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No. 1044567
pls keep infighting to a minimum this time
previous thread
>>>/ot/1023351 No. 1044686
>>1044668I feel the same as you anon. Might be a cultural thing, but in my country it's considered really weird to not drink (and when you drink you're supposed to drink a lot too), so I don't have any "judgemental straight-edges" experiences
>>1044576 is talking about; pretty much always when I go out and choose to take something non-alcoholic, everyone around is putting so much pressure on me to have at least one beer, or to just do one shot with them, it's pretty much impossible to say "i'm not drinking" and have it accepted; of course unless I'd have a car, which I unfortunately don't. But even with drivers I've seen plenty of times people persuading them to drink because "you can just take an uber and pick up your car tomorrow". There's just no escape, it's made me much less excited for anytime I'm invited anywhere.
No. 1044705
>>1044699You're right and I wish this wasn't true. I also wish (not sure if this is unpopular or not) radfems weren't as elitist and exclusionary as many are. Like "you must be a complete separatist to be radfem" or "if you've ever smiled at a man once you're actually not radfem." I would be separatist but honestly I just don't believe it's going to be possible in my lifetime. Like I just want to talk about how we can slowly make society/culture more egalitarian and have a space where I can freely shit on coomers and trannies, please don't crucify me for having had straight relationships or sympathizing with grooming
victims even though they should apparently come out of the womb with a full library of Dworkin's works mentally downloaded in their brains
No. 1044809
>>1044576I agree, it's super annoying. Or the people who when a group are making plans to go somewhere can't just be up front and say "I don't like to drink, can we go somewhere without drinking?" but has to start in on "well I never drink" and then make a bunch of moral judgements about it. The only purpose is to make themselves seem superior to everyone else, and at least in my anecdotal experience it's often health nuts/orthorexics who love to do this the most. I think it's admirable when young people are really serious about their health, but why not just be secure in that instead of putting everyone else down for doing things in moderation?
>>1044705>or sympathizing with grooming victimsSomeone getting mad at this is fucked up anyway, not really sure how common this is except for with black and white thinking really all or nothing people. It's definitely possible to disagree with someone or their ideas but still have sympathy for their situation.
No. 1044832
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Comte is not that great, sorry frenchies. There's good french cheese out there but comte is not one of them.
No. 1044881
>>1044863Are you a 12 year old who just discovered Nirvana? Their best song is Dumb but the Unplugged version.
>>1044840I used to say things like that too, but it's an extremely infantilizing assumption that women are so dumb to realize that they're getting used. In reality, women know what they're getting into and they're getting their cake and eating it too. Like the other anon said, I do think some anons do harbour some internalized misogyny as well.
No. 1044960
>>1044832I agree and don’t understand why people shill it so much
As a side note, annoying cheese enthusiasts are always men
No. 1045010
>>1044996Sex is a mutual thing and the two parts are actually ""using"" each other, i don't see why anon is a scrote for pointing that out
No. 1045096
>>1045080Oh yeah that's not what I was talking about.
Yes that's not healthy, but sometimes the dude treats you like property/defiled after you have sex with him though so it's not always an equal thing and leaves bad taste in mouth. Some guys make it unequal with their weird hangups.
No. 1045138
>>1045123Idk, I see the "racefishing" argument even pollute anonymous sites with lots of women (like here), so I don't think it's all just posturing. The anger about the subject combined with the constant undercutting of one/any group's looks and neverending need to solidify one group as "the most attractive"/"the original"/etc feels extremely neurotic
Though, I don't think it's always linked to cuckoldry anxiety, you're right. More just anxiety about the meaning of "beauty" itself. It's a simple fact that women (regardless of race) are socialized to think there's always something about themselves to change, or else they're "boring/ugly/plain". When you add race into the equation, it quickly turns into a demented contest
No. 1045257
>>1045217Pushing adoption isn't the solution either. Great in theory, extremely difficult and expensive in reality. Young kids are in demand, older kids come with a host of issues and need very dedicated, competent parents.
What we need is to destigamize childlessness and make it the default rather than something people just assume they'll do because everyone else does, regardless of how much they really want to be a parent or how equipped they are to be one. I have sympathy for infertile people but it needs to become easier to accept that kids aren't in your future.
No. 1045571
>>1044735Yeah and what the ever loving Christ is that??? Having a "male mind" is something i personally strive for, because it is true freedom from manipulation by patriarchal society. To me it's proof you weren't manipulated to your death into "passively agreeable, less vocal feminization of the mind" ← honestly all that is, is engineered insecurity to hate yourself for being "unacceptably" confident/ aggressive/decisive. But well applied confidence and aggression get you absolutely everything in life, especially where creative expression is concerned. Insecurity kills your creativity and decisiveness, it absolutely destroys your clarity and takes years away from your life. A lot of women can't handle the fact it's true or never think about. Waking up to it makes them absolutely seethe.
If you are like me it's priceless to see though ahaha
I worked hard to be the opposite from a young age, because I saw it and couldn't fucking understand why anyone would willingly purse a feminized mind. It's suicidal looking to me. It ruins you for life. You can have emotional intelligence AND know how to be constructively aggressive and detached. I don't believe in a male or female mind though honestly, I believe in a balance of the two. One gender just happens to be more thoroughly and completely screwed mentally by brainwashing.
No. 1045681
>>1045571I kind of understand what you're trying to say
nonnie but the term "mind" is really misleading. I think you meant to say you strive to be in a state of mind and being where you're completely free from female socialisation, I don't think that is akin to having a male way of thinking, though. One can always desocialise female and stop feminising to be more assertive and confident.
No. 1045718
>>1045693speaking along the lines of this, i don't get why genders are included in LGB now. lesbian, gay, and bisexual are all sexualities. being a genderspecial isn't a sexuality.
the T was probably included long ago because of HSTS and them being just seen as gay men, but it's different now. you got transbians, fakebois that want to play gay boyfriend, and all of those straight people that think they belong because they're "nonbinary".
the "lgbtq+" is no longer about sexuality, it's just full of gender shit and even more "kink" and poly than before.
No. 1045731
>>1045666>I know that a big problem is the interest that is tacked onThis is strictly it. Nobody would have a problem paying back borrowed money if the interest wasn't actively working against them so that anything short of a $400 monthly payment wouldn't even be making an impactful dent.
That's why your engineering friend is bitching despite making $100k+ annual, it's an oppressive cost even for wealthy people if they're just starting out after college when young grads should be able to save and pursue equity.
>Did you not take Econ in High School? Lots of US high schools don't offer this.
>Your parents who most likely co-signed your loans didn’t care about you enough to explain what interest is? Boomers are so fucking bad at managing their own debts though, so no I don't believe most had any meaningful talks with their kids when they themselves are so bad. This is the generation that fucked up and have the most credit card debt. They don't have student debt only due to the fact that their educations were affordable in their day. Not to mention they could obtain jobs just by pestering management to hire them and show up "willing to learn," whereas employers nowadays treat 4 year college degrees as the new high school diplomas and want "experience" for entry level skilled jobs with shit pay. Boomers were driven by the ego of wanting to see their millenial children have traditional success literally no matter the costs, and completely ignored matters such as APR on high debt % and job saturation because THEY didn't have to deal with this shit. Knowing damn well it wasn't their problem if they saddled their own flesh and blood with failure right off the bat, and scapegoating "laziness" to cope with the moralistic illusion revealed that hard work no longer equals success.
It's not too late to go to college anon, there's no shame in going back as an adult. You'd have the advantage of being able to make wiser decisions free from outside pressure and won't fall for memes like going to the ~prestigious~ universities and dorming.
Community college credits are just as good and can be affordable, also, it wouldn't be a bad time to take advantage of remote learning when it's the easiest it's ever been insofar as effort is concerned.
No. 1045741
>>1045666Not American so no comment on your student debt situation
>Did you not take Econ in High School?No, it's not standard in my country and most others and I think that's a big mistake. It's so important so why isn't it taught? We had 4 years of fucking Latin in high-school, a dead language, but zero lessons on economy which runs our world and has a huge impact on our daily lives. That's ridiculous.
No. 1045778
>>1045681Yeah you're totally right. I know a ton of men aren't like that. Which is why I said I don't really believe in male or female traits, just balance. Because men are socialized and encouraged to be though, it's common to call it masculine nd normal to make the association. People will instantly recognize what you mean
It's so rare to talk about breaking away from female socialization though. People don't discuss it with any depth and you have to figure it out for yourself.
It's exactly like that user said. Even a lot of GNC women loathe women who eschew female socialization.
No. 1045784
>>1045783forgot the word
*in Chinese there are no gendered pronouns
No. 1045791
>>1045757Kek. I just cant see my straight sexuality as being groomed to be a
victim when I literally get wet looking at mens asses.
No. 1045806
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>>1045791if you're OSA it's because you were groomed by the patriarchy to be a
victim of men, if you're SSA it's because you were groomed by the patriarchy to objectify other women, real feminists are asexual duuuuuh
No. 1045823
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>>1045666>>1045571Stop posting retarded moid.
No. 1045894
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They should remake this Captain Sweden with Captain America because this is more true for 2022 America anyways
No. 1045895
>>1045833dont feel sorry for pickmes anon.
Most of them end up taking out their anger out on women and treat women the same way their boyfriends treat them, and try to make their female friends do emotional labor for them.
No. 1045941
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>>1045935oh ok sorry noony, its just that this place has been getting raided and spammed so much these past weeks that the moment i see something retarded i think its the tranny/4chan/reddit scrotes.
