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No. 1139601
anons are so fucking lazy these days
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1132232 No. 1139605
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i would love to be an offline bitch but i have no personality outside being online. I dislike being online but there is nothing outside my online presence. I am so lonely and boring and I genuinely don’t enjoy being alive
No. 1139608
Don't know if this is the right thread to post in…so sorry about that. Just wanted to get some things off my chest. I had a plan to kill myself over the weekend. It was a surefire plan to die…spent hours going back and forth driving between two different (US) states just to do it. I settled for a place, and I was so terrified but had no other choice. As soon as I was about to do it, my friend texted me asking if I was okay because I hadn't talked to him for a few days. I told him I wasn't doing well and he called me and I broke down and told him everything. He convinced me to live. I don't know what I would do without him. The fact that he was there for me when no one else was means so much. One day I want to visit him…he is only a few hours away by car, but I never got to visit him due to abusive family and I'm trying to get away. Or maybe he can visit me. I don't know what is going to happen and I'm terrified for my future, or lack thereof. I am so terrified of every day. I hate waking up every day but I am trying and I'm so scared. I am scared that I will never escape from my abusive situation and that my family will ruin my life even more and sabotage me. This sounds so stupid but as I was driving around for hours yesterday I thought of this woman in this Discord server I'm in. She would post a lot about how she's homeless and disabled, her mother abandoned her, needed a feeding tube, ended up in jail for a night for being on the streets. Then her cousin days later came on to say that she took her own life. I know it doesn't seem real but this woman had posted a lot of her stories and a lot of details…so I don't know. But in those moments I thought of that woman and was just bawling while driving. I wish I could have helped her. I've always wanted to work in human services but I do not have a degree in it, and in America, it's expensive and I already have student loan debt. The fact that I live in a place without free healthcare, too, makes me want to die. I just don't know what to do or what is going to happen. I am glad my friend is around…but I'm still terrified. I'm in my late 20's and my life has been utterly wasted due to control and abuse from parents/family. I have a job but don't know how long that will last…and even then I live in a high cost of living area. Even then, my family still knows where I live and work. But I would rather end up homeless than ever go back to them. But they won't allow that, because it will make them look bad. It's all about making them look good and putting on a facade. I'm scared I will never get out. I'm contacting domestic abuse resources but I doubt they will help. I think I will have to leave the country at some point but don't know how except to study for a master's for a career I strongly dislike and then I will also accumulate even more debt. And even then, there is no guarantee I will get a job in the country. Every day is just pain and suffering, with flashbacks of trauma and abuse constantly. And they're still here. They still text and call every day and know where I am. I don't know what to do.
No. 1139619
>>1139610Do you wash your pussy after you piss,
nonnie? Do you do it every time? Because I sure af don’t. That’s bizarre behaviour. Either get used to a lil dried pee or ask him to rinse his dick before you suck it. Sex is gross, get used to it
No. 1139623
>>1139613What do you suggest I do anon I'm honestly fucking baffled right now. Teach (cringing at having to use this word) or dump? I might have to humiliate him instead of bringing it up nicely because its something I'm so conscious of in dating
>>1139617I know it's common unfortunately which is why I don't give BJs unless I really know the guy
>>1139619>Do you wash your pussy after you pissYes you nasty lazy bitch it doesn't take more than 5 seconds
No. 1139626
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Had a great interview for a room in the city I’m moving to in two weeks, met all the housemates and they were perfect, the house was so cute and the room was a great price only ten minutes from my new job. They basically told me I was sure to get it after our video call yesterday, told me they wouldn’t even be considering anyone else and it was up to me to confirm that I was ready to take the room later tonight. I was so excited and literally watching the clock at work waiting until it’d been a whole day so I could tell them I was set on the room, and then I get a text from the head tenant saying that a good friend of the group suddenly needed a room so they’re giving it to her instead. I understand but I’m so fucking pissed, room hunting is already a nightmare in this city and every other interview I’ve had the tenants have been fucking borings husks and I just want to move into a place where the tenants get along and do things together so I don’t have to start making friends from scratch. I might just pull from my savings and rent a studio at this point because I’m so sick of dancing around other people. Why can’t I just have one thing go right for me one time. I hope your good mutual friend never pays the rent on time, you pricks.
No. 1139637
>>1139628On the off chance this isn't bait, what about when you have sex all of a sudden? You'd slurp up his piss covered dick?
>>1139629I don't use public bathrooms.
>>1139631Yeah I meant a bidet. I see why this might have confused some people but in my language the word is literally washing.
No. 1139659
>>1139637NTA, but I wish I had a bidet. Instead I quickly use the showerhead.
>>1139636I've talked to friends about this before and I swear things were easier before dating apps got popular, even in rural areas. Now nobody is dating due to "grass is greener" syndrome, having to wade through agp's, practically straight women and polycules.
No. 1139721
>>1139711Of all the men I've dated, only one did that. He also sat down to pee.
He was almost perfect honestly, as much as scrotes can be. He also washed his hands.
No. 1139818
>>1139804nobody is innocent. We are all contributing to the chaos and suffering of the world and in this race we are all competing against each other and people only care about their individual gain. Even your bestest friend is willing to step on you and crush you if it is for their own gain. We are all responsible for all the suffering in the world, for all the rapings, for all the killings, your indifference. Everyone's indifference is destroying the world and money hungry narcissists are taking over the planet. If you were hurt or victimized nobody cares, everyone pushes you aside, you become a laughing stock, your suffering becomes the reason of your harassment. Nobody offers you help. Humans are monstrous beings that shouldn't exist. Society is inherently immoral and humans are evil. Humans and society is basically about hurting others and manipulating them for your own gain, about stepping on others to dominate them and make yourself feel better. It's all about power hierarchies and abuse. Someone that murders is not a criminal, people are murdered by states in MASSE innocent children have their entire life decided because of poverty and abuse and nobody helps and everyone in the modern world is a murderer, a criminal. That is allowing for chaos in this world at the expense of their own well being. You are all criminals. Lying criminals. The industries you contribute to, your jobs, the fact that you choose to stand with your hands in your pockets and let the world burn at the expense of your own well being that is criminal in itself. There is no sense to this world. Others have nothing and are born into having nothing while others have everything.
>>1139806yea society made me this way.
No. 1139827
>>1139818there are some people who are truly loyal in this world, though there are not many, no. in all honesty, many times i have wanted to reach out and help you in whatever way i could (including monetarily), but you are extremely fickle and unstable. you're not wrong with much of what you say, and i understand your cynicism. i'm not sure exactly what you've gone through because i can't parse through what is real and perhaps what is hyperbolic, but what you say is mostly true. it is a shit and evil world, but not everyone is deserving of harm and hurt. you should also stop with your obsession with people like kaczynski and shit, i don't think that kind of crap helps you and i do think it influences you. the thing about people is recognizing that people are kind of only good to a certain degree and utilizing their particular decency in like, one specific field or issue or purpose, and creating a circle of people who are varied in their decency. i don't know how to explain it to you but it's very difficult to find, especially given your views, someone who is 100% good or decent or what you'll believe to be truly good. it's just the way the world is, unfortunately people are disappointing and are only good to a certain degree. murdering people or harming others isn't the answer though and won't relieve you of your pain or do anything even remotely constructive. i'm sure you've been through much suffering and trauma can be life-long and it's a highly personalized and individualized issue, but you're still very young and can make much potential headway even without professional intervention (therapy). why don't you take your meds?
>>1139823yes, i already said that. she only spergs about murder every so often though. i don't know if it's a core component of her personality or beliefs, probably just her acting out and going through it. i would like to think that overall it's uncharacteristic of her and just a result of her mental illness and frustration.
No. 1139830
>>1139818>in this race we are all competing against each otherThere are people who want to drop out of this race just as much as you do
>and people only care about their individual gainMost do due to capitalist/Calvinist (origin of capitalist morality is Calvinism) socialization, but again not everyone
> Even your bestest friend is willing to step on you and crush you if it is for their own gainDepends, not everyone wants to take part in the rat race, many want to drop out of society. You're not the only one with these feelings. If you weren't so hostile, you seem like a person I could be friends with, because we're interested in a lot of similar things and have similar opinions. You're screaming into the void and barely anyone is taking you seriously anymore here, which probably makes you say even more unhinged things like wanting to murder people. I get where the feelings come from and you're right, everyone contributes to this shit show in their own way, but many people really don't want to and they don't deserve to be killed.
No. 1139850
>>1139831I didn't bring scrotes to lolcow. I never actually did anything bad. You made all the shit up about me although I have said multiple times it is not true. You demonized me like everyone does whenever I go. I was a child and I was being molested too. What about me? What about me being molested and living in a horrible environment where there was an epidemic of rape and I was 8 years old. You are blaming me for all the atrocities that I have endured in my life like everyone else does because most humans are sociopathic monsters that don't understand circumstances and are literally going to blame an 8 year old child for living in a fucked up environment and replicating behaviors. The scrote shit is also a lie. I put myself in danger to remove steven from here. I literally met him in the friend finder thread and he pretended to be a woman. I want to stab you to death stupid bitch. This is what I have encountered my entire life, evilness from people. Nobody understood me for a second and all the empathy I have recieved was fake. How can I not turn evil if everything I am fed by the world is poison. Humans are fucking evil and if you are born poor and extremely abused you are basically programmed to fail, yet society makes it seem like you have a choice over your reality when you don't. There's no choice, no free will, you are just living faith with no power to change anything. You are demonizing me like everyone in my life. All the people like you that I have encountered have pushed me to turn into a murderer. You are blaming me for being raped as a 8 year old child yet you have probably never gone through the misfortunes Inhave gone through and you're probably constantly expecting empathy when you are incapable of offering empathy to others that have it worse than you do.
Life is nothing but a lie and you cannot go against faith. I have been hurt, demonized, left to rot my entire life and if after all this poison society has fed me I go insane and stab someone. After the humiliation, the cruelty I have faced from everyone with no external stability I will stab someone I will be seen as a demon, as a murderer. Someone evil. But was I truly evil? You will see me on TV, on true crime shows on YouTube and everyone's reaction would be that I am evil. Someone that didn't deserve to be born in the first place. But then the same people will turn around and worship people like Elon Musk which are the true evil. Because of them millions die yet they are seen as national heroes. Your heroes are fake and society is filled with fakeness and atrocities and ironically those who contribute the most to atrocity are seen as heroes.
Everything I have faced in my life is evil. Evil from almost everyone, just continous blame, fake empathy, lack of empathy. I look at others and see them have relatively normal lives and realize that I didn't choose this and they didn't choose that. That all in life is merely by chance and that often times those with resources are evil, wicked, unempathetic. Million of children are abused and die and die in war because of how badly we are organized as a society, yet if I killed someone all negative attention would be drawn on me when all the evil criminals you see as idols, those that have indirectly contributed to my bad mental state. We are all guilty for the atrocities of our society. Everything said about me on here is a lie, a literal lie that contributes to my homicidal tendencies. Everything people have said about me was a lie. I want to murder for what everyone has done to me including you. If I met you I would stab you to death for the lies you have said about me. You know nothing about me. I want to kill because I have too much empathy. I cry daily at how evil the world is. I cry at those in bad situations that have no help. You're all hypocritical liars and our system is build in such way to push those abused or in bad socio economical situation to self suicide and addictions. If you contribute to this system and lie to yourself that your job has meaning you are a offender. You are contributing to a sick system that kills millions.
No. 1139856
>>1139708It's never too late to go for it nona, it's better to just get it out because if you don't you'll always think of the what if
Even if you'd try to stay friends it sounds like it would hurt you, so no loss in trying again. If social media is a no go maybe you can reach out to him in places he visits often - not explicitly stalk him but go more often and shoot your shot if it's meant to be
No. 1139862
>>1139840She is literally a different age every time she tells that made up and embellished story. You’re a retard if you have any respect for her at all. I suspect you’re just her white knighting yourself since everybody else got bored of her shit months ago.
>abused kids re enact abuseWill you say that about some 14 yr old boy molesting his younger sister? No you won’t. Not all abused kids turn into fucking monsters like that.
No. 1139864
>>1139813romanianon makes all of us lurkers look bad, I have met my fair share of basket cases but none like that
It's so annoying that we're shat on by pretty much all European countries thanks to the gypsy association and our own historical autism but it's not like we're unhinged like that
>>1139798If you really want to butcher something, at least butcher a lamb for Easter, the fact that people still reply to you is proof that deep down not everyone is against you.
No. 1139865
I will never recieve empathy or love only misunderstanding and false accusations. I am doomed to be continously abused while I cried out all the water in my body for others and nobody cried for me. Nobody gives a fuck. I am just a tool to them and if I talk about my issues or thoughts I must be hurt since it is no longer about them. Humans are criminals. All of them, society needs a restructuring from the bottom. In this world murder is only justified when the narcissistic money hoarders are seen as heroes and idols when because of their narcissism and Grenadines the world is collapsing millions are dying because of people like them but they are seen as success stories, yet they have not truly worked a day in their life because they were born to be millionaires, billionaires. You're born into your life then society creates the illusion of choice because if you realized you have never made a choice in your life you'd go insane. Nothing you do is a choice it is just a result of a millions of factors that can be dated as back as 1000 years ago in your family tree. In this society only narcissists climb to the top but they dont even climb there they are already there.
Nothing in my life at all, no rewards, only cruelty from people. This is all I see everywhere I go cruelty. Murder is only justified in this hell hole. Go insane. Stab and murder with cold blood like the hundreds of people that have hurt you, like how life has hurt you. Take it all out. Spill out what others have done to you. Nobody cares about you. Nobody is ever willing to help you. If you were victimized you will continue to be victimized by society. Only those born in already good positions do well in life and are respected. But you are not that person. You were born to be raped, to be beaten, to be humiliated, to have things that you've never done be placed on you when you are sincere. To have sociopathic narcissists lie about you and hurt youz but you are not manipulative enough to hurt others like they do in society. When you hurt you hurt with honesty, by stabbing, by killing, while others kill with their words, will others kill by manipulation and then they present themselves as the most moral of society and gain respect
No. 1139866
>>1139820Cancelling plans is just being a girlboss sometimes.
I have a friend that sometimes straight up goes 'I don't want to' and she's an inspiration to us all ngl
No. 1139877
>>1139863I will take others with me because I wanted to live so badly. I wanted to live the most but society and people have stood in front of my will to live. Humans are evil. All of them. No exceptions. They deserve me to take them with me and humanity should fucking end since it is atrocious. Millions die or are worked against their will for your products for your stupid shit. Society is all about narcissism and exploiting others. There's nobody good. Nobody moral.
>>1139868No I will kill others and link it to lolcow. For the past 3 years I have been harassed endlessly by people on the internet because people are evil. Everyone and everything has pushed me to murder and suicide. No help, no love, just hatred.
>>1139871No, I will only kill myself after I brutally murder you. You are useless. You work a shit job that hurts others. You exploit others, but like the average narcissistic human you live under the fake impression you are doing good things. Even with this post you are proving me that all my intuitions About humanity are true. Millions are dying right now in Africa, all over the world. Our products are built on slave labour and you worship all the insane and stupid narcissists that rule the world or are part of the system.
>>1139875You know I won't kill myself but I will use everything everyone has done to me including the women on lolcow that have harassed me to suicide for years to give me power to commit murder. I will murder today because of everything everyone has done
No. 1139879
>>1139877You wouldn't be able to kill other people and shouldn't either way. I'm someone who thinks people can stop living if they want to but it seems like you don't want to do that, if you killed yourself it'd be just to spite people and that's why you shouldn't do that. You have no social life, no family, no love life so your suicide would be forgotten easily.
Just try and live your life how you want instead of suicidebaiting on a forum 24/7.
No. 1139880
>>1139877I was raped, sexuallt trafficked, never had family, live and have lived my entire life in poverty, have never had a chance, have been harassed by others my entire life. Being called a whore people acting like I was evil when I never have done anything evil. I have been pushed to murder and suicide slowly by hundreds of people both directly and indirectly and by the sick system that I live in. Guess what? If I murder and kill myself I will also be the one blamed and hundreds of narcissistic grifters will use my story to make money on YouTube they will exploit me while nobody helped me when I was alive.
If I kill myself I will surely make sure to take others with me. I wanted to live really badly but I was not given the opportunity to. Why should I allow others? If they didn't allow me. If society didn't allow me to live.
No. 1139896
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Is Romanianon going through her Joker arc?
No. 1139899
>>1139897The Love Witch.
It’s a visually stunning film that I wish I liked more.
No. 1139903
>>1139896It's not funny to make fun of her. She's going through a lot, let her vent. I hope she feels better soon and moves on from all the shit that happened, and is happening to her.
And if it's bait, best to leave it.
No. 1139934
>>1139798blogpost &no1curr but you actually remind me a lot of my mother. she lived a somewhat similar life to you romanianon. born in third world country ( which we still live in ) just a decade after french occupation, on a village in the mountaisn to a family that abused her relentlessly to the point where three of her siblings died. then was sent to a large city ( i.e dangerous people en masse ) extremely far away from her home to live a better life only to get diseased immediately losing all of her hair due to pimple growth on the scalp that she got shaved off with a razorblade regularly by the woman she lived with. was raped and molested and beaten yet again this time by people she didnt know as a child, then caught tuberculosis as a teenager and stayed in the hospital that also cared for felons and mentally deranged people for months if not years eating nothing ( because we are a poorfag country ). she abused cats too. never killed them, but spun them by the tail or threw them off of heights like a psychopath. never went to school and never learned how to read or write in her youth, so she never had any real jobs outside of factory work.
and then she met the nicest man she could have ever possibly met all the way from asia who taught her how to read and sent her to a special school for adults. when she grew older abused ( hitting severely ) every child that came into her care including her sister which she kept around for years until she got married and had my older sibling and i, and lets herself abuse her sisters' children when they come into her care even for few days as well.
she never sold herself though, and would never, but i bet if she were born around the time you were she would have been crying on the internet to everyone too the same way you are
No. 1140008
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everytime i start this birth control pack i get acid reflux so bad that for like a week after stopping the pill i'm nauseated, my throat hurts, there's like a weird anxiety lump in my throat, when i swallow i can hear it attempting to go down my throat. i never have acid reflux other than when i take birth control and i have fucking awfully painful heavy periods.
and anytime i research it i only see girls talking about getting symptoms after like weeks or months, why does this shit happen to me immediately!
No. 1140103
>>1140076Nta but they really do. I've crushed on celebs who were obviously unattainable, I've crushed on people irl who were basically unattainable too… I've never turned bitter and ended up hating someone for simply being attractive yet unattainable. I enjoy the fantasy and that's it.
All that faux rejection that they feel fucks them up after a while.
No. 1140159
>>1140156>Spare the theatricsThis is a vent thread and I'm venting about wanting to destroy something that was once precious to me
You don't call the suicidal anons theatrical do you?
No. 1140171
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I need to learn how to be more assertive and aggressive when talking to moids in public. I tend to automatically go into super autist scripted kind "oh sorry sorry" mode because it's all I've ever known and I feel like moids assume I am a weakling because I'm very small and just visibly look like a loner.
I also can't tell if I'm just being paranoid but I feel like there's going to be a sudden shift in the atmosphere of the gym I go to - it was always quite welcoming to beginners and older people so you never really felt overwhelmed but now I'm starting to see a lot of new people here who are quite impolite, don't put their weights away and many of the moids look like the type to come up and mansplain an exercise to me even though I didn't ask for it. Unfortunately I can't get to any other gym right now but I hope this doesn't get any worse, I really cannot handle a change in the atmosphere of that place because I'm an anxiety-ridden autist and I enjoy carving out my own semi-private space to work out and learn things on my own.
