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No. 1179736
Fuck borzois, I hate borzois, all my nonnies hate borzois.
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1134205 No. 1180182
File: 1652471140111.jpg (51.34 KB, 564x564, 0226e7e21f24c57f3f0c96cbeef12a…)

I hate when people sage on the OT boards. Don't sage, the thread is already slow in traffic and it's on page 4!! Just bump it! To me it just looks more newfagish, as if saging is a requirement for posting, and they don't understand its purpose.
>>1180177Sorry, I deleted to fix some typos. But yeah, by "OT boards" I mean all non-drama boards, /g/ and /m/ included. Please bump the threads, newfags!!
No. 1180207
>>1180182I do it for the same reason
>>1180190 said, ironically people will call someone a newfag for
not saging. Also because I'm just embarrassed by my own posts sometimes.
No. 1180406
>>1180316Blueberries are the worst berry.
I would even go as far as to say the worst fruit.
No. 1181120
>>1180587Damn… I just got the keys to drive my dad's jeep lol
I wish we didn't have it though. I practiced in someone else's Jeep and they're so jumpy and shit to drive. I want a Toyota.
No. 1181215
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>>1180878I know it's you, Dwayne.
No. 1181743
>>1181725That's how it's always been used.
Queer just means "not square".
No. 1181791
>>1181761Imo it means he's a fag. He doesn't wanna see a woman's face or boobs… Why would a
straight man want that?
No. 1181816
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Oh? Just smaller reese cups? No! There's something wrong with these. The pb layer is TOO thin so it tastes overly sweet and the sweet is chemical-y.
No. 1181858
>>1181761Physically I get more from doggy than other positions, the angle just works. I have a mildish back problems that day to day aren't a big deal but years into being sexually active I finally admitted it does make a couple of common positions a pain for me as in literal back pain starts mid sex. Having someone on top of me sucks but me being on top is a task I'm not up to either.
My last ex was an ass about it when I finally told him which positions just aren't working for me. All he heard was that he was being denied something he once had. I was admitting to having endured sucky painful sex at times and he didn't give a fuck because he wanted variety. He acted like I was exaggerating my scoliosis and 'it can't be that bad'. A man getting doggy and standing positions and spooning positions and sex happening very frequently.. and he's complaining about what he can't have. That's sctote brain.
I think any position you're not truly digging is degrading if you still partake in it for a mans sake. For some that's doggy, for others it varies. I just wish men were better at accepting one or two acts being off the table.
No. 1181952
>>1181870Ayrt, I feel an uncomfortable strain or pull when bending forward, I mostly notice it when I'm sweeping the floor or lately I struggled with painting my home because there was alot of bending forward so I get what you mean but once I'm down on all fours I feel like my knees take the strain off or like arching my back instead of hunching (which I do alot) can be a relief. I guess it's a very individual thing depending on your degree of curve and where you have it. That's interesting.
I just can't imagine sleeping for someone for years knowing they have a proven back problem and questioning their pain when they say 'hey this position isn't so great for me' Ironically I wish I'd had more of a backbone at the time and told him where to go with his shitty reaction to it.
No. 1182011
File: 1652624149696.png (700.56 KB, 708x988, BARF can't wait to purge this …)

Sorry for seething, but what the fuck is this trash? Please correct me if I'm confused, but is this really some cutesy reference to that serial moid de Sade. I'm not a historyfag, but wasn't he like an abuser rapist moid glorifying incel tier ideals before incels were even a thing? I hate seeing positive references to garbage tier historical moids. I curse whatever autistic rapist-lover moid made this
No. 1182042
I thought that was his name, I'll pretend I didn't post that
No. 1182046
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I hate people who cannot follow the fucking rules in zoos and safaris or just any area where their children are allowed to go - it's like the parental ego takes over and all common sense leaves their little peabrains. I went to a safari park today and had a great time apart from seeing people letting their kids bang against glass windows with tigers on the other side.
I was also on the safari and the car in front of us constantly kept winding their window up and down. Literally the first two rules of the safari were: for your own safety, keep your windows up and don't let kids sit on your knees. Guess what this fat yummy-mummy of Jayden and Kayden did? Let the window down and have her two kids sit on her knees right next to some fucking LIONS and camels - are you actually retarded? I hate you.
Rules exist for a reason to keep both you and your ugly little babby safe so stop being fucking retarded and just have some respect for everyone else too. No one wants their safari trip ruined by two fat retards and their crusty kids trying to reach out and grab the camels and lions. It's just natural selection at this point, honestly.
No. 1182069
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I really like it because it goes super deep (no cervix hitting for me tho thank god)
No. 1182074
>>1182065sounds porn-ish
No. 1182582
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>>1182149you might not be interested anon but if anyone wants to know, apparently this is the reason why they have those long ass stories before recipes
No. 1183288
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I hate this calling people NPCs, kinning Patrick Bateman, pretending to be unhinged, femcel/incel, “emo”bullshit. Make it stop!
No. 1183292
femcel vs Twatter
PickmeWhich one will win? Place your bets!
No. 1183298
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i hate aesthetic anime Instagram artist and the people who hype them up
they draw the same thing over and over and never improve
No. 1183306
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>>1179993it's really annoying and such a try hard attempt to be special
Theyre always trying to make new unnecessary crap
No. 1183307
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>>1183306same fag but it's really annoying, whose making and keeping up with this crap
No. 1183405
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I hate this play and its so fucking made up and fictional but still makes the claim that these opinions of joan of arc are based on real accounts
I think its disrespectful to use Joan of arc as a symbol for radical feminism and even just regular feminism in general, there's nothing wrong admiring her(I admire her as well) but pushing modern political views upon her that she would never hold is imo fundamentally desecrating her as a person, she was an intensely religions girl in the middle ages who would despise every modern woman and brand them dirty heathen and have them cut down, also there's this dumb narrative about how men and catholic church hated her when she's always remained a popular folk saint with in France and many catholic communities
it fills me with rage cause Joan of arc died only praising Jesus and God but author has her denouncing her faith in this and claiming it is a fact and its so utterly fucked up and disrespectful to do that
the stuff the author makes up and has her spout is just utterly ridiculous
>The play claims Joan was tortured during her trial, and then has Joan compare torture to "fat shaming", wearing a bra, making a woman "afraid of sex", ignoring women or interrupting them, etc. On the first point: several eyewitnesses said Joan was only threatened with torture, which the judge decided not to actually carry out. On the second point: asking us to believe that Joan of Arc would extend the definition of torture to include wearing a bra or being ignored is a tremendous stretch; and claiming she would link the issue to the disapproval of sex is even more of a stretch given her documented views on sex : eyewitnesses said she hated unwed mistresses and prostitutes enough to hit them with her sword in order to drive them away from the army's camp, and she constantly called herself "the virgin" because she said she took an oath of virginity. No. 1183550
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>>1183405samefag, the church had her retried in 1456, 25 years after her execution, and was canonized as a "martyr" and the English and Burgundians priests that sentenced were branded as "heretics who sentenced an innocent woman in the pursuit of a secular vendetta" and her sentence was nulled, and her first trial declared fraudulent, she was a popular folk saint in France for centuries afterwards and was officially canonized by catholic church in 1920, I do not understand where she's getting the claim that church hated Joan of arc and wanted her dead for fighting against the patriarchy, also she's been the symbol of various right wing ultra nationalist parties in France for a century now
Dworkin spouted the same shit even though the real Joan would have hated for being a fat jew, Joan practiced religious fasting and so a walking glutton like dworkin would have been hated by her just based on her appearance
No. 1184111
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Hello yes I hate the fact that I have to live on the same planet as these psychos 1/3 don’t feel like collaging it on picsart
No. 1184113
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>>1184112So many guys in the comments like “bro I did this too” AAAAAAAA
No. 1184121
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>>1184115make it stop I’m sorry I know this is selfish and porn is evil and I hate it but mostly I just hate living among this generation of men, I would rather live in an era where they just jerk off to a Sears catalog or playboy magazine, I just am so sussed out by random men because of them outing themselves like this online and porn has literally ruined everyone especially men
No. 1184181
>>1184111Omg is this poloboy? I didn't knew he was
this perverted this is just pathetic, gross and embarrassing, what a waste of (mid) looks
No. 1184208
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>>1183426i agree but i'm just really sour their lazy uninspired art gets so much recognition lol
No. 1184359
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I hate that k-weebs on lolcow always talk about hyunjin (from stray kids) like "oh he used to be hot now he is a plastic surgery mess". Jeongin has always had the superior bone structure and seems to keep being natural (except for the whitewashing and photoshoping in pics, but he looks great in video)
Ps: i know he's still heaviy whitewashed in this gif im not dumb, just showing him in motion(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1184409
>>1179894Coil as in IUD or as in the one that goes in the falopian tube & makes the body create scar tissue to make you non fertile?
The second one is really bad news. They migrate and are really hard to take out, especially after migrating. Can require multiple surgeries to fix and still not get it all out of you. I don't remember the name of it but my Mom got that done so she wouldn't have to have surgery to get her tubes tied. Its been bad news ever since.
No. 1184715
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>>1184588this, i wish silences during conversations were more accepted by people. it's just good to have a lull to collect your thoughts here and there
No. 1184817
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No. 1184834
>>1184806I think they do it on purpose to indirectly show people what they like tbh
>>1184628>These people are the same people who will see someone by themselves on purpose reading a book or doing whatever and they'll butt in and try to befriend that person because "why are you alone?? why are you quiet?? are you ok???? there's no need to be shy uwu"I wish I had lashed out at them at least once when I was in school. I hated it so fucking much it ruined my entire day because I never knew what to say or how to handle the situation. It makes you feel so powerless and humiliated. I resent normies because of it although most of them (the ones that I know, at least) grew out of their annoying ass phase or maybe just learned about asocial introverts over time.
No. 1185021
>>1184870This poster sounds like one of the
not like other troons kiwicels.
No. 1185117
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>>1185111Can we please not do this again the sun isn’t even out yet
No. 1185236
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I hate hate the galaxy fraulein yuna anime, holy shit I lost half my braincells watching just half an episode, the games are so fun like a visual novel and the art is so lovely, so I wanted to watch the anime but it doesn't deserve to be associated with the games; Yuna is annoying, Yuri is useless and annoying, Yuna had a crush on Polylina in the games but in the anime she's scrotishly girl-crazy, there's even a scene where Yuna imagines some random girl she just met seducing her and she cries b-but we're both girls!! and the other girl says true love doesn't know bounds of age, race, gender… Wtf and then there's a shot showing the teacher's underwear and unfunny exdee japanese randum humor every 2 minutes. I'm angry
The games are very nice though I really recommend them.
No. 1185281

