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No. 1046784
OP who failed making this thread this is for you, let it out bbygirl~
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1036793 No. 1046790
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tl;dr if you cope as a normie you are picrel. if you’re a normie, methinks you’re not supposed to be here and you’re just surveying weird and strange women talking to each other not because you share the same interests but you want to feel superior over other women from your feigned normalcy
i’m also not the amberlynn reaction pic sperg this pic is just so camp
No. 1046813
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Nothing makes me rage as hard as my stupid CompSci excercises. The platform is old as fuck and if you make a mistake anywhere or forget something, there is basically no way to correct it. I don't want to be like a little child and get affected by this so much but I'm about to cry out of frustration and maybe going to throw my mouse against the nearest wall. Everything was going great until I reached the next step and had to configure something that apparently hasn't been made yet. I can't go on now and I don't know how to make and connect it. There's no explanation anywhere and the help forum is fucking down. Every time I get to an issue I can't help but get mad, I don't know why technology not working does this to me. I don't get mad about anything else, this just feels like it's out of my hand, so I guess it's helplessness? Anyway, fuck this stupid shit I only have a week left for it and this dumb little pebble on the road is what's going to be my breaking point and keep me from getting a grade
No. 1046815
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~~non-men loving non-men~~ reaching my country………… arguing with people about the validity of the existence of non-men loving non-men……………… seeing males as the baseline in a place they're supposed to be excluded form by the mere definition…………… nonas, take me out, please…
No. 1046820
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ex scrote i cut off twoish years ago (almost been broken up longer than we were even together) messaged me a few days ago trying to BRIBE ME to talk to him. absolute bottom feeder and that’s an insult to bottom feeders because they actually contribute to their silly little water eco system. blocked immediately. a few days later he put money in my bank with a message attached begging me to reply to him. i ignored it, kept the money and used it to buy hair dye and overpriced smoothies. LAUGH AT HIM WITH ME ANONS
No. 1046865
>>1046784I got so spooked by the OP pic for a moment, I was sure it's a still from some abuse porn and that a scrote is shitting up /ot/ again
>>1046790God Im sick of seeing that pic and every other one of her, please stop contributing to the problem. I literally want to barf
No. 1046873
>>1046846>muh labor is not deemed worthy by the system90% of the time this is a cope because you can't tear yourself away from NEET special interests long enough to look around you and figure out what jobs are low effort high reward based on your aptitude.
Yes it's hard work stocking shelves or bringing plates of food to tables, but just because you sweat doesn't mean you're providing huge value for other humans. That's who pays you by the way. Not the system, not Skynet or the Patriarchy, just other idiot humans like you. Solve their problems, make their lives easier and you'll make bank working part time or less.
Look at your workplace and ask which is the job nobody wants to do but that needs to get done. It's usually something technical, to do with numbers, strategy, organization, or making important decisions. Things most people are lazy about or scared of. Fill that gap and you'll always get paid.
You are disempowering yourself by seeing it as the rat race and the system. It's just a game. Why bitch about it when you can learn how to play to win.
And before you ask, I work part time, never answer my phone outside office hours and have plenty of time to enjoy my life. I'm not a hustler at all, I just worked on my skills until I got this lifestyle.
No. 1046881
>>1046846People just expect you to shack up with a man or sell your body if you can't hack it in the traditional workforce as a woman.
I've gotten two degrees, have great performance at work, and have been employed for over a decade and yet I've never had a single promotion at work while I've seen coworkers get them for doing way less, and it's not for lack of advocacy or being likeable or doing valuable work. I've been able to establish a "living wage" situation but I'm just asking for a little more so I can pay off all the debts that accrued during the interim of getting here, so I'm not living paycheck to paycheck with no savings. I'm treated like an insect who should be happy for the scraps. I once asked my director if she knew what I made, and her response was "Do you know how little
I make?!" as if this bitch would dare trade places with me. If I'm not willing to take a second, or third part time job on top of full time then I should have thought about that and gotten a man to provide or discretely sell my body on the side. Labor is just another way to control women.
>>1046873>Yes it's hard work stocking shelves or bringing plates of food to tables, but just because you sweat doesn't mean you're providing huge value for other humans. Anon, no one is saying stocking shelves and bussing tables is like finding cancer cures, but so many conveniences of modern society are undervalued and we absolutely know people would have tantrums if they couldn't find groceries or be served in a restaurant. Haven't you paid attention to the pandemic?
Besides, we all know high pay=/=value, that's a fallacy the rich NEED you to believe.
No. 1046907
>>1046876How is it missing the point when she says she's tired of the system and just wants to live a peaceful life? I'm telling her that fantasizing about escaping "the system" is what's bringing her down. It's like seeing someone drowning with a raft within swimming distance, but instead of swimming they just flail and cry "why won't someone drain the sea! It shouldn't be like this!"
>>1046878Nah that's an MLM fallacy, if money is your goal it's much easier to join a well funded startup with a proven model than try build something yourself.
>>1046881>we all know high pay=/=value, that's a fallacy the rich NEED you to believeI both agree and disagree with this. Of course when it comes to labor, you can't really quantify the profitability of a C-suite exec like you can a dish washer. But what you've got to understand is at the highest levels of corporate, value isn't just money but relationships. I'd say majority of C suite people I know are high priced geishas who happen to be good at overseeing finances, marketing or whatever. If you want to have yacht money, that's the game you have to play.
But for most of us, we just want financial security and a good quality of life. No matter what "the rich want you to believe", humans are all the same, they all want to get more than they give. And if you're in a position where your skills come easily, where you give a little but your employer feels like they get a lot, you get paid. I have quadrupled my income in the last two years while working fewer hours because I became strategic about growing skills I saw were lacking in my corner of the business world. I didn't join the illuminati to spread some value=money myth on lolcow, I'm just telling you what happened.
>>1046882That's true,and you know how people get training and gain trust from higher ups? By trying and being proactive instead of flopping on the ground like a starfish moaning about muh wageslave system keeping me down.
No. 1046921
>>1046873this post is “we all have the same 24 hours in a day” levels of oblivious and mostly comes off as an excuse to humblebrag about how important you think you are to society. by your own logic i hope that the next time you can’t find something you want in a grocery store you use your galaxy brain and superior intellect to find it instead of asking the useless workers, (who don’t have 5+ years experience in some obscure subject that may or may not get them a slightly higher paying job) and next time you’re eating at a sooper dooper fancy restaurant because you’re successful (and don’t even answer your phone outside of office hours) make sure you go to the kitchen and bring your own food and drinks out because there’s no societal value in waitresses/waiters and therefore you should do it all by yourself. make sure to leave yourself a huge tip to assert financial dominance too because you have lots of money in your high paying job (higher than stinky minimum wage restaurant workers who not only bring you your food but also clean up the mess you leave behind and have to continue to do so even while there’s an ongoing global pandemic)
>It's just a game. Why bitch about it when you can learn how to play to sound like a “rise n grind one hundred emoji” scrote youtuber lmao
No. 1046943
>>1046933My phone is busted so I borrowed his ipad, I went to delete lolcow from his history cause I don't want it popping up in the autofill and I see all this history is his gmail account I guess he didn't know was there, the first few searches that were bad were feet pics so I had a mini meltdown over that but kept scrolling and my god did the searches escalate quickly.
>>1046930I don't know, honestly I was already dead inside but this just fucking killed anything left in me.
I'm not kidding Nonas, the worst search I've seen so far is "dog knotted in girl." I wanna die. No. 1046965
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>tfw you see people discussing dreads as if it's a hatecrime while in your small-ass country it was many years considered mainly connected to rave and neo-goth culture and it's connection to black culture didn't become common knowledge here until tumblr started more actively talk about it and info spread more easily
I think this is one of my main issues with online slacktivism, it is so americanized that it doesn't take countries and cultures that aren't as diverse into account. You could of course argue that the black community was so small it was hard for their voices regarding it to be heard previously, but my point still stands. Honestly, I have an issue in general with people taking american slacktivism into my country, when a lot of the issues that it brings up doesn't even apply here.
No. 1046994
>>1046919I swear they use it as free therapy. Children have been expected to be negative feeling absorbers since forever, since they sacrificed babies in ancient societies bc they were scared the crops won't grow.
And yes that kind of treatment is meant to break your spirit, it's despicable. Worst part is when they blame you for being "lazy" (aka giving up on life after so much browbeating).
No. 1047005
>>1047002Some of my good friends have also drunk the GC kool-aid, luckily they don't talk about it a lot except for an occasional retarded take. But I agree with you how tiring it is to just bite your tongue when you want to air your "
problematic" opinion.
One of them have kind of peaked at least, she excuses her ftm trans sibling but she is pretty critical when it comes to a lot of trans drama. She tries to stay on the fence but gurl I see you
No. 1047050
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>go to a dentist for general cleaning
>2 weeks later I have 2 little black cavities on my bottom right premolars
What the hell happened here, I don't want to pay 300 or more to fix this
No. 1047052
nonnie, but at least you reminded me to erase my own browser history. What if i get hit by a bus and everyone finds out the last thing i read was a ben shapiro femdom fanfic?
No. 1047055
>>1046974I'm from Aus and we're also a country that was founded on colonialism. Idk if you're a burgerfag and just have no awareness on countries that aren't the US but most countries on this Earth have been raped and pillaged by the brits, destroying native civilisation as they go. The aboriginal people of Australia were still legally recognised as "flora and fauna" until the 70s, they weren't even categorised as human.
Blm protests made enough sense here, and from what I've read about Canada also makes sense. I think racism still exists in most, if not all western countries
No. 1047117
>>1046994thank you for your empathy,
nonnie. IDK if it was meant to break me specifically, more like it was a side effect. We had financial issues, though not when it started… I don't get it why someone else couldn't teach me maths, it was a hellish cycle. My mother should have went to work instead of neeting it up until we almost lost the house. Well, mental illness runs in the family, I guess
No. 1047157
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No. 1047171
>>1047164Just an impression. Lolcow is ridiculously tame compared to what it used to be.
Radfems came in and brought the idea of wrongthink. Wherever wrongthink entrenches as a concept, people are declawed, detoothed.
No. 1047175
>>1047164I have the same impression too, although I find the same attitude in many posts on CC, very sus…
>>1047166Have a very nice day/afternoon/night!!
>>1047171I'm a newfag and this is interesting but I've found this type of mean energy on CC as well.
No. 1047210
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I have no friends and tried to find some with this pen pal site and ended up exchanging few emails with women my age around my area. All of them were nice but they were all very liberal/SJW and talked about how important minority issues are to them blahblah. One of them was even some kind of activist sex worker… I stopped mailing to them because I knew I wouldn't get along with them.
I feel like I've become so weird and with views that are too uncommon for woman my age that I can't ever relate to anyone IRL. I just want to find another female loser with un-PC views who can enjoy some dark humor and bitch with me about normies.
No. 1047225
>>1047203Yeah of course it was, I'm a weirdo
>>1047217I know what you want and I'm not giving it to you
No. 1047260
>>1047222It's so hard to be in this situation, but you need to do what's best for your own life instead of placating your mom, who's being incredibly selfish. There are a LOT of people out there who never began to realize their dreams because their family wanted to keep them close to home. Your situation is far more unhealthy than that, given that your mom won't even let you drive.
>>1047228>she told me she was glad I nearly died of covid because at least I'm back home now. I hope you're mother isn't as extreme as mine.It goes without saying that you shouldn't take your mom's desires into account at all when you're able to leave the nest. That's insane. Of course, distancing yourself from family is much easier said than done.
No. 1047320
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My birthday is in less than a week and I haven't planned anything yet. I'm having some friends over but I have no idea what to cook or what kind of desserts and/or drinks I want to make. I don't even know when I'll have the time. Fuuuucckkkkkk
No. 1047331
>>1047320you could make tiramisu or carrot cake or texas sheet cake or a contest winning pie or really fudgy brownies
or you could invite friends and tell them that you want to bake and make fudgy brownies together, it might be fun if it’s a small gathering
happy early birthday nonna!
No. 1047394
>>1047222My mom is similar. She doesn't drive or speak English, has extreme anxiety, so I am trapped. My siblings got away, yet they're the ones who lecture me to "take mom whenever she wants, hang out with mom" because she is miserable and complains about me if I don't wake up at 8am and read her mind to suggest to take her wherever she wants. She doesn't have friends and many American cities don't have walkable places to explore from home or bus routes out here, and she doesn't try to communicate with neighbors. I'm her only connection to the world and I am overwhelmed and wasting my youth. I didn't move out for college because of this responsibility. Her insistence to not learn English or drive because of severely low self esteem and shitty backwards values makes me rage when I see other people with the same insecure traits. Having a teenage child would be easier to deal with as they have social circles and can transport themselves. To leave her now would be the same as abandoning a parent in a random foreign country and hoping they can get by on their own despite their mental illness.
I just wish my siblings would care and help me.
No. 1047406
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My health has been really fucked up and weird lately and I feel like I'm going insane because I can't tell how much of it is just anxiety/depression/random weather related shit/PCOS making my body act weird, and how much is something to actually worry about. I've been wicked anemic, like blue nails kinda anemic, swooning like a goddamn victorian damsel, really faint weak but fast pulse, so much brain fog, some random heart pain, mostly just a lot of feeling faint/lightheaded. I always have been mildly anemic but never like this, and I'm taking iron and vitamins and trying to eat well but I just feel like shit so much. I've been paranoid that my stove is leaking gas, because I get incredibly lightheaded and nauseous and fast pulsed and weird feeling whenever I use it and I smell gas randomly a lot but the pilots are all lit when I check. My apartment is tiny and poorly ventilated and my carbon monoxide detector broke but back when I had it it went off once or twice so I'm paranoid I have literal CO poisoning lol (I'm aware that gassy smell =/= CO, my suspicion of CO just comes from the fact that the alarm had gone off in the past)
My biggest health concern rn is also the most convincing like, I have more than just my word to go on which is good because everyone who knows me ignores me completely when I bring stuff like this up because I am admittedly a hypochondriac/have severe health anxiety/medical trauma, which always makes me terrified to tell people when things are wrong and I'm not feeling well because they'll ignore me and just feeds the vicious cycle of not getting actual medical attention and googling and being anxious… anyway the biggest thing that I have like actual fits of terror over is a big hard lump in my throat, it has been there since at LEAST the start of december so close to 2 months now and hasn't gone away, it's deep in my neck on one side under my jaw and hard, round, and immovable (but goes up and down when I swallow) and has gotten a little bigger, is painless but I can feel it when I swallow… I'm only 25 but I smoked from ages 18-23 which is not long but hey any amount is a risk factor, and have had HPV, so those aspects are spooking me. I'm praying it's nothing but it's also killing me to not know and worry about it. I'm unemployed rn and living very tightly on my small emergency savings and don't have health insurance so I can't afford to go to a doctor yet and even if I do go to a free/cheap clinic or something just for an exam I'm scared they'll be concerned and recommend getting more specialized scans/tests and such which I then DEFINITELY can't afford. I'm trying to get a decent job again asap but it's a shitshow and I'm depressed so not having much luck in the motivation department, just kinda being a huge neet and not leaving my apartment and losing my sanity and burning through my emergency funds.
Sorry for giant ass health paranoia sperg but I feel like I'm drowning and also like a sickly insane neurotic edgar allen poe character ffs and don't talk to anyone and wanted to vent, picrel in more than one way lmao
No. 1047483
Why are men so shit at being friends.
I was happy to meet another person I was vibing with. We aren't super close but close enough where he said hit was a genuine friendship we talked mainly over superficial subjects but it was still nice. When I first met him he would ask my day, I would ask about his and back and forth, I would engage with whatever he would send me be it some random comment about his day, songs, links, interests, videos etc etc and he would with mine. Now a few weeks later he barely responds to anything I say that isn't about him, or related to something he brought up. Doesn't ask me about my day or ask questions or any sort of back and forth, even if I ask him. Yet he still goes out of his way to still message me? Usually with something self absorbed. Like wtf. Just drop the friendship if he's bored of it or stopped vibing. I'm about to, I didn't take it too personally at first but when I mentioned something exciting on my end that I was happy about, he didn't even react or say anything about it. At that point it's not worth it, even strangers know how to say "congratulations"
Just stupid. Men are stupid. I just wanted a back and forth friendship where I don't have to carry conversation and thought I met a friend that was the same as me.
No. 1047558
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I miss my best friend so much, but I'm pretty sure they've moved on without me.
No. 1047605
>>1046892I'm sorry you're having a hard time with this. Beauty is subjective so I'm sure someone somewhere will think you're beautiful! In middle school I was endlessly picked on for crooked teeth, being too skinny and flat chested.I started focusing on my personality and getting a good sense of humor. High school I turned into a total tomboy and a bully, but still no one wanted to date me. It wasn't until I was 17 that guys started liking me, but I still thought I was ugly. Finally I felt pretty at 25 and combined with my honor and confidence, most men flirt with me or want to date me. It's honestly exhausting and now I'm 35 and worried about losing the beauty I worked for. And getting cat called or my talents being diminished because I'm "hot" makes me feel shitty.
We all have things that hold us back in life, but for you isn't one of them
No. 1047762
>>1047711The worst is when you point out how insane it all is they'll just always find another excuse like "but omg if it makes a few feel better why not!!"
Like do they never think about women with lower literacy rates (due to immigration, or low intellect) who might be super fucking confused about this stuff? I know they don't but I sure wonder what their excuse for that is.
No. 1047832
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I can't move on past the fact I got cheated on with the person worse than me; I was a fearful person before but that made me paranoid, in the past I used to believe if i try to be the best I'll not get hurt but now I know no matter what I do and how I'm gonna be, some future moid will never appreciate that and there's literally no way to prevent being cheated on. I hate this.
I want to be loved so much it's killing me, but with all this fear I cannot see it being possible and it makes me feel suicidal, it's retarded as fuck but it's my life. I'm such a waste of a human being
No. 1047833
>>1047830Really do not think so. He is either at work or home with me and if he is watching it he’s watching it at work or like, in the bathroom. But we’ve talked about it early on and I told him I’m pretty anti-porn and he said he barely watched it at all before I moved in and that he’d stopped once I did.
I get he’s stressed from work and I’m not always the easiest person to live with but I’m so tired of being rejected and having only before-bed sex when he’s in only a certain mood after like a week+ of nothing.
No. 1047834
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I am a broke uni student and have been applying to part time jobs over the past couple of days, and my phone just fell into the sink as the water was on. it's in rice rn but my luck has just been awful and I want to cry.
No. 1047912
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>meet a group of new people after months of being single and in isolation
>one girl in particular is really nice to me, keeps smiling at me, etc
>feels good, might finally form some good bonds with people
>shy and nervous so I only get to exchange a few words with her that time
>find out later she's only 16
I feel dead inside.
No. 1047945
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This is going to sound so weird and pathetic but I almost cryied from emotion (hapiness?) because of the way a girl at my school treated me. She is someone that I find really nice and intelligent, we never talk because I'm extremely socially akward though. Today she went out of her way to research something for me on her computer, she then got up and got really close to me to show me the result. I usually hate when someone get in my space but this past years I've slowly started to think that something in me was inherently wrong and that I disgusted people. The fact that someone was actually interested in what I was saying for a minute, tried helping me and was not disguted to get so close to me was such a weird shock. In a way I never realised how bad and touch starved I was until this moment when I finally felt like someone wasn't pitying me or disgusted by me. This girl is straight and I'm not in love with her or anything, but this whole event made me a bit more hopeful about finding a gf one day.