No. 1046091
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I think modern male fashion should become a contemporary version of this. I don't care how much people tell me this looks "ridiculous" or "gay" since how can people say that when current female fashion is ridiculously much more revealing and flashier than their male counterpart? Also, if this became integrated into contemporary fashion (with the expectation that men try to be fit and groom themselves, ofc) female and male beauty standards would be a lot more balanced between each other since women wouldn't be the ones unfairly expected to look good while men get to be as sloppy looking as possible.
No. 1046149
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I am convinced that the only good manga/webcomics/etc are written by women. I could enjoy character development and the fact that they are written only when the creator behind them is a woman. Whenever I read a manga that's written by men you could always tell that they fetishize women (while never dating one) or created a character just to add fanservice.
picrelated is a random webmanga I found.
No. 1046171
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>>1046091I want them to wear the 18th century style again. The frock and the hat had cool shapes. The bow in their wig was cute too.
No. 1046237
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He's right. Anyone who gets triggered by this is too stupid to realize he's talking about trannies, not metrosexual men.
No. 1046252
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>>1046171>>1046091I would suggest something like picrel as an unisex option for everyone. Looks comfortable and elegant
No. 1046285
>>1045667>>1045666>>1045670I agree with all of these. Education shouldn't be expensive, but it is in America. You would have to live under a rock to somehow not hear about how bad college debt is. If you and your parents are mature enough to sign up for a loan, you are mature enough to accept the consequences.
I managed to go to college without taking on any debt by working for scholarships and choosing to go to an affordable in-state school. I don't think the quality of your education should be a factor of how much money you have, but it unfortunately is. I don't feel bad for people who absolutely need to go to a private school or get a master's out of state with no plan for how to pay for it.
It also really bothers me that forgiving student loan has been forced to the top of the liberal agenda. So many people are poor through no fault of their own, and the majority of the country has never even been to college, but it's somehow our job to pay off some twitter using Yale grad's debt?
>>1045748homophobia and transphobia are just reskinned misogyny
No. 1046297
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>>1046257I had a demo of this game on the PS3 and I wanted it just because I thought the main character was so cool and I wanted to be the cool woman in the hot outfit shooting guns, swinging swords and casting magic, with so much skill that she can do it even in heels and pull off elegant and powerful moves. My point is I think sexy outfits can make women feel powerful and I don't think every female character design should be covered up, but I feel weird thinking so, because of course this woman was designed by a man to be his ultimate perfect fantasy woman, to sell more copies of the game, not because women should feel like they get to be a powerful beautiful warrior woman; when a man puts a woman in a revealing outfit, it's almost always because he sees her as nothing more than her body; when a woman does the same, she may be doing so because of a variety of factors. I kind of forgot what I wanted to say. Anyway I wanna be a cool lady with dragon swords
No. 1046313
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>>1046307I mean, the 80s isn't that far back and period movies are pretty common but even runaway fashion (from the 90s to now) reuses a lot of historical fashion and modernizes them.
No. 1046321
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The only reason why "the majority" hates Eva 3.0 is because their faggot self-insert wasn't being treated the way their fantasies wanted. The film itself was interesting.
No. 1046358
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>>1046321Where is this pic from? I swear I remember this being from a video about some lonely Japanese man obsessing over a 2d anime girl from a 3DS game where the most you can do to the girls is kiss them
No. 1046373
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I’m so fucking disappointed by witchcraft. I was interested in it for ages and finally got to learning more in depth and it’s literally all just positive affirmations and journalling. A lot of witches even say you can’t expect a spell to cause anything outside of “what’s physically possible” and that you still have to do all the normal work to get things to happen anyway so what’s the fucking point? How sad. Now I’ll forever just see witches as self help enthusiasts but make it edgy. Where’s the badassery? I’m distraught
No. 1046375
nonnie, art is just an exaggeration of what we wish to be. If something looks awesome in a series/book/movie/painting it’s 100% sure that it’s all wish fulfillment from the person doing that art thing.
No. 1046424
>>1046419Nothing. They do nothing because it’s all about what
you feel and make up about them and your “intentions” wooooooo
No. 1046655
>>1046648are you mixing up gypsies and romanians
I don't remember any gypsies posting here
No. 1046669
>>1046665I think you're mixing up beauty standards and beauty ideals.
The beauty ideal is of course almost unnatainable. The actual standard for men is on the floor tho
No. 1046674
>>1046665I'd love to see men in my country fight the beer belly, trim their mad beards, sort their blackheads out.. minimum efforts are seen as gay or too much to ask for. The average man is encouraged to embrace whatever he looks like with the least amount of effort.
I think alot of the shit women feel pressure to do 'for beauty' is way too much but like.. can we all meet somewhere in the middle?
No. 1046681
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>>1046373ofc it doesn't work when you are doing basic ass mainstream witchcraft.
I summoned a demon once when i was having a bpd breakdown, he only shortly answered my questions and left, i asked him for some things and it became true (now idk if he really did manifest those things for me but i know that they did come into my reality).
No. 1046717
>>1046685witchcraft doesn't actually make you see entities or move stuff. If you do witchcraft and see entities or move stuff you are actually self inducing psychosis through the idea of witchcraft. When you go down the rabbit hole of the paranormal and archetypal it literally lights up parts of your brain and shifts your perception and you might self induce psychosis. Like seeing demons or hearing stuff or seeing stuff move.
Real witchcraft and spells and divination isn't about that. Witchcraft is a form of divination that relies on rituals. So, to be closer to witchcraft you must produce rituals closer to those we had when we lived in tribes. This entire witchcraft and archetypal, mystical thing is tied to holism and our roots as a species. It is a connection to the universe and if you connect yourself to the universe correctly and comprehend witchcraft as in the way It worked in the times when we were tribalic.
You need to think strongly about the universe and what you'd like to happen but simultaneously not deny reality. You need to make your own chants composed from light language. Start speaking gibberish until the sounds you produce sound like something from an old tribe and focus your thoughts without forming them in words while you chant and you do repetitive movements. If you read about the ancient Greeks or simbolism of tarot or phenomenology or Carl Jung you can open up the gates to mysticism because there are certain individuals or certain cultures that through psychic power basically form magic spells that live through humanity and if you learn about them you activate the spells. Both Hegel and Carl Jung have manifested spells that are atemporal and if you read any of their works you become automatically connected to the archetypal and the holistic
No. 1046857
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>>1046717>>1046717>i dont agree with your version of magick so i label it psychosis.And how do you know your shitty mainstream witchy shit isnt psychosis either.
Sorry that i dont use herbs or talk to spirit guides but instead do LHP and communicate with demonic deity's.
Literally all magick is ''psychosis'' since it cant be proven by science.
No. 1046886
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>>1046864Get in contact with Azealia banks and do chicken sacrifices with her in her closet, and the you can come back to me imbecile.
No. 1046922
>>1046681>>1046857Based fellow demon summoner.
>>1046864NTA and it can be extremely easy to summon goetic demons if you find the right resources, but you have to be extremely careful that you don't attract their egregores or other negative entities. You won't be able to see them but you can definitely feel another entity in the room with you if you have some experience with energy work. Demons are neither good nor bad and are often times very willing to work with humans, but you have to be respectful and take it seriously because they can still be dangerous. Recently I reached out to a demon after I kept hearing his name while I was meditating and since then a lot of weird things have happened that I can't really explain rationally. Before that I kept getting recommended content on demonolatry on social media for some reason. Do your own research and be very cautious before deciding to make contact. I don't recommend it if you have little experience.
No. 1046923
>>1046913Did you really just tell me to look up a tiktok zoomer who reposts to youtube?
Anyway I actually was reading some witch websites and watched some YouTube witches who were in their 40s and 50s. It’s all the same shit.
Even this
>>1046717 was a long winded version of positive affirmations and meditation, just with a sprinkle of “spells that last past your lifetime” on top
No. 1046947
>>1046939Well, no. But I
wanted to believe, wanted to read some cool witchy lore, and expected to find some explanation of how witches actually believe in magic and how it affected their lives. I was disappointed on every level.
Now the idea of all those witches who cursed Trump sounds corny ass instead of potentially cool.
No. 1046979
>>1046922lol please dont give her advice, she doesnt even believe in this shit and is mocking it.
let her get a negative entity attached if she ever summons.
>>1046947it seems more like you wanted to be a part of a community and are now let-down.
Why dont you look at law of attraction and try manifesting things?
No. 1047000
>>1046992Dumb to call me smooth brain when my original post was about how witchcraft is essentially just law of attraction.
But I want to address that you thought I was mocking it. I really was excited to learn about it! Hearing so many feminists being into witchcraft and female focus was enticing. I was curious and like I said wanted to believe. I’m atheist, so I might not have been able to believe, but I could at least be interested and respect it. It’s just been so underwhelming. So maybe you can answer then, about believing magic is real and how it affects your life. Or if it’s actually different than self help spirituality, how so? Or at least explain if the demon stuff is witchcraft or occult? Because it seems like a lot of witches don’t believe in that stuff
No. 1047006
>>1047000>witchcraft is essentially just law of attraction.what do you think magick is? harry potter?
Real magick is inside you, there is no magic potion that will grant your wishes. magic is simply thoughts and feelings.
> Or at least explain if the demon stuff is witchcraft or occultits occult, mostly people in the occult work with them.
>Hearing so many feminists being into witchcraft and female focus was enticing.this is exactly what i meant when i said community.
No. 1047074
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>>1046922>did some research>wanted to try summoning sallos since he is good and handsome >realized i need a copper sigil >fuck that >cant find anything else >resorted to saying during my meditation that i "welcome any entities that wanna make deals"will update if anything happens after i go to sleep
No. 1047080
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>>1047074Hope you get a hot one that feeds on sexual energy
No. 1047101
>>1047083Stop assigning all evil shit to males. No male cares about pierced baby ears. The baby aggressors in this specific case are women.
