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No. 940235
>>940069Ugh fucking hate people like her getting so much money, she doesn't deserve any of it. I know so many talented animators and artists that have more skill in their pinky toe than layzee jae ever has and these people are struggling to eat and work shitty jobs in restaurants while she sits in a 6 bedroom house for two fucking people and goes to disney like 5 times a year.
I have zero idea why the people in her community that actually work for a living put up with her meer presence. Fuck being associated with her. She gives art, an already disrespected profession, an even worse reputation, why the fuck do they keep her around? She is an insult to their craft. Not one person calls out her behavior (or perhaps aren't brave enough to) and its absolutely astounding. I know this is strictly a baylee thread but for the sake of comparison I'll bring up Holly Brown. In my opinion Holly and Baylee might as well be the same person its just Holly got caught tracing and has a more edgy attitude. One slip up the youtube art community fucking went for her throat. That shit should have happened to baylee like years ago. I mean good riddance and what not but if anything the whole Holly Brown shit proves that the youtube art community are very capable of aggressive criticism towards their peers which is why its so confusing that people have nothing but good things to say about Baylee.
I just really, seriously hope youtube just tanks, considering it actually costs google money to keep the website up its a possibility. It is a shit show of a platform. Baylee is only 'popular' bevaude she was lucky enough to appeal to a large audience when youtube was in its golden age. Honestly it is such a
toxic working environment for content creators and people who work and put effort into their craft end up getting punished by that stupid algorithm and make fuck all money while she sits on her throne of 40 billion copic markers and disney toys.
No. 940265
>>940235Well most other arttubers that connect more or less with her are either not that good at art themselves and/or do just the same lazy thing over and over too.
So who would call her out for being lazy?
And she didn't really had that much drama either. There was Judy but that was mostly just her vlog channel, the art block video which was gone and forgotten just shortly after and I guess her plastic packaging but that wasn't much of a drama to begin with it.
She had a lot of luck with her channel but got too comfortable with it and her art. Worst thing, even when she tried to improve (remember that improvement series with like 3 videos?) it's so obvious how she has no idea about art fundamentels and how to improve .
No. 940402
>>940265You hit the nail on the head.
Plus, what would any arttuber have to gain from calling her out? Just look at the backlash from D'angelo Wallace or whatever when he did that ranking thing.
No. 940933
>>940878Gotta admit, I am a bit impressed that she finish it in time.
Still seems like a stupid thing. She isn't at all into diamond paintings, she abandoned her first one because she got bored of it and only pushed through this one because she had to.
There is no new art she made and it's not really fitting into her art channel either.
The video was boring as are most of hers these days. She needs to learn how and what to show, her filming and editing skills are so basic.
No. 941266
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For the love of god, when are they going to take down that sad 2020 from their New Year's Eve party? Is it really too much effort?
No. 941348
>>941206Couldn't we simply have skipped over the stupid cat-calender?
Also Vlarch? She is already vlogging almost daily and it's boring af. She doesn't do anything of interest, what is the point?
>>941266But anon, it's Baylee, she is busy doing nothing.
No. 941362
>>941266Not even sorry to say but she is so unfortunate looking Someone lied to this girl saying the pink looks good on her. I wanna say "Baylee, they are not your friends!" but she doesn't have any. The videos with christian and the group they hang out with, they barely even acknowledged Baylee even when she shoves the camera in their face haha. So yeah, Baylee is ugly now. Always had weird bug eyes but dark hair didn't wash her out.
>>940235Yeah Baylee doesn't do anything to start up drama. Holly Brown is just an unpleasant sack of garbage so I'm not shocked she quickly ruined her chances with the Artuber community. Baylee doesn't say anything mean about anyone from my knowledge and is extremely vanilla. Holly Brown the complete opposite of this.
Baylee still doesn't deserve the amount of money she gets. She was completly luck based and her art is so shitty tweens can even do it "Omg! I'm just as good as the professional artist of youtube!"
unfortunately she will always make money but we will eventually see the decline. "So christian and I are thinking on moving!" "I wont go to the Disney con thing again, it was lame last year anyways." "So I'm thinking on selling a few things." All good things come to an end and I cannot see her having the same lifestyle she does now in 5 years. Christian doesn't make enough to support them both in a 6 bedroom house.
No. 941411
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>>941362SuperRaeDizzle is one of those people. I can't tell you how hard I rolled my eyes when I saw her comment.
>>941266With how much Baylee loves to procrastinate with petty details and aesthetic, I'm mildly surprised that she hasn't yet dedicated a good 15 minutes of her vlog talking about the decision to take down the 2020.
No. 941437
>>941411Why do a lot of her clothes look too short for her?
Pastels really don't suit her.
No. 941782
>>941206>>941438Whats funny is she can sell these online to all the dumb scmucks that follow her, but barely anyone at cons gives her the time of day who are normal spenders.
I wonder if she'll even do any cons this year.
No. 941869
>>941782She said she’s doing Calgary expo (though with corona virus, everyone is weird about travel and large crowds so who the heck even knows) but she doesn’t have any cons lined up locally, FanExpo Vancouver was a couple weeks ago and other cons have happened in the past in Vancouver but she hardly leaves her house, I don’t think she’s done a con since like AniRevo winter of like last year?
But yeah people know her mostly cuz of her vlogs and videos but her merch at cons, especially the buttons, were like the underpriced cheap bullshit that doesn’t make her stand out, like the stickers and buttons especially just looks like the average traced merch that people do because it’s trendy, like her BNHA stuff
No. 942190
>>942049Nitpick but I hate her fucking laughter. She laughs like what she goes through is so relatable.
I'm not shocked she almost fucked up her taxes again. Hey Baylee, the CRA has a section on their website that shows you how much taxes will be taken off and how much you take off of your pre-tax paycheck. Christ she is so stupid.
Rant- Say she gets a 6k paycheck from youtube. All she has to do is look at 3 different forms with lists of numbers. You use your pay and find it on the paper, there will be a number next to your pay amount.Do it three times and add up the numbers together and boom, you have figured out how much you will be/take off in taxes. Also she should add a little extra just in case to be safe. But she can't do that or she can't buy disney merch. sorry, rant on that over.
She looks awful. Her hair line is so bad and her skin looks so damn oily. Oh and she needs to stop dressing like a 50 year old who lives with 4 'fur babies'
No. 942253
>>942049She has an accountant, she needs to actually listen to what he's telling her to do or hire someone who will be more hands on and balance her books for her.
Also she's so naive thinking she could import a bunch of product to sell and not have it get caught up in customs. She needs to find a canadian company for her prints.
No. 942348
>>942190>>942253She's just not good with business stuff. This isn't her first year of being self employed and she has had troubles with taxes since years. She just refuses to properly sit down, take her time and learn how to do them. She's also just too lazy in keeping up with it throughout the year.
She likes the idea of having a business like her store and art channel, but she doesn't wants to put in the work to make it work well. She does the bare minimum and hopes that that is enough.
Just look at her upcoming store launch, why hasn't she made an inventory check weeks ago? She could have placed that order for envelopes and such when she also ordered her prints. Her warehouse room is an utter mess, so she'll lose a day cleaning that before the launch too. Why hasn't she worked on any stickers when she wants to have them as freebies? Her preparations could be so much further along but again she waits until the end to do shit. She does this all the time where she won't do anything until she can't push things off anymore and then she just rushes through things to get them done.
No. 942393
>>942348Omygod the stickers. She has so many of the thick dino's left.. why change it? Just use those up and then make some new ones.
I get that she might be the kind of person who gets her shit done when she's superclose to her deadline, and that makes her the most productive. But like, she's also really bad at just giving herself more work to do at times when she really doesn't need to do more work.
For example: organising and cleaning her art room so she could do the art room video (why though, it hasn't changed….) when she had a deadline for the diamond painting.
No. 942725
>>942531I kinda feel a bit sorry for her. She clearly wants to pull of the whole pastel-cute-girly thing but she does not know her body at all. She has no idea how to dress for her size and shape and she has absolutely no sense of colors either (which is quite a shame considering that her job is art).
Most her clothes look like they're a size too small and don't flatter her. And then all that pastel pink. I know she loves it but in this vlog she was just a pink blob.
No. 942788
>>942725I don't feel sorry for her. There has to be a point of self reflection and maturity to go "You know, maybe this aesthetic just isn't for me. I'm nearly 30 years old, maybe I should dress like it." I get she panders to children but there has to be a limit.
The girl is fat. The whole lolita cute pastel kawaii whatever doesn't look good on girls who could bull rush you. With talks of "Omg the Large fits me!" tells me she is delusional and sees her self as this cute kawaii smoll bean.
remember how she dressed herself for the poppy concert? Terrible short dress WITH leggings lol and ankle booties.
No. 942912
>>942907If she really wants to upload less on yt so she can work on longer projects, this might be her way to make up for income loss.
I don't think she wants to quit yt right now but I do think it could be a possibility in the future. Her channel is slowly dying anyways.
She would be better with keeping up streams, especially gaming streams, than what she is working on her yt.
Personally I find her streams even more boring than her other stuff and I can't warm up to her community either.
No. 943705
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When you try to make a funny face but almost look the same as usual
No. 943708
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>>943702looks like the doodles of a small child
No. 943756
>>943731I've been waiting for this for a while, as I think she has been art blocked just didn't admit to it.
>>943738Girl needs to get out more to get inspired. She could go around in Vancouver and sketch some boats, people, buildings…go to the park and looks at plants, etc. I loved when Doodle Date for example went out to places and just doodle something, could be a bag of chips, could be animals.. Baylee could do something like this just to get inspired and get her creativity flowing.
She just needs to be willing to get out of her comfort zone, try drawing something else, do a different color scheme, a different mood, it doesn't has to be cute girl all the time.
No. 944125
>>943844It "only looks good after the first two weeks" after she dyes her hair because bleach strips your follicle of everything in it (this is what gives your hair its color). Once your hair is stripped completely its white/translucent which is the color she needs to get to to dye her hair that bubblegum pink. Her follicles are completely empty at this point.
When she adds dye it soaks into the follicles giving it the look of healthy hair at first until oils/washing/etc break down the dye and you're left once again with destroyed follicles. It bothers me so much that she has the nerve to complain but cant even do basic research on how to take care of her hair. She just slathers on whatever bleach she can find in Sally's Beauty like shes in high school and expects to have kawaii anime girl hair.
It's not realistic and anyone who's been dying their hair properly can tell you what shes doing is going to destroy the integrity of the follicles at her scalp and her hair will start to thin permanently if she doesnt let it heal.
No. 944587
>>944118She looks so awful. Christ. She needs to get outside more. She needs to pull a holly brown and shave her head in a manic state at 2am to let her hair start over. That shit looks dead. I'm surprised she isn't bald yet.
I'm also surprised her cats haven't died from ingesting something while they live in that mess. Cats like clean houses, the really do hates messes. Personal rant I've caught one of my cats trying to eat pebbles outside once. In-law's dogs eat cat poop, animals can be really stupid.
You think she is doing animation because her channel is stagnating? she still makes money according to her social blade. Highest on her main channel is 4.9K lowest is $309 a month. her Blog channel at the highest is 2.7k and lowest is $166. She obviously used to make a alot more than that lol She'd make more if she put in effort. Remember when she complained about her royalty check for her book being shit, what did she expect? Baylee you are a shit artist and kids can "learn" from you for free on your youtube channel.
No. 944659
>>944590Yes, that's a big gripe of mine with any of her room tours. So often she'll buy new stuff and set things up differently for those room tours.
I bet the reason she's doing it is to show off the new tablets.
No. 945051
>>944883Uh, don't twist her words. She isn't saying that it's not a rule so people shouldn't listen to it. She's just relaying the info.
She's said in her vlogs that she isn't too worried about getting it herself but she doesn't want to get others infected etc etc. She seems to actually be quite levelheaded about it, in contrary to what you seem to think.
No. 945090
>>945081The most common reason a cat won't use the litter box is because it doesn't get scooped or changed often enough. Sage for blog, but the cat I have now came from my neighbor who gave her to me bc she wouldn't stop pooping under her couches and tables, but once I never once had that problem as I scoop her box daily and change the litter weekly. I had a friend in HS who wouldn't even scoop her cat's litter box
until she stopped using it and shitting on the floor. Lazy people will try to claim it means the cat is sick or something but that's just an excuse.
No. 945092
>>945081personal sperg. My in-laws cat pissed every where in their old house causing lots of damage that cost a lot. They moved and one of the dogs died and she has stopped pissing everywhere. Cats will piss and shit outside of their litter box if they are stressed out.
Another thing is Cats hate mess. They like clean houses. Baylee's cats probably hate the state of the house. Baylee is probably not cleaning the litter box as frequently as she should. You need one litter box per cat you have. I can see baylee having one box and cleans it every few days. Cats piss and shit plenty. The litter box needs to be scooped everyday!
No. 945096
>>945092She has two litter boxes, they stand next to each other (no idea if that actually matters). Don't know where in the house though, they used to be in the warehouse but she moved them. I believe they're in the basement now?
I think they has been incidents where Kiki peed in the bed (like twice?) and I think they also peed in a pile of clothes once or twice. That's been a long time ago though.
No. 945115
>>945111It's the equivalent of using the toilet and then not flushing, but then, expecting people to eat and relax in your house. I can tell you right now that I wouldnt want a damn thing out of her house. She probably doesn't maintain the litter boxes and then her cats get up on every surface with their shit-paws, tracking it everywhere.
I'm generally not a cat person but I hate it when an animal in general indicates it's stressed, it means she's not doing everything in her power for her pet to be happy. She's always taken sub-optimal care of them.
No. 945117
>>945096They shouldn't be next to each other.
One needs to be on one floor and the other on another. Think about if like this, you have a three story home and the bathroom is on one floor only. it's an inconvenience and a hassle.
Also cats like privacy when they pee and poop so they should be in a semi secluded area, that is if you have the room to do that, and she does.
She is doing a disservice to her cats. If it's pissing out side of the litter box it is not happy. She probably isn't cleaning the boxes every day. Two cats could use fresh litter every week, baylee can afford to do every 4 days. Again a week is the max and still needs to be scooped out daily.
No. 945193
>>945117Yeah, in terms of toileting cats tend to be a lot like people, they want privacy and their own space while doing it. And I don't know how people can even stand the smell of not cleaning the box at least once a day, no matter how big your house is, that shit permeates.
Baylee is so unnecessarily stubborn where her cats are concerned. I don't know if it's to spite the people who point out her mistakes and try to be helpful or if she genuinely believes what she does is ok or what, but her refusal to change the most minor shit to improve their quality of life is fucking dumb.
No. 945200
>>945117We have 2 cats, 2 litter boxes in two different rooms but on the same floor. They are fine. The only time one of our cats has ever pooped outside of the litterbox was when we moved house and they didn't understand what was going on.
Stress and dirty catlitter is definitely a reason for cats to not use their litterbox. I can't believe she tells the world about this and acts like it's no big deal? Like hello, they are telling you the litter situation isn't working!
Like, it happened A COUPLE OF TIMES. What the fuck?
No. 945217
>>945193>>945200Two separated on the main floor is no problem. I was more so making a point for how big baylee's house is. 6 rooms and 3 floors is a lot for just two cats who have to live in clutter.
Cat piss fucking reeks. I'm not the biggest fan of dogs but their bodily fluids don't smell as bad as cats do.
Every baylee thread I think at least once her cats get brought up on how poorly she takes care of them. She strikes me as someone who got cats as a pet because "They are so easy. tee hee" when really, they too are a lot of work. Frequently cleaning the litter box, constant grooming, as smart as they are they can be really stupid and try to eat shit they shouldn't and totally walk on crap they know they aren't supposed too. We've seen Baylee let them walk all over her table with different art supplies out and about. Her place is such a mess they could eat something and she'd have no idea what. She still makes money but I doubt enough like she used to, to cover a surprise vet bill that could easily cost her over 3k.
so yeah Baylee is a shit pet owner. She can barely take care of her self, I mean look at her, she let her self go. looks bloated like a puffer fish while wearing pajamas all day. Can't be bothered to keep her 6 bedroom house clean despite only two adults living in it. I'm a petty bitch but I can't wait till she loses all of it. She won't be able to laugh off owing 18k in back tax debt like she has before. Her youtube income is dwindling and her stans will eventually stop buying her crap when they grow up. So go figure, the blob who can't even manage her own life is a shit 'cat mom'
I think that's what's so frustrating about this girl. Is real shit get's thrown her way and she just does that ugly laugh like it's no big deal and 'totally whatever' She laughs like what she goes through is relatable but it's not. I don't get the vibe it's a nervous laugh either. sorry bout that rant just when it comes crashing down for her I'm going to enjoy it.
No. 945388
>>945298Meh…it's better than most of her subscriber boxes but it's nothing special or so either. Just another boring girl.
Her videos are getting more boring, just like her vlogs.
No. 945471
>>945284I've heard that too. Baylee has the room and can afford the that much litter so she should. 1 for each cat also works but yeah 1 plus an additional is prime.
I bet she forgets she has to clean them. totally comes across as that type.
>>945302Just shows that money is nothing to her. She could donate it but meh whatever, she is so rich she can buy a new bike no problem, doesn't have to budget. She thinks if it's garbage for her it'll be garbage for someone else. Again, can't wait till she isn't making great youtube money anymore. I give it till the end of the year for it to start. She somehow has gotten lucky so far with cash still rolling in.
No. 945494
>>945450She did. It was a pink haired girl, she'll have that as a print for her store launch.
>>945471If I remember correctly, that bike was really expensive too and she hasn't used it much either. She went to the park a few times but that was it.
No. 945802
>>945746I was thinking that too. The peach-y color for the eyelids just seems a bit off.
Overall the picture is bland and boring. It's one of her better subscriber box pictures but that's not really difficult seeing some of the stuff she has made.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's bored with art, she does the same thing over and over again. She never challenges herself, she never takes her time or experiments.
No. 945822
>>945803She has said that she isn't a creative person but the thing is, she limits herself a lot by not wanting to leave her comfort zone. Plus that she rarely leaves her house, especially these days, she doesn't do many activities other than drinking either.
