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No. 927721
This thread is a continuation of
>>>/snow/912942 Highlights of the past 2 threads:
>Massive amounts of infighting between the anti-os, much of the infighting was about Lainey’s pronouns.>Toasty and Bean posting on lolcow. Bean released screenshots from their private discord which caused them to nuke the discord. Kittensaurus quit the anti O community.>Shiloh and Madison DeCambra got into a twitter slap fight. Madison has since deleted twitter and has been threatening suicide and posting nudes while screeching about how she wants nothing to do with Onision. This made Shiloh want to jump off the victim train and tell twitter that she was retiring her @patient47245143 handle. She is still retweeting Chris Hansen and hanging out with him.>Sarah came out and told us that her laptop was never sent to the FBI. Text messages surfaced saying that Vincent was planning to copy the contents of the laptop and rebuild it before sending it in. The laptop was sent back to Sarah and is now (as far as we know) still with Sarah.>Vincent was fired after Chris Hansen became unable to make excuses for his autism. The Hansen mod team came out with a statement condemning him. Vincent didn’t take this well and is still trying to tell anyone who will listen that Hansen is a scumbag who didn’t pay him and hired anonymous gene to dox Onision.>Anonymous Gene is a boomer sperg who likes to flaunt his usage of social engineering and google doxxing. Appears to have some sort of relationship with Chris Hansen although Chris Hansen denies this. Comes here at least once a week to whine about getting banned that one time.>Chris has a new facebook moderator who takes her new job very seriously.>Stevie is still around reminding everyone that he is still around. Constantly inserts himself into every single drama and brags about the 35k subscribers (that totally care about his non onision related content) he has gained over 10 years of making anti onision videos. No. 928104
>>928101I guess she saw the people who still claim Lainey was 15 and was either too stupid to realize what preteen means or wanted to push it a little farther because Greg doesn't look bad enough if you just look at what he actually does.
Also I noticed TRO mentioned the Lainey is 15 thing again. Why is it so hard for people to believe that Greg can't add and would rather push a debunked conspiracy theory? We have Lainey's ex who has come out and told everyone they dated when she was 15. We have a solid timeline of the events that lead up to her getting with Greg at 17. Rewriting history just makes Onision look like he has something resembling credibility when he calls this a witch hunt.
No. 928109
>>928104I've seen a trend where twitterfags push their own fanfic and pass it off as onion lore.
>lainey was 15 when onion groomed her>sarah was living with the onions since she was 14>lainey and onion were Sarah's guardians This one was a lie lainey told years ago and it's been debunked since lol
>Billie left Greg He broke up with her and got mad she didn't go back to him. Social repose spilled mad milk on this.
>Shiloh's filmed seizures were real"I wanna make a rainbow"
>laneclone is a victim because Greg was meanIt was Sarah who harassed clone and called her off multiple numbers.
>alicia doesn't hate Shiloh Newfags who don't know she got caught posting here, next.
No. 928140
>>928109Finally, someone who has been around long enough to know what actually happened.
>>928101Because her intelligence is on the same level as Gregma's. Very low.
>>928104People refuse to believe that the guy who thought girls pee out of their vulva doesn't know how to count.
No. 928202
>lainey and onion were Sarah's guardians technically yes and no. sarah and onion both confirmed her mom signed off on giving them permission for medical care if needed.
and she lived with them for a bit so for all intents and purposes they were her guardians.
but when people toss around the term "foster daughter" that's just flat out incorrect and there's no need to embellish when the situation is gross enough without it.
No. 928307
>>928202POA given to them
by Sarah's mother isn't guardianship. She lived with them because her mom allowed her to.
No. 928373
>>928109>Billie left Greg Yeah, and he kept sending obsessive, desperate txt messages to her begging for her to come back. She uploaded the txts to her twitter. They broke up because Billie refused to publicly humiliate herself for his entertainment. He might have broken up with her but it's not like she didn't reject him too, neither was she sending desperate txts to him to try and work things out after the fact.
>Shiloh's filmed seizures were realI haven't seen her medical records, have you? She said she still deals with a seizure disorder. Is she lying? I don't know.
No. 928375
>>928202>when people toss around the term "foster daughter" that's just flat out incorrect They only use that term because Greg did
>>926612>>928242Greg referred to Sarah as his foster daughter until the day he fucked her, then he called her just a "friend", "platonic", so did Lainey. Her not legally being their foster kid (they never signed papers to be her foster parents) isn't the point. Talk about nuance.
No. 928387
>>928373I never denied onion is obsessed, anon.
>>928375Nobody here contests that Greg hasn't referred to Sarah as his foster daughter. Saying that they were her legal guardians is simply not true though.This is a guy who automatically bullied Sarah because he didn't want people to think he liked her. He never treated Sarah like an actual father, even if he abused the power imbalance. Honestly I could say that maybe lainey was a genuine mother figure and friend to Sarah so that actually grosses me out more and we know there are nudes.
No. 928408
>>928390Isn't the only reason this ass tick is a topic of discussion right now because he worked for Chris Hansen? That dreg was pulling this
exact same shit with Hansen's blessing for nearly half a year before Hansen booted him, which he only did when it was convenient for him(funny how some people seem to have forgotten that). If Hansen had done his due diligence/background checks like your average responsible adult running a business, I'd like to think no one would be talking about this bottom feeder.
With Hansen's questionable hiring practices and obviously stellar judgement when it comes to who he associates with (looking at dickless creep Mike Morse
>>921194), my question is, how many more Vince Nicotra's has Hansen brought into his orbit? Because if there's more, then this shit is just the beginning.
No. 928417
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Shiloh's going back on tomorrow.
Good thing no one's milking this for views! Maybe Sarah will follow Shiloh's and Regina's example and gullibly hand her devices back over to Hansen so he can hold on to it for another year while telling everyone it's with the FBI/LE that he's in daily contact with.
No. 928422
>>928417At this point it's not about deplatforming Greg, but redeeming Mike Morse's image and taking a big steaming Canadian shit on his
No. 928456
>>928417Oh yeah lets have fucking Shiloh on again. I swear to God if they let Rag Reynolds or Regina on again I'm just not watching anymore.
Why even have people on more than once? Its not like anything changed, or that they have anything new to say. Like the second time Regina came on he was asking the exact same question and literally nothing changed, there was nothing new to add.
That being said, I loved that Greg called Regina ugly a bunch of times in his shit videos. That is also the reason I suspect Lainey groomed
victims for Greg, to make sure they where even uglier than her and he wouldn't try to bolt with them like he wanted to with Billie.
I wonder why he let Billie go, he's obviously still smitten with her. I suspect the weed thing is a cop-out and that Lainey had something hanging over his head, possibly Sarah. Like "well if you leave me then I'ma tell the world you fingered Sarah with a Harry Potter stick."
No. 928470
>>928459Well look at how she was dressed the last time, weird make up on, piercings everywhere, her tits rolling out her dress. She looked like a hobbit in disarray.
Greg fucked her up.
No. 928523
>>928520>or dig up JSBSNow that I would totally watch, lol. I miss that screamy cow.
>>928417Disappointed it's Shiloh again. Perhaps she can elaborate on her "2 investigations".
No. 928528
>>928523my theory is vince told her about these "investigations". I'm pretty sure he just assumed that EVERYTHING was total bullshit and since he was lying to everyone he might as well throw in a few investigations for her. I guess she was too stupid to ask what the investigations were even for. The sex trafficking shit that Stevie has been trying to push with Shiloh is just a misunderstanding of the situation and anyone who gives it 5 minutes of critical thought after hearing the story from Shiloh's own mouth knows it.
I doubt she will even mention it though. I predict Chris will just blow a lot of smoke up her ass for half an hour then talk to Mike Morse about the same shit he always talks to him about and it's going to be boring as shit. I think I'll just catch the highlights on /pt/ after. If any new milk comes from it I will be shocked.
No. 928545
>>928528>and since he was lying to everyone he might as well throw in a few investigations for her.Quite possible. She worded it as "there are two FBI investigations, including my own." If it's her own investigation she should be a part of it and know what's going on with it.
>The sex trafficking shit that Stevie has been trying to push with Shiloh is just a misunderstandingthis is also true. Jimmy's a piece of shit, but he didn't break any laws with that one ( as far as we know, at least ).
As much as Chris saying "I was a reporter before he was born and I'll be a reporter after he goes to prison" gave me a total life boost, I don't at this point believe that either of those two are going to see jail, let alone prison. Everything has been sooo messy.
Truly hope I'm going to be proven wrong, though.
No. 928639
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Is the 5 part series comment directed at Chris? ( since Chris mentioned a 4,5 part series about tracking down Jimmy )
No. 928644
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>>928639I don't think so. He specifically mentioned inabber & repzion.
No. 928646
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and Stevie trying desperately to get Keem to notice him
No. 928657
Okay, since no one's commenting in the live thread I'll say it here. It's been 15 minutes and I'm bored out of my mind already.
>>928644Yeah, my bad! I should have read everything.
>>928648Lol, for real.
No. 928700
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>>928520>I think it says a lot when you see who is eager to go on the show a second time even after they fucked Sarah over.That's what I've been saying. How can they stand with their sisters uwu and still support Hansen after what he did? When Sarah crashed Billy's livestream she told him flat out she hadn't heard anything from Hansen. It was Hansen's fuck up too, that was made obvious by Steven's tweets (pic related). Vince is an asshole but he's also a very convenient scapegoat.
Hansen likes to pass the buck. He did the same thing when the TCAP community were calling him out for all the false copyright strikes which for awhile he denied was even happening, until he couldn't ignore it anymore because his platform became too prominent. Then he issued an empty public apology well after the fact, acting like it was all Vincent and he knew nothing about it.
No. 928706
>>928520>>928700How is it possible that so much time went by, or he "never heard anything back" from the FBI, when he'd been getting weekly updates from them starting with Billie's interview? Are some people so dense they can't see the inconsistencies here? No one with half a brain would try to pass this sham off like it's something legitimate.
>>928646>Bullshitter supremeStevie supports the Hansen charade, so he's either an idiot or he's complicit. He's no better than Keem.
No. 928714
>>928700>didn't want to ship it around without knowing the proper chain of custodyChris's claim about not knowing the proper chain of custody is a lie, unless he's been lying about working so closely with LE all these years - if that were true he'd have known the proper chain of custody. The evidence
never should have gone to Chris/Vince in the first place, it should've gone straight to LE. Chris fucked this whole thing up but he knows if he admitted to it he'd jeopardize his e-fame and yt bux.
No. 928750
>>928669He's still going off, btw. I don't really follow Keem, I didn't know the dude is actually
this autistic.
>>928706>Are some people so dense they can't see the inconsistencies hereI think it's about relying on Chris's TCAP reputation and hoping something is going to get done this time.
>>928699Yeah, I can't even listen to Morse after reading what he did. It's nice that he aPoLoGiSeD to the woman he groped without permission, though, totally makes a difference.
(integrate ) No. 928755
>>928714Remember when twitterfags in the onion thread kept freaking the fuck out whenever an anon questioned the validity of the FBI investigation?
>anon I'm sure chris hansen has handled this before uwuThey've been seething since Sarah called out Hansen and Vincent
No. 928771
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It looks like anon
>>927993 might have been on to something. Apparently Lola's
>>923252 twitter acct was hacked today. No way of knowing if it's connected to Gene or not but it is one hell of a coincidence, all things considered.
No. 928775
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>>928771samefag. For context: One of Hansen's "volunteers" Alyssa had a convo with some twitterfag on FB about Lola, and Alyssa said "all of this is going to Gene". pic related.>>928771 No. 928786
>>928700>>928635Is it just me or does she seem strung out? Considering she hinted at an heroing at 27
>>921121 maybe all this attention/publicity isn't the best thing for her mental health atm. Maybe all she and Hansen see are $$ signs. I don't begrudge Shi making money from this but I think she's really digging herself a hole by continuing to associate with him.
If she and Regina don't care about Onision getting prosecuted then it would make sense for them to keep supporting Hansen. Regardless, all the muh sisterhood looks fake when they don't care at all that Hansen lied to Sarah.
No. 928789
>>928545>>928545>Chris saying "I was a reporter before he was born and I'll be a reporter after he goes to prison" What reporting? The same reporting he did when he spread lies and misinfo about this Wershe kid
>>920043 to boost his own career? Hansen's been an opportunist since day one. He was never a journalist. He's sensationalized Onision's bullshit, he lied to Sarah and fucked up the chain of custody while claiming he knew what it was. Dude's a fraud.
No. 928795
>>928786I can't believe the video is called "Have A Seat With Chris Hansen ft Shiloh & Attorney Mike Morse"
Holy fucking shit. Maybe it's autism on my part but I can't get my head around Shiloh talking about "her sisters" and how predators need to be deplatformed and her segment ending - pause - "Attorney Mike Morse!"
Chris even talked about how there are multiple investigations and yet Greg doesn't shut up. Sound familiar? Here's Mike Morse!
No. 928796
>>928775>It looks like anon >>927993 might have been on to something.I don't get why Alyssa would post this convo publicly on her FB unless she was counting on it being seen. Anyway, it's not like this sort of bullshit (threats,intimidation) is outside of Gene's wheelhouse either, he only put together a whole ass site to dox Onision's family. I wonder if Alyssa's really communicating with him
>>924013 directly. Where does Hansen even find these people? It's like he just plucks them out of thin air.
If Alyssa's in contact with Gene and these twitter convos
>>923930 are authentic, who's running Hansen's twitter now?
No. 928801
>>928793No offense anon but did you read the parts of the thread that were linked to
>>920043? They pretty much answer your question. Wershe's story is also linked in that thread.
No. 928874
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>>928775Idk what this is about now
No. 928962
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>>928635>Not a self promo but the voices in my head tell me Greg obsesses about me for hours to make me feel better about myself for obsessing about him for hoursKek okay Stevie. You have repeated this for years and yet we never have sources to confirm that Greg is obsessively watching your autism for hours at a time. Pretty sure he is too caught up in his own autism to care about you
No. 929043
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>>928774>>928809>>928857So who's doing the staging when these two
>>928775 (one being Hansen's volunteer) were just talking about Lola a couple days ago. Vince never showed any evidence while Lola's account was restricted because of
unusual activity.Funny how Vince's account was never restricted despite his "hack".
No. 929066
>>929058Making 3 tweets about it
>>928771 (below the hacked tweets) isn't what I'd call a tantrum. People doubt what she does for a living I guess because this is the internet? Still doesn't explain why she was hacked. I know some of the anti-o's don't like her - given their overall level of intellect, their dislike automatically boosts Lola's credibility lol.
No. 929067
>>929059Yeah, he really did.
This was so long ago that I obviously don't remember the exact wording anymore but it was along the lines of "this mf just killed his turtle to get a rise out of me" and how that wouldn't be surprising.
No. 929086
>>929066I think people are making her to be more involved or a big deal than she really is. She involved herself by reaching out to Shiloh and asking if she could be their advocate which then had her seeking money from the
victims for that advocacy. Shiloh turned her down and I made a vague tweet about it. After that Lola has been outspoken about her distrust of the ‘investigation’ was on a few live-streams talking about it and that’s really about it. In one of the live-streams she says that she has been in contact with fbi regarding the investigation which imo is really creepy.
I think she’s just making herself more of a player than she really is.
No. 929097
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Dunno how reliable Wes is or how he got this info but he posted that Chris and this man named Don Shipley met recently. I read online that Don is a retired Navy SEAL goes after people who lie about being in the military or their actual military experience. I checked CH’s IG, and saw that he is following donshipleyofficial. Don’s account is fairly new. (He has only posted one photo back in December.) If what they are meeting for is related to Greg, we might see Don on CH’s stream next week and they’d discuss Greg’s time in the military?
No. 929103
>>929086>asking if she could be their advocate Caps? Or can you direct me to the vid where she says that? I only know she made info available/put it out to the public. I didn't hear anything about her trying to be anyone's personal advocate or whatever. That doesn't even make any sense if she works in IT, she's not a social worker.
>she’s just making herself more of a player than she really is.I only know what I've seen on her twitter and the bits I've seen from her livestream. All she did was put info out there. I don't know why these two
>>928775 even brought her up in the first place - it's weird timing that she got hacked just a few days later.
No. 929113
>>929097>>929098>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.
No. 929133
>>929127There's belief based on nothing, and then there's belief based on evidence. I choose the latter. I don't know if this chick
>>929043 is lying about being hacked, but it is one helluva coincidence when one of Hansen's lackeys was
just saying they were going to take her info over to Gene, who just so happens to enjoy doxxing people and vendetta sperging like a twonk.
No. 929142
>>929133If. I. Believe. She. Is. A. Liar. Why. Would. I. Think. Her. Word. Is. Evidence?
>>929058>>929043Her friends reported the activity on her account. That's why her profile was restricted and Vince's wasn't.
Because her mouth wrote checks her ass couldn't cash, I wonder if this is her way to an hero this persona since people were starting to question her credentials and credibility. This way, it looks like it was someone else's fault that this persona just dropped off the internet. Maybe, maybe not. Remains to be seen.
No. 929149
>>928887I'm still laughing at all the brainlets accusing anyone critical of Hansen as "trying to derail his investigation". lol what investigation? Everything Hansen's done, especially since going to Onision's house has been strictly for entertainment value. The feds are the ones investigating. Hansen puts on a clown show every week for a few yt shekels.
Hansen's TCAP show was primarily for entertainment, same as he's doing now. The conviction rates on that show btw are much lower than Hansen likes to claim. All these people thinking he's serious about "catching predators" are extremely gullible.
No. 929154
>>929142>her mouth wrote checks her ass couldn't cashWait are you confusing her for Hansen
lol but seriously do you have any evidence to back up your assertions? Because I don't see it. I remain skeptical until I see all the evidence. Still you can't blame people for drawing logical conclusions based on shady past behavior from Hansen's associates
>>916654 No. 929162
>>929155>To Ragreynolds, thank you for being the only person who listened, who tried and made an effort.If Rag vouched for her then he must know who she is. Did I read it right that she was ignored by the other
victims? I vaguely remember running across this girl online a few months ago but I don't remember the context now. Sarah and Regina also hinted that there were more
victims. If there's a reputable
victims advocacy group in AUS I hope she goes there instead of letting Hansen use her for entertainment. He's not serious about this when he's got someone like Mike Morse working with him.
No. 929172
>>929155Not sure if there's anything in here that could be all that relevant. Although pretty disturbing, it seems like other people were far more involved than Jimmy himself.
"Guy from Australia" sounded too bizarre to be real though, lol.
No. 929178
>>929175I agree, actually. I enjoyed his content too. Certain things just rubbed me the wrong way. The turtle comment ( waaay too much self importance there. Jimmy let his turtle die because he's a shit pet owner, not to personally piss Stevie off ), the gf breakdown videos, him sending an apology to Jimmy at one point ( fully knowing Jimmy is going to misunderstand that ) and so on.
I do wish some of his old videos were still up, just for the entertainment value.
No. 929203
>>928545>I'll be a reporter after he goes to prison>>928635Chris Hansen adds nothing of value to this. He's stringing along gullible people for views, spinning his wheels while the actual investigation takes place behind closed doors. That Shiloh and Regina support this is bizarre. Hansen's obviously using them to smooth over his fuck ups and maintain an air of credibility in the public eye.
I've seen situations like this play out before. The chances of Greg seeing jail time (especially after what happened with some key evidence) is very slim. He may still get convicted of
something eventually, but I don't think it will be related to the current situation. Hansen can pointlessly posture about his credentials and make as many empty promises as he likes, I know once this stops being profitable for him he'll move on to something else and act like Onision never existed, just like he did with his Ice Poseidon "investigation".
No. 929209
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>>929203Hansen's a charlatan who's blowing smoke up these girls asses by insisting Onion will see jail time for what he did to any of them. The prosecution rate for sex crimes in the US is around 3%, which Hansen would know if he were an actual journalist worth a shit. Bumbling around with Sarah's devices like he did only made it that much more difficult for Onion to be prosecuted.
With any luck, Onion will end up legitimately crippled like Harvey Weinstein pretends to be. His penis will completely cease to function. A girl can dream.
No. 929211
>>929203There was value, initially. He's a household name, way more people tuned in than they otherwise would ( I'm sure people are still tuning in just because of Chris ).
In terms of the actual investigation, no, there's not much value there. Looking back at the Vince debacle…That was fucking pathetic for 'professionals'. Morse I can't stand.
I'll be tuning in for this
>>929097 and the cult expert they're planning on having on, but if it's just going to be a repeat of the same people every week then I'll drop it too.
>He may still get convicted of something eventually, but I don't think it will be related to the current situationI have the same feeling. They may get him on something completely unrelated five years from now, but as far as this whole thing goes…I don't see it going further.
They massively fucked up by not putting Lainey in the forefront more, then they fucked up with the laptop and the phone. I don't know. I'm still hoping I'm going to be proven wrong, most of us here want Jimmy gone.
No. 929216
>>929211>I'll be tuning in for this >>929097 and the cult expert they're planning on having onI'll be shocked if they have anything new to add that hasn't already been rehashed countless times. Greg's military record was discussed at length by two Iraqi vets (Tommy C) a few years ago. As far as a "cult expert", I don't know how that pertains to Greg other than that failed idea he had in Sisesca. Greg's not a Jim Jones or a Charles Manson, and for Hansen to imply that just shows his love of sensationalism, not journalism.
As far as I'm concerned both Greg and Hansen have profited from this shitshow at the
victims expense. They're both pitiful shekel chasers.
No. 929224
>>928635>Shiloh: I think we're all very understanding, kind, naive to a certain degreeOOF, and it shows. I guess they feel backed into a corner like there's no one else they can go to, but they went to other youtuber's like Blaire White - her credibility and reach isn't any less than Hansen's. Hansen might have more name recognition but that's not worth anything when his reputation is so dicey and gets more questionable by the day.
It looks like the girls are taking Hansen at his word that Greg will 100% get put away. It's unfortunate they put so much blind trust in someone who at the end of the day is just using them for a career boost. It definitely doesn't help that they're all surrounded by a bunch of yes people in the anti-o community. Oh well.
No. 929227
>>928874lol that doesn't look suspicious at all, nice timing. I don't see the point of an NDA when Gene is working for Hansen (this was proven without a doubt by Wes), Gene obviously being mentally ill
>>916750. His association with Gene, just like with Vincent, will inevitably come back to haunt him.
No. 929232
>>929224>a bunch of yes people in the anti-o community. I have to laugh because some of them act like they're privy to sooper sekret info all because they have direct contact with the
victims. If they knew so much about what was actually going on behind the scenes they would've known about Sarah's laptop but they didn't. Neither did the
victims for that matter until that Newsweek journalist spoke up. I wonder how long Hansen would've held on to it had his bs not been discovered? It's a joke he's still given the time of day, but I expect nothing less from a circus.
No. 929237
>>929097I don't think this will be much if anything to do with onion.
Shipley and Hansen are obvious cross-promotion candidates because the audiences are into the same kind of thing: people getting fucking busted. Also there was one stolen valor guy Don busted that was also a huge pedo.
No. 929248
>>929209look, of course he knows this. the dude has won many awards. he's a journalist by any metric, but the reason he went hard in the paint for greg is: the situation dovetails nicely with his old TCAP success (yes, no conviction rate but the show was huge until that guy in texas shot himself) because he needs the dosh and he's never been able to figure out new media. onion was his chance. built-in audience.
you see a lot of boomers like dr. phil realizing that television is on its way out, and they try to figure out how to build brand online via podcasting or yt channels, but they really don't know what they're doing.
do we know how hansen got involved to begin with? did he even know about greg, did one of the girls reach out, was it vince? hansen needs less shady characters assisting him or he's never going to gain ground.
frankly he should have gone after the zoos. flyover boomers would be blackpilled as fuck and raging if they knew what that nice young vet tech wanted to do with fido. my point is that he has to diversify if he wants to stay in the game, the shiloh interview this week was boring. at this point, he should just call the show have a seat GREG, it's stupid.
No. 929512
>>928874Looks sketchy given that it's so soon after this
>>928775. Since when is a volunteer mod for a Facebook group asked to sign an NDA? Is Hansen trying to Onision his way out of his own bullshit now? lol good luck.
No. 929542
File: 1581132978259.jpeg (286.5 KB, 750x637, CB57158C-3E16-40F8-B8BC-99FF60…)

