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No. 944831
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Notably, several female orientated subs like Female Dating Strategy were banned as reddit is convinced anything pro-female is anti-male, but shitty male orientated subs with violent misogyny are totally okay and not a cause for concern.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/822499 No. 944837
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I hate this feature on Reddit. It’s been used in me several times. Anytime you make a logical argument or if they dislike your opinion, they send it your way. Yes, I’m so suicidal because I don’t think Kevin is a woman. Reddit knew what they were doing with this one.
No. 945417
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someone posted on /r/thathappened a screenshot of 2 fatties insisting their Doctor's hated them for being obese yet healthy. Most of the comment section is fatties making excuses. Lots of 100% healthy fats in the comments and talk about Doctor's being so mean to them for asking them to lose weight. None of them seem to understand that being morbidly obese causes long term health issues. They're fine now so fuck you and fuck Doctors. Big fan of the woman in the comments upvoted for saying being fat has no impact on her joint pain. No. 945722
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>>945417Meh, the thread is split with the highest upvotes mostly going to the people doubting the story. Obesity is pretty much the only thing left that reddit isn't fully ~everyone is
valid~ about.
No. 947523
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God that pickme title. She’s so cool because she’s not like the other wives. I bet the wives of those husbands hate her because she can’t mind her own damn business.
No. 947539
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Encouraging the girl to not worry and that everyone watches porn. Redditor says she’s the fit type but her bf is watching fatty porn? Other comments saying it’s fantasy. People in porn are just fantasy apparently and not actual humans. Damn, why is porn addiction so normalized?
No. 947596
>>947523Can we just talk about how she begins the post with "I was packing his bag for his trip with the boys.."
Like bitch, what? I don't care how much I love my partner, he's packing his own fucking bag for his dick weekend.
No. 947733
>>947591I found a post where OP cried about how her husband was really mentally abused by his ex(like every guy on reddit claims). So I’m assuming that he’s the one who’s convincing her that the only explanation is that all 3 of the girlfriends are
abusive bitches. Not the obvious one kek.
No. 948377
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sub for female antinatalists exists, typical chYmpanzee on reddit weighs in
No. 948496
>Despite being only 50% of the world population.. But I mean, he has a point, we should just get to the root and switch all racism to misandry.
No. 949561
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This subreddit is stupid. But having a subreddit calling out men for being pedophiles and having coomerish tendencies would be banned.
No. 949745
>>949741Hey it's hard being terminally online and no women will knock on your door to come fuck you and feed you
No. 949836
>>947523He's probably cheating on her. Men have no respect for women like this.
Also "packing his bag for a day trip with the boys" ppffftttt lmao hearty belly laugh on that one, what is he 8?
No. 949908
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What the fuck did I just read?
No. 949909
>>949908>"she's being purely eye candy for men">"exploiting male sexuality"kek even when their penii takes complete control over these animals they're still
victims, can't make this shit up
No. 950805
>>950126I never understood why there's people who think hitting women is equality. Then again, there's people who think porn is empowering…
It's not fair. Men have retarded strength thanks to their testosterone levels and musculature.
>>950682Gee I wonder why anyone would trust women more than men. Why do they even get mad at this? Like, tell me if it isn't creepy when some raondom man wants to be trusted and gets mad that people don't trust them. Rapist vibes
>>949781nothing has changed.
No. 950941
>>947523>packs up her husband's bags for a trip like a mommy>puts herself on a pedestal for not being "one of those boring bad wives who nag their husbands">Never considers the possibility that those wives might have perfectly good reasons to be upset about their husbands going on a "boys night out" or the men are making an excuse not to goThis is your brain on pickmeism
>>950805The amount of times I've seen men say "I hit everyone equally, heehee hahaa" as if it was a great leap for equality is staggering. Or trying to be a smartass by bringing up how "women hitting men is never taken seriously". No shit, a man can fucking kill a woman with one fist to the face while women can barely stun them.
No. 950964
>>950175Surprising thing is that these subreddits have overlap of followers
Only accepted opinion differs on these subs so they just post what gets them updoots
No. 953576
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I know it's futile and another one will just spring up to replace it but I report this crap when I see it. Reddit is disgusting
No. 954824
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I have sympathy for asian guys in how they get degraded in the west but after going to some of of the "Goldpill" subreddits I lose that sympathy
its the most bizarre amount of weird cope and seething Incel hatred I've ever seen
I actually am attracted to asian guys(mostly Japanese cause I watch a lot of Japanese media) but a couple minutes make me slightly lose that attraction how they don't get that this isn't appealing to most normal people
No. 954829
>>954562It's a sub for sharing girlfriend's nudes.
Men really are cucks and love getting other men off
No. 955286
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>>954946God this is why I will never want a son.
No. 955490
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my favorite subreddits are the schtizo ones, where people obsess over a specific retarded conspiracy theory
r/bigfoot, an active subreddit of nearly 100k users all debating the existence of bigfoot and sharing bigfoot sightings
No. 955513
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CP being spammed
No. 955549
>>955440WhY DoNt MEN EvEr GeT CoMpLimEnTs?????????
100k updoots
No. 955976
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No. 956017
>>955976r/relationships always makes me depressed
r/deadbedrooms is also a shit show since it's almost all men who are pissed they can't treat their wife however they want and still have her be turned on by them
Newflash moids; No woman is going to let you continue to fuck them long after you insult their bodies and flirt with every girl that crosses your path, straighten the fuck up and maybe you'll get laid
No. 956148
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Her boyfriend is a dumbass. Never let a man who isn’t marrying you impregnate you. I bet you he’s the type to think having a c-section isn’t actual birth. I’m just doing to assume this guy has no money for IVF that’s why he is trying to dump her. Men cum in a vagina and think that’s all the work they need to do.
No. 956175
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>male makes stupid joke
>woman gives an accurate, factual counter
>another unrelated male starts to fling his shit around because apparently statistics and facts are oppressive
why are men like this?
No. 956179
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>>956175>sarcasm about men always being at fault and always sharing nudes>in the very next line, says women shouldn't share nudes at allSo what the fuck is it? Either men are unlikely to share nudes and women are generalizing by suggesting they often do, or it's not safe to share nudes in the first place because they end up getting shared?
Men live in a different reality where they are both so perfect we can't criticize them, but so terrible we're inherently stupid to trust them. Meanwhile we have to be cool girls when they make petty jokes at our expense that are actually far more accurate for them than us.
No. 956267
>>956261>>956251The over-sexualized social media trend sucks but women need to finally get smart about this. Can't feel bad for women who continue to share nudes with untrustworthy scrotes. Women need to go back to the time when they made men work hard, very hard, just for the chance to maybe see them nude (in person). Sending nudes automatically says this to a man - "I'm dumb and desperate". I always get told I'm
victim blaming with this but I don't think I am. Are you really a
victim if you choose to be an idiot and continue the degrading cycle?
No. 956281
>>956267They always pull the
victim blaming card anytime they're expected to learn from their mistakes and I'm sick of it. If you know damn well what will most likely happen if you take a certain action and do it anyway, you are choosing that outcome. Fool me once, shame on you…
No. 956283
>>956270This, it's not worth it. I'm forever grateful I never did this as a dumbass teenager no matter how many sleazy moids requested me to and how tempting the thought of being someone's personal porn goddess was. He's not going to appreciate your sacrifice and his successful invasion of your privacy and he's absolutely going to show it to his friends when they're out drinking and hold it against you after you break up.
>>956267You have to understand that most women who do this are very young and don't know better, and most likely indoctrinated with the misogyny thinly veiled with "sex-positivity". I.e. you're a frigid bitch who doesn't trust her man if you're not putting your personal safety on the line. If you're going to send a scrote nudes then you better make sure he sends back some of his own so you'll at least have leverage.
No. 956289
>>956283nta, yes this is a good reply, for me I was young and really truly did not realise that it was wrong. It was
so normal and expected - you do not realise you are making a mistake, and you have no idea what is happening after you send it or how many creeps have now seen it, until
years later. Anon really is blaming the
victim, but if she believes what she says then maybe knowing the kind of things men say to women who trust them, how they manipulate and convince you to send them even if it does feel slightly wrong. It is literally not a young teens fault for doing something she thinks is normal, it's her fault when she hits 25 and doesnt tell other women how fucked up it felt and why they should heed her warnings. Obviously, there's nuance, but I err more on the side of moids are trash in the case of grown moid vs. teen girl he wants sex from
No. 956297
>>956289NTA but I got manipulated by my bf when I was a teenager and yet I learned from that mistake and never did it again. Don't act dumb, there are a lot of people who will call you a
victim blamer if you even suggest that men aren't worthy of nudes and women should stop acquiescing to their demands. I feel empathy for naive people who get taken advantage of, not professional
victims who keep repeating the same stupid behavior and expecting different results. I don't even understand why sending nudes is still normalized when revenge porn has been such a huge problem for so many years. You would think that it would be common sense by now.
No. 956514
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>make up 49% of population and 90% of violent criminals
No. 956535
>>956175Moids really do live in a different reality, I've been shown a nude that was sent to me by a guy friend who got it from another guy friend who was talking to the girl. Like, does this retard really believe that dudes aren't the reason there are revenge porn laws in the first place? there are also sites dedicated to sharing nudes and all are men posting their gfs. Logical sex my ass
>>956261To be fair, everyone in the celebrity thread is retarded.
No. 956866
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I hate redditors so much it's unreal. Just watched these guys crank out 3+ paragraphs arguing semantics at this other guy all because they disagreed with his use of a singular word, far beside the point he was making. It was obvious what he meant and they know it. They could've simply LET IT GO BECAUSE IT'S OBVIOUS WHAT HE MEANT YOU SOPHISTS! insufferable narcissists who love to hear themselves speak. I hate reddit and redditors because they are all like this all over that site and once again I hate them that is all.
No. 956925
>>956798It's funny cause a lot of their supposed 'oppression' can be easily refuted with simple searches. i'm gonna sperg out about this but i can link some sources and resources later. these are based on some info i collected from reddit ironically when i casually browsed a long time ago as a young retard.
- the father of the son is mostly the parent to push for circumcision, while the mother is the most likely to oppose
- there is far more pushback against circumcision as compared to fgm, even though the latter is much more fatal
- fathers are more likely to take paternity leave for sons as compared to daughters
- straight couples with daughters are more likely to divorce, and is initiated mostly by the father
- men get custody of their kids 100% of the time that they ask for it
- parents and people are more likely to soothe crying or upset baby boys as compared to baby girls
- parents are more likely to let baby girls cry out instead of consoling them
- girls are more likely to be neglected by their parents
- girls are 8-10x more likely to be sexually abused by a loved one, relative, or stranger
- women are 10.8-11x more likely to be raped by a loved one, relative, or stranger as compared to men
- rapists who rape male
victims are given much more harsh punishments as compared to rapists who rape female
victims- women are 4x as likely to attempt suicide as compared to men, but are less successful as they opt for less lethal methods, such as pills or drowning, to avoid messes
- women are 2x more likely to develop depression and anxiety as compared to men
- women are 3x more likely to develop OCD as compared to men
- teenage girls are 3x more likely to develop anxiety and depression as compared to teenage boys
- the completed suicides of teenage girls are rising each year, while that of teenage boys is falling
- there are far more mental health resources specifically for men as compared to women. in fact, some female veterans are unable to get disability or seek military-supported treatment for PTSD because it's mostly reserved for men
- while we're on this, women are 2-4x more likely to develop PTSD as compared to men
- the majority of DV
victims are women, making up more than 60% of
victims - women make up the vast majority of domestic homicide
victims (94% for murder-suicide
victims, and 97% for IPV-homicide)
- women are less likely to receive CPR and treatment for heart attacks as compared to men
- women are less likely to receive proper healthcare treatment
- if a woman is diagnosed with cancer, the chances that he leaves her is 6x higher than if it were the other way around
- women are more likely to live in poverty
- more than 60% of female inmates have experienced sexual abuse at some point in their lives
- women are raped by male prison guards but it is largely undocumented due to a lack of interest in the area of rape in female prisons (i.e. it is coded as an issue affecting males in prisons more than women)
- 97% of rapists who rape men and 99.1% of rapists who rape women are men
apologies for huge sperg if i remember more i'll continue
No. 957055
>>957049I've seen moids refute that with
>That's because men know the courts will be biased against them and they will be bled dry in legal fees, so they don't try for custody!!lmao utter bullshit but even if it was true, it would just prove they don't wanna spend money on their own children. As if unpaid child support statistics didn't prove that enough.
No. 957160
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presenting without comment
No. 957169
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>>957160Every single man on this planet should die
No. 957185
>>957160These lovely comments are from a song by the scrotiest band ever, the Bloodhound Gang.
Also features some really classy lyrics such as:
>You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice>And polish the one-eyed gopher when you're doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.>I never thought missing children could be so sexy.and
>Well I find it's quite a thrill>When she grinds me against her will>Yes, a lap dance is so much better when the stripper is cryin'I want to an hero at the fact that I recognized those lyrics.
No. 957223
>>957203They do that so they can say "it's just a joke"
But in their safe spaces you can see it's their legitimate fantasy to see as much pain in women as possible
No. 957309
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>>950126This one is 2nd most upvoted this month and the retarded scrote totally misses the point.
No. 957624
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MensLib pissing their pants over the himbo meme
No. 957799
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No. 957804
>>957624Just say you are retarded and ugly and go. Reddit moids are the most annoying flavour of moid on the planet.
>>957799pickmes make me so sad. Men don't deserve to be chased this way.
No. 957825
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>>957624They really don't get it.
During these times of passive agressive, pseudo intellectual males who enjoy nothing more than interrupting you to harp on about the latest topic of outrage in the manosphere and belittle every interest you have depsite the fact that they spend more time on porn than legitimate hobbies, it's an amazing feeling to be in the company of a fun, good natured dimwit who doesn't give a fuck about "debating" you. A man who is fit and actually doesn't radiate quiet, dismissive hatred for women, wow why would women want that???
No. 957840
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He could start by doing his own fucking research.
No. 957858
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>>957840kek how funny, posted by the same user
No. 957866
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>>957840This sub is a joke
No. 957972
I know a guy whose actually fairly intelligent, way more then these pretentious pseudointellectuals, but he doesn't brag about all the books he's read or the theories he knows about
no he's a good guy who talks about normie stuff, also he's fit and good looking
No. 958011
>>957984>I asked my INTP out 9 times before he agreed to date me.
>We're happily engaged and now all he wants to do is put a baby in me lmao.
>BUT! At the time, all my friends wouldn't understand why I liked him so much hahaha. He's insanely quiet, super awkward, can't read social settings (Asperger's), and never initiates anything. But he literally has the biggest heart. He's so sweet, caring and gentle (outside of the bedroom lmao). Our first exchange (on a dating app) was him claiming he's an agnostic atheist hahahaha as a philosopher… Linguistically there's a contradiction there and so our very first conversation was figuring out whether he was agnostic or an atheist. Turns out he's agnostic but that whole conversation was so insanely cute to me. Idk Ni + Fi was like "That one! That one! That one!" And the rest is history at this point.
>I did start following him around and showing up with food randomly. I invited myself over to his house to meet his parents one month after us meeting.
>He likes weight lifting, has a massive pencil collection, and is in medical school. I literally adore this man so much hahahaha. He's Portuguese and since the engagement I've started to learn Portuguese to better communicate with his parents.
>People still don't see what I see in him but frankly that's none of their fucking business. I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want and we'll all just have to deal with that.
>I definitely wear the pants in the relationship but he weirdly likes that. He's super indecisive, knowing that I always ask him what he wants to do if he doesn't know I decide since I already know. He's expressed that he likes that I just do everything before anything becomes a problem. Like I'll predict future problems and essentially hinder them from happening before he even realizes it's a possibility.
>I get daily reports about the world, mainly crypto lmao but I love waking up to these LONG 50+ message Si reports of what's happening. With Se last, my ass isn't looking LMAO.
>I don't think I've ever been more obsessed with anyone in my life than my INTP.
>I have his best interest at heart and I'll happily make those decisions for him in order to guarantee his future is successful. His future is my future, so I take the things he does very seriously and will make sure we are solid. So long as he doesn't get me pregnant lmao. We're too young for that rn.
>So yes, I agree with your post but I'm VERY happy being this crazy. He's so fucking cute~>>957984 No. 958015
>>957977This bitch is absolutely larping lmao. I majored in logic, and none of what she describes teaching bears the least resemblance to an actual logic class. She does the typical redditor thing where she confuses the colloquial meaning of logic (critical thinking) with the philosophical discipline, which leads to her making up a bunch of nonsense about schooling cocky students with her freestyle debating skills (?) and having a female student calculate whether she should break up with her boyfriend for an assignment (??). She keeps making these insane reductionist statements about how science is useless because it’s inductive which… basically no one thinks that naively, she’s ignoring an entire field of study. Her understanding of the field seems to begin and end at philosophy 101 level propositional logic.
I feel like we’re seeing someone’s fantasy about being the ultimate intj. It’s creepy seeing someone spend so much time on this elaborate fiction, all because they took some dumb online test that told them they were a certain type of person.
No. 958020
>>958015True, I do believe she's actually female(she types like a woman) and that she maybe dating a manlet but I suspect most of her post history is either a combination of exaggeration, cope and LARP
she also posts her youtube channel vids on her account and I still don't understand what its supposed to be
No. 958041
>>958015>>958020The only thing I'm buying is she's mentally ill. She claims to have dyslexia and dyscalculia, or as she put it "being dyslexic (in math and reading)" kek.
>I knew I would be miserable since I couldn't read well and logic would be a bitch since I can't do math. Doing this in the peak of mental illness was insanely difficult, I magically managing to still pull pretty good grades from the hospital.Nonetheless, she was accepted into law school but turned it down and completed a Masters on Nietzsche and now has a private practice with exclusively professional clients (CEO, lawyers, doctors), currently writing a textbook and embarking upon a PHD.
I'm searching some stuff she's said to see if I can find her. She said she minored in Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health. Google is giving me hits for New College, University of Toronto. Anywhere else? I would be so happy to discover she's real. Potential cow.
No. 958048
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>>957997Sometimes I’m glad I have ADHD and can’t possibly read more than a few sentences of shit like this. All I got was
>ti fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Englishman Or Do and Ti from heavens gate cult.
No. 958049
>>958015I know jack shit about logic but immediately called bullshit when I read
>him claiming he's an agnostic atheist hahahaha as a philosopher… Linguistically there's a contradiction there lmaooo only someone who desperately wants to be seen as smart would act like such a well established, easy to understand concept is ~linguistically a contradiction~
No. 958069
>When I was 15 I started working for a detective, 16 was writing arguments for lawyers (I love philosophy) and at 20 I starting doing research for a superior court judge here in Toronto. I got my job with the judge by showing him the logical loop hole to the federal law of extortion lmao.This is peak euphoric lol. I’m also dying at her dog being named lelouch.
>>958041Based on her word choice and a couple of the subs she’s posted in, she does appear to be canadian. She’s supposedly doing her research in a really small field (philosophical counseling, which she says she’s the second canadian to get a phd in), so it hypothetically shouldn’t be too difficult to find her if she’s real. I find the whole thing really interesting because the her story sounds obviously fake, but she’s pretty consistent with it.
No. 958075
>>958069Shocked she didn't name it it after Light Yagami, he seems up her alley since they both helped detectives out as teenagers kek
I agree her story seems pretty consistent, just exaggerated. Like maybe she did work for a local judge doing admin work or something unimpressive like that, maybe she got a degree in philosophy like a tonne of other pretentious kids, it's just the constant self aggrandizing and bragging that makes it sound fake. She posts her credentials constantly lmao.
No. 958569
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Redditor shocked and hurt that her mother doesn't like her slutty pictures
Most people on justnomil or raisedbynarcissists are like this, just petulant and self-absorbed
No. 958570
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>>958569Additional example
No. 958694
>>958570Just tell her to quit it and if she doesn't tell the staff not to let her in. How is this even a problem?
Or could it be, that perhaps she secretly feels guilty about stripping and that's the reason she can't tell her mom off? No I'm sure her mom is just a crazed narcissist.
No. 958985
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Stupidpol seethes over femcels, fails to understand that the reason femcels aren't as hated as incels is because they don't commit fucking massacres. No. 958992
File: 1635987446630.png (291.08 KB, 681x960, stupidpol2.png)