Her life is boring and that reflects in her art. If she at least would have great skills but her art is mediocre at best.
No. 945929
>>945925didn't she say it sometimes takes her an hour to make a thumbnail? this is a time where she should have taken that hour.
imagine dyeing your hair for some baby shower (co-ed, full of booze? uh ok) but not for your sister's wedding. but she couldn't even do that right, because she misread her invitation and didn't make time to even do her hair. didn't miss out on yet another doll buy though!
No. 945944
>>945929Girl just has no planning/time managing skills. The warehouse could long have been cleaned and organized, she could have dyed her hair a day before, the present she could have grabbed when they were out food shopping a few days ago…
In worst case she also could have skipped a vlog or simply upload it a day later.
No. 946414
>>946387she's definitely exaggerating.
She got 1k orders but the post where she mentions that the store is going live doesnt even have 300 likes on twitter or fb? it's highly unlikely that you'll get that more orders than likes on your posts. Her ig post about it also doesnt have the addition of 'thousands of others liked this post' so it has <1k likes so there is a VERY small chance that she actually made that many sales.
The ONLY slight possibility is if she's only talking about individual items which is still unlikely since most of the posts about people buying things had three or less items bought.
No. 946597
>>945925Such a nitpick but that was one unloving gift she gave for the baby shower. Gift cards are already not very personal but could she really not have put any care into the way she presented it?
>>946385I also feel like she has gained weight since she started her workout streams. Doesn't help that most of her clothes are either too small or just don't fit her body shape at all.
No. 947180
>>947040Lol she doesn’t leave her house in general, only to drink and buy things. She literally doesn’t have to change at all, just have less friends out and over but it never seemed like they liked her anyway. And Christian probably has to start working from home soon so she’s probably gonna complain about his presence more.
The biggest thing is that if she’s still using chit chats, they just closed the US-Canada border and chitchats works by delivering mail across the border to use the US postal service. Her followers do not care if she does any social faux pas at all, especially since she’s proven she’s white ignorant with the racist doll editor she used to have and her laughing at racist memes about Jagmeet Singh that her dad sent her during the elections. She could go outside and lick a handrail and not wash her hands at all and her followers will just say she’s quirky and funny and still buy her ugly prints anyway
No. 947410
>>947390It won't. She never acknowledges her privilege or how lucky she got. She also doesn't take the situation serious, she's just mad she can't go to the Calgary Expo. It doesn't affect her life other than that, she works from home and rarely leaves the house anyways and even if she would get it, she most likely will have very mild symptoms if any at all.
I don't think she thinks about all the people that lived under lockdown for weeks/months or the ones that are still living under it, or about the ones who died. As long as all her Amazon packages arrive on time, it's all alright for her.
No. 947411
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I thought she looked pretty big here
No. 947412
>>947410I disagree. She's not a heartless person and has shown in the past that she does care about other people and how things affect them. The way she treats her job and her art doesn't make her this horrible human being that you're making her out to be.
In fact, before this whole thing became as bad as it is now, she already mentioned that she isn't worried about getting it herself, she just doesn't want to pass it on to other people and potentially cause serious illness to others. She's said that multiple times. She's even said in this vlog that if the expo wasn't cancelled she most likely still wouldn't go.
I know we all like to criticise her for stuff but at least do it for things that are true. Don't make her out to be this evil bitch when she really isn't.
No. 947534
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it’s ok guys she has the disney intel.
No. 947831
>>947643Probably the best would be to sell the doll and buy some nice toys for Toys for Tots or a similar charity.
A collector's doll would be wasted in charity.
No. 947909
>>947907I'd assume they don't sell all the ones they have, so if they are limited to 5000, they'd only really sell 4900 or so (and how would customers prove that?).
But having a number higher than the amount claimed sounds quite nice, tbh.
>>947857It doesn't sound like she specified what she ordered and what she got, let alone specifying which order number was affected. (Since actually she also got 2 of those keys and could've made 200 bucks with the extra one)
No. 948055
>>948029I agree, can't believe people are defending Disney. Fucking Disney.
>>948036How did you go from
>accidentally walking out with a gumto
>stealing groceries and TVsI know y'all like to nitpick to death lolcows but this ain't it.
No. 948218
>>948029Yea lol it's quite ridiculous. People love to criticise and act all high and mighty, but in reality they'd do exactly the same thing. In fact, so many people would sell the extra pieces instead of giving it away.
You're all on an anonymous board talking shit about some person you don't know and you're going to talk morals? lmao.
No. 948861
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Apparently Disney is sending her another package…
No. 948866
Sometimes things work out to your advantage due to others mistakes, doesn't mean you should brag about it though. If you didn't get a ticket after speeding, if you found money on the ground in a parking lot, if you get home a realize the cashier didn't charge you for something, get something extra in the mail, etc, there are so many examples. You benefit from a mistake, and you don't have really an obligation to fix that mistake (unless it's to a detriment of someone else, like you should tell the cashier if you notice they rang you up wrong, because THEY might get in trouble, you might be screwing over them not the company they work for), but otherwise, go on with your life, DONT BRAG about it or draw attention to it, you shouldn't have ill intent with it (don't try to scam a situation), keep it to yourself, and thank life for small favors.
No. 948894
>>948893I actually think it's a mistake by Disney bc whenever she buys a doll she's too excited for it to arrive and talks about it right away in her vlogs. She can't think that far ahead. (And why would she bc of some dumb dolls.)
I wonder if she will not accept the package. Would be the easiest way to avoid all drama if she really didn't order something.
No. 948906
>>948862I think her showing it off like that and the way she replied to it was what made people irritated. It's not like contacting the Disney store took hours off of her day or that sending it back would really have been that big of a deal.
Plus that people were probably jealous. Those dolls are expensive and she has so many limited edition dolls, something a lot of her viewers cannot afford. Of course people then get mad at her getting an extra one.
No. 949065
>>949043She has brushes for her cats but she always falls off on brushing them daily.
She has mentioned several times how Kiki has problems passing hairballs, so brushing them should help at least a little, no?
No. 949072
>>949043BJ really is the most boring cow out there, if this is the milk that gets you so riled up.
BTW, nobody I know baths cats unless they have to and most of those cats are half outdoors too. You really must be bored to try and make this any kind of issue. Find some good stuff on BJ, instead of getting your panties in a twist over bathing cats. Like did BJ actually did anything noteworthy recently outside of being depressed slob that overshares because her life is just that boring?
No. 949373
>>949257She doesn’t listen to her audience unless they’re praising her, she blocks comments with any ounce of criticism if she doesn’t defend herself on them. But she probably saw the writing on the wall with YouTube and the store with others telling her the same too, her YT is too much effort vs farting out stuff for her store. She barely focuses on things for long, especially with her “business”, so hopefully this is an upside unless she tries something else again next year.
the whole thing about the dolls is exhausting but it’s literally the only exciting thing about her life
No. 949408
>>949373I'm a bit skeptical to be honest. I think her changing her business and switching to the store isn't a bad idea, her art isn't good but it's enough for some cute-ish designs and her channel is a slow sinking ship anyways.
However I'm just not sure Baylee can really pull it off. Her customers for the store are all her fans from youtube. She isn't pulling in other customers, so I do wonder if her store will be successful in the future.
Even more so since she wants to do less speedpaints, so there won't be any new material for prints.
She also has a big time managing problem, her channel and having to film a video somewhat regularly at least gave her a bit of a schedule. She tends to do nothing and then tries to cramp everything in the day before, which might get even worse now.
But who knows maybe she surprises us all and actually gets shit done.
No. 949918
>>949257She doesn't even design that many new things. I mean, she could have made a few new pieces exclusive to her prints only store launch, but she went with stuff she made 4 years ago
I don't know how she's planning on getting new customers. I don't think she should rely on her youtube crowd if she decides to leave youtube.
No. 949944
>>949918Yeah, two of those prints are so ancient.
I still can't believe she couldn't be fucked to make a new piece for the diamond paintings, she had to pull someting she made years agi
No. 950256
>>950252She makes that switch look like a baby wipes box. Why everything has to be fu
*ng pastel?
No. 950593
>>950479Yeah, she has the time to start the oil painting. She's just making excuses and procrastinating and being in denial about it.
She has an excuse when she has orders to pack. Aside from that she literally has nothing going on that she needs to spend 8hrs a day on. What does she do after her workout streams? What does she do on her art streams? What does she do in her free time on the weekends? Like seriously, you're not hanging out with friends 48hrs straight.
Like shit, I know I am a procrastinator and I have the time to spend more on art than I do, but at least I acknowledge it's totally my own fault for not doing it…
No. 950714
she is just SOO set on how she is going to do all these great things if she has more time, she is going to just upload whenever, only work on it when she feels like. Thats great if this were a HOBBY, but its her job, and her channel is what pulls all her other incomes. I procrastinate, and don;t make as much art as I should either, but I currently work another job. ALL she has to do is her channel, and she seems to put it off. Even her packaging, its not like she spends 8 hours a day on it. she gets caught up in meaningless tasks and just plays video games. Ring fit adventure is not a REPLACEMENT for a workout, its a GAME that is active, but its not going to replace a decent workout/healthy eating.
No. 950826
>>950714Honestly she looks like she even gained weight since she started the workout streams.
>>950593I don't think working from home works for her at all. Ever since she quit her job at the animation studio it's been slowly going down hill and ever since the wedding she just has given up. Girl couldn't even be efficient if her life depended on it.
No. 950968
>>950941Oh she doesn’t sketch, i think now she just sketches to have content before a video and just to tell everyone she sketches before doing a drawing when she really doesn’t. She stopped doing “studies” where she badly copied things out of art books and has never done like drawing from life or something, I barely think she did any in art school since she went as an animator not an illustrator or fine artist.
She isn’t aware that she’s dysfunctional cuz she believes she’s busy cuz she’s editing vlogs half the day with doing her random busywork but everything still works out for her cuz she has stans that will buy whatever she does. So it works for her. Is it sustainable? No. Will she change? Ehhhhh maybe onLy for a couple months
And tbh I’m surprised we keep comparing her to katnipp cuz katnipp is way more successful and knowledgeable about her business and baylee is pretty much aping a ton of successful YT stores & products, but katnipp only has 100k subs vs baylee’s 1mil
No. 951000
>>950968Animators should do life drawing too. I think her school was simply…well crap and her "work ethic" doesn't help.
Her studies that she did were such a joke, not only did they look terrible, she also had no idea what she was doing or why. She has little to no understanding of fundamentals and has no idea about how to actually improve. No wonder her art is still on the same level as a few years ago.
Not a huge fan of katnipp but she really is much better in running her business. Probably because she takes it much more serious and treats it like an actual business. Baylee just doesn't has the same seriousness about it, she seems kinda amateurish.
No. 951216
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Anyone heard of AoiSakura? was browsing, that website where you can pay E-girls to play games with you (because it's grade A entertainment), and she uses that forced loli voice that sounds like she inhaled a five gallon tank of helium, but when she sings it goes down to a deep voice magically, and she claims it's because she was molested as a child, then goes on Twitter and gets angry at people saying that they can't understand her
No. 952091
>>951360I know we always talk about this, but holy shit her hair at the beginning of this video is just… so bad.
Baylee. FFS. Stop.
No. 952397
>>952381The whole rambling about how it's so hard for her to be okay with not being productive was hilarious. Her productivity is some of the worst I've ever seen in a personal with their own business.
Get real, Baylee.
No. 952634
>>952381She has been just as productive/not-productive as always. She's so much in denial…
Does she not watch other artists and thinks to herself that she should actually do something? Just take katnipp, now I don't watch all of her videos but every time I do watch something of hers, her studio seems nice, clean and organized. She also seems much better organized with her store in general. With Baylee everything with her store just seems like a big mess.
No. 952934
>>952235Since she vlogs nearly everything and the most inane and unnecessary things, I think we can safely assume she didn’t do anything or prepare anything. I stopped watching her vlogs cuz of vlarch and cuz it just wastes time, so I assume she hasn’t even taken the wacoms out of the boxes since getting them cuz of all the store stuff and her inability to multitask.
>>952634She claims she watches other artists, I know she at least watches Joy San cuz joy has shouted her out in the past, but she clearly doesn’t take anything away from them and she’s also asked people to recommend other vloggers who work from home and don’t do art. But other YT artists who do studio vlogs like katnipp take their businesses way more seriously than she does, they’re also usually operating patreons and shops and only do studio vlogs as a secondary and not primary thing. Baylee very clearly has problems multitasking and also doesnt clearly know exactly what her brand/business is, she just fell into YouTube and streaming early and got lucky, and her workplace is just a cluttered and dirty as her brain is.
Plus also she vlogs nearly every single day about nothing and all that editing takes time, like it’s kind of no wonder to me WHY she THINKS she’s busy cuz she’s constantly editing them and changing thumbnails, but she also isn’t that advanced of an editor either considering what she leaves in. Other studio vlogs from better artists rarely update? A lot are on a weekly or even bi-weekly schedule but you know they’re doing work or just keeping to their own private lives or have more content on patreon.
No. 952950
"Its ok to not be your most productive at a time like now" is something that is going around right now in some variation or another. But that reminder is more directed towards the idea that during a time like this you don't have to use it to learn another language or organize every room in your house, or take u a new skill/hobby, write a novel etc. I think there is a big pressure to come out of this quarantine with big major accomplishments, and that quote is meant to remind people that they don't need to do that, along with if you are use to going to work, its ok to feel a bit off/ a bit not as on task.
That quote is not directed at someone like BAYLEE. She works from home, her life now is almost EXACTLY the same as it was pre quarantine. So lacking the motivation that way…not an excuse for HER. Also we are not talking about her taking up 10 new hobbies, she just need to make ONE art piece everyweek….or even every 2 week….or even just every 3. She is just using this as another excuse to be LAZY, and its not new, this is not a NEW change, she has been lazy, she has BEEN "unmotivated" for probably over a year.
No one is asking her to write a new book, or learn to play guitar, people just expect her to every now and then do some ART…her JOB. Everyone else who is working from home still is expected to do their jobs. They still have to figure it out and keep themselves on track, and THEY are doing it in a NEW environment they are not use to.
She made a whole video about how "art block isnt real"…like ok…what YOUR excuse then? Lack of motivation/passion is usually what people mean by art block, and she was all high and mighty about how you just have to DO IT, and suck it up and push through. OK Bayleee…suck it up and push through.
No. 952957
does anyone know any good art vloggers? I USE to like watching Baylee, cause I like seeing how other artists spend their days, structure their time, etc. When I started watching her she was still at the studio, so while I was not the biggest fan of her actual art/style, it was interested in just seeing her daily process/routine, because she was a working artist who then did her own side work. In the past few years its just frustrating though. Because she just complains about everything, she never does anything really, she is very defensive. She seems to HATE being an art youtuber, she never wants to work to improve really….but then also acts like she knows everything about art and every process. Her days are 90% her just doing errands/"cleaning" and her playing video games. Im ok with seeing some of that stuff mixed in, but overall I do want to see an ART youtuber, do art and how they structure their day as an ARTIST…not…WHATEVER it has been. Like I don't want to see someone play animal crossing in a vlog, I would go watch a let's play if I wanted that, not an artist vlog.
No. 952979
>>952957Lol same, I think I started watching baylee cuz I saw the markers and I liked marker studio tours of like MissKerrieJ (who seems to have disappeared? I hope she’s ok), never was a fan of her art tho. And baylee has gotten a lot worse, not just art style but complaining about her small problems while doing the least amount of work. I think I just stick around out of morbid curiosity now cuz she does the least amount of work but gets rewarded for doing so little while other artists who work hard don’t even get half as any attention as baylee does. Plus, other peers in artist alley circles are nice about her or she comes up every now and then and I’m really stunned as to why cuz she’s really just so mediocre.
I also like trickywagon and katnipp. I also like applecheeks and amii ceramics. Cheyenne Barton I like sometimes but she kind of gets a little too hipster twee cuz she’s also an actress on top of being an illustrator. More instructional but I also recommend Chris Hong especially in her big paintings she does all the work that baylee refuses to do like sketching and color studies, arleebean and James gurney for painting
No. 953021
>>952957I like to watch Katie Jobling, her art is more on the expressionism and abstract side though (she does oil and acrylic paintings) but her videos are really relaxing to watch. She has a couple of studio vlogs up but she is pregnant right now, so I don't know how consistent her uploading will be in the future.
>>952979I also found her because of MissKerrieJ. I never really liked Baylee's art to be honest, it's just that back in the days they weren't that many arttubers out there and her personality was so different back then. I did really like her vlogs in the beginning but really, when she stopped her work at the studio it slowly went down hill for me. Then they moved into that big house, she became more and more unrelatable after that, at least imo.
No. 953109
>>952950Ehhh I disagree with this statement a bit. I have worked from home for the past 7 years and a big chunk of my friends are online friends due to moving countries + gaming. I thought I'd be fine during this whole thing but I'm not. The advantage of working from home ( and for yourself ) is that you can leave your house whenever you want to and you can work whenever you want to. You can't do that anymore now. Even though I thought "I will be fine", I am still feeling the effects of that. On top of that, I also feel bad for feeling that way, because like you said this is not a big change for me. I am used to working at home, it's not a new environment. But yet, I still feel this way.
Add on the fact that we are having to stay home because there's a serious health risk… It's pretty normal to be stressed and not feel great because of that.
On the contrary, when she mentioned that I had to do a double take. I did not feel like she did anything less than what she normally does, so for her to go and say that.. I was like "lol, you are in such denial".
I said a few weeks ago that I'm just waiting for her to say she was art blocked or is art blocked. But she's never going to do that because she made that video.
No. 954063
>>953939Don't understand why filming the art video is such a chore for her. She doesn't has to set up anything, since she has a permanent set up anyways. So it's really just pressing a button and start drawing.
>>954039She really seems lonely and honestly a bit depressed too. No wonder, she and christian seem to have rather minimal conversation (at least what we see), she doesn't seem to have any actual friends and she rarely leaves the house even before the virus. The times she does leaves it it's for groceries or to run to the post office. That her house is a huge mess probably doesn't help either. It stresses me out just seeing it in the vlogs.