If you are proud of sharing a commonality with this unfortunate whatever it is then you need better role models
No. 929547
>>929248So he knows the conviction rate in the US, and yet he's blatantly trying to sell the naive on Greg going to jail being a sure thing.
>the situation dovetails nicely with his old TCAP successYeah, he's trying to use Youtube as a stepping stone to get back into network tv. I don't even know how long he's being lying about having multiple investigations going, that he's got tv projects in the works, etc.
It's obvious Hansen deliberately brings shady, garbage people in to work with him because no actual professional worth a fuck would look at what he's doing (I mean really look at it in its entirety) and approve.
No. 929549
>>928771>>929043I've seen a few of the anti-o's accuse her of clout chasing - ironic since Hansen's the one making money off the
victims while he lies to their faces.
No. 929553
>>929549What's ironic is hearing someone like Mike Morse speak about Onision's
victims when Morse had 5 sexual misconduct lawsuits against him. I believe there are now two.
No. 929625
>>928775It seems Irish and Alyssa knew each other or had dm's before this. The chat starts abruptly and it looks like it's part of an earlier chat that was cropped out, "I told you to protect you and Chris."
>I heard about her but haven't seen anything>Can you send me Lola's twitter>So I can inform Chris>[Gene] can stop the IP hackers Is this how Alyssa reacts to anyone she's suspicious of for no apparent reason? Takes it to Gene the lunatic? I see nothing indicating Lola ever had direct interactions with Chris, so why would she imply that this woman was some sort of threat? Even Irish said "she cant get to Chris."
What a bizarre conversation. Everything going on around Hansen is just weird and creepy.
No. 929626
>>929625It's all grimy and shady but one thing's for sure none of these mouthbreathers are hackers.
It's all bullshit because even if someone could hack 2 factor twitters or magically get footage from Hansen at greg's house they wouldn't risk years in jail over this stupid bullshit.
No. 929635
File: 1581163238634.jpeg (151.4 KB, 750x766, 007ACE17-B59A-47ED-A829-05AFE2…)

Mista GG received copyright claims from Vincent Nicotra that were denied. He then complained to YouTube and even mentioned BakedSalmon’s terminated channel. It seems that YouTube is done with Vincent’s copyright abuse.
No. 929638
File: 1581163457134.jpeg (82.46 KB, 750x638, E8E6F69C-61C6-4946-A4FE-516FF6…)

>>929635Vincent tried to claim Wes Moast’s video too and got denied. This is his message to YouTube which was attached to his claim. Idiot.
Onision is by far a bigger YouTuber than these people and he’s getting special treatment for his copyright abuse. Idgi
No. 929641
File: 1581164246665.jpeg (139.52 KB, 1269x2048, D8B43417-4D22-4351-ABC1-73C662…)

>>929638A screen shot from Steven Asarch about Vincent changing the text on the Hansen vs Predators website for the nth time. I don’t see this message anymore.
No. 929647
File: 1581165442264.png (3.74 MB, 1284x4899, where there's smoke there's fi…)

>>928635>>928795>>928699>>929553Fret not anons, Chris said all the issues with Morse are "long settled and looked into." Chris Hansen would never deceive his audience for his own personal gain. Mike Morse is a champion of law and justice. Now unless you want trouble, you'll shut up and never speak of it again.
No. 929999
File: 1581253973746.jpg (69.92 KB, 752x430, hypocrite.jpg)

>>929647They're going to ignore this elephant in the room even if it's groping people's breasts with its trunk.
No. 930001
>>929972No idea who any of them are.
>>929999>They're going to ignore this elephant in the room It seems like it. It's been "dealt with", or whatever. I really wish they found someone better. Vince was a terrible idea, Morse is an even worse one considering the allegations.
No. 930384
File: 1581335177106.jpg (162.09 KB, 1280x720, richie2.0.jpg)

Jaclyn did an 8 hour (!) special watching Gregory Poo videos and I couldn't help notice the douche sometimes popping up on her stream like a turd that refuses to be flushed. Then figured out via her other channel said douche is actually her new douchebag.
I just want to compliment Jaclyn on once again picking a fuckboi, I mean looking at his uneasy demeanor, pedo smile and retro emo haircut that this guy is definitely bi-sexual, probably has pierced nipples and will one day be caught having made out with some dude backstage at a thirty seconds to mars concert.
What is it with her and these pencil neck weenies? You're just asking for trouble.
Then again you have to be absolutely dead inside to date Jaclyn.(namefag)
No. 930409
>>930401I'm butthurt because you don't know the difference between name and subject.
My compliments on the farmhand that does not know this.
You guys have the best staff.
No. 930474
File: 1581355792140.jpg (5.31 KB, 129x197, Image1.jpg)

you know deity claims to have been raped once. and for the life of me, i can't picture it. this must have been the most desperate gay man in earth's history. i'm talking a gay that has been living deep in the woods haven't seen a man ass besides actual bears to fuck for 40 years or something, high on meth, pcp, cocaine as well as drunk out of his mind. and then still its a pretty big maybe.
he would need to be even fatter and uglier than deity and insanely desperate.
then again everybody claims to have been raped these days on the internet and if you were to run a statistics on that 8 out of every 2 people would need to be a rapist, or something.
No. 930998
File: 1581453883336.jpeg (243.33 KB, 640x759, FE285F69-86C7-49F1-8BBA-2CC776…)

Shiloh is vague tweeting again.
No. 931098
>>930700His teeth are about as straight as he is and he's greasier than greg even.
I truly can't imagine anybody ever wanting to rape him.
No. 931195
>>931134It sounds like Onision logic.
"she/he's too ugly to have been raped, must be doing it for clout, we all know rapists only rape hot people"
No. 931310
>>931134>>931195"Everybody that does not say what I want them to say is Greg"
All I'm saying is that I can't imagine anybody raping him. Think of it this way: If you're gonna rape anybody you stand a chance of going to prison, a big chance. So wouldn't you then take your pick of the litter? I mean as long as you're going to prison anyway might as well pick out a handsome supple guy and not somebody that looks like he just fell out of bigfoot's anus.
Thats all I'm saying.
But hey, if you call that Greg-logic, go right ahead..
No. 931327
>>931319You're right, the rapist must have been in to fat hairy bitches.
Either that, or Deity made the rape up just like 98% of the internet does these days.
No. 931365
File: 1581520994628.jpeg (467.23 KB, 1125x1127, D7F7C759-70C1-4B26-A49B-0F59CF…)

Nobodies flexing their clout
No. 931377
>>931362If you hate men then why the hell are you out here defending Deity's claim of rape?
Because he's gay? Gay guys lie too, you know?
No. 931386
File: 1581525076090.png (549.34 KB, 602x508, keks.png)

>>931365Why do they want their faces tied to this
>>931384If she's talking about Hansen it wouldn't make sense for her to do another interview
No. 931410
>>931390Rag has been undercover posing as an anti for a long time now, but fact remains he is still in close contact with Greg till this day.
Now why would Greg talk to someone thats "turned on him", you ask?
Very good question. Why indeed?
No. 931622
>>930809After all that's gone down (Gene, Vincent, Morse, Hansen's treatment of the TCAP community) anyone with a functioning brain questions his credibility. Everyone else just swallows whatever he says without a second thought.
>>931384On his show just last week, she literally admitted to being naive
>>929224. I wish her all the best but goddamn some people never learn. If she thought it was bad when the Vincent fiasco happened she ain't seen nothing yet. I can't fathom the depths of stupidity required to look at Sarah being lied to for MONTHS, then turn around acting like everything's a-ok, being buddy-buddy with the other guy who lied to her. WTF even.
No. 931646
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>>931365>Nobodies flexing their clout>>931386
>just because you don't know what's going on behind the scenes advising the victimsToo bad none of these anti's have "behind the scenes" info or else they could've alerted Sarah over Hansen never sending her laptop to the FBI like he said he did/would. Some of them try so hard to act like they know something when clearly they don't know shit, and this one gets snotty with anyone who accidentally bursts her delusional lil' bubble. Who cares if Hansen spoke to Pierce county PD's PR guy? His adult son got community service for the statutory rape of a 14 year old child and Brainlet Supreme over here thinks they (or Hansen) care about getting Onision prosecuted.
These people are so busy tickling Hansen's balls they missed the part where n-word Nicotra was used as Hansen's convenient fall guy.
No. 931694
>>931692Okay, but has it been confirmed anywhere that she didn't hand it over to the cops? Cause this is a little confusing right now, especially since this post
>>931557 implied she didn't.
No. 931703
>>931692Exactly anon. They decided to bait with that imbecile Dylan instead, and then ant-os ran with it for months as evidence that Sarah was going to do something about it. Instead she decided to not trust the police, but Chris Hansen.
That may be the one thing I can't fault her for. I'm not shocked that Sarah trusted Hansen. The bigger issue is that the anti-os ran with it to fuel their hate boners or need for drama. It was never about justice for Sarah. It was about drama. That's why seething anti-os keep insisting that it's about the bigger picture as if meming, powerleveling, and tweeting hashtags will actually achieve anything.
No. 931712
>>931703It's all about the memes and community circlejerk for these people anyway.
Sarah and Dylan bullshitting about the court thing is just handing ammo to Onion's defence (the court kind) but it was probably fucking Vince's idea anyway.
This whole thing will end in a big
` and all the faceless stans will just blend away into the ether. The 'stars' of the shitshow will just pivot.
No. 931717
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>>931712100% Agreed.. So Sarah handed her laptop to the cops.. AGAIN? I mean last time she told people on twitter she brought it to a COURT HOUSE. Which I found suspicious since its supposed to be brought to a police station after they pack and seal it and take it to the special digital forensics department to a undisclosed location.
People keep asking her and asking her and she keeps saying she did, yet didn't. If you really want Greg in prison, and you have a laptop full of evidence, why wouldn't you deliver it to the cops ASAP?
Nothing is happening and there never will. Every god damn episode Chris starts AND ends the show by promising us there will be "more details about the ongoing investigation" and yet every time we end up with NOTHING.
Like you said, its a great big NOTHINGBURGER, with a side of nothing and a big tall nothing milkshake.
No. 931957
>>931717I no longer believe that nudes were sent, but the evidence for that was always questionable. Lainey has nipslipped plenty of times on patreon. We never 100% saw that she sent her full arby's no1 to Regina. I'm definitely not saying that Lainey wasn't inappropriate with the girls but the nude proof Regina posted was weak. I get that Lainey is a scumbag but those aren't nudes, and if there really are why hasn't Sarah done anything? Why were Regina's devices never included? There's apparently so much evidence but they're still stalling on month 5.
I don't think anyone ever thought Grease would go to jail, but don't be naive about Laundry either.
No. 932089
>>932026Which is worse, anon? Someone sending a pic of their milkers (let's assume for the sake of argument there is no clam on display) to a 15 year old or fucking a married couple in the same bed as their toddler?
I know what ThE lAw says in the US, but what about the ever flexible moral law as seen on twitter?
As a kid I sat on a beach in Spain with all kinds of titties parading in front of me. Hell, some of those tits were on MINORS. Is a US jury really going to come down hard on Footface for showing her tits in a selfie? Just some thoughts.
No. 932100
>>931734>>931957Please don't take this the wrong way because I think Greg is a narcissistic psychopath and that he should in fact rot in prison, if only for the safety of others. (i believe him to be fully capable of far worse than what he is accused of) But in both the Billy the Fridge fiasco stream as well as some video of his he mentioned the laptop thing being weird and also how Sarah has wasted everybodies time.
He's actually right with that, and I agree.
If these former groupies of him don't truly want justice, don't waste everyones time.
Either go to the police and hand them evidence, or not say anything ever. Don't just go on Hansens stream making promises you can't keep.
No. 932133
>>931717>give her more timeHonestly, no.
This is (or was) serious and if Sarah was serious about wanting Taylor and Jimmy imprisoned and if there is evidence of cp on the laptop, she doesn't seem to care about it.
This is going on for way too long now. She had the chance to end it all and blew it because she's too fucking lazy and snowflake-y to bring that damn laptop to the police.
She can talk shit and post memes about Taylor and Jimmy all day long, but she can't take action against them.
No. 932172
>>932133That tweet is from last year when someone first asked her, and people fell all over that dude for asking after Dylan defended it.
But you tell me man, say someone stole your bike and you know for sure who it is and you see them happily riding your bike every damn day, wouldn't you just report them?
In this case its a laptop supposedly full of evidence, but even if thats true any lawyer could make mincemeat out of that laptop considering its been everywhere and with everybody by now.
If she truly wants justice, she should have listened to that anon.
Now that ship has sailed, its long gone now and far, far away.
No. 932411
>>932373How is it too far? Grease literally tried to start a cult.
I agree Hansen's show became a circus though, and he is an untrustworthy piece of shit for lying about the laptop. He said many times it was delivered to the FBI and even that they had already looked into it and found evidence of crimes, that was obviously a lie. He should be called out for lying as much as Vincent is, yet barely anyone calls him out.
No. 932424
>>932186A year prior Maya was told to come forward to help any potential
victims including Sarah. Her infatuation with laundry got her to blame Grease 100% and protect laundry until farmers leaked her story.
The cycle will continue unless grease goes to jail. Awareness obviously isn't the answer, if it was then multiple girls would have backed off immediately. Mcfly is probably next.
No. 932425
>>932411he's just an philandering abuser that wants to fuck around and maintain his steady supply on the side. this is not uncommon. if most men had his clout they'd do the same, and plenty of men do. there's nothing cultish about it. men depraved enough to do poly are similarly
abusive and controlling. it's not uncommon at all. i wouldn't say it's much like a veritable cult, though. the same things groomers do are similar to cult leaders, though not exclusive to them, and groomers and creeps would all keep multiple
victims with them if they could and control them if they could.
No. 932441
>>932440Lol, if you were watching this without context you wouldn't know which one's suppose to be the predator. This decoy was hands down the most hilarious I've ever seen on Tcap.
>but the anti-os are way more cult-like than 2020 OnisionI don't know much about the current batch of anti-o's ( I mean, we had some self post here, but I still don't know who 80 % of them are, apart from being random screen names. Waiting for any anon to share milk since thread 1, lol ), but I'm sure they are - because every batch is. Why would this one be any different.
It's probably even worse since there's a big name involved, Shiloh returned, etc. They must be feeling way too important to this than they actually are.
No. 932503
>>932425>if most men had his clout they'd do the sameI don't know what type of "charming" men you have known around your life, but this is so far from the truth it isn't even funny anymore.
Horny teens and perverts, yes, they'd like to have a harem. But men? No, most men wouldn't want that or do that if they had "clout". Most men have dignity and honor.
No. 932633
File: 1581818069797.jpeg (819.19 KB, 1949x1125, 8C9C33B4-C66A-4BAB-BDDA-4CBE3C…)

>>932632Sorry for the potato quality, it was 2011 and kinda Shiloh’s fault
No. 932772
File: 1581869868830.jpeg (132.91 KB, 750x413, D7E520E1-9F50-4867-AA43-AEAB8A…)

Alyssa isn’t moderating Hansen’s page anymore.
No. 932774
>>932440Like mentioned before if you wanna join that weird shit you HAVE TO consider the groupies
VICTIMS and worship them and suck their collective cock.
As far as a case against Gregory Poo goes I think we'll be in exactly the same boat this time around next year, Chris still promising "more developments in the Onision case" at every start and ending of each wednesday interview. By then with someone who once said hi to Lainey on Twitter and she was mean to that person. So they were groomed and their entire childhood was ruined, because their entire life revolved around pleasing Lainey's e-penis.
No. 932787
>>931717pressure to do what. lol how many months has it been now?
fuck sarah, she's an attention whoring asshole who thinks screwing in the same bed as a toddler is a-okay. anyone who believes she wants anything other than attention, well.
No. 932807
File: 1581877422308.png (279.27 KB, 498x1037, 21ACE054-EEEC-44AC-A02E-29131C…)

Vince hacked Chris’ Facebook account
Taken from kiwi farms
No. 932809
File: 1581878856932.jpg (40.77 KB, 623x469, mrT.jpg)

>>932807Don't worry, these professionals have had everything under control since they got involved.
No. 932958
>>931692That's been said before. The difference between Sarah and Hansen/Vince is the two boomers made constant assurances that FBI/LE had her evidence when they didn't, they outright lied. Sarah only knew what she was told.
>>931717>last time she told people on twitter she brought it to a COURT HOUSETo do what? It wouldn't be taken into custody there. The only thing they said they went there for was legal advice. Hansen/Vince led Sarah to believe her evidence was with the feds. When the Newsweek journalist found out the truth he contacted Sarah who seemed upset and surprised not only in her tweets, but also in Billy's livestream that she crashed that week.
Hansen lied to everyone about where Sarah's evidence was, claiming to have connections in the FBI who were giving him weekly updates.
No. 932961
>>932787This was discussed to death in the last thread
>>926013. You're literally using the same talking points
>>926311 and sound like the same person. If you're going to troll try being original for once.
No. 932968
>>932958>the two boomers made constant assurances that FBI/LE had her evidence when they didn't, they outright lied.It does make you wonder
why Hansen chose to hold on to the evidence. He obviously knows fuck all in the FBI, he's a grifter with huge sums of unpaid debt, what if he was trying to hold on to the incriminating evidence because he was hoping for a payout from Onision? There was speculation that Ice Poseidon paid Hansen off so he'd stop talking about his predatory behavior. Ice even joked that he'd throw some cash at Hansen's debt problem in a quid pro quo.
For all we know Onision could be paying Hansen under the table right now. It's not like Hansen hasn't been busy either fucking up the girls case directly, or indirectly with the unpaid brainlets he keeps around to run his operation for him.
No. 932976
>>932373I expect nothing but idiot infotainment from Chris Hansen. It's no wonder he's not on tv anymore, there's already enough of this brain dead bullshit floating around on there. He's desperately hoping this story will be his stepping stone back into network tv, this after having claimed many times he "currently had some tv projects in the works." He went from hosting a reality show on network tv to being a youtube drama channel, oh the depths he will climb.
Hansen's been a sensationalist
>>928789 for the entirety of his "career". He's just as much of an empty husk as Onion.
No. 932977
>>932425>he's just an philandering abuserOf course, but to the sensationalist he's equal to a Jim Jones or a Heaven's Gate situation where people actually fucking died. Comparing Greg to those people is an insult to all of the
victims - dead and alive - of actual cult leaders. This is the Chris Hansen brand of "journalism".
No. 932998
>>932969There isn't, people are just guessing as per usual. And even if it were Vince, how does his behavior come as a surprise when Hansen can't even bother doing basic background checks on any of the people he recruits for his little shitshow, sorry,
sEriouS inVeStiGAtioN into Onision.
No. 933009
File: 1581931259303.jpg (118.11 KB, 964x706, hansenvspredator.jpg)

Hansen's domain is for sale top greg
No. 933010
File: 1581931448711.jpg (91.08 KB, 1162x818, hansenvspredators.jpg)

did a double check on (with an s at the end of predators) and it points to Frances (vince's wife?) Nicotra's shitty ambulance chasing law-"firms" website.
No. 933013
File: 1581932224938.jpg (286.39 KB, 1678x920, acceptvisa.jpg)

Its ok though, she accepts Visa and Master Card.
No. 933263
>>932807So did we forget about this already:
>>923948>Vince told Mista GG "there's no such thing as bad publicity">He tried to get GG involved in a publicity stunt to boost Hansen's views.For all we know Vince and Hansen are both in on this, they're both liars and grifters, they have more in common than not. Hansen brings people like Gene around to do his dirty work and dumbasses like some of these anti-o's
>>931646 still run around white knighting him like he's anything but a washed up reality tv show host.
No. 933293
>>933057At the end of the day none of this would be happening if the relationship didn't go sour. She had the laptop prior to them "breaking up" and it wasn't a problem then.
Nothing's going to happen to Jimmy and that's disappointing as hell. He didn't even really skirt the law this time, he just…did nothing illegal. As for Lainey, maybe she'll get put on a SO list for a few years, at best. It's not even about "investigations taking a long time" anymore, it's just that the hype of "yeeaah Jimmy for jail" has worn off.
But let's see how Hansen's "prison promise" pans out.
No. 933363
>>933347I feel old Greg will go to prison one day over fucking up severely, but not today and no, not over this shit since he didn't do anything illegal.. yet.
He will one day fuck up, and he will either just die or go to prison. One of those two.
No. 933374
>>933347I think she's not handing it in because there's nothing on it. I think she
thought she had something and then realized she didn't but she's in so deep now she feels like she has to keep up the story.
>>933363He's not going to jail. But his "career" will never recover and I find that fucking hilarious. IDK where failed YouTubers usually go to die but I know Greg won't even reach those heights. His life is fucking over.
No. 933569
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>>933539Adding the ss. Is DearMrAtheist the 'cult expert'?
No. 933652
File: 1582102824917.gif (591.51 KB, 275x207, 1557037779147.gif)

