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No. 97314
>Forever 20 y/o lolicon wannabe who tags her photos as ddlg/nymphet/etc>Ex (?) friend of Tavia after apparently stealing and wearing her stuff and not returning it>Hosted multiple gofundmes- Failed>Tried being gal- Failed>Now is trying to do the ddlg or big brother or whatever shit to get people to buy off her amazon wishlistLinks:
IG: IG: No. 97319
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No. 97386
You forgot her donation to ze children with a medio cafe desu~~~ out to Barbie by the way
No. 97395
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They have the worst looking girls here. I wish the black Kawaii girls had better standards.
No. 97399
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Besides Aurie and the white girl all those meido girls look horribad
No. 97869
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>>97319haha oh my god
why are all the gross landwhales into ddlg shit
No. 97878
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>>97869This dude just made her day on instagram.
No. 97882
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I actually didn't know she was pro ana last year lmao.
No. 97902
>>97395Said it before and ill say it agen
it's because they all try with the weaves and ugly wigs
No. 97904
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>>97882fat people are really pro-ana holy crap
No. 97965
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>>97927the saddest part is natural African american hair is cute AF
it reminds me of cotton candy, its adorable, and weaves look bad on girls that aren't willing to put work into it.
No. 98009
>>97981Actually kind of genuinely curious on how to achieve the 'kawaii' look because I want to start dressing cuter, are there any tips or pieces of advice I could get? Like I really like wearing wigs as I can't have my hair different colors for work reasons but it looks like its frowned upon?
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask, I just don't want to end up like these girls.
No. 98274
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>>97981it seems like most of those sites only let the ugly ones in because they get salty as fuck when a half decent looking one comes along.
like amiynyan had those bitches frothing at the mouth (himeka, muck, this girl, random black tumblr kawaii landwhales)
they seem to hate any sort of competition so it leaves the ugly ratchet ones by themselves
which is sad because then it's more difficult to find the cute ones
No. 98304
>>98009Gonna throw out some basic advice.
Wigs are fine and everyone wears them, it's just one salty anon ITT (who also thinks all Asians look the same) who complains about them whenever she gets the chance. Just make sure the wigs look nice, and the colors are suitable for your skintone. Darker shades almost always look better than super bright ones.
>>97395 looks like shit partly because her wig is like 400 shades too light for her skintone.
Also, you should figure out what aesthetics specifically you're into (like, do you like Lolita? Otome? Larme-kei? Creepy cute? Gyaru? Or more K-fashion type stuff?) and search for clothes based on that. Taobao and AliExpress are good places to find clothes. Failing that, Storenvy (overpriced as a motherfucker though).
Most importantly, please do your makeup well. Look at those "dolly eye" YT tutorials or even some scans from Japanese magazines, and consider how you could make them suitable to your skintone and features (for example, white eyeliner will look very harsh on brown skin and looks fucking awful 80% of the time on everyone anyway, try peach-colored eye liner or eyeshadow instead). If your nose is a bit big, learn to contour well. Stuff like that.
That's just off the top of my head. Being kawaii is hard work tbh.
No. 98315
>>98304Thank you so much!! I greatly appreciate it. This might sound silly to ask because I don't know a lot about Aliexpress and my last purchase was a complete bust, but is there a way to find shops that sell clothing for bigger girls(Like US L/XL) or is it mostly just search and hope for the best?
Definitely going to look into more makeup tutorials, it sounds like a lot of work ahead but I'm actually really excited to start looking into this stuff, thank you so much for your advice!!
>>98305Ooh, yeah, I'm definitely going to avoid blonde wigs if I can because I rarely see good results with that. Thanks so much for the tips, I really appreciate it!
No. 98353
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Why is her makeup so bad…
No. 98356
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How in the actual fuck do you label something "body positivity" in the same breathe that you sexualize yourself as a little kid when you're an adult.
"loli" , "teen", "little girl" You are 20, not 15 or 12.
No. 98363
>>98356It's gross.
