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No. 1149295
Thread to discuss or post information about the Amber Heard and Johnny Deppp Trial case.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1144819 No. 1149318
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Sorry for the delay, I was taking a bath, so this is from a while ago.
No. 1149334
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This is an example of the tribalistic nonsense that is holding society back. This trial is about the possible damages that Jonny got from Amber's article about domestic violence.
She painted herself as a victim of dv when the violence was clearly reciprocal.
She has a history of committing abuse and has been arrested for IPV.
There is no reason to pick sides based on identity. You have nothing in common with either party
No. 1149342
>>1149337Me too. I'd be so mad hearing these retards object to anything to drag out this torture.
>>1149334I want to believe that anon is the same scrote who has been calling everyone lesbian or hebe for not supporting depp. No woman actually knows what hebe is, men do because most of them are hebephilic themselves.
No. 1149351
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>>1149328I'm so slow
>>1149330That he pushed her and she didn't provoke him. She also didn't really push him back, she merely got back up.
>>1149334>when the violence was clearly reciprocalDr. Cohen and Banks would like to have a word with you.
>>1149337You're correct kek
No. 1149361
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>>1149339I wasn't allowed for two weeks after surgery, restricted to showers, so yeah I was enjoying my bath.
>>1149351continuing, probably going to skip to something more spicy
No. 1149367
>>1149351>Dr. Cohen and Banks would like to have a word with you.You can literally listen to recordings of Amber admitting initiating violence towards Jonny because she is so "passionate"
She has been arrested for assaulting her girlfriend.
I'm not asking you to take Jonny's side, because I can't even do that. But explain how you are so firmly on her side.
No. 1149374
>>1149372It's because he stuck around a mentally ill woman just because she's hot and young, or dare I say little as depp woud say, and old fat deppgirls are seethinggg.
>>1149361Hope you have a great recovery from your surgery, anon. Don't let people here bring your mood down.
No. 1149375
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>>1149367I already explained it multiple times, that it's not even about her necessarily, but about the precedent this would set and how this could affect women outside of Hollywood. The extremely high expectations put on female DV
victims. The fact that they're trying to use HPD and BPD as an excuse as to why the abuse was justified. They're literally having to specify that the violence was without consent, we're at this point in society and it's fucking sad. Being neutral is the same as being on Depp's side due to everything being skewed in men's favour.
>>1149374Thank you!
No. 1149400
>>1149375The rest I don't feel like screenshotting, since Curry became quite combative and there was a lot of back and forth kek, but from what I recall
>Curry was called out for using the MMPI2 instead of the newest version>She explained that it was the most researched one>Curry hyperfocused on AH furrowing her brow and thought it was evidence of a "difficult" patient>Bredehoft called Curry out for not considering a PTSD diagnosis and immediately jumping to BDP/HPD>Curry first said she didn't think AH was malingering, none of the scores indicated that, but when Depp's attorneys asked she said she thought AH was feigning PTSD>Her explanation for this was based on AH being reactive instead of depressed, withdrawn and having psychosomatic symptoms>Depp's attorneys taking over brought back the lecturing the jury as if they are braindeadThe next witness is a cop and she's giving very short answers and I'm almost falling asleep.
>>1149396I'm pretty sure Depp's legal team was called out for it during the UK trial?
No. 1149407
>>1149404This. Most women went through stuff similar to Amber, more or less severe but in either case we know how women feel when everyone blames the
victim just for speaking up.
>>1149400Thank you so much for all the info, anon. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able to follow this because I find it very hard to make sense of the legal situation.
No. 1149408
>>1149328>>1149318Damn this is like the second person on Depp's team for now accidentally said that Johnny did hit her or that they never saw amber abuse him.
What's his pickme fangirls excuse for this that even people on his team end up accidentally making him look bad.
Johnny is lucky that his pickme defenders are 80 iq tardlets and mra incels since they cant process anything.
No. 1149419
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>>1149411that was the same guy as in
>>1149377 adam waldman. really unethical dude with strong russian connections. the depp botts are probably russian. No. 1149422
>>1149408I think a lot of them just stopped listening or learning anything after hearing the initial (edited) recordings. They made up their minds and it doesn't matter how much evidence you provide, it just makes them angry, because it causes cognitive dissonance.
>>1149407You're welcome! It's really weird how many women continue to defend Depp or act like the way Amber sounded in those recordings is the nail in the coffin. I would dare to say that it's maybe privileged, because the recordings sound about right for a woman who has been abused for several years. Sure, some become withdrawn and depressed, but there are enough who go unhinged from the gaslighting and start to threaten their partner in order to prevent them from attacking them again. It's even more common in teenage girls towards
abusive parents. So at most you can accuse her of being immature. How many of them have had actual experience dealing with
abusive, extremely violent, drug addicted, alcoholic scrotes?
>>1149421You know when we will truly NEVER hear the end of it? If he wins and it becomes precedent and scrotes think it's funny to go sue their exes for complaining about being abused.
No. 1149433
>>1149431they're just jealous
get well soon nonna
No. 1149434
>>1149431Don't waste time on infighting tards
nonnie I appreciate your commentary.
No. 1149442
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>>1149433Thanks, I'll be fine!
>>1149434I know I know, I'm probably going to bed soon though, they're just playing a recording of the cop
No. 1149500
>>1149491>borderline suicidalYou should absolutely get off social media. Most of the redditors and MRAs are just watching heavily edited videos or watching streamers that give their own dumbass interpretations, and whatever first impression people get will stick with them hard.
I happened to be signed into a youtube account I don't use much today while watching the livestream, and this is the type of video I get recommended based on that now, so no wonder people think he's having an easy time.
No. 1149523
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>>1149484Maybe you should read up on the lesbian cop phenomenon in the first place, in Jack Halberstam's book called Female Masculinity, pretty sure there was a chapter on that. They don't necessarily give a shit about other lesbians or bi women. In general I don't agree with the practice of taking a cop's testimony more seriously than that of regular civilian. They're not even that well trained in dealing with DV situations. It's weird how Beverly Leonard has disappeared and hasn't been asked to testify by Depp's legal team, even after she joked that she would like to get paid. She also wasn't the only cop present, there was a junior scrote, who possibly could've been the one giving off homophobic vibes. Van Rees said it was an isolated incident and not a pattern of behavior, I'm going to believe her over a third party who claims to have witnessed that isolated incident, but has disappeared. This also cannot be compared to Winona or Vanessa defending Depp, because Winona was groomed and retracted her statement, Vanessa is financially dependent on Depp and Van Rees was actually the older one in her relationship with Heard. Female socialization teaches women to give men the benefit of the doubt, but does the contrary when it comes to women, which is another dimension to take into account. A broken pendant and an argument in public cannot be compared to the chronic pattern of violence and extreme property damage which Depp has perpetuated.
No. 1149535
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>>1149523the facebook post where she joked about wanting to get paid
No. 1149592
>Maybe you should read up on the lesbian cop phenomenon in the first placeEvErYonE whO DISaGrEEs WiTh me Is A NaZI
>because Winona was groomed EVerYOne I dOnT AgrEE wiTh waS GrOOmed
>Vanessa is financially dependent on DeppOn what planet? he lost all his money during his marriage to amber and hasn't acted in years, she still has a massive following in France, performs regularly, get covers of vogue and had a huge career in the 80s and 90s that she still gets royalty checks for. Assuming she is a pickme and financially dependent on him because she's a woman in the orbit of a scrote you don't like is so pathetic and misogynistic. If anything Tasya Van Ree has probably been getting handouts from Amber for years, she's an unknown photographer that's 45 years old and still doesn't have an agency representing her for commercial work, which means she get passed over for 75% of money jobs in fashion and entertainment, if she didn't amber heard no one would have ever heard this woman's name.
I'm actually becoming more and more sympathetic to Amber in my own backwards way (without changing my mind that she fucked herself over) but amberfags are just as insufferable as insane Depp Truthers like Colonel Kurtz and her weird porn star BF
(calm down) No. 1149783
>>1149766That tracks. Amber hasn’t been found to be
abusive but Johnny has been found of it… 12 times actually. In response she is being classified as crazy bpd for not putting up with his shit but her defense is picking that apart.
No. 1149819
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i want to talk about injuries like this picture and the cops. i have been abused and had similar type of injuries inflicted upon me and called the cops. by the time they came out (though mine were on my arms and they were much, much more visible at the time of striking), they had significantly faded and i was told because my abuser had left they couldn't do anything and they said it was barely visible, meanwhile it was extremely visible at the time of injury. i didn't watch the testimony from the male cop who said he "didn't see any visible injuries" but in the case of immediate redness, it can easily and often fade. if not actually just owed to the fact that cops tend to be dismissive of victims and overall inattentive.
it really bothers me that people overall disregard the fact that obviously immediately after the strike is when an injury is most obvious unless you happen to be the type that doesn't bruise easily. i can't even tell you guys how many times i was hit or punched or smacked hard and just didn't bruise because i don't have the physiology to bruise easily. this has been honestly troubling me that no one else talks about how bruises are variable, how injuries are variable, and how the redness and evidence of immediate injury can subside substantially given enough time.
No. 1149896
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KEK how do people believe this shit? 3 grown-ass men and Amber is so vicious she reduces one to tears in front of his own father? Based.
Also if Depp was abused why didn't he make these accusations when they divorced like she did? Why did he sign a statement saying she's hadn't lied about anything during their divorce? Some of you are like "yeah he beat her and threatened to murder and rape her but she hit him back sometimes so she's just as bad"
No. 1149925
For some reason I can't post this in the Youtube section, it doesn't allow me: is she doing this?
(embed) No. 1149951
>>1149916It shows that you shared this from your account I would delete this girl
But I've seen quite a few women creators get absolutely dogpiled in droves of men with rape and death threats for saying anything that isn't in favor of him. It's a super unsafe platform right now
No. 1149976
>>1149951Pickmes need to realize this is the kind of men they be supporting. The kind of men who want to sue their
victims for coming forward about the abuse. The kind of men to rape, hit or kill women.
No. 1149986
>>1149916>>1149951Men rights has gone from "i'm superior, bow down to me!" to uwu I'm the
victim! Men have been pushing the narrative that we apparently live in a matriarchy because women don't deserve to be paid the amount they get paid considering men work more apparently. It's also all our fault for woke culture despite male owned media outlets platforming all these crazies and males being the driving force of woke culture via tranny bullshit. Social media will ban you for being transphobic, racist ect, but at the end of the day it's because all of those types of discrimination affect men. Men cannot be affected by misogyny so men are allowed to spew hateful and violent rhetoric towards women that's literally getting us killed.
Men are sick and tired of being called violent and
abusive (which they are) and rather than correcting the bad actors, they cling onto any situation where a woman is fucked up and use that as ammunition for their hate campaign against all women. Massive respect to all women standing their ground against these vile scrotes, but something needs to be done about this ASAP.
No. 1150002
>>1149979Why hate both? Because you're mad Amber is pretty? What has she done comparable to Depp? She admitted to punching him but witnesses say he was in the process of shoving her sister down the stairs. I would have slit his throat so if anything she controlled herself. Why are people so fucking hung up on "she hit him back!!" like that proves anything?
Men are SO aware of they can beat and threaten women into doing what they want then suddenly a 20 something year old 100lb actress can spend years physically abusing one of the most reconizable and richest actors in the world with 0 proof? Fuck off. Men can't have it both ways.
No. 1150030
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Trying to enjoy any subreddit currently is a challenge
No. 1150031
>>1150025NTA but it wasn't even proven to be hers. If it was true, depp would've definitely done a DNA test on it to prove it, he recorded everything about this just to accuse her later yet the only thing he has now is this shit… Which can't be traced back to her no matter how hard deppwhores call her amber "turd".
It shocks me some woman are still on his side or think they're as bad even though he has hit, pushed, wanted to drown burn kill her, etc.
You're being weird by thinking an unproven thing she probably didn't do, because the dog also had that accident in the past when it accidentally digested some drug from the corpsefuckers stash, and just going with it.
You've mentioned her being blonde, what does that even have to do? You want to villianize her and you're running out of options so now she's guilty because she's blonde, rich and white. Although depp is much richer, also white with more influence. He's also a man, that's why he's gotten more support.
No. 1150035
>>1150030Reddit scrotes acting like they've ever given a singular shit about women
victims is so laughable but I feel it's gonna be even more nightmarish soon.
No. 1150038
She’s white and yes she’s blonde
>>1150012Just because I’m not white and privileged, doesn’t mean I’m ugly, it just means I can’t profit from Amber Heard’s winning.
No. 1150054
>>1150038So a scrote winning is better? You are very delusional if you think a scrote winning the case because his abused wife dared to come forward is going to help a woman of color. I'm also not white but playing race politics with this is stupid when this is about the double standards set for women for them to be seen as actual
>>1150030Why do these women delusionally think Amber is more hurtful to women's rights than Depp? The same Depp suing a woman because she anonymously confessed he abused her? The abuse that was proven to be true in another court? Yet he still thinks he's the
victim because getting outed is supposed to be worse than being abused?
No. 1150070
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>>1149592Are you okay? So you don't think it's grooming when a 25 year old guy starts talking to an underage girl on set and starts dating her at the age of 17? Is it really difficult to believe he groomed her, like he groomed Ricci? The assumption that I must dislike her is preposterous. I enjoy her work and she's very beautiful and she retracted her statements, I'm not going to
victim blame like you do and dislike her over it. Also Depp himself called Vanessa a "french extortionate cunt", so yes, she's getting money from him.
>>1149819The cop also said that they didn't see her arms. The cop was a junior cop, has only had 6 months of training and had just started. Now they have responded to hundreds of DV situations, but this might've been one of the first ones. Never mind that cops really aren't even that much more attentive than the general population, which is not very. I'll get back on that and give a source later today. You're completely right.
>>1149831Her lawyers have actually been fine? Depp's side just loves highly edited things. If anything Depp's lawyers are only good at being sleazy and screeching objection or redaction at everything.
>>1149890Even though it has been criminalized in all states since 1993, a lot of people today still don't believe that marital rape is a thing or that you can rape someone in a relationship. So that's why they probably left it out.
>>1149925There aren't many colors of suits which you can choose from which are appropriate for a courtroom, grey, black, navy blue, brown, so it's not weird that they happen to wear similarly colored suits.
>>1149979It's not about being taken seriously, it's about precedent. Since there's an 80 IQ retard lurking, I'll copy paste an explanation. The point is that if Depp wins, scrotes will be able to sue women in the future for talking about their abuse, without naming any names.
