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No. 1144826
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No. 1144883
>>1144873>both badYeah but Johnny cut his finger, sent text messages about how he wanted to murder and rape amber. What did amber do? He also did hit her so those aren't fake afaik. I don't get why some women are deadset on pretending like both sides are bad in
abusive relationships when mysteriously women die and get raped at least one hundred times more.
No. 1144886
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This made me giggle. I can hear the males seething in the comments, but I don't have the energy to read.
No. 1144904
>>1144886>old, fat man Kek.
Also I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to believe that both people in a relationship can be
abusive to each other.
No. 1144920
>>1144904this trial isn't about whether she was
abusive to him or not. it's about whether her article that claimed he abused her was damaging to his career.
No. 1144952
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No. 1144973
>>1144937>pls spoonfeed me Anon, just look at any tags on Twitter about this case and it’s obvious that it’s full of people (mostly scrotes and pickmes) who can’t even fathom that Depp might’ve had
abusive tendencies.
No. 1144996
>>1144934> Depp has a history of calling women c*nts (like his ex-wife Vanessa Paradis)Huh. Did not know that.
Anyway, I recall her saying once that he wasn’t
abusive in their relationship but she was probably strictly talking about physical abuse.
No. 1144997
>>1144978>>1144988I feel like it's not highlighted enough that it doesn't even matter whether you like Heard or who you think is an abuser, but that this trial can have impact on future cases where scrotes sue women they abused for daring to speak out. Or how this bullshit could discourage women from speaking out in the future, since it's obvious that people would rather sympathize with a scrote and come up with outlandish bs about the woman. Those recordings are more than enough without people coming up with nonsense like her having shit in his bed. In general it's a common tactic of
abusive scrotes to first make a woman completely crazy by abusing her and then recording her when she finally breaks.
No. 1145007
>>1144979Adults do it to in
abusive situations though. I think one of the most important things for people to instill in their heads is that a woman's mental health is almost always a direct reflection of how the man treats her in a relationship, if a woman is acting crazy then chances are the man is being extremely emotionally and possibly physically
abusive No. 1145012
>>1145002They're at least trying to cause a rebound, it makes sense. Depp is friends with Marilyn Manson, who was heavily implicated with the #metoo stuff. Though he's going about it in a very stupid way through all the defamation lawsuits, because all she needs to do is prove she's telling the truth. Which is quite easy when he's complaining about stuff like "she called me fat your honour" kek. Some quotes about the last case in London
>Hanna Basha, a partner at Payne Hicks Beach, illuminates the potential rationale of Team Depp in bringing the claim initially. “It is incredibly rare these days for celebrity defamation claims to end up in a trial, most being settled long before they get to the doors of court,” she says, adding that “it is as rare for a celebrity to lose because the publisher has been able to prove the truth of what it published, rather than relying on a more technical defence”.>Caroline Kean, a partner at Wiggin, was even more convinced that this week’s ruling could end the assumption that England is a soft touch for libel claimants. “This is a heartening and just decision,” she said, “which serves as a reminder that British libel laws are not there to curtail free speech and the media is right to publish on stories of global interest.”>Heffer agreed, saying that the High Court ruling “will be seen as a victory for media freedom by the press, who will always argue that our libel laws have a chilling effect on reporting”. He added that the case was “a good old-fashioned libel trial of the likes rarely seen in recent years, though much more common in the last century”. >One reputation management spin doctor, Alex Felton of the PHA Group, sounded a warning to claimant lawyers. “It would have been far better for Depp to deal with this behind closed doors, rather than having the entire case picked apart in the courts and the public eye,” he said. As Depp and his lawyers contemplated the US case, Melville-Brown invoked the maxim that “the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and again, expecting different results”. No. 1145014
>>1144997>this trial will impact future cases and women won't come forwardThis. This is what pickmes don't understand, that's why men support depp and want him to win, it'll create a loophole and allow moids to abuse and toss women, then the
victim will get punished because of the moids actions.
No. 1145020
>>1145008She got hit, a scrote cut his finger and painted stuff about her in the mirror, the same scrote sent sms deatiling how he wanted to drown, burn and rape her. These are all the proven stuff, how are they lies?
>>1145013I'm 21,retard. Old enough to know a woman won't use loli pics or literally do dick ocmeptit) competition.
No. 1145022
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No. 1145037
>>1145014Pretty much, notice how not a single soul has been talking about Depp smearing blood on the walls, rape and murder threats, etc but no it's all about amber hitting him. It's unbelievable how many hoops women need to jump through in order to prove they were abused but men can literally be the abuser, half ass stage "evidence" and then claim it was actually the much younger and smaller woman that was abusing him and boom he gets all the sympathy in the world and no one cares about his mistakes or actions. Also if you're a woman and you're not a "perfect"
victim you're immediately questioned, doubted and people will use your mistakes against you
No. 1145039
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>>1145020The only things they can come up with are "my bruise when I walked into a pole looked different" and the Milani pallet thing, which another anon has already cleared up. If she truly lied that much, it would've already come up during the London trial. Imagine having so many people testify for you, hiding texts and other evidence and still losing this fucking hard in a defamation case, as a scrote in a misogynistic legal system. Why would it be different this time? Pickmes and MRAs are reaching.
No. 1145043
>>1145031I'm not the anon who posted the anime picture
>>1145035Plenty of pickmes openly post on 4chin using the same misogynistic speech and anime reaction images
No. 1145046
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>>1144966scarier than a man writing on the walls with his own blood? destroying property and hotel rooms everywhere you go? headbutting you? kicking you on a fucking airplane? you expect women to be meek and when we aren't you go 'omg whoa who knew someone could be so evil!' and you ignore the long fucking list of completely violent antisocial behavior of the man. every time.
No. 1145051
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No. 1145064
>>1145051The scrotes who say women hit wall would kill for someone as beautiful as amber to look at them, ironic.
No. 1145079
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No. 1145099
I don't know why this case is upsetting me so much. I don't normally care about celebrities, but it's bizarre and surreal to see everyone eat up the media narrative. You can't convince me jd isn't using bots to promote himself on reddit. Fuck I hope she wins. Ugly fat retarded wifebeating moids should die.
>>1145078Are you that unicorn anachan from twitter?
No. 1145111
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How is it that a 34 year old man in the 90s looked as good as 20+ year old men (and then this example went on to age like shit, curiously), but in this day and age, they look like this? Why do men hit the wall so early, and so fast? What can be done about it?
No. 1145114
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No. 1145120
>>1145111>Why do men hit the wall so early, and so fast?It's the Y chromosome.
>What can be done about it?Nothing.
No. 1145149
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Moids in this thread are blind or pedos if they think AH isn't gorgeous. She looks like a beautiful refined woman. "She had little creases by her eyes!!" Yeah, as if she would look better with a freakishly bloated, frozen forehead botox face. Pedo men keep seething.
No. 1145160
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No. 1145167
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>>1145150It's a man who looks like his soyjak drawings IRL and collects little anime girl pictures, all he can do is cope. Notice that he listed multiple traits to make Amber "sound" ugly on paper, but if we had to list Johnny's bad features, it'd be like rewriting the Constitution
No. 1145171
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>>1145111Average 23+ year scrote is trash. Men hit the Wall at 22. That's the objective truth.
No. 1145172
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fuck off back to 4chan to sperg about midfaces, incel
No. 1145178
>>1144963I'm in her side because I and other women I personally know have lived with addicts and have extremely similar stories to how they lived. Constant disagreements, the drugged out person acts irrational causes arguments has you doubting everything. The arguing and disappearing act, to then acting like you're the aggressor for trying to dicuss wtf is going on to them turning violent, smashing things, getting physical with you using their size to intimidate, smash things close to you, throw you around, shove you, hit you.
People always downplay famous men and their drug issues. And like how dare some react to someone storming around their property, destroying things, shouting, getting angry. It would drive you mad and act out if character.
Bottom line is Depp already has a documented history of
abusive behaviour. Amber Heard calling him out for being an
abusive piece of shit is not slander. Difference between her calling out her druggie ex is she has a platform that people won't just brush it off. So many women suffer due to men and their inhibited behaviours. Good in her for shining a light on it. Call me cynical but I'm not surprised at all if a woman claims she was hit by a partner.
No. 1145187
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>1.7 mil views
We're not making it out of the patriarchy
No. 1145200
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Yep, that's the wall, brother
No. 1145209
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Can someone please explain to the moid that finding most men more attractive than most women makes him gay? Srs I don't see lesbians running around claiming male models are ugly or anything because they confuse their sexuality with objective attractiveness
MOST people who are attracted to women and not men would find amber heard more attractive than most men,if you find most men more attractive than a woman who's a high end model then I have news for you buddy.
No. 1145217
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Oh yeah, he was so fresh faced /s
No. 1145237
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>>1145223Nonna I went through the effort of making this collage and looked at his face for longer than I wanted to, so you're going to suffer with me. It can get much worse.
No. 1145351
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>"25 years young" in bio
>calls herself a comedian
>does Onlyfans
Why are they embarrassing themselves..
No. 1145353
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>>1145335>>1145348and everyone stood up and clapped
No. 1145361
>>1145263k just don't fuck any kids
>>1145354>violent moids like depp proof?
No. 1145397
>>1144934He's an asshole, I have no doubts about that. But Amber also has a history of being physically
abusive to her ex girlfriends before. The fangirling/stanning going on around this case, is insane though.
No. 1145421
>>114536112 of the 14 allegations of physical abuse were verified by the court + had witnesses. This is all aaliable for googling from the case in the UK vs. The Sun newspaper. But Depp fans just keep parroting the same disproven points then ghost when confronted with evidence. Truly fucking pathetic.
>>1145397She does not have a history of being
abusive. Again, feel free to google when her gf said about that incident, which is that there was no abuse and the police made a situaion out of nothing.
>>1145412Show proof she's lying. Funny that Johnny didn't mention being abused by Amber at all in the divorce settlement and only started this LARP later down the line when he lost his career + she had Aquaman. Also the PA stolen story thing has again, been proven untrue. How could her assistant know she told that story to a judge behind closed doors? Why was Johnny texting that same assisstant asking to do "purple" with her and making fun of Amber's "dumpy ass"? Again, ALL in the court transcripts if you bothered to look. But not instead you'd rather be big jelly of a woman that didn't just lay down and take a scrotes abuse for once.
Too many of you are low IQ pick mes falling for the most basic of abuser lies.
No. 1145424
>>1145412>usdon't include yourself with
victims when you're on here calling one a liar. She has court proof she was abused, you probably don't.
No. 1145445
>>1145257>Unless you are one of the hebe anons who believes "men expire at 25"Anon, I'm a lesbian, I'm not going to be attracted to him at any age, but I can spot a druggie alcoholic when I see one. I made that collage since they kept saying that Amber looked worse than Depp did at 36 specifically, but he already looked like a bloated corpse at times around 1999-2000, he's literally grey. It doesn't matter that he doesn't have massive eye bags or whatever, he's grey, skeletal and bloated at the same time, it doesn't look like a healthy person. There's a big difference between 25 and 36 too, so I don't know why you suddenly bring up 25. It doesn't matter that in another universe he would've aged well, because we're in this one and in this one he's an alcoholic druggie with bad karma. In the beginning scrotes like that can also hide their unhinged behaviour from most people and people love to cape for druggie alcoholic (single father) scrotes, but as the B1 deficiency sets in and their brain is being boiled alive in their skull, they start to lash out to everyone. His kids literally said that he was better when he was with Amber, so he was probably being
abusive to his kids too.
>In one instance, 58-year-old Depp recalled how 'Aquaman' actress Heard, 36, told him that his two children - Lily-Rose Depp, 22 and son John Christopher 'Jack' Depp III, 20 - disliked him and that he was a 'bad father'. >Depp claimed that the truth was that his children did not like Heard.>But to counter this claim, Heard's team shared an email that Depp wrote in 2013 to Elton John via email, in which he complained about French model and actress Ms Paradis, now 49 - whom he was with for about 14 years from 1998 to 2012. >In the email, Depp confided in Sir Elton about his mother's recovery from a health issue, before going on to tell the singer that his children had 'fallen head over heels' for Heard, and that his ex was trying to 'brainwash' his children against him.>'On the other side of the coin… my kids have fallen head over heels in deep love with Amber (my girl) and that pressure off my shoulders is fing gone!!!,' he told Sir Elton. 'That is unlike the 'French extortionist (ex c) attempts to brain wash them against her… which, I'm sure is imminent.'It's also interesting that everyone who defends him or acts as a character witness just says they were never physically abused by him. They don't comment on emotional abuse. Being an aggressive alcoholic druggie, smashing cabinets, bottles, doing everything but touching a person, isn't okay either. The recognition of emotional abuse as actual abuse is fairly recent too, many women put up with aggressive alcoholic scrotes like that and have no idea that this shit isn't okay. It's easy to dismiss yourself as a
victim because "he never touched me".
>>1145412Which lies, besides comparing her bruises to an anecdote about walking into a pole and the pallet thing which has already been disproven by another anon?
No. 1145450
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No. 1145460
>>1145421>Also the PA stolen story thing has again, been proven untrue. How could her assistant know she told that story to a judge behind closed doors?No it hasn't. The incident submissions Amber made are available online in scanned court filings and are not difficult to find.
>>1145424Why would I mention Johnny's lies when my reply was about how Amber's lies potentiate the difficulties women DV survivors already face? We all know he's bullshitting. The issue specific to what I was talking about is that she is too and that gives men more ammunition to accuse women of pulling shit out of their asses.
>>1145445Like when she said she was only ever physical in self-defense, but there's audio where she admits to starting a physical fight and hitting him? I'm not Google. You can find more.
No. 1145595
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>>1145460>Like when she said she was only ever physical in self-defense, but there's audio where she admits to starting a physical fight and hitting him? You would literally condemn 99% of abused women and you have no idea, don't you? Just because it's not in the same direct timespan, doesn't mean the physical fight wasn't in self defense. It's the same logic which condemns women when they finally kill the
abusive scrote after having been abused for decades, because it wasn't when he was chimping out at her in the moment, but when he was sleeping. These attitudes and laws generally only protect scrotes and condemn women. Have you ever been abused before, do you have much experience advocating for abused women? Or are you just pulling shit from a MRA blog, or listening and believing poor deppy-webby and his fancy defamation attack dog attorneys? It's the latter, isn't it? For all we know she was trying to keep him on his toes and scare him from ever hurting her again, I would consider that self defense, excessive and too much after the fact or she was psychologically compromised after being riled up by him for ages, maybe, but still self defense.
>I'm not Google. You can find moreYou don't just want me to Google, you want me to listen and believe an old fat
abusive druggie alcoholic scrote, because you think that would help abused women, how? You want her to lose and you want Depp to be able to use the exact same arguments actually used towards DV survivors and you have no idea. You think you're advocating for them, but you expect them to be perfect and never stand up for themselves or ever lash out after having been made to feel crazy and riled up by an
abusive druggie alcoholic scrote. Maybe you should go have a Google.
No. 1145602
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>>1145595>>1145460And I'm giving you homework
>defending battered women in trial by Elizabeth A. Sheehy>Introduction to feminist legal theory>Sex equality by Catharine A. MacKinnon (she worked together with Dworkin) No. 1145616
>>1145611NTA but she's obviously a pickme. She didn't prove amber wrong but tries to change the narrative with empty premises.
>I know women like that she's manipulativeHer source is some hypocritical life experience, I know a lot of men who beat their wives, daughters and so on but don't exactly know a woman do beat her husband or raped men… She must know an awful lot of women, perhaps she sees small things like refusal to a moid as
abusive but jd beating Amber is just "what she deserves"
No. 1145617
>>1145607Yes, exactly. That is what most of these scrotes are like. They have a small select group they psychologically and or physically abuse, starve and practically torture for an extended period of time. Causing these people to have to walk on eggshells and be on constant alert. Meanwhile whenever these scrotes talk to CPS, police, strangers, teachers, doctors and others who could potentially help with the situation, they act like absolute angels. Scrotes also always get the benefit of the doubt and it's always assumed that the kids must be horrible and difficult to deal with, the wife must be a crazy old bitch who makes his life a living hell when he's just uwu providing for them. In reality his wife and kids are the definition of well behaved, until they finally snap from walking on eggshells for ages and then they are told they're the crazy ones and
victim blamed. It's a tale as old as time, we have known about this for decades, yet everyone is too fucking retarded to keep this shit in mind.
No. 1145618
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>>1145615Yep that’s the point. She’s a pickme. Doesn’t care that her dad fucking shot and killed a woman but is shitting her pants in tears about Johnny Depp being called a fat old man and slicing his own finger. She’s genuinely begging to be picked by him.
No. 1145622
>>1144873A male with abuse a woman for years, sending her insane and making her question herself and when she finally snaps and he gets to play the
victim everyone will go ‘oh they were both bad, throw the whole thing out’
No. 1145635
>>1145607Yeah, like Depp was talking to fans on set in a highly publicised place. Doubt he's going to shoot up heroin and try to wax lyrical while being an unbearable pretentious piece of shit.
Depp instigated the court case cause he felt victimised and he's aging out. The case is about him proving Amber is slanderous and he's not currently winning the case by any means.
No. 1145642
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Can we please stop replying to obvious bait?
No. 1145644
>>1145639He's always been a fucking freak. He gets away with it because he's apparently a method actor and he always takes roles being either a soyboy, a druggie, or a cunt.
He's been getting shit press in his later years cause he acts weird. He may have been a teen heartthrob in the 80s and 90s but he hasn't kept up the appeal that when he marries a much younger actress she's going to be meek and humbled by his presence. He's a dumb fuck for this case he ruined his own reputation
No. 1145650
>>1145645She does not have even a modicum of ambers natural beauty, and also can’t act or sing.
Modelling is a career for talentless nepo babies like Gordon Ramsay or Steve Jobs daughter. They do nothing but show up and tell people who their dad is. Then they turn around and call other women “disaster” lmao ok your entire family is a fucking disaster clan of lolcows.
No. 1145656
>>1145642>post culture vulture gwen stefaniClassic
>>1145641Gross, I’m a lesbian. I’d rather have cougar Amber Heard.
>>1145644In that case it’s a matter of time before Leonardo diCaprio gets his career ruined?
No. 1145661
>>1145650The thing is, amber is plastic as fuck too but her operations are didn't try to transform her fully so she doesn't look as scary. Afaik she has fillers, eye surgery, nosejob and veneers but she's still very gorgeous because she didn't try to get a new ideal face, she only enhanced her features like most celebs do.
Pickmehwore on the other hand really looks like a high end escort with her overdone surgeries and fried ass hair.
No. 1145668
>>1145663It's a tranny larping as lesbian. Inshallah he will soon %41.
>>1145665This, tbh. Depp fangirls will still defend him because they're jealous of amber and how beautiful she is. I've seen so many dumb fangirls angry amber treated their poor pirate boy baad. They also cry about how much better they'd be for depp but all of them are ugly obese women no man would date.
Depp chose to date Amber knowing she was mental just because she's pretty, ugly woman running to his defense is hilarious because of that fact alone.
No. 1145669
>>1145656>I'm a lesbiandifficult to believe after the "only dykes defend Amber!11!" sperg and accusing women of being hebephiles for not being attracted to a grey bloated corpse
>>1145664Fucked up bpdchans deserve to be abused? And you're calling other anons contrarian. Fuck off, perfect ideal
victims don't exist.
No. 1145671
>>1145664The case isn't about who's more of a monster, Depp is suing her because he's citing it's slander her abuse allegations. And through the trail the public that are not retards are learning hmm yea that was an
abusive toxic relationship. Not really slander is it. Therefore, Depp is on the losing side.
Abusive men everywhere are rumbled
No. 1145674
>>1145671right. the restraining order she filed against him was what did him in. are people not allowed to file restraining orders? i don't doubt the relationship was not mutually
abusive but the fact is that the restraining order was public record and THAT is the cause of his ruined rep, not the article in question.
No. 1145692
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Complete timeline of Amber/Johnny allegations from both sides using court docs: transcript of Amber/Johnny call which Johnny's lawyer got fired and kicked out of court on the UK case for releasing an edited version of: that Amber only hit Johnny in self-defense and only twice: No. 1145713
>i literally just got into, i got into bed, um
>i remember the television was on and i and i was reading and i said uh so
What did you say? You provoked her, didn't you?
>was down in her area taking off her makeup and changing into sleep clothes whatever and uh she entered the bedroom while i was laying on my side of the bed reading
Where else would you be laying? You're wasting everyone's time, you asshole.
>and she was still rattling off all the wrongs i'd uh done to her in that particular day and how unreliable i am and uh what a you know what a horrible person i was um
She probably didn't do that randomly, did you provoke her, did you say something retarded?
>and i and i didn't not i did not engage
Can you please try to form proper sentences or is your brain that fried?
>verbally nothing i sat there or laid there reading my book
So you stonewalled her, which is also a form of abuse.
>and when that, when she didn't get a jump out of me or, a jolt out of me
There are other options besides trying to get a jump out of you or a jolt. She wanted you to take responsibility for being an unreliable fucking alcoholic and talk like a fucking adult.
>she got out of bed
Wasn't she in another area taking off her make up, when did she get into bed?
>she walked around the bed she came to my side and uh again you know you you've got uh you've got a person who is uh throwing multiple shots at your at your face at your head that's your neck had your at anything she could pit
Saying person instead of woman, sneaky. There's an obvious difference between a scrote and a woman doing that, but he said person.
>so i i got up out of bed and i grabbed her by the shoulders and i sat her down on the bed and i said i'm leaving
You grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her onto the bed.
>please don't get off the bed please, don't follow me, please don't try and stop me, i'm leaving, and she got up, off the bed and she squared off at me in the doorway of our bedroom
She's not allowed to disobey you? She's a grown woman, she was your supposed wife, not your slave.
>and i said what do you what do you want, to do hit me again would you like to hit, me again and i said go ahead hit me, bam, and then i just said did that is that, what you wanted
Of course not, though it probably felt good, she wanted you to take responsibility for your actions and neglect
>would you like another, bam, there's the second one
He's so calm and laconic for someone talking about supposedly being very afraid of her
>and i said good now you're done
Really sounds like someone fearing for their life and who is totally bothered by this /s
>grabbed her by the shoulders, walked her to the bed sat her down and said don't follow me, leave me alone, i'm out i'm gone
You again grabbed her and pushed her on the bed.
>i went i grabbed a few things and i got out immediately and i went to my other house on sweet str as ms heard was she was leaving the following day for coachella which is it's a coachella's like a it's a big event a concert you know many many bands and
How is this relevant? Why did nobody stop him? He rattles on for too long.
>um yeah, out in the desert she and her friends were going to coachella for the weekend and um that was it that was that was it
>mr depp after april 21st 2016 when was the next time that you actually saw miss heard in personi left miss heard well, i left penthouse three i left, at 4 30 in the morning
Oh wow, his attorney has to feed him his lines just like when for movies kek
>on it was actually april it was actually your birthday it was for, 4 30 in the morning, april 22nd and that's when i left and from that moment on i did not see miss heard until may 21st
>and why was that
>um, i had received some news that was as absurd and grotesque and cruel, um and then i was shown a picture of what the problem was
>i had gone to mr bett and said she's in coach she's at coachella i think it's a good time to go downtown so that i can get some of my things you know and get them out of there especially the things that were precious to me you know
>children things things from friends, brando hunter thompson, whatever things they were important to, me, and he said i don't think now's a good time to go and i thought it's the perfect time
>she's not going to be home for two days and then he showed me a photograph on his telephone of uh
>objection your honor that's hearsay
>it's it's a photograph your honor
That can still be hearsay you fucking dipshit
>as being relayed to him by mr bett he he
>says he looked at it on his foot on his phone i'll rule the objection is the photograph
>what was the photograph of mr depp
>it was a it was a it was a photograph of the bed our bed um and on my side of the bed um was human fecal matter
How do you know?
>um, so i understood why, it wasn't a good time to go down there, um, my initial response to that was i mean i laughed
Oh yeah you were so bothered and scared and didn't dare to come home, so you laughed, that makes sense /s
>it was so outside it was so bizarre and so grotesque that i could only laugh and um so i did not go down there that day
No. 1145740
>>1145726It sounds normal to pickmes who would want to date depp even if it meant he'd kill them. There are some women who will do all in their power to stomp on women to raise themselves higher in scrotes eyes without realizing they never will be valued because they're not beautiful.
Amber was a bpd-chan but she got to date two very famous men because she's beautiful, those pickmes are all ugly and can't even keep bottom of barrel men interested in them without assuring the men they're entitled to abuse and use women.
No. 1145746
>>1145739You're responding to OP. I'm terrified of BPDfags and would never date one who hasn't had a massive dose of DBT, but that doesn't mean I believe they deserve to be abused. They're still women and they ended up that way because of abuse in the first place and I'm not going to side with a scrote by going "both sides", because that's not actually neutral. Even if you don't like Amber Heard or you have a vendetta towards BPDfags, you should want her to win, because this case will set a very public precedent. If Depp wins, scrotes will be able to sue women for defamation when they complain about having been abused, even without naming any names. Is that the future you want for women, because you hate BPDfags so much? Also 'my assumptions', you realize that he is also coloring the situation by saying 'put her on the bed'. I have heard scrotes saying "I held her by her shoulders" and then you see the pictures of the bruises, he squeezed her and pushed her, but they will always act as if they did everything "gently". Do you really believe this bloated alcoholic corpse has the coordination to set a grown woman on the bed "gently"? Fuck off pickme
No. 1145752
>>1145745So sad. At least he'll get what he deserves once he loses.
>>1145748Gosh just go on a diet already. Only ugly women defend ugly old
abusive men because they're that desperate for approval. Ever seen a pretty friend of yours become a pickme to the point she
victim blames abused women? Only ugly jealous women do this.
No. 1145764
>>1145668>inshallahKill yourself.
>>1145669Idk about you but Amber Heard is so attractive and I can’t believe she’s wasting her years to be with a bloated corpse (albeit talented). She did it for attention and I’m happy it backfired her, women should date women only. And people who they actually love.
No. 1145775
>>1145721kek I finally found an entertaining bit. Her personal assistant was testifying and man, she sounded fed up. Some of her responses:
'There is no rhyme or reason to that question'
already asked that and I already
'That's not what I said. You're trying to put words in my mouth and I don't appreciate that'
No. 1145784
>you you finish this flight
>you send the text that we've seen to amber you send the text to paul bettany and at some point after this you decide that you want to go to detox and you went to detox you testified a little bit about it yesterday in august of 2014 in the bahamas correct?
>the recording of the pain noises is not from that flight sir, um
He's evading, but at least the attorney calls it out
>not my question my question is you went to detox in august 2014.
>right don't recall exactly
>and you were there on the island with oh
>on the island yes yeah
Weird how he says that, reminds me of Kronk talking about the poison, if you get the vibe I'm picking up.
>you were there on the island with uh amber and debbie lloyd and dr kipper
>correct corrections
>you and amber were on one side of the island right
>and amber was effectively dedicating herself to your well-being during this detox process
>you could describe it as that as uh at the beginning yes certainly
>she was trying to help you get through it right
>one would think
>and as far as you know she's never been in any sort of detox in her life right certainly not when you were together, correct?
>no i don't think so
>okay and we we all heard your testimony yesterday, detox um, it sounds painful it sounds tough, fair?
>um yes that's, um
>and you you testified yesterday about her not giving you medications at a certain time but you sir have you have no personal knowledge of whether or when amber had been in touch with dr kipper or debbie lloyd about when to give you medicine, correct?
>um, no personal knowledge of that yes i do i remember amber calling them on the radio and uh when i was uh complaining that i needed the meds when i was in agony and went to the shower she called them up because she had said that i was in a manic state or it was in some mania and they came up there
>okay and sometime after detox and you heard you said that they came up there but my point to you is you have no personal knowledge of what dr kipper or debbie lloyd communicated to amber about whether and when to give you medicines you weren't part of those communications, correct?
>oh sure i was i was there during during, um, those discussions right uh there were times time sort of written down but you know the golden rule essentially is if the patient is in an uncomfortable or uh dangerous potentially dangerous state which would lead to seizures uh medication be should be distributed that's what i remember even though if it was supposed to be delivered at 4 00 p.m and it was 3 15 or 3 30 i you know
>according to you that's what you recall the golden rule was right
>yes i mean that's what doctors and patients
>and and after sometime after detox you texted amber and you said thank you so much for getting me fucking clean baby
>right remember that yes i did okay and you um actually let's pull up you you didn't just express your thanks to amber you expressed it to other people as well what amber had done for you correct let's pull up exhibit plaintiffs exhibit 120 page 41 please this is plaintiff's exhibit your honor thank you
>is this a screen thing or am i searching for something
>this is a screen thing
>okay thank you
>screen thing that we have to rotate
>and the the only question i have for you are is the um the question on the top of the page
>sent on august 19 2014 from you to page now paige is amber's mom right
>that's correct
>okay you're on our move for the admission of
[talk about redacting stuff in the exhibit, not interesting
>mr depp this is in this text that you send to paige heard, amber's mom on august 19th 2014 and you say the following and i understand that you gave certain testimony yesterday about what you perceive miss herd's role in your detox to be but but on this date you sent this text to miss herd to paige heard and you say i couldn't have made it without her i would have gone for a swim and swallowed a big drink of ocean without her to be honest it was a hell of my own doing and your little girl
Okay ew, why call her 'little girl'?
>walked through with me step by step i know you're already proud of her but if you'd have seen her in action amazing it was an exercise of monumental patience and instinct i wouldn't be alive sweetheart there were more than a few times when i thought it would be more simple to take that route it was amber and amber only that got me through this and it was not easy thank you for her first and thank you and that sweet fucker david for all of your words of support i'm through the other side now i think i hope all this boys love your son outlaw did i read that right you do too
So he was suicidal
>you can take that down
>thank you
>now you flew, uh you got married to to amber on uh early february february 3rd 2015. is that right okay um you remember the year today 2015 right
>that sounds about right okay
>and a week after your wedding um you left for australia to start the process of shooting the fifth pirates of the caribbean movie right
>that sounds about right yes
>and amber was filming in london at the time she left directly from the wedding to fly to london to film london fields with billy bob thornton right
>that's correct
>and the plan was that she was going to fly out from london to australia directly to join you for the filming of pirates 5 right at some point yes and she was going to stay in that house with you for the duration of the filming, correct?
>um i don't know that it was the duration but i uh sure
>okay and you testified on tuesday i guess that when you went there in february of 2015 you'd been off of alcohol for 18 months you testified to that remember giving that testimony um
>that's just nonsense right we've already looked
>at thank you
>may may 2014 you were drunk on that plane and you've admitted to that so that's not 18 months before so that testimony that you gave when you said you had been sober for 18 months before you arrived in february of 2015 was not true correct what's the
[objection break]
>mr depp you had not been sober off of alcohol for 18 months before you went to australia in february 2015. correct?
>it's possible that it was not 18 months maybe it was 17 maybe it was 16
>it was actually a lot less than that because at a minimum you were drunk on that plane flight from boston to los angeles in may of 2014. that's incorrect
>sir i said that i had a glass of champagne and i had taken a double dose of the narcotics of the opiates that's a very different thing from being drunk okay
>and a very different thing from what you texted paul bettany, correct? again okay so she you youthe boston flight was in may 2014 you go to australia in february of 2015 having testified that you were off alcohol for 18 months now when you went to australia in february of 2015 you also lied to the cast insurance company that was insuring you for pirates five didn't you?
>after she cut my finger off
How is that even relevant?
>no no well that's your your account of it sir, before you went to australia, you, let's do it this way let's pull up, exhibit 500 please 500 500 defense, exhibit 500.
>yes i'd like to see who i lied to
>mr depp you see this is a it's called a cast insurance medical certificate, correct?
>uh yes i see that yes okay
>and it's dated this is in um i believe it's in the the not the way we do dates in the u.s because you can see on the lower left column examinee start date of filming 16 to february or february 16 to 2015. so that means february 16 2015, correct?
>and the date of the exam before we be
Depp's attorney interjects
>before we go any further we'd ask to be, able to see this entire document
>i'm just asking about the top of it, that's i'm, happy if we want, there's specific parts i've been asking about but if we want to they want to scroll through it that's what
>it's unclear whether mr depp has ever even seen this so we just appreciate the courtesy of being able to see the entire document
>that's fine your honor
[problems with the documentations and wanting to redact shit]
>i'm just trying to move this along as quickly as we can your honor
>all right all right 500 in evidence with the redactions when you have agreed redactions okay yes
>thank you your honor so we looked at your signature mr mr depp if scroll um scroll down please michelle um two more pages there's your signature and then this is a it's an insurance form for um for your that the studio disney took out for your um for you filming pirates five, correct?
>i don't i don't i guess
>so yes okay and you see the role here uh it's listed as captain jack sparrow johnny depp coverage status full coverage effective date february 11th 2015 right i see that and you're aware it's not uncommon for studios to want to ensure um actors that are playing in a movie okay something happens right it's it's happened for three plus years for me, correct? um so if you can scroll up please and in order to do that you have to provide certain information to see if you're insurable right correct okay and in this document which you signed uh dated i believe february 11th you were asked the question um are you currently using uh or in the last 12 months have you used any of the following, michelle let's let's unredact the um, well there's section b is illegal substances whether prescribed by a physician or not and you check the box to the right?
[more redaction shenanigans]
>so mr depp when you were asked the question in this cast insurance form are you currently using or in the past last 12 months have you used any of the following you say yes that you've used some prescription drugs and when in the question that says illegal substances whether prescribed by a physician or not you check no, correct?
>at around this time when you were you can take that down thank you at around this time when you flew to australia in february of 2015 you were you were starting to feel depressed about your role in pirates and your acting legacy
[they take lunch]
Okay so for the pickmes and scrotes constantly sperging about how Amber is a big fat liar, Depp has actually lied big time and not about something stupid like a fucking make up pallet of whether you think a bruise looks right and it's in black and white. So fuck off.
No. 1145818
>>1145804Depp literally admitted to lying on insurance forms and to his work about his sobriety, corroborated with text messages to several people for civil law country fags where an admittance on its own isn't even enough. Yet pickmes and scrotes continue to screech that Amber is a pathological liar over tiny details.
>>1145813Also weird how she called herself Amber's caretaker
No. 1145835
>>1145831>Maybe get a normal law system that doesn't base itself on precedents.Even in civil law countries, jurisprudence is an important source, so what the fuck are you on about? It's not even worth it to switch to civil or vice versa, because you'd have to again spend decades, centuries refining it. That's your main complaint about the legal system? Not that it's misogynistic af, but that it's based on precedents, holy shit. And it's not untrue, all Amber did was talk about her abuse while not naming anyone, even if you "both sides" it, it doesn't matter if "both sides" did something, because it still means she's telling the truth and he did abuse her.
No. 1145845
>>1145839Or maybe it is questionable that she was a
victim of abuse.
No. 1145865
>>1145856Ok but Black Chyna was actually
abusive, i kept up with the drama between her and Rob a couple of years ago, he loved her and treated her like a queen meanwhile she publicly cheated on him and tried to kill him.
No. 1145866
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>>1145859>but most women would also support blac chyna.Yet they don't, not on any social media outlet, not in media, not even on lolcow.
>I don't want get why you said ugly and black either, she's not ugly.I like how you are trying to twist my words. Black China was very much beautiful before she ruined her face with fillers.
No. 1145869
>>1145866She's still beautiful if she removes them and even then, it's probably something she did because of the
toxic environment she was in and insulting her looks will only make it worse. Also no one supports Amber Heard on social media either, even anons here come and shit in the thread screaming how Johnny the corpsefucker is the
victim because Amber heard called him fat and ugly.
If you genuinely want to talk about Blac Chyna and post information regarding her situation, either make a thread or use the celebricows thread. It's very obvious you're using her trauma as a "gotcha" that we totally don't care about "ugly black" women even though the thread is literally dedicated to Amber Heard's abuse and that's the reason everyone's talking about her.
No. 1145877
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Johnny is an ugly old alcoholic fattie who married a girl 22 years younger than him. He's a piece of shit and I don't care about any of his pathetic "abuse" claims. We should all collectively stop giving men over 30 years of age any chances. They all age like milk and become obese alcoholics who cheat at any given chance, no exceptions.
No. 1145885
>>1145869She looks like Pete Burns. Yes,
toxic men ruined her, insulting someone means actually telling them something mean, we are on fucking lolcow, do you think Black China cares or lurks here?
You lie once again, she has huge support as well, if you have never encountered it you live under the rock.
There was a discussion on her case yet no one gave the same energy they did for Amber and you know why.
No. 1145923
>>1145917This. Most men don't act
abusive before trapping a woman. I've seen the same situation time and time again where the man acts so nice until he ensures she's trapped and then starts abusing her, even physically in some cases.
No. 1145975
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>>1145952>>1145958All the legal and reputation experts also say he's acting insane and this is some of the most retarded shit a celebrity has done in a while. Usually defamation lawsuits are settled behind closed doors and he already lost once, but he keeps doing it again. Only MRA scrotes and women caping for Depp think he's completely in the right and that this is a smart idea.
No. 1145979
>>1145943I'm not the OP, I just replied because anon started speaking about 18 year olds.
>>1145944She said they began dating around 2011/2012. She's 26 years old now. Even if they first met when she was 23 that's hardly grooming territory.
No. 1145997
>>1145989What you seem to be acting like, is that the moment a woman makes a stupid decision, she deserves whatever violent shit scrotes do to her, because she made a mistake. She willfully made the mistake, she wasn't forced to, so in your mind she deserves the consequences, even though the consequences are literal abuse. Then when you are called out for it, you go to another thread whining that all the anons in here must be scrotes. Fuck off. You know damn well that scrotes hide this bullshit until you're in too deep. Just because a woman makes a stupid mistake, especially when she's under the age of 25 and her brain isn't even fully capable of weighing the risks yet, especially considering every woman has experienced female socialization and is taught to ignore red flags or put up with them, doesn't mean she deserves to get abused. And I'm sick and tired of anons calling her a whore or a prostitute and even if she were, that still doesn't excuse being abused. You expect every woman to be the ideal
victim and have no clue about battered wife syndrome. Seriously, why are you doing the work of MRA scrotes?
No. 1146004
>>1146000Then what are you implying. Explain exactly in your own words then what you mean with "she wasn't forced", "she wasn't groomed" where does that lead to in your mind? You're obviously working towards the conclusion that thus what Depp did was either ethical or she deserved it.
>>1146002Why am I not allowed to bring that up? I'm not saying it's impossible to take advantage of older women, just that it's even more heinous when it happens to young women. Do you really want to ignore the whole age gap, you don't think that causes a massive power imbalance?
No. 1146019
>>1146004It means exactly what you read. Anons acting like she was fooled into marrying an ugly, bloating older man, I haven't mentioned abuse, neither did the original poster
No. 1146022
>>1146015johnny will probably win based on support but based on the facts of the case and how defamation is supposed to work and because she did not mention him by name, he shouldn't win. but the law won't matter here.
>>1146020depends on the jury. you're supposed to follow the law and choose based on it, not your biases, but people often don't. oj for example.
No. 1146024
>>1146015He lost the defamation case in London. The judge decided to not throw out the case based on that. Now this might be some Murican pride towards the former colonial master, because it would look bad to defer to the judgement of a UK judge, but it does make me nervous. I think it's likely that Amber will win and even if Johnny does win, he's fucked now because he admitted under oath that he lied on his insurance for Pirates 5 about his sobriety and use of illegal substances. He's never going to be hired again probably, considering what a massive risk he is, how he assaults people on set and how he needs to be fed his lines. The court of public opinion is on Depp's side, yet WB and Disney still don't want to take a risk with him anymore, so I don't know how much that matters. All MRA's can do is cope and seethe, really.
>>1146019That still implies that she deserved it because she "gave him a chance".
No. 1146029
>>1146021So you think this will be a lose-lose situation and no one will win.
>>1146022i didnt know the court worked like that, that's really corrupt.
No. 1146038
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>>1146029>>1146022This is getting very OT, but it wasn't just because of public opinion, but also because at that time the general public had very little understanding of DNA evidence. Nowadays everyone puts it a bit too much on a pedestal, especially thanks to all the tv shows which use it profusely, but back then it was kinda new and the jury didn't really take that evidence seriously, because they didn't "get it". OJ's defense team also used dirty tricks like the glove thing, constantly trying to get jury members kicked off for being supposedly biased towards him etc. He still lost the civil case.
No. 1146044
>>1146036no they haven't and they aren't depp defenders, your talking about the celebricow anons who said that anons calling others whores and ugly are men who are playing both sides and they're probably right. Unless you are one of the anons who calls women whores.
>>1146039so this is why so many rapists never get sent to prison even if there is 100% proof.
No. 1146050
>>1146038well, not just that but the oj case was used as retribution for the rodney king beatings. the trial was a shitshow, the cops were horrible, the one cop in particular was a massive racist and that did them in, but the evidence itself was extremely compelling. his history of domestic violence against her and her repeatedly saying that if anything happened to her, he did it… i mean. i know he still lost the civil case but it was later on and the burden of proof in a criminal trial is much higher than a civil case. you only a preponderance of evidence in a civil case, while criminal needs to be beyond a reasonable doubt. there was absolutely enough evidence in the criminal case to convict though, there was extreme bias on part of the jury, however. i know DNA wasn't as trusted as the time but seriously the rodney king thing was a huge thing and unfortunately while it was horrible, acquitting OJ wasn't the answer. he wasn't targeted for his race, the dude did it.
>>1146044>so this is why so many rapists never get sent to prison even if there is 100% proof.yep. it's basically a circus and whoever ends up with the better image can win even if the evidence counters that entirely. i really doubt amber will win at this point because it feels like everyone fucking hates her despite the case not being about anything they want to bring up. the restraining order got into the news and that's what stained his reputation, not this stupid op-ed.
No. 1146055
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I hate how my YT homepage is now contaminated with retarded MRA Deppfags who have no clue about legal shit.
>>1146050oh yeah that is why I included the screenshot, but the jury was also biased because OJ's legal team worked really hard to get it this way. Constantly saying they're racist or biased, when really they weren't, until so many jurors were replaced that they were left with a jury that was extremely biased in favor of OJ, right? Not much Marcia could do about that.
No. 1146073
>>1145997Fucking based also
>Then when you are called out for it, you go to another thread whining that all the anons in here must be scrotesAnon is so mad she got called an ugly pickme even though getting called out for defending an
abusive man who wants to kill and rape his gf is more serious, she doesn't care at all.
She's saying anons here sound like scrotes but she's the one who repeats scrote logic, scrotes are the ones who blame abused women for "choosing to be" with their abuser even though it's never an informed choice because they don't start abusing their gfs from the start.
No. 1146074
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I'm speechless (me in blue, moid in red)
No. 1146078
>>1144988No anon it's because she clearly aspires to make money off of this and launch a career in woman's right's activism so she can stave off having to get a real job because it's obvious at 31-32 her acting career was never going to take off. He's doing it to save whatever legacy he can so his kid's don't have to live under a cloud of shame. That's why people do not like her and have more sympathy for him, since both have been clearly proven to be mutually
abusive by now.
He has media floating around of him visiting children's hospitals as jack sparrow; she has interviews sperging about ayn rand and being bisexual and how she is so NoT lIke ThE OtHER giRLs. She always came off as self-interested, hypocritical and dumb and yeah, that does effect the public's perception. And no, I do not GAF about Johnny Depp, am not a scrote or one of those weird Depp Truthers who think he never abused her, I hate drug addicts and avoid them at all costs. It just is what it is. She clearly lied to astroturf her narrative and that just makes her look unlikable and fake; and I'm sorry I don't buy into the idea that a 25-26 year old woman in hollywood is not a grown ass adult that can be groomed. That is a whole fucking adult, people used to have marriages and children and paid off homes and savings accounts and veteran's benefits from fighting in wars by that age just a generation back.
No. 1146080
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>>1146074Also a furry fakeboi in that server is defending Depp so hard like it would give her an y chromosome lul
No. 1146089
>>1146074Are you mentally ill? Don't associate with these scrotes, he thinks killing and raping women is fine and some things to joke about about, he can send an incel army after you or try to doxx you. These are the kind of men deppwhores are enabling.
btw I'm not talking about you, anon but the pickmes who act like men are truly
victims. They are only going to make these men more brave and likely to abuse women since Amber is literally getting her whole career ruined just because she dared to speak up against her abuse.
No. 1146091
>>1146078>She clearly lied to astroturf her narrativeThe court in London has said been able to confirm 90% of her statements in her essay, where she didn't even name Depp. Meanwhile Depp has admitted under oath that he lied on his insurance forms, he tried to lie under oath about the texts, until they got pulled up on the screen. If someone has been lying, it's him. What did she lie about?
>'m sorry I don't buy into the idea that a 25-26 year old woman in hollywood is not a grown ass adult that can be groomedNobody said she was groomed. Just that she doesn't deserve to be abused for the crime of being young and stupid.
>That is a whole fucking adultShe was 23 and we already talked about how the brain continues to develop until 25. Acting like women are fair game for geriatric scrotes to abuse the moment they turn 18 is scrote logic.
>people used to have marriages and children and paid off homes and savings accounts and veteran's benefits from fighting in wars by that age just a generation backYeah and just a generation back, no-fault divorce wasn't a thing, marital rape wasn't acknowledged, women weren't even able to have their own savings accounts without husband approval. Maybe the standards of people back then were fucking retarded and we shouldn't look back to that?
No. 1146092
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>>1146074how the fuck is that "tame"????? males, everyone. what is worse than burning and raping someone's dead body???? what the fuck.
No. 1146094
>>1146078Astroturfing still doesn't make someone as bad as a violent wifebeater. Doesn't she have a kid too?
Also he should've been thinking about his legacy when he was showing up drunk on set.
No. 1146123
>>1146115Yep. Though I don't know how a nude was supposed to create infighting or be a topic of discussion when we're all women here? Did he expect us to fight over it?
>>1146116You shouldn't use those servers. I used to be in a discord server where the owner was a full blown pedo but had autistic handmaidens who enabled him and attacked any female user that talked about the his weird behavior.
No. 1146127
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Dropping this here in case the retard claiming Amber Heard abused her ex gf finally figures out how to use the containment thread
No. 1146141
>>1146129Okay, and? Even if she were a prostitute, she still doesn't deserve to be abused.
>>1146130Actually, radfems hate sexwork, because of what it does to said "whores", not the specific individuals who engage in sex work, unless they promote it and pretend it's amazing, afaik. Dworkin used to literally be one and she definitely wasn't the only radfem back then who fought against sex work and porn after getting out. Never mind that nowadays a lot of women who leave the sex industry end up becoming "SWERFs". Only tradthots, pickmes and MRA scrotes act like this would be an excuse to abuse a woman.
No. 1146156
this thread attracts the most autistic braindead male-posters that ive ever seen.
>>1146148they know what they are doing by using those ''angry woman'' thumbnails its a way to entice a certain emotional reaction from their audience.
No. 1146160
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>>1146035not baiting, just my personal opinion. have you seen her movies? she had great boobs then she decided to go with the masculine look and took the implants out. she looked better before.l but hey, pushups exists luckily.
(moid) No. 1146166
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The retards in the celebricows thread think that smiling=guilty. They’re obsessed with the perfect victim narrative but will excuse Johnny for threatening to burn and defile a corpse and having nightly drunken tantrums. If she’s not trembling, crying and shaking like a leaf they will argue that she’s just manipulating and lying. Of course she’s not a perfect person and has made up some bullshit about a colour corrector but I don’t even care to read it.
No. 1146196
>>1146167of course, i was just explaining my comment about the boob implants.
she's still beautiful
>>1146172bestie stop flaunting your daddy issues
No. 1146250
>>1146156>they know what they are doing by using those ''angry woman'' thumbnails its a way to entice a certain emotional reaction from their audienceIt reminds me of how big red used to be used on all the "skeptic" feminist "cringe" compilation thumbnails.
>>1146166>If she’s not trembling, crying and shaking like a leaf they will argue that she’s just manipulating and lying.Weird that they don't expect this behaviour from Depp, even though he looks even more unbothered and uncaring when talking about the supposed horrible abuse he experienced at her hands kek
No. 1146268
>>1146250>Weird that they don't expect this behaviour from Depp, even though he looks even more unbothered and uncaring when talking about the supposed horrible abuse he experienced at her hands kekKek men and women alike are saying depp is a poor
victims when he just looks bothered that the trial lasted this long and he didn't get to ruin his exgf as easily as he imagined.
No. 1146322
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Saw this on TikTok of Depp reading his text convos to the court.
Comments are along the lines of "I need his texts made into a book to put on my coffee table"
"Hes a poet!" "perfect description of her!"
Like how are they still playing this up like johnny depp is their smol bean and not a disgusting scrote
No. 1146348
>>1146344You think being with a crazy violent moid for years on end just because you want fame is sane behaviour? I am not blaming women stuck with
abusive men, but it is not healthy. The relationship was bad from the start, and she agreed to fucking MARRY him?
No. 1146354
>>1146348You're the one jumping through hoops. You obviously told the incel Amber was also bad in a way you meant she also was
abusive. You're sad. Stop associating with men who will laugh in your face because they think raping dead women is funny.
No. 1146357
>>1146336He seems like a twofaced asshole mostly in his texts and emails. While his ex Vanessa Paradis was publicly defending him, he still had emails floating around, calling her a French cunt extortionist and saying that the kids loved Amber.
>>1146348She helped him detox and his kids loved her. The abuse probably didn't start until later and when she was in too deep, which is how abuse situations usually go. Wealthy or not. Marriage is often the only way for women to still get something out of a scrote, instead of walking away empty handed after having your time wasted.
No. 1146367
>>1146091She was born in 1986 and started dating him in 2012. She was 25-26 years old, living and working in one of the biggest cities in the world, already arrested once for DV for hitting her ex-girlfriend in the airport before she ever met Depp. She wasn't 18 or young and naive no matter how much you want to believe it
She claimed in her deposition back in 2016 that she never hit him once except for one time when she was defending her baby sister. His team promptly leaks the audio of her calling him a baby because she hit him in the face. Marriage counselor (who was hired by her not him) confirms in court they were both abusers. Anons here wanna argue amber skeptics need her to be the perfect
victim when SHE was the one trying to present herself as the perfect
victim and just got caught. She could have said she hit him back in self-defense or anger but that wouldn't work for a media career, for a media career she needs to be that country stodden innocent girl who's youth was stolen by a moNstEr. Ironically the real Courtney Stodden doesn't talk that much about her abuse and grooming and when she does it's clearly very traumatic for her.
No. 1146389
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No. 1146402
>>1146384The male friends I have are long-term friends since high school, in committed relationships and I am close with their girlfriends. I don’t see the problem with being friends with men as long I hold them to high standards.
Sage bcos I shouldn’t even bother replying to this lmao
No. 1146513
>>1146507Just stfu no one has said Amber was groomed but it's noteworthy Depp has more than 2 decades life experience than her.
Women thst support and sympathise with Heard aren't all mental. Some of us have had our own experiences with drug addicted partners. You'd have to have the patience of a Saint to watch your home get trashed all the time and never react and coddle some grown man over his self destructive tendencies.
No. 1146525
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>>1146513No you're right the age of consent should be 30. People in their 20s are still developing mentally and physically.
No. 1146534
>>1146513>Women thst support and sympathise with Heard aren't all mental. >Some of us have had our own experiences with drug addicted partners.>aren’t all mental>some of us fell in love with drug addicted partnersYou know a post always turns out bs when they start with just stfu.
>>1146525>picBorgir. Chocolate. Lays.
No. 1146541
>>1146507Are tou seriosly saying there is no maturity difference between a 25 year old and a 50 year old.
Imo a 50 year old who lets himself be "aboosed" by a 25 year old deserve it. How fucking pathetic.
No. 1146550
>>1146541Nah you dumb autist I don’t pity him, the amber stans here are missing the point.
and of course there is a maturity difference between a 25 year old and a 50 year old, just like there is one between a 70 year old and a 50 year old. What’s the point? I’m 25 and I have an iq of 80 and a lot of guys in the past took advantage of me as a teen as a result of it, but now nobody does, how could that happen a mentally retard like me can keep herself intact and then we have privileged high iq’d women like amber heard who willingly go to
abusive grandpas? Nah my low iq brain can’t pity this bpd whore. Bitch I bet everyone in this thread has a lower iq than me, I really feel smart here.
(infighting) No. 1146556
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>>1146550>I bet everyone in this thread has a lower iq than me,nah i did i iq test and have a slightly higher iq than you.
No. 1146562
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>>1146550lmfao way to own yourself in your own post, anon.
No. 1146569
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Amber used to be so pretty what happened, is it because of all the drugs she did with Johnny depp.
No. 1146586
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Do you think Depp used this pickup line on Amber Turd when they met?
No. 1146622
>muh homophobiatell that to the butch dyke officer who arrested them. Dyke on dyke infighting lmao ex is lying because like everyone else in her circle she probably got hangouts over the last ten+ years while amber was living off of depp then muskrat. Amber Heard has no friends who are not significantly financially below her earning bracket or on her level of fame and it's been made clear they benefitted significantly though her via free housing, vacations and other gifts. I'm not a Depp Truther or even particularly a Depp fan but these are none of her friends are reliable in any way anymore then Depp's loser friends who lived off of him for free
No. 1146681
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ONTD trial recap part 2
>depp keeps condescendingly referring to heards lawyer by his last name>infamous "burn the witch" texts to paul bettany are brought up, depp tries to pass them off as a reference to a monty python sketch>depp tries to claim heard's scars on the back of her arms from a physical altercation are actually self harm scars>pictures from the night of the finger cutting incident are displayed>depp's texts portray him as an immature manchild>mentions of his drug addiction under the pseudonym of the "monster">gag inducing sexually implied texts where johnny said he had "other uses" for ambers throat sent to amber herself and then amber allegedly saying "my throat is yours" shown>on the day they want to divorce/plan to file for divorce there's another altercation>depp threatened to cut himself and amber begged him not togenuinely disturbing stuff here
No. 1146692
>>1146691>Everyone gets into physical fights with their partnerSpeak for yourself. Not everyone is in a
abusive relationship like you.
No. 1146706
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>You cry “body shaming” if someone dares talk about a woman but it’s ok to call a man fat again and again?
Yes. Men and women are different.
No. 1146730
>>1146728dw if theres a moidwar i'd be the first to off him and inherit all the money.
hes a deputy medical director (soon to be med. director) when his boss gtfos.
>>1146724im protective off him cause he gets shit on a lot by friends and our families for being autistic. i think its kinda cute cause he never acts like that with patients/at work though
No. 1146731
>>1146729They are emotionally fragile so they are compelled to seethe after being
triggered by the meanie women making fun of them kek.
No. 1146732
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Damn. Imagine being fat, a drug addict and getting "abused" by a woman with much less sway than you as a powerful, middle-aged Hollywood actor. Man taking L after L. Give him some Mexican food and an IV drip. It's so rough how he tried to have a Kurt Cobain moment here lol
No. 1146734
>>1146729Using rei image confirms lanklet crossdresser, probably troon
No. 1146741
>>1146729It’s so funny they prepared their best insults and the same talking points they heard would upset women for years with no thought or creativity put into it, then come and spew their vitriol on to a pink gossip board talking about fucking celebrities, of all things.
If by some chance they managed to find another human who could tolerate their filth, that poor person would immediately get the ick if they saw that pathetic post, lol.
No. 1146745
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Consider the following.
No. 1146749
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>>1146747>Hate women, but only use women as reaction imagesExactly. They're projecting with the constant babbling about whores and sluts. They want to be whores and sluts. Pic related
No. 1146752
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Rei thinking about 3d males
No. 1146754
>>1146749Literally just seething he can't get attractive partners like we can
>Your flaxen haired stretch mark skin fairy princess craves dick because nature literally programmed your body to do that.Note the porn-obsessed language, too. This disgusting man memed himself into being a perverted troon.
No. 1146760
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I want to make bpd lesbian love to amber and show her the light
No. 1146762
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>>1146759Did you see those r/truerateme posts where moids rated the ugliest bottom of the sea mariana trench looking motherfucker the same as a beautiful woman? Men meme themselves into thinking ugly and average men are attractive because they’re 1) gay and 2) as a coping mechanism to make themselves feel like they’re actually not ugly when in fact they are.
>>1146760I could fix her
No. 1146801
>>1146748OT but I've been having conversations with people about how the youngest genxers/oldest millennials are the first generation rn to have large sections of men looking down at their 40 alone and unmarried and but also friendless, sexless and lacking the social skills to live the Boomer Hugh Hefner bachelor lifestyle of eras past.
If the worst traits of single wine aunts of the 90s and 00s were being "angry", owning a lot of cats and watching sex and the city, the single unwanted male has been a total disaster for society. From incel shooters to the drunk 50 year uncles gettin banned from family dinners for talking retarded manosphere points, to literal kidnappings in china. I'm also seeing more and more ridiculous standards from men I used to be on friendly terms with who are in 40s snd refusing to adjust their expectations, I shudder to think what happens when younger millennial pornsick moids start hitting their 50s
No. 1146805
>>1146738Yeah but at the same time it'll only encourage them to keep coming here and shitting up the place.
>>1146732Out of all the men famous in the 90s he's aged the worst. the other ones with substance abuse issues hit the wall way less hard than him, even if they didn't age well either, he looks like a reanimated corpse. women are editing fancams trying to convince themselves that this man looks like he did in 1991. The fact that he let his teeth and skin rot into next week makes him a million times uglier than he actually is. from brunette white boy of the week to trailer trash addict.
No. 1146863
>>1146843Yes, it's especially enraging that Depp doesn't even make a salvageable attempt to look good. How do you look so unwashed when wearing a fucking suit
>>1146857>>1146859some of them, at least Hollywood scrotes, age better past 30, but the better ones still tend to decline around 45-50. it's all the drugs. even a well aging man, especially a white man, cannot be held together by surgery and treatments alone once the effects of substance abuse rain down on his face.
No. 1146877
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>>1146734Do they stan Depp because he played a cross dresser before? He did it multiple times too.
No. 1146894
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>We radfems do NOT like whores and will NEVER like them.
Radfems don't like the sex industry, but I never heard Dworkin or any other big name say we got to attack individuals. Heard actually spoke out against Depp and didn't pick Musk either, so I don't understand why you're so butthurt? You want her to suffer because she made a stupid mistake at 23? The only people who hate prostitutes, sex workers, whatever you want to call them, just for who they are, are scrotes, tradthots and libfems (because they encourage them to stay in that sphere, you must really hate that person then). A radfem wouldn't constantly sperg and call them "whores" either, they would try to help them out of that situation or start a campaign about the dangers of it. I guess you're really triggered though because of me bringing up that Depp enjoys crossdressing and who knows how big of a degenerate he is behind closed doors, since he's friends with Manson and the three guys who killed kids.
No. 1146903
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>“And so,” says Depp, “I actually told this [Disney exec], ‘But didn’t you know that all my characters are gay?'”
>Johnny Depp has a fetish for dressing in women's clothes. The Hollywood heartthrob has admitted he has always sneakily stared at girls' shoes and stockingsHe is quoted in Britain's More magazine as saying: "I'd be embarrassed for my friends to find out that I'm familiar with women's clothing.
>Hollywood star Johnny Depp is reportedly passionate about collecting celebrity dolls.
>"He owns dozens of limited edition Barbies. He's also got dolls based on Beyonce and Destiny's Child, the High School Musical cast, New Kids on the Block, Elvis and even Donny Osmond," a source said.
>"The weirdest one is a Lindsay Lohan, complete with ankle monitoring bracelet from when she was under house arrest," the source added.
>Depp said that he had to buy a 16,000 square foot house just to house his extensive doll collection which includes 917 Barbie's, 403 Ken's, 372 Cabbage Patch dolls, 91 Betsy Wetsy’s, 82 G.I. Joe's, 74 Raggedy Ann's, 68 Dora The Explorer's, and 41 Donna The Dominatrix's.
No. 1146909
>>1146694I was waiting to see someone else say this. Apparently it's funny to say horrifically misogynistic things about a woman if you think she's
abusive, but you can't misgender a confirmed rapist/murderer? Clown world shit.
No. 1146912
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There has been no proof that she has lied, but it has been proven in a court in London that Depp lies a whole bunch. He has also admitted under oath now that he lied on his insurance forms about his sobriety and illegal substance use, he also lied about her shitting in the bed, he lies constantly because he's an alcoholic drug addict who can't keep his story straight for the life of him (just like he's not really straight). Even if she did lie, even if she were a full blown prostitute, she still doesn't deserve to be abused and I don't know why that warrants this autistic crusade of yours. Perfect victims don't exist and there's no way to win with you fucking retards. You either call us a bunch of dykes who just want to fuck Amber (as if she'd fuck someone based on their posts on a Mongolian basket weaving forum) or you act like we're BPD prostitutes who all fuck drug addicted old scrotes. Why is it so difficult to understand that some of us have this thing called empathy? You don't have to fuck geriatric drug addicted scrotes to feel bad that another woman got abused by one.
>I spam snippets of her acting not her pictures, coz it’s funny how she’s always loved old fat men. Haha.
You're genuinely retarded, every actress ever is forced to be the love interest of old fat men. It doesn't mean they all love them. It's a Hollywood problem.
No. 1146917
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You hate Amber Heard more than Depp somehow, so I don't understand this autistic crusade of yours. You realize that if she loses this case, scrotes will be able to sue women for defamation for vaguely alluding to having been abused in the past, even with not naming any names? Why do you want her to lose, why do you want to screw as a result normal women over, because of your vendetta against an actress who isn't even all that wealthy. She's not promoting what she did, she's not glorifying it, she literally spoke against it and then got punished for it. So what the actual fuck is your problem? I don't believe you for a second, you would shit on women irl too for not being the perfect victim, you would come up with some excuse as to push them further down the well, because you're fucking unhinged and you don't love women, if you did you wouldn't call them "whores". Fuck your backpedaling.
No. 1146926
>>1146917Dunno if you replied to my post or not, lying semi-scrotes-hoes accuse me of being a scrote to the lolcow police, but I don’t care if Johnny Depp loses.
> You realize that if she loses this case, scrotes will be able to sue women for defamation for vaguely alluding to having been abused in the past, even with not naming any names? That’s not true and they still do it. Knowing hollywood schemes. this might be happening as a response to the whole metoo now you say it. And the whole metoo shit actually didn’t do shit for actual
victims, it made them jealous.
I dislike most celebrities male or female I hope you’re happy now.
No. 1146935
>>1146926>lying wat
>semi-scrotes-hoesHow can you claim you love women when you call any woman you don't like a "semi-scrote" or a "whore", "hoe", "prostitute". You talk exactly like an incel, why would a woman ever want you?
>That’s not true Yes it is, that's how precedents and jurisprudence works, especially in common law countries.
>this might be happening as a response to the whole metoo now you say itYeah and Amber isn't in on it. If someone is in on it, it's Depp, because he's buddies with Manson and Manon was implicated in the Metoo thing through ERW.
>And the whole metoo shit actually didn’t do shit for actual victimsIt didn't have the impact people would hope, but I would like to see a source or some actual argumentation as to why it "didn't do shit".
>it made them jealousIs that what it's all about, you're jealous?
>I dislike most celebrities male or female I hope you’re happy now.Yet you're constantly going on a crusade against just the female celebrity, calling her a whore, a prostitute, a hoe and you first claimed you hate all of them and you didn't make any distinction between wealth. You're only now bringing fame and wealth into it, because you realized that your first attempt at getting everyone on your side by constantly calling her a "whore" and your "real radfems hate whores" bullshit didn't work. In reality, you don't care about all of that, you just hate women.
>>1146930So women who are famous can't be
victims? You're actually retarded.
(do not engage the scrotes. report and move on) No. 1146949
>>1146945Just so people know mods are also banning and deleting anti amber posts and accuse them of being scr*tes, you ungrateful fuck.
t. Knower
No. 1146958
>>1146945I don't believe that. I didn't get banned for the hardcore sperging I did the other day, but it seems like mods think that anon is a scrote, so I got a 5 minute ban or something for replying, fair enough kek. Here's a transcript from the trial, Depp having a freak out and destroying property, because he thought a woman was hitting on Amber. He also didn't like that she still tried to have her own career and didn't just rely on him.
>i'd like to to shift gears and and talk about uh um talk about hicksville you remember taking a trip to a place called the hicksville trailer palace in late may 2013, correct >i do indeed how could i forget >and the people this is it's like a little mini trailer resort out near palm springs joshua tree area>that's correct>um and the people that were there with you on that trip were amber, her sister whitney, right um a woman by the name of christy sexton right >oh yes okay um >raquel pennington>yes right >um someone named kelly sue, kelly sue milano milano or kelly sue, you remember you remember kelly sue, right?>i i don't remember a kelly sue okay uh>well in fact you you kelly sue, you recall was sitting close to amber and and you thought she was being affectionate toward her you'd agree with that right>sitting close is not the description i would uh give it myself>well you just testified you didn't remember someone named kelly sue but i'm i'm putting it to you if you remember someone named kelly sue who was sitting close to amber and being affectionate and you took exception to that didn't you >i wasn't aware that her name was, kelly sue terribly sorry about that, i didn't know her name ,but uh it was someone i'd never seen before, who, had clearly taken, some happy something, and was, very affectionate with, mya whole 4 second pause
>girlfriend>and so you removed kelly sue's hand from amber and you yelled at kelly sue and told her that amber was your girl right>that's not correct that's not correct no sir, not in the way that you're saying it, i certainly did remove her hand from, amber, that's the answer to your question, but i think it's not, well>mr depp it's not it's not a matter of how i said it it's a matter of how you've said it so let's take a look at page 239 of the uk transcript please this will be day two 2 29 239 230 page 18.[shenanigans about the transcript]
>line uh 22 you're being asked a question about um the incident we've just been discussing and you're asking a question and how did you deal with that uncomfortable situation [more shenanigans]
>yes i do all right um question and how did you deal with that uncomfortable situation answer "i removed miss kelly sue's hand from miss heard's body and i told her do not do that that first of all that is my girl second of all it is rude and invasive she was quite glassy eyed and she seemed pretty unsure of her surroundings she seemed very unstable on her feet and i remember saying to her if you were going to take this drug mdma you should know if you were able to handle it or not correct? do i read that right? >that's correctand after this uh incident you went back into the trailer that you and miss heard were were sharing and you had a big argument, right?
>yes it was an argument >and the argument started about kelly sue, correct? amber was unhappy with your reaction to her and what happened, correct?[lawyers object, says it's speculation, sustained]
>you could you had an argument with miss heard and you understood her to be upset with the way that you had handled um that situation with kelly sue correct
>i-, i mean i recall that, that was a, a part of the argument but um, as i had told miss heard i, was sorry if this i mean i was protecting ms heard's honor and i was protecting my girl from someone who was clearly unable to deal with the substances that you've taken right forward and i >i know that there will be differing accounts of what happened in that trailer uh over the course of this trial but you would agree with me mr depp that at a minimum you smashed up a bathroom sconce during that argument, correct?>yes sir i punched i punched a um a glass, a bathroom sconce, right by the mirror and i apologize>we've already covered this but this trip was in late may 2013 i don't[shenanigans about pulling up evidence]
>mr depp i'm going to ask you about um the the third text down this is a text exchange from, um you, uh a text message from you, uh to paul bettany, on july 11 2013 right>yes >okay and then above that there's a text message exchange between you and your sister christy on july 10th 2013, correct?>the text above yes yeah[more shenaigans about exhibit 181, they want to redact more]
>i'd like to take a look at the text that, you sent to paul bettany on july 11th if, you could blow that up please michelle and we just talked about this trip to hicksville. The second paragraph or the kind of the fourth line down you write to mr betany missing you and yours and await our dangle on the island you may have to drink for me i of course pounded and displayed ugly colors to amber on a recent journey, i am an insane person and not so fair-headed after too much of the drink, weed pills, wine, booze, my capacity is too large and i won't stop ugly and sad oh how i love it. did i read that right? >you did>if you go up, please this is a text message from exchange between you and christy in which christie texts you she wants to talk to me she doesn't know what to do loves you but doesn't know always what to do she's worried about it all and you write to her it was not pleasant today i wasn't aware she had another goddamn photo shoot tomorrow that's really why she fucking left i don't need actress bullshit and her fucking ambition that's what you wrote to your sister about amber on july 10 No. 1146963
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Sorry but this pic is just funny.
No. 1146967
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No. 1146990
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>>1146983samefag, all I'm seeing is a bloated corpse and a woman who is tired of all of this bullshit. She has eyebags and lost over 20lbs in 2016 due to the stress, but she still glows in comparison to the creepy pedo cross dresser, who is friends with other creepy pedo's and actual murderers.
No. 1147007
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>>1146996I don't agree with her doing that, but she apparently had fertility issues and she still doesn't deserve to be abused and she still deserves the right to speak up about it. She also seems to prefer dating women and only uses scrotes for their money or as a DNA donor. Whenever she's with a scrote, he's rich and famous, whenever she's with a woman she's usually not very well known and they amicably break up, often staying good friends afterwards. It seems like she wanted to stick it to Musk and didn't want to throw the embryos away, but she also couldn't carry them to term herself. It doesn't make her actions right and yes paid surrogacy is unethical, but it's irrelevant and doesn't give a scrote the right to want to rape her dead body and then sue her for complaining about it.
No. 1147020
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>>1147010A scuffle between two women isn't the equivalent of a scrote 20 years a woman's senior fantasizing about raping her dead body, cutting his own finger off and trying to blame her, regularly damaging property, freaking out that a woman was nice to her, constantly being drunk and on drugs, throwing a phone at her, hitting her etc. How are her exgfs ugly? They are older than her generally, but you should check the fantasies threads, because there are many lesbians who are into older women. The scrotes being older is probably a result of the environment of Hollywood and it doesn't even seem like she's really into men, besides their money. His personality is still worse than hers, have you seen the texts? Have you forgotten that he assaults people on set too, not just the person who you have a vendetta towards?
No. 1147028
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No. 1147039
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>>1147030Other anons call her a prostitute, basically implying the same thing and that's apparently fine. I express that it doesn't seem like she's really into men and it must be my own fantasy. She's already said she's bi, what would her being a lesbian help with? Btw Depp called her a lesbian camp counselor after the incident described here
>>1146958 so just saying.
No. 1147040
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>>1147039samefag to add pic
No. 1147049
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>>1147040I wonder whether an anon is going to come in to explain how Amber's friend, Kelly Sue, totally deserves to have Depp threaten to break her wrist. What are you going to do? Call her a whore, hoe or a prostitute? Or is it just going to be guilt by association? Are you going on a tirade against "dykes" again?
No. 1147050
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>>1147049And how did this person deserve it?
No. 1147055
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>>1147050He's such a good guy, grooming minors and pressuring his ex to say nice things about him, or else she could be negatively affected, because he convinced her to never get married, so she's got nothing to show for the 14 years they were together. It's obviously a sham since he calls her an extortionate french cunt behind her back. Really being neutral by going "both sides". What he has done over his wretched life is totally the equivalent of the shit she has pulled.
No. 1147059
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>>1147055It's so weird that Amber is into older women! Gross ew, they are so ugly! Haha, but yeah it's totally normal that Depp dates women almost half his age. His daughter totally won't feel awkward about his gross behavior. It's totally not a miracle that she got along with Amber despite all of this. It's always fair to blame women for dating older people, but it's never fair to blame the man! Haha I'm so fair and neutral with going "both sides".
No. 1147074
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how he talks about women in texts. also apparently a punter. absolutely gross
No. 1147079
>>1147074So he is a violent punter? Jesus H Christ.
If Amber beat him he deserved it.
No. 1147081
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No. 1147083
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No. 1147102
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cp don't scroll
No. 1147103
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No. 1147119
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>>1147106Out of everything in that, you think Depp having said he wants to shoot a porn with Burton is the weirdest? You have strange priorities. Also I don't think you have to be a conspiracy nutter to think it's sus he is besties with pedos, defends pedos and implies he's a pedo himself since he hyperfixates on little girl's clothes, dates women closer to his daughter's age than his and bought a separate house for his massive barbie collection. Here's another compilation for the anon who will screech about their texts screenshot being lost.
No. 1147133
File: 1650886398699.jpg (1.42 MB, 2662x1512, iweqrwerquehruiqwercwc.jpg)

