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No. 1166876
121 edition will never be canon.
Previous thread (#120)
>>>/ot/1157246 No. 1166895
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>>1166888What kind of pain are you having
No. 1166906
>>1166894Samefag I got so angry I forgot parts that I wanted to type. She said she would still do it but that
>"I'll be so chilly though" >"it's not my fault if you get sick" and we are like 3 hours away from when this needs to happen and I'm just like telling her it will take 20 minutes tops but I really need her and she
agreeeees. So I'm getting ready and then 2 hours later, one hour before the fucking thing, she messages me on Facebook to tell me that
>"even using the bathroom is a struggle anon, I don't think I can do it. Ask them to reschedule. I love you don't be mad at something I can't control."What the fuck??? Then go to the doctor, are you kidding me?? Its so bad that you're struggling to make it to the washroom/use the washroom (don't know which she meant) but that doesn't concern you enough to see a doctor? You said it was a cold! I don't even get it. Her lies get worse all the time, like more incoherent. I catch her in them all the time and she giggles like a little girl at being called out.
No. 1166917
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I wonder if I would never have had vaginismus if porn didnt exist. I dont think so honestly - I'd have nothing really to compare myself to and obsess over. No moid would dangle porn and camgirls over my head as a threat to my consent and boundaries. I dream of a utopia without porn where its not shoved in my face every single day.
No. 1166918
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I was getting ready to walk my dog and my cousin freaking took her out already that son of a bitch that's mommy's special time fuck you
No. 1167046
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I'm love starved and is starting to affect me deeply, I just want to hold hands with someone or something at least once, I don't think anyone is or will be interested in me like that tho, and the way my family hypes me up only to fail yet again is making things worse. I'm no one's type, I should get over it already, this was never for me. Loneliness is no longer a escape but a prison, I feel humiliated by my inability to fit in, be interesting to someone else or express my emotions, I feel like people mock me at my back and laugh at my social clumsiness, I feel miserable and I'm sick of hearing my own thoughts like a broken record
No. 1167047
>>1167032My tinfoil is that redditors can spot female typing habits and they automatically turn on the sexism hard and belittle us for not knowing stuff. I've gotten similar rude responses and mass downvotes for my supposed distrust of authority on a science subreddit, because I was having weird medical issues after the vaccine that doctors didn't believe, and was asking about them. When I asked for a certain piece of info or source, I was told to just google it. Thanks, assholes. My life is ruined and you just wanna serve it to le science non believers for karma
The response to your thing pisses me off too. I've seen similar types of people asking if translations exist for certain media only to be told to put in the work to learn the language if you truly cared enough. Insufferable fucking moids.
No. 1167073
>>1167065Thing was I didn't even say that outright. I said that I was having issues and no doctors believed me. I got hit with an
Um AKSHULLY have you ever considered you're wrong? Always trust doctors.
Yeah how dare I go through this and it challenges your world view. Go shove a Funko pop up your ass moid.
Gotta love them larping as being as not being basement dwelling losers kek
No. 1167086
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This week fell in love with a kpop guy and I don't even like kpop; I spend all my day looking at pictures of him, looking at his fancams and vlogs and daydreaming about him, I legit get butterflies in my stomach when I see some pictures of him. This has never happened with any irl guy.
This is a rabbit hole I DO NOT want to fall into, I don't like the edm/hiphop kpop music and I don't like the false idol persona because I know he is not as nice when cameras are off and for sure he is fucking someone, why couldn't it be a 2d guy.
Please save me.
No. 1167181
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>>1167177He has good pits and ass and I like men with big noses and small, slanted chinky eyes
He's literally perfect
No. 1167198
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>Was looking for something with the word jealousy in it
>got no results related to what I was looking for
>google just uses jealousy
>related searches are polyamory and throuple art
No. 1167216
>>1167189I just think he is really hot and he is really good at sports
90% believe his spastic cringe persona is fanservice for underage twt fangirls and he is actually a bpd manlet chad who fucks 8/10 idols
Who is your husbando?
Perhaps comparing will make me like Bangchan less but I doubt it
>>1167205>comes off as such a sex pest nonaDo tell, I want to get off this obsession
Btw, I already know about the weird daddy stuff
No. 1167221
>>1167216>bpd manlet chad>manlet>chadNo one is fucking him. He went off about how he's got a ugly nose, eyes, everything recently. I believe his persona holds some truth. Did you see him being a possessed weirdo at the concert earlier chanting he'll protect everyone? Come on, dude is nuts.
I like Taeyong, I think he is cute.
No. 1167228
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I am fucking tired of kinktards thinking everyone needs to know exactly what they are into. It is so tryhard and juvenile but these are grown ass women I'm talking about. It is so embarrassing, like wow, you are so unique for liking being slapped and choked, so unexpected and quirky! Keep it to yourselves.
No. 1167233
>>1167221>Did you see him being a possessed weirdo at the concert earlier chanting he'll protect everyone?Yea, he looked like an angry manlet, that made me laugh; perhaps in a different universe his fans are underage korean girls instead of the underage western girls neutering him and enabling cringe. He's definitely weird. I hope the crush passes soon.
>TaeyongI like the bump in his nose
>>1167224>wanting his fans to refer him as daddy/calling himself daddy plus the fact that most of them are blantantly underage plus his cringe "persona" to make him seem younger equals discord predator vibes to me, personallyYou're onto something, I'll lurk choachan
No. 1167236
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continuing, felix also gives sex pest vibes too, he says/does sexual ass shit and then plays ignorant about it, disgusting! really do not like straykids - but at least i know that none of the members have any chance of a solo career once the group dies, god bless
No. 1167258
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Fell down half a flight of stairs at the train station today moments after explicitly thinking about how I do NOT want to trip and damage the chocolates I came outside for. It's cool though, my face caught my fall. Sure I have a weeping scrape and a Crimson Chin level bump forming on mine but at least the chocolates didn't get damaged, those are a gift
No. 1167273
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>>1167258I’m so sorry, Nona. I hope you feel better soon and the gift is loved and appreciated by the receiver.
No. 1167288
>>1167258Christ anon I’m happy you didn’t break a bone.
Hope your face is ok
No. 1167308
>>1167297What about pepper spray?
I got police grade. The other option is bear spray. Not that I'm trying to talk you out of getting a gun. Just learn the protocols, what constitutes as
trigger control, and how to aim then shoot. Then be the baddest gal possible.
No. 1167328
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My family has been so horrible to me over the years and they ended up screwing me over when I needed them the most, which was pretty much the last straw for me. I've wanted to cut ties but I still have to communicate with them about some things. It feels really transactional and gross to me though. I can't help but feel guilt. My parents aren't the youngest so I have this fear of them dying and things still being bad between us, but I'll never forget how much I've been hurt by them. I can't tell what the right call is.
My sisters I couldn't care less about though. They've treated me like human garbage since I came into existence, so I have much less guilt cutting them out.
I hate feeling this way and it makes me want to cry. I wish I could just have a normal relationship with my family like everyone else around me seems to have.
No. 1167335
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Since I lost weight I look like a teenage boy and I hate it. This isn't a humblebrag. The doctor thought I looked a lot younger than I am and some secondary school scrotes started talking to me like I'm one of them. I feel so unattractive and I feel like you can see how unhealthy I am and women aren't stupid, I'm not going to be able to hide that there's something wrong with me. I would want to date or hookup while I still can, but I'm already relatively short, I lost my muscle, my skin has an unhealthy tinge and I'm covered in bruises. I feel like my pictures on dating apps are a massive catfish now too. I also don't want to perform femininity, so I know I'm doing it to myself and making myself unattractive. I know it's my own fault, but I swear, I don't look good in a dress or anything feminine, I'd end up looking like a troon, I'm stocky like a fucking dragon age dwarf or an ogre. Make up would make my face look even more retarded than it already is.
No. 1167345
>>1167251I find these posts really gross and I'm honestly tired of half the posts in here and the confessions thread being about sex in general.
Anyone else feel the same way?
No. 1167381
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>>1167345Are you from reddit?
>>1167373Except when you're a lesbian, then it's suddenly seen as scroteish if you want to satisfy a woman and do everything for her
No. 1167388
>>1167345Then leave
>>1167382Classic misogyny. You think women aren’t capable of enjoying sex without being in a relationship. Isnt it funny how this place is filled with “MEN CHEAT AND THEY DONT LOVE WOMEN” but the same anons get confused at women just wanting to have sex for their own pleasure while avoiding date men foe the reason they listed?
No. 1167395
>>1167391As opposed to sex with a boyfriend when theres studies on how most straight women dont even receive orgasms?
Women can have sex without being in a relationship and they can enjoy it. I dont understand shaming women or this retarded logic that women should date men to have good sex when its proven women in boyfriends arent even getting orgasms.
No. 1167400
>>1167382>I don't understand the whole "no you don't understand I NEED to have casual sex with random strangers" type of posts.the person you're replying to wasn't even saying that though, they're just mad at people venting or confessing about sex at all, which is stupid as fuck. sex is a part of people's lives like relationships, work or other stuff, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to discuss it here. you have to be an adult to post here so there's no reason not to.
also the original anon wasn't saying she needed to have sex with random strangers either. she was saying she wants sex without having to bound to someone. unless you're a traditionalist I don't get what's wrong with that either. I don't understand why so many people, men and women, think sex has to "mean something" to women otherwise it's immoral somehow? but they never hold men to that standard, ever.
No. 1167408
>>1167382You don't know everything about anons, maybe there's a good reason they can't start a relationship right now, but do want sex? Life is only short and we only live once.
>>1167388There are more reasons to not want a relationship or be hesitant about it. What if you're busy with work or you're really ill (with nothing you can spread) and you wouldn't want to put anyone through that? Some of us have a bucketlist to tick off.
>>1167391I want to be used by a woman,
I can get an orgasm from going down on her and from the mildest stuff done to me, like neck kisses, I'm easily pleased. Just don't be really really straight and let it be with consent.
No. 1167413
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My period is really in full swing this month. Took one ibuprofen yesterday but it started to hurt a bit after 3-ish hours again. It's day two and I had to take another one (usually I only have to take one on the first day). I'm envious of women who only have mild cramps or don't have to take any meds at all. Thank god I don't have endo but the pain is still pretty annoying. At least I've been getting it quite reguarly though.
No. 1167418
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>>1167417>Tinder scrotes are noted for their abilities to make women cum right?Nta but I’ve had a few who where not half bad. Men are scum alright but occasionally you find one with a most splendid cock who eats pussy like it’s the only nourishment he will ever get.
No. 1167425
>>1167417Honestly I only have good sexual experiences with guys from tinder. It wasn't ONSs, more like relationships starting but soon after having sex I dumped them because of their personality traits that surfaced. Idk guys from tinder aren't that terrible if you get to know them a bit first and vet. But that doesn't mean you have to have a relationship with them. I don't regret any of the sexual experiences I got from tinder, overall it was pretty good, I always came, learnt some new things and they always made me a breakfast and wanted a relationship afterwards. Plus no one will know I slept with them, you'd body doesn't change if you have sex. It was overall nice experience.
Idk I feel like nonnies pushing the 'omg casual sex is terrible and always without exception unsatisfying' didn't experience it themselves or they did but were just choosing shitty guys. Maybe they are too young and can't vet properly.
No. 1167452
>>1167425I’m nta but in all seriousness, how can you say you’ve successfully vetted guys when you end up dumping them because of
>their personality traits that surfacedAre you saying there is a way to tell that a man is going to be good in bed, while still being unsure if he’d be good in a relationship? What are these ways? Asking for a friend…
No. 1167538
>>1167527Hot and nice guys aren't on dating apps. All the hot and nice guys I know at my age (30) are married and probably had a couple of flings at most. They're also all more into their hobbies and/or jobs than they are casual sex.
Hot, materially/professionally unsuccessful men are the worst. These are the real sociopaths in my experience. Nothing to live for other than random flings. Beware especially the late 20s/30s bum who has a sob story about wanting to settle down deep down but just struggle wahhh, and who claims they can "play guitar".
No. 1167541
>>1167517Then why generalize like
>I think casual sex with strangers is deeply unsatisfying and usually a sign of trauma>I really don't understand the anons defending casual sex in here.>Because casual sex is famously known to be satisfying for women?It's obvious anons have a problem with casual sex in general, not just the scrote aspect specifically.
No. 1167555
>>1167545Yeah I get that, I'm aware of that, but then why generalize and lump everything in with that?
>>1167547Thank you, you get it.
No. 1167586
>>1167560I think it's sus anon probably responded to themselves right after I mentioned wanting sex with a woman
>I find these posts really gross and I'm honestly tired of half the posts in here and the confessions thread being about sex in general.>in generalOh and you seem to be misinformed
>Lesbians don’t have a huge culture around having casual sexThere is and it's not just the ultra libs, unless you think anyone outside of the biblebelt is an ultra lib. It calms down after a certain age probably, but it's pretty common, even back in the day.
>lesbian sex doesn’t have reputation for heavy disparity in partner satisfaction Even Audre Lorde complained about it in her writings, there literally is if you're gnc and not naturally stone. Someone also tried to shame another anon in the female fantasies thread for the seeming disparity in her fantasy about a stablewoman. Polilez wrote entire guides to feminist sex, because they believed there was a disparity.
never mind if you willingly have a one night stand with a bi woman, even if it does workout and you're happy, it's seen as self harm>nor do they systematically seek to use and abuse each other as a fun week night activityLesbophobes have been bringing up women abusing each other a lot in other threads, so I'm a bit paranoid.
No. 1167643
>>1167597Good luck
nonnie! Hope it works out for you!
No. 1167646
>>1167609She's not malicious, she's very bubbly and I'm sure she's a great person but
>I know I don't have a handle on my emotions and can come off as a bpd-chan.I'm splitting/black and white thinking.
No. 1167780
A new side character gets introduced in a DnD podcast I’m listening to. He’s clearly described as a man with a male name, long hair and a somewhat annoying flamboyant manner. The DM starts off using male pronouns while the players immediately consistently ‘they’ him and by the next episode the DM is ‘they’ing him too. This is the first character in the story to get this treatment. I know it’s relatively minor but it bothers me so much how regressive this shit is (“A man with long hair and flouncy clothes? No such thing, this person is clearly Other”) while everyone involved thinks they’re being so fucking woke.
>>1166920I hate that ‘nagging’ is such a well known and understood concept but there’s no equivalent popular term for consistently neglecting to do a small but necessary task to your own and others’ detriment while acting indignant whenever someone reminds you of it. The word procrastination doesn’t cover it because it lacks the implication that you’re being wronged when the task in question doesn’t magically go away.
No. 1167838
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I HATE HAVING A BIG RIBCAGE. Its bad enough that it's broad and wide from the front, but it's even worse from the side. I have a flat stomach but my stupid huge ribcage sticks out so it doesn't matter how skinny or muscular i am, i will always look like shit. I hate having no control over something so stupid.
No. 1167848
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being sick as an adult is so different from when you’re a kid. when i was younger i would literally wish to get sick and stay home from school, and would be disappointed if i recovered after only a day. now i literally can’t afford to live this month because i got sick on the 3 days i actually got scheduled. i can’t even pick up more shifts when i get better because my job is one of the only places that’s actually OVERstaffed and everyone will grab my shifts like vultures and not even offer to swap. its not covid and ive tried literally everything to get better. the worst part is that if i had some cushy wfh made up 9-5 i would be fine to go to work, i don’t feel sick, but i can’t stop coughing and sneezing and since i work near food and beverages that’s no good. it’s literally the type of illness a kid would pray for, not so sick that you can’t play video games and eat snacks, but sick enough that you get to stay home.
No. 1167865
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>>1167838iktf nona, it's good for sports and lifting, but I feel like nobody thinks it's attractive and I hate how fast it looks spoopy
No. 1167870
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I was scrolling my social media and just saw this video of this woman who lives 20 mins away from the Amber vs Johnny Depp trial and as he was pulling out of the parking lot shit loads of women were giving him gifts through his opened car window. What has this man done to deserve any gifts? He is quite literally just a man. No one would ever do that shit for a woman, ever.
No. 1167873
>>1167838I get you nonna, it's even worse if you end up getting overweight or if you're short, it just makes you look like a compressed fat barrel. I have a big ribcage and big hipbones but I'm also 5ft so I literally look like a wooden crate. Also from the side it makes my chest stick out and look like I have a hunchback almost.
It looks great on muscular women but unfortunately it takes a while to get muscle. I hate how we have to overanalyze our bodies like this, it makes me feel inferior to other women who have quite smaller or just in-proportion bone structure.
No. 1167878
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>>1167870>being a middle class or poor woman>giving an abusive man WORTH 150 MILLION DOLLARS giftshow fucking pathetic do you have to be, KEK
No. 1167911
>>1167875This is why I’m not going to operate within the current moral framework that is obviously pressured on women and never taught to men. Men are allowed to kill, abuse, with their words, with their fists, with a weapon, and no one bats a fucking eye because they are so used to it they probably have male relatives and friends who are as much as an ugly beastly junky like Johnny is and it’s because people inherently think there is a moral good to a man’s consistent violent actions towards people, he is always a martyr, a savior to other people and even himself, he is reworking the imbalance in this universe, he is God. He is absolutely nothing but a washed up prick that people always have to clean up the mess for, women are the janitors of society who keep shitting on our floors over and over again and think we like the stench of it all.
No. 1167912
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>>1167870The gifts they give kpop idols are pretty expensive, a lot of them get designer goods. Revolting to see this cancerous form of stan culture extending to the west, it should not become normalized.
Shoutout to the pickme at the Johnny Depp trial who brought two alpacas and jetted to Virginia all the way from Peru. It sounds like a deleted cutaway gag from a comedy show, but it's real.
No. 1167942
>>1167933with a stick*
you live under the fake impression that it is because you are ugly. People don't want to have anything to do with you because you are evil and you are too embarrassed to be around people because you know that you are evil. You cannot show empathy or love towards others but expect everyone to do it for you whenever you complain.
No. 1167967
>>1167873At least we have great lung capacity.
>>1167919It was raining too, really not fair to the cute alpacas!
No. 1167978
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>>1167972wow romanianon can type without run on sentences she’s evolving like a pokemon
No. 1167989
>>1167976you have bepeedee
>>1167977but what about a child that is violently raped and has no food and is beaten daily? I get it if it's a child in a normal environment but I wasn't. You just cannot have empathy towards anyone but yourself or you are a sheltered child that doesn't understand how the world works and how bad socio-economical environments turn people into monsters.
I don't get it. I say the things the world has told me should help me advance socially don't help and that I have extreme suicidal ideation, then you harass me for being suicidal, then you tell me I am sociopathic because I was violently raped and beaten for 3 months on end until I broke down
I guess this world will never show me empathy or love no matter how much I show it to others.
No. 1168012
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>>1168005literally just shut off your computer
No. 1168014
>>1167996most psychopaths hide their stories and they make power moves like most anons on this website. A psychopathic is never transparent.
>>1168005I cannot afford a banana and I cannot work nor walk. There's nowhere to walk to and I live in extreme poverty in a dangerous town and I'm severely ill to the point where I can barely get out of bed. I cannot get a job. I cannot immigrate. I have no support system and everyone I have ever met in my life has abused and hurt me and pushed me towards suicide while I offered them endless empathy.
>>1168007I met Steven on lolcow. I wish I would have never talked with him or.posted him so one of you would have wasted your time in the friend finder thread talking with a moid pretending to be a woman.
No. 1168019
I bought weeb books and got a cloth bag with a manga print for free along with it. Bags are some cents extra anyways, but cloth bags are like 3€, so I was confused why I was getting one for free. I was so confused, in fact, that I'm not sure I properly thanked the cashier lady. I know I said thank you, but I'm pretty sure I sounded unappreciative (or rather, not appreciative enough), and that, along with the fact that I kinda eyed the cash register to see if she's booking some extra for the bag and she probably saw that, makes me feel guilty to hell and back. I hope I see her again sometime, I'll be extra nice to her and am going to wish her a nice day before she gets the chance to say it.
No. 1168031
>>1168014I think lying constantly also counts as hiding.
>I cannot afford a bananakek but affording a vpn to ban evade is no biggie?
>>1168020She gets banned constantly,she just evades.
No. 1168048
>>1167999>I didn't threaten to kill you have alzheimers ? and dont say its because of your trauma that you have memory problems.
can somebody link that murdering people spergout kek like why even lie when your posts are right here with nowhere to go i dont understand
No. 1168064
>>1168046> I am convinced women are more sociopathic than men.pure projection. believe it or not other thirdies who went through rape and other forms of physical abuse on the daily like myself dont behave like you killing animals. you never answer people's posts who make good points. how can you not afford a fucking banana but be able to use the electricity to be able to get on the internet ( which you also have to pay for BTW ) and ban evade ?
>At least men kill your or rape you. omg so much better! thank god for men.
>i hate women. Most women are fucking stupid will always be a woman. once again projecting, you wont be picked just fyi. sorry you're fucking retarded and unlikeable due to your behavior that you adamently refuse to change, but know that you can in fact change. your circumstances dont mean you have to be like this.
No. 1168085
>>1168046You seem like you're trolling but assuming you aren't I genuinely feel sorry for you.
This part though.
>They willingfully choose to date abusive old moids although their situation is not forcing them into it.I do actually sort of agree with you on and I know it's going to invite a ton of rage but it's true. I have sympathy for abuse
victims irl but less so for the sort of abuse
victims who you find in crusty, crazy online hangouts like lolcow. If that makes sense. Woman marries a seemingly charming and kind man who turns into a monster? I want to icepick that man. Woman purposefully chooses to "date" online, e-brained, imageboard browsing scumbags? Even at 16 you should know better lol. Hell. Even at 15.
No. 1168086
>>1168068your boyfriend is a nonce mate you might want to plan on getting out of the relationship before he starts wanting you to cry or wear thigh socks during sex
trust me, speaking from experience, get out of there
No. 1168093
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>>1168051Kek, replying to your own posts saying “I love you romanianon” ? Who would love someone who spews this insane, self pitying narcissistic drivel.
No. 1168111
>>1168093I'm not romanianon I just love how every time she pops up she
triggers the ire of like ten anons and it's just a constant back and forth between neets for like an hour.
No. 1168127
>>1168111me too, it really pisses people off. i don't mind her anyway, and if people actually wanted her to get better they would have stopped replying all
triggered and hateful. she must be mentally ill from being abused and other shit, i don't read it all tbh so best would be to ignore her posts. the internet only makes these things worse.
No. 1168129
>>1168111I don't think it's ire that gets
triggered on the other side.
No. 1168147
>>1168101Stop whining because you see yourself in what I wrote. You becoming some moids discord kitten is your own fault. Don't compare yourself to actual abuse
No. 1168155
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>>1168144And yet you guys wouldn’t listen to the anons saying she’s batshit crazy? I’m laughing so hard right now. She simply refuses to get off the internet, listen to the advice we’re giving her and save herself. It’s like some types of mentally ill people who like festering in their own misery and even enjoy it like a typical bpdette.
No. 1168157
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Me when I see romanianons posts
No. 1168162
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>>1168155literally all of us know she's insane. anyways, have a masculine genius copypasta.
No. 1168172
>>1168168Anon sounds like a fucking scrote
>stop whining that an underage girl trusted an adult man who gave her attention and then sexually exploited her! This is the type of person who has the “empathy” to pity romanianon.
No. 1168177
>>1168171oh okay. because she says everyone is pretending to be her when she wants to step back from her words and makes non-stop posts about how everyone is "pretending to be her". no one is pretending to be her, you can tell when it's her.
>>1168172i feel empathy for her but she's just so self involved and schizo that she ends up where she is now. i feel bad for her though because i have no clue how much of her story is real.
No. 1168178
>>1168171nta but
>ezrafag>posting without ezra pic or gifimpossible kek
No. 1168181
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>>1168178anon kek i have a pinterest board of pics and gifs but I am wary of being yelled at if I post outside them of the irl husbando thread
No. 1168234
