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No. 1033306
Lord, what fools these farmers be.
Previous thread
>>1018946 No. 1033433
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>>1033427Thank you
nonnie, I was thinking of leaving a tip. I hope a £10 will be fine.
No. 1033499
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>>1033495Welcome back
nonnie No. 1033504
>>1033499Forget that dumb
nonnie, sauce on the pic
No. 1033510
>>1033499thanks still trying to remember how everything works so i don't get ban immediately
>>1033504kek isn't it a harvest moon cow
No. 1033517
>>1033504Harvest Moon Animal Parade!
Cutest cows in all of vidya
No. 1033573
>>1033331Lots of soda or orange juice
>>1033521>>1033495Last time it was on /snow/ there was literally no difference lol. Stuff like body sperging still went on for days.
No. 1033574
>>1033343i just looked this up and it made me realize i'm a grey rock to everyone besides my parents
No. 1033872
>>1033644I cut my hair this way a few days ago and it looks fine, no noticeable unevenness, but I also usually wear it tied back most days so idk.
>>1033786 was right tho about the slight U shape, but it's not that noticeable. I guess it depends on the angle you cut your hair
No. 1033992
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>>1033671>>1033652thank you both. hearts.
any advice for someone starting to do draw again after a pretty big break? what should i start with?
i stopped drawing for almost a decade and i'm just now starting again. but i am realizing my skills have deteriorated bad. i kind of draw things as 'symbols' than actually thinking about them in a 3d space, you know? i want to get a fresh start and kind of learn to draw all over again. where should i start? i think i'm gonna give the 'drawabox' thing a go but other than that, what else can i do? i draw (or well, used to draw) mostly humans, food and still life, for reference. if anyone has any good art channels, i would like that. sorry if this is a very beaten down question. i just want a little help.
No. 1034031
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NTA but thank you for this post. I did try to watch the CS50 course but even after the first lesson I felt like I was just too fucking stupid to understand it. I will try again and try MIT's course and the book too!
No. 1034049
>>1034031I missed this post. What was on it?
I also tried the MIT course but was so lost because I don't have a math brain
No. 1034082
>>1034031I'm glad you saw the post. I apologize for deleting it; I'm still a student, and I don't think I've yet earned the right to advise people about the "best" way to learn to code. I can tell you about the various ways that were shared with me, the ones that I've tried, and the ones I was advised…but I deleted the post because I didn't want to give anyone "unreliable" advice. But I'm glad you took something from it,
nonny. Good luck.
>>1034049Basically, this:
Try Harvard's CS50. Get through it, even if you don't solve all the problem sets. But if you're at your wit's end, just take MIT's Introduction to Programming Using Python. Then go to libgen, look for Grokking's Algorithms, and get it. It's really visual and easy to read–in fact, the "prose" is like similar to my post–so it should be easy to get through. You'll really learn by implementing though, so I'd advise watching the lecture, going to read the part of the book that discusses the lecture, and then continuing. Extra: google your missing CS semester, which will lead you to a MIT page. It's a course that gets you acquainted with all those tools everybody expects you to already know.
Then you can check out stuff like Colt Steele's webdev courses, which are pretty good. Maybe CS50 AI. It depends on what kind of stuff you want build/are interested in, but you can just look for resources online to test the waters and see what you're into.
No. 1034087
>>1034082The MIT python course I attempted was from 2011. I couldn't even do the first assignment. Is there a more updated one?
Also are any of these free but guided courses? I have a hard time focusing and holding myself to learn at your own pace stuff, and my brain shuts off and avoids anything it deems too tedious. I really wanna force myself but it's so hard without structure.
I wanted to maybe try front end stuff first because it does seem a bit more useful and less complex than back end. Any thoughts on this?
No. 1034310
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How do I get over my fear of my car not having a reverse cam? I legit get so paranoid a child is always behind me when I'm backing up
No. 1034336
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>>1033306I just did a tarot reading and I'm pretty sure it's telling me to break up with my bf. We literally just started dating and he's so sweet. I'm sad, what do? I was worried he wouldn't commit long term due to my past relationships, he seems committed atm but still has Snapchat and talks to girls from past relationships/ keeps all the pics with his ex/ doesn't take life very seriously
I know this is stupid hence posting in sqt but please advise
No. 1034351
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why did google do this to me I didn't do anything
No. 1034452
>>1034372part of the reason I hate wearing bras is that I feel like I have weird sensations in my boobs. they've always been very tingly. like
>>1034402 said, though… I truly felt it the first time someone else touched them, especially when someone sucked them
No. 1034519
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How are you
No. 1034526
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how can i keep these aluminum ointment tubes from leaking constantly? (picrel) whenever i open a new tube of ointment, every time i take the cap off a bunch of ointment splooges out the top, and it happens every single time until the tube is like 1/4 empty.
please help me wise nonnas, i hate wasting product
No. 1034563
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Is drinking water over tea really going to make that much of a difference?? For context, I was telling my coworker that I frequently get UTIs. I'm not sexually active, and I've just been prone to them all my life. She tells me drinking water helps and points out that I usually just have tea in my tumbler instead. I refill my 32 oz tumbler like 2-3 times throughout the work day and it's usually tea, and at home I drink water (also out of a huge cup kek). Does it really make a difference? Also it's plain black and green tea if it matters.
No. 1034594
>>1034581I’m not a doctor but I don’t think the tannins would contribute to chronic uti infections, but if the tea anon is drinking has a lot of sugar in it might?
>>1034563Swap a couple of your teas for some water and see if it makes any difference?
No. 1034600
>>1034569>>1034571>>1034581Thanks nonas, will keep the tannins in mind!
>>1034594Nah I drink my tea plain since I drink so much of it. But I think I'll just have one cup in the morning then refill my tumbler only with water for the rest of the day.
No. 1034766
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Is it extra weird if I'm a bi woman obsessed with "gay FTMs" aka fakebois who think they're gay men? I feel a mix of envy and attraction to them. Why do I feel like this (besides being same sex attracted)?
No. 1035030
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Has anyone entered the JET program or has tried to? What was it like?
No. 1035032
>>1035022Omg yur lyk, 2 edgy and kul for us beb. Even if it's not going to kill me some of us appreciate not having to stumble across images of women's corpses when we're just trying to shit talk a celebrity, I'm glad some anons take the time to warn people.
>>1035008Yes it's scrotes trying to ruin a women's-only space, nothing new. I'm glad you haven't had to see it so far
No. 1035043
>>1035030If I get my N2 certificate this year, I'll try for it as well. But I wouldn't be an english teacher, since I'm not a native speaker.
I would also like to know the experiences, especially for those who did not become teachers!
No. 1035149
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>>1035054I got these ones, they're called snoozies
No. 1035194
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>>1035054Get some clog or mocassin style slippers with hard soles, I got picrel from LL bean and they're perfect
No. 1035197
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What can I do if my oven display looks like this from a previous roach infestation?
No. 1035220
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Why does the scrote posting gore put mspaint lines around the image?
No. 1035225
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>>1035220Garden-variety retardation
No. 1035259
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>>1035256Constantly scanning your horizons? That's a very
prey animal thing to do. Are you a prey animal?
No. 1035261
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>>1035259prey animals don't need to look around as much because they have a larger field of vision by default due to their eyes being on the side of their heads
No. 1035263
>>1035259show of hands, nonnies who were on the tumblr at the time, who believes that this was a troon?
I low-key believe in larps tbh just look at that fucking neck kek
No. 1035267
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>>1035263Nah, her hands arent manly and she exuded a distinctly feminine schizo rage. She was an activist and would have reee'd about trans rights if so
No. 1035273
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>>1035261I remember learning about that from how to draw animals books I used to study from,
triggered some nice nostalgia
No. 1035289
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>>1035284if you're talking about picrel, no, that's just a meme. actually looking up her full name will get you childhood pictures of her as a girl
No. 1035310
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>>1035263>I low-key believe in larps tbh just look at that fucking neck kekMy neck looks kinda like this, makes me shake and cry to think if we met you'd think I'm a troon
No. 1035333
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>>1035267>hands aren't manlyidk nona they look like they could cover their entire face with one palm not to mention those forearms are long as hell AND kinda vein-y
i am not convinced!
No. 1035406
>>1035400Meditation, breathing exercises, avoid screens at all costs, cbd oils maybe?
t. also depressed and struggling with sleep, these are my therapists recomendations
No. 1035416
>>1035409I started getting grays at like 17, only have a few unnoticeable strands years later. My mom didn't get any until her late 30's. My aunt had grey grey hair by like 25.
Its completely individual. Also starting going grey at mid 30s doesnt mean mid 30's women have gray hair, they have just started going gray. A few white strands here and there.
No. 1035554
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How do you make friends naturally? I just wana make stuff for somebody who'd appreciate it without having them feel like they owe me something. It seems like every time I do this, it only pushes people away. Idgi and idk how to make a connection when contact is broken within a few days. Do i have to start following something very mainstream right now to make friends or should i become a mega hermit and talk to the walls?
No. 1035560
>>1035554It’s kind of difficult tbh, you kind of had to click with someone to be friends with her/him naturally. You could be friends with someone after pushing a lot, but it will only tire you after a while. You just have to interact with people irl and then find someone who may click with you.
I’m honestly lucky because most of the times, the person I was talking to but that doesn’t click with me, has taken me directly to another group of people that has become friends with me.
No. 1035589
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How do I start exercising?
I am not obese just chubby from sitting all day in the puter(i work as a freelance illustrator, that's my excuse) and i need something easy to start. I have a backyard so i have space to do stuff. I have tried starting Pilates for my back problems but everything around me is closed still.
No. 1035590
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What the hell do I do with these stickers?
