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No. 1218967
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Shut the fuck up about the borzois already.
Previous hateration
>>>/ot/1179736 No. 1219014
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I fucking hate overhead lighting when I'm home. Anytime my boyfriend turns on the living room light it annoys the shit out of me. Overhead lights are always so fucking bright and cool toned it makes everything look fugly and gives me a headache. Mood lighting from table lamps, candles and smaller lights is so
No. 1219347
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>>1218967newfags coming from 4chan infighting anyone for anything because they think there is an overarching imageboardculture that consists of baseless bullying and saying slurs. they are scrote tier scum and need to get banned.
No. 1219707
>>1219673Also fictional siblings obviously written by only children. Who the fuck calls their siblings "big/little sis/bro" EVERY. SINGLE. SENTENCE.
>>1219700I was talking more about little kid characters who are written as surprisingly precocious in their speech but replacing Ls and Rs with W to give the "baby talk" feel. What you are describing is also an annoying trope, and I have seen the two intersect.
No. 1219793
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Why is "FANDOM" shoving a Genshin Impact survey in my face while I'm browsing a wiki that is literally not about Genshin Impact
No. 1219967
>>1219960I’m pretty sure it’s just the normal social media brain rot. They get sucked into the dichotomy thinking and trends. Making them immature overgrown children who get off on the fighting because they have no emotional regulation or reflection. It’s also why you keep seeing the
>well you forced me to respond! No one held you to the keyboard.
No. 1220099
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>>1219955I don't really like any chocolate, regardless of origin, but Royce chocolate (which is from Japan) is really yummy.
No. 1220460
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Maximalism trends. The rooms are cluttered and too busy, and the clothes are ugly af.
No. 1221233
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I hate virtue signaling faggots in fandoms and online, especially the hypocritical ones who are shocked you don't know their least favorite artists' personal lives while also not knowing their favorite artists' lives or works.
I just remembered a mutual on tumblr and twitter who suddenly turned into a straight, tomboyish "enby" queerios who decided to block me everywhere and stop talking to me ever since I posted once about how Yuri on Ice fans who are fakebois should stop posting spoilers of new episodes back when it was airing. Before that she was trying to convince me to get into Lastman because an animated series was planned or started. That girl was the type who'd say "problematic" or romantic and sexual stuff shouldn't exist unless it's queer. I recently remembered her because one of the artists for Lastman is kinda famous and by just searching Bastien Vivès' name on twitter I find out he was drawing some weird, borderline illegal oneshota comics, some weird shit about three sisters including a 10yo girl fucking their dad's coworker or friend idek just to piss of a feminist artist he argued with online I wish the news article I read about that didn't post pages from these to prove how terrible they are, and Balak won't stop spamming some really trashy porn art on twitter. Meanwhile I get negative comments for liking Harry Potter when I was a kid/teenager because JKR is a terf or whatever.
No. 1221278
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Hate it when scanlators will insert their own commentary into the manga. Shut the fuck up! No one cares!
No. 1221298
There was a gap of 15 hours between
>>1220605 and
>>1221233 where the fuck has everynonny been
No. 1221391
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>>1221298We are out and about, taking our hatred of things outside
No. 1221905
>>1221897>>1221901These tend to be pretty ridiculous anyway because they are still often written for a clearly female reader. Pick one, or get over yourself and read with your imagination.
Its very self absorbed yet unimaginative to be unable to just enjoy the writing and stretch your mind a little bit.
No. 1221907
>>1221897Someone on tumblr is making their own otome game and released the demo some time ago. You can choose your sex in the beginning and have an optional sex scene at the end of the demo. I rolled my eyes so hard when some anon came into her ask box, being all upset that she, a pre-op ftm troon, got described as having a dick
just because she chose male pronouns in the beginning.
No. 1221938
>>1221904I wouldn't call myself a fujo (I do like to look at yaoi sometimes) but I was there the other day and saw the infight about trapshit in the meta board. All trapshit porn is clearly made
for males, with a very few exceptions. Traps look like bishoujo, not like bishounen. Yet they argue that because a handful of women are into that, and because "trap porn is gay", Astolfo porn needs to be allowed as if it wouldn't attract even more scrotes to the site. The admin decided to allow it btw. We'll see in a few months how that's gonna work out for her.
>>1221907Pretty sure there's already a couple of fakeboi-pandering VNs. Why pester a creator who's making an
otome game? Plus, that amare shit is a thing now, isn't it?
If she hates being reminded that she doesn't have a dick so much, why doesn't she accept that she'll never be a man?
What's the game you're talking about btw?
No. 1221962
>>1221905>get over yourself>self absorbedI mean, if it's self absorbed to be reading reader inserts because I'm trying to self insert, so be it.
I read the they/them ones without hesitation, it's annoying, especially because often enough I'll check the writers bio and it'll be a woman who knows it trying to pander, but as you said they are often clearly written for a female reader. I'm particularly put off by the "male" (whether they actually mean with a penis or not) reader inserts especially when it's supposed to be a smut because they tend to at the very least not feature the reader having boobs and describe the vagina as "a hole" or something, or alternatively the reader is supposed to have a dick and the fic features anal. I don't particularly want to read gay sex especially since I want to self insert, hence why I'm not reading yaoi. Guess I'm just not imaginative enough to imagine away the dick or imagine I'm a man, kek
>>1221907Is the sex scene and demo in general any good? If so what game?
No. 1222035
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Carpet is the only evidence I need to believe that Satan exists and is actively tempting retards into a life of sinful carpeted homes that are NASTY.
No. 1222106
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>>1222084I've seen this more than once personally, might be one dedicated troll though. Though on Crystal Cafe (OK, different imageboard so probably comparing apples to oranges here) I have seen gay moid accusations towards anons who personally did not find picrel appealing
No. 1222120
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>>1222106I can't even continue the discussion. That is hideous
No. 1222164
>>1222142Yeah, seeing what's been happening in /nsfw/ convinced me of that as well.
That and/or it's just a bunch of newfags like
>>1222157 says. More libfem-y pickme-ish than here. There's definitely lots of trannies and non-tranny scrotes there, but I also think there's a bunch of libfem zoomers and female 4chan pickmes/anti-feminists (I know of at least one case of the latter).
No. 1222186
nonnie, I sorry this happenned to you.
A bit ot but god I fucking hate how Bastien Vivès started going around the press and talking about how he is a
victim of cancel culture when he made literal cp and the book seler discontinued his comic because of the public backclash ( he still has a sucessful career of course ). What was so annoying is that he always said that it was just a "joke" but it is so obvious if you know his body of work that he absolutely love all that degenerate shit and has always drawn that type of stuff.
No. 1222923
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>>1222915The right and wrong guys are DPing the entire planet. Vote for me instead and I'll make this world a living hell for men and they're worshippers. Let's make this world a better place, together.
No. 1222982
>>1222948>>1222952Popular vote has little to no actual impact on deciding the president, which is what garners the most attention out of every election. That's why I think it's so retarded to act as if anyone's vote matters during that. Not talking about small, localized elections, where you do have more influence on what happens. Presidential elections I'm sure are useful on gaining statistical information about a populace, like how they're influenced by the media, and how they generally think, but when it comes down to the final voting, it doesn't matter and people should not act like how you voted is some serious decision. A lot of the process for choosing the candidates, and who will be the president is a separate matter from the public's decision. It's mostly based on how the people within their parties think, it's a lot of internal decision making and planning, we have no actual choice.
No. 1223130
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>>1222332>the story seemed retarded, like these retarded arthouse French movies made by old pervertsKek, that's exactly what it is, the story is about how wearing a blouse and showing more boobs made the character more confident. He has said so many sexist shit in interviews too, about "how we need to admit that women will always like being looked at by men" and "it's immature to think that women can accommplish themself in any other way than through seduction" so it makes the comic even more disgusting. Sorry I'm straight up seething about this pedo scrote at this point!
No. 1223159
>>1223147kek he's my personal cow
nonnie! there is so much stuff from his old blog too, everything is in french though
No. 1223189
>>1223168Pardon je me suis trompée, quand j'ai dis blog je pensais en faite surtout à catsuka où il est confirmé comme étant l'utilisateur "quelle belle soirée". Voilà par exemple le genre de chose qu'il postait : sinon, il a pas mal trainé sur internet, cet article résumé bien son histoire :'ai jamais eu trop le temps de chercher mais je suis certaine qu'il doit y avoir plein d'autres choses encore non découverte ! Ah oui, autre détaille horrible, j'ai appris qu'il avait lui même un enfant. Il a aussi été viré des Gobelins pour avoir pondu un court-métrage incestueux pour la chaîne jeunesse " Canal J" et bien moins grave mais il est extrêmement cringe en interview. Voilà un peu l'étendue du dossier!
No. 1223295
>>1223281It's heinously, incomprehensibly selfish to me. Women can fucking DIE during child birth, and at the very least are at risk of long term, chronic health issues. What kind of person has the audacity to put other people in danger like that, for their own benefit?
Children are not a human right and you shouldn't get to stomp all over other people in your attempt to get one, even if you pay them for it. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 1223338
>>12221924chan women are so sad, I wish they would see the light.
>saw someone complain about how everything's ruined by the "schizo manhating anons" and "anti-trap spergs" and it just blows my mind that someone is so obsessed with status quo they would willingly partake in taking such a staunch stance defending men and their degeneracy despite being exposed to them in such high volumes. Right, weren't they supposed to be on that site to avoid scroteshit and be fujos in peace? Why are they allowing the same shit that gets spammed on 4chan by male posters all the time? "Anti-trap spergs" sounds like something a male would say tbh.
No. 1223360
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>>1219662did you say this in relation to
>>1219347? i wrote that post talking about the same thing. the one you mentioned derails & whines about us being manhating meanieweenies to scrotes. and the one i mentioned, literal scrotes or kids using obvious 4chan lingo, calling anons dykes and whores, racebaiting and in general sperging out over the most irrelevant comments. none of them post pictures, know how to sage, ever read the rules and i am sick of them ruining my lolcow
No. 1223640
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>>1223615>If more women sucked your dick you'd be acting like a superhero and rescuing the vulnerable.. sureIt's times like in that video, where I remember manifesto-chans post about chivalry being a lie and a meme. Men like that would not step in even if women were regulated to no voting and property ownership nor government and monetary rights since they saw a woman as a mans property to discipline. They say this to try and convince women to fuck/worship them, then never actually deliver on the bullshit 'I'll protect you' thing. A man who protects women would do it without incentive. Men try to peddle this shit and pretend it is someone elses fault that they are cowards, and don't even shame their fellow men for such behaviour, yet wonder why women see less and less value in relationships when they are able to secure financial freedom on their own.
No. 1223987
When people repost shit from Pinterest and when you open the pic it's low res, full of horrible artifacts, cropped or all three at the same time.
>>1223705Yeah, same
No. 1224059
>>1223705Or when it saves but disappears and shows up void or the fact it can only store a limited amount.
>>1223640Moids want to meme women into thinking they're needed. Because they know we don't need them, they can't imagine lives without us. They want to be coddled and left to do what they want unquestioned and not give anything in return but meme you into thinking it's your idea and you also need it. They know they're not worth your time. That's why they feel need to make us artificially dependent, willingly submissive and insecure. The thing is men are so used to being coddled they won't appreciate you fawning over them, they would much rather chase you and feel like they earned it by negging you. It inflates his self-worth when he can manipulate the women who was too good for him to think he is hot shit. He also feels unique and that he owns you, because he earned you in a way that no other scrote could.
tl;dr men rely on artificial scenarios to feel valuable and women just are valuable
No. 1224306
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>>1223769Tinfoil but I think this video has caused an uptick of moids today
No. 1224394
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Men who have faces like this
No. 1224937
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a girl from germany started smoking weed, and got her hair matted into locs. she is sort of an influencer now with multiple photoshoots and a twitch channel. they think it is special and unique to have hair like that as a white person. her whole persona is
>i am so full of energy hahaha
>i smoke weed and i am free
>good vibes only!!! peace
she is at least good at drawing but the carefree hippie laughing away at life and being admired for minimum effort distressed outfits, hoarding, and being tone deaf pisses me off. she is so irresponsible, only going along with her guy friends and some older girls she knows from onlyfans.
No. 1224947
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>>1224319Speaking of cc, god I hate what a moid zone it is. Most anons tell their bf told them about the site, found out about it from /r9k/ etc. Someone posted "hehe lets make omegle girl meetups, use code", it was just moids apparently (though why would you even go to omegle to meet "cc girls uwu" I do not know). It's such a shame, the theme and vibe is nice and admin at least WAS active but it's just moid zone. I like the idea of a female only img board without the drama boards, it makes things a bit less hostile imo but… sigh
No. 1225382
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Everything about this picture feels insulting kek
No. 1226119
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>>1225017>>1225288Well I don't see the big deal!
No. 1226143
>>1225776i don't think i've heard anyone say this in france
t. baguette because people get ridiculed even for attempting a good accent when reading english out loud lol
but i've had frenchies confidently tell me my american accent is "very british". the inability to hear accents is the same everywhere
>>1226134i feel these kinds of accents so endearing, i love you anon
No. 1226269
>>1225776I get what you mean, it might be annoying when people over-estimate their abilities.
BUT i hate the opposite much more: english-speaking people who go to a non-english speaking country (ex: mine) and complain about some randow cashier not knowing english or our accents being heavy. they do this shit even when they have been living there for years. i had an american teacher who could not even ask the price of something in our native language but has been living here for 5 years. like dude, the whole world needs to speak your language but you are somehow so entitled that you think learning a couple words is a chore.
TLDR: British/Americans who insist on not learning the language of the region they are in = much more annoying
No. 1226815
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Shitty moids that make idol culture absolutely awful. I love the idea of going to see a fun girl group or cute singers live with my friends for a good time but it would just be awful. Virtually no women in the crowd because sweaty men are there drooling as if they've never been in the presence of a female. I can only imagine the smell of having to be near neets that clearly don't bathe. They even do this shit with singers/groups that aren't centered around fan service. It could just be a regular group of friends that make music together and they practically cream themselves just by being in the vacinity of these people. They're disgusting. I wish idol concerts were female only so I could have a nice time with my light sticks and sing along. I will forever seethe about this I guess.
No. 1226914
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I hate the fact that there’s people out there handmaidening this much, I just can’t imagine looking at someone’s accessories just to figure out how to fucking refer to them, specially on a language like English where pronouns are literally irrelevant unless you’re describing someone outside of the room, this shit is utterly retarded. I just can’t imagine someone trying to fucking police your words when they’re not in the room, how did everyone let this shit slide for so long? It’s seriously creepy even, like a big brother kind of shit “You better watch your vocabulary when I’m not here” like fuck off bitch, that’s not how being alive works, go get a job at McDonald’s or something.
No. 1227117
>>1226815I went to an idol concert in Tokyo and I was like the only woman there. The moids weren't weird and didn't bother me but I'm black so I probably wasn't their type lol
They didn't seem like a threat.
No. 1227202
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when people think terfs are the literal same as pedos
No. 1227237
>>1227195My favorite character is Lucifer, who just so happens to be the games' cash cow. This past birthday event was horrible for me. Not only because the constant "lol Avatar of Pride amirite? Get it cause his birthday is in June!" jokes, but more so because the devs decided to get greedy and add his past birthday event plus the newest one in the same month, something that wasn't done for any of the other character's birthdays.
But yes, other than Lucifer and Mammon, none of the others get much story wise. It's a shame, really. Plus the fandom is annoying, at least on Tumblr and Twitter
No. 1227305
I fucking hate idol culture.
No. 1227316
>>1227202If they hate sexual and pedo shit so much why do they demonize terves? TERFs also hate pedophilia and the objectification of women, and male troons are often misogynists, pedophilic and obsessed with fetishes. The cognitive dissonance is strong.
>>1226134I love it when non-Anglophones speak English and their accent is very thick. On the other hand, I hate people who ridicule it.
>>1227122>I remember one seiyuu-idol franchise (I think it was Revue Starlight, so not idols but adjacent) once did two mini-shows, one that was male-exclusive and one female-exclusive. Apparently both the lives were basically the same in terms of content so I think the only reason they did it was because the franchise is popular with women and they thought more women would buy tickets to an all-female crowd live, since women are often put off from attending lives because it's so male-dominated.This is an excellent idea. It makes me kinda glad that tranny shit isn't mainstream in Japan, otherwise preventing men from going to women-only shows wouldn't be possible.
No. 1227439
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I hate how boring lolcow is rn
No. 1227440
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The fact a genocide survivor Nadia Murad, who was literally enslaved by ISIS and they committed a genocide against her own people (Yazidis), was about to get cancelled in Canada over "Islamophobia" concerns, makes me want to puke
No. 1227677
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>>1227117It's not so much of the idea of them being a threat, their presence in general and the way they think about these poor girls is just awful. I wouldn't want to be around them whatsoever.
>>1227140I'm kind of picky about them and mostly into the jrock groups but I don't think they're an exception either. I see a lot of moids flooding that scene too and it's very frustrating. I got into my idol phase pretty late (I'm in my early 20s) after disliking them for a long time but the idea starting to seem more endearing to me. I really wish they were never targeted towards men to begin with.
No. 1227685
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>>1227439Tit holding solidarity
No. 1227842
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I hate people who act dramatic over the most minuscule shit. No, your life's not "in shambles" if you moid asks you to meet up for dinner one hour later.
No. 1227843
>>1227734>>1227834It says a lot how real life CP over there didn't even become illegal until
2015, and even then the punishment is a slap on the wrist.
No. 1228356
>>1227843Hate it when people say Japan is based and a paradise and that "loli/shota is not real CP!! they're just drawings" when not only is pedophilia everywhere in anime (which is mainly targeted at gross, autistic failed males) but also they didn't ban CP until relatively recently. "Nooo leave Japan and it's pedo porn alone! It's an attack on muh freeze peach! Fucking Western feminists, solve actual child rape cases in your country first!" It's always the same arguments and deflection.
Did you know that the first BBS and forums that led to the origins of imageboards were swarming with pedophiles who would share their CP on there? Look up "4chan history bibanon" and "A small history of Ayashii World"
No. 1228439
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OhMyGodImSoQuirkyXD sort of comics, specially if it has the "ugly face on the last panel" punchline.
No. 1228640
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nonnie, especially those comics that have the "I'm not like the other gurlz im quirky because I'm so filthy and I like pizza" vibes. It's such a punch in the face when these comics with horrid art and even worse "jokes" get so much attention because of pickmes and boomers.
No. 1228807
>>1228789I'm psychoanalyzing the text. My superpowers
pattern recognition tells me it's likely a white trash scrote, likely has obsessive relationships with women with heavy drug use and cheats, potentially knocked one+ of them up. Found this site either through the chans where incels were whining about us and wanted to attempt to show off in front of other room temperature IQ scrotes and prove how he trolled wahmenz, etc. Maybe a Redditor, not sure about the behavior pattern of those moids aside from them being coomerfilth.
No. 1228819
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No. 1228823
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Bump for scrote degeneracy
No. 1228833
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>>1228823>>1228819>>1228818If only I had known sooner…
Thanks anyway nonnas
No. 1228838
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No. 1228844
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Fucking hate how this site doesn't have enough moderators
No. 1228853
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Oh no women won't fuck you your entire life is ruined!
No. 1228856
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should have a rubber band tied around the top of their balls until they loosen and fall off
No. 1228860
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No. 1228874
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No. 1228889
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>>1228853love how no one really gave a shit and it only incentivized the male to post shock porn kek. moids exposing themselves on how much they’re attention whores while projecting that quality on to women will never get old, love you nonnies (sometimes)
No. 1228909
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No. 1228914
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No. 1229902
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This is really nerdy sperg incoming but I'm still seething about this, while I liked the Birds of Prey movie overall I despise what they did to one of my favorite characters Cassandra Cain, for those unaware Cassandra Cain in the comics is basically the product of a Eugenics experiment along with a training regiment by the league of assassins to create the ultimate warrior, she eventually turns good and joins the batfamily but the thing is she is still the best fighter, she can even kick batman's in a one and one fight and in the movie they just turned her into some asian zoomer stereotype, There was NO reason to name her Cassandra. And considering that the DCEU's Batman has been active for like, 20 years now, they may as well have just adapted Cass properly, as it'd fit in quite well.
No. 1229935
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Male poetry.
I got into poetry a lot recently. Most of male poetry is so boring, it's just musing about female body and sometimes about alcohol or war. I just opened a collection of various poems. So far in the 10 minutes I've been reading it every other male poem will talk about boobs in some wtf way, like saying they're like two vessels, grapes or they're small and aggressive (??).
They're also so pedophilic. They keep on making poems about girls maturing into women, describing their budding breasts, saying things like 'she's 10 but already has eyes of grown woman' or 'she doesn't know she should avert her eyes and blush yet'.
I've never read a poem by woman that would describe boy changing into man in this perverted eye-fucking fashion.
I find female poetry miles better, it's much more elegant, versatile, smart and if romantic it isn't just 'this little boy's freshly dropping balls jiggle like two cherries' or 'you're dead now but I remember how your dick throbbed when you were so alive' you read from males (I just read a poem about guy remembering how his how dead lover's breasts were like heavy grapes after they had sex).
>picrel is Google translate (bc I couldn't find it in English) of a poem I just read about a guy 'timidly' kissing and pushing away a 10 year old girl and saying one day her breasts will belong to someone who'll resemble him but he'll be dead already… Why the Fuck.
No. 1229972
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>>1229935OT: knowing men are like this is making me want to, permanently, go full femcel. seriously, how do you reconcile wanting male contact with the realization that all of them, every single one of them, only see you as a collection of body parts and that what they find most important is youth and beauty? that a man will never "love" you unless your body parts are arranged in an appetizing way?
No. 1229983
>>1229973Yeah, I'm czech and we have this children song played on almost every little children's event that has 'my only love, innocent being only 13, I'll roll my sleeves up and push you in the grass' (as in to fuck) in its lyrics. I asked my parents if they ever think about how fucked up it is that children sing along to this and they just laugh.
We had a pop song about guy raping his partner after he came home drunk when she didn't wanna have sex by some 'dreamy' male young singer recently too. Feminists got upset about it but our culture is filled with MRAs that silenced them totally.
No. 1230004
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People who tweet way too much and then don't post any milk or photos
No. 1230350
>>1230335My mom is like this and she lords it over me that she had an "old fashioned" childhood where she was wandering around her village alone as a 7 year old.
Why do mom's brag and compare childhoods?? like she controlled everything about my childhood, it's such a self own. But I didn't want to be molested by local crackheads in a neighborhood she kept us in because she didn't want to work full time… So I was lazy and uncool to her. Literally my mom thought we were cringe and she's cooler than her kids. Yeah I'm fine actually, no scars whatsoever
No. 1230368
>>1230311Brown guys are the worse when it comes to fetishization for any race for that matter. Arab guys are especially bad, they think all women are just walking stereotypes of their race and also enjoy playing
victim when it comes to their own race
No. 1230385
>>1230370Are you dating an asian man and feel personally attacked
nonny? kek
No. 1230859
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When you're close to falling asleep and some dumbass upstairs drops something heavy.
No. 1231202
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I hate this zoomer shit
Just watch the damn show
No. 1231331
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I hate work. I’m at work right now and I want to fucking Kermit.
No. 1231438
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this kinda shit.
No. 1231535
>>1231423exactly, for example I only know Komaeda from the memes and think he looks cool and all but I'm not going to go among actual Danganronpa fans to tell them that my interpretation of Komaeda is just as "
valid" as someone who actually played the games
No. 1231541
>>1231409It may not be that deep but it's really fucking annoying when people try to insert themselves in a conversation about a video game, anime, novel, tv show, etc. you like and say the most stupid and inaccurate shit possible, and then they spam fanfiction websites and post their horrible fanarts everywhere, which introduces their fellow retards to said franchise, until the writers of these franchises change stuff in new seasons, books, games, whatever, to appeal to them and not to actual fans.
No. 1231575
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>>1231541hard agree. these same people also tend to blow jokes out of proportion, like for example the fact that law hates bread. it's just a comment he makes because he gets dragged into the pace by the straw hat crew and it's seriously not that deep, but then you have "casuals" (for lack of better wording, i know it's a cringe term) going on and on about law's supposed deep hatred for bread.
tsukishima from hq calling yamaguchi "pathetic" in a flashback is like that too. he doesn't say it all the fucking time, but those people get their impression of a character from pinterest or something and then completely misunderstand the character and it shows in their shitty fics and fanart.
No. 1231644
>>1231638I don't know what you're talking about, this was my only post.
Someone said she hates gay moids, that's fine.
Then some angry freak attacked them, not fine and they should've just scrolled past.
No. 1232121
>>1232044This is not the vent/dumbass thread
Anyway, you can sugar wax that for a smoother cleaning
No. 1232183
>>1232132I've grown a deep hate for this unwritten rule that """opressed""" people have the right to be assholes to """opressor""".
If you scrutinize the theory falls like nothing, in fact it does hinge on people being censored. Thank God my family has always seen the truth behind a lot of """anti-racist""" activism, probably because as Asians we work twice as much while getting vilified for not doing enough violent crime.
No. 1232207
>>1232197You're being weird now anon. I'm not mad, you were just wrong.
>>1232201Honestly I would use tampons if it meant I didn't have to deal with that, but my flow is too light for one.
No. 1233001
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Farmers who use boomer unironically about things and people who aren't really young and trendy. They sound dumb and underage.
No. 1233025
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These AI generated greentexts made me paranoid about whether any of the people on imageboards are actually people anymore. It would explain a lot of a significant number of them were neural networks learning how to fake human interactions.
No. 1233757
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this dumb process when applying for jobs
No. 1234003
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>>1233757wtf why would they even need to know your sexual orientation? You're there for a job and not to fuck lmao. Reminds me of when annoying ass people go out of their way to list their sexuality in their bios for no reason. As if anyone cares, no one is gonna want to fuck you anyways.
No. 1234016
File: 1655834413685.png (240.82 KB, 589x521, fuck.png)

