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No. 102929
>>102923Pretty much yeah, our government is a shitshow.
>>102925Erdogan is losing power, he is acting more and more like a retard lately and even his most rabid supporters are going lolwut at his shenanigans lately, as for Kurds my brother in law and cousins are Kurds, I only have a bone to pick with the pkk. I lost two friends to them.
No. 102939
>>102938Also thanks for all those fancy words, they make navigating Istanbul a lot easier
T. Former clay
No. 102940
>won't deter me from those delicious package holidaysBombs would like to have a word with ya.
>>102939Not sure what do you mean.
No. 102949
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>>102946Nothing wrong with being an attention whore my Polish friend :^)
No. 102969
>>102921Oh i don't know where to begin, if they could they would kill all their neighbours, this nation is bloodthursty.
I cringed when erdogan apologised to Russia for his shit.
No. 103020
>>102940>Bombshave enough of those back home mate, they don't scare me.
Former clay = Balkans
No. 103025
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>tfw just want to practice my Japanese and get more comfortable with speaking English>Can't even message people because they all block turkey Fucking horny badtardos
No. 103087
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>At least it's safer than France…>>103086I've noticed roach is a meme word for Turks on 4chan. I've always considered it to be slang for Brits
No. 103172
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Hearing automatic gunfire and there are tanks on my street right now.
No. 103176
I don't think there are many things as masculine as the military taking over the country.
It's just like "nope, fuck your little games and debates, the real men are here".
No. 103179
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>>103177Mad libtard.
Where are your "inalienable human rights" now?
That's right. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
No. 103185
>>103183People died in the Nice attacks too, didn't stop the jokes/memes.
In this case, I'm not joking. I'm entirely serious - I think it's fantastic. Liberals need to look at this and realize just how fragile the shit they shriek and scream about, as if it's some sort of quasi-religion ("MUH HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!") actually is.
The only authority that can back itself up in this world is the authority that can project force in a meaningful way. Everything else is just window dressing.
No. 103190
>>103185Ya, and I'd post the same sarcastic .gif in response to memes about Nice.
I think anyone who waxes poetic about the ~masculine glory~ of war has probably never seen any IRL violence. When I hear about shit like military coups, my first thought is about the civilians stuck in the middle (like our dear photo-anon).
No. 103192
>>103179Retard, there are shotguns going on, this could end up in a civil war or even into a bigger scale conflict.
But yeah "MUH MANLEE MEN TELLING THE MEANIES THEIR PLACE" huh? Gah, what else to expect for this shitty r9k taken board.
No. 103196
>>103192I understand Turkish politics since I spent a good portion of my life in a neighboring country. This is good for them, an Islamist-lite President is being taken out, against the will of most of the retarded people who voted for him, and that's a good thing - just like it was a good thing when Morsi got BTFO'd in Egypt - in spite of most of the people voting for the retarded Muslim Brotherhood.
>>103193What's wrong with Franco? Franco's Spain > Contemporary Spain by just about every metric. Cleaner, more peaceful, less immigration, less crime, better living standards etc.
>>103194>Reddit-tierReddit is an overwhelmingly left-liberal site.
No. 103200
>>103198Thx, but I've done military service in my country of birth.
I'd love to see American Liberals dragged kicking and screaming to do it too to be honest.
No. 103203
>>103199>not uniformly terrible>brings out the worst in people>jizzes his pants for HomerDude, I didn't say anything about being antiwar. I mocked you for having a boner for war, and praising its ~ultimate masculinity~.
Then I said I have empathy for the regular people who yesterday were just living their lives, and today have tanks rolling down their streets.
Like, I'm sorry that I'm not frothing at the mouth because of a civil war.
No. 103209
>>103203Assuming you're the Turk, it's war that guaranteed your independence as a Nation State 90 years ago against us. Similarly, it was War that guaranteed our independence from your Empire 200 years ago. War is not "uniformly terrible", and this won't descend into a civil war. The fact Erdogan is reduced to posting on FaceTime is a good underscore of this.
If you're not the Turk, go fuck off and change your transparent flag picture on Facebook, no one's interested in your shit. Your cunt of a next President created a good portion of the problems in the Near East.
