it.
No. 112916
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>my personal preference for relationships is having a companion to share life with closely and cuddle, not much sex (maybe every now and again)
>gf is a sex fiend wanting sex almost every night
>find it a chore to do but can't tell her that because she'd think I find her unattractive or some other spin on that topic
>can't leave her because she's literally the only girl that actually likes me for who I am
No. 112926
>>112916oral. gets her off, and all you have to do is sit there. you don't even have to be turned on.
whenever either my bf or I don't want to have sex, but the other one does, we just get the other off quickly and cuddle. idk if that's weird or not, blowjobs are fun even when I'm not in the mood.
No. 112931
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I just had to withdraw from a class for the 2nd time in a row because there is no way to salvage my grade.
No. 112946
>>112937Don't worry. I live next to Russia and we've honestly been fine for the past 60 years. If they wanted to they'd have attacked the West a long time ago, but good job believing in the Russian boogeyman stories invented by the American/UK media.
They're sitting on a shitload of oil and have great relations with China. If anyone was to attack it would be the US.
No. 112947
>>112946Thanks anon, even just hearing this from a complete anonymous stranger helps at least settle me a bit.
I really hate how media take the smallest thing and run with it to blow it into a huge out of proportion story so much as to have thousands of brits tweet at the russian embassy begging them not to start a war.
It's just crazy but i totally feel for those people I understand getting wind of all these stories and not knowing what to believe and getting worked up over the possibilities.
No. 112986
>>112985On one hand I understand how your friends feel, on the other hand you have every right to do what you want without considering others, it's your life after all.
You can always try to talk to her and reassure her that you won't abandon her. She's the one that has to deal with the rest and her feelings. She's not your responsebility
I think I need a break from browsing the tags. There's so much thinspo and pro ana stuff in the tags and it's actually a bit
triggering. (I hate using that word)
Every time I see an image of an emaciated girl or see someones unhealthy goal weight or amount of calories my instant thought is "I was smaller than this"/ "I was eating/can eat less than this".
Obviously, I now know better and don't give in to any possible urges or whatever. But my mind is subconsciously trying to compete to be sick and knowing I could be "the sickest" is tempting. Which is, in all honesty, so pathetic.
I'm an adult I got better things to do than compete with kids on social media. My brain better pull it's shit together, it's becoming frustrating. Ugh
No. 113014
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All women want Chad and it's such an injustice
No. 113015
>>112861I'd be into that. Also
>several of my fuck buddiesHow common is having a fuck buddy, or more than one? I have no idea.
No. 113016
>>113015Not the anon you're addressing, but I don't know many people at all with fuck buddies.
The few who've had multiple on the go have always been going through a sad patch. Fun side story, my ex-flatmate ended up catching and spreading genital warts to half the city through her fuck buddies after she broke up with her childhood sweetheart. Literal plaguebearer.
Sage for blog post lol
No. 113018
>>112952ER people can be fucking dicks. Sorry you had to put up with their shit behavior.
I had an episode when I was 22 when a friend gave me some "pills" to help with a headache, and apparently he thought it was funny to give me molly instead and not tell me until later via text when I started to feel nasty. Except the molly was actually some kind of methadone drug. I was home by myself unable to think and kept seeing my limbs turning blue. I felt like I would pass out at any moment. I was scared shitless and too poor to call an ambulance.
The next morning when I was coherent enough to drive I went to the ER because I thought I started pissing blood too. No patients were in the ER. I was sobbing to myself having no idea what the fuck was happening to me, and was met with the most unempathetic ER nurse in the world. She came in to check my vitals and jeered "Why are you crying?" as if she was so annoyed by my presence.
So clearly they thought I was some nut who was wasting their time and not someone who had a legitimate concern. They didn't test for the drug I told them I ingested, instead they scolded me for some THC that was found in my system from a few days prior. The blood I found out was actually from stressing myself into a fucking period. So the doc naturally thought I smoked a doob, had a little freakout, and was wasting their time.
I refuse to go to the ER unless I'm bleeding out or having a seizure. They don't give a flying fuck otherwise. Like even my mom who's in her 50s was having terrible chest pains one time and went to the ER, they made her wait an hour in agony before they admitted her. Again, because it was a bumpkin hospital no other patients were there, some ERs literally don't give a shit.
No. 113021
>>113017Usually they were lonely/socially awkward guys on dating sites - she used POF the most, though I saw her on Tinder too.
Her secret was to lower her standards and try to sleep with anyone who was a 4/10 or over. Turns out men are pretty easy.
She also went after the man-slags too since they were pretty safe bets for a shag but not a commitment. Think it helped that she worked in nightlife - there was usually someone at work who would get in an arrangement with her.
Why? Are you looking? No judgement.
No. 113034
>>113033hahaha i know that feel
I hate when I hate someone but don't have any real reason to other than "they annoy me"
No. 113086
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I want a good computer so I can play stuff with my friends but I have no money to spare for it. My 7 year old toaster laptop is driving me insane.
No. 113117
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Today I realized that my face looks way better when I have a little extra weight on me, but my body looks great when I'm super thin because it's more balanced. So now I'm sitting here trapped in this awkward skinnyfat hell and I'm not sure which asset to give up :(
No. 113145
>>113117In other news, Robbie Rotten's actor has cancer so have another downer on your day.
>>113122ugly ass bitches and trend threads are mainly on how much plastic surgery and the instagram models all have it but claim to be natural. Your face naturally goes gaunt if theres no fat to fill out your cheeks. Surgery will make you look like a chipmunk if you put the weight back on later in life too.
No. 113163
Living with my best friend has not been as fun as I thought it would be. She is way too tired from work to do anything, and then all she wants to do is watch Mad Men/talk with her boring boyfriend, and then she complains when I want to use the living room tv to play video games because it's "her" spot. I'm a little disappointed because I thought we would be doing more stuff together.
However, I've tried to be nice to her and support her despite her financial troubles. My parents pay for pretty much everything, so it's not a huge deal for me to help with groceries.
But ugh she's so annoying and condescending sometimes.
Today I was trying to make some macaroni for us, when somehow, the stove caught on fire and there was a huge flame. I was freaking out, calling 911, and later the house was filled with smoke. I was seriously afraid the house was going to burn down. When my best friend got home, she started complaining about the smoke.
Then she said she didn't want to stay at home because of the smoke and asked to use my car to go return something because her car was having troubles. Ok, not a big deal with me. In the car, I'm trying to talk with her about how I want to visit a friend so I can talk with him about how he found his job after graduation. Then she's condescendingly goes, "Uhhh but you need a degree for that."
Bitch, I know!!!!
She is so bitchy about me not completing college on time and "wasting my time" while I was forced to take another year off of school. (even though I have a decent paying nannying position that pays more than her job per hour and I am also starting an official volunteering thing at a medical clinic that I think is pretty good). I try to ask her what I should do instead, and she's like "Idk lol." My GPA and resume aren't the best, of course I'm not going to find something better than what I find now.
Ok, I guess I'm a trust fund baby or whatever. WHO CARES. Ok, I can't be as good of a person as you because you work so hard and your parents cut you off. Just because I didn't graduate college in 4 years and find some mediocre job doesn't mean I need to turn my life around for your whims. I've had some health/mental problems, so no, I'm not going to be a super achiever like you.
She says she is just saying what "everyone is thinking" and acts like she's a badass bitch for trying to chew me out. But idk why she acts like she is so high and mighty when her advice is complete shite. She acts like she's "saving" me from being "enabled" because my parents are ok with my situation for now.
I'm fine with my situation, my parents are fine too. Just stop being so bitter about your problems you need to take it out on me and constantly offer shit advice.
No. 113165
>>113164Yeah lol I'm not going to talk to her about my problems anymore. She is too "stressed" and my problems are too trivial. Whatever.
idk I'm not paying rent, but actually she is renting from my parents. They were reluctant to rent out to her but I insisted because I thought it'd be good for me. But like I said, she doesn't want to do anything than talk with her boyfriend or play with her phone.
No. 113167
>>113164Also after complaining about me today I dissed her job. It pays $12 / hour. lol bitch that is literally Walmart manager wage. And she is convinced that she is making such a "difference" or something. No, you're a faceless cog in the machine. Or alienated labor if you bothered to learn some basic terms with your college degree.
Yeah I guess you have to pay for everything and it sucks, but who's idea was it to spend $100 on professional hair dying not just once but twice? Who's idea is it to eat out all the time even though I help out a lot with the groceries? Who's idea was it to try to find a job at the last minute after you didn't get into med school? idk just a lot of bad decisions.
Yeah idk you're not interested in listening to my problems so i'm not going to be interested either.
No. 113168
>>113163Sounds like she feels you did something to her so now she's being passive aggressive and is low key annoyed with you whenever she has to be around you. If it were just some roommate I'd say have at it, but since she's a friend maybe it's best to yield and just give her the space for now. Is it possible to save for a personal tv? I still think the next time she claims something as
her spot you should politely remind her that you pay rent as well and would just like some time with the tv.
Lifestyle comparisons aside you should really tell her the truth. And I don't mean like tell her she's a condescending bitch. I mean tell her how much you miss spending time doing stuff together and how when she talks about your life, it puts you in a vulnerable place because you know you need to improve but it would help to hear more supportive things than critical things.
But yeah idk what's with roommates getting so touchy about the main living area and chores. I roomed with two undergrad bruhs during my first year of grad and they were condescending to me in the same ways as well, even though we were chill for the first few months. I made the mistake of telling them how easy and sometimes pointless my first grad courses were and from that point onward they used this as ammo against me to try to manipulate me into being their personal apartment maid ie. "Your courses are easy and you barely go to work, why don't you do up the dishes?" ←- they'd say that as I'd have a cup amongst their sink full of dishes they expected me to clean. They'd get high and cook on ridiculous food binges and leave pots, plates, and silverware just stacked. Oh and most of the dishes WERE MINE. They actually broke all of my glass hand-me-down dishes because they'd just stack them on top of each other when they used them, and when they were forced to clean them when I wouldn't they'd break them on purpose low key as a way to "punish" me by insinuating I should have just did their dishes if I wanted my glasses saved….lmao.
After I chewed them out for breaking my shit the shared living room space was next. They had a PS3 I would use to play Final Fantasy on, and a couple nights I accidentally fell asleep on the couch (which was the landlord's). This made them irrationally pissy and they'd ask me why I had fell asleep there like it was a big ass deal. I felt so alienated I spent most of the time in my room, which made me even more pissed because even though I wasn't in the living areas and kitchen as often they'd still expect me to clean after them and get annoyed whenever I was in the same room.
They were such uppity fucks for druggie business majors, lol.
No. 113169
>>113163Yep definitely sounds like she is jealous of you and low key being passive aggressive about it.
The fact that she has financial problems and your parents seem to pay for you stuff feels like the root of her passive aggressiveness.
As for the living room bit. She can fuck off. You pay the rent just like she does.
No. 113175
>>113170They do work out, plenty, it's just people notice more when they fail because they're pretty rare compared to normal relationships.
Losing interest can happen anywhere too. Distance makes it harder, but you guys have been together a long time, I doubt she's going to find the distance an issue at this point, it's not new.
She should probably tell her parents if it's been a year though.
No. 113183
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>>113182Take your salty vendetta somewhere else, if you think I am someone you know or I am married to a japanese you are wrong.
No. 113223
>>113214Wow I deal with the same shit. I constantly find myself talking way too damn much if my anxiety is high or I'm sleep deprived. I havent found a way to totally stop it (outside if being medicated but I'm not always on my meds) so Im just honest about it like
"sorry sometimes I just talk too much.. how's work at wherever been?"
"Haha sorry I just realized how weird/uninteresting this story is. Long story short my friend bought a gun."
When I tell stupid stories and realize halfway through how uninteresting they are I always just attributed it to my adhd :/
No. 113225
>>112958Im in the same boat anon and trying to think of ways to fix it without moving. My roommate takes advantage of everything i have but never shares her own things with me. Gives the sameshitty comebacks when talking or just stupidly dense when it comes to some questions.
Im an introvert too but I can be loud and about when I wanna but I feel like shes too used to that side of me. She recently told me to be more social around when guests are at the house BITCH IM NOT HERE TO ENTERTAIN YOUR ASS.
Idk she aint a good match but dont feel bad for not rooming with her again.
No. 113229
>>113220thanks anon. you're right - it was like that.
i never thought about it as a difference in humour thing though. just sort of just assumed that i was a social retard.
>>113223thank god i'm not alone lol.
that sounds like a good way to be. it's like, once you've started telling a story, it feels like you're committed to it and you have to try and make it work.
it would be nice not to start on the inane story track in the first place but honesty is probably the second best way to deal with it.
oh god talking about this reminds me of another awkward moment. the other week i ended up telling this story about how i got iatrogenically addicted to diazepam and fucked up my chances at uni first time around, but how it worked out in the end because i was more ready for uni the next time around. the silence afterwards was excruciating.
i could have just gone with "yeah so i messed up uni the first time around but i was better prepared when i returned" or something but shit. stupid.
No. 113230
Anti-feminists on Youtube make me sick. anti-feminist I've seen looks like some iteration of an average looking SJW but with more cakey makeup and tattoos. Girls saying they're "anti-feminist" is like the new "I'm bisexual, don't hit on me silly boys!" or "I'm not like those other girls!" It's all for male attention. They're just bastardizing what's popular and throwing other women under the bus to try to impress guys for being edgy.
Can't believe these bimbos seriously swing around on the internet in their underwear, covered in shitty tattoos, with their foul personalities, and proclaim to be sex workers all while naively thinking they owe nothing to any feminist movements. Cause like all this tacky shit women gained the CHOICE to do with themselves would have just naturally materialized starting from the 1900s if feminism never existed. Yeah, okay. I suppose we'll also have to entertain that fantasy.
And of course because bitches like these never did shit while they were feminists, they automatically assume everyone else must also be a keyboard warrior because they're projecting. Just because they sat around and did nothing but scowl about feminists on tumblr and Jezebel, it doesn't mean nobody else was out in the real word making a difference.
And they always gotta bring up just how annoyed they were with every feminist liek evar. "Weh feminists always used to tell me how I should be treated as a sex worker WELL FUCK YOU I LIKE MISOGYNISTIC MUSIC!" Haha serious. What did this bitch ever do for another woman to make herself feel so high and mighty? Like wow honey, you let people call yourself a fucking whore…well, congratulations on that triumph. How dare women want to see you get treated with respect while you want to treat yourself like a living fleshlight. Clearly this broad knows how to live.
And you know I'm completely fine with people not liking modern feminism and having a lot of critique about how it's stagnated. But there are other feminist movements not happening in the West that we need to care about. It's such bullshit how because girls like these live in isolated internet bubbles, they see no need for feminism because "tumblr is annoying." Fucking hell.
Feminism has never been perfect. Even during first wave when women were trying to secure suffrage, prohibition happened not long after and that was a disaster. But lasting change and privileges came of it.
It's gross and hypocritical how she spoils in the freedoms brought by feminism but just trashes it through the mud. The fuck is wrong with these idiots.
No. 113232

>>113230I agree 100%.
I don't care if someone says they are a feminist or not exactly, but I automatically think idiot when someone says they are "anti-feminist" particularly especially a woman.
Like ok, I know that SJW's suck, it's not cool to literally hate all men (or women), but most "feminists" I've met IRL have just been moderates who care about gender equality.
Like wow, you're so cool! not like any of those other stuck of girls amirite ;))
Idubs's new GF is exactly this type. The one who panders to men and is constantly talking to them about how feminism is horrible, how it "scares her" (wtf lmao) and hows "she's not offended by anythin!!1 ;) edgy and cool am i rite".
I want to add that I also think feminism or any gender equality movement should still be in the west, I find it so funny when people say it's not needed. I live in South America and trust me, feminism is very much still needed here. Women are 100% second class citizens here. Just because we can vote doesn't mean we have equality in the eyes of our society sadly.
No. 113233
>>113230I regret opening that link, even more scrolling down and reading those disgusting comments.
Yeah, there's a huge wave of women calling themselves to be anti-feminists and your sentiments are exactly how I feel about it. It's just another form of attention whoring by bunch of low self-esteem women that want to be treated like garbage and meninists or whatever they are called, idiots as they are, swallow the bait. Just ignore them as there is nothing to be done.
No. 113235
>>113233I think it's more of just a ploy to make income. Almost all of these anti-feminist youtuber chicks have links to patreon or their PayPal donation page. I think they ham it up most of the time because the like the attention/pedestal treatment and see it as easy revenue.
It's especially fun when it ends up back firing in their face. Shoe0nhead had make some critical twitter posts about trump's pussy grabbing comments (I think thats what it was) and a lot of her fan base turned on her in the replies. LOL. More like Egg0nFace amirite?
Anyways, I just find it hilarious that these beta dudes are sucking the toes of the women who are literally taking advantage of them. Just a prime example of how retarded these guys really are.
No. 113238
>>113235> I think they ham it up most of the time because the like the attention/pedestal treatment and see it as easy revenue. Even so, what they are doing is utterly pathetic to say the least. You really need to be the slimmiest woman to say something against feminism which fought for the rights we have today. I don't recall ever needing to profess myself as a feminist but I know that the rights I have today is because a lot of women went through a lot so I could build a better future for myself. What those women are doing is despicable.
And there are so many other ways to earn money, does she and the likes of her need to stoop that low for a few pennies?
> Just a prime example of how retarded these guys really are.I wanted to bleach my eyes after reading some of their comments, christ they are stupid. As long as they stay in their mum's basement, it's all fine I guess. Low life gullible idiots, all of them.
No. 113240
>>113238I don't think they know/care about or understand the history of feminism. They may know the basics, but not much. And they don't really need to, because their audience rejects it or doesn't care for it. Additionally their goal is just to make money/attention so it's not relevant to their game plan.
I agree that they are terrible people, but it's easy money, and desperate attention starved people don't have standards when it comes to making money. Because it's such a easy way to make money (literally people giving you money to parrot their thoughts), it's no surprise they're gonna keep doing it.
This isn't really anything new, Ann Coulter comes to mind… it's that people have caught on that it's an untapped market that's easy to play, and has lots of money making potential. And with youtube being such a large and public platform, anyone can do it now.
No. 113241
>>113239Robot pls go
Keep thinking that every "western" country is a glorious utopia of gender equality. Why don't you come visit us in the shithole that is central and south america?
>>113240It's pretty crazy how much money some of these twitch/youtube women make, and how hard they get whiteknighted by these idiots. Funny considering how often it's the same idiots complaining about people being "whiteknights" when that's exactly what they are.
No. 113242
>>113241Well I don't think critical thinking is terribly prevalent with those types of people. It's why they're willing to throw money at the actual thing they hate, thinking they're undermining their 'opponents'.
I wonder how long it will take them to step back actually see the anti-fem female commentators for what they really are.
No. 113247
> literally people giving you money to parrot their thoughtsThe funniest part is that most of these women look like carriers of multiple veneral diseases, sort of the type that those neckbeards would dismiss as sluts, but since they parrot their thoughts, they are suddenly waifu material. Good riddance, feminism doesn't need whores like her anyway.
One day it will backfire at them. In any case I just rather not think about it anymore.
No. 113248
(I am not
>>113244I wish I could be dumb enough to think "the West" literally meant the western hemisphere.
> There are many accepted definitions about what they all have in common.>The term originally had a literal geographic meaning. It contrasted Europe with the cultures and civilizations of the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the remote Far East, which early-modern Europeans saw as the East. In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase Western world includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania No. 113249
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>>113246But the person they were replying to said
>"western" country So I'm under the impression that they were implying their country follows western culture, and thus are a 'western' country.
Here is a map that shows which areas follow western cultures. Post-1990 Huntington's major civilizations (Western is colored dark blue).
Central and South America are not western countries.
No. 113251
>>113248Do you read your own wiki articles?
>In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase Western world includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania>ancestral populations in the Americas>in the Americas>AMERICASLol.
No. 113252
>>113249Huntington's map is really bad.
Why on earth would he place the Philippines or Papua New Guinea in the Western World, but not Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Romania or Greece ?
Why would he lump all Europeans together except the Orthodox without any regard for linguistic groups, genetics or culture ?
Why isn't Japan in the same category as Korea and China ?
What do Malaysia and Indonesia have in common with the Middle East and North Africa as civilisations besides having lots of Muslims ?
No. 113253
>>113249You're still wrong even with the other meaning applied
>>113251. It says "the western world" includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas.
But anyway, speaking of that map
>>113249, did you notice for "the west" it included the Philippines and New Guinea? These are not champions of women's rights.
No. 113254
>>113251Do you have the reading comprehension to understand what you just pasted?
Just because a country, '''with substantial European ancestral populations''' may exist in South America, does not mean the entirety of Central/South America is "the West".
For example French Guiana might be considered "the West" under '''some''' definitions, for example on this map:
>>113249>>113252>>113253You can sit here and argue over the non-precise and several definitions of "the West".
When people say feminism is not needed in "the West", they are not including Central/South America.
No. 113255
>>113251Please just stop posting, you're so dumb you thought "the West" referred literally to the western hemisphere.
You literally said this:
>Europe and Australia are located in the "East" meaning the Eastern hemisphere. (And then ignored the inclusion of Oceania in the same statement you pasted)Please stop embarrassing yourself, there's no need to continue this.
No. 113256
>>113254Catholicism, one of the biggest cultural beacons of the Americas, came directly from European colonization. There are many European (Spaniards) ancestors in the Americas. It's dumb to say the Americas are not part of the West. In that dumb map you posted the Philippines are all the way out in the East, but are considered part of the West because of the colonization and integration of European Catholicism.
You're giving me secondhand embarrassment. Just admit you were wrong, it's not even a big deal.>>113255And then you posted your wiki article that literally contradicted your own point.
No. 113259
I kind of consider my country to be part of the west. I don't really understand why not (I guess because we are considered too "poor" or not "white"? although some "western" countries are this way too). If we aren't "western" then ok, I take what I said here
>>113232 partially back but my main point is that a lot of countries still need gender equality movements.
We are mostly catholic/christian, have a large European/white population, and have the same "rights" as north Americans or in other western countries.
I really just trying to say that just because "basic rights" for women are written in paper (for the most part, things like abortion are not allowed though) doesn't mean that those people wouldn't benefit from a gender equality movement (whether or not you want to call it "feminism" I don't really care).
I have also been in the United States and yeah, there is still gender inequality here (although a different kind and to a different degree that is in my home country) . Gender inequality though doesn't mean that "omg men are so privileged and their lives are perfect i'm such a poor victim of a woman :(". It just means things aren't really equal in the way men and women are viewed or treated in society. Whether it's a small thing or a bigger one I think they both suck and I'm totally ok with everyone being respected equally.