No. 1047994
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the internet is really awful for me and being an abstinent extremely online autist for the past 1.5 years has done me nothing but disservices, i deleted all of my social media and i'm coming close to swearing off sites like these every day.
No. 1048006
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I want to lose weight, I want to swim again, I hate exercise other than swimming sweat feels so disgusting but the only pool near me isn't letting anyone in that didn't have a membership pre-pandemic and won't take new members. I haven't gotten to swim in years and I'm so sick of being flabby I hate it so fucking much
No. 1048023
>>1047965All those things are more fun alone, why do you want to do them in a group?
Especially visiting museums and galleries, everyone has their own pace in observing the objects. For me, I always end up turning into a silent seethefest because I never fully finish and everyone else seems to speedrun through them, no matter how interested. Actually, just writing it down makes me mad again.
No. 1048057
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myself and my friend, who was so nice and sweet to me since we met a year ago, started masturbating together in the past 2 weeks (it's an online friendship and platonic). things were fine, we both liked to do it and explore our sexuality (we're both virgins), but today, something happened. he normally says that he was only thinking of me while we did it, and talks about my body, but earlier he told me that he came to the vagina of the girl in the video. and he was very complimentary of her. and i felt betrayed, cheated on, and taken for a fool. I feel like such a pick-me like bleeeeech. is it normal to feel this way when you aren't dating, but you are close with someone else?
No. 1048067
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I was just walking home from school talking to myself and making weird facial expressions to no one like a retard thinking nobody sees me, then i look around and there sits my god damn classmate looking at me through the window. Why am i like this why cant someone just fuckinf euthanize me already.
Also i feel like i have brain damage, i actually spent my holidays studying almost everyday and i still got an F for both exams that i could have studied for. Sure i could have done more but its still pretty discouraging bc i got almost straight As in the first year without doing much at all. Now i have another exam coming up and i didnt even manage to start studying. My mental state is really deteriorating to hell lmao
No. 1048106
>>1048057that’s so sad nona, it sounds like he’s more into some random girl than he is into you. I bet you were actually thinking of him too and yearning for him and he just totally went into coomer moid brain.
probably just ghost him at this point if you actually like him, you’re just setting yourself up for a lot more disappointment down the road
idk if any moids out there don’t turn into gross coomers when they’re horny but I wish you all the luck with your search, it sounds like you give a lot of yourself and you deserve to have that reciprocated
No. 1048121
>>1047869I have the same exact problem. I'm 100% sure nothing is wrong with me physically, but sometimes I'll have periods where I'll hallucinate cigarette smoke. It'll be so strong that I can't really smell anything and it really bothers me. Usually it goes away in at most a week though. I've had small periods of hallucinating other stuff but the cigarette smoke is the most reoccurring one. We'll get through this
nonnie, distracting yourself from the smell usually helps me.
No. 1048176
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>>1047955Thank you
nonnie! I'm wishing you well!
No. 1048230
>>1044403 here
we're going to talk in person this weekend and I'm probably going to cave and apologize and pretend not to be an evil bigot or whatever anymore lol
god bless my cowardice
No. 1048244
>>1048230Enjoy your boyfriend trooning out in around 12 months then
nonnie, if he's not caught cheating on you with a tranny first.
No. 1048353
nonnie, good to know this. Still, I don't want to have an ugly red lump under my eye, it's not big but still visible so maybe I'm gonna try the laser, idk yet. Have the one you have become bigger since it appeared?
No. 1048433
>>1048333>i will never be having bio children because i’m so fucking traumatized by the retards in my gene pooldunno
nonnie, from this brief post you come across as one of the rare people who can break the cycle of trauma and avoid the mistakes your parents made.
No. 1048448
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I hate moids and everyone around me knows that I despise them but lately I just can't stop thinking about the D, ever since I met this one guy at uni. Why is the universe doing this to me. I feel like a scrote.
No. 1048510
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Every pure or remotely pure media that I enjoyed as a child (and still do out of nostalgia reasons and because the titles I watched were actually good) is infested with men or known for having a bad community because of…men. I can't enjoy My Little Pony because everytime I would show my MLP fanart normies would always point fingers at how terrible MLP is because of bronies, "hurr-durr a show for neckbeards!" When I was 11 when I discovered it and loved it because it's a well-written show for…children?
And now I've been looking at my favourite cutesy slice of life shows that didn't have any fanservice and were focused on female characters. I remember I loved this one unpopular short anime where an elderly sister is taking care of her little sister and their friends, just enjoying life and derpikg around, your typical slice of life. But no…now its associated with people who are obsessed with lolicon. I don't give a fuck about what type of anime girls they like but they are also into irl children. What the fuck. I hate men. I can't draw fan-art of anything. I'm done.
No. 1048570
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>feels neutral not really feeling anything bad or good
>randomly starts crying out of no where and can’t stop
is there something legit something wrong with me? i have a tendency to bottle up my feelings but the way it’s been slipping up is so unnatural to me. i can put on as many multiple “faces” as I want and i can continue to listen to the bullshit advice of personal responsibility and “gaining control” of your life but there is no running away from the empty void that is going to suck me up one day completely. every time i do anything my that reaffirms that I am a living and breathing person it fucks up my brain all of the time and makes me feel truly dissociative. i refuse to go to psychiatrists or therapists anymore they are the cia snitches of the medical world
No. 1048585
>>1048572Me too Nona, me too. I guess I was naive to think my dad was somehow different from most men. One more thing, on Halloween after me and my sister left the house to go to a house party, he searched for "sexy" photos of women wearing the exact same costumes as me and her and our friends. We used to pre party at my house with my parents and sometimes my Aunt and Uncle when my cousins would come partying too. My parents don't drink but we'd dance around and socialize with them before going to a club or bar. My friends used to love partying here because my mom is so sweet and loves the vibe and music, and my dad was always the same. I used to think it was fun and innocent, but really he was just oggling them (maybe us too?) and then searching for "sexy women in club dresses and heels" after we'd leave.
>>1048579You got that right Nona, he's literally been so tame and docile my whole life. People would joke that he was in the closet. I thought his libido was dead, not that I thought about it all. Anyway my point is, there we're like 0 signs that he was like this and men will sexualise anything, literally fucking anything. Even a fucking shoe with a bow on it, I hate scrotes so much. Women and girls can't have anything without them ruining it.
No. 1048770
nonnie but I'd like to rid myself of this disease.
>>1048555It's not a larp, I am a woman. You're cringe if you think women expressing that they're attracted to moids are larping. Get a grip.
No. 1048772
>>1048031I love how his hypocritical ass acts like he cares about them while he creepily fims them from his car, and likes all the nasty comments the sick fucks post.
This makes me want to a-log so bad. I hope a dog shits on him while he sleeps.
No. 1048786
>>1048569It's been said so much that it feels like it's lost its meaning, but all men are disgusting. That's just how it is. I'm sorry you had to really discover that in such a horrific way,
nonnie. Knowledge is a bitter thing.
No. 1048792
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>>1048569There comes a time in every girl's life when you realize your dad isn't your knight in armor but just another male.
No. 1048801
>>1048728It feels like, and is, your dad being passive through his life and just tolerated having a family, while always wishing in his mind he was a successful bachelor instead. A lot of moids are like this (moids who should have stayed incels, but snared some naive woman) and "settle" for a wife because at least 1 bangmaid is better than nothing. So they slowly begin to resent their bangmaid and pretend like they could have been getting infinite pussy if they weren't already tied down. This is so fucking common it needs a name.
Sorry if I were you, idk if I could stop myself from killing him. What a waste of life.
No. 1048803
>>1048585>>1048569>>1048728>>1048792Jfc I came here to vent but I'm upset now.
I'm sorry you had to find that out
>>1048569 nonny .
No. 1048809
>>1048801The life cycle of the average male
Puberty-young adulthood
>I want pussy I want sex I want woman, oh boohoo, why can't infinite hot women have sex with me?? I'll keep playing the field and get as much pussy as possible while I can!some point before middle age
>Dedicating my life to chasing pussy isn't giving me the results (infinite pussy) I wanted…Women are such stingy whores! I know, I'll just marry one pussy so I have a guaranteed pussy, plus she'll clean up after me, micromanage my life, and even give me offspring/legacy because I need to preserve my super special genes for the future!!years into relationship
>my pussy isn't new anymore, in fact it's not as pretty as all the other pussies I see. Maybe it never was? I should have married another pussy!!! Or maybe I still could get infinite pussy…? Men age like wine, I'm wise and mature, and I have resources… but I don't want my house pussy to stop cleaning and caring after me…. I know, I'll just compulsively watch porn and trick my primate brain into thinking I'm getting infinite pussy! It's the best of both worlds! Prostitutes and escorts are an option too!Midlife crisis
>Oh shit, my life is already set in stone, I'm old and out of touch and I can't delude myself into thinking I still have a chance at attracting infinite pussy…. I hate my life, I hate my wife, I hate my kids. I guess I have some choices here… I could go on autopilot mode and emotionally distance myself nearly completely from everyone around me and bury myself even deeper into my porn addiction… buy a sportscar maybe, maybe troon out? Grrr… if only it wasn't for SOCIETY oppressing us men, I wouldn't be so depressed and pussy deprived. I'll definitely be bitter and condescend to every woman and girl in public because they took away my dream… or maybe just sexually harass highschoolers because I might as well! No. 1048813
>>1048804It's depressing that you think searching porn should be acceptable in the first place.
You sound like a male who thinks "it's just biology!" do jerk off to jailbait hentai 3 hrs a day. It's also just biology that 80% of males don't get to have sex with a woman and pass down their genes, so maybe women should stop cohabitating with moids and being their mommybangmaids for his entire life?
No. 1048827
>>1048626>>1048763>>1048785>>1048786>>1048792>>1048803Thanks so much for the kind words Nonnies ♥
>>1048801You know I think you're right, my dad was in his thirties and my mom in her twenties when they met. He was always really shy and quiet and didn't really date anyone before her. She was very slim and tall but curvy. My dad was kind of awkward and chubby and short. It's such a harsh wake up call, girls and women are so sexualised and objectified no matter what we do. I used to think the one refuge was home but damn was I naive. My mind keeps replaying certain incidents I thought we're innocent but now it's like we're they really? I remember one time I went to a grunge concert at like 16 so I wore these ripped stockings under acid washed jean shorts (fucking hideous I know). As I was leaving my dad was taking a video of me walking down the street which I thought was weird but I just thought he was being his typical autist boomer dad self, him and my mom kept saying I looked like a "cool punk rocker," but in the search history I found so many searches for women in stockings, women in ripped fishnets, women kneeling over in tights. I can't help but think was something he did with bad intentions? Sorry for sperging up the thread, I can't tell if I'm just being paranoid and overthinking it or not.
No. 1048834
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>Go to beach with my dog during summer
>swim and sunbathe while having a coupley vodka+cranberries
>Same old man watching me from the bushes every week, masturbating
I really hate this. And there's no other beaches where I can get semi-plastered. All the ones further out of town are private beaches owned by oligarchs, all the ones closer to town have families around.
No. 1048836
>>1048827You're describing exactly a man I used to date. I cut it off as soon as I found out about his porn addiction, because I knew he would turn exactly into a man like your father.
Really awkward, feckless, passive and homely on the outside… but on the inside they are entitled coomers, and usually have an incel mindset. They are just conflict averse, but otherwise no different than any other open male pervert/misogynist. I don't even think they hide because they are trying to be polite and feel guilty, I think they do it so they don't have to suffer any consequences. They want to be perverts with a secret life, and no they'll never stop.
Women should break it off as soon as a man like this is outed, but I see a lot of them pretend it doesn't exist, just like he does.
No. 1048841
>>1048827>sorry for sperging up the thread, I can't tell if I'm just being paranoid and overthinking it or not.You don't have to be sorry
nonnie, you are absolutely right for rethinking all his past action imo. I don't really have anything to add, just like everyone else I feel really sorry for you and I hope you can learn to better live with all of this. Do you plan on confronting your dad about all of this ?
No. 1048842
>>1048827Are you planning on confronting him, or at least telling your mother? I suspect she already knows about his perversions, but may be gaslit by him. I have seen a lot of wives talked down to like they're the crazy ones for disliking being neglected by perverts, that they are just insecure and that it's "only natural" for men to be always thinking about having sex with young women.
Idk what I would do for the best results. Do you think divorce is an option for her? If she's too attached to him and her lifestyle she might cope by blaming this on you. Especially considering you suspect him to be creeping on you. It's absolutely heartbreaking for a woman to hear the man who was supposed to love her is sexually obsessed with her own daughter. A lot of men who molest their daughters keep them quiet by telling them how much their mothers would hate them for "ruining the family".
No. 1048848
>>1048842>>1048827I wish porn obsessed males could be shaken up by a confrontation; not only for the mom's sake but the daughters too, maybe if someone made him realize how fucked up is it to jerk off to women the age of his daughters he'd realize… but it's not OP's duty to confront him and if she doesn't feel strong enough I'd even say she shouldn't. Maybe just talk with the mom? Or the sister?
This is so messed up it makes me feel physically ill. I'm so so sorry you have to deal with all that OP
No. 1048861
So I have come to terms with the fact that my dad was an abusive AGP groomer.
When I was young I absolutely understood nothing, but since growing a better relationship with my mother and talking to her honestly, everything makes sense.
He basically got her addicted to drugs and abused/raped her, threatened her by saying he would take me away from her, and used the legal system to terrorize her (he got her hooked on drugs and called the police on her, used the charges against her to get what he wants from CPS and other government programs). If that didn't work he also would send revenge porn to anywhere she was employed to get her fired. He trapped her in the house and her only escape was prison, leaving me there with him. She was terrified he would rape me and did anything and everything he said to keep that from happening.
Every day he would tell me all the awful shit my mother did, all lies and all manipulations by him. I resented her. I didn't realize that he was the monster. I also didn't realize how abnormal living with him was. I was never outwardly abused, but I was so neglected it may has well been intentional abuse. No food, no electricity, no doctor's visits, it was so bad I had to go to the bathroom outside and wash myself with a hose. All he would ever do was do drugs and watch porn in his room, collecting benefits from the government that I paid for. He had custody of children so he got his free money. It's a whole other kind of trauma to feel that helpless, that worthless, that deprived, and everyone around you unable to stop it.
The way my mom described the way he raped her too, it was unbelievable. He was a closeted AGP tranny. He dressed in drag and made her degrade him like some sissyporn roleplay. She didn't go into too much detail for my sake, but I can only imagine after reading the MTF threads on /snow/. There was a few times he'd leave the house in lipstick and women's blouses, but it was so weird to me I couldn't make any sense of it.
He did this to multiple women, too. He'd get them on drugs and take them back to the house. It was all hidden from me but there was one time where a woman ran to me crying, saying how he was trying to rape her and do all sorts of fucked up stuff. I was 12. She ended up leaving for good, but the drug problem stuck around. Her life was ruined by him she's in prison and has been for like 8 years now.
Nonnies I loathe him so much. He hasn't spoken to me in years. In fact once I turned 18 he abandoned me since he could no longer get government benefits from having primary custody. The last "fuck you" from him is that my mom has been paying back-child-support to him. He gets almost 1k a month starting AFTER he kicked me out of the house.
I loathe even more how enabled he was. I loathe that the government gave him money to neglect me and forced my mom to give him money when I was gone. I loathe how my mother was imprisoned when it was obvious she was groomed, battered, abused, and addicted. I loathe how the court system awarded him custody of me because of my mom's criminal record and joblessness that he caused. I loathe how the places she was employed at dropped her like a brick after getting sent obvious revenge porn by an abusive man, instead of giving her a chance to make her own money and escape. I loathe how now, he can and likely will come out as an open tranny and play the victim, and everyone will fall over backwards to defend and enable him even more. It's not like this scrote didn't already have the privilege to abuse people, now he'll have that same privilege and be morally justified.
I hope he gets his dick cut off. I hope he dies miserably.
No. 1048918
>>1048861Everything about this is awful and I'm so so sorry that you and your mom had to go through this.
>>1048865I second this.
If there's any way that you can fuck him over, then don't hesitate. He doesn't deserve to get away with any of this. Maybe you could get testimonies of other women he abused in the past that you're aware of too? Good luck
nonnie and I hope it'll work out for you and your mom.
No. 1048962
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I feel like this is genuinely the only active place on the internet left that hasn't been overrun by coomers, though I don't visit /g/.
It actually makes me sad and scared for the future generation or the many children growing up on the internet now. Porn addicted coomers have ruined the internet. Where else is there to go but here to have actual discussions?
How do I cope with this but unironically?
4chan, Twitter, Instagram, etc are all awful. More obscure imageboards aren't active enough. This is the only place left. I never want to let lolcow die. I appreciate all nonnies here because every single one of you is a saint compared to the average internet user.
No. 1048972
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>>1048957I hate it so much. You just want to waste time and bam cp.
Scrotes are horrible, I don't understand it at all. Just let us be alone dam it.
No. 1049042
There’s an intern that is staying for a week, possibly two. He looks identical to a male that was part of a gang who would sexually harass me, stalked, and threatened to rape in high school. Same voice, inflection, face, expressions, everything. As soon as I saw him, I had a panic attack and felt nauseous. I’m 99.9% sure it’s him. I never forget a face. I’m constantly feeling on-guard and anxious now, and I hate that I have to deal with him being at work now. Just hearing him makes me feel rage. I talked to my supervisor about this, who talked to his recruiter, and they insist it’s not the same person, but I am not convinced and think they’re just lying to keep me calm. Either way, it’s been extremely triggering and I don’t know how much longer I can stand this. He’s actively been avoiding me too and hasn’t talked to me, even gave all other coworkers food except for me, so that says something. I think they recognize me and that’s why they don’t want to interact with me. I’m going to be cautious. Please wish me luck in making it through the next week or two, nonnies. I hate feeling so unsafe at work.
No. 1049048
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I fucking hate how obsessed I am with my own weight. I keep gaining weight, very slowly but steadily. I went from underweight to a normal weight for my height but I fucking loathe looking at old records on my fitness app and thinking "wow why can't I be that weight again?" even though I know I was underweight at the time. I don't look all that much different in the mirror. A few clothes from high school/early college don't fit me anymore, but they were from like 8-10 years ago? What could I expect?
I gained a negligible amount of weight over the past few months, literally the smallest amount that you could probably shit out and it threw my brain into a frenzy when that weight wouldn't drop down. Maybe it could be muscle weight? I tell myself, because I've been working out more regularly. But it sounds like a shitty cope. I don't do anything crazy, just body weight stuff. I tell myself the workouts are for my own benefit, so that I can feel better and stronger in my body, but there's a nagging voice in my head that says it's really for weight loss.