>Common law is defined by legal precedents established in courts. It influences the decision-making process in situations where a parallel can be drawn to previous cases. Each court precedent is binding for future court cases, and many countries base their legal system on English common law. Common law isn’t a set of formal statutes. Instead, it’s based on court-established legal precedents. Verdicts by public juries and judicial authorities are institutionalized and serve as a foundation for any relevant future instances. It’s also referred to as case law, as it’s the law created by judges for decisions on individual cases or disputes. Legal precedent, also known as “stare decisis,” represents the history of judicial decisions which can be used in future cases. Common law refers to a detailed record of previous court cases, especially when no formal statute can be applied to a particular circumstance. It’s up to the presiding judge to resolve which precedents are relevant for a given case. The US judicial system consists of higher and lower courts. Any legal precedent set by the higher court is legally binding for any cases that go through lower courts. In this manner, universal legal rules are established across the US justice system. >When a common law judge presents a case to the jury, they determine what precedents apply to it, and make a decision based on that. It’s not surprising to see how, historically, common law tradition marginalized and deprived some communities: Biased and antiquated decisions shape future rulings until significant societal changes make the judicial body overturn the precedent.>>1150002She hates Heard for textbook reasons, no joke. I'll post the pic again from "Revisiting the 'Ideal
Victim': Developments in Critical Victimology", envious prejudice makes Heard an unideal
>>1150038You can if you're in the US, because that's how precedent works. Especially with such a high profile case.
>>1150058It's a common take, which is why they write about it in books about victomology.
No. 1150081
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>>1150078>Everyone is acting like this represents something bigger, but it doesn't imo.Yes it does, I literally just explained again how precedent works
>>1150070>It's like this whole thing is being treated as some sort of reality show or movie.Televised trials have been like that since OJ Simpson. Did you forget about that?
>At this point I've stopped caring about who wins because I know it won't affect my life at the end of the day.So you don't care how it'll affect other women in the US? It's fine if you're empathy deficient, but you're obviously an outlier.
>>1150080I think so, which is why Amber's legal team brought up that he already ruined his own career prior to the OP-ED (keep in mind that he wasn't even named).
No. 1150091
>>1150090NTA but are you the 80 iq anon? This case will determine whether abusers can sue their
victims, do you not realize the effect that has?
And if it's blown out of proportion, why are you so interested that you feel the need to reply?
No. 1150095
>>1150076A lot of you guys say that if she wins it will be a victory for women, but it will only be for white women.
>>1150086Well I actually focused more on her whiteness, she’s the perfect
victim because she’s and white (and thus pretty).
No. 1150098
>>1150091No, I haven't even really been posting in this thread.
>why are you so interested that you feel the need to replyI replied to that anon because they replied to my post. If you mean my OP, this is a discussion thread so I decided to drop my own personal opinion. It's pretty hard to escape people talking about this so I still have my own feelings about it and how people are discussing it.
No. 1150104
>>1150091I don't see how this would lead to men suing their exes on a huge scale unless they get directly fired as a result of their wife speaking out against them. Especially since most of the time even their close communities won't excommunicate
abusive men. It'd affect cases where one or both are public figures I guess.
No. 1150111
>>1150095Precedent doesn't just apply to white women. It's not twittercourt.
>>1150104You really can't comprehend that an
abusive man would try to use this to get back at his ex, after she managed to get away from him, to silence her and get some money out of it? Even if he hasn't really been damaged by it, because they are whiny little babies? You don't understand how petty and vindictive men can be?
No. 1150117
>>1150095>only victory for white womenSo you prefer white women to get fucked over just because you're not white and can't benefit from it? Even though most domestic abuse
victims aren't white and they'd be able to benefit since laws and court doesn't change depending on your race.
No. 1150128
>>1150123Well she is a celebrity but I’m talking about regular
poc women not women who slept with producers here and there for roles.
No. 1150131
>>1150130>TurkishBish you’re white or at least a privileged “””
poc”””. You suffered no oppression at least.
No. 1150136
>>1150132t. White privilege
I don’t know how you know how it works in America but eg black women don’t really benefit from any of heard’s case meanwhile white women will. Your European ass is just ignorant about this.
No. 1150137
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>>1150113Yeah and in reality, precedent applies not just along racial lines. Scrotes will be able to sue black women for defamation after complaining without naming any names too, don't you worry, you won't be left behind. If anything, you should be even more worried about him winning, than the average "Karen".
No. 1150139
>>1150131>suffered no oppressionWe had millions of afghan immigrants who raped and killed women. Women who get raped never get justice and men who killed women are sentenced to such little prison time it's become a very common occurrence. Most women I know in my country have at least had one experience where they got sexually harassed.
It's bad and it's getting worse, especially with the immigrants who are %95 single men who commit violent crimes the chance they get. A foreign woman on world tour traveled all the countries but got killed here.
How is that privilege? Sage for OT but you're really being stupid. Sure other middle eastern countries are worse but my country is still very dangerous for women compared to developed countries.
No. 1150143
>>1150137This is what I was talking about. Women of color are more often
victims so Depp winning would only affect them more significantly.
No. 1150144
>>1150139Stfu racist turk
>>1150140Stfu retarded scrote
>>1150137Stfu liar
These threads are shit, enjoy your circle jerk and scrotes terrorizing this thread, “””
poc””” women.
No. 1150146
>>1150144We will! Later
No. 1150147
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You’re mad because you’re a scrote and you thought this was your one chance to have an opportunity to say “look! Women abuse men too!” And youre being proved wrong. Seethe. Men are their own worst enemies because they can’t even be good people when they’re beloved actors who are multimillionaires. They can’t be philanthropists or run charities, they just smoke meth and beat women the same as some broke drug dealer from Florida because they’re all fucking shit.
No. 1150159
>>1150158That anon has a white bf and you can’t convince me otherwise. Love woke
POC women who fuck white men and then act like white women are the main ones oppressing them.
No. 1150168
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>Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway.
At least this is motivating me to read more books or go over the ones I've already read in the past. By the end of this, I could create a whole module, which will be easily better than all the ones currently available in my country (since they're not sex-based anymore and include MtFs nowadays).
No. 1150180
>>1150176Yes there's so many misogynistic shit going on. Depp us smirking and giving weird looks but no one cares about that.
>>1150177Diet. Gym. Now.
No. 1150187
>>1150176I'm kinda following this backwards lol. First I hear about the trial and read about that, then about the previous trial, and I just read the OP ED he is suing her about. It's surprisingly short and tame, I wouldn't expect
that to be the cause of a 50m lawsuit
No. 1150189
>>1150163Amber is getting hated because she's a woman. Thats all, honestly. If a man did all she did, he'd be seen as a
victim and a hero, kek. The standards for men are so low that's just how it works.
No. 1150198
>>1150194It's probably a scrote, don't engage anon.
>>1150190Any info about how she made him cry? I can't find information abouts the whole thing. Why would a man cry so easily? Hilarious.
No. 1150211
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>"We were on the island with Mr. Bettany, his wife [actress Jennifer Connelly] and his four children, Ms. Heard and Mr. Bettany got into some debate over lunch and I just remember that whenever Mr. Bettany tried to make a point, she would talk over him and then it started to get quite rude. She got mean and she got loud," (Depp) continued."And then, I believe it was his 18-year-old boy … he entered the conversation, because it was something to do with what he studied in school and knew a lot about it and voiced his opinion and Ms. Heard demeaned that young man, to the point where he burst into tears and walked away," Depp then claimed. "It was at that point I had spoken to Ms. Heard and said, 'That's just unacceptable, you have no right to demean that boy. You cannot always be right. You should try being wrong sometimes because you might learn something.'"
So basically the little shit tried to inject into a conversation and explain to her something "he knew" and she made him cry LOL. Sounds like he wasn't used to being challenged on his opinion No. 1150215
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>>1150109Relax amberstan, if you looked up thread I responded and redacted my statement. Reading is fun!
>>1150072>you must have an agendaAnd you must have autism. Please take your meds.
No. 1150218
>>1150216A sheltered little rich boy might. I mean he looks pretty delicate in the pic
>>1150211 but i'm 100% sure even if it did happen Depp is lying, because that's all he's done so far.
No. 1150237

I know people complain about televised trials, but it's great learning material. Elaine Bredehoft is really admirable and I like her style of argumentation.
>you said and i'll read it i'll quote it, quote based on the combined results of my interview with ms heard behavioral observations psychometric test data and review of the available records ms heard demonstrates psychological symptoms of a combined borderline and histrionic personality disorder bhpd that's what you wrote in your report as one of your conclusions and that's a dsm 5 diagnosis and it did not say that you were diagnosing with a dsm 5 for borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder did it?
>that's what it says in different semantics
>oh so so so what you meant it did not use the words you just said? now let's talk about the treatment records that you said that you reviewed, but i'm going to start with rocky pennington. your testimony was that out of the blue amber hit rocky pennington, correct?
>i can't remember exactly what i said but i did reference miss pennington's deposition that misheard struck miss pennington in the face
>in fact ms pennington testified that she hit ms hurd and in response to that she can't recall but ms hurd either pushed or slapped her, correct?
>i don't recall
>that's a pretty important distinction, don't you think?
>my recollection is that there was some sort of violence both ways in the relationship either way it seems that both of them might have been unstable i'm only evaluating miss hurt >so so now we have an evaluation of rocky pennington
>no i just said but that was not relevant to my opinion because i'm only evaluating this herd
>but you testified to that undirected that was a factor right?
>okay well wouldn't it make a big difference if amber struck first or just responded back
>given the dynamic not necessarily no it would not have
>so now you're an expert on rocky pennington and her dynamics with amber hurt? okay so now let's talk about dr cowan you not only reviewed his treatment records and his text messages and documents but you also attended his deposition did you not?
>okay and do you recall dr cowan testifying that amber told him about depp physically abusing her contemporaneous with the events
>i don't recall specifically his words but i remember him recalling that she had disclosed abuse in their treatment yes
>and do you recall dr cowan testifying that he received a text message contemporaneous that johnny did a number on me tonight i'm safe in my support tonight but i need some real help do you remember him testifying to that
>i don't remember the testimony but i do remember seeing that text message as one of the exhibits
>and do you remember dr cowan testifying that on another occasion amber sent him a text johnny beat me up pretty good last night end of quote again, do you recall that?
>again i don't recall the testimony but i do remember that being an exhibit i've seen it
>do you recall dr cowan testifying that not only did he believe amber in her reporting of the abuse by depp but that she had no ulterior motive
>i actually don't recall that i'm not saying that it didn't occur
>okay do you recall dr cowan testifying that he believed the relationship was toxic and he was concerned for amber's physical well-being
>i do recall him saying that he believed the relationship was toxic and you don't recall i don't know how insane that he was concerned for amber's physical well-being i don't remember those exact words
>do you believe do you recall dr cowan testifying in that deposition that you were present for referring to mr depp quote his controlling nature jealousy and suspiciousness addiction to drugs and alcohol and violent and indulgent temper do you recall him using those terms to describe mr deb
>i remember thinking that would be an inappropriate impression for a treating provider of a different person to give but i do recall him making that statement
>do you recall dr cohen testifying that if he pushed her she was going to push him back and i never had the impression that she was the provocateur but that she was indicating to me she had a hard time you know de-escalating these types of situations
>okay and do you also recall him saying that she didn't say she pushed him she just said i got right back up he told me that she told me that he pushed her down and she got back right back up
>i remember him saying that miss heard told him that yes
>and do you recall him testifying you could interpret it that way i kind of interpret it more you know metaphorically that when somebody comes at her she goes back at them you know in a similar way whether it's verbally or she protects herself
>i i may i recall something along those lines but it was a six or seven hour deposition so the specifics are not fresh in my mind
>do you recall dr cowan specifically testifying that he believed amber heard when she reported the physical abuse by mr depp?
>i recall him saying that and following it up with a statement that you have to take the patient at their word when you're the therapist
>you recall that?
>do you recall him saying he took her, that he believed her that he found her believable
>yes yes
>that he found her believable okay um now you also testified about amy banks do you recall that?
>and before we go there dr cohen has been a clinical psychologist for 40 years, correct?
>i'm not sure
>okay well he testified to that didn't he in the deposition?
>i don't recall
>and he also saw amber heard for over two years, correct?
>from 2014 approximately august 2014 to 2000 through 2016. correct?
>for a period of time would you agree okay and he also testified that he did not diagnose amber with borderline personality disorder do you recall that testimony?
>he also testified that he doesn't use diagnoses but yes i do recall that
>and do you recall that it was in those words were in his notes but he said he had written that down but then he discounted it and determined that that was not correct for her?
[lawyers approach]
>all right now let's jump to amy banks, dr banks is a psychiatrist correct
>correct yes
>in fact she went to medical school georgetown and she did her psychiatric training at harvard medical school correct?
>i believe that's correct i don't recall 100
>all right and she uh was a psychiatrist in massachusetts that amber heard had reached out to after the australia incident to try to help her relationship with mr depp, correct? let me back up you attended dr bank's deposition as well, did you not?
>yes i did
>and dr banks testified to that, correct?
>uh i don't remember if she testified to that i don't have the notes right in front of me or the deposition transcript
>all right, do you recall dr banks testifying that she understood that amber was in a relationship with johnny depp that had gotten violent and out of control
>i- i don't recall specifically no
>do you recall amy banks testifying that they had physical altercations and his drug use had escalated and amber felt she was at risk
>i don't recall
>do you recall amy banks testifying that amber was reporting the violence by mr depp and it was not consensual
Fucking hell it's so sad they have to specify that the violence wasn't consensual
>i recall dr banks stating that ms heard was reporting violence to her yes i do not recall a statement about consent
>do you recall dr banks testifying tha there was discussion about mr depp cutting off his finger and she said only that it was a middle of one of these very kind of out of control escalated fights and that did make a fairly big impact on me
>i remember something like that
>all right and do you recall dr banks saying it was a whole other level as i remember it told to me he actually cut off a part of his finger during one of these altercations meaning to me the way i digested that if you will was that things had gotten particularly out of control
>i do not recall that exact statement i'm not saying it didn't occur i just can't recall it
>right and you recall that mr depp was in sessions with ms heard with dr banks correct
>i yes my understanding however is that they met with dr banks and then it was primarily miss heard meeting with dr banks for treatment after prescriptions and therapy
>all right and do you recall dr banks saying that she was not surprised that amber was seeking a restraining order because of the violence that she knew existed in the relationship
>i do recall that and it would be impossible to know that violence exists as a treating therapist or as a psychologist again we're not investigators however i do recall that she said that because i remember having that thought
>and do you recall amy and she's a psychiatrist right psychiatrist and do you recall amy banks saying that it was clear to her that mr depp was the one who initiated the violence?
>i don't recall that
>all right, do you recall that dr banks said that she knew for certain that mr depp was the one who had committed the violence because ms heard reported it in the presence of mr depp and he did not contradict?
>i do not recall that
>okay and do you recall that dr banks ultimately concluded that it was her belief that amber was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of mr debt and what was your answer to that last one?
