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No. 1135590
ignore scrote posts, do not reply to scrote posters
>>>/ot/1122741 No. 1135648
i honestly don’t feel sorry for kaya lili aka toxic tears. i hadn’t checked on the goth thread in a while and have just started catching up on her breakup with jake. if this were the other way around people would be celebrating her kicking her deadbeat, fat, musty, basically common law husband out of the house for no reason in the middle of a cold night to live in a warehouse with no heat or running water. kaya is lazy and entitled and even now that she’s on the verge of homelessness, all she does is get tattoos, stuff her face, run around in cemeteries, and moan about getting an apartment or house in belfast during a housing crisis while ignoring a million solutions to her problems because wah wah, muh friends. there’s one particular whiteknight in the goth threads who defends her like it’s the knights templar and constantly comes up with a myriad of justifications for her not doing things despite it being several months into her post breakup life with nothing to show for it. she won’t work despite being sick of youtube, won’t go to university or travel outside her irish bubble. she just rests on the fact that she’s tall and beautiful. and her friends enable her because she has money…if they really loved her and cared for her they would tell her to stop getting unnecessary tattoos, get a job or a degree or something, look for places to live, etc. she is going to be 30 something with no life and no future, still moaning and claiming depreshun whenever she has to act like an adult and be responsible for herself.
No. 1135709
>>1135691>coffin dodgersKek
>>1135696Women aren't seething about the girls, they're seething because the girls are blatantly getting tricked into relationships with shit men and the said girls rather take their man's words than any female friend/relative until the old guy inevitably gets bored and goes for another younger woman.
I hate disgusting old men and the women who try their best to nornalize age gap relationship are disgusting too, I'm 20 btw so this isn't jealousy or bitterness, I'm just tied old men think I'd be into them because they managed to trick a dumb younger girl into a relationship once.
No. 1135713
>>1135709I'm not talking about that, nona. I agree with you on this subject. I'm talking about the women who spend way too much time sperging about zoomers and insisting all women (and specifically women, they somehow never mention men) younger than them are cancerous OnlyFans TikTokers who suck tranny cock. They think they're being real or something, but then they implode when anyone points out that women up to their 30s in the west fall under the exact same stereotypes. It's this weird fake "Get off my lawn" shit, they're cosplaying as boomers but they're just as cringe as the younger people. They're also just as afraid of getting old as the 18 year old counterparts and have meltdowns about it, insane skincare routines, vent posts about how their life is over, etc but they hide it under all these levels of mendacity, nastiness toward younger women and fake acceptance. Of course not all women in their mid to late 20s and up are like this, but it's a certain breed I find really annoying, and I never see them get called out. I have a feeling they were the exact same dd/lg age gap types we're complaining about back when they were younger, and now they're just trying too hard to show they're above it now
No. 1135735
>>1135728Did you mean to tag
>>1135723? Because it’s true. Fat women who sneer at fit and thin women are pathetic and trying to redefine themselves as normal when they’re not. You act like it’s all about scrotes, no it isn’t. Some people like being active and sports and that’s better than having fat sex with a mediocre scrote with a fat fetish.
No. 1135736
>>1135732I like how your only defence is “stop talking about it! Stop saying it! Go away!”
Fuck off authoritatian-chan
No. 1135801
>>1135713Oh I totally agree with you, then. There may be retarded chronically online zoomies but not all of them are like those ones anons always complain about.
>>1135720This. I've had so many obese girls call me skelly even though I have a healthy bmi and tell me I was ugly for being thin, kek. Fatties are delusional.
No. 1135844
Older women seethe infinitely more at younger women than vice versa. You’d know this if you ever worked in retail as 80% of the job is being seethed at and spoken down to by older women. Most of the age seething on this site comes from mid 20s - early 30s nonnas who have an enormous hateboner for girls 16 - 22 and sperg about them all day. This is especially pathetic, since if you’re in that age bracket, you’re also considered a young person but you’re acting like a boomer lite, despite the fact that a lot of boomer and old women will shit all over you AND the teenagers you constantly sneer at any chance they get because they share the same envy and contempt.
>>1135713Got it spot on.
Before you tell me to do my homework, I’m 27.
No. 1135880
A very large faction of the male population are non-exclusive pedophiles or hebephiles (meaning they have an attraction to children, but not only children). There are also far, far more bisexual men than most people realize. It's not commonly acknowledged, because literally the only men who are honest about defining their sexualities do so when it becomes a "problem" in their life and they literally can't function in normal society, or when certain things become mainstream. The rest may talk about it in confidence, but they'll expect you to just overlook it and keep calling them straight/normal/average/etc. Often, even when they do act on those attractions, they'll give you a laundry list of excuses, and no one calls them out. This is such a typical behavior we've been primed to accept that some feminists take it at face value
We've talked here about political lesbianism, but I think we need to take a look at men and their allegiance to "political heterosexuality". Shit honestly feels like mass gaslighting, especially when their attractions sometimes leak into normal life (re: women aging)
No. 1135891
>>1135883Why? Funny you call me "sis", I've noticed when I bring this up in any space with males present, they take on a very similar tone before getting mad. Some of them do admit it, but only one on one.
If you're a woman, can you explain why nearly every single one of us has some experience of being creeped on and/or catcalled either when our ages are in single digits, or starting from like 10 or 11? If we take scrotes and their claims of non-deviancy at face value, that shouldn't be so common, especially spanning across different cultures/countries, and yet…
>>1135884>I can even coerce a "yeah i'd fuck a guy if he was girly/a bottom etc etc' from straight dudes.This exactly. At this point, "straight" (for men) just seems like a social position. Actual straight men feel like a minority, and that may or may not have something to do with porn. Bisexual men are not in good social standing, and that's that
No. 1135930
>>1135911Whenever I see people crying about ivf I just kek. Why do you care so much about whether women choose to have children and whether it's their biological ones or adopted? The people who cry about IVF havers never adopt or even donate money to children charities either but they act all holier than thou.
It's selfish to have children, it's selfish to not have children because you want the time and money for yourself, it's selfish to adopt a kid just so you can force your culture and upbringing style to a random already traumatized kid especially if you're adopting because it's your last chance and don't actually want to mother some stranger's child.
>>1135922IVF isn't related to other women's wombs. It's in vitro fertilization. They put the fetilized egg in the mother's womb, making another woman carry it would be
abusive though, I agree.
No. 1135952
>>1135930IVF will make those women high risk pregnancies. It will increase the risk of birth defects by at least 6 times. The risk of autism by 4. On average IVF babies have at least a 20 hit lower IQ. Those children are fucked because genetically they weren’t supposed to exist. Stop fucking nature up. The drugs necessary to make it work are ducking
No. 1135981
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it's messed up to make kids live with men, older brothers, etc.
if people actually cared about csa, they would go to any length to prevent it. the typical household structure (whether it's a nuclear family or extended) makes it obvious that 90% of pedo hate is just for show.
No. 1135993
>>1135911Hard agree. Here they're even publicly funded, which is just retarded. There was recently a program about infertility on the radio where a woman cried about not getting publicly funded ivf for her SECOND child, what a fucking idiot.
Having biological children is not a human right ffs. (And before anyone starts reeing about eugenics, let me clarify that I don't support forcibly sterilizing people, but I don't support medicalised fertility treatments, either.) I understand that infertility sucks if you wanted to have children, but too bad. You can't get everything you want sometimes.
No. 1136029
>>1135952>On average IVF babies have at least a 20 hit lower IQ. Funny how studies such as this one show that children born via IVF literally score higher in reading and mathematics. >>1135930This. I have no idea why people get so pissed off about IVF, I guess people also shouldn't be given a c-section done either since that's unnatural and playing god, the mother and the baby should just die in birth. Having children is not a human right, I fully agree, but if there are options for people to help them conceive that aren't unethical (like surrogacy) then why shouldn't they take that opportunity? A lesbian couple can't have children "naturally" either, should they just give up artificial insemination as well? As for adoption, not everyone is the right family for that option. The screening process is
very long and thorough and requires a lot of money (more than IVF) and even then the child is in increased risk of not bonding with the adoptive parents and having to switch homes being traumatized further and further.
No. 1136031
>>1135930The IVF thing gets posted ad nauseam every few weeks and It's weird to me when they say "just adopt", because I don't think most of them would even adopt.
I guess my unpopular opinion is that it's not bad to not want to adopt, even if you can't have your own kids.
No. 1136039
>>1136007>And if those mothers end up regretting their decision and want their children back they will have little support in doing so. Honestly why should it be easy to get your child back after giving them up? Unless they signed them away under duress or coercion (trafficking, or domestic abuse which is hard to prove even on an individual basis) it should be a difficult process just on principle. Children don't deserve to be traded around like chattel and it can very much confuse and damage them. Are women with proper resources and support systems to have enabled their child to be raised in a healthy environment in the first place really the ones adopting out their kids anyway?
Like it's harsh but I have never seen poor single teenage moms have their children turn out for the better unless they came from wealthy families or just had a lot of support. Abortion would have been a better option for them, but failing that, their kids statistically had a better chance with an employed adult couple.
No one gives a shit about someone's "regrets" if the welfare of their kids would have suffered for them.
No. 1136043
>>1136007Based. Adoption business is shady as fuck and there should be a worldwide, thorough investigation regarding it. A lot of the times the families aren't also told of the child's physical or mental problems so they get coupled with homes that can't properly accommodate them.
>>1136031The hate against IVF sounds like some bitter poorfag condition due to the discussion inevitably going to the "it's for rich privileged bitches to create designer babies!!!!!" when plenty of countries offer state-funded IVF to normal women with fertility problems. Around 1 in 10 women have endometriosis which can cause infertility or problems with conceiving, that's a very large percentage to be told to "just adopt" or "deal with it" if they want to have children, especially when it's probably coming from people who
can conceive naturally.
Sometimes it also sounds like it's bitter incels with womb envy mad that women can be helped to have children instead of becoming the dead egg shriveled womb harpie who deserved what she got for not having children at 21.
No. 1136044
>>1135993 >Here they're even publicly funded, which is just retarded. There was recently a program about infertility on the radio where a woman cried about not getting publicly funded ivf for her SECOND childSeen and heard stories like this where I live too. Idc if someone pays for their own ivf, I see that as their own business but couples who want to milk the system dry having it paid for over and over again do annoy me. If you can't afford the ivf are you in a great position to pay for the kid itself once it gets here? Are we paying for the conception of a kid who will then spend it's life being supported by state benefits too? Half the time we are.
The main thing I've seen is people who used up their 3 funded rounds and still didn't get the baby so they rushed to newspapers to demand a change. ffs just throw up a gofundme page if you're so inclined to cry to the public about it. Thousands down the drain on these people.
No. 1136058
>>1136043 >plenty of countries offer state-funded IVF to normal women with fertility problemsOne thing that sat funny with me for years is how I lived in a country where abortion did not exist, women would nearly kill themselves trying to get rid of babies in a panic and yet ivf was funded and the bill for that was obscene a few years ago. I just want for women who don't want kids, who want to ensure they're safe from that to get funded as readily as they'll do with ivf seekers. That's just my backward country though.
People would cry about abortion being unnatural but then happily tax fund ivf. It really picks and chooses when to allow women to feel supported. 'Kids good, childless woman bad' kind of thing.
No. 1136069
>>1135656I've been there and it ended in every form of abuse you can list. To this day my dad still sings his mans praises depsite me admitting it was
abusive. I can see how I ended up there kek. I have to laugh about it now or I'll lose my mind thinking back.
No. 1136081
>>1136039Are you retarded? Anon was talking about teens mothers. If a girl's gives birth at 13 and feels pressured to give her child away when she herself is literally a child, she should have the chance to take her child back or at least contact the child. You radicalized people really see everything in black and white, huh?
Don't you realize most adopted kids end up in shit families or dont even get adopted at all? If you care so much, adopt a child yourself but I know these adoption advertisers would rather die than adopt a child themselves.
No. 1136084
>>1135720Hunger is actually induced by hormones and/or blood sugar levels, which obesity is proven to exacerbate and throw out of balance thus making them feel "hungry" in spite of fat reserves. On the same token, obese individuals are often malnourished in part by the nutritionally devoid foods some consume, but also because excess adipose literally zaps the bioavailability of certain vitamins i.e. Vit D for their bodies to use and so their processes are technically doing the right thing to send signals for more food.
Is this a troll or are farmers regressing on established science in lieu of moralistic virtue signaling? "Greed" just because someone wants an extra meal lmao. Meanwhile, crickets for billionaires literally exploiting people and the planet.
No. 1136089
>>1136043>The hate against IVF sounds like some bitter poorfag condition>Sometimes it also sounds like it's bitter incels with womb envy mad that women can be helped to have children instead of becoming the dead egg shriveled womb harpie who deserved what she got for not having children at 21.This. I hate it when random retards try to dictate women's reproductive rights. They're acting like women are evil for wanting their children and not some other random child who, if the woman doesn't want to adopt, will never really be able to be comfortable with.
Why are women forced to adopt and raise random children but men don't get this shit? Men can divorce three wives just because they couldn't get pregnant but a woman will be called a selfish and disgusting for something much less extreme?
The IVF-haters parrot scrote propoganda and literally seethe so hard because a woman refused to mother random children who are most likely way mor mentally and physically ill than the children she'd have via IVF.
No. 1136103
>>1136100I love how you posted this twice because you just had to add in 'you're evil'
Who'd you fight with? lol
No. 1136106
>>1136089People brought up a lot of things against IVF that wasn't "just adopt". No one's forcing people to adopt either if they don't want to.
>>1136098I've watched some talk show with like 3 minor celebrity guests that all went through IVF and brought their toddlers in and discussed how they developed brain tumors and chronic health problems.
No. 1136107
>>1136081>If a girl's gives birth at 13 and feels pressured to give her child away There is no way a 13 year old girl is emotionally or financially capable of raising a baby. It will be raised by someone else, whether that's by the adults within her family, or what the state will supplement.
Sorry not sorry, but you're acting like a retard. "Pressure" in this context is just doing the right thing. The actual flaw is not having granted the 13 year old an abortion, and before that brainwashing her into thinking responsible motherhood was possible and there would be no bodily risk at her age. A 13 year old is a child. She cannot consent to sex, she cannot comprehend the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth.
Those were the crimes, not doing what's best for the baby who didn't get a choice to be born.
It doesn't mean it isn't tragic, but that's literally for the best.
>she should have the chance to take her child back or at least contact the childWhich is it? Your argument was that she gets the right to take the child back any time she regrets it. Most adoptive parents don't actually have a problem with allowing their adoptive child contact with their birth parents.
The fact is, however, you don't get to take a child back when you're in a better place and it's convenient for you. The child has an attachment with the adoptive parents, and so do the adoptive parents with their child.
It would be unfair, and if birth parents could just waltz back and take their bio children on a whim then why would anyone bother with adoption if the children cannot be theirs at all? No one would cause that's bullshit.
>Don't you realize most adopted kids end up in shit families or dont even get adopted at all? Most biological children are born into and stay in shit families, and the child protective services are often toothless to do anything about it. Adoptive parents have to endure way more screenings and accountability than biological parents.
>Or they don't get adopted at all?Tell the truth: Those children either have behavioral or medical conditions that would have made their lots no better off had they stayed with their birth parents who weren't equipped to care for them in the first place. It's sad, but it's not on the individuals seeking adoption to handle them when even the biological parents weren't capable of that.
>If you care so much, adopt a child yourselfReverse uno.
No. 1136111
>>1136081>If a girl's gives birth at 13 and feels pressured to give her child away when she herself is literally a child, she should have the chance to take her child back or at least contact the child. Lmao so you want a 13 year old to raise a child just because the child mom may "regret" it? That's ridiculous. How traumatizing would it be for you to raise a child and then once your kid's birth mom is "old" enough or regrets giving her child up for adoption that your child is taken away from you for that reason? How might that fuck up the kid?
I feel like people who are obsessed with the idea that only bio parents are real parents are a bit crazy. Some of you act like a drug addict mom who claims she will love and care for her kids is somehow more fit to raise her children than a mom who has the resources and is determined to give her kids the best life. Both may want the best for their kid, but one scenario is far more likely to result in well balanced kids than the other. Just because your bio mom was great doesn't mean that's always the case.
No. 1136118
>>1136107So if a girl gives birth at 13, has her child forcibly taken away, she shouldn't ever have the rights to see her again? You also think the same child is better off suffering and not getting adopted rather than being returned to her mother once the said mother is actually an adult who can consent and make life choices herself?
You're thinking black and white again and while you're defending the adoption system, you're also saying the kids who can't find parents don't deserve to be taken care of as if they're damaged goods.
You sound like someone who doesn't have the ability to think emotionally or empathize with people because thinking it's totally ok for kids to grow up without a family or end up in a bad family and not have the resources to try and find their biological parents isn't normal.
No. 1136128
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>over lifetime
Also if there's a statistically significant rate of women developing meningiomas right after fertility treatments, it's not a huge mystery.
No. 1136145
>>1136138This is beautiful anon. I wish for the best for you.
