File: 1569436390758.png (798.16 KB, 473x671, hobbit.png)

No. 67368
Skinwalking cosplayer, known for skinwalking Sailor Moon in the early 2000s and currently Skinwalking Zero Two. She has also been known to abuse multiple partners and is currently "engaged" to a younger cosplayer named "KrookedKev".
>Believes she is the IRL perfect ZeroTwo, that ZeroTwo is based on her and everyone else is copying her>Suffers from an Eating Disorder and is proud of it. >She is know for abusing partners including mooching off family, demanding sex at inappropriate times, pressuring into engagement, cheating, stealing, breaking stuff, threatening to cry rape if she doesn't get her way. She has emerged from retirement to cause drama and abuse her boytoy.
Previous thread updates -
>now "officially" engaged since Kevin "proposed" at Anime Expo.>the couple came into the thread themselves to take shots at anons, resulting in a ban>all of Kevin's friends including the guys get verbally abused by Lori for coming near him>jumped on the Patreon bandwagon to sell lewds and feet pics___________________
Her Links:
Her Old FB - New FB - instagram - thread:
>>54057 No. 67376
File: 1569447066168.jpg (254.29 KB, 473x671, 20190925_172410_138.jpg)

I saved Lori the effort of running this unfiltered pic of her through Snow for her. Maybe she can convince us it's how the image looked all along.
No. 67409
File: 1569467353045.jpeg (227.39 KB, 750x1192, 061A938D-9E2C-4CE3-8E39-F03BF5…)

She is really hoping on the foot fetish train
No. 67469
File: 1569535820739.png (4.35 MB, 3240x1228, why.png)

No. 67470
File: 1569535852507.jpg (105.51 KB, 1280x770, IMG_20190926_150516_502.jpg)

No. 67513
File: 1569597447914.jpg (71.22 KB, 1135x1280, IMG_20190927_081555_122.jpg)

No. 67520
>>67513How embarrassing.
Homeboy‘s one Google search away from ten better Zero Two cosplayers on the first page alone and doesn’t realize it.
No. 67546
File: 1569634699713.jpeg (54.26 KB, 750x261, 0A66CBDE-ED38-4CC3-B70A-BFD0CE…)

Con is still 2.5 weeks away and dude is already giving up
No. 67573
>>67546Thats what happens when you're a cuck who works 9 hour days then comes home and photographs and probably edits for your patron whore girlfriend. I mean
fiancé. Save some time break up you'll be a new man in a week.
No. 67597
>>67546 I feel a tiny bit sorry for Kev. But I also laugh because he clearly doesn't even want to cosplay Hiro anymore kek
>>67573Agreed. Kev, if you're still lurking, it's time to GTFO and cosplay the things you actually want to cosplay!
No. 67758
File: 1569797345558.png (1.02 MB, 1078x1838, Screenshot_2019-09-29-18-45-43…)

>>67611Ah you're right. Don't know why I even bothered.
In other news. Lori out here wit no tiddies posting in a bunny suit.
No. 67792
>>67758The top part of that bunny suit is not flattering on her. It looks like she's binding her chest in red colored plastic wrap.
Also kek @ Lori trying to hard to look ""curvy""
No. 67800
File: 1569806419800.jpeg (334.53 KB, 1224x1339, DD43B8F1-6B99-4A26-B8D5-5050B5…)

Kevin has time to make these costume pieces but not enough time to make his own. You know she didn’t do shit for this and is passing it off as her own Set to sell on her nudes website. Flat chested bunny pics are a disgrace. Poor Kevin……
No. 67918
File: 1569885792894.jpeg (168.77 KB, 1242x793, D5DD029D-CB8B-466C-B79F-65DF20…)

Does she not know how the flu works? You can still get the flu during summer or while bundled up.
No. 67920
>>67918She probably got the idea in her head from anime - I guess in Japan they think colds come from being cold? Or at least in anime specifically it's a trope for sure.
Either way, Lori is retarded (and not in the way she wants to be), what else is new.
No. 67933
File: 1569891665344.jpeg (128.19 KB, 1270x976, 20CA1842-C549-46C0-96E6-2722AA…)

No. 67934
File: 1569891715581.jpeg (588.38 KB, 1512x2015, 3BECB253-7CD0-4124-BD62-3DD739…)

No. 67993
File: 1569940269272.jpg (575.24 KB, 1080x1365, 20191001_092615.jpg)

Who the F is paying to see her flat chest, fat rolls and stretch Mark's? The outfit is trash too.
No. 68021
File: 1569956656734.png (1.67 MB, 1569x1280, zerotuesday.png)

No. 68058
File: 1569974958031.jpg (37.2 KB, 1280x652, IMG_20191001_170813_954.jpg)

>>67597Kevin isn't allowed to not cosplay Hiro
No. 68136
File: 1570032192986.png (2.73 MB, 2160x1350, moreofthis.png)

>I hope everyone liked their Patreon Tier Rewards ♡ Gonna crank out some extra juicy content this month~ link in bio.
No. 68173
>>68136I hope everyone likes the same 5 pics of zero two over and over!
She won't ever make the same level as other patreon thots because there's no variety and she deflects people who are too thirsty by refusing them and mentioning her boyfriend everywhere.
Imagine that not only did your girlfriend sell nudes, but she sold them for less than she'd make at a part time minimum wage job. Some loser has her naked pics forever, for like 10 bucks a month. Honestly sad
No. 68264
File: 1570105135720.png (712.32 KB, 911x499, 1570032192986.png)

What even is going on here? This is not a flattering suit on Lori… from her flat chest to here. Yikes.
No. 68308
>>68264Lori is skinny fat. She's only skinny because she's an anachan, but she's also kind of shapeless or even doughy because she gets little to no exercise because of her "broken spine".
Also, yeah, the suit is kind of just shit. kek. This is why she has Kevin make everything for her or buys online.
No. 68337
File: 1570162224239.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1242x1951, 9FB7A9AA-0901-47D5-8D53-701478…)

I knew it was a matter of time before her “I’m the only perfect zero two” gets worse she had the nerve to talk shit about this other cosplayers “sagging handles” because the poster said the other cosplayers portrayal of zero two was perfection. Lori your fucking hair isn’t even like the characters you are not fucking perfect! (Part one I don’t know how to post two pics at same time.)
No. 68339
File: 1570162286657.jpeg (754.9 KB, 1242x2144, 198244AA-A2B8-407A-BA9F-F093A4…)

>>68337Part two the comments.
No. 68341
File: 1570163070879.png (973.42 KB, 701x605, nah.png)

>>68339>>68337She's straight up delusional. Her suit was bought premade online, her gear is all made by Kevin, whose handiwork is decent, but does not even come close to the quality of the gear this girl is wearing. Also Lori's 02 is wildly inaccurate between the makeup, the hair, and the footwear? Jealousy isn't a good look, Lori.
No. 68342
File: 1570163173512.jpeg (157.22 KB, 828x815, 1562535983993.jpeg)

>>68341Another example of the neck piece Kevin made. There's no comparison.
No. 68346
File: 1570166603934.png (256.64 KB, 924x724, yikes.png)

>>68339>>68337She's been spamming that group with video clips trying to get people to follow her on IG and patreon. kek.
No. 68355
>>68308She's the definition of skinnyfat, shapeless with no muscle what soever. That's why she obsesses over every pound, if she gains even a little she becomes a doughy mess because she has no tone.
it's a shame because she actually does have good genes and is naturally quite pretty, but she's obsessed with this idea of not having to put in any effort to take care of herself and it only makes her look worse.
No. 68378
File: 1570212849597.jpg (64.94 KB, 960x720, wtfkevinschin.jpg)

No. 68379
File: 1570212901898.png (1.06 MB, 1010x931, loridoesthemostbasichumanthing…)

No. 68380
>>68379God this is absolutely pathetic. He's one of those guys who gets off to the idea of other dudes jerking off to his useless middle aged gf.
Also Kevin since you're lurking how does it feel to share these super edited selfies knowing your
abusive girlfriend has the face of a caveman when you go to kiss/fuck her?
No. 68396
File: 1570229841606.jpeg (262.2 KB, 750x1142, loriscookingkek.jpeg)

>>68379So let me get this straight. Kevin works all the time to the point he's too burnt out to do his own cosplay, or shave, or other basic human grooming. So that he can pay for Lori is sit at home and "fill in" cooking and cleaning when he can't, take lewd photos for the internet, and skinwalk a fictional character. Wow, couple goals!
Friendly reminder that this is what Lori's "cooking" looks like.
>>68381>>68386Honestly, I'm beginning to think she's just abusing asian beauty editors to the extreme and not bothering to pay attention to what they do to his face as she edits hers? She enlarges her eyes, which makes his bigger too, shrinks down her strong jaw, shrinking his to disturbing proportions, shrinks nose to half it's size, etc. I think she doesn't care as long as she thinks she looks good. Poor Kevin ends up looking ghoulish in every edit.
No. 68399
>>68396Guarantee she calls him fat and forced him on a super restrictive diet. He was on here going crazy calling everyone fat and saying everyone eats at McDonalds every day before he originally made that lettuce wrap post.
Projecting much Kev?
No. 68408
>>68339The days of putting down other cosplayers is dead. You cannot compare the two people she is crossing a line. The second has a much better form fitted suit with layering and textured fabric. The back piece and handles look way better than loris. What’s with her shoes? It’s cringe watching her try to slam others and put them down she is 100%
abusive. One of these days someone is going to get into her face about this shit in public.
No. 68409
>>68396lmao yeah this screams anachan to me. nice "cooking" lori. you know starvation causes aging, right?? no wonder they look so haggard, lack of nurtients really showing in her face. damn shame.
kevin needs to start smoking weed. he'll chill out and drop weight and hopefully see what a retard his missus is.
No. 68413
>>68409they do smoke weed. lori has a bunch of weed stuff if you scroll back to before she first watched DitF.
the weed doesn’t mellow these two out at all.
No. 68441
>>68413lmao explains a lot, seems like they have the opposite problem where the munchies never go away and they keep stacking it on.
can only hide behind snow and filters for so long dipshits, when you two rock up at any convention for the rest of your lives you're going to be considered catfish. nice legacy. the skinwalking is sad enough
No. 68470
>>68450>she's pretty much irrelevant in the cosplay circuitThis is extra funny considering how when she was younger, she used to shit on people over 25 cosplaying and considered them weird and old.
Now no one cares about her shitty cosplay or bitchy behavior one way or the other because she's old and irrelevant.
No. 68485
>>68470>because she's old and irrelevantYes well, it could be that but on the other hand she's simply not a nice person and she's anti-social as all hell. She could be liked among the older nerd crowd but she puts off this horrible attitude and treats other women like competition constantly.
She and her boyslave are fucking assholes.
No. 68499
File: 1570331890721.jpeg (346.36 KB, 1242x1286, BE8B1AEB-0FC2-48BF-BA0C-0C1DE9…)

The neck looks like goku powering up
No. 68500
File: 1570331947112.png (9.69 MB, 1242x2208, 21EEB949-326A-462E-B563-ADEE37…)

Nice rash Lori, wash your cosplay once in a while.
No. 68567
File: 1570383416302.jpg (602.46 KB, 1066x1342, Screenshot_20191006-123514_Chr…)

Garuntee all the sudden followers are pervs and bots. I doubt there's any real fans at all. famous for cheap internet porn.
No. 68579
File: 1570391857889.jpeg (179.86 KB, 749x1121, A17F3FAD-106E-420E-B4C1-F4FCE3…)

This caption made me want to barf
No. 68600
File: 1570400614270.jpg (1.45 MB, 2560x1920, 19-10-06-15-23-13-811_deco.jpg)

reality vs delusion
No. 68606
>>68600I know we're a ways off, but I vote for this to be next thread picture. Holy hell
>>68579>"Loli body"Ok Lori
No. 68610
File: 1570403691609.png (121.53 KB, 806x778, famousuwu.png)

>>68567IG Audit agrees with you. FAMOUS LOLI HERE EVERYONE WATCH OUT
wonder how much of kevin's money she spends on fake followers. we know she isn't feeding him so it's not going on food lmao
No. 68695
File: 1570486229109.jpg (100.53 KB, 837x1280, IMG_20191007_151019_956.jpg)

No. 68706
File: 1570487827095.jpeg (165.27 KB, 1242x530, 76C03100-2527-47BB-B0E1-FAD94C…)

People sign up and realize she does the same photo/pose over and over again. Then ditch out? Who would have guessed? Does she realize there are way better cosplayers out there to sign up for lewds
No. 68725
>>68600LMAO!!! knew it
>>68610Fake clout for a fake person, she needs those numbers for her delusion.
Bots dont buy, proof is that many followers but no patrons
No. 68874
File: 1570576857572.jpg (550.29 KB, 1080x1678, Screenshot_20191008-181808_Chr…)

We have a full body edit…someone isnt happy we noticed their saggy stomach!
What the hell kinda shoop is this? Who has red shading on their stomach and back? Pathetic.
No. 68954
File: 1570636983536.png (103.96 KB, 565x165, belly.png)

>>68920They're talking about this pic
>>67993I cropped her stomach and circled it. The skin is weirdly textured and you can tell she tried to filter most of it but can't get too close to the underwear elastic because it would be too obvious.
The skin looks like the stomach of someone who has been pregnant or lost a lot of weight too fast.
No. 68961
File: 1570645289238.png (127.41 KB, 512x768, kevinwow.png)

No. 68975
>>68961I mean, WoW is probably the last thing he has for himself that he was able to spend money on instead of supporting Lori and buying her fake followers so I guess he doesn't want it to go to waste. It's probably his only escape.
Still an idiot though.
No. 69072
File: 1570743121985.png (1.53 MB, 1555x1280, loristory.png)

No. 69079
>>69075I'm sure eating dry ground beef wrapped in romaine isn't exactly the most nutritious. That's only what Lori and Kev were
willing to show us of their meals. Imagine how poor it is on the day to day, probably why when Kevin sperged out at lolcow a month or so ago he projected by saying everyone here only eats microwave meals. I bet they consider that indulgent eating.
No. 69087
>>69084Why did Kevin come ranting in here saying anons are the ones who eat fast food all the time when they’re the ones who are actually eating it? This isn’t the first time they’ve posted about quitting fast food either.
Looks like Lori has him on her “vegan” diet either way though. Oh no, m&ms! Maybe they went from the crappy chicken lettuce wrap to just the lettuce alone.
No. 69090
File: 1570752723580.jpeg (649.33 KB, 2880x3840, 20191010_201109.jpeg)

These shoops have to be a joke, right?
No. 69111
>>69085I agree. She needs to hydrate, eat healthy, and exercise to keep in shape, not starve herself. She has sharp, mature features that worked a lot better with when she was going for the fantasy look with the ex husband who was a "blacksmith" or whatever. The kawaii anime girl look ain't it and the filters/editing are just desperate and sad. How long does she plan to shoop herself more youthful?
>>69084Casual anachan bodycheck sorta shit. Keep sucking it all in Lori. Her calves are as thick as her thighs? kek.
No. 69319
File: 1570951396369.jpeg (955.33 KB, 1242x2556, 27394D0D-47C2-4451-B692-013BEE…)

>>69111Perhaps I’m late with this recognition, but is she literally copying 19 year old belle Delphine?!!!
No. 69355
File: 1570991133706.jpg (138.36 KB, 1080x1350, 70493341_187603678949685_13809…)

>>69319Heh. She even has a tiny bikini like that one
No. 69405
File: 1571024371189.jpg (98.46 KB, 900x818, 2019-10-13-22-38-09.jpg)

>>69084Wtf is going on with her leg?
No. 69466
File: 1571097934543.png (1.72 MB, 1080x2034, Capture _2019-10-14-20-03-20.p…)

She's going to AnimeBanzai with Kev. Any other Anons in Utah going? Get us some super-kek candids PLEEEASSSE.
Also, what's the point of shopping when it's THIS obvious.
No. 69487
File: 1571109057279.png (79.75 KB, 359x307, 1566265125860.png)

>>69476If you happen by them and snap some candids, then bless you anon.
>>69477It seems the canine could well be the missing one. Pic related.
No. 69599
File: 1571188461479.jpeg (108.12 KB, 750x659, 1F20F0B7-852C-42D8-9C2A-578B7D…)

No. 69600
File: 1571188493291.jpeg (88.08 KB, 750x560, 7B89B517-0AF0-412D-8427-A149ED…)