>i'm sorry i uh i think i can't recall but i also can't recall that last question
>do you recall that dr banks concluded that amber was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of mr depp
>i don't recall that
> okay now you also reviewed the records of laurel anderson and you reviewed her deposition is that correct
>um let me uh refresh my memory for a moment, i reviewed uh dr anderson's deposition
>yes okay and do you recall that she reported that that amber heard had had reported physical violence by mr depp to her?
>i recall that she said that ms hurd had reported that yes
>okay and do you recall that she said that it changed over time?
>I don't recall that specifically
>Okay, and do you recall dr Anderson saying that she had witnessed her face being bruised after the december 15 2015 incident?
>I don't recall that
>You don't recall that? Okay and do you recall that dr anderson said that amber had reported that uh he had pulled out her hair bruised her face kicked her leg and hit her in the head?
>Yes miss heard did report that to her according to her testimony
>okay and do you recall that amber heard said that mr deb was scaring her?
>i don't recall that specifically
>okay and do you recall that dr anderson said that she believed that amber heard was a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of mr death?
>i recall uh no i don't recall that statement
>all right let's go to bonnie jacobs, you said you reviewd the notes from bonnie jacobs
>and what you testified to was that you discounted these because the first notes from bonnie jacobs indicated that she already had all of these symptoms correct?
>just i'm sorry i don't understand what you're saying i discounted it
>tell me why you discounted bonnie jacobs notes
>i did not discount bonnie jacobs notes
>you said that she the bonnie jacobs in her notes had already determined that these symptoms were present for amber heard before the relationship with mr depp did you not
>what i recall saying was that within dr jacob's notes she documented instances in which ms heard reported over the course of therapy that she was experiencing nightmares, recurrent nightmares in fact about childhood abuse
>okay now the very fist entry on bonnie jacobs notes and these are the notes right, do you recognize these?
>i do
>all right so the first of bonnie jacobs notes is on 1017 2011. do you recall that?
>i i don't recall the exact date i don't have anything in front of me
>and she was already amber heard was already in the relationship with johnny depp at this point was she not
>i believe she was yes
>okay and in bonnie jacobs notes she documents however multiple occasions that amber heard reports to her physical violence upon her by mr depp does she not?
etc. you get the gist, every psychiatrist and psychologist believes Amber Heard, the only one who doesn't is dr Curry and she had drinks and dinner with Depp before ever meeting Amber
No. 1150274
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Depp's handwriting is so fucked
No. 1150309
>>1150299You are a fucking retard. There's no proof? 12 of the 14 DV claims she took to court were found as factual by the Judge + had witness to back it up. He admitted to choking her in text, in letter and there are audio recordings. Several witnesses admitted to seeing him attack her. Her sister said he attacked herself and Amber. There's no way you're actually watching the trial because if you were you'd know this. Or maybe you need to close twitter because you're obviously not taking in what you're so dilligently watching.
Anyway, what does it matter if she was diagnosed with NPH or HPD? The point is you can't do that after 2 meetings with the person. And who the fuck are you to say she's "obviously" got BPD based on you watching her sit in a court room? Brain dead. It's funny how all women that don't just lie down and take it are BPD. Lose some weight then maybe you won't be this insecure.
No. 1150312
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>>1150299i hope depp sees this
No. 1150338
>>1150315NTA but weren't 12/14 domestic violence claims of Ambwr proven to be true? Obese delpwhores will scream at her saying she pooped on the bed which is the only claim they have of her "abuse" even though it doesn't look like a human defecate.
>>1150335Nah. One of JD's lawyers is experienced in social media stuff, he's planning this. They even tried to use edited video in the UK trial. They're trying to hard tl manipulate it but each time one of their men slip up and let loose that they saw Depp abuse her or that they never saw Amber aggressive, their scheme falls apart.
Do I believe some tardlets are posting retarded stuff on social media? Yes. Do I also believe there are bots? Yes.
No. 1150344
>>1150335The recording of Amber asking Depp to not put cigarettes out on her and him responding calling her a fatass is disheartening. Hearing her cry in the background, but they won't share that of course.
>>1150338I swear the bots feel like they've been programmed to sound exactly like Depp kek
No. 1150349
>>1150345Kek. At this abby shapiro isn't a torture to the eyes like depp is. I'm sure they can fuck with the algorithm, youtube isn't the most honest with this stuff and you can tell some videos definitely get boosted…
>>1150344They first part disgusts me so much. I wish she hadn't dated any man. It's obvious depp was very jealous of her beauty youth and even the fact that she still managed to get roles.
No. 1150445
>>1150344He called her fat constantly. In text too, to his friends, to her assistant. Always calling her "flabby ass". He also said on several occasions that her ambition was too big. He said she loves ambition more than him in a text to his friend.
Texts from Depp's deposition:
>Amber: I’m at a coffee meeting now, will be home soon.>Depp: No goddamn meetings. No movies. Why? Why do you deviate from our agreement? What species of meeting? Fuck it. Just tell me when you get home. No. 1150486
>>1150461NTA but because he's
abusive and didn't want her to have a career. Sorry, wait, telling your partner where they can and can't go and stopping them from working is
victim behaviour and poor Johnny was just coping with having to live with fat Amber.
No. 1150530
>>1150345>>1150338Amber herself tried to allege bots were maliciously used against her
>However, while Heard will be able to pursue her countersuit, the judge did throw out one aspect of her case that cited the Virginia Computer Crimes Act and claimed that Depp organized a social media bot attack against her to have her removed from Aquaman. Anyhow, depp is suing her for 50 mil, she is countersuing him for 100 mil. DON'T THOSE IDIOTS HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO WITH ALL THAT MONEY DAMN
No. 1150563
File: 1651071977722.png (364.84 KB, 556x510, Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 19.0…)

>Watch Johnny Depp TEAR UP in Court
>The thumbnail shows Amber is the one upset
Regardless of anything else, this just seems evil
No. 1150569
At this point I wish the word "obviously" was redtexted, because every time an anon in these threads says "obviously", it's just… not? Like with the "amber is obviously bpd" thing, even though 3+ professionals disagree and the only one who did probably slept with Depp after the dinner and drinks. Her being an "obvious" abuser, yet the UK court ruled that Depp is the abuser. Nobody agrees with you that it's all so "obvious", except for other terminally online manosphere fags.
>>1150503>>1150486I'm pretty sure all the other psychologists and psychiatrists (dr Cohen, dr Banks etc.) said Depp is controlling and jealous. Dr. Curry really is the odd one out. The messages he wrote on the mirror were related to this too.
>>1150518If you watched everything or even lurked more, you would know she's already on meds. I literally screenshotted the mention of it and greentexted it.
>>1150530She only has a networth of 8 mil, so I don't know where he thinks she can even get that 50 mil from. The 100 mil countersuit makes more sense, considering Depp literally buys islands and towns.
No. 1150578
>>1150574Curry misdiagnosed her with the panic disorder because she didn't wait until she was out of the traumatic situation that stressed her then diagnosed her with the most misogynistic disorder, said stuff about her using her bpd/hpd charm to flirt with men and knowingly making depp act out so she could be a
victim. I hope she got paid good because she's putting her career in risk by being this man's lapdog. Normies might not see it but anyone in her circle must've clearly realized how shitty of a doc she is.
No. 1150590
Stop ban evading. If you don't like this thread just hide it.
>>1150579See their post below yours where he admits to hating women like he did a few times before. Stop engaging and defending.
No. 1150599
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Depp Defenders are more sure he's going to win than his own lawyer, Chew. He constantly pull this face
No. 1150608
>>1150598I'm sorry anon what do you mean? Is your friend saying you Amber is taking advantage of the metoo movement? If so, I also hate how people make a big deal out of false accusations when real abuse is sooo much more common and of course traumatizing.
>>1150603This. Amber's assistant also made fun of Amber's body on text but she was too uggo so she didn't get depps attention. Curry did sleep with him though, I assume.
No. 1150609
>>1150599What does his face have to do anything to make you land at that conclusion?
>>1150603Why are you attacking these women for their age and automatically thinking they are resentful toward Amber for her age (lol she's not even exactly young, she's 36, that psychologist was 42).
No. 1150621
>>1150609First of all, I wouldn't have even wanted a client like Depp to testify. It looks bad. I can elaborate if need be, but I hope you're aware of his alcoholism, drug addiction and I think you can hear the slurring. If he can't remember his lines for a movie, he definitely can't for a trial, where he's under more pressure. He also opened himself up for future lawsuits from Disney, because he admitted to lying about his (lack of) sobriety and illegal substance use on his insurance forms for Pirates 5. Second of all, I wouldn't even want someone like dr. Curry to testify, because she comes across like a malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen and the defense immediately grilled her for having had dinner and drinks with Depp before she ever even saw Amber, using outdated forms, diagnosing her in merely two sessions with misogynistic intent, while ignoring a possible PTSD diagnosis, discarding the notes of more than three other professionals without having a good explanation, being almost caught several times for lying under oath etc. Neither didn't even really look presentable for court, nor did ms Roberts. The house manager was the only decent witness which wasn't a recording, but even he gave more material that could be used for the defense, than for Depp. Lastly, most defamation lawsuits are settled outside of court for a reason and Depp has already lost once before in the UK. Yes law in the US is different, but all the legal and reputation experts basically have called Depp a retard over this. Depp already tried to sue his previous legal team for malpractice and I think Chew can see the writing on the wall and he knows he's next.
No. 1150637
>>1150634NTA but isn't his career already over? Even if he won and everyone cheered him on, he still wouldn't go further than being voice of a character.
I do believe he's trying to ruin Amber's reputation and most likely career. Depp hates to see women win. He fucked over all women before and barely sees them as objects.
No. 1150639
>>1150634no, i mean, i know why he'd choose a jury trial, but i'm saying, if he was "such a good guy", if he was so legit, if his arguments had so much merit and amber was so meritless, why would he not prefer those two options? it's just clear as day to me with the choice of a jury trial his argument does not have merit, he WANTS the attention, and he desires a verdict based on relative lack of knowledge. if his arguments had merit (which they don't), if his motivations were not to make this a circus and smear her, both of those options would be his first choice. it seems to be that his main motivation is to make this a legit circus BECAUSE he knows his case is shit and because he knows that a jury won't have the knowledge of a judge.
No. 1150666
>>1150629I don't know, but my assumption is the same, would have to look it up to be sure. I honestly considered this a lolsuit and wasn't paying much attention, until everyone and their mother started spewing retarded takes about it and it started being broadcasted like the Simpson trial.
>>1150634That and I think they hoped that enough Depp fans would be on the jury to swing it into his favour, but I don't know if they'll still be fans after this kek. Listening to his slurring and how slowly he speaks for two days in a row? All the evidence of his drug addiction, alcoholism, violence, property damage, threats, two-facedness etc. It's easy for manosphere types and handmaidens to still like Depp, when they only see highly edited short clips, instead of being forced to listen to him drone on and um and ah.
>>1150644How is he getting his career back? Especially after admitting he lied on his insurance forms, continued drug use, continued alcoholism, can't act anymore for the life of him, assaults people on set etc. He's a massive risk, he doesn't bring in the money anymore, nobody enjoys working with him, he's unreliable and always late. He can have all the good will he wants, but I don't see how he's going to get a comeback, when realistically he's going to be stuck with voice acting and voicing Puffins.
No. 1150706
>>1150702He was questioned on what he did during the visit to the penthouse and it was like
Did you get a good look at Amber?
>no it was dim and they (amber and friends) were in shadowDid you take a flashlight to amber/ask her to step into the light to make sure she had no bruises or injuries?
>no I didn'tBasically just like that for the entirety of his questioning.
No. 1150734
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Just let the poor guy get back to his lunch
No. 1150756
>>1150746Guy that is being questioned on video was getting combative and tried talking over Bredehoft.
>she had no bruisesOkay can you tell me if she was wearing concealer or makeup
>noThe judge literally told Bredehoft "I've never seen something before" in regards to the guy's weird behavior during questioning (he started driving his fucking car at one point)
No. 1150757
>>1150706>>1150702Both cops have been pretty useless with their testimony
>>1150708>she was adamant it wasn't a dometic violence disputehow can she even claim that, when she also admitted that she had only just started working at the time of the incident, only received 6 months of training and didn't even see her arms? She knew jackshit about DV at that time and her memory isn't magically godtier just because she's a cop. Not trying to be argumentative with you or something, but more to her, if I could.
>>1150737He can't say something like anyone would have noticed it for sure in that light, he can only say that he didn't see it personally. Plus it was a compound question iirc.
>>1150745>it also requires her to make her abuse public on some platformA woman vagueposting on social media literally could count, you know how many women do that?
No. 1150776
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>>1150765I don't get how Depp can still laugh when he has witnesses like this guy
No. 1150806
>>1150787Nope, no eyeshadow
sipsNope, no concealer
scratches chesthairNope, no lipstick
takes out hamburgerNope, no makeup
gorges it downNo bruises or inuries, 100% tho
farts and drives offSorry, I had to take a bath but here's the transciption of testimony.
No. 1150824
File: 1651080351667.png (1.19 MB, 1644x2019, Screenshot_20220427-192459~2.p…)

Old tweet, but I hate the amount of likes it got
No. 1150831
>>1150829As if trannies are taking Heard's side. They want her dead like her
abusive ex husband.
No. 1150832
>>1150824>histrionic disorder>extreme narcissismDid dee mean the misogynistic version of narcissism? If so it'd be partially correct.
Considering how histrionic disorder is a misogynistic term and women who have the disorder are thought to be attention seeker women who always dress scandalously, Dee judt might share the same diagnosis with Amber! I mean look at her, she's obviously trying harder to get attention and her outfit isn't quite conservative.
I love it when they make misogynistic accusations but they look like the kind of women the same misogynists would declare cheap whores.
No. 1150857
>>1150836Narcissist who's prone to substance abuse. Illegal substances also fuck your brain up so his mental health probably got worse throughout this whole shitshow. He's probably not diagnosed though, when your therapist is having dinners with you and letting you diagnose your wife, she's not going to diagnose you.
Tinfoil but corpsefucker probably learnt about bee pee dee on a red pill site and wanted to get Amber diagnosed with it from there. He also uses redpill tactics and talks about women hitting the wall, liking little women, etc.
No. 1150859
>>1150806made me audibly kek anon, but yes correct
>>1150819It's such a long ass time ago, of course he's not going to remember. That also means that he won't be able to remember whether he saw bruises or swelling, so he shouldn't be giving such definitive answers. If you can't recall interacting with another person one day, you can't recall if they were wearing make-up or not the other. All of Depp's witnesses have very selective gaps in their memory. You know I was just thinking, with dr. Curry being supposedly such an expert in forensic psychology, she should know how her selectively not being able to recall shit looks, but then being able to state an exact thought she had years ago.
