File: 1551320787518.jpg (1.03 MB, 1999x749, aria.jpg)

No. 781702
Aria Rose is a plain as bread basic white girl from Canada known for making videos against “egirls” and how much she hates them, everyone's favorite Arabian hoe–Pokimane is usually her main target. In her commentary videos she's always condemning the shit out of egirls, cosplay girls and loli girls. In typical egirl fashion she claims she's not like those other whores while doing exactly the same things the girls she is talking about does. A few weeks ago Aria started a campaign called #reworkmercy movement to make Mercy more dps damage than healing but the thing is, she sucks at OW, carried to gold Mercy egirl main ofc someone with 0 credentials is definitely certified to start this kind of revolution! Aria is also a pull rat, she makes threads and posts her crappy opinions on that toilet under her real user name.
Her hypocrisy is pretty amazing, the things she complains about is exactly what she does.
>egirls having white knights and using them to attack people when she has her own white knights and launched an attack on a ow streamer and a little kid for having an opinions about her >complains about egirls using filters and photoshop when she uses blur and filters for her pics >Hates how loli uwu girls pander to pedos and weebs when she liters her room full of the same cute shit the loli girls have, wear the same cute clothing and uses anime girls for her avatar and banner. Made a thread and video mocking and talking about how terrible loli egirls are, deleted and pretends it never happened after being called out >criticized Lilypichu for her fake ass egirl voice when she uses a fake egirl voice too >criticizes and calls others out but can't take criticism back >actively posts on Pokimane's pull thread >keeps shoving it down everyone's throat how she's NOT like those other ebitches! And how she's totally different and totally not jelly of them>fake down to earth attitude >always paints herself as the victim of egirl attack when she's the one doing the attacking >claimed that the evil egirls threatened to break her legs for “exposing” them +claiming to be constantly boollied by them damn egirls!>briefly deleted twitter account because she couldn't stand the backlash from Pokimane's white knights + people calling her out for her own bullshit >Doesn't like how other egirls flaunt their sexuality for their thirsty wks when she posts pics of her legs with obvious sexual undertone >hard denies being jealous egirls when it's obvious that she's really jealous >On her now deleted discord, she said she hates how niggers are taking all the jobs from the whites, kicked and blocked people who called her out on the racist comment >doesn't get views from making regular videos so she resorts to making videos trashing other people cuz we all know controversy sells>asks viewers for their thoughts and opinions >delete comments when she doesn't agree Every egirl goes through this edgy phase where they believe they are ~different~ and better than the other egirls while openly trashing on their own kind. Gratz on joining the club Aria, you can take a seat next to the other egirls in denial you hate like Pokimane, Emiru, Lilypichu.
Tdlr: Another egirl in disguise
She also uses lc, enjoy your stay Aria.
Links: thread No. 781703
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pull thread
No. 781704
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Regular on Poki's thread
No. 781706
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Wearing the garterbelt accessories the egirls she hates wears
No. 781707
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No. 781729
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I swear she has no self awareness
>promotes herself as a person of reason
>attacks people
>claims that people are exposing her for views
She checks off for everything she just mentioned on her tweet
No. 781777
>>781740>>781764Aria is legit a crazy person, she tried making her Mercy movement into a civil rights movement. Her raid was suppose to be secret so it would seem like legit community outcry for mercy changes, in her mind she thought if Blizzard sees all these posts they'll rework Mercy right?! /s
All this bullshit and drama over a fucking video game character.. keep in mind she's turning 26 this year.
No. 781785
File: 1551367105630.png (14.09 KB, 601x114, aria.png)

>>781764One of her nigger posts, she says nigger a lot. Her statement "I hate how all the niggers are taking jobs away from whites" was said through voice chat. On PULL she tried saving face by saying "I'VE NEVER SAID NIGGER IN A BAD WAY! I ONLY SAY NIGGER TO DEFEND BLACKS FROM SLAVERY! CHECK OUT THESE TOTALLY UNSCRIPTED DISCORD MESSAGES"
Thanks to her, Mercy players will further have bad rep and the girls who play her will receive more hate, guess this was what she wanted since all Mercy players are egirls and sluts rite?
No. 781788
>>781777I'm so confused on why she thought this would get anywhere, the gaming industry drops their own workers without a second thought because there's no union. Blizzard doesn't even care about their own so why the fuck would they care about .00001% of their players being upset about Mercy? What videogame company as ever listened to players for stuff like this?
Even her photo is pandering. It's not like fashion off-shoulder top it's a regular t-shirt that she forced to the other side, than covered the evidence with her hair.
>>781785Nobody can take a job away from you that you weren't qualified for. What's with ugly white loli girls and hating blacks. Was she trying to pander to pol base?
No. 781791
File: 1551367494692.png (62.66 KB, 1116x306, aria white knight'.png)

Aria trashes Pok on youtube and wks her on PULL lolwat? Typical pullfag behavior, you praise and defend the same snowflake you hate. Before she left PULL she was one of the regular whiteknights on the thread.
No. 781815
File: 1551372202545.png (10.18 KB, 568x96, aria discord.png)

>>7817852/2 Aria's wk defended her blatant racism against black people, they believe that "racism is freedom of speech"
No. 781824
>fake voice>anime crap ~aethestic~>shitty weeb fashion>fake nice personality + shitting on other people >pandering >both uses laughably inaccurate depictions of themselves as anime girls >leeching off other people for fame>whores >both try to come off as sweet high school girls when they are in their mid to late twenties yikes
No. 781842
The people who spend hours complaining about "e-girls" are more obnoxious than any of them. This girl seems bitter more than anything, her face is too hideous to be a successful egirl. Not even facetune can save her and her bulbous nose.
>>781815Because freedom of thought means freedom from thought, apparently.
No. 781854
>>781824Don't forget the uwuw not like other girls shtick when they're exactly like other girls. Except Aria is worse for being unapologetically racist imo
>>781815Pretty much any incel weeb defends blatant racism with ITS MUH FREE SPEECH REEEEE Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences, she deserves any hate she gets as a result.
Maybe he thinks if he wks hard enough she'll fuck him or send him nudes.
>>781842She's probably projecting or has resentment because she is like an e-girl minus the being pretty part.
No. 781877
File: 1551383053069.jpg (184.55 KB, 1100x700, aria transracial.jpg)

She openly defended transracial people and said there is nothing wrong with wanting to change your race and changing your skin tone. It's pretty gross considering how she was a regular in the himeahri (white girl lying about being Japanese) thread and often wked her on the pull thread. She tries to come off as intelligent in her videos yet says horribly racist, ignorant things and agrees with people changing their race, does that sound like someone smart to you? Did her mom take drugs when she was pregnant with her?
She's def an autistic edgy 4chan dweller who believes that black people are sub human and whites are the superior race.
No. 781955
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>>781785Men are going to hate female players regardless of the hero they’re playing anon. I get the same shit playing mercy to sombra in high master games regardless of my playstyle men hiding behind screens are going to shit on any female they can.
Speaking of Aria, I’ve known about her since the dawn of her mercy sperg. I frequent the ow gossip subreddit. She gets a lot of things about the game wrong and even used wrong comments to prove her point.
My boyfriend and I used to queue snipe her but she wasn’t in VC so it wasn’t as fun.
Sage for blogging.
No. 781980
File: 1551401324774.jpg (1.39 MB, 2667x960, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-7yB5…)