>>958985Also do I lack reading comprehension or is the highly upvoted first guy in the screenshot whining over the exact thing the two others claim no man would whine about? Typical incel gaslighting.
No. 959558
>>958992Of course when he phrases it like that, it sounds like a bad deal for men and obviously they're gonna agree with him and say they don't want a wife like that. But we know that isn't what they want.
They don't want a woman who is "incompetent" so much as unambitious. They don't want her to be a complete idiot, but she should never make his intelligence or competence feel threatened. They know housewives aren't incompetent, just viewed as such by most.
Wives are also not a drain on shared resources. Like they really thought all women did throughout history was sit around and spend their husband's money…? Look at any history book or modern statistics to show that men actually benefit quite a bit financially from marriage. They use alimony and divorce to refute this, but the bottom line is that it's a lot easier to excel at your job when you have someone at home doing all the grunt work for free. When you don't have to allot precious time to cleaning, planning/preparing food, tending to children (who are ALWAYS needing something), managing the family finances, etc. That makes the "nothing to offer but her tits" line even more insulting. They know a housewife has A LOT to offer that would make his life on the whole MUCH easier and more enjoyable. However almost all of it would be at her expense and to her own detriment. We as women know this because it's fucking obvious. It's in no way a cope on our part because obviously we've seen so many of our friends and relatives get sucked dry by this dynamic only for them to be labelled as the leeches.
I forget who said it but I remember a quote from a famous feminist about how she'd like a wife because everyone would like a wife. Who wouldn't like a 24/7 servant who you don't have to feel bad about exploiting because it's all wrapped up in the veneer of love?
No. 959656
>>958992I am SO fucking sick of men blaming women in the workforce for low wages and economic struggles. It's nonsense, first off, considering women have almost always worked aside from a brief period of extreme prosperity, and companies could easily afford to pay everyone more if they were so inclined.
But even if that wasn't the case, it's just so fucking insulting that they think we should just take one for the team, give up our economic freedom and security and our career ambitions and passions, while they have to give up nothing. Maybe if men demonstrated a little human decency and proved we wouldn't need fuck you money in case of abuse, cheating, divorce etc. But no, they're terrible partners and human beings, and we have no choice but to earn money for our own protection even if we aren't ambitious at all and would rather stay home.
No. 959781
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TIL Marxism is when women are forced to be housewives so men are less likely to cheat on them.
>>959656>But even if that wasn't the case, it's just so fucking insulting that they think we should just take one for the team, give up our economic freedom and security and our career ambitions and passions, while they have to give up nothing.Kek couldn't this argument be made in favor of slavery too? "White men prospered more when blacks stayed on the plantations. Suddenly blacks wanna do white work too? Great, now everyone will be paid less."
Stupidpol users are just /pol/cels who are too afraid to be overtly racist, there's no difference in their view of women.
No. 959863
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>>959558I want a wife by Judy Brady is what you're talking about.
No. 960064
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kill men
No. 960152
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it's sad but also kinda funny
No. 960579
>>960152How can anyone be so stupid as to fall for MLMs anyway? So you have little to no money, and part of the deal for joining an existing business is that
you have to pay for the stock? You're literally losing money for an uninsured wage. If their product was actually selling on its own, they wouldn't even need to do that to you. Starting a lemonade stand on your own would probably net you more gain. Fuck, sell tarot readings online. There has to be a better way
No. 961080
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One of the few female spaces on reddit got y'alled by a deranged nigfem. Funny how she disavows liberal feminism meanwhile accusing radical feminists of lacking intersectionality, which is a liberal feminist tool of political analysis in the first place. Most examples of white women "invalidating woc experiences" in rf spaces are ww telling bw to stop sperging about how white women are unbelievably privileged (to become white prince's bangmaids), have "power" and to start attacking those who actually deserve it (ie men both black and white) instead of those who are socially weaker and easier to harm. Oh, and the abhorrent grammar of this post is basically the cherry on top - not only she accused a group of people of some abstract misdeed (she provides no receipts to her accusation) and failed to form her message properly, she also phrased it in one of the worst ways imaginable. Give me a break.(racebait)
No. 961108
>>961080>nigfemignoring the insane screenshot, this sounds like something a /pol/
TERF would come up with
No. 961125
>>961120As if this is an actual woman. We literally have a tranny post in ot right now. It's a troll.
>>961080You will never be a woman.
No. 961205
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No. 961725
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sweet mom makes a goofy joke for his redditor son. he posts this shit on a cringe subreddit cause he's a joyless piece of shit. he is also 30 and not 15 which scares me.
what an asshole. if my mom did this id take a picture with the minnie and think its a cute joke. life is not that serious, what a fucking weirdo.
No. 962158
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streamer talks about being roofied and her previous experience with it and how symptoms matched up, men immediately jump on saying she couldn't handle her alcohol and that women are oversensitive to being roofied and exaggerate symptoms as a result. men will never be targeted the same as women so it makes sense they would be so obtuse. reminds me of those posts about how men get offended that moms are wary of their children being around them. because the feelings of a stranger are definitely more important than the safety of your child.
No. 962217
>>962158Gotta love this braindead Redditor giving his
>statistically speakingtake, while providing absolutely no statistics.
No. 962264
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Why would you call people breeders? Also, who in her right mind would be so rude to someone announcing her pregnancy? r/childfree is a special kind of insane.
No. 962597
>>962273>I'm in a childfree group on facebook…the fuck why??? of course you're gonna get annoyed by it if you surround yourself with it
irl the people annoying you about you should get children are still by far the majority
No. 962617
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>>957799she can't stop mentioning it lol
No. 963194
>>958041>>958057>>958069She says very inconsistent things. On here, she said that she's doing her PhD, yet on post here says that she's doing a second masters? Shit doesn't add up. Anyway, she outed her university in the same post too since there's only one university in St. Catherines.
No. 963773
>>958569>sluttyAre you living in the 40s
nonnie? When this shit was slutty? A peak of her ankle gonna send you clutching your pearls?
No. 963781
>>961080So basically the poster was kind of right? kek.
>>962264>>962271I am glad a lot of cf people i've seen on the internet have cooled off on the I hate children narrative and even offer themselves up the be the uncle/aunt archetype who will provide free childcare. But it truly is a blessing that the few psychotic stragglers who won't shut up how superior they are for being child free need to cool off. I don't think most of them will harm children though, but it's great that they will never have them, hopefully.
No. 963838
>>963773NTA, but I think it’s a little strange to pose with your skirt lifted up/underwear exposed and then show it to your
mom of all people (and expect her to be “impressed” kek)
No. 964131
>>963947kek so true
>>963781you're delulu af. nothing is more dangerous to kids than their own parents. some tweens on social media saying they don't want any aren't gonna do shit.
No. 965796
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moid posts sob story about how his bitch wife ruined his birthday by not giving him a BJ, redditfags lap it up and speculate she's cheating on him.
seriously, how do these retards read these biased stories and take it in good faith? No. 965821
File: 1636657761366.jpeg (238.26 KB, 640x771, 2E3CEE88-0797-4E94-A579-9036F0…)

>>965796But it’s ok! A woman offered to send him a pic of her boobs! (Lol!)
No. 965840
>>965796>british>living with japanese wife in japan on spouse visaI hope she divorces him, he'll probably get deported and will never see those kids again.
he also thinks his wife has an orgasm every time they have sex KEK
No. 965900
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>>965796He apparently insulted his wife in the comments and then tried to defend himself by saying that he's "salty". No wonder his wife wouldn't suck his dick, it's not worth the effort. I hope she divorces his ass and takes the kids. Can't believe the amount of moids and pickmes in that comment section. All the comments calling him out heavily downvoted. Peak reddit.
No. 966035
>>965796The way he says his wife is a stay at home mom like it's a way to belittle her/imply she does less than him since he is the "sole" breadwinner is already making me want to a-log this piece of shit.
>Unimportant PTA type meeting she could totally skip if she wanted toReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I hate him so much
>>965821Oh but some other woman offered to show him her boobs so the day is saved! Gee, wonder why his busy wife doesn't want to make time to put his unwashed chode in her mouth, such a mystery. I hope she sees this and divorces him, fully serious.
No. 966445
>>965840They’re in Japan? With two young kids? Yeah, that explains the all-day PTA meeting. That means at least one of their kids are in preschool. Preschools assume that one parent is stay at home and, as a result, doing PTA shit basically becomes the mom’s job for the duration of preschool (usually 2 years). The moms are “encouraged” (socially required) to basically run all of the yearly craft fairs, outings, phone trees, sports days etc from setup to break down (and even dumb shit like washing the school curtains during spring break). I can promise you that on days that require lunches, she’s waking up at 5am to make a fancy bento to save face. If she’s in any of the higher PTA positions, it’s no wonder she’s spending 9hrs of her day on this shit that she’s not even being paid for.
Meanwhile I can promise you that britbong here is fucking up daily and getting away with it because of his gaijin shield (and the fact that his work doesn’t have to sponser his visa). Hope his wife divorces him and leaves him high and dry.
No. 966557
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Was surprised to see this get so many upvotes on a site like Reddit, but of course the comments are full of porn addicts being like “wow you’re insecure and mental, get help”. Pretty amusing that they’re telling OP to get help because her not approving of porn
triggers them so much. No. 966560
File: 1636732210252.png (33.12 KB, 1334x220, scrotum moment.png)

>>966557He really thought he did something there
No. 966638
>>966560>>966596>>966611First time I have seen someone use 50 Shades, however I have seen very similar rhetoric regarding romance films
I can't remember where I saw it, if it was on Reddit or Twitter, a scrote responding to women being disgusted by porn by saying "well women have their Pride and Prejudice but we can't have our porn even though they're the same" or something along those lines,
Cause yeah, wanting to be loved and cherished by a man is totally the same as a woman being facefucked so hard she throws up on his dick.
No. 966662
>>966641>>966642think not a stereotype associated with Pride and Prejudice, like at all and I don't know where your getting that form either
Most normies who haven't read any of Jane Austen's just think her works consist of handsome English gentleman courting plain ladies, however her works are actually a lot more subtle then that
In a way her works(especially Pride and Prejudice) are guidelines for women in the English Gentry in finding right male partners
No. 967872
>>96663850 shades is all revolving around the woman WANTING it though, men get off on the idea of the woman not wanting it and will keep pushing women they're with into boundaries that make them uncomfortable even if the woman claims to be masochistic, or they'll just ignore masochistic women and look for vanilla women to try to "turn" and it just says a lot about men
anyway telling women no 50 shades of gray is different than telling a man no porn, most women will happily comply, men will literally cry abuse
No. 967876
>>966638They're upset because they project their porn onto real life sex with women (expecting normie women to look like porn stars to the point where they literally think women have health problems for not being hairless with no bumps, not having big perky tits, and having normal flaws like stretch marks and cellulite, expecting all women to do anal, deepthroat, and ride for 3 hours, be fine with threesomes)
if women start getting the idea that hot men with good jobs, decent hygiene and who workout will cherish them, buy them expensive gifts, touch their bodies in a way that is pleasing to them and be faithful to them that's when they get pissed and start raging. Probably why men hated the fuck out of twilight too and mocked women for liking romance movies. I wonder how they feel about the fact this is reality for a lot of women, probably why they call any man who treats his partner nicely a simp
No. 967954
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Almost every redditor is so extremely autistic and gullible that even the most normie subreddits are unbearable to read
Everyone talks like a 12 year old who still believes everything they read on the internet and can't stop themselves from writing their life stories in every post they make
The only subreddits i can read for more than 2 minutes are the specific game related ones, but even those are tainted with unfunny autistic memes. fuck reddit
No. 967969
>>967914>>967924It's thoroughly sad that there are no other explicitly women-only subreddits at all, and the supposedly feminist/woman-centric ones like TrollX and TwoX get shoals of males making everything about themselves… It's fucking exhausting to read those subs because you can tell how much everyone is walking on eggshells to be iNcLuSiVe to males in order to not get brigaded by reeeeee-dditors. The need to pipe up "uhhh but not my Nigel, of course!" to any whiff of criticism about male behaviours, the mental gymnastics of FaIrNeSs to men, and pre-emptive "not all men" disclaimers are tiresome enough, but the moderation is also really fucking lazy about curtailing obviously male posters about making everything about themselves or turning women sharing experiences into a fucking debate.
In a way I'm really glad that subs like FDS exist, even if it isn't my cup of tea exactly. Males really need to learn that not everything is about them or for them, and that there are plenty of things in the world that simply are not shit that they're allowed to touch. A lesson that girls learn before the age of six. Small wonder it makes the average redditor rage that one (count 'em, 1!) such a sub dares to exist.
No. 968021
>>967876>if women start getting the idea that hot men with good jobs, decent hygiene and who workout will cherish them, buy them expensive gifts, touch their bodies in a way that is pleasing to them and be faithful to them that's when they get pissed and start raging. Probably why men hated the fuck out of twilightisn't twilight that series where a man falls in love with a fucking baby and 'imprints' on it kek
I think people hated Twilight because it was shit.
No. 968022
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One screenshot that tells an entire story
No. 968042
>>968030The double standard of women being dumb and shallow for being attracted to attractive males, yet also denigrated for being anything less than a Victoria's Secret model themselves. Only one gender is allowed to be attracted to their partners apparently.
It'd be good if guys all tried to be more attractive, so them feeling threatened by pretty boys should be increased by 90% in society. We should all start openly thirsting on hotbois. 15 to 50, find an age appropriate set of men to thirst on and do so publicly and frequently until men get the message.
No. 968146
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>>966557The absolute denial of reddit. Of all the hills someone could die on, they choose to defend porn.
No. 968282
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Ironic how a subreddit called r/fundiesnarkuncensored, created because the other snark sub was too strict, banned me for agreeing with this fundie about birth control. Point-blank it makes some women pissy when this is pointed out because it's easier to take a pill every day and let their scrote creampie them than actually take charge of their health and examine what health issues could be caused by birth control. No, no that's wrong, you have to try literally every single birth control option or you are a petulant womanchild crunchy schizo, just take the drug, you stupid woman
No. 968287
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It's just too much
No. 968300
>>968287I'm amazed it's like they went through a checklist of
aesthetic things to buy
>neon lights>ANIME neon lights>anime posters>anime "tapestry">pink kitty gaming headphones uwu>pink gamur gurl chair with bunny ears>anime figurines>eeveelution plushies, no other pokemon allowed it must be eeveelutions >my melody>hello kitty>I can't believe this person has 2 sets of pink kitty uwu headphones>one piece merch>uwuwuwuwuw wallpaper No. 968538
File: 1636951238249.jpeg (278.83 KB, 1118x719, 5C8AB1AB-F0C5-4C87-A66B-7F14DA…)

