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No. 1134205
The borzois are back edition.
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1103119 No. 1134214
>>1134206Kek I'm glad you like it
nonnie! We went on too long without borzois
No. 1134224
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I hate how men always say they prefer women hairless because it's "hygienic" meanwhile they are way hairier than we are and aren't expected to shave their arms, legs, chest or armpits. You know they don't really believe that (or they're just that stupid maybe).
Also if hair is "unhygienic" then wouldn't the same be true for head hair and eyebrows, yet they don't have a problem with those? They're so full of shit.
No. 1134251
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>>1134224They don't like women with body hair because they're all just genuinely nonces, even if they don't realise it. The hygiene thing is just a cover for the fact their brains have become so twisted by porn that they view any signs of maturity in females as immediately disgusting and repulsive - not just body hair, but sagging breasts, dimpled/stretch marked skin and periods etc. When you look at the body hair issue plus the amount of teen/barely legal porn it's obvious what the outcome is.
Also, pardon my sperging, and I'm not defending the porn industries of the past as it's all entirely fucked up, but at least in a lot of retro porn they still had bushes and (for the most part) looked like grown women with natural bodies. It's crazy how our bodies develop to show signs of sexual maturity, natural beauty and fertility (menstruation, body hair etc) and these disgusting pedo scrotes find all of it disgusting? They literally just out themselves at this point, they might as well tattoo "I am a paedophile" on their foreheads.
I also used to be in the team of "I shave because it's muh preference and it feels cleaner" but in reality I was just coping because I was too nervous to be sexually intimate with men unless I'd completely shaved first. The breaking point for me was reassessing my sexual history years later and realising how much we're taught, as women, to put effort into looking presentable for sex vs the average moid - in my case, I'd exfoliated and shaved and got anxious over a stray pube being seen whereas the moid I was seeing literally just told me "I couldn't be arsed to trim my pubes" nor did he apologise for it. Something clicked and I realised how bullshit this all was, and how there is never even any positive outcome for us.
No. 1134263
>>1133858Sigh, commies and their manifestos…
>where's the oppressionIf you want to receive any of those supposedly free for all benefits the state offers, you have to do as the party says. If you don't obey, no apartment for you, no job for you. Maybe gulag. I don't want my living situation to depend on how loyal to a party I am.
No. 1134284
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everyone should watch this movie to see what happens to women under communism
No. 1134313
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>>1134270Unintentional famines aren't the same as genocide. What happened to Crimean Tatars during ethnic deportations after WWII could count as genocide and it was messed up for sure but famines happened a lot during Tsartist Russia and China before Communism.
No. 1134316
>>1134313Communism did bad things. Just as capitalism. It's unfair to idealize either of them. Or see them as a better alternative to the other. They are both as shit.
>>1134314what are you talking about? I never lectured anyone on anything I just think both communism and capitalism are shit.
No. 1134323
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>>1134316I'm not a Communist but I find it very cringe how the west overly demonizes it. British India had a huge famine under Winston Churchill and he openly mocked them by saying they breed like rabbits but we do not see these death tolls attributed to him like Stalin's supposed "20,000,000 people killed in genocide".
I don't agree with everything that happened in the Soviet Union, but look at why they wanted revolution from the Tsar in the first place. Most Eastern European countries were poor before Communism and they're poor even now after Communism.
No. 1134325
>>1134320>>1134322There's a huge difference between genocide, systematic large-scale famine and poverty/ostracization caused by the lack of loyalty to your party than indirect consequences of shit like health care being inaccessible, especially because in communist states health care wasn't accessible either or the treatment you received was literally on par with chewing herbs. If you want to dig deep you could argue that the freedom to stuff your face is causing people to have organ failure due to unhealthy diet and that's one more capitalism-induced death!!11
Could you make one goddamn point without bringing up whataboutism relating to muh capitalism anyway, it's not a dichotomy of USSR vs USA because we live in the year 2022, not 1979, and there are other free market systems in place than late stage capitalism American corporatocracy.
No. 1134328
>>1134317How about you stop idealizing communism if you love communism so much go to North Korea and blend yourself amongst the starving general population. Ah, but "North Korea is not even communist" I forgot. Also, I don't get the point of you bringing this up. I posted that because the commie anon that wrote that super long spergy post was basically arguing that communism is good because it gives women access to abortion. Which isn't universally true and communism doesn't care about women since it is authoritarian and actually keeps traditional values. If you get beaten and raped under communism nobody gives a fuck and if you seek help from the authorities they will help you more. Russia was fucking depressing during communism and people were suffering from berreaucracy, corruption, the inability to express themselves, poverty.
>>1134320Yeah, but my point is why are you shilling one over the other? Both capitalism and communism are as shit. Why are you acting like communism is a better alternative and ignoring the huge social issues it causes and the suffering is causes just like capitalism does. It's like you can blame capitalism for genocide and being immoral but you keep a double standard and cannot see that communism has caused suffering just as much as capitalism. Why are you choosing one hellish political system over another hellish political system? Maybe the problem with the world is this stupid dichotomy. It's irrational to think we only have two options capitalism and communism when we can absolutely create a new political system that combines good features of communism with good features of capitalism. I don't want to live in a communist dictature but I don't want to live in a capitalist doctature either.
No. 1134338
>>1134329you were irrational and did a lot of strawman, you didn't even fucking respond to my points. You just twisted my points to just spew communist propaganda and now personally attack me since anons made fun of your retarded post. Fuck off. Communism nor capitalism aren't the best political options, we can literally create new political systems. I don't get why we should focus on the past so much. Also communism and capitalism are both objectively horrible for women. You cannot claim communism is better for women, it's as bad.
>>1134337Yeah, but the role of a political system is to aid and help its citizens and not cause their death which both communism and capitalism have miserably failed at. The political system you live under is not supposed to cause your death or make your life worse.
No. 1134342
>>1134331I can tell you're definitely not an ethnic Chinese or an immigrant. They ask you on your citizenship interview whether you've ever been a Communist and China is seen as this huge boogeyman rn. I literally got told to go back to China cuz I'm a "commie" spy by some dumbass in high school.
I can't listen to a song in Chinese without seeing some trolls about "CCP TIANAMEN SQUARE SOCIAL CREDIT++ WINNIE THE POOH" when the song itself has nothing to do with politics.
No. 1134343
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just saying
No. 1134345
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>>1134341Because the US drags itself in everything. Do you not know what the Cold War is?
No. 1134349
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>>1134328Do you know who made starvation worse in North Korea though?
You ask why do people keep dragging the US into everything, it's because the US is literally involved in everything. North Korea isn't perfect, but the UN definitely isnt helping them by blocking other countries from trading with them and destroying their economy.
Btw I'm from a third world country and Marxism is one of the most popular ideoligies in the global south. This "only people in the west support it" is complete BS.
No. 1134357
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>>1134349I’ll add onto this with something that still has an impact today, the US has and is still punishing Cuba for associating with the USSR and allying themselves now with countries like Russia and China (who the US does a lot of business with kek). These embargo’s were first put in place during the Cuban revolution lead by communists and Fidel, which was justified but I won’t get into that even if it’s relevant, they were essentially made to punish Cuba for being communist and while there have been attempts by Democrats to loosen them they remain in place today and still have awful effects in the country. This is why the US is brought into everything because they are hypocritical fucks who spread anti-communist propaganda and even punish some countries for it while also secretly backing oppressive regimes if they can make a buck out of it.
No. 1134367
>>1134352You say you hate capitalism but have no issue parroting right-wing talking points without critically thinking.
1. You say the west doesn't demonize communism. It does.
2. You say only westerners support communism which is not true. The second largest party in Russia is the Communist Party, unlike the US where the top 3 parties are Democrat, Republican and Libertarian.
3. If you are neither communist or capitalist. What are you then?
No. 1134368
>>1134362Sanctions got rid of apartheid in South Africa. Sanctions
definitely made Russian troops evacuate from northern Ukraine or at least stop advancing. The reason sanctions don't work in North Korea is that China keeps funding their regime and they sell guns and drugs to Middle East so they have a constant supply of money, but the state just doesn't give a shit about its people and would rather build a 70-foot gold statue than improve its economy.
No. 1134373
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>>1134368Sanctions aren't gonna stop Putin lmao.. have you seen what has happened to Yemen?? You are out of your mind. Just shut the fuck up whitey.
Also North Korea isn't in a famine anymore. They actually are doing better these days.
No. 1134374
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No. 1134427
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>>1134424Whenever I hear it for some reason my mind goes to its original, historic meaning of 'strange' and 'odd'
No. 1134435
>>1134433Libe leftists aren't actually truly libleft and most of them think they are commies too. You cannot be libleft and support communism as well. Libleft are also not truly libertarian left, most of them support capitalism and are capitalists and they also do not question the authority of the government, which is something libleft should have done. Libleft is dead and this entire argument and discussions started because I made those posts in the previous thread. Saying I am annoyed at trannies for using the commie symbol since communist countries are actually conservative and if they lived in a commie country they would not be allowed to be trannies. I also said America has destroyed libleft and that now it is actually right wingers who question the government and capitalism, although they should have been the ones in theory that support capitalism. Libertarian and authoritarian right wingers are now acting like how the libleft should have acted in America, they go against the popular narrative and they think the government is lying to us and trying to control and make money off of us, which inherently should have been something that libleft should have promoted. I think that I am a true libleftist, I don't trust wokeism, I don't trust capitalism and I do not trust the modern narrative of libleft either.
No. 1134452
>>1134376Even besides China Russia is basically buying slave labor from North Korea to work in Siberia and the workers have to give their entire salary to the state basically holding their families as hostages. Bottom line still being that North Korea, despite the sanctions from western countries, still has a steady flow of money coming in but they refuse to direct it to improving their country and instead give it to the military and the state to keep the propaganda machine running. Broke ass government flexing nukes while their own citizens are dying of famine, diseases and being sent to the gulags for having South Korean relatives.
>>1134425>what else other than sanctions could be done in such case?Nothing. There's nothing besides military intervention that can be done in a situation like Russia's and that would be a World War situation. Citizens are collateral damage to it but it's basically the only thing you could do besides just sitting and waiting it out. Nobody did anything when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 and because of that the current situation happened and sanctions had to be imposed. And they seem to be helping because Russia's army has already retreated from Kiev's surroundings and they can't afford to keep the war going for much longer. Sanctions don't work immediately, it takes time, so the full effects of them can be realized in a few months.
No. 1134504
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I hate when people answer the phone just to cut you off and say they're in a meeting or in the middle of something else and can't talk. IF YOU CAN'T TALK THEN DON'T TALK
No. 1134545
>>1134452>And they seem to be helping because Russia's army has already retreated from Kiev's surroundings and they can't afford to keep the war going for much longer.Any news story about the Russian army failing is bullshit. Russia is succeeding in their "special military operation". Surrounding Kyiv was a feint to draw Ukrainian forces from the Donbass so it could be more easily invaded. Now the Russians have created a "cauldron" where the AFU can be surrounded and destroyed. They retreated from Kyiv because the Russians now want all of the Ukrainian forces in the Donbass cauldron. The Russians are deploying hypersonic missiles and thermobaric weapons, they have total air control, Ukraine is fucked and there's nothing the west can do to stop it. The Russians now have better weaponry and tactics than any army in the west. It's looking more likely that Ukraine will be broken up between Russia, Hungary, Romania and Poland under the guise of peace keeping.
Sanctions are doing fuck all except causing Europe to commit economic suicide. As a result there will be shortages of all necessary goods in the near future. China knew this was coming and has been stockpiling food for years. This will be the end of the petrodollar and therefore the end to US global dominance.
No. 1134667
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I hate shopping for clothes, it's like you can only be a deformed kardashian clones or a spooky skelletons. When will having a normal healthy womanly body be in again?
No. 1134731
I hate that in my small office there's a thing where everyone will give a little bit of money for a coworker's birthday and celebrate it for lunch. I just want to eat my meal in peace and quiet and not have to give 10€ for each one of my 15 coworkers every year but I don't want to look like stingy and give a bad impression to others. I know when it'll be my turn I'll receive some useless crap I don't want and will never use or some gift card I'll never be able to use.
>>1134667I'm skinny and can't find clothes my size either unless they're very basic tshirts that don't look "casual business" enough for work. I gained weight so I'm not underweight anymore so I naively thought I'd find more trousers my size but now it's even worse because of current trends and the shops where I used to find clothes in different normal sizes closed down a few years ago so I have to shop online now and pray. And what the fuck is that second picture kek, too much photoshop really is bad for the brain.
No. 1134758
>>1134731I worked in a place before where this one woman would take over and collect money for bdays. I would awkwardly hand over money even at times when I was struggling behind the scenes… then come my bday, nothing! Not even a card. There was a list of our birthdays on display and I worked on my bday and still zilch. I gave out money once when someones kid was having a kid…even though she was already a grandmother 10 times over by then. Why am I buying margarets daughter who've I've never even met a fucking baby gift? Why was that a collection we had? There was weird favoritism going on with it.
I feel dumb but this woman would corner you in front of others. I would've forgotten it all if I'd simply had my turn but I almost felt scammed when my day came and went.
No. 1134830
>>1134810A woman she was really close to in the office was saying homophobic shit to me and then was saying overly sexual things to another woman about her bf. It was way over the line. I was mid twenties, the other 'target' of this shit was mid twenties too and this woman along with the 'money collector woman' were old enough to be our mothers but acting in this way. Both of us made reports on paper and when more shit was said we'd add to those reports in private. We were told the main woman would be let go. On the day she was called into the office to be fired she grabbed me in the hallway and leaned in and called me 'eunuch' I didn't know what that meant.
I went into a room where most of us were hanging on lunch and I just asked the group what a eunuch is. Someone told me and the 'money collector woman' snapped at me to shut the fuck up. I told her no that after months of random sexual and homoophobic remarks and staying quiet for the sake of the reports going through first… I now didn't have to shut up anymore. Most people had no idea this had been happening and her snapping at me only outed her role in this. So the friend was fired and then she left not that long afterwards seeing as she made a scene and things were never the same for her there.
A few months later I was out for a meal with my boyfriend because no I'm not even gay despite them being convinced of that. I saw her in the ladies room and she was sweet as pie to me as we left and I then pointed out my guy to her. As if it never happened.
No. 1134964
>>1134945Russia chose to start a war with Ukraine because NATO was clearly getting ready to attack Russia from Ukraine. It's not just Russia that's "evil", it's both sides.
Maybe NATO should remove their bases from Russia and try to reach some kind of agreement, but that would've never happened. None of the two would give up that easily.
No. 1135071
>>1134994That’s besides the point. War is a horrible thing for this reason and when leaders start wars they put their own people in peril no matter what. Why should other countries fund the war machine? The Russians are not all starving to death because of the mean other countries not doing business, they’re being locked up for 10+ years for resisting in any way and being snitched on by neighbours and colleagues. This is incredibly bad for them and the regime needs to collapse and die. What needs to happen is Putin needs to be killed. They are trying to accuse him of war crimes and have him arrested and sentenced to death or life in prison or whatever, but first they need to weaken the Russian military. You don’t get out of a war unscathed and if you are part of the country that is inciting the war and committing war crimes, then you are a
victim too albeit not half as much as the
victims. Something just has to be done.
No. 1135119
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Cross-posting this from twitter hate thread but I detest this hairstyle absolutely every guy aged 24-35 has. This is what my tinder feed looks like and even irl 90% of men I know have this exact same hairstyle (shaved sides and long on top). You can see their scalp skin through it, see all the nasty moles they have on their head and it makes their head look pear-shaped as fuck. It feels so bad to touch. Bonus negative points for also dressing in business casual, the most brain-dead bland NPC clothing style for men. Also bonus point for ugly unkept beard to go with it the ugly hair and very pronounced wrinkles before even being 30 because they can't be arsed to ever moisturise. This hair and style just turns me off so much.
No. 1135179
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>>1135119lmao you just described my coworker, down to the intermittent fasting induced nasolabial folds. my first thought was, this is guy who copied the tips from some Reddit male fashion masterpost.
It was fun to watch them attempt at home haircuts when the pandemic first it, though.
No. 1135344
>>1134328>How about you stop idealizing communism if you love communism so much go to North Korea and blend yourself amongst the starving general population. Nice deflection. She's right and you know it. The fall of communism and the restoration of capitalism brought much more harm than good to most, if not all ex-socialist countries.
Also, you or someone else kept putting words in my mouth. Here's what happened.
Different posters said:
>"communism is conservative">"leftist incels want state mandated girlfriends"My point was:
>"LGBT rights is not the only "progressive" topic. Socialist countries were progressive at the time in other ways. For example, workers had more rights and didn't have to worry about their livelihood because their basic needs would be covered as long as they had a job, and virtually everyone was employed.">"Yes, "leftist" incels want state mandated girlfriends, and those incels are retarded, because communism is better for women than capitalism. They're wrong because women under socialism were much more economically independent from men, so men couldn't control women with money to the extent that they currently can in capitalism. Men had to contribute something more to the relationship (here's proof that this was common), and women could choose their partner more freely. Women also were more highly educated than in capitalism, and had much more careers in the same traditionally masculine fields as men (STEM for example), which resulted in a lower competitive gap between the sexes and actually ended up positively affecting women's self-confidence in those areas for generations. All of these things were progressive at that time. Also, prostitution, human trafficking and pornography were practically non-existent in socialism compared to capitalism, because under capitalism, people and sex become commodities (which is how incels actively think of women and sex)."You or someone else said:
>"oh, so you're saying that the USSR was a feminist paradise? They banned abortion you know? Totally conservative and oppressive"And I replied:
>"No, I never said that it was a women's paradise or that everything was perfect, I just said it was better for women, and I acknowledge that socialism in the 20th century couldn't achieve progress in all areas, one of these areas was the promotion of traditional family values. But also, you're being dishonest, because even though abortion was banned in 3 socialist countries during certain periods, it was legal, in some cases fully legal, in other socialist countries, so there was not much difference with capitalism in that regard. In fact, the USSR was the first country to legalize abortion, despite Stalin banning it during his rule due to his natalist policies, and the Catholic Church banned abortion in Poland after communism. "Communism banned abortion" is a half-truth."Someone's reply:
>"lol, you're saying that communism is progressive because it legalized abortion? You're stupid for using it as a measure for social progress"My response:
>"I didn't bring up abortion first, the one who actually did bring it up used it as a measure for social progress and said that communist countries banned abortion, but I corrected her."You right now:
>"lol, what an idiot, you're saying that communism is good because it makes abortion legal"This is what happened, am I wrong? Don't tell me that the other anon was you, and you backpedaled because I proved you wrong by saying that the USSR legalized abortion first and other socialist states (not all) also legalized it before the US. If you think the issue of legal abortion is important to determine how progressive an ideology is, you should accept these facts. If you don't think it's important, then you can just ignore the subject. You can't say that abortion being banned in 3 countries means that communism as an ideology inherently promotes conservative values, and then denying that abortion has anything to do with progress when you're told that the other socialist countries legalized it before Americans did. Make up your mind.
>the commie anon that wrote that super long spergy post was basically arguing that communism is good because it gives women access to abortion. I literally never did that (assuming you mean socialist countries in real life and not communism as an ideology). In fact, I said the opposite, that the matter of abortion was almost the same in "applied" socialism as in capitalism.
But if we're talking about the ideology and not the attempts at socialism in the real world, yes, communist theories actually advocate for women's freedom to choose over their own bodies and have abortions as they wish, which you would know if you read the theory you're half-assedly criticizing. You don't even have to support communism, just don't make things up or argue in bad faith is all I'm asking for. Stop being so butthurt, read my post again and carefully this time.
>Which isn't universally trueThat's literally what I've been saying since the abortion thing was brought up. At least you acknowledged that I'm right, I guess.
>and communism doesn't care about women since it is authoritarian and actually keeps traditional values.You're conflating the many communist theories that support women's complete freedom and literally call the traditional family a product of capitalism, with the real life Marxist-Leninist states that attempted to achieve full socialism to then transition to actual communism (and failed for numerous reasons). But even so, I'd say that promoting traditional family values while providing food, housing, healthcare and education for every citizen isn't nearly as bad as forcing women to decide between prostitution or starvation. Of course the traditional values should go away, but I can't believe you're putting them on the same level as extreme and widespread poverty, drug addiction, violence and human trafficking. No traditional values or economic inequality > traditional values and economic equality > traditional values and extreme inequality. It's clear as day, yet you keep insisting that "both are just as bad." My point that communism greatly improved the living conditions of most people still stands.
But I don't blame you for giving up and losing faith in both communism and capitalism. Sometimes it does seem like we will never be truly free. And even if we were to achieve true freedom, it would take centuries, if not millennia to get there. I don't blame you for not seeing the difference between communism and ML states either.
No. 1135364
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It's a popular one, but my personal hate is how, thanks to shit like photo editing/photoshop and cosmetic surgery becoming more and more accessible, our general view of different body shapes is so fucked up thanks to the ever-increasing unattainable standards of what's considered ideal. It's why I don't support "body positivity" bullshit in the media because you're either two types of woman: fat "hourglass" or skinny hourglass.
Even here on LC some anons are guilty of this - take for example Sydney Sweeney, who's got a pretty slim overall athletic build, I've seen her described as a "fridge body". Are we fucking retarded or something? It feels like the goalposts are moving, originally a "fridge body" was meant to be high body fat, overweight and generally shapeless/unfit, now I see anons calling women with similar bodies like this fridges despite the fact nothing is fridge-like about them - they simply don't have tiny waists and huge fucking hips.
Idk, maybe I'm taking it too seriously and personally considering I've struggled with not feeling "thick or feminine" enough since I was 13 which is fucked up in itself, but I'm just disappointed that this shit has spread to all corners of the internet and real life. I hate it because I cannot escape it, I generally wish that the shape of our bodies weren't subject to being viewed as trends.
What's worse is that moids can get away with having skinnyfat "dadbods" and just generally not having to give a single fuck about their waist-to-hip ratio or other body insecurities. All they have to do is go to the gym and get overall fit and everyone gushes over them yet they can't even do that because most of them are lazy as fuck. Meanwhile if you're a woman, good luck trying to keep up with feeling confident in your body when you have to compete with BBLs and Photoshopped figures.
No. 1135381
>>1135364What I hate is that chubby girls are shamed for having stomach rolls and having fat arms/legs but skinny girls are shamed for having no tits and ass.
You can't fucking win. I'm skinny/athletic and work on my body but moids still manage to shame me for having smaller chest and compare me to fatter girls with big breasts. But in the same breath they call these chubbier girls whales and tell them to lose weight and exercise more. Moids and their standards are fucking retarded. They just want to make women feel shitty, their body ideal isn't achievable without surgery, you can't be both fat-less/underweight with tiny waist, no celulitide and abs but have a ton of fat in your boob and butt area.
No. 1135457
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>listen to a random album i found interesting looking
>really nice music, digging it
>awful vocals
>sang in one note?
>really grating
>not good at singing
>these are just my opinions, of course
>wat do
No. 1135459
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>>1135451Words words words, Leftists can't catch a brake. Conservs are idiocy in action, tumblr in action but contrarians, same as any /pol/tard
No. 1135544
>>1135179OT but is intermittent fasting nasolabial fold an actual thing?
I haven’t been eating as much as I should the last couple months due to stress, and I notice it’s been more pronounced and I thought it was just age related.
No. 1135576
>>1135469Hahah oh my god that’s just tragic
Poor musicians
No. 1135771
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There's no ideology in the world that hasn't been used to justify violence. yes that includes lolbirtarians who think the state should have very little power (ye that's not gonna backfire at all is it). like the fact that there's even work regulations is thanks to socialist policies bc during industrialization; monopolies were just straight up abusing workers just as they're doing now in the "third world".
There's pros and cons to everything. Let's just take USSR for example, it's either overly romanticized or overly demonized but depending on who u ask the experiences are different.
If u ask a Crimean Tatar who's family were deported, they'll say it's bad. But if you ask someone who's family were illiterate former serfs before the revolution, they would say it improved their lives.
There's a reason why the Communist Party is the 2nd largest party in Russia and why many progressives of the past such as Albert Einstein, The Black Panthers, etc. were communist.
No. 1135830
>>1135771Your ccp shill schizopost doesn't even warrant a reply but this part was just on an entirely new level of retarded
>Albert Einstein was a communistHe was a socialist, not a communist, and literally said he himself is not a communist but was sympathetic to the witch hunt they were subjected to during wartimes. God I fucking hate it when people conflate socialism with communism because propaganda in the 40's told them to.
No. 1135833
>>1135830 See See Pee REEE, China hasn't been Communist since Deng made reforms dumbfuck. It's funny how much you can acknowledge the wrong doings under USSR but God forbid you add any nuance and say that anything good happened without being accused of shilling for China.
Libtards really are still high on McCarthyism.
No. 1136179
File: 1650038712918.jpg (17.68 KB, 400x400, FPcmH2FVsAEyTbK.jpg)