such a wholesome lad
No. 1147151
>>1147133>>1147103first one is reading that block of text in the pic and second this is not appropriate for this thread since its literal boomer schizo tinfoil. It literally looks like the type of pics the alt-right conspiracy theorists would post on 4chan.
There is already enough proof of Johnny being a shit person without posting that.
No. 1147153
>>1147151NTA, but all of it is true kek. The symbols are literally taken from FBI case files, the article isn't from any schizo conspiracy site but a celebrity gossip site, and the thing about the accused murderers is from Wikipedia. Like…none of it is from conspiracy sites, it's not tinfoil. Just a bunch of very weird coincidences about this person who's claiming he's the
victim in this
No. 1147162
>>1147151altright conspiracy theorists on 4Chan are the ones defending Depp. I made the compilations, because anons were complaining about spam and how it's normal for a Hollywood scrote, when Depp is obviously unhinged and is obsessed with "little girls", literal besties with Manson, child murderers, defends pedos etc. An anon the other day acted like it's a good thing he worked with kids so much, but idk if it is since he's such an alcoholic drug addicted creep.
>>1147156You know you can just Google it? He literally said he wants to do porn in an interview. How am I the schizo one for that? It's not even relevant and you're distracting from the rest of the screenshot where he also called himself dangerous for being obsessed with girl's clothes.
No. 1147167
>>1147164>being pedofile isn't about wearing women's clothes or collecting dolls. When did I say it is? What are you, an automated Depp defending bot?
>Also i'm talking about the porn film which is obvious bullshit. ??? Open the links. It's right there, along with the crossdressing fetish shit. I'm not even the OP. You must be drunk, high or the 80 IQ anon reporting in again. There's no way anyone can be so dumb.
No. 1147169
>>1147153>>1147162the way its compiled/made is what makes it look like those conspiracy theory pics that scrotes make.
Also there are some things that are real mentioned and there are some which are blatant exaggerations and reaching.
Im just going to give you advice that you shouldn't make that look like clickbait tinfoil if you want it to be taken seriously.
>>1147165nta and im pro-amber but you are unhinged.. also ''whores'' hmmm wonder who else here also kept calling anons whores….a scrote.
No. 1147187
>>1147175>>1147181im not the mods can even check, stop accusing everyone who has a differing opinion from you of being ''insert anon'' or being the same entity.
All i fucking said that was that those pics looked like tinfoil and now im being called a deppwhore despite me defending amber this whole thread and even creating this thread.
Do you realize how unhinged echo-chamber that is.
>>1147179well the doll stuff, the ''pedo'' tattoos and some out-of-context quotes/images are kinda exaggerations but the rest is real. I didn't mean to start a infight lol i just was weirded out by the pics because they looked tinfoily.
Also there is another anon who is also saying this is tinfoil and im not them. These are my posts to you
>>1147151 ,
>>1147169 ,
>>1147173 No. 1147206
>>1147197It does look tinfoily though because of the aesthetic/way it was compiled. Definitely gives /pol/ vibes because of stuff like within the articles like
>countless theater chatroom commenters have debated the son's double-meaning, pointing out lascivious symbols like Red's lust colored cape and object of exploration: flowers, alluding to virginity And a quote of Depp saying he fell in love again after having a baby isn't really pedophilic, it's the standard thing people say when they have kids.
No. 1147207
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imagine defending and caping for this man so hard
No. 1147228
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>>1147186at least someone appreciates my spam
>>1147187>the mods can even checkI think one of the banners literally warns against asking this.
>well the doll stuff, the ''pedo'' tattoosOne screenshot is from an FBI report on how those symbols are used by pedos. Marilyn Manson literally has a pedo tattoo and is best buddies with Depp and they get buddy tattoos together, so it's relevant. Some other screenshots seem out of context, but anons in the celebricows thread were legit questioning whether Damien Echols and his goons did it or not (even though he was literally sentenced to death initially), they all practically confessed and had knowledge only the perpetrators could have (like that there was urine in one of the kid's stomachs). Also how many well adjusted men in their late 50's do you know who have an extensive barbie collection, for which they have to buy a new home. How many well adjusted men go to red carpet events with creepy dolls around their neck? It's relevant when put into context with his friends, his defending of pedophiles and child murderers, his obsession with "little girls", including calling his partners and sex workers he solicited "little girls", which is gross since he keeps dating women nearly half his age. The dolls are also relevant since he admitted to being obsessed with "girl's clothes".
No. 1147236
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>>1147228manson is a piece of shit abuser that should be jailed but that isn't the "girl love" tattoo that the FBI classified, it's his album artwork from his album "eat me, drink me", it's a spiralized heart that's roughly drawn. the girl love tattoo has no bottom and is not roughly drawn or spiralized, it's hearts within a heart. So yeah it ends up coming off as tinfoily with the symbols and all that.
No. 1147242
>>1147235I literally didn't. I understand now that you're not very bright, but please go back and look at what posts you replied to, there are multiple people in this thread. Consider your own opinion stated here (unless you're going to go back on that and claim that wasn't you, but you're the "I'm ESL learn my language before talking shit to me" person in an epic 5D chess reversal):
>not everyone who has a differing opinion is insert name of that anonYou're the only one gaslighting, just fucking quit. You're shitting up the thread for what?
No. 1147258