I don't want to put them on my switch or phone. I was thinking maybe suitcase?
Don't judge my taste btw I love my girls.
No. 1035594
>>1035589Create a routine, 15-30 minutes 3 times a week, then increase the duration or the frequency as you see fit.
When it comes to the actual workouts you do, I like switching things up so I can look forward to my workouts instead of them feeling like a chore. There are a ton of free HIIT/Pilates/Calisthenic workouts on youtube, I would recommend building strength using your bodyweight before moving to weights
No. 1035679
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Does this keyboard look cool or no?
No. 1035680
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Asked this in the last thread so apologies for double posting but please does any nonnie know how to make a MAL completely private?
Annoying scrotes from my past keep contacting me on it but it would make me sad to delete it because I've been recording muh animu and manga on it for years now… it's put me off trying new shows because I don't want them to see me active on it and updating.
No. 1035692
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Are there any threads on /m/ for me to spam nice anime-style art or should I start a new one
No. 1035794
>>1035720I'm not really sure what to think. On one hand I agree, that some crimes are so heinous that I don't believe there is any punishment more fitting than death. On the other hand, if we as society have seemed that killing someone is objectively wrong, what gives us the right to decide to end someone's life?
I try to be a forgiving person in my life now and I try not to hold anger in my heart, but I'm sure it'd be very difficult to do that if one of my loved ones was murdered in cold blood. It'd be hard not to wish that fucker dead. But also, giving them the sweet release of death feels unjust. They're dead! Now what? I'm still here, grieving. My loved one won't return to me. Was it worth it?
No. 1036006
>>1036002genertic plot cartoon and the only good things about it are animation and the fact that its based on the most
toxic competitive game to exist from a company with a long history of sexual harassment.
if the animation wasn't so good, people wouldn't have watched it (not counting LoL players)
No. 1036253
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Thought I could be ectopic-pregnant with an IUD in (persistent nausea), tested (picrel mildly funny combo purchase), am not. Question: if I were, could the zygote be transplanted into someone who wanted one? How would that process look if so?
No. 1036260
>>1036201I'm not a connoisseur (fortunately?) but I do use them for my job just because the keyboard on my Mac sucks. I bought brown mx switches many years ago and it's currently sitting at my parent's place. I bought another one during the pandemic from Amazon that were fake cherry mx switches but serve their purpose well. One of my friends had an artisanal Japanese keyboard that was worth $400 or so. I wish I could remember the name of it for you, but it was really small, all black, with nothing printed on the keys.
No. 1036470
>>1036456My strategy is to just ask them to do what you want them to do, but frame it in a way that’s like it’s something both of you could improve. Instead of saying “you left the toilet seat up” say “hey could we make sure we put the toilet seat down?” That will usually be enough for people who are completely adverse to criticism, because you’ve set a standard (toilet seat should be down) for which you COULD criticize them for, which would make them the bad terrible horrible unloveable person they think they are. Approach it like that every time, completely free of judgment and as if it’s the first time you’ve asked them to do it and then eventually it’ll be habitual for them.
Assuming it’s a moid because men are babies when it comes to criticism. If female/BPD idk if this would work but also women will go to therapy over any perceived flaw so that’s not exactly an unreasonable option.
No. 1036499
>>1036456This is a good advice
>>1036470I struggle with giving people criticisms too, or maybe it's just the women I ran into / accidentally made friends with are just coddled middle class girls and not the BDP-chan I see around LC. Worst one I ran into immediately deflect me and saw my intervention as a literal Threat to them, it was frustrating how I'd have to play strict parent in friend groups with those types around.
I don't have actual good advice to this, though to OP: if your friend reacted badly to your criticism (even if you tried your best to curate your wordings), you can walk away and let your friend steam in their anger/defensive stage for some time, and check on them after to know if they're okay to talk again.
I think any sort of reassurance, and repeating yourself that you don't mean to devalue them as a person, which should at least keep them grounded.
No. 1036547
>>1036470>>1036499The thing is, it's kind of their issue and not something generalizable. It's like this:
> me kind of in a mood so am quiet and keeping to myself> sensitive person acts as normal, actually maybe overly chatty like keep talking about stupid ass shit (or maybe it just feels that way since I'm already in a mood)> I try to grey rock or just straight up say something like, "I'm kind of tired and don't want to talk right now."> sensitive person: Well OKAY THEN i'll just be quiet FROM NOW ON [pouts, withdraws]and it's like, that last part is so unnecessary and annoying as shit and I want to ask her to work on that but at that point she's already sensitive and withdrawing if I try to address it right away, or if I wait until later she brushes it off like "it's over, just drop it".
Maybe it's just me? I can't help the moodiness sometimes, but maybe I should stay by myself when that happens.
No. 1036550
>>1036547You sound like half the problem there. I get being in a mood, I'm introverted and in one almost constantly, that doesn't mean it's okay to tell people not to talk to you. If it's somewhere you can't avoid others (like work), you keep your annoyance to yourself and give boring replies so they leave you alone. If it was your choice to hang out with a friend, you fake nice because why are you even with them if you're not in the mood?
Have a little tact and don't assume your feelings trump everyone else's.
No. 1036568
>>1036547Disregarding the other replies and calling each other autistics. Just to be sure, this interaction still bothers you, correct?
I see it's as you tried to power through the normal convo with your friend, despite you were being withdrawal / in a bad mood. Friend was annoyed that you didn't mention it from the beginning, and saw your comment in midway of convo was disregarding her, and felt hurt by it.
Her response later "it's over, just drop it" can be expected. If it were me I'd see myself that moment as being immature & unfair to you, and I wouldn't want to admit it myself.
If this is a pattern of interaction between the two of you, and that it does matter to your relationship: Be persistent. Tell her that it is important for you two to put actions into context. And if conflicts like this happen again in the future, you two have matured enough to resolve it.
Hope my wording makes sense.
No. 1036614
>>1036603>don’t want to be laughed atYou probably know this already, but if you go in with that mindset, you’ll quit anything you try. If you’re that terrified of rejection that it would prevent you from doing something you want, it’s a problem.
And no, it’s not too late. Certainly, people who start early have an advantage because they grow into the flexibility. But that doesn’t mean you can’t train. There might even be a beginner class. All in all the best thing you can do is go in person and talk to an instructor, or send them an email. Worst case scenario It’s all professional ballerinas? Then you can look at another type of fun dancing, like jazz, which isn’t as much of a members club.
No. 1036616
>>1036575>So you think what set my friend off was trying to pretend like everything was oK but then revealing it wasn't?You should ask her yourself, when the two of you are set up for the serious conversation and not out of the blue "what did I set you off??". It is to make sure she can follow through what you meant by this question.
>so I should have been more honest from the beginning? I don't think it's a matter of being dishonest/trying to hide your friend from your bad mood. I see it's still a situation you didn't have much control over.
You can create a habit to ask each other how you're doing before a long form conversation. (This is what the kids called Vibechecking).
It's good that you're working on yourself / trying to be tact with her. I think you should prioritize yourself despite being sympathetic with your friend (she needs to put in efforts too!)
No. 1036653
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can someone tell me reasons why euphoria sucks (I don't want to watch it and know it sucks but not specifics) so I can tell my friend to stfu recommending it to me
No. 1036665
>>1036653it's another teen show that's "actually for adults" because the high schoolers in it are extremely, unnecessarily sexualised. it's not realistic, it's merely graphic and shocking. people tend to confuse those. it's cringe and there's some fucked shit that people gloss over way too much, examples being what
>>1036661 mentioned and one of the characters losing her virginity at 14 to a man in his 40s and it being okay because "she was in control". fans like to make excuses for this, but it's just lazy exploitative writing. the show doesn't serve to criticise the culture it presents, instead it glamourizes it in neon lighting, designer outfits that no teens really wear and vine edit tier music. it's a mess. a pedo wet dream of the creepy middle aged man it was created by
No. 1036669
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does anyone else think that certain topics should be banned in the unpopular opions thread because they're annoying? I can think of a new:
>fujoshi vs yumejoshi debates
>sperging about different races having different body types
No. 1036672
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do you guys consider being able to use mirror writing with the same speed as normal writing as any form of talent or interesting ability? I also don't need a mirror to read my writing later. please tell me I'm cool or something
No. 1036704
>>1036669unpopular opinion is a already a huge pool of bait for me and I just avoid avidly.
I don't understand where's all the yume vs fujo sperg getting out of hands lately, at least they have their own containment thread now.
No. 1036721
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I guess this will be a long one but maybe some anon with some technical knowledge can help me.
I'm currently use my laptop that has since the beginning of this week the habit of freezing out of sudden. It usually starts with not be able to load websites. At first I thought my internet just being weird, but at the second time I couldn't click on any buttons. It won't switch off by itself when I close it, which would usually happen after a few seconds but it goes on and on and on until you push the power button for a moment by yourself. When I turn it on again, it usually works fine until the next time it freezes. Today I wanted to edit some photos on PS but as soon as I wanted to choose the pic, it froze whenever I clicked on a pic. This thing is already about ten years old, without any major problems until NOW. The CD drive has the habit of popping out by itself for a while now too, but never payed bigger attention to it because as mentioned, it's old and I just assumed that it is not working as it should because of it because I used that thing A LOT. Now I wonder: What could cause the problem? Could I fix it on my own? Or should I get a new laptop? If yes: Which one?
No. 1036735
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>>1036721refer to picrel for your solution
No. 1036744
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>>1036721what kind of laptop do you have
nonnie? You might need to serach is this is a usual bug for your model. Also I would recommend doing a backup of all of your files just in case
No. 1036746
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>>1036721If you wanna salvage it, backup your data and try Linux.