No. 1150870
>>1149819This is what I hate about how you have to prove you were abused because a lot of injuries do fade pretty quickly. My mother beat me as a child and bruises when young can easily be explained away, my mum use to threaten me that if I told anyone about being hit she'd tell them how I was a bad girl and deserved it and that kept my mouse shut. I couldn't fathom my mum beating me and some other institution such as my school at the time would also think I must be a trouble maker.
Even with partners I've had them hit me and the marks fade and then the person that hit you starts trying to bargain with you or flat out threatening to do something if you dare tell anyone.
Honestly so envious of people that have never been beat in an
abusive relationship. It's so isolating and the emotional fallout is much worse than the actual physical act and I say that as someone that has suffered a broken nose from a partner. My eyes swole up for days and he called off work to watch me, he didn't go back to work until my injuries faded. Wonder why
No. 1150871
File: 1651081880551.jpeg (460.7 KB, 960x1265, DE87D879-E2A5-4244-A367-CFBC72…)

I hate him so fucking much
No. 1150901
>>1150824Depp: smirks and makes "funny remarks" = funny, video compilations
Heard looks at her nails = EXTREME NARCISSIST, threads about how shitty she is
No. 1150919
>>1150836A lot of male celebrities have cluster b disorder traits or bipolar traits and exhibit similar behavior to Mr. Debt. Commonalities include inflated ego, delusions of grandeur, violence against woman in any form, severe substance abuse. Most common example of another knowingly
abusive celeb who displays these is Charlie Sheen. Lack of identity as well hence why Depp changes up his accent and demeanor all the time, contradictory codependency (these men hating being alone but also hating and abusing their partners), changes in mood. He's probably bpdfag more than amber is.
Male cluster b's will always be worse than female ones for the sheer reason they have the social coddling and testosterone to make everyone's life a living hell, women could never get away with that
No. 1150979
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Depp looks very angry, very different from his smiling and generally happy disposition earlier. He's constantly fidgeting too. I can't get over how unprofessional he looks with the ponytail and rings, he reminds me of all the other drug addicts I've had the displeasure of meeting.
>>1150952Christian Carino was a controlling and jealous person in his relationship with Lady Gaga, so he has something in common with Depp. He also tried to isolate her from her friends.
No. 1150985
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How is anyone supposed to take his testimony seriously? This is such a garbage fire of a trial.
No. 1150988
>>1150824Wow, Histrionic Personality Disorder is a type of bpd, not "an extreme form of narcissism"
Who needs doctors when we have twitter
No. 1151001
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Did Carino just sort of admit that Depp screwed himself over by suing Heard? Losses is supposed to be lawsuits and the reading order is up down, left right, for every panel, sorry for how retarded it is. Didn't expect it to get spicy, I first wanted to call him out for implying he knows jackshit anyway
No. 1151016
>>1150870I feel you
nonnie, I'm the anon from earlier whose dad gloated about leaving no marks, had one such relationship in my early 20s and really relate to feeling jealous of people who don't know what that's like.
The shame follows you around all yr life and you hardly ever feel fully safe.
Hope you've managed to come to terms with it, cyberhugs.
No. 1151021
>>1151008He is, I think Depp's also not sure if he's on his side or not (judging from his facial expressions here in comparison to others providing testimony).
>>1151009I got told off by the judge for having my webcam slightly too high during the first time with trials via cam, so it looked like I was constantly looking down. The other lawyer was worse though, had his to the side, so we only saw the side of his face the whole time and he obviously didn't do any personal grooming. I think it actually played a big role in the result kek. I can't imagine doing what they are doing though.
No. 1151024
>>1150996Depp looks like shit and women know it. It's just an excuse to pander to misogynistic men or put down women they're jealous of. We all know why MRA are only supporting him now that he's ugly and
>>1150955>>1150965Stop with the baits.
No. 1151031
>>1151016Hugs to you anon too. Thankfully my spirit hasn't been fully crushed and I feel the other side is out there lol.
My mum would pull hair and hit me in places that wouldn't be shown. She use to use my horse whip and wondered why I gave up on horses. I use to wear the body armour around the house in my more defiant days.
Men love to shove, choke and smother. It doesn't leave marks and they can always argue semantics "I've never hit you!"
No. 1151042
>he's been tardy on everything in his entire life>troublesome to everyoneKEK
>>1151036Because the filming for Pirates 5 was a dumpster fire. He lied on his insurance forms about his sobriety and illegal drug use. He was constantly late on set, when he was on set he was drunk, his lines had to be fed to him. He also assaulted people on set.
No. 1151061
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>>1151053One is supposedly an actual attorney, some of the reviews he has received:
>As an individual who has been blessed with unusually large besnoutedness I was referred to Mr Rekieta after an incident where I was smashed in the face. Though it is outside his normal scope of practice Mr Rekieta took the case out of our nasal bond. As I was unfamiliar with his location in the willywags of Minnesota I called for a rideshare. I was greeted by a woman that already had another man with her in the back seat. She stated he was her husband and was mostly harmless but the man kept insisting he is a real lawyer. After a quick stop by her boyfriend's home we made our way to Mr Rekieta's "office." As mentioned previously, Mr Rekieta has unusual tastes in dress. In this case he was in a sweltering room wearing nothing but a shirt and underpants. After berating me for a solid hour being heavyset we got down to work. Long story short, we settled. My nose isn't any smaller but my wallet is a bit bigger>I called Mr. Rekieta back in August of 2021 regarding establishing a will, and he seemed very professional and well spoken, so I decided to go into his office and have it done the next weekend. When I arrived, he was nowhere to be seen. After wandering around for a few minutes, I found him in the back of the building dressed in women's clothing, including a skirt, and making lewd motions at a camera despite being a bearded man. Needless to say, I was taken aback. After a few minutes of frantic explanation, he convinced me it was a joke, but looking back on it I'm really not sure it was. I tried to change the subject to my will, and he went along with it, but every single time I mentioned an asset and what I wanted to do with it, he suggested I "Superchat" it to him, or donate it to the legal fund of someone named "Nick Minyana" Eventually I got so frustrated I walked out. Three weeks later he called me and apologized, saying that I shouldn't try to meet him when he's "streaming", and offered to finish my will without any more charges the next week. I agreed, and went to his office, but this time, and I'm not joking or exaggerating, the man was wearing black face. I left without saying a word.>I called this firm up asking for some legal advice specific to Minnesota. Upon hearing my accent (I'm Australian) the man who answered the phone accused me of being a crisis actor who promotes the "Globulartist Agenda" and started asking me what NASA was doing in their "secret ice wall bases." Needless to say I was quite taken back. I will say his argumentation did have me doubting my own existence for a moment. That's the only reason I've not given him 1 star. No. 1151072
>>1151061>>1151069That's the youtuber Null from Kiwifarms is buddies with and whose streams he guests often.
It's deliberaty unserious.
No. 1151116
>>1151031>>Thankfully my spirit hasn't been fully crushed and I feel the other side is out there lol.This. And yes, the other side is out there for sure.
Ahhh, the hair-pulling….My head was always lumpy as a child, kek, it felt like my brain was on the outside of my head!!
Love the body armour thing;I don't know why some people think that hurting kids will make them into cowering heaps of jelly, I was as defiant as fuck, used to scream the place down and never suffered in silence. I got tf out at 16.
I think that the fact that we know what they are really like versus their public image enrages them tenfold.My parents were middle class; looked good "on paper" but I knew what they were really like- messed up freaks with no self control.
Thank you for engaging with the a-log and a thousand kisses for you dear nonna.
No. 1151118
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reposting this pic from another anon's post in the twitter thread because the delusion regarding depp just has to be seen to be believed. meanwhile, 'izze' here doesn't realize if depp is out here calling trim and fit amber "flabby ass" and fat in various ways, he'd most certainly be thinking negative things about her body and appearance. she's trying to become an actress.
No. 1151130
>>1151086He complained that Depp is always late and that he's troublesome to everyone, then later claimed that nobody had any problem working with him on set.
>>1151090>every abuserThis is a woman nearly half his age trying to explain to a nearly 60 year old man, that he was only slapped, not punched. He strangled her, put cigarettes out on her, pushes her, headbutt her, kicked her legs, but he gets one slap back and he immediately starts to whine. So yeah, she does have a point in that he needs to grow up. Especially considering everyone, including his assistant, refers to him as a "little boy". See
>>1151118 No. 1151157
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kek apparently this explains the conspiracy behind depp losing the uk trial No. 1151230
>>1151157and they call my compilations schizo
>>1151214Laura Wasser - Depp's Divorce Lawyer, she's on first name basis with Elaine Bredehoft kek
No. 1151328
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They're done for today. Depp looks very tubby and you can see the candy. Judge Penney always sounds very nice.
No. 1151368
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Never forget their raceplay kek
No. 1151432
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>>1151328Depp and his posse fled the courtroom asap. Amber and her team stayed for a while and discussed, something. She was visibly upset, wiped a couple tears away. Bredehoft looked pissed, red in the face.
>>1151368Depp has no native ancestry, correct? This refers to him playing the character "Tonto" in the movie "the Lone Ranger?", right? So we can assume that Depp roleplays in the bedroom as the characters he has played in movies. Which tracks with how he seems to think he's literally Jack Sparrow and changes his personality based on the characters he has played. If anyone has an unstable self image, it's him. Yet Amber is the one constantly being accused of being bpd.
>Depp himself has made claims of Native American ancestry in the past and, in 2012, was adopted into the family of AIO president LaDonna Harris, a member of the New Mexico-based Comanche tribe. In the trailer, Depp says that he was christened a cultural name, Mah-Woo-May, which means “shapeshifter.” He has been the face of the fragrance since 2015. No. 1151530
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>>1151451I'm not sure, the mics were off at that point. Probably just generally ranting about what a mess this trial is and how Depp is acting like a little kid. I can't lip-read kek.
>>1151448It's like he has a protective aura around him wtf, anyone else would've been torn to shreds
No. 1151536
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OT but Christain Carino's apt reminded me of a 1970s album cover and I don't mean that as a compliment. I can see now why he and Gaga got together, they both seem to be obsessed with the tackiest parts of 1970s disco culture,
No. 1151918
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People on Twitter are talking about these pictures of Elon with a bruised up face while he was dating Amber. They're right up on his eyes? The colour is strange too. What do you guys think? (1/2)
No. 1151922
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No. 1153024
>>1150344Who calls someone that thin a fatass? Does she have an ed and he's trying to
trigger her or something?
No. 1153040
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>>1153024Which woman in Hollywood doesn't have an eating disorder? Of course it's an easy thing to pick on.
No. 1153055
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>>1153040Samefag, he's also probably insecure about his own weight, since he used to be fairly skinny, but the weight has crept on over the years. In the movie Heard and Depp played in together, Rum Diary (2011), he already was quite pudgy. So it's probably some projection.
No. 1153059
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>>1153055His hat is an accurate description of him. He also decided to larp as a cancer patient for a bit in 2018, with the way he looked at least. He randomly dropped a lot of weight and decided to shave his head. Considering he doesn't have his own identity and just tries to become new characters, it doesn't seem much of a reach that he was trying to scare people on purpose about his health. The weight gain we see now happened super fast again too. The weightloss from 2018 was apparently related to his "month from hell".
>His month from hell began when two former bodyguards sued him for unpaid wages at the start of May.>Bodyguards Eugene Arreola and Miguel Sanchez are reportedly taking Johnny to court over pay after they say they were “forced to protect Depp from himself”.>An incident at a local nightclub involved Plaintiffs alerting Depp of illegal substances visible on his face and person while preventing onlookers from noticing Depp’s condition.>The bodyguards also claim that they were also forced to act as nannies and drivers for the actor’s family.>The papers reveal that Johnny has been in a “financial hurricane” and that their pay packets were missing the extra overtime money – and that they were not permitted to have rest breaks.>And Johnny’s month from hell spiralled when he was allegedly involved in a fracas with a crew on the “toxic” set of new film LAbyrinth, which he is directing, on May 7.>The row reportedly broke out after Depp was told he needed to stop filming on an LA street after his permit ran out. No. 1153068
>>1153063All of those "Johnny laughs at x in court" videos annoy me too. How are they going to accuse Amber of playing
victim, when Johnny acts like this is some funny game. You're in court, dammit.
No. 1153073
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His movies have been flopping at least since 2013, but actually for longer. He really was only held up by the Pirates franchise and a couple Burton movies.
>>1153068Well it is just a game to him, he knows how diabolical it is to sue his battered ex-wife into silence. He assaults people on set and then offers them 100k, because he's used to being able to pay or charm himself out of any difficult situation and being able to get away with anything. He doesn't realize that he's close to broke and if someone hit the wall, it's him.
No. 1153075
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And I want to reiterate. If someone has an unstable self image, it's him. He switches accents, dresses up as his characters in his free time, roleplays as those characters in bed, he has no idea who he really is. Which other actors even do that and lose themselves so much into the characters they play? Other insane creepy assholes like Jared Leto. Depp insisting Amber has BPD, is just pure projection and it's obvious. He's the one self harming, threatening to self harm, suicidebaiting, acting jealous, controlling and insecure, not having a stable self image, extreme substance abuse, splitting (it's even been mentioned in court several times that he "splits"). If someone has been trying to use his looks and charm to get things going into his favour and get attention, it's him, to the point of probably sleeping with dr Curry.
No. 1153123
>>1153117It's not about this situation though. Anon was complaining about her mother and how Amber reminded her of her mother. I saw similar posts made on vent where people mentioned how the situation reminded them of their
abusive mother and father and no one said anything.
No. 1153126
>>1153117 a pro-Amber thread watchdog, but I didn't think that post was was that negative? She also specified it's just her opinion and not "obvious facts!!11!".
No. 1153127
>>1153111I literally only said one sentence about my mother out of 2 paragraphs. And other people mentioned having
abusive exes/family members and even surgery in this thread so I don’t see why it matters.
No. 1153130
>>1153127You're complaining about about how Amber reminds you of your mother. This is a vent, not a fact. You're also saying you feel bad for Depp and anyone who has to spend time with someone like your mother. You very obviously have mother issues which got
triggered by this situation which is fine and
valid but you'd get more support in vent thread and that's why I suggested you go there.
No. 1153136
>>1153130NTA, but I'm pretty sure she meant she felt bad for
Amber for having to be around Depp 24/7 breaking down from drug abuse
No. 1153140
>>1153130I didn’t say I felt bad for Depp at all. I said I felt bad for anyone (Amber) who had to be around a druggie/drunk like him all day every day.
You misinterpreted what I said. I wasn’t trying to compare the whole situation to my mom. Thanks for the vent thread suggestion though, I mean that non-sarcastically.
Not gonna derail anymore
No. 1153145
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>>1153138>>1153139I know you were responding to me
>>1153133 anon, it's ok
No. 1153163
>>1153161I'm the one who told her to go to vent and now I'm telling you to stop baiting.
>>1153158>>1153157That sounds like a male baiter. Even hardcore deppfans don't usually attack women in misogynistic ways here, it smells like scrote.
