File: 1582936454742.png (472.21 KB, 757x554, darlingpeesuit02.png)

No. 84714
Skinwalking cosplayer, known for skinwalking Sailor Moon in the early 2000s and currently Skinwalking Zero Two. She has also been known to abuse multiple partners and is currently "engaged" to a younger cosplayer named "KrookedKev".
>Believes she is the IRL perfect ZeroTwo, that ZeroTwo is based on her and everyone else is copying her>Suffers from an Eating Disorder and is proud of it. >She is know for abusing partners including mooching off family, demanding sex at inappropriate times, pressuring into engagement, cheating, stealing, breaking stuff, threatening to cry rape if she doesn't get her way. She has emerged from retirement to cause drama and abuse her boytoy.
Previous thread updates -
>now "officially" engaged since Kevin "proposed" at Anime Expo.>the couple came into the thread themselves to take shots at anons, resulting in a ban>all of Kevin's friends including the guys get verbally abused by Lori for coming near him>jumped on the Patreon bandwagon to sell lewds and feet pics>continuing her long-time habit of accusing others of copying her just because they're cosplaying the same character>trying to be Belle Delphine>Kevin turned out to be just as big of a cow as Lori who couldn't stop posting embarrassing shit to facebook, still thinks he "looks like a sexy anime guy">Lori ruined Kevin's headphones so he peed on her Zero Two suit… the suit has not been seen since___________________
Her Links:
Her Old FB - New FB - instagram - thread:
>>67368 No. 84716
File: 1582936613092.jpg (76.84 KB, 640x800, 85220547_142193703656370_43036…)

>>84714She's still trying to pretend like she's cosplaying Zero Two as usual… but no sign of the suit other than a likely latergram. Big difference from the constant, unending photos of her in the same outfit over and over
No. 84744
File: 1582964864669.jpeg (101.3 KB, 720x960, EFD2DF01-102E-4237-BFDD-042462…)

Glad someone made a new thread, I’ve been waiting to post these.
Horrifying photoshop and still doing her zero two makeup/eyebrows even though she’s cosplaying Rapunzel and it makes no
No. 84833
>>84744Wow she sure enlarged the eyes as much as possible, then saved the photo, reopened it, and enlarged them again.
She looks like an insect
No. 84835
>>84745Where’s her nose?
Too bad she abuses those editing apps. She’s pretty irl imho. No point in making her face look featureless like that.
No. 84856
>>84745kek. She maxed out eye enlarging, skin blur, and nose resizing for sure. She looks like a creepypasta at this point.
I like how despite all the extreme editing, you can still make out just how shoddy her makeup application is, the lashes are coming up off her inner eyelid, and her lips look chewed up/dry too.
>>84744That warped neck shoop from her shaving down her jawline is really the icing on this zero two cosplaying Rapunzel shit cake.
No. 84874
File: 1583074844943.jpeg (322.83 KB, 1947x1947, 90B3474F-630A-47EE-A65D-7FB0E2…)

No. 84940
>>84874lori lurking again confirmed
also that eyeliner is SO SAD. or maybe that dollar store caked on shit is just natural, almost forgot to envy her genetics this is lillie jean level of makeup skill my sides
No. 85034
>>85017Kiki and Dakota loved to claim their eyelashes were all real too. The Koreans noticed Dakota's falsies on that one show - you could see them in the extreme close-ups if you looked carefully.
Must be a cow thing. Can you imagine wearing lenses and falsies in front of people while claiming you're all natural? I wonder how they get up the courage to claim these outrageous lies.
I also enjoy the cow tradition of the "no makeup" pic, in which eyeliner, concealer, foundation, mascara, blush, and eyebrow are visible.
(yes i saged)
No. 85056
File: 1583208772007.jpg (438.83 KB, 1080x2066, IMG_20200303_051040.jpg)

>>84889didn't know she cosplayed Chii. Looked it up and holy shit she looked so different before Meitu filters were a thing. She has a very average face.
No. 85057
File: 1583208809714.jpg (409.79 KB, 1080x1730, IMG_20200303_051102.jpg)

>>85056also kek at this. Of course she has Mary Sue eyes
No. 85107
File: 1583265511300.jpeg (230.13 KB, 1242x861, 00DF5057-AAC3-46F6-84D2-13548B…)

So close to self realization….
No. 85284
File: 1583448979693.png (2.62 MB, 1280x2631, redsuit_gone.png)

>Bringing back red suit
I wonder if it will be a new suit or if she/Kevin cleaned the pee suit?
No. 85286
File: 1583449495744.jpeg (3.38 KB, 300x300, resize.jpeg)

>>85284Who cares about the red suit looni, like wtf are those eyebrows?
No. 85287
File: 1583449926125.jpg (309.83 KB, 550x739, work075.jpg)

No. 85288
File: 1583449952545.jpg (199.49 KB, 550x291, rainboweye.jpg)

No. 85289
File: 1583450033812.jpg (262.27 KB, 600x800, normal_IMG_7369.jpg)

No. 85599
File: 1583858574173.jpg (331.43 KB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20200311-033842__01…)

Tfw you accidentally shop your head smaller than your supposedly petite animu gf. Also thirsty anons are in luck, he took our advice, the fugly black is gone.
No. 85603
File: 1583860269968.png (1.09 MB, 1746x1456, guhnetics.png)

>>85599im so envious of those genetics dude wow zerotwo irl
No. 85858
>>85728Or a bogan who works at McDonald's and can't let go of his teen years
>>85763I never realised that was why, thanks anon. Ot but I feel like there's somet uncanny about mirrored pics, but I don't doubt what you said.
No. 85909
File: 1584136035654.jpg (177.42 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20200313_135737_773.jpg)

Why does Lori have a rash on her body, especially in the crotch area? Allergy from the latex suit?
No. 85922
File: 1584140620928.png (2.16 MB, 2048x1280, rash.png)

>>85915You might be right. Here's the other two pics she posted.
No. 86082
>>86026She has anachan level boobs, but the hip to waist ratio of twink. If those straps weren't cutting into her sides so strongly, would there even be any definition there? Makes me think back when Kevin was sperging about loving her "tiny waist". She's pretty petite, but also built like an actual plank.
>>86022Her face definitely looks painted on in these. Can't tell if she just washed her haggard face out as much as possible, or if she is legitimately wearing makeup three shades too light.
No. 86110
File: 1584248740903.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.91 KB, 545x600, 1526955637131.jpg)

>>86026Found this pic in the 1st thread, spoilers because NSFW boobies. Even at a healthy weight Lori's breasts are unfortunately small for her frame.
No. 86273
File: 1584408655969.jpg (197.51 KB, 1080x1329, Screenshot_20200317-121710__01…)

The most uncomfortable game of leapfrog ever played
No. 86274
File: 1584408707413.jpg (244.34 KB, 1172x1912, 20-03-17-12-27-39-959_deco__01…)

>>86273Samefag but the simplord in the comments is gonna be big disappoint kek
No. 86384
File: 1584492288483.jpeg (292.64 KB, 1220x1988, EB5937E0-04E3-461A-B1F4-84DCC9…)

No. 86385
File: 1584492318415.png (8.33 MB, 1242x2208, 62AA433A-A9D5-4912-9692-02509D…)

No. 86386
File: 1584492380075.png (5.81 MB, 1242x2208, 7D062265-7FC9-4706-9F28-84ED7D…)

No. 86677
File: 1584757050370.jpg (76.69 KB, 777x1280, IMG_20200320_172815_683.jpg)

She's pretty desperate
No. 86684
>>86677how in the world would that realistically change how often she clicks on "hey" messages? it's not like they get a "patre♡n" flag
why do people pay any attention this egotistical bitch lmao
No. 86706
File: 1584801994701.jpg (180.99 KB, 1200x800, 1209649391914.jpg)

>>86567She should do lewd photosets with the old Kewl Kou Klan, assuming there are any of them who don't despise her now
I think JJ does lewds now?
No. 86719
File: 1584813779237.jpg (229.78 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20200321_105743_409.jpg)

Her caption for this post says that her "cronic" nausea usually keeps her from enjoying the outside world but now she doesn't have anywhere to go.
Lol since when does she have chronic nausea? I thought it was her chronic back pain that makes her unable to work.
Well, enjoy this gross Lori pic.
No. 87087
File: 1585082214390.jpg (87.11 KB, 1280x1155, IMG_20200324_133339_626.jpg)

Looks like if you pay for Lori's lewds you get to "chat" with her. Imagine Lori sexting thirsty Indian dudes online while Kevin sits at his computer playing WoW and trying not to cry.
No. 87225
>>87120Honestly thank god she has a reason but the tree emoji, I just can't.
>>87139Big kek, very accurate description anon.
No. 87227
File: 1585218777430.png (693.14 KB, 755x941, lbl.png)

So I found this…
No. 87256
File: 1585259974230.webm (678.16 KB, 480x720, Wiggle_Wiggle.webm)
Lori posted this to Twitter. It said "Wiggle wiggle join my patreon"
No. 87257
File: 1585260527206.jpg (58.25 KB, 943x1280, IMG_20200326_150550_717.jpg)

Lori also has a new foot fetish Patreon tier. She is up from 12 patrons, to 14.
No. 87264
File: 1585274771857.jpeg (229.38 KB, 1242x1365, 115F1B26-8F8C-401B-8DE8-E721EF…)

No. 87290
File: 1585324295640.jpg (481.11 KB, 1454x2048, ELZ_bNpVUAEXkRN.jpg)

its not the best shot but you can clearly see her back tattoo. its large. It's hard to cover up that's why she poses the way she does. it's huge rose garden she got done for fucking one of her ex boyfriends. it was for free.
No. 87303
File: 1585340262606.jpg (10.28 KB, 489x438, FB_IMG_1585340183142.jpg)

>>87290Here, these are better
No. 87325
>>87256Kek at the weird extra garters she's using to differentiate her ass from her leg. It manages to make her small booty oddly saggy looking.
>>87321Thank you anon. This is precisely why she's a snow addict. She's competing with women nearly half her age and she
actually wants to make money. Not to mention she's a narc and at this point she probably believes her own shop.
No. 87327
>>87304>>87303She's definitely shooping it out of pics/clips then. What an unfortunate looking tattoo. It looked faded already even back then.
>>87308>>87321Not that anon, but I do think she could be some kind of pretty. She has a mature face and an awkward teen boy body, but she looked pretty cute back during her ren faire phase. The look suited her and she didn't have to shoop herself into an entirely different person. It's pretty obvious that she's insecure about aging and her looks with how heavy she edits everything these days. Probably doesn't help she's desperately skinwalking a teenager anime character. Makes me wonder if she'll still be at this at 40. kek.
No. 87404
File: 1585464318801.jpeg (419.12 KB, 1242x1377, 286FDA40-9113-433F-9F14-BC8476…)

No. 87405
File: 1585464355028.jpeg (420.75 KB, 1511x2015, 301D4F76-E9B6-418E-B419-258F51…)

No. 87427
File: 1585495283134.jpg (659.41 KB, 1080x1329, 20200329_162111.jpg)

>>87303Didn't someone say Lori was part Mexican?
That's a shame she doesn't appreciate her natural looks, i'm also hispanic with blue eyes and it's hard to find that representation
No. 87455
File: 1585525073846.jpeg (496.75 KB, 1536x2048, 78872297-6B1A-4FFE-A352-3F9C39…)

Imagine paying for looneys patreon when you can get a much better and mature zero to representation of a girl actually looking sexy. I’ll just leave this right here.(offtopic)
No. 87532
File: 1585630013270.png (124.91 KB, 567x627, dfjdjfklfjdkfljdkljf.png)

>>87415>>87409It's actually worse than that. Someone on her friends list was giving out free codes, intending them to go to people who are sick so they have something to distract them. Lori claimed she "knew someone with a confirmed case" but apparently just gave the code to Kevin.
No. 87533
File: 1585630922447.png (755.91 KB, 1226x746, Untitled.png)

No. 87611
File: 1585689188825.jpeg (162.97 KB, 1242x685, B8B594D8-0541-412B-8998-89B008…)

No. 87652
>>87642Anon above is absolutely right.
Not to mention the old leaked nudes of Lori are better since she actually had tits, which she does not have now. Tits/attractive body would be about the only reason to pay for the "uncensored" version of what she's already posting to Twitter.
Secondly, I'm sure most anons don't want to donate a single penny her/support her by signing up for her patreon. Not even for the lulz.
No. 87682
File: 1585732769260.jpg (107.12 KB, 760x508, seekuushii.jpg)

>>87642Why? 15 years ago maybe
But you're just paying for overly photoshopped images that make her look like an alien
No. 87692
>>87532WTF! Shes such a psycho, doesnt even hesitate to lie. So pathetic. Not to mention anyone with asthma would probably be hospitalized. She fucking stupid too.
>>87642HI LORI
(hi cow) No. 88483
File: 1586639864379.jpeg (143.68 KB, 828x932, 3947A489-BD01-48B1-BC75-C84F1E…)

Way to be a bitch to someone who says they don’t speak English very well
No. 88493
>>88492Also she didn't even answer,
>I use all kinds of shades of redShe is among the worst communicators I've ever seen on the internet, it seems impossible to have a logical conversation with her. This is how that should look
>Hey what did you use to get that red around your eyes?
>Ah I used any red makeup product name, just pick one, Lori thank you for asking! No. 88509
File: 1586660735077.jpeg (305.3 KB, 1241x1494, 7E17EE12-DA65-446E-9210-FEA136…)

No. 88510
File: 1586660765714.jpeg (326.96 KB, 1242x1659, AD845221-3FE1-45A2-BAAE-274332…)

No. 88722
File: 1586811382530.jpg (251.07 KB, 1027x1280, IMG_20200413_135307_093.jpg)

I found this rather mature photo of Lori when I went through her tagged photos. This was taken at anime expo by that Gil Photography guy in Instagram.
No. 88737
File: 1586821228693.webm (10.26 MB, 640x360, VID_20200413_162823_567.webm)
I also saw her and Kev in this Anime Expo 2019 highlights video lol around 32-33 seconds. I'll also provide a shorter clip in my next post.
No. 88738
File: 1586821271947.webm (1.14 MB, 640x360, VID_20200413_163114_217.webm)
Loool remember when the still photo from this came out?
No. 88986
File: 1587007613429.jpeg (167.35 KB, 828x1065, A8F0E34A-7EE9-451A-8482-5DBE28…)

