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No. 399049
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MGS2. Sexy husbando main character. Interesting and relevant plot. Comes in many forms for you to enjoy; human or sex/murderbot. Moody and loves his wife. Amazing game franchise with many different husbandos. I've also realized that only women can understand the messages in the games, even as just casual players.
No. 399053
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>>399024Moomin's cute but very boring
>>399049Never played metal gear
I'm going with Tutu.
No. 399065
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>>399053You dont have to play Metal Gear to love Raiden
>moomin is cute but very boringAs if you didn't shit yourself when The Groke showed up
No. 399070
>>399065>You dont have to play Metal Gear to love RaidenYeah he's pretty cute.
>As if you didn't shit yourself when The Groke showed upI'm not european so I never saw Moomin as a kid sorry.
No. 399079
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>>399070>moomin as a kidI watched it when I was like 20, but I do like to watch calm shows sometimes, it's a very fantastical little series; maybe another loved Lolcow media is KING OF THE HILL?!
No. 399119
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Resident Evil
No. 399176
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It wouldn't be lolcor without Sailor Moon posting!
>>399053Princess Tutu is a true and based choice.
No. 399249
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>>399230No matter what I will always stand by your side and support the media that you love
Kyo Kara Maoh Forever
No. 399259
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Hetalia. Lots of hetalia nonas which makes me very happy
No. 399263
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Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Sanrio, anything that's cute and comfy.
Sharing these recommendation threads as well
>>165118>>191603 No. 399331
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No. 399363
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King of the hill
No. 399375
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I'd say Homestuck (only the original)
No. 399377
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>>399358Tbf, I've been posting in that thread and a lot of my replies are me defending things that I think are not that bad. Plus,
>>399230 is right, it's kinda sad to post your favorite and see someone roast it.
A reasonable number of my interests are controversial and probably not suited to this thread kek. Anime and video games can prove especially controversial, because the vast majority of anime and video games have been touched with coomer hands at some point, even if it's only in a minor fashion.
However, I will make my contribution to this thread with classic Neopets.
No. 399379
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the og only of course, although z had some cute designs
No. 399382
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I've never seen hate for Fullmetal Alchemist.
No. 399383
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Utena and Mob Psycho 100.
No. 399393
>>399387I like having critical discussions online
especially when I'm having a slow day at work and need to waste time and I think a lot of nonnas on lolcow are intelligent and have meaningful things to say, even if I don't agree with them 100% of the time. The joy and delight of lolcow is that we're NOT a hivemind imo.
Ofc you get trolls or 4chan males sometimes, but you can quickly spot them and disengage.
No. 399394
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Little goody two shoes and stardrew Valley
No. 399395
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2000s vocaloid culture is fond for a lot of weeb nonnas who grew up on the internet
No. 399402
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>>399383I fucking love Mob Psycho 100!
No. 399410
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Yume Nikki
No. 399411
>>399405I hang out in a few select threads here on /m/ Some nonnas are definitely passionate and knowledgeable about their favorite pieces of media.
Honestly I mostly avoid the actual lolcow threads on lolcow these days. I bet things get a lot more heated and out of hand there.
No. 399412
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Serial Experiments Lain
No. 399413
>>399383Adolescence is good, manga and anime are both pretty shit minus Touga.
>>399412It's alright/10
No. 399429
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Kikomi comics
No. 399431
>>399416Anthy doesn't have chemistry with anyone since she just exists to get slapped around and raped by her brother, she's pretty much a proto Sakura from fate.
No. 399433
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I am so glad to see so many fellow ume musume nonnies in lolcow. I am thinking of making a thread once the english version of gacha comes out.
No. 399435
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>>399434Not yet, just an announcement. I hope its soon! its the only show i will waifufag for, so many cool female characters. The yakuza did good by forbidding coomer animators from lewding the girls
No. 399439
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ranfren for some reason ,ive seen some nonnies talk about i mean the jap fandom side is amazing
No. 399441
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>>399435Nice, please bump the mobage thread when it drops bc i don't pay attention to other parts of the internet anymore
>>399438Here is your horsebando game.