(Aria deleted the pic on the left so I got the selfie from a thumbnail)
How are you going to hate and make fun of girls for wearing makeup when you yourself wear a full face of makeup?
No. 782027
>>782026Here is the follow up video this guy made. The "diss track" at the end is pretty cringy but his points are very strong and compelling.
The fact this chick is such a cow and uses PULL and LC is news to me but it's deliciously ironic and I'm glad to see a thread about her.
Also I agree with those who say "Great, an even worse reputation for girls who happen to ever play Mercy, or play OW in general - thanks Aria." I wish I could throw her to every sexist teammate and remark I've ever had to put up with and ignore. She deserves less than 0 respect.
No. 782031
Ladies and Gentlemen, the #reworkmercy civil rights movement leader, Thotaria in action! 1:24 for the megaluls
>>782026>>782027I think soradot hit the nail on what he said about Thotaria.
>I'm pretty sure she doesn't care about Mercy and only did it to be the leader of something, that's why she bailed and pretended like it didn't happen when it went to shit. No. 782043
>Basically they are 20-30 year old women who act innocent and child like to gain a fanbase Hm pretty sure that Aria doesn't act all innocent and kawaii to gain fans right!? Also you're 25 who the fuck are you to shame them for acting a certain way when you do the same?
So much cringe. She tried exaggerating her voice to make it seem like her "normal" voice isn't fake
>I'm a 25 year old girl who loves sex Rofl if Poki said that Aria would be all SEE FUCKING MEGASLUT RIGHT THERE! SHE ADMITTED IT!11!!!
About the whole transracial acceptance thing, I can see why she's A OK with it, it's cuz she herself is a fucking weeaboo white bitch wishing she was a cute lil Japanese girl
No. 782114
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Definitely not an e girl wannabe guys
No. 782146
I'm so glad she has a thread, she keep popping in my recommended and her saltiness is insane.
>>781855This video had me kekking. A $50 tier on patreon for 2 pics isn't a scam. It's only a scam if they dont provide the service and still take the money. Overpriced yes but at the end of the day it's the retard scrots who lose in the end.
No. 782173
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Rofl the second someone mentions Poki she's on it. She's like a fly excitied to find some dog shit to eat
No. 782174
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2/2 Brace yourselves for another Poki video
No. 782196
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She's just wants mercy reverted to her five man res cause she has no skill or common sense to actually play something that requires a bit of thought. Apex at the minimum requires you get your dead team mate's banner (which can be hard to do especially if there are enemies near by), and then carry that shit to a beacon… Literally not the same as hiding, letting your team die, and then pushing your ult button to have them back… She's so desperate for old mercy that it's sad.
No. 782198
>>781785With all the black hate you'd think she's from the South
>>781702>canadian Yikes
No. 782235
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>>782196>>782228She's fake af. She told her braindead wks to not attack people and to be respectful when we all know she's just doing that to up keep her fake nice image. She wanted a war and harassed the fuck out of anyone that disagreed. She and her wks threatened to doxx the guy who revealed the truth about her Mercy raid and how it was staged by Aria and her wks.
No. 782242
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Her face is unpleasant to look at. She has such a punchable face, Poki is no goddess but fuck atleast it doesn't physically hurt when you look at her. I literally downloaded a pic of Poki to disinfect the folder holding this grimlin's pic. She tries so hard to be and look cute. She've said stuff like how Lilypichu should act her age, shouldn't Aria act HER age?
No. 782267
>>782261 said, she needs new glasses. she just looks weird and, ngl kinda like she's aging in a bad way.
No. 782269
>>782242She definitely photoshops her nasolabial folds like Poki.
She shops her folds, jaw and nose
Since she used pull and lc I wouldn't be surprised if she was one of the ~nasolabial fold~ sperges.
No. 782274
>>782242She is the perfect example of what it is to look 'plain'
Takes all her pics from the same angle and
hides behind her hair.. she knows she's not pleasant to look at. She looks like the kind of person to be very timid in real life too.
Her obvious jealousy towards other women is the ugliest thing about her
No. 782296
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Can we talk about Aria next target for her ridiculous video game ~movements~?
No. 782297
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No. 782300
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No. 782303
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4/4 She's REEing so fucking hard over the rework outfit when DIS BITCH DOESN'T EVEN PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. She watched 1 lol video on youtube and suddenly she's all "I FUCKING LOVE KAYLE"
This bitch needs to shut the fuck up.
No. 782325
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Aria disgusts me she tries to come off as a supporter of women's rights when she's actually a misogynist. If she truly gave a fuck about women's rights she would be helping the women in third world countries without rights. Not calling out some video game company over the design of their female character outfit and making video essays encouraging people to hate on other girls who she deems as more attractive than her.
This is basically what she says about the ~other girls/egirls~ and this is the target audience she caters to.
No. 782408
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When ur 2 poor 2 afford photoshop but u still want to edit ur butter face
No. 782414
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>is actually smug about being a pulltard
No. 782421
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She posted a new video yesterday
lol she can't get any views without talking about her fellow e girls. I think it's time to wrap it up Aria, go back to being just a regular white weeb.
No. 782462
>>782242Seeing her face is all I need to know. It explains why she 3 videos screaming "IM NOt lIkE tHE OTher e-GIRls!!!".
She starts every video off by sating she's totally not jelly. But more than half of her points are just opinions and it's obvious she's salty she's not pretty enough to make money off her looks. And of course she's a fucking PULLTARD. They're delusional AF.
No. 782495
>>782325Well, you can care about two things at once lol I'm a woman from a third world country but that doesn't mean I can't find it off-putting when every female character in a game needs to be borderline naked
But regardless, yes, she's a fucking hypocrite because she's shown time & time again that she's a thot who is horribly jealous of these "e-girls" that are way more popular than her pandering ass will ever be, kek. She's "not like other girls" supreme
>>782421"hurr durr, people are using my name for views" this fucking retard I swear
No. 782498
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Well her hair is wavy now, so she's not plain looking anymore guys!!!
No. 782509
>>782498It just looks like she didn't brush it - especially the part in front of the window.
Still with that diagonal angle…
Legit she looks like a grandmother with slightly better skin. She looks 35+ at LEAST though. I'm 31 and she looks hella older than me or people I know.
Also those thin bangs are doing her no favors.
>>782496Agree. It's weird, her smile isn't a genuine smile. It's sort of like an old lady smile, completed by the thin lips but not just because of them. None of her photos look happy or friendly or really.. anything. It's actually a bit unnerving but the blandness kind of overpowers any other impressions.
Also it's damn obvious she tries to skinwalk "Asian girl stereotype" as much as a dumb haggard white cunt can. Does she even have a personality?
No. 782513
>>782498She can be as sassy as she likes on twitter but she looks like she'd shit herself at the first sign of real life confrontation. She has that 'emotionally fragile' look
If she sorted out her own insecurities she'd be less vocal about…those damn pretty girls
No. 782546
>>782542It's ironic how she talked about people's looks on pull and now people are talking about her looks.
Sweet karma.
No. 782547
>>782542this, the sperging is getting a bit much. She has a lot of milk by the sound of things.
We know she looks like gollum can we move onto other things?
No. 782548
File: 1551539549933.png (205.59 KB, 950x353, aria loli girls comment.png)

>>782043>>782021Her comment on the deleted loli vid. Her grammar is pretty horrendous by the way.
Since a lot of you are misinterpreting the video, I'm going to add this as well. The main problem with these girls is that they
lie. They are lying about their voices, about their personas, or about the fact that they are using their sexuality to gain a fanbase. They will attack girls who are proud and truthful about using their sexuality when they do the exact same. They believe because of this deceitful persona, they hold a higher ground to other e-girls.
I was using these girls as an example, so here's the reason why for each one.
Nyanners: Made the pedofile song “Pomf Pomf” and still makes questionable content.
NyanAFK: Faked her voice, still does to an extent.
Nikkichi: Extremely fake baby voice paried with loli persona.
LilyPichu: Has said very questionable things about naturally big-breasted women, built her fanbase off a loli persona, deceitful about it.
Pokimane: Uses her sexuality to get a fanbase (think “thicc” videos) but is not upfront about it. Was involved in a video that based big-breasted streamers alongside Lily.
Gumdrop: Panders to men while not being upfront about it, baby talk, etc.
Wolfychuu: Very fake voice, questionably sexual thumbnails, very questionable stories (r/thathappened)
I am not asking people to unsub to them, I don't mind if you like their content or have a different opinion. I felt the need to make this video as I'm tired of being compared to them and I strongly dislike the persona they put out. It's
toxic, it's deceitful, and it's something to watch out for.
I'll edit this if I need to add anything.
She tries to make it seem like the video wasn't as bad when she literally trashed 7 girls for 10 minutes straight and she's all like “sInCe a LoT of you are mIsInTeRpReTiNg tHe ViDeO” Uh no your motivations were clear as day. Yeah it's pretty dumb how Pok and Lily made a video making fun of E-sluts when they are E-sluts as well but it doesn't make YOU any better for making fun of them when you're a salty E-slut. This is a weird inception domino of sluts yelling at sluts. She doesn't sound like a 25 year old woman, she sounds like a retarded 15 year old thinking she's all smart and shit—wait I take that back even 15 year olds have better grammar and writing than her dumb ass. I like how she “HATES being compared to them” uh it's because you are one of them that's why you're always being lumped in together with those types of girls.
No. 782554
>>782548>I'll edit this if I need to add anything. no, you won't. Integrate.
Those names tho, lol. Your opinion should be immediately disregarded if your username has "nya" in it, "chu" or any other weeb word.
>This is a weird inception domino of sluts yelling at
It's funny how they're all the same thing but every one of them thinks of themselves as something so much better. I'm not very keen on calling those girls "sluts", because they aren't. What do they do, show some cleavage? If that's enough for men to throw money at them, I'd rather laugh at the moronic virgin-dudes than at a girl who found an easy way to earn money.
No. 782567
File: 1551545692523.png (403.64 KB, 851x489, aria.png)