If you're filtered by Linux, just buy a new one. Get any thinkpad off ebay, from the last 10 years, they're cheap and durable.
No. 1036750
>>1036735Honestly me this morning when I wanted to make a post here on LC and it froze again lol
>>1036744I have a toshiba E1 Vision AMD. I already saved everything a few days ago because who knows if one day that thing won't turn on anymore.
>>1036746Good idea.
No. 1036833
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>>1036750>>1036762If you legitimately want to try Linux, check out this website for an introduction:'s a picture of a pretty desktop to prompt you.
No. 1036843
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>>1036839No problem! But be aware that Linux on the desktop can be far easier than using Linux on the server for hosting (on the server pretty much everything is done on the terminal)
If you want some good ideas for self-hosting, check this site out: No. 1036848
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>>1036843wow,i don't know how else to thank you for these resources
No. 1036850
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seeing farmers infighting on LC makes me really horny, what does that mean?
No. 1036853
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>>1036848It's no trouble, really. This stuff is super easy to find once you know what you're looking for :)
>>1036850>imageboard infighting turns me onfunny.
No. 1036854
>>1036853Big respect for picrel kek
>>1036850Yeh i get it.
No. 1036867
>>1036860Younger crowd anon.
No. 1037161
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so an anon somewhere mentioned that there's crying rami gifs /m/ but i looked through multiple threads in the catalog and CANNOT find it so can a /m/astermind please direct me to those posts? thanks
No. 1037219
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Is this true
No. 1037260
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>>1037219OP may be referring to this article, which is a summary of a research paper entailing the price hike on electric bills caused by cryptominers.
"People are freezing because of NFTs" can be an overstatement, since I didn't find any article entailing specific cases. Though I have no doubt several communities are suffered due huge power consumption because of mining individuals. No. 1037291
>>1037260Funny part is cryptocurrency mining is magnitudes more energy expensive than minting NFTs, but we can't bully the tech bros about it so we need to harass artists trying to make a buck instead.
I think NFTs are bullshit because the majority of them are those picrew level shitty images, but I don't fault real artists trying to get in on the cash cow.
Besides I don't understand why they blame the artists for making NYC energy prices go up… Surely it's the city's responsibility to keep power affordable even with the spike in demand?
No. 1037318
>>1037291> Surely it's the city's responsibility to keep power affordable even with the spike in demand?It's more complicated than that anon. More power = more power plants. And the world is already struggling with trying to cut down on nuclear power plants (which contributes greatly to the greenhouse effect). Nuclear power plants are cheaper, affordable, and produce power faster than hydro power plant, windmills and solar panes.
Surely any environmentalist anon can explain better here, but power generation is something we learned in middle school.
It got me thinking of education system in North America (which is the only country that's full denial on climate change), the ignorance on greenhouse effect, co2 and o2 exchange and all that was something I'd have to draw graphs over during school.
No. 1037319
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Is it weird to bathe with your partner? My man and I bathe together every night, not in a sexual way we just talk about our day and stuff. Recently I have been informed that that is strange.
No. 1037334
>>1037318Ayrt and I'm not American, in my country when a city needs more power the politicians make a big show about sourcing renewable power from neighboring areas, you can even sell back your excess power to the government if you have a lot of solar panels.
If the Twitter tards are determined to call NFT artists capitalist pigs, why not use that attitude to criticize a city that cuts off people's heat rather than absorbing the cost of this unforeseen surge in demand?
Oh yeah because you can't make politicians grovel for your forgiveness on Twitter
No. 1037338
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Is this even what “kinderwhore” is??
All I remember about it was that Nicole Dollwombbler or whatever her name was.
No. 1037448
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>>1035598If you really mean it
nonnie I'd be open to doing that, cute idea ♥
I put the neutral Sayori one on my portable charger so she'll be with me wherever I go and because her hair colour matches it. The rest I haven't used. My favourite is Monika but Sayori is a close second!
No. 1037480
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would it be cruel to reject my boyfriend's marriage proposal if he proposes to me without an engagement ring
No. 1037552
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attention deficient and procrastinatey nonners, what kinds of little rewards do you give yourself between tasks? I just quit smoking, this is usually when I would have a cig but alas. I am also not hungry nor wanting to condition myself to stress-eat
No. 1037566
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>>1037562because sachiko kaneoya is popular here and I thought it was funny
No. 1037693
>>1037334AYRT, I'm sorry that my comment about environmental issue in NA was seemingly directed at you. That last part unnecessary and it was just my comment about their general attitude towards climate change.
As for the government part, it is not my place to comment about your country and its politicians since we are just anons on an imageboard. And they should do something the power usage imbalance. Doesn't mean that individuals cant speak out against crypto and the entire industry and its harmful impact on carbon footprints. I also need to mention that crypto was a scheme to create a currency outside of a government's inference, if there's not already privatized power plants industry.
To clarify myself again, this reply isn't to "dont bully politicians guys" more of me trying to explain how power distribution works. And the general consensus is to not use more Nor generate more power, either.
No. 1037736
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is any of you nonnies familiar with any of these brands?
>be me
>hate cheap chinese crap
>finds browser extension to weed out cheap chinese crap that also gives me buying alternatives made in the US
>has an option to donate (so they don't have to pay taxes I guess)
>have a section of women owned businesses
I wanna donate and help women as much as possible but I also don't wanna give money to trannies or libfems, help.
No. 1037767
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I'm a little clueless about fermented foods. How long can store-bought kimchi stay out without refrigeration? Picrel is the brand if it matters, it comes refrigerated so I wasn't sure.
No. 1037817
>>1037736Beautycounter is an MLM so avoid
Moda operandi is a high fashion/designer online storefront so they aren’t really libfemmy afaik
Girlfriend collective makes nice athleisure sets but they are very “body posi” and have the typical libfem aesthetic
Thinx underwear are literally
toxic so no
Mejuri is… ok but girlbossy and I hate the name
I like supergoop sunscreen
Others I’m not familiar with
No. 1038155
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>>1038144As far as I know the first one is right I have never seen the second one. The second one looks like mean squared error. That's the standard deviation of the arithmetic mean
No. 1038450
>>1038370my city's nonemergency services were not picking up, neither were animal services because it's the weekend.
They're agitating the dog, hitting it, pulling its leash, swinging it around, etc. It's the worst thing I've ever seen. I called the police, and saw a cop talk to the people abusing it. They were abusing it WHILE the cop was talking to them. The cop did nothing and drove off. They're still abusing it.
No. 1038477
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Is there a name for these bruise birth mark things? I've seen other people with them too.
No. 1038600
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>>1038547ngl i'm starting to like vagina fetishist.
No. 1038606
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>>1038477You mean those bags on the sides of the cheeks? The skin is slightly raised there, it's not just discolored. They're calles festoons, and apparently their appearance is often reduced with filler like in picrel.
No. 1038612
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>>1038477>>1038606>>1038608Okay so I did some more digging and i was wrong. They're malar bags.
No. 1038732
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>mobile gaming
>daily rewards
No. 1038734
>>1038156There's a text that calls for women to cover the area they wear their jewels, necklaces or something with a cloth as far as I know, that's what people interpreted as hijab. Covering your hair is mostly a cultural thing, women from different Muslim countries have different hijab styles as well. It's seen as a necessity by some but most Muslim women don't feel like they have to do it in my country. There are certain body parts you have to cover up though, but again most Muslims don't practice that word to word either.
I'm not religious and don't practice myself but know a bit about this.
No. 1038799
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how do i go back to not caring about ppl's opinions and worldviews? i don't want to react with rage, disgust, superiority or hate anymore. like i had a general tolerant attitude 2 years ago. wtf happened to me?
No. 1038878
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>>1038612Wonder what causes them, since this actress was still quite young when she had them. Would you say Lucinda has them too?
No. 1038890
>>1038881>I cut of several women for being clingy and men for joking that they're into me.This sounds healthy
>The thought of people thinking about me and caring for me makes me feel nauseousThis part makes me question. I myself also enjoy friendships like this but I usually distance myself and set clear boundaries. You should try do that, it's hard to handle people when you don't have boundaries.
No. 1038899
>>1038878Cleidocranial dysostosis according to her wiki
Makes sense, her bone structure isn't supporting her face as ideally as it would if she didn't have the condition
No. 1039249
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A free VPN company can't hack into your network/router when using it, right? Part of my brain is telling me no, but a small part is yelling at me to freak out. So is it true? I didn't log into anything with it on since I only needed it for a bit. I uninstalled it off my phone and changed my Wi-Fi password afterwards so it should be fine, right? The company's website is an insecure one and looks sketch as hell so that's what got my paranoia rising.
No. 1039269
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What game is this?
No. 1039332
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Are there any anons using analog or instant cameras? Any recommendations? What made you switch from digital?
Recently I was cleaning up my phone's memory card and realized I never look at any of hundreds of photos taken during trips or whatnot, but maybe if I had a physical album with just a few it would be much better way of keeping memories; I wonder what you think about this idea?
No. 1039409
>>1039332I think it’s better to keep those travel pictures in a digital album, I’ve gotten my shit stolen twice and lost pictures and whatnot, keeping your pictures in a safe, hidden flash drive is much better.
And analog cameras are cute of course, I think they’re nice and that they could be amazing for artistic purposes or for crafts like personalized letters or postcards and such, if you’re into that then it’s worth it.
No. 1039512
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Please don’t yell at me I’m mentally ill and every time I’ve wanted to use discord I’ve gotten overwhelmed and I don’t know how to use it. I’m sure it’s simple but I get so stressed and delete it instantly
Is there a short enough video that explains the basics?
No. 1039519
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Was Mickael Jackson really a pedo? I don't know anything about that guy other that he was most likely mentally ill because of his father
No. 1039534
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>>1039512Not a short video, but I’m giving you a guide! A
nonny-guide, if you will.