>>1168200someone alogged me and brought up me being a "sociopathic killer" lmao because I started presenting maladaptive and evil behaviors in a fucked up environment. Just look upthread. It sounds like moids, the vast majority of this website sounds like moids that cannot empathize with an abuse child that replicates what they see in their environment because I am a woman and a sociopath killer. In the place I grew up in everyone turned into a prostitute, killer, criminal or sex trafficking pimp. Almost everyone from there is like that. You are either children or Don't understand how environment affects humans
>>1168207I didn't ask for help. I simply vented and then got alogged and called a sociopath for something I did at 8 years old and told that I am an iremediable criminal, although I have never hurt anyone in adulthood. If you have done or lived through what I did you wouldn't have dared confess it to anyone. If you look upthread is just me saying I have very powerful depression and suicidal ideation and then some "radfems" rolling their eyes at me and alogging me by saying I AM TOTES A CAT KILLER CHILD RAPIST for something I have done at 8 fucking years old under extreme circumstances. I never asked for help on here but I do have the right to vent about my life in the vent thread like everyone else does.
>>1168212yes the authority will help me by locking me up in a mental hospital where I get raped like it helped me when I was 18
No. 1168237
>>1168210because nowhere else is safe!!!1 only lolcow dot farm is secure enough to contain romania-chan's thought vomits
>>1168224My question is: why did we get so many X-chans in the last 1,5 years? This wasn't a thing earlier I think, and now we have so many recognisable anons. See Bodega retard for the newest example.
No. 1168240
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>>1168180Have you ever considered getting a protected vent twitter? Or use your notes app on your phone, and password protecting the files? I find myself driven a lot more insane when I don't have some kind of outlet to actualize my thoughts. Whether it be on paper or digitally.
And secondarily, is there anyone you can trust? Do you have a friend who's willing to hear you out? Can you vent to them?
No. 1168255
Share reasons why hanging out with scrotes is never a good idea. I'll list some.
>they always criticize women
>downplaying women's accomplishments
they were embarrassing and making negative comments to women with masters and phds and scholarships, in sciences
>most men are ugly
because they put 0 effort into their looks they are not much to look at. they believe that just being rich, or funny will override being obese or greasy.
>they only validate pickme behaviors
if a girl is slut shaming somebody for example
>being taken granted for helping
let's say you clean the table after the dinner at their place. absolutely taken for granted, no thank you. or you host the place, prepare drinks, meals, whatever. they just expect it.
>they quote reddit irl
>they aren't funny
most men's sense of humor is laughing at other's suffering, not in a funny, your friend tripped on a banana, but in the racist and misogynist way.
>they automatically think they're better than you
no matter how ugly, socially awkward, uneducated, mean spirited, selfish, and gross they are
>expecting you to carry the conversation or excluding you from it completely
>using your presence as an ego booster while not acknowledging you as a person
you are basically there for free drinks if at all at that point while trying to deny yourself they invited you do they could feel cool for having a girl there
>they are jealous of and talk shit about women
it's not enough that they have higher chances of earning more money and advancing their career, they want to be pampered and treated softly by everyone apparently, yet they don't do it themselves. who told them they can not hug their friends?
>their interactions are circlejerks or competitions
there is no validation, building up each other, barely learning at all even from arguments, interactions are a weird hierarchy game to them
No. 1168265
>>1168239attention whoring much?
>>1168243They just talk to each other at this point.
No. 1168273
>>1168255typed in a tipsy blurry because i just got home from one of these hangouts. so there was a young med student who was talking about finding a job, and two men chimed in on how difficult that will be with her being over qualified. why were they so negative, at a party too? then another girl on scholarship was made fun of for working with formulas that are somehow worse than others, like over 4x during one night, by different scrotes, while she was not bantering with anyone. why should it be the first thing for moids to comment or joke negatively on a woman's career, and so eagerly? i am never hanging out with men again here unless they're known for being feminists because most men literally hate and look down on women. it is
toxic and rots your brain if you get used to it.
No. 1168276
>>1168265Tinfoil but what if Romanianon replies to her own posts and makes it look like others are responding just to shit up this thread even more?
Nonnies, just drop it and invest your time in something that's worth investing in. Romanianon doesn't want help, she probably doesn't even want to help herself but she wants people to tell her what a poor little thing she is. She clearly doesn't care about positive input and would rather go on a killing rampage. Some people just can't be helped.
No. 1168277
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>>1168268Bless you for trying with her (that’s a genuine, British “bless you” and not a condescending Southern “bless you”)
No. 1168288
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kaitlyn tiffany agrees with me
No. 1168293
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Fuck all of you, I hate this stupid infighting over the same shit again and again.
No. 1168328
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>>1168319you can always make it extremely ugly so at least it's entertaining. sometimes cute sailor moon type/pastels (i know they fade and dont age well) look really cute though. and what about something like this? animu inspired but not really anime, just cool
No. 1168330
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Scrotes are dumb
No. 1168342
>>1168327No. It would weigh heavy on my conscious lol
>>1168328That looks nice but I do not want to contribute to the defilement of a relative’s body. It’s entirely anime related and I will cringe at myself for being involved in any capacity.
No. 1168445
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I don't know if my relationship with my mom is inappropriate or not. I have no external judgement to help me, only my aunt has commented on it, she reprimanded my mother that she still treats me like an infant and it's true, she does. Anons on here have told me it is verging on inappropriate, someone said I was a scrote because I was the 'kissing mom's boobs' anon, but I'm not a man. I feel abnormal and fucked up. I am back with my mom and we are back to our codependent relationship and it's making me hate myself. I wasn't allowed to sleep alone till I turned 18, and now I am still made to sleep besides her since I've returned every time, no matter that she also snores super loud. At least now, we don't snuggle to sleep, I keep to my side. She touches me everywhere, my inner thighs, my stomach, it feels bad to me when she keeps on rubbing and rubbing my thighs or hips till I move away or tell her to cut it out. She kisses my back and my neck, like couples do. My first kiss was my mom, I was straddling her and I was, I think, about 14. It makes me feel weird when I think about it. I straddled her till I was like 17, we were too physically close. I know she hates my breasts too, before she even looks at my face, she stares at my tits and feels the need to comment on them everytime and I feel gross about my body. She used to say how much of a romantic couple we were, how she always needs alone-time with me, she uses such a gross word, the English translation would be 'licking and sucking', like, we do that with each other. She lets me smother myself in her chest, which I am back to doing, but freaks out when my boobs even slightly brush her. I feel like I am making this worse thinking about it, I feel like I am the gross one, I am turning something loving and innocent into something bad. She tells me I come to her to get kissed and it is true, she is right. I like physical affection from her, so why am I complaining? I kept getting dream of us being inappropriate constantly while I was away, I had to puke to feel better. They were constant and terrible and sometimes they would turn into wet dreams anons, it makes me want to kill myself. I feel dirty, I really don't want to be this way. I don't know how to fix thsi. I am so gross. How do I even begin to fix myself? Or am I past the point
>>1168387I heeded your advice
No. 1168500
>>1168445this is molestation, you are a
victim of molestation. report her
No. 1168501
>>1168445This was so disturbing to read..
> I wasn't allowed to sleep alone till I turned 18And many other things you said are so disturbing and obviously abuse.. imagine if it was a father who did this? Maybe you should see a therapist or talk to someone outside of the family?
No. 1168514
>>1168455I kiss her on her boobs or her pits sometimes, I've done it since forever, I liked it because I felt safe. I am trying not to do it anymore because I am not a kid anymore and I shouldn't.
>>1168456I've never been with anyone but I have plenty girl friends. I don't know if I am ready for dating people, I am not that fun to be around. I like other girls and I could see myself being with one in the future but not now. I think what you are saying is correct, I think I am sick, I keep trying to push it away but it is true. My mom has not had someone as a romantic partner since I was born, when my father left her and fucked off forever. I am just projecting? Maybe that is it but I don't want this at all, I don't want to be like this. I want both of us to have healthy boundaries.
>>1168491I am not a scrote and I am not fapping to this, I know I am being fucking gross but please believe me.
No. 1168525
>>1168519Please don't shame potential incest
No. 1168543
>>1168511>>1168522I was away from my mom for a good while and I missed her but I was doing okay. I have had to move back it due to being broke, and her being broke too. I cannot make a report against my mom, I don't want to hurt her, I just want to be away again, if I am honest. It was the only time I felt like an actual adult, I think that is a universal experience though.
>>1168529I think I have one friend who I can trust with this, I have told her other things she's listened with no judgement and she has helped me out too. But I don't want to be a burden and I don't want her to think how gross I am, when I myself think I am so disgusting.
No. 1168548
>>1168543it's not your fault but at this point you need to, first of all, set solid boundaries with her if you guys are this broke, sleep separately, and try to fixate on something else, anything else, because as an adult now you're (not your fault but still an issue that needs to be fixed) fixating on her. what about like… anime girls? just anything else to project your emotional/sexual feelings onto? i don't have personal experience with this so i'm not helpful but i would have to imagine maybe leaning into anything else, like investing your feelings into someone else (even a character) would help you detach. and if you can, yes, please talk to someone you feel safe with about this, even your aunt.
No. 1168552
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It's really gross that anons constantly call people scrotes for having experiences that deviate from the norm. I'm a woman whos been called a scrote on this site so many times, and I have friends I've met on here that have been called the same; think about how many real women you're alienating by calling them that, vs how many men you're not even remotely offending by calling them a ballsack. That being said, can't you guys tell how a scrote would write? A scrote wouldn't write about how they feel in the situation or that they want to kill themselves, or that they feel dirty, gross, abnormal, that they need to fix themselves, or that their being made to feel self conscious about their breasts (managing to not describe the exact size and shape of them, as a moid would). A man is not capable of extending enough empathy to flavor their fap material with introspective worry and despair. C'mon anons, seriously? I thought you guys read enough troon reddit posts to tell how a moid would write. There are no descriptions of body parts, excessive description of scenarios that go past the point, etc.
To further my point, if this was a scrote, what part of telling them to get therapy and seek help would be indulging the fantasy? It just seems like a high risk for someone who is very likely just a woman in a horrible, abusive situation.
No. 1168560
>>1168543You’re not gross or disgusting. You’re a
victim who was groomed into things before you understood what they were. Ask for help if you can reach out to the friend. Maybe a womens shelter in your area has free counseling you can get an appointment with. I agree with the above Noni. Set hard boundaries. Grey rock her in conversation. Don’t sleep in the same bath. Lock the bathroom door when you’re in there. She’s going to get upset and that’s not your fault. You are doing nothing wrong.
No. 1168570
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>>1168532>>1168541I don't think I was forced into an adult role in an emotional, I think she did that with my older sister, who has seen the worst of my mom, it was more my sister who was our mom, than my mom, even now, it is my sister who I go to. We bitch about her together sometimes, she shared this video with me, our mom to a T. But the physical thing, I don't know, I really think I have a hand in it too, I don't know if it is really truly just her? I feel like crying and tearing my skin off thinking about this, I feel gross the dreams I kept having were so disgusting I couldn't even talk on the phone with my mom, who was none the wiser. She didn't make me have those dreams, it was my own brain . I know I need to get away somehow, as I did before. I don't hate her, I feel like I need to say it, I love her a lot. She has done what she could as a mom all alone with her two kids, I shouldn't discredit that. I just want to have a normal mom daughter relationship with her. I am gonna talk to someone I know, if I can brave it.
No. 1168635
>>1167308(In America) using bear spray on someone is a felony assault.
pepper spray is water based but bear spray is oil based so it can't be washed off.
just an fyi
No. 1168650
>>1168642NTA, she's right. Calling women that are
victims of abuse scrotes, moids or any other insult is fucking disgusting and extremely moid like in itself.
No. 1168660
>>1168650Hard agree. It’s just up your ass behavior more expected from a moid and it hurts abuse
victims. Making them feel further ostracized.
No. 1168693
>>1168666>suspiciousness and disbelief…towards
victims of abuse? That's no justification.
No. 1168700
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i just had 12 chicken mcnuggets and im craving more. I'm trying so fucking hard not to binge and lose progress after 3 weeks of consistent good high-protein food with just a few snacks in between. i hate my appetite for spiking. i want large fries covered in salt, i NEED salt but i cant have it or else ill just get fat. i've already had chicken WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEEEEEEEE
No. 1168824
>>1168756The correct response to that is to report and ignore instead of potentially insulting a woman who is in an
abusive situation.
No. 1169120
>>1168775I don't wanna invalidate anything you're feeling
nonnie but if you are doing this out of a 'i'm already this old things will never get better' reason, please stop. 22 is still so young and you never know when things might turn around.
No. 1169278
I want a cheerful normie bf but cheerful normie guys don't want depressed girlfriends. They can simply sense we're too cringe and fucked up and that being with us would either bore them or it would be too hard to handle. I'm also very vulnerable and gullible and I only attract guys who want to own and control me and take adventage of me and it's very clear right away. I may have a hard time telling when people lie or joke, but I can always sense what they want to do to me. I never had a relationship or sex for that reason. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die alone. I've seen some cases of girls from pathological backgrounds being 'saved' by normie guys and now they're in a happy functional relationship. I ask myself, why it couldn't have happened to me? Am I worse? I don't deserve it? I tried so many times to get closer to someone but I only attract this certain type, and the normie guys I met and liked were always taken. I'm getting more bitter as time goes by. I have to struggle with everything alone, meanwhile the boyfriends of my female coworkers do everything for them, they handle formalities regarding their apartments and cars, they pay for most of their shit, like furniture, despite the fact that both of them will use it. Their parents will also buy them shit. And then my female coworkers will use plural and say we accomplished that, we bought that, we found that, we rented that etc., despite the fact they didn't even knew the names of estate agents their boyfriends found lmao. When you're completely alone, with no partner and no parents, everything is so hard, and it's even harder when you see people being handed things on a silver platter
No. 1169286
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>>1168775I'm planning to kill myself before my 21 birthday in summer. Wish me luck or I'll chicken out!
No. 1169370
>>1168775i was planning on getting laid before mine and we are 2 weeks out now lol. on a more serious note why don't you and
>>1169286 stretch it to 30, at least? my number was 18, which didn't happen obviously, but now i feel like i might as well see where things go
No. 1169423
>>1168775Didn’t see this earlier, sorry nonnette. Like I told
>>1169286 I truly hope you don’t and stay with us. Life can feel a bit shit at times and you might feel like there’s no hope but with help, things can turn around. I hope knowing a few of us are willing to listen and support you brings you some comfort.
No. 1169615
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FUCK YOU MORSICATIO BUCCARUM! FUCK YOU! Why the FUCK do I do this to myself, I can't believe I prematurely aged one side of my face PERMANENTLY and FOR NO REASON just because I'm a NEUROTIC RETARD why couldn't I just pull my fucking hair out or something GOD DAMN IT I want to STOP I have to STOP!!! I CURSE YOU I CURSE YOU!!!!!!!
No. 1169631
>>1167385Me too
nonny, wish I could find friends on here who lived in the same area so we could chill and hang out
No. 1169644
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My boyfriend (or me I guess idek) ruined our movie pizza night that I was looking forward to for the whole week..
No. 1169660
>>1169644What happened
No. 1169722
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I went to the store today and it was such a off experience. There was this fat woman standing in the aisle and I was trying to get through and she was standing there with a blank robotic expression staring at the aisle I swear she wasn’t even processing anything in her mind and I had to wait until she moved. It was the most bizarre shit ever, also people driving their carts and not stopping unless you yourself move or you will get hit and the offish, rude attitude even though it’s one of the best stores to shop at in my state. I think this fits more in the tinfoil thread but what is going on with humans nowadays? Were they replaced with skinwalkers or something? Inb4 “um people have more complex lives than you!!” but no it freaks me the fuck out I should not have to say “excuse me” in a near empty aisle for you to move, actual NPC shit
No. 1169779
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>No, anon, I can't pay for your school because you are a neet and need to learn to live in the world
>Yes, I am paying for your everything for your addict brothers college, groceries, countless fines, criminal laywers, car, and insurance but he has a job!
keep in mind he tried to kill my parents while high, but he is still so much better than me, why? Oh because I'm a neet and I slit my wrists at 12 and it was SOOO traumatizing for her. YEAH LIKE SOMEONE TRYING TO KILL YOU ISNT TRAUMATIZING?
I hate my faggot brother and my pickme of a mother who will put me down for the tiniest crumb of male validation in our family
I do not care if I sound spoiled if she can pay for all that shit for my brother she can pay for my EXTREMELY CHEAP SCHOOL, she is not poor by any means and makes nearly 7 figures.
He broke my wrist when I was 8 (he was 18 lmao) and I spent so much of my childhood awake scared of him this should be my reparations bitch "he's going through a hard time" Ok well I hope it gets worse
No. 1169806
I just spent an hour talking myself through how I feel about my FWB because I couldn't sleep thinking about it. It was cathartic but now it's 5am and I've got a lot of shit to do tomorrow and wish this wasn't on my mind, I vented about it a little before too but maybe this'll put me at ease enough to sleep. There's nowhere else I can talk at length about what's ultimately yet another useless moid.
I think he doesn't care about me anymore, and stopped a couple weeks ago. It's upsetting because he said it and showed with his actions that he cared, really. Sometimes we'd just go a walk or have a cup of tea and catch up even if we'd arrange the meet to fuck. I'd say we'd fuck maybe 60% of the time we met, otherwise it was relationshippy activities. Before around 3 weeks ago, he'd stay in bed after sex, he'd ask me about my day and my life, and when he left it felt natural and I felt good and happy. Not in love, just it was a positive feeling to have someone I care about who cares about me and who I have good sex with. It hurt me today, recently it's been similar but today after sex he just looked up at the ceiling then after 30 seconds asked what the time is, to go. He didn't ask how I was, he didn't bring up anything that made him think of me during the day or anything to show he's thinking of me/my wellbeing, nothing. And I tried kind of talking to him about it before, and saying that I feel he's leaving so quick and we should have a minimum time together if we're fucking or something so that it doesn't feel so rushed to which he agreed, but it won't make a difference because what i'm actually seeking is the affection that's now more or less absent. In about the space of 3 weeks what used to be cheeky suggestions from him are now straight up requests that create distance if I reject.
I'm almost starting to feel the pressure of using sex to gain time and/or affection which is something I never want to do. Despite my many issues I've never had a dysfuncitonal sexual appetite or used it for bargaining, and it feels very bad. I know that once he has an orgasm, he goes and I know it's a very typical scrote thing to have no empathy or care and use women for sex, but this was very different for the 10 months we've been doing this and I really felt appreciated for who I was, and our vastly different life circumstances which we can't reconcile are what stopped us getting more serious. What hurts a lot is that he's talked about how differently he feels about me and what he does different vs. how he's interacted with all women he's been with except his most serious ex and now I see that I receive that same treatment.
I'm going to have a talk to him about it after tomorrow. This change in behaviour of his also coincides with a generally negative mood I started being in, it's really possible I could be taking things the worst way (but objectively he's been worse), or he's subconsciously reacting to my bad vibes, or he's going through stress. Otherwise I would leave without consulting (though the prospect is scary and i'm codependent), but there's genuinely room for doubt and room for improvement. I asked him one sleepover recently if he still cares and he said of course, but i'm hoping with a more in depth explanation in why i'm asking will give a more in depth answer, for better or worse.
I'll be sad if it stops because he really brightened my day, every day and I used to feel really lucky and that life actually fell into place. But if the answer is obvious it's better to just go before my self esteem is damaged further I guess.
No. 1169958
>>1169909Do you have any preexisting health issues he's worried about? Are you rural where you'd be very far from a hospital in case something goes wrong? If you're thinking of doing a homebirth you can consider a birthing center, they are different from hospitals with more safeguards in place in case he's coming from a position of extreme risk intolerance. If the only thing you'd be willing to consider is a home birth you NEED a midwife and not one of those crunchy granola hippie types of crazy Christian types but like an actual nurse. Your boyfriend isn't qualified to help with that and that is probably what is freaking himself out.
>>1169952no man is worth killing yourself over
No. 1169964
>>1169956Ok so youre unhinged. Your boyfriend or husband or whatever may have reacted emotionally but it makes total sense to not want the mother of your child to be alone without help during something that could easily require intervention like childbirth.
Work on your fucking trauma for the sake of your child dumbass. Maybe instead of spending time fighting and wallowing, you could find a professional whom you can build enough trust to be on standby at home.
If you’d rather kill yourself and your unborn just because ~wahhh scary doctor~ then well, it might be for the best.
No. 1169970
>>1169960Childbirth is the riskiest thing the average woman does and is delicate for the child. IMO childbirth is great sacrifice. I'm sorry you've had bad experiences before but unassisted home births can go wrong and you could lose your child over something a midwife or doula could have helped with. You can't let past trauma control you, get to therapy before you have kids. Like this you are very liable to ignore if your child has medical needs because you're too wrapped up in your own emotions.
You are not well and not in a position to have children as is.
No. 1169973
>>1167895Doesn't matter if it is on accident on not. Tell his parents that he touched your breasts by accident. It needs to end, most modern parents are not properly equipped, that's why most men are now scrots. Being generous and assuming that they do not know, they need to know about the problem to stop it. Make sure to include the words by accident, you don't want to accuse, but point out, that the touching occurred without allowing the possibility of there to be an accusation that you being crazy. Just act like it never happened around the boy, when he grows up, changed, and remembers the event, he will have to deal with internal cringe as a punishment.
No. 1169974
>>1169960 and tell me this is normal. She doesn’t just want to give birth at home, she wants to never seek medical care again for herself and possibly her child. Many people have medical trauma, and they aren’t acting like a demon in church.
No. 1169988
>>1169977Childbirth is inherently risky, it is not nearly as deadly as it used to be thanks to modern medicine that allows for things like blood transfusions, oxygen, etc.
And what if anon goes into labor early? Is a home birth capable of accommodating a premie?
No. 1169996
>>1169988Why would I go into labor early…I’m not unhealthy
>>1169991“preventative care” you mean paying to have your child force fed medications
No. 1170031
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I flew to another state to visit and stay with a friend and she invited her new friends over to stay as well without telling me and they talked inside jokes and ignored me the whole time even when I tried to be sociable with them. One literally wouldnt speak a word to me. I went to bed early and they wont stop scream-laughing in the other room. And I'm going to be here for a whole week too.
No. 1170035
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No. 1170036
>>1170031Fuck that bitch, i feel you
nonnie been there
No. 1170038
>>1170031Kek I would just go home early if I where you.
This is why I stopped visiting my “best friend”. She just wants me to adapt to her way of living when I’m an introvert who doesn’t like to drink or go to parties, but won’t ever visit me where I live or do the things I want to do. Last time j went to a party they wouldn’t let me play any music (they’re normies and listen to shit music) and she pours me a drink that’s like 80% gin and gets pissy if I don’t drink it. She just wants to force me to be a person I’m not so now I don’t bother talking to her.
No. 1170047
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Watching people posting their graduation photos is fucking with my head for some reason. I feel a mix of consternation, disgust, jealousy and loneliness. I technically graduated 3 months early and I've been working full-time at a big girl job for that long already, and because I'm poor as shit, this is nothing new to me, since I worked full-time hours at several part-time jobs before to even afford college. Because of this, I also never really had time to party, go to concerts, take group vacations, or anything else fun with the few acquaintances I made, but then again, I wasn't really invited. I'm seeing former friends I haven't spoken to since high school or 2020 before everything shut down post tributes to individuals I know I was replaced with. Most of these posts are pathetic and juvenile, but I still feel left out. I haven't been appreciated like that for a while, if ever. How do you gain someone's trust like that in four years or less? My closest friends and boyfriend are all in the process of moving states or countries for work or relationships, something I can't do for a while. Soon, it'll just be me living with my dad in our shitty decaying house. Did I really go so many years without maintaining or making any new friendships? As I'm typing this, I'm realizing I haven't socialized with anyone my age for longer than an hour since December.
No. 1170055
>>1170042Anon I’m not expecting to have complete control over the music, just put a song I like on every dow and then but they banned me from doing even that.