>>933374>she thought she had something on itJust say she lied, anon. Why weren't Regina's devices ever included or sent along with Sarah's laptop? There was never CP. Those suggestive censored photos Regina posted are not even nudes. Nothing more than what's leaked in one of her many nipslips.
We're expected to believe how much of a groomer onion and foot are, but all the CP and grooming is related to lainey, but Greg is supposed to face legal ramifications for something he did when Sarah was 18? He made inappropriate remarks but "dat booty doe" isn't comparable to the grooming Lainey allegedly did.
If anyone has access to the embarrassing google docs that anti-Os proudly add to, you'll see the majority of girls claiming
emotional abuse were simply ghosted by foot. Even then anyone screened by Regina so far is one of Billie's many skinwalking orbiters or a washed out youtuber. Sorry girls/ antis, we're not all that gullible.
No. 933679
>>933677I think people need to be realistic about how much trouble Kainey could get in for the nudes we've seen.
If the black bars are actually covering nips and perhaps pubes(?) it's gross and creepy but how much of a case is it? How much punishment is likely for it?
If it was a guy with a boner with an arcing jet of semen, sure someone would be going to jail.
If the black bars are just another con, and there's not anything juicy underneath then it's still creepy and gross but the authorities won't even consider it.
No. 933681
>>933679In short, none of this will land her in prison for 50 years. If anything comes from it
at all, it's going to be a positive surprise at this point.
No. 933682
>>933679That's why it's censored anon, literally what other reason is there for Regina not taking this total infallible proof to the police?
>>933665>>933677I didn't say any of the photos are accidental, I just don't think they're proof of nudes because they're censored. At best it's a suggestive photo, at worst some privates are peeking out and Regina did nothing with this evidence.
You can keep insisting that Regina posted total proof that Lainey ever sent her nudes, you can keep saying Sarah has evidence. Neither of them have done anything with the evidence they claim to have.
No. 933683
>>932373initially it felt like it was going to be great that hansen was involved, but come fucking on. this is some next level smoothbrain nonsense. it's nothing to do with cults. saying that it is just gasses greg up. i guess he sees it as turning the pressure on or some shit, but all he's doing is turning the whole thing into a joke.
the only real info we got from his lame interview techniques was that sarah is stupid and callous enough to screw greg and lainey while cloey is in the bed with them. this whole thing is a lame cash grab at this point. i hope sarah fades into obscurity for what she did, they're all famewhores so it would literally be the worst thing that could happen to her.
No. 933686
>>933374then she's a liar. how could she not see how bad this makes her look? in too deep, lol. she's a lousy human being.
>>933652thank you. the way this played out makes me pessimistic about greg ever getting done for anything. best chance is the wetlands cases, i think. his neighbors hate him, at least they're all adults who go through the proper channels and not dumb fucks attention whoring on twitter.
No. 933702
>>933679According to society and Chris Hansen, female pedophiles do not exist.
Chris even said that on the TCAP show once, they don't exist.
(Armchairing) No. 933867
File: 1582154533371.jpeg (257.87 KB, 640x813, 562C0053-E325-4771-B77C-5A3429…)

Guess she dropped off the laptop.
No. 934060
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Shiloh chiming in.
No. 934066
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>>934060Sarahs tweet begging for money from Twitter retards and simps did not go down so well, a few people had questions (understandably) and autists like onisionunprivated, river and whoever else has nothing better to with their lives beyond YAAAAS QWEEEEEENNNNing morons who are mentally handicapped enough to get involved with someone like anus and then cry when it backfires had a huge spergout over it
No. 934068
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>>934066>reasonable requestHow about the reasonable expectation that she works for her own money like everyone else?
No. 934069
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>>934060God these people are fucking losers
No. 934073
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No. 934086
>>933867>I'll be needing a new oneThis suggests she was
using the laptop, or at best was planning on using it for school, otherwise she would have posted about needing a new one way back when she first found out that there might be evidence on it.
>>934069>headcanons>>934073>closet cosplayThey're treating this like a fandom.
No. 934138
>>934060Didn't this bitch say she'd donate part of the money she gained to remove her tattoo to the other "
victims" since she gained more than she needed? I'm sure Sarah could buy a new laptop with that money
No. 934166
>>934060I'm terrified a chubby Canadian midget in Snooky like make-up comes after me for criticizing any of her fellow professional
She might give us all sepsis.
Its the stuff nightmares are made of.
No. 934203
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Shiloh sperging again.
No. 934210
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>>934203and now she's posting her venmo in solidarity. Is this going to be a thing now? They're all going to post their venmos to show how much they stand with
victims? Maybe the anti-os can get in on it too. This definitely isn't the most transparent thing in the world. Nope. Not at all.
No. 934214
>>934210I 100% lost all interest in this entire situation and haven't followed it in weeks since shiloh timed the release of her album with all this going on, and her music STILL wasn't successful.
I really think nothing is going to happen now. Hansen has only made the investigation worse and is releasing all he can for one last attempt at bringing more attention to his channel. So disappointing that people really care about money more than getting justice for themselves.
I can possibly understand why Sarah was requesting the money, I mean if its just being used for a laptop that the FBI have already received 3 times. People are dying Sarah. But Shiloh doing this in an attempt at solidarity is in poor taste seeing as she has enough money to spend on weed and bongs. Maybe quit smoking if you cant afford it Shiloh…
No. 934216
>>934210Shiloh, you forgot to add #855mikewins you unbearable harpy.
If I was Sarah I'd be wishing this thundercunt would stop making it worse while trying to make it all about her at the same time.
(Twitterfag) No. 934219
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big drama
No. 934222
>>934219she needs to lol calm down
it's not even that big a deal, when anyone asks for money people are suspicious. seeing as how shiloh the amazing singer had her idiot tattoo replacement crowdfunded it's no wonder people question this shit. lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.
No. 934230
>>934222>>934227This sounds an awful lot like Greg logic. AJ couldn't get raped because she had sex with other men and now Sarah can't have had anything wrong done to her by Greg because it's known he's a greasy predator.
So we are confirming Greg is a rapist?
No. 934233
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Never forget the laziest grifter of all! So many minors donating to her Younow while she sat around listening to music doing fuck all. And her joking on stream about her patron's bank account "failing her" because she had nothing left to donate was the cherry on top.
No. 934238
>>934214I starting to doubt these bitches even deserve "justice". Sarah hapilly rode Onision's dick on Lame's office chair and the supposed child porn in the laptop wasn't a problem to her when the grease couple was on good terms with her. I will always think Onision is a piece of shit but all the sympathy I had for his "
victims" is pretty much gone now.
No. 934245
>>934233lol, so you're also referring to Vix as a grifter, for streaming on younow like how boring doormat Lainey did? Lainey only stopped streaming because the retard Jabam or whatever the fuck got told to stop donating to her because of what a piece of shit Lainey was. So anyone that streams on a popular streaming site and gets subs and likes is now a grifter? Seriously, cry harder Grease.
>>934238lmao happily rode his dick. She states she cried after every time. Greg is a terrible lay too, does not consider how the person he is doing it with feels. Does not care about their orgasm, he just thinks being aggressive in youtube videos and sex will gain him some type of respect. He honestly needs to grow the fuck up. He's going to be in his 40s soon and he hasn't gained any insight or wisdom since leaving highschool. He's essentially a handicapped person and Lainey is his care taker. No wonder they are both doing fucking awful.
>>934242That makes it even worse then. So all trauma Sarah has suffered even at the hands of other people doesn't matter because she got groomed by Greg? ok…
No. 934267
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Is this meant to be ironic or does she expect people to forget about all of the money Sarah just got for a laptop on venmo? Sarah already said outright that she already had enough from venmo to get a laptop.
No. 934272
>>934267She already said in a previous tweet she would set up a GFM for Sarah and take all the criticism for it. At the end of the day, no one is forcing anyone's hand to give them money. People give Greg and his ugly dull wife money for no fucking reason, some of his patrons even get bullied and insulted by him.
It's weird the way people throw money about on the internet but again, no one is scamming anyone. Except maybe Lainey and Greg because didn't they actually promise perks for compensation? Makes you think who the real cunts are… (Greg and Lainey)
No. 934274
>>934238I followed shiloh for years when I went on an onision deep dive via the d0ntstands0closetome Tumblr. iirc she told people the album was nowhere near ready 2 months before the Sarah drama came out. Suddenly an album is released with songs that all sound exactly the same.
I'm 100% sure that whilst there's an investigation going on you are not allowed to post details or things reported so I'm doubting there is an FBI investigation at all and for Chris to tell the world there was an investigation days, if not hours after he was supposedly told there was, well, something isn't right here at all.
Not to mention how Chris allowed a man he barely knew to take a laptop with CP on it which nobody with sense seems to be talking about.
In an ideal world we'd love to see Onision locked up but Chris, the
victims, his "team" fucked this right up. I dont know, I just think there's absolutely no investigation going on and this is all incredibly pointless.
No. 934275
>>934274There's been an actual police officer for Greg's district that came out and said there is an active investigation and they want to hear from anyone, witnesses or online that know about Greg. They are in the process of gathering information.
And this entire thread has been about the laptop, are you blind anon?
No. 934276
>>934230Anons point was i think that sarah was there when onision did the "I'm gonna expose your personal trauma" to billie, but was still stupid enough to tell him about her rape, and is now making surprised pikachu face that hes doing the same thing to her.
Also no one should donate money to any of these girls.
No. 934281
>>934276The thing when someone grooms you and invites you to live with them you think you have trust with them. They built up an actual relationship before Greg decided to fuck her. Lainey would confide in Sarah whenever Greg was hurting her feelings and she needed reassured. The whole grooming thing is a power play and they completely took advantage of Sarah in a lot of aspects.
It was Greg and Lainey who first publicised they were 'like guardians' to Sarah and Lainey and Greg both boasted about the fact on livestreams before they decided to be honest about Power of Attorney. They were the ones telling everyone otherwise.
That's the whole reason this would cause trauma to someone because they betrayed her on a personal, emotional and physical level.
No one should donate money to anyone online, but here we are. People will get pleasure donating to these girls just because it will piss Grease off. They're smart. Greg has been making money off of exposing his private life for years without the consent of the parties he likes to make topics about. I hope they (sarah and shiloh) make 10 grand each.
No. 934287
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>>934267That gofundme was posted one hour ago and it already had more than $500 donated to it. Coupling that with venmo money, Sarah has money for 3 macbooks
No. 934290
>>934287Hahaha that's funny. These girls can monetise this situation far better than Grease could and he's been taking advantage of people for years. Airing out other people's dirty laundry online for him to make money. Or him copy striking videos about him. LOL!
Go get your coin girls!
No. 934302
>>934290It's a bit depressing that they've dropped the veneer of caring about
victims of predators and have come out fully with their true goals.
Hey Shiloh how about a GoFundMe for Mike Morse's
victims? Yas Queen
No. 934303
>>934302I don't think you even understand the words you use lmao. Greg has been harrassing Shiloh for years and has been talking non stop about her. Still to this day even in his patron only discord chats will he soliloquy about how fabulous it was to even fuck her. Grease even uses Sarah to get views and monetisation. He does this with all his
victims, and now that two of the
victims have accepted donations this isn't about the
victims (Sarah and Shiloh) anymore?
No. 934307
>>934305I think they got lost on their way to twitter.
>>934303Anon you know there is an onision thread right? Most of us post there as well. We are here because we don't want to derail that thread when laughing at cows who aren't onision. Your YAS QWEENing of Sarah and Shiloh would probably be better received over in /pt/. No one gets special treatment here or is immune from criticism. Yes that includes the
victims. If that upsets you I probably would stay away from image boards.
No. 934308
I'm not the one upset anon, I think it's funny as fuck that Shiloh and Sarah have asked for donations. It's about fucking time other people started making money off of the trainwreck that is Grease.
No. 934310
>>934169None of what you said was relevant to my post whatsoever. At all.
>>934203>>934210And now I wonder if Shiloh's been sperging in this thread. How embarrassing. She's making herself look like full retard.
>>934219To the anon that said that Sarah needs to take a break from social media, you were right.
>>934227This too. She actively saw all that going on and still told him her secrets as if she was any different. All of the girls who get involved with those cunts seem to think that they'll get treated differently after watching a sea of teens/adults get treated like utter shit and their secrets exposed to the world.
No. 934316
>>934310It was relevant, you insinuated that Sarah and her mates where workshy when Lainey has never worked in her fucking life and Greg's had a decade of being unemployed and uploading absolute shite to the internet.
Imagine Onision's
victims being the cows you want to discuss rather than Onion himself. Makes you wonder what absolute strange creatures lurk lolcow these days. What's it like being ugly af genuine question
No. 934331
>>934316You do realize that hating Grug and his ugly translarping wife and being critical of his
victims who are cows on their own right (just look at old onion threads for evidence of how much Sarah was reviled and on the verge of getting her own thread, plus Shiloh’s cunty behavior that continues to this day) are not mutually exclusive, right?
No. 934344
>>934331I understand that, but when the nitpicks for these cows are just the same things over and over again it's pretty hard to not think it's an onion fan with a hateboner.
Anyway, Shiloh made a dick of herself. I wonder if Sarah even knew about the GFM she just made. I feel bad for Sarah. And I do remember when some anons critisiced Sarah when she was like 16 speaking for Lainey because the doormat was too scared to go public back then too. The most that was said about Sarah was she was young and dumb, was plain like Lainey or just annoying. Most farmers understand she was the youngest
victim of Greg's and she has matured quite a bit.
Vince and Hansen took advantage of Sarah's naivety, and she hasn't claimed to have delivered the laptop on 3 occasions to the FBI.
Just be a bit more objective idk, help this thread not be so shit. Shiloh's probably just wanting to raise money for drugs who knows. I wish she wasn't such a sloppy bitch tho as it only helps Grease discredit.
No. 934347
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and now a youtuber with a million subs is calling her out. This is going well good job Shiloh.
No. 934356
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i don't think this has been posted yet
No. 934363
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>>934361this is all the context i could find on it
No. 934365
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No. 934368
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No. 934372
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this is a big mess
No. 934376
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>>934368agreed, this is really such a mess. shiloh, you need a vacation, go for a walk, chill out girl
No. 934385
>>934219lol everyone's pissed because they're not making enough money. poor sarah, can't monetize her victimhood efficiently enough. i wonder, how did cloey feel about waking up to sarah fucking her parents in the middle of the night? i'm going to bet the answer isn't one sarah wants to hear but the kids are the real
victims, sarah helped abuse them, and this entire thing is a shitshow.
No. 934422
>>934359It's the end of Feburary, college started long ago.
She needs a replacement laptop, so she was using the laptop with evidence.
There was no mention of the phone ever being sent to Hansen, just the laptop. Why if both devices have CP or evidence?
Shit ain't adding up willis
No. 934431
>>934419i didn't know, thanks for the spoonfeed. w/r/t skye and alicia, i'm assuming he reached out to them? same with shiloh? not trying to shade him at all, he's an autist but my impression is that he really does mean well–i can't see them contacting him. did they?
hansen should get stevie to take over vince's position and help him run things. that would be such a clown show.
No. 934456
>>934432NTA, but lol, I'm not donating either. The one good thing that came out of this was Jimmy losing his Patreon ( huge deal ) and him losing some sleep over all of this. His YT was dead anyway.
I'm not expecting anything to happen to him legally. Lainey, maybe, but certainly
not to the extent it was hyped up - x years per frame. Sarah would have to be a 5 yo for that to happen.
If they manage to make a case out of this I'm certainly going to be impressed.
No. 934464
>>934459Perfectly worded, I certainly agree with this.
Another good thing that came out of this is the stigma they're going to be carrying around for their entire lives. They're always going to be "that weird grooming couple, protect your daughters" wherever they move to.
Which also really sucks because they have kids, lol. I don't know, this whole milk felt off for a while now, too much shit happened.
No. 934507
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MORE fucking ebegging from the uwu strong brave kweeenz. What kind of retard spends a grand on a fucking lash class? Why are these cloutwhores so fucking workshy?
No. 934563
>>934526>I'll sign this NDA if I get what I want ;)So you believe that's how it happened? I'm on the fence about it.
>she's been crushing on onion since laneclone blew the whistleIn a sense she also fucked over Lainey. She must have known that Lainey didn't want Jimmy to fuck Sarah and she went along with it several times regardless. The "please impregnate me" story, maybe it's true, who knows.
Before a twitterfag jumps down my throat, yes, she was only 18, yes Lainey's still a groomer, yes Jimmy's obviously a shit person.
No. 934571
>>934567Good on you, Luxy. Get that coin. Justice, I mean justice. This has been all about justice for the past 5 months.
That's why the laptop was turned to the feds only 2 days ago.
No. 934588
>>934582Luxy is right about us literally not knowing shit, though.
Like we literally didn't know there wasn't an investigation going on because the laptop and the phone was chillin at Vince's. We just bought it. I thought this time it's going to be finally "it" for Jimmy. Until the hype falls apart and you ask yourself "what did the dude actually do that was illegal"? Nothing. He was just a giant douche, which is his default mode.
Then we had no idea there was still no real investigation going on, because the laptop was still chillin at Sarah's ( where's the phone? Regina's devices? ). Yeah, we don't know a lot.
No. 934589
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>>934582>>934571Sarah's friend Dylan has a great explanation for that - she let her use a replacement laptop and then suddenly took it back because "she wants to play sims 4".
No. 934591
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>>934589oh the struggle, it's a midrange dell computer and not a $10000 crapple
No. 934594
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>>934591>>934292>>934289>crappleno one cares about your preferred laptop, retard
>>934365So much for the greedy goblin taking a break, she’s back to sperging on twitter
No. 934596
>>934594Oh okay. So now Jimmy's the main groomer? I thought it was Lainey.
Who are the multiple teenagers he sexually abused?
I agree that what happened with AJ was sexual assault ( even if she didn't think so and I know a lot of anons don't either, so I'm not trying to start something by saying this ), but after that…? We got two ( three, actually ) completely different versions on what happened with Billie, for example.
One where yeah the story was truly messed up, but there was no sexual assault/coercion. Then we got another story in Hansen's stream where she was pressured into sex. Which one is it? The story went nowhere afterwards anyway, but you're not suppose to question it even a little.
Did he now also sexually abuse Sarah?
No. 934604
>>934563Believe? The texts were posted retard. Sarah owned up to it but everyone agrees that it wasn't evidence of rape, that's what Greg said.
What it does prove is that Sarah wasn't raped or forced to eat laineys carpet at gunpoint with a toddler on the bed. She wasn't even dating Lainey romantically, she
chose to date Greg for whatever reasoning.
>>934596The new Billie story is anons trying to make her the next AJ by implying she was forced to get naked massages and taking greasecock.
In reality post cuddle-gate, Billie did sketchy sponsorships on IG, posted selfies, and laughed off the situation on youtube before getting
triggered about being called a homewrecker. But not before Ayalla proudly confirmed that there was more than just massages. Any oldfag saw the weird cuddling in videos with Sarah in the room. Greg confirmed that they snuck off to fool around, but that's not something they hid on camera anyways.
Greg is supposed to be the groomer, even though there is a active google docs of all the e-thots who tried to get with fuckboikrai, who actually never interacted with Greg. All the evidence of grooming is against a emotionally stunted adult, who was actually groomed by Greg, who thinks she's a pubescent boy.
No. 934623
>>934594Its great though that Shiloh is reminding everybody exactly why everyone hated her back in the day.
Stick with that unwarranted self importance you chubby Canadian hobbit, keep enjoying the smell of your own farts and by all means keep feeling like a black ghetto gangsta chick.
It makes you super likable!
No. 934629
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Luxy got her justice, kek
No. 934630
>>934507These idiots are proving Onision's point that they are in this for the money. I'm done with these "
No. 934646
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>>934604>Any oldfag saw the weird cuddling in videos with Sarah in the room.Onision fingering Billie under the covers while a video was being recorded was hilarious. And the envious look on Sarah's face is the cherry on the greasy cake.
No. 934798
>>934630ya'll are reaching pretty hard in order to attack every person who spoke out about Onion.
She's asking for financial loan advice. No where in this tweet did she ask people to send her money. If you wan't to assume she is baiting so people will offer money, that's your own projection.
No. 934917
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no one wonders shiloh. We all know why people gave you shit before and it's the same reason they're giving you shit now. You're a massive cow who lies about dumb shit and does ridiculous things then demands blind loyalty.
No. 934924
>>934917Yeah, Shiloh…you left because the majority didn't like you. Majority didn't think the seizures or the sepsis was real, there were many jokes about her exploding heart ( cause no one really bought that either ), stealing a preemie pic, the tasteless digs at AJ and more.
There was a lot not to like. This is why she left the first time, no one who was around at the time has to wonder. But she's of course not going to say it.
No. 935021
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Get fucked Shiloh, this isn’t about you sticking up for Sarah or any of the other girls, this is your own personal flex on your status as kween of the victims. You’re a shady little gremlin, fuck all the way off back to the rock from under which you crawled
No. 935023
>>935021She needs to shut the fuck up already. Her acting like an annoying, self-righteous cunt is only making people have
less sympathy.
No. 935086
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>>935049jfc she is fucking ugly. Even under the makeup she still looks like this. Excluding Billie and AJ Greg really as a thing for fugly chicks lmao
No. 935105
>>935049Gragoyle forced her to make this video! This stunning and brave qween would never say such things about a fellow
victim without being forced by the eevil greasy monster!!!
No. 935110
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>>935083you had to post that twice? lmao.
No. 935183
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This just keeps getting better.
No. 935230
>>934276To all the anons somehow perpetually surprised that a teenager makes stupid choices or in this case Sarah when she was in fact underage, such great big galaxy brains you have to not understand something so simple and basic about someone in that age bracket.
>>934316>>934344>Most farmers understand she was the youngest victim of Greg's and she has matured quite a bit.Some of the criticism is reasonable, rational and impartial. There's a difference between that and the people waving their raging hate boners who are super obvious when they post here.
No. 935233
>>935201she posted that herself, mega tinfoil chan.
anons are just tacking extra statements onto the original vague courthouse bait tweet.
No. 935240
>>934633This has been asked before but at what point did he insert himself into this, how did he actually get involved? Who did he approach and when?
I remember back when he asked to collab with Blaire White, a collab that never happened. Then Blaire did the interview with Sarah, Hansen got involved soon after. He showed up at a very convenient time (like a true opportunist). Sarah and co. would've been better off never knowing him - he's gonna milk their story for all it's worth in the hopes it'll get him back on network tv. He's spinning his wheels on two fronts. kek
No. 935242
>>934660>Sarah surrounds herself with lazy people who don't want to work.Like who? Dylan has a job. I'm not a fan of Regina but she works too. I don't get why some anons here have to make things up just to prove a point they don't have.
>>934798>they love projectingAnd they're too smooth brained to actually come up with any legitimate criticism so they sperg out about e-begging (like it matters), their Onlyfans (like it matters), that they're just groupies, etc. The "groupies" anons really enjoy reaching. Only rockstars have groupies. I wouldn't compare a washed up youtuber to a rockstar but then I live in reality.
No. 935245
>>934347>>934917The smart thing for Shiloh would've been to stay gone from twitter after the Madison debacle. She's not very bright and isn't doing any of the other girls any favors by trying and repeatedly failing to play leader, she just keeps falling on her face every time. Very poor decision making skills.
>>934349I doubt both Shiloh and Regina because they publicly support a fraud who moonlights as a journalist, as if he's actually going to hold Onision accountable in any way. These girls are smoking way too much weed.
No. 935246
>>935242>smooth brained Not this shit again.
The ebegging only matters because it reeks of opportunism and manipulation/leveraging
victim status for financial gain. Sarah was warranted in asking for a donation because she works two shitty jobs, lives alone and is going to school. Shiloh, on the other hand, is a lazy grifter who could have got that tattoo covered up years ago, she doesn’t have a job, she probably just wanted free money to spend on drugs like other anons have said. Regina might have a job but she’s a scammer too. She is a shady bitch who is obviously jealous of Sarah’s popularity (however misplaced it may be) and glow up. Both Regina and Shiloh are ugly inside and out abc their cuntiness is finally catching up with them.
No. 935249
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Nice bait, Shiloh
No. 935250
>>935246I remember being Sarah's age and I can totally understand why she could use the extra cash. There were a few people asking questions about some discrepancies between her past statements about not wanting money and why she recently changed her mind, which I think were fair questions but I don't think she should've been made to feel guilty about asking for donos.
Having followed this story since Sarah was living with the Onions, I take her at her word, though I understand why some people wouldn't.
No. 935256
>>935251Everything Shiloh does is PR. I honestly don’t think she gives a flying fuck about the other girls. To her credit Luxy has always maintained that she isn’t a
victim. She is dumb but she’s not malicious. Same goes for Billie. Regina, I suspect she is just revelling in her newfound clout after being bitter about Lame ghosting her Quasimodo looking ass for a massive upgrade (Billie). Twittertards throw money at her to waste on her cringey clown paint and weed, and I’m willing to bet that most of whatever Shiloh was given for that abysmal wonky tattoo went on drugs too. They are both self serving narcissists
No. 935258
>>935256>Quasimodo looking asskek, youre not wrong tho. I mean lets be real, the bitch is fucking hideous. As
>>935246 said, inside and out. I hope that Sarah keeps her distance from her. She was Vincents biggest ally prior to his excommunication, one could argue that she is complicit in any damage done to whatever case Sarah has or had w/r/t Anus and Footface.
No. 935267
>>934571>wanting to get a job and make money means she loves OnisionNice logic.
>>934589>>934591Weird. If she were such a great friend why would she prioritize her need to use it for games over her bff using it for school?
No. 935273
>>935271Or holding on to cp for as long as he did. I think this tinfoil holds some weight
>>932968. The Ice Poseidon investigation doesn't get mentioned much but Hansen did drop it in a very suspicious manner.
No. 935278
>>935274LOL BE MAD
>>935275She was barely legal and a
victim of grooming, it’s not like she is a predator herself anon
No. 935288
>>934060So where was all this sanctimonious outrage when Vince and Hansen lied to Sarah? Shiloh still kisses Hansen's lying ass (tbf she did admit to being naive, I'm sure Hansen saw $$ signs when he heard that). It's such flaky behavior though.
"Deplatform predators" while supporting a con artist who swindled an entire community, and his creepy lawyer facing federal charges for among other things, sexual assault? C'mon now. I don't get how anyone can be this unintentionally dense.
No. 935299
>>935255I think it's as much that as it is a lack of maturity, especially Shiloh
>>934917. For someone who's taken on the mantle of "leader" she doesn't carry it very well at all. She blames the internet for her getting into a needless public row with Madison, and then for her falsely accusing Nic
>>934356 instead of admitting that it's her own behavior/choices that's the problem. She should take a lesson from Skye, though I doubt the lesson would stick.
No. 935318
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The most important thing to take away from all this is that Shiloh is a black ghetto chick now.
She's the new WoaVicky.
No. 935321
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No. 935342
>>935183lol what are you gonna do, Shiloh? Send the Canadian mafia? Instruct your Slipping Jimmy ambulance chaser friend to sue/grope them?
Get Chris and the FBI to show up at their house?
This bitch needs to get off the internet before she starts puking rainbows and loses another 3 years of memories.
No. 935347
>>935342All this Shiloh hate seems very out of date, like 6 years or so. Be so funny if Greg's patrons that were audibly upset when he spoke about how fantastic Shiloh was in bed comes here to post. Wonder if that's why McFly fell 0ut with Grease, she kept having tantrums about the Shiloh shit. Fuck, wonder if Booty Slayer is back to posting, she was even vying for Grease's one incher when he was with Shiloh.
Poor Grease. He can't meet normal girls.
No. 935355
I guess most of us were excited about her return and glad she tore Jimmy a new one, but she's slowly but surely going back to the crazy bitch she was during their relationship.
It really seems like she hasn't matured or changed. She needs to calm down or she'll lose her credibility again and has to go back into hiding.
No. 935365
>>935347According to Greg's standards that means absolutely nothing, but its nice to know she rocked his world. A childs hand is easily full, I suppose.
When you act like Danielle Brigoli and you look like Snooky, its no surprise Shiloh is now a lolcow in her own right. Granted, she already was one way back in the day.
Like someone mentioned she's almost 30 now and seems to mature in exactly the same way Greg does.
Maybe tard cum does that to a woman, I dunno.
No. 935386
>>935347go look at her twitter anon. She's been a massive cow lately. It sounds like you're the one with the outdated info or you're just hopelessly stanning the
ViCtIm QwEeNs.
No. 935406
File: 1582395731705.png (1.2 MB, 1440x1873, lylsus.png)