I agree with all the rest. It's barbaric.
No. 1047111
>>1047074lmao if this is real then you are a hella baka.
>>1047080weirdly enough ive seen incubuses that have gotten scared from the goetia demons, so does that mean that incubus are not demons but instead vampires/parasites?
No. 1047214
>>1047150Yeah, this. They're going to do it if they want to when they grow up.
>>1047136> It's not a huge body modification.Tiny body modifications shouldn't be ok either. Do you want your child with perfectly good eyesight to mess around their eyes because such and such type lids are popular now, pushed by eyeshadow making companies?
No. 1047234
>>1047101No. Both my father and my brother got
triggered as fuck when I said I don't get why they'd pierce my niece's ears when she can't even speak yet. Males do care a lot about this dumb tradition.
No. 1047238
>>104637399% of occult/witchcraft/new age shit is just extension of the same lame self-help industry. There's nothing interesting about it and it can literally just be boiled down to positive thinking.
I wish those e-witches were robbing old graves to make some voodoo spells, that would at least be hardcore. It was hilarious how offended they got about Azaelia Banks when she slaughtered that chicken or whatever, although that's literally the kind of thing that our illiterate ancestors did when they actually believed in those powers.
No. 1047246
>>1047083It's super common in my country but I've never seen males obsessed with it. I have to say I don't see the big deal on either side. It's not that painful, and it's just as traumatizing as a needle at a hospital, even less so because hospitals are inherently spooky and unnerving, because you're most likely in a state of disorder when you're in one. And a baby will be getting jabbed at hospitals a lot more than just a one time ear piercing event.
The baby doesn't really care whether the jab is going to help with their health or not, so they're the same shit really.
However if you're going to do it, at least pierce it properly with a needle and not a pierce gun, as it truly hurts less and all you feel is warmth.
Now the fact that it has to be a girl is what bothers me, and why I wouldn't pierce my daughter if I had one. Or I'd pierce the boy too, whatever.
No. 1047295
>>1047276Most humans are normies and normies are uncomfortable with "pushing against the grain", that includes women
>>1047283These types always sound like a nlogs, and they always get
triggered by makeup talk (of course)
>i-i'm trying to make women see the truth while insulting and disrespecting their perspectives!Yeah right, eat shit
No. 1047304
>>1047299NTA but
>muh challenging the world! anonymously! on an imageboard! in an unpopular opinions thread! how could anyone not back me up!!You're just being childish (kek) and pissy. Maybe learn to talk to women and you'll actually accomplish what you claim to want
No. 1047307
>>1047299>>1047300Only a very privileged person would insult other women for something they mostly don't control not only because its sometimes obligatory but because of the immense societal pressure behind its use around the world, is not as easy as "just don't wear it". You're completely ignoring other women's perspectives just to shit on them, and no women is going to hear your arguments if you keep talking down to them like that.
This is about getting other women to understand, not about flexing who's more rebellious
No. 1047323
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>>1047123Hmm good that you pointed that out
nonnie. Anon is probably a woman who hates that she was born but I don’t know.. kek you know? Calling a baby girl something… just seems..
scrotey No. 1047346
>>1047345When the proctor is uneducated wokies championing a
problematic niche as an underdog, I'll "fail" every time and it means nothing to me.
No. 1047350
>>1047346Citing reasons why you're a failure at being human. The reason is "why not".
Yeah, sounds typical.
No. 1047577
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I think things like fitting in, having friends, being mentally stable are all things ingrained in us from childhood by brainwashed adults and media to get us to cooperate in this newly found system. I want to be free let me out everywhere is inhabited by humans there’s no free solitary spot on earth
No. 1047581
>>1047506I've done construction work at private schools and could hear the lessons through the window. The difference is night and day. Public schools are utter doghouses and I would never consider sending my child to one, I just remember so many of my teachers waffling on about their own lives during the lesson. I got so sick of the early 20s teachers that would just be the "cool teachers' and try to impress the students, our school was riddled with them.
Home schooling is the best though. You can actually plow through all the schooling for kids in 2-3 hours with a home school. That's how much time is wasted in public schools.
No. 1047584
>>1047389dunno if I agree with this because I have 0 experience with public or private school, but I was "home schooled" because my parents didn't want me or my siblings being taught some of the things they teach in public school (they never said what exactly, when I was a kid I thought it was evolution, as an adult I'm pretty sure it was sex education). they totally dropped the ball though, I pretty much learned absolutely nothing beyond basic reading and math and some stuff about the bible. in fact I never even learned algebra, they never talked to me about normal life stuff or sex either. my parents obviously did a shit job and were really neglectful with us, Idk how kids turn out when the homeschooling is adequate.
I just think if you're gonna homeschool your kid you need to work really hard to socialize them, make sure they have other activities they can do where they meet other kids and can make friends etc. if you don't do that your kid is gonna STRUGGLE with making friends and having relationships later on.
No. 1047599
>>1047597i read an article years ago about how the kids of people who work for apple and google and shit don't have unfettered access to screens because those people know that too much screen time (watching youtube/tiktok, bumming around on social media, constant stream of information, constant dopamine bursts) is bad for you, stunts development and lowers your iq. there's nothing wrong with using the internet for research purposes or homework help, but outside of that, kids should interact with the real world more.
there was also a section about how kids in schools without screens interact more with each other, therefore form more connections, therefore are closer to each other, therefore are more likely to support each other when it comes to networking for jobs or promotions. the stratification of our society is real and it's happening.
No. 1047625
>>1047080>>1047111update. had a dream but i forgot it so idk if i summoned anything. the only thing of note is that my old suckey entity came back. before moving out i used to sometimes get this weird
pleasurable feeling as if something was sucking my neck/around clavicle area. i joked that this sensation was my vampire ghost
or cancer. didnt experience it for a long time after i moved out. i guess my suckey friend finally found me again after i send out the invitation kek
No. 1047666
>>1047643Look, nobody gives a shit if you like a character. It's not about you or what you like. It's a wider, global problem of writing female characters to be worthless and only functioning as plot devices, eye candy, prizes or whatever task a literal object could also function as, and even if they have plot relevancy they're still sexualized in some other way such as giving them a coomer-pandering design for no reason. It's about demanding better and having women receive the wide selection of different roles in fiction that's given to male characters. And a lot of people don't want to be defeatist about it, that's why they're complaining.
Besides if you unironically like a female character 90% of people is accusing of being a braindead walking cardboard stand with tits then chances are that you're actually projecting your own wishes and hopes in a space that isn't there. Like humanizing a wild animal.
No. 1047863
>>1047597Same. I have a lot of reasons for not wanting kids, but that is a big one. The internet and social media has been a plague for children and has caused a lot of behavioral issues and deviancy. The children that were exposed to porn at a young age only a decade ago (because there’s no restrictions other than a question box) have porn addiction now, and most moids nowadays have no emotional intelligence and are more coddled. And no matter if you take away the internet from your kids or try to warn them about the dangers of the world, unless you’re homeschooling them and limiting contact, other shit kids and teens will expose them to that crap. And then you’re still expected to love them unconditionally and take care of them.
>>1047848NTA but one reason, if you’re a radfem or hate trannies, is that there are some states that teach preschool children and older about the gender alphabet and they/thems. Most kids get confused by this because trans ideology is often just “if you don’t feel like a girl and like the color blue, trucks, and sports, then you’re actually a boy!”. If your kid so happens to pick up on that and believe that they’re a gender special and begs to transition, but you tell your kid no, the school or social services can get involved for being “transphobic”.
No. 1048098
>>1047389Absolutely based.
What I think is really weird though, is that it doesn't seem like private school pays that well? My friend is studying to be a teacher but she won't take a position with private schools because their starting salary is $30k (minimum wage in my city). She said she got the same $30k offer from 2 different private schools. Meanwhile the starting salary at a public school here is $50k lol.
Anyway, fuck private schools.
No. 1048261
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The best type of music is the type that sounds like it's straight out of a Sonic game. Especially if it sounds like it's from Sonic CD or it could be from one of Rouge's levels in SA2 (or from Bayonetta or Space Channel 5, same shit). There, I said it.
No. 1048450
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>>1048424Anyone who disagrees doesn't know shit. Radical political theory diametrically opposes traditionalism, which in the case of feminism means completely uprooting patriarchal society.
No. 1048492
>>1048411its nothing that weird. it's a matter of buildup. I usually start with clitoral stimulation first, then finger myself. I use one hand for one and one hand for the other.
I then do them at the same time. which actually is possible. you have to develop sort of a rhythm for it. I don't know why I never thought of that before, I guess I assumed I couldn't do it. or that it would hurt too much. it feels so fucking good and I'm satisfied with my ability to do it. to the point my non dominant hand is now my main fingering hand and has stumbled upon a g-spot my dominant hand didn't hit.I've got weird adhd fidgety hands that help me a lot here, so like I said, not sure everyone can do it. the way I move my hands would probably make others cramp
i really hope this isn't dangerous or will harm my vagina or something. I'm naturally "tight", a lot of things have caused me pain, I've had traumatic experiences, this is way better than anything piv or toys have ever given me. it's sad but it's the closest thing I have in me to being sex positive. having discovered this for myself makes me feel like I deserve and reclaim my own pleasure
No. 1048519
>>1048462It's so annoying when they try to pretend that the only options are being a houseslave to a patriarchal moid or wasting away in middle management/onlyfans hell. The economy isn't great but there are still careers out there that are more fulfilling than min wage service work, boring office shit, or literal prostitution, and even for women who are stuck in the service industry or some other unfulfilling job, they can at least have regular hobbies and friends and other good things in their lives. I think it really just exposes how divorced from reality/sheltered a lot of wannabe tradfems are. They don't know anything about the real world, they don't know anything about working and supporting themselves, they don't even know anything about men, because if they did then they'd realize that being able to independently take care of yourself, even with a job you don't love, gives you a better chance at a decent life than subjecting yourself to the whims of the first conservitard scrote they end up fucking, who could easily still be subjected to the same job market and evil corporate they thought they opted out of.