No. 89016
File: 1587036165111.jpeg (242.79 KB, 485x428, 52505635-2E2C-42F9-9A1E-B2FC26…)

>>88986What a thing to say when you edit your eyes like this
No. 89026
File: 1587043380225.gif (492.44 KB, 500x374, 4A5FFA43-29A2-4A99-9BD0-75E864…)

>>89016And you can always see red lines on the whites of her eyes. It’s scary. Must be from wearing cheap contacts.
No. 89536
File: 1587558285095.jpg (371.19 KB, 1080x1727, Screenshot_20200422-222355__01…)

Usagi Kou makes a comeback. I must admit this is preferable to her neverending Zero Two variations
No. 89640
File: 1587610006114.jpg (235 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20200422_163551_292.jpg)

She said this was Zelda cosplay
No. 89650
File: 1587616607371.jpeg (470.13 KB, 1242x1487, DDAE6269-C4A9-425E-9F93-7CA84F…)

Michael Jackson.
No. 89651
File: 1587616783454.jpeg (348.71 KB, 1242x1545, 331B1A67-286C-4756-AA1B-65D3B2…)

Lori is lurking.
No. 89660
>>89540I agree with your sentiments on an emotional level
>>89650She's not the epitome of attractive but this really isn't it. Her real face is so much better than this MJ cosplay…
>>89651I mean, definitely. But I'm dumb please explain.
No. 89663
File: 1587628598040.png (504.79 KB, 576x398, instavsreality.png)

>>89650The mostly unshooped Kevin next to her really gives it away how edited her face is here. Her eyes are straight up blurry compared to his. kek. Must be their "apartment lighting".
>>89651Does she wear costume lens all the time? Her eyes always seem extremely bloodshot and irritated.
No. 89722
>>89650I feel like confiscating her Snow app because she has no idea how to use the beautify features at. all.
Lori no one believes this because your iris size is as big as Kevin's eyeballs. The app enlarged your right eye bigger than it did the left one, making your eyes look crooked on your face. Are you fucking stupid? Of course you are. Because you can't even color correct your bleached orange eyebrows, makes it look like you're a ginger underneath that bad wig. Also look how thick your neck is from elongating it, looks like Hulk Hogan.
No. 89824
>>89660I think whoever posted
>>89651 was referring to Lori showcasing the red in her eyes, as mentioned in
>>89026 No. 90213
File: 1588055839853.jpg (158.22 KB, 768x960, 95107268_2841434505983801_9107…)

>>89640This just looks like a man
No. 90218
>>90213Christ, she looks like a tranny.
She's lost a shit ton of older friends on social media over the past year for revealing what a hideous cunt she truly is.
She now lives in an echo chamber wherein every choice she makes is perfect and omgsokawaii. No one left on her social media has the balls to tell her she's fucking gross and continues to make awful choices.
No. 90219
File: 1588059399637.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1600x900, 078DF034-E29E-4A06-BFA5-00FADB…)

>>90213I hate myself for making this comparison
No. 90651
File: 1588387425031.jpg (126.24 KB, 1080x1350, 19534353_480518212290513_72805…)

>>89782Okay so I was quarantine bored and decided to see if she actually did the makeup as long as she's claimed… shockingly it looks like she has. Obviously Zero Two's design has obviously nothing to do with her but I could see how she could identify with that part of the character, at least initially.
Anyway the way more interesting thing is that her selfies before ~2018 start to look human again. It's hysterical to see pictures like attached and try to believe her claim of minimal to no editing on current photos. That was minimal filtering, present day is intense reconstructive surgery via apps.
No. 90655
File: 1588387846044.jpg (517.58 KB, 2160x1350, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-wxfL…)

>>90651Sorry for samefag- right is from three years ago, I don't understand how anyone but the dumbest of the dumb could believe the left is even close to what she actually looks like.
Also do any anons still have Kevin on FB or did everyone get blocked? I have a hard time believing there haven't been any whiny posts or horrible fights during quarantine.
No. 90841
File: 1588478406688.jpg (196.16 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200502_205755_380.jpg)

>>90651Tbh I kinda envy parts of Lori's 2017 ana body.
Here's a new pic she posted that is hilariously awkward.
No. 90879
>>90841Blowing out her cheeks to try and look younger, dumb baby pose, check
She looks a lot better when she's not trying to look like a cute child, she has the image of a sexy anime baddie, not a lolita. The blonde and blue look a lot better than the "cute" pink and these pieces of digital art.
However she is still an asshole however she looks, but this whole thing blatantly doesn't suit her actual face and proportions. Just another belle wannabe now.
No. 91093
File: 1588638477600.png (2.15 MB, 1626x1192, jesuschrist.png)

>>90879>>90841"What do you even call this face? Ive been making it a lot, I just call it bratt baby face. BBF! #babygirl"
Just a reminder that Lori is 35 years old.
Looks like she's really pandering to pedophiles now. What a piece of shit human she is.
No. 91147
>>91138Oh she does. She just posted ugly ass white boots she got from dolls kill on her story the other day.
>>91093Lori just does whatever she sees someone else do, in this case Belle. It doesn’t surprise me that someone who has skinwalked fictional characters their whole life would skinwalk actual human beings. It’s sad because Lori is middle aged and doesn’t even know who she is deep down. She’s a shallow person with a shit attitude. She’s tried to put out a (fake) “nice” body-positive persona like other sex workers but she just can’t help herself and has to resort to being an asshole.
No. 91228
She only has 14 patrons, no wonder she was saying shit like
>>88986Bitch is getting desperate so she cranked up her editing and still no one wants to pay to see her haggard skeleton pretending to be an uwu soft baby egirl
I wonder if her and Kevin are struggling financially and that's why she had to go begging for a WoW subscription for him? inb4 they resort to making shitty femdom porn so she can finally make a profit off abusing him instead of doing it for free
No. 92385
File: 1589089955580.jpg (566.23 KB, 1080x1506, Screenshot_20200510-155130__01…)

Here's a recent from Lori, I swear she gives her age away hard with outfits like this
No. 92420
File: 1589117998040.webm (591.92 KB, 960x1200, ft6OWTM.webm)
>>92386reuploading as this is an imageboard
No. 92699
>>92385Pedophiles who love clowns - that's a special niche you're going for, Lori.
35 years old and a low-rent, aging e-thot who never graduated high school. What an accomplishment. I wonder if her family is proud of her. Better yet, I wonder if Kevin's nice Mormon family is proud of her. She must be a delight at family gatherings.
No. 93894
File: 1589670167148.png (1.05 MB, 1280x2290, SeeW0FmNzUmHp.png)

Lol she's always so bitchy to people. Why doesn't she just make Kevin do the juicing for her?
No. 93919
File: 1589684880787.jpg (92.31 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200516_200618_792.jpg)

New tagged photo. Idk why she edits her face so much. She looks fine. Muh tiny noses tho.
No. 94236
>>93207Thanks anon
>>93919It's genuinely frightening the stark difference between her uploads and candids. Despite being uncanny valley territory they look like two different people of two different ethnicities. She looks a lot less creepy here, although she'll never give up the snow until she accepts her age. This has been said before but she needs to stop skinwalking anime teens.
No. 94328
>>9425235 isn't particularly old, but by that point you should have something to show for the ~15 years you've had to learn how to be an adult. What's the point of even living if every day is a repeat of the same miserable Cluster B NEET antics? Farmers beware- Lori is what happens when your youthful appearance is your only redeeming quality.
It will be interesting to see what happens when she does enter her 40's and no amount of filters will disguise her age. Wouldn't be surprised if she became suicidal or tried to get pregnant so she could have a surrogate Lori to control.
No. 94334
File: 1589819711089.png (9.52 MB, 1242x2208, 120539D9-5302-4F9B-B2DB-3D66E2…)

No. 94387
>>94347>>94357Might be a way to find out who of her friends talks about her here?
Post a picture on Facebook that’s visible for only a few select people. If it ends up here, she’s got a pretty good guess who posted it.
But I’m hoping for a self-post, kek
No. 94514
File: 1589885983405.png (1.43 MB, 828x1792, ED240D46-5681-4EFD-9A2F-0AC33E…)

Lori bitching about a company she tagged in one of her insta pics using her image to promote contacts and in the comments she’s still doing shit she did twenty years ago- sending her ‘minions’ to fight her battles. Hopefully people are grown enough to not do the hags bidding.
No. 94859
File: 1589994515942.jpg (879.5 KB, 1207x2145, envious.jpg)

>>94334guys you gotta stop this nitpicking and envy my genetics already fuck
No. 94888
File: 1590001385720.jpg (429.85 KB, 1080x1731, Screenshot_20200520-120158_Ins…)

Her new white suit came in.
No. 94902
>>94334Lol, this is the same bodysuit Mariah Mallad trashed a while ago:
>>>/pt/774319>>>/pt/774320So she was probably big mad because not only her ex-calf Colette has this ugly thing but also Lori, with whom she had beef in the past.
No. 95044
File: 1590057086888.jpeg (81.93 KB, 828x319, 1E837AB2-9AC7-4585-86BC-F2D5C6…)

>>95005Isn’t Lori notorious for hosting orgies at cons anyways?
Also OT but she posted this the other day and I just can’t with her logic. Yeah Lori, that’ll show em. They will definitely know the reason you’re wearing a micro bikini is because people aren’t wearing face masks. Fucking idiot.
No. 95054
>>95044Anything to get her non-existent tits out with a thinly veiled excuse to
in theory accumulate asspats. Like you said there's no correlation, but I'm sure Lori will be blurting it out everytime she comes into contact with someone. It's baffling this is a 35 year old woman.
No. 95101
File: 1590088172432.jpg (510.02 KB, 1511x2015, 99078093_10163447736645431_593…)

here we go
No. 95102
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No. 95104
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No. 95105
File: 1590088250664.jpg (74.04 KB, 741x960, 98313565_10163447693030431_779…)

No. 95106
File: 1590088280741.jpg (159.2 KB, 1440x975, 98323378_10163446231225431_190…)

also from facebook Lori circa 2003
No. 95108
File: 1590088394690.jpg (191.59 KB, 1440x1106, 98301567_10163440941160431_621…)

Why the pasties…
No. 95139
File: 1590096641501.png (345.41 KB, 352x443, 0008790.png)

>>95104>>95105Did Lori gain weight or is this suit just heinously unflattering? Girls got as many rolls as Shayna here.
No. 95150
>>95104Lmao after all that it looks horrible! The fit is terrible and even though she's not fat, she looks like an overstuffed sausage. Plus is it already stained or ripped in the chest area?
>>95044What a cunt. I sincerely wonder if it's even possible for Lori to think of anyone but herself. Not even exaggerating, I don't think she's ever put anyone's well-being before her own in her whole life.
No. 95152
File: 1590100596237.jpeg (328 KB, 1192x1815, E2A10EF6-312A-4171-95F6-DE8B60…)

No. 95174
>>95108First off, looks like she was big mad she couldn't get the toebeanies socks. These look rough compared. Surprised she hasn't thrown a fit and if she has it's one of the cosplayers Danielle mentioned if now blacklisted from harassing DMs. I wish I saved those stories the other day now that I see this thread.
And that's a bralette with those sewn on top. It's a style. Avocados, burgers, hotdogs, vacation slang, palmtrees are all emoji tops and bralette they make for girls. Usually with the other being sheer.
No. 95386
File: 1590220837300.jpg (257.59 KB, 1080x1203, Screenshot_20200523-180045__01…)

>>95315I fully see what you mean anon
No. 95404
>>95104I don’t know why people think latex is so good for zero two
Her suit is best when it’s actually sewn (Not printed) and has more than 1 type of fabric for the side panels and gloves and stuff
No. 95538
File: 1590276265598.jpg (180.25 KB, 972x1296, 461233_10151711631175431_51781…)

>>95386ah yes irl zero two, not a wine mum irl
No. 95628
File: 1590310980387.jpg (1.82 MB, 1902x1887, karenphase.jpg)

>>95566this was post usagi-skinwalking, just before her hatsune miku/deer girl phase. she had seemingly a period of normalcy, even almost did a zooey deschanel period.
these are all available on her facebook and each hair colour coincides with whatever anime she's shitposting about at the time. this is all pre-kevin, so i personally tinfoil he ignited some new second wind of cosplay fervour within her.
she knows what she looks like. you can see her fumbling around with editing like a baby giraffe for a fair period before she discovered snow too. went from 0-100
I'll drop some examples. tl;dr envy these genetics etc. but she seemed ALMOST normal for a period. i think her envy of the younger e-thots makes her want to re live what she sees as her "glory days" when in reality she is, and always will be, the most basic bitch ever. without an image in front of her to emulate she looks like the next woman her age.
No. 95702
File: 1590340187051.jpg (444.71 KB, 1080x1318, Screenshot_20200524-190912__01…)

No. 95769
>>95702his FACE.
the drawings on his stupid ahegao shirt look more human than he does here.
No. 95803
File: 1590373758483.jpg (22.76 KB, 202x193, images (3).jpg)

>>95702>>95769I see no difference
No. 95957
File: 1590424869572.jpeg (121.83 KB, 1280x427, 15A4054D-563F-416F-94D0-48DC87…)

It honestly makes me laugh that Lori can’t help but act like a miserable entitled middle aged “Karen”, right down to feeling the need to complain endlessly on social media about customer service. She truly is a hag.
No. 96108
>>95957>>96015Lori has ALWAYS been an angry, petty, and bitter egomaniac. She's a terrible human being.
She's always had a bad temper and comedically unwarranted ego. She's always been envious and resentful of other people. She's always had an overly inflated and fragile ego. She's always been a trashy and attention-seeking jackass. She's always had a nasty Cluster B personality that drives good people away. She's always thrown childlike shitfits when reality reminds her that she's a delusional, run-of-the-mill cunt.
Lori is a loser who, at 35 years old, has accomplished nothing in her unremarkable life - no education, no career, no family, no purpose, no achievements to be proud of. Because she's a spiteful narcissist, Lori will eventually end up alone - as she deserves. In the meantime, people only stay in her life because she's an endless source of entertainment.
Thanks for all the laughs over the years, Lori.
No. 96255
File: 1590530689818.gif (258.63 KB, 330x200, 200.gif)