No. 69615
>>69547The related pic is over a decade old. Assuming she hasn't replaced the tooth since that pic, it's been a minimum of….14-15 years.
She also likely lost the tooth well before that photo sooo it could've been TWO decades that her tooth has been gone.
No. 69646
File: 1571219211486.jpg (61.17 KB, 1280x1043, IMG_20191016_024630_745.jpg)

No. 69649
File: 1571221639324.jpg (223.76 KB, 817x1280, 1571221501617.jpg)

>>69614Kevin has proven to be quite the cow himself since he's been with Lori. Never forget the time he bragged about looking like a sexy anime guy and not showering often, in the same paragraph. I can't wait for the con pics
No. 69669
File: 1571243691124.jpeg (458.16 KB, 1242x1920, B54AB60F-86EC-4FDC-B9E2-77F15D…)

>>69609Dude save your money, I wouldn’t even pay 300 dollars let alone 500 considering her body looks prepubescent…
No. 69671
>>69669>green slimed>you have great knees by the wayScrotes are a weird bunch.
$300 for a non nude video though? She's never gonna make it with those prices. She sells her titty pics for a lot less.
No. 69688
File: 1571249931846.jpg (67.17 KB, 500x725, 1564699471974.jpg)

>>69649Sage for no new info but felt need to repost pic from previous thread.
>>69671Does she not realize that if she charged reasonable prices she'd get more patrons which would equal more money? Also, $100 now would be better than $300-$500 never…like if she'd said $100 dude prob could've afforded it. Now she has no money because she went too high.
No. 69735
File: 1571273693900.jpg (595.83 KB, 1079x1040, Screenshot_20191016-195406_Chr…)

I'm now calling you "Fat N'Flat" Lori…your shoops are pathetic.
No. 69741
>>69735>>69737Agreed. That sad tat needs to go. Also why shoop out the belly button? It's comical, but also ridiculous.
Another thing, that saggy belly fat pouch needs to go. She's not good at anachan whatsoever with that poochie sticking out.
No. 69757
>>69746looks like maybe a flower with a red and a blue rose?
no idea
No. 69759
File: 1571290561150.jpeg (606.67 KB, 1242x2013, 89E60E4C-1D60-4372-B599-DDBCD0…)

>>69688No worries for her she has idiot lackies who purchase her costumes for her. Two “friends” bought her newest blizzard character outfit with the black wig and racer looking suit for lewds. I think it’s more of men bought it to see her spread her beef curtains for them. That’s why she will never get a job because of pathetic fucks like that.
No. 69828
File: 1571358265478.jpg (590.57 KB, 1079x1459, Screenshot_20191017-172223_Ins…)

>>69759The suit they bought for her. Of course it's the printed version that everyone gets. Easier for lewds I guess?
No. 69847
>>69828has she even fucking seen before? this is so inaccurate it's hilarious, this is belle delphine tier laziness. she really is copying her lmao.
I love that you can still see her pooch/gut (fupa?) through the ill-fitted cheap suit. wig is styled like shit too.
i love when she proves what a dumbass she is. i hope she wears it like this to Banzai ahahahaha plz banzai anons try and slueth us some good milk/pics it's gonna be a sick trashfire
No. 69851
File: 1571371446522.jpeg (308.39 KB, 1108x1738, 5E4FC5D4-9E0A-4BF9-8059-4F8B2F…)

…is it cause she ain’t skinwalking?(cowtipping, selfpost)
No. 69867
>>69856yeah that sugar tits response makes my skin crawl. she's always such a bitch to anyone who isn't praising her, even if they're being nice.
love how she acts like it takes more than a couple minutes to fix the makeup.
No. 69951
File: 1571416980829.jpeg (293.09 KB, 750x2092, 5EB52AA1-C926-4296-A5EC-984693…)

>>69851She posted about you on FB. Saying she has never cared about accuracy but she’ll shit on other ZeRo two cosplayers for the smallest things
No. 69952
File: 1571417007341.jpeg (238.52 KB, 743x1079, 9A845251-97BC-4F2B-AA38-B30A26…)

No. 69979
File: 1571432648975.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1242x1603, B1F78BBB-C529-4074-A405-A06A53…)

No. 69995
>>69979Holy hell, can't wait to see that. Imagine going to a con and seeing wrinkly chibiusa.
>>69851If you ever come back to this thread just know you look like an asshat for cowtipping and including your real instagram. Cow worthy
No. 70030
File: 1571458002094.jpeg (997.86 KB, 1871x2048, 2906C81D-55D2-45D2-9FFB-3E2C7E…)

No. 70100
>>69961>>69963>>69995yeah this wasn't a selfpost, I'm a random instagram user with a hateboner.
cheers for the doxx tho, nice to be called a cunt for calling this tard out in my own time.
File: 1571547936320.jpeg (367.13 KB, 1182x1442, CEAEEED0-D3D0-4003-B721-949182…)

No. 70134
File: 1571553992616.jpg (421.75 KB, 1080x1380, 1525426462173.jpg)

>>70131Maybe that's what she yells when she threatens to commit suicide if Kevin doesn't obey her? Like a true borderline, it's one of her favorite threats.
No. 70149
>>70120>>70106it's not a selfpost jesus. same anon who is screenshotting me and posting it here has been dming me on instagram and clearly follows my youtube antics too. also have evidence they're using my photos to catfish.
screenshot anon, stop. also the mods on here are fucking useless if they're throwing out bans to randoms because of "selfposting" when I'm over here in a completely different continent.
No. 70207
File: 1571610566074.jpg (98.6 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20191020_115017_204.jpg)

I'm loling
No. 70219
File: 1571614612982.jpeg (750.86 KB, 2880x3840, 20191020_193543.jpeg)

>>70207Just a quick cut comparison of Kevs actual face because the editing in this pic on his face is legit hilarious
No. 70346
>>69761Who circled a crease? I see a bad thigh shop and fat flabby stomach.
And making fun of autistic people when your the one here ripping some girl apart for being a bitch, really hypocritical…just sayin'.
No. 70351
File: 1571687524751.png (2.17 MB, 1678x1630, LORIYOUFUCKEDUP.png)

>>69851 HI LORI
on her FB page here it's the same exact screenshot! oh my god Lori you absolute fucking dumbass boomer piece of shit haha I KNEW it was you I was scrapping with.
Mods back me up on this one.
>>69951the battery percentage/time/date is even the same.
my fucking sides
not sage because this is milk, Lori shouldn't you be enjoying yourself at Banzai instead of lurking? so fucking funny
No. 70354
>>70353did you even look at the time of the replies, cause I have a screenshot of the comment she left/when she left it and it's the same. it's her.
i'll get my reciepts hold on brb
No. 70358
File: 1571690223895.jpeg (387.37 KB, 1242x2135, A0CE4618-D33E-4958-9EFB-1BC8AD…)

>>70351>>70354Yeah she posted it to her FB on Thursday, someone screencapped it, cropped it, and posted it that day, then someone screencapped the whole FB post a day after. Not sure I’m following where you’re going with this but feel free to elaborate?
No. 70376
File: 1571694141628.jpg (56.63 KB, 1280x768, IMG_20191021_143537_291.jpg)

Lori must be in a good mood. She almost complimented other women here
No. 70377
File: 1571694374060.png (455.04 KB, 1080x2034, Capture _2019-10-21-17-44-56.p…)

Can we seriously fucking not with the cowtipping already?!?
No. 70378
File: 1571695725664.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1836, 1F05FFC7-DD02-4934-90BF-21C106…)

Severe nausea huh? A cripple is it? These are her poor excuses for not working, but yet she can go to a con for a whole weekend and have no issues. She twist and arch her back with no pain while spreading her pussy lips. It’s all an excuse to sit at home and not play make believe this is the reason why she doesn’t claim disability because she knows she is full of shit.
No. 70398
File: 1571700556678.jpeg (143.43 KB, 720x960, 91B0BD1C-FA5B-4FFB-B91D-2D318E…)

No. 70400
>>70398wow those sunken beady eyes and laugh lines.
she doesn’t look BAD but she does look her age of 35 and definitely not the youthful loli she portrays online.
No. 70411
File: 1571707535525.jpg (129.18 KB, 1080x1350, 75234581_257664348470964_56480…)

No. 70413
File: 1571708042210.jpeg (513.12 KB, 2048x2048, 48A968F5-6E87-43C4-A99A-51462A…)

>>70411Lol put the two together and such a huge difference!
No. 70422
>>70378>crippled>can't lift more than 15lbs>chronic nauseaAll this on top of her "broken spine", funny that she isn't on disability. It's almost as if none of it's true.
>>70399I'm living for these candids, hilarious. Looks like Kev is back on the microwave meals if that gut and double chin is any sign. What happened to him following Lori's starvation diet of lettuce and meat scraps? kek.
>>70399>>70413In what world does a 22 look this rough? There's no way people are seriously mistaking her for being in her early 20s. Her face is absolutely sunken in and her laugh lines are out in full force even when her face is resting. I don't think she's ugly, but she definitely looks her age outside all the ridiculous shoop.
No. 70427
>>70378She could get jobs as a cashier of a desk job somewhere doing literally any task. Bending your back and walking in bad shoes for an entire weekend and not being phased but constantly begs for money. Hypocrite. Maybe if she wasn’t rude or mean to people they would help her ambitions.
>>70413Absolutely horrifying. If she wasn’t such a harsh heinous person, it wouldn’t matter. She’s insanely delusional and needs professional help. I feel pity for them.
No. 70449
>>70387Adding UwU at the end of the comment unprompted, much like Horrorgami did in their post. It seems a little suspect so soon after Horrorgami.
It's not exactly cowtipping but pretty close to it since Lori knows we criticize her using those types of terms. It just keeps lolcow in the forefront of her brain unnecessarily.
>>70398She doesn't look the absolute worst here, but it's horrifying compared to her shoops. If she didn't shoop the shite out of every pic she posts, it wouldn't be such a Stark difference to candids and we'd really only have her gross personality to discuss.
No. 70483
File: 1571758529573.png (1.01 MB, 2048x1346, Screenshot_20191022-102904.png)

What the fuck. This is a pretty psycho thing to say.
No. 70495
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No. 70497
File: 1571771595419.jpeg (149.96 KB, 750x918, 0206A153-6656-4C89-BDFC-E6D3B8…)

No. 70499
File: 1571771684937.jpeg (138.23 KB, 750x888, 22099FA3-9758-48BC-9BA0-05251E…)

No. 70500
File: 1571771719365.jpeg (157.6 KB, 750x1027, BA9116CA-5FBF-45E7-B264-21AF40…)

No. 70501
>>70495"we don't bother reading it anymore"
then proceeds to talk about the exact things posted here that he'd have to read to even know about.
kevin stop. there is a reason people have been following lori's antics for literally 15+ years. you're just brainwashed and part of the problem. gtfo.
No. 70504
>>70499"Lori is an innocent bean"
"If you hate me I hope your family dies >:3"
they truly are the cows that keep on giving milk, keep it up Lori and Kev
No. 70508
>>70495So here's what I think happens:
- Kevin/Lori publicly posts a troubling thing that happens in their relationship such as a really bad fight like the broken computer, lying to each other, Lori abuses him etc. These were all posted where anyone could see it before! Then his friends comment on his post concerned. Lori/Kevin resolve their argument somehow and Kevin brushes it off and says everyone is overreacting. His friends get confused.
- Kevin makes a post about the "hater" site lying about them, which makes his remaining friends curious. The remaining friends discover the site or get tired of Kevin/Lori constantly posting about it/their fights and call him out on it. He responds by blocking them for "not supporting them" when all they're trying to do is help him. They get deleted for not kissing Lori's ass.
- Kevin lurks lolcow when he says he doesn't and makes a post about the lies again and spergs out about how great Lori is and everyone else is a cuck until they have another argument and it circles around.
Who does he even have left at this rate?
No. 70532
I don't know if this in an unpopular opinion, but I think Kevin would have so much amazing potential if it weren't for Lori holding him back. Before he met her, he looked so healthy and was pretty attractive, and he looks like shit now because her garbage lifestyle rubbed off on him, as did her crappy attitude. He could become healthy again, make better friends, could probably start some small, actual career in cosplay at a prop maker, and find a beautiful, healthy, happy girlfriend who gives him all of her love and treats him like a human being. He seems like an asshole right now, but I think that's mainly due to Lori always hanging over his shoulder. Kev, wake up, you could be so much better than this.
No. 70537
File: 1571794419537.png (120.85 KB, 836x212, Capture _2019-10-22-21-31-29~2…)

>>70495I've highlighted my fave passage. Fucking roflcopter. Thanks for sharing the milk.
>>70515Holy fuck yes so true!
No. 70549
>>70537This shit is legit sad. Pathetic. It really, really gets under their skin, huh? And they deserve it.
While it is true that con lighting often sucks, the fact of the matter is Lori especially edits the living shit out of herself, and more importantly, she blatantly LIES about it after the fact. If she were honest, no one would care, but let's be real if she were just an honest person overall she wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be here to ""hate"" on her and Kevin.
No. 70550
>>70483>>70495>>70499>>70500Their sperg outs are some of the best. Kev literally did the math on how many posts were on lolcow about them? But he "totally doesn't read here no more". kek.
>>70472It's totally just her amazing apartment lighting changing her entire face and body anon! Oh, and the hotel lighting, and the outdoor lighting, and any of the other lighting where she takes her own photos of course.
No. 70563
Countless others before Lori made him cut them all off
No. 70564
>>70563another cow and two nobodies doesn't make him a clout chaser. momo maybe but i've never heard of the other two.
he said lori was his "original senpai" that he looked up to the most but maybe he just said that to impress her.
No. 70568
>>70565oh those are the other two who got engaged in front of a big crowd at AX. kevin probably got the big mads that he impulsively proposed next to the cosplay repair and nobody cared.
and moo is the one who "rescued" kev after the first break-up only for him to bring lori into his parents house and moo to break contact with him after. who'd have thought moo would have the most sense for once?
No. 70603
File: 1571842499992.png (55.52 KB, 1056x313, Screenshot_2019-10-23-10-51-08…)

Sage for semiunrelated. I just saw this text meme on my FB feed and it reminded me of Lori when she gets compliments.
No. 70620
File: 1571867212080.jpg (238.07 KB, 720x960, 73053597_685040658571891_24393…)

I don't think either of them look bad here. But they definitely don't look anything like Lori's photos kek
No. 70623
>>70620Kevin looks great here! Definitely his best angle. Much better than the SNOW filters with huge eyes.
Lori looks like an angry hag.
No. 70624
>>70620I agree anon. They actually look pretty decent overall, esp Kevin.
It's just sad that when we compare a pic like this to Lori's overshooped Meitu feverdreams, this is so dramatically different. I feel like it makes me think they look worse in these normal pics than they really do because I'm so used to Lori's anime shoops.
No. 70644
File: 1571880490073.jpeg (276.58 KB, 750x957, F284D3BF-2851-40C9-83E3-235B7C…)

Aaaaand the cycle begins again!
No. 70661
>>70644Holy shit Kev. Super
oof. If he's telling the truth, then I legit feel bad for him in this instance. Clout chaser, anachan fetishizer, and whatever else aside; if you don't want your fiancee in a Lewds group that you can't be part of Then you have a right to that.
No. 70664
File: 1571886451525.png (452.74 KB, 380x500, Screenshot7763572672.png)

>>70662nope sorry.
seems they made up, deleted the fight post, and are posting future cosplay plans.
he loves his shuvi, you know.
No. 70665
>>70664Knew it wouldn't be longer than a few hours until this shit. Pathetic.
At least with how devoid of expression that character looks, seems right up Lori's alley.
No. 70667
>>70666for some reason most every time there's an argument with them, he will at first try to contact Lori's friends.
this happened previously with the post of how he was afraid Lori was cheating on him with her ex Rikki. I'm guessing he thinks HER friends will have a better chance to make her listen and stop screaming at him.
No. 70670
>>70644Since he is the breadwinner, it's not like he's actually trapped there.
He probably likes this dynamic, keeps it interesting for him. He is not objecting to her
making lewds, he's scared she'll pick up a new guy in the group and he won't be able to stop it.
No. 70671
>>70644I used to read this thread because I remember hearing about how crazy Lori was back in the day when she was Usagi Kou and the milk was entertaining, but knowing she's such an
abusive cunt to this guy makes my stomach drop.
Kevin, if you're lurking, GET OUT. You can do it. It feels like you can't when you're in an
abusive relationship but you need to kick this bitch out and start living your life again. You're a minor cow on this board but only because of your relationship with Lori. Get out of that relationship.
No. 70682
File: 1571898861324.jpg (115.96 KB, 774x578, UsagiKou015.jpg)

