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No. 1132232
Let it all out.
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>>>/ot/1124546 No. 1132243
After years of being an austistic, depressed hikki, i finally crave human interaction, but I don't know how to approach the people I like, I'm too awkward and mentally ill, I always fear somebody will notice there's something wrong with me, I feel hopeless, something makes me think I'm too fucked up after all the shit I went through and that I don't deserve to be loved, even tho I'm completely harmless. It seems so easy for other anons to make friends/get boyfriends yet I can't even interact with my classmates. I don't fear loneliness, I'm just massively bored of being alone, yet the world and its people scare me profoundly, I feel conflicted. I wish I could feel human warmth without instantly running away
No. 1132247
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It's so funny how my mom keeps saying "we never really speak anymore" yeah maybe because I can't tell you shit without you either posting it on Facebook or immediately telling my brothers?
I think my mom is pretty dumb but also strangely calculating…whenever I would stand up for myself or speak up and defend myself against her narcissist rages or ignorance I would immediately either get laughed at, or posted about on Facebook.
This woman was in her 40s literally making facebook statuses about me such as "A certain daughter doesn't learn to appreciate what she has…" all because I told her that I'd like my bedroom decorated a different way to how she wants it to be. It was always either her way or nothing, so even to this day I still struggle with asserting boundaries or saying no, and I'm also pretty sure I have undiagnosed aspergers that everyone just dismissed as me either being lazy or bitchy because I frequently get over stimulated by stuff that most people would be able to manage.
I still speak to my mom out of convenience but mostly the fear that she will paint me as some sort of villainous hag daughter again just for daring to cut ties with her. My brothers even know what she's like but there were so many times where they'd just ignore my struggles as "mother daughter fighting" when they knew I was suffering because I could never meet her standards of an obsessively feminine clean daughter who never spoke back and was basically a doormat. Most people also just know her as a simple but kind woman but she's not like that at all, she has carefully crafted that image of an abused single mom as a means to constantly fucking play the victim. I have never heard her ever say sorry to me after doing something wrong, not once. She would either laugh at me or just pretend it never happened. If I dared to stand up for myself in public by replying to her in a quiet tone so no one could hear us argue, she would purposely raise her voice louder than necessary and snap at me so that others could definitely hear. She also tells me that one day I will look exactly like her when I'm old - obese and unhealthy. Nice try bitch, that will never happen.
I'm not stubborn, I'm not going to look like her, I can and always say sorry when I'm wrong, I treat others with kindness even though I'm not perfect, I will never be anything like my mom and it angers her to see me prove her wrong.
No. 1132263
>>1132243Look at it this way, if you look weird or socially awkward by putting yourself out there, you are not automatically going to get rejected. Give people a chance to be kind to you.
Not everyone will be nice, and it can hurt, but there are many many people out there (myself included) who know the signs of social awkwardness and are willing to give someone a chance because they're probably just out of practice socializing.
Everyone had some social rustiness coming out of lockdown so you'll be surprised how many people will agree if you just say "yeah I've forgotten how to be around people".
No. 1132275
>>1132271Anon if someone cared they'd have bought you a gift, even a tiny one if that's all they could afford. While I agree poor people cna sometime be entitled and assume they dont have to give anything back, your friends should've celebrated your birthday and it's so shitty they didnt.
>>1132272I think anons friends didn't get her a birthday gift and that's what she's talking about. Although it's not a fair comparison, your friends should at least give you happy birthday wishes even if they can't afford a gift
No. 1132278
>>1132275I had to remind them that it was my bday. They’re so low people who live off government assistance as much as possible and I have physical disabilities and I try to be independent and nice as possible and this is how i get repaid? To remind my shit friends that it’s my day? I feel so guilty I hate my family my brother helped me with a bill (though I gave my brother who’s a poorfag as well too much money in the first place)
>>1132272I thought you should befriend anyone regardless of their economic background so long they’re nice to you, but I’m no longer doing that. It seems just like with scrotes you should have the highest standards ever even for friends. Actually fuck my life. Only my mom and brother gave me bday wishes. God. Now I have to work full time today too. From afternoon til night. What a life.
No. 1132287
>>1132280I'm sorry,
Nonny, she sounds awful. But please release your anger and focus getting better.
No. 1132308
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PMS is kicking my ass as per usual, but I’ve been napping a lot this week so now I can’t sleep either. Work is killing me and I’ve got a bunch of big calls to make soon with my career and a city move and I hate having to make decisions when I’m like this. I think I might even have PDD with how badly it affects me. I just wish I could put every decision and responsibility on hold until next week so I can deal with it when I’m sane.
No. 1132317
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>tfw moid begs me to piss on him and spit in his mouth
KEK moids are fucking disgusting but I am absolutely going to take this chance and piss on him.
No. 1132346
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I lost the few friends I had when I moved and now I’m friendless and alone on my birthday.
No. 1132367
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>>1132346Aw I'm sorry nonna. I hope you'll still be able to have a good day today. Take yourself out on a walk or a small shopping trip if it's nice out! Treat yourself to some cake or your favorite food! Happy birthday!
No. 1132392
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All I wanted to do was eat chinese BBQ last night. I had a shit day at work and was craving squid so bad. One of my spouse and my mutual work people shows up to join us and we're like okay, fine. Then she drops a bomb on us that she's coming out as a lesbian and leaving her husband.
The entire dinner is filled with her crying about how she is gay and she needs support. I've only met this woman through work 2 times max. What the fuck is wrong with people? I just wanted to eat my squid, not be a therapist for the night. If you're gonna drop a bomb of news on people, do it people you are closer to. It was so awkward for everyone.
No. 1132393
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>>1132347>>1132358>>1132367Tysm nonnies! I’ll do my best to have a good birthday for you!
My favorite cake is the mont blanc, it’s delicious and super sweet
No. 1132395
>>1132378Ouch!! I hope you're feeling better now. Please disinfect and rest,
nonnie. That shit is scary to happen when you're alone.
No. 1132396
>>1132392leon is such a hottie
sorry about your weird squid-ruining acquaintance
No. 1132401
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>>1132396Thank you! And he is. I'm off today, so I might replay RE4 for the 100th time. I love that game so much. (Especially his sexy Mafia outfit)
No. 1132419
I don't watch mukbang shit but sometimes youtube suggests me these compilations, so I took a look and by god why the fuck would anyone wanna watch a scrote stuff their face? I actually kinda get women doing mukbangs, I know how they got started too, and I know some people watch that for fetish stuff and some mukbangers lean into that but like…when the fuck have men been shamed for overeating? It kinda makes sense for a woman to go fully unhinged, eat a lot of shit and make some money, especially the korean women but why the fuck is this ugly ass moid doing that and why are you cheering? Oh wow a scrote ate a lot pizza, what a soft little hungwy uwu ball, shut the fuck up, women can do whatever the fuck. Eat all that garbage if you wanna, get heart disease but I am not gonna shame you, unless you're a scrote.
No. 1132455
>>1132247I'm so sorry
nonnie, I can relate somehow, thankfully my mother has never been outright nasty to me but I had my share of passive-aggressive comments and emotional blackmail. Having her as a living example is sure way you will NEVER end up like her. I'm so proud of you for being a better person.
Unrelated but my job is killing me. I got temporarily promoted to a higher position that was technically available for me and I could be considered qualified for, but I never wanted it myself. I knew the amount of pressure and how unrewarding it can be. Things happened and here I am! I can't even vent to my colleagues about how badly I'm taking it. All I get is how ungrateful I am, what a good experience this is and how I should not let this opportunity pass. What good are the experiences and money (the pay isn't even that good) when I wake up early in the morning from all the stress? Fuck I want to quit so bad.
No. 1132501
>>1132487It just sucks that you can't truly know your mans preferences until you see his porn.
>>1132495What are you talking about? Because I wrote ''chubby'' and ''saggy tits''? Nothing wrong with those it's just not me. I feel like he finds them way more feminine than me. I work hard to stay fit and slim and now he's got me feeling like some masc twink compared to these women.
No. 1132504
>>1132480You sound hot, get a better bf
nonnie and one that doesn't watch porn
No. 1132507
>>1132346Happy birthday
nonny! I hope you can still have a good day and lots of hugs from your canadian nona here. Birthdays can be hard but we'll always be here to support you and chill out with!!
No. 1132559
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I'm struggling so much with uni. I only just recently got diagnosed with moderately severe ADHD and have yet to get meds (should be a few days thankfully). No one in my family has been to uni, but fortunately I have my boyfriend and his mother helping me with understanding the system. I've been out of school for 5 years. I've already missed a big assignment because I got my dates mixed up. I'm positive I have dyscalculia and one of my courses has me doing math, I genuinely cannot understand any of it, it's literally like white noise. I'm trying so hard to be able to have a life when I'm an adult-adult.
Fuck, does it get better? I feel so fucking stupid. I used to do so well in school.
No. 1132579
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People with autism are nine times more likely to die from suicide than those without autism. People with autism die at an average age of 54
No. 1132591
>>1132480>I don't care if my man watches porn as long as I can relate the women he's objectifying to myselfLol, imagine allowing a man using other women like commodities and then being shocked when he starts to make you feel like one too.
You're insecure and you need self-respect, what you're doing is cope.
And speaking from experience, men do not give a fuck how hot or not women are if their prerogative is to get their rocks off. I've seen men cheat with the complete opposites of their partners just because they were new and different which made them interesting toys in the scrote's eyes. It's not about his "type" so much that he's taking you for granted and is bored enough with your relationship that he'd rather fantasize about someone else. Your looks are being wasted on him, move on.
No. 1132606
This guy makes me feel so depressed. I wish I had never met him. Looking at pics of myslef before I used to look so happy and healthy, I did shit that I liked, I laughed, ate good food, slept like a baby. Not an ounche of depression inside of me. The weird thing is that I know he doesn't like me, yet I still text him and meet him. I hate men fr. I wish he'd die or something. Whyyyy the fuck did I ever decide to not stay single anymore? I feel so fucking paralyzed, I cant evenmake myslef a bowl of pasta, and I used to cook intricate recepies that took hours to complete, meal prep, and al that shit. I don't even exercise anymore and I havent played guitar in so long. Men are time wasters SINGLE NONNAS DONT FUCKING MEET MEN, STAY SINGLE FOREVER. I'm slowly getting back to becoming myself again, I'm so happy I took pictures of myself so I can look forward to becoming her again
No. 1132637
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the hospital that let me go into DKA and refused me insulin for two days has nearly killed two other diabetics in the exact same way in less than 10 months
I reported it to the health department and the bureau of investigation, and they did nothing, they said nothing was wrong. at least one other diabetic did the same thing and was told the same thing.
I tried to hire a lawyer because I'm a terrified fucking shut-in with kidney and eye damage now because of what they did to me and I'm fucking furious, and the lawyer said I have no case, they can get away with that as long as they aren't doing it to every single patient who comes in, and they aren't injecting insulin into someone who isn't diabetic, sooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO
No. 1132734
>>1132657i get so anxious whenever youtube recommends me those videos of girls traveling to some really shithole places alone
recently i came across a korean girl who exclusively travels afghanistan etc…that's such a bad idea
as a child i was obsessed with egypt and thankfully could go with my parents but i would never dare to go anymore unless i have a man accompanying me
it's sad but i'm not willing to risk anything
No. 1132740
>>1132657I'm happy that I would always have my brother at my side to travel with me (though we don't have money for it), but I understand you. We have this unspoken agreement that if someone asks intruding questions, he isn't my brother, he is my boyfriend, because without that story some men would never leave you alone. I sometimes thought about just packing a bag and leaving, but I just, can't, because it's dangerous to be travelling alone as a woman, even if I'm not afraid, I'm just not stupid enough to take any risk. And it's so damn sad, we could be travelling, having a good time, meeting other alone travelling women, etc, but no, we can't go alone.
>>1132735don't feel like shit, I've been a cutter myself for over 18 years and yes, I might have influenced people, but if someone starts, there is something wrong and they have problems to deal with. If your relationship is a good one with your sister, buy something nice to eat, sit down with her and talk to her in a calm way and find the reason why she even started. Maybe you both can move on from there and get away from self harming.
No. 1132757
>>1132670>>1132665god, thank you for the validation, honestly I need it
it's Illinois, btw, and surprisingly not even Chicago
No. 1132766
>>1132735I hope you two are able to somehow bond over it. Me and my sister no longer get along and i can barely stomach being around her. Even if you don't want to confront her, treat her gently. You've been there too. It's not your fault. Were either of you neglected or abused growing up, if you don't mind me asking? If so, then really don't blame yourself.
My sister and I both had garbage parents and we reacted to our trauma differently. We were also treated differently.
No. 1132767
Moids love to post that graph from ok cupid about men of all ages being only attracted to women in their early 20s, but irl they're so shit at telling age it's actually funny. They can only judge women on the internet who actually post their age. Men irl think I'm like 7-8 years younger than my actual age and I get hit on by 19 year olds, but I'm not the only one; at my job there are like 3 other women that our male coworkers assumed were much younger than their actual age, and these women don't even wear make up, something they could "cheat" with. Actually, men are the ones who often look older than their age, but not in a good way. I've seen 21 year olds with recedig hairlines, tired bloated faces, shapeless bodies etc. I wonder if those "redpill" men were attracted to a girl and assumed she's like 19-21 but then they found out she's like 27, would they suddenly stop being attracted to her, or would they stop pursuing her, because she's simply not young enough? I remember some anon here once said that she looks like a highschooler and got hit on by men who were around her real age, but the moment they found out her age, they stopped showing interest? Is male attraction really an on/off thing? Or maybe they still considered her attractive but bailed out simply because they assumed she won't be so easy to control and maintain because she's not as young as they thought?
No. 1132796
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all i fucking want is a best friend who is equally catty and willing to literally just talk about people and gossip non-stop, idc, I love doing it. The hatred of gossip is the hatred of the only power women have had, and nobody can tell me otherwise.
fuck i want a best friend in GENERAL, I haven't had one in 8 years since senior year of high school and i miss it, i miss it so much.
No. 1132797
>>1132757>IllinoisI hope it's not near the northwest suburbs… not diabetic but my dad is. Hospitals around us are already sketch. Hope things work out for you
No. 1132798
>>1132772I'm a lot more emotionally impulsive and she tends to bottle her emotion up until it explodes in a violent way. I was constantly in and out of therapy and our parents neglected to put her in it. We were both abused but my mother hated me for being the abnormal retard child in her eyes. But I left her house in my late teens after she almost killed me, and my sister had to stay there. She became the main receipient of her abuse
At the time I didn't realize that I was probably being selfish. Later she ended up living with me and my dad when she got fed up. About a year into us three living in the house we started having abnormal and brutish fights where we would end up injuring one another over the dumbest fucking shit. I occasionally have one night of pacifism with her, but all these years later we can't easily forgive another. She once
triggered me into cutting using a tactic our mom used to use when she abused us. It hurts to think about
No. 1132815
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why is killing paedophiles illegal. I am so tired.
No. 1132817
>>1132798nta, but damn, I'm so sorry for you, I've got such a mother and she always would make my brother and me fight over stupid things. She didn't expect us to grow tighter and resenting her.
I think the problem is your mother, not you, not your sister, your mother planted that bullshit in your behaviour and now you have to unfold it and find a way to lead a better life. Did you ever talk to your sister about the abuse your mother put you through and maybe you both could go to therapy. Hope you are getting better soon and none of you will need to self harm ever again.
And one last thing, you weren't selfish, you tried to save yourself, you were young, you shouldn't have to think about the well being of your sister, that's something a normal mother would do.
No. 1132893
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Never in a million years did I think I'd ever be a pearl-clutching, "Think of the children!!" critic when it comes to sexuality in the media. But holy fuck, I am so sick of the pornification of mainstream media and just…everything. 'Euphoria' cast a fucking porn star as a recurring character because the director saw her in a porn parody of the show.
High school girls are now getting blown-up, pornstar-looking lip fillers, dressing up as little girls, talking in squeaky anime baby voices and doing ahegao hentai faces for boys on social media. I'm just so tired of it all.
No. 1132902
>>1132817Insofar as I'm aware she doesn't go to therapy and I'd had therapy and meds forced on me for years until adulthood. But my original therapists was a gaslighter which I now realized blamed me for my own problems. The one I've had since highschool aka my current has helped actualize my abuse, but she's never tried to take my family under her wing.
Or rather, the few times she tried she found my mother and father to be insufferably narcissistic. The few family sessions were a disastrous trashfire and reminded me why my parents divorced in the first place. She said my sister has a lot of repressed trauma but sister moved out of state and obviously doenst still see her.
I'm off meds right now, not doing well, self harming and feeling incredibly suicidal again. I don't know how much longer I can last. It hurts that I have nobody in my family to confide in at all.
No. 1132942
I feel like my constant feelings of inferiority stem from my mother. Both me and my brother are fucked up, and she abused us both pretty bad. Every single morning, without fail, began with her ranting at us about how we're horrible narcissistic pieces of shit and how "no other mother has to deal with such horrible children". The ranting would literally go on for half an hour. If we tried to do anything, anything at all, she'd go on a hysterical rant about how we fuck everything up and make more work for her. So my entire childhood I spent in front of the TV and computer, and all her insults kind of just became background noise. At school I was a notoriously naughty child and a bit of a sadistic bully, because the scolding I got there were just so inconsequential to what I got at home. I developed a sort of learned helplessness, sort of like the Ludovico technique from a clockwork orange, where I had a strange aversion to any exertion and just wanted to sit on the computer and fuck around all day.
At my birthday one year she went on about the family dog dying, the one she overfed into a chonker, she gleefully and sadistically went into full detail about how the dog choked on its own vomit and died by the front door, it was a lynchian horror moment. She adopts sickly dogs from the shelter to waffle on about how uwu hard she has it looking after such retarded doggos. She made out me and my brother were retarded sickly kids, incapable of anything, got us loaded on a cocktail of drugs, barely fed us, insulted us every day. The only thing that was expected of us was intelligence. Her fantasy was having sickly children that were uwu helpless, but also had to be super geniuses that would one day be working as engineers and scientists or some cerebral narcissistic bullshit.