how much twitter lesbian artists only draw straight sex, and if it's between 2 women one of them with a giant dick, and its only that too. wtf
No. 1136185
File: 1650038821261.png (112.21 KB, 640x607, tumblr_c533605b60ac8915dc43dec…)

sounds like some really, really, really make sure that they have troon kids.
No. 1136244
File: 1650041375251.jpg (7.8 KB, 181x275, 1648457920253.jpg)

>>1134205I hate hate HATE that specific brand of
special theatre nerd, socially inept, "wiccan" aesthetic obsessed, DnD addicted, polyamorous, self-centered individual, that just thinks everything is about them and their fucking hobbies. They think their interests make them the most unique people in the world, when really they usually have nothing to call their own. they're the most uniform, unimaginative group of people. I can guess their entire personality/interests upon first glance.
They somehow managed to ruin ANY decent conversations on social justice too, because they don't know shit but WANT to be oppressed so fucking badly.
No. 1136388
>>1136340Just reminds me of that 'show me your genitals' song
No. 1136673
I hate the "kill them with kindess uwu" shit. Kindness never killed anyone. You need a motherfucking knife bitch
>>1136244same I feel you
No. 1137058
File: 1650116154216.jpg (678.51 KB, 891x2179, IMG_20220416_153528.jpg)

I legit get less headache from reading advanced math theory than reading an enstarrie's carrd
No. 1137085
>>1137080I'm dying, I didn't expect that one
thanks anon
No. 1137093
File: 1650119683477.png (21.86 KB, 592x246, isbirdterf.png)