ESL anon here so sorry for mistakes
No. 113274
My mom thinks I am a borderline anorexic… but that's not true because I have a consistent weight that only ever fluctuates +/-5 pounds because of hormones (I'm typically around 107ish at 5'3, so underweight a bit but not by a whole lot). She claims I don't eat right, when for breakfast I usually have eggs, toast (two slices with butter) or waffles, at lunch one of those salad bowls you can buy at the grocery store for a couple bucks, and eat whatever she cooks for dinner (I'm working on moving out. I've recently been bumped from 'paid intern' to full-time worker at my job, so that increased my pay by 40%, so that's cool) plus alcohol, which adds at least 200-300 calories a night. She thinks I eat around 1000 calories daily and that's not right at all, considering the things I know calories for (breakfast, lunch, and alcohol) account for at least 700.
I don't know what makes her think this, but the only reason she brought that up is me mentioning I might go get a thyroid test done to check my levels since I have a lot of the symptoms of hypothyroidism (fatigue, coarse hair, dry/pale skin, depression, memory loss, irritability, getting cold easily, low sex drive). Its like she doesn't want me to check and see if things are okay with myself. She constantly says my diet is shit and always has, but I know it's better than a lot of people's. I don't eat a lot of junk food or candies, rarely drink soda… so I honestly don't understand why she thinks this when she is the one providing the food I've eaten for most of my life.
No. 113294
>>113259Westerner de facto means European or of European descent. Which is how it should be, no need to muddy identity further - look at the national identities of the western world: Their endless inclusivity has made them completely meaningless - An Islamist from Pakistan who blows himself up on public transport is supposedly "just as British/French" as their respective national heroes, provided his travel documents are all in order, lol.
A fifth column Chinaman claiming he was a 西方人 in China would be laughed at or called a 走狗
No. 113409
One of my best friends (A) just confessed that he wants to be with me.
I have had a boyfriend since before I met him, and our relationship is still going strong.
But when I met A and we started talking, he didn't really care that I was in a relationship and flirted with me.
I took it lightly and told him to stop. He apologised and did stop. He became friends with both my boyfriend and me, and became like a part of our group.
Four years later, and I meet him again today. Him, my boyfriend and I spent the day in the city we all used to live in.
After my boyfriend left to go to his house, I was walking home in the same direction as A.
He held my hand.
And said nothing.
I should have stopped it there. But all I said was "should I be asking you whats going on?" and he told me not to, to please just go with it.
He put his arm around me a lot, and looked at me a lot.
Even though I often thought he was just being really friendly, I've known since we first started talking that something was going on despite me telling A to stop. I hadn't expected this though.
When we got close to my apartment, I confronted him.
He said I just looked beautiful tonight. And that if things were different, if I hadn't met my boyfriend, he imagines that I'd be with him. He said he's always felt that, and always misses me, but it didn't become a problem until today.
I'm very happy being with my boyfriend and wouldn't leave him. I told A I'm sorry that it didn't go how he wanted. He promised he'd be okay, that he might be feeling emotional because of a recent breakup, and that we'd still be friends.
I got home soon after that.
Was it right that I tried to be gentle?
I don't know how to deal with this since this has never happened to me before.
I've been hit on, but A is a very good friend. I've never been the receiver of this kind of unreciprocated romantic feelings. I didn't want to hurt him.
Tl;dr Best friend confessed he had romantic feelings, but I have a boyfriend I'm very happy with. How would you have dealt with this?
No. 113424
>>113409I'd say you handled this well but if he continues then it is no longer innocent and completely disrespectful to you and your boyfriend and i would honestly cut ties with him at that point.
i've been in a similar situation with an ex who told me she still was in love with me and wanted to stay friends after i started dating my boyfriend and she was respectful at first but then overstepped her boundaries by continuing to attempt convincing me to leave him for her and even kissing me against my will. i have since cut ties with her.
No. 113474
>>113409This is rather heartbreaking to read, for both you and him. (I understand what it's like to be in both positions.)
You did everything absolutely correctly and I commend you for being firm about it, even if it was gentle. He is probably feeling emotional because of what you said and just wanted some gentle physical contact that is soothing from someone who makes him happy. During hard times, I have craved to hold hands with/embrace my close friends with no sexual intention, although I understand he is also attracted to you which is why it's a bit iffy in this case.
He should have asked permission from you and your boyfriend if that kind of behavior is okay, yes, so that was wrong on his part, but he is obviously trying to cope when he really loves you a lot too.
It sounds like you might be feeling guilty and want to tell your boyfriend which is why this is bugging you? If you feel that not telling him is hiding something, mention that you didn't think it was a big deal at first but it has been bothering you after all and tell him what happened. If your boyfriend feels uncomfortable about it, agree on a solution with him (giving your friend space if need be or whatever). Tell your friend if you talk to your boyfriend about it too, so you are all on the same page. Unless your best friend has crossed the lines many times, it should all blow over, but communicating stuff like this as much as you can prevents any chance of misunderstandings.
No. 113476
>>113290Not that's she's stated, no… aside from growing up very poor.
But she frequently brags about how small she was when she was prgenant with me/after birth and how doctors or nurses at the hospital didn't think she was my mom during the after birth period because she wasn't overly big or anything.
I mean, I would understand some concern if I went through a massive weight loss, but I've always been on the smaller end of the weight spectrum…. and I still try to maintain it because it makes me feel okay as a person. I don't know. It's bizarre. She'll pick the weirdest thing to judge me about so I try my best to shrug it off but it gets hard sometimes, you know? Like, I'll get a couple zits because of my period or maybe I won't keep my toenails impeccably painted when I wear open-toed shoes and my mother will always be there to comment harshly on them. It's like.. I know I have a zit or two. give it a week. they'll be gone. I know my roots have grown out a little. I need a free weekend to fix it. It's a massive pain because she does it under the guise of "No one cared what I did when I was growing up so I'm going to care 3000% about everything that you do" and I honestly wish she didn't.
No. 113510
>>113505Breathing exercises can help with anxiety when dealing with spontaneous situations. Hope your call goes well.
>>113507What's going on at home anon?
No. 113580
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I was mercilessly bullied for my 'horrible accent' in primary school so now I talk differently in front of different people and I'm really self-conscious about it. I don't do it consciously, but I'm scared people will notice and think I'm putting on a fake accent or something.
I don't even know why it happens, but when I'm around a certain kind of British people I start rounding my R's and exaggerating my accent. In front of everyone else I sound vaguely American except I pronounce 't' sounds differently so it often sounds a lot like 'sh'.
It gets especially bad in front of one Scottish teacher who terrifies the shite out of me and I feel like people think I'm a phony or something.
No. 113587
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>>113580are…are you anon from Miss Victoria Murder's thread?
No. 113603
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>>113602nvm wrong person, still like you tho
No. 113619
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>>113603Hai Putin ( ° ʖ °)
Oh also I came in here to vent about how IMGUR IS ALWAYS FUCKIN' OVER CAPACITY
No. 113620
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>>113603BTW I'm not that person you're thinking of. Just wanted to say hai.
( ° ʖ °)
No. 113638
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>>113637What do people over there generally think of Putin? Just curious and don't want to assume. I know you've emigrated since, but still probably know more about it than others here.
Also, stupid question, but you've seen Slavs squatting on Reddit right? Lol
No. 113641
>>113638Idk, where I'm from we don't have much to do with Russia or the Soviet union. Poles and others who got fucked up during the Cold War probably don't have a very positive opinion of him, but where I'm from he's kind of like Slav Trump in that people find him amusing and funny but don't really care at the end of the day since it doesn't concern them.
And yeah, I get teased a lot about the whole Slav squatting thing but I've embraced it since it beats being called a dumb, dirty eastern european whose parents are 'probably' terrorists or drug dealers.
No. 113642
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>>113641>He's kind of like the Slav Trump. Lol! I can see that. Especially after him trying to pretend he dove in he the ocean and found some, like, ancient jewels? Only to have to end up admitting that his PR team planted them. I also remember John Oliver running a really hilarious clip in which he talks in circles about whether or not a man should buy his wife a new dog? Anyone know what I'm talking about here? I'm looking at you, Putin pic collector.
And re: Slavs squatting, that's not a stereotype I'm familiar with. Unless…well, unless Chechneya counts as being Slavic in which I'm not sure, the Boston bombers definitely fucked that up for you if so. But I hope you don't face that type of bullshit often. One of my best friends (if we still are, haven't talked to her in forever) is Russian and I fucking love her, she's hilarious. Did the Slavs squatting thing at her wedding recently.
No. 113643
>>113642Lol most Russians don't like me for some reason actually. I'm from former Yugoslavia.
Nowadays it's fine, most people don't really know where my country is so w/e and English is pretty much my native language since I've never really used my actual native language much and don't speak it as well. I just have a fairly ambiguous accent, really.
It used to be much worse, I remember when I first went to creche I asked some girls if I could play with them, they said no, I pleaded and they said 'well alright, you can be the dog'. Things were so weird then, even a famous tennis player from my country (now American) received death threats and got stabbed because she happened to be born where I was born.
We weren't even Muslim or particularly brown or had a backwards culture so I don't really get why we were so hated and now it's all good as if nothing had happened.
As a consequence I kinda avoid Brits now and don't like associating with them unless I really have to. Worked out p well in the end, thanks Brexit and good riddance.
No. 113645

>>113643Aren't awkward childhood/tween times the best? Lol
Also, just assumed you emigrated to America. But once you mentioned the Brits, I realize you could be in any English-speaking place. My b.
No. 113649
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Ya, I hate dat shit. Part of the life of extreme internets and coughing. True life: I Can't Get Comfortable While Using My iPad.
Sage for extreme shit posting.
No. 113823
>>113785It might be a psychological issue. Seeing a therapist wouldn't be a bad idea. Obviously you're not having any luck finding the physical source of the problem, so you might as well explore the possibility that it's a mental problem.
I hope this isn't coming off as dismissive or insulting.
No. 113885
>>113858Some exercises are bad for your joints, either because of their nature of because they're done incorrectly. Squats can be bad for your knees. Check you're doing them right and, if you are and the pain continues, maybe it's not the exercise for you.
Try swapping out squats for hip bridges or donkey kicks now and again just to work your body in a different way.
No. 114157
Still having problems with my roomie as seen here
>>113163Now she freaked out over me making fun of her bf drinking Bud Light and me thinking he might be stupid.
Uhhh ok, Bud Light is a basic bitch beer and it's pretty normal to make fun of people who like it, especially when it's that person's favorite beer. My roomie accused me of being a "bougie bitch" which makes no sense as we're from the exact same socioeconomic class, and it's not that expensive to buy nicer beer. Literally every supermarket, no matter how trashy, sells a huge variety of beers these days. So yeah, drinking Bud Light comes off as a little poorly to people with taste.
As for me thinking her boyfriend is stupid, idk about his academic capability, but he definitely did not come off as an intellectually curious to me. Apparently he is going to a PhD program? Well then if so, idk why my opinion matters so much, especially if I'm such a ~loser~. If he's such a ~genius~, idk why he is a high school teacher right now. (Not saying that teachers can't be smart, it just seems unlikely) And good luck with his peers with him being a Trump supporter lmao
Idk I'm tired of her freaking out on me. I can see now why her other friends mostly consist of her bf and some girl she met literally in the last year. I feel like she burns a lot of bridges because she's too busy trying to tell it ~like it is~. I tried to apologize, and I guess it wasn't the best apology ever, but she wouldn't have any of it.
I have no idea what she wants. I helped her find a place to live, helped her a TON with groceries (including eating food I got for myself), and just bought her a couple of random things in general. She should be damn glad that I'm spoiled and I'm not in school, because none of the rest would be possible if this wasn't the case.
Oh yeah, she had the gall to criticize my macaroni cooking when her cooking fucking sucks. Because I ended up smoking up the house, she insisted that next time I cook macaroni and cheese, I should not make a roux, and that it wasn't necessary. But she ended up cooking a bunch of macaroni, dumped shredded cheese straight on top of the pasta, and then was surprised when it ended up like shit. Uh yeah, people make a roux for a fucking reason. Did I mention that the pasta and cheese were all stuff I bought? But she dumped it all out anyways.
Also today, she's been sick with strep throat. I've been offering to help her out by getting water and stuff for her. But the only way she's responded is by acting annoyed when I was checking to see if she was home this morning (since she said last night she would go to work regardless). I don't think my favors deserve unquestioned loyalty, but I don't feel like she's been very grateful at all. And don't bite the hand that feeds you.
This shit is really stressing me out. I can't wait until she leaves next month. It's all making me reconsider whether I want to be best friends with her. Haha that's kind of petty.
No. 114169
>>114157Why would you want to remain best friends with her after all this shit? I feel like it's obvious she doesn't like you and doesn't want to be around you.
Also stop trying to be nice to her and buy her things. She obviously does not give a fuck.
No. 114190
>>114157You kind of sound like you're both at fault honestly.
You're being a bitch about stuff (seriously, why the fuck does whether her boyfriend is smart or not matter? You're not dating him), and arguing about stupid shit like beer (no-one cares if it's good or not, it's a cheap beer that people drink to get drunk, not because they want to indulge their high brow tastes).
She's being shitty too though, like getting annoyed over everything.
It doesn't sound like either of you are at all compatible with the other really, you should probably just try to move.
No. 114194
>>114193You tell them exactly that, but leave out the part about thinking it's schizophrenia, let him decide that.
It could very well just be a symptom of your ADD though.
No. 114206
Now apparently she is bitching on the phone with her mom after she claims she hates her. Ummm ok wtf???? She's kept talking about cutting off contact with her mom, and I've tried to support her about her complaining about her mom and her saying her mom is such an awful person all the time. I admit I'm nosy and I'd like to hear more about what's going on. Idk apparently she wants to end everything over this.
I'm just hoping this person isn't her mom. Because I've helped her out so much more than her mom has. It's 9:00 in the morning so idk who it is.
Also she's complaining about feeling sick about strep, and leaves out how I've offered to help her.
>>114179I was making fun of it when I was on the phone with someone else, and I was being loud. And I apologized. I know I can be judgey sometimes. Also this site is based off of constantly judging people for the smallest shit so it's not that surprising.
But it's not like she's a perfect saint either. For example, I told her about an artist I met and liked, but said I didn't want to be so financially insecure when I was his age. She said that it wasn't ok to have a lifestyle like that, and she didn't get why I was upset. I've mentioned some of her friends, and she has said flat out, "I don't like so and so." She called my friend an asshole after I was having some problems getting in contact with him, even though he's had emotional problems.
>>114173Thanks for the feedback.
>>114169There's some other stuff that I don't want to. Obvs this is just the very worst of it.
Also my roommate doesn't really hang out with anyone else besides her boyfriend, and their relationship is pretty new so it makes sense.
I should stop buying her stuff though. My parents wanted me to control my grocery spending for now, so I'm just going to not bother buying groceries anymore.
>>114180I apologized for making fun of things. But I was also making fun of it on the phone to someone else.
>>114190We weren't arguing, I was talking on the phone with someone else.
>>114200We're on, snark central. Are you surprised? I'm just really pissed right now.
No. 114210
>>114206lolcow is where you come to be a judgy bitch, you don't do that shit irl unless you want to be that bitch.
at first I felt bad for you, but now you kind of seem like an insufferable cunt. seriously? loudly making fun of your "best friend's" boyfriend because of the beer he drinks.
Don't get me wrong, your friend also seems like a bitch, but the more you comment the less I like you.
No. 114219
>>114212Ok I was being bitchy, and I apologized, what else am I supposed to do?
>>114210I admit I was out of line
>>114213How so?
No. 114254
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>read a story about downs syndrome tot constantly pooping itself at a preschool
>school suspends the tot
>schools are known to suspend children who have a lot of accidents until they get properly trained
>the parents are suing school for failure to provide accommodations
>also say other tots had accidents but of course their precious downs child is being targeted in particular
>aka they want the teachers who get paid minimum wage to clean up their child's feces and piss for no extra pay
>make a comment about how the school is in the right and nobody should teach a child to use the toilet whenever it defecates itself
>immediately get attacked by angry mom brigade
>one mom said how dare I call children an "it" even though I was using it as a grammatically neutral term
>another said I shouldn't be a parent and then proceeded to stalk my facebook
>another implied I must not know anything about handicapped children's needs even though I had an uncle with downs (who never was accepted into any form of public system bc of his needs)
This is why I hate modern parents. They demand the world take care of their kids and push them through systems where they can't thrive. Then when things don't work out they get aggressive at anybody who says they may have to do some work themselves since their child isn't average and needs extra care.
No. 114258
>>114157Perspective: Drinking a certain beer isn't a big deal and wasn't worth potentially driving your friendship deeper into the mud by insulting her bf.
Just be cordial and try to keep your opinions on her bf and other aspects of her life to yourself. She seems like she's bothered by you checking up on her so stop doing that as well. Keep your distance, and just buy groceries mostly for yourself. You only have one month left.
No. 114300
>>114157Why do you call her your friend if your whole relationship is just you feeling superior to her?
She's not the insufferable cunt here anon. You sound awful to live with.
No. 114307
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>>114254Semi-related, and piggybacking off of your post sorry, but I saw a post on FB about a preschool teacher in South America with down syndrome. Anybody who dared to question the credentials of this woman was made out to be some even devil who was responsible for the oppression of people with Down Syndrome. Some even went as far to say that this woman was MORE qualified than other non-mentally disabled teachers to teach, because she "understood the level of the children better." If that's the case, then why not just employ fucking children to teach the class?
No. 114482
I'm really sick of trying to lose weight, giving up, and feeling gross because I eat gross. Every time I try, I get into it for a day or a week, tops but then it falls apart because I don't know what to do as far as eating and going to the gym. I have no idea where to start at the gym. What kind of exercises I should be doing. Everyone makes it look easy online, but it's not. Fuck. And if you try to ask for advice, it's really, really stupid shit like "count your cals, cut your portions, and focus on where you want to lose weight." Okay, but what the fuck do I eat? I need recipes, meal plans, something. What machines do I use at the gym? What fucking sets/reps do I do? Does yoga do anything?
Why is being healthy so fucking hard? I'm not even fat but I might just give up now and let myself get fat because it seems way easier.
No. 114484
>>114482As much as /fit/ is a shit board, you should really read their sticky over there. It's super useful for people trying to get into fitness, and covers most of the basics.
And it's not easy for anyone really, it's a big change to make, and requires commitment to stick with it. People like to pretend it's super easy for them and they're super fit model tier people, but not many are.
Counting calories helps heaps though, and there's lots of apps for it. I use Myfitnesspal, and it's generally pretty good. You don't want to be eating particular recipes I find either, just try to incorporate foods with less salt and sugar in them into your diet over time. The app will help with that, because it says what the values are of those items. If you eat crappy food all the time, you'd be surprised by how easy it is to go easily 8 times over the recommended intake of salt for a day.
But yeah, go have a look at the sticky over there, read the links, it should answer a lot of your questions. The rest of the board sucks though.
Yoga is really good for developing flexibility and strength in your stabilising muscles, too, I'd say it's worth doing if you're interested in it.
Also, what are you looking to get out of fitness? Better cardio? Better body? More flexible?
No. 114486
>>114484This is by far the most helpful thing I've seen, so
thank you. I'll check out the sticky!
Right now, I'm really just looking to drop a bunch of weight. I'm a girl, 5'4, 128 lbs. Not obese, but not skinny. I'd like to at least get down to somewhere between 110-115, and maybe build up light muscle once I get down to the weight I want.
No. 114488
>>114486>This is by far the most helpful thing I've seen, so thank you. I'll check out the sticky!All good, I hope it helps. Oh, and fair warning, the myfitnesspal app gets shit wrong sometimes, so if something says it's like 2000 kcal for a serve, it's probably not. If you're unsure, just check the side of the container whatever you're eating comes in.
Oh, and invest in a cheap kitchen scale if you don't have one already, they're really worth it and important for this sort of stuff.
>Right now, I'm really just looking to drop a bunch of weightWell, that's going to be mainly dietary, but you can definitely help that along by doing cardio, just be sure to try to add that in when you do do it, because it does impact how many calories you end up having eaten.
And as for muscle, you should try to start that now instead of then. I usually recommend using free weights, it's just way more efficient than machines, and you're not going to end up muscle bound unless you really want to, it takes people years of conscious effort to end up that way.
There's lots of beginners routines out there that are a good way to start off for anyone interested in this sort of stuff I find, and they work the same for men or women, just chuck in accessories later on when you notice things you want to work on more. Machines work too, just are harder to use, and less efficient.
And most importantly, don't make sudden huge changes. There's a reason most people don't stick to fad diets, and why you should just week to week try to eat a bit healthier, while making sure you stick to your goals for the day.
It sounds complex, but it's really not, you just need to find a good guide for it, and invest the time to do a bit of reading first.
No. 114494
>>114482Intermittent fasting is a quick way to lose weight. You eat nothing (0 calories) for a day, then eat a moderate amount the next, and continue as needed.
You don't need to count calories, you just need common sense.
Unless they care about strength for practical reasons, girls shouldn't be lifting weights if you ask me. Just do cardio.
No. 114495
>>114494No, you absolutely need to count calories. People who don't know how many calories are in an item of food can't just eyeball it and effectively lose weight, not without losing it way too quickly and looking shit. Skinnyfat is a thing that applies to both genders.
And weights training makes anyone look better, no-one asked you though. If all you do is cardio, you'll be able to run well, but you won't end up with a great body.
And intermittent fasting is one of those huge changes I warned against, because people start it, do it for a week and then just drop it, because it's way too much, way too quick. Look at stuff like that once you're used to eating in an ordered way.
No. 114501
>>114500Any activity that's more cardio than anything else will help really. So, bike riding, swimming, sprints, whatever really.
But you don't need that to lose weight, the most important thing to do is to count calories. Use a TDEE calculator (the app has one built in), and try to stick to what it says you should eat per day.
If you do that, you'll lose weight. Cardio helps if you want to be able to eat a bit more, because it increases your TDEE, but it's not vital. Smart if you're looking to be more fit though, cardiovascular health is vital to that at least.
I'm pushing for calorie counting instead of something like intermittent fasting like the other person said because it's much, much easier to stick to. You don't need to make any drastic changes to count calories, you just weigh your food before you eat it. You could eat ice cream all day, and if you were sure to keep your calories in lower than your calories out, you would still lose weight. Wouldn't be healthy, but you could do it.
If you just eyeball it, you're likely to be off by at least a significant amount. Don't have a source on me, but I've seen a study linked showing that people easily can be off by nearly 1000 calories when they just guess how much it probably is. Which is normal, foods can be deceiving as far as how much energy they contain.
You want to gradually change your lifestyle over a period of months if not years, don't just try to do it all at once.