Instead of starting another shady Venmo why doesnt Shiloh do a concert to raise some money for her? Or donate a portion of her album sales? People are a lot less critical of donation requests when you offer something in exchange for their money. Hell she could even do a stream on her channel for it and interact with her fans, take song requests and sing live for them, but she hasn't even posted a video to her channel in two months (pic attached) and she was planning on posting regularly. Yet here she is sperging and moralfagging on her Twitter, making an ass out of herself instead of actually DOING something to help. Set the example, don't just stick out your hand and screech at people when they raise questions.
No. 935414
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>>935342From her Patreon. She’s thinking about deleting her Twitter account.
No. 935429
>>935414Should she? yes.
Do I want her to? Hell no this shit is hilarious.
No. 935434
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shiloh is the gift that keeps on giving.
No. 935468
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Stevie and Repzion chime in
No. 935470
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>protecc teh vIcTiMs uwu
No. 935471
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Meanwhile Ayalla-chan is shilling her porno pics for a used car
No. 935472
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Shiloh’s last post
No. 935488
>>935470If the laptop thing is true, and theres evidence on it, it IS her fault. Any new
victims Greg and Kai made for the past 5 months are on Sarah and Vince.
>>935473Sister? So Sarah is black now like Shiloh?
>>935434>>935436>>935435I find it just adorable when she keyboard warrior like that. She's kinda like a slutty Canadian angry smurf.
No. 935492
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Maybe we can get Greg to throw some more candycorn at Shiloh so she can paint rainbows again.
He did her make-up a lot better than her too.
No. 935518
>>935510Uhhh. Yes. Greg has a sickness, Sarah could have made sure he was put away (if there truly is anything on that crapple laptop)
If you know something for a fact, if you withhold evidence, its on you.
Sure, its on Greg too, but she could have stopped him 5 months ago. So by that right any
victim he has made since then, is also on her.
No. 935537
>>935434>>935434>>935435Welp, she just ruined a lot of people's opinions about the
victims by acting like a complete cunt in the name of Sarah and the others.
>>935468No one gives a single turd pebble about what Stevie the edgy asslicker thinks. Rep got pulled into this drama so it makes sense for him to chime in. And the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" is something that
should happen as an adult because no one's going to put money into your hand every time you hold it out just because you asked and have a
victim status.
Rep had already given Sarah money though so there was no reason for Shiloh to make that retarded gofundme.
No. 935539
>>935210>>935233It's not tinfoil.
>ayalla outting Greg>Dylan posting caps or making statements>Luxy making statements whenever something meanie is said on here>clone posting caps or making statements>exclusive dms with onion being posted on lolcow shortly before being posted on Twitter You're either blind, or naive.
No. 935556
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>>935278Billie an average white girl who looks like her family cooks meth. With better styling Ayalla could at least look less grungy.
No. 935569
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>>935556Billie’s aging gracefully
No. 935583
File: 1582418131270.jpg (151.36 KB, 509x864, kweenslay.jpg)

Some of these are getting reeeeally cringy.
No. 935597
>>935583This is such cringe.
>>935556>>935569Eggs over easy.
No. 935613
>>935201>Sarah tells her buddys what to post on lolcow and twitter on her behalf.Thanks for the zero evidence proving your assertion.
>>935539>ayalla outting GregSo?
>Dylan posting caps or making statementsYes Dylan sometimes makes posts on twitter referring to Sarah, so?
>Luxy making statements whenever something meanie is said on hereTwitterfags etc. lurk here, that comes as a surprise to anyone why?
Twitterfags lurk here and have posted here, I don't know what your point is beyond that.
No. 935616
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No. 935635
>>935583>it's crazy how things are finally starting to happenIf by "happen" they mean that things are really starting to circle the drain, then yes. I'm still optimistic that
something will happen to Greg but it definitely won't come through Hansen (his spiteful, vendetta "hacker"/lackey Gene be damned), and it's highly doubtful a court of law will be able to use anything that comes out of the federal investigation for obvious reasons.
A lot of people are being deceived, lead to believe that a conviction is a sure thing when nothing could be further from the truth. Regina's, Shiloh's and the anti's support of Hansen only perpetuates this false narrative. They have no excuse.
No. 935636
>>935279Okay so anon, so we're gonna start fucking and oh by the way my kid just happens to be in the bed, are you in? For the third time?
Fuck off with this poor 'coaxed teenager' bullshit.
>>935406What's with the axe/hatchet on the wall, is Shiloh a juggalo? Wouldn't surprise me kek
No. 935642
>>935468>>935470is anyone actually complaining about sarah, shiloh, and regina anywhere other than here and maybe KF? this is the only place i see people say shit about how the girls are fucking up. if there are tweets calling them out i haven't seen any, but maybe they should learn to read a room. looks like the people who stayed out of it were the smart ones, after all. now you have these morons running in to white knight, it's so obvious and so messy and dumb.
the girls had so much support and so many people behind them, and still they managed to fuck it up. it's really unbelievable.
No. 935643
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Shiloh continues her blocking spree
No. 935645
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Had 2 delaet, I wanna stay incognito
No. 935667
>>935655>smooth brained for the hundredth time in defense of SarahExpand your vocabulary. If there was more to the situation than what's been stated then there isn't any proof of it. She won't go much further because "evidence" but she didn't bother bringing the laptop to the FBI until recently and still hasn't said much more. The only "smooth-brained" people are the ones who are taking the women's word for everything because "
>>935661As they should, not just for the Nick thing but for her telling someone that the world would be better off without them. Doesn't help that Sarah supports her behavior
>>935472 .
No. 935668
>>935661>ThatFauxJournoThis is the vid he made talking about the situation with Nic and Shiloh.
It's not just Shiloh either, many in the anti-o community have alienated themselves from former allies through their own actions - false dichotomies and mob mentality runs rampant with these people. They're very easily manipulated, that's why they stan people like Chris Hansen.
No. 935669
>>935642>this is the only place i see people say shit about how the girls are fucking up.I'd bet a lot of people are thinking it, though. Maybe even some antio Twitterfags. They're just not going to say it because of the backlash.
But I'm sure they must be privately gossiping about it, lmao.
No. 935676
>>935655Oh yeah she's such a poor
victim she fucked Grease on Footface's office chair and then made jokes about it on Twitter just to make her victimhood extra
valid No. 935685
>>935667>Sarah should show proof she was groomedShe has. Check Onion's thread in pt, newfag.
>She didn't go to the FBI until recentlySo what? She was lied to, she made a mistake, get over it.
>Sarah should show proof she took her laptop to the FBIWhat does it matter to you? Is there a reason why you need to see receipts for this in particular? Something tells me it's not because you're lusting for justice, anon.
No. 935689
>>935679Nah, not everyone. I just strolled in here from pt for drama, lol. Whenever the question of "who are even these Twitter fags" was asked ( just to get some more context, beyond their user names ), no one wanted to answer it. Even in thread 1 and it was originally suppose to be their thread.
So, yeah, the majority probably are Twitterfags.
No. 935694
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>>935655>smooth brainedPlease stop. If you’re the same person who also spergs about grug being a “water brain” you can stop that too.
Shiloh unfollowed Repzion for criticizing her, all the comments under her post supporting mikenwanker are condemning her, she is digging her own grave
No. 935705
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>>935700This is his what Daniel said, no mention of her unfollowing him but she was following him before and isn’t now
No. 935714
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>>935569>>935597Some of you reach really hard man lol. She was nervous af going on Hansen's show,why would she get all dolled up for that anyway? She's lost some of her baby fat, she's still cute, her bf's cute too.
No. 935732
>>935685Learn to read. The context was proof about the laptop going to the FBI not proof of grooming.
>>935689Yep. Admin even outed a few of them not too long ago.
No. 935733
>>935613I know this because Sarah told people she had her friends posting caps and evidence for her, you can also reference any exclusive caps posted here.
And if you don't believe me just know that I'm one of the girls who's been skeptical about what Shiloh did with her GoFundMe money. And I ain't the only one so I don't care what y'all think. I know the truth.
No. 935750
>>935745This is giving me Madison drama deja vu (granted madison was outed as a snake in her own right). Shiloh left twitter for a minute afterwards, then came back only to dive into drama yet again, but she refuses to acknowledge her role in it. She's not capable of handling being front and center or she'd have learned her lesson the first time around.
I'm not saying this to drag her but she obviously has some psychological issues she's deep in the middle of - referring to the "joining the 27 club" tweets from last month
>>921125 - and now she's telling people to kill themselves. She's in no position to lead or counsel others when she's obviously struggling as much as she is. And of course greg and his orbiters will glom on to this like vultures. Greg already tried using the madison fallout to discredit his
victims, and now Shiloh's giving him more sperg ammo.
No. 935767
Of course Stevie Somefaggot has to insert himself in too long to screen
No. 935769
>>934356>>934359>>934363Nic's side of the story.
This is herd mentality at its finest, it's why the anti-o community gets so much shit. Greg is going to have a field day with this and Shiloh has only herself to thank for it.
No. 935772
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>You lot are helping legitimize an asshole like Onision on how he paints the characters of those he victimized.If anyone's done that, it's Shiloh. Asking fair, simple questions won't delegitimize anyone who's being honest.
I wondered the same as Pescatore about the laptop, why the FBI agreed to take it after Hansen royally screwed things up there. It's more than a little odd.
No. 935778
>>935772I talked to Stevie on discord dms earlier and he basically said that he thought Shiloh was retarded for how she acted and it pushed everything back instead of helping anything. He also said he felt like she used the size of her audience and status as a
victim to put pressure on people so they didnt say anything until this blew up and only makes things worse for the girls like Sarah who didnt know what they were getting into and that if Hansen and them looked the other way from this he would probably pull back from it all for good.
Stevie can be a sperg but I genuinely feel that out of a lot of these people he actually gives a shit. I think he lets his feelings get the best of him tho and it screws him over.
No. 935780
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>>935769>>935772Of course Shiloh being the class act that she is makes empty legal threats against someone for asking a few questions that are in no way doxxing (like she did) or threatening anyone's personal safety (like she did). Who does she think she is, Greg? It's pathetic she'd sink to this level, it just reinforces all the criticism she gets here. She needs to stay off the internet and stay in therapy.
No. 935782
>>935746Sounds like it's probably a dysfunctional relationship then. Poor self esteem will do that - not a criticism, just an observation. If it is a
toxic relationship I hope she'll find the strength to leave it.
No. 935790
>>935788I agree with him for once. He put it pretty well, and I'm absolutely certain she will see it.
People saying "protect her she's an abuse
victim!!" Are top tier retarded. Being an abuse
victim means fuck all in regards to her behavior
No. 935802
>>935780Man, if she doesn't stop being a psycho like Jimmy, she can have her own thread again. I hope she leaves the internet again, for good.
Skye, Alicia and Billie really are the only ones not acting like idiots.
No. 935804
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Will Sarah ever address what she said about Ayalla here?
No. 935823
>>935809On woke twitter, 19 is always a 'young girl'. Never mind that you can be married with kids, stomping around the desert being shot at 19.
Brock Turner wasn't a 19 year old 'young boy' any more than these self-infantilizing idiots are uwu young girls.
No. 935883
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>>935780Wait, the kweens need to e-beg for a laptop but they have money to sue people for not toeing the line on twitter? Who is their lawyer? Take the lolcow bullshit to the next level Shiloh it's getting good.
No. 935942
>>935804I feel like this was some kind of statement Ayalla made in passing to Sarah that was taken way out of context by Sarah at the time. Sarah may have actually thought Ayalla was hitting on her, who knows? But Ayalla says she did not want to get with Sarah and now Sarah agrees with that statement.
When she was all up Lainey's asshole, she wanted to diss the other girls to prove she was on Lainey's side. She was a bratty teenager. I am sure we all did similar things when we were teens.
But honestly? This thing with Ayalla doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Worse case scenario, an 18 year old girl hit on a 16 year old girl. Big freaking deal. Nothing ever happened. Both girls are friendly now. I really don't know why people keep bringing this up as if it means anything.
No. 935951
>>935936They really are similar. Probably why they were a good fit for each other, but had extreme crazy fights.
I wonder if she's always been like that or if that side of her got prominent because of Jimmy.
No. 935972
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Madison: Ok but can we talk about me now?
No. 935973
>>935968He'll have to say something since he's in contact with her more than the others. Shiloh is making things much worse for the women involved.
>>935972Holy shit, no wonder the people involved with Onion and Shallot were so drawn to them. They all seem to be up their own asses with the exception of Sarah (most of the time). Madison needs to shut the fuck up, no one wants to hear her me me me whining.
No. 935978
>>935972She makes everything about herself, no wonder even all the other "
victims" dislike her.
No. 935989
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>>935972Madi and Lainey are one and the same. Where's MY sympathy?
Can you imagine being so addicted to attention with nothing to show for it? I almost feel bad for her cuz the only way for her to get her coveted attention is with her shitty dime-a-dozen glamor shot modeling, but even with that she's just so unremarkable that not even her leaked porn was noticed by anyone. It's plastered all over the internet under her real name, imagine being so boring at being fap fodder that nobody even cares to see if there's nudes of you out there.
No. 936007
File: 1582494620899.jpg (86.47 KB, 534x837, 2020-02-23_16-46-37.jpg)

Taken from kf. Apparently the woman that Shiloh told to kill herself is getting harassed beyond measure. I hope that Skye comes out of hiding to support this woman cause if anyone knows what it's like to have a crazy cunt's rabid fans after them, it's her. Hell, Sarah would know too but she doesn't seem to be saying anything. She ended up liking the tweet that Shiloh made excusing her actions so I doubt she'll actually say something, but one can hope.
No. 936018
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>>936007honestly this is such a heel turn for shiloh
No. 936032
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>>936018Shiloh deleted her account. 1 down five more to go.
No. 936043
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Have Sarah or Ayalla said anything more about this?
No. 936048
>>936032>>936034All of this is incredibly hilarious.
It truly is Greg's douchebag aura. Literally everyone involved with Greg good or bad is just a complete scumbag haha
No. 936050
>>936043Well we knew Ayalla and Billie were wannorexics doing some cringe dieting at onion's McMansion.
If it's true that they gave Sarah tips on loosing the pudge then that's pretty gross, considering Sarah started posting wannorexic shit on her tumblr around that time. I just figured she learned that from doormat.
Ayalla said she never hit on Sarah. I honestly don't know who to believe but even if it was true I'm guessing they would want that swept under the rug if it didn't pertain to grease.
No. 936069
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>>936034It’s still there and she is still sperging trying to make everything about her because she is a fucking attention whoring cunt
No. 936073
>>936055I was around at the time the first anti o group was forming and this has always been a problem ( also the reason why I much prefer lolcow and don't know shit about this current anti o group ). If they're attacking anyone who has anything remotely negative to say about the
victims, that's not at all surprising.
Majority has the inability to be objective. Jimmy could have farted and it would get turned into "Jimmy just tried to poison the world, what a disgusting human being, if you disagree you're supporting it".
Jimmy does a perfectly good job at being an asshole all by himself, there's no need to push it harder than that.
In a similar vein, there's also no need to see the
victims as people who are a 100 % honest and can do no wrong. Maybe they're not honest about
Shiloh was hated back then for a reason. When she came back people were excited and she managed to fuck up again. On her own, without Jimmy abusing her.
You're right that it all goes back to being frustrated over Jimmy, though.
>>936054To me it's less about if it's a big deal or not, just about what's true and what isn't. Either way someone apparently lied about this.
No. 936079
>>936073>people who are a 100 % honest and can do no wrong. Especially because we know that there has been a few lies told by the women. People wouldn't be making such a huge deal about the stuff if they weren't given the 100% innocent no blame
victim status in the first place.
>>936075Doesn't this whiny bitch have a child to take care of? Maybe she should go hug her daughter instead of trying to get pity points and ass pats from a bunch of strangers.
No. 936101
Bitch, the whole world is against you rn and you’re really gonna post this?! (Video)
(this is an imageboard) No. 936102
File: 1582509218803.png (403.07 KB, 1125x2436, BE062467-76E8-4BD3-8152-022B1A…)