>>1136139Those are genetic cancers. You might be likely to develop it too if it runs in the family.
No. 1136147
>>1136118>has her child forcibly taken away, she shouldn't ever have the rights to see her again?Yes, unless the adoptive parents are informed of the situation and deem it appropriate as it's their call.
Sorry, but she's 13. What should have happened was an abortion. A 13 year old birthing a child is fucking repulsive and a tragedy and should be investigated as child abuse.
The failure is on her parents for not giving her access to birth control, abortion, or protecting her from the scrote who knocked her up. If you want someone to be angry at, be mad at the child's parents who allowed their daughter to be caught in a horrendous and traumatic situation.
It doesn't mean anyone's incapable of empathy to admit that a 13 year old is incapable of bringing any substance to child rearing or having a positive impact on the baby's upbringing.
No one is saying it doesn't suck or that it isn't sad.
>You also think the same child is better off suffering and not getting adoptedThey are better off as a ward of the state as opposed to being given back to a birth parent who cannot provide, yes.
>once the said mother is actually an adult who can consent and make life choices herself?Define "adult." Just because she turns 18 doesn't mean she's an adult suddenly capable of raising a kid. Maybe she should have to jump through the same tests and financial hoops that adoptive parents have to do to prove it.
That would actually be fair and ensure the welfare of the kid.
>You're thinking black and white again No that seems to be you, considering you don't believe kids in the system are "taken care of" at any capacity and so we're better off doling them back out to any biological parent with regrets.
>you're also saying the kids who can't find parents don't deserve to be taken care of as if they're damaged goods Literally did not say this, calm yourself and quit arguing from a place of emotion.
No. 1136151
>>1136145You're so sweet. Thank you,
And yes, everyone spewing cancer this and that bullshit needs to realize A LOT of cancer is genetic sadly. There are preventable methods, but most just happen because it runs in the family. I have high blood pressure from both sides, kek. I need to watch what i eat.
No. 1136164
>>1136147I'm assuming you're unaware most of the kids in those facilities get raped or assaulted? You're thinking black and white. Staying in a facility where no one cares for the child's well-being and the caretakers are free to do whatever, there's a high chance the child will get abused either by other kids or adults.
Judging from your obsession, writing style and the effort to act like you're all facts and logic while other people are dumb because they have emotions, you're also probably autistic. I assume you're won't have children, you shouldn't,
. People like you having to children are much more likely to have autistic or mentally ill children than an average woman having IVF.
>>1136151Yes, like most things cancer is genetic and don't let some weird people here trick you into thinking you'll definitely get cancer just because you made a choice about your reproductive health they disagree with. At this point they're trying so hard to control women's bodies and choices I could believe they're conservative men larping.
No. 1136178
>>1136173The first anons weren't arguing about the risks but rather how IVF is selfish and how evil it is that rich people get whatever they want.
>>1136175I misunderstood, sorry anon.
No. 1136188
>>1136164>I'm assuming you're unaware most of the kids in those facilities get raped or assaulted? Are you unaware that the majority of child abuse and child sexual assault happens when children are with their biological families? People are out there abusing and murdering their own biological kids, yet you'd have us believing there's a government facility someplace for vulnerable kids treating them like slaughterhouse animals.
You're the one thinking in black and white because it's beneficial for your argument to ignore the fact that biological families are just as
abusive and a threat to children.
>Staying in a facility where no one cares for the child's well-being and the caretakers are free to do whateverTOTALLY A FAIR STATEMENT AND NOT BLACK AND WHITE THINKING AT ALL, lol this must be a joke.
Do you seriously think you're not being irrational calling someone autistic and hoping they don't reproduce just cause they said a 13 year old can't raise a child and shouldn't be granted back automatic custody from the adoptive parents just because of "regrets"?????
You sound unhinged.
Btw I'm not participating in thw IVF argument and don't even have anything against that, so???
(chill) No. 1136190
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>>1135909>kinsey scalethis is who you are referring to lmao. what's next? quoting john money just like queershit already do?
No. 1136231
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Almond milk superiority.
No. 1136236
>>1136226That's so interesting because we could then study species before certain eras and dates and compare and contrast with environmental and man made effects and longevity of a species.
>>1136227Probably but let me have my eureka moment
No. 1136292
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>>1136276Of course chemicals play a part with cancers like stomach cancer and lung cancer, that's been proven scientifically. But the overall biggest factor is definitely the population aging. The average age of a cancer patient is still 66 to 74.
No. 1136374
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Maybe more people die of cancer now because they're less likely to die from tuberculosis and diarrhea?
No. 1136377
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This "TOuch gRAsS" shit is absolute peak internet retardation. None of the people who say that unironically have indeed touched grass in their lifetime. The fact that they're embracing twitter slang, AKA paedophile slang, is beyond the cherry on top. You might as well call yourself underage for life because your brain development stopped right then and there when you uttered those words under your breath thinking you're about to "lE ePIc oWN!!" some random netbrain. Come live in my third world shithole country and see what hard-work and "toUChINg GraSS" really is about. Fatties, Uglies, all of you, gaddamn.
No. 1136394
>>1136378The people dying from diarrhea back then likely had it due to a virus or bacterial infection, not taco bell. Also yeah there were a lot of issues with contaminated water, that's usually where typhoid came from.
>>1136381You had antibiotics, though. They didn't have those in 1908. Btw I'm not trying to cape for any medical/pharmaceutical/chemical industry here, if they wanted to stop cancer they would tell people to stop eating sugar and slathering their bodies in carcinogenic petrochemicals every day. But logically, once you remove all the infectious diseases people used to die from, you're going to get more people dying from cancer.
No. 1136443
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>>1136441Fuck me sideways
No. 1136463
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>>1136443Dang, scalies win again
No. 1136464
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>>1136441This is the guy you're looking up to
No. 1136499
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>>1136463Shit you just reminded me of these books I saw. Tag yourself I'm "I Married a Lizardman"
No. 1136518
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>>1136499I'll take the orc, bonus if he has a himbo aura a la Kronk
No. 1136553
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>>1136443So I guess we should try to mix reptiles dna with humans so we can live forever cancer free and also get our missing limbs back, sounds like a good idea, we might be the reptilians we talk so much about, we just havent achieved our true form yet. Yet.
No. 1136579
>>1136547Keeping fun things like travel, partying, and investing in hobbies to only your mid 20s to 30s is still falling for the ageism meme. no different from "30 is the new 20" cope.
The correct way to live is to have fun and invest in hobbies for your whole life, not just an arbitrary decade in your youth.
No. 1136581
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Parents shouldn’t be allowed to listen to music with swear words until their kids are at least 16 years old.
Some people at the pool are listening to some song about fucking and cheating with toddlers around, no wonder kids are so violent and nasty nowadays.
I don’t know if I’m “not cool” anymore or if im a prude, but parents should be listening to kidz bop tier music until they’re old enough to know that they shouldn’t repeat swear words.
No. 1136678
>>1136251Ppl back in the day didn't die at 50/60, they died at ~80. Statistics are screwed into younger deaths bc they counter child mortality in them.
>>1136257Swept into a dark corner bc it was too inconvenient. Still lots of stories of ppl getting aggressive cancers from living near cell tours, or breast/ovary/brain cancer from keeping phone close. Call me schizo but I get a warm tingly ear when I've been talking on the phone for a while.
No. 1136714
>>1136698>thanks to the Pumped Up Kicks meme and irresponsible parents who let their kids all day on the internet without supervision, most school shooters do it because of some stupid reason, not because of bullyingAt this point I hope there's extreme internet and media censorship because of so many online cults (troonism, nazes, incels, porn, alt right and left, etc) literally grooming kids. But no if censorship ever does get worse it'll just be for shitty stuff like questioning pharma/gov or saying women deserve rights. Best scenario we run out of chips and tech goes back. Progress is impossible when there's scrotes running around and in charge fucking it up (bezos, bill gates, zuc, etc).
No. 1136730
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>>1136072Would be useful if you ever lose function of your right hand or lose it in a accident. Would also be useful if you wanted to commit a crime and throw off the police by making them think the perp is a leftie
>>1136231Almond milk is the worst non dairy milk imo . It’s too watery and the almond flavor overpowers whatever it’s in
My unpopular opinion is I love limp, kinda soggy fries. I don’t hate the crispier ones, but nothing gets me stoked like seeing picrel. That’s why McDonald’s is def in my top 3 for fries even people always crucify me for saying that
No. 1136761
>>1136730That's not unpopular to me those are my favorite fries
I think Americanized Chinese food is pretty awful, it's so overloaded with sodium and sweetness it's unbearable to me. No disrespect to actual traditional Chinese food, I'm sure it's great, but the 'Chinese' food they have here and serve in buffets is gross to me imo. I just had some because someone brought me some leftovers and had to throw it out before I finished it, and I hate wasting food.
No. 1136765
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>>1136763I counter-groomed my FBI agent
No. 1136794
>>1136761Good american chinese is pretty good but alot of places serve flavorless or poor quality slop
>>1136790This is true. When I'm at the grocery and I buy prepackaged foods I stick to Korean or Japanese now too, Chinese stuff will sometimes just taste funny
No. 1136821
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i know objectifying women is wrong but if it’s a lesbian singer/rapper doing it idc and it’s sexy
No. 1136914
>>1136909You can always make bombs too. All school shootings around the world have been inspired by Columbine and a pathetic attempt to recreate it. The others have been inspired by some other American faggots, but TBH I don't remember any. Those retards have zero originality and wouldn't come up with the idea of school shooting/stabbing/bombing on their own. We had the first attempt here 2 years ago, 15-17 years old moids who were in touch with another teen psycho who ended up murdering his mother in law. Anyway the wannabe school bombers were obsessed with Columbine, one of them even was larping as Eric Harris on Facebook.
School shootings are an American invention poisoning the world.
No. 1137012
>>1136936Pretty sure the kids getting murdered in schools aren’t voting anybody into office since…y’know…they’re not old enough to vote. Plus most of the red states are gerrymandered to all hell, along with the NRA funneling tons of money into lobbying (political corruption is not a uniquely American problem) for super lax gun laws. I’m not saying stupid Americans who vote against their own best interests don’t exist. We obviously know that isn’t true. But I’m so sick of people from other countries pretending to be so scandalized about mass shootings under a veil of concern, only to turn around and use them as a gotcha or a joke in arguments. If you were actually concerned and disturbed at the thought of these things happening, you wouldn’t be borderline bragging about it not happening to you. I’d love to know what country you live in, so I can ridicule you with whatever tragedies plague it and pretend that makes me morally superior somehow.
Reminds me of retarded libs (I’m saying this as someone who votes left, I’m not a conservatard) who crack jokes when a natural disaster happens in a red state or genuinely suggest not giving them aid because “they deserve it”. First of all, not everyone in a given area agrees with that area’s leadership. And second, that’s just a fucked up and sociopathic way to think about people.
Americans get so defensive when y’all bring up mass shootings because we can tell you don’t actually care and are just using it as another way to dunk on stupid fat Amerifags
No. 1137037
>>1137017> it should be a number 1 issueI hope that's a joke
>most "gun violence" statistics are suicides and accidents>rest is overwhelmingly unlawful gun use anyway, usually gang-related, those aren't resolved by regulation since country is saturated with illegal guns already>muh skool shutingz are a blipto add to it: common school shootings only came about after mass media started wanking the little egomaniacs who perpetuated them. There were decades of 20th century where this didn't happen and kids had more access to guns than now.
I am so tired of this topic, that I know so much about w/o even being in the US is a mark of how publicized this nonsense really is. It's a meme issue, meanwhile real impactful things go unnoticed since they don't give viewership and politicians step around them.
No. 1137045
>>1136952And? How does it apply to what I've said? It doesn't matter, due to numerous factors Columbine is THE iconic school shooting (I hate that I had to write those words). The phenomenon of mass attacks at schools AROUND THE WORLD began due to Columbine. If you look at the many Russian wannabe school shooters (or stabbers), Pekka-Eric Auvinen, the Polish faggots (thankfully caught before they could do any harm), the grisly gang of the failed Halifax school shooting… they have all been inspired by Columbine. The older (and even more recent) shootings don't have the hold over imagination like Columbine.
The one Russian Eric Harris especially comes to mind, he has done his best to look like Eric and even die in the same place I think (weirdly enough, his corpse ended up laying in a similar pose).
I'm vaguely interested in the phenomenon, and I cannot tell you the names of any of those wannabe Harrises and Klebolds (had to look up Auvinen). That tells you all you need to know.
No. 1137116
>>1137053>The columbine shooters were incredibly lame and incompetentIt always makes me chuckle that we think about Columbine as a tragic school shooting when it was supposed to be a school bombing (with shooting
victims thrown in as an extra) of catastrophic proportions. I am not saying that what happened wasn't awful enough, it was meant to be so much worse, though. Most people are unaware, which makes the shooters look more competent than they actually were.
Of course the fanboys must have run into the information eventually, but it doesn't matter because the Columbine shooters were relatable uwu and wore Matrix outfits.
It gives me some comfort to know that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed themselves knowing that they are embarrassing failures and that their "glorious NBK" ended up being nothing like what they envisioned. I just wish the media didn't blow smoke up their asses so much.
No. 1137197
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BLU lives don't matter.
No. 1137218
>>1137200>>1137207Exactly. Despite being a mean
terf I still have trans people as friends because they can be just like any other person but obviously you have to have deep inner demons to reach the levels of mental instability to mutilate your body and pretty much live a lie for the rest of your life. Once you internalize what they've done and witness the meltdown of regretting the whole procedure you can never look at them the same.
No. 1137238
>>1137200 a whole point of the queer cult is that once they become members they lost their individualism, once funny and smart people becomes
Generic Troon #3123 with all the gender talk. I noticed that the younger they're the worse they get and if they have a personality disorder is game over. Sadly this goes to sexuality too, but is less common/they display their cultish traits differently
t. lesbian if you have a troon that still behaves like a person keep them in your life but if they start with the /tttt/ degeneracy cut them.
No. 1137271
>>1136819>School shooters are a uniquely American problemNha, it's becoming a problem in my country too. Stupid kids are getting influenced by media. Fortunately it's illegal to have guns here, but still, there's been a lot of cases of people finding out students were planning to attack their schools.
>>1136720>Who the fuck thinks school shooters are bullied?Most people do. Have you never read a comment section about those cases?
No. 1137296
>>1137116>I just wish the media didn't blow smoke up their asses so much.Fucking this. I absolutely loathe the media. Foaming at the mouth for a story, especially a school shooting because you know it'll be talked about for months on end. Barely talk about the
victims then they
have to talk about the shooters and give in-depth details because "omg, we need to get in the minds of the killers". All the attention and notoriety, you know will get someone twisted interested. Perpetuating the cycle. Don't get me wrong, I know it wouldn't magically fix this problem. Just tired of the non-stop attention these twisted fuckers get and name dropped at any chance.
No. 1137302
>>1136720>>1137271Some of them were bullied, some were bullies, a huge part both. There is no need to deny the truth.
It doesn't really matter even if they were harrassed daily, since as someone else noted women go through much worse shit and yet they don't murder people en masse. The only example of a murderous femcel is Olga Hepnarova, and even then she had more reasons to snap (living in a homophobic country, undiagnosed autism etc - not saying that murdering people with a truck was nowhere near justified).
>>1137296The only good thing is that hardly anyone remembers the copycats… Though there are still faggots like Lanza or the McDonald's psycho that have gained some notoriety (I haven't been actively interested in the topic of school shootings for the last few years, so maybe I'm unaware of America's Next Schoolshooter)
The damage had already been done with the media exposure of Klebold and Harris, they are like gurus to all the moids with anger issues. I'm a hypocrite since I've found the case fascinating, but TBH I wouldn't even know about it had the American media not fucked up so badly.
No. 1137327
I've seen several anons recently mention being suicidal and wanting to pander to moids for money before offing themselves. But it's in the vent thread I feel like kind of a bitch for replying so I'll just share my unpopular opinion here. If you're planning on offing yourself anyway there are so many other ways to get money besides pandering to scrotes. I really don't understand why women feel this is their last resort option. It's so much easier to pander to wokies and get money without any sex work, just run your pics through face app, call yourself a disabled autistic troon and have other troons donate to your ffs and leaving an aboosive tranny hating home. You could rob a bank just disguise yourself, pass the teller a note saying to give you x amount of money and that you have a gun and not to make a scene, they aren't going to be a hero they'll just call the cops and you can jet the fuck out of there before they arrive. If you aren't at the scene when cops get there you have plenty of time to go wherever the hell you want before you die. You could pretend you're selling some retarded collectables or some drugs, make sure it's worth however much money you want to get before you die, find a gullible buyer to bite, withdraw the cash and not send anything. If you can make art take commissions you will never fulfill, who cares how degenerate the requests are because you aren't going to do anything for them anyway. If you can't make art, impersonate another artist and take commissions you will never fulfill. If you get called out or whatever just pick a new target and make a new screen name etc. Of course you'll get caught eventually but who fucking cares, you already put an expiration date on your life and it takes a while for LE to catch up especially if you don't need millions to live out your last wishes. Realistically LE does not pursue petty thefts from fursuit fags or doll fags or vtuber fags who drop a few k upfront and you only need to trick a few retards to get one last good vacay in. Don't let moids get one last coom out of you. It's not the only way to get last ditch money.