Why is this ok to say and no ok even cats an eye? Men are so fucking disgusting I don’t know why I even go on here. Reddit is fine so long as you stay to very niche and specific subreddits, but sometimes I forget and start to scroll and instantly regret it. But it does remind me of what pornsick men are and that’s something that’s good to keep in mind.
No. 968620
>>968282I think about this from time to time and it kinda makes me sad. I was told to use hormones to help with my polycystic ovary syndrome when I was 13 and even when doctors were wary about it they still prescribed them to me, and I'll never know how much that fucked me up in the long run
I didn't know questioning the use of birth control was considered fundie/tinfoil on reddit
No. 968719
>>968709 enough now it’s been “removed by Reddit” but basically it was a screenshot from tumblr about someone saying that kids should have access to porn because they produced porn at 14 and wrote a lot of erotic fanfic and sent nudes, and then another user said “oh my god you were groomed”
It was on the popular page which is how I saw it, and I wanted to see what the general consensus of watching pornography as a child was, and boy was I disappointed but not surprised.
No. 968745
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>>968719>autoteleiophileThought this URL was weird, decided to see this person's blog
>"minors can follow and interact" in bio>★ I believe that all cops are bastards and the entire law enforcement system should be abolished. I also don’t believe in punishment as a concept, victimless crimes should be decriminalized and non-victimless crimes should be combated with prevention and rehabilitation.
>★ I believe that whether something is morally okay or not depends only on whether it harms anyone. Everything that does not harm anyone is morally okay.
>★ I support youth rights. Minors deserve autonomy and the ability to make their own decisions.Ok so this person's a legit pedo. Nothing to see here
No. 968748
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>>968745Also a queer poly FtM with BPD, NPD, low empathy and self-diagnosed asperger's
No. 969426
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Men will write obviously false stories about benevolent, innocent Johns and their blossoming friendship with prostitutes instead of just seeing a speech therapist.
No. 969452
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Straight girl thinks she's gay because she has interests that are stereotypically associated with straight girls.
No. 969478
>>968042>>968030Women with erotica
>Usually a one time thing, they'll read a book here and there but not let it consume their life>Often put themselves in the positions of the character, a lot of women often fantasize about the male character being their own husband or boyfriend>Most women barely let it escalate irl and if it does they'll just be inspired to try these things with their partner that doesn't hurt them and has mutual pleasure>Men in these stories are realistic, have no plastic surgery, and the look can easily be achieved by basic grooming and working out. Most of the pretty boy characters are never over 6'2 either>No one gets hurt, no one gets cheated on, it is enjoyed by both woman and man>Women are able to fantasize about "chads" like Taylor Lautner and still enjoy their husbandsMen in porn
>Have it consume their life to the point where they are unable to have sex with real women, get so porn sick to the point where they start enjoying videos more than real life>Expects women to like anal, bdsm, pain etc. Often evolves into more intense kinks to the point where women enduring pain is no longer enough and they want to actually see women hurt. Start getting into pedo territory>Are no longer able to enjoy real women due to video editing, Photoshop, and plastic surgery among camgirls. She needs to have the boobs of mia khalifa and the ass of Alexis Texas before they can even think of getting hard. You constantly have to shave your entire pussy with no burn at allYou know what males, I will be totally okay 100% with you enjoying sex content if it is exclusively smut/erotica. If anything people I've been with who enjoy erotica over porn perform BETTER in bed, men who like porn videos and camgirls are usually shit tier
No. 969480
>>969452HOW are being the first one to wear make up, having a stuffed toy collection and a lisp indicators of being a trans man?? If anything you might believe you're not a girl if you don't do all the stereotypical girly stuff. I guess because she thinks she's a gay man? Because pink, lisps, teddybears, makeup and twinks are what "the gays" are like in her head. She sounds homophobic herself actually.
>such a little homo lolGag
No. 969493
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Typed up a whole thing, forgot the image, deleted it, and then overwrote my clipboard. fml
Anyways, /r/tumblrinaction put out a statement basically saying they expect to get banned soon, as Reddit admins have refused to clarify as to whether or not it's against global rules to make fun of things like neopronouns.
It looks like it, along with /r/cringetopia, will likely get hit in the next banwave, especially since this post is pretty flagrantly expressing dissatisfaction with Reddit staff and having to appease troons all of the time.
Full post:>>969452This is so embarrassing. My heart goes out to any detrans women reading this experiencing the most vicarious cringe of their lives.
No. 969507
>>969426I used to do sex work, and this doesn't ring true. While there are plenty of people who have serious issues that prevent them from finding companionship and sex the normal way (disabled people seeking out sex workers is not rare at all), it's also not that rare for socially awkward/communication-challenged guys to come by money; programming and IT work are a big field full of dudes who have a lot of cash (and no common sense) who may have serious speech impediments and major social ineptitude.
What makes me 100% a scrote wrote this is that "she" is supposedly his 7th escort. Like. No sex worker is going to pass up the opportunity to get paid well to get taken out for a nice meal, and just needing to sit there, look pretty, and make nice conversation instead of fucking the guy kek
No. 969709
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Screenshot taken from tumblr, post in itself from /r/AskWomen and two days old. Shame removeddit and the like won't work for me, would've loved to read the comments on this lmao.
No. 969721
>>969709The whole men don’t get complimented thing is such a joke. It’s just blatantly not true. Men compliment each other all the fucking time. My guy friends don’t stop complimenting each other on the most mundane shit like a wearing a patterned shirt or when one gets a passing grade on an exam.
When they say things like they “got complimented 2 years ago and think about it every day” it just makes me think they must be the most pathetic loser with no friends. Or maybe there’s a reason no one compliments you and you should try harder?
But mostly they just mean they haven’t been told they’re the most handsome guy in the world by the hot girl they saw at the grocery store that day, and it makes them so sad. They want to be
victims so bad.
And even if it were true, so what? Women are being stalked and harassed everyday, sorry no one called your haircut nice or whatever. It just pisses me off so much lol.
No. 969739
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>The toddler is mimicking adult behavior because they have seen adults say things that start with “Alexa” and have learned that starting a request with “Alexa” makes it more likely to be fulfilled.
No. 969740
>>969739>The toddler is mimicking adult behavior because they have seen adults say things that start with “Alexa” and have learned that starting a request with “Alexa” makes it more likely to be fulfilled.Toddlers are kinda smart
and assholes, that sucks though.
No. 969768
>>969739He is capable of calling her mommy but only addresses her as such when he's angry at her.. I know he's tiny but fucking hell. That's rough.
I watched a show about child development years ago where they covered alot of the (totally normal) manipulative behaviours that kids show at around 2 and 3 and how they can hurt you to tug at your strings and just get what ever result they want.. like there it is. Fine example lol
No. 969776
>>969768It's scary to watch how brutal children are to their parents and everyone else, it makes complete sense women need to biologically develop loss of brain function in order to cope with it. The bruises and bitemarks are one thing but young women are often be so unprepared for the emotional torment.
It also makes total sense why failed parenting can lead to those toddlers growing into fully fledged psychopaths.
Every day I'm thankful my mom didn't give up and put me in a bin
I'm going to go call my mom, nonnies. No. 970491
File: 1637160059056.png (129.46 KB, 942x794, Untitled.png)