No. 103217
>>103214Your attitude is a 1:1 match of the people I'm describing. You're probably still scratching your head and wondering "why" 90 people were mown down by a truck the other day.
If you're German or French you're even worse.
No. 103222
>>103199>>103214>>103196Look faggot; no one here cares about your opinion. Being right wing doesn't give you perfect understanding of what is happening going to happen at Turkey. Don't come at here and pretend you are the master of memepolitics and you are going to teach us shit. I don't care, we don't care. I'm not going to take seriously a faggot that the first thing he thinks when a war is about to happen is that is so ~romantic~ and ~manly~. Shits like you in the right wing are the direct equivalent of libtards who believe by bringing a bunch of mudslims on their countries they are making a perfect world of pink where everyone will be happy forever. You have a disgusting messias/hero complex you could shove up to your asses.
Like I say before, fuck off to pol if you want to jerk off at romantization of politics and militar figures. I don't look at politics like this. This is not risk, this is not a strategy game, this is real world and while I understand there are things that can only be accomplished by war, I cannot just ignore of all the shit may come with it. Fuck, you have a dude telling us how every X hours he keeps hearing gunshots and explotions in the streets.
To end; to be honest you look pretty much like the biggest pussy having to come here to show off to a bunch of catty bitches who come into this chan to gossip instead of circlejerking with your kind. They have better understanding than us women who care about a war consequences, don't they?
No. 103224
>>103222Firstly. Stop using the gay ~tildes~.
Secondly and fundamentally: A military coup is a good thing for Turkey and it would be a good thing for most of Europe too, regardless of the bloodshed. That's why I'm supportive of this. I'm tired of seeing elected bullshitters and traitors play games with our safety, all the while hiding behind a myriad of laws and regulations and procedures and so on. Seeing these sorts of people who constantly bleet on about "democratic procedure" (Erdogan constantly does this too since his mandate is, believe it or not, democratic) being laid low is satisfying. I'd like to see the same happen to Merkel, to Valls, to Hollande, to Syriza etc.
>Shits like you in the right wing are the direct equivalent of libtards who believe by bringing a bunch of mudslims on their countries they are making a perfect world of pink where everyone will be happy forever. And yet the only people who don't believe in bringing millions upon millions of Muslims in are exactly people like me.
>when a war is about to happenIt's a coup you fucking idiot. Turkey has had plenty in the past, the bloodshed hasn't been anything even approaching a civil war.
No. 103229
>>103228They have air supremacy don't they?
Didn't the plotters have any Air Force elements?
No. 103235
>>103222>direct equivalent of libtards who believe by bringing a bunch of mudslims on their countries they are making a perfect world of pink where everyone will be happy forever.Not even libtards believe this anymore. Valls said white people basically have to suck it up because this is the new normal now. You know your policies are wrecking nations, it's just that at this point you don't give a shit, you're so neck deep in the gasoline you've resigned yourself (and us) to fate.
>>103231RTE's entrance to the airport was stage managed, it was designed to look like a returning hero of some kind etc.
Fucking crazy though. I guess the Turkish deep state is basically neutered now.
No. 103267
>>103247Also Erdogan blames the Kurds for EVERYTHING, he also likes to blame a Turk living in America frequently including this coup. He puts anyone who "insults2 him in prison.
Erdogan is the only one to blame for this, the west does not support him and it may take a coup to surprisingly restore peace and justice in Turkey
No. 103275
>>103191Yeah, everyone always says war is glorious. You believe them, and go, and then you never have a decent night's sleep ever again.
Anyway, stay off the streets till the Kemalists are running the show Turkanon.
Or until erdogan has declared himself sultan or w/e. Just stay safe and take pictures afterward.
No. 103305
>>103287Not who you're replying to, but combat is awful and you're never 100% all right afterward.
You can talk about Homer all you want, but the Illiad and the Oddyssey are about dealing with the effects of crippling PTSD/TBI (well, to be fair the illiad is more about the pants-shittingly terrifying experience that gets you the TBI in the first place), and everyone ends up dead or miserable by the end of it.
Never read Ernst Junger but all I can say is some that people do get addicted to the feeling of cheating death, and Junger is pretty roundly criticised by people smarter than me who have had the same experience.
