File: 1545959524679.jpeg (238.81 KB, 1040x1536, mickey t nose.jpeg)

No. 48245
-Ridiculous photoshopper extraordinaire
-Genuinely believes she looks exactly like her shoops
-Anachan who suddenly 'refuses' to speak about astronomical weight loss, but can't stop drawing attention to it
-Claims rare illness caused it after admitting to dieting
-WKs herself on reddit
-'Deactivated' IG and privatized FB after getting called out on here, 4chan and reddit
Fb: @Thequeenofdeer No. 48246
File: 1545959562060.jpeg (672.77 KB, 1242x1976, doesn't photoshp.jpeg)

>>48245'doesn't photoshop
No. 48248
File: 1545959665361.png (700.6 KB, 800x1099, 1C30DC00-8E72-450E-8E80-744F27…)

Image dump incoming
No. 48250
File: 1545959763905.jpeg (87.05 KB, 323x508, AC03126B-766A-4E35-A736-4CF8BF…)

No. 48252
File: 1545959794324.jpeg (625.62 KB, 2048x2048, F17EC6E0-336A-42BE-BD2E-03D43B…)

No. 48253
File: 1545959837752.jpg (182.98 KB, 527x602, mals.jpg)

>>48251But now she's ~super sick~ kek
No. 48255
File: 1545959893675.jpeg (713.86 KB, 1101x1135, 076DFEF0-D5D3-4772-B229-9A5D88…)

Totally just angles and contour guys
No. 48257
File: 1545960113723.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1518, reddit1.jpeg)

>>48245Totally "not Mickey". Nothing to see here
No. 48259
File: 1545960186696.jpeg (38.2 KB, 187x275, 0066232F-81C1-4F88-AD5A-91A821…)

>makes a post about her weightloss
>posts before and after pics
>”hey everyone look how much weight I’ve lost I’m so inspirational!!1!”
>freaks out and makes a post telling people not to ask her about it anymore lol
No. 48260
File: 1545960235122.jpeg (836.31 KB, 1242x3183, no makeup.jpeg)

No makeup guise! This is all me!
No. 48261
File: 1545960287224.jpeg (177.19 KB, 749x1009, real nose.jpeg)

No. 48262
File: 1545960373538.jpeg (634.59 KB, 2048x2048, MIckey t 4.jpeg)

No. 48263
File: 1545960482287.png (4.85 MB, 1242x2208, BB7B7F18-9B3B-46C2-AF1C-809855…)

Wavy ass bricks
No. 48265
File: 1545960806480.jpeg (941.1 KB, 1125x1488, A564D51E-5BFC-4FCE-BB29-777D38…)

>>48264What size is my shirt? Oh yeah it’s extra small, you know it’s just so big on me. I’m so small and precious. Don’t ask about my weight though, I’ll get
triggered. :((
No. 48268
File: 1545961278446.jpeg (667.29 KB, 1125x1105, 9C194A05-FE50-4805-969D-602370…)

No. 48274
File: 1545963314744.jpeg (46.27 KB, 1080x1047, 05285AD4-22B2-4B11-9B2F-C86B1F…)

Her artwork lol
No. 48279
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No. 48281
File: 1545964378737.png (861.98 KB, 750x1334, 64EE84BB-0D36-4D21-B2D0-66560B…)

>>48278By attacking people, I mean doing things like this. If you’re lurking, Mickey, think about how much it must have hurt when people made fun of you about your weight. Doing this makes you look callous and cruel. But then you make drawings like
>>48274 ?? Why is it ok for you to make fun of people’s appearances, but as soon as someone says anything about you, they’re just a hater?
No. 48284
File: 1545964755850.jpg (265.33 KB, 720x978, 18-12-27-18-39-11-782_deco.jpg)

>>48283Considering it only took her 8 months to become 'not obese' that doesnt say much. Pic related
No. 48285
File: 1545964859466.png (271.53 KB, 802x352, 48f4f106f78aa29d2e9fa3d54ece2f…)

>>48281Funny, considering what her facebook banner says. She seems like a very nasty, bitter person.
No. 48287
File: 1545965012552.png (453.46 KB, 783x531, mikey.png)

Not milk but why are all of her facebook featured photos of her at cafes drinking black coffee?
No. 48288
File: 1545965197238.jpeg (393.79 KB, 640x1136, D5B89BEB-36D9-409C-9929-9CBD42…)

>>48287Probably aesthetic reasons.
Also what the fuck is going on with her arm in this picture? Is that a side effect of bad editing?
No. 48291
File: 1545965575815.png (2.38 MB, 1440x2323, Screenshot_2018-12-27-20-51-24…)

Her makeup is so dirty, she looks like a burn victim in this photo
No. 48293
File: 1545965975851.jpeg (75.03 KB, 400x534, E1DDB343-B6D2-4A26-BB7E-7FB90B…)

it’s been really fun watching this all develop the past few days if only she could take her floppy skin wings and fly away from all her problems
Popped over to her DA, is this supposed to be a self portrait? She kinda reminds me of Vicky with the “she can only draw her photoshopped face”/versions of it
No. 48294
File: 1545966380373.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x1643, 98D38C7C-38C0-4347-8035-978295…)

>>48291I’m getting massive aly_realrecover vibes from this girl.
>>48274Pissing myself. She’s loving this attention. If she actually wanted this to stop she’d lay low, but instead she gives us this.
No. 48295
>>48260There's more foundation in this picture than in a construction sight. There's more highlighter in this picture than on a med student's textbooks during finals. Who is this bitch trying to fool? I almost feel bad because she's clearly delusional.
>>48281She's just an insanely insecure fattie on the inside, still. She may have lost weight, but she's still that obese girl on the "before" pictures. She's pathetic.
>>48288Loose skin from weight loss, nonny. She looks downright scary on that picture though.
Shame. She's not an ugly girl at all, but she seems rotten on the inside - or at the very least, very broken.
No. 48296
>>48291I apologise for same-fagging but does this bitch put on lipstick blindfolded? I hate this "trend" of just drawing a circle around your lips and calling it a day. It looks awful. Stop.
>>48293I mean, she probably believes she looks like this (minus thiccness since she shoops herself into an ana-chan). The BDD is strong with this one.
No. 48302
>>48298I said this in the last thread but I’m pretty sure she had gastric bypass just by seeing the excessive Splenda and excessive skin. Sugar is a huge no with GP, it causes something called dumping which is dangerous and painful. Because they’re still fatties and never learned to eat right they end up addicted to artificial sweeteners. Except those aren’t any better really.
I very much doubt she has MALS. I think she binges in fats and sugars regularly and goes to the emergency room from the problems that arise.
No. 48306
>>48299You know what, I think the white knights are right. We should really be more sympathetic towards a girl who’s obviously really sick with a bad case of the liquify tool. Symptoms apparently include using the n-word inappropriately, cracking jokes about Kate Spade’s suicide, ana-baiting, and lying about her shooped looks in order to make herself appear superior.
Having a physical, or even a mental, illness does not excuse lies and shitty behavior.
No. 48311
>>48310What RECENT shitty behavior can you even prove?
Even if she said shit in the past I've never seen anything even remotely bad come from her since then.
No. 48314
File: 1545969094994.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1600x1197, ED771B68-20F9-447E-AC46-7C5F7E…)

>>48311Help her with her mental health. She obviously needs help, or else she would be photoshopping herself. You can’t tell me that she really looks like that when this is how she looks in her livestreams. We’re not attacking her looks (at least most of us aren’t, yes, there are some people nitpicking her post-weight loss stuff) we’re pointing out obvious inconsistencies in what she says is the truth. She needs to become more comfortable in the way she really looks.
No. 48318
>>48305This is the worst attempt at integration I have ever seen
0/10 time to log off Mikayla
No. 48332
File: 1545972420051.jpeg (327.95 KB, 1800x1800, EB67E31E-464B-4FE3-9E5E-A56751…)

Ah yes, it’s just make up guise
No. 48338
File: 1545974492403.png (12.13 KB, 680x195, mikey.PNG)

>>48334>>48336pretty sure doxxing is a real thing. and i'm pretty sure y'all went out of your way to find her real name. and it's obvious that this is with malicious intent.
No. 48342
File: 1545974940485.jpg (36.75 KB, 540x960, 1545890042198.jpg)

>>48339Ah yes, of course. Clearly there is no makeup on her nose and it's all ~natural~
>>48338She posted her facebook herself on her own instagram. People finding it and posting it here is not doxing
No. 48343
>>48340it’s either a pathetic wk being purposely obtuse or Mickey just trying to try to defend her fake face
both are likely and neither are convincing lol
>>48341yeah she may look like she does in her live videos. too bad she looks like a cracked out granny, saggy skin & bingo wings included, and not like the qt anime elf she imagines herself to be.
No. 48345
File: 1545975291021.png (1022.2 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-12-28-00-33-40…)

Lol not hard to figure out her real name.
No. 48349
>>48335>>48299Stop clogging every single thing u get posted on as a “long time friend” or “I knew this girl for years”
We all know it’s you and it’s quite sad.
Also commenting #fakenews in the reddit posts calling you out has to be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done .. you know besides showing your tities in random chans
No. 48356
File: 1545975776989.png (213.13 KB, 494x365, tumblr_m2eb19QYOJ1qzjdbbo1_500…)

I'll say it again. If you see this
>>48262 and feel even a little jealous or bad about yourself, you are a fool. Might as well be jealous of pic related and lose self confidence whenever you see Final Fantasy or DOA characters, too. I've seen Second Life characters that look more realistic and passable than this woman's Photoshop jobs.
No one here is jealous of her (I hope). The level of delusion is just off the charts. She really is a white Raychiel, and I'm just waiting for the hilarity when someone wants to interview her, or takes photos with her IRL and deprives her of editing rights.
No. 48360
>>48352no one posted the cow’s family, just a screenshotted pic from a social media account
why are cows always so dramatic abt people finding dirt on family’s public accounts? maybe you shouldn’t shop yourself so hard that you freak out at the thought of people finding your real face so easily
No. 48363
>>48361You're working against your own goal of making us leave her alone. The more you bump a thread, the more it gets sent to the front page.
More of us evil Lolcow bullies will see this thread, click on it, have a laugh at your BFF's horrible shoops, then read your posts and say "Loool some loser is trying so hard to defend her".
Source: It's how I ended up in this thread
No. 48364
>>48354Yes because camera angles make your eyes larger your face/jaw/chin smaller, your nose smaller, and backgrounds warp around your waist, legs and arms. Clearly it's just the ~camera angles~
No one would give a shit about her photoshopping if she would just admit to it.
No. 48365
File: 1545976237874.png (254.2 KB, 500x376, 9107A853-5453-468D-8467-FADF16…)

>>48361>>48352Stop posting “as a friend” and using emojis here
Did the gastric bypass also cut the blood flow to your brain?
The more you comment here the more we will see this thread.
This isn’t reddit when you can hide behind mods.
>tinfoil >maybe she posts a lot about being “a friend” because no one else but twelvies that believe her shoop would defend her Your ex posted about meeting you IRL on reddit and how disappointing it was
No. 48368
>>48363This. Honestly I don’t give a single fuck if
>>48361 bumps this thread because it doesn’t bother me. I can scroll around it. But if you want the thread to die and for people to stop talking about Mickey, you’re doing it wrong.
No. 48370
File: 1545976528565.png (5.05 MB, 1242x2208, 1545960482287.png)

>>48354It's just the camera angles warping everything, right?
No. 48373
File: 1545976887949.png (Spoiler Image,503.54 KB, 386x829, Screenshot_2018-12-15-17-17-22…)

No. 48374
>>48368Okay, first off, I didn't know what saging exactly was as I am from Reddit.
>>48362If you saw pictures of me before I lost 60 pounds and after I lost 60 pounds, learned how to take a proper picture, got a better camera, etc. you'd be singing a different tune.
>>48365Also, I'm literally not Mikey. LMAO. This is actually fucking hilarious that you guys think so. She has 4k Facebook friends who actually enjoy having her on their feed. I sure as hell do. She's like a real life Bratz doll and is GORGEOUS.
No. 48375
File: 1545977166738.png (Spoiler Image,780.33 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-12-25-10-25-11…)

No. 48377
File: 1545977303417.jpeg (27.22 KB, 184x184, 08E8A8C2-7AFD-429F-9441-4113DE…)

>She's like a real life Bratz doll and is GORGEOUS.I kek’d so hard I almost choked on all the milk. Nobody cares if you’re Mickey or not, it’s just hilarious that you believe all of the lies she’s feeding you.
No. 48385
>>48381lol and turns to high school level taunts just like a certain cow
pls stop mikayla this is embarrassing
No. 48386
>>48383She didn't send me. I came here on my own accord.
I think she's gorgeous, I strive to look like her and be as skinny as she is tbh. She's literally my idol and I dream of commissioning her artwork.
My biggest issue with this is that Lolcow used to be used to dog on SHITTY people, not someone you just may not like because you think they shop their stuff.
This is beyond pathetic at this point. Wonder how y'all would feel if someone posted you here.
Look, she may be gorgeous IRL. I think she’s cute without the extreme shoop. Yes, there are people nitpicking her loose skin. Most of us here aren’t about that life, and I think that’s not cool of those people to do it.
What we all definitely have a problem with, however, is that she lies about photoshop. We have a problem with the fact that she has definitely lied about how much makeup she wears and what editing she does.
The fact that she photoshops isn’t up for debate. We all know she does it, and anyone who denies the shoop is actually delusional. And you know what? We would not care if she photoshops herself into a literal alien with green skin as long as she doesn’t try to convince people that it’s her natural, unedited face. That is the issue we have. The more she and her friends and fans deny it, the more ridiculous it gets, and the more we’re going to push back against it.
No. 48389
File: 1545978365721.jpeg (104.45 KB, 600x800, e3446a96bfa6ea9f195a58cd685e79…)

>>48381>>48386>most of you sound like jealous whiny girls >I strive to look like her >She's literally my idol Anon, I have some other #goals and #inspo for you.
No. 48391
File: 1545978537832.png (571.69 KB, 602x530, oo.png)

>>48386>My biggest issue with this is that Lolcow used to be used to dog on SHITTY peopleHow would you know that? You didn't even know what saging was until 20 minutes ago.
>not someone you just may not like because you think they shop their stuff.>thinkSo, this is what humans look like to you?
No. 48393
>>48386>LOLCOW USED 2 BHow do you know how LC used to be if you just came from Reddit and didn't even know how to sage?
>>48389More realistic than Mikayla, imo
No. 48394
>>48389you're being much too generous anon
her inspo is clearly dr seuss characters
No. 48396
File: 1545980735293.jpeg (78.64 KB, 480x480, 36B6684B-B551-4E8B-8147-C61E38…)

so grateful to the wk for keeping this entertaining
No. 48398
File: 1545981080141.jpeg (87.77 KB, 480x480, 12ED70B0-C6FB-4187-A2E7-0352DF…)

what is going on here
No. 48400
File: 1545982029992.jpeg (28.52 KB, 275x275, 3545C7CA-6BE0-4DBD-B24D-272147…)

Love how she blurred her gut away and left the rest of her dress ribbed and the stomach completely smooth
No. 48401
File: 1545982233238.jpeg (93.74 KB, 480x480, 7E4D96BF-A770-4B76-9826-BD32F1…)

>>48396I couldn’t help myself.
>>48400At this point it’s not even surprising. It won’t be long until she starts photoshopping all different parts of her body, even her fingers. She reminds me of a mashup of Dakota and Kiki- shoops hardcore like kooter, lashes out at people who call her out on it like Kiki.
No. 48404
>>48386Everyone can tell you are posting about yourself. The only thing you're achieving by pretending to be another person is making yourself look even more ridiculous than your photoshopped alien faces.
I encourage you to keep going though, I enjoy the free entertainment.
No. 48405
>>48404I can literally prove that I'm NOT Mickey. Just a friend of her's. It's pathetic that you guys have bullied her to the point that she cried on a livestream. Websites like this have been the cause of 3 suicides.
Can't ya just mind your own business? It's her life - not yours.
No. 48410
>>48407You know why people like you are on forums like this? Because you have no better use of your time, probably can't get real dick/pussy, so you sit there and want to be validated by other bullies and post ~cows~. Imagine having nothing to do. Imagine not having any real friends like you do. Can't fucking relate because Mickey is one of my ACTUAL friends and I'll continue to defend my friend.
But hey, at least I'm saging now.
No. 48413
File: 1545991691695.gif (519.54 KB, 379x235, milk.gif)

>>48407for real. i didn't give a single fuck about this girl until her WK started sperging all over the thread. please keep the delicious milk flowing you crazy crazy autist
No. 48415
>>48410Pls go you weird bitch, you've been WKing for hours. If I were Mickey, I'd be more afraid of my weird ass stans than randos on a gossip site.
>>48412This sperg is too salty to be a simple WK. Micks, dat you?
No. 48417
>>48415The original WKer was banned earlier, you can see that if you over over their number.
Mickey is my friend. I'm doing this because I deeply care about her and her wellbeing. She actually has an illness and everyone on here is poking fun at it, at her loose skin, etc.
>>48405Normal people do not log into the internet to cry on live stream because of strangers on the internet, not even other cows who have had worse about them exposed here. This bitch needs a therapist, to dump her enabler WKs and to get off the internet
This thread is a goldmine now though so there's that.
No. 48419
File: 1545994616441.png (54.73 KB, 200x120, uGdukQd.png)

