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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 324512

>what is transwashing
Transwashing is when a character is forcefully made into trans, even if they're just gnc, homosexual, or crossdressing. When a character dresses or behaves in a way outside of the gender stereotype associated with their biological sex, oftentimes fandoms (and, even the creators themselves to appear "woke") start perceiving them as trans. And, sometimes, even if those characters don't have "any sign of being trans", some people's head-canons becomes too out of control and fall into the gender ideology. This unfortunately happens to real people too.

Post those characters, discuss why they're transwashed, and vent if you want to. Please don't infight and ignore any shitty bait.

Previous thread:

No. 324517

1. The other thread is still alive.
2. At least pick a different character for the OP. This is just pure laziness or you're obsessed.

No. 324520

It's like 3 posts from bump limit just move when you're ready

No. 324525

Thank you so much for making the new thread and continuing the trend of using Naoto! I love her so much and felt utterly gutted when I saw her being transwashed for the first time.

No. 324530

Not op but Naoto is a transwashed icon, she deserves being the threadpic. You can't even post innocuous art of her on social media without having an avalanche of people arguing about her gender in replies kek

No. 324534

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>Not op but Naoto is a transwashed icon
And Felix or Astolfo are even bigger ones. Your autistic obsession is not helping these threads.

No. 324535

So you want a porny moidbait trap as the op instead?

No. 324537

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Weak. He's only 'porny' to you because you saw too much porn of him. In the series itself he isn't a fanservice character. If what others do with characters in fan creations can 'taint' them for you, I'm chuckling at your inability to enjoy 99% of media content.

No. 324541

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In fairness, Felix (after therapy) would be pretty funny.

No. 324550

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For the Enstars fans, someone in the subreddit asked why people use she/her for Arashi and I was really surprised to see this as the most upvoted answer, instead of someone just saying Arashi is canon trans. Besides this there were also many other comments saying they just saw him as a feminine man that weren't downvoted to oblivion. I was kind of shocked because the English fandom is so militant about him but there's only a few people insisting he's a trans woman. Do you think the attitudes are slightly changing?

No. 324552

I think you're the one being autistic here, please just hide the thread pic since it doesn't even matter instead of clogging the discussion, be the one to make a new thread next time if you want another character.

No. 324553

>Weak. He's only 'porny' to you because you saw too much porn of him.
>from a franchise that originated as an eroge game and has a bunch of hentai artists contributing to its gacha cashcow
Stop embarrassing yourself, scrotelicker(replying to bait)

No. 324555

How do you even cope with the fact that plenty of 'clean' franchises in Japan first began as eroge or were created by people who worked on drawn porn before? How does that feel to know your favourite mangaka, both men and women, first started as a porn doujin creator?

No. 324557

Girl, we are not putting an XY trap in the threadpic no matter how hard you cry(replying to bait)

No. 324560

I support you trap queens. naoto is boring character, free trap king astolfo.(bait)

No. 324561

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Traps and femboys are a moid fetish and cringe meme. Into the garbage they go along with their disgusting coomers. Also Bridget trooning out is what they deserved for being degenerates now it's less fappable to them while taking in that copium still believing it's a boy.

No. 324577

I started reading your post but since I don't really know enstars I decided to look up the character and I thought "Oh they are trans washing this character as trans man? Tho I could see the appeal of a reverse trap in a game like this" then I come back and continue to read your post and they are transwashing him as a tim? why the fuck would anyone want a trans woman in an otome gacha game and why would the trans woman character just look like a regular anime male? None of it makes sense

No. 324578

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>stop liking what I dislike!
Childish. If something triggers you, you can just hide the posts instead of backseat modding. Not your personal Discord server, so you just have to accept that people are going to post stuff you hate. Learn to get along on a chan.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 324580

>reverse trap in a joseimuke/otome game
I need this like I need air

No. 324584

>see the appeal of a reverse trap in a game like this
that would be genuinely horrifying we already have enough by having actual trapshit in our games(fuck imas sideM)

No. 324588

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Sorry I won't give validation on things that give moids boners especially on a female centric anonymous board. You could've just hide or ignore my post if disliking traps and femboys triggers you or the fact that they're coom garbage. Not everyone is gonna like them despite how loved and popular they are with moids and degenerates.

No. 324592

Enstars but it's Takarazuka Revue

No. 324596

Felix (after therapy) isn't a trap.
He goes back to dressing as a man 24/7.

No. 324598

I can't tell if cat femboy goes to therapy is a joke or not.

No. 324599

>If something triggers you, you can just hide the posts instead of backseat modding.
Ironic from the discord poster whining about why their speshul scrote wasn’t chosen to be a thread pic. You can always go back to 4chan to worship his uwu girlcock like the moids you clearly associate with(replying to bait)

No. 324602

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My boy here. Literally refers to himself as male in game and his whole story is being forcefully raised as a girl by his deranged dad, then stops pretending when his dad dies. Still the trannies say he is a tranny and misgender him

No. 324603

Is this the same Astolfofag spamming this insufferable moeblob on the yaoi and couples threads? Because fuck off. You're the one with the autistic obsession with this dickgirl porn icon. Next thread OP pic should still be Naoto or other androgynous girls like Haruhi or Rika.

No. 324604

I wish I had a computer that could run Dark Souls, this guy checks so many husbando traits for me

No. 324605

It's an au story line from the mobile game. After the woman he loved (and was into crossdressing) gets deleted from existence, he goes insane and suicidal. In the story, he gets his shit together, stops crossdressing or acting feminine, and becomes a doctor.

No. 324633

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No. 324636

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Also relating to this
Goddamn I just wanted to look at Yotsuba fanart.

No. 324637

>the series’ with the most degenerate audiences also get their characters transwashed up the wazoo
No correlation here at all… none whatsoever

No. 324638

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absolutely disgusting

No. 324639

The others agreed, but I don't remember Nichijou really having a degen fandom.

No. 324640

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troon hands arent allowed in my moe anime

No. 324654

Saved. Thank you nonna.

No. 324657

I'd find them a lot more tolerable and more believable as "gnc male representation" if any of them at least sounded plausibly male and not like any other animu waifubait. I bet that Astolfo had a male voice actor or even a Megumi Ogata type of androgynous enough voice the conversation around him would be far more reasonable

No. 324658

it would be so cool to have a full GL otome with GNC love interests but a token GNC female love interest in an otherwise het game sounds like an awful idea tbh

No. 324659

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You're the one presenting as unhinged. If moids liking something makes it impossible for you to enjoy it, it's a mental illness.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 324660

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Keep projecting.

No. 324661

No such a thing. There are only guys with tits and TiFs.

No. 324662

The KyoAni fandom is degen by default. Have you been living under a rock?

Mixing hetero and homo routes in a dating game is a terrible business idea, unless you target it at men, who will fap to anything.

No. 324665

yeah but by coombrain logic guys with tits are "dickgirls"

No. 324669

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>liking traps and femboys
>mental illness
You were saying? Defend this moidshit all you want but that won't change my mind or others for disliking them. This is some pickme behavior. Also I've already been enjoying some media that's already been tainted by scrotes so I dunno where you got that idea from.

No. 324679

This post was written by AI.

No. 324682

>You're the one presenting as unhinged
>spends hours malding over a thread pic
jesus fucking christ just make the thread yourself next time

No. 324684

nah, that would be even worse because considering how much most anons here despise traps the whole thread would be nothing but trap-sperging derail, which I'm sure is what the trapfag actually seeks considering its pattern of posts. just report the bait and move on from now on.

No. 324689

Since the BK remaster came out Mizuti is getting they/them’d…I will wait and see how worse it gets as newfags finish the game. It wouldn’t be surprising if someone tries to rewrite her wiki page.

No. 324699

Let's all just agree that traps can be cool but Astolfo is just ugly, woman, man, doesn't matter, ugly design.

No. 324702

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Umineko's Yasu.
I hate when umi fans try to say shit like "Umineko is about a trans woman!" I giggle because they tell it on themselves.
In reality Yasu is the result of an incestuos father-daughter relationship, he was born male but got in an accident as a newborn, he needed a sex reassignment surgery (lol what a load of bullshit) and he was raised as a girl to hide everything from the head master of all. When Yasu finds this out, he has a mental breakdown and uses his imagination of being "Beatrice" as a massive coping mechanism and has power delusions
If this is the true trans rep they want so much, it's not much different from the actual story of that pedo John Money who butched a child's circumcision and the parents tried to raise that poor child as a girl.
I wouldn't want to be represented by this to be fucking honest. Umineko it's a tragic love story, not a trans allegory ffs.

No. 324727

This post is written by a seething autist.(replying to bait)

No. 324731

It's literally 1 or at most 2 trapfags, probably spent too much time around coomer scrotes so now are used to everyone around them posting trap porn and wants lolcow to be the same even though trapfags are a tiny minority here and the majority hates scrotepandering media.

No. 324735

>Do you think the attitudes are slightly changing?
Slowly, but I think it's a matter of more people going mask-off. I notice the acceptable gender lingo changes so often, and even normie liberals who are otherwise supportive of LGB and GNC people who drank the koolaid but are otherwise harmless are getting fed up with it. I think more people are just scared to voice dissenting opinions, because even back in 2015 I had fandom friends who would complain in private about GNC characters getting transed but wouldn't dare post that in public. I'm not familiar with Enstars but I notice the transwashing of characters from Japanese media is arguably xenophobic and projecting Western cultural standards, which would be a big no-no for SJWs, until gender is involved.

No. 324736

Very high chance it’s a couple posters from the fujo discord, I left it because they would only discuss Fate, P5 and SAO

No. 324738

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retards really will troon any male character just because he's short huh

No. 324743

Or probably Rancefag since two of the reaction pics that had been posted are Dio who in which is one of her husbandos and she is very insistent for anons here to accept scroteshit and would go autismo mode to those that oppose her. She also goes to 4chan too.

No. 324745

It's basically 1 person who likes traps. They always post astolfo. They do it in other threads too, it's better to just ignore them
I never understand why TiMs claim characters like this and Bridget if they explicitly state they don't like presenting as a woman. Wouldn't it make more sense for them to be TiFs? Why do men have to claim every single trans character as their own?

No. 324748

i really think the anti-imperialist angle will be the best way to undo gender theory from the inside. the one thing gendies can't stand is being called racist

No. 324749

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Here is her husbando chart that she posted on here ages ago.
>she is very insistent for anons here to accept scroteshit and would go autismo mode to those that oppose her. She also goes to 4chan too.
Along with having an typing style that's very much abrasive and an holier then thou attitude towards anons that she deems to be inferior and unintelligent based on their opinions. the average 4chinner behaviour.

No. 324752

>They're latching on to fuckin Godfather of all film series
Literally why?
>Anji Mito
We'll at least she has good taste

No. 324753

damn, there really is no accounting for taste.

No. 324756

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Kek as if

No. 324764

No fucking way

No. 324776

Only if they aren't designed to be like retarded uguu~ moeblob waifus that scrotes and coomers drool over. I think Astolfo would've been more likeable if he had a more boyish voice or voiced by a man.

No. 324779

Is it because he is suicidal?

No. 324782

He literally had like 20 kids with his waifus (and one husbando)

No. 324817

tbf it's mostly the one tif since the fandom has very little cintent. but as to why i think it's because yiffanies just can't see a short vaguely attractive guy without wnating to troon him. michael as played by al pacino is like 5ft5.
anything under 5ft8 gets the tif treatment because they cope about being too shrot to pass as male. you hardly ever see a tall tif

No. 324824

I love that Jun won.

No. 325034

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>Let's say Dazai, a dangerous mafioso who wants to find a woman to die together with is a secret FTM, even more because he calls himself "watashi" rather than "boku", what can go wrong?

A lot can go wrong, fandom. A lot.

No. 325040

i never understood the whole deal with idiots thinking personal pronouns in japanese are the end all be all of gender? do they not realize watashi isn't female exclusive at all? and if he was a ftm wouldn't they want him to be using boku/ore anyway??? my brain hurts…

No. 325044

He uses "watashi", according to a trivia, likely because of the format of traditional novels, which the real Dazai specialized in, typically used formal watashi pronouns over its variants.

And even then, it would be like the Yamato situation: She uses "male pronouns" out of respect, not because she feels she's a real men.

I stg these people have no idea how pronouns work in Japan in general and its shows.

No. 325148

He and everyone else who has Kafuka’s parts.

No. 325160

He's based on a literal 3DPD moid.

No. 325163

I don't know much about Dazai, but I studied Japanese for years. Watashi and watakushi are also more formal. If you're in a job environment, you're better off not using boku, and you definitely had better not use ore to talk about yourself. More formal people will almost always use watashi, unless they're your boss, but even then, it's not super common irl. Sometimes I think people conflate masculine and feminine pronouns in English too much with Japanese pronouns. There's not a great one to one comparison.

No. 325169

That was also a serial cheater and manipulated two women into killing themselves. Dunno if it’s a good or bad thing that his legacy has been defiled with chuuni anime crap.

No. 325175

Also, the feminine pronoun is atashi. So they're even more wrong on this. Watashi is neutral and formal.

No. 325327

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Forgive me the rant but I rarely socialize anymore so that stuff is still new to me. Joined a big 2D robot related discord a while ago. Half of the users are sadly male, but to my surprise it's mostly chill and even gay ships can be discussed. Most users (female and male) discuss the plots and speculate which is what I am here for because the women only discords I know about are sadly infested with OOC uwu talk, coffee shop AUs and nobody even reads the very series they are fan of for some reason.

Anyway the new discord was okay but then one shithead starts posting about Rodimus, a male MC of a Transformer comic, to explain that "HER" being so popular was the "power of estrogen". I am too retarded and not online enough to get what they mean so I literally had to read it four times till I understood that they consider him a transwoman for absolutely no reason.
The audacity you need to have to not just talk about this like a headcanon you have but outright pretend that it was real in front of 100 other users. I cannot consider this anything but mentally ill lol. Not only the idea itself but that you wouldn't be aware of the fact that it's just your personal AU bullshit.
I clicked the carrd of course, I knew that every genderspecial has a carrd: "fatcatgirl" (guess that's a self-description), "cat/clover/shiny" (no idea what that means), 30s (so it's not a teen issue I guess), she/they, "trans lesbian" (lmao), ADHD, Autistic, "Proship DNI". Guess they all sound the same regardless of the type of trans they are.

So far I rather only read about this on lc and Rodimus isn't even one of my favs (more into the big brutes), but to my surprise it pisses me off more than I thought regardless, how do you all survive this shit on a daily base if you are into twinks and handsome young anime men?

No. 325329

>Rodimus sher/her
Leave the poor bots alone! Suprised that the shithead didn't get kicked out as TF fans are often hardcore from what I've interacted with last and not flakes like the shithead you mentioned. They must have been afraid of kicking him out since he's a transbian and they didn't want seem like a bigot or a terf.

>nobody even reads the very series they are fan of for some reason

People like those are often only in it for the "fandom" or the characters they can adopt their headcanons into and ignoring the material the character is from.

Although I will admit,I am suprised with Rodimus being transwashed and not for example Starscream or Elita 1

No. 325333

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Definitely Chihiro from Danganronpa. I'm not gonna do a whole essay on how dumb it is that trannies wanna claim him, so I'll put it as simply as I can. The point of his character arc is that he wanted to stop being afraid of his own flaws, and learn to embrace what he actually was: a boy that would eventually grow into a man. Calling him a tranny just because he disguised himself as a girl is pretty much a big fat shit on his character because unlike actualy trannies, Chihiro decided to GROW UP and accept the male that he was.

No. 325334

I meant *actual. Ignore the typo in my post by the way.

No. 325339

>They must have been afraid of kicking him out since he's a transbian and they didn't want seem like a bigot
Yeah I think it's this. The canon gay couples from the comics made people more chill but I doubt that many like that transwash shilling. It's just that most fans are afraid to say anything against trans users nowadays especially if it's a bigger forum or discord because you know they will start a crusade and accuse you of all kinds of things to earn sympathies if you do it.
>People like those are often only in it for the "fandom" or the characters they can adopt their headcanons into and ignoring the material the character is from.
Yes this. I knew about this in the past but had the impression that it was more of an exception not the rule. Guess I was wrong.
It's honestly frustrating because I am mostly into some weird but interesting side characters but almost nobody cares about them because they don't know them. Those who don't read the manga or comics only know like the main 10 maybe that are central enough to be shared on memes, which is all they seem to consume. Maybe the transwashing is related to this and people pick characters that give off the right "vibes" and latch onto them without care about the narrative.

No. 325507

Now he got the aph poland cut, went from one type of faggot to another

No. 325612

Found the misandrist (kek, jk nonas) TIMs exist (we know)

No. 325628

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trannies try not to be delusional challenge

No. 325653

I love Naoto being the thread mascot so much

No. 325661

Is that a fucking camel toe?

No. 325767

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>is a girl
>an extremely mysterious yet interesting character if you're on the mindset that her dreams symbolize her personality or memories
>obviously going through some shit emotionally because of how you end the game
>doesn't say shit during the whole game, but is still able to be somewhat relatable to girls and women who struggle to leave their comfort zone and socialize
>one little feature where Madotsuki can use a male restroom stall is all it takes for all these creepy, shit-brained trannies to think Madotsuki is "one of them", EVEN THOUGH Madotsuki can just as easily use the female restroom stall in her dreams.
>there is literally more evidence for the theory that Madotsuki was raped, than there is evidence for Madotsuki being a troon; a people fucking HATE the rape theory.
Fuck you trannies, Madotsuki is just a girl that's going through some shit. She'll never belong to you!

No. 325769

The worst part is that the tranny theory ruins all other theories. Basically, you have all these theories that each have one crucial piece of evidence:
>the large phallic creature symbolic of fear of penises (rape theory)
>the Toriningen are girls that bully Madotsuki (bullying theory)
>the whole deal with cars and Tomoko are apparently about a car accident (car crash theory)
And you can easily put together all of these theories as being parts of a larger story (like say, Madotsuki was raped due to neglect, which was due to her bullying, which was due to an accident she caused). You can create a huge story out of these little symbolic hints.

Now, enter the tranny theory. It uses the phallic monster to argue that "muh dysphoria", the toriningen for "muh gender envy", and so on, essentially destroying all other theories. It's poetic in a way, of how the trans movement selfishly hijacks many other movements and ideologies to mash it into some frankenstein abomination.

No. 325771

>>325769 samefag

MyHouse.WAD anyone? People are arguing that the main guy is a tif because at one point you enter a mens restroom (that's next to a women's restroom), you fight monsters there, take pills to heal and when you exit the two bathrooms are mirror-inverted, meaning you leave from the women's.
Makes no sense with the game's time period, the mirror theme is constant so it can be a coincidence, and the other argument which is the deadname Anna is some bullshit too since Anna is a separate character.

No. 325774

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>the insane amount of reach it takes to reach the theoretic conclusion that the player character from MyHouse.WAD is actually a tranny because of extremely insignificant, or incorrect interpretations of details like his inspection of the female restroom, or his real name.
Holy Fucking SHIT.

No. 325777

a redditcore liminal horror doom mod sucked and fucked dry by youtube video essayists for months straight AND had homo romance got the attention of trannies? color me surprised!

No. 325974

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That's what irks me more. I bet they didn't even read "No Longer Human" book to understand Dazai (the moid) at all.

And since we are talking about BSD, the fact they call Sigma with female pronouns or call him a "non binary icon" because he was born in a lab… He still think himself as a man, way to misgender him for your tastes!

No. 326047

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pathologic has some of the most rabid trans fetishy bullshit ive ever seen and i hate it. so much. i LOVE the three main characters intensely, and pathologic 1 + 2 are two of my most favorite games ever made, but i cannot look for fanart or fanfic without running into revolting trannyshit. they especially dump it on daniil, because any slim man = ftm i guess. conveniently ignoring that daniil is the most likely character to be -phobic of anything, lmao. god i hate fandoms

No. 326066

It's funny seeing MyHouse.wad mentioned for tranny stuff. The Doom mod community is extremely misogynistic and is full of moids (female modders are very rare, actually I don't think I know one) yelling homophobic (and twansphobic uwu) and racist slurs at each other on discord. There's no fucking way they would include a tif in a Doom mod.

No. 326176

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Does anyone else find the whole "I want to steal his gender" thing with fictional male characters really creepy and weird? Like wanting to dress up like a fictional character is okay but wanting to literally BE them is so weird to me.

No. 326180

it's the same thing as tims wanting to skinwalk women, but with less menace because there is no real-life threat from women (tifs) toward men.

No. 326188

I don't think it's creepy, but it's lame and I can't help but find it childish, because when I was a kid, I was like that with Tomoyo from card captor sakura, I wanted to be just like her, but my personality and body were completely different and that wasn't realistic at all. Later I realized I had a little crush on her and i think that's the exact same thing that's going on with these tifs, but as a teenager or an adult you should have some grasp of reality

No. 326194

It feels more like finding them attractive and wanting to look the same, so they can also be attractive. Maybe it comes from an inability to see women that way and also not fitting/wanting to reject female beauty standards. But people say it very casually, so they oftentimes probably don't even mean anything when they say it. Especially because the concept of kinning has also become something that's casually joked about and not treated like it's weird as hell

No. 326211

Kinnies were a mistake and should've never stopped being mocked years ago. It's obvious these people have a crush on the character but instead go the retard route and say "I want his gender" or say "He's so gender!" The fuck does that even mean? Just say you want to fuck him and move on with your life.