But they always say "it's just a kink get ova it!" when half of them who are 16/17 in the nymphet dumblr tag # themselves as "jailbait" or "underage"
>>98315 No. 98366
>>98304Wigs CAN be okay. Just take careful of it and make sure it isn't ratty. But I do honestly think, unless it's cosplay then just use your own hair for kawaii cutesy styles. I think being natural in your appearance is important because looking through a lot of Japanese magazines, they're cute but natural looking apart from the crazy ass styles like Loli and gyaru then obv throw a wig on. I get it.
But I agree with the research. What I have noticed with a lot of black girls who try the kawaii style is that they just have no… style aim? Apart from the lolita ones who cater to that. Most like Thelovelyify, Miles jai, Aminyan, Micky ect all just put whatever cute is on and that's it. It's un-matched and nothing goes properly.
No. 98368
>>98366Miles Jai doesn't wear Kawaii fashion though he's just in drag but I've never seen him do Kawaii stuff besides his horrible
Makeup tutorials.
Aminyan doesn't even wear Lolita or any of that shit and if anything her style seems tame or casual cute. She looks more ulzzang(minimal makeup, circle lens, natural looking hair, yadayada ) except she probably hates gooks so I doubt she's ulzzang. Anyway Amina is one of the few black Kawaii people who actually doesn't dress like hello kitty nightmare glob of mess.
Thelovelyify is a cash cow and she milked "gyaru" because it was popular at the time. She's naturally pretty but her style doesn't suit her. Her new natural hair is pretty. Glad she got rid of the plastic wigs.
Micky. Why did you even mention Micky? Come to think of it you mentioned random people. Anyways Micky doesn't even wear Kawaii stuff just big enough fabric to fit her lard body. She's not even popular so not worth mentioning.
No. 98369
Not this anon
>>98366Buy my biggest advice is to adjust things to fit you. As a black person certain makeup, hair colors and style colors that Asian girls wear won't look good on you. Also, if you're fat try and lose weight.
No. 98456
>>98387>>98391>>98390Thanks! I'll definitely look into those.
>>98366>>98369I get you, I try to go towards wigs more because my hair is very fickle with staying put because of the humidity we have and they're easier to style, so I'll try some natural colored wigs as well. I'll definitely look more into matching and styles that can cater to my weight/appearence, thank you!!
No. 98648
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No. 99000
>>97997>>98274>>98292Finally made it, and reblogged some girls I found cute. Accepting concrit and suggestions.
Honestly baffles me that there's apparently more than one of this type of blog, but none of them seem to know what quality control means.
If you want something done right, do it yourself, I guess.
No. 106346
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I am friends with kimmy's close friend. I happen to know that she was NOT robbed. She lives with her parents who do NOT make her pay rent. She's nothing but a beggar and a liar. What are you spending all your money on, Kimmy? More dildos and sex toys? So you can cam with the old white men who buy things for you off your Amazon wish list? You're a fat joke.
No. 106952
>>106855LMAO calm down, kiddo
Why are you taking this shit so seriously? They're the ones that are supposed to be providing the milk, not you.
No. 111361
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No. 206387
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Why isn't she even the slightest happy for her own sibling?
No. 206390
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>>206387One more screencap
No. 206691
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>>206387I don't think fish have the capacity to experience a whole lot of emotional depth in general
No. 560319
>>559759 Hope the dad wasn’t white
Coming from a mulatto I hate these mulatto kids born to self hating black or desperate to be black white women 👀 it’s annoying.
God help if it’s half asian
No. 560575
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Oh god please stop lol
No. 560631
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god this girl is fucking ugly. all the editing, contacts, makeup, wigs in the world couldnt save her.
No. 560637
>>560409It’s defo biracial because no black man would go for her lol not in America
And knowing this ugly fucker she would want a mixed kid to fawn over wid the gud hair
Hope it isn’t asian either Jesus
“How cute is my animu baby?”
I’m dreading when Yumi king and Venus both have kids. Fucking pair of weebs
No. 561042
But not asian
No. 562378
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This is just saddening
No. 562403
>>562386How is this not racebaiting?
Ahem. Either way, the same could be said for slutty white women sleeping with black men to have biracial children. It goes both ways.