I want to have some sort of assertive "go away I don't need your help" attitude but I just cannot help physically looking like a weird nervous person. I avoid eye contact without noticing, I have to force myself to talk in my natural deep voice when talking to moids or else it goes high-pitched because I get anxious, and I'm not even significantly muscular or in shape yet so I can't even look physically professional or intimidating. I have my headphones and that's it, but I'm honestly anxious if they were to take away the small independent workout spaces because it means I would have to be around a bunch of sweaty grunting moids. I guess I will have to get over it at some point but it will be one hell of a mountain to climb when the gym is rarely ever absent of moids or people in general.
No. 1140180
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I think its so funny whenever artists paint and draw themselves a lot more flattering than they actually look like. Yeah i am being a bitch, but some of the people i go to class with are really reaching catfish levels with their self portrait. The whole point of the project is to be able to paint what you see without bias. This specific guy made himself look like he has a jaw chiseled by God himself while painting a small dainty nose with those squinty eyes. This dude has no chin and has a real potato nose. His face looks like its melting and its honestly a crime i have to ever look at him. He's my personal cow, but id be lying if he also wasnt so annoying that i wish hed disappear. He is your average know-it-all while thinking knowing useless information about guns is a unique hobby. He believes if he was "wider"(?) he could be in the military instead of these waste of time art classes. Meanwhile in the same breath he wants to draw concept art for video games because it is his dream job. He isnt really into anime, but he thinks games should be more diverse and have more furry characters. In a way he debates that furries arent sexual, but also thinks sexual furry art is real art that everybody should learn to appreciate rather than be disgusted at. He thinks of himself as an art prodigy because he has a decent following on DA…for drawing furry and mlp fetish art which he had no shame in sharing with the class on the first day. He never does any of the assignments correctly and refuses to apply the techniques learned in class because "its an attack on his style". Whenever i see him in class he has to insert his opinion about everything. There is always one male who does this and it is the worst having to pay for these classes just for some faggot to debate the professor about fucking everything. Like please shut the fuck up. He thinks he's gona make it when his art is really mediocre. I know guys like him are a dime in a dozen online, but when you meet one offline its so bizarre to see it all play out.
No. 1140200
>>1140198Not me,
nonnie, happy to be alive today, just rustlin' your jimmies on purpose.
No. 1140212
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The scrote hate here makes no sense. I don’t like men but I feel like there are much deeper reasons why anons don’t like men rather than the reality that men as an entire group are the most babied and defended sex on this planet. It’s always the ones who say “kill all men!” but also talk about how they suck their boyfriend’s piss-covered dick and decide to move in with them despite knowing how such a thing could be a huge turn-off. I think you forgot that it isn’t just a platitude to air your heterosexual dissatisfactions with men and in secret you want “the right orderly man” out of the pig slop to whisk you away into the sunset, it’s not a transitory coping phase when your dating life is mediocre, it’s should be a defense against the mainstream control that men will always have with gender discourse. I’m so fucking tired of seeing women trying to justify their sexual degeneracy and obsession with men behind KAM. I’m tired of people thinking this is a TERF website when 90% of you would die on a cross for a man who’s beard smells like cheese whizz and rather group together to tear down women. You’ve always had associations with men, always made your decisions based on getting a man, always surrounded your attraction towards men, how are you different towards a liberal feminist that makes it her life’s mission to center men in her life and her beliefs?Maybe you really are just a bitter bitch. There’s an advantage of giving neither love or hate towards men, they never gave a shit about you or your feelings so why not reciprocate that exact same feeling? The feeling of apathy is freedom.
No. 1140218
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>>1140215Me 2 can we gay and alone together
No. 1140219
>>1140212OH SHIT, it's almost as if every woman alive has lived her entire life being indoctrinated to feel a certain way about herself and men and that takes a lot of work and self reflection, decades worth, to undo! WOAH, it's as if half the population is male and they are literally unavoidable! WOWIE ZOWIE, its almost as though it's totally fucking natural for women to still be attracted to men despite having a distaste for their stupid monkey brains! OMG anons
stop complaining because you are just
not based enough to really get it and until you cut yourself off completely, from birth, you will never be
this fucking based No. 1140220
>>1140214Your boyfriend smells like peepee, go be a good little boy mommy girlfriend and dribble up that cock piss with toilet paper or something kek
>>1140216I know for a fact you didn’t even read my vent anon.
No. 1140224
>>1140212Men deserve to be hated. They make everyone miserable and cause almost all problems in this world. They don't deserve love and deserve to live in a state of constant self loathing.
But you do have some kind of point, I've seen way too many women with long term boyfriends and husbands live in denial of the fact that they will never be able to live up to the
terf queen life style they admire so much because they are too whipped on dick and the fantasy of romance, some even go as far to view men as friends and allow themselves to be vulnerable with men. They need to be honest with themselves and stop ruining it for the women who are actually about that life.
No. 1140225
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>>1140212They hated anon because she spoke the truth
No. 1140230
>>1140212I hate scrotes because scrotes gave me vaginismus. I hate scrotes because they assaulted me for almost 3 years in a relationship. I I scrotes because they took and took from me and never gave anything back. I hate scrotes because they abuse women every day simply for just being women. I hate scrotes because they are entitled, manipulative and will find any way to make a situation about themselves. I hate scrotes because they are the root cause of women's suffering both today and throughout history.
Stop telling us we have to be apathetic to this shit, if you don't like it you can go elsewhere. We are allowed to hate them, this is the only online space we can declare our hatred for men's atrocities without pickmes and redditors acting like men's feelings are even remotely comparable to the shit they have put women through.
No. 1140233
>>1140225You gotta show all the other women how much better you are than them. Don't lift other women up, only shame them. Right my based
terf sister????? You totally get it.
No. 1140250
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>“Fuck. You. I love me a huge oversized manchild with hair and piss-covered drawls. I think it’s actually heccin wholesome and you’re being judgmental towards women!” Yes I hate women like you, I do hate you. If you get talk or fuck men you are as bad as men.
No. 1140256
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I want to pick animal crossing up again and remodel my entire village but the fact that it takes until tomorrow to move even one house makes me just want to abandon the game forever
No. 1140257
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>>1140240>how are you different towards a liberal feminist that makes it her life’s mission to center men in her life and her beliefs?Maybe you really are just a bitter bitch. There’s an advantage of giving neither love or hate towards men, they never gave a shit about you or your feelings so why not reciprocate that exact same feeling? The feeling of apathy is freedom.How are you going to defend this, retard? Equating us to liberal feminists because we hate men for either personal, societal or a mix of different reasons doesn't make us "bitter" it makes us very well within our right to safely rage about what they've done to us in a space that doesn't constantly cater to and serve men.
This anon is fucking retarded for assuming men have apathy towards women, too. If men were so apathetic they'd stop trying to interfere with reproductive rights, they'd stop trying to control our bodies and brains via the media, they'd stop interfering with women's spaces and pretending to be women. That doesn't sound like apathy to me, does it? Men seethe and rage over women ignoring them or simply not sucking up to them, they have always despised and hated us and tried to stop us succeeding at every opportunity, but now we're the bitter bitches for responding with anger? Again, retarded.
No. 1140265
>>1140251There you go again, shitting on another woman
>sounds like something you called yourself in your own headSo classy, you love women.
No. 1140276
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>>1140257>we us libfems blahblahblah i post a pic of decapitated manNot reading all that shit since I already know it'll be full of rage and strawmanning. I said what I said, anons are not a hivemind, I believe the OP is correct in a lot of what she's saying. The misandry is 100% performative for some posters, and that's how it'll always be, it's reality. The fact that some people felt so attacked just makes it all the more clear she wasn't lying. Nice painting though
No. 1140283
>>1140281Most of the time they don't hate men but you must understand saying anything about men can get you labeled as a
terf or man hater.
No. 1140297
>>1140292How does expressing negative views of men make someone a "fake
terf"? All you do is make things up and sperg at everyone, it's bizarre
No. 1140307
>>1140303Is this your first day on Lolcow? Do you think I'm the anon who posted that? Let me ask again: How did I shit on you? Try reading the posts again, I'm sure after a while you'll figure out who's who.
But yeah, speaking of, there are pick-mes of all ages and generations. It sucks. Good thing all women aren't like that, though. How is this news? Next thing you know, you'll be informing us that the term "pick-me" is ackchually misogynistic and anyone who says it should get banned lol.
No. 1140332
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>>1140328But anon, it's biological
No. 1140334
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No. 1140345
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>>1140340Why would cats make an exception? They're overrated pets anyway.
No. 1140347
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My new medication gave me hives, again. I just wanna get better aaaaa
No. 1140365
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No. 1140379
>>1140378"Just pick better men!"
Men pretend to be good people to get pussy all the time.
No. 1140381
>>1140304>>1140259I didn't even delete because I was embarrassed by what I said, I deleted because sometimes I get wrapped up in conversations I don't mean to and I get too heated. I'm embarrassed by my engagement and how I'm reacting, not by my comment about attraction. Which
>>1140372 interpreted exactly as I meant it.
No. 1140382
>>1140372Lots of things are biological, doesn’t mean they should be exempt from introspection. Just because it occurs in nature doesn’t make it right or
valid, guess that’s her answer for loving nasty cock though
No. 1140386
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I am currently at the hospital for a sleep study and the electrodes and the fucking paste are so scratchy scratchy haaaaaaaaahahaa
No. 1140397
>>1140382Biological is more akin to something that is controlled by biological processes rather than a conscious decision/something we can change without changing out biology, it doesn't really equate to natural/normal in this context.
Biological doesn't mean something is right or
No. 1140412
>>1140401I feel you anon, it's rough going. The only thing I could say has helped me was to try and see why I feel the way I feel and see if it's not some expectation imposed on me by others.
I've always hated my body for being fat even when I wasn't because I have a narc mom that always told me I'm fat because I weigh more than her (she's pretty petite so low bar to clear)
No. 1140417
>>1140395Med student here and I feel you anon, imposter syndrome is a bitch.
Anxiety and depression medication has helped me so may be worth a try if you haven't tried it already.
No. 1140424
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>>1139880You don’t even have the guts to kill yourself, let alone someone else you useless cunt. You can’t even camwhore successfully. All you can do is fiddle children and suicide bait.
No. 1140430
nonny. It’s unfortunate that so many people feel it, I’m glad those things have helped you. It sux but I’ve been doing therapy for years and am already on medication so I think I’m at the end of the line. I guess I could ask for a dose increase but idk, what does that really do but numb you out? This feeling doesn’t stare me in the face constantly but every OSCE makes me want to die. A whole year of feeling like this every day, with real patients, and think I might actually commit suicide. Some people just aren’t meant for this world I guess
No. 1140461
>>1140430Yeah I'm also doing the therapy thing which does slowly seem to be generally improving my mental health but I've been doing therapy for like 10 years so it's a fucking slooow incremental improvement.
I'm on a TCA antidepressant (tried quite a few different ones till I got one that stops me from crying super easily so that's helpful).
I'm also on extended release beta blockers which I didn't start until med school and have known a few different people who have used them during med school and they do really seem to help on those super high stress days such as OSCEs.
I take pregabalin and have had my dose upped since starting med school which helps with the general anxious worked up state of mind I can get in whilst in uni.
I also get a PRN diazepam script to help with panic attacks.
Sometimes I get prescribed sedative antihistamines as well to help with sleeping in the run up to exams too.
I don't know if any of these meds might be helpful to you but yeah, it fucking sucks trying to manage mental health difficulties whilst in med school.
I'm so sorry you are feeling so shitty, does your med school have like a medical school welfare/support team that you could speak to? Mines has actually been quite helpful and understanding though not sure if that's a universal experience.
Also there's no shame in taking time out to focus on your mental health, especially if you are feeling even remotely close to suicidal. I've had to take time off placements and make it up in the summer or postpone exams/osces and the med school are generally super understanding.
I had a serious attempt before I started med school so I can relate to how you are feeling.
Please don't sacrifice your wellbeing/life for med school, it's not worth it.
So many people sacrifice way too much for this degree, fortunately due to me being an older student whos already tried to kill themselves in the past, I think I have gotten better at knowing where to draw the line and asking for help but I still struggle with feeling like I'm not "meant" to be a doctor if getting the degree is so difficult for me.
Sorry for writing a fucking essay, just thought I would share my experience in case it's of any use to you.
I hope things improve for you soon and good luck with your exams/osces!
No. 1140462
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'ate rape
'ate child brides
'ate thousans of years of kidnappin, forced marriage, groomin, brainwashin
'ate male violence
'ate porn addiction and ed
'ate being treated like a maid 1 second after entering a relationship
luv muscles
luv penis
luv cute, wanted babies
luv male ass
luv seeing half naked men work and cook for you
Hating what they do and still being attracted to their looks is how a lot of us were born into the world anyway. Our moms couldn't, didn't want to, or didn't have the resources to abort and most won't give away or even kill their hated baby after bonding. Simple biology, simple as.
All that said I wish women would stop fucking having kids with guys they met 4 months ago, or you get stuck with a verbally abusive male for 30 years bc "NOOO YOU CANT DIVORCE WHAT ABOUT YOUR REPUTATION A MAN NEEDS TO SEE HIS KIDS HE INSULTS EVERY DAY BE A GOOD CHRISTIAN LIKE YOUR PEDOPHILE FATHER MARRYING YOUR 13YO MOTHER" and create depressed neets like me. Bitch unless you're lucky you'll be 40 with 6+ kids, Disney mom on facebook waiting on your ring that's never coming. Do you know how extremely lucky you are if you are together for 3 years, have 2 kids in that time, he doesn't leave but turns out to be a family man, he ACTUALLY PROPOSES AND MARRIES YOU WITHIN A YEAR, and has a great relationship with your family? (Even though you'll be a jobless housewife for the next 5 years) Use condoms, BC, abort the goblin parasite, abort the male parasite and live for yourself PLEASE. Be like the female praying mantis.
No. 1140477
I hate having to keep a bank account in another country because the banks of my country are useless and my country’s currency is basically worse than just keeping some Monopoly money in my wallet.
This shit is so stressful, I wish I was dead and that I could be reborn as a cool animal in the middle of the jungle. I don’t want to deal with this shit.
It’s just so fucking unfair, the politicians of my country, known criminals who sell drugs and shit, and literally anyone else can go to the USA and create their own bank accounts with trillions of stolen dollars and shit, they buy whole neighborhoods and build shit, and what does the government of the USA does? nothing what does the bank does knowing all of this shit? nothing.
I try to create my bank account with the little money I have to keep it safe because my country’s banking system is unreliable as fuck, and what does the bank does? Make me feel like the bank will shut down my account on a whim just because, like it has happened to a bunch of people that I know in my city, all I do is buy food from time to time and pay you the fucking banking fees you ask me to pay for.
I’m just so sick of this uncertainty, of this feeling that I can’t do a thing with my account because whatever I do can be a reason for them to shut down my account, I just want to be able to forget my pin and ask for it without feeling like I will get in trouble for doing so.
I can’t even open a second account on another bank because they, well, honestly reasonably, don’t trust anyone from other countries, but now I’m just extremely stressed and feeling miserable because I can’t afford to lose this account, even if I went to another country it would be an extreme hassle.
Like in Spain, you can create your account after jumping through a bunch of hoops, but it’s a bitch to keep and extremely expensive, it’s just not worth the money after all.
I wish these communist pigs could just fucking get sick of stealing the country’s money and fucking everything up so they could just run away to the ebil capitalist places they have their money stored at, maybe then things will get better for a few years until the cycle repeats, but hell, this shit has been going on for too long.
And I’m just hopeless, what am I going to do? Stay here and wait for my bank account to get fucked? Run away to another country and live a miserable life like a bunch of people that I know?
Sure, you can eat 2 times a day in Spain with 2 euros, but is that really life? Doing the dishes forever, throwing my education down the drain with not even a silver of hope for ever working on what I want, living from paycheck to paycheck to pay for rent and shit.
It’s just so tiresome, I hate this so much, I feel extremely hopeless, nobody wants the people of my country, and it’s reasonable, but hell, I don’t know, I hate being so uptight and thinking I should aspire for more.
I don’t mind doing the dishes and living from paycheck to paycheck, but I want to be able to live my life and not be constantly working for someone for the rest of my life, I want to have my own business or something, having to work for someone forever sounds tiresome.
No. 1140539
>>1140402I've been through this exact same feeling anon. Try speaking more slowly and allow for empty spaces in conversations. When a conversation starts, think 'my goal in this conversation is to just listen' and see what happens. The goal of the conversation will no longer be about how performative or happy you can make yourself out to be but rather to listen and then respond in a way that feels more aligned to your authentic self.
Sorry if this is a dumbass reply, I've gone through this exact same thing so I wanted to let you know you're not alone
No. 1140549
>>1140491There's nothing wrong about hating "expats" (entitled rich immigrants), don't worry. This isn't common where I live, but if it was, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them to learn some fucking Spanish if they plan to live here because they are just immigrants and nothing special.
And speaking of "expats", sexpats are the worst. They're so fucking disgusting I wish all the sexpats in the world would drop dead.
No. 1140556
>>1140549I fucking hate sexpats and the fat white retards who ran around telling lazy gross white guys "ooo if you go to this country you'll get slammed with pussy! you can go up to any girl on the street and they'll beg for sex". Retards who took this meme seriously came my country and get themselves banned from bars and have their ass kicked because they literally think they're entitled to foreign women because someone on the internet said so, they shit up countries and traumatize women for the sake of their dick
it's not just with asian countries either, it's been happening a lot to slav and african countries
No. 1140627
>>1140605you are super young, I'm 27 and still haven't figured out what I want to do, not a neet though
if you want to get a job I suggest looking for something temporary because they're more likely to hire you with no experience and there is less pressure
No. 1140671
In High school, I remember I was in 7th period waiting for the bell to ring, i was "Thick" then, like big hips, barely any stomach and small breasts. This girl who never said A WORD to me was like, "her pussy loose" and she pointed at me, I glanced and glanced away. She then said that, "you can tell she's been fucking because you don't naturally get that thick, look she got a gap, that means somebody been up in there"
And the girl she was talking too, just laughed awkwardly like, "that's so random"
All I could think was, "I don't even have a fucking thigh gap.". I've been called all kinds of shit by girls in high school because of my shape, Butter face, thick but ugly and even worse shit by men.
But never had I had a random person blurt that shit out and not even stop when they know I can hear.
It always bothered me, when people talked shit about me where I can hear, it's like they are silently punking you. Like you don't matter.
But, I guess it's like Lolcow you know?
No. 1140679
Every time I have an exam the day before instead of studying like I should I lose my mind and start drawing porn of my husbando. It's happening again dammit I could have learned something instead
>>1140671Wtf that's just evil
No. 1140694
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>tfw watching a friend of mine with terrible money habits make an enormous and stupid financial decision but can't speak up about how dumb a idea it is without being a huge bitch
No. 1140700
>>1140683Yeah, another time I remember I was in my 8th period class (it was like 10th grade) it was art class, and I was printing out a paper. This boy was sitting with this girl and he was like, "the printer is over there next to that ugly bitch". I guess he was trying to impress the girl because he'd NEVER said anything to me.
Another time a boy I sat next too, was talking to me and he started "grading" the girls in the class, he then told me, "You are a 4, you know you a 4 right?" over and over, until I was like, "yeah, whatever".
People felt because I had a nice body (a big butt, with no waist) that I felt like I was…pretty or had this huge amount of confidence when I didn't.
I've been told all the times I'm ugly back then, that my body was all boys wanted. I was told this by girls and boys. When I embraced that for the postitive attention, I still didn't walk around with my head high or like I was a bad bitch.
I was very quiet, shy, I did my dirty quietly with seniors.
But people always felt the need to Humble me. It's to the point where now that I no longer have that shape I often wonder, "before all i had was a nice body and ugly face, now all I have is a ugly face, who will want me now?"