>>1185254It's a game for the PC Engine console, it is really cute I love looking at the drawings, you are Yuna, a "fraulein", which is like an idol but also a magical girl or something, and you have to save the world and fight other frauleins on the way. When you defeat another fraulein her suit is damaged and she passes out half naked, but that's the only unsavory thing I've encountered, but what would a japanese game be without some fan service…
If you want to play the game, this is how I play it: I downloaded an emulator application on my phone called Retroarch, which can emulate many consoles. Then I opened the application and downloaded a "core" for the PC Engine / Turbografx console (you'll see if you get the app). Then before you can play you need another file, I think it's called syscard3, if you google it you will find a place to download it. Place it in the retroarch folder on your phone, I'm not sure if it matters where exactly, I think not. Then you just need the game, which I downloaded on There's two games for this console, Galaxy Fraulein Yuna and Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 2: Eternal Princess. I played the second game first and I didn't miss much, the story is very simple.
You can also get an emulator for your computer if you'd rather play on your computer
No. 1185445
>>1185029The proliferation of baby formula is what causes more mothers to be unable to produce/offer milk to breastfeed their children. This has happened in other parts of the world, it was stupid of westerners to think themselves exempt. These corporations are not your friends. They want you dependent, lacking and dying without them, and the suffering will continue until you reject their false "convenience".
It's unironically better to seek milk from other women than to ever fuck with baby formula.
No. 1185481
>>1185029Breastfeeding has been promoted for the past decade or so, giving up and saying "I just can't breastfeed" is ridiculous, there are some women who genuinely can't breastfeed but it seems like half of women are claiming not to be able to breastfeed now, if you refuse to even try solutions to breastfeed or not even trying to breastfeed at all during a formula shortage fuck yeah I'm going to judge the fuck out of you for putting your baby at risk for starvation as well as taking formula away from mother's who can't genuinely breastfeed
"Mommy shaming" is a meme and selfishness deserves to be called out especially when you're risking letting your child starve
No. 1185538
>>1185105Did something upsetting happen to
trigger this post, nonni? This seems like such a basic thing to hate on, it reminds me of everyone writing "Things I hate: Homework, fighting with friends, cleaning my room" in each others friendship books in school lol.
No. 1186124
>>1186067Same. Also "latinx".
>>1186082I also hate that kind of YouTube censorship, but
>>1186087 is right. Most of those YouTubers wish they could speak freely and without censorship about those things, but they often have to go to great lengths not to have their videos automatically flagged by YouTube because of the title, thumbnail or content. They usually have to reupload some of their videos when they raelize that they got flagged for just using one word. Such was the case of many videos that mentioned COVID in the last two years.
>>1186118I like and hate it at the same time. I've always avoided getting into media when they're at their most popular, for some reason it makes me sick (not always though). But it's also sad when I discover something I like years after the hype and fandom have died. It's so lonely.
No. 1186160
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picrel is pretty self explanatory, i hate modern social media platforms for pulling this shit
No. 1186301
>>1186295>shittokbut this is interesting,
nonnie. do you have any examples or like, how do you realize it's lifted from here and kf?
No. 1186323
>>1186295If you find a case that is blatant enough you can call the person out for frequenting
terf websites or some shit
No. 1186519
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I fucking hate so much whenever the tip of my nose is itchy, I will scratch it but the itch wont go and I will have phantom itchiness until I scratch too hard and feel like I’m scratching a cartilage.
No. 1186626
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>>1186621I hate the fact that I understand this words’ salad.
No. 1186640
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This post, especially calling their bf a “shifty little gremlin”
No. 1187036
>>1186999same. I hate it so much. I think I've even posted about it before.
Sometimes I think of posting things here or sharing with my friends but I just forget. And no matter how hard I try to remember, I can't.
No. 1187238
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I hate when people have a bunch of small random tattoos all over their arms and/or legs. They look disorganized and ugly, especially if a bunch of different artists did them, and the people I've met with these kinds of tattoos are impulsive and flaky as hell. It really shows that they can't save up for something higher quality and go for quantity instead.
No. 1187771
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>>1187391>>1187716I've noticed there's an overlap with fakebois, too. So many of them get shitty childish fandom tattoos or those horrifying DIY ones. Picrel is at least self aware of it but keeps doing it anyway.
No. 1187867
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>>1184293I take a long time grocery shopping because I need to think of what to buy and what would be cheapest etc. I can’t just go through the isles and throw shit in my cart lmao.
No. 1188244
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>>1188202Exactly, reminds me of picrel kek
Also I'm not a native english speaker so I wasn't aware about the straight sized thing. Anyway, according to tiktok, being fatphobic also means you are racist, queerphobic etc. They just want to be oppressed so badly
No. 1188347
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I hate it when people come into the shop I work in and get assmad about random shit like the fact that they have to pay for a bag. I wish they would all fucking die.
No. 1188392
>>1187947If men could just watch clips of a women masturbating or some tame shit without the incest, the ageplay, the power dynamics etc then I really wouldn't care.. but knowing all the extremes that are out there and that it quickly escalates I can't deal with knowing that's the average mans sexual tastes now.
My ex had a thing for women with anal prolapses. Hid it well but months after we broke up I found so much gorey looking shit that he was into. Peoples insides hanging out of them. Same with the front hole too… this is a man who could get off to a childbirth video. I want to rip my skin off now that I know all that.
No. 1188496
>>1188427Truly, fuck that shit, I probably will sound like a gendie, but I’m writing my stupid self-insert fanfics so any woman can self insert, it isn’t that difficult, just describe shit vaguely and that’s about it
>he held your hand>he touched your shoulder>he stroked your hair>she put on some clothes that she liked at the moment>she was dressed with the colors that reminded her of her home>she got the earrings with the motifs that she liked>he looked into her beautiful eyes>he kissed her lipsIt can be a bit of a mouthful but nobody is going to recite it.
No. 1188581
File: 1652997921437.jpg (15.58 KB, 408x406, 1652098438550.jpg)

Women who break the "girl code" as it's called, or as I like to call it basic respect amongst women. It's always always for male validation and all it does is make you look like a pickme and break up valuable female friendships.
I will never understand women who are like "well she only slept with him/dated him a month ago so it's fine if I do it now" there's literally 7 billion people on this earth and you're that eager to conveniently fuck a moid your friend was affiliated with? It's just weird to me, I'm sure there are absolutely rare exceptions but for the most part it just reeks of desperation. The moid in question is obviously a sleazebag too and probably gets off on thinking he's caused drama between two women but it's still no excuse for friends to do it especially if it's behind the others back.
I've seen some people here defend it like "uhh well they didn't even date that long" yes and there's usually a reason behind it so why are you so keen on that moid in particular? It's weird, it would make me feel disgusting and I genuinely feel like it shows you have no respect for your friends, not to mention it's awkward as fuck knowing you are potentially dating and having sex with the same person your friend was with not too long ago.
No. 1188599
>>1188581I agree. For the most part they don't even care about the man but want to prove they're better than the other woman, who was supposed to be their friend.
I blame female socialization because we're all brought up thinking we need to compete with other women.
No. 1188612
>>1188593No worries nonna, the girl code basically means prioritising female friendships over the attention or validation of men, for example don't try and flirt with or get with someone your friend is dating or has dated.
>>1188599Yeah, that's true about the competing part, I mean that's how pickme's start right? I wish we were raised and socialised to just form communities as women instead, but it's like everywhere you look as a young woman you're constantly told to be better than another girl or one-up them. I guess that's how moids keep the bar low too, it's much easier to accept shitty standards of men when you have been socialized to believe your enemy is the woman next to you and not the men trying to take advantage of you. It's very sad.
No. 1188622
>>1188287I was just thinking today about how unappealing this stuff is, especially
>the hair color of character A and eye color of character BIt's so lazy. Give one of them traits from a grandparent or something ffs, be a little fun
No. 1188660
>>1188496I like you and wish there were more writers like you. You also brought up some great points with inanimate objects too!
>"You grabbed your lime green tote bag, and put on your fav jacket with the fuzzy blue collar."That shit takes me back to Quizlet wwffy quizzes when I was 12.
>>1188467>>1188485All of this.
No. 1189064
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I hate this
No. 1189142
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I had a lesbian crush on her as a kid because she's a cool inventor and now they made her have 40 cronenberg kids with a fly?
No. 1189199
>>1189064literally saying their gender identity is "manchild" lmao
>>1189142i feel like this is going to cause a civil war. how could they do this
No. 1189402
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FUCK TRANNIES. I found a channel with a female profile pic and was excited to hear her speak about videogames and horror. 5 mins in, i noticed her voice didn't seem right, so I clicked on the twt link and BAM. Tranny!
Why cant men stay away? if he wanted a video game channel, he could make one. I want to listen to more female content creators. I hate this gay earth
No. 1189634
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I hate the term “mlm” and anyone who screams about “mlm fetishization.” It’s always ftms or women. I’ve never met an actual gay man who uses it or cares about anime gay porn being made by women.
No. 1189646
File: 1653064557711.jpg (55.14 KB, 540x554, sick of it.jpg)

Harry Styles fans are so fucking weird and annoying my friends sister posted 30+ pictures and vids on instagram stories of her listening to his new album and crying and yelling about it whilst constantly spamming a groupchat I was in to barely any response and then later in the day two youtubers I follow did the exact same shit, people should consider therapy if they act like this honestly it's almost on the same level as Kpoppers
No. 1189718
File: 1653067780035.jpeg (Spoiler Image,124.67 KB, 429x372, 9C27F0BB-E6EC-4BEF-A1EC-325D6A…)

I hate these pins
I understand the idea behind it but as if moids would listen to a “don’t rape” pin
No. 1189842
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>>1189142Oh jesus
how many furries are gonna kill themselves over this
No. 1189857
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I’m so tired of edgy gritty adult oriented reboots of kids media
Maybe there are a few good ones but fuck if that ain’t arrested development, being old enough be obsessed with boobs and violence but still needing it through the lens of your childhood cartoons.
Sick of adults who are too into childrens media in general (shipping, fanfics, etc) t b fucking h
No. 1190069
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>>1190028It’s fucking mindy kahling, the one voicing (producing?) this mess
Picrel is the only (slightly) adult scooby I’ll accept.
No. 1190606
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Mentalities like this (not only this post but just an example)
>not liking gross sex acts means you're a child/immature/not attracted to whatever sex/dislike sex in general/etc.
As if there's no other, better body parts to be into. Male ass will never ever ever ever ever ever EVER be clean no matter how much they scrub and no matter how many enemas they do. Don't lie.
No. 1190818
>>1190807Being a mtf troon is life on easy mode but they project it by claiming their life is easy because they're a woman
>Well I easily had all my shit paid for by simpsYeah because you cater to pornsick retards who fund your 5th boob job. Also you're ALLOWED to do things that alter your appearance, women get called fake and told they're botched if their surgery is noticable at all
>People are so nice to me because I'm a womanNo they're nice to you because you're mentally ill and it shows
>I get so much free stuffIt's usually other women yaasing these troons unfortunately
Another thing is that they bring down natural women by claiming they're more feminine and stuff and then "prove" it by posting dolled up, overly filtered photos of themselves. If FtMs got tons of jaw surgery and roids and claimed they were better than XYs because of it moids would have a mental breakdown but oh no with us it's just "learn to take a joke or get good"
No. 1190954
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>>1190807Imma share my own rant about gendies. Mods please delete if it's too long, I talked to my therapist about it but it's still been on my mind.
A podcast I've been listening to for years recently bowed down to troons. It's a podcast about real conspiracies so it's even more disappointing that even people who consider themselves rational and who are skeptical about other nonsense will drink the gender koolaid.
They described some guy who was crazy, but was right about gender identity ideology being BS as 'mad at the dictionary'. It was so frustrating to see yet another instance of gender-believers using witty quips and oversimplifications and reductio ad absurdum fallacies to make it seem like they have an argument. The irony is that the 'mad at the dictionary' comment applies more to trans people than to anyone else.
They engaged with the whole topic in a way that indicated that their they were parroting the dogma (maybe just to appease their corporate overlords), without actually having any understanding of what they were saying, or that they were True Believers who would say 2+2=5 if a trans person told them it was true. You can't be sure, because when a person would lose their job for saying something isn't true, it doesn't tell you anything about their actual beliefs for them to say it is true.
I was considering calling them to express my disappointment, but what's the point? They're scrotes who clearly don't care about women, so I'd feel like I was exhibiting a lack of self-respect by trying to tell them their ideology is bad for women. They don't care. You don't see gay men, for example, ask nicely to not be called faggots.
There are plenty of groups of people that believe ridiculous shit, but this group's beliefs are being enshrined into law, which is why I think that episode of the podcast bothered me so much. Ordinarily I might just leave a mean comment on a video I'm watching and not consume that content in the future, but I'm super stressed about this because the podcast was just the latest instance of gender identity ideology being promoted in a way that made it clear that the people promoting it had no argument.
I can't just log off and touch grass because in my city, tons of businesses have the pride flag with the trans and black and brown stripes displayed. There's 1 women's shelter that doesn't allow troons. My country's government is on board with this shit. Recently I contacted a counseling office and they asked for my pronouns, and asked me if I identified as a member of the LGBT community, I said yes, then they told me I could get counselling at our local LGBT resource center or whatever, which believes that sexual orientation is based on gender (so they've been totally ideologically captured, and are working against actual homosexuals). THE RIDE NEVER ENDS.
I just can't deal with the stress of dealing with a group with no substance to their ideology, and with so much social influence that their nonsense is being written into law. And any questioning of them beyond 1 question, then being like 'wow, thanks for educating me! trans women are women!' gets you called a bigot.
It doesn't fucking matter if you're right, it matters if you can convince others that you're right. I'm bad at being persuasive in general so I think that's why I'm upset about this.
No. 1191050
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i hate it so much when non anglophone artists get a taste of fame and then suddenly start singing in english only. like part of your appeal was that you were not singing in english. i know its probably the record labels that they are signed to or however that works i dont know, but have some integrity. its the worst and completely ruins my listening experience even possibly turning me off of listening to their music forever. it feels as though it was all about money to them the whole time. this is a huge pet peeve of mine.
No. 1191080
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>>1189857What kind of crap is that? From what I've read it sounds like Rick and Morty but with even more woke.
If they really want to make an edgy Scooby Doo TV series, they should pick Scooby Apocalypse comics. It's nice and short enough for one season.
No. 1191170
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I hate when people comment on my mask use. Yes, I know the mandatory use was lifted. I liked using it even before COVID. Why should you care anyway if am I using a mask??
I usually say I have hayfever (which is true), but next time I'm gonna say I have lupus or whatever to make them uncomfortable. Fuck off.
No. 1191235
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Imagine living like this, I would kill myself if I was like this. It is literally disgusting. I hate how they have all of these fat American shows and how people are always like love yourselves everyone is beautiful, they are all retarded and probably fattys themselves
No. 1191545
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I hate men and trannies and I’m thankful that I’m a woman and inherently better than them
No. 1191602
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The picture speaks for itself
No. 1191743
>>1191170I dunno where you live but people in America are actually both retarded and braindead. I've been wearing masks for years before the pandemic, especially when I had a headcold or a bad runny nose. It's also just common in my area in general since a lot of asians live near me. The pandemic fucked people up and they really think wearing a mask is some sort of protest.
Also, covid is still happening. people who act like it's gone are the worst. let me wear my mask in peace. it isnt affecting you. shut the fuck up
No. 1191795
>>1191627I hate how brainless everything is. Holy shit. The references are ham fisted in. It's so lifeless and coomers are making it easy for big companies to scam them for their money. I want actual plots and not a damn reference every 5 seconds. Pitiful what media has become.
>>1191770Gadget deserved better.
No. 1191800
File: 1653178041974.jpg (141.21 KB, 1080x1336, fba4e1c8564580b6140444679fe441…)