No. 1132949
>>1132657Traveling full time is my dream. I used to read books and listen to podcasts about it. All of those books and podcasts are made by men and it's painfully obvious. They'd always give advice like 'travel to third world countries because it's cheaper'
Also in the same book he also suggested going to this website that I don't remember the name of where you can meet people who are willing to let you sleep on their couches for free which just seems like a really stupid idea.
No. 1132969
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>>1132956I think about this a lot.
Which also makes me think about this quote a lot from Bojack Horseman:
“The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead!”
- Mr. Peanutbutter
No. 1132976
>>1132962i am so sorry, anon! I just left my job because my boss was
abusive and now i'm scrambling to find another. i truly hope your next job works out. Sending positive vibes.
No. 1132983
>>1132978imagine all the time and energy they spent obsessing over JKR was instead used to report these types of proud predators to authorities…
but also too, so many “allies” and handmaidens are too scared to call out degen behavior in fear of getting called transphobic cus it genuinely happens all the time. worst case ive seen was probably this one person getting called transphobic for calling out a troon that had a sexual/romantic online “relationship” with a 13 year old. its fucking depressing seeing what things are becoming.
No. 1132987
>>1132980Don’t kill yourself
nonnie. Things like camming are becoming more and more commonplace and I think a lot more people than you think would be understanding if they knew what circumstances led you to do it. If it comes up with future employers, tell them “this is something I did in the past, I’m doing my best to move on from it,” or something along those lines. If they’re decent people (and if you’re good at your job), they won’t care. If they’re not, then fuck em, there will be other jobs and other opportunities.
Just don’t try to go into teaching or public office or anything like that.
No. 1132994
>>1132980me too anon I did the same thing like we have the same story and it's normal to feel this paranoid but believe me the odds of anyone finding the videos unless you become famous are very small. There are millions of those videos, nobody will find them. I promise that you are just being paranoid. Change your look up a bit in order to feel better, just change your hair color and style. Also, in the eventuality anyone finds out which is very unlikely unless you become famous or a public figure and even in that case half of people don't care because a lot of people are woke and the other half is actually people that are empathetic and understand if you talk to them. Believe me that you deserve to be loved and that if you keep a normal job absolutely nobody will find out! Your life is not over and in a sense you are a
victim because this thing shouldn't be accessible to 18 year old girls that are confused about their life. I have videos like that from when I was 18 too and I was visibly unwell in them, I was high as fuck on benzos and suicidal but some scrotes keep posting them on the internet and in the eventuality anyone finds out I will speak the truth, that I was a groomed 18 year old girl in a super bad situation. Even if your story is not as dramatic as mine in a way you're still a
victim to it. You deserve everything good in life and to be loved. Only someone like some right winger would judge or persecute you for it, the vast majority of population understands it and accepts it and even radfems have a lot of empathy towards girls that ended up in the industry since they understand how
abusive it is.
No. 1132998
>>1132665NTA, but not necessarily the lawyers fault. In some areas doctors and dentists are practically untouchable legally. Nevermind if they can find a reason to
victim blame or hide behind "mistakes are human" and the hectic hospital environment. I feel like it's easier to sue insurance at this point. Even if you can do it yourself partially or get a professsor or colleague to help you for free, there's often jackshit you can do.
No. 1133012
>>1132999you don't have to be trafficked in order to become a
victim of the sex industry as a woman, you didn't fuck up your life. We live in a very fucked up world for women, where sex work is promoted towards women and we can make accounts on porn sites at 18 which basically at 18 you are still a child or adolescent in your mentality. If the age of taking part in sex work would be raised to 25 half of the girls that do it wouldn't end up doing it because between 18-25 the biggest changes in your value system occur.
No. 1133022
>>1132999I feel you,
nonnie. I did that sort of stuff when I was under 18 and it has made me very paranoid of someone finding it out. Looking back, I can see how absolutely mentally disturbed I was, it's surprising no one noticed. I'm here with you. I feel so worthless sometimes, like my current self is just a facade, and the people who respect me would spit on me if they found out. It doesn't help that I live in a muslim country. But same as you, it's been many years and no one has found out. It just sucks that once it is out there, you cannot take it back. I relate to you,
nonnie. Wish you the best of luck. Just accepting it and moving on with hopefully some lessons, that's all we can hope for. Take care!
No. 1133036
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Porn is literally good you fucking weirdos
No. 1133039
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>>1132247that sucks so much, having to put up with her out of fear. it is so angering when they play the
victim but even as a child you can see, she has a choice in the situation, but refuses to see it. my mother does the same sometimes, and used to complain to me as if she was the child. it always made me feel icky, and recently learned that is called emotional incest. did your mother do this child parentification thing? i can relate to having been her barbie, being dressed by her because reputation was so important.
i actually came to this thread to vent about her being weird again. i think my mother is anorexic and is comparing herself to everyone around her, including me.
>she never eats, or only a handful>complains about headaches and being cold"whaaat do you think this iiiis froooom?"
>i ask her if she ate, tell her maybe do that, and to put on a sweater"ooOoh maaaybe i shouuuld doooo thaaaat. i only ate breakfast, oh-oh"
>anon, this clothing is too small for me, do you want it? she asks me, while knowing i am bigger than her
>wanna go out to eat today anon?she asks me, while knowing i am trying to lose weight and save money
>wants to take pictures with me only when i am looking my worst, messy hair and puffy cheeks, real just woke up look>buys sweets she eats 2 pieces of>leaves the rest for us>when i ask her to go to the gym together, she always already went>puts clothes that could sell in the donation pile"oh, i could sell this, but, i don't want to bother"
>tries on her old clothes"anon, come see, i used to wear this when i was your age"
i am a healthy weight but she makes me feel obese with this shit. and when i was underweight, she was always so scared i'm anorexic. what the hell is this mother doing. i am actually
triggered and thinking of going ottermode and posting flexing pictures to make her seethe.
No. 1133113
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I'm most likely reading way too much into it, but the fact that incels claim women prefer to fuck dogs instead of "true nice guys" makes me read the comic in a very uncomfortable way.
This guy's comics haven't been funny in a long time anyway, but I have a hard time reading this punchline in any other way.
No. 1133114
>>1133093Yeah I'm thinking I should just do that. Calling is better than sending an email because they would probably take days to answer that
>>1133098Western Europe technically
>>1133108When they confirmed that my account was successfully opened all it said was that I would receive my card and pin "in the coming days" by mail
No. 1133154
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>>1132232One more Webp file and I snap!
No. 1133213
I hate this shitty world that's been built. We've built a world that makes living as difficult as possible. As much red tape and arbitrary bullshit as a bureaucrat can manage to shove into any process to make it as in-human as possible. We could all be living prosperous, healthy lives, but instead people go into debt for broken limbs and avoid going to dentists because somehow the health of other human beings isn't as important as lining the pockets of individuals. Money is made up and valueless, I'm sick of everyone just putting up with this shit. When is there going to be a real revolution? Why were those Q anon losers angry about their choice not being elected instead of being angry about the fact that they are denied any respect or dignity by their own country or the world? People's priorities are all twisted and that's how governments prefer it, the more we fight amongst ourselves the easier it is for them to manipulate the economy in their favor. We have road blocks in everyone's way, you can't get education, you can't get health care, you can't get a good home unless you're extremely lucky, or already wealthy. People would rather step on and over each other than help each other, when helping each other would be easier and make a better world overall. People act like caring for each other and wanting everyone to be healthy and happy is some kind of weak, utopian ideal, instead of it being the fucking reality of the situation. That kind of world is 100% possible, but we can't have it because of a handful of mostly men who control everything and none of us have the guts to do anything about it. No one wants to organize anything, no one wants to put in effort for another person, everyone wants to be lazy and "comfortable" in their shit shacks and pretend that "this is just the way things work" instead of realizing that their life is shit, and they will die as miserably as they lived, while a few dozen people live as long as they can in fucking golden houses.
No. 1133215
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>>1133213Will you marry me?
No. 1133234
>>1133039Hi nonna, now that I'm thinking of it yeah she definitely did do a lot of that stuff to me although I'm not familiar with child parentification. I don't think she did it for that reason tbh but considering I was the only daughter I think she just wanted me to be exactly like her. She definitely dictated how I dressed and to her anger I was and always have been very much a tomboy most of the time. I remember her dressing me in stupid white trousers and very frilly feminine tops, uncomfortable sandals while on vacation, it was all very dolled up meanwhile my step brother was just allowed t-shirts and shorts. Looking back I was never afforded the comfort ability of just wearing some shorts and a shirt and enjoying my time on holiday, or just enjoying being comfortable in general. I missed out on a lot of natural childhood activities and getting dirty/messy because she taught me that my appearance and appearing like a fashionable girl was more important.
When I hit puberty she didn't teach me a single thing about the important bits: you know, consent and how various female things are normal and healthy etc. I was made to shave my armpits as soon as they grew, she had my nice long hair cut into this weird layered style because her hair was also layered, she would constantly make small remarks about my weight e.g oh you're so skinny it looks like you have a lollipop head.
Even to this day she still makes remarks about how I wear my hair in a middle parting- she says I suit it better in a side part, like it even fucking matters. It's just a lifetime of small little quips and comments that have also left me with low self esteem and because of her being a shit female role model I ended up being sunk into the internet and being absent of any intelligent female figure in my life.
In regards to your mom nonna I think all of what she's doing is very intentional. Just reading that sounds like she knows what she's doing and she places an uncomfortably high value in being skinny, as well as picking at your self esteem by constantly dropping in little hints at stuff even though you've already told her not to. My mom would do something similar where she would constantly pick at her own body - "oh I'm so fat, I have no hips my breasts are too big my stomach is too fat" directly in front of a young teenage me knowing I'd pick up on those insecurities and now I'm convinced I have no hips and I'm built like a fridge kek. Moms like ours never really do this shit by accident, everything is calculated and has some sort of directed bite behind it towards us even if they want to put on the happy mother facade for other people. Unfortunately the only way to escape it is to move out, which is unfortunately becoming harder and harder to do these days.
No. 1133256
>>1133253if you're at this point, you'd might as well go into debt and enjoy yourself tbh
if you don't have kids, honestly, what's the worst that could happen? you already wanna kill yourself, you can't feel any worse, can you? buy some stupid shit and have a good time while it lasts, that would be better than never enjoying anything at all
No. 1133264
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Knowing that the vast majority of my lifetime's suffering may have been potentially (and probably) down to undiagnosed autism is making me really upset.
On one hand, I am grateful to finally find out in my mid-20s that yes autism is just as common in women and we deserve to get support even if we don't fit the mold of raging porn-addicted moid autists. I've yet to speak to a doctor about this, but I want to make a solid case and not just have my thoughts or questions shrugged off like they have been all my life aka "hurhur you're just depressed is it your menstrual cycle are you on birth control maybe its just your personality" literally kill yourself.
On the other hand, I'm so so fucking angry for feeling like this is just "who I am" as one doctor once told me - in regards to not feeling emotions for months throughout my teens and then suddenly having serious mental breakdowns, to having a lifetime of sensory sensitivities and feeling overstimulated when other people seem chilled out, to CONSTANTLY feeling alienated or that I will never "fit in" because my brain overanalyzes, overthinks and makes me over-emotional compared to other people who can seemingly handle everyday tasks with ease. Having alone time and being in my room playing games or creating story scenarios was heaven on earth for me - at the time I felt like a fucking weirdo, but now I understand it.
Ever since I was old enough to realise and mimic social hierarchies and how girls "have it different", I have felt like a fucking loser who just wasn't on the same wavelength - I hung around with popular girls to mimic and try and feel empowered and like I was hot shit, and it didn't work. I hung around with nerdy boys/boys in general and I constantly felt like I was out of the loop especially in regards to how sexual they were and how open they were about sex. I didn't even fucking understand, feel anything, and genuinely feared sex until my current bf - before that I'd just do it because it was expected of me which led me into some disgusting "kinky" and downright non-consent situations. I wish I could go back and redo that, I wish I could tell myself it's okay to not fit into friend groups, that I should wait until I'm comfortable to have sex and boyfriends, and that it's okay to not understand any of this shit because chances are I'm on the spectrum. There were no "girls on the spectrum" even back in the late 2000s, you just didn't hear of that shit so you were either an outgoing girl who always had boyfriends and had sex at an early age, or you were just deemed a weirdo like me.
Literally the ONLY time I managed to convince myself I might be normal was in university when I mimicked so hard and essentially forced myself to become this "bad bitch" persona (yes cringe I know). It was the only time I could get shit done and even then I would have some sort of sperg burnout and have regular meltdowns especially over the sexual abuse from my previous relationship.
And you know what, maybe getting diagnosed wouldn't have changed anything, but at least someone would have heard me and understood that something was wrong with me that wasn't just "being a teen girl/being on your period/being depressed because boyfriend". Maybe having a concrete name to my struggles would have helped me embrace and become comfortable with my retarded self, or find communities with other women and girls like me.
I have spent so long trying to cover up how I really feel, trying to cover up how fucking impossible it feels for me to do basic things like drive a car or even go to the store sometimes without feeling overstimulated or overloaded with emotions and complex thoughts. I haven't even touched the car in almost 2 years because I know that I will panic, get overstimulated by the ongoings of a busy town, and just fucking do something stupid that I can't afford to fix. The worst thing is people in my family knew about some of my sensory weird shit, my strange behaviour and mental health, the way I seemed naïve to social scenarios, and they did NOTHING. I am absolutely willing to bet that if I was a boy instead, they would have either tried to get me diagnosed for something or even got me to a doctors in the first place. No, nothing, I was left to internalise all of this shit and it has made me the most anxious introspective person ever - not literally I guess, but every day is another day of endlessly complex thoughts and feeling like yet again, I'm looking from the outside and cringing at every social interaction I make and inevitably fail at unless It's extremely rehearsed and scripted in my head beforehand. Fuck this.
No. 1133274
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It’s so frustrating and embarrassing that I have to ask for crumbs on a stupid fucking assignment for class.
>i have nothing else to do pls let me do this
When I need a good grade so I can pass. I absolutely hate being a woman, everyone expects you to be outward and friendly like damn I’m gonna be honest with you I’m legit too physically tired from possible chronic fatigue and anemia I legit can’t advocate for myself sometimes. It’s all so tiresome yes I know whine, whine, whine that’s all I do, I’m not likeable but how many times am I gonna experience deja vu of being excluded from things?
No. 1133283
>>1133275I think they've thought this out the banks because if you have a history of mental health issues and stuff like that and are a NEET which I currently am they won't give it to you.
>>1133275if I say I want to get things from others people will consider me a narc but the world never gave me anything. Life is fucking unfair and we are continously exploiting one another.
I wish I could get money from scrotes and moids but I don't wanna do sex work and although I am beautiful I'm very bad at getting scrotes to give since I'm not someone ideologized. Scrotes will only give you money if you are a walking stereotype of the woman they idealized but my thinking system is very nuanced and complex. I cannot do the internet grift, it's as soul sucking as a normal job and you can only do it if you are a brainlet, you have to fit.into this really strict niche and pander to a very specific audience. that.
>>1133278thanks. I want to get a YouTube channel but I come across as a retard I cannot.even fully express my thoughts. I want to talk to doomer people and just tell the entire world how circumstances literally make up your life and successful people were given the circumstances to succeed. My life is so fucking frustrating.
No. 1133325
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>>1133303i am esl so i googled it. i don't think we have a name for it in my language
No. 1133330
>>1133300Reminds me of a ChubbyEmu video, the music started playing in my head, hyperkalemia meaning high potassium presence in blood tututu
>>1133256>>1133275>>1133278It makes me happy that there are so many based nonnies.
>>1133304I realized how high my pain tolerance is compared to scrotes recently. They absolutely whine way way more than women and usually are the cause of their own problems. Women end up in the hospital despite all efforts not to, meanwhile scrotes go twice in one month because they cannot put down the bottle. Though they will blame everyone and everything, but not their obvious bad habits. I hate that whiny scrotes with bad habits take up hospital beds, while also pretending to be stoic masterminds.
No. 1133335
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>>1133326Thank you
nonnie, I won't give up
No. 1133339
>>1133327The way society treats women going through disgusting unacceptable shit as almost our "rite of passage" of girlhood/womanhood is pure evil. I've been told I'm overreacting because I feel uncomfortable walking to the gym when it's still dark in the early morning or during the evening - again, because I'm a woman.
Yet I bet if I was a troon and told people I'm scared of doing xyz they would fawn over me as if I'm some delicate oppressed piece of fragile porcelain. It's fucked up. Women are expected to face sex-based violence and oppression head on and just get over it like it's nothing but trannies can force their way through ANY space they want and everyone has to applaud them for being brave. Misogyny plain and simple.
No. 1133375
>>1133319don't give up
nonnie! you are doing amazing just doing the exercises, don't push yourself too hard! i'm proud of you!
No. 1133486
>>1133473I know what you mean
nonnie. Think of your home repairs as an investment. If and when you sell the house, you can ask for a higher amount if you repaired everything than if you were selling it with repairs needed.
Keep up your current habits though. Don't force yourself to spend money for the sake of spending money. Do things you really want to do, appreciate, or that would increase your quality of life. If you can't think of anything consider putting that money into a brokerage or some other investment account instead.
No. 1133487
>>1133473damn what did you major in, that sounds awesome anon
i think you'll have an easier time spending as time passes and you're more used to being wealthy
No. 1133502
>>1133327The biggest association i have with sexism is the fact guys can go to a party, get black out drunk and have a penis in sharpie on their head. Women have to hover over their drinks and plan for ABC scenarios, while having a knife or taser in case a man attacks them.
It stopped me from attending a lot of events i would have otherwise gone to because life is literally more dangerous for women.Even simple shit.
No. 1133516
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The prog discord server I'm in found my vent posts on this website and kicked me out, they think it's 4chan feeling quite sad there was one person there I liked, she posted Chris Squire everyday and the love for Chris Squire was cute and admirable
Kind of funny, I guess it means one of them browses this site and pretends it's 4chan even though the UI looks a lot different from 4chan (imo)
That's what they get though for giving themselves eating disorders over 70's prog musicians that shit is more embarrassing than
>21 and on 4chan
Imagine being 21 and trans
Does this mean I have to like, change my Discord handle and pfp? Do you think people are that vendetta obsessed?