I know it's shit thinking but i remember so much of the negative comments i've gotten in high school. Now that i'm fat they echo in my mind even more. Thats why I feel so much guilt being on here talking shit. Even if it is towards people like Shay or troons.
No. 1140717
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That's it. I want to become a bit ripped. I want to have slightly defined abs and thigh muscles. I want to scare skinny ass and obese men. I want to make the gym bros jealous. I want to lose weight and never have any doctors blame any health problems on the fact that i'm too chubby or too thin. I want to be able to beat up that fucking chick that i can't stand and that sent treats towards me. I want to have defined muscles before the end of the year or at least lose that fucking weight and get a fit routine.
Picrel this fucking girl is a bit more than my body goal and also bi brain awooga mamma
No. 1140728
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>>1140719Nta I know people lie and all but she's repeatedly said she doesn't juice and I believe it. She's really not that big, it's a flattering pose, and her before/afters show a reasonable amount of time between gains.
No. 1140737
>>1140728All the pics you linked do look a lot more natural and proportionate but that pic op linked def does not with the vascularity and how lean her abs are despite the size of her thighs.
I don't think the original pic is a realistic body goal because she's either hitting the juice or its editing/lighting/posing and not how she actually looks.
I would be interested to know where in the timeline does the pic op posted fall, surely after 2019? She coulda hit the juice after those pics
No. 1140748
>>1140742Could you child proof your home to prevent him from getting into things he shouldn't?
Is he still a young cat, and is he castrated? When they are younger and intact they can be a lot more destructive.
Also if its a boredom attention thing, perhaps getting him a playmate could help?
Have you been to the vets to see if he has anxiety or some sort of weird pica issue?
Hope you don't have to give up your cat OP that sucks.
No. 1140769
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is it still abuse if every kid your age got beaten too? why am i the only one that turned out so retarded and mentally crippled, christ i am so weak. i feel like child physical abuse in a first world country is way worse than in mine, because you have to be a special kind of evil to beat your kid/commit a crime whereas in the third world its culture, its expected, even recommended.
why couldnt i have just turned out normal ? i dont even hate my parents just myself really because clearly everybody else is doing fine while they went through similar or perhaps even worse abuse meanwhile i cant even execute any function in a regular manner. i honestly feel like maybe i wasnt beaten enough even though i am vehemently against beating children. was it abuse even?
No. 1140776
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I'm 27 and a 21 year old has been having a crush on me for almost a year now. We work at the same place, he's quite shy but nice, we went for a dinner once and I think he treated it like a date because later my female coworker told me he was very excited about the dinner and he told all his friends about it, he was proud he's going out with "THAT girl". I'm quite awkward and socially stunted, never dated anyone, no one knwos my actual age and I think this guy also assumes I'm around his age. But that doesn't matter, that dinner we had a few months ago just made me realize that I'm not romantically or sexually interested in him. He's very respectful and nice and never pushed me for another meet up, although through his behavior and the look in his eyese I can see he's still crushing on me. But I'm just not into him, and it's not just about the age difference. Despite my total lack of experience with men, I'm not interested in experiments and if I had to lose my virginity with someone it would have to be a man I know that I could settle with, and it would have to be a man who's somewhat equal to me, and who also wants to settle, who's not into smoking weed and partying, who has his own savings like I do, an apartment would be nice too. Just any kind of "capital" we can together work with. On top of that, I'm simply not that physically attracted to this guy, since he still looks more like a boy rather than a man. I don't even have a place irl when I can vent about my fears. All the nice men around my age are taken, I feel like I missed my time NEETing my youth away in front of a PC. Now when I finally started going outside and working like a normal person, the only men that are available are divorced 40-50 year olds and 20 year old boys who are interested in me probably only because they're deceived by my youthful appearance. Fuck I just want a cute 27-30 year old ready to settle and have a comfy home together. My female coworker just rented an apartment with her bf and she's telling me about all the cute cutlery she bought and I'm so jealous, I wish I could have my very own place with someone god damn it…
No. 1140786
>>1140769>because clearly everybody else is doing fineKek don't fall for it, every and i mean
every fucking person i knew that got abused and """turned out normal"""" ended up being an absolute train-wreck and deeply mentally ill, they just make huge efforts to hide it, we are talking secrets like mental illnesses, criminality, pedophilia, drug addiction, weird ass fetishes, etc
>i honestly feel like maybe i wasn't beaten enoughI need you to understand the extent of the abuse you endured, cause the only reason you believe you deserve worse is cause your parents willingly
pulverized your self-esteem, you deserve better, every kid does, please know your worth and remember these countries are fucked to the core for a reason: nobody here knows love, t. fellow thirdie
doublepost for typo, sorry No. 1140814
>>1140491I've been an expat for years now and I agree. Most of them are entitled fucks. And guess what, you get off a bit easier because you're in Germany and in "nice" cities they behave better. If you want to see them acting like pieces of shit, you need to go to a developing country. Holy shit do I hate being amongst them. (i generally don't btw, I can't stand their racist shit). And yes then they go to the city reddit and bitch and moan about the dumbest shit.
The worst of the lot are the ones that (when in a developing country) they act like they are kings and queens just because they have a nice apt and their kids go to an int'l school. Bitch , if it wasn't for your job paying for these stuff you wouldn't be able to afford it in your own country so sit the fuck down.
Ahhh I can talk about this shit for hours.
No. 1140979
>>1140975Also two more things I remembered.
6th: When I'm watching TV and a sex scene comes up he stands between me and the TV and yells turn it off, turn it off. I am 23.
7th: I was watching a Mad Men episode in which they visit a brothel and a topless woman appears and he was watching too and told me laughing: Do you think she will grab her tits and shake them?
If someone can share advice, similar experiences, or simply rate these instances in a creepy scale I would like that a lot, because I'm laying in my bed at 2am wondering if my father abused me.
No. 1140990
>>1140975>>1140979Either repress, seek help, or kill him. Your call.
>>1140977Pedophile detected.
No. 1141000
>>1140977Don't worry anon. He IS a bad scummy person. When my sister was 15 she came out as a lesbian and he beat her up so bad she couldn't go to school for 1 month until all the bruising went away and so people wouldn't find out what happened.
The question is: does my experience add even more to the tally?
No. 1141001
>>1140975>>1140979Your dad is a massive creep. Look up covert sexual abuse. Please don't gaslight yourself into thinking any of this is normal.
Here, for your instances:
1. No father should EVER comment on his child's genitals unless it is for a medical reason/emergency or an explanation. But at age 6, commenting on yours? Even just saying "pussy"? Completely messed up.
2. The chest grabbing could've been an accident like he said, but if it was he should've just apologized for touching you. It crossed the line when he said it was "lacking something". He thought he was being funny but that type of sexual humor is not okay with your 9 year old DAUGHTER.
3. This could go either way: either an awkwardly phrased "compliment" or he's going full Trump. The fact that he said it multiple times makes it full Trump.
4. This is just plain gross scrote behavior and completely inappropriate to say to your child.
5. This one is more innocent, but still - uncomfortable with all the past instances. I can see this situation being not creepy with a different dynamic.
6. Watching sex scenes can be kinda awkward if someone else sees them and maybe it was just a reaction to that, but physically blocking it is very weird. Like he wants to "preserve" your innocence.
7. This one makes the prior instance even weirder. Again, maybe a bad joke or quip but just awkward with all the prior stuff.
At best, your dad didn't understand boundaries and what type of joking is appropriate with his daughter. At worst, your dad is a creep who was potentially grooming you for further abuse.
Nonna, I'm sorry you experienced this. I would gently suggest to see a female therapist who can guide you through your experiences and feelings.
No. 1141048
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I will never see the same love and support that ugly men get. You will never see a thread about a woman like there is for the paul dano and adam driver. Ugly men are appreciated and given a second chance but if you’re an average or ugly woman like me, you just simply fade away, there is no chance of redemption or depth when it comes to people looking at your appearance, you just serve no value to people, women begin to pity you for your looks because you are no longer perceived as a threat, you’re virtually nothing. It feels like being a phantom in your own body I constantly want to disconnect from it. I feel some sort of understanding and empathy for troons, your material body is your own prison and the fact that you have to tolerate what you never asked to be is tragic.
No. 1141053
>>1141048Anon post proof that you're ugly or shut the fuck up. Maybe there isn't "Ugly woman you'd fuck" thread because most people here don't find most women ugly. And we aren't so inclined to make objectifying threads about women like for those men.
Stop basing your worth around how many people proposing sex to you. Post your selfie on 4chan and ask if they'll pump and dump you if it means so much. You're pathetic.
No. 1141117
>>1141048Anon average or ugly women look way better than even handsome men in my opinion. Most of those girls can also be quite cute with the right grooming if you really want to enhance your looks but as long as you're not being discriminated against because of your looks, I don't think you need to think so hard about them.
I also was seen as a non threat by other girls when we were 14-15 but that logic and competing for male attention largely goes away when you're an adult. Sure some women still think they need to compete with other women but those types end up alone because of their retarded views anyways.
No. 1141150
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After dealing with hundreds of threads of codegarch bragging, and seeing my codegarch friends do fuck all and make twice the money I make, I decided to retrain in CompSci.
I really hope it's not all bullshit, I wanna make that money and have an ez life. I'm working two jobs and balancing extramural study to make this all work, averaging twelve hour days every day but the weekend because I have a mortgage.
t. drunk after 12 hours of work and study.
I just wanna not be broke anymore.
No. 1141164
>>1141140Is he disgusted by them? If he's only teasing then you should probably do as
>>1141148says or find a bf that doesn't mind big nips/areolas.
No. 1141169
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>>1141140>they hated your guts and was plotting on your downfallAnon it sounds like you're dating an actual psychopath
No. 1141174
>>1141164All this nipple talk reminds me of a boyfriend I had who had comically tiny nipples. His buddies teased him for it but I didn't.
Then we picked up a baby cat from the street. Got home, he took off his shirt because it was hot, and the kitty immediately went for his nipples to suckle. I lost it. Laughed and teased him they look just like momma cat's. He wasn't mad, he was too weirded out by the cat violating him lol
No. 1141211
>>1141173Try coffee anon. It always makes me shit especially if you add milk (can use soy milk too) and coffee. Or raisins!
No. 1141223
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>>1140537anon i know how you feel… if my brother doesnt like something it is banned from our house even if i like it, if i dont like something and he does i have to put up with it. he got to have not one but two in the house even though i have an allergy that makes it hard for me to breathe and gives me hives so i have to lock myself in my room.
blogpost: when i was 15 she was planning to make me move out, when he was 23 and still to this day she has breakdowns whenever he even mentions moving out to the point where he had to call the police on her one time. i dont hate my brother because it isnt his fault and he never asked for this, just WTF is going on with my mother ? i remember being 6 years old and crying in the living room telling her that if she didnt like me then why has she kept me around all this time, and that she should just have given me away so she could have my brother all she wanted. she literally laughed at me and told me to get my hands away from the hoodie on the sofa we were sat in ( i was gripping it with anger ) because i would "ruin it". i still have this fight with her just about every month since.
No. 1141247
>>1141232Maybe you just have shitty friends? Ive been friends with (admittedly only recreational) users for years and they were very chill when I said no. All but one never questioned why I said no or offered to me again, the one guy was just curious and didn't pressure me at all. Probably just surprised I was willing to hang out with them without using myself, and wanted to know why.
I think the people who pressure you are the same as the compulsive drinkers who try talk you into "just one, come on, you'll sober up before driving home!" where you saying no activates their own guilt and baggage.
Yes I wish hard drugs were wiped from the earth too.
No. 1141313
I'm not sure what's wrong with my hands and apparently none of the local specialists know what to do, but they're turning into fists and I can't unclench 3 fingers on both hands. Now it's quickly affecting my feet and I have been walking so fucked up because of it that it actually changed the pads on the bottom of my feet. I'm calling my doctor again but I know they're just gonna keep throwing pain pills at me, which doesn't help? All I can think about is "wow, what will this look like in ten years?" fuck me. Stupid fucking covid bumping everything back by like, years. Because of covid, my occupational therapist cancelled every appointment for over six months so I don't have fucking anything except pain pills, which I won't take. The pain isn't as bad as the immobility is, so why would I numb myself to the pain and continue to grind down my joints through improper movement? I am so pissed it feels like my chest could pop.
As I was typing this, they picked up so I'm getting an appointment for the 26th with "anybody", which is apparently the first available slot they have at all. My blood iron is at 3 and I just started my period yesterday, I cannot describe to you how I feel physically. It's like punching in a dream. This felt so good to type out while on hold with them. Thank you for this thread
No. 1141318
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wtf is wrong with my fucking mom. she keeps berating me for my eating habits because according to her not eating red meat -> anorexia osteoporosis bone cancer so she starts swearing at me and bringing up my "cunt" in public so i tell her if she doesnt stop swearing then i will leave so i did. so then she calls me and i answer and i hear what i thought to be muffled crying and im like what is going on. no answer. so i ask again and again still no answer. for the next 15 minutes i hear scotch noises, a man talking, furniture being moved and the floor and what i thought to be whimpering again. so of course i freak out and start recording jt just in case because what if she got kidnapped and murdered and i am the only witness. so i begin to have a panic attack and think of what to do if my hypothesis is right by this point i had already walked 4 kilometers so i think to myself if i should go back and see if it was just her phone that was stolen and if ii should text my sibling or i dont know but i was frantically brainstorming ideas on what to do in this situation freaking out and crying because i have no other way to reach her. well after 10 minutes she casually says hello and then gets angry at me again as if its my fault. turns out she was at home the whole time while i was freaking out thinking she was dead or getting hurt. what the fuck. what kind of psychopathic behavior is this. i am seriously in shock right now.
No. 1141346
>>1141334no she definitely meant to call me. she used to do stuff of this sort ( scaring people into thinking she is in danger ) to my father before she cared about mobile phones. like she used to show him that she carried a broken piece of glass and leave the house and things like that for hours and then casually come back. i suppose now that he went back to his home country she cant do that to him anymore
>>1141333thank you nona for reading my post and caring
No. 1141370
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I find it so funny (or maybe tinfoil-ish so let me put my hat on) how I'm still constantly bombarded with news about covid and vaccines via my phone all the fucking time despite me being completely uncaring towards any news about it. I'm not anti-vax but I haven't got the vaccine because I don't want to risk it interfering with a genetic health condition I have, and whenever I tell people this they think I'm just bullshitting or making it more dramatic than it needs to be. There is like a sense of superiority over me from people who are happy to get their 56th covid booster and they never shut the fuck up about how I just need to get it anyway and give it a try.
No fucking thank you, I'm glad you are vaccinated but I am not risking it given that I know people with my same health condition that have suffered an attack for weeks after getting it. I also work from home and wear a mask to stuff like supermarkets anyway so I have no idea why they are picking on ME to lecture vs someone who thinks shit like vaccines make you an autistic lizard.
It's exhausting, my boyfriend's parents are like this and they don't understand how fucking patronizing they are. I literally just zone out whenever they start going on about it now, I'm not sure what made people think they can just lecture you unwarranted about how THEY want to dictate your health and the choices you make but it's annoying as fuck.
They also believe this shit every time a newspaper comes out with, "the NEW covid variant Delta Omega Cock'N'Balls 3.0 Variant is THREE times as deadly as Omicron!!!" like please just use your fucking brain and stop believing everything newspapers/the media tells you and then getting yourself scared because you haven't got your 57th booster yet.
Stop projecting that fear on to me because it's never going to work and I simply don't care, stop fucking talking about it to me and asking if I'm vaccinated yet when I've already explained why I won't be. I fucking hate old people, you could literally recall an entire novel's worth of reasons why you can't or won't do xyz and they are just too self-absorbed to comprehend any viewpoint beyond their own. These are also the same people who were completely compliant and saw absolutely no issue with the government fucking us over in lockdowns and witnessing skyrocketing suicide rates from people being stuck indoors for months like it was nothing.
No. 1141383
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>>1141345This video just makes me wish I was rich… Having a coastal sun-filled house is my dream that'll possibly never come true.
I can't even get into any aesthetics because I don't have money for buying random expensive shit. I'm not poor by any means, I'd say middle class, but I just envy first-worlders so much. The cost of living here in my second-world country is rising but the salaries aren't. It's fucking madness.
I go to Germany and buy things for the same price as here even though the people there earn extremely much more. Normal middle class people here can't afford to buy anything a bit more expensive they really want without having to meticulously plan.
I wish I could live in a sunny, coastal country near the sea, it's literally my dream but the first time I can manage to move there will be in my early thirties in 6 or so years. I'm gonna be all shrivelled up and aged from the stress before I get to actually live. I need the sun so much, I get so depressed in this shitty weather. And with these sceptical, cynical and sarcastic people that live here.
I wish I was born to wealthy parents so much. I could buy nice clothes every season, live in a house and not a crappy flat, eat better and have time for exercise, travel the world. My ex's family was very wealthy and he and his brother lived on such an easy mode. My family isn't poor but rich people are another category. Like a different world.
No. 1141391
>>1141370I'm someone who got three vacancies and I don't understand why people are forcing you to get it? Having a genetic condition that could be
triggered by it just means it's stupid as fuck for you to get even one vaccine. Don't listen to them, anon. Research about it and make your own choice. If people ask just bring up how it could be dangerous for you and how your doctor told you not to get it.
No. 1141417
>>1141150i tried compsci and it made me suicidal, hope
It goes better for you
nonnie No. 1141432
>>1141370This or Americans foaming at the mouth about how toddlers need to be triple vaccinated even though they're at no risk for it or denying natural immunity when it's only ever vaccinated people who get covid more than once and people who insist on going out partying, shopping, traveling, etc and then going on to sperg about someone on their Bahama cruise wasn't vaccinated or didn't wear a mask like kek if you're deathly scared of COVID you shouldn't be traveling in the first place. Imagine traveling and expecting the entire world to cater to your stupid little fear of something that's a cold for 99% of people
Oh and the amount of people claiming to be immunocompromised is annoying af too. It's like these people believe we all just forgot how the world existed pre COVID and not once have any of these people been this deathly scared during other disease outbreaks
No. 1141437
>>1141433It's not smart to get an experimental vaccine in the first place and they don't even bother doing any sort of testing to see if the person is at risk of blood clots, myocarditis, etc. It's also quite risky to those who do lots of cardio but no1curr if you're at no risk of COVID or that every single doctor has been admitting the vaccine doesn't stop or even lower transmission or catching COVID and then falling for the ClOgGeD hOsPiTaLs narrative even though somehow these clogged hospitals have all this time to make stupid tiktoks, fire nurses, CNAs, etc for any reason under the rug. People who foam at the mouth about how zero propaganda/fear porn exists are even worse since they'll sperg about the death rate and when you bring up a lot of doctors and others are admitting the death rate is overexaggerated, they just ignore you
It's funny what's happening to the "listen to doctors" crowd when the doctors don't pedal fear porn
No. 1141467
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No new celebricows thread yet so lemme post here. I hope the people of Hawaii find a way to murder this fucking cunt.
>>1140805They should just get him really really drunk until he passes out, spike him with some Xanax to speed things up and then quietly smother him. Or just strangle him with a belt, pull his pants down and make out it was auto erotic asphyxiation. He’s such a fucking train wreck nobody would question it. Just inject him with fentanyl. Kill him. Nobody is on their side and they will do anything to enable this piece of shit rich cunt to keep terrorising those poor people and I can’t stand it.
(a-logging) No. 1141471
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the closer i get to the finishing line the worse i feel
my head is constantly cold and heavy for the last few months, my study is shit, i'm blocked in the fucking thesis and just keep going out of habit or stupidity or stubborneness
the work is going pretty chill and quiet, few hours, a team that is both easygoing and knowledgeable, but holy shit, the fucking pure DREAD that i feel when i get up in the morning is unreal
i don't want fun or relaxing in bed or food or walks in nature or media, i just want oblivion
No. 1141472
>>1141437They did do testing just not studies that lasted multiple years due to the time necessity.