I have been browsing pregnancy subreddits and /r/TryingForABaby and I just feel so fucking sad for all these women who want to have children, but their husbands are soyboy redditors who can not get it up for their own wives. The amount of posts by men and women who fail at the first hurdle of making a baby (having sex) is astonishing. All these women believe something is wrong with them because they can't have kids, but then you see that they only manage to have sex once a month because hubby is always "tired" or "busy" or "stressed" or they are "not in the mood". I am sure he still manages to rub one out to hardcore bondage cuckhold porn, but they can't fuck their own wives. God, imagine being married to a redditor. I would kms.
No. 970495
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>>970491Most replies to this are people suggesting he just wank in a cup and inseminate his wife like a cow.
No. 970515
>>970491>I already feel emasculated, ashamed and self loathing on my own. I can't pull myself out of this pitReddit moids always gotta make everything about themselves. Love how he's subtly trying to shift the blame to his wife even though he's the one with performance issues. He even says that his wife is a "11/10" so I have no doubt that this is the result of too much porn and wanking off, plus this is a male redditor so porn addiction is a given.
>>970495>It took all the stress of performing off of him>I feel like I do all the work; it's not his fault though!!>It sometimes works better for him when I'm out of the equation so to speakDear god. Love yourselves, girls.
No. 970608
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No. 970611
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>>970608+ most reddit exchange I've ever seen in the comments
No. 970615
>>970611It's way more likely he's gonna get a diabetes diagnosis, he won't control it, he'll stub his toe one day, have that turn into his whole leg needing to be amputated. Then he'll live for several more decades but with a collection of health issues that everyone around him has to help him out with.
Or as reddit males see it.. he'll just drop dead suddenly with a smile on his face, his last word being YOLO. ffs lol
No. 970626
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>>970611do these guys not realise one of the reasons why it's bad to die young due to health complications is that it'll make yourlife painful for the remaining decades you live? Even if this guy dies at 45, which I doubt because obesity only reduces your life expectancy by an estimated 5 to 20 years, so his 40s-60s will probably be a living hell. He'll probably have trouble doing basic tasks due to the pressure he's putting on his joints, health complications which will cost him A LOT, trouble breathing and moving, and maybe even Alzheimers
No. 970732
>>970495>It sometimes works better for him when I'm out of the equation so to speakWow, that's sad
>>970677Agree with this
No. 970816
>>970491This scrote is 1000% addicted to porn and his chode cannot respond to anything but pixels anymore.
Erectile dysfunction is a huge problem with young men now. I was browsing /fit/ the other day and encountered several threads on the subject. These sooners/millennials are breaking their dicks in their 20s because they are so damaged by constantly streaming internet porn. The dating options for women is bleak. At this point there is no reason not to go to a sperm bank.
No. 970967
>>969721Absolutely. They just reinforce that with each other and believe their own bullshit. I’ve witnessed my guy friends casually compliment each other on their cooking, their choice of beer, their clothes.
Then one day, one of them said “The barista (a woman) complimented my hair, it felt like a glass of water while stranded in a desert”. A man I compliment every other time when I feel like it’s deserved.
What men mean is that they don’t get flirted with enough to their liking. Other men complimenting them, or their platonic girl friends complimenting them doesn’t count. They want a cute girl in their desired age range giving them a compliment, that’s it.
It also goes hand in hand with “men are told to repress their emotions and it’s all women’s fault”, when I’ve never seen my male friends make each other available for some good venting session. Their idea of being there for their mate is playing halo and not talking about any sensitive subject. Meanwhile my girl friends are there for each other for any kind of personal troubles.
No. 971141
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31k upvotes, I felt my face grimace when I opened the image up
No. 971233
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No. 971332
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>woman on fds talks about how men should earn their orgasms by putting in effort instead of getting it easily
>redditard takes offence at that and will literally kill a woman if his dick isn't wet
nonnies how are these apes still walking around in mainstream society
No. 971557
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This subreddit is pro-trucker even when they are clearly causing harm. They have a record of doing this (locking posts/comments that point out bad behavior)
No. 972269
File: 1637329628210.jpeg (795.14 KB, 1125x1565, D209CDF7-4342-4726-B737-D70E91…) as hell thread but this deserves to be reposted over and over again to the point everyone realizes reddit and this board is bullshit.
Toxic is red for a reason on here. As is narc. I think. Narcissistic. Narcissism.
No. 972354
>>972269kek oh no, mommy wouldn't give him the gravy he asked for. How
>>972282anon why the hell would she sit there and let that all happen? Why would her friends care? Imagine your friends mom sending you a video like that. It was probably her moms pork anyway since it sounds like she was living with her brother and mom.
No. 972440
>>972282>the perfect highlightYou just answered your own stupid question, anon.
Anyone who’s that narc is also that imaginative, btw. Hopefully you don’t use that sub.
No. 972460
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>>972269>>972269the anon who said that the subreddit was just bpd women giving themselves back pats was dead right, I mean just look at this profile, she had a bf who to prison for making meth , is addicted to kratom and even has a kid of her own No. 972479
>>972450It is shocking how much food delivery some people get. I had never heard my dad say anything about me or my sisters' expenses before - when I was in college he was always saying I should spend more on fun stuff - but my youngest sister is in college now and he's said to me multiple times that he's shocked how much she spends on getting literally just mcdonalds via ubereats.
I don't really get it, I mean, yes I get delivery sometimes, but for me eating in the restaurant is half the fun… and by the time the food gets to you it's already been sitting for 10-15 minutes so it's kind of lost the sizzle imo.
Like if I go to chipotle i usually take it home to eat cause it's messy and that place is usually quite full. But recently I ate in there instead cause I was Hungry and it was a totally different thing. Chicken crispy, tortilla hot, sour cream cold… instead of all evened out to warm. Mcdonalds especially gets way worse within like 5 minutes so that one I really can't fathom.
No. 972618
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On the news of Biden very temporarily transferring presidential power to Kamala Harris while he’s undergoing anesthesia.
No. 973165
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on a post about a guy who got strangled, stabbed, and left for dead by a grindr date. i don’t care if the guy got stabbed and choked, he’s a fucking sexist who apparently thinks women should be victims of violence before an ~out and proud~ gay man. and these people are making excuses for him.
No. 973245
>>973165this is sick these scrotes dont see women as anything other than fap fodder or murder
victims. life is bleak
No. 973395
>>972618men talk shit about periods while they throw away entire careers to satisfy their boners for women that aren't their wives.
>>973165this shit is why i roll my eyes when women talk up gay men. They're giant misogynists too, it's just a different type based on jealousy rather than sexual. I don't give a fuck about their rights anymore, I just focus on supporting lesbians.
No. 974776
>>966557These comments are fucking depressing. Comparing watching a true crime documentary to porn saying "well since I watch that I must be a murderer!" as if they're just casually watching porn for the entertainment value. You are jerking off to other people having sex, you are preforming a SEXUAL act. The cognitive dissonance they have is fucking astounding.
There's one commenter that keeps giving
valid counter arguments that gets down voted everytime. I like the part where they said "I wouldn't be okay with my SO having strange women over so they could jerk off without touching so why would the screen matter?". Of course they get down voted or no one responds. Also kek at people saying "how is the porn industry
toxic/bad!? It give me boner and make me coom!" When reddit was feral about pornhub mass deleting videos of TRAFFICKED WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Honestly one comment said it best, if you need to masturbate we've been doing it for hundreds of years without having access to hard-core sex videos a click away. It's like redditors think pornogrpahy to the degree it exists now is healthy but I guess that makes sense considering like a typical scrote all their needs are being met so they don't care about how it effects them mentally/socially or women in the long run. You'd think porn was as important to them as oxygen or water.
It makes me want to kms seeing women in the comments saying "my boyfriend doesn't watch porn we talked about it" and having people reply "lol he does". How fucking petty and disgusting to project your own degeneracy onto strangers. Maybe men lie about porn but it's other men setting the standard that it's normal to lie and hurt your SO over two strangers fucking so you can rub one out real quick. Scrote echo chamber posts like this truly make me think the Y chromosome contribures to developmental delay in moids. You can't possibly be that much a slave to your genitals without some kind of retardation that manifests as lack of self control.
No. 976185
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Another blackpill on men.
No. 978702
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we are also targeted more for rape, murder, stalkers, and domestic abuse, but life on easy mode, haha
No. 978709
>>977013Yeah let's re-traumatize a woman who was sexually exploited as a young girl because you know you can't and won't hold men to account. Easy to call her stupid instead of calling out moids who would likely try to ruin your life or express violence, isn't it?
You're the weak link.
No. 978772
>>978702men have no problem admitting time and time again that they have no respect for themselves. They would sell their bodies and dignity if someone would buy, and they even shame women who have sex with them.
I only wonder why don't they pimp themselves out to gay men? Is it because there's not that many of them?
No. 978787
>>978740>scrotes are mostly at faultNo, it's all a scrote's fault when he chooses to predate on a child and even more when he causes lifelong traumas and weird philias in the adult
Weird minimizing language you've got there, sounds like you just want to make other women suffer due to issues you've got yourself. Again, easy to kick the dogs that are down when you don't want to risk actually playing hardball with the people causing problems. You're not tough and you have dumb logic.
No. 980422
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>scrote asks men if they want to fuck their female friends and literally every response is yes, they think about it often even if they have gfs and wives.>comment unironically mentioning fantasizing about the one who got away while fucking MARRIED to another woman has upvotes and replies in agreement.i'd say to not date a scrote w female friends but you're best off just not dating one at all. sucks because i'm in the prime time of attractiveness right now and i hate men so much that i willingly avoid them rather than getting 'perks' (ew) for being a hot girl.
No. 980450
>>980434>spread links to male celeb nude leaks>implying girls don't do thisanon pls
not gonna link it but just search ohnotheydidnt nude leak if you honestly think girls don't do this
No. 980924
>>980598If you live in a metro city, you probably pass by a hundred women a day at least. So you're telling me that for every woman a man passes he's thinking of some sick depraved 'fantasy' each time?
Men are so lucky that they have physical strength because having such intrusive sexual thoughts is actual ape brain shit. No wonder academics and highly educated men with everything to lose can't keep their dick in their pants in professional environments. Just from this ape brain behavior alone, women are the superior sex and deep down they know it.
No. 981287
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No. 981415
>>981287>doing all that for a man guarantees that you'll earn his gratitudeyeah no lmao. Being a doormat get you the type of man who will do the absulte bare minimum for his family, takes you completely for granted and treats you as a mom/maid/secretary. I know this from experience because it's how my mom is, she literally never asked my dad to lift a finger in the house (even though shes always worked and earned more) and what it got her is a lazy, entitled, verbally
abusive husband who refuses to help with any chore on principle. Not every man is my father thank god but a good way to avoid ones like him is not acting like a doormat on purpose
No. 981996
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>>981920That's the most ironic thing about them. I want to ask tradthots, what is it that you are doing that the average woman isn't already? What exactly is TrAdiTiOnAL about your chronically online life?? Hell, most of them basically wanna be neets. All the women in my family, who aren't particularly ideological whatsoever, worked, baked, cooked, and cleaned. It's kinda a requirement if you don't have hired help.
Their entire ideology exists just to delude themselves into thinking they're exceptional and their man can't ever cheat if they follow the dogma and give each other asspats for being doormats. And to blind themselves to men's faults in hopes of being ignorantly happy. It doesn't work. You can mold yourself into being "picked" and used as a broodmare, but my experience is that men are much more intrigued by women who are a bit bitchy and resist their bullshit. And funny enough those are the type who don't give a fuck about being picked or ponder what men want.
No. 982005
>>981287Sad that she had to prove herself to be a maidbot in order to get the ring. Imagine what will happen in the future if she ever becomes debilitated by illness and can't be useful to this dude.
I feel bad for this pickme, there's a lot of pride to be had in a clean and decorated home but scrotes just want to take advantage of someone else doing it for them. He'll buy her a shut up ring so he can dangle it over her head as to why he should never have to lift a finger.
No. 982082
>>981996>Their entire ideology exists just to delude themselves into thinking they're exceptional and their man can't ever cheat if they follow the dogma and give each other asspats for being doormats. Absolutely this. They need to be rare and wonderful unicorns and not like the other girls, male validation is their life blood and they expect special treatment for being 'one of the good ones'.
But homemakers/SAHMs are the norm, not the exception. The childless career woman is a boogeyman men seethe over in theory more than because of reality, they are still relatively rare. Any average basic bitch wants to be a SAHM because they see it as their escape from work. I guess those frumpy harassed moms wrangling 3 kids at the grocery store don't count as trad because they're not done up and wearing a pretty 50s dress, so they're invisible to aesthetic obsessed tradthots and shallow trad men.
No. 982165
>>982148It often has things about divorce/rape/sexual assault, so of course it's gonna make them feel bad. They think "female" reddit should be just women discussing sexy sex and what kind of men they like, so they can message them.
No kidding, I once answered in one of those "what's your unconventional attraction, femake sex?" askreddit threads and kept getting messages about how I saved their life with my comment, if I want to talk because they're my "ideal" and a dude sent me a picture of himself "to enjoy;)" (clothed, thank god). All I said was that I like guys with big noses.
No. 982172
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What's up with people on /r/redscarepod being obsessed with age gap relationships?
No. 983814
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>>982470>>982616Sage for OT but I do not understand how girls under 25 go on relationships with men in their 40s. What is attractive to them? The fact that he will be so tired from the work week that he'll barely want to do anything else on weekends other than staying home? The receding hairline? The beer / middle aged belly?
No. 983980
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>I’m not comfortable with this, especially as someone who was sexually assaulted as a child by a family member, but I’ll give it a try. Appreciate it.
A scrote in the comments is shaming her to high heaven for daring to 'kink shame' her husband.
No. 984277
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That poor kid, imagine having an OF's ewhore as a mother whose also a redditor
No. 985378
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comments telling her to leave him but sprinkled in are a lot of
>No KiNk sHaMiNg ThOuGh he's into what he's into.
WTF is up with reddit and "No kink-shaming"? Fuck that, some shit should be shamed. Especially a fucking scrote using his GF's shampoo bottles to shove them up his ass.
>"Reddit, what should I do?? It's gonna be hard to trust him again but I don't want this to be a deal-breaker."
Leave him ffs.
No. 985390
>>984310this is my problem as well, wanting love but also mentorship, and scrotes my age are gross and financially and generally irresponsible. also hollywood and fictional media giving me the illusion older men would actually be good looking only to be disappointed by the reality that most of them outside of the sphere of wealth are hideous and don't take care of themselves.
ironically my dad is the immediate family member I get along the best with, but like the rest of my family members I've noticed he's got
abusive tendencies. a total emotional vampire when he's around to be one. and he never got a partner post divorce unlike my serial dater mom which is starting to really creep me out at an older age. he's just a lot more subtle and negligent by comparison to them. this specific daddy issue seems to have drawn me to older men since I was a teen kek
No. 985402
>>985378Why is she ignoring the fact that part of his fetish is obviously doing it to her things, without her knowledge or consent?
>Guys, he OWNS toysSo you know. You know the real reason why he's sighing and ashamed. You accidentally ruined his whole fetish lol, he got off on the degeneracy and you're in here like "Omg I keep trying to reassure him what do???". I hate when women act stupid ffs. Be real with yourself. You're dating a disgusting person, and even he says it. It's not "shaming himself", he's explaining the appeal. Your options are to either leave, or pretend it never happened, never speak of it and enjoy the rings of shit on all your possessions. From how you're talking, you won't leave, so you'd better hope no one can smell it on you
I know my ass would get banned for being "too mean" if I posted there, so I'm just venting here
No. 985428
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>>985378what the fuck is wrong with redditors
No. 985545
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>>985428I have no words to describe the immeasurable hatred I have for redditors. I hold them far below the average YouTube commenter in terms of both character and cognitive ability. While the average YouTube cretin will comment "fake and gay" under random videos, redditors will post long-winded pseudo-intellectual rants about how men have a human right to explore their kinks, aka stick other people's stuff up their ass and leaving behind some complimentary fecal matter. Vet any man who wants to get near you; find a way into his Reddit profile. You should already break up with him if he has one, the checking is to just affirm what kind of deviant he is and whether to warn his family or the local police.
No. 985553
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>>985548Leave hairless cats alone.
No. 985622
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>>985607clawy paws typed this post
No. 986055
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No. 986063
>>985378what level of hell are we in where expecting your bf not to shove your belongings up his ass every morning is something that warrants understanding and reddit posts rather than a swift kick to the balls and him being thrown out for being a degenerate?
Also men doing that "i'm such a disgusting person" martyr shit drives me insane. Everytime a moid does that agree with him. "yes you are fucking disgusting". Watch how quickly he flips out of feeling sorry for himself into pure anger. Fuck this stupid moid I hate how nice she's being to him. Women like this need to get some self-respect because it is absolutely pathetic what they will let men do to them. Hes not using his dildos because it turns him on to use your shit without you knowing. He doesn't respect you. You are a tool for his fetish you dumb bitch.
This man let you TOUCH HIS SHIT. He doesn't love you. But keep looking for people to convince you living with your bfs shit on your belongings is totally cool and ok!
>>985402it's endlessly funny to me you'd be banned for being too mean for telling a woman to not let her bf shit on her belongings lmao i hate this fucking world
>>985953men love to delude themselves into thinking women do the same dsigusting shit as them behind closed doors
No. 986100
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why do men
No. 986563
>>986446The ask teenagers subreddit had to make an offshoot called askteenagegirls because boys were answering all the questions even directed at girls and drowning them out.
boys kicked up so much shit about it it was unreal. They were still allowed to comment, just only as a reply to a girl answering the question. They could comment all they want on /askteenagers, just not on /r/askteenagegirls. But they claimed "This is sexism" etc etc. idk why I see some anons praising the new gen, they're no different to the men before them.
No. 986658
>>986563the same thing happened with r/feemagers. i remember r/teenagers wwas incredibly
toxic and sexist towards the girls (still is and coddles the boys to the fullest extent), and the boys started to go there because 'it's wholseome'. some girls didn't like this, and were talking about it, and then cue the male whinging about 'muh misandry'. they even had to remove their 'feminism fridays' flair to cater to the interests of those worthless penoids.
and yeah, the males of today are just as retarded as their predecessors. as another anon put nicely, 'the only difference between males then and now is that theycan threaten to kill themselves whenever they don't get their way because they can express their feeeeelings now'
No. 986940
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>>986658I used to like it (r/feemagers), as I wanted to be around other teenage girls online as we may have a shared experience and be able to be ourselves in peace.
But it got to a point where every second post was a coomer teenage boy saying 'lookie wookie guys i wore a skirt uwu give updoots' and they got their asses kissed for everything. And the mods being male, and posts about 'give men compliments uwu' and stuff like that. And then half of girls call themselves 'nonbinary' or 'gender questioning', or trans at 13 like wtf go and do your homework or play hockey or smth, and I just know that their parents won't stand up to them because so many parents these days are pushovers who give their kids phones at like 10 years old and support their kids unconditionally.
It has become everything but a subreddit for teenage girls, and even though I'm 18 I feel too old for it compared to when I was 16, as there rarely is any interesting discussion, the humour is mild and too acceptable, and it feels so fake. I want discussion, I want edge, I want realness, I want to be free of coomerism, and I want a space for girls that doesn't feel like an extended larp. I saw a few girls posting about leaving, but the rest of it is fake. I think you see a pattern in highly online teenagers is that they overshare, seek attention, generally overthink gender and are obsessed with labels, oversexualise themselves, and are mentally ill- whilst acting infantile. I talk to girls my age in real life and we discuss nature, beetles, fashion and music composition- so obviously something is up with that subreddit.
No. 987366
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some dipshit was giving unsolicited medical advice so i stepped in and told him no one asked. he proceeded to go through my post history and call me a childish loser for having plushies that i took a picture of. men are absurdly fragile
No. 987378
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No. 987399
nonnie has really shit taste in plushies
No. 987401
>>987399my guess is that she does.
>>987398then it should be male reddit hate thread. because no women i have met that genuinely cares about how they are perceived on reddit. its only tech bros and trannies
No. 987403
>>987378Bleak. Tinfoil anons are right, the only approved ones are on the bottom. Only allowed to believe in state sanctioned and admitted conspiracies.
>Troon agenda on same tier as worst conspiracies.Delusional. It’s obvious what’s going on.
No. 987408
>>986940yeah i'm 19 now and don't use the sub, but i remember when it first started a couple of years ago. i was glad that the girls were getting a space for them to talk to one another, but then the male and trans pandering began. now more than half of the users aren't even girls.
i think reddit as a whole attracts some of the weirdest and frankly speaking, fucking awful demographics of people, which makes that sub so contrarian to what it's supposed to be.
No. 987409
>>987408oh yes forgot to mention, their 'girls only' flair allows both girls and non-binary people to comment. so, y'know, girls AND boys! a win-win!
it's so fucking stupid
No. 987451
>>987444nta but
>why would you be on a reddit hate thread if you hate reddit…surely it's obvious anon
No. 987551
>>987465This is reddit
hate thread, moron. And we don't have twitter thread, only twitter hate thread, you can visit it if you hate twitter jsyk.
No. 989167
File: 1639008802919.png (50.82 KB, 675x326, why.png)

Does anyone else get really irrationally angry at some of the women that post on reddit about their scrotes? This woman is in such a shitty position, but literally a fucking ounce of forethought would have helped her. Getting pregnant by a scrote youre not even married to, not making him give you a ring or something you can use in case of an emergency, letting him treat you like a child and talk down to you about YOUR money, quitting your job to pretend to play happy families with a man youre not even married to. Then the sign-off of "sorry for drama uwu" GROW THE FUCK UP. You are an ADULT. Now your baby is going to be born into a shitty situation because you were too fucking weak to tell your bf no. Sometimes it's so obvious why so many moids are devoid of any morals or empathy when there are so many literal doormats walking around, willing to birth these useless sack of shit children when they cant even be bothered to view their gf as a human being.
No. 989179
>>989167I thought most engagement rings usually only hold a resale value worth less than a thousand at most anyway unless it's a massive stone, because nobody actually wants a second hand ring so they only get melted down for the materials
They're barely useful as insurance
I don't know if that story is real, but if it is she could at least report him for tax evasion kek
No. 989180
>>989167honestly i feel you
nonny, i struggle to have sympathy for these women. men are already one-dimensional and retarded, now throw in community cock and cryptofuck into the mixture. 'keeping her distance' at this point would be just her keeping the baby and leaving this scrote, but the chances of that happening are near-zero because scrotey will probably abuse her into leaving, she stockholms too hard, or scrotey manipulates her into staying by saying that she needs to wipe his ass or something.
god nuke this earth
No. 989317
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The fucking awards. Being male is so easy.
No. 989446
>>989317They are born to be narcs. This fuckhead didn't know women were people until he himself contributed to the creation of one? Fuck men.
Also I don't believe him, he's still jerking off to teen rape porn.
No. 989713 post has since been deleted by the OP but the gist is that she was sexually assaulted by an ex who also made her participate in his sissy fetish and she abhors the fetish as a result. Her husband is a discord tranny who hid this from her and spent five years secretly sexting and exchanging nudes with people in sissy and mommydom servers. Reddit's response? The OP is the bad guy for making him promise to quit the sissy shit because ~he should be allowed to be himself~
The worst part is that the OP has been responding to people telling her she should apologize to him and seems intent on staying with him. I wonder how many women were stayed into staying with shitty men because of the shitty guilt-tripping "advice" they got on reddit. It's on them for being so easily persuaded but still…
No. 989773
>>989317"Now that I am in possession of a girl I can't stand the thought of other men abusing the thing I biologically own"
It's not about him seeing women as people he just sees his daughter as an extension of himself now and how dare another male degrade his property in the same way he's probably mentally degraded women all his life up until this point. I can guarantee if his wife brought up not wanting him to watch porn at any point before this he would have had a massive meltdown and crawled to reddit complaining about his controlling wife. Men act like thinking porn is disturbing should award them the purple heart for their sacrifice but you don't see women having this issue ever. And porn is perfectly healthy and normal? Big fucking kek karma for these men would be having to watch their precious innocent daughters all become the ethots spreading their holes for mcdonalds they tortured their wife's and girlfriends with. Just imagining men frantically typing spergouts about how it's not a double standard to consume degenerate porn but not want their own daughters to do it gives me the biggest dopamine rush. Get fucked moid I hope your kid ends up like Shayna.
No. 989946
>>989850Micky moon? your PMS getting
triggered on the regula
No. 989982
>>989970Probably downvoted for “
victim blaming”
No. 990882
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/r/frugal can be so fucking embarassing. I hope this guy lives alone otherwise Jesus Christ. This isn't cute and thrifty like a book stacked tree it's just retarded
No. 990902
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>>990882also saw this in the same subreddit >clearance
gee I wonder why
No. 990909
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>>990902this is so stupid too
No. 990918
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>>990909Are those pinwheels or orange peels?
No. 990946
>>990882I think this is hilarious, honestly. Not sure if the OP likes it for the same reasons I do, though.
>>990893He almost certainly already had the ladder. (Hopefully he cleaned it up before decorating it.)
No. 991155
File: 1639182895288.png (34.03 KB, 616x364, woke play rape.png) i see a redditor say that roleplay rape helps
victims feel "in control" and "empowered" one more time i'm going to start taking lives
No. 991171
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>>991155When will this meme end…
CONTROL WHAT??? It’s mental gymnastics on crack, you will never have control and power over getting raped. You didn’t have a say and you never will. You’re just sexualizing trauma as a terrible horrible cope, as if pretending to like it will lessen the pain. Fuck scrotes and fuck all the larping kinktard bitches who groom abused young girls and women into believing this. It’s women self-harming for male’s pleasure, the end.
No. 991177
>>991155It’s dumb when men defend it by saying “well actually it is quite common and a normal response from
victims of sexual assault” BITCH WHAT NO ITS NOT that’s mental illness and doesn’t make it ok to publicize or romanticize even if it is a way to go through your trauma. I was barely able to have normal sex for years after it happened without panicking but sure it’s a “normal response” to reenact after going through it and not just some edgy BDSM tards wanting attention and thinking it’s kinky to be abused. I wish there was some sort of ban on social media until a certain age like mid 20s with all the degenerate manipulation that’s on there
No. 991190
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>>991155>All of the comments encouraging two victims of sexual assault to role-play sexual assault as a way of healing>"It's totally fine to ask someone who went through csa to do Sexy Rape because it's important to be open about your desires in a relationship"I hate sex positivity so much it's unreal
No. 991206
>>991155I'm going off on a tangent here but I swear to god, these type of mental health kinktards will say it's traumatizing to force yourself to order your own food if you have social anxiety, but in the same breathe say it's ~totally healthy and
valid~ to take sexual trauma into your own hands.
Secondly, we realize as a society that someone who was molested as a child and in adulthood has pedophilic feelings in response should not be enabled. We recognize that someone who witnessed horrific violence and starts having homicidal thoughts wouldn't be prescribed to have "little stabby sessions". No one actually goes into detail about how consensual non consent is ever healthy or beneficial. No one ever mentions the dozens of ways it could go horribly wrong, retraumatize you, and destroy your relationship permanently.
No. 992774
>>991155Unconsciously seeking out and repeating your past abuse is a thing… but when you catch yourself doing it get to a damn good therapist. It's self harm. It's not empowerment and it's not 'the fix' to sexual trauma.
I spent a brief time in a kink community when I was younger, I wasn't sub but I met sub women who very openly admitted their own CSA and the link. It's sickening.
No. 992795
>>992792There are a bunch of suspicious false flagging posts all in quick succession
>the 'anon' posting about 'her' cousin with cancer sucking up all the attention>the one about a girl who is going to get raped because she's dating a guy 2 years older Moids have no subtlety.
No. 993041
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Context: JK Rowling says sex crimes committed by trannies are getting recorded as female crime is bullshit.
I hate these brain dead fuckers so much it’s unreal. Do they truly not hear how unhinged they sound to normal people?
No. 994107
>>993325white women are usually the ones babying troons,
poc, etc kek and they still get turned into punching bags no matter how much they help them. white women are also super easy to hate since they're hated by both far right and the far left
No. 994368
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Context: the korean version of a game showed the nude chest of a child, the global server censored it
No. 994449
>>994413I wish they had to deal with that retard
probably necessarysped8 who shilled for a week that book encouraging women to sexually objectify underage boy. They deserve each other kek
No. 994731
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I know it's low hanging fruit but whenever I feel like laughing at moids I go to this /r No. 994740
>>994731He’s right. This is exactly what would happen to sexbots especially if they end up being made by Apple.
I think one day we will be able to get sexy husbando sexbots made by Tesla or some shit.
No. 994862
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>>994731They won't be able to afford a sexbot and will ree about having to clean it's soiled robo pussy while paying for the various monthly subscription add ons, one of which will be to stop them from belting out advertisements periodically, Hulu style.
No. 994871
>>994368I'm confused on the demographic of this game, and even what kind of game it is
If it's a lolicon bait game, why bother making a "global" version they'd have to censor when it won't be well-received for being what it is anyway?
If it's a normal game, why did it have the lolicon bait thrown in just like that? And for those who would support the censorship, doesn't the original material having that content in the first place turn them off entirely?
No. 995007
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Reddit literally refuses to remove CP from their site unless you call the FBI and the US Department of Justice.
>Mother raises alarm on explicit Reddit posts featuring underage Sask. girls>A Saskatchewan mother is asking for authorities and companies to do more to combat the sexual exploitation of minors online after she discovered her daughter’s name was published on a section of the website Reddit that appeared to show naked photos of underage girls from this province.Article content
>The Leader-Post spoke with the woman, who lives in a small community in the north. She recently found out her 16-year-old daughter’s name was attached to an explicit photo that was posted on the website. The woman’s name and her location are known to the Leader-Post, but the paper is choosing not to publish that information to protect the identity of the girl.
>The woman said she’d been fighting an uphill battle trying to get the subreddit taken down by the company. She called the experience “horrifying.”
>“It’s incredibly vulnerable. And not only that, but the fact that there doesn’t appear to be any means of ending it is almost unfathomable,” she said.
>Reddit is a popular American-based website where users can form communities called subreddits and share posts, images and videos.
>The woman said she visited the subreddit and saw pictures of “several dozen” young girls, many of them Indigenous. Not only that, but the girls were identified by name and location.
>“There are men who were actually going on there and specifically requesting girls and then others are providing naked pictures of the girls that are being requested,” said the woman.
>The woman has a background in education, and recognized many of the girls as members of her community from northern Saskatchewan. She said one photo is of a girl, who is now an adult, that has had an explicit photo of her being shared online since she was 14.
>“I can say with a lot of confidence that these are underage girls,” said the woman.Article content
>The woman attempted to report the photo with her daughter’s name to Reddit through the website’s reporting tools, but found it difficult to add comments to explain what she was seeing.
>“There’s literally no way of contacting this company to say, ‘Hi, by the way, you have naked children on your site,'” she said.
>She said after filing the report she received a notification from Reddit saying there were no issues with the photo she reported. She then filed a report with the U.S. Department of Justice, called the FBI and then her local RCMP detachment.
>The Leader-Post contacted Reddit for comment, and was told by a spokesperson that the subreddit has now been banned.
>“Our sitewide policies prohibit any intimate or sexually explicit media of someone without their consent. In line with these policies, the subreddit in question has been banned.”
>Reddit declined to answer any further questions, such as how the subreddit got past its moderation systems and for how long it was online.
>Staff Sgt. Shawn Stubbs, the co-ordinator of the province’s Internet Child Exploitation Unit (ICE), said he was not aware of the subreddit but would have a member of his team look into it. Stubbs said the action police take would depend on wether the people publishing the content are based out of the province.
>“Depending who put it on there, we may send it to the States and they would work on it. Or if it’s a Saskatchewan-based person that put it on, then we would go and we would work on it,” said Stubbs.Article content
>This is sadly not the first time the woman’s daughter has been victimized online. The same explicit photo was circulated through cell phone messages last year.
>The woman reported the explicit photo to the RCMP, which sent the file to ICE, which then contacted law enforcement in the U.S. Several months later, the woman was told by police that nothing could be done.
>Previous to the photo, both the woman and her daughter were receiving sexually explicit messages on Facebook. The accounts were fake, but the woman said she the names on the accounts were local to her community. The woman said she was told by the RCMP that the messages likely came from outside Canada, but she suspects they came from someone local to the area who knows her family, at least by reputation.
>“I worry about when does this end? At what point do do adults actually start stepping up and putting an end to the sexual exploitation of minors online? Like this is a common problem,” she said. No. 995299
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>>994871It's a mobile game where you play as a teacher romancing your little girl students (yikes) so it's obviously targeted at lolicons, but it has to obey playstore regulations and on global they'd get problems with other countries. It's similar to Azur Lane which js full of coomer bait and when you open the tutorial you get lolis flahsing their underwear at you.
No. 995355
>>995299>those that loves to project are the ones with skeletons in their closetsCope. The only skeletons some people against loli have is being
victims of pedo degenerates. Otherwise, it's just common sense, which is what cartoon fuckers refuse to admit
No. 995373
>>995299>These people care about some pixels more than they do actual living, breathing kidsIt's possible to care about two things at once, pedo.
>I don't know how someone can look at a loli drawing and think "omg a minor"Then what is it supposed to be if not a minor? It's the dictionary definition of loli, retard. How do you look at a drawing of an anime girl with obviously child like features and a child's body but continue to be delusional and insist that it's not supposed to be a child? When 99 percent of people, if you showed them the picture, would tell you that it's depicting a child. Holy shit I hate lolifags.
No. 995753
File: 1639596392623.jpg (860.82 KB, 750x192, wtfdude_LI - Copy.jpg)