No. 1153164
>>1153147I was the FP of someone with BPD before, she ended up cutting herself because I didn't pick up the phone in the middle of the night. I still defend Amber, because a) no woman deserves to get abused by a scrote for her (alleged) mental illness, b) this case could set a precedent which would be harmful to women other than Amber, c) 3+ other professionals who had seen Amber for over two years don't agree that she has bpd or hpd d) dr Curry had dinner and drinks with Depp beforehand, e) Depp was insulting Amber with BPD for years before he ever retained dr Curry, f) Depp seems to have BPD himself and is possibly projecting, g) you can look up who is going to testify you retard, h) the only truly vile one here is you.
>>1153161Only scrotes think it's a bad thing to be a virgin
No. 1153172
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No. 1153184
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>reading the thread
No. 1153206
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>>1153108The comments are so fucking retarded, how can they think this is a good thing? Also everyone acts like it was live, when it was recorded in January and he could've answered the questions at any other point.
>It’s “so bizarre” because an honest hard working blue collar dude is telling the truth and needs to get back to work>You make this sound like a bad thing. This just shows how authentic he is. Dude wants to vape, he does it. No hiding, just the truth>The fact that this guy is literally breaking the law during a court hearing while vaping on top of that is epic.>This guy is real, down to earth. No affected language/behaviour, just great. Thumbs up!>>1153197The last case was in the UK and just because 10/12 allegations were proven in a UK court, doesn't mean it'll automatically be held up in the US. Partially because of the colonial history and all that, so the judge couldn't just dismiss the case based on that. They're really just rehashing things, bringing up the exact same evidence and the same witnesses, expecting things to change, because Depp is too retarded and insane to just let it go or settle outside of court. It's actually bringing the witnesses into hot water, because their testimony now can be compared to the previous. Incident #11 couldn't be proven because Depp wasn't cross-examined on it, for incident #6, the court did not find that any physical violence had taken place for that specific incident as NGN could not provide more specific information on the incident except a contemporaneous text message from Depp, in which he apologised to Heard for his behaviour.
No. 1153216
>>1153212Stonewalling is considered
abusive even by the standards of the therapy (Gottman method) dr Curry uses for couples, they even call it one of the "four horseman" of the apocalypse.
No. 1153218
>>1153212i'm not BPD and i'm
triggered by people leaving during fights. it feels unresolved and absent. i stay during fights whether or not the fight continues, or just to be in their presence. it's a reliability thing, it's a "i know they want to resolve issues too when the time is right" thing. you don't have that when someone walks out in the middle of disagreement and leaves your emotions unresolved. usually it's that they're emotionally fine, but you're experiencing emotional turmoil for not being understood or heard, so it feels extra frustrating to wait hours or days for them to contact you or come back to
maybe soothe your feelings of uneasiness. it's not a BPD thing at all.
No. 1153219
>>1153212Don't you know, anon that if a woman reacts negatively towards a man she's automatically npd, bpd and hpd? That no women can stand up or voice their disagreement?
But men suicide baiting, cutting their finger and drawing with their blood, expressing the desire to violently burn and rape women are totally not mentally ill.
No. 1153222
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i strongly believe depp would bait and bash as well. picrel for those who want more info. hell, the entire trial is based on him baiting and bashing.
No. 1153231
>>1153218>i'm not BPD and i'm triggered by people leaving during fights. it feels unresolved and absent. When the advice in general in vent threads and so on to ignore the person when fights happen, now we have to be in it? What? Stonewalling is only
abusive when the person you’re ignoring hasn’t done anything wrong.
No. 1153236
>>1153212>admittingYou need to know that when a person is prone to chronic fighting, whether it’s dept or turd, you have to ignore. They are the type of people that can’t be reason with. Concepts of stonewalling is used by narcs AND bpds as an excuse when someone in fact is doing the gray rock method. And if ignoring someone who is
abusive or annoying, is
abusive, then damn.
Stonewalling is a type of passive aggressive behavior AND a defense mechanism, a very peaceful one too.
No. 1153243
>>1153231NTA but it depends on who you fight with. A person constantly ignoring their partner or wife after a fight no matter how much she begs for him to talk to her most likely doesn't have the best intentions.
I usually let myself cool down and then apologize or talk it out later but if the person in question is very desperate and begging me not to leave, then I'd stay even though I wouldn't bring up the argument.
That's just me, though.
No. 1153245
>>1153242Saying this because the non-bait non-ironic posts itt is troubling. Irl, nobody is ever going to say, that it’s
abusive when you walk away from a fight, it’s the first time I’ve read it on this thread. There is a way to be
abusive when you ignore someone sure, but it’s nothing to do with giving up on the hope that someone is capable of having a mature adult conversation aka the reason why someone would gray rock (stonewall)
No. 1153257
>>1153243Like in general, I’ve seen this pattern often happening, and in fact it happened to myself, when someone begs for the other person to talk, they often do this in a pattern, and when you give in, make nonsense conversations last hours long, petty and still useless. Not defending him, but someone who’s no longer giving in the whole begging, may have chosen to just walk away, because it’s the most sensible act to do.
I’m not saying she’s bpd, but in general, bpds often times give the whole “we should talk it out” excuse, when in fact they abuse it and use it as an opportunity to annoy/hurt the
victim. This is literally why the gray rock method exists.
No. 1153262
>>1153255>He could've broken up with her at any time and then grey rocked her. Ayrt, this is why he deserves it. I don’t see him as a
victim because he’s an old fuck, but when he stonewalled her, it was not
abusive. I can actually see why he did that, he probably couldn’t take her seriously seeing she’s a druggie as well.
No. 1153274
>>1153271You got banned and you even admitted to it on meta. Stop fucking shitting up this thread. Imagine mocking a woman with an
abusive mother because you assumed she was a virgin without any given context.
No. 1153292
>>1153285I brought up parental abuse when another anon was discussing evidence regarding marks when being hit. Get over it.
Abuse is abuse. I also believe I got called a virgin even tho me and anon even talked about our boyfriends. Do better
No. 1153294
>>1153278Yeah he should have divorced her but he never did. I already changed my mind. But this whole stonewalling subject is making me think, I don’t have a partner but I do have roommates that are unstable, they whine about the smallest things, I walk away because they stress me, am I being
abusive? Serious question btw.
No. 1153311
>>1153216Did you listen to the tapes? They often say "we talked about this 2hrs ago" or even 5hrs. Who the fuck fights for 5hrs?!?!
Damn right I'd want to run away. If you've been arguing for
hours, it's time to step away and take a break, nothing can be resolved by running in circles. It sounds so tiring. And not letting me leave? Definitely abuse.
Also, the tone of her voice is definitely not something I would be able or willing to tolerate for hours.
This "stonewalling" accuse Depp of really irked me from the beginning, it's not it. Whatever you feel, I absolutely consider what Amber did in those fights as abuse if it were done to me.
And don't @ me how Depp was far more
abusive, I know. I just can't listen to Amberfags defend absolutely shit behaviour anymore.
No. 1153341
>>1153212Being so
triggered you run and grab the person and stop them from leaving after they clearly requested you stop or they're leaving seems like something someone with abandonment issues would do. Since I guess we're in anecdote hours anyway, it reminds me of my BPD-suspect childhood friend outright saying that I'm abandoning her just like her father/other friend when I told her I don't want to speak for a while after she betrayed me. Stonewalling is more like an unwillingless to engage with your partner for an extended time even when they're asking reasonably, not walking away when someone starts from a place of provocation and anger.
No. 1153345
>>1153330If someone is taking out cigarettes on you there's nothing left to talk about anymore, just pack and leave.
I'm saying this for you.
No. 1153383
>>1153376This. Peoples on depps side are literally the same MRA activists who scream "divorce rape" after they leave their wives. They also wish very terrible stuff on Amber and try to argue abused women all deserve the abuse they receive. Anyone who defends Depp is siding with those men.
Not taking a side is also stupid imho because most of Amber's claims have been proven true while you can't quite say Depp has any real claims. He's literally suing Amber for speaking up about his abuse fucking anonymously.
No. 1153401
>>1153392She isn't even diagnosed isn't she? The only doctor saying she has BPD is the one Depp wined and dined, while other doctors don't agree or say its hard to say when someone is in an
abusive situation. Saying gals doesn't make you come off as a woman.
No. 1153403
>>1153399He cut his finger. Suicidebaitet. Put cigarettes out on her. Kicked her. Sent messages about how he wanted to burn and rape her corpse. Maybe more I can't remember. They're not both bad, stop.
>>1153401Depp seems BPD himself like another anon said. He's an addict who self harms suicide baits and harasses people. He also told her to diagnose Amber with BPD before Curry even saw Amber and like you said, dined with her.
No. 1153434
>>1153341Hey pussy crew, I suspect this person had bpd, that supports my assumption that
this person has bpd. Therefore, they BOTH have bpd and this woman is lying about domestic violence!
No. 1153473
>>1150548I feel like I'm in an alternate reality when I read what fans of Depp have to say about this situation. I don't like Amber Heard one bit and I definitely don't see her as a mentally stable person either, but have you seen the way Johnny Depp answers questions? Have you observed his incredibly narcissistic, antagonistic, and manipulative demeanor? Have you heard him ramble on and on, never answering the actual question? Do you know that he claimed that Roman Polanski, who raped a 13 year-old, wasn't a predator because he had a wife and kids? Do you think that a mentally well-adjusted man would be friends with men like Roman Polanski and Marilyn Manson? Do you think that HE seems sane? Do you think that the way he talks about women doesn't reek of BPD/NPD traits?
>>1153392He was a drunken, dysfunctional mess way before he met Amber. He wants to destroy her because he truly sees himself as a perma-
victim and he's way too narcissistic and surrounded by yes-men who rely on him financially to take responsibility for the financial and relational messes he's made throughout his life as a result of his addiction(s), bad character traits and massive ego. He's been failing career-wise for more than a decade by now, but being the master manipulator that he is, he's now managed to revive his career by making the public pity him by hiring the right PR guy. Again, I'm not doubting that Amber is an unstable bitch who used and abused him, but I 100 % believe it was much more mutual than Depp's witnesses are trying to make it seem in court, and it's unbelievable that people cannot see through the pity-seeking narcissism.
No. 1153522
>>1153481>Demonising women through/with bpd is one of men’s favourite casual abuse tacticsThis. There are a lot of redpill/MRA stuff where they believe a woman has bpd or hpd just because she didn't fall for their retarded games. There are even subreddits where incels cry about how women they selfidagnosed with BPD left them and that means evil women ruined their lives.
The post a little above has the same vibe to it. Having a BPD "partner" who fucked you up so you think any woman who shows any range of emotion like amber smiling or frowning is totally truth they're too bee pee dee.
No. 1153546
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>>1153434>pussy crew topkek
No. 1153625
>>1153620literally all
abusive men are like this which is what libtard abuse apologists don't get. they're not
abusive because they're winos or drug addicted or have depression, they're
abusive because everyone in their life bows to them. JD is making this trial public because he knows people will always side with him, even when he's obviously wrong. The most infuriating part is he's right. The only solace is that he's already been found guilty of domestic violence in one jurisdiction, and I hope the judge in this case can see what he's doing as well.
No. 1153684
>>1153669I'm a med student. She tried to diagnose her with PTSD during thw trauma which is malpractice on its own. Therapists also aren't supposed to have personal relationships as it negatively affects the therapy which again makes the dinner malpractice. She also took Depps word and diagnosed her because of that, that bias is also malpractice. During the court, she was quite sexist, hpd is a sexist disorder and the stuff she listed for bpd behavior such as self harm or suicidebaiting are actually stuff Depp did instead of Amber.
I do not think you'd get any of these, though. You're probably just like the 80iq-chan who believes having 80iq is a good thing and that we're evil for not wanting to coddle an old
abusive man.
No. 1153754
>>1153750That lolCOW comment wasn't made by the same poster, it was made by me.
Now for the love of god stop derailing
No. 1153790
>>1153782this ain't the UK where the jury are all feminist cunts
depp will win in virginia for sure
No. 1153803
>>1153795And what? Amber isn't on trial for being
abusive lol. This is the point some of you retards keep missing. The entire case is about whether Johnny Depp was
abusive. And if its found he was
abusive than Amber can't be sued for damages due to slander. Johnny has allegations of abuse on set and from others. Doesn't make for a strong case against slander plus his witnesses haven't exactly been compelling. Amber's ex husband broke her nose, trashed her home, threatened to kill and rape her body. I feel like it's an understatement to indirectly say she was with an
abusive partner.
No. 1153821
>>1153684I have trouble reading your post, I keep seeing dollar signs kek
>>1153693Her argumentation is great, she's detailed and has a lot of experience representing abused women and children.
>>1153782Not automatically, but if they ask for it, yes afaik.
No. 1153823
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>>1153790>something something i have xy birth defectvery nice sweaty
>>1153644They definitely jumped the gun on that considering they admitted Amber was under the impression it would be under a 10 year plan and claimed she had “financial troubles”. No shit she has financial troubles, her
abusive ex keeps trying to take her to court just for telling her story. Honestly it just made them look heartless.
No. 1154025
>>1153260I'm so sorry
nonnie. Being married to such an idiot misogynist sounds like hell. My bf and I are gonna watch the stupid Aquaman movie because I've been amberpilling him about the whole situation.
No. 1154028
>>1154022He did? Wasn't sure if that just always happens in America or if it was required.
The actual out come of the trial, Depp couldn't give a shit about. All he cares about is airing their dirty laundry and embarassing his ex in public
No. 1154035
>>1154033I don't know why. A few years ago they weren't as rabidly pro Depp, but like most corners of the internet they turned the tide.
A lot of LSA users have specific white men they won't denounce for some reason. Like there's some women there in the stan threads who are delusional obsessive and tried to harass Chris Evans. i think his mom actually got posts from stalkers taken down.
No. 1154038
>>1154028Hm now that you mention it, it might just work like that in america, not a burger so idk
If so we're definitely getting to watch pt.2 of this
No. 1154068
>>1154061Yeah.. I was browsing twitter and it's full of 20 something women begging Johnny to let them "be the good woman he really needs" (barf)
Like honestly what 20 something young woman actively stan Johnny Depp? I would understand it more coming from 40+ women who lusted after him back in the day but zoomers? Why on earth
No. 1154089
>>1154064I think he's gaining more fans too. His Hunter S Thompson LARP is appealing to them. Instead of just admitting they are attracted to shitty
toxic behavior and reading a wattpad story, they fantasize about Johnny Depp. They way he calls his much younger wife "Kid," patronizingly in his absurd accent and wish it was them. In the name of feminism, of course.