No. 399454
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No. 399457
>>399449How do you people call every female character is a worthless whore only a moid could like and then complain about internalized misogyny allegations?
>>399451>t. has never played eitherIf you even had experience with a single male rhythm game you'd know how much their fandoms complain nonstop about how low the quality is compared to their female counterparts. Unintegrated /ot/ard arguing just to argue.
No. 399464
>>399453It's not a huge achievement if you stopped getting all your anime recs off of twitter.
>>399452Coomers will coomify anything, it literally does not matter what goes on in the show and throwing shows out because of that is pretty dumb.
I've seen moids look at bl and cut out the one screenshot of a woman in there to jerk off over her tits and pretend it's yuri. If you go by what they say, everything is coomer moid shit possible.
No. 399469
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>>399458>Rin best girlUtterly based
No. 399471
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>>399456this but unironically
No. 399480
>>399472There's no porn mode so it's shit. Male characters only matter to me for cooming purposes and enstars characters all have flat asses and sameface.
>>399475RinPana for me but RinMaki is still top tier
No. 399486
>>399480>There's no porn mode so it's shit.thats why god gave you hands.
> samefacegood i hate when artists force ''diversity'' in their male faces so half of them end up hideous, i would rather have one single appealing face.
No. 399502
>>399497>bandori or idolm@ster game i have played both. Bandori only got 3D models very recently and idolmaster doesnt have live2D. I dont understand why you think those are better when both are older and less unpolished than Enstars.
>>399498its a mobile rhythm game, it does what it should and even more than other games of the same genre.
No. 399504
>>399500i dont care i just like cute boys and i like being able to unlock so much content.
>>399503all rhythms games are literally the same. Enstars has the same gameplay as idolmaster, the game you think is somehow better.
No. 399506
>>399502>M-MUH LIVE2DS!See
>>399503 kek fuck your live2ds, the game is unplayable, the characters are butt ugly and annoyong, the music is bad, and they beat you over the head with retarded plot.
No. 399512
>>399505wait so now you think rhythm games are boring? why do you keep moving the goalpost.
>>399507how is the gameplay any different from idolmaster or osu, its literally the same thing.
>>399506> the game is unplayable, the characters are butt ugly and annoyong, the music is bad, and they beat you over the head with retarded plot.this is all your personal opinion though kek
>>399509i played pretty much all rhythm gacha games + osu and enstars is the only one i havent dropped
No. 399515
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>>399433Bit of a retarded and OT blogpost, but I was so scared to get into this franchise because a former personal cow of mine had changed her entire social media aesthetic to match one of the characters kek, picrel specifically. But seeing that nonas like it maybe I'll check it out and participate in future threads.
No. 399519
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all mobage are garbage but show me one other gacha game that caters to women the way enstars does
No. 399524
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>>399519the ritsu figure is so good, and i dont even like ritsu
No. 399525
>>399521i don’t like the game, learn to read retard.
>>399522there’s like 30 characters who have short hair. anyway, i’d like to see a mobile game that’s better
No. 399529
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>I don't even like enstars, I've just been defending it like my life depends on it for almost an hour because it's the best and there's no better gacha or rhythm game ever made(infighting)
No. 399532
>>399528again, what do you even find attractive? and i guess the game is boring if you dont like rhythm games, but i like them so i have tons of fun with it
>>399529anon, thats not me
No. 399544
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Touken Ranbu, yeah the game is just collecting PNGs and it's dead in english, but no anons seem to be mad at the plot or the characters themselves. The anime are nice and the stage plays are interesting, mostly because they're hard to find so it's like a treasure hunt, specially if you need subtitles.
No. 399546
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>>399519twisted wonderland has good fanservice and boys that look like boys, but all gacha is inherently retarded slop.
No. 399551
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>>399546>and boys that look like boystwisted wonderland has some of the faggiest male characters ever created. Not even complaining, just find it funny you are using it as an example of manly characters. Everyone is a canonically raging fag.
No. 399554
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>>399551Saying this when these are your boys.