>>96210Honestly Kevin fucking sucks too. I thought the same thing for a long time and I was really hoping he would get out… but I think he's just as bad as her. He's shallow and petty and just gross. They deserve each other.
No. 96269
>>96210Can't imagine he'd be sad long. He had much more going for him before meeting her. He went to college, had a future and seemed to be well liked by friends. Now he lives with someone aggressively nasty to friends and strangers alike. Living with her sounds like hell.
Still can't manage to feel sorry for him. If he wants a better life, he needs to do something about it for himself.
No. 96393
>>96255Kevin knew who Lori was and despite knowing her easily accessible history of drama, he still decided to pursue a relationship with her. Worse, even after she made him stab himself, chased off all his friends, restricted him from his family, he decided to propose to her.
He can lie in the bed he made.
No. 96394
>>96393He decided or did
she decide he should propose? Didn’t she insinuate that Scott proposed to her even though he didn’t? Old milk but got a feeling past is repeating itself to a lesser and more disturbing degree.
No. 96398
>>96394She probably forced him to propose but he still went along with it. Even before the sad "official" proposal at Expo last year they were referring to themselves as fiance. He didn't even have a ring when he did it.
Old milk is repeating and is definitely more disturbing now. But imo feeling sorry for Kevin ended for most of his friends when he took Lori back after the stabbing.
No. 96416
File: 1590618005061.jpeg (47.3 KB, 480x640, 76D0C231-A8A3-4F74-A4F8-D87866…)

Who was this boyfriend? I vaguely remember him from livejournal times. He was the boyfriend-forced-to-be-mamochan replacement for Scott, and I believe after she was with Ender but could have been before. Is there any milk?
No. 96425
>>96393>>96416Pretty sure that Mamochan was Josh. I vaguely remember him after the Ender drama - kakashi_yuushi on lj? I don't recall any milk, he was just another blip on her fuck-radar.
On another note, seriously don't waste your sympathy on Kevin. He's a big boy who can make his own shitty life choices.
No. 96453
>>96425You are correct this is Josh a guy she dated who was younger than her and was not able to buy alcohol lol. She was 21 or 22 at the time and she got caught buying him alcohol and went to jail for a night until daddy bailed her out. This was the beginning of her dating young boys who she could mold into the anime character she was currently skin walkings SO. Unfortunately Scott was the only legit Mamoru she ever had it just never worked the same when the kou klan broke up. Her husband Steven or ex hubby was the only one who manage to get her to love herself that she was normal for a good few years until he left her. Rikki pretty much was her terrible personality as a man and he ruled her and then came along kevin who is the most spineless of them all and allowed her to get her
abusive power back but 10x worse.
No. 96479
File: 1590645083481.png (45.99 KB, 275x260, 1564989470995.png)

>>96425And I was hoping the Muffdiver was gonna make another appearance in this thread.
No. 96595
File: 1590706018478.png (8.04 MB, 1242x2208, 803374AD-D763-4354-8668-AAC92C…)

Her eyes aren’t as huge maybe she been lurking lately ?
No. 96909
>>96595Lurking? Please this cosplay relic practically posts the pics for us. We're essentially the only people who actually remember her for her glory days that don't know and pity her irl.
We may not like her, but who does she have outside of us? Horny old men who only know her because she posts ludes and normal people who probably only remember her once every few years in a nostalgic "what happened to her" way. It's grim man.
No. 97201
File: 1590981917146.jpg (55.03 KB, 798x1279, IMG_20200531_191451_408.jpg)

We will never see this peed-on suit again but have this throwback
No. 97598
File: 1591058052368.jpg (82.91 KB, 1280x837, IMG_20200601_173254_025.jpg)

I am crying with laughter. "I thought about different photos, maybe all the photos with my friends of color," Man I miss Kevin posts SO MUCH.
No. 97613
>>97598This is rich considering Lori is known for spouting off racist insults to those who displease her and openly supports
problematic brands like dollskill… maybe you should start with her and check her racist ass as a civil duty to society lmao
No. 97694
>>95101bro wtf happened she got so tubby. seriously all these years and I've never seen her this fat. sitting on her ass taking photos and having kevin work for her mcnugget has taken its toll
or maybe it's just her age showing. cue the incoming warped to fuck backgrounds when she eventually has to learn to photoshop herself thinner. keep up lori, it's been in style since 2012. your age really is showing
No. 98284
File: 1591286296444.jpg (73.5 KB, 791x1280, IMG_20200604_085843_296.jpg)

Lol thanks Lori
No. 98396
>>98284Funny shes pretending because if a black person disagreed with her or called her out, she would for sure call them slurs Lol.
Just like that girl who was chubby. She kept calling fat while saying she wasn't for body shaming
No. 98526
File: 1591364040592.jpeg (93.45 KB, 684x674, 86FDDB42-41B4-4D11-AD69-3FB8CE…)

Why her feet look like dirty ass raisins
No. 98974
File: 1591563528862.png (1.9 MB, 1596x1280, RedPeeSuit.png)

Did she get a new red suit or is she wearing the pee suit? I don't think these are old pics because her hair isn't bright pink like it was when she was wearing the red suit full time.
No. 98979
>>98974She has no ass and that face she's pulling makes her look retarded
Also good job skinwalking with those long ass blonde parts
No. 99134
>>97598Lori hasn’t been milky or even worthy of the cow crown in quite some time. She’s probably starting to chill out in her old age and is maybe working on herself. Ya’ll have been nitpicking on scraps and decades old sour milk for months.
Kevin posts however are the fresh milk I crave. I only lurk here when someone is able to post his ridiculousness. Keep them coming anon
No. 99370
File: 1591671156446.jpg (136.42 KB, 784x1280, IMG_20200608_173112_205.jpg)

Join my patreon
No. 99427
>>99377Ntayrt but I check in for Lori imposed self harm mark 2. It was only last year Loonie forced Kevin to carve a hole in his leg and I've got this persistent concern it'll happen again. I hope not but I've got next to no faith in the sanity of their relationship despite them keeping things under wraps. That and it's kind of surreal to watch a 35 year old woman shoop herself into a loli ngl.
>>99395I agree with most of the statement. I just resent the idea everyone has to post about BLM like it's a mandatory part of the human experience, crutial to having social media, or even representative of most people's views. I do think it obviously says a lot about Lori though, none of which we weren't already aware. We've all seen her "The Japanese actress who played Usgai' is ugly, her features are too Japanese" sperg.
No. 99431
>>99427“It was only last year Loonie forced Kevin to carve a hole in his leg”
Old milk is fucking old.
"The Japanese actress who played Usgai' is ugly, her features are too Japanese"
Didn’t she say that in 2002? Your age is showing. This thread is a circle jerk of thirty five year olds who love hating on an emotionally stunted thirty five year old woman child because it makes them feel good that they’re only doing a hair or two better in their faded middle age than she is.
Post current, real milk or gtfo. This regurgitated, curdled milk is so fucking weak.
No. 99435
>>99431why you wking so hard anon? just hide the thread kek
personally the older she gets the milkier, she's trying to compete with teenage egirls and the desperation is palpable.
also since when the fuck did 35 become middle aged???? you sound like a pickme coolgirl lmao enjoy your life with that mindset
No. 99495
>>99431>>99437>>99438These posts SCREAM Kevin hahaha especially the ‘do better’ instigating.
Either you are him, or you’re a retard like him. You can simply leave the thread instead of having an autistic meltdown.
No. 99507
>>99431I'm in my early twenties kek, imagine not knowing what a video footage is. "Anon", last year's sperg out was top tier fucking insane. You're going to have to try harder than this to stop us from keeping tabs on a middle aged, sociopathic, loli skinwalker. Her brand of autism only gets better observationally with age. Kek, I swear your posts are a little too reminiscent of Looni's spastically consistent levels of unfounded agression.
>Post current, real milk or gtfo. This regurgitated, curdled milk is so fucking weakYou'd have to be about as retarded as Looni to get
this worked up about the contents of the thread. Be less transparent next time, because the immediate jump to personal insults and the total inability to greentext is making this shit hilariously obvious.
No. 99559
File: 1591745126295.jpg (141.02 KB, 1000x1000, WhateverHappenedToBabyJane.jpg)

>>99134>>99377>>99431>>99507Lori is like Chernobyl – acutely
toxic in the past to everyone and everything. Lori destroyed so many friendships and relationships over the years that she now has less people in her life to manipulate.
Also like Chernobyl, Lori's toxicity nowadays is more limited to morbidly curious onlookers and fellow narcissists who knowingly want to wade in radioactivity (Kevin).
Lori's sole purpose in life has been to skinwalk as youthful super special and kawaii anime characters. Otherwise, her life is an empty wasteland. Her brand of psychocuntiness doesn't "chill out" with age – if anything, she'll just get worse as she ages. As time passes and reality becomes harder to ignore, Lori's delusions will be challenged more frequently and she'll become even more unstable. The "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?" shitshow is just getting started.
No. 99624
>>99431This wk is 100% Kevin. No one else would wk this hard for Lori, but also the typing is a dead giveaway.
>“Post real milk or gtfo”>”weak”>”circlejerking”He has used the term circlejerking in multiple posts, like
>>71345 for example. Kevin, you’re not sly, and we’re not stupid. You guys are really that obsessed with this thread aren’t you? You can’t help yourselves and check it obsessively. Y’all are just mad that we didn’t go away when you ignored us. We’re gonna laugh at you regardless. It’s super clear to me that Kevin stopped posting his dramatic Facebook posts because they always end up here, and it’s also super clear to me that Kevin and Lori lurk this thread daily like the narcs they are and Kevin finally hit his
triggered tipping point and couldn’t ignore it anymore so he tried to sound like an anon by ever so slightly dragging her but also commenting that she’s “chilled” and improved. Nice try bud.
No. 99658
>>99559A+ comment. I’m not doubting any of that, nor am I defending her PAST actions in anyway. It’s her past lunacy that keeps me lurking here. The point is that she’s been a dried up cow for a year. Yes, we all know she’s a ticking time bomb and reality is going to hit her hard real soon, but she hasn’t blown yet, at least not publicly with receipts. The flood of obsessive nitpicking on her boring “jOiN mY pAtrEoN” posts goes against lolcow standards, and it makes you all look like lifeless clowns.
So again, post actual milk instead of your fanfics of her demise and KouKlan re-runs from 2004, or GTFO.
No. 99859
File: 1591889123764.jpeg (695.12 KB, 1511x2015, 8CA995D2-A2F7-44B4-9488-9F0066…)

This is so uncomfortable to look at
No. 99917
>>99859newfag to this thread. why she posing like that in every selfie and always using same mirror/setup lol
also her bf here looks like he's a trunk
No. 99994
File: 1591928991931.jpg (55.2 KB, 400x442, 1350682828060.jpg)

>>99917Lori poses the same in nearly every photo because she
1) is afraid to smile due to missing teeth and age lines
2) is a malignant narcissist who spends all day taking heavily shopped photos of herself to look like an anime character
No. 100069
>>99994kek that's right, lori is literally a gaptoothed makeup-caked karen larping as a 16 year old girl. kevin looks like a wilted foreskin.
>>99859nice fat roll hanging out lori. so much for her wk insisting she's still ana-chan. cope harder
No. 100212
File: 1592004708292.jpeg (27.29 KB, 275x245, 1574031818862.jpeg)

>>100167hide the thread and move on dumbass
pic related, her antics are pretty fucked. this was 6 months ago. wk harder.
No. 100227
File: 1592015269721.jpeg (422.47 KB, 1242x933, 096FFE16-84E6-4B9F-9865-4B864B…)

>>100218I know right lol. Well a lot of them gave up in him because Lori computerized his mind to believing that they are a happy couple. Enjoy anon.
(emoji) No. 100228
File: 1592015336163.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x1593, 454682C3-6184-4812-8777-7D6DC3…)

>>100218Yep he did this lol.
No. 100435
File: 1592098371249.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1536x2046, 1574887315799.jpeg)

>>100218kevinposts will always be my fave. pic related
No. 100442
>>100227LORI & KEVIN: Hmm… Why don't we have any friends?
Everyone who knows us thinks we're terrible human beings.
Could it be possible that we are the common denominator in our failed friendships?
Could it be possible that we should take responsibility for our shitty and alienating behavior?
Could it be possible that we have serious psychological issues?
Could it be possible that we are to blame for ruining relationships by abusing and manipulating people?
Should we consider that it may be our fault we don't have friends?
Nah. It must be everyone else's fault."
No. 100566
File: 1592152745275.png (77.59 KB, 966x302, tildeathkek.png)

>>100548just noticed this too, they're giving pam and roy a run for their money kek.
>>100488ring on her finger here an engagement ring? dollarstore ruby simulant?
keep fighting evil by moonlight Lori, you'll get there one day. if you're gonna cuck Kevin this bad too at least teach him how to cook for you.
No. 100570
>>100566>engaged since 2017But the Ax 2019 proposal!
How many times have they been "engaged" and then broken up?
No. 100719
>>100488Fucking KEK
I'm dead thanks anon
No. 100730
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No. 101543
File: 1592595209692.jpeg (230.77 KB, 750x765, 4E8A6E57-E89D-49A6-B2C5-9F8FB9…)

No. 101544
File: 1592595261847.jpeg (45.01 KB, 713x228, E8F750E8-7AE0-4E34-A4A5-88FA0F…)

No. 101567
>>101543I sincerely don’t understand how he can claim that Lori isn’t really editing when comparisons like this
>>90655 exist. Kevin, we have eyes. We can look at photos from a few years ago and see that they look COMPLETELY different. Unless you want to admit to some intense plastic surgery this claim just gets more and more ridiculous. That or there’s some serious body dysmorphia going on and he thinks they actually look like that?
Also god I will never get over Kevin’s constant griping and bragging about social media followers. Like all he cares about in life is being popular (hint: the friends that Lori is “passing” probably don’t give two shits). I mean clearly it is since he only got with Lori for clout in the first place but it’s just so cringy.
No. 101576
>>84714>>101572No milky comments on either.
Lori’s post had none
Kevin’s had “haters gonna hate” and someone wanting to go on a double date with them. That’s it.
No. 101603
File: 1592627760028.jpg (261.8 KB, 1080x1702, Screenshot_20200620-142905__01…)

Soz for samefag but the irony in the post really got me. You can't escape from yourself Lori.
Anyone else think she sounds so unnatural it's like reading a wine mum repeating memes she saw on FB to be ~hip~ with the kids?
>How do you do fellow kids?!
No. 101609
File: 1592629383347.jpg (588.87 KB, 1080x1702, geneticmiracle.jpg)