>>1137080kek i love that tweet can't believe anyone would be so anal about a dumb tweet anyways picrel? bird is
terf confirmed
No. 1137167
File: 1650125121968.jpg (158.06 KB, 1280x963, 433.jpg)

The fact that some people find old men """hot""" at all. And speaking of, I hate men with grey/silver hair and the "silver fox" meme, it's so fucking ugly.
No. 1137214
>>1137190I've been told by people with colored eyes I'm ugly for having black eyes, kek. Some people obsess over little good characteristics they have whether it be eye color or small nose, etc. and act very autistic about it. Probably more of an autistic trait than bpd.
>>1137167Based. Any woman that's willing and seeking out older man has been brainwashed or think they're some special nlog for dating an ugly old dude.
No. 1137216
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>>1137208Same, someone's eyes would have to be super bright or have a unique trait for me to even notice
No. 1137341
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No. 1137385
File: 1650138076387.png (55.02 KB, 362x374, 1603549183220.png)

>>1137351Wait, Shadow is gonna be in the next one? Should I watch Sonic 2 then? And where the fuck is Amy though??
No. 1137451
>>1137167Let me have my daddy issues in peace
>>1137190If someone has pretty eyes they have pretty eyes, it's not just the color value that matters. I struggle with eye contact, but pretty eyes are pretty eyes, color doesn't necessarily make them striking. There's ugly people with light eyes and gorgeous people with dark eyes
No. 1137962
File: 1650190686228.jpg (6.83 KB, 217x232, download.jpg)

Two and a Half Men is painfully unfunny and idk how anyone can sit on their asses to watch some manwhore and his loser brother try to get laid.
No. 1138233
>>1138197Do you have a link to the YouTube vid? I don't know how much I can withstand looking at his punchable face, but I'd like to watch it. I'm kind of nervous because I did hear Charlie's 18 year old daughter is living with him now instead of Denise. I hope she's not doing drugs.
>>1138222Unfortunately I feel like my mom did, she wasn't aware of the STD spreading and was still watching reruns of his show despite his scandals until recent. I swear that woman had a thing for him
His cokehead energy isn't even the fun kind, he seems insufferable. I don't get it. Then again, with the exception of us bonding over celeb gossip my mother is a cunt too.
No. 1138313
File: 1650225523183.jpg (59.25 KB, 782x658, 1501233574125200_P.jpg)

Instructors who have almost no actual engagement with the class and the material we're learning other than giving constant quizzes that you can't make up or do at home if you miss a class. If your worried about people cheating then maybe actually teach so that the info goes into people heads properly so they won't need to cheat.
No. 1138668
File: 1650254037647.jpg (16.23 KB, 400x400, L4b1guuv_400x400.jpg)

>>1138665>I can't comprehend this all started in the midst of my spring break two years agoTime really flies, huh. Fuck.
No. 1138793
File: 1650268578782.png (387.19 KB, 699x400, peak male physique.png)

>>1137167you telling me this doesn't instantly make your panties soaking wet? psh, stop lyin'
No. 1139243
>>1138888>I want the 2010s back for skinny women, gatekept luxuries, and less kiddos on the internet reeeee! LMAO
You're clearly too young to remember but there was already a plus size movement in fashion, there were already youtube 'influencers,' and knockoffs of luxury items and wanting to flash status had been a thing since fucking forever ago at that point.
No. 1139265
>>1139243Agreed, 2010s was like the decade where Chinese bootlegs gained popularity, HAES campaigns were rampant, and retarded YouTubers were still getting rich with shitty content. There was lots of photo and video editing back then too. The only thing I miss from that time was when we could still call ourselves women. What
>>1138888 seems to be wishing for was late nineties and early aughts. And even then she's looking at it through nostalgia goggles. Just being skinny wasn't enough, being rich was a part of it as was having breasts and a tan. The celebs back then weren't celebs because they were talented, most of them were just rich with the right connections. Paying your way into the public eye wasn't all that different from buying bots on social media. The internet wasn't big yet but the world wasn't all that different.
No. 1139539
File: 1650327703937.jpg (182.37 KB, 720x1245, Screenshot_20220418-201641_Twi…)

We are never escaping capeshit and I hate it .
No. 1139551
>>1139539I'm tired of it too, nona. The consoomer fanbase will it keep it going strong. Moids love self-inserting themselves into these
fiction heroes. They love mixing fiction with reality.
No. 1139552
File: 1650328514960.jpg (46.77 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg)

>>1136244>polyamory I hate this bullshit more than words can adequately describe. And it's seeping into the normiesphere at an unprecedented rate.
Pickme-ism seems to be at an all time high these days and these greasy harem building men absolutely must be stopped
pic related is me next time I have to hear about cOmMuNiCaTiOn and how it's made a relationship sTrOnGeR because of tRuSt
like sis, please, you're being disrespected and its embarrassing to all women
No. 1139562
>>1139552Polyamory is not bad, when you don’t claim you love or even like your partners
It’s like extended fwb
Of course I despise it, but it has some logic
But I kek so hard when polyfags talking about polyshit akshually being about love and trust
No. 1139570
>>1139552it always makes me laugh when poly people claim to be more "progressive" than monogamous people. you literally share a way of life with fucking mormons of all people
>>1139562that's just called sleeping around
No. 1139575
>>1139569The funniest shit is when they think they have a better life and are less
abusive and controlling because for them being in a committed relationship is -oppresive- somehow
No. 1139588
File: 1650333574271.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3784x2363, 4DC8E174-9975-45B1-BDE6-499A8A…)

>>1139570Listen up nonnies, this is what progress looks like
No. 1140036
>>1139552Even in my most handmaiden phase i found poly people gross. I've still never seen conventionally attractive people in poly relationships.
I'm convinced there's 2 kind of poly relationships:
1) one person is in love with another and is hoping they will leave the the third one and only be with them instead
2) one or both of them don't really love/feel attracted to each other but don't want to be single out of convenience, so they turn poly so they can have the safety of the old relationship but sleep with people they actually find attractive
- subsection A) insecure people who think no one else will have them anyway, so they should just accept it and be grateful
- subsection B) people with sexual trauma/aversion who let their partner sleep around/get another partner out of guilt
It's often a mix of both from what I've seen. I really think a lot of people turn poly because they're ugly and can't get an attractive partner, so they never truly get attached to the ugly people they're dating. Why else are they ALL so unattractive?
No. 1140053
>>1140051What's the deal with this guy anyway? I just know he directed the third Thor movie and it was a fun movie but supposedly he's a gay
poc icon or something but I don't get where it's coming from?
No. 1140057
>>1140053he directed and acted in our flag means death which has a gay romance and a non-binary female character. also what we do in the shadows is apparently gay too. so all of social media is hyping him up to be a wholesome guy who cares about
poc and ~queer rep
No. 1140063
File: 1650374319910.jpeg (7.49 MB, 3200x2133, ie_79651.jpeg)

Movies being always about a gorgeous woman falling in love with an fugly guy but never about a hot nice guy falling for an ugly or average girl is my villain origin story.
I'm about to snap.
No. 1140074
File: 1650375614426.png (278.61 KB, 383x385, ew.png)

>>1140063Same, it's bullshit.
No. 1140099
>>1140078I didn't say it doesn't suck, I just find these types annoying.
>>1140084I know, I've never had one.
No. 1140338
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When its the sunset but you have to drive directly west to get somewhere
No. 1140453
File: 1650391855876.png (1.48 MB, 1306x832, 82374.png)

I despise those female athletics videos with the butts for thumbnails, millions of views, and not a single comment that isn't a disgusting coomer. There are always comments getting mad at the camera man for only filming the top half of the athlete while she does her warm ups. It's just… heartbreaking? That you can work your entire life since you were a child to become a world class athlete, top 0.5% on the planet for your gender in a sport you can only be at your peak at for a few years; pour thousands of dollars and hours into trainers, physical therapy, and your health, just to be only acknowledged for 5 seconds of your butt cheeks after you've actually performed the jump. On top of all the comments being embarrassing admissions of fapping, they're always repeating the same joke of "Hello men of culture", and "Uhh what sports is this hurr durr didn't notice." You will never, ever find a comment actually talking about the athletics. Obviously go to any mens' long jump video and it's a normal thumbnail of them actually doing the sport. They just have normal shorts as uniforms because there is 0 need for a thong in order to execute a long jump. And the comments are of course, commending the athleticism, no comments on the males bodies, etc. It just breaks my heart. Of course these female athletes are stunning in every way but how devastating must it feel to have your performance go completely unacknowledged by millions who watch? Their bodies are impressive but whats more incredible is their physical appearance is simply a byproduct of an even more impressive feat.
No. 1140455
File: 1650392144822.png (46.43 KB, 435x462, topcomment.png)

>>1140453I'm sperging now but this is top comment on one of the higher view videos. What a complete dismissal of something these scrotes could never even fathom accomplishing in their sad, flabby fucking lifetimes.
No. 1140486
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>>1139588kek, this reminded me of picrel
No. 1140487
File: 1650394244771.jpg (55.45 KB, 435x500,…)

I hate tattoos, with rare exception. I particularly hate modern tattoo culture where you see so many people walking around with bodies covered in what looks like cheap clip art. I just don't understand why you would get some trivial image, say a cupcake or a bird, permanently emblazoned on your skin rather than get it on a t-shirt or a bumper sticker or something. You don't even have the excuse people had decades ago, that it makes you look badass or non-conformist or something, everyone from CEO's to yuppies to trust fund kids have them nowadays. I will say as much as I dislike the look I'd never hold it personally against someone, literally everyone in my family save for my father and I has at least one kek, including my fiancé.
No. 1140494
File: 1650395302720.png (27.08 KB, 720x1336, clownery.png)

>>1140487My friend has a lot of tattoos which are pretty nice, but a while ago, she sent me this really fucking ugly flash tattoo I uploaded along with this post that she wanted to get but… why.. it was so ugly!! Thankfully she didn't get it but I don't know what the heck was going through her head.
No. 1140499
File: 1650395638152.jpg (48.61 KB, 602x627, main-qimg-941114ecd62efd936df4…)

>>1140481>>1140489It's for male pleasure. Womens' sports does a lot more poorly in terms of ratings/views so organizers to pull in a larger audience with skimpier clothes. You know the only reason a man would tune into womens volleyball, so imagine if she was just wearing shorts and a tshirt. 0 views, sadly. I've watched enough womens sports to constantly see women picking out wedgies and adjusting their bikini bottom all the time, so I don't buy the argument that they are "freer" or are less fussy when running. Men don't even come close in skimpiness, barring swimming speedos. Without a doubt female anatomy is different from male anatomy, but for the case of volleyball; men get to wear loose and thigh length shorts while women wear those tight little shorts (pic rel). I don't see why a woman couldn't comfortably wear those same shorts. I myself have pretty large thighs and have never had issue wearing basketball shorts. Additionally, I'd argue that even if they
were more physically comfortable for women, it could very well be outweighed in emotional discomfort.
No. 1140513
File: 1650396997432.jpg (149.89 KB, 807x1200, C8h6o69XoAE3leH.jpg)

>>1140499We need to put male athletes back in short shorts and let women wear whatever the hell they want.
No. 1140573
>>1140487Agreed, I hate how so many people have tattoos nowadays. Like, if you're only gonna have a tiny shitty doodle on your wrist, what's the fucking point of permanently having that on your skin? It looks stupid. If you really want a tattoo, get a more badass one. But I also don't like how bigger tattoos covering both arms are more common now, because tattoos like that make your skin look dirty. When everyone has tattoos they lose their appeal. I think it should have kept being associated with certain subcultures instead of going mainstream.
>>1140512>>1140453I think during the olympics, there are more comments by people who actually give a shit about the sport (by both men and women). Needless to say, it also breaks my heart to see scrotes treat female athletes like fap material ("embarrassing" admissions of fapping? Yeah, sure, males have no shame whatsoever).
But anyway, I have seen women's American football. I'd say nothing exemplifies the way that women are not taken seriously and instead are objectified and sexualized in this society better than that. It's fucking depressing, to say the least.
No. 1140606
>>1140487I like them and have a few that all fit one theme that I'm obsessed with. Its coming up on 7 years since my last one and I have a plan to finish but I'm frozen because I've loved the previous ones and I'm scared to now look for a new artist and risk ruining my track record of 'no regrets' I know there's often a stereotype where tattooed people are impulsive but here I am 7 years into thinking about my next move lol
Lately I met a guy who has travelled alot, he's lived in different countries and collected quite a mix of them in terms of quality, style, theme. It is strange seeing very well done tattoos and then not so great ones right next to each other on the same person. I generally find heavily tattooed people hot, that's a big bonus to me but the perfectionist in me is still bugged when the quality is all over the place. Like its a shame to splurge on a good artist and then have lil crappy tatts surrounding it.
No. 1140773
File: 1650412997746.jpg (138.83 KB, 1200x900, john-stockton-1986jpg[1].jpg)

>>1140589John Stockton. The little shorts were basically his trademark. Technically this is 'traditional' length if you look at the earliest basketball uniforms.
No. 1140789
File: 1650414317956.jpg (57.32 KB, 581x825, Vickers 56-57 Home Swede Halbr…)