No. 1133521
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>>1133516mfw they will probably see this too, cant have shit in detroit
No. 1133543
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>>1133541Not too many vision problems. It hurts to focus on stuff because of the pain sometimes. The last injection to dissolve hurt so bad I was seeing black floaters after it, but they went away. I've had 3 different eye exams so I guess everything is okay there. Also I've had the pain since 1.5 months I typed that incorrectly. All the pain is near the sinuses, oribtal area, or my temples. Granted it has become better since dissolving, but I'm afraid I now have chronic pain because of this last treatment. They think it's related to the COVID booster. ERs won't do shit for me. I have an ENT appointment next month, so maybe I'll get a CT scan through them? I'm so over it and depressed.
No. 1133704
>>1133694That sucks and I hope you leave him. But don't mention knowing his reddit account just break up with him when u can
nonny. otherwise he'll get rid of it and lowers chance other women can find it. Do your friends have good boyfriends or give good dating advice?
No. 1133709
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I'm a retard who always has a billion fucking tabs open and always keeps them by restoring previous session after I turn on the computer and open the browser, but today my computer was being weird and kept turning off and after waiting a bit and turning it back on it's staying on, but imagine the despair I felt when I didn't have the option to restore previous session. I know I'm a dumbass for keeping like a 100+ tabs open all the time but some of the tabs had stuff I really wanted to go back to.
No. 1133715
>>1133704im 100% going to leave him. I've been cheated on before and I know the signs and I'm never letting something like that happen again. But yeah good advice, I'm not gunna bring up the reddit account. But then he's going to wonder why I want to break up out of no where…
One of my friends is married, and they're an adorable couple. Another friend of mine just recently broke it off with her ex but he was garbage and
abusive. All my other friends are either just recently dating or single. Their advice is great, but I have trouble with it some times because I'm a huge gamer and none of them play any video games, so they don't understand the whole 'gaming date' thing and think it's a waste of time. Maybe it's because I usually only go for guys who also game? That's like, the only common thing between all the guys I've dated lol
No. 1133751
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Depression. That is all
No. 1133794
>>1133767Be brave and lucid anon, don’t let your fear sabotage!
>>1133788I’m the opposite. I get so alarmed when it comes out bright red like I ruptured something and hemorrhaging lol
No. 1133907
>>1133715What types of games do all of the guys you have dated play?
My ex was a cheating asshole too and similar to your situation, had sort of a “double life” online that excluded me. I found out on through an MMORPG we played together (I “followed” him one day and caught him) and a TikTok account (that I didn’t know he had and found through some searching).
I avoid all scrotes that play video games. It seems to be a common red flag for other issues. Which sucks, because I like horror and puzzle games (think RE and Clocktower). Gaming scrotes are usually big misogynists and narcissists. Often pornsick too, since there seems to be some sort of triad between porn, anime, and games.
No. 1133937
>>1133897it's matching scrote then (sorry
No. 1133948
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>Tfw floss too hard and hurt my gums
No. 1133963
>>1133959I hope you can find some relief soon bedbug nonna. I'm glad that your dad is being more cooperative. I was struggling with bedbugs too, but I've almost completely gotten rid of them.
I patiently await the day you can tell us that you finally wiped out the bed bugs, and I hope you can buy your stocks!
No. 1133972
>>1133963Thank you so much nonna. I was crying and suicidal a couple of months ago out of frustration of dealing with them and my uncooperative dad, but things have cooled off and now it's just a slow and bumpy uphill ride… but at least it's going uphill!
I bitch so much about my bedbug problem here kek. Bedbugs are awful and I really wouldn't wish them on anyone (and it was taking a toll on my social life too because I was afraid of seeing friends or even being near them out of fear of passing them onto them), but it makes me feel a little bit better when I see other nonas here with the same problem. I hope all of us suffering with bedbugs may finally find peace one day, but for now it makes me happy to have someone understand the awful struggle it is.
Maybe I will use some extra cash I have stashed away to treat myself to one or two shares of a stock kek
No. 1133974
>>1133973It might not help you, but remember that a lot of anons here say shit just to troll or make other anons upset. That anon themselves said that this is not the first time they've posted that. Ask yourself why someone would be so eager to repeatedly tell others about that kind of stuff if they weren't looking for attention.
There are plenty of awful people on this site so I'm not saying that everything that is said here is fake, but take everything with a grain of salt and don't let anyone here control how you feel. I know it sucks to know you may have interacted with them though, I'm sorry anon.
No. 1133983
>>1133972I might have german roaches after roughly 5 months still. I have boric acid along various walls, paste bait, diatomaceous earth, spray killer on the baseboards, sticky traps, shower less, got rid of my whole trash can, only make a small bag of trash daily to take out immediately, vacuuming weekly, all water drains have a filter stopper so they cant get out of the drain if thats where they are, dishes go immediately in the washer, windows are never opened since ive put tape on any gaping holes, and 0 food is left out. i hate this shit i think it came from my neighbors who randomly left. Never in my life have i had roaches even when living with my hoarder mother where the animals pissed on everything. I feel so gross if i tell anyone about it but….i feel ive done everything but move. The idiot free bug guys couldnt figure out where mine were even coming from. I wanna go back to having a real trash can without fear of ever seeing one in my room again. I am so sorry for you bedbug anons.
No. 1133987
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Idk where else to talk about this embarrassing shit so it goes here, I’m a closeted ex muslim, and yesterday our HR was giving free small wine bottles for easter, and they gave me one too since i’m 21, so I had my first drink ever that night. It didn’t taste good because ofc it was shitty cheap wine, but made me realize i can prooobably get away with secretly drinking so i will probably start experimenting around because i enjoyed the giddy feeling. Maybe wine moms were right after all, had the best sleep of this year so far.
No. 1134048
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I made the mistake of looking up the history of cabbage patch kids and now I’m too scared to sleep…
No. 1134054
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>>1134051see you later nerd
No. 1134114
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She's so dumb it's actually kind of depressing. She literally undoes the work I do with how retarded she is. She can't even put away dishes properly.
No. 1134117
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Haha! Yes! I love only having joy in my brain at night and subsequently ruining my schedule.
No. 1134137
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Why do badger her to let you go raw instead of wearing a condom?
Why do you whine on reddit about not getting some when you spend all day ignoring your gf and jerking to porn instead?
Why do you cry about how women are bitches and should have no rights bc they won't date your jobless loser ass that spends all day jerking to porn in your parents basement?
No. 1134140
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No. 1134142
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i am not suicidal or anything, but like, i don’t think life is worth this much struggle. Like sre you telling me i was supposed to work everyday for… this? Why? I don’t mind staying alive but it is not worth this much trouble. I really wish euthanisia was legal around here sometimes.
I feel like this reason is why I’m leaning towards minimalism, esp the extreme kind. Like I don’t wanna own anything, I wanna work little and own little. Whatever that was supposed to mean
No. 1134156
>>1134151ugh, same. i just bought my oldest friend a birthday gift and it hurt. i do feel good about getting her something cute though. i hope your new bras are comfy
nonnie. OT but if they are underwire bras, bending the wire outwards so it's more convex was a game-changer for me. vidrel explains it, go to 00:15
No. 1134163
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>>1134158Read the art of seduction, sounds like a PUA book but it's actually very interesting and useful for career, confidence, and political gains and applies to a woman's perspective too
One of the primary lessons is picking your target: you waste time picking stingy losers. Some are just a no go. When they walk away from you because of what you said it's actually good, you weed these useless ones out
No. 1134168
i honestly don’t know why my mother loves me, no one else does. she loves me in a way i cannot explain, and i feel both incredibly grateful and incredibly guilty of the fact she is my mother. i feel like i deserve a crackhead who screams at me and beats me up for the stupidest shit, not this libran saint who believes in me even when the rest of the family calls me names, tells me i am not related to them because of my “dark” personality, just so many cruel things. i even told god i don’t deserve my mom. sometimes i wonder if we are nothing alike or are people just full of shit? i have so much anger and fear inside of me, i have dark dreams of monsters tearing people apart, myself as a tiger, riding fire breathing black dragons, and i even dreamed of myself traveling to the underworld. my mother is the total opposite of me. i just feel so ugly and worthless next to her, because she loves me unconditionally and i am like the little minotaur bastard freak. i wish i was a better daughter and that she could be proud of me. i wish i loved myself as much as she loves me. my own father despised me the day i was born. i hope god loves me just as much because i have no one else.
No. 1134177
>>1134165I cannot, I mean I did for a while but they only gave me money because I appeared to have the same beliefs as them. The moment where I showed signs or rationality or sentinent thinking and said something that slightly pissed them off they fucked off. Radfem theory actually made me unable to manipulate because it made me realize women have to bend their beleifs around men's beliefs and not show any sign of free thinking. I'm also mentally ill but I've seen uglier mentally ill women get a lot of simps. I'm just really bad at pandering I guess.
>>1134163Once I got a Japanese simp to give me 10,000 dollars for nothing. We were in a MBTI discord and he was an INTP obsessed with INTPs and I started talking w him told him I was an INTP and started LARPING and exaggerating my own personality characteristics and then I sent him pictures of me and he thought I was super cute and his dream waifu for being an INTP and he gave me a lot of money for telling him I had financial issues. Then I got annoyed and dropped the act and told him that I believe MBTI is bullshit and he literally stopped talking with me. Similarly, one guy who dropped thousands on my stream and was a woketard. I told him I am against sex work and he fucked off Lmao. I swear all men are like this. Or maybe I got bad simps? Maybe a good simp just simps no matter what I say.
No. 1134229
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Tomorrow will be two days left to write my research paper. Last assignment for the year and I'm still just gonna keep putting it off until I'm panicking, huh
No. 1134239
>>1134229I have so much trouble writing essays. Spitball some sentences, even disjointed phrases, in your notes so you have something to work with later.
>>1134218I support your desire to be a cult leader
No. 1134294
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Realizing my art is sometimes reminiscent of Holly Brown's is making me want to kermit
No. 1134347
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I think she's gotten bored/tired of me. I knew it would happen, I just didn't think it would be so quickly. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, back to the regular routine I guess.
No. 1134416
>>1134406I agree with
>>1134409 anon, he's either hiding something (like an addiction) or has emotional problems. I say ditch
No. 1134430
>>1134167omg the underwear
nonnie? you got some extras finally? i hope you like them! (And they definitely fall under necessities imo)
No. 1134449
I knit myself a beautiful handkerchief to wear in my hair, and when I posted it on instagram it got a huge response from my friends. People liked it because it's fucking pretty. But now one of my friends that would not shut up about it is knitting her own- in the exact same pattern as mine. I designed mine while on a walk and was kinda open with why I made certain design decisions to my close friends, and her fat ass is copying each one down to the detail. Now, I know I didn't invent the idea of a hair scarf obviously, but I wrote the pattern for it and in less than 7 hours she made an identical dupe. It isn't hard exactly to create a knit dupe if you understand how stitches work, like I could technically go and do that to something from a TV show but I wouldn't! Because it's wrong, and even the large designers create knitwear by hiring an actual artist, so why would I copy her? Just seems wrong. I'm not gonna say anything because it's just too petty, but I am so hurt it makes me want to never share anything again. Reminds me of middle school when someone would copy my exact painting or someshit, even if the painting was of my OWN house or pets. The only good thing is this girl and I look like we're polar opposites, she has short blue hair and is really fat and wears heavy makeup. I kinda look like a kid's show depiction of a librarian, so the identical headdress is gonna look entirely different on us. But I am so mad. So annoyed. Plus I'm already making a second one, how many people are gonna mistakingly think I'm copying HER? Like who even looks at the timeframe in which things are posted? Jesus.
No. 1134455
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I’m 5’8 and 220 pounds and I fluctuate between feeling like the fattest person on earth & just feeling a little chubby & I genuinely can’t tell what reality is. I definitely need to lose some weight but I also just want to get over my body dysmorphia so I can just have an accurate view of myself.
It feels like everyone who is a little bigger uses heavy filters and angles and portrays themselves to look much thinner online and it annoys the shit out of me because it makes it absolutely impossible to actually see what people my size look like. I know a girl who is like 5’0 and heavier/a similar weight to me, I’ve seen her irl recently and know she’s wider than me, but based on the pictures she posts online I’d guess she was much smaller than me. I’m trying to stop comparing myself to other people in general but that’s hard to do when you don’t have a solid sense of what you look like. I live in a pretty small town and don’t go out much so most of the people I see are online and online it seems like when bigger women post themselves it’s either A. they have extra weight but are able to hide it with angles and filters or B. they have a lot of extra weight and can’t hide it with angles and filters so you can either see it through the angles/filters or the person doesn’t bother with those things.
Since I personally don’t use all the angles or filters or take/post pictures of myself much, I’m comparing how I look in the mirror to that stuff & likening myself more to the women in the B category, who are probably closer to 300+ pounds, which isn’t accurate to what I look like. Idk, I know I need to just change my lifestyle and lose weight and I’m trying to make steps without being too hard on myself & relapsing into bulimia. Vent over, anticipating someone calling me a fattychan and telling me to just lose weight or something but I hope you ladies will understand that I know and I’m working on it.
No. 1134456
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>>1133709That's why you gotta pin them, nona. I've permanently lost some tabs that way, too. You can still lose them while pinned, too (like if you open a new non-ingocnito window and then close the one with the pinned tabs), but I've only had it happen due to my own stupidity instead of technical malfunction.
No. 1134458
>>1134440No I'm not done, why the fuck was it okay to tell me I can't say "women" or "periods" or tell men in those groups to stop talking over the sick women in there, so I had to deal with it all alone. Yet these fucking little depression retards can have their groups, as if I wasn't depressed too, but surprisingly I didn't have the time to go cry about that alone it groups like that. Yeah what's stopping me joining some retard group now? Unfiltered bitterness, anger and martyrdom. Everytime someone gets actually sick or is chronically sick, they never fucking think that maybe there's also psychological shit as well, oh wow some people aren't just fucked in the head but bodily also! I used to be mentally ill only and trust me, that shit was so much easier than this shit, it doesn't even matter if my head feels ok, wtf is the point, body is fucked.
No. 1134491
>>1134455imo the best way is to just not compare yourself with anyone else and go off BMI. Like you said, angles and filters and even how people carry their weight varies a ton and can be misleading. Also if you live in a place with a high rate of obesity, comparing yourself to people around you can make your perception wonky. Ultimately it’s your body and you’ll still suffer the consequences of having too much fat even if everyone around you is just as fat.
I looked up a BMI chart for you and at 220 lbs you are obese, not overweight, so I wouldn’t call it “a little chubby.” Aim for 120-160 lbs. Good luck!
No. 1134513
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Spent three full days working on the lineart for a very detailed character for a friend who has been begging and encouraging me to draw this complicated character ever since she deemed me good enough to draw them. Mind you, I mainly do lineart and rarely put color to my art. Her standards are high considering she's a professional artist who makes a living from it, but I figured she like any decent person would appreciate the gesture. Finished the picture and sent it to her, hoping at least she'd appreciate the nice surprise.
"Cool, but are you going to add a background and color it?"
I'm annoyed.
No. 1134550
>>1133959A little update- they will be able to come next week! It's as costly as I expected, but after paying for it and my credit card bill this month, I'll still have $1k to my name until I get paid at the end of this month so I'm in a much better financial spot that I expected to be! Fingers crossed!
>>1133983I am so fucking sorry nonna, I really am. I'm hoping for the day you might move or when those bastard roaches are finally obliterated from your apartment. We have roaches too but the entire building has been infested since we moved in 20+ years ago. Hell, roaches are just an accepted part of my city lol. There's no hope for me kek. I cope by telling myself that they're disgusting but at least they don't bite (or I don't think they do??)
No. 1134562
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I'm tired I really do want to kill myself. I don't even believe in work anymore, no matter what I will do I will end up giving more than I take. Even in my relationships with people I give more than I take. I just want to take for once, to be appreciated for once. My life has been so hellish and all my efforts have been futile. My work always underpaid my efforts always gone ignored. There's no point in giving anything to the world when you get nothing back but suffering. Yet, I cannot opress others. I cannot use them for my own gain. The world and society is based around manipulation, you need to develop the skills of manipulation.
My entire childhood I have seen my parents wither away, be mistreated, work with little results, be humiliated by a sick system. Had to watch my own mother fall ill to her death at such an early age. Had to live having nothing while pretending my life is not miserable and full of misfortune in order to make others that have more than me not feel bad. I am not even allowed to be depressed because if I am others will harass me, they will demonize me. I didn't get to live my childhood, my entire body is filled with anxiety and with the traumas of my ancestors. I carry all the extreme traumas of my ancestors. Life is nothing but suffering for me and I wanted to live more than anyone else yet life itself is forcing me to choose suicide over living because the liberation of death is better than what life has to offer me.
No. 1134613
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I'm still very far off from having kids but having children has been one of my life dreams and it genuinely breaks my heart that I won't be able to have any of my own. I'm too afraid that I will pass down mental illness issues from other women in my family. I know that it's nature vs nurture, but it still feels too risky considering the things that I have been through.
No. 1134630
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How could I get revenge without doing anything too illegal or destructive? My ex continues to make my life miserable. He makes demands for me to drive him places and mail him things he forgets when he travels. When I finally stood up for myself and said no, he started screaming and crying. I had to scream back at him to shut the fuck up. It's like dealing with a toddler.
When I broke up with this asshole, which was two years ago, he asked if we could go to the park to talk. I agreed, and while we were there he said, "I think we should breakup." I didn't get it at all. I had already broken up with him but for some fucking reason HE had to be the one to do it? I guess his bruised ego couldn't take it so he had to pretend he was the one ending the relationship, not me. Only a male could be this idiotic and delusional.
I want to get away from him. I'm moving to a new city in the summer for a new job, and he doesn't know anything about it. My hope is that I can block his number once I move and completely ghost him permanently.
At the same time, I want to get revenge. He's made my life hell. Karma might get him eventually, and karma will probably get me too if I act out revenge, but all I want to do is ruin his fucking day, not his life. But if I get revenge, then I'll probably end up tangling our lives together even more, which would suck in the long run.
No. 1134694
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Today at work a vile little scrap of a moid tried asking me out for drinks today. I'm in a managerial position and always make sure to talk to everyone and take everyone's opinions and needs seriously. I hate how some scrotes believe that the tiniest bit of attention means they can break professional boundaries like this. I thought he was just a nice friendly coworker but nooo hes a little fucking creepo piece of shit. How fucking dare he speak to me never speak to me again Kev. Disgusting. Fuck you.