They also never realize how draining it is to singlehandedly manage a household, keep the house, and take care of kids. Anyone who has kids or is actually close to a woman with kids knows there's no casual banana bread baking days when the husband is at work and you've got an insane toddler hanging off your leg and a newborn crying every time you have to put them down and a house that needs cleaning whether you have time for it or not.
No. 1048523
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Why the fuck would you contour your nostrils? boney looking nostrils ain’t cute
No. 1049446
this is like a very specific opinion and maybe only counts as unpopular in the current horse world, but i feel like the strong social hierarchies in stables are fading out of existence and it's really sad. i always found the harsh social dynamics in stables to be good for girls personal growth. i remember the atmosphere being so fucking mean and scary in the stable when i was a kid. and i only took a few lessons, i was mostly there with friends and helped out, but even then i was treated so badly kek. even in online horse forums i remember the amount of absolutely merciless and cruel girls scolding people and nitpicking everything was insane. it was very similar to cgl and lolcow actually. but it also seemed to be a very meritocratic system (to an extent, obviously more wealthy girls had a lot of unfair advantages). anyway, i just read some thesis about how the stable environment acts as a kind of entrepreneur school for girls, and teaches them to be self confident and hard working, and to become leaders in the workplace. it also showed that a lot of CEOs and business owners are former horsegirls (this was in sweden though, not sure if this connection is universally true). i just feel like when that environment changes, it's for the worse. a stable shouldn't be too friendly imo. you can't be super insecure and vulnerable, it's a very dangerous place after all, so you have to be in control and be able to handle pressure well.
No. 1049454
>>1049446This is such a niche and unexpected opinion that I know nothing about and yet it cheered me up. Go
nonnie, I support your dreams of meaner girls in stables that teach you some resilience.
No. 1049465
>>1049453of course that factors in. and of course poor people are basically never going to be CEOs. but it's an interesting observation nonetheless, besides there are other expensive hobbies popular among rich girls. still think equestrianism will teach you more about leadership and enhance certain qualities more than other sports. anyway, just shared it because it was in the paper i read.
>>1049461honestly same. i would be too scared of accidents. always found it weird how people let their kids start this sport at 3 years old. just a while ago an 11 year old girl in my hometown got kicked in the head and ended up in a coma. that just doesn't happen in football for example.
No. 1049678
>>1049553ultimately, do whatever you want, girl. but you talk like you don't have a choice in your (potential) male partner. there's ways to find out who a person really is. if you date a guy, you need to be around him during unfavorable/difficult situations to see how he reacts. be observant to how he treats others, especially his mom and other female relatives.
some of this can apply to female partners too but i'm specifying men because i can honestly understand where you are coming from. as women, we have to be more careful of the men we accept into our lives. the fear you have in natural but it would honestly suck for you to miss out on a man you could truly love and who loves you because of fear. being overly fearful almost ruined my relationship.
i wish you well.
No. 1049691
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>be in a thread
>saged post asks for other nonnies's opinions about something slightly off topic but still related to the thread's topic
>answer the post saged
>get banned
genuinely answer me, why is this site like this? conversation gets so stifled cause some of you horse faced mods like to jerk yourselves off to your fake internet authority. it's boring here half the time.
No. 1049731
>>1049691Some jannies are really ban happy and I swear they don’t read things properly. I’ve seen people get a “this is an Image board post pictures” ban when they’ve posted a picture of a product online and then later on another
nonny has asked them to drop a link to it.
No. 1049860
>>1049691It would be easy for me to believe that some mods are mere vendettachans with a ban hammer. I've seen plenty of derail conversations where the responding
nonny gets banned but the instigator carries on in the thread (on the same derail topic). Are some mods just losers who argue online and ban people who disagree with them? Maybe.
No. 1049905
>>1049691>>1049860>>1049879>The stock explanation for this is usually "Not all bans are redtexted", but like…why not lol?I remember mods saying something like it would be hard on eyes. Bullshit, I say. It's fucking insufferable when a baiting retard doesn't get banned, but people replying do - especially when they get some snarky message.
I would infight a lot less if I had faith in mods using the banhammer on baiters and infight instigators. Because 'not all bans are redtexted uwu', I have zero faith in mods doing that… so I know that if I don't reply, the retard will 'get away' with making everyone read their crap. I bet some other anons are like this too. Shaydmin (is she with us yet?) should push mods to redtext every ban IMHO.
No. 1049911
>>1049879yeah this makes the absolute least sense to me. wouldn't it just put off other people who seek to or accidentally emulate the same behaviour?
>>1049907>undercover twitfags are probably running the website!!!11!>btw this website is so anti-black sniff sniff white people badthe call is coming from inside the house. literally just look at any celebricows thread to see how many 'anti-black' racebaiters are redtexted and how many lipstick alley rejects are allowed to sit there for hours ranting about mixed race people and zendaya
No. 1050046
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>>1049896tbh all races deserve shit. that's why i'm equally racist to everyone, like a true mexican.
No. 1050054
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>>1050050>I can’t believe people still care about color when color defines your identity, career, culture, friendship, relationships, etc. Shut up puta
No. 1050059
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>>1050055>the 80s>colorblind????
No. 1050089
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>>1050081>the author you’ve probably never used this site until now, moid
No. 1050123
>>1050118that's a bad thing? i started from that standpoint, not caring at all. then i recognized what shitty things do happen be
cause of my appearance which is unfortunate you know
No. 1050124
>>1050106white women get so
triggered seeing a poor wittle minority not needing their ideology and not hyper focusing on race. kek
does race matter? of course it does to an extent. but I'm not terminally oppressed in every aspect of my life cause I'm brown. I've had a pretty good life. white women want to control how we feel so bad.
(racebait) No. 1050186
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>>1050167mad cause you age like milk and not even moids your own race can stand you? kek
No. 1050204
>>1050202I just lurk /ot/ and /m/, I should have specified since I know board cultures vary quite a bit.
Sometimes feels like there's straight up two different lolcows.
No. 1050208
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>>1050186Please don't tell me you're one of those latinas who get down on all fours and pant like a dog for some pasty white dick and act like you did something
No. 1050238
>>1050226who? the wannabe radfems who fuck 4channers or the aryan racists?
>>1050229I mean, she posted racebait and anons fell for it
No. 1050263
>>1050248This, they're waaay too bothered to claim
>>1050186 doesn't affect them, they're so dishonest. If you don't give a fuck about le scrotes or ageing then just ignore posts trying to bait you
No. 1050346
>>1050185I’d be fine with it if only poorfags got their loans forgiven. Everyone else though id be annoyed. How does forgiving loans stop colleges from charging insane tuition? If we forgive all current student loans what about students who are about to enter college, they’d still have to take out huge loans.
College degrees has been given way too much value to the point where they’re useless unless you’re getting a further degree afterwards. I only took a few cc classes and I make the same amount as my friends that wasted 4 years at college to get bullshit liberal art degrees.
No. 1050351
>>1050345did you forget clits exist, girl? lmao
clit orgasms are waaay better than vaginal ones. a lot of women can't even orgasm from just penetration, no matter the size of the dick. you might just be a size queen
No. 1050522
>>1050467Everyone implicitly knows this, it's just harder to articulate because we can estimate length easily but fuck knows what a decent girth measurement is.
I promise nobody is imagining a long thin dick when they talk about big dicks or a short thick one when they talk about small dicks.
No. 1050624
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NEETs provide society with multiple services. For example, they are faithful, dedicated consoomers. With their dependent/unused income and extra free time, NEETs can afford to place more energy and money into all sorts of media (and fashion) than your average person can or will. Without at least a few bored NEETs, many industries and corporations would fall to the wayside. Additionally, they help support the mental health industry when they opt for therapy. There's also the occasional "mad genius" type of NEET - an insanely talented and/or autistic NEET who spends more time perfecting their programming skills and putting them to use than any normal person could, or that produces 10/10 music, art or writing is of more value to society in that position than if they had opted for a normal occupation anyone with minimal to mediocre experience/credentials could fulfill
NEETs are also one of the few sectors of society that provide all its members with their daily two minutes hate - absolutely for free - whenever they lovingly troll on internet forums, resulting in light-hearted, high-energy exchanges where everyone can freely express their thoughts, have fun and let off steam without guilt. We pay respect to actors and actresses for making us feel something, but we also owe something to the person who plays a role online, with zero pay or real life recognition. You don't need to waste time searching for poorly-scripted reality TV episodes or risk getting a virus pirating them when you can just go on nearly any online community and see the exact same thing play out in text. On top of that, we already know that NEETs make up a large portion of internet mods and jannies. Not only does this demographic offer the entertainment of the online world, they diligently provide the cleanup without complaint or payment of any sort. Many even use the little energy they have for this endeavor, sacrificing the neatness of their bedrooms for the neatness of your online experience. All in all, the NEET has an inherently humble spirit. Whether you like it or not, everyone contributes something to society. Things are deliberately set up so that true leeching is near-impossible
No. 1050774
>>1050710me too
>>1050771all are worse problems in the usa.