No. 1154099
>>1154077Not that anon, but Amber has shown to be an
abusive person, not only to her partners but to people she works with, she uses makeup to create fake bruises, and every person you ask says that Depp would never hit a woman. Also that foundation shit that Amber allegedly used to cover bruises up that wasn't invented until recently and not during their marriage. The recordings occasionally have her address physical harm she may have suffered that were usually due to accidents, meanwhile she continues to allege that Johnny always runs away. What kind of abuser is always running away? And what kind of
victim is always chasing an abuser? You farmers are unhinged thinking yorkie shit is the size of human shit, but if these genders were reversed, I don't think you'd be sucking amber's proverbial dick so hard. Or thinking "I cut my finger" means I cut my finger and not something literally everyone says like "I cut my finger doing the dishes" it's literally a turn of phrase. I always see farmers stretch truth to get some milk so its weird to me that you wanna stretch it when the milk is already there. Is it just not entertaining enough to use basic reasoning skills?
No. 1154125
>>1154119i was with you until
>like during the chauvin trialwhich is on the level of 80-iq brainlet above, basically, but that's neither here nor there. i believe the jury will ignore the facts and favor depp just because he's johnny depp. unfortunately the uk is not like the us and his appeal is primarily or mostly in the us.
No. 1154187
>>1154099>Amber has shown to be an abusive person, not only to her partners but to people she works with Never been alleged or documented, her ex partner said that the “abuse” was just a misunderstanding on authorities part.
>she uses makeup to create fake bruises Never been proven
>and every person you ask says that Depp would never hit a woman.Found guilty of 12 of 14 counts of abuse and also never denied things like putting cigarettes out on her or pushing her.
>Aso that foundation shit that Amber allegedly used to cover bruises up that wasn't invented until recently and not during their marriage. Proven to be false, the pallet was released editorially in 2016.
>The recordings occasionally have her address physical harm she may have suffered that were usually due to accidents, meanwhile she continues to allege that Johnny always runs away. UK court found that it wasn’t accidental, and no shit, he was stonewalling her. Look up-thread at the baiting and bashing image at least.
You have no idea what you’re talking about yet you speak so confidently. I wouldn’t even give you the benefit of calling you 80iq anon, it’s more like 50 or 60, clearly intellectually disabled.
No. 1154280
>>1154266kek that's an awful thing to say to someone under normal circumstances but no, saying an awful thing after years of being brutally physically attacked does not make the
victim suddenly just as bad as the abuser. learn to think critically instead of reacting emotionally to soundbites. also wasn't the context of the clip her threatening her sister or something, might be wrong though.
No. 1154315
>>1154301>>1154312t. women who can't get it through their head that women can actually be
toxic as fuck and ruin other people
sure, keep wking this cow im sure you feel better doing so anyway
No. 1154318
>>1154315Show me an instance where she did anything remotely as bad as joking about drowning your wife and putting cigarettes out on her.
>B-but she shit in his bed! He deserved worse. Luckily his career is dying!
No. 1154336
>>1154331Depp was barely an abuser, she literally has the same traits as momo except with added violence. My dad was abused by my fucked up mum growing up and he too became an alcoholic. Their case resonates to me too hard because I can tell how hard heard is coping. My mum did the same shit to my dad too when they were divorcing.
Toxic women are very fucking real and I hate all you cunts pretending like women can't initiate the downfall of another person.
No. 1154341
>>1154336no one cares about your family retard. and no one said that literally no women could be
abusive. your trauma is causing you to lash out at others, looks like someone must have bpd!
No. 1154347
>>1154336Your case is nothing new. I work in family law and all too often I see wives crying wolf at their husbands being
abusive and addicted to something and asking for ownership of their children, but when we look at their family history the children usually admit to being emotionally abused by their mothers, fathers staying quiet for years and the testimonies of the mothers friends always equating to just stroked egos. Amber heard is definitely in the wrong in this case and for us lawyers working in this field we find it very amusing watching a case such as this go so public when most people hate being in support of fathers and husbands.
No. 1154352
>>1154336He is a self-professed "monster" that really badly tried to explain that moniker away on the trial
>>1154187>he was stonewalling herReeee what he was doing is not stonewalling
I swear everyone in this thread would be a nightmare partner
No. 1154354
>>1154347> when most people hate being in support of fathers and husbands Lol. Lmao.
You’re not a lawyer you have a lukewarm IQ. Get out.
No. 1154380
>>1154375There aren't even children in this case. This about an Op-Ed written about the backlash Heard experienced after the restraining order was filed. It obviously implied JD was an
abusive af but this defamation charge is fucking absurd.
No. 1154402
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>>1154383Do you know where you are?
No. 1154406
>>1154336Unironically you sound like you have bpd. Family troubles, lashing out at people itt, splitting, thinking someone is either perfect or horrible based on your traumatic events. Kek.
>>1154347>for us lawyersThis isnt reddit, you can't roleplay as a profession while being completely clueless.
No. 1154413
>>1154389>male suicideOT but I love male suicide news. It just proves how fucking weak men are, kek. And they have the guts to blame women? Hilarious. They want to be treated like literal babies by all women around them and kill themselves when that doesn't work. Natural selection at best.
>>1154409You're fat and have manhands.
No. 1154441
>>1154438Ikr? Looks like a man with cheap rings. Also
>having small hands as a manTiny pp. Lmaooo
No. 1154486
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>>1154471Don't seethe too hard sweetie
No. 1154490
>>1154482Idiot zoomers can't have a conversation with someone who has an opposing opinion, they just try to ban or dogpile.
I don't blame them at all, I blame that all social media made them used to hugboxes and hiveminds and cancel culture.
No. 1154549
>>1154266>I can't understand this new wave of LC users who are literal legbeardsYou know how many oldfags found radical feminism when the PP, manhate and troon threads first became a thing? We grew up and don't think that having leg hair or being a lesbian is the worst thing ever. If anything, the Depp defenders seem to be the new ones. Imagine caping for a bloated pedo corpse.
>>1154336>Depp was barely an abuser>He put cigarettes out on her>Headbutted her>Pushed her around>Admitted to strangling her>Kicking her legs>Threatening to kill himself if she doesn't help him with everything>Put his hands on her friend ms Kelly Sue, for giving a friendly touch, then threw lesbophobic insults at both>Attacked ms Heard's sister>Disappears for days at a time to go on a coke binge, whenever she wants to talk about relationship problems>He had dinner and drinks with a therapist and convinced her to diagnose ms Heard with something he had been taunting her with for the entire relationship>Before they got married, he texted to his friend Paul Bettany that he wanted to murder and rape ms Heard's dead body>Depp refers regularly to himself as a "monster">Three mental health professionals said Depp is controlling, toxic and jealous. He tried to stop her from working, going to meetings, photoshoots, while at the same time accusing ms Heard of being a golddigger shrew.>Depp tried to isolate her from friends and family, not allowing them to visit the compound, often cancelling last minute>Depp leaked nudes and raped herYou call that barely an abuser? Ok.
>>1154347>and all too oftenKek it's actually quite rare, but keep dreaming.
>crying wolf at their husbands being abusive and addicted to something and asking for ownership of their childrenThat's not crying wolf. There's an epidemic of drug addicted scrotes who are unreliable and horrible fathers, to the point that CPS doesn't consider it enough of a reason to place children outside of the home anymore. Which is retarded, but doesn't mean they're crying wolf. It means that it's so common for scrotes to be unreliable drug addicted alcoholic good for nothing assholes, that we have accepted it as normal. It's not normal, it shouldn't be normal, it's unacceptable. I can count the situations where it actually is the way you describe it, on one hand.
No. 1154561
>>1154557>BulliesDo you know where you are?
Sorry you got called male and fattie after reeing about the poor opressed men who beat their gfs kek.
No. 1154650
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>>1154638This thread is about the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp Court Case, not you getting your feefees hurt, because nobody wants to sift through and respond to your posts all over again.
No. 1154654
>>1154651Ok. Your interpretation of their fights is brain dead. You claim she would prevent him from leaving which is just not true, and that she would drag fights on for hours, when in fact she is the one recorded to be asking for a time frame to discuss their issues. You also claim it’s not stonewalling when what he is doing is pretty textbook. You fail to acknowledge the fact that two psychologists confirmed that Johnny would start the fights and they would escalate from there, and instead hyper focus on what Amber did wrong and how her BPD behavior is sooooo horrible and
It’s pretty convenient to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is part of the hivemind, isn’t it? Why don’t you go back to Reddit where you can downvote those pesky Amberfags with the rest of your, clearly enlightened, kind?
No. 1154655
>>1154654I did not hyperfocus, I made one post to state my opinion on that.
It's not stonewalling if you've been arguing for 5 hours for fuck's sake who can stand that
No. 1154664
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Dumbos are seething at my iq and debby
No. 1154677
>>1154666>your just assuming that it’s normal behavior for herNo. I see maladapted behaviour, not normal behaviour of any kind.
>she needed to hearShe needed to leave him.
Nothing else would be good for her and I don't support anything but the best. No support for
toxic shit.
No. 1154696
>>1154692You don't have respect for anyone in these threads, because you expect everyone to respond to you AGAIN. If someone has a problem with being disagreed with, it's you.
>You claim to disagree without stating what you disagree with. I claim to think it's retarded to post a list of your posts, expecting everyone to respond to you again. You want to hear what I think? I already said enough and repeated myself enough.
No. 1154704
>>1154700I woke up and posted
>>1154549>>1154650 we weren't having a ~convershashun~
>>1154695>>1154697My feet are fine! kek I have intestinal issues.
No. 1154712
>>1154700You’re not really trying to have a conversation, you’re just accusing anons of being a hivemind because we empathize with Amber being a
victim of abuse while no one believes her, meanwhile you want to sit here and dwell on her
toxic behavior in particular when everywhere else in the world is doing that. It’s
triggering to see because it looks like
victim blaming, like you’re excusing his behavior and the lawsuit AGAINST her. Even if that’s not your intention, it’s why you’re being “dogpiled on” and disagreed with so frequently.
No. 1154744
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While you two and the npcs are infighting I’m going to rewatch the entire franchise until the 19th of may. And some more of his classics.
No. 1154757
>>1154754Pointing out how precedent works and that the outcome of this case will affect normal women isn't holding her up like some champion. Those are just the facts. The problem with people pointing out something negative about her, isn't that they're just doing that. They use it as a justification of what Depp has done and they think she should lose the case based on that or they think she lied based on that, because they want her to be the ideal
victim or else they will retract any support.
No. 1154801
>>1154796That was not me you tard. I’m not camping on end. I have a good life and my foot doesn’t hurt. It’s actually my hand that’s injured.
>>1154794Whatever npc
No. 1154805
>>1154803The second thingy was me trying to prove a point that she’s chronically butthurt, I’m not actually obsessed with her fecal matter.
Never did the last one either. My posts are brief, powerful and simple.
No. 1154819
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>>1154810I would never in my life ever defend an
abusive scrote your honor. Time will only tell to back up my statement. The 19th of may to be specific.
No. 1154831
>>1154823Go back to reddit and
>Common law is defined by legal precedents established in courts. It influences the decision-making process in situations where a parallel can be drawn to previous cases. Each court precedent is binding for future court cases, and many countries base their legal system on English common law. Common law isn’t a set of formal statutes. Instead, it’s based on court-established legal precedents. Verdicts by public juries and judicial authorities are institutionalized and serve as a foundation for any relevant future instances. It’s also referred to as case law, as it’s the law created by judges for decisions on individual cases or disputes. Legal precedent, also known as “stare decisis,” represents the history of judicial decisions which can be used in future cases. Common law refers to a detailed record of previous court cases, especially when no formal statute can be applied to a particular circumstance. It’s up to the presiding judge to resolve which precedents are relevant for a given case. The US judicial system consists of higher and lower courts. Any legal precedent set by the higher court is legally binding for any cases that go through lower courts. In this manner, universal legal rules are established across the US justice system. >When a common law judge presents a case to the jury, they determine what precedents apply to it, and make a decision based on that. It’s not surprising to see how, historically, common law tradition marginalized and deprived some communities: Biased and antiquated decisions shape future rulings until significant societal changes make the judicial body overturn the precedent. No. 1154839
>>1154838Yes, saying a domestic violence
victim is a
victim is very gay behaviour. Sure. Keep coping.
No. 1154840
>>1154839she is not a fucking
victim you idiot
No. 1154844
>>1154840Yes, she is. UK trial came in her favour and he's kicking and screaming. Her allegations were held to be true by the UK court. He's trying a different one out of spite to cost her money and try and fuck her reputation because druggy scrote is an
abusive piece of shit with nothing to lose.
No. 1154848
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>>1154840Just because she's not an ideal
victim, doesn't mean she's not a
No. 1154850
>>1154833It's the Reddit effect. Terrible website full of fake "woe is me" stories from men on top of incessant bots, tranny mods, rape porn, pedophiles running rampant, gay ops, etc. We wouldn't be seeing this much "Men suffer too!!" today if that website had been shut down years ago. With the whole "soyboy", "heckin wholesome" and "dadbod" and Nintendo Switch culture, men in general have this image of a second childhood going on in some parts of the the USA and Europe (which is also why they're now calling Johnny Depp a "little boy")
Toxic masculinity now has a soft, pudgy manlet of a brother. His MO is to abuse you, then call himself the
victim because he wouldn't hurt a heckin fly and he's actually non-binary. The discourse we're seeing now wouldn't be anywhere near this common if Schmorky clones were not a newly accepted archetype of man
No. 1154852
>>1154841Yeah, no. He's believed the vast majority of the time even if he's the abuser, the Depp case is major proof of that since so many people literally supported him without doing a tad bit of research for themselves. People may question why a much bigger man is being physically abused by a much smaller woman but this doesn't erase the fact male "abuse
victims" are overall supported and less likely to be questioned
>But but people I know irlAnd? Almost all the people I know irl would happily coddle a man claiming to be physically abused and never questioned it, in fact I knew a guy who claimed his gf physically abused him and no one cared to play mind games, ask for evidence, make him jump through hoops to explain the situation, it was all "aww poor baby, men can get abused too uwu"
No. 1154859
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>>1154851>group of people yelling "BOOO" at her>camera zooms out>these are the the people at the front, calling her "Amber Turd", saying "Ready?" as they get ready to boo more, etcWhy is it like this every time? Even in this thread, kek
No. 1154870
>>1154865They're literally retarded thinking believing unhinged moid Depp is
abusive is solely a gay or even feminist thing. It's something women empathise with and a huge societal issue.
No. 1154883
>>1154873This seems to be the case. I knew a guy who was horribly
abusive to his beautiful gf and when talking about it all he would say is "idk she looks like the type of girl that would've rejected me and made fun of me in high school". She was literally bullied in high school ffs she was just pretty. They're spiteful towards beautiful women who have the typical "Stacy" look for no apparent reason other than being presumptuous. In fact the vast majority of people against her haven't seen a single clip other than what's posted on Facebook, I know this because anytime I mention other parts of the case to Depp fans they all look confused and ask for a source - like just watch the actual fucking case kek
No. 1154892
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>>1154888Damn, alright
>>1154890Oh, I thought it was 8 am.