No. 114605
So two years ago I made an internet friend. I had no other friends at the time except my bf, I literally didn't talk to anyone besides anonymously to strangers on image boards. We got along really well, she was going through some really tough relationship issues and I was the only person there for her so we bonded really fast. She was suicidal, but I was always there for her. We messaged each other every day multiple times an hour. She was an emotional wreck, but I didn't mind. I tried my very best to make things better, to stop the suicidal thoughts, to be a good friend and cheer her up. Fast forward a year in the future, she moves, gets a job, and now has IRL friends. I still don't have any friends, or a job. I'm pretty lonely, she stops sending me messages, I only get one MAYBE once a week and it's at most 4 sentences. This is still going on. I've basically accepted her and I aren't really friends anymore, as it seems she doesn't want anything to do with me. I'm not really sure how to move on, I just wanted to ask, how much of a bitch am I? In a way, I kinda miss when she had no friends and was jobless and poor, because I had my friend. I feel used. I dunno, it's hard to describe everything in a short post. Like, I gave my best to be a good friend to her in her worst moments of her life, and then she gets new friends and just disposes of me.
No. 114641
>>114605You said it yourself, she got irl friends and a job. All of the real responsibilities got mitigated to the top while virtual relationships got pushed towards the bottom. She grew up, essentially.
I'm sure she values the relationship you both had and wouldn't take it back or not consider you a friend still. In some relationships, people move on for reasons and it's not because they never cared.
Focusing on you for a glance: You should definitely work on making more friends or finding a hobby to do in your spare time so you're not so dependent on one person. It's not healthy, and is actually a good way to breed resentment and bitterness the second your only friend doesn't have time for you.
No. 114714
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>>114713You realize that if you don't want to give out candy you just turn your front lights out and usually no one will knock.
I live in increasingly black/hispanic neighborhood that has been heavily effected by white flight. There's no one raising white kids around here anymore or anyone who wants to bring their kids around trick-or-treating, so we get little to no trick or treaters.
The white towns surrounding us have the streets filled with kids on Halloween.
No. 114716
>>114715Just put it in a cauldron out on your porch steps with a "take one" message.
You don't have to deal with kids, and the greedy fucks will clear out the candy in like 5 minutes.
Bonus points on setting up a hidden camera and laughing at the adults who'll take handfuls for themselves.
No. 114718
>>114714omg my vampire waifu.
I'm so excited to see idolmaster fans here
No. 114719
>>114714omg my vampire waifu.
I'm so excited to see idolmaster fans here
No. 115292
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>>115290Nice, anon. Idk how I managed to steer clear of herpes, but somehow I managed. It seems like everyone has it.
Hey, speaking of herpes, I'll join you anon. My bitch of my supposed
former best friend completely ditched me every time I truly needed her. More than once. But in true fashion, decided to totally drop me as a friend when I needed her most. She also has herpes. I remember the day she told me. She was a fucking mess. Of course I was there for her and talked her through it. Tried to make her feel better about it.
Well now you fucking deserve it, you bitch. I hope you break out every time you try to get intimate with someone you really like. Because hah, you have it on your fucking vagina, you cunt. Maybe try being a better person to the one person who has been there for all of your nervous breakdowns. I fucking hate you now and just stew over how much you've fucked me over and tried to call yourself my best friend.
I really connected to you. You cunt, you just dropped me when I truly needed you. Idk what to say to you next but you deserve any shit that you're currently going through. FUCK YOU
No. 115310
>>115290>Maybe karma is really real.Or maybe STDs like herpes and HPV remain asymptomatic while being highly contagious thus allowing unsuspecting people to catch it when their partners aren't aware of being carriers or purposefully don't tell.
Bad juju doesn't exist, just a pile of convenient circumstances and it's shitty either way because he's likely to pass that on to someone else he dates who had nothing to do with your past.
No. 115312
>>115310Yeah, this. Like 96% of people have some form of it, odds are almost everyone in this thread does too.
As you said, it's most of the time asymptomatic, even the forms that do cause symptoms usually just show up if you're sick or really stressed, so your immune system is compromised.
No. 115313
>>115310>>115312Yeah, you're both correct actually. I'm the second anon who bitched about her friend getting genital herpes. I just felt like raging out, but pretty much everything you just said is what I told her in attempts to calm her down while we were still friends. I mean, fucking sucks that she got it on her vag instead of the more common form people get on their lips, but at one point she actually said she
preffered that since that way, others can't openly see it/tell from her face. To each their own, I guess.
But yeah, as much as I would've freaked out if I had gotten it, soooo many ppl have it. Which is why I was surprised after ~30 sexual partners I lucked out and didn't get it. One time I had a false positive test for it and I freaked, even though I had never shown a symptom.
With all that said, I
did have HPV despite getting those fucking shots when I was like 14. I had an exam and it showed some scary issues, straight out of when Hannah got it in girls, lol. I had never had any symptoms of genital warts, except one time I felt a weird bump down there but it went away and I attributed it to some weird condom lube. So I was quite concerned about the
pre-cancerous part as anyone would be, because those abmormal cells were showing up as some "high grade lesion(s)" bullshit on my Pap smears :/
So needless to say, I was quite worried because if it was the issue they were worried about, I would've needed to get this awful procedure down there.
Luckily, I was able to avoid that and just had to get some follow-ups. After my original doctor leaving the state and some procrastination, I wasn't able to get a follow up for another two years. Luckily HPV Issues, especially with someone in their twenties, are apparently very slow moving. The result? I was completely clear and everything is fine now. No more lesions, and no more HPV! Maybe this means I'm technically still a carrier, but who isn't? They said it was completely cleared up. Gone. Which is apparently what happens in 98% of casss anyways, especially when you are young enough for your immune system to handle it. Idk what weird fucking strain I got since apparently those
painful shots are supposed to cover you for nearly everything, but it's luckily behind me now.
I just wanted to add that for any decent anons who are reading these STD rage posts who may have HPV or genital/oral herpes. You may have one or both and not even know, just from having a few sexual partners or even none and may have caught herpes from kissing or oral (more likely from oral). It doesn't ruin your life, no, you don't have to tell everyone you get with that you have it, and yes, it can clear up on its own if you
are symptomatic to the point where you will completely forgot you ever had it!
No. 115315
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Being a stripper is really weird sometimes. Most of the men I deal with are gross/stupid/not my type at all, but occasionally someone comes in who I really am attracted to.
I give the guys who like me a lot my number, so I can text them to come in when I'm working. There's this man who I met a few weeks ago, L, and he's attractive, in his late 30s, rich, and the kind of devious I really love because I'm a complete pervert myself. We've been texting and he wants to take me out to this really, really nice resturant.
The thing is, I have a boyfriend of 2 1/2 years, and I love my boyfriend to bits even though we're not that compatible anymore. My boyfriend is broke, unemployed, and lives with his parents. I never really minded, except when I have to pick up the bill and now it's kind of like I do pick it up most of the time. I am pretty generous, but it does start to wear on me, especially because I'm a student with loans and I have to support myself. He's also way too old to be where he is, but I can't blame him because he has pretty severe mental illnesses.
Basically I've been fantasising of being taken out by L, who I'm so attracted to, and being lavished with amazing food and a shopping spree, and then having sex with him, and I feel so bad because my boyfriend has been there with me through a lot and our sex life sucks and I'm not really attracted to him sexually anymore. I just want to be spoilt for once and I feel so guilty for having thoughts.
No. 115316
>>115313Yeah HPV is a pretty common one, unfortunately those vaccines only cover a few certain strains of HPV and not most. To boot it affects penises hardly at all.
>inb4 some robot comes in here and shits the bed bc we're talking about STDsHPV was my first and I didn't have it properly diagnosed until this past year because my pap smears always came out negative. Although three or four years ago I distinctly remember having these wart-like bumps on my taint, so I shocked them out with apple cider vinegar and they went away. It was only until my last pap smear they said I tested positive for HPV and had to get a pap smear twice a year instead of once. Whoop de doo I guess, it's nothing I wasn't used to already anyway. But I think it's a combination of my immune system being shitty due to stress/shitty diet/bc/stress is why it's cropping up now.
It's not a life ruiner by any means but I would have preferred to not have the weight on my conscience.
No. 115317
>>115315Wow OP, that's all quite interesting. GL with your boyfriend, and unless he is completely lazy, try not to be too hard in him for where he is. Guys don't really have the option of doing something like stripping, and I'm sure you make a shit ton of money doing that,much more than you would in a desk job, though I have no idea what your background is.
Does your boyfriend know you strip? If so, how does it not bother him?
I'm also curious if it's true that many organized crime ppl are involved in strip clubs. Do you get that kind of sketchy vibe, or is it a very legit place?
Also, and of course, only answer what you feel comfortable with but, are the private dances/rooms in strip clubs basically just a place to fuck/give oral? Do you feel pressure to do that? Do a lot of the girls double as prostiues with some of their customers? Also, I know you have a boyfriend, but do you engage in any type of sexual favors for money?
Also, I had a friend that worked as a "massage girl" at a strip club…lol, I'm not even going to try and figure out what she meant by that, but whatever. Anyways, I've frequently heard that it's a big no-no to exchange numbers with customers or see them outside of work?
No. 115320
>>115316Same anon you replied to here, but ya, like you said, it really doesn't effect guys at all unless they are getting warts. Soooo many of them are carriers without even knowing it. I always lol'd at guys who tried to tell me that they got the vaccine, too, so they were "okay," because lol, my doctor at the time who I really trusted and was smart as fuck told me that's highly unlikely and uncommon. Maybe they do it now (which they should if it would work, since that would help get rid of the problem if they can), but they definitely did not back then since it had just come out for girls.
Given everything you said, and I said about how it effects guys, why do you say you feel it >weighs on your conscience< ? It's not like you need to tell them. There's nothing they can do about it, it's on no way in par with the other kinds of STIs/STDs you could transfer, like chlamydia for example, or the more serious HIV. That's the kind of shit that needs to be seriously discussed, but not something like HPV, which really only effects you and is something a guy can't even TEST for, AFAIK.
Reading that reminded me I am long overdue for a gyno visit and a pap. I'm in a similar situation with my immune system since my spleen was removed, but when I told them that after being diagnosed with HPV, oddly enough they said that wasn't really a factor and that your vagina is a "different" sort of immune system…not quite sure what that means, but interesting nonetheless.
Who knows, maybe it coud pop back up for me, but as long as I'm not getting warts or worrying abt cancer, then I'm just a carrier like just about everyone else out there, so who really cares?
No. 115321
>>115318Damn anon, let's not make assumptions and wait and see if she answers some of my questions. Maybe she doesn't want to be doing this and shit is hard, especially if OP's boyfriend isn't making any money.
It's not fair to assume all strippers do that. It really depends on the place and where she is and what she's doing. It's not like she said she was a prostitue.
No. 115322
>>115317Hey, thank you. Yeah, he's a really smart dude, but like some really smart people, he's a bit of a eccentric and he's quite manic which can make it hard for him to stick to something (like a job.) He's definitely been getting better since we've started dating, though, which makes me happy. I try to be a good influence.
He knows I'm a stripper and he's semi-okay with it, I think. I've only been stripping for 3 months. He does not like me talking about lap dances or men specifically though, he gets quite uncomfortable, but he'll listen to silly anecdotes about the dumb things people did at the club that week. I wouldn't want him to be completely comfortable honestly - that means he cares a lot about me and who I'm with.
The strip club I'm working for is reputable, but the other 2 in my city (I live in a small country) are run by two brothers that have a bad reputation. They actually made my strip club lose its liquor license to gain the monopoly over the city, but my club has got it back now. It's rumoured they are hiding here, because if they went back to China they'd be murdered. I don't know if that's true, but they're pretty gross. I hear a lot from other girls at my club how they encourage girls to do drugs.
The lapdances are as clean as the dancer wants it. I find dancing boring (I'm pretty new and unskilled at it) so I usually just grind on the guy for ages and dirty talk, maybe kiss his neck etc. I have had a guy come on my chest before, and I've given a few handjobs for a few minutes (never to completion). That's just because I feel like it, but other girls, especially the ones who have been doing it for ages, are more strict. It depends. I would get fired if I had sex in the room and it was found out, though. I have been offered a lot of money for sex a few times (and sometimes for laughable amounts like $100) but I've never gone there.
There's no massage at my club but I have a friend who does erotic massage, it's basically naked massage with a handjob at the end and maybe a shower. I was looking into it because I'm open to all sex work that doesn't involve penetration I guess.
My boss is fine with me exchanging numbers and told me to text regulars to come in on quiet nights. I only have 1 regular so far, and he's awesome. A lot of men I've exchanged numbers with get the wrong idea (my fault) and think I want to have sex. I'm still learning how to hustle.
>>115315Actually being a stripper doesn't involve fucking and dating at all, but I understand girls who do that. It's just not going to make a client base for the club, which is the point. Using the club as a place to kick off your escorting (hooking) is a different thing.
No. 115324
>>115322Meant to tag
>>115318, sorry.
No. 115325
>>115320It weighs on my conscience because now there's a possibility that I could develop cervical cancer, or have flareups that can cause my vagina to do all sorts of fucky things. I'm in a pretty serious long-term relationship atm and my bf basically admitted that it was likely he that gave me the HPV and possibly herpes, so it's not the explaining that bothers me necessarily. It's just wishing I had the peace of mind back about knowing I was completely clean at one point. If it makes sense.
>>115322Sorry, I don't know much about stripping if it wasn't obvious. Maybe you could try talking to your bf since you feel a bit underappreciated and wouldn't mind a couple dates during the month to light up the romance. Any reasonable guy would understand that, I think.
No. 115326
>>115325As long as I don't have to pay, haha.
No, that sounds nice, anon. Thank you. We've talked about going for a day trip within the country to look at the gardens and the museum there and have a picnic.
No. 115328
>>115322Thanks for answering my questions, anon. If you're guy is that cool with all of that, while maintain the appropriate amounts of jealousy
and is supportive, from what little I know about him, he sounds like a keeper. But idk, if he knows about that cumming stuff and the HJs, that sounds like cheating to me even if it is work, so a lot of the other stuff you mentioned could be a bad sign on your end. But regardless, I hope you guys can work things out. Idk how old you are but 2 1/2 years is a while. Definitely worth trying some therapy maybe or talking through your issues before just calling it quits.
Also, my bad for just assuming you were in the US. Things are a bit different over here in regards to stripping and sex work. Especially in Nevada, where prostitution is legal. I wasn't sure if you misspelled "county" as "country," but then you mentioned China so you must definitely not be in the US. Care to mention where you are?
>>115325That makes sense, and is how I felt when I first discovered I had HPV as well. I was on my way to work when I got the call, and I talked to the nurse for like 20 minutes before I even felt slightly better. Even though we have the internet and everything, if you haven't talked to a medical professional about your case specifically, please do. It could give you a lot of peace of mind.
Also, I didn't realize you had both. I'm sorry. But like I said, one day you could easily get to the point where one or both are totally cleared up and you're asymptomatic. I hope you get there, anon. :)
No. 115330
>>115328It's fine. I don't have visible symptoms of herpes like those red sores, but I did have a lump underneath my tongue a few weeks ago. I showed my doc when I had an appointment for an unrelated thing and she said it was most likely a herp. It went away. Can't confirm the herpes since I haven't been officially tested, but if my bf has it then I probably do. Just dormant.
It doesn't cause me huge amounts of anxiety or anything, I just wish it could have been avoided.
No. 115333
>>115328Yeah, I haven't told him about the "extras". If I suddenly feel like I need to tell him I will, but for now I think I won't. If I ever had sex or gave a blowjob I probably would though, because he should know about possible STDs.
I live in New Zealand. It appears a lot of US states don't allow alcohol at strip clubs, which is really weird to me.
No. 115338
>>115330I see anon. Yeah, you probably do have it. It sucks because I heard herpes tends to act up in extreme or higher-than-normal times of stress or anxiety. Which sucks because that would be the
worst time to have to deal with that shit, regardless of where it is. Just adds to all of the anxiety and stress, obviously.
I also heard it's very painful, the sores. Mostly in genitals but also the oral form? Gl anon, but like we were saying, it's nothing to be ashamed of or worried about. Whatever the state of your immune system, if people
do have a breakout and it's not totally dormant, many just have that first one. And if not, I've read that the first is usually the worst and most severe breakout, and that each subsequent one tends to be less and less severe. GL again, OP.
>>115333>>115336Ohhh interesting. And no, that's not true at all. Strip clubs in the US
absolutely have bars/liquor licenses, haven't you ever heard a rap song? ;)
And yeah, I wouldn't tell him. I mean, personally idk wtf I would do because it would absolutely be cheating, but it sounds like you guys are going through some stuff and that would really fan the flames. If you guys are able to get through it and you end up getting married or something, maybe tell him at some point to clear your conscience.
I know your fantasizing right now, but for the sake of your relationship, acting on these things whether you tell him or not will certainly effect your relationship one way or another. I wish you both the best of luck and just hope you end up happy, in whatever situation feels right for you :)
And lastly, don't forget the type of clientele a stop club attracts. He may just be giving off the
appearance of wealth, because after all, you are a stripper lol. Don't blow it with your boyfriend over someone you barely know!
No. 115521
>>115520She sounds really annoying and possibly like a bad friend from what little I can gather. Idk how apparent you make your insecurities, though.
But she sounds like the kind of girl who would be all about having a "girl's night out" with you, possibly in honor of something you accomplished or for some other reason for you like to make you feel better about something, and then completely ditch at the first sight of a guy giving her attention.
Yet if you did that to her, she'd be totally pissed.
How close am I?
No. 115554
>>115553I feel your pain anon. I'm 4'11" and almost everything in store is too big or long for me. I gave up wearing pants years ago because of it and stick to skirts and dresses now. I hate going shopping for clothes at some stores cause their smalls could fit like a large. A lot of times the shirts might as well be dresses for me and the pants will serve no purpose because they end up being WAY too long and big.
I think they cater to fatties so much to make more money I guess. Also, it could be they don't want to hear about how clothing makes fatasses feel bad about themselves so they make sizes bigger than what they actually are. It's supposed to make them feel oh so good about their size I assume.
No. 115571
>>115553>Yet fatties get entire STORES for themselves and almost every retailer nowadays has a plus size section.Erm, that's for
tall fatties anon. Short fatties are still shit out of luck.
No. 115572
I really dislike posting personal stuff publicly but I just need somewhere to vent. Apologies in advance if this reads as a jumbled mess.
I'm so fucking sick of my friend constantly being a cunt to me and especially strangers. She starts arguments with people and labels it as "debating" and it usually begins with her roasting people for no reason or generally being an ass all around. I get secondhand embarrassment being around her whenever this happens. She has this weird, narcissistic complex and believes that she's so much smarter and better than everyone else which gets on my nerves a lot. She constantly owns up to being an asshole herself but she gets offended if someone else calls her out on it. Oh, and God forbid she be wrong about anything or she will not stop trying to defend herself! I've learned not to correct her on shit long ago just for the sake of keeping the peace. You wouldn't believe how hard it is for her to just say, "Oh, sorry, you're right. My bad!"
She lies to me and exaggerates the hell out of her stories and whining. She won't stop shitting on the area I live in which was funny at first and didn't bother me one bit. I know I live in a plain area, but it's been years and she won't stop beating the dead horse. I've grown up here and love it. She shits on every little thing about this place constantly and exaggerates how bad it is. All of this combined, is a recipe for being downright insulting. It doesn't help that she plays up the area where she lives and compares it to mine. I don't get this because where she lives, really isn't different at all. She acts like everyone there is hoity toity and like I'm in the fucking dumps.
She acts like she's a fashion queen and shits on the way people dress when she isn't well versed in fashion at all. She doesn't know brands, doesn't know how fitting or cuts work, and has worn men's video games t shirts all her life. Now, there's nothing wrong with any of this. Just don't shit on other people's styles and claim you're such a fashion Goddess when other people can see right through you. She's being a hypocrite and making a fool of herself. She laughed and bitched about people wearing striped t-shirts and claimed that striped clothing in her area is outdated and that you'd be shunned. This is incredibly ignorant because afaik, striped patterns are timeless and a classic. There are tons of brands/people in her area that sell and wear stripes. Don't tell me everyone is so petty enough to laugh about someone wearing striped clothing. Again, exaggerating and whining about something meaningless. For what? I don't know.
If I have anything positive to say to her at all, it's usually followed up with "ok", a bitchy "cool/nice", or "you have fun with that". This irks me the most because she says these SO often. Whenever she bitches to me about stuff, I'm always there for her giving support and listening. When I bitch about something in my life, I'm either flat out ignored, given a snarky response, or always held in suspicion that I'm the one in the wrong. The older I get, the more I start to feel like she doesn't care about me and I start wishing I had new friends. It's truly a shame because she was the only person in my life I enjoyed being with and now I can see it slowly disintegrating.
No. 115599
>>115572Anon, that's what is called a psycho bitch. Best thing to do is to get rid of her by slowly fading away. Don't cut her cold turkey or she'll get 'revenge' on you.
Sorry you have to deal with someone like that. If it helps, most people don't think you're bad via association. For example… I was sitting at a cafe the other day and behind me these two women were talking. One completely dominated the conversation complaining non stop about all the things in her life and generally talking stink about people. Her friend could hardly get in a word, I felt bad she was hanging out with a dumb bitch.
No. 115621
>>115534Haha sorry, you're right. I didn't mean "after," what I really meant to say was it could be overload to make it a priority now with everything that's going on, especially since anon is having second thoughts. I meant to say see if you stay together, and if things improve and it looks like you guys could get more serious down the line, find a good time to tell him. Especially if anon can frame it like "okay, so this was
a whiiillee ago but…I did this" etc.
>>115553>>115554Ugh I know. Luckily some stores will also have pants in size whatever "S" for short. It's weird, though, because it's not really obvious. But I remember Abercrombie & Fitch did that when I used to shop there, so other stores definitely do, too. You just have to look. Definitely beats needing to get your jeans and pants hemmed LOL amirite -_-
No. 115622
>>115604Seriously…why would you bump your own
No. 115629
>>115622>>115604Wat. I'm
>>115540 and I haven't checked this thread until just now.
Also, I'm pretty sure there are no (You)s on Lolcow.
No. 115636
>>115630But I wasn't. Either the anon that linked to my post meant to respond to someone else and accidentally quoted me, but got too lazy to delete it, or they meant to respond to me but somehow forgot to make an actual post and then didn't delete it.
What even is there to samefag over? It's a vent thread.
No. 115645
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>stress because too much work
>have seizure because of stress
>stay a few days home from work to recover from seizure
>go back to work
>have even more work because I wasn't there for a few days
>more stress
No. 115649
>>115645Sorry to hear that, anon. I don't know if you mean psychogenic seizures or not, but regardless, I know how you feel. I've had 2 seizures myself this week from stress. Shit sucks.