>>1147236Idk, that album was based on Alice in Wonderland, and one of its singles, "Heart-Shaped Glasses" was literally a Lolita reference general, Marilyn Manson is weird about kids. He played a man who slept with a little boy in drag in the movie The Heart is Deceitful Of All Things. I think the dude is just a nonce. I'm not saying Johnny Depp is for sure, but Manson just seems like an open and shut case.
I don't know if Lewis Carroll was a pedophile, but Manson's interpretation of things seems sketchy>On the film's scare tactics, Manson said, "I want to take the children's story that we all know, and discover the horrifying roots that grow beneath every one of its childish metaphors. The characters may be absurd and wrapped in puzzles, but, the author himself is the story that I find painfully close to me. Lewis Carroll is far more complex than the world's narrow perception of him as a quiet deacon, a mathematician and a loner, simply obsessed with photographing young girls. He was possibly one of the most divided souls living in his own hell that the world has overlooked."[1] Marilyn Manson digressed his aim for the project was to "redefine the horror genre […] It's kind of a return to Hitchcock-style psychological horror about letting your mind do the damage and sometimes what you don't see is scarier."If you still think the film was going to be entirely innocent, just watch the trailer I guess
No. 1147262
>>1147236no offense nona, but it's a SYMBOL. he put it on his album cover as a dogwhistle to other pedos. that's how they work, hence the matching tattoos.
please dont cape for pedo moids even if your heart is in the right place.
No. 1147268
>>1147074Knowing how he idolised Hunter S Thompson, and that it was rumoured that Hunter made snuff films,I would not be at all surprised if it comes out that he has done some heinous shit with prostitutes or other women he classes as "worthless" in the future.
He has no problem paying people to lie or keep silent for him….his texts about Amber to Paul Bettany were disgusting too. If I was Jennifer Connelly I'd be worried.
So much that is worrying about this man.
My YT recommendations are full of clips about him and his former romances, and the comments about "justice" for this poor, abused manipulative multi millionaire, mostly from women make me want to go and live in a cave; I hate celebrity culture so much.
No. 1147271
File: 1650892078235.jpg (710.85 KB, 1854x1200, marilynmansonisacreep.jpg)