My point is, attitudes like
>>103191 and
>>103176 are the reason OP's friends are getting run over by APCs in the street right now instead of out enjoying the stuff he takes pictures of.
Erdogan and people like him run things not because of glory, but because of shit-tier foreign policy decisions and the complicity of people like me in making them happen. War ruins everyone, whether you go to it or it comes to you.
I'd rather hear OP talk about turkish life than put up with hordes of robots spouting The Old Lie. Go make a new thread if you wanna do that.
Also pay attention to subtext when you read classical literature please & thank you.
No. 103308
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Just got up after sleeping at 8 in the morning, Erdogan's supporters are literally beheading soldiers out in the streets right now, this was the textbook example of a false flag.
>starting the coup while people are going back home from work
>not immediately arresting government officials
>not cutting all communication
>letting civilians overpower them
>bombing the fucking parliament with jets
>some soldiers surrendering without firing a shot by droves to police
>erdogan daring to land of ataturk airport while coup elements are still on the air with f16's
>mosques making announcements telling people to resist the coup elements
>erdogan being all calm and giddy
This all stinks of false flag, he now arrested all of the opposition in constitutional court and have more support than ever. People are walking around shouting "aloha snackbar", beheading and lynching soldiers, chanting "oh great erdogan", it's all over. It's all fucking over, I'm gonna spend all my energy trying to get out of this place right now with my family.
No. 103311
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>>102921I got goosebumps when I read this last night, if only it has succeeded…
No. 103312
>>103305>roundly criticised By whom? Hardcore leftists dislike him but his work is widely regarded as a classic of war literature by pretty much everyone else.
There's nothing extreme in saying that war brings out the best and worst in people. Get a fucking grip you emotionally driven idiot. Go and offer up your house to rapefugees out of misplaced maternal instinct or something.
No. 103313
>>103305>The Old LieAka. "My only experience of war literature is the anti war WW1 poetry we read in school."
>SubtextLOL. I can actually read classical Greek. You? Homer was not anti war. Because to a person before the disease of post modernity the idea of being anti war made about as much sense as being anti windy weather.
No. 103321
>>103312>>103313I did two tours and it ruined my life. If I'm an emotionally driven idiot it's because Wilifred Owen was correct.
Another thing I did was help train turkish soldiers because they are NATO members, and all I can really do from here is hope my former colleagues aren't getting beheaded and dumped into the bosphorus right now.
FFS go to /pol/ if you want to sell somebody on the merits of glorious patriotic adventure. I came to this thread because I hate that stuff. I can't tell you whether war made Ernst Junger a manlier man, but I CAN tell you that it turned me from a pretty chill dude into six feet of walking talking 24/7 spaghetti.
make whatever you want out of that.
>>103308I've heard a lot of turks saying this, OP. Usually I'd be inclined to dismiss false-flag allegations as tinfoil hat bullshit, but turkey has a coup every decade or so.
So do you think Erdogan actually set this up, or is he just using it to finish purging every Kemalist from any position of power within the military?
No. 103322
>>103321Because it ruined your life, you think it ruined everyone else's? Or even if you have PTSD, you think it invalidates the iron-clad bonds it creates between different men, who learn they can rely on one another in a way they never could in their civilian "friendships"?
Btw, the collective self-loathing and anti-war attitude that paralyzed Europe after WW1/WW2 is part of the reason we're in the state we are today. We learned to associate having any sort of strong will or authority with what happened then, and as a result we've become permissive to the point we can't even control our own borders anymore.
That's why this mutual masturbation over anti-war WW1 stuff grinds my gears a bit, it directly contributes to our present predicament, in a roundabout way.
No. 103324
>>103321Yep, he's highly capable of doing things like this. He was losing popularity lately with his voter base because of the statements he did about Syrians refugees, he said he was gonna give free apartments to Syrians and give them citizenship also while an average Turk would have to work for all his life to buy an house, then came his wife's shopping spree. There were opposite views even in government sided media about it, then all of a sudden a really incompetent coup attempt happens and it gets supressed in a couple of hours and they do their best to antagonize themselves with firing at civilians, bombing the parliament etc. I mean the guy didn't even dared to set foot on Turkey when Gezi protests happened until they were suppressed and he lands on the airport while the F-16's are on the air? Stop fucking kidding me, this shit was orchestrated as fuck and now everyone forgot about the Syrian, Kurdish and ISIS issue, he's popular as fuck with people again, he managed to clean up his opposition completely, he literally have no one to oppose him right now, he can do whatever he wants. People are marching in my street chanting allahu akbar and singing Ottoman marching band songs right now. I'm seriously fearing for my life and safety because I'm known by people as a huge anti-government and anti-islam guy, have police records from anti-goverment protests, if he wants to do a crackdown I'll be sure to be taken in. Not sure what I'm gonna do, seriously.