Aria's social media details how much of an egirl she is. Before mass deleting her accounts, pictures and posts she posted the same stupid shit on Twitter, posted a lot of selfies on Instagram and made a lot of anime and video game music covers. After she got called out by the OW community she got rid of everything to prove to minna that she's tots not like the egirls! She called out tHe sLuTs for hiding and being ~deceitful~ when she's lying and being ~deceitful~ by deleting all the evidence. Aria gives me a fucking headache, she should change her name to Aria Hypocrite Rose.
No. 782572
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>>782043>>782548She posted a video mocking fake loli girls called how to be a uwutuber after she deleted her the fake loli uwutubers vid
Aria: "yOu sHoUlD aCt yOuR aGe!"
>has a room designed for a 10 year old No. 782577
File: 1551547518446.png (595.56 KB, 956x538, sc 2.png)

From her how to be a uwutuber vid
No. 782579
>>782563ohh i see, the image wouldn't load so it seemed like a post by someone. Sorry
>>782548 anon!
No. 782590
File: 1551549605450.jpg (455.13 KB, 1728x489, aria kelly.jpg)

>>782586I was wondering if she has FAS too lol
She looks like she's cosplaying as Liam Sullivan's character Kelly everyday
No. 782621
File: 1551553687972.jpg (527.32 KB, 1016x1459, ads on ads.jpg)

Hold on, she went on Pokithot's ass for advertising herself on Twitch through other people's ads which was bad but she advertised her channel on Youtube through using one of the polls she had for the people subbed to her as the ad. This would pop up on people's homepages, her ad was posted 1 month before she made the video on Pokithot's ad.
Another classic move from Aria Hypocrite Rose! ba dum tss
No. 782777
File: 1551577557417.png (384.23 KB, 558x559, aria.png)

Anyone else notice this pattern? When ugly white girls can't pull off the instagram look or the edgey goth look they'll turn to shit weeb fashion and lowkey wish they were Japanese. She's going keep trouting around in ugly ~Kawaiidesu~ fashion when she's in her 30s alongside Lilypichu
>>782584I don't think lip fillers or a lip lift will help her case lol
No. 782789
>>782777I honestly don't think she's ugly, Not everyone needs fat blow up doll lips but the super thin bangs and the obvious fake nerd uwu glasses do her no favors.
What is funny is her coming after uwutubers when she is obviously pandering towards a similar demographic and her own voice doesn't sound natural either. And of course she'd start some hashtag about Mercy kek
Is there an archived version of her uwutuber videos? Or a reupload? I'm kinda sad I never got to see them.
No. 782831
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On top of being a snowflake and a egirl she's also a munchie.
>Minna give me attention and feel bad for muh mental disorders uwu
No. 782835
File: 1551588643280.png (374.9 KB, 1413x761, ow tweet.png)

One of her old tweets, she has no idea what she's talking about and backpedaled real hard IM JUST JOKING GUYS~~ after people called her out for being a dumb fuck
No. 783008
>>782777Jesus, she looks awful. A legit mix in between Margo and an ugly version of Prozd's gf.
The scary thing being: all of her pics aren't fucking candids, they're her own selfies, which means that she fucking saw them, and went "Yes. This is a good picture of me, I look cute."
No wonder she can't shut it about Belle Delphine and the others, I would too if I looked like a literal bird
No. 783039
File: 1551652439350.png (1.1 MB, 1152x715, yt aria.png)

>>783008It's pretty cringe how she put pictures of herself in her egirl attack vids to "prove" that she wasn't ~jelly~, not afraid to show herself while talking shit and to show off how suuuuper kawaii she is
No. 783065
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>>783060She also made shitty story time vids which are now deleted.
No. 783208
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Thotaria is so obsessed with the ~EVIL EGIRLS~ she loves it whenever someone else mentions or talk about them
No. 783210
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She deleted her twitter again how convenient
No. 783213
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She still has her positive uwu / music twitter. She'll probably jump over there to pretend she's so positive now.
No. 783228
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>>783213She does the fake positivity thing on her insta too.
I wonder how hard she lurks on her lc and pull thread I'm pretty sure she's lying
>>782414 when she said people told her about her pull thread. She goes on that shit 24/7 how would she not notice? She was trying to be so witty saying the pull users cow tipped and shit, but how was she so sure the pull users were the one telling her about the thread in the first place? She's a terrible liar and a dumb fuck.
No. 783229
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>>783213Also why would someone like her give out "self care" tips when she could barely put herself together?
>take your medication at the same time everday~! Rofl nvm she's just low key trying to flaunt her ~muh mental illness~ card.
No. 783236
>>783229self-care tip no.9:
stop being a crazy gossiping wannabe e-thot with no upper lip
No. 783243
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Shes been pissing me off for 2 years now.
My theory is , shes resentful of all the cute e-girls because she knows she can't do what they do. besides actually being cute she behaves exactly like them but profits off talking shit about them.
Look at the type of art she has paid money for, she obviously has a fantasy of being a cute uwu egirl thot , but she knows she can't pull it off. shes literaly a thot leecher.
Aria,you should learn from kenna , deleting your videos doesn't mean deleting your past.
No. 783248
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>>783236>make sure you eat something drink something if you have a weak stomach like me~ Anyone wanna bet she's a ana chan?
Honestly it seems like she starved herself to have a ~kawaii body~ like Yumi king or something. She's just like Dakota Rose with the fake sweet name while being a racist and
toxic person. She prob got her name from Dako anyways
>Surround yourself with the things you loveShe should take her own advice and stop being a hateful hoe. If she's so unhappy over what people are saying about her on forums, twitch, twitter, reddit and youtube and has to up her medication dosages~ she should just perma delete all of her social media and yt accounts and leave the internet.
No. 783256
>>783248It always seems The most unhappy and
toxic people are usually the ones who post crap like this. They must be trying to convince themselves they feel positive and happy but I’m not sure anyone who makes hate videos about strangers on the internet can claim to be positive in any way.
No. 783257
>>783213Self Care tip: Remember not to spend your days projecting all your own insecurity and unhappiness onto others! lol
She looks so sickly that the ana theory could be right. Maybe she thinks 'I can't be pretty but at least I can be thin'
No. 783260
File: 1551724214853.png (34.17 KB, 760x627, amino aria 2.png)

>She can speak English, French and a bit of Japanese
Remembering a phrase or two from anime doesn't mean you can speak a little.
No. 783284
File: 1551726033939.png (1.44 MB, 1305x900, egirl.PNG)