>>70505lori has a looooooong history of cheating on every partner she has ever had. she already cheated on kevin with ricky in the past. lori is absolute trash - a known liar and impulsive attention whore. knowing her, I'd be shocked if she WASN'T currently cheating on him.
kevin is seriously retarded if he thinks he is exempt from lori's lies and manipulation - fucking around and cheating are lifelong patterns for her
kevin, you dumb cuck, you are not special to lori. some of us have known her for over a decade, seen her patterns play out time and time again. ALWAYS wrap your shit up and get yourself regularly tested if you're gonna keep sticking your dick in crazy. lori's reputation for being a cancer is well established so don't go crying to your former friends when your dick inevitably rots off (if she hasn't already castrated you) No. 70688
>>70664he said she's blackmailing him, so I guess he's been blackmailed into deleting the posts. I think we should stop assuming they made up or resolved it in any way, it's more plausible they're at rocks all the time and she forced him to do damage control.
>>70495in this, the biggest praise he choked out is "I like her, I think she's cute" lol he couldn't even bear to love bomb her properly.
I genuinely think they lowkey hate each other at this point. She must have something on Kevin that keeps him in the relationship, I wonder what that is.
No. 70710
>>70688DDLG? As in dorky dipshit/lori grandma?
saged retarded joke
No. 70727
>>70725yeah in all honesty the anons here have been pretty nice and supportive of his shitty situation. moreso than most of the threads here. lots of white-knighting but ya know. if the majority of them here are truly ex-friends lori has chased off they'd probably welcome him back and support him and get him help if he did finally leave her for good.
buut she has her claws in him pretty deep and anyone who isn't an asslicker is just a hater to him. i don't think he really even cares about friends anymore.
No. 70730
>>70620>>70622I'm surprised that I'm agreeing with the other anons, Kevin actually looks kind of cute here minus the ill fitting suit? Lori legit looks like his mom here though. She's not ugly for her age, but she's got deep laughlines and a very mature face.
>>70644Surprise, surprise.
>>70650She was literally cheating on him with her ex before they moved to another state. Even then there was talk about her texting/calling her ex behind Kevin's back. Kevin is a grade A cuck at this point. He's going to just keep cycling through and go straight back into the denial and lovebombing phase soon enough.
>>70664kek. And here we go. Right on schedule. What's with Lori trying to pick all these loli types lately? Has all the shoop and filters gone to her head?
>>70682Exactly this. She's a user, and it's exactly why she has such a huge fit anytime Kevin doesn't bend to her will. It's only going to keep getting worse for him really. She's not even properly working anymore now that she doesn't have his parents on her ass about it.
>>70690They did at one point and Kev looked absolutely ghastly. Hiro just isn't a flattering cosplay for him. The bakugo is better.
>>70705She recently was saying she was struggling with gaining some weight. She's healthy, just sorta skinny fat due to lack of exercise. Both her and Kevin have reee'd about "fatties" though.
No. 70845
File: 1572044797201.jpeg (1.49 MB, 541x4032, C1E1CA2C-08C0-45DC-970A-A06EC5…)

No. 70848
>>70845you know Lori, maybe some people keep a sfw Twitter and don't want to share your deformed Jeff the killer non-sexy ""lewds""
Also I hope you have that same policy with helping your "friends" (aka lackeys) but we know you sure as shit don't
God Lori and Kevin both are so embarrassing. It's a wonder how anyone is left.
No. 70853
>>70845Imagine being this big of a cunt that people implying you should do what is essentially rt for rt and you telling them to gtfo.
I'm surprised people still bother being friended to her tbh. She's either insufferable or being a whore.
No. 70855
File: 1572050312770.jpg (407.95 KB, 960x965, MYXJ_20191025173708_save.jpg)

I like how even while she's making this attempt at "networking" with other ethots, she's RTing a lot of girls that are chubbier/what she probably seems as "uglier" than her/anyone who she feels Kevin wouldn't be drooling over
No. 71050
File: 1572067096560.jpeg (59.89 KB, 640x190, 55641710-CCC2-405D-A830-CA5D05…)

Jesus Christ they can’t be serious
No. 71075
>>71052I fully agree. This can't and won't go on much longer, and 3 years seems a generous estimate. Kev has already been with her 2.5/3 years and it's clear based on a lot of his posts that he's pretty exhausted. Plus her Lewds seem pretty tame so I doubt that career will take off.
The crash, burn, and resulting milk is gonna be awesome I'm sure.
No. 71078
File: 1572115865966.jpeg (135.03 KB, 750x1110, 7D6D3DD2-AB76-42F0-888C-AE36D1…)

Lori has been non stop posting about being shadowbanned but doesn’t even know what it means. Also why is Lori such a cunt to anyone who asks a simple question? “Google is your friend” fuck you, you don’t even know the answer yourself.
No. 71079
File: 1572116060127.jpg (301.16 KB, 960x949, MYXJ_20191026115228_save.jpg)

I don't know what's funnier, the fact that a 30+ year old women
really tagged herself as loli or the fact that this literal drooling retard tagged this as fatestaynight when Ibaraki is from FGO and it takes 2 seconds to look that up
No. 71102
File: 1572131668826.jpeg (970.83 KB, 828x1343, A709156C-EC15-4F8D-8C01-362F02…)

Always thought she was classier than doing porn. There’s a lot she and her broken back could do then………this
No. 71104
>>71102>Lori>ClassyPick one. She's been a whore for over a decade now. Her brand of whoring herself out had just modernized to what's current.
Also I like how she censored her ass to imply anything is beneath the censor. She's wearing those ugly ahegao panties that you can see above it, and it's so filtered to shit that if there were anything to see beneath, you wouldn't regardless.
No. 71116
>>71102What the heck is this editing and angle? Her legs/feet look weirdly lumpy and masculine here. Her face is edited so small it looks like she's got a missing chromosome. kek
>>71078She's so rude. I wonder if it's because it's a cute girl asking the question? Typical Lori.
No. 71117
File: 1572139891028.jpg (621.57 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191026_212912.jpg)

>>71102Anon, Lori has never been classy. Just slightly better at pretending not to be an actual prostitute.
Also. She deadass edited this pic to the SAME face as Kevin from that Area 51 meme parody they did and I am keking so hard.
No. 71140
>>71102>that hair blending into her chinand what the hell is going on with her collar and bikini strap? are her neck and hair blurred together?
>the red handis this after she castrated kevin? jesus christ
No. 71150
>>71138Honestly I have considered this as well. Lori is batshit and insecure so it wouldn’t surprise me if she demanded passwords and access to Kevin’s social media. She is
toxic af in relationships (more so than she is in general) so it wouldn’t surprise me I’m the slightest.
No. 71344
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No. 71345
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No. 71346
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No. 71347
>>71344Actually, the poses are not that similar the hand and chin placement are different and the other girl's posture is better and gives a better body line.
She can't own a pose. I'm surprised she hasn't tried to "copyright" it. Lol
These people are right they are shaming this girl for no reason.
No. 71352
>>71346This says
“Looks like my photo”
“But something is missing”
No. 71353
File: 1572364614210.jpeg (116.94 KB, 734x856, 4C859251-10F1-4BD1-BCBB-3E920A…)

“This picture is PERFECT”
“I love her so much! 😭💕”
Lori: “You must see mine ♡”
No. 71357
File: 1572365784747.png (630.16 KB, 1253x2048, 1755629312.png)

Kind of rich she's complaining about a pose, when also making fun of noflutter for having her art clearly stolen.
No. 71359
>>71344So Kevin admits he is officially Lori's "official" photographer.
As long suspected, Kevin is indeed the fool snapping shots of Lori's creepy deformed feet and micro-tiddies for foot fetishists and pedophiles.
So how soon until Kevin publicly admits his cuckolding fetish? Because that's the only semi-sane explanation for their dumpster fire of a "relationship." The only other explanation (and, honestly the most plausible) is that Kevin and Lori are both raging narcissists with low-to-average (at best) levels of functionality and intelligence.
No. 71363
>>71344Kevin: “The problem is not with the girl [Zero Two cosplayer who Lori has accused of copying her pose], I don’t like the photo, because it’s just too similar. I’m allowed to voice displeasure. But my problem is with people who NEVER like our stuff and only come out to comment stuff exactly like this. My issue is I’ve literally watched higher follower counts defend themselves and be praised. Why is Lori being pegged as the bad guy? This dude is attacking her for saying ‘meh’ basically. Not to mention a lot of people on my friends list are twofaced and cap my shit and post to hate websites. I’m fed up. You can only be in the right if you’re famous? Miss me with that. Your friends have done this too. Ive seen it,…and everyone sucks the ghost of their dick for it and agrees but for SOME reason it’s not okay for Lori and I to do it.”
Also Kevin: Could this possibly be because Lori is an infamous thundercunt who alienates herself through shitty behavior? …Nah, I'll just blame her self-induced social problems and drama-mongering on everyone else.
If cosplayers were places, Lori would be Chernobyl — some really big drama happened decades ago, but that bitch is still
toxic as fuck and people only visit to gawk at the wreckage.
No. 71364
>>71363In all seriousness Lori is pretty “famous.”
But the things she is known for aren’t good ones. She’s been making a racket online for poor behavior for nearly twenty years. I don’t understand how he doesn’t realize that.
Lori isn’t some nobody. She’s been a seasoned cow since the early 2000s and a lot of people’s first intro to cosplay drama. If she wanted to truly reinvent herself she wouldn’t be acting the exact same way and turning people on to her antics.
Kevin, so-called “famous” people don’t get a pass. Your girl is famous! Just not in the way you want. Kek.
No. 71366
>>71364Infamous is the word you're looking for. People know of Lori because she's a massive bitch.
>>71363I can't fathom someone being this stupid. Kevin, people come after you guy because you're huge assholes who drag other innocent cosplayers into your bullshit because Lori is insecure and jealous. You and your elderly gf wouldn't be the butt of all the criticism if you weren't such garbage human beings.
No. 71367
>>71364Agreed. And there's a VERY good reason why Kevin refuses to acknowledge Lori's online infamy.
If Kevin admitted that Lori is 'internet famous,' he would have to justify her long, well-documented history of bullshit. Evidence shows that Lori was and is an
abusive cunt. And, if the mountains of evidence are correct and Lori IS a terrible human being, then what does that say about Kevin? It indicates that he is an equally shitty human for remaining in a relationship with her. But his ego can't admit this.
So Kevin chooses to deflect criticism, rationalize Lori's bad behavior, blame others, feign ignorance of Lori's infamy — anything to psychologically distance himself from the truth that (1) Lori is deservedly "internet famous" for being an psycho cunt and (2) he is just as much of a piece of shit as Lori.
To be fair, I think both of them have borderline intellectual functioning. But Kevin's willful ignorance of Lori's past/present behavior serves a deeper purpose — it shields his ego from the "bad feelings" that would inevitably arise if he were to reflect on what kind of person he is.
TLDR — Kevin is subconsciously aware that he and Lori are terrible people. This truth makes him feel bad so he pretends it isn't true.
No. 71375
>>71370"AX engagement was for show/attention and they’re not actually planning anything real"
so just like everything else in their life? sounds about right
No. 71393
File: 1572387972790.png (675.34 KB, 750x1334, B633A615-9266-48DE-A010-0EEA80…)

From the other zero two’s ig story… someone translate? LMFAO explains why Lori deleted her comments.
No. 71397
>>713931st comment: you're forgetting something.
2nd comment: this looks like my photo.
3rd comment: you must have seen mine.
1. That pose is the go-to pose for any female character to be sexy.
2. I've never heard of you.
3. Search for Usagi Kou drama on Google.
No. 71401
File: 1572391286522.jpg (46.58 KB, 596x628, ed7.jpg)

>>71393Liecht is a goddess, kek. Lori keeps pushing it, trying to "call out" other cosplayers for "copying her" or just outright insulting them, and finally someone told her to fuck right off. We'll probably have an influx of random new people to the thread but at least they'll see Lori for who she is.
No. 71403
>>71402You're right, lmao. In early 2000s everything violent and rude was acceptable and encouraged. It's why other drama whores like Jefree Star got so popular.
Lori is fucked for life - no matter what website she goes to she's going to think it's Myspace.
No. 71415
File: 1572400170800.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 4FDA1804-9B68-42EC-9918-BF5C02…)

I’m so glad this cosplayer called her out, can’t wait to see their response
No. 71420
>>71415>>71416Actually it says "I'm gonna expose her, and if needed, I'll expose her even more"
Kind of a common brazilian slang when exposing liars. Polite sage
No. 71425
File: 1572417727162.png (8.75 MB, 1242x2208, FCE8B171-DBBA-46DB-A012-BB724D…)

Why does Lori look like a recovering burn victim?
No. 71426
File: 1572418103451.png (2.01 MB, 1612x1110, fame.png)

>>71367looks like Lori is also pushing the "I'm totally not cosplay famous (anymore)" narrative too.
does Kevin really believe that bullshit? or does he just play along to prevent her from throwing a shitfit? i'm guessing he has to walk on eggshells around her
No. 71436
>>71426The same girl kissing her ass here is the one she was being rude to just a few days ago.
>>71078 kek.
No. 71470
File: 1572484638472.jpeg (150.54 KB, 739x798, 53BC2088-64A9-4BF5-BE46-0D8FD3…)

I always knew Lori was the alpha in her relationship
No. 71525
>>71515yeah. she's allowed to have a patreon, post nudes, post feet pics, post about her strap on, chat to guys
if kevin even tries to be friends with a girl or even looks at one she screams bloody murder and they get into massive fights. lol
kevin has the pussy here.
No. 71548
File: 1572603125247.jpg (372.25 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20191101-210929__01…)

Aside from the usual shopping atrocities, did she also shop her nose up-turned? Because I swear it's more hooked in like every other photo kek
No. 71556
>>71548Holy shit she did lol
And here I always wondered why her nose shape was the one thing she never usually photoshopped. She always makes it smaller, but it's super downturned and droopy and she never seemed to change that.
No. 71587
File: 1572640862872.png (313.26 KB, 1078x1689, Capture _2019-11-01-16-39-36.p…)

>>71568She claims to have played, but only on PlayStation and maybe not a lot.
No. 71588
File: 1572640968481.png (133.97 KB, 1079x706, Capture _2019-11-01-16-40-18.p…)

Samefag but I thought you guys would appreciate this from beneath that same post she made on IG
No. 71601
File: 1572652496856.png (2.6 MB, 1242x2688, 46C68A24-941A-4F58-8C6D-3285D7…)

>>71589Apparently she is realizing that she isn’t a vampire like she thought.
No. 71615
>>71602Holy fuck could she lurk the thread any harder?
"Gotta 'stay' plump" - whatever you reckon Loonie kek
No. 71617
File: 1572662752171.jpg (15.1 KB, 640x480, wrf.jpg)

>>67942>Does anyone else think Kevin is thick? I wish i could make his ass does that even mean ?
No. 71642
>>71617the general consensus here is Kevin is hot. Sure he looks fine but his personality is disgusting.
This is just anons being retarded or maybe it’s kev himself posting again. Who knows
No. 71664
File: 1572706406837.jpg (239.32 KB, 1080x1256, Screenshot_20191102_105253.jpg)

O o f
No. 71670
>>71664At first I thought Lori wrote this since she said it was her photo. But damn Kevin you’re digging your own grave. It’s not that girls fault that people can look her up on Google as your darling had a reputation since the very beginning of early 2000’s. All she had to do is research her current name then BAM! She probably doesn’t even know her at first until others told her to look up her drama.
I’m just waiting for their friends response since this is just plain petty and something an insecure 15 year old would write. Not a 25 year old.
No. 71676
>>71664It switches from so many perspectives it's honestly jarring.
It's either Kev is actively losing IQ with Lori (possible) or she knows his password lmao
No. 71678
>>71654the male g spot is in the butthole
sage for … general faggotry I guess? lol
No. 71681
>>71678I have no desire to put anything up anyone's ass or have anyone put anything up mine. Anal hurts and I don't trust men who into that shit(pun not intended)
sage for off topic
No. 71684
>>71682yeah, makes perfect sense a cosplayer in BRAZIL who speaks BRAZILIAN would know about this thread and come posting in here, no?
but ok kevin. bring more people here! show them the truth! all it takes is a simple google search of lori's instagram name to see her history on the internet. doesn't matter if she isn't going by usagi kou on ig anymore. the lolcow thread is second in the search results for any of her names.
i hope someone capped that post. i can't believe he's in his mid-20s acting like this.
No. 71686
>>71684they don't speak Brazilian…that's a nationality. It's Portuguese kek
>>71642I never understood how anons thought he was hot. He looks like an average pasty white boy who is into cosplay because there isn't jack shit to do in whatever bumfuck place they live.
No. 71705
>>71686Never thought he was hot, just not some fucking troglodyte. Think hes dumb as dirt but not so bad at crafting cosplay. His bakugo aint bad.
Bottom line his life his decisions to envelope himself in crazy.
No. 71710
File: 1572787177572.png (1.98 MB, 1860x886, insecurities.png)

