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No. 1130557
be bold, be brave, be stupid
>>>/ot/1121704 No. 1130569
File: 1649629606027.jpg (59.06 KB, 735x653, b206c5d2a38988af93ed6b00973de1…)

I wonna be first FATTies
No. 1130582
File: 1649631416629.jpeg (69.16 KB, 720x618, 1640535382209.jpeg)

I need eye bleach
No. 1130639
File: 1649636246000.jpeg (49.6 KB, 720x539, 1647914719693.jpeg)

I've known the MtF and FtM threads were full of troons since the time people started posting about a (confirmed) 13 year old on TikTok getting top surgery, and some of the reactions were essentially "Omg stop posting so much about this, it's not that big a deal". Shit haunts me honestly, how many levels of brain rot do you have to be on to not be horrified by that?
No. 1130677
>>1130639In the ftm thread or one of ot's there was a post of "im not a
terf like the rest of you i just believe men and women should wear whatever they want" or some shit like ok? Go back to twitter or facebook we dont want you here on our pea sized slice of the internet.
No. 1130678
File: 1649638236522.jpg (554.68 KB, 863x963, Eclipse1.jpg)

>>1130633Shut up.
Look how cute he is, and I'd totally be able to get to him before he causes the Eclipse
No. 1130702
>>1130694I love you,
No. 1130721
File: 1649640287614.jpg (44.29 KB, 564x564, adorable.jpg)

>>1130694Picrel is Griffith trying to dissuade us after we rip his clothes off.
No. 1130754
File: 1649642102932.jpg (58.4 KB, 800x450, sign.jpg)

>>1130721picrel we cant read his subtitles
No. 1130770
File: 1649643702972.jpg (22.16 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-540142930-612x612.…)

No. 1130776
File: 1649644285331.jpeg (137.08 KB, 749x932, 9306C50C-2A43-4395-949E-DDA2E0…)

drinks two high fructose corn syrup microplastic processed fluoride gay frog kfc drinks like a boss
No. 1130781
File: 1649644607210.jpeg (27.02 KB, 274x230, ACC2CF84-139E-428C-8099-EEFCE5…)

no one cal convince me that there is something wrong with the brains of those who reproduce. there is nothing natural about drooling over the abs of the bun you love
No. 1130850
File: 1649649088482.jpeg (62.87 KB, 1200x630, 9D5E1F51-09DE-4A1A-B359-A74E88…)

>>1130838Best of luck nonacita and remember pic related, it's something I'm trying to internalize as well
No. 1130929
File: 1649655353264.png (496.56 KB, 564x1130, 5.png)

wtf happened to /m/
No. 1131124
File: 1649667821430.jpg (34.7 KB, 564x564, 3b99a77ba1c390a91708150d2cb3c6…)

When i'm in bad mental state it's comforting to look at vent art like picrel and feel a bit less alone in all that mess, and almost always when I find sth good and relatable there are comments on it like "oh i'm 13 and i feel exactly like this!", and then I feel retarded because I'm 30.
No. 1131127
File: 1649668016279.gif (5.97 KB, 90x90, 1645296953048.gif)

I love nonnies, I love lolcow, I love nonnies, I love lolcow, I love nonnies, I love lolcow, I love nonnies, I love lolcow
No. 1131132
File: 1649668134802.gif (34.31 KB, 1000x581, geekchartbig.gif)

Do you think this chart is accurate? Where would "people who take ships way too seriously" and "people who make unironic religions based on fictional characters" go?
>>1131124I'm sure there are many 30 year olds who can relate, and they're just ashamed of being so open about it, nona.
No. 1131170
>>1131167No it wasn't that one but now I'm also pissed that she got red texted too. My post was literally from two days ago but I caught the ban
today for a shit post
>>1128931 No. 1131182
File: 1649671157835.jpeg (Spoiler Image,6.62 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpeg)

I ordered myself a couple of toys and they're coming today. I keep getting emails and texts with updates that
'your parcel from the sexy sex shop is coming today'
That's obvs not the name but it does have sex in the title and I'm weirded out that if all the updates have that name plastered across them.. will the guy scanning my parcel see the same name pop up? I fucking hope not.
No. 1131189
>>1131186I'm not new to ordering this stuff but I just know alot of companies have a BS name that shows up on the parcels like 'fajhkjj limited' listed as the sender instead of the actual site name.
The tracking emails all having the site name plastered on them and not the 'bs incorperated' name is what has me wondering this time.
No. 1131196
>>1131162i could yes but im not willing to pay for followers to make a good enough fake account or to do the required networking
i just wish i had hot friends willing to do the dirty work
and i dont just break up with him because its just too easy without an extended scheme to fuck with him
No. 1131257
File: 1649676662863.png (66.09 KB, 1133x582, jojo fanlore.png)

I feel like the fanlore article on JoJo needs some work.
First of all, in the fandom history section they don't mention the small but dedicated fandom that existed in the west before the anime. I'm talking about the west's first exposure to JoJo which were mainly the Part 3 OVAs and the Heritage for the Future fighting game, from where a number of early Japanese and western memes came (WRYYY, Jotaro pose, etc). In archives of /a/ you can still find old pre-anime JoJo threads, and the old, shitty fan scanlations of the manga were important too. Early western fans of the manga kept up with new chapter releases. Also, isn't the pre-anime "kakyoin, did you lay this egg?" meme a western one? Why is it mentioned as an old Japanese meme?
Second, what is this shit about pro/anti ship discourse? Why so much emphasis on how some ships are considered pedo because one of the guys is 17 years old? Yes, this retardation exists within the western fandom (Twitter/Tumblr) but it's not nearly as important as other aspects of the fandom, although apparently it's the most important part to whoever wrote this article.
And third, I'm keking at the "racist" accusations. I left the fandom some years ago, but from what I can tell, the "racist" Part 5 fans is probably not portraying Mista as black or some shit like that, and the single Part 7 fic was probably a troll fic by a scrote. I seriously doubt the existence of more than a couple genuine racists on JoJo Twitter and Tumblr. Did a Twitter kid write this article?
Although they are right about the AvPol thing.
>>1131208Is that the guy from Higurashi? If so, I'm sorry it'll never happen. Not enough interest.
No. 1131361
File: 1649683569083.jpg (40.87 KB, 640x663, could-you-excuse-me-screams-bK…)

My dog's mouth is swollen as if he ate a bee but my mother doesn't want to take him to an emergency vet and now we have to wait until the clinic next to our house opens in 2 hours. I want to scream.
No. 1131378
File: 1649685170684.jpg (129.7 KB, 1080x762, IMG_20220411_155125.jpg)

there's something so beautiful about realising you're speaking with another radfem after vague posting about TRAs
No. 1131425
File: 1649689057086.gif (2.98 MB, 480x498, FUCKINGLOSERS.gif)

i'm going to fucking rage. which fucking kid with a stick up it's ass bullied my shitty fanfic writer into deleting her stories from all sites. it was the funniest shit and always made my mood better. she was obviously just posting this shit for fun nobody makes mickey a bishie and writes this shit for serious. and even if they are then that's fucking based cuz this was the funniest nugget of unadulterated autism i've seen in a while and it was being updated consistently too for once. let people be retarded and have fun what does it matter to you. i can't stand to share the same corner of the internet with these fucking retards who cant detect and enjoy a fucking organic joke what the fuck happened there when i was gone ffs author-chan if you hear me please come back… or mail me your story so i can still enjoy it… love you, stay autistic ♥
I wish I had someone to rant about fanfic stuff to without being seen as a complete retard
No. 1131529
i'm going to talk about my body, and I suppose how it's not so bad? I think about my waistline, and how I don't have a cinched waist and flat stomach, and then I had this moment where I was like so??? I don't look like a freak when I put a tshirt on, unless it's skin tight and my bra is tight I don't have rolls, just a padding of fat. Like what's the fucking problem bitch? And then that line of thought wandered over to other parts of my body. I've got thick calves and thighs, and I hate that it squeezes my legs into sausage links when I try skinny jeans, but like they fucking walk don't they? About 20k steps daily in fact, they're working fantastically. My body is more or less healthy and fully functional when it comes to the ability of humans, but I'm so nitpicky about aesthetics? ESPECIALLY because it's not even…like I can still pick my aesthetic, I can choose what clothes I wear and what size, but I'm (or was) unhappy because I can't wear size 4 skinny jeans and look good, or I can't wear tube tops and look the same as when a woman with A cups wears them.
I feel so stupid because I guess this is what accepting yourself as you are really is, at 30. I suppose I always interpreted that as accept you're a fat ugly bitch and be done with it because you'll never be a model, but i'm not! I'm just average for fucks sake.
So to summarise I realise, for me at least, it's not about squeezing my E cups into a holographic tubetop and deluding myself into thinking I look great, but more that I accept my average body for what it is, wear fitting things I like the look of and just move the fuck on from this neurotic self obsessed bullshit.
No. 1131573
File: 1649699820319.jpeg (Spoiler Image,37.71 KB, 800x800, same.jpeg)

A pic of some women in front of these bachelorette balloons keeps getting reposted on insta. It's those accounts who try to sell shit. The reason it keeps getting posted is because scrotes flock to it to bitch about women being whores.. flooding the comments every time.
That's sooooo not funnnny arrrrrhh you can't joke about that!
No. 1131615
>>1131529This is based
nonnie. I feel the same way and struggle frequently to wrestle myself out of weighing myself or looking over my body in the mirror. I want to exercise so I can take care of my body since it'll be the only one I get until I die, not so I can be an anachan and flaunt myself on social media for likes. Actually, I don't even post photos of myself on social media, so who cares! I'm painfully average, but what's wrong with being average?
No. 1131630
File: 1649702942565.png (224.86 KB, 465x382, 4512.png)

i know we weren't supposed to relate to her but HOLY based
No. 1131669
>>1131668bushes are sexy but some people (like myself) have lots of very long, straight bush hair that becomes impractical. i would have kept all my bush hair if it wasn't so overwhelming, straight, and long. i don't mind it on other women but it's like functionally
problematic for me when so thick and long and requires too much maintenance
No. 1131673
>>1131669Ignore if it's TMI, but in what way impractical/functionally
No. 1131737
>>1131132people who take ships too seriously go below the self insert erotic star trek furry. Like at least those people go to fur cons and see other people even if they're heavily autistic about it.
>>1131257the "did you lay this egg?" is a Japanese meme because it came from from a Clamp BL doujin. The translation was verbatim because IIRCC Kakyoin and Jotaro were in a relationship and Joseph wanted grand kids.
No. 1131768
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No. 1131812
File: 1649713522589.jpeg (361.17 KB, 824x209, 7E0A99A7-4BFF-4BD2-BEE6-7F90D3…)

>>1131809Enty steals a lot of blinds so some of them may be fanfic, some might not be. Like all blind gossip take it with grains of salt. I just enjoy reading this shit. Some of the old ones from the 90s-00s are pretty funny
No. 1131813
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>>1131812I wonder if this is the same girl who accused beibs of fathering her kid from years ago kek
No. 1131906
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>>1131877some of you guys need lobotomies because what the actual hell
No. 1131909
File: 1649722850438.png (148.76 KB, 400x416, E824F237-26B2-4CE2-B2D3-4FB664…)

I don’t mind body hair in any part but the fucking little black hairs i get around my nipples make me want to kill somebody. I get so many ingrown ones too
No. 1131917
>>1131913They are
very noticeable, grow super fast and many of them are ingrows.
No. 1131923
>>1131909holy shit
nonny I thought I was the only one, I sometimes get long black hairs around my nipples and it’s not only annoying because they look bad but also because they’re hard to shave off since sensitive area. Ingrown hairs sound incredibly annoying though i’m sorry.
No. 1131929
>>1131923For the longest time I thought I had a hormonal imbalance but apparently it's more common than you'd think. I use tweezers, much easier than shaving and take a bit longer to grow back kek
They're so frustrating because I don't even really get ingrowns anywhere else, just there in my nipples. It's like a curse
No. 1131936
File: 1649726507485.jpg (33.89 KB, 645x475, it wont hurt a bit.jpg)

Got my second covid shot today and I can feel the nanomachines installing themselves in my being already. Everything hurts. Why it has to be like that
No. 1132043
File: 1649738866087.jpeg (189.03 KB, 1242x276, 28000668-2041-4E5D-A461-CEDAEB…)