I hate bald moids.
I personally only think baldness/a shaved head looks good on alternative moids with tattoos - like picrel. Whenever I see a bald man but he has no tattoos nor sense of any alternative style I honestly feel sick, it's like opening a carton of eggs and seeing all the shells peeled off them. It's very uncanny valley like that and they just look really unusual and blank. I hate them so much. If you are a bald male it should be a legal requirement for you to go and get tattoos in order to have some semblance of personality to you.
If you are a bald male who is also fat I personally think you should be isolated on an island somewhere until you can lose weight. No one should have to witness your genetic retardation.
No. 1191805
>>1191802Travis Barker looks spooky but he looks fine in terms of his baldness I think - he has tattoos and a clear style to balance out the shit hair genetics and he doesn't look like a peeled egg although he do be looking strange.
A good example of what I mean is Jason Statham - he honestly terrifies me, because he looks like a blank state. Like he's just bald and skin like he didn't get textured properly. I have no idea why he is considered handsome.
>>1191803>bald head left grease stainsJesus fucking christ, like a sphynx cat when they get greasy? I cannot cope.
No. 1191862
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>>1191845How dare you insult my ancient Egyptian priest husbando
No. 1192024
>>1192018I mean, there
are bad apples of either sex, it's just that men do it way more.
No. 1192031
>>1192018Yeah and weirdly the same women will never ever stand up against men when a woman gets hurt and
victim blame her instead.
Like beckyy did george fuck you after you told him how much women are always guilty and how men never deserve punishment? Did he pick you?
>>1192024You're right but the issue is these women never attack men when they're abusers, they just love tearing women down.
No. 1192040
>>1192033I agree. Their agenda is men are always right and if they abuse a woman and she reports him, that should be considered abusing him because his future is ruined and he totally matter more. I've literally seen women and men with this logic. No idea what more I could say to them.
>>1192032She does have a point, though. Some brainwashed women think women are as dangerous and criminal as men. This thinking pattern puts woman in danger because we need to have our guard up whenever a male stranger comes up to us, otherwise we could be targeted much easily. It makes it easier for men to abuse women.
I feel like this is similar to men saying crime statistics or women pointing out men being violent hurts men's feelings so we should stop, as men's feelings matter more than women's safety.
No. 1192051
>>1192048Sure but the keyword here is believing there are "simply" bad apples, as in they want to simplify patterns of abuse and violence to being a minority of bad individuals without acknowledging the role sex plays in it.
It's pointless to talk about female bad apples because they are so statistically insignificant they're only brought up as a distraction or DARVO from the real problem.
No. 1192104
I hate male gay culture. I know a lot of people from the gay community in my city and it's just baffling to me.
They all fucked each another, all of them have cheated on each another and they switch partners every few months.
Few days ago I visited a gay friend I haven't seen in a month and he has a new partner again, one he actually tore away from a husband and a genetic child. 90% of gays aren't capable of monogamy and the children they have suffer from that. Hetero couples suck too but with gays it's almost inevitable they'll leave for a new dick.
They routinely go to gay orgies, what the fuck? Like how can that be normalised in their community? It's fucking disgusting. They go to the 'gay spas' which are then used as normal spas after they're (hopefully) cleaned. It's absolutely normal to go get fucked by strangers from grinder in a foreign city they're visiting, like that's a normal part of tourism. They also all have the malebrained draw to have their own genetic children and pester their female friend into being surrogates for them. They always want to conceive naturally too, so basically use their female friends as a prostitute+. Just fucking adopt, you assholes. Or be childless. Not every male has the inherent right to spread his seed just because he has a fucking dick. Most of the community is so misogynistic too, they love male/female stereotyping and inherently see women as less and as disgusting creatures, it's pretty obvious if you listen to them talk. They aren't concealing their jealousy that women get with hetero guys, they always want a hetero guy over a gay guy because deep down they know gays aren't stable partners. They can get so fucking mean to the woman dating a guy they like too.
Gays aren't discriminated against much where I'm from but I genuinely think they should be in some things, children should be protected from the sexual bullshit they love. People aren't aware how degenerate and sex obsessed they are, everyone drinks the Hollywood koolaid about caring kind monogamous gay fathers. I was such a handmaiden before too, now I do consider some of them my friends but seeing what they do in their spare time, I just think they're degenerate as fuck. I only know like one gay couple out of around 20 that isn't like this and maybe I just don't know them that well yet.
No. 1192164
>>1192104Gay male culture is disgusting. I have always supported people's right to marry and love who they want but as I'm getting older I've seen the absolute state of some gay moids and it disgusts me - obviously not because they are gay, but because they are whiny, self-obsessed sexual degenerates compared to the average lesbian. The only exception for me was my gay friend and his boyfriend who are just normal people and don't do any of this weird hypersexual shit.
They are SO invasive of women's topics too - I find it hard to discuss misogyny online without some fag coming in and thinking he can input his two cents on the matter simply because he's gay and thinks he's "one of the girls". The worst thing is people just let them do that…like no, you're still a man. You just fuck other men, that doesn't make you have a woman mindset nor does it give you the special pass to discuss women's topics. On the flipside when they aren't trying to gaysplain women they are so incredibly vicious towards women too, constantly picking us apart and trying to correct us on shit that they would never know anything about.
No. 1192174
>>1192164Yeah the one normal gay couple I mentioned also doesn't seem hypersexual but that might be because one of them is an actual shy autist who only dated women before.
And they aren't part of the community and don't know many other gays. I think once gays become part of the community the degenerate stuff follows. Also want to add that disproportionately huge portion of them are drug users, they like to party/hook up high.
No. 1192358
>>1192104>>1192164>>1192174Gay male culture is what all men would be like if they didn't have to tone down their degeneracy in order not to repulse women.
>>1192331>these people need to be shamed back in the closetnah, they need to be as open as possible so no woman accidentally ends up with one.
No. 1192409
>>1192389Do you know who gives most straight women stds? Do you know that in Greece men were literally gay because they hated women so much? Do you know this is still common practice in Afghanistan and they crossdress little boys to rape them because their hatred of women ruins straight relationships with them? Do you know how many of those boys commit suicide before they're even legal adults and the rapists go on to marry women to abuse them next?
All men are shitty, gay men are no exception.
No. 1192453
>>1192389Hi, faghag.
>What is it with you anons who always think a gay moid is somehow the biggest threat to women when its straight moids Where do you get this bullshit from my post? I didn't compare gay and straight scrotes, I said I hate how sexually degenerate gay community is. My post didn't have anything to do with straight scrotes. Do I have to put disclaimer
straight moids are bad too! even though I was specifically talking about hypersexual gay culture?
>Misogyny was worse before gays came out of closetNonsensical non-related bullshit too. Gays didn't help erasing misogyny in any way.
Most of gays I know often sleep with taken bi guys that have girlfriends so your HIV point is moot. You sound like you don't know a single shit about actual gay community.
No. 1192499
>>1192389no one said fags are the biggest threat to women. here, i'll make this easy for you since you want to be retarded:
males are the biggest threat to women, gay or otherwise.
also, just because a man is a faggot doesn't mean he's somehow suddenly unable to inflict violence or vitriol upon us. hope this helps!
No. 1192696
>>1192389Look, the fruit fly thinks that just because they don’t want to have sex with us or desire our bodies means they have no
toxic resentment or ability to harm us
No. 1192703
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Hate this bitch and her lip filler and her puke scented fabric softener and her graphic design is my passion pink tram with half her bra showing on it and her retard outfits and hair and voice holy shit
No. 1192747
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>>1192696Picrel, also hate Harry Potter triangle tattoo, the wrist snake like TND has, Zelda triforce
No. 1193043
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I like my iPhone, but oh how I hate iTunes. Every fucking time I want to import my photos/videos, add songs to the Music app, stick an ebook on it, some error or another will pop up. I'll spend an hour trying to troubleshoot based on all the random suggestions online, restart the computer multiple times, connect/reconnect usb, only for it to randomly start working again after nothing has really changed. It's the most user unfriendly bullshit in the world. I understand why people smash their phones into the wall but there's no issue with the thing itself only this stupid ass software
No. 1193156
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How don’t you feel guilty for this? I know men ain’t shit but cmon take some responsibility for being in a disgusting profession that rips apart relationships and preys on vulnerable young women, etc. I just hate seeing cam girls and strippers come out like “omg this married dude came in and totes said he was in love with me..” fuck you and fuck him.
No. 1193490
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I hate when people correct me if I pronounce something wrong. It tends to happen a lot if I get nervous, overwhelmed or anxious and there's always some freak looming around ready to say "uhm ayckhually it's pronounced ___" like okay bitch I didn't need to know, my day is not any better because you noticed I mispronounced something.
They ALWAYS make sure to do it loud enough so that other people hear too like they enjoy embarrassing me.
No. 1193525
>>1193423Same. can't stand both kuromi and mymelo since the jiraikei trend started and it got much worse when uwu kawaiicore tiktokers or whatever their name is got hold of them.
And while I'm at it, I hate both these trends so much, the outfits are all cookie cutter shit made out of ugly polyester that's only good on their blurry pictures, and since they all edit their faces the same way, it's not even possible to differentiate these people from each other by anything but the specific pattern of dyed streaks in their hair and which mental illness they larp as (literally the most unentertaining chuunibyou type acts i've ever seen). Boring as shit subcultures with no interesting media to back them up.
No. 1193644
>>1193490i live in where we have minimum 3 languages to learn. I can speak English fluently but have trouble speaking my mother tounge. I can form sentences naturally but have a slang accent to it. I get bullied for it and people would straight up just tell me to speak in english because I sound better that way.
So you can imagine how annoying the struggle of pronunciation of a new word is. Especially if everyone else is there is making fun of me
No. 1193680
>>1193674literally all of them for moids and none of them for women
i hate leo and cancer men especially tho
No. 1193731
>>1193700>>1193681I'm joining the scorpio slander, why are them mfs so fucking
horny? all of them, is actually worrisome
>>1193724>AstrohatersThis name is way too dope, we need to change it
No. 1193750
>>1193724That’s fine I don’t mind light hearted conversation about astrology but recently I’ve been very sick and some reiki loving people told me that my sickness stems from muh negative thoughts which is bs
I was just super annoyed as I had to listen to this while in bed, again the above moid is not me
No. 1193772
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>>1193738we are prettier than the rest of you anyway
No. 1193821
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I hate bedsores. I hate that I can be super careful about positioning and move around a bunch, but I'll still end up with pressure injuries.
Picrel mega tantrum because exercise makes them worse but I still want to exercise.
No. 1194082
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This level of handmaidenry.
No. 1194108
>>1194082>being fat isn't badyeah, cope. you can't help being short or having a small dick but you can absolutely do something about being fat and it's highly preventative in the first place.
there is absolutely no excuse for anyone, especially men, to be fat. men have less body fat % and more muscle mass on them for a reason, so if you ever see a man who's legit fat you know he is seriously lazy and disgusting to even get to that point.
Most men can shovel down thousands more calories compared to women and not even get remotely overweight from it so when a man becomes fat he is absolutely a societal failure. Men know this, that's why they're trying to push the "dad bods are hecking hot" narrative so they can get away with being obese cunts.
No. 1194364
>>1193674Aries women always have to compete with you on everything, no sisterhood there, the men are children. Taurus men are lazy self centered and boring. Geminis are two faced regardless of gender. Cancer men are whiny and too clingy, petty as shit. Leo men are god awful, dunning krueger ass egotistical attention seekers, the women have self esteem issues. Virgos are anal and boring, the women are insane. Libra women will try to sleep with your bf, serial monogamists with a side of poly. Scorpio men are whiny two faced insecure jealous haters. Sagittarius men have personality disorders. Capricorn men are sexual deviants and yet, still dull as hell. Aquarius men think
they are always right with a saviour and
victim complex at the same time. Pisces are self centered asf with a giant
victim complex, the men are hoes the women are crybabies.
No. 1194632
File: 1653383457442.jpg (102.73 KB, 1200x675, maxresdefault-288-1356133707.j…)