Kevin: "you somehow are pushing your own securities on others on social media, yikes!"
pot meet kettle
No. 71716
>>71714> wasnt screaming about imagined copycats a Lori thing?100000%
Kevin is basically morphing into a mini Lori. He is her ultimate minion.
No. 71719
File: 1572816126804.jpeg (71.86 KB, 1280x720, 66015AF0-CA40-4596-BDDC-D22192…)

>>71717It is a pose done in the show. If they tried to say others were copying them for that pose it would be absurd.
No. 71761
File: 1572852125706.png (2.15 MB, 1860x1118, animueyes.png)

Reasonable Person: "your eyes are too big"
Kevin: "not that anime character eyes are 3x larger than a regular persons but ok small eyes"
No. 71774
File: 1572871568778.png (2.8 MB, 2274x1222, 830a3bl3.png)

so this is Lori's Twitter banner
No. 71783
>>71759She would go a long way with some self acceptance and filtering the petty, unnecessary comments. She's not a bad looking woman but her edits are jarring. She should drop whatever apps she's using to tweak her face and embrace the fact she's a good-looking woman in her mid 30's. People are all going to see her in person so the extreme face edits are just sort of funny and make her seem fake.
Secondly, it seems like the only things she talks about is either herself or comparing herself to others in a way that's exclusively insulting to the other person. It's like shes can't talk to other people without mocking undertones or straight up putting them down. She might see an uptick in genuine interest if she wasnt such an asshole. Her "But look at meeeeeee, I did it better!!!" comments are not endearing and fuel this page more than any real following. Literally all she has to do is not post anything mean. If she could give genuine compliments and have more to talk about than just herself, she might be able to build herself up within the community.
No. 71790
File: 1572894594446.jpeg (323.55 KB, 725x1731, 5A4F425E-B333-4420-84FA-2AC7A5…)

No post from Lori about the anniversary, but only two years and they’ve been engaged half that?
No. 71792
>>71761>okay small eyesThe fact he said this to an asian dude too. kek.
>>71783She just needs to come clean about her past drama, own up to being a shitty person in general, and do better? Stop being negative, stop attacking literally anyone over the smallest things, stop being a general shitbag to people in real life too? It'll never happen.
>>71790Dat lovebombing tho. I wonder if they got into another fight because they had "technical difficulties" so she stormed off to bed early. Weird how he says they've only been together for two years and that he hasn't had a relationship for even half that amount of time before. No wonder he was such an easy target for her.
No. 71798
>>71783These are nice suggestions, but they'll never happen.
To think that Lori will ever change (even with intensive long-term psych treatment) is naive and foolish.
People like her rarely, if ever, "get better." Lori has strong narcissistic, borderline, and histrionic traits. Because she very likely has a personality disorder(s), her shitty behavior is "ego syntonic" — this means that she has no internal motivation to change because abusing and manipulating people feels "right" to her. It also explains why she throws temper tantrums when people call out her bullshit.
tl;dr — Lori is a piece of shit person and a predator.
No. 71811
File: 1572916312496.jpg (74.83 KB, 1080x1350, 74441251_414484892839292_99163…)

No. 71812
File: 1572916406791.png (1.8 MB, 2160x1350, this.png)

No. 71816
File: 1572919472391.jpg (1.47 MB, 1920x2560, 19-11-05-12-44-32-592_deco.jpg)

This is a nitpick but why is she capiable of drawing her shadow at a decent trajectory but her eyeliner is always squewed upwards like that atrocity in the back? Although I must admit her eyeliner does suit her personality kek.
No. 71837
File: 1572937212087.jpg (408.9 KB, 1080x1788, Screenshot_20191105-175336__01…)

>>71816Comparing the two different noses in those pics and her insta I've come to the conclusion a smol upturned nose is her current shop obsession. It's legit getting smaller and more upturned with every post lmao
>Here's an example of her nose a while back (keep in mind it's shopped too) but you can barely see her eye poking out from behind it No. 71894
>>71812Still wearing those wonky fangs on the wrong tooth too. kek. God forbid she wears them right and reveals her missing tooth.
>>71837Has the skinwalking gone so far that she's skinwalking 02 cosplaying now? Is that why her shit demon cosplay has the pink eyebrows too? she's demented.
No. 71899
File: 1573001361282.jpg (332.86 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20191106-114513__01…)

Her choice of table cloth annoys me it literally compliments none of her cosplays. I think at this point a white sheet would make a better background. Saged for nitpick
No. 72024
File: 1573091798408.jpg (407.72 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20191107-125233__01…)

>>71984I love cows who 'subtly' use our advice to better themselves lol. I don't it's going too well if this picture is any indication.
She 'fixed' the angle of her nose but not her makeup kek
No. 72025
File: 1573091959582.jpg (362.7 KB, 1080x1579, Screenshot_20191107-125830__01…)

Pretty sure these suits are meant to create the illusion of an ass…
No. 72041
File: 1573100338659.png (5.53 MB, 2160x2474, BluePaisleyZeroTwo.png)

She posted new pics to Instagram. Her face is the same in every pic
No. 72118
File: 1573170162639.jpg (436.81 KB, 1080x1754, Screenshot_20191108-104153__01…)

Kek I think she listened to the thread because look a magical face change ~
No. 72206
File: 1573272298805.png (7.13 MB, 2160x2160, ZeroTwovsLori.png)

She posted these today. She said it was her "cosplay makeup vs everyday gremlin" …
No. 72262
File: 1573343031018.png (3.15 MB, 1080x2034, Capture _2019-11-09-11-14-25.p…)

Posted in Stories sometime in the last 24 hours.
In what universe does this old bag "work her butt off"?! Fucking roflcopter.
No. 72264
>>72206I was thinking the same thing when I saw that on her Insta.
Sage for samefag as above post.
No. 72287
>>72262She should work her butt off- back to the bathroom to fix her previously magenta hair, which is now turning orange.
Like is she even going to nail the colour or is she going to continue harrassing cosplayers with more accurate wigs kek
No. 72296
>>72287She did that same shit in her Sailor Moon days; bagging on more accurate cosplays that included wigs or even, le gasp, handmade outfits way better than hers.
>>72284Ugh I should've known that was her hard work
No. 72320
File: 1573403180880.jpeg (178.11 KB, 750x1004, 32ADDF31-21FB-436A-AC6B-888995…)

No. 72321
File: 1573403231954.jpeg (241.54 KB, 750x1128, 0299CD71-2392-48F9-952D-D0B768…)

Their relationship is all about the likes to Kevin
No. 72328
>>72324Narcissists always be
No. 72345
>>72320This is the least self-aware thing I have ever seen, big yikes.
>>72321Lori is an old hag and Kevin refuses to grow the fuck up. God, neither of them have any social awareness whatsoever, it's so embarrasing
No. 72376
>>72345I was going to say the same thing Anon!
Tinfoil, but, the post is almost so lacking in self awareness that I almost wonder if Lori posted it just to troll everyone. Is Lori clever enough to do that?
No. 72397
File: 1573445068633.jpeg (140.25 KB, 750x1033, 6D66BD3F-ED66-43A7-A0CE-E663D9…)

No. 72398
File: 1573445253117.jpeg (323.98 KB, 750x1805, 332763CF-7AE3-4C87-B181-757200…)

No. 72399
File: 1573445716771.jpeg (338.34 KB, 750x2491, 38351518-7549-4B02-80F5-A5B695…)

Lmfaoooo she’s delusional, no you have no ass Lori
No. 72401
>>72399Lori when I posted this
>>72025 I was saying you have a complete lack of an ass not the total opposite.
Looking at her behind is why I know what it looks like when a human's leg's connects directly to their torso with nothing in between. She's literally an internal point of reference for me when gaging how small someone's ass is kek.
No. 72402
File: 1573447748636.webm (976.9 KB, 640x800, wink.webm)
No. 72434
File: 1573489264581.png (5.3 MB, 2160x1350, dva.png)

No. 72440
>>72397Kevin's jealousy is so apparent. We already know he's only with Lori for "status" (you chose wrong btw, hers is only negative) and for her body but he is such an obvious social climber. So many of his posts are just him begging to be more popular. Seriously dude, it's not as subtle as you think.
I can't believe that I was defending this guy a couple threads ago, the more I learn about him the more it's 100% clear that they deserve each other.
>>72434For all Lori's talk about people copying her she sure seems to be okay with copying Belle Delphine.
No. 72480
File: 1573511851717.jpg (82.84 KB, 1080x689, Screenshot_20191112-093637__01…)

>>72440Kek at least she's being honest about it, I'm genuinely suprised
No. 72483
File: 1573512652246.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1445, Capture _2019-11-11-17-42-19~2…)

>>72480I'm shocked at her honesty. Glsd someone called her out on it, because it's pretty damn egregious. She even shoops her face and features to look like Belle.
No. 72492
>>72485My mouth is naturally shaped like that but in my defence I line my upper lip to correct the proportions lmao
I suspect they think it makes them look younger but it honestly looks eerily similar to Jeff the killer, possibly because it's all done on snow
No. 72503
File: 1573522440183.jpeg (437.44 KB, 750x1405, 19165715-A7B0-40B1-AC20-945B87…)

No. 72506
>>72503They wouldn't apologize because they had nothing to apologize for, Kevin. Seriously, how lacking self awareness can someone be? Have you not seen the posts you've made when shits hit the fan? How Lori has said she'd say you're raping her? How YOU yourself have said she screams and throws a shit fit when she doesn't get her way or when you question her even though she's cheated before?
This is pathetic. They both deserve to be alone aside from one another. And if I tried to help a friend and they demanded an apology from me after when they were the one crying for help and assisting in making their s/o look like a lunatic or a monster, yeah I'd fucking leave too. Seems reasonable.
Kevin, we know you're lurking. You have no one but yourself to blame at this point.
No. 72509
>>72503… so he’s saying that because of the stuff HE POSTED, that now it’s our faults for thinking Lori is a monster?
Kevin YOU are the one who said she is abusing you several times and now you want your friends to apologize for thinking what you posted is true?!
No. 72512
>>72503Fuck he's such a typical narc. Idk if he's always been this way (only been lurking since the last thread) but wow they're made for each other. They both know full well they are responsible for the mess they're in but their narc pride won't let them accept it, thus the pile of shit we just read.
>I'm 100 friends fewerI highly doubt all "100" of your friends are awful people. In fact posting with the assumption they're all in the wrong shows you for the narc you truely are Kevin. You'd honestly have to be deranged not to notice that. But the ships sinking, so who cares right? Gotta get them pity points before they run out.
No. 72517
>>72503These are the Kevin posts I come here for. Thank you anon. This is amazing. What a delusional and hilarious post. I don't even know where to start. I fucking LOVE how he ended by saying that he wanted to be everybody's hero but he hopes that he's still Lori's hero because that's what is precious.
No. 72518
There's just something about this whole situation that is so telling of how mentally and emotionally immature these two are. There's Lori, mid 30s and living like an 18 year old shut in. Seriously, all these photos alone in their room camming for fap bucks. Does she talk to anyone offline besides Kevin?
And there's Howdy Doody. Jfc man have that left nut drop please. Firstly, if Lori was disabled, she'd be able to collect disability like the fatties out there. What, she can't collect?, then tell the bitch get a job. Second, and read this really carefully, your friends have one interest in you. Your happiness. They need you for nothing but companionship. You dig? Lori NEEDS you or she's homeless.
So who do you believe, those with nothing to lose but a friend, or someone who will lose everything if things go bad. Didn't your dad teach you about not sticking your dick in crazy?, because the past of Usagi Kou is batshit.
No. 72519
>>72503Holy fucking kekballs Batman. What a sad narc-lunatic.
>I've lost 100 friendsMy dude, probably they weren't all "real ones" anyway because who has 100 close friends IRL? Also, could he BE any more obsessed with social status?
>I wanted to be everyone's hero but I hope I'm still hers because she's what's precious to meBarf. Ultra barf. Kev isn't precious to her; Jesus she has him so frickin brainwashed.
No. 72520
>>72509It's insane. He's saying it's his fault for poisoning his friends against Lori because of his rants. Uh, it's not normal to break each other's shit during arguments. All the stuff he desperately posted to Facebook when him and Lori were fighting was really red flag, alarming shit. That's what his friends were worried about and didn't like. I'm not friends with either of them and don't have access to either of their facebooks but ffs…
I can't speak as a former friend of Kevin's but I could tell in the various screenshots that the friends expressing concern about these events were very confused and didn't know how to approach it when, one moment Kevin is pleading for anyone's help because Lori is missing/threatening suicide/threatening to harm pets/destroying possessions/etc, and then the next minute, sometimes within 15-20 minutes of one of these Kevin cry for help statuses he will delete that one and post a different status either a) ignoring that he made the cry for help post at all or b) some really awkward attempt at "smoothing out" the situation by explaining things down like "We all get angry in relationships. Lori and i are no different" when it's very clear to anyone reading his description of their fights, that it isn't normal relationship fighting and it's really
toxic and crosses the line into abuse quite often.
So when Kevin makes one of these "smoothing out" posts, I've seen some of the friends from the earlier post acting rightfully concerned, confused, and I'm sure a lot of them have just distanced themselves.
No. 72525
>>72503She moved mountains to be with you? Selling her clothes and getting rid of her pet cat is "moving mountains"?
Dear, she just moved to you because you were completely okay with dropping out of college to work your ass off to support her. "Moved mountains" my ass – if that were the case she'd get a full time job and cover 50% of the utilities/rent, etc.
Your friends moved mountains to get you out of that
abusive shitty relationship, and you decided to jump back into the hole they pulled you out of.
C'mon Kevin, you don't honestly believe that you deserve their friendship, do you? They deserve better friends than you.
No. 72541
>>72539Same. I can’t see his posts either. The real question is how many of his ex-friends found out the actual truth about Lori because he led them here himself with all his “hate site” posts? It was so easy to look up. Literally the second thing that comes up when look up Lori’s name.
I’m sure that’s the friends fault too! Why couldn’t we just have apologized for following the information he gave us?
No. 72554
>>72480I just find it funny that it's okay for her to blatantly and admittedly copy Belldelphine.. but another cosplayer gets hate for doing a pose that's widely used, but yet somehow that cosplayer oBvIoUsly copied Lori's? Interesting, mate.
>>72503"My friendship meant so little that not a single sorry was uttered besides a select few." Hmm. Why should your friends apologize for being concerned about your well being and disliking a person who has done proven emotional and physical damage to you? Damn son, I can't even feel sorry for Kevin anymore, kek. You two crazy kids deserve each other. How's that for support? "I couldn't convince you to give her a chance." kek… just stop venting about your little bitch fights? Just a suggestion.
And I'm still laughing at him saying he refuses to be walked on… unless it's by broke back lori, gotcha.
No. 72567
File: 1573577047154.png (5.32 MB, 1242x2688, D78FFB51-A6AA-4E2A-BD19-61CC80…)

I’m just gonna leave this here…. burger nipples= not sexy.
No. 72571
>>72503>100 people who know me think she's bad for me but I think she's goodThat short sighted teenage 'us against the world' delusion
>>72567What does the burger underwear have to two with zero two? She probably showers and sleeps in those lame horns
No. 72573
File: 1573580080745.gif (859.47 KB, 244x200, tenor (1).gif)

>>72503>I want precious enough>that's what is precious to meHe went full Gollum.
If someone could shoop those retarded Hiro horns onto this gif, that would be great.
10/10 milk. This is the type of shit I visit /w/ for.
No. 72608
File: 1573600926912.png (2.15 MB, 1077x1713, Capture _2019-11-10-19-43-10.p…)