Everything about this.
No. 1234029
>>1234003>You're there for a job and not to fuck lmao. kekkkk you're right but this made me laugh so hard fuck
>>1234013>a lot of women are simple-minded>so I will add to the male crime statisticsscrotes projecting their flaws onto women never gets old
No. 1234064
>>1234013It gets worse, I watched his video on the youtuber that rammed his car into a young mother and kid and killed them
>uhm actually he was experiencing mania! please be considerate!Dude the criminal was making money on internet scamming and gambling, attacked his parents and you defend him by saying "he wasn't suicidal! he thought he could no-clip through them!". Fuck these male true crime youtubers, there's always sympathy for shitty moid criminals.
No. 1234281
>>1234176Holy shit this. It's always so fucking awkward. Absolutely no need when you can just imply. I remember watching the David Fincher version of Girl With A Dragon Tattoo with a friend. It was so hard to watch.
>Not to mention the occasional gross sex scene involving underage characters or food or whatever elseThe minor sex scene grosses me to the core (especially if graphic). It just gives moids a disgusting fantasy and makes me want to puke.
No. 1234829
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I hate not being able to sleep.
No. 1234866
>>1234671You have moidbrain
nonny. I get hating her because of her themlet thing or because her many bad takes but you sound like a scrote (not saying you are, just that you sound like).
>she would be so prettyWho cares? You wanna fuck her or st?
>grown ass womanAnd? How's age relevant to facepaint and costumes? Age-obsessed scrotebrain again.
>smash her computer with a hammerScrotebrain violence.
I always assumed she did the ugly facepaint to 1) be a bit more anonymous 2) absolve herself of being scrutinised for looks like female youtubers always are 3) to catch one's eye in the thumbnail and get more views.
No. 1235069
I hate that media made by/for women is expected to be ideallogically pure while media made by men, for men or general audience is not held to the same expectation. The female audience will criticize content made by/for women because it is gory, dark, violent, mentions slavery of a fantasy race, doesn't mention modern social justice, and/or covers intense topics but enjoy content for men/general audience without a critical thought. I recently bought this zine from AIGA, a major graphic design organization, and though the zine made a point to mention that the issue was made by a diverse women's team, there was a whole section dedicated to pointing out what was wrong with early sci-fi made by women that featured female-only societies. Meanwhile, all men's sci-fi books continue to be deeply misogynistic from years and years ago to this day. I'm not saying women's media should never be critiqued, but I'm just tired of the double standards.
No. 1235076
>>1235069Yeah anyone female is scrutinized so much more.
I'd love to read a really non-pc misandric sci-fi story written by a woman btw.
No. 1235084
File: 1655917540638.jpeg (Spoiler Image,128.86 KB, 1242x1206, BD00A65F-2D45-4AF3-B3F0-6D6872…)