Do you have anything you normally do at home/outside of work to de-stress? Maybe take a bath, treat yourself to something nice, or take a walk somewhere?
No. 115652
>>115643I used to be like this too, but then I realised there was something all these spastics had in common: they're charming and fearless, and usually very outgoing. They don't care what someone thinks of them so they shit-talk and complain all the time, but they're 'fun' (read: irresponsible and impulsive) and nice to people to their faces so they get away with it. They just don't give a shit about anyone other than themselves, which makes them 'cool' at first. Then when you don't want to do as they say they turn on you and then you really see how good of a friend they are to you.
In contrast, my nicer friends are usually 'boring' and 'lame', treat everyone nicely and don't like confrontation (so they don't command power in the same way the other ones do) so I used to ignore them all the time whilst trying to impress the 'cool kids', yet whenever the 'cool kids' ripped me a new one (and told me it was
my fault for being an idiot) it was my boring friends who would listen to me and make me feel better.
Now that I'm older I've become super picky about whom I befriend to the point where I'm the 'boring' one for having a friend group with no drama. And honestly it feels great.
No. 115653
>>115645>have seizure because of stressHoly shit that's horrifying. Do you take any medication? Do you sort of "wake up" after having a seizure or are you conscious of it throughout?
Tbh the only comfort I get from seizure stories is of the victims saying they don't recall having them, they just sort of go into a trance and wake up sometime later.
No. 115657
>>115653Not OP, but I have seizures from stress as well. I take Xanax as needed, when I feel like I'm going to have a bad day, but other than that, it's just about finding ways to manage stress and anxiety. Some people are given anti-depressants/anxiety, but personally I can't take them, so I stick to Xanax.
I'm fully aware of my seizures from beginning to end, which is the scary part, because I'm "trapped" inside my head during the whole thing. I honestly feel possessed because I just lose control of my own body. It's as though someone else is taking over. Unlike epileptic seizures, I don't always shake uncontrollably. Sometimes, my arms and legs just start doing random shit like repeated movements or curling up into awkward positions and becoming paralyzed. On a bad day, they can last for 20-30 minutes.
Right before and after, I start to become nonverbal, but thanks to an app I found, it opens up a warning prompt that lets someone know I'm going to have one and allows us to type back and forth until I actually do. I've had to use it a few times when I've unexpectedly had a seizure in public and everyone around me is panicking.
Shit sucks and I feel bad for anyone who has them, because I've met a lot of medical professionals who treat me like shit or think I'm faking it for a prescription. I wish there was more support and awareness out there for people that have them.
No. 115660
>>115652I get what you're saying. I've gotten better at spotting bad relationships, hence me cutting people out, but I am so awkward I can't make friends with nice people though, even though I'm better at recognizing them now.
Personally for me it all stems from a very bad understanding of what affection is, and not being able to tell apart 'affection' and 'controlling behavior' and being super conditioned to please other people (which creeps out normal people but is super attractive to abusive people), and my family straight up sabotaging my childhood friendships, thus crippling my development. I've tried to tone it down my needy personality, and I've made some progress in that respect, but I'm still too weird on the whole to socialize normally. I feel like when you're in 20's and so socially stunted it's just impossible to catch up, I can't interpret basic social cues at all or keep up with the flow of a conversation.
I would love to have some chill, boring friendships.
No. 115663
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I'm in so much pain right now from tooth problems. There's one in the back that's giving me fits and it feels so awful I can hardly eat anything and any food that's super sugary sets it off even worse.
In a LDR and I had plans to see someone but hell I'm not rich so I'm gonna spend it on the dentist instead since silly old insurance doesn't cover everything. If the guy gets mad I'm sorry but I can't sit in pain to the point that I can barely eat anything. My dad had bad tooth problems once and I learned not to fuck around if you're teeth are in pain so this has to take priority. I just feel kinda bad about it.
I'm really hungry because I can't eat a whole lot. Who has any recommendation for really soft stuff that isn't sugary besides soup? I wanna eat something besides soup so fucking bad right now.
No. 115723
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Personal family lolcow story time. Pic heavily related.
>my dad and mom attend Trump rally
>witness people getting into a brawl fight
>dad makes generic post linking event and said how the people fighting were acting like brainless morons
Enter my aunt's sister, Tammy (red). A former (current?) alcoholic RN who apparently thinks she's hot shit bc her son is a cop, ooooo. For some reason she takes my dad's post about the brawlers super personal, like it applies to all Trump supporters. Immediately starts bragging about her son being a cop, second son being a volunteer on election day (lol who brags about THAT?), and apparently her fat husband changed someone's car tire the other day so…Murrica? Immediately starts calling him a libtard even though at that hour he's asleep and isn't responding anyway. Then condescending asks what he's contributed to society.
She replies to the thread again because my aunt saw her posts and told her to fucking delete them because they were embarrassing and unnecessarily hostile. Trashy Tammy doesn't wanna, seems proud to be a psychotic cunt.
I step in and defend my dad because fuck this whore, amirite? Instead of acting like a 50 year old adult and shutting the fuck up, she swipes a candid picture of my dad holding a vodka bottle when my aunt and uncle were over visiting during the week a hurricane knocked out their power. My parents NEVER drink, it was literally just the only thing to do. She bashes the fuck out of my dad, despite her having a history of alcoholism. I point that out.
She then proceeds to make some inbred statement about my cousins not finding me physically "appealing." She also started calling me "downs syndrome" a few times but she deleted these comments before I could capture them. She also deleted this cousin comment after realizing that she was wrong and said something pretty suggestive. Even though we're not biologically related they're still technically MY COUSINS. Tapdancin' christ, lady.
Called her a methhead, because that's what years of alcoholism and partying did to her, this rustled the jimbobs.
Of course since I'm defending my dad she finally says I'm a "libtard" and calls us all crazy because literally nobody is agreeing with her. She blocks me, doesn't delete any of the major comments she wrote. Just took back the more disgusting, cousin-fucking ones. I had an old tab open which is the only reason I got a cap of the cousin shit before she bawleeted it.
Probably shouldn't have responded to her when she posted the pic of my dad, but that really set me off.
I want to fucking ruin her, we've never done SHIT to her up until this point so this just proves the entire time she's been a two-faced shithead to us.
And not that she ever delivers babies by herself, but I wish I could write to that hospital and tell them that their employee has a tendency to discriminate against "special" needs and NICU babies.>>115721
No. 115724
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>>115723Yeesh, that quality. Better version.
No. 115731
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>>115723>>115724Fucking white people.
No. 115735
>>115724Jeezus fuck that's some pure white trash right there.
Is that really her mug shot? Did her son arrest her huehuehue.
No. 115737
>>115731As the snow, anon.
Talked to my family this morning and they basically confirmed everything for me
>Tammy is legit psychotic; involuntarily institutionalized at least twice and once for driving her car through her own home>she was drunk last night>only reason her son is a cop is because hubbo is, and reason why hubbo is bc his father was a cop, backwater nepotism >her husband is a creep and used to be caught grinding on my first cousin but apparently that was some family bullshit they kept secret>would explain why my young appearance threatens Tammy so much since she confessed my cousins and her husband ogle me whenever they can…My whole family knew she was psychotic except for me, that's why they never talked to her. So I'm basically the catalyst for giving this bitch a first class ejection from our side of the family. My cousin from my aunt texted me and said she was glad I gave it to her. My aunt has been up all night crying because Tammy embarrassed her. Mom laughed that I called her a meth head. Everyone is super pissed at her right now, probably wouldn't have believed me unless I saved the captions so I'm glad I did.
>>115735Nah, I just googled "meth head" and I picked the first greasy-bangs, hollow cheeks, no jaw, witch nosed asshole I found. I photoshopped that in after I was done capping, though I
really should have posted before she blocked me just to
trigger her a bit more. Kek.
No. 115745
>>115723>HA! Your cousins will never see you as sexy as me!Good? I hope they don't find their own cousin hot.
Also German flag themed censor bars.
No. 115751
>>115716If only it were that easy anon. I'm working part time while going to school. I don't have any connections. No local friends to room with. It would take me months to save up enough for just renting a room.
I don't want to string him along…I've tried to talk to him before but he won't let go.
No. 115752
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>>115745She's confirmed psychotic so who knows what they actually think. It could be her warped mind just projecting. But I will say they look like douchey thumbs and they acted like complete brats to me once they reached teenage years, probably thanks to Momma Tammy and the State Trooper Kid Diddler.
>>115746They say she's mentally ill but she's actually very crafty when it comes to shaping her online persona. I think she's a narcissist, complete with overblown thoughts of grandeur.
I am literally the first person in decades to tell her to cut her shit, so other than that, the rational side of our family bit their tongues to never
trigger her to keep peace. And on her social media she's surrounded by her political echo chamber so there's not much milk to be had.
Ever since 2013, she stopped practically all pictures of herself, and now whenever she does take pictures it's only when she's gussied up for an event, under heavy blur filters, or with one of her cute dogs to amplify her likes. Because she's a hideous old bird otherwise.
No. 115754
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>>115752>>115723And in case someone's curious about the looks of these oh so
ravishing boys and husband of hers who don't find me appealing, pic related.
>left to right>Child Predator, Douchebag, Meth Head, Ugga Big Head Furthest right looks like down syndrome to me, since he looks nothing like his parents and has a giant head, but w/e.
No. 115755
>>115752You don't have to go by what others say. She IS mentally ill. That behavior literally doesn't occur to healthy minds. You don't need a degree to know that.
>>115754They look sane in this pic but knowing how they are ruins it for me.
Having careers and finances doesn't make them successful. That's a strawman argument. (thinking back to what she said before about them being police officers) Plenty of cops I know are tards who don't know the law even when I pull out documentation showing they're not properly following procedure then they bitch at me for lecturing someone with authority. They are just enforcers of the law, they don't legislate shit.
No. 115757
>>115755Not to mention these are troopers in a rural area county. They're not in an inner city police force.
These are the kind of dudes who pull people over on the interstate for going 40mph in a 35 zone, or getting called to kick out drunks from the bar at closing time. They're really not well off, and her being an RN she makes pennies. They just like to pretend they are because they want people to think they're successful. Which is why they feel the need to boast over the tiniest things like Fivehead volunteering at the ballot boxes.
No. 115760
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>>115759I just can't keep up with their high fashion I guess!
No. 115761
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>>115754He's looks like the kid on the fetal alcohol syndrome chart all grown up.
No. 115762
>>115757Arguing with them is useless. Just let them brew in their own stew of stupidity with their own low quality circle of friends and hang out with actual successful people. These people will never understand and are destined to be on the bottom rung of society as long as they are arrogant.
I moved to another city with higher income to get away from such white trash. Big difference, made quality friends. I know I said finances don't define success or mental health but there is some correlation.
There is some truth to why some people can hold better jobs than others but some of it is just dumb luck. Policeman/woman is a common job full of people who made it past mental screening somehow. tell me what he actually does while on the job rather than thinking the job itself is somehow a huge accomplishment.
No. 115780
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>>115774Don't know what other anon's on about calling it retarded when it's clearly much better to vent about retarded people anonymously than to risk further upsetting people on social media.
I'm not white trash or crazy like she is and I live five states away in a city. Just thought I'd share in some cringe. One last pic for you anon, I'll let you know if she comes back to sperg out again but there's no more content for now.
No. 115795
>>115571Maybe all fatties should quit whining and fix themselves if they want to wear nice clothes so badly. I'm so fucking sick of obese fucks crying over the top of anyone with a real problem because every single store, airline, chair manufacturer, and/or clothing designer doesn't cater specifically to their gross bodies. Fat people make themselves fat and then have the audacity to call themselves oppressed because normal humans don't want to fuck, dress, and feed them. It's such a pathetic, selfish thing to complain about. "Weh wehhh nobody makes hot pants for a 97 inch waist. I can't fit in planes or cars or chairs, I'm more oppressed than black gay Jews weh".
If people don't want to better themselves they should shut up and fuck off, not demand better people fix their fee fees.
No. 115806
>>115800Lose weight, shop petite like other short women. Get your pants hemmed or spend 15 minutes learning how to do it yourself.
It's a vent thread. Of course there's gonna be a diatribe.
No. 115810
>>115808So fat anon should lose weight so she can encounter the exact same pitfalls as
>>115553? What even is your point?
No. 115811
>>115809What part of venting is it you're having trouble with anon?
I responded to a post that said
>, that's for tall fatties anon. Short fatties are still shit out of luck.And said fuck fatties lose weight and there's clothes everywhere for you as well as some other ranty shit.
In a thread for specifically that.
Why are you still whinging?
No. 115812
>>115810What are online stores?
What is taking in a hem?
No. 115813
>>115812It's pretty shitty that short people have to do extra work to have clothes that don't look awkward on them, which was the entire point of that post.
Even if she lost weight, there still wouldn't be clothes "everywhere" for her.
No. 115814
>>115813It takes 10 minutes to hem a pair of pants. Online shopping takes no effort whatsoever.
Maybe she couldn't shop in every regular store but it would open up a lot more options if she lost the extra weight.
No. 115816
>>115811You're exceedingly butthurt about this.
>>115814Then maybe you should go rant at petite anon too who can't hem a pair of pants.
No. 115818
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>>115817I quoted the post I responded to. How is that irrelevant to my initial post?
I'm not the one getting their panties in a twist over a tangential rant.
>>115816I understand that venting and ranting are incredibly difficult concepts to understand but plz try to keep up.
No. 115820
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>>115818>How is that irrelevant to my initial post? Sorry I can't help you any further, you've had it spelled out to you thrice.
>mfw dumb motherfuckers have to reach to rant about fatties all the time here instead of finding a nice HAES hate subreddit to occupy No. 115831
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Anyone else loathe this crooked tooth, cock panderer boxxy knockoff? She's widely known for being ~anti-feminist~ but she's actually just a basic bitch who can't do her eyeliner evenly and steals her arguments from everyone else. up a bunch of strawman arguments based on one feminazi article she scrounged up saying that all feminists are against male bc. Implying most weren't actually furious when the studies were halted.
Now, I can understand that the contraception is just in a TRIAL phase, so it makes sense why they'd stop the study at the drop of a pin. But it is frustrating. It's frustrating to know hormonal female contraceptions had the same incidences of depression, suicidal thoughts, and physical maladies that were overlooked and pushed onto women anyway bc they were told it was for the greater good if their health suffered as long as pregnancy was prevented.
So it's frustrating to hear this bitch downplay the very REAL side effects of
FDA approved women's birth control. As if because it has that label it's as safe as this clinical trial male contraception. As much as she wants to act like a cunt and go
reeeeeee it does make it look like a double standard.
As an example, anyone remember Yaz/Yasmin? Well, I remember in late-2000s people were flipping shit over Yaz because women were developing blood clots and other renal failures from taking these fucking pills with drospirenone. To this day, it's still FDA approved. But, FDA had to conduct studies because women were filing lawsuits against the company Bayer for it. Women were dropping dead from pulmonary embolisms or developing severe injuries from clots.
Out of 800,000 medical records they found:
The risk of venous thrombembolic events which includes dangerous and potentially fatal blood clots, was 93% higher for women who had been taking oral contraceptives made with drospirenone for only 3 months or less and 290% higher for women taking drospirenone oral contraceptives for 7–12 months, compared to women taking other types of oral contraceptives.
In 2012 Bayer had to tell their stockholders that there were more than 12,000 lawsuits relating to this birth control, so far they've only settled 1,977 cases for $402.6 million while setting aside $610.5 million to settle others.
Yasmin is still on the market. FDA put a warning label on it and therefore wiped their hands clean. This bc wasn't pulled despite the proven risks.
Another super fun
FDA approved bc? Depo-provera. Doesn't carry as many acute lethal side effects like pulmonary embolism, but it has been proven to cause bone loss (settled many lawsuits over osteoporosis), cancer, and up until recently depression–because another fun fact about birth control is that they rarely do studies on how they influence mood. That's a VERY recent gain for women's contraceptives. There have only ever been four since 2003, and they're usually population-based on the entire census of bc users, and don't look at specific types of bc or demographics of women. Last one was in 2013 and it was garbage.
In any event, in the US the FDA makes you sign a consent form stating that you've been advised of the black box warning by your provider. If you want this bc then you have no choice but to waive your rights to file suit because, hey, they told you about the risks.
Will Yaz or Depo ever be pulled from the markets to be improved? Fuck no. They were working experiments when they were approved, and they're still experiments in action now.
No. 115833
>>115831I kind of like sh0e because she can do her skits well, but she is trying to copy boxxy lookwise. I think there's better informed "anti-feminist/anti-SJW" types on Youtube. She's generally okay.
For everything you just mentioned, I'm really tired of awful side effects in birth control being some kind of "feminist" or now "anti-feminist" issue. The issue is these companies are incredibly powerful and just push for this garbage to be on the market. You should read up on how they actually make profit. They'll put out a product, make more money than they get in lawsuits, then go to the next new thing because people are dumb enough to try it without research. Now they're doing the same for men which is just even more of a headache for everyone, because like you said, nothing with womens birth control has ever been solved. This is how they jump around in the market.
There was some company trying to get a really, really sketchy "womens libido pill" named Addyi passed off recently and it thankfully got shut down. What did the company do? It tried to ride the uninformed feminist wave and make it out to be a womens issue. On the surface it might seem like that, but ironically the pill was making women pass out, so it was almost like taking a date rape drug before sex. be careful with what you get for birth control or prescriptions in general and do your research.
No. 115837
>The issue is these companies are incredibly powerful and just push for this garbage to be on the market. Pretty much this. The drug companies and even a lot of the doctors who prescribe the medications are making bank on these drugs.
And it shouldn't be a feminist issue because lax FDA regulations effects all types of medications. I always laugh at medication commercials for mental or physical health issues because at the end there's always a 5 - 10 second block of super fast speech listing all the terrible side effects or possible risks. Which is then followed up with some bullshit one liner of 'take back control of your life' while some elderly person plays with their dog or grandkid in the background.
No. 115852
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>Used to chat with this artsy guy that lives near me>Stopped talking to him because too obnoxious, fuckboy and clingy and I wasn't even that attracted to him>Months later he gets a girlfriend>They seem really in love, he posts professional photographs of her, he draws her, they always take "sexy" pictures together when naked in bed (this was cringy tho)>Today he DMs me again>What>I quickly take a look on his profile>They're not together anymoreThese fuckboys are so predictable.
>>115719Is she hot at least?
No. 115853
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>anon mentions being short and fat and still finding it hard shopping in stores for fat people
>BAWW JUST HEM PANTS YOU LAZYFUCKWhy don't you hem pants from normal store too then? Damn, girl, you need some chill.
No. 115862
>>115852Nope. She's just average/plain.
>>115857Same. Even underware store don't carry my size.
If you're from the US it might be worth checking online
No. 115864
>>115857Most people can't find a bra that fits in both size and shape in store, especially if you're not in an urban area.
Until people stop thinking only A-D cups exist, it will not change.
No. 115866
>>115853I'm the OP of the petite post and I wasn't the one QQing about fatties.
I don't mind fatties, and being short+fat is probably pretty shit, but I hate how all of a sudden you're only a 'real womyn' if you're an obeast.
The thing I hate the most is this:
>BAWW Abercrombie is sizeist! But stores like Torrid are OK!>I'm so oppressed, I can't find clothes that fit me!>another person agrees and complains about being too short/tall for regular sizing>lol just make ur own clothes then! No. 115869
>you're only a 'real womyn' if you're an obeast.Only the hams themselves believe this. You need to chill out, hams do this as a mental self defence mechanism to keep their self esteem high. The market is just echoing this retarded logic because they know they can make a lot of money off of it. If it seriously has an effect on your self esteem you may want to see a therapist.
Yeah it sucks that hams get a greater cut of the market now, but that's because there's a large (huehuehue) market for it now.
Where do you normally shop for clothes?
No. 115877
>>115874Thanks, I'll check out the site!
I'm 32/34 AA or something like that. I have an athletic build so my chest is somewhat big but my breasts are small. So standard A bras are fine in band size but the cup is way too big, even with padding, it has to be one of these extreme push ups to fit normally.
No. 115885
>>115869Honestly where I live there aren't many places that cater to petite folk. I've had luck ordering from Gap, and Anthropologie had some nice petite stuff on clearance that I managed to snag, all online. Uniqlo has nice things but they don't have free returns so if it doesn't fit you're fucked.
I've managed to find a great pair of jeans from Mango that I hemmed + altered the waistband, now they fit alright. Thrifting is out of the question unless it's stuff like scarves and bags.
You can find nice things in the H&M kids section sometimes if they're not covered in glitter, otherwise I don't buy much. I'm still wearing the same kids boots I used to wear in year 9, and I'm 23.
No. 115908
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>>110532anyone else in a constant state of confusion about what hierarchy of value one should subscribe to in life? I've worked really hard. I oscillate between feeling like my goals and the things that I work for in life are more 'authentic', 'true', or have a 'legitimate' point, than the shallow hierarchy of value presented by every other wanker on social media; to allowing the latter to get to me and feeling like the only way I will be satisfied is to have the perfect body, 10k followers and to go out every night. All this to then feeling like I should put effort into neither because we're all gonna die and forget anyway, and I should just melt into my sofa, smoking weed whilst watching speedruns of my favorite games.
Obviously everyone knows social media whoring and making out your life is such a perfect aesthetic on Instagram is an illusion, but sometimes it feels like you have to join in just to feel sane these days.
No. 115910
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>>115866>being this mad fatties get what they look for in the marketConsider getting treatment. You are offended because fat people get clothes. Seriously.
No. 115918
>>115831>I oscillate between feeling like my goals and the things that I work for in life are more 'authentic', 'true', or have a 'legitimate' point, than the shallow hierarchy of value presented by every other wanker on social media.This ^^
My goal is to contribute something, anything to humanity, I wan't to contribute something objectively beneficial rather than some shitty piece of po-mo art I want to contribute something to fields of science like gerontology or bioremediation, but while i'm still very young I want to live up my years of hedonism and youth ergo be vain as shit, and obsess over my body and image. It feels pretty clusterfuck but I wouldn't be able to live without ultimately contributing something of value, I hope after undergraduate level I become less affected by superficial shit and more centered on the deep stuff I want to be concentrated on.
>All this to then feeling like I should put effort into neither because we're all gonna die and forget anyway, and I should just melt into my sofa, smoking weed whilst watching speedruns of my favorite games.You're free to do what makes you happy anon, if gaming and watching game related shit while blazing it is your go to wind down than you stick with it but don't let it become your entire life ya'll know this. If you contribute something you'll never be forgotten, it doesn't matter how small or token.