Her account’s gone.
No. 936107
>>935883Shiloh virtue signals about deplatforming predators while saying and doing
nothing about the predator lawyer Mike Morse, that her friend Hansen actively works with and has openly advertised on his channel. There was talk at one point of him legally advising the girls, which is beyond insane.
This whole thing is a such huge embarrassing joke, no one with half a brain would touch it with a 10ft pole but I'm sure Hansen will probably continue milking it to keep what's left of his "career" afloat.
No. 936129
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No. 936144
>>936007>a crazy cunt's rabid fans after themShiloh tried to brigade Nic
>>935769 too. It really is gross and unfortunate how much she acts like Greg. If she doesn't grow up it'll only be a matter of time before the other shoe drops. By then none of her grandstanding will help her.
No. 936147
>>936129She makes herself sound completely psychotic in that video. Getting all high-pitched and loud like Greg does when in the wrong.
>>936144It's easy to see why Skye and Alicia refuse to say anything more. Half of the women and Chris with his team seem so shady as hell and the anti-o faggots seem as psychotic as Shiloh.
No. 936152
>>936147>Half of the women and Chris with his team seem so shadyI noticed how Hansen went from saying his goal is to jail predators ( justice etc ), to saying the goal is to "get into the mind of a predator/criminal and report on it with the voices of
victims" in his last weekend video.
Not a direct quote, but still the gist of it.
It seems like he worded it this way intentionally, because the more things happen, the more this seems like a joke in any legal sense. It has for a good while now.
I'm really wondering how all of this is going to play out, especially after Shiloh's antics.
No. 936156
>>9360325? I only know of the lyldoll one and the other she recently deleted.
>>936101As with Hansen and Greg, there will always be a few mindless stans who will justify anything she does.
>>936129Nice to see she's learned nothing after single-handedly destroying her credibility overnight. Shiloh's made it that much easier for Greg and anyone really, to discredit all of the girls she claims to care so much about.
No. 936234
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>>936071Madison whored herself out in the tipster stream and according to them she is the only one of the girls who is telling the truth and a
victim lololo
No. 936236
>>936226>creepy that she made her own banana songI felt kinda weird hearing her scream "this shit is bananas" from Stefani, since this whole thing is about a guy who got famous for his banana song.
Maybe it's just a joke I'm not getting, though.
No. 936245
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>>936234lmao these three mongoloid ham planets sperged about how they think Shiloh is ugly (she is, but besides the point) when they look like this. The deformed pick me bitch has a voice like nails on a chalkboard. People this hideous have no business calling anyone else ugly
No. 936246
>>936245I mean, she is prettier than plain Skye and plain Sarah
No. 936253
>>935750>"joining the 27 club" tweetsIf she's planning to an hero herself in a years time that really puts her recent "activities" into perspective, she could care less about the consequences her actions might have on others and it shows.
Does she think it's hilarious that this woman
>>936007 got death threats, was doxxed and now she fears for her child's safety? All because Shiloh took the following she cultivated from her victimhood and used them as her own personal army. She and Greg really have a lot in common.
No. 936255
>>936253This wasn't some honest little mistake either, she deliberately lied about that woman (who apologized to Sarah btw) and about Nic to try and secure the outcome she wanted, and she still failed. I don't know what her real motives are but justice in a courtroom obviously isn't high on her list. She lost the plot and the support of most everyone in the commentary community that once took Onision's
victims seriously.
No. 936260
>>935788So is Stevie legitimately surprised that Shiloh acted this way? Because I'm not. She's obviously mentally unwell and hasn't been in a healthy frame of mind for awhile. I'm also not surprised at how things have deteriorated because of their association with Chris Hansen, who's a fucking hack if I've ever seen one. This isn't how you get shit done.
Why make stupid choices, like giving Hansen a pass, and then act surprised or disappointed when things go horribly south? Honestly. Those of us paying attention have been warning about these red flags the entire time.
No. 936261
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>>936238>I think the joke is, what was left of her sanity has left the chat.Lol, that might be it. I don't think she even cares about it or is going to apologise. But then again, has she ever, for anything? Mostly not.
No. 936263
>>936058>>936073>>936125>>936150I think a lot of it is fear tactics. If you speak out "against" any of the
victims they will pound on you so hard with all these yas queens trust me, the next time you'll stay out of it and not speak your thoughts about the situation.
Its an oral lid, really. They will hound you, dox you, call you a predator anything just to shut you up.
Deplorable behavior, really.
No. 936266
>>936261I hope she enjoys her cheese and wine when Greg ends up not in jail thanks in part to the stupid shit she's been pulling. The fact that she doesn't appear at all bothered by what she's done here
>>936007 says a lot about her.
No. 936268
>>936266Since she's black now shouldn't she be sipping Yak or some shit?
Come on now Shiloh, thats common knowledge!
Have fun with your fam, you pudgy bridge troll.
No. 936275
>>936263I'm sure this is true. I'm also sure not
all of the current anti o's are some batshit insane stanning morons. There must be some who are "thinking things", but are afraid of saying them.
>They will hound you, dox you, call you a predator anything just to shut you up.Which is insane, since this whole thing is about the negative impacts of abuse.
Back then things were simpler, lol. We all disliked Shiloh and we all liked AJ, that was it.
>>936270>Even fucking STEVIE criticized her bullshitIt was a positive surprise that he did. I wasn't expecting that.
No. 936278
File: 1582537594147.png (594.91 KB, 867x865, ERhXgWyXUAMAHGh.png)

>>936261That's right Shiloh. You can pat yourself on the back for this one. Keep it up. You've helped reduce your
victim status to mere youtube dramu. guRl poWeR.
No. 936279
>>936278Well, shit. You should post this in the main thread too, for the anons who aren't reading here.
Looking forward to the shit show. I also think Shiloh helped encourage this.
No. 936283
File: 1582540823193.png (396.5 KB, 591x949, Screenshot_2020-02-24 Luxymoo.…)

>>936007At least Luxy stepped up and did what Shiloh couldn't. Funny how the girls Shiloh says she's trying to protect are left cleaning up her fucking mess for her.
No. 936285
File: 1582541440990.jpg (290.95 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200224-104502664_…)

Sorry deleted previous post of screenshot because his name was in it:
This is shilohs ex. I am very close with him.
She is still obsessed with him, was a control freak and insanely jealous, she is known to dabble in hallucinogenic drugs.
No. 936287
File: 1582541597468.jpg (531.94 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200224-105213552 …)

Another screenshot from her ex.
No. 936288
>>936275>not all anti-OsJust fuck off back to your twitter and go finger your bum over your follower count already.
>>936283You mean the girls collectively agreed that Haylee should make a statement on everyone's behalf, after it's finally escalated this far. There's no way they haven't noticed the way Shiloh acted when they're constantly watching their sm.
No. 936290
>>936288Maybe calm down a little and sage.
>>936285Is that the same ex who said she faked a text to make him look crazy or something along those lines?
No. 936301
>>936275And the funny thing is like I seen someone else mention too: This was exactly the same crap Greg did. Just sic your rabid fans on your enemies.
If you get a gazillion people hating you for something you say, you scurry away, specially if you use your own name and they go out and dox you.
>I'm also sure not all of the current anti o's are some batshit insane stanning morons. Not all of them no, I seen some sane ones be scared away by the mouth breathers. Its the same type of shit they tried to do to Bad Banana but since he doesn't use his own name they can't dox him.
There's a bunch of other ones who's name I can't recall but who actually left. You are not allowed to say whats on your mind, you're supposed to parrot what everyone else is saying. Which is Greg bad,
Victims saintly.
All this "#ISTANDWITH" horseshit. Which coincidentally has the name STAN in it. They're quite literally stanning these yas queens.
No. 936305
>>936301Bad banana was a little fagthat would post screen caps from lolcow and act like mr detective.
Just because all you twitter cunts run rampant in this shit containment thread doesn't mean actual farmers have forgotten who the fuck is who in all this.
You all condemn yourselves with the shite you post.
No. 936309
>>936305I'm not sticking up for Bad banana there, my handsome little newfriend. I was simply making a point, which you now single handily re-enforced. Anti-O's are like Piranha, feeding off their own.
Not a very smart way of handling things, amusing though, but not very productive for you.
No. 936316
>>936301>You are not allowed to say whats on your mind, you're supposed to parrot what everyone else is saying. Which is Greg bad, Victims saintly.It wasn't said for nothing that a lot of the hardest anti o's tend to turn out to be exactly like Jimmy in a lot of aspects.
When the mentality is "absolutely everything Jimmy does is wrong, everything the
victims do is right and shouldn't be questioned" without anything in between, things can turn shitty really fast, I'm sure.
>>936306>no one even knows for sure if she ever had a babyI think I remember seeing her with a baby photo on FB back in the day.
Did a little Googling and found a photo from 2013 with her and a slightly older child, which I think was her daughter. Don't want to post it here, though, even a censored version, you can find it easily.
I think this was a rare example of her being truthful.
No. 936319
>>936316And they get legitimately ANGRY. Even on this place. You say anything, absolutely anything even if its a minute doubt about some of the
VICTIMS claims and they want to DESTROY you.
Its ludicrous really, they're throwing in their own windows with this type of behavior.
Oh and Hansen is the second coming of the Christ-child, according to them. His words are absolute scripture, written in stone like the 10 commandments. He is their Moses leading them to the promised land of a Greg-free internet.
And it just so happens I have my sincerest doubts about any of Hansens claims. Like how every single episode he says at both beginning and end how there are "new developments in the Onision-investigation", yet never delivering.
No. 936321
>>936316yeah, i know the picture. shiloh has a history of lying. about everything. a birth or death record is lot more convincing than a photo tbh.
>>936319everyone thinks hansen is retarded, no one cares about him anymore. he got his fifteen minutes and he's dome.
the wetlands and the IRS are going to do the damage to greg. he'll be bankrupted eventually, but nothing's going to come of any of this shit. sarah fucked it up big time.
No. 936367
>>936321Ah, okay. I don't want to believe she lied about that because it's too fucked up, but I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out she did.
That said, I was refreshing my memory, because I forgot so much shit in all of this time ( or just wasn't around, his relationship with Lainey was painfully boring for a few years ).
I forgot that Shiloh was trying to talk to Lainey on Twitter, lol. Seeing that shit again was really weird.
Agreed on the IRS, it's the most realistic bet.
No. 936390
>>936290I am not sure if she faked texts with him, but if you - or anyone - knows who is, I urge you not to bother him or reach out to him - because he has already expressed in the screenshots it is hard to talk about.
He is damaged from her actions.
She is controlling, manipulative, volatile and a compulsive liar and I now genuinely think she has little to no credibility in what she says - because she has been caught in several lies, including telling her Ex - as confirmed in those screen shots that she faked the seizure for an attempt to get famous.
Everything she says, she contradicts herself, and now it's all coming out and has gotten way too hot to handle - she's gone back into hiding.
About her "sudden infant death syndrome child" she has never mentioned it to her ex, and he was with her for a couple of years on and off, BUT - as we already know - the dead baby picture she posted to her Facebook, and soon deleted - was not the baby in question
With the amount of contradicting evidence coming out, I am now going to say that Shiloh is just as bad as Onision, and there is no doubt in my mind she was "in on" a lot of the videos.
Not saying she was in on all of them (the candy corn one etc) - but certainly in on a lot of them.
No. 936399
>>936263I think that ship has sailed thanks to Shiloh's antics. People feel much more comfortable questioning the uwu
victim qweens now that all of these people with actual platforms are doing it.
No. 936418
>>936321Hansen wasn't much to begin with. I mean talk about your one trick pony, wow. Usually whenever reporters have fuck all to talk about they cover predators. Its always a crowd pleaser to white trash parents to see pedo's or black people get busted on national tv.
They keep talking about an investigation but when has Hansen ever done any legitimate investigation himself? He hasn't. Horny hillbillies were lured in to coming to that stinghouse, he'd read the pervy chatlogs and then they got busted outside the house. Thats it. There was no investigation involved. And when it came down to other subjects on dateline they had an investigative team at NBC. Chris just was the turtleneck talking head. Now that thats all gone to shit he's trying to revive his career on Youtube.
I have my sincere doubts that its gonna work. Not in the least bit because he isn't using the stinghouse format anymore, which was what the fans wanted.
The fans are bummed, the Anti-O's are rabid and have tunnelvision when it comes to Greg going to prison and they're desperately clinging to this last straw.
Now they're clinging to Keem to somehow magically make Greg talk so he can go to prison but trust me, he ain't going to.
No. 936437
>>936418keem's not going to do shit either, it's true. the only person who could have in theory done anything was the person who was around them the longest, and that was sarah. personally i think that after the first hansen where she saw just how badly she blew it where cloey was concerned (the chat were disgusted) she got cold feet or something.
there's so much stupidity about this shit. like the unending drone of 'you can't say anything negative about girl fill in the blank here! you just gave greg all the ammo he needs to discredit her!' is so fucking dumb. a court of law doesn't look at a case and say 'hm. that loser one-upped another loser on social media, therefore they win!' but the brainiacs surrounding this shitshow honestly believe that a crime is cancelled out if the person pressing charges fucks up somewhere along the way? that's greg tier retardation. no matter, since the person who should have pressed charges didn't think it was as important as scoring points on SM or getting a new laptop so that dylan could play sims 4.
greg will definitely get screwed by either the wetlands case or the IRS, but both of those agencies will take forever.
No. 936452
>>936437I think Kaiface makes him U-turn on his stupidity at the last minute on things like the wetlands and IRS. He either threatens to leave or they have a fight in the yard (according to the police reports).
The Lowes contractor will probably do the fence and then they can argue over the plants and signs.
No. 936472
>the brainiacs surrounding this shitshow honestly believe that a crime is cancelled out if the person pressing charges fucks up somewhere along the way? that's greg tier retardation. no matter, since the person who should have pressed charges didn't think it was as important as scoring points on SM or getting a new laptop so that dylan could play sims 4.Kek anon this is true
Even if none of this side milk happened, Sarah would probably still be holding on to the supposed evidence. I think she just expected it to be easy to garner 100% support without doing anything, it doesn't make sense for Ayalla to announce it with emojis otherwise.
No. 936485
>>936472I think a big issue with all of this is that all of the girls didn’t do anything but shit talk and vague tweet. I do believe Anus and Kai groomed Sarah and some of the other allegations are true but they didn’t do anything about it, so what are people supposed to believe. Nobody went to the police, Sarah herself recently admitted to not caring so much about the laptop going to authorities. There was just no direction or goal besides memes and riling everyone up about what he did to them.
Maybe this should be an example of what not to do when you have been victimized. Go to police instead of expecting people to believe you based on tweets and YouTube interviews.
No. 936487
>>936485>but the justice system failed uwuThe antifags who enabled this unironically think the system is super flawed and would never help the
victims. If there really was CP in multiple devices you know they would do something about it. Antis can't self reflect for even a minute.
No. 936494
>>936485I agree, and these girls have been wronged one way or the other, the abuse they suffered at Greg's hands is no picknick I bet there was a big basis of truth in every one of their interviews.
But that doesn't take away the fact that they fucked up severely. And the way they went about it is questionable. Like that lainey image with her meatflaps censored out, I find that image dubious at best.
No. 936503
File: 1582576176864.jpg (95.29 KB, 595x873, hm.jpg)

Shiloh quickly reminding us that we're all human. She doesn't need to prove herself. She didn't fuck up or anything like that. She's humaaaaaaaan.
No. 936506
>>936503Thats Greg's mantra: "I'M HUMAN" and "BE HUMAN".
She learned manipulation from the best.
No. 936510
File: 1582577036971.png (396.66 KB, 1280x720, 8765432456.png)

In one of his videos Gunk said Sarah threw a "viewing party" to watch his response videos, where did he get that from? Her fake boi friend Dylan posted a video on Twitter of her dancing to his meltdown video, is that what he's talking about?
No. 936511
File: 1582577134250.png (327.73 KB, 592x513, agressivelyautistic.png)

gene's back… again. lul
Gene your handle makes you look like a massive faggot. Just thought you should know.
No. 936515
File: 1582578433131.jpeg (115.62 KB, 1242x932, ERhKZJJWsAEqT1t.jpeg)

A Shiloh wk wrote this to Nic.
If she's going to be "acting irrationally" maybe she shouldn't be on the fucking internet. Or she can keep contributing to the circus along with her friend Chris Hansen whose friend Gene also likes to dox people and make threats online.
No. 936517
>>936503lol. Meanwhile the woman she sent her rabid fanbase to harass still fears for hers and her child's safety, but it's good to know Shiloh can move on so quickly and act like it was an honest to God oopsie on her part.
She said she was in therapy, that looks like a lie, or else she wouldn't be trying to gloss over her insane behavior and take zero responsibility.
No. 936526
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No. 936529
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>>936506I read it in his voice, lol.
>>936517Exactly. She's talking about blocks in "our" hands and playing god. Who was playing god just a few days ago? Posting here is kinda harmless, what she did impacted more than one person psychologically.
I would say that it's mind boggling that she's not even addressing it, but it's really not. It's just Shiloh.
>>936515Was it also her trauma that made her reach out to Lainey on Twitter to tell her about all the "horrible and judgemental people" when it comes to Jimmy? Was it trauma that made her reach out to him, like three times?
Attaching a ss, because I can't be the only one who forgot this happened.
Since "there are two separate FBI investigations, including her own" ( I don't believe it, just repeating her words ) - wouldn't something like this get asked about? "Heeey, you know that guy who you want nothing to do with, why did you reach out to him and his wife?"
No. 936585
I think I’m still banned from the Onion thread until tomorrow so I’m posting this here.
Please archive as much as you can, this is Onion’s really old content before YouTube: HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 936611
>>936492Agreed. It devalues the severity of their crimes comparing Onion to them. Jones was protected by scum bags in the industry for a few years to continually use his platform, entertaining a young and vulnerable audience. His YT channel gone as soon as the police officers were giving him his new shoes to wear for 10+ years.
This Sleeping With Sad 18 year old = Ian Watson shit has to fucking stop. Sage for gripe.
No. 936622
>>936485grooming doesn't apply as a crime once you turn 18. she would have to have been still a child when the sex happened for that to be a crime. yes we realise it's a 'personal crime' against her, that's not in doubt.
people realise any actual investigation of greg or lainey relates to enticement and potential transmission of underaged images right? all the other stories are sideshows and background to what fucked up people the onions are. those are worth it for the internet to hear, of course. example: nothing shiloh says or does has any bearing on what would be investigated. on the other hand, what greg and lainey did in the forums and in private comms with minors
would be of interest in an investigation. some of the people shouting the loudest around this situation have the least to contribute to it in a hard, cold legal sense. and they can have no effect on how it turns out either.
fingers crossed they at least get lainey for enticement.
No. 936635
>>936622>fingers crossed they at least get lainey for enticementI've been saying that since the beginning - that it's about Lainey, for the most part. However, if you look at any video about all of this, including Hansen's streams of course, there's a shitload of people who are absolutely convinced Jimmy is going to prison.
It's not even an if for them, it's a when. And it's just not happening. Not over this.
No. 936661
>>936510he may be confused with Blaire White who had a viewing party of his meltdown videos. All we saw of Sarah was as you said - a 5 second clip of her and one friend watching the first meltdown video. Hardly a "viewing party".
Once again though, Greg tries to act like he knows how "real
victims" should behave. He doesn't know shit.
No. 936697
>>936503Let's hope the next ten years sees Shiloh getting a grip on her shit. Again. Blocks in our hands, whatever girl. Lay off the thc.she
>>936515These idiots cheapen the meaning of trauma.
No. 936707
>>936622>nothing shiloh says or does has any bearing on what would be investigatedOf course not, but it could easily affect a trial as it pertains to the other girls specifically. As it stands, any case the girls might've had it doesn't look like it would go anywhere now.
>what greg and lainey did in the forums and in private comms with minors would be of interest in an investigation.That's true. However, this situation has been made into such a public spectacle that it would make it difficult to find an untainted jury. An investigation is all well and good but the evidence still has to go to trial, and thanks to Hansen, Greg was given plenty time to dispose of any evidence in his possession i.e., when the FBI investigation was announced publicly, which never should've happened.
No. 936710
>>936707if based on messaging, nudes, enticement and such, I don't see too many of these girls being involved with anything legal. just whoever was involved in th message/picture trail only. shiloh's blowing her own chance of taking him to civil court I would assume? but enticement is enticement and it's not going to be based on hearsay or an
abusive boyfriend story if a charge is actually laid. if anything her story helps lainey to build an excuse - that's the way I see shiloh having possibly ruined things.
No. 936713
>>936707>>936704No girls will collectively go to trial, why would they? Because a bunch of losers tried to rope them into greasesomes they were down with a few months ago?
I don't even get what half of this abuse is, mean internet texts where some 30 year old washed out manchild attempts to gaslight? I can't for the life of me take any of this seriously. Unicorns are sought after everyday by plenty of greasy couples, most just don't have a decades worth of milk behind their YouTube career.
No. 936717
>>936713I honestly feel that a lot of the continued rage for justice is fueled by Greg's own smug attitude. He's a slimy turd who gets on camera with his shit eating grin, lies out his ass, contradicts every statement he's ever made, and yet still has his dumb shit eating grin plastered on his face thinking he's won.
People just wanna see him go down. At this point, I don't think they care how or for what. I mean, I don't blame them, I'd love to see someone knock that smug grin off his face, I'm just not gonna go crusade for the police to do something when it's always been the case that you can be a slimy abuser and get away with it, as long as you skirt that law.
No. 936718
>>936717Yes, I'm sure most morons are alright with internet justice via hashtags. You just forgot about the fact two children, one whom is a little girl, live with these trainwrecks. Did you forget about the little girl cracking her skull open a month after this shitshow started?
He's only skirting the law because of Sarah's pride you know.
No. 936735
>>936669Coercion is notoriously difficult to prove. Fortunately for Greg, there's many provable instances of him being a manipulator (he's admitted as much), and that he's lied about Sarah and his intentions towards her on more than one occasion
>>935672. Good for you though for never been manipulated or taken advantage of by a pedophile.
No. 936736
>>936668>>936717>you can be a slimy abuser and get away with it, as long as you skirt that law.I've seen drug dealers get longer sentences than rapists. That's "justice" in 'Merica. Overall, the system isn't geared towards helping or protecting
victims. There's been a
little progress, but it's still much more difficult than it should be. That's why
victims advocacy groups are so important.
No. 936738
>>936732Honestly you don’t even have to be a child to get caught up in an
abusive relationship and do idiotic things as a result.
Anyone who has been in an
abusive relationship or knows someone who has can likely sympathize with her and be more lenient to some of her less than ideal behaviors. This is not to say she should be allowed to get away with anything, but so far I don’t feel like anything that has happened with Sarah makes her an unreliable witness .
No. 936744
>>936511He seems a bit, I don't know, challenged? Before she was fired, Alyssa wrote that Gene was paying off "dues" to Hansen
>>926267. Makes you wonder what kind of weird, underhanded shit Hansen's done that someone like Gene would be working for him under the table like that? Hansen of course doesn't have the balls to admit outright that Gene is one of his personal lackey's, not that it matters much when the evidence is abundantly clear. Still, a pussy's a pussy.
No. 936755
>>936744It is funny that Hansen uses a known doxxer who came here posting dick pics and scat porn
>>917366 as his own private henchman. It just reeks of pathetic desperation. It's like he's trying to be some kind of Don Corleone behind the scenes but he's just a washed up pseudo-journalist with as much integrity and dignity as the person he's "investigating" (riding on coattails). Maybe he'll have Shiloh on this week. kek
No. 936769
>>936662she wasn't trafficked. cmon be sensible, greg waited till 18 for a reason and it was to trap her in a situation where she had no redress. you find the adult grooming laws then sure let's talk about them here in relation to sarah, see if they apply.
No. 936782
>>936775Nope. Look at the stats
>>929209. There's plenty more where that came from.
No. 936783
>>936779I just realized this is the same bitch from that autistic stream saying Madison is *~
No. 936784
>>936780The user blocked the name and people are asking who it is
It’s either fake or Shiloh
No. 936785
>>936782If you believe your precious littol Sarah was being 100% truthful about the CP and the mountains of evidence she claims to have, then the laptop would have been enough to take down footface.
But you know, lying about making reports, withholding evidence, and giving said evidence to complete strangers usually fucks up the chain of custody. We can surely thank Sarah and the brilliant strong kweens for that.
No. 936786
>>936784Oh it’s
that bitch! Yeah, they’re probably faek
No. 936789
File: 1582621741704.png (23.96 KB, 598x278, Screenshot_2020-02-25 Bad Bana…)