>New boring thread
>Created a few hours ago
>169 posts
Is this some kind of wannabe Vicky?
No. 48420
>>48419This thread was made because she kept getting posted about in some badly shooped costhot thread (well I think it was about costhots originally, then became badly shopped instahoes central) I think one of the WKs is her, the other one seems to be a friend from Facebook. (i still think one of them is her tho) I do think she's Vicky's daughter, though. And no one can prove me wrong.
>>48417Anon, was she diagnosed with BDD? You claim to be her friend, but your other posts read like you're only her friend from Facebook, not in real life. Few anons made fun of her loose skin (if they even did, that is. The loose skin posts from the last thread had people speculating if she was self-harming or people saying she used to be a "fattychan" and is now anorexic), the majority of us haven't. This thread is only here because of your friend's embarrassing online behavior. Instead of enabling her, how about trying to get her some help? I mean, she's crying on live because people saw what she actually looks like. Seems enabling her has made everything worse.
No. 48422
>>48412Your originality. 11/10
I've been waiting ages for this thread. We all knew Mickey would sperg out over this. Really feels like a new Vicky. Thank u for the milk.
No. 48426
File: 1546011134740.png (195.59 KB, 445x450, A63278DE-6B25-47C3-93D3-888121…)

>>48417You literally just said that “at least I’m saging now”, “I just came from reddit and didn’t know how to sage” while responding to a post, that was in response to those posts you claim ~aren’t yours~ and you’re repeating the same verbatim shit as (your) other posts when you didn’t sage and got red texted by mods. You are so fucking embarrassing. Holy shit.
Not only are you not actually responding to all the evidence, but you’re lying about her not doing/saying/knowing certain things,
a lot. And got super defensive about the gastric surgery. You sound like the retard trying to WK her on reddit and 4chan.
And by the way, you fucking retard, this is an all female site.
First were ~sooo jealous~ of some girl that looks nothing like she actually does and has a shitty personality, try’s to make her followers feel bad, and is rude to others, shopping the shit out of her face and body, while WKing herself all over reddit. (Who wouldn’t want to be like that?! We should just throw away our advanced college degrees and stable jobs to LARP as a who from whoville on IG and spend hours covering up our shit to not get caught, bc were so jealous kekekekekekek x10)
Then we’re ~beta males jerking off in the basement~ who just want to fuck her and are ~obsessively stalking~ her.
We can post whatever the fuck we want on our own site, she makes all these photos and her full name, all of this shit, very publicly available. Stop pretending like you’re newfag ass knows anything about our site bc you scrolled through the /pt/ catalog. This is literally the whole point of the site. You know nothing about this place if you don’t know why she’s posted here. She isn’t special or ~totes innocent deer who didn’t do nuffin wrong and doesnt belong with the
other cows who are actually shitty~ She is shitty as well. She is a cow. She is just like the other cows posted here. Not that hard to understand. This isn’t even her thread. She’s nothing on this site but a tiny, warped, blimp on the radar. She isn’t some special cow who everyone is constantly ~obsessed~ with. What an ego lol. This is a gossip forum, not a asskissing hugbox. And btw you’re mixing our site with others in you’re ~you drove 3 people to commit soduku~ claims.
We can all tell which posts are yours, all of us. Thanks for bumping the thread and showing hundreds of more anons this thread, who would’ve never seen it in the first place. The free 2% milk you’ve provided is phenomenal, thanks! Can’t wait until you get a thread here.
I’m just waiting for mods to come in and track the IP address and reveal all the posts. $10 that it’s coming from the same state as mickey. No. 48431
>>48417Well, go tell your friend (if you're really not Mickey) that you just fucked everything up and just gave us free milk today and that her thread is much more active thanks to you and her WKs. Sure she's gonna be so thankful and happy.
Wow, with friends like these…
No. 48432
I’m so sad I fell asleep last night and missed even more milk. Every fucking time somebody is posted on this board and gets called out for photoshop, some rando wk comes in and spergs up the thread with “Y-You’re just jelly of how booteeful she is!!!1! I know her in real life and she’s a perfect gorgeous elf goddess!”, while at the same time completely ignoring the anons talking about their shitty behavior that goes past photoshopping. It happened with Dakota, it happened with Taylor, it happened in the cothot thread, and now it’s happening with Mickey. The carousel goes round and round, but this milk is delicious.
>>48426All of this, 100%.
No. 48433
>>48426Most people who have lost a substantial amount of weight in a short period of time have body dysmorphia. It's usually developed after weight loss and causes the person to only see their past self. This is a psychological fact. It may not be true for everyone who loses weight, but it has a HIGH likelihood of happening.
She did not have gastric bypass to lose weight as someone mentioned in the last thread. She lost weight quickly with low carb, high protein, low fat. Similar to the keto diet, I presume.
Since this is an all female site, then you women are most definitely jealous of her. You grab the worst blurred screenshots from low-quality live videos. A person doesn't look the in a screenshot from a video as they do from a planned photo. She still looks like the same person. Must be nice to bash someone anonymously. I couldn't imagine what kind of cows you people are.
And she's admitted to using highlighter on her nose. She doesn't contour.
And also, not even bumping this as it has been saged.
(Ban evading ) No. 48434
>>48433>she still looks like the same personNo, no she doesn't. Not even a little bit. She clearly photoshops herself to look like a ~kawaii deer elf anime goddess~. Her shoops look like an uncanny anime figure, not even remotely like her real, non-anime, human face. The photographic evidence is all in front of you to see.
Just compare the nose to eye ratio in any of her edited photos. In them her nose tip is a third of the size of her eyes, and her eyes are edited to be larger than they should be. Unless you have drastic plastic surgery or are voldemort, that ratio doesn't naturally happen.
This unnatural ratio isn't present in her unedited photos either AKA it doesn't resemble her real face. Her nose tip and eyes are roughly the same size, which is normal.
I could also talk about the pencil neck, absent jaw, or wiggly doors, but those are already obvious.
You cannot argue that it's her natural face or that it looks like her face because it very obviously does not. No human could physically be proportioned in the way she shoops herself. Nobody is jealous of her doctored anime face because it. isn't. real. She might as well be posting drawings of herself because her photos have no bearing on reality.
The only way you could not see this is if you are 1. blind 2. severely mentally impaired, or 3. being purposefully obtuse because you're WK'ing for yourself or as a "friend".
No. 48437
File: 1546031400492.jpg (692.12 KB, 867x1400, IMG_20181228_1.jpg)

>>48433"you are female therefore must be jealous!!" girl…
Also the thing about highlights is they show shoop way more clearly. Look at all the angles going on in her hair
No. 48438
File: 1546031874621.jpeg (20.14 KB, 672x280, 37FECB0E-7757-4884-A6E3-CECFA0…)

>>48433Here anon, I got you a gift because you obviously have the worst fucking eyesight of anybody on this board. There are literally comparison pictures all over this thread of her photoshopped face vs her not photoshopped face, and you still adamantly believe it’s not photoshopped. Or are you just in serious denial?
Also, the red text on that post suggests that there’s at least one person continuously whiteknighting on this board so I doubt it’s just Mickey’s “legions of adoring fans” that continue to post.
No. 48439
File: 1546032692962.jpeg (292.16 KB, 1233x2039, 0945BF31-0643-441A-A65D-ECE92B…)

She doesn’t contour her upturned nose with a line..???
No. 48440
File: 1546033902713.jpg (94.71 KB, 1080x1350, 46652086_324773154920054_55734…)

the amount of shooping that goes on is unreal. if i actually met someone who looked like this in real life, i'd think she was one of those creepy-looking plastic surgery addicts
No. 48441
>>48440Clock the curved magazines on the magazine rack and the weird pixel-y effect between her legs. I wonder if she actually uses photoshop or just meitu like most of the cows.
>>48435Please someone make this a banner.
No. 48446
File: 1546038669299.jpg (19.9 KB, 567x540, Kawaibratzdesu.jpg)

>>48374>GORGEOUSYes, the look of our dreams.
No. 48447
File: 1546039149217.jpeg (151.89 KB, 640x1049, E54DD6B0-5E79-4719-A447-7A2AA6…)

Really Mickey? Why are you charging as much as you are for commissions when you’re next to unknown? There are artists 10 times as popular as you are who are charging these prices, and their commission slots are always full.
No. 48448
>>48447I’m the anon who originally posted screenshots from her livestream, and even I think this is a nitpick.
Art is still a labor and she can set whatever prices she see’s fit, 10$-50$ a few hours of dedication and creation is not a lot.
Stick to her crass, cringey personlity and lies, her art is probably the only worthwhile thing she has going for her, at least she does something.
No. 48449
>>48433>Since this is an all female site, then you women are are most definitely jealous of her.Wow, that sounds pretty sexist to me. A woman can’t dislike a person’s behavior for a list of rational reasons? It must be because of them hormones and jealousy? Women clearly can’t have opinions unless it’s motivated by feels? Are we all on our periods here? Why not let the men handle this one?
Give me a fucking break.
>Must be nice to bash someone anonymouslyCan we please implement a policy here on lolcow where anyone who employs some kind of “say it with your faces and names you cowards” rhetoric immediately gets their IP displayed? If you’re so bothered by our anonymity, why not show us your name and face yourself?
>>48434THIS! I keep saying this. Hey, friends of Mickey, the fact that she edits her images is not up for debate. It is just not. She edits badly, and even if you’re too dumb to be able to see it, we’re not. Maybe she’s gorgeous IRL, but she definitely doesn’t look exactly like her photos.
>>48445Literally half their problems could be solved by just finding a solid background, or one busy and irregular enough that shoops get hidden.
No. 48451
File: 1546040025854.jpeg (341.44 KB, 1242x1527, CE10B1F4-2B03-4DD3-A52A-D3D74F…)

>>48440Even shooped her hospital pics
If I saw someone IRL with wavy arms I’d contact center for disease control.
No. 48452
>>48450She says in the post that most commissions are on the lower end, I think it’s within reason that something extravagantly detailed could end up being 100$
Not trying to argue with you because I get what you’re saying, but she has rich parents and not much to show for herself so I’m sure she’s not actually getting 100$ out of people on the regular anyway.
No. 48453
>>48447>>48448>>48450I agree with all of this kinda. On the one hand, she can charge whatever she wants. Nobody’s forced to buy her art, and while I do agree that $100 is a lot of money, it’s not so unreasonable if she puts a lot of effort and detail into the product. She’s unlikely to get a lot of customers at that price given that her work isn’t in high demand, but she really can charge what she wants, and if she makes $100 on one piece, good for her.
On the other hand, I think it depends what the quality of the art is and how honest she is about it. If she’s charging $100 for a “complicated” piece and it’s really simple and not at all what the commissioner asked for, then we can get into a discussion of her art prices.
No. 48454
>>48452That makes sense, I understand where you’re coming from. I suppose I was thinking of the artists that are very, very skilled, but even they, when they’re new on the scene, don’t charge that much for their commissions because, hey, they’re new. I could understand it being $100 if there were multiple, full body characters, full color.
>>48446That’s terrifying
No. 48455
>>48446this is actually kinda cool for halloween or something lol
not as an everyday lewk tho
No. 48460
File: 1546047554731.jpeg (30.86 KB, 320x320, 9EEEA8D5-A3DE-4AB7-8268-FE5D55…)

i think you guys are waaay nitpicking what she’s charging for art. I’ve seen lots of people charge around what she is for about the same skill level. general rule of thumb, charge whatever you think your art is worth and adjust if you find you’re getting too many or not enough buyers for your liking. from the looks of it her deviantart isnt even active anyway.
No. 48463
>>48459Forget the string WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER KNEE!
“She doesn’t photoshop she’s an all natural bratz doll!” Ok, then get her to a hospital asap because there is something seriously wrong with that joint.
No. 48464
File: 1546048059578.jpeg (17.5 KB, 201x251, E39510AF-E20C-4F44-AC73-75CA04…)

No. 48465
>>48462Ok, sorry, I don’t think her art is worth anything. But what the fuck, “It’s not about the skill level”? Fucking Luna Slater has been selling her art for years, doesn’t mean that it’s worth anything. Because she has no fucking skill.
This is such a silly arguement anyway, because there is actual milk w/this bitch.
No. 48466
>>48465I’m the one who brought up the commission prices and while I don’t agree, the one thing I do agree on is that it’s not milky and I derailed a bit. Sorry about that
>>48451It’s sad that she shoops her hospital photos too. You’d think she wouldn’t want to post pics like that at all, since dealing with medical issues is a personal thing.
No. 48469
File: 1546059377671.jpeg (30.78 KB, 320x320, 74CDCF4B-A229-4DA1-94D3-F2C553…)

her necklace looks weird, like it’s floating kinda? why does she feel the need to shoop so heavily, this would look better without it
No. 48471
File: 1546059924640.jpg (158.1 KB, 663x1024, FTF_Print_TheLittleMermaid_201…)

I feel as if she's trying to emulate and literally BE a J. Scott Campbell drawing. All of his cheesecake-y girls have the same pinched faces with ski slope upturned noses and tend to have freckle clusters. It's a very dated aesthetic.
No. 48475
File: 1546061142593.jpeg (84.33 KB, 960x480, AD124A1E-D21E-4E44-97DC-3BBDFB…)

>>48443This comment proves she doesn’t even change her tone lmao
“I’ve known her for a ___ “ is all she can say when wk herself because she actually doesn’t have anyone lmao
>>48371 No. 48476
File: 1546066678514.png (265.1 KB, 833x278, gorgeous!.png)

>>48435>>48441 i'm no photoshop expert but i am loving this thread and i couldn't resist trying my hand at this. what a beautiful disaster
No. 48479
Banner thread
>>>/meta/962 No. 48481
File: 1546106169433.jpeg (83.25 KB, 640x640, 88890550-5FBA-4FC0-9A9C-AB9FF9…)

No. 48485
File: 1546112607402.jpeg (364.46 KB, 1242x1047, FA59B74B-DFC1-45D4-A7F7-06A757…)

>>48484Dahvie Vanity is a pedo and overall awful person. Seems like Mickey deleted all criticism except this
No. 48488
File: 1546118871801.jpeg (124.71 KB, 612x612, D60CC632-B500-49BF-8621-8AAC16…)

>>48483It doesn’t get pixelated though, and it sure doesn’t fall that neatly into perfect wavy highlights. Plus the rest of the image is shooped to hell.
>>48484You lucky duck. On top of being a pedophile and one of the ugliest souls on the planet, he’s also one of the ugliest faces on the planet (pic). His image in all iterations makes Mickey’s alien shoops look amazing. Also don’t listen to his music. You will regret it.
>>48485This is the weakest-ass excuse for apathy that I’ve ever seen. You either support him or you don’t. There’s just no way to casually not care about pedophilia.
Does she have a publicly-known PO box? Not asking for the sake of doxxing (if so, don’t share it here), but if the answer is no then she’d have to have known beforehand that stuff would be sent her way. She’d have had to give consent and an address, so she knew what she was doing associating herself with Dahvie.
No. 48491
File: 1546124966551.jpeg (279.94 KB, 1242x1623, 956AEEB5-E86D-4D61-871E-9C7FC2…)

>>48488She doesn’t have a known PO Box. She posted that dahvie follows her on Instagram and has her phone number (that post was deleted).
She didn’t seem to like him a year ago but I guess that changed when she was given free shit.
No. 48493
>>48491Dude I thought the milk was over, this shit just keeps getting worse
Dahvie vanity is one of the most disgusting things to ever happen to the internet, when I was a teenager on MySpace he used to try to PM me and all my underage friends…
It’s crazy that it’s been so long and he still spends all his time looking at girls on the internet.
And of course this insufferable bitch would be like “it’s just a sweater~ it’s so cute idc about the brand~ idc that he raped and preyed upon SEVERAL underage (some as young as 12) girls~”
Fuck you, you privileged cunt, stand for something in your life, how vapid can you possibly be?
No. 48496
>>48495Instead of calling everything a nitpick, why not contribute some conversation to the thread? Bring up a different topic or something.
>>48494Personally it doesn’t bother me, since there’s a lot of people who do that. What bothers me is that she’s so bad at trying to pull it off. Whenever she wears a wig, it looks sloppy. Imo extensions are usually easier to pull off as real hair than wigs.
No. 48497
>>48491lol band guys especially in the uWu im so scene and goth scene will follow literally anyone they think will give them promotion/pussy
they dont care how old you are
No. 48499
>>48491Ohhh… Greeeeat…
insert smile grimace here >famous-ish person follows her>omg now he’s my fave please spoon feed me more attention so all his fans will be jealous and follow meShe’s one of those people.
>>48493Hard agree. Maybe five years ago someone could be excused for not knowing or not believing that Dahvie’s a pedophile, but there’s no excuse for it now. Sorry you had to deal with his creepy ass, anon.
No. 48500
>>48498On the contrary, I think he might finally get taken down, or at least there’s a higher chance now. More news coverage, this time outside the emo/scene community. His merch got dropped from several stores, so no amount of photoshopped idiots promoting him will give him revenue that way. You cannot buy the product if there is no product to buy. is literally no way that Mickey doesn’t know about his crimes now.
No. 48502
File: 1546133832249.jpeg (160.64 KB, 640x1013, D0821B12-5B0F-48F4-82F5-91DA09…)

>>48500I’m sure she knows. The first two top results that appear when you google “Dahvie Vanity” are articles about his sexual assault accusations. There’s no way that there’s almost anybody who doesn’t know. Mickey just seems like the kind of shitty human being that would support someone regardless of the things they’ve done. And yes, Mickey, wearing the marketed clothing of a person who’s done the things Dahvie has done is supporting him. Would you wear a shirt with a swastika on it because “Omg the shirt is so cute guyz and someone just like sent it to me!!”
inb4 “You’re all jealous because someone famous is following her”
No. 48503
File: 1546134274530.jpeg (66.4 KB, 1129x443, CFFB773F-A51D-43A6-AA8C-75314B…)