I work in healthcare and we def did have full hospitals in UK, even as recent as a couple of months ago.
Anyway this discussion should really be in the covid thread or maybe the tinfoil thread.
No. 1141494
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>>1141487t-that's me
nonnie…i got my lolcor-delta vaccine today…
No. 1141501
i finally got accepted into university and while i am happy and in shock still, i do feel a little sad sometimes because i wish i could go back to when i was 20 and show myself that i didn’t need to bend over backwards for people to be happy.
i don’t really know how to express what i feel. i have been through so much and my life changed dramatically in less than a year when i finally cut off toxic family members, prioritized my needs, started working on myself, even started praying again. and even though i feel joy at being free, i also feel regret that me at 20-25 was stuck in this toxic cycle of being used and abused by people. it’s shocking looking back at all the mofos in my life who came along and just wrecked havoc for no reason, all the jackasses who spun fairytales in my face and yet nothing came of it. maybe this is hard to understand if you’ve never experienced it, but god does it make me angry. i was so vulnerable back then, grieving from a lot of personal loss, dealing with an eating disorder and depression, dropping out of high school and then going back to get my associate’s. people literally took advantage of me and made my mental health even worse and knew it as well. i remember family members would talk shit to my face, the few “friends” who would latch onto me would start trying to control me and use me because of my family’s wealth, hell i even had a few professors in college tell me i was worthless and should drop out even though i was getting good grades and had gotten two academic awards. i honestly don’t know how i survived. i am turning 27 in may and i just pray to god that i can enjoy the rest of my 20’s and make the most of this time i have on this earth. the world really changed for me when i stopped looking for validation in others, and sometimes i think the universe was trying to wake me up to that. i have no idea why i would let people hurt me, i was literally like a dog going back to my own vomit. i had zero self esteem and zero self love and thought i deserved less than and was often told this, too. i gave away so much of my own self for literal crumbs, and i hate that i let that happen.
i am just glad it’s over, but fuck man if i don’t wish i could have back those years i wasted being miserable, controlled, and used. i know not everyone is like this, but there are way too many people in this world who will take advantage of others when they’re struggling and it’s honestly disgusting. i’ve seen some real dark aspects of human nature in my time, and i am not going to lie when i say i really don’t like humans because of it. people can really be disgusting, cruel monsters and think it’s ok because you “deserved it”. it really does feel somedays like i walked through hell and back, but at least i survived. thank god!
No. 1141503
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>>1141494That's you? Hot damn,
nonnie! AWOOGA!
No. 1141606
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>Rent increase per year: 10%
>Food, gas, etc increase per year: 5+%
>Pay increase per year for first 1-3 years: 6%
>Pay increase per year after working 4-6 years: 3%
>Pay increase per year after working 7-10 years: 1.5%
>When you’re hired you’re not paid enough to afford a 1-bedroom apartment
This is idiot math right here. No wonder my workplace is strewn with the ghosts of people who pay their dues and then bug out as soon as possible.
No. 1141625
>>1141607None of this sounds normal
nonny, maybe I'm the weird one but just reading this made me uncomfortable
No. 1141695
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So demoralized by the culture of dating. I have done all the bullshit of having male friends, putting myself out there, joining groups, talking to friends of friends. None of it leads to dating or romantic prospects. The amount of men that aren't taken and actually looking for a date is shrinking. Even when there are plenty of real life options available, men always hunt for pussy on tinder or go for drunk girls. I haven't used online dating and probably never will again because I realized I have nothing to gain from it, while men gain everything: easy sex, no commitment, discretion, convenience. I don't want to market myself online like a cattle. People look over a brief description (if that) and a few pictures to decide whether they want to interact or not. Or, more likely, if they want to fuck you or not. I know people do this unconsciously IRL too, people can seize you up and have initial attraction, but it makes dating so shallow to reduce all points of contact to just initial attraction.
The only time in my life I had a friend turn into something more was the best relationship I ever had, even though it was short lived and ended horribly. I miss the feeling of being friends with someone and have it turn into something over time, slowly, not rushing to get in each other's pants. I long for the type of romance that starts with subtlety. An accidental brushing of hands. Suddenly becoming flustered at the thought of hanging out alone. Finally getting the nerve to hold their hand.
No. 1141702
>>1141226I'm glad someone understands, i literally would make the exact decisions she made. I'm not that BPD anymore, but old me would 100% do everything she chose. It's not even a serious film, but I cried out of empathy in the third one because I feel like it's so evil, I'd fuck up exactly in the way she does. I feel like my relationship to my boyfriend is/was similar to how she views Kramer and it's amazing because I really am free from so much of my BPD behavior now because of my boyfriend. He forgave me so many times for my behavior and he never stopped believing in me. I'd probably still be a crazy alcoholic if it weren't for him. I've even gotten to the point where I don't depend on him as much anymore. But just imagining all the things Amanda felt really
triggers me because fuck, I'd absolutely rather kill someone that feel second to someone else or betrayed (emphasis on feel, not that it necessarily is reality).
No. 1141737
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>tfw my retarded parasocial crush is never going to love me.
I'm so uninterested in men I know irl, they're all shit. It sucks knowing I'll never find anyone that perfectly matches the idealized version I made up in my head of this particular internet moid. I think I damaged my brain by thinking about him too much and lost the ability to feel attraction to real people.
No. 1141738
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where do i begin fucking christ. so a couple weeks ago my professor was not answering emails for DAYS it had been multiple days without a response to anyone in our class. I was not the only one who was being ignored. She usually responded quickly so I thought something was wrong. I emailed the head of her department and I CC'd her in it so she would know. The head of the department emailed me back within 30 minuets and within minutes of his reply SHE EMAILED ME BACK. but she was incredibly aggressive and rude. She refused to answer my question about our homework and told me to think harder. She then started emailing everyone else back in the class and refused to answer their questions as well. I know this because we have a class group chat and people were sharing screenshots. I emailed her and apologized and she told me to not go to her head of department again and since then she has been cordial over email.
So fast forward to today, I am a newbie in my school's research lab. I was talking to the other people in it and that professor got brought up. I told my story about what happened and how I felt horrible for bothering her because I didn't know what else to do at the moment. And this girl in my class said "Ohhh I was wondering if that was you, I was with that professor when that happened and she…" and this girl trailed off and I was like yeah I assume she was annoyed. This girl was then telling me how she was very annoyed and complaining about me specifically and shit talking me (she did not tell me what she said though so thats good).
I know I am overreacting but now I want to drop out of my research lab because of this. This girl has heard my professor extensively shit talk me and complain about me. I also will have to interact with this professor at some point in the future due to the work my research lab requires and I am dreading it because she very clearly does not like me due to this.
I am also so upset that she would shit talk me so extensively that this random girl KNOWS MY NAME because of this. I honestly do not know what to do. I am just upset
No. 1141744
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>>1141067Do you even understand that looks don't only impact how much scrotes want to fuck/validate you right? People don't give a fuck about you (yes even family/friends), nitpick over every mistake, your sexuality treated as a joke/threat, people have much less patience, passed over even if you have the skills, bc people are brainrotted from staring at pretty women in media since day 1.
No. 1141753
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>>1141738fuck her anon, the whole department probably hates her though, people like that always have a reputation, so don't worry too much about it and lay low until she finds another
victim>I know I am overreacting but now I want to drop out of my research lab because of thisPlease don't ! Now that would be the real mistake ! Good luck
nonnie, the fact that you went ahead and tried to find a solution when everyone in your class was just waiting is a great quality and it's a shame that it got you in trouble
No. 1141754
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I love light pink, baby blue, and white…but fuck if it isn't hard to not hate them now. I hate how I made a character with these colors long before the troonening and now I know if I share her anywhere she'll just get labeled as trans. Why can't I like pastel colors without some faggot coming out of the woodwork to transwash everything?
No. 1141763
>>1141755I know it's hard to belive but some women are ugly enough that it automatically puts people off, and no matter the social skills or charm will make up for it. Things like cross eyes, severe asymmetry, small tier deformities like that can't be overcome. This isn't bpd bitch sperging, even when I put effort into my looks and have social graces ppl treat me like shit.
>>1141752I never said anything about wanting mens attention or to fuck but go off.
No. 1141774
>>1141763>I know it's hard to belive but some women are ugly enough that it automatically puts people off, and no matter the social skills or charm will make up for it. Things like cross eyes, severe asymmetry, small tier deformities like that can't be overcome. This isn't bpd bitch sperging, even when I put effort into my looks and have social graces ppl treat me like shit. I know
nonny I hope it's clear that's what I was acknowledging. I really feel for you I hope that there are still enough people who are kind. No one deserves that and it kinda makes me hate humanity. Maybe it can function as a way to single out who is least shallow and therefore the best people to be friends with
No. 1141780
I have a friend group I'm kind of involved in after literal years of not talking to anyone, but I'm too scared of rejection to really be active in it. I'm just talking when spoken to and in that case conversations go over well enough and those people are all really fun to hang out with. But there's only one person who's actively trying to get me involved, the rest is neutral and just doesn't mind me being there.
They have all known each other for years and are very close, sometimes I sit with one half of the group and it feels like regular conversation, but then someone else appears and suddenly I'm shut out because they talk about things I don't know anything about. They make plans together in the group chat and I only join in when someone explicitly asks me if I would want to. I know I'm being a burden and a weirdo and that it seems like I don't want to be around them, but I'm too scared that they'll get annoyed with me and will start to talk behind my back and avoid me.
One time they wanted to go see a movie together, I was asked and said yes. Later when ordering tickets it was one too little and I just assumed they forgot about me and only asked to be polite but didn't care about me enough to remember. I thought that if I say anything it'll be awkward because they actually didn't want me there and if I say it now I'm forcing my way in. In the end it was resolved because someone recounted, but that single message with the wrong number already made me spiral.
I don't know why that one person has seemingly taken an interest in me, I thought it was a prank first but it's been a few weeks and we joke a lot and I like spending time with her. I'm being unfair to her kindness and efforts by never initiating, but when I see her having fun with her friends I feel so useless. I'm okay to be around for a while, but her other friends are much closer to her and she doesn't need me for anything, so there should be no room for me. I know everyone worries about not fitting in, but I can't remember a single time in my life where I had someone who wanted to be around me more than with others. Even in my middle school years when I was louder and would go out of my way to approach people and make friends. I feel stupid for writing so much about my non-issues, but I have no one to talk to and I feel so painfully lonely. There's something off about me and everyone can tell and stays away. I don't think I'll ever find someone I can connect to
No. 1141792
>>1141769You don't need some special skill,
nonnie, motivation is all that you need. The trick is to start small. If you've been inspired to draw, start with just a mark on the page, a simple doodle. And don't let skill stop you. Anyone can develop a skill, at their own pace, and every experience including "failures" are extremely valuable. Create for the sake of creating, not to please some hypothetical critic in your mind. I think you can do it. I can do it, and I'm a fucking loser!
No. 1141831
>>1141755For sure, I'm just saying the average person isn't attractive so it's not as big a deal as many anons on here make it out to be. I agree it does affect how people treat you to an extent, but it's not the end all be all.
>>1141759No, I didn't even comment on that thread. I'm not even saying being ugly doesn't affect life at all, I'm just saying that most people aren't attractive and most people do not expect everyone to look like an IG model.
>>1141763I was going off of this part:
>Do you even understand that looks don't only impact how much scrotes want to fuck/validate you right? I disagree with this to an extent and I voiced my opinion. I wasn't saying anything about you personally.
No. 1141844
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my libfem ex best friend and i started talking again this year. it’s been nice but she recently recommended me a lip filler doctor via text message and idk what to do now. i love the way i look but my lips are on the smaller side, not paper cut thin and they’re not an insecurity of mine, but they’re not very plump either and that’s what’s in right now for women. i don’t think she meant it in a catty, backhanded way. i do know her pretty well (we met in school seven years ago) and she has aspergers. maybe i’m wrong but i remember reading somewhere that autistic people are more indirect and aren’t really prone to being passive aggressive, i could probably phrase that better but yeah. she said they’re only $580…ONLY! no thanks! when i texted back i didn’t respond at all to the lip filler thing, but i’m afraid our friendship won’t work out bc i discovered radical feminism while we weren’t friends and i’m terrified burning the bridge by saying the wrong thing, which is the primary reason i don’t have other friends. should i speak bluntly and hope that whoever i’m talking to agrees and wants to be friends? or am i better off keeping my mouth shut to avoid starting any drama, even though i know it’s manipulative behavior? idk anymore. a little worried that i’ll be forever friendless.
No. 1141864
>>1141861On the thousands of occasions I have ever vaguely wondered whether a scrote is lying or not, they have never once
not been lying. In fact it's usually been worse than I assumed. Option one all the way.
No. 1141876
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after years of being an autistic neet I finally got a real job and now I not only physically struggle to be around people but also talk to them because I feel like we have nothing in common? They tell each other some anecdotes from their lives, which I don't have, I only have traumas. They talk about friends, family, partners etc. which I also don't have. They talk about cars and traffic regulations and renting apartments which I don't know anything about. But the worst thing is, even when I can finally say something, like someone brings something I have some knowledge about, I seem to just not be able to recall certain informations I would be able to remember if I was alone? I feel so fucking stupid. I watched so many documentaries on various topics, movies, I read books and publications, but I'm just not able to talk about it irl besides a few words? Like today we were talking about simulation theory, genesis of life and what's considered life and I brougut up the fact that certain scientists consider crystals to be life forms but I wasn't able to elaborate on it except a few words, even though I just read about it. I hate it so much. I just feel so overwhelmed when someone talks to me, my brain is like bombarded by hundreds of different stimuli and thoughts and it just doesn't work right. When I was 16-19 I was able to truly info dump people, having discussions with my teachers I could just talk non stop and remember everything I read perfectly and counter their arguments etc. Then I've been a neet for years, I'm even too ashamed to admit for how many, and during that time the only person I've spoken to was my mom, and after she left there was no one. And now I'm fucking stupid and unable to speak in complex sentences. I also have problems with memory. I'm pretty sure I lost some IQ points. I can't even train with my coworkers since it's so hard to find a topic we can talk about and even when it happens I get this void in my head
No. 1141893
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>>1141844Trust me, autistic women can 100% be passive aggressive/catty just like anyone else. she still probably didn't mean it in a cruel way, but whatever her intentions please don't let it affect your view of yourself. It can be hard keeping up friendships with people who disagree with you strongly but don't know it yet, I feel like that's something everyone with less common views has to decide for themselves at some point. You deserve companionship for your mental wellbeing, but it might not be helping you much if you feel like you can't be yourself. Maybe keep things good with her but avoid getting in too deep, so you can be friendly with people like her but have closer friendships with people you can be more genuine with? Not every person in your life needs to know all of your opinions. Over time if she gets to know you again and really likes you as a person maybe you can reveal more of your true feelings and she will stick around. I think in general it makes more sense to talk about more controversial opinions (doesn't have to be extreme but anything where there could be disagreement) once you are past casual friendship. anyway I hope it all works out for you!
t. neet who isn't extremely social, take this all with a grain of salt
No. 1141909
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>>1140361>any space that manages to expand their perspective of the world>LSA>kiwifarmsAlso kiwifarms is filled with moids.
No. 1141911
>>1141844Samefag, I’m
>>1141902, and:
> should i speak bluntly and hope that whoever i’m talking to agrees and wants to be friends? or am i better off keeping my mouth shut to avoid starting any drama, even though i know it’s manipulative behavior? idk anymore. a little worried that i’ll be forever friendless.I think you should speak up. I went through a friendless phase where I parroted cyber-schizophrenic gender-and-woke-speak because I wanted to keep friends. It’s not…”conformist”, or retarded, or “feminine” (like some retards might argue), or fake, it’s just real life: self-censure is extremely important for social cohesion. In fact I’d argue that a healthy amount of atomization is necessary in a society where you can speak your mind.
However, while it’s well and sane to this with surface-level friends and coworkers, I think you should be honest with your friend especially if she outright asks your opinion. The point is that no matter how retarded your opinion is, is she’s really your friend, she’ll know you have her back and won’t take it personally. The connection will run deeper than retarded arguments. I was in the same place as you for a while: I live in a very homophobic place, and I’ve had a female friend ask me what I think of pronouns. I told her it’s stupid and schizophrenic and imported from the US. It’s incoherent against our material reality and inherently incompatible within our social and political context, since it was quite stripped it from its native context.l and propped awkwardly in another one. It’s a LARP, and it depends on external validation and constant affirming feedback, as all LARPS do. She listened, waited, and then asked me to refer to her using he/him. I immediately agreed. Your friendship should transcend opinions. Especially if you want people to stick around, then you have to pretend not to see and not to hear a lot of stuff. People of militant natures won’t be able to ignore so easily, and so relationships won’t be easy for them. I think it’s also important to remember that friendships are more fragile than family ties because lack of blood tie; you can choose not to see that person again because they’re a libfem, but your BLM or whatever sister is a lot harder to cut off, especially when you grew up together and your able to see past the retardation. The weakness of the base upon which people tend to build friendships on don’t aid in seeing past the retardation.
No. 1141917
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i wish there was an active imageboard for women that was just as diverse (for better or for worse) as 4chan is. i do understand that there are many splinters (choachan, fujochan,, etc.) but i just want one large centralized place with a ton of women discussing everything from modern politics to obscure rpg maker games to even weird coomer shit. this will never ever happen though, probably because most women are socialized into using facebook or twitter or whatever.
No. 1141926
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>>1141917we can make it possible, nonnas… we just have to keep quiet and make sure our site doesnt get noticed by scrotes
No. 1141928
>>1141922this isn't anything anyone wants to hear but i'd almost be okay with this so long as it didn't turn into handmaiden/incel central. you (generally, outside of /tttt/) don't get banned for saying "trannies should kill themselves" on 4chan; fem4chan would be the same way.
also: no moids crying about how no woman will fuck them.
No. 1141937
>>1141928I still think moids would pose a huge problem for the site. Normally spaces that are largely dominated me women tend to have a "cosy" feel as the moids would put it. Even if the anons here are wierdos sometimes, overall, lolcow is nowhere near as abrasive and angry as 4chan is. Moids do not understand how their innate line of thought or manner of communication is the reason why their spaces are so
toxic. All they will do is infect the site with the same bullshit.
I personally think for the site to work a hard stance on banning anyone who shows moid behaviours or straight up admits to being a moid should be banned.
No. 1141962
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A long while ago I came here to vent about how when I was 12 my mum made me pretend to be adopted (complete with lessons on how I should look sad when I talk about my fictional dead parents) for three weeks when we were meeting her "friend" for the first time, supposedly because she thought this friend would hurt me if she knew I was my mum's bio kid.
I finally confronted her about it properly and it's weird. I don't feel like I have any closure. All her answers sound like bullshit and I don't know if it's because I've tried for years to find a reason, so now I'm too stubborn to accept the reality, or she's lying to me.
Either way, I'm realising that she, a married woman in her 40s, used her own child to help her gaslight a 26 year old for three weeks, minimum. I have no idea if she was lying to her before she introduced me and even though she's my mum and I love her and I want to see the best in her, I can't ethically justify what she did. It was fucked up. It was really, really fucked up to do that to me and that friend and I've spent nearly 15 years telling myself it wasn't and I feel like I'm getting mindfucked. My dad was an outright abusive shitheel and I coped because at least I still had a good mother. Do I still have that? Are either of my parents good people? Did either of them actually love me?
No. 1141965
>>1141944My mum is the same age but totally represses all emotions with alcohol to the point she pisses herself regularly and even shits herself on occasion and drink drives like everyday and steals alcohol from supermarkets.
