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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 343909

Previous thread >>>/w/338748

Jirai kei is a j-fashion subculture that emerged in 2020, named after mentally unstable landmine girls (地雷女). It is a derogatory term that is used to label and stereotype a woman as what would be considered a "ticking time bomb" in English.

The western community consists of mentally ill girls that hate each other, abuse otc cough medicine, and spend all of their time on twitter.

General drama:
Newfags raided the thread, acting as prime examples of jiraitwt mental retardation >>340430

Notable cows:
Twitter/Tiktok: meruu218
Instagram: mm2mn1
Instagram baddie from Sweden turned jirai >>340110
Spends a ridiculous amount of money to attend a language school in Shinjuku to live out her toyoko kid larp >>342172
Posts herself cutting >>340024, taking dxm >>341017 and getting std screenings >>340109
Still posts herself doing dxm after she overdosed and had an ambulance called on her >>342053
Took purikura and possibly slept with Infinity/Marcus Hasebe Fernández, the "Leader of Kabukicho" who is known for sex trafficking and being an ex pornstar >>340068 & >>340091
"Exposes" hosts on twitter for her yua takahashi larp
Lied about being hacked & deleted posts after being posted on lolcow >>339072

Twitter: becomingadoll/sanchantsubu
Instagram: sanchandayou_
Prioritizes running on a treadmill over her sister overdosing and being sent to a hospital >>339158
Claims to have an IQ of 144; doesn’t even believe this lie herself >>339243
Calls her greasy moid "Harupi" for the yua larp >>340189
Claimed to get kicked out of her house and sent to a mental hospital because of the lolcow thread >>340255 & >>340757
2 days later she posted herself in Japan >>340670
Still claiming that she got kicked out, sent to a mental clinic, and then flown to Japan by "Harupi" >>340960
Claims nsfw posts trigger her despite posting a video of her boyfriend using a remote controlled vibrator on her in public >>339524 & >>339512 and allowing her boyfriend to post a shitty erotic drawing of her >>339495
Boyfriend is an ex-troon >>339956
Was shit talked in a public twitter space by Lilia and other girls she was friends with >>342949

Twitter: xUo_pyon
Black female but identifies as black native intersex transfem sapphic mlm bisexual aromantic asexual autdhd cluster b DID cfs blind (whatever that means) >>340338 >>340346
Acts like she’s the CEO of jirai kei and Japanese culture, while simultaneously complaining about non Japanese acting like the CEOs of jirai kei and Japanese culture >>340421
Only pictures she’s posted are of dogshit coords with her face cropped out >>340451
Cries about her family not caring about her and not having money, but spends it all on her jirai shopping addiction >>340935
Shit talked her friends in a public twitter space >>342960

Twitter: va_nillalalalala
Constantly spergs about how nobody gives her enough attention >>340175
Frequently insists that she does not edit photos >>340219 & >>340307 despite farmers having unedited selfies and candids >>340212 & >>341407
Thinks her life is harder than people with genuine mental illness and blames them for having said illnesses >>340229
Self posting >>343655

Twitter: usadapeko
Instagram: mycheririn
Tiktok: cheririnnn
Known for starting the kabukicho larper drama with one of her tweets >>338866 & >>338175
Spends all of her money on AdamLilith and other idols >>339408
Allegedly begs friends for money to support her oshi addiction >>339409
Proudly displays her lolicon tapestries >>333339
Shooping >>342038

Twitter: LaceCovered_
Justifies her addiction with jirai
Sells videos of her self harming and overdosing on cough medicine
Wants to relive her rape/sexual assault trauma
Refers to herself as a "dummy dolly" for her ddlg fetish >>339162
Posted herself drinking vodka out of baby bottles >>339200
Spergout after viewing lolcow thread >>340227 & >>340228

Instagram: lacehime
Canceled for being a terf >>343190
Told an alleged minor to come to her house and have sex with her >>343730
Posted instagram stories after lurking the thread and being exposed for soliciting sex from an alleged minor >>343748
Claimed she didn’t go to meets with minors despite being tagged in photos where she was at meets with minors >>343757 (deleted photo can be found in her instagram tags)

Less relevant cows:
Twitter: marinjirai
Friends with Melissa
Involved in the toyoko larp callout with Melissa >>339438 & >>340637
Posts herself cutting and doing dxm while attempting to shoop her bulldog face >>340495

Twitter: kimibatsu
Started jirai lolita drama with an irrelevant random on twitter, and it blew up >>342440
One of the people shit talked in a public twitter space >>342980
Claims to be asian despite looking extremely white

Instagram: _._ena_.__
Sent paragraphs to a cosplayer because she wouldn’t sell nudes to her moid friend >>341438
Posted multiple stories claiming to be hacked >>341493
Called out by the cosplayer for lying about being hacked >>341500

Instagram: soph.iie
Twitter: sophh_iiee
Tiktok: sophh.iiie
Regularly posts her room filled with lolicon tapestries >>339392 & >>339435
Best friends with Meri

Twitter/Instagram: eviebunniex
Tiktok: eviebunnie
Shoops herself to look anorexic and have no chin, claims she got plastic surgery to achieve it >>319530 & >>341609
Dropped the kawaii doll act to do paid gigs in swimsuit and loli cosplays for an agency specialized in photoshoots for otakus >>341402

No. 343910

Reposted because some of the links didn’t work.

No. 343912

This description is way better than the last thread. Thanks Nonna

No. 343916

File: 1738820099141.png (188.27 KB, 732x1020, 1738803418227.png)

the luka person is misa, heres your proof shes not a minor
stop making the thread even worse with non-milk anons, being a terf shouldn't be an issue here

No. 343917

Nobody said being a terf is bad, but it’s still something various people in the community are trying to cancel her for and belongs in the recap. You would know this if you used lolcow for longer than the 2 months the jirai thread has been up.

No. 343919

Do you have proof that Luka is Misa? When did she turn 18? Misa had a photo of her face as her icon

No. 343921

File: 1738820111118.png (114.32 KB, 674x634, 1738805608823.png)

don't act stupid, this entire thing started with anons vendettaposting this pedo thing because they can't cancel her for being a terf here

see attachment


a translation for you:
luka: i wish i was in the 18+ groupchat
luka: i'm going to have my birthday early
aiko: when is it?
yui: it's this month; she (luka) turns 18(doxing)

No. 343922

This looks like Luka was about to turn 18 but when was the date? There is no proof of when the birthday was only that she’s extremely young and talked about wanting to be allowed in an adult server…

No. 343923

this was march 2024, and do we know when the screenshot of lola flirting with luka was taken? this is why this discussion is pointless, not enough context was provided to begin with

No. 343925

File: 1738806154766.png (297.23 KB, 732x1020, Untitled.png)

If anything you just proved that Misa was a minor. Post the dates for the screenshots.
Also, why are you not censoring phone numbers? It's very obvious that you're Lola.

No. 343926


No. 343927

KEK nonna she’s panicking and doxxing in the process. The milk is good

No. 343928

This is definitely Lola kek, but if the screenshot really is from march Misa was an adult when Lola got banned from the discord server

No. 343929

We don’t know when she flirted with her and they only care about kicking terfs out, not groomers. It’s still possible that it was before but kek being in the same group of her when she’s a kid and flirting with her when she’s freshly 18 is textbook behaviour.

No. 343930

someone should delete that.

No. 343931

Does anyone have the dates for this screenshot where she flirts with her? That would end this.

No. 343932

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Undoxxed versions so Lola’s screenshots don’t get deleted
>In b4 useless jannies give everybody a “hi cow” redtext even though it’s obviously Lola

No. 343933

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No. 343934

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Unrelated to the current milk but what the hell is this KEK. There’s no way Lola isn’t posting this to make fun of her in a sly way.

No. 343935

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it’s looking like some of evie’s precious dior collection are just fakes. a big tell on fake lady dior’s is if the handles lean to one side. picrel top is evie’s and bottom is a fake. i’m not surprised as i’m sure no sugar daddy is funding the crimson chin catfish.