>>48502Here’s a comment from this
>>48491she’s always known he’s shit
No. 48504
>>48503Oh ffs
She either has no morals, pretends not to have morals, or has no clue what “morals” even are.
>>48502>“omg guise stop bugging me i know the kkk is evil and all but my head is cold and they were cool enough to send me this really neat white hood” No. 48509
>>48503She needs to make up her damn mind. Either she’s against a guy who’s a rapist/pedophile/All around piece of shit human being, or has going to support him by wearing his fucking branded merch.
>>48507I don’t want to armchair about her having an ed or not, but isn’t it hard to lose that much weight in such a short period of time without fasting, skipping meals and starving yourself? There are people who were as big as she was, eating healthy and working out for a year and they’re still bigger than she is now. Granted, she could be photoshopping her body, but it’s still odd. I’m not a nutritionist so I don’t know.
No. 48512
>>48314I really don’t find her ugly on the left besides her lips looking kinda retarded
Her shops just come off as bargain bin valeria lukyanova
Do people really think that’s real? Kek
No. 48514
>>48506>>48507>>48508If she does have MALS and had surgery to correct it, she should be able to resume a healthy diet and regain weight. If she does not she will raise red flags for ED with her doctors. At that point she could go munchie to cover for ED. If she is restricting she could have caused GP and a host of other GI disorders. She did not mention being sick until she was thin.
How long ago were her surgery pics? We need to be better about dating caps and timelines for cows who DFE.
No. 48519
File: 1546210470686.jpeg (177.33 KB, 750x1093, 719ECEBD-E0C4-4F35-B0EB-87A14C…)

>>48518Found it.
Wow that’s one ugly sweatshirt. Mickey has no morals and no style to boot.
No. 48520
File: 1546223400509.png (499.72 KB, 602x530, notphotoshopped.png)

She doesn't shoop guys!! She looks like this in person!!!! You guys are just jealous!!!!!
No. 48521
>>48519Tbh she's saying she only cares about warmth but I'm pretty sure she had links to their store etc on her insta- the shop link was dead so I Googled it and got an article saying it was removed cus he's a pedo etc.
Like you can pretend you got sent a shirt and you're just wearing it cus it was free all you want but when you have their band page tagged and the link to their merch in your bio then yeah, that's definitely supporting them
No. 48522
File: 1546273269161.jpeg (36.12 KB, 310x365, 1D1F2E59-B13B-4B03-9A84-352212…)

>>48439I have a naturally upturned nose! N0 CoNtOuR gUiSe!!!
No. 48525
File: 1546308506211.jpeg (50.68 KB, 240x180, 4828DD2F-3AA7-4EC5-A722-B63F21…)

>>48520Literally all I can think of when I see her pics.
No. 48527
File: 1546321958376.jpeg (586.65 KB, 2048x2048, C70A4E22-5D7C-49D4-8F83-C9CEBC…)

Was feeling curious what she would look like with normal makeup.
No. 48533
File: 1546434349937.jpeg (145.14 KB, 750x837, D7BDD1D0-A9C1-49C2-B81E-066346…)

Idk how she can say she doesn’t shoop herself, wtf is going with her shoulder and her choker looks like it’s going down from the left like what?? I hope this was purposeful but if not, smdh.
No. 48535
>>48533Her "natural nose crease" looks so dirty
>>48534I think it's more the weird semi transparent part than the shape
No. 48540
File: 1546450946310.jpeg (89.45 KB, 750x1334, C1A04FF3-AC3A-428F-B6B6-42E86B…)

>>48536Her hands are warped here! If you look closely you can see she dragged the toll down her fingers cause there’s a blur line all through them
No. 48542
File: 1546489792806.jpg (27.91 KB, 474x474, 20f7ed82afd9f39802e6fea9f25a83…)

>>48351>>48437>>48375>>48342>>48314>>48287>>48262The insane way she overlines her lips and over highlights/contours her nose just looks like when you've been blowing your nose a ton and your whole nose/lip area is just a snotty inflammed mess.
No. 48544
File: 1546650931724.png (186.44 KB, 350x296, 009su9f.png)

This is probably really nitpicky but seriously, how many splenda's does a person need for one expresso shot of coffee?
No. 48547
>>48544Great way to ruin an espresso. Splenda is gross.
At first i thought the reason she used so much Splenda was because of the alleged ed, but I looked it up and Splenda apparently fucks up your metabolism, making it harder for you to maintain/lose weight.
No. 48550
>>48549or just formerly obese, you just get used to using it to replace the extra sugar you want to cut
same goes for diet pop too
sage for shitpost
No. 48554
File: 1546728568646.jpeg (150.29 KB, 750x1227, BDB02346-75D1-41EC-83FA-63EE52…)

>>48535Her nose is def not upturned
>>48533There’s a transparent part on her shoulder where you can see was smudged up, idk how this person keeps WK it, you can clearly see on her left shoulder
>>48553Literally thinking the same thing kek
No. 48555
File: 1546728922294.jpeg (153.71 KB, 750x1233, 642D861D-A2FA-4C9A-8FAC-D4C814…)

Her nose is just so muddy
I D0Nt C0nour my N0se!!
Listen to me!!! Cause you deff can’t tell I have
No. 48558
>>48547Not to mention how bad splenda is for you. You're better off just using regular sugar at that point. The truvia in the photo would be fine if she were just using that because it's stevia, but noooo gotta use 92739237 packs of splenda.
also I never understood why so many people in the "ED community" use splenda as a meal replacement, because it makes it harder to lose weight
No. 48560
>>48558Technically it doesn’t prevent you from losing weight on its own. Everything people say about aspartame freezing your fat cells and slowing metabolism has never been scientifically proven. It’s not “good for you” in any way, but it’s not harmful provided you’re consuming it in reasonable quantities.
That said, consuming artificial sweeteners can make you crave the sweet taste more and you can develop a psychological dependence on it, making you more likely to crave other sugary stuff which are high in calories. If someone can’t live without soda but wants to lose weight, Diet Coke can help, but it’s hella not the most efficient way to hit a goal weight.
No. 48565
>>48551 D&E??
Isn't that an abortion?
No. 48568
File: 1546892300409.jpg (582.48 KB, 1080x1329, Screenshot_20190107-131357_Fac…)

Here we go
No. 48570
File: 1546895726233.png (107.06 KB, 291x272, uht876ib.png)

>>48568I'm starting to think she's actually retarded. Can shoop themselves so fucking much, not even try to hide it but yet claims "ya'll bitchz r jelly, im natural". No, either stop wearing or posing around things that warp and distort when you photoshop yourself or just fucking stop photoshopping. It's pretty fucking easy
>>48569You mean this video?
>>48375 the one where she looks almost human despite having 40 pounds of makeup, lashes, extensions, potato quality camera and shitty lighting? Yeah she doesn't look like her shoops IRL so I dunno what you're talking about
No. 48571
File: 1546902671997.jpg (624.92 KB, 1080x1619, Screenshot_20190107-160853_Fac…)

"I dOnT eDiT mY pHoToS"
ok micks so instead you just smack yourself in the eye and nose with a puff covered in dirt?
No. 48575
File: 1546909138888.jpeg (346.15 KB, 1800x1800, 459C9FDA-8684-438F-9A86-EDE4C8…)

>>48568I tried to facetune her with normal sized eyes and her normal nose. Look at the difference. No one can look like the left even with extreme makeup. She’s delusional.
No. 48576
File: 1546909363029.jpg (637.52 KB, 1600x1200, pt2019_01_07_19_00_35.jpg)

Yeah homegirl hardcore photoshops.
Side note: I really like we old makeup
No. 48579
File: 1546912831147.png (620.88 KB, 750x538, Untitled.png)

>>48574I was thinking of this one. I had no idea a shitty phone app could reach this level of fuckery. Technology is fucked man.
No. 48580
File: 1546914236582.jpg (154.08 KB, 1062x1593, d505fe5bf86976cfcfbbff3425ed04…)

>>48572I mean this girl is ridiculous but thats the most autistic nitpick I've ever heard. Suzuya does have eyebrows, theyre just small, but literally almost every suzuya cosplayer has eyebrows because who cares.>>48572
>>48572 No. 48582
File: 1546919635473.png (439.91 KB, 395x554, 9e8a2d02392a26b340da02a76882a6…)

Totally not photoshopped.
No. 48583
File: 1546919700275.png (770.38 KB, 470x563, f55cca13e63777f7b225ed9f67bb51…)

No. 48584
File: 1546919774386.png (520.65 KB, 420x565, 5bd2b23aa58f023efc19f827aa20de…)

yaoi hands
No. 48585
File: 1546919826963.png (560.17 KB, 462x521, 94062d0e1e64908ca4e729aeedf8eb…)

No. 48593
oof..she looks so sick in all these recent pictures
>>48591go back and look because almost all her pictures have her hand and fingers looking abnormally large in comparison to the rest of her body
it freaks me out they even look like..literal animal claws in some
No. 48594
File: 1546987942456.jpg (40.08 KB, 500x382, fe334eaaa47bcdc86633055b8fb9bc…)

>>48583>>48584I can't fucken believe she shooped herself into IRL yaoi. Fucked up profile and hands and all.
No. 48596
File: 1546993662829.jpg (665.72 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20190108-172637_Fac…)

"not my usual makeup style"
Oh please
also yaoi hands in full effect here
No. 48605
>>48596Love the thicc meaty hand in comparison to how she shoops in
>>48585 to look anachan. Surprised she didn’t liquify the shit out of that bloated hand.
No. 48606
File: 1547057287153.jpg (67.99 KB, 720x704, _20190109_180328.JPG)

Her nose looks bigger than usual here (and def not upturned??). At least be consistent if you're gonna pretend you're not shooped
No. 48608
File: 1547061409222.png (315.28 KB, 659x1766, tumblr.png)

Not huge milk in any way, but I searched "Thequeenofdeer" of tumblr to see if anything was there, and the only thing that came up with this pro-ana blogger defending her in anonymous asks. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the first ask was sent by Mickey herself, given her history.
I sent her an anon question just asking if she was friends with Mickey IRL (in a totally neutral way, no mention of shooping or eds or accusations or anything) since she says:
>she looks nearly the exact same in video and live stream
and I'm pretty sure she just ignored the question since she has posted multiple things/other anon questions since then and has not answered mine. It's not a hill worth dying on, so I wouldn't blame her for not responding. I was just curious if there were any actual (aka not Mickey whiteknighting herself on reddit) people claiming she looked the same in person.
I also find it interesting that this blogger says she's been friends with Mickey for 3 years, but she specifically won't follow "fat" people so I doubt she ever followed Mickey when she was bigger or would have any real idea of her weight-loss progression enough to be so confident that it's MALS and not eds. (Also kek she won't follow "fat" people because they're "unhealthy", but follows Mickey even though she believes her weight loss is due to her severe illness. But that's a whole 'nother issue.)
No. 48609
File: 1547061662612.jpeg (928.87 KB, 958x1226, A7FAC511-54A7-4C81-93E5-FF8AE8…)

>>48582When you lighten the photo you can see everything lmao
No. 48610
>>48608That’s Dae or (Dae Umeko/ Dae yumeko ) she has a thread on PULL.
she was in the petty girls group chat with Mickey. They mass bullied tons of girls and screenshots of the chat got leaked.
No. 48612
File: 1547065931892.png (179.02 KB, 867x778, mals.png)

>>48610Oh, interesting, I had no idea. Thanks for the info anon!
My other question would be….what exactly is Mickey claiming as her timeline for her weight loss/MALs? MALs is such a specific/rare disease to claim, it seems wild that she would lie about that (not like a spoonie/munchausen disease or something). Apparently MALs only really affects young skinny women, and in
>>48251 she says she lost weight with d&e. The super obvious question is why would she be in an eds group chat and best buds with pro-ana bloggers if her extreme weight loss was caused by disease and not eds? Not a medical-chan but just a cursory google makes it seem like MALs is pretty easy to fix/treat once diagnosed.
So is her timeline supposed to be:
>bigger gal>lose a ton of weight through d&e>now a skinny gal/at a healthy weight>oh no, now that I'm skinny I'm affected by MALs! :(((>now an ana-chan level gal (because of MALs not eds)>spend a ton of time in the hospital because of chronic pain caused by MALs according to ana-chan friend of 3 years>don't have minimally invasive surgery to fix problem despite years(?) of suffering :'(????
Is this how MALs works? MALs is diagnosed through process of elimination, so I would assume that when it says
>MALS occurs most often in thin, younger women.that means it occurs in women who are already skinny who are suddenly experiencing unhealthy/unwanted weight loss due to extreme stomach pain preventing eating. Considering it's rarity I would take the weight of the person as a sign pointing to the faint possibility of it, not as a side effect of healthy weight loss. I just can't imagine someone who wanted to lose a ton of weight being suddenly genetically predisposed to a disease that makes that weight loss easier. If diseases worked like that then wouldn't the answer be to just put some of the weight back on, since it wasn't a problem when she was bigger?
No idea though, I could be totally wrong.
No. 48613
File: 1547067871329.jpeg (241.2 KB, 1040x1536, D33C126C-3DB7-4EF2-9B49-B1BC8A…)

Dumping more
No. 48614
File: 1547067918115.jpeg (234.24 KB, 1536x1040, 95EA5909-7810-4288-AFD6-619F45…)

>>48613She wears hipster glasses to hide her nose IRL
No. 48615
File: 1547067975726.jpeg (313.62 KB, 1242x2084, BA2CB74C-2535-4DBD-8439-2E92B3…)

>>48614Those overlined lips lmao
No. 48616
File: 1547068086299.jpeg (601.54 KB, 1242x1514, 93063C9E-5C81-40BC-8468-04B3D5…)

Spot the sh00p
No. 48617
File: 1547072317756.jpg (244.43 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20190109-151309__01…)

For the people who keep asking what editing she uses. It literally says snow in her new video
No. 48621
File: 1547085429179.jpg (294.22 KB, 1536x2048, 1.jpg)

Am I crazy or did she shoop her mom's face too to look more like her "face"? Something about the nose here just looks off compared to Pic #2.
(Also for what it's worth she posted these pics on her facebook fan page, I didn't seek out her mom in any way)
No. 48622
File: 1547085537189.jpg (144.86 KB, 960x838, 2.jpg)

>>48621Pic #2. It's funny because you can 100% see the features of Mickey's unshooped face on her mother.
No. 48624
>>48612MALS can affect anyone; the high prevalence in thin women is because aversion to eating is the most common side effect, which then leads to extreme weight loss. But it can occur in anyone, at any weight.
So it could have been the cause of her weight loss. However, if someone is having pain so severe for eight months that it causes them to lose 250 lbs (which I still don't believe, she would have to burn about 4000 calories every single day for eight months straight,) they would likely go see a doctor immediately or 20 lbs in at the latest - because side effects like that could be something a lot more serious, like pancreatic or stomach cancer.
Which maybe she did. But in order to diagnose MALS they usually do a EGD to rule out any stomach issues like GERD, a HIDA scan of the gallbladder to see if there's any issues with gallstones, crystals, or delayed bile ejection. Probably a full abdominal ultrasound to be safe too. If all of those are fine, then a doctor might say, "yeah you may have MALS," which from there they don't go straight to the ligament release surgery; first they'll probably do a celiac plexus block where they inject shit (alcohol, steroids, painkillers, etc.) into those nerves in order to kill them. You get that treatment a couple of times and if it helps your symptoms then you had MALS and now you don't!
TLDR; maybe she has it, but considering her involvement in ED communities and the fact that she's not getting treated for it, it's unlikely.
Also, expect to see MALS as an up-and-coming munchie disease, since like gastroparesis it's a great excuse to hide your eating disorder.
No. 48629
File: 1547089803300.png (884.88 KB, 592x580, 3647634d27ba0ba9b3beec90cfafd0…)

>>48621I thought the same thing. Especially in this photo, it really looks like she edited her mom's features as well.
No. 48631
File: 1547099567177.jpg (78.81 KB, 868x960, Mick.jpg)

Her mom posted unshooped photos of her months ago
No. 48635
File: 1547112572197.png (73.62 KB, 237x186, 25319c77a68e245439d5eb1ff08c2d…)

>>48606her hideously overdrawn lips aside, the way she overdraws her eyeliner/shadow/lashes makes it look like she has a constant eye infection
No. 48637
File: 1547123495422.png (223.96 KB, 500x326, e6f308G.png)

>>48635she's definitely going for the "kotakoti" eye makeup look. it looks cute in some lighting/angles but always looks so bad in real life. (mickey has taken it to an extreme though)
No. 48642
File: 1547138312606.jpeg (128.98 KB, 634x961, ABD4EAF5-23F2-45F7-ADAF-483977…)

>>48631I personally think she looks really pretty without photoshop. I don’t understand why she makes herself to look the way she does with the excessive makeup and photoshop. She looks like Valeria Lukyanova.
No. 48652
>>48631It's obvious from these pics that she's been photoshopping herself thinner. We see wavy tiles around her legs upthread and blurry shoulders
She's really not as spoopy as she wants her followers to think- Shooping yourself even thinner than you actually are and making it seem like you lost an even more unghastly amount of weight in a short amount of time than you actually did to get attention is fucked up
No. 48654
File: 1547229384031.jpg (367.11 KB, 999x1280, 19-01-11-16-22-48-214_deco.jpg)

>>48653Sorry to samefag but this is terrible. She has a dent
No. 48655
>>48649Nobody thinks she edits her FB lives, she looks like shit in them?
Completely different from her photos.
I implore you to watch one of the videos yourself so that you can see what her personality is like and hear all the dumb shit she has to say, which is what turned people against her, not her stupid edits.
No. 48659
File: 1547260539081.jpg (45.66 KB, 610x960, live1.jpg)

>>48649This live was not edited and nobody said it was, she genuinely looks like a completely different person, has different features and is a lying cow. SNOW isn't a 'fancy editing app' you dunce it's free and extremely popular
No. 48660
File: 1547260624652.jpg (53.91 KB, 678x960, live2.jpg)

>>48659She looks like shit.
Sage for samefaggery
No. 48661
>>48657I’m almost positive those aren’t debts on the leg in front, just a tattoo on the back of her calve.
>>48649Snow is what she uses, maybe even a combination of Snow+Meitu. It’s not a fancy software, it’s free on most phones, and it’s what 99.9% of cows use when photoshopping themselves, or making videos of themselves.
No. 48665
File: 1547367021717.png (657.14 KB, 958x612, ss.png)