No. 1134729
>>1134638I might actually do this but idk if it's potent enough. He grew up Catholic and actually believes that women are "seductresses" who tempt men into sex. I didn't find out about this until after I broke up with him, but I wish I had known it before we ever had sex.
This is a good idea though, I might try something similar.
>>1134649Because over and over I thought I was doing the "right" thing by being accommodating and gentle. My mom is the same way with my dad and it's been ingrained in my behavior. The one time I stood my ground and said no, he freaked out.
I know it's my fault for being a pushover, and it's also selfish on my part because I'm lonely and like having someone around to talk to. But Jesus Christ, he is not worth it. At this point I'd rather be alone than put up with this.
I'm holding out hope that when I move I can turn over a new leaf.
No. 1134742
>>1133907we play a lot of MMO's and MOBAs. Personally I'm playing wow right now and on my down time league of legends. Every.Single.One of my boyfriends has played both wow and either league of legends or dota. I know for a lot of girls gaming scrotes are redflags but I've dated a ton of different guys and I have a really hard time dating guys who don't game because it's one of my biggest hobbies. I think theres' a big difference between vegging out and spending 90 percent of your time gaming, vs your free time esp if you do it with your gf. Hence why the mmo's and mobas are great (especially if you're in a similar rank).
That being said… your ex hiding you from gaming is a huge red flag holy shit. I would instantly break up with a guy if he played any games and didn't try to include me, because that's such an obvious sign for me.
No. 1134767
>>1134742We played the same MMO together, but I was often busy with university classes, so I couldn’t always be online. We used to play frequently together, but I guess he got bored of waiting for me to log on and decided to join a guild so he would have others to play with and talk to. That’s when the problem started. I suspected his guild “buddies” were a little too close to him. Once day, I didn’t tell him I was online and I teleported to his character, where I caught him flirting and role playing with multiple people. That’s when the can of worms opened and I started seeing flirty discord convos with that guild group. Everyone thought he didn’t have a girlfriend and when I was around, everyone thought I was some “side piece”. There was only 1 asshole member that knew I was his girlfriend because my ex would vent about me to them, and they didn’t care and still continued flirting (they were “poly” so they didn’t care about relationship statuses). Then when I did a username search, I found a TikTok account where my ex was boasting he was single.
LoL does seem to be very common. I avoid scrotes that are invested in FFXIV now. I liked the game and story, but it just brings me pain now because of my stupid ex.
No. 1134798
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>>1134455I feel ya nona, i'm in a similar situation at 5'8 190 lbs (I started at 260 though) and it really is difficult to tell. No clue what your body type is, but I rarely see people with mine online (legitimately curvy with long torso but large arms) and people with my stats seem to either look pretty alright or chubby as hell.
I think bone structure and muscle composition has a lot to do with it honestly. Someone with a small frame who never exercises is going to look far worse than someone naturally broad who lifts on a regular basis. My only advice is to avoid bulimia relapses at all cost (thats how i ended up getting so fucking fat), work on being kinder to yourself, eat a healthy high protein diet with a reasonable calorie deficit (like -500~750 calories not some retarded anachan shit), and start doing some light exercise you enjoy.
I'll stop sperging now but i wish you the best in your efforts and want you to know you're not alone
No. 1134849
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I'm so weak and dumb, my home is not the ideal place and I've got some problems with family (could be worse) yet it still doesn't kick me to study hard to go live by myself as soon as I can. I'm not ambitious career wise. I wish I was disciplined in high school so college would've been a breeze, I'm just lost about the next step.
No. 1134853
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I hate normies I hate normies I can't cope anymore. I want to have friends or at least some colleagues at work but I'm tired of explaining the same things over and over again like why I have problems with certain things because of my autism or why I'm afraid of something, and then receiving the same criticisms and stupid questions and then being finished with "why don't you change this job if you don't like to be around people so much?" Like jesus fucking christ Becky I need money I need to work like everyone else even though it's much harder for me because going outside every day and trying to act "normal" is hell. people are everywhere and I don't have the qualifications to work from home, I would have to buy a new pc because my old one is basically dead and like 10 years old and I'm scared to spend money on something I don't even know will pay off. I'm trying so so hard to be nice and to understand them and their ignorance and I'm telling myself they're not bad, just ignorant, but I'm so tired. Today I literally said to one of my coworkers to either read something about my disorder, if she actually wants to know things, or to stop asking the same questions over and over again and she said something like "You have so many disorders haha". I know she's a very playful person and she wanted to make a joke or something but her previous criticisms and questions were serious. I was in a fairly good mood this morning but when the second shift came and there was even more noise and fuss than before and I had to deal with the people who usually ask me dumb stuff, I started to feel horrible and angry and I definitely seemed like an asshole because I stopped talking or looking at others and when I'm overstimulated I have a hard time controling my facial expressions so I know I looked really pissed off. I feel so neurotic because I can go from 0 to 10 in terms of bad mood in the span of like 2 minutes, I go from "ok I can manage this, this is not that bad" to "I fucking hate everyone, die die die!". I was so pissed off today I didn't even finish my task and I left a mess on my desk, which I rarely do, and I just walked out. God give me strenght to survive tomorrow
No. 1134879
>>1134853I'm no 'normie' by any means but sorry nona you sound entitled as fuck. It's not ANYONE'S job to read about YOUR disorders. They might have questions here and there but to expect them to fully understand you and read about you is so egotistical of you. Lots of people go to work with the absolute worst depression/anxiety/w.e issues but don't force others to warp their live and work balance around them and their issues. You sound like you have a lot of growing up to do because you come off as unstable and selfish.
>>1134868 is right, jobs always give you everything you need if you work remotely. I work remotely myself and I have my main computer and my work's laptop that I use for my dev stuff. Even my mouse is technically works'. You sound like you're just making excuses for yourself to cope tbh. Not trying to be mean but that's what you come off as.
No. 1134950
>>1134940are we reading the same shit here?
nobody made fun of her motorskills
this is the autistic poor reading comprehension in effect
No. 1134957
Anons thought I was being ridiculous many threads ago when I theorized an ex-friend was skinwalking me. Over the last 2 years she's done about a dozen instances of it, which I can elaborate on, but I already did once. I gave her the benefit of the doubt because people were convinced I was overreacting. We have no contact beyond following each other on ig since 2020, but we were "best friends" back in 2013. Anyway I'm sticking to my guns, that woman is a creepy skinwalker.
>I posted a pic of me standing next to my black 1990 toyota pickup last week.
>The following day, she posts a black box of text that reads "Reminder to self: Comparison is the thief of joy."
>Two days ago, she posts "goodbye honda, time to embrace the truck life". I felt weird about that bc I could guess what was coming.
>Sure enough, she posted her new black toyota tacoma today.
I feel crazy. I'm crazy, right? She's confirmed bpd, which is why our friendship imploded back in the day. I can't help but feel like she's still "fp"-ing me from a distance, even after all this time.
No. 1134961
>>1134950I'm OP, I just gave you an example of the shit I had to deal with
Also answers this
>>1134932 No. 1134989
>>1134977autistic projection to feel better about oneselves sense of being!
We can't ALL be bpdfags girlies
No. 1135004
>>1134969Ok sorry. Now explain to me what's the point of trying to make friends with someone who you know isn't "normal" but being willfully ignorant about their condition. Would it be ok for me to try to befriend a person on a wheelchair and be like "dude why can't you just stand up"? Would you say to the person on a wheelchair they're entitled because they criticized such behavior?
>>1134998I'm ESL and a phoneposter and I usually post in a hurry. Not a scrote though
No. 1135018
>>1135004Nta but i was talking about
>>1134981, they seem deranged and obsessed, they have typos on their posts too
No. 1135019
>>1135004NTA but I have anxiety and have friends who have psychological conditions but none of us expect every person we interact with to be as knowledgeable about our disorders as a psychiatry major. You're entitled and strangers don't owe you anything.
Do you research every person's health issues and always think three times before making any sort of comment about someone? Do you not know most "normies" have some sort of mental or personal problems? Do you try your best to fix every problem those strangers have? If not, don't expect the same. You're not special and you never will be.
No. 1135027
>>1135021Are you samefagging again like you did at
>>1134940 and talked about yourself in third person point of view?
No. 1135043
>>1135021im the original anon to called them entitled and honestly I agree 100% with
>>1135019 like I have a feeling they arent asking nona the same questions over and over, and regardless like dealing with people like this is a normal part of any job, you're going to have assholes and you're going to have to deal with it. It's insanely entitled to expect people to behave differently around you when so so so many people are dealing with so many fucked up things on their own lol
No. 1135058
valid to be annoyed, go for it. However… Talking about wishing they'd die, saying shit like
>>1134977 calling everyone else a normie and expecting them to change THEIR behavior for YOUR benefit… You're gunna get called out. 99% of the nonas here are going through things, be it mental health issues, physical, financial, relationships etc… None of us are expecting our coworkers to have to learn our shit and be different for it. It's an unfortunate part of reality.
No. 1135059
>>1135019I certainly don't ask the same question over and over again if I know the person has a problem with something. If I know they're lactose intolerant I won't ask why they don't drink milk. Are you being deliberately obtuse at this point?
Don't give me the "all normal people are secretly mentally ill!" If anything, they're narcissistic or bpd, and even if they're depressed, depression is still not on the same level as something like autism, which is both developmental and neurological disorder. Someone like me had to struggle literally since my birth, I remember having the exact same problems in kindergarden and my family treating me like a freak. I also had other medical problems (like many kids with autism do), that I still suffer from today, like muscle pains and gastrointestinal symptoms, I also experienced seizures. Everything was always bad, from important things like bonding with my family (or rather lack of it), to stupid shit like not being able to eat on my own. I wasn't even able to enjoy simple things other kids enjoyed like riding a bike or playing football because my coordination was too poor, kids were able to dress themselves, take a bath, tie their own shoelaces etc. much ealier than me. My mother treated me like a failure and wished I haven't been born and I had to wait years to actually get a diagnosis and for someone to tell me it wasn't my fault.
No. 1135070
>>1135064I also experienced CSA, I was poor as a kid and had suicidal thoughts since I was 10. Was diagnosed with depression and put on meds when I was 12. Nowhere I said I'm the ONLY one, I know there are other people like me. But they're not the majority and stop acting like they are. They're also not among my coworkers. I know enough about them to know they had non
abusive parents, financial stability and no developmental issues. That alone already puts them above me in terms of mental damage. I'm not entitled for pointing out THEIR ignorance.
No. 1135073
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my period is making me so fuckin bloated kill me
No. 1135074
>>1135070I'm trying my best not to be rude, but look at the things you're saying:
>That alone already puts them above me in terms of mental damage.Do you see how awful what you said is? Life isn't the pain olympics. You honestly will never know 100% about their personal details like that because I highly doubt you're their best friend. Everyone experiences life differently, and some people might not understand you just as much you won't understand them, no matter how much one or the other tries to teach. You're sitting there saying about all the awful things that have happened to your life and think you're the only one suffering them. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the majority of people are dealing with issues in their life. Just because not all of us go on tumblr etc to post about it as a measurement of our identity does not mean we aren't dealing with things.
No. 1135078
>>1135059Bpd autism and narcissism aren't that different and you and the other autistics are proving this right. You autists mocked any anon that didn't praise you, like narcs do, and even accused other anons of being bpds who shit in their bf's beds while you're ironically the ones who sounds like they have a bpd just by insulting women in such a vile way because they
triggered you into a mental breakdown. You're all the same, whether you like it or not and autism isn't some special starchild disorder. You're not special, never have been, never will be.
I'd rather be friends with a bpd aware they have a mental illness than a autismo who feels entitled to all the attention because they're socially retarded.
No. 1135082
>>1135070NTA but people don't usually bring up
abusive parents at work if they have them kek. Not really the time or place to be trauma dumping, ya know?
No. 1135083
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>>1135068Get some standards
No. 1135091
>>1135068>i bet tomorrow i will not feel this emotional and everything will feel „alright“ again.Anon, just because you can convince yourself to rationalize away his shitty behavior/loser lifestyle and pretend it's not so bad, doesn't mean this cycle won't continue forever as your repressed self recognizes how
toxic and draining this relationship is for you. Really think about what you're "gaining" from this guy and understand that you're going to be so much happier and healthier without him
>Man I’m 25 and have never in my life dated a normal man Yeah, that's a lot of us unfortunately. I'm 30 and it's never been the case. You come to realize the average man is selfish, physically and/or emotionally
abusive and incapable of a mutually satisfying relationship. I promise there's so much to the world and your life outside of romantic relationships though. I'm happier than I've ever been on my own. Give yourself a chance to really de-center romance as the be-all end-all in the way that men have always done.
No. 1135092
>>1135074Ok, according to studies between 12 and 18% of girls experience CSA. What's the probability that every one of the 7 coworkers who show willfull ignorance towards me experienced CSA and I have no right to call them out for being ignorant?
>majority of people have issuesNo shit. Except something like autism or CSA or PTSD is not on the same level as neurotypical person experiencing a minor inconvenience. A person who's able to have friends and a job without having panic attacks and without the need to constantly medicate themselves in order not to kill themselves are obviously in a better shape than those who do.
>>1135078Yes I know bpds stick to other bpds. Just don't have children please
No. 1135094
>>1135085Damn that sucks anon. The struggle is real…
>>1135087Those apps are just like that…you’re better off looking in group for a hobby or interest you really enjoy.
No. 1135100
>>1135092There’s no point arguing with Bpdchans. They lack self awareness to empathize with us autistics. They will always be the biggest
No. 1135106
>>1135092Wait hold up, are you saying your coworkers know about your CSA? Why would you even tell them about it? Autism, I guess, but next time you can just say "I have these traits (or quirks as you called them) because they developed when I was young". If you didn't and you're you're expecting them to read into your behavior and somehow know that you show signs of being a
victim of CSA, then that's just unrealistic.
No. 1135111
>>1135092I was giving you some cases but you have absolutely 0 idea about the suffering of other people. Again, YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE dealing with those issues. You aren't special for having those experiences, so so many people have them but WHY the fuck would they bring it up to you, especially during work?
Every time you post, all you do is post about how shitty your life is. It's all about you you you, vs 'the normies' who '''haven't been through the trauma that I have (insert long story about how traumatic your life was)'''. How can you be so blind to see how ignorant and selfish you are? You keep framing yourself as a
victim of society and it's kind of sad to see. I'm also not neurotypical fyi, also went through severe abuse from my family and relationships, and also on medications, but I'm not constantly framing my trauma as a means of special treatment from the world. The world doesn't owe me shit. You cannot control the people in your life, you can only control your own actions. If they're going to be ignorant to you, you just have to accept it and move on. It just sounds like you have 0 empathy towards anyone because you're constantly stuck in this loop of victimizing yourself and you could be so much better than this tbh.
No. 1135142
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>>1135118"Mentally ill assholes" "victimize" themselves because usually they've been the
victims of normie abuse since school. Wait, will you now tell me that EVERYONE was severely bullied at school and kids have no right to hate their bullies? Because we don't know the suffering of the bully and there's actually no difference between the bullied and the bully (even though the one is clearly abused by the other?) Jesus at this point you just sound like a larping centrist
No. 1135147
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>>1135142>normie abuseI’m laughing at you but I also kind of relate
No. 1135154
>>1135151I think most of us on here got deep issues from our childhood. Either abuse from our parents or our classmates pushed us to seek out like minded individuals online since no one irl liked or understood us. So it's hilarious when someone acts like they're either much worse or much better off than the majority of us posting here.
You may not have autism or BPD,but you surely ain't a well adjusted normie.
No. 1135173
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Hey, that scrote who told you something that hurt you yesterday? Don't you dare vent about him. You don't know him, you don't know if he was sexually abused by his father and had to be medicated for life to maintain his C-PTSD. Everyone has problems. You're not special. Stop being so bpd. Remember, everybody hurts, and everybody cries.
No. 1135181
I was bullied by normies cause of my cptsd-induced hallucinations
My sister was bullied by normies cause she's autistic and won't make eye contact
We are all in this, i don't understand why you guys are fighting, you have a lot more in common than you think
>>1135173kek amazing
No. 1135189
>>1135173oh so there's a scrote in this story now?
>>1135180do you even realize how retarded this post is kek anyways im being genuine, repeating questions that others have answered multiple times is a sign of autism kek
No. 1135192
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why do we keep talking about normies and bullying and c-ptsd (what is this?) and mental illness? don’t your brains explode trying to talk about this or are you all trolling each other? kek
No. 1135203
>>1135199i dont know!!!
can't you see that im autistic, you normie bitch!!!
No. 1135204
>>1135191never said you can't call out shitty behavior. Go read what I said, I specifically called out them acting like what issues they have are some how worse and thus makes them special, and that others need to abide by their reality. Everyone is always allowed to vent but and call out shitty behavior, bpd autism or normie. The difference is acting like some how what you have is worse than others. OP was saying they have it so much worse, and then claimed their coworkers were normies, when they have no idea their coworkers don't trauma dump on them. Absolutely in no way did I say 'you can't vent about someone treating you like shit.'
>>1135198This is LITERALLY what I was saying. Thank you.
No. 1135206
>>1135195That anon was literally defending a man who wants to kill and rape a woman's corpse while humiliating his
victim and I'm the one whose projecting? Kek. You should've been bullied way harder you pickme autist. You literally think a woman shitting in bad makes her bad like a man who fantasized about killing and burning the said woman? Autists really do have scrotebrains.
No. 1135209
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Stay chimping, nonnies. Xoxo
No. 1135220
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everyday, my autists have low to no empathy reasonings get proven more and more as true
No. 1135222
>>1135198If they went through some actual shit they wouldn't say insensitive things to someone who's in visible distress. Among these normies I have only one coworker who's been through some shit (childhood with
toxic mom, then the mom got sick and she had to take care of her and then the mom died, so part of her life is similar to mine), and guess what, she never asked me any of those retarded insensitive questions others did, she also admitted she can't understand my symptoms, but that's literally this one person, everyone else is ignorant. I prefer the people who don't talk to me at all of those who try to get the autist to open up just to traumatize them even further.
>>1135204I can clearly judge the damage someone carries from the info they provided me and their overall behavior. I know who's on medication and who isn't. I know who has good family and who doesn't. And the people who had good lives usually make the most insensitive comments. I wonder why. Maybe because they're normies who don't know shit about life?