I'm like bitch you're almost 60 are you ever gonna get a grip
No. 1141989
>>1141964That's the thing, I don't know what she could say to justify it. After that event I genuinely thought lying like that was normal and used to lash out at the very few people I told about it who tried to make me see how fucked up it was because I thought they were making my mother look bad.
Deep down I think I know there's no reason that's going to be good enough, I just desperately want there to be so I can keep thinking my mother is a good person. (sorry to sperg ramble on your reply, anon friend, i hope you have a lovely day)
No. 1141993
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>>1141991Samefag I could be working on a paper right now UGH
No. 1142026
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how do you know when a scrote likes you? i don't care too much about him and we're just friends, we go to different unis but sometimes hang out because they're near. lately he only texts me about how other girls flatter him and i don't know what does he means by that. what the fuck im supposed to say or react, because i won't get jealous for shit. he's like an autistic fuckboy and i can only understand severely autistic men
No. 1142029
>>1141983same situation here
nonnie. I live my parents but the way they see things do not match my vision and it will cause major problems soon. My dad already started the I want grandkids bullshit (i don’t want to have kids like ever) and even if I do get married it won’t be someone the same ethnicity as me lol sexist ass culture no thanks
No. 1142041
>>1141983I don't hate my race, I just hate my parents culture. They are too lazy to properly enforce anything, but I'm appalled at how many of their life altering choices like getting married and having children was more out of following expectations. I asked my dad why he had children once and he was literally speechless. My mother straight up said it's because you are supposed. Every other day she is mad that we are not perfect brainless pets that obey her every command and i can see how they resent the fact that we are people who can make our own choices.
>>1142029My parents literally had a life plan created for me and honestly, because I was very naive I went along with it a little bit but I literally ruined my life listening to any advice they have to give. My life has improved significantly by lying to them and doing what ever I want. I hope my mum seethes because her delusion of me getting married and being a normie will never come true. Instead I will be a cat mother in princess dresses.
No. 1142068
>>1142030yes i know but i feel like he's testing me for something and i barely know him. other moids aren't that complicated and make their intentions clear by simping, they don't talk about other women and how much they flatter them.
anyways im going to ignore it because i find him cute (for a scrote) and feel like i need sex
No. 1142087
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why the fuck do beautiful women do this to themselves
No. 1142118
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Lately I've been looking… Different. When I look into the mirror, I feel like I look really aged. I don't really have wrinkles or any particular sign of aging I could pinpoint. Maybe my cheeks are sunken? How the hell do I combat that? I drink a lot of water, don't eat that badly. Is it just the stress?
I'm in my late twenties, few months ago I looked still younger than my actual age but I feel like over a week or two I changed into a middle aged lady.
Or maybe I'm dysphoric or something. I'm actually ashamed to meed my friends because they usually hype my looks up and I just look so old now. I am afraid to meet tinder dates because I feel like the photos taken just a few months ago look different.
No. 1142137
>>1142118It sounds like you're just tired and that lack of energy is coming across, especially where you can't pinpoint any specific problem.
Definitely look at your routine and think of ways you could get more and more comfortable sleep, and maybe try and eat more high fat and high protein food to get a bit of an energy boost.
No. 1142138
>>1142118The withdrawing from people part is definitely an innapropriate reaction whether you look any different or not. I'd focus on that issue.
Maybe you're stressed and need a break.
No. 1142224
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I finally found a psychiatrist that is listening to me and trying to find the problem and suggest treatments
The light at the end of the tunnel is discernible
No. 1142229
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It feels like a ritual at this point to sit in my car for a couple of minutes to mentally prepare myself/think about quitting my job before the start of my shift. I hate working so much, me going on vacation for my birthday to see some friends out of state only made me hate working more as it got closer to ending.
I hope my personal projects work out in the end so I can fuck off from here and do what I'm actually passionate about.
No. 1142254
>>1142246Girl I get not wanting to be a munchie but please get checked for lupus and MS. This shit ain't normal.
Whether an illness becomes your identity and personality is up to you. It's not mandatory to idpol it up, some people keep cancer offline, not sure why you're letting this hold you back.
No. 1142260
>>1142258Take a mental health day
nonnie, work can suck it
No. 1142273
>>1142258Hang in there
nonny. There will come a time when you can rest.
No. 1142307
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Why am I such a negative person? Why does negativity follow me constantly? When do I get to be satisfied? I want to be happy and content with where I am in life. I want so much. I just wait and wait and wait and hope things improve, but they never do. I wish I knew what my problem was so I could fix it.
No. 1142318
>>1142307Rewiring yourself to become less negative is a lot easier said than done, but not impossible. I highly recommend reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck" by Mark Mason. There are other books that give the same points but I just happened to read this book and it really helped me rewire my thinking process, and I still catch myself using a lot of things I read in this book on a regular basis.
> When do I get to be satisfied? I want to be happy and content with where I am in life. I want so much. I just wait and wait and wait and hope things improve, but they never do.One big point in this book that really hit me is that Mason says to not strive for happiness, because you will never reach it. You will always move the goalpost for what makes you happy. Something that is much easier to start with is to figure out what bullshit you're willing to deal with and live with and make your life at least tolerable. You will have a much easier time deciding what bullshit you are willing to deal with in life than what makes you happy. Be that cutting people out of your life, changing jobs, etc. Of course these things aren't easier either, but they are a step forward.
You have more power than you think to change your life and shape it to what you want it to be. I hope you'll get there one day nona.
No. 1142332
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i’m still in love with my ex-bf and fantasize about having sex with him almost every day. does it ever get any better nonnas
No. 1142346
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I'm fucking tired of feeling like I'm being prioritized last. My boyfriend wanted to watch Top Boy and I've never seen it before so I said hey we can watch it together that would be nice - nope, he wants to smoke and watch it on his own and said something about he's already started. Ok kek.
I go up to the spare room to give him a candle for the room and he was playing a game talking to someone, I said hey where do you want me to put this? He visibly saw me speaking and waiting for an answer and didn't fucking say anything before lifting up his headset and being like "I'm busy right now babe I cant pause the game" no one is asking you to pause the game you fucking retard, is it so hard for you to just speak to me and not act like I don't exist as soon as you come home from work? I seriously feel like I'm a last resort except I'm not even being considered at all. He will get me food and that's pretty much it. I get painful cramps on the first day of my period and tbh I don't think its unreasonable of me to expect to be pampered a bit on that ONE day, he will go and get me a snack but whenever I ask him for some physical touch like scratching or rubbing my back he just doesn't fucking do it, or does it lazily for 2 minutes. It's like he feeds me like I'm his prized pig and then expects me to just be happy with that. I honestly wish I could move out, there hasn't been any real connection for months but I can't even fucking live on my own because of how expensive it is and I have no home or parents to go back to. I am literally stuck, I'm considering opening a savings account now. I feel so fucking ignored.
No. 1142366
>>1142346 >like rubbing my back he just doesn't fucking do it, or does it lazily for 2 minutes. It's like he feeds me like I'm his prized pig and then expects me to just be happy with that. I honestly wish I could move out, there hasn't been any real connection for months but I can't even fucking live on my own because of how expensive it is and I have no home or parents to go back to.I was in this position like 5 years ago. Asking for affection would get an eye roll from him or he'd suddenly need to pay attention to a phone game. When men start acting like cuddling or affection are a burden that's the end imo. Never again will I beg for small acts of affection from a man I'm regularly giving sex to. It's beyond insulting to look back on. I saved up in secret and got out probably 2 years later than ideal but I did it. In the process of doing that we had fights because of money seeming short.. he got so petty it only cemented my plan to get the fuck out at the first chance.
Hope you find a way soon. Not everyone has family to fall back on so when you're in that situation it really does feel like being trapped by circumstance.
No. 1142385
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>>1142307I guess I'm your twin nonna. I always gravitate towards melancholic and sad stuff and I easily slip into self-hate and hopelessness. I also seek out sad materials in music and movies, but the funny thing is, I haven't noticed it until people started pointing it out. For instance, I set picrel as my desktop wallpaper recently because I loved the colors and when my friend was at my place and noticed it she immediately went 'That looks super depressing' and I realized I didn't even notice it…? Like yeah, it's about death but it somehow didn't register in me as a depressing thing. Same with music, someone noted how I always seem to listen to sad music.
I think the problem is not necessarily that we tend to be negative but that we passively wait for others to cheer us up. I think it's a skill called either self-soothing or emotional self-regulation. Were you raised by helicopter parents by any chance? I have a theory that overinvolved parents who don't let their kids overcome obstacles by themselves create kids like us (I was raised by a single mother with narcissistic tendencies)
No. 1142390
>>1142367I remember watching a news clip on YouTube a while back. A 20something year old woman performed oral on a kid of only 15. It was being legally pursued but whatever word they refer to as isn't rape seeing as it's an oral act.. my god men were losing their minds because they wanted to hear the words 'this woman is a rapist' so fucking bad.
They cling to gender any time they find a rare female abuser and concentrate on it hard, try to use the harshest language they can possibly stretch it to trying to level our the playing field..Good luck with that. Then with male rapists… they remove their gender and say vague shit like 'gosh what kind of a person would do that'
No. 1142392
>>1142367Yeah. I had the revelation 5 years ago when I went to a modern museum with an exhibition centered around war. There was a lot of art centred around violence done to women and weaker men, lot of interviews of the horrors. I realised that all of this is men's doing, I realised just how evil to the core men can be. I remember I said something much milder to my then-bf, something like 'how can men commit these atrocities? I can't comprehend it' and I remember he called me sexist in a fight we had that day.
But I think it actually
was the thing that woke me up and made me sexist, or just planted the seeds of actual misandry. I don't hate all men but I doubt all men now.
No. 1142413
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Every birthday my mom tells me how happy she was to finally have a girl but I know that's subconscious code for her being happy she finally got a helping hand to help pick up after my older brothers. Her intentions are nice but it hurts. I wish she actually showed me how happy she was about my existence. And the original fact doesn't matter anymore since my sister was born and became the treasured youngest. I was literally born to catch Ls.
No. 1142444
>>1142395The reason they don't care about other men's pain and just think of it as a "score" against "the feminists" is pretty simple. Men are inherently more disposable, so a life of pointless violence and suffering is normal to them. I don't think most of them can even help it. Every cell in the male body anticipates being destroyed or eaten in some way. If they won't be the
victim, their job is to either relentlessly protect whoever or whatever they've attached to, or victimize someone else to cement their place as "strong". When they fail at that, they're in a bad emotional spot. That kind of existence is completely alien to women, because we're actually not lying or virtue signalling when we decry violence. They can't fathom that, though, they just think of it as another unga bunga moid contest, except the fight is about numbers/news stories instead of who can hit each other over the head the hardest. I feel like most men have to actively be taught to be empathetic and caring, and while a few are successful cases, for a lot of them, the whole thing will just never really stick
No. 1142447
>>1142433thank you
nonny <3
>>1142442ha, I never thought of it that way. To elaborate it was my mom who said it to me, and she has belittled me for having emotions going way back. Because of that I always associate my emotions with being a personal failing. I never had the perspective to realize her being short with me stems from her emotions kek. I love my mom and realize she isn't a perfect person but man has she warped my personality.
No. 1142462
>>1142447I’m sorry nonni. It’s sucks when it’s your mom. My mom sounds similar. Her irritation and anger are just as emotional. They’re just considered “good” logic and not emotions because anger is masculine and it makes it “non emotional and logical” while crying and being hurt is considered “weak and feminine”. I think there’s a lot of self hating women who have internalized that and push themselves to react the way your mom does so she’s not the weak link who gets targeted. Her parents probably did it to her, but emotions aren’t logical. You’re not a robot and yours are just as
valid as anyone else’s. There isn’t an emotion that you need to feel guilty for and it’s how we process those emotions that define us. I’d rather hang out personally with someone who cries rather than lashes out when upset. I hope your day gets better.
No. 1142468
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>>1142462Thank you
nonny I really took your words to heart. I am having a better day already.
No. 1142477
>>1142467Based. Depp fantszied about doing worse and probably did stuff to amber, he's not a poor "uwu
No. 1142480
>>1142467I was in an
abusive relationship myself (got out before the pandemic, thank fuck) and when there was audio clips going around of amber talking her crazy shit to him.. ngl it was all very same-ish and
triggering to me being freshly out of something similar. She was the one who sounded like the ex I had to excape to a shelter over. BUT I was half the size of my man and had no fucking income to get away. No friends to confide to. What in the hell made depp feel stuck? He could leave any time she started her bpd sounding shit. He had security staff! Just walk out the door man, get a hotel, go to your other properties. He wasn't trapped like alot of regular old housewives and gfs are by circumstances. Then he went loony and started talking about chopping her up… I lost my last bit of empathy.
No. 1142535
>>1142533You are literally
victim blaming, I can't help you if you are not seeing this. Someone being stronger than their abuser doesn't mean they can't be abused, I can't believe I am having this conversation.
No. 1142543
>>1142535Do you know where you are? go to literally every other social media outlet that has been coddling him like he's a retarded child who doesn't know how consequences work. Women always get
victim blamed when they're abused but god forbid it ever happen to men
No. 1142544
>>1142352>>1142353>>1142366>>1142373>>1142378>>1142387thank you for the help nonnas - I'm going to open my personal savings account this weekend after I get paid. Not that I'm blaming myself for anything here, but I need to learn to seperate myself from this stuff too - I feel ignored and last in the list priority-wise, but you know what? That's not my fucking problem. He can be a roommate for all I care, it's no skin off my back. I still work, pay my share of the bills and I exercise regularly to keep me sane. I think I'm starting to come round and realise how honestly pathetic it is for me to expect so much from a man that clearly doesn't feel like giving anything in return unless he's having a rare "good" day where he treats me like more than a roommate.
He's not entirely void of affection or romance but it's just not even remotely at the level that I want in a man anymore and I'm tired of trying to signal for affection I should be getting by default. I don't want to feel like his cool girl housemate who just sleeps next to him every night, I'm just going to focus on myself and try and make things better for me financially no matter how long that may take.
No. 1142545
>>1142535What a poor
victim, threatening to burn her alive. He is a druggie nutjob and she is too. They are both asshole abusers, I don't see a
victim there. You obviously really don't know what average addicts' relationships look like.
No. 1142551
>>1142535He literally said he wanted to burn her alive and rape the corpse. She shit in their bed and bit him. Which one is
abusive? Stop skimping for
abusive men.
No. 1142554
>>1142551She literally cut off his finger
>>1142545I didn't say he was a nice guy. I said he was abused, as he was.
No. 1142556
>>1142554>hurting a man's finger means he can now want to burn and rape youYou're the one who sounds like a scrote. Go back to reddit or some other male website defending
abusive men and blaming the gfs for men's actions. A mentally unstable woman hurting a man a little doesn't mean he can now think it's
valid to want to burn her.
No. 1142564
>>1142554She was also abused. Stop
victim blaming her.
No. 1142583
>>1142490A once trapped abuse
victim who had to flee to a womens shelter asks herself why anyone with the oppurtunity to easily leave would stay instead.. Your repsonse is to call HER 'loathsome' while crying about a fucking man. Smarten up anon.
No. 1142601
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The amount of despair and stress I have been bottling up over the past 4 months (not to mention years) turned me into a shut-in that doesn't know how to talk about her feelings. Instead, I am coping with life by devoting myself to a fictional character (not picrelated). I feel terrible over how I cannot properly explain the way I feel to my partner, because I spent my whole childhood being a caretaker, nanny and a slave combined, which gave me a 'i cant feel sad right now nor can I complain, I need to take care of my little brothers instead' mechanism.
I miss drawing for fun, I miss doing things for fun. I am a streamer who does all of her work alone, spending sleepless nights drawing. I am so exhausted of everything. I wish I could hit a reset button on my negative feelings. I cant even get money off twitch or Paypal anymore. Worse than that is I haven't seen my family in so long and with politics I don't think I will see them for another year (it has been almost 4 years, I was scared of visiting them because of COVID, their health is terrible). Partner's parents and elderly like me yet his sister is still trying to turn people against me for no reason, she groomed their little sibling into that. Why cant things be normal
No. 1142630
>>1142615I understand you
nonnie, I hope you can separate yourself from her soon and live the life you deserve.
>I'm so jealous of people who have a decent relationship with their mothersFucking same. What you said about male validation or attention is so true, too. My mom didn't even defend my brother, her own son, when her boyfriend randomly yelled at him from across the street when he was literally just minding his own business - like straight up screaming at him for no reason. Her boyfriend isn't even allowed to see his own grandchildren so he's clearly fucked up but she still turns the other way because he gives her attention and she gets money and holidays. I hate mothers like this, they don't deserve to be mothers at all. I'm sorry yours is a nightmare too.
No. 1142679
>>1142654Damn that largest nervous system in the human body really exists just to not work half the time? Dumbass
Men should be forced to carry around a plant for the oxygen they waste on a regular basis.
No. 1142693
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I've been going through a streak of bad luck lately. I am always trying to convince myself that this will pass soon, and that by like next year I'll be closer to the life of my dreams that I am currently trying to work towards. But sometimes I just feel so hopeless. I know it's mostly copium. I should be glad that at least my life is better than like 80% of the global female population, but still sometimes I just feel so tired, angry, empty. I know I am not entitled to what I want, but this feeling of things never going my way is also so daunting.
No. 1142729
>>1142491>>1142542You realize my post is like…right here
>>1142444, right? I reposted it to add more. Why would you lie, by the way? I never said they do any of that shit to "protect us from the abusers" or "protect the weak", they are the abusers and that's why they don't care. They "protect" whatever they've attached themselves to, to the point of abusing others to take resources. It's not noble or good, stop having knee-jerk reactions whenever your Nigel copes aren't fed into
No. 1142746
>>1142483>muh culture copeYeah, every fucking culture. Funny how that works, with men globally overrepresenting violent crime/abuse in every part of the world. Even in a "safe" country like Japan, men can't be in public transport with women because they sexually assault women in crowded spaces. Why the fuck would I listen to Jordan Peterson? Are you retarded?
If the "It's just their culture" argument had significant, large-scale merit, trannies 100% would just assimilate themselves into "female" culture, and those cases of bathroom assault, violent crime, inceloid "cotton ceiling" discourse and other scrote behaviors would be non-existent. But there's a chance you actually do believe that, so let me rest
No. 1142769
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I'm so fucking done with this world. This is what the troons on twitter are celebrating, a real woman being harassed over nothing. No. 1142773
>>1142769Really looking out for other marginalized women IE a woman of color huh?
Fuck troons, the idea that they have it the worst compared to actual vulnerable groups makes me sick, it’s just men making up their own problems as per usual.
No. 1142775
This post is so long, you don't have to read it because it's stupid high schooler tier whining but once I started I couldn't help but write it all down; I feel so bad that I never dared to show the guy I liked in high school that I liked him because I'm pretty sure he liked me too, he was sitting behind me one day and he said to his friend that I'm really adorable, as if I couldn't hear them, and when it was my birthday he asked me if he could hug me oh man that was nice, and when I said every day when I get home from school I can't help but take a nap for an hour and he said he does the same thing and we're soulmates, and when there was some kind of art contest on valentine's day he said I should draw him, and when we were at some diner the placemats had I love you written in various languages and he was sitting next to me and reading them out loud to me, and also when it was my birthday I got a helium filled balloon, he and one other guy (who I know liked me) were toying with the balloon tugging its string non stop and I couldn't help but feel like it was some ridicolous subconscious way to assert dominance over a part of me. And when we met once after high school he asked if I had met anyone. I miss him he was the only guy I ever liked. The only thing I didn't like was when an older girl came from germany on erasmus he kept commenting to me how pretty she was and how he couldn't stop staring at her, but I don't know if he really liked her or if he wanted to make me jealous because he was still doing the stuff I wrote above. I miss him, he was so charming and funny and he liked to talk about interesting stuff with me, and he had such long eyelashes and cute wavy hair, he was handsome whether it was very short or longer, and his laughter was so nice, who knows if I will ever meet someone I find so lovable ever again and I know if I met him now I would just be cold to him again because I can't help it.