>>48612Just for reference. Does this weight loss timeline make sense? Honest question, I really don't know.
Also her hip/thigh/calf shoop is real weird in this.
No. 48666
>>48649I agree.
And I say this because among the posts where I feel lurk legitimate points (some shoops are truly ridiculous and she does seem insecure), the majority are anons who are saying extremely jealous things that reek of resentment over a fat woman turning her image around in a relatively short time.
Just goes to show it's a damned if you do or don't situation. Imagine losing weight that obviously dogged your self-esteem for years only for people to turn around at your goal and proclaim you should've stayed obese because of the loose skin and sag. Or delegitimizing how you did it because the length of time wasn't long enough. Or how dare your confidence not be up to snuff after years of being told you're unattractive?
The actual crime is that she feels she needs those ridiculous beauty apps in the first place.
I haven't had to hide a
toxic thread on /snow/ in quite some time, yet congratulations.
No. 48667
File: 1547372394546.gif (899.76 KB, 341x330, bye.gif)

>>48649>>48666>I haven't had to hide a toxic thread on /snow/ in quite some time, yet congratulations.lmao ok, see ya
No. 48668
>>48666Literally nobody gives a shit and no one here is jealous of a photoshop disaster. See ya
>>48665From what I’ve seen, it usually takes a lot longer for people to lose that amount of weight in such a short period of time. A friend of mine had gastric bypass surgery a little over a year ago and it still steadily losing weight at a healthy pace, and is fairly bigger than her. I’m not a doctor, so I can’t say for sure, this is only speculation, but it could possibly be a combination of gastric bypass and an eating disorder.
No. 48671
File: 1547407264041.png (652.75 KB, 464x569, Untitled.png)

not really contributing anything but i just found this thread and i wonder how weird it is to be dating someone who does… this. like does her bf just not look at her insta and know she shoops to shit? is it strange for him? does he not care? she must spend a ton of time doing it, so…
No. 48675
File: 1547438791983.jpeg (224.92 KB, 1242x1229, 4199EF23-A341-44EF-AE0E-486040…)

>>48651Top kek muh sidez
>>48669I wonder about this all the time. They’ll go out of their way to pose on backgrounds that are littered with straight lines and bricks, then shoop themselves to death, warp all the lines, then wonder why they get called out.
>>48666Thanks for saging this time, C- on pretending to be one of us, don’t let the door hit your photoshopped ass on the way out.
No. 48678
File: 1547449683321.jpg (28.04 KB, 214x242, 4571.jpg)

>>48666>Imagine losing weight that obviously dogged your self-esteem for years only for people to turn around at your goal and proclaim you should've stayed obese because of the loose skin and sag. Even funnier cause like
>>48676 said pretty much everyone in this thread has said she looks better without shoop and that it's admirable that she doesn't shoop out her loose skin. I think you're mistaking us for your other bullies, Mickey. We're the nice ones!
No. 48681
File: 1547477647432.png (434.54 KB, 733x538, Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at 8.50…)

>>48680No, I agree with
>>48679. I feel the same way about the OP pic, her previous photos have nothing to do with what makes her so milky. She looks great/normal in her old pics. The milk isn't "
she looks nothing like her old "fat" pics!!" because yeah duh of course she doesn't she lost a shitton of weight. The milk is in "
current real face vs current shoop face". It's not that she doesn't look like her old pics, it's that she doesn't look like a
any human being could look in her current pics.
Also kek those tags
>#fallfashion>#fallootdbitch what? it's winter
No. 48682
>>48679The whole point is that she literally shoops her facial features off. No one is saying her fat pictures are ugly. Its ironic bc she shits on other females for not being able to replicate her facial features, calls them jealous constantly, calls other girls ugly, and makes her followers feel bad for not having a “teeny tiny ski sloped nose” animu eyes and big ass lips when she doesn’t even have those features herself (ie:
It wasn’t posted bc she was fat in that picture, it was posted to show the difference between what features then and now.
If a newer pic had been used, it wouldn’t make any sense, because none of them actually show her real facial features. Almost every serial photoshopper has the same in their threads, if you think that’s a low blow then you haven’t been here long.
>>48681I think the OP should’ve been the collage side-by-side with a newer sh00ped photo of her to show the difference.
>The milk is in "current real face vs current shoop face"I agree and that’s the whole point of posting her old “fat pics”. Anons don’t post her old “fat pics” bc they think her being fat is milky. It isn’t. And good for her for getting healthier. But those pics are milky bc you can see her real facial features. Yeah, people look different when they lose weight, but in
no world does losing weight change your entire nose bridge or make your eyes 5x bigger.
She’s not just milky bc “no human can possibly look like that”, but that
she herself doesn’t actually look like that. Pointing out her sh00ps is milky of course, but if you have nothing to compare them to or old pics to see what her face
really looks like, then it kindof falls short.
No. 48683
>>48681Her blurry fluffy jawline on an otherwise non blurry photo, honestly. I just don't understand how she thinks we'd believe she doesn't edit her pictures? Beyond the silly proportions, no camera produces different levels of picture quality in one image
>>48682Using her old pics as a comparison I get, but this image isnt doing that. It's sarcastically calling her beautiful alongside an unflattering picture that isn't relevant to now; it reads as though we're mocking her old photos/natural face rather than her ridiculous editing
No. 48685
>>48678Idk if the comment is still there but I did see someone reply to the picture of her thighs where she tried to edit the sagging skin and made a comment like they would've rather stayed fat.
Regardless of what the majority is being said, it isn't wrong to point out when farmers say fucked shit like that.
So you can stop being smug.
>inb4 we're all samefag and "hi _____!" No. 48689
File: 1547514746665.jpg (97.48 KB, 660x720, 1778953.jpg)

>>48685>it isn't wrong to point out when farmers say fucked shit like that. Except there's nothing to point out, because nobody here ever said that? I've been following this thread from day one and just did a word search on "rather", "stayed", "fat", and "obese" individually, read every single comment those words were in for context, and I can't find a single instance of anyone saying anything even remotely close to that.
>So you can stop being smug.Show me proof that someone here said that and I won't be. Because otherwise you can't convince me that both you and
>>48666 aren't Mickey speaking from personal experience. No one here said that so it must be something she sees said about her elsewhere.
No. 48691
File: 1547518655338.jpeg (123.6 KB, 913x850, A114BCF8-07A6-4C5F-B930-E1F4CB…)

>>48689This. Every time a cow gets a negative comment, they either come here and blame us or post on their socials that it’s ~da hate forums who are obsessed wit me!!1~
When in reality, the comment was never posted here, and the only reason they jump to blame us only, and I mean ONLY, happens when the cow lurks their own thread so much that they instantly translate any hate on any platform to be from the anons on their thread. Mickeys been here since the bad photoshopping thread, it’s obvious. The anons chastising and moral gagging are sus af. We have threads where cows are called fat, disgusting, whales on the daily, but suddenly “farmers” are outraged about this thread having an old picture posted of her and a random comment on a different site? Plz these “farmers” are so bad at integrating, and before all these new saged moralfag posts, the WK was saying the same thing unsaged until anons kept telling them to sage their bs, then the same comments, but saged now.
No. 48692
>>48673I don’t know how I’d feel dating someone who shoops that hardcore.
But he looks pretty basic and is probably just happy he has a relatively attractive woman to give him pussy so
No. 48693
File: 1547604205093.jpeg (294.89 KB, 1125x709, 7D99221A-44C6-425E-8357-4681DE…)

>>48692Lol and today she’s literally posting their marriage plans
He’s toootally~ supportive and okay with her online fake persona double life she has to live because she spent her entire youth scarfing down ho-ho’s and drawing the women she wished she could be
Totally normal
Who’s going to pay for that wedding, mickey? Not your man’s minimum wage job, but I’m sure mom and pop will come through just like they did for all your tattoos, schooling, and weight loss surgery !!
That you’ve done absolutely nothing with but make a mockery of yourself
No. 48694
File: 1547668215267.png (20.93 KB, 499x227, okay micks.png)

>>48693Awww, look how much she's totes ~*unphased*~ by this thread to have to include your comment in the screenshot she uploaded with this status!
It's like whenever she feels like she's not getting enough attention she decides to just grab a screenshot or two from this thread to post and beg for some pity points
No. 48699
>>48694She’s full of shit, half the anons type the same way, it’s how we weed out the non-farmers. Every cow thinks it’s one (of the many) people they’ve done dirty to that is seeking vengeance on them by posting on their thread. Either because they can’t believe so many people dislike them, or they’re desperately pointing fingers at people they’ve personally wronged bc they know they deserve it.
Lmfao at her checking this slow ass thread thinking it’s her own “party”. The ego on this one. This is a slow thread that has 1/100th the amount of posts as a normal thread, people post this shit while they have free time on the toilet, no one actually cares about her faux alien head. So cute, like she actually thinks she’s important.
No. 48700
>>48694Did she delete this? I don't see it on her facebook anywhere. Did she really post caps from the thread??
Are we sure her last name isn't Ostrenga? I can't wait until we get a nice piece of art under all of her posts.
No. 48701
File: 1547688394888.jpeg (564.29 KB, 1125x822, 1545750780140.jpeg)

i just dont understand why she thinks people are jealous? we know what you look like, people dislike you because you act like a special snowflake and deny photoshop
No. 48703
>>48693>>48694LOL god I wish I could use emojis
I’ve posted in this thread 3 times, that’s so rich.
I think it’s just the fact that you’re a really unpalatable, compulsive liar, Mikayla.
If multiple people seem venomous and juiced up about you it’s probably because everyone has known someone like you at some point and you’re all the same, I’m not being venomous I’m just telling it like it is since you don’t have the ability to.
I’m sure it sucks that only other fatties and ugly girls who want to look like you (just share your filter apps and makeup with them damn!! God forbid though, right? Are you intimidated by the idea?) eat up all your bullshit on Facebook, but it’s, again, because everyone else sees through you.
I hope every morning while you sit there smoking cigarettes despite being ~so sick~ and
triggering yourself reading this thread, you remind yourself that /all/ you ever had to do was be honest, and not be a cunt.
No. 48705
>>48704Kek, so
>>48694 is her fb friend? I wanna see what caps she posted, why even post it here if you're not gonna show what she picked out!
No. 48706
File: 1547776493015.png (162.7 KB, 333x667, this is how it'd look.png)

>>48705Because I posted from Desktop rather than mobile, I replied to the person that she posted the screenshot of.
Attached is how it would look if I included the screenshot since I'm using Chrome lol
No. 48707
File: 1547778829842.jpg (110.22 KB, 720x788, _20190118_022715.JPG)

Her mouth is a wiggly line. I don't even need to zoom to see that it's a fucking roller coaster track lmao
No. 48708
>>48707I think she actually is just full shooping now since she's being called out on it so long, probably said fuck it because this is even worse than her most editing lmao
Also, she shrinks her head SO much look at her hands what the fuck lol mickey you're getting even sloppier with your editing
No. 48710
File: 1547780104129.jpg (145.26 KB, 288x334, 49948244_2210452982309295_4807…)

her nose is 3x longer, bigger, and she even has a bump on it + the tip of her nose doesn't slope up either
No. 48711
File: 1547780430365.png (1.08 MB, 720x788, wtf is this.png)

>>48707What the fuck is this black thing on her hand? Is that just profoundly fucked up editing or is she wearing a headset?
No. 48712
File: 1547780633813.jpg (169.28 KB, 251x336, sampuckett.jpg.jpg)

this pic is also when she was relatively thin, her face looks HUGE you could actually mistake her for sam puckett(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 48713
File: 1547780759399.jpg (38.91 KB, 141x138, 666.jpg)

No. 48715
File: 1547781438447.png (847.45 KB, 1132x540, 34573.png)

hand difference to her face just shows how much she actually shrinks her face and jaw.
No. 48717
File: 1547786829553.jpg (75.23 KB, 960x960, 18765576_220974181750639_51094…)

I don't know if this has been posted but she has another FB account. No. 48718
File: 1547789586305.gif (2.15 MB, 480x244, tumblr_om1l4rgtyt1ql0s37o1_500…)

>>48715honestly the best nicole kidman cosplay I've seen
No. 48721
File: 1547797082343.png (1.31 MB, 1000x750, 4faces.png)

at the very least she needs to pick a face and stick with it (I tried to group her 4 main "face" styles)
No. 48724
File: 1547822246488.png (713.78 KB, 1204x636, nermxllii0621.png)

No. 48726
File: 1547852297545.jpg (846.82 KB, 1080x1920, 20190118_165647.jpg)

Modifying your eyes to the point you destroy the image quality and blasted out your eye veins is "just makeup"?…
No. 48727
>>48717I don’t even know why she wants people to think she looks like
>>48701 when unshooped she looks SO MUCH BETTER. Like seriously, I’d love to look like her real self. Mickey is fucking nuts, like certifiable.
No. 48729
File: 1547856205543.jpg (1.5 MB, 2560x1920, 19-01-18-19-02-30-723_deco.jpg)

>>48728It's so awful. It's killing me inside. Lol
No. 48731
File: 1547858780292.png (425.17 KB, 350x567, 87ceefb162f737ba5dedbaf1da9a0b…)

What a mess
No. 48733
>>48726Her right eye is terrifying, it looks like melting plastic. Is she visually impaired or is she just delusional? I can't see any sane person looking at that picture and thinking "this looks good, this looks believable, I'm going to post this". Talk about body dysmorphia.
>>48729She looks the same guyseeee. It's true, I've seen her in real life, we're like best friends, she looks THE EXACT SAME. PLEASE BELIEVE ME.
>>48731Thanks for the nightmares.
No. 48734
File: 1547859866554.jpg (59.97 KB, 540x960, vOjXt8.jpg)

is she cosplaying as Dahvie Vanity here? because if so she nailed it! nice job mickey
No. 48737
File: 1547863982213.jpg (1.04 MB, 2160x960, skulllolz.jpg)

>>48736>>48734I did a quick shop job to show what her skull would have to look like for these to be her real proportions kek
No. 48739
File: 1547901746679.jpg (725.15 KB, 1080x1858, 20190119_063842.jpg)

she started a whole lolcow wannabe thread of her own where her and her delusional friends are wrecking Momo. She thinks somehow she isn't in the exact same category!! She definitely lost it and needs a serious internet intervention.
No. 48745
>>48744Oh, most definitely. There's no way she wasn't if she was part of that "petty girls" group.
>>48741tbf I don't think anyone was legitimately questioning this thread, it was just Mickey whiteknighting herself by talking about how ~cruel~ everyone in this thread was
No. 48746
File: 1547913231349.webm (7.25 MB, 640x480, mcdonalds.webm)
>>48744>>48739>>48281>>48641Also for archive's sake, here's Mickey "I live a very positive life on social media uwu" Deer
No. 48749
File: 1547920233609.png (1.54 MB, 837x1795, mcd.png)

>>48748>>48744Nah it's still up, it's just from a couple of weeks ago. Which when I went to check made me realize her insane timeline of interaction with this thread. There's NO WAY she wasn't either already lurking or obsessively googling herself to find the thread she was mentioned in in the time she did.
>12/13: 2 pics of Mickey posted, neither of which mention her by name (other than showing her fb name in the screenshot) in "Ridiculous Photoshoppers" thread >>720482>12/14: First whiteknight of Mickey: "ok i went thru her IG and honestly, she looks amazing with her weight loss, its really admirable. she does seem to shoop but i wouldnt say her real face is HEAPS different.">12/14: First time she was actually mentioned by name and her insta/facebook was linked>12/16: Mickey posts >>48746 vid specifically citing "multiple chan threads" in her video description>12/18: Mickey whiteknights herself on Reddit >>48257>12/23: Mickey posts a sob story about how she has to go on hiatus because "people overstepping my personal boundaries and targeting my family, my partner, and close irl friends I have to take a break from social media.">12/25: Mickey posts on insta again, not going on hiatus in any way>12/27: Separate thread for Mickey is created, she was only ever mentioned in the "Ridiculous Photoshoppers" thread before.>1/10: PULL thread for Mickey is createdI know OP says:
>'Deactivated' IG and privatized FB after getting called out on here, 4chan and redditBut I couldn't find any mention chan threads other than this one and the "Ridiculous Photoshoppers" one, and that one Reddit post where she wk'd herself. I only searched by her names tho, not pics, so maybe they are out there and I missed them.
No. 48751
>>48726look at what she did to her teeth god damn
>>48731she looks like a bratz doll which is good and all, like cool chill aesthetic but whyyyyy do you have to pretend you actually look this way?
If she just made it like an art type thing i would be more accepting but she's trying to scam people into believing a human naturally looks like this? girl please
No. 48754
Mickey: Why is everyone being so ran mean to me? Bullying should stop omg
Also Mickey: Bullies multpile other people.
No. 48757
File: 1547965055207.jpg (193.27 KB, 597x495, Screenshot_2019-01-20-01-07-42…)

I like how this was posted right after the momo post. How long is she gonna keep talking about this thread. I wonder when the last time she took her choker off was.
No. 48759
File: 1547968825008.jpg (796.09 KB, 1090x868, ftpwUTy.jpg)

>>48757>expression is importantunless ur fat
>feeling like you have a place to share your organic unfiltered thoughts is importantunless your organic unfiltered thoughts are about me then you CAN'T share them
>>48756she's honestly kiki 2.0
>>48758kek, and she didn't even cite reddit as one of her millions of harassers….so who the fuck is she talking about?
No. 48761
>>48746lmao if you pause this right at the beginning you can see how OTT she overlines her top lip.
It looks like a pubescent boy's peach fuzz mustache.
No. 48765
File: 1548257854316.jpg (410.67 KB, 810x1440, 20190123_093139.jpg)

the newest from her, she insists she doesn't have any eating disorder but this type of fracture is very common with them. What do we know
No. 48767
When this thread started, I honestly hated Mickey for her dishonesty and her shit attitude. Now I just feel bad for her. It’s obvious she has some sort of issue, be it mentally or just a severe lack of confidence, and the way she lashes out at people must be caused by that somehow. Armchairing isn’t good, I know, but I think
>>48765might be right. She must have some sort of eating disorder. I hope she gets better soon, and gains enough confidence to stop photoshopping and be comfortable in her own skin.
No. 48769
File: 1548287370940.png (802.33 KB, 800x1106, Screenshot_2019-01-23-15-43-38…)