No. 954098
>>953939Same. She's just delusional about this. If she doesn't like filming herself drawing then she would still have stuff to show that she didn't film. But she doesn't. I imagine she had the mindset of needing to film everything she draws and that caused her to eventually only draw for a video. If that's the case though, she is not making any effort to reset her midnset with that. She's just stopped making as many videos, that's it. Girl needs to sort that out.
And yet again, she is cleaning and reorganising her art room to make an art room tour. Anyone else feel like it's really dishonest to make a roomtour when you change stuff up like crazy for it?
No. 954548
>>954098She has the mindset that she has to film EVERYTHING like I bet she’s bulletproof enough now that her stans would be fine if she took breaks or something but yeah vlogging is her crutch in that she has no real friends and doesn’t know how to socially interact with people. If she planned our her main channel videos instead of vlogging and editing so many vlogs for no reason, she wouldn’t be scrambling and dreading actually doing her “job”, but yeah agreed she has too many bad habits that she doesn’t want to fix. She’s looking for every excuse to not post any main videos when other art tubers like kasey and waffles post regularly, like I’m not gonna be surprised if she gives up completely and does “studio vlogs” instead of art videos within the next couple months.
Her art room and various tour videos are really just cop outs to actually having to plan and make videos, like it’s definitely dishonest and just plain lazy. Plus the room isn’t really getting clean, her whole house is a dump and she’s just relocating the mess to the other like four rooms.
No. 954585
>>954548She did one once, it was meh.
It was a bit better than her usual vlogs, since it was less rambling, but compared to other studio vlogs it was boring, with little effort and she didn't even really seem to enjoy it. I think it was also only a day instead of her filming like a week and then pick the best parts for a vlog instead.
No. 954978
>>954940She did one official one on her main channel, then she did stuff like warehouse tour and her art book collection, I wouldn't call those studio vlogs but they were boring nonetheless.
It's just as you say, everything is boring with her and the same. I mean most of her vlogs are just her rambling in her studio. Still wonder when she starts working on all those long projects.
No. 955214
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Someone needs to tell Baylee to get foundation that matches her skin tone. The shade makes her look sickly
No. 955606
>>955485it started off quite promising, her preparing the masking decals and actually putting some effort into her art.
But there's something wrong with the cats or the way she lined them - and I was soo disappointed how little effort she put into the leaves when and after she peeled them up. It looked really good imo after the first wash.
But I guess that was the promising art for this year, get to wait until 2021 for her to produce something reaching that level again, on her rate.
No. 955809
>>955797No I don't want to see her used sextoys in her vlogs.
And I'm sure they'd be included sooner or later - as everything is.
No. 955816
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The face of this cat is enough to give you nightmares.
No. 955903
I agree I think this is better than some of her past art, and I did decently like the line art. I think the border is nice, although i think she (and to be fair a lot of people do this too) forgets that as things go into the background they actually get lighter not darker, things are more vibrant and brighter up close and as you descend (like into a forest for example), perspiective and distance, all the air inbetween, desaturates and makes things lighter. So it doesn't really make sense for all the leaves behind the front ones to be dark, some shadowns sure, but overall they should be a bit lighter. I like the border in general though, but the middle just seems like more MEH, the gold didnt elevate the piece it flattened it, and while the border was nicely stylized, the middle just seem off
No. 956875
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No. 956878
>>956875in that blurry zoomed-up picture it actually looks quite nice.
A bit like a mixture of toothless and a mentally challenged panther, but the fragments improve the cat head drastically.
Never thought that a bad quality picture could improve art that way.
No. 957156
>>956875She had art as her job for years now and still can't draw.
>>956999Oh look she's being unproductive again. Shocking. Honestly I'm so salty that she got not just one but two Wacom Tablet for free, one being a portable one and yet she hasn't done shit with it. She is all talk about those oh so big projects she wants to do but she hasn't done anything for that yet.
No. 957474
>>957270I think she did a short review for the cintiq one when she made that toon me challenge with her subscribers. I can't remember her doing one for the mobile studio one. I only remember her using it once and that was on the day she got it. She also doesn't seem to have uploaded anything on Twitter or Instagram.
You'd think if she wants to get back into animation she would practice a little and might share bits and pieces of that.
No. 957648
>>957534Yes, it wasn't working for Twitch (I think she couldn't have it square or something?) so she uses her laptop (which is a really nice one too) instead.
I think all she said was that she isn't sure what to do with the cintiq one and that she might gives it to a friend.
Baylee is a great example how good and expensive art supplies don't make a good artist. She owns an ipad, several wacom tablets (two cintiqs, one mobile studio), a lot of copic markers, finetec colors, a Schmincke watercolor set (and it's not a small set), etc and yet her art is bland and a really low level.
No. 957691
>>957648She also got these expensive oil paints and yet STILL no oil painting in sight
She needs to have a better schedule and to be more accountable of her time, her lack of productivity is getting really pathetic. She has all these high quality supplies and yet she only manages to produce one mediocre art piece a week/couple of weeks. The worst part is, we know she’s not gonna improve (as it is right now anyway) because her skill level has been stagnant for years now and shows no sign of progress. I find it so frustrating to watch!
No. 957720
>>957648Didn't she ask Wacom if she could get that one as well? Or did she ask for the other one? Either way, it stings a little to see that she gets two free tablets and is going to end up giving it to a friend because she doesn't know what to do with one of them. Maybe, just maybe, don't accept it then?
On a side note, Kattvalk released a video yesterday and the art is like… Baylee's art but better. She mentions it in the video and says she wasn't thinking of baylee's piece when she came up with it but that "it might have been in the back of her mind while she came up with this."
I don't really know Kattvalk, I just watch her videos randomly so I don't know if she would be the kind of person to just flex that she can do better?
No. 957948
>>957691I had completely forgotten about the oil paints, but yeah she had a bunch of really expensive ones (I think it was Gambling?) and did like 2 oil paintings with them.
>>957833Despite drawing for years now as a job, Baylee still is on a beginners level. Not just because of her skills but also because she has no idea of doing art. She rarely uses reference and when she does she doesn't know how to use them. All she did for "improvement" was badly copying artwork from her art of books and calling that studies.
She also has this mindset of "It's a cartoon style so it doesn't need to be realistic", but the thing is learning some realism really improves your art no matter what style you draw in. She is just staying in her little bubble, always doing the same bland and rushed thing.
No. 958048
>>957833Yeah but rae just copies the reference, the only thing she would add would be paint drip thing, she has videos where she tried to draw something from her imagination and it looks like dogshit
I feel like Baylee would benefit from using references and rae would benefit from drawing from imagination
No. 958500
>>957948I think she did one? I only remember the bakery one cuz it was a ripoff of like Elsa/tiana’s face from Disney but I haven’t followed if she did another one like years prior. Plus doesn’t she sell the digital drawing of it? She uses oil paints like a paint by numbers kit, that’s probably why she hasn’t done one because she can’t be arsed to do any new art for one. Like if you watch other artists more accomplished in painting like Proko or Chris Hong, they’ll do a color study but only go to full detail in the final but baylee barely does sketches or thumbnails, it was confusing why she basically redid art twice for that one. Like you might as well do a diamond painting again.
I think she’s never going to do another oil or another posca drawing or anything that takes more time than watercolors or copics. They take way longer to do and she has no interest prepping or taking her time on her art, she actively hates working on stuff for YouTube so she really should just transition to doing fuck all on streaming
No. 958533
>>958500She did that Spongebob one (the one for the zine) after the bakery one.
Her art would already improve if she would just take a bit more time for prepping it. Color swatches, searching for references, doing sketches… She always gets one idea, sketches that one out, lines it and then colors it.
No. 959103
>>958533It’s a very amateurish way of working on artwork as someone who could be called a “professional”. Many artists are pretty open with their processes nowadays so there’s a ton that show their sketches and studies. It isn’t wrong per se, but doing all the prep work before something also just makes the process easier and look better at the end since you’re experimenting and making choices that you don’t have to fuck up something at the end. But she admittedly dreads doing the videos and final cuz she just rushes it out, she knows she can do better but she doesn’t want to put the legwork in.
>>958991She’s an IDIOT for doing so, especially since it’s a new company she’s using so they could fuck up the entire order of pins and she would have no way of getting her money back. Everyone on any pin manufacturer review group would say stay away so yeah wow, PayPal fees are like 3% and that’s for the insurance. What a dope
No. 959955
>>959716Youtube changed something about the subcount and now Socialblade only shows it going up in jumps like that. Socialblade has never been super accurate anyway.
It's kind of hard to know if she buys subs or not. If she has, she's bought them in very small increments so it's not very obvious.
Personally I'm choosing to believe that she hasn't done that. But if she has then I wouldn't be surprised either.
No. 960152
>>959955Oh it was extremely blatant back when social blade showed a live count of subs and we did a good job of tracking it here. She hadn't uploaded in like two weeks and one day her subs shot up in the thousands for no reason at all.
She was doing a 1 Million subscriber live stream with a live counter of subs in the corner and at one point the sub count just dropped substantially suddenly and she just laughed it off and said something like oh it just her friends all unsubbing as a joke but you could see the panic in her face and it was extremely awkward viewing as she knew the jig was up. Youtube actively deletes these fake accounts and that was what happened there and she knew it.
No. 960708
She talks about not relying on youtube a lot, she also at least in the past, has talked about diversifying her income. I feel like while those are somewhat true its kind of like yeah your tree has many branches to produce fruit….but its all still on the same tree coming from the same roots (youtube). If you really want to be diversified in your income and not rely on youtube, you actually have to have things independently sufficient. I don't think she has ANYTHING that is truly independent successful without youtube, and I don't think she realizes that. She has her store…..which has I would same ALL its traffic from youtube followers, same with Twitch and everything else. So in that, she really doesnt have much outside of youtube, she just has off shoots that help increase her youtube revenue, but they do not replace youtube becuase youtube is stll the initial source of income that supports those, even if monetarily directly youtube pays the least. Like she may make the LEAST from ad sense, but she is not going to get a sponsorship with out her channel. So if her channel tanks, so does EVERYTHING. She may have some remaining followers that follow to Twitch and that buy from her store, but no one just happened to follow her and Twitch who did also follow her on youtube.
No. 960919
I don't get the impression she WANTS kids…at least not in the near future. Like I remember in the past before they got married she did talk about it once or twice, and then after she mentions something about how they talked about it and decided they didn't want to right away…but its been a while now. I don't know that either of them can or cant, but I dont think they are trying, they seem super content with their lives and a bit selfish in that they dont really want that to change, they like their life style and their life style would need to change a decent amount with kids. Baylee also doesn't seem to have any baby fever, she doesnt say a lot, but overall I get that she isnt around and doesnt necessarily LOVE kids. She is in her mid 30s? early 30s? idk, but I feel like most people I know her age who are also married either have kids, are trying to have kids, or talk about it a lot and have plans OR they have decided they DON'T want kids. Baylee doesnt seem to have moved in ANY direction, she doesnt seem to have decided anything, which at her age, you dont need to have kids…but you should know what you want becuase if you DO time is ticking
No. 961155
>>960708Baylee is part of the crowd who got lucky with YouTube, so she doesn't know anything about marketing yourself.
These days instagram and Twitter are great platforms for artists, if you use them properly. She already has an audience, if she just spend some time getting a system in place and up her instagram game she could get a ton more followers from there.
There's other artists who only use instagram to post a quick story about their new youtube video and that's it. That doesn't reach new followers, you are only reaching followers you already have, who most likely will already have seen your video.
As a result, she does rely solely on her youtube audience. Starting her store has been great for her for sure. But she isn't doing anything to reach new people.
No. 961489
>>961141Sage for nothing new:
I am dumbfounded on how long she has been doing product and still forgets simple things like 'branding' and then makes it 10X's more involved than it needs to be because she's a poor planner but gets a 'rush' off of feeling productive.
'Maybe I'm giving myself extra work for no reason' you are SO CLOSE to a realization LazyJae.
I am all for testing with your product, trying new things, etc. But she is so stubborn/ignorant/flippant(?) about the most basic stuff that she should KNOW by now because it's her job, but no, wait until after the tape is printed to even consider branding the tape.
No. 961627
>>961141Just great to see her spend hours trying to get her Cricut to cut simple rectangles and then it doesn't work and she gives up.
She makes enough profit to buy the bit more expensive washi tapes that come with a label sticker and everything.
No. 961966
>>961627She owns a guillotine cutter, like that’s way easier than programming the cricut to cut a shape you can easily cut out yourself. She never thinks things through even tho she’s constantly talking about how she works, like she has no critical thinking skills.
And yeah absolutely she could afford the factory to label them, it’s not that much more especially if you buy them shrink wrapped plus artist washi ranges in price from cheap to like 12$ a roll, like if she worked her expenses out then she wouldn’t waste time. She’s very guilty of being one of those artists who don’t factor their time and labor into their final products, she likes to give herself busywork when like it’s more cost effective to pay someone else to do it like labeling her products or pin grading. But she does this too so she can procrastinate from doing art for art videos, this is her cycle
No. 962766
I'm always surprised she doesn't use Instagram that much. Like that's basically most artists MAIN social media, its also the way most artists attract new people, thats how I have found most of the artists I like, and now that I think of it, I have bought a number of things (brush packs, artist books, merch) from those artist too, which I have never done for youtube artists. You would think that would be an amazing platform to advertise to new people, get NEW sales. BUT she also doesnt really put out much new ART anyway. Im really curious how many people who buy her stuff are NEW. Like my perception is thats its all people who have been subscribed for a while, people who follow her on twitch etc. I dont know that many/if any are super new, and I really dont think anyone just stumbled across her stuff and decided to buy. So if Im right….she must be getting close to exhausting her audience right? Like her big fans there is only so many prints and pins you are going to buy, with washi tape thats new, and you can also run out of washi tape so you would get more repeat customers for that. But ultimately I feel like there cant be THAT many more people who want to buy some of those pin designs like once you have MAX 2, you are not going and buying more of the same pin (and she doesnt come out with new ones very often)
No. 962773
>>962766That's pretty much how it is. That's why it's a bit weird when she talks about not relying on YT anymore. YT is still her main thing, it's where most (if not all) her followers on other platforms are from and it's where she gets her buyers from too.
I do get the feeling that she is trying to be more active on Instagram though, it's just if you don't draw much, there isn't much to upload. She is also just bad in keeping up with things like that. She gets into these moods where she puts up schedules and tries for a bit but it always fails after a few days or weeks.
She got very lucky with her channel, but I feel like she never truly made the switch in her head to it being professional now. She treats it more like a hobby, which is probably why she often seems so amateurish despite doing this for years now (like not considering branding on her Washi Tape, not doing her research, not planning out things like packaging). Plus that she has no sense of marketing at all.
No. 962787
>>962773She wants to be like Katnipp so much but she's out of touch on what it takes to run a brand or be a professional
It makes me very salty seeing her sell 100s of pins in one launch just to spend it all on ugly overpriced Disney merch instead of investing more into her business or hire a part-time assistant, but no she's going to turn 30 this year and she's going to remain being a woman-child
No. 962832
>>962787She was whiny when other people asked her about hiring an assistant which is fine, it’s her home even tho like, if they used it smarter their basement unit could become a “workspace” since it has an entrance, but yeah instead of spending it all on Disney crap that does nothing, investing it in solutions that would reduce the amount of busywork she has to do would have been the smartest decision. Like pin grading and backing, that shit takes her WEEKS to do but if she paid more and got pins made through manus or middlemen that did all that shit for you, then the store prep would be greatly reduced. But yeah, she treats this as a small time hobbyist and she thinks the busywork is productive when like, in the long run it would make more money. However due to her being stupid on taxes, I don’t even think she budgets or does her own accounting other than buying things and doing simple math to even predict her business going more than a couple months.
>>962799I honestly believe she & Christian are stupid and privileged enough to somehow be stupid about the lockdown orders, like having people over to celebrate something before quarantine is lifted
No. 964545
>>963981For me it was when she filmed Kiki's vomit that was in the warehouse, next to the packaging and stuff. A couple vlogs ago she also said how they keep the guestroom closed because Midna pooped on the bed several times, so who knows where else they poop and vomit.
I also think it's a bit of a safety risk for her cats, especially the art room. Doesn't help that Bayls leaves her messes laying around for days. Maybe I'm just too anxious for things like that
No. 964561
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No. 964813
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>>963447I hate seeing her order enamel pins
She only spends like half a day designing and making them and her audience eats that shit up
She doesn't seem to work on anything longer than a day unless it's a traditional piece cause it takes longer to dry
It's sad that she only makes things soley for content
No. 964961
>>964846The faces she makes in her thumbnails are some of the most appalling faces I've seen, like yuck
She prolly thinks shes being cute
No. 965534
>>965470She could have cut the numbers from paper
Made her own decorations and all that, I mean, she's an artist after all
No. 965708
>>965693well - there's the slight chance they are still there end of the year and she only has to replace the last digit instead of the whole number.
But as it's Baylee she will probably replace the whole thing then.
No. 965917
>>965899He does. A while ago a co-worker of his even brought his work computer over so he could do work on that one.
Honestly was expecting her to complain about him being home, she seemed annoyed back when he was home with his fractured ankle.
No. 966083
>>965862lol why she even bother ordering blouses and skirts and stuff for herself? She only wear sweaters and old yoga pants anyways.
And here is yet another time where she gets into "organizing" for a few days and yet her house always remains a mess.
No. 966814
>>966791>>966788This bitch really going to drop $2,100 on a product she's never used or seen before
This is why getting samples exists Baylee.
Now she's probably going to get a free re-print of her ugly ass design
I'm so sick of her getting free shit all the time because of her dumbassery
Like when she got $100 credit when was hacked on Vistaprint
or When she didn't pay her shipping hold fee and got double her Catprint order
or even the Frozen doll situation
I hope her luck runs out and she has to pay $100k in taxes or something
No. 966827
>>966791She's also an idiot because stickermule is like THE most overpriced sticker printer and their quality isnt even that good. That's why they're constantly having sales and trying to give away shit. Their die cut stickers are 150% higher than the manufacturer that I see a bunch of artists use. It's really ridiculous because it shows that she just goes to the first big name printing place and doesn't do any research past that.