>>1147269>>1147258Here you can have another one of my retarded compilations.
No. 1147272
>>1147271love you nona, keep up the great work. these are legit helpful
Alice in Wonderland has been linked to MK Ultra so it makes a LOT of sense
should we take the MM/ERW chat to the tinfoil thread though? know it's adjacent but don't want the infighting to increase this thread is a shitshow lmao
No. 1147273
>>1147262>>1147269>>1147271anons, i'm well aware of the ERW thing and lolita references in general. i'm aware alice in wonderland was potentially based off of his cousin or whatever, but these are also hugely highly referential pieces of work that are constantly referenced by countless artists. do i think manson would rape a kid? probably, but i don't think his tattoo is a reference to a legit pedo group. i think men are openly hebephilic and many are pedophilic anyways but ties to these organizations and stuff specifically… seems spurious and tinfoily. lolita is referenced by so many artists and so is alice in wonderland. that's not to say manson isn't a freak, sex offender, and that i wouldn't put it past him to rape a child, but i dont think his album cover is a reference to a NAMBLA tier organization.
>>1147272aaand this is why i say it's verging on boomer-tier tinfoil
No. 1147280
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>>1147273Oh yeah, because marilyn manson totally doesn't have a history of taking controversial symbols, changing them slightly and then using it for his work. It's all just a coincidence.
>>1147279Didn't Asia Argento also sleep with a minor? Winona Ryder was groomed by Depp. Courtney Love was in Epstein's address book.
No. 1147281
>>1147273>>1147279interested in your thoughts nona, sorry bout boomer tinfoiling I've been in a conspiracy hole all day my bad
when it comes to amber/johnny the more of his texts come out the higher the cringe is. couldn't they have dealt with this any way else? and if it's been proven 12 out of 14 (iirc) of the alleged abuses were proven? and he's chillin lying in court
No. 1147284
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No. 1147297
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why are there so many religious retards supporting him.
No. 1147309