No. 1050802
>>1050793Agree with your first sentence but also believe women cheat for their egos too.
If they had to put up with the examples from your sentence first, then it makes sense why they would be validation seeking and doing anything to recover their egos too. The difference apart from men is, they're justified in doing it.
But heaven forbid if we ever said this out loud. Clearly women cheaters are just sociopaths going against their servile nurturing nature while poor men cheat because their evil wives and gfs just didn't do enough to keep them faithful.
No. 1050836
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I think she's really cute and like her outfit in this.
No. 1050847
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>>1050836Agree! I also liked this look even thought it was shown only for a second
No. 1050879
>>1050876Half the posts on lolcow can be explained by this thread
>>>/g/192203(The other half can be explained by this thread
>>>/ot/586560 )
No. 1050886
>>1050876>it's always just mothersNah
nonnie I hate all moids because they all fall under the monkey brain type. Filthy animals. Women giving in to their power fantasies are something I can't still figure out tho.
No. 1050907
>>1050399You’re only saying this because
>the scrotes you date refuse to eat your pussyor
>the scrotes you date can’t eat eat pussy for shit so you don’t even realize how good it can feelOral is literally the fastest way to get a woman to orgasm. Less than half of all women experience vaginal orgasms, and if they do, that still doesn’t mean they prefer it to clitoris stimulation. Either you’re in the minority or just dating scrotes who are shit at sex
No. 1050912
>>1050533Assuming these infertile people can't necessarily afford or ethically agree with IVF either, it really must feel like a slap in the face to spend thousands on the adoption process and have to prove their competency as parents a thousand times over all under the threat of the original birth parents wanting to interfere or take back their kids later in life. Meanwhile the lowest IQ of irresponsible trash just happen to have the working body parts to pop kids out for free, sometimes even subsidized by welfare for the endeavor.
I completely understand why they're bitter because it's bullshit.
No. 1050935
>>1050933Some water really does taste and smells nasty though. People who grew up with questionable sources are probably the ones conditioned to want to drink something else. Fatness is just incidental anon.
I grew up with both good and bad water sources so I can understand both sides.
No. 1051135
>>1051124You're brain dead. Look at this shitfest of a website. This is the weakness of women; catfights, passive-aggressive insults, constant infighting. But oh, women are so much better than savage barbaric men. Even /pol/ is better then this shit.
Stop being such a bitter femcel and take a step outside. Say "hi" to a moid, try to have fun in life. You don't even have to have the same values or beliefs as them, just love everyone as a person. Everyone has common ground
No. 1051136
>>1051134Where did I say it's "the best thing" you can contribute? kek. You said having kids doesn't matter. I say it does.
I've achieved most of what I set out to in my career. And by your own philosophy, there's no point in having a vocation or contributing to the world in any way at all, even outside of having children, since the world is run by inferior moids.
>>1051135Once again moving the goalposts. Why are you here if you wanna lick moid ass so hard?
No. 1051138
>>1051124And you're not very "motherly" if you constantly shit on men for no reason all of the time. You're the female equivalent of the /pol/cel meme.
Love is the root of good mothering genes, not bitter whining
No. 1051141
>>1051135And samefag to say that you go ahead & look at a Western moid, then look at a moid from the UAE & you tell me that they both have equal &
valid mindsets towards women uwu
>>1051138>implying that people mother their children the same way that they talk to retarded bitches on No. 1051147
>>1051135Stop assuming all women are straight first off
>>1051128You're going to raise a gaggle of pathetic picmes that you'll end up getting jealous over, if you're even a woman
No. 1051150
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>>1051115All reproduction needs to be female ovary + female ovary in the lab kaguya rat style so we can repair the human genome. Men have caused humans to de-volve with their raping incest and abuse.
No. 1051170
>>1051135men literally suck all the fun out of life
>>1051154Who cares, the only common trend is that scrotes are violent. It's like playing favorites with shit.
No. 1051172
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>>1051170This board has been infested with incels trying to convince everyone they're the "okay" males. Actually, it's probably Steven again, that's his usual MO. Similar typing style and pretentiousness. Hope the anons in the friend finder threads are being careful
No. 1051187
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>>1051135Male time
Male time
Male time
M A L E T I M E!
Here's the male
He never fails
He makes me wanna wag my flail
When he comes, I want to wail
No. 1051192
>>1051187Sorry samefag
>>1051185 but what did I just walk into, are you 5?
No. 1051196
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>>1051192Sounds like you need the thinking chair.
No. 1051197
>>1051190laws are made by men
>>1051192if anyone has superior genes it's definitely not you, autist
No. 1051200
>>1051178This is one of the most bedicked, transgenderific posts I've ever read in my life lol
>more for me <3Cherry on top. No woman wants multiple of you smelly moids. Even from an evopsych standpoint, it just wouldn't work. Take your cringy porn fantasies and go
No. 1051216
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>>1051170Scrotes are all violent, but some MUCH more than others.
It's far more advisable for a woman in a feminist country to raise a boatload of children than it is for a woman in a patriarchal hellhole to do the same. Obviously the latter doesn't have any choice, so I don't hold her at fault.
The point remains though, that your initial assertion that raising the next generation "doesn't matter" is just patently false.
Yall seem so stuck on the "Western genes" bit. Would it appease you if I said "Western culture" instead?
I have no problem with Middle Eastern WOMEN. Muslim WOMEN. Indian WOMEN. But it's willfully ignorant to suggest that all cultures are
valid. Especially when it comes to women's rights & educating their daughters. The fact that Western birth rates have been falling for years has had NO impact on the birth rates in these overpopulated, backwards, patriarchal countries which seek to keep women as a slave cattle class.
They are still breeding like flies. And it's because of their male-centric cultures that normalize rape & necessitate motherhood.
I will raise my half a dozen daughters with all of the education, opportunities, and optimism that I was afforded growing up. Hopefully they will seek to improve the parity of women in the world in the same way that I've tried to do. To say that "doesn't matter" just says to me that you're a NEET who has done nothing of value in their own life.
No. 1051223
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>>1051178so take your moid ass licking self to 4chins or plebbit since you're the scrote savior. LC will be better without your handmaiden shitposting.
No. 1051239
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>>1051216Based and Xena pilled
No. 1051251
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Only sort of related to what's going on here, but tradthots honestly disgust me. I'm becoming blackpilled on feminism because of libfems, but women who claim to be "radfems" when they're really just pick-mes who are a little bit mad at their men for not choosing them are just exacerbating the issue. It's like they think it's fine and negligible what their moids do as long as they personally don't get the worst of it, and they're so aggressive to women who aren't white or are simply from poorer countries than themselves
It's genuinely retarded to think that any race of men is genetically inclined to be good, especially when those same men love to "vacation" in third world countries with tons of vulnerable Asian/black/brown women and little girls they can rape and impregnate freely. Don't even get me started on how the moids from poorer countries in EE love to traffic their own and eachother's daughters, sisters, wives, etc for money. But sure, it's only the wealthy women (especially American) that matter in the world /s
No. 1051262
>>1051257That's not even Twitter slang, you must be new but thank you for ignoring my point
>>1051259Most women aren't traffickers and they don't travel to rape children. Stop with the libfem bullshit
No. 1051268
>>1051262pretty sure only twittertards feel they have to remind everyone that what theyre saying is sarcastic by using /s
also your post is word salad, i dont understand the part about white women but it sounds like bait. just say you hate tradthots, i didnt know they varied by race.
No. 1051270
>>1051266>Try to talk about male degeneracy and how it affects women/girls>"Ok but what about women! Women aren't good either then"It's tired. Shitty women will be annoying at best, and instruments of the patriarchy at worst. Shitty men embody the patriarchy itself
>>1051268If you don't understand my point, either ask what I mean like a normal human or keep scrolling. Since you clearly don't get it and think everything is bait, it's actually good that I added "/s". If I hadn't, you probably would've said "But you contradicted your point by claiming only rich women mattered!!".
No. 1051289
>>1051285What do you mean?
>>1051286Aileen Wuornos (bless her soul)
No. 1051293
>>1051275is this what their point was?
>>1051270nah it was obvious sarcasm, just your point is hard to follow and you sound like a twittard
No. 1051300
>>1051292Chill out, "bitch" is used colloquially here a lot. I thought the picture would make it clear it wasn't serious. You seem pretty mad and fixated on this "moron" and "libfem" thing, which is weird, since you started insulting me first, kek. Sorry I said to stop saying libfem BS after you said…libfem BS, anon. I wasn't aware it was such a sensitive word for you. Hope you can recover one day, it's okay to be upset
>>1051293Kind of ironic to say others sound like Twittards when you type in all lowercase,
nonnie No. 1051390
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I genuinely believe in picrel, fags gross me out. I’m not straight and I hate that i’m expected to sympathize or see gay moids as my equals or whatever, absolutely not.
No. 1051452
I'm a carpet muncher but most fags are degenerates.
They along trannies have destroyed gay acceptance in the west and everywhere.
Lesbos aren't the one dressing up with harnesses or fucking in the public eye.
Also, lesbians helped them back in the 80s and 90s and now we are told by them that we are troonphobe by snarts and fruits.
Maybe I am an alog, but, we should had let them die back then.
No. 1051455
>>1051451wow, she really, really, really looks like her. like legitimate doppelganger level. extremely odd that the girl would take on a very unpopular, unconventional opinion by wearing a t-shirt with an unrepentant serial killer on it (obviously she was justified but not how society sees it), but being a
TERF is a step too far. very odd girl.