I hate this. I'm no longer obsessive over food, but I still can't escape my own brain when it comes to my weight and how my body looks. I'm always at odds with myself. I tell myself that I don't want a body to show off, I don't want people looking at me or oogling me, it's disgusting. Yet at the same time I always feel like I'm trying to chase this ideal of a really fit, toned body. I can't workout or enjoy any physical hobbies because I self sabotage and ruin everything for myself. It really quickly turns from "I'm doing this for my own enjoyment" to "why aren't you working out?/you can work out harder/you didn't workout enough today" and then I don't want to do it. I can't workout or eat healthy just for the sake of it. It always has to be so my body can look better, even though I think, for who?
No. 1049069
>>1049057When my back’s healed I will beat the living crap out of her whenever she tells me to lift heavy things again. Thanks to her I fainted and sprained my already broken back. If anything I should sue the living crap out of her
abusive, bossy behavior. She doesn’t even deserve the money, she is a schizo who on purpose stood in front of the car because she is a piece of autistic shit. You don’t know how much she’s wronged me and I’ve been here only two days. I am right now angry but I literally fear for my safety because of her. Who demands a woman with a broken back to do stuff even? She should be in jail with the guy who gave her a car crash lol.
No. 1049131
>>1049048Same, sister.
Also, they don't sell real littles mystery shows in my country and shipping from US would cost a liver. I hate this.
No. 1049145
maybe this is going to make me sound like a dick, but ATP i really don't care. i really just want to get this shit off my chest.
i've known my best friend for almost 4 years now, we have a lot of the same interests and humor, we talk frequently. 2 or 3 months ago he started to talk about being MTF, i don't really understand or care about trans stuff and i prefer to not get involved in any of it and i didn't really see a problem with this, if that's what he feels comfortable with then i don't care, i'll still support my best friend because i care about him. he started to talk about it a lot and eventually came out publicly, i didn't pay much mind to it until he started to use labels such as a ''transfem gay'' and such. he has used neopronouns before and i don't give a shit about any of that so i just didn't pay any mind to that either, he was pretty set on being MTF and insisted on being called she specifically, no they or he. he would go through pronouns like fucking toilet paper and i would frequently get lost or use the wrong pronouns accidentally because i just couldn't keep up. one week he was a they, next week he was a neopronoun, next week he was a he. it was fucking intense. he was a she for a while but then was ok with he again and along with that he was always saying how he was a ''masc transfem'' as in he has a beard and.. well looks like a guy. i don't understand most of it and especially the transfem gay thing which i think just means he's a MTF who likes boys, i don't fucking get it.
i wanted to support him really badly because i care about him, he's my best friend and i don't want to lose him. if this is what makes him happy then so be it, but i just fucking can't. i can't do this shit man. he constantly talks about TME's (pretty sure that just means non MTFs or some shit) and just rants all day on twitter. he gets into discourse all the fucking time and argues back and forth with people, quote tweeting random people and retweeting some shit about ''guys black transfems are soooo speshul!'' and just a laundry list of fucking trans garbage. we're mutuals on twitter but i only really use it to look at cats and be in GC's, that's it, but every time i look at my feed he is always getting into some retarded discourse with someone. every single day he is complaining about TME's or his struggle being a ''transfem'' and i'm so tired of it. he used to actually post some normal things and retweet cool art and cats but now it's just nonstop complaining.
i know that i can just mute him (and i did) but he will come to my DM's and complain about the mean transmisogynists that invalidate him. i tell him ''oh wow, that sucks. you shouldn't pay any mind to them though'' and he'll just leave me on seen, it's like he wants me to lick his ass clean and be all like ''oh my god i'm soooo sorry that these meanie weanies are being so mean to you, totally valid transfem queen!'' i fucking hate it. i'm not an overly optimistic person but i can't handle this negativity, everyday he finds something new to complain about and in that whole corner of twitter there's always some drama. there is no end. i don't know what to do because it's his life- if he wants to argue with other retards then he can do that, not my decision. i don't want to cut him off or anything because like i said he is my best friend. i feel like a bitch for finding this annoying, fuck.
i just want my old friend back. this may sound selfish because i'm making his gender thing about myself but i really miss when our conversations didn't always have a part where he would show me a screenshot of him epically owning a transphobe and expect me to care. i just want to play video games with him and talk about our interests, it seems like the only interest he really has is being trans and i just feel like i've lost him. when we first met he was really carefree and just liked to fuck around and make jokes, he didn't care about drama or internet discourse or anything, just wanted to have fun. now it's like all he ever wants to do is argue on twitter and get mad at 13 year olds.
i don't want to say any of this to him because it would probably hurt him and he would think i'm a horrible transphobe but it's really starting to get to me. honesty is important in friendships but i feel like i have to lie to him and pretend i give a shit about his internet fights, i constantly feel like i'm walking on eggshells when i talk to him because suddenly everything and everyone is transphobic. if i make one bad joke or say something iffy he will go apeshit on me, it just feels like a ticking time bomb. i feel like i'm talking to a completely different person because now it's like his entire life is consumed and revolves around being trans and internet discourse. i just want my best friend back.
No. 1049170
>>1049100 I am so sorry this happened to you and the other girls. This is so insanely messed up and I am sad to say I'm not surprised to hear they turned it around to put the blame on girls instead.
I relate to you, for years I dreamed and almost considered going to my abusers country and ending him there and then. I hope that happens to all abusers, but with time the rage will pass.
Just remember you are and never were none of the cruel names or things they called you, you deserve to be happy and one day this will all be behind you. I spent years being so angry it messed up future relationships and my attitude towards sex; if you haven't spoken to someone about it I would highly recommend it, doesn't have to be a professional maybe just a close friend.
No. 1049187
>>1049163i just wish he was normal, without the tranny shit he is bearable and a nice person to talk to but i fucking hate the way he treats me sometimes. i feel like i'm constantly expected to validate his feelings and his totally not bullshit identity or i have to degrade myself because i'm a measly cis person or a ''TME.'' every single conversation we have he manages to slip in something about trans discourse and he expects me to be interested and want to talk, but then gets upset when cis people have opinions on trans peoples identities….? i tried to just see him as a personal cow and someone to laugh at, but it's fucking unbearable. i don't think keeping him around does me any good as he just drains me and makes me feel like some sort of caregiver for retarded children.
i feel like i have a tumor in my brain that's progressively getting larger and killing me.
>>1049161 he sure doesn't feel like my best friend anymore. doesn't even feel like a person. he's like some sort of AI generated robot that's meant to poke fun at LGBT people, except he's a real person. i really contemplate either just cutting him off or telling him to get a grip and that he's not a fucking woman. weird looking back at old conversations with him where i could actually feel interested talking to him and we would be able to talk for more than 10 minutes, now it's just ''oh hi nona, how are you? oh that's nice :) oh how am i? well actually i'm a trans woman that's constantly being oppressed by everyone on earth and my life is at risk at all times, oh and did i mention i'm a trans woman?'' i want to shoot myself.
No. 1049196
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>>1048991yeah, why would she kill herself roughly around turning 30?
No. 1049208
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I was so ready to move out at the first chance I get but now accommodation applications are almost closing and I'm hesitating. The rooms look almost prison-like and outdated. Now I have to choose between being a housemaid for my family but having a comfortable room or a new musty room with strangers but I get to stay away from shitty family.
I can't wait to graduate and just move into an apartment of my picking, or ideally just move countries entirely.
No. 1049272
>>1049255I'm so sorry anon, this is an absolute nightmare. I wouldn't even know what to do in your place, it must've been insufferable for you. What did you do? Were you able to at least see her once more?
And yes, mine also used to be the "I can fix him" type but that never worked out, so now she aimed for a pathetic fat scrote with low IQ, low self confidence, no spine and no own opinions who just repeats whatever he is told as his own values, who she can manipulate and mentally stomp on. But being a moid, he also has aggression potential that he constantly suppresses around my mother and jumps on every opportunity to let off steam no matter how disgustingly pathetic.
No. 1049293
>>1049160NYART what does your hatred for her have to do with money that you will get. which one of us is retarded ? not implying you said that about me BTW im just autistic so i cant tell.
just take the money she doesnt have to know and you know how she acts so you wont be doing the same
No. 1049297
>>1048510And this is exactly why letting men/coomers have control over what you like is stupid.
"B-but bronies" "but coomers" the fuck you want me to do about them? I just ignore them and focus on what I like. It annoys me that anons let men control their interests. Way to give them power over you.
No. 1049334
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Anyone that posts similar sentiments to this pic is a red flag in my book. Uncritical social media informed zombies.
No. 1049336
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I accidentally ate crab/imitation crab earlier I'm a vegetarian and I think it gave me the runs. It was so bad I had to change into pajamas.
No. 1049339
It's only Tuesday and I feel absolutely sick. Tw: Pedo customer
I work in a public library where we have a lot of computers nonnies, and yesterday when I was helping one man log onto a PC, I noticed this creepy older man flicking through images of very young girls on Pinterest, clothed but questionable he was looking at them, and he noticed and kept flicking back onto other web pages but I later caught him looking at more young looking girls in swimsuits so I told my managers. Turns out that my other colleague saw him doing this the other week and the only books he borrows from us on the system are ALL little orphan girl type books……Turns out he was convicted years and years ago for possessing CP and he's a named pedo, and he got arrested again but they couldn't get him guilty the second time because all the images and videos he had were taken from television and not indecent (but his intentions were fucking clear)
Because he's not actually looking at anything "indecent", we can only keep an eye and log what he does, and today he was in again and I saw him looking at an infant in a school uniform and I just…..wanted someone to break his neck. It upsets me because we can't go up to him and say we know, especially as most of us are solo women who live alone and have to be careful but I think he knows we know because of how he watches me and others now and tries to click off stuff…..honestly if he dropped dead tomorrow, I'd be glad
Fucking sicko and fucking hate that because we're a public library it means we inevitably get all sorts of folk and this includes a shit of a person who's so desperate to get his fix that he comes in to use a computer and spends hours "sneakily" looking at pictures of kids for sick reasons. I hate it so much. I hope he gets jailed again because he slips up and they do him more harm in there.
We have to appear strong but I can't stop thinking about it and he paid for a print today (some tesco gift card thing) and after he handed me the change I wanted to vomit and I sanitised my hands three times over. I hope he burns. I hope he burns so much. I hate that despite how obvious his intentions are, we can't actually do anything right now until enough circumstances are recorded and my poor manager can't get a good zoom in on the CCTV enough to prove it because it's hard to get anything pushed further in a council job.
Sorry this is heavy.
No. 1049346
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one of my more stable, reliable friends had been fucking losing it during the pandemic. a while back she started talking seriously about how she wants to quit her job and become a sex worker. she's been selling used panties and posting pics of herself tied up in bdsm ropes and stuff. the worst part is, she's married and her husband supports this. i don't think he's grooming her, i think they're both becoming retarded concurrently
No. 1049351
>>1049347This is what we were wondering too, he clearly comes in to use the PCs and can't use them outside of the library, he always seems to be applying for jobs but he's been unemployed for over a decade because of his prison time and being a nonce, I want to drop him in it so badly, it takes the complete piss because our public library provides a safe space for anyone including those without technology to access the internet, but that someone like him comes in to use it as a loophole around his clearly sickening interest is just disgusting and vile
I'll keep filling in this incident form with my colleagues and if we can get an investigation I will report back. Thanks nonnies, I'm so angry.
No. 1049385
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Why did I sign up for so many classes this semester
No. 1049400
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I'm so cripplingly lonely, a lot of my real life friends are more like acquaintances, and my old high school friends have all moved far away. I don't think my online friends even like me that much, and I seem to inevitably fuck up every new friendship I try to make. I'm always yearning for more emotional closeness with people, but never seem to be able to reach it. Either because I fuck up due to my own insecurities and selfishness & end up shutting them out or lashing out. Or It's because they plain don't want me or truly see me or some combination of all the above. I feel like my entire life I've been on the outside looking in when it comes to anything to do with connections. Wishing I could have what other people make look so easy.
No. 1049546
>>1048494Same with me. I discovered my dad's porn mags, porn novel, and porn VHS (that my parents claim were going to be copied and sold but it never happened). I was like 6. Became addicted to masturbation too, but this was seen as "normal" at that age cuz children are supposed to be curious and discover that eventually.
Then, around the age of 11, I found a pirated hentai DVD in my dad's box full of random documents and notebooks, googled it, and that's where I truly ended up becoming addicted to porn. For years and years until about 2021 when I discovered anti-porn stuff. Funnily enough, anorectal violence anon helped by making me quit anal porn beforehand (I literally couldn't get off to anything else by then).
>>1048562Hahahahahaaha, I once borrowed my mom's phone to shoot some video of a rainbow that was reflected on the wall (I was like 10, sunlight hit a sticker I put on the side of the TV and the light reflected on the wall was a very pretty rainbow-like light) and found a video of my mom sucking some guy's dick (
please for the love of god please please don't let it be on the internet). That traumatized me forever, but I didn't say anything, I didn't even cry, it just… disturbed me so much that I seriously think it's part of why I'm so fucking depressed even today. I felt myself die inside. And another time when she gave me her phone for a moment, she got a flirty message from some faggot. I went upstairs to my bedroom and cried my eyes out, as she tried to convince me that he was just a friend who referred to her like that (it was obviously a nickname that only lovers call each other). Many years later I mentioned this one to her and she confessed that I had been right, and revealed to me that around after my little sister was born, my parents fell out of love. I don't know which of the two did first, but I have no idea what my father did, and I'm way too scared to find out if he did "cheat" (apparently they were aware) on my mom or not. However, he has always looked at porn and never stopped, that's for sure. Though I never found anything that was to bad but there are some concerning and suspicious signs of him being into teens.
>>1048569In addition to giving your mom a hug, please slap your father for me.
No. 1049569
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I'm so fucking stupid
I think I ruined a friendship with someone before it even started, we hit it off really well and then I forgot to respond back to the for a day, then another, then it snowballed into days and days of me wanting to respond but being too scared to talk to them again because I thought they would be mad at me or think I was ignoring them when no, I really was just so nervous to talk to them again. I let this happen time and time again and its really ruining my life. Probably think I hate them and moved on but really I keep thinking about them. Why am I retarded?
No. 1049570
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I’m a creative person but I’m not creatively talented. I can draw to some extent but I’m not really amazing, still pretty mediocre. I used to be able to sing but that’s clearly gone now. All I can do is absorb myself in my maladaptive daydreaming to escape because I really don’t even know what or who the hell I am. I’m not really big on being alive tbh, not really big on dying either because monkey brain and self-preservation tactics but my mind is constantly telling me that I need to die srsly
No. 1049599
I know it's weird but random things stick with me. I know i'm about to go deep into what is more then likely a big mouthed teen being a big mouthed teen. But I am.
In high school I had a hoe phase, like i had a curvy nice body. Boys noticed me for that, I always struggled with self esteem and a senior boy (i was in 9th grade) took interest in me and he was 18,even though he had a girlfriend he'd sleep with me and I'd do whatever he said. If he told me to sleep with somebody 9/10 I would. He wasn't even nice to me, but thats a whole nother situation I have put in the back of my head and never really dealt with.
So because of this, I had a rep with the boys, but I was and am very quiet. Most the boys were seniors. I was in class and I walked over to the teacher to get a past to go to the bathroom. A girl, a chubby pretty girl who dressed nice, who never said ANYTHING to me, was staring at me. She was sitting next to the teacher, she said, "You know you ugly right?" I was just in shock. I'm not a person who likes conflict. So I pretended not to hear her but she said it again, and I was like, "Yes".
Its always stuck with me because I don't hold myself like I think i'm better then anyone. My self esteem was and STILL is shitty. I didn't dress nice, I didn't really flaunt my body like that, I could'nt hide it my ass was big. I literally had 1 friend and I didn't speak to ANYONE in my classes. This girl was a huge cry baby, she was fat and her friends would "joke" about her. Once she broke down crying when they "Joked" about her. She was lesbian which made it even weirder she came at me, because I assume she was trying to "Humble me". Or tell me, "Hey boys only like your body, you are ugly, you have a big butt but your not cute".
Which is something i've ALWAYS felt. Even the senior I was talking too asked me why I always walked with my head down. For some reason it constantly comes to me when I go on here and talk shit about people. Im always like, "You just like that girl in high school, talking shit about someone who aint do shit to you".
I know i'm overthinking it because it was more then likely just immaturity. I didn't care she thought I was ugly. It was just the fact she felt the need to tell me. To make sure I knew. Like damn. I've had two men do this to me while working to the store years ago. They were just calling me ugly, to OLDER drunk men. Then I saw them the next day and they were like, "She still ugly". I'm like "Wow". Like why the fuck say anything? Leave me alone.
No. 1049610
>>1049599I know what you mean. I try not to let comments get to me and create this aura of "I'm just living my life and don't care about opinions of my appearance". And I actually do get a lot of compliments from my loved ones that make me feel nice.
But once, just once, 8 years ago I stopped by a friend's apartment with him after work to "smoke out" before we went to meet other coworkers at the bar. He lived with a few acquaintances (college) and one of them had several friends over. I knew 1 or 2 but only in passing. Everyone was in the living room except my friend, who was in his car waiting as I went to use his bathroom, which was inside his room.
When I came out of the bathroom, but not his room, I overheard: "She's definitely got a great ass". I stopped in my tracks and continued listening:
"Yeah but she's a total butterface."
And the rest of the room laughed and agreed.
I immediately burst out of the room and dashed for the door without saying anything. If it had happened nowadays I would have been bolder. They were all ugly as fuck and either obese or twiggy, unfunny and dumb, but that offhanded interaction has literally stuck with me for 8 years… I've never been able to view myself the same after overhearing 7 different people agree that I was ugly.
No. 1049621
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two things:
1. i think that if i knew what would happen after death i'd kill myself right now. but i'm too much of a pussy to be shot to hell or a void of nothing or totally squander any chances i have of making my life better. but like, if reincarnation was a thing that could be proven – you'd bet your ass i'd die happily.
2. i hate how fucking retarded my dad's women friends are. he'll call them drunk (or even bravely sober) and ramble on about the dumbest shit, as loudly as he can, and they're all too lonely and idiotic to hang up on him. the walls of this house are thin and i can't even complain too much because i am 22 and still living at home. hope to fuck i'm able to get a job after graduating uni this year so i can MOVE OUT. my major is cs and i'm decent in c# + html/java/css/etc. so there's gotta be something. i'll play the minority card if i need to (i'm "latinx" or whatever)
No. 1049624
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I ended a 12 year friendship because the moid couldn't get over his feelings for me. We met when we were 14 and really hit it off, we had a lot of things in common and was a blast to be around but fell in love with me. I told him no that time, cut ties for a couple of years and reconnected some years later. We kept talking, sharing memes, opinions, hobbies and wrote some stories together. We live in different cities so a week ago he came back home and we met up to catch up, watch trashy tv together and just relax. He was very huggy and touchy which I don't mind cause I'm like that, until he told me "I really wanna kiss you right now" while cuddling me and I lost my shit cause he knows I have a boyfriend. We argued, he told me he would never be able to get over me, I told him is bs but I had to be the bigger person and just accepted that he was putting his dick and desires above our friendship. 5 days later I sent him a voice recording of me crying and telling him how he doesn't appreciate my friend nor respects my relationship of 5 years and blocked him.
See is not that women and moids can't be friends, is that moids CAN'T form platonic relationships with the objects of their desire. More than a decade of friendship thrown into the trash because he was born with a defective Y chromosome, absolute waste of a human being, waste of time and space. What a bummer.