>>1140773Samefagging because I hate modern basketball shorts so much and I want to sperg about it. 21st century a shit.
No. 1141114
>>1140789I would like to apologize for spamming the thread with basketball shorts
>>1140499 this post
triggered my autism
No. 1141132
>>1140773Delightful physique
Props to the photographer too, he looks like part of an ancient Olympian mural
God I'm horny
No. 1141159
>>1140499I hate this so fucking much too. Why not have the option of being able to choose from different length and style shorts and shirts? And then the players can decide which is the most comfortable for them
>>1140455this actually cracked me up. Imagine a fat, balding scrote living in his mother's basement thinking he's hilarious by typing comments like these with his thick, greasy wurstfingers while the women he's commenting on are winning awards and accomplishing their goals
No. 1142095
File: 1650519926360.jpg (323.86 KB, 1080x1919, Instagram2.jpg)

I hate that I am constantly recommended home decor dropshipping sites that all sell the exact same Aliexpress shit. Something about these faceless people reposting the same stock photos as each other and writing the same generic descriptions feels so dystopian.
No. 1142134
>>1142127what other girlchans are you talking about? cc seems okay to me, aggressive bigotry isn't entertained much (ime). ccc seems alright as well. idk about fujochan though.
>The "imageboard culture" of being misogynistic, racist and homophobic just for the sake of being "edgy epic kek" and retarded terminally online cool girls picking it up is pure distilled cringei agree, it's like they're trying to rebel against niceties like children, immature, unentertaining, prefictable, boring. i see it on 'unconventional' social media accounts by sheltered girls trying to do something a lot though.
No. 1142140
>>1142134It's about fujochan because it has 50% pornsick /trash/ migrants who barely even read BL, Crystal Cafe is just the other side of the coin being tranny central because they can't be assed to ban obvious scrote larps or grow a culture where they get some deserved bullying.
>it's like they're trying to rebel against niceties like children, immature, unentertaining, prefictable, boring.That's exactly what it is. Nobody worth having an adult discussion with wants to die on the "I can call people niggers all I want and moralfags can kiss my ass!!" hill and being openly racist and homophobic ultimately correlates with being misogynistic as well, so I have no idea why shit like that would warrant a pass on a so called girlchan.
No. 1142717
>>1142702CC is filled with troons so yeah…
>>1142707They don't ban obvious male posters but women get banned all the time. Tranny mod?
No. 1142881
File: 1650593121579.jpeg (262.8 KB, 750x316, FC2F9487-E932-4A04-B3D6-B1D59E…)

These facial expressions are enough to kill a medieval peasant. I was trying to figure out why I dislike the look and feel of this movie despite it being a dumb kids movie but I finally figured it out, it reminds me of that GrubHub ad everyone was shitting on a few months ago. The uneasiness it gives me, a simple ass kids film should not be making you feel uneasy and I’m starting to see what the concerned parents~ and angry movie commentary channels are talking about. There’s nothing wrong with making a movie about female puberty but why is it focused on a 13 year old girl? Because the moids who keep complaining about this movie are the ones who have entirely removed the innocence and sanctity of childhood in the first place. Even if it was made by women, men don’t have the foresight to notice how their standards and principles are unconsciously adopted by women, and so they make this gross cheesy ass stuff because tradfags don’t notice that this is what also appeals to manchildren and degenerate men. I sound so fucking crazy right now but that’s as simple as I can put it, there is a certain essence to this movie that feels off sometimes. It’s not the period allegory, it’s not the open honesty about female hormones or milestones, it’s that these messages are always tainted. Still hard to explain tbh
No. 1143299
File: 1650641232652.jpg (200.22 KB, 1170x952, 95947382948949.jpg)

I hate these lol so randumb EXDEE tumblr posts about wanting to fuck men. They're always made by gaydens, the person who made this one has "white tme, he/him" in her about kek. Even without checking I could tell a fakeboi made it since they're the ones that worship men and cock the most. Another reason I hate these stupid memes is because three mutuals of mine who said they were lesbians came out as bisexual then immediately stopped talking about women now post this cringe shit wayyyy more often than they ever posted about women, and in a much more graphic way too. I think these retarded memes are pathetic and I will lose all respect for a tumblr user when I catch something like this on their blogs because it smells of troonism and cock worship but I'll probably keep following to laugh at them.
No. 1143308
File: 1650641813424.png (778.3 KB, 1142x1218, Screen Shot 2022-04-22 at 10.3…)

Why the fuck do moids have to get triggered at dumbass shit like this? Just move the fuck on
No. 1143320
File: 1650642552397.png (153.35 KB, 1318x558, Screen Shot 2022-04-22 at 10.4…)

>>1143312Yeah but the moids getting
triggered by it is real. Scrotes can't handle the fact that they might not be the greatest at sex kek.
No. 1143568
>>1143334I feel you or they shame me for how into my plants and garden I am. Like it’s cringy to know basic botany and plant hormones so I can have all the free garlic and basil I want.
I love cacti and succulents too but I hate the way everyone bought them during COVID and just accepted gnats in their soil. That’s so vile to me.
No. 1143748
File: 1650662996861.jpg (97.21 KB, 900x900, FQ0y1FoXMAAkC4Q.jpg)

I hate the breakcore trend that's all over youtube and tiktok, or more specifically what moids have been doing with it. How sewerslvt turned out to be a racist pedophile and instead of condemning him, his white moid fans posted about how they feel sorry for him and hope he comes back. We don't need any more video essays on why he's "actually a genius" like anyone can't just add a drum beat to a compressed and sped up j-pop song. The women who listen to it seem to be mostly chill, while the moids that do are insanely pretentious about it and troon out to larp as Lain or Konata and hide their previous far-right beliefs. It reminds me of the city pop craze from around 2018 but more degen
No. 1143762
File: 1650663643214.jpeg (927.94 KB, 1668x1571, A527C23A-9E62-4A2A-B41C-4DF2F2…)

This shit. Fuck off, bring gardening tips and discussions to the table. People like this can choke on carrot sticks IMO.
No. 1143782
>>1143755Where do you think you are kek… I even clarified I don't mind the women that listen to breakcore so I can't imagine being this mad over what I wrote unless you're one of the racist troons I was complaining about
>>1143766Yes, and I was speaking about American moids with creepy behavior forcing it to be associated with the genre. I get it if you asked that because of the pic I used, I mostly just picked it because I thought it was relevant.
No. 1143826
File: 1650666790845.jpeg (21.72 KB, 275x275, F5B55F4A-4685-41C2-9C65-9E4821…)

When straight women refer to their scrote as their “partner” It makes me reeEEEE. Partner should only be used by lesbians.
No. 1143849
>>1143826This cat is so fucking cute, I just wanna kiss their little paw.
I also hate angry men with lisps.
No. 1144168
File: 1650700455738.jpeg (29.97 KB, 554x554, 1647013491745.jpeg)

i hate scrotes pretending to be bi. i actually thought for a while maybe i was jaded for thinking this. nah. scrote admit it to my face. (someone was talking about this on celebricows i didnt want to derail that thread).
>date this leftie scrote last year
>he is the stereotype, has a rich dad and is a complete trust fund kid
>yet he is obsessed with chapo, dasha the ana queen and fucking coomtown or whatever
>idk why i dated this guy for half of 2021. tbh he was rich and it made me feel nice being a poorfag myself. didnt realize i was being played bc of this obviously.
>play cool girl shit for him cause im an idiot
>he shows his true "opinions" after months. he used to say irony shit all the time and i could never know if the shit he was saying were his legit thoughts or something out of one of his faggot podcasts to get a reaction out of me.
>last time i saw him ever. we were at his place talking
>he randomly blurts out
>"you know, i once wanted to fuck this girl so bad i told her i was bi. she just seemed like the type to be into it. she actually believed it"
>i played cool girl about a lot of shit during our time but this kinda broke me. ive had (and had female friends) be harassed by abusive bfs over just being bi. but this scrote can use it to fuck some tinder girl and get no consequences.
>he immediately regretted telling me that when he saw my reaction (i did not play along with his shit this time). he started back peddling so hard. "i shouldnt have said it like that, im sorry nona"
>dump him about four days later
>life going great
tl;dr bi scrotes are not on the rise. straight guys are just faggots now.
No. 1144337
File: 1650715358830.png (220.19 KB, 358x699, Gaston_NH.png)

i used hate gaston from animal crossing, i remeber when me and my sister used to play wild world and we both used to hate him and hit him with nets and dig holes around his house. he is so ugly and mean. i remember trying to get him to move into my sisters town and she would get upset and not let me visit
No. 1144505
File: 1650729194305.png (42.73 KB, 376x488, Eloise_NewLeaf.png)

>>1144337I've hated Eloise since WW, she was so nasty to me. I get New Horizons and the dlc, and guess what yellow bitch decides to show up as the first client on PP?
No. 1144591
File: 1650733288663.png (247.76 KB, 380x600, 380px-Deena_NH.png)

>>1144337>>1144505for me its Deena. she has moved into almost all of my towns since ww just to be ugly and passive aggressive. it always took forever for her to move out. i strongly believe some villagers exist just for the players to hate
No. 1144939
>>1144591I used to hate Deena and thought her color was atrocious, but then I learned on a Jap channel that her name and color in Japanese refers to marimo moss balls, so I don't hate her as much. I think some of the fun of AC
is making enemies from villagers that didn't do anything wrong, otherwise it's just the same cute villagers over and over
No. 1145254
>>1144591Deena is one of the cutest villagers imo.
I bet you’re a Raymondfag
No. 1145316
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>>1145254wrong and wrong my bestie is pic rel
No. 1145324
File: 1650759734562.png (Spoiler Image,657.56 KB, 1066x848, no.png)

Untagged MPREG on my Netflix feed.
No. 1146515
File: 1650834648224.jpg (155.65 KB, 1320x893, https _juice.de_wp-content_upl…)

Hate is probably a strong word but "artists" like Ashnikko. Almost had a stroke and crashed the car when my 15-year old cousin put her on.
No. 1146662
>>1146660The only ones I like are No Brainer, Bubblegum and that
Fuck me in Shibuya one. I think her earlier stuff was definitely better.
No. 1146690
>>1146515I like her music but I don't like her as a musician. She has no screen presence. She always looks awkward on camera from body language to facial expressiveness and the styling of her clothing and music videos lacks polish. Does she actually like anime? Because I get the impression she uses it for clout and inspo but doesn't really personally care for it so the end result of its influence looks garish an lacks cohesion. A good director and stylist could probably nudge her personal brand into a similar but less amateur looking direction. Maybe she just needs to mature a little bit. I don't hate her I just don't care for a lot of her videos or outfits.
>>1146682I hope she doesn't either, she has a nice face and body.
No. 1146720
File: 1650851397272.jpg (10.12 KB, 250x274, a5e6f19d3553f9b09f2fbde2715e83…)

I hate labels, I hate the ape brain. I just wanna eat and sleep.
No. 1146812
>>1146766A lot of crunchy parents will bring their kids to nudist areas and force them to be naked for the sole purpose of "acceptance" or whatever else weird excuse there is. I go to nude beaches that only allow 18+ but id woop someone's ass if they brought their kids in
>>1146767I wish but so many people are able to use any bullshit excuse as a loophole of basically pimping out their kids
>Nude photoshoots? It's art everyone has nude baby photos, I just show mine to strangers teehee>Kids in nudist areas? It's natural, nakedness isn't sexual and they want to do itI had to stop going on mom subreddits since they're filled with these weirdos who ask questions like "why doesn't my daughter want to be topless anymore? We teach her it's not sexual". And ofc they act all shocked when their child ends up traumatized or one of the kids diddles the other or something. It's like they "forgot" there's still pedos in world and I feel like the creepy sex and nude positivity being pushed on kids is a huge pedo conspiracy in itself but whatever idc I always teach my kids modesty I don't care how much of an anti feminist religious nutjob people think I am for it, I'd rather teach my kids to cover themselves than to run around naked with all the damn pedos in the world
No. 1146881
File: 1650866027615.jpeg (34.18 KB, 640x569, BACA9122-D218-4A30-9EE4-196795…)

Bump I hate men
No. 1146884
File: 1650866207652.gif (299.66 KB, 500x281, BE861675-9F79-4232-B787-068CA4…)

Be careful scrolling.
No. 1147111
File: 1650884158653.png (201.36 KB, 720x1054, Screenshot_20220425-055357.png)

>>1147043You're right but hippies have a whole lot of pedophiles in their community. Surely it would be a hint to these brain dead tards when the only people who seem to encourage child nudists are creepy old men but apparently not. Don't even get me started on people who photograph their kids nude in the tub and stuff and post it on the internet. I'd kms if I ever found out my parents just allowed a bunch of strangers to see me naked as a child
No. 1147141
>>1147128Yes, yes they are. It's even worse since now they're so open to flirting with teens and stuff and then pull the "at least it's not an 8 yr old!!" thing
Btw the question was someone asking how they get their kid to wear a swimsuit when she doesn't want to
No. 1147303
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No. 1147484
>>1147475Good for you anon, you're an actual hero.
I've heard more than one story of friends who got abused by people who everyone knew was creepy, but they were too polite to actually cut off. I can't imagine putting my child in danger because I didn't want to rock the boat or cause drama. I wish someone had protected me like that growing up. You're a good mom.
No. 1147501
>>1147483My whole life I was gaslit with
>ohoho you think a naked body is inherently sexual? Sounds like YOU are the pervert hereMakes me want to scream
No. 1147604
File: 1650905781970.png (22.04 KB, 759x685, 130614992638.png)