My sides are in orbit! Why are they so fucking melodramatic over e-drama
No. 936795
>>936794That reminds me; going on the premise that Sarah's laptop had cp on it and Hansen mailed it back to her via USPS, isn't that a federal crime? Mailing cp that is. If the laptop was actually on its way to authorities as Hansen claimed, then why didn't he just hold on to it instead of mailing it back to Sarah? Unless he had
other reasons for keeping it that most likely are also not legal.
At any rate, Sarah said she turned the laptop in to her local Bureau in Michigan. Until she shows receipts (or there's a trial) we won't know for sure one way or the other.
No. 936797
>>936795 Schrödinger's CP. It exists in a flux of 'it exists when we want it to/not when we don't'.
According to TCAP people, some of the cases were thrown out because Perverted Justice refused to hand over their computers, allegedly because they had long undeclared CP on them (which was sent by predators during chats).
No. 936800
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>>936786my sides, this obese cunt made a video about it and the stupid bitch thinks that this means she has “made it”, they’re even more cringey than the anti onion fags holy shit
No. 936801
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>calls other people ugly>looks like this No. 936808
>>936574Some of them are treating this like a joke, specially Sarah posting memes on Twitter and dancing to his meltdown videos. I hate to agree with Anus but he's right, what "traumatized
victim" would watch their aburser's video and dance to it looking all happy?
No. 936837
>>936732She's an adult. It's exactly this kind of thinking that keeps people trapped in perpetual childhood. Might want to keep in mind that as an adult, Sarah committed the exact crime that tards keep screeching about, child abuse. You can bleat about her being a poor little girl all you want but the law doesn't see it that way. Cloey is the real
victim here but go off about poor Sarah.
No. 936889
>>936881Yikes. If a white person wants to make music like that that's fine but .. She should accept that she's white.
She probably has identity disturbance with whatever cluster b disorder she has.
No. 936895
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I mean she always caused a lot of conversation and it was never because she was "that bitch".
It's not a positive thing, ffs.
No. 936945
>>936895Oh shit up wannabe-nigger. You brought that "new trauma" all upon yourself because you acted like a psychotic cunt and most people weren't having it.
Shiloh truly is Jimbo's perfect match. Always spewing shit for attention and pretending she's the
No. 936970
File: 1582665751115.png (109.42 KB, 683x659, 87764324567.png)

How exactly are they "fighting", none of them are doing anything besides looking for YAAAAAS KWEEN points on social media
No. 937040
>>936970Honestly the need for attention destroyed all of this. All of these girls are
toxic attention seekers who wanted pity points, not justice. I can't summon up anymore empathy for them.
No. 937071
>>937040Hence why they went to Hansen and not to the cops, because they know that if they cops can prove that it was just a bunch of people having consensual sex and they're just crying about nothing they themselves could be the ones in trouble.
And no I'm not sticking up for Greg here, he's a dumb asshole that will one day get his comeuppance. Trust me, he will fuck up one day.
No. 937134
>>936837>Cloey is the real victimShe could very well be a
victim of grooming, just as Sarah is. The Onion's started on Sarah at the age of 14 - I know that's a very difficult concept for you to grasp (and inconvenient truth to acknowledge) but that's what it is. Distilling her situation down to "as soon as she turned 18 she should've known better despite being groomed by two pedos from the age of 14" totally negates the grooming aspect. Maybe try thinking a little for a change.
No. 937135
>>937134How was Jimmy grooming Sarah since she was 14? Seriously, asking for an explanation.
For him she wasn't even on the radar at the time, Billie was ( and several others, I guess )
No. 937140
>>937139Alright, at what time was he apparently grooming her? How old was she? What proof is there of that?
This whole thing started with ( the supposed ) cp from Lainey, even getting groomed by Lainey, that part might be true. But when does then Jimmy grooming her enter the equation?
No. 937143
>>937134Cloey is a
victim of covert incest. You know, something actually damaging, and done to a child.
No. 937145
>>937142I don't have to "check pt", I've been posting here for too long, lmao. I haven't seen any proof of him grooming her. Or coercing her into sex. I've seen him be an asshole, as always, that was it. So, no spoon feeding - just a genuine question.
Lainey, of course, is a different story if everything so far has been true.
No. 937147
>>937143Ok, but to suggest Sarah's not a
victim ignores what she went through and the fact she's in therapy for it.
>>937145You haven't, myself and others have. Lurk more
>>935710 No. 937148
>>937147Oh sure, we did think the whole situation was weird from the get go. Sarah was also b& from posting. Some speculated she might be getting her own thread when she hits 18.
Still, I can in no way say I've seen proof of him grooming her.
No. 937160
>>937153Of course, I absolutely do think it's fucked up. Jimmy's a fucked up person and he helped to mould another one.
It just boils down to "when did it happen, what sort of proof for it exists" and such, that's why I said it's a genuine question.
>>937151Speaking of Hansen, what happened to that 4-5 part series he was supposed to do with Morse? It would be really exciting to watch the mattresses Jimmy slept on while pretending it's helping justice, lol.
No. 937179
>>937160After going to Greg's house he made a video claiming he had all this "insider" info he was going to share over the coming weeks and months, info pertaining to what was happening inside the house. There was speculation he interviewed neighbors etc. (he didn't). The only "insider" interview he did after this was with the Pierce County PD spokesman, and he didn't mention the going's on inside Greg's house.
Hansen's mantra is "there's a sucker born every minute", just look at people like Shiloh supporting him.
No. 937185
>>937149If she actually cared about her "girls" she would've thought about the consequences of her actions.
The only thing she accomplished was to damage her credibility even more, and in the eyes of some, the credibility of the other
victims. She doesn't get to hide behind her victimhood as a shield when she hurts other people and fucks up their lives, especially when they've apologized and explained clearly what their intentions were.
No. 937193
>>937179>Hansen's mantra is "there's a sucker born every minute", just look at people like Shiloh supporting him.Oh but anon, it's the naysayers and critics that are obviously the uneducated peasants
>>936895. Clearly she's the superior intellect here.
No. 937200
>>936895>If I had the choice I'd have never come forward publicly>If I had the choiceWhat's that supposed to mean? No one forced her to go public with this. I do remember a lot of questions surrounding why she chose to come forward not long after she made a public statement adamantly saying she had no intention of doing so. I wasn't the only one speculating this was purely a business move on her part, coinciding with her album dropping.
She wouldn't have needed to use this situation for publicity if she were as successful as she likes to let on. Maybe she should get off her high horse before she gets knocked down again.
No. 937222
>>936895>best revenge is your paperUh huh. She just had to ebeg to cover up her "Gregory" tattoo, is that the "paper" she's referring to? She got 3.5k, the cover up cost $500 at most, she said she was going to share the rest with the
victims. I'm going to take a wild guess and say she spent the remainder on weed. This woman is the epitome of ratchet.
No. 937223
>>937142No, you're just being a newfag or willfully stupid. Sarah was contacted at the age of 14 by Lainey. She didn't even interact with Onision until she was 16, when Lainey okay'd it with Greg to have her move in. Get the facts straight.
Second of all, I get that everyone hates Greg but there is no evidence that he ever groomed her till the age of 18. Any of evidence of grooming falls on lainey, any magical CP that was exchanged was between Sarah and lainey.
Bullying Sarah, calling her fat, and making a "dat booty tho" comment, even if inappropriate, does not constitute grooming. Sarah having sex with both Greg and Lainey, and then having sex with Greg on separate occasions while dating is not grooming or illegal.
I dislike Greg as much as anyone else but you're making it way too easy for Keem or onion to poke holes in this entire #deplatformpredators
No. 937232
>>937230Everything you just described is lainey's behavior. Sarah dating Greg because she wanted to, because she said she's a grown adult, is not grooming.
You can keep screeching about it on twitter but you all look dumb as fuck trying to make the grooming stick onto jimmy with zero evidence and Schrödinger's CP. All the evidence against onision is a repetition of a nasty poly breakup with Billie. You seriously think you're going to convince any court of law, or any reasonable adult that onision groomed Sarah with evidence against lainey? Get real.
No. 937235
>>937232No, what I'm saying is that constantly insulting someone ("Meg Griffin", as Greg likes to compare it to) can prime them to be extra receptive to you once you start being affectionate towards them - and, in fact, Sarah DID say that at some point, she started dating Greg simply because he was suddenly the one being more nice to her than Lainey was. She also thought that fucking Greg was her ticket to eventually ending up with Lainey, because Greg was explicitly telling her that him fucking her was "practice" for their eventual three-way relationship.
Also, I don't have a Twitter and your little weirdly aggressive sperg-out is embarrassing.
No. 937242
>>937160To finally answer your question: I think the only thing Jimbo did one could call "grooming" was being ridiculously mean to her.
We saw her Tumblr posts when she was 14 and she obviously had a crush on him.
Him calling her names etc so she "doesn't fall in love with him" obviously made her insecure and she started changing herself to appeal to him, to get him to be nice to her.
No. 937252
>>937223Exactly this, yeah.
>>937242I see your point and I also think a dynamic like that is unhealthy and can create a push pull effect. At the same time, we all know that was just Jimmy being an incredible weirdo, it wasn't him grooming her.
Apparently the dude thinks he's so irresistible that he has to be mean to teens, otherwise they're going to hop on his dick the first chance they get.
It's totally bizarre watching this pattern of thinking as an outsider, but it would hardly pass as grooming.
No. 937256
>>937252>but it would hardly pass as groomingIm curious what you would consider grooming. What acts would Greg have to commit to be guilty? I only ask because sometimes people have a very rigid definition of things. Like someone who says about a rape
victim "she wasnt raped, he only fingered her for a couple of seconds, thats not rape. You have to have full on PinV to be raped."
No. 937257
>>937256There's a difference between what a random twitter/lolcow/youtube person defines as grooming and what the legal system does/will define it as where greg and sarah lived.
This is a huge chunk of the whole problem with the anti-os having feels over reals that lets greg just teabag his giant old balls at everyone. The cops obviously hate him as much as everyone else but ultimately he can just say go ahead and arrest and charge me, bitches. Everyone gets to pound sand and make drama vids.
No. 937259
>>937256A lot of things would have to tick the box for it to be grooming, one of them being the intention behind his actions. In this case I think it really only boils down to him being delusional enough to think he's somehow irresistible.
If there was anything else going on, that's going to be on Sarah/the court to prove.
>she wasnt raped, he only fingered her for a couple of seconds, thats not rapeI'm one of the anons who thinks what happened to AJ was sexual assault, so that's not my line of thinking. A lot of anons say it wasn't, but between her going "no no no no" and literally just giving up because she realised she was fighting an uphill battle, I'm always going to hold this opinion. I also understand she doesn't and never wanted to take it further.
But when it comes to Sarah, it's weird that so many people are expecting him to go to prison for something Lainey did. At the end of the day, he's trash, throw him in prison for all I care, I just don't see it happening over "him grooming Sarah".
I've also seen a lot of comments saying he just be just thrown in jail because he's a bad person even if he did nothing illegal ( lol, I wouldn't care if this happened either ), but it's getting ridiculous.
No. 937264
>>937259Thank you for your answer.
I agree with you and the others who say Greg wont be criminally charged for anything regarding Sarah. When it comes to his wife Im hoping there's incriminating evidence on those phones and laptop given to the FBI. One other small shred of hope is that once the laptop is fully examined there is something on there that gets Greg in trouble. As much as he says it wasnt his laptop and that Lainey was the only user, theres that YouNow video of Sarah talking to Lainey about finally receiving the laptop and saying when she first turned on it said "hello Greg" or something to that effect. Greg used that computer and had a user account on it.
No. 937272
>>937259Agreed. Lainey has done things which can be considered criminal. She could be charged, but she won't, because Sarah thinks the sun rises and sets in Lainey's ass.
Greg has done nothing actionable, and even if he had, a good lawyer would get him off with minimal fuss. He will continue to get fucked with by Pierce County and by the IRS, but that's a different kind of assrape. Personally I think it's even better. Not only do a bunch of nebulous people think he's wrong, but they make him pay for it, which probably makes him as insane as Skye's alimony. It's rough when your neighbors hate you that much and I'm sure they also make his life as hellish as possible as payback for disturbing their once-peaceful neighborhood.
Mt. Rainier has a better chance of exploding and smothering Greg to death in a pyroclastic flow than Greg seeing jail time.
No. 937275
>>937272>She could be charged, but she won't, because Sarah thinks the sun rises and sets in Lainey's ass.The only charges that could be laid on Lainey is receiving CP and sending nudes to underage children. If the feds find proof of that they wont go to Sarah and ask "should we press charges or are you still in love with Kai?"
If theres evidence the feds dont give a fuck what Sarah feels, they're going to press forward with criminal charges.
No. 937291
>>937264Yw, I actually appreciate this being a conversation that doesn't turn into some infighting bs.
>>937272>>937275I agree with both of you. The court wouldn't care what Sarah's feelings for Lainey are.
>She could be charged, but she won'tIn a sense, this too. Whatever happens, it certainly won't be what it was hyped up to be aka Lainey going to prison for a long time, x years per frame, etc. Unless there's some really damning evidence for it. Explicit images. More explicit than what we were show thus far.
>>937263Him losing his Patreon was the best thing that came out of this for now.
No. 937292
>>937290Saying "because no one is going to jail." is the same as those twitterfags screaming that Greg WILL go to jail. You dont know what's going to happen so saying that is ignorant.
Im not stupid enough to say with absolution what the end game will be, but I pray they find something thats criminal against Lainey in that laptop.
No. 937313
>>937301Yeah sorry about that. Autocorrect and not proofreading my post before hitting New Reply was my fault. I meant "Im not stupid enough to say with absolute certainty what the end game will be." and anyone willing to say outright "no one is going to jail" is being simple minded.
But my fingers are still crossed that Lainey is pulled in by the feds when/if they find some evidence on that laptop.
No. 937406
File: 1582744004215.jpeg (187.91 KB, 750x400, B1B9FD00-0ECB-47EC-8D59-9218EF…)

What a fucking joke
No. 937411
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>>937409I assume this is what the anon was talking about. there are 4 of them
No. 937449
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No. 937472
File: 1582752108735.jpg (22.23 KB, 404x604, 12790902_1712619269021956_6172…)

>>937453>>937449this is a fakeboi right? i'm pretty sure this is a woman
No. 937580
>>937252>>937259Why would he say she was like a foster daughter to him, then go on to fuck her shortly after she turned 18? I'm not going to pretend he all of a sudden found her sexually attractive the moment she turned 18. There's a lot more details 'm leaving out for the sake of brevity but the short of it is nothing that Greg has said regarding his intentions towards Sarah has added up at all.
>I just don't see it happening over "him grooming Sarah".I can agree with that.
No. 937583
>>937232>You seriously think you're going to convince any court of lawlol why would you say that? I believe what I do based on the evidence I and many others have seen
>>935710. If you don't agree or haven't seen what most of us have seen, then I guess we'll just agree to disagree.
No. 937591
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>>937200>>937565Shiloh virtue signals a lot but the reality is, if she were taking this seriously on a legal front she never would've acted the way she did.
I don't see her making money from this situation as being a problem in and of itself, the issue is she's made very blatant attempts at promoting her career while simultaneously pretending to want justice, those two things are mutually exclusive particularly to a judge/jury. If she had any real hopes of a legal case, any competent defense would have a field day picking apart her motives.
I can't say for sure what made he change her mind only a mere few days after releasing the statement saying she wanted nothing to do with this, but I think it's time she stop pretending she wants to go the legal route when she clearly doesn't.
No. 937595
File: 1582768368777.jpg (413.22 KB, 1080x1785, Screenshot_20200226-175202_Dis…)

>scams with a gofundme
>acts like a monkey on Twitter
>tries to doxx people
>threatens to cut women who touch her leftovers
But she doesn't want any involvement lol
No. 937601
>>937580>then go on to fuck her shortly after she turned 18Because he's desperate and she was "just there" and wanted him. For someone who claims women are throwing themselves at him, Jimmy is incredibly desperate.
I re-read the convos he had with Vix because I was bored and the level of desperation to stick it into someone else who isn't Lainey is astonishing. He doesn't explicitly say it, but you can just feel the cringe oozing from it. Same with Luxy.
He's also a creep, so I'm not saying that he maybe didn't find her attractive before she turned 18. That could be true. Maybe it is true. But that's going to be something for the court to prove, because the intent has to be there.
My money's on the IRS/wetlands, though. And like another anon said, that's going to be worse for him. His reputation is already ruined.
No. 937604
>>937406I thought Repzion knew what a con-artist Hansen is
>>936755 and wanted to distance himself from it all? Guess he's not following the charade very closely. Anyone who's been paying attention wouldn't want their names associated with him.
I remember he put Regina and Shiloh on shortly after he lied about Sarah's laptop in an obvious attempt at salvaging his shattered credibility. Now he's guesting more anti-o's, transparently trying to boost his views which started tanking after his little PR stunt at Greg's house.
No. 937611
>>937601Too true, anon. You can also tell by the way he constantly spam emails the women and even Blaire White to this day. Only someone like Greg the married incel is that pathetic.
No. 937650
File: 1582775163510.jpg (362.78 KB, 1080x1675, 1574893307475.jpg)

>>937624I'm not sure if the person who had control over the current account was kittensaurus or Honeybee
>>934387 but the one who originally started it was kitten. Supposedly she did this without Shiloh's knowledge. It's possible they discussed it beforehand, who knows.
>>934372I thought that "Onion Chefs" shit was started by Vincent?
No. 937654
>>937612>They're better off not publicly acknowledging her if they're serious about perusing legal action against GregI think it's too late for that. She publicly made herself their designated gatekeeper and they never disputed it until AFTER she fucked things up.
>>937651If Hansen knew wtf he was talking about he never would've asked Sarah for her evidence in the first place (it's supposed to go straight to LE), never mind the fact that he mailed it back to her which if it had cp on it is a federal offense.
No. 937663
>>937650>>937655The fundraiser doesn't bother me but she needs to stop acting like she's so concerned about getting justice. She also needs to stop acting like she's better than anyone else or her hAterZ are jealous of her success when she couldn't take care of this tat using her own damn money.
If anything, I feel bad for Sarah being made to feel guilty for trying to get money for something she said she needed for school. That shitstorm was unnecessary.
No. 937693
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>>937690Wasn't this a issue on TCAP as well? I mean the TCAP team withholding evidence, fucking up convictions.
>>937688I mean she could privately get donations from people like repzion and apply for financial aid and scholarships. For some reason I doubt that she got an apartment in new york on her own, I mean really?
She isn't apologetic about shilling, she justifies it because onion monetized her rape but she's monetizing her grooming.
>>937650Anon deleted but if this is true then it's safe to assume that horrendous coverup wasn't 2k
No. 937694
>>937688I know that she's working two jobs, and while commendable, it wasn't my point. My point was that she didn't need the laptop for seven more months so she had time to figure out alternatives. If she wasn't a
victim of the neanderthal and his foot, she wouldn't have gotten any donations. Students are hit with financial difficulties all the time and when they can't afford computers of their own, they use the school computers, pen and paper, scholarships/financial aid, or a combination of all. They don't normally ask for handouts cause they don't expect any. People gave her money out of pity of her being a
victim, not because she genuinely can't afford it.
With that being said, she didn't deserve the massive wall of backlash that she got. Shiloh does, but not Sarah. She seemed humble after the backlash and apologized which is more than the other women did when they asked for money.
>>937693Honestly, after the first couple of interviews everything just went straight to shit with the Hansen investigations. It was surprising in the way that it went tits up, but I don't think people were all that surprised around the time that Vince started showing his true colors. After that, everyone else's true colors started appearing too.
No. 937712
>>937693>she got an apartment in new york I think she visited NY over the summer? She lives in Michigan. Not trying to be up in her business but the last thing I heard was Sarah was sharing an apartment with Dylan. You can see Dylan walk in during the livestream Sarah did with Hansen in Oct. Shiloh said she lives alone
>>935780 but Shiloh also likes to lie when it's convenient for her.
No. 937718
File: 1582789427499.png (291.33 KB, 598x1771, Screenshot_2020-02-27 Mini-Oni…)

Shiloh uses semantics in an attempt to Onision her way out:
>I never told anyone to KILL themselves
>just ELIMINATE themselves. Totally different.
The more I see of her the more I see her acting insufferably like Onision, it's tragic. I'm not surprised she'd kept Greg's name tattooed on her all these years. She ends with "better yourself", because that's definitely what she's doing by deflecting the blame for her own bullshit.
No. 937719
>>937694>she had time to figure out alternativesI'm sure she did, her ebegging just doesn't matter to me. Even people whose situations aren't as public as Sarah's ebeg and get donos. I don't care.
>People gave her money out of pity of her being a victim, not because she genuinely can't afford it.She's avoided it all this time, I doubt she would've suddenly decided to do it if she didn't need to. Whatever the case, I don't care that she chose to ebeg for school, or why people choose to give her money. She did seem to feel bad afterwards and took the undeserved backlash pretty hard. I'm sure she's already feeling stressed from among other things, Greg publicly outing her private trauma like the weaselly little cunt that he is.
No. 937752
>>937736He's just saying it's 30 days to give a false sense of something happening soon without promising anything.
It would be hilarious if the only charges out of this whole circus is Sarah getting fucking wrecked by the DEA or someone for selling her prescription. Which she confessed to on twitter.
I mean, I know life is unfair but getting fucked in the ass by Greg, outing yourself as a degenerate who has a 3some as you stare down at a constantly waking toddler and a then being the one dragged through the legal system for blabbing about your drug selling is a bit much.
No. 937838
File: 1582822615619.png (173.6 KB, 542x643, deity1.png)

So Deity is sperging out again. He made a video on youtube showing a complete ignorance of the entire situation with Shiloh siding with her. Apparently threatening someone and telling them to kill themselves is ok because it's a "trauma response". The video is over an hour long but almost everything in it is laughably untrue to anyone with a cursory understanding of the situation. Nick DeOrio tweeted about the video which resulted in Deity privating his twitter.
Now he has made this series of tweets subtweeting….. someone? I'm not really sure who or what he's talking about so if anyone wants to clarify that please do. I'm saging this because I'm not even sure that it's about Onision/anti-o shit but on the off chance that this is actual milk here are some screen shots.
No. 937851
>>937838Deity as usual confirming he's a pathetic coward clown.
Everyone should just refuse to even speculate about who the hell he might be talking about. Fucking name names or shut your mouth you little punk youtuber trash.
No. 938004
>>937838>>937839tl;dr deity
>>937851asides from greg himself I think he's one of the most fake, disingenuous, self centered fruitcakes on youtube. I can't watch his stupid videos because I can't stand his whiny voice and general demeanor. I get why he could get along with Shiloh or the other
VICTIMS since he's a professional
victim himself. Even if he had to make shit up to be that. He's in good company though these days everyone was raped at least twice, and people love to tell that online to complete strangers.
>>937859fuck if I know. Evanescence stopped being relevant in the early 2000's.
you heard one song by them you heard them all, since they all sound the same.
No. 938006
File: 1582842831078.jpeg (107.2 KB, 1080x674, ERzz98nU8AE6aw3.jpeg)

Shiloh staying out of the drama some more
No. 938012
>>938006Oh wow Shiloh, that media training sure comes in handy!
What chapter was threatening / doxxing people and telling them to kill themselves in?
No. 938036
File: 1582845118649.jpeg (354.73 KB, 640x890, 7D7A3E0F-51B2-4CA0-8B6D-C12F06…)