No. 1049627
>>1049621oh, and on 2: i have tinnitus so i can't wear headphones or blare my music loudly enough to block him out.
i'm kind of worried about him too though because he's suffering like two different types of cancer but still drinks and smokes alll the fucking time on top of being 68. and this feeds back into a loop of me feeling terrible about it, because i don't want to lose my dad and i also don't want to move back in with my mother (who is an insane narc and lives in an area with 0 internet connection anywhere unless you pay like $60 dollars a month for dial up) or get a roommate again and end up with someone fucking insane who leaves her shit everywhere and steals my food. i can't afford my own place atm. lost my job due to covid downsizing and i only have like ~7k in the bank. i'm just so tired
No. 1049640
nonnie your life is way better than mine, and I was feeling pretty good about myself today kek, but it's all relative and I hope you find your own place eventually, I didn't expect to be able to find one and did when I least expected it, and I hope you find some peace while you're with us because you sound sweet and could use a good break somewhere rural to chill out on the cheap <3
No. 1049653
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>>1049650U can bring him here and introduce him to us
No. 1049693
so i think i want to dip out on a friend of mine. i've known her for over a year or so now (online) and she's becoming increasingly irritating and draining to be around. she's basically a fun sponge at this point. she is 30+ and has a job where she works like 4 hours a week and complains about it, despite needing the money because she's in debt with her bills/friends/parents. i didn't know this, and when she had been complaining about not having any money (me thinking it was going on bills/paying things off etc), i sent her a few £ to help her out. nothing much, just enough for a small pizza or a meal for herself. yet recently, i have noticed she keeps on spending money on games because she is 'depressed'. toys. games. useless shit she doesn't need. relating to money as well, she came to visit at the end of last year and not once did she offer to pay for anything. i invited her on the premise of her at least helping me out with groceries to feed her or petrol money. but she gave me nothing. i brought it up with her and she just went 'sorry :('. i don't earn a lot atm so over christmas and new year i was in a bit of money trouble because of her visit.
she also keeps dumping on me emotionally. saying how low she is, how she wants to relapse and cut or kill herself because in her words 'life sucks'. yet she does none of the things i have suggested or tried to help her with. it has left me mentally exhausted to the point that my mental health has tanked too. i brought this up with her very recently and she basically told me that i shouldn't take anyone else's problems on board and be 'selfish like me'. that is what she said. that really stung and made me withdraw, and because i haven't wanted to speak to her recently, she has been passive aggressive to me by playing songs about suicide/depression on discord (you can see it on their spotify). sorry this is long winded, but i am just so done with her. she has mooched off me and now is making this all about her. being a selfish cunt. after draining me of my patience, time, mental/physical health and everything else. i am fucking done. i'm doing the slow fade and if she hasn't got the picture within a week or so, i'm cutting her off.
No. 1049733
>>1049624God this pissed me off on your behalf, anon. Why the fuck do moids ruin friendships lasting over a decade by forcibly trying to take it to a next level even when they know it's not going to happen? You'd think that he'd get a clue if you have a boyfriend and have spent 12 years being friends with no romantic intentions but apparently that's the excess of the brain damage the Y chromosome causes them.
Reminds me of the time I was friends with a male for many years until he completely ghosted me out of nowhere, just outright stopped replying to my messages all of a sudden and it was a huge thing for me because he had been one of my best and most trusted friends for a very long time. Turns out he got a girlfriend and was also telling people that I was his ex when we never had anything of the sort going on. Friendship with moids is a waste of time unless you're willing to accept that they'll most likely betray you in the end.
No. 1049734
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I love my best friend (on a platonic level)and we have a strong bond and have known each other for more than a decade but jfc she's so draining sometimes. She expects me to be available constantly ever since she broke up with her boyfriend months ago and she acts super clingy, demanding and passive aggressive when I don't answer her messages or calls because I'm busy.
She'll be like "so you don't have time for me today? LOL", "you're busy…with what?","soo… who are you meeting up with again?", "when will you be home?" or "omg you're STILL sleeping?" when I'm sleeping in till 9am.. 9!!!! on a weekend. I used to think her past boyfriends were overreacting when they said that she was clingy as hell but she becomes so possessive over people and it's suffocating.
Some friends and I even mentioned that she should probably seek therapy because it seems like she has trouble spending time alone because she likes to be around poeople "as much and as often as possible"(her words) and she got offended .. okay.
No. 1049749
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Sick and tired of people acting like mother-daughter issues are just 'petty drama' or something to laugh at. It's really not and I'm still having to deal with it years later.
I live on my own now but the only reason I went to university was to get away from my mom as I lived in a shit rural area with no jobs for young people. She is so fucking arrogant and never apologises for anything, has been obese for years and whines about it but never does anything about it and says that I'm gonna look like her one day. She also used to literally just walk into my room when I lived with her and just rummage through my stuff without even asking first. She gave one of my backpacks for uni (which wasnt cheap) to my neice without even asking me. She's only with her current boyfriend - who is an ass and isnt allowed to see any of his grandkids..wonder why..- because he has a house in Spain and she gets to go on holiday multiple times a year. He yelled at my brother in the street when my brother was just minding his business like wtf is wrong with you?
I don't hate her but I extremely resent her for the way she raised all of us but me specifically. Never once did she think "this is my daughter, I'm going to set a good example for her" she told me to shave my armpits every week when I hit my teens but I was never even taught how to wash my privates properly. Never taught anything about consent or how it's okay to say no and set boundaries, nothing. She spent so much time dressing me up in girly clothes though even though I was a tomboy.
I don't know if she's just a narcissist or just someone who has been so coddled her entire life she doesn't think she's done anything wrong. I try to empathise with her as her mom wasn't great either and the entire family is misogynistic but I genuinely think you need to take accountability for yourself before you have kids.
Any other nonnas had a similar issue with their moms? If so, what was your outlook on it? Are you still seething like I am or have you gotten past it?
No. 1049753
>>1049749People underplay, memify and fetishize parent-child issues so much it's honestly ridiculous, since this is one of the things that can mess person up for the rest of their lives.
You are right to be angry, anon. There are ways to work through it with therapy (took me few years but it did work), for some people religion is helpful; some resentment may still remain though, and it's understandable. I don't know if it's the case for you but many people hope if they confront the parent, they'll apologize and change and it will help the person move on from the feelings of anger but that may never happen, so it's very imporatnt to accept this as a possible outcome and focus on becoming better as a person individually.
No. 1049782
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I took the booster shot yesterday, and have been feeling like crap all day. I didn't react to the previous two shots but had a gut feeling that the third time's the charm and prepped with food and some comfort snacks, but holy shit my head feels like it's about to explode and I'm feeling so sick. My body feels like how Gunt's face looked after his legendary beatdown.
I have informed my job about this and obviously staying home, but my coworker keeps asking me for help with tasks he can easily do himself.
No. 1049784
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My she/they feminism teacher's lecture on radfems was SO BAD.
No. 1049788
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Love dogs, love cats, love my wife
This is a good vent
No. 1049811
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I honestly really hate that my boyfriend doesn't talk about me to his friends, it really makes me feel like I'm not worth talking (or bragging) about and it blows. I recently got into a prestigious university and I guess I just expected him to be proud of me and share the good news. I'm friends with his friends but I don't often have a chance to talk with them, yet my bf talks to them every night and plays with them.
It's not just this, he'd often say "I'm making udon" or "I'm cooking fish" when he's not the one cooking, I am. I asked him why he doesn't just say I'm making dinner and his reasoning was "I just don't want to make them jealous" which is fair, but I know for a fact that if one of them got a girlfriend, they would absolutely brag about them and all the stuff they do etc. I just feel kind of underappreciated and I know he's not ashamed of me, but it feels that way when I basically don't exist outside of my relationship with him. I also don't see how "Anon is making udon tonight, it smells really good" is some sort of egotistical flex? God I really needed to rant about this.
No. 1049837
>>1049830If I were you, I'd take the chance and quietly save screenshots just in case they try to put a "wholesome good boy" image on in the future. Fuck scrotes
Seriously though, have you considered just chatting with the other female members separately or one on one?
No. 1049841
>>1049753 thanks for your help anon - i agree with you entirely. i'm personally not keen on therapy atm as my previous experiences with therapists have been them either blaming my mental health on 'female issues' (wtf?) or just downright dismissing my problems by suggesting i just forgive whoever was involved.
i'm not afraid to confront my mom and have done so several times in the past but she's that far gone she won't even understand what i'm talking about, or just tell me to fuck off and laugh at me because i'm "embarrassing her" in front of her dickhead bf. she's done this to my brothers too, namely the younger brother who has serious mental health issues.
i did consider religion, honestly. i often find myself without any sort of guidance or faith in the world due to my experiences and i do often think how it must be nice to put your faith and hope into a higher being, although i do find myself against a lot of the sexist fundamentals of many religions. i've always been interested in wicca or paganism, though…not sure how i feel about it or where to even start.
the best thing i am doing rn is ticking off the things my mom said i would never achieve or become. i'm not doing it to spite her, but part of me enjoys the fact she would have been surprised and bitter that i did indeed learn how to drive, and that i'm not and never will be obese because i enjoy exercise, and that i actually have a decent taste in men and don't rely on them for anything, and i will never adhere to whatever fucked up expectation of a daughter she had of me.
No. 1049843
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I'd never look down on someone for the way they were born but there's a regular at my work I really pity and find pathetic.
>ugly, short, kinda fat
>her whole personality revolves around being edgy and not like other girls, has typical NLOG interests
>27 year old NEET who has maybe 2 friends
>whines to shampoo girls about situations that normal people would have no problem handling like someone looking at her on the street or a woman telling her something
>thirsty for dick 24/7
>massive pick-me in denial
>says she's totally over men and talks shit about them all the time, then flip-flops and whines about being single and needing a beefcake to rail her, we don't care
Around September I started going out and meeting guys more. My co-workers and I talk about it a lot. She can't stand it.
>seething whenever she hears a man saying anything nice about me
>guy called me interesting on our first date, as soon as she heard you could tell she was soooo bothered by it
>spent 10 minutes attention-seeking, pointing out 'red flags'
>say something nice about any of my dates, she points out it's not special and her ex did it too
I wish this bitch would find another salon but she lives close by and comes in mostly so she has someone to talk to. Nobody can stand her, she's like an even uglier Heather Explores.
No. 1049845
>>1049792Her explanation of basic radfem beliefs was okay enough (although she didn't properly explain what "women as a class" meant which I think really confused some students), but there was a complete refusal to engage with WHY radfems think it's important that feminism be based on sex and not gender identity, instead just painting them as evil bigoted transphobes.
For example, she talked about Jenifer James, who got kicked from the labour party for saying trans women shouldn't be included in diversity quotas for women in the labour party, because female people are so underrepresented already. She suggested that some of the male seats be sacrificed to a transgender diversity quota. She/they treated it like it was super shocking and could only come from a place of trans hate, but the thing is James is objectively right! There are far more trans women in politics than there are trans men (, so obviously, factually, it's a sex-based issue rather than a gender-identity-based one!
There was also section which was just screenshots of twitter people (mostly male kek) saying that
TERF isn't a slur (yeah it isn't, but it is a bludgeon used to kill any meaningful discussion of sex and gender). Twitter screenshots in a university lecture.
The way she/they talked gave the impression that radfems think being female is defined by being subjugated and oppressed, rather than being defined by being the sex that produces eggs, for which female people are subsequently subjugated and oppressed for. A student earnestly asked if radfems thought that 'woman' as a category would cease to exist once women were no longer oppressed. I had to politely explain that our pussies are not going to de-materialize.
She didn't assign us any actual radical feminist reading, just two marxist feminist pieces and…the Stanford Encyclopaedia page on radical feminism. It's like she's afraid to let the students properly engage with radical feminism in case we agree with it.
Even my normie friend in class who thinks of TERFs like the boogeyman asked me if I also thought it was a really weird lecture.
No. 1049853
>>1049840 i swear batiste doesn't even work half as well as it used to. i bought a big can of the original one and it used to coat my hair and make it un-greasy for another full day and now it doesn't even work? like the actual product is so fine and doesn't work in to your hair like it used to.
i even tried cornstarch/flour on my hair but that did nothing either. next stop is baby powder…having naturally oily hair is a nightmare.
No. 1049888
>>1049828he doesn't consume porn (I know cus I live with him and we both don't like porn) and none of his friends are girls (all-boys school). I wish it was something simple like that but I think the truth is that he really does have different standards than his friends have for him, he would expect his friends to not brag about stuff like this even though they would.
>>1049833no they know about me and we sometimes play games together, it's just so weird when he keeps falling back on this "I don't want them to think I'm bragging" excuse. he said "Anon made ___" tonight so it's not like I'm completely invisible. lol.
>>1049839thankfully he's actually very comfortable if I'm smarter, or have more money or have more power and vice versa, he's a really great man but this one issue has just always bothered me. I do believe he's telling the truth, but it feels so silly to hold back on saying "my gf did xyz." I have mentioned it and that's where I got the "I don't wanna make them feel jealous" response came from.
I feel bad venting about this because he's a very thoughtful and extremely mentally mature partner, and it probably is coming from a place of valid concern for his kissless handholdless (non-incel) friends. I feel bad for dragging him here cus now he seems actually terrible lol No. 1049899
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I met a girl I really clicked with online about a year ago, but we've been talking less and less frequently lately. I thought about trying to reconnect properly a few times but decided not to since at some point I started developing romantic feelings (and I didn't want to bother her with that like annoying scrotes always do).
My pathetic self spent the last few months hoping for us to talk often again, but I also hope she found better irl friends so I can also go back to my lonely but painless life!! I feel so sad nonnies
No. 1049912
>>1049888He's not a nice or good man if he's lying about the reason he's hiding you from his friends while also lying to his friends. You'll figure out the real reason sooner or later but dont pretend it's because they'd be jealous. Men unfortunately don't get jealous of successful women unless they're super wealthy. He's either embarrassed you're more successful or knows his friends will think you dont fit whatever retarded standard they themselves have of women.
I used to have male friends in a mostly male school and one of them liked this beautiful chubby girl, they relentlessly mocked him even though she wasn't even fat. There's a reason why men hide their gfs.
No. 1049915
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Halp! How can I stop loving a man? Won't go deeply into details, this motherfucker is just very bad for my mental health (inb4 abuser, no he isn't, I'm suffering because of our extreme differences in worldview; his is just mega triggering to me). Please no bluepilled wikihow tier advice (like cOnceNtraTe oN soMetHinG eLsE - I've tried it and it didn't work, no matter what my mind always goes back to thinking about him), I am asking for original and unconventional advice that you've tried and it worked.
No. 1049917
>>1049857The implication that women who don't shave are doing it for male attention kind of makes the artist seem like an insane person. It reminds me of women like vidrel who call GNC women and girls NLOGS because their lack of femininity makes her feel insecure about being feminine, and that's their problem, somehow (idk if the artist actually thinks like this, I know I'm projecting a bit now).
Like, I get the point about pickmes who make a big show about letting men shit all over them under the guise of being 'low maintenance', but I think the pickme who performs elaborate beauty rituals, and then still lets men shit all over her because that's what pickmes do, is objectively the one losing harder.
No. 1049927
>>1049917Idk, i think they're equally pathetic
>""tomboy"" pickme who is ""low maintance"", pretends she likes like porn and shits on other women for male approval>fem pickme who is high maintenance but with zero backbone, zero confidence and shits on other women for male approval honestly i can't decide who is worse
No. 1049952
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>>1049941I remember when my first job, which was exhausting, hired a 30 yr old male who was an obvious channer. He said he was a day trader, but came to work at pizza hut. I was getting minimum wage, and doing the most. He was barely working and getting 3$ an hour more and just started. Because "he's older and need the money more"!!!!! My ass. He didn't have a family or go to school. When men talk about easy mode, too bad they can't do real life analysis and just focus on onlyfans megathots
Ask for a raise and don't mention him, just your merits. If they refuse, job hop. It's the only way to get real raises anymore.
This place starting salary was 22 an hour but they gave me 19 even after I asked for 23 (I have 3 years experience AND a degree, which wasnt necessary). I accepted for a bit and am gonna leave them as soon as I can, because they bullshit me, but I can get jobs faster when I apply and they see I am still employed.
No. 1049959
>>1049950He didn't though. He said he asked for that pay rate at the start, when I remember my pay rate was explicitly given to me with the instructions that it was not negotiable. I was hired only a few months before him so I doubt there was some drastic policy change.
>>1049952>Ask for a raise and don't mention him, just your merits.thanks nona, I think this is the move for me. I've just never asked for a raise so I'm nervous. I'm actually making the same as you with the same qualifications, this is bs
No. 1049962
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I didn't get the new apple drink at starbucks last year because my fucking idiot brain wouldn't let me because "think of the calories!!" shut the fuck up bitch, I drink water 99% of the time otherwise. I'm tired of depriving myself of small joys. Next time it comes back I'm going to get it. Fuck this stupid brain.
No. 1050087
>>1049947>I know it’s partly my own fault but I had to get an abortion,You've gone through a lot already, don't blame it on yourself please. It's not a fault but something you did for the good of yourself and perhaps your unborn baby. If you made that choice by yourself, it was the right thing for you to do and you shouldn't blame yourself for something you did to better the situation for everyone involved.
If that's longer than it should bleed, contact a doctor or at least a pharmacist or something like that.
No. 1050088
>>1050065“Backing up neo-Nazis” lol that doesn’t make Ukraine any less worthy of being helped. Just because countries like Canada or the US have groups of Neo-Nazis that doesn’t make them any less worthy of protecting against a country that would wish to do them harm. Also, isn’t the Ukraine the only country outside of Israel to have a Jewish president?
It’s only 3k troops. I’d be surprised if the US sent anymore seeing as they’ve been trying to pull out of countries more and more these last few years. Wilsonian foreign politics have been hugely unfavorable by all sides since Iraq.
No. 1050135
>>1050093i see where you're coming from
nonnie theres no arguing that the US has stared mad shit all over the world in its own self interest (interest of the wealthiest elite) but personally i am conflicted. while i do not want shit to hit the fan and have to live through a war (the idea of war reaching the US is basically an unheard of notion) i also think that things need to be destroyed in order to try and build something that is not inherently evil and benefits the people, and stops a world superpower from going in and fucking other countries people like you said. idk, i still don't think that shit will hit the fan in the US in my lifetime but it could get nasty. we'll have to see what russia does, if they get aggressive, i wouldn't put it past biden to start something
No. 1050154
>>1049889Yeah I'm in the UK. I guess I should try talking to my mentor about it-she's an older woman, and usually pretty helpful. I've never made a complaint about a lecturer before though.
I don't know how much more of this class I can take: there's going to be a lecture on transphobia in a couple of weeks. I already missed the deadline to change modules rip.
I have the seminar tomorrow. I'm always going to say what I really think, but it does get a bit intimidating when the whole class disagrees with you.