No. 343939

This hamplanets been posted to the lolita thread before. She's an ageplayer that wears replicas but I don't know much of her besides.

No. 343940

So the white one could be real?
There are speculations she had japanese sugar daddies, but yeah fake bags wouldn't surprise me either

Besides that, does anyone know what kind of job she has? It's always weird when some people make the biggest secret out of it(sage your shit)

No. 343942

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The white one looks fake too since the handle is bending as well. She has been known to be a liar and a poser, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

She said she’s in Japan on a work visa and works in HR but I doubt it. She’s always going out during the day on weekdays. Japanese companies are known to be strict on working time and holidays.

Also, you can’t land a job that will sponsor your visa in Japan without a 3-year college degree and at least JLPT N2 level. Her Japanese is horrendous and she seems to mostly use Google Translate. She said previously that she had a BA in philosophy so I doubt she could get a visa with that. Modeling can’t sponsor you a visa unless you’re a very active talent.

My guess is that she is on a working holiday visa and will be sent back to the UK in a year. She seemed to have graduated from her language school last year and went back to the UK for several months to change her visa, while lying and posting old videos about her "life in Japan". Working holiday visa is the only visa where you can’t apply in Japan and need to go back to your home country.

No. 343944


No. 343946

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I wonder who is doing this, Vanilla.
Purposely trying to seem ESL is not a big jump

No. 343948

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i think the white one might be real but who knows. i know that dior gives you 3 complimentary charms for the bag strap and from two minutes of googling it’s super easy to get fake letter charms like ‘eve’ for the pink bag but the other designs like the rose and the key on the white bag i wasn’t able to find. but the fake luxury business in japan is booming as much as they love to act like it’s illegal. first page of dior on mercari jp is 60% fakes and it’s mostly jewelry.

also i think the first dior necklace she got (bottom left) is real but the bracelet and other earrings she has i think are fakes. also i could not find that top left necklace anywhere. she never posted about it and looks rusted to death so it’s probably fake too kek she probably got the first real necklace and then realized how shit quality luxury jewelry is and then started going crazy with the fakes. usually when influencers get outed for fake luxury it’s because they buy too much in a short time so it looks suspicious which is exactly what evie did.

No. 343950

Japan is close to China so it’s so easy to buy fake luxury. The choices are much broader on taobao and such.

No. 343951

Is it possible to have a eviebunnie thread? I’ve noticed her mentioned a lot in the kawaii blogger thread as well, is there enough milk?

No. 343953

yeah guangzhou is known to be the superfake capital of the world so i wouldn't be surprised if there were more options on fakes.

i don't think shes milky enough for her own thread. besides shooping herself into some animu loli bait and her secretive jobs/cash flow, she's pretty boring. if there were screen recordings of that drunk instalive she did last year with babymaron/rottingbabu where she complained about how annoying it was that she was being pulled into commenting about trans issues, that would've been enough to get her booted from the ever open jirai discord that her bestie ellie runs but other than that there's not much milk.

No. 343954

I don’t think the jirai/ryousangata community cares much about fakes. It’s very common to buy fake liz lisa, let alone designer. Slight blog but I buy things because I like how they look, not because they’re expensive. It’s funny that she shows off her collection when it’s fake though kek(blogging)

No. 343955

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There is no way Evie expects anyone to believe her waist is this small. This is sad.

No. 343956

Behind the mask she puts online, she’s pretty milky. She’s just sly enough to ensure she leaves no proof online to keep her good girl image.

She used to be best friend with babu melo and earlgrey until she got into a fight with both. She’s not invited anymore by capsulebutt and other kawaii influencers. Fishy that her circle of friends seems to change all the time.

No. 343990

File: 1738888620391.png (2.66 MB, 2330x1516, dior repladies.png)

There are communities on Reddit dedicated to purchasing replica goods from China, so I wouldn't be surprised if she knew about them and used them regularly. Picrel is from a subreddit where women talk about buying replica designer bags from the website DHgate.

No. 344005

I've been doing a lot of comparisons and this might actually be real DIOR. The metals aren't super shiny and are more matte and I was hoping to catch her on the stitching of the bag, but that seems on par with that specific bag.

No. 344015

>She’s not invited anymore by capsulebutt and other kawaii influencers
Imagine being so bad that all the other kawaii influencers drop you. If only we knew the actual details of the milky behind the scenes drama.

No. 344020

1 to 1 is much more common now since many brand have dipped in quality anyway. some big brands don't use serial numbers on their bags anymore so it's harder to even track.

No. 344033

What's the point of saying that when it's just going to involve tinfoiling everything is fake?

No. 344052

probably gonna get redtexted but i don’t understand the reeing over her possibly owning reps anyways. it’s so popular within the community, and even more so in real life. that being said, her bags are probably authentic. she frequently travels internationally and owns a shit ton of brand and a small fortune worth of sanrio

No. 344055

Brand in other countries tend to be more affordable too.

No. 344056

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Kek sending yourself anonymous messages is sad

No. 344067

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Funny thing is that she started blurring or censoring with filters her lolicon tapestries in her room pictures. She was called out about it in the previous thread so I guess she must be lurking around here.

No. 344071

She always looks like she smells of mildew and posts from a moldy house.

No. 344112

its sad that krissy panders with pedophillic fetish content just to get her numbers up. her bio says minors dni but the majority of the people she interacts with are minors and she won’t ever enforce her own mdni rule because that’s one more number to the follower account to boost her ego, despite posting photos of her sex toys, etc. multiple times. does anyone know if she’s actually done something worthy to warrent her popularity or is it seriously just people there for the pedo fetish?

No. 344123

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No. 344137

anyone else see marinjirai tweet "marinjirai is a shotacon???" and delete it. i wish i couldve gotten a sc

No. 344138

I don't understand why all of these girls talk about this site like it's the devil's spawn. Is it because it's anonymous? There are 10 people on this thread max.

No. 344145

File: 1739201924553.jpeg (792.72 KB, 1170x1156, IMG_6996.jpeg)

How did she go from mid tier makeup to the worst makeup in the comm within a year

No. 344146

what are you talking about? she looks way better on the left

No. 344156

It's a trip seeing pics of San from last year because her makeup blindness increases so suddenly at one point.

No. 344157

Are you directionally challenged or can you not read

No. 344178

File: 1739242056797.jpeg (490.82 KB, 828x1392, IMG_1726.jpeg)

dated 01/30 and looks so much better, shes so inconsistent with her makeup
can we take a moment to talk about the greasy bangs

No. 344182

File: 1739248382213.jpeg (1 MB, 3044x2466, IMG_6994.jpeg)

the absolute hypocrisy of these insufferable ass posers man. all twitter jirais do is talk shit about each other and bait suicide for attention from internet randos. and the minute someone calls them out they delete everything like cowards. that’s why these girls have a scheduled breakdown every 2-3 business days ranting about how everyone hates them and they have no real friends. yeah no shit you don’t all yall do is talk behind each others backs like a bunch of high schoolers but we’re the horrible people right lmao what a joke.

and all this just for a stale ass excuse for a substyle that won’t even be relevant by the end of the year kek

No. 344183

I really think it's about the same in both images, but yours has a bit more editing/skin blurring so it looks better. She really should stop drawing her bottom lashes so big and harshly. A softer touch on her under-eye makeup will go a long way with making her look less insane

No. 344223

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The 4chan nazi larpers have found jirai kei…
And they seem to be making fun of an international jirai for whatever reason

(Delete this if it's unnecessary since it's a ragebait account anyways)

No. 344224

File: 1739315647071.jpeg (834.13 KB, 1179x2268, IMG_6947.jpeg)

Sorry messed up the images

No. 344226

Wasn't this girl already posted about last thread? There were screencaps from her Twitter. Her low-effort anachan bait posts are embarrassing.

No. 344230

Krissy, you post “Daddy gimme a binkie and change my dumb dolly diaper” pedobait bullshit every single day. I really don’t think you’re in the position to moral grandstand on other people here.