No. 1051462
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>>1051455etc etc
It's literally her
No. 1051539
>>1051251Im so sorry for aussie nonnas if we have any
All australian dudes go to thailand at some point
No. 1051597
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>>1051452>>1051522why don't you 'not like the other gays' dykes make your own fucking thread to circlejerk about gay moids instead of shitting up every other thread imaginable? god you bitches are annoying
>inb4 pick-me for gay aids riddled faggots!!!!blessedly not the case, i'm just sick of you schizo dykes reeing about it every single day. rent free! they're not even interested in women like trannies are and yet you STILL think of them every single day. get help!
(calm down spaz) No. 1051654
>>1051278I agree, it's a big reason why I never got into fandom shit. Idgaf about shipping, I just want to sperg and make up whacky scenarios the characters would get into. fuck a flower crown.
>>1051245My unpopular opinion is that "western" anons need to check their privilege when it comes to moids. Statements like this make it seem like you have it just as bad as women in other communities are are conditioned to either be turbo pickmes or are forced into marriage. It's just to insensitive and gross imo. Your femicide rates and rape rates are among the lowest, you are not conditioned to hold a man down or settle for shitty men. Sorry if i sound like a moid.
No. 1051662
>>1051654Its kinda sad that you have to assure you are not a moid just to say this, as if what you're saying is not true regardless, is literally a fact but of course people here think pointing out firstworlders just don't have it
that bad is "moid behaviour"
No. 1051701
>>1051672i’m not attracted to moids kek so no they did not and this is the first i see this discussion being had. wow shocker people on hate moids, gay or straight. why are you so insistent on defending these men?
No. 1051789
>>1051672>fighting for the same gay men that literally caused the aids pandemic and used to advocate for pedophilia The things you'd do to have a faggot bestie fantasy fulfilled…
Also way to go with how you're hating on lesbians but being a pickme for men of any sexual orientation. Internilazed misogyny is a disease and you should get it treated luv xoxo
No. 1051818
>>1051801Handmaidens are so quick to excuse misogyny and any form of bigotry as long as it’s coming from one of their ~precious small gay beans~. Frankly
>>1051672 reads like a seething faggot, go take your prep gay boy.
No. 1052982
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Flying > invisibility. Invisibility is for incels who want to rape and harass women. Flygirls stay fly, invisishits good luck robbing banks and still getting your fingerprints over everything
No. 1052988
>>1052940I agree but I also don't think anyone cares about how unethical and selfish they are so I stopped cherrypicking that particular topic because everyone's truly racing to the bottom.
Just read an article about a mega trawler spilling 100,000 dead fish off the coast of France. A video autoplayed talking about how some brat makes $50k a month selling useless play slimes off her youtube.
The egocentric buck doesn't stop at people wanting kids. Humans are the antithesis of altruism regardless.
No. 1053006
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>>1053001Look at this hambeast ruining feminism
No. 1053009
>>1052980Sorry you fell for the eugenic fear pron. People who are mentally healthy and have a strong community are able to have kids without sacrificing them to the system (online brainwashing, being groomed, being depressed from going to school to come home to empty house bc everyone's working to survive, not falling for tranny cult bc they have a strong identity, healthy bc kept traditional medicine and nutrition, etc). There is no argument, some people have the resources to have kids and some don't (those resources include cultural identity, community bonds, a good family that didn't traumatize you, etc). Idk why anti natalists have to go on and on about it, if the world is so horrible then start doing something to better it - or do you want everyone to give up and die?
No. 1053041
>>1053018you are just as retarded as natalist-chan. Lmao psyops my ass.
>>1053033>based chinabitch how? Female babies were murdered in mass and the male ones were allowed to survive because males were seen as superior. Now china has a female population problem and they go around raping and force marrying women from neighboring countries.
No. 1053053
>>1053045i dont want children but i don't go around calling pregnant women all sorts of sexist insults, some of these natalist women are borderline sexist.
The shit they call women like ''breeder'' ''cow'' ''birther'' ''whale'' is the same shit that men call women in general.
No. 1053056
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>>1053045KEK pregnancy phobia? Do you know how dangerous and taxing it is for a woman to have a growing parasite inside of her that’s only motive is to keep itself alive, directing all of the nutrients that the mother needs to sustain itself in its little pod? Do you know what kind of host relationship that is in nature? Exactly, figure it out. Post-pregnancy is no picnic either, especially when scrotes pressuring you to get back into shape after you literally birthed a living person. Insane
No. 1053058
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>>1053055Real Carrie vibes, good taste anon
No. 1053060
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>>1053041It literally doesn't. The vast majority of those "murdered female babies" were simply non-registered when they were born: when they reached 20s, decided to marry and finally were registered, the Chinese horribly unequal sex-ratio vanished in no time kek
No. 1053074
>>1053033>Le epic existence has no point or end goal thinky thonkIt literally does not have to have a point.
You also have to be at least 18 to post here.
No. 1053080
>>1053070Woman who isn't antinatalist = tradwife?
Gotta hate this site sometime with all you mentally ill NEET freaks who haven't left your houses in weeks and forgot how the real world works.
No. 1053082
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>>1053074Nope. Try again millennialfag
No. 1053086
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>>1053080>Gotta hate this site sometime with all you mentally ill NEET freaks who haven't left your houses in weeks and forgot how the real world works.Um? How about you try not being pregnant or a mother??? Haha like, close your legs maybe?? Have some self-respect? Don’t prolong the progeny of a male?
(infighting ) No. 1053094
>>1053060this still doesn't erase the hundreds of thousands of testimonies of chinese women who had to throw their newborn daughters in the dumpster or who were forced to have abortions by their husbands.
What the fuck is wrong with you, you say you are worried about pregnant women then you resort to calling them names and defending china's old sexist law.
im tired of pickmes like you infiltrating feminism and natalism.
No. 1053117
>>1053108its not the wanting children part you moronic troll. Its the other things you said in conjunction to that.
>>1053098i wonder the reason why the mods allowed infighting here is because they dont have to spend time working or banning people. I mean they're not working in general since some gore posts are still up.
This slow death of lolcow is sad.
No. 1053126
>>1053122scrote trolls like you also add into the death of lolcow, chinlet.
Hopefully we get a more active mod soon and you spergs can go back to wherever you came from.
No. 1053134
>>1053127I agree
>>1053126You are one of the many reasons this site is going to shit. I bet you’re that retard that constantly shits up the celebricows thread, crying about people being called ugly and how that definitely makes them scrotes! You literally bring no value to this place and stereotype women, if we get a bit too fiery and passionate, scrote!!! If we lash out in anger, scrote!! Just say you’re a self hating woman with a narrow, restrictive view of your own gender and fuck off. You can’t handle anonymity because you’re too fucking schizophrenic.
No. 1053139
>>1053134yes anon i agree fuck that evil brown admin hating on them white goddesses and we western sluts should be worried of the evil muslims and their cow wifes destroying us….im also totally a woman teheee not a scrote.
>>1053136not that anon.
No. 1053148
>>1053140maybe you and natalist-chan should fuck.
i heard that opposites attract.
One is scrote who wants to save the west from brown people and one thinks that pregnant women are whales.
>>1053143dear if only you weren't so retarded to realize that its many multiple anons who call each other scrotes and its not one.
No. 1053190
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why does this infighting remind me of siblings fighting? feels nostalgic to me
No. 1053552
>>1053323oh my god you’re just bitter because you probably lost during an infight lmao
>LETS SHUT /OT/ DOWN MUST BE THE MALE TROLLS that’s what they want you to say dumb dumb
No. 1053556
>>1053470The cat has been raised as a kitten in a healthy only-cat household and socialized properly with trusted people. She has spent hundreds of dollars on full-body scans as well as labs. He was trialed on several different anti-anxiety meds a few years ago with no difference.
Sometimes there's no excuse and pets are just relishing in bad behavior because it feels good.
No. 1053619
>>1053603"The transition from Renaissance to Baroque musical style began in the late sixteenth century." u
No. 1053643
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>>1053622brace yourself
No. 1054091
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>>1053323Then I would be lonely
No. 1054101
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>>1054091It's okay I won't let it fucking happen
No. 1054119
>>1053082you're into living a very miserable life.
toxic positivity is bullshit and people who think like pic related are happier than you
No. 1054173
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Mommydom het ships are inherently male gaze in the current year. It's not the past where men were proud to fantasize about themselves putting in the work. Your average male nerd is a beta who fantasizes about women doing all the work for him, emotionally and sexually. Het ships that focus on men "saving" a woman, being a protector, white knight in shining armor, ect, are more female gaze than ever. Hope this helps.
No. 1054259
>>1054173You're right. The words mommy and daddy shouldn't be sexualized either, who the fuck gets wet pretending your partner is your little son.
>>1054244What happened to those threads, it seems like nothing but underage twittards fighting now.
No. 1054264
>>1054173I agree completely.
>>1054261I think the worst part is that it's very demeaning to women who have a nurturing/caring side to their personality. I now hide that part of myself completely (except towards female friends) because moids will think I want to be their milky mommy uwu. It makes me so sick.
No. 1054302
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>>1054173No, the tradwife fantasy you are describing is not female-gazey in the slightest. The fantasies that have moid as a helper, caretaker and faithful family man are the ones that fit this term the most. Anyway since when thinking of men as broviders and brotectors became based and pinkpilled? Can you dumb bitches stop being so closeminded, stop parroting trad rhetoric and finally think what type of man would be the most useful and pleasing to have around the most. Hint: it's definitely not the paternalistic white knight, not even close.