Discord is basically like Whatsapp or Facebook messenger, except anyone can join those group chat. A large public “group chat” is called a server, which is marked as bright green in picrel. There are discord servers for everything: studying streams, science, art, musicians, venting, mental illness support groups, finance, coding, anything. You join these servers by a link that you find tossed anywhere on the internet, OR someone could send it to you as an invite.
Inside a server there are channels, which you’ll find by swiping right on your screen. Look at the red arrow where there is a “general”. That’s a channel, called general. Channels help organize the server a bit by carving out designated spaces for discussion. For example, if it’s a music server, you could have a rock server, a jazz server, and a classical server. You click on any of these servers and start talking about said subject. At first, though, the design can be a bit hectic and confusing, which is why I recommend joining only one server for and trying to get used to it.
Blue arrow points to bar on the left, which contains all of the users in that servers. Users can have “ranks”, which is a fancy way of saying title or status. If you were on a lolcow discord, ranks could be “
nonny”, “nonita”, “nonatellabella”. On a mental illness discord, it’d be something like, “BPDfag”, “anachan”, and “schizo”. You get the jest.
Pink arrow points to search bar, which you could use to search for a user’s interactions, or a word mentioned in that channel. Say you were talking about cake, and you can’t find that conversation, you just pop in “cake” inti the search bar and it takes you to the channel where you had this convo.
Purple arrows point to you. You don’t have much of a “profile”, like on Twitter or Facebook. You have a name tag, a pic, and a nickname. People can add you as a friend and chat with you one-on-one. You can also do video calls and voice calls, and there are voice channels in each server where anyone can hop in, unless admin made a channel private. You can’t access it unless they send you an invite. That’s pretty much it.
No. 1039540
>>1039512>>1039521>>1039534you guys are so, so cute. thank you anon for the explanation and i hope that will have consoled cat anon. ilu all.
>>1039519i don't think so even if everything points to pedophilia. he was just really stunted and bizarre.
No. 1039591
>>1039550I think her quirky poop-emoji-latex-pinup-girl style was a cultural moment and kind of the end of the Britney kind of pop star. She was competing with Lady Gaga who didn't need a team of execs to be quirky, and Beyonce who was an actual icon, and Rihanna who was edgy. She didn't mobilize the internet like Tay Swift and the others did,because she was so manufactured she didn't really have a strong community who had other things in common besides liking her. No online stans = losing cultural relevance.
She had a good run but at the end of the day Katy is a performer, not an artist, and most women singers who last more than a few years are writing and producing, or at least have a strong brand people can identify with. What was Katy Perry even about, what were her songs about? Having fun and summer love, shit that could have been sung by anybody. It's surprising she made it as far as she did.
No. 1039610
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>>1039534Anon you replied to! Thank you so much I screen shot your reply to look at it after work, we are suddenly busy. I love you nonna you the real VIP
No. 1039627
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What's the name for this hair accessory?
No. 1039666
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>>1039627Metal infinity hair stick/Celtic infinity hair stick will get you the most results but its basically just a hair stick with fancier stick holder.
No. 1039670
>>1039610I’m glad, anon. Oh, and by the way:
> For example, if it’s a music server, you could have a rock server, a jazz server, and a classical server. I meant a rock channel, jazz channel, and a classical channel. Fuzzy brain. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll bravely embark on your Discord journey soon enough.
No. 1039837
>>1035030Kinda late but I applied for JET last year and will have my interview soon. Do you have any specific questions, or? The application process is pretty straightforward and there's a checklist you work through on their site. I think the things people worry about the most are the SoP and reference letters. I'm an English major and have been involved with the Japanese community for a while in my state (US) so I wasn't too concerned about the SoP, but the reference letters were a bit stressful just because they were out of my hands. Thankfully I'd gone back to school recently so I was able to contact some professors (would've felt weird asking my work for a ref when I'll be leaving them if I get in).
>>1035043I assume you'd be looking to apply as a CIR then?
No. 1039849
>>1033306How can I not go on a spergy rant when someone says something that
triggers me/something I disagree with.
No. 1040008
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Is meditation somerhing that's worth getting into?
I see people online talking about it, but I don't really get the appeal or benefits of it.
No. 1040021
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Any anons here with ADD or ADHD? I took one of my husband’s Adderall to see what it would do and basically I felt nothing. I took a nap about an hour after taking it, but other than that I haven’t really felt any different than usual. No hyper focusing or any extra energy. It’s not what I imagined taking a stimulant would be like. I do drink a lot of caffeine, would that change its effectiveness?
No. 1040129
>>1040021So tldr, insurance stopped helping me with vyvanse, and my doc switched me to adderall. I didn’t sleep for 5 days and it put my already overwhelmed ocd/intrusive and repetitive thoughts into hyperdrive.
Doc now has me on focalin, not as strong but I feel like it’s still not -right- . I hate hoping prescriptions, it takes so long to adapt.
But seriously, careful with pills. So many people I know are pillheads, because they got pills from someone prescribed, and they never needed them in the first place.
You’re brain chemical balance doesn’t need it, so that’s why you had a meh experience. You want the adderall experience? Drink 3 red eyes in a day kek
No. 1040216
Sage for being late but it sounds like both of you just watched the first couple of episodes and gave up
>>1036661This was just brought up in season 2 with that same character admitting she did it all in false confidence and it "wasn't real"
>>1036665Are you talking about Hunter Schaffer's character? If so it's pretty clear to tell that the character of Jules used men as a way to validate herself as a "woman"
I agree it's over-sexualised and that's a criticism you'll see everywhere, but for the most part it's not too bad of a show and if you're media literate enough to understand subtext and motive in characters then I think it's a good watch.
No. 1040269
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I am going to shave my head before the start of february (had shit thin sparse hair in the first place since birth, lost like 1/3rd of it overnight due to extreme stress last year)
I know hair gummies and such are a scam, but are there any actually helpful nutrients or remedies for growing hair? I don't care about length and shit, I just want to at least grow back what I have lost in terms of amount of induvidual hairs.
Going bald as a 27 year old woman sure sounds like "fun", ugh.
No. 1040323
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I need your opinions on housing. Soon I’m moving to a new state to start a new job. I’ve never lived there before and don’t know anyone in the area. It’s expensive so I’ll only be able to afford a studio apartment or sharing a house with other people. Which of those should I do? House sharing is cheaper; i might spend 30% less on rent rather than being maxed out at 1/3 of my gross salary. I also might be less likely to be lonely. HOWEVER, after six years of living with strangers I’m sick of it. I’m tired of my stuff getting damaged and people not cleaning up after themselves. I’ve never had roommates I was particularly close with either. What should I do?
No. 1040329
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>>1040269How long has it been since your hair fell out? Usually extreme stress causes hair loss by forcing the hair into the catagen phase prematurely. But that’s the case it should start to grow back after resting (telogen). If it’s been many months and the hair’s not starting to grow back there may be some other health problem going on.
I dealt with trichitillomania for many years and wouldn’t wish hair loss on any girl.
No. 1040337
>>1040289>>1040282Thanks for the advice. I've been to hair/skin docs before and tbh, my country's healthcare is a hellhole and those specialists tend to be ones of the more money-hungry snake oil salesmen. Need to look into reviews deeper and stuff.
>>1040329It happened in early december, I think, so not that long ago.
No. 1040404
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Balding nona over here again.
I somehow got a job interview. Tomorrow. Wasn't expecting one surely.
My hair is… really bad now. I already decided on shaving, but should I shave before the interview? I doubt I'd get the job either way, but I want to look the best I possibly can and I wonder if the best I can currently manage is "obviously balding" or "consciously shaved her head".
What's your opinions on this? Maybe someone in hr can help me out?
>>1040395Noise machines! They provide constant low level of noise and help me immensely. has been tremendous help, as they have noise machines for anyone you can adjust every bit of. They also have an app, but it's limited in choice of noise. There are also commercial noise machines for sale, but I manage just fine with the free mynoise app and sound of waves crashing just fine through the night.
No. 1040409
>>1040323I'm currently living in a studio after spending the last few years moving from share house to share house. Honestly, you'll save yourself money in the long run if you choose to live by yourself in the studio.
The way i figure this is that you're using less power/water/etc then if you were in a bigger house with others, but also if you get roommates you don't like then you won't be spending much time at home, which means you'll be spending that money somewhere else.
I want to stress that, because if you're like me (an autist) I cannot be truly comfortable around random people, so I'd often stay out late after work, stay at friends houses instead of my own. Transport fees alone take a chunk from that. Living on my own I barely leave the house now, and I've saved a lot of money because of it. The initial costs of moving into a studio (furniture, bond, etc) are worth it when you take into account your overall sanity and comfort in your own home.
No. 1040486
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>>1040404i know you probably tried many things but have you checked your hormones? thyroid issues can cause hair loss.
i used to be balding but then ketoconazole shampoo (marketed as nizoral) slowed down my hair loss big time. it helps with a certain type of alopecia and in most places it is available without perscription. maybe you can give it a go? the only downside of it is that it smells funky
No. 1040521
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are Japanese internet users fawning over this boy for being bishonen and looking like one of their anime characters being pedophiliac or innocent?
No. 1040538
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>>1040521Not actively pedophilic for but goes to show how deeply rooted finding children attractive is in their culture; I can't imagine western country fawning so much over a child, it seriously is a bit too much.