The comments kek
>Yes, words are different than actions but let’s also remember an abuser can violate you, humiliate you, and bring the worst out of you! She’s gaslighting him right here in front of all of us.
>When someone is trying to ruin your life and life’s work you feel like they are destroying you.. words will be said. It’s a fight for your life. Only people who have been in abusive relationships truly understand.
>its funny how these lawyers will examine you as if you are less than human to try and paint a narrative around the truth. Just by reading those texts, you can just see the immense pain Johnny has been through for the last decade. He deserves peace. Amber deserves prison time for everything she has done to him.
>So what this tells us is that Johnny Depp has had problems with alcohol, like many of us, gotten treatment like many of us, been angry with our partners like many of us, messaged friends about it like many of us, and regretted our feelings like many of us.
>This is so unfair. It‘s very obvious that he wrote those things out of pure anger and not scheming to actually hurt her. The text messages between him and Amber‘s parents actually prove the opposite — how much he adored her, even after everything she has done to him!
>My heart pains for this man… I pray that others see the kind person he is. This woman is awful… The thought alone, that she is recording him to set him up the whole time should be evidence enough.
>God Bless Johnny. He is an unusual person, an artist, a flawed human being but he is not an abuser!!! I understand his psychology and his expressions in his speech, it is not actual!, it is expression. I feel so badly for him, because Amber is the aggressor, there is no doubt. He used words, she used physical violence and blamed HIM! No excuse for all the damage she did and continues to do.
Anyone "both sides"ing this needs to take a long hard look in the mirror, because we have gotten to the point where it's apparently acceptable and justified to threaten to burn, kill and rape your ex-wife. For what? For complaining that you're an unreliable drug addicted alcoholic. For not letting you stonewall her and push her onto the bed. For not letting you put your hands on her friends and call her a lesbian camp counselor over it. She hit him, but are you going to act like that's the same as a man hitting a woman? He also headbutted her in the face and broke her nose, cut his own finger and tried to blame her. Whatever she did can never be on the same level as his.
No. 1147317
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>>1147309Also this bullshit isn't actually funny. Depp's lawyers interject over ever little thing and constantly want to redact shit. They try to waste time even though they're the ones who started this lawsuit in the first place. Every time it gets spicy they object about something and it ends with everyone taking a break. They also tried to hide evidence before and I bet they used shady tactics when delivering the evidence to Amber's legal team, to make it difficult to find anything noteworthy. Amber's legal team is being so gracious in comparison, always allowing the redactions, immediately rephrasing when Depp's lawyers decide to object. You can see clearly the impact of Depp's legal team being made up of big shot defamation attorneys and Amber's more humble legal team being made up of attorneys with experience in abuse cases.
No. 1147342
>>1147309Anons why do you think these women support depp? I get that MRA hate women but what about the female supporters?
Did they have their bfs treat them in similar ways because those men despise them and that's how these women cope with it? By telling it it's out of love for a man to insult his partner in vile and misogynistic ways?
Any other ideas?
No. 1147346
>>1147342pretty privilege. that and whatever bizarre reason women write to men on death row. pick me + I can fix him syndrome? I feel like we're so trained to cater to them we're almost
victims of stockholm syndrome.
No. 1147347
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i lost iq points reading the comments
No. 1147354
>>1147346You're on point. They definitely act in a Stockholm syndrome way.
>>1147347At least women shouldn't support him, when will pickmes understand they're only enabling incels? These are the same men who expect women to raise their child after they leave the woman for a younger one and seethe when they have to pay child support. Same men who think most rapes are false reports unless the girl was a virgin and perfect in every sense of way. They're disgusting and women should see it but we're all brainwashed to accept scrote degeneracy.
No. 1147355
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>>1147317And I hate defending scrotes, but come on, any normal person wouldn't like putting Depp's words into their mouth. It's polite to apologize to the jury, for subjecting them to such fucked up shit. Just because so many people have deluded themselves into thinking this is okay, doesn't mean it actually is.
>>1147342I think it's because they are attached to him as an actor first and foremost. Many of them also talk as if Depp totally went through the same experience as a battered woman did and they don't seem to take into account that he's a big older man, who did actually physically abuse her. They think they're empathizing with him or that he would care about their plight. I also agree with this
>>1147346 anon, it's a bit of "I can fix him", because Depp has created this narrative that the alcoholism and substance abuse is a "monster" separate from him. It's like they think it'll be like beauty and the beast.
>>1147326Those recordings are getting spicy, he put cigarettes out on her and when she called it out, he called her a fatass. Btw the moderator of the chat, Addi Talks True Crime & Trials, is a bit of a weirdo too. She hearted a comment where someone accused Amber of "soulraping" Depp kek
No. 1147358
>>1147342Looking at the comments I have seen on YT and other sites; seems to mainly be middle aged women who fangirled him in the 90s despite
a. him looking like an actual FTM until he reached his mid-late 30s, there is an interview with Graham Norton where he bemoans the fact that he can't grow a beard, and he sits cross legged like a baby butch in almost every interview clip I've had the misfortune to see, and
b.he wouldn't piss on any of these women if they were on fire, much less fuck them.
No. 1147360
>>1147358>he wouldn't piss on any of these women if they were on fire, much less fuck them.This tbh. He wouldn't have care about any woman who's not model-tier. He also has a thing for burning and raping burnt women so… Maybe he'd do that at least!
>>1147355>Amber soulraping deppKek. Do you have a picture of the comment? What does soulrape mean? These women are ultimate pickmes
No. 1147366
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>>1147360Here you go nonna
No. 1147370
>>1145923>>1146348>>1146357I read the timeline, the abuse started relatively quickly. It goes
>he hits her>he hits her>he hits her>he hits her>they marry>he keeps hitting herIt's baffling. They both sound drugged out of their minds in the tapes, so I assume she was too drugged out to think properly while she was with him and that's how she ended up marrying him. idk, I can't listen to all that slurring, shit's hard to follow when they can barely speak
No. 1147375
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I love her hair today btw. Just the sheer contrast, seeing Depp with his greasy ponytail, mixed metal rings, sunglasses indoors, mixed earrings, wrinkly suit, constantly touching his nose and mouth, doesn't look like he cares at all. If he wasn't famous, you wouldn't be able to tell how wealthy he is, because he looks like your average pimp. Meanwhile she just looks distraught, like she hasn't slept in months, but still manages to dress and have her hair styled immaculately.
No. 1147377
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i looked at the profile of one of the men calling amber a goldigger and he is a old creepy sexpat who goes to thailand and asia to fuck young girls and then complains about them when they want money from him. KEK why are all the men hating on amber such failures at life.
No. 1147380
>>1147370They spoke at length that he dated Amber for over a year and she saw him through rehab or something before marriage and he told her mum which was in text, that he wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Amber. They obviously married each other off of that. Like people do try and support people and fall in love through hardships but she left him after he wasn't able to maintain stability and was being an unhinged mess.
People take drugs recreationally and drink without becoming destructive and
abusive. Depp isn't just a drug addict, he's not able to control himself in regards to other people. Amber is not the only person he has abused before.
Amber also isn't the one that took him to court. Depp took her to court so the onus is on him to prove he's not
abusive and he lost in the UK trial, doesn't bode well for him.
No. 1147383
>>1147326I hate how Depp acts like he doesn't know how to look at the screen. He pulls this every single time and makes the exact same jokes every single fucking time. I don't know how that attorney hasn't punched him in the face yet. Also are they legit talking about "hitting the wall"? This entire trial is like a fever dream.
>>1147378Yeah as if he can't afford a stylist too and just not wear sunglasses indoors like a douchebag. I get having prescription sunglasses, but why not bring normal glasses to a fucking trial?
No. 1147388
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>>1147384Yeah, that makes sense, but it doesn't make it any less infuriating. For that alone I would understand if Amber hit him and her attorneys are legit handling him like a little kid, even though he's 58 kek
No. 1147392
I found some old blind items about Heard and Depp (I know they have to be taken with a grain of salt but thought they would be still interesting):
>April 10, 2016
>Don't believe what you read about this A/A+ list mostly movie actor taking an interest in who his daughter is dating. He is so messed up on drugs he can't think of anyone but himself.
Johnny Depp/Lily-Rose Depp
>February 8, 2016
>Apparently this A/A+ list mostly movie actor has turned to the drug of choice for this former A list singer. Meth. The teeth of our actor have started dropping out too.
Johnny Depp/Marilyn Manson
>March 22, 2016
>This former A+ list mostly movie actor who will regain the spot once his never ending franchise has its next release took over the makeup counter at Barney's and proceeded to give himself a makeover. He spent about $700 on makeup he used at the counter but did not take with him.
Johnny Depp "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales"
>January 29, 2015
>This is a new drug for this still A list mostly movie actor who was A+ list not that long ago. I guess he is trying to relive his hotel trashing youth, but he has started smoking meth and crack which he never did before. He is a mess.
Johnny Depp
>November 23, 2015
>This former A+ list mostly movie actor turned A lister didn't have much to do when he walked a red carpet recently so he got wasted beforehand. So, his wife had to basically keep him upright and moving towards the general direction of the doors while she tried to do a couple of interviews without her husband crashing to the ground. Not a pretty sight.
Johnny Depp/Amber Heard "The Danish Girl"
>June 6, 2014
>There is an actress who had one line to read in a movie. She now has several pages of scenes all because she is having sex with the B list mostly movie actress who name dropped her boyfriend to the producers. The funny thing is the boyfriend would be ticked off if he knew his girlfriend was cheating again so it was probably not the best decision.
Amber Heard/Johnny Depp
>March 9, 2014
>This A+ list mostly movie actor was buying wigs and lingerie last week and lots of makeup. None of it was for his B- list mostly movie actress fame loving girlfriend. Nope. These were all for the actor. His girlfriend is more open to this kind of thing then his ex. Plus, now he doesn't have to pay someone. Well upfront anyway. Usually.
A+ list mostly movie actor: Johnny Depp
B- list mostly movie actress fame loving girlfriend: Amber Heard
No. 1147408
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>>1147390Considering, you know, everything, I'm inclined to believe you. Highlighting a bit of the text you posted in picrel
>>1147392>There is an actress who had one line to read in a movie. She now has several pages of scenes all because she is having sex with the B list mostly movie actress who name dropped her boyfriend to the producers. The funny thing is the boyfriend would be ticked off if he knew his girlfriend was cheating again so it was probably not the best decision.Who was that? Cara Delevingne?
>>1147401Lmfao he complained about his doctor and sobriety support "judging" him for his drug use, that is literally their job. Then he says he's never getting clean and sober, while you hear Amber crying in the background, what a fucking asshole. But she's supposedly the insane abuser and he totally didn't push her to the edge.
No. 1147409
>>1147392I can believe the meth and crack accusations, just look at this pic here
>>1145877 looks like fake teeth to me.
No. 1147420
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>>1147326I like that closed captioning keeps calling him "mr death" kek
No. 1147426
>>1147420almost feels like movie night with nonas, only darker
team girlboss stacy amber kek
No. 1147466
>>1147454refresh the page, i deleted to add stuff in before i reposted. my post looks weird because "
abusive" and "
toxic" is redtexted and in a different typeface than the rest of the text, which spaces the text. i don't know, while i would like for amber to obviously win, depp is heavily favored because he's johnny depp, men are heavily favored, and bringing to light a tough childhood is bound to bring more sympathy to men. i don't think people care that he's disgusting or that his texts are disgusting, etc. it's just male supremacy and preference all over again. everyone is making such a huge deal still over the fact that she called him "old and fat" or whatever.
No. 1147480
>>1147472UK defamation law is extremely different from US and that doesn't matter anyways because the jury doesn't need to actually apply the law to make their choice. his guilt isn't being called into question in this trial. it's not a criminal case, it's a civil case, and her guilt isn't either, it's whether or not she's
liable, per the op-ed, for negative impact on his image and financial injury.
>>1147474they're not supposed to but it doesn't matter. high profile cases tend to be rife with bias regardless, especially in the case of "beloved" public figures.
No. 1147481
>>1147458>>1147466Can you please stop double posting and deleting just to add things? Maybe think for 10 seconds before posting, so you can still add more things? Yeah Depp is heavily favored because he's a famous scrote actor who whined about his childhood, but I doubt the jury is going to remember that after hearing weeks of his drug addicted violent shenanigans. The jury isn't like the people on social media, afaik they aren't even allowed to be on social media for the duration of the trial. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
>>1147467NTA, but the ones sitting in the back of the court. It feels somewhat disrespectful honestly, this is an actual serious trial and Depp has fangirls sitting in the back, giggling.
>>1147472Yes, he did. Despite the judge not dismissing the case based on that, the UK case is helping a lot in this one if you listen closely. Especially when it comes to evidence and Depp having put his foot in his mouth during the last trial several times.
>>1147478>>1147480Please stop double posting. Think before you post.
No. 1147491

>>1147481>>1147467What nona said, the women sitting in the back filtering whenever Depp "owns the lawyer" with his quips, which aren't even funny. Screans pickle
Also I've had to delete a couple to fix stuff, as other nonas have. Dw we'll cop ban if the farm hands ever get around to it don't stress bby
No. 1147494
>>1147485NTA but you're retarded. That's what doubleposting is.
>>1147481The people on social media never really mirror what real people think. My friend also thought Johnny was the
victim because he "showed signs of trauma" but when I told her what he had done to Amber my friend's mind changed so quickly. Only MRA activists and chronically online fangirls will still support depp when this is over, those people aren't jury and I agree with you.
No. 1147498
File: 1650902954689.jpg (65.91 KB, 1162x263, 89quv4n5098qnvagfdfg.jpg)