i hate it when people post stretches where their ass or crotch is right in the camera.
>tee hee look how talented i am
>spreads pussy/penis in leggings
i don't want to see the outline of that. they could've taken that image at a different angle. it is unnecessary, and awkward to look at. they pretend it's for education or bragging rights, but then the photo would be like picrel.
>hehehe guys i got the splits!
>nearly see through clothing
>cameltoe, dick and balls
>crotch angled right at the viewer like they're ready to get dicked down
i unfollowed trainers for shit like this. they can teach us stretch techniques in sweatpants, and record themselves from sensible angles. these kinds of pictures are thirst traps disguised as sports photos.
No. 1194648
>>1193674i hate leos, capricorns, and scorpios.
leos are egoistic, vindictive attention seekers. they make everything about themselves and only care about people that flirt or give them things. a leo always wants to feel special even if they are mid and will hold grudges for not getting gassed up.
capricorns are the most boringest motherfuckers. they have no sense of humor and are workaholics in a pathetic way. a capricorn only cares about money and status. they are the most psychopathic sign without any charm.
scorpios are the meanest, most envious people with narcissistic or borderline personality disorders. they turn people against each other for fun, they plot against you just because they are jealous, and they never stop hating. the most prominent trait of a scorpio is to be a fucking hater. they are pessimistic and possessive with anger issues.
No. 1194653
>>1194648Absolutely agree about scorpios, scorpio women and men are the same to me. Never met a scorpio who wasn't like that.
Not necessarily hate, but geminis bother the hell out of me. They're always showing you one face and hiding the other, thinking they can fool you easily even though their two-facedness is blatantly obvious.
No. 1194663
>>1194632Yeah this pisses me off too, it feels like you cannot turn anywhere without a huge ass in yoga pants being shoved in your face even in situations where it's not even appropriate.
This is what it's like for like 80% of the female weightlifting community. If you try to find workout videos you're bombarded with softcore porn angles of women having their ass and cameltoe in the camera, it makes no fucking sense if not to appeal to moids. I hate it.
No. 1194736
File: 1653392813435.jpeg (327.02 KB, 800x624, B05735C6-A4F9-4CCD-9E13-269523…)

I can’t stand clumsy people who break everything they touch. It truly baffles me how some people’s genetic lines managed to make it this far without them dying out in some stupid, bumbling way.
No. 1194761
File: 1653395148684.gif (464.58 KB, 201x275, 1653318724983.gif)

Sick of seeing this Mormon-faced capeshit moid used for reactions.
No. 1195039
File: 1653412317012.jpeg (741.33 KB, 828x1398, A98B8297-486D-4C1F-9E93-DDB562…)

a very bare looking face with winged eyeliner slapped on. it doesn't make you look better or more put together, it's actually the direct opposite. it reminds me of 15 year old girls that don't really know how to do makeup but make fun of others a la "i could NEVER take over an hour to get ready!" like yeah, it shows. you could just substitute the winged eyeliner for mascara and a bit of eyeshadow and it would look way better. rant over
No. 1195046
>>1195039I think bare face and eyeliner looks better than using any skin products, even though I don't do the look myself I've had friend who did it and looked very pretty.
Also most girls I know don't know their skinmatch so the skin product almost always looks off or either too dry and textured or too oily. I we're told by beauty youtubers to slather on foundation, powder, etc. and think it looks better but it doesn't and you'll feel worse about your skin once you take it off.
No. 1195163
>>1195158i don't even wear a full face of foundation, only eyeliner looks fucking disgusting lol. it literally just looks bad. you sound so
triggered you should really just learn how to apply makeup the way it's supposed to be applied for your own sake.
No. 1195255
File: 1653424421104.jpeg (257.92 KB, 520x521, B88B91EC-00B1-4C89-8A3E-AE2742…)

>>1195158You are based, I stopped wearing foundation and I literally look better. Not even sure why I wore it in the first place, i didn’t have acne or discoloration I just wore it because I was brainwashed by Nikketutorials and James Charles into shitty Instagram makeup. Foundation never looks how it looks in pictures, you can always tell it’s there it either leaves a greasy film or a dry Cakiness. I think people look better without their face looking the exact same color anyways.
No. 1195260
>>1195257>>1195255>>1195171retarded ugly betties
the post was about how ridiculous her face look with no mascara and a thick line of eyeliner while she's got nothing on her lips
go cry some more
No. 1195267
File: 1653424763090.jpg (32.69 KB, 720x486, 1532123_10204349205904085_3726…)

>i wear only eyeliner and i look so good!
No. 1195281
>>1195268The woman in the original post
>>1195039 is clearing wearing foundation though??
No. 1195284
>>1195158This. I hate this trend that tells women we have to apply a full face of make-up.
>>1195267That girl has much more than just eyeliner, ironically she'd look better if she just went with a thin liner instead of this 2015 instagirl makeup.
No. 1195289
Why are you all going on and on about foundation when
>>1195039 was clearly talking about the thick eyeliner without mascara. I swear you all are just looking for things to infight about.
No. 1195296
>>1195289they just feel
triggered because they probably do their eyes EXACTLY like that lol.
No. 1195298
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>>1195289It's such a simple concept that a lot of anons ITT can't grasp or never bothered to learn. I don't know where the foundation thing came from either, it's like they just wanted a reason to fight and say "well I don't wear foundation like you!"… and? That wasn't even the point.
No. 1195381
>>1194736double this when they are taller or bigger. i am not looking to break a bone by being around them when they fall in some of the most retarded ways. i don't get why they go their entire lives avoiding sports when it's been proven that coordination improves from them.
>>1195056danger to everyone, not just themselves. it's not cute, it's embarrassing.
No. 1195385
>>1195039>bare looking face with eyelinerThis girl was obviously complaining she wasnt wearing skin products but changed them narrative when anons told her no skin product will ever look good as real skin. She's now saying it was totally about mascara even though that wasn't mentioned until she got mad and told everyone she doesn't wear foundation herself.
She's probably someone without terrible skin so she layers on skin products to feel ok and gets mad when other woman don't feel the need.
No. 1195548
File: 1653436668878.jpg (76.79 KB, 682x1024, 84b37a8564a2718cc735f7eaaf83a4…)

I hate the spergy derails, and scrotes on this board
No. 1195580
File: 1653438987774.gif (753.92 KB, 1008x720, serial-experiments-lain-gif-9-…)

Every fucking mainstream website is so purposefully awful, right? I shouldn't click on a site and immediately there's a video playing that you cannot pause, only mute. And it should not follow you wherever you scroll. It is stressful and more often than not I just quit the page immediately.
Also endless scrolling. I can't stand endless scrolling through images, give me the option to pick a page. It's so anxiety-inducing.
So a thing I hate are some awful UI designs, at least for me. I don't know how anyone else stands them or how it's so ubiquitous now.
Obligatory lain gif for internet related anger
No. 1195633
>>1195629nta but why are you this
triggered over people making fun of makeup. you sound insufferable yourself like you just witness the worlds biggest injustice go down… someone's makeup was made fun of! wtf
No. 1195635
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since we're on the topic of make-up i hate overly yasssified make-up so much
No. 1195700
>>1195697>>1195613Responds with
>and?>okay?>????literally annoying as fuck zoomer detected
No. 1195836
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Can't believe they just took down one of lolcow's anthems!
No. 1195839
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>>1195836At least Youtube Music still has our back also including user uploaded content… for now.
No. 1195851
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>>1195635I hate the brushed up eyebrow look! Most trends I’m able to ignore because I really don’t care but this? It’s so ugly and an odd thing to do, it looks so stupid.
No. 1195861
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>>1195851I miss The superior squiggle brow
No. 1195867
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>>1195861I see your squiggle brow and raise you a squiggle lip
No. 1195872
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>>1195869This post REEKS jelousy. Just say you can't do make-up and go.
No. 1195876
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>>1195851tbh I think the brushed up brows look far better than the awful whatever these brows are, so overly drawn and nothing natural about them
No. 1195897
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>>1195869You obviously have no taste
No. 1196099
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I hate people who throw out food too soon because they're unreasonably paranoid about best-before and use-by dates.
Theres some exceptions obviously like raw meat but most of the time it's people just being genuinely wasteful and chucking out so much food when they don't even need to.
My mum is like this and I couldn't have leftovers or anything in the fridge for more than a few days before it would just get chucked out. She would throw out entire big jugs of milk because they were just one day past the date- despite the milk smelling and tasting absolutely fine and being in the fridge the entire time.
I realised this was all mostly bs when I went to uni and understood that you can actually keep things like milk or beans or yoghurt past its date and it literally would make no difference to the taste or texture. I get why the dates are there, but people take it far too seriously and are too eager to chuck food out even though it both smells and tastes fine and won't cause stomach upset.
I can't even recall a time I have been sick from slightly out of date food.
No. 1196154
>>1196099Are you this
>>1196122 anons boyfriend?
No. 1196239
>>1196099People need to understand the difference between best before and use by x date.
Unopened dairy will be fine for some time after the date but meat has to be thrown out after the date.
No. 1196274
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Suddenly the word goblin is fucking everywhere and it's pissing me off. Shut the fuck up about goblin this and goblin that
No. 1196382
>>1196274*Everywhere I look there's just another one
Looking at me
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run
They're laughing at me
I spend my life surrounded by goblins
It may seem surreal but it's real to me
(It's all so real to me)
And every time I've got a problem
There's only goblins there for me
The goblins came
They came from space
But they were looking for another place
But now they're here
And they want to destroy the humans
But I guess that's fine with me
I spend my life surrounded by goblins
It may seem surreal but it's real to me
(It's all so real to me)
And every time I've got a problem
There's always goblins there for me
(They're always watching me)*
No. 1196398
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>>1196382Listening to this song RIGHT! NOW!
No. 1196431
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I hate most candy bars. They're too sweet and the chocolate tastes like greasy trash. What I hate the most about them though is this shitty caramel they put in most of them. A coworker once made homemade snickers and shared them with us and it was a world of a difference. My least favorite candy bar is Mars.
No. 1196518
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>>1196481>>1196480Have you guys tried the blueberry muffin kitkats? I saw them a while ago, but didn't pick them up because the color was off-putting to me. I think it's cool that kitkats have so many different flavors though.
No. 1196526
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>>1196518Not any of the anons you're playing to but have you tried these mint kitkats? I bought them because I liked the mint color of the packaging and I really like them lol.
I've never seen that blueberry one! I'd like to try it. Man, don't even get me started on Japanese kitkats kek. Wasabi kitkats are surprisingly good in their own weird way. Not as super disgusting as people ham it up to be tbh. Also it kind of works because real wasabi has a sweetness to it.
No. 1196533
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>>1196526Nta but they were nice. My least favourite KitKat is the one with matcha. I do wish I had a chance to try the 'cutesy' valentine's one of this year but our stores didn't sell them. (They had a bear that held a heart)
I really want to try more Japanese KitKats, like picrel
No. 1196536
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>>1196526I have not, but it looks great! I want to try the ruby chocolate flavor because I love the color and ruby chocolate is delicious. I would also like the sakura kitkats but I'm pretty sure those were limited edition.
Unfortunately it seems like the US misses out on all the cool kitkat flavors, so I've only had matcha, dark chocolate and white chocolate.
No. 1196542
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>>1196536Samefag but these lemon crisp ones look amazing too. I'm a huge sucker for anything lemon.
No. 1196545
>>1196533Dang the matcha one is my favorite but I also just like matcha flavored things haha. I haven't tried the sakura sake ones someone did let me try the regular sake flavored ones and I didn't like it, but I'm sensitive and don't like the taste of alcohol to begin with sooo lol
>>1196536>>1196542I've never had ruby chocolate before! Yeah I wish the US had more cool flavors. We're the land of fried butter but you're telling me crazy kitkat flavors is out of our realm of expertise for some reason? Also I would fucking kill for those lemon ones, I love lemon flavored things so much omg
No. 1196549
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>>1196545Ruby chocolate is amazing imo, it's like raspberry flavored chocolate. The first and only time I had it was picrel.
No. 1196562
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>>1196549Samefag but also I think it's pretty similar to white chocolate (because it has a light chocolate flavor compared to regular chocolate, but a good berry/tart flavor) so if you're not into that then you may not like ruby chocolate. It's always worth a try though.
>>1196558>Is the ruby chocolate made artificiallyNo No. 1196585
File: 1653508202932.png (657.62 KB, 1059x2527, and yet no multiple language o…)