>>72567Saged for nitpick but Lori's weird hip-fat situation really grosses me out. She needs to quit doing these types of pose.
No. 72644
>>72631Him hitting rock bottom would happen very soon after seeing her history of abuse.
Also before I ended up on his excluded list, I vaguely saw them tagged themselves on a post with pictures of a pink kitty girl and a black haired guy from FFXIV. If they are gonna try to get into FFXIV to skinwalk, they're gonna get roasted alive by that community. If they did do that, I predict that Lori will be wearing pink cat ears 24/7 instead of those dumb horns which both are tacky.
No. 72661
>>72644>lori and kev getting into ffxivYikes, on one hand I hope not. On the other it's very unlikely because:
- the game is expensive as fuck so they'd have to give up something to play it and stay subbed
- it's not beginner friendly and you need a fuckton of patience getting into it, I can't see Lori having that patience
- Lori will 100% become even more of an e-girl and get roped into the lewd/ERP side of FFXIV, idk if Kevin will be able to handle another layer of cuckolding
- God forbid they start frequenting /xivg/
No. 72688
>>72686They would eat her alive.
Might be interesting to see…
No. 72702
File: 1573667852286.jpeg (269 KB, 750x1570, DFEC5AE0-759F-492B-B51C-5C89B6…)

He edited his face to hell and back, doesn’t look anything like him but left all the bruises on his chest, that would take ten seconds to fix. Guess he wants everyone to see what the Lori has done?
No. 72736
File: 1573698591696.jpg (90.36 KB, 1280x1247, IMG_20191113_192849_257.jpg)

>>72716Yes, Kevin is asking if anyone would be interested in seeing more shirtless pics of him lmao
No. 72748
File: 1573707139907.jpg (44.72 KB, 567x960, KakaoTalk_20191114_175123925.j…)

she's gotta be kidding with this editing. You literally can't see her nose, it's all nostril lmao
No. 72752
>>72702Wow, he's really posting his bruised, cut chest on the internet.
Honestly I think he's legit a cuck and consents to whatever she does, remember cucks and paypigs are all fetishes.
No. 72767
File: 1573746981650.jpg (37.35 KB, 516x484, kevinscar.JPG)

>>72702>>72716>>72737>>72752The photo shared in
>>72702 really does make it look worse, but when he claimed it was a scar I went and lookged back on his Instagram. It does appear to be a mole/scar or something… he's had it before he met Lori. It just looks really jacked in that photo…
I guess Kevin is hoping to get on that lewd money train though.
No. 72775
File: 1573760575287.jpeg (75.64 KB, 495x504, BB5B6C4D-A5FC-48E7-9519-CB09C1…)

>>72767The scar sure but this? Is this actually hair like he’s claiming?
I turned down the contrast and it looks like he got punched.
No. 72782
>>72702>>72767>>72775It's just the scar/hair tbh. You can see it better on a computer screen. The scar looks fucked up from his editing probably and the hair looks like a bruise because he tried to smooth it out of the photo.
>>72779Nah, dude is haggard in the candids too usually. He's not old, but thanks to Lori sucking the life out of him, he's been looking pretty busted tbh.
No. 72795
>>72788Same here, I can't help but think this is a deliberate cry for help from Kevin. Granted it's the cuckiest way you could ask for help, but I wouldn't put it past him. We're all well aware of how psycho Looney really is.
>Looks like a puncture woundThat's what it looks like to me too anon. I imagined a screwdriver at first but I'm hoping it was just a pen or something. Not that that's realistically much better.
No. 72799
File: 1573777601173.jpeg (396.4 KB, 2048x2048, 6DAAEAED-74DA-41F2-BE70-758DDD…)

Anon is right. Kevin could be quite successful and popular in the cosplay community before he met Lori. The picture on the left is him before Lori no filter or nothing he actually looks quite attractive and favors Justin Bieber. Picture on the right is him with Lori he looks sick haggard and aged for him only being 25… I’m sure it’s due to stress and not eating a proper diet for his height. Just by the shit she cooks she feeds him as if he enjoys starving himself like she does…
No. 72803
Samefag as
>>72795>>72799I don't like his look in either but I must admit he does look a lot less unhinged. You can actually see the cry for help in his eyes when you compare with his older pics.
Also did Looney actually stab him in the mole? Because he seems to have it in older photos but it's lacking the deep red discolouration? I mean maybe he got it removed to be ~uwu perfect animu boy~ but it looks really aggrieved and definitely reminds me of a puncture wound
No. 72824
>>72813Anyone and everyone deserves better than looney kek. It doesn't have anything to do with how perceivably hot they are either.
>I would pay money to see Kevin’s lewdsI can only assume this is an attempt at making Lori squirm, in which case I'm here for it kek
No. 72844
>>72803Looks like an irritated mole to me as well, rather than a “scar”. Maybe he’s been picking at it.
Tinfoil version: it’s a carcinoma
No. 72861
File: 1573838747826.jpeg (458.04 KB, 2048x2048, 3B812706-694E-4C3C-BD9C-A1EB05…)

>>72860It’s not about being horny. It’s just showing proof that he wasn’t bad looking until he allowed looney to suck the actual life out of him. Now he has no choice but to heavily filter his photos because he looks drained and deficient in nutrients. These old pics are actually heart breaking he looked healthy and in control of his life.
No. 72862
File: 1573839555699.jpg (574.14 KB, 1080x1350, itsfeetagain.jpg)

No. 72864
File: 1573839717005.jpg (70.26 KB, 918x1280, IMG_20191115_104223_702.jpg)

No. 72879
File: 1573850163149.jpg (145.54 KB, 936x1280, IMG_20191115_133410_713.jpg)

Kevin used to be an actual person, with hobbies and goals. Have we ever heard him talk about skateboarding since getting with Lori? It seems to have been a pretty big part of his life up until recentlyish.
No. 72892
File: 1573867484945.jpeg (123.81 KB, 828x1261, 38A0D5A2-D927-48E2-9578-5E5E71…)

>>72862Can’t even bother to have a decent pedicure… this is so ratchet
No. 72902
>>72799>>72861kind of agree with these anons, the before and after kind of reminds me of onision/his
victims. same dead eyes.
No. 72903
>>72879Typos everywhere. It hurts.
I would pay to see Kevin’s lewds just saying.
No. 72917
>>72861Ausfag here and I can say with much certainty he just looks just our average bogan kek. He reminds me of a guy from Qld chugging xxx gold in his garage on a weekday while his wife looks after the 3 kids.
>>72860I hoped that was the case anon, but alas some farmers have fallen in love with a cow. Looney better watch out kek
No. 72926
>>72917fucken lmao so well put, he looks like a tradie on break taking selfies in the portaloo after a dank pie and a mocha breaka.
at least now anyway, he looked like he could have pulled a sweet job at maccas with the blonde.
I wouldn't be suprised personally if Lori was on here dropping bait because 1. she's unemployed and bored 2. she'd love farmers frothing over her ~perfect anime boi
like I swear they're balls deep in this thread, I can't see that many anons genuinely wanting his dick
mind you some of you have some sad taste, love yourselves please ladies.
No. 72931
>>72861It's not a question if looked better or not before Lori. You can plainly see he looks better then he does now. It's the obsessive people talking about how "hot" he is and wanting pay to see his nudes (like here
>>72903). Even in his before photos he's some mediocre looking dude. Literally even in his old photos he still has kind of shitty hair, he just doesn't look as tired as he does now.
>>72917With how much he checks the thread he seriously must be self posting to some degree.
No. 72932
>>72861It's not a question if looked better or not before Lori. You can plainly see he looks better then he does now. It's the obsessive people talking about how "hot" he is and wanting pay to see his nudes (like here
>>72903). Even in his before photos he's some mediocre looking dude. Literally even in his old photos he still has kind of shitty hair, he just doesn't look as tired as he does now.
>>72917With how much he checks the thread he seriously must be self posting to some degree.
No. 72933
>>72861It's not a question if looked better or not before Lori. You can plainly see he looks better then he does now. It's the obsessive people talking about how "hot" he is and wanting pay to see his nudes (like here
>>72903). Even in his before photos he's some mediocre looking dude. Literally even in his old photos he still has kind of shitty hair, he just doesn't look as tired as he does now.
>>72917With how much he checks the thread he seriously must be self posting to some degree.
No. 72937
File: 1573928863994.jpeg (196.43 KB, 750x830, AA70138C-272E-4FFA-9E90-7BC38C…)

No. 72938
File: 1573928947809.jpeg (172.32 KB, 750x1176, 75AD0181-D70A-4D62-8658-48FE9F…)

No. 72940
File: 1573932056127.jpg (1.13 MB, 2319x2560, 19-11-16-11-21-14-416_deco.jpg)

>>72937>"Old married couple spats" lmao
No. 72941
>>72940in all seriousness how many of these fights has he posted himself on his social media?
He’s let the world in on his relationship troubles but is acting like everyone else just happened to stumble in and it’s their fault for taking them seriously. It’s bizarre.
No. 72963
File: 1574031818862.jpeg (27.29 KB, 275x245, 1556643100917.jpeg)

>>72940Seriously. Does he forget he posted shit like this himself??
No. 72974
>>72938Sad he has to do this Donald Trump combover because his hairs falling out from their Ana diet. He actually was hot before. Now he looks like a crack head.
Reminds me of Onision forcing his
victims to look ugly so they have no chance to attract anyone else.
No. 72981
>>72952>>72952"Johnny bravo chin" accurate. Looney copies Belle openly meanwhile she is angry about another more accurate cosplayer "stealing" her unoriginal pose still gets me
Good job "Rising above" it all kevin.
No. 72988
File: 1574046469360.jpg (248.04 KB, 1080x1086, Screenshot_20191118-140515__01…)

Also, can we talk about how Lori doesn't even remotely resemble herself in her newest photo? The ~animu loli waifu~ shop is even further out of hand than when it started…
No. 73006
>>72988If she's going to shoop herself to where she looks like a whole new person, "fine" I guess.. But I'm tired of the brightness being turned up so bright that her nose looks like two holes in her face.
Also that pose.. I thought she broke her back? Or her back always hurts? It also makes it look like she has a fucking short torso.
No. 73051
File: 1574121242981.jpg (907.29 KB, 1080x1350, nostrilswithoutanose.jpg)

New pic. Still disappearing her nose
No. 73058
>>73051How old is Lori? 30s right?? That makes her alien shooping so much worse than all the other 18-21 year olds photoshopping themselves into pedo bait and trying to be ~legal lolis~
Get a real job, Lori. You're an adult. While you're at it maybe stare in a mirror for a while to remind yourself what you actually look like, because these selfies ain't it.
No. 73074
File: 1574143372289.jpg (229.36 KB, 1080x815, Screenshot_20191119-165453__01…)

>>73051Why edit yourself like this if with the click or a button your followers are confronted with this?
Personally I think she looks better naturally, but her neckbeards aren't likely to be as sane lmao
No. 73082
>>72938okay I see now, they feed off this shit. I guarantee they sit on this thread together and try to come up with snide things to say. the worst part is they carry through with the advice but manage to be cunty about it.
I agree with anons above Kev, tone that shit. it isn't 2007.
No. 73099
File: 1574185476675.jpg (144.99 KB, 400x686, MTXX_20190820145949_mh15673764…)

Looking at her patron pics and this one just looks outright hilarious. I know she's trying to be "accurate" with those contacts, but all they do is make her bug eyes look way worse.
No. 73102
File: 1574186842152.jpg (24.1 KB, 640x480, 10494873_542816785845596_32368…)

Accidentally stumbled across her cosplay fb and it's smothered in old (kek) looking pics. All of the sailor moon ones she's posted look so different. Sage for old news but it's just more to compare to her whack ass dino girl snow selfies.
No. 73104
>>7309902 doesnt even have blue eyes though, her eyes are green
>>73101it always amuses me how she tries to be the mostest zero two cosplayer out there but 02 has a really nice figure with rather big boobs
No. 73106
File: 1574190893965.png (226.43 KB, 509x487, LoriKitty.png)

No. 73108
File: 1574191575272.jpg (54.03 KB, 720x960, kitty.jpg)

>>73106I looked up this Kitty person out of curiosity.
>same hair color + style>same red eyeliner>same vacant stare + facetuneIs it possible Lori is actually skinwalking this "
abusive" person and NOT Zero Two?
No. 73111
>>73106I do wonder the context of this "abuse" she suffered from Kitty. Seems to be something that happened when she still lived in Seattle, possibly an ex friend? Or ex girlfriend?
This is Lori we are talking about here. It's entirely possible the abuse claimed to have happened was simply this girl not putting up with her shit.
No. 73118
File: 1574201245541.jpg (138.28 KB, 1131x1280, IMG_20191119_150654_104.jpg)

>>73113Is this the same Rikki as Lori's ex?
No. 73124
>>73119Her Twitter and Instagram is misskittymoxie
Haven't looked for his yet.
No. 73137
>>73135Her other Facebook is here:
No. 73142
File: 1574217385338.jpg (757.79 KB, 1080x1350, red.jpg)

>>73140You're right. I was just trying to poke around and find Lori gossip and figured other anons wanted to do the same.
Here's a new picture of Lori
No. 73258
>>73254So from the sounds of it, Kitty is in fact not an abuser as Lori claims, she’s just a girl her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with. And if Lori considers that “
abusive” what does that make her? Lmao. Get it together Lori.
No. 73386
>>73368Lori will say, accuse, and blame anyone / anything to deflect from taking responsibility for herself.
Lori's lifelong narrative is that she is a poor, helpless
victim. She is incapable of feeling empathy for the people she abused over the years and will never take responsibility for her actions.
Therefore, any perceived or real criticism of Lori
triggers her personality-disordered rage that demands someone / something else be blamed instead of her.
My guess is that some of the recent comments here directly threatened her
victim narrative. She's already tried unsuccessfully deflecting to self-diagnosed autism. Lori is a predator who uses her false narrative as camoflague.
No. 73402
>>73368No one is even attacking Kitty here. No cowtipping newfag.
>>73142She's slowly morphing into a blob in a wig with a face. Shits so smoothed and overly saturated it's getting hard to make out shapes. kek.
No. 73416
It had to have been for the money.
For such a vapid loon to have sex with a guy so fugly… only his money could possibly be attractive (for someone desperate).
No. 73486
>>73416Trust me money is not the only thing that keeps a woman wanting more even though the relationship is
toxic. I’m sure Kevin is for the money because he allows her to frolic around while he busts his ass. Rikki would get her things, but not like how the others did. The guy has fat king dick that kept Looney in check he obviously is good in bed with that thing because he managed to have a girl break up her marriage for him only to he cast aside because he started fucking Lori again behind her back and she found out. So the short answer is it’s his dick and most likely sense of humor that keeps girls coming.
No. 73495
>>73487His Facebook is under his name Scott Lind. He has is on lockdown for the most part.
He used to be a scumbag. I bet he still is.
No. 73496
File: 1574376010823.jpeg (197.38 KB, 750x1144, 5B215BBD-E60F-4694-A7AD-73A57C…)

The irony.
No. 73532
>>72541I'm one of the deleted ones. I got deleted (I think) a few months after he asked me if a status I had made about people pathetically fishing for compliments was about him… it was not. But seeing all these posts now I understand why he thought it was, because he's so desperate for attention.
I remember when he started dating Lori I was kinda like "eh…?" Because I had read all about her drama on the internet, but I kind of gave her the benefit of the doubt because I was like "well she's older now, and Kevin can't be THAT dumb to date someone THAT crazy, so maybe she's grown up." Oh boy oh boy, was I wrong.
I wonder if he deleted me because he got butthurt about my status that wasn't directed at him, or if Lori deleted me herself because she went back in our convos and saw him hitting on me drunkenly (before they were dating, but I'm sure that would still piss her off).
But yeah, I didn't notice I was deleted until I saw him tagged in something and it showed we weren't friends anymore. So I decided to google his batshit gf to see if there was any drama even though I had given her the benefit of the doubt, and woooweeee I was not disappointed.
No. 73564
>>73532>>73532Welcome to the club. If only all of us apologized to him and believed him!
Honestly I thought she outgrew her antics when I first heard about her again, but looks like she didn't. They honestly deserve each other since they're both vapid af.
No. 73657
File: 1574522086380.jpg (635.89 KB, 960x960, lmao.jpg)