>>1147487Oh yeah he just "accidentally" headbutts her and puts cigarettes out on her, but he didn't hit her! Sorry you've got a sibling like that.
>>1147494Thank you
No. 1147503
File: 1650903262350.jpg (51.5 KB, 559x422, TItfuhZ.jpg)

>>1147390have you fucking zoomers really never heard of hunter s thompson, this is a known thing
No. 1147508
>>1147448He's also tried to use his mother's death as a reason he's a
victim and he was crossed examined as to how attentive he was in her care etc and it did not come across well. He's all over the place.
He's confirmed he lied on insurance documents about his sobriety. He's confirmed to have trashed the place. He lacerated his own finger. He wrote threats in blood and told people he was going to kill and rape his dead wife's body. It is beyond me how this man is trying to paint himself as a
No. 1147512
>>1147494that's not doubleposting. it would be considered doubleposting if there was an edit button or some way to edit and i just reposted it twice? it's obviously encouraged that you delete your post to revise or adjust, add an image, etc. once again, both posts stay up if you don't refresh the page but in actuality i have deleted it before the revised post goes up.
>>1147497it really doesn't matter anyways, i'm sure she used an assortment of products through the years, most likely, or whatever was on hand. it's not like she isn't a star with access to tons of products and tons of money.
>>1147508it's really insane. i hope it doesn't come across well but based on what we can see from public opinion, if they're anything like the jury, it's not great for amber. like usual, it just feels like it doesn't matter what a man does, there needs to be a witch to burn. which is amazing because she's not even the one coming after him for money yet she's the huge golddigger causing drama?
No. 1147518
File: 1650903683320.jpg (83.01 KB, 1265x660, tired_of_his_shit.jpg)

She looks so tired of his shit.
>>1147503NTA, I've watched Fear and Loathing, but Hunter S Thompson isn't really well known to us no afaik, especially not to zoomers outside of the US.
>>1147508That text was apparently when they weren't even married yet. So he wanted to kill and rape her before he even decided to marry her.
>>1147512Are you sure it's not doubleposting as meant in rule 4? Not trying to mini-mod, but I'm a bit confused now.
>>1147515Yeah, I posted a screenshot of him admitting it here
>>1147498 Sorry you went through all of that, I hope your ex dies a painful death lonely in a ditch, if I'm allowed to say that.
No. 1147522
>>1147503nona I'm a millennial and yeah that's why I posted it…for the zoomers who don't know.
happen to know a lot of moids obsessed with him and fuck, it's as bad as patrick bateman or the joker how they idolise him even though he's basically one of the sicker fucks in the circle.
lucky I love you or by god your hide after calling an antient being like me a zoomer how dare you kek
No. 1147535
>>1147531there's so much minimodding in this thread it's insane
>>1147526nona, see
>>1147522I guarantee I'm older than you and have read Thompsons work, step down
No. 1147537
>>1147518>4. Deleting>You have 30 minutes to delete a comment you've made. You do not need to enter a password; one is automatically assigned and saved in your browser. If you've made a typo or want to correct any part of your comment, copy the text, delete it, and re-post it. Do not double-post to correct yourself. Do not ask mods to delete your post if you missed the 30 minute window.Anon did nothing wrong.
>>1147515>It's so weird that people are aware of how fucked up certain hard drugs can make a person yet also completely dismissive of it. I fucking hate cocaine and meth. Rots people from the inside out.Preach. You are so right.
No. 1147545
>>1147542Samefag here, but >>fishmarket
The only men I've seen in life who call women names referencing fish like that have been bitter homosexuals….
No. 1147550
File: 1650904454849.jpeg (126.46 KB, 720x905, 1648849140341.jpeg)

at this point Amber should have pulled a Jodi
but bpds are too soft to commit murder
No. 1147555
>>1147535I understand that mini-modding is annoying, but now it happened to you too. It's confusing to reply to a post and then have it disappear the next second. Especially in a fast moving thread like this, it seems to be the same anon(s) who keep doing it too. I won't complain about it anymore though, since evidently it's alright. Sorry.
>>1147529I was worried about the judge initially, but she seems pretty good!
>>1147542>littleWhy does he keep saying that? It's really creepy
>pointless dangling overused flappy fish market>She will hit the wall hard!!!>this waste of a cum guzzlerHe sounds just like any other terminally online incel.
>>1147545Gives more credence to this anon's
>>1147390 tinfoil
No. 1147556
>>1147553 and meant to quote
>>1147542 because you deleted your last post. This is such a vile thing and I have no idea how women in depp terms "hit the wall" are defending him so hard.
No. 1147561
>>1147556Here nona, hope it loads properly, and yeh, I thought the same about the "little russian" given that dude is pushing 60 years old.
No. 1147562
File: 1650904818021.jpg (116.62 KB, 1342x767, 9q384vuc5n9348tuvn0t.jpg)

He's going with the "I'm just a little boy" thing again. Fucking hell, you're 58! He's also a horrible actor, like you can tell he's "acting" and he thinks he's doing a great job, but it constantly sounds like he's being ironic. He can't even hide that he doesn't believe himself. Oh and I really like Amber's glasses.
No. 1147563
File: 1650904841128.jpg (358.64 KB, 1908x1146, glen.jpg)

>>1147553someone on the deuxmoi sub said it's the girl he dated after Amber, Polina Glen. She was 23 at the time and it was a short relationship. No. 1147565
>>1147555>she will hit the wallThe only role depp will get is to be an incel icon from now on. Kek. If incels caught up on this, they'd leak his
abusive shit everywhere, it would be good. Pickmes would finally peak maybe.
No. 1147568
File: 1650905037660.jpg (105.56 KB, 1322x717, 439q8vun90asdfjhdsjf.jpg)

>>1147560Here you go nonna
>>1147563>little Russian>23Fucking hell, why does he have to be so creepy? She's barely older than his daughter.
No. 1147585
>>1147562i can't believe a 58 year old man with a 35 year history in showbusiness is still going with the "damaged little boy" image. he has no dignity or integrity. and also subsequently his emails or texts have no meaning but tons of meaning at the same time when convenient
>>1147555if you think that was me (the anon who reposted), anon, it wasn't. that was another anon talking about the mini-modding.
>>1147537>Anon did nothing wrong.thank you, anon. i guess people really are new.
No. 1147593
File: 1650905589585.png (298.98 KB, 318x403, Screenshot 2022-04-25 at 17-51…)

More nonsense.
>>fragile star uwu
No. 1147606
>>1147576She 100% saw the
abusive side of Johnny and fled away from him to a other country and used his legal battle as a excuse to break up.
No. 1147609
File: 1650905900913.jpg (92.72 KB, 1326x686, q89q34uv598345vu.jpg)

It almost looked like he was smiling, while being on another rant about Amber and feeling unloved. Her face says enough.
>>1147593>Everyone is a crazy abuser except for me! No. 1147618
>>1147548He's not wrong, she looks terrible now. Before amberfags jump down my throat again,he also looks like crap, but he is almost 60 and she's 35. She was okay looking just 3 years ago in 2019, way after this whole circus started between them. Her cheek implants or whatever look terrible without baby fat covering them, and she looks weird as fuck when she smiles, he hair looks dry and fried. It looks like she completely abandoned trying to look good, maybe because she thinks it'll be better at trial if she doesn't look too pretty?
I'm more disturbed by the fact that he apparently uses RP terminology, which means he was lurking MRA and RP websites reading pity posts about himself. That's truly pathetic
Also. Stop. trying. to make everyone. a child. I am from Russia. People there are adults at 23, there's no delayed adolescence like in America, because you have to grown up quickly. She was already a go-go dancer at 17, in Russia that means entertaining drunk retarded men who basically see you as a stripper. She had 7 years of experience wrangling retarded russia moids by the time she met depp, which is the equivalent of ten years in US time.
No. 1147620
>>1147606This. I've seen Russian women and they don't let scrotes use them, maybe because they know how shtty men can get especially if alcoholic because their men drink a lot or if it's because they're dominant. I've never seen a submissive Russian woman, they always have the controls of their marriages unless they're actively being taken advantage of, which is rare because they know how to tell if a man is
No. 1147634
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>>1147624The strange line down her cheeks when she smiles makes me think it's some kind of implant.
No. 1147637
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>>1147634she has cheek fillers and i think a nose job
No. 1147642
File: 1650907136215.jpg (2.55 MB, 5432x3020, schizo_mirror_explanation_depp…)

I tried to screenshot his explanation for the schizo mirror messages for later, but he speaks so slowly and I gave up when he started bragging about his own career and the advice he gave her. Reading guide: up, down, then left to right, sorry for how messy it is.
>>1147618>>1147624Yeah she lost a lot of weight from the stress of all of this and it looks like she hasn't slept in weeks, but she can easily regain weight and get more sleep. Depp did meth, you can't undo that kind of damage.
No. 1147645
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No. 1147646
>>1147644>she's still hotter than all depp defendersBased.
>>1147635 and the other anon isn't even me. Why are you minimodding like this? Which rule did I break?
No. 1147662
>>1147653It's always women from countries that have bad economies. Men are disgusting. Though I agree those women are beautiful, the reason they want "mail order brides" is definitely not because of their beauty but dependance.
>>1147652Colorado correcting and heavy makeup is something abused women have used for a very long time, sadly and because of that it's not hard to image she could perfectly hide the marks.
No. 1147679
File: 1650908545516.jpg (163.75 KB, 897x535, 98q34unasdfshdf.jpg)

>>1147649I don't know if I'm being insane, but I feel like he pulls a specific expression every time he starts one of his sad old man diatribes. It's like he turns acting mode on (but he can't act anymore) and he can't help himself from sounding ironic/sarcastic.
>>1147652Exactly, it's a prop to spark the imagination of the jury. It's not relevant whether it was the exact pallet and it's telling that scrotes and handmaidens think the entire trial can be won by Depp based on such a tiny detail, even if it were the case that it wasn't sold before 2017.
>>1147670adding a screenshot for you, because someone will ask for more info probably
No. 1147688
>>1147679ayrt Thanks nona, this is a different article but gives more context.
Gosh, he just has so much bad luck with these mean women, huh.
I expect she doesn't speak to him any more partly because he threw a wine bottle at her, idk..
No. 1147720
>>1147718it's pretty shitty because if it does set precedent this can go for anyone experiencing abuse, children of
abusive parents or basically anyone experiencing abuse, which also includes men. they're so fucking stupid though they'd cut their noses off to spite their faces and just hurt any woman in the process.
No. 1147724
>>1147718But there are still anons who think they can be neutral by going "both sides", as if that doesn't play exactly into the hand of MRA's.
>>1147720That's exactly why Amber is being represented by Elaine Bredehoft, she's got a lot of experience in specifically child abuse cases. I know lawyers are always seen as money hungry pariahs, but it's telling that she agreed to represent Amber. She could've had a purely defending against defamation lawsuit team, with a second Rottenborn type, like Depp's purely defamation attack dog legal team, but she doesn't.
No. 1147735
>>1147726Especially with reactive abuse what probably also happened in this case. They will use this to their advantage to paint the
victim who defended herself as the abuser
No. 1147746
So, if I'm hearing this correctly he will either stonewall her, ignore her for hours or he'll self harm, but she's the one who handles arguments badly. Sure, that's totally logical and a fair choice to put in front of your gf/wife. Apparently her wanting to talk about anything is considered escalation by him and because he starts to self harm, he considers it her fault that he cut his finger.
>>1147726>>1147735Decades of work done by feminist activists and attorneys being thrown in the bin, because handmaidens nowadays want to cape for a fat ugly old man.
No. 1147822
>>1147782Why are you arguing so hard against this? White men treat women of different races almost like how they think of different country's cuisines at best and sex objects at worst. I've gotten sexualized for looking slavic and it's disgusting, they see you as objects.
>>1147817This. Depp and his uggo abuser scrotie friends all make each other look worse. Kek.
No. 1147825
File: 1650914961471.jpg (125.27 KB, 1331x678, 843uv5n92843ut3.jpg)

Closed captioning providing his new name for after he loses the trial
No. 1147837
File: 1650915596436.jpg (138.11 KB, 1327x747, 8nuqv4958u349t.jpg)

You literally were listening, because how else can you now give testimony? If you admit that you weren't listening properly, then how can you give testimony, never mind indicate in which tone Amber said anything? How do you know for sure that you didn't miss anything? What if Depp muttered something under his breath which you missed? Also, you're giving way too many unnecessary details, like the sound of tiles, which kinda gives away that you're lying. You're also on Depp's payroll indirectly, even if you were employed through Disney, you have more ties to Depp than Amber. It's obvious where your loyalty would be. Also you come across as a flaming faggot and I think you want to fuck Depp and hate Amber because of it, but you can't say such things in court.
No. 1147850
File: 1650916117534.jpg (130.1 KB, 1337x697, 83v4un529348ut.jpg)

>>1147837>end of the week, yayYou're accusing Amber of drinking one or two bottles of wine per day, saying she's abusing your former? employer and you're saying "yay" during a trial. Fucking hell. Nobody on Depp's side is taking this seriously. Also they're having
another break.
No. 1147901
File: 1650917527521.jpg (136.91 KB, 1337x743, 489v5uh3984u53.jpg)

>Amber was hysterical
>Jerry Judge, Depp's bodyguard was keeping her calm
Misogynistic prick
No. 1147916
>>1147913lmao thats not true anon is just making shit up.
She had a surrogate (other women gave birth for her) the identity of the father is kept secret so not known.
No. 1147921
File: 1650918405056.jpg (1.38 MB, 3944x2136, damage_caused_by_Depp.jpg)

House manager describing the damage he saw around the time Depp cut his own fingertip off. Somehow this is supposed to be in Depp's favor, but this just seems like a description of the aftermath of moid rage. Reading guide: left to right, up to down, I didn't screenshot every second, just tidbits interesting to me, like unnecessary details indicating deception/weird priorities (the color of things, the exact material etc.) and the actual damage.
>>1147911He is a faggot, you can hear it in his voice, his choice of words, his mannerisms, it's obvious. Usually I don't even hate on gay scrotes much, but it's extremely relevant now. He's probably thirsty for Depp.
No. 1147931
File: 1650918873064.jpg (158.02 KB, 1310x672, mr_herb_the_weed_fiend.jpg)

>>1147928He thinks that listing such intricate details makes his story more believable. It's possible that it's true that there was a cream couch, but it's not relevant. It's possible that it's true that the tiles in the corridor sounded that way, but it's not relevant. Meanwhile with other questions, especially about Amber specifically, he's not as detailed and gives more short yes and no answers.
>>1147929I also have mr. Herb for you
No. 1147937
File: 1650919258863.jpg (153.22 KB, 1333x680, 8934uv590348u5.jpg)

>Marilyn Manson gets mentioned
like clockwork
No. 1147941
File: 1650919353535.jpg (153.06 KB, 1333x688, 894v3un94vu4v95.jpg)

>>1147935He did visit him on set. Why would a house manager need to visit a guy on set, when he's technically not even his employer, but Disney is?
No. 1147945
File: 1650919491627.jpg (135.22 KB, 1343x691, 8943uvn592834un539.jpg)

>fictional cancer
>Pirates 5
accurate closed captioning strikes again
No. 1147963
File: 1650920024024.jpg (603.68 KB, 4924x688, penis_on_painting.jpg)

What the fuck is going on
No. 1147967
File: 1650920073320.jpg (152.31 KB, 1340x697, mr_Dempsey.jpg)

>>1147929I got another one for you kek
No. 1147981
>>1147962She's actually having them stand in the rain, fucking hell.
>>1147971Hasn't she done that before already? I could've sworn I've seen it happen already. Rottenborn is on the faggot house manager's ass though, questioning whether he was loyal to Disney or Depp, by asking who he sent the pictures to first.
No. 1148088
>>1148055It's going to take a long ass time. There are over 35 witnesses they're planning to have call in or be there in person. Most of them are on Depp's side and on Depp's (indirect) payroll. As you might've noticed, they're not giving straight answers, evading a lot, giving unnecessary details, going on tangents etc. Depp himself is absolutely horrible to work with, constantly acting like he can't see the screen, making the same stupid jokes over and over, speaking at a snails pace and we're going to be seeing a lot more of him. Depp's legal team is screeching objection over every little thing, Heard's team is giving in most of the time to have things move along, but it's getting ridiculous. Whenever any evidence gets pulled up, Depp's team wants to redact a whole bunch or tries to claim it's hearsay because there were also other people you could hear in a recording. Meanwhile Depp tries to bring in a lot of actual hearsay himself, like the whole debacle around the shit in the bed, he never saw it personally. I had higher expectations of Depp's legal team based on their networth and experience in defamation lawsuits, but they're mainly just sleazy and annoying. I'm more impressed with Heard's legal team. The judge is fine I guess? At first I was worried because she mostly did something related to veterans recently, I don't know much about that stuff, maybe a burgeranon can fill me in, but it didn't feel very relevant. I like that she's allowing testimony from the UK case as evidence though, even after she declined to dismiss the case based on the UK one (which I get). She also seems to have things move along fairly fast and doesn't allow Depp's legal team to stall too much, so I don't think she's too biased. I still don't dare to say with any certainty whether this will go in favour of Heard or Depp. I obviously hope for Heard and by law that would make sense, but the whole jury thing complicates things. I agree with another anon earlier upthread that you shouldn't assume that terminally online MRA's and handmaidens are representative for the jury though. What I can say with certainty is that Depp's reputation is more fucked with every day this trial keeps going and he's retarded for having pushed for this, even in the event he does win. He could end up getting sued by Disney or the insurance company for admitting to lying on his insurance forms for Pirates 5 and all the property damage. He's dragging the house manager down with him too, everyone who testifies for him is getting dragged down really. Even the evidence which is supposedly in Depp's favour, just shows how he's violent and causes damage. He can blame Heard as much as he wants, but that isn't how people who aren't terminally online MRA's or handmaidens are going to look at it. A burgerfag lawyer's opinion on this would be worth more though.
>>1148072I'm also ESL. That my country's legal system is retarded and unnecessarily complicated.
No. 1148117
>>1148107Thank you for your input!
>I strongly believe they will not find his defamation claim validI feel this in my heart or gut too, but the "it depends…" has been drilled in too much kek
No. 1148426
File: 1650948829710.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1162x1857, 4BD3370E-47D7-4E4F-BC41-7799CB…)

Wow never thought I’d agree with Howard.
No. 1148445
File: 1650951599563.jpg (517.78 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220426-002702_Fir…)