I hate that Twitch added so many bullshit tags and yet there's still no way to set your stream to different languages.
No, they removed language tags and replaced them with country tags. Because they think who you are (like your nationality) is more important than what you do (like speaking multiple languages). This is a highly requested feature that would allow a shitton of bilingual/multilingual streamers to reach a much wider audience, and help viewers find more content in their language. They also limited the number of additional tags to 5.
Tinfoiling hard, but now I wonder if they're not pushing LGBTQ+ and disability tags, and preventing people from reaching bigger audiences in multiple languages to avoid having to pay streamers too much when they become big enough.
No. 1196641
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I hate this woman with a deep, deep passion. Stop trying to be a disinterested, sarcastic hipster NLOG that never feels joy in your life you’re literally middle-aged kek
No. 1197326
>>1197257If he thinks males are childlike and need women to guide them why do men run everything? It’s like the men who spout male superiority but then want male dv
victims taken seriously, you can’t be in charge of everything but also uwu poor little
victims of women. To all lurking scrotes I hope you go bald if you haven’t already and your dick never recovers from your pathetic porn addiction.
No. 1197475
>>1179885I was reading someones description of what a pap smear feels like lately… I think my cervix is just numb or built differently. I've had a whole series of exams and samples taken from mine (abnormal cell results eventually followed by normal results after years of re-examinations) I've never felt anything during the scraping.
Then lately an anon kept posting in the penis size thread saying big dicks are awful because they bash your cervix and apparently that's the worst feeling? I never knew sensitivity there varies that much.
No. 1199162
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I hate benefits people. I'm so sick of people having kids they can't afford and the government paying for them. In the UK there are so many useless scroungers that are thick as pigshit and just constantly churn out babies and it pisses me off that my tax pays for that shit. I'm so tired of these idiots saying there's no jobs too, there are plenty of jobs, they just think they're too good to work somewhere like ASDA or McDonald's despite having no other skills, and most of the time they people haven't even tried to get a job cause they'd rather sit on their fat arses. People like this are usually terrible parents too and let their spawn run riot. You'll be in town and just hear "MACKENZIE GET OVER ERE NOW", but other than yelling the chavvy names of their 5 brats they won't do anything to actually control them.
Fuck the royal family too. They're scroungers too.
I also hate those people that live in London but have no real need to live in London but complain about how expensive it is, like move somewhere else then???
No. 1199228
>>1199162I'm not in the UK but I've vented about the exact same thing in my country. I've lived in places where I had the joy of paying steep enough rents all to live in a semi shithole because half the other appts were paid by social housing and these people would vandalise everything, piss on everything, throw rubbish wherever, dump nappies in the hall, puke in the halls, sleep drunk in the halls, throw 2 day long drug fueled parties when there's babies present the whole time.
I know it creates absolute certified shit holes to build big towers and house all social housing families together, but my country putting these people in nice buildings next to paying tenants used to drive me crazy. Why are they so destructive? Like they went out of their way to ruin the building in any way they could. I got sick of moving to new places..only to have another nightmare family housed next to me for free all over again. I moved somewhere pretty rural. It's now starting to slowly creep in here.
No. 1199283
>>1199162I hate how people like this act like they can’t give their kids sufficient food or clean a house. Honestly having had to do (kind of) babysitting in houses like this you see stuff like
>dog piss on the floor>a mouldy smell>clothes, ornaments, dog food on the floor>dogs that never get taken out or shitbulls>gnats in the kitchen, dirty dishes getting mouldy>kids living in the filth, getting given crisps for dinner and never any fresh fruit or cooked mealsAnd what sucks is that these people will say ‘you don’t know wot it’s loik bein poor’ but a lot of these people have more money than i did growing up, to spend on cigarettes and a flatscreen tv or alcohol. It’s not that hard. Growing up in a cheap apartment where people overdosed outside and vomited on the walls, we were still made to clean our space, and knew to buy in bulk and use cheap cuts of meat, to use leftovers. We were still made to read library books and learn to talk properly, and play footie in the park at the weekend. It’s not a lack of money, it’s a lack of class , negligent parenting, and laziness. Yeah I look down on people like this.
No. 1199326
>>1199289Hey babes I was homeless at one point in my life as a minor. I come from a broken home and family. I didn’t have running water or insurance at times in my childhood. I’m well aware of class struggles and not punching down. Noni above was clearly venting about a specific type of low income person which from my own exp fucking sucks. They absolutely act just as entitled as the upper class and don’t give a fuck about anyone else. They make it much worse for everyone at their level. If they want society to take care of them maybe they should also I don’t know take care of society. You being obtuse and a dickhead to your neighbors isn’t sticking it to the man.
There’s a lot of people who need help who can’t qualify and I know people that legit their own deathfat has them on benefits. Stop fighting other working class people and let them vent about it and talk about what they hate in the hate thread.
No. 1199331
>>1199289>>1199263OP here, I didn't think I would have to state this, but I do not hate EVERY benefits claimant, just the ones that obviously take the piss.
>>1199283>shitbullsEvery time. Or staffies or some other untrained mongrel. You're spot on with the lack of general hygiene too, I don't know how they can live in mess like that, especially as they spend more time at home than most working people.
No. 1199408
>>1199331If someone has never encountered the specific type you were referring to… tbh lucky them.
I grew up in the middle of it and people would very openly discuss ways to scam the very system that was already paying every last bill for them. Like you said, taking the absolute piss. No shame at all. It sounds like a meme but my peers from where I grew up would sit and plan out babies (via ONS) just to secure a free house. We had lefy school at 18 and that was the go-to plan girls had. I've always been terrified of everything to do with pregnancy so I was laughed at for not following the same path. As if it's just not a big deal to conceive a child that way and for that purpose. I don't live in the same area anymore because there's such a housing shortage there… I wonder why.
No. 1199413
>>1199283I'm "poor" technically and can't understand poor people who live like this, especially in america when EBT and WIC will buy you fruit, veggies and grains but they'd rather blow all their food stamps on junk food and pizza, poor pet hoarders bother me even more, especially ones who hoard exotic animals and they don't bother bringing them to the vet, cleaning the cage, or anything else because "I don't have time or money" but like… you magically found the time to go out your way to get sugar gliders/birds/lizards or whatever as well as setting up everything just to forget about it
>It’s not a lack of money, it’s a lack of class , negligent parenting, and laziness. Yeah I look down on people like really is, so many poor people beat the shit out of their kids for every little reason. We live in a time where they can easily access, scratch that, anti child-abuse is practically shoved down everyones throat and they still do it just because and cry bloody murder when they get themselves in trouble
>but they can't afford cleaning supplies thats why it's messybullshit. Dollar tree sells cleaning supplies and if you have no fucking issue spending several bucks a day on beer and cigs you can afford a 1 dollar all purpose cleaner. I wish we held poor people more accountable for their actions
No. 1199483
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>>1199413Call me bougie but this post I saw pissed me off. "This $155 got us 3 days of meals, 4 if we have sandwiches one night! Yet we’re expected to live, to support our families?"
It's not a troll post, either.
What the fuck? I can see:
4 12-packs of soda
6 bags of chips (?!)
Oreos, candy, pizza, macaroni and cheese, some premade box meals and some deli cheese and meat.
Yes, produce and fresh items can add up but wtf?
It's not hard to take the fucking $20 that you spent on the soda or chips and buy some damn vegetables and make a batch of soup or stir fry that you can keep for a week.
No. 1199495
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sex tourists
No. 1199504
>>1199483wtf a chunk of that money alone is chips and soda. WIC gives me whole grains such as wg pasta, cereal, etc and only 40 bucks worth of fruit and veggies a month and that will fill my fridge and I don't even have EBT yet
pre-made box meals are fine imo especially if you're poor and don't have a lot of time to prep ingredients but seriously? bob evans, red baron, and Velveeta are straight up name brand and you can easily get mac and cheese for like 50 cents from the off brand, or anything else off brand, it doesn't taste as good but it fills mac and cheese cravings. These people are literally retarded and focused on pleasure more than survival . they literally spent 1/3rd of their food budget on chips and soda
No. 1199534
>>1199408Same here, a lot of girls at my high school left at 16 and by like 19 soo many of them had multiple children, usually with different fathers. Yeah for real, I can't understand how some people are so flippant about having an actual child.
>>1199413Literally, they love to get large dog breeds like huskies as well. I've never seen one thats a good parent, where I am its usually more neglectful than physical, you see the kids just left to their own devices getting no guidance, which ofc makes them more likely to end up wasters like their parents.
>>1199483pure, unadulterated garbage. This is the sort of shit a 6 year old would buy. I can't believe people could be this stupid, all name brand as well. The mountain dew has me rolling, have these people not heard of water?!
No. 1200188
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Zoomer/twitter wojakcs, I hate seeming them and I hate just the fact they exist, how the tf does a bland reaction image from 4chan even turn into this
No. 1200216
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>>1200188Why are the Asian ones so scary like did they copy and paste literal eyes on them they were ruined after some Twitterfag put realistic hair on them
No. 1200230
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>>1196099When I was a kid my mom gave me a bowl of raisin bran that had maggots swimming around in it. I’ve been paranoid about having cereal around the house too long ever since.
No. 1200240
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>>1200230Those most likely weren't maggots, instead they were probably just moth larvae. they look like maggots kinda but aren't, just fyi.
> Flies lay their eggs in decaying organic matter, such as spoiled food and animal waste, which serves as food for the developing larvae.> Pantry moths (also called Indianmeal moths, flour moths, and grain moths) are common household pests that lay eggs in dry food products. Flies don't lay eggs in dry food. I understand if that's just as gross to you, but to me it's a huge difference.
You won't find moths feeding on a dead cat, unlike flies. No. 1200557
File: 1653761864076.jpeg (280.23 KB, 777x896, 1653547044666.jpeg)

drivers stop suggesting inconvenient bus routes just so I "don't have to walk" challenge reeee
why is everyone so against walking even tho this place is walkable. it lets me keep fit without going to a smelly gym pls let me live
No. 1200686
File: 1653770052936.png (382.31 KB, 1468x1548, 1453240823293.png)

