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No. 12469
>Best milkFeebs
>Favorite cowShoe will always be one of my faves
>Worst cowVenus
>HorrorcowMickey Deer
>Best trollAmanda Chan
>Worst trollThe Mickey Deer Tinder troll
>Best comebackOmocat and her fucking game that's totally gonna be finished and released soon
>Biggest plot twistFucking Chris Hansen
>Best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)Literally most of the recent edit edit edit edits in the general artist salt threads
>>>/ot/494881>Best CommentBest comment because it's cringe? Majority of the WKs, especially the older randos who stumble upon the site and actually fill out all the info in the reply box
>Worst Posternecessaryspeed and all the environmentalfags concern trolling cow's plastic usage
No. 12486
>>12470seconding Shayna. the past year has not been kind to her, and her latest cam sesh proves horrorcow status.
Luna is, as always, a strong contender as well.
No. 12487
>>12486yeah, i'm
>>12457 and i'd like to change my horrorcow vote to shayna. the yeast discharge eating and continuing downward spiral solidified it for me.
No. 12490
>>12453>Best milkonion's milk is good for the soul
>Favorite cowconflicted by pheebs and miss dolly mattel
>Worst cowcan we vote from cows on the proana thread? if so, georgie progie.
>Horrorcowshe's a new comer for sure but jun/alica day
>Worst trolllaur
>Best trollGIMPGIRL
>Best comebackchris hansen
>Biggest plot twisterin painter self posting on her own thread being post of the thread lmao
No. 12499
>>12453>Best milkAll of onion's exes teaming up against him
>Favorite cowMoomookun always
>Worst cowFatVegFemme, she was great, why did she have to go into hiding
>HorrorcowAlso onion, sex in front of his toddler? yikes
>Best trollGimpGirl, because i refuse to believe shes not just a very dedicated troll
>Worst trollLuna drinking her pee. She did that to punish us.
>Best comebackshay's fat ex boyfriend , or possibly abby brown after her hiatus
>Biggest plot twistDeath of the second hartley potato
>Best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)>>885751 this never fails to crack me up
No. 12502
>Best milk: the "Onision vs Chris Hansen" saga
>Favorite cow: Tuna and her Easter Island Bf (I don't know why but seeing Lurch ugly mug on her pics make me lol everytime)
>Worst cow: /W as a board itself is a pure mess.
Pixielocks, Kelly Eden, Kota (petty nitpicking from weebs and no milk), Western Vocaloid (full of self-posters and underaged tards)…ect
Being nostalgic of the old PT/Cgl/Stamina Rose era, I'm always hungry for weeb milk but yeah, it's a mess.
>Horrorcow: Luna drinking her own piss for a few coins
>Best troll: Venus brainwashing her audience (and a lot of us here too, hence the "Good Luck" banner) into believing she was a "uwu pure innocent victim" for such a long time. It was pretty brilliant imo
>Biggest plot twist: Marge is the New Black (Korean prison saga), Onision's exes finally spilling the bean about his antics
>Best user submitted content: All edits/doodles that anons are making, the "Dumb Bitch Meme" and "Meme hell" threads on /m
>Worst Poster: scat-anon, necessary4sperg
Anyway, I hope you have a nice holidays Admin-Sama+farmhands. You guys are doing great and I love you with all of my cringy ESL heart.
No. 12511
>Worst PosterThe anon on /ot/ who always stops by to complain about her completely ordinary roommate.
No. 12513
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best troll - ban evading ratmy
No. 12519
>Best milk
Everything that's happened to Greg over the past few months, or the Yaniv saga
>Favorite cow
Pheobe, the fact that her thread has virtually zero in-fighting is a testament to how great she is
>Worst cow
Tie between Kota, Venus, and Taylor R., their threads are more or less a constant argument between jealous weebs, fans, and passersby over whether they are still relevant and whether they are actually shitty people or not
Gimpgirl is unmatched
>Best troll
Belle Delphine, as she causes pretty much everybody to sperg out just by existing
>Worst troll
The KF guy on the Onision thread who had a continuous meltdown over a short ban, the self-posters on the pro-ana threads, or the hysterical blogging weens on the TND threads
>Best comeback
Lori fully emerging from her slumber to once more become a boil on cosplay's ass or Greg finally producing milk again after months upon months of nothing
>Biggest plot twist
Shiloh and Skye going public or Yaniv getting apprehended by the police for something completely unrelated to pedophilia
>Best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)
That anon who kept posting ridiculous edits on the Holly/Jared/Heidi thread and kept getting banned
>Best Comment
The ridiculous edits on the Holly/Jared/Heidi thread
>Worst Poster
The KF guy on the Onision thread who had a continuous meltdown over a short ban
No. 12523
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>Best Milk
No question about it. The Onision milk has flowed a river of lol.