>Obviously everyone knows social media whoring and making out your life is such a perfect aesthetic on Instagram is an illusion, but sometimes it feels like you have to join in just to feel sane these days.I really couldn't agree more anon it's all part of social assimilation, we all have to conform to this by some standard to get by, it's a hierarchical bullshit pyramid scheme of vanity isn't it? Modern day sexual selection. It saddens me to see my friends and family finally compromising themselves to fit into it, but it's entirely understandable. I hardly use social media except for steam but i'm still vain as fuck it's the easier route of being female.
Keep trucking on anon don't let the superficial shallow shit consume you, but bask in it now that you can, you only get one chance to live up this time of your life.
No. 115921
>>115910I feel like you are 2 IQ points short of a monkey.
I'm not offended because fat people get clothes, I'm offended because short and tall people don't, as in people who can't do anything about their size, unlike fatties.
No. 115923
>>115921Not the person you're replying to, but you have no place calling other people stupid when you literally took anon pointing out how short fatties had the same problem about hemming pants and used that as a tirade to go off on anon about fatties. Because you thought anon was being fat accept-y somehow.
Stop chimping out.
No. 115924
>>115923I literally said, in the comment the reply was to, that I wasn't the one chimping out about short fatties. My only comments were the first one and
No. 115935
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>post a video that I half agree with while explaining my views and why I don't agree with all of it but some of it is valid
>it's not an extreme enough stance to please people who agree thoroughly with video
>don't denounce video hard enough for people who disagree thoroughly with video
>get people who just see the video and don't read what I wrote
>comment on shit that I literally covered
>had anybody bothered to read what I fucking said in the first place before reacting
>shut the fuck up when I reply repeating what I said initially bc they realize I'm not disagreeing with anything they're saying
Holy shit.
No. 115940
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My co-worker is driving me nuts. Everything was fine at our workplace until they were hired last year (out of pity to help them out) and since then it's been nothing but their white trash drama causing chaos. The worst part is that we've all gone out of our way to try to help her but she's so fucking irresponsible it's made no difference.
My boss (manager) is pretty much done and tried to have a talk about how she's seriously at the edge of losing her job, but instead of bothering to take it seriously she just went on about suing the company if she's fired and getting mummy to chew out the manager. It's an at-will employment business so I'm almost looking forward to see what's going to happen within the next couple weeks.
No. 115982
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>>115918TFW when you missed out on auctioning off your A++ ass to the highest bidder because you didn't perceive social media simply as modern day sexual selection and felt you were too 'real' for it.
No. 115993
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I have to take a break from school again because I got fired because of "downsizing" from my job. I already lost two years because of this shit and thought I could finally finish it this year. I already started late because of money problems, at this rate I'll be graduating at like 29 and probably won't ever find a decent job. Just end my existence already.
No. 115994
I feel like shit because my crush's boyfriend just told me they had sex last night, just to mortify me.
He added me on Steam a couple of months ago when she introduced him to me as a friend. We played some vidya together, the three of us, and I met him in person a couple of times. He seemed a cool guy. Of course I didn't know they'd end up in a relationship, but hey, shit happens, I had to deal with it, although I'm not talking to the girl as much as before because it hurts and I'm having the shittiest time of my life for several other reasons.
This morning the boyfriend adds me on a fake Steam account (I guess he wanted to cover it up in case I wanted to tell his girlfriend) and says "guess what? I fucked [name of the girl] last night. I know you have a crush on her and you're all jealous and that's why you stopped talking to her you piece of shit." Then he proceeded to tell me how they did it and how good it felt and I was like: dude, why the fuck are you telling me this? I barely even know you, what the hell did I do to you? "You deserve this because you made her feel like shit, you know that?" I honestly don't understand what he meant by that. I've been always in good terms and close to her even after I told her I love her, just we didn't talked too much these past weeks, but I didn't act rude or anything. I thought maybe she told him a lie just to fuck me up, but what does that accomplish is beyond me, and that's not like her. I asked him what did I do, "oh, you know what, you're a piece of shit"
Hell, I didn't even know this guy knew I was attracted to her, she obviously told him.
I haven't blocked him on Facebook or Steam yet, and haven't spoke to him since that last conversation, just his fake account
I've never felt this confused, angry and depressed in my life. I don't want to tell my friend either. I don't know what to do anymore.
No. 115997
>>115975Poison comes in small bottles innit
Keep h8in though
No. 116008
>>115994That's fucked up, anon.
I would fire back with something like "No, I really don't. But you know what? The fact that you'd resort to making a fake account in a lame attempt to make me feel bad with your cringy sex story, and then refuse to even explain your reasoning tells me exactly what kind of person you are. "You know what you did"? Really? Fucking pathetic. It's a good thing I cut you both off."
Then block him on both the fake account and his real one, then her. Or leave them unblocked if you want to see how they'll respond.
No. 116013
>>115975Femlet omfg
I'm the original angry-at-fatties anon. I dropped it days ago how are you still crying about this?
What is a femlet? A small woman? do you think I didn't reach puberty because I'm not a 200lb grot?
Enjoy your bitterness. My husband and I find the creeps who hit on me hilarious tho.
>>115940It would be great to be a fly on the wall the day she gets sacked. What industry are you guys in?
No. 116028
>>116008>>116009>>116014>>116016>>116017I know this is the most logical course of action, but I'm paranoid as fuck, to be honest. I have this constant fear that maybe both of them agreed to this, and they want me to take the bait and humiliate me even more. Besides, I have no proof at all since I was so full of rage I didn't even took the time to save the conversation; I blocked him almost immediately. I'm so fucking stupid, omg.
He doesn't even live in the same town as ours, and I've never been in his place. In fact, the only interaction we had (besides the last time we saw each other face to face) was him liking some random memes I posted on Facebook.
I'll update if something else comes up.
No. 116064
>>116037Wtf talk to her first don't just go straight to pretending there's no problem.
Straight up say to her 'hey I know it's not always easy to remember but we agreed that there would be warning before visitors come over here.' Confrontation isn't always bad if you can communicate well. If you ignore it it will only get worse and that's when people end up doing something passive aggressive.
You gotta face problems head on if you ever wanna be able to be independent and move away from this girl anon.
No. 116150
>>116147Hey woah there anon
You're not trash or shit for having anxiety or panic attacks. A misfire in your brain that tells your entire body 'we're gonna fuckin die right now go go go' isn't easy to deal with and I really hope you can stop beating yourself up over it.
What has helped you to calm down when you've felt like this before? Can you do any of those things right now?
It's okay to have this happen to you. What's not okay is having to suffer without support or tools that can be used to manage it.
No. 116171
>>116152Being on tumblr ensures that you're being delivered an endless supply of the worst of the worst so that you can complain about it and feed your insecurity. It's like going on some MRA/MTGOW and being surprised that everything is full of terrible stories about how women are the most soulless gold diggers and they are completely willing to fuck anyone over anytime.
What is being highlighted to you is about as bad as it gets and not really indicative of the majority in any way.
Even among the minority who do actually have a problem with women in general, most will recognize that whatever they have a problem with doesn't apply literally to every single female out there. You'll easily find posts in various places saying otherwise, but people are just being edgy and often post things online that they don't really practice IRL.
No. 116176
>>116152Most men I come into contact with on a daily basis are normal guys who behave like normal well adjusted adults.
I've only once met a potential robot and he was a deeply insecure sperg who tried to neg me. And I've met several wankers but they are in the minority.
No. 116210
>>116201Only a male would need evidence for that.
Women know it through experience.
No. 116236
>>116202omg same
like I feel literally going hot in the face and I'm like wth I'm relaxed what is this
No. 116242
>>116237>men always know what's best for womenI'm saying the exact opposite actually, that women who chose that line of work would be insulted by what you're saying.
If you told most pornstars, strippers, or legal prostitutes (and many illegal ones even), that they didn't make the decision themselves and they're being taken advantage of, they would be insulted.
By far most sex workers are doing it by choice, not forced into it.
No. 116244
>>116243I can tell you want to take it to an argument about capitalism.
Is a minimum-wage fast food worker who would otherwise be homeless doing their job by choice?
If anyone is being exploited by (professional) porn, it's undoubtedly the men who pay for it.
No. 116249
>>116244Yup, because every single person is paying for a PornHub subscription.
Are you reading yourself?
No. 116251
>>116250So where does the money go? To people who buy a subscription of a porn site just to download everything and 100 other people pirate it? What's your point? That men are explored because they buy subscriptions of porn sites? They should be given for free when most of these people make pennies unless they are porn celebrities and/or eat shit and puke and lick toilets? So you are basically saying men are entitled to do everything they want with women for free?
Seriously, what the fuck are you implying? The more you try to defend porn, the more miserable you sound. Just kill yourself, you shitty robot.
No. 116268
>>116265You must be fucking retard.
>prostitutes are often used to do pornography>many of them are trafficked>not all of porn women are trafficked but many areDo I have to draw it for you?
No. 116269
>>116210Wow I'm so glad enlightened feminists act like they get to choose for me just because they think they know what we all want and think.
Telling other women how they feel about men makes you as fucking sexist as people saying women are too stupid to choose for themselves. I'm a woman and I love men. You psychos need to stop screeching over the top of other women. You're hurting the cause you pretend you're fighting for and it's pathetic.
No. 116275
>>116273Do you honestly not see how retarded it is to decide for other women how to feel? do you think that I'm too stupid to make my own decisions about how I've been treated by men? You're doing exactly what misogynists do by reducing every single individual male to one or two stereotypes and then you pat yourself on the back for apparently dismantling sexism. You're part of the reason the feminazi meme exists, you're part of the reason why people dismiss feminism as a bunch of screechy witches who don't want to be equal, they want to be dominant as a gender.
I've never had a man tell me my opinions or feelings are worthless but there's a fucking lot of women like you out there saying it to me daily.
No. 116280
>>116276Of course I'm not, I live in Australia. I'm not saying rape and trafficking don't happen, I'm saying you're spouting shit and trying to force your opinion of every single make ever onto people who know better.
If you actually gave a shit about victims of trafficking, rape, 'honour crimes' etc you'd be contributing something to their assistance and support not crying about guys on a little image board. You can't even say you're 'spreading awareness' because you're just applying what some criminals do to the entire male population like an idiot, and providing no supporting evidence for your wild claims.
Claiming I'm a man is just proving that I'm right in saying that you're just as sexist as ammisogynist because you can't accept that women might have differing ideas and opinions.
Your high horse is disgusted with you at this point.
No. 116291
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>>116283>if you don't want your opinion changed don't share yours!!!oh my god you're literally retarded. Seriously misandry-chan, that's the most bizarre, childish mindset I've ever encountered and I just came from the incel thread.
Keep up the fake activism though.
No. 116309
I wish these stupid robots pretending to be girls were banned as it should be, and I wish if there really are women that actually spouts rubish like
> I'm a woman and I love men.fucked off to sucking dicks like they do on internet.
No. 116313
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>oh look, lots of posts
>open thread
>it's some dude getting triggery diggery'd
No. 116321
>>116309Holy shit so because I know that not every single woman involved in pornography or
Sex work isn't a slave or trafficking victim, and because I'm not sexist enough to denounce an entire gender I can't be a woman?
Wew sure glad women's rights have been fought for for so long only to end up becoming women attacking other women for having a different view. I bet you also hate models and those girls on Instagram who post gym selfies or fun makeup looks because of eeevil patriarchal beauty standards too, huh. Just because I love my husband, my grandfather, and my male friends you think it's totally fine to denounce my opinions and experiences. You're literally the reason feminism has become a joke to so many people. Go pull your own cock and pretend you're about women's rights with the rest of your gross brethren plz.
No. 116322
>>116318As someone who doesn't agree with feminists all the time either, you're really embarrassing yourself getting so rustled by a tongue in cheek "Only a male would need evidence for that. Women know it through experience."
Nobody frankly cares what your experiences with men are. Do you go on r9k and reply to every thread stating how all women are whores and goldiggers calling robots misogynists and "not all women"?
No. 116339
>>116331That is really fucking stupid.
I'd leave the country before I'd kill myself over orange man. Snap out of it anon.
No. 116370
>>116331This post legitimately made me burst out laughing.
Die in your rage.
No. 116400
>>116382>Y…you're angry!Nope. I'm incredibly happy. There are literally, and I mean literally, going to be liberals killing themselves over this.
It's beautiful.
No. 116404
>>116400I guess, to me the reaction seems equivalent to when Obama was first elected. A lot of conservatives lost their shit when that happened, and I remember it quite clearly.
I can't decide which one is more amusing tbh. But there's nothing better than watching a huge mass of people lose their collective shit.
No. 116423
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>>116400they're talking about suicide hotlines and sobbing so hard they can't even function anymore on my fb. it's just way too funny rn
No. 116514
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>>116499For the love of God someone make a thread with screencaps of people flipping their shit on Facebook, I don't have american friends on my FB, I would love the see the milk it is spilling right now.
I never asked you anything, farmers, make it happen.
No. 116528
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>>116514For you anon. She's been one of the worst this entire election. Let me see if I can dig up more. I might post them in the election thread.
No. 116529
>>116528Kek, what the fuck.
I heard the Canada emmigration site crashed.
No. 116540
>>116514I'm in the process right now.
>>116499My interests are rather liberal and the groups I associate myself with are the same. Many are far-left and some socialists. Lots of BLM types. I've got people showing disappointment but way more talking about sobbing and mental health and whatnot.
No. 116571
>>112526Just out of curiosity, how old are you? Did you two finally do it?
No. 117210
I'm really feeling half alive right now. I feel like a dumb bitch that can't get over her stupid little issues. I'm scared of the people around me knowing how shitty I feel, how alone I feel, how absolutely worthless I feel. Ever since I was emotionally abused and whored out by a 30 year old man when I was like 13, I just.. I'm scared of trusting people still. Even after such a long time. When I finally had the balls to stop talking to him, he threatened to hurt my family, to hurt me. He told me he'd have his friends (who I had been the person cam whore for) fucking rape me. It was terrifying.. About 2-3 years later I went back to him because I thought he made me happy, but after a few months I left again, because I realized he wasn't the solution, he was the problem. He claimed to have changed and perhaps he did, but I was so scared of him hurting me again and forcing me to do things I didn't want to, that I couldn't ever talk to him. All the relationships I've had since then have been fucking shitty as hell. Didn't care about me, just wanted my emotionally damaged pussy. That or when I really needed them, they just abandoned me. I can't trust people anymore. Everyone just manipulates me, everyone just hurts me. The one time I thought I found someone who cared, he just left me for someone else, someone better than me. I told him everything, and he always listened. But one day he just left me, said he found somebody else. I don't think he ever really loved me anyways. I am desperate. I've tried reconnecting with people I used to know, tried making new friends, tried this that and the other but no one seems to give a shit. No one ever fucking listens. I was basically disowned by my family a while ago so I don't have anyone there. I feel like a fucking madwoman cause I collect stuffed animals now and would literally die for them. I would DIE FOR A STUFFED ANIMAL. I am so fucking alone I made friends with things that aren't even fucking alive, things that aren't even real. They have names, personalities, purposes.. They are all I have left in my fucking life but how pathetic is that? Who the fuck talks to inanimate objects? Knowing they are not really alive, too! That I am just making it up! This isn't some schizophrenia bullshit.
I just want to die. I already wrote out how I want my funeral and what I want done with my things, a long long time ago in case I died unexpectedly, so that I wasn't a burden to the people around me. I don't think anybody even wants me around. I don't even want me around. I've went to therapy a total a 4 times now, diagnosed with depression, tried all the meds under the fucking sun and nothing is helping. I have no one to talk to, no one who cares. I don't know why I expect anything more, its not like I am even worth dealing with. After I got over my ED (just another thing in the emotional baggage pile), which was a result of me literally being inches from killing myself which nobody even knows about, I gained like 50 lbs. I'm a fucking fat ass, have disgusting stretch marks all over my body from gaining so much weight so fast, and I have the face of a fucking man baby. Who the hell would ever want to even fucking look at me, let alone help me with my problems? That's why I don't even leave the house anymore, I don't do fucking anything anymore. I dunno how much longer I'm gonna be able to last working the shit job that I do, barely making it by, with no fucking dreams or ambitions because I have lost all hope in my life. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how I can fucking take this life. I just want to fucking die.
Vent over, have fun looking at my little novel.
No. 117256
>>117251Hey, since it seems you have a hell of a trauma going on and you cannot seem to stop thinking about it anyway, why don't you try to 'write it out' somewhere everytime it gets back to you? Like on a journal or something like that.
It won't magically fix shit but it at least will help you to and to sort out the stuff in your head and to get it all out. It feels kind of relieving.
No. 117281
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>be me
>have a small circle of mostly acquaintances on campus
>one of them's a clinically depressed asswipe who failed all his classes
>has been abusing drugs for a while now
>recently has started buying and dealing ecstasy
>one of the girls in my circle is exactly like him in terms of sense of humor (outdated filthy frank memes, etc)
>whenever she's around the guys then her attitude becomes kind of dickish in the guise of "banter"
>also constantly uses self deprecating ironic humor ("i have cirppling depreshun xD")
>cringey but tolerable since I try and be patient with people
>recently discovered that she self harms
>all while she continues going to the asswipe's ecstasy parties
>tfw your peers are going down a downward spiral of self hatred and escapism through drugs and you feel like you can't reach out and intervene because of past experiences of empathy backfiring horribly on you in terms of friendship
No. 117307
>>117286Joining the military is the last resort for a lot of men, how is that "cringy"? It's very difficult to get a job now.
Unlike women they can't use their vagina to get a man to provide for them or make a living so they literally have to risk their life in the military or become homeless.
>What are you trying to acomplish by telling me that They're just making conversation with you, what's your problem?
No. 117312
>>117311samefagging so I can sperg and fuel robots' deep-seated fears:
- I am an asshole about looks. If a guy isn't at least a 7, I will never consider him more than a friend
- I like asshole guys. If a guy is a cocky jerk, it MIGHT bump him up on the scale
- This has caused me to go out with hot guys who don't care about me (tho the dick was good and I got mental satisfaction/ego stroking from fucking them)
- I have coldly rejected guys whose looks weren't up to my standards. I don't feel bad about this.
I'm no Angie but I'm also not a landwhale, so my issue is that I'm a retard who can't get an attractive guy who doesn't also have a shitton of his own issues.
No. 117316
>>117312By "shitton of his own issues" I assume you mean not having steady-income or a good job.
At least you're honest about it. We know you want a good looking strong man with money who can take care of you, if women were just honest about this then robots wouldn't be nearly as bothered, you're actually doing the opposite of bothering robots by being honest.
Best of luck trying to get a high-status male to settle with you. I think in the relatively near future the dating options for women are going to get worse though.
No. 117349
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>>117210Your story
triggers my savior reflex, and I wish I could help you, I'm sure others do too. But let me get a little meta and instead explain how I think that would progress (based on my real life experiences with people similar)
1) I reach out and offer to listen. You unload and let it all out. We bond over this.
2) Things are pretty good. We may even flirt. We have a nice back and forth.
3) Without meaning to, you start pushing the limits of the relationship. You start texting more, demanding more time. You get mad when I don't respond as quickly as you'd like. You start sending novel-length emails talking about how how much pain you are in. You try to make me feel guilty about not devoting enough time to you. We rarely talk about anything in my life, our conversations are completely lopsided.
4) I do feel guilty for a minute. Then I get mad that you are making me feel guilty. I begin thinking about how to extricate myself from this whole thing. I mean, I just wanted to be your friend, not your best friend and not your therapist (who i've been urging you to see, but you refuse (possibly because you have me now))
5) Some horrible incident suddenly occurs in your life. An abusive exbf shows up, or mom dies, your boss sexually harasses you or something else I can't verify is true and I start having serious doubts that you are telling me the truth. I am now annoyed and over this. I can't hide it and say something that makes you explode with hurt and anger.
6) We don't talk again. And now you tell the next person about this big meanie who acted like your friend and then said something so cruel right when you were so vulnerable and then never talked to you again.
I don't believe it has to play out that way. Seek out some friendly ears, you need it. But be mindful of how demanding you become. Don't talk about depression and suicide and how much every thing sucks. No one happy and squared away wants to hear that shit. At least, not every time they talk. You have to try to be upbeat. Fake it if you have to. Take an interest in other people's lives. The key is do something different than what you are doing, because that doesn't seem to be working, right? Good luck.
No. 117352
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My vent is that every single person on my faceberk is a ultra liberal and they are crying and screaming in anger and telling people to unfriend them.. AND I CANT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT AT ALL or it will be a huge nasty pile-on of hate and unfriending. I don't even have 100 friends. I can't afford it.
I'm an old fuck, and when you get older, you begin to slide to the right politically. It will happen to you too. It sounds cunty, but is really is a matter of being less naive, more experienced and more pragmatic about the world. Anyway, it's been a great awakening and mind expanding experience but I can't share any of my insights with anyone I know.
This causes me to think a lot less of them, because I feel you should always be able to have open discussions with people without them getting super fucking heated and emotional. Maybe I just have unrealistic expectations of people? It just makes me sad and I feel like "woe is me, i'm so smart and open minded but no one else is so im so alone and i'll never get smarter cuz i cant discuss things with anyone" and i hate myself for having lame thoughts like that but i can't escape it.
No. 117359
>>110532Man this is completely random but I hate it how everyone assumes there are only two versions of English in the world and everything else is, in the words of one wise man, WRONG!
Everyone takes the piss out of me for saying 'in work'. I even got asked if I'm German, lol???
Like no, people are allowed to speak in a different dialect than your standard one. Worst part is the ones laughing at me are some inbred-looking Scots who're probably stirring last night's haggis whenever they're alone.
No. 117366
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>>117352I snapped at my mom earlier, related to this. It was growing and growing and I was already on edge, so close to snapping. Today especially since I watched this spot fucking on video: feed has most people upset over Trump, but it's a divided upset. Some are because they wanted Hillary, the others (Bernie supporters) are because it's all the Democrat's fault they were idiotic enough to nominate her, and that they deserve this all.
There's a couple Trump supporters, and people like me who voted Trump because Fuck The Left IDGAF, but they're not overt because of this madness going on. Also because they're getting called sexist, racist, misogynist, etc.
My mom tagged me in this stupid safe space pen pal shit that was it. She didn't deserve what I said and how I acted, and it moved from her facebook post (which she deleted) into text message, but it was the final drop of piss in the bucket. Then she was bringing up "all these hate crimes being reported the last few days on CNN and ABC" and I literally laughed out loud.
I don't regret anything I said even though it was cruel and undeserving.
No. 117368
>>117366You know there ARE people being attacked for their race, sexuality, whatever and it's not all just made up by the media, right? And it was happening before Trump was elected. I don't know if you think that it's funny to attack people or something, but I don't see what the harm is in showing support for people, therefore I don't see why you're so angry your mom was trying to be helpful to people who might need it.