>>1146764i've been to saunas a million times naked since before i could walk and not once creeped out by it. it's so normal here, americans panicking about being naked are crazy. idk if nudism as an ideology is different and has some pedo energy bc i haven't been to and probably would never hang around naked in any non-sauna context.
No. 1147616
File: 1650906076007.jpg (437.43 KB, 1600x900, 1760718_021717-ewn-4pm-sell-by…)

I hate porn and hook up culture. These are more reasons why moids think of women as disposable objects. We should use them for their time and money to turn the tables a bit.
No. 1147629
File: 1650906444993.jpeg (2.11 MB, 2454x1600, iu-111.jpeg)

Anons who infight in /g/
No. 1147714
File: 1650910266141.jpeg (68.68 KB, 426x308, 001.jpeg)

I hate men, ofc.
Also, I see that their attacks are more common nowadays, they spam gore and cp images, is there any motive they happen to be more active lately?
No. 1148099
>>1148083Men are the same everywhere. You're delusional to think that American men are better in any way. Literally all the things you listed also apply to American men.
And kek you're all acting like Europeans are of the same opinion when it comes to nudity. There are countries where people are more conservative regarding nudity and sex than others.
No. 1148716
>>1148674I really miss squeezing out my exes blackheads. pimples are gross though.
I like watching blackhead and cyst removal videos but it seems like I always have to go out of my way to find them. I assumed they were hidden from the algorithm as it would be pretty gross if you didn't want to see that stuff.
No. 1148720
>>1148716So the algorithm hates me then. What did I ever do to it to have it traumatise me.
Also, you're gross
No. 1148722
YouTube's algorithms are pathetic. These days I can scroll for more than 3 minutes on my feed looking for a video to watch until I give up and close the app. They have all this information on me and my interests and they still can't entertain me.
>>1148716nayrt, unfortunately she's right. I've searched for makeup videos and after scrolling a bit it was easy to find pimple popping or dandruff removal videos and whatever other weird crap is out there.
No. 1148788
File: 1650972756970.jpeg (340.77 KB, 828x615, 38260DF3-AFB2-4D23-8672-845561…)

>>1147650Why is social media so far up his ass? I can’t stand it. Especially watching grown ass women cape for him, like wtf this is literally setting us back imo.
>Ohh nooo she shidded in his bed!! >she called him old!Boohoo. Men are literally so much damn worse (need I remind you guys what planet we live on?) and it’s ironic to see girls on social media who regularly talk about their “trauma” shit on another woman in an
abusive situation, even if she wasn’t 100%innocent. And yeah most of the women I see saying “poor Johnny Depp” are really fat and older, I’m sorry to say but yeah wtf, he won’t fuck you. sorry ladies Johnny likes them half his age and who he’s known since they were 9 years old (Christina ricci) he’s literally a fucking scumbag I can’t take it anymore
No. 1149065
>>1148788legit, people think this case is a great example of “men’s abuse in a relationship not being taken seriously” when women in domestic violence situations ALWAYS have it worse than this old ass celebrity. and they always have it worse than any man being abused by a woman, period. women are always weaker than men physically, men have the power to rape their
victim, spread nude images of them to humiliate them, and often have power over their
victim’s financial situation as men make more money than women. a nobody housewife suffers far worse from her
abusive husband and her case will never reach the media, because women are abused OFTEN. good for her for shitting on his bed. some girls would slash tires or smash windows. not to mention the fact that depp has billions of dollars and so many resources that could have helped him escape the relationship but nope never did it. fuck him and all of his support
No. 1149309
File: 1651001056539.jpg (62 KB, 460x600, BDOW_crookedcreek_rsz_sgosser.…)

I hate when someone stands behind me while I'm on my phone or pc or when I'm drawing or writing. And I get legitimately angry if they comment on it. Could you fucking don't? Who wants to hear or smell or feel someone looming over them when they're focused on something? Go away bitch!
No. 1149380
>>1149319one of depp's lawyers, adam waldman, has worked with julien assange and oleg deripaska (ties to manifort from trumps campaign and putin) and is known for misinformation spreading.
b-but no poor little mewmew johnny isn't commanding any bot armies g-guise
No. 1149406
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No. 1149410
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No. 1149415
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No. 1149522
File: 1651009684507.png (256.38 KB, 500x500, flush-door-500x500.png)

>>1149475what kind of doors do you have?
>>1149499One of my cats knows how to open them if I don't close themts all the way, he just uses his nails and paws to open them. the other one is a dumbass and ends up closing it or just sits in front of it hitting it with her paw until someone opens the door.
No. 1149679
File: 1651017240226.jpg (212.12 KB, 1990x1327, d097682110d11e8471d25c84d7b5cf…)

Russian expats who brainwash themselves with the most braindead propaganda despite having access to actual truth.
Go back to Russia if you think it's that amazing there.
No. 1149736
File: 1651021654254.png (87.89 KB, 304x302, Screenshot_20220426-200642.png)

>>1149681Would you listen to this guy when he encourages you to let your 8 yr old go naked in public or are we all just neurotic?
>Ignoring the amount of anons who spoke up about sexual abuse that happened in nudist communities No. 1149807
>>1149797It might come from their native Amerindian languages. Where I live, people call cats "micho" (often used as a synonym for "cat") or "michi" (more popular as a proper noun), which seems to come from various indigenous languages from here. I've also read that "misu" is a word that is used to call cats (like "misu misu misu"), but again, it might come from the original languages of the Caribbean.
>>1149572IDK why but it annoys me a little when people call their dogs Benji
No. 1150696
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cp don't scroll
No. 1150974
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>>1149572I'm a weeb and was twelve when I got her, fite me
No. 1150983
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>>1149793What's weeb-y about Momo?
No. 1153190
File: 1651137026120.png (285.53 KB, 717x556, dbdflag.png)

This pride flag. It's a minor sperg no one probably cares about, but Dead by Daylight already had a rainbow flag cosmetic (the old simple rainbow one) which was cool, now they forced in this ugly one too with the trans colors and skin color's also a sexuality apparently. I sound like some catholic fundie probably, but do I have to be reminded of trannyism even while playing a murder-cat-and-mouse game.
No. 1153204
File: 1651138243224.png (2.91 MB, 2122x1301, flag.PNG)

>>1153190Same, black people (or trans) were never excluded from pride, these six colors weren't in any way tied to any race or skin color, but now they've made them to be. I don't buy the argument about doing so because black people suffer more from police brutality, as this is a COMPLETELY different subject that what pride is about and bundling it together feels somehow disrespectful even. It's ridiculous and unnecessary.
No. 1153281
File: 1651142041858.gif (1.86 MB, 640x480, 6D45E045-3264-4736-9D4C-21E606…)

>>1153190>>1153204>>1153267Someone should larp as a tqia+ and shill a new flag design every year that just slowly returns the flag back to its original design.
No. 1154012
File: 1651180360697.jpg (86.02 KB, 1100x645, closeup-of-pores-on-nose_04df1…)

These fucking things. I don't know if they're actually blackheads or what, but they're so stubborn.
No. 1154057
File: 1651182915870.png (66.46 KB, 275x261, 1648628387272.png)

>>1154012They're sebaceous filaments and I agree that they suck ass. For the longest time I thought they were blackheads because people in my life were referring to them as such and acting like I was so dirty for having them and that I wasn't taking care of my skin properly, but then I found out that they were actually sebaceous filaments. The sad thing is that you can't really do anything about them, everyone has them but they're more visible on people with oily skin. There are things you can do to reduce the appearance of them (like using products with salicylic acid or using retinoids), but they'll basically be there forever.
No. 1154090
>>1154057Man, I have that shit too and I thought they were blackheads and that I wasn't taking proper care of my skin (though nothing I did solved it)
>there is nothing you can do about itWell fuck it, we're together in misery lets cry in unison
No. 1154122
File: 1651187580831.jpg (6.22 KB, 178x178, me irl.jpg)

>>1154094My bf took a picture of me from afar the other day and I could see mine clear as day with the light reflecting off the perimeter of my pores. Wasn't zoomed in. I've also gotten comments about how I should take better care of my skin…when I do, it's just my garbage genes. Some people have them bad and not everyones gonna be polite
No. 1154364
File: 1651201104488.png (377.3 KB, 545x598, Screenshot (2).png)

i hate that high waisted pants became a trend because it made people think everything is high waisted. it makes me wanna die
No. 1154934
>You now like large perky breasts that are unattainable for most women without implants>You now like extremely pale or tan skin unattainable without products>You like hair that's unattainable without extensions and other treatments It's bizarre how easily moids will cater their tastes just because corps tell them to
No. 1154941
>>1154934These stuff also mean women will have to spend maybe hours dolling up so that men will take them seriously. Average woman does her skincare, makeup, hair, picks her clothes way more carefully than a man. The visits to the salon, hair removal aren't even worth mentioning.
Yet men expect us to be ok dating a pudgy hairy guy or we're seen as shallow or escorts if we expect any man to treat us well and buy us stuff time from time.
No. 1154943
>>1154931Did you misread what she said? She said it
is a lot, not that it wasn't.
No. 1155091
>>1155078I see alot of anons in the relationship advice thread writing crazy long defensive paragraphs about how amazing their bf is so as to sell him to you first.. lately we're even being told how hot they are. Ok? and then when they finally ask the actual question it's very clear they're irreparably fucked and can't recover from whatever shitty thing nigel did. That always hurts to see.
And 'he's amazing' is such a wonderfully vague compliment but it's the main one they use. He's just amazing.. words seemingly can't describe why he is but he is. He's just neat.
No. 1155372
>>1155116Sounds too corny
>>1155163Sounds too serious/stiff
No. 1156040
File: 1651330633630.jpg (238.5 KB, 1506x1080, Ooga chaka.jpg)

This gross ass bitch with her spider falsies, bj lips, and spider nails clawing and smacking through jellies and candy while she spit purges between cuts offscreen.
It's repulsive.
No. 1156165
File: 1651334846577.png (1.35 MB, 1125x1392,…)

I hate whatever this shit is
No. 1156182
File: 1651335373647.jpg (33.38 KB, 385x240, l.jpg)

>>1156148Filled lips are gross and only appeal to scrotes and hers look esp stupid.
No. 1156529
File: 1651349355151.jpeg (62.97 KB, 976x925, 1634514988216.jpeg)

pickmes who are like "omg i was hit on while looking like shit when i was out today, idgi????? uwu"
men would stick their dick in a can of cold chef boyardee bitch its nothing to humblebrag about
No. 1156766
File: 1651360154367.jpeg (454.81 KB, 887x1194, 18E75E5F-9641-4246-B98C-9DD6F1…)

Women who bitch about having daughters
I will spam 10,000 posts about mens degeneracy to their DMs
They should be thankful that they will not have another disgusting defective XY chromosoid neanderthal walking around (other than their husbands)
No. 1156830
File: 1651363808950.jpg (43.09 KB, 541x677, 4636747a198193d15689d4a489b028…)

I know people like these pics for the cute outfits but I hate how so many of them are obvious creepshots and nobody acknowledges this. Worst ones are the ones when the girl doesn't know she's being photographed at all.
No. 1157046
File: 1651376125340.jpeg (746.4 KB, 750x1206, A5054638-D997-4E92-868A-D96298…)

I hate these human blow up dolls that are employed by fashion models now, if their poor quality clothing and slave labour wages weren’t offensive enough
No. 1157271
cat aids, FIV, kill-shelters, actual farmers who run over their cats, breeders, people who neglect their cats, people who overfeed their cats, people who adopt cats with kidney issues and then whine about the cost of the food, people who bring cats back just after adopting them, people who let young cats get pregnant, people who let their cats outside without supervision (see cat aids and FIV)
No. 1157406
>>1157308The DSM is cancer that just serves to pathologise individuals who don't fit this abhorrent system.
It takes this broken shit system as a baseline and then deems broken everyone who doesn't function all in it. It's all a load of bullshit, it does more to stigmatized than help. Convince you you're the broken one, so you don't try to change things.
Seriously, every 5th person has some disorder lately? That's got to tell you something's wrong.
Oh, ADHD bad, fidget much, can't concentrate. So what? Why do you have to? Why can't you just do sports or manual labour or some shit. O, very weird you can't sit 6hrs in one place like a fucking barnacle. Very wrong. We need you to be a cog in this machine.
Asperger? Very wrong you have special interests (wtf why) and rituals (why). We don't like you because you're immune to peer pressure and marketing. We're going to convince you that's a bad thing and that something is lacking with you socially. Etc.
No. 1157439
>>1157406Don't you people have your own containment thread now where to bitch about evil bully therapists giving you an autism or a BPD diagnosis and hurting your pride?
>Seriously, every 5th person has some disorder lately? That's got to tell you something's wrong. Yes, that's because our society is built around burning out people and everyone being expected to never be satisfied with themselves. People being found to be more and more anxious and depressed should be a sign of something being fundamentally wrong with the system itself.
>>1157423Friends aren't supposed to be your personal wranglers, this "I don't need a therapist, I just need friends to take care of me" shit sounds like that unhinged "this twitter emoji in my name means I need such and such attention today" post. Friends can give you emotional support and help you out but actually expecting them to be a part in modifying your
toxic behavioral patterns as a project is going too far.
No. 1157486
>>1157473>>1157406Samefag and I've worked in mental hospital before and I don't know what to tell you, people like you don't realise how severe mental illnesses can be and how much medication actually helps. It's literally ill people getting healthy right in front of your eyes. People go from hallucinating to living in reality again. From repeatedly trying to kill themselves to living normal lives. From starving themselves to seeing themselves as good enough.
Of course exercise and healthy living is heavily encouraged beside taking meds and the doctors/nurses/therapists help to introduce you to that right when you're hospitalised. Patients go home and have goals they set themselves from certain categories (exercise, social, something they like, hobby…) and when they come back they talk with their group therapists about how it went. They're not forced to come back to the hospital of course that's up to them.
It's so shitty to say mental health professionals are disgusting and that the whole profession exists to take advantage of people. And so ignorant.
No. 1157505
File: 1651409091776.jpeg (191.84 KB, 1080x1440, images.jpeg)