When you’re reading new posts in a cow’s thread and you see this at the bottom of your screen you know you’re in for something good
No. 1132092
It's about drive, it's about power
We stay hungry, we devour
Put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours (ahoo)
Black and Samoan in my veins
My culture bangin' with Strange
I change the game, so what's my motherfuckin' name (Rock)
(What they gonna get though?)
Desecration, defamation, if you wanna bring it to the masses
Face to face, now we escalatin', when I have to put boots to asses
Mean on ya, like a dream when I'm rumblin', you're gonna scream mama
So bring drama to the King Brahma (then what?)
Comin' at you with extreme mana
Scripted unironically eat this shit up
No. 1132128
File: 1649748397117.jpg (427.6 KB, 2048x1538, 20220412_092641.jpg)

i love being a terf and i love my terf nonis
No. 1132149
>>1131738LARP as a dominant woman, that might help to momentarily give you a confidence boost
>>1131737>the "did you lay this egg?" is a Japanese meme because it came from from a Clamp BL doujin.I know that it came from CLAMP, I meant that it became a meme in the western fandom and not in the Japanese one (now that I think about it, this could be wrong, though).
I also re-read the paragraph and it's not very clear, but it seems that I misinterpreted it. They might have meant that the Kakyoin egg meme is an older
western fandom joke, but it's still kinda ambiguous.
>>1131263Yeah but they're missing a lot of info about the western fandom. Instead, aside from basic information about the manga and anime, the article seems to focus entirely on much more recent Twitter discourse. They need more oldfags to write about the fandom's history. I wouldn't do it because I don't have sources
No. 1132166
File: 1649752752907.png (331.77 KB, 1000x873, squidbob canon.png)

are any of you so devoted to drawing a character that your artwork of them has become on model?
No. 1132170
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>>1132168i wish i had half the talent that these squidbob shippers do
No. 1132179
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Hm hm hm
No. 1132185
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>>1132170it’s honestly insane
No. 1132188
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>>1132185rpg skill points but it's for different kinds of autist art. i'm personally putting points into the self insert class.
No. 1132371
File: 1649774955806.jpg (45.81 KB, 793x205, 059483827365850.jpg)

I like it when anons start saying stuff like this, I think weird nitpicks are funny in moderation.
No. 1132416
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No. 1132422
File: 1649778072227.jpg (40 KB, 650x650, 1609565260291.jpg)

>texting the guy I'm seeing
>super nervous because I'm inexperienced and retarded
>hit send and literally screech out loud like a pterodactyl
where are you pacing nonny I need to share this with you
No. 1132457
File: 1649780055636.jpg (73.98 KB, 564x653, 1649020558629.jpg)

>>1132435Agreed, movie is meh but Bateman's body is just that good
No. 1132459
>>1131909I have this too
nonnie, not sure if you pluck them but stop if you do, it gave me ingrown nippel lashes all the time, I just trim them now
No. 1132486
My roommate used to work in a gym, actually 3 gyms all of the same owner. One of them was 10 minutes away from our flat. Every day she would work in a different one. But for months they kept placing her in only the gyms at the other end of the city, an hour away, and she asked if she could be put to work in the gym close by. But some supervisor in a far away gym wanted her to be in his team, so he said she could either work all the time on his team in that gym, or quit, and gave her a week to think about it. And a week later he even texted her "I wonder what you're going to decide". And a thinking emoticon. Moron. She said she went to a meeting with him and he was all smug and she said actually, I'm going to quit, I'm going to look for work in Ireland. And he was shocked. Moral of my boring story is: you can always leave an awful employer even if it seems like you have no choice, my friend was lucky that she had friends moving to ireland as well but you don'nt have to go to another country outright, but actually I just wanted to tell the story of my friend btfoing a moid
No. 1132562
File: 1649789069448.jpg (56.2 KB, 239x306, o rlly.jpg)

>>1132505Me I'd like some, one question though, are they organic?
No. 1132611
File: 1649791356191.jpeg (139.87 KB, 1024x984, EVorSiaXYAI_Vvo.jpeg)

I miss her…
No. 1132613
>>1132589I have low tits too because my tits are big and I know your feeling! I used to really hate wearing tank tops but now I don't care because boobs are boobs and regardless they're hot! Don't stress nona. Male propaganda has made you think your tits have to sit at your chin to be attractive but all boobs are amazing and should be cherished.
I used to want a boob reduction and lift because of it but now I've embraced my tatas as the gift they are and that they can feed babies and how amazing it is. Sounds cheesy but pls don't stress
nonnie. Wear your tank tops proudly! I bet they look hot on you!!
No. 1132615
File: 1649791524034.jpg (2.65 MB, 4608x2592, 20220412_115239.jpg)

I peeled a tomato and deliberately took a picture to show my fellow nonnies. Enjoy and appreciate bitches!
No. 1132616
File: 1649791557987.gif (2.24 MB, 640x360, giphy.gif)

>>1132597Yes, I have drank in the past but it was never this fun exciting social experience for me, plus I always end up getting so tired from it before I get really drunk. Also not to sound anachan but alcohol no matter sweet or not always converts into sugars inside the body and I don't want to think about consuming that much sugars in one ses of drinking heavily.
No. 1132646
>>1132628>>1132620I froze it and ran it under water nonnies, it's a thawed tomato
I like to eat them like this.
No. 1132651
>>1132597Well I can't drink because I get really sick from it, but ever since I started staying away from it years ago, I stopped seeing a point to it. I can have fun and socialize and enjoy a night out with my friends without alcohol. I can go to some place for dinner or a late night snack and still pour over their selection of interesting (non-alcoholic) drinks and spend time debating which one I'd like to try out. It makes me feel like a prude but when those around me are
insistent that they have to have alcohol, I can't help but think "can you not have fun/enjoy this time without alcohol?"
I went out with a friend and she got mad that the restaurant I picked didn't have an extensive alcohol menu and grumbled loudly as she had to settle for wine. I was with someone at a convention once and we were heading down to the game room and she said "wait, wait can we stop by (our friend)'s room so I can get a drink?" Can you not enjoy the games we're about to go play unless you've got a buzz going on or something? Another friend did dry January and then said "I couldn't wait to start drinking again!!" and I felt a bit disappointed as I hoped she might learn in that month's time that you can go out and enjoy your social life without an alcoholic drink in your hand.
I know some people like having a drink to wind down and stuff, but I don't really like drinking culture and the emphasis and glorification of it. There is no benefit to drinking alcohol in my eyes. Why can't having an alcoholic drink to wind down be substituted with other things?
No. 1132658
File: 1649793951567.png (94.19 KB, 399x658, Michael.png)

>>1132261Fuck, nonna, exactly! I hate the current fanfic crowd, it can get sooo annoying. It really makes me miss the past fanfic culture where nobody really got outraged about asinine things in fiction. Now it's mostly depressing - is ff really a relaxing hobby for these people? If so then why do they choose to act so rabid whenever they engage with it…
>>1131987Anon, sadly no way to read it anymore. I'll make sure to archive fics now, but I didn't expect this obvious shitpost to be targeted. Author purged the stories and deactivated one of her accounts. AO3 one is up, but it's empty - I think she made it just for that story. You can read one chapter on wattpad's preview if you google it but it doesn't have anything special in it, her chapters were very short and that one was pretty uneventful
It was a self-insert harem fic with every disney character possible used. Some more details:
>the entire fanfic was written in extreme reddit spacing, every line was its own paragraph>stacy author casually criticizes disney tropes, like she didn't just write what she wrote>she doesn't proofread, leaves all mistakes in>includes random monsterfucking themes in the middle of the story (Ariel introduction), makes commenters freak out>comments keep begging to include Elsa, author gets off on the power and teases Elsa's appearance for 4 updates>the fanfic reads like a school play with how stiff the characters interact. It didn't help she kept adding family guy type cutaways all the time>childishly horny scenes, edgy dialogue, edgy characters>one of them is prince charming who's a redditor bdsm tryhard who only follows MC around to watch others try to get with her and be an incel about it>author makes MC a himbo magnet>establishes new rules, only for them to be broken before she even mentioned them, they are never enforced >she'd foreshadow characters as a major threat or powerful entity only for them to fall for MC and act like a regular love interest>one of them was bishie Mickey mouse>author writes a live action casting list for all the characters, fame going to her head, she blacked out Mickey's actor like she was leaking a new smash bros roster>genderbent fairy godmother is a hardcore fujo shipper who has pairings for every character and only helps MC because she was fucking with his OTP>then he falls for her too>bishie Ursula is a shit starter, tags along to watch the infighting, comment on it and break the 4th wall while eating seaweed like popcorn>is the only character that didn't want to fuck MC, tinfoil - this is symbolism for the author milking the readers for laughsI hope she had fun writing that fic, she earned it
No. 1132681
File: 1649795446013.gif (6.32 MB, 320x391, Tomagofarmer.gif)

No. 1132689
File: 1649795789584.png (29.38 KB, 996x449, cache.png)

>>1132658If it isn't too long ago yet and you remember the FFs well enough to have them as actual search results on google, you could try getting them via cache. Upper picture is googling in my language, lower picture is googling in English, no idea why there's a difference.
No. 1132690
File: 1649795799384.jpeg (134.48 KB, 611x565, 1D4C57DF-C4C0-4CF8-A822-3049FB…)

>>1132597I only drink alcohol if it’s to match the food and be like “omg it really washes the taste off my mouth!” Otherwise it’s honestly boring, just another drink that just numbs my tastebuds when I’m eating. I guess something that helps me not crave alcohol is that I get easily drunk, I hate that feeling and knowing I could become an inconvenience to everyone.
If I want to poison my body I just drink coffee or tea, maybe just eat something sweet, chew some bubblegum. At least I won’t get drunk on those things unless I do eat/drink them too often and that just doesn’t happen.
No. 1132693
>>1132690wtf is with people who think tea is "poisoning" your body?
my ex would bitch and whine to me like tea is horrible for you and only meant to be had occasionally. where do you "tea is poison" people come from?
No. 1132699
File: 1649796438236.png (154 KB, 600x600, molecule.png)

>>1132693I'm starting to see more and more Americans quitting drinking coffee because it's a drug and "bad for you" (untrue if 4 cups a day wo sugar, actually has more properties than cons but ok), knowing that caffeine and theine is the exact same molecule, maybe that's why?
No. 1132761
File: 1649799610038.jpg (20.3 KB, 500x282, the piss reader.jpg)

My pee is dijon mustard colored with tuscan sun accents. I predict a bad month, nonnas
No. 1132762
File: 1649799844701.png (38.46 KB, 272x301, 2day.png)

>bpd meltdown
>just in time to visit family, oops
>cope by wearing lolita for the first time in 5 years because insane
>grandma's thrilled I'm wearing Easter dresses again
>calls her friends
>tea party and grandma's
>her friends are cool
>tea party turns into wine party turns into whiskey party
>getting tons of compliments on my Christmas dress
>partying with women who burned their bras for my rights
>set up grandma's Roku
>"fix" three of her friends' phones (just restarted and updated)
>visit your widowed grandmas and spinster aunts, everyone
never imagined this whole being an attention-demon thing would benefit anyone, especially not other people
No. 1132769
>>1132761Uhh you should probably see a doctor or if you can't afford at least test your piss with urine test strips incase you have jaundice/kidney issues/an infection
(I used to work in a renal clinic and seen/tested a lot of fucked up piss)
No. 1132774
File: 1649800450932.png (210.73 KB, 445x445, the piss reader.png)

>>1132765>>1132769>>1132770Do not interfere with gods’ will, the piss spoke, it’s over
No. 1132803
File: 1649802976186.jpeg (92.17 KB, 500x500, 1C3652DC-152B-49A3-8A3D-0D492E…)

Silvermist is absolutely in love with Tinkerbell.
No. 1132822
File: 1649804611126.jpg (41.76 KB, 640x480, celluloid-1616548_640.jpg)

I've tried analog photography but now I gotta get the film developed and while I knew it will have to happen I thought it wont bother me; but now that it's time I suddenly dread the idea that a stranger will be looking at the pics I took. And there's nothing weird there even, just basic pics from the places I travelled to, me, my bf and his family, things like that. It used to be so normal to do it in the 90s and 00s, idk why I'm so weird about this
No. 1133077
>>1133058Read that as "my intestines are
growing like crazy" at first
So your colon isn't lengthening, good good
No. 1133142
File: 1649843671105.jpg (61.45 KB, 640x480, PPG bluff.jpg)