No. 399555
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>>399551easily more manly than any of the ugly enstars faggots
No. 399557
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>>399551even if they are faggy, they still look like boys. even the three you use in your example, and even the girlier male characters have at least some masculine traits to them, like their shoulders or their height.
No. 399559
>>399551I mean it is Yana, shota is kinda her thing.
>>399554God they're so fucking ugly, I like shota characters here and there but these guys are hideous.
No. 399560
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>>399554anon twisted wonderland has a character that looks like a this.
>>399555kek i dont get the animosity i like both, although i dont play twisted because the gameplay is boring
No. 399565
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>>399560vil is an actual crossdressing fag but he still has masculine traits, and in certain outfits his muscle definition is noticeable. at least he isn't a tranny like arashi.
No. 399567
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Haibane Renmei
>>399049I think most of MGS is accepted. At least 2 and 3.
>>399382The 2003 version is well liked, brotherhood has it's haters.
No. 399570
>>399563there is absolutely nothing masculine about this
>>399551 literally draw a girl call it a boy tier
No. 399573
>>399570That's literally fanart, they look like
faggy young boys in official stuff
No. 399575
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>>399573nah epel looks like a girl, i am pretty sure its the intention, too.
No. 399583
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>>399578Uhh….from what angle does this look like Lilia?
(derailing) No. 399585
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>>399583they both got a similar hairstyle and i am pretty sure tori has a similar outfit to this(or maybe its hajime)
No. 399590
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>>399576They look the same
No. 399591
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>>399575thats fair, and thats also why epel is garbage character. his ~gap moe~ white trash side is annoying as fuck, i wish vil did a better job at beating it out of him.
(derailing) No. 399605
>>399575Tbh, I love Twisted Wonderland even though the gameplay sucks ass and it takes forever for the story to end, but yeah, during the first chapter, Grimm thinks that Epel is a girl.
>>399591I actually like his white trash accent kek, it's kind of funny.
No. 399613
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>>399519Why does enstars makes anons seethe so much kek we can enjoy our beautiful husbandos together enstars nonnies. I don't understand the disproportionate anger over one of the few games that actually cares about their female audience. The creators made the gameplay simple on purpose so everyone could enjoy it. The main focus is collecting your oshi's cards and the story. I like twst too
(derailing) No. 399616
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>>399613based mayoi enjoyer. For me, its tatsumi. ES is the only franchise to give me cute priest boys and i respect it for that.
(derailing) No. 399617
>>399608the game has less gameplay than any other gacha game I've ever seen. why would the combat system that only gets used for piss easy events and ugly guest room furniture be what
triggers you.
the worst part is the poor qol they lock upgrades to behind aniverseries and the cancer chef events
No. 399629
>>399613I don't hate any of these gacha anime games some of you are into. As an outsider, I don't really understand the rivarly each game has. I just find it weird how some of you are obsessed with defending its honor as some peak material for women when plenty of women dislike it and you refuse to believe it. If someone says they are not into these anime bishies the whole thread gets derailed by the same old arguments
>OH SO YOU ARE A BARA FAG HUH? INTO OLD HAIRY ROIDPIGS. FELL INTO THE PSYOP I SEE.>NO, ARE YOU A PEDO? ARE YOU INTO LITTLE KIDS?And then it ruins the thread and the infights continues for at least a fucking week and nothing really changes, this discussion gets repeated at least once a month. I used to not care about these games, but now I just associate genshin, enstars, fate and twister wonderland with this autistic infights and I resent you all for it.
No. 399636
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Hajime is so cute for this world.(derailing)
No. 399662
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>>399616Tatsumi is cute. I love Mayoi but Shinobu is my ultimate favourite. This is peak male performance
>>399629That's the fault of the infighters, not the other anons who like it. I find the infighting annoying too and that spergout was so long ago
(derailing) No. 399788
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No. 399795
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>>399788our queens lc and 2x. i love how much cute art is of them by our talented nonas
No. 399879
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A classic.
No. 400183
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>>399401The duality of lolcor.
No. 400265
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Dorohedoro! I love Hayashida Q's characters and art style so much.