No. 1154903
>>1154894what's your point? people seethe when hot girls do literally anything else than sit down and shut up, of course a Amber not just shutting up, taking his abuse, and just paying him off like nothing is going to make people rage
>Doesn’t mean all his supporters are fat and ugly.they are though kek
No. 1154909
>>1154903Low iq = good looks
She started it with the slandering.
No. 1154924
>>1154909Please stop making your retardation your personality. Other anon is right, ugly people are more likely to be unattractive and legal retards are more likely to have small deformities which really lower their attractiveness.
>>1154905Ugly and fat women are pickmes because that's how they think they'll get attention. When a beautiful woman does so without effort, they become very jealous. I've had fat pickmes try to "steal men" from me time and time again and when they fail, they'll always cry about how men are shallow for not choosing them.
No. 1154945
>>1154937>Muh boolyingToo dumb for image boards. You’re reeing anons are all evil lesbians for not siding with a moid who’s most likely
abusive, and was considered
abusive by the UK court case to the extent her words weren’t considered slander. Keep coping everyone who understands this is just a big meanie kek.
No. 1154952
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>>1154924>>1154913You're both correct, but it makes me uncomfortable to attack other women's looks, even if she is legally retarded and obsessed with fecal matter. She already has enough to cope with.
>>1154927This all started because
>>1154597 wanted more attention
No. 1154961
>>1153998I weep for a millionaire's "financial troubles", ah! Totally a reason to withold promised money from charity and lie about it.
You guys keep saying there's no perfect
victim, then trying to paint her as perfect. She's trash that didn't deserve to be abused because nobody deserves that.
No. 1154962
>>1154961She's not perfect, she's a
victim. She's also an icon for daring to out a man who's been abusing and sleeping with barely legal women or minors for years, abusing the said women, harassing people at sets, etc.
She didn't donate to a charity, so what? Does that mean she deserved to be kicked, cigarette burnt, abused, etc? To have her career ruined because an old man is jealous of her?
Depp called her fat and ugly. Imagine what he'd call an overweight old woman like you. Stop standing up for men who would mock you. The things he'd call you are way worse than anons here do.
No. 1154974
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Very epic that this is just going to happen, abusive men get away with everything.
No. 1154989
>>1154974>>1154981Depressing and disgusting.
He's definitely been emboldened by JD.
Dangerous precedent as now every
abusive moid on earth will cite these two every time a woman dares to come forward.
No. 1154990
>>1154984I think it has a very good chance of swaying the jury's opinion.
I mention the abuse throughout my post, fix your glasses.
No. 1155000
>>1154997No I don't agree with her at all.
Though she's far less unhinged to talk to here than most. Remember, Nick Bate had an IQ of 129.
No. 1155033
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No. 1155042
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>>1155038always the same: middle aged white pickme (usually with a name+numbers username) who made it her mission to protect uwu men from this evil world
No. 1155051
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it's the same as with tranny issues, it's mostly black women who don't cater to these creepy old moids
No. 1155052
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i want to believe this too
No. 1155068
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>>1155052it’s wild that I have seen female mutuals unknowingly share posts from blatant misogynists/MGTOW, just because they’re supporting Depp. These are the same women who will claim to be feminists, ugh it’s so annoying.
No. 1155105
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Just another flabby fat woman
No. 1155143
>>1155130stop racebaiting
>>1155137in the fujo-cringe thread
No. 1155147
>>1155137She posted her hand, deleted her after she got called fat, had people tell her her rings looked cheap and her hand was so much like a man's no one trusted her. She has been sitting in up the thread before crying about how men have it harder.
She also told people to send body pictures if they're supermodels and when told people already had those in kibbe thread, she said everyone sitewide was fat and the kibbe pictures were fake.
It was a ride. Sage for sperging.
>>1155143I'm not racebaiting idiot. It's also not in the fujo cringe, it was here.
No. 1155172
>>1155121Manson sued before the depp trial started. That article linked is old.
Tinfoil: Amber has her own social media team which started the conversation about this online at this specific moment, despite the filing happening earlier
Give people time to mull over it while in a break. They were already primed to think of the connection by Amber's lawyer's questions.
I've noticed this "priming" with the Depp team too. A day or two before the shrink went to testify, some accounts posted pics comparing Amber's clothes to Depp's. The first reactions were wtf you're silly. But when the doctor went on stand and talked about "mimickimg", many viewers had an "a-ha!" moment and the doctors statements just clicked in place, as they were primed the day before. It was quickly embraced thanks to that strategy. (I think it's total bullshit)
Anyway, the PR war on social media is wild
No. 1155177
>>1155172Afaik the jury is not allowed to look up anything related to the case while the trial is happening. Is that rule enforced in any way?
Just wondering what kind of influence the public opinion has on the verdict
No. 1155191
>>1155182Yeah idk how they would enforce that rule without confiscating the jury's phones and computers.
I do think the ultimate goal of this lawsuit isn't to win it though, it's to destroy Amber's reputation. So either way Depp wins and it sucks
No. 1155206
>>1155189She's a domestic violence
victim being publicly humiliated and a new mother. Of course her face is bloated she's probably crying a lot. Bloatedness is a temporary state
No. 1155209
>>1155051They would actually make a cute couple though, but I think ERW isn't Amber's type. She seems to like brunettes who are older than her.
>>1155094Interesting, again back and forth as to whether you should believe or support an abuse
>>1155172I believe you're right about this.
>>1155191Maybe Depp wins in the eyes of manosphere scrotes and normies, but he has lost his career. I think people aren't taking into account what this looks like to reputation risk experts, insurance companies, actual professionals and not people who shitpost online or go boo outside of court. He cut off his nose to spite his face, or I guess his middle finger kek. Nobody will ever want to work with him again, even his former manager was shitting on him, never mind the admitting to lying on insurance forms. Amber could still work as a model, still has movies planned, maybe the countersuit will go somewhere. Sure she won't have a fanbase, but she never really had one in the first place afaik and the people who were fans prior aren't going to abandon her over this.
>>1155198>If you are selected as a juror in this case, you cannot discuss the case with your fellow jurors before you are permitted to do so at the conclusion of the trial, or with anyone else until after a decision has been reached by the jury. Therefore, you cannot talk about the case or otherwise have any communications about the case with anyone, including your fellow jurors, until I tell you that such discussions may take place. Thus, in addition to not having face-to-face discussions with your fellow jurors or anyone else, you cannot communicate with anyone about the case in any way, whether in writing, or through email, text messaging, blogs, or comments, or on social media websites and apps (like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Snapchat). [OPTIONAL: If you feel that you cannot do this, then you cannot let yourself become a member of the jury in this case. Is there anyone who will not be able to comply with this restriction?]You can read the full Proposed Model Jury Instructions The Use of Electronic Technology to Learn or Communicate about a Case online.
No. 1155263
>>1155254His career is over but pickmes still keep re-watching them time and time like autists. Kek.
>>1155245Info on why the movie is pickme? I didn't watch any of his films aside from the drunkard pirate one.
No. 1155286
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"[DiCaprio] was always talking about these videos games, you know? I told you it was kind of a dark period," he added. "'No, I will not give you a drag of my cigarette while you hide from your mother again, Leo.'" No. 1155319
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It’s so jarring to see pictures of them together. She is so out of his league it’s funny.
No. 1155333
>>1155263OT but the women in this movie are presented as absolute messes and trainwrecks while Depp's character always has the sympathetic angle no matter what bullshit he does.
Depp's character (Gilbert) is trapped in a small town with his family; two sisters, his bedridden obese mother, and his retarded brother played by DiCaprio (Arnie). His father committed sudoku and that's why his depressed mother is eating herself to death. But Gilbert has nothing but resentment for his mother because it means he has to work as an underemployed grocery store clerk to be the breadwinner–poor overworked male character! There's also some proto-masculine shit about him being tasked to fix the house since daddy is dead, but really the place is a dump and he didn't fix anything which is partly why
he torches it in the end. Meanwhile his sisters are the ones left to babysit Arnie, homemake, and take care of their mom. By sisters I mean the eldest sister, cause of course the oldest women are tasked as primary caretakers and cooks. Meanwhile the younger sister is framed as a spoiled and bratty teen for having the same angst as Gilbert does for being stuck in a small town with her needy uncool family. We're just supposed to hate her. He's resentful of his entire family but especially his mom who he treats like a sideshow freak, he even helps the neighborhood kids gawk at her through their home windows while his own friend notes how fucked that is.
He hates his brother Arnie because he's a retard and is difficult to watch. We're supposed to feel more upset for Gilbert for doing something his sisters also have to do because he's the main character and is a male. Well anyways, among the many fucked things Gilbert does to Arnie (re: assaulting him, leaving him in a cold bathtub while chasing pussy, barely pitching in to help plan Arnie's bday party) he never watches him properly so his brother gets into hijinks whenever Gilbert goes into town. Like climbing the water tower and causing a scene with the law. Why is Gilbert going into town? To fuck a desperate married housewife with two kids while her husband is at work. So while he's cucking some dude as he leaves Arnie in the truck, and the narrative will have you believe the woman is manipulating Gilbert into doing this, that rascal Arnie goes off to climb the tower again! Good thing Arnie didn't jump in front of a car or fall down the tower ladder or this would be a different story.
Poor widdle Gilbert!
Then a literal Becky shows up in town because her grandma's camper broke. Becky immediately blows pickme smoke up Gilbert's ass as they start to form a romance and thinks he's such a great bro to Arnie. Cause you know, well-traveled women just love bitter bumpkin hicks with poor family. This causes the desperate housewife character to get jealous and pull pickme moves in a struggle to get Gilbert to play hide the pickle with her again. It's embarassing.
momma dies but before that she calls Gilbert her "knight in shimmering armor,"…no I can't make this shit up. Gilbert
lights the whole house and body on fire to preserve their family's "dignity" when really it's just a plot convenience to tie up the loose ends. Maybe to justify a year later skip of Gilbert getting to jump town with Becky and the camper. What happens to the sisters? Dunno. I guess pickme Becky and her gma are cool with Gilbert tagging along with Arnie I suppose. That's how the movie ends. Who knows if the law ever cared why this man torched the house with his mother's body in it and how that ended for them, maybe he blamed the sisters and that's why we don't see them a year later kek.
No. 1155361
>>1155286he was fucking 30 in that movie, let that sink in. yet he's allowed to act like a total douche to a teen boy.
meanwhile 25yo amber is of course totally mature enough to manipulate and abuse his 50yo ass…
leo is gross for his dating life but at least he could actually act when he was young.
when i was 13 i loved depp and my mother always asked why, he literally always plays the same type of character? now i get it too mom…
No. 1155378
>>1155333Do fat deppwhores put themselves in the role of his
abusive obese mother?
No. 1155381
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>>1155378Yeah they do apparently kek.
Her actress Darlene Cates died in 2017 and she was also a standout from the film. I feel sad for her because she was actually that fat irl playing a tragic character.
No. 1155392
>>1154962Alright, done with this thread. A shame that it's overrun with unhinged bitches calling everyone fat and old and biting everyone's heads off instead of talking about the case.
Good luck to the normal people itt, get out while you can
No. 1155398
>>1155381Fat women in cinema never get proper roles, it's sad.
>>1155392If Mr. Debt called a model like woman fat and ugly, imagine how he'd react to seeing his fans. Try as you might, you can't change the fact he's a wannabe redpiller and you know how they act towards women who aren't barely legal and skinny as fuck.
No. 1155406
>>1155351I don't remember her hitting him, did she actually hit him or was she just trying to manhandle him into compliance? Arnie is a retard in an 18 year old's body and put up a fight against the smaller sister.
But absolutely we're supposed to hate her even worse for not being a doting woman martyr putting up with the spud's bullshit.
No. 1155422
>>1149890Since there's a lul until Monday, I can answer my own question from days ago. I looked up and it seems like she's going to testify about it when she's on stand:
>"Amber did suffer sexual violence at the hands of Depp," Rottenborn claimed. "You will hear in the most graphic and horrifying terms about the violence that she suffered. You'll hear that straight from her. She will get on the stand and she will tell you that it happened."The last trial it was kept confidential.
I have a chilling thought - how many deranged coomers are going to fap to that
No. 1155429
>>1155422In my country they try to avoid having SA and rape
victims testify in person, usually everything is done written. In general I worry about whether she can handle it and yeah scrotes fapping to it is definitely a risk. But I understand it's different when everything hinges on a jury, they're more likely to take it seriously probably? Idk, will read some studies.
No. 1155432
>>1155422I wish it wouldn't be televised. I know many MRA will jerk off to her abuse. Disgusting.
>>1155423Makes sense, thank you for the info. Btw are you the regina girl from discord? I think she had an autistic husband as well iirc.
No. 1155433
>>1155422Why the fuck is this televised? Court TV is so fucking weird to me. I can't even imagine going on live tv and talking about some of the worst traumatic shit i've ver gone through.
The question wasn't resolved earler : anyone know if Depp asked for the trial to be televised or is it something that automatically happens?
No. 1155434
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Amber got all the ugly incels and pickmes angry.
No. 1155439
>>1155436Don't reply to that anon. I'm suspecting it's the fat deppwhore who seethed because people mocked her weight. She also told everyone to send pictures of their body because she wad convinced everyone was obese and thought kibbe thread was fake because she doesn't think average weight women exist.
They'll freely mock lesbians or even women who are
victims of abuse but their obesity being brought up will make them rage so hard it's unreal.
No. 1155449
>>1155397Don't listen to the bookfag's reply, this is about what happens in the movie.
The cops show up and tell the kids that they'll have to come back with more personnel in order to remove her body from the house.
The kids all sit in a circle lamenting about the "crowd" that will show up, cause word would have leaked back at the police station that the fat lady croaked, and they had been made a mockery earlier in the movie when she had to waddle to the station to bail Arnie out of jail from a water tower incident.
They did it to preserve their dignity.
It just only makes sense in movie logic because they totally would have been arrested and investigated for arson and desecrating a body irl. Still mad that we don't get to find out what becomes of the sisters from the movie, just that Arnie and Gilbert get their freedums because they destroyed the house with their mom in it and abandoned whatever the fuck is meant to have become of their sisters. Oh and their mother's freedom of her personal entrapment is death and a gasoline cremation kek. What a lovely story!
No. 1155460
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>>1155189Found the corpse
No. 1155477
>>1155466Hate her and other celebs like her for normalizing surrogacy. Treating less fortunate than themselves like cattle. She's also been a bitch to nearly every worker that worked for her. Our humanity is shown in how we treat those lesser than us. She's lacking in that department.