I agree it's annoying because you look at it and it's obvious that she cant possibly actually have all this bad luck so you KNOW some of it is just her fault.
No. 966855
>>966814going by how every year she has tax problems, she for sure will end up owing a lot one year. When the youtube money isn't as great she will probably end up pocketing a lot of it like that year where she ended up owing 18k "Oh, I owe $18,000…well I'm gonna go buy that 400 dollar Dyson vacuum teehee"
seriously every year she runs into a problem with taxes. She doesn't learn.
Can't wait for the "downsizing!" vlogs or will Baylee just let them get into serious debt to keep her shit and lifestyle?
No. 966910
>>966895And let's be honest, The balloons she bought were mainly for her own enjoyment.
I don't know why she couldn't just follow her twitch subscriber comment of making a romantic dinner in the basement
but nah, A steak sandwich and a shitty makeshift meat box is enough work for her.
My guess is that she spent a total of $50 on Christians birthday but in the same week $2000 on ugly stickers.
No. 966935
>>966791Lol that lying bitch. She told him his present wouldn't arrive on time because it was 'unessential', she completely neglected to tell him that they didn't arrive in time because she only decided to get off her fat ass and order something the day before haha
Every Christian birthday vlog I feel so sad for him, she gets him one cheap ass present and some cheap cake (or in this case a pie) and that is it. Not to brag but my partner usually gets me a gift bag or two full lots of different things I like and little surprises throughout the day and usually ends with a nice meal out or take away or an actual proper home cooked three course meal with drinks, decorations and music and such altogether costing a couple hundred. She can't even be fucked to the absolute bare minimum because as I always say, it's all about her.
No. 967017
>>966935Honestly I thought in that vlog it was kinda sweet. It was super simple for sure, but it seemed like there was some thought. She also seemed a bit more excited to actually do something, even if it's just something small.
Now it just seemed like a task to her. And as usual she just half arsed it. The presents are too late because she didn't bother order them in time (and then she can't even be honest about that), and that box she made looked like crap. She couldn't even be bothered to make a cake herself or to make the living room look nice.
No. 967291
>>966910she said something like.. he'll see what she's doing if she were to cook a fancy dinner.. SO WHAT ? he knows it's his birthday anyway, jesus christ.. who cares if it's not a surprise, at least it shows you care, ffs.
also about the sticker mule situation, it's honestly not her fault, it's a production error, it could happen to anyone. and of course she's gonna get them redone for free, it's the normal thing to do
No. 967296
>>967031I think quitting her animation studio job (as shit as it was) was the worst decision she could have made. That was the point where the vlogs began to nosedive, and then getting the cats, the house and getting married was just the nail in the coffin.
The early vlogs she was cute, had dreams and a passion to succeed, she had a job so actually went out every day and socialised which meant she had lots of interesting stories and experiences to share and Youtube and streaming was just the fun hobby on the side. Her art was terrible but she was learning and getting better and it was nice to watch.
Now that she's achieved her goals and got a house, a husband, a book, cats and her Youtube is paying out, she's become complacent, lazy and boring and her art progress has stalled and even regressed in my opinion. She needs to set new goals, like get in to the illustrating business and actually do something with this art, even though it is no where near good enough.
If she stayed animating at professional companies then she could have made connections and worked her way up and could have ended up animating for Disney or Nickelodeon but she through all that away.
No. 967309
>>966827Yup, sticker mule is the most overpriced not to mention a trump supporter plus there are many more Canadian suppliers she could use. Especially cuz she was waffling about it with vistaprint, she could easily switch to a Canadian print house but she’s so lazy that she insists on using vista print instead of sticking to anything she says.
>>966860She used to do sticker sheets with that cricut when she used to do cons and like, going to a sticker manu makes sense if you do high volume sales but she’s so lazy she’s just gonna go with this one when there’s a bunch of better manus that would be cheaper and higher quality than stickermule
No. 967487
>>967296I don’t think she has enough ambition to aim for those animation studios especially since immigrating from Canada to the US for that type of work, you have to prove that you’re senior enough to work in the US, but Vancouver has plenty of enough different types of animation studios she could get a job doing either 3D or 2D (idk what kind she did but the studios that did Hilda as well as random other shows are all in Vancouver & Toronto since it’s cheaper there and they don’t have to follow the animation union in the US).
But yeah it seems like she probably burnt out on animation when working there cuz it probably wasn’t a good place, she got lucky on YouTube & twitch and decided to become this weird art influencer and homemaker/wife persona. She’s now too coddled to go back to animation tbh, she needs a more updated portfolio, but I think she’s lost sight to push her art in any way. Like, I was watching other studio vlogs like Jisu Im (who was watching a bj vlog in her most recent video), katnipp, and even Minnie small and you can hear the enthusiasm for their work in their voices whereas baylee just sounds so fake about hers
No. 967506
>>967296It's kinda sad that she doesn't seem to have any connections/friends from the time she worked at the studio or from her time at art school. In the early vlogs she'd only ever hang out with Jacob and nowadays he doesn't really come around any more either.
I don't think she could have made it to any big studios. She sure was more passionate about art back in the day, but she never really had a mindset of improving her art in that direction. She was also already talking about going freelance one day before she ever got the opportunity. So she already had it in mind to leave the animation industry. I think if she would have kept patreon and/or would have done some freelance work (like the animation she did for that one vlog channel) it would have worked better for her. Than she would have had some deadlines and some something to give structure to her day.
No. 968326
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>>968228In the same vein, different artist anon here, baylee’s figure looks like it’s wearing a cheap wig or the hair is some kind of plane because she shaded underneath it and doesn’t know how hairlines work. If she googled any reference for a second, there’s tons of similar photos of women with different length hair in water and it could have looked more natural if she tried. Same thing goes for that flower headband, it’s too wide for the head cuz she ignores the head shape underneath it.
Ok also what is going on with the shitty blob trees tho
No. 968341
>>968088It looks unfinished and bland.
The hair looks like a wig, the flowers are meh and some of them look really flat, there's no volume to them, the background is just a blob. I know she wanted it simple but it looks bad the way she did it.
It could have been a nice piece but as usual her execution is bad. So much could have been avoided if she would have looked at references, did a bit more sketching and planning.
No. 968359
>>968351Of course she doesn't, that would mean extra work. It's so frustrating, her art could improve so much if she just used references and would think a piece through.
Then again a few years ago she used to get references and put them together in Photoshop, what we got was plum horse disaster.
No. 968440
>>968403Fair enough but shouldn't she then make the decision herself not to apply, since they really don't seem to be need for money, and leave it for people that need it?
At the very least I don't think she should have mentioned it in a vlog. She really should learn to edit herself better.
No. 968672
>>968602Plus she has an accountant now too right? Unless she got rid of them for some reason, so it’s harder to hide tax bullshit when she has someone doing it for her. Idk how easily Canada is handling it since it’s been a massive fuck up in the US, but yeah Canada also for individuals has promised 2k a month during the pandemic.
Like tbh good in Canada for making it easy for businesses to get assistance but also I agree with
>>968440 that she should shut up about it on a public forum cuz she’s not in need of assistance as much as like, people who are losing their businesses. But she talks on her blog about her own poop sometimes cuz she has no friends, like she isn’t gonna shut up anytime soon
No. 968691
>>968673Yeah then they probably saw this opportunity as a way for her to build her business in spite of the pandemic, like that free money can be put more into more shit for her store so it’s less of a story similar to like “big corporation takes millions while small business gets nothing” but more a way for her much smarter accountant to guide her.
He probably doesn’t know she’s just gonna blow it on dolls or something instead of like, getting more shit for her store
No. 968772
>>968602She isn't getting Cerb. She's getting SBWS. That one gives her a 10% subsidy. There's also CEWS, which gives her a 75% subsidy. She said she's only getting a small amount, so it's like 99% for sure SBWS.
Also, it wasn't her that applied. It was her accountant. They most likely know what they're doing and are just doing whatever is in her business' best interest.
Christian can't apply for either of these, because he doesn't have a small business. He's not an employer. He can only apply for cerb, like you mentioned.
Whatever Baylee gets in subsidies is the governments decision. There's tons and tons of other businesses that will get relief.
If you're not getting any, blame your government, not Baylee.
The government can't get selective with this shit, because it would take MONTHS to figure out which small business really needs it, and which one doesn't. Something like this taking months defeats its purpose.
No. 969766
>>969532Is it both her accounts that get checked though? The business account and her private account I mean. Because if she'd really want this "discount" and they only go after her income, she could've just paid herself less on purpose in order to qualify.
She did mentioned how glad she was about having the separate accounts.
"saving over 2grand" really sounds more like her just getting extra money, not like she needs the money. I am willing to believe that covid might cause her troubles with her store, at least for her next store launch, and that she might be worried about the future. She just should've worded it differently or better not said anything at all.
No. 969862
They won't be checking her personal accounts. This thing she's getting is just for her businesses.
A lot of artists with an artshop have said that they have seen less sales due to covid. The difference being that she does launches every x amount of months, so for her she's gna have to wait until the next one to see if stuff has affected her.
On top of that, CPM has gone down on youtube because advertisers are paying less for obvious reasons. No matter how you twist it, covid will be affecting her business in one way or another.
There is no point in saying she has applied when she didn't qualify, because her accountants have done it for her. If she didn't qualify, they aren't going to apply for it. IF they did do that, they are the ones who will be liable for this mistake, not Baylee. This is why you get an accountant in the first place, to take care of stuff like this.
I agree that the way she's gone about mentioning this was pretty distasteful. She just seemed to laugh about it? Girl needs a reality check.
I've seen another creator who talked about her finances and how she feels lucky that she's not in trouble, and she's donating the revenue she's gna make from that video to her viewers. Not saying Baylee needs to do that, but it just shows a stark difference in how she's viewing this. She's not thinking "fuck, I'm pretty lucky. So many ppl don't have a job now". Instead she's like "oo yea extra money thanks covid". (At least, that's what it feels like to me)
Sry about the long post. This is just stuff I know about so I feel like I can clear stuff up. My business does not qualify for any of the business subsidies in the UK and my accountant just told me that there is no point in applying for it, because we simply don't qualify. If her accountant did go ahead and apply, I feel like if she didn't qualify… she just wouldn't get it? Unless her accountant is a dodgy one who knows about tons of loopholes etc.
No. 970248
>>970241Yeah she has no idea how time passes since she spends so much of it doing busywork and talking at a camera all day. Like I think that’s why the work she puts into her art videos is so egregious cuz she spends so little relative time on them to make mediocre art and not have the videos come out on a consistent schedule but she’ll spend hours doing busywork or faffing about.
But yeah with her store openings it goes with the same thing- she doesn’t plan anything more than a week ahead of time or she plans stuff but doesn’t follow through because she has such a safety net protecting her. I’m surprised she actually did that print one even tho it was almost all the same shit anyway and most of these pins too are all repeats, but most of her followers will eat anything she shits out. If she was smarter, she could use this safety net to develop on being a better artist or work on that “animation” she wanted to do or something but really they just give her the permission to be lazy.
No. 970744
>>970489That's probably it, just wanting some extra money. She should instead put the work towards her main channel instead. At the very least start on one of these long projects like an oil painting or her animation she so wants to do.
>>970594Remember when she made fun of other studio vloggers and how their studio always look clean? Really with just a bit effort her house would look much cleaner as well. But I guess it's easier to just dump everything where you stand and not bother with it. She couldn't be aesthetic even if her life depended on it.
She keeps cutting back and then adding things again. What she really needs is to learn to manage her time and to make actual use of her work hours. Right now she's just on a downward road with everything.
No. 971918
>>971598Maybe it's the other way around. She knew how much work he did because like… he goes to work every day. Christian probably didn't really know how little she does… At the end of the day he just hears "I did my stream, worked on a video, did pins" or whatever, not knowing that the working on a video could just be "research" or spending 20 minutes on writing a script. Now that he's home he can see how little she actually does?
Maybe that's also why she's gna vlg everyday in june too, so she can look busier for him if he's still home..
No. 972212
>>971918I don't think Christian really cares. He might doesn't even pay that much attention to her since he has to do work and seems to have videocalls rather often.
>>972101Especially since she mentioned several times how several cartridges need to be exchanged for new ones. Well why not grab then when you're out anyways? Also love how she couldn't get anything done just because her printer wasn't working…like girl work on a new video then.
>>972129I think so too actually. At the very least I think she is aware that her art skills aren't very good at all. This might sounds like an ass but I think she got too lucky too quickly, it made her way to comfortable with doing the bare minimum.
No. 972406
>>972238That self-improvement series was a nice idea but terribly executed. It was so obvious that she had no idea what she was doing, no fundamentals and she didn't research either. I remember in her sketchbook tour video how she kept saying that she did a lot from her head instead of using reference or how it doesn't matter that the anatomy is off because her style is cartoon-y. You don't improve that way.
She should try to think ahead a bit. I mean how long will her youtube keep her afloat? I know she keeps saying how she doesn't has to depend on her youtube because of her store, but all the customers there are from her art channel.
No. 972467
with her self improvement series, she doesnt actually WANT to improve. She doesnt try, she never utilizes new information/techniques, its all just her doing things more or less how she always has OR trying to copy some other style asthetic. She needs some better foundation to work off of. She always gets mad/irritated by art "rules", but those "rules" are usually just common practices to get accurate proportions/perspectives, or even just the best way to utilizes the capabilities of a medium. So when she IGNORES them and fights against them with the attitude of "I can do whatever I want", shedoesnt even know WHY the rules are there, you dont have to follow art "rules" but if you don't know WHY or HOW you are breaking them then thats due to lack of skill and knowledge. Like for instance white in watercolors, it is FINE, but it affects the quality (usually makes it chalky) of the paint usually, amoung other things, so it's not just "such and such said you HAVE to" there are REASONS, she just doesnt know them
No. 972759
>>972467>>972406I really only think she did that self improvement series to gain sympathy from her fans so they’d tell her “oh your art isn’t bad!” like how you know some people put themselves down so you complement them instead. She thinks she’s super speshul cuz she doesn’t follow the “rules” but that’s just denying herself to learn basic fundamentals cuz she gets by on just copying Disney books and styles like a child. And she’s also out of touch with other artists and the art community too cuz she’d know that artists she copies from Disney books and other illustrators had to study fundamentals to break “rules”
But yeah, she doesn’t seem to plan her career more than like a month or two ahead, like a series like Waffles has where she drew the same character to mark her improvement would have been better than the art improvement stuff she never followed up on. She has the store but like everything she restocked on is pretty much the same? So there’s really nothing to offer repeat customers or her longtime ones. It’s just so weird to me that she maintains more than a million subs and gets an ok amount of views when she’s so inconsistent and doesn’t plan, like I’m pretty sure most of her subs on her main channel are fake anyway. But with more and more artists posting actually good studio vlogs and instruction, like she’ll probably be irrelevant in maybe 2-3 years
No. 973342
>>940051Her house is a bit cluttered,but not too bad outside her art/store room, and definitely not hoarder like. If they like it? Not everyone needs to live in a super empty minimalistic house.
I neither see scratched up floors, broken curtains, or lots of damage. Looks like a normal house with people who like stuff to me.
No. 973420
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>>973415why are these videos so long and abut nothing
No. 973430
>>973415Wow she actually started on a painting.
Gotta admit I'm a bit jealous that she just spent 600dollars for a new computer, so she can stream her package stuff.
No. 973461
>>973454To be fair, she just copied a small bit from a painting. If you want to do something on your own you have to know how stuff like light, anatomy, etc works, but when you copy stuff everything is already given to you.
She did a good job copying it, I agree, and it can be a good experiment in order to get to know the medium better.
No. 973483
>>973482because she barely moves (she's unbelievably exhausted after 15 minutes of light exercise spread over about an hour, and does nothing besides it) and eats a bunch of crap covered in loads of cheese, paired with regular heavy drinking.
Almost everyone would get fat like that.
No. 973741
>>973575She giggles any chance she gets to be ~quirky~
It's very off putting and inappropriate at times like when she spends $$$$ on shitty dolls and items "cause it's relatable"
and it's disturbing everytime she calls cats "Baby" with that retarded voice.
I'm curious if she can have a normal conversation with a person without sounding completely autistic
No. 973757
>>973575I was thinking the same. She kept giggling and repeated how she likes that style, like it's just a nightgown. You wanna wear it just wear it.
Her workout streams don't even seem that popular compared to her other streams. Plus that I don't think they have done anything for her. She looks bigger than ever.
>>973667I was wondering why she suddenly wanted all that old time-y looking stuff. A vintage inspired look can look really good but knowing her it'll just look unflattering and bad.
No. 973874
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>>973757Well, when you eat stuff like THIS, there might be a reason as to why the workout streams aren’t doing much..
No. 973933
>>973913I don’t know why she is SO against regular speedpaint videos, they haven’t died off and if she even just posted a “boring” speed paint consistently than I’m sure her views would be stable.
She says she doesn’t watch other art you tubers and it shows when waffles and Jazza are both doing what she says is a dying video format and are doing it successfully
No. 973942
>>973913I don't get how she thinks this is going to work at all. Her store is now 90% of her income. That's great! But she gets all her customers from her yt viewer base so if she tails off yt, her customer base is going to shrink. If she's doing less art, she'll have fewer print designs to sell. And fewer pin/sticker designs tbh because she recycles a lot of pre-existing art into new products.
She'd never make it as an instagram artist because she's not prolific enough to get people interested in following her and her art isn't good enough to stand out. There's a lot of great art on instagram to compete with! She does okay on yt because her personality attracts some people. That's how she has a vlog audience. On instagram her art has to stand on its own and we all know that means it'll bomb.