No. 103326
>>103322>you think it invalidates the iron-clad bonds it creates between different men, who learn they can rely on one another in a way they never could in their civilian "friendships"?Ya, I am willing to bet that fucking PTSD wasn't a good trade off for anon's bond with his fellow soldiers. He could be struggling with the effects of PTSD for his entire life.
It is so hilarious to me that you are trying to explain the ~glories of war` to a fucking veteran with PTSD, while a different anon is posting his IRL experiences of fearing for his life in turkey.
No. 103337
>>103333It's hard to imagine Greeks taking in tons of fleeing Turks. Maybe some of the high-level ones but OP is just another outspoken normie (AFAIK).
Greece is certainly no fan of Ataturk, so I doubt their broke govt. would take in the heirs to his dream.
Of course, they dislike Erdogan so there's that. OP is really in a bad spot.
No. 103342
>>103333They're returning the plotters.
>>103337Yep, I need to find somewhere because if he starts to go full Hitler police would surely come for me. I'm a member of couple of anti-government organizations plus I have couple of police records regarding it.
No. 103346
>>103342You have an awesome country OP, and I wish I could tell you exactly what to do,whether you should stay in turkey or flee but I don't know.
All I can really tell you is don't panic; I know that's difficult where you are but panicking will only waste time.
Think. Try to come up with a plan, because Erdogan already has one. If you lose your head, he just gets closer to getting it done.
No. 103351
>>103348If you're ex-military immigrating to the US is a lot easier; I have a friend that did that after he was finished in the army. He left his qt fiancee in Ankara and married an awful, awful waifu here after a few years.
Or maybe you can get a student visa? Either way, there is a huge turkish diaspora on the east coast here in the states, and there are worse places to live. You'd fit right in.
Can't really speak to Canada, but it might be easier idk. Tim Horton's is kinda awesome.
On the other hand, the more people who don't like Erdogan leave turkey, the more pro-Erdo the country becomes. I can't tell you what to do, but just know that it's people like you that keep turkey from becoming a hardline islamist shitshow.
Good luck.
No. 103356
>>103352I know you're not him, because I'm him. Whatup former conscript buddy? did you make sure to remove the "property of turkish army" stickers from all of your stuff?
Having family here already is a massive advantage, use it.
I don't know a whole lot about the immigration process but I do know that even as a conscript you have a service record from a NATO country, plus an education, plus family ties here.
All of that helps you get a visa. The police records, not so much but you can play it off. Get your relatives to find a lawyer, I've heard that boosts your chances like 90%.
No. 103368
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>>103363Do you have any info about the procedure? Maybe I should find someone to marry from here ;^)
No. 103379
>>103368Here's a page with links to all kind of immigration info: jokes aside, Canada is a pretty awesome country. Obviously it has its problems, but it is pretty welcoming to immigrants and refugees. The place I work at has even been sponsoring all kinds of local charities for new immigrants.
No. 103380
>>103368I forgot to add this link: is a search for all the different kinds of forms that might be needed.
No. 103383
>>103379pathetic how you think a country "welcoming to refugees" is something to be proud of.
Turkbro is an exception, not the rule. The vast majority of Maghrebis and Arabs who have come to Europe in the past few years are absolute fucking trash. Zero marketable skills, zero understanding of how to act in our societies. Just worthless welfare drains who have led to a noticeable uptick in crime in most of the places they've settled.
But at least you can feel smug, eh? Fucking Trudeau supporting fag.
No. 103418
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>>103380>>103379I'm taking a look at it right now thanks.
>tfw have work the day after a coup attemptCapitalism ho!