Her ten year pic is a pic of Trisha.
No. 48771
>>48770You post before and afters all of the fucking time practically yelling “look at all the weight I lost teeheeee” and you get upset when people ask you how? Just tell them you’re an anachan Mickey it’s not hard to see.
Not going to lie when I first came across her before and after I was amazed too bc I thought she looked great, but her attitude around it puzzles tf out of me. She’s such a cry baby. She literally wants ass pats for forcing herself to develop an eating disorder.
No. 48777
File: 1548903506267.png (Spoiler Image,513.84 KB, 750x583, 418aad203d5e8389af648276cb1596…)

Update on our deer queen. Sage for no milk
No. 48778
File: 1548958338398.jpg (210.9 KB, 1080x1000, 22636926_305822699903214_81497…)

Found some higher resolution unshooped photos of Mickey before her weight loss. I know a few of these have been posted before in lower resolution. Just adding to the thread for posterity.
No. 48779
File: 1548958369783.jpg (249.91 KB, 1080x717, 13166687_518660001678567_97467…)

No. 48781
File: 1548958546129.jpg (209.52 KB, 960x960, 12080649_1626054670980428_1638…)

No. 48782
File: 1548958647541.jpg (166.22 KB, 1080x1041, 12826151_569686089876476_16229…)

No. 48783
File: 1549191905844.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1531, 77394FD6-09D5-47CC-9F37-36B929…)

I’m fucking cackling right now. what’s up with this lazy pencil neck photoshop?
No. 48784
>>48778She's so pretty unshooped, why would she ever think this
>>48783 nightmare alien looks better?
Also I know she's wearing heels in this, but she seems pretty tall considering how hard she's pushing the
so smol uwu bullshit
No. 48785
>>48781 Her nose is so straight and not upturned/ski sloped at all kek
and the lips are so small compared to her shoops.
Her eyeliner is also pretty sad here.
No. 48787
File: 1549693913058.png (652.87 KB, 720x960, thequeenofdeer.png)

No. 48788
File: 1549694562300.jpg (15.35 KB, 284x102, xMR4DN.jpg)

tags she uses on her pics make me cringe
No. 48789
>>48787No one is here for past fat mickey at least sage your lack of milk
My personal tinfoil is every time this thread is bumped after a few days of nothing with something completely pointless it's mickey lol.
No. 48790
File: 1549743926344.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x1544, 7DD2F8E4-69B0-4E7F-A405-E1C379…)

All the time spent editing this picture she didn’t once notice how shit her hair extensions look
No. 48791
>>48790you can see the door in the background warping. god those extensions look like dog fur.
also how does she think those lips look good? they look like her lips are consistently wet and sticky. like what if someone wants to hug her tightly or something? i'd worry about getting lip gloss or whatever all over the other person.
No. 48792
File: 1549752012857.jpeg (45.05 KB, 480x651, C17B0583-11C1-4A69-9D3D-178BD9…)

>>48790This looks like she put a wig on top of her real hair without using a wig cap.
No. 48793
File: 1549798539812.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1955, B435BC69-C353-4645-8495-1E67D7…)

Who wants to bet this page is ran by Mickey.
No. 48795
>>48790That's because it's a half wig.
Her hair always looks awful.
No. 48798
File: 1549902114167.jpeg (902.27 KB, 1125x1785, 13749917-84AB-40F3-BAE4-194754…)

>>48796 I think she’s just inconsistent with her shoops. She posted this the other day.
No. 48802
File: 1549976817623.png (599.44 KB, 1080x1457, Screenshot_20190212-130421~2.p…)

No. 48803
File: 1549976854415.png (191.12 KB, 1080x1171, Screenshot_20190212-130535~2.p…)

>>488022/2 she's so artistic
No. 48810
File: 1550194533856.png (456.78 KB, 870x575, 6516c89f1c016f53aa1e46fd9ff35a…)

100% not edited. Seems like Mickey is white knighting herself on Reddit again.
No. 48812
File: 1550205397946.jpg (351.6 KB, 629x593, helpher.jpg)

No. 48814
>>48813the way she overlines her lips. jfc.
i'd love to see an actual bare-faced candid of her post-weightloss.
i honestly don't know if i agree with people calling her unshopped face beautiful because it's so caked.
No. 48815
File: 1550228286688.jpg (218.18 KB, 896x406, lol.jpg)

what happened to the positive uwu <3 facade she's trying to portray?
No. 48817
File: 1550238381647.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1023, Screenshot_20190215-134514~2.p…)

No one's head is that shape
No. 48819
File: 1550250816565.jpg (235.68 KB, 491x409, 665447.jpg)

guess what pops up when you google up mickey deer lmao
No. 48821
File: 1550291291592.png (267.24 KB, 814x600, 3d6599f8a634d7e4135cbd03771e1e…)

No one has a vendetta against you because of your makeup Mickey, it's because you constantly deny photoshopping your photos, your shitty personality and white knighting yourself. It's embarrassing.
No. 48825
File: 1550347350366.jpg (228.99 KB, 776x981, 20190216_134519.jpg)

>>48821its hilarious where she mentions keeping nasty thoughts to yourself, she should practice what she preaches considering that horrific public group bashing on Momo.
just examples of people she's constantly writing off the moment they disagree with her and the kind of comments she's constantly deleting (at time of posting i can't even find the photoshop call out anymore) she's so delusional that it's borderline scary. these were comments on that same instagram post
No. 48834
>>48833yeah no, you cannot look like
>>48247 >>48248 without photoshop and just make up.
If you have a large nose, no amount of contour will give you a button nose. If you have certain eye shapes, no amount of makeup techniques will give you bobble anime eyes. I'm sorry but it's just not realistic, not to mention you would look horrifying in person. You would look like you have dirt on your face and that a small child did your makeup.
The only way to achieve a similar look is with similar photoshop technique.
No. 48835
File: 1551245650666.jpg (163.78 KB, 418x736, Screenshot_1.jpg)

This picture pains me to look at, it's so blurry.
That's one thing I never understood, like she clearly has the money for makeup/hair/clothes ect, so her phone camera cant be THAT bad, but we all know it's from the photoshopping.
No. 48836
File: 1551245716345.gif (11.25 MB, 600x750, ezgif-2-899e6146219e.gif)

Recent video she put on insta
No. 48839
>>48836Still doesn't look like her shoops.
I have a feeling she used face trackers on this vid to help make her nose look smaller, thus the minimal movements. Plus the overdrawn lips, she thinks we can't see where her real lip ends.
Which is crazy stupid bc her natural lips are fine.
No. 48840
>>48836>>48839LOL she definitely used some video editor to change her face and hair. Just look at the blinds on the right behind her when she moves - they are warped and move back into space at the end of the loop.
I swear this cow is like Dakota reborn back from her after effects YouTube video tutorial days. I wonder if she thinks she dreaming about being a super kawaii model in glorious Nippon too kek
No. 48842
File: 1551310660295.gif (11.63 MB, 600x750, 28995A25-AE63-468A-AE9E-7465AA…)

>>48836Samefag but if you slow it down you can tell it’s edited for sure
No. 48847
File: 1551464242755.jpeg (233.7 KB, 1242x693, A3896885-97F0-4162-8CCD-EF149B…)

Is this the first time she’s admitted she wears a wig?
No. 48850
>>48836She wouldn't be ugly if she wasn't such a lying little shit, but she has such an ugly smile, those miniature horse teeth are awful but the worst part are her ridiculously over-lined lips. If she got therapy for her fat girl syndrome, worked on her trash personality and stopped wearing circus clown makeup, she could be like… a 6 if you look past the saggy skin.
>>48846Shit, this might be it, I wrote my comment before reading this one and she does have a fat girl face when she smiles, top kek
No. 48851
File: 1551619907951.jpeg (322.54 KB, 1239x1312, B1E7233C-9E13-4CC9-A906-71C70D…)

At least she didn’t shoop out her fupa? I would love see her sagged skin in all its glory, kek
No. 48853
File: 1551681237606.jpg (721.64 KB, 1080x1587, 20190303_233254.jpg)

real life cartoon girl guys
No. 48855
>>48851her pinched, warped waist shocks me every time i see it, wow.
Also wiggly legs down by the toilet
No. 48857
File: 1552045177482.jpg (628.6 KB, 1080x1226, 20190308_053733.jpg)

oh look a photo she didn't take or have the opportunity to edit and her eyes look completely normal size lol… actually even quite small.
No. 48863
File: 1552505370585.jpeg (106.23 KB, 768x960, 486E3F66-8686-4D88-8874-6ED475…)

Part of her “Easter photoshoot”..
No. 48864
File: 1552519026047.jpeg (94.88 KB, 768x960, C6E1BCCA-5E03-48A5-9E3E-9636EB…)

>>48863It’s 2019, why her photo quality always so fuckin bad, it feels like I’m watching Japanese pr0n.
Can you please invest in a camera over 0.002MP???
No. 48866
File: 1552551783178.jpg (2.48 MB, 3060x2080, palemanwoom.jpg)

>>48863This is the worst one yet, it looks like it was made by a drunk person. Peep that loose skin on her arm she's been trying to make integrate with the rest of her arm tissue. It must be gnarly in person.
No. 48868
File: 1552959291113.jpg (115.21 KB, 1152x1586, FB_IMG_1552958931425.jpg)

with all the time she spends editing her photos youd think she would fix her fucking stray hair and eyes lmao
No. 48869
File: 1552964759696.jpeg (1.14 MB, 2869x2357, F0AB2562-AB07-49FC-8020-9424A6…)

She’s really trying to play it off like she didn’t know how to edit her picture hahaha
No. 48871
File: 1553110801544.jpg (70.82 KB, 633x960, 54525037_2300651729956086_2525…)

jesus what an actual wreck
No. 48874
>>48871This is maybe one of the worst edited pictures of her I've ever seen.
Extra wavey hair around her face, showing where she edited it smaller (face) Esp around her cheek and chin
You can see where she tried to pull the hair in, so that the facial editing looked less, but made her hair look blurry in that process.
She quite literally bent her nose.
Overdrawn lips, you can clearly see where her actual top lip is.
Also she edited her lips to be fuller, but couldn't be arsed to hide where her real lip starts.
Then yeah, the usual eye editing whateves
No. 48878
>>48876Yeah, calling out this
problematic IG chick for shooping her photos to hell and back, then laughing at her for denying she shoops is sooo horrible. Lmao maybe you should get a life yourself instead of being offended that there are sites on the internet to gossip and lul at cringe and dumb people who think they're really uwu special. It is WKing when people go out of their way to sperge on a particular Cows thread about how mean the people are. Sometimes it's even self posting Cows kek
No. 48880
File: 1553778344181.jpeg (191.68 KB, 750x1094, F5D5600B-96FA-470A-A1B1-C732F0…)

Totally unedited normal face shape. Putting on mascara also makes my eyes 1/3rd of my face
No. 48882
File: 1553783024784.jpg (79.56 KB, 600x288, kek.jpg)

>>48880she looks like a badly-sculpted skyrim waifu
her jaggy polygons are showing
No. 48883
>>48880Jesus Christ the amount of snow app warping on those lips and nose is insane. You can see all the stretching and warping the app does on her lip lines. Does she just use snow app now instead of a mirror and thinks she actually looks like that irl? The shoops have gotten even
worse than before.
No. 48884
>>48880she has to be fucking with us at this point. this is so far off the scale of normal even she has to notice it through her mountain of insecurities.
she looks crosseyed when the pic is zoomed out. she starved herself retarded
No. 48885
>>48876>the Origbal poster and all the followers of talking shit on this girlFollowers? This isn’t instagram wtf lel
>you’ve wasted more of your life, and just got more attentionIt’s an anonymous site, so who is supposedly receiving this “attention”?
>inb4 views for the site!!!1Mickey is a small cow with ONE slow ass thread on this massive site with cows w/ 20 times the amount of followers and 50 threads for each. That’s cute that you think youre
so important. Also very hypocritical since Mickey has literally posted the SAME THINGS and WORSE about other girls on 4chan/reddit/pettygirlchat. Was she not wasting her life and being horrible then?
I guess your too much of a wHiTeKnIgHt to call her out on the same thing, but have no problem sperging out on us for the exact same “offense”. That’s why. If you can’t take the heat then get the fuck out of the kitchen.
No. 48887
File: 1553805923345.jpeg (93.84 KB, 1210x711, 60FF8D96-0526-4C73-982D-9C4120…)

>”Botched is an American reality television series that premiered on E! on June 24, 2014. It follows doctors Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassif as they "remedy extreme plastic surgeries gone wrong."”
No. 48891
File: 1553889302097.png (145.45 KB, 640x1136, 3B71C05D-19E1-411D-8243-C92759…)

She’s thriving irl and that’s why she has so much time to cry about meanies on the internet and shop her pics to hell and back lmao
What I wanna know is where are her pics getting shared besides here?
No. 48902
File: 1553930186710.jpg (23.8 KB, 540x960, 1551245650666.jpg)

Someone pointed this out, her whole right eye is wavy even her lashes, contacts and actual eye shape. Still denies editing pictures though lmao let's not talk about the lip liner christ
No. 48904
File: 1553944422881.jpg (107.48 KB, 1088x1934, mikkkk.jpg)

The warping in this photo is wack.
No. 48909
File: 1554010168875.jpeg (167.73 KB, 640x1136, 88B3BFF4-A840-4023-8F80-F56A51…)

Sage for no milk and possible nitpick but does anyone else think this is a selfie? It looks like one of her shoulders is higher and closer to the camera, like when you stick your arm out to take a selfie. Not to mention the angle is odd and it’s only from the chest up. And it’s posed lmao.
Poor “boy”
Careful on the moscato, Mikayla, don’t want to end up like Shayna
No. 48910
>>48909Shit I misread, I thought she said the boy TOOK the pic.
Still cringe tho. Sorry for dry milk
No. 48913
>>48912I couldn't imagine myself dating her, like no way am I gonna attempt to hug or kiss her with all that makeup on. She looks like she smells strongly powdery.
Also check that 1 centimeter hover hand.
(no1curr) No. 48914
File: 1554245319757.jpg (68.89 KB, 1199x638, IMG_20190402_164146.jpg)

No new milk but I saw this photo on Twitter and it instantly reminded me of Mickey
No. 48915
File: 1554848844016.jpg (74.89 KB, 641x960, 56828125_2331250956896163_8595…)

No. 48916
File: 1554848895181.jpg (8.45 KB, 151x151, 47690602_767253363650054_50412…)

No. 48918
File: 1554876505771.png (1.23 MB, 1128x862, wtfmick.png)

>>48915so double post but i'm looking closer and just what the fuck is that? what the fuck mickey?
No. 48919
>>48915Her entire wall is being sucked into her face like it's a black hole. None of those ornaments are straight
>>48916Disturbingly accurate
No. 48920
File: 1554911399488.jpeg (193.6 KB, 749x1108, C6194A21-ECAC-4096-B495-F9E995…)

this girl can’t go one day without telling a lie
No. 48923
>>48920I love how the stretchy 90s tattoo necklace bends off at a right angle.
totally normal, no editing here
No. 48924
File: 1554930545331.jpeg (651.63 KB, 1242x1061, 4D8692EE-3721-4D48-B233-BEB303…)

>>48920Why does she have lashes drawn going up the side all the way past where her eye starts????? Is it part of the big eye illusion?
Also my tinfoil is that her top lashes look crusty and weird because she wears like 2 or 3 pairs of falsies glued on top of each other.
No. 48926
File: 1554957424958.png (1.32 MB, 712x1276, mdeer.png)

Without circle lenses.
No. 48928
File: 1555013072459.jpg (27.24 KB, 525x140, lmao.jpg)

No. 48929
File: 1555013240614.png (342.01 KB, 780x427, what.png)

No. 48931
File: 1555015192379.jpg (19.79 KB, 253x244, lolcow.jpg)

"BItCh i WIsH I HaD OnE"
No. 48935
>>48931Wtf she actually looks like a badass here
Why she do the dirt face thing
No. 48936
>>48928Her plastic surgeon is the Snow app.
>>48932That's what annoys me about this weirdo. She actually looks pretty in that picture imo, but somehow she wants to convince people she naturally looks like an anime fanart abomination made by an 11 year old. Her body image is SO FUCKED.
No. 48938
File: 1555729437145.jpg (65.75 KB, 422x736, mick.jpg)

No. 48939
File: 1555729463016.jpg (41.41 KB, 420x752, mick2.jpg)

before she deletes video
No. 48940
File: 1555729590998.jpg (9.22 KB, 87x80, mouf.jpg)

No. 48942
File: 1555731212065.jpg (331.84 KB, 494x537, kawaiii.jpg)

No. 48945
File: 1555767976423.png (783.1 KB, 882x676, oh.png)

Never realized she edited her forehead/hairline to be so short.
No. 48946
File: 1555803505012.jpg (287.47 KB, 375x632, keknose.jpg)

mickeys "upturned" nose isnt so upturned
No. 48947
File: 1556334506590.jpg (64.52 KB, 680x960, 58372760_2357422067612385_1545…)

….the curvature of her nose looks like it's made of playdoh and she molded it to go to the left
No. 48949
File: 1556338172247.jpg (365.46 KB, 936x960, 57588171_2354336574587601_7754…)

I don't know how to photoshop but I thought I'd try my hand at removing the horrendous overlining she had in one of her recent pics. It's a small thing and obv the rest of the pic is still shooped but I think it looks so much better.
No. 48952
File: 1556463058047.png (115.18 KB, 301x326, ohmy.png)