No. 1142788
Don't know if this is the right thread to post in…so sorry about that. Just wanted to get some things off my chest. I have honestly had a very difficult life (severely abusive family, chronic health issues). I had a plan to kill myself over the weekend. It was a surefire plan to die…spent hours going back and forth driving between two different (US) states just to do it. I settled for a place, and I was so terrified but had no other choice. As soon as I was about to do it, my friend texted me asking if I was okay because I hadn't talked to him for a few days. I told him I wasn't doing well and he called me and I broke down and told him everything. He convinced me to live. I don't know what I would do without him. The fact that he was there for me when no one else was means so much. One day I want to visit him…he is only a few hours away by car, but I never got to visit him due to abusive family and I'm trying to get away. Or maybe he can visit me. I don't know what is going to happen and I'm terrified for my future, or lack thereof. I am so terrified of every day. I hate waking up every day but I am trying and I'm so scared. I am scared that I will never escape from my abusive situation and that my family will ruin my life even more and sabotage me. This sounds so stupid but as I was driving around for hours yesterday I thought of this woman in this Discord server I'm in. She would post a lot about how she's homeless and disabled, her mother abandoned her, needed a feeding tube, ended up in jail for a night for being on the streets. Then her cousin days later came on to say that she took her own life. I know it doesn't seem real but this woman had posted a lot of her stories and a lot of details…so I don't know. But in those moments I thought of that woman and was just bawling while driving. I wish I could have helped her. I've always wanted to work in human services but I do not have a degree in it, and in America, it's expensive and I already have student loan debt. The fact that I live in a place without free healthcare, too, makes me want to die. I just don't know what to do or what is going to happen. I am glad my friend is around…but I'm still terrified. I'm in my late 20's and my life has been utterly wasted due to control and abuse from parents/family. I have a job but don't know how long that will last…and even then I live in a high cost of living area. Even then, my family still knows where I live and work. But I would rather end up homeless than ever go back to them. But they won't allow that, because it will make them look bad. It's all about making them look good and putting on a facade. I'm scared I will never get out. I'm contacting domestic abuse resources but I doubt they will help. I think I will have to leave the country at some point but don't know how except to study for a master's for a career I strongly dislike and then I will also accumulate even more debt. And even then, there is no guarantee I will get a job in the country. Or to teach ESL abroad. I am contracted to teach in Hong Kong in August but I don't even know if I should go. Every day is just pain and suffering and fear, with flashbacks of trauma and abuse constantly. And they're still here. They still text and call every day and know where I am. I don't know what to do. I talked to a therapist today who said she could work with me, but need to confirm that she even takes my insurance.
No. 1142822
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It's annoying to have people around me telling me how brave I am for going through an illness and now something chronical ass well, how the fuck was it brave that I am so ashamed of being sick that I ghosted practically everyone. It's not brave to not want people to see you weak and sick, it's embarrassing. I wish there would have been support groups when this started but covid fucked stuff up, I was so tired and now I don't think I can ever let anyone see me weak like that, besides like, my mom. It sucks knowing no one can get in anymore, dramatic but true shit.
No. 1142827
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What the hell is going on with inflation? This is a fucked up rental in a small hillbilly town in Western united states, 3-6 hours away from any sort of major city. Are people actually paying these ridiculous prices or are these just overly enthusiastic landlords?
No. 1142830
>>1142788Babes, I am so happy you're still here with us, I know it must be so hard to still be here. I think you should go do the teaching gig, you'll get distance and meet new people, if not anything else, at least it's something new I presume? You should also contact those services you mentioned, don't let yourself talk out of things like that, your head is clearly not kind to you so it doesn't think you should do these things, like you don't deserve it or they wouldn't listen to you. Anon, I just wanna give you a hug, it won't solve your issues, trauma is a bitch, your family sounds deranged but you didn't deserve any of the bullshit, it's wrong that you still have to deal with the bullshit but you are strong as fuck, anon. I hope you get that therapy, you get away from sick family and you'll find peace in this life.
No. 1142831
>>1142788Nonnie it may not be much, but I'm glad you're here. You will one day be free from your family, good things take time and even if it feels like it will never come, it always does. If you want to do human service work, hotlines are always looking for volunteers (at least in the uk), they might ask if you've had mental health problems, most times they don't take you on for your safety if so. I hope the domestic abuse people help you, they definitely should do so or at least look into it. I don't think you have to study for a certain job in another country just to live there, I'm not sure about the whole process but definitely look into it! Take up the Hong Kong offer, it may allow you to take a break from what you have going on and even if it's just for a little while you'll feel better. I hope you can get all the help you can, things can feel hopeless but they never are, I am sending you all my love and prayers may things get better for you.
No. 1142858
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I typed a big post but I sounded stupid and ungrateful so I deleted everything. I'm feeling like a terrible human being lately. It's disappointing to realize I'll never be the idealization I had for myself. I'm too lazy for that, I don't have what's needed to chase the things I want. Repeating the same shit and patterns everyday its easier. I really have set myself for a life of misery and regret. I have no hope in myself and I can't even just end it. Also I'm trying to quit alcohol so numbing myself with booze either. So I'm here completely sober hating my life and hating myself because I really should be grateful for everything and stop complaining like a little bitch. My life isn't even bad, it's just not what I wanted.
No. 1142882
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I'm feeling uncharacteristically salty over a much younger friend hitting a big life milestone that it'll be years before I touch. I'm taking comfort in the fact that unlike her, I've got my mental health.
No. 1142926
>>1142918mirroring my feelings right at this moment. i feel you so hard. they're so fucking prideful when they have nothing to be prideful about. it could be the smallest, most inconsequential thing and it would mean
so much to us for them to just simply apologize and acknowledge our feelings and they just refuse to. it must be out of satisfaction of knowing they are withhholding an apology we want. just suck it up and apologize you sackless, bitchtitted piece of shit
No. 1142940
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>>1142926It's because emotional connection requires work, and it's work they aren't willing to do. I've heard countless stories from women who put in the work of breaking down their emotions and their partner's emotions during an argument but when it's time for the man to do the same, he fails entirely. I dated a guy who claimed he didn't have any emotions to work through, but it was a lazy excuse. Fuck men who don't apologize when they are clearly in the wrong.
No. 1142967
>>1142882How is that your friend? You take comfort that the mental health of your friend is worse than yours? Why not be happy for them? Wtf?
Jealous friends are really crazy. Hope she ditches your insecure ass
No. 1142971
>>1142949thanks anon, i haven't genuinely dated in a while, i'm talking exclusively about my ex that i just got into an argument with while trying to simply talk about our former issues. i'm not with the dude
>>1142940too true. they expect us to expend ENDLESS emotional labor on them while they do fuck all, if not damage us to no end. i still think a lot of it is ego/pride based though. laziness is a HUGE factor though. you never hear about men evaluating and re-evaluating what went wrong and where, and how to fix it. they're just not capable of being friends, much less partners. my male friends are so much more introspective and self aware than my ex or former partners, it's actually insane.
No. 1142997
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>my position got turned down today at a job interview all because I ride the bus instead of throwing myself into debt by getting a car where I don't know for certain I can pay back
Even worse is that I arrive at the place 45 min early because of my bus route. I explained this to them and those cunts still told me "nope pls go into financial ruin by purchasing a 3k pound hunk of metal :)))".
No. 1142999
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Why is it the fucking nastiest and creepiest looking guys that just go out the door, thinking "yeah today I will pretend that talking to a random stranger on the street I deem fuckable is a normal and good idea."
No. 1143016
>>1143010Thanks fren. But there's been an expectation of people owning cars everywhere. Even fucking retail part times are demanding me to get a car.
I swear no other country does this, and bus transportation is considered normal. Maybe the Antifa guys are up to something with Amerifat being a capitalistic shithole.
No. 1143028
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I just want to look at pictures of pretty looking men but for every nice picture I keep getting posts like
>Why there are only conventionaly beautiful male models??? Where are the fat male models???
>There should be more trans male or nb models, please reblog my pictures!!!
Shut up, shut up, let me hornypost in peace. That's my blog and I choose what to do with it.
No. 1143059
getting so fucking tired of people whining about "karens" when male karens are so much worse, like the one I met earlier.
I'm a delivery person at a pizza place. I got back from a delivery and put the hotbag (the bags we put the pizzas in) back on the rack. I saw this guy standing at the counter, he looked over at me and I looked back at him, he didn't say anything, I didn't offer to help him or anything because I thought someone was already helping him. I thought my coworker was standing at the counter helping him, I guess I just imagined it, or maybe he was doing something else up there Idk. also, a lot of times customers will buy food then just stand around and wait for it, so like 99% of the time when customers are standing around they don't need help anyway.
in between deliveries we're supposed to find stuff to do, like cleaning, most of which is in the back of the store. so I walked to the back of the store and realized I needed to pee, and walked up front again (the bathroom is upfront, our store is really small) the guy was gone at first but came storming back in before I made it to the bathroom. he came up to me and was like "WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE??!!!?" I said my manager's name and he was like GET THEM UP HERE. he was visibly angry.
I went back and found the manager and told her there was an angry customer up front. she came up to the front with her daughter who is also a manager. the guy was livid and was like SHE (me) WALKED RIGHT PAST ME. DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. THEN WALKED TO THE BACK AND DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. then he pointed to my coworker and was like AND HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING EITHER. HE JUST STOOD THERE WASHING HIS HANDS. because how dare someone in food service wash their hands I guess.
the managers were trying to talk to him but he kept yelling over them. oh yeah and he was a big dude, like I am 5'10 and he had a couple inches on me, he was not rail thin either. he just stood there yelling at us and being like "WHERE IS THE CUSTOMER SERVICE?????" I tried to defend myself but the managers and him were all talking over each other. he was like "THE ASIAN GUY WAS THE ONLY ONE DOING ANYTHING" because I have an asian coworker (he was the one I thought I saw at the front counter). then the younger manager was like "ummm you don't have to call him an asian guy, that's rude" then the guy was like "OH YOU LIBERAL SHIT". honestly I don't think calling the asian guy asian was rude, but holy shit this guy.
the thing that pisses me off is how he didn't bother to get my attention when I walked past him yet acted like it was my fault. like yeah I guess I should have noticed that he needed help but is it really THAT HARD to just say "excuse me miss can I place an order". if you had crippling social anxiety I'd get it but this guy had absolutely no problem coming in and yelling at us, cussing at us and being borderline aggressive but asking to place an order was too hard apparently.
No. 1143110
>>1143091I got proposed to at around the one year mark. We were under 25 so I expected a long engagement but I said yes. Then my mom got news that she was going to be dead within the year and my guy suggested we throw a wedding together quick to have her there. I felt like I had no time to process anything. 2 years into the marriage he took his stuff out of the home while I was out and he texted me.. we had a text break up and he refused to talk to me about the lease I was left with. I was 25 and already separated.
All that to say, I think a year is too soon unless you're going to have a long engagement. Other anon said that a ring doesn't always mean much.. to some men a whole wedding doesn't mean much. If I could go back I'd be less flattered by his displays of commitment and I'd look at the timeline. It was happening too fast to be genuine and meaningful. It was all lust and butterflies and was impulsive.
No. 1143129
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HUGE sperg incoming.
i hate more than anything fake fans and posers but now its become more grief than anger really. its so retarded i know but when you see people that made fun of you or would make fun of you not even just a year ago get into your special interest because its "cool" now and different and edgy with the addition of being of course, cute ETC. i know i shouldnt be sad because its not like i know who these people are or i can see into past potential realities wherein i get made fun of and therefore am made a victim so now i am just crying for nothing. its just infuriating when people act like they've been fans forever when you know they havent even worse when there is proof, and seeing them act like they know everything about your interest when they clearly dont and sound so new bringing up the stalest stuff acting like its a new discovery or funny ETC because it is to them since they havent been here long.
and i am even angrier because its all egirls and perverts pretending to be into it for some reason so now not only am i afraid of looking like a poser even though i have endless proof to back myself up but i look like an egirl whore !!!!! and this isnt something i made up because i recently got accused of this. i somewhat understand why scrotes were so mad at NLOG call of duty playing gamrgurlz back in the day now. UGHHHHH. and guys being into music aimed at women like lana and mitski or something to get some and such but that is a total Other thing.
this is entirely too pathetic i just want to cry i know i shouldnt care because i know what i am and this is retarded and insignificant in the grand scheme of things but i cant help feeling just so upset.
sorry for the autism but i actually am autistic so this might be why i care so much
No. 1143136
>>1143133NTA, but the ones doing this are e-girl whores kek. The exact type who get screeched about in the zoomer hate threads and on /snow/. They hop from "basic" to "gamer girl" to "big tiddy goth gf" to "y2k queen" etc, whatever might get them the most popularity. Essentially, they LARP as stereotypes of existing subcultures to get attention, disrespect people who're actually interested in those things, lower the quality of the community with shit takes/reposted garbage, artificially drive up the prices of what should be affordable secondhand items and vintage pieces, and act as clones. Nothing about them is organic, they worsen any community they touch, and their "interest" is temporary at best
If you're any kind of person with unique tastes or hobbies (especially ones that have been decried or stigmatized in "mainstream" spheres), you know exactly what that anon is talking about, and it's very annoying. Gatekeeping is good
No. 1143137
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Every girl i like ends up a heterosexual pickme nlog pretending to be gay for male attention OR they troon out and become T4T. Lolcow fooled me into thinking all lesbians would be based terf manhaters. Are we a minority sisters?
No. 1143140
>>1143133i didnt call random women egirls, i specifically said "egirls and perverts" the perverts being men. the "egirl whore" part is something i was accused of and not me calling women whores, sorry that wasnt clear
and i dont think men were right to be cruel to women in male oriented hobby spaces i know they still are today which is why i said i only
somewhat understand.
as for the egirl part, its literally true. they are girls on the internet. i never insinuated that being an egirl is a bad thing anyway, but i dont want to come off that way myself.
>>1143136 this anon got it precisely like i meant. thank you i couldnt have said it better myself
No. 1143142
>>1143129Why do you care about proving yourself to people who you think are shitty anyway?
>>1143136Gatekeeping is good, but the mainstream gaming community has always been runover by misogynistic racist scrotes and you honestly have to be some high level NLOG to even feel like anything really is lost. I've not seen these issues in xx-only gaming communities, because the fake gamergirl or NLOG stuff mainly happens in scrote infested places. This might be different with other hobbies which weren't already so male dominated, but I don't even get how some ever managed to get into multiplayer games during the 'go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich you whore' era.
>>1143137Yes, do you like gnc women?
No. 1143146
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>>1143131thank you for understanding anon sorry i didnt see your reply. it totally sucks when this happens but i just have to remember that it doesnt really matter
except for it does to me but to a normal person>>1143142>Why do you care about proving yourself to people who you think are shitty anyway? you're right i shouldnt and i didnt up until a guy accused me of being not only an egirl but also a whore so i got worried that that is how people are seeing me now. i know i am not that and it shouldnt bother me but it does i dont know how i can help it.
also i only brought up the gaming thing as a clear example i dont know anything about that realm really
No. 1143150
>>1143137I have a '
terf gf' and didn't try that hard, depends on the country. Come to Australia and fuck I guess
No. 1143163
>>1143140I'm sorry I misunderstood, anon.
>>1143153Men in relationships flirt with women very often. He wasn't a good person if he was giving you mixed signals behind his gfs back so…
No. 1143181
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>>1143129>>1143133The problem is that internet culture empowers and expects women to be bimbos while gnawing some videogame™ controller in her mouth and nothing else.
Twitch is the patient zero of this shit getting out of hand. All of the top women streamers on that site are thots- now it wouldn't be a problem if it ended there, but the other women who just want to play and discuss their favorite vidya are given expectations to show cleavage.
Now men do the exact same thing where they don't talk about videogames in a fucking VIDEO GAME website. But they aren't expected to be whores.
No. 1143237
>>1142346Samefag, another day of being ignored by him. He is giving me the silent treatment because I made him sleep downstairs because he lost his mouth guard as he grinds his teeth at night and it interrupts my sleep really bad. I don't feel sorry for him at all, he should be responsible for his shit and I haven't even tried to speak to him, I just woke up and went to the gym and now I'll be maybe cleaning up or playing the Sims. I'm going to keep up distancing myself from him, he doesn't and has never deserved my time, love and physical affection for a long time.
I thought about this today and realised how true it was for my situation: "It's not that he never shows me he loves me, but that I even have to ask for it in the first place. That's the problem."
I honestly feel quite peaceful and not upset nor tempted to even speak to him. I can't really believe this is how it's going after almost 4 years together but whatever, if he wants me he can make the effort, I'm not bothering anymore.
No. 1143303
>>1143129This can be boiled down to
>I am angry because someone receives more attention than me for having a superficial liking of hobbies that I take more seriously and I would rather blame that person for my lack of attention than criticize the system and culture for fostering attention seeking behaviors. If you had higher adult responsibilities whores in video game hobbies wouldn't even concern you.
No. 1143350
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I want to push my best friend's boyfriend off a very steep cliff
No. 1143366
>>1143350relatable though i've stopped hating him as much since she finally decided she likes having other friends again
>>1143314this is why i just bought plain titanium jewelry for everything but my first lobes
>>1143363isn't that dangerous? my mom is on it and has seized when she's forgotten a dose, although she does take it for epilepsy
No. 1143381
>>1143136>rising secondhand pricesGod, don’t even get me started on that shit. Even niches like lolita had the dress prices go for ridiculous amounts. It’s even hard to find stuff from niche animes because of all the “anime core” tards buying up merch. It’s hell I tell you, this isn’t about being an NLOG but about genuine problems communities face when the thing they like enters the mainstream
Look what happened to animal crossing.
No. 1143384
>>1143369>do you think car mechanics or alternative music fans of both sexes look down on posers and newbies severely because they get more attention?Yes they do, but generally speaking these hobbies are dominated by men so when men are angry at other men for being poseurs their insults aren't typically gendered based on the excess of attention they receive from the opposite sex.
I guess this would be akin to a male calling another male a "fuckboy whore" for women paying attention to him for buying a pre-modded car that he didn't even build himself, but it would still come off as pathetic and jealous. And regardless, men are lauded for sexual attention. It's only when women receive sexual attention that suddenly it's a bad thing and we should feel bad for when men give it to us.
No. 1143404
If they didn’t shit up communities so much no one would care about them. I don’t know why anons are so quick to scream NLOG when this issue affects a lot of communities these days.
I can’t blame them for wanting to weed the undesirables out either, it helps keep things under control. Everyday I’m thankful LC bans troons/males.
No. 1143430
My grandma died. That was actually the first thing I heard when I woke up, my dad telling me that she has died. She was my last remaining grandparent and I loved her a lot. I have no idea of how she died, but she was pretty old already and her health was deteriorating (the last time I visited her, she had to stay in bed for like a week of the 2 weeks I stayed there due to a fall). I was gonna visit her in her birthday (February), but I didn't because my mom feared the new covid variant, because she didn't live in the same state as me and my parents, so it's a long trip to get there. So the last I said to her was that I was gonna visit her, but I never did. I know it's no one's fault and we were just trying to be cautious, but I feel so bad. I am still in shock, the tears comes in waves. I am trying not to think about it until we get to her state. My aunt lived with her and was her main caretaker, I can't even imagine how she is feeling. Also my mom. I don't know. I feel kinda lost, seems like these stuff never gets easier. I love you, grandma.
No. 1143436
>>1143418Men don't care about being called fags by jellies if they are legitimately straight and swimming in puss.
Women being called whores for not even being actual whores destroys reputations and gives men further justification to treat us like shit.