>>101603found the unfiltered version
No. 101613
File: 1592632260501.jpg (104.62 KB, 858x1280, IMG_20200619_225036_884.jpg)

>>101606I hate it so much
No. 101646
>>101543Wow the delusion! Is he aware that most people her age arent laying around in Hot Topic outfits taking trash pictures for pennies on the dollar but have degrees, careers, own homes and property and are active members of the community? Whatever she spends on this trash she probably doesnt even come close to profiting off after cost. Is he so unaware that he cant see that's this person is beyond broken?
Yes dude, shes to old for this. It would make more sense if she was making and selling cosplay but that market died out in the US 15 years ago when China snagged it.
>>101567 Clout? Did he not know anything about her? Just curious. Was his goal to join the dregs of the internet?
No. 101785
File: 1592755237951.jpeg (106.99 KB, 828x928, FF9A58AF-FC81-448D-BAB5-F9B911…)

Is this bitch still butthurt about Soni? Lori, you are literally so obsessed. Let it go.
Also nice to see the classic fat-shaming Lori is back. So much for her fake-inclusive sex worker persona. Calling someone fat is the only insult she has and it’s so pathetic. Get more creative bitch.
No. 101854
>>101785The lack of self-awareness is astounding.
Bitch, you haven't done anything in the 35 years you've been on this damn Earth. You're closer to 40 than 20, so stop acting like you just graduated high school.
No. 101968
>>101543lol ok so Lori and Kevin, what have you done to change the very real narrative that "neither of us would ever be anything"?
you are 35 fucking years old, Lori. flashing your micro titties for pedos to pay rent and buy more anime figurines is the opposite of an accomplishment at any age.
these two failures are my favorite soap opera
No. 102096
File: 1592945475905.jpeg (131.39 KB, 1166x616, 3037E0B1-7584-404F-A512-73389B…)

Lori’s first Suit was holy/fire cosplay to be honest. Replacement appears cheap.
No. 102120
>>102096>anti-fansLmao! Kevin Facebook posts are such a treasure. He made it sound like he had an accident on the suit when he really pissed on it while angry after another explosive fight with Lori. His post here makes it sound even worse, which is hilarious and I didn't know could be possible. How do you recover from this?
Facebook anon please keep these coming. Are there any replies to this status?
No. 102183
>>101543>”she’s not too old”Bro, if you have to say that, she’s too old.
I think the real hidden gem here is Lori is clearly puppeteering Kevin. Remember the days when Lori would send her minions to fight her livejournal battles? Notice how Lori has learned to stay silent and not acknowledge the thread despite being a vain narc who thrives on drama? Kevin is her mouthpiece so she can respond to how much this thread bothers her but Kevin looks like the dumbass instead of her. This isn’t her first rodeo. She’s a pro at manipulating others and Kevin is too stupid to realize what she’s doing lol
No. 102186
>>102166The way he's pretending this thread feeds their egos has me dying, even calling anon's
>>102179 5 minute shit post "fan art"
>>102183>She's not too oldThat's literally the epitome of what you wrote. Imagine getting your boyfriend to randomly blurt that out like it makes it any less true KEK?
No. 102250
>>102096Does anybody else think the reason behind posts like this on Kevin's account are because Lori has complete access and control over his account? My fan theory is that Lori keeps him chained up in the corner of their apartment, force feeding him lettuce wraps, and sometimes he escapes and manages to post about Lori being
abusive, only for her to find out and delete his real posts before beating him like an escaped zoo gorilla and chaining him back up again, only letting him free to take shitty pictures for her loyal (fake) instagram followers
No. 102277
>>102166The way that this is written, and Kevin's (and red suit's) long absence from social media, make me think that both of these "lol total lies" have some truth to them. If they were completely untrue, Lori would have chimed in, or he would never have acknowledged them. But now everyone is wondering exactly how much is Kevin allowed to weigh, in what context did he pee on the suit…
He and Lori had some huge issues at the beginning of the year, it's clear to anyone who has access to their FB pages.
No. 102303
File: 1593055776765.jpg (105.29 KB, 958x960, 55875467_10101286684138419_101…)

>>102275Any receipts on them dating or related drama? I imagine it had to be a long time ago given Ender now seems married to some dude she's been with since 2014. Curious though given she seems weirdly thirsty for the attention here. Guess these old, washed up cosplay types will take the attention anywhere they can get it. kek
No. 102305
File: 1593058548604.jpeg (192.69 KB, 1185x1159, 068862A6-BBDC-4BA3-AF52-FA9245…)

Jamba Juice Karen
No. 102306
File: 1593058673790.jpeg (286.28 KB, 1242x1655, 97AEF393-73A0-4D40-9D2B-C5EDB3…)

No. 102352
File: 1593070228325.jpg (95.78 KB, 1280x798, IMG_20200625_002754_518.jpg)

>>1022852 anons from the last thread saw a Kevin Facebook post that was only up for a minute or two but unfortunately didn't get screenshots because it was posted then deleted so quickly. Here's a refresh.
No. 102430
>>102096I don't understand why he keeps posting statuses about this page and is even sending people to it. What's the point? Any friends he has left will just see all the proof he's in a shitty relationship.
Though this thread hasn't been as milky as previous threads I'm pretty sure anyone he sends here can easily find the others and it's pretty much a hall of fame of all their dysfunction and fights.
No. 102526
>>102495i read this as a manipulation tactic from both of them.
lori makes a status looking to talk to someone - tell her side of the story and manipulate the narrative with their friends
kevin spergs out on her status to try to also control the narrative by making lori look unreasonable.
in the end, they both look retarded and trashing having public spats
i imagine their friends feel a lot like kids sitting on the couch while their parents scream at each other form other sides of the house. but they're screaming about… idk, whose turn it is on the xobx
No. 102554
>>102530The farmers who feel genuinely sorry for Kevin are the worst part of this thread. Seriously, the only thing you have to the thread is that you feel bad for Kevin? Fuck off. Kevin is just as much of a cow as Lori.
>>102549I wondered the same thing. It's weird but I still love these glimpses into their fucked up Facebooks.
No. 102787
>>102777It's bad enough that they publish their
toxic antics to Facebook but it makes them seem really desperate for attention if they come back later like "Jk guys! We were just trolling lolcow for le epic lulz!" Even if that were true and they made up fights for lolcow, how pathetic is that?
No. 102850
>>102270Def fake followers but I think buying likes too. Even the if say she looked good, which she doesnt the quality of the photos is awful. Compared to girls half her age with pro photos I call bs on her having any more than a few hundred actual followers who probably dont even really care about her.
Let her keep fooling herself. Unless shes so out of touch she must know it's all fake and feel stupid knowing others know it too.
No. 102917
>>102303>>102275>>102169Ender (FtM at the time) was Lori's 2nd or 3rd "Seiya Kou" waaaay back in the Kewl Kou Klan days.
Lori & Ender were together around 2004. During this time, Lori took a vacation (lol from what job?) to San Diego. Her true agenda was to cheat on Ender with some side piece: also fucked Ender's brother on this "vacation." She has lied to and cheated on every person she's ever been with.
At some point, Lori also made super shitty transphobic remarks to Ender.
No. 102918
File: 1593294500336.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1536x2046, C56BDF1F-91EA-4C4B-B97F-58F76C…)

Maybe it’s just me but Lori posted a photo in a sugar thrillz outfit. It says she has over a hundred comments and it keeps growing but when I click on it there is only a few. So much for BLM Lori wearing that SugarThrillz after Dolls Kill drama
No. 103216
File: 1593401989992.jpeg (138.34 KB, 1242x660, 2E684CAC-D813-4543-BCC8-33742A…)

Are you okay Kevin?
No. 103571
File: 1593654257472.jpg (121.75 KB, 859x1280, IMG_20200701_183738_487.jpg)

LOL it is laughable that Lori makes statuses making fun of "Karens" yet is constantly bitching at companies on social media like this. No context or anything. Just straight up asked the official Dunkin Donuts Twitter why some employee in Utah called her a liar and then goes on about how she's a ~loyal customer~ and the whole company needs to be retrained.
No. 103594
>>103571Literally only a Karen is capable of such embarrassing behaviour… even the word Karen feels dirty, it's so overdone but there's nothing else that accurately describes her behaviour. It's Dunkin Doughnuts Lori, give it a rest. Couldn't she just call them privately? Because once again her lack of self awareness is showing.
Side note but who here has ever been called a liar by someone working in customer service/hospitality? I don't even know anyone who that's happened to. As far as I can tell the common denominator in all of these situations is Lori kek.
No. 103609
>>103571I mean, it literally says to head to the WEBSITE, with a link pasted, to get one. Staff aren’t required to know all the merch on the website… not to mention Dunkin is a franchise therefore not all may be participating. Do you know what a franchise is Lori? Google is your friend uwu
>>103594Of course she has to throw a fit over it, she is hoping to get something for free. That is the M.O. of most Karen’s and Lori especially- special treatment or a reward for their shitty tantrum.
No. 103621
>>103571She's literally the definition of a Karen by acting like this, but she just uses the word to describe women older than her and clearly has no idea what the fuck it means anyway.
No. 103711
File: 1593755038041.jpeg (409.97 KB, 1241x1294, 4943ECA7-8ABB-4852-92E0-021598…)

Buy some followers Kevin.
No. 103793
>>103711That's a lot of words to say that your relationship with Lori has cost you over 600+ relationships with people. kek
>>103734Tbh reminds me of Onision. Absolutely obsessed with the attention/likes/followers, but is so unhinged he can't handle having anyone speak out in his echo chamber so the numbers just keep getting smaller and smaller with every freak out. All these narcs think alike.
>>103782I used to feel bad for Kevin. Especially when the drama first hit and it was obvious that Lori was
abusive towards him. At this point he mimics her behavior, echos her words, and seems just as bad as her. He has come off as very manipulative, unhinged, and
abusive in return. Though I guess he's never threatened to blackmail her with rape accusations like she has to him during their bigger fights. I guess that's something?
No. 103981
>>103782Anon, love yourself. He's just a narc.
Learned from the best.
No. 104251
File: 1594162461465.jpg (184.65 KB, 1037x1279, IMG_20200707_155152_730.jpg)

>Trying to improve my identity
Lol good luck, Kev. He also credits Lori for taking these photos, and tags her. He does that every time he posts pics that Lori takes but Kevin takes almost all of Lori's stupid pics (and he's super proud of this according to FB posts he has made) but Lori NEVER credits him or tags his account when she posts pics taken by him.
No. 104285
>>104273wait…that's not a wig?
it looks like a bad wig
No. 104570
File: 1594328643361.jpeg (320.71 KB, 1242x867, 3E4868E3-2745-4EA1-860A-0349C9…)

News flash Lori, this method actually makes YOU the Karen you fucking idiot lol. She doesn’t know the real reason behind the name because obviously she is and has been the Karen this whole time.
No. 104796
File: 1594532801927.jpg (309.3 KB, 1080x1334, Screenshot_20200712-154336__01…)

Apart from the inhumanly large eyes, nice use of props Lori. Vicky Shingles sword work video when?
No. 104858
File: 1594598223288.jpg (70.01 KB, 1280x1154, IMG_20200712_165536_935.jpg)

I wonder how much time she spends "talking" to these dudes.
No. 105153
File: 1594781796422.png (1.47 MB, 1280x2403, rSxQt1Xc1.png)

She is doing this to me on purpose. I hate this face so much. I wish she'd go back to her dead eyed stare that she's been doing since 2001 fuck.
No. 105386
>>105358I'M OK ANON, THX FOR ASKING. Lori's puffed out face just
triggers me ok.
No. 105587
File: 1595044137687.jpeg (582.45 KB, 1242x1794, E50EA3B7-0AC2-491E-A4B4-AC11A0…)

No. 105588
File: 1595044186372.jpeg (436.17 KB, 1242x1561, 8AB47E8A-D780-49CF-8F13-72D636…)

No. 105590
File: 1595044458396.jpeg (375.22 KB, 1170x1799, 86902CB8-8BF9-4E90-A845-5B6330…)

No. 105592
File: 1595044978966.jpeg (56.18 KB, 1242x403, CB0C45F8-8967-4155-9944-877350…)

No. 105594
>>105592Inb4 that's Lori telling him that, I mean she's not wrong but lol
>>105588>My butt looked so good what butt, loony?
No. 105840
File: 1595198987840.png (1.64 MB, 1612x1090, problematic.png)

Lori knows all about being problematic
No. 105858
>>105840I don't personally give a shit that dollskill is ~
problematic~ because literally, every company has its hidden agenda, a lot worse than shitty dollskill. Where's the woke parade for Coke polluting the waters of India creating famines and literally killing people kek? Dollskill is just too autistic to obscure their bad intentions. But I definitely enjoy the potential of woke hordes coming to her page reminding her every two seconds. Watching her reaction would be enjoyable.
No. 105906
>>105840I posted a commentto that reply about how dolls kill IS
problematic for openly supporting the police during BLM and stealing designs from independent artists on top of other things, no “quotation marks” needed… she deleted my comment and blocked me lmao
(cowtipping) No. 106105
File: 1595365983055.jpeg (516.47 KB, 1536x2048, Edee6CGVAAEmPWu.jpeg)

I love how Kevin looks like a soulless husk of a person in all of these selfies with Lori.
No. 106117
>>106109it looks like she's having a seizure.
Lori's such a goddamned degenerate.
all the "baby" shit she's been pushing is extra disgusting. who the fuck is she appealing to with this garbage? weeby pedophiles with an epilepsy kink?
in a weird way, Lori is lucky that her mental problems make self-reflection impossible. a moment of clarity at this point might destroy her.
No. 106198
>>102166saged because I'm late to this, but he never denied peeing on the suit or explained where it is, right? I loled when I read "that's why she hates me" - he writes that as fact.
When I read this, it sounds more like an admission or twisting of facts than anything else. I always thought Lori was shaming Kev into being ana like her. Remember his post about those lettuce wraps?
I imagine him locking himself in the bathroom to eat doritos and Lori raging outside the door because she can smell them but not stop him from eating them
No. 106320
File: 1595479489616.jpg (160.54 KB, 1080x652, Screenshot_20200723-144200__01…)