No. 48953
File: 1556512663554.jpg (52.73 KB, 830x960, lmfao where did the door…)

The door behind her completely disappeared, amazing
No. 48955
File: 1556532743501.jpg (85.54 KB, 913x882, 19-04-29-11-10-55-274_deco.jpg)

>>48953There's a chunk missing from her jaw
No. 48956
File: 1556587551480.png (1.86 MB, 1771x2048, 522275451.png)

That's quite a chunk missing
No. 48958
File: 1556605237927.png (665.81 KB, 1080x1322, Screenshot_20190430-071849~2.p…)

She says she reposted because she was worried it was too suggestive, but I see that jaw correction Mickey
No. 48959
>>48954further down where
>>48956 circled you can see some white behind her like she warped the door in or tried to erase it completely (but i might be nitpicking here my bad)
No. 48960
>>48959It’s because she always pushes her shoulders in, it’s in every body shot of hers, scroll further up it’s pretty much her go-to to look even smaller lol.
Also L O L what a compulsive liar about the “suggestive” thing, good catch with the screen caps, anon
No. 48962
File: 1556678571545.png (451.37 KB, 637x607, Screen Shot 5.png)

>>48961I'm surprised it took this long. Though I will say, this is another post that got popular but…I don't think that's Mickey on the top? It doesn't even look like her real pics, it looks like a totally different girl – or am I crazy? Easy mistake to make considering she shoops her face to an inhuman one, but that one doesn't look like her
No. 48964
File: 1556686616735.jpg (319.33 KB, 1080x1228, 20190430_215538.jpg)

>>48960Looks like we were both wrong lmfao
No. 48966
>>48965Not only that but the lie is the fact that she FIXED A MISSING SQUARE OF HER JAW and made up an entire caption about some intern debate she had about ~being too suggestive~
What an absolute loon. And her shoulders are still pushed in, canvas or not?
No. 48968
File: 1556914714572.jpg (265.08 KB, 540x419, I8NGmi.jpg)

no filter guys
No. 48969
File: 1556936570709.jpg (202.93 KB, 1079x1247, Screenshot_20190503-192046_Fac…)

I dont get why anyone would 1) have a dream about Egoraptor or 2) want to share that with her fRiEnDs OnLy
No. 48971
File: 1556938009733.jpg (131.44 KB, 540x960, lolcow.jpg)

what the actual fuck does she keep doing to her eyes
No. 48975
>>48974the fuck could she possibly be doing to help it? it’s so destructive and shitty to keep a native wild species without proper knowledge on how to care for them and mickey definitely ain’t no fuckin expert. she needs to surrender the rabbit to a wildlife reserve if she actually cares about it.
but who am i kidding. she doesn’t care about the wellbeing of the rabbit or how fucking terrified it no doubt is, or how complex their diets are that change throughout the year, or if it has underlying conditions… she just wants cute pictures for facebook. fuck you mickey
No. 48978
File: 1556999621806.jpeg (269.23 KB, 827x1289, A9AFAEA2-405D-4791-8AE2-B84BDA…)

New post and all I can say is WHAT THE FUCK.
How does she even think she looks “kawaii” as her tags suggest?
The editing is so, so bad.
I can’t believe how long I’ve followed her and haven’t noticed nor paid attention, now it’s all I CAN SEE
No. 48979
>>48976FUCK. mickey WHY. this is the most important time of year to leave the rabbits A L O N E. they weren’t abandoned, i guarantee it. she just fucking cradle robbed two babies from their best defence system.
i hope this bitch lurks here.
you just killed a creature for internet points.
all it would’ve taken was one fucking google search to know she should’ve left them alone.
holy shit i’m mad.
No. 48982
>>48978This picture genuinely makes me nauseated. Her terrible eye makeup/shoop looks like a fucking House Centipede. (I'd include a pic for comparison, but you can google them for yourselves if you're lucky enough to not have ever seen one)
Mickey, we know you lurk here. If you're going to put all that time and effort into shooping your face, I'm begging you, make it slightly less horrifying.
No. 48985
File: 1557113037778.jpg (187.45 KB, 540x488, 1556938009733_mh1557112911816.…)

>>48984I did a lazy removal of her giant ass bottom lashes, and the exaggerated makeup she does to make her eyes appear bigger. But due to the way she edits, her eyes look all fucked up lol.
No. 48987
File: 1557217408936.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1063, Screenshot_20190507-092305~2.p…)

Her nose is getting ridiculous
No. 48992
File: 1557441874268.png (892.44 KB, 1080x1313, Screenshot_20190509-234224~2.p…)

Nice wiggly cabinet Mickey. Her make up really makes her look dirty idk
No. 48994
File: 1557609765771.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1317, Screenshot_20190511-222217~2.p…)

Her clown make up really looks crazy here. Wtf is happening
No. 48996
File: 1557703097839.png (361.28 KB, 425x714, lmao.jpg.png)

…who is this?
No. 48997
File: 1557704447443.png (304.85 KB, 396x700, oldmick.png)

she looks so much like her old self here. its crazy how much she changes the shape of her nose to be upturned when her nose is very straight + the shortening of her nose and face and making her eyes massive
No. 48998
like oh my god its so bad
No. 48999
File: 1557732065088.jpg (678.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190510-231530_Ins…)

I'm scared…
No. 49000
>>48996What really bothered me about this is it was a lip sync video and she only knew about 3 of the words. Like… What
Willing to bet it's still snow tho, just not so much
>>48999What even happened here
No. 49001
File: 1557744556911.jpg (229.25 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190513_204543.jpg)

>>49000She's absolutely still using an app, even if the filter is turned down or its a video, beauty apps have come pretty far. You can edit your face pretty drastically with sliders and the app will track your face and keep them even when you talk and move around. A lot of the time the only thing that will stop the app from working is you covering most of your face. The one i screenshotted is called beautycam.
No. 49003
File: 1557758456531.jpg (685.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190510-231539_Ins…)

This was from her live IG story, here is another screenshot.
No. 49004
File: 1557766908621.gif (1.08 MB, 268x175, ewdavid.gif)

>>48994God, I can't stop staring at this mess - what IS this? What is going on with her lip/teeth/mouth shoop? Did she warp her teeth with her shoop? She's literally trying to do the "uwu" face
That bird is also confusing in general as well. It looks real but what the fuck. I know she's trying to be "uwu snow white animals just flock to me" but did she really get some random dirtyass bird to perch perfectly still on her finger for 20 mins while she tried to get her perfect selfie?
>>48993>>48992The fucking sweatpants get me….kek. Whats the point of ordering a whole shitty cosplay if you can't even be bothered to put the whole thing on for a picture? Also isn't she a hairdresser? All shooping aside, she couldn't take 30 seconds to make that wig look less like it was put on directly out of a bag? Yikes
>>48997Yeah, every once in a while she accidentally lets echos of her real face in. Which I think just makes it even worse, because she's a perfectly fine looking girl without the insane shoop
No. 49005
File: 1557776807974.jpg (72.74 KB, 1080x810, whtathefck.jpg)

jesus what…why and what actually this has to be the worst one yet
No. 49007
File: 1557814679837.png (112.59 KB, 500x615, me-body-dysmorphia-u-look-like…)

>>49005Jesus, is this a joke? Literally no difference between this and
>>48520Having a real human being in the pic next to her just makes it look even worse
No. 49008
File: 1557822095800.png (836.55 KB, 1059x1317, Screenshot_20190513-225056~2.p…)

No. 49009
File: 1557822154337.png (182.63 KB, 1070x1217, Screenshot_20190513-225114~2.p…)

I have so much to say but I'm speechless at the same time
No. 49012
>>49011Don't forget the incredibly unrealistic nose freckles.
Also I feel like saying "haha my lip colour stained my lip" is a lot less grim than telling us it's irritated, like what
No. 49015
>>49003>>49003her chubby cheeks and normal sized nose and normal sized eyes are actually CUTE AF. I don't care if she wants to do the crazy makeup, whatever, but the photoshop is just…
Idk why but taking it into another realm of unrealistic goals is just unhealthy. And she seems really vain and conceited, like she just stares in the mirror all day fixing any imperfections or coming up with ways she can look better. Her face is constantly changing. What will happen when she gets a real following and fanbase and young women starve themselves or go under the knife just to look like something that isn't real?
No. 49016
File: 1557871080548.jpg (125.06 KB, 1079x550, Screenshot_20190514-145710_Fac…)

lmao she's lurking hard
No. 49023
File: 1557938379588.jpeg (185.12 KB, 750x1088, FEFDBC32-3F34-4490-AEE9-0A69EF…)

seriously what is WRONG with this girl. why would you pose like this in front of ur toilet and then post it to the internet ???
No. 49024
File: 1557938871654.jpg (312.85 KB, 750x1088, 19-05-15-17-47-24-445_deco.jpg)

>>49023Idek what she's shooping here but the matching wiggly lines of her phone charger and shirt are hilarious
No. 49026
File: 1557945034865.jpg (495.32 KB, 1080x1837, 20190515_142940.jpg)

Saw this in the Acen tag, I had no idea she was going. I'm sort of curious to see her, it'd be wild to see her irl.
No. 49027
>>49026>junko makeup test>looks just the same as always?????
i guess she's referring to her nose having turned into a literal beacon??
No. 49029
File: 1557957288284.jpg (717.31 KB, 1585x1920, 19-05-15-22-48-25-513_deco.jpg)

Her skirt is she even trying anymore?? She looks like she's intentionally taken the smudge tool to this
No. 49034
File: 1557966229923.jpeg (88.36 KB, 465x599, F4D08D20-B11C-46DF-BCB5-05FC50…)

>>49029She looks like one of Kota’s old paintings, kek.
No. 49035
>>49031Exactly this.
all of her photos always are blurry as fuck, when it's clear that she doesn't have an awful phone.
No. 49037
>>49035Notice the photo of her hands are clear and normal looking, yet her body pics look like they're taken on a 2003 webcam. It'd be the multiple editing apps she uses ruining the quality.
This photo is genuinely terrifying
>>49029Please can her boyfriend buy her a new phone stat. She clearly can't even see what she's doing with these edits because this looks like a haunted puppet from a horror movie.
No. 49038
File: 1558113946337.png (418.85 KB, 600x685, 352A53CB-0686-4C84-94C6-A9936B…)

She doesn't look like she's trying for kooter shoops at all, looks like an irl version of a tearzah character what with the eyes and the ridiculous hair. Tell me you can't see this? I bet you she has tons of her shit saved and references it on the daily.
No. 49043
>>49042The best way to describe it is her chin kinda melts into her neck, and she's got a much longer face than her shoops obviously. Her makeup looked super caked on, was definitely her. She was cosplaying Touka(?) from MHA. Can't believe she has the nerve to go to a con knowing her followers are going to see though her bullshit lol.
If I come across her again tomorrow I'll try to sneakily get a pic.
No. 49049
>>49046Definitely bigger. She's actually pretty tall too.
>>49047That's the plan, but I don't wanna start shit with her if she gets suspicious lol
No. 49050
File: 1558208493223.jpeg (20.46 KB, 202x300, F9348A46-6604-4E9E-825B-AFD2EF…)

>>49029What I see when I look at this pic:
No. 49051
File: 1558216448104.jpg (219.99 KB, 1536x2048, mickmk k.jpg)

No. 49055
>>49052Yeeah I could tell from this pic
>>49023 that she's still fat. The saggy titties, the neck photoshop where she tried to bring down her fat shoulders but the collar stayed attached, the lumpy legs, and her left arm folding that way. Her short neck is a dead giveaway for being a fatty.
No. 49056
File: 1558220576840.jpg (1.31 MB, 2560x1920, 19-05-18-19-02-31-233_deco.jpg)

No. 49060
File: 1558223663848.png (830.39 KB, 1008x528, 1545978537832.png)

you guys remember the first pic she took and how she said her ringlight made her look like that and kept denying any sort of editing well im cackling
No. 49063
>>48931I guess Mickey wasn't lying when she said she didn't get any surgery done. She still looks like this just with even worse makeup.
>>49056Her eye makeup is just emphasizing how small her eyes actually are. It looks so bad irl. Also cute liner stache.
No. 49064
>>49056Can someone edit out the makeup so we can see what Mickey really looks like considering
>>49008 isn't really her, lol.
No. 49065
File: 1558228921504.jpg (129.18 KB, 1080x1350, 1558220576840.jpg)

oh mny godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
No. 49069
>>49065Her boyfriend literally looks the same and Mickey is actually unrecognizable. I can't imagine constantly denying editing your photos and lying to have something like this happen. I'm sure she didn't think anyone would find her pics, and the pics she does post on insta or fb will be heavily altered as per usual.
>>49043 you were not lying when you said her chin melts into her neck, her eyes look so droopy do to the shitty makeup she looks so dumpy it's shocking.
No. 49071
File: 1558240432576.png (1.83 MB, 1308x1332, how.png)

Honestly how does she edit her pictures? How is it possible to look like 2 different people
No. 49076
File: 1558241844350.png (961.72 KB, 796x1036, mick.png)

No. 49077
>>49072I don't think she ever lost it to the extent we saw tbh. You can see here
>>48255that her arm is wiggly and that going by the shadow it's meaty. But even then… she's gained for sure. She isn't 230lbs anymore but she looks a solid 160lbs. I think it was easy for her to hide her big shoulders under the huge hair. But the fat girl shoulders did not lie the second she put it up
>>48999 No. 49078
File: 1558242676410.jpg (770.5 KB, 1585x1920, 19-05-19-01-06-32-635_deco.jpg)

No. 49079
File: 1558242701524.jpg (411.18 KB, 1057x1280, 19-05-19-01-10-44-638_deco.jpg)

No. 49081
File: 1558250601280.png (1.88 MB, 1264x1584, mickey.png)

do you think if I tag her on instagram she'll like my fanart?(dont try to cowtip or ask anons should you.)
No. 49082
>>49077I think her shoops look about 105lb whereas irl she looks between 126lb-135lb, more on the lower end. No way is she 160lbs. She's just a normal weight pretty girl.
I actually am more impressed with her shoops now as we've all been focusing on the eyes and hands when it was
everything. She's got some skills.
No. 49087
File: 1558282320906.jpg (643.18 KB, 1080x1350, 1558228921504_mh1558282284556.…)

Turned up the brightness cause I couldn't see shit lol.
No. 49088
File: 1558285337765.jpeg (197.98 KB, 637x727, F597E0E8-A1ED-4946-85BB-B222C9…)

Another full-body photo where you can see her actual nose size and more realistic body proportions
No. 49091
File: 1558286359583.jpg (131.21 KB, 1152x2048, mickkk.jpg)

>>49088She just posted this on Facebook and oh my God the difference
No. 49095
>>48345, I think she's gaining it back.
No. 49098
>>49088Holy shit I can't believe this is her yikes shes actually a butterface.
>>49091 she looks nothing I repeat nothing like this the difference is insane she's actually messed lol
No. 49101
>>49088Compare her thighs in this pic to
>>49087 ; they’ve definitely been shaved down.
No. 49102
>>49101I think it might just be the way she's standing or her body position. The person that originally posted the photo seems to be someone that doesn't know her– just a random convention-goer. She seems to be a fairly normal weight, and it's sad she feels the need to present herself as underweight/really thin on her social media.
Her face editing is just crazy. Her nose goes from normal to this tiny pixie-like thing. Her eyes get insanely larger– way past what makeup can do. I think she's got so many people telling her that she looks great in these online photos that she's somehow mentally started believing that she actually looks like this IRL, and that she's editing the photos much like how an artist would edit for color correction. Like some version of body/facial dysmorphia.
No. 49109
File: 1558301219864.jpg (100.22 KB, 1080x1350, 33786333_1092275580925800_4793…)

I'm starting to think she was ana at one point, but then started to eat again and slowly gain weight. However her ana brain doesn't want to admit it so she started to shoop her body in addition to her face.
God, I hope she gets help
pic is from june 2018
No. 49112
File: 1558301613684.jpg (62.2 KB, 1080x1350, 59440416_1565956746870521_1379…)

>>49109honestly dont know what to believe at this point when she looks like this
>>49087 and has shopped herself to the extent of pic related, theres no telling how long shes actually been gaining weight back
as far as im concerned, the majority of her instagram is so heavily shopped both face AND body wise, that she hasnt looked like her pictures the whole time this thread has been here
No. 49114
Think mickeys going to address all of this in a long fb/insta post about people "projecting their insecurities on her" and being "jealous"?
>>49088 nobody will ever be jealous of you mickey, maybe time to think of new material because the only one projecting insecurity is you in all of your edited pictures.
No. 49115
Think mickeys going to address all of this in a long fb/insta post about people "projecting their insecurities on her" and being "jealous"?
>>49088 nobody will ever be jealous of you mickey, maybe time to think of new material because the only one projecting insecurity is you in all of your edited pictures.
No. 49119
>>49117mte what kind of professional photoshop queen
if i were a ~fan~ i wouldnt know whether to feel let down and manipulated, or inspired as hell that she has managed to portray herself as a completely different person
No. 49121
>>49117I'm most amazed by the arms, comparing
>>49112 to
>>49065. I don't know jack shit about how to photoshop or notice photoshop so it seems like sorcery to me.
No. 49144
>>49121Same, it's interesting she's still posting pictures like
>>49091 to her instagram and fb I'd be so mortified after if I were her but she's just that delusional. Yikes
No. 49146
>>49121Same, it's interesting she's still posting pictures like
>>49091 to her instagram and fb I'd be so mortified after if I were her but she's just that delusional. Yikes
No. 49152
>>49088Someone commented on this photo with this picture
>>49091 not sure if someone over here attempted to cowtip (don't do that) but Mickey deleted the comment. She really doesn't want people to see how she actually looks.
No. 49159
File: 1558320867092.png (783.14 KB, 796x759, 2019-05-19 22.52.55.png)