No. 1050193
>>1050135>i also think that things need to be destroyed in order to try and build something that is not inherently evil and benefits the people, and stops a world superpower from going in and fucking other countries people like you said.Meh idk, I guess I kinda get what you're saying but many people who are of the same opinion also think that there needs to be a "last war in order to create peace" …which no. History repeats itself over and over again because humans can't stop destroying shit. There will never be true peace and evil will always find its way because there'll always be someone who'll abuse their power. Plenty of leaders who initally had good intentions eventually threw them overboard as soon as they got a taste of power. Even democracies deal with corruption, suppression, manipulation and whatnot.
I hope there won't be a war because people really don't need this shit alongside their daily worries just because politicians can't stop being retarded. Literally no one asked for this.
No. 1050264
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my friend is on some hardcore diet right now and it makes her such an unpleasant person. i don't mind her wanting to lose weight (why would i) but she's taking it way too seriously and is restricting way too much. she could easily eat about 2200 calories and still be in a 500 calories deficit based on her height, current weight and activity level, but she's eating maybe 1k cals a day. she's constantly freezing and stopped losing weight like two weeks ago. she's also terribly cranky and snappy. i told her a few times that she's eating too little when she's FREEZING because of her diet but she doesn't care. also it's just not fun to hang out with someone who doesn't fucking eat anything at all. for example, i offered her the two mini tomatoes in my salad today and she grimaced and said she can't fit that in her calorie budget for the day.
to illustrate, her lunch today was like three crackers, an apple and a coffee, and she set aside one cracker and one (1) walnut as a snack later. wtf?
No. 1050307
>>1049830Make a server with just you and the other women. And if possible warn others of the moid's server before they join that one.
>>1049225>>1049244>>1049767It's Hispanic, not Spanish.
We get each parent's first surname, but usually the father's surname goes first, making both surnames that are passed on paternal while each parent's maternal surname is lost. On the bright side, though, women don't take their husband's surname when they marry, they keep their own family names.
By the way, there's no hyphen in between, that's just how names with two surnames are written in other countries (a phenomenon most commonly seen in Gringoland for obvious reasons) because having two last names isn't a thing there so it's a way to merge our two surnames into one. A hyphenated last name is different from having two last names as is customary in Hispanic countries.
I said the father's surname goes first "usually", because that's starting to change in some countries. For example, in Mexico (and apparently also Spain) it's now possible to choose the last name order for your baby (in Spain, the order you decide for the first child will be the same for any others afterwards), and if you're an adult you can legally invert your surnames if you wish.
I don't know for sure if it's possible to give your child your second surname instead of the first, but apparently it is since my aunt's (a single mother) son has both of her surnames.
In practice, people call you by your first surname, unless there's someone else who has the same first surname, so to avoid confusion the second surname may be used (in addition to or instead of the other surname), or if your second surname is more memorable, or in formal contexts where both surnames are used.
No. 1050354
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>>1049395Nah i think he looks like am ugly girl with an unfortunate body shape the backup dancers are just too perfect
No. 1050364
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>>1049811Anon I had a guy do the same thing and it turned out that he didn't wanna talk about me because his discord crush was in the group voice chat, which was almost every night.
No. 1050381
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>>1050375That would be amazing
No. 1050413
>>1050404I started a netflix show with my sister over christmas and I remember before we started I asked her if it had excessive sex scenes (we wanted to cast it onto the TV), she said no according to her memory but the first episode immediately has a dedicated female masturbating pillow-fucking scene and the rest of the season is filled with sex scenes kek. She genuinely forgot it had so many but it made me realize how often it happens meaninglessly, it's like they include it just to fill air time.
> female dominated movie that doesn't revolve around female murder, rape, molestation, harassment, sex, nudity, or misogynyWord to this. Women in media is often limited to these type of plots
while moids get hero's journey and loner male cocksucking storylines No. 1050479
You already fucking PAID for the commission, why the fuck do you keep postponing the pickup date? If she hadn't already paid, I'd assume that maybe she didn't like it. Except that it turned out exactly like what she wanted AND she picked the colour and fabric. This isn't the first or even fifth time this has happened. They pay, and then hum and haw about actual pickup times. I hate doing commissions. My website says in bright bold letters "I DON'T DO COMMISSIONS. SORRY" and yet its my most commonly asked question. So I begrudgingly take a couple from close friends, or people with pity stories and I regret it every time. Fuck commissions. Fuck customers. This is my hobby, bitchass. I'm not a hard-working printer for your half-baked ideas simply because I mastered a craft and you think all efforts can be purchased. I swear I'm gonna just list at the top of my website "$0.05/stitch" so when I finish their tiny, tiny, tiny, delicate piece of clothing, it comes to $340 for something the size of an infant's fist. I'm going to inject so many bad vibes into this piece before it reaches her hands. She'll get it and immediately feel like someone is watching her. Bitch, that is me and Satan.
No. 1050495
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>>1047002you're not alone.
No. 1050518
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I'm in bed trying to get early sleep and set a good schedule for myself and all I can hear is my bf talking away on a fucking video game after coming back from work. Already told him to stop shouting and he did but what's the point if your normal voice is still loud?
He's two rooms away and all I can hear is him doing this stupid fucking cowboy accent over discord.
Amy Dunne was right.
No. 1050537
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>>1050529picrel is better than us tho
No. 1050550
>>1049749Anon, we have the same mom (minus the bf part). IDK how old you are but I basically struggled with learning how to be normal all throughout my 20s (I'm 30 now) because she never TAUGHT me any of this normal shit like how to take care of myself and how to interact with other people. I came out on the other end of it okay. I eventually just came to terms with never getting closure for her shittiness, which was very hard and took a long time, but I'm at peace now. I don't think about her much anymore after building my life up and placing people there I enjoy. But yeah, for a really long time there was no faster way to piss me off and make me seethe than my mom doing shit to me or my things.
My heart goes out to you. Having a shitty mother is really rough and a lot of people never recover from it. I'm rooting for you nonna.
No. 1050567
>>1050528>>1050529we have the same mother
>>1050550 and brother
>>1050407 No. 1050611
>>1050588>Emily the StrangeGood quality brand. I still wear a shirt I bought there ages ago, and I wore it countless times.
Their wallet wore out more or less same as other leather wallets. But the shirt's extremely durable.
No. 1050620
>>1050550 thanks for the kind words nonnabelle. yeah I'm not expecting to get any closure or apology of her either. I live with my partner now so I'm free of her thankfully but it's just actually so painful looking at other women who have good relationships with their moms. I'm 24 now and I know for a fact she will never change.
I think it hurts more as a woman too because you're always told that the bond between mom and daughter is special and that they sort of pass down advice and confidence to you. But that shit never happened with our moms and it feels like I missed out on a huge chunk of my development as a woman. She actually teases at this and always pines on about how "we never do girly things together" bitch because you will literally laugh in my face every time I rightfully get upset about something you do.
Idk if you get this too but I personally felt like if I had a good mom role model who educated me on what women face in life then it could have very well prevented a lot of traumatic things happening to me when I was young. Like you said though, they don't care about teaching you any of that shit.
No. 1050633
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I'm lonely and I miss my friends. I wish I spoke with them more regularly but everyone is busy…. I think I will make up people in my head and be friends with them too. It's not as fun because they can't surprise me and it's harder to make jokes but it'll do.
No. 1050704
>>1050688Kek yeah sometimes you can tell by the level of aggression as well and terminology.
>tag>bad take>tracing art is fineInfamous twitterfag behaviour
No. 1050706
>>1050703You’re not the only one
nonnie. This is why tomboys and nlogs exist, its an attempt to also be free in that way but they get branded those names or sexualized
No. 1050708
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I’m kind of tired of being lonely
No. 1050762
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Lost my goddamn shit today. I just wish I lived alone with my pets so I wouldn't have to live with other dirty messy human beings ever again.
Over the last few days I've been out of work sick, but not really recovering since I've used the time to catch up on the deep cleaning stuff no one else wants to do. No one cleans around here unless I yell and it's gone to pot lately because I haven't had it in me to fight over it.
Well, I was belittled for this idleness and was told I "don't do shit" because I took it slightly easy in Monday due to not feeling well. A male in my household called off work all last week and didn't lift a finger until I bitched at him to do one something or two–so, projection much. Nevermind that I've been cleaning the house nonstop as if it were my second fucking job and even after work I'm always cleaning one or two somethings.
No one asks me.
No one nags me.
Most importantly, no one fucking notices because I don't demand a hero's parade and attention for shit fucking adults should just automatically look for and do.
Yet I'm somehow the only adult competent and capable.
I'll have to start keeping score and I'll have to start a log of everything I fucking do around here because it isn't believed or just not appreciated–all I know if said males had to do this much thankless domestic servitude just to be gaslit and frustrated, they'd go shoot up a school.
Just to give you a taste of my aggravation
>clean bathroom for second time after bathing dog makes a huge muddy and furry mess
>after cleaning downstairs, want to clean my own clothes
>my white shoes are stained and require my plastic basin to soak overnight
>my plastic basin is filled with hoarding in the laundry room that people just carelessly threw in
>someone threw a bottle of detergent in my basin that's been leaking for months
>green detergent goo caked on my basin, wash bags, and anything else assholes threw in the basin for me to find
>have to clean off everything else that was inside the basin first
>have to take apart gadgets and clean out battery compartments, etc
>next clean out my basin
>finally clean bathroom for third time after getting slippery detergent water all over the place
>need to rewash towels and slippers that are now wet and soiled from cleanup
Or this
>ask the male in my house to take the dog outside to poop
>the male returns too early because he hates having to wait for the dog
>tell him to get his lazy ass back out there until the dog takes a shit
>he fails to pick up all the poop
>the dog runs through its own shit and tracks it back inside the house; onto the floor, couch, and blankets I just cleaned
>have to reclean them all
>demand the male go outside and spray down the yard easement with the hose if he can't keep an eye on the dog stepping in leftover shit
>the male fights me on this
>gives me every bullshit excuse in the book like a teenager trying to weasel their way out of chores
>shoot down every excuse
>b-but I don't know howwwww..
>laugh in his face and tell him what a useless, stupid retard he is if he doesn't understand how to point a garden hose downward to wash the shit off the grass
>"Now you're just being abusive anon, you don't need to yell I'm just trying to have a conversation with you…"
>go outside and do what took myself less than two minutes to accomplish >meanwhile this lazy faggot weaponized his incompetence against me for almost an hour just to get out of doing it
>makes bullshit promises that he won't keep like wiping off the dog paws every time it comes back inside the house
I'm so close to assaulting somebody in this house. These aren't children or teens or geriatric grannies with dementia. These are able bodied ADULTS.
No. 1050778
>>1050769Obviously you can try talking your sister out of it but there’s a good chance she won’t listen. Even if it hurts you to your core, be there for her and help keep her safe to the best of your ability. And make sure the disgusting scrote doesn’t get her pregnant.
I had a similar situation recently with a 16 yo family member and her 25 yo “boyfriend”. I cried and begged and screamed for her parents to do something because I know exactly how this ends for her and nobody would. She ended up pregnant, he dipped and went literal states away, and all I could do was hold her as she bawled.
So I understand what you’re going through. You want to protect them so bad but there’s only so much you can do. It’s not your fault, I’m sorry no one will listen to you. I’m sorry that it’s so common for girls like you and I to get taken advantage of when we are young and then be forced to sit and watch it happen to our loved ones. Men are truly inhuman levels of sick sometimes
No. 1050787
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I need to get out of this house. My parents don’t like the government and I’m watching them devolve into QAnon-level conspiracy theorists in real time. They were trying to tell me over dinner how the Prime Ministers bf has been arrested and is on house arrest and has been walking around in public with an ankle bracelet because a friend of a friend told them so. They’re such boomers they’re willing to take this at face value, not even thinking about how everyone is walking around with a camera in their pocket and if it were true there would be photos of him all over social media by now. Any time I try and explain something like this they just get massively passive aggressive and talk to me like I’m a child who doesn’t work fulltime and pay them rent to live in my shitsville childhood bedroom. It’s like this every night. Not to mention that they’ve reverted to helicopter parenting me like they did when I was a kid and need to know where I am and what I’m doing anytime I’m not straight home after work or going anywhere on the weekends. I can’t imagine what a shitstorm it would be if I tried to get a bf now lol.
I gotta get there fuck out of here. I can’t believe I ever thought I’d be able to last like this for two years. It’s barely been six months and I feel like I’m going mental.
No. 1050812
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I know this image is edited but I love it so much
No. 1050824
>>1049848I felt bad for her too, until I noticed that she sees me as just another basic Becky who's not as unique, interesting or quirky as her. Her appointments always end up with her casually mentioning she's soo ugly and then I have to assure her that's not true because you can't be a bitch to your customers, especially when everyone else is trying to be nice to her.
I don't care whether she's ugly or not. It's not my problem or my business, but I so badly want to tell her she is because it's true and I'm tired of lying.
No. 1050858
>>1050502Me too
nonnie. I wasn't like this before but I guess years of stress caught up to me. I also feel like catching covid a year ago messed up my immune system even more. I'm sick once or twice a month now. I always try to start being healthy, get some exercise and them boom, sick, all the plans go out of the window. I even caught covid again last week even though I'm vaccinated. I have no appetite, no willpower to do anything, getting thinner and sicker. All while trying to finish uni and work. It's just too much. I feel like I'm just gonna whither away by 35. I understand the 'died by mysterious sadness sickness' characters in books.
No. 1050860
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I fucking hate everyone lol. This world is so fucking trash sometimes. I mean maybe I don't have everyone and I'm just angry but fuck do you all suck. Even the one I love and depend on sucks. This is why we don't deserve animals. Because humans are fucking shit.
No. 1050865
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reddit sucks ass. and it has always sucked, but it used to suck less. back in the day the r/drama community was sort of entertaining. they had to start their own website because the tranny jannies wanted to delete them. i tried using the other website but it was empty back then.
i tried using it today and its awful. used it for like an hour and saw one real drama post, the rest was everyone circle jerking and some bipolar bitch bragging about being underweight and unmedicated to the moids using the website. it was awful. never again.
No. 1050869
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I don't think it will ever be possible for me to have a job I don't hate, or grow to hate. I quit another one today.
i think my husband is mad at me for it but he's doing a good job hiding it.
existing shouldn't be so expensive and hard.
No. 1050877
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>>1050860shut up idiot. you just need a hug and to look at some bunnies.
No. 1050884
>>1050864Yeah you should look up accounts of people like you who’re grossed out by the texture and what they did
Maybe you’d like scallops?
No. 1050956
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marxfems who still pander to trans ideology are so fucking stupid and completely miss the point of marxist feminism just for the sake of appearing "inclusive".
i see so many of them on twitter (obviously) shilling and saying shit like "trans women are women" okay does that still apply when you have to let them into poor womens shelters? dumb as fuck.
it literally makes no sense to point out the struggle that working class women across the globe face and then 2 minutes later go on and shill for middle-class AGPs who have never faced any sort of sex-based or class oppression in their entire lives.
there's poor and working women all over the world resorting to sex work to feed their kids and just barely afford rent yet you're telling me moids in spinny dresses are welcome in this movement? no. fuck off.
even the working class and poor troons are still men, they still reap the benefits of being a man in the workplace.
No. 1050957
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>>1050860You suck too
No. 1050960
I recently met a guy and we hit it off really well. I wasn’t expecting it, especially since it’s been years since I’ve found anyone I was that compatible with. It doesn’t matter now cos he showed his true colors last night, all because I fell asleep for three hours and didn’t text him back soon enough.
I meant to lay down for an hour, so I could feel better enough to do my homework. I woke up at 11:00 PM instead, and realized I had an hour to do 2 biology assignments and 2 Spanish assignments. My phone was dead too, so I put it on the charger when I woke up. Then came a barrage of texts and some calls.
He accused me of cheating on him, and left a couple of voicemails saying that there was no way I fell asleep for 3 hours. He just didn’t believe me for whatever reason. I tried to explain over text, but I was honestly really taken aback and could barely think of the right way to respond. I just didn’t understand where the overblown reaction was coming from. I told him I had to do my homework so I wouldn’t be able to talk to him about this until after, so he gave me an ultimatum: answer the phone right now or don’t “fucking call me again”. Accused me of fucking someone else again, and right after he asked me if homework was more important to me than us. I told him at that point to just please leave me alone, and to never contact me again. Then came the name-calling. Once he called me a bitch, I was even more over it.
It’s crazy how people can reveal their true colors out of nowhere like that. I realize I dodged a serious bullet, but I was so excited and happy and thought I wouldn’t have to spend Valentine’s Day alone this year. It was cool while it lasted, I guess. I believe he has some deep-seated insecurities, otherwise I can’t imagine why he blew up at me that way.
No. 1050968
>>1050960It's better if the trash takes itself out, makes it easier for you! It sucks when you find someone compatible but then turn out to be an absolute whack job but I'm glad it was just some shitty texts and not something more dangerous that happened.
Even if you have to spend Valentine's Day alone, I hope you'll take yourself out for something nice! Or maybe a Galentines with friends! Fuck shitty men. Block his number and don't give him a second chance if he crawls back to you!
No. 1050972
>>1050891I have a really great dad too
nonnie. Cherish him and his bad jokes forever. My dad raised me to “not take shit from any man”, and on the same coin does nothing but (playfully) talk shit to me all the time, kek. “Whats up bitchhhhhh” is usually the first question I get. I thank my lucky stars to have him. Hes always been one call away. I still call him for pep talks. Sometimes he gets amped and will start going off “DONT BE THE -ONE- TODAY KID, YOU ARE NOT READY FOR THIS CAN OF WHOOPASS”
Pretty sure is love language is 10% pep, 90% smack talk.
No. 1050973
>>1050968Thank you for your words of advice. I plan to heed every last one. Feels relieving to know I’m not alone in realizing how crazy this is.
I forgot to add this detail. He lives in the state next to mine, about an hour and a half away. He drove almost across the state line to come and see what I was up to while I was still sleeping. If I hadn’t woken up, I honestly get chills thinking about what would have happened.
No. 1050976
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hungry as fuck right now because my lunch was without any carbs and my dumb stomach needs at least a tiny bit of carbs (even if it's just a slice of bread) to feel "not hungry." i can deal with hunger when i'm out and moving, but i'm forced to sit in a zoom meeting for another 3 hours and i can't focus because i'm hyperaware of my hunger, reee. just fatty things, i guess.
No. 1050978
>>1050973Honeybee, pretty sure hes going to stalk and harass you now. Keep the texts (screenshot and save). Write down all the moments of red flags, as specific as you can. If he shows up you call the police and show the officers the texts. Demand a temporary restraining order. I
So sorry, but you dodged a sociopath
No. 1051027
nonnie? I never see naked men in media (or irl?)
No. 1051031
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I genuinely fucking hate being short (5ft to be precise) i know tall girls get a lot of unnecessary hate but god they are so beautiful. i would give anything to be even 5'5 at the minimum.
every pound i gain looks 10x worse than if i were to gain it as a taller person, it looks like my body has been squashed and compressed down and its like it doesn't have any room to distribute fat properly. i have to constantly monitor my weight because if i even go 10 pounds overweight it looks so much obvious compared to someone of a taller frame.
it's also fucking impossible to find clothes that fit. everything is made for 5'4 or above.
the shops that DO have petite ranges never have shit on sale or the clothes are just boring as hell.
my caloric intake is so fucking low i can rarely treat myself or just exist without constantly thinking of going over my calories because the recommended intake is that fucking low.
bonus that if you're a short girl who doesn't have a super conventionally attractive "thicc" body shape. gaining just a few pounds turns you into a fucking brick. people call short girls 'cute' and i just find it really fucking annoying bc it's actually so awkward if you again, aren't built insanely thick or don't have the metabolism of a 14 year old boy.
i hate it so much. shout out to all the dwarfette nonnitas out there we are really going through it rn.