What are all the turquoise colored S shapes on Kevin's chest?
No. 73658
File: 1574522471340.jpeg (150.64 KB, 2560x1440, B45473BE-2E6C-4BA1-B220-E655A1…)

>>73657I think it’s supposed to be from this part of the anime…his face though. Yikes.
No. 73666
>>73657This is some cringe weebshit lmao. It looks like Lori ground Kevin's face through an overfiltered purikura machine.
Those blue streaks look like tit veins.
Oh my!
No. 73689
File: 1574550741690.jpg (81.12 KB, 960x960, IMG_20191123_161039_639.jpg)

No. 73693
>>73689This is some creepy pasta uncanny valley scary shit. This will haunt my dreams.
>>73688I wonder how Kevin feels about this.
No. 73698
>>73486This post praising this rando's huge dick reads like a selfpost to me
>so good in bed>huge dickk. Just sounds like a rumour a guy would spread about himself.
No. 73709
>>73706I mean, her face is longer and more masculine than what she's been shopping his face into lately. kek.
>>73688No wonder Kev got so insecure about his chest hair in
>>72702 that he tried to blur it out.
No. 73710
>>73657>>73689I'd feel a little bad if my gf photoshopped me into something I blatantly don't look like.
Maybe Kevin ought to adopt some healthy insecurity over the issue, cause it's proof he has an expiry label when he can no longer be so easily shooped
>>73688. Or if Lori manages to find a younger weeb to provide her rent and cosplay props.
Does he think he's special and not like her others? Bless his heart.
No. 73716
>>73689did she shoop herself to be
entirely smaller? the scale seems really freaky here, like either kevin is too big or lori is too small
she also smoothed away his entire face lmao
No. 73724
File: 1574584176250.jpeg (463.78 KB, 750x850, 4AFFE2B1-6F12-467E-B96D-9A5598…)

He would cosplay some pretty boy characters in the past but he doesn’t have the femme soft features she’s shopping him to have. Here’s a photo of Kevin from a couple years ago from the pre-Lori days on his IG.
No. 73794
File: 1574670293344.jpg (28.23 KB, 656x369, bertmc.jpg)

>>73772Not that anon, but he's fairly "masculine" by weeb standards. He's very scruffy, has a lot of body hair, etc. He's not macho by any definition, but also not very feminine either. He just looks like one of those scuzzy emo band dudes tbh. Lori seems to have some sort of unsettling shota fetish now? I suppose that's why tall, hairy, strung out looking Kevin needs so much of that sweet, sweet photoshop.
No. 73805
File: 1574697526220.jpg (70.52 KB, 1280x999, IMG_20191125_085604_233.jpg)

So Lori took Kevin out of her Instagram bio. It used to say "I take a lot of selfies and cosplay with my fiance @krookedkev" but now it just says this. Kevin's bio still has Lori mentioned. I wonder if they had a fight or if Lori is trying to make herself look available to her audience
No. 73835
File: 1574708457212.jpeg (104.92 KB, 750x388, 27A2B69E-68D0-416D-BCE8-557D8A…)

>>73805Kevin’s IG still says fiancé.
No. 73836
File: 1574708766991.jpeg (147.42 KB, 750x527, D9DB8BA2-4D1D-4AFB-B9BE-94A056…)

Her bio is back to how it was before. If they had a fight it was resolved quick!
No. 73944
>>73925>>73923She was probably raised in Jersey City or somewhere even less relevant in NJ and is too embarrassed to admit it.
If that's the case then she grew up in an abject shithole too.
No. 73963
File: 1574823771602.jpeg (125.46 KB, 720x960, B09E3055-196F-4A68-AB9A-648765…)

lol and the shopping gets worse. He is unrecognizable…
No. 73967
File: 1574825490359.jpg (72.15 KB, 951x1054, n3Lzmlg.jpg)

>>73963Why is this mans neck almost as thick as his whole head? He looks like a thumb with a face. His lil double chin, tiny face, and absolute lack of a jawline are all beautiful though.
I guess "krookedkev" is an accurate descriptor to how she shoops him. Dude always looks like something out of one of those shitty "how to draw anime" books.
No. 73987
File: 1574833543594.jpg (140.15 KB, 970x1279, IMG_20191126_224056_265.jpg)

Kevin's description of that photo lol
No. 73989
File: 1574836625675.jpg (200.64 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20191127-172838__01…)

Why is Kev with Lori for clout when any 'clout' he's getting for his ~bishie~ couples cosplays is being destroyed by Lori obsessively prowling his comments? Like your relationship is announced for all to see in both of your bios, please calm the fuck down. Also had a lurk of the commenter, she's a big step up from looney and she's younger too. As if it wasn't already obvious why she is so defensive here kek
No. 74041
File: 1574885504718.jpeg (95.03 KB, 750x357, E338F6F7-0568-498F-A1BC-A0FDC6…)

No. 74048
File: 1574887315799.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1536x2046, 7735FEBA-7F48-4135-84A2-17D305…)

No. 74054
>>74049was gonna say this. Lori has stayed quiet about this. she hasn't acknowledged the site at all. she has been posting her lewds and selfies and mostly minded her own business.
kevin is the bigger cow fosho because he can't ever keep his mouth shut and is constantly bringing his "smaller circle" over to this page and accusing anons of being fat and unhappy. the fact his posts keep getting leaked means more people are aware of what's going on here and are laughing at his ridiculousness. why's he so obsessed with getting likes?
kevin, go take a long break from the internet.
No. 74062
File: 1574890094633.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.65 KB, 540x960, 1525417476280.jpg)

>>74041kevin plz if someone you're dating literally doesn't let you have any friends that's abuse
or did you forget about the time she made you gouge into your own leg to prove you didn't like a girl you were friends with?
some people are actually worried about you but yah sure, they're ~fake friends~ because they don't support your crazy
toxic relationship or like your fb posts. the longer you spend with her the more like her you become and she's fucking insane
No. 74079
File: 1574897381079.png (40.05 KB, 155x275, 1525464808945.png)

>>74075>>74077Was also posted in the facebook comments on the post he made about him and Lori getting back together.
The texts of Lori threatening to accuse him of rape were first leaked here though I think. It was either here or reddit.
>>74078Not sure but they did break up at one point. Police were involved, as were Kevin's parents since he's about 10 years younger than Lori. The picture in
>>74062 was posted in response to them getting back together. Lots of concerned friends telling Kevin to gtfo rather than get back together with her. More details are in the first lori thread since that's when it happened but obviously he didn't listen to them.
No. 74080
>>74007Yeah, but the comment is coming from a literal teenager on a photo of both of them in cosplay together? Still seems a little extreme unless Kev was spamming hearts back or something. Lori comes off super insecure, which by all accounts we've seen, she is.
>>74041Classic manipulation tactic from Lori tbh, separating him from friends and family. Making it seem like it's "us against the world". He's romanticizing his own abuse.
>>74048Kek. It's an anonymous board Kev. Imagine being so dense that you blindly accuse a bunch of faceless anons of being "frozen dinner eating fatties" when you've outed yourself in the past for being exactly that. Whose really projecting here?
>>74062>>74079I used to feel for the dude, but I think he's too far gone at this point. He's going to desperately orbit Lori and play parrot until she leaves him for someone else just like the others.
No. 74113
>>74048>>74049Seriously the more Kevin posts the less empathy I feel for him. He just sounds so immature, conceited, and honestly not very smart. How does he not realize this isn't helping anything, why does he completely lack any inhibition? The shit he posts on facebook is so embarrassing. Also like… you know we can see the pictures, right? They're not subtly altered, they're uncanny valley inhuman. It's scary that you don't see that.
Kevin, what is your plan? Do you want to be doing all this same crap for the rest of your life? Be Hiro forever instead of cosplaying the characters you like? Support Lori because we all know she'll never work full time? Be a 40-year-old still begging for facebook likes? I know you're deep in the sunk cost fallacy but please think. Go back to college, learn some new things, experience life. Grow up. Respect yourself cause this ain't it.
No. 74134
>>74048Actually I have read very few comments from anyone saying they were overweight, pretty sure a good percentage of lolcow users are slim and happy (including me)
Following amusing people online =/= having anything wrong with our lives. Aren't the stereotypical bitches hot girls (see: Mean Girls, cheerleader trope etc)
Anyway Kevin is actually a huge cow in his own right and we love to see it. Imagine liking one of his photos and then getting a DM to remind you to like a photo with Lori in it too. We are all dying from thirst over here, Kev, thanks for keeping us on the straight and narrow.
No. 74174
File: 1574971097509.jpeg (144.98 KB, 1241x460, 284ED6A8-B77B-4419-BA1A-F42F6D…)

What about that ice comment towards sonya?
No. 74181
>>74174Okay Lori, you best hop to it and free those children! Seriously this is so pathetic, I'll bet anything she's just bitter because Kevin's family probably hates her so Thanksgiving sucks for her. Also being anachan hinders celebrating a holiday where food is involved too I'm sure.
Just because there's constant things going on in the world doesn't mean families should feel bad spending time together and being grateful for the blessings they have. I know you wouldn't understand, Lori, since you've never been grateful for a single the three and a half decades you've been alive.
No. 74189
File: 1574979627562.jpg (74.91 KB, 965x1280, IMG_20191128_151313_951.jpg)

So Lori has a patreon tier where she offers custom nudes upon request, along with a pair of Kevin crafted Zero Two horns. I wonder how Kevin feels about having to hand craft these horns for Lori's patrons. Maybe he has a humiliation fetish. Why would she even offer those? I can't imagine any of the dudes who are paying are going to wear these horns? Maybe she puts them in her butt first?
No. 74195
>>74048He's so retarded, when he has tons of unshooped pics on social media
>>73724 how does he really expect people to think he looks like an uwu anime femmeboi like in
>>73689 ??
It's not like cosplay makeup changes your entire facial structure. He literally looks like a different person but sounds like he has reverse BDD claiming he looks like an irl animu boy.
No. 74246
File: 1575057025299.jpeg (928.98 KB, 1242x1227, 619F199E-FC35-48EE-A097-97054E…)

No. 74247
File: 1575057115366.jpeg (217.15 KB, 750x739, A75A240C-C1E7-4572-96EC-9E4EDC…)

No. 74256
File: 1575068564195.png (55.35 KB, 320x251, iu.png)

>>74247>we got lights>>74246Aha Anon I just saw saw this when I opened the thread. Great minds.
No. 74264
File: 1575076153554.jpg (127.39 KB, 1043x1043, IMG_20191129_180856_529.jpg)

No. 74270
>>74247Hey Kevin –
When you rant about haters being jealous of your natural kawaiiness to deflect from your shitty personality and bad life choices, does Lori screech "omg stop copying meeee"?
jfc stop boohooing about superficial shit like shoop accusations, you vapid twat. take ownership of your choices – to drop out of college and be a full-time cuck for an infamously
abusive psychocunt.
No. 74287
File: 1575121687682.jpeg (374.42 KB, 1125x1245, 3F506911-3692-4704-A3D7-303629…)

I haven’t given this thread a second thought since I blocked Lori for being a racist, body shaming piece of garbage towards me but her weirdo boyfriend messaged me out of the blue this morning at 8:00 AM (5 or 6 AM his time???) talking about some shit ya’ll are talking about on here. Ya’ll got him so shook that he’s thinking about this place so early in the morning.
Kevin, uncanny valley is not an exclusive term that I’ve only used, it’s extremely common and it applies to the weirdo ass filters used on you to make you look strange and unnatural. Ima block your goofy ass too.(rule 5.3)
No. 74290
>>74174That drama miner DJ Ranmas made that horrible ICE comment, not Lori.
Lori wrote horrible, petty things on that thread but nothing to the tune of “ICE should be called on her family” kind of hateful shit.
No. 74291
>>74287Lmaoooo I'm one of the other anons who said their pictures were in the uncanny valley (really the fact that so many anons are seeing this should maybe tell them something?). I have absolutely no connection to Kevin or Lori or cosplay in general in real life, I just follow this thread because the milk is so good. Big yikes that someone would assume this is a phrase that only one person would use, it's a pretty well-known idea for most adults.
Kevin, in the last few days you've claimed no editing and then ranted about how you DO edit but no one should judge you for it. You're lashing out at random people who it looks like were once supportive. You're driving everyone away from you and coming off as more crazy than Lori lately, which is saying something. Maybe close lolcow and facebook for a few days?
No. 74292
>>74287I actually never cared about this dude and his poor life choices until this post. The hour in which he sent it and whom he sent it to is worrisome. He’s becoming unhinged. I now feel really bad for him. He must feel trapped.
If he breaks up with Lori, he’s going to get hit with 1000 “I told you so’s” from his fake internet friends. So he’s doubling down on his bad bet. He sees no way out of this relationship. His depression and low self esteem are encouraging him to ride this shit out to the bitter, most likely catastrophic end.
No. 74311
File: 1575135490651.jpg (50.06 KB, 1280x833, IMG_20191130_103733_090.jpg)

No. 74323
Honestly, with all the help and resources he's been offered (which is much more than most in domestic violence), Kevin's a lost cause until HE gets his own head out of his ass. He'll be lucky if he realizes it when he has literally nothing left and Lori's left him for the next boytoy willing to buy her love.
No. 74392
File: 1575215514600.jpg (122.7 KB, 1042x1279, IMG_20191201_085023_196.jpg)

Again, why would her neckbeards want this? She could be offering used panties or socks/stockings to the foot dweebs. I don't get it
No. 74399
>>74392Good god anon don't give her any ideas. She's already content pandering to foot fetishists on instagram, which I still don't understand. Yes, she's gross and pretty much the lowest of the low, but
Foot fetishists, Lori?
No. 74424
File: 1575279141787.jpg (530.05 KB, 1080x1350, wheresnose.jpg)

Nice nose shoop
No. 74432
File: 1575300699467.jpg (110.52 KB, 1085x1280, IMG_20191202_083058_878.jpg)

No. 74461
>>74453Can't bother with more appropriate makeup.
That fucking dead eyed stare
The clearly untrimmed bangs
She really thinks she has any right to comment on anyone elses cosplay??
No. 74463
>>74453I'm starting to get really tired of the same makeup she uses for every character.
Lazy cunt.
No. 74478
>>74432>>74436Footfags won't buy pics of your toes when your pics are so blurry and over saturated that they can hardly make out how many toes you even got. kek.
Also, I know it's been said before, but damn her feet are absolutely massive.
No. 74498
File: 1575351409935.jpeg (131.2 KB, 1242x1072, B3A03720-EC2F-443D-8CD8-178527…)

I wonder if Lori inspired this with her post about kitty.
No. 74515
File: 1575377077394.jpg (116.9 KB, 1229x1280, IMG_20191203_053943_052.jpg)

She's speaking to the anon who pointed out the untrimmed bangs.
No. 74529
>>74515Her ahegao is so bad if that’s what she’s going for in that second pic. I can’t tell.
Also bold of us to assume she would actually cut and style her wigs herself considering she can’t even polish her toes for feet pics and has never made her own cosplays to begin with lmao
No. 74530
>>74515Her ahegao is so bad if that’s what she’s going for in that second pic. I can’t tell.
Also bold of us to assume she would actually cut and style her wigs herself considering she can’t even polish her toes for feet pics and has never made her own cosplays to begin with lmao
No. 74541
File: 1575402691019.jpg (116.94 KB, 1280x814, IMG_20191203_125000_986.jpg)