Just learned about Samantha Brick and I'm seeting so hard kek. She wrote a whole book about why her production company failed because of the female drama ( nothing to do with her of course ) as well as an article called "Why do women hate me for being beautiful?". Scrote on 4chan like to repost that as a actual argument against women, jesus.
No. 1200688
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>>1200686samefag but she looks like that.
No. 1200721
>>1200560yes I'm in Burger, but in an actually walkable area. I was going to walk 10min from the bus, a few city blocks, and the dumbass car addict kept telling me to take another bus that will "go right there". Like, my feet will go there in less time fatass.
I want to enjoy my time walking cuz imma get priced out soon and will have to become one of those drive or die ppl in a shitty area with no sidewalks
No. 1200729
>>1200721>>1200560The joy of
suburban sprawl! This is on my hate list too. In my early 20s I lived in a midtown area of a big city where I could see my friends, go to the store, and go to shows or restaurants/bars all within walking or bicycling distance and I was in the best shape of my life. I recently moved to the suburb outskirts of a different city for my fiance's job and there's nowhere to walk. I could walk 5 miles and just be surrounded by more apartments and houses. Surprise, I gained a bunch of weight and now I need to actively exercise to keep it off lol
No. 1201583
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I had no idea where to post it so here I go. I fuckin hate how mainstream that kind of humor is. Plenty of moids thought it was funny and here I was, as a woman, being degraded once again.
No. 1201786
>>1201578And which are the husbandos only men like?
Anyway, some jealous anti-husbando scrotes definitely just found the thread.
No. 1201800
>>1201788Not that there are anything wrong with skinny bishounen.
But I really want to know who the forbidden characters are.
No. 1201889
>>1201876It's surprisingly difficult to find non-black but still natural coloured mascara and eyeliner for some reason. My mom swears by grey mascara but very few brands sell them, especially in recent years. It's like all brands phased them out after the 2000's.
I agree in general though.
No. 1202133
>>1202120Meant to write trails.
>>1202125Same. There are some overcrowded stores I refuse to go to anymore because 5 minutes inside gives me a huge headache.
No. 1202418
>>1199495What I hate about these scrotes is that they act like they're such a good guys for 'helping' poor women by buying their bodies. Even the one in the screenshot says it's hard and nauseating work, they absolutely know it's paid rape yet they have the nerve to pretend they're saviors.
If you wanted to help them out of your soul's goodness, you'd fucking donate her the money without raping her! You disgusting rapist asshole.
No. 1202848
File: 1653931061832.gif (582.89 KB, 500x333, bmth diamonds.gif)

i hate people who sleep a lot. i grew up with a family that takes a million naps per day and that is probably the reason why i hate it so much. every time i wanted to do anything they were sleeping, i cant make any noise because it will get me into physical trouble. and if i dont sleep whenever they decide i get in trouble for that, if i dont wake up at the same time as them i get in trouble for that as well. how do you go about your life just sleeping ? i feel so much rage right now. sure enough as i type this post, they are sleeping.
its not just my family who sleeps a lot, even the friends i made in the past. dont expect a text back after school because they WILL be taking a hundred hour long nap. it is now 5pm? OMG ITS NAP TIME!!!!!
i legitimately cant imagine having so little energy. i cant rely on anybody because they will be sleeping. i constantly feel like an understimulated dog.
i even get furious when i feel tired kek i wish i could never go to sleep ever, not in a fomo way but just the activity pisses me off
No. 1202859
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>>1202848Sometimes I sleep just to not be awake. Its the closest I can get to death with commitment
No. 1202876
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>>1202848i know this is the things you hate thread but holy shit calm down
No. 1202880
>>1202859Nta but I get it
I’m suicidal though sleeping is just a great way to not feel anything that doesn’t imply buying drugs. Yet I also understand anon, sleeping also feels like a waste of time.
No. 1203419
File: 1653968408055.jpeg (690.67 KB, 2000x3000, BE5EFCBE-5F9F-44C4-8451-B1321E…)