No. 973985
>>973940I KNOW. This bugged me SO MUCH. She says she hates doing it… SO DON'T DO IT. Find a new way of doing things so you DO like it. This whole explanation just sound to me as her justifying why she isn't doing things. How long have we known now that she wants to work on longer projects? How many has she done since then? ZERO.
She says she's not the type who sketches daily… Yeah, not many people are. But you're not even the type to sketch weekly… She ONLY does art for youtube, and that's her problem. She wants to work on longer projects, but again, she's only going to do them for youtube.
When she said that speedpaints "don't work anymore" it just shows how ignorant she is. They definitely still work, they just don't work for her.
No. 974390
>>974386She needs to lean into being that rather than faking she’s an art channel of quality if it’s not “fun” anymore, it’s pretty obvious she’s way more into people paying attention to her with streams and the vlogs but we’ve seen this before cuz all she wants now on the main channel is sympathy for being too lazy to do work there. Like a couple people who do watch her streams have come here and commented as such like
>>974009 did but she doesn’t ever listen, she just whines that it’s too hard
No. 974441
>>973913Holy fucking everything, she's so delusional and out of it, it's unbecoming.
No, Baylee, speedpainting aren't a thing of the past if you're good at art. Majority of the art channels I actually follow are masters posting speed paints with classical music or very good artists just talking over screen recording in real time. But the trick is- they are good at it. I'm amazed at her lack of selfawarness, but I really shouldn't. She hasn't changed that much since ever.
No. 974444
>>974438work is work. Just cuz you think it's easy to entertain people, doesn't actually make it so.
Baylee might not be putting in a lot of hard work, but plenty of other people do put in a lot of work into their streaming and making videos.
No. 974453
>>974444NTA but
>>974438 is right. Sitting on your ass in front of a camera isn't hard work even if you have to sit and think ~super duper hard~ about what you're going to order from Amazon.
No. 974557
>>974528those crotch-shots of Christian when they talk about if it's enough space.
Why would one leave something like that in? Really!
No. 974571
>>974458The person I was responding to literally said it is easy. Their comment was a response to another comment saying vlogging and streaming is a real job.
I was NOT defending Baylee and saying baylee is working hard… I'm saying the opposite…
No. 975153
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Looks she's finally going to become a full time game streamer..
No. 975158
>>975153She's really going to spend 16 hours playing animal crossing and 2 hours playing an exercise game.
I didn't think she was this lazy but dang she proved me wrong
No. 975217
>>975182She’s still playing a game when working out, who is she kidding? She did much more exercise when she was playing Pokémon go regularly.
Plus only working on art for three hours a week, like just give up art baylee, this is all an excuse to sit on your ass for 40 hours a week
No. 975224
>>975217She claimed she works 60 hour weeks haha This chart clearly shows she does 4 hours work a week.. if that. When she is actually drawing she always procrastinates or gets side tracked by reading comments, talking nonsense, playing with the cats or stuffing her fat face. She’s delusional.
I wouldn’t mind if she became a full time game streamer but it will fail because she hasn’t learnt the huge mistake she made the first time around. She wanted to be a vet and drew on the side as a hobby, then she dropped being a vet to pursue the arts and then did game streams on the side as her hobby as an escape from the art. Now she’s dropping art to peruse gaming which she will tire of eventually and now she has no other hobbies to turn to.
Never make your hobby in to your job. It ruins it.
No. 975243
>>975224Yeah she is delusional in thinking she works sixty hours a week, like she streams or vlogs everything and the streaming schedule is not even 22 hours. She’s not factoring in any of her time editing or packing, which she streams as well, so like why even make this schedule? she says no “scheduled” weekend streams but when the store is up and running, she’s just gonna go back to streaming all the time anyway.
She’s also buying more shit for the basement setup too, and she won’t even work out unless she has the equipment so it’s like, amazing she can be this lazy and give herself excuses for it.
No. 975279
>>975153Two hours a week for workout which just consist of her playing a game…no wonder she isn't losing any weight.
Also that ratio of game streams to drawing/animation, jeez. No doubt most of these drawing streams will be replaced with store prep anyways.
She should just be honest with herself and admit that she isn't into art anymore. Seriously her art channel is just a joke by now.
No. 975298
>>97515332 hours of gamestreams vs 4hrs of "creative" streams. What are the odds of those 4 hours being the only time she works on art? We already know a lot of that will be store prep vs being an actual creative stream. I am highly, highly sceptical that she's gna be doing any art off-camera.
I don't think she'll be able to pass herself off as an artist for much longer.
>>975279There's no way her art channel is going to survive this. She's putting even more pressure on herself with her art with what she's doing now. Her whole "I want to work on longer projects!" spiel is just BS and she'll make a video in like 3 months saying "Yeah I'm not gna do this anymore, follow me on twitch instead as well as my vlog channel!"
No. 975339
>>975316Honestly same. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why most people watch her, to feel better about themselves. Even her fans probably just want to feel better about being lazy.
>>975298Yeah… I think it could work out if she would pull herself together enough to actually produce proper art or nice animation. Problem is, she won't. She will slack of as always. I think we can be lucky if we see one animation this year.
No. 975495
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Anyone else find it kinda weird that she just colored over her hair in her older emotes instead of retaking/drawing them?
No. 975532
>>975495how old are these? aren't those still her old eyebrows?
her sip emote looks better than any of her dorky avatars she's done recently too.
No. 975649
>>975495I don't think it's weird, I can understand why she does it. But personally I feel like I would probably just rework it a bit more to reflect my current style more. It's just an emote though, so imo it also doesn't matter too much.
What I do find weird is doing a Chloe Rose and just reusing the same art on EVERYTHING and only painting/drawing that thing. Baylee is starting to do that with how she "re-worked" her food stickers, used her avatar for a pin and then used a sticker design to also make it a pin. It's not that bad since turning an existing design into a pin/sticker isn't that crazy of a thing to do.
I'm just waiting for her to animate her avatar next…
No. 976202
>>975667Yeah, that's why it bothers me so much. She reuses stuff so she doesn't have to try and come up with something new. It's fine to do it like when you first to do the drawing, but when it was done months or even years ago you should be able to make/design something that is BETTER now… not stick to the same thing and be stagnant.
For example, "Beautiful Nightmare" is SO old, it's not good, and she's still selling it? (AND IT STILL SELLS TOO, HOW?!)
Even if her current audience idolise her and what not… they're not going to keep buying the same prints over and over. I just don't understand how she still has successful launches. Definitely feeling a bit jealous and jaded about that.
No. 976248
>>976223It's so silly that she acts as if she couldn't do all that Twitch stuff before.
She also needs to learn to summarize her stuff better, she just keeps on rambling. I think it's obvious now that she just wants to do Twitch now, which is fine but I wish she would be honest about it. She is just lying to herself if she thinks she's gonna do art on the weekend now.
No. 976681
>>976677You know, this might be nitpicky because it is an artprogram she purchased so it kinda counts as work expense but I feel she should have tried working with the advanced version before paying almost 3000$ for the premium version.
She hasn't animated in forever and so far all she has planned to do are some animations for her Twitch channel.
lol at her saying that not owning a mobile studio held her back. The tablet was laying around in a drawer for months not being used.
No. 976741
>>976677Wait didn't she already have the advanced version? How is the premium better?
So far she's only gonna make garbage animations for ther twitch breaks she could easily do in photoshop.
No. 977810
>>977770She can get cute clothes with nice quality. Everything she showed looks like she ordered it from aliexpress.
Not to mention she's gonna ruin the whole style by wearing black leggings underneath ever skirt and dress.
No. 977880
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No. 977920
>>977697I don't think the Bikini gonna look good on her body type, since it's going to draw your eyes down and you'll notice her gut as she calls it.
Honestly I don't mind what she bought. She is stepping away from graphic tees that are often too tight.
No. 977922
>>977920But now she's gone the complete opposite to clothes that were too small and childish for her to clothes that are way too big and ill fitting and are better suited to an old granny who can't quite dress herself.
They all look so cheap and poorly made.
No. 978013
>>977954Not to mention the color.
She looks like a clown.
No. 979364
>>979326as a person who didn't manage to get a Pokemon Switch for a reasonable price, it hurts my soul to see her paint it so it looks like the AC one.
What about her plan using the cricut and customizing it with vinyls? Why does she paint it now, and why doesn't she even tape the Edges etc she doesn't want painted?
Also I didn't understand why she disassembled the bright pink joy con, when she's gonna put the insides of the grey in it later. Didn't she wanna replace the brown joycon?
No. 979378
>>979364I think it's so she can make it into a video, plus that she always has troubles making her cricut work. She also owns another Switch which she gave to Christian after she got the Pokemon one.
Just printing something or simply buying a case/sticker would probably look better.
No. 979528
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>>979326She kind of looks like an old lady here with those clothes. They do not go well together at all
No. 979759
>>979753she's ruining a special edition because it doesn't look like another special edition.
Because it's Baylee I would have expected she just bought the AC switch, when she likes the design so much better.
But as she never gets rid of her crap, she'd just block another special edition item from a person who could actually appreciate it :/
(:/) No. 980163
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This is what she did on stream
No. 980196
>>980084It’s dependent on the popularity of the special edition. For example the Japanese Splatoon special edition WiiU goes for a grand or more because it also has ultra rare amiibos with it.
Regardless of that, I feel someone who missed out on it would’ve happily bought it off her before she customised it. I know where I am it sold out like hotcakes.
No. 980218
>>980163I think it looks pretty bland. The flowers don't look good.
>>980184She never does anything creative just for fun. Everything that has something to do with art is usually turned into a video.
No. 980220
>>980196Nintendo is dumb tho so all of your saves are tied to system and not cartridge or profile. Since animal crossing is basically her job instead of drawing now, I can se why she wouldn’t want to sell it, although there is probably a Pokémon collector who would want it in the future if she did ever decide to sell it.
>>980163Her stans are super gonna lick her taint and grovel about how good they think this is but wow, it’s just really off and boring for all the work she did on this which could easily be done on a sticker. the paint job is patchy AF and her really shitty lighting on the desk highlights that. I know she traced the eevee and pikachu but it really takes away from the original designs. Plus the flower doesn’t even look centered
No. 980230
>>980220You can transfer your accounts between systems - she did it herself when she got that pokemon switch (they enabled that functionality about then) - so why just not do it again?
Even if there might be no monetary worth when the next generation of switch comes out - sold out special editions typically have personal value to people. This one didn't to her, because it wasn't the AC switch
No. 981079
>>980907Yeah I didn’t watch the vlog when she announced she was doing daily vlogs in June like she did in March cuz frankly her vlogs are all repetitive and nothing happens to her nor does she do any art at all. But another anon said it’s cuz she can monetize those in addition to the art videos and since she makes the art videos so rarely, this is a second avenue for money.
But seriously since she basically planned out she’s only gonna work 4 hours a week on stream and game for 16, like why even vlog when the people can just watch her stream?
No. 981198
>>981099>>981044she can't handle that she needs to be shopping in the plus size section.
her boobs and belly are too big to just buy a L and hope for the best.
No. 981454
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Remember when she had her doll Judy? I remember
No. 981466
>>981454This is peak time for
problematic people attending protests for Twitter clout (example: unburntwitch aka Zoe Quinn posted a protest video) or posting topical Tweets for clout (example: this exact Tweet)
Also wtf with the birthday comparison? How in the what…how do you see people being teargassed and think "ah, birthday parties"
No. 981746
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She donated $300 and then to other similar charities too. Nice but just throwing money around needlessly as usual.
I'd be more sympathetic if people weren't burning down and looting businesses like grocery stores which have nothing to do with it. It just further highlights the stereotypical criminal behaviour that black people are trying to distance themselves from.
No. 981748
>>981454Yes and the funniest part is she treated the doll like a slave and constantly gave her abuse and then feigned ignorance when called out on it. And then in protest painted it brown and redid the dress and hair and fucked it all up and blamed her critics for ruining it. She just didn't get it at all.
08:48 kek
No. 981921
>>981915Probably cuz now she didn’t have a reason to blame the shortcomings of her bad editing and choices on something external. Or like she didn’t have a prop to talk to like with kasey and sock kasey.
I wouldn’t put it past her that maybe like she’s learned a little and grown as a person but she mentioned laughing at a jagmeet Singh joke her dad showed her on Facebook during Brooklyn’s wedding (if u don’t know who he is, jagmeet Singh is a Sikh member of Canadian parliament and the joke was something like “if he took his turban off, he’d be Justin Trudeau (the PM) in disguise) so she’s at least White ignorant. Plus all her friends are white (tho I vaguely recall an Asian friend at a party once), so she probably has never confronted actual racism. But whatever, she donated money and that’s really the only power people may have stuck at home or in an area without protests so like, you can say it’s performative but at least money helps
No. 982663
>>982442Kudos to her at the beginning of the video for being passionate about how she feels and being an adult for once.
If she used the same energy for her videos & art she'd probably be less of a cow
No. 984796
>>984663It makes me a bit jealous how she got a mobile studio for free, that she so needed for animating despite having a cintiq, and yet she mostly animates at her desk anyways.
>>984765If only she could pull that stuff off. I love pastels, frills and vintage but she either gets hideous stuff or simply doesn't know what would suit her.
No. 985375
>>984663Seeing all of the junk in her house gives me so much anxiety. Her house looks dirty af all the time because she's too lazy to clean and then she has a ton of shit everywhere that's just collecting dust.
>>984832Do you really think she's gonna go from wearing loose-fitting t-shirts to wearing structured clothes that need proper undergarments and doing hairstyles that require regular maintenance? Good vintage/vintage inspired clothes are also expensive compared to her Aliexpress skirts and Walmart t-shirts, and Baylee values quantity over quality.
No. 985641
>>985623she talks about the purple shirt being to big of a size, but it's fitting just right around her chest.
Am I that delusional or does Baylee not even know clothes how clothes should fit when she wears something that's not about to burst?
Does she really think if she needs her clothes having a lot of stretch to fit in them, they are the right size for her? (see that haul a few vlogs back, "I'm not even trying that on because it has no give to it")
No. 985685
>>985641If anything that shirt seems a bit too small since it's very short. She just has no idea how to dress for her size and body shape. She has always had that thing about her not wanting things too baggy, there has been a few times where she got clothes that were supposed to be oversize in a smaller size so she wouldn't look too big in them. So yeah, she probably thinks the tighter, the better.
I think she's also just delusional on how big she has gotten. I've been watching her vlogs since the first day and she's never been bigger.
No. 985818
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In what world does the person that left this comment live? Baylee has one of the worst work ethic i have ever seen. She loses so much time doing nothing and when she does work, it’s in super inefficient ways.
No. 985822
>>985818In a world with alternative facts apparently.
Does this really surprise anyone?
No. 986110
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She needs to stop shopping for such cheap ass looking clothes. Also that pooping animation along with the sound effects she was making for it was disturbing
No. 986138
>>986110lol What sad attempt at porn.
Srsly, Bayls, think twice before you post pictures of you, if not for you than for your husband. That‘s embarrassing.
No. 987017
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Ugh I can smell it from here..
No. 987150
>>987011This is just plain sad that she’s playing dress up and tea parties now.
>>986842She has a drawer full of those giant ass Disney mugs and probably more in storage, she’s just too lazy to make coffee directly into the teacup or actually getting a teapot. Though I bet she’s doing that next with this whole chateau kick she has right now. She’s one lazy video away from just hosting a tea party with her dolls on stream
No. 987203
Why not commit to the vintage pastel thing and get a nice tea/coffee set? Etsy and Amazon have plenty and she can easily effort getting something nice. It'll probably get lost in that mess that is her house though.
>>987017Imagine working out for like what? 7 months now? And not getting any results. Honestly feel like she even gained some weight since she started working out.
No. 987298
>>987284So the animations are ok, the poop one is still awful though. They're very simple and I feel like she spent way too much time on them. The Switch looks like crap. Her paint job is bad and the flowers look terrible. The last minutes of her rambling were unnecessary, it's painfully obvious that she just needed to fill 10minutes.
I think it's really the end of her art channel, it has been going down for so long and now she is rarely gonna upload. Honestly this video is kinda disappointing considering that she hasn't uploading in like 4 weeks. It will make it even more difficult for her to attract new people to follow and to buy her merch. It doesn't help that she is terrible at managing several things at once. She focused solely on animating the past days, no store prep. Now she will probably just focus on store prep, making the next video even later.
Everything she does just always seems rushed, half assed and amateurish, and I swear it's getting worse.
No. 988023
>>987983If she really lost a bit of weight, that's probably more due to the fact that she hasn't been drinking that much. She'll probably gain that weight right back when they can meet up with their friends again.
>>987816Ok what was that with her licking the copics? She should also be more careful with what she shows outside of her house.
No. 988027
>>988023Copics are alcohol based markers so maybe she’s been so thirsty for booze now that she can’t drink every night with people that she’s trying to suck the alcohol out of her markers
No. 988031
>>988025That's probably it. She wanted to go back on keto after her wedding/after Christmas but she never really did. Instead she kinda let herself go.
>>988027Honestly at this point I wouldn't even be surprised.
No. 988399
>>988390I'm getting annoyed with her blaming covid for the delayed store opening. Be real Baylee, you would not have managed another store launch sooner. She is so slow preparing for it, she has barely done anything so far.
She's just so unplanned and lazy.
No. 988413
>>988390more slop, what a surprise.
is she just planning on letting her disgusting roots grow out? what's her hair situation?
No. 989965
>>989700I wish she wouldn't let Kiki use the stack of unfolded boxes as scratch-tree. It's a nitpick as it doesn't really matter once they're folded, but she just always seems a bit uncaring for her products.
>>989895I wonder what she thinks about it. She used to mention that she's worried about her channel dying, but ever since reaching 1mil she hasn't said anything about it. Is she not aware or does she just not care anymore?
No. 990485
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>>989965So if you look at her past threads when socialblade and YouTube were more on it, she had weird numbers on both her main and vlog channels. They were always decreasing compared to someone with less followers but was more consistent like kasey. She’s most likely buying subs to keep her number over a million (or more strangely, someone else is buying her those subs) because her engagement numbers on the rest of her social networks are super low. The most telling was when she did that very bad sponsored by Wish video and a ton of people told her she was bad for taking sponsorships of bootleg merchandise and she turned off the comments on the video— she lost about 1k subs and was on a steady loss of around a hundred a day for a little bit but magically got a surge of like a couple hundred when she hadn’t been posting any videos for weeks.