>>1234671>Someone needs to snatch the black eyeliner out of this bitch's drawer just to prevent her from drawing all over her mouth like that. Unclench, it's just makeup
>She would be so pretty if she didn't scribble that shit all over her mouth like a toddler with a black crayon.So? It's not like she tattooed that on her face, and if she did so, why are you so pressed?
>Yes, I am being autistic and irrational. IDC. It looks ridiculous.Go touch some ass or something.
>Bitch is a grown ass woman. Girl you're not 12 anymore. Stop doing that to your face.What tf is this look supposed to be.She's trying to look creepy for a video about creepy stuff, I'm sorry you're mentally underdeveloped.
>I'm surprised her parents haven't threatened to smash her computer with a hammer over this shit.Moid behavior, seek help.
In my conclusion, if you're a woman you're acting like an angry trad pickme because that woman is having fun doing whatever she's doing, it's just makeup, she can literally take it off whenever she wants, if you want to fuck her, you will never do so because you're seriously weird, constantly comparing her to kids, get that solved girl.
If you're a moid, pic related.
No. 1235109
>>1235084I don't know
nonnie, it does look stupid as hell. It's super distracting as well, but I guess it's interesting to look at? I do agree it's not worth being that angry over
No. 1235131
>>1235102This was JUST what I was coming here to say. You can see she does it purely for her own joy, and to have a "brand" of her own perhaps. That is exactly the type of shit moids hate, and it makes me happy. I also love izzyzzyzzy whatever her name is and her videos, I will die on this hill.
>>1234671You sound fucking unhinged, holy shit. Y-chromosome behaviour.
No. 1235298
>>1235149>>1235145Definitely not a fan but OP's post was just so scrote-y and I hated it so it's appropriate I reply to it in the "things I hate thread". Also fuck off with your newfaggotry, this is not a vent thread, it says it right in the OP that commentary is fine.
I think her makeup is dumb but OP sounds like a sexist moid.
>bitch this, bitch that >she could be so pretty>smash her computer with a hammer>bitch is grown ass woman (she's 19) No. 1235442
File: 1655928599742.jpg (130.89 KB, 583x934, post jkr terf.jpg)