No. 562466
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No. 562746
>>562403Full blacks compete with hair and colourism
Whites dont
No. 562752
>>562403You know just as well as I do that if this fat ugly cunt got the chance to look like Alicia Keys, Halsey or Mariah she would take it in a heart beat if it meant not having to wear wigs and lighten herself up to an oblivion.
Whites can fetishise biracial kids but I doubt they’re envious of hair types and colourism isn’t even a thing.
No. 599963
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then stop going on lolcow. You're only giving us more attention to milk on you.(:D)
No. 600085
>>559759This is sad
highly doubt she will make a decent mother
No. 600289
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Glad to know you're just milking for attention yet again keke
No. 606948
>>606942She’s living with her roommates for free. They got so fed up with her mooching off them and she would let her cats piss and shit all over their house. They got tired of it and sent the poor cats to the pound without her knowing.
She’s gone through at least 12 cats over the past couple years. Gets rid of them because she can’t afford them and then gets another the next week. I had been taking care of a few of them for her for a while. Sure tells a lot about how she’s going to treat her child. She’s gross.
No. 606949
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>>606942I’ll just leave this here
No. 607006
>>606992Everything she does is for attention.
>making her own thread>selfposting >told people she had an eating disorder >fetishizing children >did I already say asking for money? And to mention she has had a falling out with nearly all of her friends because she’s just so absorbed in drama, she feeds off the negative attention it gives her.
No. 607013
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It’s so ironic that you shared this from a page called “I, Hypocrite”
No. 607078
>>606949You should because you are TOO IMMATURE to have a kid
>>606992If she did really do that she a fucking dumbass.
No. 607088
People are talking shit about you because you give them so much shit to talk about lol
>>607061You’re dumber than a bag of bricks. Didn’t you drop out of college?
Your boyfriend and you both work minimum wage jobs. You’re mooching off your friends so you can have a roof over your heads. What a great time to trick a guy into getting you knocked up.
No. 616983
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No. 626225
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No. 741600
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Opinions? I'm sure this thread is dead. I'm just gonna leave this here
No. 741768
>>741603Yeah she did, fairly recently
I just looked at her instagram, he was in the hospital for two weeks and had to have a blood transfusion
He seems to be doing fine now though
No. 747901
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The last comment said,”come to papa.”
Is she cucking her boyfriend now? Why is she like this?
No. 747905
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>Pay me and I’ll let you touch my butt.
Sure, her son will love to see this on the internet when he’s old enough. Super classy.
No. 749328
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You can kinda see her nipples
No. 750024
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>>747901Someone’s lurking.
If your boyfriend doesn’t care that you post your nipples on the internet and send nasty pics to perverts on Instagram, if he doesn’t care you’re actively looking for sugar daddies and flirting with gross old men, he doesn’t love you that much. Kek
No. 750226
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I’m.. I’m genuinely confused with the juxtaposition of the picture and tags
No. 750285
>>750226I have a feeling she's going to pour barbecue sauce on herself in an attempt to be humorous and sexy. Ew.
>>750024I'm not sure why she thinks being faithful makes someone a "pick me". I thought that was common sense. Side note, every girl I've seen use the term "pick me" is fucking trash.
No. 752460
fat ass eating a barbecue rib as food porn, is what the picture reference to me.
No. 755213
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Is she applying this to herself? because she turned into a sexworker AFTER she was dating her bf and after she gave birth to her baby. Maybe don’t have a family if they aren’t comfortable with you selling your body for sex, kiana.
No. 755610
>>755219Bitch, for real tho. Ever since the great Tumblr invasion of society I've been seeing this term "sex worker" left and right. Mostly hookers use it because it sounds better. Would be a better term for strippers imo, short for sexuality work.
>>755255I thought so, maybe only the ones who're good at it get removed, lmao
No. 756737
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I cringed so hard the second I saw his on my feed I had to share it with you guys
No. 757465
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Ironic coming from someone who's started a fight on Fb with Tavia over something unnecessary.
No. 760036
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She went private
No. 760327
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Sage for no milk. Don’t mean to nitpick but those baby hairs look like a mustache on her forehead. Does she really think that’s cute? There’s so many other ways to style your babyhairs.