No. 1135227
>>1135173>if she actually wants to know things, or to stop asking the same questions over and over again and she said something like "You have so many disorders haha". I know she's a very playful person and she wanted to make a joke or something but her previous criticisms and questions were serious. You talked about two women, one becky and one the one above in your original post
>>1134853 No men. Your changing your plot because it's clear you're just a retard who keeps shitting on women and accusing them of having bee pee dee and not being special and sweetie enough like you.
>>1134853 No. 1135251
>>1135239I think your argument is still
valid, i don't know why anon is pretending most normies aren't outright rude towards disabled people without necessarily suffering from anything horrible themselves, that's kinda the point, cause they're normies
No. 1135255
>>1135253not playing devil's advocate. Just think anyone trying to claim their life is worse than others and thus makes them normies is bullshit victimizing mentality. Never said they couldn't vent, just said that type of mentality is
toxic. Ya'll jumping this like it's me shitting on them for complaining or being autistic when that was never the case.
No. 1135262
>>1135255You're right, anon. Autist-chan changed her story each time someone pointed out a flaw and even tho her original post and her other posts are all about her screaming at normal women, she's acting like she got bullied by a man and that's what she was venting about.
Her original vent didn't even have one male coworker, it's about how her female coworkers are trying their best to give her advices and how she screeches back at them for daring so.
No. 1135268
>>1135257So you're accepting that this post
>>1135173 is a lie you made up because the people that you were complaining about are actually women and you only acted like they were men when anons pointed out your misogyny and aversion to accusing women of having hysteria?
No. 1135271
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No. 1135272
>>1135254>>1135268Hold on, she cannot vent about someone just cause they're female? that makes no sense
>>1135260"normies" are not going to accept you just cause you bullied another schizo at an imageboard
>however, i identify as normie!>i still consider myself a regular girl and you guys cant stop me!top kek, you will never be normal
No. 1135276
>>1135222There are people who go through shit and still act insensitively. Like I get where you're coming from, it's very annoying and frustrating when you're losing your shit and a coworker just looks at you and expects you to get it together asap, but there is definitely overlap at times. You sound a lot like me from a few years ago!
>>1135268I think that was just making fun of other anons in the vent thread. Like a "if I can't complain about my coworkers, you can't complain about a scrote" response.
this is my first foray into infighting, I'm having fun kek No. 1135277
>>1135262I had literally one coworker giving me advices (the one with a dead mom I mentioned). The others just make retarded remarks, so I vent about THEM, I don't vent about good things, retard. Is asking me why I don't make eye contact an advice? Is telling me how rude it is of me to zoom out in the middle of a conversation an advice, even though I'm not even aware in the moment of dissociation? Is telling me to fire myself when they noticed I was crying in the bathroom a good advice even though they know I can't find a different job now? Is telling me how clumsy I am every time I drop something an advice? I'm interested in your answer.
What would be the point of mentioning the one male coworker in my OP when he doesn't even talk to me besides "hi"?
No. 1135284
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I bought a satifyer pro and I completely regret. I literally get off once a week and would rarely use it anyways. I don't really know how to use it and when I tried to use it I felt a whole lot of nothing. I am so dumb.
No. 1135285
>>1135277your co-workers are major assholes, jesus christ
>>1135279Containment thread? what are you talking about?
>pickme>if you vent about any woman ever, you are male-aligned No. 1135322
>>1135313I know it won't help, anon but it's the mother's choice to give birth and mother children. Even foxes have the ability to abort on their own and abortion has always been a common practice, women have always been doing this and terminating pregnancies isn't a bad thing especially when it's better for your own wellbeing.
How would the baby's life be if she got born into a life with a suicidal mentally ill father? Would it be better for him to kill the baby and have the baby experience all of those gore instead of what you did? You got through all of that pain not only for yourself but for the "baby" and probably saved her from a bad life. You're a mother who made the right choice, although it's seen socially unacceptable because the idea of women being able to stop men from trapping them is seen as evil and scary. That's why abortion is seen as such a big crime.
No. 1135327
>>1135313Oh anon…you aren't a bad person. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that alone, that sounds horrific. You didn't deserve that pain, and you still don't. Seconding what
>>1135320 said, you need to get away from your partner if you haven't already.
No. 1135331
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>>1135309I would utilize anyone who sexually harasses people, autistic or not. That has nothing to do with my vent though, I will shit on insensitive normies for being insensitive and no amount of "a bloo bloo but they may have a secret c-ptsd vietnam war veteran flashbacks every time they make a remark about your behavior" will change that.
No. 1135343
>>1135313I live in a country where abortion only came in here a handful of years ago. I always heard men insisting that if we brought it here women would be getting them all the time.. repeat customers because it's just that easy. It's sickening how removed some people are from the reality of what women experience around pregnancy loss whether it's through miscarriage or abortion. We kind of get that miscarriage must include pain but we downplay abortion because empathy runs short with some people if a woman makes a choice in the matter.
I hope you got away from the guy, a clean break from him was needed and men will use babies to make sure women cant get that.
No. 1135387
>>1135320>>1135327thank you for your kind words, i'm not with him anymore but you're right that i should get support
>>1135322this really did help. i've not spoken to anyone about it before so this means a lot. thank you.
>>1135343absolutely. i really resent the way that it is portrayed as either completely evil or completely benign. obviously it's not evil and i believe it should be available to everyone, but pretending its completely harmless and easy doesn't help anyone.
No. 1135424
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Just got catcalled while drinking from a water fountain, love that I can’t even take care of my basic human needs without being sexualized publicly. Love feeling self conscious because I was “sucking that water”
No. 1135476
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i'll really be alone for fucking ever. fat, ugly, keep overeating, all i do is work, i have no idea how to meet people. i wish i could be in a loving relationship with someone but men either ignore me or hate me. i'm only 30 but it's so fucking sad. i can't believe i never found anyone and this is just my life now. i hate how there's just no person close to me that i can rely on. i'm all by myself.
No. 1135495
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My best friend lost her virginity to her assistant manager (stupid service job) when he invited her over so she could do molly for the first time. The next day he dropped a bomb on her that he has a girlfriend but they’re in an open relationship and she wouldn’t mind that they hooked up. After my friend told me all this I told her how fucked up it was that he hid the fact that he had a girlfriend until AFTER they hooked up. And also how fucked up it was that he hooked up with her after giving her a drug she’s never done before. She got really upset with me and said that I was implying that she got sexually assaulted when she actually really wanted to hook up with him anyway, she’s mostly just upset that he has a gf and didn’t tell her. I probably shouldn’t have said anymore but I said that he was probably lying about being in an open relationship and that she should try to find out who his gf is and ask her herself. I feel retarded that I couldn’t just keep my mouth shut. I was trying to be supportive but I just ended up reeeeeeeing about how all moids do is lie and they’re all sexpests when she didn’t need to hear all that right at that moment. She hasn’t spoken to me since and this was a few weeks ago. I don’t know how to reach out to her … I feel like I need to apologize but I also feel like everything I said was correct.
No. 1135575
>>1135542> I know these men for who they are, I’ve seen them say and do vile things to womenThis is why these misogynistic moids start going by they/them. It’s so that they can continue openly saying vile things to women, but in a “woke” and “acceptable” way. They think they’re “just one of the girls” now and that they can’t be criticized anymore. In clown world, they’re apparently absolved from their behavior because they’re “totally-not-male-even-though-they-look-the-same-just-with-dyed-hair”!
I think the they/them and she/they moids are just as bad if not worse than the fully trooned ones. At least you can spot and avoid a tranny, like a walking red flag. But the they/thems change absolutely nothing about themselves but still have the same male entitlement.
I remember seeing a Facebook post by a they/them/she mood actually defending “Lia” Thomas. Ofcourse you would enjoy seeing women getting beaten up in sports, you fat piece of shit.
No. 1135585
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>>1135505all men in their 20s are fuckboys, all men above 35 are ugly and look like the wendler (german cringe celebrity, picrel). i never got to date around or anything, so now i'm 30 and absolutely inexperienced instead of reaching the being confident and at peace with myself/my sexuality stage. i'm such a fucking loser, it's embarrassing and i can never tell anyone.
No. 1135592
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I want to dress in a million skirts and frilly blouses and live like that, but it is often so uncomfy for me
And it is really rare to find a natural fabric clothes that would fit and I am not even fat I have fucking stupid ribcage and fucking stupid shoulders
Also it’s expensive and I am technically unemployed and I have nowhere to go really in those clothes
No. 1135602
>>1135595Actually I thought about it, previously I have made a couple of pieces (they kinda sucked, because weak skills and low experience, but hey, I have completed something)
So hmmm maybe I will push it further
No. 1135625
>>1135618 said, that's a totally normal way to feel. Also, it's illegal for you to work that shift I'm pretty sure with your other shift next to it. Is it even legal to have someone work 14 hours? Don't take that shift, anon. Maybe she should ask someone else, or call in sick. It isn't your responsibility to make other people's lives easier. You need to take care of yourself and it isn't selfish to put yourself first. It's literally
your life nona.
No. 1135668
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i'm not ready for this test on monday at all
i have a d in a class that should've been an easy a (i am hoping i can somehow get it up to a b but i'm not confident)
i have a million things to do right now but it's 1:30 am on a friday and i am drinking some nice tea, reading manga, and thinking on my unsteady future instead.
when i wake up i swear i'll be productive for real (i am always so so SO productive in the moments before my demise) but right now i just want to zone out and relax.
also hoping my mum doesn't make a big deal about us not being able to do anything for easter (i have a test i need to study for, references for an essay to do, and i gotta cook up Something for a group project by 8:30 pm today. sisters we are so exhausted
No. 1135675
>>1135661I know this isn’t advice thread but if it’s that bad then just smoke a fuck ton of weed or get a Xanax hookup. I’m not being an asshole. Take the pain away for a bit which may lead to death or not. Just don’t be stupid because there’s no god and there is always someone dumber than you
TLDR nothing matters and there’s ways to feel pleasure which is ultimately what leads to happiness
No. 1135694
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>>1135688I'm sure anons already know this, but reminder to run if a man chokes you and never let one attempt it, even if you're a pickme convinced it's kinky. It's seriously dangerous.
No. 1135815
>>1135807>>1135809>>1135809>>1135811>>1135812My mom also sexually molested me but she’s in denial of it. I’m so thankful I got rid of her, if I didn’t I’d end up in prison. She always asked me how I would be able to choke her and I never even wondered at that point how she was able to choke a helpless 14 year old. Because I was ridden of guilt.
Also, my replies are from broken whore mothers who hurt their daughters, idc lol.
No. 1135817
>>1135815I got rid of her = I got out of the
abusive cycle. I never killed her as much as I wanted to. Especially when she encouraged me to commit suicide, I mean who does that to a teen?
No. 1135824
>>1135823Nah, it’s real. But this is something an
abusive mother would say because in their heads a mom is sacred and perfect and does so much. I wonder if that’s why a lot of them feel they can shit on their helpless young daughters, since they can’t lash out on their based abusers lol.
No. 1135836
>>1135824NTA but your mom probably wishes she had aborted you.
>>1135820Your larp is shit. Stop.
No. 1135916
>>1135905>>1135906>>1135907No I am serious. This is the "are we the baddies" moment for you. Please consider it.
>>1135912First time I post in this thread.
No. 1135917
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>>1135904WHOAH this troon goon says I'm NoT CoOL
Guess what Hitler also drank water and had a pet dog, sometimes took dumps, and believed the sky was up. Why are you on the same ideological grounds as the king of Nazis?
No. 1135931
>>1135924Nazis can't be trannies anon. Also I am pretty sure they don't love them, they just also hate women and love seeing us fight with the trannies. Transphobia literally serves their interests.
>>1135925Well, the part about the relation of sex and gender is exactly the same, /pol/acks are just super trad when it comes to gender roles.
>>1135926I probably will at some point.
>>1135928What's wrong with Twitter?
>>1135929Transpeople can be both male or female and they are really oppressed members of society, you are just creating a boogeyman to be mad at.
(adorable) No. 1135935
>>1135931there are plenty of detrans women here who will tell you troons are bs
No. 1135941
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>>1135931>the part about the relation of sex and gender is exactly the sameWe believe men aren't women and that the vast majority who say they are, get off sexually to wearing dresses and going into women's spaces. "Gender euphoria boners". We believe you can't put on a dress and then dictate what feminism is.
/pol/ users who hate trannies do so because their only concern is fuckability, and usually laugh at the women who lose medals to them. They think it's based but just don't want to look at them. Their /lgbt/ board has hundreds of them and confirmed groomers there as well as on discord.
No. 1135944
>>1135935Detrans woman here reporting for duty lol. I wish someone had questioned wtf I was doing, challenged my views. A healthy amount of discussion would've been welcome but theres too much tiptoeing around it now because 'it's soo
valid' to be a tran.
No. 1135950
>>1135946I seriously doubt that happened. And if it did, one crazy person does not somehow translates to everyone being like that.
>>1135943You are really talking about homosexuals in a very negative light.
No. 1135961
>>1135957Well that comes back to my post about the cancer group, some crazies do not invalidate the whole group.
>>1135958I have friends that are trans, gay, bi, nonbinary, etc. And they are lovely people. The transphobia, homophobia and nonbinaryphobia I have seen here so far is quite extreme.
No. 1135969
>>1135961I'm sure you think misgendering someone is up there with actual assault.
If you don't like it here, leave.
>>1135962>AIDS is easily treatableIt's still a fatal disease and requires lifestyle changes. Your samefagging is obvious. Twitter misses you
No. 1135971
>>1135968What's wrong with wanting to be called what you feel like?
>>1135969I am not samefagging. Also misgendering is literally verbal assault.
No. 1135973
>>1135962>aids is treatableUmm no. They drugs aren't accessible in every country and even then, people have to use them forever because it's not a cure but a symptomatic treatment which means anytime they can't take the drug, their hiv will develop to aids.
You're a faghag and it's clear, you have fags, trannies and pickmes as friends but weirdly no lesbians just like all faghags. You're the homophobic one because you're going so hard to defend scrotes that invade lesbian spaces just for their fetish. Do you know how many trannies are larping as lesbians and invading countless online and irl lesbian spaces until all that's talked about is dicks?
No. 1135978
>>1135975I guarentee this anon has never considered a man calling a woman 'ugly,' 'bitch,' or 'whore' as "literally verbal assault"
4/1 is my favorite day of the year!
No. 1135991
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since the questions thread reached its limit, nonnas there is such a thing as non-femcel glasses? i have pic related but i don't like them anymore after seeing a picture of various convicted and famous femcels. i feel like maybe its the bangs but letting them grow isn't an option because i have a very ugly scar on my forehead
No. 1136077
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I am sat in the park to calm myself down instead of having an autistic monkey meltdown in my house, and my day has been almost ruined by the hideous sight of a moid on a bicycle wearing jeans, dress shoes and a formal shirt with a peaky blinders cap. Who the fuck do you think you are on your little fag bicycle? Who the fuck cycles in tight jeans and a dress shirt? This isn't Surrey bitch go put on some trainers and a tracksuit and ride a bmx like the real men around here do. God it infuriated me, there is one thing I hate more than moids in tight jeans and its moids in tight jeans on a gay little bicycle. Fuck off.
No. 1136079
nonnie I love you
No. 1136097
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nonnie I feel this! You are totally right and everyone who disagrees is shit
No. 1136108
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Sometimes I regret being cringe on here.
No. 1136140
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There's this coworker I desperately want to fuck.
I didn't even care about his existence until my friend told me he was her crush. So I started noticing he's attractive, but still didn't really care, until I had a certain dream. And then another dream. Now I'm attracted to him.
I told my friend about this because I felt bad about lusting after her crush, but she told me to go for it. But he's a fuckboy and a LVM. Still… I'm horny for him. I want this to stop already, but it's hard when I see him everyday.
For years I thought I was "demisexual" but now that I'm turning 26 soon I find myself wanting to fuck guys just because they're hot, even when I don't like them or would never want to be in a serious relationship with them. Seriously wtf.
No. 1136200
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I do not know if I am bi or straight up a lesbian. I've always defended girls since elementary, fighting boys, then I would play games like Habbo and Imvu and explicitly only edate girls and when I was a erotic doujin reader, I would look for Yuri, or just imagine myself as the guy making the girl feel good. I still think about this one tomboy girl who helped me when I fell 3 years ago, that was the first time I really wanted to pursue dating a woman, and I never had that feeling again.
Maybe I just really care for women and nothing more?
No. 1136221
>>1136181This reminds me of when I had to get my ID done for the very first time. Don't know what it's like in other countries, but in mine they write your height and eye color on it too. The conversation with the lady doing my ID went about as following:
>What's your eye color?>Gray>It looks blue from here>It's gray though>I'll write blue, okay? The room here is pretty dark.>But it's gray>Okay, so I have written blue-gray now! :)Then we went on to my height
>How tall are you?>168cm>Let's meassure you on the wall>anon is about to take her shoes off>Oh you can leave them on>But I'm wearing heels>That's fine, we'll meassure you like that>anon gets her height meassured with heels>You're 174cm!>But I'm wearing heels>Don't mind it :)Never in my life have I felt so listened to, but also not at all listened to at the same time.
No. 1136259
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it’s good that my boyfriend lives in a different country because i genuinely want to stab him to death
No. 1136313
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Both of my roommates are autistic moids and they just cannot function with daily household tasks. They never put dishes in the dishwasher or at least rinse them off before leaving them in the sink so the crud dries and gets hard to scrub off. They're more than willing to help- but I have to ask them to do the task which means I'm still carrying the mental load of the housework, and they're just going to do it wrong anyway so I have to step in.
An example of the ways in which they are just useless: The other day one roommate wanted to know where the trash bags are (we've been living here for a year and they've always been in the same place) I was busy working so I called into the kitchen that they were underneath the sink in a floral reuseable shopping bag. He just opened the cabinet door and stared for 5 minutes so I had to come over and point to it, and even then he rifled through the bag which also contains some plastic shopping bags and was like "it's not here" ITS UNDER THE PLASTIC BAGS IDIOT. In the end I ended up changing the trash bag because he just walked off and shut the door to his room.