I am tired of having to unfollow groups/people that would regularly call out attention whores and sexism because they refuse to see the truth about this bloated scrote. These are people that, in a normal situation, are full aware of what gaslighting and reactive "abuse" are, but as soon as it is about Depp they go full dumbass and just believe whatever they are told on twitter and instagram. It doesn't seem like any of them have actually looked at any of the court records or watched any of the full (unedited) recordings, but they are still 100% sure they are correct and cocaine-corpsefucker is the good guy.
>>1148426Of all the people in the public eye to give their opinion on this situation, I wasn't expecting this guy to be the one with a good take.
No. 1148484
>>1148435they literally would. MRAs always pull that bullshit in trials where a woman was murdered by man
>But if he was a woman murderer he would walk free!>But she shouldn't have done this or that>He was just tired of abuse! This is self defenseNever maybe he shouldn't have murdered her? I also like how if courts determine a woman lied about rape then she lied no questions asked, but if a court denies a man's claims of defamation then the court is wrong and she's 100% guilty no doubt. Women are always guilty and men are always innocent according to the internet
No. 1148516
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how will the amber bots itt defend this?
No. 1148532
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>>1148521Dogs and cats are not the same and in any case cat poo is so small… my cats poo comes out in small chunks. Nowhere near the size of the turd on that bed.
No. 1148536
File: 1650960742580.png (3.84 MB, 1350x1800, served.png)

No. 1148549
>>1148545Kek it's the same scrotes that were calling amber supporters lesbians a while ago. He got banned and now he's ban evading, let's ignore him.
>>1148536New girlboss.
No. 1148553
>>1148548>Reeeee>Y-you just want it to be himIt was literally ruled in her favour already kek. Sorry a moid has yet again proven to be
abusive. Carry on with your delusion.
No. 1148555
>>1148533Imagine being such a big fan of a washed up actor that you spend your time analysing literal poo to protect an
abusive scrote. Embarrassingly retarded.
No. 1148568
>>1148556she looks so haggard someone please explain why so many people itt are simping for her
johnny was prettier than her in his prime
No. 1148569
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No. 1148580
File: 1650961894206.jpeg (41.26 KB, 480x581, 2DE2BB63-669A-4C51-8772-F6FBDE…)

>>1148571yes he was pretty. are you into fat ugly men or something? why does that word
trigger you?
No. 1148582
>>1148566Because she's also trash. Both are addicts and alcoholics. Every fight
consists of them throwing bottles.
No. 1148583
>>1148536Aaaaand here she has feet.
>>1148580Winona Ryder was sooooooo much cuter than Amber Heard ever was.
No. 1148585
>>1148440>>1148444He must've pressured or insisted on it, or they really have nothing else, because he's the kind of client you wouldn't want to testify.
>>1148521Agreed. He never even saw it personally, his staff sent him a picture. He also tried to blame a TiM apparently, I don't know why that isn't being brought up more often? Probably because team Depp doesn't want the pro-troon handmaidens to turn on him. He didn't just try to blame Amber, the fact that he tried to blame multiple people just proves he's grasping at straws. Animals also shit in weird places when they have medical issues and the color signals kidney problems or gastrointestinal issues, because it's black from old blood. I think your theory of the dog eating his drugs is possible.
>>1148533>you don't have a cat, or a dog, you're just obsessedkek, why is that the thing which is so difficult to believe?
>>1148552Do I have to explain again how precedents work and even if you hate Amber so much, her losing would mean it's easier for scrotes to sue women for defamation when they complain about having been abused, without naming any names? She's not the perfect
victim and she doesn't have to be, nobody is ever going to be.
>>1148554Yeah, very unethical that she did that and she still doesn't deserve to be headbutted, have cigarettes put out on her, strangled, pushed onto glass, threatened to kill her and rape her dead body.
No. 1148596
>>1148556she's fucked
these 10 words could be enough to ruin her whole case against him
No. 1148597
File: 1650962339737.jpg (24.54 KB, 392x421, 2141245.jpg)

>>1148568Haggard Amber will always be more beautiful than bloated Johnny. Current Amber still looks better than Johnny when he was her age in 2000.
No. 1148604
>>1148600are you ok? why did you reply to me? why would i care about amber's career? i said the CASE is over for her, not her career, and it very well is judging by what she said. also why do you think i'm a moid? because i'm not defending amber against such a ridiculously stupid thing SHE said?
btw he lost those roles AFTER amber called him a wife beater, not before but whatever you say
No. 1148621
>>1148594Low iq
>>1148607Woman-chan* and that’s actually woman-sama to you. She has a bloated face just like her exhusband, but instead of being 90 she’s like what? In her 35? Lmfao.
No. 1148624
File: 1650963665759.jpg (267.83 KB, 1009x812, deal_with_it.jpg)

>>1148611Idk, you keep responding to me, I'm just dropping stuff I already wanted to.
No. 1148627
>>1148618Somehow even under articles about these things exactly people in the comments tend to say things that she deserved it because she "pushed him too far", I guess anything can be excused with some old, loved celeb nostalgia with a sprinkle of sexism.
In the past it was Amber who was accused of destroying Depp's relationship with Vanessa Paradis too, as if it's not him who left her and their children lol
No. 1148632
>>1148627Sage for OT but I knew a woman who got her leg broken because her husband thought she spoke too much. Everyone especially the women said she deserved it. This is like saying women deserve being raped for dressing scandalous, it's coping women who think they can somehow escape male abuse bt behaving a certain way but it's a cope. Men will abuse women no matter what if the man is
abusive. Men rape kids and women who wear very casual clothes, women who they think are ugly or homely just to mock their looks afterwards.
No. 1148646
>>1148608Had a hearty kek because of this image and how it
triggered the depp-stan. I can't believe people are calling amber golddigger when she's much more famous and relevant than Depp and actually stars in decent shit unlike him.
No. 1148662
>>1148660This. It's always the broke bitchboys calling her a golddigger when they're the ones living off of their doormat gfs too - who they also convinced to support Depp because they're so not like the
abusive evil gold digger since they let a scrote live off of them.
>>1148659No woman deserved a man who wants to drown burn and rape her. No woman deserved to have her nosw broken because of nothing. Go outside, go to a gym. You're ugly and jealous but that doesn't mean she deserves it.
No. 1148664
>>1148659I do accept that women can have the capacity for violence but the previous trial (the domestic abuse one, not this vanity libel one) had him charged for 12/14 cases of violence. The most JD can do is say she shit in a bed kek. These are rich celebrities at the end of the day, but the way this has blown up on social media is just encouraging men to blame women in domestic abuse cases, when the trend is that men are more
abusive in general.
No. 1148669
>>1148659Depp broke her nose, repeatedly trashed were they stayed together. Was emotionally
abusive the list goes on.
Bitch and moan about who is about who is more famous as if it matters. Depp lost the case in London. The facts aren't disproving he was
abusive and the entire trail is about if it was slander that Heard indirectly mentioned Depp was
No. 1148673
>>1148665>>1148666LMAO. If you weren't ugly fatties who are jealous, you wouldn't have seethed this much. Go to a goddamn gym, please.
Imagine getting more upset someone called you out because you're unattractive but think it's ok to cheer on a scrote who breaks women's noses and mocks them for their looks in much worse ways. Do you think depp wouldn't have insulted your looks if he saw you? He even thought Amber was too old and fat, imagine what he'd say about you.
(infighting) No. 1148681
>>1148631He's just wearing prescription sunglasses inside like a douchebag.
>>1148641>If she wins, victims of domestic violence will be doubtedThey already are always doubted, see ideal
victim and battered wife theory. So still the best case scenario is that she wins. I don't believe the whole "Amber is a big fat liar who needs to lose for DV
victims to be believed!!11!"
>>1148659>there's no reason to support a woman that clearly isn't in need of supportAnd the fat bloated corpse is in need of support of women, even though he's already backed by the entire manosphere?
>that wasn't abused but is it the abuserBeing headbutted in the face, having cigarettes put out on her, being pushed into glass, constantly berated, stonewalled, strangled etc. isn't abuse?
>just because a handful of women on LC are under the belief that women abusing men is fine because women are typically physically weaker than menNot just a handful of women on LC, but feminist activists and attorneys who have been developing feminist legal theory for decades. I will give you some homework, again, because you still cannot comprehend that ideal
victims don't exist and what battered wife syndrome is. You absolute fucking retard.
>Sex equality by Catharine A. MacKinnon>Defending Battered Women on Trial by Elizabeth A. Sheehy>Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory by Martha ChamallasI don't want to see your ignorant ass posting in this thread again, until you actually learn a thing or two.
No. 1148682
Literally had a scrote around me start spewing incel shit when asked about this trial and said "just because she has a tits and ass she thinks she can get away with it as a female".
Remember ladies when you are choosing to support Depp these are the type of men
>>1147347 you are aligning yourself with, so next time maybe think about it.
No. 1148699
>>1148693I support her because there is ENOUGH proof showing that he abused her (12 out of 14 were confirmed as true). Alot of things against amber an also be debunked too like the proof that milani did actually have that product in 2016 for example.
I dont do it because of any of the things you mentioned, 80 iq tardlet. Maybe you support Depp because of dumbshit reasons but don't project that onto us.
No. 1148707
>>1148699Ignore them, they're someone who's trying to start fights 24/7 and they've been ban evading quite a few times.
>>1148702That anon finally disappeared once it was mentioned. I wish they'd go to a platform where their opinion was popular and stopped shitting up this thread.
No. 1148709
>>1148697No, I have no idea who you're accusing me of being, I'm just reading things that people post here.
>>1148699I support Heard because she was abused, and he never disproved that, it doesn't mean she's not a shitty person herself. But by the "careful who you align yourself" logic, I shouldn't because low IQ wambers say the darnest things.
No. 1148717
>>1148693>and think beating men is "epic"Yeah, and? Why does that upset you? 99% of the time it's reactive.
>>1148709Yeah, because we're totally on the same level as MRA's and incels caping for an
abusive scrote, when men are the ones perpetuating most rapes and violence and it's pretty rare for women to dare to defend themselves. When they do, they are accused of abuse, just like what happened to Heard. How can you give a shit about the rare few who give men payback, when it's just a drop in the ocean of rape and violence men have created? You have some strange priorities. Also, wasn't it a "both sides, Amber is a bpd whore"fag who admitted to having a low IQ in this thread
>>1146550 ? kek
No. 1148752
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>>1148742Because the woman he dated when she was underage defended him until she took it back!!111! Oh and because he convinced the mother of his children to not marry him, so now she totally voluntarily kisses his ass, totally not to still be able to get some money from him!!111! Because straight women and fags thought he was hot and hot guys can never be
>Amber wasn't abused>And if she was, it wasn't that bad.>And if it was, that's not a big deal.>And if it is, that's not Depp's fault, he's a poor little boy uwu.>And if it was, he didn't mean it, he's a spiritual guy and meant it metaphorically.>And if he did, Amber deserved it, because she's famous (but never say she's as famous as Depp or I'm going to explode!!!11!), has a $8million networth and isn't the ideal victim. No. 1148797
File: 1650973343329.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.94 KB, 1033x1200, Ec5f9XrX0AEpDQE.jpg)