You sound as psychotic as the liberals having meltdowns.
>voted Trump because Fuck The Left IDGAFGood reason to vote. Retard.
No. 117370
>>117368 haven't seen a shred of evidence for any of this.
I have however seen at least five claims of such attacks proven to be complete bullshit.
No. 117371
>>117370So you're saying people have
never been attacked for their race or sexuality?
Where do you live?
No. 117375
>>117373That's not what
I was discussing, though.
What I said was I didn't understand why they were getting angry at their mom for trying to be helpful.
I never denied some/most of the recent attacks being fake, but some of them are probably real considering hate crimes aren't a new thing and anon shouldn't be a sociopath to their mom for being worried about it.
No. 117383
>>117376Are you retarded?
Anon went psychotic on their mom for tagging them in something that's helpful to people, and I said I didn't understand why because their mom is trying to be helpful
to people who might actually need it, so there's no reason anon should be attacking her. What is irrelevant? I don't give a shit about people making up fake attacks. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about anon attacking their mom for trying to be helpful, because someone out there probably needs it.
No. 117430
>>117352Maybe people don't want to discuss with you because you seem like you got life figured and nobody likes discussing with someone who think age gives you wisdom. There's a lot of old people who are dumb as shit. The very fact you use age to show how smart you are
shows that you are not that smart as you think.
No. 117476
I really need to get this off of my chest so here it goes:
So my druggie dad runs off with this chick about 4 years ago leaving me and my mom in the dust (to make sure I stay away he tells his family that I stole over 4k$ so I cant look them in the eye anymore…I have no way of proving I didn't) my mom slowly starts to go insane from all the pressure from the divorce and being left by my dad.
I mean at first she'd randomly lash out with me, but I figured it was just from the stress (and she was already suffering from depression) but then it gets worse, like she'd get so upset over a trivial thing (like a small conflict with one of my aunts) she'd literally piss herself and start punching herself in the head and pulling her hair. And after some time she began to take shit out on me. She'd mostly scream obscenities or really low insults ("you know why your father left? It's cause he saw himself in you and wanted to get away as soon as possible.") And the occasional, rare slap or punch.
She wasn't like this ALL the time, but she'd have these sort of episodes and when she calmed down she'd be all like "Pls anon stop crying I'm sorry tell me what's wrong and I'll try and fix it"
But it keeps getting worse and now I'm in uni trying to get to be a straight-A student so I can get into a really good grad school, I work, and I'm trying to keep whatever semblance of a social life I have alive (I'm a horribly introverted and private person with strangers) so needless to say, I'm pretty stressed and I got a lot of things on my mind. And right now my mom's at the point that I've had fuckin panic attacks in front of her with me retching and unable to literally breath and she'd just keep swearing at me and pushing me around telling me how much I fucking suck as a human being. And these days it's like her angry episodes never stop, it's just vile and viciousness from morning to night. Oh, and if I tell her to stop or show somesort of reaction she literally starts screaming at me telling me how I shouldn't even have existed in the first place and starts physically hurting me like she just caught me fucking 3 guys at once with a heroin needle sticking out of my arm when the only thing I've done was to tell her to treat me like a human being. I can't express how horrible she gets when she starts, I really can't.
(Let's not forget how she actively and severely embaresses me in front of the only family I have left because of petty revenge like forgetting to take out the trash and othet things like that. But I digress.)
I've tried everything to get her to stop, I've tried ignoring her, being super nice for a long time, I've even taken her to therapy (the psychologist told me that yes, she has a serious problem and needs help, but my mom won't go because I convinced the therapist that I was in the right and falsley painted her as the bad guy)
I can't go back to my dad and I can't run away (no where to go to + not enough income to support myself) and I feel like if I leave her, karma will haunt me, (she has no friends and even her family knows she's pretty crazy so she has no one but me) even though I swear I'm going insane in this house. I just hope I can move abroad for grad school and have as little contact with her as my conscience would let me.
I'll stop before I look too much like a fucking sissy over my stupid issues that like, everyone has. Just wanted to get it off my chest.
No. 117494
>>117476I just wanted to weigh in that the other anon is right,you really shouldn't have to deal with her alone and none of this is your fault.
How long have you got until you can actually scrape together a college escape? I don't know anything about American support systems so I hope other anon comes through with more advice.
I'm really sorry that you're living like this, it's not your fault. By focusing on your education you're doing really well.
No. 117505
>>117498Before assuming the worst, consider that he might have some stupid idea in his head about not appearing too desperate. There's as much chance that he's afraid you'll hate him for being needy and clingy and he's worried about being ghosted himself.
Someone probably got into his ear and told him to play coy or some other equally stupid shit.
>seemed really into me (almost more into me than I was into him).Now that he's finally fucked you he probably sees this with a clear mind and is ashamed of himself for not playing it cool.
There's a chance. At least see if this is the case
No. 117508
>>117505>>117501Well, I figured telling him that I really liked him and wanted to take him up on his offer on seeing him for Thanksgiving would make it clear that I was feeling him and wanted to take the relationship further. Like the morning after was so awkward and we hardly touched other to hug and kiss goodbye and I thought maybe HE thought I wasn't into it.
I dunno. I didn't want to message him again since he never responded to me asking if he wanted me to come up for Thanksgiving - the lack of response seemed like response enough. But tomorrow I'll just ask him to be honest with me so I stop wondering what happened because it's bothering me so much.
No. 117518
>>117508So this same anon here again, I got an answer. And…he said he "can't get close to people" and always "fucks up relationships" so basically we can't be together, lol. Or he'd "ruin" me. Basically I was used for sex. He insists that's not the case but regardless of what his intentions were that's what happened.
I feel like shit. I deleted him off social media and his number but now he's texting me begging me to be friends and making me out to be the bad guy for not wanting to be after he admitting he was fucked up and he really needs a friend. Like, he literally pumped and dumped me but I'm the devil for being upset and wanting him to fuck off. Ok.
No. 117519
>>117518Yeah nah. He just wants to be 'friends' so he has someone to shag when he can't get anyone else.
Tell him to suck a dick and see a therapist.
No. 117579
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>tfw a hot guy on your uni course gives you attention and you're trying to figure out if he's actually interested in you or he's just really nice since you keep bothering him with videos of eric andre but he responds back really interested and always sits next to you
>tfw he has a hot gf
Is it just my thirsty attention starved ass or what
No. 117589
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>>117579i cannot stand our social reality where people never know where they stand with each other because we feel the need to constantly posture and play a big game, I want to just all get nekked and orgy
No. 117612
>>117362Sorry I wasn't accusing you of doing those things. Clearly, I was projecting my unfortunate history onto your situation. From what you say it sounds like you are keeping it pretty bottled up. I hope you
do let it out to someone now and then. It's important to purge that stuff or it just loops on repeat. Even writing in a journal can help. Real friends do want to be there to offer a sympathetic ear. I guess I was just trying to describe why people with good intentions sometimes abandon people who are clearly in need of help. Having been in the depths before myself, I wish I could do more for ya. These days, if I ever start feeling low, I examine three things in my life. Am I getting the right amount of sleep? Exercising for 40 minutes 3x week? Eating healthy food? It's almost always one of those three things..
No. 117615
>>117518what a chump, lol. I believe him tho. I mean, if he just wanted to have a fwb thing, it's perfect. you are 3 hours away. he wouldn't have to see you all the time. he's free to date girls near him. he threw that opportunity away for what? now he wants to be text friends? literally why?
some people in the world have borderline personality disorder. sounds like you met one. be glad you escaped mostly unscathed!
No. 117635
>>117590It sucks that people are doing that to you. Where I used to work, most of my coworkers were on the larger side and were often trying to lose weight through fad dieting and not getting anywhere. They always took it upon themselves to comment on how skinny I was (to be honest I probably just looked thinner compared to most of them? I dunno) and one of them took a liking to always grabbing my wrists or trying to pinch my belly to see if I had fat there - in front of customers/management too. 'Oh gosh you are so skinny. We need to start feeding you up, don't we girls? She would shout while looking around for our workmates to see if she had their full attention.
That shit got tiring and I outright told her to stop touching me and parading me around like a sideshow act in front of customers, all because I didn't weigh 200lbs and actually took care of myself.
People like to make an example of others if they have something they don't, or if they can't achieve something the other person has. It makes them feel better. While I know how irritating and sad it can be to always have people pointing something out to you, just know that it's just others projecting their insecurities onto you 9 times out of 10.
No. 117668
>>117612It's alright, I know you didn't mean any harm. Thanks for all the advice, I'm feeling a little better these days.
I did end up getting a cat like I said I wanted to, its nice to have a friend again.
No. 117670
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I want this school year to end already, I'm tired of my shitty college and incompetent professors, I'm tired of getting horrible grades despite working hard because I'm always fucked over and having my friends copy what I do or let me do almost everything when we work in groups and see them have better grades than me for some reason. I want to work just as much as them on group assignments and see them having a mental breakdown once they notice that there's literally nothing done.
I'm also tired of seeing other people have better grades than me, not because I'm jealous, but because they feel like they're talented and brag about it even though they're not. They're just filthy rich and can afford leaving in their own flats where they can study however they want to. They can afford going abroad for several years so they can improve in whatever languages we're studying ever since they're kids. They can afford going out once in a while and buy decent clothes and driving lessons. You're not talented, you're just a shitty spoiled brat who just won't admit it. At some point I was told that two people had their degree with a really good average grade, even though they got those grades abroad in a country where having these grades is so insanely easy it's basically like paying for having fun and being on vacations 4 years and being handed a diploma.
I'm also sick of people commenting on things about me. I can't cough a little without having friends saying "oh my god are ok? what's happening to you?" every single time. I naturally have a resting bitch face and for once I didn't lift my face to look less creepy and someone told me that I looked like I was depressed and angry at the same time. Why the fuck do you feel like bringing that up? I feel like I'm too polite with people when I see people acting like that sometimes. How do I really stop caring?
No. 117684
>>117670Anon, why the fuck are you still associating with those losers? You deserve much better than that. They're dragging you down and it's time to dump the excess baggage.
Hang in there, not long to go now! We believe in you.
No. 117809
>>117684>>117693I have nobody else who will work with me though. Everyone is always counting on their friends so I'm kind of the "mom" in my friend group. The ones I found the most reliable aren't with me anymore, one of them has to redo her third year and the other went to a different school. I'm also too polite to tell them to stop fooling around, I know they'll probably cry if I did that, but anyway, me being too polite is my fault. I remember when I was so sick I could get out of my room during the only week of holidays we had so far, I told my group I could do a lot of research for an assignment and I still managed to work more than them in the end because they were playing video games and sleeping all the time. I'm still salty. I'll try to avoid babysitting them from now on, I don't care if we get shitty grades because of that because I'm already fucked.
Speaking of which, I'm starting to wonder if one of them is kind of autistic these days. She's nice, usually at least, but she's so lazy and irresponsible. She skips classes all the time and wonder why she's missing info, she's copying me with no shame when I work hard to do my homework, she spends her time bragging that she didn't sleep all night to watch anime and roleplaying on some shitty mmorpg, and tells me all that like she's proud of it. She also try to act like an anime character most of the time, her reacting to things by literally jumping in surprise and posing while yelling "WAAAA" or "eeeeee", always trying to hug and touch me even though I told her I hate it regardless of who does that, she makes stupid comments like in my first post, etc. She's so lazy she never bother to go shopping even though she has only one pair of trousers that are torn and it has been 2 months. She's so embarrassing, how could I not notice that until now. She also complain about how she got really fat even though she goes to mcdonald at least 5 times a week. I'm a huge loser and even I can't relate to being that much of a failure and having no self-awareness.
wow this got incoherent really fast, sorry No. 117834
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I'm in a bad mood and can't find the "fashion treads you hate thread", so I'm posting this petty rant here. I cannot stand it anymore when college girls wear Vera Bradley bags. It screams "I have no personality/ I'm in nursing or orthodontist school." You're not in 10th grade anymore. Do you still plan on wearing leggings as pants when you're 40? North face jackets aren't any warmer than any old jacket. Also, has anyone else noticed that these types of girls usually seem to have very similar facial features?
No. 117852
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>>117834>>117836they do it here in bumfuck midwest towns too. Usually they just combine the two like pic related.
Camouflage is for function, not fashion jesus fucking christ.
No. 117865
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>ate too much fiber
>drank too much coffee
there is a war happening inside of me. pray for me, anons.
No. 117876
>>117834>>117834I've never seen a Vera Bradley bag, they're not popular in my country. Yet. Are they just nylon bags with childish prints on them? I hate most meme bags but at least Longchamp/Kate Hill etc bags don't look like diaper bags.
>Also, has anyone else noticed that these types of girls usually seem to have very similar facial features?Yes! There's always something off about their faces too, slightly dopey looking?
No. 117932
>>117908They're a bit stinky when you first get them until they get that 'I have a loving home now' smell. It's almost nutty-like?
I can't comfort you about the poop, but you could always get a self-cleaning litter box if you hate cleaning it that much?
No. 117933
>>117915Can you please explain why the science behind being a basic bitch? Like what is it that compels you to wear thin leggings in winter and claim that it keeps you warm?
You could dress classier. Just a suggestion.
No. 117937
>>117936Is his litter absorbent enough, or is he sticking his paws in his water bowl? Might want to get him another cat bed if you haven't already, mine stopped climbing on my bed once I got him a cat bed he deemed worthy of his royal ass.
I think if you give it some time you'll warm up to him. The piss and fur is gross at first but their charms make up for it.
No. 117942
>>117936Feet or toe beans? If it's the toe beans he might be sweating/having a fever/is stressed
If it's the feet, nvm, he might be overcleaning himself.
No. 117944
>>117908>>117937My cat still hops up on my bed even after he has TWO cat beds that he loves to sleep in. It's a great thing that he wants to lay next to OP and I wish my cat did more often. If his feet are wet, he's probably playing with the water bowl and dipping his paws in there.
Cats are so easy to take care of, OP, you'll be glad you got a loving companion. Just don't let him out if you don't want him to be dirty or bring in stuff.
>>117943>tfw u see 50 year old moms wearing PINK sweatshirts and black leggings No. 117947
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My birth control implant expired two months ago but my gyno's schedule was so full the next available appointment is in January. I told my bf we need to be careful until then so he's been pulling out or finishing in my mouth. I know it's not a good fail safe but I was hoping it'd be OK. Now I'm worried I might be pregnant. I had an abortion about 4 years ago and it emotionally devastated me. I don't know if I can handle another one but I don't want a child right now. Today I'm going get a pregnancy test and I'm really hoping that it'll be negative. I'm stressing the fuck out and still need to plan Thanksgiving for next week since we're hosting. Fuck all this.
No. 117948
>>117908>>117936My family pretty much runs a rescue so I live with a lot of cats and they aren't as bad as you think anon. He's probably playing in his waterbowl or if he has access to the shower, climbing in and drinking water if it's dripping from the faucet a little bit(some of mine do this).
If he's sneezing on everything he might have allergies or a minor cold. Some cats react to certain kitty litters. We changed what we used and the older cat we had is no longer sneezing and coughing all the time.
If he wants to lay with you and sleep in your bed that's probably a good thing. Cats normally change their favorite sleeping spot after a while or find other places to sleep in the house. Try another cat bed like the other anons have suggested or putting a blanket somewhere for them. Cats love warm places to sleep or sometimes just small spaces in general.
For the feet in mouth thing, that could mean a sign of affection, they want to play, be left alone(if your messing with him), or they want something.
Having a new animal is gonna be strange at first but you;ll adjust to it. I had a couple who smelled really bad when we first brought them in and now they smell way different. Just hang in there, it'll get better.
No. 117953
>>117947What about condoms? dumb fuck.
if youre so worried you shouldnt have had sex
hope you will be prepared for your next abortion xoxo
No. 117977
>>117947I kind of agree with
>>117953You should really know better. Condoms don't cost a lot and both you and your boyfriend know it's temporary until your next gyno visit, so I don't know why you'd take the risk.
If it was your bf making a stink about sex not feeling good with a condom, tell him it's either condom or no sex and remind him it's only until your implant is replaced.
No. 117982
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I don't have any social life, period. I hardly even speak to anyone at my job anymore.
At this point I don't really know what to do. It feels like it's more or less always been this way.
No. 118010
>>117976>He's nice and caring and all that other shit that makes him a quality husband.Is he really? If you've been feeling something was 'off' for a while, is he really caring? Does he really take your feelings into account when he's flirting with women behind your back?
How about your parents? Or a cat, or puppy?
No. 118043
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>>117982join my IRC skype discord and bc my gf
drop pics of your disgusting roastie first
(dont want some 30 year old goblin cmin in)
No. 118047
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>>118046giv me your pictures u fkin whore
No. 118050
>>118046My only friend is someone I met online almost ten years ago.
I hesitate to say "friend" because I think of friends as people you hang out with and such, but I guess if I think of other things that I personally think are integral to a friendship, they do fit the bill.
Additionally, the handful of times I really felt like I should an hero, them and my cat were the only reasons as to why I never would actually do it.
No. 118052
>>118010I know what you mean. But he is usually, he does everything he can to make me happy. Not exactly a hard task but still, he tries.
My parents are kind of shitty. They don't really know how to deal with negative situations, or other peoples feelings. But I've got two cats, love them to bits but it doesn't really replace a human.
>>118019Almost 4 years now.
I just don't get why men do this shit. You have someone who has only eyes for you, takes care of you, loves and supports you and yet, they seek fun elsewhere. As if I wasn't sexually available all the time. Is it an ego boost to them or something? Might be his "thing", considering it's always online.
No. 118053
>>118052Men are just dogs honey.
it's what we do. it's the way nature works. wise up and get out more. no dude is slamming some fugly half breed because she whines about how unfair her life is
No. 118058
>>118056I don't buy cats so…?
And I said they can't replace a person.
How am I running away from my problems? Who said I won't talk to him about it? It's 6am and he just left for work, nothing I can to atm.
No. 118074
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I don't think anyone can really help me with this, I'm not sure if anyone here could even relate to my emotions, and besides, I think this is more of something to see a therapist about. Anyway, I'm very dependent on my bf for happiness. I feel no self worth, I hate myself and feel insecure all the time. For a while, this didn't bother me. Yes, it sucked, but I could handle it, because my relationship with him felt strengthened this way. It's hard to explain. But lately I think it's getting out of hand, I have anxiety when he's not around, my paranoia of being left/being cheated on is at an all time high. It makes me feel so sick I can't function. My bf knows of my feelings but I try not to bring them up because I know it's not what people like to hear, extreme clinginess like this scares people off. I'm not sure what I wanted to say, I guess I just wanted to know if I'm a bad person for being this way. In a way, I'm almost using him to make me happy because I'm not happy by myself. I don't know. I've had so much to think about these feelings but I'm very confused. Sorry for ranting.
No. 118081
>>118074You might not want to hear this but it's something you should work on. I had the same problem early on in my relationship but with time I figured that it's somehow easier to deal with life if you accept your feelings and possible outcomes. Made me way less anxious.
I know it's a absolute shit feeling and you're not a bad person for wanting to be happy. If you can take up a hobby, like exercising/going to the gym, helped me a ton with selfesteem, takes your mind off of these things and it makes you happier.
Best of luck anon
No. 118082
My weight has been yo-yoing because I am addicted to cheese and wine. It doesn't make me feel bad about myself tho cuz I know I'll get back into shape eventually. But still
>>117947gIRL buy a plan B pill! Take it every time you have unprotected sex. Worth
No. 118090
>>118052Online cheating is cheating, period. I'll tell you, being a doormat and accepting it is only going to do worse. He's just not into you anymore and is playing the good bf role to make things quiet. I'm sorry you're going through this btw, I hate cheaters so much.
(Ignore the robots, just report)
No. 118093
>>117947Get your hands on the morning after pill, it can work up to like 3 days after unprotected sex.
also, use buy a damn box of condoms
No. 118107
>>118082It sounds like anon is having lots of unprotected sex though and plan B really shouldn't be used as regular contraception
Anon should stop being a fucknugget and use condoms
No. 118129
>>117933idk, you can't ask me. i usually wear winter leggings when it's cold. and also when it's not so cold. some girls go around in bare legs.
what is classy to you? give me some suggestions lmao.
No. 118130
I don't post often, so sorry if this is rambly but it would be nice to get this feel off.
>Have a friend who's very odd, let's call him Fish.
>From a young age wanted to be a girl, not in the transgender way (hard to explain)
>Autism to the max
>Weird as fuck
>Still care for him deeply, talked every day for years
>Never once judged him, was cruel or mean to him
>Stops talking to me out of the blue
>Yet still talks in the group chat
>I tend not to chase after people (burned a few times and now just have a hands off approach
>A mutual friend finds out Fish and I don't talk anymore (asked me to get ahold of fish, I told him he and I weren't talking anymore)
>He starts kinda freaking out saying that that isn't good, blah blah blah
>Asks me how it lead up to the not talking, I explain.
>The conversation leading up to the convo was me Fish to read a story I'd written that was for a prompt for a class. Friend says he'll read it but probably won't critique it
>I say fine, okay.
>He reads it, I asked for what he thought. He keeps saying no comment
>I didn't care, it was w/e jokingly ask "why did I even bother asking you"
>He says something along the lines "probably because you realized I'm a horrible person"
>I say yeah sure probably zzzz (zzz is our way of saying we're going to bed)
>Didn't think nothing of it, then he never responded except he read my message
>So friend hears how it lead up, immediately asks to read the story
>idk why but w/e
>Turns out my story (completely unrelated) may have somehow made fish think it was making fun of him???
>Just for info, the story was about an alien invasion that made the population sterile and the last human on earth was basically just stuck in a room while they waited for him to die and the main character was the caretaker alien who a rather hysterical character and was making fun of humanities addictions to things/weirdness
>Idk why would he think I was making fun of him
>Friend kept saying he wanted to try and fix things
>Conversations about the entire thing and friend saying maybe he was gonna ask Fish what happened
>A part of me was feeling hopeful maybe it would mean we'd somehow start talking again
>Friend randomly just stops responding in middle of conversation.
Welp. I miss my friend but the fact that he stopped responding and just ditched me hurts when I've been ditched by friends before.
He was someone I always thought I'd be friends with and close to.
Guess not.
No. 118131
>>118129Actual trousers?
yanks smh
No. 118190
>>118189Sounds like oneitus tbh. What's your reason for breaking up? What makes him so perfect even though you wantt to break up?
Just break up with him already
No. 118193
>>118189>I want to break up with my boyfriend but Im scared it will be a mistakeIm scared I will never find such a good boyfriend ever again
>I want to break up with my good boyfriendCan we get some context for this?
No. 118195
>>118190>>118193Well i go through a lot of antics and he always supports me even if im hurting him.