r/feemagers, still a place for straight dudes addicted to anime to larp as 'sapphics' who are 'soft' and like 'spinny skirt', because being a woman is just a feeling (wanting attention and being excited by women's clothes)
No. 995756
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But wait, there's more (you have to make your sexuality your entire identity btw)
No. 995757
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It's just a joke at this point. This would have been satire five years ago
No. 995761
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And whilst I'm technically a 'feemager' too, I feel a very motherly worry for these 13-15 year old 'trans', as I know their clueless boomer parents just left them with a phone and access to the internet and didn't have enough influence on their upbringing. The fact that this kid is convinced he's something he's not, surrounded by people who feed into his delusions, hurting himself- and no one is taking away his internet or intervening? I used this sub at like 16, and now it's just a place I use as satire. Except stuff like this makes me too sad.
No. 995832
>>995757>got mistaken for a girl online so… you had a girl anime profile pic and someone thought you were a girl…
i love how this just sounds like some misguided kid on the internet who has obviously been exposed to trans shit and is confused. its sad that this is becoming normal especially in the case of younger people, it definitely does not help.
No. 995905
>>995758That used to work but nowadays reddit checks your IP among other things. So I was wondering if a VPN could help .
>>995729Got banned for some scrote-oriented subreddits for trolling
No. 996354
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No. 996557
File: 1639654589954.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.33 KB, 1600x1624, JUOu5Ru.jpeg)

>>994368What's ridiculous is that scrotes are sperging over this game's (Blue Archive if I'm not mistaken) censorship like they were putting women in fullbody burkhas when it was just one scene being cropped so that you couldn't see the little girl's breasts (picrel). Who the fuck even notices this unless they actually are looking forward to staring at a naked child?
I guess I understand how it's redundant to do such small edits that don't actually censor anything in a game that's centered only around cooming to lolis but if that's what the appstore guidelines require then whatever. Moids acting like sexy lolis are high art and covering them up even a little is the same as nazi book burning is absolutely pathetic.
No. 996633
>>996627First of all, little boys are not sexualized to the extent underage girls are in the society. Secondly, women don't sexually abuse little boys in real life. The vast majority, nearly 100%, of all child sexual abuse cases are committed by men, regardless of the gender of the
victim. Even the extremely rare female pedophiles who exist (and aren't just pimps and auxiliary co-conspirators for male pedos) have a different motif from male child sex offenders, according to studies they're driven to children because they're jaded and traumatized by adult men and want someone who can't abuse them, not because they find children sexually appealing. So there's already a noticeable difference between the dynamics of a man enjoying fictional sexualized little girls to a woman enjoying fictional sexualized little boys. God, even the sexualized little cartoon boys are directed towards bisexual male pedos with all the otoko no ko shit, not women.
And third, that game is about romancing sexy lolis, you can not sell anyone the claim that showing a naked young female adolescent's body in that context is just "artsy nudity".
No. 996972
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How is a poor cat or anyone for that matter suppose to spot the difference between a toilet and a cooomer's revolting "gaming" chair?
No. 997749
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>Micropenises are totally better than a big dick, am I right fellow women?
No. 997757
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More cope. Redditor posts that she thinks long beards are ugly and dirty. Male redditors seethe and froth into their shit caked beards.
>muh oils
>muh vikings
>"b-but if a man said this about women-"
No. 997816
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I hope Reddit shuts down, remember when it was 9GAG but shittier? I remember, I hate how this shit is just some sort of fetlife but for normies.
No. 998015
>>997757'most beards are cleaner than women's hair'
- beards have actual shit in them
- men lie about keeping their beards clean
- beards can literally be dirtier than dog fur (
you can literally search 'how dirty are beards' and the first few results are talking about how beards are dirtier than dogs, how beards have literal shit in them at times, and how men lie about washing. men are truly, truly retarded animals that can't take an iota of criticism
No. 998092
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>>997757I looked up that post and the amount of butthurt filthy bearded males (and pick mes)…kek. The OP is based and correct. Also I don't understand the people in the comments going "muh beard oils and combing" how the fuck is that keeping your beard clean, that's not getting out the food residue and fucking shit particles stuck in your facial pubes. They claim that their dirty ass beards are cleaner than women's (long) hair, meanwhile scientific studies have shown that moids are so unhygienic that they have fecal matter in their beards.
No. 998675
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No. 998767
>>998748He protec
He attac
But most of all
He refuse to call jane.. jack
No. 998793
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>>998767let me give you a lolcow award..
No. 999009
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Can't stop loling at this scrote choosing a dog over his live-in girlfriend and her acting shocked about it, like the guy isn't a ball of red flags that she's being passing off as being the fault of his "evil ex". The comments are full of people blaming the "mental illness of loving dogs" instead of the fact that this guy is abusive and shows a pattern of treating women like shit. He could be a step-dad to her kids, he could fight in court to see his kid but no. It's not that he likes the dog more than her, it's that he likes her less than a dog kek
No. 999027
>>999009The new GF always fights the hardest for her man against 'da evil baby momma' I swear lol Most men just do not fucking try when it comes to seeing their kids. If they can get away with one weekend a month, they will. But, most will only fight for more time to pay less child support. To the women here dating a guy who bitches about his baby mama never letting him see the kids, fair warning, he's bullshitting you.
"He was in the kid's life until recently." Bullshit he was, sis. Another lie a scrote will tell the new gf. "I stuck by him." Are you Tammy Wynette? Standing by your scrote. Damn. It's funny how she is trying to play it up like she saw the light about his behaviour but she really didn't. She'll be off to the next scrote she can 'save' and work on.
No. 999154
>>998092>> meanwhile scientific studies have shown that moids are so unhygienic that they have fecal matter in their beards.Knowing this has lowered my quality of life.
Is this for real??
No. 999195
>>999167I wish I never knew that.
Ignorance is peace….
No. 999337
Was just reading through an r/deadbedroom post of a woman whos struggling with a husband addicted to porn who's "too exhausted" by having sex with her. Shes being severely downvoted for her genuine questions, and though she seems naive people are taking the husbands side like she's the devil reincarnate. Scrotes in this post are brushing off her clear concerns about the fact that he's refused sex/blowjobs/etc in favour of jerking off and its boiling my blood nonnies.
Not saying OP is free of sin but from reading the comments she just genuinely seems like she's seeking to understand what's happening with her marriage only to get shit on. No. 999352
File: 1639935841325.png (195.78 KB, 791x1279, Ihatemenredditmoidscrote.png)

Why are men like this? lol
He's for sure projecting. And the crazy thing is, in the comments, she even talks about how she's willing to go and check if she is addicted to porn. Most comments are telling her he is crazy and a counsellor is gonna laugh in his face. Also, they are telling her how it's crazy she is acting oblivious to just how
toxic he is.
The odd comments from scrotes (and a few women) defending him. "He is just upset because he thought you read REAL novels, no romance. He feels the stigma from them." STFU God there is always a scrote willing to bend over backwards for another. And others are running with this angle too. He's not upset about the stigma of romance novels lol
>Could it be someone in his past had a problem with porn that very negatively affected him and the books triggered that trauma? I would either ask him why the books bother him so much or tell him you'll talk to a therapist if he comes too so you can understand his reactionA book
triggered his trauma according to this person.
He's probably cheating and looking for an easy excuse to divorce her.
>>999337Reddit is not the place to ask any sex or relationship questions. It's just full of men ready to defend each other. She can have genuine concern over the alarming behaviour her moid possesses and, they'll ridicule and shame her for daring to question his needs.
There will be people throwing in good answers to the OPs but the OP, more times than not, ignores the good answers and replies only to the most infuriating ones.
No. 999534
>>999352>There will be people throwing in good answers to the OPs but the OP, more times than not, ignores the good answers and replies only to the most infuriating ones.I see this a lot. A woman will post about a situation in which she is clearly being abused, 90% of the comments will be telling her that. But she'll only respond to the ones suggesting she's at fault with some pathetic supplication like
>I know I'm a flawed person too and I have a lot to work on, what do you think I can do to improve?It's absolutely tragic how desperate some women are to stay in bad relationships. They'll cling to any possibility of not having to break up.
No. 999913
>>999352Why are scrotes so fucking retarded, the amount of times I've heard them call romance novels porn and get
triggered over women reading them is insane. Not only are they not even remotely the same as porn (porn very often features violent acts and women being degraded, while smutty romance novels tend to be more vanilla and non-violent/not degrading, though of course there are things like BDSM erotica but that's the minority), but the men who say that shit are probably watching porn as well. If romance novels are porn as they say, why are they so bothered by women reading them when they themselves watch porn? It makes no fucking sense.
No. 1000010
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I couldn’t screencap the whole post but this is one of the most schizo things I’ve read all week. The blatant fear mongering I just can’t imagine being so out of touch. No. 1000481
>>999355men out there acting like sensually caressing their wife's shoulders, kissing her neck and reaching into her panties is horrible drudgery, not to mention the added audacity to go "i still love you though" when it's time to confront the issue of them consistently going after whores behind her back lmao
men love whining and splaining about how much love is about deeds and actually doing shit, and then they have their woman keep the house spotless and raise the kids but still won't touch her with anything but the unwashed tip of their peen
No. 1000637
File: 1640040344557.gif (9.09 MB, 640x622, FF1171D4-C163-4EA4-A572-94D920…)

Don’t hate me nonas but I like to share pics on random subreddits, and I decided just now to severely limit what subs I look at. I was spending too much time telling dipshits off (usually sexist moids.) I deleted my account and started fresh. Now my feed is all cute and pretty pictures and stuff.
No. 1000731
File: 1640048173990.png (16.15 KB, 736x204, toxic.png)

I swear there is some variation of this shit posted every other day. Gag inducing. They so desperately want "
toxic femininity" to be a thing. No. 1000736
toxic femininity mean things like conforming to beauty standards and the expectation to act obedient and submissive or shit like that? Not “bitches be gossipin” as if that’s strictly a trait women have. It’s crazy how men don’t understand what
toxic masculinity is at all and just assume it’s against masculinity in general
No. 1000753
>>1000731>>1000736All throughout high school, it was the boys who were always the pettiest and catty. If there was an argument between two girls, you could trace the source back to some scrote or a gay scrote who was gleefully starting drama. The workplace is no different. Fandom circles experience the same thing.
you'll find any scrote go straight for "Women always get full custody!11! So take THAT!" Like it's the ultimate one up when discussing something as retarded as "
Toxic Femininity" Or male suicide rates being higher than women. Like that's our fault? LoL Not sorry we don't want to create a bloody fuck mess for family members to clean up after an already traumatizing experience of finding a loved one's body.
Sorry for the sperg rant.
No. 1000759
>>1000753So true, all the comments there are so retarded the post might as well be “rant about how those evil females are ruining society for us men” kek
And yes when I worked in administration there was soooo much drama and it would always start between guys and mostly literal 50 year olds who felt emasculated or
triggered by some shit and had to rant about it and hold a grudge for weeks. Meanwhile everyone else did their job and moved on or communicated about things.
No. 1000791
Agreed! I failed to properly describe what I meant.
>>1000765you know what, yeah, it really is them. The last fandom drama I witnessed was started by a zoomer moid so I was foolishly going by that.
No. 1000859
File: 1640061999503.jpg (86.81 KB, 480x816, wtf mate.jpg)

the r/greentext is supposed to be for making fun of 4chan/sort of pretending to be a 4channer and laughing AT them
someone posted this and all the responses are sincere and fucked UP
moids are truly scum No. 1000875
>>1000764and the reason women choose those methods is so other people don't have to clean up the mess or be surprised by a hanging corpse. this is due to 2 things - women are conditioned to "not be a bother" unlike moids who slap their dicks around til they get what they want - and because women tend to kill themselves out of horrific depression where it feels that every breath you take hurts or causes trouble for or is offensive to everyone else and leaving a mess in death would only make that worse
men kill themselves because they got fired, and sometimes because they got raped.
No. 1001317
File: 1640110887765.png (88.33 KB, 884x522, REdditassholeclitbitch.PNG)