I hate dating apps and the people you find on them. There is no hope
No. 1235455
>>1234165NTA but I love that channel too, one of the few true crime creators that aren't disrespectful and do quite thorough research on the subject.
>>1234671Agree with other anons, I don't even know her but this is some moid tier scrotum rage over something so inoffensive.
>oh no why does pretty lady ruin her pretty face with ugly theatrical makeup noooo!!! No. 1235604
>>1235442>trans dyke>straight women pls get off WLW tinderHooo
boy. I could a-log for days about this one. So glad I'm married, if I had to resort to dating apps I would become a volcel.
No. 1235616
>>1235298Late reply but
>newfaggotryCome the fuck on, you know what I meant by anger venting kek.
No. 1235649
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i hate rat bitches (they’re usually women ime but maybe some scrotes as well). rats are ugly as sin, they are not cute, and i don’t care to listen to your retarded diatribe on how they are actually really clean animals and they’re not responsible for the black plague etc. and i sure as shit want to hear about how smart your heckin rat boi is because it realized mouse wheels are stationary. like ok?? the only thing rats are good for is being experimented on. do you know what scientist do when they are done with a rat? they decapitate it with a tiny guillotine. the reason i like rats is because they contribute tonnes of shit to medicine by literally fucking dying. stop making rodents a part of your peta agenda bc you’re an uber quirky manic pixie rat girl/boy
No. 1236155
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>>1233757another one i have came across
No. 1236578
>>1236218I totally get what you are saying, but there are some ambivert people. I think my aunt is one of them, she's always wanting to have gigantic big ass parties and then to be left alone for one week, rinse and repeat lol
I'm not shy and I am usually pretty outgoing, but I am an introvert. I'd rather be left alone for 95% of the time, but I'm not afraid of or dislike talking to people, I am just really tired after a while.
No. 1236708
File: 1656022835918.gif (3.16 MB, 360x360,…)

When people complain about pronouns/transphobia in edgelord humor circles
They cannot and will not stop me from making transphobic memes and upsetting multiple trannies worldwide
that is a lolcow anon guarantee
No. 1236765
File: 1656025202612.webm (6.39 MB, 720x1056, video-1656024376.webm)

Found this girl from consoom tiktoks but what I hate the most is this weird fake cutesy way she acts and talks.
I'm not sure who this even appeals to, kids? men? do other women like this?
No. 1236804
>>1236765It's 100% to pander to men with pedophilic tendencies.
>it's ok to be smol>chokerDisgusting.
No. 1236827
>>1236822I use a box cutter, scissors look so unpractical, I think I got particularly
triggered by this video because of the girl's overall attitude.
No. 1236866
>>1236823Yukapon is going through a gyaru rapper phase now
>>1236765100% with you, this is so annoying and obviously fake. I think most people don't mind cute girls or even slightly childish girls, the problem is how fake it is and how she's clearly putting an act for whatever reason.
No. 1236937
>>1236931I only liked camp camp because I was a rooster teeth fan (was before it became whatever sad dying mess it is now)
It's funny to see it mentioned outside of that context, I didn't know non-rt-fan people liked the show
No. 1237138
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Lolita groups that accept trannies
No. 1237173
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>>1236931I liked the first two seasons (those were the only seasons uploaded to youtube) of Camp Camp because of a picrel guy and character designs, i had no idea it turned into whatever this is? The fuq is this lolicon crap
No. 1237385
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whatever the hell this is
>83-year old dad
>my wife, 35
No. 1237387
>>1237360Oh my god, my coworker INSISTS I wear my lab coat over my t-shirt, even though nobody ever complained and everyone outside of our department runs around in nothing but t-shirts all summer, but no, what if the work place safety guy sees???? Nothing, that's what, nothing will happen, it doesn't matter, none of the bosses care, nobody cares, nobody except for you. I'm sweating and I can see you're hot too, so why.
No. 1238149
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I hate that saying “girls” now makes you come off as a tranny. I just want a casual way to refer to women similar to ‘guys’ ladies sounds too formal and no one says gals, what the fuck am I supposed to say?
No. 1239373
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People (usually moids) who throw their trash out their vehicle windows onto the road or in the bushes. Not only is it bad for the environment but it's just plain disgusting.
Your empty bottle won't explode before you get to your destination David, just keep it until you get to a trash receptacle.
No. 1239890
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>>1239574Hard agree. Try Bull Frog sunscreen gel if you have access to it. It's clear and dries… dry…
No. 1239918
Had to rewrite this comment as it made no fucking sense
>>1239874I think "youth" has extended in the past 2 decades. Obviously me growing up and getting older has a massive impact on my perception, but I stg 34 in 1990 was Old across the board. Has anyone seen that tiktok of the lady who was wondering why women in their 30's from the 1970's and '80's looked so much older? She copied the hairstyle, makeup, and style of those times and immediately looked old af. I realize how retarded this sounds but I swear…
Probably has something to do with the (American) economy and what lifestyles aren't available to working class anymore, idk. They say 30's are the new 20's. I'm actually gonna go look this up, I am intrigued.
No. 1240024
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I hate when people make really obvious jokes when someone says they don't like something. Wow so you will do X because they dislike X? How humorous of you
No. 1240085
>>1240024Same, holy shit
A lot of the times it's straight up disrespectful
No. 1240124
>>1239574Omg I relate to this so much!!!! Sunscreen feels so heavy and greasy and I absolutely HATE if my hair gets stuck on my face and/or neck after applying. Its right up there with nails on a chalkboard for me. Living close to the equator I need it daily but hate it so much like an arch nemisis, even went so far as to buy a parasol with uv protection to avoid using it on my face neck and chest.
>>1239890SMOOCH FOR YOU ANON 10q so much I will try your recommendation
No. 1240254
>>1240124yw nona! i hope you like it!
>>1240028"i could care less"
No. 1240316
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when people talk about "kittens and mommies" and i realize they do not literally mean like picrel
No. 1240368
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I loathe how many people treat their children. The poor kids are only seen as extensions of their parents. The parent/s forces their likes on the kids despite the kids not really liking the same stuff. Get made fun of for liking stuff the parent/s doesn't like (you don't like anything). Not encouraged to try to new foods because the parent/s dislikes certain foods. The parent/s is way too involved with the kids and feeding them bs that the kids don't really have friends. Dressing the kids like mini adults instead of children as well as treating the kids like equals. It's so creepy. They need dolls and not kids. I get watching kids' online activity and being updated what is going on in their life. What induces the most rage in me is the status quo for these parents is that their own parents let them do what they wanted/have interests that are different from the parents. I don't get why one would do this to their own kid.
No. 1240407
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>>1240368Hate when nonnies only post microscopic thumbnail pics of cute/funny images
Here's a bigger one
No. 1240434
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in this video about child rescues in beaches a little girl gets tangled in stinging jellyfish and the "most repeated" feature once again makes me extremely uncomfortable.
No. 1240446
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>>1240437i thought i couldn't be more blackpilled about moids but every day i learn something new that takes me even further with my hatred of them
No. 1240499
>>1240434Reminds me of when that guy outed how youtubes algorithm had picked up on pedos who wanted to look up little girls shorts in otherwise innocent vids.. enough men were doing it for the algorithm to know exactly how to cater to their tastes.
I can see more of this being outed but to do with sadism towards adult women so nobody will care half as much. Lately I stumbled into the woman-hate algorithm after I deleted my watch history and then watched one news clip. Women being assaulted.. karens getting wrecked 'satisfying karma' vids, very serious news clips of women being beat on public transport.. all just mixed in together with one common theme. Men in the comments were jizzing themselves over seeing a woman get punched. Any woman. Any level of seriousness. Didn't seem to matter.
No. 1240543
>>1240510Tranny fad and so many scrotes trooning out made me realize how ugly men actually are. Those huge heads, caveman brows, bad skin texture, greasy thin hair, ew. It's when they try to become women and you start comparing them to actual women you realize…their looks are actually absolute shit. Attractive men are very rare.
(and I am hetero, lmao)
No. 1240698
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i'm so confused
No. 1240718
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Todays teens
I hope the next gen makes fun of them for this
No. 1240820
>>1240701>>1240701I don't understand what's confusing about this,
TERF trans exclusionary radical feminist, TIRF trans inclusionary radical feminist
No. 1240824
>>1240718I've unironically never seen a less relatable image in my life.
What's the app with the feather logo?
No. 1240830
>>1240820Anon is probably confused because they claim to be opposed to postmodernism and queer theory yet inclusive for trans people…when the very nature of being trans is postmodernist and most of them abide by queer theory.
Tbh I'm kinda confused as well. Do they just mean "inclusive" in the sense that they welcome trans people to engage in gender critical discussion (in hopes of peaking them to how patriarchal and shitty it all is)? Or are they somehow trying to reconcile radical feminism and trans ideology even though they're ideologically opposed to each other by definition? I don't think I mind the former because it could be a good way to introduce young trans people to gender critical ideas without immediately turning them off with the
TERF label. But if it's the latter, then that's annoying and stupid and reminds me of the idiots on radblr who are obsessed with Wittig and reblog shit about women's material oppression and then whine about the big bad terfs 5 mins later
No. 1241009
>>1240543>>1240526Men are living on projection. What I don't get is how the less attractive they get the more sexist and picky they are. I tried dating more this year and without a fault every guy that was uglier/older (usually catfishing so I didn't know beforehand) was mean as shit and I felt bad about myself after the date. Giving backhanded compliments, saying how women are uglier, stupider and whatever. All blocked after one date.
Never went out with a mean attractive guy. They can be mental too, have many red flags but I've never once heard them say mean shit about women's looks, age or intelligence. Maybe it's just a weird coincidence but I doubt that. What's that about?
No. 1241257
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I was just looking for some way to extract files from a video game's BIN on PC, so I read a thread on GBAtemp about that.
But the chat on the lower right of the window showed the latest message, something about "pixar moms"? I opened the chat and found this. My god, I felt the urge to send them a message that said "males are disgusting", but I don't have an account.
I hate how gross men are and how they talk about sex and porn all the time in inappropriate contexts, constantly ruining my day.
No. 1241317
File: 1656259799150.jpg (40.12 KB, 432x386, thisshit.jpg)