No. 326213

Is it bad this is the first tranny theory I heard before I even knew much about trannies at all kek. I remember "unreasonably" hating it as a girl who was going through some shit and alienating herself as well, and that was before knowing everything about them I know now. A sign.

No. 326280

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And many of them excuse their actions while saying "Killua made me do it, even Goku tried to stop it but Nagito wanted to see the world burn".

No, you did it because you knew it was wrong.

No. 326281

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there's no way this theory could be true, there's too much fear of sexual threat from men and pregnancy for mado to be a tranny. trannies are just retards who infest all indie games.

i've always thought KIKIYAMA was a woman due to the portrayal of mado's fears, dreams and nightmares.

No. 326285


From my experiences this past year, TF is ground zero kek, I went to some cons and it was 50% troons and 50% hardcore moids, with 99% of the female minority as TRAs. It was some of the craziest shit I've seen recently, gender ideology really has done a number on nerds. I'm trying to laugh about it so that I don't cry, the fact that nearly every other woman there was on T was so sad. Or you had neckbeards virtue signalling by bringing up "maybe we should call this bot/alien "they" because their pronouns have never been confirmed" during their presentation. (yes, I know there are troon bots now in the comics, which I don't really read, but I'm not talking about them, trying to stay on thread topic)

Sorry for mistakes I'm just an ESL lurker.

No. 326316

It's so rampant amongst gen z too. Like I know two girls, both under 23 who claim to be lesbians, but obsess over kpop and everyone they come across is their husband. They really say shit like 'gender envy' too. Is there no hope for modern lesbians? They're always just fake bi girls or straight girls pretending.

No. 326318

No. The lesbian masterdoc has caused irreparable damage to society

No. 326371

it's confusing. however, one of my friends is a legit lesbian (has only dated and had sex with women for the past 15 years) and continues to like m/m pairings. i would love to know the psychology behind this. is it because men can embody so many roles that women just can't in society?

No. 326377

If m/m pairings are animated then it's not like they represent real humans anyway and people are more interested by their personalities, the dynamics involved and their design. Their relationship could just be more interesting to ponder for your friend. Many such cases exist.
I consider myself bisexual so take this with a grain of salt, but I think it's because very often fictional women tend to be bland and flat characters. I liked both women and men irl, but only fictional men and no fictional women. Okay, maybe only one or two fictional women in my lifetime.

No. 326873

Having finally gotten around to reading Felix's backstory, it'd funny how it's more of a child abuse trans allegory than anything else.
His father abused and tortured him and basically destroyed any chance at healthy pruberty (though by neglecting him for years in a basement), and there's even a scene where he confronts him and yells at him for ruining his life and "ripping any chance at being a normal healthy man", basically crippling him for life.

No. 326980

I think as long as she don't like their dicks/porn, it's fine. I'm lesbian as well and while I dislike m/m, there are some m/f ships I love because their dynamic, so I guess it may be a similar situation. When I see NSFW art/fics of them, I just focus on the girl and try my best to ignore the guy's dick & I'm not sure how could you do that with a sausage fest though kek, but like you said it's probably because men are allowed to have a bigger range of personalities, dynamics etc in media; on top of us being conditioned by society to view men as more "human" or insteresting than women. If we are talking about cartoon ones, they're often feminine twinks that barely look like actual males, so again unless she's into bara or some shit I think it's relatively normal.

No. 327482

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Unsure if pro wrestling counts in this thread, but since it’s his wrestling character/gimmick rather than the actual guy, maybe it does -
CM Punk gets portrayed as FTM quite often by fans

No. 327992

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Neeko from League of Legends. Canonically a lesbian who has multiple (tame) moid-hating voicelines.
Doesn't help that there's a chroma with the tranny flag for one of her skins

No. 327993

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Leo Kliesen from Tekken. This one is more understandable because Namco loves playing up her androgynous features and keeping it vague, but if you look into it it's obvious that she's meant to actually be a woman.

No. 327999

I actually hate how she's very, very, very obviously a lesbian written by a moid. Even her moid-hating lines are what you'd expect an incel moid to answer if asked about males.

No. 328001

She also has some troon-themed voicelines because when she takes the form of a female character, she makes dreamy comments about how she wishes to look like that - very troonlike comments. Makes me want to puke.

No. 328002

Are you a pooner? This trend of picking an obviously male character, no, REAL PERSON, and trans them out instead of looking at actual strong female characters is nothing short of mysoginistic.

No. 328004

Sadly I get what you mean, I cope with it by seeing in as lesbian envy "Do I want to be with her or be her" kind of way.

No. 328052

I remember when Leo first appeared in tekken 6 the general consensus seemed pretty unanimous to me that she's a woman. Only recently when I got back into tekken did I start seeing people going for the ~ambiguous~ approach.

No. 328110

Nona I made a post about MyHouse.wad a while ago in the Dumbass Shit thread, I have no idea if anyone replied kek, should've posted here instead.
>The Doom mod community is extremely misogynistic and is full of moids
Yeah it's a given. I'm no DOOM fan but I have never heard of any woman in that entire community either.
However, the Doomworld forums, where the .wad was published, seems to be full of TRAs and some troons. I read the entire thread because I just needed to know the truth about the creator, even though I didn't know much about the community. In the end, they didn't reveal his identity (at least when I last checked) but along the way they did develop this tranny theory that the whole level is an allegory for either an MtF or an FtM going through some tragic bullshit. That was in the same month the .wad was released.

Yes, it has always confused me as well and creeped me out. In general I think it's mainly due to low self-esteem (no surprise there) and a lack of sexual and romantic experience, so they have no idea that it's normal to be attracted to someone you both relate to and admire at the same time, and that you don't have to literally be that person to feel comfortable with yourself. And maybe since the character isn't real and they can't be validated by him, their only solution is to make him real in some way. Or maybe they're a bit autistic but I feel that's a shitty answer. I do think inexperience definitely plays a huge role though because that behaviour is very childish like >>326188 said.

No. 328129

>not reading the OP
>using "pooner" unironically
go back to /tttt/

No. 328986

are you retarded

No. 329015

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i hate trannies

No. 329019

i'm a lesbian (married to a woman, never had any desire for sex/relationships with men) and i love m/m pairings in fiction. tbh i don't know why, I've just always been kind of a fujo. i do enjoy drawn/animated m/m porn and written erotica because drawn guys don't look like irl men at all. i have no attraction to men irl though, lesbian fujos are more common than you think

No. 329020

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Sorry for the late response, but I agree with you. I know the rape theory is an unpopular one, but the obvious uterus, pregnancy, vaginal, phallic, and bloody imagery gave me the impression that Madotsuki experienced some sexual trauma. Or just curious about the human body at the very least. It's a shame people hate this theory so much, because (to me at least) it would explain a lot of the creepy, organ-mimicking imagery and NPCs, and it also can make Madotsuki more relatable to women and girls who've experienced such trauma. Although it's a touchy subject, it keeps a level of "realness" in the game. Sorry for the sperging, I just think the theory gets too much hate.

No. 329021

>I'm no DOOM fan but I have never heard of any woman in that entire community either.
Kek there's me I guess, but I always posed as a male online for obvious reasons. And I had no idea the Doomworld forums were filled with trannies, I assumed the community was the same as the usual Doom modding group of unhinged spergs using real gore as sprites and maybe one or two decent people. Trannies really infest anything.

No. 329027

My exposure to MyHouse was on Twitter, with some artist's I follow making fan art of the two gay dudes.

No. 329032

i don't know anyone who hates this theory tbh. but then again, i've only discussed yume nikki with women. maybe moids hate it because they like to pretend they aren't mouthbreathing cavemen who rape all the time.

No. 329071

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basically any horror movie character at this point

No. 329080

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I just discovered that troons and other genderfags are jumping through loops of circus-tier gymnastics to theorize that Danny-fucking-Phantom is a "transboy". I saw one claim that Danny in his normal outfit has "wider hips" than when he wears his skin-tight ghost suit, for "proof" that Danny was born a girl…completely ignoring that those "wider hips" can easily be explained by his normal clothes just being baggy. And why do they think the cliche trope of a superhero teenager needing to keep their identity a secret is somehow an analogy to trannies being in the closet?? With that logic, anyone having any secret ever can be compared to being a tranny. Can these people do their gender-destructive surgery and chemical lobotomy so the human population doesn't have to worry about their worthless genes making it into the pool? God.

No. 329143

Why do tifs latch onto horror? It's so common.

No. 329160

they think they're being edgy i guess
don't know where they were back when horror wasn't "cool" in online spaces and didn't get tons of fanart like it does now

No. 329237

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I think Adam attracts TIFs because he's the perfect self-insert for them. He's shorter and younger than the other male characters in Saw, which is more relatable for them. He's also only alive in the first movie, so what is known of his character is very minimal, allowing TIFs to project onto him. They also ship him with Dr. Gordon, because they love to pretend their heterosexual attraction to men and autoandrophilia is totally gay and queer.

No. 329268

CM Punk?? as FTM?? These kids have not seen him in ROH and it shows. Which is ironic because Chyna, back in her prime time, was always called "tranny" because she was a muscular woman.

IIRC It all started to piss off Butch Hartman, like people calls Hermione a TIM or a TIF to 'piss off JK Rowling, because Butch is Christian, so they want to use their "Transness" to troll him. But like JK Rowling does, Butch doesn't give a fuck about headcanons, even if sadly some TIFs took that shit seriously.

No. 330119

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actually, it’s mainly his ROH appearance they like to make FTM, i’ve observed

No. 330234

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I don't understand why people do this shit instead of just making OCs. I mean, it's so far removed from the source material. Also this bit in the caption made me laugh:
>I think the way hussie wrote about gender and they themselves figuring out their own queerness and opening up more to being queer Whilst writing Homestuck
…He's a bearded straight man married to a fan young enough to be his daughter, and he's clearly insincere about using "they" pronouns. Kek

No. 330769

Praying for the day when the precise combination of traits that makes a tall, androgynous woman so repulsive to trannies that they refuse to go near her is discovered.

No. 330778

i like astolfo but i rarely see him claimed as a trans gal these days. normally people are assuming he’s non-binary or something (which is unfortunately the case for most feminine male characters, even if they explicitly say they’re male)

i’m still pissed off about bridget also. his new design is cute kek

No. 330779

this is almost as bad as scrotes who turn her into a generic girl archetype (and then go on to ship her with fucking yamada)

No. 331085

I don't understand why the only thing TIFs care about is the gender, pronouns, sexuality and appearance (which they try to bastardize from canon as much as possible just for the sake of diversity) of a character rather than any other information about them. What are their likes? Dislikes? Past? What makes this character unique and interesting? Is their only personality being a she/it/meow/pup/woof/xe from Philippines? At least she gave the characters unique facial expressions instead of making them stand still. But they look nothing alike to their canon counterparts. And where the fuck is Caliborn? He's too "pwoblematic" for her to draw?

No. 331175

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Edgar valden from identity v. Anytime I look at western fanart of him they make him ftm. Doesn't help that his former voice actor was a woman before his original creator complained about it.

No. 331518

IDV fandom is so fucking shit it’s all gendie 14 year olds who have never even played the game they just make retarded memes that are always about sex or get in shipping discourse or accuse everything of being racist and problematic somehow. Leave my cute puppet boy ryona game alone.

No. 331768

I blame the danganronpa crossover for bringing more of them.

No. 332620

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This fandom is basically frozen on the 2010s and yet I still find the occasional comment claiming Gowther is a mtf, sometimes a person would bring up since he is a doll then he is technically non-binary. I'm actually quite mad today anons.

No. 332759

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>creeps on women constantly to the point that one of his lifelong dreams is sneaking into the womens' bathhouse with invisibility
>nearly dies from nosebleeding over seeing beautiful women
>literally learned how to fly by escaping an entire island's worth of creepy transvestites
and yet the number of times i've seen an MTF headcanon slapped on him frankly baffles me

No. 332787

i have seen a couple of TIMs over the years complaining about headcanoning him as trans because it feeds into transmisogynistic(barf) stereotypes

No. 332788

Maybe they're too autistic to understand that human beings have complexities beyond superficial shit like the pronouns they use and the skin color they have.

No. 333228

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having just watched the spiderverse films:
die mad, troons

No. 333232

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I hate Pizza Tower but I've noticed something

No. 333236

Why do Tifs love this game…so. fucking. MUCH?

No. 333244

i told people in one of the bad art threads that tifs were jacking off to pizza tower of all things, and they didn't believe me. it's so bizarre. tifs just love ugly "quirky" things.

No. 333246

This character is nemubait

No. 333266

i hate having similar taste to nemu… first i found turbo cute now i find pizza man cute too.

No. 333270

It makes perfect sense why Sanji is headcannoned as a MTF - it’s because he is a thirsty sex pest. Tbh he’s pretty accurate MTF representation in that regard.

Also during the okama island arc, he did end up embracing crossdressing, I guess as a way to get the trannies off his back by making them think he’d become one of them. I hope that the okama island plotline makes troons seethe - my one complaint is that it depicted all of them as gay men lusting after an XY chromosome penis-haver, when in fact the majority of troons IRL these days are straight men calling themselves lesbians and sexually harassing biological females.

No. 333307

It's not like only scrotes like that, there are Japanese otome games that do it already, and even more that have a non-ambiguous (gender conforming) female love interest, although having either of that in otome is still pretty rare.
>Why do men have to claim every single trans character as their own?
Because they (TIMs) like to pretend they can look like cartoon boys that look and sound exactly like cartoon girls. Also the vast majority of these characters aren't even trans, they're just crossdressers that identify as the sex they were born with from what I understand, and were usually forced to assume roles associated with the opposite sex, castrated against their will, using crossdressing to temporarily cope with some trauma, showing that sex doesn't determine what clothes you can wear or what things you can like, etc. None of that matters to tranny coomers, however.
That's pretty funny because there are moids that decide to troon out partially because they think they're not manly enough to be men/don't want to perform male roles = they're women. This character did the opposite, and trannies want to bring him down to their level to feel better about themselves instead of facing the fact that failing at gender roles makes them feel useless or they'd rather dedicate their lives to a coom LARP than behave like an adult male.
>my one complaint is that it depicted all of them as gay men lusting after an XY chromosome penis-haver
Yeah, when Japanese men use that joke it's because the idea of an ugly crossdressing man will hit on them disgusts them to their very core, like it's the worst possible thing that could happen to a man (especially one like Sanji).

No. 333322

this time it's okay. the tifs can keep his ugly ass for themselves, we don't want it.

No. 333407

I don't like Sanji at all, and even I think he doesn't deserve it. We're nearing chapter 1100 and it's full of flashbacks to God Valley and the Revolutionary Army, and I'm praying that Crocodile was never a woman. He above any character would have his reasons if he was, but for the sake of my fucking sanity and the endless aiden tears, I hope he was always a man

No. 333450

Same! I’m manifesting Crocodile Y chromosome energy!

No. 334030

Thanks nonnie! Let's do it for him!

No. 334085

tifs are so retarded. i have nothing elegant to say i just despise tranny content in pathologic of all things soo much. i bet half of them haven't even played the game they just watched that fucking hbomber video

No. 334114

Turbo…Like from fucking Wreck it Ralph?

No. 334132

Either that or the ones by that obnoxious overacting mtf

No. 334210

Is beatrice the golden witch actually a troon or it's just that digitroon was named after her (him?)?

No. 334243

Yes. Spoiler read at your own risk It's been a long time since I've played anything umineko related but Beatrice the Golden Witch, Shannon, and Kanon are all alter egos of a mutilated incest baby seeking revenge of the Ushiromiya family for the mistreatment hes faced. He was up the product of the family head raping his daughter (also named Beatrice). He was thrown off a cliff as an infant and his penis got ripped off or something. So he was raised as a girl away from his creepy dad for a lil but. I felt a lot of sympathy for this character because in basically all worlds he's doomed to suffer like that. I believe that in it's heart the magic of umineko is just the fantastical world view of a broken child. That child is a product of incest but Beatrice, Shannon, and Kanon all have feelings for their niece/nephews but those are basically the only people nice to them. There is a lot I can't put into words besides it's just so tragic. A lot of gendie fans like to call Beatrice/shannon trans women but they literally had their penis ripped off or damaged in a way to make it easy to pass as female. Depending on how you view the magic aspect of the series there is only one world where he is spared most of the hurt and as a happy life. In this world he looks male but his gender is left ambiguous. If you believe that the magic is real then you can draw your own conclusions but since I see the magic as a coping mechanism I think that that happy life is just wishful thinking on his part, and his gender troubles are included because it's something he's struggled with since he realized his genitals were mutilated and can't imagine a life without. Sorry for the spreg and any inaccuracies it's been a while. I feel like the devs really wanted to tell a tragedy but couldn't resist having an ambiguous tranny there. Like it's not even a trans story it's a tragedy about a lonely abused boy who has identity issues because he's been lied to his whole life and he had his genitals mutilated. As an infant. He literally never had a choice.

No. 334244

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yes, i was a young teen when it came out. he's so cute here but his 3D model is meh.

No. 335184

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This shit makes me cringe so hard

No. 335186

famously, long hair & dark dye = all you need to be waman

No. 335452

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tbh kirara is a bit confusing to me. we know he's male and his image drastically changed from when he was in high school, but he literally has tits?

No. 335751

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I haven't seen it myself because I avoid fanfiction and fandom spaces in general, but my friend has ranted about this to me a few times. But Crowley from Good Omens is apparently headcanoned as trans because he dressed up as a woman in episode one (which was more likely a regular "haha, man in dress" joke) and wore something that could be interpreted as a feminine outfit in one of their flashbacks, so there are supposedly several fanfics where he has a vagina and surgical scars. They are also pushing that any and all pronouns works when talking about Crowley and Aziraphale since they're not human, even though they obviously consider themselves male and go by "he" throughout the show.

No. 335754

honestly hate the show, especially for all the new blood it brought to the fandom, which was already very 'tumblr' and annoying before that (but like, the superwholock era sort, not so much current gendie fandom shit… at least the last time I saw it in passing). Not surprised either of the two leads are getting tiffed, they're basically the only ship in the fandom (to my knowledge) and pairings like that seem to reach an event horizon of gay content that leads to sudden mass tranny shit. idk it's weird. Also as someone who really likes works that explore non-humans in-depth, it depresses me that most fans just leave it at gender shit now (another example would be Vash) with an extremely poor grasp on biology if they do try to at least jazz that concept up (not that that's surprising considering lol)

I love the original book, though I'm also not in the fandom and just see its content in passing, but the show felt very… Gaiman, which I'm not into so I gave up on it.

No. 337556

I'm not sure if there are any Tekken fans here but it seems like the character Leo has been troonified (or retconned entirely). In Tekken 6 Leo was a woman, a total gender nonconforming woman who was not drenched in male gaze but then around Tekken Tag Tournament 2, the creator started being ridiculous saying that Leo is just "Leo" and started graying the lines about what "gender" she was even though she was a clearly a woman since her full name was "Eleanore".

But then around Tekken 7, they gave Leo a male voice actor and it seems like in Tekken 8, they're continuing with this and I'm already seeing gender tard fans say she's "Transmasc" or "transman" and it's just so sad because it was nice to have a female character who was not an oversexualized female character.

It's probably a bit too early to tell if they really are making her a troon or changed her sex entirely and it's probably better to wait until the game comes out and we see what customization they give this character but it's just not looking too great…

No. 337956

I remember the creator saying Leo was originally going to be a female character named Eleanor, but some localization issues had her confusing overseas fans. It didn't help an official comic made her male as well, and they just leaned into the ~ambiguity~ of the character. The full "Leo is Leo" quote isn't too bad, as he said Leo wouldn't want to be called nonbinary, and instead it doesn't matter, as Leo is just a video game character.

SNK had a similar poorly handled, weird attempt at an androgynous female character with Yumeji in Samurai Shodown too, although she becomes a nun in her ending, lol. So they aren't the first to do it, although I can't think of any other ambiguous fighting game characters? For a hot second people (like the three still interested in the franchise at the time) thought Amakusa was nonbinary because the localizers used 'they' for him in press release before correcting it to 'he'.

Also Testament was clearly male back in the day. I don't even get why people think he was always supposed to be a troon, Daisuke wouldn't have felt the need to obnoxiously explain he is in his GGST reveal if so.

No. 337965

Daisuke Ishiwatari is just looking for ways to make shit popular. Testament turning into an enby waifu is for the DLC coombux, same for Bridget.
In the early 2000s he used to leave ambiguous replies to fan questions regarding Sol and Ky being gay for eachother… and that was because GG had a HUGE fujo fandom and Sol/Ky was the most popular ship. To avoid losing customers he literally lied about Ky and Dizzy's story (which became explicit only in GG2 and previously was only featured in a console port of X I think).

As for Samurai Shodown, the fandom is made of millennial male and boomers. Its fringe gendies are only in it due to KoF and they haven't discovered Yumeji's cringe yet. I did see Galford with tit scars and a vagina though.

No. 337971

AYRT and I guess my annoyance with this blurring that they're doing with Leo is annoying because it feels like these days you can't have a nonconforming woman (not adorned in coom tones or male gaze) with trying to make the character ambiguous and I'd just prefer they play the character straight if you know what I mean?