>>105840The caption to this photo is hilarious and it never got posted, so I'm posting it now
No. 106710
File: 1595685612769.webm (3.31 MB, 480x922, iota_zerotwo_2020.7.25_oxyxm6.…)
Thanks for the shout out, Lori and Kev.
No. 106747
File: 1595703037398.jpg (1.6 MB, 1920x2560, 20-07-25-11-48-35-673_deco.jpg)

>>106710You can run from how you really look for as long as you want, Loony
Anyone who has seen you irl knows you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside
No. 106749
>>106710New Jersey accent coming out to play in this clip!!!
Loony feels so totally not bothered about us obviously. That's why she had to acknowledge us and make a response video.
No. 106755
File: 1595709651458.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1607, 90788EAA-1016-44B6-AD52-B351B5…)

I wish I was born with these genetics, then I can have one massive eye ball.
No. 106764
File: 1595712614125.jpg (154.32 KB, 803x1280, IMG_20200725_123846_924.jpg)

>>106744I know, I feel pretty amused by this. Of all the things for them to acknowledge from lolcow, it's my hatred of her balloon cheek face.
No. 106861
>>106710Big KEK it's like a Jeffree Star callout video from Myspace era, this is gold. Only Looni and Vicky Shingles are so
unbothered by comments from "haters" they need to make sperggy videos like this one to totally ~stick it to them~. I don't think it's a coincidence they're nearly the same age and can't let go of their youth either.
No. 106911
File: 1595787051493.png (5.7 MB, 2414x1458, beta kombat meets usagikou uwu…)

I was trying to find a video of Lori talking with her old voice. Came across the photo comp instead and the setting of one of her ancient photoshoots looked familiar.
also obligatory "no 1 carre"
No. 107018
File: 1595863349733.jpg (117.94 KB, 1207x1280, IMG_20200727_082133_057.jpg)

>>106994It took her a day to delete these comments that were roasting Kevin in this pic lol
>>106105 No. 107088
>>106710Since Lori totally doesn't obsessively read this, "Kevin" should tell her that the poofy cheek thing obviously:
-hides signs of aging
-fits in with her kawaii princess larp
-baits pedo customers
Comments about aging seem to be really
triggering for Lori. Her ego strength is on par with her loyalty in relationships: non-existant
No. 107113
File: 1595910036419.jpg (347.01 KB, 1080x1607, Screenshot_20200728-141252__01…)

Soz for samefag but Kev got fugly new shoes a d proceeded to take a bunch of homo erotic pictures with them. Is Looni making him match with her kek?
No. 107148
File: 1595934918712.jpeg (219.92 KB, 828x1420, 725C320C-AE91-4A89-BEC0-ADD110…)

Please tell me this is coincidence and Lori doesn’t have people skinwalking her skinwalking… they even have the same phone cover? I’m genuinely hoping this is pure coincidence and someone is not that pathetic to want to emulate a trash bag like Looni.
No. 107198
File: 1595963023457.jpg (88.55 KB, 1032x1280, IMG_20200728_120248_779.jpg)

>>107148I went to this girl's account. She cosplays as tons of different characters. I don't think she's trying to be Lori at all. Also, they don't have the same phone case.
No. 107308
File: 1596041340822.jpeg (501.64 KB, 1242x1204, B2DF995C-F47E-4338-953D-3C79A7…)

>>107114These shoes looked extremely used and is obvious they are not the real deal… kevin was catfished. Here are the real ones, and notice how the wings are not flimsy looking
No. 107330
File: 1596055998235.jpg (88.55 KB, 769x576, cosplayisnotcopyingaskinwalker…)

>>107203Lori has a looong history of accusing other people as cosplaying "her." During her Sailor Moon phase, Lori decided that she was "the real Usagi." She spent every waking hour looking up other Usagi cosplayers and comparing "herself."
If Lori thought they weren't "worthy" of cosplaying as "her" (Usagi), she insulted their appearance and left passive aggressive comments on their pictures - implying that she was more attractive.
On the rare occasions Lori felt "generous," she left a positive comment on an "unworthy" cosplayer's photo. She did this to appear "charitable" to fellow Sailor Moon fans and covertly draw attention to her "superior" cosplay.
Lori still pulls this bullshit today by following and leaving positive comments on pictures of other Zero Two cosplayers and fellow sex workers she deems as unattractive and fat.
In the past, if someone had a good Sailor Moon costume and was conventionally attractive, Lori would feel threatened and throw a temper tantrum. She would accuse the person of cosplaying as "her" (Lori, the self-designated "real life Usagi").
Now that she's the "real Zero Two," any Zero Two cosplayer with a decent costume and healthy BMI is a direct threat to Lori's identity. Lori is and will always be a spiteful, jealous, hostile, vicious, petty, and delusional loser. She's always on high alert to play the
victim role or start drama.
That poor Zero Two cosplayer needs to brace herself for Hurricane Loricunt.
No. 107369
File: 1596078413923.jpg (88.07 KB, 1600x1600, img-5939[1].jpg)

>>107114I know we already agreed these are fake, but it's just so obvious it's embarrassing that he's trying to pass them off as real. Just like their "unfiltered" selfies.
Obvious tell, the size/spacing of the dots of the tongue. Kevin's are small and tightly spaced, all stock and worn photos show them as large and well-spaced out.
Sorry Lori throws a fit if she's not allowed to buy all the cosplays and Amazon lingerie she wants while you can't shell out for one pair of brand shoes, Kevin. So sad.
No. 107538
File: 1596215350816.png (2.84 MB, 828x1792, 03F7C8AF-40F0-4455-A790-1B5015…)

>wow almost at 50k thanks guys
*thanks Kevin for buying them
No. 107561
File: 1596236651989.jpeg (1.65 MB, 2514x2704, 9790DDA6-CCE1-4866-ABDD-93077F…)

It’s funny she does puffy cheeks face just to piss people off but she's getting wrinkles on her mouth from it
No. 107584
File: 1596242557744.png (463.16 KB, 1280x1480, FHSkxelRFH0.png)

Lol I love how bitchy she is all the time.
No. 107591
File: 1596244614272.jpg (206.68 KB, 1032x2164, bmojp48j6t401.jpg)

>>107584Reminds me exactly of this Facebook posts with the crazy church lady going "NEXT"
No. 107631
File: 1596278581365.png (847.13 KB, 828x1792, 81DFB9E8-6755-491A-8A79-2BD725…)

Old milk but this level of skinwalking is disturbing. I am seriously asking- does Lori have mental illness? Not sure if this has been discussed before. I’m just wondering what could possibly drive someone to this level of pretending they are a fictional character. It seriously creeps me out. Here’s the link to the page where I got the screenshot. I had to laugh at the “strong points” answer considering she’s hurt and abused every close friend she’s ever had.
No. 107758
File: 1596345907266.jpg (169.96 KB, 1107x1280, IMG_20200801_150611_253.jpg)

He always puts himself down whenever he talks about how Lori is so much cooler than he is lol.
No. 107814
>>107758we're acting as if Lori isn't writing, or at least dictating these? dude, this man has to have enough spine to snap and piss on this dumb manipulative bitch's suit, surely he can take his phone out of her clutches?? surely??
tl;dr lori wrote this, kevin is still a cuck. thanks for screens though anon, their "circle of friends" keeps getting smaller so get what you can while you can
No. 107833
File: 1596394501620.jpg (133.64 KB, 800x1280, IMG_20200802_114630_136.jpg)

Any takers?
No. 108027
>>107997Not to mention, if she doesn't do full nudes, she will probably lose the few customers/supporters she does get.
No one will want to stick around for the same shit they get on her Insta for free. It's the same problem with her Patreon; she doesn't seem to put anything special there, just repeats of her Insta.
Boring and uninventive isn't worth paying for.
No. 108037
File: 1596558951245.jpg (122.73 KB, 1034x1280, IMG_20200803_123621_768.jpg)

>>107814"Kevin! Post our cat selfie to your account and say I like head pats and scratches!" This is just embarrassing. There's little chance he actually came up with this cringe where he's pretending she's a cat. This feels so forced.
No. 108047
File: 1596570078476.png (115.29 KB, 311x319, Screenshot_20200804-153801~3.p…)

>>108037The shoop on her waist is just lazy as fuck.
No. 108275
File: 1596770736166.jpg (261.5 KB, 1080x1737, Screenshot_20200807-131728__01…)

>>108217Same for me, how disappointing. Here's another Kevin pic
>I'm trash>Lori is excellent No. 108276
File: 1596770803948.jpg (484.57 KB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20200807-131219__01…)

>>108275And here's Loni looking somewhat more human if you don't count the hideous ensemble.
No. 108299
>>108294>>108295Did anyone screenshot ayrt? I missed it but judging by your responses it's obviously Kevin or Looni spouting off because I
triggered them.
No. 108301
>>108294Someone really called her a cosplay og? She bought all of her costumes off the Setsuna Kou website lmao
If anything Lori is an og skinwalker. She’s one of the first I’ve ever seen. If you google her all the stuff that comes up are tales of her being a psycho bitch and truly believing she was the real sailor moon lol
No. 108495
>>108301Fighting haters by moonlight
Winning onlyfans dollars by midnight
Never running from an online fight
She is the one named sailor moon!
No. 108496
File: 1596934697442.png (1.31 MB, 1719x1280, 9wQRGSchUNWRE.png)

Lori took "engaged to Kevin Skye" out of her profile info. Kevin's used to say "engaged to Lori Lewd" but now it just says "engaged" lol. She probably did this to seem single and try to get more patrons/onlyfans subscribers. She probably made him remove her name from his relationship status.
No. 108546
File: 1596990794067.jpeg (604.82 KB, 1242x1385, FDED1422-2AAA-4A85-8703-B8099E…)

No. 108569
File: 1596997146374.png (11.27 KB, 541x196, lewds.png)

Kevin stop being abused.
No. 108574
>>108573Samefag but replying to my post because the post I was initially replying to just got deleted. Anon posted screenshots of Lori texting someone that appeared to possibly have been someone she was fucking around on Kevin with, and she was saying Kevin was
abusive and and she wanted to see said person and couldn't tiptoe around Kevin anymore. Anon captioned the post with "Lori got caught".
No. 108579
>>108576Were they just screenshots of messages from Lori's phone or were they posted on Kevin's Facebook and screenshotted from there? I'm so mad I missed this.
>>108546This post is being overshadowed by the deleted post but I have some questions. What headband? Wtf? Broke on accident?
No. 108584
File: 1597003721442.png (495.6 KB, 1833x1280, qblhl6leS2G.png)

>>108582He reads this thread obsessively. After my post yesterday about their Facebook relationship statuses, he changed his back to "engaged to Lori Lewd" but you have to go to the about info page to see it. It's hidden from his main page. I can see him telling Lori he wants to put her back in his relationship status and her telling him fine but only if it's not on the main page where people can see it. Screenshot on left is from yesterday, right is today.
No. 108593
File: 1597009828323.jpeg (284.84 KB, 802x1238, F15CDE0E-B3B1-436B-9964-48CC86…)

>>108590Samefag but since they’re obviously fighting over Lori cheating again (shocker) do y’all think they argue in cosplay? I can just picture Lori screeching in kawaii with her fangs and tutu costume getup while Kevin cries in his Hiro moon boots as he runs out the house. Dude is being played and taken advantage of by Lori for the millionth time. History repeats itself Kevy. She’s midlife… if she hasn’t mended her
toxic ways by now, she’s not ever gonna change.
>>108577There are only a handful of photos with Kevin left and I guarantee the only reason they stayed is because she thought she looked good and is not concerned by how bad they make Kevin look.
No. 108600
File: 1597012185753.jpg (92.31 KB, 823x1280, IMG_20200809_152420_321.jpg)

>>108527Looks like she's engaged again. I guess they made up. Wonder when she'll re-add him to Instagram lol.
I need Facebook anon to tell us if that "Done with Utah" status is still up on Lori's FB.
No. 108602
File: 1597012788653.jpg (71.93 KB, 1280x1040, IMG_20200809_153847_626.jpg)

>>108569Aaaand she added Kevin back to her bio. Still hasn't refollowed him but I'm sure it's coming.
No. 108616
>>108546you can call 911 for a panic attack?
>>108579probably the zero-two horn headband
No. 108635
File: 1597039721442.jpeg (303.48 KB, 1242x1278, F17628BC-0E4A-4397-BC2E-08561B…)

This was posted recently to her page.
No. 108636
>>108635How cute, you’re
toxic but when you’re a weeb, you’re just tsudere uguu
No. 108646
>>108634AYRT, of fucking course it was. Thanks Facebook anon.
>>108640Sounds like her side piece didn't want to be sneaking around and had an actual grain of integrity according to what the phone screenshot anons said. I bet you Lori told him that Kevin was cool with her chatting to other guys (he's ok with her being a camgirl for money so it's not that much of a stretch) but then she started feeding him stuff like "We fight all the time," "He's
abusive," "No you can't add me to Facebook because Kevin will notice and he's already suspicious," and the guy sent screenshots of their chats to Kevin.
No. 108654
>>108600This screams to me that Lori got caught cheating by those screenshots that were posted of her begging some guy to see her because Kevin is so
toxic, she removed that she was engaged because the other guy said he didn’t wanna sneak around and do Kevin dirty, Kevin found out and she said “no Kevin I love you let me prove it~” and just added that she is engaged to all of her socials again.
No. 108720
File: 1597089678096.jpeg (123.82 KB, 828x614, 000A6D35-AB36-420E-B51E-5452CC…)

No. 108721
File: 1597089718729.jpeg (144.74 KB, 828x608, E3D32D43-FDCD-4D51-BC6F-A4852D…)

No. 108725
>>108720>>108721Oh well. Who cares if she's cheating on him? He's gotten way more red flags that more discerning people with self-respect would have left for less for.
I hope she cheats on him with some scrawny simp who's younger than Kev and promises her more dress up props and continued free housing. He's just as terrible for enabling this has been.
No. 108734
File: 1597099724329.png (298.83 KB, 1436x924, Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 3.32…)