I hate summer, specifically the heat. It stinks everywhere, it's too damn warm to wear the clothes I want to wear and I'm sleepy all the damn time.
No. 1241326
>>1241270That's a cope from parents who can't cook. Some people don't know how to make things with seasoning and you're not wrong – child or adult – for not wanting to eat unseasoned food.
Parents try to force kids to eat any old shit whether they would eat it themselves or not.
Autist with sensory issues speaking and my parents could cook and I ate EVERYTHING and still do. There's like 3 things I won't eat and I eat even those now because I've found ways to prepare them deliciously. It's not childish and neither are you.
No. 1241347
>>1241270the whole time I lived at home I would only eat the same few things over and over again, my mother would cook mostly fast food and frozen stuff, didn't knew how to use seasoning or anything at all, still would scream at me for not wanting to eat that horrible, sick making stuff. After I moved out I started to try everything, have now a collection of more seasoning than I would have ever known before and today there are maybe a handful of things I don't like to eat.
It's amazing how parents can force you to eat food that really is horrible and doesn't taste right, just because they are to lazy or disinterested in learning to cook or listen to their children.
No. 1241352
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>>1241317I feel you and I don't even have an ac at home, how nice would it be, if at least my flat would be cold enough to exist in.
No. 1241450
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I hate the image for the pro life alt right thread
it invokes a primal rage in me
No. 1241829
File: 1656277101535.gif (1.27 MB, 352x266, punch.gif)

>local roe/wade protest was made about trannies and black people for some reason instead of women
I hate it hereeeeeeeee
No. 1242026
>>1241326This makes me wanna sperg so hard about my husband's family. They are convinced the cheapest canned veggies are the exact same quality as fresh or frozen, never seasoned ANYTHING and wondered why all their kids ended up being fat and hating veggies. They also use to buy fast food chicken and peel the skins off because "the skins were unhealthy", would insult things I would cook or buy and then steal them and choke them down.
It's not even a white family thing since white Mediterranean and Slavic families know how to cook veggies without making them taste like ass or rubber, weirdly enough it seems to be the western european families that can't seem to know how to cook
No. 1242083
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Duolingo Japanese having these dumbass weeb tier practice sentences (there's also stuff about maid cafes and cosplay), when all the other languages have regular normie donde esta el baño type shit
No. 1242107
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>>1241932Your kind literally rape lizards. Indian woman are too good to have such scum counterparts.
No. 1242223
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No. 1242289
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>>1242284anon it's just a silly meme I found on pinterest
don't have a cow
No. 1242292
File: 1656303046575.png (2.67 MB, 1135x1329, yukipon.PNG)

I hate finding an artist I like a lot, and then I find out they make a bunch of disgusting shit also.
No. 1242363
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>>1242328Yukipon is the artist. I just found their stuff, and immediately thought their style was adorable, so I decided to dig deeper to find more. Their stuff is scattered in a few places because most of their work was posted in the early 2000's, but I saw they're into shipping snarry and other pedophilic shit, which lead to an old snarry website I found where their comics are hosted. I wish they did more innocent work instead of doing so much weird shit.
No. 1242697
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I hate when I try to write
nonnie and it autocorrects to Bonnie
No. 1242727
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>>1242633you change that attitude right meow, nona
No. 1242875
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>>1242633noooo nonna stop that I love you
No. 1243804
File: 1656428755303.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1080, bk.png)

Ryan Gosling looks repulsive as Ken, every time I see any shots of him from that movie's set I have to look away because of sheer disgust. It's even worse next to Robbie who looks like an actual perfect doll. Why couldn't they pick some hot actor her age but some expired, visibly aging romantic comedy lead who's 10 years older than her? Such an old scrote in this kitch getup gives me some messed up serial killer vibes, not a basic hot dude ken should be. I keep seeing comments of people saying like it seems this movie could be taking an unexpected dark turn and yes, with such a revolting, predatory looking scrote it surely gives that vibe. Ughhhh
No. 1243880
>>1243810Yes, we do. We need a more lightweight catalog to not have to ask these things
>>569079If you want a tl;dr of what has already been discussed, Busuu > Duolingo, basically
>>1243862I agree
No. 1243890
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>>1243862Samefag they should have picked someone with a slightly piggish nose and big round youthful eyes. Or at least prominent dimples or something.
No. 1243907
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>>1243890Young Britney spears would have been perfect
No. 1243969
File: 1656438307303.png (370.66 KB, 413x503, Capture.PNG)

I hate this trend it looks horrible irl and even in pictures. Why do people want these kind of oval lips? When they are naturally like that fine and beautiful but it looks so odd when people create that effect. It especially pisses me off when women who've have full lips do this or who got injections do this.
No. 1244033
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>>1243969This trend is my mortal enemy. It ruins a lot of otherwise beautiful lips, it looks like someone didn't wipe sauce off their mouth. I thought it was to look more cartoony like picrel generic pretty girl drawings.
No. 1244121
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I hate Margot Robbie with her boxhead ass. Overrated and obscenely ugly
No. 1244210
>>1244139Honestly it's kind of sad
>>1244156It's not always specific words but general descriptions, but hole is a big one, or chest bumps and the like. And I can't blame you, most of it is trash but I'm so deprived of anything good I try to cope with what exists.
No. 1244266
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I hate how much other women defend trannies and misogynistic gay men without a second thought. And how quick they are to throw other women who disagree with them under the bus. This is why I can’t feel bad when they eventually get eaten by their own echo chamber.
No. 1244921
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No. 1244928
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>>1244921This reminds me of something I hate
I’m probably gonna be called sensitive but I hate when they make villains in Disney movies ugly because it teaches kids that looks matter, and beauty and the beast contradicts itself cause they literally
turn beautiful when they prove themselves to be nice or worthy of love. I think Dreamworks is the superior for this reason, if you watch El Dorado or The Prince of Egypt you will see background characters with all sorts of face and they are nice.. even with wonky long noses. Idk I am also a nose chan so it made me sad growing up to see I resembled moar of a witch than a princess. And yes I understand angular means can be interpreted as more evi, but this makes me think it applies to real life and people that post the gargamel 4chan Jew caricature unironically see me irl and assume I’m like some money grubbing jew when I’m poor and frugal
and italian No. 1244997
File: 1656512773626.png (86.95 KB, 230x322, Amiibo_263_Gaston.png)