Also I never wanted to be at the fucking party in the first place, but was peer pressured into it by my friend who I (used to) care about.
Now kill yourself and I will come to your funeral and play this
No. 1170089
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My moid pisses in bottles and there's like 30 of them. He's not a gamer or a fetishist. He's just fucking lazy and it really annoys the fuck out of me. We have a mice infestation now and I can't help but think it's his piss, because we're very clean people other than this issue.
I'm making him throw them away now and one was open and spilt everywhere.
> inb4 divorce him
No. 1170108
>>1170088I'm a lesbian and those posts
>>1170068 >>1170072
>>1170073 shit on (casual) sex and women's libido in general, not just casual sex with men. You're moving the goalposts. There is a difference between men's obsession with sex and women's libido and what either are looking for even in casual/FWB situations. Men being coomers is not the same as women's situation and you cannot compare the two. Even the husbandofags and fujos are different from scrote coomers, it's clear as day. Do you think wanting to pleasure a woman is disgusting too?
No. 1170140
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>>1170120By spending years on a gossip forum whining that you are too poor to function and posting murder threats.
By getting off lolcow, slowly cultivating small habits that help in your goals and re-socialisation, picking up your philosophy degree again and getting a small job so you have money to survive alone and further invest in your goals No. 1170160
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i'm so fucking sick of the way that porn and the overall sexualisation of women has wormed its way into everything. i say porn specifically because it feels like every time i look for any sort of clothing and put "womens" in front of it it comes up with ridiculously sexualised positions and clothes that just make no fucking sense.
i was looking for a dressing gown and all i saw was those skimpy thin ones, i was trying to buy gym leggings and all that came up was picrel or the models wearing the leggings had clear BBLs and photoshop done. as soon as i typed in for example "mens dressing gown" or mens gym wear, everything was normal again - just t shirts, shorts, regular old stuff. i hate this. I don't want to have to feel like I have to perform being sexy all the time, I don't give a fuck about booty scrunch cameltoe leggings or a flimsy silk robe that looks like something out of an early 2000s porno - I just want to buy clothes without having this soft-porn shit shoved down my throat.
No. 1170162
>>1170111The husbandofags and fujos seem to be husbandofags and fujos precisely because they don't want to deal with men irl. So they can go without dick for months and have basic self control. I have respect for them and they are definitely different from male coomers who literally watch hardcore porno and (borderline) illegal shit and aren't celibate by choice.
>>1170113Is it gross to want to give a woman an orgasm?
>>1170112I feel like if we ignore them they'll also just push their agenda more and will feel more bold without getting any pushback. Then it'll end up seeming like a majority uncontested opinion.
>>1170123AYRT, I side with women over men and sorry that I want to go down on a woman again before I die.
No. 1170211
>>1170196>people with uterusesIt’s wild how often I see that stupid phrase nowadays. I indulged a tranny online
slapfight not too long ago, I called him a penis-haver and he got so fucking mad. He was adamant that twans pipo would never describe women with dehumanizing name like womb-havers.
>>1170198>agencyWhat’s with libfem throwing this word around constantly? Women aren’t immune to life long social conditioning and herd behavior lmao
No. 1170215
>>1170140I have a bachelor's in Philosophy but you're not really giving me advice at all in your post. I clearly state in my post that my that in most social groups I've been in I am being targeted and turned into a scapegoat and everyone humiliates me. It is a repeated pattern, what you've mentioned in your post won't stop this pattern since basically it isn't even my fault this is happening to me but I honestly wish I knew how to stop people from doing this to me. you didn't give me advice just said some generic shit that literally doesn't help me. Yea, I leave lolcow and then I reenter society to once again be a target of malice and humiliation in other new social circumstances? Fuck no!! I am also basically severely mentally ill but people seem to not understand how that impacts you because everyone complains about le mental illness until they meet someone actually mentally ill and then they bully that person and return to complaining about le mental illness and ass patting each other. "getting a small job" won't give me independence, it's almost impossible to live independently on a regular job since the pay is shit. Most people that do well in society come from normal families, you just cannot imagine the push backs I've been faced with from life because most people are not aware of how most things in their life that they think they work for are handled to them by chance and simply by environment. Now, you will probably have the same tactic. Ignore the fact that I've endured unimaginable abuse, that I am severely mentally ill that I am a continous target of malice and evilness in any social group, you will ignore everything that I have said to give me some "advice" that has nothing to do with me. You will continue to blame me for things that I haven't done or for not trying enough. When other anons complain about being suicidal, mentally ill, NEETs, they don't get alogged or get some stupid advice thrown their way. You would have been better off not replying to me. Now, you will justify it by "it's her fault, she doesn't even want advice". Well, that is not true. What you wasn't even advice. I have a back up plan but you don't know it. I think the point of my post is that I am unfairly targeted and you literally didn't even respond to my issue
No. 1170229
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>have you ever wondered that maybe that it’s okay for you to come to terms with being fat, ugly and miserable and that your negative feelings about yourself should never be obviously influenced in your politics? finding problems in other women? you’re not looking out for other women especially ones like me, that was never your intentions kek your politics is the only way you can feel superior to libfems who are just trying to have a good time in this awful world
No. 1170245
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>>1170226and your idea of "rejecting sexualisation and objectification" is agreeing with photos of clothing models that look like something out of porn? come on, surely you're not so retarded as to defend photos like this. look between the lines, retard. you want to sperg about radfems but the truth is most of us are fucking tired of being unable to move around freely in society without being shoved into sexualised or fetishized boxes and being unable to buy simple things like sportswear without having to see photos like picrel shoved in our fucking faces just to be reminded of how sexualised everything is for us.
i have absolutely no issue with wanting to show off your body or wear nice things - i do it too, the difference is i'm not the one making models pose for gym leggings in porn-esque poses on a fucking clothing website that literally has a kids section two tabs down from the softcore-porn gymwear. what sort of thing does it tell young women or girls who might want to be getting into sports when they come across pictures like this? you defend it because you just genuinely don't get it and don't understand (or you blissfully accept) how much simple things like this can enforce the "you need to be sexually performing 24/7". this is literally a lived experience for so many girls and women who have been taught no matter what they wear or do, it needs to look sexy or appealing. that is a very far cry from just wanting to look sexy or nice out of your own free will - i support that, again what i absolutely don't support is pictures like this plaguing an industry which women are already sexualised in to start with.
No. 1170250
>>1170245let's be honest A LOT of women enjoy being sexually objectified and dressing and posing like this. You could show them all the evidence in the world and they would do the same. The problem is their collateral
No. 1170254
>>1170248photoshop and ass-pads most likely.
>>1170251i agree nonna - i absolutely believe it's moids that are behind the poses like this. i'm not blaming the models, i know they get directed to pose, and it's not empowering or "exercising free will" at all despite what the libfem wants to think
No. 1170266
>>1170255>I’m not gonna lie but if you’re so concerned about a model being sexualized wearing leggings that were likely assembled by underpaid outsourced labor by women who have no power, then I can’t even begin to agree with you because it’s ridiculousi do not support capitalism or the cheap mass-production of clothes made by underpaid and exploited women. it goes hand-in-hand with misogyny.
>>1170258yes - you articulated my point perfectly there nonna, the idea that "men will look at you when you wear this" it makes me feel sick. I go to the gym to lift weights and try and look nice for myself while doing it, I personally don't want men to look at me regardless of what I'm wearing. The thing is this could all be avoided if they'd just have practical yet nice poses to show off the leggings quality, shape and material, but instead we're subjected to this weird gratifying shit you'd easily find on pornhub with just a few searches.
>>1170262it's funny because if you search up mens sportswear it's absolutely nothing like this - there might be some very muscular or shirtless men modelling some comfortable shorts but none of them have their dicks or ass taking up most of the camera like this. it's very very telling of the expectations of womens fitness vs mens fitness
No. 1170274
>>1170237NTA, but have you thought of going to a convent for a retreat and take a break from social media? Go sit in the grass petting some kitties. Anons aren't going to understand or give you more advice than "pull yourself up by your bootstraps".
>>1170245Kek that doesn't even look human. I've always hated the idea that women's fitness should just be about appealing to scrotes, even women's bodybuilding categories are based on it. Most fitness programs shilled to women are based on it and it's the only thing you see on instagram. You have to go out of your way to find actually buff women represented. Models don't choose these things though and are posed by scrotes.
>>1170255>There is nothing virtually that attractive or sexy about a woman squatting in leggingsYou don't know how hot it is to see a woman hit her squat PR and let out a primal scream. It depends on the context, the "I'm pooping" pose is a bit cringe, but women actually lifting is hot.
No. 1170287
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>silly women, that's not a real issue you fat ugly feminazis
>in fact, all women want to be sexualized by men all the time!
>there's no moid here by the way, don't be hysterical
I can't wait for men to die out.
No. 1170301
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>>1170296>white women are the most sexualized in porn incorrect
No. 1170330
>>1170301Nta but one article doesn’t prove that it is incorrect? What
>>1170296 said was right. Remember that vulgar meme of the white woman surrounded by all of those black scrotes?
No. 1170332
>>1170296I agree only on the part that white women don't speak up about how they are discriminated in porn, I think white women are absolutely fetishized and sexualised in porn but not in the same way that black women, asian women etc are - from what I've heard from black women they are treat as less-than-human in porn, called ghetto ratchet etc and they are often subject to stuff like "black women gets xyz by white police officer", asian women are just straight up deemed as insanely submissive or almost child-like. latina women are also deemed as highly promiscuous.
For white women there's this weird juxtaposition where they face the gross misogynistic shit in porn but they are also put on a pedestal almost - but not in a good way - and a lot of it comes from interracial porn which is literally mostly just white women and black men. White women are seen as meat like you said and black men are painted as animalistic almost.
You see this dynamic a lot where black men will constantly shit on and abuse black women but treat white women as some sort of exotic treat for them but they also fetishize them too by assuming they're "easy and freaky" or some shit. I've actually tried to speak about this on twitter in the past and I got so much abuse from "pro sex work" black men for it under the guise of "its muh preference i don't have to like black women" like yeah okay but you also don't have to fetishize us and be racist and misogynistic towards black women either you pornsick freaks.
I don't know why some white women embrace it, I suppose it could be from the pedestal thing like I said where they feel like as long as they're on that fetishized pedestal then they will not face the grossly racist stuff that other races of women do - they will also get the attention of "you're freakier/more submissive/less bossy" and to them that's considered a compliment despite it tearing down other women in the process. I think there should be more said upon the dynamic of race in porn and how it's leaked into real life, mostly through the lens of black men thinking they are above dating black women and seek white women as some sort of trophy to claim.
No. 1170336
>>1166876The 2020's is such a miserable era of the internet and unfortunately it spills into real life. People were so scared of 4chan they didn't notice the little demon that tumblr was. All the dumb gender shit we're in is popularized because of tumblr. The aggressive politics and "NO YOU CAN'T DISAGREE, I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE A NAZI" was popularized by tumblr.
The words people use (
problematic, internalized misogyny, privilege, discourse, etc) all popularized by that fucking hellsite and the pretentious users.
Why are people obsessed with diagnosing themselves? tumblr. Why is ADHD and autism so wildly joked about? tumblr. Why do people constantly throw around suicide jokes? tumblr. Why are people obsessed with labelling every part of themselves? tumblr.
I can't believe I have to seriously entertain shit like gender identities because tumblr made it seem cool.
Somewhat related but I wish I could unpeak, it's so fucking miserable. I would do anything to join the "DNI terfs are evil, respect TWAW/TMAM/enbie, pronouns" crowd. But no instead I had to fucking think and question shit and now I'm miserable and have been miserable for a while and my relationships will get destroyed. I worked so hard to building and maintaining my friendships with people. The tide will never turn. This was such a nonissue to me. I wish there was a website or community I could direct the people I cared about to but I can't. Every non-confirming community is unhinged as shit.
No. 1170339
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Was supposed to celebrate my anniversary today in a small trip to a different city that's only 1 hour away from me. Yesterday night I saw that the weather is bad, 12c and raining all day so I cancelled the ticket. I wake up and the weather pulled 180 on me so it's fine now. I feel so petty but I spent some minutes crying because of how tired I am of everything. I just want to rest. I want to explore things. I do not want to keep having the same cleaning and cooking routine, sitting at home, going to doctors so they could figure out my health issues, being stuck in 4 walls, doing art commissions and trying to keep being cheerful to people online while reading the news, being scared for my grandparents and wishing I could see them at least for a minute because I haven't seen my family in a bit over than three years now. I am so overwhelmed.
No. 1170448
>>1170429>Maybe shut the fuck up if you don't have anything constructive to say or teach me how to stand up for myself because that's the advice I was asking for. >I don't even want your fucking stupid ass shit advice I just want you to either say something worthwhile to me, say you understand and empathize with me or shut the fuck upSo what is it then? Why are you posting here? You say you just want validation and empathy but also don't want empathy and validation judging by your earlier posts because wanting that is bpd.
You want advice from us but also none of us can give
valid advice to you by default because we're all living in mansions and live easy lifes, according to you. Wtf do you want?
No. 1170469
>>1170429>I'm not privileged enough to go on a farm like you suggest and touch grass and pet kitties.I suggested this in a post you didn't respond to and I suggested a retreat to a convent, not a farm. It's free and they usually take pity on people in your situation and it could help you get some time to relax at least. I'm not the anon you linked and please stop taking the bait, because anons are only going to continue with the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" advice. There's nothing anyone here can do for you or give you, because you feel stuck with no escape and you're only going to be more frustrated if you keep doing this. I just suggested something so you would maybe feel something other than the intense anger you walk around with. It's not your fault you were beaten or abused and I've defended you several times when anons try to accuse you of animal abuse or being a pedo. I'm white trash from addict parents and I got beaten, locked up, starved by them etc. too and it doesn't matter how hard I've worked or studied, I'll always carry the psychological and physical damage from that with me and I'm a very angry person too. I just direct my anger towards scrotes instead of women. Arguing with people online who don't give a shit and don't want to understand is only going to make you angrier and hate yourself more, which doesn't help your already shitty situation. Petting kitties is better than arguing with anons. Like damn I just want to help, you're interesting, smart and have cool interests and it's messed up you went through all that, because you could've achieved a lot.
No. 1170495
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I thought I was getting better with my clinical depression but i'm not, I just feel empty and I can't get enjoyment out of anything right now also I can't ask about meds again because I was on like five different kinds last year + three the first few month of this year but none of them worked other than causing massive weight gain, it's also my birthday this week so i'm supposed to do something for that but I really don't care at this point I don't feel anything I wish lobotomies worked
No. 1170532
>>1170347There's a lot of hate towards people that are gnc in
terf spaces in general but it doesn't surprise me when there's butch hate here tbh. Gossip website and all.
No. 1170592
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>>1170569Take some meds for symptoms and go anyway.
No. 1170598
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>>1170584I love her and her fans too much to risk that. I wasn't even around anyone who was coughing and I still got it, pretty sure I'd spread it just by being packed in a crowd.
>>1170589>>1170592the dry cough is a little conspicuous…
>>1170595Thank you!
No. 1170604
Sometimes i wish someone came here true vent
(truly pathetic) No. 1170627
>>1170560>vent>"omg source?!"A subset of radfems have hated butches since the 70's and you can read all about it if you really want to if you look for antifeminist+butch on JSTOR. It being considered "male aligned" and "heteropatriarchal" before transitioning even got big, butches being barred from feminist meetings etc. Never mind that nowadays there are many trad gc'ers who claim to be terfs and use the fakeboi thing as an excuse to shit on gnc women. Nowhere is safe for butches, being annoyed at this shit doesn't immediately mean I have to side with twittertard TRA's either. Even the fakeboi thread has iffy posts, which is why I don't like to look in there anymore. Also I hate it that it's encouraged to lose all empathy for TiFs and see them as traitors who deserve no mercy, when I can see with many why they turned out that way and it's definitely less offensive to me than someone who claims to be enlightened through radfem theory and then still shits on gnc women.
>>1170545polilez don't count
No. 1170816
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It's so true how women mentally "check out" of a relationship weeks or even months/years before it really ends. I'm so checked out, this moid annoys me but I cannot move out right now as I need to save up money to leave and I have no safety nets. I've already started saving, but I wish I had encountered shit like FDS or even just generally distanced myself from pickme libfem shit 4 years ago before I met this man.
Although I didn't mind it at the time, I put all the effort surrounding dates and days out etc on my shoulders and now he just naturally expects that I will be the one to plan something. Er, no, absolutely fucking not, good luck with that. If you can't even book tickets to take us to the cinema, or to go for a drive, or even bring me something like chocolates and wine for a movie date then what the fuck are you?
I asked to do something tonight after finishing work and he was like "why don't we play this RPG game" yeah no thanks dumbass I've had enough of our so-called dates or romantic time consisting of sitting in seperate rooms and playing video games together like we're a teenage discord LDR couple. It's so pathetic. I've been working on myself and thinking about how I really have settled for the bare minimum and now I have to sweep all that shit up. It doesn't even have to be expensive I just cannot believe it's considered too much to take me on a drive and find a nice spot to sit and have a drink or something. This moid's idea of dates for the past year and a half have been Netflix or playing a game together. I'm so fucking tired, there's no spark nor romance and he looked so shocked when I told him "No, fuck you, if you want to go to the cinema YOU can book the tickets. Go on" and then went upstairs. He's probably forgot by now, oh well. What he doesn't know is that I'm out of here asap and I've already moved on mentally to the point where I have fantasies about a celebrity husbando instead. Yes, cringe, but don't say I didn't try you stupid little scrote. You did this to yourself.
No. 1170871
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I'm okay with myself dying one day, but the thought of everyone I love dying makes me very sad. How can I deal with this?
No. 1170887
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>>1169736aaahh god I'm so sorry
nonny that's a real bad combo, I hope I didn't sound like an asshole by basically wishing I had dermatillomania (although ngl I would still rather have it then the other.) BFRBs are such shit. I think the mouth biting behavior comes from a place of frustrated communication. For what it's worth I actually managed to not chew on myself (as much) for the rest of the evening so maybe my curse worked, kek. sending calming vibes your way sister
No. 1170925
>>1170898Noni I know what you’re point is and for what it’s worth I’ll clarify I’m not one of the other nonis. All I said was drag imitating female stereotypes is offensive to me. The makeup and dresses are fine if they just do it as their own thing. But imo that’s not drag. That’s just gnc men.
Being gnc and especially butch leaning or butch is absolutely putting women in a fucked position. I get your point. Yes some of those women are using it as an excuse to go after women not living to their standard. I would step away from those spaces and find women spaces that are for actual women. My friends and me and the women in my activist groups fall everywhere on the “gender performance” spectrum but the thing is we already know it’s bull shit and that we as women are all working to unlearn that and just exist and be. This world is very hard and I hope it gets better.
No. 1170954
I know this should maybe go in the jd/ah containment thread but I don't really want to have people argue with me, I just need to vent. My ex boyfriend was addicted to drugs/alcohol and was extremely violent, he would beat me and threaten to kill my pets, he's going to court again this year for strangling me and bashing my head into a wall repeatedly trying to kill me. It was so hard to press charges and basically no one in my life knows what happened, even though it's been going on for years. Big part of the reason I don't tell anyone is because he's very social and extroverted and easily makes friends, meanwhile I'm extremely withdrawn and possibly autistic but people tend to read me as being bitchy and stuck up because I'm so quiet. So I knew if I told mutual friends they would never take my side because he comes across as 'nice charming guy' and I come across as 'weird bitchy girl.' It didn't help that his family knew and blamed me, literally going into the apartment we shared while I was away to 'clean up' and throwing away all my food and personal belongings as payback for me calling the police, calling me the abuser and threatening to press charges against me in retaliation. I can't stand seeing everyone pick apart everything amber has done, every single tiny bit of her personality and mannerisms, to determine that she must be a liar because she doesn't seem as 'nice' as johnny. It's like, oh, every horrible thought I've had about people blaming me is true, if my trail were broadcasted now I get to know exactly how everyone would react. It's like a nightmare. I hate having all my worst fears confirmed, no one would believe me so I might as well keep it to myself. And seeing screen shots of girls on tiktok laughing at ambers sexual abuse and rape saying they don't see anything wrong with it and would have enjoyed it… My ex would abuse me through bdsm and now I can't even hear about kink without feeling like I'm floating out of my body. It's so evil, I almost can't believe this trial is real and really happening. I just want to curl up into a ball and never think about it ever again. But I can't escape it because my dad will listen to podcasts telling him what to think about it at full volume throughout the house. Jesus christ I wish this weren't happening.
No. 1170970
>>1170959I think there's beautiful patient people out there who will look at you and love you despite all your flaws. What she said is none of her business, you have no idea how many actual kind and loving people are out there in this time. They will look at you with loving eyes and understand that you are more than scars.
But, in the case that they bother you a lot, you can always get a treatment to help your skin be healthy again.
No. 1170971
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I thought I'd get everyone in my family off of my back with them wanting me to go to university and study to become a surgeon or judge or engineer or whatever else is high-paying and well-regarded now that I have a job, but due to the fact that I can study medicine after like five years in this job without having to have a 4.0 GPA and me being, apparently, obviously underchallenged, everyone, and this time even my teachers too, are back on my case about it. Even my boss asked if I'm using this job as a stepping stone towards higher education. I know it's only meant well, and I do admit I find my job easier than I'd like it to be in the end, but I'm having fun still and I make enough money to not being worried each month even without having to penny-pinch, so why repeat this spiel again? I thought I escaped it after having to listen to it for over a decade, and I did, for like…a year lmfao, but now that the possibilities are coming up again, everyone seems to think it's necessary to remind me of them. "But you're not planning on keep on doing this job forever, are you? That'd be such a waste of your poTenTiAL" I very well might, what's your damn problem?? It's not like I could ever handle all that responsibility anyways, not to mention that just because I was halfway good enough at studying (but not good enough to get a 4.0 GPA, mind you, so this being brought up so stupidly often doesn't make all too much sense either way), it doesn't mean I'm good enough to study fucking medicine out of all things.
No. 1171014
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>>1170954I have no words, but I was worried this would happen. You're very brave for pressing charges and I hope you'll find some justice and peace somehow.
No. 1171048
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>>1171016I'm so sorry, anon. I lost my grandma two weeks ago, sometimes it feels just like a bad dream. We will get through it. Much love to you through this hard time
No. 1171066
>>1170959honestly, your mother is a cunt, sry to say that so directly, but did she ever try to understand why you self harmed in the first place? I have self harm scars myself, nothing I could ever hide and nothing I could ever get rid of, even with plastic surgery and what I've come to terms with is that if a person can't love me with those scars, he/she might not be the right person. Imagine you would have to go through difficult times with such a person, can't stand scars of the past, how can they be helpful and supportive in the future? You self harmed, you have scars, you survived it, you've gone through more than many other people have, you are lovable and your mother should just shut up, if you haven't, go to therapy, find a way to love yourself and maybe, if you want to, you will find someone who loves you more than your mother does.
No. 1171099
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>>1171048Oh god, I'm sorry too nonna, I know exactly what you mean. My grandma died last year in April, but it still feels unreal on some days, like she's just on a too long vacation. Much love to you too and yes, we'll have to.
No. 1171115
File: 1651967245614.png (2.33 MB, 750x1334, CE322022-CD87-428D-887D-E92E5A…)