Lori has been demoted from fiancee to "dream girl"
For Kevin, the good news is that personality-disordered Lori will inevitably cheat on her next victim…just like she's cheated on every single partner she's ever had.
So, at least Kevin has that future schadenfreude to look forward to. Yay?
No. 108741
>>108720Dude I genuinely feel bad for Kevin. I hope he finds his way out of her
abusive unfaithful web. I know anons are gonna say he deserves it but I feel like he mirrors her attitude to appease her. If you’ve ever been in an
abusive relationship you may be able to empathize. I’m sure a piece of it is the fact deep down he is insecure and doesn’t think he can do any better than Lori, but he could. She’s such trash man.
No. 108749
>>108734His profile has said that for a long time. Lori still hasn't followed him back even though she added him as fiance back to her bio. The whole thing is weird.
>>108741I feel somewhat bad for him. I think he's genuinely fallen for the sunk cost fallacy. He's sacrificed so much for Lori that he really feels like there's no turning back. Learning about the sunk cost fallacy was helpful for me in getting away from my
abusive ex. Please go read about it, Kevin.
I also think he is determined to "prove the haters wrong" by making it work with Lori. It's the classic "us against the world" shit. Trust me, nobody cares all that much. All you're going to do is ruin the one life you have by continuing to stay in an unhealthy relationship. Nobody is going to say "Told ya so!" or think you're a failure if you break up with Lori.
She will continue to violate your trust and break your heart. "Love" doesn't fix everything. I know I'm probably wasting my energy but I really hope he sees the light someday.
No. 108750
File: 1597107151736.jpeg (218.56 KB, 828x1529, lori1.jpeg)

Deleted posts, still had them up
No. 108754
>>108750>>108752"Kevin would freak out and just accuse me of more bullshit" aka freak out and confront you about cheating, which obviously isn't bullshit. Notice he said he doesn't think it's a good idea if Kevin is in the picture "whether it's platonic or not" which means that Lori was telling this guy lies about how her and Kevin are broken up and just friends now. He obviously sees through her bullshit.
I really wonder who this dude is. What messaging program is this? Facebook messenger? I'm not familiar with that one. Are these screenshot from her phone or from his?
No. 108755
>>108754I read it as whether the visit with Lori is platonic or not, meaning there is a suggestion of something romantic happening if he visits, and he doesn't want Kevin around if so.
People act like Kevin is totally innocent, but didn't he do some crazy stuff like poke a hole in his leg to prove his love to Lori, and piss on her cosplay suit as per OP pic. He's a mess too. They are those kinda people where their relationship is their main hobby and source of entertainment, so it's just one fabricated drama after another.
No. 108758
>>108755AYRT, I actually think you're right because she said right before he said that "But it isn't like that I just miss you and I need a friend right now."
This has to be one of her exes or people that she has messed around with sexually and maintained a friendship with.
And yeah Kevin is
problematic too and I don't believe that Lori made him cut himself to prove his love for her. That was in the first thread I think. I believe he did it himself and then pulled a whole "LOOK HOW MUCH YOU HURT ME, LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" type thing. I don't think anyone is acting like Kevin is innocent, at least not like they used to be in these threads. They are obviously really
toxic towards each other. I think there's still a glimmer of hope for Kevin if he gets out of this relationship, whereas Lori has been doing the same shit in all her relationships for 20 years.
No. 108763
File: 1597113941505.jpg (13.77 KB, 266x244, endymionmamoruusagikouusagihig…)

>>108758>Lori has been doing the same shit in all her relationships for 20 years.Watching Lori and Kevin is like watching a sequel to a movie that came out a decade ago. This bitch didn't change a thing about the plot, she just switched out the actors and a few setpieces.
No. 108765
File: 1597114555519.jpg (54.3 KB, 830x1279, IMG_20200810_195405_033.jpg)

This got changed today.
No. 108769
>>108768>>108767What cracks me up is they are doing this while arguing instead of waiting until the dust has settled before making changes. I can practically hear them shrieking at each other "well
I deleted you on facebook so fuck you!!!" lol
The fact that they update their social media bios/feeds during arguments is absolutely hilarious and shows how neither of them should be in a relationship. With anyone.
No matter how they try to spin it, they are showing that they break up and get back together multiple times in a single argument AND their priorities are social media over an actual real life relationship. Such couple goals.
No. 108770
File: 1597122679853.png (42.06 KB, 632x285, Screenshot 2020-08-10 at 10.11…)

No. 108774
>>108769That's exactly what they were doing. I was following this pretty closely over the past 2 days and their relationship statuses on Facebook and Instagram would change hourly. I posted about some of it in the thread but not all of it because I figured hourly updates about who un-relationshipped who would get really thread cloggy.
These are adult humans lol.
No. 108801
>>108770>only person in the world I can stand to be round for more than a few hoursWhat a great relationship standard denominator.
He should really look at what he wrote, it practically screams he's in a loveless, meaningless relationship.
No. 108811
>>108750Can we talk about how she manipulates this man? First of all he raises the best point: if you aren't allowed to add him on Facebook, how the fuck are you going to get away with him coming to visit you? That makes literally no sense. Don't her and Kevin live together? Then she says "I obviously wouldn't tell Kevin [you came to visit]" but when he says "I don't want to sneak around" she says "IT'S NOT SNEAKING WTF!!!" Like… yeah, that's the definition of sneaking.
This guy isn't even her fiance and she's treating him just like she treats doormat cuck Kev. She really cannot help herself can she.
No. 108817
File: 1597170738533.png (192.99 KB, 364x506, Screenshot_2019-10-14-22-02-31…)

>>108814Seriously, when she has hooked-nose gems like these hanging around on both her and Kevin's Insta feeds. No wonder she obliviates herself with Meitu and Snow
No. 108848
File: 1597193940992.jpg (227.02 KB, 981x1279, IMG_20200811_175811_991.jpg)

Lol Kevin still liking her photos even though she cheated on him (again), broke up with him (again), and unfollowed him. She posted this in the afternoon today.
No. 109011
>>109008She cheated on him when they were in Seattle and was one of the reasons for their first breakup. She was looking to cheat on him again and was at the very least emotional cheating based off these screenshots here:
>>108750>>108752She broke up with him according to Kevin himself here:
>>108720Try reading the actual thread next time.
No. 109044
>>109011Not the cheating from years ago.
Is there proof of recent cheating? Or is this all fan fic speculation?
No. 109112
>>109053Sooo fan fiction then. Got it.
Come back with facts next time.
No. 109218
>>109215Actually, I can recall at least one girlfriend he had before Lori, roughly around 2013 when I met Kevin. I don’t know the details but she seemed to be similar to Lori (in terms of height, size and personality.) Apparently she really broke his heart or something he mentioned in passing.
I think Kevin has only had history with really nasty girls in terms of dating, and now that he’s pushed away all the people who actually care about him, all he has left is Lori and he’s desperately trying to hang on.
No. 109229
>>109218AYRT, that's why I said "long term girlfriend." I know he's had girlfriends in the past but I thought none of his relationships lasted more than a year.
>I think Kevin has only had history with really nasty girls in terms of dating, and now that he’s pushed away all the people who actually care about him, all he has left is Lori and he’s desperately trying to hang on.Makes sense. He really thinks Lori is his entire world. Sad. Oh well. Hopefully we'll get some funny Facebook updates soon.
No. 109525
>>109524Still wishing for Kevin to spill the tea about what an insane, controlling psycho bitch Lori is.
He should "accidentally" post an unfiltered, unedited picture of her.
No. 109538
File: 1597717642149.png (285.77 KB, 502x516, Screenshot 2020-08-17 at 7.27.…)

"21 hours ago" changed FB profile pic to solo
"19 hours ago" returned it to the two of them
No. 109539
File: 1597717672916.png (23.35 KB, 618x181, Screenshot 2020-08-17 at 7.27.…)

No. 109540
>>109538I noticed that too lol. Lori also refollowed Kevin on Instagram today but still no mention of him in her bio.
>>109539Nobody was doubting that you were dumb, Kev.
No. 109562
File: 1597752776461.png (309.82 KB, 828x1792, FB678BD3-59EF-4D83-A85F-C2938C…)

He hid his relationship status. Good on him. I’d be embarrassed to admit I was dating a train wreck like Lori too. Also what the frick is this Adolla Skye nonsense? “1993-present” lmao he was born in cosplay~
No. 109578
>>109562Adolla Skye???
Is he trying to change his name due to this thread popping up when "KrookedKev" is googled? lol…
No. 109717
File: 1597949219469.jpg (52.36 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20200820_114620_533.jpg)

No. 109808
File: 1598022732273.jpg (104.18 KB, 1080x1350, 118087398_356664378832267_2309…)

>>109782>>109805It's just her face zoomed in from this pic
No. 109975
>>109974That, and if she chose cosplays that suited her. I'm still shocked she hasn't gone back to Usagi. She could leverage her old infamy and make some okay money playing on the whole thing.
Not to mention Usagi is iconic and reached a wider audience. Less forgettable; seems like a better moneymaker option compared to a one-shot garbage animu like FRANXX.
No. 109990
File: 1598160582320.jpeg (185.83 KB, 1512x2015, EDB36E6C-BDA4-49A6-804E-9BB879…)

No. 109991
File: 1598160628871.jpeg (169.45 KB, 1512x2015, 155D7423-65B3-44B7-AD3A-6BDE3C…)

No. 110003
File: 1598167012909.jpeg (24.81 KB, 554x554, images (1).jpeg)

>>109990>>109991God the posing in this is particularly fucking lame. Idk about you anons but I'd be embarrassed if Kev was my boyfriend. Wanda and Cosmo couples cosplay when?
No. 110030
File: 1598185623529.jpeg (153.09 KB, 828x1634, 7C87C013-1AE5-4979-B726-9F6AAC…)

This photo instantly got a Breaking Benjamin song stuck in my head
No. 110032
File: 1598185996879.png (3.75 MB, 828x1792, B7E18219-97C8-43A8-9673-0211E4…)

No. 110111
>>109975I’ve always thought this too. If she’s so obsessed with popularity why not dress as different more widely appealed characters. But then I remember Lori is fucking crazy and thinks she is zerotwo for whatever reason. I’ve never seen darling franxx but just looking at the character I always wonder if Lori identifies with all the
toxic aspects of yandere types to justify her uwu
abusive relationship with Kevin.
No. 110114
File: 1598246793655.jpg (64.99 KB, 550x750, jaw-bone-loss.jpg)

>>110109It almost looks like she is beginning to show the signs of bone loss in her lower face due to missing so many teeth.
No. 110123
>>110111AYRT. Darling FRANXX was a pretty standard 'seasonal' anime, nothing special. Ruined itself in the last few eps by counteracting all the world-building it had done up to that point. Zero Two is reasonably
toxic, has shite communication, and is horny asF. So basically Lori, yes. I think you're prob right on the money with that speculation about uwu yandere desu Lori.
>>110112That makes sense from a personality standpoint. You'd think that since she's gunning so hard to sign up for her Patreon all the time, she would only do Zero Two so often, and throw in some more popular characters on rotations just to get the cash flowing.
No. 110152
File: 1598283579542.jpeg (287.47 KB, 750x1077, 1562465182170.jpeg)

>>110114It's probably because she edits the fuck outta her photos. Her unedited photos from cons have her jaw looking pretty masculine imo.
No. 110161
>>110114That's interesting. Didn't know there was a reason so many people had that kind of face.
Does anyone know what Lori's tooth loss is from? She's had a couple of missing teeth for a while, right? Maybe she should invest some money in going to the dentist.
No. 110167
>>110152Scrolling down to this from
>>109808 is hilarious
No. 110215
File: 1598373083014.jpg (114.84 KB, 1280x924, IMG_20200825_092813_455.jpg)

Such couple goals! I love how he admits they still have to edit the other pics they took, lol.
No. 110223
File: 1598384612197.jpg (93.5 KB, 1280x920, IMG_20200825_123846_122.jpg)

>L-Lori's good to me I s-swear!
His posts are so pathetic. He barely posts on Instagram at all but when he does, his captions are all about validating Lori.
Meanwhile she rarely ever mentions him in her captions and she went and hid all of their recent pics together (like the cat one) except for the pics from this shoot. I'm sure she'll end up hiding these once they get into their next fight and delete each other off Instagram again, lol.
No. 110231
>>110223>This silky smooth and soft articleSo, shiny thin and synthetic? Also kek at him reassuring us that he's taking good care of his knock-off shoes.
Why are their photos such low quality? They obviously took time to take photos together for once instead of Lori just taking the usual bedroom selfies but that blue overlay destroys any image clarity, maybe they both separately edit each picture on a free kawaii phone app
No. 110264
>>110215She looks like fucking Voldemort here
>>110223Nobody is jealous or salty over his sad life or Taobao knockoff shoes
No. 110272
>>110152Looks 45 not 35 irl
>>109990OMG, lookin like some 2002 rejects right here! This looks so outdated!
No. 110297
File: 1598458832128.webm (3.04 MB, 480x720, qlJxCinpBlVzOjbW.webm)
The caption on this says:
>Have you seen the video I posted to my exclusive content this week? Here is a teaser :3 check out the link in bio♡
Is she serious? She wants people to pay for videos of her touching her socks and wiggling her butt?
No. 110302
File: 1598460782589.jpeg (204.32 KB, 750x1094, CF40E61B-7532-4237-934A-C4AE64…)

She’s delusional
No. 110303
File: 1598460856586.jpeg (186.83 KB, 750x1115, 660EE061-BF51-49B8-B06B-0A9FB7…)

thank god Lori granted him permission to wear the soft hoodie! MVP!
No. 110304
File: 1598460881723.jpeg (102.51 KB, 750x419, 02F37A2E-BA98-4703-AFA7-B6C8FF…)

No. 110311
>>110302She is so obsessed with aging lol, she had to keep reassuring herself she's not old and decrepit it's hilarious
Newsflash Lori everyone is smooth and big eyed using filters. We've seen what you look like irl
No. 110331
>>110303Her face is so edited it looks pasted on
>>110297I see she's taking sexy lessons from Momokun. Though who am I to judge, paypigs seems to like down syndrome awkwardness.
No. 110346
File: 1598486734146.png (682.04 KB, 637x627, okkev.PNG)

>>110303Who sent it to her, one of her onlyfans guys? This is like a sadder version of the "my wife's bf" meme
No. 110554
File: 1598655284603.jpg (108 KB, 917x1279, IMG_20200828_155322_153.jpg)

Lori's new OnlyFans bio. I went through her posts there and all her captions are massively cringey.
No. 110608
>>110554>>110563Seriously, why? Plus, she's not gonna actual release the n00ds anyway because she'll never get enough patrons to begin with. She should do a nude set, even a small one, just to begin with and show them what's worth subscribing for. She's an absolute dimwit.
And of fucking course we were right, she's going to be posting all her same boring irrelevant costhot shit she been doing on Insta. Puke.
No. 110665
File: 1598724523032.jpg (109.4 KB, 1280x916, IMG_20200829_110807_346.jpg)