>>1244928gaston reminds me of this ugly animal crossing villager which me and my sister used to hate on ac wild world and i would try to make him move into her town by getting her to talk to him whilst she had a villager moving out of her town so he would take the empty spot and she would cry and hit me and tell me she wasnt playing with me anymore
No. 1245004
>>1244928kek nona I agree with you, although I've preferred that kind of look more since I was little. The eyes and eyebrows, the sharp, angular features as opposed to the soft, rounded and non-threatening features on the main characters.
Though the only truly ugly one in that pic is Jafar imo (I also think he looks like a racist caricature somewhat). Also the Beast looked so much better as a monster lmao but that was obviously not intentional.
>>1244656I think it's because MGS and Yakuza have a lot of female fans, I guess you could consider them those games' "periphery demographic". Meanwhile, the periphery demographic for a lot of children's cartoons is gross grown men, and the adult women in those fandoms tend to not interact with the males, DO complain about the porn but are too few for that to have an effect, or are "one of the boys" and don't think there's anything wrong with exposing little children to tons of degenerate porn (or just don't realize that's what's happening).
No. 1245005
>>1244769i always think italian men sound greasy and slimy and pervy too anon kek
>>1244806i think people associate 'British accent' with Received Pronunciation accent/dialect whatever as that is what many famous british actors have.
No. 1245180
>>1244806love them, too, especially northern, irish, welsh and scottish. I also love new zealand accents and I can't stand most american accents, they sound like they swallowed a frog.
>>1245013that's me, kek. It's just, English isn't my first language and so there are mistakes many times and sometimes I feel so embarrassed that I delete my reply and write it again and then there is a new mistake and I just close lolcow and go on with my day, feeling that mistake lingering behind me all day.
No. 1245336
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I HATE how I can't just buy single servings of some items. I want a burger today but if I want lettuce, guess what? I'm going to have to buy a whole fucking head or bag of lettuce. If I want American cheese on my burger, guess what? I'm going to have to buy a whole pack. If I want bacon on my burger, I have to buy a whole damn pack! I think not having to buy full packs of stuff that you don't want is the real reason why some people prefer fast food and restaurants over homecooked meals.
No. 1245370
>>1245336this is even more annoying when you want to cook 'exotic' meals. i remember making pad thai for my family, and it was amazing, but i had to buy a whole bottle of rice vinegar and tamarind paste that i've had no use for since then.
well i guess they can't sell individual portions for everything kek
No. 1245394
>>1244656It's exactly like this. I have no idea why fandoms centered around media for adults or older teenagers should "think of the children" when kids shouldn't be consuming it to begin with but then there's no policing people who are flooding literal kids media spaces with porn, for some retarded reason
yes I know it's because all the fans are degenerate men it's never frowned upon. It's doublethink at its finest.
No. 1245423
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Foods that smell better/look better then they taste.
No. 1245426
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These bizarre ass ads for shitty looking mobile games where some woman is covered in grime and body hair and you’ve got to give her a makeover or some shit. Or like, your mistress is pregnant and you have to decide what to do. They are just really ugly and unsettling to me.
No. 1245455
>>1245449I watched a youtuber who would post the commericals and then post the game play. I wish someone would do a series on it. Mobile Ads. Vs Reality and just play all the games & talk about it.
The person I watched sadly didn't do commentary but it was pretty interesting.
No. 1245538
>>1245168>You'd be surprised how many adult women in children's cartoons fandoms are seriously degenerateI know that, that's why I said "or don't think there's anything wrong with exposing little children to tons of degenerate porn", implying that there's also degenerate women who mostly hang with the males
>Final Fantasy is not a franchise aimed at children either but you will never see moids telling each other to tone down the Tifa porn because "WHAT IF A CHILD SEES THIS?!?"That's the point I was making? That moids don't try to police each other when it comes to porn, no matter if they're in fandoms for children's or adults' media, while women usually do.
Actually, off-topic but this made me think why most media for adults that has big female fanbases is usually for men…
No. 1245574
>>1245430tbh I only played the series up to FF10-2 and the games are fairly family friendly, I don't know if the next games are particularly more "adult" in their themes or not, but from what I've been told from friends it's still the same themes, character archetypes, etc. so kids and teens can definitely play them and not be completely lost or disturbed. FF seems to mostly attract adults now but that's more because of marketing and the fact that it has more competition in terms of JRPG now than ever. MGS is definitely way more adult than that. I never played Yakuza but from what I've seen I can believe it's on par with MGS in terms of audience. I'd say stuff like No More Heroes, The Nonary Games series, maybe even Dangan Ronpa, etc. would also count because the underaged fans seem to not grasp whatever the fuck is going on on screen so they just watch other people play and read wikipedia pages about these games, then complain that they're violent or full of fanservice and sex jokes. And if we make comparisons with JRPGs then maybe you could say SMT is more for adults than FF or Pokemon or Dragon Quest, which are games from everyone, kids, teenagers and adults alike.
No. 1246269
>>1246234my whole family are travelers~ and are constantly asking me where I'm gonna go. it really drives me nuts that they keep making it out like I'm missing something, but every time we get together they're just talking about canceled flights, messed up hotel/Airbnb reservations, almost getting scammed, basically every mishap. all they ever have to say is, "that Vatican tour was interesting. cool history." or "I went to Bali in 2009, wow I don't even remember that trip!".
like, way to sell the experience wtf
also I realized some of my relatives lives are just working nonstop until the next adventure~ and that's just not appealing
No. 1246386
>>1218967I hate it when people are bad at cooking but always insist on cooking and then get offended when you don't like the slop they prepared. And they always brag about not following recipes, but motherfucker, they get made for a reason.
Like, it's really not hard to be decent at cooking, retarded jailbird moids can manage it. All you have to do is follow a recipe a few times, taste the fucking food before you serve it to someone, and boom, it's done. You're an okay cook making stuff that tastes good.
No. 1246448
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i hate it when mediocre online artists make redundant tutorials that try so hard to reinvent the wheel when we have methods that have been taught for hundreds of years and worked fine but noo people can't put in the effort and learn the basics they have to keep shitting out cookie cutter kawaii instagram art god forbid there is skill or creativity involved
No. 1246706
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I hate when I make a sick ass post and no one responds. Sorry my brain is to big for you to understand.
No. 1246908
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I'm seeing more cars outside with this light green color and I hate it
No. 1246915
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I personally don't hate Genshin as a game, but I do hate the fans. Why are they so bitter all the time? I swear, I've been on crazy fandoms, but the Genshin one is something else.
No. 1246918
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>>1246908This car is offensive to me.
No. 1246924
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I hate how much society seems to hate on MENA / Indian features and how normalized nose jobs are in those parts of the world. Big noses are beautiful.
No. 1246932
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>>1246908Deep emerald green is much nicer
No. 1246940
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>>1246933It seems to be a current trend
No. 1246961
>>1246954What about
black noses
No. 1246977
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>>1246961If your nose fits your face then there's literally nothing wrong with it!
>>1246970What an absolute waste of money, jesus christ
No. 1246984
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>>1246969Nta but I have a wide and flat nose, and I've had moments of jealousy for hooked noses since they can be slim from the front and the hump is very elegant looking (plus the insecurity around my nose that was put into me at a young age). I guess the grass is always greener on the other side kek. I feel a lot more confident and beautiful in my nose these days and I realize any other nose would actually be unattractive on me. I hope you have also found beauty in your nose!
No. 1246985
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>>1246970I think this was supposed to look like picrel, but man.
No. 1246987
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Bimbo and “hot girl” shit
Shut up the fuck up already
No. 1246989
>>1246984this is very different from the brown hooked nose that has a droopy tip,longer nose bridge than that and is also bulbous…
This nose fits the beauty standards except for the bump.
No. 1246990
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>>1246989I don't think it does, but would something like this be better then? I honestly just chose a random picture, it's not as if I specifically only find noses like that picture beautiful.
No. 1247035
File: 1656653230693.jpeg (Spoiler Image,676.39 KB, 750x1154, 6C1DD81B-9261-43F0-9CCA-6F08B1…)

>>1246987AAHHH. I try so hard not to be negative about women no matter what but I hate this girl so much. She dresses in the most male pandering shit possible but it’s okay and funny because she says men suck sometimes!! Ugh stop performing and encouraging this retarded shit.
No. 1247150
>>1247148Agree with everything you said, beards are fucking nasty it looks like pubes growing on a face. Chinstraps are mega retarded and ugly.
>>1247149Love when fat men grow a beard to hide their double chin. I can see the rest of your body, I know you’re fat.
No. 1247153
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>>1247148I agree! They are extremely greasy and remembering how men don't care about grooming, let alone washing their beards makes it worse.
>and the men who look better with beards still aren't attractive to me anyway.same!
No. 1247157
File: 1656664400030.jpg (45.63 KB, 613x620, way.JPG)

People who go to a rock/metal concert and complain about people pushing and moving around a lot around them. Like, what did you expect? Everybody just standing around so you can take pics for your facebook page? I hate that shit, either leave and go somewhere else or don't attend in the first place.
No. 1247179
>>1247148I don't just hate beards, I hate young
men with beards. If a young guy has a beard there's 99% chance his whole personality is about being some douche macho trying to compensate for not feeling masculine enough. They're usually sexist arrogant douches. Even normies tend to agree with this kek
And yeah beards are just ugly, the man just stops being a 'potential partner' to me and I just see them as 'some guy'. Same with the short hair with shaved sides I fucking hate it.
>>1247176But wouldn't hair also carry fecal matter? I mean I don't wash my hair after every time I poop. Maybe we should wear swimming caps to toilets kek
No. 1247186
>>1247179But you wash your hands (I assume). Men suck at cleaning, they don't clean their hands after touching their own dick (which also had fecal matter because of the shared sweat and because men also don't properly clean their asses) which in turn gets in their hair, beards and faces. They also don't clean their beards after getting food on them.
My brother grows his beard occasionally and when he does he gets beard hair everywhere. It's fucking disgusting.
No. 1247273
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>>1220136People are so fucking annoying online, I fucking hate shit like picrel. The video it’s on is from a physical therapist saying “if you can only do one form of exercise, it should be walking!” which is innocent enough. Yeah not EVERYONE walks but I hate it when people have to pull that “not everyone can ___!” Like are you some fucking hamplanet who can’t even walk to your front door to pick up your food delivery because your knees buckle under your sheer size? Shut the fuck up! The dude is just trying to suggest something easy and doable for most people because he’s a physical therapist- it is his life’s work to encourage people to take care of their bodies so they don’t end up disfigured freaks from sitting hunched over their computers all day arguing semantics on social media.
No. 1247291
>>1247171Don't get me wrong,
nonnie, I love Rhett and Link but he was the first person I could remember who has a beard and looks completely different without it.
No. 1247818
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When I learn a creator is female but they’re actually just a tranny male
No. 1247863
>>1247818Same, I can't believe anyone actually thinks trannies count as womem. Like
>here's a brave and stunning woman in speedrunningYou just know they're talking about a troon. I used to get really excited when I read about a "woman" in competitive gaming or game development or whatever but now I know there's a 99% that those "women" are men.
>>1246706Same but it usually happens when I make an informative post. It sucks. Also makes me wish I wasn't such an autist who writes walls upon walls of text as a response to simple posts.
No. 1247865
>>1247818It's always the "female"
>Speedrunners>YouTubers>DJs>ArtistsThat are actually troons
No. 1247891
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>>1247876There's a YouTube channel named hazel that does anime vids that I thought was a weird voiced woman but then I saw a thumbnail of his and it was a man…
No. 1248219
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>>1247865I hate it
Literally the only actual female creator that I can think of in these spaces that I like is Temmie Chang. I wish there were more, especially ones that didn’t pander to the gender/tranny crowd.
No. 1248259
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How I can’t look at male memes without some aiden coming and LARPing as a man. Please go away, no matter how much you try you’ll never be a man
No. 1248305
>>1248303are you for real? holy fucking shit so he literally thinks she's her? I knew about that case, but I didn't think he would literally claim to be her and then call himself a "slut".
Also, is there more evidence he's a pedo? I need to know the truth
No. 1248313
>>1248306>Uses an image of an actual corpse of a child as his album coverwhat the fuck?
>Sampled a 911 call of a little girl calling about his brother who had just shot himselfwhat the fuuuuck
No. 1248825
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I hate how much periods are viewed with disgust and horror. I can understand why, up to a certain point, they’re considered gross (bodily function similar to urination/defecation), but the way people freak out just by the mention of it and/or pads/tampons/etc makes me so angry. Like, why make such a big deal about it? Nearly half of the world’s population goes through menstruation, but just because it’s an experience unique to women, people all over the world see it as an aberration, and in some cultures, impure! I remember reading a post about how some places that only had 1 bathroom would leave a basket of menstrual products in case some women needed them, and there were commenters (mainly male, but some women) saying how uncomfortable it would make men who also uses those bathrooms. Why can’t they just ignore it? I just don’t understand; in my mind, pads and tampons have the same amount of ‘grossness’ as, idk, toilet paper–none! If scrotes were the ones that went through periods, no one would make this much of a fuss,
No. 1248836
File: 1656789797234.gif (6.61 MB, 498x373, the-shining-the-shining-elevat…)