No. 1137435
>>1137409There are other crowdfunding platforms besides GoFundMe and if you can roleplay a bit on Twitter you can take donations with cash app or Venmo. Furthermore if anyone questions the names matching up you can just say you needed a trusted friend to set up your GoFundMe because you are in le danger and don't have a bank account and no one will bat an eye. And it's a donation so you don't actually have to "deliver" on any sort of result. You can also take PayPal donations easily or cashapp or Venmo or whatever. Grifters do this shit all the time and get plenty of money they just have terrible spending habits hence they're always still begging. And if you're already going to off yourself who really cares if it gets traced back to you, you'll be gone by the time they catch up with you because you aren't a high priority criminal scamming fake commissions or collectables, it takes ages to pursue real plagiarism cases, and being part of the dollfag community despite knowing the name and address and hundreds of aliases of scammers they never get arrested or have to pay anything back for years and years even if they scam more than 50k and are terrible at covering their tracks, if you get a visit from LE just make up excuses to delay shit and jet the fuck out of there. Take out cash and if your PayPal gets overdrawn who cares you have the money in hand ready to spend, go and spend it, you can't bleed a turnip so once they catch you who cares what you'll owe for it because you dying anyway. Seriously remember you are not a high profile criminal if you scam weebs and toyfags and furries, cops will laugh in the face of scamming
victims in these communities all the time and people continue to fall for obvious scams and fake accounts all the time. They won't even consider doing shit until you scammed 100k or more and frankly if you just trying to have a last hoorah that is way more money than you'll ever need to do whatever you want, you can travel the world, buy fancy things (maybe not a house or car, but you could rent a nice air bnb and rent a fancy car if you want) go camp out in beautiful nature and enjoy your last days to the fullest without ever being part of a man's spank bank.
No. 1137608
>>1137593Ghosting men is simply self preservation. You tell a man why you no longer want to talk to/see him, he sees it as the start of a negotiation. It's an opportunity to manipulate, guilt trip, and demand explanations specifically so he can tell you why none of your reasons justify not letting him take up as much of your time and energy as you please.
Doing emotional labour for moids, not even once.
No. 1137687
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There's nothing wrong with women doing the right. In fact, it makes perfect sense because (many) women are beautiful, or socialized to make themselves attractive, meaning that their presence is likely to improve a photo. Men are typically unattractive, or negligible at best, so their presence can actually lower the quality of a photo.
Even men know this. They almost automatically like/pay more attention to a photo with a woman in it than one without (especially if she's attractive). They only seethe and make memes/drawings like this because it's another reminder that in spite of all they've done to subjugate us, they have lower overall value, even when it comes to the most superficial things.
No. 1137755
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I swear the new Batman movie has been a detriment to society. Not only are our eyes hurt by having to look at this spoilered ugly moid that even de/g/enerates like, but a handful of aiden/fujo fanart between the Riddler and Batman. I can’t handle this shit anymore, this man is so hideous open your fucking eyes for the good of humanity
No. 1137770
>>1137755gag at that makeup, good job spoilering
>>1137694>>1137743True but the algorithm prefers thumbnails with smiling soy faces. But fuck moidtubers that facecam themselves for no reason though. I just wanted a tutorial of Adobe Premiere ffs.
No. 1137771
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I feel like all these fashion articles like "the tumblr girl is coming back", "early 2000s fashion is coming back", "twee is coming back" are just people wishing these big trends would happen instead of them actually happening in any significant way.
No. 1137804
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I believe long work hours and unstable work situations are the cause of epidemic levels of depression, anxiety, drug abuse etc in industrialised countries. Wageslavery like we have today is a crime against humanity and no amount of “mental health awareness” and further insisting the issue is individual will help. Quite the opposite yet workplaces put up all these posters about how to improve your self care etc and then terrorise their employees each day. Corporate drop kicking a box of cupcakes into our lunchroom for mental health day or whatever was the most depressing thing of all.
Can’t be bothered to elaborate since working so much has fried my brain also.
No. 1137811
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>>1137804If that was true then NEETs should be happier, but they're not. And work was horrendous in the past, much more horrendous than now, with longer hours too.
The problem is that increasingly people don't have a life outside of work, so work becomes everything and the shitty job just feels that much more shitty. People are able to put up with shit jobs if they have kids to look after or a reason to do it.
No. 1137816
>>1137811NTA but why are you comparing working to NEETS instead of retirees? Of course NEETs are unhappy, they're impoverished, lack structure/purpose and are failing to live a socially acceptable existence. Retired people, on the other hand, are living their best life.
Anon is right that long work hours kill your happiness. It's impossible to have a life outside of work if you're there 10+ hours a day and spending hours commuting on top of that, who the fuck is happy doing that just because they also have kids? Kids they can't see because they're busy at work? What a weird tradthot shilling attempt.
No. 1137991
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>>1137945I hate fat men so much, they are hideous to look at and I imagine they can fuck for about 30 seconds before heavy breathing, overheating and sweating like a pig. I wouldn't know because the only standards I've ever lowered in my life is not immediately dumping him for being into capeshit. Someone would have to wash sheets every day just from the overnight sweat. Men's bodies are literally programmed to be athletes so what is he doing retaining fat like an ancient fertility goddess?
No. 1138080
>>1137991the one I married gained a ton of weight, maybe 50kg, immediately and could literally no longer screw. There wasn't a way to get it in, not that I cared about sex with someone who had become so repulsive. I was an anachan (though no longer in any significant danger). It took way too long to leave him because he was emotionally
abusive and threatening. My parents didn't support our marriage so he had separated me from them at age 20. He was rigidly religious and I had no support system.
I'm only now getting back on my feet but I doubt I'll ever be in a relationship with a man again. I really don't want to be intimate with anyone. I'm just trying to make some XX friends. It's harder when you're no longer in college, though
No. 1138087
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It seems to be an unpopular opinion whenever I've said it so:
"Men should be taught not to abuse women, but women should also ALWAYS be allowed to have weapons in self defense against men."
The alternative is that dumb "stop telling us to fight back and use self defense and start teaching men to not hurt us!!" bs that I see all over social media. Yes moids should be educated on misogyny and treat women as equal, but if you expect men to suddenly give up their woman-hating ways after sexually harassing them on the street you're dead wrong.
So many people gloss over the importance of giving women tools and resources to defend themselves - for example I live in the UK and we aren't even allowed to carry mace or pepper spray or anything like that here, so if a moid were to assault me I would have absolutely no legal means to defend myself and it's fucked up.
No one seems to want to talk about how the world has almost always been misogynistic, they act as if we can just snap our fingers and suddenly men will become educated and peaceful. No they fucking won't, and I can't believe it's considered controversial and unpopular or a "right wing talking point" to say that women should be allowed to have handguns (after training ofc) and other weapons or tools to be used solely in self defense.
I think part of it comes down to this era of tacky Instagram infographics and girlboss shit like "I can take a man on any time if he were to attack me! Try me!" Chances are, no you can't lmao. And that's nothing to be ashamed of, women are smaller and weaker than moids on average and that's even more reason why we should have a right to self defense. I'm fucking tired of people acting like it's fanfiction out here where we just raise our hand to the neighbourhood serial rapist and say, "Stop. You just did a hecking misogyny. That's toxic." Bitch this isn't Riverdale give me some fucking pepper spray so I can actually walk to the gym safely at 6am knowing that I at least have a CHANCE to defend myself.
This is why I envy America, not even for guns necessarily but the fact that women are allowed to have stuff like pepper spray or useful self defense shit, we all know that a huge percentage of men don't give a single fuck about being educated so why the fuck can't I carry something to defend myself? The funny thing is I can obtain it illegally but if I were to use it it would be ME that got charged and the moid would probably get a slap on the wrist. This whole "we can educate the poor misinformed men" mostly comes from such a fucking privileged outlook on life where you assume the average trash male will even want to listen to your lectures. Let me tell you: they don't fucking care, and they never will.
No. 1138089
>>1138087>stop telling us to fight back and use self defense and start teaching men to not hurt usI don't think anyone who says this is expecting men to suddenly stop assaulting women. They're just saying that they shouldn't have to carry self defense and that no one actually focuses on the root issue. We all know that when something happens to a woman, the first thing people say is what she should've done. Basically it's "stop
No. 1138098
>>1138087>The alternative is that dumb "stop telling us to fight back and use self defense and start teaching men to not hurt us!!" bs that I see all over social media. Yes moids should be educated on misogyny and treat women as equal, but if you expect men to suddenly give up their woman-hating ways after sexually harassing them on the street you're dead wrong. Okay but to explain why women are touchy about this is because your point is never prefaced by this reasoning, and why? Because it's VERY unpopular to admit in public spaces that men are animals who by and large are incapable of change. So yes, unless you're admitting publicly that men are trash then it does come off as
victim blaming.
No. 1138100
>>1138089No you're correct nonna and I agree with you about the
victim-blaming, but there's also a lot of people who just won't even address or support self-defense either and that's what I'm talking about.
>"Men should be taught not to abuse women, but women should also ALWAYS be allowed to have weapons in self defense against men."People have argued with me about this statement and compared it to American school shootings or some shit when I say that women should have a right to undergo lengthy self-defense training with things like guns. I'm obviously not talking about huge rifles, but small handguns with strict regulations and training. They assume that we can just "talk and educate" our way out of misogyny when that has never ever been the case and they think it's fair to compare women at risk of violence vs weird incel gun-toting moids who shoot up schools. It's ridiculous.
No. 1138102
>>1138098I publicly admit that men are trash and I always preface this argument by saying that men are the fault of this and it's never ever a woman's fault if she faces violence or harassment. I do understand that a lot of people use that point to
victim-blame btw like I said to the other anon, but even when I've explained that this comes from a point of defending women and pointing out how overall disgusting men are, they don't want to acknowledge that stuff like strict gun control and self defense would be extremely useful in the hands of women, because again they think we can just negotiate peacefully out of systemic misogyny. Hope that makes sense.
No. 1138105
>>1138087Based. Women should be allowed to defend themselves. I've been assaulted myself and I'm not saying women who got harassed are guilty and they should've defended themselves but we should be allowed to carry the equipment needed to do so.
If men knew women could carry pepper spray and utilize other self defense methods, they'd be wayyy less likely to harass a random woman. Telling them it's misogynistic or some retarded shit isn't nearly as effective as scaring them in this way.
No. 1138106
>>1138100I see what you mean then and whoever says that is stupid. I don't disagree with your post, I have my own self defense items
I'm not supportive of guns, but that's because of my own personal trauma and I do think it's unfortunately necessary.
No. 1138131
>>1138105AYRT, Yup I agree - I obviously understand if women don't defend themselves and I'm not going to blame anything on them, but damn I can only imagine the amount of things I'd be able to do if I even was allowed to have some pepper spray in my bag or pocket. Like I said, I could walk to the gym at 5/6am, I could take taxis in the evening or early morning by myself, I could go out on a peaceful walk at night if I needed to clear my head knowing that I at least have something to help keep me safe if the worst were to happen.
It's funny how people expect us to let moids know it's misogynistic - uh, yeah, they already know lmao, they just don't give a fuck. A can of pepper spray or a handgun (with sufficient training and knowing how to use one) will deter them more than any sort of speech on misogyny ever could, I don't know why people try and argue that.
No. 1138137
>>1138087I'm starting to think "treat woman as equal" just led to "bitch do it yourself."
Like men can't be arsed to protect women from other men if they aren't also thinking women are lesser and in need of protection like children. They even can't be trusted to be educated not to rape on their own.
It would be nice if they just didn't assault women because they'd be punished for it instead of having to be ego stroked into not acting like an animal.
No. 1138157
>>1138131>It's funny how people expect us to let moids know it's misogynistic - uh, yeah, they already know lmao, they just don't give a fuck. This is exactly why I think all the preaching is dumb too. Obviously they know it's wrong to rape and murder women, it's not because they have le trauma or bad role models, it's like you said - they literally just don't care.
Like, murderers know murder is wrong, but that's why we have all these systems in place to protect people from being murdered, because they don't give a fuck. Rapists aren't punished nearly enough and the onus is always on the woman to report it and defend her own damn self, that's precisely why we need to carry guns. It's not
victim blaming, it's common sense.
No. 1138209
>>1138087>>1138131Yeah it’s so stupid. Even in America, in some cities it’s illegal to carry pepper spray or brass knuckles. NYC is one of those cities, which is especially dumb because I’ve never been catcalled and harassed by men on the street more than I was in that city. You seriously cannot go anywhere on the street without some scrote having something to say about it. Something about that city makes them very bold over there and they need to have a major wake up call for it to stop. Laws that like only serve to fuck over women. If a man is going to attack someone, those are unlikely to be his weapons of choice. And even if they are, the law certainly won’t stop him from obtaining them. So women are punished if they decide to fight back using these. In a perfect world where I make all the laws, I’d make it illegal for men to have guns.
Women are much more diligent with actually adhering to gun safety protocols anyway. I’m from the south and can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard of somebody getting hurt or even killed because some dumbass moid was swinging a gun around like a toy or leaving it out somewhere where a small child could find it.
No. 1138447
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a lot anons here have never had real friends and so pretend common goofy friend shit is gay in order to feel better about themselves
No. 1138450
>>1138447Which anons are pretending normal friend stuff is gay? I feel like lolcow is one of those places on the internet where there
isn't a push to call two random moids or women in close proximity to one another gay.
No. 1138468
>>1137983Piggybacking this to drop my own unpopular opinion.
It's not an unconditional "improvement" for a gender-nonconforming woman to pick up a more feminine look just because she became gender conforming. I hate it when people treat gender-nonconformity as a phase to overcome because often when these women "grow out of it" it's just them becoming tired of being dehumanized for not following the gender stereotype and choosing to make their lives easier by conforming to the expectations set for how women should look. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt could've been a great female icon choosing to dress up in masculine clothes without trans shit being pushed on her yet people are celebrating the sight of her dolled up in a dress not because she didn't troon out but because "she grew up and is finally accepting her role as a woman".
No. 1138575
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Today's generations of new fathers shouldn't be allowed to witness their children's births. Picrel is why, look at this useless fat fuck just standing there. I have a feeling that even in primordial times, it was only women there. This shit just pisses me off, today's men are just gonna go bald, fat, and pasty within 5 years.
No. 1138587
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>>1138575Pic related happens more often than you can imagine
No. 1138742
>>1138604Not to race-bait, but this is the black love that hopteps keep trying to bully black women into accepting and too many of them fall for it. She probably felt like she has to stay with him because at least he is not a criminal.
>>1138575>>1138587In my opinion pickmeism has gotten worse. Women allow men to get away with way too much and break their backs to not hurt their feelings. Nobody should care about male feelings, particularly since they don't care about the feelings of their fellow peers and most of them are misogynistic pieces of shit who would laugh at you if you were on fire then even piss on you. I do have my disagreements with fds on the premise that i think that those women should consider dialling down their moid addiction or think of abstinence and single life as a
valid choice rather than trying to force moids to bend to their will, but these are the kind of men that warrant their existence and they deserve to be taken seriously by all women.
But i guess my unpopular opinion is that abstinence is amazing and it needs to be peddled to women and girls everywhere. No woman should ever have casual sex because men don't deserve your bodies and wombs are sacred and should be protected. Glory be the all the perma-virgins!
No. 1138798
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>>1138575He’s wearing a BYU shirt, confirmed Mormon. Mormon scrotes are some of the fucking worst.
No. 1138805
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>>1138742Abstinence is amazing for women especially post-breakup or post-trauma, or just practicing it in general until you 100% feel mentally emotionally and physically ready to pursue safe sex with a man you actually trust.
The only negative is that it usually comes with religious or very misogynist connotations aka don't have sex because your vagina will be ruined for your husband…y'know how it is, which is disgusting obviously.
The way casual sex is pushed so hard now in literally any movie or tv show makes my skin itch and makes me feel sick - yes some people enjoy it, but it's not for everyone and it's especially unsafe for women - not only in terms of being far less likely to get sexual satisfaction but you're also literally hooking up with random moids who at any point could attack, rape or kill you. Not saying that doesn't happen in relationships of course, men are vile across the board, but it's still messed up.
Also yeah, pickmeism has gotten much much worse. I'm not going to act like society of the past was any better towards women but at least men were required to have jobs, money and overall provide something to a woman - if you were a man and failed to do this, in most cases you were considered a societal failure. Nowadays women are expected to bend backwards and provide for men who #MensMentalHealth their way through being unemployed for 2 years, addicted to porn and eating a diet of microwave burgers, and no one bats a fucking eye because women are expected to be relationship mechanics who will tweak and fix any fault in a moid even when he can't be arsed to fix it himself. Even I was guilty of this and it honestly just felt like I had lost a chunk of myself in the process, like a fragment of my personality was lost.