These three managed to commit crimes pretending to be the Powerpuff Girls and did not get caught until the end of the episode. How were Townsville residents so retarded? Maybe that's where trannies should relocate so they stop being clocked.
No. 1133159
File: 1649845513059.jpeg (91.18 KB, 600x533, 95EB0BA1-B595-4317-94FF-F4178E…)

>>1133055Constantly. Sometimes I picture myself throwing things too, especially things like my phone or laptop if they’re giving me grief. I feel like picrel half the time kek
No. 1133211
File: 1649850880359.gif (517.05 KB, 400x300, axolotl-keyboard.gif)

thinking about fishermen getting their dicks snipped by lobsters.
always remember: it's not schadenfreude if the person in pain is a moid
No. 1133290
File: 1649859130674.jpeg (18.21 KB, 589x96, 718160DB-3E73-4A79-9424-063849…)

New email for the nonnie that collects them.
No. 1133353
File: 1649864269729.png (205.9 KB, 531x279, Becca-Swanson.png)

Just carried a 20kg bag of dog food
No. 1133485
File: 1649872317372.jpeg (15.2 KB, 204x512, freshpig.jpeg)

Strawberry flavoured peppa pig toothpaste.. started using it lately (dont ask) and it's legit the best toothpaste.
No. 1133731
File: 1649883502247.jpg (12.7 KB, 236x257, 4e9cdf95105dc6328549c8c83e45e2…)

>be me
>be poor
>cba to buy conditioner
>wash hair twice a week and condition with olive oil/water solution
This is a pretty ingenious idea isn't it?
No. 1133776
File: 1649886003555.png (160.36 KB, 450x443, 789457A7-4C59-4550-BBC5-458882…)

Yesss keep adding those patreon-exclusive videos in your public playlists kind strangers!!!!
No. 1133909
>>113373130 mins before a shower dampen your hair and then run olive oil through it and comb it through. Put hair up let sit. Rinse out with shampoo in shower. Focusing on scrubbing mostly your scalp with your finger pads.
You can also reuse coffee grounds and make coffee rinses if you’re not a blonde.
No. 1133915
File: 1649894653093.jpg (20.45 KB, 480x360, download (24).jpg)

>makes my third fallout2 character
Let's try again…
Yet to finish on Fallout1, realize it'll be a grind to not immediately die from super mutants but I don't think recreating a character is necessary.
Also fuck helping that weird family in New Reno that nobody likes whose son's overdose you have to investigate (though that quest is fun), they are so boring and ugly.
No. 1133931
File: 1649895492437.png (529.6 KB, 1169x906, 91W076R.png)

you ever take a nap and end up feeling more tired
you ever just
No. 1133938
File: 1649896081430.gif (1.95 MB, 475x356, tumblr_nn2p65Lqqm1slwatso1_500…)

Today the weather is perfect, there's a light breeze and I have plans to go rollarskating by the beach while the sun sets. Often life is cruel, but today is not. I truly hope all of you get to experience a perfect day this week.
No. 1133946
>>1133929former emo kid
and current emo adult, whenever we talk about it my mom claims she thought it was cute kek. she could be making fun of me when i'm not around to see it, but she was a grunge/punk kid back in the day so part of me thinks she was genuinely excited that i ended up being into an alternative music/fashion scene of my own
No. 1133976
File: 1649899251873.jpeg (418.96 KB, 828x999, B70DD9E9-9D96-469D-8C57-260339…)

Reading the Allthefallen thread on kf a few days back and I can’t stop being angry over this one retard who said there were equal amounts of female and male pedos, and that actually “women were way more likely to be pedos” but just hid it better, all the while reading posts from a pedo forum full of male posters kys kys kys kys kys kys kys
No. 1133977
File: 1649899286244.jpg (59.42 KB, 827x821, EQOPtmhXsAAjunk.jpg)

>>1133969>she doesn't knowHehe
look here >>595360 >>595399 her posts even got a gold star lol No. 1134010
>>1133976Their source is the old "Just trust me bro, there are totes more female pedos, male
victims are just like scared of coming out because no one will believe them" all the while the same posters will say women make up their attack/harassment claims. They're happy to attribute their degenerateness to us, but not their humanity or potential for greatness. They're all about the statistics until the statistics say they are violent retards responsible for most crimes.
No. 1134069
File: 1649909386232.gif (3.28 MB, 498x498, 7F6F692F-9849-4A11-8DF7-B628CE…)

I want to share something from my childhood. This boy made up the dumbest ever parody to that underground railroad song from social studies and it's still my earworm
>the underground taco, the underground taco, everybody take a bite
>so come on children, we're bound to eat it
>we'll make it by the help of the cheese
The fact of how bad it was and that he had no malicious intent, just a product of pure childish silliness, to this day it still gets stuck in my head. He made up other songs also
No. 1134115
File: 1649912149747.jpeg (36.2 KB, 479x568, 9280F20D-75B8-4E32-B59A-8C76F3…)

>be me
>listening to my discovery weekly playlist
>super groovy song comes on
>jam out
>decide to open phone to add it to main playlist
>it’s fucking Weezer
No. 1134138
>>1134115I used to use the discovery playlists but somewhere in my mind I became suspicious it really
is a psyop so I can only tread carefully. I mean, really though how do I know they aren't promoting some of those artists for $$ or otherwise? So much is from bands I never hear of
No. 1134188
File: 1649917948866.png (237.33 KB, 766x1152, 1.png)

No. 1134211
File: 1649918761777.jpeg (53.18 KB, 500x385, 1636258837340.jpeg)

>be chronic daydreamer
>make up elaborate fantasy scenario about having a girlfriend
>love and cherish her
>my internal fears take over
>she leaves me for a moid
>now I'm crying real tears
why am I like this?
No. 1134279
File: 1649924817462.jpg (161.17 KB, 1200x871, DonrFKxUcAYSg8t.jpg)

>>1134276Damn those blasted callouts!
No. 1134288
File: 1649925317031.jpeg (45.47 KB, 702x702, B2C677F9-DFB8-4EF3-8412-071266…)

Sometimes I like to randomly stop for a sec and think about the chaos that would happen if microcelebs/cosplayers tweeted out ywnbaw one by one and it makes me smile.
No. 1134315
File: 1649927537532.png (508.47 KB, 675x810, unknown.png)

rip to the nonnie who admitted she had a crush on him some months ago
No. 1134332
File: 1649928273747.png (292.56 KB, 350x393, unknown.png)

I want Elsie to canonically be 1m90/6ft+
No. 1134387
File: 1649931391332.png (214.51 KB, 636x671, Screenshot 2022-04-14 121513.p…)

um wtf
No. 1134418
File: 1649935616005.png (1.33 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20220414-082422.png)

The final moments of Club Penguin Rewritten are happening now, as three brave souls stay holed up in the mines, waiting for the end. They've been in there since before the announcement, other users dropped off one by one. These last three users have been leaving their computers on, holding off the inevitable. One of them is streaming it, but they're just sitting there in silence, probably asleep. God bless them.
No. 1134468
File: 1649941708842.jpg (32.42 KB, 397x612, ihatemen.jpg)

>>1134442To have a healthy BMI at 5'8" the weight range is 55.4kg to 74.8kg. I'm also 5'8 but I have a big ribcage and look shapeless when I gain weight, so I personally find I look best at the lower end, but lower than that I just look unhealthy. If you have a curvier body type higher weights can look better. Men have higher metabolisms, don't store fat in the same way as women, and have higher testosterone, meaning its waaaaaay easier for them to lose fat and build muscle. For a MAN to have no muscle they have to be lazy as fuck. I can already tell that those scrotes that weigh less than you probably have the twink-phenotype. No muscle tone, scrawny, lanky, and tall. Just wait for their metabolism to slow down.
No. 1134472
>>1134442Bitch that has to do with your actual proportions and overall looks, are you underaged? I'm sorry to be a bitch but who fucking cares if a scrote weighs less, they have less of fucking organs than you, less need for fat than you. Not that you should be a fattie but at the same time, jesus christ
No. 1134492
>>1134472Kek sorry I swear I’m not underaged, just have body dysmorphia I guess. Growing up my friends were all way smaller than me so I’ve
internalized being huge.
>>1134468>>1134485Thanks nonnies. I’m around 68 kg so I guess I’m in the middle on the higher end. I know that I fall in healthy range but whenever I see pictures of myself I always think I look huge. I guess part of it is body dysmorphia but I could also stand to exercise more. Thanks for answering! I know it reeks of insecurity but I just had to know lol.
No. 1134569
File: 1649948480850.jpg (20.32 KB, 276x272, piggy.JPG)

Finally made the appointment I have been avoiding to make but while I finally made the phone call I had a complete blackout and had a hard time explaining the lady on the phone why I'm even calling. She prob forgot about this already but jesus this was embarrassing.
No. 1134714
File: 1649955708119.jpg (144.97 KB, 800x571, 6a010535647bf3970b01b8d21836fa…)

I want a baby tapir so bad it's not even funny anymore. Why haven't we domesticated them.
No. 1134720
File: 1649955926331.png (947.45 KB, 751x490, warthog.PNG)

>>1134714Samefag, baby warthogs too
No. 1134721
File: 1649955941020.gif (996.22 KB, 624x438, confused-thinking.gif)

My period, which usually comes either several days earlier or days later than when it's supposed to, came just in time today. So weirded out by this. Like what did I do right this time I didn't do before
No. 1134723
File: 1649956196047.jpg (148.82 KB, 1023x681, 16633062037_a604fb861f_b.jpg)

>>1134714I think I remember reading tapirs can be dangerous and attacked people in the jungles in Asia. Sorry nona best just to see them in zoos No. 1134734
>>1134723nta but I didn't know they could be dangerous, kek, I remember when I first read about tapirs as a kid and thought they were the cutest animals in the world.
Also, that tapir pic is brilliant, it's like me when I'm supposed to be smiling on pictures
No. 1134746
File: 1649956865592.jpg (54.36 KB, 625x781, silly little guy.jpg)

>>1134723Baby tapirs wouldn't even think of hurting me, nice try though.
No. 1134755
File: 1649957375592.jpg (3.67 MB, 2048x2048, RDT_20220414_19291458106634692…)

that "I hate the antichrist" meme but the UN guys are makeup companies and influencers trying to sell me foundation and I'm in the corner going I HATE COMPLEXION PRODUCTS
No. 1134766
File: 1649957777441.jpg (64.92 KB, 720x960, kaya_1604237139896.jpg)

>>1134723Kek tapir pics are like a goldmine of potential memes. Look at this silly face
No. 1134778
File: 1649958136076.jpg (337.94 KB, 1600x1066, tapppirsssw.jpg)

>>1134776I decided that tapirs are the missing links between borzois and anteaters
No. 1134788
File: 1649958548291.jpg (33.7 KB, 412x325, TSG-FB-Page-4000-LIKES-3-1.jpg)

>>1134782hehe I don't care
No. 1134792
File: 1649958694638.jpg (176.04 KB, 1600x1137, riding-zebras-photographs (7).…)

>>1134769European colonialists did attempt to domesticate zebras and even used some as cart horses in European cities.
No. 1134866
File: 1649961515178.gif (2.62 MB, 498x280, rubbing-hands-excited.gif)

Keep spreading the tapir agenda
No. 1134947
File: 1649963563539.gif (187.83 KB, 400x237, yeahhhhh.gif)

>>1134931dis-tinguished? more like dis-gusting!
No. 1134953
File: 1649963757328.png (108.84 KB, 2000x1548, BRUH.png)

Any lolcow Club Penguin nonnies in the certain CPR discord where someone linked a way to access the game? I have the link, it seems safe… it leads to a login screen but I am too wary to enter my login information. Anyone else at least curious?
No. 1135017
File: 1649965457815.jpg (2.93 MB, 3464x2948, Picsart_22-04-14_21-39-54-849.…)

>>1134755samefag here this is what I meant
No. 1135025
File: 1649965717148.jpg (62.48 KB, 500x335, 5091660.jpg)

I think I killed a group chat I'm in when I responded to my friend complaining about his cat bothering him when he's doing taxes with "you should let her, I heard she's great at meowthematics" because no one has responded since
No. 1135069
File: 1649967656780.jpg (31.68 KB, 496x500, image-670073b.jpg)