>works with emotions of mine that have clashed with almost everyone
Loool he writes like a hostage
No. 74548
>>74541Lmao his upside down egg head shop. Jesus Christ
She totally forces him to write these.
No. 74552
>>74432the one on the left, my sides.
cracks me up she shoops her nose into non-existence and has 0 nasolabial folds. Lori doesn't even a boomer could spot that photoshop. keep up with the times, maybe check out some tutorials if you're going to insist on editing this heavily. at least learn what you're attempting to do.
also some makeup tutorials would go a long way because the sad 2005 crusty wings you're doing are hilariously bad.
No. 74560
>>74541He quite literally just called her an enabler… if you have qualities that clash with people often, those qualities are most likely
toxic. If she has no problem with it, she’s just enabling you to continue being
toxic. Those relationships destroy people. Have fun in your misery together. Cheers!
No. 74573
>>74515Who is this even supposed to be? Her "cosplays" are so low tier. Pink eyebrows, ill fitting bathing suits and all.
>>74541Blink twice if you need help Kev. Wish he'd retire the Hiro cosplay already, it's so obnoxiously unflattering on him.
>>74555Irl anime girls and boys don't have noses anon! You're just jealous! It's the lighting!
No. 74580
>>74541You got a mishaped head, my dude.
She's shooped it into the shape of Dr. Finkelstein's head from Nightmare Before Christmas.
No. 74600
>>74287"I'd rather be uncanny valley you keep mentioning than a fat piece of garbage fermenting on a hate feed for the rest of your life. Get a grip and grow up." - Kevin
The uncanny valley is a relatively famous theory, Kevin.
It's a good thing you dropped out of college because you're legitimately dumb as shit – a higher education would be a wasted on you.
I hope you and Lori are both sterile because your collective genes are utter trash. Fortunately, you seem to be entirely lacking in testosterone as Lori's pet cuck so maybe she's already done the world a favor and properly castrated you.
No. 74603
>>74600Lori, to give her credit for the first time ever, has done the right thing by staying pretty quiet and not paying much attention to the “hate site.” She still reads it, no doubt, but she’s not actively sperging.
Kevin though truly is a prime cow with his constant ragey outbursts and his inability to not comment on every single thing posted here. Who knew an old seasoned cow would make way for possibly an even bigger one?
If this is the side of Kevin we’re seeing now, what was he like before? Since his “emotions have always clashed with everyone” I’m going to assume he was always a spergy beta and now he’s just got an excuse to openly rant and rave more often.
No. 74606
File: 1575452012494.jpg (71.31 KB, 640x708, 72214182_558013534999084_51122…)

The wig has been styled.
No. 74609
File: 1575454598417.jpg (59.94 KB, 1000x1000, wigref.jpg)

>>74606sage for nitpicking but that's not what a styled wig for that character looks like. And why even bother when she's just going to shove the zero two horns and makeup on anyway?
No. 74610
File: 1575455535365.jpg (61.5 KB, 640x708, 73011460_460798851483964_26472…)

>>74609Hmm yeah I guess the bangs are supposed to be longer and less blunt at the sides. I also can't tell if she has those two strips of medium length hair at the sides before it goes long. I'd say it's a nitpick buuuuut she is always criticizing other's cosplay for not being completely accurate so I think it's fair to point out when Lori's isn't.
No. 74612
File: 1575455765113.png (1014.1 KB, 1280x708, Emilia.png)

Here's the other two pics she posted. It doesn't seem like She has those two medium length pieces right next to the bangs. Maybe she'll fix the wig. I like when Lori tries to fix things that we complain about lol.
No. 74627
>>74607Wrong cause you guys are all young (or younger than I am), it's called "soft core porn" yes its porn, privates not being shown means nothing in this category. Changing it to "Lewds" is just a new gen way of distracting from the fact that the internet has given people a license to act like crap and rebrand it. If you put pics like this up say 30 years ago you would be stated as doing porn. Words mean something and this is still porn.
Not to mention she has done full nudes with privates over the years and is now selling them in her higher tears to Patrons.
So, yeah Lori does porn.
No. 74641
File: 1575479577232.jpg (63.7 KB, 1280x879, IMG_20191204_101204_219.jpg)

Wow what a deal
No. 74642
>>74636I’ve said this in a previous thread but I’ll say it again… I’m surprised a bigger name hasn’t called her out for being so
problematic. People have been blacklisted from the cosplay community for doing half the shit Lori has. Idk how she gets away without being called out publicly.
No. 74644
>>74642Because Lori was "cancelled" a decade ago and is by and large a nobody now. Not to mention these days the community is all about being (fake) nice and not hurting (fake) fee fees so people are too chicken shit even if they care.
Moomoo finally got put on blast after years of her
toxic bullshit and some people STILL give that oinker a pass because ~positive vibes~.
No. 74645
File: 1575484610566.jpg (74.58 KB, 640x800, newcouch.jpg)

No. 74646
>>74642Her literally decades long rap sheet found just by looking up her name is probably enough. I don’t think anyone would want to bother putting in the effort for a new callout post when it’s already so readily available. She even refers to herself as “infamous” and that her name used to “strike fear” into people.
Most of Kevin’s friends know about Lori’s antics but figure since he’s too brainwashed he’s not worth saving, since he chose to get involved with Lori despite knowing her reputation.
No. 74652
File: 1575492218654.png (354.43 KB, 1440x2248, Screenshot_20191204-130125~2.p…)

Looks like Lori is back to bullying others on Twitter.
No. 74653
File: 1575493168745.jpg (110.57 KB, 1153x1280, IMG_20191204_135815_884.jpg)

>>74652Dunno who started it lol
No. 74655
File: 1575493713145.jpeg (76.51 KB, 945x2048, EK86V_AWwAAl4TT.jpeg)

Lori said this to her, and other stuff about her being fat
No. 74661
>>74660I think the girl started it? She tweeted this:
>"she did nothing wrong so you had it coming" bitch came into my dms calling me a fucking pig based on old photos of me after i asked her why her eyebrows are pink that's not on the same fucking levelDidn't screenshot because she seems to be upset about being posted on here
No. 74663
File: 1575495864897.jpg (369.03 KB, 960x958,…)

As much as I think Lori is a piece of shit, this girl is obviously drama thirsty. You can't act like your comment was harmless when you were very clearly trying to provoke Lori, and now you're acting like this because…it worked?
No. 74673
>>74666I've noticed that random internet users get screenshotted and posted here a lot, probably because Lori/Kevin think that anyone who starts shit with them is either a farmer or knows about the faggotry they pull. I'm honestly convinced it's them doing it. Lori isn't sperging like anon earlier said, it's cause she's posting instead.
saged for obvious tinfoil but idk I think it's true. she enjoys publicly "shaming" anyone who goes against her, especially on their FBs.
then the farmers here take the bait and shit on whoever is calling Lori out, even though 1. they're right 2. it's the same shit people say about her here.
I like seeing people call her out. she deserves it. and people proke lori because there's always guarenteed an instant catty reply. it's the internet, people are going to poke the bear.
No. 74674
File: 1575499832768.jpg (133.66 KB, 817x1279, IMG_20191204_154827_886.jpg)

Aww. We're thankful for you, Kevin.
>Lori has helped boost my confidence so much these past two years.
If you say so.
No. 74675
>>74673I'm the anon who posted
>>74663 and you can think I'm Lori just as much as I could think you're that Twitter user who made a provoking tweet at her. And again, Lori is a massive piece of shit who deserves to be called out, absolutely. But since it needs to be reiterated, it is really, really hard to feel bad for someone who very clearly is trying to start shit and very clearly knows about lori's history and wants to keep making posts about here then suddenly being upset at the caps here. No one is calling the girl ugly, no one is trashing on her.
It's really simple - if you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen, or if you knowingly stick your hand into an open fire, maybe don't cry when you get a blister.
No. 74676
>>74675yeah fair enough. hate to agree, because I hate seeming farmer vs. farmer but fair is fair I guess.
just want to shoutout whoever the covert FB anon is, the Kevinposts are genuinely the most entertaining part of all of this. the skinwalking belle is popular with e-thots of late but how many of their boyfriends are this fucking milky.
Kev you're a creamy boy keep it rollin.
No. 74679
>>74674Not thankful for friends, Kev?
Oh wait, you don't have any.
No. 74681
File: 1575501005638.jpeg (215.76 KB, 828x1518, E3A05C32-428B-4421-8304-9C2525…)

No. 74682
File: 1575501650438.jpg (1.07 MB, 1657x1711,…)

>>74681I didn't know genetics make you look like you're Voldemort about to evaporate
I was on the side of anzumajo being attention seeking but now I just want to see her and her friends burn Lori to the ground
Which btw Lori, friendly reminder this is what your "doll genetics" make you actually look like
No. 74683
File: 1575502039043.jpeg (57.77 KB, 1080x607, EK86WftWsAE7DgV.jpeg)

>>74681Here's the screenshot anzu posted. I saved it before she locked her account. It seems like Lori's go-to insult is calling people fat and that's it.
No. 74687
>>74627Pictures in bikinis 30 years ago were considered porn?
Sure, Jan.
No. 74691
File: 1575505860672.jpg (82.3 KB, 602x1280, IMG_20191204_172928_707.jpg)

Haha she used to do this with her Mamorus all the time
No. 74692
File: 1575506698688.jpg (49.35 KB, 640x800, O_____O.jpg)

No. 74693
File: 1575506976418.png (2.41 MB, 828x1792, 070A6D8C-D413-422E-A9A1-320F96…)

The wish for a call out post came true
No. 74697
File: 1575507955160.jpg (309.17 KB, 2048x1536, momo.jpg)

>>74691every time I scroll past these shooped pics of kevin I think it's fucking momo
No. 74706
>>71894 called it. She's literally skinwalking zero two cosplaying as other characters at this point. Stay crazy Lori.
>>74655Surprised she hasn't got hit with a warning or ban on IG for bullying yet tbh. She goes rabid over the dumbest shit. Imagine having no life to the point where some rando on the internet ruins your entire day just because they judged your eyebrow color. She may look her age, but she sure doesn't act it.
No. 74715
>>74712The fact that you think people in bikinis is softcore porn is questionable.
Softcore porn is… NUDES with no penetration, or portrayal of sexual acts and this has been the definition since literally the 70s. Hardcore porn is… FUCKING and penetration, and it always has been. You can literally google this shit. If you wanna make up your own terms on what "porn" is you can, but you look like a boomer. You'd have to be young before the 70s for you to actually think this is the definition of softcore porn.
That being said, I already conceded that Lori does porn because she does NUDES. Lewds are not porn if there's no nip/ass/vagina showing, or any sexual act being performed. Bikini models are not soft core pornstars as much as you'd like them to be.
Saging for idiotic discussion
No. 74724
>>74682I kek'd out loud at these, I forgot about them
Please, never let these candids die. Lori is haggard as fuck
No. 74730
File: 1575518930366.bmp (1.24 MB, 444x974, Untitled (Recovered).bmp)

Recent convert here! Long time lurker, first time posting caps because w.t.h.
This isn't even cosplay related and she still couldn't keep her shit attitude in check, laugh-reacting at someone's father dying of the flu, resorting to personal attacks against someone she doesn't know. What a disgusting bitch.
No. 74731
File: 1575519103493.png (12.86 KB, 422x148, Untitled.png)

and because I failed and didn't expand the "see more"
No. 74743
>>74742^ 10+ years of fb and lj "friendship" and standing up for my friend who's father fucking DIED is what gets me unfriended.
Should have trusted the internet, I guess -shrugs-
No. 74767
File: 1575570610328.jpeg (258.33 KB, 1191x1191, 901A9431-45D1-477F-9E78-D44A54…)

Has anyone ever seen this candid before? Christ her eyes are beady.
No. 74784
File: 1575583509193.jpeg (704.42 KB, 1242x1650, C7C86212-FCE7-4E60-ADE0-AB0021…)

Just a reminder of previous thread post.
No. 74785
>>74784"For fucks sake my fiance thought I was 22 when he met me."
Yea and we've already established how much of a fucking idiot he is, so that's not really a good back up.
You're delusional and need to be committed if you think you actually look like you do post-edits. And the sad thing is, you're actually pretty, Lori. But all of that is ruined the moment your fingers touch a keyboard or you open your fucking trash mouth
No. 74796
>>74793The funniest (or saddest part depending on how you look at it) is that it's not just filters that she abuses, but outright tweaking the size of her chin/nose/eyes among other things. "Great lighting" doesn't turn you into something far different from your candids.
I'm sure she knows, she probably says things like this on purpose because she thinks it's a form of "le epic trollzing" lolcow, even though if anything it just makes her look pathetic.
No. 74798
>>74784goddamn, Lori is trashy and delusional lol. she uses Kevin as a public shield to keep her narc bullshit under the radar —- alllllllll his whiteknighting while she stays (relatively) quiet. notice how she never comes to his rescue. how's that one-sided relationship working for you, Kevin? you are Lori's narcissistic supply, not fiance
she uses human shields and proxies like Kevin to avoid being held accountable for her shitty, predatory behavior. a dedicated public thread about Lori somewhere like KiwiFarms would reveal her true nature to new & bigger audiences and bring on a Cluster B apocalypse
No. 74804
File: 1575592360526.png (520.7 KB, 1618x541, smallnoses.png)

No. 74805
File: 1575594048027.jpg (67.67 KB, 1033x1280, IMG_20191205_175931_525.jpg)

>>74803Nevermind it's from the "proposal" video. This is a hilarious rediscovery.
No. 74819
File: 1575603163912.png (1.62 MB, 1762x1280, expectationvsreality.png)

No. 74826
File: 1575611536468.jpg (600.01 KB, 900x1402, lori.jpg)

>>74819a helpful infograph with updated candids.
No. 74832
>>74819Goddamn she looks like a friggin Hanya picture in the unphotoshopped version.
The crazy part is a hanya is a jealous ass spirit, so she’s literally one too.
Sage for weaboo autism
No. 74855
>>74826She has hooded eyelids. Her choice of eyeliner wing is horrible because it ends up making her eyes look smaller and weirdly shaped. You can have a big wing with hooded eyes, you just have to draw it on well.
All she does is raise her eyebrows a little to get rid of the hooded eye, and then filter the rest away.
No. 74870
File: 1575655251241.jpeg (291.71 KB, 1536x2048, waxfigure.jpeg)

No. 74871
File: 1575655328769.jpeg (148.06 KB, 750x1099, A6B6C683-E2AD-4D85-B041-0A20C3…)

“Uglier and lesser females” Jesus Christ
No. 74872
File: 1575655381813.jpeg (60.51 KB, 750x258, F02FE193-654F-4718-A7F7-F432C9…)

>well groomed
>admits to only showering once a week
No. 74885
>>74871So she thinks all females who aren't her are "lesser?"
After seeing this, WHO are the friends she has left on her FB? I'm convinced the only ones there are people who stay to watch the antics because if my "friend" was saying things like this I'd be out.
No. 74900
>>74871>lesser females She skipped the pickme posting and went straight to incel territory.
Is it just me, or is Lori sounding a bit more hostile and aggressive towards other women recently? Specifically adversarial? More than usual? I sense some tension in the bedroom.
No. 74920
>>74870Called it. Your hair is officially Cheeto dust orange Lori. Normally I wouldn't comment, but since you're the one and only
irl zero two I think you'll find a quick google search will reveal she actually has pink hair kek
No. 74928
>>74767She looks better here than her shopped pictures, in my opinion, but also nothing like how she photoshops herself to be all "smoll" and "loli".
If she embraced looking mature and having defined features she wouldn't need the bizarre shoop, but it's not what she wants evidently
No. 74933
>>74929do it. it's not cowtipping IMO
I've been considering doing it too. just for some justice for the "lesser women" copping shit off her.
No. 74934
File: 1575693077486.png (2.54 MB, 2074x1106, waitwat.png)

>>74767sage because these are obviously old but wtf, this is Lori right?? her real face is SO easy to find, if so.
shame because she can look very good, just has such a cow personality it's moot.
No. 75014
File: 1575779835833.jpg (139.2 KB, 1280x925, IMG_20191207_213409_668.jpg)

>the things i do for my boy
Hahahaha she's only dressed up ONCE for him/the anime he likes. They probably had fights about it. How many times has he had to play Hiro to her Zero Two?
No. 75069
>>75066It was a link to this Gaia profile. is this actually Lori’s ? After looking through, the comments call this person Rachel and there’s a ton of weird things that don’t sound like Lori but who knows .
Possible it was deleted by the OP for not actually being Lori.
No. 75074
File: 1575847981825.jpg (49.71 KB, 654x503, n503476899_2262290_2640-1.jpg)

>>75069Was Lori ever big into Naruto?
No. 75076
File: 1575848728220.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.96 KB, 640x483, 524134.jpg)

>>75074Not really, she tried for a little while to get into that cosplay community after her big falling out with the other Kous but not even the Narutards would take her. Saged for lack of sauce.
No. 75116
File: 1575907680747.jpeg (348.31 KB, 750x1081, F964FC19-214D-4350-A9E2-A49A65…)

Nothing from Lori on the matter
No. 75157
>>75150She probably guilts Kevin about this all the time. "I dropped everything for you! I had to abandon my cat for you! You got to hold your dog when he died but I didn't get to be there for my cat when she died!" You can just tell by the way he writes these pathetic posts that he parrots shit that's said during fights.
Also, they (or maybe just Lori) have threatened to harm pets during some of their (totally normal, just overreactive old married couple spats!) documented fights. I hope these two shit stains never get any more pets but keep on "overreacting and handling it" for us to see.
The only good thing about their breakup would be all the tea Kevin would spill afterwards. But as far as I'm concerned, they aren't even human and they deserve to live in misery for our entertainment.
No. 75165
File: 1575941353481.jpg (397.7 KB, 949x1703, 1575941287934.jpg)