My second roommate is at least more competent but is always volunteering for only the easy tasks like putting away clean dishes. I even tried to come up with a system where I post tasks on the fridge with sticky notes like they're fucking video game quests and after doing one or two they just ignored them.
I've tried quietly going on strike to see if they would notice, but since they never clean up after themselves anyway it just gets to a point where I cave and tidy up because it's too gross.
It all boils down to one major gripe: they were never instilled with the virtue of cleaning up after yourself immediately after you finish whatever you were doing. Like they've just been pampered their entire lives and had their mothers clean up after them. I just can't imagine that, even in preschool I was taught that everyone does their share by cleaning up.
No. 1136336
>>1136314I remember as a kid there was two phases where gypsies camped out nearb, burglaries shot up an insane amount each time.
Then the council built actual houses for them nearby. Fucking nice houses. Again burglaries shot up. Then they… burnt down their own houses and left again. Never understood that part.
No. 1136338
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I have to wait about two weeks until I know if I have cancer or not and I hate it. This will be hellish two weeks bc I'm ridden with panic attacks at this point and idk how to think clearly. I have a hard time concertinaing because my mind constantly wonders if I'm sick or nah, and if yes, how much time is left for me and so on.
No. 1136349
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Forgot to bring my eyedrops with me and my eyes feel like the driest, deadest deserts of the Sahara aaaaah
No. 1136393
A while ago I posted about how this girl friendship bombed me (if that’s a term, kek) then completely ignored me unless she needed something. Today, after ignoring me for a pretty good while, she texted me. I had that dopamine rush for a minute thinking she might want to hang out but she just needed something. Told her I’m not available and I can’t help, and she came across as a bit….bitchy? Why is it so hard to make friends? Like I’m in the period of my life where it should be easy, but it’s incredibly hard. I exert effort! I take my time with people! They seem to like me, but that’s it. It’s surface level. Even when we hang out one time, I realize they’ll never do it again.
I’m not ungrateful; I was worse before, and the socialization on this site got me through some shitty times. I’m Doing Stuff now, not rotting in bed as much as I used to, but the last time I hung out with a friend was last year. And they weren’t really a friend. I just want people, community, any fucking thing. I’m usually cool with it but recently I’ve been craving going out and having fun and realizing my time is passing without doing anything with anyone and I just wish it wasn’t so.
No. 1136406
>>1136313GIRL you really let yourself become a maid to not one but 2 fucking scrotes. And they aren't even in a relationship with you kek
Stop giving in to their willful helplessness and keep on a strike until their lazy asses start learning for themselves. You complain about them being helpless and pampered? Then stop feeding into it and toss them to the hungry wolves. Disgusting moids are annoying but a women (One browses LC at that!) who sits back and becomes a pushover for one is even lesser.
No. 1136407
>>1136393I understand how you feel. I love being alone but I wanted to get out more and go to bars recently. I have acquaintances in the next town over, but they're always hanging out and never invite me. If I asked them what they were up to I'm sure they would extend an invite but I want to be invited because people were thinking of me.
Sometimes I wish I could move to a new place and start over.
No. 1136422
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It's been almost 20 years and nothing is getting better. I just lost the will to kill myself but got indifferent instead. In fact so much, that I don't have any serious drive to change anymore, wether it's disappearing or getting better, except for occasional anger that vanishes after an hour or so. I don't know. Deep down I'm still that depressed kid. I don't think this will ever change unless I pump my head with pills and become dependent on them. I wouldn't even care about any of that if "doing nothing" wouldn't imply I keep burdening others. I'm just so tired, I don't wan't to die, I just want to sleep forever.
No. 1136501
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that feel when you know you could theoretically get the man of your dreams because others stated you're attractive enough and you know he thinks fairly good of you as a person but you're literally too autistic to talk to him and even after working for a year at the same place you're still unable to hold a conversation with him, and every day you have to watch something you can't have and as the days pass by you watch him slowly slipping away, you're wasting your time and your life and you know you're going to die alone, kissless loveless sexless virgin
No. 1136545
>>1136522I tried many times nona. He's a funny guy and he likes to banter with everyone and I see how easy it is for everyone to talk to him which makes it even harder for me. He says something playful to me and I literally have a black hole in my brain and nothing comes to my mind, like how to respond to him, I only get ideas for the response minutes after that situation kek. Even today, I prepared in my head what I wanted to say to him, something he asked me about yesterday but I didn't have the info. And despite preparation and literally repeating a few times what I wanted to say, I still fucked it up, even the tone of my voice was all over the place, I really have a hard time keeping my voice normal, especially when I want to share something with someone I like, I also stuttered and repeated myself a few times and of course my voice was too quiet because he politely asked if I can repeat myself. At this point I was cringing so hard I wanted to escape as fast as possible. It's never natural like with other people, I either randomly say something weird to him, like info dump him - and even if he responds, I don't know what to do after that - or he tries to banter with me like he does with others and I fail at playing along and my only responses are
uhh yeah and
mhmm lmao
>>1136526I really don't understand how can you express something you don't feel, like I have to feel good in order to smile, how can you smile when you feel stressed out?
No. 1136590
>>1136577yeah you're right, I should use it as practice. And it's true that he's very nice, he's not only cheerful, witty and smart but way more considerate of others than other men I've seen, you don't have to ask him for stuff, he just figures it out for himself without the need for you to tell him, helps others etc. I'm trying not to think of him like he's the only one out there but it's hard when other men just pale in comparison
I have the same thing with introverted guys anon. And maybe that makes me a hypocrite but I really wouldn't want to be with someone like this. I just want someone who's different than me, definitely not another autist, and I feel like that would keep me more grounded and stopped me from staying in my own world constantly. I would really want someone who's like
>hey anon it's sunny outside let's go for a walk, let's do X activityand not someone who's grumpy and wants to read and play video games all day like me.
No. 1136605
>>1136590manic pixie dream boys don't exist, unfortunately.
I've learned that sunny happy people really only tolerate other sunny happy people. They can be polite with others, but ultimately they want more of the same.
No. 1136609
>>1136607Most recently I replied with "haha, what do you think?"
I am a Slav immigrant in a very PC country so I play the card of "I am a stupid Slav, idk how to be PC" to stay sane.
But like holy fuck it is SO annoying. And I feel like it is happening more and more lately. It makes me so angry.
No. 1136626
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>>1136620I'll smoke with you. Lets go hang out by the ruins on the beach
No. 1136653
>>1135931>Nazis can't be trannies anona lot of them are
>Also I am pretty sure they don't love themtrust me, they do lmao, specially the closet gay/mysoginistic ones
No. 1136668
>>1136590Good luck, nona! Even if it doesn't work out with this guy, I think just getting that experience of talking to him will make you feel more comfortable for the next guy. Sometimes it's also a matter of time and place and if you find it really difficult to talk to this guy it could also just be that the circumstances just aren't right for you to feel comfortable and that's okay.
Unrelated but I am a grumpy shut-in who would prefer another grumpy shut-in, but that brings its own whole set of problems since two incredibly introverted people aren't likely to cross paths. It's a struggle for all of us out here.
No. 1136676
I’m so tired of being the emotional support retard of the whole family, I love my family a lot, they’re important to me and I’m seriously grateful for all that they’ve done for me, like not kicking me out of the house when I failed in college and let me study another career.
But this shit is tiresome, I always have to make my parents make up when they fight and I’m just tired, it has been like this since I discovered that my father has been constantly cheating on my mother, like, just divorce, I’m already old enough to understand, it would be honestly better at this point than having to listen to my mom dealing with my dad’s tantrums because I guess he feels like everything went wrong economically.
And while it has gone wrong, it’s like, bitch, this is nobody’s fault, if you want to blame someone, maybe blame the ghetto ass bitches you were fucking around who voted for a shitty communist party, when you should’ve focused on earning more money so you can do all the things you like to do.
I don’t want to lose contact with them, but I seriously want to move out, I want to have my own apartment in another country and live with my best friend so we can take care of a cute dog while I work at some fancy academy with amazing pay and she does her art stuff that she can sell for the price she deserves to sell it.
I seriously don’t want to get married, I don’t even want to have kids, it’s too tiresome, I’ve been taking care of a bunch of grown ass kids already, I don’t need that responsibility, specially if that means having to give birth to one and make sure that the moid I married doesn’t go full retard.
Seriously, men should get castrated the moment they get married, that will surely make them stop wanting to look for excitement and shit, like, what is more exciting than having a family that loves you? Is fucking someone younger than you really that amazing? Because I seriously don’t see it, I don’t understand.
Sometimes I just want to not wake up because it’s exhausting having to have responsibilities, I wish I was a neet who spends the day playing shitty Chinese videogames, cooming to anime shit and talking like a retard with other retards about retarded shit. I want to be a fucking ignorant who is a selfish bitch as well, only doing whatever because pettiness and wasting my life away.
I’ve spent years telling my parents to go to a fucking therapist because I’m just existing and not a psychiatrist, but of course my dad doesn’t want to, but if we told him that it’s okay for him to go fuck ghetto bitches then I guess he would be okay with it.
Also, I’m sick of my father’s side of the family too, they only keep asking for money because they want to spend their doing ghetto parties and going to the beach. Like what? You’re around 4 married fuckers, you and your spouses can just save money like responsible adults and help each other out.
My cousins too, they’re 3 sisters around the same ages, all graduated with jobs, maybe ask for help to your family of 8 fuckers with money for tacky parties and shitty cars? Do you think they could help? With their plots of lands and slaughter houses? I don’t know, I wonder!
Like, whenever my father’s side of the family asks for money he gets unhinged, I swear he is a bpd-chan, it’s getting really tiresome.
Sometimes I wish I could just die because this cycle keeps going on and there’s always something fucking everything up that doesn’t lets us get any savings so we can have a decent life. If I died, then it would be less money to spend, whatever is used on me can be sent to my cousin’s children or to my uncles shitty parties at the beach. Everyone would pretend to be sad for a while and then everything would be great because my brother already has a job and supports himself, he could even just travel to Africa and give some money to my parents whenever, but I would need to die for that.
I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow, I’ve been repeating this basically mantra for months, maybe a year already, I don’t want to wake up, I just want to stop bothering everyone with my existence.
And my family keeps thinking that me telling the men of the family to create onlyfans is a joke, but I’m being serious, they want money? Well, get ready to crush mice and bugs for some good cash, you don’t want to do it? Well SUCK IT UP AND SHUT THE FUCK UP STOP GETTING MAD OVER EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING PUSSY
Jesus fuck I’m so tired already.
No. 1136686
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>find another female tenor in youtube
hell yeah!
>video is from 2013, check her newest videos
>she trooned out
I don't know how but lowkey knew this would happen, poor girl
No. 1136694
>>1136688they're basically admitting that they'd
victim blame their daughter instead of owning up to the fact they failed at parenting. those people shouldn't have kids.
No. 1136782
>>1136728Cause he knows it ain't a "fun family restaurant" and he's there to gawk at women and receive their attention. It wasn't supposed to be you anon,
you're not like those other objectified sluts he fantasizes about, right?
No. 1136799
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>one shot at life
>mentally ill
thanks god. it's my brain but i can't even use it the way i want to half the time and i lack the funds and mental strength to see a doctor. love that for me
No. 1136830
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my room mate is a retarded bitch
No. 1136831
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kinda feel uber mega jealous that my friend lost her virginity and im sitting here never having a boyfriend or romantic interest besides old freaks on the internet and online friend turned undercover pedo.
idk, it’s probably cuz I don’t put myself out there (cuz scared of men) and the fact that I have terrible social anxiety. even when guys are explicitly into me they’re either really really bad at socializing or they’re awesome but I burn the bud before it grows into a real relationship. i did this with a coworker recently and it hurts me so bad cause he was so fucking cute, we were into the same things, and he was so charismatic but i held myself back bcuz of our small age gap.
i just want to get peen and eaten out, man.
No. 1136836
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i was playing valorant while drunk and i bought a 25$ skin and now that i’m sobering up I’m regretting it that was such a stupid purchase. Oh well. at least now i can miss my shots in style
No. 1136886
>>1136871More than myself, I want her to get better and I've tried to help. It was embarrassing just bawling like that at my grown age.
>>1136872Are you kidding me?
No. 1136899
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Last night my boyfriend and I broke up. It was mutual for the most part (he said it wouldn't be fair to me to keep it going when I wasn't happy but I wanted to try and make it work but eventually agreed because our paths were so different currently).
My heart hurts so bad and I can't stop crying. We're still going to stay friends but it just doesn't feel the same. I feel pathetic.
No. 1137125
i've only ever fainted from when i get blood drawn, but i've fainted twice this year. i have no idea why, but they both happened when negative confrontations were occurring between me and this girl i was seeing. i broke it off with her two weeks ago because i was tired of her hurting me, and the last straw was when she pushed my sexual boundaries and got mad at me when i addressed it with her.
the first time i fainted was when she was scolding me for getting upset about something she did that anyone would be upset about, and my vision just started going and i felt weak and had to sit down. the second time happened last night, outside a bar. my friends let me know she was here and tried shielding me from her because we all knew she would pull something to hurt my feelings. she's a terribly vindictive person. i start fainting and i asked my friends if we could sit down at a table before i fall over. they were consoling me until i felt better, then my friends see her roommate holding her back from approaching me. she was fighting against him and eventually made her way toward me and in front of my group of friends including people i just met, she touches my shoulder as she's passing me and says "HI [name]" in a rude, mocking way. i just sat there and didn't move. i felt incredibly embarrassed because i'm never one to let my emotions show but i started panicking and just stared in silence while everyone is reassuring me that she continues to prove herself to be insane and pathetic. she did continue to make an ass of herself by running around the street acting super drunk and stumbling. i gave her the benefit of the doubt when i started realizing the entire city hates her but i had to learn the hard way
i don't know why confrontation with her makes me faint? this literally has never happened before. i guess just anxiety and being scared of her, but that seems pretty dramatic of my body kek. thinking about her just fills me with dread, and for the past three nights i've been waking up at 5 am in a panic. everyone thinks she is an actual demon/has one attached to her but that's a whole different story
No. 1137209
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Women who unironically call themselves "bimbo" "slut" etc and believe they're somehow "reclaiming" those words to mean something empowering make me want to slam my head into a wall. Men aren't thinking about how empowered you are when he calls you a bimbo.
Picrel a girl asked for fashion advice and described her style as "bimbo". When someone else responded that the term had negative connotations op stated that the term had been "reclaimed".
No. 1137292
I've broken up with my boyfriend and currently am facing extremely dark feelings basically due to my entire life falling apart and lifelong mental illness, trauma etc. coming back with a vengeance. I don't regret the break-up because it was inevitable (TLDR I've been kept around for convenience by a manchild who didn't want to improve himself for me, but immediately does for a chick on a dating app that swiped left on him), I cannot stand my loneliness, though. I've been craving a close female friendship throughout the relationship, but it didn't happen since I have trouble meeting people. Now I want to kill myself, since it doesn't feel like my life will ever be worthwhile. I have a perspective of working a hellish job just to come back to an empty room… I can't stand this much loneliness.
I cannot even think about meeting new people because I feel unworthy. I have an extremely low self-esteem. I read books about social relationships and get reminded how unattractive it is to be insecure and unhappy. I agree. But at the same time, I don't know how I am supposed to get better without human relationships, of which I feel unworthy To make matters worse, I don't really get on well with most people ('normies'), I wish I had female autists as friends or a way of meeting them. All of this just reminds me how much I'm not fit for human contact and makes me feel even more suicidal.
Does anyone know how to get out of this loop?
I've tried therapy thrice, it hasn't really helped…
No. 1137304
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>>1137300Why are so many nonnies suicidal lately go outside and eat some cheese
No. 1137325
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Speaking of suicidal, it sounds fucked but I miss the days when I was dramatic and felt suicidal over say, a romantic relationship or some sort of internal conflict that could have been resolved with some time and effort.
I'm 25 now and I feel like killing myself because I am a council estate britbong who is witnessing the slow demise of this country and no one wants to do anything about it, no protests or anything at all minus whine on Facebook and then judge other people for not wanting to work 45-50 hours a week. This time it isn't some sort of internal conflict, I cant simply talk about this with someone and then suddenly be able to afford my gas bill or be able to even scrape up some savings. I can't fix it and this country is bleeding me dry - I honestly don't see the point in trying, but I have to regardless or my only option is ending my life. I want things to be better, I want my older relatives to stop expecting me to come on holidays and buy shit all the time or god forbid buy a house when no one in my generation can even fucking do that unless they were born into a family with enough money. In 10-15 years I will see the parent I have left, die with nothing to her name but living in a small, poor rural village. I'm not blaming her for that, but it fucking sucks. I don't want to end up this way, I want to work hard and one day I want to give back to rural poor communities in terms of job opportunities, charity or just assistance with food or a community centre. But it feels like the rising costs of everything are slowly crushing me and I can't do anything to get it off.
I often fantasize about dying, but the only reason I hesitate to do so is because I don't want my cat to wonder why I left him.
No. 1137340
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No. 1137347
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No. 1137358
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Struggling to feel like I should bother even trying to get my license if I don't pass my road test at the end of this month. On one hand I feel so discouraged, I feel like I'm not getting better, I feel like I'm regressing with every lesson, and I don't even need my license to survive in my city! So why bother! But on the other hand I'm sick of myself always quitting so easily. I give up hobbies and new skills so quickly all the time, and I'm sick of it. Anyway I'm currently in the valley of despair if we're going by the dunning-kruger effect chart. I want to beat myself up I'm so tired of myself in so many ways lol
No. 1137384
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>>1137359Damn, I’m sorry anon…
No. 1137392
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Why am I procastinating talking to people I really like about topics I'm excited about?? What kind of brain damage is this?? What the fuck is your problem? Fuxking get it together retard
No. 1137403
>>1119751 from a few days ago, and the couple of responses I got somehow made me feel a bit inspired to at least start figuring out the hiearchy and magic system in the story I've been brewing in my mind, and do some story boarding for my own sake even if it would just be stick figures just to see if it would work the way I'm imagining it. just for fun.
Met up with the group for lunch today and the one that mentioned to me that she wants to have these little "creativity meets" brought up her idea of them again and asked when we'll finally get around to it, and as we were discussing dates I reminded them that I only have my writing and descriptions to show, and while I have worked out and written down a clear storyline I won't have anything like art to show since unlike them I'm not an artist but I would love to use these meetings to discuss ideas and help each other out with figuring out our stories as well.