No. 1054314
>>1054302The truth is: All fantasies that involve men are kind of an L for women. Being male-attracted is just an L, and that's it
Dogpiling other women over whose fantasies are least or most "inherently male gaze" is silly, because at the end of the day, you're still getting personal fulfillment and validation from cock lol. None of that shit is feminist, and that's fine, just try to live your life without suffering too much or harming other women
No. 1054315
a man taking care of you, coddling you has always been a popular fantasy among girls and women of all age groups, simply because hardly exists irl
No. 1054320
>>1054314Fantasies are harmless if you don't try to act them irl, also
>you're still getting personal fulfillment and validation from cock Being attracted to scrotes is not synonym with being a handmaid, there's nothing wrong with being hetero if you aren't retarded
No. 1054328
>>1054325Ok lol. That's nice, as it would be with any partner, but the main reason we'd need or want that as a collective is because men fucked up the entire world in the first place lol. I get it, but it's kind of depressing that it'd even have to be aspirational for a man to be decent. And at the end of the day, it'll just remain a fantasy until we figure out how to make men less shitty
It's fine to have fantasies, but they're largely your own business and personal to your life/personal history/tastes, so the argument is kind of pointless
No. 1054366
>>1054345I wish i could understand why so many people are obsessed with justifying everything they like using politics/feminism
>>1054356>>1054359Fucking this, if women aren't supposed to date moids or even fantasize about them what the fuck should they do then? become lesbian? kek y'all crazy, get your shit together
No. 1054380
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No. 1054398
>>1054377My last scrote cheated on me, one week he was talking about us getting a mortgage together and the next he was moving in with some woman he met while visiting his family. He was months into an affair yet for some reason he was the one saying me and him should sign a mortgage together? The timing was bizarre.
Anyway, years later they're still together. I hate seeing affairs pay off for the cheat. I'm single as my trust is ruined and I refuse to be someones paranoid gf. I'm scared to even attempt dating again. If he gets a taste of how it feels someday then that's cool with me.
No. 1054410
>>1054407I know
nonnie, it's just bringing down moral and I wish I could help ease the tension and aggression.
No. 1054431
>>1054380>>1054402im actually starting to believe that the mods/admins are in on this. Youve been here for weeks and arent completely banned yet….thats strange.
>>1054407anon he didnt come here today he was here weeks ago, he was the one spamming gore and the one spamming wojacks in pt.
>>1054418>>1054415i cant believe we used to shit on the old mods, now looking back they did a better job at keeping this place tidy than the current ones, i guess we should never take things for granted.
No. 1054435
>>1054383What the fuck is this full circle shit lmfao muh
victim blaming women shouldn’t have to do anything to make it better !!! So just accept shitty
abusive porn addict men, for feminism! Fucking kek the absolute state of libfems
No. 1054445
>>1054439raising your standards will atleast remove the complete bottom of the barrel trash anon.
Pls stop with this straight women either fuck all scrotes or become asexual/lesbian bullshit
>>1054440yes it is, this is a prominent thing in new radfem circles. Just take terri strange as a example.
They preach about all moids being the same so there is no point for standards.
/ot/ is just filled with either scrote or radfem autism.
No. 1054446
>>1054438Nvm you’re right am retard. But what a dumb way to word it. I disagree that telling women to raise their standards is
victim blaming, raising standards doesn’t mean you’re getting them met, only a true tard would think so
No. 1054449
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>>1054439The best option is to force them to change with violence
No. 1054456
>>1054383I hate you retards who cry
victim-blaming the second someone doesn't coddle women 24/7. We have absolutely been raised to settle for the most bare minimum "at least he's nice" type of guys since forever. Your doomer mindset pretending like there aren't solid guys out there for everyone is pathetic. They're not abundant, but they exist. Do what you can to find one instead of settling for the first substandard guy out there. It's not "
victim-blaming" to say that.
That being said, everyone has different standards so pushing your own one onto others is retarded malebrain behaviour.
No. 1054461
>>1054442The annoying thing is how men put on a front in the beginning and then the facade drops so slowly that you're more likely to accept it. You apparently don't even see it happening when you're the target of it. But I see it all around me. Learning when to walk away seems impossible for some. Suck her in and she's yours forever no matter what! I hate it.
Women who are miserable with their current life but terrified to even attempt to restart it alone. You're already miserable now.. What do you even have to lose?
No. 1054468
>>1054450you really think its just her? there is alot of women in the community just like that though, who act different on the internet yet are secretly married to bottom of the barrel and have children.
Terri was also a ''wannabe-lesbian'' because of that ''women either slut/handmaiden or lesbian/asexual'' mentality that they push in their communities.
>>1054453yes but it can protect her from the most bottom barrel men, what are you not getting anon? omfg some of you are dumb.
>>1054461this is exactly why you do the vetting process or try to make him confess his kinks before you get serious.
No. 1054482
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The one true female gaze would be to have the ability to be fully toxic and hateful to a moid without feeling bad about it. They should be beaten up, spit on, pulled by the hair, purposefully scared over and over again until they become instantly terrified if you merely making a wrong move, burned, humilated in both him and his weaknesses, robbed by all their money and if they get hard during any of that, get kicked in the groin until they start crying in pain.
No. 1054486
>>1054477im glad i dont have this type of retarded thinking anymore. I went through alot of trauma thanks to settling for anybody.
This type of thinking puts women in danger. Because then they just settle for any broke,dangerous,ugly,old and criminal man.
No. 1054490
>>1054456>I hate you retards who cry victim-blaming the second someone doesn't coddle women 24/7>We have absolutely been raised to settle for the most bare minimum "at least he's nice" type of guys since forever.???
So you acknowledge we've been conditioned for that and yet you blame women instead of scrotes, society etc.? I agree with the rest of your post though
No. 1054503
>>1054493>straight women become asexual/lesbiansdo you even fucking know where you are, keep that autism for your catty groupchats.
Also this doesnt work and never will work instead its causing women in the community to label themselves political-lesbians and larp as lesbians or think that women dont deserve standards and in the end all of them end up settling for the most disgusting moid.
No. 1054504
>>1054490It's not
victim-blaming to (attempt to) snap women out of their conditioning by telling them to raise their standards, is how I understood it. I don't think anyone here WOULDN'T blame scrotes/society but there's another angle to look at too.
No. 1054510
>>1054493Why you ""lesbians"" always talk like this about straight women? i can sense the self-righteousness from this post lmao get you head out of your ass
>>1054503This. You damn idiots, stop shilling this, is just making things worse
No. 1054524
>>1054518you said that straight women should opt out of straight relationships. Do you even remember the shit you write. Maybe you should piss off to your echo-chamber.
also i didnt just say lesbian i said asexual too.
No. 1054531
>>1054502I remember posting a while back that sometimes I look back on my early dating years and I'm like.. wow I was so naive and ill prepared for men and their bs. Kinda wish someone had talks with me woman to woman to warn me about some of the common shit they pull. The shitshow that followed.. people bashing me for wanting mommy to hold my hand. I feel like that's common though, that the first few years are you floating around naively while men view you as prey and can leave lasting damage. And uf you meet a man who'll use commitment to flatter you and get a closer grip on you.. you never stood a chance if that happens young enough and everyone around you is acting just as oblivious.
Calling women stupid for falling for mens shit.. calling women stupid for saying it'd be nice to share knowledge with younger women to avoid this… when are we not being called idiots?
No. 1054539
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Pwease stop fighting
No. 1054541
>>1054529>Lesbians and female-exclusive bi women are also womenYou know damn well you and those political larpers aren't lesbians, you should feel ashamed of yourself
>>1054536>>1054534ikr? kek
No. 1054543
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I want every single moid thinking they are playing some 4D chess here to kill themselves.
No. 1054552
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>>1054546I see you still haven't dropped the 4chan/pol lingo.
No. 1054553
straight Women will be in straight relationships whether you like it or not so the best thing to do is to teach them to have high standards,leave at the first red flag, not fall in love, always have a backup plan etc etc instead of telling them to settle for any
abusive or broke moid because all men are shit.
>>1054544of course all you imbeciles pushing for this political-lesbian or asexual shit are straight women meanwhile the actual lesbians in the community are wondering what the fuck is wrong with you.
No. 1054558
>>1054544>sucking dickwhy dont you say how you really feel, i see the sexist shit women like you say about openly straight women in your echo-chambers.
Why dont you just call us slutty cocksuckers and get over with it, you've become annoying.
No. 1054570
>>1054556You didn't even refute my point
>>1054558For real, they're so dishonest and salty kek I've seen anons at /snow being less disingenuous
No. 1054573
>>1054565fkn lol, no I didn't post hamber.
Take offense to it? Does your body positivity make you wheeze up the stairs?
No. 1054583
>>1054576Doesn't matter if it wasn't you, the argument remains the same. Tired of these "Uhm what if it's just a
toxic woman" posts. Why the fuck would anyone respect an anonymous person's gender identity when they act exactly like the garden variety subhuman, retarded males we've all dealt with? They might as well be RPing as men at that point, so it's useless
No. 1054585
>>1054579I'm going to explain it
one last time, you retard: you can't force women to not date men, its not gonna happen, CUT IT OUT
No. 1054595
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>>1054554yes, but at least I'm not a scrote.
No. 1054598
>>1054582 A wallets value is to be seen and used, not heard. Meanwhile empty wallets get thrown in the trash.
>>1054592i bet he still wont get banned
No. 1054607
File: 1644183802853.gif (2.06 MB, 320x240, 0105FD14-B3C7-4625-9214-C6EB08…)

Go die in a construction accident, scrote
No. 1054612
File: 1644183929571.jpg (36.18 KB, 798x644, 1643384106361.jpg)

That's a long way to confess you're an incel attention whoring on a female imageboard
No. 1054614
>>1054612I'm just here enjoying how easy it is to
trigger fat women who can't meme
No. 1054629
>>1054622Are you a literal retard. You mongoloid, you have a public domain in which anyone can access and you have very strong opinions which make you easily
triggered. You're thick if you think its one person.