>>783260Sage for literally no contribution.
I looked up her username on deviantart to find her account, and damn she's commissioned so many artists. I imagine she got all of these to use when she becomes a "super popular" twitch streamer.
No. 783288
>>783284100% sure it was all commission,
Who would draw fanart of her? She's not even that popular and well known, her Twitch was empty, her anime and video game vids gets only gets a couple thousand views, her anti egirl vids are semi popular and that's it.
No. 783331
>>783247None of the "loli" ones are cute, but saying someone like Pokimane (who Aria seems to be obsessed with) isn't MILES prettier than this shriveled up gremlin is ridiculous. No fucking tolerance for "nOt liKe oTher gIrLs" piss babies who criticize other thots for doing what they wish they could do but they're too ugly to do it. She panders to and sucks incel dick because they hate that women can make money off being attractive, and this bridge troll just feeds that bullshit. Guess what? The thots wouldn't be making THOUSANDS if there weren't hundreds of desperate, stupid men willingly throwing money at them. The problem isn't the thot, the thot is a symptom, but of course none of the self-hating, incel-feeding, e-thot-wish-I-was-er would ever blame the poor menz who get ''''scammed'''' by a woman using filters on her pictures or wearing makeup. The man is the
victim of the evil woman and her scheming Patreon.
>>783248Aria Rose sounds like a pornstar name to me.
No. 783346
>>783320Her face is unfortunate but not old lady like. Also the loli YouTubers hardly if ever do face reveals and when they do they don't exactly look like the embodiment of youth either. Kek it really does seem like a few loli uwutubers are posting in here, you guys know you're hardly better than aria right?
Another thing that makes this feel to be the case is the backlash at anyone who DARES say this bitch isn't the ugliest monster hag on the site, even if she ain't being complimented. Sounds like something some of you uwu-chu-desu faggots would do.
saged my sperging
No. 783362
>>783346There are 3 kinds of fake anime wannabe loli girls
>no face reveals Cuz ugly
>face reveal Ugly but thinks self is kawaii
>shows face all the time after plastic surgery cough Lilypichu No. 783456
>>783284None of these look remotely like her. I can tell by the blond similar hair that it's supposed to at least.. represent her. But these just look like some random animu shit.
Also that cliche-as-fuck angel wing+demon wing design for the "OC". Not an original thought in her head.
>>783247>>783346Begone whiteknight(s).
>Her face is unfortunate but not old lady likeMultiple anons here do think her face is old lady like, but you're entitled to your personal opinion.
>the backlash at anyone who DARES say this bitch isn't the ugliest monster hag on the site, even if she ain't being complimentedNice strawman lmao
No. 783461
>>783346People out here are wild if they think that just because i have no issue with most e-thots , then that must mean im one of them lel.
no bitch, i have no issues with girls profiting off themselvess or their body [ofc not talking about super
problematic personas like belle etc]
I have a problem with shit stains like Aria rose that cant even profit off herself so she profitts off putting down girls knowing that if she could pull off what they do , she would have done it in a hearttbeat.
No. 783480
>>783456>>783461God you "both" sound like fucking glue eating retarda.
Calling someone who might disagree even slightly a whiteknight and getting uppity about it really doesn't make your case. At all. So which loli wannabes ending in -chu are ya eh?
Get a fucking grip, mate. I know it's apparently the end of the fucking world that a fellow anon might not lick your gunt about this bitch but I promise the sun will rise tomorrow jfc
No. 783489
>>783480Yet you're the one who has to convince herself that everyone who dislikes your post must be the same person! Despite evidence to the contrary.
But whatever helps you sleep at night. Please though chill down because you're sperging harder than anyone in this thread now and embarrassing yourself by broadcasting your paranoid delusions.
This thread is entertaining and well-deserved.
No. 783508
>>783362…And even after surgery, she kept hiding her face w face mask, etcs. Lol. And I also find it ridiclious that even now, after years, she keeps saying that her ~ uwu friends ~ are doing her make-up when she still can't do make-up herself. Yet she is
going to turn 30 this year. How can her bf even stand her? Though people keep rumoring that her Albert is going out with some girl called Choco more than her lately.
No. 783526
>>783284>hates e-thots with loli personas>has loli animu OCs that look nothing like her and look like they were designed by a 13-year-old weebAlso, I find it mildly amusing that her OCs are wearing stolen outfits. I see at least three outfits from Project Diva (two are ugly recolors while one is the exact same) and I'm pretty sure that outfit with the black skirt and blue bow is taken from something too but I can't quite put my finger on where it's from.
>>783247>>783346Are you daft? No one here likes any of those other bitches either. I personally find Belle Delphine and Pokimane annoying and I could never stand LilyPichu and Nyanners at the height of their popularity (I don't know who the other girls are but I'm sure they're just as annoying), but you can tell that this bitch is only sperging about e-thots because she can't be like them. She does everything they do, but she fails at it so she takes it out on them. Example, she takes pictures like this
>>781706 to garner attention from weebs and horny men, but gets a pitiful amount of likes while Belle Delphine can easily get hundreds of thousands of likes. I don't like either of them, but you'd have to be blind or delusional if you don't think Poki and Belle are attractive and able to at least fake a likeable personality for neckbeards. If Aria wasn't so plain, boring and insecure, she would be singing a different tune. There's definitely nothing wrong with calling out and complaining about annoying e-thots, but she's only doing it because she's SEETHING.
No. 783542
>>783526I'm thinking the same exactly.
Honestly at this point idk whats worse, pedo- pandering thots or leecher gremlins like Aria.
Both shitty as fuck , but one disgusts me more than the other.
No. 783575
>>783489Never said it wasn't a deserved thread and never said anyone who doesn't like what I say is the same person. Calling these posts delusional and embarrassing and this "whatever helps you sleep at night" shit doesn't hide the fact that you still look retarded and you still don't seem to get the point at all. Maybe PULL is more your speed.
>despite evidence to the contrary Bitch, where?
>using the word paranoid when it doesn't even fit hereLook, I get that you like to act like a five year old anime girl for the attention of men but you don't have to act like one all the time, right…?
>>783526>Belle Delphine>Attractivepick one
No. 783577
>>783575So in the same breath you mock being called paranoid and then accuse everyone you reply to of being one of those popular e-thots? kek
>for the attention of menYour bias is showing.
Calm down already with your infighting/derailing. No one is forcing you to read the thread if you dislike it so much you can't help but sperg out.
(infighting) No. 783606
>>783577I literally said that the thread is deserved, how stupid are you?
Also lolitubers or the people that Aria went after doesn't always = popular ethot.
Again, calling something a bias when it doesn't fit the bill.
Considering me pointing out that lolitubers could be posting here which started all this "infighting" you are just as guilty of participating in =/= accusing everyone posting of being an ethot. I hope for your sake you're not trying to refer to an obvious joke about acting like five year olds or whatever as an accusation.
Aria is a fucking cow, absolutely, no one is saying she isn't. But all this shit over a slight disagreement on her looks or pointing out that the girls she calls out do kinda deserve it even if aria is a hypocrite about it…shit's suspicious as fuck. Y'all can say "no one is saying they don't!!!" but the reaction is still suspicious as fuck.
Call me a sperg or tell me to "calm down" if it makes you feel better, that's fine.
(infighting) No. 783677
File: 1551825648643.png (1.16 MB, 834x1418, knk.png)

>>783526>that outfit with the black skirt and blue bow is taken from something too but I can't quite put my finger on where it's from.Looks like a rip off of the uniform from Kyoukai No Kanata.
No. 783752
File: 1551842366203.png (78.54 KB, 709x431, Screenshot_2019-03-05-20-38-08…)

Aria is back at it with her fake uwu positivity. She's just playing a character at this point lawl, her imperial army of faggots died down after the rework mercy civil war loss but she still has a small group of whiteknights. They must be very dense and braindead to not notice how fake and toxic she is. I wonder how long she can play this character for before she goes back to openly hating and shaming people
No. 783758
File: 1551843416733.jpg (745.39 KB, 1834x1422, aria discord racist.jpg)

Aria just loves hating on black people and so does her faggot white knights, time after time she keeps deleting her discord and the racism against blacks doesn't stop
>I'm NOT and was never racist to blacks!
Let's pretend no one saw the nigger messages proof, why do you keep letting your discord members say racist things then?
No. 783768
File: 1551844861373.png (44.83 KB, 1228x471, aria autist.png)

It's not like she doesn't get offended or anything, she kicked this guy for mentioning autism, turns out her brother is autistic (lol) and kicks him out for the comment, he reinvites himself and apologizes for saying something he wouldn't have known anything about. Funny how she'll make fun of retards and be racist towards blacks but when you mention anything about autism it's WHOA WHOA YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR! This hoe just likes to stir up drama even when it's not for Youtube clicks.
No. 783792
>>783768This just seems like her exercising her power for the sake of it and feeling "respected." If she cared sooo much she'd ban the guy.
Also someone who goes around spewing racial slurs in their free time likely spews other slurs such as retard. Especially if she does dumb power plays like that (but doesn't back it up by actually banning) - she's a wannabe insecure brat. Same reason she was doing the "rework Mercy" movement which she abruptly dropped when she got too much backlash.
No. 783823
video called "Why I NO LONGER support Aria Rose": from Niandra talking her experience with Aria and hypocrisy: youtube) No. 784234
File: 1551981705512.png (14.73 KB, 433x133, perfect.PNG)

Lol she's still out here beig like "POOR LITTLE WHITES ARE STRUGGLING UWU"
No. 784318
>>784234No one is saying white people don't have struggles (if they are they are uneducated and from Tumblr)? It just means that their race isn't one of their struggles like chill out.
She's just a racist who is looking for people to blame as to why she's a failure and ugly as all hell. What she needs to do is work on her skills, moisturize before bedtime and sit down and eat her food. I can't stand Belle Delphine but Belle is x1000 more tolerable than this prematurely aged , goosebumps/keeper of the muppet show reject character looking ass hoe. She clearly is just pissed off because no amount of the snow app is going to fix her ugly both inside and out. She doesn't want to work hard for anything, she wants her being white to be enough for prosperity and success.And also to be considered beautiful.
No. 784384
File: 1552011767874.png (128.79 KB, 1009x525, aria shaming post.png)