No. 1138812
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>>1138806it's not braindead when most fathers-to-be are emotionally absent, if not completely absent from the delivery room. look at the amount of pictures and videos of moids taking naps or fainting on the delivery room floor because its so "exhausting" while their wives are pushing out babies in extreme pain for hours on end. even in a woman's most painful, vulnerable state men will still find a way to show their weakness and make everything about them.
No. 1138823
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>>1138812Samefag but I’m truly in shock and disgust at how worthless this specimen is. 20 years ago a man would not allow himself to be seen like this. He would either be a real man and comfort his wife in order to ensure a healthy delivery of his child, or stay the fuck out of the room. What is this melt doing with his pseudofainting and his pretend “I’m going to vomit?” This would be grounds for a fucking divorce for me. If he won’t stay out of the child’s life after I will fucking murder him. Especially if it’s a son because I don’t want any child of mine thinking this is an acceptable way for a man to behave. Or ANYONE for that matter. I bet he uses Reddit. I bet he is disgusted at the sight of pubic hair. What a worthless fucking subhuman good for nothing. Men like this should be on a list like a sex offender so that nobody is ever stupid enough to breed with him again. We tell men they can have feelings for their own well-being and this is what we get? This is how they repay us? Send them all down a mine shaft and seal the entrance. If this is the norm now I hope either we can reproduce independently of men, or let our entire species mercifully die out.
No. 1138825
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>>1138823Samefag again and I promise i will go touch grass after this but just look at it. I could honestly kill it and feel like I had done a good deed. Just smash it to death like the worthless insect it is.
No. 1138843
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>>1138812it should be protocol to ignore fathers in the delivery room. Make them sign some shit that has an agreement written in fine print about the medical staff not providing any sort of medical care to them under any circumstances. If he wants to fall over and act all dainty he can vomit himself to death in the corner kek
ALL the medical attention should always be on the woman in labour. These men are already sabotaging lives and safety of their families. Can't imagine how it'll go down the road
No. 1138851
>>1138805>that screenshotHoly shit I've never seen something so accurate, a take beyond based. Every moid I see whining about men having ~feewings~ too use it as an abuse tactic to suicide bait and beg for constant attention like a fucking baby.
On a related note
toxic masculinity should be called out so that men wouldn't be so emotionally constipated but that responsibility always falls on women instead of their own fucking gender, preferably by being a complete doormat doing endless amounts of emotional labor like a mother to a child. Men constantly blame women for "wanting machos" and upholding the harmful expectations yet call a stable, safe, emotionally mature male popular with women "a faggot" and refuse to follow his example due to their own retarded male pride.
No. 1138943
The whole "teens are bored and only acting out because there's not enough services for them" argument is an overused excuse.
I grew up in a rough area where everything would be destroyed, vandalised, covered in graffiti, stolen if you didn't nail it down etc. If you planted new trees in a park they'd be ripped up the next day just for the hell of it. People always said 'it's because the youth have no services and nothing to do' but it was a built up area, we had multiple parks, playgrounds, we had the biggest shopping centre in our entire country, we had stores and fast food places aimed at lower incomes, we had free community centres, we had youth centres, we had free services. We had an art centre that wes entirely free to take classes in. We had an amazing library with free events. An awful lot looking back. All within in walking distance. Tbh I kick myself for not availing of more of it. There was so much and yet I never stopped hearing people claim otherwise.
As an adult I up and moved to a rural area to get away from the roughness. Now there's legit very little to do in my new area… but kids here are nice and we don't have that same shit happening.
No. 1139011
>>1138932 where r u getting this that infertility is a problem? Lots of people ik are still having kids easily.
I think Maybe cuz now women are having kids older n old3r, it is harder to get pregnant when you're 35+.
No. 1139019
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>>1139013 I'm sorry ur going thru that
No. 1139064
>>1138943I grew up in a very rough and poor area too but there was still a community centre, two parks and lots of woods/forest areas for kids to explore. I think sometimes it is relevant if there's nothing for kids to do but most of the time it's shitty parenting and overall trash untamed children thinking they can go around smashing public property up, because even in that poor little rural town there was still the centre where kids could go play sports, play on computers or read books etc.
I'm in a rough small city now and it's the exact same shit you described - if you build benches for the parks so people can sit down they're covered in graffiti a week later. If you host activities for kids no one wants to fucking go anymore because, pardon me sounding like a boomer, but they're either stuck indoors glued to phones at the age of 8 or they're just out getting drunk. It definitely goes both ways, but from what I've seen parents absolutely do not discipline their kids enough especially nowadays. Even in my rural village, when certain activities got shut down I didn't go out and smash things up or cause chaos, because I was taught that you would get in trouble for that.
No. 1139065
>>1138943Thank god someone finally said it. I grew up in a sheltered, middle-class suburb and truly believed the "inner city teens are acting out/stealing/hurting each other because they're bored, oppressed and they don't have any services or opportunities!"
Then I moved to "the city" in a rough area and got a rude fucking awakening. Same thing as you experienced: free services, free library events, free/low cost medical centers, free entertainment, job fairs everywhere. Still, everyone just complained that "THE KIDS GET IN TROUBLE BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO HELP" and yes, they fucking did. It was always parents who took no accountability for their kids' shitty behavior making the excuses.
No. 1139077
>>1138468100 percent agree!! People act like women cant be both masc and feminine. They act like if you start wearing dresses, you're a real woman again. it's dehumanizing.
>>1138812>>1138589>>1138587Women need standards. what the fuck is this?
No. 1139186
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Tyra Banks was never really that great of a model when it came to photoshoots. She was a great runway model and had a completely different vibe on stage, but most of her photoshoots outside of that were weak or kinda tacky. She's often too dramatic in her photos and lacks variety when it comes to expressions. It's like soulless stare, looks to the left, or crazy eyes.
No. 1139258
>>1138764I fucked whoever I wanted and whenever I wanted it and came out unscathed, but I agree, most women shouldn't partake because the majority of men don't have good intentions and certain cultures are very unforgiving towards women who fuck.
I enjoy male seethe that I got what I wanted sexually and didn't turn out to be a worthless old spinster who no one wanted. Men love to see women scared so when we're confident and successful despite the shit they put us through it makes them big mad.
They need to be reminded that they are shit but ultimately are powerless to keep women as a whole from thriving. Love to see it!
No. 1139270

>>1139234Samefagging, Tyra is known to be a mean girl. She imagined an entire feud with Naomi and then pressured her to apologize for things Tyra believed happened. Tyra simply needs to be the center of attention because otherwise she will die. She'a a professional
victim and now holds pyramid schemes to "empower" women to get by. Naturally, she is a pickme and hates women a little too much. I do believe at some point Tyra did want to help diversify the modeling industry by pushing plus size models and more non-white women into the spotlight when it came to ANTM, but it was not up to her who won. Like as a person she is objectively not a good one, but I would not hold her as somebody worse than most male celebrities who often times are child molesters and such. I think her mother fueled her ego to the extremes and wanted her daughter to succeed no matter what. So she grew up thinking everybody is out to get her because she is the underdog while being also the best.
No. 1139282
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>>1137687I agree. These are also the same men who will say shit like, "I wish I was a woman so I could just show my boobs and make thousands of dollars." They both acknowledge that we are beautiful and that they would use that power if they were in our shoes, while simultaneously calling us vain and slutty. Kind of OT but it reminds me of how for centuries women are painted by men: depicted lounging sensually, with little clothes on or gazing into a mirror, yet when a woman takes back that power by posting a selfie it's suddenly vain.
No. 1139301
>>1139270Exactly, she's a selfish bitch and a typical grifter but so what?
We've got male celebs in hollyweird literally abusing people and being violent wrecks and yet the world keeps licking their feet and making excuses. If more men acted like Tyras we'd have less problems.
No. 1140127
>>1140102I'll never understand the mentality of
> I dont feel bad for abused women because what else do you expect from a scrote? You did that to yourself by dating one I had to have some pretty awful experiences with a man before I really learnt anything useful about scrotes. If I had any younger female relatives that I could pass my lessons down to then I would but I was not prepped to deal with the reality of scrotes and the shit they pull. Some women just learn about men the hard way.
No. 1140136
>>1140127Idk if it's about learning a lesson, some women get into
abusive relationships and defend dudes until she dies. Only thing that protects you from it is working through your past abuse/complexes.
No. 1140141
>>1140129Having a shitty sexual encounter isn't the woman's fault though? We're talking about shaming women for having sex with men. You, personally, having a selfish sexual partner has nothing to do with women shaming
other women for wanting sex with males.
No. 1140146
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Shaming isn't good, but also, I genuinely don't see how getting lots of dick helps women as a group. I'm not seeing the empowerment. Power to what? Take dick? They've been trying to get it in since the beginning of time. Accepting and enjoying it doesn't really change anything. People fuck, this isn't news, but why are we being told all this shit about how it's so cool and strong to fuck men? Especially when we know that promiscuity is often linked to existing trauma, and other issues scrotes like to take advantage of? Idk, it just seems suspicious to me. If it's just about orgasms, it's ridiculously easy these days to get sexual gratification and pleasure without having to bother with men (in meatspace or even at all). What's the big fucking deal?
No. 1140149
>>1140139There's a Dolly Parton quote that says "I know there's bad men in the world, but I've known more good men than bad ones." That's just some women's experience and it doesn't make them idiots. We just form our worldview around what we experience.
Yes the woman who is wary of men will be safer, but she might also limit her life based on those judgements. And the more naive woman might be more open to giving men a chance and finding good ones, but is more likely to be hurt in the process.
No. 1140153
>>1140136I just think some of us obviously have mothers who grew up in a different time and weirdly held onto naive views of men. So when you're raised by women who honestly believe shit like 'most men have good hearts' they don't bother to teach you so much about boundaries, safety or red flags. Those lessons are important before you ever start.
Ime my parents would typically meet my new bf and instead of looking him over to see if he's alright.. they'd instantly think the sun shines out of their ass. For no reason. Fast forward a few years and the guy who abused me.. my dad knows this information and still tells me he liked him and he misses him? My family loves scrotes more than they love me lol
No. 1140158
>>1140146I'm not talking about promiscuity, though. I'm talking about the anons who shame women in general for having sex with men, in a relationship or out of a relationship. The anons who make other women feel bad for having any sort of sexual contact with men whatsoever. Also, who brought up empowerment? Having sex isn't empowerment, it's just having sex. If a woman wants to have sex it doesn't have to be some grand statement for all of woman-kind, maybe she just wants to have sex. I don't know why this is conflated to "you must mean being slutty" instead of just what I said "a woman's pleasure and desires are
valid and she is entitled to that"
No. 1140354
>>1140146>People fuck, this isn't news, but why are we being told all this shit about how it's so cool and strong to fuck men? Because it's in reaction to a long-held cultural sentiment that women who fucked were not only uncool, but non-humans who deserved to be treated like shit and kicked out of employment, social circles, and other opportunities all for the sake of virtue signaling that no man was ever held to standard for.
I understand listening to women talking about sex can be annoying but I'd take current culture over the lack of protections we had in the past. If you travel to certain religious cultures today we can see the consequences of what happens when people use sex as a tool to dominate women and police their private behavior.
No. 1140576
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I don't feel bad for anyone living in a first world country that hates where they live. Literally could just move somewhere else easily. Maybe slightly more difficult for Australians and Kiwis, but for almost everyone else, a new country is a bike ride away.
No. 1140588
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>>1140576It was before breggshit
No. 1140766
>>1140576I don’t feel bad for the middle class or rich 1st worlders, there’s no way they can’t find a way to better their conditions of living, just save some money and that’s about it. And if you think about it, ever the born and raised poor first worlders can still just save money unlike third worlders that usually have to start from zero at other countries.
Sure, the USA is pretty shit, but their passports are accepted literally anywhere, so any middle class or rich American can easily say they want to move out and literally do so on a whim, just do your little test on any embassy of any other first world country you want to live at, pack your shit, and be welcomed with open arms because you’re an American citizen and everyone sucks their dicks.
No. 1140858
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Men shouldn't be allowed to watch anime that has young girls into it in peace. They need to be shamed into obscurity. In no sane society can someone post shit like this straight-faced
No. 1140871
>>1140858Okay, I usually get annoyed at some blackwashing when it’s made to do mindless pandering and seem woquè, but this looks like it was probably just a cute, silly idea.
The moid needs to get castrated and I hope he never approaches children irl, imagine being so disconnected from real life that when you look at a silly edit you think of prostitution, the anime girl literally looks like a toddler but with anime hair.
No. 1140917
>>1140852>hookups>your pleasureWhat are the odds a random scrote you met that night a) knows how to give you an orgasm and b) cares enough to do it to a stranger
Really fucking low that's what
No. 1140933
>>1140877Bc immigrants get more opportunities than your run of the mill American, sorry. Lots come to work for a few months, and get free housing and food by staying at a relatives/same nationality place. Then bring back the strong American $ they earned with them to their 3rd world country and get great conversion rate.
As for the ones that stay, it's bc they already have a same nationality community they can integrate into and get opportunities from the richer members.
Thirdies love to cry but they have community and strong identity, something that Americans have had ripped from them. Those things are more important than ppl think.
No. 1140959
nonnie, is even worse when they have powerfull passports and (not trying to racebait, is just the truth) they're white. Overall everything is reduced to lack of effort, they don't want to get better in their own countries with little to no problems because they're benefited by war & imperialism, and when they actually emigrate they're mad at locals for boy kissing their feet (see: the jvlogger thread lmao)
No. 1141020
>>1140917Hookup culture doesnt have to be random moids you dont know about.
Many women who have casual sex are actualy confident and explicitly say what they like and they have orgasms. Just ebcause you have shitty sex doesnt mean it applies to all of us. Whats so hard to understand about this?
No. 1141023
>>1140917I dont see sex as an emotional thing. I only see it as something that feels good kek
Women shouldnt be shamed for it.
You seem to think women are unable to enjoy sex.
No. 1141124
>>1141020I'm past my casual sex years but ime I remember thinking that I was having mutually pleasing sex.. and then years later I woke up to how low I had set the bar for myself. I'd been sexually active for years and was about 25 when I had a legit decent fuck buddy who was doing everything a guy should be doing. I stopped having fwbs after him because it opened my eyes to how few of my sexual experiences had been genuinely good before him. I'd been fooling myself or accepting less and tbh I'm still processing how I convinced myself that shit was good. I still don't fully understand it and think alot of personal and social elements combined to put me in that mindframe. And age too.
So based on that I know I tend to worry about women in a young age bracket who partake in it. I don't think it's unusual to think you have it all figured out at like 20 and then later you look back on it as a mediocre to poor sexual experience (with inconsiderate behaviours sprinkled in) that you somehow hyped up as something it never was. Older women I'd have way less concerns for but then I feel like older women often drop out of that lifestyle because it rarely truly pleases and they know that. Not making a black or white judgement of casual being good or bad, just saying what I've reflected on for a while. I think men who can be fwbs and genuinely meet the minimum requirements of good treatment and pleasing you are relatively rare. I look back fondly on memories of one single guy.. out of, well too many lol. And thing is they have no idea because my younger self didn't know or say it. I helped pad the egos of these bad lays because the bar was on the floor back then.
No. 1141125
>>1139451Same, I even installed a mod in Sims called "sexy feet". Not because I'm a footfag, but because the low poly default feet bothered me. My Sims need to be hot from tip to
No. 1141217
>>1141131Exactly. Anons here act like moids when they find out anons are sexual and have sex. They think its edgy and probably think theyre being misandrist but all theyre doing is being misogynistic. I just wanna talk about enjoying sex. It doesnt have to be a miserable shitty experience. Saying i have no self respect for having casual sex is legit what retarded conservatives think of women. Its so backwards. I dont want a relationship with moids at all but I am straight (sadly) so i have sex with them. Not sure how thats harmful as i do NOT catch feelings and im always safe and i take precautions too. No, im not a sex addict or whatever either. I just get horny.
>>1141076You know who else thinks this way? Moids.
>>1141124Your concerns are right anon. Many women have casual sex and end up realizing they didnt feel good at all. I used to believe “giving up your body” to moids was retarded until i realized sex can be enjoyable for women and that I’m not losing away self respect just for doing something natural. I come from a religious background where my parents think love is only for married people who want to create children so i just stayed away from that mindset. The moids i dealt with so far have NEVER done anything i dont want. No anal sex, no choking (id kick their dick if any moid tried that shit with me) or anything like that so maybe I am lucky in that regard. Im very explicit about my boundaries and always carry pepper spray no matter what. I get the bad reputation casual sex gets but for those of us who dont want to date moids and are safe about it and get what they want, I think its fine. In no way is it a solution to win a moid or any retarded bullshit thats parroted online kek some women can do it and some cant thats fine too. Just wish we could discuss all of this without being called whores. Just really reminds me of the whole madonna/whore complex moids have. Im sorry about your situation
nonny and I really understand where you are coming from.