No. 344240

She’s not even ugly either, she’s one of the better looking gaijin jirai in this thread. So retarded to ruin her digital footprint with 4chan scrote pandering.

No. 344242

File: 1739342115774.jpeg (531.68 KB, 2134x3464, 2D7C0990-3930-402A-9B41-94C77A…)

Cow crossover, I wonder if this was the trigger kek

No. 344248

Pretty sure the consesus was that they aren't lolis. She also blurred her window even if it's clear you can't see outside it. The chair too for no reason and it's not due to depth perception. It think the AI in the phone randomly blurred things because if you're manually doing it, this placement makes no sense.

No. 344251

Cows love jumping to “people are just jealous!” when they’re mocked and criticized. Believe it or not, none of us are jealous of someone who posts their pills and baby bottles all day while pretending to be a child online. I don’t think you guys know what jealousy is.

No. 344253

That wasn't the consensus. They were clearly lolis, except one of the wall scrolls was "moe cat girl with boobs" as if that excuses everything else, but we'll not get into that again.

No. 344259

File: 1739382647120.jpeg (Spoiler Image,639.04 KB, 1170x1937, IMG_7191.jpeg)

(random social media posts are not milk/sage it)

No. 344260

I really think anons need to not use Google for translations because Google is not a good source for context regarding words. It's very one responsive. When you go to Google and translate to English to Japanese, "strangle me", it's not even the same characters.

No. 344263

File: 1739387843218.png (84.25 KB, 1294x366, nonnie is an EOP.png)

What are you talking about? The only difference between the two is the unneeded 私 added by Google and the lack of くれ. Same sentence, different structure.

No. 344267

Meru is in language school in Japan but she recently posted videos with her little brother, where is he staying? Are Meru’s parents also living in Japan because I cannot imagine a child is staying with a woman who brings over a friend to just cut and overdose constantly.

No. 344273

In japan its common for words to have multiple meanings. This might not be strangle me.

No. 344274

Meru going back to her trashy roots (who are we kidding, she never left them kek). Is the clap she caught from Marcus scaring the hosts away, making her desperate for attention from garbage moids on the internet? Plus the way she and San are so sickly fake nice to each other now makes me wanna puke.

No. 344276

No, that's exactly what it means… not to be rude, but it sounds like you're not well versed in Japanese. There's nothing ambiguous about it.

No. 344278

>drunkenly making out with random girls in the club for attention from men
>flashing her panties on camera in the back of a taxi
>begging to be "strangled to death" while flashing her cleavage
Never change, Meru. Still the milkiest jirai cow by far.

No. 344286

File: 1739467166260.jpg (166.5 KB, 1080x1591, Screenshot_20250213_181331_Yom…)

Nona… it is literally a compound verb that combines the verbs to strangle and to kill. There is 0% doubt as to what she wrote here kek

No. 344299

Kek why are you talking about a language you don't speak as if it's such a mystery and like no one here could know it

No. 344308

File: 1739558583226.mp4 (278.93 KB, 320x722, ssstwitter.com_1739558206781.m…)

Since no one else has posted those things you have mentioned

No. 344309

File: 1739558651287.mp4 (Spoiler Image,487 KB, 320x568, ssstwitter.com_1739558420778.m…)

No. 344324

File: 1739588736002.png (465.27 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_1525.png)

Dang it anon you beat mé to it! While we’re on the subject on Melissa. I believe she went back to Sweden on winter break. That’s why she was filming with her brother. Now that she’s back in Japan she has some friend/host drama(???) she’s such a whore. On the same path as morena/celeste. I wonder if she will over stay her visa?

No. 344325

File: 1739588938232.png (2.29 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_1526.png)

Sage for same fagging >>344324(integrate)

No. 344328

Yooo thanks for posting this nona! I was going to, but forgot kek. I was wondering who this was about, too. Guess her parents don't give af about her getting drugged up on cough medicine and hoeing about in Japan, probably gave her more spending money and sent her on her way. It's gonna catch up to her someday, and i'm hoping it will be hilarious rather than tragic when it does.

No. 344334

God this was a tough watch kek

No. 344360

Can anyone explain why Krissy deactivated her account?(sage your shit/lurk more)

No. 344376

File: 1739659100063.jpeg (823.39 KB, 1170x1888, IMG_7316.jpeg)

Searched her username on twitter and it seems like it’s because a group of people were making fun of her

No. 344406

She’s also aware of this thread’s existence and that she’s been posted in here so I’m sure that played a part too. Good riddance. I don’t think anybody on Twitter is going to miss her weird “teehee vodka in a baby bottle” pedo pandering.

No. 344450

I want to say im sorry for my past posting i deleted my account because i got scared. I want to come back i will no longer post as i did before so please dont send anymore comments i see now that my age regression posts had brought in the wrong type of fans. Im quitting posting it. I apologize sincerely i want to come back to my friends as i accidentally worried people. Thank you for reading(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 344466

KEK thanks for the milk Krissy

No. 344467

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No. 344468

Well then, if it's not a bluff, go on and spill that meta tea, San. We're waiting. Although I think it could be a fakeout or a troll stirring shit up for drama. Whoever created this thread to expose jirai retardation is still way above these cows.

No. 344470

File: 1739805112985.webp (73.74 KB, 756x1246, y6cnei.webp)

What I was told, cant guarantee it's accurate tho

No. 344475

No wonder the first thread description was shit, it was made by a twitterfag. The site has gone to hell.

No. 344479

With that type of confirmation, I think the thread should close. That means it's at all times being posted in by the cows, so nothing is organic and the posts might be curated from twitter for here. Anon's already said there was a fashion thread on /w/. Should've stayed that way instead of making niche threads for every subgenre. These girls are retarded.(derailing)

No. 344482

Nah, the reason a separate thread was suggested was because of the abundant milk. Gal got a thread, Lolita has a thread, so jirai should have one too. There are enough cows for a separate thread. Not sure what you mean by nothing being organic, there are plenty of cows who get upset that their public retardation gets reposted here. I'm not a cow nor am I even a part of the scene and I post here kek. Almost none of them are self aware. That's what makes it so milky. Besides that, how do we know this isn't a coordinated red herring so some anon like yourself can come in here and say "time to shut it down guys" (not saying that you are, but still). The camwhore threads are full of undercover cows, hell, most lolcow threads are, doesn't mean they need to be shit down. Lc isn't so niche and underground anymore.(derailing)

No. 344484

Yet now we know people on twitter could be posting on twitter to purposely get posted here. That's really not fun or milky anymore. Why give them the attention.(derailing)

No. 344486

the people in the screenshot aren't relevant anyway so why should we care about them?
some cows may enjoy being posted here but imo their lack of self awareness makes it better lol(derailing)

No. 344490

Like who?

No. 344499

Are you new to /w/? The lolita thread is full of cows posting each other. Same with the now locked gyaru thread. That’s a given with jfashion threads. There’s been at least 3 posts in meta trying to get the thread taken down and it’s reaching vendetta territory. Lurk moar nonna.(derailing)

No. 344504

Do you know how easy it is to lie and say "yes teehee I made it trust me" especially when the people in the Twitter screenshot are both literal whos? A Twitter user going off anon to say they made it isn't any more "confirmation" than if you or I said we made the first thread. The Twitter screenshot and San's claim are both equally meaningless.(derailing)

No. 344509

Can't wait for all the self posting accusations now.(derailing)

No. 344514

kek tbh i wish it would get closed. i think i was the first person to post about rin and meru and i feel like i created a monster. it seems like a lot of the girls posted in here get an ego boost off it, no doubt they self post

threads become pointless and just a mess when the actual subjects are shitting up the thread and infighting constantly. the milk has essentially run dry. there were already 2 threads in which jirai and other jfashion cows could be posted. hopefully this one dies kek, but at least its been a good run nonnas(derailing)

No. 344517

File: 1739881917815.jpeg (109.99 KB, 802x1200, IMG_2740.jpeg)

are we dead huzz rn(sage your shit)

No. 344518

God she hates herself so much, I almost feel sorry for her

No. 344520

Do you want a medal? If you have no milk to post or want the thread to die out then don’t post, it’s not a chat room where you need to blog your inner monologue or keep bringing up you was the first to post about Rin and Meru, you mentioned it a few times already and how much you regret it before and it’s lame af on an anon image board and almost personalityfagging >>341941 no one cares!(derailing)

No. 344523

Discussing whether or not the thread needs to be locked does not belong in the thread itself. We have no plans to lock this thread just because a cow claims she made the original thread.