I do remember Thylane Blondeau case from 15 years ago (picrel), I guess it was kinda similar, but havent seen anything similar recent years so I'd like to believe at least in the mainstream people realized that praising a child's attractiveness its somehow messed up
No. 1040548
>>1040536please don't call IRL child a bishounen or whatever
>>1040547Call me by your name or death in Venice
No. 1040596

I'm going to attempt a serious reply as someone who grew up in a similar asian culture, I don't think it's inherently pedophiliac, it's a combination of kids are cute + good looking kid + not being around white people enough, I imagine the average reaction if they were to ever meet this boy irl would be similar to vidrel (skip to 4:49, the woman realizes the boy can speak korean and goes, "Then you must've understood me when I said you were good looking!")
That's not to say it doesn't happen though,
>>1040548 mentioned Death in Venice, and you can find info on the child actor's (Björn Andrésen) struggle with being seen and sexualized as a pretty boy, but not by the Japanese, specifically. Here's an excerpt about how his image impacted Japanese Shojo art styles:
>After the release of Death in Venice, Andrésen spent an extended period of time in Japan and appeared in a number of television commercials and also recorded several pop songs. It is said that his appearance as Tadzio in the film influenced many Japanese anime artists (known for their depictions of young, effeminate men known as "Bishōnen"), especially Keiko Takemiya. Andrésen has had a strong liking for Japan since then and has visited the country again over the years. Björn Andrésen's arrival in Tokyo has been described as being similar to the Beatles landing in the U.S. The young actor was met with mass hysteria and received an enormous amount of female attention.I think it's more of an aesthetics thing (look at this ethereal looking boy!) than a weird pedo thing overall, it's happened in their history.
>>1040548>please don't call IRL child a bishounen or whateverlol what? I agree on not sexualizing children but bishounen literally just means pretty boy. It has no inherent sexual connotations. Go back to twitter if you want to police innocent words.
No. 1040610
>>1040606>yeah it does have sexual connotations? Explain please. It's not sexual to call a 10 year old a pretty girl, a handsome boy, a cute boy, a cute girl, the list goes on. How's a pretty boy any different? No one called him a sexy boy, idiot.
>twitter degeneratesYeah there's only one side of twitter and the moralfagging puritan side totally doesn't exist.
No. 1040612
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Is it effective to use head&shoulders as a dish soap? Ran out of these, and since it contains 2 type of sulfates I thought it'd be abrasive enough
No. 1040648
>>1040621I don't think you do. I think you just get used to watching the standard for what constitutes a human being gradually slip lower and lower with every passing year.
We're gonna be fucked if ABA is ever banned tho.
No. 1040678
>>1040323If the amount you save on rent would be worth it and you don't have much in savings, seeing if you can live with roommates for another year might be good. I'd go with the assumption you won't make friends or talk much with future roommates if you haven't done so in the past. If the savings are not substantial and you have a financial cushion getting a studio makes sense.
>>1040250Time and maturing was biggest factor for me. Make time in the day and become comfortable with your body and masturbating. Sexual thoughts and sex are normal parts of life as human beings. Reading from women who dealt with religious abuse or trauma might be helpful, along with accounts from people who left your specific faith and why they stopped believing or on the flip side, why they still do. The effects are similar betweens faiths but experiences slightly differ between Catholics, growing up in Evangelical Purity Culture, etc.
>i feel like some bad things that happen to me are some form of punishment for having those thoughts and not being good enoughLooking up how to deal with intrusive or OCD thoughts could provide some insight. If you don't believe in the religion anymore, then you know these thoughts are a manifestation of guilt and insecurity. When you have them make sure to remind yourself of it, so over time the thoughts have less power. Recovering from religious indoctrination and guilt takes time and compassion towards yourself, wish you the best anon.
No. 1040811
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Should I buy these cardigans nonnies? Both are 100% cashmere, left is $100 and right is $80. I want something soft and warm but I worry about taking care of them. Also I have no idea what's a good price for cashmere lol
No. 1040835
>>1040816Thanks nona!
>>1040830It's from an online shop so I can't check the craftsmanship but it's apparently Mongolian cashmere and made in Mongolia.
No. 1041012
>>1040940I live in turkey and Russian women are considered as whores here. Why? Because our retarded men trafficked, abused and raped them since those women couldn't defend themselves and had more often than not, horrible economic and social statuses. Even nowadays Russian women are seen like that here and when I try to debate with a turk moid, he tells me I'm jealous because bringing up abuse those women faced ruins their sexual fantasies.
There are sayings like Russian women would even marry apes, sleep with anyone for a bag, etc. Which are absolutely disgusting when you consider what those women went through. Sorry for the sperg and to anyone reading this, don't date turkish men, that's how all of them think.
No. 1041018
>>1040940A lot of people from EE wanted to find a better life in the west and in case of women they were very often trafficked; offered a decent job and getting trapped in a brothel once they arrived etc
Nowadays some EE woman try to escape poverty scamming western dumbasses on cams; but even in camgirl industry a lot of these women are there not because they want to but because they were in this or other way forced to work like that.
No. 1041027
>>1041021I'm the turkish anon and this is true, this whole exchange made my blood boil but most of our women are aware of how our men are although the men are very much in denial.
Also all turkish men have a foreigner fetish because they think they'll be able to abuse those women and get away with it easier since they don't have a father or brother around. Especially Russian or Eastern European looking women, don't ever trust turkish men, ever.
No. 1041062
>>1041059Not surprised some freaks on here said you were "jealous" because unfortunately there's a disgusting subset of posters on female majority internet sites where they consider themselves aspiring sex workers/sugar babies and viciously attack anyone who shatters their idealization.
Are there any talks of laws being placed against it or any moral outrage whatsoever or does the mainstream society just ignore it?
No. 1041074
>>1041059I actually think they might be NPD. They self harm but they take advantage of people and do anything to make money and hurt anyone in the process of climbing to the top. It's something very sociopathic. It's sad women are sex traffickers too in Eastern Europe and nobody faces them with anything and they are even seen as empowering and female bosses. They are not the same as western onlyfans thots. They are incredibly sociopathic and it is almost like they are part of a cult. They go to mental hospitals/dorms and specifically choose poorer girls and then they pursue them with lies, they pretend like they are their friend and so on everything to get them stuck at the studio.
>>1041062I posted her on lolcow but people told me I was being jealous or insane or vendetta fagging because I used to be a camgirl and I do have receipts but for a westerner or someone that has no idea how things work it might seem like I am insane, but everything I said about that person is true. Her sugar daddy, boyfriend and camming studio co owner also came to the camgirls thread to tell me I am jealous because she is competition. I am not even a camgirl anymore and I don't care about that industry since it is evil and in Eastern Eu it doesnt work like in western countries. In Eastern Eu you have camming studios and sex trafficking. In western countries girls actually become independent camgirls. Mainstream society thinks it is based and the scrotes encourage it and if you actually speak the truth like I do ppl will call you insane, schizo or jealous. Sad and miserable world we live in.
No. 1041137
File: 1643140585711.jpg (117.55 KB, 775x436, dagmara-kazmierska-z-programu-…)

>>1041095No, it's picrel, polish reality tv. But it's sickening to know there's more traffickers seeking fame
>>1041119There's plenty documentaries and books about the issue. Something that annoys me to no end is that young lefty feminists have picked up western "sex positive" mentality and every time someone tries to speak up about the abuse women forced into sex work have to endure, they're called swerfs and there's zero space for having this kind of discussion online without getting immediately shunned and "cancelled".
No. 1041141
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I didn't know who to ask but a meme blog posted this and I'm kind of frightened, does c** stand for some kind of pedo thing?
No. 1041155
File: 1643141366493.png (1.11 MB, 721x883, 90sArtStyle.png)

I feel like it was asked in the help me find thread, but is there a name for this cartoon art style you'd typically find in the 90s? Solid colors, thick outlines, characters rarely had eye whites. Daria was probably the most popular example.
Sorry to include sexual stuff but this music video by E-Rotic was one of the best examples I could find.
No. 1041164
>>1041155Are you thinking of Mission Hill nona
Cause that’s what I can think of, when thinking of similar style in the late 90’s early 00’s
No. 1041190
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What is a bag with multiple straps called. So it is able to be worn as backpack, but also have strap on top to be sling or underarm purse.
Convertible. Is that it? It's not giving me results. Maybe I am too picky. Or dumb.
No. 1041194
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>>1041155I don’t think the art style has any specific name but it’s probably inspired by earlier comics like archie with the bright and strange colors, cartoony and campy look and thick ink outlines. I feel like such a sperg for typing this lol
No. 1041441
>>1041438No idea if they were actually banned, but I've seen several posts asking for it and then getting the
USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE redtext. I haven't seen this redtext in a while, now that I think about it. What happened?
No. 1041529
File: 1643160030574.png (271.02 KB, 425x369, hole.png)

>>1041435>>1041459Thank you for the replies nonas! The hole is pretty small (picrel) and I don't mind it since I can and like to mend my clothes anyway, but I still think $200+ is still steep for a single cardigan… I know there's brand and material to consider but damn for that price… I'm trying to only buy natural fibers from here on out and I know wool/cashmere is pricey to begin with lol. It sucks because I do think this cardigan is cute! But is it $200 cute? is the real question hmm… I'll sleep on it for a bit!
No. 1041590
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do i put hair color conditioner in before or after shampoo
No. 1041750
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>>1041738>i learned this recently.Welcome to the 21st century, enjoy your stay.
No. 1041756
>>1041728>>1041738I'm basically asking this because I want to know if I could get anything having
lesbian sex with
random women if it would risky just using hands. We would wash our hands after and wouldn't be sticking them in any other orifices.
No. 1041792
Is this weird? I have this “friend” and I don’t understand her. She used to spend time with me, invite me to outings, introduced me to all her friends, told me I’m part of the “girl club” now, talked to me about her abusive mom and crazy dad and showed me family pictures, and told me all about her boyfriend. All of this within the span of a week or two.