No. 1141256
>>1141224Now and then there's a story of a Downs girl or something who dreams of being a model and walked her first runway bc a designer wanted publicity, and it makes me want to scream.
Fucked up beauty standards aside, did nobody realize modeling is basically trafficking?
No. 1141261
>>1141218genuinely hate this culture of trying to wokeify everything. like, you can enjoy ~
problematic~ things without trying to justify it imo.
No. 1141268
>>1141258Big modeling agencies sign young naive girls and then ship them to big cities away from their families, and everything from rent to portfolio shoots is added to the girl's "bill" to the agency. Before they get a single gig they usually owe the agency thousands of dollars. When they get a job the agency gets paid, not them, and they will get a tiny stipend to live on until their debt is paid. Oh and let's not forget free work for exposure and being encouraged to let men in the industry abuse you for opportunities.
Most models end their careers in huge debt to their agencies, that's why many turn to sugaring and escorting.
No. 1141353
>>1141312Eh. If you heard the stuff men said about the women they pump and dumped, you would know the stuff anons say here aren't nearly as vile. Most will say they're ugly, pick their looks and bodies apart abd them boast about the things they did to the women as if they're objects they used.
As long as you're safe, I'm not going to shame you and some anons do overdo it but I'm sure most are speaking from their experiences and want to warn other anons about the harsh realities of sleeping around. Trusting a random stranger, being vulnerable with him and allowing him full access to you even to the point he can easily hurt and overpower you is scary for most women.
No. 1141365
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>>1141218>>1141256They know. At this point, everyone knows the fashion industry is a bunch of disgusting old scrotes exploiting women and young girls, as well as batshit insane pick-mes selling out other young girls/women. When it's not that, it's disgusting old gay or bisexual scrotes exploiting young boys. They know all of it, they know a successful Downs syndrome model (not just a one-off for diversity points) equates to some old man having a boner for a woman with a disability, and they don't care.
The truth is, 50% of all women want male validation more than anything else. It's extremely important to them, human rights and decency be damned. It's just not cool to say it anymore, so they present all these meaningless veneers of (fake) feminism and wokeism. They're wounded when men call them unfuckable, they feel pity for other women when men won't fuck them, and some of them (even here) will try to lord fuckability politics over other anonymous posters (try bringing up something as simple as hair color, or hip to waist ratio, and see the deluded posters start competing). Only a small minority of women seem different. I don't think it's escapable, life just sucks and it'll be this way until we have parthenogenesis or something.
No. 1141367
>>1141353It always comes down to "moids do way worse shit!" which isn't wrong at all, and I mean I can get mean when telling someone to not send nudes and that she's a tard if she's thinking of doing it knowing how moids are but telling someone they're a low value, no dignity whore and how the men she's been with fucking hate her, she's got no worth is any good and will help her. This is not all farmers though, I think most nonnas here are nice when helping others deal with this sort of stuff, it's just the weird minority.
>Trusting a random stranger, being vulnerable with him and allowing him full access to you even to the point he can easily hurt and overpower you is scary for most women.Totally. I think women would be more okay with it if men were not… what they are right now.
No. 1141373
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>>1141217>Anons here act like moids when they find out anons are sexual and have sex.>Saying i have no self respect for having casual sexThere was one (1) anon here who did that a few days ago (who was likely a larping moid anyway) and they got like 20 replies telling them they're retarded.
No. 1141375
>>1141359>Its crazy how these men will talk about how ugly, weird or annoying the women they are hooking up with and I'm like why not just block her lolI know rightt? They're so retarded and lie to the girls in order to get them to sleep with them but still act entitled to "better" women so trash the women who let the scrote have his way
>>1141367Oh I didn't mean the mentally ill scrotes and pickmes who come here and tell women they're low value or something for not being submissive dumb virgin housewives men want women to become. Those are either men or pickmes, I'm sure no anon really thinks that way.
No. 1141377
>>1141312>Shame women for being sexualNice willful manipulation of words to insinuate an expectation of asexual purity. No one gives a damn that you have the horni for moids. Most people on this site are straight.
You have to be retarded to think most anons here shame casual sex women the same way men shame them. Men and right wing pickmes think you’re an immoral hole, that’s as far as their criticism goes. Women think you’re stupid for putting yourself in compromising situations for statistical low returns, and encouraging young girls to do the same. Are you denying the observable fact that women who have casual sex has large overlap with being mentally ill, yassified, and libshit-pilled?
The semen is leaking into your brain. I can at least respect the bitches who say yes, I’m mentally ill and sexual attention gives me the illusion of power and control. At least they don’t have some sort of girlboss delusion about how much they are PWNing men by
confidently throwing it back.
No. 1141384
>>1141365>The truth is, 50% of all women want male validation more than anything else.That's because girls are taught to believe having a retarded moid fall in love with you will bring you the biggest happiness. From childhood, you're always taught to wait for your prince to come and save you as if a random guy could actually change a woman's living conditions for the better just by dating her.
I don't blame women like this because it's not their fault and most had bad family situations so they seek out happiness from men's approval but I've been screwed over so may times by the same women, because I trust women, so I learnt to distance myself from them. No good will come out of their company anyway.
No. 1141410
>>1141386There are sexual infections that condoms don't fully protect against and then alot of people partake in oral and foreplay without a barrier in place so.. ten fuck buddies at once is pretty bad in just that sense. I'm not above casual sex, I've done it but there's some very real issues there even with morality removed. Just health wise that's a crazy amount of risk for something to spread and for you not to know even the source of it.
I know you can't tell whether the guy is sleeping around but I used to try not to have 'overlapping' guys for that reason.
No. 1141415
>>1141403If all you're doing is fucking him and he's just an object why do these thoughts even enter your mind?
That would be like saying have one dildo means you're exclusive to the dildo. Obviously you care about these men and you have to fuck several to keep from getting attached.
No. 1141416
>>1141399>>1141403I don't think that's what she's implying. She's saying women should be more selective about finding a quality fwb who will completely satisfy her and also be safe with her to sleep with. Sleeping with multiple men is more dangerous and less satisfying than it is for men sleeping with women, let's not pretend it's the same thing
Men have multiple fwbs because they have no self-worth, don't give a shit about how diseased their dick gets, they get instant gratification and they don't have to worry about being murdered
No. 1141435
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>>1141429i can eat everything else, olives, pickles, tomatoes, mushrooms but these cooked onions do it for me, i can't enjoy french onion soup.
>>1141428raw onion is good though.
No. 1141474
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>>1141444Onions are trash, and I guess that's why you eat them, because
you are what you eat>guitar solo No. 1141511
>>1141507Because of whiteknights like
>>1141510>cringe nicknamesShe’s just not hated here, period.
No. 1141525
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I find it extremely difficult to have empathy for rich people when they talk about more minor personal issues like mental health and breakups and I think it's stupid. Probably biased because I was born into a family of poorfags but like I just don't care about a rich person crying about something they can easily fix because they usually have far more time and money/resources available to them (I'm talking mental health issues, work/school issues and relationship problems, not stuff like people close to them dying)
Money doesn't fix everything, of course, but recently this gay moid in a friend circle I am slowly distancing myself from never stops crying on about the fact he has to study or his relationship problems. Like, you could literally just drop out of university and have your parents provide for you for years, what the fuck are you crying about? He lives in a literal countryside mansion, spends money on anything he desires without a second thought and he could afford to make several life mistakes and not have it impact his wealth or reputation at all compared to the average working-class, or even middle-class person.
He chose to enter a ridiculous LDR with some other moid after only knowing him a few weeks, he chose to study in university, if he were to fuck up his life for a while he would still have the money there to recover fully compared to a poor person making one minor mistake and ending up homeless. Another rich moid in that same group recently heard me talking about the energy crisis and how many people have had their bills instantly doubled and are struggling to afford it, he replied "Yeah it sucks it's so expensive for me" like he doesn't spend £600 a month on shitty art commissions for his edgelord game characters. It's like they're completely detached from reality.
That's not me saying that rich people are immune to these issues, but I just have absolutely no reaction towards it anymore. I can see right through their whining attitudes and I just find it irritating especially as they are always so open and loud about it compared to other poor people I know irl who can't even speak up about nearly being homeless because someone calls them a benefit scrounger(even if they're not on benefits???) because they dare to have a smartphone.
No. 1141533
>>1141511they are cringe
nonny sorry
No. 1141583
>>1140442>>1140450>>1140452This is sadly true, they only want what they can't have.
I've lost out on relationships because I was too autistic not to learn this sooner in life, and was honest with them about how much I cared for and loved them.
Literally never tell a man you love him, ever. You have to pretend you're disgusted by his existence otherwise he gets bored and devalues you immediately. Even ugly men do this.
No. 1141599
>>1141592AYRT You have to keep them on their toes. They'll get lazy, take you for granted, and cheat otherwise.
Ask any woman who has been in long term relationships.
Stay hot and take care of yourself, don't give up your own hobbies that he's not involved in.
No. 1141604
>>1141595Not just pick-mes but like, you can't even have a real emotional relationship with males. They devalue you for it. ALL my relationships have crumbled as soon as I let my guard down and developed feelings. Whether that took 6 weeks or 6 months or a year.
Never tell a man you love him.
No. 1141659
>>1141632Kim isn't on Beyonce status and Chloe Cherry isn't on Kim's status either.
Kim and Beyonce are on different lanes, Beyonce is respected Kim is tolerated and without Kanye she wouldn't even be that.
Chloe is just starting out.
No. 1141796
>>1141775Poor stuck in rich culture are completely fucked. Car dependency forcing poor people to get cars and have never ending expenses relating to them, people being bullied into getting an apartment and moving out before you even turn 22, never ending medical expenses from the fact cheap food is loaded with chemicals, sugar and salt and cheap housing where the air will kill you before anything else does, you're forced to get a smartphone since most jobs nowadays require you have an app for work and the previous generation/schools always give shit tier advice for finances like "oo go to a super expensive school at soon as you graduate with none of the previous finances figured out", get preyed on by MLMs or sales jobs or any other job requiring you to literally pay hundreds before you even start or the millions of other ways americas poor get scammed, you can't even research coupons without being bombarded with a million spam sites that will send you 100+ emails a day disguised as important emails, overdraft fees and so on
America is literally the most expensive place to be poor
No. 1142303
>>1142293Nta but anon is right if you live in a place where misogyny is the norm. I've known women who treated their sons way better and shit on their daughters just because they wanted boys more. That's very common and if not for that, some women put the guys they like before their genuine friends and are willing to cut off their female friends for random men who aren't even interested in them most of the time.
I'm sure this stuff isn't as common in western countries but in shitty countries where you "have to" have a husband to be respected and have a son to "continue the bloodline", women are practically shamed into putting men before themselves and other women.
No. 1142466
>>1142435They're either picking women with issues intending to take advantage of them or half the time the woman isn't crazy.. she's just real reactive to be treated a certain way.
I met a guy last year. I posted about it here att. I rarely feel full on attraction for a man but with him it was instant. Our first convo was him giving me a run down of his mental health, ups and downs over the years. Telling me every bad decision he ever made. I appreciate the honesty but I also suspect his lack of filter is him having no boundaries with women. I looked at this gorgeous man and knew he was not going to be worth it. I could envision him becoming obsessive and it killed me to be an adult and be like… okay well bye and to then detach myself from the flutters he gave me. But it was the right thing to do. My last relationship was hellish and I didn't see that coming but this time I could predict so it was my responsibility to say no to a world of drama. He was ready to dive in like a mad man but..nope.
No. 1142505
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Don't scroll
No. 1142806
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It's a fucking travesty that men's short shorts went out of style, more men should be wearing them and showing off their legs instead of wearing those ugly baggy shorts that only show their calves and knees.
No. 1142927
>>1140926anything she did was just retaliation to his bullshit anyway, I hate the "perfect dainty
victim" narrative. sometimes you have to learn to hit back out of fear for your life, and if she did, I don't blame her, he's a violent druggie psycho
No. 1142931
>>1142927based, but i always always the wrong type of
victim and was constantly blamed. if you're nothing but the dainty cowering
victim, your abuse isn't real in this society. shit's fucked. i do think she's an insecure BPDchan or something, something of the sort, but he's definitely got his issues and you can tell both of them were mutually
abusive though he probably
triggered her behavior and it started a chain reaction. when you're in a serious relationship, especially mariage, it's your duty to actually, you know, tend to your spouse's emotions to some degree. it's particularly difficult for women because we feel so expendable and are made so expendable, so i can easily see depp not doing any emotional labor or investing much emotionally or dismissing her fears and it setting her off, then him getting violent, or her, or both, and her needing to retaliate.
No. 1143002
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>>1142927This is why I'm skeptical of men who claim their female partners are
abusive. Even if they technically are, it's never truly mutual abuse or a genuine threat to him because women don't create the same environment of constant fear and control. I don't think female on male abuse is worth discussing as some sort of serious societal issue. I only feel bad for male children or disabled men who are abused at the hands of women. Picrel is from
Why Does He Do That? and Lundy Bancroft actually works with abused women and
abusive men so he has plenty of experience to comment unlike dumb Johnny stans who view him as a poor
victim No. 1143038
>>1140926saging for off topic and late but it shits me how much scrotes online are milking this. Pointing their fingers at her as a poster example of "look!!!! Men are abused too!! Look how sick and twisted women can be!"
All the memes about her being scum of the Earth make me seethe. Even if she did, which I don't know given I haven't read up on it much, men still account for the majority of domestic abuse. There's no way around it. You'll never see moids call a male abuser a horrible disgusting piece of shit, sounds like to me this is just an excuse to be a misogynist.
No. 1143082
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I've had depression and anxiety since I was 8 or so and I can understand the low feelings but men really are fucking annoying when it comes to prioritising their health. No harm to anyone but if you've got depression or anxiety and you do fuck all all day to mwkr yourself feel better, be that talking to someone, going outside or burning off adrenaline or stress by doing a high energy activity. Like what do people reasonably expect a doctor to be able to do. I've known men that have killed themselves and personally, they died at their own hands but their own means. No one was making them deal with the consequences of outside actions. I grew up being beaten, a lot of men grow up expecting more attention and cry depression when shit isn't easy for them. Of course a doctor is going to suggest exercise and going outside. Really pisses me off how people don't want to help themselves. I had a doctor that just put me on medication and gave me. Horrible side effects for 2 plus years. I've had a therapist be a bitch and turn very high school on me and gossip about my personal issues socially outside of work. If I was a an I'd probably have killed myself by now but even somehow being the weaker sex and picked on by others I feel mentally stronger than the faggots that hurt me these days. Men are weak and I hate them and how coddled they are.
No. 1143099
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>>1143089Men literally think any problem is more serious when they experience it. Tbh it’s no surprise so many are depressed when they are this cut off from the experiences of others. Never seeing the light of day bc head rammed so far up own ass. They’re so fucking self centred they never get any perspective whatsoever into their own privilege and if they did maybe they’d be fucking grateful for what they have. Men will even claim that they’re depressed because their lives are too convenient and easy, and think they’re a
victim because of that, instead of acknowledging that it is 100% their own fault for being a selfish hedonist pig.
No. 1143109
>>1143095This could be applicable in terms of suffering with mental illness regardless of the environment you live in. But in regards to men suffering because they are in particular circumstances that make them depressed, they absolutely have more resources and "pull" to get them out of their situation vs women who are often burdened with things like childcare, unpaid labour and misogyny in areas like the workplace. Idk, I just don't think it can be entirely equal when we live in a world that still divides and discriminates based on sex.
Whenever I've encountered women with genuine mental illness it's been from childhood abuse or sexual abuse, overall misogyny theyve faced since a young age, constantly being at a financial disadvantage compared to their partners or having to do truck loads of unpaid labour on top of working and/or looking after kids. Women are naturally taught to be more introspective and diminish their own feelings so it just bubbles up until they get emotional outbursts too.
I have only encountered one man who was depressed for things out of his control like discrimination or being unable to reach a comfortable spot no matter how hard he tried.
Apart from him, every single man I've met who cried about being depressed or mentally ill also simultaneously consumed porn, was purposely in and out of employment or just didn't care to be employed at all, did the absolute not even bare minimum in regards to looking after his children or house, smoked weed or drank a lot while also complaining he had no money, and he was almost always babied and coddled by his parents. Every single one of these men could have put on some clean clothes, acted like themselves, and could have easily got a job interview or offer with no problem. But they didn't, because it's far easier to beg for attention about Muh Mens Mental Health on social media than ever really assess what you're doing wrong and how you can improve as a person.
Let me end this by saying that if men had to go through what the average woman has to experience throughout her lifetime, they wouldn't last a second.
No. 1143112
>>1143095Women's mental health is more important and our issues are more serious. It's because women have it harder in any given field. Women have to work much more to be respected and earn as much as men in the same career. Women have to do most housework and labor in marriage, women are expected to be hot even after giving birth several times, women are expected to care about their children when men can just leave at any given time, women are expected to forgive when their husbands inevitably cheat or try to cheat on them, pass them std, etc.