No. 400967
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Yotsuba&! I never seen anyone dislike it or Yotsuba herself though I kinda hate that 4chan uses her as their mascot which I find it pretty icky.
No. 401052
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I know it's controversial, but you will never make me hate her and I know she is loved by many here.
No. 401238
>>399402Same. I want to
squish and pinch mob's
cheeks and ruffle his
hair he's so cute and such a good boy.
No. 402258
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only the first 3 seasons ofc
No. 402263
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>>402258Flora and Stella best girls btw
No. 402265
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i've never seen hate for this game so im just gonna post it.
No. 402268
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mlp definitely deserves its spot here
No. 402273
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>>402268I really liked Luna and Rarity when I was younger.
No. 402279
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the first gen of monster high was absolutely flawless
No. 402283
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the last thing im gonna post is avatar, i dont think i even need to say why its so beloved.
No. 402294
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we will never forget you ouran
No. 402301
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No. 402305
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i feel like this is gonna be kinda controversial, although there really isnt much to hate about dungeon meshi.
No. 402310
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No. 402342
>>402301I still play this
>>402305Just because it's good doesn't mean that'd it'd be liked here. If anything, being popular is the worst. At least wait a couple of years.
No. 402499
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Cardcaptor Sakura
No. 402502
>>402499I like it but on lolcow?
Come on now, people complain that it's pedo constantly.
No. 402606
>>402547>is fanart enoughNo. Shitty fanart from Twitter is not enough to hate any media.
Its not part of the original source material.Stop going to places that post that shit and it'd go away, your letting tumblr and coomers live in your brain rent free, controlling what you like.
No. 402631
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>>402627Is the only thing you are able to notice about a design are boobs?
No. 402632
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I feel like there are a lot of anons here who look back fondly on these specific crossovers kek
>>402279Draculaura and Clawdeen slayed so hard
No. 402679
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>>402501Only a shounentard would say that even though this anime has its own action stuff as well.
>>402502How? It doesn't have fanservice or sexualized child characters. This isn't even a scroteshit anime either.
No. 402711
>>402709>I've seen anons discuss how gross it isSo people
have called it gross. BTW, this is a black and white thread. I feel like if somebody says that a series is downright
gross for something it portrays, it might not be something that can be considered
unanimously loved, especially since right above you is someone arguing that another series doesn't count because she specifically doesn't like a female character's design showing breasts.
No. 402715
>>402709Ntayrt but I also feel like some anons are too sensitive recently. 'How could you like (media) that has a woman with breasts in it?11!? Scrote!'
Ofc some things are absurdly male-pandering and worth being criticized. But it gives me tumblr vibes to cancel every single thing that has a hot woman in it.
Some anons even have guilty pleasure scrote things. But adult women are allowed to enjoy what they want.
Tbf tho these 'most loved' and 'most hated' threads were basically ripe for infighting from the beginning.
No. 402716
>>402711>erm akshullyI don't care, don't move goalposts. My original post was about the fact that anon sounds new. Thats it.
>>402715Yeah this place has basically turned into twitter without the gendie shit. If one small thing sit wrong with an anon, all of a sudden any farmer who likes it is has scrote taste and it'll derail a thread for hours. Just getting bored of seeing those types of anons now.
No. 402718
>>402716You're the one who moved the goalposts from
>you're new, there's no problems with itTo
>so what if people called it gross it's not a black and white deal No. 402732
>>402730Dont pretend that responding to
>How? It doesn't have fanservice or sexualized child characters. This isn't even a scroteshit anime either.With
>she must be newDoesn't insinuate that only someone new would think that anybody would have problems with it.
No. 402746
>>402740Both of you sound like fucking retards. What even is this argument about?
CCS being considered a lolcow favorite? I wouldn't say it is, and it's because of this,
>>402722 No. 402775
>>402774Do you think if you stopped eating right now that in two weeks your boobs would disappear completely?
Someone tell tifs they don't need the chop.
No. 402790
>>402679>Only a shounentard would say that even though this anime has its own action stuff as well.I hate shounen and 99% of the time action scenes do nothing for me
Sakura's issue is that the characters are all dull as shit and the only entertaining part is the cute costumes.