No. 1051035
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>>1051031>compressed That's the worst part. Anyone who goes uwu i wanna be smol doesn't get that it comes with stubby legs and weird torso to limb ratio. Pic related, would kill to have long legs
No. 1051037
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>Be me
>Enjoy two tards in a thread going in on each other
>One anon suspects the other to be a troon and tells them to go dilate
>Get upset because you suddenly remember you have to dilate too because of vaginismus
>Get even more upset because you can't just be a normal woman and have to dilate like a troon
No. 1051043
>>1051035 totally understand you nonna. the torso and limb ratio thing makes it even harder to find clothes that fit.
those legs are amazing. i personally dont mind mine as i just like a muscular body all-round but i fucking HATE my short torso. it feels like whenever i gain weight it spreads around my back too so my back looks really flabby and again, compressed.
i need compensation for this shit. i can't stand having to hem-up and constantly spend more money tailoring clothes just so they barely even fit.
No. 1051050
>>1051037 you got this, fellow vaginismus queen. dilating with vaginismus vs dilating because you're a troon are two completely different things, just remember that.
you are still a normal woman! the female body is super complicated and annoying but please never think of yourself as not normal. i used to think this way too but things will get better for you.
No. 1051056
>>1051047i know, i have a history of binge eating in my teens but it's mostly under control now, it's just annoying when i am with someone and go out for food and they're like "why can't you eat this?" and i have to tell them it's like 70% of my calories for the day, whereas they could eat it just fine.
also doesn't help that a lot of 'nutritionists' nowadays seem to completely ignore short womens dietary or caloric needs. the amount of times i've seen them make jokes about 1500 calories being a 'toddlers diet' is so so annoying.
No. 1051070
>>1051065 nta but dilating definitely does help (for most women i cant speak for all ofc). every woman is different in what size or width she can start off with or comfortably dilate though.
i haven't seen a doctor for mine either bc the waiting list for non-urgent appointments was insane but, dilating 100% helped me.
depending on what you can handle, you can also get (im sorry this sounds silly) inflatable dildos that start off quite small and sort of soft. you can make them very gradually bigger or smaller depending on your progress. i personally found those much better and cheaper than set-size dilators but like i said everyone is different.
No. 1051080
every day my smile lines seem more prominent. I've started a skincare routine to try and feel better about it/myself, but I just can't. the thoughts are obsessive. looking in the mirror I see an old, tired, haggard woman. I'm mid-twenties. I can't stop thinking the lines on my face, and how I should have gotten into skincare sooner. I can't stop thinking about my breasts, and how I shouldn't have gained and lost and gained so much weight so quickly as a teen, how I shouldn't have bound my chest for a year and made them worse. I think about my peers that are so, so beautiful, and I can't stop beating myself up for it and my life choices. they clearly have taken care of themselves from a young age. I avoid seeing them in person because all I can think about is how ugly I must look in comparison.
the amount of time I spend looking up procedures - mainly breast lifts - has increased. part of me thinks I would be significantly happier with myself if I fixed them, but my fucking face. the lines are so prominent. it makes me want to curl up and cry. I can't stand it. they will always be there, unless I get botox/filler that will just make me look worse as I age. I can't take it, my mind is hell, how do people go about their days not thinking about this kind of stuff? I can't take it
No. 1051082
>>1051048>>1051042>>1051050>>1051063Thanks nonnas. I really didn't mean to sound dramatic but the lack of progress can be so discouraging sometimes.
>>1051065It's definitely helped so far. I personally haven't used any inflatable dildos like
>>1051070 mentioned (just sets of dilators) but I'd say maybe give them a shot because I find that the size difference between dilators that come in sets can be too big sometimes. I think I'll look into them too.
No. 1051180
>>1051137You’re not lost
nonny, your life can change drastically. And that “you need to love yourself first” saying is not true, I know from first hand experience. Some people are attracted to confidence and that’s why they say that, but everyone is different. If you can throw yourself into making new friends I guarantee you’ll feel a whole lot better by the end of the year.
No. 1051205
>>1051140Sadly this doesn't apply to every man though since there are still way too many who get aroused by their own daughters ugh.
I'm glad I lucked out with my dad too even though I hate moids so much. He always made sure to tell me to question men's intentions and to work towards independence and self growth rather than chasing moids.
No. 1051227
>>1050960I'm sorry you went through that
nonnie. Moids are scary when they randomly snap like that and it's incredibly frustrating when you're telling the truth but they just don't believe it for whatever reason. Why is it so hard for him to believe you fell asleep for 3 hours? That's not even a rare thing.
Like the other anon said, at least the trash took itself out. Spend Valentine's Day with me instead! We can make each other cute platonic cookies.
No. 1051241
>>1051205>Sadly this doesn't apply to every man though since there are still way too many who get aroused by their own daughters ugh.Unfortunately I'm all too familiar with this subspecies of male
it wasn't my bio sperm donor though, thank God. It does give me hope to see girls and women who have good relationships with their fathers, makes me think that maybe one day I could have a daughter who has a loving (not degenerate) dad
No. 1051243
>>1051240I'm not embarrassed. Society raised us to be handmaiden's. You should be proud of yourself for rejecting it, I know I am. I'm depressed and lonely and horny but at least I'm not being abused by a man
No. 1051258
>>1051240Yes but as
>>1051243 said, be proud for rejecting it and I'm honestly glad I snapped out of it and became a better person too.
>Can't believe I used to be on the typical male conservative side. Now I don't know where I sit because I have some left leaning views, and some right leaning views.That's perfectly fine because the world isn't just black and white and there are plenty of people out there who feel the same way. You don't have to pick a side
and honestly I think it's better not to lean towards only one side too much and it's probably the most realistic point of view No. 1051330
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Last year September, I was "temporarily" banned on crystal cafe for unknown reasons and gave my appeal to unbanned me but now it looks like I'm still banned or "temporarily" unable to post images there. Do they really think I'm a moid? I've made contributions, share some stuff and didn't break any rules. Which is why I moved to lolcow.
No. 1051357
>>1051332Really? I thought it's a female anonymous board but more friendlier than lolcow.
>>1051337It's so stupid. Maybe they want to get rid of coomers since I also posted on their nsfw board too.
No. 1051376
>>1050884Thank you nonna, but I've been thinking and I think it would probably be better to just improve my current diet than try to make myself like things that I just don't like anymore
Honestly, I wasn't doing this whole thing correctly in the first place, so the problem I'm having now is really my fault for not eating good. I've been making small improvements.. I will keep scallops in mind if I decide to try again, thank you.
No. 1051384
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it's fucking laughable to me that men have decided opening jars is like, the pinnacle of their strength and masculinity and contribution to the household. too many fucking men have come over and taken jars and bottles out of my hands to open them for me and i'm just fucking over it. i always want to ask them, what the fuck do you think women do when you aren't around? do you think we just sigh and put down the jar and go without? do you think jars are really designed to be hard to open or something? it never occurred to you that i could open it another way besides brute strength and having large hands? no, of course not, you never thought about any of that. you saw me holding a jar (NOT EVEN STRUGGLING TO OPEN IT JUST FUCKING HOLDING IT) and thought it was the perfect opportunity for YOU to feel useful and good and manly and whatever other garbage floats through your thick fucking skulls. you're all too cool to learn how to cook in the first place so you could ACTUALLY contribute in a MEANINGFUL WAY but thank god a man is around when i'm trying to open a jar of fucking salsa, without your strength and generosity i'd never have salsa again!!
No. 1051396
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Nonnies I have such mixed feelings about an online friend
On one hand:
>she seems to have a shit life
>comes from abusive home, has no family or rl friends, her dog died this year, diagnosed with depression
>also diagnosed with a mystery illness since her teens that she doesn't talk about and doubts she'll live long
>sometimes she chats with me for hours and we have shared interests, she seems really enthusiastic but then doesn't talk to me for a week
On the other hand:
>she pretends my bf and family don't exist, ok, she was hurt so I won't mention them
>a lot of friends dumped her and she complains often how no one likes her
>she uses social media as her diary and writes a ton but doesn't care what her online friends post, only interacts if someone approaches her
>I get the impression I'm too much of a normalfag to her, because she only reads Japanese stuff and often tells me the stuff I play is boring
I can't tell if I'd be a dick for dumping her in such a situation, she just gives me a bad gutfeel but I also feel bad for her.
No. 1051414
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OMFGGGGGG can people stop using me as a fucking therapist as soon as I open my mouth ?!?! I don't give a shit about their self-inflicted problems!! Can't even say "sup" without being trauma dumped on and they still continue when I tell them that I don't care. Stop being retards reeeeeeeeeeeee
No. 1051484
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So sjws have made retard an ableist slur but still don't give a fuck about the many female oriented slurs. Retard wasn't even used as a slur anymore. But these fuckers are always on womens asses making sure we aren't doing any wrongthink. Women give them most of their support in their shitty movements. White men legit don't have to do shit and barely ever get bothered. Don't let them catch you saying anything about penis in the women's washroom uwu you fucking bitch!!
Can you tell I've been using tumblr again? I'm so tired it's impossible to get away from this shit. It's like this world wants us to be bitter and angry femcels.
No. 1051491
>>1051330Last year when I was starting to use CC, I (and other people) got permabanned for no reason, literally no reason was given to me when I got the ban notification every time I tried to make a post. Some days later the admin said she had forgotten to remove some word filters she had made for a particularly bad moid spammer long ago (the word I tried to use in my post was "pathetic" and I was autobanned when I tried posting it). However, I had to clear my cookies for the site (which stored this ban) to be able to post again.
>>1051332Don't listen to this retard, LC users will say CC is "full of troons and moids" without any proof; in fact looking at the sort of stuff that is dicussed over there (spoiler: it's stuff that is similar to the threads here and would never be popular on a male-dominated site) it's obvious that there's at least a majority of female users, and there's lots of people in the friend finder thread who do voice verification and have met plenty of actual women so I doubt there's that many trannies (especially when they could just use some other imageboard instead, where they're free to LARP as girls while being open about their AGP and posting porn). There are definitely males posting there in secret, probably most frequently on /b/ since it's the most active and by its nature attracts tourists from other places, but it's not like that doesn't happen here too; also, there are constant raids, but no sign of the actual regular users being mostly male.
I don't get why people here always say this shit about CC. Maybe I'm just too much of a newfag to get it but right now CC doesn't look like it's a "tranny club".
>>1051357>I thought it's a female anonymous board but more friendlier than lolcow.I think people are more willing to be hostile here than there, but on CC there's also a couple of specific anons who will shit on everything you do; other than that, I think CC is more relaxed than here, although deader.
No. 1051499
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My mom just went out to have a celebratory lunar new years dinner with her friends. Feels fucking bad. I don't really care that she didn't invite me to go too, because I know I'd get so tired and bored of being around all of her friends, but I'm sad that my own family won't celebrate this shit together. They're having loh sang, a yummy dish where everyone mixes the food together, and it's one of my favorites. My dad has made it in the past and I like the extra goodies he adds. We didn't have it this year.
My mom goes out to celebrate a bunch of holidays with friends- thanksgiving, christmas, chinese new year, etc. but my family as a whole won't celebrate them. I don't blame her for going out and having a life and having a good time with friends but FUCK I wish we could just do family shit as a family!!! I used to pass off not celebrating thanksgiving or christmas as my parents just not being Americanized, and we used to at least celebrate chinese new year. Now we don't even get to have that! My family isn't broken, we are a normal, regular family, so why the fuck can't we at least celebrate the holidays together? Even traditional ones?? The most I got was waking up the morning of and seeing red envelopes on my pillow.
And birthdays? Forget about it. We only do something for mine because I'm a huge pain in the ass and make a big deal out of it, because yeah it's my birthday and we're going to go out for dinner or at least eat this fucking cake I bought and am going to shovel down everyone's mouth.
No. 1051506
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I'm 26, almost 27, and the only men who actively hit on me are 20-21. All the decent 30 year old guys are already taken. Is this really over for me because I spent a few years as a neet isolated from society and I missed my chance to get some nice normie guy? Like, I wouldn't have anything against dating a 21 year old if he was actually mature and had a decent income and savings like I do, but such 21 year olds don't exist, or at least I haven't met them yet. The 21 year olds that try to ask me out for a date are just boys without a clear purpose in their lives. They usually assume I'm their age and at first I was flattered by it, but I was also ashamed to tell them my actual age, which I knew wasn't healthy. I don't want to use them for sex because I'm a virgin and I don't want to have a meaningless intercourse with some dumb zoomer just to know what it's like to touch a guy. What do I do when I'm so lonely and horny? I moved to a bigger city and got a new job, there's an extremely small amount of 27-30 year old men who aren't balding and repulsive, and the very few that seem like nice people and are also semi attractive are always taken
No. 1051528
>>1051444That's awful
nonny. I hope everyone involved dies a slow and painful death. I sincerely hope you're doing better now and that you'll get past this.
No. 1051531
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I am really, really tired of everything. Its cliche and stupid of me to say, but I wasted the past two years because of quarantine and it makes me incredibly petty. I am 22 but media and society keeps pushing people onto believing that 20s are your best times and how you should go crazy and wild during them. Every video on YouTube says the same too. But how do you even do that when my country been under a lockdown for 2 years until now? On top of that, I've got a fragile and shitty health to a point where I am still experiencing second vaccines side effects. I wish I could travel somewhere, but I can't even find a job because I am an immigrant. I have not seen my family in 3.5 years, and their country is doing lunatic politician shit that makes me feel too scared to even visit them, that without taking into account their terrible COVID situation.
I am just so lonely. I haven't found any irl friends, I haven't hung out with anyone but my partner in 5 years now. He is asocial and introverted, he is okay at sitting at home and working on his own stuff when I just need to go somewhere. I want to experience something. He did that, even such normie things as going to a bar with his (old) friends, while I never experienced any of it, because I spent all of my childhood and half of my life in hospitals OR taking care of my siblings like a slave I am. I sit in 4 walls, cleaning and cooking all the time, my only socialization and hobbies are art and me streaming videogames. All of my old internet friends are busy with IRL and I respect that, I wish I had something to do too. I feel like such a loser because I can't find friends, let alone a job.
No. 1051610
I hate that most men "want" children. I put "want" in quotations because I feel like most men only want children because that is "what they are supposed to do". I think most men wouldn't want kids if not for the expectation to have them and the "muh legacy and name" bullshit. Most men are terrible fathers that want nothing to do with their children, only want to be included in the fun aspects (won't help clean after them or help with schoolwork), and some even resent their wives after pregnancy and having kids. I don't want to have kids for many reasons, but a big one is that I don't want to irreparably damage my body and go through the pain of childbirth. The thought of ripping yourself to birth a child is terrifying, and I do not want a kid bad enough to want to go through that. It's easy for men to decide they want kids because they aren't the ones carrying the child in their body for months and having to give birth. I just have to vent about this because it makes me mad when you find an attractive guy that you like, but he wants kids, which is the biggest deal breaker. And no, I don't want to adopt kids either, I'd rather not have to take care of a child at all.
>>1051531I'm 23 and feel the same way. I also spent my childhood and teenage years being isolated due to
abusive parents, so I don't even have a car yet and not much experience in anything. I graduated half a year a go and finally got a job, but it doesn't pay much since it's entry-level. I'll have to stay at this job for a few years just to get experience to move onto something else, and by then I'll already be in my mid-late twenties. I don't know how people are already getting married and having kids around this age, when I don't even have enough to rent my own apartment yet, and don't have any time or resources to meet potential partners. I dunno, I feel like there's this pressure to already be independent, financially successful, and find a partner (while you and them are still young) before you're 30, and that seems incredibly difficult if not impossible.
No. 1051619
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I’m getting older and I feel like my personality is dying.
The older I get the more work I do, the less socializing I do, and the less time I have for drama. I’ve learned to be so polite and avoid conflict that I’ve lost my spicy ness. I work so much harder now that I’ve always got my head down, busy and away. I’m too busy to cause trouble or make a ruckus. I miss that I think but I don’t know how to feel it again.
No. 1051678
>>1051651Uwu I guess I was too specific. I love when his name gets misspelled because he hated it. I'm doing the math now, homie was actually 23 at the time.
Didn't realize he was continuing to do this to other teenage girls after (and probably before) I dumped him for cheating, until a friend who knew sent me a link a few weeks ago with the accusations
Nate absolutely knew about me and my age - even asking me how high school was going in a patronizing way when I came over - but played the whole "I never knew my best friend was doing horrible things like this!" and disavowed himself when the news dropped. Absolute bullshit
Emo Adam Sandler lookin ass
No. 1051729
>>1051723Sometimes castrated males still feel impotent desire, it makes them frustrated lol
You could try antidepressants or birth control to lower your libido but that sounds bad for both your body and mind in the long run, I think instead of cutting off body parts and denying yourself a natural human instinct you just need therapy and to be friend with people you can be honest with
I hope you can come to accept yourself
No. 1051769
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>be me
>Buy house
>become mentally unstable, institutionalized multiple times a year
>Yeah okay, I'm going to have to sell my house
>Tell my family
>They have an intervention and basically scream at me, telling me I'll be homeless and a fuckup and it's all over if I sell it
>It's bullshit but say "yeah okay, give us some help then until I can organize a safety net, rent some rooms out and organize some things"
>They agree to give me part time work at the family company
>Work odd hours, just to give me something to do, but limit my pay to $160 a week (the amount you can earn on a sickness benefit)
>Every second week they fuck up my pay and overpay me
>Have to give all that money back to the government
>"Hey, have you changed my tax bracket, this is not my primary income"
>"yeah yeah, I'll sort it"
>They never sorted it
>Two months in, overpaid by over a thousand dollars I have to return
>Have to pay the full amount over $160 per week to WINZ, and pay the tax difference of 23% to IRD
They literally just put me further into debt
No. 1051787
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Sometimes I wish I weren't born a girl. I feel like I've been cursed by being put in this body. I'm honestly so fucking sick of it. I'm such an ugly fat fuck, I need to get rid of myself somehow. I feel so misunderstood and lost. I don't think people fully understand who I am and probably never will. No one believes or trusts anything I say. What is the fucking point?
No. 1051906
>>1051905Your sister sounds like me kek, I went on a trip to Mexico from Europe during a mental breakdown.
You might want to tell her - maybe she will get back in time. You don't want to rob her of the opportunity to at least try to say bye to her grandma.