And I didn't know that about Samurai Shodown but Guilty Gear's Testament, very aware as I was really into GG back in the early 2000s. Testament and even Bridget were clearly male characters in their conceptual art and they depressingly ended up trooning both of them but in my head they will always be male.

No. 337994

Japan are cowards. Gone are the days of voice actors like mitsuki saiga who voiced male and masc female characters, popular by her husky voice. I hate it. Why aren't we allowed a masc woman?? Where are the Fatal fury Kings of this era?

No. 338023

Exactly. It's such bullshit kek. The FF Kings of today are nonbinary/transmasc. IT just sucks that even in Japan this crap is becoming more of a thing. Again, too early to tell with Leo but with the state of the social climate in gaming today, my hopes just aren't high at all.

No. 338207

If men in extremely traumatic situations is gnc, I wonder how gendies see people getting bombed in the middle east. Must be really queer to be losing a limb from the 3rd exploding hospital you've been at.

No. 338737

That's clearly a troon. Not related to thsi thread

No. 339434

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I remember a post of someone saying "yeah, queer people in Palestine are in danger, but did you knew that Florida is so dangerous to trans people???".

I was having a memory about picrel and how he was drawn like a clueless and shy guy, but he doesn't doubt in put his life in danger to heal others. I think many people would say he's a TIF or No-binary because he's not like other moids.

No. 343385

Harada has always wanted her gender to be whatever you want her to be which doesn't exactly translate to trans per say but it's still retarded I agree.

No. 343733

I could've sworn back during the Tekken 6 days, xhe was revealed to be a woman given her full name "Eleanore". How many guys do you know named Eleanore? Kek. I'm pretty sure the ambiguity came about post Tekken 6 but to those of us who knew of her before that, we know she's supposed to be a woman.

No. 343946

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Michel from The House in Fata Morgana.
It honestly upsets me. I think it's very cruel to him and his character. I could write an essay.

No. 343984

I keep ending up liking female characters that get called every single pronoun that isn't she/her, gets called nonbinary/other gendershit or worse called trans men all because they're gnc and/or lesbians. The crazy part is the source material will have explicitly feminist themes and makes a point about them being women and not being restrained by gendered expectations and troons come along with their complete lack of critical analysis and project all their gender shit on the characters. I'm tired of this shit, especially when they dogpile anyone that isn't a self-hating woman and goes along with their nonsense.

No. 344110

honestly I think it says a lot that out of all "woke SJW" causes it's specifically troonism that is catching on so hard in Japan

No. 344152

Japan is doomed. They dick suck the U.S harder than anyone else. If the tranny pandemic got them, there's no stopping. They already have had traps in their media forever, now they're just gonna try to shoe horn trannies in. fuck japan. Women are always losing with this shit.

No. 344176

men see it as a deserved backlash, because how dare women think of themselves as people and want to be represented as such? God, my generation will forever be associated with tranny slop.

No. 344351

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I am so fucking sick of her getting trooned, and I'm so tired of people totally misunderstanding the worldbuilding to try and insist she's totally MtF. She knows biological sex is an ironclad rule of the universe, and she's even British, it makes more sense for her to be a terf if anything lol.

No. 344468

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Haruhi from Ouran. I've seen so many people say she was their "trans awakening" when she's not even trans, both for FTM, non binary, genderfluid, etc. On episode 1 the other characters mistake her as a boy but then find out she's a girl. Because of her androgyny she later crossdresses and pretends to be a guy to work at the Ouran host club, but not once in the anime does she say she's a man or anything other than a woman, but of course these retards have to trans any remotely gender non conforming character or act like if she isn't always feminine=trans, genderfluid, etc.
It makes even less sense when there's an episode where the guy characters get mad at her for fighting men BECAUSE she's female and straight up tell her it's dangerous due to the inherent biological differences between the sexes.
And another thing I find funny is how her dad is a crossdresser too, but the show calls him tranny and other adjacent words, which they seethe over while simultaneously believing it matches their ideology somehow

No. 344483

For me, yume nikki will always be about Madotsuki being depressed and having trauma. Men don't understand and want to make her trans because they will never know what being a woman and being afraid is like. They want everything to pander to them.

No. 344551

File: 1703428634849.gif (49.7 KB, 314x564, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

I'm surprised I don't see more retards misinterpreting the SIR in Integra Hellsing's title.

No. 344587

Hellsing doesn't seem to attract many trannies.

No. 344627

the female chars are too ugly for coomer moid mtfs, and the nazis are too problematic for the sensitive baby ftms

No. 345036

they can't believe a girl could feel comfortable with not being dolled up and acting like a stereotype. haruhi just didn't give a fuck about gender at all. she's a radfem icon

No. 345038

File: 1703642000199.jpg (57.11 KB, 540x540, f2f62b51d40a006c3e1d7aa2bca0c2…)

haruhi said it. the only thing that matters is if you're xx or xy

No. 345107

File: 1703667296170.jpg (65.89 KB, 800x500, cm-punk-post.jpg)

Late, but CM Punk caped for them so its pretty obvious why.

No. 345119

File: 1703674920453.jpeg (17.71 KB, 600x450, blob.jpeg)

I forgot the name of the troon who skinwalked Battler.

No. 345140

the only troons i've seen into it were the edgelord-y aidens and yes, they did troon out both integra and alucard

No. 345378

File: 1703783824037.png (43.09 KB, 773x295, 53F31EF8-AD11-4DE9-B91F-8A4061…)

I’ve seen this screenshot being passed around some fandom circles and am losing my sanity. The Western fandom is already full to the brim with annoying TIMs, but claiming a character is trans because she has pink hair and a blue dress with white trim is stupid. She’s a princess themed after cherry blossoms and butterflies, idiot. Although she did die by suicide, so maybe they’re onto something kek
Additionally the phrase “Submissive and Prideable” is fucking disgusting, just why

No. 345391

File: 1703787767161.jpg (275.91 KB, 2048x1192, 0508a1563908cac887cd1fb56851bb…)

Nooo! Leave my girl out of this, Yuyuko doesn't deserve this slander.
Funnily enough, I've also seen people claim that Mokou is a FTM because… she wears pants?? I guess? It's really silly.

No. 345396

i miss the old days where people just joked about wriggle being a reverse trap and left it at that.

…i wonder if there's tit chop art of wriggle on twitter

No. 345397

playing devil's advocate here, but isn't this character intersex. he does kind of mirror trans dialogues, being mostly feminine/female until he hit puberty (it has been years since i read fm so i could be wrong i guess)

No. 345398

File: 1703790704467.png (776.37 KB, 640x800, arashi.png)

You have to call him she/her online or you'll get banned / dogpiled
>I know next to nothing, but I'll uncritically absorb this information as fact!! :3c
Why do they all talk like this

No. 345417

Omg I hate when people call Mokou a boy just because of the pants. It’s so stupid, how dare a woman wear pants…no she HAS to be a boy. She isn’t even really that gnc otherwise. She’s one of my favorites so it always really irritates me.

No. 345422

They made Arashi a tim in canon, so you can’t even argue against tras who want to force you to use she/her anymore. As if it wasn’t bad enough to have a faggot as part of the game, he actually became a tranny. I quit the game because I won’t support anything that supports troons and honestly wish more people did. It’s tragic to see the increase of actual trans characters in Japanese media. I’m worried about the effect it will have on the people consuming it.

No. 345431

Mister CM "I hate being here, so I'll make a fuss until I get fired for the drama" Punk? Having a trannie shirt? Why am I not surprised?

No. 345432

I agree with you on Arashi but the game has always been yumefujo material IDK why you would have played to begin with if you hated faggots

No. 345433

nta but I'm pretty sure she means faggot as in okama kind of dudes not just regular yaoiboys

No. 345443

>They made Arashi a tim in canon
Heartbreaking that even Japan has begun drinking the Kool aid and transing their characters. Arashi was just your average feminine gay dude with some self-image issues at the start of the game. They fucking destroyed him, it's so sad.

No. 345451

Unrealistic bl homo behavior is hot but realistic homo behavior is not, even in anime. That's why like 70% of bl includes characters living their whole lives with no interest in men and then having a "guess I'm gay now" moment for one guy.

No. 345453

i would argue it still isn't 100% canon, as he seems to not want to transition, but they did make him struggle with his identity. in the japanese text, it seems he is more "in between" if that makes sense, or up to interpretation (basically all the japanese fans see him as strictly male) but it is sad to see the trend of feminine male characters going down the trans route.

this is probably all cope btw. i know even the english release removed the she/her pronouns, and just try to avoid referring to him as anything aside from his name. or thats how it was last time i checked, but its a pretty shit game.

No. 345497

File: 1703855348137.jpg (115.14 KB, 1500x1000, Renny_dailylife_design.jpg)

A few modern Sakura Wars fans push the idea that Reni is trans because she is a tomboyish kuudere. It's so stupid and offensive to imply any girl with short hair and boyish clothes is actually a boy.
It's especially annoying because there is a trans-adjacent character in the series (Subaru, whose sex is unknown) so why do they need to transwash Reni?

No. 345610

Androgyny is not allowed in 2023. Just as how moids bemoan that they can't find the tomboy waifu of their dreams anymore, it seems I can't express interest in cute skinny boys who shave their body hair without being accused of liking eggs.

No. 345631

They should know better because Sakura Wars is harem garbo for moids, of course it’s a chick

No. 347379

File: 1704754952035.jpg (Spoiler Image,951.21 KB, 1816x1238, GCyDxv2aoAATLOt.jpg)

delulu porn of soap from cod having a vagina cuz hes a ftm and ftms can totally look and sound like him

No. 347400

I've always heard that modern military recruitment requirements are kinda strict, i know a moid who couldn't even get in because of his flat feet. How common are transgender people in the british army? Kek

No. 347401

It's like whiever drew this can't imagine sex that isn't heterosexual. I can't be the only one seeing raging homophobia here. Probably a tif who wishes she was one of them
And even if by some miracle they got taken in, they'd get bullied to death by the other soldiers (and rightfully so)

No. 347416

their delusion defies logic
nooo anon its heckin valid and even more gay and faggy than actual homosexual sex

No. 348711

Japanese aren't stupid. They know what a TIM actually is and would no holds barred deride one when they see one. TIMs are a whole different thing from simply male characters who femboy.

No. 349131

literally no one in the japanese fandom sees him as a TIM, they get confused by characters like that all the time. they see that shitty zombie character lily as a boy, and most of them still think bridget is a crossdresser still.

No. 349172

the tranny trap shota in zombieland saga ruined the anime for me. It was genuinely so cool and interesting before. Made me laugh the troon died when he started to grow facial hair though kek

No. 349179

File: 1705462062813.png (307.14 KB, 423x576, sa1-1024x577.png)

This count?

The character is Yuta Asuka from "Stars Align" (2019) and supposedly him is non-binary.

No. 349183

File: 1705462950549.jpg (483.85 KB, 1280x720, 1577385693449.jpg)

oh wow i remember when that thing came out, what a fucking let down. The anime was trash overall. There was supposed to be a follow up episode to this faggots tranny arc, but it was never resolved because of time and money constraints. That anime is genuinely cursed. Tranny non binary ''representation'', animators getting fired over tracing animation for the ending, horrendously bad animation, unfinished story, trying to be the meguka of spokon, etc. Had extremely high hopes for it and it ended up being disastrous.

No. 349187

File: 1705465990484.jpg (109.88 KB, 951x469, A.jpg)

Well… At least this wide shoulders guy admit the biologic reality"

The Character is Nao from "Skip And Loafer" (2023).

No. 349188

why is there so much tranny shit in anime and manga lately? its alarming

No. 349190

Japan has always followed the west. They usually just lag a few years behind due to the language barrier. Everyone should have known this was coming.

No. 349194

>troon and pedo culture
that's going to be a fascinating car crash to follow

No. 349196

that is gonna have an impact, they have a culture that is fine with pedophilia and porn,(as long as you keep it to yourself)

No. 349198

Wasn't it always somewhat of a thing? Okamas and what not?

No. 349199

File: 1705470341551.jpg (101.3 KB, 765x674, Episode_Preview_10-4.jpg)

Somebody remember Kaoru Kurita from "Wonder Egg Priority" or not?

No. 349200

there is already a turbo pedo anime with the most realistic child body animation i have ever seen being hailed as a peak troon reprensation, ofcourse

No. 349205

File: 1705473042463.jpg (54.57 KB, 1280x720, CY71g2AU0AAhJsm.jpg)

Kuranosuke from Jellyfish Princess is sometimes treated by some people as troon when him is just a crossdreser with mommy issues!

No. 349207

This is peak red-flag anime.

No. 349213

disgusting, the whole op is just disgusting especially the first part

No. 349236

the eternal anglo and its consequences

No. 349256

File: 1705503078721.png (3.29 MB, 2535x1440, Screenshot234402.png)

He's an intersex man who was forced to live as a girl because in those times people didn't understand intersex at all, hated it, knew he was a man and eventually rebels to live his life as his true self - a man.
He always identified himself as his biologial sex. That's quite the opposite of what trannies do.
In fact I'd say you could view him through a very anti-trans lens (like I do lol).
He's tall, has a deep voice, large shoulders etc obviously male build, Imo the story deals with him being intersex pretty well.
A male with an intersex disorder isn't a tranny he's just a man with intersex disorder. His specific condition is called 5α-Reductase 2 deficiency which ONLY happens to XYs.

I have no idea how that mirrors trans dialogues, whatever that means.

No. 349276

Troonism has spread everywhere. People still say I'm fear mongering for saying troons are gonna be in mainstream games like pokemon and zelda because "japan is too culturally into their gender roles". Spoiler it's already happened

No. 349410

File: 1705548228402.png (Spoiler Image,551.33 KB, 1297x719, die.png)

anyone who draws shit like this of a child, cartoon or not, should be violently killed

No. 350148

oh okay. like i said, it had been a few years since i last played.
>trans dialogues
as you can probably tell by scrolling thru this thread, troons consider most things 'trans dialogues', but especially things wrt a character's gender/sex. the most common trans dialogue is
>i look this way, but i'm actually this way (how can't you tell? i'm wearing pants/a skirt and i like the color blue/pink despite being female/male)
and as i recalled michel's story, it was something similar to that. i was young when i played it though (i think i first played it way back in highschool?), so that's probably why i remembered it that way

No. 350149

yeah i generally do not care about lolicon unless it's like this; these proportions are too realistic to not throw off my cp filter. it's really disturbing how well-animated the show is, makes you wonder who funds this stuff.

No. 350159

File: 1705799097960.jpg (74.66 KB, 720x1080, 72e61ad44b93c3e6deb631b2486a49…)

i remember all the slapfights on tumblr over whether this character was a TIM or not

No. 350245

I think it's pretty obvious who funds this crap.

No. 350259

in the case of onimai its a passion project by an studio that hit it big with a really popular isekaishit anime. Although it seems it did well enough to warrant a season2.

No. 350284

>its a passion project by an studio that hit it big with a really popular isekaishit anime.
On one hand I find it funny how angry scrotes got about this anime taking away from the workforce of the isekaishit, on the other hand I hate this and also it took away from animating a moid trying to kill himself because his dick didn't work.

No. 352143

I'm another fan who liked Leo in Tekken 6 but I'm sad to say that I feel like they really did troon her. I got Tekken 8 opening day and have been playing through it and with Leo, I noticed that when they bring her up, they don't use pronouns of any kind at all for her, they just her name in place whenever she's being referenced.

Not only that but I feel like she's now being voiced by a man. Her voice sounds so deep and male-like in this game and while women can have deep voices, Leo's just doesn't sound like a woman to me.

No. 354189

File: 1707270653140.png (324.04 KB, 725x820, Screenshot_656.png)

kek you know i was just talking to a nona in the anime thread about new fans transwashing the characters. i hope they kill themselves

No. 354195

File: 1707272296047.jpg (143.79 KB, 905x1200, GDK76PhXoAAwPa1.jpg)

Absolutely disgusting kek.
I'm an unapologetic gatekeeper I hate when stuff I like gets popular and the way 90% of the new DM fanbase interprets the characters is wrong. It's sort of understandable bc the gravity of the series doesn't fully dawn until later in the story but I know that fanon is retarded enough that the shit determined now is what's going to stick for posterity.
Friends keep sending me tweets about the show because they know I'm a longtime fan of the series but everything is genuinely the most run of the mill braindead fanbase shit and it's just not fun. I don't want to see it.
More on topic: The no.1 shit I keep seeing shilled is that Falyn is trans just because she's a big girl. I want troons to hang themselves.

No. 354218

File: 1707277979304.png (852 KB, 1240x1754, tumblr_9870a5880f3e030b5b8022a…)

Yeah it's a plague

No. 354228

God forbid men being pretty.

No. 354360

>gen z lesbians in 2024
>a woman and a man

No. 354362

haven't read the series, but this just looks like an underage boy to me.

No. 354365

File: 1707339368822.jpg (Spoiler Image,215.95 KB, 661x838, Efr.jpg)

Brain damaged elf. Pic related is what he'd look like if he was human.

No. 354388

wtf is even going on in this?

No. 354394

Author drew fantasy race swaps of some of the characters for an accompanying artbook.

No. 354596

Shit I misquoted. I meant this one, kek >>354218

No. 354732

File: 1707501871994.png (352.36 KB, 720x1402, TIF_Louise.png)

According to some TV Tropes users, a nine-year-old girl who isn't hyperfeminine and plays with Barbie dolls 24/7 is actually an eggy transboy.

No. 354733

File: 1707501904358.png (74.7 KB, 720x277, TIF_Louise_Numero_Uno.png)

No. 354767

Gender retardation

No. 354796

KEK are they doing this because he's short?

No. 357659

File: 1708588158885.jpg (139.56 KB, 1280x720, 20240222_075438.jpg)

They turned Acht into a themlet in the english version of the Splatoon 3 DLC despite every other version making her female. She's described as female in every version of Splatoon 2 (english included), but the Twitter referred to her as they/them in ONE tweet and so the translator team decided to go all the way with it, and picrel is the result (Pearl is referring to Acht). I don't get why they would do that and why her of all characters. Hopefully it's just a one-time thing, since that's the only instance she is referred to in 3rd person. I'm hoping there's a lore collectible that refers to her as a she.

No. 357681

NOA is troon poisoned and they probably have many gendie employees. It's only a matter of time before it sticks onto NOE too. Now I hope the script in my language has kept her a she since it's actually translated from japanese.

No. 357704

It's only the american version thankfully

No. 357705

File: 1708618041264.jpg (324.12 KB, 1080x1912, IMG_20240223_025043.jpg)

I hate how fandoms nowadays love to reduce characters to tropes and push dumb gendie headcanons onto them. I feel like a lot of people are incapable of enjoying characters without somehow projecting themselves onto them.
I'm part of the new wave of Dungeon Meshi fans (though I've finished reading the manga) but I already find a huge portion of the fanbase insufferable and I'm scared of how the twitter fandom is going to treat characters like Mithrun when he appears in the anime. Tifs are probably gonna be all over him.
Also why do they gotta draw every character with tit chop scars, looking at art like this triggers some sort of visceral reaction in me. I seriously don't see the appeal of it.

No. 357866

So far the italian script has avoided using gendered language for her. I'm disappointed but not surprised.

No. 357908

>Not only that but I feel like she's now being voiced by a man.
Late, but yes she’s now voiced by Philipp Zieschang.

No. 358124

File: 1708740462939.jpg (106.71 KB, 960x720, ezgif-2-7cc3ffabc0.jpg)

VT from Cowboy Bebop

No. 358126

not just scars but horrendously botched scars. the worse a titchop scar looks, the better, nowadays. i remember not even 10 years ago tifs were all freaking out about not passing, about scar aftercare, about what type of incision left the least damage. and now it seems to be desirable to have disgusting scars that look like you had it done for $50 in some alleyway.

No. 358133

part of the old wave of dungeon meshi fans (been reading it since 2017) and holy shit the new fans are so goddamn annoying. i have seen so much trans art of thistle/chil that it's giving me actual headaches. why oh why do these people not see how regressive it is to claim short/feminine men as "transmasc" (female). like do they never stop to go "hmmm i wonder why laius does not seem trans to me"

No. 358164

the past years the former have been derided as "truscum assimilationists" now it's all edgelords who romanticize it the same way they used to romanticize self harm back in the 2000s/early 2010s

No. 358236

The french version goes all out with gendered words (it'd be hard to given french grammar rules) and it's so satisfying. Gendies can cope all they want, there's no way a japanese game would make a dress-wearing, mascara-having character in high heels a tif.

No. 358257

those motherfuckers

No. 358349

AYRT, goddamnit it. Well you know what? Fuck that noise, Leo will always be a woman to me kek

No. 360181

File: 1709587234560.png (403 KB, 400x700, giogio.png)

If I see another fic where he has a pussy I'm not sure what I'll do

No. 360186

all of the golden wind boys get trooned so much, it's awful. I hate looking through fanart and ao3 tags just because of all the troonshit. the jp side of the fandom seems mostly free of that stuff at least, but unfortunately any anime with attractive and/or androgynous men is like gendie catnip.

No. 360193

No! I love her!