Also when I ask him to stop doing something because it upsets me he stops.
Other than that? Not sure. Maybe because we re both kind of neets…. Okay maybe he isnt perfect afterall but i dont know. We talk ALL the time and i feel like im "addicted" to him. Nothing makes me as happy as talking to him. Thats why its hard for me to break up with him for good, I always manage to come back because I start to feel empty.
No. 118270
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I just slept with a man for $500
I don't know how my life got to this point, how I sunk low enough to literally whore myself out
No. 118272
>>118270If it really makes you feel bad then turn your life around, it will be a funny secret to you when your life is on track, sex work of some kind is hardly that rare.
Easier said than done but all sorts of people have done things that they aren't proud of, it's what you keep doing next that matters.
No. 118274
>>118272I'm trying anon, I'm trying.
I went home and vomited.
I'm in college so I am part of the work study program so I make a little money there (minimum wage lol) and I have a seasonal job lined up for winter break.
My parents said to do whatever it takes to get the money for college but I've gone too far
No. 118278
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I'm sick and tired of my two basic bitch friends
I went over to one of their houses last night and while one of them is nicer to me and poking fun at me less because she's someone I've known for many years, the other one is commenting and joking all the time about how slow I am and about my appearance. Feels like shit since I can't clap back at her most of the time, but then every time she does that she attempts to give me affection by giving a kind of backhanded compliment or a small compliment
>"Anon you have such a nice body wtf"
>previously commented on how I have saggy boobs and "no ass"
>"Anon ur my spirit animal lol"
Then she always self depricates herself to make it equal but it still fucking feels like I'm the punching bag since whenever she pulls the other friend's leg it feels less mean spirited and the other friend has comebacks for her
And then they go on and on talking about the most petty insignificant shit, ie. how jealous they are of an IG model's body or how this and that IG girl is so ugly or how annoying she is, etc. It feels like the only way to stay relevant and aware w/ these girls is to be as judgmental as they are. Meanwhile I feel like I'm slowly growing out of my judgmental attitude towards people I don't care about (that's why I've been using lolcow less and less lol). I might just be oevrly sensitive but it pisses me off because this kind of thing happens everytime I'm with them, at least to varying degrees
I'm fucking done with their shit
No. 118287
>>118270If it's upsetting you that much, then the $500 wasn't worth it.
Plus if you're trying to save up for education before going, you'll be at it for years. It's better to just get the loan, go into something that has decent pay range and benefits, and then pay it off.
Also, it's not like working thousands of hours at dead end jobs is anyones' dream - but our whole society runs on it, and we pay them the worst. Feeling bad about how you make money is almost universal, either because of how it's done or the fact that you make jack shit for what you're doing.
Hang in there, it's not the worst thing to do but it's clearly upset you, so it's a 'never again'.
>>118278I don't get this mentality of horrendously insulting someone as a point of affection.Took me years to get used to it when I moved from a small town to the city - apparently looking at someone, giving them the up and down stare, and saying "GOD I fucking HATE you" is supposed to be taken as a "i'm jealous of your body, you look great, I hope you're doing well". Wtf? No, you just said you hated me, it's not a fucking ambiguous statement.
No. 118296
>>118270Divide that $500 by how many hours you spent with him then laugh the hourly rates of the other jobs you can possibly get.
Why do you feel bad? Getting abused by entitled old people in a retail job is more honorable than having sex for money? At least you can have some fun with this.
No. 118361
>>118270This is something I've been considering doing since before I turned 18. It's more common than you're probably thinking. No reason to feel bad.
Bright side, that's a pretty good price.
No. 118403
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I don't care about e-fame for my art but when shitty tumblr mspaint.jpg gargbage gets 3000 notes and you can barely get 1 like it gets so discouraging to post your stuff online. It feels like "hey, your art is worse than this 11 year old without any art or color knowledge that spent 3 minutes in paint with her mouse" and it fucking kills me inside how i cannot stop thinking that, eventhough i know most of the reblogs are one of those tumblr circlejerks, i still unconciously think my art must be somehow worse than them and beat myself over it.
I like to browse by new and i see some incredible art pieces with like 3 notes and garbage with 5000+, and it makes me think wether i am trying too hard for my digital art and makes me want to drop it altoghether and stick to traditional. It really kills my confidence everytime i browse tumblr or post my drawings on there. It also makes me salty seeing really good pieces be buried under garbage just cause they made the skin darker or whatever point they wanna get that day.
I wish i could stop comparing myself to tumblr """artists""" just cause they get all the love and notes and just be confident in my skills, but the constant 0/1~2 notes really kill my confidence.
No. 118407
>>118403Anon, tumblr is all hype and 0 substance.
I saw a picture of a shitty japanese IBM keyboard with a pink filter on it get 12000+ notes. It was literally taken with a potato even.
No. 118413
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>>118403I feel you anon, but its basically this
>>118407Nowadays, even if you're skill isn't that great, if you draw fanart your almost guaranteed some followers/notes
No. 118428
>>118403Tumblr isn't a great place to really show off serious works. It's too niche and only gets notes if it fits aesthetics- I tried this myself and made art that I thought the community would really like and gained a lot of followers. But it was shit art and not really serious. I also have an art blog with a lot of beautiful and insane pieces, but hardly anyone wants to reblog or like it.
Famous artists such as Marco mazzoni have tumblrs but have nowhere near the amount of followers or likes, like typical Tumblr trash. If you want to gain followers, make art that caters to sjws, edgy or fanarts that are simple enough to reblog or fit a certain aesthetic, and maybe you can gain followers that way until you show your better, true works.
No. 118436
>>118334Trust me he is not worth it. Reminds me of my ex, every time I would try to discuss and compromise stuff, he would make me feel like shit and only his view of the world mattered (not to mention he would get so fucking offended like he is the biggest victim in this world).
After finding a really great therapist, I came to a conclusion that I tend to put everyone else's value above mine, basically having a really shitty self esteem (which stems from my childhood).
After I started working on it, I realized that a relationship should be 50-50. If you are telling him that you are not happy about some things and want to compromise, he should discuss it with you and not act like only his view matters.
I know it hurts especially after a break-up, but you are better without him.
No. 118527
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>>110695Why are your parents against you dating non-jews?
I've heard that jews marry with other jews because jews are like separated souls who complete themselves within marriage and they are the chosen people and should remain together.
Also, you can only be a jew if you are born from a jewish mother and it doesn't matter if you follow the religion or not, you are a still a jew etc…
I assume that even if your boyfriend convert to judaism, isn't the same thing right? I assume this is the main problem, because he needs to be born from jewish parents(?).
Is that true? What do your parents say about it?
No. 118539
>>118521He sounds like a useless man-baby.
If he doesn't respond to encouragement idk if there's much you can do anon. He may end up staying a mooch.
No. 118545
I've been on it for 7/8 years now and you HAVE to taper it off.
The brain zaps are enough to make anyone suicidal after 48 hours and suddenly quitting it tends to lead to extreme emotional lability and irritability. It sucks but taper off under doctors supervision before you fuck your serotonin and noradrenaline levels up
No. 118550
>>118131How can anyone possibly get this upset over the fact that some girls like to not wear slacks like a bunch of fifty year olds or jeans every day?
How do leggings upset people this much? Was there an accident where someone you loved was strangled by a pair? Did you lose your legs in a crash with a truck carrying leggings? Trip over a pair escaping a house fire and you got horrifically burned?
Because there is no other reason to care about people wearing leggings unless they're a disgusting fatty.
No. 118551
>>118549If you absolutely have to quit the Effexor, try sleeping as much as you can. avoid bright lights and loud sounds, eating pasta inexplicably helped with the jittery feelings I got when I couldn't get my dose for a couple days.
Today and tomorrow are the worst days for the zaps. You've only got 48 hours of it left and then you'll never have to feel one again. Half of that time is sleepy-time anyway. You can do this anon.
Do you have a plan or a rx in case you get rebound anxiety?
No. 118556
>>118555So…all three leggings-related accidents then. I'm sorry stretchy pants have hurt you so much anon.
Slacks are ugly, work pants are ugly, all flared and bootcut pants are ugly, capris are ugly, why not wear something that looks the same as black skinny jeans but also 10x as comfortable and flexible?
No. 118557
>>118552That's pretty fucked. The job market is appalling pretty much everywhere at the moment. It's hard enough to get a position pouring coffee for assholes with multiple qualifications so doing it with withdrawals from Effexor sounds like hell.
Please try to be safe ok?
No. 118558
My boyfriend keeps casually referencing us getting a house and getting married and having kids in the future. When I started dating him, he was an antinatalist who was vehemently opposed to the idea of marriage in the modern world. I still agree with the latter part of that, but it seems he's done a complete 180. He's always been into population genetics but when he discussed it in terms of 'his progeny' I at first assumed that he was speaking with himself as an example, but I realised recently that he actually fucking does want to have children, specifically have children with me.
The thought of having children is abhorrent to me on every possible level. I am against the creation of new life and genuinely believe that the world is on the brink of collapse, and I would want that process to be accelerated if anything. Let's say I have a kid anyway – I don't think there's any way to rear a kid properly in this world now that parents have no authority over their children and indoctrination into progressive bullshit is at peak levels. There's no way to absolutely ensure your kid isn't going to be a pansexual bipolar tranny. There's no telling how the genes that my boyfriend and I have could respond to the kind of shit that's going on. That 'gambling' with a new life makes it not a good investment and dubious on a moral level, and I'm not even a moral person, I'm a sociopathic narcissist and even that is crossing the line to me. I am paralysed with this sensation of just utter repulsion at the idea of bringing a child into this world. I would much prefer that all conscious life be wiped from the face of the Earth and that is what I hope for the most. I also cannot stand the thought of actually being pregnant. Having another person living inside of you and rearranging your body is absolutely horrific to the point I've been having nightmares about it lately. Getting fat, stretch marks, ruined vagina, all the hormonal changes that completely fuck with who you are as a person. And the idea of actually spending my life tending to a fucking baby and then a kid that I might not even like makes me want to kill myself. I hate being around kids and I know I would not raise them well. The thought of having a baby touch me makes me want to take a hot shower and also carve all the skin off my arms to cleanse it of the filth. I would want to die being stuck in a suburban house having to try to coo to a child. Even typing this is quite literally making my face curl up with disgust.
I don't know what the fuck to do. We had a drunken argument about it one night where he quite literally said –
'You're going to end up staying at home and taking care of my children,' and then –
'That you have any hesitation towards having kids with me is a major red flag, if you don't want to have my kids then you can fuck off and I can get another girl who will.'
That's the thing, a lot of times to him I'm just 'a woman,' therefore inferior, and being an insecure narcissist, having someone undermine my superiority / intelligence / right-ness / etc. sends me into this absolute fury that I have to keep in check unless I want to get into a ridiculous argument with my boyfriend like the one I typed above where we both get progressively angrier and say the shit that we think will inflame the other person the most while still being truthful on a deeper level
Wew lad this is quite the rant about a lot of different topics. What do, /b/?
No. 118561
>>118556It doesn't look the same as black skinny jeans though? Like at all. Face it, you're wearing tights without trousers and are bitter that someone called you out on it.
It must feel terrible not having even a smidgen of fashion sense.
No. 118562
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>>118555You realize fashion magazines are useless to the everyday person, right? And most clothes in them look ridiculous. Anyway, who can afford that shit? Just so you know, my image is what shows up when you Google "2016 fashion trends pants". I'd rather wear leggings than pants that look like someone's grandmother sewed them out of curtains.
Also….leggings are "trendy" considering it's something loads and loads of people wear. You sound like the 12 year old throwing insults over something that almost everyone wears. More importantly, why do you give so much of a shit?
No. 118566
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>>118564So all of these ugly, trendy pants are Vogue? Lol
No. 118568
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>>118566>trying to justify your shitty fashion choices this hardNo, those are runway models honey.
I also like how you latched onto fashion magazines without even addressing popular online stores that offer millions of different styles of trousers.
Here, literally from Mango's front page.
Americans, I s2g.
No. 118572
>>118568Not that anon, but holy shit, what is wrong with people like you? A pair of leggings and a nice jacket in winter is just the socially acceptable 'comfy' outfit. I don't want to put on layers of trendy clothing when I run out to the grocery store or study in a café or hang around the house with my partner, I just want some warm shit covering my body that I don't have to fuss with.
If you're practising basic personal care and are already thin and attractive, you will always look fine unless you dress like a bum or a clown. It's not high fashion, it's just the minimum acceptable standard. The only real problem is that most people are neither thin nor attractive.
That being said, I vastly prefer just wearing cuffed jeans, Dr. Martens, and a turtleneck, but my last pair of jeans just broke and I can't find a single pair of jeans that are actually made out of fucking cotton instead of some stretchy hell-fibre. That's my real 'vent' here – I just want a pair of slim fitted jeans that isn't skin tight, stretchy, boot cut, or made for fat people, and I have been to literally dozens of stores and came up with nothing, and so I am stuck in eternal legging hell.
No. 118574
>latched onto fashion magazines, not online stores
>literally used the internet to show you you're retardedOkay, sweetheart. Those pants look like they're from the children's pajama section and if you think "acceptable" fashion is snakeskin shoes with dippin' dots pants, you have more problems than just your overreaction to leggings.
And, again, the average person. Why the fuck would anyone pay over 30$ for a pair of ugly pants like that when leggings are comfortable, cheap, and warm? You make no sense.
Moreover, what about the high end brands that sell leggings? Lululemon. Mango sells them, too. Fucking
YSL sells leggings. They're fashionable and you're just unnecessarily angry about them.
No. 118575
>>118568Those are some really ugly pants. I'd rather die than wear them at home let alone the office lol.
>>118561Leggings only look like tights of filthy chubs. Seeing as they're cotton not nylon they're not tights and have no sheerness to them.
The only difference is pockets and a fly and they sit smoother than jeans ever could.
Enjoy your fashion high horse anon. I'll be here in my leggings, looking good, still laughing at your palazzo pants and 'sense of style'
>>118564why would I waste money on fashion magazines like a retard? I'd rather watch a few good designer shows than have to trawl through something like vogue. That shit reads like an autistic 18 year old girl vomited pictures of titties, tacky heeled sandals, and bitches more basic than Cara Delevigne. I'll buy myself another pair of leggings instead thanks.
No. 118577
>>118561Why are you so offended about me not wearing ugly nana pants?
My god anon go rub yourself all over your millions of pairs of slacks and tell yourself it's okay, you're still superior to those stretchy-pants bitches. Nobody is taking away all the palazzo trousers and polka-dotted flood pants away from you, they are all still there just waiting for a high-fashion conessiuer like yourself. Go to your wardrobe, see..all still there in the polyester cocoon of style you have woven to protect yourself from tasteless normies.
please stop crying about how most people don't have the same bad taste as you.
No. 118581
>>118436>>118376Thanks to you both. It's probably due to my low self-esteem, I feel like I was the one who didn't do enough but I know it's not true at all. Someone who's not mature enough to compromise a little for a relationship that was supposed to be serious one is not a suitable partner.
I'm trying my best now to keep thinking positive and my friends are helping so I guess it's not that bad. I might get some help from my old therapist, I'm still reflecting on it.
No. 118587
>>118586Because only idiots would wear skirts working with children or in a gym like the two of us who wear leggings to work.
Plus I haven't wanted to be kawaii since I was 9.
No. 118588
>>118587oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were working 24/7, how annoying
>wearing leggings in a gymno one has a problem with this
No. 118592
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>>118588I can't even imagine how upset about this you are. The Dead Sea is starting to think you're getting a little too salty.
There's like, wars happening. Chill the fuck out about my pants okay?
No. 118593
>>118586(Different anon) Skirts are kind of annoying to wear because you have to worry about how you sit, bend, move, etc. And then in winter you'd have to double layer with stockings or something and you know, that just sounds like a lot of fucking work.
They're fine in summer but they're not an every day/season thing, imo. Different strokes, though.
No. 118595
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>>118592what? How am I being salty? You must have me confused with other anon, I made two posts
>>118586 and
>>118588>>118593well you could just wear thermal stockings or leggins under them. That would take care of the problem most people have with wearing leggings as pants. or longs skirts but they're not always handy.
I wear them every day but i can understand they're not always the best option
>that just sounds like a lot of fucking work. or you could just pull a garbage bag over yourself if you care that little about how you look
I'm sorry but there are way better excuses than that one.
No. 118607
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>leggings discourse
No. 118624
>>118620Congrats on the job! Do you have any of the last packet left? Maybe taking one every second day to start with would be easier.
Generally, doctors recommend taking half the time you were treated with venlafaxine to withdraw you from it.
No. 118636
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My boyfriend has a 2 1/2 year old son that he is currently perusing primary custody of. Right now in mediation they agreed to a temporary 50/50 agreement and he is with us for a week and goes with his mom for a week. I love my boyfriend and his son very much, and i genuinely like having his son with us at home, but having to deal with his mother is making me fucking insane. She has not had him for a single weekend since the temporary agreement, when it's supposed to be 7 and 7 Friday to friday. She asks us to keep him for her every single weekend. That means she has him 4 or 5 days max and we get him back. She's always late picking him up, and there have been several occasions where she says she's going to come get him and then never shows up or responds to calls or texts. My complaint is not that he's at home with us, but that she has me waiting around for her all day long when she says she's going to get him. She isn't just inconsiderate, she purposely does this when she knows that I am the one at home with him out of spite. She has lied on several occasions and asked us to keep him for her late so she could work, and then hits the local bars (small town, word gets out, she's very well known. yes I'm saying she's a whore.) and never shows up. Last time she had me waiting for her to get off at 3pm on her sunday, and then suddenly had to pick up another shift (her place of employment is closed at 3 on sundays..she doesn't even bother trying to come up with good lies) and would get him at 9, then she never showed up. She got him the next day at 9pm after letting it slip that she would be back in town at that time. Bitch purposely had be waiting for her to come get him and went out of town instead.
No only is having to deal with her shit frustrating as fuck, but the instability of his custody schedule wreaks havoc on the little boy. When he comes back home after the few days he is with her he's bad and it takes him almost a day to get back to his normal self. He is severely behind on his communication milestones. He has a set routine with a breakfast time lunch time dinner time bath time and bed time story at our house, and she has said that she has nothing to talk about with him while she has him. So there you have it, mom can't be bothered to pay attention to her son and try to help his development because she has nothing to say to him. I'm sure she sits him in front of the tv so she can take selfies and browse tumblr. He has been showing signs of a mild health issue lately, and trying to be a mature person, I texted her asking if she'd gotten any advice from his dr on how to help him with it but she can't be bothered to reply or care about her child when it's not her specified week with him. Before halloween I texted her and asked if she would like me to buy his costume (because she's always complaining of how broke she is and needs child support and can't keep her utilities on at the house of her family member that she lives with) and was met with a bitchy "halloween is during my week I'm getting him a costume" and then the day before halloween she texted asking if I'd gotten him that costume. No bitch, you told me not to. Even though mondays are her day off and halloween fell on a Monday this year, she last minute said she didn't have plans with him and we could keep him, so I had to scramble for a last minute costume and took him trick or treating. She couldn't even be bothered ON HER DAY OFF to spend time taking her child on a walk to get FREE CANDY.
I guess my main frustration is that I do everything for him, I love him like he is mine, I make sure he has everything he needs and that he's happy and I take care to be considerate of her and not stepping on toes (ie asking her about how to handle his mild health condition even when I have my own ideas about what to do for it) but THIS is who his mother is. Someone who basically only cares for him when it's convenient and uses him as a pawn to be petty. Growing up, my parents were very much absent and i didn't get treated like I mattered to them very much, and I've always made it a goal to not ever let my own children feel that way growing up. You're only a child once. But he's going to get bigger and start to understand things, and either he will love me and his dad and hate her (unlikely, she's his only mother) or he will hate his father and me because she will groom him to. Being a step parent is not fucking easy. But it is super rewarding and i love my family.
No. 118659
>>118642They are going through the courts for custody, but after the first hearing they had a mediation with their lawyers to try and settle without a judge. Her lawyer instructed her to not speak a single word, which was smart as fuck because shes literally incapable of not telling blatant lies, I'm sure her lawyer picked up on that and that's why. Because my boyfriend is very serious about wanting his son, and she refused to talk which was irritating to him, he kind of lost his cool and started basically throwing all of her bullshit out there in anger which just looked bad on his part. They refused anything less than 50/50 for 3 months, then were to meet back and see whether it will be a permanent fix or not.
He was with her for a very long time, so he knows for a fact how she is. He has told me stories about her that blow my mind, at one point he told her he couldn't be with her because she couldn't NOT lie about everything so she admitted that she had a compulsive lying problem and started going to therapy for it so he'd stay with her.
I keep very detailed notes on a calander and update it as the things happen so it's very accurate. This was actually a recommendation from his lawyer. I'm doing it for him now because he was keeping one before their first court date and it wasn't very clear and concise - around the time that the baby came home with a handprint on his face my boyfriend actually only wrote FUCK THAT FUCKING BITCH across the week with black sharpie scribbles for the rest of the month (there wasn't a set custody agreement-so we weren't quite comfortable sending him back to her and we just kept him for a while after that. She didn't even try to argue it because she was scared of cps getting involved.) We're hoping the calandar and just her personal circumstances will be enough for the judge to consider giving him to the dad primarily. As you can tell, my boyfriend is very serious about all of this. He gets emotional and frustrated sometimes but I think it's attractive that he gives that much of a fuck about his kid
No. 118661
I think one day I'll snap and kill my brother, or kill myself.
I cannot take living with mentally ill brother, even if I were to move out, I cannot let go, I worry for his safety, and for the safety for everyone around me. I've intervened him attempted to kill my mum twice simply because she coughed. I've had cops come to my school/work because he attacked a stranger meddling his feelings. When he starts whispering his delusions to himself, they slowly get to me. I cannot stand it when people whisper now, it drives me insane. I don't know what to do. I've been seeking help, but all my problems are just related to him. Without his existence, I wouldn't have such a hard time. I want to kill him just so I can free us both from our misery. I also want don't want to die, so I just rather kill myself. It's so hard to live with, I would NEVER ever wish this on my enemy, never.
I just want to be saved
No. 118664
>>118662Verbally and physically
He has bipolar, schizophrenia & paranoia among other things. He abuses my mum a lot more because she doesn't suppress her coughs. I'd sometimes hear him say how much he used to hate me, but now doesn't (because I've learned to held it in)
I'm so tired of, I don't get sleep, and I wake up having night terrrors. I can't even go out and cough, or be out in another city and hear someone cough without being paranoid.
Sorry, I want to go more, but I get afraid he'll find a way to know that I'm talking about him.