No. 1051922
>>1051905this is an impossible situation anon (i know there's plenty OP can do for her sister here, i mean it's impossible to avoid great loss either way), so i won't judge you for choosing not to tell your sister bc idk her (or you) and idk how she'd really react or if it would be causing more damage than it's preventing.
i do agree with other anons tho: i've been in many situations where i thought it was "pointless" to do sth about it bc i thought there was no solution, but once i talked to the person about it we actually found a way to make things work. yeah, mexico is far as fuck from europe (i'm from LATAM so trust me, i know), but the sooner you tell her the sooner she can do something about it. even if she does not make it in time to see gma you could try videochatting (assuming your gma is in any condition to speak/is lucid) her before she kicks the bucket, and even if the plane lands after she passes your sis can be there with her family to grieve and attend the funeral, plus she won't have to rush to buy a plane ticket and your family won't have to wait on her to arrive for the funeral.
i know the trip probably cost a fuckton of money, but money can be made back; once your grandma dies there's no coming back from that. plus, it's your sister's call to decide whether the trip to mexico is worth more than seeing a dying relative for the last time. maybe she gets mad for the money going to waste, or maybe she doesn't, but it's not a call for you to make
No. 1051973
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I have thyroid problems which causes my metabolism to be much slower than regular ones, it doesn't affect me all too much since I am normal weight albeit a little bit squishy. I wanted to get rid of some of the squish and slowly start doing some workouts at home, but since I don't know too much except the extreme basics when it comes to nutrition and home cardio I decided to get in touch with a super cheap nutritionist online just so I can get some help with setting up a plan so I at least have something to use as a basis. Homeboy said he had a little bit of knowledge when it comes hypothyroidism and would help me set up a plan.
A few days later he hits me up with a plan that is basically just telling me to avoid gluten and eat between 1800-2000 kcal a day with just 20-30 min cardio a day. I know how this is going to sound, but I've been maintaining my current weight for years on 1500 kcal a day, I'm 5"10, 169lbs and 31 years old with an office job, I feel going over the calories I already eat in a day is quite the gamble I don't really feel comfortable with, feels like I would rather increase the stubborn belly fat rather than get rid of it.
No. 1052033
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I had booked online tutoring lessons on an online platform with a woman and at first there were obvious issues like the sound and one powercut but i brushed it off and decided to continue with her.the next two were even worse with half of the time being lost in laggind and disconnecting from her side that made me lose most of the lessons without even doing much.i was so done i booked a trial lesson with another teacher and will probably will "ghost" her when i find someone better.i feel bad about this but on the other hand i feel i get screwed over esp since you have to "buy" at least 6 hours with a teacher and not pay,depending on what happens, i will transfer my remaining hours to another teacher and she will know lol.but i gotta be ASSERTIVE (pic related kek)
i really hope that the other woman i will do the trial will be good because she is one of the top tutors and most tutors on what im interested in are men and i'd like to avoid them cause u know,moids
No. 1052072
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Any anons here who have moved to an entirely different state away from everyone they know? I received a great job opportunity and will be moving in March. My parents are upset that I won’t be living with them anymore and I understand their frustrations a little but I don’t want to be one of those people stuck in their hometown working at the farm store the rest of their life. I’m excited but anxious and sad, I feel like a horrible daughter but I don’t want to back down from this.
No. 1052081
>>1052072I’ve moved to an entire different country to work. It was the best decision I made as I not only learnt how to be independent but also networked with so many people. Don’t let anyone guilt trip you into not pursuing your ambitions
nonnie, not even family. You are not abandoning them as you can always visit. Those who care about you will adjust to
your life and encourage you to pursue your goals not hinder them.
No. 1052100
>>1052081> I’ve moved to an entire different country to work. There’s always the prospect of this that I find uncomfortable. There isn’t a lot of interesting work where I live and I might get a job in a country abroad in the future. I would be okay with it if my parents weren’t old. Ugh. This is already making me anxious and it hasn’t even happened. I’m glad you’re really enjoying your experience,
nonny. It’s only up from here.
No. 1052186
I hate losing people to the woke tranny cult. Some, not too bad (I hate them all now, but I dealt with it before). But then there’s the ones you see on Twitter, that are just degenerates. Either furries, pedophiles, cheaters but say it’s polyamory, the ones that will attack anyone that so much as disagrees with them or has a different opinion on literally anything, etc.
I had an ex that was a tranny. I know, I know. I was a teenager though and honestly for a long time he just looked like a pretty boy with long hair. He was nice, could cook, and liked giving gifts. I didn’t really care about the pronouns and he didn’t dress outlandish or anything. Back then, I was a lot more open too (although I always hated enbies). We were together for years, but eventually he met this tranny groomer online. He turned my ex into a completely different person. He started saying he was a “bimbo”, started using women’s slurs to refer to others and himself, call himself a “milf”, wanted to start an OF, thought about being polyamorous, and started role playing online with people in a sexual context. He disliked me for not being a full-on lesbian. He was my first relationship so really I had no experience with men or women, so I couldn’t exactly prove I was into women. But even just being bisexual wasn’t enough because then what if I just “saw him as a man” and it wasn’t validating enough, despite me just liking him as a person. He also started taking frequent trips to Washington for hormones, then eventually moved there. Once there, he started pumping the hormones, fueled his alcohol addiction, and started drugs.
Obviously, we broke up, because I peaked and could not handle the bullshit anymore, and he cheated while in another state with some ugly trash and with the tranny groomer online. We stayed mutuals, because we were in a relationship for years and still cared about each other, so we wanted to help if each other if needed. I was also hoping that he would finally snap out of it and at least cut off that decades-older tranny groomer that brainwashed him and overstepped our relationship (he was poly and you know those types of people always want to flirt with people even if taken). We were talking yesterday, and what finally made my ex snap, out of all the things that I’ve said to them before, was me calling his nasty groomer “he” instead of “she/they”. He just snapped and said to never talk to him again.
This is really long, but I just had to vent. I lost my friend to a middle-aged tranny. My ex was obviously groomed and brainwashed. That tranny would give them compliments all the time, send them money, pay their bills, pay for games and game subscriptions. And this is a moid that’s ONLINE. It was so obvious this tranny was a groomer and I warned my ex, but he just would not listen. The moid even idolizes celebrities that were abusers and uses their mugshots as profile pics, and my ex just brushed it off. “I know it’s bad but they have an excuse so it’s valid!” Ugh. My ex has never met this creep in person, yet treats him like he’s on a pedestal. It is so strange and I don’t think they’re even in a relationship, it’s just some weird obsession and so parasite-like. It pissed me off that years of a relationship was thrown away and he chose to defend someone who he’s only known for 1 year online. It’s disappointing seeing someone that had so much potential, someone who you knew used to be a better person, turn into a degenerate. Even all his friends now are ugly faggots. It’s hard to come to terms with losing someone especially a first relationship, we planned a future together.
No. 1052199
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>>1051491R9k talks about CC too much. I am paranoid to use it. I do believe it has a much higher male username than LC. Picrel is a poll they did btw.
No. 1052202
>>1051992I know exactly what you're talking about and you're right. I get it, but some anons here are way too paranoid about moids and trannies.
Feels like a no fun zone sometimes. How dare you enjoy something men happen to enjoy too.
No. 1052216
>>1047210I can't offer you any help with this, but just know that it's an issue many women have. I myself haven't found a way to search for them, but hopefully you'll be lucky enough to find someone with a similar mindset to yours in the near future.
>>1047160Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for responding! That's reassuring to know.
No. 1052240
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>>1052186i'm sorry you went through that, nonnita. i lost a lot of friends to the cult too. i tried to peak some of them, but they're in so deep and larping their enby they/them anime boi persona on twitter all day, i have no hope that they will ever realize what's really going on around them.
No. 1052265
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Sry for covid sperg but I don't want to post this in the coof thread just for someone to tell me rOnA iS a hOAx but I'll keep it short.
I'm gonna visit my parents for a week. Dad and I got the booster. Mom is high risk, got two jabs but refuses the third one because she doesn't trust the government. I was supposed to meet with a group of friends that I haven't seen in almost 4 years on the day of my arrival but since my mom is vulnerable I won't see her until I get my PCR test results back (I'm staying at my parents' and I'll get tested after the get-together) .. and now she's upset because she thinks I want to manipulate her into getting the booster by trying to be safe. I fucking hate this. I don't even want to go now but If I cancel she'll have another depressive episode.
No. 1052267
nonny. sorry to hear about your friends too. stupid how they always want to larp online as some anime girl or boi. i guess because they know they’ll never look like that, so they try to live apart from reality as much as possible and live through online avatars or behind drawings. its very bizarre. sometimes i think i’m the one “on the outs” or “crazy” for not being okay with all this extreme liberal and tranny ideology, but in reality a lot of people are tired of this shit and think trannies and enbies are freaks, they just can’t say so out loud or be lynched. something ive also noticed is that these trannies never have any normal or well-adjusted friends, they can only be friends with each other because of how insufferable they are. for example my ex has been making friends with the ugliest he/they twinks in drag and attention-seeking they/thems that are insecure and have some internalized misogyny.
No. 1052269
>>1052259Yes? I didn't know, I'm from a smaller town in the randstad and we have a lot of foreigners but they're generally not aggressive. A ton I know were born or grew up here, which is probably why.
I know someone who grew up in the Bijlmer (blacksville in Amsterdam, this was in the early 2000's) and he says there was a ton of separatism (if you could call it that, I'm not sure but you know what I mean). He was one of the 5 white kids in a black school and he got robbed a bunch of times, everyone carried a window-breaker with them for safety back then. It's a lot better there now he says, but another friend's girlfriend is from there and says it's a shithole. Granted he grew up in a nicer area. But at least in Noord-Holland there are more foreigners than Dutch people. A guy from the upper North (farmerville) came over and he was amazed by how many blacks and middle-easterns there were. This isn't meant to be racebait, all the Muslims I met who were born here were very sweet and I got not much against the ones who grew up here Sage for blogpost lol, needed to say this, it's the vent thread after all
No. 1052307
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the fire detection system of my deaf neighbors is beeping but it is too late to go over and pointing it out. I guess the batteries are about to run out of energy …
No. 1052309
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>>1052294kss kss, back to your containment thread.
No. 1052325
>>1051838I didn't
He finally had reached out to me and asked if I was okay
I told him no, he asked why, I said because of the same things I told you about this morning, and he said "that's on you, not me"
I can't believe he would ever say something like that to me
We argued, he said some hurtful things and played
victim, and we agreed to talk tomorrow (today)
He's usually so kind and thoughtful. I'm on the verge of breaking it off. This is just so out of character for him, I don't know what to think
No. 1052337
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>call mom, helping her do stuff over the phone
>she asks out of nowhere if i'm looking for a job/a house
>as if i'm not just a broke 22 y/o with barely 8k in the bank and still a few semesters of college left
>then goes on to tell me about "equity" or whatever
she has a point, but i'm shit at this degree and i'm terrified of the workplace. i often think of just killing myself once i graduate. like i said i'm 22 (i'll be 23) and it will be seen as tragic rather than sad. her speaking to me about this shit fills me with such intense dread but i just kind of sit through it because i don't want to worry her.
No. 1052348
I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years around 5 months ago. I get that it takes a long time to move on, especially because we were serious to the point of planning marriage after I graduated and started up my career, but I hate this feeling that I still want him. I somehow still want to get back together, even though he treated me so wrongly in the end and became a completely different person with different views. I resent him for many things, absolutely hate some things, but also still love him. I still want to talk to him, even though they said never to speak to him again. It’s like knowing that I’m not supposed to talk to him makes me want to more. I know that’s stupid and I wish I didn’t feel that way. I don’t want him to move on. But I also know I probably deserve better. I sort of hoped that he would come back by now, beg for me back and be sorry, and return to the sweet person that he was before, and would fix all the mistakes and make it up to me. Ugh these feelings are just complicated. I’ve also been feeling sadder now because our anniversary is only a few weeks away, and the whole month of February just makes me sad because it used to be a special time for us. And I’m still in that strange stage where it would feel like cheating to be interested and do things with another person. Not that I can meet other people right now anyhow, I want to improve myself before getting out there again and I’m too busy with work. Don’t know how to deal with this feeling nonnies, I have the constant anxiety and intrusive thoughts of wanting to sabotage him.
No. 1052384
>>1052348the fact that you have been 5 years together with no engagement or marriage is the red flag itself.
Most men who have these long term relationships string these women along and when they break up they get married to some woman in a year.
No. 1052395
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>>1052386we twinning nona, being alive truly fucking sucks huh
No. 1052405
>>1052384Yeah now I would not wait that long, but we met in high school when I was 17, he was the same age too, although a grade above. We were both broke, stuck with parents, and didn’t think of getting married until we could work and ideally have our lives sorted out first so we could have that big wedding. I wanted to wait until after I graduated college and well, he dropped out after two years because of supposed depression, and didn’t want to get a job while living in our state. I guess you’re right, he could have at least done an engagement, there were a few times he said he would save up for a ring to propose and never did. Tbh I don’t think he’s going to find any better, I was the best he had, which makes me feel a little better I guess. He’s been scraping the bottom of the barrel because well, he’s not exactly successful and has a lot of issues now.
No. 1052512
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Woke up at 4pm because ive been working on commissions. It's 1am now and all I had was coffee and chocolate. I am extremely hungry and it drives me crazy. I feel like staying up until 6am just so I could go to a store, but I need to be out by 5pm to visit people. Jesus Christ. I don't have anything in the fridge.
No. 1052647
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>Be me
>Decide to browse lc at 6am because I can't sleep
>Click on a bookmarked thread
>Sees gore
UGh can't ever have peace. SCROTES ARE USELESS.
No. 1052650
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Sk sk begone dicklet
No. 1052653
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No. 1052665
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don't respond to it anons
No. 1052696
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I want to set my stupid cunt of a roommate on fucking fire
No. 1052718
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> I'm married
> friend is on the phone with me drunk
> he confesses he is in love with me
> saw this coming
> he's threatening suicide
> acting like a complete fucking incel
> really only stayed friends so he didn't kill himself
> "you're a fucking narcissist who just wants attention because everyone simps for you"
> "you're a faggot who just raises the rent here"
> "why don't you hang out with your husband"
> uhh because im a normal human being and can have friends without wanting to fuck them
> "you'll never understand being a guy with mental illness"
> "go suck your husband's dick, whore"
> I'm gonna go now
> "go fuck yourself. You're a cunt who doesn't care about me"
I hate men. They're all misogynistic assholes. except for my Nigel
No. 1052720
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I've been a neet from 17-20. My mental health has been really rocky so I figured a job will help me feel okay. I fucking hate it. I feel guilty though since it's a well paying job and I was only able to get it because of connection. I don't feel good living as a NEET and I don't feel good working, in fact, nothing interests me at all. I'm guessing suicide is the way to go, but if I do it then I'll be the asshole of the family.
No. 1052731
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>>1052718You’re literally married, men will never make any sense to me. Hope he an heroes, but they never actually do.
No. 1052804
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I can’t believe I texted him. 5 months of no contact down the drain, all to catch his interest enough to look at my story and see how good I look right now. I fucking hate myself. I wish I could take all the cringe out of my body and burn it in a fire
No. 1052826
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i wanna go and buy cake but i also don't wanna put on clothes and go out. also i would have to stop by the atm first because the bakery only accepts cash.
No. 1052835
File: 1644069894280.jpg (33.4 KB, 500x500, 7a5f5be8a774892b385c0024861879…) article made me wanna off myself once and for all.
These ret4rds are buying into this bullshit and women as class will face the consequences sooner or later
God there's so much I want to vent about this topic, but I'm really shit at expressing myself. I wish the average women used their braincells for once to see through men's bullshit and propaganda, guess that's not happening anytime soon huh
No Lindsely, altering your body in 239874 different ways, wearing skimpy clothing and acting dumb is not a jab at the patriarchy, you are acting exaaactly the way society in general expects you to act
No. 1052904
>>1052835"the capitalist fever dream that the #girlboss movement was" as if the bimbo "movement" is any better?
I'm not going to read this bullshit article but why do they have to include photos of women that don't belong to this side of tiktok in that (all man made) collage? I'm failing to see when Nicki Minaj, Marilyn Monroe and Pamela Anderson promoted being bimbos or whatever, the last two only played bimbo characters (as if they could play any other thing honestly)
No. 1052932
>>1052926theres something about that field that brings out all these wannabe-psychopaths out.
One guy who was obsessed with psychology tried to groom me when i was 15 and he had a 16yr old girlfriend. His 16yr old girlfriend was also jealous of him trying to groom me so she bullied me, she is now currently a psychology student too.
No. 1052935
>>1052932everyone around us also acted normal that he a grown man was dating a high schooler too, what a fucked up society.
The worst thing of all is that me and that girl would have been good friends if it wasnt for him.
No. 1052967
>>1052653>>1052663 >18+ onlyMe: worried that I'm getting too old for my interest in soft toys
Buildabear: Excuse me are you old enough to be looking at these teddy bears?
Thanks for putting my mind at ease BAB
No. 1053032
>>1046784I cant stop picking at my face. Plucking, pimple popping, All of it. I have red marks all over from my spree yesterday. I know everyone has facial hair, so why cant i out the fucking tweezers down?! I will melt down about it if i cant pluck it.
Help nonnas im so tired of the nitpicking i do to myself
No. 1053040
>>1053032Do you actually have a lot of pimples and clogged pores anon?
I ask because at the height of my picking no one ever thought I had "acne" in the traditional sense but I never ever had clear skin. There was always at least several large pimples to pop, one or two cysts to dig at, and an endless supply of blackheads and large amounts of stringy sebum even where there wasn't an active blemish developing. I'd sometimes lose track of time and spend 30 to 40 minutes in the mirror popping, squeezing, and picking on my face because there was legitimately disgusting shit all over it.
Then I went on a hormonal medication for my skin. It stopped producing blemishes and so much oil. I rarely pick at my skin now because there's just nothing to focus on. Because I don't pick, my face looks overall better although I still walk away with a pick scab at least once or twice a month cause I'm not perfect lol. Idk obv there's a difference if you have a
reactive habit like me or if you don't have really bad skin and it's just a matter of compulsion. Might be worth a shot though.
No. 1053049
>>1052938Good luck
Nonnie I hope you clean his ass out!
No. 1053097
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Just saw a scrote on kf sperging about women liking to gossip more. On Kiwifarms. The largest gossiping forum, which is also unsurprisingly male dominated. Just how much self-awareness must you fucking lack to say this shit there? I am speechless. All moids are worthless selfish faggots.
No. 1053142
>>1053130Nta but there's plenty women on there too, certain threads are more female heavy and some cows have threads over there but not here. It has it's value.
And they really do camp out and collect gossip and screenshots more obsessively than us on here. I don't know whether that's a compliment or if that's just sad.
No. 1053216
>>1031660You see, you say that, but she recently suggested I read the manga My Dress-up Darling and there was a scene where the main character runs into a "loli" character who just got out of the shower, she slips backwards and then there's an entire page dedicated to insinuating that her vagina is smooth and hairless. Even if you're a lesbian and you say you understand her, how can you find that exciting to read when it's classic misogyny (and don't get me started on the lolishit where she's 'actually older than him'!) right in your face.
Sorry for getting to this so late, I forget to check LC sometimes.
No. 1053242
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My sister is an extremely prominent figure in fine art so I often get to tag along to these private showings but every fucking time I go I have to sit through bougie white people trying to get to my sister. Let me get drunk in public in peace without brown nosers
No. 1053265
I'm probably gonna get shit on for this but idgaf I have to get it out:
I'm in a long term relationship with a man, we have a nice house, live comfortably and have pets together (that I love as if they were my children - we originally got the first because of a traumatic miscarriage I had).