This guy thought her asshole was her clit
Typical scrote comment.
>That’s what’s happening on this comment section. Dude was trying to reciprocate pleasure. If you’re not focused on giving, your brain can go off on its own sometimes. No one is giving this guy a break. Ya, he needs education on anatomy. He probably doesn’t watch much porn then. To me, he sounds like an inexperienced bloke (well he has some now). I know not a lot of people won’t take the time to help educate him, but he should not be someone to be made fun of.
>Ya, he needs education on anatomy.
>He probably doesn’t watch much porn then.
No. 1001393
>>978702Men think it's easy being a girl because they're stupid. I'm talking literally. Let's remember that statistically there are more genius men than women. Men love to point it out. What they fail to mention is that the top of the bell curve on that chart heavily favors women.
That means most women are constantly talking to men less intelligent than them. You need to see every man you talk to as a 15 year old, because that's their IQ match.
Men tend to lack introspection, they can be selfish and loud, they will create scenes and they are entitled. Emotional maturity is tied to intelligence to a certain degree, and that's why men struggle in most areas of life. They literally aren't smart enough to even realise anger IS an emotion (hence why they say women are emotional), let alone understand how to control it.
Women are literally smarter than men. That's why they type this shit. And the women that enable them are either A) stupid, or B) lying to themselves for male attention. Let them play with the males, they'll learn.
When you start looking at every man as an idiot it becomes easier. Just laugh at them and say "aww bless". They're big mad on reddit sure but most of them will never repeat this shit irl because they're cowards. My favourite thing to do is to wait until a man calls himself "more intelligent than other people" (because they will all do this if you talk to them long enough) and then just ask their opinion of slightly complicated topics and smack them down. At this point I pity them because there is basically no future for the average man and they were the ones that designed the system kek
>>1000875I don't believe men suffer from mental health issues like they say they do. Think of 4chan, how many scrotes on there claim they're "depressed" or "anxious" and that's why they can't leave the house. It's all a cover for laziness. They kill themselves out of anger usually because they've never learned to control it. Women attempt suicide 2x as much as men but men are considered the "default" for mental illness. There are so many male only suicide hotlines set up because even when they want to kill themselves they still demand to be catered to. Ignore mentally ill men. They add no value to yourlife and you can not fix them. Even if they love you they will probably murder/sucicide you because moids only care about themselves.
Also many men use their "bad mental health" to lure easily controllable women in.
>>1001317>there's a lot going on with female anatomythere really isn't. Lesbians/bi women manage it just fine.But men are stupid and can't even google a quick youtube video before having sex for the first time. Now she's stuck teaching this absolute loser which is probably exactly what he wanted
No. 1001441
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The oversharing. Also, I can't believe people in this day and age are dumb enough to reuse usernames.
No. 1001442
File: 1640118294085.jpeg (180.05 KB, 828x1792, A039AD43-1418-4CD4-9254-64F5B7…)

this was in a voyeur thread. nonas, why are they like this???????
No. 1001443
File: 1640118356842.png (593.56 KB, 842x1234, brandon kurohara sat0pi.png)

>>1001441I can see why she lost her sex drive. Brandon, find another username kek.
No. 1001468
>>1001393>there are statistically more genius men than womenLol there aren't. Maybe stop hyping up this myth already? It's the same level of pop science as "left rational brain and right artistic brain" theory, ie is backed up only by studies with unrepresentative sample and with a shitty statistical analysis. Most meta analysis and large studies (like this shit in Romania and this shit in math ability, I have more examples but I am too lazy to find them) conclude no difference in variability, ie conclude that there are just as many genius women as genius men (for now, I think by default there are more female geniuses tbh). Studies on other mammals find no difference in behavioural (read cognitive, you can't really test them after all) variability too (this one is with mice - some traits are more variable with moids like morphology and some with females like immunology and eye structure). I'm so tired of this propaganda really…
No. 1001472
>>1001468Nta, am glad you addressed this point.
>>1001393Beautiful and based.
No. 1001482
What I hate the most about reddit,is that damned "Relationships" subreddit.
It can be summarized by a lot of grown ass men, who are 10+ years older than their wives/gfs, complaining about how they have a personality beyond pleasing them.
"Oh my gf likes teacups, and I think that's shrinking the time she dedicates to cooking for me, since I'm an uneducated divorced bastard on his 40s".
God I fucking hate men. I'm not into the lesbofeninist rethorics, but sometimes, I just swear to God…
I wish they would shut that shit down, but sadly a lot of women apparently need to hear strangers say "yes, you should dump the divorced guy on his 40s" to actually do so.
Considering they're women and still use reddit I don't have much consideration, but BOY is it frustrating.
No. 1001501
>>1001442fucking barf
>>1001443Fucking Tragic lol
>I got with an asian girl, just like senpai Rivers Cuomo!>Wait, she doesn't want to have sex? Lost her drive?>Guess we won't do it lolWhere the fuck is his chin?
She's cute. She could do way better than Brandon "No Chin" Woods
Why can't moids just realize that they are ugly and it's a huge reason their wives won't sleep with them lol Yes I know other factors come into play but let's be real, a lot of guys are just not up to a decent standard.
No. 1001759
>>1001443Maybe she'd have a sex drive if he had a fucking chin lmao
Anyway this is what scrotes should expect if they insist on dating women out of their league, and think it's evil and cruel for women to have physical standards for their partners. They need to accept that their wives won't return their sexual attraction, and they deserve to live a sexless life and suffer feeling unwanted.
No. 1002352
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Sorry for the terrible image
-Boyfriend squeezed my throat for so long during sex I passed out. Red flag?-
Kek at the comment calling her out. Everyone in the comments is telling her to dump him, run away as fast as she can.
>All my friends are telling me to leave him because they’re saying he has serial killer tendencies. Idk I’m so confused and lost. I love him so so much but he honestly scared me. I don’t want to make him angry by bringing this up again because it seemed to have pissed him off. Shall I try to speak to him again?
She's not leaving him.
No. 1002600
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i'm at a literal loss for words
No. 1002669
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-a married man with kids spending 6000 dollars on an anime girl game
No. 1002956
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I would have sex any day, any time, anywhere, but boyfriend often chooses to watch porn and masturbate alone instead.
The men in the comments are defending him as is tradition
No. 1003355
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>be an adult at the age most people graduate college and have a career
>Date someone who just graduated high school and expect to me financially supported by them and get mad when they can't hand you magic money everywhere
I wish this was bait but I met so many American women who actually live like this. Also you know these people are western too. I wonder if this same dude is screeching about western roasties while being financially supported by his teenage girlfriend
No. 1003688
>>1003371>>1003360Most western relationships are exactly like this. It's women who need to go out of their ways to shift their bodies into whatever crazy standard men decide to like at the time, usually with unrealistic proportions, be financially supportive, be accepting of his less than sub-par looks, be accepting of porn addiction and the fact most western men are obsessed with other women while having girlfriends, you have to be accepting of the fact he will spend more money on his friends than you and the fact he will spend most nights with his friends and disappear without warning, he will gaslight you and call you dramatic and immature if you have an issue with any of this all while you need to be super kinky and into painful stuff like anal and slapping. Despite western women dealing with all this coomers still run around screaming about how western women make sub-par girlfriends when in reality they're the only ones who will accept this bullshit from men, yeah go try convincing any Asian or Russian girl to pay for all of your shit kek
90% of western women in relationships with men are just miserable slaves at this point idk how they even deal with this or bother. Relationship subreddits prove exactly this
No. 1003852
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>>1003355Don’t feel sorry for OP. She’s a cunt who’s horrible to other women on that subreddit because they don’t want their bf mocking their asthma. I hope he keeps bleeding her dry.
No. 1004092
>>1003900Men: I mostly look at attractive women
Also Men: I'm angered that women mostly look at attractive men
Why are they like this?
No. 1004442
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It's literally a subreddit about finding good bras, and trannies still have to ruin it.
No. 1004447
>>1003688I get what your trying to say(I really do) but seriously non-western moids aren't any better, in fact their just as bad if not worse
The social contract in asian relationships is that the man will be the provider but the wife will always be a submissive housewife and the man can look as awful and as as subhuman as he wants but any flaw in the woman will be analyzed and gossiped and even openly mocked
No. 1004455
>>1004442>Forgive me if I'm not, I'll see myself out.ffs what a manipulative fucking shit stain.
And of course, they welcome him in. Gay men hate when FtM enter their space and more times than not, tell them to fuck off. But a women's only space? Nah, have to let the men join…Reminds me of that lesbian discord server where they posted pics of their vaginas (??) and the Trannies posted dick pics or their mangled dicks and seethed that the lesbians found it disgusting haha.
No. 1004599
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i laughed
No. 1004632
>>1004599…do they think women would be upset by this?
Nothing wrong with being selective and not settling for what you want.
No. 1004807
>>1004599>Expecting men to have responsibilities is the same thing as demanding 6 figure, multi car driversMen are really butthurt that they're expected to be adults kek. FDS has praised poor men on several occasions if they know how to treat their girlfriends right but sure we're all just sugar babies apparently. It says a lot that they think women who expect men to have a job and their own place + car = "demanding rich guys"
Also men date girls fresh out of high school and girls still in college who can't support themselves, or better yet they not only date high schoolers but also expect the high schooler to financially support them like
>>1003355. If they decided to make their whole thing about how "women who can't support themselves don't deserve a second look" I'd actively support that since it would make them stay the fuck away from young girls
No. 1005067
>>1004599Meanwhile men everywhere else
>wtf you dumb career bitches we don't care about your money so stop thinking it will get you a man, simply be a hot submissive teenager who worships me!! I would honestly like it if men saw financial responsibility as a green flag in a partner, like FDS do. It is legitimately important to a relationship and shows a much more sensible attitude than what men currently prioritize.
No. 1005890
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>>1004599That like to comment ratio tho
No. 1006383
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Redditors are so weak-minded but manipulative at the same time. "You have a point, but you didn't have to say it like THAT!" They get so shocked when you won't kiss their ass after they use that tactic. Also, there are countless pedophiles/MAPS supporters. I had one lecture me because I said it's wrong to buy a 12 year old a sex toy. Where's my science, right, how can I have an opinion without a handful of peer reviewed articles in my back pocket?
No. 1006553
>>1006496Right, I totally get what you mean anon. If they are so invested in a source they could go to google and find hundreds of thousands of them in three seconds, they just want a smug way to dismiss whoever is calling them out for being creeps
>>1006525They really are the ones who have it on the brain 24/7 if they complain about it so much, it's an obvious red flag
No. 1006821
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Reddit really lack any self awareness. 2 posts on the front of the true crime sub, the first post is picrel and 100+ comments calling this girl an evil bitch and blaming her for her bfs suicide. One post below the story of a Japanese man who was 'forced' by his wife to mutilate her slowly to death where there are 100+ comments feeling sorry for him and how he had no choice but to cut off his wife's fingers and toes. are responsible for men to the point if we don't talk them down off the ledge we are evil. But if a man doesn't talk us down he is automatically the
victim again. I've had plenty of scrotes tell me they were going to rape and kill me and cops don't give a shit. Cops don't care if you're raped or stalked as a woman but God forbid you tell a scrote that is manipulating you via suicide threats to off himself. More women should respond to males threats of suicide by telling them to do it.
No. 1006911
Reddit really, really, really hates kamala harris kek… started out with KOPMALA as if…like… the average person doesn't find the idea of a black woman cop quite positive. People might not like fat white racist goodoldboy cops but people who have a negative view of a black woman because she's TOO law and order is going to be a very very small demographic.
And now it seems like Kamala has basically been put in charge of dealing with the student loan debacle. That's basically the juiciest saltiest combo possible for milking redditor seethe. A bubbling vat of pickled berniemoid.
>>994092would like to point out that in this post i was wrong about democrats getting build back better passed, but i was right that they were holding off on the student debt thing while they were trying to work on it.
No. 1007073
>>1006997Men literally have beyond zero understanding of how to appeal to women. They be on the most retarded shit. Bodybuilding, "looksmaxxing", god damn it is insane.
If you look at the "what is ypur type" or w/e thread in /g/… it's mostly like nice guy with his own interests, maybe tall maybe short maybe average, maybe worked out a little. Money rarely has much to do with it aside from "won't literally leech off me and not work". Like women are so god damn nice tbh. Anyway.
The most enlightening thing was one time I saw this YT video of this nerdy longhaired kinda goofy lookin 15 yr old or so guy, the video was him with this hummingbird that he found injured amd nursed back to health, and it would come & perch on his arm when he cheeped & take sugar water from his hand.
That video had a TORRENT pf comments from women about how cute the guy was, how much they wanted to meet a guy that sensistive. Based on the style & account names it was women/girls his age. This guy was super normal he just was not self conscious or a nastycoomer, he seemed nice and liked animals and had empathy & caring.
Honestly boomers had a better undrstanding, like stuff like "get a dog and make her beautiful & love her so women understand hou have emotions and tenderness". Just like…. show that you are a literal fucking human being not some kind of coomer rape monster.
The issue of course, is that many men are indeed coomer monsters and refuse to stop cooming to nasty ass hentai porn no matter what. And they are fat greasy & gross. It's so funny. But terrifying. I don't necessarily think porn should be banned but women need to be vigilant, porn is a nasty habit like chewing chaw and shouldnt be tolerated in civized adult society.
No. 1007220
>>947524These men are probably using their wives as an excuse, but I'm pretty sure that if a woman posted "my husband doesn't let me go out" you'd be crying abuse. Double standards aren't as cute as you think nonna; if this is true, then it sounds pretty controlling to me.
>>947539This is just depressing. The "porn it's just a fantasy that has no links with reality" excuse is getting old.
>>947580LOL, yeah, men make fun of women for being "too susceptible" to peer pressure and trends because apparently all women are incredibly insecure, but it's actually just major projection. All men are ridiculously insecure, especially when it comes to dick-size/sexual matters.
>>947596I was thinking of the exact same thing. Actually concerning.
>>948377Why does he talk like an edgy anime MC? This is pure cringe, holy molly!
>>949561No one is more deluded than the moids who think women are this ultra-privileged and overprotected group when that couldn't be farther from the truth. I refuse to believe someone could be THIS oblivious.
No. 1007298
>>1007081>They talk big about how their gym obsession and stock investment larp is to attract and pander to women, but in reality it's all a huge cock measuring contest between men and men only.It's male intra-sexual selective pressures that men incorrectly project onto women. Most men are only capable of projection when it comes to their analysis of women's behaviors and thought patterns.
They even joke amongst themselves being a crypto gymbro only attracts the attention of other men, but they're so retarded they continue in hopes there is some booba at the end of the tunnel. And they say they are the "logical, intelligent" sex, lel.
No. 1007349
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Tranny self posts in r/insansepeoplefacebook about le epic takedown of some rando on his "lgbtq+ page", at least comments are calling him out for a) being a misogynistic shit and b) not funny.
Why _are_ trannies? No. 1007355
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>>1007349Kek, the downvotes are a pleasant surprise.
No. 1007358
>>1006821all the true crimes subs are torture porn about women tbf. they love to ask each other what the most fucked up death theyve read about constantly.
>>1007053women aren't responsible for mens actions. you sound like a pick me.
>>1007349Men can't help themselves. He claims to be a real woman but has no idea how vaginas work. Wonder how many of those awards he gave himself.
No. 1007376
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>>1007362Yeh I was pleasantly surprised considering the tranny worshipping state of reddit. Lol at him blaming his 'humour' on being Scottish. Checked his profile, he has a history of selfposting his epic take downs in that subreddit
No. 1007846
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No. 1007907
>>1007846I knew a guy from UK who always bitched about how UK was giving single moms tons of free shit but turned out he literally made a woman a single mom, denied it, claimed women sexually harassed him because he lead them on, and groomed a 14 yr old girl kek. Any man who bitches about how laws are super biased towards women usually have skeletons in their closet and hate how the laws don't just belittle the women they victimize, they want their
victims to struggle
Also - UK is where the guy(s) got away with murdering his gf bc he claimed they were just having kinky sex
No. 1007961
>>1007846They want to be
victims so bad. Shut the fuck up scrote and go die in war.
No. 1008058
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>trans memes
No. 1008075
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>>1008058There's over 100k trannies on reddit? Fucking hell it's a horde of em innit.
No. 1008087
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>>1008058The only ones unironically posting those "gay sounds" headpat memes are trannies so it checks out
No. 1008259
>>1007354good thing i didn't say it was worse, did i?
>>1007358encouraging mentally ill people to commit suicide is bad regardless of the genders involved, you don't need to act like a sociopath to spite le evil scrotes
No. 1008951
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No. 1009279
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from r/freefolk. Most comments were about who had the best tits and similar sentiments
No. 1009283
>>1008951Kek this
has to be bait. A biracial black boy would be killed by his own peers for having any of those names, they are not "black sounding" in the least but white hippie whore names. If it is real then clearly she hasn't spoken with her baby daddy about these ideas
No. 1009481
>>1009383i’m sorry
nonny i really don’t, i wasn’t expecting them to take it down considering most of the subscribers are women (it affects more women than men, and all the commenters are female/have female experiences). i wish i saved it :(
No. 1010038
>>1007073Porn should be less banned and more or less reformed. The main issues I have with porn and hentai is how they glorify hardcore fetishes that could realistically kill a woman in real life. Then you have all these impressionable young boys who want to try this out to get girls only to bite them in the ass.
also, unrelated, but where did you find that vid? I wanna see it with my own eyes for research reasons.
No. 1010077
>>944837This is peak Reddit right here
Blatantly broken shit
Robotic response
and competently tone deaf
No. 1010171
>>1010038Reformed how? It's just filmed prostitution, there's no way for the audience to truly verify if it was consensual (not that it's ever truly consensual if it involves money) and everyone is legal age.
My only concern is that if it's banned, moids just get their kicks in other hideous ways. Like in Korea there's an epidemic of spycams in bathrooms etc. Male sexuality is a fucking disease and I'm not sure there's any way to recover from how extreme it's become thanks to the internet. We're better off memeing them into believing nofap turns them into alpha chads because god knows an appeal to morality won't work.
No. 1010306
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Men of Reddit are truly retarded.
There's no way he meant cervix initially. Retard got called out and "I meant Cervix haha." Fucking moid.
No. 1010359
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I really want to like FDS again but some of the posts are so cringe. Like wtf is this…lol
No. 1010518
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redditors fucking exhaust me
No. 1010775
>>1010749Mens entire existence is based on projection. In an age with violence outlawed so men who intially used violence to secure resources like land and power (Kings, lords) so other lower valued moids don't go against them and take any of that status and power, moids can't flex strength, the only thing they have above women (literal retard strength from y mutation), so they need to cope seethe and dilate with non-physical competitions for the weaker moids who can't compete physically with other men, but need to be distracted, since even if they're not a physical threat, they can still destroy buildings and shit. They need to be distracted by these smaller non-physical competitions, which is why they reee when women get involved, since it takes away their ability to have something to offer when they otherwise can't offer that different physical strength. If strength is the only difference (can't say smarts since women were banned from learning by men and enforced through violence), they need to offer something that the women don't already have, so they ree when women start doing something men do, as it takes away something they have to offer (no matter how retarded the 'offer' is).
Men will never take responsibility, to do so would mean they aren't as good an option as someone else and might make them less likely to coom.
No. 1010825
>>1010518I will never wrap my head around how we've gotten to the point where mediocre men take pride in
playing video games, especially when they think there's something masculine about it. bitch go build a deck
No. 1011628
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The comments on this post are fucking cancer. Of course there are sane people saying that the ex bf sounds fucked in the head but there are tards trying to justify snuff and claiming most of it is faked so it's okay, or they're doing a whole lotta whataboutism (in a way that's defending the ex and really fucked up "kinks") and bringing up CNC/rape fetishes/BDSM, like HOLY FUCK who gives a shit about kinkshaming, you're not oppressed by people pointing out you're a sick, degenerate fuck. This shit is why I hate "sex positivity". It sucks that the OP really felt the need to put in a disclaimer saying she's not trying to kink shame.
No. 1011652
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This guy posts a sob story on reddit. Is incredibly vague about the details but if you read between the lines, you can tell he was clearly the one doing the abusing.
The majority of comments are a mix of confusion and trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Few comments are actually calling him out for how he worded the story to paint himself the victim.
No. 1011668
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>>1011628I pray that every BDSMfaggot rots in the darkest pits of Tartarus. Amen.
No. 1011936
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No. 1011998
>>1011652There's no way he's not the
abusive party in this, given this very deliberate choice of words when describing the situation. Disgusting how he pretends to be a
victim here.
No. 1012015
>>1011652tbf many comments are pointing out that he constantly mentions "
abusive relationship blah blah" but never "she abused me", so yeah, go figure…
also if he really had to literally flee, then why would he leave his children with this dangerous person??
>I was not allowed access to my kidsis it because i'm esl or is that wording bad? access is something you have to a room, not to your own children
>the court document says I get to have you this weekend so you need to come with me…so these older teens are getting abused yet you would have to literally force them to spend time with you instead of with the abuser? hm
No. 1012307
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No. 1012317
>>1012307>>how do i get gfwash my hair?? stop watching loli porno?? TALK TO PEOPLE OTHER THAN MOM??!
>>how do i get gf go outside? but there is no anime outside.
>>plz how i get gf do not say shower, i did shower and still no gf
>>why won't these slut be my gf how do i find gfno one listens to me, no one cares about men's feelings none of the advice works how do i get gf?!
>>how do i get gfi told her i would kill myself and she still wont put out, why are women so evil no one cares about men's feelings
No. 1012322
>>1011936Just buy the blue packet of pads instead of the hot pink packet lol.
Their post history is.. mgtow, mtf, mens rights, foreskin talk, period talk. whut?
No. 1012583
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Can redditors speak about literally any topic without bringing coomer shit into it? Even on Cleaning Tips you have this stupid shit.
No. 1012586
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>>1012583Thought for sure it'd be a tranny
No. 1014818
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The r/actuallesbian sub is like 60% larping trannies. Pretty much everyone in the comments was a tranny and encouraging this retarded shit.
No. 1014949
>>1010518Multiplayer games are cancer anyway. And those are the only games that you can be good or bad at. Bro what are you bragging about, how good you can click your mouse?
Lately I've started gatekeeping and stopped considering a lot of shit ~proper games~.
Most males I've met that claim to play games only do stuff like FIFA or NHL which is to me like candy crush level of entertainment for non-gamers. Or COD, Fortnite.
Moids get so upset when I get all neckbeardy and tell them I don't consider mechanically shooting shit a game compared to games with complicated stories, a proper soundtrack, developed worlds and a message you take from them. I know it's retarded gatekeeping but it's so funny how they fume when you lump these 'proffesional gamers' in with candy crush or normie mobile game players and absolutely overlook them kek
No. 1015014
>>1014949I'm all for gatekeeping games and the label of "gamer," but I think your argument rests on shaky ground.
>I don't consider mechanically shooting shit a game compared to games with complicated stories, a proper soundtrack, developed worlds and a messageYou seem to be framing it as if the only good games are games that have good writing and art without regard to the gameplay itself, which I would argue is the point of playing video games.
Gameplay centered around a story can indeed be good gameplay, but just experiencing a world and story isn't really "playing a game" in a literal sense.
Gaming as a tradition has usually centered around skill and competition (e.g. poker, chess, darts, sports). Things like fighting games or rts games often don't have much going on in the story department, but mechanically, they're very fun to play. There's a lot of room for improvement, learning tricks, etc., and it's fun to engage in competition that relies on both strategy and skill. FPS games are the same way, just skewed more towards skill than strategy.
Feel free to shame people who play CoD and Fortnite, but you're going to embarrass yourself if you try to tell somebody that they're a fake gamer for playing competitive CS:GO.
In short, it seems to me that instead of gatekeeping people on the basis of not being serious/skilled/invested in games, you're gatekeeping them based on them not primarily playing story-focused games, which I don't think is a legitimate criterion for exclusion.
No. 1015018
>>1014949Beyond based,
nonnie. I don't get how any FIFA/NHL/COD/Overwatch/Fortnite-playing gamerbro doesn't understand being on the level of that Candy crush-playing non gamer they love to make fun of all the time.
>>1015014Jesus, come on anon. She's referring to how moids constantly drag on "girl games" and how the likes of sims and mobile puzzle games aren't ~muh real games~ while being completely oblivious to their braindead point and shoot franchises being on par with any other casual consoomer ones out there.
No. 1015187
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Hope this idiot enjoys federal prison.
No. 1016061
File: 1641351762650.png (125.92 KB, 729x733, Redditdirtyscrote1.PNG)