Men aren't expected to do nearly as much as women are, and yet women are seen as therapists and prostitutes by men all around the world, even in Western countries men still only care about whether a woman will fuck him or do stuff for him, none of them care about domestic abuse, rape and other inequalities most women face in their lifetimes. Then they turn around and expect women to care about them and how oppressed poor men are.
No. 1143119
>>1143095My country is trying to put together mens clubs in every town with an emphasis on treating male isolation and giving men spaces to talk about their issues in the company of exclusively other men. There's ads encouraging them to go there and to talk. Rural areas in particular. There's still this one guy on my road who is an exact match for one of these places.. never married, early retirement, doing nothing with his life. Every time I bump into him I get landed with talk of his depression. Unwanted updates on his moods and poor sleeping habits. I won't go into detail but my own life circumstances are kind of bleak. I've bigger issues than this man. They want women to listen. Services know not to make the genders mix in these anti isolation clubs because they know men land women with their shit and its one sided.
Government gives men their own lil free spaces to go talk the ears off each other.. they're not using it. And yet we've to hear how neglected men are by society. Violent crimes lately are being blamed on a lack of male services? They have the same services as anyone here and then their clubs on top of that. I'd kill for a female equivalent right now but oh well.
No. 1143127
>>1143030This. To be so sick in order to become an
actual skelly tier there's something more severe than wanting to just "conform to a beauty standard" at play, such as the mentioned desexualization of their body in response to sexual trauma, self-harm or wanting to gain control over something in their lives such as their eating. I feel like the meanspo ana-chans (such as the ones on lolcow) are usually just non-ana girls larping and making up for their shit self-esteem by imposing impossible and unreachable standards on other girls.
No. 1143332
>>1143326All the autistic women I know have friends. Otherwise they are stuck up like
>>1143327 anon. Those tend to be huge pickmes though.
No. 1143353
>>1143347Your detail about being extremely hostile to scrotes reminded me that a lot of women don't agree with manhate. So if you've got opinions on the nature of males, keep it to yourself or else the girl you're trying to hang with will call you a
No. 1143362
>>1143359Nta but
>kysThis is why you don't have friends.
No. 1143368
>>1143318This sounds like projection? Very pickme to judge women like that. I've had trouble making close friends but it's because 90% of my time goes to working 50+ hours a week and taking care of my toddler. Stop blaming women. I get along with every women I meet, I'm adored by the ladies at work because I'm "quiet, nice, helpful". And I'm a
TERF so fuck men and fuck pick mes. But there's just no time or energy left for me to get close to other women. It's not womens fault. The only close friends I have are online, no where near me. A lot of normies prefer in person friendship and if you don't have the time for that, it never goes anywhere.
No. 1143373
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Even though I obviously agree that eurocentric beauty standards exist and that it can have an extremely bad effect on your self image, for some reason I can’t help but find this kind of thing extremely pathetic instead of sympathetic. I feel like at some point it’s not you talking about your experiences with racist attitudes towards beauty but becomes more of like a misery porn thing where they just get off on pitying themselves. Also without fail literally every single girl who does this kind of thing exclusively pursues white people themselves.
No. 1143398
>>1143387Anon was someone who didn't have friends but they were also very quick to scream "kys" to anyone they disagreed with, which is probably why they can't make friends. I don't think pickmeism has to do anything with friendships because I know pickmes with a lot of female friends but being a weirdo who can't resolve disagreements without insulting the other person… That's way more likely to leave you friendless
>>1143373She's such a beautiful woman too so I can't imagine how hard ir must be for actually unconventional looking women. I'm brown myself but have light skin and blonde hair, I do get more attention because I look eurocentric but I don't think it's always the case. There are bound to be men who prefer women with darker hair, eye and complexion.
No. 1143399
>>1143373I understand how seeing the image of "pretty" often looking a certain way/race can affect your self image. But part of me thinks really buying into that is just childish. Pretty women are pretty even if they don't fit into a mold. Maybe some moids are close minded about what "pretty" looks like but others are not. Like that girl is pretty idk why she's acting that way
Also "Muh eurocentric beauty standards" is often just cope posted by ugly women…
Then again maybe I'm just an autist weirdo. I don't think everyone is attractive but I've been attracted to all different kinds of people so idk
No. 1143417
>>1143373I feel like women who do this only worsen the overall image of their race(s). Like, what do you gain from this "boohoo pity me" thing? Where is it supposed to lead? It's just cringy. White girls on TikTok will like/comment with fake sympathy (but deep down, they'll feel a sense of relief because they know they can rest on eurocentric beauty standards even if they're personally not very attractive, and any existing, unwarranted superiority complex they feel around other races of women will just be bolstered), opportunistic white boys will either prey on your low self-esteem to get pussy and/or a girlfriend they can abuse, or they'll just mock you if they're feeling particularly misogynistic/racist, and every group of men will think they're losers if they pick you, even if they find you pretty. The worst part, though, is that you're encouraging other impressionable girls and women who aren't white to feel bad about themselves over their race, and that obviously leads to self-doubt, emotional baggage and self-fulfilling prophecies
Maybe I'm just schizo, but I genuinely don't see any positives to acting this way.
No. 1143431
>>1143373She’s just fishing for compliments. She knows she’s gorgeous and I’m sure the white boys and all other races are falling over themselves. This is probably directed at one particular white boy that didn’t like her back for whatever reason and she projects it on to all of them. Also I love how she says
>I can’t help but hate her!!Well we hate you too bitch, if you’re gonna be like that. Damn. Stop embarrassing yourself.
No. 1143444
>>1143359If you were a normal woman, you shouldn't have problem making friends with other women. The proof that you can't is a sign that you are a pickme
>>1143347Women who dislike neurotypical women are usually incredibly stuck up
No. 1143453
>>1143395Yep. Also, isolating the
victim is a hallmark of abuse. I'm sure OP would argue it's because a woman "allowed" it to happen since she's such a pickme, but someone who is getting verbally harassed and/or physically threatened every time they try to spend time with friends and family may find it difficult to safely resist.
No. 1143503
>>1143468You're just being obtuse on purpose, because the difference between Asperger's and autism is mainly intelligence and you know that. Scrotes with Asperger's might be able to afford to only fixate on their special interests and act disabled, but women actually are forced to mask and you know that.
>>1143493With being able to adapt I mean not chimping out because someone is quiet and doesn't want to look them in the eye. Most of the symptoms women with Asperger's show are easily confused for just being shy or being an arrogant stuck up bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else, instead of people understanding that you're worried you're going to say something stupid or come across as awkward, so you'd rather not talk to people at all and it's tiring to constantly have to overthink about everything you say.
No. 1143545
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>>1143368>there's just no time or energy left for me to get close to other women.I've noticed this, in westernized countries women don't really have community or real friends. Too busy with work or taking care of a household. Even having to move with hubby when he gets a better job and losing a whole community.
This specific type of colonization (severing bonds to eachother, pitting people against eachother) is so insidious I hate it.
No. 1143558
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>>1143546I'm not planning to, but lots of women still do get married and drop literally everything for her baby/hubby. The remaining women are either handmaidens waiting to get shacked up, druggies having their free fun times, or some other flavor of male aligned/falls for some dumb shit like trooning out. It's very hard to find long term friends. I had the most in common to lesbians but nowadays it's hard to find ones who haven't been brainwashed into insanity.
No. 1143581
>>1143561nta I was in an emotionally
abusive relationship form 15-20 with a guy who backfooted me anytime I went out so I have a tendency to isolate myself and I'm trying my best to get over it and my current husband encourages me to go out and make friends, I think for a lot of women also experience similar
also westerners romanticize and encourage shyness/introvertedness in women and like to claim women who go out and shop, party, go to bars, etc are trashy and basic, which has definitely contributed to women isolating themselves from others a lot more
No. 1143652
>>1143604faghag sperges are the worst since gay men always whine about how no one accepts them and everyone hates them but nooo women wanna be their friends is the worst thing ever kek. Imagine thinking you're a
victim because women want to be your friend
No. 1143858
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These shoes are cute and I may buy them.
No. 1143860
>>1143858They're cute, buy them.
If I see a girl irl walking around in these boots I will wink at you and maybe lick my lips.
No. 1143865
>>1143860I like them, everything Shayna touches may turn to crust and dust, but that doesn't mean all of it ugly.
These are cute and remind me of boots I had as a kid, when my mom would make me wear snowsuits.
No. 1143934
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>>1143908>>1143914>She approaches you one night>"Come, join me in death!"Do you accept?
No. 1143939
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Mermaid girl > Din Don Dan
No. 1144018
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>>1143607>I've known a few autists and they were all very below average both academically abd socially.Are you genuinely retarded or just being obtuse? Again, the difference between autism and Asperger's is intelligence. Yes, classical autism is associated with low intelligence, but Asperger's is associated with high intelligence, it's why the two were always separated until the entire diagnosis "Asperger's" got cancelled, because it's the name of a nazi doctor. Most autists or spergs you know will also be scrotes and they are automatically all retarded. You're being intellectually dishonest anyway by comparing some disgusting Chris-Chan tier scrote to female spergs who generally fly under the radar, have above average intelligence, mask and camouflage. Barbara McClintock was a Noble Award-Winning Scientist and probably was a sperg, Susan Boyle was diagnosed with Asperger's, Heather Kuzmich is a model with Asperger's, Alex Wineman was diagnosed and won the "America's Choice" award at the Miss America 2013 pageant, Temple Grandin, etc. This site literally is female sperg central, so what the fuck are you even doing here if you have such deep intense hatred for female spergs?
No. 1144112
>>1135693Totally agree. Fear of the sun aging you is so stupid. Just don’t get burnt and you’ll avoid fucking up your skin or getting cancer. Why is having more melanin (aka a natural tan) suddenly going to make you an ugly hag now? I thought all the melanated kweenz out there claim that’s what makes you ageless kek
Sounds like a lie peddled by big skincare to me.
No. 1144113
>>1144112>Why is having more melanin (aka a natural tan)Girl what are you talking about, tanning doesn't give you melanin. Melanin is what allows you to tan in the first place, and people who lack it absolutely have a chance of turning into ugly hags if they don't protect themselves from the sun.
Like yeah obviously you don't need to hide in a dark room and cover every inch of skin when you go outside, but skin damage from sun exposure is real and scientifically
valid. Sunscreen isn't some evil big pharma conspiracy, it's an easy and generally cheap way to prevent cancer and premature aging.
No. 1144117
>>1144113>Sunscreen isn't some evil big pharma conspiracyNayrt but if there's one tinfoil I'll hold on to until I die
from skin cancer it's this one.
Hail Helios! Praise Ra!
No. 1144118
>>1144117NTA but don't you know people irl that aged because of sun damage? I do.
>>1144112>suddenly going to make you an ugly hag now? I thought all the melanated kweenz out there claim that’s what makes you ageless kekWhat do you mean by melanated queens? If you mean darker skinned women, then yeah. They age better because less sun damage.
No. 1144121
>>1144118No I don't know anyone like that.
Look, I'm already over 40, and I'm very glad I didn't live my life in fear of normal everyday stuff like the Sun or growing old. I don't intend to start fearing now.
No. 1144123
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>>1144118Even eye damage is in large parts caused by the sun in white people. If skin cancer isn't scary enough, imagine eye cancer. My grandma had multiple melanomas removed and eye surgery several times, she was a big fan of sunbathing, never wore sunscreen, even used sunbeds. It also aged her like a decade, but that only really started ramping up when she reached 50.
No. 1144198
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>>1144153>>1144149>>1144160Not true, average to above average intelligence in general, not just compared to people with classical autism. Above average also isn't the same as saying super high IQ, so again you're being obtuse and putting words in my mouth, because you have some sort of vendetta against spergs. Nobody told me I'm special and smart and I was only diagnosed in my teens, because I reported my alcoholic father for neglect; they were looking for something to blame me. If someone can go to gymnasium or technasium, they're not exactly retarded.
>>1144167The retard spergs are considered to have classical autism. That's the whole difference between Aperger's and autism, before the woke brigade decided to cancel a whole ass diagnosis.
>>1144185Yeah IQ isn't the best measure of intelligence and scrotes are retarded. It's unfair to compare female spergs who are generally quiet and keep to themselves, to horrorcow scrotes with disgusting fetishes.
No. 1144202
>>1144198>If someone can go to gymnasium or technasium, they're not exactly retarded.Holt shit you really are retarded. I have a mentally disabled relative and he literally had a shop so earnt money and kept his business, lived his life, had kids and took care of them. People don't have to be mouth drooling katathonic messes, you can still be mentally deficient and do daily tasks, albeit less successfully.
Also autism is the broader term for aspergers. That doctor had to choose which children would be allowed to live and he of course chose the ones with less severe autism and called them aspergers so the children could live, you're still autistic and like most mental illnesses, it's a spectrums. Not all schizophrenics have the same intensity of different delusions, it's similar in autism where some are a bit retarded and others are so retarded they can't function.
No. 1144222
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>>1144202How is going to gymnasium or technasium performing daily tasks, albeit less successfully? Please explain. Did you think I just mean the gym?
>Also autism is the broader term for aspergersSure, but you cannot use the two interchangeably. It's like how every square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square. Saying that people with Aspergers are intellectually retarded, when that is literally impossible, makes very little sense. You can call me out for being pedantic and annoying, but I don't think you're doing an amazing callout, when it's the truth that spergs have average to above average intelligence, thus they can be more intelligent than NT's. I don't know why that is so controversial. You can say you care more about emotional intelligence or that IQ is bullshit, which I will agree with you on, IQ is bullshit.
No. 1144262
>>1143604Yeah I know a faghag and her gay friends are terrible. I got to know so much of our city's gay community and it genuinely peaked me. They'll also tell her (and me) they'd like to use us as a surrogate so their children will have our features and her best friend would even tell her he wants to conceive it via PIV, not in vitro insemination (because he's insecure about his manliness I guess??). Like fuck no, I'm not a fucking broodnmare you sexist asshole.
They'd shit on women coupled with men they deem attractive, saying how ugly and fat they are and the men can do better, be openly sexist, ditch us in foreign city to go fuck gays from grindr or to have an orgy in sauna like that's a normal thing to do and so on.
There's only one gay I know who isn't woman-hating dramatic asshole and that guys is not even fully gay (overwhelmingly men-liking bisexual).
Faghags are definitely not using poor gay men, it's the opposite.
No. 1144267
>>1144257Yes, ever heard of savants? So yes, it is possible. Usually it doesn't mean they are a genius at everything though, but just their field. There are many lists online with famous geniuses with Aspergers or autism. Personally I had an easy time in university, I chose something I'm good at and studied only with other women. I'm not on any meds, I only got 30 minutes extra on exams, which I never used, but it was nice to know I have the option so I don't panic when there's only 15 minutes left. I'm still not great with social cues, but with my study we had to actually practice on actors to deal with real clients in the future. We also had to watch documentaries and series on picking up social cues, so I still passed my mediation exams, despite being a sperg. I wasn't the best, but everyone is allowed to be good in other things, right? Other women gladly worked with me on projects, because despite being awkward, I do deliver good work and fast. I just usually let them handle the intake with the client, which they didn't mind, because they thought that was the easy part. We actually made a great team. I miss uni.
No. 1144274
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I think autism is definitely a disability. Some people on here act like it's only a problem with males but women like this can have it to. I guess you gotta do what you need to do for yourself, but it's unreasonable to have to adjust to all of these hiccups in your life with so much time and then be so confused when no one wants to stick around and wait for you.
No. 1144278
>>1144267Savants are uncommon, most autistic people are just annoying and retarded.
No. 1144281
>>1144274Sure, it can be a real disability, but aspergers specifically generally indicates high functioning. Women with aspergers go under the radar for decades generally, or you have to end up at a therapist's office for unrelated reasons. In contrast with scrote autists, where you can't possibly say someone like Chris-chan is actually high functioning. I already isolate myself outside of work and activism, so I don't understand what the big deal is. I already try to not burden the precious NT's with my existence, besides kms.
>>1144278I didn't say it was common, did I? No, someone asked if it was possible and I said yes it is. That doesn't mean it's common.
No. 1144285
>>1144281Anon said they believed most autistic were average or below, you brought up savants as if they're a common phenomenon. They're not. Even then, they're not geniuses because a savant can only do one very specific thing.
>>1144282Autists want friends but they don't want to be other people's friends. They'll cry about how life is hard for them and how normies don't care about their struggles but you never see them making the effort to help a normie in the same way they expect every stranger to help them. Most also believe they're smartest and deserve better than they actually do which only makes them more insufferable.
No. 1144286
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I just don't get how someone could complain about the most trivial things and then feel shocked when someone considers you disabled. Like no one wakes up wanting to go to the office. People do it because that's their job.
>>1144281I never said they were the same. I said autism causes serious issues for both men and women. Like whatever has caused you to feel that you need to isolate yourself. Isn't that a problem?
No. 1144287
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>>1144285Autists complain that 99% of the population are doing something wrong and they must be doing things right. Okay.