I’m disgusted at the sheer amount of opposite-sex attracted nonnies on here. Why are you sleeping with the oppressor?
No. 1203422
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>>1203419I like having a punching bag that will give me head and buy me things
No. 1203424
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I hate trannies
No. 1203434
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>>1203419My Nigel is one of the good ones
No. 1203436
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>>1203435i love u psycho manhater anons
No. 1203621
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>>1203422>>1203578i don't understand this. first of all, if they're shitty enough to where you want to berate them emotionally or express sadistic tendancies towards them (and i'm not saying many men aren't deserving of it based on their desires or actions alone, however, there's no way my ass would get caught on charges because i insist on staying with a guy who i don't like and want to "beat up" in any way) why are you with them? the only point to being with them is if they WOULDN'T piss you off and upset you enough to make you want to berate them or hurt them? i don't get this. it's not based for you, it's only based if they are hurting you, but the most based is to just be alone and leave them. also, good luck when they try to turn the cops, the courts, friends, and everyone against you and press charges, because no one will have any sympathy for you as a woman even if they are literally raping and beating you.
you guys need to just come to terms with the fact that you're not willing to let men go and stop making these weird excuses that on their face might seem "based" but when thought out make no sense and only endanger your future. entanglements with men endanger your future, period. i have too much good shit in my life to risk it on a guy or seek one out. i already have enough that try to enter my life and fuck my shit up, i don't know why you guys would want that shit for yourselves. good luck with the charges i guess, nonnies.
No. 1203637
>>1202848Napping is actually good for you but I don't see the appeal, I'm not taking a break in the middle of the day when I could just have a regular sleep schedule instead.
Personally I just judge the fuck out of people who can't wake up in the morning. Like they need to set multiple alarms because one won't work for some reason? So bizarre and childish. I think it
triggers me because I had a lazy POS bf in highschool who would stay over and refuse to get up at a normal hour and my parents would be furious over it.
No. 1203882
>>1203845I'm in a rural part of a country that's behind countries like the US, between slow mail, the distance between everything, bad transport, slow ass internet out here that drops off whenever, working on a budget etc I don't really feel like shit's too instant or too convenient. I feel like I'm always waiting around on something either online or irl.
Alot of that I brought on myself by moving out of a city though. I underestimated the lesson I'd be getting in patience lol
No. 1204009
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People who spout things like this and share
No. 1204076
>>1204067One thing I don't understand is why people
want or are eagerly waiting for a different body type to be on-trend. Body types being on trend, regardless of if it's thick or skinny, will always lead to women doing unhealthy things to conform to it and the standard will always be something that most women will have difficulty reaching. It really doesn't benefit anyone for these to be trends.
There's probably a better way for me to say all of this but I'm not good with words so sorry if this all sounds like gobbledygook
No. 1204077
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>>1204009I can almost see where this is coming from, like I do think that survival skills by the early pioneers and natives should be acknowledged at least, but that article just read as if they were trying to be offended over literally nothing and grasping at straws to make something seem offensive
No. 1204119
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I hate thid ugly voidchan/animecore/egirl aesthetic
I can’t wait for it to die
No. 1205094
>>1203667I don't mean night owls or people who sleep in, I meant people who actually need to get up for work or school and literally just won't or can't. If your sleep schedule fits your life that's obviously fine.
tbh on the other hand I think people who wake up super early when they don't have to are pretentious and annoying. The 'wake up at 5am to have a cold shower and prove how stoic and tough you are' grindset shit, it's so moidy and tryhard. Waking up in the dark is miserable no matter how much sleep you get.
No. 1206913
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I hate denim and everyone who shills it as "comfortable". It's the most uncomfortable type of material and most jeans look ugly, especially blue jeans. Tbh I kind of hate pants in general.
No. 1207417
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I'm fully aware of being a sperg but I unironically hate "fake fans" so much. Disingenuity in general is a red flag for me and I don't trust people who take advantage of something just for its popularity, for example artists who draw popular characters and franchises just to sell more merch or cosplayers who cosplay popular characters just to gain more exposure. I get that it's about the money but it's still a huge disappointment to learn that someone doesn't share the same enthusiasm for something but is willing to profit from it. Especially when they genuinely talk shit about the source and make fun of the actual fans.
Actually you know what, I also hate that I have to feel bad about feeling this way. What about not liking opportunistic exploitation should be shameful? Why was it made into "cringe gatekeeping"? Expecting some amount of respect isn't the same as quizzing shit like the nightmare scenario neckbeard in all the memes.
No. 1207444
>>1207417If it makes you feel any better, I notice trend hoppers tend to be really terrible people overall in the way they treat those around them.
They tend to treat them as disposable as the flavor of the month hobbies they’re into at the moment
No. 1207481
>>1206913Same. And I hate that they're becoming the only affordable option for people who have more of an outdoorsy lifestyle. I wish large skirts and wide leg pants were more often made of tougher cotton/linen and not shitty synthetics.
I also really don't understand why regular city dwellers who don't walk long distances and don't need to wear anything tough still insist on wearing jeans and sneakers anyway when there's so many nice clothes and shoes everywhere that they can easily wear without ruining them.
No. 1207691
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i find it hard not to hate women who are like this
No. 1207749
Kind of a specific nitpick but I hate when people put "RIP Miura" comments on Susumu Hirasawa songs that have nothing to do with Berserk, dude has had a career well before Berserk.
>>1207691Damn she's so quirky and totally not like those boring other girls!
No. 1207886
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this pink hair hope from hopescope got a while ago. colorful hair can be fun but it looks so trashy on her.
No. 1208149
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Sour fruits are the only way fruits should be eaten. Also, I hate everything that contains non-"raw" fruit, like on cakes and jam. Way to go, wasting perfectly good strawberrys like that, go fuck yourself.
No. 1208157
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>>1206913When I was a small autist everyone tried making me wear jeans. My sensory issues couldn't handle them but they kept trying. Even now I fucking hate jeans and will vouch for soft materials bottoms instead. I think we need to be more like Japan lol.
No. 1208764
>>1208741They have the widest appeal simply because they're the most common in the entertainment world. Of course all the "artsy porn" photoshoots are skinny white girls because it's impossible to find
WOC or other sizes who do that. Of course celebrities date skinny white girls since they usually date other celebrities who are also mostly skinny white girls
No. 1208779
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I respect him as a bbuiness man and someone who helps black people, but I hate this character and this kind of humor. There's a whole market of black men dressed up mocking black women. Usually ghetto black girls, it's annoying.
alot of them say they are "straight" to.
No. 1208781
>>1189870should have just made a new character
this is why I hate race-washing
No. 1208832
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>>1208822I always assumed he was gay and simply didn’t discuss it openly due to his target audience. You think he’ll ever be done with Madea? He certainly has the money to stop.
No. 1208834
>>1208830Oh shit, now I
>>1208818 feel like an asshole.
No. 1208838
>>1208830Oh wow didn't know that. I don't dislike Tyler Perry just the "Scrote in a dress" thing. I don't like it. Techincally it's drag but In a different way or the same way.
>>1208832Nah apperently he has/had a wife/kid or at least a long time girlfriend. Honestly Tyler doesn't "Act" gay, or have that gay vibe. I don't know why so many think he's gay, Maybe because the Madea character.
But that character is quite aggressive and not feminine anyway. He also has more things then Madea going on. Though some of his actual movies are known for being kinda shitty, but campy junkfood movies.
I love the plays mostly for the singing and everything BUT tyler, unless he's playing a male character.
No. 1208954
>>1208941You're only allowed to exist according to people if they'd still fuck you. If I have to believe other people, I will become a 10/10 goddess if I'd just grow my hair out, shave my legs and put on a dress. They're fucking delusional, but people legit are more attracted to femininity than actual people, so even if they've never seen you before they will try to pressure you into it. The reality is that even back then people were calling me mannish and saying I look like a man. Or at best "7/10 you look autistic". People still cry whenever I go back to the barber, as if growing your hair out into a mullet looks hot. They gaslit me for years trying to tell me my face is round. I've asked every barber and hairdresser, it's oval or oblong, far from round, the fuck. Men act entitled that if a woman is present, they should always have something to ogle at or sexualize. They get personally offended at my small chest, muscles and being gnc. I'm ecstatic that I turn 99% of men off, but can they please stop bothering me about it?
No. 1209228
>>1208829Why is the femboy wojak saying "we" when it's just him? The black female Wojak has the same nose, eyes and neck as the original
Moids always do this shit. Projecting their own conditions and/or shortcomings on women and the rest of the world kek
No. 1209359
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Can't stand mediocre bitches whining that their classmates or coworkers are so stupid and they are soooo smart. The embodiment of the "to be fair, you have to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" meme. Who cares if 60 year old mrs Smith submitted the wrong report ticket, you are tech support, it's your job to help her while she is a pro in a different area.
No. 1209378
>>1209311great post,
nonnie. agree completely. it's so annoying.
No. 1209587
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women that think they need soap for their labias are fucking retards period. they're probably pick-me's with boyfriends like pic related and that's why they want to convince other women it's normal to use soap down there.
No. 1209603
>>1209599No retard. Do you even have a vagina? Sweat, dead skin, toilet paper, all that turns into gunk and builds around your clit and inner labia. Maybe your anatomy doesn't allow build up of it.
>Women washing their vaginas are pickmesOk yeah sure, sorry that I don't like smelling like a fish market. Totally doing it to appeal to scrotes and not because I don't want to smell like shit. Washing the outside with soap and water is fucking fine.
No. 1209606
>>1209603I was not that angry anon, I'm just genuinely baffled.
>anatomyThere isn't some crazy anatomy at work there unless someone is overweight and that increases the sweating a dirt build up.
No. 1209615
This is my post
>>1209370I refuse to not have my asscrack, clithood, venus, inner thighs, outer labias washed with an expensive intimate soap and cold water after every shit i take.
I am a forever aloner by choice. I do it for myself. I care about my hygiene. And dermatologists need to stop telling us what to do with incorrect information. I refuse to only shower once a week because i need to shower once a day at least to remove sweat feces and whatnot.
No. 1209618
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>>1209606Ana chan please. Are you really this retarded? Do you know why uncut men get smegma? They have a foreskin. Women have foreskins on their clitoris. This has nothing to do with weight. Build up gets there. If you happen to have wrinkly or uneven labia minora then yes you're going to get more gunk in there. News flash, vaginas have folds.
>>1209607Do you wipe after taking a piss?
No. 1209620
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You gotta be kidding me nonas
No. 1209625
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>I share a board with nonitas who unironically let toilet paper build up in their vagina and call it smegma
Use triple layers bitch, you can afford an internet connection
No. 1209631
>>1209618>Women have foreskins on their clitoris.You must have some really fucking weird anatomy anon because dirt isn't supposed to get under the clitoral hood and in my experience with women they're usually quite small. I have uneven labia minora and never get gunk there.
>Do you wipe after taking a piss?Do you only use the horrible gray toilet paper that's distributed in schools and hospitals?
No. 1209638
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No. 1209639
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The world twink and how it gets applies towards seemingly every non-steroid freak/fat ass men, even seeing it on here makes me cringe to end, gay male culture has truly been a disaster for the womanrace, also the word twunk, just say a fit guy you don't have to use terms made up gay men who want to fuck teenage boys
No. 1209811
>>1209311I agree with part of your post but it also reminded me of something I hate
>are surprisingly radical feminists it just makes no fucking senseNobody in that convo even called themselves radfems. I hate how some anons constantly say "and the anons who have x shitty opinions are surprisingly also radfems" even though you have no way of knowing that unless you can see their post history. And I'm not saying this because I am worried about the image of radfems specifically but because it's annoying to have people respond to your posts like "and you call yourself a radfem?" when you literally didn't and never have. I'm not the anons from that thread but this has happened to me before and it's annoying as shit, unless the anon is saying "I'm a radfem so xyz" then stop calling everyone you dislike a radfem. Many of us have never identified with an ideological label on here and I'm tired of anons labeling others as one because of their vendettas against that online community.
No. 1209857
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Men & handmaidens screeching about how women don't want to have kids anymore. Oh you mean after they tortured and killed female healers and midwives so womens medicine was lost and destroyed. After they polluted the food water and air to make women and children sick with brain autoimmune disease and inflammation? After they started creating medicine from artificial chemicals that doesn't even work at best and offs you at worst? After they fucked with literal dna of creatures and animals to create Franken Monster beings that will slowly degrade until they die out? After censoring & destroying women's spaces and culture knowledge and traditions? After the entry requirements to leadership and important roles was to be a pedo?
Yeah… I wonder WHY women don't want to have kids. Can't have anything to do with the fact that women are treated like labotomized broodmares in everything but name & law.
No. 1209983
>>1209311Legitimately intelligent post.
>it’s like they’re suspended in the realm of 2016 fedora centrist anti-sjws This is the most accurate way I've seen it put.
>>1209811NTA but anon wasn't talking about that convo in particular (she even said she doesn't red the thread), she was referencing to the entire atmosphere of the site and I can vouch for her point. There are tons of self-identified "radfems" who could pass, like described, for the 2016 skeptics but only the misogyny is replaced with surface level manhate and invalidating other women and their experiences. I see it especially in detrans circles of ex-troons who did a 180 and went straight to some bastardized form of radical feminism that's more of a mix between gendercrit, conservative views and the fedora centrism.
No. 1210018
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>It's another "radfems are ruining lc's culture" episode
No. 1210063
>>1209903What I am critical over with radfems is not what actually radical feminism stands for or the radfem talking points. Thinking porn industry is
abusive towards women? AMAZING! That is totally true! Thinking trannies are invading female space?AMAZING THAT IS TOTALLY TRUE and I agree 1000000000000% it also does not mean all radfems are the same, some are actually legit and understanding. What bothers me is the amount of LARPERs in the movement or the amount of women that literally refuse to do ANYTHING at all for other women although they have a lot of money and time on their hands and what I'm bothered by is also the amount of right wing women invading the movemnt and using it as a tool to literally shame and further victimize for example women in sex work and so on. If you're a sex worker it does not mean you promote the industry or that you harm other women, most women involved in sex work don't groom other women and do not promote sex work. I do get criticizing or being harsh towards the type of women that groom other women into sex work or the type of women that sell this fake image of it being AMAZING, but there is no point in attacking or criticizing someone that is victimized by society in a sense. To me it feels like due to ideology people cannnot even see nuances anymore and they can use ideology as a tool to oppress others even further.
I've interacted with a handful of radfems and a lot of them (not ALL) were rich white women from 1st world countries with a shitload of time on their hands that could have used all the time they spend posting shit on the internet to reach out to women who need help. A lot of women need help and nobody is willing to offer it to them. Give them money, a bit of your time, your support ETC.
No. 1210095
>>1210051Show me one (1) libfem on this hellsite. Everyone and their mom is a """"radfem"""" here.
And no, I do not hate radfems, I identify strongly with it - but the hypocrisy, misogyny and radfem larping in this site is abysmal. Hating men and trannies does not automatically make you a radfem.
No. 1210203
No. 1210238
>>1210232I don’t look down on women who do sex work because I don’t look down on women. I think that me being anti-sex work will harm women more than it will somehow “empower” them to “make better decisions”. It will not dismantle it. I am anti sex trafficking and I do not agree with everything sex workers say or do but they are women who often do not have the same opportunities without using it as a crutch and it is neither my place or my right really to try to humiliate or illustrate any sort of disgust for them just because they are “degrading” themselves. If sex work
triggers you into a complete conniption then maybe you shouldn’t be online, you know?
No. 1210244
>>1210227but people still have the right to criticize that too
>>1210238>I think that me being anti-sex work will harm women morenta but genuinely curious, how? wouldn't the people promoting it without showing the downsides be more harmful
No. 1210255
>>1210215 >>1210227
It may be her right to choose, but she is self loathing if she willingly degrades herself, especially when it sacrifices so much of her self worth for nothing. I’m talking about women who go around wearing collars and chains like they’re dogs to seem “submissive”, calling themselves “bimbos”, spending thousands on plastic surgery to emulate porn, and doing other things so they can basically be an object for moids to get off on using. I wasn’t thinking of sex work originally, but a woman on onlyfans who has other options and privileges, yet chooses it anyways, is willingly humiliating herself. I don’t hate her personhood, I just hate when I see someone degrade themselves because it is depressing, women shouldn’t fulfill the role of an object for anyone.
>>1210221No I’m not them, I don’t think oral sex is necessarily degrading.
No. 1210256
>>1210244Because me being an asshole and condescending, berating, and insulting women for having an onlyfans will only serve to make me look like a batshit crazy bitch as it should. We are not “dismantling the patriarchy” by treating women like shit for their choices that aren’t even
actually harming anyone. If we want to split hairs and talk about women like belle Delphine or shayna, that’s completely different. Otherwise shitting myself because a woman wants to sell feet pics or fuck a few old seniors to pay for her college is just stupid.
No. 1210263
I think being anti sex work is different than hating women who do sex work. I am anti sex work too in the sense that I believe in an ideal world where prostitution is banished, I believe that sex work is inherently objectifying and abusive towards women. But unfortunately this is not the perfect world I would like to live in, this is the real world where people constantly abuse each other, where women are abused in their childhoods and develop mental complexes, where a lot of individuals don't have working opportunities, where a lot of women develop mental illness and cannot fit into normal jobs, where the government barely aids you if you are ill and need support to get up and so on. This is the world that we live in, a cruel one in which we many times don't even have a choice. I hate how this complex issue of sex work is reduced to either "REEEEEE EVIL WHORE PICK MEEEEEE" or "OMGGGGGG YOU'RE SO BRAVE AND POWERFUL" it's so stupid when this thing is in fact so complex and by refusing to discuss it thoroughly we perpetuate the problem. Women in SW are either demonized and stripped of any humanity and seen as inhumane piece s of meat by women and men outside the industry, not those inside of the industry or they are glorified. Most women in SW don't even truly want to be there, they just had a handful of factors that drove them to that place, yet society refuses to discuss it openly. If you say anything negative about it libtards will accuse you of being oppressive, if you say anything even remotely positive about it on lolcow you will be accused of being a libfem. We live in a deeply troubled society. Most women that end up in SW don't even truly make an ACTIVE choice, they are abused in their childhood or come from poverty are ill and end up there at 18 and then they become stuck there because they cannot fit into normal society and usually they are rejected or demonized.
No. 1210277
>>1210256>choices that aren’t even actually harming anyoneThe absolute copium.
Yeah sure, women being meanie to you online is what endangering the OF girlies. Not the horde of deranged men you talk to every day. You all don't give a fuck about actual women and children letting themselves get raped by the men that buy your feet pics. As long you get yours. Fuck you.
No. 1210289
>>1210284No one has an inherent right to be coddled or to not be held accountable for their actions. There are explanations and influences for why things happen, but they are not excuses.
You seem very bothered by what random anons are saying on the Internet, it might be time to unplug over there farmer. You can’t control how other people react and you sperging out isn’t helping your case. You can’t control other people. Maybe instead of lashing out the people you hate you go do something positive? … or admit you thrive off the drama and you’re no better.
No. 1210407
>>1210280>Most women that do SW don't even promote the industry Lying doesn’t help your argument. Subscription whores literally make their money by recruiting young girls. Since they don’t make shit selling iPhone pics.
>children and women don't get sexually trafficked because some woman has an OFI knew you were gonna say that. Purposely obtuse or actually stupid. Western online hoes are the privileged class of the sex industry. 90% of you are not in it for ~survival~ , cut the shit. You play a hand in abuse and commodification of sex and sexuality. But you can’t take any responsibility because you’re all mentally ill BPDs who can’t see past your own nose. You silence former sex workers who have something unflattering to say, have you considered that those are the radfem by whom you are oppwessed? You think you can just wave your hand and say it’s all the mens fault whilst continue to peddle pedo, rape, incest, cheating, racist fantasies for $5 a pop.
No. 1210523
>>1210407Why are you even arguing with me? I judge women that actually groom other girls or promote SW as it being empowering. I am not even pro SW and wish for the industry to be abolished because of how
abusive it is, but even out of the online SW most of them just do their shit and don't promote it to young girls or make it out to be EMPOWERING~. You're literally just choosing to see the people that bother you. Also, a lot of online sex workers are third world country girls or women from the 1st world that were sexually abused and are mentally ill. Again, I have said that I judge women that are actual groomers, but even most online SWs are not groomers and don't actively promote the industry. Yes, it is men's fault. It is an industry created by men, supported by men and promoted by men. Some women that actually groom and hurt other women are to be blamed but you're acting like ALL online sws recruit younger girls or groom them when it simply isn't true. A very small portion of them actually groom women. It's the men that own these huge corporations that promote this shit and pay news outlets to write about Onlyfans and promote it as a good thing. I cannot believe you think you're a radfem when you're so adamant to blaming women for something most of them are not even at fault of doing. If Belle Delphine didn't have an Onlyfans and only did Twitch or something with the same ageplay she wouldn't even be so hated. She could literally do almost the same shit and use her sexuality and encourage pedophilia outside of Onlyfans but both moids and women hate her because she's a sex worker.
No. 1210536
>>1210523samefag but the vast majority of online sws don't even say it is empowering or promote it, ironically it is libtard moids that are not involved in the industry that say it is woke and empowering or other women that don't even do sex work that paint the industry as being empowering. Most online sws don't actually say it's empowering, they just do their job and that's about it. They don't groom other women or promote it as empowering and they probably have doubts towards the industry themselves. Even if they are "privileged" 1st world women as you'd like to think, they don't actually promote it. It's only a minority of them that actually groom other women. It's stupid to make a generalization like that and believe all online sws or that even that the vast majority of them groom or promote it. It's always women like Venus or Belle Delphine who end up in it too who are abuse
victims and have mental illnesses and the entire world demonizes them for acting out or trying to express what has been done to them. They are
victims of a sick system and a sick society and even those who are supposed to side with them and look further into the situation and into the cause of why they ended up like that demonize them (talking about le radfems) while those that
support them don't even allow them to complain about the industry because WOW IT IS SO EMPOWERING and woke. They just shut their mouths by saying it's woke and empowering. Belle Delphine was a literal child when she started and even if she grows up now and matures and realizes what she's done it's literally too late. It's not their fault that we live in a sick society that victimizes women and it is radfems who should see and understand all the implications of sw and how women become
victims of it and how IN MOST CASES it is not women who groom them into it, it's men and the sick system and the sick and deeply troubled society that we live in. I was literally sex trafficked by a woman and I can still say most women that are in sex work don't groom or traffick other women, a small percentage of them do. You're nitpicking. You saw an onlyfans thot promoting her referral link and pursuing other women to join OF now you assume the vast majority of them do that when they don't. You're biased. It's men that promote SW super hard and shove it down women's throats and victimize women. When a woman is at fault I will hold her accountable, of course, but it is not women who are at fault for the SW phenomenon.
No. 1210625
>>1210591Maybe it's the soap causing you the smell problems anon? I noticed back when I used a soap often times it would smell weird afterwards.
Now I admit I sometimes do use soap because I'm just mindlessly washing my body while thinking of other stuff and barely even notice what I'm doing lol
No. 1210802
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The Futch Scale and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. I swear I fucking hate this thing and every webpage and every person who keeps spreading misinformation based on this stupid fucking thing. Futch isn't real. Stone doesn't mean "very butch". Soft doesn't mean "a little butch", it literally means having a soft body, being chubby. Just say butch, it's not a dirty word, you don't have to act like a fucking NLOG about how you're not like the other butches by adding "soft" to it. Implying that the rest all have dirty toxic masculinity and you're desperately trying to distance yourself. Also don't call yourself stone if you think you are "very" butch but aren't a touch-me-not. Butch is for every butch and you don't have to add another qualifier to it based on how masculine you think you are, butches aren't a caricature or a stereotype and many have varied hobbies and can be very sensitive or caring. If you think you're "futch"? Guess what, you're a normal ass lesbian like the majority and you don't need a special label. Being butch or femme is more than just an aesthetic, it's not a spectrum like masculine and feminine. You're not "best of both worlds", you're just normal, the standard, average.
No. 1210816
>>1210802Microlabels are getting insane.
>Being butch or femme is more than just an aestheticCan you elaborate?
No. 1210827
>>1210647I tried using a sensitive wash once because of pick-mes saying
>OMG anoooon how do you not directly scrub your coochie and asshole??and it still gave me a rash. I just wash with water using a showerhead, never had problems with my smell or with my partners. The only time I smelled weird was when I was taking antibiotics and they fucked up my flora.
No. 1210840
>>1209385Thats cause you have ruined your bacterial flora and skin barrier using soap, making you stank.
Even men should just use water or they start smelling like death.
No. 1210852
>>1210816A butch would still move and act like a butch if you'd try to put her in a dress. A femme would still be recognizably femme even if you'd try to put her in a suit or even tried to get her to perform as a Drag King. You can't be butch or femme for a day, because they're not costumes. It doesn't mean that someone's personality is wholly masculine or feminine, because it doesn't work like that. There are kickass strong femmes with short hair cuts and there are long haired butches who like knitting. It's an overall vibe, a connection and continuation of history. Something you grow up as. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to fulfill some sort of role or that you have to be in a butch-femme couple. You can be butch4butch or femme4femme, but you do need to have respect for the history. You'll see that butch4butch relationships are also markedly different from femme4femme relationships when you look them up. It's difficult to give a clearcut definition, because that would very fast limit the terms too much, I can recommend books like "Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold", "Female Masculinity" by Jack Halberstam, "Stone butch blues" by Leslie Feinberg (please no fucking complaints, I'm not in the mood to have this argument again), "The Persistent Desire, a femme-butch reader", "Tomboy Survival Guide" by Ivan E. Coyote etc.
No. 1211729
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Fujoshit youngin’s nowadays. Why the fuck are they flicking their bean to this massively obese mf?
At least we fujogrannies schlicked to 21 year old orlando bloom and other reasonably attractive men.
No. 1211734
File: 1654396810567.png (298.48 KB, 447x316, fuck_may.png)