Her channel IS dying, especially since she doesn’t even do art anymore. But either she or someone else just buys her subs to maintain the million. Compare the views and subs chart from baylee on socialblade here vs kasey
No. 990487
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>>990485I’m only using kasey as an example cuz she has LESS subs than baylee (baylee is at 1.16, kasey is at 1.15) but is super consistent at posting videos and keeping a schedule. Like I don’t like either of them but baylee’s daily views are less than 5 digits while consistent art tubers like kasey and waffles routinely go over 6. Like something IS up
No. 990603
>>990485Her channel is clearly dying, it's just slow. I wouldn't be surprised if it will go down faster now where she'll rarely uploads. Her mother might bought/buys some subs to help her out. She seems to have a very supportive family that is well off.
Really she should've merged her art and vlog channel and made studio vlogs. Using her social media to promote her store, like katnipp does it.
No. 991255
>>990603Tbh I think she would bleed more subs if she made studio vlogs, like it doesn’t feel like she is willing to edit her rambling and thoughts into anything coherent like people complained earlier. There’s a certain style with studio vlogs where it’s always very clean and very aesthetic, she’s dissed them before in the past cuz she obviously wants to not be seen as that but she’s also pretty unable to clean her living space to a decent state to maintain a studio vlog type thing. They also don’t ramble as much as she does cuz baylee will talk about everything cuz she has no friends and is so used to talking like a streamer.
I think if google ever does a takedown of obviously fake accounts, she’d easily loose a ton of her subs. It’s too bad tho that she isn’t doing anything about it other than just to coast along? She’s so privileged in that she has all the opportunity to become a better artist or animator but she just kind of squanders it cuz she has so many people baby and support her. She’s never had to work hard in her life
No. 991367
>>991255Privileged is 100% the way to place Baylee. She seems to come from a pretty well to do family and hasn't really had to struggle financially. She walked out of university basically straight into a job, was able then to quit her job and just do youtube and now her youtube is slowly decaying but she hasn't seemed to notice and is just rolling along oblivious to what is happening.
Ever since she quit her animation job she's become so disconnected from reality and it shows. She needs a good dose of real life tbh
No. 991909
>>991783feels like the final nail in the coffin for any of her channels, honestly. her studio vlog performed terribly. any one who subs to her art channel and is interested in vlogs was already subbed to bumble baylee.
this feels really short sighted and an excuse to post what she wants (shitty vlogs) to the channel with the most subs. she says she refused most / all sponsorships on bumble baylee, so it won't surprise me if we see her start to accept them now that she's on her main channel full time.
No. 992058
>>992004as soon as she makes money from one of her hobbies, she loses interest eventually. vlogging is going to go soon too now that she's making it her main job.
is she saying it'll take her a month to animate a 3 min video? is that normal? it didn't seem to take her that long to animate her bumper screens and shit. i don't know how long it takes a real animator to work though.
No. 992375
>>991783I still don't get how she expects her store to stay in business if she doesn't get customers from her youtube videos. It's not like she's advertising anywhere else. Not to mention, what is she going to stock the store with if she isn't making any new art because she's spending all her time making tiktok animations?
She could have used the extra time from covid pushing the store launch back to get ahead and prep art for her next pins, prints and stickers. But that's not the Baylee Jae way, I guess. This is the lamest midlife crisis I've ever seen.
No. 992488
>>992414I'm not so sure she would have success as a mommy vlogger to be honest. The few mommy/family vlogs I've watched were rather different from anything Baylee could offer.
>>992375Honestly covid is just an excuse for her. She would never have launched her store earlier even without it.
No. 993721
I think when she was the most productive and creative and motivated, it was actually when she had a full-time job and was also doing art videos and vlogs, that when i started watching her, and I liked her then. She seemed to have more ambition then, which I think is ultimately why I can't stand her now. I hate people who lack ambition and have this attitude of "look at me, Im working the system, Im getting away with only doing this".
I think twitch and gaming is a real job, I think that definitely is work, but for HER I feel like she really has that mindset of "oh I can just play video games all day why would I do real work" and she really has that braggy attitude more and more o just showing off how she gets away with things (like her taxes, getting sent too many dolls for free, getting to just play animal crossing).
Back when she was working, I feel like she had more plans and ambitions, now she is just lazy and happy with it. Like I also fully think vlogs are a valid job…but you have to have something to vlog about. Before it was her job and art, and now with really not doing much of ANY art, all we see is her home all day, and packaging and some random stream clips of her playing video games…its stale and boring at this point. Before her vlogs were this "extra" thing, as they are with a lot of people that have 2 channels, but if what you do now IS vlogs, then you need to amp it up. You have to have something interesting for people to watch, and she doesn't. Its one thing when you have this EXTRA content, people don't exect much, but when its the MAIN channel and the primary content, then people expect some more.
I don't think she will necessarily feel it very much in subscribers, but she is going to see it in advertiser/sponsorships, which is where most youtube money comes from.
No. 993739
>>993693she talks about how she got a subscriber bump but… her last vlog only 33k views. which is more than she got on her bumble baylee channel on average, but not by much.
her last art video before the switch painting was animal crossing fan art and that only had 55k views. and that's when animal crossing was at its peak… but maybe her fans didn't want to see daisy mae as a thot (going off her hot guy series i mean).
this is going to end badly for her. it's a slow painful death.
No. 994751
>>993835The 'wahh I can barely draw but I'm successful somehow' mentality infuriates me - it's such a ploy to get subs to tell them how great they are in order to boost their ego. And whilst I don't think Baylee is entirely egotistic (childish, unorganised and privileged most certainly) it's still a really cheap and bad thing to do.
Honestly the idea of moving her vlogs to her art channel is also really stupid - people subbed to the art channel are soon going to see her, quite frankly, awful personality and leave, she probably only got a small bump in subs because her already mindless drones from the vlogs followed her. Her channel is dying and she's apparently trying to ward off its slow demise but it just isn't working.
Maybe it's time she went back to university, she probably has enough money to fund her studies, and choose a new career path - one that doesn't involve being obnoxious as fuck online!
No. 994990
>>993721Is she happy though? I don't know how others see her but to me, she seems incredible lonely and unhappy. She clearly doesn't find fulfillment in what she does, she just doesn't know what is missing.
It's understandable too. She basically just sits at home all day, every day. She doesn't really seem to have friends either, just Christian's friends that only come over to drink. It's kinda sad that she never really tried to improve her art or change up her art channel (as in actual change that improves the content, not change as in abandoning it). Unsurprising that she got bored of it.
No. 995008
>>994990You're very correct, she does seem to be lonely which maybe is why she has such an obsession with vlogging because it gives her some form of satisfaction or false idea that the people who leave comments are her friends or even care about her life. I know quarantine and social distancing his been hard on people globally - but Baylee doesn't seem to make an effort to video chat with people or call people. Before, like when she lived in the smaller flat, she was always videoing with her sister or her parents and even when moving into her current house she still did for a while but in the last year or so she mentions Brooklyn less and doesn't seem to talk to her all that much anymore (I don't know if there's a reason behind that).
Working at home is difficult of course because you don't get that social interaction with co-workers that you would working in a normal job. So I don't understand why, when she's able, Baylee doesn't, I dunno, get another hobby besides sitting at home alone. Like somebody else said - she could easily go to college and get another qualification, meet some people, join a sports club, do yoga! Just anything to get out of the house! But no, it seems that she would rather sit at home and cling onto a decaying channel because she's 'youtube famous' fml
No. 995181
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>>994751Yes, it is such a bad mentality. Baylee may have not flat out said it like Rae did on her twitter, but she sure as hell does it with her actions. I attached the pic of that whole idk how to draw and still succeeded bs that Rae said. Not her thread but it has to do with what I think Baylee and other channels believe
No. 995951
>>995181Rae is even worse than Baylee with that. Baylee for sure is privileged and delusional, but she does somewhat realizes that her art isn't the best.
Rae I feel like doesn't really see how terrible her art actually is. Can't stand her at all tbh.
No. 996083
>>995951yeah, she is delusional. I remember when she tried to sell a copic piece for 300 dollars saying "well it is my first copic drawing lol"
Baylee could improve a lot but I feel like she doesn't wanna change the style she has and that makers her stay in the rut. All the art youtubers must know to some degree that their audience is mostly children or teenagers between 14-16
No. 996150
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>>996135lmao my bad it was 350$. I agree not worth it but how she felt it was a good deal is beyond me. It ended up on the delusional artists thread on reddit. She even commented on it trying to excuse the price. If you are interested in seeing her response just google delusional artists copic and one of the results should be about her.
God im cracking up again just remembering. At least Baylee's prices seem better even though I remember she was selling an ugly watercolor piece with a badly drawn horse for $$$
No. 996891
>>996489She sold some originals after moving to the second flat. I remember there was a Belle drawing and some others. Pretty sure those were all u der 100$. Then there were I think 4 with frames during conventions (I think she only sold 3 though, but not sure) and then all the originals from that youtube artist collective. They all aleays sold off the original afterwards. I believe Baylee's were around 300$ and they always sold within like a day. Even that horrondous plum horse pic she made.
I remember that painting so well, it was the first time were she really got to my nerves. People critiqued that painting and she got all defensive about it, how it can't be wrong because she used a reference (which she did, only that she took two pictures with different perspectives and smashed them together in photoshop).
No. 997075
>>997039That she seriously thinks she couldn't do such small animations before. Like she seriously overestimates how much work she does.
The advent calendar is stupid. Sure it sounds cool but she won't be able to pull this off nicely. Not to mention the price. Will there really be 500 people spending around 65$ for an advent calendar? She has this habit of just jumping on to something but not thinking it throw. She's like Holly Brown, just more successful.
No. 997129
>>997093Yes, but she said she would get 500 calendars, she has a lot of fans but enough for such a large number?
And those 65 are like the lowest price she could sell it, so it might be even more.
No. 997239
>>997075I was shocked by how many people in the comments were excited and saying they would preorder it. I know her shop is successful but it always surprises me that people are actually willing to spend money on the things she makes.
500 calendars though? Not sure she could sell that many. I think if she cut that number in half she could come out of it okay, but it's obviously a very seasonal item so if she had too much overstock she'd have to wait an entire year to sell the rest.
No. 997373
>>997284she sells her pins for like 5 bucks a piece though, 65 is a huge jump. Is her fanbase really that affluent?
And I have to say;for a fucking lame ass advent calendar!? Fancy hardcover art books by established artists cost less than that! she has zero sense of value, and I guess neither has her fanbase
No. 997664
>>997239Nah I’m pretty sure she’ll sell those out. Her shop sells out every time she opens it and she sells her pins for an average price, like isn’t it like 10USD each or so?
like I don’t think y’all on this board realize the majority of her customers are NOT kids, they’re young people in their mid to late 20’s like her who have money to burn on tchotchkes and cuz they think she’s a fun streamer. Same people who watch her streams and look up to her as an artist alley youtuber. Those people usually make their own income, like kids DONT, and they’re the people who engage her the most on stream, like if u watch her videos where she goes to cons and she shows her helpers and her fans, they’re all roughly like her- they’re grown up children. Her shit at AA’s was mostly kids cuz she did those pin buttons and sold them for dirt cheap, anyone who has done an AA especially at anime cons like she did knows kids will make impulse buys for fandoms they like regardless of art, however that demographic is way different than the ones who know her on the internet and streaming- her stans are way more likely to buy any shit she poops out including this calendar. I have no doubt they would sell out in a day, the only problems would be international shipping (which i assume is part of the reason she hasn’t opened her shop, the other part is that she probably wasn’t ready anyway) and that because of covid, most people’s incomes are affected so people are less likely to make impulse purchases (mostly in the US where I assume a majority of her packages go). I haven’t watched the video but since she said advent, I assume it’s something she’s gonna release around the end of the year which is saying something that she’s ACTUALLY planning for more than a month into the future
No. 997887
>>997774the only people i've seen succeed with an advent calendar are sticker planners. the ones i follow actually put in the work and if i remember right they had their stickers printed in like july or something and packaging was ready a couple months later. i don't believe baylee has the motivation or acumen to do this herself.
i'm just picturing all the stuff she'd need to do to make it - a new shopping trip on uline for opaque bags, futzing around w the cricut making the day 1-24 stickers, buying crap off aliexpress to fluff up other days.
i hope she tries this i want to see it go off the rails.
No. 997906
>>997036 >>997887
On one hand, I want to see Baylee go through with this for the sheer hilarity that would be her trying to coordinate a big project like making calendars and badly it could possibly go.
But I also don't want to see it happen because it's just another thing for a her brainless fans to eat up despite her having very little artistic talent to design and produce something like a calender
No. 998467
>>997887It would only be a 12 day advent calendar.
Such a project should have been thought about earlier, so she would have had time to design some nice products for it and enough time to think about the presentation and assembling of the calendar.
This just seems like a sudden idea she had, now she's gonna rush through designing the products, while still preparing for the next store launch (which she could've been already prepared for if she could just get her butt up).
Knowing her she then will really have to rush to get all the calendars and such going for an October store launch, which will probably be late too because Baylee.
No. 998786
>>998755she's said recently that she's already having trouble coming up with new pin designs, i can't imagine what lazy nonsense she's going to come up with now that she needs 12 at once.
also an advent calendar is 24 days. the 12 days of christmas is different to advent.
No. 999090
>>998786She probably doesn't want to do 24 days because that would mean designing even more products and would also make the calendar more expensive. So instead she pulls a Zoella and only makes 12 days.
>>998999She does has those BunBuns but I guess she doesn't really know what else to do with them. Didn't she plan to make a bunch of thicc animals like the thicc dino one?
I must say though I'm not surprised that she is running out of ideas. Wouldn't surprise me if she gets tired of the store all together.
No. 999117
>>999090yeah the bunnies thing is the most obvious thing she could do, like give them themes or something but like I only think she has like three holidays and then gave up. Compared to a person who does this for a living like katnipp, who does many subjects that aren’t related but she then turns into multiple things, like characters can appear on stationary and pins and wallpapers and does iterations on her mascots, like holidays and seasons, it’s like baylee isn’t even trying anymore.
I don’t keep up with her anymore cuz there is no one area to get her content anymore and her blogs just turned into a waste of my time, but it just seems like a baylee thing to do to start a series and then never ever follow up on it
No. 999183
>>999117She really is terrible for coming up with an idea, doing one or two things with it and then gets bored with it.
And honestly you cannot even compare her to Katnipp, because not only does she actually have a work ethic (not to mention very aesthetically pleasing vlogs), Katnipp now runs two different stores and still manages to design and produce items for both. Baylee is a joke compared to Katnipp
No. 999289
>>999253Her hypochrisy in the video really irks me on a new level.
So she makes a big deal about how she's going to stop using uline and Sticker-mule because their ceo's or whatever are Republican and they "want to get tax cuts". Okay, cool. You'd think the next sentence would be about how she wants to be more ethical with where she gets her cheap junk made and look into smaller local businesses who pay the workers properly, pay all their taxes, source materials economically even though it'll cost them more etc etc.
But no, SHE WANTS TO GO EVEN CHEAPER! She says she's looking into having her stickers made in a "big cheap sticker factory" like her dirt cheap enamel pins, and same with packaging material.
BITCH you enamel pins are so cheap because you have them made in a china in a "big cheap factory" where there is NO employer safety, slave salaries and literal forced labor from Uighur muslims! Not to even mention probably little to no taxes payed anywhere and ZERO environmetal protection, the
toxic waste from your trinket is probably piped straight out into the local river!
And now she's going to do the same for her other products too. But don't worry, she's totally for worker's rights because she won't buy from republicans.
Sorry for rant, but her self-congratulatory air-headedess angers me. Just raise your prices with like 1-2 bucks a piece and source your items (even slightly) ethically and and ecologically FFS!
No. 999306
>>999253Is she ever considering that Christian doesn't want to move down? Maybe he likes being upstairs, it's his house too.
>>999273That she doesn't even care about it at all and just let's Kiki do it.
No. 1000217
>>999289This is unfortunately what happens all the times in the enamel pin world and really the only way around it I’ve found is to use a middleman who actually visited and has photo proof of their factory (rare but there are some), get the factory to either send u photos or let them tour it yourself (even more rare), or get them done in a factory in your country (the most rare plus most people don’t want to go with factories based in the US or Canada cuz they actually have to pay their workers more than overseas). People ignore the human toll when it happens to people overseas.
But yeah like she’s too lazy or too afraid to even talk to people to do something locally, like the whole thing with vistaprint. She did this elaborate making fake accounts and going through hoops when a “hacker” used her account when it could have easily been solved with looking for a local printer and getting shit done locally. She lives in Vancouver, there’s plenty of places to go to, she doesn’t live in bumfuck nowhere. Same with stickers.
Having a built in audience too imo hampers her so much cuz I also do think she prices herself too low constantly, like when she used to do AA’s and sold her buttons for less than a dollar. She doesn’t value her OWN time on top of like the resources she consumes cuz her stans will buy literally anything but she also devalues her own work so she sells it for peanuts
No. 1000930
>>1000379Unfortunately there isn’t much in terms of getting custom made pins at low prices other than China. And baylee isn’t gonna be at the forefront at a fair labor market, she hardly even factors fair pricing for paying herself or roping people to do shit like making those boxes for her. And the reality is her fans and the people buying her pins won’t care, so it’s a positive she’s actually learning not to support certain companies she has choices in.
>>1000287I think she’s just very white privileged, she isn’t actively a bigot even tho she’s done some shady things with that doll and laughing at racist jokes her dad sent her about jagmeet singh. She’s just very white and ignorant, plus she really doesn’t have any non white friends, but at least she’s showing she’s learning through current movements instead of remaining ignorant.
No. 1001184
>>1000930do you remember what vlog that was in?
also lbr she doesn't have friends period.