No. 1144292
>>1144251This, I'm a virgin and non American and I don't see sex as this "gross act that corrupts you and lowers your value" but just something basic and normal in life, unless you're cheating or some shit nobody cares about your sexual business here. Some anons take it waay too personal and is obvious there are deep feelings involved but they wouldn't admit and then disguise their weird judgements under fake concern and "feminism", they wouldn't check a moid's sexuality
this much
No. 1144296
>>1144282>many autistics don't care about friendship or are satisfied with their social circleAll of these 'common facts' about autists generally only apply to scrotes. There are many female autists who become skilled in camouflaging, following the latest fashions, mimicking peers in order to fit in. Look up Tony Attwood lectures. I don't do that anymore, I come across as gnc. I care very much about my spergy female friend and we talk every day and visit each other regularly with care packages. We both would like to have more friends, but it's complicated when you're a sperg on top of being wlw and childfree.
>>1144286>Like no one wakes up wanting to go to the office.I do when I have a female only team. At my previous job we bullied scrotes together and went skating after work. I caused myself to isolate because NT's get easily offended at my silence and lack of eye contact. I'm fine with masking at work, but afterwards I want to relax. Other than that I'm sure you've heard of the state of the alphabet community and how they prey on gnc spergs. I'm sick and tired of people thinking they're being 'helpful' by suggesting I could be trans. I also don't want to bother or burden others.
>>1144293Pls no, I know bpdfags can't help it but I was a FP of one once and she cut herself because I didn't pick up the phone in the middle of the night, so she thought something was wrong with me. BPDfags after DBT are okay tho
No. 1144300
>>1144296>All of these 'common facts' about autists generally only apply to scrotes.Are you saying there's no/almost no female autists who aren't social or satisfied with their social circles?
>I do when I have a female only team. At my previous job we bullied scrotes together and went skating after work. I caused myself to isolate because NT's get easily offended at my silence and lack of eye contact.You were soooo good friends with these women and now you're somehow isolated. wow
No. 1144301
>>1144296>wlw and childreeYou said you're not even dating and how is not having children limiting your friend choice anyways? Unless you keep bringing it up and say it's selfish to have kids and stuff or be argumentative about it, it's not much of an issue.
Have you had a gf before? How do you know you're a lesbian? You come off as a straight girl who hates men.
No. 1144310
>>1144300I'm saying that I notice anons stating those things as if they are facts, when they are generally more common with scrotes. It reminds me of when I was diagnosed and the scrote psych was assuming all these things based on what scrotes are like. Also everything changed with the pandemic and working from home, they were all 10-20 years older, married and have kids. We never saw each other at the office anymore and weren't even allowed to meet up due to our "essential function", so we couldn't afford all getting covid at once. Then we got a scrote manager who didn't renew my contract and I found a new job.
>>1144301Yes I had a gf before and slept with several women. It's difficult to relate to conversations about dating men or dealing with kids, so I'm often quiet bc I have little to add.
No. 1144386
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Bump raid. I’m on phone so I can’t see webm
No. 1144390
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>>1144388Lies, nonnies do not open that WebM under any circumstances
No. 1144598
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Yes Jodi was a pickme but not only did she killed the scrote, she made everyone in that courtroom listen to his paedophile ass cum over her wearing little boy's underwear. She's an icon, unconventional, but an icon nonetheless.
No. 1144668
>>1144642omg!! I had forgotten about that, when are you sending the letter
nonny? can I still make a postcard for her?
No. 1144750
>>1143440I have a kid, I didn't say I gave birth, retard. Some of you are so narrow minded wtf. And even if I had given birth, some women just want to be mothers. And that's fine.
>>1143545>>1143551Exactly, there's little to no time in peace. Even when I was in college, I found myself less social as I prioritized classes, homework, and a full time job.
No. 1144827
>>1144807>>1144811>>1144813>>1144815OP here. All I said is that loosing a fetus isn’t the same as losing a child you given birth to. Both are tragic, yes but one obviously has more emotional stakes and trauma than the other. That’s it. Wasn’t mocking women who lost who had miscarriages. Jesus Christ. This site overacts to fucking everything.
Also a fetus isn’t a person.
No. 1144839
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>>1144832She can do what she wants but I just thought that it was somewhat excessive. This is the article I was referring to btw. I honestly thought she lost her child at birth when really she miscarried (albeit, rather late)
No. 1144881
>>1144877The baby
did die. Wtf do you think a miscarriage is?
No. 1144887
>>1144852Ok I give up. Nta, I've been seeing WAY too many posts that go against
terf/radfem ideas recently, wanting to pass as just "common sense" and it seriously sounds like the russian agents or glowies found this site. The fuck is going on?
No. 1144892
>>1144885I support abortion but if a mother sees her unborn child as a baby and wants to mourn for her, you don't get to scream "pro lifeeer". Pro choice is meant to support women and women's choice, you don't get a say how women cope with their sadness.
>>1144887>women thinking it's ok for another woman to mourn for her dead baby are totally russian glowiesYou're schizoid.
>>1144890>didn't get to live so whateverHow can yiu guys type this stuff when a woman's suffering because of something so devastating? Are you autistic or just trying to be edgy?
No. 1145059
>>1144896Kek. This is probably true. Either that or it's a schizophrenic.
>>1144925Anon is acting like it's prolife to let women grieve when god knows prolifers put women's needs last.
No. 1145458
>>1145148I want to tell her:
"thank you for inspiring a whole new generation of girlbosses". ♥
No. 1145519
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I like double standards that negatively affect men. It makes sense for them, as a group, to suffer, and I think it should continue.
If a moid brings up "What about men!!" to me in any context, I will do my best to think of ways to increase male misery
No. 1145563
>>1145531Kek why would feminism have to defend men anyways? No man will ever defend rape
victims or murdered women but we're expected to cape for rich white men who got "emotionally abused" by their gf who said their dick wasn't that big or that they were short??
No. 1147088
>>1145777Every time someone is bragging about baiting like they were some epic troll masterminds it's just cringe. You literally wasted your time for hours arguing with people on the internet "ironically", that's just as retarded as being serious about it. Just admit you want attention and someone to talk to you.
>>1145793Honestly this is the only reason why people reply to scrotes, not to actually argue with them
No. 1147350
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Husbandofags are sad and weird and they need to stay in their containment thread. Like I'm sorry things haven't worked out for you but your incel cope is not cute and inserting your imaginary boyfriend in every thread is troon levels of obsessive behavior.
No. 1147434
>>1147419that sounds so stressful
nonnie, good luck
No. 1147541
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>>1147350omw to buy that daki
No. 1147588
>>1147500Jesus the way some of you seethe and obsess over "ugly balding disgusting" men is wild. If they're so pathetic why they in your head 24/7?
I dare everyone reading this to not post manhate for 24 hours. Bet you fucking can't.
And no I'm not a scrote nor do I cape for them. But it's annoying when every thread is paragraphs of manhate because you think meds are a moid conspiracy
No. 1147601
>>1147588>because you think meds are a moid conspiracyNta, wtf are you talking about? What do husbandos have to do with medicine.
Anyway, I dare everyone reading this to post whatever they want.
No. 1147677
>>1147660Very true
>>1147659Yeah this
>>1147665 I was agreeing with her?
No. 1147682
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Nonnas, just ignore it. Plenty of anons have bfs and husbands, it's just not meaningful to bring them up on this site. If you have a nigel - great! No one fucking cares. It's best not to let random anons screeching about unworthy moids get under your skin. Who cares? Why care about what someone you will never know or meet is saying? If you are happy and secure in your relationship, anyone can say anything they want and you have the choice to just not give a shit. Make that choice. And the same for husbando-chans. All the power to you but why care when other people are judging you? You are happy, right? That should be all that matters, you aren't incels, you are just living life by your terms. It's okay to not understand someone's feelings but getting worked up about what brings joy to other women on both sides is just bitter. Who fucking cares THAT much? Let women live their life the way they want. I can't imagine wasting brain power focusing on the life choices of anonymous people.
No. 1147866
>>1147743>Ana-chans being on internet is comparable to pedos. Who hurt you, fattie? Being thin and EDs aren't even in style anymore so I'm assuming you're bringing this up because of a personal experience.
Also pedos literally prey on kids online just to rape them and kill them or solicit their nudes. As for ED stuff, you have to consentually follow them, read their posts, etc. They're not as dangerous as pedoscrotes and if you think so, you're delusional.
No. 1147881
>>1147867NTA but fat isn't in, curvy is. Having a thin waist and curvy figure is ideal right now, the anorexic flatgirl aesthetic isn't hot anymore.
Go on a diet.
No. 1147890
>>1147725i think its because the word ''thot'' doesnt have the impact the word ''whore'' has and hasn't been used as longer. Most women dont even look that bothered by the ''word'' thot meanwhile the word whore is used longer and mostly by men to demean women.
>>1147866not that anon but there is alot of pedo-pandering in ED spaces and sexualizing of childhood. Are you mad that you feel personally called out
>>1147881this is even worse, because you have to be genetically born with that rare body type (hourglass) so alot of women get surgery and injections on their body.
No. 1147930
>>1147890I do agree its worse, it's advertising very dangerous operations too and blaming irrelevant ana-chans is stupid because of that alone. Instagirls who advertise very hard and invasive surgeries like beauty treatments are the new
toxic beauty standard.
No. 1147994
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Not really an unpopular opinion here but I don't get why people think it's okay to gain weight after high school in the US. It's just sad to see so many people I used to go to school with look busted. I get that life gets stressful but I don't feel like using snacks/beer/sugary drinks to cope is really the best in the long run. I also feel like you can be passionate about food/cooking and not be fat.
I also don't get the appeal of alcohol and how people can drink so much as adults. I do enjoy the taste of beer and getting drunk, but those make me so tired and unproductive that it's not worth it these days in my late 20s. I also avoid alcohol at events because I need to drive everywhere. I'm kind of annoyed by the amount of alcohol advertising I see these days because I don't think I'm a prude about alcohol but it isn't encouraging a good lifestyle imo.
No. 1148661
>>1148655I agree that "fake-looking" orgasms are possible in real life, but still I think most of them are truly fake, or at least many women do it because they want to perform for the man's (or even her own) arousal, to get "in the mood". A lot of women do confess to faking their orgasms, and relatively few report actually achieving them when they have sex with their male partners (especially if it's with a partner they don't know well).
Still, this doesn't mean
you are faking your orgasms, nonna. I'm actually pretty jealous of anyone who can climax like that. I doubt I'd ever experience something like that with a man.
No. 1148692
>>1148661Ayrt and you're probably right. I usually take care of myself because I like orgasms and the few men I've been with I've usually seen flaggerblasted when they see me touch myself during or after PIV, ask them to slow down or do a certain rhythm, use saliva as more lubricant and when the sex doesn't end when they do (either after they cum or even when they don't and just roll over). And those are men who had long term relationships before me. One I started dating and he tried so much harder when he realised what he was doing before didn't pleasure me.
So my next unpopular opinion is that I honestly kinda think women who never put their pleasure first or fake it in their LTRs are also at fault for never being pleasured and can't put all the blame on their men. Yeah I get society puts men first but you gotta snap out of it. Of course scrotes should try more and it's mostly their fault but they usually act like they've never seen a woman wanting to finish before and I feel like it might be true.
No. 1148738
>>1148729Careful, there's a lot of mentally ill people here on lolcow who took it personally and jumped on me when I said I wouldn't be friends with someone who has serious mental issues.
Apparently that makes me soulless, but I just know my limits.
No. 1148743
>>1148729I agree with this entirely and it’s sad that it’s an unpopular opinion. Friends and partners are not personal caretakers or therapists and it’s also shitty when people use their mental illness to guilt trip people into not holding them accountable in relationships.
>>1148738It’s projection. Ive been friends with extremely mentally ill people and it becomes so draining and a chore especially BPD havers, thankfully i don’t talk to men so I can’t speak on what it’s like to deal with mentally ill men but I imagine a thousand times worse.
No. 1148796
>>1148729Agree. My first major relationship ended and as much as the guy was vague like "we're just not good for each other" I knew very well it was my mental health being at a standstill for so long. It hadn't really let up in the 5 years we were together and that's a long time to live with someone as miserable as I was. The first year was good I guess, he tried to cheer me up all the time and it was sweet, it didn't work because my issues were chemical to begin with, the help that I sought out didn't work, then one of my parents died… I spent 2 years in a hellstate that nothing could relieve after that. Tbh I barely noticed or thought about his moods because depression/grief can be a selfish state. Even when you're not being an ass you can be too wrapped up your own pain to notice the needs of people around you. There was an element of neglect on my end. He gave and gave and I got used to taking. It wasn't a healthy dynamic. I only really saw that after he'd left. I wasn't self aware att.
I often see anons in the relationship threads talking about being with a chronically depressed guy and being desperately unhappy… but they have so much loyalty that they refuse to leave no matter what state they're living in. What bugs me is how these are often men who throw suicide threats around as leverage. There's depression and then there's.. emotional abuse. I was reasonable with my partner in most ways (but like I said neglectful) and I still got left because it drags you both down even without that aspect. I've no idea how people stay with partners who are not just unwell but are making threats against you or throwing around guilt trips as if you're the bad guy when you're actually the best support they have in their life.
No. 1148818
>>1148796>I often see anons in the relationship threads talking about being with a chronically depressed guy and being desperately unhappy… but they have so much loyalty that they refuse to leave no matter what state they're living in. What bugs me is how these are often men who throw suicide threats around as leverage. There's depression and then there's.. emotional abuse. You're right. Reminds me of my best friend's ex-scrote who constantly threatened suicide if she ever broke up with him. Mentally she was already out of the relationship almost one year before she had the courage to end it. People kept telling her that she's heartless if she breaks up because you're supposed to stick by your mentally ill moid but the last year of their relationship was absolute torture for her (even more so because they lived together). He ended up attempting suicide after the breakup, sent her and her friends (me included) deranged messages and self-harm pics in the middle of the night and blamed her for destroying his life. It is
abusive to keep someone captive like that. Sure, she could've just ended it earlier, it's not like she was locked up in a cage but people underestimate how much something like this affects you, especially if it's a long term relationship and people around you are giving you a hard time for it.
No. 1148934
>>1144251late but I'm also non-US and I know exactly what you mean
nonnie. From what I've experienced in my life Americans seem very broken in terms of how they talk about sex and the dynamics of it.
No. 1149203
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>>1149168I'm an ex stoner myself and I feel the same way tbh. I've seen firsthand that for most people it does make you lazy and almost every single pothead I've known did go on to use "harder" drugs at some point. Weed smokers will pull out every cope in the book to justify why they need a hit of nuclear 26% THC blueberry bazooka kush just to take a trip to the grocery store.
I truly don't look down on the weed smokers who do actually use it "every now and then", but I know that those people are few and far between compared to those who grow dependent on it to feel normal. Putting the drug itself aside the stoner culture is a cancer and always has been. Everytime I see a tie-dye fractral red-eyed Rick and Morty bumpersticker my eyes roll into the back of my head.
No. 1149452
>>1148567Facts. You are so right, anon. It always struck me as the person not really knowing enough of what they were screeching about but wanting to seem like an expert. Lazy and stupid.
>>1148655>>1148692Don't worry, some people in general just have a hard time imagining other individuals having different experiences in life to their own. They think everyone is just like them. This extends further than just this conversation and topic, too. I hate it when people are so adamant that their experiences are the rule and everyone else is just lying and shitty. It's screams narcissistic to me. And you are right about communication, I started having crazy intense orgasms during sex when I actually started being vocal about what I want and not accepting low effort. You need to shed the anxiety and just advocate for your pleasure. Demanding you get it how you like it or experimenting until you find what is just right is necessary. But you have to speak up. Men are dumb, they need direction lol
No. 1149562
>>1149558%90 of what men accuse women of doing is the stuff they themselves do. It's projection.
>>1149556Because I've seen it happen a few times and it disgusted me so much I have a strong memory of it. Why are men like this?
No. 1149734
>>1149512Or maybe it's because women are raised to give even terrible men a chance and be kind and understanding and nice to everyone, and "see the best" in everybody, ever think about that? Men are not trained for that, women are told to never be aggressive or have extreme opinions. It's why there are so many women who are TRAs. That's why males accept whatever their male friends tell them about their girlfriends and women in general (and since they hate women they believe it and think their male friend is right). Also you're wrong about all women saying "not all men" every time their friends vent to them about their boyfriends, a lot of the time they will hate the fuck out of the scrote who is abusing her and sometimes even mention how all men are like that. You must not have had a lot of female friends if you think this is a rare occurrence.
>>1149729I don't understand why shotafags and their defenders always try to use the "it's not as bad as moids looking lolishit!" excuse as if being a pedo of any kind was acceptable.
No. 1149740
>>1149735Do you really think that men don't look at shota? Kek. Also,
>fantasizeI really don't put it above shotafags of either gender to fantasize about irl boys.
No. 1149747
>>1149740>menAnd I was talking about women.
>irlThis is like saying fujos would get off to irl gay sex. That shit is not the same. Yes its different for moids who are into lolishit because even your normie moid friends/coworkers would fuck below 18 if it wasn't illegal, you didn't have that shit happening in the past with women.