No. 1143485
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>>1143430I'm so sorry for your loss anon, try not to let any guilt swallow you. You and your grandma had a lot of wonderful moments together and you should cherish those memories. Sending you lots of love.
No. 1143492
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>>1143129Same. This is one of the reasons why gatekeeping hobbies is great. I'm sick of seeing people being like "oh I like this game/franchise so much" and they actually never played the game or watched the series they're talking about. I'm sick of seeing retarded normies complaining about JKR queerbaiting because she hinted that Dumbledore was sticking his dick in crazy (male) in his youth in the last HP book and confirmed a little bit later in an interview because they only watched the movies once a very long time ago and have no media literacy whatsoever. I hate retards saying they love video games soooo much but they legit never heard of Final Fantasy or Zelda of all thing because they're actually only into Fifa. I hate when people initiate a conversation about a show and act like they're expert but when you want to talk about the latest episode with them in that same conversation they're acting like you're a sperg instead of someone who just happens to like the new episode a lot because they don't even remember the characters' names to begin with. I'm not autistic unlike you but I was made fun of for stupid shit long ago and I remember being treated like a totally deranged weirdo for telling my coworkers I watched Scary Movie during Halloween on Netflix with friends like it was a super elaborate and strange thing to do.
No. 1143514
>>1143129My little pony
nonny have you heard of Legends of Equestria? It's a pony online game, I would just log in and hop around or teleport and prance around enjoying my simple pony life, I didn't even care that the game is 9% finished I loved being a pony, my favorite was being an earth pony and jumping to hard to get places and my friendswould be like, how did you get there!?
No. 1143531
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A row of HSTS drag queens
i wonder if these drag queens use the fact that straight women being in their gay spaces and bioqueens appropriating their drag culture, demanding and guilttripping the community into allowing biowomen to do drag and be on drag race as justification of them using the womens bathroom?
you know, this has prompted me into thinking maybe i should’ve been more vocal against straight women in gay male spaces. gays want to be feral and wild with their partners and they feel uncomfortable expressing it around women, probably afraid of exposing their degeneracy. sure women go to gay bars to escape from being hit on men but why were lesbian bars not an option for them? being hit on by lesbians shouldn’t be that bad relative to what they are used to with men? with their patronage lesbian bars wouldn’t be dead and closing up and it gives the impression that women wanting female-only spaces a gag, only a small amount of lesbians and or traumatised women do.
straight women are the cause of the problems that we currently have idc
No. 1143538
>>1143129you aren’t actually talking about ponies are you
No. 1143554
>>1143531 it's a way to see it. For most gays seeing women of any kind is an huge turnoff. Now they can't even talk about drugs and degenerate stuff without a courple faghags gushing in the backroom.
Also i think that un a deeper level it's a narcissistic wound for them, because one of the biggest fag fantasies is to "turn straight men" especially for HSTS. Now drag went mainstream and there aren't rows and rows of normie straight men waiting to be fucked by drag queens, just their annoying gfs streaming "yaaaass queen", this is not justification for gay misogyny i'm just trying to understand from where it comes.
No. 1143571
>>1143531I couldn't give a shit about gay men feeling "invaded" because of women. Men violate women's spaces (straight and lesbian) constantly, it's good that the opposite is happening, especially to faggots who have fun imitating and mocking women in grotesque manners. The poor gays can't talk about their degeneracy because of evil women being present, oh boo fucking hoo.
That said I don't understand the obsession over these drug addicted std ridden faggots dressing up.
No. 1143580
>>1143563>Most of my most significant years were wasted anywayAnon you probably aren't even 30 yet, please. You have an entire life to explore and enjoy ahead of you. I know it's cliche, but things really can get better. Can you look up shelters in your area and at least talk to them to see what options you may have? I know an
abusive family isn't the same as partner violence but they may still have resources for you. Don't give up on yourself. If anger is all you have right now then use it to spite those assholes and survive and thrive.
No. 1143595
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Nonnas it's gonna be a long night for me because I have uni work to catch up on and an exam on Monday. I'm on my second Monster today because coffee does fuck all for me anymore and I hope it won't kill me.
No. 1143632
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>>1143611Thank you sweet nonna.
No. 1143656
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>>1143623I literally had the same thought 2 days ago. I'm sure it'll taste great since sheep cheese always tastes better.
No. 1143657
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I wish I could fast forward to a time where people stop forcing this "pLeAsE rEsPeCt mY pRoNoUnS" shit on everybody. Same goes for those who are cis but tell everyone that you have to use them or else you're a POS. Just shut up. I don't have to give a fuck and I don't and I never will. Do they feed me and provide a roof over my head? No? Then piss off.
No. 1143676
>>1143508I'm so sorry you went thro that nonna. I went thro something similar. My mom would say the tiniest thing back at my day and he'd cause a massive stink over it for days on end, painting himself as a
victim, gaining the other family members sympathy. I never bought the amber vs johnny "tHeY wErE bOtH
aBuSiVe" shtick cause idgaf what anyone says but even an out of shape tub of lard scrote can easily kill a woman with his bare hands. An average man's punch has around 160% more force than a woman's. when a woman hits a man and risks a retaliation that could spell her own death you know she's seen hell with him and he absolutely deserves every injury and so much more.
No. 1143680
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This new moid at work always smells like piss. Like as if a homeless man was placed at the station next to me. I feel bad because he is in a wheelchair but whhhhhyyyyy does he always reek of pee? It’s so bad. I don’t know how to bring it up to a manager because I don’t want to look ableist or put the manager in a weird position.
No. 1143708
>>1143699People are so insufferable. Suddenly everyone is an armchair psychologist and poor uwu Depp is a
victim of abuse. Heard is an
abusive monster but hey Johnny just had a bad day, like everyone, you see, so it's fine if he smashes things because the poor guy was just so overwhelmed. You can tell he's a pure soul, I can feel it and I'm always right.
Can't wait for when everyone forgets about it again.
No. 1143716
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i'm tapering off my anti anxiety medication and I'm having horrible withdrawal symptoms. brain zaps, nausea, confusion, etc etc i just want it to be over with already. i can barely focus on anything
No. 1143760
>>1143744The moids who support him vicariously live through him and take their anger out on Amber. I'm not a fan of hers at all but these moids just couldn't wait to come out of the woodwork and slander her because they now feel like it's safe enough for them to do so without being called out. Moids who've never been in a relationship, let alone even touched a woman suddenly act like big advocates for domestic violence
victims because pleeeease won't someone think of the male
No. 1143774
>>1143758>Why doesn't he wear something sexy and alluring for me?I'm not saying your frustration isn't
valid anon but assuming he was just being a dunce (but isn't a bad person) maybe you could mention this to him? You could both dress up for each other if it's something you'd enjoy
No. 1143775
>>1143758>What about him? Why doesn't he wear something sexy and alluring for me? Why doesn't he enhance his looks to appeal to me? Because women are not visual creatures, didn't you know?/s
Good on you for standing your ground! I'd be pissed as well.
No. 1143787
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Just had sex with an fwb but the dude kinda fucks at a weird angle and now i feel bad because im reminded of how good sex with my ex was. He had an AMAZING dick and he was just… really good in bed. It wasn't even a matter of needing to get used to one another, the sex was great from the start. I hate that I will probably never have amazing sex like that for a long time to come.
No. 1143789
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>>1143787What a horrifying picture.
No. 1143796
>>1143774I know for sure he was being a dunce. When I explained he paraphrased it back to me and made sure he understood, and apologized multiple times for being an idiot, for making me feel bad, and realized he was trying control how I look. If he got angry or indignant with me I would have killed him.
>You could both dress up for each other if it's something you'd enjoy>>1143784>You ever thought bringing it up how he could wear something else just how he brought it up?To answer both of these, it's not only about wanting him to dress up for me too, just that his immediate moid response was to mention paraphernalia for ME to wear instead of suggesting something that we'd both enjoy/something to make sex more intimate. Also, he's gotten kind of overweight (in the process of losing it) right now so I don't even want to dress him up.
>>1143775Thanks, nonita.
No. 1143801
i’m still trying to get over an elderly man who attempted to groom me into joining the porn industry at 15 and snapped at me in a public place once i caught onto what he was doing.
it’s so nauseating thinking back on it.
i was sitting in a coffee shop alone waiting for one of my parents to get off of work, and this elderly man with a cane came to sit with me after he got his coffee, which i thought was weird since there were so many empty tables open but i shrugged it off. then he kept trying to strike up conversation with me and debilitatingly socially anxious me threw out my best attempts to keep the conversation going out of politeness cause he seemed like a lonely old guy. he asks my age in the middle of the convo and he tells me his, nothing seems too weird to me yet. then he asked me to get a couple of sugar packets for his coffee and thought nothing of it, i love helping out old people and think his legs would proly hurt if he went to go get them himself. he stared at me the whole entire time i went to go get them and alarm bells were starting to go off in my head at this point.
sat down and started to ask me if i liked movies and if I watched them often, i said yeah kinda. then he asked me if i ever watched adult movies before. i try to brush it off and act like i dont know what type of movies he’s talking about. then he comes in close and says that they shoot a lot of those types of movies around my city, and that he knows some directors personally. says those girls get a whole lot of money for shooting just one scene and asks if i would like to be in one.
immediately told him id go get my parent and call the police if he said anything past that point and he started acting like i lashed out at him for no reason, like he was having an innocent conversation with me about fuck all. he kept trying to talk to me after that but i just flat out ignored him and eventually he got fed up and left the shop, yelling “young people nowadays have no manners!”, “no manners!”, “you got no manners little girl” until he fully exited the store in an attempt to embarrass me. it kinda worked in a way since so many people gave me weird and a couple of dirty looks since they thought i said/did something fucked up to him. it was a truly surreal experience, 0/10, i still hold a certain level of uncomfortableness around elder men to this day.
No. 1143819
nonny thanks for responding to that moid for me. It cheered me up quite a bit!
No. 1143833
>>1143769I'm sure we will!
Good luck on your finals nonna, I believe in you!
No. 1143848
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>>1142366>>1142544As always, the motto is "if he wanted to, he would". Just be wary; once a male realizes he's actually losing you he WILL play the part to draw you back in (not because he loves you, but because you are convenient)- then you will be even worse off. Your threats look idle, standards low, and your conviction weak.
This is unpopular advice especially in today's internet climate where men are always poor, good guys who should just be given another chance, but I break up without warning at first sign of this shit, because scroteness always has warning signs and men will test the waters of your boundaries immediately. You can tell when a male is a porn sick loser who is too lazy to show affection, even before sleeping with them. No time to waste, I don't settle into any mans life and do not share living space or finances with them.
The moment I implemented no tolerance for bullshit is the time when I started filtering out all these typical negging type woman hating males and the one guy I liked (took several dozen dates) treats me really well. Don't let them waste years of your life, let them be a one day mistake at most.
No. 1143911
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I fucking hate my career and I fucking hate group jobs.
No. 1143988
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>>1143954> Adding on that biden is such a fucking dumbass printing so much money that my promotion is absolutely worthless because it didnt keep up with inflationAnon, the whole money printing fiasco was before Biden. I know time flies but comeon.
No. 1144033
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I'll have to call my dentist in a few hours to schedule an appointment and I hate everything. He's the nicest dude ever, but I can't deal with being at the dentist at all. I've fainted more than just once or twice there already, and at this point all the assistants working there know I'm an emotional wreck during each appointment and that I need, uh, careful handling. I thought going there every six months for a check-up like it's recommended would lessen my anxiety around it, but I still feel like literally throwing up, mouth watering and all, everytime I even just think about calling there. send help.
No. 1144038
>>1143968i know it's a cliche,
nonny, but you deserve better. absolutely no one needs to put up with volatile losers and ugly scrotes.
No. 1144044
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I have such low self worth that I struggle to go outside. I feel like I'm ugly and chubby so nobody outside of my family should be subjected to my company; I don't want anyone to look at me because I'm ashamed of myself and they'll think I'm weird just for.. idk actually, existing as an ugly person?? I don't feel like I have the right to take up space in the outside world. My mento health is thus so bad that even if I can muster the energy to start working out so I can stop being chubby and ugly and fix the issue, I can't stay motivated for more than a week. Don't know wat to do with myself anymore. I just want to be thin and beautiful and confident but I can't find the energy within myself to make the changes necessary to do that. It's become a silly little cycle in my life.
No. 1144106
>>1144097Create the thread itself if it bothers you so much.
>>1144099Schizophrenia. You're acting like men totally don't want shift the blame onto women and bpd women don't lose their shit and get fucked over every day irl.
No. 1144110
>>1144097Junkies trying to defend their non-existent dignity in court
Tired of violent addicts in Hollywood. Fire all actors and replace them with Bob Ross clones.
No. 1144116
nonnie I really don’t give a shit i only said their behavior in court was unnatural and cringy i dont care about whatever the fuck you’re talking about
No. 1144120
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I hate that I had more freedom and not second guessed as a elementary school age child. It's fucking bizarre. The older I get, the more my parents act like I'm a dumbass and somehow will get kidnapped(?). I have been creeped on since I was 4. I'm perfectly capable of keeping myself safe (I got a taser and pepper spray). What's even more infuriating is them acting like I'm a fucking dumbass who can't find her way out of a paper bag. I don't need a guy or guy friends around me to function. I am a smart woman who's confidence got shattered as an adolescent because my parents refused to listen to me. I'm not joking when I say if I was born a male, they'd kiss my asshole no matter what retarded shit I said. I hate how utterly retarded my parents can be.
No. 1144157
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>>1143819>>1143823Kek nothing beats a good stock photo . Here’s another one for when you encounter those sneaky moids.
No. 1144192
>>1144176Friends or relatives care about people. If no one knows you or your struggles, no one will care.
It's also about sympathy and it's harder to sympathize with someone who has issues like schizophrenia or personality disorders because the said people have no idea how living with those mental problems are. Anxiety is something most people have experienced in their lives and can identify easier therefore people with anxiety get more support because it just is so relatable.
No. 1144199
>>1144187It's annoying because I am obviously mentally unwell but people have literally tried to tell me that I'm trying to use mental illness as a way to excuse my actions when I am clearly fucking mentally unwell and I've been on a cocktail of medication since 17 years old and I am suicidal daily but when someone else complains about mental illness everyone empathizes and excuses me. The truth is when you are truly mentally ill nobody will like you or empathize with you and they see you as a freak while they fetishize and appropriate your mental illness. If I killed myself nobody would give a fuck and they would think
ah the mentally ill girl killed herself. In society you're also not allowed to discuss real trauma it always has to be something stupid
my boyfriend broke up with me I am depressed>>1144192Most people that say they have anxiety don't actually have the mental illness. Everyone claims that they have anxiety and everyone experiences anxiety or sadness but having clinical anxiety or the mental illness implies it's more hard-core than what the average person experiences
No. 1144206
>>1144192This. I don't know why anon expects any random person to give a shit about her when nobody ever will besides the people you have formed meaningful connections with. If one of those perfect stacies she hates committed suicide nobody besides her immediate circle would care.
I also hate this whole bitterness about people with seemingly normal lives being assumed to have it great. So many of them conceal a severe mental illness and trauma they have to deal with all the time, they cry in the bathroom, force themselves to get out of bed and fake a personality until one little thing pushes them over the edge and they finally commit suicide. There's a reason why it's said that people who are going to actually kill themselves rarely talk about it beforehand, they've been too busy putting their mental resources into building a front instead of healing or even addressing their issues.
No. 1144208
>>1144043Men are just retards and women alter their behaviour around them as to not spark a rage or become a target for harassment. Also oftrn men show their ass since they speak without filter and a lot of the time it's not worth it being open with a man because he's ignorant and argumentative.
I work in a male dominated space and some of the older ones think they one up you when they talk down on you yet every woman in the place discusses who's the most vile or sexist piece of shit. We feel sorry for their wives and discuss how terrible living with that man is. Men can fuck off
No. 1144218
>>1144216Do they also have other, non recreational medicine you need a script for?
Or nembutal?
No. 1144219
>>1144215This post
>>1144209 sounds like it's totally written like someone with above average intelligence. Right…
If you really cared about women and had feminism as your special interest, you wouldn't come to a women's only image board just to tell everyone how better you are because you're a sperg. All autists are pickmes who think they're better than NTs for one reason or another. You let your intestines rot until you almost died because of some retarded autistic worry but still act like you're "above average".
>>1144217Anon is an autist who was arguing in the other thread how autists tend to be smarter than neurotypicals.
No. 1144229
>>1144204if you go to work, have normal relationships and a normal life you don't have anxiety. You're just experiencing human emotions. Nowadays people are labeling normal human emotions and reactions as mental illness. Being mental ill implies that you are experiencing something mentally which is more intense than what the average person experiences. I'm not
invalidating anyone you're just dragging my argument and ignoring what I have actually said. Everyone has anxiety and feelings of depression but it is only when they get over a certain level and interfere with the way you function and interact with others that those are actually mental illnesses. My entire life I have had to hide being mentally ill and it actually makes me dysfunctional. I cannot reach my true potential or complete normal tasks and I want to kill myself on a daily basis. Most people don't want to kill themselves.
No. 1144230
>>1144219>you wouldn't come to a women's only image board just to tell everyone how better you are because you're a spergI have been around here for years, so no I didn't come here just for that.
>All autists are pickmes who think they're better than NTs for one reason or another.Who do I want to be picked by? Scrotes? Please explain.
>You let your intestines rot until you almost died because of some retarded autistic worry but still act like you're "above average".So you deny that doctors generally don't take women seriously, especially not young spergy women? Haven't you read Invisible Women? Even when I went to my GP with these issues, they told me it couldn't be an emergency and I had to pressure them to get me an ultrasound.
>>1144224>Does she volunteer in women's shelters and donate to women in need?Yes. I donate monthly to an organization which helps women in Poland go to a different country to get abortions. Before I got ill I tried to volunteer, went to protests and I helped women keep their jobs by representing them in court for very cheap. I also wanted to start giving free women only self defense classes.
No. 1144238
>>1144229NTA but no, you just made chronically wallowing in your own self pity and sadness your identity and getting out to do stuff is impossible because it would go against your whole essence. Your "desire to kill yourself every day" isn't legitimately suicidal thoughts because you would've done it by now instead of bitching about it on an imageboard, it's the desire to abandon all expectations and responsibilities you have as a person than dying. When you say "I want to kill myself" it means "I don't want to feel bad about living like a hedonistic pig disappointing myself and the society anymore".
Seeing bitter, hateful posts like this makes me happy that years ago I got myself out of my garbage NEET state despite being severely mentally ill and planning on how to kill myself. The sooner you accept that nobody will ever care about you besides yourself the easier it gets because you're not constantly waiting for that perfect someone to come knocking on your door to kiss your owies away and turn your life upside down, instead you have to take the lead yourself.
No. 1144243
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i have been in female fandom spaces for sports for years, but recently there has been this influx of new fans (probably from stan twitter) who don't understand how sports fandoms work. they spend all their time sexualising the athletes and/or shipping the athletes with each other.
i am not against the objectification of men (kek), but i find it really gross when adults who are in fandom spaces with a lot of minors casually post a ton of degenerate nsfw content. i don't want to 'shame' women for finding athletes attractive either, but these people do shit like zoom in on a football player's crotch and talk at length about his cock. what's worse is that the athletes aren't even that attractive. these new fans also are against people hating on each other's teams and want everyone to be friends as if being a hater isn't a core part of being a sports fan.
this irks me because i actually want to talk about the teams or the tactics or you know, the sport itself. and i am never stepping a foot in a male space (like reddit) to talk about sports.