No. 402799
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Anons itt would literally have a seizure if they looked at the kind of shit that gets posted in the fujo or fetish threads kek. Anyway my thread tax is Stardew Valley.
No. 402802
>>402799The things that inspire infighting in this thread and the most hated media thread are ridiculous. I want to know how many of these anons actually watch anime at all.
I was expecting the harpy to have some kind of giant flopping tits and was shocked to see
>>402631 is incredibly tame for anime standards and doesn't scream 'sexy' to me at all.
Anons need to learn that 'this design doesn't personally appeal to me and my aesthetics' is not the same as 'this design is an attack on womankind itself and sets us back 100 years.'
No. 402872
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>>402802this shit looks retarded no matter what you say.
No. 402882
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>>402880Not going to happen anytime soon so you'll have to keep seething I guess.
No. 402890
>>402887I miss when anime wasn't mainstream.
Dungeon Meshi did perfectly fine, pretty damn popular for nearly 10 years before it got an anime and suddenly there's so much horrible fanart and retarded ass "hot" takes that sounds like they came from a 14 year old on tiktok.
No. 402945
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These albums/bands (but albums in the first place) are the most popular on here I think. I picked Homogenic because it's my favorite Bjork's album kek, I just remember nonnies picking different ones but mostly from 1995 to 2004. I'm not sure about LP, DM, and APC but I think I saw them in topsters and just mentioned here multiple times. Top 4 is almost like a must here
No. 402946
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>>402945nona you're amazing i fucking love homogenic
No. 403021
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>>402957I think the issue is that a lot of anons are acting far too snowflake-like imo, and you can barely even discuss anime on /m/ right now without several people becoming
triggered over one thing or another.
I truly do not know what anime these anons could possibly watch aside from literal children's anime. Even that is questionable, because a lot of shoujo anime will still have girls in short skirts and a devoted male coomer audience.
And the anons who just straight-up hate anime and will never forgive it should just make their own thread.
No. 403025
>>402945Yay nonna, there are some excellent albums on here. Only thing I would add is some Siouxsie.
>>403021This show will always be so nostalgic idc how scrotey anons think the designs are, they're cute. Plus the 3 male love interested are hot.
No. 403526
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>>402294Ouran my beloved, one of the best and iconic reverse harem series out there for me. Wished there's more like this with fun memorable characters and a well-written female protagonist.
No. 403527
>>403021unfortunately, saying a design looks like shit is not being "
triggered", and you continuing to call everyone a snowflake for not liking a dumb ugly design is making you appear to be the only one bothered here
No. 403531
>>403527Nta but the seething about that design has gone for long enough that its pretty ridiculous.
Triggering is a good way to put it, especially since it's admitted that one of the reasons is because it's popular.
It's no wonder threads are either dead or just complaining about anything somebody might like.
No. 403535
>>403531Also why are you babysitting the "lolcow fav media" thread in case anybody disagrees with you instead of using the thread meant for character designs you don't like?
That being said I can only think DM came up in this thread at all as sarcastic since so many people seem to really fucking hate it here.
No. 403536
>>403534Nonnie, the post you replied to was more about the seething becoming rather obnoxious rather than defending the design.
>weOh God so there's more than one babysitting autist?
(infighting) No. 409910
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>infighting over dunmeshi
Rather than divisive weeb stuff I’d pick the Lord of the Rings trilogy, far more female friendly imho. Yeah not that many female characters but the ones we got are beautiful and cool. No weird fanservice feather titty shit.
most of the men are pure hearted and beautiful, handsome or just cute / pleasant looking. You just know instinctively that none of our heroes would be misogynistic or ever abuse or sexually harass a woman.
No. 409974
>>409950 to each their own
nonny kek
but he is a cute grandpa I think. you just want to give him a warm hug.
No. 430341
>>409910I'm not into midgets, bearded men or elves. No cute men found, sorry.
>>402499I couldn't power through it (although I did finish the first film), it's just too much monster-of-the-week.
>>401052I liked it and it has good production values (visuals, music), however, I don't care for Homura, so I never touched the films or extra manga.