>Favorite Cow
Shoe0nHead is a perpetual favorite. Her milk's been a bit slow but I'm predicting shit going down with Vaush. Possibly her cheating on preg.
>Worst Cow
Jude Bishop. She's not very interesting. Just a dumb cunt.
More of a shitshow than a horrorcow but the Devlev eunuch sisters are total creeps.
>Biggest plot twist
Jeffree Star goes after James Charles using Tati as a proxy. It fails miserably.
No. 12524
>>12519I forgot:
>Biggest plot twistPixy degenerating and pooping on the lawn
>>>/pt/720025 after seeming to have been getting better
No. 12534
>Best milkLJ and Laur vs. the internet
>Favorite cowabbey brown. In queen pt's absence, she's taken over as the only cow I like.
>Best trollthe anon(s?) trying to force braco as a meme.
>Best comebackabbey brown
>Worst Posternecessarypeed4, who this category was surely made specifically for. Honorable mention to homophobe-chan.
>>12492Pretty sure amanda-chan was 2018?
>>12533Are the ostrenga's still around?
No. 12535
>HorrorcowShayna's really gross and her thread is depressing to read.
>Worst cowKota's thread is really boring and milkless with most anons just infighting about whether Kota is still relevant or not.
>Best user submitted contentThis
>>12150 No. 12540
>>12481I second this one
You have good taste anon
No. 12573
>>12558lmao are you subbed to her patreon too
how the fuck was any of that a good meme
No. 12590
>>12589I thought this was belle until I got to
>(or whoever is coaching her) Now I think it's her limp wristed bf. Gtfo.
No. 12601
>>12547I want to add
>Best user submitted contentI've grown fond of this banner
>>10820 No. 12634
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No hate pls but this is legit best user content. I didn’t vote it on the form but just consider lol
No. 12653
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>Best Comment
No. 12681
>>12453>Best milkOnion and Chris Hansen
>Favorite cowOnion boy
>Worst cowVenus
>HorrowcowMariah Mallad
>Best trollBelle Delphine
>Biggest plot twistSarah giving us milk on Onion
No. 12685
>>12653that user was put to pasture because they dont know the kings english. I think thats unfair. hopefully, someone explained to them that there is a difference between verbal and written. they should read more books.
I would like to vote them best comment and good job on saving it.
No. 12707
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Onision versus Hansen and the FBI
No. 12708
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Belle Delphine
No. 12709
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Venus Angelic
No. 12710
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Chris Hansen getting involved on catching the resident groomer
No. 12711
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Dolly Mattel
Worst Troll
Both scatkun and kiwi scatkun are tied!
No. 12713
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Taylor Nicole Dean, with Yaniv only 2 votes short of surpassing her
No. 12714
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Luna Slater
No. 12717
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>The idea alone that Erin could’ve ghostwrote 90% of her thread is the funniest and saddest thing I’ve ever read on this site.
>I think Mooron might actually be able to make a serious comeback. Think about it guys, she would be perfect working for the CIA.
>Some foreign spy has been caught and taken to a black site for interrogation. He is ready because he was trained to handle water boarding. His body is use to almost all drugs used by the CIA. He has nothing to worry about. Until he hears the crane backing up. Suddenly he is slammed to the ground where he is anchored to the floor so he can't move. He looks up in horror as he sees THIS being lowered towards his face. The more he screams the more Moo crouch air he takes in.
>Probably about 50 and of those 50, 49 are necessaryspeed4.
>I like it when beautiful men poop. What's so wrong with that?
>Yeah, no way in hell I'm clicking that video. I thought her piss was a fucking EGG YOLK for a second.
>Taking bets on how long this Bardem-haircut bitch sticks with this plan. From inception to completion, I guess 6 months tops.
>I can't believe it, I thought radfems were a little paranoid with trannies and men but fuck, this is like a profecy they literally invade everything and shut them down even on fucking female boards wow. This thread is obviously going to get nuked too.
I think this is the best one, pic related (from Pink Pill).