No. 1001257
>>1001009>>1001184So it was around the Canadian elections and around Brooklyn’s wedding cuz never really talked about her dad until then. The joke I think she mentioned her dad put it on fb but it was referring to an infamous photo of Justin Trudeau, the Canadian PM, in blackface at a college party being Jagmeet Singh. So it’s not like bigoted, it’s more just ignorant on how harmful comparing a dark skinned Indian man is to a white man in blackface. We don’t know much about her dad anyway other than he’s white so we don’t know what political party he leans to tho.
So I am American but I do know a little about Canadian politics just through Canadian friends and it’s not that complicated as making fun of political viewpoints. Canada has a very racist history especially concerning the treatment of its indigenous population, and its government is mostly white as well even tho areas like Toronto and Vancouver are fairly mixed in population, and so also their police force, the RCMP, has the same systemic racism problems that the US police have which spurred the recent BLM protests. Recently, jagmeet Singh, who is the leader of the left leaning NDP party, was kicked out of parliament for calling out the racism in the leader of another party, Bloc Québécois. Contrasted a couple years ago where Trudeau I think called another politician an asshole or something but was NOT kicked out of parliament, jagmeet has met opposition because he is of Indian descent during the election and this is more of a note of the systemic racism that is in Canadian politics.
No. 1001264
>>1001257Thanks anon.
Didn‘t know about the blackface thing. How disgusting. And I was also totally off about their politics and see why I didn‘t understand at first.
No. 1001543
>>1001537Wowwee. I didn't think she'd manage to make the vlogs more interesting or polished after she moved them to the main channel, but I also didn't think she'd just stop trying completely and make them somehow more boring. Random clips of her doing a diamond painting from her boring streams? This can't be what her audience wants?
*Just looked at her views and lol her vlogs are getting the same amount of views on her main channel as they were on her vlog channel, despite having five times the subscribers. We all know the reason she moved them to the main channel was that she hoped they'd get way more views over there without having to do any of the work.
No. 1001548
>>1001540Can confirm from a non-art field but similar, that is the shrew capitalist way to manufacture, and the more business-savvy artists do it too: if you find a good manufacturer keep it a secret. That way the manufacturer doesn't get many orders and has to a) keep their prices low due to lack of demand b) keep doing way higher quality/spend more time and effort than their cheap price warrants on your orders because they're terrified of losing one of their few customers.
It's the greedy, ultra-capitalist, consumerist way to treat good manufacturers. Which is what Bayley is, a greedy consumerist.
No. 1001564
>>1001550No no, you don't understand! When SHE got the recommendation from other artists on fb that was her doing rigorous independent research all on her own. But other artists looking for recommendations are just trying to steal her super secret connections!
That's how the self-centered mind works
No. 1001570
>>1001566lmao it's bocce* but like… it's not exactly a clean sport. you're all sharing the same balls that are rolling around on the ground.
canadians are getting too lax w covid. we flattened the curve and now it's like ok time to go out and party! restaurant patios are packed to the brim. nothing bad ever happens to her tho so she'll be fine.
No. 1001614
>>1001564>>1001548Confirming as a person who does do art stuff and enamel pins that this is entirely commonplace with people who go direct to manufacturer for enamel pins and it has been for ages cuz of capitalism. There’s also a weird stigma against using middlemen in the pin process, basically someone who goes to their manus for you and does things like card and grade the pins for a fee. But yeah there are groups on FB with thousands of members who also review manus and she’s no doubt in one of them so people just refer others to there and you can choose from their reviews. However I do not trust baylee as she’s gone with a manu who made her pay through friends and family aka no buyer protection.
>>1001570Mte, Canada opened three weeks before parts of the US did, I have friends who work retail that started back back in may and they also report back that most people don’t wear masks outside either. Like I feel Canada is getting lax because the numbers in the US have gone so high and there’s universal healthcare, but hospitals are filling up still and there is no vaccine. So it’s not super surprising she’s also being as ignorant as many other people
No. 1001624
>>1001543She seems to try to push out as many vlogs as possible. She should probably just decide on like one weekly vlog.
Not surprised her views aren't getting up. No idea why she thought just moving her vlogs over would get her more views or less work and now where she will make even less art people will be even less interested in the art channel.
No. 1001947
>>1001624She never would cut back to a weekly vlog, she is too lonely and thinks talking at a camera is what makes good content but she works on so little and thinks everything she does is interesting that she lacks a filter at all.
>>1001656Yeah I feel to have a proper studio vlog, even if you are just either a freelancer or work from home, you actually HAVE to WORK. Especially more than what baylee does. The popular studio vlogs like katnipp, minnie, Chey Barton and like apple cheeks are the styles I most associate with a studio vlog all run patreons, freelance and run their own shops that are open so they’re able to condense content into like weekly or bimonthly videos. Baylee does the opposite where she’s working on so little but wants to look busy so she just talks at the camera and stretches out random inane content, like her cats barfing, to produce more videos. Plus she’s ragged on the style of studio vlogs for a while, I think she’s too pigheaded to try more editing if it takes away from her gaming time
No. 1002085
>>1002066Oh, she's definitely jealous of the aesthetic studio vlogs. Remember about a year ago she actually made one of them for her main channel, with all the pastel lighting and cinematics she could muster. But it was of course one of her worst performing videos for that time and after that she started her "lmao I totally don't even like aesthetic studio vlogs"-thing.
The jealousy is very clear
No. 1002568
>>1002461His man-cave used to be in the basement. He had his computer and books down there and also hung his swords up. I believe he even has gotten a new couch a few months ago, he just hasn't moved down since the basement flooded.
My suspicion is that he enjoyed being upstairs in the evening since Baylee had her art room and warehouse up there too, so he might just felt closer to her there. He seems content staying up there, it's just Baylee that whines about that he should move down so she doesn't has to carry up the boxes for him to fold.
>>1002085No surprised it wasn't performing well, it was a badly done studio vlog. Sure better than her regular ones because it had much less rambling in it, but it wasn't at all as well put together as other ones. She tried the minimum effort and it didn't work.
No. 1002811
>>1002805Yeah like I think she can design some cute stuff, but that pin really isn't cute.
The luck this woman had building a following despite her low skills.
No. 1002815
>>1002754Honestly she should try to keep her location a bit more secret.
Last time she talked about her brows (which is a long time ago) she said she wants them to fade away quite a bit before getting them redone, since she does wants a different shape for them. I more hope that she finally fixes her awful hair.
No. 1002979
>>1002804Oh my god. She spends so much money, I can’t see why she can’t just look after her appearance. Fucking trainwreck.
>>1002804I couldn’t believe it when I first saw her new brows. I hadn’t seen any vlogs in a long while and then I decided to see what she was up to. In one of the thumbnails when she had just got them done, I literally thought it was a clown. I had to to a triple take, holy shit.
No. 1003085
>>1002815For all the talk she doesn't want to be doxed and all the performative bullshit she did when taking shots of her 1mil play button or paintings, she left all the clues where she lives in first 3 vlogs from her new house.
She described everything around her when she whined about parking spot, she showed all the buildings surrounding her lot while doing garden work/ through kitchen windows, she complained about construction works, she left to get coffee/go to Disney store before Sunday Adobe stream with 15 minutes to spare.
It takes 5 minutes of virtual walk to figure out her place. And it amazed me, because she does live in a place she has access to every single thing from hairdressers to wig shops, to good clothing and everything else. She refuses to cross the street and deal with it and insteads orders from My Friends on Aliexpress.
I'm of mind that everybody should try and dox somebody on the Internet, just to understand how many context clues we leave accidentally in our wake. (Baylee was my doxing project, simply because she said 'I don't want to be doxxed,' challenge accepted, Bayls.)
No. 1003101
>>1003085If her fans wouldn't be stupid they would have long figured it out. Pretty sure several people on here know her address already, especially since it was talked about in the last thread.
It sums her up pretty well though. She thinks she does a good job with something, while in reality she doesn't.
No. 1003528
>>1003429Yeah me too. She won't really do anything until something happens. She's just so careless with shit like that.
>>1003505I don't get how she can spent hundreds of dollars on dolls but not buy one nice wig for herself. That way she could have nice pink hair but still give her actual hair a rest and let it grow out.
No. 1003598
>>1003572It's not about dyeing it pink, even done at the salon pink would wash out, because it's a surface dye, not penetrating, it's about bleaching from dark brown to light blonde. It's truly a skill to not fry hair and Baylee doesn't have that skill. She could easily use pink and color correct by herself, if she let a pro bleach her hair properly. Right now she has 3 choices: let virgin hair grow out and go to a pro to bleach it, buy and wear a wig while growing hair out or go bald.
She clearly chose going bald as an appropriate soution.
No. 1003862
>>1003572So her natural hair is like a brown and to get any kind of colored hair, you have to bleach it to pretty much the lightest it can get, level 10 which is still a little yellow, then tone out the yellow and then use the colored dye depending on the color, which everyone else is right about, it’s not really semi-permanent but bleached hair is porous so it can stay in the hair longer depending on how often it is washed and how you care for it. However, bleaching and doing it often can make hair very brittle and salon professionals can mitigate the damage by adjusting bleach levels or suggesting to a client other dyeing techniques/treatments if the hair is too damaged or just cut the damaged parts out. I think Baylee THINKS she’s saving money by doing her own hair at home, a full colored head of hair can be a couple hundred depending on the salon and if like you have to go from a very dark hair to very light vs like if u only have to do roots, but really she’s done irreparable damage to her hair AND her hair is very thin naturally so yeah she really has no choice if she wants her hair back healthy other than shaving it all off and getting a wig.
She also uses clip in extensions too which is why her natural hair looks terrible without them in- they clip into the hair or at the base of the hair vs other kinds of extensions which either are taped in or woven into the hair but because her hair is brittle, it makes it break even more. I think at this point she’s too embarrassed to address her hair since she’s bleached it until it’s dead and she also gets sebaceous cysts on her scalp (they’re like giant pimples caused by inflamed hair follicles, she’s had them surgically removed before) but she’s caught up in being this “image” of a quirky pink haired fun girl that she either doesn’t realize or like thinks it’s what she HAS to do to remain relevant to her audience that like now she’ll have no more natural hair in like 2-3 more years
No. 1003900
>>1003862Thanks for the info about all the hair dye stuff! Baylee is definitely doing it wrong, then.
Also, thanks for the reminder about the disgusting head lumps. Ugh.
No. 1003901
>>1003864I doubt at this stage she's gonna have kids. She hasn't even spoken about them for a long, long time. She's too self absorbed, to properly care for her cats, let alone kids. Those kids probably wouldn't have a great diet either, Baylee, Christian and one of the cats just look terrible.
Does anyone know if she's been around kids at all? Do any friends of theirs have any?
I know some people won't buy the dolls because she's unboxed some of them, but, I just got to thinking - would stans ever buy them from her because it's from Baylee? Did she get rid of any of that stuff from her unboxing channel, or is it just sitting in one of the 100 rooms she has in her house, collecting dust?
No. 1004167
>>1003975I think she lowkey understands she can't keep bleaching her hair, but she doesn't have any patience with her hair. "Can I already get a balayage? Look, there's like an inch of regrowth!"
But she definitely looks more put together with a more vibrant pink. Not good, but better than that almost-white pastel. But that doesn't have to do that she looks better (again: not talking about good) with darker hair, or that it's just the loads of conditioning the freshly colored hair got…
No. 1004651
File: 1594291769480.jpeg (475.72 KB, 1018x691, 6A3A1892-DA5B-4560-A3CE-F76B97…)

>>1003975nitpick but she’s really going for the raw chicken look isn’t she?
No. 1004676
>>1003975All these expensive Posca Pens and she only used them for like one picture and I guess for signing prints.
>>1004651Uff she looks awful. She's never been the most fashionable but she used to at least put effort into it. That shade of pink of the Pusheen dress doesn't suit her at all, actually the entire dress doesn't suit her one bit. It's sad to see how much she let herself go.
No. 1004800
>>1004602Nah, I don't. I wasn't talking about those collector's Anna and Elsa but about those children dolls she bought when she still lived in her old apartment. My point was to show how careless she is and that she can't be fucked to sell stuff that would give her good money. So if she can't be fucked to even sell her bicycle or toys, how do you expect her to sell her collector's dolls. She will not do that. As soon as she looses interest in something, she "throws" that stuff away. Money means nothing to her.
You'd be better off training your reading comprehension, anon.
No. 1004863
File: 1594328837093.jpeg (539.29 KB, 828x985, AFACA538-D4AA-46AE-9CB9-314EB2…)

She must be hurting for views, why would she promote that unboxing channel otherwise
No. 1004882
>>1004870I don’t think her views faired any better than normal with moving the vlogs to her main? I’d imagine they and her sub count would plummet, especially with people only wanting to see art videos?
But who knows.. we all know she buys subs, but can you buy views? Doesn’t YouTube delete or at least strike accounts for stuff like that?
No. 1004928
>>1004882i guess it depends on what kind of views / subs she's buying. there's a way to get ones that look real.
to the person above who's interested in seeing her bald… yuck. her head is covered in cysts that she doesn't want to remove because they're not covered by insurance.
No. 1004955
>>1004676Sometimes I think BJ just buys art supplies that she finds to be cute and aesthetically pleasing with no real intention of using them.
I wish just once Baylee would just create something that blows my mind.
No. 1005074
>>1004863>>1004882She was probably hoping that moving the vlogs would mean that at least one of her channels would get some wind in the sails so to say. Both her art and her vlog channel have been stagnant and since she can't be arsed to do art anymore, she was probably hoping that moving the vlogs would give her a jump up in subs and views.
She is stupid for not realizing that the people who are subbed to her art channel want to see her do art, not listen to her ramble to a camera doing nothing all day.
No. 1005174
>>1005166lol at her saying there was drama on Doodle Domain. It was people, with children, giving her critique because she had no real idea what she was doing.
>>1005167I was thinking what an odd thing to say, then I saw her in the vlog.
No. 1005201
>>1005187not really. You're prone to miscounting whenever you're doing something else on the side. Filling the drawers with a fixed amount of pins would be an option, but you'd always have to note if the number differs.
Weighing afterwards is much more time efficient, and she isn't even selling the exakt amount, so a little weighing error doesn't even matter.
Took her long enough to stop counting and think of the weighing-approach.
No. 1005206
>>1005166Why doesn’t she use an excel sheet? I can understand enjoying things being hand-written, but at least use a pencil then for changes?
I swear she wastes so much time being unproductive because she isn’t smart about her process.
It would be excusable if she were new to this, but she’s been running the store for over a year now.
No. 1005345
>>1005206she mentions this in the vlog actually. she says 'she doesn't have an answer' for why she does it like this.
also i feel like whatever she uses (shopify?) can do this for her automatically. most systems will let you plug in a buffer. all she really has to do is the weighing and plugging in the total amount, the system will do the rest.
No. 1005530
>>1005345I know what the answer is to that:
She doesn't care about being efficient. She just wants to do things the way she wants to do them and efficiency is the last thing on her mind.
She knows how many pins she bought. She grades the pins, she packages them. It's a very simple, small step to count the pins while you're doing that. All this weighing and calculating is just another extra step she wants to do that she doesn't need to do.
No. 1006231
People keep saying she is buying views/subs. But I personally really dont think she is, I dont think she cares that much, if she cared about subs I think she would be doing a lot more to gain them, and she really doesnt put any care or effort into her channel, so it wouldnt make sense for her to bother with buying subs.
Subs really don't even get you anything, aside from maybe being a good selling point to brands to get brand deals, but she seems to be too lazy to do brand deals anymore either so I doubt she cares about subs enough to buy them.
Over all she is just lazy and trying to find ways to do the least possible. I think there are people who do genuinely like her work/art, I never really did, not my taste but w/e, but I USED TO enjoy just seeing the life of another artist and see their day and how to manage it all. But she doesn't really do that anymore, she just plays video games and packages things, it was interesting when it was new but now its boring and repetitive. So I cant understand why people ENJOY her vlogs anymore, and the people who did like her for her art….she doesnt do it anymore really….so what does she have going for her? i dont understand why people still overly support her. She is both inconsistent and boring, she is constantly trying "new" things that are just usually half-assed and barely changes, expect they usually are just her doing less work. The only time she puts in a lot of effort and work is when it's for things that she just makes simple tasks unnecessarily complicated/detailed (for instance she puts in more work to her packaging than her actual products)
No. 1006742
>>1006346Yup, like her engagement numbers are super low and her view count per video is weirdly inconsistent, like some videos will have over 100k but most barely even reach five digits but she has over a million subs? Compared to other art youtubers, it’s very fishy because of that. She should be seeing a drop because she’s not consistent nor is she putting out a quality of video like she used to, but it just remains suspiciously high. If YT were to get rid of fake or dead accounts, she’d probably lose a third to a half of her subs.
I think her twitch is more realistic to her actual number of fans really? she has about 75k subscribers there but idk how many watch her streams, probably only a handful.
No. 1007251
>>1007036Oh yes, the noise is why you don't go outside Bayls. Totally
>>1007131Yup basically. Stream footage and cat content
No. 1007451
>>1007036I thought she was happy that she didn't have to do skillshare videos any more…
Its maybe 5-6 vlogs since the last skillshare video?
No. 1007555
>>1007036When you just can't be bothered anymore with anything.
I can understand her losing interesting in art (she didn't really do much to keep her passion alive) but doesn't she have any pride and respect for herself and her customers/viewers? Like this is how she chooses to present herself and her art/store. If this would be her first year of vlogging and owning a store I would understand it, but this has been her job for years now. Everyone else usually gets better quality but Baylee just went downhill.
No. 1008829
>>1008770This is why I like watching smaller youtube artists these days. Because they're still working towards that dream, they still have the drive and motivation that Baylee used to have.
A lot of the bigger ones just whine about how the YouTube game is hard or how you have to do crazy shit to get views these days. Which is so frustrating because they are the ones who did that in the first place?
Anyway, it feels like the smaller youtubers just focus on their art and their stores or working towards opening a store, vs getting all the views and being popular.