I still find him physically attractive (I've never been a romantic person so I actually feel uncomfortable as fuck when he's tried such gestures, but he does regularly do things for me/show his care in other ways). Our sex is fine, it only happens when I want it but that's not really his fault as I went through a period of time where I got really angry when he tried to initiate it. Mostly we're at that point where you're more like roommates or whatever.
But the truth is, even if he wanted to fuck me day and night over and over, I seriously just want to fuck other men! It's not about him not being enough or whatever, I have no interest in being romantically involved or in a relationship with another man… I just want something new? Something different?? Lots of dick?
I'm also blessed with having multiple, stacking and easy orgasms via vaginal or even anal sex, and I'm going to be honest, I kind of regret not being a shameless, dirty fucking slut when I was younger and trying a gang bang or something. Like, I'm sure it's one of those things that isn't actually that great, and the risk of stis has always made me fear sleeping around too much, but goddamn… No matter how long a guy can go for, how hard he fucks me, if he can get it up again and keep at it, I always feel like I could orgasm more.
I don't know if it's true but I remember reading some shit about how monkeys in heat just take partner after partner (usually to ensure the men of the tribe all think the baby might be theirs and thus support it, like horses, I think?) and I keep thinking maybe I'm like those stupid fucking monkeys, maybe I'm just built to get railed by multiple partners at once..
And yeah, yeah, I've tried toys and non piv foreplay and whatever else - it's not the same.
I get why he wouldn't be ok with me going off and doing something like that, but honestly, if I thought we could live in peaceful mutual existence in the same house after and with our pets, I'd definitely break up to go be a stupid whore
It doesn't help that when we started dating (years ago) we were just fuck buddies and I didn't initially want a committed relationship because I did want to be able to sleep around. And I let him sleep around, but classically, the moment I wanted to go fuck a guy, he got incredibly upset and locked the relationship down (obviously no longer banging anyone else either on his side of things, but he still got to have his cake and eat it too and I didn't). I never thought at the time I cared that much, but now I feel resentful as all hell about it. I even know he would "let" me fuck other men if I brought that up, but I also know he couldn't emotionally handle that and it would "ruin" him.
I know, I know, if I feel this way I should "just break up" with him. But it honestly doesn't feel that simple when the house is technically mine so I'd be making him homeless and I love my babies way too much to seperate them from their other "parent". We just have too many things in our lives tied together and I don't think he could support himself financially without me. (He's not currently leeching off me or anything, I just don't think he could afford the cost of living alone and I don't feel right doing that to someone I care for all because I want more dicks than a coombrain's wet dream). And who knows, what if I tried it, realized it wasn't all that great and then felt like I totally fucked up a good thing for the sake of something that wasn't even worth it?
Guess I'll stick to fantasies, but ugh. Relationships are so tedious and nuanced, I don't think I'm even mentally/emotionally designed to be in one, and me accepting monogamy out of convenience was a mistake. Originally I thought he was on the same page as me, not interested in relationships, and my bestie warned me he'd want to commit. But did I listen? Did I consider what that meant long term, not just for me but for him? Did I care back then? Nooope. I'm a dumbass hoe
No. 1053285
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When you desperately want someone to kiss you but you also really want and need to take things slow because you have attachment issues and want to make sure you like the person for who they are and not your idea of them just because you desperately want to settle down and they happen to tick most of the boxes of what you're looking for.
On top of it all also having been the "single friend" for so many years so the thought of having a boyfriend kinda scares you.
No. 1053296
>>1053291I don't know if it helps at all but I feel like there's a decent chance he's just "down the rabbit hole" of porn addiction. I've talked with my terminally online male friends about this, it's like where they become so desensitized by normal porn they look for weirder and weirder stuff to get off to, even stuff that they'd normally (or after getting off) feel ashamed of or disgusted by.
So maybe there's hope and it's just that and not some weird, deeper meaning and even more disgusting fetish?
Heck, I'll be honest, I've rubbed one out to weird pokemon hentai before and I can't say it had any deeper meaning or psychology behind it. Granted, I'm assuming you mean one of those ones where some trainer is depicted as fully grown and banging a pokemon…. If he was jerking it to distinctly pedo poke porn, I feel like that's a different line entirely/definite red flag and I'd run for the hills
No. 1053299
>>1053296you may be right, i know that he has struggled with something like that in the past, i'm not sure if or how i should bring it up to him
i'm not sure how to describe what it was exactly, it was just pokemon fucking each other, no humans evolved, i'm not sure if that makes it worse or better
No. 1053300
>>1053295Listen, I get trannys fetishize women being promiscuous sex fiends but that doesn't mean I, a woman, cannot think how do or want what I want
The difference between myself and trannys (beyond biology) is that I have the sense to only vent this anonymously on a random online image board and not broadcast it to the world publicly.
Sorry I want dicks, don't like romance, used the words slut/whore and have orgasms, anons. Don't think any tranny has the capacity or decency to consider their partners feelings or the consequence of enacting their fantasies on their partner or pets.
No. 1053306
>>1053299I mean that's definitely kind of weird but it's still totally possible it's just some weird random thing. I want to say maybe he feels more comfortable looking at two anthromorphic cartoons because that's more deattatched from reality and thus maybe gives him less guilt about looking at porn, or something? Honestly I don't know if men are even capable of thinking that far or feeling that kind of shame even subconsciously, but I'm trying to be optimistic for ya, anon. Personally unless you see it as a red flag to keep an eye on, I'd probably just try to erase this knowledge from my mind if I were you…
…or you could make some really bad/corny pokemon sex roleplay tier jokes that make it obvious you saw him and get through it with comedy, I don't know. Like jokingly saying you'll dress up as a pokeball kek. It sounds retarded but laughing about stuff like that has always helped me ease it's weight on my mind for me, and it is kind of a hilarious thing to catch someone jerking it to when you think about it?
No. 1053308
this is going to be a weird vent, but i can't really talk about it to anybody. i posted about my ex before, that he went off the tranny deep end after meeting a she/they mtf groomer online in-game. they got close during covid lockdown when i couldn't visit my ex, and the groomer would listen to all of his problems regarding our relationship and "gender issues". found out he cheated on me with him, and we broke up.
anyways, ive been feeling more angry lately and finally found more information on this old tranny groomer, and found his real name. i texted my ex with the name, to see if it would illicit any reaction, and he got mad at me for digging up this guy's "dead brother's name" (this groomer always cried to my ex about being so suicidal for being responsible for his brother's death in an accident or something idk) and told me to never talk to him again. later, i dig deeper, and find the groomer's facebook. i confirmed that yes, this name was actually the groomer's name, not some "brother's" like he had been telling my ex. he was the ugliest looking neckbeard i have seen. this male claimed that he had female feminization surgery and took hormones for years, but he was just some bloated fat scrote with a beard. there was no sign of transitioning at all (maybe there were some moobs kek), and still used a very male name on his facebook, no pronouns mentioned. this moid had been sending my ex fake photos, so seeing this fat neckbeard made me laugh.
i sent all of the evidence to my ex in a laughing fit, then blocked him before he could respond (i didn't want to hear any angry defending, just in case). on one hand, it's funny that the groomer was just some really ugly moid, and it feels like karma for my ex being extremely stupid after i warned him multiple times, and gaslighting me for so long. but on the other hand, it's really insulting that my ex decided to end our years-long relationship by flirting with some ugly "mtf" online, and broke up with me trying to defend the groomer. i know it's not any fault of mine, that my ex is just an idiot and his brain is probably fried now from being brainwashed by the tranny cult and all the 'validation' he got from this groomer (and also gave my ex money and games). he left a relationship with an attractive woman with a career that was very patient, for someone he's never met in-person and now has turned out to be some neckbeard.
i also can't help but feel a little bad, despite my ex treating me horribly and always picking the groomer's side. i almost want to unblock my ex to see what he says about all of this, if it's a shock or anything. they were really close, so who knows, maybe my ex knew he was this ugly, but it seems this groomer was still trying his hardest to hide his real identity and came up with lies and stories. i also know it's a shock being groomed, so i can't help but feel a little empathy. on the other hand, i warned my ex multiple times that this mtf groomer was just a creep, but my ex didn't listen and even berated me. i'm very confused about how to feel about this or what to do and that's why i'm venting.
No. 1053466
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it's hitting me hard again, girls. how can one person be so accomplished, badass, and based? it makes me so sad when young people with a purpose die, always, but she was such a gem.
No. 1053479
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>handmaidens sperg out at me for liking BL manga and for saying women only servers are good for keeping harassment/perverts out
>one starts sperging out at me about how they knew this ‘beautiful’ hetero brolita who looked so beautiful in his dresses and how terrible it was that women called him a sissy.
They’re pretty terrible at hiding that they want headpats from scrotes.
No. 1053514
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>>1053478because troons and troon aligned tards are abusers. you don't need to be malicious or nasty to earn the ire of entitled males and their allies. she was nothing short of amazing, funny, and a perfect representative for women. she was absolutely everything the gender crit movement needed and she would've been an unstoppable force. the men and their allies need to be recognized for their malignancy and misogyny. she did nothing to deserve any bit of hatred or spite, she did the right thing repeatedly. they are just liars and manipulators.
No. 1053567
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>>1053560It was two, they were both saged and an hour apart.
No. 1053585
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someone bought my stuff on depop and reposted on their own, only to sell it for 3 times more than i did
No. 1053609
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>tfw gachacuck
>spent $200~ on a game currency this month
>can get a skin I really fucking want by buying another $160 worth in the next 10 days
Someone please fucking help me convince myself to whale… $160 is nothing, right? I'm not a poorfag anymore and I need to drop the poorfag mentality. Wasting money and being retarded must be good for me because it makes me happy. I spend paid currency in this game all the time, when I inevitably run out and buy more I'll never forgive myself for missing out on that stupidly gorgeous skin. I have no idea what else I'd spend the money on but if I did need $160 for whatever reason I could always get off my ass and sell some of the rare vocaloid crap that's been collecting dust in my room for the past century, why won't my subconscious let me enjoy things? There are literally cryptofags getting their asses blown out right now
No. 1053618
>>1053609you should probably stop playing that
or not spend any money on it
No. 1053638
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Why do you have to do this. Why does every two words we say to each other have to devolve into an argument. Why can’t we just be normal adult sisters who get along with each other without you having to pick me apart every five seconds. It’s not my fault you’re terminally single and the guys you’re chasing after keep letting you down. You’re not better than me because you’ve moved out and into a new city. When I leave the country I’m never fucking speaking to you again. You’re never going to find what you actually want because you’re too busy looking down your nose at people living lives you disapprove of.
No. 1053672
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>girl in chat pointing out that screening people’s voices to make sure they’re women is “terf-y”
God shut up already. I know your dumb ass got top surgery but you’re still just an unfortunate looking enby girl.
if you weren’t you wouldn’t be here in the first place sperging about your shitty ships. Actual Men can’t relate to your autistic obsession with gay anime moids.
No. 1053727
>>1053705This doesn't make much sense to me. How else are you supposed to refer to yourself?
Me also blessed with multiple orgasms?
I know what you're getting at but if you're talking about something that affects you, starting a sentence with I should be a given. The real tip off is avoidance of saying "I feel". That's a scrote sign.
No. 1053738
>>1053727Whatever anon, I noticed internet users get really
triggered at grammatically correct English for whatever reason. It's stupid and encourages a mentality of laziness.
No. 1053752
>>1053743I don't believe that at all. It's a distinctly different feeling coming from stimulating a different place.
Nobody who hasn't experienced both types of orgasm themselves should do research on it. I doubt the people who made that bullshit thesis did.
No. 1053769
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>>1053698>>1053705>>1053721>>1053727>>1053744Can you all shut the fuck up now about whether I'm a moid or not because my vent post doesn't adhere to your woman typing standards, my god
No. 1053784
>>1053779I really don't know why you think this is an insult kek. I could gain 300lbs between this post and the next for all I care, it has nothing to do with the subject at….
Hand(Thanks anons, no need for a standing ovation - I'll be here all night)
No. 1053799
>>1053788Honestly, I just woke up and scrolled by the thread to see people still sperging, had 5 free seconds and went for it. I also find it annoying to be told I can't think, talk or act a certain way because "woman just don't do that"? I can be mentally unstable, retarded, whatever, but whether that fits people's ideals or not I'm still a woman.
Beyond that I think it should be obvious the use of words like "whore" or "stupid slut" or whatever are for dramatic effect while venting. Lolcow might be unique but it's still an offshoot of 4chan, which I've already admitted I had my roots on (being an oldfag who came here after moots cgl exodus), so really no shit I'm going talk how I always have on imageboards. Ain't that deep
No. 1053801
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all my sex dreams end up being gross
No. 1053803
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I swear, there is nothing in this world that will make you hate counting like
No. 1053864
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holy shit i am TIRED of seeing Tara Mooknee videos recommended to me on youtube even after I said I'm not interested in watching that shit.
she recently made a video about how trash womens daytime tv is (its true) and then went off into some whining about transphobia on there too…yet didn't even include any fucking examples of it? why is almost every female youtuber like this now?
they'll rightfully point out examples of misogyny in whatever they're talking about and then because they're probably scared about being called a bigot they'll say "oh btw its transphobic too hehe <3 trans women r women" shut the fuck up how was this necessary at all?
the fact we can't even talk about real womens issues without having to include literal men so they don't end up crying and pushing us on to traintracks is fucking exhausting. i've had to unfollow so many youtubers because they won't shut up about muh transwomen are just as oppressed bs.
No. 1053872
>>1053866 it's so depressing. what female youtubers do you watch?
i need some who don't feel the need to add transphobia onto everything or have the audacity to compare transwomen to how black women are treated (looking at you Shanspeare).
No. 1053908
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>have college math class that’s mandatory at the Uni and supposed to be baby-tier
>each day so far has been the professor giving a rundown on whole numbers, fractions, angle types
>first homework assignment is seven algebra questions
>cannot remember how to do a single thing
>fucking up every equation so hard that I downloaded a prealgebra book to relearn everything before I try my homework again
The awkward thing is that I’ve already taken three college math classes at my other school, it’s just been so long I forgot everything.
No. 1053920
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i wish hermione's time turner existed in real life, i'd use it just to have more time to read. the day is way too short and i have so many books on my kindle that need my attention!!
No. 1053932
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>>1053923extremely sophisticated and complex literature!
warrior cats, hehe>>1053929you can't prove anything!!
No. 1053950
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>>1053932>warrior catsbased
No. 1053988
>>1052938Keep is updated
nonnie. I'm praying you win.
No. 1054029
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My mother pisses me off so much OMG. She keeps pushing this narrative that I'm addicted to 'the digital world' because I bought a desktop PC and this made her have flashbacks of the time 'when I played on my Playstation as a kid and it was my whole world and how my face was distorted with excitement every time I played'.
She also made this dramatic statement that the fact that I keep making mistakes at my workplace must mean that 'it is not my calling'. I literally have ALWAYS had attention problems ever since I was a kid (it took me hours to memorize a short text because my thoughts kept wandering), but when I mentioned this to her, she laughed and said that this is 'everyone'. She also said she cannot wrap her head about the fact that I keep being late to our appointments and the fact that I am disorganized (again, further proof of ADD), because 'this is just a question of self-discipline'. It also hurts me extra much because I've been actively taking effort to become more organized, building habits and sticking to them. She of course only notices the instances that I fail (dishes unwashed, me being late, etc) and never when I succeed (worked out consistently, read and finished a book, etc). Also, for being mastering organization skills and self discipline, she advised me to try yoga breathing classes and an ayurvedic checkup. I'm not even kidding.
No. 1054061
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Wish I could just eat choccie and cake… but I can't… have to b healthy… cruel world
No. 1054068
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No. 1054177
>>1054143whats the matter
nonnie? call your mom if you can
No. 1054228
>>1054213Holy shit
nonnie that is horrible. Please be safe and stay away from that disgusting waste of space.
No. 1054255
>>1054213Back when I was 18 and going through a phase of ONSs I had a guy start pulling at me while I was almost asleep. I pretended to be fast asleep to avoid awkwardly turning down a round 2.. but he didn't stop. I lay there purposefully faking being asleep and just contemplated what was happening. He was older than me and had a daughter only a few years my junior. My mind rushed with all these thoughts. He' had gotten consensual sex out of me already..
I can't imagine going through that for real and it also being someone you'd started to think you're even connecting with. It's not about sex, it's about power.
No. 1054272
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every time I sit down to eat I think about that cum rope picture posted in the bad art thread and I lose my appetite
No. 1054284
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>>1054272i will use your post as thinspo. now i can be a skinny legend too. thanks
No. 1054312
>>1054152Why do you hate it here? Genuinely curious. I want to move
to get away from family but I can't decide which country would satisfy my needs.
No. 1054416
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I'm homeless, nonnies.
No. 1054430
>>1054218I hate this stupid shit so much. As someone with ADD-ADHD and a parent who also clearly has it but refuses to believe it exists (and that parent caused my family years of emotional trauma refusing to accept their own issues from having it) your situation with your mom pisses me off to no end
Denying the existence of ADD is like saying diabetes doesn't exist. Our brains literally don't process things the same, the reason why you can look at PlayStation with joy but not do simple learning of drier topics is because the former gives you enough dopamine to be able to concentrate. Someone with ADD's brain is always looking for more dopamine and we can't 'concentrate' because we don't have enough of it. That's literally why ADD is treated with amphetamines (a drug that directly effects dopamine) and why amphetamines make someone with ADD "calm down" and be "more normal" instead of turning you into a nutter whose awake for days on end like a normal person would be from taking those medications.
Fuck your mom and fuck people who refuse to believe ADD exists because it gets misconstrued as "mental illness" and wrongly diagnosed. I hope your mom stubs each and every one of her toes for the next month straight
No. 1054465
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>>1054306Love you too Nonna, hope you have a wonderful day full of smiles
No. 1054487
>>1054473When you have a good, true friendship then you can share your thoughts and feelings without being afraid that you are being annoying. But what I have learned during my life is that a lot of people are just "sunshine friends" as I call them, they just want to be your friend in the good times and not be there for you during the bad times, you being sad annoys them. These are not your real friends.
Of course you also need to learn how to uhm… "portion out" your feelings. If you constantly complain and expect everyone around you to be your emotional tampon all of the time, that can be very very exhausting. Especially if you're always unhappy and there are never any good times and spending time with you basically just means people have to listen to you bitch and moan, then even good friends will get tired of it eventually. You gotta figure out what people are really your friends that you can talk to and then you gotta learn to deal out your woes and worries in portions, making sure you also take time to listen to them and their problems and make sure you also have plenty of fun times together where you don't complain and just make jokes and laugh. It's a balance.
No. 1054497
>>1054473Anon you're a little spergy but that's okay, doesn't mean you should hide away entirely. Keep expressing your thoughts and feelings with people, practicing socializing is the only way you'll improve at it.
Also most people only want to talk about themselves or their own interests, you admit the same… So try talking about them first. Then your sperg is perceived as less annoying because they already owe ya one from their own sperg. Simple as pie
No. 1055032
>>1054853Same for me
nonnie. I've turned down alcohol at parties and people have mocked me or acted like I was insulting their family. Like I just said no? Is alcohol that important to you?