>>1155473Yes I'm going to keep calling you out, deal with it or shut up
No. 1155488
>>1155485>annoying as hellI'm not here to please you
I'm having a conversation while you're hurling childish insults
No. 1155492
>>1155488If Johnny Depp saw you, he would insult you. He would probably call you a fat piece of shit waste of space ugly flabby butterball whale landslide hambeast. He isn’t a smol bean. He’s a 58 year old lecher who only dates women who are in their early 20s. And he calls
them fat. You are ridiculous he not only doesn’t know you exist but if he did he would hate you
No. 1155498
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>>1155459did i hit a nerve, all Johnny depp defenders ive seen are fat uglies who look like spoiled milk that sat out in the sun too long. Now go back to your incel maxing forum.
I understand you have no life and therefore keep ban evading but this place is for women, faggot
No. 1155600
>>1154889I’ve never seen a male abuser (confirmed, the
victim didn’t fight back) treated this way. I’ve seen male celebrities get accused of abuse and rape no one out there is booing them except online and it all get spammed by support for the abuser anyway. Clown world
No. 1155638
>>1155600Because they think it's normal for men to abuse women (and actually, the woman is in the wrong for speaking out because it means she just wants a check or to "cancel" him). The moment men get some shit back, they jump up and make a fuss because the whole world is against poor little moids.
I'm pretty sure one of the Depp defenders in the last thread was arguing that it's "normal" to live in a home with the man constantly fighting/domestic abuse and anyone who takes issue with it is "too sheltered". That's probably how a large chunk of pick-mes and incels think, it's fucked
No. 1155871
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Manosphere and handmaidens are sharing this as evidence of extortion. I guess they have never understood that the wealthier partner tends to have to pay the partner with less money, even a prenup isn't necessarily going to save you from that. There's nothing weird in there, even when regular people divorce you can't just kick your former partner out of your home, never mind in the case you have multiple homes and don't even necessarily have to live together. Asking to be able to use one of the many cars they had together, not weird either. Depp's networth is 150 mil, Amber's is 8 mil, he can miss a little more than she can, this is normal with divorce, never mind when he actually physically and emotionally damaged her. Handmaidens and pickmes keep screeching about how Amber is a rich bitch anyway and doesn't deserve our support, but do people understand the sheer gap between 8mil and 150mil? Baiters keep bringing up JK, but she's literally a billionaire. She might be based on the troon issue, but she also bought Depp's yacht (helping him out of financial trouble) and defended him, considered it a privilege to work with him. Meanwhile there's selective outrage towards Amber for being wealthy with her relatively measly 8mil, saying she deserves to get abused over it. Where are all the comments saying Depp deserves to get abused for having a 150-200mil networth? 125k is nothing to him.
No. 1156106
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No. 1156132
>>1155943Yep. He happily takes the "psychologist" out on a date, surely someone who is heavily controlled and abused wouldn't do that? Attempting to sue her for defamation is a whole other ball park too kek. Most DV
victims are terrified to report to the police yet he has no issue making everything public, he knew he was going to be coddled for being a man
No. 1156277
>>1156257Even without edited videos this is more of a spectacle than a trial. Even the judge was like "smh, this shit" at some point.
Murricans. I can't respect this trial as much as the UK one.
No. 1156289
>>1156143I'm one of the ana-chans who have been calling pickmes fat. I don't care if a normal woman is fat but pickmes are always ugliest fattest insecure women who are willing to put women into danger, like how they're doing go Amber now, just to appeal to men. When pointing out out their weight, pickme gets
triggered because deep inside she knows the only reason she's caping for men is that's the only way men will put aside her unattractiveness so she won't be invisible to them, the only thing she will have above the average woman who she always perceives as competition, although it never quite works. None of those women end up happy because the crowd they validate is the same MRA who hate women that aren't gorgeous, thin and most likely young enough it's creepy.
As I said, I have no issues with average or overweight women as long as that weight doesn't cause them the urge to attack other women for men's attention. That's the reason why no one is attacking the woman retard-chan wants us to mock, she's not like the pickmes who are setting women back just to they can have some male attention.
No. 1156302
>>1156289>>1156297Oh you two…
Go take laxatives together, thats something you'll both like. I see a start of a great friendship.
No. 1156334
>>1156313You're right, anon.
Reminder not to reply to scrote posts or attention hungry baiting spergs, best way is to ignore them until they learn how to properly talk about their points and calmly discuss why they think the other side is in the wrong instead of calling them dykes/radfems/etc.
No. 1156361
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To play devil's advocate, this woman is one of most psychotic and active depp truthers and borderline stalker (more recently expanded into Manson and even got called by the LAPD officer investigating the case for her autism) online and she's neither fat or ugly but clearly a deeply mentally unwell pickme, unemployed/minimally employed from bumblefuck texas dating a boring moid that she clearly wishes was Depp. I watch her videos on and off for milk but sometimes it's just depressing ands bleak. She also streams with some random male escort from LA that is clearly mentally ill as well with low functioning narcissism, which is exactly who I imagine a texan housewife would be friends online with, and random people who liked met JD once or fucked Manson once ten years ago on the back of his tour bus
I've thought for a long time that she could honestly have her own thread here but I doubt there would be enough interest
No. 1156395
>>1156361I haven't watched her depp/heard vids but I was scrolling by and recognised her. I watched a vid of this woman discussing depression a couple months back and she was saying some dangerous shit that no similarly depressed person should ever be stumbling across on YouTube.
I thought about reporting it as it sounded like she was outright encouraging people to end it. I didn't because I don't know rules around that shit on YouTube but she's clearly unwell. It was her basically baiting vulnerable people. I don't think she's unaware of what she was doing either. Pretty fucked content. Wouldn't want someone to stumble onto that shit on a rough day.
No. 1156452
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Looks like Johnny's rapist/
abusive friends are getting inspired by him.
"Marilyn Manson is now suing Evan Rachel Wood for defamation over her claims of abuse. The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard case has bigger implications for
victims coming forward than people realize. And keep in mind Depp and Manson are close friends." No. 1156480
>>1150548based take.
If you are not on Herd's side it is either
>Jonny won't fuck youor
>you are a fat pickmeScrote behaviour.
No. 1156483
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>>1156474It's probably projection, because he struggles with his own body image. He went from spoopy to fat, 260 lbs and counting. He hasn't been healthy for a while.
>His general lack of self-care has been an issue for years now, but lately it’s gone into overdrive,” an insider dishes. “Johnny’s pigging out on all the wrong foods and drowning his sorrows in booze while smoking like a chimney and doing hardly any exercise.” No. 1156519
>>1156488Lol so? I literally check this board once a week and was catching up with the autism itt. What a weak reach, try again.
>>1156485I have been keeping the past 4 days of the trial on in the background non-stop. I am not on her side because she did not even get to present her case yet. I don't give a fuck about Depp, never have, I am not a parasocial andy. I was hoping to have fun discussing the case becasue so far it is full of luls but I see all 99% of the people itt are doing are just reeeing at each other non-stop because their opinions are already made. What a waste.
No. 1156544
>>1156483I believe all his exes when they say he wasn't violent. I think Amber is the first woman he felt insecure around and he couldn't stand that. He was aware he became a wasted old fart and that she was way out of his league, and was not used to that power dynamic.
Caveat: this is all tinfoil and I am not a psychologist
No. 1156554
>>1156537Exactly. It’s seems like just a few anons who like to come to this thread and bait and complain about Amber defenders but they just make themselves look retarded because they can never give a good reason to support the
abusive druggy with no personality.
No. 1156572
>>1156559Paradis is in a weird situation in regards to this. Like, he's the father of her children. Regardless if she is dependant on him financially (I don't think she is, she's a big star in France. but what do i know), obviously she's gonna think twice before talking shit publicly about him. She probably wants her children to have a good relationship with him.
Also French men are misogynists so if she's used to them, she probably thinks a degree of abuse is normal in a relationship
No. 1156625
>>1156615>Aren't abusers supposed to go after And
victims are supposed to be helpless, while they both had so many options.
So many people identify with either side, when they're both millionaires and celebs which are totally out of touch and live in a different reality. They'd all be singing "Imagine" during the lockdowns.
Thruth is neither is representative of men and women in general. But they will use your empathy to sway your opinion.
No. 1156955
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>>1156907>>1156878I have good news for you anons, let me introduce you to the handy dandy ‘hide thread’ feature. BTW, for the future, posts like these go in meta, not here, newfren! Now fuck off.
>>1156886In the testimony he also admitted to getting psychical with her and he had no proof of his claims, but yet you find it meaningful to post about despite Amber having a minimum of 12 proven cases of abuse.
No. 1157259
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>>1156625>And victims are supposed to be helplessOnly if you're retarded and know nothing about victimology.
>>1156891Yeah like how every other abuser claims it was an accident.
No. 1157371
>>1156615You've pretty much summed up my take on the situation, although I disagree with the idea that abusers "pick" particularly vulnerable people. While there exist plenty of actively malicious abusers who do that, I think abuse in a romantic relationship develops as the abuser slowly becomes aware of and exploits/exacerbates the power imbalance in the relationship.
If you were to create some kind of personality profile for common
victims of romantic DV, I think it would basically boil down to 1) attraction to the "dark triad" and 2) at a vulnerable point in their lives. Neither of those necessarily require that the person be "helpless."
As for this case specifically, I think the burden of proof falls on Depp for a variety of reasons. When they first met, the power imbalance was tilted pretty heavily in his favor; it would take a lot of work for Amber to manipulate him into a position of vulnerability to her. Depp also had a history of unstable behavior and substance abuse long before meeting Amber. More often than not, abusers foster a dynamic that requires some level of obedience on the part of the abused; this typically involves leveraging more conventional forms of power over the
victim, like blackmail or financial dependence. Amber just didn't have anything to leverage, aside from sharing Depp's dirty laundry with the press.
Like you said, Depp probably entered this relationship thinking that this girl would be docile and subservient, but was shocked to find that wasn't the case. He's chimping over ""libel"" right now because he probably thought Amber would be too intimidated by him to go to the press or take him to court and was once again proven wrong. By no means am I saying that Amber is a perfect
victim or even a good person, but Depp had bad intentions from the outset (as old men who marry college-age girls always do) and it backfired on him.
No. 1157382
>>1157370I agree anon. Though I think that's one of the obvious moids I mentioned in
>>1157302 and it'd be the best to report and ignore them.
>>1157369Ok and why? Because seeing a male abuser get blamed instead of coddled makes you seethe? There literally was a moid one hour or so ago posting pictures of abused women, can't you see that there are a lot of men who want to hurt women? Us speaking up about and discussing why we think Amber is the
victim isn't even half as bad as what an average man thinks about this situation. They're cheering Depp on because if he wins, men will be able to sue women for speaking up about their abuse, men always care more about their pride and they literally think their pride matters more than a woman's psyche getting destroyed from their abuse.
If you still think the same way and believe this thread is useless, please hide the thread and go on with your day.
No. 1157397
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Everytime a deppford wife seethes I support Amber a little bit more. I didn't even like her before this but now I hope she wins and somehow has a great career afterwards. The fact she has Disney and Warner Bros on her witness list and Depp doesn't speaks VOLUMES. This whole situation is moids response to #metoo. They know now they need to pick their victims better. Amber makes a lot of dumpy older women angry because she's pretty and half Depp's fanbase are Nightmare Before Christmas hot topic obese types that think they're kindred spirits with old 4-fingers because they're "totally kooky" too. Let's not forget Amber told the Judge behind closed doors in the UK trial Depp raped her, but apparently only "believe all victims" until you're jelly of them. Can't wait for the think pieces in 10 years about how wrong everyone was about this shit.
No. 1157424
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>>1157397I wasn't even really invested at first. I just dismissed it as a lolsuit and celebrity drama, wasn't even really keeping up with the UK trial at the time, until manosphere scrotes made it into a women vs men debate and handmaidens started to spout retarded takes that Amber is harming women by speaking out against abuse.
>Deppford wifeKek, sharing picrel from livejournal
No. 1157478
>>1157397Based. They're literally acting like #metoo and women running away from their abusers is the most evil thing ever but still pretend they're the poor
victims of golddigging women. Can't even have a proper narrative.
No. 1157501
>>1157497Sorry about your situation but I personally would be far too head strong and possibly why I'm single Kek and would have to snap back. Bring up Depp cutting his own finger to intimidate Amber and write the names of people he thought she had affairs with. They he threatened to kill and then rape her. That he broke her nose. That even if she was
abusive if he's been
abusive it means she wasn't lying when she said she suffered from domestic abuse. Tell your husband to grow the fuck up
No. 1157509
>>1157501He raises his voice and blames me for not understanding his perspective.
I’ve been living with these meltdowns for 3 years. If it’s not Johnny it’s something else he gets to rant about. I’m studying to be more self sufficient and it was just a rant. I don’t have any other outlet because all of my friends are handmaidens
No. 1157522
>>1157497I'm sorry to hear that, anon. I'm also a woman from a third world country and I've seen men from wealthy countries purposefully marry women like me just because they think we'll put up with everything they do.
I think best thing is you can do is to ignore him and try to change the topic. If he talks about how Depp was abused, I'd say
>God you're right! Poor dude. I hate weak men who play victim like women do, luckily you're not one to cry victim and act like a weak faggot like some "men" do, if you still consider them men. Don't you hate weak men too? I heard Johnny also has a doll collection and dressed up as a woman time to time, disgusting.Say stuff like this that are shallow but he'd agree with. Men think getting perceived as weak, a faggot or dressing up as a woman is worse than abusing a woman. Play into his game.
No. 1157578
>>1157577I don't understand you people
Nobody's twisting your arm to read it
No. 1157601
>>1157577Why do you hate anons discussing events like covid, Russo-ukranian war, etc? I see a lot of posters complain about such threads and I don't want get it? Is it because it's
triggering or something?
No. 1157607
>>1157497Not judging you
nonnie, I hope you manage to get out of your relationship, and move on with your life. Xx
No. 1157737
>>1157720I don’t think
nonny’s husband wants a fat autistic woman.
No. 1157749
>>1157737Fucking kek.
>>1157742>mind your own businessSo it's true? You're fat ugly autistic and still try to steal women's husbands? Lmaoo
No. 1157758
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>>1157720Team Johnny Depp
No. 1157765
>>1157760A woman's complaining about her husband treating her terribly, stonewalling her, talking to his exes, spending hours watching celeb gossip about his husbando like a fag just to scream to his wife about him… And mrs obesity is acting like he's a whole ass prize to won over.
That's also why they're competing with Amber too I guess. They seem to think they can "steal" men away.
No. 1157774
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I will be the one to destroy Amber Turd, once and for all.(delusional moid)
No. 1157801
>>1157767The women defending Depp just to hurt Amber are the same mentally ill women who would knowingly sleep with married men just to feel like they're better than his wife. That's why they empathized with Curry so much. They could definitely see themselves in wine and dining a married guy to try and sleep with him.
Reminder not to reply to male posters, btw.