I can't do it, I can't stay pinkpilled anons… Thinking about the horribleness of men makes me want to kill myself. I get stress headaches. I don't know why it matters so much to me, I guess it's that it massively poisons my outlook on the world and life itself. Then inevitably my mind and heart are weak, and cause me to care about scrotes in real life despite everything. I wish I could erase all porn and their evil from this world, but I also can't hold anymore onto the knowledge of it, it's too terrible and heavy. I want to go back to thinking like a normie. Or at least to die rather than face the horror, I can't believe in a god that he would curse women this way with such depraved counterparts. I have to go back to believing that some men are good, thinking otherwise always ruins my mental and physical health.
No. 1171141
Okay so, I did online dating after a few years and back in Feb I got talking to a guy. He's 29 and I'm 28. He's quite cute actually.
We had our first date at this afternoon tea place and he's a bit nerdy, into anything. He paid £80 for it. Then the second date we had drinks and did bowling.
We had another drinking dates. Today was our fourth and I got the train to his town. It's only like twenty mins away. And we had a drinks. Then went back to his, his house is shared with his best friend's lesbian sister who is with someone and she went out for the day so we had privacy.
It's the UK and 2022 so everyone is basically house sharing, nothing new. Literally everyone.
He's got two cats which were cute. But the house is a fucking MESS.
The sofa was just full of shit and it's one of them L ones, no room at all. One table full of just general crap. I did not even say "Nice place" like I usually would.
Carpet needs hoovering, crap everywhere. Cats scratching up the table legs too.
The dining room had a broken down fridge just in the middle. Crap in there too. No carpet down. The kitchen wasn't too bad but just skirting boards and floors need painting / mopping.
The bathroom needs sorting, bath needs cleaning, who the fuck has a energy drink bottle just in the center of it?
Bathroom mirror fucked. Toilet was clean-ish. Hairs stuck to the walls.
His room wasn't tooooooo bad. Typical guys room.
I mean, I know it isn't my house and all but fucking hell.
I felt like saying "Do you ever clean?" I know it's rented but it's literally no excuse…
The sex was alright. He said he hadn't fucked in a while. Turned out it was a whole year. He kept going soft which we worked on and he did get hard eventually.
He's overly passionate, which was nice but it felt too boring. He wanted to just kiss and cuddle.
I wanted a good raw fuck if I am honest.
I think he wants to keep seeing one another… I am not sure because at the start he said on Whatsapp that he did not want serious.
But it's like… what do you want? Plus after seeing the house… I don't even think I want serious either LMAO
God I am confused.
Why are men so fucking gross? Also, the lesbian house mate, she needs to clean too.
Dirty bitch.
No. 1171160
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>>1171146To me there is a point where it is insurmountable. I can continue being aware of our plight and offering my support to others, but I can't become a full blown misandrist for some reason it destroys me.
No. 1171189
File: 1651972581794.jpg (32.15 KB, 550x549, 51daf1998baf98c772d652f4cadd13…)