Can't forget how much Aria loves sex yall. When is she going to quit with the fake sex positivity thing?
No. 784732
File: 1552103139800.jpg (521.03 KB, 1228x1531, aria uwu depression…)

>posts video of a black guy playing tetris
No. 784870
File: 1552152264637.jpg (395.27 KB, 1009x1280, 19-03-09-10-20-33-622_deco.jpg)

Here is some more of her uwu I'm so positive bs. I find it hilarious how quick she decided to change once PULL decided to make a thread on her despite her being an actual user on their site. She was stupid for using her old Twitter handle for her pull account.
No. 785025
File: 1552184434280.png (27.99 KB, 1063x161, lily.png)

Lilyfakevoicechu's response to Thotaria's fake loli e girls video, this was posted on some tranny sounding weeb's video against Thotaria
I like how Lilyfakevoicechu pretends to take the moral high ground when she also gets her wks to attack when she doesn't like what people are saying about her,
>>781824 adding to this list they both make shitty vocal anime song covers, piano anime and video game covers, lurks and uses sites like this, boosted and they both are dirty weeaboos wishing they were Jap. Lily and Aria are like the asian and white version of each other.
No. 785029
File: 1552185665686.jpg (28.03 KB, 1024x512, arialily.jpg)

Their Youtube icons look pretty similar too
No. 785150
File: 1552236563793.jpg (392.05 KB, 1014x1280, 19-03-10-10-44-44-861_deco.jpg)

So Aria changed her pull name to 'notinuse' and is going alone the path that she won't be making drama videos anymore. She deleted her J* vid yet not the ones about the ethots (still gotta try to get attention from it ig) I quite love the fact she's just now wanting to change once she noticed she was now the topic of discussion instead of her sticking her nose into it.
No. 785283
File: 1552263755785.png (801.35 KB, 1190x615, aria 2.png) with the ~soft yet expressive voice~ who the fuck is writing this stuff? She sounds like another online girl faking her voice to sound cute and nice
No. 785287
File: 1552264026593.png (405.41 KB, 420x420, WLZssQq.png)

>>785283Sounds like she wrote it herself kek
No. 785292
File: 1552264842413.png (1.31 MB, 1597x776, Aria yt.png)

Aria is trying to rebrand under SaccharineBeats, she deleted and changed everything to that name. She deleted all of her selfies, tweets and vids to hide her egirl status how ~deceitful~ this is her youtube atm, most of her vids are gone
No. 785293
File: 1552264957566.jpg (223.4 KB, 886x271, aria vids.jpg)

The last remaining egrill vids
Imo she should delete all of her vids and go back to being a anime cover Youtuber.
No. 785331
File: 1552271448053.jpg (2.3 MB, 1340x2043, edits.jpg)

>>785305Most of the edits were made by her I guess that's one way to put urself out there lol
No. 785332
File: 1552271612086.png (11.88 KB, 737x150, sc-681092.png)

Why does every snowflake cry uwu depression muh mental illness when they get exposed and called out for their BS?
No. 785646
File: 1552356676806.jpg (258.28 KB, 1888x1149, aria da.jpg)

Our girl Aria is on a DELETE DELETE spree
No. 785648
File: 1552356728425.png (62.27 KB, 800x1196, Screenshot_2019-03-11-21-10-48…)

She didn't rename her insta she deleted it
No. 785651
File: 1552356869313.png (180.22 KB, 1610x557, wiki.png)

She's trying real hard to remove her Dulcetrefrain Aria Rose persona but she can't let go of the ~sweet yet expressive voice~ thing lol. Is she going to delete her Youtube next?
No. 785654
File: 1552357006647.png (49.74 KB, 800x1193, Screenshot_2019-03-11-21-16-37…)

Deleted her website
No. 785657
File: 1552357223956.png (464.02 KB, 1810x846, aria bandcamp.png)

You forgot about ur bandcamp page Aria
No. 785660
File: 1552357624700.png (701.04 KB, 1254x814, aria ig.png)

With her new social media accounts under SaccharineBeats ~Sweet Melodies~ she's desperately trying to come off as wholesome and sweet. She's only following natural and animal accounts on her IG and only posting pics of her pets. This is so obvious and forced.
No. 785668
File: 1552358205074.png (29.21 KB, 739x351, tweets.png)

>muh hallucinations have been pretty bad
Who the fuck would openly tell people that they are crazy and see shit that's not there??
It seems so fake, first she said she has anxiety then depression and now schizophrenia? She only started going I HAVE MENTAL ILLNESSES to use as a shield against criticism. When she thought she was top dog she never mentioned anything about mental illness, she's trying to play up the munchie victim card now that people see through her bullshit. Also the way she words her "hallucinations" sound so bullshit, she's describing it all dramatic like how a shitty anime character would.
No. 785679
File: 1552362075269.png (737.22 KB, 1887x995, 78123.png)

I've always found it hilarious how she made a vid on how to be a twitch slut or something and she mentioned having a full face of makeup, filtered photoshopped angled pic as your profile pic, when her Twitch profile fit her own Twitch slut criteria
No. 785865
File: 1552419042966.jpg (255.3 KB, 800x781, do not steal pull.jpg)

She's going to delete the rest of her hit piece vids and start anew~
Her half assed apology
>”I've made mistakes that hurt both my self and others emotionally and I apologize for that, it's time to move forward ^ _ ^”
Lmao that's not how things work. She's really not sorry, she's only “sorry” because she got caught and no one gives a fuck about her bitchy opinions against other girls anymore. She never acknowledged any wrongdoings and all the terrible shit she did. She kept denying and kept making herself the victim when she was the perpetrator. She relentlessly went after smaller streamers and Youtubers, got her whiteknights to send death threats, harass, doxx and hate on these people for not agreeing with her Mercy changes, having different opinions or for fucking DEFENDING her ass. What about all of the people she hated on her views? May I remind you guys she sent her fucking white knights to attack a little kid? She's been unapologetic about her racism against blacks and harassment towards anyone who kindly disagreed with her on her Mercy CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT! And her witchhunt to demonize all girls videos. People saw through that and now it's “oppsies sorry let's move on~!” Aria kept going off on Niandra and demonized her when she did nothing but defend her from people alleging she was boosted, she kept apologizing to Aria for literally nothing and this bitch never gave her a chance or stopped to realize that Niandra wasn't saying shit about her but she wanted to be the prime victim. Just disgusting.
She can't even refute anything, she didn't even bother making a Youtube video or making official statements. All she did was make snarky comments, deny, diss people, block, block, block, delete, delete, restore, delete, change user names and persona, play victim and post new commentary vids like usual hoping people would forget and everything would be all fine and dandy~ She's slowly deleting her vids because she doesn't want it to seem like she's SHOOK from the backlash from forums and Youtube.
No. 785907
File: 1552422623580.png (1.64 MB, 944x934, 145.png)

She literally can only take pictures like this. It's like she'll die if she changes the angle, pose and facial expression
No. 786017
File: 1552444191969.jpg (93.28 KB, 948x1280, 19-03-12-20-28-46-205_deco.jpg)

Looks like she went ahead and deleted her Twitter along with some of her cat pics on Instagram.
No. 786171
obvi I'm just being nice but she could make her lie a little more believable as well.
No. 786173
File: 1552491624042.jpg (278.07 KB, 1280x764, 19-03-13-09-39-05-165_deco.jpg)

When will this dumbass understand she was also apart of the 'toxicity' in overwatch? You can't play moral high ground when you were toxic as well.
No. 786250
File: 1552506240387.png (506.69 KB, 701x623, 1.png)