No. 360206

Giorno having a feminine Japanese given name(Haruno), a feminine Italian last name, and Araki originally planning for him to be a girl makes him an especially popular target unfortunately. Which is funny since he's pretty buff and manly at only 15, as a full adult he'd be DIO-tier huge

No. 360232

File: 1709606963143.jpeg (42.51 KB, 303x306, JulianBashir.jpeg)

mtfs project onto this fucker constantly. They use a single line from one episode to justify it as "canon" that he has a uterus ("I had to find another womb for the baby, and the only two people available were Major Kira and me") but it's pretty fucking obvious that the line is a joke about how he DOESN'T have a uterus, being a man and all.

No. 360233

fuck i meant ftms

No. 360499

They would put on any label to not be considered straight

No. 360557

File: 1709754080360.jpg (606.81 KB, 1080x1474, 1000005555.jpg)

Posting about Falin on a whimsy and immediately getting troon flags in my notifs I hate it here. I like her but it means running across shit like picrel and how she has a dragon cock or whatever

No. 360565

Same boat as you I'm also so annoyed by how popular Kabru/Laios is like it never even occurred to me as a ship when I read the manga, it's so nothing. Fandom retards will always take a good and respectable series when it hits the mainstream and reduce it in their consumption to the same ooh shipping ooh gendershit slop as everything else.

No. 361039

File: 1709970110112.png (1.48 MB, 1897x1453, 2BXHBYi.png)

either 1) the most misogynistic conclusion ever, 2) too much of a fujo to ever accept liking a het-ship or 3)all of the above

No. 361071

File: 1709984355159.png (62.13 KB, 721x448, every now and then you get agp…)

No. 361072

Wtf are these people going on about.

No. 361073

File: 1709985064984.png (912.54 KB, 724x787, Screenshot 2024-03-09 035314.p…)

I think it's one of those 'the character I self inserted as when I was 14 is actually trans because I'm trans' sort of things.

No. 361074

I hate princess jellyfish. I hate male crossdressers. I hate drag queens.

No. 361075

>Feminine depressed weak guy with no spine = trans
Do these people even hear themselves talk?

No. 361076

Ah yes because short hair or cutting a girl's hair short = male. Sexism reinfented

No. 361077

Is every "loss of identity" narrative going to be seen through a tranny prism now?

No. 361816

File: 1710190394686.jpg (158.81 KB, 640x949, is-dragona-a-trans-woman-or-ju…)

No. 361831

Tbf, this one is on Araki for being dumb enough to include this shit of a character and setting the story in 2020, he's asking for it. I'm waiting for this character to die so I can pick up part 9 kek.

No. 361854

File: 1710194318058.jpg (71.02 KB, 244x409, Tom_Holland_as_Spider-Man.jpg)

The hold that Tom Holland's Spiderman had on tifs back in the 2010s was insane.

No. 361873

wtf this is really weird. So is the character a man but wearing a bra?

No. 361874

Japan really fallen into complete degeneracy. I remember when they had okama characters like in Gintama to mock fags and crossdressers.

No. 361876

Riza Hawkeye is one of the best characters on the show too. It feels super sexist to gender swap her but not Roy? the trans tit scars are so triggering to me

No. 361877

I'm not ready for idiots born in 2005 to try to diagnose FF7. I hate that they even remade that game.

No. 361885

this one's not transwashing when she's an actual tranny

No. 361961

Feel you anon, I'm an oldchan and I loved Fullmetal Alchemist as a teen and Riza was one hands down one of the best characters in that show. I feel that trigger, fucking ridiculous.

No. 362608

File: 1710448507141.png (869.13 KB, 798x1151, SGLuka.png)

>boy forced to crossdress by dad
>refers to self as boku
>everybody refers to him as a he
>at one point a guy points out he has an even bigger dick than him
>says he "looks like a girl", not that he is one
>obviously the trap archetype
Only a matter of time before trannies get their disgusting hands on him

No. 362612

File: 1710448852440.gif (2.05 MB, 600x338, tumblr_pephptjpUP1vmws1jo2_r1_…)

Trannies can take all the traps they want. They're all waifubait scroteshit anyways. Ruka in picrel is better.

No. 362619

File: 1710449816977.png (160.86 KB, 600x640, Youjisprite.png)

troons can keep slow damage, uuultraC, and hashihime but for the love of god leave this one alone.

No. 362621

they already transwash him all the time, he is one of the first characters they mentioned when they go on their rants about ~transfeminine erasure~ in the media.

No. 362640

But didn't he always talk about how much he wants to be a girl? And in one timeline he is one. This is in the anime though.

No. 362641

File: 1710453758671.jpg (111.27 KB, 500x1306, Sweetpool.JPG)

I haven’t seen anyone say that Youji is trans thankfully. Sweet pool is about being a female teenager to some extent but it is plot relevant for both him and Tetsuo to be actually male and it’s an eroge, you know what his body looks like. Don’t tell me trannies think he’s mtf.

No. 362642

he wants to be a girl because he is in love with a straight man and knows he won't have a chance, he ends up admitting the timeline he spends as a woman is a mistake. he gets more masculine when he gets older, as well.

No. 362643

They will have to pry poor Youji from my cold dead hands. It's a big plot point that he's male too.

No. 362644

they say he's ftm as expected of nlogs who think not enjoying every minute of female puberty means you're ~twansmasc~ deep down and not normal. they have 0 logic when it comes to biological sex so of course they throw all the importance of that to the story out the window too.

No. 362758


No. 362759

All of the above, I hate it here

No. 362763

Help, I thought this was an edgy edit parodying what this character looks like, not actual text… Araki insane for this one

No. 362831

File: 1710508303967.png (275.01 KB, 640x445, Sd29wQn.png)

No. 362832

i didnt even realize this was shinji, thought it was some random oc

No. 362844

File: 1710516144666.png (163.77 KB, 745x762, ew.png)

Your post reminded me of this tweet i saw recently, probably fits itt

No. 362858

anon…i hate to say this but this one is legitimately trans. admittedly he only wants to troon out for the worst reasons (men can't be feminine, he's in love with a guy) but i'm pretty sure in all "good" endings of s;g he becomes a girl. then again it is more genuine sex change and not "he is on hormones and learning how to be more 'feminine'" (he's just hsts)

No. 362861

Iirc, at least in the ending for the show, he stays a man and the mc ends up with the red head. I always figured that was the best ending.

No. 362870

they offer him a sex-change at one point, and he refuses. he only wants to be female so he can be with a straight man, and he resents the change when he realizes it kills mayuri. he is a character who struggles with internalized homophobia, i don't think he actually is a tranny.

No. 362936

Fr, it's sending mixed signals. Like, does he hate or love troons?

No. 362940

he's "misgendering" "her" the entire time so i don't think so, i think araki just likes playing with gendered styles and clothes

No. 363123

fuuuuck i hate this stupid canon vs fanon trend flooding my tl, its always the stupidest "wut if straight relationship was actually nb x m????" headcanons.

No. 363276

in layman's terms, dragona is a hrt femboy. I haven't really caught up on the JoJolands but with the way it's been described that he's called by "he" and "brother" and doesn't get offend or try to correct people over it, so he's fine being percieved as a feminine man while taking hormones for the aesthetics

No. 363318

Gems having male pronouns is just sticking to the original. I perceived it as them having obviously feminine appearance and male pronouns as being somewhat "genderless". I like referring to them with male pronouns when around the troons that are obsessed with shitting up yuri with their presence. But it's obvious that Ichikawa draws them as women, because you can just look at her other works where all women look like feminine gems and all men look like Adamant and Aechmea.

No. 363320

File: 1710695193776.png (379.21 KB, 593x397, what the fuck is a hesbian.png)

Why do they worship ugliness.

No. 363322

File: 1710695828893.jpeg (45.74 KB, 468x655, images (4).jpeg)

Sage for ot but I find Jodio's "Although I've never seen him getting injections" line kinda fishy. Why would we as the reader be informed that Jodio has never seen his brother getting fake boobs for no reason? It feels like the setup to a reveal wherein Dragona is actually a female who was switched with Jodio's real brother at some point for some weird plot reason and then had to lie to jodio in order to keep things normal. Ik that this is jojo so maybe im reading too much into a ridiculous manga but still

No. 363323

Asuka being a lesbian is ironically more retarded than Shinji being a tranny (not that I think he is obviously).

No. 363325

File: 1710696472402.png (661.43 KB, 426x1354, Kabru.png)

i know anons were talking about dungeon meshi here a month ago but i have seen so much troon art of him and i hate it.

unironic posts i have seen on twitter:
>omg he's actually trans because he's 5'7 and thats the average height for female tall-men
> omg he's trans because he wears tight pants (???)

No. 363328

>omg he's actually trans because he's 5'7 and thats the average height for female tall-men
That's like the height of 90% of men in my country.

No. 363333

I remember reading somewhere that the author was trying to give them a half male, half female vibe, hence why they have triangular chests and suit tops, but feminine legs and shorts, but it it leans feminine because drawing overtly masculine chests would be a bit too awkward looking for the gems.

No. 363334

>female tall-men
yet all transmen are only 160cm/5'3" or shorter

No. 363336

>omg he's actually trans because he's 5'7 and thats the average height for female tall-men
since when is 5'7 the average for tall women? wasnt it 6ft and above? what logic do tifs operate on? more and more they only perpetuate misogynistic stereotypes
>tall,must be man
>not a girly girl, must be man
>likes masculine lined interests, must be man
>doesnt want to date men or is lesbian,must be man

No. 363338

>since when is 5'7 the average for tall women?
TIF retardation aside, that is tall for a woman anywhere outside America and Europe.

No. 363377

I still think it's weird he gets hormones to have a female body. But I think it's one of Araki's many weird sex jokes.
I haven't read jojolands yets but I could see that unironically being a plot point in jojo. Also it's not really ridiculous, it just seems that way until you see past the flashy designs and powers and realize how fucked up it can get. I personally think Araki is on Junji Ito's level when it comes to horror and gore, and has good consistent focused writing and interesting themes to explore, especially fate and fatherhood's effects on the upbringing of an individual. It could also be Dragons is a rock human or something, since they don't have genitalia despite the gendered look of their bodies, so it doesn't matter if they're male or female since they don't have reproductive systems.

No. 363896

i rarely see them calling laios trans. pretty sure it’s because they want to self-insert into kabru when they ship…i miss the days when men were feminized and just drawn a little prettier not literally turned into a female kek

No. 363898

still a bit mad about haruhi. if i’m remembering right, she’s pretty practical. when she cuts her hair, it’s because she got gum in it, not because she’s thinking “ohhh i need to be masc i need to let people know i am masc i will not be happy until i am matching the definition of masc according to ((mass society))” so i don’t understand how tifs try to claim her

No. 363902

File: 1710860991608.jpeg (31.74 KB, 236x286, FA052E89-CF2A-4067-851D-34E734…)

they think she is nonbinary because of this quote.

No. 365610

File: 1711415987370.jpg (446.33 KB, 1080x1966, IMG_20240326_121222.jpg)

Hate seeing gendies latching onto characters who seek to change their bodies(like izutsumi and lycion) and making it all about troonism. In fact I feel like so many of them are incapable of analysing a story and it's characters without relating it to gender identity

No. 365612

i hate this shit, ive also seen them call laios "trans-coded" because he wanted to become a monster

No. 365633

So what do they headcanon the cat person as? Ftm or mtf?

No. 365634

Satoko and Rika if they took testosterone?

No. 365637

>Transition would have fixed cloud
The fuck? No it wouldn't

No. 365664

Not surprising that people whose brain is about 90% rotten by pornography see themselves in a panel meant for fanservice. They can’t differentiate “gender” feelings from sexual arousal because they’re one and the same.

No. 365670

It doesn't even register to me as fan service. It just looks like a cat from the musical cats that got wet

No. 365677

The gendies threatened to boycott the game (for a week lmao) because they stopped using pronouns for him. They're calling it "erasure" the same way they do Ruka

No. 365681

I miss when young gendie zoomers didn't care or know about ff. Then the remake came out, it blew up on tiktok, and now they're trannifying my favourite characters.

No. 365699

File: 1711467104583.png (91.57 KB, 498x460, mizu-blue-eye-samurai.png)

I made the stupid, stupid decision of going to Tumblr and looking for more Blue Eyed Samurai content. The only thing I saw was everyone totally missing the point and concluding Mizu must be a transman. I swear to god this generation is going full retarded.

No. 365702

I hate this because part of the message is how much Mizu was harmed by being forced to present as a man when she's a woman and how shit women's lives are because of men. It's anti-trans if anything.

No. 365711

I thought that was pretty clear when Mikio only considered her a monster after she, A WOMAN, proved to be stronger and more skilled than him but according to tumblr she's clearly trans coded and you are a TERF for not agreeing

No. 365767

File: 1711485666568.jpg (140.71 KB, 1080x785, 405769495_65184886687.jpg)

I'm 99% convinced the only reason they want her to be trans is so they can imagine a "yaoi" relationship with her and Taigen.

No. 365859

I didn't see any headcanon in particular but they find her relatable to being trans because she is a human 'cursed' to live in the body of a beast-man, and her goal in the story was to find a way for her body to become human. They take every character that is unhappy with or bodies (or makes drastic changes to their appearance) a troon and its so shallow and lame

No. 365897

File: 1711554949144.jpg (Spoiler Image,732.69 KB, 1536x2048, WHATTHEFUCK.jpg)

I dont know why the TIMs love claiming Falin so much, back off!!! Stay away from her!!

No. 365898

This is the ugliest fucking art I've ever seen jesus christ. It's nauseating how quick MTF's have latched onto Marcille and Falin—the amount of disgusting tweets about them I saw after the bath scene aired would've peaked me if I hadn't already. Lesbians can't have shit without these freaks taking over

No. 365902

why do they always make falin obese

No. 365976

>we still remember
this fucking poser probably got into the manga this year

No. 366005

I mean, it's obvious why when she's the trans self insert who gets to be yuri with a half-elf.

No. 366013

Ew ew EW what the fuck. I can't tell what the fuck kind of vibe the artist was going for but I'm spooked. It looks like an enemy in a horror game.

No. 366015

Falin isn't trans though

No. 366026

For real it does… why?

No. 366036

The grotesque look this creature has going on with the dick out makes it look like a Fear and Hunger enemy

No. 366037

In the time you spent restating the obvious you could have just reread that post and understood that she's drawn cartoonishly obese and mannish because the troons who project onto her look the same

No. 366053

What the flying fuck. Legit gagged after clicking.

No. 366058

It's actually impressive how repulsive this is on a level…

No. 366082

I know literally nothing about this anime, so googling her name made me even more confused that she's a cute girl and not a giant blood goo monster??

No. 367909

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No. 367913

kek I almost saved and was going to post this here, glad you beat me to it. What is up with western dungeon meshi fans trying to make Falin look as fat and repulsive as possible while drawing her brother like Fabio

No. 367921

Tfw you miss the point of utena

No. 367922

that fucking face Marcille's making lol. this shit is so repulsive

No. 367928

When has Shinji ever said he wanted to be a girl

No. 367929

It's been days and I still can't get over this shit, the jokes write themselves

No. 367931

The trend with any mentally ill male charas nowadays who aren't roidpigs is to say estrogen would fix them.
Retarded because if you really examine that statement what gendies mean is that transitioning is the only way to mentally liberate yourself instead of like, you know, proper introspection or anything.

No. 367992

Had to drop someone I had been talking to for a while when they, completely unprovoked and out of nowhere, went on this rant about how she wants everyone dead who doesn't accept that Character X in the franchise in question is canonically trans. Which is definitely not the case since we're talking about a Chinese developer and there being absolutely ZERO hints that this character is supposed to be anything but male.
So I dropped this person like a hot potato. Which is a shame because I had hoped to finally have found someone to discuss the franchise's lore with, but I have no patience for delusional people insisting everyone and their dog is ~CaNoNiCaLlY TrAnS uwu~.

No. 368009

You definitely dodged a bullet there anon

No. 368023

In their minds, failmale = woman, because they view women as "non-men."

No. 368025

Looking from afar I thought it was some fanmade Demon Souls enemies or something.

No. 368229

Late but I think it's because she's canonically not super thin(at least by anime standards, iirc her canon BMI is 24). Laios is a little thick too. Western fans being western fans, this of course means they have to be drawn obese

No. 369022

File: 1712577584712.png (1.88 MB, 740x2270, IMG_67104.png)

No. 369028

fuck trannies for ruining a really cute color combination

No. 369060

she's saying not to stereotype her so ofc gendies stereotype her as nonbinary

No. 369062

File: 1712591038891.png (966.56 KB, 1703x2450, 23234434.png)

>you can just look at her other works where all women look like feminine gems
they all resemble the guy from this oneshot about crossdressing to me

No. 369074

File: 1712597185897.jpg (56.78 KB, 614x567, 9a46a05130f842441ce06ab30ada1b…)

The only gem that read as male to me was Padparadscha, the others read more female. It's probably the open chest being drawn male consistently. But compared to the Lunarians and Admirabilis who have clear gender divisions the Gems are a lot more androgynous.
Trannies identify with Shinji being mentally ill and navigating being a teenager in a traumatic situation and think he's a troon rather than realizing they're identifying with being mentally ill.

No. 369425

why the fuck do weirdos on twitter keep randomly she/her'ing male characters for no reason what the fuck

No. 369492

Because it's the cool thing to do at the moment. The character in question doesn't look like the manliest man to ever man? OBVIOUSLY he's actually female. So not only does it allow the twitter/tumblr girlies to virtue-signal that they're super progressive and accepting, but by turning their "blorbos" into women, they can turn this character in an OOC self-insert for their boring coffeeshop AUs.

No. 369512

"Misgendering" is hip and cool but only when they do it.

No. 369519

they are doing it to characters that are portrayed by male actors. same ones also call straight couples lesbians.
gendie humor is really dumb and annoying

No. 369520

My fucking god, tangent but I am sosick of seeing men called lesbians. It's never funny.

No. 369524

Any words related to sexuality have completely lost their meanings thanks to the gendies. Not to derail this thread, but the best example is "asexual", which according to tumblr means you have regular and kinky sex with anything that breathes but only if you feel like it. As supposed to us normies who are apparently under some obligation to fuck anytime.

No. 369581

This and the same with any other nice color combinations that gets ruined because said colors are used on their flag(s).

No. 369599

I hate what they've done to the term asexual. it makes me feel insane when I'm talking to someone and they tell me ackshually asexuals still have kinky sex. and they always pretend you're the retarded one for not agreeing with this shit they made up that doesn't even make any sense to any normal person. They do it with any character that doesn't express sexual desires much openly or isn't a degenerate even if the actual show doesn't say they're asexual too, it's like an extension of the trans washing thing.
it makes them feel less basic for liking moids /being straight to call them girls instead

No. 369739

File: 1712849051071.jpg (12.14 KB, 250x188, Frylock.jpg)

They are claiming Frylock is a tranny over a joke in the movie. He's just a talking floating pack of fries. It's obvious that they haven't watched ATHF since if they had, they would be aware of the absurd and sporadic humor the show features and how it has little to no continuity.

No. 369967

i think he's going to turn out to be a hermaphrodite due to magical jojos bullshit who just grew boobs naturally

No. 370433

this just shows how these troons think clothes or acting a certain way =gender/sex. theyre all about gender doesnt equal sex but then pull this shit everytime.smh

No. 370504

File: 1713063732629.jpg (45.62 KB, 735x413, 1000017260.jpg)

I've seen so many new twd fans slap a ftm label on him. Probably because he's an edgy (somewhat) androgynous teen with long hair and tifs project onto him. Whatever it is I think it's fucking weird because he's portrayed by a real person. There's a lot of transwashed 2d characters itt which is already creepy in itself but 'adding depth' to a character depicted by a real guy by fantasizing about his genitals is psychotic. I always wonder what actors think about their characters being subjected to mutilation headcanons lol

No. 370528

File: 1713072973933.jpg (22.76 KB, 640x480, sddefault (2).jpg)

Irrelevant to the thread but I love the complete lack of trannies in TWD. Imagine for a second if a zombie apocalypse happened, no trannies would stay committed to the act. They'd either 41% or get their shit together because they'd realize survival is more important. Either that or they'd screw over everyone around them with no remorse just for a chance to get access to leftover hormones. Imagine a Chris Chan looking troon asking Negan if the saviors have HRT at their base and he looks at them like picrel

No. 370529

File: 1713073220900.png (290.91 KB, 828x776, showertaker 4-2-24 trooning fa…)

it's literally picrel, they made a tranny joke in the movie and they had to pretend it was representation to cope

No. 370534

It's both the queer lack of logic and also rape culture. So they can brainwash actually asexual people (I don't believe it should be described as an orientation though, even though it's normal and I'm not interested in sex myself) to eventually have sex or promot others to use that word so it can be more "including". Just like they love the term "gender" and brainwash themselves and others that specific behaviors or clothing makes you the opposite sex or some imaginary one. They delight in it as if they were discussing some super complex philosophical theory while in reality they apply multiple dumbass labels to real people or fictional characters.

No. 371531

personally, to me it makes sense to have it described as an orientation as there is more to it than just not liking sex. it's lack/absent sexuality. having a word that accurately describes "I'm not into men nor women" is better than simply stating you aren't interested in sex. many people aren't but that doesn't make them asexual if they still feel some type of attraction towards the sexes. I do agree it's becoming to lose meaning and it being totted as a spectrum makes it include people who very much experience attraction. I have seen people describe themselves as aroace lesbian for example, which is inherently contradicting. How can you claim neither be romantically or sexually attracted to no one yet also you still feel attraction to women as a woman somehow?