No. 103435
>>103426Both sides are in fault, Turkey for treating Kurds like shit for decades and it's hard to feel symphaty for an organization that killed your friends. Government doesn't show my opinion on Kurds and jihadi nutjobs as I don't support them nor voted for them.
>>103428Yep, no idea why people think Turkey is Europe.
No. 103564
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No. 103565
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No. 103671
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Some background info on this shitstorm, fuck I hate this country.
No. 103711
>>103360Somehow I missed this when you posted it earlier, made me kek b/c memories
>Be me, years ago…
> "Anon, your mission to provide training for Turkish military officers and conscripts. It is part of 'Murrica's commitment to our NATO allies."
> Me: "Conscripts? Like, just people off the street?"
>"Anon these young men are highly motivated, expertly trained, and armed with state-of-the art modern weapons."
>Go overseas, meet officers. "Anon, yuo are greatest ally. come meet conscripts. We have greatest weapons,greatest army, Turkey stronk etc. etc."
>Go meet conscriptbros. Everyone has uniforms/boots that don't fit, and vietnam-era busted-ass soviet AK knockoffs with sights that broke off like 40 years ago
>Me: o.OThey WERE motivated, for sure. There were a couple who always called me effendi and I never knew what to make of that. I guess they were joking?
>>103671So what happens now? If the coup was a setup, Tayyip will purge remaining kemalists out of army, courts, press, and politics. Even if it was real, he'll do the same thing so the result is the same. It just makes everything worse. Gezi park kids pack their shit & leave turkey. Nobody with any power still in Ankara gives a fuck about Ataturk anymore, except as a symbol. SJWs in the west complain about turkey's record getting worse, because arrests/press crackdowns.
So next turkey never gets EU membership, and then NATO starts keeping Erdogan at arm's length, and nobody can stop democracy from slipping further away because everyone who cares has already fled to the west. My question is this: How do you make Aloha Snackbars give a shit about what they are trading away? ISIS is literally right at the border, everyone can see how terrible life is under them. Is it really worth ignoring THAT just to keep the kurds/PKK from getting more powerful? What happens now with remaining Gulenists?
No. 103866
>>103829Quit shitposting you fucking mongoloid. There's nothing wrong with the analysis the anon referenced in the picture, it is spot on and better than you'll find than in 99% of news media sites. You're just so obsessed with imageboard boogeymen that it
triggers you enough to shoot the messenger.
No. 103901
>>103866Everything about your previous post screams /pol/ cancer. What's wrong with telling /pol/ to go back to /pol/?
>There's nothing wrong with the analysis the anon referenced in the picture, it is spot on and better than you'll find than in 99% of news media sites>t. exclusively visits huffpo/brietbart tier "news outlet"sYou're the only fucking mongoloid here. How do you even know it's factually sound? What have you verified in that screencap?
No. 103932
>>103877Oh, man. I really hope you are able to get out. If you can, print off the forms and shit that you'll need for immigration purposes, in case you can't access the sites again.
Photo-anon you have no idea how much I am rooting for you!
No. 103934
>>103901It's not fact, it's speculation based on existing evidence.
It's just a lot more granular and analytical than "there was a coup, the military doesn't like Erdogan. Also something something islamism."
Finally, there isn't some unifying /pol/ ideology anyway you fucking loon. Just about the only thing they all agree on is being opposed to present day immigration systems in western Europe and North America, that's it.
No. 103950
>>103915Are you literately impaired?
>>103934>"there was a coup, the military doesn't like Erdogan. Also something something islamism."Reading headlines like that and taking it with a grain of salt is better than Reading and believing an anonymous internet post at face value.
>there isn't some unifying /pol/ ideology anyway you fucking loon>muh JOOZ>muh SJWs>muh degeneracyOh sure there isn't. Agree with those nothing happens. Disagreeing guarantees you 1000 buttmad (You)s. Fuck off back to the worst board on 4chan.
No. 103952
>>103950The Turkish poster is just echoing what a half decent geopolitical analyst knows by default, e.g. CaspianReport. You're the same kind of idiot who was probably surprised when Russia annexed crimea. When anyone with a cursory knowledge of the geography of Russia knows they'd fight a war for their only warm water port.
It's a simple fact that the kemalists sided with erdogan and that Gulen faction do form, or at least did form a parallel deep by state until recently.