I hate being completely inexperienced at 21, how do I get this guy to understand i want to have sex without being forward in any way or telling him (because idfk how) and acting in a way that comes accross as guarded and distant and the exact opposite of how I want to come accross
No. 1135072
File: 1649967797082.jpeg (323.31 KB, 828x530, 06AB8A69-0827-4736-9C31-BD8AAA…)

>>1134745You reminded me I drew him as a Flavia bean themed cat girl ten years ago and I am cringe
No. 1135172
File: 1649970468235.jpg (9.27 KB, 201x144, tumblr_d73311f128397389c2c267e…)

need to make out with someone so bad but i'm so averse to physical contact that just brushing hands with someone freaks me out. fml.
No. 1135216
File: 1649971725363.gif (57.83 KB, 200x200, kisses-for-you-glitter.gif)

nonnie I can makeout with you virtually through the screen
No. 1135410
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No. 1135416
>>1135410KEKK MY SIDES
No. 1135757
File: 1650011252437.jpeg (21.93 KB, 788x436, 1647511364842.jpeg)

of course discord starts flagging my messages as spam and then locks me out asking for my phone number.
No. 1135834
>>1135831>>1135832Just the thought of doing that gives me a heart attack.
I can't even look at a photo of a spider without being scared. When I see one in my apartment, I go cry under the blankets in my bed.
I know I'm dumb.
My friend is coming over soon and will deal with it. Thank god I'm babysitting her kid today.
No. 1135849
>>1135842In my paranoid mind catch and release is a bad idea cause the spider will come back to kill me or something. I always ask people to flush it down the toilet twice. I often believe that they pretended to kill it cause they're somehow in the same team as the spider.
I know this is all impossible and very dumb, but in my mind it is real when it's happening.
No. 1135877
File: 1650023198251.jpg (43.45 KB, 500x355, 11987009.jpg)

>>1135874I'm physically disabled and not able to get up on chairs and angle glasses and all that messing. My broom serves me well and I even sweep them up with it afterwards.
No. 1135881
File: 1650024021248.jpg (308.17 KB, 1112x2048, Cv2zSvwWEAAan-q.jpg)

I don't believe in "resting bitch face" since that was just made up to trash on women who don't put on a fake smile constantly, but I think some people just LOOK mean/unfriendly. And it's not about being ugly, I'm talking about some random guy who constantly has the expression like he just smelled shit, or a young girl who talks normally, dresses normally, but for some reason has really bitter expressions.
No. 1135910
File: 1650026226640.jpg (29.78 KB, 720x897, 0ede432465f8802fb67fa1bc7c388e…)

>>1135898My usual response is "I had a miscarriage yesterday" so they will feel awful and think twice about getting into anyones business. It's extra effective because people adore fetuses more than they care about any random woman.
No. 1135914
>>1135898If it's a total stranger doing it I'm prepared to make up some horrible shit that just happend to me that day.
>>1135910 snap, same here. My mom is dead ten years now but I'll pretend it happened today when someone does this.
No. 1136046
>>1136030>they (the men) are being 'used like fashion accessories'They think too high of themselves tbh, imagine thinking having a gay man pet is any useful when they’re so catty and full of annoying complexes that they never want to fix for themselves, also since they always act like a Hollywood stereotypical character and not like a real person.
Gay men are just going full pickme, they want the attention of other men because they want males to fuck them, not friendships.
No. 1136059
File: 1650033889628.jpg (193.88 KB, 850x734, goblin fucker.jpg)

No. 1136074
File: 1650034685821.png (232.38 KB, 262x407, Phuccup.png)

>>1136073This fat to you?
No. 1136086
File: 1650035412460.png (19.83 KB, 435x168, Screenshot from 2022-04-15 11-…)

The fucking contrast of checking out the blog posted in the OP of the ebegging thread and finding this post, and then going on youtube and being recommended and watching a tribute video to Josh Neuman where it shows clips of him saying to push yourself out of your comfort zone and grow as a person.
No. 1136204
File: 1650039673303.jpg (32.03 KB, 520x408, poodle.jpg)

my boyfriend's mom raises show poodles and honestly, I wish I was her
I never had any interest in poodles, it's just that she knows exactly who she is and she's fulfilled in life, and like, damn, how many people go to bed sleeping soundly because they're fully self-actualized; I'm jealous
she raises one poodle at a time, there's a room in her house where the walls have a portrait of each poodle framed with their awards and certificates, the rescue poodles tend to have less trophies and be fatter, but all of them look happy in their photos
Her life has purpose, and her dogs lives' have purpose, just, I don't know, I am in awe of this woman
No. 1136240
File: 1650040951676.gif (901.83 KB, 498x498, octo.gif)

Nonnas, I am thinking of unapologeticaly putting my fandoms profile picture and start being an open fangirl. (picunrelated) But I am afraid people from IRL, including added partner's family members would be confused onto why all of the sudden I have a profile picture of a man from a tv show.
No. 1136307
File: 1650045220432.jpg (25.9 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-962776596-612x612.…)

>>1136279>>1136274I wish I could, but I would rather use my money to buy things I don't need. Like this,
>>1136286Yes. Hand over monkee pls.
No. 1136312
File: 1650045448012.jpg (112.95 KB, 1280x720, the-walking-dead-bald-shane1.j…)

I want to beat this retard with a crowbar. Don't know why people like him and I don't know why I'm surprised that he seems to be a fan favorite. He's been a piece of shit since the first scene.
No. 1136335
Ayo so many famous people come to my city. I just walked past Maisie Williams and her boyfriend.
>>1136312Let me tell you something
rubs head punches man.
No. 1136426
File: 1650051589528.jpg (33.84 KB, 736x527, C2H2agwUQAQT6b2.jpg)

>>1136405After all the overtime he put in at work?
No. 1136446
File: 1650052513370.jpeg (143.63 KB, 900x1200, FHTEtN0aIAAeDDH.jpeg)

Takaya Kuroda's (known as Kazuma Kiryu's voice actor among many others) twitter shoops are sending me
No. 1136521
File: 1650056752115.jpeg (38.83 KB, 480x360, BB757E30-E10F-4F76-AF5A-A496D6…)

>>1136426Can you really blame the man for wanting some downtime and donuts? Especially with that nagging shrew of a husband always giving him crap and an annoying clam baby who never stops crying? He’s doing his best he can with his limited intelligence and seasonal depression. Besides, Spongebob isn’t exactly in the best shape of his life anymore either. If he can have some periods of non-himbodom in between himbo periods, then why can’t Patrick?
No. 1136534
File: 1650058016841.jpeg (Spoiler Image,9.48 KB, 221x228, download (1).jpeg)

>>1136521What a hill to die on. You obviously are sleeping on the true himbo. Gary is obviously the correct choice. Spongebob and Patrick are too vindictive and rude to be true himbos. Both are swingers too! They can't stay faithful! Spongbob is always lusting after Squidward while Patrick makes goo goo eyes at King Trident's daughter (how old is she again?). How distasteful. Side note: I only spoilered this beautiful himbo because too many nonnies would get the vapors for him and faint.
No. 1136546
File: 1650058467810.png (369.96 KB, 478x356, Capture-2.png)

>>1136534I would agree with you were it not for the fact that Gary by definition cannot be a himbo because he's too smart. He's well read and loves poetry
No. 1136551
File: 1650058860846.jpg (357.4 KB, 1600x1200, i may have made mistakes.jpg)

Hypothetically, how many pancakes (think crêpes, but not quite) would one have to have eaten to have you think That's Too Much, Fatass?
No. 1136564
File: 1650059448174.jpg (32.16 KB, 474x474, lobster.jpg)

>>1136557is it not obvious?
No. 1136569
File: 1650059780652.jpeg (144.74 KB, 1242x648, 080F1706-64EB-4069-BAA7-58F442…)

>>1136551Depends, did you eat anything else throughout the day? Maybe 4 pancakes is “That’s Too Much, Fatass” if I’ve had breakfast and lunch, considering the pancakes a snack. If it’s a full meal, 6 would be “That’s Too Much, Fatass” if they don’t have protein powder and you’re eating them with just some spread/syrup.
Now I want to have a “That’s Too Much, Fatass” tower of pancakes.
No. 1136573
File: 1650060033114.png (1.33 MB, 1280x960, 4FDA2430-18E5-47A2-8E4D-9B3A9A…)

I didn’t notice, I’m retarded, I thought it was warm water during a quest, not that it was some alcoholic drink. These ghetto bitches drinking straight up agua ardiente and trying to pretend they’re fancy schmansy.
No. 1136785
File: 1650081343325.gif (37.74 KB, 112x112, 6DED685D-30FE-4000-A31C-335B85…)

No. 1136796
File: 1650083771777.jpeg (5.51 KB, 299x168, images.jpeg)

>>1136785In Ronnie Kray's voice: You wanna laugh behind my back? I’m gonna make you laugh forever!
No. 1136959
File: 1650106312652.jpg (304.67 KB, 1000x667, question.jpg)

So are we going to talk about how none of you nonnies have taken the opportunity to become rich by making a cute cow/Elsie Vtuber model and making qt videos on da tubes dot com? Would that be too cringe? I'd silently support.
No. 1136964
File: 1650106630765.jpeg (61.63 KB, 660x710, aahgng.jpeg)

>>1136962I'm s ooo sorrjhmyh
No. 1136985
File: 1650110162469.jpg (55.26 KB, 800x450, pokemon-masters-ex-meme.jpg)

Lures in pokemon go.. they last 90 mins now but hardly anything appears compared to before? Like I might be a loser playing a mobile game but time is money…stop wasting mine. Just throw em at me in 30.
No. 1137028
File: 1650113405481.jpeg (63.93 KB, 278x400, 0A41EF13-04E8-4E79-A85B-530BDE…)

Drawing is my hobby from a young age. I'm not very good at it despite enjoying it for years and I don't mind. I just have fun! I wonder if I can try learning from a book like this even if it's "cringe" ? Idk, I've seen many jokes about this kind of book before but that only makes me more intrigued. I love shoujo manga art style so I want to draw pretty hot anime guys and cute girls
(ESL, sorry)
No. 1137082
File: 1650118995991.jpeg (426.25 KB, 1242x1550, A08E66CC-7A77-475D-9E65-822232…)

We can be vampires and kill moids.
No. 1137104
File: 1650120397491.jpg (30.78 KB, 1000x562, I like my moids two ways.jpg)

>>1137082love me a vampire appreciating nonna
No. 1137109
File: 1650121766165.jpg (89.77 KB, 507x648, Tumblr_l_86318647810294.jpg)

I'm wondering if we have enough trekkie nonas to create a Star Trek general on /m/.
No. 1137114
>>1137110Did you listen to his album,
No. 1137119
File: 1650122334266.jpg (75.58 KB, 219x210, Tumblr_l_38328614704856.jpg)

using the shinigami eyes extension to find terfy blogs to follow
No. 1137121
File: 1650122651813.jpg (48.25 KB, 640x479, d55c11f6e064b816d2778e2a542d3b…)

>>1137109I love ST but I haven't watched anything after Enterprise, though. I recently rewatched all of TOS and I am rewatching TNG, but the rest I don't remember so well since it's been a while lol
No. 1137235
File: 1650129112813.png (311.71 KB, 1008x621, Screenshot 2022-04-10 231503.p…)

I want to build a reaction img folder from only photos of my dear XQC.
No. 1137257
File: 1650130818731.jpg (15.45 KB, 400x400, tumblr_pjy15gjpFD1ssakl1_400.j…)

>>1137235Based, I do the same with characters/people I like. I can help you.
No. 1137266
File: 1650131719097.gif (3.6 MB, 428x320, xqc-kiss.gif)

>>1137257Thank you Nonna! Saved into my smol folder. Mmmuah!
No. 1137270
File: 1650132180927.gif (2.76 MB, 499x378, xqc heartattack.gif)

>>1137266I am positive you have this one but just in case
>has a fucking heart-attack from his cuteness No. 1137272
File: 1650132210785.jpg (12 KB, 332x212, EU67pcxUUAE_l7G.jpg)

>>1137266Nonnie make sure to save some of sad VR xqcs too, they're so cute
No. 1137276
>>1137235“what is ‘COPIUM’ ?”
god i loved that episode
No. 1137299
nonnie, putting them to real use
No. 1137322
File: 1650135571628.gif (899 KB, 112x112, Tumblr_l_67555596888968.gif)