How do I (27F) ask my new boyfriend (32M) to use better hygiene.
>His face and facial hair is very oily and I’ve been breaking out severely to the point I’ve had to take breaks from seeing him to clear it up after kissing him.
> I have only gone down on him a few times because of this, I can taste it. The first time we had sex I went to the bathroom and cried afterwards because I was in shock.
> I’ve also noticed that I’m imbalanced after we have sex and I’ve had to go to the doctor for a yeast infection.
>All I want to do is lift him up and empower him, it makes me sick to think I might mortify him or hurt his self esteem.
No. 1016110
>>1016061These posts are almost unbelievable in how similar they are, I swear something similar gets posted almost every week. I just saw another post on the front page where a woman was asking why so many men have skid marks on their underwear. How is this such a common problem?
It also cracks me up how every time a woman writes for relationship advice about a guy, she uses the most flowery coddling language ever. “Oh he’s so perfect and amazing and kind and just the best, the most perfect smile ever, it’s just this tiny itty-bitty problem of never bathing, but I don’t wanna offend him!” Guys never talk about their girlfriends like this. They could be dating a woman as kind as Mother Teresa and hot as Adriana Lima and they’re just like “yeah, my gf is okay I guess” kek
No. 1016162
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>>1016061Neither surprised nor disgusted anymore. I just expect that shit from men. The last time I had any relationship with one, I glanced into his ear hole and it was so full of wax and flakes I almost vomited on his shoulder. I've seen plenty of mumsnet posts (good content for enjoying your single good) that lamented how they had to nag their husband to brush their teeth and bathe. I think men are actually cleaner in jail and labor camps where they're forced to be hosed off.
No. 1016386
>>1016061I hate how we're always treated to these positive vibes paragraphs at the beginning.. the good traits they list are always the same oh so vague ones. He's sweet, it's been 3 months so I would hope so but I also wouldn't quite declare him the greatest man on earth just yet.
Smelly dicked 30 something year old men are not the sweetest men alive. Stop trying to tell me they are.
No. 1017200
i want to complain about a specific sub, r/deadbedrooms. i went on it looking for some of my own relationship advice (a mistake, i know) and what i found was the most enabling, hubbox-y, circlejerk piece of shit subreddit i've ever seen, even for a subreddit.
it's packed full of high libido partners belitting, humiliating and talking shit about their low libido partners and the comments are always enabling as hell too, with stuff like "your HUSBAND/WIFE is an idiot for not wanting to fuck you!!!!!!!". god forbid you take the other person's feelings into account in this situation, right? but it's reddit, so i guess i can't expect much more than this.
i wish i could be sympathetic to the plight of people who are clearly stressed in their relationships/marriages and are looking for a solution, but acting as if your partner is the fucking devil because they don't want sex just… sets me off. i guess it's because i'm the LL partner in my relationship and my bf has said a lot of things parroted in that sub to me, but i know firsthand how coercitive and unsympathetic he can get about it, and that's what i associate with these people.
oh also, every single comment extending a glimmer of empathy towards the LL partner who keeps turning down sex gets downvoted to hell. i hope that subreddit fucking burns, reddit is literal cancer
No. 1017232
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>>1017200Kek anon I hate that subreddit too. All these nasty people complaining should probably consider first if they're even desirable enough to want to have sex with. I understand that it sucks to have a relationship with no intimacy, but they should first try to sort out their feelings of their partners before talking behind their backs on reddit of all places. You should literally never make your partner feel bad for not wanting to have sex or engaging in intimacy in other ways, because that is rapist mentality. Honestly they don't even see sex as a form of intimacy 95% of the time, they see it as dopamine pleasure button (which is just unfair to your partner).
No. 1017255
>>1017232>yells at me for getting socksWhat? Yeah how about you tell everyone what actually fucking happened in detail, chode. He won't. They never do.
Also if he's bitching about not getting sex, then why is he denying her when she offers it? I dont get the last sentence about the stairs. What a dumbass he is.
No. 1017305
>>1017250I hope he never has sex or a relationship again and she leaves him for someone(s) who will treat her right. Sounds like he's
abusive and manipulative and she's withholding
No. 1017958
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No. 1017984
>>1017958I can't believe I'm saying this but anons make posts like this in the confession threads all the time
Reddit is full of guys comparing notes on how to cheat, this isn't in the same lane
No. 1018031
>>1017958I was almost about to defend this, sometimes your partner does nothing wrong but you just reach a point of wanting to experience something else (7 year itch etc) The part that bothered me though is him saying he's 'always wondered' what apps and casual dating would be like for him… not even that it's a recent thought creeping in.
The more I read the more I think he should free her now and not waste her time when this is the extent of his feelings, essentially 'I would dump her but I need to know if I'd get dates easily'
Like other anon said this comes up in /g/ aswell but usually I think the same… quietly sitting on doubts that strong is only robbing your partner of time. Let them move on if you're on reddit asking what dating apps are like for your age group. You're already one foot out the door and the risk of cheating shoots up when you're (esp a scrote) in this headspace.
No. 1019062
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>>1019053>He didn’t want to have sex but did want another baby.>Have you ever had a man repeatedly try to shove his soft wiener in you?This is the saddest mental image I've ever had. Why would you have another kid with him. Take kid #1 and run.
No. 1019141
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I don't know whether to laugh or cry at how low women's lack of self-respect can get. What do you get by risking your physical health to date a scrote who probably contracted an STD by cheating on you and literally told you to your face he wouldn't support you if the roles were reversed? He's not hiding how trash he is, and you're choosing to be with him. Don't cry over spilled milk later.
No. 1019148
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>>1019141Methinks this dude is trying really hard to break up with her without actually breaking up with her, why would he tell her that shit about dumping her over herpes otherwise, his IQ would have to be in the negative range.
No. 1019250
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The libtards are arguing with people in the comments for rightfully calling out OP's dumbass
No. 1019307
File: 1641578812018.png (89.82 KB, 658x581, grandpa appreciator.PNG)

Was scrolling through the very slow r/Tradfemsnark on post mocking some tradthot bemoaning that women are no longer encouraged to marry older men and pump out his babies as soon as legally able to and came across this chick. Normally I'd feel bad for a woman so clearly groomed as a teenager by some crusty GenX loser into thinking a woman's only worth is her beauty and that it will rapidly deteriorate much faster than a man's, but knowing she conceived a daughter with toxic grandpa sperm and is no doubt going to poison the poor thing with her idiotic opinions kills any sympathy I might've felt for her. Completely unsurprisingly, she's also an e-prostitute.
No. 1019672
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>>1019062Uh. Nta but this made me remember this old screenshot i took, of a similar situation. Kinda sad women have to put up with this
No. 1021286
>>1021108That sub makes my skin crawl. What frightens me most is how mainstream it is. We live among monsters. Among
self-righteous monsters.
No. 1021310
>>1019672It'd have been better for her if she went with a sperm donor. Now the child is going to be raised by a porn addicted scrote who most likely isn't attracted to his wife and so will grow to resent her.
Why do women marry such low quality men? Shitty husband isn't better than no husband.
No. 1021506
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Things don’t add up here. Seems more like this moid raped his gf and is looking for tips on how to lie his way out of it. Why would a completely sane girl report him for rape and move out immediately.
No. 1021564
>>1015014Yeah I even wrote it's retarded gatekeeping, sure it is on shaky grounds. It's not that I don't think those are actual games, just
to me specifically it just isn't it.
I mentally stopped looking at those games as ~~proper games~~ because I'd get all excited to talk about games to some new guy who claims to love them only to find out he exclusively plays CoD and FIFA. It's just disappointing to me. He might as well only play Candy Crush or Fishdom.
They are without an exception very patronising about me liking games at first so I give no shit about being patronising and gatekeeping back at them. It works wonders.
No. 1021568
>>1021522If you check out the Reddit post he makes it sound like everything was completely fine and she even acted normal 2 days after having sex. Then out of nowhere he got arrested. He said the sex wasn’t rough or anything.
It’s just bizarre. I can’t see why a woman would lie about her boyfriend raping her if everything is hunky dory. I just get the feeling that he actually did rape her (maybe not violently, maybe she tried to be calm to not make it worse), and now he’s feigning innocence and asking the internet for advice on what to say to sound innocent.
No. 1021663
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More tales from women who don't know their husbands are porn addicts. I feel so bad for these women but I know if I said anything about it they wouldn't listen anyways. It's especially sad that they have to self-inseminate to have a baby with their husband. I would kms if that was me.
No. 1021740
>>1021700Because men constantly cry about how they are not allowed to be emotional or cry and show their feelings. Especially redditor men, even tho they cry, piss and moan all day long. So women got this weird impression that they have to coddle their men so they don't always have to be "strong".
Reddit moids are truly bottom of the barrel betas, but honestly reddit women are not that much better. I have created and deleted like 5 reddit accounts cause I am annoyed by their progressive safespace shit and tranny sympathizing every time. They manage to bring it up even in the most unrelated boards. And they are all morbidly obese (which doesn't help them get pregnant) the amount of "Didn't get pregnant this month so I celebrated with a whole cake and two bottles of wine" or "My doctor is fatphobic and tells me to lose weight so I can conceive" posts you see.. make me want to say no wonder your husband doesn't want to fuck you. I don't know any other place to talk about baby related stuff tho.
No. 1021814
File: 1641767102242.png (144.55 KB, 612x711, painting.png), everyone is saying the OP is in the wrong for this and that he's insecure, but at the end of the day, imagine your friend hanging a nude painting of your SO on their wall. Is that not the least bit inappropriate? This is a rare moment where I actually kind of take the moid's side
No. 1022541
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Sorry I can only offer a merged screenshot of these comments nonnies but I was too enraged to remeber to screenshot the whole threard as I read it because moids just kept butting in and voicing their unwanted opinions in a mostly female oriented sub.
Basically, it was about how domestic work still isn't appreciated or even considered work but just expected "bEcAuSe wOmEn aRe nUrTuRiNG" and then this moid on the bottom right asks why women won't fight for paternity leave while women always had to fight for and free themselves. Lazy entitled sack of shit. Women have always been, still are and will always be
more brave than men yet they constantly think they're the true victims.
And as if paternity leave would help women with anything. They'd just make a mess at home because they suck at cleaning and play vidya all day while the baby starves in the crib. There's not one married woman I know of who doesn't complain about having to clean after her husband. They're always happy when they leave for work because that's the only time when they can properly clean the house. Living with a scrote is like having an additional child.
No. 1022550
File: 1641836326467.png (103.64 KB, 702x733, Redditwomanwithsexlessscote.PN…)