Stick to complaining about white people on tumblr kid. Geopolitics is obviously beyond your cognitive abilities.
No. 103959
>The Turkish poster is just echoing what a half decent geopolitical analyst knows by default, e.g. CaspianReport>CaspianReport>some random fuck who gives shittons of opinions but hardly any citation/evidenceNo wonder you hold some /pol/ shitposts in such high regard. We're going around in circles now.
No. 103962
>>103955Come to the Balkans and say you're a refugee
We ain't shit but at least we take good care of our pet Arabs, and there's plenty of Turkaboos around thanks to your historical soap operas
No. 103964
>>103959CaspianReport is good entry level geopolitical analysis. His explanation of why Russian growth is hampered by the necessity of European Russia subsidising the interior cities, and how this has been a conscious choice of the central government for centuries is spot on and you can find similar explanations in "respectable" publications like FPJ anyway.
As for the wider point, you're a monolingual, easily
triggered leftist tumblrina whose historical knowledge extends to hyperbole about the transatlantic slave trade and noble savage crap about the plains Indians.
Vacate the thread and take your faux outrage with you.
No. 103967
>>103962I'm half Croatian so probably won't stick out at all.
and for fucks sake stop with the shit flinging already, people can have different opinions no need to fight like a bunch of 10 year olds.
No. 103968
>>103965What paper are you talking about? And yes, more generally that's absolutely correct. Academia and journalism are a joke. You have self proclaimed "North Korean experts" in the West working for supposedly reputable think tanks who can't speak a lick of Korean and genuinely believe the old lie that NK is a Marxist Leninist state. Many others who are supposed mid East experts unironically believe that IS has "nothing to do with Islam".
These people are laughable. They're monolingual retards like you. Back to tumblr with you.
No. 103993
>>103985Go be histrionic about /pol/ somewhere else.
You don't have the first clue about geopolitics. Why are you even in this thread?
No. 104081
>Are you literately impaired?Brownshirts wouldn't voluntarily go anywhere near huffpo, silly anon.
C-Can we stop talking about /pol/ now?
No. 104097
>>103964>CaspianReport is good entry level geopolitical analysisNo it isn't.
>>104081Yep, you are literately impaired.
>Brownshirts wouldn't voluntarily go anywhere near huffpo, silly anon.If you understood english you'd know I never said that. You're probably just pretending to be retarded though
No. 107052
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Man shit is getting too weird here.
No. 107575
>>107571I don't think they did
They downright removed it
No. 107580
>>107576Thinking Turkey would be prioritizing other questions like the military coup, immigration bonanza etc etc it astounds me that this was even on the radar.
I'd expect this from some other extremist country but not turkey, since they got or at least had some major tourists business going on. Who's pushing this shit? Is erdogan just trolling the world just to feed the worlds prejudice against Muslims wanting to plow kiddos
No. 107585
>>107580Don't underestimate politicians' stupidity, anon.
That's what we said in the 90s
>nah, we won't go to war, our politicians aren't THAT retarded>nah, it's just a temporary situation, we'll get back on our feet in a jiffyFast forward a few months and it's raining NATO bombs left and right and 16 years later we're poorer than ever
Same with Brexit
>Nah we won't leave the EU, I doubt it>OH SHIT we're leaving the EU, abandon ship, apply for Irish passports en masse! No. 107590
>>107580This shit goes way back to the founding of the republic. Islamists always had this vendetta going on with the "seculars" in the government, most of the conservatives think they're getting some kind of revenge for the century of "oppression" they had. After the war of independence lots of tribunals were had and they hanged bunch of islamist rebels. then there is the coup of 60 which ended with Adnan Menderes getting hanged which actually created the bunch Erdogan belonged to. thing is Adnan Menderes was a scum like RTE, he did every shit move in the book to prevent himself from getting tried for corruption and embezzlement. Erdogan tries this hard to stay in politics because the moment he loses his political immunity he'll be hit with hundreds of cases and will probably lose all his fortune he and his family amassed while he was in power. Though I don't think this country will ever recover unless the Western part secedes of something, I have no hope for the East of Turkey. Bunch of inbred islamist fucks tbh and it's the breeding ground for Erdogan's voter base.