No. 344536

She belongs here

No. 344541

yeah retard because it sucks to post some legitimate cows and then have a thread that couldve been entertaining be ruined by retarded 16 year old twittertards selfposting. are you here to just to minimod or what?

No. 344561

i find it so strange and offputting when they romanticize the actual suffering of toyoko kids and hosts, it feels so gross. something else i've noticed is that they generalize jirai as self harm bpd heaven when a good majority of jirai people i've interacted with are just chill fans of jpop groups, not hookers that scam old farts and OD on nyquil or whatever

No. 344563

File: 1739910865095.jpeg (416.18 KB, 1179x1404, IMG_7465.jpeg)

I'm in a jirai discord and a member sent this lol
a jirai being far right was not on my 2025 bingo

No. 344564

i've noticed some followers of fashion styles like coquette leaning right too. it seems like coquette has a pipeline from coquette to tradwife. i wonder if jirai will slowy develop that too?

No. 344566

I doubt it. A decent portion of the western comm is lesbian and most of them are ultra libfem regardless of sexuality. It’s more likely to turn into a troon filled wasteland like lolita, but I could see straight jirai bending their politics for their nigels since they all have bpd and do whatever scrotes want.

No. 344569

Everyone's a "lesbian" until they eventually settle for a man anyways. Only a tiny part of the community is actually gay, everyone else is playing pretend because it gives them oppression brownie points online.

No. 344571

isn't she like 40(sage your shit)

No. 344572

File: 1739925771828.jpg (236.41 KB, 720x963, Screenshot_2025-02-19-11-10-12…)

shes 42(sage your shit)

No. 344574

Jesus Christ, can you imagine being in your 40s and still behaving like a bitter adolescent? This is genuinely just sad.

No. 344576

This little no1curr tok isn't that milky though? Age isn't an indicator of maturity, either. Yeah, people are going to stare and make stupid comments that hurt our feefees sometimes, can't escape that.

No. 344577

File: 1739934566152.jpg (183.79 KB, 1080x1052, 1000010932.jpg)

I think she's just lying about her age

No. 344578

Why would anyone lie about being older than they actually are in a fashion dominated by womenchildren in perpetual arrested development, ageplayers, and wannbe irl lolis? She does look young, which I guess is a compliment. Not everyone turns into a wrinkled hag at 42, so good for her.

No. 344579

why bother to do the dance if you're going to do it so lazy? half the time she looks like shes just moving awkwardly just make kawaii poses or something instead

No. 344582

Tumblr was launched in 2007, if she's 18 then, how come she's 42 now? Does this make sense to you? Anyway, I believe she's around late 20s to 30s. She calls herself a "granny" but I think it's just a figure of speech.

No. 344584

That makes no sense. Provide proof she's lying about her age. Why would you age yourself up?

No. 344585

If she met someone on Tumblr at 18, then the oldest she could be is 36. Honestly a weird thing to lie about

No. 344591

She's in her early 30s but lies about her age because she feels like she looks much older than she actually is, it's her way of coping with aging

No. 344592

that makes no sense

No. 344595

if she tells people she's 42 they will respond "no way, you look much younger" and it's probably validating for her

No. 344598

No mental illness does

No. 344604

File: 1739998790167.jpg (254.87 KB, 1080x1305, 1000020480.jpg)

a jirai cow who threatens people if they don't validate her schizo delusions of dating a hoyoverse character claims she is naturally a chinless beauty(sage your shit/post proof)

No. 344605

File: 1739999227137.jpeg (111.91 KB, 1060x1507, IMG_7533.jpeg)

seems like she found this thread(sage your shit)

No. 344606

File: 1740000309008.jpeg (577.1 KB, 1556x3412, 9942A63B-D3F4-43EB-8561-808086…)

Nice job letting everyone know you lurk and most likely post here, Alica.

No. 344607

File: 1740000576818.jpeg (615.52 KB, 1170x1545, IMG_7636.jpeg)

Because russians are historically known for being anti conservative, kek. I noticed she’s typing more esl here than her usual tweets.(sage your shit)

No. 344608

kek i was just about to post that. the way she can't even truly admit it's real or not. and what does being an immigrant with a russian passport have to do with anything?(sage your shit)

No. 344609

File: 1740001850583.webp (307.06 KB, 800x533, IMG_1946.webp)

>currently trying to reach my lawyer

No. 344610

File: 1740002373599.jpg (356.25 KB, 1080x1160, 1000020488.jpg)

even her own friends say it's real… is she going to sue her friend too i wonder?(sage your shit)

No. 344611

threatening with legal action kek maybe she really is a 40 year old karen

No. 344612

someone probably told her to
u seem obsessed nonna(bait)

No. 344624

I don't believe her. Why would anyone fake a screenshot? She's not relevant enough for someone to go that far.

No. 344632

Considering the state of the jirai community, absolutely they would. All these girls sound retarded, so why wouldn't they fake a screenshot? We already know some of these girls post here and post here to clown on each other.

No. 344636

This. The jirai community is full of girls absolutely unhinged, bored, and petty enough to do something like that because they enjoy being a shit stirrer. I wouldn't put it past some jirai twtard to manufacture some drama so they can come back here and say "See?? It's all inorganic! Better shut the thread down!", either.

No. 344641

File: 1740106406827.jpeg (Spoiler Image,373.75 KB, 1179x1978, IMG_7556.jpeg)

New jirai girl that promotes her socials by showing herself in underwear

No. 344647

File: 1740114548240.png (2.32 MB, 2102x1298, Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 9.07.…)

she used to post "no kink" nymphet which is inspired by the Lolita movie…

No. 344648

File: 1740114718956.png (1.34 MB, 1788x1308, Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 9.06.…)

sorry for samefag but here she is 3 years later once she started posting OF content

No. 344649

She reminds me of the girls from that one fake Western idol group

No. 344660

Gross. Here's hoping she can hit her target goal and get some ortho money for those jacked up teeth of hers.

No. 344675

File: 1740161754188.jpeg (100.88 KB, 1092x555, 19A39E70-7EF9-4271-B0FC-55FFAE…)

I think she might have actually got her teeth purposely fucked up because she posted a video with a clip of herself in 2012 and her teeth didn’t look half as bad as they do now. I have a feeling she probably fucked them up for Japanese weeaboo nymphette yaeba points and has continued to make them worse so they look like vampire fangs for her edgy succubus larp phase. I don’t know if she’s gone to a professional to get these done or if she’s doing something weird at home with them, they deffo didn’t stick out enough to overhang her bottom lip in the old video

No. 344680

Looking more like a sabertooth than a snaggletooth with how yellowed and nasty they are, a total overshot of what yaeba is supposed to be. She'd make more bank with straightening and a whitening treatment.

No. 344685

You just know she's into that gross lolicon hentai shit and uses it as a reference for her content… hence trying to become an irl loli succubus, but instead she just looks special needs with poor dental hygiene.

No. 344686

File: 1740174818074.jpeg (654.76 KB, 1170x1305, IMG_3012.jpeg)

well that wasn’t long

No. 344692

Isn't both yaeba and fangs supposedly canines while hers are her lateral incisors? Looking like a beaver more than a vampire

No. 344703

notice how she removed the ‘mdni’ from her bio because she’s been mainly interacting with minors. her nsfw posts like her dildo collection and tweets about how much she loves anal are still up though. gave into the numbers kek

No. 344707

File: 1740228475124.jpg (147.53 KB, 1079x1107, a.jpg)

Totally natural

No. 344745

The older photo sucks, but the shadows show the first two teeth are back further than her "fangs" before too. She's had fucked up teeth.