This is still fucking me up
No. 49160
>>49159the fact that shes probably been photoshopping literal bones into her pictures just makes me really sad
thats still ana chan tier behavior even if she isnt stick thin in reality
No. 49215
File: 1558370564612.jpg (1.3 MB, 1332x1920, 19-05-20-12-39-52-025_deco.jpg)

Found in the Acen tags
No. 49216
>>49215wait…her hands actually really do look like chicken claws in real life wtf thats the one thing i actually thought she was for SURE shopping, kek
what a twist
No. 49217
>>49216The star bracelet doesn't help it either lol and the fact her acrylics look like they're glued onto the middle of her nail
She honestly looks like the average person who lives around here
No. 49253
>>49159>>49198I'd reckon that this is on par with what Vicky Shingles does, just in a skelly flavor instead of an IMVU one. Though as
>>49229 mentioned Mickey seems strangely confident going to a place where she will inevitably be photographed, whereas Vic's a serial camera-dodger
No. 49275
File: 1558397133201.png (479.52 KB, 1080x1293, Screenshot_20190521-010522~2.p…)

Tinfoil she's just sad we found her real face
No. 49303
>>49242I mean I get that completely.
I suffer from BDD personally and this doesn’t affect me but I can’t help but feel some things said are just petty about her body. She obviously has mental issues.
I guess go after her for her actions of course and read her on that, but not just her body when she’s obviously struggling with her mental image.
Her actions are deplorable with others involved but when people target her appearance outside of the makeup, it just feels too rough for me.
Also, I did sage and if it didn’t apply oh well.
I’m not saying she’s a good person in the slightest but attacking her for her REAL appearance is a low blow for me personally. She obviously edits these pictures for a reason.
The girl needs psychological help.
No. 49975
File: 1558562911507.jpeg (150.74 KB, 633x720, 49B8148D-5BCB-4D83-866F-CAB05F…)

I got curious and wondered how she would edit one of the tagged photos. Fun fact: this took me 10 minutes. Apps used: Snow and LINE Camera. I took the eye enlargement to 100 percent in Snow lmao, made her nose freakishly small, totally changed her face shape, and made her body thinner (though I think she tries for skinnier)
I guess my point is ANYONE can do this. I have a few selfies/pictures I’ve messed around with on Snow, but I’ve NEVER posted them because it feels WAY too much like lying. With things like Snapchat, filters are way more obvious, but it’s crazy how subtle (if you don’t make super dramatic changes) Snow can be.
No. 50111
File: 1558638155097.jpg (121.79 KB, 553x960, delusional.jpg)

"I got the opportunity to be photographed by so many talented people and even got to do a clip of a sassy Junko hair flip with a videographer! Im so excited to show all these great con pics to you guys! It was the most incredible weekend of my life and i walked away from the con feeling incredibly uplifted and confident!!!"
I can't wait for the video to be released and she links it to nobody because she can't give herself a dorito chin and slenderman-esque fingers
No. 50117
File: 1558640682637.jpeg (226 KB, 750x1092, D84A9578-845B-4226-9C93-EA9EC5…)

i think it might be the photoshop?
No. 50147
File: 1558654739788.png (645.02 KB, 507x754, mickda.PNG)

more photos
No. 50171
File: 1558663206888.png (3.29 MB, 1461x824, mickdadick.PNG)

Another new photo
No. 50173
File: 1558663352763.jpg (392.76 KB, 1152x2048, mickieeee.jpg)

>Cheers 2 Despair
No. 50177
File: 1558663890450.gif (493.62 KB, 450x800, deer.gif)

>>50147Sorry for samefagging, but I made a gif comparing two of the photos in this set and you can see the Photoshop.
No. 50524
File: 1558666475394.jpeg (238.52 KB, 640x908, 959EF871-D202-401A-9AD6-08012C…)

i… i can’t
“iM tHE OnlY OnE WHo KnoWs MY BEST liGHTiNg And anGLeS“
notice how she fails to credit the photographer
No. 50528
>>50117she really thinks her fans are fucking retarded holy shit
whats sad is that most of them probably are
No. 50532
File: 1558670185819.jpg (477.14 KB, 941x1147, Screenshot_20190524-115614_Sam…)

No. 50564
File: 1558716093655.jpeg (40.6 KB, 590x331, F0708809-5263-457E-BDF1-A79C69…)

>>50559this is the aesthetic she’s going for (picture from Pinterest)
No. 50565
>>49924She added to her bio lmao
“Be kind, be happy, be humble”
Ain’t nothing kind to other girls about setting unrealistic beauty standards and posting edited “makeup-free” pictures, ain’t nothing happy about not accepting your real face, and certainly nothing humble about going “my makeup is specific to my features I can’t change ur genetics so sorry you can’t look like me!!!” Mickey, you don’t even look like online you
No. 50601
File: 1558738368551.jpeg (214.84 KB, 640x848, ADF302BE-1370-42DB-A8E7-DBD1C3…)

I think we touched a nerve
Anyway, while some people have probably gone too far in criticizing her to the point of “bullying”, the heart of all the criticism is: Mickey, you EDIT your pictures WITHOUT OWNING UP TO IT. If you say, “These pictures are edited for aesthetic. My eyes aren’t this big, and my nose is bigger than this, believe it or not. I’m also not this skinny”, then I would have all the respect for that. Because it’s HONEST. There’s already SO MUCH dishonesty and fakery on Instagram that some actual honesty would be refreshingly wholesome. But no, you’re basically going to keep lying for the selfish validation of online strangers going, “WOW SO PRETTY”
No. 50635
File: 1558752057240.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1653, Screenshot_20190524-203947.png)

No. 50652
File: 1558763847671.jpeg (800.92 KB, 2048x2048, F258D820-E562-4605-9641-8B4C30…)

>>49120She literally deleted it and reposted it with the lines blurred behind her lol. Wowzers.
No. 50654
File: 1558764725979.jpeg (1.02 MB, 3464x3464, C514F350-0FAE-4771-82AF-644A7B…)

What’s with the PULLtard tier sperging about bullying? People are being mean on lolcow? Oh no, call the police! I have no sympathy for this porker. I think she looks fine unedited, but she wouldn’t be roasted and wouldn’t look like such a fugly dumpy ball of dough if she didn’t butcher herself on Snow and FaceTune. She’s painfully average, no one would bat an eye at her appearance if she wasn’t so fucking deranged and didn’t turn herself into a horribly creepy real life rendition of the worst stylized anime ever created. Besides, she’s so fucking conceited when it comes to the monstrosity of a face she creates, sometimes I wonder if she’s insane to the point she actually thinks she looks like her pictures. She has more than once humble bragged about her ~uwu natural features~ and her weight loss. She has more than once put other people down - including being in a catty ass group like another anon mentioned - so again, I have zero sympathy for her dumbass.
No. 50657
>>50654 Thank you for saying this, I was honestly starting to wonder if the thread hasn't been invaded by pull/reddit.
I'll be honest, to me her natural face is shocking. I've been following the thread since the beginning and I always figured she probably naturally looks like those OP pics with the red hair, but skinnier.
But it's not even the case? Her natural nose is so much bigger, she looks chunky all over and her eyes are so small you can't even see they're blue (IF they are)
Is she ugly? No. Is she a disgusting ugly attention seeker? Yes.
No. 50671
>>50647Her eyes look like two large black insects on her face, especially when her lashes obscure her actual eyes
Also don’t lash extensions fall out eventually? She makes them sound like they’re so permanent that there’s absolutely no way she can get a picture with them off
No. 50718
File: 1558802555916.jpeg (258.76 KB, 1125x1365, D484B4EC-D7A3-437C-911B-567336…)

>>50657Her face is definitely shocking, specially since she’s gained some weight back. The thing is, I really don’t think she’d look this way if she hadn’t created this lie around herself and her appearance. She’d just look like a regular girl, but in comparison to her edited/skinnier pictures, she looks very doughy.
>>50714I’m inclined to believe her, not because she said so, but because in that “no makeup” picture she posted, it genuinely looks like she glued a soaked dead skunk to her eyeballs. They look like the most disgustingly patchy at home lash extensions. I could see her having lice on those horrific things.
> pic related No. 50910
File: 1558902827275.jpg (416.24 KB, 1017x892, 20190526_142146.jpg)

Heres a screenshot of her as well. It's honestly crazy seeing how much she shoops her body
No. 50922
File: 1558906056836.jpg (562.93 KB, 1080x1080, mickey.jpg)

>>50910Different anon here. This cameraman took video of everyone from quite a low unflattering angle, but there is still such a difference from her shoops to this.
No. 50924
>>50111>even got to do a clip of a sassy Junko hair flip with a videographer!This was definitely this
>>50908and I would link it to nobody too if I were her. Everyone looks bad in his clips imo.
No. 50936
>>50928Man she's gotta stop shooping her chin because now her actual chin just looks twice as big.
>>50111She posted this photo on Instagram too and said it was the original KEK
No. 50942
>>50928The overlined lips really does her no good in non-selfie settings and i knew it was gonna be clownish but this is
harsh This wouldnt even be that jarring if now for the lips…i keep thinking of Juggalettes.
No. 50953
>>50910I'm just stunned how much bigger she actually is? Like she really shoops herself to be a third of the size
>>50936I feel the same way about her nose. I'm so used to the tiny ridiculous Voldemort nose she gives herself that seeing her actual nose makes her look like snuffkin by comparison
>>50928Sassy indeed. She looks like she's hoisting a heavy rope onto her shoulder
No. 50957
File: 1558914612610.jpg (436.17 KB, 1017x892, 19-05-27-00-47-59-589_deco.jpg)

>>50910I tried to make this a Mickey shoop kek. Left the shoulder under her hair unedited for that authentic Mickey feel
No. 50974
File: 1558920797180.jpeg (71.84 KB, 750x835, 0565C990-1EF1-4C00-932C-0EA1A7…)

>>50942look how small her natural lips are,
oof. Does she think her lips look like they do in her shoops? It amazes me that she goes out in public with her lips looking like she had a 1yr old put her stick on.
No. 50979
File: 1558929697865.jpeg (657.16 KB, 1920x2560, 6434ABD3-5292-4E44-B8A8-AF57CC…)

>>50910Watch her excuse this as BaD AnGLeS. Chin issue aside, the best possible angle will not give you dramatically huge eyes and drastically reduce your nose size
No. 50983
File: 1558930314921.jpg (1.39 MB, 2560x1920, 19-05-27-00-10-13-656_deco.jpg)

No. 50984
File: 1558930350500.jpg (1.13 MB, 2560x1920, 19-05-27-00-08-35-624_deco.jpg)

No. 50985
File: 1558930386253.jpg (1.15 MB, 2560x1920, 19-05-27-00-08-03-662_deco.jpg)

No. 51022
File: 1558962381550.gif (5.2 MB, 500x439, SureMickey.gif)

I did something for comparison & fiddeled a bit with photoshop. Man, my edit isn't even as extreme as hers, and I'm in shock.
No. 51028
File: 1558966377805.jpg (636.15 KB, 1644x1762, makeup.jpg)

The problem is her horrendous makeup to be honest it maybe is great for editing and liquifying your face.
But no one would look good irl with this makeup. It doesn't enlarge her eyes they look even smaller through that. The overdrawn lips also do her not good and she looks like she doesn't have a defined form in them. Like a kid who had spaghetti and its red around their mouths.
And I guess she is tall so Id say her figure could look really nice with fitting clothes.. it saddens me that by obsessing over her looks and trying to look like a cartoon she doesn't realize how unflattering it is…
No. 51029
>>51015It's not her weight gain at all, it's 100% the awful makeup.
Compare to
>>48250 and
>>48251. She was fatter in those pics, but infinitely cuter. She had flattering makeup in them, compared to the smudged dirty clown mess she has on now.
No. 51030
>>50928seeing this is shocking. i thought for sure she was definitely a current ana-chan, just fucking with her face, kooter style. but she's getting heavy again. that's a big girl.
was she ever not heavy, is the question? you can fuck up your bariatric surgery within a year if you're determined to eat.
No. 51031
>>51030"She's getting heavy again"
Anyone who says she didn't put on weight is nuts.
Compared to the photos her mom had posted (Surpise - they were NOT edited) a few months ago she obviously gained. Please take a look:
>>48345>>48631 No. 51032
>>51031yep. whoever's saying this is a 130lb. girl, just no way. she is much bigger than that.
what's weird is that she shooped like an ana, but maybe she was never even ana tier 'skinny'? the shoops look like 85lbs to me but who knows. i feel like i have no idea what this girl looks like, lol. it's so weird, she's very uncanny valley.
No. 51039
>>51032She's gotta be 170 MINIMUM. Like, I can understand why she gained weight, we just had winter and it didn't stop snowing until a month ago.
>>51029I agree, her makeup fit her style and body and it was enough. No overlining of the lips or spider lashes.
No. 51042
I don't know guys, the more I look at the op pictures with red hair, the more I'm convinced she used to shoop her eyes bigger even back then.
Just look at the one on the bottom left in
>>48245 those eyes are totally shooped and twice the size of her real eyes. The nose in the blonde pic in the center is also fake and not like her real one at all.
She ALWAYS used to shoop her face, just got more extreme with time. However I think she's new to shooping her body, started doing so only after the weight started coming back these past few months.
No. 51077
>>51030I've been noticing in her more recent pics she has like a bigger face/more defined cheeks but I assumed she was just getting lazier with her shoop. Clearly it's cus she's putting on weight and can't hide the evidence no matter how much she edits
>>51042Oh they're definitely still edited, I think even Mickey admits it? Something like "I don't edit anymore if you want to see bad editing look at my old photos!!!"
No. 51105
File: 1559004775448.png (2.4 MB, 1765x790, koikk.png)

No. 51116
File: 1559008395495.jpeg (112.24 KB, 640x624, 396EE347-4059-4C2D-8CCC-A5DCBB…)

Shopped the picture the cosplay photographer took of her into what is probably more representative of what she looks like lmao(fanart)
No. 51120
File: 1559008866606.png (1.9 MB, 1766x848, 008978.png)

See kids, this is why we don't lie about our appearance. You can't photoshop real life
No. 51121
File: 1559009307882.jpeg (108.74 KB, 640x624, D203605F-93BD-425B-9D6F-B7DB2A…)

>>51119True, true. Smaller eyes coming right up
No. 51122
File: 1559009877873.png (1.04 MB, 1080x630, sd.png)

Hey Mickey, let's try some minimalism!
No. 51132
File: 1559013588191.jpg (40.45 KB, 838x750, potion_seller.jpg)

>>51121She looks like that fucking potion seller guy now LMAO
>>51042Definitely shooped some, but I think a big portion of this is it being a photo from phone camera with a smaller lens and some angling. Especially the pic on the bottom right.
No. 51176
File: 1559051266338.png (2.74 MB, 1078x1336, abb.png)

This is all so fucking hilarious. Imagine losing that much weight just to start gaining it back within 2 years? I understand that loose skin isn't fun but it can be hidden or removed if she'd save correctly, seems like she's more concerned about getting tattoos that look like drawings of her ideal self though, fucking whack. I'm betting she got one of those "miracle" stomach mutilating surgeries and has eaten like shit this entire time but only now can finally stuff her face again. Maybe she's purging now to try and compensate, too, but we all know bulimia doesn't produce great results.
No. 51186
>>51176I think she never lost as much weight as we thought. Which I'm glad about, I remember when I first saw her account I thought the anachan bony weird Bratz-eyed person she was posting was tragic, and she looked better when she was more curvy and had a more normal face. The weight on the right hand side is perfectly normal and fine. She only needs to lose maybe 7lb to look good (healthy and attractive) irl.
>>48252^Like the image on the left here.
No. 51205
>>51176What bothers me the most was her incessant "Don't ask me about my weight loss" and getting
triggered about it like alluding that she could be ana but we all know her mom paid for her gastric bypass because I really doubt a 300+ girl just stopped eating willingly. She lost half her body weight in 8 months but yeah it was all do to "dieting". She's such a lazy lying delusional cow she can't even be honest about that.
No. 51210
File: 1559076595803.png (35.82 KB, 505x393, StUpId BuLlShIt Or RuMoRs.png)

Apparently people having evidence that she's heavily photoshopping and pointing it out is spreading rumors and bullshit.
No. 51233
File: 1559085171112.jpeg (659.75 KB, 1242x1727, 6586AB0C-F0E3-4111-B107-B4C1BE…)