>>1137235I've been stocking them up lately too, he's so cute
No. 1137331
File: 1650135913985.gif (138.22 KB, 220x154, SLAM.gif)

>>1137322>>1137272>>1137270Ilu nonas. I am glad you get it. I want him to slam me like his table.
No. 1137344
File: 1650136339161.gif (325.79 KB, 220x164, Overwatch enjoyer.gif)

>>1137339Ye I wish. He is exactly my type. Insane weirdo with a heart of gold.
No. 1137363
File: 1650137161901.gif (1008.04 KB, 220x166, 1508340777956491264.gif)

>>1137235Allow me to share a few.
I love him so much
No. 1137368
File: 1650137393552.gif (11.06 MB, 350x270, 1508207352654270476.gif)

I want to kiss him
No. 1137369
File: 1650137541256.gif (139.07 KB, 220x164, Cummies.gif)

>>1137363Pls do. Thank you for contributing to my folder.
>>1137368Me too.
No. 1137374
File: 1650137619191.gif (924.93 KB, 112x112, 1508207281254584328.gif)

Here's one more for now
Till we cross paths again
No. 1137379
File: 1650137842356.gif (5.31 MB, 480x270, 1502919261190193156.gif)

Ok one more because everyone needs a slow clap
No. 1137388
File: 1650138090021.gif (284.53 KB, 220x164, HHAHAHAHAAH.gif)

>>1137383aahahhaahahahahahah i love it.
No. 1137391
File: 1650138266944.jpg (101.16 KB, 750x752, 20220416_142739.jpg)

Why can't I have him
No. 1137394
File: 1650138368857.jpg (44.65 KB, 450x449, 1537392241704.jpg)

Get this nasty boy outta here
No. 1137395
File: 1650138406683.jpg (42.89 KB, 944x944, 20220416_141555.jpg)

No. 1137400
File: 1650138581407.jpeg (49.94 KB, 480x482, 1649130223417.jpeg)

I saved a lot of those images of our cute boy xqc, can't wait for us to all see an influx of xqc reaction images across all boards
No. 1137401
>>1137235>>1137257Is one of you the
nonnie that was thirsting in the Twitch thread?
It's sad- he was only single for one week earlier this year. I knew the breakup wouldn't last
No. 1137406
>>1137401Idk maybe. I sperg about him now and then, here and there.
I don't have anything against Adept (don't know shit about her, for all I know she is alright) but I just realised she looks like Momo kun lmao. Eh X seems happy with her so good for him. Still… Wish it was meeee.
No. 1137410
File: 1650138959009.jpg (97.37 KB, 851x1135, Tumblr_l_72799763660613.jpg)

>>1137394hm sweaty he's a woman???
No. 1137419
>>1137406It's for the best that he has a girlfriend to keep him in check. It is a shame that one of us isn't his girlfriend though. I've had dreams about hanging out with him, gaming, cuddling… no fair.
No. 1137420
File: 1650139276996.jpg (13.31 KB, 236x314, die.jpg)

>>1137410Samefag, picrel.
No. 1137424
File: 1650139395299.jpg (30.37 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

>>1137422REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it's not his fault, it was adept, she dressed him up for some stupid twitch thing. I wish xqc would stop talking to other twitch streamers, they are poisoning him!
No. 1137428
File: 1650139725172.jpg (8.43 KB, 328x280, angry mom.jpg)

>>1137410Take off your sisters clothes and go clean your room george
No. 1137440
File: 1650140526756.jpg (4.25 KB, 284x177, images (1).jpg)

stop posting this retarded ass moid or I'm gonna beat him to death
No. 1137442
File: 1650140792358.gif (959.52 KB, 410x308, Heart jk FUCK YOU.gif)

>>1137439This is why I joined the discord but idk how to integrate there, as ppl seem to know each other already lol.
>>1137440Joke's on you, I think that's hot.
No. 1137465
File: 1650142354761.gif (10.54 MB, 606x270, 1513771298379423750.gif)

>>1137383Sorry but I feel like he would be the one breaking you're pelvis. Imagine the ENERGY he would bring while having sex
No. 1137512
>>1137504You just made me realise I've got exactly this. I wanted a purely casual sex relationship, but now we go walks and hold hands, don't see other people, cook together, support each other when needed, sit and hug and make out without escalation. All the benefits of a bf with the knowledge we'll end things before the year is out and no more emotional commitment than a pleasant friend. I honestly want this and change to a new partner each year. I think this is what my romantic life should be.
I believe you can find this nona, I really do.
No. 1137536
>>1137532Yes and it was frightening. So glad to be back with you,
No. 1137544
File: 1650151295802.jpg (6.27 KB, 213x236, scream-cat.jpg)

That was so scary nonnies, never leave me
No. 1137555
File: 1650152141134.gif (1005.7 KB, 362x270, 1464222127515594753.gif)

Welcome back nonnies
No. 1137565
File: 1650152898993.jpg (28.79 KB, 450x358, a4119545d78aba16655d0f3f2a334a…)

>>1137555Tired of seeing this ugly faggot
No. 1137572
File: 1650153032753.png (162.05 KB, 434x360, noears.png)

Frog is zoomer containment
No. 1137575
File: 1650153062869.png (129.35 KB, 357x253, nons.png)

I thought we were going to get another bunker week.
No. 1137576
File: 1650153130546.jpg (72.9 KB, 1280x720, download (30).jpg)

>>1137565Cringe. he is cute, his name is Felix
No. 1137586
File: 1650154275401.jpeg (98.17 KB, 960x762, 33286472-9724-460C-B32C-680729…)

can anyone save me from myself or do i have to be the one to do it
No. 1137609
File: 1650156436565.jpg (90 KB, 1080x1323, 20220416_171941.jpg)

>>1137576Rude he is handsome!!
Anyone ill be done for now, hoping you got a few new ones to save to your reaction folder, fellow X-anon!
No. 1137815
File: 1650173895450.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.75 KB, 1024x786, 1649043326690.jpg)

I usually hate these types of memes but I find this one amusing
Spoiler because ugly ass wojack
No. 1137842
File: 1650178053808.jpg (94.06 KB, 750x721, IMG-20201106-WA0024.jpg)

Yes, pretty long too, my longest so far has been 4cm long. I think is because of my moroccan oil shampoo.
No. 1137943
File: 1650188604549.png (564.05 KB, 480x960, yumejofujosolidarity.png)

Who else refreshing 5 different imageboards every two minutes while procrastinating on her laundry at 4 AM?
No. 1137944
File: 1650188849902.png (253.6 KB, 547x492, moehobo.png)

>>1137943I've been camping out on lc for like 4 days now and I don't know how to stop
No. 1137966
File: 1650191403993.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.27 KB, 296x354, whatthefuck.JPG)

Hey friends, I was browsing hot yaois on the hot yaoi website today and came across this gem. Should I read it?
No. 1137972
Just found this. Eating an avocado a day is linked to skin elasticity/firmness in women. stacies stay winning
No. 1137974
File: 1650191979284.jpg (282.47 KB, 1024x1024, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg)

No. 1137979
File: 1650192394070.png (1.08 MB, 1100x739, bugs bunny valkyrie.png)

Ehm, how do you do fellow women?
No. 1138005
File: 1650194166626.gif (1.19 MB, 220x220, 1610327994257.gif)

Everyday I'm glad I'm an ex-muslim.
No. 1138032
File: 1650197670925.gif (1.64 MB, 363x360, tumblr_5b6277e6669034247ad614b…)

fuck it.
No. 1138047
File: 1650199766501.jpg (56.2 KB, 627x319, trust.jpg)

>>1138029Cheers. I hope you're not forced to fast for ramadan this shitty month.
>>1138035Thanks, I love you anon!
No. 1138048
File: 1650200129762.jpeg (55.84 KB, 400x398, 722C1375-6E24-4D3B-A85C-6D7AEA…)

No. 1138061
File: 1650201603347.png (1.16 MB, 1169x1012, happy easter.png)

>>1138048happy easter
nonnie ♥
No. 1138062
File: 1650202086994.gif (501.43 KB, 500x363, 16542209875.gif)

>>1137943>>1137944>not having 50 lc tabs open 24/7 until the computer crashesstep it up
No. 1138074
>>1138062>50 lc tabsNah. I have 1500+ tabs on Firefox though. But of course they're not all loaded.
Yes, I do I need help.
No. 1138083
File: 1650206203608.jpg (33.42 KB, 600x808, 111310_alien_abduction_lamp_1.…)

sometimes i wish i was from the us cause of all the dumbass sshit you guys can buy
No. 1138134
>>1130557my daddys got a gun my daddys got a gun my daddys got a gun you better run my dadys got a gun my daddys got a gun my daddys got a
giggles No. 1138142
File: 1650212391142.gif (1.58 MB, 498x490, download (27).gif)

I hate holidays I don't like celebrating anything I don't like the pressure of having to find who to celebrate with, I don't like the pressure of having to act happy and talk to people when really I rather be alone for the rest of my life. Holidays are too loud and I don't find excitement in them anymore. I wouldn't even know it's Easter today if I had the pleasure of living by myself.
No. 1138147
File: 1650213973907.png (614.21 KB, 996x541, hold up.PNG)

Why nobody aint tell me about this?
No. 1138182
>>1138176I don't believe that, James is getting a BBL to appeal to chasers aka "Straight" men that he has a fetish for. I would'nt be surpised if he's gearing up for his Non-Binary and then MTF final form.
Janice Charles coming to female toliets near you.
No. 1138281
File: 1650223016538.jpeg (352.11 KB, 696x464, 6B5764FF-4169-4B79-8512-A6F540…)

Seeing all the creative ways men style their hair to hide their big foreheads/receding hairlines always gives me a hearty kek
No. 1138333
File: 1650227270357.jpeg (456.43 KB, 1169x1799, E6B7AD39-E7F4-4539-9DB1-364191…)

No. 1138334
File: 1650227402501.jpg (191.43 KB, 780x870, bikini bottom mobster au.jpg)

so anons what's their story?
No. 1138359
>>1138333Y'know I've been diagnosed with avpd for yeears and I've never really read up on it. I had agoraphobia and then they added on the avpd diagnosis without telling me. I found it in my medical files when I needed to present them for something.
I'm sitting here with no friends, no hobbies, I cut off my existing family members (pretty much my dad) because I have convinced myself he doesn't love me. Every now and then I'll somehow stumble into a relatiosnhip with a scrote but that's it. Ghosttown here, maladaptive daydreaming is a hell of a drug though.
No. 1138371
>>1138334So, my idea of their story is that Mr.Krabs wanted some money desperately, why? This time it wasn’t just because of his never ending greed, it was because pearly had lots of issues at school, she started becoming more and more rebellious because her dad was a huge cheapskate, so instead of sharing his fortune, he just started getting more money.
Someone knew of his desperate need for money, and sent him a letter with all that he needed to do in order to become rich, it was all made in a very unassuming manner, with doodles made with crayons on a piece of dirty napkin of the krusty krab.
He didn’t know the amazing creator of this master plan, but he knew he needed to do this or Pearly would do something reckless.
And this is how he became the biggest mobster of the seven seas, with the help of SpongeBob and Squidward, who found himself becoming SpongeBob’s sweetheart, Squidwardie, in order to hide his identity as the best poker player in the seven seas, now he struggles to fight against what his heart desires, for he doesn’t know if he’s actually in love with SpongeBob or if he’s just really good at acting, even while they make love, he wonders and ponders as they orgasm in unison, both minds joining as their bodies do, all they care about is the love that fills both of them, surrounded by all the cash money and weapons that they collect.
Plankton and Ms.Puffs are both gangsters, they have their own separate gangs, being Ms.Puffs’ the gang she formed while in jail and Plankton’s just himself because his wife Karen left him, taking his money because she was sick of his homoerotic relationship with Mr.Krabs.
And I bet you’re still wondering about who was the creator of this whole new world, better than whatever Ariel wanted to explore, well, that was Patrick, the mastermind who is capable of destroying any corporation that tries to go against him, the actual only royal of the star family, he always knew what to do, he waited for the right time, he knew how to cheer up SpongeBob when Sandy ran away to the surface after the sea got too dangerous, how to convince Squidward in changing his identity, and how to keep Gary busy with new books so he couldn’t advice SpongeBob into dropping the gangster life, now making Gary find himself in a huge depression because he failed his best friend.
No. 1138429
File: 1650232537043.jpg (67.03 KB, 474x474, f4f7b2195203e711cb039caaff4c97…)