No. 344791

Further back, yes, to the point she can wedge her entire lip between it, doubt.

No. 344793

Further back, yes, to the point she can wedge her entire lip between it, doubt.

No. 344801

How old are the photos because teeth migrate

No. 344805

My fucking sides

No. 344816

Mari is just like a white lotus(sage your shit)

No. 344819

What the fuck nona

No. 344825

Anyone gonna provide context as to what this means? Am I retarded?

No. 344837

Don't worry about it nona, it's some jiraifag selfposting in a weak attempt to troll the thread. Nothing more to see here.

No. 344842

File: 1740517140776.jpeg (789.3 KB, 1170x1286, IMG_3051.jpeg)

lmao she’s pretending to be like the main character of Needy Streamer Overdose “people say mean stuff about me but at least i have my fans! <3” yeah a bunch of self harming children…

No. 344845

Sure if the streamer gained 50KG lmao

No. 344869

Does she not realize how weird and conceited it sounds to refer to her twitter mutuals as "fans"

No. 344870

File: 1740602337602.jpeg (99.23 KB, 847x304, IMG_8006.jpeg)

just saw this lol. is she referencing this thread?

No. 344875

Kek I can’t believe >>344612 was trying to bait that we’d be jealous of her. Yes nonnie, I’m so jealous of an obese wannabe anime girl that spends all her time drinking out of baby bottles in a trailer.

No. 344880


No. 344885

that anon wasn't referring to Krissy

No. 344887

It’s hard to tell the difference between these cows when they all dress the same, are obese, and need a shower. Thank you nonna.

No. 344888

File: 1740673547881.jpeg (291.03 KB, 1170x1302, IMG_4865.jpeg)

The fake, disingenuous OTT camaraderie is so disgusting that I throw up in my mouth a lil every time I see their interactions. Constantly with their noses up each other’s asses like a pair of dogs.

No. 344907

File: 1740694172089.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1170x1607, IMG_8322.jpeg)

Why the fuck do her hime bangs cover half of her head? If she’s going to edit she can shoop those and her natalie nunn chin out.

No. 344908

kek i can only imagine that she cut those herself, because hime bangs are so easy to do no hairdresser would fuck them up that badly
and the chin is terrifying, she looks malformed.
do all jirais write their instagram posts like they are a retarded 3 year old?

No. 344909

File: 1740696963310.png (364.01 KB, 599x758, 4646464664.png)

No. 344939

The funniest thing about this picture is the shitty MCM replica kek.

No. 344949

that is a Paramore song nonnie..

No. 344960

I've said for the longest time that it's literally always girls with super long chins that get autistic obsessions with Lolita and I've yet to be proven wrong

No. 344962

She has the same duck face in every pic

No. 344963

i wonder why

No. 344971

File: 1740843112789.mp4 (1.6 MB, 720x1280, schlyerreighn.mp4)

It looks like someone’s been lurking

No. 344973

Tbh this just proves they haven't been surgically messed with like some posters were explaining. They aren't more pointed or anything.

No. 344975

File: 1740848665530.jpeg (638.1 KB, 1170x1009, IMG_3116.jpeg)

too obvious sticker to cover up the double chin… doesn’t matter though all her pics only focus on her bust which is such fat behavior.(nitpicking)

No. 344987

Sage for no proof but I followed her many years ago when she just did cute fashion and she wasn't always so bad. She was always into Lolita (the novel and film) but I recall she wrote extensively about it being a tragedy and not something to romanticize, and that she just likes it on a literary basis and because of the aesthetics of the film, not because of weird ddlg reasons. In fact I recall she stirred up drama by doing some callout of another Lolita fan on insta called diary.of.lo for posting a pic with her old man boyfriend, and just generally ranted about any hint of sexualization or romanticization among girls into cute fashion. It was like legit a broken record trigger of hers and she'd infight with people about it in long ass posts so I never doubted that it was sincere, especially since it was so unnecessarily excessive compared to other girls who just threw out a generic disclaimer.
She had an active tumblr blog where she wrote about j-fashion in general and gave advice to other girls about topics like how to shop secondhand in Japan and stuff like that. She also started a secondhand j-fash reselling store called HoneyDewDolly which just kinda vanished one day. Iirc she was an English teacher in Japan? And yeah her teeth have always been that way, she didn't make a big deal out of it but used to get anon hate for it. The other thing I remember about her blog is that she refused to answer questions on her weight, claiming that while she's not insecure about it, there are blogs following her which show ed tendencies so she didn't want to influence them.
Over time she started moved away from her previous vibe where she was mostly interacting with other girls and discussing fashion/literature/jp culture in detail, and instead posting pics with increasingly suspect posing and vapid captions about being "just a smol girl" or "your kawaii vampire" or whatever. Lifestyle posts started shifting from picnics and beaches to partying and such, tumblr got nuked, coords became cheaper-looking and more sexualized. I got really grossed out once her engagement was nearly entirely with sleazy men and she started posting underwear pics for money so I unfollowed and forgot about her until now. It's really grim because she used to be a pretty genuine fashion blogger with good taste and a friendly attitude but I guess she realized that coomers posting thirsty garbage are a more profitable audience than teenage girls asking how to use a shopping service or where to buy plus size for the 20th time.

No. 344988

> In fact I recall she stirred up drama by doing some callout of another Lolita fan on insta called diary.of.lo for posting a pic with her old man boyfriend, and just generally ranted about any hint of sexualization or romanticization among girls into cute fashion. It was like legit a broken record trigger of hers and she'd infight with people about it in long ass posts so I never doubted that it was sincere, especially since it was so unnecessarily excessive compared to other girls who just threw out a generic disclaimer.
Honestly it just sounds like it was a lot of deflection and projection to get the suspicion off of her because she didn't want to admit she enjoyed those aspects publicly. Now that it's even more normalized she can be her degenerate, authentic self and make bank off of it.

No. 344991

Not even trying to be mean but this looks more like snaggletooth than fangs

No. 344993

File: 1740875543094.jpg (83.29 KB, 1080x271, 1000036146.jpg)

she's making up scenarios to get mad over… what an interesting way to think.

No. 344994

honestly IMHO she's quite cute but the (then) lolita and (now) jirai shit just does not suit her. send her to the scene girl revival scene

No. 345007

krissy is so desperate to talk to and appeal to minors despite the “mdni” in her bio that she herself doesn’t even adhere to

No. 345142

She needs to get braces asap with her only fans money. This is not cute at all.

No. 345239

File: 1741371921838.jpeg (96.66 KB, 1170x896, IMG_8749.jpeg)

Kek jirai nobodies love leaving vague statements on their twitter without giving context. The attention seeking is real.

No. 345310

File: 1741475422294.png (41.69 KB, 611x367, tylercyber.png)

When will these retards learn that lawyers and cops don't care about "threatening" words said on twitter

No. 345313

why is this pic censored?

No. 345324

Does it matter?

No. 345332

File: 1741491921664.jpg (617.99 KB, 1080x1403, 1000036486.jpg)

dumbing down international women's day to "dolly day" is some real nasty shit

No. 345335

Kek this is completely insignificant but I noticed she fixed the username typo people were making fun of and it made me laugh >>344686 >>344805

No. 345347

No, it's just cringe. You're allowed to swear on this site.

No. 345373

What makes krissy a lolcow is that she cannot do jirai makeup to go with her jirai clothes. Use black circle lens and make ur namida bukuro larger it's not that difficult bro. What's this monstrosity(sage your shit)

No. 345389

This is far from the only thing that makes her a lolcow. Bad makeup is one thing but the retarded baby act is another.