I had to piss in a trashcan today. I have barely any bladder control and it's so humiliating. Picrel is literally me in bed right now.
No. 1171195
File: 1651973229719.jpeg (47.96 KB, 261x692, 1EFFEEC7-3EB0-4917-BC41-01C23C…)

>>1171189I'm so sorry
nonnie qt, that sounds like an awful day. I hope things get better asap, I don't know the treatment but praying the issue stops happening for you.
No. 1171240
>>1171195>>1171215Thank you anons, you're both very kind. It's just such a shitty feeling, but I'm making a doctor's appointment in my morning and hopefully I can get this resolved because this has been a recurring issue.
>>1171194Lmao, thanks anon.
No. 1171348
File: 1651985728325.gif (14.38 KB, 56x53, 857654236724592701.gif)

i finally feel like i'm getting over my breakup
we still text every day but he got mad at me the other night when we hung out (we broke up bc of his temper) and it made all the doubt that i made the right decision vanish
i didn't care that he apologized afterwards, and multiple times the next day
we called yesterday and it just felt so boring, unlike how i used to feel
i think i'm finally getting over him and the rose colored glasses are coming off
it's a good feeling because i was struggling towards the end of this past semester since the only times we usually could talk with his job were like midnight to 3am
i don't want to keep wearing myself thin for someone who can't respect me enough to control their temper, especially given what a thoughtful and kind girlfriend i was
speaking of thoughtful, he told me months ago he would buy me this dress i wanted as a gift after i was done with midterms
then when i linked him the dress he just said how expensive it was and never bought it
i was going through my depop likes the other day while he was looking, and the dress was there, and i said oh look it's that dress, and he said nothing hahaha
it's not to say he didn't do plenty of things that were kind, it just rubbed me the wrong way
he's actually the most thoughtful boyfriend i've had, he bought me a care package when i had covid, roses for valentines day, love letters for christmas, etc…
but i guess i shouldn't stay with someone for that, i should just expect that from someone
i'm just so used to being outwardly toxic relationships that i thought i found the one in him since he is so much better than all my exes
low standards, i guess
No. 1171352
>>1171348What's your reason for wanting to stay in contact with him or are you only doing it because you'd feel guilty otherwise? What do you gain from it? Aren't you scared of things escalating if he can't even control his temper around you?
>roses on Valentine's Day>thoughtfulI'm sorry but that's such a meme. That's literally the least thoughtful thing anyone could do for their loved one unless roses are your special interest kek please love yourself more.
No. 1171400
>>1171352>Aren't you scared of things escalating if he can't even control his temper around you?he's not that kind of "can't control his temper", he isn't violent
it's more like something out of his control will happen that's frustrating and he will have an overstimulated sperg out tantrum
>kek please love yourself more.did you not read the last few lines of my post, i'm self aware about that
>What do you gain from it?>>1171378>you'll never get over him otherwiseso far it's actually making me get over him faster because i can't romanticize him from time apart
also i haven't made any friends in uni yet so it helps me wean off my addiction to his attention
No. 1171422
File: 1651994574416.gif (319.65 KB, 560x261, tumblr_3ed94ee0ec90d6603a6b7d8…)