No. 1149748
>>1149735NTA but there are a few on this site who admit to being shotafags.
Also look at Fujochan's /sh/.
Inb4 that "those are obviously moids!" cope. Your only proof of that is that "women can't be pedos" or that "men also like shota" even though you're defending shota and said that it's not as bad as loli. Why would you say that if not to argue that women liking shota should be acceptable? I don't care which one is worse, both are pedophilia and trying so hard to defend any pedophile is pathetic.
No. 1149782
>>1149767>It's ink on paperHow curious, that's the same excuse that scrotes use to justify their perversion.
Look, I know men are much more likely to be pedophiles, I talk about it often. But I'm not going to accept the few women who are pedos just because they're rare or because they're women. Male pedophiles being more common and more often aggressive does not justify female pedos, they're still fantasizing about little boys. Some women are just pornsick and fucked up in the head like
>>1149743 it's not "just ink on paper", no matter how uncommon it is.
No. 1149941
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Scandiavian countries having a higher proportion of incels shows that inceldom has little to do with men not measuring up. The men there are taller, more attractive and more wealthy than most other men in the world.
NEETbux pale in comparison to singlemotherbuxx, it's honestly staggering how much they differ. A single mother in a country like Sweden with two or three kids is basically living a lower middle class lifestyle, she's making considerably more than the full time warehouse worker with no kids.
So in these scandinavian countries you have the lower tier women content to become single mothers, with some men siring many children, and a lot of leftover men. In Norway it was found the childless rate was 12.5% for women yet bewilderingly over 25% for men. Those 12.5% of men have a fair amount of normalfaggots in that number, and many are resorting to getting foreign wives. And with these foreign wives from Thailand and other places they have perfectly fine and healthy families, showcasing that there's nothing wrong with these men. You have a bunch of extroverted normals being filtered out by this horrific welfare system. And when this is brought up in contemporary sociology works, the men who can't make it are shamed and insulted by these academics framing it as "the contemporary crisis of masculinity" and throwing the blame on the men being filtered out.
I think there's a lot of misconceptions about inceldom. A lot of the times incels are actually neurotypical but they remain unaware of the underlying social mechanisms that are working to filter them out. I think the scandinavian countries are a completely hilarious and egregious example of this. Some 80IQ malnorished, short guy living on a low wage in indonesia has a better chance of getting a wife and starting a family than a taller, more attractive, wealthier and more intelligent scandinavian man. Simply due to the welfare state and foidbuxx in scandinavian countries.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1150064
>>1149964I thought
>>1149963 was very poetic
No. 1150239
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I am cackling, men will be best friends for 50 years and not know each other’s middle names, anon….
No. 1150280
>>1150277This tbh. I've seen men defend random rapists over random women and try to find excuses for the rapist like saying he was drunk too so he's actually the
victim or even the recent Johnny Amber thing where men defend the abuser just because he's male.
No. 1150307
>>1149941I'm always flabbergasted how comfortable some moids are about sperging here in complete seriousness. No one cares you XY lowlife.
Honestly wtf else do we have to do to keep them away?
No. 1150332
>>1150304And when the DV reaches court or she ends up found murdered, scrotes will defend the man, like clockwork. They will start to tinfoil whether she did anything to provoke him, from cheating to her looks, even if there has been no indication that he was provoked. A scrote can try to kill his sister for dating someone with the wrong background, right outside of court and scrotes will say he just didn't want his sister to be a slut. The worst ones are scrote attorneys and law professors, especially the ones who wanted to, but didn't make it to judge. Oh yeah the intellectually disabled girl in a hospital totally asked to get raped by the scrote cleaner. The attorney who got him off scot free totally did his ethical duty, even though the only duty is to help get a fair trial and fair judgement. Men only care when it happens right in front of their eyes so they can play the hero. Even though I personally had to stand in between with a chair, treating the scrote like a deranged lion when he pushed his exgf on the floor and started kicking her in the head (he randomly attacked her after he saw her come back from burger king or something). Where were those heroic scrotes then? I even told the police, but I was never called for testimony and they never decided to prosecute.
No. 1150529
>>1150524I never said you shouldn't, I just said you
don't need it, and arguing otherwise
is shallow scrote-like thinking.
No. 1150541
>>1150526What does that have to do with scrotes? Women can want to be fully satisfied, I'd honestly feel irritated if I was left like that after my partner was done, it's selfish.
>>1150532Not being able to orgasm is actually a sexual disorder, mainly caused by antidepressants or hormonal issues but no one cares about it and doctors will tell you
>not every woman can orgasmwhich is why this discussion is annoying to me. Men get taken seriously about these sort of stuff but women really don't.
No. 1150547
>>1150541This thread is full of talk about scrotes and sex lately and it's just interesting how they never want to interact with or acknowledge any gay or bi woman who joins in to weigh in on sex and sexual dynamics.
Scrotes and sex and sex and scrotes kek
No. 1150648
>>1150628Nta but the initial point was that it's suspicious how often this same stuff is reposted and it's all around scrotes with gays ignored any time they join in. That was the point. This whole convo is scrote sounding shit that can never truly be about women because eerything comes back to scrotes. Stop playing dumb.
>If you want an orgasm… you're trying to be like a scroteWonderful points were made today.
No. 1152930
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>>1152893Absolutely true and based. Women start blooming in their 30s, which continues our whole life, while men take a spiraling nose dive in their 30s that never ends. Once they hit 50, they will be creepy old men for the rest of their lives. Their sperm expires quickly too but women are the ones who get shamed for having a child at 34.
No. 1152944
>>1152893It really depends. A lot of people really do look their best in their early to mid 20s, men with strong facial features that keep their hair can continue to look attractive into their 30s and even older but the majority of them will not become silver foxes. A lot of this 'men age better' is based off of models and actors who are aging better than most.
In the US at least people getting tubby is a big issue. There would be a lot more people who stay attractive if they'd stay within a healthy weight.
No. 1152987
>>1152948yeah that is what I meant, not that they are necessarily aging well naturally but they are putting in the money/time to maintain their looks. This often means stuff like plastic surgery, I hear hair transplants are a given in Hollywood.
>>1152953I meant there's a portion of men who do still have their hair and alright skin but they're overweight so it doesn't matter.
>>1152959I think it has to do with the change in what types of films/tv shows are popular and profitable. You need handsome men for genres like romcoms (which have been on a downswing).
No. 1153002
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>>1152930Fuck he was so kino then he turned 30. Like literally he’s 30 in picrel and was like 22 in the first one. Not even a decade. Women are superior.
No. 1153018
>>1152893I feel like a lot of men do have the potential to look good at 30, at least if they don't start balding, but i've already noticed with older zoomers and early millennials style themselves in nasty ways with gross random tattoos, shitty hair styles and allow themselves to be disgustingly pudgy. No body is asking men to be roided out muscle men, lord NO that's probably worse, just for them to take some time watching some youtube videos and asking other women how to dress better, invest in more flattering hairstyles and for the love of god, moisturise.
Speaking of roided out muscle men, I hate the /fit/ aesthetic with a burning passion. Overly muscular men are so fucking ugly and age like shit because eventually they are not going to be able to sustain that and all that excess testosterone is going to reek havoc on their hairlines.
>>1152930>>1153002Why the hell did anybody think he was going to age well?
No. 1153030
>>1153028>>1153028high protein intake, increased test (esp if supplemented) and as a result of muscle protein synthesis (or the diet) means high insulin growth factor, all of these factors increase the rate at which you metabolically age, MPS is an anabolic state in itself, all of this combined with the the fact that most guys don't moisturize or use suncream (80% of aging comes from the sun) means they will age very poorly alongside their balding (again
triggered by high test and genetic propensity).
low fat and moderate exericse/gym combined with intermittent fasting and skincare is probably the way to go for most guys
No. 1153419
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>>1153018I hate the overly-muscular look on men too, in some cases I even despise the natty "Look at me i've just been bulking but I'm borderline fat" look where they have huge muscle arms but also a fat sloppy belly and twig legs - it makes them look like they smell incredibly bad and just don't know how to bulk/eat lots of healthy food. There is a moid in my gym who fits that description and I feel sick every time I look at him, he waddles around with his fat roid belly and those string vests that should be forbidden in the gym.
Like you said, they all age like shit and it's mostly because their dysmorphic peabrains are so hyperfocused on being "big" that they neglect literally every other part of their life and are doomed to an existence of chest acne, protein farts and inevitable heart failure.
It's so funny when moids claim that we "hit the wall" early and just disintegrate once we hit 30 meanwhile I have never ever seen a muscular woman of any age that looked bad unless she was overusing testosterone. The fact that this 80~ year old woman is in better shape and looks far superior to most male "lifters" just speaks volumes about how much these moids don't care about doing it to be healthy or sustainable and only reveals how fragile their own egos are - they know they all age like milk compared to us, that's also why they try to push the whole "dad bods are hecking hot" bs like any woman would want to be with a man that can't even get off his ass and exercise.
No. 1153459
>>1153443if you're eating insanely high protein beyond recommended levels even for lifting/gaining muscle then it probably would, it would also cause other symptoms or health issues down the line that could also easily be pinned on eating excess calories, carbs and unhealthy fats too.
saying that, most women would not be able to physically and literally consume the very high levels of protein intake it would require to even witness these effects unless they were trying to binge aka dirty "bulk" like moids do. no doubt most of the shitty aging that surrounds highly muscular men is more due to testosterone and an overall uncontrolled obsessive diet that values muh gainz over health and sustainability.
high protein by itself paired with good exercise and an overall healthy varied diet (carbs, vegetables, water and healthy fats) won't do harm, if anything people should be eating more protein especially if exercising to help improve muscle mass and strength that can prevent even more issues and injuries you get as you age.
the issue is more where you're actually getting protein from - if you eat protein from mostly stuff like chicken/turkey, fish and even plant-based sources then it's naturally better than a protein intake consisting solely of fatty salty red meat, peanut butter and mcdonalds burgers - which is often what most roidmoids who have no discipline and chase gains go for because they can't be arsed to put in the small effort it takes to eat good food.
No. 1153494
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I'm sorry bisexuals but you are all so annoying
No. 1153569
>>1153555No it isn't, because men are not born nor "inherently" evil and there's no way to ever prove that, they're allowed and taught to be that way environmentally and socially thus leading to societal misogyny. Not saying that's any better or they're some sort of
victim of the system, the vast majority of moids I have met are ignorant to any sort of oppression, struggle or basic empathy and don't really want to change that because they benefit from it ofc, but I wouldn't call it hypocritical when I cannot help the attraction I feel to a man, and I don't think I should feel bad or that I'm "giving" (wtf kind of terminology is this anyway kek a bit weird) myself to a man when he has to prove himself worthy of respect, time and love from me anyway.
>>1153554I agree. I can't really ever dictate or believe that someone is born or inherently evil/bad, radical feminism discusses the societal and environmental factors that breed misogyny among males and what lets them get away with it, it's never been about "they are male thus born bad" because that's reductive and stupid as fuck. How would you achieve liberation for women if that were the case? Hope for the based dreamland female-only utopia where men are extinct I guess, but that's not really going to happen.
It's much more accurate and effective to focus on how women are viewed and discriminated against in society compared to males and why exactly you as a woman or young girl get treated so differently from your brothers, for example. You can actually pinpoint, protest against and work for our liberation that way.
No. 1153579
>>1153540that's your interpretation of radical feminism. Not all radfems believe men are inherently evil
>>1153551plenty of straight women hate or dislike men, including married ones
No. 1153585
>>1153576Good to know you completely ignored everything I discussed and went straight to "ur bf bad hehe" without even an ounce of knowledge on my situation or relationship status - there's a reason your opinion is unpopular and it's because it's utterly retarded and isn't formed on any sort of evidence or reason, radfem or otherwise
>>1153579The "unfortunately some of us are heterosexual" was sarcasm
No. 1153724
>>1153443>>1153443protein consumption blocks the mtor pathway which is involved in autophagy/anti-aging primarily so it does somewhat but its also vital for repair/growth.
its probably the macronutrient you want to worry about the least for your health if you're not overdoing it like
>>1153459 said.
internally, you want to go with a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, some fruits, high protein, higher fat combined with a IF eating window if you want to go for something long term
externally, just make sure you're using sunscreen and a mixture of moisturizers/occasional retinol/nicatinamide/vit c serums and you'll be able to dodge most of the effects of aging.
No. 1153780
>>1153746AYRT I agree and we spend such a huge part of our day in school for our formative years, in some cases more than being around your family. It downplays a lot of real traumas by saying that people aren't allowed to have issues if their parents were great to them. Not just with verbal bullying but if you just look up the lasting traumas of those who went to boarding schools getting sexually abused by teachers and other students you'll find plenty. So many boarding schools are facing lawsuits now. Why does it only count if it's your family inflicting the harm?
Also your family can only do so much in these instances. Even if you have a PTA parent they aren't gonna be able to save you. And in fact they may make the case of bullying worse. Not to mention helicopter parenting can cause its own issues. It's not just parental neglect or abuse from them.
No. 1153890
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>>1153778kek, i remember getting into a little tiff with some girl way back in secondary school over how often you should wash your clothes. I argued you should wash your clothes based off smell and stains and she said all clothes must be washed every day. Fast forward to when we had to do PE, someone looked at her blouse whilst she wasn't in the dressing room and the collar area was dirty as fuck, damn near pitch black.
No. 1153965
>>1153940No anon they are heckin
valid real men. there is no correlation between their eating disorder and their body dysmorphia at all
No. 1154220
>>1153003This post is 20 hours old but my autism is forcing me to take issue with it. Yeah, there were some big age gaps between costars back then, same as now, but many if not most of the major screen couples of the 30s and early 40s were very near in age. For example, Joan Blondell and Dick Powell, Bette Davis and George Brent, Henry Fonda amd Barbara Stanwyck, Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, Cary Grant and Rosalind Russel, Gary Cooper and Miriam Hopkins, etc. It's also worth noting that many of these actresses were playing romantic leads well into their 30s. Could you give some examples of movies from that period you used to like? I'm not trying to cape for dirty old hollywood scrotes, because they absolutely did stuff like pair haggard ass James Cagney with Loretta Young and Clark Gable with Vivienne Lee, but it's just objectively wrong that 'every single movie' from that era has some creepy age gap as a central theme. Sage for cringe but also I'm right.
No. 1154322
>>1153569NTA but
>Men aren't like that inherently, it's just how they're taught and their environment!So weird how in literally every single environment, they're the rapists, murderers, etc. And that any society ruled over just by men ends up oppressing women, and we have to literally fight for our rights every time. Who taught them that? You say it's their fathers' influence, but who taught those fathers, and then theirs, and then theirs? The sky? Tired of the cope kek
No. 1155063
>>1155025They're extremely fucking needy and only want attention their way and when they want it.
Literally the biggest dupe of all time is pretending women demand more attention than men. Men even assault or kill when they feel they aren't getting or are denied the attention they believe is deserved.
No. 1155080
>>1155025I know a few older men who are always weirdly playing up non serious health problems just so they have something to talk about. It reaches a point where it's just transparent that it's an attention thing and they aren't even genuinely health obsessive. They love to wait for test results and pretend like it's something horrible in the meantime… it never is after all that but they got their fill of attention from it. Good thing those tests are free here.. lovely waste of public services. Family, neighbours, oversharing customers at work. I can't escape men with imaginary health problems that I just need to hear about for some reason. It's like they expect some dormant caregiving gene to be activated if they tell a woman they have an ache.
Then I know younger men doing that but with mental health or addiction. This one guy drinks at the weekends with his mates and he compares that to actual bleak and life comsuming alcoholism. His online bios are all about muh mental struggles.. irl he works all week and functions and his drinking habits are pretty typical of any man his age in our country. He's a social weekend drinker but is a troubled alcoholic who has been to hell and back according to his online presence.
No. 1155308
>>1155288I'm with you
nonnie. Rapists should die. I don't believe there's any redemption for a man who rapes anyone, especially when they go on to mutilate and/or murder their
No. 1155919
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the 90's and up until the early 2000's was the last era of good looking actors in the mainstream, for example Zac Efron, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Leonardo Dicaprio, Keanu Reeves, Cillian Murphy, Brendan Fraser, event the action films made for men had good looking males e.g assault on precinct 13 and the first few fast and furious film
my unpopular opinion/tinfoil is that I do blame Marvel movies for this loss, we regressed back to the era of the huge muscular steroid freaks of the 1980's
No. 1155941
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>>1155919The only handsome man on that picture is Patrick Swayze. God I hate effeminate men.
No. 1163569
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Even after I tapped out after Gen V, I think that newer generation Pokemon are actually quite creative and look great, sure there's some duds but the ones that shine especially when you see them beside the older generation pkmn where everything has simple color and form don't look like they should even be in the same franchise, people just hate change and cherrypick what they don't like.
(But the NPC designs are getting ugly as fuck, would add a shit ton more designs but can't be fucked)