Chloe Sevigny is ugly as hell. The way people gas her up makes me feel like im insane. She is also a terrible actress. People on tumblr/pinterest/even lolcow act like she is a super prestigious figure. Oh? Is being mid a talent now???
No. 1157517
>>1157496Samefag, they've got shit like "maladaptive daydreaming".
That is a mental problem?! You're putting
them in the same basket as total straightjacket skitzos? Those could be excellent storytellers.
People shouldn't have fallen for this shit.
No. 1157524
>>1157517Like fuck you how dare you dream
…yes, I mad.
No. 1157554
File: 1651411921868.jpeg (33.21 KB, 612x460, 1651403024553.jpeg)

>>1157505If she's average I'm a goblin. She has great symmetry, good cheekbones, proportional features, strong jawline and pretty eyes.
No. 1157632
>>1157602Tell me how prescribing amphetamines to kids for being kids will prevent anything. So many people were ruined by that.
Tell me how being a dreamer is a precursor to madness.
Tell me how being diagnosed with bpd is helping Amber Heard and other
I'm not saying the entire field is useless. I'm saying the DSM is on a very very wrong track lately and is picking up pace.
You need to keep in mind that psychiatry as a whole is barely 100 years old. When chemistry was just 100 years old it was alchemy, it was a start of a good science, but very far from what we know today. People have too much blind faith and are not critical enough.
No. 1157637
>>1157636Sorry for
triggering you by mentioning current events
No. 1157664
>>1156165It's funny how can you spot who the tranny is right way.
>>1156227It's the point of them. Or do ou think women who get lip fillers are doing it for themselves and not to look attractive for men?
No. 1157785
>>1157775I know they're people I never said otherwise lol
They're the ones psychiatry should focus on not trying to diagnose every brainfart every average doofus has
No. 1157806
>>1157770>>1157775yeah nah if the person is suffering, or unknowingly causes irreversible harm to themselves with their weirdness-disability, then i guess medication can be necessary, but there is always guidance first. a good counsellor, or therapist can help people fit in. i know autistic and adhd kids get bullied for being too serious or too loud, so they could be taught how to manage their impulses, or explain to others why it isn't a big deal. i think it's cucked to give children meds, it literally gives them mental illnesses later on. problem is, not all doctors give a fuck, they just try to get rid of the stock of meds they got. the one i went to kept offering me antidepressants when i had anxiety. that shit was ass, took away all my feelings not just anxiety. so yeah fuck meds. but educate the public, and keep an open mind. if we all hate on "retards" and "skitzos" that just prevents people with bening problems from monitoring their own health, and thus getting worse, because they become afraid of the label. when a grandma got dementia, she was not pissing herself from the get go. they have symptoms that build up over time first. it can be prevented and treated, i think most illnesses can. capitalism just can't give a fuck, in it it's easier to just sell shitty pills for whatever.
No. 1157872
>>1157867I literally linked and quoted.
It's clear they had problems with the terms they put under quotation marks
No. 1157875
>>1157872i kek'd.
nonnie, please get checked for schizophrenia
No. 1157909
File: 1651427636548.png (738.2 KB, 634x850, 1651427620158.png)

as someone who loves guitar music and the punk aesthetic, I fucking hate the cooperate pop-punk scene, its not even a scene really, A scene is made up of people in a specific region with a common interest. It's a collective of fans, bands, venues and creative types. Green Day and Blink 182 both came out of really vibrant scenes (the Bay Area and So Cal). California had a massive punk infrastructure. They were huge underground bands before MTV or radio paid any attention. My friend booked Green Day in his back yard just outside of Detroit and they packed the place. And that's when they were still on a little indie label out of Berkley. also the current is way more more hypersexual that we didn't see from Avril, or Hayley of paramore, or Amy of evanescence
No. 1157933
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No. 1157940
File: 1651429140843.png (306.36 KB, 540x530, tumblr_ea0154417b8b746b636f8ca…)

Death to scrotes
No. 1157960
File: 1651429437633.gif (1.87 MB, 345x237, 4d5.gif)

kill all pedophiles
No. 1158145
>>1157505why do people think red lipstick is universally flattering
it's not and it makes people with soft, low contrast coloring look fucking ancient
that high contrast look is doing her so dirty rn especially without brows to match
No. 1158157
File: 1651438896923.jpg (616.99 KB, 1080x1368, Screenshot_20220501-165945_You…)

I hate this scrote's retarded face. I hate him
No. 1159884
File: 1651533599713.png (2.41 MB, 1032x696, 146B9EF3-C877-42EE-9EF4-AF11B2…)

>>1158157He looks like those cats with Down’s syndrome
No. 1160618
File: 1651554457226.jpeg (770.29 KB, 828x1221, FCACC1F9-E57A-471D-9A3F-773560…)

This shit. I’m thinking there’s a “coquette” overlap here but this shit is embarrassing. Paul Dano was unsurprisingly also lumped in with these memes women who had their actual pics as their icons thirst posting in the comments look exactly how you’d think a danofag would look (average to ugly , like dano)
No. 1160650
File: 1651556346285.jpg (327.44 KB, 2400x1350, ted.jpg)

>>1160618willing to bet these girls also likely simp and post edits of the unabomber
No. 1161195
>>1161176Oh I LOVE art attack I completely forgot about it
>>1161171Aw they are cute, I just find the way they move their hands annoying
No. 1162261
File: 1651618003261.png (692.01 KB, 667x832, fuckmen.png)

I hate this shit so fucking much.
Guys it's our responsability to boost the egos of shitty moids who think they deserve to get their dicks sucked just for existing
No. 1162262
File: 1651618070249.png (196 KB, 592x772, fuckmen2.png)

Catcallers just want compliments. Poor men, so misunderstood.
No. 1162264
>>1162262if they want more compliments they could try deserving them, look better, dress better and don't react like every woman that does compliment you wants to jump your dick.
And why can't men gas each other up?
No. 1162269
>>1162261>>11622621. If they want more compliments and to be mansplained and patronized or whatever, why don't they do it to each other?
2. I highly,
highly doubt any man would like to be catcalled and etc by an ugly, unwashed, gargantuan woman that could easily overpower him and beat and rape him anally at any moment if he didn't like it. Funny how they only draw really hot "mommy" types and one harmless old lady.
No. 1162286
>>1162280Yeah, major mommy issues.
Anyway I don't see any man trying to genuinely comfort a woman with daddy/mommy issues. All they use them for is a quick pump and dump or they keep them around because they know women with broken families are easier to turn into their puppet. They can fuck themselves.
No. 1162288
>>1162262Being affectionate towards the man you're dating is one thing… what do they expect outside of that? Should I scratch the head of any man that looks down?
The catcalling part reminds me of a comment or tweet I read in the past, which tried to convince women how they had all the power in a catcalling situation, since a working class/non-white man catcalling is basically begging and reaching out for a woman he knows would never be in his league. But my question is: who the fuck cares?
No. 1162311
File: 1651620706031.gif (883.82 KB, 245x245, 1533314183728.gif)

>>1162307very irresponsible and she shouldn't be allowed to own any animals but my god if that cat isn't gorgeous. why are cats so perfect?
No. 1162388
>>1162307Beautiful animal but holy shit I'd never want that thing in my house.
Reminds me of those Mexican cartel members who have tigers in their yards but they remove their teeth and claws so they can't attack.
No. 1162451
File: 1651628098089.jpg (106.97 KB, 650x433, kailia-posey-z.jpg)

I hated Toddlers and Tiaras. It always was so creepy to me. I'm sorry Kailia Posey died. No word on cause. It just makes me sad. Pic related is the face meme.
No. 1162573
File: 1651635776969.jpeg (343.77 KB, 1200x1801, 3D79DEE5-1873-419E-821B-59F146…)

I hate the trend of celebrities wearing lingerie and passing it off as ‘’fashion’’. This is no better than the fashion at a porn convention. It’s so tacky and lame. I also see fashion brands trying to imitate this similar sense of sexualized trendy fashion but not overtly.
No. 1162582
>>1162573Stuff like this made me realise how much celebrities are just walking mannequins, no matter now ugly or how uncomfortable the outfit is, they just wear it for the purpose for others to buy it cause "how good it looks on them"
Also her feet are atrocious
No. 1164543
File: 1651697991562.jpg (84.15 KB, 540x673, d103fb6c4e77b26c0a8ffe14_2209e…)

I hated the sticker ideas when I saw the on my twitter feed and I'm glad other people hate them too
I'm tired of the "I'm baby shit" too
No. 1165063
File: 1651714205402.jpg (90.24 KB, 720x952, 1583598379444.jpg)

>>1164543based. it's always the most shitty iresponsible people who pull the "im babby uwu pwease be gentle" shtick
No. 1165258
File: 1651728213006.jpg (54.73 KB, 680x621, why.jpg)

the people who raped and reaved the coasts of Europe for centuries, massacring and enslaving all they encountered, they were
PoC and queer No. 1165271
File: 1651729556457.png (585.82 KB, 1353x701, BIC.png)

>>1165264This logic means the British Empire was actually diverse and inclusive >
No. 1165282
File: 1651730455020.jpg (170.59 KB, 1094x1300, trailer-park-mom-caricature-tr…)

>>1162261Yeah as if normal hot guys calmly compliment women like this. It's always unwashed fat old guys or scary looking thugs whispering closely with drunken breath trying to sound sexual or suddenly shouting at you. Of course they'd draw all the women as pornstars or kind old ladies and not the trailer park psycho hooker that'll possibly pull a knife on them if you look at her wrong which would be the equivalent.
No. 1165336
>>1165298Nonnie do random strange hot guys on street go up to you and calmly compliment you just for the sake of the compliment and then go away? If yeah you have some Stacy power and I don't think it's that common for normal women. Or it's just different culture issue.
Idk to me it happens when the guy on the street tries to pick me up and even if he's cute he'd follow me around for a bit which is creepy when I turn them down. That wasn't really what the comic was referring to.
Friends and colleagues or classmates do give normal compliments.
Men also get compliments from friends and colleagues like women do of course. It's not enough for them. They want random hot women to do it in a very non-threatening way.
No. 1165451
>>1162261Isn't it sarcastic? Like, none of these on the image are actual compliments, they're all condescending things women would often hear, nothing pleasant about ever getting any of these.
Otherwise thought we all know
>>1165316 is right, show any basic kindness to a male and he'd think you're available, and then get outraged finding out you're not, how dare you led him on. What about no compliments ever.
No. 1165466
>>1162261Wait, this artwork has to be an ironic joke making fun of the condescending "compliments" women get but this dense dingus is sharing it as a serious commentary.
>>1162262>Men would like to get mansplainingWhat the fuck lmao? Men chimp the fuck out if you prove them wrong or try to explain things to them because their ego can't handle being mistaken or not understanding something. Catcalling and mansplaining make man happy because they're asserting dominance over women and feeling like a big macho man for it, not because they "want it for themselves". This guy just wants unconditional love, servitude and understanding from attractive women asking nothing in return.
No. 1165479
File: 1651746015703.png (113.15 KB, 1080x622, Screenshot_20220505-084418~2.p…)

I don't particularly care about communism but the way rabid anti-communists talk about it weirds me out, they think that literally any person who has read Marx is a blood thirsty commissar, then they say they are so based because they don't judge people unlike those filthy tankies. They also utterly refuse to read any theory to at least understand why people are communists, they just quote mortality statistics and that's it for them.
No. 1165569
>>1162262Lmao I used to do this cuddle affection shit to my boyfriends and I would get zero reaction. One even asked why I was doing it. I wasn't even trying, it's just how I naturally show affection.
I genuinely don't believe moids can feel love or appreciate affection.
No. 1165621
File: 1651755580324.jpg (18.07 KB, 445x450, nxkfnd.jpg)

No. 1165656
File: 1651757383446.jpeg (40.25 KB, 720x408, B279F1E8-0A17-4978-8B4E-72BF05…)

Bump I hate scrotes
No. 1165665
File: 1651758048425.jpg (29.91 KB, 400x563, vote for Notax.jpg)

No. 1165777
File: 1651764463004.jpg (154.04 KB, 1080x1942, Screenshot_20220505-124136_Bra…)

Now even tumblr is doing this shit. I hate how social media websites hate us lurkers so much.
No. 1165844
File: 1651766130855.jpeg (519.05 KB, 1170x1648, C7FB9095-F86F-4638-BD24-561912…)