>>1248825All these 'manly' guys can't handle that women have blood coming out of them once a month? Scrotes scared of blood gtfo
No. 1248861
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>>1248825Women just need to start being casual about it IMO. The only blood that doesn't come from violence is the one that disgusts and scares them? Fuck that, honestly
No. 1248866
>>1248825When I was a teen I remember not being allowed to keep period products in the bathroom at all. Not in the cabinets with the excess toilet paper rolls.. why? Then we (me and my mom) weren't allowed to dispose of used products in the bathroom bin either. We'd to bin it in a seperate bin in my room. All because of my dad.
I didn't know how weird that was til I was an adult living with mixed housemates and there were products sitting out in the bathroom all month long ready to go. Then the bathroom bin was used for… what it's fucking intended for. My dad is very hard to live with and it was just one of many things we tiptoed around. He should've just left and lived in his own lil house.
No. 1248954
>>1248825I remember reading about how some primitive societies would tie up girls at menarche and put them in a dark hut for a year or something just because of that. Horrifying stuff.
I think people are just obsessed with periods (and now they're over-obsessed with normalizing it imo) because it literally used to be thought to be magic spook shit no one had any idea why it was happening.
No. 1249476
>>1249473>mfw I'm sort of like thisIt's because I like to weed out people who are two-faced and instead of standing up for themselves and speaking their mind resort to talking shit when I'm not around like a coward. Having been burned by treacherous yes-women too many times before it became a
toxic habit of mine to demand everyone to lay their cards on the table right away.
No. 1249486
>>1249476Have you considered these people aren't two-faced but rather dislike conflict and don't know how to handle it? I'm glad you're admitting it's
toxic but seriously, get help. Being an asshat to people is only going to give people more reason to dislike you. If you're nice and they still talk shit then write them off as shitty and two faced. No need to walk around with a chip on your shoulder.
No. 1249524
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People who call picrel "crazy vegan feminazi rhetoric" because "muh hooman rights boohoo"
"what about the serial killers' and pedophiles' human rights???" what about the victims' human rights you fucking sickos? what about the overwhelmingly female victims targeted by overwhelmingly male attackers?
No. 1249611
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People (well, men) making arguments based on authority of great influential philosophers, when I have to remember than many of them were fucking nonces, and built fucking schools of thoughts on why is it actually not that bad they want to fuck kids.
No. 1249814
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Alright it finally happened again. I hate when an anon asks about something and someone responds “oh you don’t know xyz person or event? NEWFAG” like are you retarded? Do you really expect nonnas to keep up with every thread on every board, it’s easy to miss a post that becomes notorious if you just don’t come to the farm for a few days. Stop being so stupid and annoying!!!
No. 1249933
File: 1656876213107.jpeg (895.01 KB, 2828x2828, D69BB8EF-DEA0-4B82-B0B7-BF9106…)

I hate being a woman, no I will not take this to 2x it’s all so tiresome. Sometimes I wish I never stumbled onto radical feminism, it’s so bleak. I wish to go somewhere no man will ever see me
No. 1250389
>>1250375I hate when people use redditor jokes for everything and have zero originality
>I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going>Instructions unclear, dick caught in ceiling fanetc
No. 1250395
File: 1656915881095.png (38.18 KB, 706x190, kuso miso technique.png)

Handmaidens who for some reason get this weird idea that gay men are more pure than straight women? Have they fucking seen bara manga?
No. 1250420
>>1250395I'll translate this paragraph:
>Oh wait. All of you are pro fujoshi and pro yaoi and pro women of pretty much equally all sexualities writing elaborate m/m fanfiction creating a thriving community that offered other women an option besides constant sexualization and demeaning of the female form until gender brainrot NLOGs decided to troon out and start bullying the very people creating the content they consume because they weren't writing enough top surgery scars and front holes into their stories. >>1250414I laugh because it's true, and cry thinking about all the moids who suddenly decided "femboy traps" are totally yaoi and liking them gives them a pass to enter fujo spaces to force them all into liking their coomer garbage.
No. 1250840
File: 1656957930762.png (379.32 KB, 699x634, Screenshot-2020-08-03-at-16.21…)

I have no idea what this guy's name is but I want to sock him right in his over enthusiastic expression. He is Netflix personified and I'd rather shit my pants than watch anything with this moid in it.
Also the transparent circle frames he's wearing.. that's a telltale sign, a red flag if you will, of an extremely obnoxious being
No. 1251017
File: 1656967264576.jpg (76.06 KB, 1024x1198, j0VLT4k4LKQ3GSfyGOFnm7[3].jpg)

I am watching a video on some game drama, and at some point the dude who is narrating the drama goes on a tangent about the game not having LGBT people.
>There's this spinoff novel which has jewish people, but you couldn't make your villain explicitly gay??? If the villain doesn't have a canon female love interest, why isn't he gay???
Why? What does sexuality or gender has to do with a story about a family who got separated during the war?
No. 1251911
>>1251887I do find it annoying when historical movies have blatantly incorrect clothing.
However, those youtubers are annoying in how they love spreading the idea that corsets were comfortable and harmless and no women had any issues with them. It's like they totally ignore the Victorian dress reform movement.
No. 1251917
File: 1657032105246.jpg (1.14 MB, 1029x666,…)

>>1251911Just adding to my sperg, here is a painting with women wearing dresses without corsets (left and right) with a trendy girl in the middle wearing one. Just shows that not everyone wanted to wear that shit even when it was the norm.
No. 1252171
Ironic saying this on a gossip website but I hate irl gossip. Workplace gossip, family gossip, friends talking shit about other friends. I hate all of it and wish it wasn't so socially acceptable.
>>1251017My head hurts from reading that, what the fuck lmao.
No. 1252222
>>1252184Gonna sound kind of harsh here, but I'm realizing that SJWs/libfems are literally just first world pick-mes.
Libfem version of "women's rights" = If wealthy white women are having a good time, everything's alright. Everyone else should copy them, too (and also, their struggles also aren't really that important - so what if you're treated like a slave? That's your culture, accept it, stop making us uncomfortable by saying it's wrong, just use they/them pronouns, that's liberation). They'll shit on white western men (which isn't wrong in itself), but to look "progressive", they'll defend men of other cultures (and if they themselves are not white, they get the bonus point of being a handmaiden to their moids by doing this). It's always less privileged women of all cultures and races who get the worst outcome from this BS, but they don't care
No. 1252294
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>>1252269Same, I miss the chaos of 2000s cons.
No. 1252410
>>1252362Wait are people now telling people to end up with their twin flame? Wtf even if you believe in twin flames that’s objectively a huge no. Twin flames are
toxic that’s the whole point. You bring out the
toxic in each other to show where you need to grow then you out grow them and let them go thus killing the flame. It’s why you can have multiple twin flames. They’re people similar to you that try to fill your empty spaces while hollowing you out. You devour each other unchecked. Are they confusing the concept of a soulmate or a twin flame? What the fuck
No. 1252431
File: 1657067343780.png (379.15 KB, 876x470,…)

These ~quirky and kweer~ captions made by underaged zoomers.
No. 1252438
File: 1657068162525.png (718.01 KB, 1000x750, zodiac-memes.png)

>>1252431yes. and zodiac memes that just throw a fucking star sign + action on an image; ah yes, these are all truly unique traits.
No. 1252532
File: 1657076363760.png (168.51 KB, 341x307, vid3.png)

I hate youtube content like this. Just a huge waste of time and resources that rots the minds of kids.
No. 1252603
>>1252551So much this. I miss the funny authentic home videos. None of the legendary early YouTube videos would even get into anyone's feed now.
But it's not just that, trends like the Harlem shake where everyone could participate and was just for fun are also gone.
No. 1252768
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“Omg you like this fictional character they’re a transphobe or racist, that’s awful!”
I don’t care he’s HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT and if transphobic, based as well
No. 1253662
Ukraine. I am so fucking tired of Ukraine. Almost every European country looks like it's been invaded by Ukraine and, well, considering the amount of money those fucks are getting for barely a thing, yeah, they're openly discriminating against citizens, like any invaded government would. Not all of Ukraine is at war or even in danger, yet cunts still come here, get shit load of money, free cars and apartments and education, then leave as soon as it's convenient. Other day overheard a conversation Ukrainian family had with a clerk or something, angrily asking them to remove tags off of gold they just bought, so they wouldn't have to tax it when they go back. For the past few weeks been noticing cars, all brand new, all with Ukrainian plate numbers, meanwhile my own people barely have cars after 2010s. Not even going to yap about the fact that this year the govt. decided that asking for "knowledge of more than 1 language unless it's required for the job" is discrimination, as that is so blatantly for Ukrainians to be able to speak just one language and never learn ours. Bleak.
No. 1253877
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Hate it when people are like “western art twitter vs eastern art twitter” because first that’s retarded and you’re retarded as well and lastly you don’t even appreciate japanese art besides anime because you’re just as much as a closeted racist weeb who’s proud whenever Amerifag colonialist propaganda ends up in their favorite anime. Die
No. 1254160
I hate social media addicts. People who can't fart without making a dedicated instagram or twitter post. Spend hours editing and gathering 'aesthetic' pictures. It's just so cringeworthy to me, they're usually the type of people to whip out their phones during a conversation as well. Granted I'm addicted to lolcow but at least it's anonymous kek.
>>1252977I'm sorry nonna, I hope it doesn't hurt too bad. I think crooked teeth are actually very cute though (not just the front gap thing, regular crooked teeth). It gives people something unique, I think perfectly straight white teeth look kind of scary and make people look all the same. Don't make people around you think you're ugly because your teeth aren't perfect, it's just as stupid as saying someone's nose/whatever singular feature makes them 'ugly'.
blog but when I was about 15 I had to get braces to straighten my teeth out and was legit sad that they looked so normal once I got them taken out lol, they've moved a bit since then but I wish I had my old teeth. They were fucked but I liked them, I feel like I look like a barbie doll now. At least they still have chips in them so they look somewhat human. No. 1254177
File: 1657227260529.webm (842.77 KB, 480x852, tumblr_rek2y2nbOS1qcpmmx_480.w…)

hate furries so much this shit is disgusting
No. 1254196
>>1252967there's almost never an excuse they just send a picture/a description and say weather or not they want to say anonymous
when i had ig a few years ago it was mostly followed by teens and sometimes it would be a popularity contest (and people were posting on their story how sad they were nobody is searching for them)
it's very creepy and very brainrotting
No. 1254382
>>1254357Never change
No. 1255632
File: 1657333648801.gif (2.51 MB, 360x360, 177234578007.gif)