>>1138342Calm down
nonnie as a black girl who's been alt all my life I never really had a problem with black people of my generation. It's the older ones who called me an Oreo when I was younger and side eye me now, but beyond that no one really cares if your personality is cool or down to earth. You end up attracting more like minded people.
Pic unrelated I just think tigers are cool, I wish the menalinated tiger was in here but it's super rare
No. 1138454
File: 1650234224851.jpeg (191.13 KB, 2048x1867, 62D54C0B-8EA5-4829-A3EE-B0EF72…)

>Joins the PULL discord out of curiosity
>Looks at the Chris Chan channel
>”remember Christine uses she/her pronouns!!!!uwu”
Yep I’m out of here
No. 1138461
File: 1650234382007.gif (13.33 KB, 56x56, Weeeeee.gif)

>>1138458And it gets me every time. Let me have my crappy formulaic reddit horror stories dammit!
No. 1138463
>>1138424Why the fuck did you spread that here. Day ruined.
>>1138454Wow that still up and running? Less can be said about this darn site lol
No. 1138466
File: 1650234557399.jpg (126.29 KB, 750x750, 1581978023893.jpg)

>>1138461oh I enjoy them too
nonny, I enjoy them too.
No. 1138467
File: 1650234603722.jpg (78.04 KB, 850x400, 1642956644065.jpg)

>>1138429Its the opposite in my case, my dispora community has nothing to do with black burger "culture" and yet 90% of young people try to act "hood" or something, its utterly pathetic cause the men of my community have been fucked over and beaten by every race of men on the planet and instead of improvising themselves, they try to emulate another group of conquered men
No. 1138482
File: 1650236557308.jpg (151.83 KB, 333x500, 1597488372113.jpg)

I'm collecting 366 dresses but it's okay because most of them are pre-owned
No. 1138486
File: 1650237343654.jpg (34.73 KB, 749x727, Tumblr_l_47426888645552.jpg)

had too much for dinner and I'm so bloated
No. 1138495
File: 1650237695875.jpg (74.29 KB, 500x707, d20bdcc2e4a113b2e44a1d46362030…)

>>1138484lolita, 80s-cocktail, and 50s (as far as I know) normal dresses that I stole from my grandma with her permission
I say "stole" because I'm not gonna give them back, but she's cool with it
No. 1138500
>>1138496but what if there's no tofu on hand?
nta, also hungry
No. 1138510
File: 1650238562745.jpeg (29.57 KB, 600x400, A9D3DC4C-BA8F-4B91-927E-4E03B7…)

>>1138494Just grab some smoked fish you got laying around and make yourself a delicious smoked fish sandwich with onion, tomato, a bit of olive oil, a pinch of pepper and boiled eggs.
No. 1138526
>>1138378thank you american shit dealer nonna, i am forever in your debt. do you accept kisses as payment for your services? oh and i don't want the lame shit from instagram, we get some of that stuff too. no, i want the
good shit, from the
amazon can that be arranged? thanks.
No. 1138529
>>1138342Not black not american, but I can somehow relate. My community likes to emulate African American pop culture for some reason
because it's relatable in general compared to the godawful representation we get in our own pop culture but that's another topic and have similar negative stereotypes assigned to us, I've been treated like a weirdo for not being a good, innocent muslima and for not being a trashy rap obsessed ghetto bitch. My sisters think I'm trying to be white for liking rock music and manga kek. You know what your post reminded me of suddenly? It reminded me of how Beyonce was praised for her Lemonade album and its amazing lyricism but apparently it's a bunch of different white guys who wrote the lyrics for most songs.
No. 1138534
File: 1650240376583.gif (59.98 KB, 753x184, 155.gif)

i have so many song ideas but no instruments and nowhere to place instruments anyway, what do. i don't want to forget my songs
No. 1138548
File: 1650241776338.png (154.88 KB, 390x390, 1543542875882.png)

I recovered from covid but now coffee tastes like shit to me
No. 1138636
File: 1650249547374.jpg (23.91 KB, 828x335, a4d8fdfa-129c-4748-b9d6-f18ae3…)

>>1138628Because you are the bearer of the curse.
No. 1138699
File: 1650258062530.jpg (8.29 KB, 228x286, 31vvrPjQM8L._AC_.jpg)

Aileen, Aileen, Aileen, Aileeeen
I'm begging of you please DO take my man ♫
No. 1138807
File: 1650269577393.png (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 1300x667, 027beta.png)

This one type of online tranny never fails to confuse the shit out of me, pic related. They don't have any problems with saying retard, being a pedo, the whole nine yards. Sometimes I even see them idolize serial killers, school shooters and other edgy shit. But then they have the gall to put "swerfs, terfs DNI".
What will a terf do to you? You already pose enough danger to society, how could a terf bother you at this point kek
No. 1138892
Posts like these
>>>/ot/1138882 make me wonder if I'm straight because I find none of these bodies "aesthetic and pleasing to look at" despite being fit. Maybe if they didn't have that gross chest hair and ribs showing I would like them. Fuck chest hair grosses me out of much.
No. 1138918
File: 1650283875206.jpg (454.52 KB, 1181x1192, yCXteP0.jpg)

I enjoy watching the pendulum swinging back on tumblr and it’s amusing to see it correlating with the popularity of the TQ+ movement. An opinion like picrel would have been torn to shreds in 2016 on tumblr despite it being a common idea held by reddit bros and the anti-sjw crowd.
No. 1138927
>>1138827That's all I've ever wanted to hear, thank you Nona ♡
>>1138840yup, all OPs and JSKs
No. 1139104
File: 1650295932498.jpeg (38.25 KB, 464x270, 1573864809670.jpeg)

>>1138926I'm pulling all my karmic energy for you right now anon. May you get railed in the near future.
No. 1139279
File: 1650305869425.jpg (21.75 KB, 480x480, 1567576126578.jpg)

All I want is a tall man with a deep voice and raw sexual energy that is intelligent enough to have a decent career and nerdy enough to be easy for me to hang out with, is that too much to ask for?
Most of the men I go out a date with only manage two of these demands, and if they manage to fill at least 3 I don't feel the spark I'm looking for.
No. 1139340
File: 1650310730269.gif (35.15 KB, 200x200, 1632690196240.gif)

>>1139308Your vagina was looking out for you. She wanted you to relax and gave you a way to get it risk-free. Have you thanked your vagina today?
No. 1139365
>>1139362Spill the beans
nonnie. Who did you try to befriend and why was it a bad idea?
No. 1139372
>>1139365not saying who because the bitch is insane and probably lurks every thread for mentions of her but, she messaged me first complimenting my art and i was like whatever yeah, ill entertain her sure.
nonstop messages, trying to plan trips with me, spamming when i dont reply etc etc
stressing me the fuck out KEK had only intended to talk to her on my work break and feel bad blocking her
No. 1139456
File: 1650320695034.jpg (139.62 KB, 638x640, good.jpg)

Posting in dumbass shit because it's not really a vent as I'm not that upset
Finally ended things off with my former best friend, she became an NLOG otaku-larper and started to bail on me for discord incels KEK
Funny wasting all her time and resources on buying coomer lolicon merch from games she's never played to impress random incels
Remember to keep your steam private and myanimelist locked so they don't see your insanely low play/watch-time and call you a fake roastie whore
pic not related lmfao it looks like I'm bitching the cat out
No. 1139650
>>1139641I can't stand his whiney bitch attitude, he's genuinely fucking bad at what he does, and he won't leave women and girls alone. Not only does he send pathetic unwanted messages to female content creators and beg for sympathy from his discord, but he has to insert himself into girls spaces by making videos about iCarly, Barbie and Victorious. He's a fucking fat, disgusting creep who thinks his fake obsession with Garfield is a personality trait. He's one of the most pathetic pieces of shit I've ever witnessed, how he always acknowledges how worthless and void of personality he is, thinking that pointing it out is haha so funny and going to make everyone suddenly like him because he can "laugh at himself" when it's clear from his little side tangents about his sad existence that he genuinely hates himself. Quinton Reviews has never had an original thought in his life, everything about him is what he thinks people want from him, because he's so desperate for validation or any form of human connection that he is wiling to talk about little girls tv programs for 8 hours straight. And even in all that time, he still somehow manages to say
absolutely nothing of value. No. 1139674
File: 1650342151599.jpg (42.21 KB, 466x475, 714888oaAZL._SX466_.jpg)

I like BIlly Idol's "Adam in Chains" but why the FUCK does it have that 3 minute opening ramble with the voice changer? Makes it impossible to share the song with anyone.
tbf the guy also had horrible bleach blonde dreads back then, don't think he was in his best state of mind.
No. 1139679
>>1139650thanks for informing me
nonny this man is a piece of shit. sad i gave him my time now nor realize he specifically went for media targeted towards girls here, thought victorious and icarly were more popular with both girls and boys but barbie makes it clear.
No. 1139719
File: 1650347361200.jpeg (168.2 KB, 1909x2048, 7443C247-5017-4ADC-AA75-22ABFB…)

Guyana would be a pretty name for a girl
No. 1139740
File: 1650349193246.jpg (6.39 KB, 220x158, downloadfile-1.jpg)

FARMHAND (farmhand)
FARMHAND (farmhand)
FARMHAND (farmhand)
FARMHAND (farmhand)
Farmhand into your hands I commend my spirit
Farmhand, into your hands
Why have you forsaken me?
In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken me, oh
No. 1139750
File: 1650349809285.jpeg (18.26 KB, 549x100, 9E2DC914-9298-472C-B0D4-054D1E…)

I can’t believe the thread pic reminded me that I needed to play Subahibi so I downloaded the game and here I am starting the third route..
I’m streaming the game to my boyfriend and we’re both confused as shit for the moment but it seems interesting so we’ll see
No. 1139855
>>1139832Liberal ≠ libertarian, it doesn't mean the same thing, except to burgers and people who follow burger politics too much. You cannot be a left liberal, because (neo)liberalism is a right wing ideology and it's in the blue square, since you love the political compass so much. It's like saying 'right wing commie'. The ideology which is the left wing version at the same amount of authoritarianism is social democracy, not 'left liberalism' and it's in the red square. Liberalism was liberal in the 16th and 17th century in comparison to traditional conservatism with aristocrats, but was still a staunchly right wing ideology. Neoliberalism is still not left wing and is related to Milton Friedman, Margaret Thatcher, Pinochet, the Clintons, Biden etc. and it's still in the same square with the neoconservatives, paeloconservatives or other right wing goonies. The cooptation of some 'progressive' values doesn't change the core economic ideological system, but is just a cheap way to garner votes. People are falling for it by considering 'left liberalism' or 'social liberalism' to be an actual thing, it's not. It's just a neoliberal goon who decided to legalize samesex marriage so they can sell even more shit to people, but they don't actually care about doing anything against lesbophobia. In Germany the concept was created in cooperation with literal fascists to try to pull people away from socialism (see national-social association). It's a farce and not a coherent ideology which can be marked as left wing in any way shape or form, it's the right wing wolf trying to wear a sheep mask through cooptation. Just look at what liberal feminism is and how it only monetizes women further with onlyfans and how it contrasts with marxist and radical feminism, you should understand by now that liberalism is very well capable of coopting and pretending to be progressive.
No. 1139872
File: 1650356423182.png (283.32 KB, 1919x921, tumblr dot com.PNG)