I hate whatever this is. I used to not mind this kind of stuff from companies, especially bungie, but knowing that they support any kind of movement under the sun leaves a sour taste in my mouth. They donated so much to blm which more or less ran away with the money.
No. 1166045
File: 1651770983110.webm (169.39 KB, 960x720, please register to view husban…)

>>1165777hate this shit! I saw it for the very first time today and I left immediately. why are they doing this to us
No. 1166171
File: 1651774329495.png (748 B, 161x25, gdsfsd.PNG)

>>1165777If I could login, I would. But all I've been getting for the past like six months is picrel, and support couldn't help me either (but I didn't expect them to, since there's like 12 of them).
No. 1166710
File: 1651787444519.jpeg (44.97 KB, 640x640, 6CC67AF3-7149-4470-BB61-A036BF…)

I hate people that take the bait.
No. 1167031
>>1166970It really is just a euphemistic term about someone you're emotionally cheating with at work if you already have a partner. Someone you are really close with, vent with (sometimes about your real partners), inside jokes, flirting that other people are supposed to assume is "just jokes," take your lunches with them, text each other outside of work, etc. Even if some women assume it's a platonic thing the men (unsurprisingly) almost always take it romantically.
>According to the Society for Human Resource Management survey, a whopping 50% of employees with work spouses admitted romantic attraction to this person. In the SimplyHired survey 84% of men and 61% of women reported romantic attraction to their work spouse. The gall some men have to talk about "work wifey" and "oop gotta respond to the work wife" in the midst of a family dinner is repulsive. Just another way of triangulating women to fight over them and validate their egos.
No. 1167471
>>1166952>>1167031Yeah I think I was the work wife of a man at my job. We were very close like friends, but then I realized he would complain about his fiance to me and flirt with me. He would tell me stuff about how he loves her but he didn't feel he could talk to her as well.
On a work trip we had a convo in his hotel room. Nothing happened, nothing ever happened at all, but I was so young and stupid I was oblivious to it and probably enjoyed the attention.
His poor wife. It hurts me that some day my husband could be doing this, and there's no way to know. He was a perfect gentleman, perfect guy on the outside.
No. 1167477
File: 1651827785944.jpg (674.76 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20220506-165850_Ins…)

i really hate Instagram artist that are always complaining about the algorithm and think the lack of engagement isn't due to the fact their art looks like shit
No. 1169513
File: 1651877560056.jpg (326.94 KB, 1080x1565, 20220506_185211.jpg)

Shit like this
No. 1169939
File: 1651903204867.png (19.18 KB, 538x225, straight_woman.PNG)

This shit, mostly because its always made by some he/him aiden
No. 1169947
File: 1651903357643.jpg (41.43 KB, 480x481, 74ee5cb2052527920c8e3633aa9441…)

Boy mom's are fucking cancer. It's not part of boyhood Susan raise your damn kids. It's even worse when they have a boy and girl and make it known how much they favor their son over their daughter
No. 1169963
File: 1651903948662.gif (27.04 KB, 220x220, 1637814578859.gif)

I also hate when I see people trying to make "autistic girl" an aesthetic or trying to make it seem like a cute quirky thing
No. 1169965
>>1169947Hoping and praying I'll only have daughters
Having sons seems like a complete fucking nightmare
No. 1169993
File: 1651904597680.png (612.71 KB, 647x668, 1649415415157.png)

the wokeification of history, genghis khan was literally was one of the most prolific rapists in the world and his army ravaged and raped so many cities in a lifetime that men from poland to Iran can have trace Mongolian ancestry, same shit with the Vikings, yes they treated their own women comparatively better and gave them the right to own property and legal rights but they raped masses of other women and killed tens of thousands and sold the rest into slavery
No. 1170008
File: 1651905025339.jpg (38.46 KB, 735x718, f1beb33a784b8ffc9cbfe726d2e809…)

>>1169993We should keep the entire male population in cages so when I let a couple of the cute ones go free range I'll be considered the worlds best men's rights activist
No. 1170023
File: 1651905553144.jpg (77.5 KB, 1253x714, 16507.jpg)

>>1169993Genghis khan after ordering his army to raze a city to the ground and have every single man, woman and child killed and where undoubtedly masses of women girls and even boys would have been raped before being killed
No. 1170385
>>1170292If a woman wanted to get married, mocking her because she couldn't is so cruel. or if a woman is infertile talking about how she doesn't have children. It can actually hurt women very deeply because it's just something out of their control and changes their whole life.
It's stupid when it's the woman's choice too. Like, what if a woman didn't wanna get married? Why would she be in a worse situation when marriage takes away a lot from most women's lives? Men keep their friends hobbies and career but most women are expected to only care about her kids and husband.
No. 1170481
>>1167085same, it’s so annoying especially because of what
>>1170416 said. When I click on /ot/‘s catalog it either takes YEARS to load or it just crashes my browser.
Weren’t the jannies going to make a new catalog page? maybe in 10 years kek
No. 1171037
File: 1651960815752.jpg (371.09 KB, 1002x1563, peepoo.jpg)

I hate the hoteps thread
No. 1171136
>>1171037same, it's so fucking annoying white anons practically destroyed the thread just so they can play the
victim. Hoteps and pro-black types are the milkiest people on the planet, particularly after kitten heels finally croaking in an eventful fashion, but they keep ruining everything with their worthless takes and make everything about them when it's completely irrelevant. I was hoping the thread would be active because i would love for somewhere to discuss their milk since there really is nowhere on the internet to do so because of racists, pick-meishas and sjws. I hope those anons die for ruining a potentially good thing.
No. 1171172
File: 1651971448428.jpg (36.29 KB, 564x564, 1630161566558.jpg)

god i fucking hate how slow lolcow and other websites are on the weekend STOP HAVING LIVES STOP HAVING FRIENDS FAMILIES OR LOVERS I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL
No. 1171182
>>1171172I'm with you
nonnie. I can barely distract myself from my homework when there's nobody online REEEEEEEEEEEEE I need another shitty vent thread infight I'm so bored.
No. 1171186
File: 1651972325278.png (759.48 KB, 894x894, 742B1E86-30E8-4951-99B2-BFFED7…)

>>1171172You must not ever leave
No. 1171192
>>1171182Kek same, but it seems like even our precious infighters and derailers think they are above us on weekends.
>>1171186After all, no one knows nonnas as well as we do.
No. 1171226
>>1171196Right? Lets hope at least farmhands are with us.
>>1171200Actually, I want them to come back..
No. 1171229
File: 1651976120692.jpg (68.88 KB, 711x533, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resour…)

>>1171226Farmhands, are you with us?
No. 1171246
File: 1651977114906.jpeg (44.27 KB, 640x529, 1649770810355.jpeg)

i hate the non-committal trans adjacent trends. agender, non binary, etc. reeks of attention seeking and mental illness
No. 1171549
File: 1652002587950.jpg (16.29 KB, 275x275, 574a90fe5d26a0aeab6723a18b266c…)

anons that respond to moids, that reply to moid bait, that interact with moid bait on this site
No. 1171574
File: 1652004343726.jpeg (49.77 KB, 360x337, 2B7C31EE-E2E7-4E13-A133-52D938…)

>>1171549You are right and you should say it
No. 1172350
File: 1652040458626.webm (4.64 MB, 720x1280, 6gBuzmKozIN_YGMA.webm)

See this is what I meant when I said I hate the few western libfems/radfems who treating this decision as "literally the handmaidens tale" like you can protest against this decision for women's safety but this shit is beyond cringe
No. 1172805
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No. 1172896
File: 1652081813816.jpeg (261.76 KB, 1280x929, A7F912DD-9962-4131-AACC-584F81…)

I hate men
No. 1172924
File: 1652082334178.jpeg (455.84 KB, 1242x1731, 2D273694-B106-4C8A-B0FB-B07317…)

I hate men they should all be brutally killed I wish I could annihilate every single one of them don’t trust fat men all fat men are pedos
No. 1172939
File: 1652082574084.jpeg (113.96 KB, 750x750, A5975CB5-5258-4326-A3A5-F56D46…)

I hate scrotes and pedos
Are there any non-american mods? Dumb but genuine question, it’s been going on for a while
No. 1172950
File: 1652082742829.jpg (7.68 KB, 255x198, 1647627573803.jpg)

>>1172939there really need to be some because it's usually at the same time when burgers are asleep
No. 1172957
File: 1652082877732.jpg (166.86 KB, 640x862, misandry15 (1).jpg)

No. 1172959
File: 1652082912132.jpeg (65.62 KB, 750x531, 1649878179940.jpeg)

>>1172955please do nona we need mods at this exact time
No. 1172973
File: 1652083130198.jpeg (87.13 KB, 700x736, 1651690857330.jpeg)

>>1172963honestly what could be the reason for it? i don't get it. like i get that they volunteer their time but there are tons and tons and tons of active users who want to be jannies idgi. why do they even close applications when they know theyre understaffed
No. 1172989
File: 1652083385542.jpeg (657.67 KB, 1448x2048, 1650590754773.jpeg)

>>1172977idk if it's that. maybe it is but i think there's a particular threshold they want met, probably that they want them to be dramaboard users. admin had such a distaste for users who arent so i get the feeling like that's one of the requirements tbh but i'm just taking a guess
No. 1172998
File: 1652083476302.gif (237.64 KB, 424x343, FragrantIdenticalIrishdraughth…)

>>1172993thank you for your service anon, it's worth a shot for sure. they need to open apps desperately tho
No. 1173015
File: 1652083630415.jpeg (34.72 KB, 350x600, 501144E8-662E-466B-BEBE-7828D1…)

Bumpity bump bump bump
No. 1173017
File: 1652083664071.jpg (55.28 KB, 690x448, pentheus.jpg)

No. 1173092
File: 1652084581668.jpg (629.77 KB, 1280x1920, cat-4721210_1920.jpg)

bumpety bump
No. 1173105
File: 1652084794353.png (105.11 KB, 320x322, 2cd43b_5f099d303fb742dfb10d389…)

I hate gross moids
No. 1173109
File: 1652084835720.jpeg (193.93 KB, 634x1024, AD912134-FF10-4BF7-B2A8-2F6E93…)

No. 1173125
File: 1652085069607.jpeg (18.98 KB, 250x275, 1651648836035.jpeg)

No. 1173127
File: 1652085103391.jpg (8.79 KB, 99x275, 1610992921494.jpg)

bump I fucking hate men
No. 1173128
File: 1652085127428.jpeg (51.04 KB, 600x800, E6AFAB93-8223-42E7-8698-811059…)

Bump don’t scroll
No. 1173178
File: 1652086290916.jpg (48.44 KB, 506x768, John White Alexander Tutt'Art@…)

Bump so the boring 'why don't you' moid disappears
No. 1173183
File: 1652086554123.jpg (44.33 KB, 304x425, 1904_6_l.jpg)

>>1173178sorry I got it wrong it's 'why aren't you'
No. 1173261
I fucking hate it when written work is judged by the retarded interpretations of fucking retards, instead of the actual content. People never read shit or actually look into things, they just see the retarded fanbase and assume that the content is shit too, even though those retards oftentimes haven't even read it themselves and I have no fucking clue what they are even a fan of? Some authors, especially female ones, are seen as verboten or will immediately be thrown in the trash because of it. I hate the retards misinterpreting her work and I hate the idiots with kneejerk reactions who will immediately dismiss everything based on those retards. You know TRA's would hate 99% of "queer philosophy" if they actually read it? Instead they just circlejerk about their fucked up interpretations which have doomed us all. It doesn't matter how often these women write articles or do interviews saying that they don't agree with how TRA's have interpreted them, TRA's will never fucking learn and will focus on their tiny little bit of criticism of the gender critical movement (specifically the tradtard infiltration). Same thing with the other side, they will focus on that tiny little criticism and not even notice that she literally just took a huge fucking dump on TRA's for 80% of the article and practically said that the pronoun shit is retarded. You actually expect retards on reddit to actually have read a fucking book properly, especially when it was written in a train of thought kind of way and she was probably REALLY fucking high? Other times redditards haven't read any of the fucking books, just watched a TEDtalk and now think that the message of the author was "cheating is based" and that you have to give scrotes endless chances, when she only said in the books that women cheating on men is based and understandable and just that women shouldn't drop and abandon their female friends when they start dating, because it's retarded and only leads to a world of hurt. But because redditards have misinterpreted the fuck out of everything, that author is now verboten. Other times it just has to have the label of "queer" or anything like that shit and it's immediately canned. Like fucking hell, why can't I read my favourite butch author who is either a stoner or high on life, rant about how Brienne of Tarth should've been a butch lesbian? Oh no she has a masculine nickname, better cancel her! Listen I fucking love it when she uses random references to popculture in her analyses, we have the same brainworms, reading her shit doesn't automatically make you a TRA. TRA's even fucking cancel her books since it has "female" in the title and doesn't include TiMs. Same thing with books like "Lolita". Yes it has been completely bastardized, movies and people have misinterpreted it and I hate the coquette ddlg marilyn manson bullshit that has come from it. But don't fucking act like any woman who appreciates that book is gross, when it actually condemns the pedo protagonist and the context is that this is the pedo trying to convince them to get out of prison and how he's completely twisting everything. Just because scrotes romanticize it and have a fucked up interpretation, doesn't mean everyone has to have it. Dolores was obviously portrayed as a victim, with even her name being taken from her, having it twisted and turned into "Lolita". You don't have to read it, because it's quite triggering either way, but don't just have such a kneejerk response. You know it was requested to not put any child or imagery of a child on the cover originally? GUESS WHAT THEY FUCKING DID? SCROTES RUIN EVERYTHING. Women don't read books in such a retarded way scrotes do. You know how much influence his wife, Véra had on the novel? She stopped him from burning the manuscript of Lolita in despair, and probably offered him comments, suggestions, inspiration etc. She would comment on how vulnerable Dolores was and how you should really read in between the lines.
No. 1173605
>>1173590There is nothing more retarded than women wearing a hijab. Scrotes literally confess hijab as a fetish used to control and erase their identities.
>b-but it's for modesty!! The implication is that you are an inherently immodest wench willing to let the next man impregnate you if he so much catches a glance of your ankles. Dick caging for Muslim men would be a surefire way to protect the modesty of women too but, fat chance of men supressing themselves for morality sake.
No. 1173613
>>1173590>>1173594Tbh I don’t know your friend’s background, but it baffles me how people with no previous religious background have the desire to suddenly join religions heavy on abstinence or self sacrifice such as Catholicism and Islam. I’m not sure if it could even be legit if the concept of a god-figure wasn’t an influence at an early age.
The convert Catholic cows and their orbiters in the Red Scare left thot thread are at least just doing it because it’s a trend for whatever reason. I occasionally read r/hijabis and similar subreddits to satisfy my horrorcow itch and genuinely don’t get the “why” on women Islam converts who have no prior association with the religion and likely (or admittedly) aren’t even Arab or have family who are Muslims.
No. 1173652
File: 1652109653115.jpeg (326.5 KB, 1920x1013, 377A8987-0EDB-42BE-885D-E8F973…)