>>75158>>75160I said threatened. Info comes from Reddit anon in thread #1.
No. 75167
>>75140I'm shocked Lori hasn't gotten rid of the ferrets. They are infinitely cuter than her and directly threaten Lori's status as "cutest" member of their
toxic little household.
No. 75171
File: 1575943654393.jpg (9.23 KB, 492x101, 6525267812fb.jpg)

>>75166kevin has been asking off and on for legal advice about how to deal with reddit anon and has said in the past that he going to sue whoever it is so I don't think reddit anon will ever post any other proof.
pic is from a post he made a month ago or so. i don't think i saw it here.
No. 75173
Lori Cerda – malignant narcissist, infamous cosplayer, suicide threatener, high school drop-out, sadistic self-harm advocate, parasitic grifter, serial cheater, personality-disordered bully, misogynist, transphobe, body-shaming lookist, emotionally-stunted hypocrite, skinwalking otherkin, bargain bin e-thot, AND animal abuser.
wow. what a catch, Kevin. you are the company you keep.
No. 75175
>>75173I'm going to go on a limb here and say Lori isn't the one who threatens the animals. The Reddit post was not specific and uses THEY unless stated otherwise. For all we know, Kevin is the one who threatens the ferrets since he's known to openly snap at the drop of a hat whenever something happens. I can see him threatening animals in response to Lori goading him on. Either way, they're both
Unless actual proof comes out I don't think tinfoiling this is going anywhere.
No. 75176
>>75173B..but.. anon… she has a small waist and a nice butt! And she sometimes makes him lettuce scrap wraps! She's even sort of kind of nice to him sometimes… if he panders hard enough on his social media and begs at her feet. What more could a man want? kek. In all seriousness though, Kevin is a sad cuck, but he's also an absolute garbage person himself.
>>75175Wouldn't shock me either way tbh. He's as psycho as she is and loves to air out drama online as much as she does. The only real
victims here are the poor souls that happen to be their pets.
No. 75178
>>75171Lol Kevin has no money and what little money he has leftover goes to funding Lori's cosplays. How would he sue Reddit anon?
>>75175You're probably right. Lori's psycho behavior with Kevin is all just repeats of past psycho behavior during her other relationships and we never heard any stories about her threatening pets before. I bet it is Kevin who threatened the pets. Maybe Reddit anon is still reading this thread and can tell us.
No. 75244
File: 1576010426161.jpeg (286.71 KB, 1536x2048, ELcNOX9WoAAodz-.jpeg)

No. 75245
File: 1576010593354.jpeg (481.11 KB, 1454x2048, ELZ_bNpVUAEXkRN.jpeg)

No. 75271
File: 1576026149932.png (1.13 MB, 1280x800, HSVR9WhkCdLxpxe8.png)

Lori edited her nose less! She looks SO much better this way. I love when she tailors her pics based on lolcow critiques.
No. 75275
File: 1576028905879.jpeg (146.77 KB, 968x982, EF0ABDC1-8D16-46C4-AF07-A83A8F…)

Don’t know if this have been posted but saw it on fb. Old photo of Lori from Otakon 03. Saging because there’s no milk.
No. 75347
Lori Cerda — infamous cosplayer, malignant narcissist, suicide threatener, sadistic manipulator, known abuser, parasitic freeloader, serial cheater, high school drop-out, personality-disordered bully, misogynist, transphobe, racist, body-shaming lookist, pathological liar, emotionally-stunted hypocrite, delusional skinwalker, anime otherkin, bargain bin e-thot, pet abandoner, animal abuse enabler, loli enthusiast, wannabe ana-chan, photoshop addict, shameless sociopath, and gerascophobic egomaniac.
anything missing?
No. 75389
>>74871The reason she'>>75116
s like this is because it's the ONLY thing she has going for her. She's defensive because she doesn't have anything else to offer… she's not intelligent, not creative, not kind. Nothing. Just vaguely attractive, so she lashes out.
No. 75428
File: 1576176379199.jpeg (543.12 KB, 1536x2048, ELj2pkDUcAEsVFt.jpeg)

No. 75450
File: 1576195481685.png (1.5 MB, 944x1122, animeirl.png)

>>75449>>75428I'd say no. she looks more like this and even thats filtered
No. 75521
>>75450It disturbs me how she's always enlarging Kevin's eyes to make him more toony when in reality his eyes are squinty slits
Not that Kevin doesn't deserve her, but I can't imagine staying with a partner who would hate how I naturally look so badly as to edit me into a different person.
And with all that shit she talks about being into hairless twinks, Kevin must feel terrible knowing deep down he's a man with a hairy ass and square jaw.
No. 75532
File: 1576294221566.png (535.29 KB, 1284x716, lel.png)

bringing this screenshot back to show how much she gets off on her own retardation and will never see that she's being made fun of.
so sad to be that age with that ego, when you're only that good in your own head and everyone else around you is pity side-eyeing each other. just sad she's dragging kevin down with her when he still has a chance.
No. 75533
File: 1576294475711.png (3.24 MB, 2786x1346, lmao.png)

>>75532samefag but she's also clearly using more lolcow tips when it comes to her hair/horns. the farmers on here nitpicking = her shopping for extensions. so transparent lori
thought kevin was the master forger when it came to 002 horns.
No. 75542
>>75533…if Lori is THE REAL Zero Two, why would she need mere cosplay shit like extensions or wigs? aren't those only for ugly, lesser females and plebs?
didn't she claim to be "blessed" with kawaii genetics or some other delusional shit?
No. 75554
File: 1576348755672.png (431.95 KB, 1080x2034, Capture _2019-12-14-10-35-14.p…)

Nothing ultra-milky here, but the comments on Lori's most recent photo had a funny nuance in them. It might be nitpicky, but Lori is such a self-serving narc she can't even correct people on her own relationship status.
No. 75557
>>75542it's ironic too because the girl modeling the horns in the etsy screenshot looks way more like 002 and she's probably just a model hired who has never even seen the anime kek
lori is spinnin in her cheap ill-fitting plugsuit
No. 75560
>>75532I disagree that Kevin is being dragged down with Lori and still has a chance.
Kevin should stay with Lori and keep making long Facebook posts about her. I really miss Kevin's Facebook posts.
No. 75744
File: 1576521392765.jpg (119.95 KB, 971x1280, IMG_20191216_113545_918.jpg)

Lori still doing this lol
No. 75813
File: 1576616927447.jpeg (104.76 KB, 675x900, EL_-qu1U8AIS6fz.jpeg)

Lori got a new… Bodysuit?
No. 75818
>>75813Zero two meets….80s aerobics class??
This looks so bad. Not even remotely appealing, putting the fact that it's Lori wearing it would cancel out any appeal aside
No. 75823
File: 1576621111368.jpg (79.64 KB, 640x800, 74605114_1199008563821662_3093…)

>>75814My favorite part of this photo is the glitter filter she put over the pic so she wouldn't have to clean her mirror.
1 more pic.
No. 75859
File: 1576650201955.jpg (125.32 KB, 996x1279, IMG_20191217_232050_055.jpg)

This is confusing. I thought some dude was sending her stuffed animals so I clicked on the account.
It's a bowling alley and arcade in Pennsylvania. They sent her stuffed animals? It just looks like a local business.
Did she tag the wrong account?
No. 75935
File: 1576712837576.png (1.96 MB, 954x1188, chubs.png)

>>75831>>75840this lmao. her body reminds me of Dasha almost, very fridge-like even with editing.
feel like this is a fair nitpick because "uwu im so smol" usually = a secret fatty. your editing isn't good enough to hide the chub sorry lori.
No. 75955
>>75935I don't really care if a girl isn't a stick but Lori deserves everything bad flung at her so…
Lori, your… Hips? Look fat as fuck and not in a flattering way. It's like you manage to have a muffin top even without the muffin cup. Shits fucked.
No. 76001
File: 1576783717218.jpg (80.14 KB, 1080x810, 79169357_537322693665201_48970…)

No. 76002
File: 1576784258607.png (484.99 KB, 708x1020, Screenshot_20191219-123218~2.p…)

No. 76019
File: 1576790511067.jpeg (298.76 KB, 2048x1956, EMHaVrFUYAAjLNF.jpeg)

>>76017Here's the full size version of the foot pic. The big toenail looks pretty bad, but I'm not a foot fetishist so…
No. 76021
>>76017There is no way foot fetishists will pay for that. They are the cheapest of all fetishists because they maintain that they shouldn’t have to pay because it’s not a sexual body part and they can find millions of free feet pics on the internet. Learned first hand over many years. She’ll get swamped with freeloaders and time wasters though.
But also her feet are pretty gnarly. So theres that.
No. 76055
>>76001You can tell she doesn't have much hips in other pics like this one. She's using the high straps in
>>75935 and spreading her knees to force an illusion of wide hips, but instead it really does just end up looking like a weird muffin top? She really does have a young boy's body, big ol feet and all.
>>76002>perfect little toesLiterally looks like gross manfeet put through multiple filters. I don't wanna nitpick some toes, but there ain't nothing little about that thumb of a big toe Lori.
No. 76067
File: 1576823968271.jpeg (883.14 KB, 1242x1767, 2CB3DB0D-966C-4FFC-94AC-FEBB48…)

No. 76097
>>76067Looks like she just want to whine to her friends when she’s in a bad relationship and get asspats. But when they give some obvious and
valid advice, she gets mad.
No. 76131
>>76097It’s just ironic how she decided to post this when Kevin is the one in the
victims shoes because of her
abusive ways.
No. 76160
>>76074>Why does it look like she used her big toe to stir some cherry kool aid?Fucking kek anon. I think it's from her amping up the filters/contrast to such drastic levels to hide flaws, but you're right, it just makes her feet looks angry, red, and rashy for some reason. Her toenail looks discolored despite all the filters she put on it too. Fix ur feet Lori.
>>76067Which ex is she claiming tried to kill her? I know there's been abuse allegations thrown around on both sides, but I don't recall this whole "almost died" story.
No. 76271
File: 1576977491012.png (2.26 MB, 2162x1352, LoriNASA.png)

No. 76276
File: 1576978452108.jpeg (8.52 KB, 226x223, images.jpeg)

>>76019Reminded me of this
No. 76775
File: 1577469461711.jpeg (583.46 KB, 1536x2046, CF27B242-51C7-4ABC-83FF-18D310…)

I didn’t cap it because it didn’t seem milky but Kevin posted “Welp, I tried :)”
Lori posted this and Kevin’s comments made me cackle.
No. 76841
>>76783Lori is still the same person now as she was in that video. I laugh anytime it surfaces.
She just can't stand it when that interviewer spoke to anyone else. She had to interject anytime someone else spoke.
Also lol at her saying she made all those costumes. What a joke. Props to the interviewer for not buying that was all her real hair.
The comments she made about Usagi's actress in PGSM are gross.
No. 78156
File: 1578712085457.jpg (785.59 KB, 1080x1812, 20200110_210809.jpg)

She might be laying low but shes still a liar. This is NOT Otakon 2007. Its 2003!!
No. 78173
File: 1578748898465.jpeg (253.39 KB, 800x800, DF49D553-A728-4598-87C5-D3B848…)

>>78156>>78158Gotta erase the fuck out of these smile lines lmao. At least back then she showed some kind of emotion, but now she’s so terrified of looking old, she cant stand her face wrinkling in any way, no matter how natural.
She made herself look like one of these creepy heads that dentists practice on.
No. 78897
>>78846Despite no receipts I don’t find this hard to believe at all from what we’ve seen of their previous fights. It really sounds like something that would happen with them.
Hope someone capped it either way though.
No. 78909
>>78846oh my god PLEASE someone have screenshots.
also if this is true and we see lori in that fucking suit again we're gonna know she's as piss soaked as her personality lmaoooooooooooo
only these two could have milk this flavour
No. 78937
File: 1579308909353.jpg (35.76 KB, 600x338, Cassandra_closeup_The_End_of_t…)

>>78156Lori giving me mad Cassandra vibes with her professional editing lmao
>>78846Not that I don't hope someone has receipts, but I definitely believe you. That little escapade is right up Lori and Kevin's alley with their totes not aboosive relationship
No. 78968
>>78966Are you the same anon as before who saw the post or a different one?
So he actually pissed on the cosplay? Why would anyone even post that on FB?
No. 79074
File: 1579421776734.jpg (99.43 KB, 1280x918, IMG_20200119_011508_292.jpg)

>>79068You're right, anon. She says that she should have new content by next weekend. I wonder if that's because a new suit is being shipped to her lol.
No. 79077
File: 1579428269915.jpg (1.18 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1579428015771.jpg)

>>79074>>79068Nah, she replied to some latex cosplay designer about how she's getting a custom made zero two latex bodysuit for just 200 bucks. Don't know shit about latex myself but that seems like it's going to be looking super cheap and poorly made or she got scammed.
No. 80339
File: 1580337076267.jpg (562.69 KB, 1080x1853, Screenshot_20200130-093018__01…)

Haven't seen Lori's zero two suit for a while… Guess those anon's were right KEK
No. 80485
File: 1580425092245.jpeg (459.51 KB, 828x745, BE16901C-853E-439D-9B99-00C098…)

I wish when she was just Sailor Moon and not this. Sad thing to see
No. 80502
File: 1580440403571.jpg (106.71 KB, 1239x1280, IMG_20200130_201351_040.jpg)

No. 80613
File: 1580505575800.jpg (110.61 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20200131_141931_244.jpg)

No. 80619
>>80509she's not sailor moon anymore, she's zero two. probably got bored of skinwalking sailor moon
>>80502kek im dead
No. 81214
>>80502This is perfect for the new thread pic, although Lori's face should be in it too.
It's been nearly a month since the last red suit pic.
No. 81236
File: 1580836062169.jpeg (45.02 KB, 540x480, DC3BEE19-1867-4E26-939D-266A44…)

>>81231Lori cosplaying Sailor Moon in 2020
No. 81337
File: 1580882100779.jpeg (245.01 KB, 1242x682, 7EE5D623-3DAB-4F5B-AA6A-2096B3…)

>>81304Different anon, but here are receipts.
No. 81354
>>81337jesus christ, this is sad. what did the replies say?
she shitposts a lot on there as opposed to her instagram and she has me blocked so please keep the receipts up hahaha
No. 81577
File: 1581026722652.png (2.27 MB, 1280x2547, new_latex_cosplay.png)

>Thanks to Kevin peeing on my old suit, I'm getting a new latex one. Please support my Patreon.
No. 81604
>>81596Why wear the peesuit when you can make Kevin buy you a new latex one tho?
Also, cmon anon. If she was really desperate enough to wear the peesuit she'd have to live with that shame.
No. 81991
File: 1581324799525.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.89 KB, 1080x1417, Screenshot_20200210-194509__01…)

I sighed when I read this. It's something you'd expect from kids loitering outside hot topic
No. 82088
File: 1581401915375.jpeg (52.9 KB, 320x275, 55685A29-E0CD-4CD8-82F2-0F85E1…)

Not knowing who Usagi Dumpling is, I just did a google search and found this!
Is that Scott, Scott? Did he have to ask Lori’s permission before this shoot?
Does anyone have the milk on this?
No. 82093
>>82088Same fag here
I just went through Usagi Dumplings I know I’m going to get dragged for this but I can’t help but think this girl was trying to skin walk Lori. From the real bangs with the extensions routine, to straight up Scott. Is anyone with me on this?
What’s the tea on this girl?
nb4 gtfo Lori
No. 82116
>>82112If Lori was half as
abusive to Scott as she has been to Kevin, I can't really blame him. Anyone have the tea on what happened with Scott? Is Lori trying to make all her new boyfriends skin walk Scott by dying their hair?
No. 82260
File: 1581533809775.jpg (148.95 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20200212_115517_252.jpg)

YOU GUYS. Red suit is back! Now, I do remember Lori saying that she has two of these red suits. But we haven't seen her in this in months. This also could be an old photo. She must have thousands of pics of herself in this cosplay.
No. 84477
File: 1582778685253.png (546.98 KB, 468x588, YHR0YVG.png)

tangled now?