No. 371532

I remember seeing posts in the fujocoomer thread about fujos fantasising him being sexually assaulted, so it's not surprising he gets trans'd

No. 371548

Old post but I agree that the reveal of him being intersex is a lot like a tranny "coming out". I feel like it's just a translation thing. I don't know how it is in Japanese but the English translation was skewing towards that. Not sure if it was intentional or not since there was some drama with tsundere being replaced with fragile male ego.

No. 371659

can you post what they're saying? curious if it's tims or tifs

No. 371687

That's based ngl

No. 371857

File: 1713481466860.png (165.94 KB, 1214x790, Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 18.57…)

Saddened to see Tamora Pierce retroactively called her character Alanna from The Song of the Lioness "gender-fluid". At the end of the day Alanna was a woman, that was kind of a big part of it.
Don't know why I even looked… I guess I was hoping it was old enough not to be affected by the recent trends, but morbidly curious if it had been at the same time. Maybe Pierce is too old to know what she's saying but probably not.

No. 371858

I’m curious. And sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask but i’m getting into black butler is grell actually a “trans woman” or are troons just taking another gnc character and making them trans

No. 371861

File: 1713483185602.webp (62.07 KB, 400x400, F31D2381-BA18-45CB-860D-20355D…)

he is an joke character who is supposed to be an okama, and he falls into some of the beliefs that all gay men want to transition, so he jokingly discusses wanting a sex change in extra material and refers to himself as a woman (similarly to how a drag queen would). she calls him male and makes a lot of jokes at his expense, so its whatever, but the trans reading is understandable.

No. 372916

File: 1713812452649.png (Spoiler Image,4.56 MB, 2297x3073, mtdnmUA.png)

No. 373081

What character is this? I can't tell.

No. 373107

Jesse and Mike from Breaking Bad

No. 373158

File: 1713890039876.png (698.05 KB, 828x1104, K95gFs6.png)

No. 373672

File: 1714031297452.png (1.77 MB, 1828x2048, nbfo5tH.png)

No. 373816

Trapshit is a disgusting scrote fetish. Trannoids can have them(replying to a 5 month old post with bait)

No. 373819

>biological male
>cursed to be a woman
>hates it, tries to avoid it whenever possible
Sooooo troon, am I right?

No. 373831

I wonder if she just doesn't get what a retarded term genderfluid is. When I was a teen it just meant someone who doesn't conform to gendered stereotypes, but now a days idiots insist it's separate "innate gender identity". I have a non-woke friend who used the word to describe a man comfortable with his feminine side and she was horrified when I explained what is means these days and linked her to a recent definition word salad of genderfluid lol.

No. 373861

File: 1714085758509.jpg (102.99 KB, 1024x826, ritsu_sohma_trans_pride_by_ted…)


No. 373865

File: 1714085933112.jpg (121.34 KB, 1024x1024, wakko_warner_non_binary_fanart…)


No. 373866

File: 1714086963527.jpg (70.85 KB, 540x540, tumblr_9abe3ea29688ef109d0502d…)

No. 373868

File: 1714087506082.jpg (88.79 KB, 1280x571, tumblr_nvr2a6bsEZ1uwoowfo1_128…)


No. 373870

File: 1714087747781.png (88.41 KB, 664x396, EOQ8zHuWkAENfL9.png)

Of course because… You know.


No. 373874

File: 1714088509356.jpg (54.16 KB, 493x511, mkp5smlb4ee91.jpg)

Fun fact:the cream unicorn cookie it's a boy in the korean canon.

No. 373886

i remember on reddit i saw a tim raging that this character wasn't canonically trans or wasn't technically "trans rep", which doesn't even make any sense because this character doesn't have gender dysphoria in the sense that he wants to be a girl. he's forced into the identity of a girl due to a family tradition, and he actually wishes he could be himself and indulge in more masculine hobbies. later on its shown he accepts both the masculine/feminine side of himself, and doesnt care about whether he has to be gender conforming or gender nonconforming. at the end of the manga he stops trying to hide his double identity from the MC. if anything it goes against tranny ideology because his entire character arc is about how you DONT have to change your gender, and you just have to be yourself kek

No. 373929

Just yesterday I saw this youtube short where someone redesigned her and it looked very cool but then had to add the themlet badge and the comments were a trainwreck of overcorrecting anyone who misgendered a doll. I never even watched or collected MH but good lord.

No. 374568

I have never heard anyone use the term "genderfluid" in the sense you're describing. I've only ever seen it as a gendie term.

No. 374571

~*~she's just in denial of her real self~*~

No. 374572

File: 1714322858175.jpeg (150.94 KB, 827x1352, IMG_1834.jpeg)

Target won’t take Frankie Dolls anymore so that’s a relief.

No. 374575

I thought Target were like massive handmaidens? what happened there? kek

No. 374577

Target got bomb threats and dragged on social media for selling tuck underwear and binders in the children’s section.

No. 374578

Same, I remember them selling binders to teens as if it was normal not long ago, or am I confusing them with something else?

No. 374579

that's a bit excessive but they shouldn't have been selling that stuff towards children in the first place. hate that it had to be threats for them to remove them. Does new gen Frankie even have any of her they/them stuff on the packaging or something and that's why they aren't selling her?

No. 374580

File: 1714324378111.png (457.6 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_1835.png)

I don’t think it’s on her packaging but it’s certainly on Amazon and anywhere with her character description

No. 374581

File: 1714324635148.jpeg (127.04 KB, 720x1280, IMG_1836.jpeg)

The doll they pulled is for the “welcoming committee” at school and she’s got a trans shirt on, social justice pride bag, pansexual shoes. Yeah I get it

No. 374584

I see the colors but what's wrong with the description? A young child wouldn't understand what the colors represent unless an adult explained it to them.

No. 374591

The official description for this doll isn’t out yet so I grabbed her core refresh description to show the pronouns. Kids would definitely know the rainbow flag since it’s taught in school.

No. 374641

I legit don't see anything wrong with this one >>374591
you say that but children don't automatically see rainbow colored things and = to gay. only terminally online adults see certain colors and associate them with gay/trans because that's their only personality trait

No. 374658

It's one thing if the doll creators are just using a cute color palette that happens to be shared with queershit coincidentally, it's another thing with this monster high doll that is clearly using those colors because of the pride flag associations.

No. 374703

I hate troonwashing as much as everyone ITT but I have to make an exception for TIF Jesus because it's just too damn hilarious because of how much it makes tradtards seethe. Plus it's one of the very few troonwashings that actually makes sense beyond "because I said so", human parthenogenesis is already insane enough of an idea of its own but the parthenogenesis baby somehow having a Y chromosome is the cherry on top of the cake that some people even in the first world in the 21st century still swallow. The shit moids make up to overrate their failsex kek
I think jannies should allow jesusposting on the Bechdel Test thread as long as we make it clear that we see Her as an AFAB Nonbinary Trans Boy and also an asexual brown Jewish Palestinian QTIPOC with Turner Syndrome and hirsutism. Like Joan of Arc, She had to pretend to be a man so that people take Her seriously and was punished for it. Even worse, She has been and is still being malewashed by Her own so-called fan club! Such disrespect…

No. 374711

File: 1714349457588.jpg (46.6 KB, 736x738, 9fdfa4dcd03b20cd10c9c7aa2c7315…)

"testosterone could fix him" fuck off let women be weird
nona this is genius

No. 374735

danny phantom's a sad case but the little blue one is actually a tranny canonically

No. 374742

Wtf, I've never actually seen this movie but people in my life have compared me to this character and I've also been the target of a lot of those retarded "egg" jokes. Your post being the intersection of those two things just makes me feel gross. Recently I feel like there's a push for the trooning of awkward girls who like dark things

No. 374745

It was already bad they changed her entire style by the end when she got a boyfriend… she feels like, the very early "ugly" girl character that got so widespread later in the 90s and early 2000s, you know, the 'ugly girl (sometimes with glasses and a ponytail) and some attitude which some guy will fix and make her beautiful according to what a man finds appealing' type of character, girls like that one from she's all that for example, but this is even worse because these tards are saying "well, she was a man all along", women simply aren't allowed to be "ugly" like men they either have to be hyper feminine and delicate or they aren't even women. And this shit is all related, how women can't just be, how they need to be "fixed". Then young women go thinking maybe they aren't women at all cus every women must be a insta model in skimpy clothing. God I just hate everything about this timeline so much, it's like we went backwards when it comes to women being free from bullshit, here we are in this prison of bullshit, we were never free. Fuck men, because girls hooked up on troonism is their fault too, they created that "fixing ugly girls" crap.

No. 374757

no girl in media is safe anymore. whether its the nerdy alt girl or the hyper feminine girl troons will put their hands on her.

No. 374874

File: 1714409641437.jpg (124.95 KB, 648x900, GMHSNRzW0AAgknq.jpg)

This straight ship is apparently "boy x boy" because the high-femme AFAB calls herself nonbinary and has a troon tramp stamp. Nevermind that her tits are out, she's a ~boi~. This is how brain-rotted Homestuckers are these days.

No. 374912

This is fucking hilarious. This mf just wants to ship dirkroxy without having to deal with "erm isn't dirk a faggot??? GAY ERASURE!!1!!". She just found a perfect get out of jail free card to ship her straight ship in peace.

No. 374913

File: 1714417440561.jpg (187.63 KB, 1000x461, tumblr_f9eab39fcc877ec33e214a5…)

Cookie Run is a fucking mess when it comes to gendering its characters. I've been fan of the franchise for years and it's obvious all they they/them characters are just to pander to the gendies in the fanbase. Characters like Cinnamon and Dark Choco were "nonbinary" until the devs changed it so they are now guys, then characters like Angel and Snow Sugar were changed from girl and guy respectively to enbie. Then there's the Japanese version which gives genders to all the characters. The only characters I can see being actually they/them is Doughnut and Ion, but that's cuz one is an alien and the other a robot.
Cream Unicorn is an specially egregious example, he was confirmed a feminine guy by the devs but when he came to Kingdom he was changed to an enbie, and he's played by a very annoying enbie man as well.
The characters are not gender special because the character designers or devs want them to, it's purely for profit for the annoying Twitter fanbase.

No. 374914

i’ve never understood the appeal of this game i’m ngl

No. 374915

I heard that the genderspecial shit doesn't apply in the Korean version of the game. How do they respond to this? Do they know that it's pandering to line the devs' pockets?

No. 374916

same, the designs are so ugly and cluttered. you can't even tell they're supposed to be cookies

No. 374917

File: 1714418737009.jpg (186.25 KB, 1500x1125, gingerbread-men-cookies-ddmfs-…)

No. 374925

File: 1714419367258.png (878.55 KB, 1920x872, coogie run downgrade.png)

I don't really speak Korean, but as far as I understand they can avoid pronoun usage much easier, so some characters can end up being ambiguous, but even then the large majority end up being gendered. And I can't say, I rarely see the Korean fans interact with the western fans (only time is when the western fans get mad when the Korean artists whitewash the cookies, yes it's as ridiculous as it sounds). The Korean fans seem chill in general, but I've seen them be disappointed with Kingdom specifically because they say it's pandering to westerners a bit too much at times.
I don't blame you one bit nona, there was a change of art style at some point and now the designs have gotten much more busy. Pic related is how it has changed.

No. 374946

100%. And the replies to the posts are all asspats about how "gender" it is and shit like that. The art is part of a whole fanfic where Dirk is "transmasc" but not really because he has no tit scars and a fully-functional penis that can ejaculate. I have to wonder if this is genuinely how TiFs percieve phalloplasty, or if the artist is just heaping superficial gender nonsense on a straight ship so they don't get canceled for shipping a gay man with a woman. Maybe both, idk.

No. 374949

Honestly, it's so subtle, I don't really see the issue. Only adults are going to look at this and see flag nonsense. Kids don't care, they cut the dolls' hair off and draw on them with markers. The attempt at the "progress" flag isn't even correct, the colors are in the wrong order, the brown looks like orange, and the orange looks like pink.

I remember the guy who designed the original rainbow pride flag saying something along the lines of being horrified that it's now being mass-produced in Chinese sweatshops. This reminds me of that.

No. 374953

The artist made a tweet on how she found phalloplasties janky some time ago so it's 100% the latter

No. 374966


No. 374982

Cant screenshot this my device going through it rn but here.


No. 375015

File: 1714452816050.png (81.1 KB, 590x492, teehee corndog funny.png)

Holy shit. How has she not been raked over the coals for this? Criticizing SRS is a cardinal sin among the types of terminally online lefties that are still into HS. Also I can't believe people still do Tumblr keyboard mashes in Current Year.

No. 378317

File: 1715354995404.jpeg (762.76 KB, 1792x2048, GNGxEqPaMAA80cM.jpeg)

I found this survey that this female oriented "oshikatsu media" report platform did on "male characters that look good in makeup" and it includes characters that western fandoms headcanon as trans, specifically #3 (Anne from Paradox Live), #6 (Arashi from Ensemble Stars) and #9 (Terra from Charisma House). It's intriguing hearing these types of characters be referred to as men, when calling them as they are (men) would get you run off the Western fandom spaces. https://numan.tokyo/feature/9k5kzmb/

No. 378496

so are people not freaking out instead because it's incest?

No. 378742

File: 1715412007617.jpg (620.46 KB, 2048x2048, Untitled.jpg)

i think this isn't a huge widespread thing, but in my stinky corner of the net i am seeing a whole lot of weird transing of the postal dude, of all the fucking character. the guy who's sexist, racist, kills animals and people for fun etc. idk if they think they're being ironic or funny by doing this but the postal dude would hate them. i also feel like there's some passive homophobia in his games (he doesn't say slurs or anything, though he absolutely WOULD say slurs if game censors didn't exist) but there's some mission where he gets raped by some rednecks and that's meant to be funny. which it is, but like… the whole series is meant to be fucking offensive and the dude is meant to be a stereotypical aggressive, entitled, shitty white man.

No. 378949

I've been seeing this too and it's so odd. I'm not in the Postal fandom, but I am into something equally moidish with degen characters and it's so bizarre watching them get woobified.

No. 379310

It's not incest. Roxy and Dirk are Dave and Rose's biological parents. Dave and Rose are related, Dirk and Rosy are not

No. 379538

File: 1715449836383.png (14.04 KB, 626x213, rws.PNG)

Yeah I've seen that too, it's so bizarre. Like this obnoxious sexist racist murderer somehow draws the line at muh twansphobia? Picrel certainly didn't help either. I bet the moid who runs the twitter account is a tranny chaser kek.

No. 379638

TF2? I’ve been a fan for years but recently I’ve noticed a lot of teenage TIFs invading, sometimes they don’t even play the game, they just ship the goofy characters and draw troonwashed fanart. I bring it up because I’ve seen crossover with these types and the Postal weirdos. I mean I thought Postal 2 was funny because I was an edgy teenager but it’s so strange to see modern day woke teenagers getting into it.

No. 379861

KEK. I thought that was a parody tweet at first. What a time to be alive.

Grand Theft Auto series. A lot of TIFs flooded the fandom after GTA V because of the Trevor/Michael ship and now there's some Trevor and Postal dude crossover art. I think it's only one artist doing that atm but I've noticed way more of these TIFs get into Postal out of nowhere lately, which is odd considering they'll piss and moan about GTAs edginess. I find it so bizarre how headcanons and fanart can influence gaming trends in fandoms. No wonder the devs are pandering, their relatively obscure games are getting more sales and promotion out of these freaks.

No. 380248

this is embarrassing but i also was in the RWS discord for awhile, the devs are just old boomers trying to be nice so people continue to buy their games kek. i mean, postal itself is supposed to be funny, i love it myself in a nostalgic way, and clearly the devs don't support the dude's bigoted views (i mean you can go kill the devs in-game if you want) but yeah trannies are just too precious.

No. 380251

File: 1715477009511.png (305.04 KB, 583x639, Screenshot 2024-05-11 182310.p…)

kek i think they deleted the tweet

No. 380269

File: 1715480033924.png (7.78 KB, 621x79, Screenshot 2024-05-11 191305.p…)

nvm found the OP.
but i posted it on 4chan to see the rage and they were pretty funny

No. 380791

Well obviously Mr. Dude just played Fag Hunter because of his internalised homophobia, duh.

KEK. Well, when put like that, it actually does seem in character for him.

No. 382176

File: 1715762554782.jpg (130.19 KB, 1023x1184, tumblr_e1ffa9646153c259237a974…)

We need to start gatekeeping fighting games. I can't count how many KOF or Tekken characters (even some Street Fighter) I've seen be drawn with tit scars and in pooner memes

No. 382242

File: 1715781618230.jpeg (767.14 KB, 1179x1752, IMG_7165.jpeg)

made the mistake of googling this character and wow troons are aggressively obsessed with him, this psychotic op went apeshit on every person trying to have a civil discussion

also why are troons so obsessed with urine and feces is it part of their fetish

No. 382255

File: 1715783647748.jpeg (159.2 KB, 1000x1000, E0FC43D0-6F80-4FBC-AE2B-2BF478…)

it truly is a shame they're starting to infest fighting game fanart… GGST really was the end times.

No. 382265

i draw fgc bl art and most of the likes/rts i get are from tifs and enbys and even ones from non-US countries are getting infected by the gender cult
i hate it there

No. 382396

It's been like this a little before GGST, I'm afraid. That game was only the tipping point. I would've thought the steep learning curve and male gazey female characters would turn them away. But I guess bishies are just as much genderspecial magnets as they are fangirl magnets

No. 382531

They are ,because many troons had or have crushes on goth/alternative girls. It's also why you see so many troons who consider themselves goth/alt. It's the "becoming the girlfriend" meme in real life.

You really cannot hate them enough.

No. 383485

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No. 383490

File: 1716029995230.png (1.82 MB, 1029x1920, tumblr.png)

No. 383493

Add being a manlet

No. 383498

They troon ROBIN?? Seriously?

No. 383500

im more offended over miles morales being trooned

No. 383501

>boy has emotions that aren’t rage
>he must be a girl
How they don’t see that trans ideology just enforces the worst gender stereotypes is beyond me. God forbid a boy have unmasculine feelings.

No. 383620

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No. 383681

File: 1716063734221.gif (1.15 MB, 500x269, 1000016807.gif)

Thank god Ed is here to show these genderspecials that a girl is not "trans", "nonbinary", or even "genderfluid" just because she's not a walking stereotype. Thank you Ed for keeping it real.

No. 383683

This gif gives me so many Tumblr flashbacks

No. 383768

Off topic but I just watched the Cowboy Bebop movie and this scene made me laugh so hard. Were there any troons seething about the full scene in the comments? It was basically a Buffalo Bill pedo tranny moment

No. 385147

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No. 385149

What’s this from?

No. 385150

Thousand Year Door remake that's coming out on switch. Accurate of Vivian to be a troon instead of a femboy like he used to be since he kissed Mario without his consent, a typical troon trait

No. 385156

i think dirkroxy is fine as a ship but them trooning out roxy to ensure the ship is canon compliant (as dirk is gay) makes me kek. he’s so obviously a cock fiend (ssa) canonically i can’t see him enjoying this

No. 385162

Isn’t this as it was written in Japanese though

No. 385163

Doesn't the sequel have Roxy troon out and Dirk thinks it's stupid and keeps calling her she?

No. 385169

No he's a femboy in the original

No. 385195

IIRC Danny Phantom being Trans was because his creator is a heavy Christian conservative, so they assumed that he was anti "Trans lives".

No. 385208

i don’t and will never read hs2 so i have no idea

No. 385212

Wasn’t it because of his clone Dani being female and the usual unawareness of science coupled with projection?

No. 385263

File: 1716340515402.jpeg (406.93 KB, 1022x1429, IMG_4027.jpeg)

Twittertards insisting Denji is actually trans because he hates the fact that he’s thinking about sex in a horrible situation.

No. 385264

File: 1716340572493.jpeg (321.53 KB, 1080x1579, IMG_4028.jpeg)

On that note, twitterfags going “omg she’s giving him free bottom surgery” she’s gonna chop his dick off because he can’t stop being a horny bastard. Pretty based of her tbh.

No. 385266

Wtf is going on with modern manga, I'm so confused.

No. 385268

The new Chainsawman manga is terrible.

No. 385270

I hate everything created in the gen Z era so much

No. 385274

I know it’s terrible. I’m only still reading for Asa and Yoru. As much as I hate them being watered down to a “femcel” I prefer that fate over the tranny washing.

No. 385338

File: 1716366230707.gif (99.49 KB, 650x450, 05753.gif)

>he’s so obviously a cock fiend (ssa) canonically i can’t see him enjoying this
I think the bigger issue is that she was really pushy with him in canon, and he genuinely felt bad about rejecting her. He cares a lot about her happiness and feels bad that he can't be her boyfriend because of his sexuality. It's fine to ship it, but it does require some AU to work, because the character dynamic is so heavily informed by the fundamental conflict introduced by his sexuality. Making Roxy a TiF is the absolute laziest way to try and make the ship work, totally devoid of creativity. The idea of having Roxy be literally identical except for "he" pronouns and that those words alone make Dirk attracted to her is just… really ick and homophobic. Especially when he's clearly into super macho guys.