i hate the month May
>weather switching between winter and summer
>cold in the morning, sweaty in the afternoon
>have to carry around jackets and umbrellas in the suddenly blazing sun
>then it's fucking cold in the evening again
>final exams, essays and everything is due
>meanwhile every event ever is happening
>have no money for events because of studying
>or do have money but have no energy left because of both working and studying
>somehow attend the events in between due dates, burn out
>if not in education, remember how you will never have summer break ever again
>if not in the states, remember how you have another month to go before the break
May fucking sucks.
i burn out every may, or i end up regretting not doing everything happening back then and be fucking bored the following months because somehow every celebration, music show, play, get together and shit just has to happen in this stupid fucking month. also fuck you if you were born in may.
No. 1211737
>>1211734I agree, there's something about May that fucking sucks more than the rest of the year.
someone I knew committed suicide in May, I will always hold that association I also hate March and August too.
No. 1211743
>>1211737that sucks ass and not even surprising
>also fuck you if you were born in may.because all of my dumb shitty exes were born in may
No. 1211744
>>1211735Well taika waititi is much more in with the hollywood crowd now than he was in 2014 isn’t he
Can’t be calling out his new friends
No. 1211980
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i hate the prevalence of delivery.
delivery's always been a thing but i hate how everyone wants everything delivered nowadays. people will whine and moan that they have no money but order overpriced delivery instead of getting off their fat asses to cook or get takeout.
i'm not burger so most people i see do this have access to public transportation that drops them off at grocery stores or city centers full of restaurants. just leave your house oh my god.
but on the topic of burgers, i hate the hellofresh bullshit. how much hand holding do these retards need just to cook? it's even more annoying hearing about all the people who let their little ingredient delivery go bad
No. 1212013
>>1211980I hate paying delivery drivers and delivery fees
It's so much easier to go out and just buy or preorder and pick it up yourself? Why are people so slovenly
No. 1212261
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Tired of all the turbo normies on my SM posting all day about being 'elder emo' and how noone understands their lifestyle, babes you were listening exclusively to pop before MCR went on tour
No. 1212392
>>1212014They really were, I remember women use to get shat on if they were attracted to what men considered twinks like one direction and Andy biersack and shit, men were fucking PISSED too, if women expressed attraction towards these men then moids would come in bitching about how "well I look manlier than him, you must be a lesbian" etc. It was even weirder since they often had no problem with women being attracted to blockhead roid addicts like Channing Tatum when most of the guys crying their eyes out unarguably could look closer to the twinky soyboys women actually liked, they were upset that women liked realistic looking men for some weird reason
You're seeing it nowadays again with kpop, men are so threatened and try to force women into being attracted to what they're attracted to
No. 1212527
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>>1212261They need to get a grip. Emo music was totally different in the 90s and I don’t hear about the fans claiming to be “elder emos”
No. 1212581
nonnie. I don't understand how anyone could eat that stuff if they've ever eaten one decent meal in their life. I find it really sad.
No. 1212584
>>1212527>>1212261I think I would be considered an elder emo? Maybe? I'm actually kinda happy that it's making a comeback, the new songs that have come out by new artists dipping their toes into it give me a feeling that reminds me of a nice summer day with no worries, a time before adult responsibilities. Yes I'm slightly jealous that the things I would get shit for back in the day are now considered cool instead of cringe, but I'm taking advantage of it now by dipping into the eboy look (I'm gnc) some days. To be honest, I've never given a shit about MCR and I'm kinda scared to admit that kek. For me it was BMTH, ETF, BvB, Fit for Rivals, Pierce the Veil, A day to Remember, Sparta etc. Which is still probably all cringe, but idk why I never got into MCR.
No. 1212632
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>>1211729Kek reminds me of the Aiden fujos shipping the two dudes from Disco Elysium, they both look so repulsive.
No. 1212687
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>>1212546Nice nona I'm very happy for you, get that cash!
>>1212584Is the 'elder' thing being copied from goths? It's just weird elitism within the scene, I wish people would move away from calling themseles a baby/elder of a scene and act as equals.
I'm glad others are noticing how weird this resurgence is, the weird jump of regular people suddenly being emo and posting about how picrel saved their life.
No. 1212810

>>1212687>Is the 'elder' thing being copied from goths? It's just weird elitism within the scene, I wish people would move away from calling themseles a baby/elder of a scene and act as equals.Probably, it honestly makes less sense with emo stuff, which is why I said "maybe", since the point is that everyone is fucking cringe. We're all equally cringe edgelords.
>the weird jump of regular people suddenly being emo and posting about how picrel saved their life.Ronnie Radke is losing his mind killing depictions of this new wave of emos (at about 1 minute), "zombified" is literally about Twitteremos cancelling him, he mentions "little Twitter bitches" in multiple other songs too kek. You'd think he'd be more mature since he came out of prison. The MCR craze kinda reminds me of the craze around PATD!, not that it's bad to like them or that everything they put out is bad, but they're like the closest to pop which is still in the emosphere and for some reason has become "the face" of emo.
No. 1213401
>>1212632We need to find a word for zoomer and aiden fujos. Everything and everyone they ship is just hideous. I thought the superwholock was bad, but somehow I now long for the days of 2013 tumblr over whatever this is.
>>1212970Instagram reels are just tiktok reels are this point too. It
triggers my autism.
No. 1213946
>>1213603Uh oh
nonnie, I think I’m…falling in love with youwu
No. 1214709
>>1213946…And that was it.
Nonnie number 1, the seemingly cold hearted tsundere was enchanted (and tried not to show it) by
Nonnie number 2, who taught her how to love. They moved to a homestead where they sold dairy products and bracelets, and little by little
Nonnie number 1's heart was melted. And me? Well, all I can say is that I found my happy ending too…as a cow at the dairy…being milked for my cringe fanfictions every day.
No. 1214861
>>1213603Haha, bold choice of hate, that’s putting people in a dilemma.
If you’re not an adult, everyone dismisses it too. “Oh you’re just a teenager, you don’t know ANYTHING about love or the real world, just you wait!”
So then what? Adults who talk about falling in love are cringe too?
No. 1218964
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I fucking hate overhead lighting when I’m home. Anytime my boyfriend turns on the living room light it annoys the shit out of me. Overhead lights are always so fucking bright and cool toned it makes everything look fugly and gives me a headache. Mood lighting from table lamps, candles, smaller lights is so superior.