No. 345401

I can understand why Japanese would use them as their eyes are naturally darker in color but I don't think it should be some iron clad requirement for girls with light eyes. It sounds like some weird arbitrary rule western jirai made up in order to be closer to their JP counterparts, but I don't think any JP jirai are going to denounce western jirai for not wearing black contacts. That being said, despite the cow that she is, I think her eye color is quite pretty so she has that going for her at least.

No. 345420

I agree the idea that everyone must use black circle lens is fucking retarded. It's exactly as you say. Circle lens come in plenty of colors though, the makeup really does look better with them in though.

No. 345438

File: 1741655503568.png (399.17 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_1626.png)

Unrelated but I think San and Melissa are no longer in Tokyo.

No. 345440

Personally it's the "drinking strong zero out of baby bottles and posting about being a little bimbo dolly baby" act for me but, yeah, subpar makeup is surely just as milky.

No. 345444

File: 1741669680396.jpeg (620.46 KB, 1863x3341, lc.JPEG)


No. 345501

Who exactly is the 2nd and 3rd slide about?

No. 345519

the person in the screenshot in slide 1

No. 345528

File: 1741820923161.jpeg (429.45 KB, 1170x1026, IMG_8954.jpeg)

talk about chopped

No. 345534

being ugly isnt milk

No. 345536


Isn't the person that was posted more milk worthy than those stories from a random repost acc

No. 345616

candy is the last thing she needs lol(sage your shit)

No. 345655

File: 1742145433378.jpeg (735.2 KB, 1179x1497, IMG_9141.jpeg)

>>345501 It feels like she reposts ragebait Tiktoks on Twitter in hopes of going viral

No. 345673

File: 1742183319703.jpg (Spoiler Image,698.88 KB, 1080x1247, Screenshot_2025-03-17-16-41-29…)

insignificant sry but how can she even afford all of this. its sad

No. 345678

File: 1742193230169.png (4.34 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9184.png)

>>345528 Tbh you did her dirty. It's the piercings but overall she's cute

No. 345686

crop ur screenshot kek

No. 345688

You just proved that she’s ugly. Great job exposing your profile picture, wking, and being a newfag all at once.

No. 345697

File: 1742230850876.jpeg (552.93 KB, 1179x799, IMG_9189.jpeg)

Are they in Japan AGAIN?

No. 345698


No. 345700

What do you mean? These are miniso snacks, gas station edibles, and paper plates kek. It's not like she posted a $500 clothing haul

No. 345705

I think Rin lives in Vietnam so the flights to Japan are pretty cheap. No idea about Meru.

No. 345710

File: 1742245292230.jpeg (195.32 KB, 947x2048, IMG_9304.jpeg)

Cinnacow is back to her favorite thing: shitting up jfashion comms. Newfags, pls integrate and read the gyaru thread before commenting.

No. 345711

File: 1742245355960.jpeg (986.95 KB, 1170x1716, IMG_9305.jpeg)

No. 345713

Is this old or has she already removed this from her stories?

No. 345726

File: 1742259235411.jpeg (800.25 KB, 1170x1860, IMG_9313.jpeg)

No. 345727

File: 1742259410832.jpeg (193.19 KB, 1170x568, IMG_9314.jpeg)

No. 345729

Kek this is actually hilarious and true, see no problem with this tbh. I went to go see what was happening and could only find 14 year olds sperging over non-issues. If you guys know Cinna is easy to provoke, maybe stop poking the bear. Hate to say it but I think hit dogs are just hollering on this one.

No. 345732

Did any actual drama happen between her and the jirai community/a jirai cow or is she just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks again? She posts random inflammatory shit like this all the time whenever engagement gets low.

No. 345739

cinna posted a video shitting on jirai and not understanding that it's a subculture(again) and saying jirai is on the way out because dark girly isn't as popular anymore.

No. 345747

File: 1742299172213.jpeg (464.4 KB, 828x991, IMG_0826.jpeg)


No. 345759

>She posts random inflammatory shit like this all the time whenever engagement gets low.
This. She knew this would get jirai girlies' panties in a twist and now they're feeding her hunger for relevancy. She should be treated like the flea she is- crushed and ignored.

No. 345769

File: 1742322287938.jpeg (836.81 KB, 2827x2098, 1C8EE843-7751-4522-846D-B181DE…)

This is an imageboard, post milky tweets with the full context

No. 345770

File: 1742322383070.jpeg (949.31 KB, 2681x2536, 44D0C5EC-E9E6-47D8-BB17-4EDBBD…)

No. 345772

File: 1742322829701.jpeg (934.06 KB, 1170x1884, IMG_9339.jpeg)

No. 345773

Aw Jax is the wittle victim only said so in retaliation. How was it in ‘response to’ yet was supposed to be posted on your CF where the people you are allegedly responding to wouldn’t see it? Jax clearly talks a lot of shit on her CF that clashes with her SFW hug box public persona. Jax issue is she obsessively antagonises those she doesn’t like online, she did it with Pinkii, Capsule Bunny and now Jirai. If she doesn’t like someone or something she does not shut the fuck up about it and will make reel after reel about it then is surprised she receives any backlash. She’s a negative energy rage baiter. Jiraitards are not dogpiling any and every J-fashion influencer to tell them they are too fat and ugly for the fashion, it’s because Jax keeps telling them that she thinks their fashion hobby is shit and not as good as hers and acting like the unelected spokesperson of a community she really isn’t part of, same as Addy. Jax and Addy really need to learn at their grown age to stop beefing with minors on the internet, it’s weird

No. 345788

File: 1742350122393.jpg (280.15 KB, 922x2048, GmNuFrNXkAEb66Z.jpg)

>Constantly bait a community by calling their fashion boring and ugly and try to sound the alarm that jirai is "dying" every 5 seconds because one brand in shibuya 109 started selling something a little outside jirai trends
>Gets mad when said community makes fun of her in return
What level of retardation do you have to reach to act like this? Twitter jirais need to stop biting such pathetic ragebait for sure, but she needs to stop acting like such a victim. She lashes out at other users and communities constantly then cries out when they hit back.

No. 345789

File: 1742350361000.png (336.41 KB, 586x876, Capture.PNG)

Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a good point

No. 345794

didnt know this girl but damn some jirai girl might have murdered her entire family because she seems to live and breath only to shit on jirai kek

No. 345795

i can't find that video nonnie, can you link it please?

No. 345826

Interesting cope she got going on considering she’s too big too fit in any actual gyaru brand.(sage your shit)

No. 345830

Sorry for late response, time zones and work and whatnot. Here it is, from her tiktok 3 days ago. I was wondering if cinnagal conversation is too off-topic for the jirai thread, but if she's going to intentionally involve herself in jirai drama…

No. 345839

Is she delusional? All these Chinese brands are just copying past trends from Japan and modernizing them. At least Jirai and Subcul are trying to do something new

No. 345846

Why do gyarufags act like the majority of their fashion doesn’t look the same? Gyaru has had 30 years to evolve. Jirai has been around for 5-6 years at most and they act like it’s the bane of their existence kek. Even the makeup can look similar to gal in a different color scheme.

No. 345848

part of it is ppl being salty that a lot of popular brands that haven't gone defunct (i.e. liz lisa, ma*rs) are selling jirai clothing, since that's what's trendy, instead of the same clothes from 2008 that people are now selling on depop for 500 times the retail price

No. 345851

Jax’s goons have been harassing Capsulebunny for a while now over a misunderstanding.

Her and her fans are professional victims, throwing accusations at Capsulebunny left and right without any proof.

Everything is about race when it comes to them.

Cinnagal needs her own thread at this point.(learn2integrate)

No. 345853

Kek what a weird wk. If that’s the case then why haven’t you posted it in the existing jfashion thread? There isn’t enough milk to justify a board. Maybe farmhands could unlock the gyaru thread

No. 345854

Cinnagal isn't a real gyaru anyway.