They swore up and down that they didn't mean to be pushy, and I believe that it came for a genuinely helpful place, but everyone started to push me to rehash the entire thing into a book instead since any artist worth their salt rather do their own stories than connect with anyone else and if I can't draw anyway I should just stick to writing even when I explained that I felt this story wouldn't do well in book form and writing and planning out a script for a comic or a book are two completely different beasts. But sadly I got overvoiced by them repeatedly telling me to write a book instead, and I'm not gonna lie - at the end I got a bit defensive because I felt kinda ganged up on. Luckily the first friend put a stop on the topic and put our focus back on date and place, and I didn't give it much more thought after that, I was just happy that the subject was dropped so we could continue having a nice lunch.
But now several hours later I suddenly can't stop thinking about it all and feel hurt, like all the drive I had suddenly evaporated. I feel so childish over feeling this way, it's most likely just lingering underlying annoyance from the situation together with me having my period soon and being really tired and I will have most likely forgotten all about it tomorrow morning or at least feel better enough to feel stupid to have vented about it here.
No. 1137452
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why do all my friends have such shit taste in men, this isn't even abot looks because they actually tend to run rather cute, i'm talking about their bfs being absolute pieces of shit in 9/10 cases
No. 1137462
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Holy fuck I hate holidays and the family dinners that come with them. Like every year, my lack of a relationship became the latest topic for my family members to talk about and as always, it ended with me calling them out and creating a weird atmosphere again. "Kek nonny, you'll never find someone if you don't lower your standards a bit". People would have much better relationships if they actually raised their standards. Pardon me for being unrealistic and expecting a man to pick up after himself and wash his ass and ohhh wanting to have financial independence is sooo not romantic. Apparently relationships are about being absolutely dependent on each other in every aspect or else it means I'm not devoted to my partner. And how dare I think about the consequences of breakups and divorces! I'm sure THAT must be my problem. Oh yeah, because that worked out so great for all of you, you dysfunctional fucks. I'm sure your brothel-visiting-moids, who pride themselves on being such good fathers, love you just as much as you do. It's always "just a joke" when they shit on me but when I open my mouth, I'm being rude. I wish I could just expose all the shitty moids in my family but then everyone would blame me for disturbing the family peace. Fuck it, next time I'm just gonna tell them I have to work before I waste my time with this shit again.
No. 1137470
when i was 6 years old i was alone with another boy in my class and he coerced me into showing him my underwear, then my bare privates. i was afraid of what he would do to me if i said no. i pretty much immediately told my friends (i.e. other 6 year-olds) what happened, and it's not that they didn't believe me, but they told me it was my fault because it wasn't him who removed my clothing. i took it off myself, after all, so i was in the wrong, too. obviously this made me shut up about the whole thing and i didnt breathe a word of it to anyone else until years and years later when, obviously, there was nothing to be done about it.
reflecting on it now as an adult, i cant help but wonder… was their blaming me just "little kid logic" that other people sadly never grow out of? or does this indicate that misogyny and victim blaming take root at an early age? i don't come from anywhere extremely, notably sexist, all this happened in milquetoast america. it just makes me sad, i guess.
i wonder what happened to that kid. he was always bullying people and getting written up, and last i heard he'd been kicked out of school for good. hopefully he's dead or in prison, because if you get started on sexual offenses that early then there's really no hope for you.
No. 1137503
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You know what? I'm more or less done with visiting my home country. I'm treated like a petulant teen at 30 because my parents don't seem to get that when i'm not in their house I live independently. For example last time, my mother fucking tried to advise that if nobody's home and I want to leave, I should lock the door with the keys I have. Woooow really? I mean…what do they think I do in my every day life? How do I navigate? How do I pay the bills, maintain employment? Do they think someone else is managing every aspect of my life when they're not around? And I've tried to bring it up and question exactly this and their only response is "Uhhhh I was just saying anon!". It's like this for everything, they want to fully manage everything I do. I mention I want a haircut? They'll call around without telling me and tell me they've booked something, of course I'll be driven there and need to call as soon as I'm done so I can be picked up, and if I say I'll walk back, pff nah, they're waiting outside until they see me. And of course I'm going to be annoyed by this patronising shit, and just the act of establishing boundaries (eg in the previous example I reminded them I said I'd walk back and I'd do just that) has me labelled as typical moody anon.
I'll attend special events my brother has and wants me there for, I don't think I'll even go for christmas, after 4 years of travelling back and being pissed off for a week straight it's not worth it anymore, there's no benefit for me and I could easily and happily use that flight money to go somewhere actually nice.
Funnily enough I've extended an open invitation and directly invited my mother over after she said her other holiday plans for spring fell through. Oh of course she'd love to come but uhhh not for a long time. I've realised they just don't want to, they want to be in their environment where they have control over everything and can keep their eyes closed to the fact that I'm an independent adult. That's what I think and it's damn sad.
No. 1137514
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>an immigrant who still can't find a job
>turned into an art content creator
>can't get YouTube/Twitch/etc revenue anymore, PayPal is locked because of my home countrys sanctions
>no freelance money for 3 months now because of that
>extremely overwhelmed and exhausted with all of the upcoming projects as I've always been the only person working on everything
>started being treated like shit by almost everyone irl because suddenly having a nationality means being a person who supports the war
>almost got attacked by a man outside all because he knew I'm from "that country"
>my own health keeps getting worse
>I have not seen my sick guardians for years, first it's because of COVID now because of the fucking war
>their health keeps getting worse ever since I left
>haven't found an actually meaningful friendship over the past five years, all I do is drown in my yumejoshi works
>I feel extremely ungrateful because all I want to is cry all day and sleep for days, my partner is worried about me but I keep being that retard who never wants to open up with their problems as I am used to taking care of everyone and hiding all of my pain, bottling it up and then bursting all of my negative feelings in a corner alone, until I somehow get back to normal, because I feel ashamed whenever anyone worries about me
I'm tired. I can't take it anymore. Why am I such a piece of shit.
No. 1137594
>>1137589Nah, they are not mature
Anyway, that's nothing wrong with your reply, you just was polite, it's up on him if he would think something more of it
No. 1137634
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Now that I have reached the old, wise and mature age of 21 I felt it to be necessary to read up on pension and nonnies, I'm not going to die of old age, it's going to be of starvation because what I'll earn will put me into the legal definition of poverty and now I'm feeling existential dread.
No. 1137651
I don't know what to do with my life. i had a plan, went to college to get a specific degree, and now that i have the job i thought i wanted, i hate it. it used to be a passion, but all i can think of is how stressed i am. i don't know who i am or what to think.
The job is stressful and it doesn't pay enough. i tell myself to stick it out so i can get the experience to move to another job, in my desired location, that's easier and has better pay, (the field is competitive even with a degree and the only chance i got is experience over academics) but this job is killing me. just when i thought i was getting the hang of it, it gets worse.
But if i choose to quit, or even fail the probation period/get fired, i have no idea what i would do for a living. i have no passion or interest in anything at all. well, nothing that could actually turn into a well-paying career without being freelance and taking a lot of effort.
All i know is that i want money, to move out of my parents, and to be happy. i'm almost thinking of giving up and just getting any job that will pay, that isn't as stressful (current job is lots of tasks with some on-call shifts). but for some reason it kind of sucks to not be doing something "important" as a job. i hate how much effort you have to do in life just to survive and live under a roof with food.
No. 1137724
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I'm so fucking stupid. I literally have water for brains, apparently. I missed such an easy deadline. In years I finally had a good chance of leaving neetdom, and working for probably my favorite museum, but I blew it because I didn't double check the deadline date. Of a fucking email, not even an interview. I just had to be a functioning human being and send the fucking email on time. Maybe I wouldn't be picked for the job but at least it wouldn't be because I am an idiot with attention problems. I hate myself. I hate myself sp much. I can only pray they need a tardy imbecile because she speaks japanese and english, so they overlook my lateness. That would be my only chance. I just want to have a job.
No. 1137745
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>>1137741Thank you, anon. I actually sent an email like 5 hours after the deadline, because I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't at least try. I sad in the email that I was really sorry I was sending it late, and that if I still had a chance I would appreciate it a lot. Something like that, to be fair, I wasn't thinking straight. I thought about writing something like "I had personal problems" or something of the like, but I thought going the "pity me" route wouldn't be very professional so I just apologized. I don't even know. I had almost two days to do it, I was by far the worst candidate in the first online group interview, so I think they'll ignore it. It's Easter tomorrow after all. All I can hope is for an Easter miracle. Maybe if I delude myself hard enough it will hurt less.
No. 1137801
>>1137698nta but honestly? yes i can
but i’m also just basing that on my experiences
No. 1137909
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I stopped being friends with someone I knew for years because they left a relationship and suddenly starting being an egotistical retard. This friend dumped her boyfriend and lost weight (not bad at all, good for her) but unfortunately then decided to fuck our other friend over by talking to the same guy she was already talking to, and then had sex with him. Now, I dont support entertaining moids in general because they all suck, but there is a girl code here - maybe this is just me but I have never even thought of getting romantically or sexually involved with someone my friend hads just dated or slept with. It's weird, it's really weird, and this weirdo didn't even apologise or try and talk it out. She laughed at the other friend and then completely blanked us from there onwards, then almost a year later decided to pop up again and say "Hi" to her like nothing happened.
I feel bad because I was happy for her becoming independent, but it's like she completely went off the other end and started fucking people over all because she had lost weight and started getting more attention from men. She never stopped to think about how our friend might have felt, but I question if she's always been like this really and was just friends with us out of convenience.
Now she's already engaged to a moid and pregnant with his child, but she even admitted that she can't do a water birth or something like that because "that sounds nice but my fiance wouldn't want to do that". Bitch I'm sorry I didn't realise it was your fiance pushing the baby out of his asshole, why the fuck do you care what he thinks if not for the fact you're dependent on him? Why should he even get a say what happens in the birthing room when he has no fucking part in it beyond ideally being the most supportive father he could be? This bong-eyed narcissist moid gets absolutely no say in how you birth this child because it's not HIM going through that, it's YOU.
They're also that couple that find it necessary to post about their relationship all the time - I don't usually mind this when it's obviously important stuff, but this dude seems like a fucking narcissist to the point where HE wants the birth to go a certain way. God I fucking hate moids, I also hate women who betray and ignore their friends for moids. Nothing good ever comes of it and I wish they would realise this sooner.
No. 1137912
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I just impulsively bought an acoustice guitar even though I have time and time again proved to myself andothers how utterly inept at learning music I am. I'm supposed to be saving money.
Nonnies how I will never make it out of wageslavery.
Also my girlfriend earns significantly less than me, and when I buy stuff she gets mad even though we have seperate finances and I already pay for most dinners etc put.
No. 1137923
>>1137920Most waterbirths are unassisted. It's kind of a luxury to have them in a hospital and I've never heard of any woman having one in a hospital because of that.
I've been in her place where I liked a guy my friend liked and my friend told me he'd have married her if I hadn't come along, when the guy was literally not interested in her. And still cut me off after she made me turn him down. If you're willing to cut off a friend because a man preferred her over you, which literally isn't your friend's fault, then you're the one tucking over a woman for a man. I'd sympathize more if the girl was dating with the guy and then what the friend did would've been very wrong but the situation is different.
No. 1137931
>>1137919the scrote won't give a fuck or care if it's dangerous or not, he just seems like he doesn't want one because it doesn't suit his weird controlling childbirth scenario. we know scrotes are like this, husband stitches exist and you give the average scrote way too much credit by assuming they even know anything about the pros and cons of different methods of birth
>>1137919not incredibly serious but still a shitty thing to do considering she didn't care to even to talk about it either
No. 1137976
>>1137909If they weren't seriously committed to one another why does the other friend care? Sure, it's a little weird to fuck someone that was hunching on your friend but a violation of girlcode? Not too sure. Not like they had kids or a messy breakup or anything that attaches them to one another.
But yeah, she's now pregnant by a loose scrote… Sucks for her lmao
No. 1138071
>>1137503It's like you're describing my mother, nona. I'm treated like a goddamn baby in my late twenties.
>Don't forget to eat soup!>Don't forget to eat veggies and fruit!>How's your tummy, are you pooping regularly?>Did you have breakfast?>Did you have lunch?>What did you have for lunch?>Where are you going? Why?I miss my parents but I'm so sick of being infantilized.
No. 1138077
>>1137621It's normal.
Mean Girls has poisoned your brain
No. 1138093
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Am I okay and reacting normally to abuse and patriarchy or am I crazy? I would love the opportunity to react in self defense. Last time a man tried to kill me I ran and called the police but I regret my decision and wish I lawfully killed him. I want the 90% rate~ of murder and rapes being committed by men to plummet from women killing men. Is this an okay feeling to have? I feel like they do not see us as people and I no longer see them as people, either. I would never even think of fighting or hurting a woman.
No. 1138094
So I have a (female) friend for a long time, we both live in an Asian country. She’s married, has basic English conversation skills and can’t speak the local language at all.
I’m also ESL, can speak pretty fluently in English and I can also communicate in the local language. (I’m business level)
I have, on numerous occasions tried to gently encourage her to learn at least one of these languages properly because it will help improve her quality of life. I myself have experienced how social life got easier once I became more fluent, it was such a serotonin boost and helped improve my mental health as well because I could make connections and friends.
Needless to say, she is a full time homemaker and her husband takes care of her. He’s actually a good husband, a good provider, doesn’t drink and as far as we know doesn’t cheat.. But, she needs a translator for making basic appointments, can’t go to a hairdresser, can’t order a non dairy drink at Starbucks, she struggled with the healthcare in this country because she couldn’t navigate her way around the list of hospitals and the services they offer. Her husband pays for the translation services. She mostly stays at home, alone, with close to no friends (except me) and unsurprisingly she’s depressed most of the time. The more depressed she gets, the more she loses hope that she will ever learn a language. She doesn’t make any effort because of the comfort zone and lack of motivation.
The other day we went out for a dinner together together with her husband and I started to nonchalantly talk about how it’s important to me that I can make medical, financial, academic and important life changing decisions myself and being independent is very important to me and that I wouldn’t want to be dependent on my husband forever. They both went silent and the husband was visibly annoyed by my speech.
Men really don’t want us to independent and ambitious, even the best of them don’t want to accept the fact that we are human beings with actual feelings and dreams. I hope she can find her way path in life but realistically speaking I don’t expect her to achieve much as long as she’s in her comfort zone.
No. 1138096
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>>1137621One time I tried complimenting a cashier's makeup and costume and she just looked at me and down at my stuff without saying anything, so my autistic brain thought she didn't hear me.. so I said it louder and she still didn't say anything.
It's easier complimenting people I already know for me… I'm too nervous to do it to a stranger again kek
No. 1138107
>>1138093Its always a fantasy of mine to just start ripping out peoples eyes and face if they were attacking me. I'm not a moid though so I would never do it unless I was truly in danger and there was no other option. You can always imagine how you would have reacted in the situation later but when you're in it it's terrifying and unexpected so you will just react how you do in the moment.
It's better you got away though because it could of turned south real quick. Unless you really have a weapon that can end someone's life instantly and know how to use it it's better just to get away.
Not to mention legal troubles and all that shit you'd have to deal with, that's worse to think about than murder.
No. 1138113
>>1138096I'm so awkward that my own lack of confidence is the one thing holding me back from giving compiliments. I'll think about it but then I'll picture them somehow taking it badly so I play it safe.
What's in the pic?
No. 1138138
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>>1138113>What's in the pic?The infamous "no talk 2 me im angy" kitten, just in another pose.
No. 1138141
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i hate my life, man.
i’m stuck in an abusive household with two grown children as my fucking parents. my poor siblings. i get gaslight constantly because my dad is on dialysis every other day and can’t do shit and my mom is a bipolar freak who accused him of cheating (he’s almost completely bedbound) and told me growing up that i, the firstborn daughter, am the reason she wants to kill herself. i used to be the only kid that would stand up to her. nobody does anymore.
i’m an adult now and i feel like such a failure. they have sapped every ounce of strength from me. i can’t even respond negatively towards their behavior without my mom having an absolute tard meltdown and taking it out on my sick dad. everything in my life is decided based on their retarded whims for the day because they financially control me. i’m not young and crazy anymore. i don’t like fighting. all my feelings and motivation shut down. my boyfriend was yelling at me, begging me to do anything but continue to wallow quietly, talk to them face to face and explain how i feel. but i don’t think i can nonas. i haven’t felt this kind of self disgust with my cowardice and feeling broken because of my abuse since i tried to anhero freshman year of high school
No. 1138165
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So as I'm applying to music schools I have to send them a video recording of me playing and I've been struggling with this for way too long now. Today I spent the entire day recording and it feels like nothing came out good at all. So now I have no choice but to send a recording I hate and I feel like I absolutely suck at playing and will never be good enough. Part of me wants to keep trying even harder every day but another part of me just wants to give up on this stupid dream.
No. 1138283
>>1138268It’s a dumb fight, if you get implants, then every moid in the world will get mad at you because
>hurr durr yur fake and I liked you smol boobs after oll If you’re worried about men not wanting to fuck you, remember they have a fetish for everyone.
No. 1138295
>>1138268You already have boobs, B cups aren't small when you're skinny but today's beauty standards mean any natural boob is too small.
>>1138283Men can't tell you had plastic surgery. They only shit on it the same reason they shit on natural woman, to neg them and feel like they can control their looks.
>>1138287Don't drag shit to other threads.
No. 1138297
>>1138054Sorta same. I have to stay in my room, locked, and avoid everyone, otherwise something might happen. I hate holidays because there’s the expectation to “spend time together”. I can’t even report domestic abuse or violence because I will have nowhere else to go. No friends to stay with and even extended family hate each other and live out of state. I’m trying to save my money to be able to get a car and then my own place, but it sucks being stuck and behind in life because
abusive parents. Also live in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes I consider dating a moid just so I could move in with them.
No. 1138326
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Why am i so fucking retarded/lazy/fat and unable to keep up an exercise routine? I love exercise, I love lifting weights and walking and I love how well it makes me sleep and how I just feel "right" after doing it. But I just cannot keep up consistency with it to save my life and it's fucking me up. I know that I am lazy, but I wonder if something else is going on or maybe I just put going to the gym on a pedestal and I'm making it more of a big deal than it needs to be.