"would of"
"could of"
"might of"
"should of"
No. 1255636
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>>1255632That's objective
No. 1255640
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>>1255636nta but you come here and tell me that, nona
No. 1255651
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>>1255636>>1255640>objectiveSHUT UP SHUT SHUT UUUUP
No. 1255713
>>1255632"could have" feels different from "could've"
I can't explain it
No. 1255844
>>1236510you must be very young.
you might be mad now about people getting mad at you being young and liking something they liked at your age.
but when you get older you'll be grateful only the true fans are left.
No. 1255978
File: 1657376454942.gif (7.3 MB, 480x386, J4U9.gif)

I am tired of people who always go all "shocked" whenever a YouTuber who built his whole "career" on shitting on women ends up being a disgusting human being. Despite all of the proofs, teenagers who watch him still "cant believe it" and "never imagined him to be like this".
>Local YouTuber whose entire content is based off watching trashy reality shows and degrading, talking shit about women in them (usually about weight and looks)
>Ends up getting married to a woman with whom she dated for 6 years
>Less than a month after the marriage he is sliding into a barely-legal girls DMs (he is 29 and she is turning 19 this year), they already exchanged things, had a makeout session and you bet they fucked too
>He said he wants to have a serious relationship with a barely-19 year old
>Even more stuff comes out; apparently he raped his lesbian YouTuber friend on who he had a crush on. They lived together and he fucked her while she was unconscious and wasted.
>In his interview he kept claiming that SHE DIDN'T MIND IT while still saying that she wasn't sober back then
>Not just once, but did that twice, managed to take an opportunity while they both tried LSD
>Was obsessed and still obsessed with said lesbian throughout this day. Possibly talked a lot of shit at chubby or overweight women in his videos because she is chubby
>It all happened back during the first year of a relationship with now his ex-wife
No. 1255990
File: 1657378108139.jpeg (101.09 KB, 977x537, 1652394113126.jpeg)

>>1255978>people who act shocked when male youtubers/streamers with access to discord e-girls turn out to be groomers>people who act shocked when male celebs with access to insta thots turn out to be cheatersI can forgive teenage girls but grown women need to fucking open their eyes.
Also Hilarys wearing such a gorgeous blouse in that gif
No. 1256156
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All of this shit.
No. 1256166
>>1256156While I don't support being
this extreme about aging prevention, I think it's really weird that only one of the tweets shown in that photo acknowledges that this is a result of men. I understand being frustrated and maybe I'm just too empathetic, but sometimes I feel like these people just want to pick on women.
No. 1256187
>>1256166No, you’re right. It always rubbed be wrong seeing sisters turning their frustration against ‘pickmes’, I get it, but they weren’t born that way, they were just weak women in an anti woman world. Who fuels our insecurities, pits us against each other, guages our value by our youth and looks ONLY, and gaslights us?
When I say I’m a radical feminist, I don’t mean I want to hate men, I’m just aware of how there are and don’t dwell on it. I mean I want to put emphasis on going to the gym, getting strong, learning to do ‘man’ stuff myself, networking with and lifting up other women. That’s my goal. And we will be free this way, I can see it so clearly. Michfest will be back.
No. 1256203
>>1256187You said it better than me anon. I don't have a problem with criticizing women (obviously, I'm on fucking lolcow) and I'm not a radfem so I'm not gonna act like I know everything but sometimes radfems on the internet seem like they have some misplaced anger
and dare I say they do this to feel superiority over other women.
No. 1256207
File: 1657389861848.png (637.68 KB, 780x780, 1-2.png)

These kinda shorts and leggings with the scrunch pattern. Shorts that have lines under the ass to lift it or whatever. It makes it so obvious you're trying hard to give yourself an ass or show it off. To me it's like telling everyone you're wearing a padded push up bra.
No. 1256442
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This shit.
No. 1257963
>>1253192>"I thought this was someone's porn OC" - One of the comments I've thankfully never seen any porn of this character, the only times I've seen her are here and on crystal cafe when someone laments the fact that she's only known for all the porn.
She doesn't look like that
at all. What are they smoking? Why must scrotes be so fucking pornsick and judge everything in relation to porn? I also hate that everything, even innocent cartoons with normal non-sexual designs, have been corrupted so much (thanks to the popularization of "rule 34" and the normalization of pornography everywhere) that now the first thing people think when they see something like a cartoon witch cat is "a porn OC".
No. 1258403
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>>1258401I literally hate you and your kind in a thread for hate. Then you come here and cry you're attacked.
Same energy as picrel
No. 1258438
>>1258437In this case, absolutely.
Objectively worse hygiene practices than even cats.
No. 1258505
>>1258501Both are nasty and unhygienic.
Only you care about the level of nasty.
No. 1258560
>>1258551That's because we're sageing all the posts.
Value judgements on what is right and wrong are a huge part of "managing" through life. I really hope you recognise their value (heh) as soon as possible.
No. 1258566
>>1258495not who you're fighting with but
>muh classit's in their own bedroom, not a royal wedding kek. no one's gonna see it so who cares
No. 1258567
>>1258562Value judgements aren't rigid, they're made taking circumstances into account.
Also, I think you would like to know that
I just peed in the shower, like two minutes ago No. 1258588
>>1258575So we went from flowery to quasi-philosophical language, all just to justify being a slob
>>1258577So do adult diapers but you still shit in the toilet
No. 1258599
>>1258597Better than being dead? Sure.
Better than not being a slob? Nope.
No. 1258611
>>1258605You call laying in bed stuffing your face an "experience"?
You've got to be a door-to-door salesman of some kind with what kind of shit you're trying to sell me
No. 1259097
File: 1657584948693.png (35.94 KB, 602x330, moid leftist.png)

I hate and absolutely despise moids who spend a significant portion or even a slight portion of their day arguing with random people or discussing politics on twitter/social media in general. I cannot fucking stand it - it reeks of a patronizing arrogant personality to me even if I agree with their stance.
More specifically, I have come to hate and even distrust the vast majority of leftist males I've met. All of them will sperg out in regards to leftist ideas yet when it comes to women-specific issues like sexual exploitation or how women's spaces are being taken over by men, they are quick to show their true degenerate selves.
Picrel for this, a random male leftist in his natural habitat: unrestrained misogyny. Apparently his shrimp brain can't even comprehend the fact that porn is evidently normalising and mimicking rape scenarios or violent sexual abuse and acting like it's a normal everyday part of what you do in the bedroom - the fact that rape existed before porn doesn't change this.
Then again, I took a quick look through his twitter and this also comes from the same moid who is quite happy to openly tweet about railing his girlfriend. There's no hope for them, nonnies. I feel like regardless of political stance, there is always one consistency within a male: being a degenerate.
No. 1259138
>>1259097I hate them too nona. Had to learn about their true nature the hard way.
They'll call women's issues and being anti-porn unimportant or a distraction (I bet they wouldn't say the same about child abuse or the rights of prisoners, for example) yet still call themselves leftists/communists despite spending their whole day jacking off to sissy BBC/futa loli/"fake" rape porn, posting shock videos when they're angry and arguing with "liberals" (anarchists and non-pickme leftist women) about why porn is totally ok, instead of reading a fucking book and/or doing irl praxis. They're incels, exactly the same as the rightoids who blame their lack of sex on the jews or black people, only these "leftist" incels blame all their own shortcomings on capitalism and do nothing to improve their lives (how do they think most people cope with their miserable lives under capitalism?)
They're mentally ill. Also funny how they question everything because capitalist propaganda (as they should) EXCEPT porn.
No. 1259150
>>1259138>Also funny how they question everything because capitalist propaganda (as they should) EXCEPT porn.Samefag but this applies to the other kind of online leftist too. You know, the TRA kind. They question everything except "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN!!" and are so fucking annoying about it, saying it at times and in places where it's not even relevant. How can they not see that tranny propaganda is just capitalist propaganda to sell hormones and unnecessary surgeries and profit off of teen girls and boys' insecurity? Just as misogynistic as the other kind but "more progressive": they don't give a fuck about internalized misogyny in trans boys, about women being reduced to their biological functions through dehumanizing language, or about TIMs invading spaces that should be reserved for women for justifiable reasons.
Leftists online who are actually sane and don't fall into women abuse apologia or advocate for insecure teenagers mutilating their bodies to follow retarded gender stereotypes are extremely rare online.
No. 1259230
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>>1259097>if you think pornography makes people rape people how do you explain rape before pornography?kek god I hate that social media has made every big brain retard moid in the world think they can debate
No. 1259388
and I hate it when lc won't let me delete my post
No. 1259392
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Yeah most likely looking at this. However I do think there is some deranged poor abused woman coping in the thread as well, some posts are just too personally offended to seem like a male larping.
No. 1259396
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>>1259097reminds me of this
No. 1259494
>>1259138>>1259150That's all very true nonna, especially what you said about criticising everything under capitalism except porn. It also applies to trans people too like you said.
The leftist moid in question in my picrel is apparently anti-porn because it's horrible to women but he also posts shit like that and sees absolutely no problem with the genital mutilation and drug-dependency state of trans people and how it's become a fully-fledged industry under capitalism.
>>1259230KEK, it's fucking hilarious how retarded they are. 80% of their arrogant BPD personality is just speaking over other people and waffling on about communism online but they really let their natural retardation shine when the concept of women's sexual abuse and exploitation comes up. Retarded moids have always existed, but at least pre-internet they were confined to their jobs and manual labour instead of tweeting and "debating" all day.
>>1259396Yup, even the ones who say they're anti-porn because of women's exploitation are full of shit when they're faced with an argument like this. I fucking hate them all, and it's seriously telling of how apathetic the moid brain is when it comes to the wellbeing and safety of other people. They're either only anti-porn because "muh dick doesn't work anymore" or because they want to put up a facade of looking like a feminist ally so they can continue their degeneracy.
No. 1260626
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Gay scrotes making abortion jokes and then the inevitable Aidens flooding the comments about how this is about them too
No. 1268196
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Ain't never seen a white person with a pussy this dirty/needs something done because its straight up grey. Spoiler for nasty pus she had an old photo on her fansly saying look at my pink little pussy when that things been blown through by 5 different guys