I feel like Katnipp ( lol sorry I know she gets brought up a lot, but she just does it right ) is one of the few good examples of bigger youtubers who still have the motivation and are willing to put in the work. ( although I also think she's a workaholic so prob not healthy either haha )
No. 1008895
>>1008770I think Baylee lucked out too early. She got a job at an animation studio pretty much straight away when she graduated, she worked for like 2 years (?) and then quit to be self-employed. She only needed Patreon for a few months and also closed her original store about a year later.
Katnipp on the other hand has her store, her channel and a patreon to maintain. Plus that she has three people hired. She also just has a different work ethic, she sees it all has her brand/business so she treats it professionally. Baylee never really made that switch in the same way, for her it's a hobby that makes her money.
It's sad though how all her passion and ambition seem to have gone and quite frankly, she also seems a lot less happy.
No. 1009183
>>1008829I wouldn’t call Katnipp a workaholic but more that she’s super cognizant of how to run her business(es, she reopened her other Etsy when her fiancé was laid off) and make sure she and her employees get paid even though they’re her family. U can see how baylee tries to copy her and other youtubers with successful businesses by like all the faffing about with packaging and planning even though it really doesn’t seem like she’s using any planner whatsoever.
It’s also weird to call katnipp a “big” youtuber since she barely has over 100k subs yet her videos get the same amount of views baylees does. Like that’s why I’m confused as to how baylee sustains 1million. but Catherine is way more savvy with interacting with her audience and monetizing it, her patreon is mildly successful and she’s good at engagement at all platforms. Whereas with Baylee I’ve always seen it as one-way especially with her streaming, like at least to someone that’s not a fan nor a fan of “uwu I’m so quirky” streamers, I don’t know what’s appealing about her and it feels like all of her fans are in a shared delusion.
Like they’re similar in ways where it feels like baylee is ripping off someone more successful but also their content is so opposite, like baylee won’t stop talking and she always has to tell EVERYONE EVERY aspect of her life and like how much she poops. But Catherine condenses everything into very tailored videos cuz she’s ACTUALLY working
No. 1009219
>>1009196That's kinda it for me. I don't care if she is overweight or not, but it's the overall picture of her just letting herself go.
I've been watching her vlogs from day 1 and she really went down hill.
No. 1009272
>>1009219She really has. She used to put in an effort to dress nicely. I really do think the teal suited her a lot better. But her hair wasn’t as bad as it is now, she used to dye it the same, right? It didn’t look haggard before, it still looked alive.
I really do wonder what her life would have been like if she stuck with the animation studio. Surprisingly, Kagagi was on the indigenous channel on tv a few months ago. Wasn’t the best animation, but was okay for a kid’s show. Wonder if she ever could have made it as far as say, getting into Disney? Probably not, but I do wonder. Her resume now, even though she has been self employed all these years, probably wouldn’t be that great..
No. 1009715
>>1009671In the super early vlogs, I remember when she went to parties at work and stuff, she wouldn't actually be around people, but be alone in someone's random bedroom or something, filming herself vlogging. Or, she would come home early and vlog. Seems like she doesn't really know how to handle being around people. Bit stunted, there.
Does anyone recall, she said something in an early vlog, that she thinks of herself as a cat? She mentioned it, but then was really shy about it and then stopped talking awkwardly?
No. 1009864
>>1009357I don't understand how she can think that picture looks like summer, the colors just scream autumn. And the delusion, just admit you don't want to do art Baylee.
>>1009477So she still is set on the calendars? She hasn't even started designing anything for that yet, so that's gonna be a rush.
>>1009715I remember that. It was that grey one with bows, she had like a drawing of it and it also had a name. It was so weird.
No. 1010578
>>1010534I agree but yeah she’s not making good food choices either on top of just not being a cook. There were a couple things Brooklyn made that were refrigerator sides that are really quite easy to make, like salads and kimchi, that she easily could have taught her to make but baylee just has a palette of a toddler and goes high-sugar/salt.
>>1010536Baylee going on intermittent fasting with her terrible eating habits and choices just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, especially if she doesn’t do it correctly. Like gaining MORE weight instead of losing it. She really should see a doctor for guidance first, especially cuz she’s Canadian and CAN see one for free, but she probably was too lazy to like everything in her life.
>>1010453If you’ve ever seen her “creative” streams they’ve all just turned into her packing orders and she takes FOREVER to pack things cuz she’s always talking to the chat and taking an unnecessarily long time to do anything. And then when she isn’t streaming, she’s vlogging. So yeah, she’s super inefficient and for like someone who has obsessed with all the stupid boxes and stuff, she would be undoubtedly more faster if she used envelopes and didn’t faff about with the crinkles covered in cat hair AND tissue paper, but this probably is just part of the package for people who buy from her store really. Like seeing her pack their orders on stream. But it’s sad really cuz like, her spending so much time on shit instead of actually producing and running her store, she probably makes a lot less hourly than she thinks
No. 1011100
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Irrelevant but I think it's hilarious that she dresses the way a 5 year old does when you let them pick their own outfits.
No. 1011106
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>>1011100I came to say the exact same thing after seeing this one and to also ask if anyone else experienced a full body cringe when she started talking about feeling the wind in her flaps when she pees outside.
No. 1011315
>>1011206Her brand is like “uwu I’m so pastel and cute but haha isn’t poop funny? Haha I’m so awkward
farts” . She’s very immature and caters to the child poop joke crowd so like of course she would talk about her vagina on vlogs
No. 1011440
>>1011342Graphic tees where the design is half tucked in look stupid
Rae, Kasey and Chloe aren't good artists imo but they have a consistent upload schedule and you always know what to expect from them. Rae always posts art supplies comparisons, hacks, her copying refrences, Chloe posts also hacks and her copying disney art and Kasey draws random things in her fugly art style.
You never know what you're gonna get with Baylee. She discontinues her art series almost as fast as she starts them.
No. 1011454
>>1011315I think she just watched other art youtubers and copied them. She got this pastel thing from Katnipp and the quirkiness from Kasey.
This might just be interpreting too much into the whole thing, but I believe she was/is very aware that her channel hasn't been doing well for a while and tried to save it by copying others.
No. 1011496
>>1011471i think it's kinda both
i mean in her other vlog channel she talked about her shitting her pants.. she's still doing the vlogs, just moved to another channel
so why would she stop talking about that kinda stuff on this one lmao
i wonder if christian is just as much a child. you don't see him in twitch onesies, or anything like that
No. 1011599
>>1011453that makes sense. she got something like 1600 orders, most people bought multiple items, so I would estimate an AOV of $35 at least.
seeing this lazy asshole make more with one launch than some people make in a year is depressing though.
No. 1011636
I unsubed from her today, I was kind of holding on thinking MAYBE it would get better at some point, but at this point its really just boring. She does pretty much the same thing each vlog and its not interesting, and she doesnt seem to really have much ambition beyond you doing these store launches and products, which is fine. It clearly is making her money I guess. But its not what Im interested in,
she used to talk about all these bigger projects she wanted to do, like a coloring book, or an art book etc, and she droped it. Even her animation, I think she already is quitting it. She made graphics for her twitch, and I dont think she will do much more. She scrapped the SUPER easy idea she had.(no1curr)
No. 1011874
>>1011599yep, like she’s gonna pay at least a quarter of it in taxes but that’s why she’s just real lazy- she knows her audience will buy whatever the fuck she makes regardless so that means she can make money for now with repeating the same crap over and over. She doesn’t stretch herself or do anything out of her comfort zone and her audience is ok with that.
But added to that, similar to
>>1011636 said, like she’s just super boring in that she has no ambition to get any better or even like make something tasteful or like, tailor her brand to be more cohesive. Like it’s just sad Sheba’s decided just to repeat the same things but also just do gross poop jokes instead of like, trying anything new. It doesn’t seem like she’s happy with anything she’s doing, she’s just doing it cuz she doesn’t know how to make money or contribute in any other way than this and vlogging. Which she may be satisfied with but tbh she doesn’t look like she’s been truly happy for a while
No. 1013359
>>1012541-Quitting animation Job
-Getting cats
-moving in to the house
-getting married
I think all these factors fucked things up.
No. 1013680
>>1013611Couldn’t agree more.
The effort to maintain her house wouldn’t even take that long. It could easily fit in her stream schedule but Baylee’s always staying up/sleeping in. The way she does laundry also makes zero sense to me.
No. 1013718
>>1013611I think she actually has more belongings than a family of 4 or 5. So much of their clutter is Disney collectibles and random toys.
The part that really got me was when she showed her giant pile of Tsumtsums that she planned on donating but ended up keeping just so her toy shelf would be fuller.
No. 1013869
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Fucking hell. She literally has a bin and couldn’t even be bothered to chuck the scraps in there. Leaves them on the floor next to it..
No. 1014747
>>1013869I think she does it because
a) she’s lazy
b) she has to clean it up so it makes her look busy for vlogs
No. 1015053
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>>1014837i cant with her drawing. it looks like something from a 1$ coloring book
No. 1015132
>>1014837Just skipped through it, it was just awkward. Jake really carried the conversation, Baylee was basically just sitting there.
>>1015065While she is better with more simple designs, she should still practice her art and also widen her visual library. Her simple art is often wonky and learning a bit of color theory would really help her too. Not to mention that it's still boring most of the time. Like she's often missing that something that makes an illustration lively and nice to look at.
No. 1015706
>>1014837This is her new low. How did she even made this ‘collab’ happen? Paid him per hour?
This is her worst drawing yet
No. 1015843
>>1015706Sounds like he reached out to her. Probably trying to cast his net a bit wider. If you watch the whole video he obviously is not a long time follower. It sounded like he just knows her name as she is a well known artuber and he watched a couple of recent vids to get a bit of background on what she does but he didn't quite get it all right.
I'm surprised none of you mentioned the moment they were talking about their drawings and he asked her what she does to further her skills, whether she takes courses etc. He could have been trying to find a way to bring up the SVS website again but it felt more like a comment on her current skill level.
There was also the part when he went to say her drawing was "fine" and then stopped himself and changed the word to something more positive sounding.
No. 1015925
>>1015897It's less than a job. Even in a job you're supposed to have an eye on your competitors.
She just reverted back to art beeing an hobby and only does it once in a blue moon.
No. 1016411
>>1016058Honestly I’m wondering that too, like I’ve seen baylee get mentioned by some baby artists starting up for her artist alley vlogs but drastically less so ever since she’s stopped. I’ve seen joysan have her on as a video in a vlog before but I don’t watch her often and she really isn’t in the bigger general like “studio vlog” sphere. But yeah especially since the YTAC stuff kind of faded.
In the general art sphere, Parker is kind of a tool tbh cuz he’s trademarked Inktober and his lawyers were going around giving people DCMA’s for using it (plus his prompts suck imo). And he also was a tool for being kind of elitist during the whole “traditional vs digital” inktober debate. But also, he probably doesn’t buy his subs like baylee
No. 1017159
>>1016849Honestly feel kinda sorry for her. She clearly doesn't find fulfilment in what she does and on top of that she just seems very lonely. I don't think she really is close with any of their 'friends'.
I think she could use to leave the house more (which given, is a bit difficult in current times) and honestly, a small job outside the house do her good too. Be a reason to get up and ready and this way she might has some co-workers to talk to.
She seemed much more happy and focused when she still worked at the studio and left the house regularly.
No. 1017895
>>1017894So she's still set on having an advent calendar, but hasn't even fully decided what exactly is supposed to be in there, has no designs done only some rough sketches, no orders placed for the items or really prepared anything and still wants to launch it in October (she said so in an earlier vlog)?
She's gonna rush that whole thing, doing the bare minimum as always.
No. 1018355
>>1018343No surprise, Baylee's fans are also mostly just hobbyist that aren't that much into art as to know who Jake Parker is (I mean let's be real, he isn't really that known on the internet). Not to mention that the video was long and boring.
I think Baylee kinda hoped for more though.
>>1017894She's been talking about getting prints from somewhere in Canada for a while now and still hasn't checked out any alternatives… girl just can't put any effort into things.
No. 1018421
>>1018343Not surprising. Jake's only claim to fame is that he came up with inktober and makes money from licensing that IP. His art is extremely boring and mediocre, so nobody follows him for that.
Kind of like baylee in that sense, maybe he wanted to be on her channel because shes one of the few popular 'artists' with even more mediocre art than his
No. 1018627
>>1018622Chchchch sksksks
tongue outThat's this pink blobs laughter.
I couldn't watch the whole Jake Parker video, she's so fucking embarrassing to listen to when she actually has to talk to another human being and can't just ramble into her camera or say shit to her audience who eats her shit up at any chance they get.
"OMG your hair looks so pretty". This is a true degenerate club of losers that have lost it.
Don't want to give her any clicks but also watching her stuff because it's a Trainwreck.
No. 1019045
>>1019041I doubt Baylee even thinks about it or is embarrassed by things. Remember at the Christmas party that was held by Christian's workplace and she showed her chin-pic to his co-workers?
She knows no shame these days.
No. 1020307
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>>1019782Christian and his friends are stoners and she said it doesn't bother her that he smokes it around the house. So yes, I think you could be right.
No. 1022324
>>1015053Just tried to watch this and wtf she can't even hold up a simple conversation! Mhm yah…….
I don't even like this guy but he at least tried so hard to keep the video going with some talking but he's the one who's engaging and asking questions, like how lazy or socially challenged can you be to have your guest almost act as the host? She also admitted that she can just shit out her ugly stuff and people will eat it up because "when I like the person I want to watch and buy everything off of them, regardless of what it is". Great mentality, I kind of understand what she means but it still shows her awareness of how she doesn't need to put much effort into what she does because she has her fan base.
No. 1022933
>>1022864Just shows how she has fallen out of love with art.
>>1022887It's such a contrast between her and her family. Her mom's house always seems clean and there are like proper meals. I really wonder what her mom truly thinks when watching the vlogs.
No. 1024870
>>1024496A simple brushing would do good. If a little more worried even after that, pet stores sell safe waterless bath shampoo for cats. Its essentially foam. Cats arent the biggest fans of it but its less stressfull than a bath for something kind of minor.
>>1024450Of course she would buy a brand new book for a project/drawing she is gonna do once. Pintrest has all those damn costumes on the site already. I only nitpick this because its par for the course for wastefull ass Baylee. Has Baylee ever done sculpture? You know that youtube channel where that asian dude sculpts pokemon? Im shocked she hasnt tried copying that. Knowing baylee it'll be her ugly chibby animals. But seriously im surprised there isnt a video where she has shelled out big money for a bunch of sculpting stuff yet. She'd make a video of her unboxing all the crap, making one or two sculptures and being overly ambitious to sculpt something not in her skill level and then just never touch it again.
-So far she has tried the 3d pen.
-The ink set she bought for 75 bucks or so.
-the pastels she bought little countainers for and now they sit collecting dust.
Sure she can try what she wants but its crazy watching someone be so flaky and scattered brain in almost every aspect of her life. Girl needs a therapist.
What else has she tried only once?
No. 1025044
>>1024450"I could've probably bought this on wish for half the price"
This may just be me, but I hate it when I see artists supporting Wish. After the backlash she received for the sponsored video you'd think she'd learned her lesson… But I guess she thinks the only reason she got backlash was because of her having to say "this video is sponsored by wish 200" times.
She really just doesn't give a shit, does she?
No. 1025115
>>1024870Not a cat owner, but shouldn't she try to at least brush Kiki regularly anyways, since she has troubles passing hairballs?
Also I think she had this book for a while. In 2016/2017 she got a bunch of books like that to use for reference. There's a video about it too. Not that it makes it less wasteful since she has not really used any of the books.
I think she should just have ordered a company to do the picture, since it's a present for her brother. Her painting skills are just not good, and those are some detailed dresses.
She has done some sculpting, like she had an Animal Crossing one and something from Zelda. I think sculpting is just too much work for her when she does do it.
No. 1025300
>>1025115If Kiki has that problem, yeah regular brushing is needed. I mean I haven't been caught up with baylee in awhile and would skim her vlogs but even that said, I should have figured she never brushes her cats enough they would cough up hairballs. If Kiki was normally groomed, a simple brushing after pulling off the cobweb would be fine.
She really should have hired someone else to do it! I get her family knows she does art (so they figure they are gonna get an art piece from her) but getting her art must be like getting gifted art by some random 12 year old. I sounded nitpicky about the book cause it's just another item that's there for show, a prop if you will. "Look at me! I do MY research on these things! YES I AM AN ARTIST! YES I had to buy these books for this! did I mention how much I spent???" It was discussed earlier in the thread that she loves to show off shit and how much money she spent.
I must have missed her sculpting phase lol easy to miss when she tries something new every week and then gives up. Even polymer clay sculpting is easy enough but of course she did it a few times and gave up because it's 'too hard' what isn't hard for her? She could sculpt an animal crossing character a day, that cat raymond will get her those sweet views.
Looking at her social blade, she had to of bought about 10K followers in november 2019 and April 2020. I know social blade can be iffy but she goes months without many followers gained, then she just gets 10K? Her views even suck during quarantine. I guess she still makes decent money off youtube, somehow.Since her gravy train will never end she will always be stuck in this shitty cycle she has put herself in. She she has money but she is gonna have a miserable life, because no amount of money is making this pale ass pig happy.
No. 1025327
>>1025300Well she used to mention it here and there that Kiki has problems passing hairballs, I think she even had to go to the vet once for it. She switched the cats food to something that would make it easier for Kiki (I'm sorry, I don't live in Canada and don't own a cat, so I have no idea what it would be called). But even before switching the food, she never really brushed the cats.
Yeah, the sculpting has also been quite a while back. The Animal Crossing one was like a little scene with a camper, a villager and a tree and she did plan to make more but it being Baylee she never did.
I've said so before, I highly doubt she finds fulfillment in what she does and to me, she seems lonely and unhappy. Might be why her spending/buying has increased like that, it gives her small moments of happiness.
I believe something outside the house would do her good, maybe a small job or maybe some kind of class. She lives in Vancouver so I'm sure there's plenty to find. That might also gives her the chance to connect with some people, find some friends and actually develop her social skills.