But holy shit it's almost summer and I'm still significantly overweight, I still have flabby bits everywhere and I look and feel like shit. I will meal prep/organise/gym for like a week and then just drop it. I wondered if it was my autism making me unable to adapt this new part of a routine - but I've noticed that every hobby I get I drop within like 2 weeks maximum. If I start drawing again, I'll get bored within a week. If I play a game I'm bored of it within 2 weeks. If I go to the gym I just…stop going after a week, rinse and repeat this with literally anything in my life. I must be fucking retarded, or just lazy, but I'm trying and I know that I am doing something bad - I just want to be healthier physically and mentally but it feels like a huge task for me.
No doubt the gym is stressful because I have to look in the mirror and thanks to my body dysmorphia from being a fat cunt, all I see is a 5ft frumpy flabby fridge body with fat in places there shouldn't be. I can't even use this as an excuse though, I need to stop relying on checking my form in mirrors so much. It is an exhausting mental task to even look at myself most days because of how I let my body deteriorate, I cannot let it put me off doing the one thing to fix it. I wish I could reset my brain and just power through the next 6 months and get back down to like 50kg (not an anachan for my height I just do not have the body shape for being heavy or curvy).
What's even worse is that there's such a small window for my calorie intake before I just end up gaining weight that I have already fucked up my appetite and how I interpret food - it's all monitoring calories 90% of the time until my PMS hits and then I cave in and go on a salt-fuelled hormonal rage. People on forums still keep telling me to "bulk" even though I'm already fucking fat and they just don't get it - I physically cannot handle bulking especially as I have next to no muscle on me in the first place so my appetite is shot. They think every woman is some 5'5-5'6 former sports girl who can just afford to experiment with bulking or eating lots of food, so trying to find advice for actual short women is almost fucking impossible. Then I get told that eating 1500 cal a day is for "toddlers" bitch I'm sorry I didn't ask to be of this stature, I'm not going to gorge myself on food and drain my bank account for a "Bulk" when I can't even fucking keep up a routine yet. I HATE THEM
No. 1138365
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I am trapped on this stupid website in a hell of my own making
No. 1138380
>>1138369I met a guy a few months ago and when I looked into his eyes I was reminded of my moms…and she's been dead for ten years. I'm very glad I didn't tell him that lol. That is some shit you have to filter.
Sorry about the crazy you're dealing with.
No. 1138395
>>1138380I'm sorry about ur mom
This girl said it when we were about to have sex, which made me bust into laughter and she didn't know why. She was quite retarded. I said "we're literally making out right now, do you not think that's weird?" She said no, then proceeded to say it many times over the short time period we were seeing each other.
No. 1138403
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Shittiest Easter I've ever experience
No. 1138421
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I'm cringing at thinking of my old twitter account before I deleted it last September and how I was basically a closet terf but didn't want to admit it to myself because I was surrounded by trannies and fake-commie people online and in my friend groups. I'm so glad I deleted the twitter because now I don't have to witness my cringe handmaiden shit anymore but ugh I feel sick thinking about it - the way I just shrugged off the importance of female-only spaces, the way I even said shit like "terfs dont realise feminism can benefit men too" like bitch were you smoking crack, you ARE the terf, you always have been just fucking accept it. It's like that scene in Interstellar when he looks in the past, except it's just me screaming at myself to just accept that I always have been and always will be a proud terf at heart.
This is honestly the only time I've ever felt safely concrete and proud of my political and feminist beliefs, it's like everything just clicked together and I feel comfortable in what I believe in with no pressure to think what everyone else thinks. How unfortunate (or fortunate for trannies) that we're silenced almost everywhere because women can't have opinions that benefit them.
No. 1138433
>>1138421no lie, this shit has been pushing me to a more conservative way of thinking on these topics over time.
i’m genuinely so sick of troons forcing their way into everything and we just have to sit there and take it
No. 1138437
>>1138421A bit OT but I recently reported some scrote tranny harassing a
Terf and his account actually got suspended or deleted. I'm happy to see that twitter doesn't only silence TERFs.
No. 1138439
>>1138421Before I peaked, I was in a "women's" and gender studies class with a tra professor and for some reason he had us all write a paragraph or two about what most threatened the LGBT movement (or something similar) and I wrote that TERFs were the big menace and brought up how JK is a big meanie
TERF oh my fucking god it was so embarrassing kek good thing I know better now but damn I'll never live down my tra phase as long as I live. Ugh.
No. 1138445
>>1138433ntayrt, I've always been a radical leftist/ancom/whatever and it's not like I'm turning more conservative, but I definitely feel more and more alienated from the left as time goes by because two of the things that are most important to me, women's liberation and veganism, are apparently too much for your average leftist.
It feels so shitty realising that I went from seeing feminism finally be taken seriously to "actually women are the oppressive class and you're all privileged karens" in what? not even 10 years? if I think about it too much it makes me want to cry lol
we're truly politically homeless, fuck
No. 1138452
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I put my pillow in the sun this morning and forgot it was out there until after the rain started falling and now it's wet.
>>1138436Felt. At this rate I'm just gonna start an all female commune.
No. 1138516
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>>1138342>SJWs go on and on about “respectability politics”, but the truth is that non-black people absolutely love it when black people are disgusting and trashy. It feeds their superiority complex. they want us to be the designated clown race, >Look at reality TV, TikTok and the popularity of disgusting "humans" like Peaches. Look at ghetto burger culture in general with the rampant misogyny and violence. If the horrendous freakshows we see in the media are allowed to exist in the public eye with gross white kids and businessmen promoting them everywhereFucking exactly. On some level, I don't think I'll ever stop being annoyed at burgers pushing this shit so hard, and then saying you must have "internalized racism" if you don't like it. Who the fuck wants to be represented by retarded, violent trash at every turn? Why is that considered cool and normal? Name a single other group with their tongue so deeply nestled up the ass of people who've deliberately psyop'd them that they'll invest in their own self-destruction/sabotage and say you're the problem if you don't think it's good
I can write fucking schizo essays on this subject, it's so aggravating. I hate this bizarre fake woke shit where if you don't support moids in abusing and impregnating women and children, poor/no education, ass implants/hypersexual pickmeism, gang violence, shitty fast food, etc you're in the wrong. I'm not even a little sorry for avoiding black moids like the plague. I hate the antichrist, I hate obesity, I hate the redlining/lead paint/manufactured crack epidemic (it really shows in some people to this day, I swear to god), I hate America and its racial tensions/categorization system for forcibly associating me with a culture I have no relation to, I hate American media, I hate Twitter, I hate BLM, I hate seed oils, I hate the fucking goblins in office
(posting this here because I felt bad killing the vibe of the dumbass shit thread but I need to vent kek)
No. 1138537
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anyone else just straight up having a shitty Easter rn? i cant even get out of bed and all i ate today was just water and thats it
No. 1138642
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I know a really retarded couple in a super toxic relationship. They hate each other, and honestly i don't care what they do usually, but today the scrote messaged me to tell me they were buying chickens.
This made me crazy angry and I don't know why. I think it's the fact Chickens are so hard to rehome and they're doing it for the cottagecore larp. What is going to happen when they break up? Where do these chickens go? They've never even kept a houseplant alive, and now they're planning on starting to grow all their own food and keep chickens overnight. They went to buy wood today to "build the coop themselves" even though they've never build anything before, and I've told them today to slow down but they won't listen. They're not going to care for these chickens when the winter comes.
I've told him outright he is already complaining she is unclean, so how will they keep a coop clean if they can't keep themselves clean? Can someone give me advice here? Maybe someone that has cared for chickens?
No. 1138821
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I'm one of those people who can't go to the gym on an empty stomach but I always have absolutely no appetite until like 3pm. I fucking hate it. I hate how whenever I look up "quick protein breakfast" it's a massive fucking mason jar full of soggy vomit-textured overnight oats and like 500 calories. Bitch fuck your overnight oats, I have the stomach the size of a moid's brain (small, annoying and prone to being retarded) despite being a fat fuck, all I want in the morning is something light and some coffee so I can just not die at the gym.
I've order a protein shaker and some strawberry protein powder but it's not even going to arrive in time for my gym session so I've had to force myself to eat like 30g of porridge. I feel like an anachan but the truth is my stomach doesn't even register hunger until way later in the day and I'm trying to learn my body's natural cues to eat when I'm actually hungry instead of binging all day because some woman in a ponytail on instagram said it was "totally normal and valid xox" to wolf down 600 calories of porridge in the morning. fuck you, "nutritionist"
No. 1138877
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>>1136077i feel this so much. in my city i am seeing more and more faggots riding electric scooters, the one that look like children's toys. it just drives me up the wall i actually feel sick to my stomach when i see them. do they think they look cool ? especially when they are wearing a suit or formal wear of sorts, or not even, just expensive looking outfits. sickening faggotry.
barely related but one time i was watching a celebrity variety game TV show, already i am upset because i dont like celebrities ( idk why i kept watching, i think it was an at the time new show/concept so i wanted to see ). then comes a fat apple shaped male, fat up top with really skinny legs, a singer known for love songs. he goes to greet the host and he gives him a giddy non hand clasp bro-hug, WTF ? not even the worst thing, the worst offender i just cannot forget ( and this is real i am seriously not exaggerating ): while hugging he raised one of his legs up like a little girl. WTFFFFF!!!!!! i was borderline traumatized. stop this disgusting madness. i watched this three years ago i think, and i havent been able to forget. i brought this up during dinner and my brother looked at me like i was crazy. i know im not.
No. 1138919
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waaaa I just wanted to dress up and look pretty but I brutally pierced my index finger while trying to open new mascara tube with a thread picker then gave myself severe burn on my thumb with curling iron and the skins peeling off. I’m so useless I wish I had the gall to just Kermit.
No. 1138953
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Will getting a clitoral stimulation toy make me happier? I got money off commissions and I want to spent on something that would be actually useful, instead of getting some merch. My life's been full of nothing but 4 walls and gloom for 6 months now. Nothing makes me happy other than my obsession with comics. Everything feels like a chore.
No. 1138958
>>1138931Yep. I suspect a gluten intolerance, but he
knows that I'm wrong. He claims it is a result of taking Excedrin every single day for recurrant headaches caused by… taking Excedrin every day. I wish I was born a lesbian
No. 1138959
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my bpd bf broke up with me yesterday. i’m in agony because i’m deeply in love with him but also relieved because what the fuck was i doing getting into a relationship with a severely mentally ill man
No. 1138964
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that’s it, nonnies. my cat has died at age 17. had her for 11 years.
No. 1138980
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>>1138964im so sorry
nonnie, losing a pet you've had for that long is the worst feeling. I'm sure she loved you lots
No. 1138981
>>1138967it’s extremely painful because we clicked perfectly and he is the first man i have ever loved, but he decided that commitment was a burden to him and he wanted to be free while we were getting serious. i’ll probably be thinking about him for the rest of my life. goddamn, it hurts
sending love to you, avpd-chan
No. 1138989
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Took me a lot of strength today not to go feral on the moid my best friend has been seeing since late December. I asked him "what" they are and he hits me with the "I'm currently questioning monogamy but yeah I'm just enjoying the time right now"… yeah I'm sure you are, you fucking prick, meanwhile she's desperately waiting for him to ask her to be his girlfriend. I hate seeing her put herself through this because all her ex boyfriends destroyed her self esteem. She will literally plan her day around this stupid moid and for what? Ugh
No. 1139009
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Ugh nonnies I have become too hostile and too embarrassed around talking to men I don't even know. The new manager at the gym called me out (or just basically stated, didn't even tell me off) that I need to put shoes on when deadlifting - he is totally right and it's my fault for doing it in just my socks as I am in a public gym and it's a health and safety thing but my cheapskate ass was putting it off.
I know he's not even wrong in saying that, but I still vividly imagined caving his head in with a barbell because I just assumed he was lecturing me - I'm used to random men coming up to me and doing that. Now I'm just replaying the conversation over and over in my head because I'm fucking retarded and should have just bought some canvas shoes to avoid this conversation, I get so embarrassed over literally any conversation with men nowadays and I even said "sorry" he just said "don't worry about it at all and have a good day" and I still interpreted it as a lecture. What is wrong with me!!!!!
No. 1139017
>>1138411the doctor i was referred to doesn't have any availabilities until june 30th. i'm literally downing HIGH calorie protein shakes every morning and afternoon, nuts and seeds, crackers, fruit, yogurt, meats, peanut butter, yogurt, carbs, LARGE portions of everything, anything i can get my hands on. and i STILL weigh fucking 80 pounds now. EIGHTY. i'm 5'5. i usually wear big clothes bc that's my style so many people don't know that i look like this, they'd def assume i'm an ana-chan, but it's basically summer where i live and love wearing wife beaters. i'm never going to wear shorts and show my legs because that's where it's most obvious. it's honestly scary and worrying to look at. i hate how i make all my friends worried. we're all very open with each other but this is a little too far so i try not to talk about it even though it makes me cry daily. i hate looking like this so much i feel so embarrassed and ashamed. i'm trying my best and do everything i can to not look at my naked body.
No. 1139032
>>1139024He's smart. He told you so you'd tell her and end up being the bad guy. He's stringing her along and if she accuses him of doing so, he'll just say "well I already told anon I have other women around!"
Be wary.
No. 1139050
>>1138679If it makes you feel better I am
lesbian but no one knows unless they ask and am pretty normie, not really into the LGBT community. I think we do exist we're just mostly still in the closet unfortunately
No. 1139215
>>1138953No. I bought a womanizer a few months ago, and while it is good at what it does, I am as miserale as ever.
Good orgasms tho.
No. 1139257
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I have enough I'm never satisfied with my shit. I want to delete everything and start fresh again, but at what cost and what's the point if I'm disorganized?
No. 1139262
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Jfc can't things work out for once?! Just when I think that things have calmed down, stupid shit keeps piling on top again. Life is a scam.
No. 1139264
>>1139093in the texts she called me a whore. i told her she was being immature, i wasnt going to play these games, and asked for her to not be rude to me in public which she is doing, or be rude to me at all because it's hurtful and inflammatory. she said have fun with life, i never liked you, etc. I said that's cool, I liked you and I enjoyed the time we spent together. she said she didn't, then to go cope. she posted about never liking me to her 160k followers. she didn't name me which is fine i guess, but it was 100% for me to see and hurt my feelings.
so yeah, what friend would not stand up for me?
No. 1139302
>>1138953Not really. I posted up thread about regretting buying one. with the same pic too.>>1135284
Still haven't used it tbh. I will figure it out when i am home alone.
No. 1139329
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Fuck restaurants that put bullshit garnishes on your food without mentioning it in the menu listing. Half of my sandwich is soaked and soggy with pickle juice. The pickle isn't even good anymore because the heat from the food made it mushy. I was looking forward to takeout all day and this is what I get. Some of the pickle juice soaked the fries too.
No. 1139377
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Maybe vent thread isn't the 100% correct place for my vent but my god life is so fucked up right now. I have been dealing with a lot of health problems for a few years, I've seen my friends thrice during the pandemic because I have to be careful and so on. Naturally I had to drop out of school and can't get a normal ass job because I am risk group and in pain most of the time, I know so many people still do it all because they gotta and they are so much better than I am. I'm at a point where there is really nothing that could make me look forward to keeping up, I am angry, lonely, in pain and downright ashamed of myself, I am so fucking old already and have wasted so many years being sick. People around me never ask me health or doctor related questions because I know they know I don't have any good news, they don't know how to respond and so on, I get that but I just want someone to fucking talk to me like I was fragile, hurt and cared about and not this cold, tired and useless cunt I have become. Just one fucking hug would've been fine, I'm not even suicidal in the traditional sense, I just cannot see the point in being this burden for much longer, especially when there's such a high chance of me receiving even worse medical news soon. It feels like twilight zone, I just want someone to talk to me softly for fucks sake, pretend I have the right to be here still and that I am not just a fucking flesh vessel meant to suffer just for the hell of it, maybe I can still become something and I'm not a complete failure?
No. 1139419
>>1139332anon listen to me. i was in the same exact position. do you have friends to lean on for support and advice pre and post breakup? that helped me the most.
here's what i did, which might be shitty if this person wasn't bad to you but my person was. i mentally exited the relationship while letting it continue so by the time i left, i didn't hurt and i was okay with being seen as the bad guy.
i made the mistake of taking tiny steps to distance myself instead of ripping the bandaid off, i regret that so much. write down a list of incompatibilities to ensure you're dong the right thing, explain that you both don't want the same thing as each other which isn't fair to either party, how it'll be better in the grand scheme of things (which isn't a lie), and that you hope she can find someone that can meet her needs. trust your emotions are leading you to the right outcome
No. 1139586
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My mom isn't a bad person I think, she's nice to me and can be pretty sweet. But I just can't deny I don't really like her that much. I loved my dad way more and he was outright abusive, but at least he was very blunt and upfront with it.
Some stuff I dislike about my mom:
>Always victimizing herself even when she thinks she isn't
>Does the whole "pretending to be fine" while visibly being upset or hurt (I hate people who lie like this)
>Talks to me about shit that I literally don't care about (car crashes and shit other people say that I have no interest in)
>A tickling bomb waiting to burst
>Too religious
>Her way of raising me emotionally fucked me up even more than my dad who was literally an abuser lmao
>Made me obese growing up (to feel better about herself maybe, she's also obese af)
>Can't accept help, infantilizes me
>Either tries too hard to appeal to my friends or throws a massive tantrum when she doesn't like one of them (has ruined my friendships for better or worse)
>Idk I have some sympathy for her because she's not bad but she's very cringe
>Tells me to -never lose contact with my cousins and uncles/aunts- because they are "such good people" even though I outright find them obnoxious
>I can't move out atm but I will eventually before and I plan to go as far away from everyone in this town as I can, then she says shit like "I will never see you again!!!" And starts getting fake emotional if you get me. It's annoying as fuck
>The good things she does not always compensates the emotionally stunted shit she pulls out
Yep pic related is going to be me when she dies. I give 0 fucks
No. 1142046
>>1139586This whole website is full of mentally ill fuckers who probably live in clinics/assisted living spaces. They would rather want to push you off a roof than keeping you in there, whether it’s your “
abusive” mom’s house or a clinic, you ungrateful retard.