I have been making the lab muffin vitamin c for almost 3 months. The glass vial with dropper sits on the top condiment space in the fridge. My mother has two of the exact vials but with food grade hydrogen peroxide on the other top condiment shelf in fridge.
>Go to get vit c serum
>See new vial next to mine
>Unfortunately say it out loud
>Mom comes in and freaks the fuck
>She just made a spray
>She thinks she used my serum
>Starts yelling at me for not labeling mine (although she never labeled hers either)
>Do some basic deduction
>Figure out she didn't based on what she said
>Bitches at me I need to label
>Acts like it would have killed her despite me explaining what it is
I get I should have labeled it; however, her acting like it would've killed her is fucking dramatic. I hate how her dumb brain always over reacts yet she bitches about people over reacting. I want to repeatedly bang my head on something hard. She constantly contradicts herself.
No. 1171430
File: 1651995063137.jpg (62.83 KB, 633x451, original[1].jpg)

>Be me
>Try to sell stuff on RedBubble because poorfag
>Spend weeks on a drawing
>Traditional because too broke for a tablet
>Finally finish art
>Mfw paper sheet is too big for the scanner
>Mfw no more crayons or markers
>Mfw trying to fix it on pirated photoshop and still looks awful
I want to kill myself so bad.
No. 1171495
File: 1651999204345.jpg (41.15 KB, 720x960, 1620772839085.jpg)