depp defenders always use a zoomed in image of the piece of poop. relative to the size of the towel, how is that a large looking or human looking poop? and why would you immediately jump to the conclusion it's human with no evidence? again, couldn't he just attempt to smear her by saying she purposefully placed dogshit on his side of the bed? no, he has to be dramatic and purposely defamatory with literally no evidence. i have also been rescuing animals for years and shit size is literally extremely unpredictable. my animals rarely have consistently sized and colored poop, this is just a fact. it highly depends on diet, how much water they've taken in, how many treats or type of food they've had, if they're passing poop easily or not, etc. this is actually a very small piece of poop if you look at the scale. it's a stupid discussion but honestly this bothers me that it's continually insisted with no proof that it's human. were it me and my bf or something did this to my side of the bed i would not assume it's human by size, shape, or just the situation, especially with literally no proof or point to even say that except to make her look pointlessly insane with no evidence.
No. 1148805
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>>1148785samefag to go a bit ot and anons correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall that those screens first came in use during the UN Yugoslavia tribunals, so all the horrific evidence could be viewed by the judges and attorneys in real-time. They're really not all that complicated and you can even try them out with the OJ Simpson trial material (yes, OJ Simpson trial material is the lorem ipsum of the legal world). There are enough burgerfag judges who have written entire manuals on how to use these monitors and he just has no fucking excuse.
>>1148797>again, couldn't he just attempt to smear her by saying she purposefully placed dogshit on his side of the bed?Definitely would've made more sense and would be easier to believe. He also didn't just blame her, but also some TiM acquaintance. Why aren't the Depp defenders going after the troon? Why does it have to be Amber? Sus af.
>i have also been rescuing animals for yearsThank you for your hard work! I'm sorry you have to be the animal poop expert kek
No. 1148809
>>1148805Samefag as
>>1148806 but depp defenders are incels or handmaidens, they never villify men and since both groups view the tim as a man, they won't flame him. Incels want to see a "stacy" get flamed and fangirls are jealous of Amber, they don't care about anyone who's not getting Depps attention.
No. 1148810
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>>1148805Sorry, correction, it was a TiF. Still, it's weird that at first he also tried to blame them, but the TiF hasn't been mentioned since. Probably because Depp fears he'll be cancelled by the handmaidens who are currently defending him. If he's so sure it was done by Amber, why did he also try to blame her friends?
No. 1148812
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>>1148810samefag to add, it seems like he blamed the TiF, because she called the police on him before. Interesting that it's never being brought up again that he suspected the TiF too.
No. 1148824
>>1148797The thing is: Why should I care if a crackhead shat in another crackhead's bed? Crackhead #2 also cut off his own finger while he was on a bender and painted his walls with blood, dipped the finger in paint, drew a dick on a painting in his apartment and started writing the names of men he thought Crackhead #1 cheated on him with on a mirror lol
I can't imagine anyone defending Depp with a straight face. They both look terrible, but he looks the worst. Are they clinging on to this "But poo!" thing because it's all they have left? It's pathetic. He made a mistake by having this whole case go public, he should've just walked away
No. 1148833
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>>1148821Only one is an actual crackhead and that's Depp. Amber is just a wine aunt at worst, that's all they've been able to prove.
>>1148819Two years ago they were seething that the TiF probably slept with Amber kek. It's honestly amazing that's the worst insult they can come up with is "dyke", as if it's a bad thing. Also it are the Depp defenders going to the trial, sitting in the back giggling, bringing him flowers and alpacas, hoping he'll pick them. Meanwhile these are the same type of people seething that some women online post a pic of Amber and say she's pretty.
>>1148830Depp literally used meth, so if anyone is a crackhead it's him, not Amber. You still haven't provided evidence about her making up shit, she won the case in London, meanwhile Depp has admitted under oath that he lied on his insurance forms, to his former employer, to his doctors, to everyone. Depp is ruining his own career, he's the one constantly suing her and airing his own dirty laundry. He wasn't even named in the original op-ed and he could've ignored it if he wanted to, because he has a rabid fanbase with the likes of you who are willing to ignore everything. But he's a retard, so now normies get to hear of his violent antics.
No. 1148834
>>1148787Depp defenders are exactly like that house manager. They cant recall or don't remember anything that makes Depp look bad in anyway and ignore all the factual evidence against him.
This is exactly why Amber won the previous court, because she had actual evidence meanwhile Depp defenders solely base their defense on Johnny because of nostalgia, being pickme/mra and watching "haha funny johny owns ppls at court" videos.
Even the people defending Johnny at court are doing a bad job at it. His sister tried to use amber calling him old and fat as "proof" of abuse and the house manager accidentally spilled that he never saw amber abuse him.
Depp defenders have a Patrick starfish brain, and thats a insult to Patrick.
No. 1148842
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>>1146903oh hell nawl I am so disgusted with this moid. I can’t believe he dated Christina Ricci. I remember seeing them in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and he talked about pimping her out and getting her drugged. It’s so nasty that they went on to do a sex scene. He is grotty
No. 1148847
>>1148842>pimping and drugging herWtf. This is awful. Why are there so many women defending him? Is it because they grow up having childhood crushers on him? Do they think he'll treat them better?
>>1148833It's hilarious a bunch of old fat women are trying to win over an incel. Incels hate women who aren't model thin and barely legal. Remember how depp talked about that young russian gogo dancer? Called her "little russian"?
No. 1148852
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>>1148842I can't believe they dated after how uncomfortable he made her in the first place. He must've groomed her pretty hard. He met Winona at the same set he met Ricci at. It's definitely a pattern, but we're supposed to ignore that he's got a proclivity for young women and an obsession with "little girls".
No. 1148854
>>1148797JD said in court last week that they had dogs of a smaller breed (can't remember which kind off the top of my head) and he had them for years so he knew they had never produced a turd of that girth.
Personally I have also had a lot of animals and the size of their anus does def influence the maximum diameter of the poop so I can kinda understand where he's coming from, like if this was a hefty girthy poop apparently created by a scotty dog or something.
But without actually knowing the size of the poop this is basically pure speculation
To me it doesn't look super small, like bigger than my large house cats poop when she's constipated, I'm guessing their bed is bigger than a king size so trying to use that as a rough scale.
No. 1148855
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>>1148851I think Vanessa only defended him, because he convinced her to not get married. With some hippie bullshit about how their love doesn't need a piece of paper blablabla. Probably because not even a prenup would be able to protect him, so he didn't dare to get married. So when they broke up, she was left with nothing substantial, really. She has to stay on relatively friendly terms with him, kiss his ass, in order to get anything from him. He probably called her an "extortionate French cunt", because she threatened to air dirty laundry if he wouldn't pay her off. He was probably extra shit towards Amber, because she did insist on marrying and didn't let him get away with it.
No. 1148867
>>1148858Considering how expensive his legal team is, he might have to sell the house for his barbies though and change his name to mr. Debt.
>>1148860I can't wait to see the shitstorm when Disney and the insurance company sue him for admitting under oath that he lied on his insurance forms for Pirates 5, about his (lack of) sobriety and illegal substance use. Maybe his houses are going to end up being raided too and he's going to be caught with a massive illegal stash. He's probably hoarding some weird shit, considering he was friends with Thompson and is best buddies with Manson.
No. 1148869
Sage for armchairing but I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for Depp brainlets to understand that an abuse victim can eventually retaliate and start fights themselves. It’s a fact corroborated by their own marriage counselor that Johnny hit her first and instigated the abuse. When you have a man who is constantly drunk/high and yelling at you, accusing you of cheating, insulting your appearance and your intelligence, throwing shit, breaking things, stonewalling you, threatening you, gaslighting you (my personal favorite is “forgetting” what he did in his drunken rage and saying you’re making it up or exaggerating… sounds familiar?) and then eventually hitting you… you will crack, and you will go a bit crazy. Eventually you realize there is no winning, so you start to provoke him and fight back. No matter what you say (or even if you say nothing at all) the scrote will get mad and hurt you, so you might as well get some satisfaction out of it and insult him/provoke him/hit him first.
Maybe it sounds like fanfiction, but I’ve witnessed this sort of thing first hand and I struggle to see the situation from any other angle. To me it’s clear as day what happened and I just can’t bring myself to blame her. Yes it’s toxic and coupled with her existing mental health issues I’m sure she’s not right in the head. She needs extensive therapy because she will likely carry this trauma into new relationships and end up genuinely hurting someone because her reaction will be to attack first. But at the end of the day she would not be in this situation if it weren’t for that sack of coke bloat.
I get sick thinking about how this case has been twisted against her and I can’t imagine the desperation and frustration she must be feeling as everyone turns against her and is suddenly calling her a liar and a manipulator because she hit that ugly old bag a few times with all her 100 lbs trophy wife might kek. Not to mention the whole internet laughing at her being called a cum guzzling whore and a lesbian camp counselor and justifying her scum ex husband saying he wants to burn her alive and rape her charred corpse. I hope she wins and actually takes a fat dump on his bed for real this time.
No. 1148873
>>1148867Will he also have to sell his fetish female clothes stash or makeup? Most men in Hollywood are pedos and it's super hilarious seeing old ass women cape for a pedo who prefers his women underage.
Sage for OT but I knee a pedo and he came onto me when I was a minor. A very old and very obese woman defended him and tried to hit on him while saying I was mean for rejecting him. It's almost like some women think getting with these pedophilic men will prove something.
No. 1148877
>>1148869>Maybe it sounds like fanfiction, but I’ve witnessed this sort of thing first hand and I struggle to see the situation from any other angle.Nonono, you're right. This has been described by feminist legal scholars and activists for decades. You're not saying anything strange. It's textbook, honestly. It's like the Depp brainlets are living on a different planet where this doesn't happen all the fucking time.
>>1148871Didn't you just do the same?
>>1148873Wasn't there a blind item where he apparently bought 700 dollars worth of make-up and then forgot to take it with him? kek
>>1148874You're doing the same thing she did, again? Or is this a coincidence?
No. 1148894
>>1148884Why are you so mad that I'm not defending this ugly, insane man? I'm not exactly rolling out the red carpet for Amber, but at least she's not a walking assault on everybody's eyes and nose.
(Btw, I deleted my post, but in case: I said "99% of the pick-mes who defend terrible men are the ones those men wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Maybe that's why they don't empathize", not that Amber was "too beautiful". She is pretty, though)
>seething about lesbians>on LolcowBack to 4chan to angrily jerk off to the lesbians who'd never even look in your direction lmao
No. 1148897
>>1148895Ask your fellow moids lol
>only reacting to the last partGuess I struck a nerve. If you would just compensate the poor pick-mes and give them at least a crumb of the attention you're paying all the women in this thread, maybe we wouldn't say these things
No. 1148899
>>1148889Anon, don't you know? You must be a hebephile or a lesbian if you don't want to date a pedo geriatric scrote while you're 16.
>>1148893Admittedly I'm camping in this thread and call out anons for being ignorant, but I also try to provide content. The Depp brigade thinks going "she deserved it because of xyz!!!" "you're all a bunch of dykes" "beating men is not epic!1!!" and sharing literal MRA manosphere videos is actual contribution.
>>1148895Please leave us alone then.
No. 1148907
>>1148906inb4 the moids in this thread get
triggered and start sperging about how Vic is innocent
No. 1148911
>>1148908He was redtexted as
>lesbian in man's bodySo… Kek.
No. 1148917
>>1148585>She's not the perfect victim and she doesn't have to be, nobody is ever going to be.Thank you! It's so exhausting how people can overlook all the shit Depp did and said because they think he was a
victim but in order for them to even consider that Heard or any other woman could have been victimized then that woman has to have been a pure perfect angel her entire life or she had it coming. Retarded double standards for scrotes as always.
>>1148906His fanboys remind me a lot of both Vic fanboys and ProJared fanboys, who are moreso "fans" of being able to spend hours railing against these guys' exes online than anything they actually appeared in.
No. 1148924
>>1148917The perfect woman
victim is a dead one. If the woman fights back even once, somehow she's "as bad as the man" and actually she's even worse and she deserved it. It's not even an exaggeration, this is the state people are in.
No. 1148927
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They're Alpacas and they don't deserve this slander after everything they've been put through.
No. 1148933
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Here come the dudes with the thesauruses kek I love when men try to talk condescending and smart
No. 1148937
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>>1148924>Revisiting the Ideal Victim Developments in Critical Victimology>(1)The victim is weak. Sick, old or very young people are particularly well suited as ideal victims.>(2) The victim was carrying out a respectable project – caring for her sister.>(3) She was where she could not possibly be blamed for being – in the street during the daytime.>(4) The ofender was big and bad.>(5) The ofender was unknown and in no personal relationship to her>So far I have stated that the ideal victim is weak compared to the unrelated ofender, as well as having put a reasonable energy into protecting herself (in rare cases himself) against becoming a victim. These are necessary conditions. But they are not always sufcient. This is illustrated if we move into the area of family-violence. In my country, husbands can be convicted for raping their wives. I do not need to emphasize that the sentenced males are few and far between, and that their raped wives do not exactly represent the ideal type of victims. Such is also the case with wife-beating and maltreatment of children within families. We have every reason to believe that this is a major area of violent crime in my country, but still it seems to have been, up to very recently, next to impossible to get the phenomena out in the open, that is to sentence the criminals and to convey upon the victims their legitimate status as sufering victims.>Why?>I think the feminists have given the right answers. It is in the interest of all parties, except that of a few isolated rapists, to protect females against foreign intruders. It is in everyone’s interest to protect our children against deviant monsters lurking in the streets or parks. Such monsters ought to get a sentence for life and the victims every possible care and attention. >But my home is my castle. Children might behave provocatively, also sexually. And wives have after all entered a contractually-based relationship, one of providing mutual services. There is more between heaven and earth than neighbors can understand, and – so it is said – the man might have some relativelygood reasons for his behavior. The extended family has shrunk, the servants have disappeared, left are isolated nuclear families with a cultural heritage of male dominance.
>Rudely expressed: beaten wives are not such ideal victims because we – males – understand the phenomena so extraordinarily well, and because we can get our defnition of the situation to be the valid one. It is according to males’ “Weltanschaung” and interests not to see rough handling of cohabitants as creating victims. When the man beat up his wife in my culture, and the police are called in, they called it, until recently, a case of “husbråk.” That means noise in the house. Noise does not create good victims. Noise is something that needs to be muffled. No. 1148954
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>>1148937>Defending battered women on trial>Hurshman experienced “captivity” in her life with Stafford, a descriptor drawn from Dr Judith Lewis Herman’s book Trauma and Recovery. Dr Herman demonstrates that the psychological trauma of war and its aftermath of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are mirrored in the lives of women entrapped in domestic relationships with abusive men. “Traumatic events,” she writes, “are extraordinary, not because they occur rarely, but rather because they overwhelm the ordinary human adaptations to life … They confront human beings with the extremities of helplessness and terror, and evoke the responses of catastrophe.” These events can include being subjected to or exposed to violence, where “action is of no avail.” Traumatic experience overwhelms and disorganizes the psyche, producing “profound and lasting changes in physiological arousal, emotion, cognition and memory.” The symptoms of PTSD – hyperarousal, when the body and mind go into high alert; intrusion, when the event is relived repeatedly through dreams and flashbacks; and constriction, when the mind escapes through altered states of consciousness or disassociation – persist long after the traumatic event. Dr Herman explains that, while singular traumatic events can occur anytime and can arise from natural disasters, the experience of repeated trauma occurs only in captivity, such as that experienced by prisoners of war, members of cults, persons in institutions, and women in “domestic captivity.” She says that “[t]he worst fear of any traumatized person is that the moment of horror will recur, and this fear is realized in victims of chronic abuse.” She describes the mechanics whereby men can accomplish and maintain the captivity of women and children who, to the external world, appear “free” to attend school, work, and live their lives.>Abusive men achieve domination by subjecting women to repeated psychological trauma, through threats to kill or wound them or those whom they love; surveillance of and control over women’s movements, bodies, and bodily functions; sexual violence and degradation; sleep deprivation; interrogation; enforcement of petty rules; and destruction of their attachments to family photographs, loved ones, and cherished values. Batterers can use minor violence or resort to violence infrequently to reinforce their control by keeping women in a state of dread or to secure their compliance. But simple compliance is often not enough, according to Dr Herman. An abusive man requires gratitude, admiration, and love: “His ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim.” Batterers deploy additional methods when women attempt to separate: promises to change, apologies, and declarations of love; efforts to further isolate women from familial and social supports; and escalating threats to kill them should they leave. These men seek total surrender, which they achieve by forcing women to violate their own boundaries and moral codes, participate in their own humiliation, or sacrifice others – children, family, friends. Thus “broken,” a woman is at risk of losing the will to live.TL;DR Depp is lucky that he's still alive and deserved much worse.
No. 1148957
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What about the house manager's testimony about property damage in several residences then? What's the point of this? She was asked about her other sources of income, because Depp's legal team is trying to prevent it being called out that she's literally on his payroll and has a vested interest in lying/exaggerating/omitting for him.
No. 1148960
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Who remembers this shit years later?
No. 1148964
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You couldn't notice whether she was wearing make-up for the wedding or photoshoots? But you can remember that Depp supposedly only drank Red Bull and dr Pepper.
>>1148961wow that happened fast
No. 1148966
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>>1148957The lady’s hands behind him tripped me out and he looked like a goblin for a second
No. 1148969
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>>1148959And I know some people just don't have the opportunities to make their room look look organized and fit for a witness testimony but it's just a funny contrast that she has a mattress (?) behind her as a background as opposed to the official setting of the court
No. 1148976
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The absolute audacity. Did they really think you could phrase a question like that? They didn't, they just hoped she would get to answer before the objection, so the jury hears it and internalizes it even when they are told not to.
>>1148965You remember something mundane like that someone asked you over 6 years ago?
>>1148969Couldn't she find just a normal empty wall?
No. 1148978
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>>1148976And like I said, all they have on Amber is that she's a wine aunt. She drinks wine every day with her dinner. Meanwhile Depp goes on binges irregularly and has a "high tolerance" due to it according to ms Roberts.
No. 1148985
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Bredehoft is on a roll! Ms. Roberts start to sound panicky and emotional over being asked normal questions, because she has trouble keeping her story straight. Depp looked really scared for a bit, but I don't know exactly why. Also another closed captioning nickname for him.
>mr. Depth
No. 1148997
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>>1148994It was reported on as "owned the same yacht", that he sold it to her directly is news afaik.
No. 1149008
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I literally called it! Bredehoft, Bredehoft wooo!
No. 1149011
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the sun is saying fuck you and shining into his eyes the whole time kek
No. 1149027
>>1149021Kek I saw it too.
Some delulu also said "she looks 30 tops" ughh I don't know how many 30 year olds so old but okay.
No. 1149029
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she has nice bone structure though
No. 1149035
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Poor Amber. Made me laugh how she's looking into the camera like she's on the Office though.
No. 1149041
1.Didn't an anon say that the county this case is happening in is one of the wealthiest/educated counties in the US? So how come dr. Curry is talking to the jury as if they're braindead and don't understand that treatment environment means therapy?
>>1148107 I understand clarifying things for the record and all that, but this seems excessive.
2. Are there any psychology-chans who could help me out with this? I'm wondering whether her experience working with veterans and children with PTSD, translates properly to the situation of battered wives. They are very similar, but is it possible that she's biased in favour of scrotes and more likely to see Depp as being the traumatized
victim in the situation, because most of her clients and research subjects have been scrotes? Is it possible that's why she's trying to go the personality disorder route for Amber?
No. 1149053
>>1149049Thank you anon.
>>1149047You're right. He's way more unstable than Amber and it's been proven again and again with each alcohol induced episode.
No. 1149081
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Dr. Curry talks about research, but we all know that most research is done on scrotes, especially forensic research. Since most people in prison are scrotes. Since she has mostly worked with and treated veteran scrotes and children of various ages, how can she accurately diagnose an adult human female? It seems like a demographic she has very little experience with, despite being one herself. Why has she avoided working with women, except in the case of couple's therapy? Most individuals seeking therapy are women, but she went in the very specific field where you mainly find scrotes. She could've chosen to help women with PTSD, but she didn't. It also sounds like she's working with a very restrictive (and dare I say grossly outdated) definition of PTSD, which only takes in account Childhood Adverse Events and war situations, nothing said about DV situations or chronic abuse. How does this make her an expert on intimate partner violence? Even if Amber does have BPD, it just means she has a bigger risk of revictimization and it's more likely that she has PTSD too. She's also bisexual (as far as we know) and it's well known that bi women get abused by scrotes more, because scrotes get jealous a lot and use their sexuality against them.
No. 1149095
>>1149092Yes, they also acknowledge that even if she was
abusive, it was reactive and they consider it worse because it was caused by her (alleged) mental illness.
No. 1149100
>>1149096I wonder what her legal team's strategy is, since they could've done so in the meantime?
>>1149097It's even more gross since Depp's legal team is creating this narrative that she's "hysterical", which is why they had the housemanager focus on that. Which is why his attorney is constantly focusing on Histrionic Personality Disorder right now. Is HPD even considered to be a proper diagnosis nowadays? It literally has "histrionic" in it, coming from "hysterical", how is that not the most misogynistic diagnosis ever, after BPD? This is an absolute shitshow.
No. 1149104
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Dr. Curry, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you literally jealous? Or are you implying she tried to use her looks against you? Oh and she thinks Amber can't suffer, because she's not messy, wtf.
No. 1149106
>>1149100They're so sexist, especially this cocksucker therapist. She said she might also have histrionic disorder - which is one of the modern day hysterias. They're saying she's flirting, acting girly and alll of those unrelated stuff that wouldn't have been brought up if she was a man.
>>1149081Why would a female therapist choose to work only with men and some kids? Why not women? She even acknowledges the male patients of hers would yell at her during and probably bases her takes on how mental illnesses affect men, which is much more different than the symptoms women present.
>>1149104See above. She's a sexist woman who chose to work with men for a reason. She's accusing amber of using his girly charm or some other sexist shit while she didn't even bother brushing her hair to a literal serious trial. Imagine the shit she'd have said to Amber if she were the one who did it, though.
No. 1149121
>>1149106She also gaslit Amber from saying she has 19/20 PTSD symptoms, to 3/20. The reason why she had so many PTSD symptoms at that time, was because the trauma was literally still occurring, she was still stuck in an
abusive relationship. Of course it's going to be off the charts. She's accusing her of exaggerating and feigning, because she doesn't understand that she's not treating someone after the fact, but still during. Btw, maybe you shouldn't call dr. Curry a cocksucker, that's a bit too far and you're guaranteed to get complaints about that.
>>1149116They're trying to paint her as a hysterical crazy woman in the eyes of the jury. There's a lot of bias and stigma around BPD, nevermind HPD. It doesn't actually lift some of the responsibility off her, because she happens to be a woman with the wrong kind of diagnosis. Had she been a scrote, yes, it would've worked that way.
No. 1149122
>>1149116The therapist is making a bunch of shit like how Amber must've definetly forced Depp to abuse him just to act like a
victim which… I'm sorry but how can she know that just by assuming she has a personality disorder? She's not even sure if she's a crazy bee pee dee or an attention whore histrionic which both present a misogynistic stereotype of women if you look just close enough.
No. 1149131
>>1149121If a woman is fucking over women for men, she's a cocksucker. She has no problem defending a man who called his wife cum guzzling whore, dyke, etc so I don't think it's something she'd disagree with. She's trying her best to satisfy a man and putting her career in risk because what she's doing is malpractice. As you've said, ptsd can't be assessed during active trauma and you should wait more than a while after the traumatic event is over and the person is back to living their usual life.
>>1149124Women will always be demonized for the same stuff men get babied for. If depp was the one diagnosed with bpd they'd talk about how his childhood trauma caused him to develop it and how he shouldn't be blamed for beating Amber because it was all because of that disorder.
No. 1149136
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>>1149122>which both present a misogynistic stereotype of women if you look just close enoughYes, I'll share this article to back you up. Some excerpts of it are in the screenshot.
>Why the histrionic personality disorder should not be in the DSM: A new taxonomic and moral analysis>>1149131I understand why you're saying it, just warning you for the incoming crap you're going to get, because it looks hypocritical to say right after calling her out for being sexist. I don't think you're really misogynistic for it per se, just rightfully angry.
No. 1149138
>>1149104Why did they question if Amber's disorders made her attractive? So creepy.
What do anons think of this assessment? Do you think jury might be biased after hearing this?
>>1149136You're right anon, I did say that out of anger and it was out of line but it's hypocritical these women will trash Amber yet get upset when anyone insults them in a slightly sexist way as if they're not forcing the same onto her. I also dislike how most psychiatrists treat women and that's why I'm double sceptical.
No. 1149140
>>1149092That's not what "administrated abuse" means. It's when you get police to abuse someone for you. Or threaten someone with the police.
It's mostly used to describe racial actions, but it is also used in the context of IPV
The Dr. Was clear that A.H. was threatening J.D. with police if he left the dinner that night when she was flipping out.
Whether that actually happened is another matter. But Dr. Curry was not implying A.H. was baiting J.D. into hitting her.
No. 1149148
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>>1149138Theres apparently a study proving a link between histronics and attractiveness but how reliable that one (!) college study is, judge for yourself. Ridiculous.
No. 1149158
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>>1149138>Do you think jury might be biased after hearing this?Yes, I really hope that Amber's legal team can somehow salvage this, because the stigma around this is scary. At least it's talked about fairly early on, so maybe with enough contrast of Depp's craziness, the jury will have somewhat forgotten about this by the end of it all. I hope that Bredehoft calls out the misogyny, she has a lot of experience with abuse cases and she's probably heard it all before.
>but it's hypocritical these women will trash Amber yet get upset when anyone insults them in a slightly sexist way as if they're not forcing the same onto herYes, very true, but we have to take the high road as much as possible. That specific word has started a lot of infighting before though, I was immediately reminded of that debacle, so best to avoid it
especially because the mods don't like it>I also dislike how most psychiatrists treat women and that's why I'm double sceptical.You're right to be skeptical, this shit stinks.
>>1149148>research inspired by a parody videoSo she can indirectly cite that, but she has no clue about how you can't assess for PTSD while the abuse is still ongoing? Her general knowledge of PTSD seems to be based on research which is older than herself. Btw the extremely photoshopped pic on her website barely looks like her.
No. 1149163
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Ah yes, the human nature of saying that you want to burn your wife and rape her corpse.
No. 1149176
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>>1149158More info on the Gottman method. Depp has clearly stonewalled, criticized and acted defensive. He hasn't tried to reassure Heard, at all. So Depp was the truly noncompliant client, yet she's trying to paint Heard as the crazy hysterical difficult client. Also, dr. Curry should've never agreed to do couples therapy and should've referred them to a DV specialist, which she isn't. She's just money hungry, considering even just one session costs over 500 dollars with her.
No. 1149226
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So dr. Curry had a romantic dinner and drinks probably with Depp and she decided to confirm the diagnosis he had been taunting Heard with for years? But Heard is the big fat liar who tooootaallly set Depp up? This is more fucked up than whatever MRA's accuse Heard of.
No. 1149240
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They fucked, guaranteed. Depp constantly accused Heard of cheating, but he fucked their couple's therapist. Pure projection.
>>1149236Bredehoft really is tearing her a new one, so it's understandable kek
No. 1149262
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Reading guide: left to right, up to down
No. 1149289
>>1149261Amber is not a good person but women should nevertheless side with her because a) Depp winning the case would set a precedent that may have very grave consequences for future
victims of sexual assault and domestic violence (most of whom are female) b) Amber alone has been subject to misogynistic treatment both within the courtroom and from the public. I don’t like Amber Heard as a person but I care about her as a woman.