No. 345855

File: 1742519160331.jpeg (158.14 KB, 1170x367, IMG_9500.jpeg)

Poor timing

No. 345858

How can you greenscreen yourself complaining about how western trends are just "depending on nostalgia and past fashion trends" and how Chinese brands are doing things "so differently" in front of a picture of…someone doing an obvious rehash on a past fashion trend that we're currently nostalgic for. Like I actually thought she was using the background photo as an example of having to rely on nostalgia for inspo, the pic is so very obviously meant to be a reference to 2000s gyaru. How is that something entirely new that you've never seen before??
Also, wouldn't refer to the general Chinese population as being any more hopeful for the future than Japanese people. Every time she tries making some bigger point about fashion and wider society it just falls entirely flat, it's actually almost impressive considering all the potential the topic has. I think the faux-intellectual tone while saying complete bullshit is what's pissing people off most.

No. 345860

this is what happens when uneducated young americans act like they're an authority on things they weren't even around for. she's not even around for them now. she speaks absolutely no mandarin or canto or japanese so the fact that she thinks she's somehow more aware of trends than the millions of people who do is baffling.

No. 345861

An update has been posted. So 2/4 of the brands have an “old Americana” feeling to them which makes them “nostalgic”, 1 has a “Y2K” feel to it and the other brand is Morph8ne, as if J-fashion girls haven’t already been wearing this brand for the years, which somehow makes Jax “nostalgic” for 2013 era tumblr (despite the clothes resembling nothing like 2013 era tumblr). I thought Jax said the issue with Western fashion is we have no hope for the future so we steep ourselves in nostalgia for past trends, so why is it all the brands Jax recommends has some element of nostalgia for old Americana or Tumblr or y2k? It’s also easier for brands in Asia to borrow old western American elements to “push the envelope” on fashion trends, but if this is done in the west it’s seen as inauthentic poor taste cultural appropriation. Also makes me laugh when she does these videos and is wearing the most basic sweater you could buy. Jax is on to nothing, we slept on nothing. She is just an NLOG.
> I don’t like the same Japanese fashion as everyone else, I like gyaru! I hate what’s popular like Jirai all the other J-fashion girls like. Actually J-fashion isn’t that cool anyway, I like K-fashion.. no not Korean that’s too popular! Fashion from Koh Kong, no one has heard of it. It’s a tiny island in South East Asia that’s being slept on!

No. 345868

I am begging for fashion “influencers” to go one video without saying “-core” and reminding us all that their knowledge of fashion, design, and art is surface-level on a good day and nonexistent on a bad one. Lovecore is when… a thing is pink and red? Lmfao

No. 345869

I was thinking the same, nona. I'm so fucking tired of all these bullshit "core" aesthetics. Not every pattern or color scheme is its own substyle. This is what happens when we detach subcultures from fashion and everyone is scrambling for an identity to latch onto, people just go off of vibes. If Lovecore were an actual style it'd have more substance and be at least not limited to "when you wear clothing with heart patterns, pink, white, and red". Maybe they could call it Valentinecore or something instead kek

No. 345878

>you are all sleeping on this or that
maybe we are instead wearing substyles that we like instead of trying to go for the next 'cool thing' without even liking it?

"-core" has fucked up any conversation about fashion. it's always there and it's always stupid.

No. 345883

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Ellie made an Add Yours on insta just to call out people who collect loli goods and wear jojifuku and even has it on her DNI and calls out others for turning a blind eye on it yet she's still friends with and follows Evie, who not only collects loli stuff but creates her own pedo content with her figures >>338357. If you're gonna call others out for it at least practice what you preach

No. 345884

can't focus on anything besides how huge she is and how boring her outfits are. where does she even get things that fit her?

No. 345885

Has she considered that not everyone is interested in "quirky and colorful" fashion? This reminds me of her take on tenshi kaiwai (that I can't even post a screenshot of because of course her twitter is private) that it would be "more popular in the west if it looked more like this" and included a picture of a Chinese Cinnamoroll cosplay, and couldn't understand why everyone was telling her that her take sucked. It's almost like the average person dresses in actual clothes and not cheap costumes for social media.
Her glorification of Chinese "fashion" (that no one wears outside pics for social media) is cringe as fuck.

No. 345886

She’s soapboxing about being anti-lolicon while having friends who openly collect lolicon merchandise and that’s your takeaway from all this? Kek

No. 345888

sorry nonnie, i'm shallow and that was the first thing i saw and impacted me. i don't interact with the jirai community myself so all i know from them is what i see here, but i keep seeing almost every single week another jirai girl that has a ton of loli merchandise and i keep wondering why that kind of person gravitates towards jirai mostly

No. 345890

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Evie also has worn Jojifuku. She has done this before with talking shit about her friends and then publicly engages with them immediately afterwards >>338363 She is tone deaf, she even made a reel using Miumio’s audio whilst calling them “facetune queens” which is so rude, considering Miumio aren’t exactly famous and are real human beings, its not like they could never possibly see it, it’s really not a nice thing to say and then make all these requirements to DNI if you’re a bully or a cunt

No. 345891

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Kek even her ambassadorship cord was hanging on for dear life. She really should surround herself with more fatphobes and lose weight, her gut is getting ginormous. I’m surprised she has a boyfriend, he must be a feeder or something

No. 345899

Imagine being so fat you can’t even fit into the ugly taobao setups. Jirai seems to deter fatties a bit more than lolita does.

No. 345901

Not to derail too heavily but what she's wearing is an American brand that carries up to 4X. There's also other japanese brands that also carry around what a US 4X would be. She's too fat even for those. It's insane.

No. 345903

Her huge weight aside, the quality of the clothing looks incredibly cheap and awful too. It looks like aliexpress tier clothes that young teenagers would wear to be "alt." What's so fashionable about it?

No. 345913

It‘s from Honey Pepper which is an American brand, so not exactly the most expensive or luxurious clothes. Most of their stuff is costume-tier quality with costume-level designs to match.

No. 345917

heavens now, now i will have nightmares with that face and that ball shapped human
and why would anyone sponsor a land whale is beyond me

No. 345919

Even the Japanese brand they all love that does make American-sized plus sizes (DML Whip) has been steadily shrinking their clothes to the point a lot of the fat western jirais have been freaking out about how they can't fit into them anymore kek

No. 345924

>(DML Whip) has been steadily shrinking their clothes to the point a lot of the fat western jirais have been freaking out about how they can't fit into them anymore kek
Are they sure it's not them getting fatter and not the clothes shrinking kek. DML Whip already has huge sizing, so it's wild to hear those jirai girls complain about it.

No. 345964

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Unrelated to anything current and not rlly milky but found a potential cow while on jiraitwt. The jiraitard (landmine_girl) posted a thread about them beefing with cinnacow months back while the whole jirai and cinna shitshow went down kek. This lead me down the rabbit hole of her twt. She got all pissy because cinnacow blocked them after she posted a tweet shading her. She then ran to her twitter to play victim claiming “it’s wrong for influencers to expose small accounts to thousands of followers”. Meanwhile she is known for posting rando jirais from Reddit and TikTok onto twitter to talk shit, then delete it when people in the comments jump her instead (because none of these jiraitards actually have any balls to stand on what they say) kek. She constantly talks shit about other jirais (especially the white ones saying they’re ugly and have shit outfits kek) while the only photos of herself are her shooped to hell and back with dog shit coords and greasy fried hair. larps as a “neet” while criticizing others for doing the same. Posts random as Japanese girls as “body inspiration” because we all know the jiraitards wanna be UwU Asian so badly kekk.Also posts shitty suicide bait for attention because why not, right? It’s so entertaining to watch these retards fuck up their lives for twitter clout

No. 345969

Kek what is this editing? Why do jirais photoshop themselves to look like insects?

No. 345976

saw this crazie a few times around my timeline and wondered why she never even once showed her face. now i know why. that combined with the audacity to shit on other people's makeup when hers is shitty like that is the cherry on the top of the cake.