I know two things: people who like you, and people who tell you to fuck off. And her I can’t pin down. She stopped talking to me, and started ignoring my texts. I wouldn’t even talk to her, I’d just check up on her and send her internship applications and be like, “Hey, I think you’d be great for this!”A week ago she randomly texted me and told me to wait for her outside a place because she needed a mask, and I always have extra ones on me. I was late for something but I waited anyways and gave it to her. After I was done I called to check on her and she said she already went home. This is like the 100th time she does something weird like this and I’m not sure if I’m being retarded and she doesn’t like me or what. Is this like something people do all the time?
No. 1042182
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Are you supposed to heat the food in the bento boxes or are you supposed to eat the food cold? Most bentos are made of plastic so I don’t know.
No. 1042237
>>1041543Good to know, thank you! I've heard about darning for socks so I definitely want to learn how to do it!
>>1041941Thanks nona! After staring at Burberry clothing tags for hours I've come to the conclusion that this cardigan might not be authentic, so not worth the splurge in the first place. I'll continue looking!
No. 1042471
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This question is pure autism but who cares: do you experience anxiety when you have the shits or a really bad stomachache? Whenever I have pain in any part of my body I experience it normally, but when it comes to painful digestive issues I border on having a panic attack. Even if I'm just chilling alone in the safety of my house with my own bathroom.
No. 1042500
>>1042496was just about to post something similar
nonnie, it won't show me shit
No. 1042543
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>>1042439You're correct, and you are among us pretties
nonny No. 1043004
File: 1643242452248.jpeg (30.58 KB, 360x640, 9FAFE848-7C1C-4504-B29D-7F87D5…)

Why do dictators always wear this outfit? It’s ugly af and makes them look like poorfags. Just wear a suit and tie
No. 1043009
File: 1643242810822.jpg (57.68 KB, 640x703, 0xdtppsazbz71.jpg)

>>1043004Suit and tie is a symbol of western imperialism, American piggu
No. 1043167
>>1043105There are some therapists that have weekend availability for that reason. I have a therapist on better help that does Saturdays with me, and when I was younger I had one that would see me Saturday mornings. I think you're more likely to find that with private practices vs dedicated counseling centers with multiple therapists. Also I've seen therapists, who were affiliated with counseling centers, who saw me later in the evening. You just gotta look.
>>1043123Not really possible if you wanna do it weekly
No. 1043287
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>>1043240anon… may you perhaps… a Drakengard 3 fan?
No. 1043414
>>1043373I'd have to remember what I posted so I can ctrl F, and I'd need to do that occasionally until the thread dies because sometimes people reply a day or more later.
I installed dollchan now. I remember it not working well with lolcow, but I'll see how it goes.
No. 1043452
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Any crafty anons here? I want to learn how to make earrings like picrel. I know, crawl before you walk and all that, but where do I start? Metal earrings seem a bit tricky to start with. I looked online and I found out about precious metal clay but I don’t think that’s how you do it.
No. 1043491
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>>1043455Seconding the wire
No. 1043531
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>>1043516Is this what you're referencing or are there other cows who are scraping by like this?
No. 1043532
>>1043516Personally, I think it's frivolous to use afterpay/pay in 4 for "small" items. I don't even earn that much (minimum wage) but I always buy things with the belief that if I cannot afford this item/haul, then maybe I shouldn't be buying it at all. I see afterpay a lot for a lot of non-necessities, which is why I believe if you can't afford it all at once, then don't buy it. I think it can encourage unhealthy spending habits and overconsumption and preys on people who tend to impulse buy and fool them into thinking they are well within their budget. Well I'm only paying $25 a month on this haul so I have more money to spend elsewhere! And it repeats.
Maybe there's a time and a place for it to be useful, especially for those living paying to paycheck, but I don't like it. I don't see the point in installment loans for anything short of a car, or student loans. Maybe for big home appliances like a fridge/stove/laundry machines… but even then I'd hesitate. I want to buy things outright.
No. 1043591
File: 1643302014607.jpg (288.03 KB, 2048x1365, iStock-182344013.jpg)

What is "lana" in wool? I found a sweater and the fabric tag says its "75% lana, 25% angora". I keep seeing online that lana is a wool blend of half wool and half acrylic, but why wouldn't they just list that it's acylic and wool? Or is it another type of wool?
No. 1043605
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Is rose gold out of trend/considered tacky now? I needed to get a new laptop and I opted to get a new rose gold one instead of a refurbished one because I love the idea of having a ~pink~ computer.
No. 1043875
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why are uggs not consiedered to be a designer brand? they are pricey as heck
No. 1043896
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>>1043881there are plenty of ugly ass designer clothes out there. picrel is balenciaga
No. 1043931
>>1043896Oh man I would wear the shit out of that if it didn't have the logo plastered all over it
>>1043916I'd wear it while fat, like fat JNCO jeans mall goth aesthetic. Loving my mental image of a huge musclefat chick in a utility jeanskirt
No. 1044092
File: 1643320942338.jpg (78.86 KB, 600x600, wire wrapped swirl pendant tut…)

>>1043452You couldn't make this by hand but wire jewelry is not that hard to make (depending on design but you can make beautiful jewelry simply), there are lots of good books about it, look here: No. 1044180
File: 1643324251827.png (41.75 KB, 1080x328, deathofjarthur.png)

>>1044177Apparently it is no longer accessible after 21 days of deactivation, but yet I'm still able to log in to the account. There is no page for the account, when you click the username it says the account is deactivated. I would just unsubscribe from the emails if you're still getting them after 21 days, nona.
No. 1044183
>>1044180I already did that years ago, but since the email is about their terms and services they legally have to send it to anyone who has an account whether it's deactivated or not, which is why I received it. I did find something though, for fellow Europeans at least: this will work and they're delete my account instead of just trying to deactivate it.
No. 1044340
>>1043526Most people do monthly budgeting though and payment plans like these are over the span of two months. That’s like saying you shouldn’t own a house if you need a mortgage, which is an actual loan with interest and other bullshit fees like PMI. With the assumption you’re not living hand to mouth, usually people set aside a certain percentage of their paycheck to their savings. I put 50% of my paycheck away and won’t touch my savings for anything besides the down payment I made on my house a few months ago and now just vet bills. If I wanted idfk a Peloton or something it doesn’t fall within my self-imposed monthly budget, but it does in two months’ budgets.
>>1043531This was it and I guess none of what I said above applies in Kathy’s case since she doesn’t have a source of income.
No. 1044568
>>1044556I personally think there is not enough Malaga ice-cream on offer these days. There was so much more of it available to buy when I was young, now I have to shop around to find it.
Put that wine and raisins in producers, I'll gladly pay more! Please!
No. 1044571
File: 1643359283579.jpg (681.87 KB, 1509x1317, Butterkeks.jpg)

>>1044568nta, but true, malaga was the old people ice cream when i was younger and it was everywhere. but if i want to buy any now, there's only one brand sold at only a handful of stores in my country. many ice cream parlors don't even sell it anymore.
also one time i had butter cookie ice cream (made out of picrel) and it was delicious.
No. 1044593
>>1044550I'm not sure, I just knew. We hung out all day and it was perfect,
and he had just made me cum and it was just like I felt overwhelmed suddenly and I asked him if it was okay that I loved him and he said he loved me back and we both cried and it was really awesome.
No. 1044666
>>1044662I'm the opposite of a Kraut, I'm a Slav. I don't want to be like the rest of you, the rest of you suck.
Malaga 4 life!
No. 1044770
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What does it says?
No. 1044816
>>1044770The first letter says "household", and the the second letter is "plumptious", the last one is "cat"
so I can read this "the household of big fat coochie"
No. 1044929
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who is she
No. 1044941
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>>1044937>>1044939damn im sorry for asking. i saved the meme reaction pic cos i thought it was cute, now im sad i have this knowledge. ignorance is bliss
No. 1045267
>>1045183I've had best success just straight asking kids that I see smoking lol, or young delivery drivers, they all smoke.
It can be scary asking strangers but usually everyone is nice, I asked a guy in Belgium got put onto a different guy and had bud papers and baccy in my hand for €10 within 5 mins. Obviously got ripped off didn't get a full 10s but can't complain for the ease and the fact that it was a completely different country lol.
No. 1045347
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>>1045332You suck. You're shit.
No. 1045484
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Should I go to a protest alone? What should I do to keep safe if I do? Should I go there and leave after half an hour or so as a measure of safety?
No. 1045498
>>1045484Well, keep a bottle of peptobismol in case they throw some gas bombs, you can spread that on your face and it help a lot for some reason.
Don’t bring weapons because if something stupid happens and the police comes, they will think you were part of the rebellious people and you will go to jail.
Thick clothes in case the shoot those shitty plastic fake bullets, antiseptic alcohol in case you get injured, lots of water, a cap, maybe a foldable chair if you get too tired and you don’t want to sit on the floor.
But tbh, I wouldn’t go alone, it could be dangerous if everyone else goes full retard.
No. 1045547
>>1042439I've always wondered what the "average lolcow user" looks like. Surely there's certain sorts of women that gravitate to this place. I haven't seen many anons self post in the wild but from what I see it's a lot of butches?
That's my stupid question btw, what do you nonnies imagine us to look like?
No. 1045576
>>1045560>high and low sex drives>which is usually no oneYou get how retarded that sounds, right? How is anyone going to have a completely isolated, directioness high sex drive? Horny doesn't exist in a vaccuuum, something will cause it and something will sate it, and if your genitals are working then so is your libido.