This is very meta.
No. 110730
>>110554OF is changing from weekly to monthly pay periods so guessing she'll abandon it quick.
>>110579Because otherwise they have to admit they're built like sticks and the only scrotes attracted to them are likely pedos. Though at least Belle looks young, Lori looks like a sobered crack ho on her best non filtered shots from others.
No. 111165
File: 1599147925561.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1763, 6125E5BD-D270-464D-A142-E2D206…)

No. 110742
Almost like she read your comment but it's like someone else stated she will support the only woman that she doesn't feel a threat over so it doesn't justify her jealous issues over other girls(
No. 111209
>>111165Yeah Lori make sure you promote a fat girl to really seal your insecurities and throw in how smol uwu you are
Also doubt that girl is shorter js
No. 111225
File: 1599179315721.jpeg (620.07 KB, 1512x2015, 5D806134-0F74-4B50-BEB0-F651A6…)

No. 111233
File: 1599188794927.jpg (1.37 MB, 1920x2560, 20-09-03-20-07-33-390_deco.jpg)

>>111215Lori looks like a crack whore in this and that was when she was in her 20s, I dread to think of what she looks like in candid videos without all the filters now.
No. 111390
File: 1599340055031.jpeg (247.03 KB, 828x1413, 9A5FF309-85FC-4811-A0BE-4EE8DA…)

That splotchy eyeliner y i k e s
No. 111798
File: 1599688154540.jpeg (252.97 KB, 828x1219, A10F5695-95FF-46B3-BB3D-534692…)

No. 112286
File: 1600064474902.jpeg (235.33 KB, 1242x1375, 99CE6EFF-DEB4-4459-A4C2-75BE9A…)

No. 112319
>>112286Lmao right on cue.
>>112312I've actually thought about this too. Like they've had actual horrible fights before but they also love the attention and gossip that happens on lolcow so I sometimes wonder if they just make this shit up for attention and then go "Haha look at lolcow talking about us again." Like you, I don't think it's an act either but it really says something about their relationship if they are making up completely believable fucked up scenarios. I mean if Kevin wrote a status about how Lori had gotten a full time job doing anything and he lost his job and she's been taking care of him + all the bills for the last several months and working really hard we would all be like "Bullshit" but anytime they have explosive fights and post about it on Facebook it's just completely unsurprising and completely in line with their relationship thusfar because of course they hate each other and fight constantly and then make little passive aggressive posts to Facebook which turn into back and forth continuations of their irl fights.
No. 112325
File: 1600076620108.jpg (126.04 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20200914_024127_900.jpg)

I took this screenshot 6 days ago but forgot to post it. I noticed that the comment asking about the wedding is now gone. Kevin must've deleted it lol.
No. 112411
>>112373>>112286Oy vey. Moving is stressful, but no doubt about it that Lori is most likely avoiding doing anything moving related because "muh old grandma back pain". I just don't think she has the ability to be empathetic let along sympathetic which is why she doesn't give a shit if Kevin has to get up in 3 hours and go to work to pay the bills and support her lifestyle.
Kevin, this type of fighting isn't normal and you're very aware of it being
abusive for both of you. Wake up before you end up wasting more years of your life to a relationship that has you claiming you're happy and not depressed with your situation 80-90% of the time. It doesn't get better; you just end up feeling like you've spent x number of years with them, so you might as well keep sticking it out.
>>112337About a year ago I was friends with her on Facebook. This stuff was pretty regular if you were online when shit hit the fan. I just never posted it because I didn't want to miss it. XD
(XD) No. 112434
File: 1600153268948.jpeg (124.85 KB, 1242x711, DF42F47C-2723-4D9E-8336-253887…)

Seems they had another fight. This post shows four comments, but when I clicked on it I could only see lori’s. Seems Kevin has blocked me even though I have never interacted with him, as I can no longer find his fb page. I’m no one, just a random mutual, but this makes me think Lori was making Kevin delete and block all other women from his fb again.
No. 112442
File: 1600165962890.jpeg (320.11 KB, 818x1433, CF1DE9E5-3DE6-4003-B83C-C77E57…)

It literally takes seconds to find a better ~irl zerotwo~ (except this girl I used as an example is not psychotic and doesn’t claim to be a fictional character). Why would anyone spend money on Looni’s patreon when there is better quality content that isn’t even hard to find? Even if she had quality content I wouldn’t sub for the simple fact I would t want to give my money to such an egotistical abusive cunt. Saged for rant.
No. 112470
File: 1600187706865.jpeg (448.32 KB, 1503x2048, D6F839E5-2DC4-40F5-A878-312B1C…)

It took me so long to even find her in this mess of a photo
No. 112527
File: 1600217888868.jpeg (867.25 KB, 1242x2145, 94DA37B8-EE31-4955-ACE3-76233D…)

Because you Facetuned, snowed your wrinkles, and modify your fucking face into a 19 year old and you some how so delusional you believe you actually look like that. If only kevin was smart enough to post a picture of her with out knowing whenever she becomes an asshole to him he could fuck her over and gain all the power..
No. 112543
File: 1600227939513.png (7.67 MB, 1242x2208, 254B718B-8FCA-4941-A05B-318DE2…)

Looneys Facebook post.
No. 112580
File: 1600276503766.png (1.48 MB, 1440x2960, nanoleaf.png)

Looks like Lori is dropping more money (most likely Kevin's since she's still ebegging for more patreons so she can buy a new computer) on overpriced and over rated Nano Leaf LEDs. Is she fixing to break into streaming?
No. 112737
File: 1600394438357.jpeg (393.23 KB, 828x1444, ABCFAFC3-2B84-4E69-BF87-4D74C5…)

No. 112738
File: 1600394491127.jpeg (363.05 KB, 828x1184, 36044C41-47FC-4C41-8D0B-842510…)

No. 112740
File: 1600394570450.jpeg (70.4 KB, 817x256, 18CB001C-2B78-45C6-9E4E-EBDAE4…)

No. 112742
>>112738"Someone please help me" bitch you called anyone who did try to help you not your real friend and accused them of being unsupportive of you and Lori. Getting so tired of this boy who cried wolf shit from Kevin, he deserves it at this pointed, especially since she's dependent on him and not the other way around. You enable this Kevin. You've made your bed, go ahead and lie down. I'm sure in like a day you'll be posting about how you don't deserve Lori and how she's so good and you guys fight like any normal couple even though this shit ain't normal.
Sage for sperg, idk why I bother like he's going to learn anything and not keep being retarded over his uwu cosplay senpai waifu
No. 112827
>>112820At this point I don't think anyone cares why he is still with her. They do this all the time. There's a fight, she passive aggressively posts, he has a meltdown for sympathy and if anyone is foolish enough to fall for it they are met with being blocked and berated for not believing in Lori when Kevin gets over his bitch fit and doesn't kick her out. (It's basically foreplay for them at this point)
He has literally not one person that will come to his aide anymore. It's crying wolf and noone gives a shit save for us anons that find the situation hilarious.
No. 112834
File: 1600434417449.jpg (97.25 KB, 924x1280, IMG_20200918_055149_664.jpg)

She changed her profile pic from a cosplay one of them together, to this single pic of herself.
I'm just waiting for the newest Kevin Facebook status today declaring his undying love for Lori and desperately listing all her wonderful qualities, while she ignores him and doesn't acknowledge the post at all.
No. 112878
>>112876right but we also know Lori will happily lie about being abused or raped by him if Kevin doesn't do what she says and that's why I think he never actually fights back. despite her lolcow status lasting almost twenty years now, she still has white knights that will come to her rescue.
a rape accusation, even a false one, could fuck up his future even more than being with her already is.
No. 112913
>>112834Didn't they just move into a new apartment together? Or was this her plan all along? He should just move back in with his parents, leave the apartment to her, and take a hit to his renter's history.
Watching their facebook/ig discourse is so predictable and funny at this point. He is so incredibly stupid.
No. 112935
File: 1600502129379.jpeg (373.88 KB, 1242x1219, B812DBF6-4F7A-4FB1-BCAE-9B3907…)

No. 112947
>>112935>People seem to take stuff on here as the true true face value.Ignoring whatever the fuck "true true face value" is, I'm genuinely baffled at how he can scream abuse and then think he can smooth it over with whatever falls out of his head hours later. I've been here since the first thread, and it still gets me everytime.
>>112944LMFAO anon.
No. 112995
>>112935I know it's been said before, but man this is sad. Make whatever friends you have left feel sad and concerned for you and then "we were just being stressed!"
C'mon Kev.
No. 113029
File: 1600552904518.jpeg (6.98 KB, 276x183, images_1600532906820.jpeg)

>>112947can't tell if he is referencing Cloud Atlas or just retarded
No. 113064
>>112857The other 90% are probably middle-aged crossdressers and guys with potato quality photos of their asses*, so anyone with actual activity on their page is the "top 10%"
*Onision being an at all popular account gives a clue for how low quality most male accounts are
No. 113231
File: 1600656280675.jpeg (360.8 KB, 1242x1631, CA8B7BAA-810E-4141-B930-496E87…)

Learn basic light techniques.
No. 113314
>>113231She bought these things without realizing that it would make her look as old as she is.
So instead of just returning it, she's using it to backlight and blurring everything out even more than ever.
No. 113323
File: 1600731583539.jpg (107.72 KB, 855x1280, IMG_20200921_163814_531.jpg)

Uh oh.
No. 113328
File: 1600734796497.jpeg (233.7 KB, 1242x787, 2EBD666B-E51D-485D-855D-E2DD4E…)

Asks for help when they fight, then tells them to fuck off when everything is ok for 5 mins. What a fucking simp
No. 113331
>>113324He also re-followed her on Instagram after several days of not following her and removing every single "like" he's ever given her posts. He liked her most recent post from 2 days ago but nothing else.
>>113325What female friends? Lol. Lori made him remove all his platonic female friends that she felt threatened by, looks wise. And a ton of others stopped trying to be friends with him based on his behavior alone. There are several of his former friends in this thread.
>>113328>We have our own systemYou mean the one where you break up 2-3 times a week? It's funny how he says they fight "like normal couples". I wonder if he actually believes that? Because their fights are not normal. I've been in a relationship for over 5 years and we've never raised our voices at each other or called each other names, much less destroyed each other's property, broken up and gotten back together dozens of times, and post passive aggressive statuses about each other on social media. I think they like all the emotional turmoil. It's fascinating to watch. I'm guessing they'll be together for many more years unless Lori finds a better simp to fund her lifestyle. You just know she's talking to backups. She would leave Kevin in an instant if some guy with a better-than-retail job who had a house came along and showed interest in being with her. Even if that guy didn't cosplay with her.
No. 113354
>>113331Lori was already talking to an ex earlier this year from what I can remember in these threads. She was mad when he wouldn't visit her behind Kevin's back or something?
>>113340She made him post it before she would forgive him. It's the same thing every fight. I'm mostly just surprised that Kevin held out for a few days this time. Is her grasp on his dignity slowly slipping?
No. 113360
>>113359Lori is working on her splenda daddy backup and it would probably be someone as old as she is.
I wonder if she'd go the Yumi King route and even get pregnant to seal the deal, the horror!
No. 113409
>>113323Na don't worry anons, according to
>>112935 it's just the stress of the move and his heavy work, no one is ever being hurt or actually breaking up! We shouldn't take stuff on facebook as true true face value! They will be in love for ever and ever!
No. 113411
File: 1600796469543.jpg (186.02 KB, 992x1280, IMG_20200922_103958_260.jpg)

Lori has left Kevin such an empty husk of a person that he hasn't had time to do anything he loves. But don't worry! Now that they're broken up things are looking up for Kevin and he can enjoy hobbies again now that he's finally out of this soul sucking relationship! That's what this status means, right?
No. 113616
File: 1600962058059.jpeg (860.47 KB, 1242x2152, CB2705EB-8171-4D5E-B074-6CE0E4…)

Just going to leave this here..
No. 113617
File: 1600962271722.jpeg (119.24 KB, 1242x402, 78B3C593-FACE-4D8C-ADD7-EEF486…)

When ever lori goes on a random trip it’s usually to go fuck someone … Enders brother was the trip to Cali she fucked him, this she cheated in Scott when she went to chili, saw rikki when Kevin was at work, talking to another man when he is at work, now this… what do you guys think?
No. 113619
>>113616Kevin is a dumbass but Lori seems to have a habit of trying to get him involved in drama
while he's at work, like take a break woman
No. 113622
>>113616Wtf is wrong with this woman. As Kevin said it was years ago, why is she even drudging shit up on FB while he's at work KEK?
>>113617It's barely a tinfoil at this point. Kevin better keep an eye on his cougar.
No. 113642
>>113616involving other people just brings them here. especially if it was years ago. how many people are here from her kou klan days because they wanted to see what drama she was doing?
it's nice to see kev not giving into things and telling her to let go of it.
No. 113805
File: 1601067568473.webm (2.03 MB, 640x800, 120128183_710504886215663_3217…)
Lori got new colored contacts and is trying to show them off.
No. 113807
File: 1601068496844.png (4.7 MB, 828x1792, D99B4CD3-F44E-448E-95F6-ACF512…)

>>113805Her strained red veiny eye makes them look super comfortable
No. 113824
File: 1601081523148.jpeg (396.49 KB, 1512x2015, 1CCB155D-3501-4C45-ADA5-AE6EE5…)

Looks like she only snowed her skin and blew up her eyes.. her chin and nose look much larger and masculine..
No. 114463
>>114420I have a feeling that that'a why they want to go to Nevada.
>>113617Vegas marriage, anyone? What a mess.
No. 114562
File: 1601523304236.jpg (115.89 KB, 1280x934, IMG_20200930_203542_121.jpg)

Oh no. Hopefully Kevin doesn't have Covid.
No. 114791
File: 1601739819755.png (6.16 MB, 828x1792, 270C9877-C07B-45A2-AD50-94682D…)

Holy chest wall deformity
No. 114934
File: 1601894262281.png (4.64 MB, 828x1792, A9580C28-6467-4F30-9235-B53D69…)

>>114909Anon, there is quite obviously a hole there. It just isn’t snowed to death because of the lighting and shadows.
No. 115042
File: 1601955587557.jpeg (42.61 KB, 828x252, 7860A075-D76C-4A93-B010-60FA8D…)