Is this the end?
No. 1139900
>>1139855>You cannot be a left liberalOk, NTA, but you can be a "left-leaning" liberal and not a true leftist, so that much is true. Also, there are right-wing, left-wing, and centrists. The liberals (as opposed to conservatives) are usually in the "center" (center-left to center-right), with the conservatives ranging from center-right to right-wing (other groups are found in the extreme right). Usually, it's the center, the liberals, who are the most popular among the population, and the ones who currently hold the most power.
Also, thanks to US politics, the concept of left and right wing has been twisted massively. Mainstream US politics consists of the Democrats (centrists, liberals) and the Republicans (centrists and right-wingers, conservatives). Of course, we're all aware that there is little difference between these two parties. But Americans and those who think in terms of mainstream American politics thanks to the internet, still think these two are "radical leftists" and "the extreme right", or "communists" and "fascists". This is pretty useful to the ruling class, because then they can maintain the illusion that people are voting for change if they vote for either party, when in reality, roughly the same kind of people are going to be in charge, and alternative parties or more radical ideologies are ignored by most citizens. From here comes the habit of conflating liberalism with leftism, plus there are many liberals who truly believe they're radical when they're actually supporting the liberal system (again, useful to the ruling class) and the same thing happens among right-wingers who think they're rebelling against liberalism/capitalism but keep supporting it. None of them truly understand what any of those things mean.
Also, the concept of "right wing" and "left wing" has changed over the years. Centuries ago, when it was a "new" ideology, liberals used to be the left wing, because, at the time, they were more radical compared to the ruling right wing than they are now. When more radically leftist ideologies appeared (for instance, communism), liberalism stopped being "the" left wing. I might be remembering this wrong but I'm pretty sure this is how it was, if I'm wrong please correct me.
No. 1139946
>>1139900Depends on what you mean with "left-leaning", maybe culturally left-leaning, but not economically left-leaning. The culture bit is just aesthetics anyway, the real meat is in the economics. So it's still cooptation. Political parties like D66 are called centrist or left-leaning, but they are practically identical to the VVD (a true liberal party), D66 just has more a focus on legalizing euthanasia and tranny rights. Economically speaking, D66 is conservative, just like VOLT, the supposed progressive values are just window dressing. It's inconsequential and it doesn't matter that they pretend to be progressive, when 99/100 times they agree with VVD. The actual center-left parties are the labor party or GreenLeft in the Netherlands, the actual left wing parties are the Socialist Party and BIJ1 (which are still not ideal, BIJ1 still does tranny pandering, SP started flirting with fascists etc.). D66 rarely agrees with the actual center-left parties, even though right wingers like to pretend it's all the same. The fascist parties PVV and FvD also have a lot of members who used to be a member of the VVD, which just goes to show that 'liberal' really is a right wing concept.
Yes it was maybe to the left of literal aristocrats and monarchists, but even centuries ago you had anarchists (generally a left wing philosophy) before you had communists. So I don't agree that it was properly left wing. There always were people with better and more radical ideas, meanwhile liberalism specifically includes the belief that social cooperation will always fail and is full of scrotes talking about how hierarchy is super important (remember how patriarchy is a hierarchy?).
>>1139918I'm trying really hard to have my anarchist autistic ass not be put in the same box as centrist retards and here you go. Christian anarchists are cool in my book, like the based catholic women who disarmed a warplane or destroyed a pipeline, but personally I'm not actively religious. Science can be used for good and evil, thinking it's always against truth is retarded.
No. 1139954
>>1139946>Depends on what you mean with "left-leaning", maybe culturally left-leaning, but not economically left-leaningWell, I meant like adopting some socialist policies without going fully against the capitalist system (obviously), not cultural shit.
Anyway, I'm logging out, I don't wanna argue with a dense retard about politics. "She" seems to spend a lot of time on /pol/ too so there's no way you can actually make "her" understand. Good luck anwyay, nona.
>>1139950>This is the modern COMMUNIST a fucking capitalist.If you can't even define capitalism and communism, and if you lack reading comprehension, don't bother replying.
No. 1139956
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>>1139954Understandable, have a nice day
No. 1139960
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>>1139946By the way, this is what I was talking about, sorry for the confusion. Of course this definition is now obsolete, but initially, "left wing" really did refer to liberals only (supporters of the French revolution). Obviously, by today's definition that doesn't necessarily relate to being physically to the right or left, liberals are right-wing.
No. 1139961
>>1139957Social democrat is in the red square and you keep screeching about the green square. There are retards on both the left and the right, what's your point? The left isn't synonymous with communism, almost none of the people in that pic identifies as a communist. I don't even know why you're so angry at me or saying I'm coping, but siding with right wingers doesn't make you much of a leftist and definitely not an anarchist. Please eat a Snickers.
>>1139960ah thank you
No. 1139983
so, basically, you think the right, in america, which supports corporations having literal personhood, is against capitalism and corporatism when none of their promoted legislation fights against corporatism or capitalism? they aren't fighting against pharmaceutical companies, they aren't asking for the state to engage in monopsodic bargaining with pharmaceutical companies for necessary pharmaceuticals, the ONLY, and i do mean ONLY, thing they are complaining about with regard to the pharmaceutical companies, are about vaccines. you do not have your finger on the pulse of anything in america. right wingers in america are completely in love with unfettered capitalism and corporatist rule.
No. 1139991
>>1139985this is legit the most retarded post you have ever made. today you've been completely off. unplug and take a bath. the right is not fighting against "the establishment". science is also not the enemy. i understand there's a lot of bad science but that doesn't make science the enemy. that means it needs to be more rigorous and that people need to have a better understanding of science, the fact that evo-psych and still tons of presumptuous "neuroscience" is bullshit, for example, needs to be understood. but that doesn't make science the enemy. i know you have a particular issue with this because of the poor understanding people have with the inherent biases present in science or bad methodology or stupid studies in general meant specifically to confirm misogynistic biases, for example. how does bringing up an unpopular point and being wrongfully called a right winger mean that the right is fighting against the establishment? they're not fighting against capitalism. the "left" in america isn't much either, but they're at least attempting to enact
some legislation meant to regulate it. the right wants 0 REGULATION. 0. you really don't know what's going on in america if you think right wingers in america are fighting against any establishment or corporatism or capitalism.
(infighting) No. 1139995
>>1139985>the right is against the current government which is capitalist therefore they're anticapitalistyou're literally wrong and don't understand economics, the US and its two main parties are and always had been economically liberal (ie capitalist).
>the ideology of scienceanon oh my god I hope you're not old enough to vote…
No. 1140000
>>1139985Right wing populists coopt anarchist rhetoric and you have fallen for it hook line and sinker, they're not being genuine, look at who is funding them. Right wing populists also have 'science worshippers', just look at Sam Harris, JBP and all the atheist 'skeptics' which were popular before the 2016 elections in burgerland. The problem isn't science, the problem is using iffy studies with bad methodology, iffy funding and bad faith to influence politics or claim that this is the way the world is. Just look at how much the right loves to use evopsych to say that women are supposed to be barefoot and pregnant and that everything we do is to attract a scrote. Or that social cooperation is impossible and that hierarchy is better, they just want pure social darwinism. That's really what right wing and left wing boils down to, whether you subscribe more to social darwinism or whether you believe social cooperation is how humanity or whatever concept you prefer moves forward. Just because the right loves to coopt shit like V for Vendetta, Bioshock, anarchist rhetoric and the like, doesn't mean that they are genuinely anti-establishment. Mussolini was once left wing and knew exactly what to coopt to get people on his side, right wingers nowadays are no different.
No. 1140013
>>1139997I don't care about breadtube but saying that the right is anti capitalist because it's anti establishment is a ridiculously ignorant terminally online take. there is more to politics and "the establishment" than whether it's capitalist or not.
i agree that breadtube is capitalist, because no mainstream mediatic phenomenon under capitalism is ever anticapitalist. Because what drives ideas into the mainstream is who is willing to broadcast them through mass media, and those will be advertisers and companies who can profit from them. this is also why liberal/queer feminism is mainstream and radical feminism isn't, or why the media is always pushing new "sustainable" "ethical" versions of luxury items rather than what's actually best for the environment ie not consooming shit you don't need
No. 1140104
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>>1140077The masks don't even work unless you have the super duper Nintendo 64 ones which nobody even wears so honestly good riddance
No. 1140119
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that's it nonnies I'm doing it I'm integrating back into society
No. 1140124
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>>1140119I love hippos. When we domesticate baby tapirs and warthogs, let's domesticate baby hippos too.
No. 1140339
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"you can't expect different results when you keep doing the same thing" they say but what if I don't feel like doing anything new and barely manage to do the things I already do?
No. 1140454
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>>1140436I've gotten a bunch of these in my recommends. I really enjoy absurd humor and I love memes but they are literally all bad. Reminds me of this meme in picrel, actually
No. 1140509
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i remember a few years ago i ran into some blog run by this girl that would post about rei ayanami and evangelion and she would also constantly post about calling for a genocide on all asian americans for some reason? she got an anon asking her why and all she said was something like "have you not spent more than 5 seconds looking at my blog" there were other people agreeing with her and she said that she herself was asian so it wasn't racist… i found her blog through a post with her celebrating a "terf" getting fired from a university and i'm still perplexed like is there a genuine community online of asians that support troons and want asian americans dead or was it just a bunch of schizos agreeing with each other kek
No. 1140675
>>1140509Ricecel to tranny shit. The general idea is that asian americans are whitewashed, worship white dicks and abandon trad asian values for individualistic ones.
Probably just another weeb nazi trooning out.
No. 1140695
>>1140687Reminds me when it was really cold in school so I was wearing my winter gloves (it was also winter outside) and this girl just looked at me and was like "is that for like, fashion, or"
I told her I was cold but she still acted weirded out. God forbid I wear gloves indoors, the horror.
No. 1140713
>>1140704We were never allowed to wear outerwear in class in school. Even in winter when it was below freezing outside and we were in the part of the school which was like over 100 years old, with shit old windows and the roof leaking.
Apparently outerwear isn't part of the uniform so you have to take it off inside? Wish I could have worn gloves in class.
No. 1140745
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Getting my nips pierced tomorrow pls pray for me x
No. 1140753
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What did the Passion Pit guy mean by this? He sings this part like it's one part so it sounds like he's singing about fucking his mom. How am I supposed to read it? Did he do a song writing whoopsie? Every time I listen to this song I can't get over how it sounds like he's going to make love to his mother.
No. 1140846
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Anyone else notice how there are days where you're naturally better-looking than others? I heard that it happens near your period. This holds up for me I think. Mine is about to start, and the other day I noticed I looked better despite having a few pimples. Then today I was at the store and the guy bagging was smiling at me like I was cuter than I truly am. Feels nice nonas
No. 1140847
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>>1140791>>1140835Sounds accurate.
>The disparity in looks should be considered a crime.The irony of you saying this…
No. 1140853
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>>1140847Such palpable emotion.
No. 1140865
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>>1140846Can't relate, I look good all the time
No. 1140869
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>>1140865Are you saying I'm ugly?
No. 1140881
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Follow this funny comic and post the pictures in your meme page.
No. 1140883
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I am absolutely done having any single ounce of sanity in my body starting today I am going to be batshit crazy, I hate men so much I will make any man who crosses my path extremely miserable this is my mission in life
I hope you drown imagine still using iFunny, negative fucking IQ detected.
No. 1140899
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>>1140889Lip syncing is fun,
nonnie, specially while showering so you can do the special effects by water bending.
No. 1140909
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please enjoy this retardation from the lolcow drawboard
No. 1140947
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She is my driving inspo. I am obsessed with YuruCamp and have been for years, and I have been thinking about how I’d like to be like Sakura too. I want to go on trips by myself, just me and my car. I know I can just learn to get myself from A to B, but I truly want to enjoy the very action of driving.
My road test is soon, I will try my best. If I fail I will just try again! But I won’t give up because I want to drive out to random places for fun, I want to expand the places I can take myself for a mini solotrip.
Aspiring to make my life become a real life version of Yurucamp has made me a better person in many ways. I am cringe but I am free.
No. 1141093
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I am so retarded I joined a cool server but I am so retarded that I just think I am retarded now
No. 1141100
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anons help this image is funny to me
No. 1141103
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>>1141100hes so serious about his wine swoosh unlike this guy
No. 1141228
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shoe's thread is dead and I'm not sure if it's worth making the new one considering that everyone's apparently got bored with her already, but OOF
No. 1141482
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>>1141445I wish I had ur confidence
No. 1141564
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The spider that's been living in my kitchen has disappeared. I was counting on it to eat all the insects that might fly inside my apartment now that it's getting hot and I need to keep windows and balcony door open. I hope it's okay and didn't crawl somewhere and die.
No. 1141582
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My phone thinks my cat is an alaskan malamute.
No. 1141586
>>1141491 >>1141482