>haii minna check out how ugu skinny i am arent i so kawaii
cap obviously not from the original vid
No. 786402
>>786173Virtue signaling basically while showing how thin her skin is and how insecure. Sounds super manipulative too.
It's a damn online game, like welcome to the internet? Plus you're more likely to get harassed if you're an attention whoring cunt who thinks she's good but is really terrible.
>>786250Lmao those hands are doing more than just pulling her shirt up. Probably pulling up some chub while cupping boobs for "subtle" "sexiness".
Oh and having a hoodie on and in that form does hide some chub showing, as it tends to be more visible when not straight-on.
Source: Am skinnyfat myself and have a bit of chub on tummy but would look pretty much the same as this if I did that pose with those clothes lmao.
No. 786592
>>786583It's an older comment when from she made her first ~callout video~ about uwutubers, she has since edited the comment but back then there was a bit of drama around that situation, so screenshots were taken.
She used to do this a lot, another example is here comment that I remember had a LOT of screenshots of conversations originally before she edited it: No. 786614
File: 1552588937618.jpg (849.65 KB, 1080x1705, z.jpg)

Deletes everything again, with only this post left because ~my depression~ uwu ^_^
No. 786678
File: 1552597896415.jpg (62.28 KB, 744x744, aria.jpg)

deleted pics
No. 786679
File: 1552597970256.jpg (127.4 KB, 960x960, aria 2.jpg)

No. 786680
File: 1552598039075.jpg (38.31 KB, 400x400, aria 3.jpg)

No. 786699
File: 1552601220781.png (79.21 KB, 1010x513, g7982743.png)

Plz come back our hypocrite queen
No. 786755
File: 1552614918706.jpg (72.67 KB, 500x500, 2w2g38.jpg)

The Aria classic
No. 786905
toxic and terrible to other people but when people throw it back at her she's all "nooo uwu please be kind and civil!" "I'm fragile please don't be mean!" She loves acting all tough and intimidating when she's actually a pussy ass bitch
No. 786946
File: 1552664749209.jpg (651.28 KB, 1080x1821, i.jpg)

Changing your name won't erase your past, Aria. You can't simply hide from your mistakes with a few username changes and some uwu positivity ^__^
Well, at least she's kept the awful ~saccharine~ part. That word is perfect for her: sickly sweet, disgustingly fake sugar uwu
No. 787234
File: 1552719953238.webm (16.88 MB, 640x360, Undertale - ASGORE - Rock Cove…)
Here's a sample of Aria's "music", it's just as nasally and grating as her fake cutesy UwU voice and definitely sounds like she's straining to hit those high notes.
No. 787326
File: 1552753833484.gif (2.48 MB, 384x372, tenor.gif)

>>787234>sOfT yEt eXpPrEsSiVe vOiCe Not even autotune can save that. What is up with all these wannabe animu girls having shitty voices while washing it down with 100% on autotune?
No. 787442
>>787326>autotunethere's no autotune in this whatsoever, it's just mixed
that badly.
No. 787647
File: 1552833918146.png (555.34 KB, 800x954, Screenshot_2019-03-17-09-37-58…)

Jumping more bandwagons
She has to mention her ~anxiety~ for everything she does. Ofc she maining Pichu cuz he represents how ~kawaii~ she is. Lilypichu does this as well, in Aria and Lily's womanchild minds EVERYTHING YOU DO AND LIKE HAS TO BE KAWAIIDESU when you're a wannabe irl ~♡animu girl♡~
No. 788353
File: 1553037219250.png (67.91 KB, 800x215, Screenshot_2019-03-19-18-09-34…)

>someone said we should call people who dig up old mistakes to hurt someone twitter vultures
Aria is talking about herself again kek.
Can she stop with the uwu I'm such a sweet saint act? She's so fucking fake, pretending like you never did anything wrong and acting like a cringey happy go lucky person doesn't magically erase everything you've done.
No. 788356
File: 1553037615796.png (44.5 KB, 800x168, Screenshot_2019-03-19-18-17-14…)

>participate in discussion not cancel culture
Uh bitch, you would delete, block and harass anyone who didn't agree with you and now you're trying to preach this shit?
No. 788606
File: 1553099202238.png (449.53 KB, 1537x690, 190320.png)

The usual lack of self-awareness. Literally everything in Aria's comment applies to herself too. What a delusional, unlikable fake bitch.
No. 788694
File: 1553117128549.png (113.96 KB, 800x377, Screenshot_2019-03-19-18-15-54…)

She's back on Youtube I hope her vids continue to flop
No. 788695
File: 1553117326019.png (39.17 KB, 800x155, Screenshot_2019-03-20-16-26-46…)

She has to get a job like everyone else now that her youtube channel is dead and no one gives a fuck about her patreon
No. 790261
File: 1553534031940.png (405.03 KB, 800x463, Screenshot_2019-03-25-12-01-15…)

>>790258Cap from the vid
>pic:I've been diagnosed with sEvEre dEpPrEsSiOn >vid:I hAvE eXtRemE DePpReSsIoNDidn't she say she was going to see a psychologist in April? It's not even April yet. If she had EXTREMEDEPRESSION she would've been hospitalized and forced on medication by now. She lied about having schizophrenia and a bunch of other mental illnesses to use as a scapegoat. Her lies never match up too lmao.
No. 790313
File: 1553543938143.png (164.3 KB, 1003x220, x.PNG) video has been getting quite an amount of views, and theres also an update video on her name change too
No. 790401
>>781702i'm not the type of person to be like, "they're jealous!!1" whenever a woman criticizes another woman
but it's obviously what it is
>flames girls for doing the same things she does/used to do lmao she reeks of insecurity and lack of self awareness
shes angry that these girls pull it off better than she does and actually have gained popularity from it
No. 790814
File: 1553666131252.png (760.33 KB, 800x974, Screenshot_2019-03-27-00-47-24…)

Lol it didnt take long for her to go back to her pandering pics, everytime she deletes she goes through this cycle of shitty selfies>animal only pics>no comments both>shitty selfies>animals>both+ enabling comments
No. 790815
File: 1553666808850.png (831.77 KB, 800x989, Screenshot_2019-03-27-00-47-33…)

Can someone tell Thotaria
anxiety is not schizophrenia?
No. 790849
File: 1553690379073.png (530.57 KB, 744x620, aria_irl.png)

>>790815Look how mentally unstable I am uwu
She legitimately looks 40.
Also her face reminded me of this thing but the puppet is cuter.
No. 790889
File: 1553701532959.png (152.45 KB, 800x546, Screenshot_2019-03-27-10-43-14…)

Comeback pt 11
How long is she going to keep this up before she mass deleted again?
No. 790890
File: 1553701741297.png (52.73 KB, 800x182, Screenshot_2019-03-27-10-43-14…)

No Aria, you don't like girls. You hate them and you're jealous of their sexuality, looks and popularity. She's trying to fit in the lgbt community after being kicked out of every community she was apart of.
No. 791048
File: 1553727698432.jpg (41.02 KB, 571x571, Design.jpg)

So y'all know this clip of Pokimane that's circulating right, where she repeatedly calls people niggas ofc little miss white privilege goes in whining about her single mother and how nigga isn't a racial slur lmfao
No. 791079
>>791048It really must suck having being part of the majority race in your country not make up for being ugly, poor
and unlikable. It's no wonder she blames the "niggers taking jobs" for her own mediocrity and bitches all the time about how white privilege isn't real. Her own existence is wholly unimpressive, in spite of her race never once being a factor that held her back socially, financially, etc. Blaming herself for her failures would be too difficult.
When it's not some racebait-y reason she's dissatisfied, it's her "anxiety", as shown here
>>790815. Nothing is ever her fault.
No. 791150
>>791109It's the cakey foundation, thin lips, hollow eye sockets, soulless expression, bad filter, and ~uwu nasolabial folds~
But honestly, she would be less ugly and more just plain/average if her awful shitty personality didn't twist up her face. Beauty really does come from within, huh
No. 791248
File: 1553789771641.png (824.47 KB, 800x1018, Screenshot_2019-03-28-11-14-30…)

More cringy pics, how old is this bitch again?
No. 792121
>tfw went to the same highschool as this flake almost 10 years ago
she was notorious with everyone at school for being annoying and always screech laughing really loud in the halls, I had no idea she was a youtube lolcow
the hypocrisy of her claiming bad anxiety and then going out of her way to get attention by starting fights with random e-girls is too funny
anyway this was all irl and i don't have any shiny receipts to show off, so take this with as many grains of salt as you like:
she'd use slurs like ngger, pki, rtard, fagot, etc in the hallways and class, talk about how white people are oppressed by minorities, call herself kawaii baka nicole-chan and other weeb shit unironically, and was homophobic (this was before she was bi I guess lol)
she also legally(?) changed her last name to a Japanese name, lmaooooo
(I’m not going to post it because doxxing is bad, not to mention that this was an entire decade ago so she’s probably changed it to an even faker, even weebier name)
I don’t remember much else
It seems like she hasn’t changed, and if anything has gotten way worse. I wish her therapist could see this thread, maybe she could get some help
No. 792141
>>792121Thanks for this, anon. None of this is the least bit surprising.
I'm glad someone like this has remained an unsuccessful, bitter failure of an e-girl.
No. 792256
>>792253the video of the homestuck cosplayers spitting into a bucket is from Winnipeg too
what a city of culture
No. 792276
File: 1554002145121.png (647.85 KB, 800x1156, Screenshot_2019-03-30-21-57-23…)