If asexuals want anyone to take them seriously they need to get a fucking grip and come up with a consistent narrative. First it's that they don't have sex drives at all, then it's that they masturbate but don't want sex with people, then it's that they're happy to have sex with people they just don't enjoy it, then it's that they are attracted to people and do want sex with them but it's infrequent so they're ~grey asexuals~, now you're really trying to say high sex drives are totes asexual provided it's not for anyone in particular. Ffs you retards could just say you have a low sex drive and it would make perfect sense, it would need no elaboration and science would back you up 100%. But no, you have to turn it into some convoluted made up bs to include every special snowflakes personal sexual tendencies in the definition.
No. 1045584
>>1045576Idk if you know this anon but our body chemistry and personal attraction is unique to us, and labelling sexuality often causes these pedantic arguments when neither you, nor I am asexual ourselves. I'm only speaking on this because I've met a few asexual people before with varying degrees of drive.
Ultimately it makes sense in my head because it's been explained to me, that an ace person can look at someone and not "feel" anything down there, but their body chemistry and hormones just get them feeling that "itch" sometimes without any real outward stimuli.
Of course it's different for everyone, a lot of them don't feel any drive at all.
No. 1045590
>>1045584>our body chemistry and personal attraction is unique to usIf it's so unique then the label is meaningless and it's not a real thing. Meanwhile, straight/gay/bisexual are not unique between individual and is easily defined and there is no real variance between what it means for those people.
>>1045588That was never my point. Low libidos can be natural, due to medication, caused by health issues or stress or whatever, idgaf if it's natural or abnormal or w/e. Having such a low sex drive that it's basically non existent is a very understandable, proven concept. But it's not special enough for asexuals so they came up with their own vague, ill defined label that none of them can agree on because it's not a legitimate sexual orientation, just individual sex drives and attitudes towards sex.
No. 1045606
>>1045603I could say the same thing about homosexuality, given humans created that term homosexual in 1869 when homosexual acts have existed in humans for centuries. Do you realise how stupid you sound?
>>1045604No, it really doesn't matter, which is why it shits me when anons sperg about it.
No. 1045737
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If my hair air dries like this without any styling (besides my haircut) or products is there a possibility to really bump up the curls?
No. 1045795
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Is college hazing a real thing with sororities and fraternities? Like, they literally humiliate and endanger people publicly and everyone considers it okay?
No. 1045837
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This is very specific but does anyone know any comic book artists/mangaka/artists in general who didn’t go to art school and studies something completely unrelated yet were able to make good comics/manga/art?
I know that Takeuchi studied chemistry or pharmacy and made sailor moon while Boichi drew manga while in graduate school.
No. 1045897
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hi nonies i need help with deciding on a color repainting a smoker's den, cause i want to finally repaint the walls in my apartment
the walls were white but it hasn't been painted in years and since there used to be smokers living here - i noticed that not only the walls but the white of the matt white furniture have also turned slightly yellow. st first i wanted just repaint the walls white and be done with it but now i'm afraid that fixing the walls is just going to make the discolored white (yellowed) furniture stand out even more and then that is going to bug me. buying new furniture is not an option.
i feel like putting some warm tones in the white paint might help. i had the idea to maybe just put the tiniest bit of color when paiting to make it a bit more of a cream color, but what if that ends up looking gross too?
my floors are also a warm/light color - i have no blue/purples anywhere in my space as i like to keep it neutral and balanced and cozy, i feel like cooler tones might end up giving too much visual contrast to the space that i wouldn't like.
No. 1045991
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>>1045928Nonita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. No-nee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. No. Nee. Ta.
No. 1046004
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>>1045992she's not talking about herself she's talking about you
No. 1046006
Moves McSlow
Claws Treeman
No. 1046020
>>1046013Your mom doesn't know dick about you when you're born
Slugs Branchston
Leaves McMuncher
Lounge Armstein
No. 1046167
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How is the hairstyle in picrel called and how do I get it? I saw a girl like that some hours ago, and turns out in real life it looks just as cute as in pictures lol
No. 1046235
File: 1643490813799.gif (1.67 MB, 450x330, sunglass cat.gif)

What qualifies a person as 'interesting'? I've heard people use it to specifically mean people with interesting lives and hobbies, but I've heard some people specify that it means a person who is able to create an interesting conversation
No. 1046289
>>1046235I’m used to seeing it refer to people that are unusual but in a positive way. They have hobbies that aren’t very common or are high effort and are good at it. They stand out from the crowd in a positive way. But honestly when used in a positive way it depends on who is describing the person, someone that’s interesting to you could be pretentious to me.
On the flip side I saw it used to refer to people that stick out in a negative but harmless way. They have certain quirks to them.
No. 1046300
>>1046293You're fine, orthorexia chan
I'd suggest eating proper protein and fats with low carb but you're probably one of those who thinks eating fats makes you fat
No. 1046409
File: 1643504656036.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.92 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg)

would the terfs on lolcow say they're "gender essentialist"? i was searching up shit on twitter and came across these tims talking about it
No. 1046412
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Is the water that water pokemon make potable water?
No. 1046415
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What sites do you go on to kill time? I gotta stop using Reddit, it makes me want to blow my brains out.
No. 1046416
File: 1643505330416.png (Spoiler Image,25.65 KB, 727x184, hmm.PNG)

>>1046411the idea that boys wear blue, girls wear pink, and all this stuff is innately connected to one's gender.
the tims in question were claiming terfs are dumb for always talking about wanting to "abolish gender roles" while invalidating trans people due to "gender essentialist descriptions of their assigned gender at birth," which confused me. i've never seen any terfs do that.
also posted the wrong image at first, oops.
No. 1046450
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>>1046402Kombucha is delicious! It's very popular where I live. Store-bought kombucha is usually full of sugar so you're better off getting probiotics and antioxidants from other sources. I think of it as a sweet treat not a health drink.
No. 1046470
>>1046446Depends on genetics and the current state of your teeth but I only purged once a day for under a year as a teenager, took otherwise very good care of my teeth, thought I got away just fine for years, and then had to watch my back molars start to crumble out of nowhere from what an orthodontist later described as "probably hidden structural damage," whatever that was supposed to imply. The rest of my teeth are perfectly fine (currently, hopefully) because of how obsessively I always maintained them, but because of the acid damage on my back molars, I ended up in a shit ton of pain, nearly got sepsis, lost two molars, and had to pay thousands of dollars. I was living somewhere my insurance didn't cover and couldn't make the drive out to the only orthodontist in the area even if it did, so I tried putting off getting them checked out for maybe a month until I could go home and go to my own dentist, and in the final couple days I was barely functional from the tooth aches. Had to pay extra, even with insurance, to have them put pig bone spacers where they removed the molars so my jaw/face wouldn't collapse back without them. I'd have to pay even more to have fake teeth put in, but I can't afford it.
I got lucky, because the two I lost can only be seen if I'm actively trying to show someone I don't have them. My teeth are pretty sensitive, but at least I think I'll get to keep the rest of them. I know of women who had the stomach acid rot the backs of their front teeth, so it's not like you can bet on just losing the hidden ones. Honestly, puking hardly saves you any calories even if you do it "perfectly" and it's probably the most harmful way of trying to lose weight.
No. 1046486
>>1046474I think it seems like an excuse when someone explains too much, the least details you give, the least it will seem like you just thought about it. If someone asks: Why couldn’t you come?
>I was sickFeels like an explanation.
>I felt kind of bad, like I had a headache and then I took my temperature and noticed I had some fever, I ended up going to sleep and not looking at my phone all night longFeels more like an excuse.
You could also say
>I was sick, it was the worst.And it would still feel more like an explanation rather than an excuse.
No. 1046507
>>1046474If someone needed you to do something and you weren't able to get it done because of your ADHD flaring up, your ADHD could just be an explanation, but if you never start looking into ways to treat or cope with your ADHD, to figure out a way to do better next time, or if you knew beforehand that your ADHD was going to be a problem and you didn't say anything or try to prepare for it, then it becomes an excuse.
For me, the major difference is just that an excuse is less about why the thing did or didn't happen and more about what they can say to get out of the consequences of their own behavior, and it's probably one in a pattern of excuses. An explanation is a courtesy, it's meant to inform you of the circumstances while they try to deal with them, and I think as long as they're actually trying (or if there's quite literally nothing they could do) then I wouldn't get on their ass about making excuses. To go off the ADHD example, I wouldn't mind a friend being late to something important because she forgot to take her meds this one time and time got away from her, but I would start to mind if a friend was regularly late to important things because they kept forgetting their meds and never made a serious attempt to keep it from happening again.
No. 1046767
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What's in this jar? I want to chomp
No. 1047144
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>>1047135here's the swedish dude as an example, he's not muslim or has any interest in it but there is this influx of this in places you'd had used to seeing similar fascination with Asian and Russian women and by fascination I mean porn and pinups and images with Japnese or Russian text, is this gonna be the new obsession of the 2020s?
No. 1047484
>>10474611) kpop fans haven't changed a bit in all these years
2) you're just tired and need a new website, but the entire web 2.0 is shit so you're stuck here
No. 1047489
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Does anyone recognize the label on this drink can? Looking to harass a friend.
No. 1047695
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Can a farmhand help me find a post I made a while back? Maybe like 2 weeks ago. I added a link to a YouTube video called “The Egg” in it. I know they can see your IP post history, so please come through farmhands. I’ve never talked shit about any of you even once.
No. 1048123
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can any occult anons tell me what the hell is this? any kind of source to help me understand this will be appreciated too
No. 1048130
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>>1047781>I’ve been thinking maybe I should be more socialAnon just make friends
No. 1048133
>>1048123Most likely a ward.
I'm not certain about the topmost symbol, but eye imagery tends to hold a sort of "all-seeing" meaning - great for "watching" a particular space.