Shilohs back on the patient zero account and now she’s sending angry DMs to Edwin and repzion
No. 938044
>>938042Well at least she's admitting it. I call that progress.
In to what remains to be seen.
>>938030I'm kinda split in the middle about Shiloh's insanity. Kinda like a split personality, if you will. Greg says they faked shit together, she claims it was all real. Then there's the fake stolen fetus photo she posted, and theres this supposed real miscarriage.
What is real and whats not? I do believe there's something up with her, mentally.
As for her singing career maybe she should do like Sia and just stay out of the public eye as much as possible, because this doesn't seem to be working.
No. 938047
>>938041In a sense it's a little bit worse, because she's older now.
Granted she's not posting preemie pics claiming it's her dead child, but holy shit does all of this look extremely bad right now.
No. 938057
File: 1582846118530.jpeg (366.36 KB, 1125x676, AF2FA98C-C13F-4755-8D78-72D7CF…)

You never “won” anything, you fat fuck.
No. 938070
>>938065Ah sure, but my main gripe is that she's not taking responsibility for needlessly causing this situation in the first place.
If it was trauma that caused her to send her rabid stans after someone ( I don't think so, I think there's something legitimately wrong with her ), while feeling it's okay to tell that person to eliminate themselves, that's…In my eyes it's something you apologise for and try to do better.
Maybe she doesn't owe anything to Rep and Edwin, but what's the point in attacking them?
No. 938094
>>938084>which will probably result in more of them either not supporting the women anymore or switching sides This, exactly. No one thought going against Lainey and Jimmy would be smooth sailing ( no one rational at least, apparently a lot of people think this is a slam and dunk case, go figure ), but why make it worse and involve yourself in pointless drama? It's so bizarre.
When she returned nearly everyone was rooting for her, because we were getting a "new mature Shiloh" and she managed to wreck that image in only a few days.
>Who really cares about Edwin thoughLol, I mean, true. Still, it just looks bad.
I'm wondering if Stevie also received a warm welcoming message, considering he made a video as well.
No. 938105
>>938098I wasn't following what she was doing since…I think 2012-ish? 2011? Basically since the side OTL group that AJ was also briefly in fell apart if you were around for that. Some people from there moved to Tumblr, Eoliveson was made, no idea what else happened, because I wasn't around for it.
I didn't even know Stevie ( the female Stevie for anyone confused ) was still involved with Eoliveson.
If there was any drama involving Shiloh, I don't know about it ( but would totally love to, lol ).
No. 938140
>>938036So Shiloh's busy alienating everyone who was once an ally? How very big brain of her.
>>938057Shiloh tried to "deplatform" him under false pretenses and failed. That might be what he's referring to lol.
This girl doesn't belong on the internet. She's single handedly destroyed her own credibility and she could take the other girls down with her IF they let her.
No. 938148
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No. 938151
>>938148This bitch, lmao. She always looks so fucking dusty yet greasy at the same time
>>938149Yep. She’s that bad banana faggot’s “twitter girlfriend”.
No. 938211
>>938006lol she's still going on this "Nic
triggered me" shit? Could she be any more of a professional
victim? Adults don't use their trauma as shields to hide behind when they do fucked up shit.
>>938163Shiloh lied about him and tried to brigade him off the internet, all he did was defend himself. He said it's his 2nd and last video. It's not he's not milking this shit for views like some Chris Hansen cunt.
No. 938220
>>938211>she's still going on this "Nic triggered me" shitEither that or she's implying that he
triggered Sarah, because Shiloh should definitely keep speaking for the other girls.
No. 938230
>>937752>Sarah getting fucking wrecked by the DEAAs much as I'm sure Greg fantasizes about this in his little pea waterbrain, it's reaching as always. Sarah mentioned the drugs because she knew Greg would try to use it to publicly embarrass/discredit her which he did, in the same way that he used her private trauma, the same way he used Billie's private trauma, etc.
He's made it abundantly clear that he hates women. Isn't Greg's daughter lucky to have such a malignant misogynist for a father?
The fact that he maintained a hard on with his small child sleeping in the same bed is fucking disgusting. Not to mention that pathetic self insert trash Greg wrote of a fictional minor named "James" fucking another child with the same name as his own daughter, and this little shit thinks he can shame others? When it comes to being a vile, repulsive reprobate, Onision wins by a fucking mile.
No. 938269
>>938036lol. Chris Hansen "defended" Nic in his cameo
>>937722, is Shiloh going to take Hansen to task in the dm's too? "How could you support a predator Chris!" kek
No. 938271
>>938006>>938036This woman is 26, she'll be 27 in April, why is she acting like some wayward, unsupervised child? Does she have a death wish
>>921125, is that why she's acting out like this? Maybe Onision wasn't the only one in need of a wellness check.
No. 938293
>>938148"Don't pay attention to the silly drama, pay attention to ME!"
God that whore is annoying.
No. 938318
File: 1582902179392.jpeg (135.72 KB, 750x1090, 2BFB5B6B-ABBB-433E-8A57-7ECC13…)

Bad Banana is being autistic again and freaking out about his name being mentioned on here again
No. 938356
>>938336>>938337!XklXlaJR!09iOPBbuEm6Od1MbaV8fJQ!O0VhmIob (In case they update again)
They're in there somewhere.
Google or Yandex "onlyfans leak 2020" in case any of the archives get taken down again.
Good huntin'
No. 938372
File: 1582909748410.jpg (3.57 MB, 230x943, dUx3uY5.jpg)

>>938356Her name isn't listed in this video of the folders. So nice try, coomer.
Fuckin' incel zoomer coomers wasting everyone's time.
No. 938420
>>938398I don't know why you're pushing this leak so hard.
What if there's CP in this 1.4 TB of shit? That's a harddisk you're spending a while smashing into pieces or a very difficult convo with the local POPO.
No. 938469
File: 1582921162244.png (2.53 MB, 1792x828, C1D032FA-4EDB-4C18-919B-592FD4…)

Edwin just revealed in his new vid that Sh verbally attacked him in the DMs. she sent him 30+ messages including tons of projection, lies pertaining to the other girls, etc. His vid was an interesting recap of her spiral. Should’ve known that Sh returning would be milkpocalypse.
No. 938494
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>>938398Well their shit was already leaked, as with all camwhores.
No. 938498
>>938494Where did you find this?! Their names aren’t seen in the folders
I’m surprised Shiloh hasn’t made an account yet since she likes to post half naked pics on ig
No. 938499
File: 1582925156577.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.6 KB, 960x681, d334ff02e26cc9575bf61ca6d3ff98…)

>>938498git gud
they're out there js
No. 938527
>>938507You didnt "find" them, you paid for them like a sucker and found the opportune time to post them with this onlyfans hack so you dont look like a sad loser who pays for rando no name girls nudes.
No ones pushing to see the nudes except you.
No. 938535
>>938528I know they werent on the onlyfans leak.
You have those two photos because you paid for a membership.
Protip- If you dont want to look guilty you wouldnt be trying so hard to make it look like your not. How does it feel knowing that you lined those girls pockets with your hard earned cash? Sucker, kek!
No. 938539
File: 1582927815369.png (50.07 KB, 542x224, cope.png)

>>938535The absolute state of anti-Os who come here to cry.
No. 938542
>>938539LOL! You made that post to fake proof?
Im just a random anon, why are you trying so hard to convince me? Hurts to be a sucker huh?
No. 938555
>>938546I mean, you're the only who seems really bothered that someone posted these.
>you must be a male>you must have paid>you are faking proof>you are a suckerUnfortunately I'm neither. I'm sorry that I posted your precious whore's photos without paying them a single dime, sucker. No. 938595
>>9384991. Was not expecting such dark nipples to be on Billie
2. Suspect that Ayallah hides her face but lets Billie post her nips and face
No. 938612
>>938608And the sad thing is
Greg seems more credible in their eyes
She should’ve just said some inspirational bs and fucked off when she had the chance
No. 938647
>>938608NTA, it is old drama, but I think it attracted a lot of new people due to such online exposure. Sad thing is if Shiloh were behaving normally now this could have been brushed off as "stop letting people's past define them" and such.
Whereas now it's going to be "see, she was always a crazy bitch".
No. 938676
>>938499Interesting skull tat on Billie's left thigh.
They should do burlesque or pin up stuff, may as well get creative. Maybe not on onlyfans though, I knew it was only a matter of time before it got hacked.
No. 938689
File: 1582943491013.jpg (431.38 KB, 1080x1318, Screenshot_20200229-022922733 …)

Repzion is about to receive the wrath of the anti o Facebook group for being "transphobic" as the special snowflakes are triggered
No. 938699
File: 1582945178416.png (637.6 KB, 1162x846, suicidebait.PNG)

shiloh suicide baited in real stream news' DMs. proves it's real on twitter: No. 938716
File: 1582948032158.png (27.21 KB, 598x309, Screenshot_2020-02-29 The anti…)

>militant anti-O's
They're literally accusing other people of what they themselves are doing, which is helping Onision. Most of the anti's that have been dragged here aren't even the worst of them. And now with people like Shiloh letting loose it's probably fueling their collective psychosis.
No. 938722
File: 1582948951690.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1006x3928, Cringe--.jpeg)

>>938440The last time I remember hearing anything about her tour was when Hansen went to see her and they took those pics together in Jan. She reactivated her
patient_zero account today too. That mentally ill mcnugget shouldn't be on the internet, she's not doing herself or her "girls" any favors.
No. 938729
File: 1582949416462.jpg (44.76 KB, 590x252, ImeanOk.jpg)

>>938716I'd advise the sane ones, if there are any left, to distance themselves from this. Not only are they looking crazy, they're also going to get slapped in the face hard with reality when Jimmy doesn't go to prison over this.
Shiloh is indeed behaving like a loose canon. She told this person they were mean as fuck over literally asking a reasonable question. ( Didn't blank out the name, since it's a public tweet anyway )
It's like she's expecting people to either agree with her 100 % or else they can unfollow and fuck off. Sounds familiar to the mentality of someone else we all dislike, lmao.
No. 938733
>>938699she's always been a cow
Why is anyone surprised
No. 938744
File: 1582950829640.jpeg (90.1 KB, 1024x618, 1577902254223.jpeg)

>>938716>Gets called Greg for criticizing Hansen>>938703>calls people Greg when they disagree with her>>938729>calls people mean for not enabling her horseshitVincent did the same thing when he was called out,'You don't want to blow smoke up my ass when I act like an insufferable pos? You must support Onision!' - tf is it with these people?
No. 938754
File: 1582951765324.png (26.29 KB, 598x223, Screenshot_2020-02-29 Lyl ( ly…)

>>938699100% suicide bait. She posted this on her main today.
How will she copy Greg's behavior next…
No. 938761
>>938006>>938469>>938544>>938699I'm convinced the only reason she stepped forward (after saying she wanted nothing to do with this
>>937591) was to promote her album. She's desperate for the publicity because she knew her album wouldn't sell otherwise, and it
still did terribly. She can virtue signal all she likes she's not fooling everyone. Neither is her friend Hansen, and like him, she's trying to sweep her bullshit under the rug hoping everyone will just shrug their shoulders and go "oh well maybe she just had a bad day."
No. 938763
>>938440>she’s stopped promoting her wigger music>No tours, promos, nothing. What happened?Good question. You won't hear the truth from Shiloh though, that much is certain.
>>938761>she's trying to sweep her bullshit under the rug That's what it looks like. I bet she sees this as nothing more than a little "bad pr". She falsely accused Nic of being a predator, brigaded him and a woman which her fanbase then ended up doxxing to the point where she was in fear for hers and her child's life, and Shiloh being the responsible adult that she is just moves on like nothing happened, tweeting about wine and cheese.
No. 938771
File: 1582955034407.png (208.42 KB, 598x689, Screenshot_2020-02-29 Onision …)

>the anti-o community is falling apart
No. 938789
File: 1582960829619.png (205.8 KB, 597x1025, oij9g76r6fvkhtxz.png)

How naive. Like Shiloh has any time to "apologize" with the mountains of Easy Cheese and box wine she has to plow through on a daily basis.
No. 938807
>>938790>she's a psycho right nowI have to give credit where it's due and say that much like Onision, Shiloh's very good at acting sane for a short period of time. She can try and deflect the blame saying Nic
triggered her ptsd or whatever, but the truth is she was already close to snapping.
She likes to put on this tough girl act when she's obviously not very stable. Probably her faltering music career and the fact that Onision facing jail time looks less likely by the day is also making her lash out. Ordinarily I wouldn't care about something like this but she comes off as so obnoxious and self important, it's embarrassing.
No. 938808
File: 1582965414710.jpg (291.76 KB, 1050x783, Screenshot_20200229-002732_Ins…)

>>938789Deep down we know Shiloh is probably watching her social media like a hawk and convincing herself shes the
victim in all of this. It isn't attractive to drink and smoke away your sorrows, but being
proud of it is actually really pitiful.
>>938800Unprivated spent the entire day having a breakdown over being meanies and saying Shiloh couldn't have possibly lied about her seizures among other things. Aldii is one of those ethots that calls herself an uwu queer girl, like the majority of the attention whoring bi girls involved with onion or anti-os.
No. 938811
>>938808I kinda understand the need to want to be a part of a community and be involved. But having breakdowns over it, needing mental health days because of it and other shit? That's unhealthy. None of this has anything to do with their lives directly at the end of the day.
Maybe they should stop treating it like it does and take it down a few notches.
>Shiloh couldn't have possibly lied about her seizuresI didn't believe those were real back then, I don't now.
Has Sarah shown any proof that the laptop's with the FBI, btw? I'm guessing she didn't turn in her phone since we saw the timestamped blooper.
No. 938854
>>938739To be fair it doesn't work like that. Unless she got whatever Canadian/wherever version of 5150'd they can't do much.
You don't need to be a shrink to know that she needs to stay off twitter forever and just leave the onion bullshit alone. Stay away from people like Hansen, Mikenactor, Deity, etc.
No. 938887
>>938499>>938494So she uses her full real name, links it from her twitter, but doesn't show her face because somebody might recognize her.
No. 938906
>>938811Nope. All Sarah said was that she turned it in, but no proof has been shown unless you can't asking for money for a new laptop.
>>938818As you said, they aren't nearly as insufferable as the other anti-o retards. They still are though, especially Unprivated. Can't forget her going all militant and thinking she's the leader of the anti-o community when this all started. She and kittensaurus were the most insufferable back then, but Unprivated seems to have toned it down a bit.
>>938887Ayalla is articulate, but the girl has the intelligence of Simple Jack.
No. 938970
File: 1583009563421.jpeg (214 KB, 1284x1578, 6C8C6860-76A9-46D3-A95C-C49971…)

Anti-o fbfags shitting themselves over pronoun discourse/Repzion, kek
No. 938973
>>938970yeah well other people aren't gonna cosplay with you in order for you to feel good. in fact, nobody asides other SJW's give a damn.
Not how the real world works, buckeroo.
No. 938977
>>938970I'm only at
>misgendering Kai doesn't serve the causeand I'm already cracking up lmao.
No. 938991
File: 1583016068536.jpeg (633.39 KB, 1125x1484, 51C2102E-ACE4-4A77-AD59-BA21BA…)

Has anyone brought up Benjamin Grady aka Benpai of the Drunken Peasants? Dude is a major Lolcow and has autistic breakdowns on his own subreddit constantly. He used to be friends with Onision and rips him a lot now on his show but iwas exposed for doing the exact same thing as Onision years ago and still does it. He groomed girls in his fan base that were barely legal and collected nudes from ones who were underage then flew them to age of consent states to fuck them all while having a wife. He left his wife now for one of the fan girls but still fucks and meets younger girls. He’s 40. Him and Billy the Fridge defended Onision for years but now have thrown him under the bus…probably because Ben is afraid of people bringing this up again. He even bought the subreddit for five thousand dollars so he could censor every post on it to be anti-Onision and pro-Ben/Benpai. No shock he’s friends with Repzion too who also didn’t call him out even though he was proven of the same crimes as Onision ….but Benpai has used Drunkenpeasants adrevenue money to silence people and buy out sub Reddits…all while laughing at Onision for the same thing
No. 939008
>>938991It’s old news that the dpheasants have a lot of sketchy things going on. The same pedo who was on the Onision forum Ripley was also at one time an editor for the dp.
I personally don’t think anything with YouTubers is surprising they all have skeletons in their closets.
As for repzion he’s a huge hypocrite considering his girlfriend was recently shown to have doxed someone yet he’s out there calling out others for less. They’re all idiots.
No. 939020
File: 1583018619950.png (45.42 KB, 598x289, Opera Snapshot_2020-02-29_2320…)

I've lost count of how many times this girl acts like she's gonna draw a line under it and complains she tired of the whole thing before marching into people's DMs like the duracell bunny.
No. 939047
File: 1583021911660.png (40.83 KB, 598x395, Screenshot_2020-03-01 Lyl ( ly…)

>>939020Shiloh lying and being manipulative usual.
Us "strangers" know nothing of the situation, except for this
>>936283, then there's this gem where she suicide baits
>>938699, lied about someone being a predator to deplatform them
>>935769, lied to someone else threatening him with legal action that never happened
>>935780, and this is all in one fucking week. But we're just so in the dark, huh?
I would tell her to stop being a fucking cow but when has she ever taken good advice?
No. 939049
>>939047If she hasn't figured out by now that she's the one who needs to fuck off from the internet, she's truly a lost cause.
If she's crumbling this much under scrutiny, how did she ever expect to have a successful court case? She'd get torn to pieces by the defense.
No. 939073
File: 1583025759575.png (62.49 KB, 640x469, Screenshot_2020-03-01 Edwin on…)

>>939020So Shiloh's stans are going after him too? Is she going to fix this shit or just keep playing the
victim UwU?
No. 939077
File: 1583027304206.png (337.62 KB, 720x700, 1A1C487E-94D2-471E-B837-206EDC…)

>>939073One fat white trash piece of shit defending another
No. 939081
>>939077He should shut the fuck up if he's not going to spill anything then. There was zero point in posting this besides to be a shady cunt.
>>939073I can't stand Edwin at all and will never like him, but it's so good to see him fighting back. He's already had to deal with one crazy bitch before (Dasha) so hopefully that experience will give him leverage in this situation.
No. 939106
File: 1583031180808.jpeg (311.19 KB, 640x805, 565DD2D1-CBCA-4B3A-9E9A-8970CD…)

She’s on a tweet and delete spree
No. 939107
File: 1583031210538.jpeg (294.14 KB, 640x874, 0FF9D708-4C97-4CC3-BC49-D6257A…)

No. 939108
File: 1583031245064.jpeg (316.31 KB, 640x871, 676FAA12-6A19-4F23-93FF-4A7408…)

No. 939117
>>939108Always has to have the last word.
That's why she can't leave twitter.
No. 939140
File: 1583037357580.jpeg (460.77 KB, 625x1334, D9ADB1BD-1DB9-49DF-B52A-EDCAC1…)

Jfc, I really wanted to give the benefit of the doubt that Shiloh had grown out of her 17 year old shit when this all started. I can’t figure out if she’s delusional enough to convince herself that she’s everyone’s victim or if she is knowingly acting like Greg. This is just a SS from a video she posted, the whole conversation doesn’t reflect well on her at all and she’s posting it like it’s proving how right she is? She honestly could’ve kept most of her credibility if she said right away “I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry.” Instead she’s acting feral and throwing away the built in fan base she got from her victim status.
She’s been back in the spotlight for what? A few months? She doesn’t know how to be on the internet or act like a person. Her only chance at getting her music career off the ground would’ve been if she kept her personality and thoughts offline. I’m guessing she’ll be off the internet again within the year.
No. 939146
>>939140Yeah those messages just make her look completely unhinged and make the person she was DMing look reasonable. I'm not sure what she's hoping to accomplish. I've also noticed that the number of positive responses she's getting is rapidly shrinking. At this point I'm just waiting for the other girls to disavow because… yeah… it's time.
>>939139Lurk more. It would take you 5 seconds to figure out the answer to your question if you did the bare minimum.
No. 939152
>put yall blocks down we ALL need a breakAlso Shiloh
>replies nonstop making herself look even more unhinged>>939150This is spoon feeding 101. It's all in this thread, just scroll up, ffs.
No. 939182
File: 1583043511820.png (16.75 KB, 598x130, edjfweoijfo2jf1.png)

>dragging me and insulting me publicly. Except Edwin never did that, at all. Great job getting the "truth" out Shiloh.
No. 939189
File: 1583045511581.png (84.13 KB, 599x682, K6BTyBWFqM.png)

>>936283That's cool that she
finally decided to fix some of the shitstorm she caused but she still destroyed nearly all her credibility in the span of a week. It's going to take more than a few days and a couple private "my bad's" to restore that shit.
No. 939194
File: 1583045900806.jpeg (493.31 KB, 828x1271, C5352DBF-ECE9-40C0-8598-09215D…)

>>939173No one cares that you’re shilohs last remaining supporter you obese mongoloid cunt
No. 939201
File: 1583047148179.png (81.54 KB, 600x867, Transparent.png)

>>939189I think she bit off more than she could chew and now she has no choice but to backpedal. If she'd gotten away with her power tripping lunacy I've no doubt she'd still be at it.
No. 939212
>>939201Thank fuck someone said it. I'm surprised that it's Edwin but she needs to realize that no matter how kind a person is, as soon as you start harassing, insulting, and threatening their lives that's when the kiddie gloves come off and people start handling things like adults.
>>939189>handling this like strong women doOh shut the fucking hell up, Shitloh. You can't call her a strong woman when it's time to cover your ass after telling her that the world would be better off without her.
No. 939218
File: 1583051723827.jpeg (929.98 KB, 598x1719, LMAO.jpeg)

>If no one made this public
Ass pained she got called out publicly for her power tripping, lies and manipulation.
>I'd rather speak my truth
She'd rather spin the narrative that's convenient for her, that's obvious.
>I have accepted my poor HOOMAN judgement and mistakes
Does this mean she's not going to go off the rails again or play the victim card anymore? Because it sounds like she's only interested in sweeping what she's done under the rug.
>I'm trying to write my next album
Something tells me this isn't the best time to promote your latest "work", hon.
>I never justified my actions
I guess all the times she used her trauma as a shield and excuse to be an asshole this entire week doesn't count.
For someone who acts like such an arbiter of truth she sure is full of shit.
No. 939220
>>939201I'm actually impressed with how measured his response has been, all things considered.
>>939218She wants the internet to coddle her because her mental state is so fragile that she lashes out and goes on power trips at the slightest provocation? Adults know when to take the L and bow out.
No. 939232
File: 1583055730026.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1090x5641, ERz7XTrUYAAjPFu.jpeg)