>>792121Rofl i always knew her name was something basic like nicole
>>792264She's such a ethot wannabe, all the stuff she bought is stuff her egirl targets has.
No. 792355
>>792121>changed her last name to a japanese last name We got another transracial weeaboo kek. It was speculated that she was transracial and that proves it. No fucking wonder she supported himeahri it's cuz this white bitch wants to be japanese too. Just accept that you're a regular, plain white girl already Nicole.
Changing your first/last name to something Japanese doesn't make you Japanese, you fucking degenerate retards.
No. 792472
File: 1554053865249.jpeg (112.85 KB, 960x960, D2303g6X4AAOrA6.jpeg)

More close up pics :barf: is she a druggie?
No. 792531
File: 1554068227481.jpg (112.9 KB, 1080x397, 20190331_163358.jpg)

Come on, Aria, you're a 25-26 yr old woman. You're not cute, you're just embarrassing.
No. 792632
File: 1554093215012.png (259.18 KB, 800x555, Screenshot_2019-03-31-23-30-00…)

Anyone wanna bet the song she's making is plagiarized like her artwork? No. 792634
File: 1554093614657.png (1.03 MB, 800x997, Screenshot_2019-03-31-12-41-36…)

She wants to be a teen so bad. She thinks dressing like a teen and posting cringey captions and pics will make her prune ass a teen
No. 792636
>>792632Sounds basic and unoriginal anyway, like every other boring musical rhythm in existence. Lacking creativity and having zero potential, Nicole would be better off quitting and getting a reliable job offline.
But her attention-seeking flat ass is obviously gonna keep coming back to deliver more mediocrity.
No. 792647
>>792636I think she is looking for a rl job (from this tweet)
>>788695 since her 1 minute of fame is gone
No. 792742
File: 1554144052732.gif (1.3 MB, 450x406, tenor.gif)

>>792737We only care about the milk get that ~uwu good for her i hope she changes~ pull shit outta here.
No. 792750
>>792742And your useless complaining about a saged post on a slow thread is somehow better? lol move on
Meanwhile, Nicole's been sticking her nose in drama again.
No. 792769
File: 1554151553466.jpg (391.9 KB, 1240x1280, 19-04-01-14-32-18-737_deco.jpg)

She does know she did the same shit, right? I'm not like those loli you tubers uwu sub to my channel instead
No. 792790
File: 1554153897207.png (166.67 KB, 800x654, Screenshot_2019-04-01-16-18-07…)

She went after Vic Lasagna when there was no proof. How about all the people she witch hunted with no proof? Nicole has the be the dumbest bitch on the planet.
No. 792794
File: 1554154806252.jpeg (45.56 KB, 800x469, dt.common.streams.StreamServer…)

>>792789>minna im gonna stop making dramu videos because everyone knows i'm a hypocrite bitch now and im getting exiled out of every community I ALSO HAVE XTREME MENTUL ILLNESS uwuno one gives a fuck about her
>WE'RE BACK IN DUH DRAMA YALL@!She needs attention so bad, like Pok and the other egirls she's a fish out of water when the attention dries up.
No. 792798
File: 1554155146649.png (315.04 KB, 800x1163, Screenshot_2019-04-01-16-41-19…)

Her pokemon dramu tweets incase she mass deletes again
No. 792803
File: 1554155756294.png (398.62 KB, 800x1175, Screenshot_2019-04-01-16-41-56…)

>>792798>>792799>>792800Tdlr; a pokemon youtuber is accused of being a pedophile. Nicole chan pushes her fuggo ass into this for some attention while autistically screeching for pr00f and tries to show case what a kInD anD rEasOnAbLe pErSoN she is. Cut the fake act.
No. 792861
>>790285you do know that you can pay for a psychologist here right? I got into mine after a few weeks.
Not really milk but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Aria walking around the river heights area, just assumed it was a high school student
No. 792899
File: 1554176441197.png (360.41 KB, 800x939, Screenshot_2019-04-01-16-58-09…)

HMM sure sounds ALOT like someone we know
No. 792902
File: 1554176748010.png (258.51 KB, 800x613, Screenshot_2019-04-01-16-58-18…)

>>792899>REE HER FRIEND BLOCKED ME TOO! OFC FKING SLUT CLIQUES Nicole cries and whines like a brainless teen but to her that's a compliment lul
No. 794235
File: 1554308456162.jpg (249.04 KB, 1280x932, 19-04-03-10-18-26-153_deco.jpg)

This damn girl and saying everything is like mercy 1.0. How is it even close?
No. 794504
File: 1554358304956.jpg (70.18 KB, 500x667, 1wmrrj.jpg)

>>794345Of course the racist transracial hypocrite queen defends a pedophile, what's next? Nazism? This bitch is so uggo and plain she'll do anything for attention.
No. 794633
File: 1554394421333.png (858.72 KB, 800x987, Screenshot_2019-04-04-11-09-13…)

Is it me or is she using less filters and shit after being called out? It seems like she still blurs her nose and face lines tho
No. 794655
File: 1554397297097.png (306.66 KB, 800x753, Screenshot_2019-04-01-16-58-46…)

Defending a pedophile doesn't make you a good person, we all know she's been tryharding with her ~new kawaii kind sweet girl~ image and it's falling apart fast. Nicole is never consistent and it makes sense since she's always faking her personality. The only thing consistent with her is being a bitchy hypocrite and hating on girls.
No. 794665
File: 1554398050239.png (127.8 KB, 800x446, Screenshot_2019-04-04-12-06-14…)

Context to why the Alex girl blocked her.
I like how she kept going at her even though Alex gave proof and shit while retard Nicole chan is still up her ass and even had the balls to screenshot their convo ~just incase~ then she acts all surprised when alex blocks her
No. 794710
File: 1554407010686.png (470.29 KB, 888x626, sc.png)

>hey minna! checkout my uwu anorexic ankles
No. 794759
>>794705The pic here
>>792276 says "Lee" which is both a common English European surname and a common Asian (Korean tho, not Japanese) surname, so maybe it was something that works both ways. IDK though, just theorising
No. 794818
File: 1554429538261.png (12.75 KB, 690x103, aria sucks at everything cuz e…)

her brainless wks will come up with any excuse to defend how bad she is at video games. Being bad at video games was at the top of Nicole's how to spot a e girl list while she sucks at every single game she plays
>>794808>Japanesehow is she going to appear japanese with a chinese/korean last name and a white ass face?
No. 795096
File: 1554492953182.png (28.39 KB, 800x111, 2019-04-05 14.33.07.png)

No. 797453
>>792121 Hello. It's the highschool anon again. I know I am anonymous, and will remain that way, but I assure you it's me. Same IP,same bad posts, etc.
This will make people looking for more juicy drama cringe, I'm certain, but I NEED to put my mind at ease. I suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, and ever since I posted this my brain has been stewing in guilt and intrusive thoughts. I've been thinking nonstop about it and how I've behaved poorly in talking shit and digging up decade old drama. I am not a regular poster here. I saw someone I recognised from irl was being talked about, got excited, and posted.
I retract this hurtful and innacurate statement entirely. I apologise sincerely to Aria Rose / Nicole. (and to the posters here for wasting your time.) It was an honest mistake. It was wrong. I did not mean to harm.
Put me out to pasture if you like, but please don't delete this post. Thank you. Take care of your mental health y'all.
No. 797517
File: 1555104342785.jpg (63.37 KB, 745x559, SOiKJ1O.jpg)

>>794635she looks like Chris Fleming (sorry to Chris)
No. 797567
File: 1555117986637.jpeg (5.34 KB, 194x260, images.jpeg)

>>797453Damn did Thotaria figure out who you are and put a gun to your head?
No. 797590
File: 1555126578158.png (42.86 KB, 800x155, Screenshot_2019-04-12-22-26-57…)