Below it is written "PROTECTED" in an alphabet created and used by Wiccans.
Unsure about the sigil's full meaning but the names written are all angel names.
No idea about the numbers below.
But to me this reads as an attempt at warding an area by invoking angelic protection.
No. 1048139
>>1048136No problem.
If you want to look into the alphabet more, it's called Theban.
Also, I don't know where you found this ward but if it concerns you or someone close to you I hope you're safe.
No. 1048335
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On my mothers phone (it's a huawei one) these notifications from some weird site keep popping up. It says stuff like "suspicious activity detected" and I'm assuming it wants you to click on it which I obviously would not. I've looked on the internet for how to stop this but it just shows results on how to deal with this issue on computers and not on mobile phones. Does anyone know what to do? i'm worried she'll get some virus or something, i'm not very tech literate so if any anons know what to do to fix this i'd be grateful
No. 1048359
>>1048335>i'm worried she'll get some virusAnon this is already malware. She either got it from installing sketchy apps or accidentally visiting an infected website (or a website that has infected ads/pop-ups) that led to a link that automatically downloaded an app without her noticing.
If you search her files on her phone, is there any file ending with ".apk" she doesn't recognize?
Either way, the best is to save everything (files, bookmarks, profiles etc) on a seperate place like an USBstick and reset the phone.
No. 1048364
>>1048359Samefag but also like
>>1048354 said, if she has any saved passwords or forms on her chrome browser, they might know them now. So changing passwords is only useful when you made sure the malware is removed.
No. 1048379
>>1048351Yes me too, it's the onesthat I remember the clearest. What exactly did you dream of?
I once had a dream where I was hanging out and walking around in foreign places I never been to with people I never met irl, but in the dream the places were familiar and the clique were my best friends. The entire dream was just us talking, walking around, sitting around and joking around and it felt like home. In the end, we hung out at an empty playground watching the sunset as the sky turned red and they started being aware that I am going to wake up soon and will forget them. I said that I was happy to have met them, we hugged and said goodbyes and then I woke up feeling empty.
No. 1048391
>>1048354>>1048359when she goes onto the chrome app on her phone it does come up with entertainment/news articles so I am assuming it came from one of these.
I've also just looked through the files and I don't see any with the extension .apk however I've looked at the notifications on the chrome settings and it has notifications from that bestfaustcaptcha website allowed so I am going to turn that off, it seems she also has notifications allowed from some other websites that have just random letters and numbers as their url. is there anything else I should do? thank you for the help.
No. 1048485
>>1048454Cycle 2 or 3 different ones.
One for creativity, one for fitness, one for learning
No. 1048844
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i don't use IG, i only have an account to be able to open the website when i have a link to there or i wanna lurk, question is :
i accidentally liked a comment, and immediately unliked. the person doesn't follow me. will they get a notification ? got conflicting answers on google
No. 1048874
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This is going to sound extremely insensitive but people who look like they have down syndrome but don't: is there a name for this or is it just extremely unfortunate for them? It seems to affect men more than woman because I don't recall personally seeing a woman afflicted by this. Scrote in picrel definitely doesn't have down syndrome but looks like he may
No. 1048898
>>1048379That's so sweet! Yeah, I also have dreams where I just talk with some people I have never met irl before in places I have never been to but in my dreams it's like we've always known each other and everything is familiar so the same as you with the only difference that we're never aware it's a dream or don't bring it up. The warm feeling after that dream is amazing but it makes me sad that I will most likely never be with them again even in my dreams. I don't know how long the dream lasts in real time but in my dreams it feels like we've been together for the entire day and it feels good being with them because they're always non-judgemental and completely understand me.
>>1048403I agree!
No. 1048915
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>>1048874I thought Marky Mark had a brother with the downs before their show aired lol Don’t know about who you posted but I know the Wahlbergs are Swedish. Maybe a Nordic man thing?
No. 1048919
>>1048912No problem. Just know that most people do not have push notifications enabled and even if they did, unless you’re verified or the creator of the post, Instagram won’t even try to
trigger a notification. If they were on the app when it happened, notifications are delayed and most comment like ones don’t pop up anyways.
No. 1049119
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what is it with those days when you keep eating and eating but you're never satisfied? it happens maybe once every three months but it's so annoying. pretty sure i inhaled like 4-5k calories today.
No. 1049127
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Why do emulating communities frown upon pirating, what's the point to emulate if you're expected to own the game disk first?
No. 1049135
>>1049126ohhh, interestingly enough i was very thirsty today too… thanks nonna, i'll try that.
>>1049121me too, but i usually only eat maybe a bit more during that time. definitely not as much as i ate today.
No. 1049221
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Germany anons, or any anons really, why is DW News barred from broadcasting in Germany if it's created by DW, which is a public and state owned broadcaster?
No. 1049290
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Gimme some healthy meal ideas
No. 1049405
>>1049367>>1049370>>1049378>>1049394It sounds like the successor of Tumblr but more image orientated then, thank you for all the replies!
>>1049396No I'm not looking for some kind of community or whatever (I'm even the kind of asocial autist it apparently could appeal to), I've never even used it, it's just that I've seen it referred as a social media when it doesn't look like one, I guess it's a misnomer.
No. 1049736
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Should I go to the second hand clothes store today, I had an exam and I am so physically weak that I am really tired after it, but I wanna go. Also I have homework and I have to study. Please decide my life for me
No. 1049781
>>1049748I'm a virgin and sometimes i like presión down there, but i don't think i would like to insert something as big as a dildo or a penis, that would hurt like hell even with lub
No. 1049883
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Is this coffee worth the price and the hassle? Or does it taste like any other coffee and it’s just pretty and a flex? I want to give it a try someday, but the few times I’ve passed by the hotel I never had the chance to get a reservation and whatnot.
No. 1049892
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does any nona here use fc2 ? if so please please how can i remove that stupid magablo thing i cant figure it out its driving me absolutely insane. i never even clicked it but now its set automatically all over my blogposts and when i choose to "disable sale of magablo" it just says the sale has ended/unable to purchase when i look at my blog entries on incognito. please help ! i hope i am just retarded and that there is an easy way out of this. thank you in advance
No. 1049942
>>1049931 What
>>1049934 said, also Embroidery. I picked that up during lockdown. You can buy kits on amazon/etsy!
No. 1049972
>>1049957NTA but that’s so nice to hear, nonna. I bought mine last August but I haven’t had the heart to pick it up after the first three, four times. I’m so glad you’re obsessed with yours, post a
nonny-tune for us when you can!
No. 1049974
>>1049748i don't believe so. those bitches have a lot of explaining to do. so you mean to tell me you ENJOY the feeling of holding a turd inside of you, essentially? hold a dookie inside yourself for a while, that's the shit you want to feel while cumming? yeah sure. that's fucked up and i do not believe it, this is all psychologically/socially induced.
>inb4 "b-b-but there are nerves in/around it!!" maybe, but there are more nerves in/around the vagina, you know, the area meant to accomodate penetration and that is far less likely to be damaged by penetration
No. 1050058
>>1049987No idea if this is advice that should be given, but I shamed myself into it. Like, I'm not self loathing all the time or anything, but I managed to get into the head space that I'm genuinely disappointed in myself when I slack off. It's not shame as in "omg you're so stupid you'll never amount to anything" but the sober kind of shame where you
know you can do better, so why did you waste your precious time on not doing it properly the first time around?
i eased(?) into it by imagining how disappointed husbando of the week would be, too No. 1050104
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How do I stop looking ridiculous when I'm focused? I'm one of those people that sticks my tongue out when I'm concentrating AND for whatever reason I curl my arm into my chest, kind of like a person who has had a stroke or has cerebral palsy. So almost the whole day while I'm working I have my tongue out and my arm all curled up like a chicken wing. I could handle if I just stuck my tongue out, though that's still embarrassing because it's something most people grow out of when they get older. I only care now because I'm no longer working remote and so everyone can see me spazzing out.
No. 1050321
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What happens if an ana-chan meets an ana-kun? How does the relationship play out?
No. 1050387
>>1050321clang clang rattle rattle
xylophone solo clang
No. 1050486
>>1050483Gym membership / sports club
Tough at first but floods you with endorphins when you finish
This way your brain learns
No. 1050604
>>1050600I found a couple things
>The woman who had started it all was Janea Padilha, a diminutive sixtysomething grandmother from the Bahia region of eastern Brazil—one of seven enterprising sisters (along with Judseia, Jussara, Juracy, Jocely, Joyce, and Jonice). After they opened their own New York salon in 1987, Janea decided three years later to introduce the Brazilian wax: a nude nether region, back and front, topped off by a frontal “landing strip,” or by a simple design or triangle, or by nothing at all. It proved to be a thunderous success.>Yet that began to change when bikinis in Brazil got smaller in the 70s and 80s and the beaches in Rio de Janeiro began to fill up with women in thong-bottom bikinis. As bottoms got smaller, exposed skin area became bigger and women started to wax almost all the pubic region to ensure smooth, clear skin around the bikini with no pubic hair poking out. No. 1050675
File: 1643857349031.jpg (Spoiler Image,327.01 KB, 1364x2048, c578f6756b9dbd68e81833f4232b8d…)

what's the appeal with sachiko kaneoya's drawings?
i like some of them kinda but i really hate the ones with furries because they remind me of those creepy makeups/masks/prosthetics whatever
No. 1050698
>>1049564>>1049712She fucked me over really bad, made me relive a traumatic experience and never properly apologized for it. She's still in my life but at a distance so I wasn't the only person "yass queen"-ing her. I just feel a little guilty since I was adding into it for a more personal reason.
>>1050489Autodesk sketch book.
No. 1050729
>>1050725so it is bad but I should eat it?
nonny help