No. 345980

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Because they all hate themselves and would do anything to look like the oh so glorious Japanese Jirai that they worship, so they run to ridiculous levels of shooping so the rest of their shooped up jiraitard friends give them validation and asspats. This tard in particular is trying to self diagnose herself with autism and BPD (as seen from their straw page KEK) because most gaijin jirai can’t accept they’re literally fine so they try to force as many mental disorders on themselves to fit in with the rest of the brain dead jiraitards all pretending on twt. These girls pretend they have it so bad while they literally have resources and a support system to mentally recover but choose not to and continue to spiral for the “real landmine lifestyle”(which if landmine_girl is a “neet” like they claim even though they literally post about them attending school and work kek, then they’re just another one of these girls using their parent’s money for this retardery). They continue to put on this performative bs for twitter clout bc no1currs abt them irl and they have no actual friends. I don’t know if this girl’s brain is fried from the “overdosing” or the anorexia KEK

No. 345992

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Kek was she lurking here? She uploaded this shitty video to her twitter. I guess she shoops and covers her face with ginormous stickers to huge her hippo nose and non existent chin. She’s denying everything on her twitter and spam posting. She probably self posted to seem relevant KEK

No. 345993

Not to nitpick but BPD isn't bipolar disorder although a handful of people use the acronym to mean both- it would've made sense that she'd claim both BPD (borderline personality disorder) and autism though since there's a trend among bippies trying to falsely conflate the two due to the stigma the former carries. Big kek at her using disorders to excuse being a backbiting bitch.
GIRL that's what I thought too! Like, who the hell is this nobody all of a sudden?

No. 345994

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She’s admitted that she often lurks here. She claims she only does it bc we post her twitard friends on here and she wants to notify them if they’re posted. She says WE’RE the pathetic ones who bring people down and she doesn’t care about what we have to say yet she’s on twitter schizo posting. She claims that she “doesn’t even know how to use the site” KEK. Her and her friends probably all vendetta and self post each other on here since they lurk. Better watch their backs KEK

No. 345996

File: 1742829225078.gif (58.78 KB, 500x278, girl-sure-jan.gif)

>plus i've never posted on there

No. 345997

File: 1742830959281.jpeg (272.03 KB, 828x985, IMG_0905.jpeg)

Sureeeee. It’s so funny to me that all of the twitter jirais love pretending this site is just an oh so awful place full of low life losers, yet they’re the ones lurking and posting here the most so what does that say about them. Even if she didn’t make that shitty self post then who did? Probably one of her twitard “friends” that she keeps schizo posting for lmaoooo. Why wouldn’t you post here if you lurk. You’re not fooling anyone.

No. 346001

>claiming she hates on others upfront when she constantly deletes tweets
lmaaaooo, keep digging yourself deeper, girl. Should've just not said anything and let it go.

No. 346002

Something I always find hilarious is that so many of these girls love to larp the “hikkikomori femcel otaku NEET edgelord” gimmick by pretending to enjoy “problematic” interests like certain visual novels, video games, and anime but swear up, down, and sideways that they’ve never used lolcow or any other imageboard because that’s just too bad and naughty for their internet otaku larp despite Futaba and 4chan being associated with otakus since the inception of both. For me, it’s the strangest and most arbitrary line they draw. They’re always trying to find the balance between “look at my edgy interests” and “wait no I’m not THAT edgy, plz don’t cancel me I’m mentally ill and a minor and disabled and trans and”

No. 346003

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she's mixing a subcul type shirt with the traditional jirai silhouette and as you would expect it looks like total dog shit. this tard should look in the mirror the next time she feels like bashing randos

No. 346006

It’s so funny because I don’t even think she realizes that she’s doing it. I don’t remember any of the other cows posted here rambling on this much abt the lc on their twt. She’s likely been posting and lurking here for ages laughing along at all the other cows, thinking she’s safe from being posted here as well. Now that she’s the one being shat on she’s flipping out on twt running her mouth KEK. She even got Krissy talking shit in her cmnts abt lc like she wasn’t self posting in the last thread

No. 346015

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But you keep coming back here to check huh yaggington? The twitards love their 3 minutes of “fame”. She wants to seem unbothered so badly kek

No. 346016

Nothing says “I don’t care what lolcow says about me” quite like posting about it four times in the same day. The seethe is palpable

No. 346020

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either she's an obsessive lurker or she self reported her self posting considering the "now" time stamp kek

No. 346021

thanks, i won't get any sleep tonight after seeing this, she looks like a fucking alien. props to her though for being brave enough to post a photo with how absurdly hideous she looks.

No. 346025

File: 1742857186390.png (500.5 KB, 720x1226, ok.png)

this is so lame

No. 346030

ugghhhh don't come here you filthy whiny faggots, stay over there. Retardation flood incoming I guess. Can't wait to see them namefag on here and lightly dox themselves like they always do kek

No. 346031

>anzu idolmaster shirt
>tucking an oversized shirt that's meant to be worn like a dress into a skirt
twitard jirais will swear up and down they hate loli shit but then wear a cosplay shirt of a well-known loli character because they saw jp jirais doing it. zero originality or consistency.

No. 346032

JP jirais have no problem plastering loli wallscrolls in plain sight(like that one chick whose apartment tour video was posted here a while back) so that makes it totally okay and acceptable now. Apparently. Despite the fact there are plenty of cute girl characters that weren't made to appeal to pedoscrotes out there to choose from.

No. 346034

all this but western jirais will continue circlejerking each other about being "anti-lolicon" while simultaneously obsessing over jp jirais who collect lolicon shit, because apparently it's only a problem when english-speakers do it. they'll never hold jp jirais to that expectation because then they'd lose their precious inspo kek

No. 346035

Good lord. Teenagers are a disease.

No. 346036

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LMFAO you can’t make this shit up. She’s on twitter pretending to be all unbothered about being posted on lolcow while simultaneously running back here every minute to see what people are saying about her, to post new delusional shit onto twitter. Good job admitting to being into lolicon shit because you can’t keep your mouth shut kek! I bet she’s criticized lolicons on her twt in the past too which makes it even funnier. Log off of twitter and stop embarrassing yourself further

No. 346037

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No. 346038

File: 1742871666790.png (221.61 KB, 594x724, Capture.PNG)

>wear t-shirt worn by a loli character from a series aimed at degen scrotes
>"yeah i actually love this series!!"
>"i'm not a lolicon though guys she's not even my fave character!!!"
it almost would have been less cringe to claim she doesn't know anything about the series and only got the shirt to copy the all-mighty jp jirais kek. at least that would have probably been closer to reality than her actually being a fan of that franchise

No. 346039

yet our opinion seems to matter a lot to you since you keep posting about it

No. 346041

File: 1742876260075.png (890.94 KB, 1080x891, 1000036961.png)

her favorite charcter is riamu who has said "loli is justice." i'm sure angel agrees with that sentence wholeheartedly since she's okay with wearing a loli cosplay shirt

No. 346042

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Lmao shat mouthed, back stabbing, big backed bitch Lilia too. Who’s surprised? The tards are “friends” after all. Lilia is known for talking behind peoples backs so who knows kek

No. 346043

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she was literally calling her out a few days ago

No. 346045

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Nonnie are you one of the twittards? Not to WK but Even I know this is obviously some sort of inside joke. If she wasn’t black saying it they all would’ve jumped at her by now, especially since she and the rest of jiraitwt jumped at that girl Ria for the same shit kekk

No. 346046

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>It’s funny because I don’t care about the situation
>posts about it over 15 times within the same day, most of which within the same hour
Her delusional “I don’t care” act is just honestly becoming boringgg. The milk has gotten old. She’s not even worth discussing anymore

No. 346055

File: 1742934223698.jpeg (183.75 KB, 828x465, IMG_0920.jpeg)

Thought she’s been unbothered? kekk

No. 346060

Inb4 she says this has nothing to do with lolcow and it’s because she failed a math test or has to do one worksheet tonight kek

No. 346064

People like her are so annoying. No, talking about or referencing the farms isn't 'owning the haters' or being soooo cool and in on the joke, it just makes you a faggot

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