>>939212She just lied to someone in the dm's that she never told anyone to kill themselves
>>939140. She really thinks people are so stupid that they can't get the implication of "eliminate yourself". She even used the alleged suicide of her father to back up her lie.
Her recent about face is nothing more than damage control imo. Too many eyes and too much criticism. I don't believe she thinks she did anything wrong, she's just sorry she got flack for it.
No. 939237
>>939232There is no other way that she could have meant it, especially in the context
>>935435 >>935436 . She's completely fucking retarded and angry to try to backpedal out of that one. She needs to stop acting like a whiny little bitch and act her age.
No. 939240
>>939232>Her recent about face is nothing more than damage control imo. Onision damage control: "Be Human","We all makes mistakes guise". A mistake is when you buy red delicious when you meant to buy granny smith, that's a mistake. Going on a deliberate tirade, using your fanbase to harass and bully people you don't like off the internet, trying to manipulate and control the narrative isn't a mistake, it's an abuse of power.
She was doubling down for awhile and now all of a sudden she's back to playing adult, I'm not buying it.
No. 939245
File: 1583059736505.png (163.91 KB, 598x728, Screenshot_2020-03-01 These tw…)

shit's crazy fam.
No. 939262
>>939047if she keeps this up she'll need a thread of her own, she's taken this one over completely. shiloh has the same bully mentality as greg. in many ways they were perfect for each other. both crazy, manipulative liars. she was downright fucked to AJ and gleefully attacked her right along with greg.
if you really remembered all of her shit from the past you were probably still guardedly pleased to see her doing so much better but this shit she's pulling is no surprise. she's a nasty little goblin.
No. 939264
>>939262I vote for Shiloh having her own thread.
She worked hard enough for it.
No. 939279
>>939265This was uploaded yesterday. It's a little long but pretty well covers Shiloh's avalanche of autism this past week. He ended the video saying she sent him
32 messages insulting and harassing him. She told him that the other girls said things about him that he confirmed with
them as being untrue.
What I took away from this more than anything else is that anyone who trusts Shiloh is making a huge mistake, she engages in a lot of duplicity, not that that's a surprise to anyone here.
No. 939281
>>939262Shiloh's changed so little over the years it's unfortunate, lulzy but unfortunate.
>>939264If she stays on sm, her getting her own thread looks inevitable at this point.
No. 939292
>>939106>Stop lining your pockets with your false narrative about me>>939108>You're profiting off of my abuse, trauma and "mistakes">>939201>Those same people have gone on to post ss, make videos, create drama and make money doing so…lol Edwin hasn't lied about her once, neither has any of the other people she's attacked. Somehow I doubt she cares about them making money from their videos on her. What's really bothering her is they're exposing what she's been doing and she doesn't like the scrutiny. Tough shit.
Still no word on what happened to the extra GFM money for her tat that she said she'd share with the rest of her "sisters".
No. 939293
>>939149Does anyone have links to the dirty peasant stuff? I'm interested. There's always a reason guys like that band together, gives more credence that men like them (Onision, ProJared, etc) have a culture of collecting nudes from teenage fangirls and could be monetizing that concept in some way.
Men are absolutely devious and will gaslight women, project all their irrational thoughts on us and manipulate the ever loving fuck out of narratives for their gain. The funny thing about men is their total memes and they always fall apart at logic and directness. No wonder all famous magicians and illusionists are men, they so heavily rely on misdirection because they're self serving and self righteous manbabies.
No. 939308
File: 1583072798963.jpg (352.35 KB, 809x1312, Screenshot_20200301-152149_Twi…)

Lizzie's opinion, if anyone cares.
>we can all support Shiloh, but admit she's a bully right now
>we can support a bully because it's Shiloh
No. 939321
File: 1583075353395.jpg (99.99 KB, 433x455, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>939308From what I gather also from the Shiloh threat
>>939285, is that she lies. A lot. So now how are we supposed to know anything she said on the Hansen interview(s) was even true? Sure, its Greg and he's an asshole. But when you have a person that lies about dead fetuses, sleeping disorders, seizures and memory loss JUST for the attention what are we supposed to take from that? I mean, really?
No. 939324
>>939310Yeah but they hate men here, for whatever reason, just so you know.
Like really, REALLY hate them.
No. 939334
>>939321All of the things she did in the past could be overlooked with the fact that she was only 17 and literally madly in love with Jimbo. But now she proved that she's actually that crazy and that she hasn't learned from her mistakes.
She accuses everyone who disagrees with her of being like Jimmy, when she's the one acting like him.
She's even using the "be hooman/I'm hooman" excuse.
She's still bitter about being painted as the crazy one while Jimmy gave a fuck about her, found his next doormat, married her and got her pregnant.
No. 939391
>>939308>LizzieNo one cares about what that attention whore clone has to say. When the relevant women speak up (which Luxy did), then we'll have more milk.
>>939383No surprise there at all.
No. 939402
>>939394So Greg did actually have a point about her cheating. The more I learn about Shylock the more I dislike her. Again, how can we assume anything she ever said was true?
Not playing devils advocate here, but how much of what she told Chris was absolute horseshit?
No. 939403
>>939402Yeah… I don't doubt that Greg was
abusive because, well, that's who he is lol and she was very young but her recent behavior just explains why their relationship was the craziest of them all, freaking Trinity included. They are so similar.
No. 939410
File: 1583091880229.png (273.2 KB, 1280x704, tumblr_mxxjt8tVOE1t8iqybo1_128…)

Remember when to pretended to be mix
No. 939422
>>939403>>939405>>939406I reckon it was one of these situations where they made eachother very miserable. And if i'm being completely honest here Shylock can probably be pretty
abusive herself. Again, YES, a million times YES, Greg is a sad pathetic wanker with a microscopic penis. And YES he's an
abusive prick, mindfucker and a predator, but apparently so can she. But now I'm tending towards believing some of Greg's stories as well like when she was trying to bust trough a door and how she made up all this bullshit with him to film. Like her painting rainbows, having a sleeping disorder, losing a baby all that bullshit. I now even highly doubt the sepsis story since the survival rate of that is slim to none if you don't get medical attention asap. Which Greg didn't get her, maybe because.. none of it was true?
Just theorizing here, just my own doubts.
That being said I DO actually believe some of it, and some of the girls stories, and thats just because Greg is such a complete psychopath narcissist. He gets crazy, and well when you then mix crazy with even more crazy, you get a house full of crazy. Kai is probably way more pliable and calm, and just sorta lets it happen, which is why it sorta worked since she's submissive to that prick.
No. 939458
File: 1583098850515.jpeg (34.48 KB, 168x275, 1568494418811.jpeg)

I do not no man this do not sound like a victim 2 me
No. 939469
File: 1583101572920.jpeg (710.48 KB, 1125x1297, 15F6A541-415E-4F90-BA46-A3FCA0…)

Chris’ wife died
No. 939499
File: 1583109152997.jpeg (535.71 KB, 828x1347, 38241DFB-C200-4F3F-8BAC-1E21E6…)

Sh knows how to pick em. Talking about another ex and apparently having some drama with another girl about it.
No. 939501
File: 1583110334748.png (105.1 KB, 1024x768, scr2.png)

Screenshot dump of tweets Shiloh probably deleted already.
Backed up what I could on too.
No. 939503
File: 1583110465738.png (102.11 KB, 1024x768, scr3.png)

>>939502Apologies if they're out of order, forgot what was already posted since so many of her tweets look the same.
No. 939504
>>939499It's convenient that she always seems to pick men that physically abuse her during her "seizures".
>>939503>>939502They can't leave you alone if you keep addressing them, idiot.
No. 939505
File: 1583110590311.jpg (59.6 KB, 597x285, um.jpg)

I remember this girl, so I can confirm that Shiloh indeed got her fired ( I mean, I can't exactly confirm-confirm it lol, but the name's correct and the age bracket as well ), I just didn't know this was the reason. Messed up.
No. 939512
File: 1583112208131.png (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 750x1334, 1CD817DE-1E0F-4156-8893-371291…)

>>939503Sorry, keep getting distracted by her new tweets on lydoll. Thought these Instagram posts were pretty weird especially considering she tweeted "please stop posting photos of my ass" shortly after…
No. 939517
File: 1583112460844.jpeg (Spoiler Image,147.98 KB, 748x1213, 6C1FA2FA-D536-442A-8B4A-BDE707…)

>>939512Sorry for posting this twice, forgot to crop it.
No. 939520
>>939509Yeah, and to add some more context to it - this girl Melissa was also in the OTL group I was in, some 9, 10 years ago.
I wasn't really close with anyone, but I remember this situation specifically because it was a big deal that Shiloh got someone fired ( I just never knew what the reason was ).
I'm sure this girl is going to get questioned and possibly attacked, but she is actually telling the truth.
No. 939522
>>939518He's got debt to pay off. I don't see him taking a break from his cash cow any time soon.
>>939519I was gonna say, what "news"? lol he's been spinning his wheels for weeks.
No. 939525
File: 1583113011144.png (250.97 KB, 1024x768, huh.png)

>>939516Thanks for letting me know, oops.
>>939512>>939517?????? Have no idea what she's even on about in this tweet but was weird to say after posting her ass on instagram and deleting it, I'm so confused.
No. 939528
>>939525Because the girl she was arguing posted this:
>>937595Focusing on the ass is a deflection from the fact that the same DM screenshot has her threatening to stab her ex's new girlfriend.
No. 939538
>>939529Where the story starts, when shiloh and o first made contact, is where shiloh's story is debunked by the receipts, by the video she made herself here:
>>932634In the hansen interview she say they started talking 8-9 months before they met in person. O said it was one month before. The video confirms O is correct.
In the hansen interview she say the O confessed his love first. But the video implies the opposite:
>>932638 No. 939545
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K e k
No. 939551
>>939502>I get criticized publicly instead of getting help to become better in private!This bitch should've been prepared BEFORE she put herself back out there like this. She's just throwing a tantrum because most people aren't enabling her chimpouts.
All she wanted from the start was to promote her album anyway. If she were serious about jUstiCe, she would've had a lawyer ready from the get go.
No. 939557
>>939422I remember when the "Shiloh has sepsis" video came out. It was actually a pretty big thing when it happened. At the time he was deleting comments on all of his videos like crazy because everyone hated Shiloh but on that one he didn't and he went dark for 2 days (which was unusual for him at the time) while comments piled up saying how full of shit they both were. if i remember correctly when he came back he backpedaled, said Shiloh dumped him and that he thought she was lying about the sepsis thing… basically blaming it all on her when it was obvious to anyone paying attention that they were both in on it. It's so surreal to see people now acting like she was telling the truth about that, the seizures, etc. Even the old school anti-o's who always kissed his ex's asses after they dumped him and dropped dirt about him wanted nothing to do with Shiloh.
>>939517Jesus christ how many active alts does this girl have?
>>939533Yeah I have a feeling there was some sketchy shit going on behind the scenes. That pinkpineapple chick juts sounded like she was parroting what Shiloh told her to say. I believe there was a sincere apology and a mature conversation about as much as I believe Shiloh's stories about her seizures.
No. 939565
>>939279>>939545Everything she did this past week she could easily repeat a month from now. If her mental state is as delicate as she claims then it's anyone's guess when she'll go off the rails again. It's obvious she hasn't learned a damn thing from her past and her 'adult' online persona is just another affectation.
If she were serious about taking responsibility for herself she'd take a necessary extended break from sm, but everyone knows that's not going to happen because the wArrIor kwEEn won't be "ran off the internet", not like she just tried to do to a bunch of randos she disagreed with or fabricated reasons to hate and harass.
No. 939568
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More obvious baiting from Shiloh, playing for sympathy after pissing so many people off. No. 939571
>>939568She literally went out of her way to message them, though? She reminds me so much of Holly Conrad, always the
victim even when being the one who's picking a fight.
No. 939589
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>>939578I actually believe the seizure. Her pupils were dilated the whole time and she was faced towards the ceiling light, you can see in the reflection in her eyes.
And having epilepsy kinda fits with her global potato phenotype.
No. 939605
>>939589I see what you're getting at but without actual medical documents (that will likely never see the light of day) proving a diagnosis, all of this remains speculation.
Shiloh's all but destroyed her credibility with her
abusive behavior and repeated lies - a little half assed damage control isn't going to fix that. She waxes on about "real life", well now she's publicly discredited herself several times over and the legal case against Onision (despite Hansen's lies) is all but guaranteed to go nowhere. Hope she's prepared for that reality, assuming she was serious about #DeplatformPredators to begin with.
No. 939652
>>939504My sentiments exactly.
>>939512Again very Greg like "I dumped you as a friend and now you're still angry over that!"
>>939553Hey, at least Shiloh is regular with that ass of hers. So rare to see a batshit insane person be precise like swiss clockwork in crazy.
>>939568Well, she isn't wrong..
>>939605Thats the thing though they never ever went to a doctor with that shit, which makes me suspect the entire thing was fake af.
Greg said the shit was fake and that she planned it with him.
And she does seem to be the type to revel in attention.. just saying.
No. 939865
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She took her songs off Soundcloud and Spotify.
No. 939955
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>>939865That's a pretty dumb move. Her album had a decent number of replays (this was on January 1st) so she is pretty much shooting herself in the foot here.
No. 939963
>>939709>she is insisting in shoving her ass into the spotlight.Literally
No. 939970
>>939865We already know she only came forward to promote her album
>>939563. There's no point trying to walk it back now.
No. 939980
>>939685>no way a 'movement' can survive such repressed dissonance It blew my mind that so many were willing to give Mike a pass, but yes it is a testament to how much people hate Greg. Hansen knew this that's why he latched on to it in the hopes it would help jump start his "career". He tried that with Ice Poseidon but it's likely that Ice paid him off to drop the story.
Between Morse, Vincent, Gene and whoever else I'm missing, Hansen's recruited all these losers and nutjobs because he's too deep in debt to afford anything better. He's a fraud anyway, it was only a matter of time before his house of cards collapsed.
No. 940099
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>>939955It’s definitely still on Spotify…
No. 940195
>>940099This pretty much proves shes incredibly delusional about her image. You don't look like jessica rabbit, you look like the pillsbury dough boy.
>>939709You're retarded.
No. 940240
>>939528Holy fuck, sorry. Really wasn't trying to deflect I'm just a blind idiot.
That's absolutely horrifying beyond words, ashamed of myself for missing that somehow.
No. 940302
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Looks like Cecil as well as some other folks are doing a big video on Shiloh defenders Mikenactor and Deity.
This should be good.
No. 940575
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2 hours ago Shiloh posted weird shit on her instagram stories, as well as 2 videos ranting about how apparently "not
triggering" to people with eating disorders her ass photos are? I don't know how to download or archive Insta story videos sadly but it's a bit of a shitfest.
>>940301Oh, dang my reading comprehension is bad lately haha
Shiloh's amount of deflecting is getting pretty nuts.
No. 940591
>>940576She's really dead set on running what remained of her "new and improved" image into the ground, isn't she? This whole past week has been one giant mess. How do you have such massive support and manage to wreck it like this…It's really impressive.
I hope someone's working on a new thread, since this one turned out really great. I suck at summaries. I'd only put "so Shiloh never stopped being crazy" in the thread description, lol.
No. 940592
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>To those of you who want to spread the narrative that I have issues with any of the victimsSounds like a reference to Edwins video
>>939279>Shylow told him that the other girls said things about him that he confirmed with them as being untrue.The only reason she came back was to promote her music, even a blind man could see that. Using her "sisters" as pawns in her lies and attempts to one up people she doesn't like isn't fighting on their behalf, it's using them for her own personal ends.
No. 940599
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No one needs to paint Shiloh as a crazy bitch, she's doing a bang up job on her own
>>937595. Her "defense mechanism" wouldn't be a problem if it didn't include threatening and slandering people because she didn't like the questions they asked. Then she gets assmad at those same people for publicly outing her bullshit.
She's still busy doing damage control, pretending she's "here for her girls". No one with a functioning brain stem would want her representing them.
No. 940681
>>940586Her then boyfriend is the guy in the screenshots calling her crazy. "Shes psychotic, she lies"
He still speaks to her from time to time - but can't stand her. He's moved on with a girl from England and is very happy with her. Shiloh keeps stalking his new girlfriend though.
No. 940738
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pooping in the sink.
No. 940750
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>>940749"I'm anything for the attention."
No. 940754
>>940575> I don't know how to download or archive Insta story videos sadlyStorySave for android, or this for Chrome when you're on a computer.'ve been using both for a while. I don't know about apple products.
No. 940777
>>940769She has a good body now she must work out or something, and / or her manager making her do that. Not a fan of tattoos personally, but she does look good asides from the facial area. Not that she's a downright butterface, mind you. I think she translated that in to "I have anorexia now" which of course as we all learned from Eugenia no self-respecting ana-fan would ever admit to. But then again she does it for attention and craves being the
victim again.
No. 940780
>>940777I have no doubt in my mind that this entire spectacle she did the last few days is nothing more than a very bad strategy to get more
victim points "Look how everyone wants to bully me off the internet". Problem is she doesn't understand she's not kicking the "fake allies" out, she's kicking out legitimate supporters that thought she pulled her shit together and is not that mentally unstable teenager anymore. Kittensaurus or whoever should have made a GoFundMe for finding her a good therapist kek.
No. 940809
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A black 'femme queer' intersectional feminist illustrator has made a comic strip about Shiloh's 'cultural appropriation'. ) No. 940814
>>940780Plus she can always claim she does it because "all this greg stuff is dragged up again" so now he made her have anorexia. When she speaks about it so easily I doubt she even knows what it TRULY is. Not that I know fully mind you, you never do unless you know someone that has it personally or you have it yourself.
>>940809Although I do like it, it could do with a lot less radicalism and I don't think Shiloh really looks like Shiloh in that comic. Other than that I did enjoy it, maybe put some more comedy in there and less social justice.
And why not toss the whole Greg and Chris Hansen thing too while you're at it. That will definitely make it funny.
Again, I do like it though.
No. 940847
>>940809I'm not sure why this Nubian Queen is focussing on the hair so much. It's the weakest part of what's
PrObleMatIc with Shiloh IMO. Nobody wants to hear from the woke hair police any more than they want to hear Greg's thoughts on hair.
I think level 40 Shiloh will be wearing orange and have face tattoos.
No. 940910
>>940809That's retarded. Black people don't own certain hairstyles or ghetto talk.
Classic snowflakes. Preaching about equality and letting people express themselves however they want and then getting a breakdown over white women wearing dreads and braids.
No. 940992
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>>940883Her bio says she's a "femme queer" I had to actually google that shit (so fuck you very much for that, Kayalanininiqua or whatever) and it says its supposed to be a non butch, feminine dyke. I don't get why she doesn't just put "dyke" i mean the feminine part we can see, we can see she's not a bulldyke type.
But snowflakes gonna snowflake I guess.
Also, not to sound like an alt right retard but the Vikings actually had dreads already.
Personally it don't matter how people wear their hair to me, I mean might as well accuse SJW's of smurf cultural appropriation since they wore their hair blue before them. Its just that to Laqueefa it does seem to matter, hair police like someone mentioned earlier.
Anyway, whatever. ("I can do what I want!")
No. 941121
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>>941116Imageboard, post caps, not statuses.
Hope the voice clips get posted, lol.
No. 941122
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No. 941123
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No. 941129
>>941121Reading the thread now - apparently these are from 2018 ( so no vids/audio, damnit ). Not sure what's there to even say, though.
At least she's consistently crazy, lmao.
No. 941195
>>940738>>940750Decent body, okay face. Since her music career isn't going anywhere she may as well start an onlyfans or something. How tf does she make money anyway? There's no way she sells enough of her music to live off the proceeds alone.
>>940910>Black people don't own certain hairstyles or ghetto talk.Fair enough but you can't say there isn't such a thing as black culture. Shiloh makes exremely mediocre wigger music - nothing original or groundbreaking. The issue imo isn't her "appropriating" of a culture, it's the fact it's such obvious pretense that makes it so cringe. She's a mentally unstable uwu professional
victim who adopted a cringe wigger persona strictly to sell records.
No. 941317
>>941195>hiloh makes exremely mediocre wigger music - nothing original or groundbreaking. The issue imo isn't her "appropriating" of a culture, it's the fact it's such obvious pretense that makes it so cringe. She's a mentally unstable uwu professional victim who adopted a cringe wigger persona strictly to sell records.Hate to play devils advocate here but a lot of people in the music industry do, usually forced by their manager or the record label. Maybe that black guy producer guy told her "YO WE GONNA MAKE SOME DOPE BEATS YO" and she just went for this blend billie eyelash Aaliyah R&B soft jazz type horseshit that seems to be popular right now, all the while posing as this strong woman which she obviously isn't. Personally I thought she did better as an Evanescencensceen ripoff, that "Can't hang on"-song was good. The new shit and her new shit look aren't doing her any favors. But then again what do I know, I been out of touch with the music industry and the shit they made since the mid 2000's when I just gave up on it all together. Its all shit, so I just listen to the good old days.
Its always bad to pose as something you aren't, but its all the music industry does. Just look at all the Lady Gaga's, Pink's and what have you out there.
It seems to work for them, so can't blame someone like Shiloh for trying. Its just too bad her utter insanity stops her from breaking out. Pretty soon the only thing she'll be singing itsy bitsy spider inside a padded room while in a straightjacket and being shot so full of lithium it would drop a hippo out cold. Because the way she been going I do see that happen.
No. 941353
>>941317I actually don't mind her music even though it's a dime a dozen kind of style. There's a few good songs amongst the trash. I really don't dig her style at all though.
The one milky eye contact and long green wig in the New love music video didn't really do her any favours. In some scenes of the video she looked like a midget Jeffree Star and her whole image doesn't make any sense. It's like a mish mash of every thing popular at the moment. The lime green Billie Eilish wigs, soundcloud aesthetic, it's just all a mess.
I think she looks better with the dark hair and although her makeup and body is better these days, she needs to cool it with the oversized lashes and highlight.
In Hansen's first stream all the highlight made her look greasy and her eyelash extensions were horrible. I think she'd look cute if she went with a less heavier lash and chilled on the highlight, but that's just me.
No. 941357
>>941353I was mostly mystified on the Hansen stream why she wore brown and glitter on her nose. It looked like either she snorted brownbrown or that she had a shiny turd glued to her face. Also, her tits were almost rolling out the whole time.
Her new music is awful because well, Billie Eyelash' music and music in general is awful and people have no taste these days.
To that extend Shiloh could be catering to a huge millennial and zoomer audience where it not for her fucking up all the time and threatening people.
No. 941373
>>941357I think the brown was an attempt at contour. I found the gleaming highlight and hideous lashes to be waaay more distracting tbh.
People always say she has a pig nose and while it isn't the smallest, I think it's kind of unique, but she's drawing bad attention to it with the huge nose ring and nuclear highlight.
Does anyone reckon Chris will address Shiloh's behaviour?
No. 941401
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>>941373For Chris to acknowledge Shylowe's is a bit of a conundrum since if he would, all the anti-o's would jump on him for "not standing with the
victims". There was even a debate with a yas queener before the canceled stream someone defending it since well Shylock had a bad life so that gave her license to be a dick to everybody, doxx them and sent them death threats. A septum piercing is always a bad idea, it reminds me of how pigs also get tattooed and a septum piercing.
But thats just my preference. Hence I find these hellish times we live in.
Hope this trend too, shall pass one day
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