No. 115256
>>114791How tf y'all zoned in on her abyss chest when those disgusting knuckles can't be ignored
Of all the things to leave unedited wtf
No. 115409
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No. 115410
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No. 115412
>>115409I would like to say that an insta post isn't milk in and of itself, so probably should sage your shit next time.
But, also, this bitch really be out here wearing a cow outfit.
No. 115414
>>115409>Ahegao bikini, cow outfit and maid apronkek she's like a parody of an ethot, complete with the fact that she's pushing 40
"How do you do, fellow onlyfans whores" lookin ass
No. 115609
File: 1602365492988.png (2.41 MB, 1280x2679, KevinTestsNegative.png)

Kevin dreams of one day buying Lori a large mirror. He says hi to lolcow again, and he tests negative for Covid. Thanks for the update, Kev.
No. 115685
File: 1602398857028.jpg (386.94 KB, 1080x1725, Screenshot_20201011-174649__01…)

>>115646>>115648KEK Anons I did not expect this… I think I broke him.
And bye bye previous caption. Going by anon above me it's looking like he's changed it ay least 3 times already.
No. 115690
>>115685so he comes on here, whines about anons when he provokes them himself by mentioning the thread on his IG, then gets banned and changes his caption to not mention the thread when he shouldn't have anyway?
never change kev. actually, do change. you wouldn't be here if not for your cow gf and public fighting. wonder if he and lori fight about that too. kevin would be an unbothered nobody or even possibly a popular cosplayer if not for lori and i think he knows that. his cosplay builds were pretty sweet before all this.
No. 115706
>>115690He also got oddly
triggered by the fact I didn't understand his "kewl XD so many ribs" joke because that part's gone too. This man's confidence is mad of glass. I'm just gonna assume Looni has something to do with that.
No. 115753
File: 1602441338908.png (2.11 MB, 1280x2249, Positive_Kevin.png)

Here's happy Kev, totally not bothered by lolcow at all.
No. 115821
>>115753Cancel that therapy session, I was a fool to think I could have accidentally
triggered someone with such rock solid self assurance and happiness.
No. 115849
>>115777to me it screams "unoriginality", to kevin (or K-boi as I vote we refer to him as. he'll love it, and it's super uwu) it must seem like his weeb dreams. forgetting she is a succubus of the worst and most unromantic kind, he probably thinks of her as his hot senpai. while he's kickin back in his knockoffs, Lori is aging slowly in her shitty aliexpress knockoff belledelphine shit, lurking instagram and youtube, trying to stay relevant.
I'll do it later but fuck, it's so easy to correlate her "new" aesthetic with several e-girls. the LED lights, the faux ivy/blossoms, the micro/cow bikinis. she's a poor echo of not even egirls, but "popular" cows. she has nary an original bone even close to her body. the closest she'll ever get is kevvo with his knockoff booties.
they both suck, but they're the bonnie and clyde of cows. as in, they'll end up ending their own sagas by their own hands, together.
tl;dr kevvo is a ribbed condom, on the strapon lori fucks him with
No. 115964
>>115854>>115916>>115934amazing contributions, well done. is this shit truly lost to pullfags? someone lend me a rope
meantime I genuinely feel bad for Kev cause he's…..technically being abused. are we so moidhating here that we refuse to remember lori making him cut himself, control his social media, pay for all her shit. how do we know it's even him posting?
when he comes out of all this and is proper traumatised and trying to reform, his whole support system had been obliterated. and for whatever reason (read: ego) both of them still lurk, I feel like the cycle will repeat until he cracks.
Lori will be pulling this shit until her filters can't keep up. bless her, always trying to be ~pretty cool #1~ like she's fucken regina george. meanwhile everyone avoids her or pities her.
should have recorded more vids of her ~usagi kou~ days so she could relive them perpetually instead of being a literal succubus
No. 115968
File: 1602610252154.jpeg (45.42 KB, 211x275, 1563425758804.jpeg)

>>115964The thing is, if you've been following the previous threads, most anons have generally come to the understanding/agreement that Kevin is more than aware of his situation and has had ample opportunity to escape Looni. He continually chooses to stay with her for whatever reasons. Because of that, it seems many anons feel he is beyond pity or care.
It isn't as much about general moidhatred as it is about being so absolutely done with simpman supreme Kevin.
Pic included of happiest man alive.
No. 115975
>>115964I think posts like this must be old friends of Kevin's, because I remember some coming here to cape for him and him still not caring what they had to say.
They're both cows and deserve each other.
No. 116058
File: 1602709019196.png (3.01 MB, 1280x3408, Kevins_Bday_Gift.png)

I'm loling. Kevin posted that Lori got him this shirt for his birthday. She got this shirt for free as PR from that company. Bottom pic is Lori wearing the shirt a week and a half ago.
No. 116076
File: 1602720445476.jpg (125.81 KB, 788x1280, IMG_20201014_155914_720.jpg)

Lori posted this pic to her story. She forgot the face filter. I'm surprised this even made it to Instagram. She looks like a completely different person.
No. 116086
File: 1602724937711.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1242x2008, E51C47E8-2B95-4E45-BF54-7517AC…)

Is THIS the new keyboard Kevin got for HIS birthday??!!!! …. AHHAHAAH!!! More like he bought it for Lori or Lori bought for herself. Oh kevin when will you learn that your so called girlfriend doesn’t care about you she just cares about herself smh.
No. 116132
File: 1602758485135.png (1.63 MB, 828x1792, 233F7E84-EB89-4FA2-B8E8-CB17AB…)

>>116076Her age coupled with how much these ridiculous outfits cost.(pic related from her IG story).. girl you look like you fell off a damn circus caravan haha
>116058>>116086She really just went around their apartment and gave him things for his birthday that she didn’t want anymore or bought things with herself in mind lmaooo she drops $50 on a ugly tutu but can’t manage to get Kevin something thoughtful. Such a selfless person~ I wonder if they kept routine and broke up on his birthday? I envy that kind of relationship ugh #goals I guess that I’m just a jealous hater now uwu
No. 116359
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No. 116360
File: 1602903550026.jpeg (539.79 KB, 1169x1268, 13CD1D7C-0A0F-4418-8113-5ADC79…)

Lori looks like chucky with those eye brows. Kevin is always pictured in her bedroom only like he’s keeping watch on her.
No. 116391
>>116360>>116385The new eye makeup style and lip color…or lack thereof… Are not doing her any favors either. She looks tired as hell.
Kevin definitely got filtered to hell and back as well, but he looks rough. The bags beneath his eyes say everything.
No. 116409
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>>116391Sad Christopher Lloyd
No. 116886
File: 1603252944571.png (3.1 MB, 1920x1280, lolricow.png)

Lori cosplaying a cow is my favorite recent cosplay of hers for obvious reasons. Someone should make a banner using these images.
No. 116891
>>116886I'm not a banner-maker myself, but I second the motion.
In other news, these shoops are the stuff of nightmares. This is by far her best outfit though, as you said, for obvious reasons.
No. 116973
>>116886Who looks at that mess and thinks
oh yes, this is hot?
No. 116979
File: 1603331326239.jpg (294.93 KB, 1080x1346, Screenshot_20201022-122700__01…)

These shoes are somehow even uglier than Kevin's. Frightening video incoming.
No. 116980
File: 1603331374574.webm (3.24 MB, 720x900, aids.webm)
No. 117370
File: 1603511037710.jpg (65.16 KB, 720x960, 122418282_10164158959875431_25…)

>>116886The red nose looks SO bad! For about five seconds I was like, "all right, trying new makeup style, sure" but it's just getting worse and uglier.
No. 117812
File: 1603653432722.jpeg (126.85 KB, 1242x798, D8146D8F-985B-4B82-B2B5-450D34…)

Poor Kevin.
No. 117903
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2013 vs 2020
28 vs 35
No. 118008
File: 1603747832744.png (1.05 MB, 825x1474, Screenshot_20200812-012954.png)

>>117950Either the lenses or she's still a daily toker. Older Pic related
No. 118362
File: 1603930837831.webm (2.13 MB, 640x800, VID_20201027_162711_571.webm)
Her mannerisms in this video are so weird. She's twitching and puffing her cheeks out. She also keeps doing her makeup to have this red line of blush across her nose and cheeks where the mask line would be. Or maybe it is a line from mask irritation idk.
No. 118368
>>118362This is uncanny valley level movement
>>118365Probably the straining. Go to
>>111215 or
>>106710 for her real voice
No. 118415
File: 1603981154220.jpeg (750.37 KB, 1242x2069, AC0AEF82-EDA8-48D9-AF5C-B8FFD0…)

So this was yesterday, but it seems Kevin is putting his foot down? Back to them bringing their drama to social media… Networking to her is probably sexting with a simp for money.
No. 118417
>>118362Such milk!
This old hag is totally tripping out. The low voice with her fake kawaii uwu filters make this the funniest thing I've seen in an age on the thread. Where was this from?
No. 118431
File: 1603993553184.jpg (85.76 KB, 787x1280, IMG_20201029_104518_371.jpg)

>>118417It's from her Instagram from a couple of days ago. Her and Kev made a series of Burger King posts for some reason.
No. 118432
File: 1603994195569.png (386.04 KB, 504x700, really lmao.png)

They're now posting in League of Hunnies.
No. 118453
File: 1604002506872.png (2.49 MB, 1280x2512, stubborn_bouts.png)

Kevin always sounds like a hostage in these captions and I'm pretty sure it's because Lori writes them for him or has a heavy hand in it. She always describes her content as "super spicy" so whenever Kevin says the same thing it just sounds really forced and like he isn't writing it himself.
I also love how he always alludes to their fighting whenever he writes these long captions. He usually looks really unhappy as well, adding to the whole "cry for help" demeanor being presented.
No. 118459
File: 1604003042818.png (39.85 KB, 430x161, adollaskye.png)

>>118432How do you stay stuck in Silver since season 4 kek
No. 118468
File: 1604004774749.jpg (54.37 KB, 1280x469, IMG_20201029_134806_716.jpg)

>>118432"We're just gremlins" is something that Lori says constantly on her Instagram when someone calls her hot. "Thanks I'm just a gremlin" or in her captions, "5 ft tall loli gremlin" etc. Either she's using his phone to post stuff on his own accounts or she's dictating to him what captions to post.
No. 118488
>>118453every time he makes one of these posts it just sounds like he's justifying his garbage relationship to himself.
if you have to say "we love each other despite how much we fight", that's your clue you're a shitty match
No. 118550
File: 1604071893466.jpeg (705.92 KB, 1242x1864, 5663B4F3-A0FE-47F1-B24E-D7EE09…)

No. 118561
>>118550Troll? She’s hot lmao
Someone’s jealous uwu
No. 118572
File: 1604082077533.jpeg (42.39 KB, 827x386, E21100A8-E0B5-44C7-A4AB-F8EC98…)

I mean… she’s not wrong lmao
No. 118579
File: 1604087356885.png (130.94 KB, 1016x704, lolok1.png)

So Lori's been feeling really threatened lately, esp about aging. The mere existence of youthful, attractive women in the world activates her Cluster B jealousy and a deep narcissistic injury. Fortunately for us, she's back to her regular hilarious narc hijinks.
Lori, you're 35 years old. Your peers are light-years ahead of you in terms of accomplishments, milestones, and maturity. Stop wasting Kevin's meager minimum wage savings on weeb bullshit and get some professional psych help.
Or don't so we can all keep laughing at you and your #Goodgenesclub.
No. 118581
>>118579People think she's younger than she is because she projects a very immature image. She has pastel hair and dresses like an alternative teenager. They don't think she's young because she looks youthful or anything.
It's always shocking to me to see her well worn tattoos that look 20 years old, even though I know she's 35 and have been aware of her since the early 2000s. Those faded and beat tattoos on her hip and back are one of the most standout signs of her age to me and they really clash with the loli anime girl character she's trying to present. I don't understand why she doesn't just shoop them out. Laziness probably. The apps she uses for her face have face filtering built right in and she doesn't have to do anything. Still though, it would only take a few minutes to color correct that hip tattoo to look like the skin next to it.
No. 118614
>>118579>Believing what a sales person says and buying more shit that does nothing to stop her from looking as old as she isThis is the kind of dumb Lori we like to see..
>>118572Enjoying how this person got under Lori's skin instantly because she said the truth.
No. 118647
File: 1604114926740.png (327.58 KB, 988x878, lolok2.png)

>>118630>>118579…but she's ForeverLoli! "Signature poof pout" is funniest shit I've heard in a while. Only Lori would be psycho enough to declare a popular form of duckface used to minimize wrinkles is HERS AND HERS ALONE DONUT STEAL!!
No. 118752
File: 1604185333988.jpg (24.29 KB, 503x427, awkwardlori.JPG)

>>118432I imagine that Lori thinks she's so clever when she comes up with these responses. It's so cringe.
No. 118788
File: 1604201905881.jpg (166.57 KB, 1080x1336, Screenshot_20201101-143426__01…)

I'm too lazy to screen record all the horrifying videos she's been posting lately, but here's a taste of the nightmare.
No. 118916
File: 1604290966639.jpeg (122.07 KB, 828x1130, C3803057-D3AF-4BEF-9BA1-C4A939…)

>>118788The videos are easily the most wackshit things she does.
No. 118935
>>118459because he goes 0/14/5 on his 1million main and 2/10/3 on Leona the most OP tank in game. Small world though, I've played with him before. He's extremely bad and in typical league fashion everything is someone else's fault. His "ganks" consist of him tower diving at 30% health to "secure" the kill only to die himself and then he proceeds to rage and grief every other lane. All the while he called everyone "useless" and claimed that nobody wants to win despite him somehow being a lower level than me as support? I will say he gave a really hilarious moment when he just stood still to trash talk the enemy jungler, claiming that he was diamond on his main account, and the enemy jungler one shot him from stealth.
That entire game sucked though. He fed the enemy SO hard and tilted our top laner so much that they straight up said they were muting the dog.
No. 118986
File: 1604342162919.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1978, 5F640F83-78A9-421B-80EA-0F9D37…)

No. 118989
>>118986>No one else would go through the trouble to get me my juice when I can't eat anythingImagine bringing up your ED in your sad, tiny, three sentence "three year anniversary post". kek
She doesn't even say that she loves him. Simply says he puts up with her "better than anyone else", pets her head, and brings her juice. Tough break kev.