But when you say you wish you had the confidence not to hate yourself, you are just dragging yourself down in the start, as if saggy breasts are wrong to have so you need to find confidence to accept them, they are not, everyone has different breasts and none are wrong or bad, why would they be, absolutely no reason. Because someone has decided they are not attractive? It's literally decided at random what is attractive, that's why birds in the tropics have such a variety of colors and shapes, because some females decided for no reason that green heads are attractive, and others decided that purple spots are attractive, and then they picked males who had those traits and had children who looked like that. And there is no advantage to survival in having green heads or purple spots, like there is none in shape of breasts, it's just picked at random and you will find people who have different opinions about what's attractive because there is really no reason to it. And the people who say otherwise just want to insult others, they will pick whatever to insult. You could have small breasts and they will say you're a man and unfuckable, you could have large breasts and they will call you a whore, you could have medium breasts and they will say too bad they're not bigger, you could have been a hot girl. Sorry I wrote too much and I'm starting to sound like an autist, but try not thinking like that, like it's so wrong for your body to look like it does that you need to find some external source of confidence to just live with it.
No. 1141594
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I was browsing neocities a bit, and I came across a sus site that was giving me pedoish nymphette vibes. Of course the site had a DNI, and it said "pedos/maps dni" and she was an age regressor. She linked her socials so I checked out her mal and her pinterest, both were full of pictures Sora from Yosuga no Sora, an anime/vn known for having twin child siblings fucking each other. She's an adult.
What is up with this brain rot.
No. 1141617
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Can someone link to the kiwifarms thread #3 I have a strong urge to dunk on men w a micropenis. Join me my autistic sisters
No. 1141663
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I follow no religion and would describe myself as agnostic, but sometimes I see religious people talking about God and I can't help but be in disbelief that they believe in it. Not in a judgmental way because I believe in stuff that a lot of people would call me silly for, but I just can't really understand it or how they feel so sure. It also feels weird when I see them get super serious about God, like telling other people that they're disrespecting him or religion.
No. 1141667
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>>1141586None of those two you replied to, but I love you anon, have a kiss
No. 1141681
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>>1141667Really? Thank you I don't have an appropriate gif but I have this sailor panda
No. 1141709
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Damn child all that shayna milk made me hella paranoid…
No. 1141722
>>1141663some people have a psychological need to believe in god, an afterlife, or reincarnation. logic doesn't play into it. they want to continue existing forever, or they want to know they'll see their lost loved ones again. it's no different than a need to believe you'll have a certain job one day, own a house one day, that certain people like or love you. I only understood this when I was talking to my coworker who said he used to be an atheist but now he believes in god because he wants to see his dead parents again. I was like, but what made you believe again, I understand you want to, but what convinced you god was real? he had this look on his face like he didn't understand me and said god has to exist so I can see my parents again and make things right. I pressed him one more time thinking we weren't on the same page and with that same strange look on his face he said if god's not real I can't see my parents again, and I can't accept that, god must be real.
No. 1141727
>>1141722Nta but that sounds like a sad way to cope?
Part of me slightly, idk, admires? them because it gives them some reason to go on with life instead of having to deal with the actual truth that sometimes life is just shit and there is no big, great plan that will make sense in the end/reward them.
No. 1141739
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>>1141727yes, I admire the idea as well, but I don't believe in god. it isn't a choice to me, I can't force myself. this is why pascal's wager or a lot of arguments people make for religion are nonsensical to me. I'm not actively choosing not to be believe in god, and even if I pretended to believe and went to church and all, wouldn't a real god know the difference? and they never consider if their religion isn't the right one and they'd still get damned anyway. but I don't try to convince others god isn't real. for some people, belief in god really is the only thing that makes them act right. for all the harm religion has caused, I don't want to see a world without it because some people really only answer to 'god' when they make decisions on changing their life (repenting) and making things right. I can only hope religion improves and 'lightens up' in the future with fewer radical types. and then there are my loved ones who normal people given hope and comfort by the idea of god. nothing to be gained by taking that away from them.
No. 1141746
>>1141739Just wanted to say I agree with you anon. I personally lean towards believing in a God because it's an explanation for how everything got here, but I get frustrated how most people don't truly interrogate themseves about it or grapple with it as sincerely. What you said is a good reason why that's okay though, because for many it's a positive thing and I sort of noticed that humans always put
something in the place of religion, as if it's necessary to us. I seriously appreciate how much you've thought about it because I do the same thing. I wish I had people in my life to talk to who really wanted to discuss it instead of how anons said earlier, hitting a mental block. I do lean towards believing in
something but I truly don't know what. I consider it a lifelong journey for myself to mull it over. Looking at every other person I've known, I've started to come to the conclusion that nobody truly knows. For all the books they sell, both religious and atheists, for all the churches they attend or disavow, humanity as a whole just plain doesn't seem able to know. I like to think that there is some kind of afterlife where it all makes sense and we are reunited. I admit, part of it is cope but part is from learning about NDEs which may or may not simply be the brain coping at death but maybe not, there's been unexplainable happenings from people's death beds that are actively being studied. Tl;dr who knows but I admire anyone who seriously ponders.
No. 1141761
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>>1141756Sounds mega comfy, have fun anon
No. 1141767
>>1141722Ayrt, I do understand what you mean and I can see why some people may cling to religion, but even then it's still crazy to me. Religious people speak about God with so much certainty and I just don't get it because…how can you be so sure about any of that stuff? Especially when they tell people about the proper way to follow their faith.
Then again, like I said I believe in things other people would regard as stupid in fake. I believe in it because I feel it and I see real, tangible changes in my life. I guess that's how it is for them too, and I guess we all as humans like to believe in something higher than us. For hope or whatever. I don't think that God does or does not exist, I just think there's no actual way for me to know.
No. 1141782
>>1141761I hope it will be, still few hours to go before I can retreat into my bedroom!
>>1141766I used to write and I definitely recommend it, you can come up with whatever! I hope I can find some fluff and smut, I never even realized this ship was popular-ish, so I never thought about looking for any till now!
No. 1141783
>>1141746>I do lean towards believing in something but I truly don't know what. I consider it a lifelong journey for myself to mull it over. yes I am similar in a way, I shorthand it as "not believing in god" but ultimately I just don't accept "because god" as a final answer for where the universe came from, because then where did god come from, and so on. I'm agnostic, but people think that means you can't make up your mind. to me, agnosticism means that no human can know. for someone to say they know the nature of god or that god is or isn't real, is the height of vanity and conceit. so far all I have concluded about why we're here and where we're going is that life wants to propagate itself. every element in our bodies has existed for longer than we can conceive of, and after we're gone it will ultimately rearrange and be attached into more life, which will attempt to reproduce itself. even if our elements go through a process of being part of the material of an inanimate object, that object will eventually degrade. over the course of billions and billions of years, by chance would you even be rearranged into yourself one day?
No. 1141925
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I like the draw thread and movie thread a lot, I think we should have a read-along thread too
Each of us could take a turn reading a chapter out loud, and if you don't feel like participating, it's like a book on tape
No. 1141930
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No. 1141942
>>1141930Disney was a "self-governing area"?? What the fuck??
>>1141825>that or just watching it if the person is stoic to see how much they are breaking down.Fucking basedHetalia never gave me an ahoge fetish although I did become obsessed with drawing ahoge on characters for a while
No. 1141972
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Sometimes you gotta laugh at your own shit like a retard. I sent my grandmother a text with bunch of random emojis attached to it laughing so hard about what she is thinks of it
No. 1141982
>>1141934I think it should be okay for a female teacher to say she has a wife if the kids ask or for childrens books to have gay parents in them.
Nobody wants to give very young children sex education on how gay people or even straight people have sex, just want to be able to not have to tip toe around the fact gay parents etc exist.
This is like one thing I can understand why Disney took this stance on it.
No. 1142020
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I posted him multiple times in /g/ and you don't know how sad I am there are no other daxfags around here.. Anyone? I can't be the only one who loves this ugly bastard
No. 1142051
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This fucking bio on myfigurecollection makes me laugh everytime I read it
No. 1142112
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I want to watch new shows and read manga, but everytime I have time to do it, I don't do it and instead I waste all my time lurking different farms. I'm angry nonners, I want to get into new stuff.
No. 1142284
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>>1141082Wait nonna if you are still here lets be friends!
No. 1142400
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I'm watching Futurama (on season 5 right now) and the show in the earlier seasons is surprisingly good. Like a lot of shit they say would be considered terfy because they talk about biology. On season 5, ep 5 (Kif gets knocked up a notch), Kif gets pregnant and Bender makes a joke about how men cant get pregnant. They call Fry a man mom even.
The entire episode trying to figure out got him pregnant and it's pretty funny. I just miss this kind of humor before tranny shit became so mainstream that you have to please their bullshit delusion now.
No. 1142408
>>1142400Futurama had a lot of good commentary episodes. One that made the SJWs seethe was when Bender went to compete in the robot Olympics but it looked too hard for him so he identified as a 'female' robot to compete in their division. People acting mad like that doesn't actually happen.
There was also an ep where Bender was brewing beer inside him and acted pregnant because of the bloating and yeast growing in him, kek.
No. 1142411
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I don't understand the concept of cleaning as you go.
No. 1142488
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I feel like Ariana Grande is genuinely wearing a mask or some kind of prosthetic or something? I’m not remotely a natural beauty person I almost always think people look way better post surgery even cases where the general consensus is that it looks botched or fake or whatever but this is scary even to me
No. 1142493
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>>1142488that's absolutely terrifying. it looks like her face just has no definition and is like a flat 2d early 2000s video game texture.
No. 1142501
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>>1142488I miss when she was just Africana Grande and not I Feel Fantastic Eldritch Horror Grande.
My eyes aren't trained enough but I'm assuming she's had hella fillers considering how wide and bloated she looks.
No. 1142506
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No. 1142511
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>>1142492>>1142445I know this is the dumbass thread but anons please. Of course it's not my house.
Pic unrelated, just for the bump.
No. 1142528
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No. 1142541
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I have to give it to you all lovely dumbasses, i'm politically neutral, yet i discuss all types of ideologies here on lc just cause i know someone will always take the bait, now all that infighting over stupid bullshit with commies, tradfags and everything else is literally helping me pass my philosophy/politics class even tho i didn't know shit about politics until stumbling upon lc, when i need to write an essay or some shit i just re-memorize a random infighting about radfeminism, makeup or trannies, thanks nonnas kek
No. 1142557
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hope your dick gets amputated by a hippo and you fucking kill yourself out of shame
No. 1142599
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japanese twitter artists be posting pics like this in between some of the best art youve ever seen in your life
No. 1142631
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Idk why but it's sort of funny to me how invested people are in the Depp vs Heard thing, especially when they comment things like this, as if they personally knew him or something
No. 1142648
>>1142408The Olympic episode is on right now and it's so scarily close to reality today. I believe the episode was from 2004 or 2005, but it rings so true today. Bender becomes a fembot to compete against other fembots because he cant complete with male bots. He ends up showing off and thinking he's somehow more of a woman than real women. Amy and Leela are enraged and embarrassed. Professor tells him the effects are dangerous. Fry doesnt like what Bender has become. bender is now a dangerous stereotype and says he's more 'fembot' than a real fembot. Bender uses his fame to take away spots from real fembots. Dates a high profile robot for clout.
Futurama literally predicted the tranny olympics.
No. 1142685
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I'm so sick of waiting for the new season of Love Death + Robots. May 20th come quicker!
No. 1142742
>>1142708Lmao, this reminded me of what it was trying to clean with my cats in the house.
I had to build a catio outside just so i can put them there while i clean, because otherwise they just won't let me do anything
No. 1142818
>>1142805Maybe donate to a local animal shelter or some other noble cause if you're feeling charitable.
If you're a big fan of that particular game, you could buy a cute piece of merch from it? Or if there isn't any, you could commission an artist to draw your favorite character or something else pretty that you could print for your wall or use as a wallpaper for your phone/computer.
No. 1142860
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>>1141182I can't stop noticing
No. 1142876
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I'm always willing to try new foods, but I hate how scared I get. I feel discomfort even when I try a new ice cream flavor kek
No. 1143098
>>1143017Diff anon but while back I realised alot of foods connected to serious allergic reactions, basically nuts and seafood.. I wasn't introduced to them young and now all the high risk shit us just waiting for me to find out or not.
I grew up with an autist dad who had a very limited palate so my mom just applied that plain diet to us all for the sake of less effort and cost. I'll try other new foods but nuts and fish feel risky as I live alone in a rural area now. Might be overthinking it.