>friend (b) from the other side of the country visits
>stays at friend's (a) house
>had a blast at my place friday, they want me to visit them saturday
>be saturday
>don't hear anything from them
>apart from the usual group chat shitposting
>it's like 6pm
>friend a posts a video in the group chat
>in a car
>friend b nowhere to be found
>ask where friend b is
>'oh he suddenly got sick anon kek he's staying home'
>friend a is going to a party with two other (more local) people from the group chat
The driver of the car is a guy who constantly drives while fucked up, recently had a child and is simply just fucking dumb. Anyway
>try to get in contact with friend b
>apparently he just went to sleep
>friend a sends me stupid shit happening at the party
>barely respond, send thumbs up emoji or respond with 'oh cool'
>'what's wrong, anon?'
>i know friend a is on drugs so i read the message but don't respond
>get more messages as friend a starts to worry
>respond after like three hours
>call him a dick for leaving friend b behind so friend a can have his little outing
>call out drunk/drugged driving friend in the group chat
>'hope you didn't cause an accident' :)
>everyone knows I'm pissed
>tries to make amends with friend b for fucking him over
>friend b messages me privately to say thanks
>be this morning
>open group chat
>see friend b doing a lil story time, shared a pic as well
>friend a came home
>fucked on xtc and alcohol
>woke up friend b by coming home very loud
>drinks a beer on the couch
>blacks out, spilling beer over himself and the couch
>wanted to shower, couldn't
>eventually fell asleep on the toilet with the door open
>friend b posted the photo in the group chat for all to see
>friend a isn't even awake yet but everyone knows he'll hate his life when he sees it
>and it's deserved
Yeah I have some scrote friends because I'm an autist. I don't see them that often except for friend a, but he's my bf's best friend. Normally I can handle all the stupid shit he does but this was such a dick move so I needed to vent for a bit so sorry for the most boring greentext ever
No. 1171509
>>1171430Hey nonna, breathe. What format is your drawing? Maybe you can do two halves separate, for example? Stick one side in for one scan, then another in another scan.
What I've had good results with is taking a photo of the drawing in good light during the day, making sure not to cast shadows on to it with my hands or phone.
Then, you can fix the Levels in Photoshop, or if the photo was skewed, use the transform tool to warp it to what it's supposed to look like.
What is the drawing of? Are you able to maybe visit a printing shop or a library to scan it?
(integrate) No. 1171524
>>1171485I think i've made less than 100 dollars from it since opening my account 6 years ago kek. I have two designs that are oddly popular but the rest of them have been ignored.
Honestly it's really scummy but I've considered making really generic zoomer approved stuff for sales. Like making poorly drawn doodles of raccoons eating trash saying ACAB or whatever anime flavor of the week. It seems like an easy way to make money if you have no originality. Just sucks for actual artists who wanna do their own thing instead of cater to an audience.
No. 1171545
>>1171509The paper is 28cm x 35cm, I actually tried to do it on 2 halves but it leaves a pretty big shadow on the middle, I'll try to see if I can fix it tomorrow morning tho. I'll also try to take a photo with a phone once the sun goes back. It's a drawing of a video game character, nothing bad so I don't have trouble to take it somewhere but there aren't many printing shops here, I might go to one if it can't be fixed with Photoshop.
Thank you for your advice anon.
No. 1171550
>>1171545nta but making vector layers (when it comes to digital art) helped me a lot. It never loses its quality if it changes the size.
>>1171524Aighty, thank you nonna! I think you need to just draw the work instead of sending it to a postmail by yourself, right? I am drowning in huge commissions due to health bills and having a passive art-income would be nice.
No. 1171692
File: 1652015168315.jpg (19.2 KB, 236x267, 1650725983597.jpg)

>mother's day
>live with parents
>mom has a histrionic fit every fucking holiday for some reason
>ungrateful or outright rejects gifts
>doesn't want to do anything except bitch and clean the house
>darling brother, the favorite child calls and she's placated for a bit
>brother doesn't get her any gifts or cards but just has to call for 10 mins
>meanwhile my dad and I walk on eggshells around her
No. 1171936
File: 1652025781271.jpg (9.27 KB, 252x200, download.jpg)

>>1171240I'm so retarded anons. It's the weekend so of course I can't call the office and make an appointment.
No. 1171979
File: 1652027798409.jpeg (76.72 KB, 416x355, 1608377845565.jpeg)

I can't touch dirty plates I refuse to touch other people's nasty food waste plates I can't do it I simply can't do it I fucking hate it it is a violation of my boundaries it's disgusting and makes me gag and afterwards it makes me want to cry, it's so fucking vile to touch wet food plate and have to wipe my hands off it feels so fucking dirty. The idea of it makes me want to kill somebody. It's so horrible, I don't care if that makes me impossible to hire for a job, nobody should be expected to put someone else's dirty plate away when that other person is fully capable of doing it themselves. Even dirty napkins, it's so fucking gross if you leave your dirty used napkins lying around you are literally scum and deserve to be punched. It's so disgusting it stresses me out immeasurably. I've always been like this and yet I am still demanded to put away nasty dirty leaking plates and it gives me so much rage and misery, just the feel of the fucking wet plate it's such a fucking stupid demonic thing to expect somebody else to do for you. Shit like this is what makes me want to leave society for good and live in total isolation and never see another human being again.
No. 1172059
File: 1652030960459.jpeg (17.89 KB, 206x275, 1651602344273.jpeg)

>>1172027Are you tranny hand anon?
No. 1172075
>>1172059Fucking kek.
>>1172027Go back to reddit or 4chan or whichever male website you came from if you hate women so hard. Damn. I've never seen an unhinged bitch in /ot/ but we constantly have scrotes send cp or other illegal content every day, yet you think some weeb women are worse.
No. 1172151
>>1172140What i like to do around this time of the year is remember my mom. Remember all the sacrifices she made and all the good memories i have. She took me and my sister out on trips and I have good experiences with her. I love my mom. I miss my every day.
I also like to watch movies and listen to music that my mom liked.
No. 1172155
>>1172140My theory is that a lot of nonnies suffer a “mother wound” and/or a dead mother and they gravitate towards an all-female space like this because it’s a way of having a female community without having to actually form real-life bonds with other women. There’s no risk of being rejected or hurt or of losing someone when they’re all just anonymous voices.
Just my 2 cents though and it could be complete crackpot armchair psych shit.
No. 1172160
>>1172151Unfortunately I don't know what kind of music my mom liked and the only movies she'd watch were Pride and Prejudice movie adaptations and Jane Eyre movies. I am just not interested in that. Also her taste in movies and shows was just horrendous.
>>1172155Maybe, though I think all women can benefit from a woman-only online space considering they are a rarity.
No. 1172195
File: 1652034987979.jpg (15.49 KB, 540x611, tumblr_c70c38fcd2084346d31f952…)

HE CAN'T TAKE A FUCKING HINT and I'm starting to think he's either retarded, uninterested or purposely playing dumb, I'm getting bored so eh…I think I'm over this crush
No. 1172220
File: 1652035611546.jpg (13.53 KB, 340x278, 382194-6in-Hello-Kitty-w-Pinea…)

Don't scroll
No. 1172232
>>1172140Mine died when I was barely entering adulthood. I grew up in a house with a weird gender divide so my dad and bro are close and I'm socially awkward so I feel isolated since losing her. Ended up here.
I've seen alot of anons with 'narc moms' aswell. Sometimes I'm sceptical of those. Living at home as an adult can just be difficult but some seem genuinely abused too.
No. 1172246
>>1172243Ignore that anon.
Is it gone btw, I don't see anything?
No. 1172282
File: 1652037593648.jpg (205.13 KB, 770x1024, 20220412_143533.jpg)

>>1172027Yep. Same as me.
It's gross how LC thinks the best way to be a feminist is to be just as unkind, mean, sadistic and plain evil as the worst sorts of men. It's like yall have been hurt by narcissistic eboys to the point you've adopted their personalities as your own as a way of getting back on men.
Just disgusting. There's no empathy or sympathy for other women here. It's just a more corrupt form of libfem, I've even seen anons defending sex work and casual sex.
No. 1172286
File: 1652037692848.png (368.97 KB, 853x480, pulselosthishead.png)

I keep signing up for meetups to get out of my comfort zone and meet people, only to change my mind last minute and not go. I have been doing this for literally months. And it's ridiculous because I know why I do it, I have this (now concsious) belief that I literally have to be perfect in order to be accepted and loved by people. Like I always feel like I have to first develop above the average social skills, look perfect, have another degree, etc and THEN I can go out and meet people guiltfree. And I KNOW it's bs and it comes from the way I was raised but I still nope out last minute
No. 1172300
>>1172284It probably is or another larping moid. The retarded "hating a gender full of abusers, rapist and murders makes you just as bad as them!!" and "you're just mad chad left you" shit combined with the image straight from /pol/ checks out.
I'm glad that even after all threads and boards got hidden or closed, feminists and radfem nonnas still make the moids seethe endlessly.
No. 1172311
File: 1652038704453.jpg (94.28 KB, 1080x710, hzvgbmx9l5y81.jpg)

Here's my vent. I'm tired of having to pretend I support Ukraine and the bizarre fever pitch propaganda environment around this stupid mafia state.
I hope Russia doubles down and goes full total war on them. Sick of morons who know nothing about this part of the world suddenly becoming experts.
No. 1172328
>>1172303I'm sure it will make you feel guilty, but it's not your responsibility and him falling is a
valid concern. She should look into hiring a carer for the times she wants to go out, since it was her decision to take care of him.
No. 1172376
File: 1652041282008.jpg (399.26 KB, 2000x1500, calculations.jpg)

Someone that I used to be really good friend with migh have made a very harsh comment on twitter that could apply to a project that I'm currently doing. I have a weird pit in my stomach because it has some truth to it. Although if she is talking abour my art ( maybe she wasn't at all and I'm going insane ) the whole thing made me realize that I actually progressed a lot more than her from what I can see trough her social media. It such a weird feeling because I can't shake off this comment but also I would like to believe that it is a bit motivated by jealousy. The truth is that I might be crazy and project my own insecurity on a random comment that she made about someone else. If anyone has live through something similar and has advices I would love to hear it!
No. 1172382
>>1172379Holy shit that’s awful. Can you request a change? Start a sabotaging plan
No. 1172390
>>1172386Poles are the only country in Eastern Europe that joined America in their invasion of Iraq. They're pathetic bootlickers. The rest are presently demanding WW3 for the sake of Eastern Ukraine.
Pathetic and insane.
No. 1172400
File: 1652042266503.jpeg (76.85 KB, 512x404, 24538839-FA16-43AD-8655-63B743…)

I will NEVER AGAIN let a MAN make me feel these emotions again I am dead and will never feel hurt like this again. Fuck them all.
No. 1172406
>>1172388>Whether that person is talking shit about you specifically or not doesn’t really matter.You are absolutely right and it's actually a much more saner way of looking at it because I get to take out all the weird emotional aspect of it. Her comment was about art style similary and I already got some feed back that my project reminded them of a specific other work. I don't think that the art syle was that original so I didn't relly paid too much attention about it but now after seeing this random message, I kind off feel uncomfortable with how similar some aspects are. Now, I think that I'm going to give up on a very specific shot just so I can feel more in peace with all of this. Thank you
nonnie for answering, this was weirdly therapeutic
No. 1172454
File: 1652047012786.png (93.51 KB, 1310x219, 6fb00.png)

>>1172115nta but stuff like this
No. 1172457
I wish I could die in my sleep, that would make everything better for everyone in my family, no more worrying about paying for my tuition, food, medicines, water and such.
I’ve always wanted to die, since I was pretty young, I feel like I’m either borderline or maybe my autism is so strong that any minimal annoyance makes me wish I could just kill myself or that I could go to sleep and never wake up.
I just want to be like other young people that just died by mysterious circumstances, I’m honestly envious about that one moid who used to attend the same school I went to, that died in his sleep for some brain shit he had because he was a broken moid.
If I could die in a similar way, preferably with minimum to no pain, things would get better at home, I wouldn’t feel miserable for no reason and everyone would finally sigh in relief because there’s no more need to spend money on me other than for my simple funeral. Actually, dying right now would be ideal, since the coof is still going on, nobody would be allowed to look at my body after dying, I would just get cremated or buried and that would be the end of the story.
No. 1172461
File: 1652047887883.png (38.71 KB, 639x301, fd3bd6384b2068cb2c0c16645ec047…)

I feel like the way UK newspapers and media hyperfocus and highlight female sexual abusers is very calculated and tries to sell the whole "gotcha! look everyone women can be abusive too!! just as much as men!!" bs. It's strange how almost every woman knows a male rapist/male sexual abuser yet none of these disgusting males really make headlines even if they are arrested and jailed for it, or you at least have to dig a little bit for them compared to the whole female teacher and student scandals that gets MRAs riled up.
It kind of reminds me how even stuff like domestic violence is just a competition of one-up and gotcha now, with the amber and johnny trial. I can name so many men, famous or otherwise, who have belted and physically harmed a woman and no one cares yet as soon as a woman is put in that spotlight everyone flocks to it to act as if women are equally as abusive as men. "Men probably have a higher rate of sexual assault than women they just don't come forward about it" yeah fucking right, and if they do, they're rarely ever raped by another woman. Look at the scrotes in your own communities and under your own roof before you try and pin this shit on us because it's never going to work.
No. 1172462
>>1172461Eh. Men fuck themselves again because whenever a female rapist new comes out, I see a bunch of incels say they wish they were the "
victim". Men know they can't possibly be raped unless it's a pedophilic situation.
No. 1172507
File: 1652052608684.jpg (110.92 KB, 1200x700, imretarded.jpg)