No. 1144248
>>1144238Anon, I'm not wallowing in it. I tried being a member of society, it's just impossible for me and I end up breaking down and my symptoms are unberable to function in society with. I didn't wish this upon myself. I cannot express myself or make something out of the skills and knowledge that I have gained because my symptoms basically make me unable to partake in society. This is my vent. I am not invalidating anyone. I made an observation that normal people continously talk about their mental illness which is actually just experienced normal human emotions, but they don't give a fuck about someone actually mentally ill. I've offered support to so.many normies talking about their feelings and their
depression and
anxiety but when I talk about mine they just distance themselves from me or they are just unable to grasp it or my mental illness is not the
cool kind because I isolate myself and I am severely depressed
No. 1144252
>>1144233I recently came to the realization that I only feel productive when I spend time with what I want to spend with. Like if I have to spend time with a family member I don't feel like hanging out with I just feel antsy and just want to get away. Working also feels like a waste of time, in theory I know that it should feel noble in a way (people collaborating to create something) but I usually can't wait for the day to end so I can do my own stuff.
So I think I'm more selfish than you, nonna
No. 1144258
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>>1144248NTA, nonna I know you didn't wish this upon yourself and you probably already burned yourself out by trying to participate in society. Though I do hope that you're still doing things. I don't know how good CBT actually is, but from what I understood, it's important to keep doing something, because other wise you keep going in a downwards spiral and end up with learned helplessness. I know depression causes you to not want to do anything and not even have any interest in your hobbies, but please push past that. I agree with the other anon that you probably don't want to die, but not because you're supposedly a hedonistic pig, but just because you want to feel better, you want to escape all the bullshit in any way possible. I also agree with you that nowadays everyone thinks they are depressed or have anxiety, because they have normal emotions. Though I do want to mention that current society is an unnatural way for people to live, they don't get enough exercise, sunlight, healthy food, there's constant stress and you're never allowed anymore to just log-off (boss always wants to be able to call you etc., especially since the working from home thing with the pandemic). There's also a spectrum of dysfunction, someone can have a genuine anxiety disorder or be depressed and still go to work, albeit with great effort and they are at high risk of getting a burnout. You probably understand and know all of this already, but you're just upset because you wanted to vent in peace. Sorry.
No. 1144291
It amazes me how much the average person has to do, or should do to be normal, and like i'm trying to do exactly that but it's like when I reach a level there's just the next, and the next etc. Actually I'm not sure what I'm saying, whatever.
So I need to go to work every day, when I get the train up I pass by villages and the countryside, and at 7:30 on a spring morning it looks so so beautiful and I just want to get off the train and walk all day and sit in the grass and smell the flowers and look at bugs. But I always exert self control and I go to my job. I need to make sure my bills are paid every month, which isn't too bad, it's once every 30 days but I dread it. I check my mailbox maybe once every 3 weeks. When I tried going to the doctors I kept getting expensive bills in the post I didn't understand and it's made me averse, I now stockpile meds. I like being clean after a shower, but also I'm so averse to all the bother, my hair being damp for hours, feeling cold as I step out. And this is expected to be a daily chore? And cooking too, i'm supposed to think of a meal, get all the ingredients, prepare it, cook it, store the rest for lunch next day and clean the plates every day? EVERY day??
And for average people that's just a daily itinerary right? Job, shower, check mailbox, cooking dinner, no? To me, to do all of these would be me at my limit, super productive. But then there's a layer above that. Where you also clean up after yourself daily, no clothes on the floor, no food or drinks lying around. Then there's the layer above THAT, where you orchestrate meeting with your friends and doing things, or cultivating your own hobby that doesn't involve watching things on a screen. And I am scrambling, truly scrambling to achieve this bottom layer. My job is a 0 stress job too, the hours are a little flexible, holidays are always approved, everyone is chill and I don't have to put on a professional face. I can't even imagine what i'd be like in one of those office politics places.
No. 1144313
>>1144229You're a retard. Relationships, jobs and all of those are why people's have anxiety. If they were neets like
>>1144238 said, they wouldn't have anything to worry about. You don't even have a diagnosis yet act like people have it better than you just because they don't laze around 24/7. I know people who worked and studied but spent hours crying at night, had their troubles internalized, etc. Not everyone has their life together just even though that's all you see.
No. 1144320
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God I just want liposuction of my stomach so badly. I’m fine with the rest of my body but my fucking stomach is disgusting. No matter how much weight I lose or exercise I do it doesn’t go away. It’s stupid fat distribution genetics. I would legit just saw off my stomach fat if I could but that’s retarded and stupid. I just hate it. I want a flat stomach. I want to be beautiful. I just want to be beautiful
No. 1144321
nonnie, I just want the Nembutal for my collection!
How about metoproclamide?
No. 1144330
>>1144329Sure Amber is an
abusive bpdfag, but Depp is still a scrote and that tips the scales imo
No. 1144340
>>1144328>>1144329>>1144330>>1144334This trial isn't just Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp it is men against women with men trying to gaslight women and trying to paint the male abuser as the
victim yet again you can see it literally everywhere with pick-mes and men supporting Depp. Ofc no one defends Amber. This is just misogyny all over again and I hope that Amber wins the trial.
No. 1144343
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My partner of almost 8 years doesn't appreciate my sense of humor anymore. He used to love it or faked it very well until recently. That's it. Sad shit.
No. 1144347
>>1144340Based but pickmes and mra incel will always support depp so nothing will happen even if he loses. Women should see this as an opportunity to realize how no one will support us if we end up in
abusive relationships so we should support ourselves and always have the chance to escape if things go south.
No. 1144355
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im so stressed about the work i have to do that i can barely read the content, let alone concentrate on what i have to complete within the next few weeks. it takes me so much effort to process even one word because my vision is blurred and my heart is beating so fast. i wish i could be the kind of lazy where you don't care about failure
No. 1144360
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I’ve started having these long intricate day dreams about being a mom. It’s really weird because i’ve never had a particular desire to become a parent and have never made it a life goal. I get really bummed out by them because I realize that, realistically, It’ll never happen I couldn’t afford to be a mom both because of money and because of all the time I dedicate to working. I just imagine myself doing things with my child and it’s really peaceful and nice while i’m thinking about it but it gets depressing when I realize it won’t happen and even if I ever did become a mom kids grow up to be messed up horrible adults most of the time. I’m gonna chalk up to just hitting a certain age where I feel like I have to have accomplished certain life goals that I have not and that’s just messing with my brain, i’m really hoping it’ll pass because while they’re nice in the moment they end up making me feel very depressed.
No. 1144405
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>>1144391Noni I was in that place a couple years ago. Find some strong women role models like Marty Goddard or Willie below. She’s a power lifter who fought off a unprepared man who broke into her home. Most men aren’t in shape and aren’t strong. They’re arrogant. You’re advantage is that you know that. Start focusing on other women. Other women organization, groups, brands. Lift weights. Build muscles. Learn grappling and self defense we that focuses on lower body because that’s where you as a women are naturally strongest. Learn to say no. Loudly and clearly. We’re in this together and remember sometimes it’s okay to need a break alone. No. 1144424
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>>1144405>>1144419thirding this, try to get some experience with sparring to work on overcoming a potential freeze response at the moment supreme. BJJ for grappling, kickboxing or judo for standing and Krav Maga or some other self defense thing to tie it all together.
No. 1144455
>>1144429It’s all so offensive and sexist, their idea of women is the porno beauty standard. Same with them calling rhinoplasty/jaw reconstruction as “gender affirming surgery” as if real women can’t also have bigger noses and jaws. They think all women need big boobs, round hips, soft voices, small features and long hair. It is just misogyny repackaged with “but I’m a totally
valid woman, how could I be a misogynist?”
No. 1144606
>>1144547BPD-chan is used universally to refer to crazy bitches who have explosive temper tantrums and unstable emotional reactions typical to borderline personality disorder. Seeing how Amber Heard behaves it's absolutely justified to call her that.
>>1144594Don't bother, /ot/ has a few resident BPD-chans who are bitter at psychs for diagnosing them with it and refusing to attend CBT to improve because "BPD is a misogynist meme made to oppress traumatized women and their completely reasonable psycho behavior" or whatever nonsense they use to justify their warped behavior patterns.
No. 1144616
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I met this guy on a dating app and we immediately clicked. We talked for a few days and he asked for my number, so I gave it to him. We talked for an hour on imessage then and he said he had to eat lunch so he would text me later. But it's been seven fucking hours. What type of lunch is he eating? He was really nice to me and actually knew how to flirt without being creepy like most men. I swear to god if he ends up ghosting me I'll kill myself
No. 1144626
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I’ve seen the amber heard /Johnny depp court case pop up on every Reddit page in existence and there’s literally THOUSANDS of comments of people frothing at their mouths about their hate for this woman it’s fucking insane. They want to see her hanged, burned and pissed on. Where is this passion for every woman and child that has seen worse fates? Even some friends has started shit saying “HA SEE WOMEN CAN BE ABUSIVE TOO” as some kind of gotcha moment, explaining to me what violence and abuse means like I haven’t experienced it my entire life. Fuck outta’ here.
No. 1144643
>>1144626I feel about Amber the way I felt watching gone girl. I would just bring her flowers and not be a moid. If you have to pick one why the fuck would you pick Johnny? Like sure they both did fucked up shit to each other. That’s most
abusive relationships. It’s why reactive abuse has a label. But Johnny clearly had an advantage and did worst.
No. 1144687
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Sometimes I get so pissed because my bluetooth earbuds only last 2 hours with a full charge. I know I could buy a different pair, but I don't want to do that when the pair I have right now work perfectly fine.
No. 1144703
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these little shits tested my impulse control and i lost. they are ruining my life for real
No. 1144710
>>1144703no fuck you i hate this because they've done the same to me.
bought a bag last night, ate it before bed. i am a monster and gummy clusters will end me.
No. 1144769
>>1144710honestly don't even want to think about how much sugar i've eaten because of them. i had a reprieve because the local stores have been out for the past couple months but easter hit hard
>>1144755i am also super regular and this is the worst, i'm sorry nonna. never heard the citrus thing before, does it tend to work?
No. 1144871
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Unironically considering the possibility of larping as a neurodivergent troon on social media with a dozen alters ever since my grandmother's health has declined and my elderly uncle was mugged and wounded on his way to work. I spend three or four hours of the time I was supossed to be writing a letter to my manager by reading the other farms long ass thread on online troon beggars and I ended up crying so hard my friend thought my grandma had finally passed away (her cancer's been going on for a year now). The fact that those fuckers can grift for what could be considered a literal fortune in my third world hellhole made me so frustrated that I couldnt sleep that night. The following days have been ever worse because I cant help ruminating the worst case scenarios where I anger the wrong troon and he(though chances are its going to be a handmaiden) finds my real name and shit hits the fan and I'm forever branded as the thirdie that scammed poor transwmmen of color for cash. I dont care anymore, the only thing holding me back at this point is exactly how I'll bypass the fact that almost every mainstream app isnt aviable in my country and that paypal uses your real name. "If someone gets my IP through any of the apps using for larping ill be equally fucked because theres no way Ill ever leave this fucking city in the following decade and I'll be forever linked to my troons scam" I wont blow the money on useless shit I just want to bring my grandmother home so she can spend her last days sorrounded by her family and not overworked tired medical staff. I could pay my younger sister's college fees that she was forced to drop out of because of the fucking economy, I could get my uncle the wheelchair he's gonna need until he gets better among other things, something thats not even remotely possible even with my current job and traveling for two hours to the smelly marketplace to sell my wares on weekends .Thats all I gotta say and I feel dumb as a bag of bricks for not knowing how to get away with everything I want. End rant.
No. 1144899
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woo baby I love moving in with my parents for the summer and they immediately start trying to control every facet of my life right down to what I will be doing on any given day. I want to drive to the next city to visit my friend and I'm preparing for the inevitable argument when my parents find out I'll be spending my own money on gas to see my friend I haven't seen in two years. I love what my life has become
No. 1144919
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Istfg my upstairs neighbor only exists from 10pm until 6am because he/she/it can't stop trampling and slamming windows during that time. I'd like to rip them a new one but I don't want to deal with the mess if the confrontation turns out bad because I can't afford to move right now.
No. 1144968
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I hate that so many doll channels are moids now. I look up a doll review and it's just some stinky man with his ratty, unkempt dolls telling me nothing of value. Or doll customizing moids who just paint dolls in drag and halfass the clothes and mods (though a lot of women are like this too, but you can definitely tell the difference). Moids already infected the YT beauty community and I feel like they're starting to colonize the doll/craft YT now.
No. 1144980
>>1144871I would write a Robinhood type character after you
nonnie, you sound sweet. I'm sorry about your grandmother and I know how infuriating seeing this stuff is. I've considered the same thing for other medical reasons. I hate how entitled these creatures are. They can say 'trans people are literally dying!!1' all they want, there are heaps more people dying from actual diseases not covered by medical insurance and they take more priority than getting bolt-ons to fulfill your fetish.
No. 1145198
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I miss the time I wanted to kill myself. I was filled with sorrow and despair. Now I feel nothing and I’m just operating on autopilot mode.
No. 1145331
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I am so sick of this Johnny Depp shit all over my recommended section. I've never even watched a single video on it and no matter how much I say I'm not interested they keep coming back.
I initially said they were both horrible ppl but now that I've been hounded by ppl online and irl going on and on about how "men never get believed when they're abused uwu" (which is laughable because then wtf are all of u doing now u dipshits?), I'm on Amber's side.
I hope she wins so the scrotes and handmaidens can seethe more. I've never seen an abused woman get this much attention online. For the love of Hera just get off my feed already Depp.
No. 1145419
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someone on ao3 is posting extremely low quality fanfiction of my otp with my rarest kink, lifting dialogue almost verbatim from my own works, asking for "corrective criticism" in the comments, and i swear to GOD it's my junkie ex gf trying to trick me into talking to her after i went no contact. am i going insane? i certainly feel insane. there's literally zero proof it's her but after what she put me through i'm just gonna trust my gut lmao. she also frequents this board so "babe" if you're reading this i hate you, kill yourself asap
No. 1145464
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Sometimes I wish it were possible to cure diabetes completely with a pancrease transplant. I'd give my mom my pancrease in a heartbeat. Most doctors don't seem to bother with transplants and they're more trouble than they're worth.
No. 1145481
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the state of men is so fucking depressing. i’m mentally preparing myself for life as a spinster. i’m not convinced that dating would be anything other than a huge risk and waste of my time. i feel like i’ve been lied to my entire goddamn life that a healthy, equal partnership with a man was actually plausible, and that the vast majority aren’t perverted narcissists who think i’m going to be expired in 10 years. i’m not attracted to most of them physically either, but having a type just adds to the misery and makes it all worse (i think my crush is very handsome but his life plans are fucking retarded).
No. 1145492
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Something apart of me died and I don’t know what it is, but afterwards I can’t really enjoy anything anymore. I don’t enjoy eating, I don’t enjoy using the internet, I don’t enjoy talking to other people, I don’t even like drawing anymore, I’m not too happy about being alive either and my patience has almost diminished to zero. Nothing is balanced, it’s always constant pain and dread. 7-8 hours of sleep is not even enough, I still wake up extremely tired. How is living on this planet better than being punished in eternal flames in Hell? I rather be there than here I can’t
No. 1145499
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1. I have to draw and write a few requests, but I have no inspiration, at least I know that I'm doing it for free so I don't have the preasure of money, but I still feel bad for not working as much as I want.
2. There's some guy who is lowkey harrassing me on my DeviantArt, he Keeps sending requests and then changing them at random while squizo-rambling about stuff I don't understand, I already blocked him and told him that I gave up on trying to work on whatever he is asking for, but he is still switching between different accounts and lurking on my stuff.
No. 1145606
>>1145574It's alright, it's better this way.
>>1145592Yep, nothing good about males honestly. You can give them the world and they're all that way in the end.
No. 1145613
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No hot water so I have to go and have a cold shower now. Wish me luck.
No. 1145614
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No. 1145619
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No. 1145621
>>1145592I feel the same way. Every time I try to watch streams chat is spamming whenever a woman is on the screen, repeating the same lines in hopes the other males laugh, at best the streamer says ‘no chat, we
respect women here’ like stfu you stand for nothing and just feel obliged to say that, and chat monkeys the same shit and just repeats how much they respect women because streamer says so
No. 1145683
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>Be me
>Follow an artist who draws tasteful erotic art
>Open the NSFW spoiler on Twitter
>Sees degenerate drawing of a twink with a collar and cat ears that was comissioned by a tranny
I hate this. They're everywhere. I love tasteful erotic art but as soon as troons are somehow involved, it turns into degenerate coomer shit. Blech.
No. 1145685
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>>1144780Same nonna. I wish people would embrace shutting the fuck up more.
No. 1145720
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i haven’t cried in over a month even tho i relapsed in my ed. then i saw pic rel and started bawling. i want to reach this point some day but everyone prefers me skinny so why should i recover
No. 1145888
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I want people to leave me alone. Why do people constantly as me for favors. Go awaaaaayyy aaaaaahhhh.
No. 1145891
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it's my birthday but it seems everyone forgot…
No. 1145894
>>1145891Happy birthday
nonnie I hope you eat some cake amd have a good ol time!
No. 1145900
At this point I don't even believe that depression is a mental illness. I don't care what anyone says. Depression is just a symptom of a disease that is life. I came to this conclusion on my own, but reading a lot on depressive realism just cemented me in this view. Even though I feel very lonely at times, I feel even more lonely when I'm among other people, because I can't bond with them. I accept the fact they don't want to be around me because the blackpills I drop on them are too sad and depressing, which they admitted themselves. I'm tired of hearing I should try therapy from people who know nothing about me, when I've been in therapy since I was 11, I also tried various medication, and it's been years since then, and nothing has ever helped me. I also got various diagnoses, like autism, schizotypal personality disorder, depression, social phobia, reactive attachment disorder, and no one was able to pin point what is exactly wrong with me. When I was 20 I had a therapist literally admittig they don't know how to help me. Mental health industry was a meme created to dumb people down. Sure, there are cases of heavy schizos who hear voices and are aggressive either towards themselves or others and need meds to tame them, but that's not the majority of mentally ill people. The depressed ones are totally fine, they just see the world for what it is, and they're treated like an anomaly by normies who are still high on copium and their biologically hardwired positivity bias is still working. They have it because our parasitic DNA is designed to spread itself at all costs so obviously the host has to be equipped in various defence mechanisms, be it mental or physical, that will make the probability of survival and procreation higher. But if enough bad shit in your life happens it simply starts to wear off.
No. 1145902
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>>1145891Happy birthday nonna! I know it sucks when people forget your birthday but I hope you spoil yourself today!
No. 1145910
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NONNIE WOO!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1145960
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most of my friends are waking up to the trans nonsense but they still defend gay people which are just as vile and degenerate as fucking trannies and it boggles my mind how they can realize the truth about trannies but still act like being in any way "gay" is sort of okay?
No. 1145974
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>>1145936>>1145907>>1145902>>1145894>>1145909>>1145910thanks nonnas, really appreciate it! and cute pictures too! love you
No. 1146003
>>1145995i had to learn to tell scrotes how i feel. i always do it in respectful way. i'd just tell him how you feel without being rude. for example: "hey, you've been telling me about your health several times. i'm sorry that you're having issues, but i do not know you and i have issues of my own. i'd appreciate it, if you could stop telling me about it. sorry if i seem harsh and thank you for respecting my boundary"
it may sound autistic af but at least you assert yourself in some way. at least thats how id tell him to stfu and gtfo.
No. 1146068
>>1145995>He played down my moms cancer but wants to talk about small health shit endlessly.What the fuck? If it wasn't clear before, he deserves none of your attention or engagement. Like
>>1146003 said if you're worried about your reputation, disengage with him in a polite way.
No. 1146353
>>1145496Happy Easter anon!
Nobody ever goes to church here so idk about that, but my niece had such a great time beating all our eggs today
Hope you rediscover the kid in you