No. 118672
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I really want to tell my best friend that her art is shit and if she wants to make it any kind of art related industry she needs to get her shit together and improve. Her art has looked the same since jr high (weird weeby chibi anatomy),she hasn't improved very much, it's really devastating but I can't bring myself to say anything because she's really sensitive and will take it the wrong way
No. 118683
>>118680Remember, no matter how good you think someone is at something, there's always some Chinese six year old who's better.
Focus on yourself and your progress.
No. 118693
>>118558You sound like an edgy retard who had an edgy retard boyfriend who grew out of it.
It's fine to not want kids, but the reason you gave are fucking stupid, and the way you word is as well as calling yourself a sociopath says you're clearly not mature enough to handle them anyway.
If you don't want kids and he does, and you're going to be a melodramatic tard about it, he has every right to break it off with you, you're not compatible.
Also, quit it with the "I'm a narcissist" shit, a narcissist isn't going to admit it to people randomly online, the same as a delusional person doesn't know they're delusional, a narcissist doesn't know they're narcissistic. You're just insecure.
No. 118694
>>118683This is very true.
Though I should add for music, the most important thing you can do is try to write your own stuff while you learn theory. Those kids who know all of that theory tend to write very formulaic stuff, they're just following the rules set out by their textbooks and teachers.
As opposed to the amount of musicians who know pretty much just the basics of theory (what scales are, what notes are and how to tell what key you're in) and write incredible stuff, because they've practiced that ability more.
Same goes for technique, there's an insane amount of youtube shredders who can't play happy birthday without going off and learning a tab, and can't really write anything that doesn't sound like them just jerking off over their own ability. There's people like this for every instrument of course, they're just most obvious.
The most important thing is always to be writing bits as you go. Not whole songs, but finding out cool noises, cool runs or melodies and trying to put them together.
No. 118703
>>118558Are you like, 19 or something? You guys aren't compatible. There's nothing wrong with not having kids and this is a major issue, not one to compromise on. Both of you sound like annoying egoist children. Go be with different people.
>>118693They both sound really edgy and immature. They both sound like alt-right idiots that met on /pol/.
No. 118707
>>118558You're a dumbass who doesn't deserve a mate. Don't procreate and leave him alone so you can stop wasting each others time.
No. 118742
>>118703>They both sound really edgy and immature. They both sound like alt-right idiots that met on /pol/.They do, but he sounds like he's starting to move out of that and getting sick of her at least, which sounds like a step in the right direction for him.
I can't imagine her being above 18 though honestly, I've never met a person who kept up that "I'm an edgy psycho and here are my fucking ridiculous reasons to make every life decision" past that age.
>>118710Production is even better, most people don't start that until they're adults, so you're not really behind at all.
Though in my opinion, it's worth picking up a cheap keyboard to play on while you learn, so you get an understanding of how to make music. It's hard to make music sound good if you don't know how it's made, you know?
Good luck though, and remember to stick with it, everyone sucks for their first year, and you'll think you still are absolute crap for a few more after that as well(though you likely won't be, it's more a personal thing).
No. 118848
I have a small thanksgiving rant.
First off, yesterday I found out my 5 year old niece still doesn't wipe her own butt. Her parents really seem to just enable her bratty behavior. Her hair is so long it touches her butt, and my sister flips out about that when it comes to wiping, but dare to mention ~trimming~ her hair, they all flip out about that too.
Second, I worked during a Black Friday sale. I worked/hid it the stockroom so I could avoid customers at all costs. Thankfully only one weirdish thing happened. I was in the store taking women's slippers that needed to be restocked from a cart. I said hello to this old guy who was walking past me, and he turns back around, stands an uncomfortably close few inches away from me, says "you're doing a very good job" as he starts going through the slippers. Nope, nope. That's not going to happen. I told him if he's looking for slippers, the section is right in front of him. He responds "oh, for my daughter?" and just gets up and leaves.
Third, it pisses me off so much the amount of people who had their children out shopping at 1 in the morning. I mean like SMALL CHILDREN AND BABIES. Are you that selfish that you need to go shopping at 10, 11 pm, 12, 1? in the morning, with your toddler in tow?
No. 118853
>>118850>>118851My parents gave me a terrible 'ethnic' name (they were
so close to naming me Lana, which is a gorgeous name, but my retarded fucking republican of a father decided to give me an old lady name that nobody outside of my country can pronounce). I changed it when I turned 18 because I couldn't stand it and everyone kept trying to convince me that I'll 'grow to love it'. I still don't, and I couldn't be happier about the decision.
If there's one piece of advice I can give you it's that you should go with a classic, generic name. My name is now Anna and I couldn't be happier - it's pretty, everyone can spell it, everyone can pronounce it, no matter where I go I'm 100% certain I'll fit in. If I ever get married to some foreigner or another and take his surname it'll sound native no matter where he's from.
Parents are seriously setting their kids up for failure when they try to give them YooNeeq names.
No. 118861
>>118859how is that even pronounced?
No. 118870
>>118558I think the other replies to you are unnecessarily mean. Regardless of your reasons, you've made the point that you don't want a child and that's all that should matter.
If you've explained your ideals and fears to your boyfriend and he still doesn't show any respect towards you, it's NEVER going to work. If you're arguing about this now, you'll be arguing about it for the rest of your lives.
The fact that he expects you to do something that terrifies you and doesn't want to get up off his own ass to help (he clearly expects you to be the primary caregiver) is repulsive. At the end of the day he risks absolutely nothing impregnating you while you risk physical, emotional, mental and even a lifestyle change, nobody is allowed to tell you whether you should or shouldn't do that. That's your choice.
He just sees you as an incubator. He sounds kind of like Onision. Get out of there asap.
No. 119295
>>118850This is a late reply but I have a really uncommon name too. It takes forever for people to learn and say it right. It's Yiddish or something and to this day I don't know why my parents ever thought it was a good idea. I just have a general nickname I go by for day to day encounters to save me some trouble.
Your name can't be nearly as bad as some of the names of kids I knew back in high school. Kids had names like "Shaniquah" (I wish I was joking) and I think there were a few named after booze. It'll probably take a while to find a good name you like but at least you likely won't name yourself after booze or make something up just because it sounds like it's from (insert country here). You can always go by a nickname you like until you find a name that suits you.
No. 119428
>>119424, might want to see another doc for a second opinion.
No. 119448
>>119431I'm not
>>119429 but I was on Obamacare briefly and it was such a shitshow. It didn't cover hardly anything so we had some hefty bills when someone in my family needed medical care(thanks Obama).
>>119429Just keep trying anon. If you're on Obamacare that's all you can do. Try finding a low-income doc or something to get opinions. Some towns have clinics that are pretty flexible so don't give up yet. Surely there has to be one in your town or something.
No. 119456
>>118853A girl I know named her daughter Alexis.
Thing is, we're in Italy, so with her husband's last name it sounds horrible and doesn't fit at all. This happens often, when latin language-speaking folks watch too much American/UK tv shows
No. 119476
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Some girls in my hall said that everyone is sorting out their student houses for next year already even though it's not even Christmas. Everyone has already divided up into groups and I have no-one to live with. It's too late to make more friends now that everyone has settled into their friendship groups and I really don't want to live on my own like a loser with no friends while everyone else teams up since that seems like a great way to feel like absolute shit about myself all the time.
At this rate I'll probably end up living in a cardboard box in one of the 24 hour library computer rooms and being the token campus hobo lol
No. 119532
>>119431yeah, the healthcare is fucked up.
Probably one of the worst things a psych told me was that Obamacare didn't even cover the thousands of dollars it took for me to remain inpatient in a facility for a couple days. It was the place itself paying out of pocket to keep me alive. It made me feel so small, insignificant and also guilty because I had been hospitalized numerous times.
Yes, the government is essentially telling you to go die in my opinion.
>>119448at least I'm not the only one this has negatively effected. I can get an eye exam but oh no, no glasses for you. Obviously not important for every day living like a job or driving.
>>119455thanks for the suggestion, haven't tried this one.
No. 119561
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>>119455Seconding the Lexapro, and go with the offbrand name 'Escitalopram' since it's way cheaper. I pay ~$10 for a month and a half's supply.
I have a petty vent but holy shit I fucking hate the laundry facility at my apartment complex. Thankfully my mom is buying me a washer/dryer for Christmas and I want to cry.
The laundry facility at my old college apartment complex looks like heaven compared to this one.
TL;DR I live in a complex with a bunch of fresh people from India and they have no conception of hygiene or throwing away trash. I always have to check the washer and dryer basins for left-behind panties and bras. One time I foolishly let my bf do my laundry, and since he's lazy he just threw all the clothes in before checking. I went to fold my clothes and found toddler underpants. YUCK.
And I have to clean out long strands of dark hair and lint because they don't clean the filters when they're done with dryers. I pay a ridiculous fee to use their top loaders, and it barely does shit to abrade my clothes clean. I feel like I'm paying to have my clothes swilled around in soapy dirt water for 30 minutes (less time than this considering it takes ~3 minutes for the machine's basin to fill). I can't even adjust the washing times, if I want more time I have to repay for the same shitty less-than-30 minute cycle. Meaning I have to trudge back and forth from my apartment to the facility.
I do my laundry late at night so I don't bump into the people, or get there to find they've all left their clothes in the washers and don't retrieve them for hours. The last time I went during the day a man entered to collect his clothes and I shit you all not when I say he REEKED of piss and feces.
Last night I desperately tried to clean my white comforter, it needed a wash and my bf having rolled in it for months discolored it. I blasted the basin with Oxyclean, and went back to wash the thing twice, and all the machine did was swirl at the base. The top was barely touched and the fabric softener was still present. And because the basin was so tiny it messed up the inner lining of the comforter, essentially ruining the blasted thing. It wasn't clean at all.
I'm just so frustrated. The fact that I can't clean my own clothes with ease just makes me want to find a stone next to a river and start whacking my clothes at its banks, since I feel so third world with this bullshit.
No. 119566
I fucking hate my ex girlfriend.
She's literally such a cow. As in, she's morbidly obese because of how much shit she eats. At first, she lied and said it was because of some weird disease that made you gain weight. She plastered Facebook and Instagram with,"finally found out the cause to my being overweight ♥️ goin vegan for health n moral reasons" and when she got called out, she whined about "skinny ppl invalidating me as a fat young woman who has to shave her fucking face everyday" A few weeks ago, she admitted to having a binge eating disorder which is way more fucking believable. She's a loser, too. She's been homeschooled since birth and basically has no real life interaction except social media and her online friends who eventually grew up and are leading productive, social lives. She constantly complains about how no one wants to hang out with her and how poor she is, despite living in one of the most expensive states in a rich city. She owns brand name makeup and pays for an airplane ticket every 2-3 months to travel. When we were in a relationship, she talked shit about every online friend she had. It's hilarious seeing her make little appreciation posts about them while knowing the truth about how she really feels about her so-called "loved ones." She's a major fucking SJW as well, going on and on about "muh fat oppression." We were on okay terms before I told her that wasn't actually a thing before she promptly blocked me on social media. Thinks Trump is going to kill all poor people/non whites/trannies/Muslims/etc. Only redeeming quality is that she has a lovely voice that I could get off to. Okay tits for a landwhale. Besides sex, she really has nothing to offer.
I'm way happier with my current girlfriend who's honest with who she is and we can disagree politically but still love each other. Currently, ex girlfriend isn't allowed to see her new boyfriend (who hates my guts for daring to speak over his oppressed minority gf). Funny how that works out.
No. 119574
Feeling like I'm getting quite suicidal
>have agoraphobia for a few years
>moved into new house last year
>went retard and quit medication because felt like it wasn't working, been on various ones for about 8 year.
>landlord today said have to move out in 40 days and said there is no reason
>while living here lost 3 cats, did a lot to try to find them. Posters, went to every neighbor, called every possible place they could be, been unstable since they have been gone. Even with no income tried offering 300-500$ for them to be found. Now that I'm moving realizing I'll never see them again no matter what I try.
>can't seem to take care of myself, hygiene, mentally, financially, can't even go to the doctor.
I thought having a bg might be kind of helpful til I realize how shitty a gf I am.
> dating 7 months a couple days ago
>still haven't had sex, no sex drive, plus it gives me panic attacks to attempt
>still can't say olive him even though he's said it to me
>will be a shit person if I break up
>will be a shit person if I leave
>will be a really shit person if I kill myself
Sometimes I wish I'd just die randomly, get hit by a car, die in my sleep.
Anything to just put me down.
Me killing myself is selfish
Me being alive is selfish
The fuck do I do?
I can't even cry, I just try to numb myself so I don't have panic attacks and I don't hide it very well on the outside to everyone around me. Inside I feel overwhelmed though. I suspect my family will just get tired of it and send me off to some ward.
No. 119575
>>119574Anon I'm so sorry about your cats and your flat, I hope that your cats have just gone off for hedonistic travels in that way they do. You've done what you can. Is there anyone in your family you are close enough to talk to? There's nothing wrong with needed support when things go bad.
As for your bf, it's not your responsibility to serve up love and sex on tap. If he loves you for real he won't care about waiting for those things, and it's understandable that you've got too much on your plate right now to focus on the relationship. If you don't want to be with him though, that's also your call and you shouldn't feel guilty for being honest with him.
No. 119596
>>119578I was under my family's plan at the time cause I'm a broke uni student so maybe they got a shit plan or misunderstood whatever policy they got, I don't know. I guess it varies from person to person or family and their needs but so far my family hasn't had the best luck with it. Some people just get slammed with something unexpected that their insurance just happens to not cover. I know we're trying a different policy so maybe better luck next time I guess.
I can agree on the private insurance. My family got it through my dad's old job when I was in middle school and yikes that shit was awful.
>>119595Have you tried doing the grocery shopping yourself? Just offer to go buy things and shop around so you can get different foods to cook and eat. Is this person always like this or did it just start in the last month or two? Try talking to her and if nothing works the best advice I can offer at the moment is to hoard money and move out or simply tough it out until she comes off her high horse.
No. 119602
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Thankfully I don't have much to whine about these days.. Things are going smoothly. Seeing my therapist, been making progress. I'm still socially retarded, which is not okay, but I feel like I can breathe better around friends, in the sense that I feel more comfortable. I'm still reluctant to say much though.
No. 119616
>>119613My bf was the same with Dota. I legit have thousands of hours on that stupid game cuz I played it everyday in the summer. He always found a way to tell me something I did wrong. Honestly though I didn't take it personally though because I do the same thing to my teammates when I solo queue.lul
But trust your bf is probably stoked that you can even play. So don't be too hard on yourself
No. 119631
>>119630I'm not a liberal, I'm conservative. I'm not
>>119621 either
No. 119651
>>119575>>119575Thank you for a reply. I'm hoping everyday that as shitty as it still is I hope they were just stolen and are being well taken care of.
I got hit hardest when one was gone, she never left my site when I was home, she'd follow me around the house and would be depressed when I was gone. She was completely a indoor cat unlike my other two who really hated indoors. It's like losing a best friend, as someone who rarely left the house she was there for when I was at my worst and it helped having her there.
They were all cute or unique cats. So I'm sure people would have loved to keep them.
It seems my parents have maybe found somewhere to move, but looks like I won't actually have a room of my own which is bothering me a bit…
As for my bf, he is patient and has no problem waiting, I just worry of wasting his time or disappointing him. I'm quite a detached person, while I'm sensitive I can't say I'm an emotional person. I've always been able to have crushes or like someone but, feel like I never get past that point. It's confusing to me cause I can't say it'll get better anytime soon, I'm getting too old to be like this, I'm getting close to 24, never worked or went to college long enough to make any impact in my life.
I was working on trying to get into streaming last year and was doing well, apparently even though in real life I'm awkward and most time weird, online I can put on an okay persona. Too bad depression hit too hard and I gave in…
Sorry for long post. I actually don't have anyone to talk about this seriously. My family have their own problems and most of the time get frustrated with me due to not understanding my problems, and with my friends things have gotten not so great since I got a boyfriend.
No. 119671
>>119651Living with your family without a room and no fixed plan on moving out can be stressful so it's good to agree on some written ground rules such as where you can put your stuff, how much housework they want you to do or how long they expect you to stay. Families can easily say "we're your family why are you being like that", but having set rules/expectations to stick helps you to be less anxious and helps if you ever have arguments.
If you don't have any weekly commitments, find out if there is a local library or coffee shop and schedule to go there at an exact time weekly to either just plan the rest of your week or look for jobs/study/read. Spending all of your time in your parents house without any structure will make you more depressed and it can be hard to think objectively in your home surroundings.
Sorry if any of this is preachy but I've been in a similar situation and these are the things that helped me
As for your boyfriend, it's his choice to care about you and be patient. If he didn't want to do that then he wouldn't, so please respect his decision by letting him do that and not worrying about it so much. Try not to lose touch with your friends though, it can be really unhealthy to only have your bf!
No. 119676
>>119675That sucks anon, medication can be a bitch to remember to take, especially something you don't really notice like an anti-depressant (compared to something that stops a symptom in the moment I mean).
It's weird it happened after a single day missing it though, I've never had that before.
No reason to feel bad about it though, I don't think there's a single person taking medication who doesn't sometimes forget it.
No. 119677
>>119670Oh my bad, I misread that last part. Yeah I feel ya! As anxious as I got during streaming I always have that itch to try it again. You should get someone to babysit your chat though! If you need someone I'll do it anon, just plug your stream here. Hah.
>>119675Damn that's crazy. On the brightside though that would be the best place to have a withdrawal in case you need someone to call you a doctor or something.
You guys know what's the protocol if you choke on food and no one is around to give you the heimlich? Are you just fucked?
No. 119678
>>119677You can actually perform the heimlich on yourself, but it's a bit different.
Here's a good read on it>To do so, make a fist with one hand and place your thumb of that fist below your rib cage and above your belly button. Wrap your other hand around your fist and push against the pit of your stomach in a hard, quick motion. “You can also use the back of a chair or corner of a table, pushing your body into the fixed object quickly to try to dislodge the object,” Leavey says.Apart from that, just the same as if you fuck yourself up badly on your own any other way, call an ambulance, they'll send one around even if you can't talk usually.
No. 119803
>>119775What, he doesn't want to take public transport to meet you halfway? He's genuinely expecting and encouraging you to drive all the way there? And you only know him from the internet?
Getting a big "never gonna work out" vibe.
No. 119808
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I'm absolutely fed up with everyone. I'm sick of people thinking they can bullshit me or get away with lying to me. I'm sick of people giving me "advice" about my god damn life while not even being an active part of it. I want nothing more than to tell everyone to fuck right off and then pack my shit and move to a cabin in the woods so I can be alone for the rest of my life. That, or just finally fucking off myself like I've been planning on doing for the past 12 years.
No. 119825
It's 6 in the morning and I'm awake because I can't fucking sleep.
No matter what I do, I can't get tired and sleep at normal hours. Nothing helps. Benadryl makes me itchy, sleeping pills make me itchy, "melatonin" did shit all, robitussin made me trip and stay awake, tea doesn't help.
Nothing fucking helps and my doctor refuses to prescribe me anything because she doesn't believe me when I describe my problems to her. Can't get a new one because no one takes my shitty state insurance.
Even though I'm almost 19, I still live at home until I transfer to a real college. So, of course, I'm scolded like a 5 year old who's up past their bed time because even though I'm an adult my mom treats me like a retarded child. She doesn't believe anything's wrong with me, I just need to "lay down and close my eyes and turn off my electronics." "You're so weird, the doctor isn't going to give you anything. Fix your sleep schedule and you'll be fine."
This shit is so frustrating. I just want to sleep like a normal goddamn person.
No. 119841
>>119825>It's 6 in the morning and I'm awake Force yourself to stay awake the rest of the day, do a lot of chores or something else to keep busy.
It'll make you really tired by the late hours that you'll want to sleep. Medications should really be a last resort and many doctors aren't going to do shit for you.
t. second shift worker w/ the same tendencies as you
In fact, I was telling my doc that my anxiety medications were making my sleep schedule worse and the best she could tell me was to take melatonin or to adjust the pill schedules. So, take that as a sign that unless you have a serious disorder they won't do shit for you.
No. 119865
>>119828I'll try everything you suggested tonight. Thanks!
>You're too old for your mom to be telling you to go to sleep though.She also tells me who I'm allowed to hang out with and what jobs I'm allowed/not allowed to have and how long I'm allowed to stay out (not usually past 12…)
>>119850I'd probably get yelled at if I asked for wine, lol….
No. 119867
>>119671There's already kind of set rules, I've never moved away from my parents, I don't know if we will actually get this house for sure, but if we get it my step father is going to build a wall-door thing for me so I won't be out in the open at least. As for going places, a huge problem I have is my agoraphobia is so bad I struggle to be outside in my own. Even if I did go out I live in a small town, people would be coming up to me to talk like usual which is hard also.
I think I need to get away from here though. I noticed whenever I speak with my mother my mental health just plummets, I tried to go speak with her about my problems and she was just so upset with life she vented all her problems, with how things are with both my drug infested family bothering us and the move I can't even say I need actual help without feeling bad or being yelled at.
It doesn't help when she says things that hurt fucking bad, I try not to do much about it because I don't think she does it out of malice. I've put on weight lately due to mix of quitting meds and stress eating, so she was saying how I'm not looking good and I should work on it, which I do, but it being nagged at me doesn't help. Today she proceeded to say she acted differently about something o wanted to do when I was younger compared to my now 16 year old sister was because I'm "special", yes she meant it in the way it sounds. I've talked to her about it but she just doesn't get how that's one thing that completely just breaks me. I was bullied throughout childhood through my teens for being "stupid". I don't have autism but I had to go to a special Ed class due to my anxiety in high school. I kept running out of normal classes with panic attacks, I've always struggled going to school because of it. So educationally I struggle harder, but learning, I'm fine.
While I have a lot of people telling me I can do anything, I feel I've been beaten down mentally by about almost everyone so long telling me how stupid and useless I was, it really stuck.
Sorry if this is a jumbled mess but, I'm not doing so great at this moment. Plus posting on my phone makes it hard to format long messages.
Besides that, I feel like I have a block on me about talking to my friends, im too scared to talk to them. I need to go back to my psychiatrist, I'm so scared what she'll think of me. She already intimidates me, what if she gets angry I quit my meds? Or if she thinks I'm making up all these problems so I have an excuse? I'm slowly losing any bit of motivation to live right now.
No. 121129
>>110532On the verge of breaking up with my bf, who I moved in with after having an LDR. We've lived together 2.5 years. Obviously I'm going to have to move out but I don't really have anywhere to go. I'm in the middle of my cosmetology course and I don't want to drop out and waste all the money and time I've put into it.
Suggestions on moving out quickly? Our issues have been escalating and it's going to reach a head pretty soon. I don't really have much money either, cost of living is expensive as hell and I don't have any furniture…should I be prepared to sleep in my car?