No. 1054648
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No. 1054667
nonnie, they are crunchy on the outside and soft and chewy inside. I feel pain for you. Never having a proper waffle. So sad.
No. 1054681
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Napping should be in the law. Every workplace and school should legally be required to have two hours set aside for a nap, exclusive of lunch/break times
Oh boo hoo hoo one less gold-plated yacht for Mr. Fatpockets
No. 1054688
File: 1644185629412.jpeg (177.23 KB, 750x677, FC65B402-5E5E-4A9A-9FAB-3D90E3…)

>>1054675Why the fuck are you still posting lmao? You aren’t allowed to be on here, it’s funny as hell you thought you were actually going to get a positive response on an all-female board. Good riddance, sperm dispenser
No. 1054698
>>1054672>ooga booga how DARE woman reject me, just like mommy. Me think woman MUST be miserable not to like me, there can be no other way. Me man me the best!!Maybe try trooning out. AGP is a pinnacle of male heterosexuality, a warped culmination of what a male really is. All the seething ressentiment of his mother he can never own, inhabit or fuck, all the realization of his incompleteness and lack of autonomy, all the capitulation in the face of being unable to meet the "masculine" failcope men constructed to delude themselves into thinking they're independent and complete human beings - all of that erupts as troonacy, the ultimate last ditch cope before the inevitable an hero. "Mommy will leave and other mommies (cis women) aren't eternally available and therefore EVIL, so JOKES ON YOU BITCH I'm gonna become THE mommy. I'm gonna meet my own bottomless pit of needs, I'll be my OWN tit to eternally suckle and MY OWN womb to eternally retreat into, just like those cis bitches. That way I don't have to depend on them anymore, just like those cis CUNT mommies who don't seem to need anyone, but I will also be BETTER at it". The results are predictable.
That headless emotional support fleshlight is a perfect illustration of that futility, he's a "woman" but the fact that he still desperately needs a woman to live shatters that delusion. He loathes and resents the inferior imitation, because it's there for him, and therefore it's not real or authentic, because the real mommy leaves. Just like that unattainable lesbian CEO atop the hill - now THAT'S what he'd like to have, that's the MOST evil cis bitch out there, the ULTIMATE mommy who didn't bring the tendies! Not only is she a CIS BITCH with a womb that only ejects and alienates, she also has the fucking GALL to double down on it by mingling only with OTHER rejectors! The fucking GALL! My GOD what I would NOT give to fucking imprison her forever and become one with her, that Issei Sagawa guy was onto something!
No. 1054708
File: 1644186412154.png (5.58 KB, 208x242, AB0BA7D4-FAAB-45DB-9DB5-3EA676…)

You’re going to get banned once the jannies wake the fuck up and finally do their jobs, I’m not here to amuse you (and neither are the other anons with piss poor attention spans who would forget about you in 5 seconds) when you can’t even manage to integrate like the clever little macaque brained male you are. Go back to filling up your socks with cum
No. 1054715
File: 1644186553108.png (142.25 KB, 470x300, 071119_18 Potato Waffles_470x3…)

This is a waffle, those other waffles aren't waffles.
No. 1054728
File: 1644186803896.jpg (429.56 KB, 2600x1733, OBK-VAFFEL_Bygdekvinnelagets-h…)

>>1054715wrong, this is a waffle
No. 1054730
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>>1054728Nah.. studies show that this is actually the real waffle.
No. 1054744
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Speaking of waffles, french toast always taste like cheap bread soaked in scrambled egg
No. 1054750
>>1054744That's…. What it's supposed to be.
French toast is called "lost bread" in French, it's made of stale bread
No. 1055053
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>>1054974>>1055012You’re exactly why she sucks. Ana”farmers” are so boring. Y'all call her queen because you wish you could sit and do nothing but waste away and get asspats for it online.
go head call me fat that’s the only rebuttal you guys throw out and it’s not as true as you’d like to think No. 1055075
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>>1055074she seems ok but i haven't seen her posts on lc. is this a good or bad development? i cannot tell. i think i'd keep this on tumblr at worst though if i absolutely needed to create an archive of lolcow inspired art. i don't think insta is a good platform for this.
No. 1055090
>>1055088Lol shameless farmers, amazing.
I’d be less afraid of a dozing from some mad cow than of ruining my reputation by associating myself with a board for pointing and laughing at fat troons and BPD hookers.
No. 1055127
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>>1055075Oh my god, this the the piglita artist!
I was wondering who had the balls to draw something like this kek Good to know she’s a gull too.
No. 1055139
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>>1054740That's not butter, that's brunost, a type of cheese
No. 1055318
>>1055075>>1055053She's talented, but this is bizarre.
Also Shayna commented on two of her posts, how did she know about this before I did lol>>1055072>instagram as an artist, tying yourself to being a farmer… she's talented. why is she doing this and why is all her art meme and specifically lolcow based?She says she is autistic, so I guess she doesn't really care about where she posts LC art, or about gaining a following of regular art consumers.
>>1055139What does this taste like? Curious since it's on waffles, I've never had a savory waffle before.
No. 1055326
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>>1055318Samefag, I hope this is sarcastic but she does have it hanging up so…
No. 1055345
>>1055053I like Lucinda and this art, but who are the others? Some camwhores? Only the redhead one rings a bell. I'm not sure if it's a matter of artstyle or me forgetting/not following them.
I was browsing the ghosts thread yesterday and was reminded of Ectsy/Emma even though she was interesting to me Don't call me a newfag, I am not.
>>1055127Is that a famous pic? And why no anti-tranny shit?
>>1055318I wish that you shown caps of Shayna's comments
>>1055326Fucking insufferable
No. 1055354
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>>1055345God I'm so ashamed of all of you cowtippers with retarded names that aren't as clever as you think they are. Fucking newfag faggots.
I have found out that Momokun and Shayna are on that tapestry, but I couldn't tell it's them. I thought Momokun was Chell or the
triggered feminist meme. Maybe because I'm looking at a tiny screen, idk.
>I'm an autist therefore I'm not responsible for my actions tee-heeI know she is joking, but that's literally cwc mindset
No. 1055361
>>1055355she's a lolcow because she's mentally ill
>>1055354c'mon this "farmer" is as much as a cow as any other cow. Only an attention whore thristy for farmer approval would put in time and efforrt to make something like this and even have a dedicated Instagram account. It's not like she made some anon artwork for lolcow. I also hate the way she pushes her autism like it's her entire personality. It's funny Shayna owned her. This girl is embarrassing.
No. 1055366
>>1055354the comments are embarrassing too way to virtue signal you are a farmer. This is so fucking stupid, responding to Shayna…
TERF account is the worst. TERFs are supposed to protect women like Shayna and explain why society makes women turn to porn, not attack them. So much TERFness calling Shaynus a hoe top KEKKERINO
No. 1055368
>>1055354Agreed that the cowtippers are cringy as fuck. Some weren't even using throwaway accounts, two had their faces (and an ugly bf) attached.
>>1055365Thank you anon, It definitely sounds interesting. It kind of looks like a block of cold peanut butter. I love waffles so I would love to try this someday if I ever get the chance.
No. 1055374
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>>1055354I bet she posts in the dog hate thread. This is further proof that obnoxiously anti-dog people are mentally ill autists. And yet supposedly it's always dogfags harping on their pets superiority and catfags would never kek.
This autist has such an unattractive personality, even though her artstyle is great. She ruined the seal thread for me because now I'm sure it's mostly her posting
No. 1055378
>>1055375I take back what I said, but it didn't make any sense because you posted it without the context of
No. 1055406
>>1055383Me when I see people drawing art for literally any lolcow
These people act like they have no hobbies or interest beyond laughing at retarded internet fags wtf
No. 1055414
>>1055383I can finish an artwork in less than 2 hours, is not really that hard
>>1055406>These people act like they have no hobbies or interest beyond laughing at retarded internet fags wtfThen wtf are you doing here then? Kek
No. 1055415
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>>1055053>>1055075Of course this autist nazi posts
No. 1055417
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>>1055368No problem noni, if you decide to visit Norway (really recommended, specially during the end of May and beginning of June) you'll be able to find those waffles in many places
No. 1055455
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Calm down foreskin-goblin.
No. 1055460
>>1054461i needed that last sentence
nonnie thank you!!
No. 1055482
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>>1055053Reminds me of the scene in Lilo and Stitch where she's collecting pictures of sunburnt fat tourists because Lilo is also an autist with a special interest.
I mean if she was going for "mocking" her art really comes across as a homage rather than a dis. 100% those art renditions are better looking and more interesting than the actual subjects.
No. 1055578
File: 1644250997420.jpg (57.4 KB, 768x501, norwegian-brunost-blocks-768x5…)

>>1055318Brunost is caramelized whey, so it tastes sweet, caramelly and salty. Paired with strawberry jam is heavenly. I prefer the real goat version, but you can get it mixed with cows milk or just cows milk for a milder flavour.
No. 1055619
>>1055599It's religious for jews and Muslims afaik.
>>1055580 and I was just joking, sorry. There's a scrote that's shit posting about circumcision, how cut feels better and then also said something about destroying matriarchy. Let's not let him get off to us arguing about his points.
No. 1055643
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>>1055629Lilo and stitch was a pretty experimental film and given low overall value, the film used water color paintings as backgrounds to make it cheaper
No. 1147212
>>1045203What is this garbage. This is the most
toxic conversation. I reckon the fbi has eyes on this🤣