Yes kek. Though the sequel sucks and most people don't consider it canon.

No. 385977

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No. 385978

apple jacks kinda hot here

No. 386035

File: 1716560027146.jpg (Spoiler Image,289.58 KB, 1937x1778, GCrxtrgWYAAwHCk.jpg)

I was just looking at some Saw-fanart I didn't ask for this. (Then again the fandom is rife with troonery, so I should've expected it)

Spoilered because Amanda is naked and portrayed as a trans woman.

No. 386084

At least the fridge body is realistic

No. 386227

Nona, that's a horse

No. 386237

I tend to like art in this lineart/coloring style, but I never understood the cope of headcanoning live action characters as trans. At least this looks like a male with actual conetits, but I can barely tell who this is supposed to be.

No. 386243

File: 1716607281622.png (134.23 KB, 870x1028, ttydvivian.png)

The text in >>385147 is totally new and was not in the Japanese. It was inserted specifically for the 2024 version and revises the original text. They retrospectively changed Vivian from am ambiguous feminine-presenting boy to deciding on one interpretation, which is that Vivian must be transgender. I don't know if it was created by Treehouse or if the Japanese team came up with it, but it's awkward and clunky and obviously doesn't belong there. The English is especially awful - their bullying feels heavier? All this to force a single viewof Vivian as a trans girl, which was just one interpretation of the original Japanese. Most Japanese fans viewed her as an otokonoko, a feminine-presenting boy (imagine a flaming gay man who refers to himself and other gay men as 'she' and calls himself a girl).

No. 386244

The new Japanese dialogue 2024 kinda reads AGP to me with the "my body is a boy's(otoko no ko) but my heart is that of a cute girl (kawaii onna no ko)". I suppose even among the Japanese team there's someone who okay'd this shit.

No. 386245

Bruh I'm so mad.

No. 386248

I thought SJWs hated genderbends. Guess it's another thing they're ok with as long as they can make it "kweer" or whatever

No. 386262

File: 1716623023234.png (268.74 KB, 594x341, ripley comparison.png)

Surprised that this hasn't been posted yet, but Freddie Miles from the new Talented Mr. Ripley show on Netflix. Male character played by a male actor in the original film, now supposedly (?) a male character played by a tif (nonbinary) actor. It's a truly bizarre change compared to how accurate every other casting choice is. Seeing these characters pretend that this androgynous lesbian is a man is funny, though. For added hilarity, this Freddie is played by one of Sting's daughters kek

No. 386296

That phrase is almost always used to mean a guy is gay in Japanese. The "heart of a woman" refers to the guys being attracted to other guys, typically.

No. 386328

it is really bizarre, but all the casting choices in the new show were weird and ill-fitting. i read an interview where the director said that freddy miles was always "queer coded", so this was just the next step in portraying him, but not only is that false (tom ripley and peter were the only characters ever implied to be gay/bisexual) it also makes no sense for a character like dickie, who cuts off tom as a friend in the novel after suspecting he is attracted to men, to hang out with a woman like that. it drives me crazy.

No. 386346

>take one of the best female characters in horror
>make her trans
i've seen a lot of trannyfication of both amanda and adam. hate it.
fuck netflix fuck netflix fuck netflix fuck netflix fuck netflix fuck netflix

No. 386460

Source? I've only ever heard it used by a tranny character or in trapshit, never in BL

No. 386464

NTA but it's not a bl thing, it's associated with real homos and misc. okamas in jp media.

No. 386472

File: 1716683961315.jpg (79.09 KB, 1025x273, 022941.jpg)

The talking broom who sexually harasses underage boys in laughter land is a typical okama who uses it iirc. I wonder if they would troon him out too if we would ever get it localized. In my opinion there is no big difference between a man who says he is a woman in his heart but doesn't transition as opposed to someone who does but I like Toma and I don't want him to be a tranny.

No. 386479

i'm sure grell/that enstars boy have said similar things

No. 386498

Google "okama."

No. 386525

File: 1716700968588.jpg (363.1 KB, 1530x990, 20240525_184915.jpg)

No. 386546

Not surprised that gays from a homophobic country would internalize that shit and make it a part of their sexuality, believing that liking men == woman.

No. 386547

yeah in many places there still is not as clear of a distinction between effeminate gay moids and hsts trannies, the latter are seen as just the logical conclusion of the former. third gender mentality

No. 387211

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No. 387212

File: 1716903403574.jpg (505.72 KB, 1354x1938, fixed.jpg)

love how its stolen art badly painted over

No. 387215

Why is cirno still a balding troon… and i get the point but doing the same retarded shit they do is still cringe

No. 387218

Love it just wish cirno wasn't a tim

No. 387249

File: 1716915971324.png (2.3 MB, 1755x2048, yY9shIB.png)

You'll never guess who this is supposed to be

No. 387256


No. 387259

yeah, it's brown plaersantian ftm Jesus

No. 387291


No. 387295

well the brown palestinian part is more or less historically accurate but making him a ftm is killing me. purest illustration of the troon martyr complex

No. 387436

Anon had a stroke

No. 387919

Are you sure? Those "okama" and gay dudes, if they say shit like that, they don't stay men for long…

No. 387920

>bumping the thread for this
and yes, it's an old as dirt trope that predates the troon boom, retard.

No. 387938

Because there was no word for tranny/trap shit then aside from "newhalf". All those characters stop being dudes canonically

No. 387944

Late post, but that’s because troonism is regressive sexist stereotypes in a new form. People love it because they don’t have to think hard to get social points

No. 387953

Secretly actuallybheterosexual okama/trap used to be a thing, pretty sure.
There's a few still around though, like Felix.

No. 387974

no, they don't. for the last time, it's not about trannyshit, you're projecting your westoid politics onto it. it's from the sexist/homophobic idea that liking the same sex or being flamboyant in any way, like a regular gay stereotype, means you must be the opposite sex at heart, simple as. why do you keep blabbering like you know everything about something you admittedly don't know anthing about?

No. 388380

Yeah, he's a troon in the light novel

No. 388387

File: 1717287422983.jpg (227.68 KB, 1080x656, Rezerofelixq&a.jpg)

He isn't, don't believe trannies on the internet.
He's canonically in love with a woman and he crossdresses because she asked him to.
Pic related is from q&as with the author

No. 388392

tbh even gay men in the west are known to act in a feminine manner because feminine = woman and only women can love men. this stuff existed long before trans ideology reached its current iteration + plenty of gay men will jokingly call themselves women, or one another "girl xD!" and they do it without trooning out. saying all this just to point out that there is nothing original about trannyism, it's all ultimately stapled together from real homosexual culture

No. 388394

File: 1717290062578.jpg (202.79 KB, 1080x1223, image.jpg)

Ngl, looking through, it's actually pretty funny just how much the author has been hassled about it.

No. 388451

I mean supposedly (S)He did come from a "virgin birth"… where the fuck did the Y chromosome come from? I support Female Jesus. She was just malewashed/transwashed by Her retarded fandom and that's that!

No. 388578

>open ao3
>reads a fic for the first time in three years
>so far so good. decent plot
>1,000 words into story main character is revealed to be genderfluid
>immediately closes tab

why has this shit become so commonplace in fandom. I feel like these people are living in a completely different reality from me. Also the main character in this piece of media is male, there's nothing about his character that suggests he's feminine or whatever the hell genderfluid means. His most defining characteristic is that he's goofy and whimsical, so why give him a fake identity that means nothing but frustration for anyone with half an iota of common sense? At this point the whole gender identity thing is synonymous with having an annoying personality or a mental illness.

No. 388592

It drives me insane. I was searching Star Wars fics a couple of weeks back and found one with trans General Grievous. Grievous, really? And the art side of fandoms are just as bad, constantly transing characters both in and out of NSFW content. And even if they aren't trooning the characters, they simp for gender ideology.

I keep hoping for this shit to die off one day. It seems like it's never ending.

No. 388665

It's everywhere, regardless of which fandom, there's sadly no escape. A sizeable part of younger people in fandom can no longer relate to characters that aren't 100% like them. So they they give them their gender identiy, their (self-diagnosed) mental illnesses, etc. That, and you get a lot of clout in certain communities for transwashing any and all characters. It's why I've given up reading fic for my current fandom as it's rife with the "this male character is short and slightly effeminate, ofc that must mean he's trans" virus.

No. 392484

File: 1718402223968.jpg (120.31 KB, 1000x1100, vash.jpg)

Vash I'm so sorry these fucking idiots do this to you

No. 392569

>found one with trans General Grievous
kek I've seen that one too– tbh I've noticed a weird thing with characters who were forced/didn't choose to be cyborgs being depicted as trans in fics where the people who completely disregarded their bodily autonomy and performed invasive surgeries on them, for some reason, decided to throw in gender affirming shit into their war machine. It's bizarre– I'd understand, if still hate, if it were the opposite and it was the wrong-body themes that got twisted into trans nonsense, but instead it's wrong-body-but-now-correctly-sexed (probably because a lot of trannies are into transhumanism bullshit too, so it's very self-indulgent, I guess). I've seen this less with characters who chose to be cyborgs though.

No. 393936

Being a trigun fan is suffering because Vash is so cute while being a grown, rough man and of course tifs jump on him and make him have a pussy and scars because "he's too cute to be a man" like yeah sure.
There's a canon tranny in trigun (sadly but Vash misgenders him and calls him a freak so that's a bonus) but that's not enough right but I think based Orange for not making him a tranny but turning him definitely into a girl without the whole tranvestitism shit. When Stampede dropped I used to watch a lot of artists and immediately unfollowed them the moment they posted Vash with scars and a pussy, like make an oc instead of twisting canons you retards

No. 396815

File: 1719822026725.jpg (266.01 KB, 1366x996, alice.jpg)

>character refers to themselves as [x]
>"uhm acktually sweatie they have the heart of [y]/they genderswapped so that means they're trans"
Picrel is one of many cases

No. 398061

has anyone else lately noticed fanart/fanfiction where male characters are transed and depicted as fetishistic tims/agps? on tumblr and twitter there's been a shift from "nobody transitions for a fetish. it's just terf rhetoric" to "transitioning for a fetish is good. everybody should be made aware of this option so they can do it too"

No. 398104

That's so disgusting. I wish these mentally ill women would stop writing this slop and seek help. It's even worse when they don't tag their shit.

No. 398119

literally saw one where the character was tagged as a stone butch lesbian, then i started reading and it was tim4tim

No. 398128

This is why I only watch the 90s version of Trigun still. I will never watch that pandering NB shit. I hate that they did that to Trigun. i hate that gen z and tiktoktards jumped right on it.

No. 398129

It's gotten so much worse in the west. Like, I am praying they grow out of this type tranny pandering phase, because it's bad. Very young teens are jumping on the non binary gender shit before 14.

No. 398158

these are people in their 20s and 30s i'm talking about kek altho some of them are in their late teens

No. 398884

File: 1720447774616.jpg (1 MB, 1440x1800, 1000007195.jpg)

I don't know how many nonnies are watching or are aware of this, but there was a new anike that recently came out called "Senpai Wa Otokonoko" and I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it through the season with the amount of troons obsessed with wanting the main male character to troon out when he isn't and complain that the artist "wrote him as a transfem" but "pussied out". The whole premise if the story is that the main character Makoto is a boy who likes cute things and dressing feminine, and how it effects him on a daily basis from the people around him. The webcomoc ended and he never troons out because that isn't the story the author was going with to begin with. She's a yumejo who likes otokonoko and wanted to write a semi serious story about one. That's pretty much it. picrels are reactions from a post showing him telling a female classmate he's a boy after she confesses to him assuming he was a girl. Any works with gnc characters are plagued by trannies wanting to make it about them

No. 398885

> the representation WE get
> why are WE so starved
> WE ain't never getting proper representation
Has it ever occurred to these loons that not everything related to gender is, or has to be, about them? Why can't GNC people have good representation, especially ones who live in a rigid patriarchal society? I guarantee they wouldn't be nearly as upset if there wasn't a girl involved and a boy confessed instead.

No. 398886

File: 1720448779544.jpg (447.25 KB, 1080x2090, 1000007194.jpg)

because they only like stories of being gnc if the end result is realizing they're trans. they also assume any character struggling with rejecting gender norms imposed onto them based on their sex is something only they experience and no one else.

No. 398904

these comments make me sick bro i hate trannies

No. 400215

Related to this, but it reminds me of the trend of fanfics headcanoning straight couples as "lesbian" or "t4t"
I feel the same about people localizing okama and traps into trannies. Thankfully I hear there's growing pushback against it.

No. 400218

>fanfics headcanoning straight couples as "lesbian" or "t4t"
I genuinely think that people do this because they feel guilty for shipping something "boring" and straight, so they find a way to make it kweer.

No. 400268

KEK the tif horse is smaller and cant actually grow a beard like the man horse

No. 400872

File: 1720800356509.webp (1.21 KB, 163x223, Roxy_Lalonde.webp)

i hate what they did to my girl roxy

No. 400916

on one hand same on the other she really is the type to become a they/them.
>kids that are tras
>kids that would poke holes in tra rhetoric
>blindly/seemingly supports but secretly wonders why so many trannies are creeps + privately expresses these opinions to a smarter person (rose/dirk)

No. 400919

File: 1720809502585.gif (13.12 KB, 650x450, 116.gif)

Honestly, there's a funny "two retards fight" situation going on with Roxy, because all the AGPs in the fanbase headcanoned her as a TiM (she likes computers, and no vagina-haver is capable of that in their minds) but then the epilogues made her a TiF, effectively pissing off the TiMs and the TiFs, who were mad that Roxy is "cis" in one timeline and a TiF in the other. So you now have the people in the fanbase who like TiF Roxy and the people who like TiM Roxy just quietly seething at each other.

Also the cherry on top of all of it is that TiF Roxy is a surprisingly realistic depiction of TiFs in that she's extremely feminine (the most feminine of all the human characters, in fact), she trooned out completely out of nowhere, and she's very transparently skinwalking Dave. Also, she's so preoccupied with trooning out that she does nothing to stop Jane from being a fascist or Jake from becoming an alcoholic. Hugely out of character for Roxy (whose whole arc was about learning to be responsible) but all VERY on-brand for TiFs. Also Dirk, the only gay guy in the comic, still calls her "she" and doesn't buy into any of the gender nonsense.

No. 401122

>Also Dirk, the only gay guy in the comic, still calls her "she" and doesn't buy into any of the gender nonsense.

oh wow, i didn't know that about dirk. based dirk?

No. 401150

File: 1720894913131.png (174.16 KB, 923x1100, 1650094516796.png)

It's been posted before, but yeah, Dirk is GC in the epilogue. I wouldn't put too much stock in it, though, because the epilogue completely fucks up everyone's characterization.

No. 401295

Hard agree on this one, it kinda reminds me of the Simon and Betty ship from adventure time and alot of people made them both trans cuz they can't handle shipping a straight couple lmao

No. 401377

That's exactly the example I was thinking of kek

No. 401647

File: 1721001120482.jpg (43.04 KB, 615x1024, ac34364bbc06ca5884a8ad7680496f…)


No. 401695

File: 1721009069705.jpg (239.08 KB, 1479x1359, Tumblr_l_594170468396828.jpg)

Remarks like "T4T Petrigrof" and "omg Petrigrof are toxic lesbians" were all over Tumblr when the show was airing. It was really obnoxious and super transparent: these people felt guilty for being more invested in the straight canon couple that they were in the gay one, so they turned themselves into pretzels trying to make it ~kweer~. They can't just enjoy the relationship between the characters like normal human beings. There's also the projection element: as spicy straight troons themselves, it makes them feel better to imagine that their favorite characters are the same kind of losers they are.

There's literally nothing wrong with liking a straight ship, but these people have some kind of brain worms where every tiny, meaningless thing has to reflect how special and unique they are.

No. 401787

File: 1721043387033.jpeg (467.74 KB, 2048x1576, lpsl28B.jpeg)

No. 401818

Stop this is pissing me off

No. 401845

seeing all that art of simon with a vagina traumatized me

No. 401956

gendies already have their disgusting canon hermaphrodic botw link. leave his other incarnations alone.

No. 402210

File: 1721156554683.jpeg (62.67 KB, 500x500, IMG_0759.jpeg)

I’ve never even played that game, but there’s a TIM on YouTube who seems to skinwalk her.

No. 404729

Exactly anon omg it's pathetic

No. 404733

>vaguely alt/punk aesthetic
>insufferable bpd-chan
of fucking course timmies skinwalk her

No. 404749

hate that a reboot is coming out and so new fans and old fans will discuss over ranma being genderfluid (but im sure theres few that will headcanon him as transfem) and akane being bisexual or even tif with her being kinda tomboyish.

No. 404838

File: 1721842555602.png (636.02 KB, 605x1073, IMG_9648.png)

No. 404841

back when I used to watch YMS he watched a fan made life is strange movie and they had a straight up troon playing her kek.

No. 404891

They should have just made Johnny a normal woman smh

No. 406331

they can't. Just like they can't stop drawing every male character with titchop scars, these artist can't just make a normal rule64 version of the character and are obsessed with either making ships "T4T" or have one part of them as a TiM and the other a normal woman. This is a recipe for disaster considering a lot of AGPs are yuritards

No. 406332

rule63* but you get what i mean

No. 408923

File: 1723345385547.jpg (712.94 KB, 2048x1637, tumblr_e7f504414f38b3be1ff0dd9…)

this is supposed to be laios from dungeon meshi. trannies are so random

No. 408924

This is what the anti-laois spergs from months ago think laois is like in canon kek

No. 412554

File: 1724364705789.jpeg (869.48 KB, 2500x3500, qJx9qA9.jpeg)

No. 412557

No. 412562

Is this transing the real guy or is it some character drawn based on his photo?

No. 412563

It's Vi from arcane drawn as him

No. 412570

just nasty

No. 412586

This drawing was so close to being hot and the artist just had to fuck it up

No. 412616

File: 1724381632481.jpg (35.99 KB, 600x537, 92c.jpg)

VI's whole appeal is that she's hot in a way that women can appreciate and not moids. Why would you draw fanart that makes away the hot woman from SSA women. It's like the artist is asking for actual fans to not interact with their fanart. Idk feels telling that of all female characters to troon they had to do it to one of the few that feels for women. They couldn't troon some gooner animu character?

No. 412621

>VI's whole appeal is that she's hot in a way that women can appreciate and not moids.
a man designed the character and plenty of men find her attractive, please be serious

No. 412696

ntayt, that may be the case but a lot of straight women have a crush on Arcane's Vi so they did something right.

No. 412708

File: 1724415067439.png (Spoiler Image,8.7 MB, 2500x3500, Untitled_Artwork.png)

I'm bored during work and I have my tablet around so

No. 412714

My recommendation is to get rid of the weird TIF manscaped pubic rug thing.

No. 413974

File: 1724782952726.png (264.38 KB, 599x690, IMG_20240225_025043.png)

No. 413978

why must these mentally underdeveloped troons ruin so many good things. Leave Geto alone

No. 413979

I'm so good at avoid gender shit I didn't know fans see Geto as a gendie. Why? Is it because he has long hair, earrings and one (1) official illustration with black nail polish? That's it?

No. 415681

File: 1726413018153.png (517.54 KB, 962x831, yaFG38A.png)

No. 415684

she would hate trannies for thinking shes one of their own

No. 415688

Is this the lady from venture brow with the hella deep voice lmao. Dr. Girlfriend? What’s the point of this fanart if I CAN’T tell if it’s the character I’m so confused.

No. 415689

youre telling me that isnt Margret thatcher

No. 415711

It looked like Jackie Kennedy to me.

No. 415727

File: 1726428992689.png (272.82 KB, 540x576, FYuGYlFXkAcx6vk.png)

Yes. Motherfucker couldn't even get the eyeshadow right kek

No. 416932

File: 1726832368432.jpg (71.35 KB, 735x887, a0aaeeab6bf1020c1bdce94ffb15cc…)

nicole would bully trannies into suicide

i know i'm replying to a 3 month old post but can someone please remind me who's the canon tranny in trigun? it's been a while since i watched it

No. 416941

File: 1726835345644.jpg (157.24 KB, 1200x600, 1000005136.jpg)

I'd say it's because he has gauges, is both beautiful while still built, similar to a band member or traditional esque anime character. I would assume he reminds TIFs of this which has yaoi or they made it into yaoi. They love to self insert as pretty boys because just like butch women the opposite tranny self inserts as them. Women believing they can be a twink and men thinking they're close enough to a shart haired woman. The delusion is real.

No. 416971

Nobody in that series is a tif though? It's a Chinese sword surfing Kung fu tragedy novel that make it clear they're all men with penises so I don't get your point at all.

No. 417005

File: 1726848230234.png (121.27 KB, 900x540, EAFE5581-A12C-4525-8234-67CBD5…)

is alluka actually trans?

No. 417013

He's a boy crossdressing But supposedly it's based off the tradition of Japanese shrines using men instead of women as shirne maidens

No. 417014

No. In the original japanese manga, Killua is the only one who uses gendered pronouns for her, and the other Zoldycks call her an "it" (due to Nanika) and "sibling". Them calling her "brother" or "he" is a translation error added in the 2011 anime. She's a real girl.