No. 51242
>>51233people commenting calling it jealousy when in reality it's her constantly lying about her appearance and claiming she doesn't edit and that she NATURALLY looks the way she does to humblebrag to her followers. Just look at
>>50524 and how cringy the caption is. She acts as if that was the original photo and she left it "unaltered" by any means. At this point I'm just so dumbfounded at how she can keep lying after Acen.
>>50983 Stop thinking people are exposing you out of jealousy and realize this all happened because you dug yourself up in lies.
No. 51249
>>51233It's weird to deactivate Instagram when the discussion about her catfishing is happening elsewhere. I never see negative comments on IG.
Aside, "baby bunny" so the rescue bunny with the damaged eye that she was so excited to adopt is getting dumped again in favor of a baby.
No. 51258
>>51210Someone thinks too highly of themselves….. “I’m KIND and POSITIVE to EVERY SINGLE PERSON. But people are STILL mean to me!!!” Does she not even remember saying things like bashing another girl for her lips?
>>48281 It might be in the past (idk how long ago exactly), but I find that people who are genuinely good people don’t feel the need to say they are— they just do things that show that. Somehow, having been part of a chat that brings down other women’s looks and also willingly partaking in reinforcing impossible beauty standards does not strike me as being kind or positive in any way.
No. 51259
>>51233>its harrassment to post my unshopped, public photos of me in my actual natural statelel
this is some chantal marie/foodie beauty mental gymnastics right here
No. 51260
>>51243Her commenting
>>48687 when she has same said lips and needs to use a shot glass to make them bigger.
>>48724 but of course she's always had "full lips"
>>49148 Again, absolutely conceited and delusional comment. Most of your "look" is based off editing your face to be shorter, thinner, eyes enlarged to max capacity, shortening your nose and completely changing the shape of it as it's neither small or upturned in person. You can't change your genes, Mickey. Maybe take your own advice on flattering makeup and don't
>>51028 draw on fake lashes 3 inches below your actual eye, eyeliner that reaches your temples or overline your lips like an actual drag queen.
Also, her posting "makeup free" photos
>>48260 when you can see her brows are filled in, nose contour, freckles, overlining and she used darker eyeshadow to outline a higher eyelid crease while making a "positive self love message"
>>48261 yet lying about not having her nose contoured.
>>48928 Again, I believe her on this now after seeing her pics from Acen, but again another vain way of saying she naturally looks the way she does without editing.
>>50172 This picture was taken by a photographer so if I act like I didn't edit it people will believe me!!
>>48770 >>48665
>>48259Her constant before/after photos of her weightloss but gets
triggered if anyone mentions it. I'm sure not being able to stuff your face with cannoli for months due to your gastric sleeve gave you ptsd, but stop acting like you're ana/ or have an eating disorder.
Just a few reasons as to why Mickey is so UNLIKABLE and deserves a reality check.
No. 51281
>>51280Lol she’s not trolling, just very mentally ill, have you not seen the extent of her drivel on Facebook?
That’s not “troll” behavior, it’s BDD, projection, and narcissistic delusion.
No. 51339
>>51233That's pretty funny, do you think she's optimistic she can log off and lose weight?
She can't seem to face reality at all, I have a feeling she'll be eating her feelings while biding her time to return with a new face
No. 51365
>>51280>>49083I'm sorry, but this "H-Her alien animu bratz shoops are actually ART and she should be respected as a master troll and an artist, guys!!" excuse reads as embarrassing cope to me, lmao.
You can appreciate her images the same way you can appreciate someone's "aesthetic" pictures of an IMVU/Second Life/Dead Or Alive/Final Fantasy/any other 3DCG-oriented game character, but understand that they are coming from a narcissistic, insecure, deluded mind,
not an artist, or a self-aware, sardonic individual who's just out to generate buzz for laughs.
She's really LARPing that she looks that way, and it's a mixture of tragedy and comedy. This person is a cow, both figuratively and literally. Just accept things for what they are.
No. 51457
File: 1559190848514.png (286.08 KB, 293x691, mickeyyy.png)

i fixed her latest shooped pic(fanart)
No. 51468
File: 1559203130658.jpg (94.07 KB, 536x960, 61985299_2412516128769645_6615…)

No. 51493
File: 1559223254691.jpeg (201.93 KB, 1242x717, 7A93B5BF-6F83-42A7-B71E-2A65E1…)

No. 51495
File: 1559226627265.jpeg (96.53 KB, 536x960, E513EB52-0D43-41C3-9FBB-A78763…)

Looks like her shoulder is sucking in the room
No. 51499
>>51493She's so laughable at this point.
Also, when she's speaking about "declining" do you think she refers to her ana ways? Is she coming up with excuses, saying she has nausea, to cover up the fact that in 3 months time she will be looking skelly again?
No. 51530
File: 1559242864210.jpeg (499.97 KB, 1920x1654, 2D180807-683F-44F6-9192-060D3B…)

[reupload bc I forgot to take out names]
If she’s telling the truth, why would she expose herself (and her highly amateur cosmetology skills) like this
Lash extensions are NOT supposed to burn. As my optometrist says, you’re only born with one pair of eyes, so TAKE GOOD CARE OF THEM. I guess she’d rather constantly endanger her eyes rather than pay to see a professional
No. 51544
>>51495oh fuck the editing in the shoulders to try to make them look bonier. i'm crying lmao.
you can see the other shoulder where she tried to edit in a shadow and it look nasty against her mom's hair. no doubt she's not that skinny. look at her arms, that's some chunk and photoshopped darkness.
No. 51551
File: 1559254671378.png (219.17 KB, 678x640, gfjfdf.png)

No. 51552
>>51530Yeah, I hope she doesn't seriously damage her eyes… which she will if she continues like this
>>48260 >my right eye can barely be held open bc tearing so badly from injury on eyelidShe can Photoshop as much as she wants afaic, but she must ditch those fake eyelashes. They are not worth getting blind over.
No. 51653
>>51590That's just how she does her makeup, her skin looks the same as
>>50910 it's just all mushed together from shoop.
I was thinking about how I'm sure the way she draws her make up helps make her appearance altered enough head-on closer to how she desires to look, but literally every other angle reveals the truth.
No. 51654
File: 1559347358924.jpg (51.24 KB, 640x642, large-3.jpg)

>>51518I always wonder why these cows don't take something they do and make something cool and/or profitable from it? Some are pretty creative, there's just no practiced talent.
Honestly cows like her could do shoop commissions etc into Bratz-like images and sell the edits if she put effort into it she could develop skills to be a visual artist like the route 3rdeyechakra (No disrespect to that artist who clearly has talent and is very recognized for it, but just the idea of editing existing images of people) took.
I'm sure there's tons of people who would love a Mickey-style edit, she wouldn't even have to be good at it right away if she priced it at a fair rate for the quality.
Hell…..someone here take that idea and roll with it. Easy money and it seems fun if you're into that idea.
These idiots do something for their own ego they could hone as a hobby IG is what I mean
No. 51658
File: 1559351157069.jpeg (166.79 KB, 1152x2048, 15C289BE-5C4C-4AC2-A3FF-F4B516…)

Fun fact: Snow still works with angles like this (I tried it with my own face— it’s amazing how easily you can change an unflattering angle to a more flattering one in Snow)
Also her rabbit looks weirdly skinny? It’s face also looks wonky probably due to the editing
No. 51950
File: 1559533904005.png (765.98 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190602-224849.png)

No. 51953
File: 1559534560918.jpg (43.81 KB, 1518x832, FB_IMG_1559533666739.jpg)

She has mutilated her eyes to the point she has no bottom lashes.
No. 51955
withour rinsing them wtfWow
No. 52281
File: 1559746548305.png (236.7 KB, 1163x908, Screenshot_279.png)

An interesting take on anatomy from our girl. I'm sure she's on her way to the casting couch of the Walking Dead right now.
No. 52334
File: 1559782024507.jpeg (395.17 KB, 640x1056, 4406E0AC-A442-4FBC-B1E5-89569D…)

The caption makes me cringe. “Teehee oops didn’t mean to take this”… Just post your selfie and GO
I can literally see where her face has been retouched and warped into the god-awful Bratz look she calls “just makeup.” With this sort of mental attitude about her looks, I wonder how she’s going to deal with getting older. Can you picture a middle-aged woman still photoshopping herself into this vapid doll? Kinda sad
No. 52362
File: 1559812996313.png (592.16 KB, 946x582, bigoof.png)

also her jagged jawline and cheek from editing her face and wonky choker. it blows my mind how people know what she really looks like irl and online too, but continues to edit herself even more and more exaggerated. And ontop of it all still has the balls to act as if she doesn't. I would legit be mortified if i was in her position.
No. 52448
File: 1559847100005.png (148.43 KB, 276x295, THE ARM.PNG)

>>52334holy shit her arm. she's trying to pass off her arm being like 3 inches wide
No. 53010
File: 1560109354612.png (481.71 KB, 382x480, Screenshot_301.png)

>>52448You can tell she's gained and is trying to hide it because her crepey arm skin isn't there anymore like before. Plus, we all know she didn't get removal surgery, she's broke doing nothing all day except photoshopping herself and being supported by that ragged Duck Dynasty BF
No. 53011
File: 1560109686676.png (527.87 KB, 645x767, Screenshot_303.png)

This is the beginning of her justifying gaining all that weight back. It starts by convincing yourself that looking like this is reasonable.
No. 53026
File: 1560118968226.jpg (87.94 KB, 1028x1610, mickey.jpg)

I think her necklace says her name on it, but besides that, you can see the Snow filter on her chin.
No. 53053
File: 1560136344831.png (2.45 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190609-221137.png)

>>53011I think you're onto something.
No. 53109
File: 1560212705811.png (9.95 KB, 504x91, 9cec918c9136774354fc1e7c66f920…)

No. 53357
File: 1560379056499.png (415.67 KB, 407x657, that poor rabbit.png)

she went on a great 3 minute tear-jerking rant about how pEoPlE aRe BuLlIeS zzz
i recorded it but i'm not sure how to go about uploading it
No. 53363
>>53361Thanks anon! for potato quality but tbh it's better than her shoops
No. 53405
>>53391That’s exactly what I was thinking, all of those screenshots of her tearing apart other peoples appearances…” IM a POSITIVE PERSON NOTHING WILL MaKE ME FALTER ITS WHO I AM”
Good people aren’t contradictory, compulsive liars.
Also she shrunk her nose to death with snow in that video why does she think people buy this shit?
And why is she telling people to get hobbies when the bitch doesn’t even have a job LOL
She’s a career catfish
No. 53412
File: 1560424045507.png (344.57 KB, 489x515, wUY3Ei.png)

her nose in that video jesus lmfao
Also, she has a slight lisp and just her mouth movements and overlined lips and terrible eye makeup and double chin are making me hardcore cringe. She looks absolutely terrifying. For someone who doesn't have a job and does absolutely nothing she should not be talking about not having a life
No. 53434
>>53405LMAO she doesn’t even have a job?
Mickey, as much as this might shock you, going on this thread takes like five minutes of my day, and often it’s when I’m bored at work
No. 53444
File: 1560454924213.png (417.33 KB, 513x662, 67S5kt.png)

full face of makeup for surgery and lmao at her caption I wonder how much editing it takes to make her double chin disappear as well as her beak-like nose
No. 53478
>>53458If you’re going to be criticizing other people for how they spend their time, why not criticize Mickey for how much time she spends editing her photos?
Cool, you think so, but she’s contributing to what Instagram already encourages: false beauty standards. I have a problem with Instagram influencers giving themselves bigger butts, curvier bodies, all that through Photoshop. Are you okay with all that? Are you okay with people on Instagram and other social media blatantly presenting themselves as someone they don’t actually look like, without admitting their editing, just to make themselves look better? Are you okay with supporting a culture that puts beauty above everything else? If you have absolutely no problem with what Mickey is doing, clearly you do, so there’s no conversation to be had here.
No. 53482
File: 1560463504971.png (683.18 KB, 650x585, Capture.PNG)

The spergout is probably because Mickey made it to the front of r/all via instagramreality. Those 5000 upvoters are all bullies with nothing better to do, of course.
No. 53526
File: 1560495162457.jpg (128.28 KB, 540x960, 64418505_2439286572759267_7740…)

i just/….lmfao her editing is actually getting so much worse her lips are SO blurry and deformed they just melt in with the straw
No. 53530
File: 1560497447289.jpg (184.91 KB, 540x960, 1560495162457.jpg)

>>53526If you remove the eye makeup, she looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein
No. 53546
File: 1560507203834.png (16.16 KB, 499x166, 84e720768ab5aa57b63165177c619f…)

>>53405As soon as it's mentioned in the thread that she doesn't have a job, she mentions working in a salon
No. 53554
>>53363She has a really deep woman's voice for such a small ana fairy as she photoshops herself as. And seems to be channeling the persona of Jeffree Starr. You're not actually famous (yet), that requires actually matching your pictures and being less of a drama queen. Jeffree has 15 years of history behind him and a lot of connections, that's why he can get away with that persona now. You need to build yourself into something more before you can be all "the haters don't bother me" as if you were known outside of lolcow, instagramreality and a small group of active instagram users.
Also want to see more pix of that bunny.
No. 53572
>>53570Huh? Stratifying answers? This sounds like someone using words they think sound smart without realizing exactly what they mean.
Also solving the equation of someone else’s life? Are.. are you implying the people here want to do that for Mickey? W… what? Maybe I should say it as simply as possible so you can understand: her edits are ridiculous. She does not look like that in real life. We know she does not look like that in real life because there are unedited photos of her that have been taken by other people. She blocks people who ask her/bring up anything that implies she edits her photos. So she does not want people knowing she edits her photos. Does that seem like a person who is SUPER secure and confident in her self-image? We’re just laughing at her hypocrisy. You know, this thread wouldn’t exist and it would be a different story if she said, “I edit my photos!!! I absolutely don’t look like this in person.” It would be a different story if the makeup-free photos she posted were makeup-free and also UNEDITED. But she edits those too, which is kinda shitty. Do… do you not see how shitty it is to present yourself as someone you don’t look like?
No. 53584
File: 1560535122101.jpg (379.37 KB, 942x1566, FB_IMG_1560526816083_201906141…)

Hey Mickey, you missed a spot.
So focused on editing yourself into a bobblehead that you forgot to liquify your gut.
No. 53593
>>53584holy shit. she's gonna notice this and edit the pic. right?
No. 53599
>>53584What are you guys talking about, hips TOTALLY work that way!
Ugh I cannot believe there are people that actually think she looks like this
No. 53612
File: 1560552384231.jpg (116.72 KB, 504x610, FB_IMG_1560526816083_201906141…)

Wtf is going on with this thumb?
No. 53635
>>53613That’s what I don’t understand, some parts of her photos are so warped in random places, what exactly did she edit there to fuck up her thumb and the cup? I don’t think the body-smushing would do that…
What I wouldn’t do to see her editing process lol
No. 53687
File: 1560631870430.jpeg (85.32 KB, 566x939, 05186D66-1D68-4638-9E07-5BE4B7…)

Jesus Christ her yaoi hands
Guess she’s giving up on shopping the lower half of her body for that “curvy” look
No. 53688
File: 1560632177754.jpeg (158.75 KB, 640x934, E462E60D-B286-4B66-AED9-BBFD43…)

Here’s Mickey lying to this poor girl
“Hip thrusts all day and you’ll TOTALLY achieve my physique! Absolutely no Snow involved!!! I’m definitely this thin and curvy IRL!!!”
This is really fucking shitty.
No. 53693
File: 1560633014016.jpeg (585.66 KB, 1920x2560, 2F2AEA07-14BF-4BE6-87F6-00CF46…)

I hate bodyshaming. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being average-sized, which she is. But pretending to be this tiny person is an insult to people who are of average weight and are perfectly normal.
No. 53694
>>53688>Just do even more high-rep body-weight exercises and tons of cardio and you'll totally get the type of ass that is only achieved through low-rep high-weight lifting! Every person on social media thinking they're qualified to answer fitness-related questions has caused a huge wave of young women blowing out their fucking knees doing "200 squats a day" challenges and shit like this.
Mickey loves lying to people about things like this though as not only does it prop up her fake image but it makes her look even more unattainable when her fans fail to achieve what she has in her edited photos, see also when she was gloating like "my makeup style only suits my special doll face that I was genetically blessed with teehee, I guess that's why it doesn't look the same when you try it!"
No. 53773
>>53546She isn't exactly saying she currently works in a salon. She is saying in the future that is where she wants to work. But she comes off like she's too lazy to go to beauty school. She seems more busy photoshopping and eating out.
And honestly, I don't know what client will want her to work on them when she's wearing clown make up, wearing her goofy long nails and wearing bad ratty extensions that don't even blend into her own hair.
No. 53779
File: 1560710639075.png (325.09 KB, 489x515, wUY3Ei.png)

>>53773LMAO can you imagine scheduling to get your makeup done with her and all you can see is her 2 inch lip liner drawn over her mouth?
No. 53785
>>53584Technically you're both right considering the average NA IS in fact still overweight, despite being recognized as the average, so no reason to argue over it.
She's overweight and downright fat in comparison to how she photoshops herself.
No. 53883
File: 1560810486429.jpeg (148.42 KB, 731x1099, 6DC9DCF9-8B3D-4857-80B9-C07953…)

Notice how big her forearm and hand is compared to her upper arm, lol
No. 53897
File: 1560814686554.png (3 MB, 750x1334, 0BD805CA-FAAC-4CAF-83DC-56CFC6…)

Not sure how to post the video but it’s the cringiest shit I’ve seen in a long time. Hello, double chin!
No. 53906
File: 1560817010629.png (218.84 KB, 303x500, mimi.png)

her wiggly lower lip while the rest of her face looks as if its melting
No. 53911
File: 1560818386472.jpeg (198.9 KB, 640x542, 80D489E1-1839-498E-950C-242237…)

Mickey on taking criticism regarding depiction of non-white ethnicities
As an artist, this just pisses me off. I get drawing commissions to fit the aesthetics of the person paying for the commission, but I also get the concerns when you’re drawing, for instance, a Native American person with features commonly associated with Caucasians. She could have gracefully apologized and said that while her art style is very stylistic, she understands the concerns when it comes to depicting other ethnicities in art. I once painted a dark-skinned character as lighter than she should have been and was rightfully called out on it— instead of telling them, “it’s my art style!!!”, I said I would work on painting darker skin colors (and I’m gradually getting better).
But nah, she went MY ART STYLE IS CONCRETE. Basically: “I have absolutely no interest in learning how to draw different features”
No. 53964
>>53911Tbf there's absolutely no critique or anything of value she could take away from some SJW screeching about "Features don't look like that!"
What is any artist supposed to do with a comment like that? It's meaningless on its own.
No. 53979
>>53964I think the comment was on a picture of a girl she drew that she described as Native. The girl had a headdress on, so I guess she meant Native American? She was big-eyed and small nosed and pretty much looked like Mickey. Literally the headdress was the only indication of anything “Native.”
She could have responded like, “I’m aware my art style is pretty limited in depicting people with different features! It’s just my aesthetic and is in no way related to how people look like in real life.” If she really wanted to improve, she could have said, “I will work on drawing different features!” Though honestly I don’t like artists who are tied down to their style— you grow as an artist by going out of your comfort zone. One way to do that is by drawing different faces, body types, races, etc