Comments range from, "Just get a vibrator" to "He needs numbing lotion." and "Just sit and have a chat with him, take it slow."
OP Deserves this. She's in the comments going "NOT ALL MEN!" because someone called most men selfish (which they are) Also she states she won't leave so, have fun, pickme.
>>1022541You see this on tumblr of all places too. The odd accounts run by men. Posting shit like that on tumblr is like posting something in the Mariana's Trench.
Men love being the
victims. "Judges don't award us time with our kids." Judges are always more than happy to let a scrote have time with his son. Funny how scrotes only want time with their kids is to pay less child support and to show off for their new
victim, oops I mean girlfriend.
>They're always happy when they leave for work because that's the only time when they can properly clean the house. Living with a scrote is like having an additional child.This too. Men are incapable of cleaning. Never met one that could keep a relatively clean home. If the floor is clean, the furniture is covered in shit. If the furniture is clear, the floor is a mess. His kitchen will always be a shit pile as well. The only time he'll clean is if he has a new girl and he didn't clean, it was his mom.
No. 1022558
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>>1022550Kek. She definitely deserves it.
No. 1022629
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>>1022550but there are also reasonable comments with a lot of updoots
No. 1023050
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saw this on a cringe subreddit, thought it was disgusting. thought maybe the scrotes had reached some self awareness but no; all the comments are scrotes defending this and acting like its actually so funny and based. its not. and i highly doubt it was a joke to begin with. i fucking hate redditors. No. 1023083
File: 1641882915666.png (85.42 KB, 1373x523, redditcringe.png)

>>1023050It's very telling that almost all of comments calling this shitty ""joke"" not cringe and "chad" are moids. Saying in earnest that girls would appreciate some coom brained redditor jerking off to them, as if your average moid would know what girls/women like.
Also, picrel
No. 1024579
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>>1021821This is seriously how most leddit couples feel like. Sometimes with the variation of kids being added into the mix, like the poor woman has two children and is pregnant with a third one for some worthless moid who only sits at home playing video games while her parents pay their bills. And you can bet that the man has an alt account to bitch on r/deadbedrooms about his
abusive wife who he hasn't had sex with in at least a month and nobody but virginal teenage girls don't understand his pain of wanting to coom to choking or slapping a woman.
I literally went to that sub to prove myself right writing this and this gold nugget stared me right in the face. At least she's considering divorce and not just asking on tips how to be a better doormat.
No. 1024585
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>>1023050the people saying it was "nice" of him baffle me. Imagine thinking your penis is so important that people should be grateful you jerked off to them
No. 1024591
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>>1024585Only a male could possibly think it's in any way uplifting that someone masturbated to the thought of you. Completely delusional.
>>1024579Relationship related subreddits are so depressing most of the time
No. 1024925
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Some more redditors who are trying to have babies with husbands who can't get it up. It is baffling to me that these people are trying to have kids together when they don't even want to fuck each other. Sex shouldn't be a chore in your relationship, especially not if you don't even have kids yet. No wonder the divorce rates are so fucking high.
No. 1024951
>>1024925These 'low libido' husbands are the same men who cheat on you because the last few weeks of pregnancy were hard and then waiting for your stitches to heal was just too much for them… they don't want loving sex with a wife and that's why their dicks are going soft. They want the shit in porn, they want to fuck all the women they know they shouldn't.. that's the more likely root of the problem.
Don't start a family with a man who can't even have normal sex with you and enjoy it
No. 1024968
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Im not sure if this exactly suits this thread but i found this on reddit while looking for some info on mona lisa. Scrotes in comments were saying how davinci should be proud his art inspired this hot animu babe. Men dont deserve art.
No. 1025026
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>>1024968>Reality is often disappointingI could say the same thing about scrotes compared to the sexy purple beast Thanos
No. 1025048
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>Don't start a family with a man who can't even have normal sex with you and enjoy it
Crazy that this even needs to be said.
I also think that a lot of redditors are fat and unattractive (picrel is redditor meet-up irl). So they settle for each other because they can't get a partner they are attracted to and "low libido" is how they cope with the fact that they just don't find each other sexy at all. 100% all those men are porn addicts and talk shit in their tranny groomer discords about their nagging fat wives, while the wife is talking to her friends about how much her vagina hurts from having sex two times in a month cause she can't get wet for her soyboy beta bitch husband. These are also the kind of men who troon out after the baby is actually born or while the woman is pregnant.
No. 1025085
>>1025068No such thing as femcel. Any woman could get a man because men have no standards. When men get to the "marriage age" they marry whatever woman they can get.
>>1025072You're right. I was biased because I've never met a guy who was marriage material, they all seemed to want a bangmaid to have their kids, cook and clean while they dont even emotionally support them.
No. 1025125
>>1022541France gave males parental leave and they found out they used the time playing golf and other shit. They only have themselves to blame.
>>1025089uh oh the redditors are mad the posters here actually have sex kek. No woman will ever let you get her pregnant, scrote.
No. 1025231
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>>1025048>>1025064i hope these two found each other and got tf out lol
No. 1025388
>>1025233They both look
a) normie
b) vaguely uncomfortable
No. 1025394
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>>1025388Reminds me of this pic
No. 1026027
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saw this post and it really pissed me off. guy comes to r/relationship to get his advice for taking care of his “hyper-emotional” girlfriend. the comments all tell him that she likely has BPD and is
abusive to him and he needs to leave her.
but it’s obvious that he is a big part of the problem here
> She will often assume things about me, what I desire, what I REALLY want, what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling, and then she will lash out in half anger/ half sadness, and straightforwardly tell me to "go find someone who can give you X". I once made a joke about liking "huge anime tiddies", and she had a complete breakdown, seriously accused me of wanting that, and said that she wanted "nothing to do with it". This is not the only time she has had reactions to offhand jokes like that.
> I say I find something attractive, or that something is cool, or express an interest in anything she "doesn't have", she will tell me to go find someone else.
>When I try to be sexual with her, flirting or sexting, she will freak out and accuse me of only wanting her for sex, and she will ask me "what are your intentions with me?", then in the same breath, she will turn around and say that I find her repulsive.those comments would upset any girl who isn’t a pick me. his gf is depressed and has extreme insecurity about her looks and he’s here talking about anime titties. and all the comments gloss over this and treat him as the
victim here No. 1026046
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>>1026042Case in point he posts lewd manga edits on reddit. I can't click on any of them they seem to have been removed from imgur, I assume due to the pornographic nature.
No. 1026067
>>1026042If women told men to look like models or have 10 inch dicks it'd be considered murder but men telling women to look like literal cartoon characters and have F cup tits shouldn't even make us insecure?
This she's insecure excuse is dumb. Men would lose their shit if their gfs did %10 of what they do to them.
Sorry for the vent.
No. 1026289
>>1026079She probably does need to work on herself, but he should be helping her. Fuck this dumb Reddit millennial attitude to relationships where you never owe your partner anything and never should work through shit with someone. If your partner is struggling with confidence issues and body dysmorphia you shouldn’t be talking about “hentai titties” or other people you find attractive.
At the end he says
> I have tried to listen and understand, I have tried to be firm and explain that she can't rely on me to be her therapist all day, every day. I have explained that I have things I need to do, and that being forced to comfort her until the late afternoon is a genuine hindrance to achieving my goals. I have tried to ask for distance, where we see each other a few days less during the week. Telling her he wants to see her less, that she’s getting in the way of achieving his goals is only going to make her worse. This moid isn’t equipped to deal with a relationship with a fragile woman.
No. 1026351
>>1026027Gonna be That
Nonnie and say that I used to have a bipolar girlfriend exactly like this and it was absolute torture and it ruined my own mental health for a very long time. Being an adult, mentally unstable person's wrangler fucks you up when you have to stay up late comforting them and then spend your work days being this person's emotional crutch sacrificing yourself because they're, as the post put it, holding you as an emotional hostage. The traps that she sets up so that she can have a meltdown about not being attractive enough making you be on eggshells all the time sound familiar too.
There are plenty of stories about a piece of shit
abusive scrote ruining a woman's life on relationship subs but this really doesn't sound like one of them. The woman legitimately needs professional help and he's in the right for putting his foot down about not being qualified to be her personal therapist. However he should do the right thing and help her get help though instead of just saying "I can't do this anymore" and fleeing after him just being there for her breakdowns wasn't enough.
No. 1026378
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>>1026027That poor girl… I want to grab her like picrel and drop off at a therapist's office myself. Agree with other anons, she sounds like she could be BPD, with possibly even more things piling up; and while I don't think BPDs should be removed from dating pools, this dude is no good for her and she will have better time dealing with mental illness without him.
No. 1026388
File: 1642114589078.jpeg (Spoiler Image,717.3 KB, 2869x1606, C8FBAD2A-DFCC-435F-BCD7-E96A68…)

>>1026034That's not even the worst of them
No. 1026403
>>1026388I know this pic is a wreck but my eyes went to the slightly confused dude with the Seto Kaiba jacket kek
I would be funny to see more of these but it's the Reddit hate thread not Reddit cringe thread
No. 1026650
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This shit gets skyrocketed to the top of all the bisexual/wlw/women-oriented subs every single week. They know that all of the women will stoop and vow to the troondom, and just want their ego to be jerked off. And if a subreddit ever wouldn't respond appropriately… well, they'd get the ban hammer
No. 1026652
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No. 1026668
>>1026217I kind of agree
nonnie, how deniable is the average porn-addicted (redundant, I know) moid’s internet path from “popular anime” to “huge anime titties hentai?” I just assume every male I meet/know that’s into anime to a certain degree watches hentai and avoid them. Unsurprisingly enough they’re also always fucking weird and ragingly misogynistic. It’s gross, the amount of time men allow porn to infiltrate normal everyday life and then defend against “muh hobbies!!!”
No. 1026712
>>1026650Infuriating because the gay subs rightfully call FtMs women and say nah, we don't want pussy or your asshole and you will never be a man, fuck off. Very "
toxic" but the mods don't give a shit. It's only women's communities being targeted and forced to accept the troon bandwagon.
No. 1026843
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No. 1026844
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No. 1026873
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>>1025048even the dog is obese
No. 1027063
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Kill a male redditor epicstyle
No. 1027129
>>1027063"im not a misogynist i just like to hurt women"
i noticed internet men are either mommy dommy fags or sadistic fags, its all about shaming the other person and humiliating them.
No. 1027702
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>>1027063Oh how I wish I could exterminate these cretins. It's funny how Redditor scrotoids are constantly bitching and moaning about misandry, but it's okay to say you want to destroy a woman and (presumably) aren't getting banned. That reminds me, I don't know if it's still around but there was/is a subreddit about women "hitting the wall", and when r/PinkPillFeminism was still around (RIP) one of the mods created a subreddit about men hitting the wall and it got banned quickly, while the original misogynistic sub stayed. Reddit is so transparent with its misogyny, when that rule about hate speech against "minority groups" came out and the ban wave happened it didn't even include women as a protected group. The fucking scrotacity.
No. 1028044
>>1028023The men are indeed hideous.
I'm enjoying the asian couple in the front, qts.
No. 1028415
File: 1642250157472.jpg (338.21 KB, 969x1542, tumblr_b46baf60c09b533c0388344…)

This didn't happen, those fake stories to collect gold awards are always so obvious, especially the whole losing friends because he has a fat girlfriend, so retarded.
No. 1028452
>>1028415Men have such savior complexes.
>look at me for being such a good guy for dating a fat woman >yeah my friends and family are super invested in my gf's weight for reasons, but I'm a good guy and sticking with her anywayAnd I'm sure he lost friends because of the girl's weight, not because of himself right? Throwing water in someone's face for a rude comment is unhinged if you can believe someone who doesn't even know that much or care about them would say that.
No. 1028488
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>>1027063and then they say fds is the same kek
anyway most of this is a cope. These males are way too ugly, fat, and poorly educated to talk to women irl.
>>1027702men hitting the wall was taken down by incels. They fucking HATED that sub with a passion and it was beautiful to see. They would report that sub daily until reddit took it down.
This is off-topic slightly but I always thought Serena Williams was a fucking hypocrite for marrying a reddit creator. Reddit hates black women with a burning passion and this man has done fuck all about that hate despite reddit being one of the most popular sites. He's now using her name to fight for parental leave for men.
She's always been a giant pickme (like when she blamed that highschool girl that was raped) and I hate how she's held up as some standard of a strong woman.
No. 1028609
nonnie. I can see me all over this post but it was because throughout my entire dating life I was gaslit and used by pornsick scrotes. The whiplash a moid can give you from acting like the most kind attentive human while pursuing you but the most detached uninterested porn addicted monster when they finally "have" you is demoralizing at best. Not going to say this BPDchans issues are trauma from past moids but this new moid certainly isn't helping her already fragile mental state. She needs therapy and some good girl friends in her life to tell her she's worthy of more than some dude who's going to see her obvious CRIPPLING insecurities and instead of reaching out to her family goes to reddit to lament about how much of a
victim he is. God forbid he reach out to people that can actually do something to help her, no he just wanted the asspats and confirmation he's not the gross hentai freak he knows he is. Saying "I like big anime tits" to most le epic redditors is a big funny joke but I can't imagine not feeling like a fucking jerk saying it to my partner who's already incredibly unstable about her apparence. That's fucking evil.
But of course reddit screeches that she's an evil
abusive harpy and for him to RUN. When moids are
abusive its about communication and patience and understanding his disgusting degenerancy but when women show any instability in a relationship at all its "is she on birth control?" "Wow she must have a personality disorder you did nothing wrong you're SO patient" "Leave already dude she's crazy"
I fucking hate reddit makes me want to kms reading these brain dead takes
No. 1028647
File: 1642265352019.png (400.93 KB, 1080x2091, Screenshot_20220115-104459~2.p…) is old but it's never been posted so
C cups on a 100 lb 5'1 girl are already a generous size and he wasn't happy with that? And he was ONLY happy with the biggest size available for implants in America? Everyone keeps tiptoing around the fact he's an obvious porn addict who is so deluded and sick that he can't appreciate a beautiful, healthy and attractive woman's body and he has to ruin it with implants in order to get off?? What's worse is that she advocates for him because "he does nice things sometimes" like what? All
abusive men do nice things for their gfs sometimes that's how they keep them around
No. 1028660
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>>1028647>married for 12 years and getting implants for a moidAnd yeah you can tell this plastic surgery is for him based on how invested his feedback about the size meant to her. So pathetic. At 5'1 and 100 pounds she's gonna look like a midget titball and even with the most gigantic ass in the world there's no way those proportions wouldn't look comical. Pathetic.
No. 1028677
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>>1028647>>1028660oh god…
her body is stunning aside from the huge implants. her natural breasts probably looked amazing on her. if you've seen her other photo, it's just comical. poor girl.
No. 1028686
>>1028647If he likes giant boobs so much, why doesnt he get a pair? Oh wait, this is how and why men troon out to begin with..
To be honest, she sounds like a stupid pick me ass bitch. She did this to herself.
No. 1028692
>>1028686Imagine if she were to ask him to be an extreme body builder or get a dick implant. Oh wait then he's a poor
victim and she's a retard who's been brainwashed by unrealistic standards for men and is evil for wanting him to get dangerous things done that lead to poor long term health all for her unrealistic expectations
No. 1028698
>>1028660sorry but this woman is just as much of an idiot as her husband, i normally feel really bad for women who are coerced into getting plastic surgery but you have to be completely retarded not to realise that this
>>1028677 is a bad idea
No. 1028700
>>1028677Imagine. That's someone's daughter, maybe she was once a girl who used to make stories with her friends, or wanted to have a pony ranch one day. Maybe she was once a young woman who wanted to make lots of friends, or rescue cats.
And she's turned herself into an object for someone else. How could her parents look at her without feeling deep regret that their girl has dehumanised herself so much? Is it the lack of parenting that did this? How could you hate yourself so much?
No. 1029481
>>1028700>>1028857I think her husband might've been cheating/thinking of leaving and she did this to stop him. I've seen a woman get multiple surgeries and hang out with a full face of makeup just so her moid wouldn't cheat on him, ironically she was the one who cheated and dumped him in the end.
Anyways I hope this poor woman leaves this porn addicted subhuman and reverses this surgery. It might look funny now but if she gets older with those breasts, she literally wont be able to stand up straight or afford to go through the surgery to remove them.
I'm someone who got a nose job because of my male relatives pressuring me and I still regret it even though it looks better than before. You see that you've changed your body through a brutal procedure just to please someone every time you look at the mirror or see a picture.
No. 1029487
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>>1028647Holy shit this woman's post history is a ride. She says she wants bigger boobs still, also talks about how women would molest her husband and grab his crotch, tells a woman not to abort because it's murder, etc.
I'll post some stuff I dug up.
No. 1029493
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>>1029487>>1028647Adding on. Women and men allegedly staring at her husband's crotch grabbing him, etc. These all sound like they were written by a scrote if you ask me.
No. 1029627
>>1029534It's allegedly a woman writing those stuff. The same woman that got the huge tits for her husband's pleasure.
I can't tell if its a tranny larping or a pornsick pickme.
No. 1029664
>>1029493It really sounds like a larp. I genuinely don't know any women who'd stare at a flaccid floppy dick and get so much out of it the way this person writes.
Or they're both
really pornsick and don't realize people staring at her deformed chest in horror and at his obvious exhibitionism in disgust isn't a good thing.
No. 1029914
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reddit mod on /r/Games trying to trade game codes for nudes from minors
No. 1029924
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TIL there is a subreddit called /r/degradeyourwife.