>>797580Sounds about right considering how she sent her braindead incel army to doxx and threaten the guy that exposed her fRiEndLy rAid is a vile person, she disgusts me. She thinks spraying herself with body spray will cover up the smell of diarrhea, shit, vomit and the
toxic waste spewing out of her
No. 797601
>>797453>>792121Can confirm this is indeed the same anon.
What a shitshow.
No. 797611
File: 1555134568455.jpg (327.11 KB, 1102x1280, 19-04-12-23-48-46-007_deco.jpg)

Is she trying to get people to compare her to Billie or something?
No. 797612
>>797611Lmao, she shouldn't even try. Billie might be a bit basic, but she's not
that basic. At least she has a unique style and actual musical talent.
No. 798605
>>798573Nicole: "i lOvE sEx"
Also Nicole:
No. 798629
File: 1555561051235.jpg (40.26 KB, 802x960, e32.jpg)

Thotaria is doing what Poki and Lily does. Acting all ~innocent~ while liking sexual things and taking pics with a sexual under tone. Didn't she say that behavior is dEceItfUl? It's pretty pathetic how she wants to be like the othergirls/egirls so bad, she mimics everything they do, interests, how they act, what they like/follow on social media, clothing, music, video games, hair, makeup (but fails miserably), voice, interests, fake names and personality. She's a skinwalker wannabe so fucking hard.
No. 800261
File: 1556208160588.jpg (308.28 KB, 1280x956, 19-04-25-10-01-46-117_deco.jpg)

What a self entitled brat
No. 800450
File: 1556253972746.png (1.29 MB, 1167x799, untitled 1.png)

The comeback absolutely no one asked for. Not only is Nicole back to making shitty youtube videos, she's also back to making shitty MERCY videos. Did she forget that everyone know how disgustingly bad she is at Mercy and how everyone laughed at her failed Mercy aids civil ~rights~ movement? She's so delusional to think everything is all good~ after all the shit she's done.
No. 800451
File: 1556254109847.png (35.72 KB, 1092x435, untitled 2.png)

>>800450Some of the comments on the vid
No. 800517
File: 1556294615641.jpg (395.15 KB, 1280x1212, 19-04-26-10-01-20-082_deco.jpg)

It's almost like she magically forgot where she actively posted on pull about people like pokimane and lily (even making the thread uwutubers). I can bet she even still lurks.
No. 800756
File: 1556382624671.jpg (657.47 KB, 800x1698, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-nJGx…)

Who wants tips from a boosted Mercy player? This retard think she's actually good. Nicole is calling herself ~Wynter Rose~ now, she changes her name every week lawl.
No. 801516
File: 1556685405553.png (499.06 KB, 800x545, Screenshot1.png)

Another anachan using food as an accessory
No. 802181
File: 1556986744852.jpg (364.56 KB, 994x1280, 19-05-04-10-17-09-898_deco.jpg)

Looks like Aria is back to her old shit. Totally doesn't keep track of people she hates. She also went ahead and made a drama channel.
No. 802343
File: 1557037550580.jpeg (3.31 KB, 232x217, images.jpeg)

>>802181>"I GOT A LOT OF SHIT ON UWUTUBERS1!!" I thought this retard autist was done with talking about other girls after she got called out for being a e-slut uwutuber? Who is she gon attack this time?
No. 802347
>>802181>Can I beat her ass?wow_its_nothing.png
She calls this tea? This is dirty, cold water. She needs to accept that she's disliked because not only is there nothing interesting about her, she's just a wholly vapid, unpleasant, spiteful person. That's why her music keeps flopping, and why she needs to make tons of bland, unseasoned drama videos to get any sort of traction.
She's not even entertaining or quick-witted enough to pull off being a sassy #savage female Leafy figure. She's just the very definition of basic. All she needs is 50 more pounds to be a walking stereotype of every salty, fake, weeby chick on PULL with a hateboner for attractive, popular, talented and/or Asian girls.
No. 805360
File: 1557597085019.png (49.73 KB, 682x140, Just stop.png)

When is fuggo nicole going to stop hating on different groups of girls?
>Why everyone hates you.jpg
No. 805364
File: 1557597575008.png (477.09 KB, 800x1116, Es.png)

Drama alert wannabe
Homegirl didn't want a real job
No. 805605
File: 1557632314797.png (147.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190426-100637.png)

I noticed Aria went ahead and made a video defending Mckena. Within the video she shames a pull user who made a video on Mckena (as if she didn't do the same about Belle.) but I noticed in the Pull Mckena thread that Aria wasn't a perfect little angel who never insulted Mckena… She does realize you can see her old posts in the thread, right? Here is a screen cap in which she calls Mckena fat.
No. 805803
>>805605>tHaT oUtFiT mAkEs hEr lOoK fAt aNd sHaPeLeSs Nicole is literally a walking wooden board with 0 shape and curves. Kenna is pretty skinny already, she should keep her anorexic mouth shut.
>>805799Need caps.
No. 805901
File: 1557693161418.png (63.13 KB, 1727x289, screenshot.png)

>>805605we love our positive uwu hypocrite queen!!!
No. 805974
File: 1557700962772.png (82.08 KB, 2278x1020, rip.png)

Lmao, she deleted her "tea" YouTube account. Guess she's back on her fake "uwu self-care" shit. Doubt she'll stay on it for long before deciding she's a "commentator" again. She's such a vile, two-faced hypocrite.
No. 805977
File: 1557701446399.png (290.89 KB, 934x784, wew1.png)

I noticed she deleted her sperg-out about some Twitch streamer girl having one of her videos copyright claimed. I had some weird intuition that she'd go scorched earth last night, so I took some screencaps.
She was calling her everything but a child of God, lmao. Notice she actually saw fit to @ Keemstar for this, too. Delusional clout-chasing.
No. 805980
File: 1557701618615.png (312.07 KB, 944x1146, wew2.png)

>>805977Positive gamer kween who hates "e-girls" (aka any woman who's more popular and attractive than herself).
No. 805981
File: 1557701742034.png (619.53 KB, 936x880, wew3.png)

>>805980>e-whoressuch a
positive influence
No. 805991
File: 1557702284557.png (56.36 KB, 646x420, kek.png)

Bonus: Some choice comments from her video on why she hates uwutubers.
The irony.
No. 805992
File: 1557702378081.png (39.01 KB, 678x216, moneybags.png)

>>805991Remember, this is the same girl who talked down on another PULL member for making a video on Kenna, accusing her of doing it for easy clout/money.
She's such a fucking hypocrite.
No. 805994
File: 1557702616259.png (2.73 MB, 2502x1678, raspdere1.png)

She also posted this exchange with Raspdere as a "receipt" in the same video. Sorry about the low quality.
No. 806000
File: 1557703002337.png (1.65 MB, 1762x908, oof.png)

>>805998This person basically destroyed her, and she couldn't come up with a response, so she tried to use it as "proof" that all uwutubers stick together or something.
No. 806004
File: 1557703142650.png (1.57 MB, 1752x984, oof2.png)

>>806000And then proceeded to play
victim by claiming she was being "threatened" and had "armies of fans" sent on her. Funnily enough, playing the
victim was one of the "uwutuber traits" she mentioned at the start of this particular video.
No. 806006
File: 1557703292258.png (1.41 MB, 1764x970, oof3.png)

>>806004That's all, folks. She also posted the same screencaps from
>>802181 as "proof" she was being "harassed and threatened by uwutubers", but I didn't screencap that since we've already seen it.
No. 806020
File: 1557704407810.png (75.91 KB, 934x362, hmm.png)

>>806011Not much, but you can expect she'll explode again once she can't keep up the positive persona anymore.
This one is funny, because she doesn't seem to realize that she's a textbook example of the first one (except for the "can still pull numbers" part). At least she's partially admitting to being shit.
No. 806026
File: 1557705289825.jpg (248 KB, 1058x1280, 19-05-12-17-53-50-054_deco.jpg)

More of her posts on pull. This was a response to someone after she attempted to accuse markipler of crying for views after his niece died.
No. 806038
File: 1557707000875.jpeg (27.53 KB, 560x481, laughingemoji-560.JPEG)

>>806020>Can't keep up fake nice persona anymore That was quick, we all called it tho.
No. 810294
File: 1558437010282.png (50.73 KB, 629x499, mercy.png)

No. 810337
>>810294Wow. It only took 9 days for her positivity bubble to burst and for her to go right back to being a
toxic, hypocritical person, lmao. This salt was delivered via expedited shipping.
Aria is the last person who should be judging others for that behavior when it's literally all she does.