I relate, I was literally the class "that girl" and nobody liked me and I heard similar shit. I'm also 27 and still angry about it. Bullying and trauma literally causes changes in the brain.
No. 1172522
>>1172515That's fucked up anon I'm sorry. I had a similar experience with an awful psychology teacher. Funny thing too is I was probably the best student in the class. But we had to write a thing about what we wanna be in the future. I told her I didn't know how to do the assignment because I had no idea. She went off on me and said that my generation (millennials) were so apathetic and aimless.
Well I guess she was right because 11 years later I'm still fucking clueless kek.
No. 1172551
>>1172548Why don’t you pirate it
nonny? Also I love girl from nowhere so much
No. 1172562
>>1172551Do you know where I might pirate it? I'm looking, but I can't find anywhere.
>>1172553Anon above gave you the best synopsis without getting too into it!
No. 1172696
File: 1652071146022.jpeg (58.05 KB, 640x635, 81105A5E-F38C-45A2-A73D-1508B5…)

>fucking chillin on sunday night
>ah let’s pop into Shayna thread while my games in queue
>sees a pedophile coomer anonymously interacting with his own daughter’s sexwork acc, buying her sex toys, and she had no idea
I can’t handle being alive on this earth
No. 1172737
>>1170887No worries, I completely understand. I've had both since I was 3/4. I cried when I was in first grade when my mom came back with a chunk of my hair from parent teacher night. I had a couple of years of freedom before I regressed. BFRBs are hell and no one but other BFRBs suffers understand.
>I think the mouth biting behavior comes from a place of frustrated communication.I had an articulation disorder as a child and my family constantly talks over me. It makes sense.
>For what it's worth I actually managed to not chew on myself (as much) for the rest of the evening so maybe my curse worked, kek. sending calming vibes your way sisterThat's great! I think taking it day by day helps. Thank you. I hope one day you can achieve peace. ♥
No. 1172757
File: 1652077196330.jpg (29.39 KB, 567x411, uVWQsWE.jpg)

I want to sleep but I physically, comfortably can't.
No. 1172764
File: 1652078004718.jpeg (31.03 KB, 474x355, FC6A91F3-3942-453E-9734-4CDEA0…)

I hate it when I want to witness some drama but lolcow is dead. I am poking you with a stick nonnas, go fight or something
No. 1172802
File: 1652080166370.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.55 KB, 1089x1483, 6124lnnz6uL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

>>1172796>Meanwhile the average man would definitely screw a pieYou are right about this. Maybe you could cut the chicken sandwich up, and put it into a translucent dildo like picrel.
No. 1172822
File: 1652080575278.jpg (45.19 KB, 750x691, EAmr-PAWsAEoiWR.jpg)

Don't scroll
I really gotta log off tonight after that. Be safe anons.
No. 1172839
File: 1652081015019.jpg (239.2 KB, 2024x2101, 1649568964559.jpg)

is it gone nonnies
No. 1172846
File: 1652081122413.jpeg (93.3 KB, 576x400, 5D181C2A-D97F-4E7E-BBD3-746FB0…)

Bump don’t scroll
No. 1172849
File: 1652081178595.jpg (43.01 KB, 378x457, ducky3.jpg)

He's bumping his bullshit too
No. 1172857
File: 1652081287823.gif (1.68 MB, 275x202, 0DCF1D16-69A9-4A1F-90FA-1020C2…)

Bump for male degeneracy
No. 1172877
File: 1652081481124.jpg (27.39 KB, 335x438, ducky2.jpg)

>>1172869>>1172872to infight so hard that the thread gets constantly bumped? kek
No. 1172886
File: 1652081596611.jpg (44.95 KB, 564x752, 1651892263385.jpg)

>>1172877oh kek i thought anon wanted a point made to her dumbass so she'd stop bitching about women and 2D men not just constant bumping but i see
No. 1172887
File: 1652081603007.jpeg (462.33 KB, 828x817, 3DD1D048-35C8-48F6-8EF9-2452C4…)

I hate men so much, I just wanted to read /ot/ while having breakfast and now I genuinely feel nauseous
No. 1172927
File: 1652082416852.jpeg (38.13 KB, 630x466, D7712881-F9C0-417A-9BBD-34B723…)

Can everyone please keep bumping and reporting I have to go to work I hate men so much I wish they would
All die I’m going to do everything in my power to make them all seething and miserable
No. 1172934
File: 1652082543788.jpg (26.87 KB, 275x267, 1651103787466.jpg)

>>1172927ill continue for you
nonnie No. 1172946
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>>1172934Thank you. Please keep reporting and bumping I know it’s disgusting to see but we can’t let evil win.
No. 1172947
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>>1172945Yes it is my morning which is just ducking perfect but oh well. So many good nonnis here that will take over
No. 1172951
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>>1172927Hope you have a good day at work nona, I’ll be bumping too
No. 1172956
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>>1172951I love you all except men rapists and pedos kill them all
No. 1172995
>>1172770You're probably right that she's probably too young to understand gender ideology. From what I gathered though, the book doesn't even have an ideology stated. It's just a positive message about acceping one's body.
>>1172775My consideration about doing something like this is definitely partially due to my frustration with my sister. She is diagnosed with BPD and has had a history of bizarre, unhealthy behavior and beliefs. She does seem to be trying her best to be a good mother though where my own parents failed her and is hypersensitive to possibly
abusive situations. My last conversation with her though was a bit annoying though since she's almost a full-on TRA and I'm almost certain just gets a lot of her social justice beliefs from Instagram.
No. 1173066
>>1173059He’s literally chiding us for being dumb female whores when he is the lowest life form imaginable: a pedo.
I genuinely think the person posting is the one who took the photos and it’s his disgusting small cock and fat belly and fucking pokemon bedsheets we can see.
Someone call the fucking fbi. Mods trace his ip.
No. 1173133
>>1173123other than bitch about it to the mod, that they need to fix this shit with better mod activity and probably more moderation to allowing new threads to be posted. These shouldn't be posted right away.
Why isn't their a flag system that hides posts until the mods review it and also locks IP addresses until mod thinks the account is okay. I know this is anon website but fuck that if this is the outcome of it
No. 1173158
>>1173146I can't believe 4channies are more protected, how a degen place like that has more shit in place to prevent this nightmare.
>>1173141The fact that isn't a thing still after this bullshit is disgusting
>>1173155I will do all of that shit if that meant no more CP or allow VPNS. No thank you
>>1173157How big is lc compared to degenland?
No. 1173366
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No. 1173404
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It's such a sad existence to post nasty images on the Internet and feeling accomplished over it. It's sort of hilarious, but in a sad way. Such a big boy, living in his mother's basement and slamming the keyboard with his Cheetos-crusted sausage fingers while sweating out the energ drinks he lived on that day. Good boy, you've done nothing
No. 1173435
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bump because cp
No. 1173452
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There's only one thing I want and is to be Rosalie here
No. 1173474
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bumping bc cp
No. 1173480
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The pedophile scrote posting this is fucking retarded. literally too retarded to even realise that anyone who investigates this site about the cp tips is obviously going to notice this is not a cp website - does he expect it to get shut down? fucking retard.
whenever you feel like you should give males a chance just remember that THIS is what they do when they feel wronged or like a victim of society.
No. 1173490
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>>1173404Kek right? Just the thought of these moids going "hueheueheuehe that'll show them!!1!!11!!!" makes me cackle. They're so pathetic and small.
No. 1173608
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I went to a city in a more progressive area and I saw a cute gnc woman walking hand in hand with an AGP troon and "trans rights are human rights" stickers were everywhere.
No. 1173642
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Using box cutters triggers me unfortunately. Not because I used to self harm (which I did lel) but because when I was studying graphic design the first time, someone made me cry extremely bad while using a box cutter. They told me I would never graduate and become a graphic designer if I didn't know how to properly cut shit with a blade. I did graduate in another school but I haven't worked as a graphic designer and I pretty much plan not to, so maybe they were onto something.
No. 1173649
>>1173633How is it lame? Lol
>>1173640Yep, i like wearing baggy and loose fitted clothing and the way they sag and how big they are is embarrassing sometimes it makes me look obese i hate it… saving up for the breast reduction surgery i wanna be a b cup
No. 1173683
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>>1173635>>1173611hello fellow filipino nonas i know we voted for what's right i love you i pray for a hopeful future. i cant think of whats in store for the youth
>>1173571yes and thank you nona. let this be a lesson to your country as well.
>>1173623i want to so bad. i'm very concerned as the leading candidate is willing to sell us off to china and drop treaties for them. im concerned about the poor and working sector.
No. 1173695
>>1171414thank you nonna, i spoke to him yesterday again and am feeling even more like this now
>>1171631he's the same age as me lol
No. 1173714
Bruh I'm going though so much stress righ now, but I feel completely numb. I'm the anon who's getting deported. I'll reapply for a new visa in my home country and thankfully my employer so far is still going to give me a new offer that I can show the embassy. But idk, I feel like they're not gonna go though with it, and when I'm out of this country they won't give me the offer. Also I have 2 cats that I need to find someone to take care of for at least 3 months, possibly more, possibly forever if I'm not able to come back. Also also, I'm not working anymore for obvious reasons, so no more incoming money. I have savings, but idk how much this whole ordeal is gonna cost. I want to cry and die, I have myself because it's all my fault and I'm retarded, shit the bed and ruined my whole life by being irresponsible. I hate being alive so fucking much, I hate having to take care of myself, I'm in so much distress, fuck, I want to give up and just stay in my moms house forever hikikomori style, play video games all day, do idk what else until I get absolutely fed up and die
No. 1173725
>>1173709ayrt, shop assistants can be hit or miss, even in specialty stores. At least in my experience. I got very accurate results with this calculator. Doesn't hurt to double check. And yeah slouching makes it look worse. Building your core and back muscles can help to alleviate some of the pain and fix your posture.
No. 1173790
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I can't stand looking at this Argonian looking moid anymore. Boyegachan stop spamming him in every thread for the love of fucking god holy shit.
No. 1173800
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>>1173790he got da diaper on
No. 1173828
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Why are men? And who gave them the right? Those who frequent Shayna’s thread might understand.
No. 1173863
>>1173828dude looks 65 yet talking about women looking older.
The audacity and narcissism of men.
No. 1173873
>>1173863Also the immense delusion. Sure, young women can't wait to throw themselves at a divorced, most likely misogynistic, bald, pudgy dweeb scrote when they have way better options their age. Notice how he's so stuck on looks and mentions nothing about personality or hobbies?
>I don't think I'm grotesque.Someone fetch this poor mf some glasses.
>And a little help on what NOT to do, or say, would be appreciated.Jfc you're 51! How can you have so little common sense?
No. 1173897
>>1173893Don't confuse ego with high self esteem
nonny. If he had self esteem, he wouldn't be such a desperate scrote.
No. 1174044
nonny. They absolutely do have really high self esteem. No one puts scrotes' looks down and they are told by media that girls love ugly old grandpas.
Remember that the next time man tries to neg you or when you feel bad about you looks.
>>1171069Kinda related to it. Moids are so braindead about negging, I also dumped my last bf because of it. It never works unless you're a total doormat and even then it's not a good relationship. Most women are gonna dump them. Pure retardation.
No. 1174179
>>1172379Are you in the UK anon?
Complain; sex (as in gender before the woke generation hijacked that word) is still a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010., contact ask for support.
Trust me, many people are peaking right now, and you don't have to put up with this shit.
Anne Robinson added herself to the fray this week , saying that only people with vaginas are women, KEK!!
No. 1174218
>>1174211I'm sorry but if it's a lalafell it is probably most likely a troon. I'm sorry that you're dealing with that
nonnie because it's so frustrating. All the other women I play with just lust after the husbandos, but never say excessive stuff like that. Are you on Crystal?
No. 1174229
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>my old best friend is estranged and stopped talking to me because her scrote who she is now engaged to (then bf) didn’t like me
>I’m still friends with her on social media (idek why) there was this one time when we still talked irl where she saw me in public but didn’t bother saying hi because she was with her man, and one time I went to go see her but her bf threw a fit and she had to console him instead of hanging out
>randomly left old group chat and bumps it 5 months ago
>that’s weird.. but ok
>does it again recently but with like 4 of them
>these are from over 5 years ago…
>they all get bumped and I can’t even see the previous messages
She’s so weird and like i don’t know, I regret being friends with her, I hate that she’s still with that guy I hope they break up. Like they almost did one time and she was gonna stay at my place, but they made up and while I was waiting for her to show up, she just didn’t text me. I was like hmm i haven’t had a friend since besides some mean little homo who was so annoying and always called me a “whore” and negged me for my appearance, he even stole from me a few times. I have no friends and it looks like the girl I used to be best friends with doesn’t either, she just uses her bfs social circle. And not that often, he’s a coomer and they have anal sex.
No. 1174235
>>1174229He probably manipulates and brainwashes her and sees you as a threat. Abusers always keep their
victims isolated from the world, specially support systems.
No. 1174243
>>1174212Yeah, the irony is I got tired of being hit on as an Au ra so I changed to a lalafell for a hopefully more peaceful life, but I guess peace is never an option in an RPG with ERPers. Oh well… I don't know what to do… he/she messages me all the time and we're already friends so… shit… idk what to do. I'm going to lean into the whole "my boyfriend" thing and hopefully he/she backs off.
>>1174218That's frustrating then. But no, I'm on Aether.
No. 1174249
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