No. 417030

>Them calling her "brother" or "he" is a translation error added in the 2011 anime.
i’m reading the manga right now and everyone refers to alluka as he/him, do you have proof of it being a translation error?

No. 417039

somehow missed this post but i’d love proof of this as well

No. 417047

File: 1726857135549.jpg (93.89 KB, 720x960, o0720096011581715021.jpg)

There's only two times she's referred to as a brother: by Illumi and Milluki, but it happens before the election arc, which is before her face was even revealed. In the next arc she has a radical design change, her name is revealed and is no longer referred to as a guy by anyone (proof below)
Sounds to me like a retcon. If the family aside from Killua really is "transphobic", then why let Alluka wear a dress? (The excuse in the link is that they let Kalluto do it, but they actually love Kalluto unline Alluka so I disagree)

No. 417060

>He's a boy crossdressing
off-topic, but why do Japanese people seem obsessed with that trope? it appear in both male works and female works, like In my middle eastern country(and the west a decade ago) cross-dressing was usually a "gag" for the most part, but japanese people (and koreans) seem way too into it, especially with regards to children

No. 417065

They had cross-dressing child prostitutes back in the day

No. 417069

crossdressing isn’t inherently sexual? there’s nothing wrong with boys being feminine or girls being masculine

No. 417077

i see. it’s good to know the character isn’t trans but i’ll just interpret him as being possessed by a female spirit kek

No. 417089

I would say that a 'masculine form' is actually a much more neutral form and while there is nothing wrong with a male who has stereotypically feminine interests, a boy crossdresing is like a vegan cat, he is not the one making the decisions that the parents take and it's weird

No. 417099

Depends on the author.
Sometimes it's a sex thing, sometimes it's a matter of jumping on trends, sometimes it's because the author wants to trick people or it'd a joke, sometimes it's a plot/character thing.

No. 417460

File: 1726991667035.jpeg (733.64 KB, 1179x973, IMG_2889.jpeg)

Posted this in the Gender Ideology Hate Thread as well, but here’s someone transing a Minecraft: Story Mode character because of her mouth shape.

No. 417462

Forgot to add, her VA is Ashley Johnson (Ellie from The Last of Us), an actual woman, so it’s pretty sad that this person claims that “to an extent her voice” was also a factor.

No. 417526

File: 1727027578849.webp (19.08 KB, 640x372, IMG_1868.webp)

Goddd I can’t get over trannies infesting the Venture Bros fanbase.Loved this show for over ten years and seeing gendies starting to get into it was so visceral to witness.They somehow don’t get the joke is that she’s a chronic smoker and that’s why her voice sounds like a man’s,it’s literally in her introduction.If anything she’d hate trannies for the creeps and perverts that are like every other male in the show.They bring up her having an Adam’s apple as proof and conveniently forget that everyone has one.

No. 418107

File: 1727201728283.jpg (10.44 KB, 250x204, Hunter Gathers.jpg)

What a coincidence Dr Girlfriend gets a mention here, I've been doing a full watch of Venture Bros as I hadn't actually seen the show in full and just random episodes back when it aired on adult swim in the 2000s. I remember initially thinking that Dr Girlfriend was a troon but then they cleared things up with the smoking that deepened her voice and I thought it was pretty funny. Watching right now, I really enjoy her character and it's depressing that gendies are trying to claim her to be a troon. The show was pretty progressive for it's time (having positive gay characters) and if they wanted to put a troon in it, they would've so they need to stop trying to troon her out.

Ironically enough they had that undercover military character who gets a "sex change" operation and it's hilarious that even though it was all just part of an ongoing undercover mission, he fit every stereotype of the troon what with obsession with breasts, being involved "sex work", and just giving off creep vibes.

No. 421965

File: 1728414690389.jpeg (442.74 KB, 2048x1566, A3379D8C-EAED-43C1-ABF2-F87808…)

hxh has returned (for now) and they’re already trooning out kurapika. i’d rather they go back to wholesale genderbending him

No. 421973

It's a dark time to be a Kurapika enjoyer.

No. 421989

wdym they're trooning him??? he's my favorite boy. proof or fake and gay

No. 421993

Nta but are you perchance autistic? Because its clear who "they" are.

No. 421999

even if I am autistic you could still explain rude

No. 422000

Send lolcowbux first you autists are dime a dozen here. it's the gendies doing it because kurapika pulled a woman disguise as a gag ONCE

No. 422004

File: 1728432805046.jpeg (34.79 KB, 435x435, GUmHLsiW8AAWtrh.jpeg)

i'm 100% sure marina's backstory was just the developer's convoluted excuse to have a cross-dresser. i don't like that he's (has he? he being the dev) leaned so hard into the troon take. at least the funger circles i run in refer to marina as male. also fanart rarely gives him tits so, that's a win for me

it's not just the woman gag it's the supposed femininity of the character. to be honest tho i don't see it, i get that he's voiced by a woman and all but he's just a regular guy to me. he isn't particularly girly

No. 426410

File: 1729651152107.jpg (267.47 KB, 1896x2048, 78108631_p1.jpg)

I dont even understand why tifs latch onto him the most.

No. 426443

File: 1729657884522.gif (219.8 KB, 220x124, butters-south-park.gif)

Butters also often gets depicted as a TiM because he's GNC and was forced to cross-dress in Marjorine.

No. 426462

My guess is because Kyle is usually the voice of reason and the most moralistic of the gang and the TIFs latch onto that. Or maybe because Kyle is pacifistic and the TIFs relate to that because they themselves don't feel aggressive. It's a thought anyway because yeah, I'm a little perplexed at that myself.

No. 426530

File: 1729696841948.jpg (253.7 KB, 1200x2400, nlrN5Fr.jpg)

He was supposed to be a man that dresses feminine and fights against gender norms but the en fandom bullied everyone that used he/him so hard the official account made him a theythem to avoid backlash when they started translating. He's in a male only media and though he obviously didn't have yume appeal, everyone liked him for fighting against sexism in his own way. Now he's just a coward themtard that can't accept that he can be a man and like to look pretty. He even had a romance subplot with a macho guy who thought he's a woman so they had some gay right movement going on over there but I don't know what came of it once they unmanned this guy.

No. 426532

>I want his genderrrr
Just say you want to bang him jfc

No. 426541

TRAs and being GNCphobic/homophobic, name a better duo.

No. 426542

Because he is smart and empathetic but he has no problem beating on cartman and has a volatile temper. He also has victim status to a lot of them.

No. 426543

He has sand in his vagina

No. 426591

He can't help that he's just like his mom anon

No. 427288

File: 1729945524126.png (2.3 MB, 2545x1411, biggit.png)

It's funny because Kyle is the most rational character out of the main cast, there is even a whole episode where he gets accused of transphobia for not saying Caitlyn Jenner is a hero and even ''misgenders'' him. Stan/Kenny wouldn't care about the trans shit since it doesn't personally affects them, or would only be pissed over not being able to make fun of troons, Cartman is just an homophobe, meanwhile Kyle would genuinely try to stand up for what he believes in. Him being either a tranny or pro troon make no sense at all, he's always fighting for whats right even if it goes against what everyone else thinks. I wish they would leave my childhood husbando alone, its so tiring when every single sensitive male character gets trooned by self inserting TIFs.

No. 427301

File: 1729950855271.jpg (73.93 KB, 1600x900, 07zh8jktlp091.jpg)

It's impossible to look at any kind of fan content or community revolving around Paul Dano's Riddler without coming across someone talking about how they headcanon him as trans FTM. It's even worse now than it was when the film first came out because it seems like only TIFs are still interested in it. I have never understood it because he is in no way effeminate?

No. 427303

It’s because he’s a glassy-eyed mouse-faced discord addict.

No. 428410

Elendira and Vash and Meryl call him a "tranvestite". Let's see how the new translation will work around that kek

No. 430249

File: 1730958165556.png (1.67 MB, 658x3131, IMG_20240225_025059.png)

No. 430252

I knew this remake was about to ruin my childhood lol this is why I can't be happy when old anime gets put in the spotlight again anymore. The internet is too different now

No. 430283

File: 1730969299194.png (793.02 KB, 1300x1255, kek what.png)

I don't know the character but it made me cringe, and I knew I needed to share this with nonnies here. What the fuck do you mean by "T-Boy swag"? So this abstract feeling means the guy was actually born with a vagina and chopped his breasts off? What?

No. 430721

File: 1731128935883.png (235.49 KB, 1280x1080, 2F6Vi7N.png)

No. 430729

I'm surprised they didn't go in the other direction given that in the design phase she started out as a male character design but eventually got replaced by a female version

No. 430817

File: 1731163244525.jpg (84.63 KB, 564x859, IMG_20240225_045049.jpg)

No. 436361

File: 1732828554759.png (2.04 MB, 1200x1146, dumb and dumber.png)

How to be annoying: transwash characters.

How to be even more annoying: be a stoner and transwash characters.

No. 436418

Doesn’t this doc prove Alluka is biologically male because the butlers and Zoldycks other than Killua use male-only terms?

No. 438181

File: 1733340477350.png (194.72 KB, 753x593, gundam.png)

>new Gundam announced
>not even a day has passed
>the usual suspects are starting to have a go at it

No. 438184


No. 438193

It's a guy, actually.

No. 438197

No. 438198

Oh so they're starting to come after bishies too as if it wasn't bad enough we have our hands full with titchops, fuck this gay earth.

No. 438203

I guess I'm glad they're not ruining a tomboy for a change but jfc. He's just a little kid (or looks to be) with shaggy hair. At this point they've gone way beyond just trooning GNC characters and are now just slapping the TiM label on any male character who isn't a body builder with a buzzcut.

No. 438213

>joseimuke with an all male cast has a crossdresser
>ENtrannys insisting the character is not meant to be a normal male
why does this happen so often

No. 438218

trannydom is definitely a creepy cult and this is more proof. Can't even draw a kid character without them being she/her'd

No. 438231

No. 438278

Cute boys always get immediately labeled MtFs or FtMs by these people. Male trannies project their AGPness onto them, because apparently males can't have long hair and a pretty youthful face without already being on the path to become women. TIFs project their own desire to be cute anime boys and in turn transform the cute anime boys into TIFs like themselves, because fictional cartoon boys can't be cute without having been born female. Heaven forbid someone isn't a tradfag that follows strict gender roles and doesn't believe this makes him a non-male.

Most times there's an androgynous male protagonist like this one, I think it's a tomboy at first and then get disappointed that it's just a shounen protag. Happened to me with KnY, kek. Making the protagonist a tomboy who isn't coombait would be far too based.

No. 439023

File: 1733651872745.jpeg (880.02 KB, 2048x1943, IMG_2695.jpeg)

>Cute boys always get immediately labeled MtFs or FtMs by these people
Prime example would be Michael Afton, he’s often depicted like pic and it’s usually pretty cute art but there’s so much FTM shit of him. I feel like every time I scroll I see at least one picture of him with top surgery scars. A bunch of FTMs draw cuntboy art of him too and they always have the fugliest art styles predictably, there’s this one FTM that draws and spams cuntboy incest porn of him everywhere but I’m not shocked, one form of degeneracy often leads to another

No. 439049

File: 1733658127556.jpeg (462.36 KB, 1433x1098, IMG_6534.jpeg)

Apparently she was originally thought of as a trans character. Venture bros has too many male characters already so I’m glad they didn’t go through with it kek.
It’s funny that the other two trans-adjacent characters (hunter and sergeant hatred when he had tits) also happen to be perverted ugly old military scrotes. They remind me of some of the troons in the mtf thread.

No. 439076

I thought fnaf was considered evil by wokies?

No. 439077

File: 1733668778202.png (155.64 KB, 384x480, PHgCGsX.png)

>Cute boys always get immediately labeled MtFs or FtMs by these people. Male trannies project their AGPness onto them, because apparently males can't have long hair and a pretty youthful face without already being on the path to become women. TIFs project their own desire to be cute anime boys and in turn transform the cute anime boys into TIFs like themselves, because fictional cartoon boys can't be cute without having been born female.
what's funny is they already have retty obvious representation, in the pervert characters who steals women's underwear, have literal piles of pornography and are creepy as fuck, that's the most blatant representation of "trans women" I can think of

No. 439080

Nah, there are more accurate representations:

No. 439107

i'm pretty sure that was a joke, she only has a deep voice to parody jackie kennedy.

No. 439173

File: 1733694895728.webp (74.76 KB, 706x690, IMG_1984.webp)

Despite picrel’s loss of his actual cock & balls being a central plot point, I have already had to filter out garbage making him a TiF. Trannies are fucking delusional.

No. 439186

File: 1733696056583.png (1.7 MB, 1049x898, viktor.png)

He might be the biggest victim of tranny projection this year. My only engagement with the series has been through leddit and /co/ because I refuse to scour through tit chop retardation for one good piece of art.

No. 439338

You don't need to add the board part of the url to link a post within the same board. If you drop the >/m/ we can actually hover over the links to see the posts without having to open the threads.

No. 439484

File: 1733765934767.png (2.08 MB, 2048x2048, Tasuku_Tsubakino_character_ima…)


No. 439499

that things looks like a real tranny so i cannot even blame people

No. 439502

ugh, it's so sad but i can see why.
>smooth twink
>quiet and nerdy
>has gay pinings
>later becomes a cyborg (trannies love the allegory of this)

No. 439504

seeing a gnc guy and immediately thinking tranny makes you just as bad as TRAs

No. 439509

that is a very disingenuous way to describe a male fully styled like a woman including having a womans haircut

No. 439512

wtf do you think gnc means dumbass

No. 439515

That's no fucking GNC that's literally a man in a wig

No. 439516

What do you think that's called…?

No. 439517

Nta but good point, a haircut that is usually for woman being on a man would be a man not comforming to the trends of his gender.

No. 439519

There's not a lick of any feminine fashion in that moid,you're saying others are wrong for calling a spade a spade yet you're the one who sounds like those non binary tumblrinas,saving a moids honour yet alone a fictional ones in lc of all places is fucking embarrassing

No. 439527

File: 1733777575114.jpg (210.25 KB, 1080x1906, c534cad0a734a09cc056210a580e83…)

kek atleast the author made him look accurate to a real tranny and not ultra feminine like many like to do it.

No. 439545

NTA but he's wearing women's clothes, no one cares if you personally think it's such bad taste that "no woman" would ever wear it (false, not all women have a "good" fashion sense but that's completely irrelevant here)
A man cross-dressing without calling himself a woman or a tranny is indeed being GNC

No. 439734

File: 1733864408742.png (1.14 MB, 904x637, sUMKUlp.png)

so there's a somewhat obscure eastern european fairy tale about a young princess who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in a war and fairy tale things happen and she's turned into a boy by magic and with the body of a male she kills a dragon and marries a princess, again this is a rather obscure story but western queer theorists have tried to portray this as an explain of trans-men in myth and how ancient people fully understood gender transition

No. 439806

File: 1733892601723.jpg (299.24 KB, 1702x1210, 20241211_054845.jpg)

They got tintin…

No. 439828

this couldve been really cute general genderbend art man…

No. 439830

agreed, kek. im just pretending thats what it is

No. 439832

Or the "lost" Tintin twin sister.

No. 439853

I feel like this person really just wanted to make a genderbent tintin, but she was so poisoned by wokie spaces that she thought it was was more progressive to make him a tranny

No. 439858

File: 1733927466481.png (194.69 KB, 917x550, 12_11_24_20_30_chrome.png)

fuck these brainrotted fools

No. 439904

File: 1733947642154.png (756.34 KB, 1179x1758, tiger1.png)

Reposting this from the fandom discourse thread since it got ignored.

I thought BNHA had only two canon trans characters—both TIMs—the villain Magne, who got blown up by Overhaul, and his friend who was only mentioned in a flashback.

However, the English-speaking fandom always claims that the hero Tiger is a TIF because of picrel (Shonen Jump app translation). I interpreted this page to mean that Horikoshi was originally going to make him a woman to fit with the other Pussycats, but decided to make him a man instead after being inspired by Thai ladyboys (because Tiger is a GNC man who likes wearing dresses). Other people interpret it as saying that Tiger himself visited Thailand to get FtM surgery, but I have a hard time believing a Japanese author would even acknowledge TIFs in the first place.

No. 439905

File: 1733947768225.png (227.21 KB, 796x1250, tiger2.png)

I also found this alternate page online. Is this a different translation? Perhaps this is where people are getting the idea that Tiger is a TIF?

No. 439924

Yeah, this character is supposed to be a transsexual TIF. I checked Japanese wiki pages and they all write it out explicitly. The original Japanese page says 元女性 "former woman"

No. 440358

File: 1734097813574.jpeg (800.65 KB, 2355x3515, ziYhpml.jpeg)

No. 440391

dude literally got a woman pregnant, idgi. do tiffies identify with his failmaleness or something?

No. 440446

>190cm TIF
I know this is an anime with people who have literal superpowers but damn does this break my suspension of disbelief.

No. 440458

File: 1734118675792.jpg (194.29 KB, 1098x1108, no.jpg)

a tif could never, ever, ever reach even 1/4th the body size of krieg

No. 440461

Not surprising given how they talk about Jeanne D'Arc

No. 443183

File: 1735291544066.jpeg (57.28 KB, 630x473, IMG_2022.jpeg)

Non anime but i see people claiming HIM is trans…even though the creator stated that he isn’t and based him off a song by the beatles iirc.

Glad that youtube turns comments off on kid videos, they were full to the brim with people saying he was trans and calling those who disagreed transphobic.

No. 443184

File: 1735291808534.jpeg (69.44 KB, 792x805, IMG_2023.jpeg)

Same fag, but i need to mention tooru from tokyo ghoul too. She isn’t trans, she dresses as a male because she is uncomfortable with the male gaze. It’s a trauma response, it’s highlighted in series that she doesn’t view herself as a guy or truly identify as one.

Ofc fans who lack comprehension and understanding of her character still claim shes trans, ignoring the source material that says otherwise.

No. 443185

doesn't she stay transitioned after the series ends though?

No. 443190

DA iirc she actually accepts herself as female but she's not happy about it because she still finds it disgusting.

No. 443211

Kek wouldn’t it be more offensive if he WAS trans since he’s literally like, the devil?

No. 443231

Him is a very hayes code type villain who is explicitly implied to be a gay man, of course people are gonna ignore that and just call him trans

No. 443233

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It bothers me a lot when people draw the venture brothers as trans. I always thought it was sweet that despite their father being terrible and brock being the most masculine man’s man ever the boys were still allowed to be feminine without anyone acting like it was a bad thing. And the fact that they were isolated from the rest of society meant that they didn’t associate femininity with being gay or trans. Dean gets transed the most because he’s the “feminine” one but I’ve seen Hank be transed almost as much. Even though Hank is the more masculine twin they still gave him a feminine side and it’s treated as just a normal part of his personality.

No. 443279

I'm just glad that Venture Bros was not made now and was made back in the 2000s because I have a feeling they would've done some troon bullshit. I mean I don't know much about the team behind the show but I get TRA vibes. Then again they haven't trooned Dr Girlfriend so maybe I'm wrong lol.

No. 443843

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Actually there is a tranny character who would definitely be considered an offensive stereotype nowadays. He’s an old military moid who troons out to infiltrate an all-female mercenary group and work as a stripper. Also there’s a running joke in flashback scenes where whenever they go undercover he disguises himself as a woman despite being an obvious moid with five o’clock shadow.
It’s funny that gendies love shows like venture bros and superjail that have characters like that yet they freak out over jk Rowling.

No. 446265

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marco diaz from star vs

No. 446898

File: 1736413611795.webp (66.28 KB, 538x900, Peppermint-patty.webp)

they make her a tif ignoring that a big part of her character is her lack of a feminine figure growing up, this contributing to her tomboyness, and her insecurities over her appearance vs the other, "prettier" girls. way to gloss over literally everything that makes her, her.

not my husbando reee. they're afraid of prettyboys, even cartoon ones.

No. 446913

fitting that he's collapsed in a ball of despair as the final stage kek never trans out kids

No. 447029

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Tbf I could see dean being manipulated into trooning out later on in the series when he’s still grappling with his childhood trauma. Hank would give no fucks though (and that’s why he’s the superior venture brother hehehe)

No. 447817

Oh fuck I forgot about this character kek. Yeah you're right, the gendies and troons would've found this character super offensive, I'm expecting that troon Lily Simpson to make a video with the title "The Transphobia of Venture Bros" kek.
But personally this character is a great unironic representation of TIMs tbh, sexual-focused and unaware of what they really look like.

No. 448027

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No. 448030

This one definitely pisses me off so much. Mulan is my favorite Disney princess(?) and her story was so inspiring for many of us millennial girls who grew up with the movie. One would really have to have so much internalized misogyny to troon her out when she's one of the most influential empowering female characters of Disney.

No. 448031

I am glad it ended i dont want more seasons for it to attract a bigger gendie audience.

No. 448032

Here's to hoping that it doesn't get a reboot or something…

No. 448045

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I still really hope that it gets rebooted since it would be 10x better than any adult animated series out right now. But it could be a be careful what you wish for situation and they troon out dean or something kek. I honestly think the two creators are too stubborn to add something like that, I own the art book and they mention writing in more of characters that the fans hate out of spite. The most I can see happening is Hunter Gathers becoming a troon again to “make up” for their past offensiveness. The creators are moids so they definitely won’t get as much shit for not being woke enough for a gendie audience. The troons I’ve seen criticizing the old trans Hunter episodes now describe it more as “misguided” and “their heart was in the right place” rather than muh violent twansphobia.