I hate when artists genderbend male characters but make them all porny and hyperfeminine. Like…it’s an ugly old man. The female equivalent would not be attractive.
No. 1173868
File: 1652118003885.jpeg (36.64 KB, 724x724, A96B915A-24CD-4C53-8F3F-D567B6…)

i hate when i’m talking to someone, i bring up the fact that i was raised by my grandmother, and they fucking ask what happened to my parents. like? you don’t need to know that. not everyone comes from a traditional family, so what? it’s just so awkward because they always say “i’m sorry” because they don’t know how else to respond. but what am i supposed to say to that? why are you sorry? did you kill them? back in college i was on my way to the only frat party i ever went to with a guy i was dating at the time. his dumbass scrote friend and i were talking and he asked me how my parents died. men are so fucking stupid, they have absolutely zero self awareness. i just told him they died from bad decisions. why the fuck would anyone ask that? should i say they died from suicide and drugs and kill the vibe? even the retard i was dating was shocked that he asked that. i usually don’t mind talking about it but it always makes the person i’m talking to uncomfortable. it’s the worst.
No. 1173885
>>1173868This is so true for anyone with a different upbringing. I never talk about it anymore because it is too annoying to explain. Yes, I grew up with weird Christian parents who never let me leave the house, homeschooled me, didn't want me to have friends, covered me up being sexually abused and made me forgive my abuser and live with him, etc.
Like yeah, no shit I don't talk to them really and only visit maybe 2-3 times a year. Christ. It's just a drag to explain.
No. 1174591
File: 1652141560348.jpg (83.1 KB, 750x1000, fcp,small,wall_texture,product…)

This gay ass moid-tier joke isn't funny and is, in fact, very cringey
No. 1174890
File: 1652168330472.jpg (39.65 KB, 564x741, 1a2afdcd8c6a9481dbcee46a28e97f…)

men, be careful with scrolling
No. 1174900
File: 1652168467666.jpg (25.76 KB, 612x459, istockphoto-641472696-612x612.…)

be careful!
No. 1174932
>>1174773tiktok is literally all shit.
>ethots>thirst trap vids>spam videos(myspace tier "you will die if you don't watch, share and get a kiss from your crush") >scam videos>fake news >sjw echochamber crap>tumblr echochamber crap(otherkin, self diags, appropriation)>groomers/child predators >underage porn>woke adults trying to fit in with zoomers>click/watch bait garbage(shit like staging videos that make certain filters or random what x are you trends seem racist/sexist/actually real)>extreme photoshop being passed off as realam i missing anything? there is nothing redeemable about it.
No. 1175153
>>1175148I hate the Algorithms.
Give me transparency.
Give me CONTROL.
No. 1175225
File: 1652188893076.jpg (36.59 KB, 343x375, 1597621143317.jpg)

I hate when anons post the y chromosome picture it is legitimately so ugly and gross it makes me sick
No. 1175280
>>1175254It's not true though, it's done for diversity's sake. Having just two white people or just two black would be sending too alienating message, and this is the simplest way to make a product or service appeal to most diverse audiences, without a risk of the brand being called not progressive enough but at the same time not dealing with possibility of limiting their market since white people at large don't relate to people of color if there's no white person present in the visual.
t. marketing specialist
(it's true though some males go full retard about being cucked though)
No. 1175319
>>1175298Hmm, in my experience there has never been a conscious decision of "ok, we have to flip genders here"; I would imagine maybe it may come out of the fact scrotes are often too intelectually limited and more likely to be only able to accept white-centric beauty standards (therefore, white woman) than women are with men? Honestly, nothing is impossible so i'll definitely not try to deny some people would have the exact intention you or
>>1175312 suggest but at least in the type of advertising I have experience with there's never any other agenda than "is it visually pleasing and going to appeal to as wide audience as possible"
No. 1175974
>>1175882Oh, how do I do it right? Without a capital letter?
>>1175922I hate this so much too. Especially when it's racist, imagine being so retarded you think skin color matters as to how good of a person you are (even though some races are associated with screwed up religions, bad governments etc etc. If they're integrated I don't think it matters).
No. 1176020
>>1175974You just gotta greentext it with an arrow, like
>t. It looks kinda weird and unintegrated without it.
No. 1176079
File: 1652219849183.jpeg (50.79 KB, 720x566, F93591D3-8080-46EA-A36C-2834B3…)

>>1175872This but especially when white men do it to shit on white women. Like lmao don’t try and push that white women are the problem when it’s you retarded white moids who are making of mess of things.
No. 1176258
>>1176020Thanks, I've been on this site for a long time but only have seen >t.
very recently.
>>1176167This. When '
poc' (fucking hate that term) do it I don't give a shit but when it's white people it makes me irrationally angry. Like having a certain skin color is just some trend, they're trying to be relatable or something and it just doesn't work because we can all see you look like a fucking oyster.
No. 1176290
File: 1652232846256.gif (2.72 MB, 380x284, cringe-eww.gif)

People, especially moids, who wear ahegao clothing. It's even worse when they're obviously adults. I cringe so hard that I can't even hide it and sometimes the ppl wearing them meet my eye and they look back at me confused as if I have no reason to be repulsed by their coomer gear.
Pornhub and playboy merch make me cringe too but for some reason seeing those obviously underage anime girls like that makes me feel a level of disgust I can't contain.
No. 1176293
File: 1652233355065.jpg (114.41 KB, 661x661, ac064305b1fec9d585ec52ad_3dedb…)

>>1176290We need to make sure they SEE clearly our visible expression of disgust to remind them that they are cringe
No. 1176297
File: 1652233691540.jpeg (46.45 KB, 400x400, 34999787-F587-47E4-A063-650E2C…)

>>1176290>>1176293Fight them by wearing the anti-ahegao hoodie.
No. 1176362
File: 1652241093670.jpg (131.14 KB, 828x629, (em rata book my body) FE8Dkc4…)

I hate the way moids obsess over women, but somehow try to take credit for their existence and "essence". You find someone or something that's existed long before you raised your head, and your ignorance is cured, but you're so fucking narcissistic you have to insist you actually "discovered" it and pay yourself some kind of credit for what, noticing? There are obviously cultural and sub-cultural elements to this, not just gender, but that's a broader discussion. It's a pathetic colonizer mindset
No. 1176695
File: 1652267050656.jpg (87.71 KB, 900x720, fellowkids.jpg)

>>1176293I saw an adult guy dressed like a teenage boy recently (cap, loose pants, skater fashion) talking to some kids (sounded like he was their teacher or something). He looked so ridiculous I had to stare. I made eyecontact after looking him up and down and couldn't stop myself from grinning like am idiot. And had to walk away fast. I imagine that had to hurt.
That's what you need to do for the ahegao goodies.
No. 1176707
File: 1652267902800.jpg (33.42 KB, 593x680, ins.jpg)

>>1176396>>1176625>>1176435You guys must be bimbo-tier and have never paid attention to history or politics to not understand what was meant.
>You find someone or something that's existed long before you raised your head, and your ignorance is cured, but you're so fucking narcissistic you have to insist you actually "discovered" it and pay yourself some kind of credit for what, noticing?This is literally what's happened in my part of the world with landmarks and resources, multiple times. A bunch of retarded, fat colonizer scrotes insist they "discovered" things we'd always known about. Rewarding their own ignorance and sucking their own dicks for centuries, and their dumbass handmaidens will endlessly cape for them. In fact, it's even worse when it happens with land/resources because those scrotes literally kill, destroy and subjugate multiple people (especially women and children) to maintain their own egos
and ownership to keep their descendants rich for generations, not just some muses/girlfriends that are too hot or cool for them that they exploit for their "art" before dying wealthy. I'm not going to pretend it doesn't happen because of your feelings about the meanies on Twitter, enough. The word "colonizer" wasn't invented by Twitter. Get off the shitty bird app and open a book, goddamn. I love you bitches but sometimes you need to rub two brain cells together
No. 1177280
File: 1652301751555.png (998.58 KB, 1223x515, fakeboi.PNG)

I hate this brand of fakeboi
Girls, will make tranny goalz boards on pinterest and it will just look like this. It's the most female thing I have ever seen and they should all be embarrassed. It's like when girls from tumblr used criedwolves as inspiration kek
No. 1177392
File: 1652310011821.png (216.81 KB, 750x355, ugly op.png)

I fucking hate this OP picture so much, why did anon have to pic the worst option there is? I feel visceral disgust every time I see this artist's work
No. 1177405
>>1177286>reading comprehension of a tomatoi laughed, nay, i smirked, nay, i huffed out my nose a little, nay, the corner of my mouth quirked just slightly. that was mildly funny. mild just like an early morning in june, or cucumber water. mildly.
>>1177280this has the same energy as mtf 'euphoria boner nyan', anime spinny skirt archetype, just autophilia. this fakeboi version is also like, you don't want to be big baz from down the chippy, or clive from ladbrokes or mr davies who just got a divorce, you want to be a fictional anime boy, a 'soft boy' a 'catboi' a 'pretty soft boys will be bugs boys can cry lil' gayboy anime boy ukulele boy from da yaowee' if i get banned for this just know that i spoke the truth. they are both fetishizing themselves. pure autophilia.
No. 1177562
>>1177555lmao men do that too, it's peak delusion. So interesting how 99% of people irl look their age or older but everyone on the internet happens to be super youthful and babyfaced! And then when you call them out like we're doing now you get a bunch of defensive responses like
>that might be true for others but for ME SPECIFICALLY I know it's definitely just that I look young and here are some anecdotes about getting carded to prove itI mean I believe they get told they look young or w/e on occasion, but have some self awareness… people are always gonna err on the side of younger if they're guessing your age, and even if they're genuinely surprised it's always because younger people think you turn into a wrinkled hag at 30 or w/e. You can look young and also look your age, because 30s IS young.
No. 1177574
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>>1177280Of course they use Pinterest kek
No. 1178880
>>1177555I think this is particularly common on reddit because a lot of redditors are autists and autists always mistake casual compliments for sincere beliefs. Normal people know that the majority of compliments are just conversational space filler, it takes a sperg to really take it to heart when some rando calls them young or pretty.
Austism is also why redditors are constantly seething over women not complimenting men.
No. 1179084
File: 1652408919915.jpeg (62.97 KB, 750x733, 1C9EA970-97EB-46B4-A025-A70956…)

underage kids who post "relatable" memes that have massive tw at the top
i havent self harmed since i was 13 years old for trigger warnings to now be used for the most mundane childish shit. they were always pretty bad but now they've reached a whole new level of childish
No. 1179111
>>1179084adding to this: getting called out during conversation for not using
trigger warnings or censoring yourself. For fucks sake, this generation is hopless. Grow a damn spine
No. 1179265
>>1179196You can’t tell me it’s not some dogwhistle going on.
>inb4 you’re the one who’s weird for finding it disturbingFuck off! There’s no nondisturbing way to photograph kids in hello kitty training bras and panties. Pedophiles definitely aren’t above jerking off children underwear catalogs.
No. 1179554
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>>1179482I legitimately don't think I've ever seen children modeling for underwear, maybe it's not done on my country's market? I know what you mean
>>1179538 and these overphosed photoshoots are uncomfortable to look at, and not only in context of swimsuits but any children modeling at all. I also feel very iffy about little girls being posed next to adult women in identical swimsuit sets, there's something uncomfortable about it, so I'm definitely with you anons there. But lifestyle campaign shots like these done by lidl, picrel (I put spoiler to not provoke any moid but it's just a family photo) should be totally fine.
No. 1179637
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I hate that the Johnny vs Amber trial has seen an uptick of shitty artists hopping on the “uwu men can be abused too” bandwagon for easy likes and shares. As if men need any more coddling.