No. 448115

You're more optimistic than I am, that's for sure lol. I don't disagree that if the show did get rebooted and it retained the same style and charisma that the original series had, it would be better than any of the current adult animated seires out right now for sure. But so much time has passed and like you said, it could be grass is always greener perspective. I still remember when Clone High came back and it just wasn't as good as the original series (imo)., I wouldn't want to see Venture Bros go down a similar path.

Though yeah, I can see them re-trooning Hunter to "repent" but I'd like to believe that Doc & Jackson are too set in their ways to care about being PC.

No. 448195

Pathetic on her part.

No. 448204

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Nagihiko From "Shugo Chara" being genderfluid…

Because this scene.

No. 448207

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Saki Mizushima.

No. 448208

TIF logic regarding Mulan makes me kek.
>Wow, I loved this movie growing up because it made me feel empowered. I wonder why I felt that way…?
>I know! It's because me and Mulan were both men all along!

No. 448209

I fucking hate them for shoehorning an ugly trap onto a game for women. At least in ensemble stars the more feminine guys like Hajime and Tori never crossdress.

No. 448224

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Maybe but… Ensemble Stars don't have a canon tranny TIM character!?

No. 448461

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Do troons not understand the concept of a nickname? "Jenny" is a nickname, it literally uses the "J" and "N" in XJ-Nine. Further, it's been a long time since I've seen the show, but I don't recall her ever being offended that her mom called her XJ-9.

No. 448462

He's only (sort of) gendie in the English translation. In the Japanese version, he's just an okama. At least that's what I've gathered from anons who are into enstars.

No. 448752

I've been seeing Jenny stuff pop up in the last few years but I never dared click on the videos or anything because I knew there would be some bullshit that would piss me off. Are tards seriously saying that Jenny is some enby or troon? She's a fucking robot who was clearly modeled to look like a robot teen girl. And again, she's a fucking robot kek.
I say this with love because I remember liking the show when I was in middle school.

No. 448884

billy quizboy is from estonia??

No. 448920

Funny that the characters troons project themselves onto also happen to be the ones that moids sexualize the most

No. 449130

All traps may as well be trannies. All this "I look, dress, act and sound like a girl but I'm really a guy teehee" shit that straggot moids like is so annoying.

No. 449133

DA, Japan sees him as a man.

Also the English translation redacted all female pronouns before I started playing about 4 months ago because I've never seen a female pronoun used for him.

No. 449258

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>hates having a feminine name
>overcompensates by throwing hands at a moment's notice and having masculine hobbies
>gentle and kind under the angry front
I keep seeing more and more trannies of both kinds trying to claim him and it's disgusting. Any man with a feminine name is subject to mockery and gets pissy about it. That's real life. But these retards think it's a tranny thing. Tifs keep trying to claim Amuro too which is just as retarded.

No. 449271

Speaking of, I feel like there have been cases of fotm characters being hc as trans but then dropping off when they move on to the next thing.
It's funny seeing yume trees start to grow after a tranny volcanic eruption.

No. 449311

All TIFs should just admit that they want to marry/fuck the cartoon boy, or ship the cartoon boy with another cartoon boy because he's better than any man in real life could ever be. Idk if it's just me but this transwashing their faves just reeks of shame. It's like they can't bring themselves to like their favorite characters in a normal way, it may be a consequence of this generation having to do everything behind 7 layers of irony.

No. 449347

>transwashing their faves just reeks of shame
Agreed, I'm a lesnonna and every time these types of yume-in-denial fangirls call their faggy looking cartoon boys a "trans lesbian" because they can't admit to finding him attractive I want to send them to hetero bootcamp where they learn to be straight in a normal way again. GET DOWN AND GIVE ME 50 "I LOVE MY HUSBANDO!" GO GO GO.

No. 449352

I think that theory is true for a lot of TIFs because I read recently (might've been in a thread here) that there's a tendency among zoomers in fandom to be insanely ashamed of writing and reading fanfic where feelings of affection are expressed in a normal, sincere, and romantic way. They can't seem to be able to express anything without using meme or porn terms, it's like they can't just say "I love this character." It makes sense then that they'd also be ashamed of admitting to themselves "I want this character to be my boyfriend" or "I aspire to be like them", so they have to fake caring about tranny shit and forcing the most retarded trans "headcanons" onto the character to be able to sperg about them in some way. It also makes sense considering those TIFs are already used to not facing their actual issues which is why they troon out. They avoid their own issues and feelings using a tranny identity and do the same for the characters they're obsessed with.
>I want to send them to hetero bootcamp where they learn to be straight in a normal way again. GET DOWN AND GIVE ME 50 "I LOVE MY HUSBANDO!" GO GO GO.

No. 449378

Kek sorry but while I do agree I was actually thinking about trap characters that get carted around as tims until they're no longer fotm, I've started seeing genuine yume for what used to be fotm traps that used to be used for memes.

No. 449447

Yume for traps? They might as well be closet lesbians

No. 449458

Isn't it kind of funny to say that in this thread?
That being said, I'm not interested in their reasons, it's a matter of the fanart changing drastically.

No. 449474

Shaming teens and women from creating OC Mary Sues was ground zero for the troon mass hysteria

No. 449592

Unironically yes, now they still make their Mary Sue OCs, but since they make them all some flavor of tranny or queerio and pretend that their motivation is "representation", nobody can criticize them, instead they get endless praise for being so progressive.

No. 449946

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I'm very confused by Alluka, I recently watched HxH for the first time and during this arc I thought "Oh it seems like this is an actual trans character". But then pic related happens, Morel didn't know Alluka's existence before and he's learning about its existence via call with Killua, why would he call Alluka's a boy if Killua only refers to it as a girl? I haven't read the manga in full, idk what the original text in Japanese says and this could be the subtitles' fault, but it really made me reconsider the trans angle cuz, why would Killua tell others that Alluka is his younger brother? And it's not to hide its identity, cuz Killua downright tells Morel what Alluka's ability is which is much more damming.

No. 450095

I don’t think the boys were feminine, they were sensitive in a way that reflected the naïveté the came from being raised in an unusual way and clones.
I hope it doesn’t get rebooted. Maybe an occasional 60 minute special. I rather have comics.
Picrel gets on my nerves so much. Pete is my favorite character and he gets gaywashed in any modern fanart. Why can’t we have a straight male that cares about looking fashionable without him being gay? It’s honestly pretty homophobic on the fans’ behalf because there have been multiple instances in the show that subvert the expectations of gender roles, along with Pete’s masculinity. He has only ever expressed attraction to women, and they’ve always been women in his age range or older. (The “first to play The Bauhaus” hitting on Triana scene doesn’t count, that was in Rusty’s dream.)

No. 450130

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I meant feminine in the sense that they sometimes wore girly clothes/drag and had some “feminine” hobbies. I always think about the episode where Dean makes Brock and Hank read Lady Windermere’s Fan with him and they all dress up for their parts. Unrelated but sincere moments like that are why venture bros is so much better than shit like Rick and Morty

No. 450143

Venture Bros. is probably the best adult swim show ever, rickets and mortality does not compare. Even though there was a lot of weird disguised fetish shit, it felt like it was at least for the sake of the plot, unlike r&m. I love VB but upon rewatch I realize that Doc and Jackson are porn addicts. It’s just more subtle and can be given the benefit of the doubt most times. Even though it was funny to me at one time, the episode where Dean essentially goes bacha bazi makes me feel grossed out. There was tranny-adjacent shit in the show, but it never felt like they were in support of it. It was offensive humor for its time, I wonder if the creators would have been pro-troon in storyline if another season came out this year. I could imagine Hunter Gathers having a heartfelt moment about detransitioning or Dr. Girlfriend’s birth sex getting retconned with a sad story about how she had to hide it. Idk, maybe I’m thinking too low of Doc and Jackson.

No. 450152

It definitely couldn't be made nowadays and was kind of showing its age with the crossdressing justice league in season 6. Though I disagree that he 'went bacha bazi' because it's not like the baron knew he was a boy and was arrested when the truth came out. It's more like he went girl child bride? Idk now that I type it out that's not much better lol.

No. 450171

I wouldn’t call them a crossdressing justice league because it was just the one guy who crossdressed. He was awesome though. a 40-year-old jock university professor who bullies his students by day and a lingerie wearing captain America by night.
Yes I agree, that spoils some parts for me. To me the biggest issue is how basically every female character gets written off, even ones that were interesting and should’ve had bigger roles.

No. 450176

Was the Captain America parody really cross-dressing? It didn’t read like that to me, I thought I was a play on how male super heroes literally wear their underwear on the outside of their costume, and the lingerie is sort of like undergarments.

No. 450499

"ugly trap"
to you. and trap characters is media directed towards women isn't that uncommon.

No. 450524

Traps for women never look like bishoujo.

No. 450834

Traps for women is an oxymoron

No. 450842

I'm bisexual and I find traps repulsive. They don't have the attractive traits of women OR men, they just look like children with wide hips and cartoonishly large dicks. It's borderline pedoshit.

No. 450845

Point was that multiple times, there's been traps for men that after a while, they move on to the next popular thing and you stop seeing tranny hc or coomer fanart as much.
After that, the fanart, while slower seems to get better, there's more personality of the character in them, more story related, the character start to look a little more masculine and they start getting shipped with female characters, and the artist's profiles when checked seem to be genuine women.
You can think the artists are wrong in the head or whatever, but it's better than seeing shitty gooner fanart.

No. 450858

I hate how trapshit has spread and now some people are drawing bishonens with wide ass hips. It's disgusting

No. 450899

>Pete is my favorite character and he gets gaywashed in any modern fanart. Why can’t we have a straight male that cares about looking fashionable without him being gay?
Late response, but the show frequently made jokes about people mistaking him and Billy for being a couple, so of course they'd get fanart.

No. 450902

You have not seen the horrors I’ve seen.

No. 450905

same and they also just make me think of trannies. i used to be really into crossdressing guys in anime shit, i thought it was hot, but with the influx of trannyism now it just grosses me out.

No. 450946

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Part one

No. 450947

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Part two

No. 450950

Petebilly fanart always feels so wrong to look at, most artists neglect to give him his massive head so he just looks like a child and not a dwarf kek

No. 450982

This is stupid, it's supposed to be the "dad wanted a son but a daughter was born" trope but no, troons make it all retarded. This trope is still common irl too, I had a classmate whose dad hated her for being born female. But whatever, troon s co-opt everything.

No. 451044

That's applicable for Kalluto, not Alluka. It's some old Shinto thing about raising boys as girls until they reach certain age so evil spirits don't possess them or something. I've never really looked into it but you've probably also seen the same trope used in myriad other series. Demon Slayer is one of more recent ones.

Alluka is probably a legit troon.

For Morel it's probably just translation issue. Japanese is a very contextual language and barely uses words that indicate gender in any way.

No. 451046

I've noticed that with Grusha from Pokemon all ironic femboyfags forgot about him near instantly but Japanese/Korean yumes have been pumping out fanart nonstop.

No. 451087

>Alluka is probably a legit troon.
This is frustrating because I really like her and I see her as female. They can either fix this by making her actually female or him(?) growing up and becoming a cool guy or something.
In a way I've come to hate "canon" trans characters more than I do fanon interpretations. Vivian from Paper Mario and the girl from Celeste are big examples, I can't help but think of them as girls and won't accept the trans shit. Especially Madeline because she only got transed after the game came out.

No. 451109

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To be fair for all intents and purposes Alluka is female. Everyone else treats Alluka as something else because of Nanika inside her.
It's just that Togashi drew a throwaway picture of all Zoldyck kids several hundreds chapters ago and the only child not introduced was unambiguously masculine looking. Honestly that kid looks older and bigger than Killua so making Alluka smaller than Kalluto was certainly a choice.

No. 452133

Then they're making bishounen josou, not trapshit. If they made trapshit, that's a sign they're lesbians in the closet.

No. 452135

Why would lesbians like trap? Lesbians would like reverse trap because it's a woman underneath the clothes.

No. 452136

Pretty based ngl. I'm down for women claiming femboys as their androgynous husbandos.

No. 452138

Late but yeah, this is what I'm talking about.
I don't think liking traps makes you secretly a lesbian egg or whatever since traps are very much still male no matter what others try to push, the yume clearly seem to like them as guys but I don't see a reason to change the term from trap to "bishounen josou" when the characters themselves haven't changed and I've never seen the term used by the yume that make the fanart.

No. 452157

Pete and Billy would be weird anyway because Pete met Billy when he was a kid. Pete may have ruined Billy’s life but I refuse to believe he would be a gay pedophile.

No. 464230

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I got this from Reddit and it's so disgustingly cringe.

No. 464237

The two first designs are so much better too

No. 464238

troons always need to put their big ass noses in girls targeted media thatll definitely prove theyre not pedo groomers!

No. 465664

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No. 467056

Not even DB is safe

No. 467097

Learn to link posts, newfag

No. 467112

only thing i have to say about saki is at least they don't try to flirt with the idea he's ackshully a woman unlike how ensharts treats arashi. saki's pretty much just depicted as a guy who thinks gender shouldn't prevent anyone from liking cute clothes and makeup, which is i guess why gendies like to claim him as one of their own.

No. 467291

I find it funny most of the people that were obsessing over Yamato's gender like this aren't even one piece fans

No. 469198

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>sexless critter described as being a small and cute little thing
>"omg gais nonbinary icon!!! nonbinary king!!!!"

lord grant me the strength to never alog these freaks

No. 469201

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I felt the same way for Chiitan too. Chiitan will always be a girl to me. Wish Japanese mascots have nothing to do with nonbinary trans shit.

No. 469212

Traps in animanga are shit and cliche but for some reason I find irl traps hot, especially if they don’t act like a cutesy faggot but is just a normal dude in women’s clothing

No. 469215

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Poor guy got absolutely destroyed by western fandom, if he isnt made into a titchop tif he is drawn as a whole ass big boobed woman but you have to use he/him pronouns!! it's not a genderbend!!! also she will have sex with penis people but it's totally gay you guys

fandom tifs love to draw him as the sluttiest whore and the one time a tif dared to criticize this she got dogpiled and girl had to apologize for not respecting how others express their totally valid gender, "you have internalized transphobia!"

I could keep ranting but i guess what happens to him is the same that happens to any effeminate male character these days (was gonna use one of those degen artists art to go with this but i just couldnt handle it)

No. 469222

lmao I remember when this guy got revealed and saw this coming from 100 miles away

No. 469235

traps don't exist in real life, no male can truly 'pass' as a girl. you're thinking of crossdressers

No. 469239

i wish the people that run her twitter account didn't pander to gendies so much…

No. 469245

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this weird character was instantly turned into a mtf tranny by everyone and had a million futa porn images made. kill men

No. 469253

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The developers added a trans flag (hidden in a sewer, kek). They knew this would happen.
How dare they touch Chiitan

No. 469410

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he's been posted here before but i tried looking up porn of him recently and all of 5 pics i found have him with a pussy (getting fucked by men with dicks of course). Dankovsky my poor boy. i wish TIFs would leave fictional manlets alone for once.

No. 469516

fandoms would be so much better is gendie shit never became popular. I have the same experience where the vast majority of porn/fanfic featuring male characters gives them pussies. I just want to objectify males, why is the objectification of women shoehorned into everything including femgaze hetero/yaoi stuff

No. 469741

File: 1741843751566.png (198.64 KB, 250x417, daniil crying in the corner.pn…)

pathologic is literally one of my favorite games and daniil is one of my favorite characters and i will NEVER forgive tifs for this. they like to make the stamatin bros ftm too

No. 469744

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and speaking of patho it sure is fucking funny they never make artemy a ftm, because they all want to project onto daniil and get fucked by the bigger muscular guy of course, plus tifs always project onto guys who aren't massive because they fucking know they can't ever look like a man by shoulders alone
fuck i love this ship and these stupid nerd bitches have ruined it

No. 469745

As if it wasn't bad enough already when female characters get this treatment, gendies had to do it to yaoi too.

Something about the style of this game seems off to me, so I'm not surprised.

No. 469752

tbf that's most fujos

No. 469753

yeah but fujos are based for not conforming to the tif shit

No. 469780

Except TiFs are subsection of fujos(fujo infight bait)

No. 469797

I'm late to the party but you should I don't know look for the ones in josei/shoujo VNs and Manga. Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish being a standard example. not the same genre but Ayukawa from Blue Period. Traps can be done well but you're only looking at moeslop ones targeted towards male otaku

No. 469986

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This is kind of a nitpick but I've seen tons of TIF Wolf O'Donnell and irks me like he's my furry husbando (cringe I know) but I hate to see him naked and see tit chop scars…

No. 469994

tifs are always so transparent with this shit. if they find tboys so homo and valid why is tboy x tboy content so scarce? wish we lived in the era where they just genderbent and called it a fucking day

No. 470009

File: 1741930056056.png (253.49 KB, 736x911, Mr._Crawling.png)

Scarred after seeing pregnant and cuntboy shit of my husbando and it's not even a year yet for this game. Gendies fuck off of my horror joseimuke game. Also calling him babygirl or malewife is cringe.

No. 470014

Imagine a fucking monster ghost thing chopping its tits off and having scars. Why wouldn’t it just choose to appear as a female or male ghost

No. 470017

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Mr. Crawling is perfect just the way he is. TIFs and kids are Fandom poison.

No. 470019

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Also The Hairdresser too since some people mistaken her as a dude yet I've seen gendies proceeded to call her they/them. There was also a Steam thread about giving a male option for the MC which is fucking stupid and pointless since it's a joseimuke game. Talk about woman erasure. They can all fuck off.

No. 470022

ugh. i don't even want to deal with them saying Mr. Chopped is the bride just because he doesn't like being around her body. i can really see why the dev as (an already insane woman) is leaving the game behind. who knows how many tiktok kids are asking if x character is a troon or asexual everyday? i fucking hate these gender obsessed fatasses

No. 470775

File: 1742114137623.png (893.76 KB, 1080x1080, amazing-what-a-good-game-can-d…)

500 epic updoots in the patho sub im killing myself

No. 470777

File: 1742114331527.png (9.3 KB, 706x94, Screenshot 2025-03-16 013544.p…)

genuinely retarded you can say this about anything. no you are not anything like artemy the russian surgeon man who has to go fight a bunch of giant dudes to preserve ancient steppe rituals

No. 470889

>saw this recently in a manga as the 2nd male lead
She should have gotten with him. They had more in common.

No. 471021

this makes me so upset nonna
pathologic should never have been translated into english

No. 471400

Hate this shit, I was in the Pathologic fandom before Hbomberguy made his shit video and it legit ruined the whole fandom. There were gendies (mostly russian tif's) before but it was mostly chill. Still love both Patho classic and 2 but I can't lie that my enjoyment was slightly effected by the shit fans.

No. 471446

or maybe never gotten the sequel aka remake. i prefer patho 1 anyway. i don't know if these tiffanies would care about the game with all those old graphics, tons more reading, and weird voice acting. but i would.
hbomberguy ruined everything

No. 471448

hbomberguy is one of my least favorite Youtube moids. Everything his greasy little hands touch turns to shit.

No. 471457

i find pyrocynical extremely annoying but somehow he manages to give games good press and not make them overrun with gendies.

No. 471473

The pathologic sub is one of the worst on Reddit. Literally every post is an unfunny trans meme. I hate to say this but I genuinely don’t think a lot of them have played either game. A lot seem like they don’t have any understanding of the characters or themes at all outside of “Dankovsky trans lolol”

No. 471477

It's much easier to shitpost on reddit about troons than it is to put the bare minimum of effort and play a video game.

No. 471485

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daniil dankovsky would murder a trans person in the street after telling them that their idea of science is completely illogical and goes against nature

No. 471487

I know that trans washing is pure wish fulfillment and it doesn't have to make sense for them. But I always found it hilarious that they choose to make trans a bunch of characters that live in the fucking russian steppes lmao.
> “Dankovsky trans lolol”
They unironically argue that Daniil could be trans because he's educated and from the city, like no. Keep dreaming about him being an uwu trans uke though, because it's funny.
YWNBAB = You will never be a Bachelor
Daniil would tell them to kill themselves in Latin

No. 471548

I just thought of this, but it literally makes no sense for Daniil to be a tif just out of principle that tifs who take testosterone have shorter life expectancies, and his entire goal in life is to eliminate death

No. 472119

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i was told this game is really good but i've only ever seen tifs into it. is it true?

No. 472145

A lot of women stopped playing it after drama with the company firing a woman over designs, sorry but I can't really remember it enough to explain it well.

No. 472150

wow okay fuck that shit. i REALLY liked lobotomy corp and thought project moon was cool. that sucks.

No. 472180

Before the controversy you couldn't browse twitter without seeing at least one post about Gregor ftm headcanons. I think now it's only coomers and whoever else can look past misogyny.

No. 476682

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No. 476698

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it's extremely ironic to me that a franchise with zero/relatively equal fanservice and excellent, EXCELLENT and complicated female characters ended up harming an actual woman. can't have shit in this world…

the fandom pre the vellmori incident was amazing. so many good fujo and yume artists. so much good content. i hate that incels had to ruin it for everybody.

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